Music In the Night

by The Bricklayer

First published

After visiting a karaoke contest in Ponyville, Twilight gets an idea on how to celebrate her and her marefriend's anniversary...

It's that time of year again for Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia, the time to celebrate their anniversary. And after remembering a visit to a karaoke contest in Ponyville, Twilight gets the most absolutely perfect idea on how to do it...

Music and lyrics used belong to their respective owners. Story partially inspired by the cover art and inspired partially by Nordyrd's fic The Magic Inside.

Written for and Third Place Winner of the 11th Bi-monthly Twilestia Contest.

"Oh my mare, oh my mare, oh my precious mare... I love you, you understand?"

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Canterlot Castle: Celestia's Private Quarters

Princess Celestia, Regent of the Sun and one of the two Rulers of Equestria... Was a lovestruck mare. There she sat, sprawled across her bed sheets laying on her back and wings resting comfortably with her multicolored mane and tail also covering as much of the queen sized bed as possible as it was to be, her purple eyes gazing into a picture frame of Twilight Sparkle... No, Princess Twilight Sparkle, as she found herself constantly reminding herself these days, her former personal student and marefriend. Yes, Celestia and Twilight were each other's special someponies. Celestia should have seen it coming a long time ago she supposed. She had noted Twilight had looked up to her a lot more than any daughter or personal student of hers had ever looked at her in the past, and so she should have noticed the crush right from the start. Celestia chuckled. She'd been ruling Equestria for thousands of years, tending to her little ponies every need and guiding them when they needed it the most, and yet... She had failed to notice one of her own students gaining a crush on her that slowly turned into something more as she grew older and they spent more time together. And Celestia too had grown from a mother-daughter like relationship to one of something more. Mind you, at first she feverently denied it, and even when she could deny it no longer, she just thought it improper and worried about what the tabloids would say. After all, they ran wild with stories and Celestia easily imagined them saying things like calling her a pedophile and all sorts of nasty names, not even caring who they were disrespecting. But eventually Celestia thought, after a long talk with Princess Cadance and her sister, who had only smirked when Celestia finally gave up denying she was in love with her former student, she said to herself "Aw, screw it. Love is love, you can't understand it no matter how much one tries, and if the tabloids even thought of making up wild stories, well they'll be getting Royal Guards knocking on their doors pretty quickly."

Celestia then heard a soft rapping on the door, and she said "Come in." and from the two giant wooden doors came a dark blue Earth Pony Stallion wearing the gold and deep purple trimmed armor of the Captain of the Royal Guard, Captain Boltstrike.

"Princess, there's a... small matter you need to attend to." Boltstrike said after saluting. Celestia sighed to herself and put the picture back on her nightstand.

"Is it Swan Song and Upper Crust arguing over whose tree is on whose property line again?" Celestia asked in a tone of carefully disguised annoyance. When Boltstrike nodded, Celestia let a hoof slide down her face and could only groan. Today was going to be one of those days, wasn't it? And on her and Twilight's anniversary as well!

Meanwhile, in Ponyville, inside the treehome known as the Golden Oaks Libary, the newly coronated Princess (Twilight knew she'd never get used to that title, no matter how hard she tried. But it wasn't going away, and she had to accept that.) Twilight Sparkle was pacing back and forth, muttering to herself. Today was her and Celestia's anniversary, and she had nothing to do to celebrate it!

"Oh dear oh dear, Celestia's going to hate me forever if I don't find someway to celebrate our anniversary together, and if I don't find a way she'll break up with me in front of everypony! EVERYPONY!" Twilight squeaked to herself. Now, for most ponies, going directly to the worst case scenario AKA a very public break-up just for not doing anything to celebrate one's anniversary (Forgetting about it entirely on the other hoof...) would probably not happen, but remember, this is Twilight we're talking about people, the mare who thought Celestia was going to send her back to Magic Kindergarten just for not writing a letter about Friendship and then causing the whole town to go into Discord levels of chaos just so there WOULD be a Friendship Problem, so this probably wasn't an unusual train of thought for her. Suddenly Twilight remembered something that had happened a few days back...

Twilight had found herself at the Salt Lick, which was widely agreed to be Ponyville's best karaoke bar. And tonight was Karaoke Night. Currently, the host of this whole event, DJ Vinyl Scratch had just kicked a pony off the stage for his terribly bad singing of Neighlantia Rhythm Section's Doraville, even after he had stayed on stage singing the song drunkenly and getting a chorus of boos in response.

"Okay, next up, we have Grape S. Vine (The pony in question sent a dirty glare her way for even daring to mention his hated middle name.) singing Long Train Runnin'." Vinyl said into the microphone before stepping off the stage and letting Grape take the stage. Guitars of both the electric and acoustic variety had been provided for those ponies who could play them, and Grape picked up a pure black acoustic guitar and plugged it into an amplifier.

"Down around the corner, half a mile from here, you see them long trains run..."

Twilight listen to the song and nodded her head along to the beat with the rest of the crowd even as Grape sung "Pistons keep on turnin' as the wheels go round and round..."

As soon as the song was over, Grape was greeted with a loud chorus of applause even as Vinyl walked back up on stage and said "Well, I think we know who won tonight's contest!"

Grape shot her a quizzical look even as he was rewarded with a trophy and a bag of bits.

"Wait... This was actually a contest? Ah just came here to sing..." Grape commented and a few ponies in the audience chuckled.

Twilight, even now was chuckling at the memories before an idea hit her as if she'd been struck by lightning.

"Of course!" Twilight suddenly cried out. "That's what I'll do! Sing!" She yelled even as she remembered how serenading your love (Something she'd read in 101 things you wanted to know about romancing your partner but were afraid to ask. It came from the same publisher as the book Twilight had read about sleepovers during when Rarity and Applejack came over during that storm. Mind you, they were feuding at the time and the whole thing ended with a giant pine tree crashing through Twilight's bedroom window, but we'll gloss over that.) Twilight grabbed a ton of books off the wall and began searching for the spell she needed...

Later that night, Celestia yawned as she finished lowering the sun for the day, it's rays casting pink and purple across the sky while Luna rose the moon as stars began to become visible. Celestia let a tear slip from her eye. Because of the fact that the argument between Swan Song and Upper Crust took so damn long, (She still didn't understand how hard it was for two ponies to understand that they both had to share the blasted tree because it was on both of their property lines.) she hadn't been able to take a trip to Ponyville and go out for a nice lunch with Twilight as she planned. And because of Twilight's own Princess duties, she hadn't been able to come up to Canterlot to visit her. It seemed this anniversary would go uncelebrated. Well, there was always tomorrow, They could make it up with a belated anniversary of some sort... Preferably by spending the whole day in bed together. And if anypony tried to disturb them for any reason whatsoever, they'd be getting a one way ticket to the dungeon... Or spend a whole day with Discord... Maybe both. Celestia hadn't made up her mind yet. Just as Celestia changed into her nightwear, a lacy black nightie, she heard the sound of music beginning. The sounds of horns and keyboards coming from seemingly out of nowhere. At first, wondering if this was one of Discord's jokes, she rushed out to her balcony, not particularly caring if anypony saw her in her nightwear at that moment, only to find Twilight standing on a cloud.

"Well, I've roamed about this Earth with just a suitcase in my hoof... And I've met some bug eyed joes, I've met the blessed and I've met the damned..."

Twilight was singing her heart out to Celestia, and this time Celestia when she felt a tear drip from her eye, she knew it wasn't one of sadness, but of joy! She'd be able to spend time with her Twilight after all!

"...Oh my mare, oh my mare, oh my precious mare... I love you, you understand?" Twilight sung and Celestia began bobbing her head to the beat and tapping one of her hooves to it as well. She noted a noticeable blush on Twilight's face, either from seeing her in her nightwear or just doing this. Either way, Celestia smiled as the song continued, getting more upbeat by the minute. Little did she or Twilight know this, but in her personal tower, Luna was smiling and dancing along to the beat before grabbing her personal Captain of the Guard, a female bat-pony with stone grey fur and dark blue hair and enveloping her in a passionate kiss leaving the poor pony in a daze and then causing her to faint.

"Well, you took me in, you stole my heart, I cannot roam no more, because love it stays within, it doesn't wash up on a shore...

Finally, Celestia grabbed Twilight in a golden magical aura and levitated her up to her balcony before passionately kissing her and letting Twilight's tongue slip into her mouth causing the Solar Princess to emit a small moan before she continued with Twilight's song.

"And a fighting mare forgets each cut, each knock, each bruise, each pull, but a fighting mare cannot forget why her love don't roam no more..." Celestia finished before looking into Twilight's eyes and whispering "Happy Anniversary Twilight. I love you." and Twilight smiled before she closed the drapes and whispered "I love you too, Celestia." and shut out the lights with a simple flash of magic from her horn.