by CloudehChaser

First published

[MLP mix-up with SCP and Amnesia & collab fic with http://www.fimfiction.net/user/alexandru1208]

When Doctor Whooves leaves his two co-workers; Cloud Chaser & Alex Thunderstrike to watch over the TARDIS while he is out for a 'business' trip with his lover the two ponies find themselves in a world where monsters thrive and the two ponies go on quest to find their way out of this horrible world and get back home.

[Credit to alexandru1208 for the awesome poster/cover!]

Party For Three

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“Alex!” The mare shouted just as the large,fat and bloody towering beast was about to get ahold of her coltfriend. The beasts stomach contents flopping out of the hole in its abdomen as he limped along,reaching and grunting for the flesh of her lover. The mare pounced forward in attempt to be a shield so her lover wouldn't get attacked but to her surprise the monster was quick; And her lovers handsome features were now slashed away by the monsters ‘hoof’.

Chapter l
Party For Three

“Woo! Go Alex!” A lavender mare shouted,waving her hoof in the air as she watched her boss; Doctor Whooves and her coltfriend; Alex Thunderstrike play a well known video game that they had just bought a few hours ago before ‘WingStop’ shut down for the night. The plan was simple; They were going to party tonight to celebrate Doctor Whooves 789th birthday. They had also bought pizza and some Apple Jack Daniels that had came in a larger bottle then normal. You couldn’t blame the three ponies really; What was a party without alittle drinks? Of course; The bottle was already half empty thanks to Alex who was dared to drink the liquor down by his marefriend; CloudChaser.

CloudChaser just thought he was showing off infront of Doctor Whooves because she was sure her coltfriend had some kind of ‘Bromance’ with the Doctor,even though Alex would always explain to her that he didn’t like the Doctor like that,and that they were just ‘friends’ and not ‘close friends’. A few minutes pasted before the game which Alex and Doctor Whooves were playing came to a sad end. Alex had beat Doctor Whooves by a landslide and the words
“GAME OVER” was written across the screen in large blood red letters.

Doctor Whooves seemed pretty upset since he was cocky that he would win against his friend. CloudChaser let out a sigh and turned off the TV only to flop down on one of the many pillows the three ponies had thrown around near the TV so they would be able to watch each other play the game,though right now Cloud was about to fall asleep on one of these pillows since it was around twelve or one o’clock now. Alex turned around and glanced at his marefriend then to his friend and let out a evil giggle,getting an idea that would brighten up everyponies mood. “Hey. I know what will make this party less boring.” Alexs brown eyes brightened up at his idea he was about to continue and tell the two ponies his idea when CloudChaser cut him off. “What? Go into the forest,find a swamp and go skinny dipping?” CloudChaser snickered at her idea,she was being sarcastic but of course Alex took her seriously as always.

“No! Thats dangerous. You don’t know what could even be in that swamp.” He told her sharply,pressing his hoof against his chest and sticking his nose up in the air.

Cloud rolled her eyes and sat up and shook her head at Alex,Why did he have to act so uptight? Why couldn’t he just loosen up abit and not be such a worry-wart? “Anyways. My idea was that we can play-” Alex was cut off again by the ringing of a telephone,most likely it was the Doctors phone. The Doctor quickly exited the room and went over to the kitchen where the phone was located up on the wall and picked it up,pressing it against his ear as he listened to the pony on the other line.The Doctor nodded his head and a few words were spoken and a frown soon grew on his face. He let out a sigh and hung up the phone,turning to his friends.

“Sorry..Derpy wants me back home for some reason..” The Doctor rubbed his cheek and let out another sigh. “I won’t be gone for too long so can you guys watch over my TARDIS for me?” The two ponies stared at their boss in shock. The boss was leaving them with such an important and special job;to watch over the TARDIS.

The two ponies nodded at the same time,feeling abit spechless at the moment. “Alright!" The Doctor then exits the house and the door is shut and locked with a click,leaving the house in pure silence. The two ponies both turned to each other,making Cloud let out a small squeal of joy. As if reading each others minds they both zipped into the mildly dark guest room which the Doctor kept his TARDIS when they would arrive at CloudChasers house.

The ponies made their way into the blue telephone booth and glanced around,curiously. The TARDIS was much bigger on the inside you could hear the splashing of water,as if there were a swimming pool inside this place,and to the two ponies surprise there was infact a swimming pool down in the bottom level. After staring in awe at all the different things the TARDIS had to offer the two pegasus ponies headed back up to the top level to rest and discuss the amazing things they had saw. Cloud wouldn’t stop talking about how refreshing and cool the water felt against her hoof when she stuck it in and Alex couldn’t get over the different shiny buttons and levers upon the large cylinder in the middle of the upper level.

A few minutes pasted then a few hours. It took the two ponies to realize that Doctor Whooves hadn’t come back yet and it had been over two hours! Alex & Cloud couldn’t watch the TARDIS forever,Cloud was already looking like she was about to fall over in exhaustion and Alexs vision was getting more and more blurry by the minute. Alex stood up slowly,deciding he should exit the TARDIS to see if the Doctor had gotten locked out and couldn’t enter the house or that the Doctor was simply waiting for them outside in the living room.

As Alex moved by the cylinder which all the controls were located on he had pushed a lever up and a swooshing sound was heard,though Alex didn’t seem to notice this and neither did Cloud since both ponies were tired and slightly drunk...What could have that lever possibly done anyhow? There was nothing dangerous in here that Alex and Cloud knew of.

Alex made his way over to the door and opened it but as he looked around they were no longer in CloudChasers guest room. Infact the room had been turned into a long dark corridor and the soft white walls were now made of what appeared to hard brick walls. Alex rubbed his eyes,thinking that he was just seeing things but the room did not return to normal when Alex blinked or rubbed his eyes again. It was all real and Alex didn’t feel safe with wandering down the corridor without Cloud. He slowly closed the door and turned around,trotting over to Cloud who was hanging over the railing and was staring down to the bottom level blankly and letting out soft grunts and moans as if she was about to get sick. He tapped her shoulder and Cloud turned around letting out sigh,pressing her hoof against her stomach.

“Cloudy? You okay?” He asked,rubbing her cheek softly in attempt to make his marefriend feel better. Cloud nodded and pushed his hoof away,tilting her head to the side with a expression that said; “What’s wrong?” Alex understood her expression and began to lead her over to the door and opened it to present the dreadful looking corridor to her. Cloud let out a gasp in shock,not knowing what to say about it. The corridor was very frightening looking and since Cloud was no longer in the comfort of her own home she knew some button or lever was pressed. Though when Cloud looked back all the buttons and levers on the cylinder,everything seemed to be normal.

Alex leaned forward,pressing a hoof down on the hard steel floor of the new building they had shown up in,the floor was very cold which made Alex jerk his hoof back into the TARDIS immediately. It took Alex a few moments to realize that they weren't getting back home without finding out what lever or button was pushed and since both ponies had still been learning about the TARDIS from their boss,they had no idea what button did what and what each and every lever did! So even if the two ponies tried to find out what was pushed it would probably fail and they would be in a even bigger mess! It left the two ponies no choice but to look around. Alex pat his lovers back and leaned over,whispering in her ear. “Go get the flashlight. We are going out.”

The First Encounter

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Chapter 2 : The First Encounter

The mare seemed startled by her coltfriends question. Why would he ever want to go out of the TARDIS and search around? They don't know what kind of things were out there and was era they had popped into. They could have popped up in the future or in that 'human' world Lyra Heartstrings always would rant over. CloudChaser let out a sigh and obeyed her lovers demand and trotted over to the cylinder and opened a hatch,where the Doctor told her he kept most of the things they would need if they ever had a blackout in the TARDIS. She took out two flashlights for both of the ponies to carry then she made sure she shut the hatch before hoofing over one of the flashlights to her companion before the two beings stepped out of the TARDIS together and began to trot down the corridor. The corridor wasn't as bad as Cloud thought; It was actually pretty cozy in here..That is until they reached the door at the end of the hall. The door was a large green steel door and it seemed pretty normal other then the fact some spots of blood were splattered across the window on the other side as if the thing had really hurt itself while trying to get in here. Thankfully,This encounter was in the past since the blood had dried already and when Cloud peered through the window she didn't see anything waiting on the other side for them.

The two then both reached for the door at the same time and touched hooves,Cloud immediately shot at glare at Alex and he seemed surprised at how she reacted to just a slight touch. Plus; Alex thought it was pretty romantic anyhow. Despite the glare she shot Alex and how mad she suddenly seemed she managed to force open the heavy green door and step inside in a..stairway? They had just gone through a corridor and now they had to go down atleast 30 flights! There were maybe even more then that but when CloudChaser shined her light down she could make out there were 13 steps until there was landing,where one dim and flickering light was placed. Though only four of the platforms had these lights so Cloud and Alex were just going to have to use their flashlights for the rest of the way. Alex didn't really seem to be all that happy about trotting off down these dark,musty steps with cobwebs on some of the railings but who was he to speak when he was the one who had more or less forced Cloud to get the flashlights to look around this strange,empty warehouse.

As the ponies began descend down the stairwell everything was pretty much normal; It was just a boring stairway that seemed to have no end to it. As the ponies continued on the way down Cloud could have swore she heard faint crying from what sounded like a filly near the bottom of the staircase,though whenever Cloud would take a step forward it seemed like the filly or colt would take a step down.

“Hey, do you hear that?” Alex’s right ear twitches at the faint sound of the pleading foal.

“Yeah..That crying noise.” Cloud paused and thought about it for a moment. What would a foal be doing down here? Cloud seemed to question the crying for a minute,afterall; It seemed kinda of out of place for a pony so young to be ‘hiding’ down in here and who is to say its a foal anyhow? It could be some type of small animal making those crying sounds.

“Whatever it is, I don’t trust it, even though if it's a filly or a colt. What crazy mother would abandon its own foal in this place? Anyhow, we need to see what is down there and maybe find an answer of where we are and when...” Alex replied, not caring if the foal is really a pony or not. From their ‘random’ mishap, they found themselves in an other world and they must find a solution and return back to Equestria before the Doctor would realise what they have done.

As Cloud listened to her coltfriends words it made it seem as if he was being insensitive and just didn’t want to help the poor thing. Whatever it was, it was in distress and it sounded like it was in serious trouble and was just waiting for somepony like Cloud to come along and help it,even though Cloud was just doubting that it was even a real foal a few minutes ago. She knew her companion was only meaning well and just wanted to get out of this place but whenever a small animal or younger being got involved Cloud would totally forget about where she is and focus on helping the small creature.

The two went down more and more stairs before they reached the 27’th flight, about 200 Meters below the surface. The air dense and the metallic bars were rusted and the paint on them were scrapped. Alex knew that this was a bad sign of something but Cloud’s helping attitude pushed her further down the flights. He had no choice but to follow and protect his love from any danger.

At around the 33’th flight, the two stopped for a break. Alex was just warming up but Cloud’s feint fright and temptation to save the foal pushed her into exhaustion.

“How much lower can these stairs go...?” muttered Cloud annoyed of the ridiculous length of the staircase. Alex peaked over the railings and pointed his flashlight downwards, the darkness absorbed most of their source of light they had.

“I can’t see more then two meters down...” answered Alex, disappointed by the power of the flashlight. Cloud watched as her coltfriend tried to look over but despite the effort, it was for nothing.

A sudden air flow rustled both ponies and their flashlights got weaker, Cloud hit her flashlight to bring the power back but a chilled air went past her back, as she turned around, a large shadow with bright eyes approached to attack her.

“EEEP!” shouted Cloud at the sight of the attacker and bumped into Alex’s neck,causing him to drop his flashlight and nearly fall over the railing himself. The shadow faded away as it got close to them.

“What’s wrong Cloudy?” spoke Alex, immediately grabbing ahold of her hoof and pulling her in close to him in attempt to comfort her,though this didn’t seem to be working all too good since Cloud was already struggling to get out of Alex’s arms to look around for whatever that thing was that had attacked her.

“I...I saw something. A s-shadow... thing. It came to me and...” Cloud struggled to explain what she saw but noticing it disappeared proved to be useless. Alex didn’t seem to believe her story about a ‘shadow’ and shook his head and replied back.

“Maybe this darkness makes us both see things, for a second before you slammed me, I thought I saw a bright light at the bottom... If it was the bottom.” Cloud wrinkled up her nose at Alex,he was really starting to tick her off with this nonsense. It wasn’t her fault she got freaked over whatever that thing was. She managed to get out of Alexs grip after awhile to shoot him a glare. “Hmpf! It isn’t my fault for being scared! You can act all tough guy but on the inside I bet you are screaming and crying like a little foal!” She said sharply to him before trotting down the stairs,forgetting to bring her flashlight with her she had quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Alex picked up the only flashlight they had with his wing and spoke down to her. “Ok now you are taking this too personal... The thing is we need to get out of here, do you think I am not scared? I am more scared then I should be but this does not stop me from getting outta’ here...” he continued to lower down the flights in search of his marefriend in the pitch blackness of the stairwell. It seemed like the further they went down the more darker it became.

“Where are you, Cloud? How down did you go...?” again spoke up Alex, trying to contact Cloudchaser from the distance they had but everytime he would call out to her only silence would answer. Alex was starting to get chills from being alone and also not to mention somepony else was breathing around Alex, he could not locate where it was since it was synchronized with his, only louder. He decided to ignore it and quickly reunite with his marefriend before worser things would happen.

Cloud was near the 50’th flight and felt like she was near the bottom of this endless pit of stairs but something inside of her told her that there were more flights to come which didn’t make sense to Cloud really. It seemed this part of the building where they shown up to more or less had a staircase to nowhere. Usually for stairwells there would be doors on the platforms that would lead to office departments but for this stairwell it was just cold brick walls. Cloud could still hear the crying of whatever it was down below her and really the noise was starting to hurt her fragile ears since every time it would plead it would echo throughout the stairwell,making her ears ring and sometimes Cloud felt like the crying and the voice was in her head.

Alex shined his flashlight and saw Cloudchaser resting for a while at one of the flights, he got close and looked at her.

“What were you thinking, leaving out with no light?” muttered Alex to her, quite caring for her random leave.

Cloud looked up at Alex and shrugged,stomping one of her hooves on the ground. “I was thinking I could get away from you for awhile.” She told him,blinking and moving her hoof above her eyes to shield them from the light coming from the flashlight Alex was holding.

“Because I am more caring of leaving this place more then going in for the child?” answered Alex, lowering the flashlight from her eyes and looking down the flight of stairs.

Cloud lowered her hoof at the same time he lowered the flashlight and let out a sigh. “Yeah. How would you like it if you were a foal and was trapped in a place like this? I would be pretty pissed off if nopony came and saved me.” She remarked,looking down the stairs to see yet another landing but this one was slightly different since there was blood spots trailing down the steps down to the other levels. The blood was dried like whatever was bleeding had moved on by now and was further down then they were..Though the blood spots didn’t make any sense. Why didn’t Cloud see any on the other levels?

“Right...Anyhow. Let’s see how many more steps there are until we reach the botto--” Alex got interrupted as a stone scraping sound was heard above them. Both Cloud and Alex got close to each other and looked up the staircase, it was nothing. But the feeling in the air shifted and Cloud felt her stomach lurch. There was something wrong. It was creepy before but now it got even worse just over hearing that sound. Cloud swallowed back her lunch and coughed,pressing her hoof over her mouth to keep from actually getting sick.She was due to throw up over the Apple Jack Daniels she and Alex drank earlier but this kind of ‘getting sick’ was different. It was because of the feeling of dread. Alex kept staring up at the stairs and noticed nothing, his shoulders and back began to shiver, he was scared as well, the feeling the two had were different.

“W-What was that...?” said Alex before he looked at his marefriend. “Are you alright, Cloud?” he pointed his flashlight to her to see what is wrong with her.

“N-No..” She replied,pressing her hooves against her ears. The ringing had grown louder and the crying and pleading would not stop replaying itself in her mind. She could feel her lunch coming up again and finally was forced to actually throw up this time. She had never felt so sick in her life. Cloud managed to keep calm after puking and sat down,removing her hooves from her ears after awhile to soak in the crying and pleading once more.

The two stood looking at eachother before the silence was broken by the same, loud breathing Alex heard before, his ears lowered and slowly turned along with his flashlight back up towards the staircase. There was nothing else to see since the darkness got thicker, but something was there. As Alex pointed up, the flashlight was effective but from the top of the flight, in the dark, stood a bright white face, staring down at them. It was a pony’s head and everything appeared to be normal about it other then the fact it had no nostrils, pupils and a mouth.

The ‘face’ did no other action, it did not move, breathe or speak but the sound of a loud breathing broke the silence. Alex and Cloud stood in shock, staring straight at it.

“W-W-What is t-that?” trembled Cloudchaser in fear, getting even closer to Alex.

Alex did not speak and kept silence at the sight of the weird being. He trembled in fright and began to sweat from his forehead. He pushed his partner to tell her to proceed down the stairway to ignore the face, maybe it won’t follow them. The two began to move slowly down the stairs, still having their eyes locked on the face, it did not follow but turned at them going up the flight of stairs.

Cloud really didn’t know what to say but after a moment she blinked and moved her gaze off of the face,bolting down the stairs,screaming and yelling for some one to help her. She nearly fell over some of the steps but she used her wings to hover herself over the ground just before she would fall. She was panting like a dog and seemed to be having some kind of panic attack but thankfully it didn’t seem like it would be fatal enough to kill her or make her pass out.

Alex jolted down the stairs as well, screaming out random words due to his own panic. He slid at each end of the stairs and continued down until he reached the location where Cloudchaser was.

“Cloudy’...Hold on...” panted Alex, trying to communicate with her.

“Y-Yeah, I’m fine... Is that thing after us...?” replied Cloudchaser, looking up the flight of stairs. Alex pointed his flashlight upwards and the face was nowhere to be seen.

Alex shook in head in denial and pointed downwards. The stairs were broken and crashed down, their way was blocked.

As they started to think over to fly down, a stone grinding rumbled through the staircase and exposed a stone room.

“What the...?” muttered Alex curiously. He pointed the light inside and nothing was seen, the walls were untouched and there was no sign of blood or scraping. “Quick, let’s get inside...” spoke up Alex, pulling his partner with his wing inside. The brick wall closed behind them, isolating them inside the cubic room.

“Where are we?” asked Cloudchaser, looking around the cubical room until she notices an entry through a hallway. She grabbed the flashlight Alex was holding and pointed in it. It was made of red bricks and the corridor had a sharp turn to the right. “A hallway...?”

“It’s looks more like a corridor to me...” corrected Alex, looking into the same direction where Cloud was looking but he immediately got slapped by one of her wings.

“Don’t correct me! I’m the one that corrects around here...Alright?” complained Cloudchaser, scrunching her nose at him. Alex rolled his eyes and rubbed the spot where he got slapped, he went next to the wall and rested.

“I say we should rest for a while...” said Alex, making room for her to rest beside him. Cloudchaser, annoyed by his sudden correction, hesitated at first but got close to him and rested beside him, the two both closed their eyes and fell into a peaceful nap.
