MLP Blazing Souls Season 1

by Power Stream

First published

An Unicorn by the name of Soul Blaze will try to prove he's one of the strongest Ponies on Equestria while he faces many dangers. (Revamps the entire MLP series)

A sole Unicorn, named Soul Blaze, wishes to become one of Equestria's strongest Ponies. He wields a Hand-made Keyblade he calls "The Equestrian Key". Although he has no idea of the dangers he will face, he wants to face them head on and come out victorious after them.

The Equestrian Key: Blaze's Hand-made Keyblade. It has magical properties similar to a Unicorn's horn, although it can transform into each of the following elements: Fire, Ice and Lightning. With this Blade, he hopes to protect Equestria from any kind of Danger. Looks similar to the Kingdom Key, only the hilt has a White color and the blade is sharper with a black color, it also has a Flame-token for a Keychain.

First Season Arcs:
-The Nightmare Moon Arc (Theme: Hiryuu no Kishi - TRUE)
-Return to Harmony Arc (Theme: EXTRA MAGIC HOUR - AKINO with Bless4)

(Picture shows Ponies, but it's actually Anthro)

The Equestria portrayed here is a 2017-esque Equestria, with all of the Technologies from our world. That's why the series is being re-vamped

Prologue Episode

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My life has always been the normal kind: Wake up, go to school, learn something new, go back home, do your homework, have free time, go sleep.

But in these free times I had, I was working on a little project of mine ever since I was in elementary school. A Magical Weapon that I call it "Keyblade"

The Keyblade is a weapon of both Light and Darkness, since both are Interdependent and one CANNOT exist without the other. So the Keyblade I was doing concentrated these two forces, so it was of both Light and Darkness. I don't know how strong it was, but that didn't matter at the start.

Although, if the events that happened when I reached sixteen proved anything, is that the weapon I created was really important to the world of Equestria, and I made myself bear the responsibility to protect it with the new friends I gained from those events.

Each of these friends proved something that I had on my brain for a long time: "As long as we have friends, nothing can stop us from achieving our objectives!"

My name is Soul Blaze

And this is the story of the greatest adventure I've ever had in my life.

Episode 1 - Ponyville Arrival

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Episode 1 - Ponyville Arrival

The train arriving in Ponyville was FULL, especially because Ponyville has been chosen to be the Main city for the Summer Sun Celebration, various ponies had been coming up on the city to help organize the Celebration.

Between these ponies, one of them stood out:

It was a male Unicorn colt. He appeared to still be in High School, but had very different clothing. He wore a Black Jacket with flame vinyls, a white T-Shirt underneath, Brown shorts and Black steel-toed shoes. The colt also had a Red Coat with Orange and Yellow hair and tail that looked like they were flames.

His name is Soul Blazer

He looked around, watching various ponies help each other in organizing the Summer Sun Celebration. It's always great to see ponies helping each other in these special events. He thought.

He started walking around Ponyville, still seeing other ponies help each other, until he was poked by a pink finger. He turned around to find a Pink pony staring at him from a very close point of view.

The pony was pink all over, except for her tank-top, which was yellow, and her short shorts, which were blue.

"..." Blaze stood quiet

"..." The pink pony stood quiet, too.

Hmmm... Blaze was thinking about what to say, but he had a better idea (Insert random light bulb here).

He kept staring at the pony for some seconds and then snapped his fingers, making the pink pony jump back "Hahahaha! Weren't expecting that, huh?!" He said. "Eh?" it was then that he noticed something on the pony.

She had what looked like wings. Metal wings. Hm? I don't get this. Artificial Pegasus? he thought I know technology is a thing in Equestria, but... No... These aren't wings...

Blaze walked closer to the pink pony while she stared at him and checked the 'wings' she had. Turns out the wings were really sharp, looking like blades, and they were connected by a lower hilt that was located on the pony's tail. These are not wings! That is an AXE! Blaze thought.

"Damn! Looks like you pack quite a punch! Name's Soul Blazer. Can we spar sometime?" Blaze said while extending his hand.

The pony only kept staring at him for a second before running off to a Candy shop at a street corner.

Meh. Maybe not. Blaze thought (Insert rolling sweat).

Blaze decided to make some exercise and started jogging through town heading into its Countryside. There, he found an Apple-tree farm with a wide-range of Apple trees.

DAMN! That's a big farm! I wonder who are the owners?! Blaze thought. He then started to skid-stop into the farm's main gate.

"Hmm..." Blaze walked into the farm and immediately jumped up at a loud shout:


Blaze looked around and found to his left an Earth pony running to an Apple-tree and kicking it, making the apples that were in the tree fall down into a basket.

"That's a pretty strong kick there, lady!" Blaze commented, making the pony turn around and look at him "Do you do Martial Arts?"
She has a whip... Blaze thought when he spotted the whip on her pants' belt.

"Nope. That's mah friend in the skies, Rainbow Dash's style!" The pony said with a country accent.

Hmm... She must be from Appleloosa. Most ponies that have that accent come from there. "And you are?" The pony asked Blaze.

"My name is Soul Blazer. I'm a new guy moving to Ponyville." He answered while extending his hand. The pony took it and shook very quickly, but that didn't faze him.

"Mah name's Applejack, Apple farmer from 'round here!" The pony named Applejack said.

"Well nice to meet ya, Applejack." Blaze said. "So erm... Are you guys rich or something?"

"No we aren't. Why didja ask?"

"Because the farm you have is FREAKING HUGE!!!" Blaze shouted. "Seriously! How come you guys can get an area this big to make your farm?!"

"Hahahaha! That's something for another time, mah horned friend! The Sweet Apple Acres is indeed this big!" Applejack laughed it out.
While she spoke that, a Rainbow trail passed over their heads, Blaze noticed the trail. "Eh? Did a Pegasus just fly by us?" He asked.

"That must'ave been Dash." Applejack said while looking at the sky. The rainbow trail started clearing clouds along the way, making the sky a lot more clearer.

"She must be this town's weather forecaster." Blaze said.

"More than that!" Applejack interjected "She's our town's main athlete, she has participated in various sports for our town and is also the only pony that has ever done the Sonic Rainboom!"

"You're... Kidding... Right!?"

"Nah, I'm not!"

Blaze knows what the Sonic Rainboom is, he remembers that the day he got the cutie-mark, a Rainbow explosion appeared in the sky, which gave him the courage he has now AND his cutie-mark, which is a flame that showcase a black-colored crest symbol.

(If this isn't familiar, it's Naoto Kurogane's crest from BlazBlue Central Fiction)

The said pony, Rainbow Dash, started floating down and landed beside the two. "Hey! Who's the new guy?" She asked.

"Soul Blazer. I must say your speed is pretty impressive!" Blaze commented.

"Hehe! Thanks! I hear that a lot from my fans." Dash said.

About Rainbow Dash's appearence: She is wearing a blue and black jumpsuit under a sky-blue jacket and short-shorts.

With how impressive she is, no wonder she's gonna have fans. Blaze thought. "Uh, are you interested in Martial Arts, Ms. Dash?" He asked her.

"Don't call me Miss! It makes me feel old!" Dash said. "But yeah, I do practice Martial Arts every now and then."

"Cool! Would it be OK for us to spar sometime?" Blaze asked Dash.

"Yeah, sure, but not now since I'm busy with the weather. See ya later!" Dash said before blasting into the sky to clear it of more clouds.

"That's just how she is." Applejack commented.

"Meh, it's OK." Blaze said. Applejack offered an apple which he took it and ate. After that, he thanked her and started jogging back to Ponyville.



After returning to Ponyville, he decided to visit as many shops as he could before going to his new house. So he visited various shops in town and on some of them he managed to buy somethings for his house.

He was walking towards the most inner part of Ponyville when he came across a white building. "Hm? Looks like a clothe store." Blaze commented when he saw how beautiful the building looked.

When he pushed the door open, a bell ringed, but it looked like the owner didn't listen, since she was occupied with her shop's decorations. Probably for the Celebration... Blaze thought.

"Um, Excuse me!" He called out. Making the owner turn her attention to him.

"Yes? Must I help you in something, My dear Sir?" She asked him.

Err... Her accent sounds fake... Blaze thought. "I was hoping I could have a new set of clothes..."

The girl's eyes lit up at that. "Oh how Magnificent! Please come with me, sir!" She then grabbed Blaze's arm and was now leading him to another room of the shop.

"Uh, my name is Soul Blazer." He said while they were walking.

"Mine is Rarity, my dear." She told him.

On the next moment, Blaze was now wearing a black tuxedo with a red tie on it. "Err... I think this was too much..."

"Oh, hohoho! Sorry, I got way too excited!"

Blaze stepped down from the pedestal he was in "Still, I might keep this outfit for formal occassions, so thanks anyway."

"Oh, thank you dear." Rarity said.

Blaze was back on his normal outfit and stepped out of the shop, which was named 'Carousel Boutique'

"So, I can count on you for any kind of clothing I need for any occassion?" Blaze said.

"Yup! And since this is your first time on my shop, that tuxedo of yours is free of charge, OK?" Rarity told him.

"Y-You don't have to be THAT generous..."

"Oh please, all for a new friend!"

Ah well Blaze thought "I'll see you later then, Ms. Rarity"

Pof! such was the sound of Rarity's blush. "J-Just call me Rarity, dear."


After waving good-bye to Rarity, he started walking towards the Everfree Forest, but that's because ponies told him of an Animal caretaker that lives close to it. Who the hell takes care of animals close to one of Equestria's scariest places... he thought.

While he was walking, he stopped when he heard a growl. It was coming from his right and it was a brown bear.

"Oh. Err..." Blaze isn't really scared by the bear, but is not sure how to act. The bear roars back and then...


The bear did a very loud roar.

"Uhhh..." But that didn't scare Blaze in the slightest. The bear appeared confused after his scare attempt.

"Mr. Bear! That's not very nice!" A gentle voice sounded behind the two animals. When Blaze turned, he met the gaze of a butter-yellow pony that wore a green sweater and blue shorts. "Don't try to scare the ponies like that again, you hear?!"

The bear nodded very quickly.

Weird... Blaze thought. "He didn't really scare me, miss."

"AH!!" The girl got startled and went to hide behind the bear she was lecturing. "W-W-W-W-Who's there?!" she was peeking from the bear's side

Blaze waved his hand.

"Oh... I-It was just a pony" Fluttershy came out "W-What's your name?"

"Soul Blazer."

"Eh?" Fluttershy was confused by Blaze's name.

"Uh... Let's say it's a name for a guard or something. You know." Blaze tried to explain "Just call me Blaze to be easier."

"Oh... OK." Her voice was very soft. "M...My name is..."



His ears perked up, meaning he had good hearing. "NIce to meet you, Fluttershy." Blaze then extended his hand for a shake. Fluttershy picked it and shaked slowly. "I heard there's an animal caretaker that lives close to the Everfree Forest and I was going to visit."

"T-That's me!"

"Eh?" Blaze got confused when he heard that. "YOU live close to the Everfree Forest?!"

Fluttershy nodded slowly.

"Heeeeeh??? S-Sorry to say, but you don't look like someone that would live close to the Everfree Forest!" Blaze told her.

"I know. Some ponies said that to me as well." Fluttershy said.

"So you keep the animals you take care of in a cottage at the edge of the Everfree Forest?"

"Yup. As simple as that."

Blazer and Fluttershy were walking to her cottage and were talking along the way. "Haven't you ever had any problems with Timberwolves invading your home?"

"No. At least, none that I remember..." Fluttershy spoke.

"Well, whenever you need help with something destroying your cottage, just go visit my home in a hurry that I'm gonna help ya!" Blaze said. They had already arrived at Fluttershy's cottage.

"Thanks! I'll see you at the Celebration!" Fluttershy said before entering her house.

Hmm... She was really sweet. Blaze thought. Maybe we can get to see each other again...

Night was already coming, so Blaze was now walking towards his house, which was close to an Oak Tree that functions as a library. I wonder if someone lives there... Blaze thought.

His house, which was next to the Oak Tree, had a Red color with some details in Yellow, as well as the Roof. It was a pretty common-like house.

Only thing is: The house never had curtains to begin with.

Who the hell put curtains on my house? Blaze thought. He walked to the door and knocked on it, no one answered. He decided to turn the door knob and the house revealed itself OPEN.

I made it clear my house had to be locked UNTIL I came over... Who the... Blaze was getting suspicious.

When he entered the house, it was dark everywhere. He braced himself and turned on the light before shouting "OK! Game's Over, give up!"


Blaze fell back on his rump.

To put it simply, his house was open because various ponies of Ponyville wanted to make a Surprise Welcome party to him. Who organized it thought would be another big surprise to him. When Blaze got up, he was met by a familiar Pink face.

"HI!" The pony spoke.

"Hey! You're that pink pony with the Axe wings on the back!" Blaze said. The girl, appearing confused, looked behind her and sure enough, the two Axe wings were there.

"Ah! You must mean my Party Axe! Haha!"

Party Axe? What the hell kind of name is that? Blaze thought. "Anyway, my name is Pinkie Pie! I organized this surprise 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!" The pink pony told him.

"It was you?" Blaze asked.

"Yes! I am Ponyville's party pony! Any kind of special event I make a Party out of it!" Pinkie said.

"..." Blaze was still processing what she said.

"Don't worry, sugarcube. You'll get used to her in no time." Blaze heard a familiar voice by his left. It was Applejack!

"Applejack? How did you get here?" He asked her.

"Pinkie sometimes invites the entire town to these parties of 'ers!" Applejack explained, leaving Blaze wide-eyed.

"Yeah, but her parties really do get the jam they need, though!" Rainbow Dash said from Blaze's top.

"Wow. It's the entire city indeed." Blaze said while he looked up.


Blaze began walking through his house, meeting some ponies along the way; he also saw Rarity and Fluttershy again on the party, and although he thought it was still unexpected to have a party on his house, he was enjoying it. His only question was how Pinkie got all of these ponies inside the house.

Applejack answered "It's just Pinkie, don't question it."

After some hours of party, it was time to get to sleep, the Summer Sun Celebration was tomorrow night, so he had to take a rest.

All the while, he had this question on his head: "What will happen next on this small-looking town?"

Intermission - Blaze's Dream

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(Dream Realm)

Blaze opened his eyes, what he saw in front of him was just darkness, but when he looked down, he was standing on a stained glass floor that showed the image of a Purple Pony he had yet to meet.

(May I remind you guys this story is Anthro, so imagine the picture like it is, only with an Anthro Twilight)

When he looked up again, he saw three objects floating in front of him: A Shield, a Staff and a Sword.

"Three weapons, three kinds of powers. Choose the one you think shall give you the edge in your future battles" A voice said.

Blaze kept quiet during the entire sequence and started walking to each of the weapons to inspect them.

While he was inspecting the weapons, he was thinking if this kind of Dream has something to do with the weapon he possesses in real life, which was his Keyblade, and if choosing one of these weapons will affect it in any way.

He decided to choose the Shield.

"A shield to protect your friends and everything you care about. Is this what you want?" The voice asked him.

Yes. Blaze answered on his mind.

Suddenly, a bright light covered the entire place and then Blaze was teleported to another stained glass floor; this time, the floor showed Applejack.

In front of him lied things like Hay, Barrels and Boxes that can easily be broken, he was still holding the shield he chose.

"To make sure you are ready, you must make sure you can wield a weapon." The voice said. "Try destroying these objects in front of you with the weapon you chose."

Using the shield as a sword, he swung the shield into each of the objects, destroying them entirely. After he was done, a door appeared; He walked to the door and opened it, making another bright light appear and cover the entire area, teleporting him to another floor; this floor showed Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly, three small Timberwolves started forming in front of Blaze. He got on his stance.

"Be brave! Battle against these monsters and destroy them!" The voice said with desperation. Blaze ran to the Timberwolves and started smashing one of them with the shield; he then did a back-turning swing, hitting another Timberwolf. He kept doing this until all Timberwolves were defeated.

Another bright light teleported him to another Stained Glass floor that showed Equestria's ruler, Princess Celestia.

In this floor, a bright light was shown in the middle of it. Blaze reached for it and the light transformed into a Red and Yellow-like Star Object.

"Stay strong and be brave. Because you hold the most powerful weapon that has existed in all worlds." The voice said to him.

Blaze turned around and a smoke of Darkness was in front of him.

"Fulfill your destiny..."

Blaze started running to the smoke while the object in his hand started shining; he then jumped and the light transformed into the Keyblade he posseses: The Equestrian Keyblade, before swinging it at the shadow and a bright light exploding after the Key touched the smoke.

"...element of Bravery"