Sweetie Belle's New Experiences

by StormLuna

First published

Sweetie Belle has just graduated high school and is headed to college in Cantrlot. While her two best friends have different plans, one of her classmates is headed to the same college, so she won't be all alone.

Sweetie Belle has just graduated high school and is headed to college in Canterlot. While her two best friends have different plans, one of her other classmates is headed to the same college to study the same thing so she won't be all alone. One thing is for sure, things will never be the same for Sweetie Belle.

Includes age progressed humans.

Graduation Day

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After thirteen years of school and putting up with the drama involved in it, the class that Cheerilee had been teaching the whole time was graduating. It was a truly special moment for some while for others it wouldn't be that big of a change. Gathered together, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo began to talk among one another.

Apple Bloom, who had initially planned on simply staying on the farm had graduated as the valedictorian of their class. Scootaloo was the first to say anything, "So Apple Bloom, where do you plan on going to college?"

Apple Bloom replied, "While Ah'm hoping it won't take too long, Ah'm headed to Fillydelphia to study horticulture."

Neither Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle had a clue as to what she was talking about. Scootaloo asked, "Apple Bloom, what is horticulture?"

Apple Bloom replied, "It is the branch of agriculture that deals with the science, technology, and business of growing plants. Basically Ah'm going to study how to help Sweet Apple Acres increase our production using more modern technology, how to utilize the land that we have to produce as much as we can and how to take advantage of the ever changing business dealing with agriculture."

Sweetie Belle asked, "Apple Bloom, I know how Applejack is when it comes to change. What does she think about you going to study all this and eventually modernize the way business is done on the farm?"

Apple Bloom looked down and replied, "Well she doesn't know that is what Ah hope to do. She thinks Ah am only going out there to learn to increase production. She doesn't know anything about the modern technology or the business side of things."

Scootaloo asked, "Modern technology, so are you talking about things like that cider machine the Flim Flam Brothers used?"

The very mention of Flim and Flam and their cider machine angered Apple Bloom. She snapped, "Are you kidding me? Ah'm talking about REAL technology here, not some fake ass machine that con-artists use!"

Scootaloo shied back, "I'm sorry Apple Bloom, I'm just not familiar with agricultural technology."

Apple Bloom replied, "It's alright." She paused for a moment and asked, "So are you excited to be going to the air force academy?"

Scootaloo replied, "You bet I am! When I graduate I'll be commissioned as a second lieutenant!"

*Sweetie interrupted, "Scootaloo, do they even let women into the air force? Isn't it a bit dangerous?"

Before Scootaloo could reply Apple Bloom said, "Come on Sweetie, we're talking about Scootaloo here! She is tough as nails and can persevere through anything."

Scootaloo added, "The academy isn't dangerous! Even if we were to have to go to war after I graduate, nothing is too dangerous for me!" After calming down a bit she asked, "So Sweetie, what are you going to be studying in college?"

Apple Bloom asked, "And where are you going to college?"

Sweetie Belle replied, "Well I'm going to study music at the University of Canterlot."

Both of her friends looked at one another and replied in unison, "Yeah, you're the singer among all of us."

Two of their former foes were standing nearby when they said this. They headed over and Silver Spoon added, "Yeah, she's studying the same thing as me."

Diamond Tiara sighed, "Yeah, I forgot BOTH of you are singing nerds."

Scootaloo asked, "So **Diamond, what are you going to study?"

Diamond replied, "Well, father is sending me to the University of Manehattan to study economics." She puffed her chest out and continued, "After all, I do want to be prepared to take over the store one day." Her voice became more sinister as she continued, "Besides, that furniture store has a monopoly and I simply can't let that be." She began to laugh, "After I graduate and take over the store, Barnyard Bargains will be the only place selling furniture in this town, as it should be!"

***Silver sighed, "Diamond Tiara, I thought we both had turned over a new leaf a long time ago. I didn't think we were ever going to seek to ruin the lives of others again."

Diamond pointed at her three former foes and laughed, "That was just when it came to those three and our other classmates. In business, NOTHING IS OFF LIMITS, NOTHING!!!"

Before she could say anything else, Cheerilee announced that it was time for the ceremony to begin. As the graduates began to walk up and get their diplomas, those closest to them could not help but shed tears of joy. While Applejack always tries to be the strong one, even she began to cry a little.

After the ceremony the families gathered together at Sweet Apple Acres for a post-graduation party. Rainbow was the first to say anything, "You know girls, I'm proud of you." She put her arm around Scootaloo and continued, "And I know you are going to totally kick ass at the academy!"

Scootaloo replied, "Thanks, I certainly hope so."

Rarity asked, "Speaking of the academy, I've heard the cadets there aren't allowed to even have cars. Is that true?"

Scootaloo replied, "Yep, for a cadet's first two years down there, they aren't allowed to leave the academy."

Rarity asked, "Why?"

Scootaloo replied, "It is to keep us disciplined. The military thinks that if young cadets are allowed to leave the academy grounds, that it may interfere with their development."

Applejack asked, "So who will be taking you down there?"

Rainbow replied, "I'll be taking her down there since she may as well be my sister."

While they were talking about the academy not allowing the cadets to have cars, a smile had begun to creep on Applejack's face. Eventually she couldn't hide it anymore prompting Rainbow to find out why, "Applejack, what's up with the smile?"

Apple Bloom added, "Yeah, what's up with the smile?"

Applejack replied, "Come on over to the barn y'all, I have a huge surprise for someone."

Apple Bloom excitedly replied, "What, what?"

Applejack opened the door and replied, "Apple Bloom, this is your graduation present."

Apple Bloom's jaw dropped open. Before her sat a newer model crew cab pickup. She gasped, "That, that is for me?"

Applejack replied, "Yep, you earned it sugar cube!" She hugged her and continued, "Besides, you're a mighty good driver and you'll need someway to get around."

While Scootaloo rushed to Apple Bloom and began celebrating with her, Sweetie had a look of sadness on her face. Rarity saw this and asked, "Whatever is the matter darling? Aren't you happy for Apple Bloom?"

Sweetie replied, "I don't suppose you have something like that for me too do you?"

Rarity hung her head low and replied, "I'm sorry Sweetie but I don't."

Sweetie sulked, "How am I supposed to get back and forth? I can't expect you to always have to come and get me when I want to come home."

Rarity asked, "Is there anyone else that your close to that is going up there that has a car?"

Sweetie replied, "Well Silver Spoon has one and she is going up there."

Apple Bloom added, "Yeah, and she is studying music too!"

Applejack continued, "Well there you go! Y'all are studying the same thing and y'all get along now, maybe she'll let you ride up and back with her."

While Sweetie wasn't overly fond of the idea of not having her own transportation, she knew that Applejack did make a point. She replied, "That is true. I just hope she'll let me travel with her."

Making Plans

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Setting Up the Meeting

Two and a half months had passed since graduation and while Scootaloo had already left for the academy and Apple Bloom had already headed out to Fillydelphia, it was the day before students were allowed to move in at Canterlot University and much to Rarity's dismay, Sweetie Belle had yet to get in touch with Silver Spoon over whether she could travel with her. While Sweetie Belle had been meaning to, she was nervous about it.

She was pacing back and forth frantically saying to herself, "Come on Sweetie Belle, you have to do this if you want a way to get up there and get back home!" Finally after ten minutes of pacing, Sweetie picked up the phone, called Silver Spoon and hoped for the best.

As the phone was ringing Sweetie had a sick feeling in her stomach and finally someone answered the phone.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Hi, can I speak to Silver Spoon?"

An older female voice yelled, "Silver Spoon, phone!"

It wasn't a minute until Silver answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Hi Silver, it's Sweetie Belle. I'm wondering if you would be willing to meet up somewhere. I really need to talk to you."

Silver had a feeling as to why she wanted to talk, "Let me guess, you want to talk to me about riding back and forth from Canterlot with me?"

"Yeah, I was thinking we could meet up at Sugarcube Corner." She paused for a second and continued, "It's on me."

"Alright. I take it you need a ride?"

"Yes, that wold be nice. Could you pick me up at my place?"

"Sure, I'll be there in a couple of minutes."

"Alright, thanks!"


Sweetie breathed a sigh of relief. She had got past the hardest part, now was her meeting with Silver, which she wanted to look good for. She knew that if she dressed too plainly that Silver may not agree to this so she headed upstairs to change her clothes. She took her pants off and put a skirt on in their place. She also changed out of her t-shirt into something a bit more snug. She smiled at herself in the mirror, "Well Sweetie, here goes nothing."

As she was heading downstairs Rarity saw her. She asked, "Sweetie, where are you going?"

Sweetie replied, "I'm going outside to wait for Silver Spoon. We're going to Sugarcube Corner to talk."

Rarity asked, "Oh, and how are you going to afford anything? I doubt Silver is just going to offer to buy you something."

Sweetie replied, "Don't worry sis. I have money for something" She heard a horn honking and knew that Silver was out there waiting. She finished, "I better get going, she's here."

Before Rarity could say anything Sweetie rushed out the door to find Silver waiting.

The Meeting

As Sweetie headed towards her car, Silver's jaw dropped open when she saw that she wasn't dressed like she normally would. She noticed that she had dressed nicely for her. She said, "Oh hi Sweetie." She took a closer look at her and added, "You look nice."

Sweetie saw that Silver had dressed somewhat similarly to her and replied, "You look nice too."

Sweetie felt odd as she got into Silver's car, as it was much fancier than the one Rarity drove around. At first it was an odd silence between the two until Sweetie broke the silence, "So, are you excited to be getting away from your parents?"

Silver replied, "Of course I am. While they have provided for me well and given me anything a girl could ever want, I'm ready to have some of my own space." She looked over at Sweetie and asked, "What about you? Are you excited to be getting away from Rarity?"

Sweetie replied, "Yeah, I am. I'll admit, I'll probably miss home a little bit......"

Silver interrupted, "Well I'm not sure how often I will be coming back down here so if you want to ride with me, I won't be coming back here every time you get homesick."

Before Sweetie could reply they arrived at the sweets shop and headed in. When they got to the counter they looked at all the treats with smiles on their faces. Silver asked, "So Sweetie, what's my limit?"

Sweetie replied, "Would ten bits be ok?"

Ten bits was nothing in the eyes of Silver but she knew that Sweetie was not as wealthy as she was, "Yeah, that will be ok."

The two placed their orders and headed to a table where they got down to business. Silver asked, "So you want to ride with me up to and back from Canterlot?"

Sweetie replied, "Yeah. I figured since we're both studying the same thing that our schedules will be similar so it might be convenient for you."

Silver rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I'm sure it would but like I said, I won't be coming back every weekend. That isn't going to be a problem is it?"

Sweetie replied, "No, not at all. I know we'll be traveling when it is convenient for you."

Silver added, "And I won't take you on special shopping trips either. If you want to go shopping, you'll do it when I do. Is that alright?"

Sweetie replied, "Yes, it will be just fine." She then asked, "So am I going to have to chip in for gas or anything?"

Silver did a facepalm over this question. She sighed, "Yes, it would be nice if you could once in a while. I won't expect it tomorrow but don't be expecting free rides all the time."

Sweetie replied, "Alright, I understand that."

The two then got to talking about regular, everyday things while they finished their treats. After another thirty minutes of talking they finished their treats and Silver took Sweetie home. Before she got out of her car, Silver grabbed Sweetie's shoulder and asked, "How does 630 sound to you?"

Sweetie replied, "630 sounds good."

Silver said, "Good." Just as Sweetie was getting out, Silver swatted her butt and continued, "Alright Sweetie, see you in the morning."

Sweetie replied, "See you tomorrow."

Once Silver pulled away Sweetie felt a great sense of relief. She had her ride set up and knew what time she had to be ready so she headed up to her room and began to pack. She looked at all her clothes and began to wonder if there would even be enough room in Silver's car to transport all their clothes. Because of this, Sweetie decided that she would only pack her favorite clothes. While this would mean she would have to do laundry more often, she knew that Silver likely didn't have a ton of room.

Leaving Home

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Early morning arrived and Sweetie was down in the living room, waiting on Silver. Along with her was Rarity. Rarity saw that she only had a couple of suitcases with her and asked, "Sweetie Belle, don't you need more clothes than that? I doubt you're going to want to be wearing the same thing every other day."

Sweetie replied, "Sis, I have more than enough clothes and besides, I don't know how much Silver is taking so space might be a problem." She saw a look of concern growing on Rarity's face and continued, "What's wrong sis? You look worried."

Rarity replied, "I can understand why you aren't talking that many clothes but still, doing laundry that often will get expensive." She paused and continued, "And speaking of expenses, how are you going to afford all your textbooks?"

Sweetie replied, "Sis, I got a scholarship, remember?"

Rarity sighed, "Sweetie Belle, your scholarship only covers tuition along with room and board. It does not cover the cost of textbooks and other supplies."

Sweetie began to get nervous as she had not even thought about this. She began to panic, "What do I do sis? I can't just go up there and not have a way to get my books? What am I going to do?"

Rarity sighed, "Well I suppose I could take you up there...."

Sweetie interrupted, "But Silver is expecting me to ride up there with her! If I don't ride up with her today what if she was to take that as a sign that I didn't really want to ride with her, ever?"

Rarity threw her arms up in the air, "Fine, I suppose I could follow you two up there." She took a look at Sweetie's two measly suitcases and continued, "And maybe I can take you out to buy a few more outfits."

Sweetie jumped on her sister and said, "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Before Rarity could say anything they heard a horn honking. Sweetie said, "Oh, that's Silver Spoon. I better get out there."

Rarity grabbed her keys and followed her younger sister out the door. As soon as she saw this, Silver immediately frowned. She got out of her car and asked, "Two suitcases? That is it!" She took a closer look at Sweetie and noticed that she was dressed much more plainly than she was for their get together and continued, "And I thought you would have dressed nicer. You will be making your first impression at the university after all."

Sweetie replied, "Well I......."

Rarity could see that Sweetie was uncomfortable so she interrupted, "This is just what she put on this morning. I'm sure there will be nothing to worry about and besides, I'm following you two up there so I can buy her textbooks and perhaps a few new outfits."

Silver couldn't help but snicker a bit, "So Sweetie, are you going to just ride with your sister now or will you still be riding with me?"

Sweetie replied, "I'll still be riding with you. Rarity just wants to make sure I get my books."

Silver just rolled her eyes as she did not have such problems. Once they got the car loaded, Sweetie hopped in the car with Silver and took off, with Rarity following. As they were leaving town, Sweetie couldn't help but feel a bit nervous but she was not about to let Silver know that.

The ride up to Canterlot began as one full of uncomfortable silence, one which was making both uncomfortable. Finally Silver broke the silence, "So Sweetie, with us both studying music, think they'll put us in the same hall?"

Sweetie replied, "Maybe." She began to giggle, "What if they were to make us roommates?"

Silver gave her a slight smile, "Well that would make life easier for both of us." Her smile disappeared as she continued, "But I wouldn't count on it. Chances are we'll be lucky if we're put in the same hall."

Very soon the silence returned and both of them could tell that this agreement of riding back and forth was not going to be as easy and carefree as they had hoped so Silver turned on some music, the type of music that Sweetie thought only dingbats listen to, modern pop. While Silver was bobbing her head and singing to the sappy lyrics, Sweetie could only sit there trying her hardest to ignore the din.

After what seemed to be forever of listening to Silver's hideous music they finally arrived in Canterlot. While Silver had been there before, Sweetie had never been to Canterlot before. She looked at the grandeur of the city and said, "Wow, this place is huge and everything looks so fancy."

Silver rolled her eyes, "It's nothing special, I've been to places a whole lot fancier than this." She pointed at her radio and continued, "Less talking, more music."

While Silver's attitude sometimes seemed a bit unpleasant and occasionally downright bitchy, Sweetie secretly hoped that her and Silver would be put together so that at least she would have one person she already knew to talk to.

Arrival at Canterlot U

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At last Sweetie and Silver pulled into the parking lot of the college and got out of the car as Rarity parked next to them. They knew that before they could do anything else, they would have to check in at the front desk. They saw all the other students arriving heading straight to the front desk so they followed suit. They noticed the line was very long and Sweetie said, "Well it looks like we are going to have a long wait."

Silver sighed, "Yeah but we should be able to get everything taken care of today."

Rarity asked, "So what all do you have to do today?"

Sweetie replied, "Well at the front desk when we give them our names, they will give us the name of our advisor with the appointment time that has been scheduled for us and then send us to the housing department where we will be given information about where our dorms are and a key to the room."

Rarity knew that there was no way that all the advisors could get the appointments done in one day. Rarity asked, "So, if you're appointment is not today, I'm going to have to wait around here until you get your classes scheduled?"

Sweetie replied, "Well yeah."

Rarity sighed, "Sweetie Belle, I can not just afford to be away from the boutique for more than a couple days."

Silver chimed in, "Well you could always give her a few hundred bits for her books." She saw Sweetie give her a slight smile and continued, "And maybe a few hundred bits for new clothes. That way once she gets settled into her dorm you could just head home."

Sweetie added, "Yeah, you could always do that."

Rarity threw her hands in the air, "Seriously Sweetie, do I look like I have ATM flashing on my forehead?" She saw a slight look of frustration on her younger sister's face and continued, "Fine. I'll just give you a thousand bits. How does that sound?"

Sweetie's face lit up, "Really? Thanks sis.."

Rarity interrupted, "Don't go thinking I'm going to be giving you money all the time. Yes I'm turning a profit at the boutique but I just can't afford to give money to you on demand." She saw a big smile on Silver's face and finished, "And Silver Spoon, I only want her using this money on books, clothes and some gas money for you. I don't want you conning her into buying you things."

Silver replied, "Don't worry Rarity, I won't."

The wait in line seemed to take forever but finally they reached the front of the line. Silver Spoon was sent to the housing department and then the receptionist greeted Sweetie, "Name please?"

Sweetie replied, "My name is Sweetie Belle."

The receptionist typed in her name and continued, "You're from ^Appleton, correct?"

Sweetie replied, "Yes."

The receptionist gave her a slip of paper which gave her the name of her advisor and the time of her appointment. When Rarity saw this she was not pleased as Sweetie's appointment was not for a couple of days. Rarity sighed, "Well Sweetie, I guess I will just have to give you money for books because I can not afford to stay away that long."

Before Sweetie could reply the receptionist interrupted, "The housing department is down the hall, third door on the right."

The two nodded and headed down the hall. Like it was at the front desk, there was a very long line. Silver Spoon saw them get in line behind her and asked, "So Sweetie, who is your advisor?"

Sweetie replied, "Professor Matilda Songheart."

Silver said, "You too. Look's like we have the same advisor. My appointment is Wednesday at 1100, what about you?"

Sweetie replied, "My appointment is at 1030 on Wednesday."

Silver said, "Well it looks like we'll be able to go to her office together and then go get books together."

Rarity was shocked to see how Silver Spoon was behaving towards Sweetie, especially given how things used to be so long ago. She asked, "So you two are going to do all this together? Do you two plan on doing any other things together as well, such as the same classes?"

Before Sweetie could say anything, with a smile on her face Silver Spoon replied, "I hope so. We do know each other very well and it is nice to have a friend by your side."

Sweetie added, "Yeah, we are friends after all. Why wouldn't we?"

Rarity sighed, "Well I just remember how things used to be between you two....."

Silver interrupted, "Rarity, that was nearly ten years ago and we have all forgiven one another. Even Diamond Tiara became friends with her and her friends in the end."

Before Rarity could reply Silver was called back to find out where she would be living. Rarity asked, "Sweetie Belle, I know how you and Silver Spoon used to be, I remember how she used to mock you. Why is it all of a sudden that she is hoping you two can do so much together?"

Sweetie replied, "Like she said, those times are long gone and out of me and my friends, Silver and I did become closer than she did the others and even during our senior year, it seemed like Silver was closer to me than she was with Diamond Tiara."

Rarity sighed, "I know. I just hope she doesn't wind up taking advantage of you." She got closer to Sweetie and whispered, "I just don't want her to pretend to like you as more than a friend and con you into buying her things."

Sweetie's jaw dropped when she heard this, "Sis, you know that's not going to happen......"

Before she could finish her statement her and Rarity were called back. On the way back they passed Silver who gave Sweetie a huge smile. Once they got back to the worker's desk she asked, "Name?"

Sweetie replied, "My name is Sweetie Belle."

She typed in her name and pulled up her information. She asked, "You're from Appleton, right?"

Sweetie replied, "Yes, that is correct."

The worker continued, "We were initially going to put you in one of the dorms closest to the main campus but it looks like you have been moved to RaRa Hall at the last minute. That is where all the female performing arts majors live." She typed in some more information and continued, "And it looks like here just within the last couple minutes you have been moved to room 569 on the fifth floor so you can room with a student from your hometown."

Before Sweetie could say anything Rarity interrupted, "All female performing arts majors live there? So is it a girls' only hall?"

The worker replied, "Yes. All of the residence halls here are segregated by sex." While Sweetie had a smile on her face, a look of concern developed on Rarity's face and the worker could see it. She continued, "Don't worry about Sweetie. We used to have co-ed dorms but when President Celestia and Vice-President Luna took over, they changed that and grades here have improved dramatically."

Rarity sighed, "Oh alright. I just don't want my sister's college experience being watered down by segregated dorms."

The worker replied, "Don't worry, her experience will be just fine."

She motioned for them to get up and go. When they got back out to the hall Silver Spoon was standing their waiting with a beaming smile on her face. Rarity asked, "Silver Spoon, what's up with the smile?"

Sweetie added, "Yeah and where will you be living?"

Silver replied, "Well I will be in room 569 in RaRa hall." She began to giggle a little and continued, "Where will you be living?"

Sweetie replied, "Wait a minute, I'm going to be in that room too!"

The two embraced one another and it was at that moment that Rarity knew that her suspicions were correct, that Silver must have swayed the housing department to change where Sweetie would live. Whether she used her father's status to do it or what, she was not sure. Regardless of what it was though, Rarity couldn't help but wonder what Silver's true intentions were. Did she simply want to be with her friend more or did she have other, not so pleasant plans for her younger sister.

After a minute of embracing, Sweetie and Silver broke and headed towards the parking lot. Silver said, "Well Sweetie, let's go park in the lot, grab our stuff and get settled in."

Sweetie replied, "Sounds like a plan to me."

Rarity sighed, "A-hem Sweetie Belle?"

Sweetie asked, "What?"

Rarity replied, "Do I get to come with you so I'll know where you live or are you just going to toss me aside since you have your dorm key now."

Sweetie sighed, "Well uh...."

Rarity continued, "If you want that thousand bits for your books and clothes you'll let me come with you."

Sweetie rolled her eyes, "Alright, come on sis. Follow us."

As they drove to the hall's parking lot Rarity couldn't help but feel a sense of disgust. While she was happy for her sister, she felt like all she wanted was her money, that she didn't want to spend any time with her now that Silver Spoon wants her to spend a lot of time with her. Despite all of this though, Rarity tried to look happy.

Once they arrived in the lot Sweetie grabbed her two suitcases but was stunned when she saw that Silver had packed up five suitcases of clothes. Silver looked Rarity's way and whined, "I forgot how much I brought, I guess I'll have to make two trips."

Rarity, being the generous woman she was sighed, "Let me give you a hand with some of these."

Despite Silver having grabbed five suitcases of clothes, none of them were particularly heavy which caused Rarity to wonder what she was carrying in those things. She then took a closer look at Silver and realized that, outside of winter, she had never seen her in jeans or any kind of heavier shirt, that that was why they were so light.

When they got into their room both of them were in shock as it was larger than what they thought it would be. Sweetie would be the first to speak, "I call the bed closest to the window!"

Silver grabbed her and giggled, "Hey, that's not fair! You never even gave me a chance to say anything."

Sweetie snickered, "You gotta be fast!"

The two began to play fight giggling and smiling the whole time. All Rarity could do was hang her head low and wonder what was going on with her sister, how she could just be so carefree and playful with a girl that at one time hated her.

Neither of them were paying any attention to her until Rarity finally spoke up, "Well Sweetie, I suppose I'll give you your money now since you obviously don't want to even pay any attention to me, much less spend time with me."

She approached Sweetie and continued, "Hold out your hand."

Sweetie did as requested and Rarity began to count out 1,000 bits. Some of it was in 100s, some in 50s and some in 20s so that she wouldn't have exclusively bigger bills. Sweetie hugged Rarity and squealed, "Thanks sis! I love you so much!"

Rarity had a feeling that Sweetie was simply saying that to placate her since she gave her that much money but was not going to make a scene over it. She replied, "You're welcome Sweetie." She looked at her watch and sighed, "Well I guess I should get going. Maybe I can get a couple of hours work in at the boutique after all." She looked at Silver and added, "And you have a good day Silver Spoon. Good luck with your studies."

Silver replied, "Thank you Rarity. You have a good day as well."

Rarity closed the door and headed towards the elevators. Both Silver and Sweetie listened carefully for the elevators to open and close. When they finally heard the elevator close and begin its descent, they both began to celebrate. They engaged in a tight embrace and began to jump up and down.

Sweetie said, "Yes, finally! I will be away from home and not always have my sister watching me!"

Silver added, "And I won't have my father watching my every move." They both calmed down and Silver continued, "I'm guessing you are happier to get away from home than you have been letting on?"

Sweetie replied, "Yes and the fact that we get to room together makes me even happier."

Silver said, "Me too Sweetie, me too."

Sharing Garments and Secrets

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With Rarity now gone and it just being Sweetie and Silver alone in their dorm room, both felt like they could really let their hair down and plopped down on their beds. When they did this they realized something, neither had bothered to get any pillows, pillow cases, sheets or any other bedding they would need. Sweetie sighed, "Well it looks like we're going to have to go do some shopping sooner than we thought."

Silver replied, "Yeah that's true but how about we unpack our clothes and get them put away."

Sweetie nodded and they began to take on this task. She couldn't help but notice Silver watching her as she was unpacking her undergarments. Silver walked over and picked up one of her bras. She looked at it and giggled, "Wow Sweetie, I knew your girls are big but I didn't know they were this big!"

Sweetie gave her a confused look until Silver lifted her shirt up and continued, "You know, I think we might be the same size." She headed to her suitcase and grabbed one of her own. She held both up and continued, "Hmm....you're a 38F and I'm a 38F. Perhaps we should consider sharing bras."

Sweetie was unsure about this. While her and Silver were good friends, the thoughts of sharing such garments made her a bit uncomfortable. Silver saw this and added, "You know, there are plenty of girls who are close that do that when they are the same size."

Sweetie sighed, "Well maybe we could."

Silver then grabbed a pair of her own underwear and then a pair of Sweetie's. Before she would mention the size she gasped, "Seriously Sweetie Belle? You wear granny panties?" She tossed them on the floor and continued, "We're going to have to get you some thongs. You're 18, not 81."

Sweetie sighed, "Well you know those aren't cheap, I really don't want to have to spend anything until after I get my books if I don't have to."

Silver put her arm around her and continued, "Well we wear the same size so we can share those too, that way we won't have to buy so many." She began to giggle and continue, "Now let's see, maybe we can share skirts and shirts too!"

Sweetie sighed, "Well....."

Silver began digging in Sweetie's suitcases and found some of her more snug shirts and skirts and compared them to her own. She jumped on Sweetie and giggled, "We wear the same skirt and shirt size too! We can just buy clothes for the both of us and share!"

Sweetie shook her head, "I don't know about all this. Yeah it would save money but we really should have our own clothes." She began to get more frantic, "What if something was to happen and one of us had to move away? Who would get the clothes?"

Silver gave her a smile and replied, "Oh nothing like that's going to happen Sweetie, don't worry!" She nudged her and continued, "Who knows, we might be living together for a long time!"

Sweetie asked, "Like as in our whole time here? I'd be up for that."

Silver put her arm around her and continued, "Hopefully but maybe longer." She returned to digging through Sweetie's suitcase and pulled out her pajamas. She sighed, "Don't tell me you actually sleep in these things."

Sweetie replied, "I do sleep in them." She gave Silver a slight glare and continued, "What am I supposed to sleep in?"

Silver pulled out one of her night gowns and said, "You could always wear one of mine until you get your own." She tossed her night gown to Sweetie and continued, "Besides, they are so much cooler than those two piece things you wear."

This was really getting to Sweetie Belle. She tossed the gown on her bed and sighed, "Silver, I don't know what is running through your mind wanting us to share clothes but it just seems weird, especially sharing bras and underwear." She sighed deeper and continued, "I know some girls may do that but chances are they are much more than friends, they are probably......."

Before Sweetie could continue she found herself in a liplock with Silver. At first she didn't even know what to think but as Silver pulled her closer, Sweetie wrapped her arms around her. Finally it hit Sweetie, Silver saw her as more than a friend. Silver held her in the kiss for another minute before finally breaking it. Silver asked, "So Sweetie, now do you want to know why I think we should share everything?"

Sweetie asked, "Do you think......"

Silver interrupted, "Sweetie Belle, I am going to share a secret I have had for years." She pulled Sweetie closer again and continued, "I have had a crush on you ever since our freshman year in high school. I always wished that you and I could be girlfriends but I was always too afraid to ask."

Sweetie asked, "Really? Why were you afraid to ask?"

Silver replied, "Well you know how things are back in Appleton, how traditional things are and back then I was scared of how my father would react to me being in a lesbian relationship." She gave Sweetie another kiss before continuing, "But after telling him about this yesterday, he was perfectly ok with it." She began to giggle, "And he even helped make this happen!"

Sweetie asked, "Wait? Are you saying he is responsible for us rooming together?"

Silver replied, "Yes, he is. When I was talking to the housing rep earlier today and found out that I wouldn't even be in the same hall as you. I was devastated so I called my dad, he talked to the rep and got things changed so we could room together."

Sweetie's jaw dropped open. Never once did she realize that Silver would go that far just to make sure that they could room together. After hearing this, Sweetie too knew that she could open up. She asked, "Silver, can I tell you something?"

Silver replied, "Yeah, you can."

Sweetie began, "You know how you said you've had a crush on me since our freshman year? Well I've had one on you since then too but I was always afraid to approach you because I worried that Diamond Tiara might do something to me."

Silver replied, "Oh had she tried I would have put her in her place." She looked Sweetie straight in the eyes and continued, "All this time, if we would have had the courage to tell one another."

Sweetie replied, "Yeah but we can't go back and change the past. We can just take what we have now and go from here." She looked down and asked, "So are we just college girls crushing on one another or......"

Silver interrupted, "Well I was kind of hoping that you'd be my girlfriend."

Sweetie's heart exploded. She never imagined that the one she had had a crush on for four years would even think such a thing, much less bring it up. She jumped into Silver's arms and squealed, "Yes! Yes, I'd love it if we were girlfriends!"

Silver walked to Sweetie's bed and held up the night gown she had tossed down and asked, "So now would you want to share clothes with me?"

Sweetie replied, "Yes, I would love to!"

Silver looked at the beds and continued, "But we probably better still get ourselves some bedding. I really don't think we want to be laying on a mattress without any covers or any pillows."

Sweetie added, "Agreed, let's get going."

As they were getting ready to leave Silver grabbed her and said, "Sweetie, I think you should wear something other than that shirt and those jeans on our shopping trip."

Sweetie asked, "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

Silver grabbed her butt and replied, "This will be our first time out together as girlfriends! We should dress somewhat similar."

Sweetie sighed, "I don't know." Silver gave her puppy dog eyes and stuck out her bottom lip, causing Sweetie to break, "Oh alright, let me find something."

Silver tossed her a skirt and a snug shirt, ones that matched hers exactly. She replied, "Here you go, we can be twins!"

Sweetie laughed, "Yeah, we can!"

Sweetie headed into the bathroom to get changed. Once she came out Silver whistled, "Oooh....sexy!"

Sweetie grabbed Silver's chest and added, "You too, you too!" She looked at the door and continued, "Well, shall we?"

Silver replied, "Yes, lets get going."

The two left their dorm happier than they could ever remember. What mattered to them at that moment was that they had one another and knew that if they put their minds to it, that they could accomplish anything.

First Shopping Trip

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After somewhat getting unpacked, Sweetie and Silver headed out to do some shopping. As they headed towards the parking lot other students couldn't help but stop and stare at the two as they were arm in arm, hand in hand, smiling and giggling. While this brought smiles from some people, others couldn't help but react to it negatively.

One girl shouted, "Get a room lesbos!"

It wasn't only females that they attracted the attention of, they also attracted the attention of a couple upperclassmen males. One shouted, "Oooh....sexy! Wanna hang out?"

Another shouted, "Hey girls, are you taken? If not, we'll gladly take you!"

Both gave them a glare and Silver grunted, "Sorry losers but were taken."

Sweetie grabbed Silver's butt and added, "By each other so leave us alone."

The two guys threw their arms up in frustration and one said, "Why? Why is it that the hottest ones are always lesbians?"

The other sighed, "Yeah they take each other and leave us with the plain Janes." He began to laugh, "Oh well, they're always more desperate and will take any attention they can get."

Once they got to the parking lot Sweetie sighed, "Ugh, what assholes. You'd think they'd know that just by the way we act, that we're together."

Silver said, "Well that's how college boys are. All they know how to do is think with their damn dicks. It's no wonder President Celestia segregated the dorms."

Sweetie added, "Too bad there wasn't a separate campus for them, on the east coast!"

Silver sighed, "Well, we'll have to put up with them....unfortunately."

As the two drove into the business district they began to look for stores where they could get some bedding. Silver Spoon was looking for more expensive places while Sweetie Belle was looking for some place more affordable. Eventually Silver pulled in front of a store that sold various kinds of products, one which looked rather fancy.

Sweetie saw this and asked, "You want us to go here?" She became a bit frustrated and continued, "I was thinking that we could go to the MegaMart and get stuff for an affordable price."

Silver gagged, "MegaMart, ewww! I want us to have the finest bedding out there."

Sweetie asked, "Look, I don't want to spend all my money and not be able to afford books."

Silver pulled out her credit card and replied, "Don't worry, father told me I can use the credit card as long as I don't go overboard. I'll buy yours for you." She then began to giggle, "And then I can get us more matching clothes," Her voice became very seductive as she continued, "Matching everything, including matching night gowns!"

Sweetie's pupils shrank, "Well I don't want to owe you anything. I don't like being in debt to others."

Silver replied, "Think of them as gifts and besides, we're going to share everything, remember?"

Sweetie sighed, "Yeah I remember."

The two headed into the store and grabbed a cart. While Sweetie wanted to head straight back to the bedding, Silver decided they should stop in the undergarment section first. She began looking through the items and found something she liked. She held up the most revealing night gown she could find and asked, "Hey Sweetie, what would you think of this?"

To Sweetie it seemed a little too revealing but realized that the only one that would see her in it would be Silver so she reluctantly agreed. Silver continued to find ones that she liked and was able to pressure Sweetie into agreeing that they would be good for them. She headed to the underwear section and the bras and was able to do the same with them.

As they headed towards the skirts Silver poked Sweetie and giggled, "You know, we're going to be so hot together!"

Sweetie said, "But we haven't even got our tops and bottoms."

Silver sighed, "Bottoms? I think we should just stick to skirts, bottoms as you call them are for tomboys like Scootaloo and Apple Bloom and we are not tomboys!"

Sweetie had a feeling that if she did not go along with Silver that she may have to unnecessarily spend some of her own money so she eventually agreed with her. Once they finished throwing their clothes into the cart they headed to the bedding area. This also was one thing they would not agree on. While Sweetie headed to the plaid sheets, Silver headed to the much thinner, much cooler sheets. She began to giggle, "Maybe we should just buy one set of bedding, we could share the same bed too!"

Sweetie vaguely heard her and asked, "Silver, what did you say?"

Silver giggled, "Maybe we only need one set of bedding and pillows for one bed."

Sweetie had a feeling as to where this was headed, "Silver, we really need two sets of bedding and I am getting plaid sheets, even if I have to pay for them myself."

Silver raised her voice so she could get everyone's attention, "Sweetie, we already share our bras, thongs and everything else so we may as well share the same bed."

Sweetie's jaw dropped as Silver had attracted the attention of pretty much every customer in the store. She had never felt more embarrassed in her life. One customer said, "We don't need to know about your personal lives."

Another gagged, "Gross. You two are disgusting."

The clerk said, "If you don't quiet down about your personal lives, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Silver sighed, "Oh alright."

While Sweetie had bent on everything for Silver so far, she grabbed some bedding and said, "Look, I'm getting my own bedding. There may be nights that I need some personal space."

While Silver had a strong feeling that Sweetie would not budge, she figured she could try to sway her decision. She stuck her bottom lip out and whined, "Please Sweetie, it would save us money if we only got one set and besides, we couldn't bond as much if you're in your own bed."

Sweetie threw her arms up in the air and sighed, "Oh alright, we can do it that way."

Silver grabbed Sweetie, kissed her and cheered, "Thank you Sweetie! I can't wait until tonight!"

Again the clerk gave them a disapproving look, causing Silver to go quiet. What Sweetie thought would be maybe a one hour shopping trip at most turned out to be three hours but that wasn't the most concerning thing for her. The total of everything they bought wound up being over 1,000 bits and just like it was nothing, Silver pulled out her credit card. Sweetie asked, "Aren't you worried your dad will be upset over you spending so much money at once?"

Silver laughed, "Oh he won't mind. If he asks about it I'll tell him it was for essentials."

Once they left the store Sweetie couldn't help but bring up her behavior, "Silver, I can't believe you would just go announcing to the world that we share all our clothes. Aren't you worried about what people might think about us?"

Silver laughed, "Sweetie don't be so melodramatic. Besides, it doesn't matter what they think of us and it's not like their opinion of us matters anyway."

Sweetie sighed, "Oh alright. Let's get back to campus and get our new clothes put away."

Silver added, "And get OUR bed ready for tonight!"

As they headed back to campus Sweetie couldn't help but feel a little frustrated, not so much over the clothing thing but over the bedding issue. While she did love Silver and looked forward to their nights together, she did still wonder about what would happen if they got into a fight and didn't want to sleep together.

First Experiences

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Once they got back to campus they began to carry all their new stuff up to their dorm room, again attracting unwanted attention, from the same people as before. As they were watching them walk by, Sweetie gave them a death glare which caused them to turn their attention away for the most part, except for the same guys that whistled at them earlier.

One of them asked, "Hey girls, want some help carrying that stuff up to your room? It looks awfully heavy."

Sweetie did not want to have to deal with them at all. She snapped, "No, could you just leave us alone?" As the two began to walk away Sweetie continued, "Besides, you know how President Celestia feels about BOYS going into the WOMEN'S dorms."

The guy grunted, "Oh yes, that sexist bitch hates it. How could I forget about that."

Silver gave Sweetie a nervous look and suggested, "You know, I think we really shouldn't be so rude to them. What if they were to decide to jump us together and do something really bad?"

Sweetie grunted, "Well maybe we need to get some pepper spray to protect ourselves from them. One spray to the face and that will stop them in their tracks."

Silver sighed, "Well let's just get up to our dorm room before you potentially make us the targets of any other boys."

Sweetie nodded and while it took them a while, they were finally able to get everything up into their dorm. Once they got the door shut Silver embraced Sweetie and said, "You know, our advising appointments aren't until Wednesday. I'm thinking that perhaps we should just shut ourselves in here until then."

Sweetie wasn't exactly sure about this since they did have a meal plan. She asked, "Silver, we have a meal plan and I know we'll get hungry." Sweetie's stomach began to growl and she continued, "To be honest, I'm hungry right now."

Silver planted her hand on Sweetie's butt and laughed, "Oh we can order pizza. That way we won't have to leave our room, we can just be together with no one else bothering us." She then began to giggle, "Besides, I know of other things we can eat!"

Sweetie had a feeling about what she was talking about and sighed, "True but we will need something more substantial than that and besides, what if we was to not like the taste of each other?"

Silver laughed, "Oh I'm sure we will." She began to get the bedding out of the sacks and continued, "Well shall we get our bed fixed?"

Sweetie replied, "Yeah, let's do that."

The two began to fix the bed and while they were doing it, Silver began to undress. Sweetie saw this and asked, "Silver, you're already undressing? Can't you wait until we get it done?"

Silver laughed, "I look at it this way, the less I have on, the quicker you and I can start to have fun!"

Sweetie just sighed and they continued to get the bedding on. By the time they had the bed all ready, Silver was completely nude giving Sweetie seductive looks. Sweetie gave her a nervous grin and laughed, "You know it's still daylight, right?"

Silver rushed to the windows and pulled the shades, causing Sweetie to stand there in a state of shock, "Silver Spoon, why would you run right up to the window naked? What if someone saw you?"

Silver replied, "Don't be such a worry wart Sweetie." She grabbed a hold of her and continued, "Stand still."

Sweetie did as instructed and Silver began to undress her. The first things she took off was her shirt and her bra. Silver began to grope her breasts, pressed her own up against them and giggled, "Ooooh, sexy!" She began to rub hers against them and continued, "You know Sweetie, I think my girls love yours!"

Sweetie let out a nervous laugh as Silver began to suck on them, bringing out a much more pleasurable response, "Oooh Silver, that feels so so good!" Sweetie began to press Silver's face further into her and continued, "Don't stop Silver, please don't stop."

Silver wrestled her face out of Sweetie's hold and replied, "Oh I have much, much bigger plans, plans that will put this to shame."

She again let out a nervous laugh as Silver continued to undress her, moving her sucking lower and lower as she went. Once she got her underwear off, she threw them around her neck and began to lick her lips. She began to move her face in and continued, "Ooh, it looks so tasty, it looks so needy!"

She began to suck on her causing a huge gasp from Sweetie. Silver had much bigger plans than just this though as she began to run her tongue up in her. Sweetie gasped, "Si-Sil-Silver!" Silver continued on her mission to give Sweetie the experience of her lifetime as she wrapped her arms around her and began to caress her butt.

Sweetie began to moan loudly as Silver's sucking became more intense and her fingers began to move into her crack. Sweetie knew where her lover's fingers were headed and despite being very unsure about it, decided to let her continue because the whole experience felt so good. Finally Silver began to run her fingers in Sweetie's behind causing her to squeal, "Si-Si-Silver!"

Just as Sweetie was about to climax, Silver pulled away. Sweetie asked, "Silver, why did you stop? That felt so good!"

Silver grabbed her hand and led her to the bed, "Because I think this would be much better if we experienced this together."

Sweetie smiled, "True, very true. Besides, I want to taste you so badly!"

Silver knew that she was beginning to rub off on Sweetie given that just earlier she was unsure about things but now wanted to do this with her. She laid Sweetie on the bed and laid next to her. She pulled her close and said, "I think we should wait for a little while. You were so close to orgasm and I don't want you cumming way before me."

Sweetie nodded and the two locked in a tight embrace, the type of embrace that was making both feel like they were on top of the world. After an hour Silver broke the embrace, looked down towards Sweetie's prize and asked, "Are you ready?"

Sweetie nodded and the two began to move their faces into one another and Sweetie was full of excitement. She couldn't wait to taste her girlfriend and when her lips met her womanhood, she got her first taste and what a sweet taste it was. Sweetie immediately began to run her tongue up in Silver and moaned in delight as Silver again had her tongue up in her.

Soon both began to run their fingers in the other's cracks and moved further in. Sweetie waited in excitement as Silver's fingers moved closer and closer in and Silver couldn't wait for Sweetie to do the same to her. As their fingers entered, both squealed in delight. They buried their faces in deeper and deeper the further their fingers went up into one another. Their squealing became louder and louder until something crossed Sweetie's mind. She pulled out and asked, "Silver, I don't think we should be so loud! What if other people were to hear us? We could get kicked out and expelled!"

Silver pulled out and replied, "Well no one else on this side of our floor has arrived yet but you do make a good point, we better not be so noisy."

After agreeing to this they quickly got back to work on one another, while it was hard for them, they managed to keep their noises to a minimum. As Sweetie had inserted her fingers as far back into Silver, she began to whine, "Swe-Swee-Sweetie, I gotta, I gotta!"

Sweetie knew what to expect, she readied herself for the nectar that was about to flood into her mouth. Just as this happened, Silver moaned, "Sweeeeeetie!"

Sweetie began to moan in delight as the nectar began to flood her mouth. To her it was the most wonderful thing she had ever tasted. After she had swallowed most of it she began to run her tongue deep into Silver hoping to get some more. Soon her moaning became louder, "Sil-Sil-Siiiiiiiilver!"

As Silver began to guzzle the warm liquid she continued to run her fingers as deep as she could in Sweetie. Her walls felt good around her fingers and she could tell by Sweetie's continued moaning, that she was really enjoying it. Eventually darkness set in and the two decided to end their erotic moment. Sweetie pulled out and gasped, "Oh my goodness Silver, I have never felt anything so wonderful in my life!"

Silver added, "Oh Sweetie, I never imagined I would feel anything so wonderful." She sat up, pulled Sweetie close and continued, "You are truly something Sweetie, truly something." She pulled her closer and finished, "I love you Sweetie Belle, I love you with all my heart!"

Sweetie was shocked. While she knew that Silver had been crushing on her for years and that they were girlfriends, she never expected her to say what she did. At first she didn't know how to react but she replied, "I love you too Silver Spoon, I love you more than anything."

Both their stomachs began to growl and they couldn't go to the cafeteria given how late it was. Sweetie asked, "Well, think we should order some pizza or maybe go out? I don't know about you but I'm really hungry."

Silver replied, "I'm really hungry too." She gave Sweetie a seductive smile and continued, "I think we should just order pizza, that way we won't have to go out."

Sweetie giggled, "Oh I see, you're thinking about pizza for supper and then each other immediately after!" Silver gave her a huge smile and continued, "But, we are going to be completely dressed when the pizza gets here. We are not going to let anyone see us naked or even just in our night gowns."

Silver agreed, "Yeah, that would be for the best. The only ones that should see us like that is each other."

Sweetie nodded and ordered the pizza. She was still in shock about their experience earlier that day but knew one thing for sure, that Silver had captured her heart and that she had captured Silver's. She immediately began to think of all sorts of other things they could do together, things she was certain Silver would like.

Advising Day

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Breakfast Time

After a full day and then some of erotic moments and pleasure that neither one could ever imagine, Wednesday arrived and the time for Sweetie and Silver to sign up for their classes. While most students got their catalogs with the class schedules in them the day they moved in, Sweetie and Silver had been so lost in one another that they didn't even think about it.

Before they headed to see their advisor, the two finally decided to make use of their meal plan. On their way to the cafeteria they clung to one another as normal and received the same snide remarks from the girls and the same cat calls from the boys. Neither one of them cared though, they loved one another yet they did have different mindsets. Silver wanted to flaunt the fact that they belong to one another while Sweetie wanted to be just a tad more subtle.

When they got to the cafeteria they began to go to the various stations. While Sweetie Belle was impressed, Silver Spoon was not so thrilled, "Ugh, scrambled eggs, self serve bacon? You have to make your own toast?"

Sweetie was surprised that Silver would be acting like this, "Silver, you act like this is horrible. It is amazing! We can take as much food as we want and not have to pay a thing."

Silver sighed, "Yeah you're right but I'm just used to finer things."

Sweetie knew it was a lie, "Well that pizza we've been eating since Monday night isn't exactly fine. You should be happy that we're getting three hot meals a day that are covered by our scholarships."

Silver sighed, "Yeah, you're right but still," She then grabbed Sweetie's butt and giggled, "but the best meals can only be had in our dorm!"

Sweetie saw that everyone else was giving them disapproving looks and held her head down in embarrassment as one girl grunted, "We don't want to know about your disgusting personal lives, especially in the cafeteria."

Silver sighed, "Look, I'm sorry ok? This is just how my girlfriend and I talk."

The girl sneered, "Whatever, just don't talk about it around me."

The two headed off to get some eggs in completely different moods. Silver planted her hand on Sweetie's butt and walked proudly while Sweetie was just trying to hide behind her hair. Silver saw this and asked, "Sweetie, why are you trying to hide? People need to know that we are an item." She stuck her bottom lip out and continued, "Please grab me too."

While Sweetie really didn't want to right there in the cafeteria, the bottom lip cased her to cave in and she did the same as Silver. Carrying their trays with one hand did prove to be difficult but they did make it. Once they got sat down Sweetie asked, "Silver, come lunch time think we should just walk together and carry our trays with both hands? Lunch is heavier than breakfast after all."

Silver sighed, "Oh alright, I just want everyone to know we're an item."

Sweetie looked around and saw everyone staring at them, some with looks of disgust, some with looks of shock and a few with smiles, obviously happy that they are not afraid to show their love in public. Sweetie replied, "I think everyone who has seen us already knows we're together."

Sweetie nodded and began to eat her meal. While she did love Silver dearly, she couldn't fathom how her girlfriend would just want to flaunt it and think they should grope one another out in public, no matter who was watching.

Advising Time

Once they finished eating they decided they would try to navigate their way to their advisor's office since they had never been there before. After what seemed to be forever they arrived at her office, with just five minutes to spare.

Soon the door to their advisor's office swung open as her latest student had completed, she headed out and was met by the two. She asked, "Which one of you is Sweetie Belle?"

Sweetie nodded and headed into Professor Matilda Songheart's office. She closed the door and pulled her file up on her computer. She said, "I see this is your first semester here so what classes you will take are mostly determined but we need to schedule which sections you want to be in." She gazed at Sweetie, who had nothing with her and continued, "Do you have a schedule catalog with you?"

Sweetie replied, "Well no."

Matilda sighed, "Seriously, you don't? Most students either get one in the mail or at the latest pick one up at the front desk and try to figure out a schedule." She grabbed one from the side of her desk and sighed, "You're lucky I have one here."

Songheart continued, "Well since you are a music major, you need to take beginning music, Music 1000."

She handed the book to Sweetie to show her the various times that the course would be offered. There were multiple times the course would be offered so Sweetie chose the one that would be in the middle of the afternoon, one that would be taught by Matilda. She handed the book back to her advisor and asked, "What other courses are mandatory?"

Matilda flipped the book open to the English courses and told her that she would need to take one of those. Sweetie asked, "English? But I already know how to speak it!"

Matilda sighed, "Sweetie, it is about grammar, word usage and everything else involved in the language." She saw a look of disgust on Sweetie's face forming and continued, "Look, I'm not the one who sets the requirements for what you have to take. I just help you make your schedule so pick a section you would like."

Sweetie chose one in the mid morning and continued on with what other courses she would have to take. One thing that did relieve her though was that she was allowed one elective. Sweetie Belle didn't want to take anything too difficult and also thought about what Silver Spoon would like as she hoped that she could take it with her. After looking for ten minutes she finally decided on public speaking since it did involve putting herself in front of others and thought that Silver would like it.

At the end of her appointment, she had signed up for five classes, fifteen credits. As Matilda was printing out her schedule, the very first thing Sweetie thought about was what all Silver would take. Then it hit her, she would simply hand her print-off to Silver and suggest that she take the same things so that they wouldn't be parted. As her appointment closed she was led to the exit. When she got out she handed her print-off to Silver and suggested, "Sign up for the exact same things as me if you can."

Silver winked at her as Matilda asked, "Are you Silver Spoon?"

Silver replied, "Yes, I am." She swatted Sweetie's butt and said, "I'll do my best to sign up for the same thing."

Matilda rolled her eyes when she saw Silver with Sweetie's schedule and sighed, "I take it you two are girlfriends and want the same schedule?"

Silver replied, "Yes I would, if it is possible."

Matilda grabbed the schedule and began to enter Silver into the classes. After five minutes she handed Sweetie's schedule back to her with a smile. She then printed off Silver's and said, "Well that was easy, I was able to get you in every class Sweetie is in."

Silver smiled, "Thank you so much! My girlfriend and I can't stand to be apart so we decided on the same schedule."

Matilda rolled her eyes, "Well I may not always be able to get you the exact same schedule so next time you may not be as lucky." She led Silver to the door and led her out. She saw Silver and Sweetie kiss and embrace over getting the same schedule. She raised her voice and continued, "And DO NOT go doing stuff like that out in public on campus. What you do in the privacy of your dorm room is one thing but public displays of affection are generally frowned upon here."

Sweetie replied, "Don't worry, we'll stop." She grabbed her schedule from Silver and continued, "Well shall we go to the bookstore and buy our books?"

Silver replied, "Yeah those and all the supplies we need," she nudged Sweetie and continued, "and then get back to our dorm and do what's important!"

Sweetie smiled, grabbed Silver's hand and they took off. As Professor Songheart watched them walk off, all she could do was sigh in disgust. While she had had other couples as her students and had advised together, she had never seen ones like this. Given that they would be taking two classes with her all she could do was sigh, "I hope they don't act like this in class."

Trip to the Bookstore

Once they were done with their advising appointments the two headed to the bookstore with schedules in hand. As they headed there they couldn't help but wonder how they would know which books to get. Once they arrived at the bookstore they saw tags on the books that specified which class they were for. When Sweetie saw this she sighed, "Thank goodness, I was kind of worried that we wouldn't know which ones to get."

Silver replied, "Well even if they didn't have these tags, I'm certain someone would have led us to the books we would need."

The two were shocked though when they saw the prices of the books. Sweetie gasped, "What? $140 for a textbook, seriously?"

Another student walking by said, "I take it you're a freshman."

Sweetie replied, "Yeah, we're both freshmen."

The student said, "Well you may want to check out the used books, they are cheaper."

Sweetie replied, "Thanks for the advice." She the turned to Silver and asked, "Think we should look at the used......"

Silver gasped, "Used text books? Ewwwww. You really want us to use a book that was used by some other student?" Her face turned pale as she continued, "What if they left some sort of nasty disease on them?" She stood there with a disgusted look on her face but then suddenly a huge smile developed, "Sweetie, I have the perfect idea!"

Sweetie asked, "What?"

Silver replied, "We have the same classes so we could always just share our books! It would save a ton of money if we only had to buy one of each." She put her arm around Sweetie and asked, "What do you think Sweetie? Isn't this a great idea?"

Sweetie sighed, "I don't know Silver. What if we have to study and we're not together? What if we can't sit next to one another and even if we do, it will be a bit difficult for us to put the book between us, read and pay attention to the lecture."

Silver again planted her hand on Sweetie's butt, "Sweetie Belle, we are ALWAYS together." She raised her voice a bit and continued, "We have not been apart for even one second ever since we got up here."

Sweetie sighed, "Fine. So who is going to be buying our books, me or you?"

Silver replied, "Sweetie, I have my father's credit card so I will be buying them." She began to look around at the other things and continued, "And don't worry, I will buy us everything else we need. You save your money."

Sweetie asked, "For what? I really think I should have our own books."

Silver whined, "Oh ok Sweetie Belle, I was just thinking that maybe we could save money and then go on a fun trip later." Her eyes grew wider and her whine got worse, "But if you don't love me enough to take us on a wonderful and fun trip, I understand."

Sweetie threw her hands up in the hair, "Fine! We'll do things your way."

Silver hugged Sweetie and they proceeded to get their books and despite the high costs, Silver also paid for their notebooks, pens, pencils, book bags and all the other supplies that they need. While Sweetie knew that they could have got their supplies for a fourth of the cost at MegaMart, she knew that Silver would guilt trip her if she even mentioned it.

Once they left the bookstore Silver was ecstatic. She wrapped her arm around Sweetie and said, "Now we can get back to our dorm and focus on what's important!"

Sweetie asked, "It is lunch time, don't you think we should eat something first?"

Silver sighed, "Yes but after that, we're locking ourselves in our dorm again until Monday. You have no idea how wonderful yesterday was, with it just being us." She pulled Sweetie close and whispered, "And four whole days of it just being us will be even better!"

Sweetie asked, "But what about eating? Like I said before, we have meal plans so we may as well use them!"

Silver sighed, "Sweetie, we're not paying for them so what does it matter? Besides, like we did on Monday night, we can just get pizza." She grabbed Sweetie's butt and continued, "Besides, it is so much better if it is only us and no one else!"

As the two headed towards the cafeteria Sweetie sighed, "Alright, after lunch we'll go to our dorm and stay there until Monday."

While Sweetie was glad that she had Silver as her girlfriend and dorm mate, she couldn't help but wonder why Silver didn't want them out mingling with anyone else. While she did want to get to know some of the other students, it seemed like Silver just wanted them to isolate themselves from the others, that she wanted their lives to consist of one another and no one else.

First Day Of Classes

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After four days of locking themselves in their dorm, Monday morning finally arrived. Sweetie and Silver woke in a tight embrace and while Sweetie wanted to get up, get showered and get ready for breakfast and then class, when she tried to break from Silver's hold she couldn't. Sweetie said, "Silver, don't you think we should get up? We need to get ready for the day ahead of us."

Silver pulled her closer and then rolled on top of her. She replied, "Just a few more minutes, ok Sweetie. Our first class isn't until ten."

Sweetie sighed, "But we need to eat breakfast. You know we'll do better with full stomachs."

After several minutes of persuading her, Sweetie was finally able to get Silver to get up. While Sweetie was excited to get the day started, Silver was anything but excited. She groaned, "Oh alright Sweetie but I really hope we don't have to get up early every day."

Sweetie was less than thrilled as she wanted to get up early and eat breakfast. She replied, "But I'm hungry and like I said, we will do better with full stomachs."

Very quickly Silver realized that she could use this to her advantage. One thing she had realized is that Sweetie is surprisingly easy to persuade and cave in to what she wants. She grabbed Sweetie by the breasts and whined, "Well I will get up early every day with you if you'll do something for me."

Sweetie asked, "What?"

Silver turned Sweetie to her, stuck her bottom lip out and continued her whine, "If we can wear our hair in braided pigtails every single day. We already dress the same so we may as well wear our hair the same too."

Sweetie was not thrilled over this. She had already caved in to sharing all their clothes, sharing all their books, dressing the exact same, taking the exact same courses but this is one thing she didn't want to do." She threw her hands up, "Silver Spoon, can't we do just one thing different? Can't we have a little bit of our own personalities instead of one shared personality?"

Silver could tell that this simply wasn't working. She gave Sweetie one of those looks that is absolutely pathetic and whined, "Well if you don't love your girlfriend enough to wear your hair like her," she added a fake sniffle, "I understand."

Sweetie again caved in, "Oh alright, we'll wear our hair the same."

Silver jumped on her and squealed, "Thank you Sweetie! I love you so much!" She grabbed Sweetie by the hand, led her into the bathroom and continued, "Well I guess we better get showered because fixing our hair will take a while."

After showering, fixing their hair and dressing, the two head out to go and eat breakfast. Like they always do, they walked hand in hand, arm in arm proudly towards the cafeteria. Many of the students, even those who had seen them together before, were shocked to see them taking the whole twin thing to a new level. Every single thing about them was the same with the exception of hair color and Silver's glasses, they looked exactly alike.

One of the students that heckled them last week saw this and laughed, "So wearing the same clothes isn't enough huh? Now you have to be the ultimate lesbo twins and wear your hair the same too?"

Silver grunted, "Oh and what does it matter to you?" She groped Sweetie's breasts and continued, "Jealous?"

Sweetie added, "Yeah, wish you had us?"

The girl replied, "Ewww....not just no but hell no!"

The two grunted and headed to the cafeteria. Like it was the prior week when they went in to eat, everyone took a second look at the twinning girls, some in disgust, others in shock and some, primarily other girls in same sex relationships, gave them looks of adoration for being so bold.

After finishing breakfast they headed to their first class, English 1000. They saw that many students were beginning to fill up the classroom but what pleased them is that the back row was still empty. They figured that if they sat back there, that they could still hold hands, grab each other's legs and take notes all at the same time.

Once class got started while everyone else, including Sweetie Belle, was paying close attention to the professor and were taking notes, Silver Spoon became bored, very bored. What bothered her the most was that Sweetie was paying much more attention to the professor than she was her. She figured that she would need to change that so she put her arm around Sweetie, ran it under her shirt and snapped her bra strap.

Sweetie yelled, "Silver Spoon!"

This immediately brought about a reaction from the professor. She sternly said, "Ladies, I need to speak to you after class."

Both gave the professor a nervous grin and the lecture continued. After that, Sweetie was having a much more difficult time taking notes as she was worried about what their professor would talk to them about while Silver just sat there playing with her hair. Once class was over, the two headed down to talk to the professor.

When they arrived the professor was giving them a very stern look. She asked, "What was that all about?" She glared at Silver and continued, "May I ask why you snapped her bra strap?"

Silver found herself in a less than desirable situation but couldn't tell her the truth so she lied, "That's just what we do. We snap each other's bra straps. It is a form of affection."

Then it hit the professor, the girls standing before her are girlfriends. She gave them an intense glare and replied, "Well if you are going to be in my class you will not be doing things like this." She got in Silver's face and continued, "And you will pay attention and take notes instead of just sitting there bored out of your mind," She then got in Sweetie's face and continued, "instead of forcing your little girlfriend here to take notes for you."

Silver sighed, "Oh alright."

The professor could tell that Silver was not thrilled so she decided that she would make a threat. She added, "Perhaps I should separate you two. That way you won't be showing one another affection and you'll actually have to pay attention."

Sweetie gasped, "No! Please don't separate us! When we bought our books we only bought one since we're in all the same classes! Silver would be lost without me by her side!"

While the professor couldn't help but chuckle over what Sweetie told her, that was the least of her problems. She sighed, "Do us all a favor and just pay attention. This is college girls, not junior high." She pointed towards the exit and continued, "Now go, I have another class in five minutes and chances are you probably do too."

The rest of their day went by without incident and the two breathed a sigh of relief as they got done with their final class at 1600. As the two headed their dorm Sweetie sighed, "Silver Spoon, I still can't believe what you did this morning! You should know that we can't do stuff like that here."

Silver grabbed Sweetie's bra strap and snapped it. She replied, "But Sweetie, you were giving all your attention to that professor and taking notes instead of looking at me!"

While Sweetie had been doing nothing but caving in all the time she decided she had to stand up to her girlfriend a little, "Silver Spoon, we came here to learn and that is what I plan on doing. We have to keep our grades high if we want to keep our scholarships and stay together."

Silver replied, "Yeah you're right but I just want us to get back to our dorm and shut ourselves in. I don't want to have to be around all these other people any more than I have to."

Sweetie's stomach began to growl, "Well I don't know about you but I'm going to grab an early supper. If you want to join me then come on, if you want to starve, then go to our dorm and I'll be there later."

Silver did not like seeing Sweetie actually standing up to her given that she had been able to get her to cave in so much already so she decided she would do something to make Sweetie want to shut herself in. She faked a sniffle and whined loudly, "Ok Sweetie, if you don't love your girlfriend enough to want to be with her," she began to fake a cry, "I understand."

Sweetie looked up and a huge crowd had gathered around them and she could hear them snickering various derogatory comments towards them. The same girl that had been heckling them laughed, "Oh, are the lesbo twins fighting?"

Another student added, "I wonder how the makeup sex is when they fight like this?"

While Sweetie was beyond embarrassed, Silver was becoming angry. She snapped, "Oh you probably wish you could find out." She grabbed Sweetie's hand and continued, "Come on, let's get back to our dorm."

As the two stormed off they could hear students laughing about how Sweetie was clearly the sub and continued mockery of their twinning. Once they got back to their dorm Silver said, "Finally, we're all alone." She pulled Sweetie close and continued, "It is so nice to just be with the only person who matters!"

Sweetie was clearly not thrilled with the way Silver behaved but didn't want to anger her. She replied, "Silver, I honestly think we shouldn't act like we do. This is just the first day of class and we are already the butts of so many people's jokes." She stomped her foot down and continued, "We're known as the lesbo twins! All people are going to do when they see us is mock us and belittle us. They're going to make our lives miserable."

Silver gave Sweetie a tender kiss and replied, "Sweetie, who cares what they think of us? As long as we have each other, that is all that matters."

While Sweetie was not thrilled, she knew that her girlfriend did make a good point but she did want to know one thing. She asked, "Silver, I know it is important to you that we are together all the time but why don't you ever want to get to know anyone else? Don't you want to have a social life of some sort?"

Silver's head shot up when she heard this. She replied, "Sweetie, it would be nice but you said it yourself. We are known as the lesbo twins and everyone thinks we are a joke." Her voice became more intense as she continued, "Which would you rather have? Would you rather we get made fun of in social situations or would you rather us be content and stress free in here together?"

Sweetie sighed, "I'd rather we be in here together away from the name calling."

Silver grabbed her and replied, "Well let's just relax for now. After the day we had, I just want to hold you close and forget about all our troubles."

Mid-Term Time

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Lead Up to the Exams

Six weeks had passed since the semester began and the time for mid-terms was fast approaching. During this time of the semester, the library was much busier than normal and most students were spending a great deal of their time there, except for two. As Sweetie and Silver left their last class for the week, they both knew when all their tests would be, next Thursday and Friday. While they had been doing ok with their coursework, it was not good enough for them to maintain their scholarships if the semester were to end that day.

Both had nervous looks on their faces as they headed back to their dorm. Silver was the first to say anything, "Sweetie, what are we going to do? I haven't done really good in any of my coursework and I don't know if I know everything that will be in the mid-term."

Sweetie, while she grasped the material much more easily, still was not performing to what she considered acceptable. She replied, "Well I haven't done as well as I would like either and I am concerned as to whether I will do well on this or not." She became more frantic, "Silver, these mid-terms account for one-third of our final grade! If we don't do well on them we could lose our scholarships and have to go home!"

Silver grabbed Sweetie and giggled, "Don't be so melodramatic Sweetie. I'm sure everything will be fine!"

Sweetie grunted, "Yeah, as long as we study."

One of their classmates was walking by them and overheard some of what they were saying. While she wasn't overly fond of the two and their constant groping, she didn't want to see them fail. She interrupted, "You know, you may want to listen to your little girlfriend here. If you don't study, you're bound to fail."

Silver wasn't overly fond of someone else, especially someone who doesn't approve of their feisty behavior, trying to tell her what to do. She glared at the girl and grunted, "Who are you to tell me what to do? If Sweetie wants to help me study then fine, but I'm sure she'll find my sexy plans much more important!"

The girl sighed, "Well have fun failing, both of you!"

Silver gave the girl a scowl while Sweetie appeared to be frustrated, not over the girl's suggestion and snide reply but Silver's apathy towards their studies. As they headed back to their dorm Sweetie suggested, "You know Silver, I seriously think we should take her advice. I don't know about you but I do not want to lose my scholarship and have to return home."

Silver decided she would just placate Sweetie for the moment since she knew she could get her to cave in later, "Oh alright, perhaps we should study." She put her arm around Sweetie and continued, "As long as we do it together in our dorm room," she then whispered into Sweetie's ear, "as long as we do it naked or in our night gowns!"

Sweetie knew that Silver would not do it any other way so she agreed, "Fine but we are going to actually study! We are not going to only do a little bit and then engage in other activities."

Silver replied, "Oh alright."

Despite it being Friday night, the two decided to do some studying. They had five mid-terms coming up the following week and both knew their current grades would not be good enough to keep their scholarships. Despite her grades being somewhat better, Sweetie seemed more frantic in making sure she got her grades up to an acceptable level.

The two sat down at their desk and pulled out their basic music book and studied it first, given that was what both considered most important, especially since it was taught by their advisor. While they were studying it both of them were focused on the material. Once they felt they had studied it enough for that night they moved on to study English. While Sweetie remained absorbed in it soon Silver's attention would drift elsewhere. She found herself staring at Sweetie's breasts and couldn't help but lower head and began to suck on them.

Sweetie gasped, "Silver, we're supposed to be studying! How can we possibly study with you doing that?"

Silver began to grope her and whined, "But Sweetie, I was getting bored and your girls are so sexy! I just think we need a short little break."

Silver's whining is something that always causes Sweetie to cave. She sighed, "Oh alright, we'll take a short break. Key word, short! I want us back studying in fifteen minutes!"

Silver quickly grabbed Sweetie by the hand and led her to their bed, threw her down and immediately pounced on top of her. Silver began to rub her womanhood up against that of Sweetie and giggle, "Isn't this so much better than studying?"

Sweetie replied, "Oh yes, yes, it is!" Silver began to grind herself harder as Sweetie continued, "Oh Si-Sil-Silver this feels so good." Sweetie began to grind back but had her own reasons for doing it. Once she got Silver lost in a daze she rolled Silver on her back and got up. She then said, "Well now that that is over, it is back to studying."

Silver laid there in a state of shock. She did not expect Sweetie to use sexual tactics to get them back to studying. She stuck her bottom lip out and whined worse, "Pleeeease Sweetie, we have a whole week. It's Friday night and most girls like us are doing this! Let's just wait until tomorrow!"

Sweetie grunted, "No, it can not. I am doing this in the best interests of both of us!"

Silver sighed, "Oh alright, but after these mid-terms we'll do what I want us to do during our off time."

They got back to studying and the whole time they were studying, Silver continued to grope her and finger her. While it took a lot of will power to not let it distract her, Sweetie managed to get through the next several nights focusing on the material they were going over and all she could do was hope that Silver, despite focusing a lot on her body, was able to do the same.

Exam Time

Finally the end of the following week arrived and both girls felt like they were ready for their exams. On Thursday they had the exams for their easier courses while on Friday they had the exams for the more difficult courses. Their final exam of the week, the English exam was on Friday afternoon which caused all the students to be a bit distracted given that it was right before a four day weekend, one in which early next week they would meet with their advisors over how they did.

Sweetie and Silver both headed in to take the exam and the professor watched them and how they carried themselves. Despite being very distracted by Silver's sexual advances during their studying, Sweetie held her head up high and the professor noticed this. She then saw the nervous look on Silver's face and had a feeling as to which one of the two would do good and which one would not.

While they were taking the exam, Sweetie was tearing through it while Silver was sighing in frustration and tapping her pencil on the paper. Their professor saw this and shook her head in frustration. She just couldn't help but wonder how a girl who is so close to another girl who knew what she was doing would struggle so much. Finally an hour had passed and it was time to turn in their exams. When they turned their exams Sweetie gave the professor a smile while Silver did not want to make eye contact, she held her head low and simply hoped for the best.

Sweetie's Results

The following Monday would come all too soon and that was the day that they would meet with their advisors and learn what their grades were. As they woke up that morning their bodies were locked in a loving embrace. The first to say anything was Sweetie Belle, "Well Silver, are you ready to see how we did today?"

Silver rolled on top of her and sighed, "I don't know why Professor Songheart couldn't have scheduled our appointments for tomorrow. I wanted us to just be able to shut ourselves in today. I didn't feel like having to actually get dressed today."

Sweetie replied, "Well we have to so when the time for our appointments come we need to be there." She groped Silver's butt and giggled, "At least our appointments are one right after the other. After that we can go to the cafeteria and then come back here."

This wasn't exactly how Silver wanted it to be but knew that it was what she would have to deal with. Sweetie rolled Silver on her back, got off of her and continued, "Well let's get showered, get dressed, fix our hair and go grab a bite to eat. I'm hungry and I am in no mood for leftover pizza, again."

Silver was shocked that Sweetie was again being more assertive. While normally she knew she would be able to convince Sweetie that they should just eat that and stay in later, the look in Sweetie's eyes showed that that would likely not work this time. Once the two got ready they headed down to the cafeteria arm in arm, hand in hand like they always do and like they always do, they grabbed the attention of everyone with the things they did. By this time though, most people had decided to simply ignore them knowing that no matter how much they harassed them, that they would never change.

After breakfast they headed to their advisor's office and arrived just as her last appointment was getting over. She gave the two a stern look and sighed, "Arriving just barely in time I see."

Silver replied, "Well at least we made it on time. At least we weren't late."

^^Songheart pointed at a chair outside of her office and said, "Silver Spoon, sit here and wait. Sweetie Belle, follow me."

Both nodded and Sweetie headed into her office. As her advisor closed the door she said, "Well Sweetie Belle, I have the results of all your mid-terms and I must say, I am surprised."

Sweetie asked, "Why are you surprised?"

Songheart replied, "Despite the things that you and your girlfriend constantly do and the fact that you likely don't study much, you aced every single one of your exams!"

Sweetie's jaw dropped open, "Seriously, I did? Even though I didn't study a ton I still aced them?"

Songheart replied, "Yes, you did." She lowered her voice, motioned for Sweetie to lean forward and continued, "If only you could get your girlfriend to put as much effort into things as you, everything would be great."

Sweetie whispered, "Well with Silver Spoon it might be a bit more difficult but I will do my best. Maybe if I tell her we'll be parted she'll study harder."

Songheart whispered back, "Please do, I think both of you would be happier if she did." She leaned back and resumed her normal volume, "Now keep up the good work Sweetie, if you keep things up like this, you'll make the President's List."

Sweetie gasped, "Seriously? I would make the President's List?"

Songheart replied, "Yes, you would." She got up, opened the door and finished, "Keep up the good work."

Sweetie nodded and headed out of her office and Songheart came out and said, "Silver Spoon, I will see you now."

Silver's Results

Silver headed into Songheart's office to find her with a less than pleased look on her face. She closed the door and began, "Well Silver Spoon, I have the results of your mid-terms. While I am not surprised in the slightest, I am disappointed."

Silver asked, "And why are you disappointed? Sweetie did get me to study some before the exams."

Songheart gave her an intense look and continued, "You didn't fail any of them but as of right now you have a C in each of your classes and you know what that means don't you?"

Silver asked, "What?"

Songheart sternly replied, "If the semester were to end today you would lose your scholarship and to continue to go to school here, you would either have to have your parents pay for everything OR you would have to do what I advise against."

Silver asked, "And what is that?"

Songheart replied, "Take out student loans." She threw her hands up in the air and continued, "Look, I know how important it is to not just you but Sweetie Belle as well that you two are never parted but unless you get your grades up, chances are you will be." She leaned forward and continued, "And you don't want that, do you?"

Silver's eyes shrank, "Well......."

Songheart continued, "And think about this. If you don't want to do it for you, do it for Sweetie. If you love her as much as you claim to, you'll do anything to make sure you're not parted and that would include studying hard so you don't have to drop out."

Silver continued, "Well I'm sure my dad would pay for my schooling."

Songheart was not thrilled with her responses but believed that she could threaten her into studying. She threatened, "Well if that is the case, I'll make sure you're not in the same courses."

Silver shrieked, "What? You can't do that! That is against university policies, my dad will sue."

Songheart grabbed Silver by the collar and continued, "Look, if an advisor thinks something may be a threat to a student's well-being, whether it be academic or personal, a professor can intervene and I'll let you in on something. Sweetie has a great amount of potential and I do not want to see her potential being held down by someone who doesn't have her best interests in mind."

Silver turned pale and Songheart continued, "Now, will you get your grades up? Remember, Sweetie's happiness and performance will be affected regardless."

Silver gulped, "Ok, I'll study harder, much harder. I'll get my grades up, I promise."

Songheart replied, "Good." She opened the door and finished, "Now go, I'm sure you two have plans for the rest of the day."

Silver nodded and headed out where she was immediately hugged by Sweetie, "Silver, how are you doing?"

Silver replied, "I think it would be best if we discussed this alone."

Post Appointment Discussions

During their whole walk back to their dorm Silver was strangely quiet and unlike she normally does, she was not groping Sweetie in front of everyone. Once they arrived at their dorm Sweetie looked Silver in the eye and asked, "Silver Spoon, what is wrong? Why are you so quiet?"

Silver began to cry, "Sweetie, Songheart said that if the semester were to end today that I would lose my scholarship! I have Cs in all of my classes."

Sweetie sighed, "I told you that you need to study more. I told you that you need to pay attention when we have our study sessions in here."

For the first time in her life, Silver began to cry in front of anyone other than her father, "Sweetie, what am I going to do? I don't want to lose my scholarship and I don't want us to be parted."

Sweetie pulled her close and replied, "All you need to do is pay attention when we study together." She gave her a kiss and continued, "I know hard it is when we study naked so I'm thinking so that you can get your grades up, we should study fully clothed." She ran her hand up Silver's skirt and finished, "And then we can do everything we love so much, then we can immerse ourselves together as one."

Silver gave her a smile and sniffled, "Ok." She looked towards the door and continued, "So what should we do now? Do you think maybe we should go get some lunch and maybe try to get to know some people? Should we try to improve our image around here?"

Sweetie began to unbutton Silver's blouse, "No, I think we should just shut ourselves in. You are obviously distraught and I know what always makes you happy."

Silver asked, "Really?"

Sweetie replied, "Yes and given that I have a 4.0 right now, all you need is me to improve and besides like you have always said, as long as we have each other, that is all that matters."

As Sweetie continued to undress Silver, both couldn't help but be happy. Silver replied, "Alright, that sounds good to me."

Sweetie pulled Silver into bed with her and wrapped her body around hers. At that moment Silver realized that perhaps she had been too controlling and manipulative of Sweetie. While she was ecstatic that Sweetie simply wanted it to be them until classes started up again, the words of Songheart kept ringing in her head. She realized that if she didn't want to be parted from the girl who truly loves her, that she needed to improve.

Silver's Finals

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Several weeks had passed and winter had arrived in Canterlot. Not only had colder temperatures arrived, but so had the end of the semester. Things had changed a bit since mid-terms for both Sweetie and Silver. While they still did the full twin thing and clung together, Sweetie carried herself with a lot more confidence and Silver had begun to pay close attention in classes and study hard with her girlfriend.

When the final days of the semester arrived the students would be greeted with a pleasant surprise. Their professors put their grades up on a projector for them to see their grades and told them that if they were satisfied with their grades, that they could forego their final and take their current grade but if either their current grade was below a C or they simply weren't satisfied with it and wanted to improve it, they could take the exam.

On Friday afternoon in their English course, the professor did this. Sweetie looked up at her ID number and saw that she had an overall score of 97%, which was similar to her scores in her other courses. She whispered, "Well it looks like I don't have to take any finals at all!"

Silver looked up at hers and like it was with all the others, she had improved her grades into the mid 80s but to keep her scholarship, she had to have a final score in the 90s or 100. She sighed in frustration as she looked up at the results.

After they got out of class they headed to their dorm and Silver was more than just quiet, she wasn't even wanting to hold hands. Sweetie asked, "Silver, what is wrong? Normally you're wanting us to be clingy when we're out and about but you don't even want to hold hands!"

Silver threw her hands up in the air and sighed, "Sweetie, I'm just nervous. My grades aren't high enough for me to keep my scholarship and if I don't ace these upcoming exams, I'll lose it."

Sweetie sighed, "Well Silver, I told you early on in the semester that we needed to study hard but all you ever wanted us to do was have fun and immerse ourselves in one another."

Silver replied, "I know Sweetie. I should have listened to you." She began to become more frantic, "What if I don't ace them? What if I lose my scholarship and my father won't pay my tuition? What if we wind up being parted?"

Sweetie wrapped her arm around her and replied, "Silver, like I always do, I will help you study and you will ace those exams." She gave her a seductive look and continued, "and then we can have a very sexy holiday break!"

Silver wrapped herself around Sweetie and said, "I know you'll help me out with this so I guess I shouldn't worry so much."

Sweetie replied, "As long as you study hard and stay focused you will." Silver began to say something but Sweetie continued, "And I'm going to make sure you do. I do not want us being parted because of a couple of percentage points, alright?"

Silver held her head up high and said, "Alright Sweetie, I promise you that I won't lose that scholarship."

Sweetie swatted her butt and replied, "Good. Now let's go up to our dorm and we are going to study, alright?"

Silver nodded and they headed to their dorm. As they were walking, she couldn't help but notice the drastic change in Sweetie from the beginning of the semester. At the beginning of the semester Sweetie was a pushover but at this point, she had become far more confident and while she had a hard time even admitting this to herself, she found it rather attractive.

After a long weekend of intense studying, the following week arrived and while Sweetie was slow to get out of bed, it was Silver who was up early wanting to get going. She poked Sweetie early on Monday morning and said, "Sweetie, I have my English final in two hours! We need to get ready."

Given that she did not have to take the final and was still tired, this frustrated her. She grumbled, "Silver, I'm still tired and I don't have to take it. I just want to get some more rest."

While she had not been able to get Sweetie to cave in on anything for over a month, Silver decided that perhaps this would be her chance. She began to whine, "Well if you don't love your girlfriend enough to accompany her to her final...." she began to sniffle and whine louder, "I guess I'll fail and we'll wind up being parted."

Sweetie gritted her teeth and growled, "Fine but next semester let's try and not have this problem, alright?"

Silver threw herself around Sweetie and cheered, "Thank you Sweetie, I love you so much!"

Sweetie replied, "I love you too Silver."

After they showered and got dressed, they headed to grab some breakfast before Silver had to go to her exam. Sweetie saw that she was not grabbing a lot of food. She asked, "Silver, why aren't you getting much food? You have an important exam today and you need a full stomach."

Silver sighed, "Well I'm just really nervous and it is hard to eat when I'm nervous."

Sweetie put her arm around her and replied, "I know it is tough but just focus when it comes to the finals. I've helped you study hard and I'll keep on doing it but still, you need a full stomach alright?"

Silver grabbed a bit more food and said, "Alright."

Once they finished their breakfast Sweetie walked with Silver to the exam room. Once they arrived Sweetie gave her a smile and said, "Don't worry Silver, you'll do fine, you did a lot of studying."

Silver nervously replied, "I know Sweetie, I'm just nervous about what will happen if I don't ace these exams." She looked over her shoulder and saw the room beginning to fill up and continued, "Well Sweetie, I better get going."

Sweetie gave her a kiss and said, "Alright. Good luck Silver."

Silver nodded and headed into the exam room where she was greeted by some of the girls that had been heckling her and Sweetie throughout the semester. One asked, "So where is your twin, lesbo? Where is your lover?"

Another girl laughed, "Don't you remember, Sweetie's the smart one? Don't you remember she's the one who tells this one they need to study?" She began to laugh, "and I bet they study naked!"

Silver gave the girls a death look and snapped, "Well you obviously aren't any smarter since you have to take the final too."

Surprisingly this shut the girls up just as the professor walked into the room and began to pass out the exams. When Silver saw the length of the exam her pupils shrank. She began to wonder if, despite having studied hard, if she could pass it or not. As she began the exam she calmed down as the material that was in it she had studied. Throughout the exam she smiled after answering each question as she thought she got it right.

After an hour and a half Silver finished her exam and went to look for Sweetie. She couldn't help but feel nervous as some students began talking and she could hear the things they were saying, "Wow, she's alone," "Where's the lesbo twin?", "Did the lesbo twins have a fight?"

Finally she couldn't take it anymore and yelled, "Would you shut up? We didn't have a fight, I had a final, ok?"

The other students couldn't help but snicker as she stormed off looking for Sweetie. After an hour of searching, she finally found Sweetie casually watching TV in the commons area. Silver plopped down next to her and asked, "Sweetie, why didn't you wait for me? Why didn't you wait outside the exam room?"

Sweetie sighed, "Because I didn't feel like standing there for over an hour and a half and I just felt like relaxing."

Silver interrupted, "But it was so awful walking alone."

Sweetie sighed, "Well you're not alone now." She knew that Silver didn't have any more finals that day so she continued, "Let's get going." She leaned in and whispered, "Besides I'm sure that final stressed you out and I know exactly how to take care of that!"

Silver whispered, "Oh you do? You're such a naughty girl!"

The week was horribly long for Silver as she had a final on each day and by the time Friday came along, despite being confident that she did well on her exams, she still couldn't help but worry about whether she did well enough on them to keep her scholarship. All she could do was hope that when her grades came in the mail the following week that her GPA would be high enough to keep her scholarship.

Returning Home

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Arriving Home

After a long semester Sweetie and Silver were headed home for winter break. While they had become as close as they could possibly be that fall, the ride home was just as irritating for Sweetie as the ride up there was. All Sweetie could do was try to block out the din as Silver was bobbing her head and singing the lyrics of the pop music that she likes so much.

A couple hours later they finally arrived home in Appleton and Sweetie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Despite loving Silver dearly, she felt that having a little bit of time apart from her would be good. As they were going through town they passed Sweetie's house and this caused her a bit of concern. Sweetie asked, "Silver, we just passed my house. Weren't you going to drop me off?"

Silver put her arm around her and replied, "Don't worry I will." She began to giggle, "But I just thought that my girlfriend would want to see my bedroom! I thought you would want to see the place where I would finger myself and call out your name every night!"

Sweetie was flattered that Silver had been doing that before they went up to college so she replied, "Yeah sure, I would love to see it."

Once they arrived at Silver's mansion Sweetie asked, "Silver, do you think your parents will like me? Do you think they will think I'm good enough for you?"

Silver replied, "Oh don't worry about that. Father thinks I can't do a thing wrong so you'll be fine."

Sweetie nodded and the two grabbed hold of one another as they headed in. Once they got inside it was strangely quiet and none of the lights were on. Silver called out, "Mother, Father, are you here?"

They heard nothing but silence but Silver would be surprised when they headed into the kitchen and turned on the light. On the table was a letter along with an envelope. Silver picked up the letter and read it,

"Silver Spoon,

Your Mother and I had to go out of town over legal matters and we likely won't be back until you start classes again. Your Hearth's Warming gift is in the envelope on the table, feel free to do what you wish with it. If you need anything you can reach us at 011-28-6454-9910 ext. 297. You and your girlfriend have a Happy Hearth's warming.


Mother & Father"

Silver opened the envelope and was shocked by what she would find. In it was 10,000 bits. Silver squealed, "Wow, I can't believe it! My parents have never been this generous before!" She gave Sweetie a seductive look and continued, "And even better, you and I have the whole house to ourselves!"

Sweetie, who had wanted to spend some time at her house replied, "It looks that way but I was hoping I could spend a few days with my sister and maybe see my parents."

At first this frustrated Silver but very quickly the wheels began to turn in her head. She wanted Sweetie to stay with her the whole time so she did what she did best. She stuck out her bottom lip and whined, "Oh ok Sweetie. If you don't love your precious girlfriend enough to want to stay with her" she faked a sniffle, "I understand."

While that eventually stopped working up at the university, it easily caused her to cave in at Silver's house. She sighed, "Oh alright but I do at least want to go to my sister's on Hearth's Warming."

Silver sighed, "Oh alright but for now, we're going up to my room and I'm fulfilling the fantasy I always had on my bed."

The two planted their hands on one another's butts and headed upstairs. As they headed in Sweetie couldn't help but notice how large the room was and how much pink was in there. Sweetie said, "Wow, there's a lot of pink in here."

Silver pulled the shade and turned the light on. She turned her radio on to some of the sappiest music she had and pulled Sweetie close. She gazed into her eyes and said, "And Sweetie, this is what I would listen to every single night when I would fantasize about you." She pulled her covers back and begged, "Sweetie Belle, would you make my fantasy come true. Would you give me the love you give me up at school in my bed?"

Sweetie began to undress and replied, "Yes Silver, I would love to!"

As Sweetie crawled into bed she couldn't help but notice a stain down on Silver's sheet. She pointed it and asked, "Silver, what is that stain? Don't you think we should put some clean sheets on?"

Silver blushed, "It's nothing bad so these sheets will be fine."

Sweetie blushed as well realizing what it was and how it got there. She pulled Silver into bed and began to grind herself against her. Both girls began to moan and call out one another's names and unlike how it was in their dorm, they were loud, very loud. While Sweetie generally hated the music Silver listened to, having it play during their intimate moment caused her to hate it a little bit less.

After three hours of intimacy something crossed Sweetie's mind. She realized that she had better contact her sister so she called her house.

Calling Home

At home the phone was ringing and Rarity saw whose number came up on the ID and answered, "Hello, Silver Spoon?"

The voice on the other end was not Silver Spoon but Sweetie Belle,

"Hello sis? I just thought I'd call and let you know that I'm back in town."

"If you are back in town why are you at Silver Spoon's and not at home where you belong?"

"Well Silver and I just wanted to spend some more time together."

"More time together? You two pretty much spend every waking moment together as it is, why would you need to spend even more?"

"Well, you see, Silver and I are...."

"Let me guess, you two are much more than friends now. Is that why you are not coming right home?"

"Well yeah, Silver's parents are out of town and we figure that since it is just us, that we can do things together we can't up at school."

"So I take it you probably aren't even coming over at all for break?"

"Well the two of us were planning on coming over for Hearth's Warming."

"Only so you can get your gifts, right?"

"Well no, I do want to see you too!"

"Whatever you say. Well I'll see you in a few days Sweetie Belle."


Hearth's Warming at Rarity's

Four days had passed since arriving home and Hearth's Warming had arrived. Silver and Sweetie woke up in a tight embrace but unlike other mornings, they were quick to rise and get ready. Like they were every other morning, they were dressed the same and their hair was fixed the same. Silver smiled at Sweetie and asked, "So what do you think your sister will think of us twinning like this?"

Sweetie nervously replied, "I'm not sure what she will think" her voice became more confident as she continued, "but it doesn't matter what she thinks about our relationship or our twinning. What matters is that we have each other!"

Silver grabbed Sweetie's butt and replied, "That is very true." She looked towards the door and continued, "Let's get going. I'm sure your sister isn't overly fond of people being late."

Sweetie nodded and the two headed over to Rarity's. While Sweetie was excited to see her sister, Silver hoped that it would be a rather quick visit so her and Sweetie could get back to doing what she thought was important. When they knocked on the door it was not Rarity who answered but her father, Magnum.

Despite Silver holding her hand, Magnum embraced her and said, "Sweetie Belle, long time no see!"

Sweetie replied, "Dad, it's so good to see you."

He took a look at the girl next to her and asked, "So, is this the girlfriend your sis has told your mom and I about?"

Sweetie replied, "Yes, her name is Silver Spoon."

Silver gave him a smile, "Hi."

Magnum motioned for them to go in and immediately Sweetie was hugged by her mother, "Sweetie Belle, it has been too long, way too long!"

Sweetie replied, "I know mom but at least we're together now." She pointed at her mom and continued, "Mom, this is my girlfriend, Silver Spoon. Silver Spoon, this is my mom, Pearl."

Pearl immediately hugged her, "Well it is good to see my daughter has found a special someone." She pulled back and took a closer look at Silver, "And it looks like she's found a keeper!"

Silver smiled, "Uh, thanks."

The two headed in and were greeted by Rarity. While Sweetie and Silver were greeted warmly by her parents, Rarity was not so thrilled. She sighed, "Oh hello Sweetie Belle" she then looked at Silver and continued, "and hello Silver Spoon."

Silver replied, "Hi Rarity, Happy Hearth's Warming."

Rarity sighed, "Happy Hearth's Warming to you too."

While her parents thought nothing of it, Rarity suddenly realized that they were dressed the exact same and were wearing their hair the exact same. She asked, "Sweetie Belle, Silver Spoon, why are you two dressed exactly alike and why in the world are you wearing your hair the same?"

Sweetie replied, "Well you see, Silver and I really love each other and we decided to do the twinning thing once we became a couple."

Pearl walked over and pulled on both their pigtails and laughed, "Well I think they look adorable!"

In unison they replied, "Thanks."

While Rarity was not thrilled over the fact that Sweetie had just now shown up to visit all of them and was not pleased over her and Silver twinning, her parents had anxious smiles on their faces. Eventually Magnum just couldn't contain his excitement anymore. He said, "Sweetie Belle, come here. Your mother and I have something special for you."

Sweetie approached him and he handed her a box with a bow on it. Sweetie untied the bow and opened the box to discover a set of keys. She looked at them and asked, "A set of keys?"

Pearl grabbed her by the hand and ordered, "Close your eyes Sweetie."

Sweetie was led by her mom outside and was told to open her eyes. She saw her dad standing by something under a tarp. Her eyes grew wide and she asked, "Is that what I think it is?"

Magnum ripped the tarp away to reveal a four door white sedan. He exclaimed, "Happy Hearth's Warming Sweetie Belle!"

Sweetie and Pearl both rushed to him and Sweetie began squealing, "Thank you mom! Thank you dad! I'm so happy!"

Sweetie and her parents were jumping up and down for joy and despite her being displeased by Sweetie not coming over to visit sooner, Rarity couldn't help but smile seeing her younger sister so happy. Silver Spoon however was not so thrilled. She realized that since she has her own car now that Sweetie would no longer be dependent on her for rides. Despite not being thrilled over it though, she tried to act happy.

Rarity noticed that Silver wasn't over celebrating with Sweetie. She asked, "Silver Spoon, I thought you would be over celebrating with Sweetie Belle since she is your girlfriend."

Silver sighed, "I'm happy for her but I just can't help but worry that we might grow apart now since she can just come and go as she pleases."

Rarity put her arm around Silver and smiled, "Don't worry about that Silver, if the love between you two is as strong as you both say it is, you'll be fine."

Silver replied, "Oh you're right Rarity, I don't have anything to worry about."

After Sweetie got her gift and spent some time reminiscing with her family, Silver wanted to go. She asked, "Well Sweetie, think we should get going?

Sweetie gasped, "Are you kidding? I want to spend some more time with my family and we still haven't had lunch yet!"

Magnum added, "Pearl's cooking a cheeseburger pie that you're sure to love!"

Rarity continued, "And her cinnamon rolls are simply divine!"

With as much fun as Sweetie was having mingling with her family, especially her mother and father, she knew that it would be best if they stayed. She replied, "Alright, I'll stay for lunch since you're making it sound so appetizing."

Although she was hoping that her and Sweetie could return to her mansion sooner rather than later, eventually Silver began to have fun with Sweetie's family. It was not until after dark when Sweetie and Silver departed and while she would certainly never tell Silver, Sweetie was ecstatic to be driving herself for a change. As she was following Silver she said, "Finally, I can drive myself! Finally I can listen to my show tunes instead of that hideous pop!"

A Tarnished New Year's Eve

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Morning Trip into Town

Over a week had passed since Hearth's Warming and like they had been every morning, Sweetie and Silver woke up in a loving embrace. Sweetie was still somewhat asleep when she felt sucking on one of her breasts. Her head shot up and she gasped, "Si-Sil-Silver!"

Silver raised her head up and gazed lovingly into Sweetie's eyes. She leaned Sweetie down and asked, "You know what today is don't you?"

Sweetie replied, "Uh, the 31st?"

Silver crawled on top of her and said, "It's New Years Eve and you know what that means!"

Sweetie asked, "I take it you want to go out tonight?"

Silver replied, "Not at all Sweetie, I just have something special planned for us. It is something that neither one of us have ever done before." She began to run her fingers up in Sweetie and giggled, "And I'm sure that you'll like it, really like it!"

Sweetie kissed her and giggled, "Oh you think? Well I have plans running through my mind that I'm sure you'll love too!"

Silver couldn't help but smile realizing that they had a very fun and likely kinky night ahead of them but both of them were hungry so they got up and headed down to the kitchen. Ever since they got home they had not been eating much except for toast and cereal three times a day given that neither one of them knew how to cook. Silver threw her hands up in the air and sighed, "You know what Sweetie? I'm sick of eating nothing but cereal and toast, how about we go out this morning?"

Sweetie replied, "It sounds good to me but I'm driving this morning. You're always the one who drives us and since I have my own car now, I'm doing some of the driving."

Silver sighed, "Alright Sweetie but please don't play any overly hideous music."

Sweetie slapped her butt and laughed, "Hey, you played hideous music when I rode with you so I may listen to things you won't like!"

Silver sighed, "Oh alright." She looked towards the staircase and said, "Well let's get dressed and head out."

As they headed out and got into Sweetie's car, it felt odd for Silver to be the passenger, to not have control over the situation. As they pulled out of the driveway Silver asked, "So where are we going for breakfast?"

Sweetie replied, "Well I was thinking we could go to the Downtown Cafe. I have always loved the breakfast there."

Silver gasped, "Really Sweetie, you want to go there? That place is so common."

Sweetie replied, "It may be common to you but it is tasty to me and it is affordable."

Silver sighed, "Oh alright, you're driving so I guess you get to choose where we eat."

Sweetie nodded in approval and they headed out to eat. While it was not what Silver Spoon was hoping for, it was certainly better than what they had been eating and better than the food they ate at the university.

Silver's Bad News

After breakfast they headed back to Silver's mansion right as the mail was arriving. Silver had been waiting several days for her grades to arrive and that day they finally arrived. She had a very nervous look on her face as she opened the envelope. Sweetie stood by her as she did and asked, "So Silver, how did you do?"

As she read them her face dropped. She looked at the paper and saw that she had got four Bs and one C. Along with the paper that told her her grades, she also received a letter telling her that she had lost her scholarship. She began to cry, "I lost it Sweetie. I lost my scholarship."

Sweetie pulled her close and replied, "I'm sorry Silver." Then it hit her, unless she could find a way to pay, they would be parted. She began to cry, "What are we going to do Silver? I don't want us to be parted and unless you find a way to pay, we will be."

Silver became very nervous and gulped, "Well I better let my father know the bad news." She picked up the phone and continued, "Sweetie, go into the next room while I call him. I have a feeling he may do some very loud yelling and I don't want you to hear it."

Sweetie nodded and Silver began to call the number her father had gave her on the note she found when she got home. She was getting more and more nervous with each ring until someone picked up,

"Hello, who is this?"

"Dad, it's me Silver Spoon. I have something I have to tell you."

"Oh, and what is that? You didn't blow all that money I gave you already did you?"

"No, I haven't spent any of it. It is about my scholarship. I lost it because I didn't get good enough final grades."


"Yes father, I lost it."


"I'm sorry father, some of the coursework was more difficult than I thought it would be."

*sigh* "Well use that money I gave you for part of it and when you know what your final bill is going to be, just use the credit card, alright?"

"Oh thank you father, thank you!"

"Don't think you can do this all the time though. You better get your grades up so you can get some sort of scholarship because I won't help you like this again, ok?"

"Ok father."

"Well I need to get going. Your mother and I have a meeting to get to in thirty minutes. Talk to you later."

"Bye father."



A relieved Silver Spoon headed into the front room to find an anxious Sweetie Belle. Sweetie asked, "What did he have to say Silver? Will he help or will we wind up being parted?"

Silver leapt into Sweetie's arms and said, "Well he told me I have to use that 10,000 bits for part of it and that for the rest, he told me to put it on the credit card."

Sweetie kissed her and replied, "Well that's good that he's going to help you." She looked towards the door and continued, "Would you want to come with me to see if my grades came today?"

Silver sighed, "I'm sorry Sweetie but after getting these results I just want to shut myself in."

Sweetie replied, "Alright, well see you later."

As Sweetie got in her car and drove off, Silver couldn't help but have an empty feeling inside of her. She knew that Sweetie did love her but the fact that she would simply go off without her made her wonder if Sweetie truly did love her as much as she does her or if since she has a car of her own now, that her love may begin to fade.

A Sweet New Year's Eve

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Great News on Great Grades

After having her invite to see if her grades came in turned down by Silver Spoon, Sweetie Belle headed to her sister's place to see if her grades had came in. As she pulled into the drive way the mailman was putting their mail in their box. She rushed to it and pulled everything out. Most of it was junk mail addressed to her sister except for one envelope addressed to her, from Canterlot University.

She rushed into her house to find Rarity in the kitchen fixing herself a sandwich. She looked towards Sweetie and asked, "Sweetie, don't you know how to knock?"

Sweetie replied, "It's just me sis, I didn't know that I would need to."

Rarity saw the big pile of mail her sister set down on the table and sighed in disgust. She asked, "Let me guess, a big stack of bills to finish off the year?"

Sweetie replied, "Actually no. Most of it is junk mail except for one letter." Sweetie pulled out her envelope and began to read it. As she read it she began to jump up and down and began screaming, "Yes, yes, yes! My grades are perfect."

Rarity walked over to her and put her arm around her. She asked, "A 4.0 I take it?"

Rarity grabbed the paper on her and was thrilled to see As down the list for her classes. She said, "Congratulations Sweetie, I honestly didn't expect this with you giving so much of your attention to Silver Spoon."

Sweetie didn't hear her say this as she was reading the other paper. It wasn't long until she continued, "Wow sis, guess what? My scholarship is going to cover my books now too!"

Rarity gasped, "Really? That's wonderful news!"

Sweetie calmed down and sighed, "If only Silver Spoon could grasp things as easily as I do."

Rarity asked, "Why do you say that? What kind of grades did she get."

Sweetie began, "Well she got four Bs and one C. Because of that she lost her scholarship."

Rarity asked, "Really? Is she going to have to come home now?"

Sweetie replied, "No. She got a hold of her dad and he said that he would cover everything for her." She took a short breath before continuing, "But he said that he would only do this once. He said that she has to get her grades up."

Rarity sighed, "While I'm not fond of her father and he can be rather unpleasant most of the time, I can see where he is coming from. I know you probably think that with him being wealthy he should help her regardless but he said that because he is concerned about her."

Sweetie sighed, "That is true, it is just that if she doesn't do that her and I will be parted and......"

Rarity interrupted, "Enough about Silver right now." She walked into the front room, grabbed a manila envelope and handed it to Sweetie. She continued, "Mom and dad told me to give this to you and give you some advice."

Sweetie opened the envelope and was excited by what she found. She found 500 bits, coupons for oil changes and a card for 3¢/gallon off per gallon of gasoline at the MegaMart gas station. Sweetie smiled, "Wow, I'll have to thank them next time I see them!"

Rarity continued, "About the cash, they said for you to only use it for gas and maintenance....and when it comes to the gas, given that your car is brand new, you have to put premium gas in it. They said you can't use the low grade or mid-grade because it will hurt the car's performance if you do."

Sweetie replied, "Alright, I'll have to remember that."

Rarity noticed Sweetie looking towards the door and said, "Well since you got your grades and additional gifts from mom and dad, I guess I should let you go. I know you probably have to get back to Silver to do whatever it is you two have planned."

Sweetie replied, "Well actually I was thinking about going over to Sweet Apple Acres and visiting Apple Bloom so we could catch up."

When Rarity heard this she was ecstatic. She was glad that her sister was going to be spending time with what she considered one of her "real friends." She began to push Sweetie towards the door and said, "I think that sounds like a splendid idea! I'm sure she will be thrilled to catch up."

Sweetie replied, "Alright sis, I'll talk to you later."

Catching Up

As Sweetie pulled into the farm she was happy when she saw that Apple Bloom's pickup was parked in front of the farm. She got out of her car and enthusiastically headed to the door and knocked. Applejack answered and asked, "Hello...." When she saw who it was she embraced her and said, "Sweetie Belle! It's good to see you!"

Sweetie replied, "It's good to see you too!"

Sweetie followed Applejack in the house where she was immediately greeted by Apple Bloom, "Sweetie Belle, it's been too long! How are y'all doing?"

Sweetie replied, "I'm doing great! How about you?"

Apple Bloom said, "Ah'm doing great as well." She knew that Sweetie didn't have a car when she left for college so she asked, "So Sweetie, who brought you here? Did Rarity bring you here and drop you off?"

Sweetie replied, "Well no...."

Apple Bloom sighed, "Did Silver drop you off because she's too good to come in?"

Sweetie again replied, "Well no...."

Apple Bloom continued, "Well it's a mighty far walk given how cold it is if you walked."

Sweetie opened the door and led her outside. She said, "Apple Bloom, I have something to show you that will answer your question."

When Apple Bloom saw her new car she was shocked. She asked, "Sweetie, is that yours?"

Sweetie grabbed her and exclaimed, "Yes, it is! Mom and dad gave it to me for Hearth's Warming! Can you believe it?"

Apple Bloom gave her a slight smile, "Actually yes, I can." She looked her in the eyes and continued, "Ah'm going to let you in on something. They had been saving up money for years to finally get you one and it was just last month they saved enough they could pay cash to get it for you."

Sweetie gasped, "Seriously, they waited until they could pay cash?"

Apple Bloom replied, "Yes, they did. Your parents did the same thing when it came to getting Rarity her car. They are not fans of being in debt to anyone."

Sweetie said, "Well I guess that's why I didn't have a car when the fall semester started." She began to become more excited as she continued, "Now I don't have to rely on Silver for rides and I can listen to MY music for a change."

Apple Bloom chuckled, "Ah take it that pop music she likes was about to drive you up the wall?"

Sweetie replied, "Yeah and while I love her dearly....."

Apple Bloom interrupted, "Love." Then it hit her, "What, are y'all in a relationship? Is that why you're wearing your hair in those pigtails?"

Sweetie replied, "Yeah, we love each other. When we got up to college we began to talk and discovered that we've had crushes on each other ever since our freshman year in high school."

This caused Apple Bloom to do a face palm. She sighed, "Are you nuts Sweetie? I know by then we were friends with Silver and even Diamond but still, a crush?" She put her hand on Sweetie's shoulder and continued, "Had Ah known you were into girls, Ah would have seen if either Scootaloo or Twist was interested in being your girlfriend because Scootaloo has always been your friend and Twist was never a bitch to any of us."

Sweetie blushed, "Well I never saw either of them that way. Scootaloo was and still is such a tomboy and like I said, I never saw Twist like that. Silver is more girly like me and I think that is why we work so well together."

Apple Bloom sighed, "Well Ah can't tell you who to be in a relationship with but Ah certainly hope things don't go bad between you two."

Sweetie Belle began to get uncomfortable discussing her girlfriend around Apple Bloom because she knew that she wasn't exactly supportive of it. She changed the topic, "So Apple Bloom, how have things gone for you in school?"

Apple Bloom motioned for her to follow her further away from the house. Once they got out of earshot of her relatives, Apple Bloom replied, "Really good actually. Ah tell you, Ah never imagined that the business aspect of things in agriculture were so cutthroat."

Sweetie asked, "Seriously? Cutthroat as in trying to put your competitors out of business?"

Apple Bloom replied, "Yeah, and Ah know one thing, Applejack certainly wouldn't approve of the fertilizers that farmers use to utilize their land better and increase crop production."

Sweetie laughed, "I know and given how old fashioned Big Mac and Granny Smith are, they wouldn't either."

Apple Bloom replied, "Nope but once Ah graduate and have more say over what happens here on the farm, Ah hope Ah can put what Ah learn to use and help them see that we need to modernize so we can turn larger profits."

Sweetie looked down at her watch and noticed that it was already the middle of the afternoon. She said, "Well Apple Bloom, as much as I would love to stay and talk some more, I better get back to Silver Spoon's house. She has some very special plans for us later today and tonight."

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, "And chances are Ah don't want to know what they are."

Sweetie blushed, "Probably not." She headed back to her car and yelled, "See you later Apple Bloom. Hopefully we can meet again before we have to go back to school."

Apple Bloom headed back to the house and yelled, "Hopefully so. See you later Sweetie."

Sweetie got in her car and headed back to Silver's. While she was very glad she was able to spend some time away from Silver that day, she was glad to be heading back. She was looking forward to whatever Silver had planned for them and also hoped that she wasn't upset over her being gone for several hours.

A Sexy End to the Year

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Afternoon Stress

It was much later in the afternoon when Sweetie got back to Silver's than she had anticipated. When she walked in the living room she found Silver laying on the couch slouched over asleep. She walked over and nudged her, "Hey Silver, are you awake?"

Silver stirred a little but did not say anything. Sweetie shook her and asked, "Silver Spoon, are you awake?"

Silver sat up and had a sad look on her face. She asked, "Why Sweetie? Why were you gone for so long?"

Sweetie replied, "Well I went to see my sister to see if my grades came in and then I decided to go and visit Apple Bloom."

Silver sat straight up when she heard this. She asked, "What? You went over to visit one of your friends but you didn't invite me?" She began to sniffle, "You go to see her but you didn't invite your precious girlfriend? Why?"

Sweetie replied, "Silver, I invited you to come with me when I went to visit my sister and see if my grades were in but you wanted to shut yourself in over your grades."

Silver began to whine, "But Sweetie, I never thought you would be gone so long. I thought you would just go check your mail and then come home! I didn't think you'd go do anything else without me!"

Sweetie sat down next to her and continued, "Silver, Apple Bloom and I hadn't seen one another since August and I just wanted to catch up with her, alright?"

Silver buried her face in her hands and cried, "Sweetie, being apart from you for so long was so painful. Do you know how awful it was for me?" Her cry began to sound more like a whine as she continued, "Sweetie, it felt like you didn't love me when you were gone for so long."

Sweetie sighed, "Like I said, I invited you to come along and just because I was gone for longer than ten minutes doesn't mean I don't love you." Silver continued to sniffle causing Sweetie to continue, "You should know that with me having my own car now that there may be times I'm not around."

Silver asked, "But it won't be very often will it? I don't want us to be apart very much."

Sweetie replied, "Don't worry, it won't be very often." She yawned and continued, "I don't know about you but I'm tired. If we're going to be up late tonight I think we should get some rest." She pulled Silver up by the hand and finished, "Besides, I want to be awake for what you have planned tonight."

Silver, despite having had a less than stellar day replied, "Oh you'll see! Like I said, I'm sure you'll love it."

The two headed into Silver's bedroom and began to undress one another. It was chillier than normal and Silver had forgot to turn the heat up so they got under an extra couple layers of blankets and wrapped themselves together tightly. As the light began to dim the two gazed lovingly into one another's eyes. Sweetie said, "I love you Silver, I love you more than anything."

Silver gave her a kiss and replied, "I love you too Sweetie. I love you with all my heart, my soul and my body."

The two pulled themselves closer and hoped that they would wake up before it was too late. While Sweetie felt a sense of pure bliss being held so close by her girlfriend, Silver had so much more running through her mind. While she did have her concerns over her and Sweetie not going to be inseparable all the time, she had much more wonderful dreams for the following year. She had dreams hoping that the following year would be the year her and Sweetie got married.

A Rainy End to the Year

Several hours had passed when the two finally woke up. Silver looked up to see that her clock read 2210. She shook Sweetie and said, "Sweetie, it is less than two hours until midnight! We need to get up so we can do what I have planned for us."

Sweetie wiped the sleep out of her eyes and sighed, "Alright Silver."

Silver turned the light on and grabbed Sweetie by the hand. She began to lead her into the bathroom and giggled, "You know Sweetie, I think you're truly going to love this."

Sweetie planted her hand on Silver's but and asked, "What are you going to do and why are we going to the bathroom?"

Silver slapped her butt and said, "Like I said, you'll see!"

She opened the doors to her tub and pointed, get in Sweetie, get in."

Sweetie did as ordered and Silver followed her. After they were both in Silver closed the doors and asked, "Sweetie, what do you think of rainstorms?"

Sweetie had a confused look on her face. She asked, "Rainstorms? What do rainstorms have to do with anything?"

Silver pulled her close to her and began to caress her butt. She giggled, "I love it when it rains. I have always wondered what it would be like to be the cloud nourishing the ground with my water." She began to run her fingers in Sweetie's crack and continued, "And I have always wondered what it would be like to be the ground, having all that water fall on me."

Sweetie continued to give Silver confused looks and asked, "Silver, what in the world are you talking about? If you want to be rained on, next spring you can go lay out in the rain." She then remembered how she wondered what it would be like to be the cloud. She continued, "And how are you going to be the cloud? Are you wanting to pee on the ground or something?"

Silver pointed down, "Lay down Sweetie."

It suddenly hit Sweetie what Silver wanted. She wanted to "rain" on her. She gasped, "You want to pee on me? Why would you want to do that? It sounds really gross!"

Silver stuck her bottom lip out and began to whine, "But Sweetie, other girls who love each other do it! It is the ultimate form of affection!"

Sweetie went to grab the shower door and said, "No Silver. I don't care if other girls do it as a sign of affection, I am not going to let you pee on me!"

Silver's whine only got worse, "Well if you don't love your precious girlfriend enough to let her rain on you" she began to sniffle, "I understand."

Sweetie threw her hands up in the air and sighed, "Fine but you better let me 'rain' on you too."

Silver wrapped herself around Sweetie and cheered, "Thank you Sweetie!" She pointed towards the bottom of the tub and ordered, "Ok Sweetie, lay down."

Reluctantly Sweetie did as ordered and Silver stood over her. Sweetie could only cringe as Silver spread her legs and began to rain. While it didn't feel horrible to Sweetie, it wasn't the wonderful experience that Silver made it sound like.

Eventually Silver's flow stopped and she helped Sweetie up. She threw herself around her and giggled, "Now wasn't that wonderful Sweetie? Wasn't having your precious girlfriend's rain fall on you wonderful?"

Sweetie replied, "I guess so." She pointed towards the floor and ordered, "Now it is your turn. It is your turn to be the ground receiving my nourishing liquid."

Silver enthusiastically laid down and waited in anticipation to be showered as Sweetie spread her legs wide. Almost immediately she began to rain on Silver, causing her to squeal in delight. Sweetie began to walk forward making sure to get Silver covered in the liquid that she wanted so badly. Once she was finished she pulled Silver up and asked, "You really liked that, didn't you?"

Silver dreamily replied, "Yes Sweetie, oh yes!" She gazed deeply into Sweetie's eyes and continued, "We could rain on each other every day forever and I would be so happy."

Sweetie shied back a bit, "I know you love this raining thing but every day seems very excessive and besides, we only have a shower in our dorm anyway."

Silver could see a slight look of disapproval in Sweetie's eyes and realized that things can't always go her way. She replied, "You're right Sweetie."

Sweetie said, "Good, now let's take a shower before midnight arrives. I really don't want to get sores from being covered in pee."

Silver sighed, "Alright Sweetie, I really wanted us to lay together covered in our rain but" She faked a sniffle, "I understand."

Sweetie turned on the water and said, "I know you probably think it would be sexy to not shower right away but I know for a fact that we would get sores before too long."

Silver knew this so she nodded in agreement and they began to wash one another. While Sweetie didn't exactly enjoy the raining activity, she enjoyed the shower much more. As they were washing one another, Sweetie couldn't help but feel a sense of cleanliness and hoped that Silver wouldn't want it to rain very often.

Happy New Year!

After what was a very long shower the two headed to the front room so they could watch the ball drop on TV, and arrived just in time. As they turned the TV on the countdown was inside a minute and they gazed into one another's eyes. Silver was caught completely off guard as Sweetie pulled her to the floor and crawled on top of her. They faced the TV as the countdown was nearing it's end,

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.......

As the ball finished its descent and the numbers for the new year lit up, Sweetie pressed her lips tightly against Silver's and the two began to grope one another and moan in delight. Fireworks began to go off outside, lighting up the inside of the living room. After a minute Sweetie broke the kiss and said, "Happy New Year Silver Spoon. May it be a year filled with happiness and love."

Silver replied, "Happy New Year to you too Sweetie. May it be a year where all your dreams come true." After she said this Silver thought to herself, "And when this happens next year, hopefully we'll be married."

After staying up for another thirty minutes Silver yawned, "Well Sweetie, think we should go to bed? I know we slept a lot today but I want us to be sure and have plenty of energy for the start of the new year."

Sweetie giggled, "Oh I agree with you there and besides, we still have another week before we have to go back to Canterlot to sign up for the next semester."

She grabbed Silver by the hand and pulled her up. She began to lead her towards the bedroom and turned off the light. Once they got under the covers they pulled one another close. Sweetie said, "Happy New Year Silver, I love you so much. I love you more than you could ever imagine."

Silver replied, "I love you too Sweetie. My love for you knows no bounds and I hope you know that."

Sweetie said, "I know Silver, I know." She yawned and finished, "Let's get some sleep."

They pulled one another closer and very quickly they had fallen asleep. For the two it had been a year of unexpected experiences. One year ago neither had expected that this would be the year where they would not only admit their crushes on one another, but also be engaged in a very serious relationship.

Back to School

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Return to Canterlot U

A week had passed since they rang in the new year and the time for Sweetie and Silver to return to Canterlot had come. It felt odd, especially to Silver Spoon to see Sweetie packing her stuff into her own car. Sweetie did this with a lot of pride as she finally felt like she was truly in control of her own destiny, not Rarity, not Silver Spoon or anyone else, it was her.

As she was packing her last items into her car Silver walked up to her and asked, "Well Sweetie, do you want to follow me or should I follow you?"

Sweetie gave her an odd look as she wondered why it would matter. She replied, "Well it doesn't matter to me but I don't see why it really matters. We'll get there when we get there."

Silver was stunned to hear such a response from Sweetie. She had expected to hear her say she would follow her. Her face dropped a bit as she said, "Oh, ok. If you don't want to stay close to your precious girlfriend, I understand."

Sweetie sighed, "Oh alright, I'll try not and get too far ahead of you."

Silver hugged her and replied, "Thank you Sweetie! I just think it would look awful if we didn't show up together." She stuck her lip out and continued, "You don't want people mocking us asking if the 'lesbo twins' had a fight do you?"

Sweetie replied, "No but we're going to have to stop letting it get to us so much."

Silver said, "I know."

Sweetie headed to get in her car, "Well Silver, let's get going."

Silver nodded as Sweetie got in her car and took off. Silver sighed in frustration as once they got out on the highway, Sweetie was not exactly driving slow enough for Silver to keep up. Silver became frustrated and shouted, "Sweetie, you said you wouldn't get too far ahead of me."

Up ahead Sweetie was enjoying cruising down the road on her own. The traffic was light and the roads were dry so she couldn't help put push down on the gas a bit harder than she should. Soon she saw a car flash its lights at her and she knew what that meant, that there was a cop ahead. She looked down and saw that she was going over 80 so she figured she better slow down. By the time the cop passed by her she had reduced her speed to 64. She sighed to herself, "Sweetie, you have to be careful! You can't have a lead foot like dad!"

An hour and a half later Sweetie arrived at the university a half hour ahead of Silver. When Silver arrived she was not thrilled that Sweetie would simply leave her in the dust like that. She asked, "Sweetie, I thought we were going to stick together? Why did you drive so fast?"

Sweetie replied, "I'm sorry Silver, I was over half the way up here until I realized I was going 80."

Silver sighed, "Well I think you need to be careful. You could get a speeding ticket and I'm sure Rarity would be mad if that happened."

Sweetie rolled her eyes, "Yeah, you're right. Let's get our stuff unpacked."

The two headed up to their dorm and began to unpack their stuff. Once they were finished they headed to see their advisor to make their appointments. When they arrived at her office no one was there but there was a sign up sheet so they scheduled for the following day at 1030 and 1100. As they headed back to their dorm Silver grabbed her by the hand and giggled, "Well once we have our appointments and buy our books tomorrow, we can shut ourselves in for five days straight! Won't that be wonderful?"

Sweetie, who had hoped that they could actually go out and about more rather than shutting themselves in all the time sighed, "I guess."

Silver gasped, "You guess? Last semester you loved it when we'd shut ourselves in and you loved it being just us in my house over break!" She put her arm around her and asked, "Are you ok Sweetie? You just don't seem to be yourself."

Sweetie replied, "I'm alright. It was a long drive so let's just get some rest, alright?"

Silver nodded and the two undressed and crawled into bed. Silver couldn't help but lay there and wonder what was going on with Sweetie as she simply wasn't behaving like she normally does. All she could do was hope that she would return to her normal self before too long.

Preparing for the Semester

The following morning arrived and much to Silver's delight, the Sweetie Belle she loved so much had returned to normal. When Sweetie and Silver headed to their advising appointments they were walking arm in arm, hand in hand and were giggling the whole way. Some of the students who normally heckle them started in again, "Oooh, it looks like the lesbo twins are back and twinning like always."

Another laughed, "Oh I bet they had a very disgusting holiday."

Silver snapped, "Oh you wish you......."

Sweetie nudged her, "Silver, don't egg them on. Just ignore them, alright."

As the two headed off they began making derogatory comments but most of them were directed towards the suddenly less assertive Silver. Once they were further away Sweetie continued, "Look, it irritates me that they do this too but if we ignore them, they won't get any joy out of tormenting us anymore alright?"

Silver sighed, "Alright."

They arrived at their advisor's office ten minutes early and when Songheart saw this, she was pleasantly surprised. She headed out and said, "Well since I have no one else scheduled I'll just take you in early." She motioned for Sweetie to go.

Once they were inside Songheart asked, "So Sweetie, how was your Hearth's Warming?"

Sweetie replied, "It was great. My parents got me a car and I found out that my scholarship covers my books now too."

Songheart smiled, "That is wonderful Sweetie." She then became more serious and said, "Please tell me you've looked in the schedule and picked out your schedule in advance."

Sweetie replied, "Well Silver and I just got back yesterday and we haven't had the chance to yet."

Songheart grabbed a catalog and sighed, "Well you're lucky I have one. Let's take a look at things."

The two began to go through the catalog and Songheart decided that Sweetie should get the mandatory classes out of the way and then she handed the catalog to Sweetie and said, "We have your mandatory classes taken care of, now look through and select an elective."

Last semester Sweetie chose public speaking but something seemed to be guiding her to a different part of the catalog entirely. She was looking through and found one she liked, Introduction to Criminal Justice. She pointed at it and said, "I would like to sign up for that."

Songheart asked, "Intro to Criminal Justice? Seriously Sweetie? That just doesn't sound like something you'd be interested in."

Sweetie replied, "Well it just sounds like a fun course to take."

Songheart sighed, "Alright, let me get all this entered into the computer and get you your print out."

Songheart got her entered into the classes she chose and asked, "And I'm taking it Silver Spoon will want to be in the same ones?"

Sweetie replied, "Well hopefully. I guess you'll have to see when she comes in."

She led Sweetie out of her office and like she did last semester, she handed Silver her printout and said, "Sign up for what I did."

Silver nodded and headed in. She looked at Songheart, handed her Sweetie's print out and asked, "Could you sign me up for everything she is taking?"

Songheart smiled, "Aren't you even going to see what she signed up for?"

Silver replied, "Well I know she likely signed up for stuff we need and probably picked a good elective so I don't have to."

Songheart laughed, "Well alright but I'm not sure if you're going to want to take Intro to Criminal Justice with her."

Silver gasped, "What? She signed up for a criminal justice course? That doesn't sound like her."

Songheart replied, "I know but she said it sounded like a fun course so do you want to do the same?"

Silver looked down at Sweetie's printout for a moment and began to wonder what was going on with Sweetie. She began to wonder what was up with her attitude when they drove back up and now this. While she loved Sweetie dearly, she did not want to take that course. She replied, "I think I'll look for something else."

Songheart replied, "Alright but don't be surprised if Sweetie gets upset over it."

Silver said, "Well since she got that new car I feel like she is wanting a little bit more space." She began to flip through the catalog and found something that suited her more, beginning art. She pointed to it and continued, "This is what I would like to take, beginning art."

Songheart typed it into the computer and got her signed up for everything. Before handing her printout to her she replied, "I got you in. I wouldn't worry too much about Sweetie wanting a little space of her own. Sometimes a little space can be good for a relationship. My husband I have always loved one another deeply but even we need time apart."

Silver asked, "Really?"

Songheart replied, "Yes. Perhaps Sweetie was feeling suffocated and I have a feeling that by you two having a bit of your own space, your love will grow even further."

Silver sighed, "I hope so. I'm just afraid that her car is consuming her and will cause her to just bolt entirely."

Songheart laughed, "Silver, her car isn't going to steal her away from you!" She opened the door and continued, "Alright, now go and get your books. I'm sure you and Sweetie probably have plans for later in the day."

Silver nodded and headed out. She handed Sweetie her printout and then showed her her own. Sweetie wasn't overly thrilled when she saw it. She asked, "Art? You're taking art instead of the criminal justice course with me?"

Silver replied, "Yeah, I'm sorry Sweetie but that just doesn't sound like something I'm interested in." She stuck her bottom lip out and began to whine, "Sweetie, could we go back and see Professor Songheart and you could switch to the art class I'm in."

For Sweetie this was not an option. Something sounded very appealing about the criminal justice course and despite Silver whining and pleading in front of a growing group of people, she said in a very firm voice, "No."

Silver began to whine louder, "Please Sweetie, don't you love your precious girlfriend enough to...."

Sweetie put her hand over her mouth and sighed, "Please don't try that on me this semester, ok? Let's just go get our books, alright?"

Silver sighed, "Oh alright."

Trip to the Bookstore

As the two headed into the bookstore things were somewhat different for Sweetie. Unlike it was in the fall where she was shocked by the prices, since her scholarship now covered books, she simply grabbed new books without even paying attention to the prices. What was different this time though was when it came to the supplies. Sweetie looked at them and gasped, "Good grief, they've came up since last fall!"

Silver sighed, "Sweetie, don't worry, I'll just put them all on the credit card like I did last time."

While Sweetie knew that Silver pretty much determined what they would get last fall, this time Sweetie had different plans. She said, "You know Silver, these prices are horribly high. How about I take us out to the MegaMart to get our supplies, I have to get gas anyway."

Silver gagged, "MegaMart, ewww! Why would you want to get your supplies there when you can get the best ones here?"

Sweetie could tell what was going to happen if she did not cave in here and she did not feel like becoming the center of attention again. She sighed, "Oh fine, we'll get them here."

Silver threw herself around Sweetie and cheered, "Thank you Sweetie. Besides, you know I'll get your supplies for you."

Sweetie sighed, "I know Silver, I know."

After getting their books and returning to their dorm room Silver locked their door and already started undressing and was giving Sweetie seductive looks. Sweetie saw this and sighed, "Silver, don't you remember me saying I need to go out and get gas?"

Silver began to whine, "But Sweetie, I'm really in the mood and I already locked the door. Besides, you don't have to get that gas today do you?"

Sweetie sighed, "Well no but I'd like to get it....."

Silver pounced on her and pinned her down on the bed. She kissed Sweetie and replied, "No, you don't have to get it right away" She began to whine again, "besides, if you go out now that will be less time you'll be able to spend with your precious girlfriend."

Sweetie sighed, "Oh fine, I'll wait until Monday when you have your art class."

Silver got up, closed the curtain and giggled, "I'm so happy Sweetie." She began to undress her and continued, "Besides, this will be so much better than having to go out and deal with people again!"

Sweetie couldn't help but begin to feel frustrated. She did love Silver Spoon dearly and enjoyed spending a lot of time with her but one small part of her longed for a bit of personal space, wanted to ditch the non-stop twinning and wanted a personality of her own.

A Sudden Change of Plans

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Plan Changing News

The semester was nearing its midpoint and for most, if not all of the students, it was what they had been waiting for since January, spring break. Like most of the students, Sweetie and Silver had made special plans. While Sweetie had initially planned on paying for part of the trip, like she tends to do, Silver decided that she would simply put the plane tickets and hotel reservations on her dad's credit card.

Wednesday morning arrived and the two woke up in a tight embrace. Silver was the first to say anything, "Just a couple more days Sweetie and we'll be going to Las Pegasus, aren't you excited?"

Sweetie stretched her arms and replied, "You bet I am. It will be my first trip there."

The two got up and began to get ready for the day like they do every other day. As they headed into the shower Silver groped Sweetie's breasts and said, "You know, I think you're really going to like everything I have planned!"

Sweetie groped hers back and asked, "Oh, and what makes you say that?"

Silver giggled, "Let's just say that you and I will be able to see each other like this for five straight days like this! I got us the most expensive room on the top floor of the Sphinx! It has a great view of the city and we can watch over the city, just the two of us!"

While Sweetie was happy that Silver was paying for this trip, she kind of hoped for different plans. She said, "Silver, if we are going to Las Pegasus I do not want to shut myself in our room the whole time. I want to go sight seeing, I want to catch a show or two and I want to hit the casinos!"

Silver asked, "Really Sweetie? You want to go out around so many people" her question became more of a whine as she continued, "and not be able to give your undivided attention to your sexy girlfriend? You want to gamble when you could spend that money on something for my birthday in a couple of months." She paused for a second before sniffling, "I guess I understand."

Sweetie threw her hands in the air and sighed, "Silver, you can lock yourself up in a fancy hotel room anywhere! You can't go see the things in Las Pegasus you can elsewhere and there aren't a ton of places that you can go gambling!"

Silver whined, "Oh alright. Even though I'm paying for it I guess we can go out sight seeing."

Sweetie replied, "Good." She looked at the clock and continued, "Well let's get going. I want to get some breakfast in my system before we have to go to class."

She grabbed Silver by the hand and the two headed to the cafeteria and then to class. Silver, like most of the students in class that day were distracted, very distracted. Out of all of them, only Sweetie was dutifully taking notes and the professor noticed this. She stopped her lecture and said, "Class, I know you're excited for spring break to start but could you please take notes like that girl in the back."

The students all looked back and one student said, "Oh, you mean the smart lesbo twin?"

The professor pointed at the door and ordered, "Look, I will not have such behavior going on in my classroom. Just go." She took a look at the rest of her class and saw disinterested looks and continued, "Just go, class dismissed. Outside of just one of you, none of the rest of you will learn anything today."

The class headed out of the classroom and Sweetie and Silver headed to pick up their mail. While Sweetie didn't get anything, Silver got a letter from her father. She opened it and gasped, "Sweetie, I have some bad news."

Sweetie asked, "What? What bad news?"

Silver quickly slipped the letter into her backpack and replied, "My father needs me to go see him in Whinnyapolis over spring break."

Sweetie's eyes grew wide. She asked, "Why?"

Silver replied, "He said something about him taking me to meet with some sort of banker and lawyer to help me get my scholarship back."

Sweetie thought something seemed fishy there. She had a strong feeling that a banker and a lawyer simply couldn't force a university to give her a scholarship back when she didn't keep her grades up but wasn't about to say anything. She sighed, "Ok, but is this really going to take the whole week? Couldn't he just schedule a meeting for Monday or something so you could get back here on Tuesday and we could take a shorter trip?"

Silver replied, "Well that is what I would think but when father says it will take all week, it will take all week."

Sweetie sighed, "Ok. I guess we'll have to take a special trip some other time."

Silver put her arm around Sweetie and replied, "Don't worry Sweetie. We'll take a trip somewhere before too long and I promise you that the wait will be worth it."

Sweetie gave her a smile and elbowed her, "Well it better be!"

Silver's Departure

The next two days seemed to drag by for the two, especially Sweetie Belle. She had been looking forward to going to Las Pegasus and doing so many fun things and now she had absolutely nothing to look forward to except maybe a trip to see Rarity which at that point, didn't seem even the slightest bit appealing.

Noon had arrived on Friday and Silver was packing her suitcases for her trip. Silver seemed a bit more frantic than normal and Sweetie noticed this. She asked, "Silver, why are you so frantic? Your flight isn't until tonight and you're just going to meet with your father."

Silver replied, "Sweetie, I'm just nervous. I haven't seen him face to face since last August and I'm sure he's probably going to give me some sort of lecture over me losing my scholarship and threaten me in one way or another to make sure I get my grades up and keep them up." She grabbed a hold of Sweetie and began to cry, "What if he was to make me transfer somewhere else? What if he was to blame you for me losing my scholarship?"

Sweetie gave her a kiss and replied, "Silver, if he does that I will transfer to where ever you go." She looked deep in her eyes and continued, "Trust me, I will make sure that we are not parted." She kissed her again and continued, "I will do anything to make sure we are not parted, even if it is unpleasant for me."

Silver wrapped herself around her and replied, "I know Sweetie and that is part of why I love you so much. I know you will do anything for me and I want you to know that I'll do anything for you too."

The two kissed before Silver looked up at the clock and sighed, "Well Sweetie, I probably better get going. You know how airport security is, if you don't get there four to five hours early, you'll miss your flight."

Sweetie replied, "I know." She kissed her again before continuing, "Well Silver, you better get going."

Silver kissed her one last time before saying, "I'll be back the day before classes start back up. I love you Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie replied, "I love you too Silver Spoon."

Silver closed the door and headed off to catch her flight. Sweetie couldn't help but feel a great amount of disappointment as she had been looking forward to that trip ever since Silver had booked everything a month and a half ago. She was looking out the window and saw Silver pull away. Something crossed her mind suddenly. She had not spent hardly any of the money Rarity or her parents had given her. She said to herself, "You know what? I may not be able to stay in a fancy hotel or do a ton of gambling, but I'm going to Las Pegasus with or without Silver Spoon!"

Letters of Betrayal

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After Silver left for Whinnyapolis, Sweetie Belle had decided that she was not going to be denied a trip to Las Pegasus, even if it meant she could not do a whole lot. She grabbed her suitcase and began to pack everything she thought she would need. She was digging through her drawers and opened the bottom one, where the clothes that truly belong to her were. She pulled them out and said, "I'm going to Las Pegasus and I'm wearing my clothes, my pajamas and I'm wearing my hair my way!"

While Sweetie would never admit it to anyone, it actually felt good knowing that she would have a few days away from her girlfriend. She felt so good she began jumping around in her room until she hit her head on a shelf where Silver had a few of her possessions sitting, including a folder that wound up falling on the floor.

"Ow, that hurt." Sweetie grabbed her head and sighed, "Well I guess that will teach me not to just jump around without watching where I'm going."

Sweetie couldn't help but notice that the contents of the folder had spilled out. What she found would shock her. She found envelopes that had her father's return address on them but the handwriting on them looked extremely familiar. She gasped, "That is not her father's handwriting, it is Diamond Tiara's handwriting!"

Almost immediately her plans to go to Las Pegasus were put on the back burner as she removed all the envelopes from the folder. She placed them in chronological order so she could read them from the earliest to the most recent. She took the letter out of the first envelope which was postmarked January 10 and began to read,

"Dear Silver Spoon,

First I must say that I am upset and disappointed that we had not communicated since August until you called me on New Year's Eve! I'm supposed to be one of your best friends but you are so absorbed in Sweetie Belle that it seems like you don't even care anymore! Ok, enough about that.

First I want to say how hilarious it is that you have convinced Sweetie Belle to share clothes with you, all of your clothes. It must really get you hot and bothered to have her wearing your underwear, to have her wearing your bras and I think it is hilarious how you whined until you would have one shared personality. That right there is proof that she truly is a pathetic little thing that would do anything for your love! Now yeah, I would probably want to choke anyone who called me one of the 'lesbo twins' but it must be worth it to see her belittled like that!

Regarding New Year's Eve, I must say that I feel bad for you for what happened on that day but I'm not surprised. When I heard that you would be taking Sweetie up to Canterlot and that she would be completely reliant on you, I had a feeling you two would get like this BUT I also knew that if Sweetie ever was to get her own transportation, that suddenly you would begin to fall down on her priority list. It is obvious that is what happened while we were on the phone as she put Apple Bloom ahead of you. I'm surprised those two didn't take a surprise trip to the academy to visit Scootaloo, well if they even allow her to have visitors.

Don't worry Silver, once Sweetie's true colors show through and that car of hers winds up keeping her away from you more and more, you'll always have me. You know I won't put a car ahead of you.

Well I shall end this letter now but I do hope we can stay in touch.



Diamond Tiara

P.S. Please make sure Sweetie Belle never sees these letters and keep leading her on, I think it is funny that you have her under your control like this."

When Sweetie finished reading this tears began to run down her eyes. She began to sob, "What? Our love isn't true? This is just some scheme between her and Diamond Tiara to take advantage of me?"

She put the first letter in it's envelope and opened the second one, which was postmarked January 29. It read,

"Dear Silver Spoon,

I am glad to hear from you again. While we may not be able to communicate as much as we would like I am happy to hear from you. I told you that Sweetie would suddenly want to go out and do things on her own. Just like when she went to see Apple Bloom without you, her going to the MegaMart.....ugh, disgusting, to get some supplies and gas is just proof that she doesn't truly care about you. If she cared about you she would simply get supplies at the university bookstore and take you with her to get gas.

I absolutely love it how you tell her that you want the two of you to shut in but she just has to go out for one reason or another. She can claim she loves you all she wants and say she doesn't want you two be parted but that is obviously a lie. She cares more about being cheap and probably saving her money for who knows what rather than caring about you.

Well it is getting late here and as much as I hate to, I have to study for an exam tomorrow*gag*. You know how father will be if I was to fail an exam, he'd punish me and probably make me come home. I will talk to you later and I can't wait to hear about the exploits you've had with Baby Belle in your next letter.



Diamond Tiara"

Her cries became harder, "H-how could she have done this? Wh-why would she do this? Why, why?"

She put the letter back in the envelope and went to the next one, which was dated February 18. It read,

"Dear Silver Spoon,

It was good to hear from you again and I must say that I am a bit disappointed that your guilt trips are not working on her quite as well. Oh well, whine enough and make it sound pathetic enough and you can get that loser to do anything. Even though she has that fancy new car and is spending more time alone, you still OWN her. She may think the clothes, books and supplies are gifts but I do hope you will eventually hold it over her head.

I can only imagine what you two did for Valentine's Day. Hopefully it involved you raining on her and humiliating her in one way or another. You know, if we ever get the chance we should have a three way with her. You could whine about how sexy you think it would be if she let both of us dominate her and she'd probably let us do it. I've always wanted to piss on her anyway. Come on Silver, make my dreams come true! I want to "rain" all over Sweetie Belle so bad!

Now I must go because it is getting late and I have an economics exam tomorrow and I don't want to fail it. Hope to hear from you soon.



Diamond Tiara"

Sweetie's cries continued to get harder and harder as she realized that she wasn't simply seeing things or imagining things, she knew it was true. She yelled, "Wh-why would she do this? Doe-doesn't she know I love her? She s-said she loves me bu-but she does this?"

She grabbed the fourth and final envelope which was dated for not that long ago, March 11. It read,

"Dear Silver Spoon,

You know spring break is coming up and what is even better is that our breaks happen at the same time! I am upset though that you booked a room for a week with Sweetie Belle in Las Pegasus! I am shocked that you would do such a thing. When you get this letter though, I want you to lie to her. I want you to tell her that you have to cancel the trip because you have to see your father in Whinnyapolis.

If she asks why he wants to see you, tell her that the two of you have to meet with some banker and lawyer to get your scholarship back. She is stupid and will buy into the lie without even thinking about it. Then you can meet up with ME and although I'm into guys, I'll show you the time of your life! With those big girls of yours, if you show me a good enough time you might make me go bi.

Now don't worry about paying for the trip as I have already booked it for you. It is with Neighthern Airlines, flight 2189. It will leave on Friday, March 17 at 2018 from Canterlot National and should arrive at 0335 on Saturday morning at Whinnyapolis International. I will be waiting for you at the gate. You better be there because I didn't spend all this money for nothing! See you soon!

Can't wait to fuck you and show you what a REAL WOMAN is like!



Diamond Tiara

P.S. Whether you like it or not, I'm going to "rain" on you all week long for wanting to take Sweetie Belle to Las Pegasus!"

As Sweetie finished reading this her cries turned into a scream of rage, "That lying bitch! That lying, fucking, dirty bitch! When I get my hands on her I WILL FUCKING DESTROY HER!"

Sweetie slammed the letter onto the desk and headed into the bathroom. She glared at her reflection in the mirror, she scowled at those braided pigtails that she had been wearing for so long. She looked at her snug shirt and her short skirt and became angrier. She ripped the pigtails out, ripping some of her hair out in the process and ripped all the shared clothes she was wearing off. She headed in to where her suitcase was and took out some of her old clothes and put them on.

She headed back to the mirror and growled, "That's it. This relationship is done and over." She continued to stare at her reflection and something began to cross her mind. She said to herself, "You know something Sweetie Belle? It is time that we remake ourselves. New clothes, new hair style, new attitude, new taste in music, totally new Sweetie Belle."

She headed back to where the letters where and placed the newest one back in it's envelope and then placed all of them back in the folder. She growled, "When that little cunt gets back I'm shoving these fucking things down her throat."

By the time she had finished reading the letters and made plans to transform herself, she had no desire to go to Las Pegasus. She knew that her anger was too great to travel any distance further than the MegaMart and besides, she had decided to remake herself and her week alone would be the week she did it.

Remaking Herself

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After a rough night's sleep Sweetie got up the following morning and got ready for the day ahead. For the first time in months she dressed and wore her hair the way she did before her and Silver became a couple. She stared at herself in the mirror and said, "Well Sweetie, let's do this. Let's start remaking ourself!"

Sweetie headed out to the parking lot and drove off to the MegaMart where she could get pretty much everything she needed. As she headed in the first place she went to was the hair salon. When she was greeted she would be pleasantly surprised that there would be no wait. As the stylist led her back she asked, "So what are we going to do today? Are we going to just cut off the split ends or are we going to do something shorter?"

Sweetie replied, "I was thinking of something a bit shorter, something right above my shoulders."

The stylist asked, "That certainly is a lot and your hair is gorgeous! Most women would kill to have hair like yours! Are you sure you want it that short?"

Sweetie decided that perhaps shoulder length wasn't short enough so she said, "No, give me a boy cut and dye it jet black."

The stylist's jaw dropped open, "Jet black? Why would you want it that way when your natural colors are so gorgeous!"

Sweetie sighed, "Are you going to do this or do I need to speak to your manager?"

The stylist replied, "Ok, let's do this."

The stylist washed Sweetie's hair before cutting and dying it. While the stylist looked on in shock as Sweetie took on a completely different look, Sweetie smiled at her reflection in the mirror and realized that this was just the first phase in remaking herself."

The stylist led her up where she would pay for the cut. As soon as Sweetie left the salon and headed to do her shopping, everyone looked at her in shock. One little girl pointed at her, then looked at her mother and asked, "Mama, why does that woman's hair looks like a boy's?"

Sweetie glared at the girl and the mother said, "Honey, it's not polite to point."

Sweetie said, "Oh it's ok, don't worry about it."

That was one thing that Sweetie did not even think about, she didn't think about how some people would react but at this point she didn't really care. She thought to herself, "Well now that the hair is taken care of, it's off to get some new clothes."

As Sweetie headed towards the clothes, she found herself heading into the men's department. As she was looking at the jeans and saw that unlike how it is with women's jeans, that men's jeans go by waist size, she became frustrated, "Ugh, what size would I wear?"

She grabbed a few different sizes and went to the fitting room. After 20 minutes of trying on jeans, she discovered that she was a 36 x 30. She grabbed a few pair of those and then decided that part of remaking herself would also be switching to men's shirts as well. She looked at them and decided that she wanted to hide her voluptuous figure for the most part so she grabbed some 2X shirts but before heading to grab some new undergarments, she saw a Canterlot U hockey jersey that she just had to have.

Despite wanting to remake herself she knew that men's underwear would likely not fit her very well and knew full well that she needed bras so she did go to the lingerie section but grabbed underwear like what she used to wear and grabbed sports bras that hid rather than accented her breasts.

Once she grabbed all her clothes she headed to the bedding area given that since she would finally be sleeping in her own bed that she couldn't just leave it bare with no pillows. Throughout her whole life Sweetie had hated black but she seemed drawn to it, almost like it was calling out to her so like it was with her clothes, she grabbed everything black.

Once she grabbed the pillows and bedding she would need she headed back to the music area to not only grab some CDs, but a stereo as well. She began to look through the various genres and a memory began to come to her, a memory from long ago. She remembered that when she was very young that she would listen to metal and classic rock with her father and try to sing the lyrics. Then it hit her, it was that time with her father that got her into singing so she headed to those two genres.

As she looked through them she felt drawn to the artists her father likes, Judas Priest, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Foghat, Whitesnake, Metallica, Rush and several others. While she wasn't running short on money, she knew she better just go buy a decent stereo and get going.

She headed to the stereos and was shocked by the prices of them. She asked herself, "Stereos are this much here? I thought they would be at least decent priced."

In the end she wound up going with a portable stereo that she could plug into the wall because she didn't want to spend too much money. As she was going through the checkout line the cashier gave her an odd look. She noticed that Sweetie's clothes were light colored and cheery and then saw that everything she was buying was black. She asked, "Ma'am, what's up with all the black? Is this for someone else?"

Sweetie rolled her eyes and replied, "No, it is all for me."

She looked at her more closely and could tell that her hair had just been cut and dyed. She asked, "Oh, I see. I take it you are going to transition yourself into some sort of bad girl for a while?"

Sweetie frowned over the comment. She grunted, "Will you just check me out or do I need to speak with your manager?"

The clerk sighed, "I'm sorry, ok."

Once Sweetie got checked out she headed to her car. When she got there and after putting everything in the trunk, she opened one of her CDs and put it in to play. It was a rather warm day so she decided to roll all the windows down and blare her music as loud as possible. During her whole trip back to campus she was receiving dirty looks from the locals who were not exactly fans of loud music. Once she returned to campus she turned her music down realizing that perhaps blaring her music on the streets of Canterlot would not be the best idea.

She took her stuff up to her dorm and the very first thing she did was throw all of the clothes she had shared with Silver on her bed and began to put her new acquisitions away and after that, she made her bed. Once she got everything taken care of she headed to the door and saw how both beds now had bedding. She smiled, "Now this is more like it!" Her smile changed to a scowl and continued, "What a shame I can't swap out roommates too, that would make this day truly perfect.

A Confrontational Return

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Several days had passed since Sweetie Belle had transformed herself and the Sunday before classes had arrived. When Sweetie woke up she realized that day would be the ultimate test, it would be the test to see how she would truly react around the girl who betrayed her in one of the worst imaginable ways.

Sweetie put on some Black Sabbath early in the afternoon and stood at the windows, waiting for her soon to be ex-girlfriend to arrive home. After an hour of waiting she saw Silver pull into the lot, parking right next to her. She said to herself, "Ok Sweetie Belle, everything is going to be alright. As long as we don't strangle her to death, everything will be fine."

Ten minutes later the door to their room opened and Silver headed in. As she looked around things just didn't seem right. She saw a huge pile of clothes on her and Sweetie's bed, the lights were off, music she had never heard before was playing and a figure clad in black was standing with her back facing her by the windows.

She asked, "Hello, who are you?"

The figure said nothing and continued to stand like a statue. Silver continued to look around and saw that the bed closest to the windows had bedding on it, all black bedding. She also noticed that Sweetie's closet was open and there were nothing but black shirts hanging in there. One thing Silver did know is that throughout her whole life, Sweetie had never cared for the color black. Again Silver asked, "Who are you and what happened to Sweetie Belle?"

Again, nothing but silence. Silver decided that she was going to find out who this quiet, mysterious woman was. As she approached the figure further, she saw that it had a wad of paper in its hand. She tapped the figure on the shoulder and asked, "Who are you?"

The moment she did this the figure turned around and shoved the wad of paper in her mouth. The figure snapped, "Have fun fucking Diamond Tiara all week? Have fun getting pissed on all week?"

Silver shrieked, "Svphh....?"

Sweetie shoved the paper further in her mouth and and snapped, "So you thought that lie involving meeting your father and some lawyer was pretty clever huh?"

Finally Sweetie allowed Silver to spit out the paper. She got in her face and continued, "So Silver Slut, how long has this shit been going on between you and Diamond Tramp? Since New Year's Eve, since we first moved up here, since......"

Silver interrupted, "Sweetie....."

Sweetie got in her face and yelled, "Just tell me. I found out about your miserable lies when your folder with your fucking letters of betrayal fell from your shelf."

Silver shoved Sweetie backwards and yelled, "How dare you get into my mail. It is a crime to open someone else's mail!"

Sweetie sneered, "It was already open and luckily for me, it feel out of your folder." She got back up in Silver's face and ordered, "Tell me, how long has this been going on?"

Silver became flustered and shied back. She stuttered, "We-well"

Sweetie ordered, "Tell me, when did this start?"

Silver broke down crying, "Fine! It started back on New Year's Eve when you went to see if your grades came in and then you spent a lot of the day with Apple Bloom! You put Apple Bloom ahead of me, your precious girlfriend!"

Once Silver began to fess up Sweetie calmed down. She sighed, "Silver Spoon, just like I said when I got back to your house that day I asked you if you wanted to come but oh no, you had to shut yourself in over your poor grade report."

Silver replied, "But I thought you would only be gone for a little while!"

Sweetie began to circle Silver and continued, "And when I first discovered everything you shared with Diamond Tiara regarding our whole relationship, I was appalled." She got in her face again and continued, "I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised or hurt by it though. You're no better than the conniving little bitch you were in grade school." She began to laugh, "And it must have been something reliving the days of your youth. I'm sure she rained on you back then just like she rained on you for the past week."

Silver began to tear up, "She didn't rain on me when we were little, she just....."

Sweetie got up in her face and laughed, "Come on Silver, everyone knew you were nothing more than a mindless little sheep of Diamond's. All you ever did was follow her around!" She smacked her and continued, "I wouldn't be surprised if you let Diamond dump on you too!"

Sweetie circling Silver made her nervous enough but it was bringing up her youth that finally caused her to break, "Fine! You win! I've been a bad girlfriend! I know I shouldn't have whined to manipulate you, I know I shouldn't have done what I did with Diamond Tiara, I know I shouldn't have begged you to share a personality with me, I'm sorry people call us the lesbo twins" She hugged Sweetie and continued to cry, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I've been a bad girlfriend."

Sweetie shoved her back and sneered, "You mean a bad ex-girlfriend."

Silver cried, "Ex-girlfriend?"

Sweetie again began to circle her, "Yes, ex-girlfriend. You honestly think with all the shit you pulled that I would stay with a disloyal little cunt like you?" Her voice became more snide as she continued, "You know something Silver, you are a disgrace, a complete and absolute disgrace. You are a disgrace to this university, you are a disgrace to Appleton, you are a disgrace to your father and most of all, you are a disgrace to yourself."

Finally Sweetie's ruthless demeanor broke Silver entirely. She went running out of their dorm crying, causing some of the other students on the floor to approach Sweetie. One of them asked, "Sweetie Belle, what in the hell was that over? Why is your lesbo girlfriend running away crying?"

Another added, "Sweetie, I thought you two loved each other. Why would you be so mean to her?"

A third laughed, "Oh just wait, I'm sure the makeup sex will be great." She began to laugh louder, "And I know who the sub will be!" She turned towards Sweetie and continued, "Just don't be too rough with her, alright. We don't want her cries of pain keeping us awake."

Sweetie glared at the three and grunted, "Now isn't the time, alright?"

Sweetie glared at them before slamming the door shut. She headed back into her room and felt a sense of not just satisfaction, but liberation. She felt like that by reducing Silver Spoon to a crying mess, that she had avenged herself from the prior months of being an easily manipulated weakling. Sweetie's thoughts would soon turn elsewhere. Soon she began to realize that the rest of this semester was going to be pure hell living with a girl she absolutely hated.

As darkness began to set in and Silver had yet to return to their dorm, Sweetie snickered, "Well at least now I know how to keep that little cunt in check." Her snicker turned into an all out laugh, "And if I'm just a grade A bitch to her all the time, maybe I can drive her into wanting to move to a different room!"

A Change in Arrangements

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A Morning Meeting

The following morning arrived and Sweetie was waken up by the morning sun. She put her arm over her eyes and groaned, "Ugh, it's morning already?" She sat up and discovered that Silver had never came back overnight as that pile of clothes was still on her bed. She couldn't help but laugh, "Maybe I ran that little bitch off. Maybe I won't have to put up with her anymore!"

Soon the phone would ring,

"Hello, who is this?"

"This is James Lodging, the housing director here at Canterlot University. Am I speaking to Sweetie Belle?"

"Yes, I am Sweetie Belle."

"Good, I need you to get down to the housing office immediately."

"Well let me shower, it shouldn't take any longer than fifteen minutes."

"No, I need you down here now, ok. We have something serious to discuss regarding your roommate."

"Fine, I'll get dressed and head down there."

"Good, she you shortly."


Sweetie got dressed and headed down to the housing office where she would be greeted by the housing director. He asked, "You're Sweetie Belle, right?"

Sweetie was not one bit thrilled to have to go out before showering but knew that she had to maintain a professional attitude here. She replied, "Yes, I am she."

He pointed towards his office and ordered, "Go in, we have some important things to discuss."

Sweetie followed him in and found not just one girl, but two. One was Silver Spoon and the other was a girl clad in black with long black hair. Sweetie had a feeling as to what was going to happen. Once they were in his office he closed the door and continued, "Sweetie Belle, I'm sure you know why I've called you here."

Sweetie sighed, "Yes. I take it involves the blow up I had with my roommate yesterday afternoon?"

James replied, "It is." He cast his gaze to Silver and continued, "Silver, do you want to tell her or should I?"

Silver replied, "I will." She looked at Sweetie and began, "Sweetie, I don't think you and I can be roommates anymore. We went from being as close as can be to being so different." She began to tear up, "Look, I know I was a bad girlfriend but that was no reason for you to treat me the way you did yesterday! I would have given you another chance even though you were so mean......"

James interrupted, "Silver Spoon, this meeting is to discuss the rooming situation involving not just you two, but Dark Song as well. This is not couples counseling."

Silver sniffled, "Ok."

James continued, "Sweetie Belle, it is clearly obvious that there is no possible way that you could room with Silver Spoon given your history." He pointed at Dark Song and continued, "Dark Song is having roommate issues of her own."

Dark Song added, "I am. My current roommate and I just clash. I don't hate her or anything but she is so happy all the time and it is annoying. When James learned of your situation he believed that perhaps you and I would be a better fit."

Sweetie began to examine the young woman and picked up positive energy from her. She replied, "You know, I think you and I will be a good fit."

Dark gave her an embrace and said, "Good, I'm so happy to be getting away from my roommate! I hope we can grow close."

Sweetie replied, "As do I." She cast her gaze towards James and asked, "So who is moving where and when are we going to do this? We do have classes today after all."

James replied, "It will begin this evening at 1730 once all of your classes are over. As far as who is moving where, Dark Song will be moving in with you and Silver will be moving in with her old roommate."

Silver was not thrilled with this. She snapped, "What? I'm the one who was treated like dirt and I'm the one who has to move? Why shouldn't she have to be the one to move? Why can't she just move in with her and her old roommate could move in with me?"

James replied, "Because this is what I think the best option is." He looked up at the clock and continued, "Well ladies, I think it is time to adjourn this meeting because I'm sure you need to eat some breakfast and then go to class."

Silver asked, "So Sweetie, what are we going to do about everything we shared? I'm not just going to let you have half of those clothes."

Sweetie rolled her eyes and sighed, "You go ahead and take them all Silver, it's not like I'd be wearing them anyway but I would advise you go and buy your own books for the classes we have together. My scholarship covered the books we shared and I certainly have no plans on giving them to you and having to go buy my own."

Silver stuck her lip out and began to whine, "Oh ok, I just thought you might do one last nice thing for poor little......"

Sweetie interrupted, "Give it a rest Silver Spoon. I'm in no mood for that."

James rolled his eyes over Silver's whining as the girls left his office to head off to their classes. He sighed, "I just hope they get along better with their new roommates."

Sweetie's New Roommate

For both Sweetie and Silver, the day seemed to drag by as they simply wanted to finally move forward from rooming together. As their final class of the day ended and they headed back to their dorm, Sweetie couldn't help but smile knowing that this would be the final walk back to her dorm with Silver.

Once they arrived Silver began to pack her things. While she was trying her best to not show any emotion, she couldn't help but weep quietly as she remembered all the wonderful times that her and Sweetie had in there. It hurt her that their final moments of being roommates would be spent like this. It hurt her that those final moments would be spent not in a loving embrace as they moved out together after graduation but instead packing to move to another room with Sweetie's cold, icy glare watching her every move.

A bit before 1830 Silver had packed up all her things and was ready to go. She couldn't bring herself to make eye contact with Sweetie so she looked down and sighed, "Well Sweetie, I guess this is it. I want you to know that I don't wish you any ill will and may you succeed in whatever you do."

Sweetie sighed, "Same here Silver, same here."

Before she could say anything else she heard a knock on the door. Sweetie opened it and there was Dark Song, with her suitcases. Sweetie noticed that Dark's suitcases were rather heavy so she grabbed one for her. Once both of her suitcases were in, both of them stared at Silver as she had her suitcases packed. Silver saw this as the cue that it was time to go. As she was carrying her suitcases out the door she sighed, "Well good-bye Sweetie."

Sweetie replied, "Bye Silver."

As Silver left and the door closed, Sweetie threw her hands up in the air and said, "Yesss! Finally!"

Dark Song smiled, "I take it you're as happy to be rid of her as I am to get away from my old roommate?"

Sweetie replied, "Yep, it seems that way."

Dark Song began to unpack and became curious about her roommate. She asked, "So Sweetie, I think we should get to know one another so I'm wondering if you'd tell me a little about yourself."

Sweetie replied, "Sounds good. Well I'm originally from Appleton, a small town off to the east of here."

Dark asked, "What is it like down there?"

Sweetie replied, "Well it is like all other small towns, not much happens on there and there are farms down there."

Dark asked, "Given the name of the town, I take it that there are apple orchards down there?"

Sweetie replied, "Yes, there are." She grabbed a photo of her and her friends and showed it to her. She continued, "This is a picture of me and my friends. That is me in the middle, the girl on the left with the bow in her hair is Apple Bloom and the girl on the right in the Air Force Academy shirt on is Scootaloo."

She took a look at the picture and then at Sweetie. She asked, "Seriously, that girl in the middle was you? You looked so different back then."

Sweetie replied, "Yeah, I was quite a bit more naive back then. Hell it wasn't until this semester that I realized that life isn't a bowl of cherries and discovered that being all cheery like that is ridiculous."

Dark put her arm around her and said, "Well I think you look a lot better like this."

Sweetie replied, "Uh, thanks." She then asked, "What about you? How about you tell me a bit about yourself?"

Dark replied, "Well I'm originally from Vanhoover." She got in one of her suitcases and grabbed a picture of her and her family. She pointed them out and continued, "The woman in the slacks and white shirt is Morning Dew, the man in the business suit is my father, High Rise, the guy in the navy uniform is my older brother, Blazing Glory and the younger girl with the blonde hair is Sunrise."

Sweetie noticed that the rest of her family seemed different than her. She asked, "Dark, why does your family look so different than you? No offense but you look out of place there."

Dark replied, "Well the rest of my family is very cheerful and thinks that life is one big ray of sunshine but I take a look at things and I see so much negativity in this world and that is what led me to become like I am back when I was in high school."

Given that Dark had brought up her family, Sweetie grabbed a picture of her family. She said, "Here is a picture of my family. The man with the straw hat on is my father, Magnum. The woman with the pearls on is my mother, Pearl and the woman with the fancy purple hair is my older sister, Rarity."

She took a look at the picture and said, "Your parents look really laid back and your sister looks a little stressed in this picture."

Sweetie replied, "Well my parents live in Tampa Neigh. My father is a life guard on the beach and my mom works in a jewelry store during the week and relax on the beach during the weekend. My sister operates a fashion boutique down in Appleton and that does get stressful for her."

Dark asked, "I do have one question though, what caused you to go from dressing so brightly and having that multi-colored hair to have black hair and dress in all black?"

Sweetie replied, "Oh it was an experience I had with my ex and I started looking through the world through a new perspective and this is just how I turned out. I think this has how I have probably been for quite a while but the situation with Silver Spoon is what caused it to finally surface, I realized that the world isn't a bowl of cherries."

Dark said, "Well it looks like we have that in common. We both see the world for what it really is. We see that it isn't all cheery and perfect."

Sweetie went to put some music on and asked, "So Dark, are there any types of music you like?"

Dark saw that she had some CDs by her stereo and replied, "Yeah, I like Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Metallica, Whitesnake, AC/DC, Rush and Foghat to name a few."

Sweetie's head shot up. She asked, "Really? I have all of that right here."

Dark walked over to go through the CDs with her and was thrilled when she saw what she had. She said, "You know Sweetie, I can tell that you and I are going to get along just fine!"

Sweetie replied, "I know." She put some Judas Priest on and the two got to unpacking her suitcases. For Dark Song it felt like a long nightmare had finally come to a close and for Sweetie, it felt like a truly sweet victory. She was able to get a new roommate, one who seems nice and one who genuinely seems more like her....well the her since she remade herself.

Sweetie's Dilemma

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A Meeting With Matilda

A little less than two months had passed and the end of the semester was drawing near and like it was with the prior semester, most of the professors at the university, including all of Sweetie's showed the students their grades going into the final and gave them the option of keeping their current grade or take the final to improve it. Sweetie sat there in the front row with a beaming smile in each class as not only did she have an A at that point, but she had done better than she did the last semester. She knew why she done better too, she knew that it was being Silver Spoon free for the second half that aided her in doing even better than she had before.

As the students were filing out of the classroom, Sweetie stopped to talk to her professor and advisor, Matilda Songheart. She asked, "Matilda, do you think that we could talk sometime? I am having serious issues on what I want to do with my future."

Matilda replied, "Yeah we can do that right now. Follow me to my office."

Sweetie nodded and the two talked about ordinary things until they reached her office. Matilda opened the door and invited Sweetie in. Once she got sat down Matilda closed the door and asked, "So Sweetie, what is it you want to talk about?"

Sweetie replied, "You're probably going to think I'm nuts but I'm seriously thinking about changing my major and transferring."

Matilda's jaw dropped open when she heard this. She asked, "Really Sweetie? You want to change your major and transfer?"

Sweetie replied, "Yeah, I do."

Matilda asked, "But why? You have done spectacular in your music courses and even though you had a sudden change in yourself in the middle of the semester, you are by far the best student I have ever had and you have such a beautiful voice."

Sweetie replied, "I know but this semester has helped me discover a lot about myself and I think part of it is the criminal justice course I took. It opened my eyes to so many possibilities in life and it has really caused me to want a career in law enforcement."

Again Matilda's jaw dropped open. As she looked at the young woman sitting across from her, she just couldn't imagine her as being the type who would be interested in such a field. She asked, "Sweetie, I know it has opened your eyes up to new possibilities but you just don't remind me of the type that would be interested in that." She leaned forward and continued, "Sweetie, you have so much potential in music. I could honestly see you going on to be a world famous singer." She sat back and sighed, "Is there anything else that is wanting you to change your major and transfer?"

Sweetie replied, "Actually yes, there is. While I have had many good memories here, I also have the bad memories involving everything that happened with Silver Spoon. I just feel like if I transfer, change majors and start with a clean slate, that I will do better."

Matilda said, "Well, I can't stop you from changing majors and transferring but I do ask that you give this some thought before going through with it. I have loved having you as a student and I know that you will easily succeed in life if you stay here and keep with this program."

Sweetie replied, "Well I'll think about it. Can I come and discuss this with you sometime on Monday?"

Matilda responded, "Yes, you may. Would 1500 work for you?"

Sweetie nodded, "Yes, that sounds great."

Matilda replied, "Alright, see you then."

Roommate Discussion

As Sweetie headed back towards her dorm she couldn't help but feel somewhat torn. While she had this extreme desire to simply change majors and transfer to a university with a stronger criminal justice program, she couldn't help but hear her advisor's words ringing in her head. She knew that she was right about her singing abilities, she knew that she had a voice that most people would kill for but still, music had so many bad memories for her.

With all of this going through her mind, she arrived at her dorm much quicker than she thought and once she got in, she saw Dark Song standing there with a huge smile on her face. Sweetie saw this and asked, "Dark, what is up with the smile?"

Dark replied, "I have straight As, I don't have to take any of the finals."

Sweetie went to give her a high five but found herself in an embrace. Sweetie said, "That's wonderful news!"

Dark saw the stressed look on Sweetie's face when she first went in and asked, "Sweetie, what is wrong? Are your grades not as good as you hoped?"

Sweetie replied, "Oh my grades are great and I don't have to take any of the finals. I am just having some internal struggles right now."

Dark asked, "Internal struggles, what kind of internal struggles." Dark could sometimes be a bit paranoid and she continued, "I'm not causing any of them am I?"

Sweetie gave her a smile and replied, "Oh goodness no! You're the best roommate anyone could hope for and I've come to think of you as a good friend."

Dark said, "I'm glad you think of me as a good friend." Her face turned to one of concern, "What is causing your struggles?"

Sweetie replied, "I'm just wondering what to do with my life. I know I'm a great singer and Professor Songheart said that I could easily go on and become a world famous singer but I really don't know if music is what I want to do with my life anymore."

Dark asked, "What do you think you want to do now?"

Sweetie replied, "Well at the beginning of the semester I signed up for Intro to Criminal Justice and after taking that course along with what has happened this semester, I'm thinking I may transfer, major in criminal justice and pursue a career in law enforcement."

As Sweetie said this Dark's face dropped. She asked, "So you are planning on going to college somewhere else?"

Sweetie replied, "Yeah. I was thinking of either going to the university in Las Pegasus because of the prestige of their program or transferring to the University of Fillydelphia because that is where one of my friends is studying horticulture."

Dark hung her head low and buried her face in her hands. Sweetie saw this and asked, "What's wrong?"

Dark replied, "Well I guess I'm just sad hearing this. I know I shouldn't be but ever since I came here, you are the only person who I have been able to truly relate with. Yes I have other friends but I just feel like you understand me more." She lifted her head up a bit and continued, "I know I probably sound really selfish but I really wish you would stay because I don't want to lose a friend as good as you."

Sweetie stood there in a state of shock as she did not know that Dark saw her as that good of a friend and that was only making her decision harder. She replied, "Well I haven't made my decision yet. I told Matilda that I would see her on Monday to let her know about my final decision."

Dark asked, "Alright. Will you let me know about your decision before you go to see her?"

Sweetie replied, "Well I might not even make it until I get to her office so you can come with me if you want."

Dark hugged her and said, "I would love to come with you."

Over the weekend Sweetie and Dark did not discuss her plans on the high probability that she was going to transfer and switch majors. Dark Song hoped and hoped that Sweetie would at least decide to remain at Canterlot U while the indecision in Sweetie became worse. Not only did she have Matilda's words ringing in her head, she also had a young woman who she had become good friends with hoping that she would stay.

Sweetie's Decision

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Decision Time

The weekend seemed to drag by for both Sweetie and Dark but for different reasons. For Dark Song it was because she couldn't bear the thoughts of the one person she could really relate with leaving and for Sweetie, it was multiple reasons. The criminal justice course really got her interested in law enforcement yet at the same time she knew her advisor spoke the truth about her singing voice and seeing Dark Song's reaction to what she may do only made her decision even harder to make.

When Monday afternoon arrived Dark Song was nervous, very nervous. She had been watching Sweetie's facial expressions for a good portion of the day but she couldn't make out what her decision would be, or if she had even made one. Once a half hour before her meeting arrived Sweetie asked, "Well Dark, shall we go to my appointment?"

Dark replied, "Sure, let's go."

The walk to Matilda's office seemed excruciatingly long for Dark, as had the whole weekend. On the walk there her and Sweetie did talk some but no matter how hard she tried, Dark could not read Sweetie well enough to figure out what her decision was. When they arrived Matilda was standing outside her office and gave the two a smile. She said, "Sweetie, I didn't know Dark Song was coming with you."

She shifted her attention to Dark and added, "Dark Song, it is so good to see you!"

Dark replied, "It's nice to see you too Matilda!"

Matilda looked at the two and asked, "So Sweetie, will Dark be joining us or will she be waiting outside?"

Sweetie had an unsure look on her face until Dark replied, "I'll just wait out here. I think this is probably something that you two need to discuss alone."

Sweetie said, "Yeah, this would likely be best if we discussed it alone."

Sweetie headed in and Matilda closed the door. Sweetie sat down and Matilda asked, "Sweetie, have you made a decision about your major and your decision to transfer yet?"

Sweetie sat there in silence for a few seconds before replying, "I have. I have decided to stay here."

This made Matilda very happy. She said, "I'm glad to hear that Sweetie Belle. May I ask what caused you to decide to remain here at Canterlot U?"

Sweetie replied, "Yes, you may. Well over the weekend I had so many things running through my mind. I remember when I first came here that Silver Spoon could pretty much manipulate me into doing anything, including things I am ashamed of and I realized that by transferring, that I would be letting her manipulate me into leaving."

Matilda continued, "That is what I had been wanting to tell you but I felt like it wasn't my place." She gave Sweetie a curious look and asked, "That isn't the only reason though, is it?"

Sweetie replied, "Well no. While we haven't known one another for very long but in the short time we have been rooming together, Dark Song and I have become really good friends. It seems like there is just the right connection there."

Matilda asked, "So did you discuss it with her?"

Sweetie replied, "Yes, I did. She seemed devastated when I told her about it and over the weekend we went out and did things together and that is what convinced me not to leave. I realized how close the two of us are and I knew that not only would she miss me, but I would miss her as well."

Matilda sighed, "Alright but what about your other decision? Will I continue to be your advisor or will you be switching majors."

This was something that Sweetie still hadn't decided on. She had a nervous look on her face and sat there silent for a minute before replying, "You know, this is the hard one for me. I love music but I also would love to one day be involved in law enforcement."

Matilda sat there in thought for a moment before suggesting, "You know Sweetie, you could always keep your major in music but add a minor in criminal justice."

Sweetie asked, "Would I still be able to become a law enforcement officer if I wanted to some day?"

Matilda replied, "I'm sure you could and that way, if you chose to do so, you and Dark Song could share your beautiful voices together or you could become a police officer. You would have both options if you follow my advice."

Sweetie looked back at the door and asked, "Could Dark Song come in while I announce my decision?"

Matilda headed to the door and replied, "Of course she can. To be honest, I think it would be better that way."

Matilda opened the door to find Dark Song sitting on the floor with a nervous look on her face. She motioned for her to get up and said, "Sweetie Belle has made her decision and wants you to be present when she announces it."

Dark nervously got up and headed into Matilda's office and sat next to Sweetie, who had a neutral look on her face which really unnerved Dark. She gave her a nervous look and asked, "So Sweetie, what did you decide?"

Sweetie began, "Well when it comes to my major, I have decided that I will remain in music but I plan on adding a minor in criminal justice so that if I want to go into law enforcement, I can or if I want to go into music for my career, I can."

Dark gave her a nervous look and said, "Well that's good."

Sweetie continued, "And regarding where I am going to go to school....." Sweetie paused for a minute before giving Dark a hug, "I have decided to stay here at Canterlot U." The nervous look on Dark's face quickly vanished as she heard this. Sweetie continued, "I realized that by leaving that would be me being no better than I was when I first got here, that would be me allowing myself to be manipulated by Silver Spoon." She turned to where she was facing Dark Song, "And also, I realized that I would be leaving a very good friend of mine. I realized that I would miss you and I know you would miss me."

Dark, who tries her hardest to only show her emotions around those closest to her began to have tears drip down her cheeks, "Really Sweetie! I am so happy to hear that. You have no idea how much I hoped to hear that."

Sweetie replied, "Well over the weekend I did a lot of deep thinking and I made the decisions I did because they are what I felt would be the best for everyone."

Dark hugged her again and held it for a minute. Sweetie Belle was not expecting her to do this so she had a slightly shocked look on her face but she saw a slight smile coming from Matilda and couldn't help but wonder what it was all about. Matilda stood up and said, "Well Sweetie, I am glad that you have made the decision you did. I look forward to advising you two this fall."

A Sweet Song

Both nodded at her as she opened the door and left. As they headed towards their dorm Sweetie felt a sense of relief since that hard decision was out of the way. Dark felt a sense of happiness knowing that not only was Sweetie, despite adding a minor in criminal justice, would continue majoring in music. She felt even better knowing that Sweetie would be staying.

As they neared their building Sweetie felt something that she had not felt in almost two months, a hand in hers. She looked over to see Dark had grabbed her hand. Sweetie stopped and asked, "Dark Song?"

Dark had a smile on her face yet had tears running down it at the same time. She began, "Sweetie, as you know I try to hide my emotions but doing so around you is so much more difficult. I am going to admit, when you told me that you were probably going to leave I was devastated. While I have had other girlfriends in my past, I never connected with any of them like I have you and we're not even in a relationship."

Sweetie replied, "Well I have felt a close connection with you as well."

Dark continued, "And I am going to admit, you are special to me. In my past I never would have wanted to be close with someone with your past but with you, I don't care about your past. I don't care that at one time you were an overly cheery, clingy girl. What matters is what you are now." She began to cry, "I know I'm not perfect, not even close to it. I know with what you went through over the semester you probably can't stand me showing emotion like this, you probably think I'm weak......."

Before she could say anything else, Dark found herself in a tight liplock with Sweetie. She was shocked by it until Sweetie broke it and started, "Dark Song, I NEVER want to hear you say that about yourself again, alright?"

Dark asked, "Sweetie, why....."

Sweetie interrupted, "Dark, you ARE perfect. I don't want to hear you putting yourself down EVER again. I will admit, had you started showing this kind of emotion the day you moved in with me, I would have reacted negatively but we have grown close since then. I feel a very close connection with you Dark, and I want to know something."

Dark asked, "What?"

Sweetie became a bit nervous and asked, "I-I am wondering, wou-would you be my girlfriend?"

Dark's heart exploded. She never imagined that the girl she had grown so close to would ask her to be her girlfriend. She grabbed Sweetie in an embrace and exclaimed, "Yes! Yes! Yes I'll be your girlfriend!"

Sweetie tightened the embrace and the two began to jump up and down. Sweetie happily added, "I'm so happy! I'm so happy you said yes!" The two calmed down and broke the embrace. Sweetie continued, "Dark, I have wanted to ask you this for two weeks but with the end of the semester coming and me struggling with the decisions I made, I was scared to. I was scared you would say no."

Dark grabbed her hand and replied, "Sweetie, you shouldn't have been scared." She looked Sweetie in the eyes and continued, "I am glad though that we did not wait for years to express our feelings and put off getting together."

Sweetie replied, "Me too, me too." She began to lead Dark into their building and continued, "Well what do you say we go out to supper and celebrate our new relationship?"

Dark replied, "I would love to!"

A Silver Scolding

The two headed up to their dorm to ready themselves for their first date. During the whole time they were talking and expressing their feelings, a girl with silver hair in braided pigtails had been watching and listening to everything from behind a tree. Once they were inside the girl began to cry in agony and ran off in the other direction. She was running as fast as she could until she had ran past a ridge and could no longer be seen.

The girl sat on a bench and began to yell, "This is all your fault Silver Spoon, this is all your fault." Her crying yells became louder as she continued, "That could have still been you! That could have still been you with Sweetie Belle but oh no, you just had to get mad when she would have personal space. You just had to get paranoid when she spent time with her friends! You just had to convince her that we should shut ourselves in, didn't you. You just had to manipulate her with your damn whining didn't you!"

Silver quieted down and sobbed, "I lost her, I lost the one girl who made me happy, I've lost everything."

Silver realized that she needed some time alone, away from everyone so she drove to a walking path outside of town to get some exercise and do some deep thinking. As she was walking the path, images of her life came to her. Images from when she was a mean little girl with Diamond Tiara first came to her, then images of her as a high schooler who had a secret crush on Sweetie, the fun and sexy times she had with Sweetie, the times she cheated and horrible memories of the day that Sweetie broke her emotionally.

She looked towards the setting sun in the west and asked herself, "I've fucked up big time. What do I do now?"

Epilogue: 10 Years Later

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A Bad Day at Work

It was a dark, stormy and icy March day in Canterlot and at a local motel, the maids were getting off of their shifts. The day had been pretty productive for all of them, except for one. As one of them was clocking out she was stopped by her boss. He grabbed her shoulder and said, "Silver Spoon, we need to talk."

She nervously followed him to his office as she had a bad feeling as to what it was about. Once she was in he closed the door and began, "Silver Spoon, I need to talk to you about your job performance over the past couple of months."

Silver replied, "I'm sorry I haven't been doing as well as I could be. This time of year is just hard on me, especially given that today is the ten year anniversary of a really bad day in my life."

Her boss didn't want to hear it. He continued, "Look, I know something is bothering you from ten years ago but you can't just let it cause you to slack on the job and force your co-workers to have to work harder to make up for what you don't do."

Silver replied, "Well it was ten years ago today that...."

Her boss interrupted, "Look, I know this isn't just about today. Your job performance has been down ever since late last year." A frown began to develop on his face as he continued, "Look, there are negative customer reports about our motel surfacing and every single one of them are coming from customers who stayed in rooms you cleaned the day they checked in, every single one of them!"

Silver replied, "I'm sorry...."

Her boss interrupted, "Look, we are losing money because customers check these reports and when they see that we only have 3.4 stars and the other motel just down the road has 4.8 stars, they decide to stay there."

Silver sighed, "Look, you know this happens every year with me. Why is it just now that you bring it up?"

Her boss replied, "Because in previous years it only lasted for a day or two but this year it has been going on since last New Year's Eve, last New Year's Eve!"

Silver began to cry, "Look, on New Year's Eve it was ten years since things started going downhill with the only girl I ever loved and it was ten years ago today that she ruthlessly belittled me and dumped me."

Her boss raised his voice and said, "Look, that is something that needs to be addressed to a therapist, not me." She began to say something else before he continued, "Silver, I can't continue to lose money because of your poor job performance. I have no choice but to terminate your employment."

Silver gasped, "No, please no! I'll do better, I promise!"

Her boss replied, "I'm sorry but I can no longer take the risk on your empty promises." He pointed towards the exit and finished, "No go. Please return your uniforms in 48 hours or you will be billed for them."

Silver ran out of his office crying in agony and all her former boss could do was shake his head in disgust. While he never enjoyed firing people, he knew that in the case of her, it would be either fire her or risk losing his business.

Silver's Accident

Once Silver got into her car and took off towards home, tears were flowing from her eyes. She cried, "What am I going to do, what am I going to do? I got fired, again! Who is going to hire a woman who can't keep a job for more than three years? Who is going to hire a woman who can't even keep a job cleaning rooms?"

As she was driving home her emotional state was only getting worse and like she always does when she had meltdowns like that, she began to press down harder on the gas. Before she knew it she was not only breaking the speed limit, but failed to notice that she had passed by a parked police car. As soon as she passed it, its lights and siren came on and it began to pursue her.

She knew she had to stop but she did the one thing she knew she shouldn't have done, she slammed on her breaks and with the icy roads, she slammed into a tree. Luckily for Silver her air bags deployed and she was not injured. What terrified her though was what was going to happen when the officer approached her.

The officer stopped behind her to see that the vehicle she was approaching had slammed into a tree.

She radioed, "Unit five to station."

The station radioed back, "Station, go ahead."

"We need a tow truck at the corner of Sixth and Maple."

"Alright, a tow truck is on it's way."



While the officer waited for the tow truck to arrive, she decided that she would check on the driver. When she approached it, Silver rolled down the window. The officer asked, "Are you ok ma'am?"

Silver cried, "No, I'm not ok."

The officer asked, "Are you hurt anywhere?"

Silver pointed to her heart and cried, "Physically I'm ok, I'm hurting emotionally."

Given that Silver was not injured the officer asked, "May I see your license and registration?"

Silver got into her glove box to grab her registration and into her purse to grab her license. When she looked up to hand the items to the officer, something seemed very familiar about the officer, her eyes, those green eyes. She knew she had seen those before.

The officer looked down at the items and a frown formed on her face. She asked, "Ms. Spoon, are you aware that not only is your registration expired, but also your license?"

Silver replied, "I'm sorry officer. I've just been going through a really rough time recently and I didn't even think about renewing them."

The officer walked to the front of the car where her suspicions would be proven correct. She headed back to the window and sighed, "And you are also driving on expired tags."

The officer saw the tow truck in the distance and continued, "Ma'am, I need you to get out of your car. The tow truck is arriving and I need to do a search."

Silver complied with the officer and she began to do a search to see if she had anything in her car, such as drugs or any open containers. The tow truck arrived and the officer had finished the search. The tow truck driver asked, "So lieutenant, where do you want this taken?"

The officer replied, "Take it to the impound lot."

The tow truck driver said, "Alright, got it."

The Arrest of Silver Spoon

As the driver was readying Silver's car for transport, Silver got a closer look at the officer. She saw not only familiar green eyes, but short jet black hair that reminded her of the day that her last relationship ended. She then looked at the officer's shirt and saw a name badge that read, "Lt. S. Belle." Then it hit her, it was Sweetie Belle who pulled her over.

She asked, "Sweetie Belle?"

Given that Silver was involved in an accident it was protocol for officers to do a sobriety test on her. She held up the meter and said, "Breathe into this for five seconds."

Silver did as ordered but noticed another thing, a ring on Sweetie's left hand. After finishing the test she asked, "Sweetie, you're married? Who did you marry?"

Sweetie ignored the question and read the results. She sighed, "Well Ms. Spoon, luckily for you, you passed the sobriety test."

The fact that Sweetie was not even responding to her questions angered her. She shoved Sweetie and asked, "Sweetie Belle, I asked who did you marry?" Her voice became more snide and continued, "Was it your precious little Dark Song."

Being shoved did not sit well with Sweetie. She said, "Silver Spoon, You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand?"

Silver yelled, "Sweetie, who gave you that ring? Was it Dark Song?"

Sweetie ordered, "Hands behind your back, now."

Silver finally realized that Sweetie was not going to answer her questions, she knew that Sweetie Belle was strictly following protocol so she put her hands behind her back so Sweetie could put her in cuffs. Once she got her cuffed she got her in the back seat of her car and belted her in. Once Sweetie got going she radioed the station,

"Unit five to station, unit five to station."

"Go ahead."

"I am transporting an individual who assaulted a police officer. I will be bringing her in through the back."



As Silver was being transported to the station she realized that Sweetie not even responding to her questions was the least of her problems. She looked forward and saw the dash cam and realized that her shoving Sweetie was likely caught on camera. Tears began to run down her face as she realized that she could face jail time over shoving Sweetie.

Once they arrived at the station Sweetie led Silver in through the back into the jail where they were greeted by the jailer. The jailer asked, "Brought in another one I see."

Sweetie replied, "Yep." She paused before laughing, "You know, one of these days that tree on the corner of Sixth and Maple is going to wind up getting knocked over."

The jailer laughed, "That one got hit again, eh?"

Sweetie replied, "Yep. Well I suppose it getting it beats having someone go crashing into a house."

The jailer asked, "So is this one only here over reckless driving or is she here for something else?"

Sweetie replied, "I can't share that at the moment. Events happened in the arrest that will........"

Sweetie was interrupted when the phone rang,

"Canterlot Police Department, Lieutenant Belle speaking."

"Sweetie honey, I have some wonderful news!"

"Dark Song, how many times have I told you that you can't call me at work?"

"I'm sorry honey but I just couldn't wait to tell you that I got that recording contract!"

"You got that recording contract? That is wonderful news!"

"I know, I'm so happy!"

"I'm happy too but we'll have to talk about this more when I get at home. You know how the chief feels about us taking personal calls here at work."

*sighs* "I know he doesn't like it."

"Alright, we can talk about this more when I get home."

"Ok, I love you Sweetie!"

"I love you too Dark, see you when I get home."


The jailer gave Sweetie a smile and asked, "I take it you got good news from the wife?"

Sweetie replied, "Yep, she got that recording contract she had been hoping for."

The jailer gave her a look of concern and asked, "You two aren't going to wind up having to move because of this, are you?"

Sweetie replied, "Nah, she'll have to go to Manehattan for a couple days of recording but we don't have any plans on moving."

The jailer said, "Well good because we'd hate to lose......."

The scanner began going off,

"Unit eight to station, unit eight to station."

"Go ahead."

"We need backup to a multi-car pileup on Sixth and Maple."

"Alright, we'll send backup."



Sweetie sighed, "Well it looks like I better get going, again."

The jailer laughed, "Maybe that tree finally bit the dust."

Sweetie agreed, "Perhaps." She gave a smirk back towards Silver as she had been jailed. She headed out and once she was out of earshot she said to herself, "Karma's a bitch, isn't it Silver Spoon?"

As Silver Spoon sat there in the jail she realized that what had already been a bad day had gone worse. She realized that being fired was not the worst of her problems. She knew that she would likely face reckless driving charges along with assaulting a police officer. While all of that really bothered her, what bothered her most was that not only did Sweetie Belle become a police officer like she wanted, but also she married Dark Song who is likely on her way to becoming a famous singer.

She sat there and wept, "Way to go Silver Spoon, good job flushing your life down the toilet."