First of the Year (Equinox)

by Earl Grey

First published

Pinkie Pie doesn't understand why Fluttershy is so unhappy at her party

Pinkie Pie discovers that Fluttershy isn't having fun at her latest party and tries to find out why, but the yellow pegasus seems unwilling to let her find out, leaving the party before she gets the chance to ask her too much. As she leaves the party, another pony exits and follows her, his heart filled with dark desire.

First of the Year (Equinox)

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A Pinkie Pie party could easily be described as 'a really bad ninja.' You only see it once it's sprung upon you. A true ninja party would of course pass by without you knowing it had ever taken place. Pinkie was fine with what she had though, what's the fun in having a party if people don't know it's happening?

A party of one, she had learned, is not much fun.

As the hostess bounced happily amongst the party-goers, she took note of the shiny, happy faces of all of her friends. These were the moments she lived for, seeing the joy she had brought upon the simple town of Ponyville. Pinkie wasn't much of a braggart, although compared to her friend Rainbow Dash, most ponies don't brag very much. Either way, Pinkie liked to think that if it wasn't for her, Ponyville would be a considerably more boring place to live.

The pink party pony spotted two of her closest friends hanging around near the back of the room, they seemed to be enjoying a small drink each and were deep in conversation, Pinkie sensed that they weren't having as much fun as they perhaps could, so she decided to go over and try her best to rectify the matter. “Why so serious, girls?” Pinkie appeared in a seat between her two unicorn friends, Rarity and Twilight, staring at each of them with a gaze that could melt hearts.

Rarity was the first to respond, glowering at her friend, “Pinkie Pie, it is most impolite to interrupt a lady's conversation. In the future, announce your presence with a small cough, I will attend to you one once my business with Twilight is over.”

Twilight laughed nervously, “It's okay Rarity, after all, isn't it rude to ignore the host of a party?”

The white unicorn gasped, “Of course, so sorry dear, I forgot myself for a moment there. Whatever do you need, Pinkie?”

“I just wanted to know why you both locked yourself in this boring old corner when there's a party to enjoy.”

Twilight answered first, looking awkwardly at the floor, “I er... don't like to dance in public, I always look so goofy and embarrassing.”

Pinkie laughed, perhaps not helping Twilight's self confidence, “Auntie Pinkie always says you should dance like nopony is watching, but you seemed fine dancing at my birthday party.” Pinkie tried not to think about the rest of that day, focusing only on it's happy ending.

“That was because it was just you girls, I know you won't judge me for having four left hooves.” Twilight grinned sheepishly, “It's different when there are other ponies around,” Twilight pointed a hoof into the crowd at random, landing on a cream coloured earth pony with a two-tone mane and tail, “How do I that she won't laugh at me behind my back?”

Pinkie followed Twilight's hoof, “Who, Bon Bon? She's lovely, she'd never do that!” She seemed almost shocked that Twilight would even suggest such a thing.

“She wasn't specifically pointing that particular pony out dear, were you Twilight?” Rarity interjected.

The lavender unicorn smiled, “Of course not Rarity, I don't even know Bon Bon that well. I wouldn't dare to make such judgements without proper research, Princess Celestia has a letter attesting to that.”

Pinkie seemed sated, but there was still the matter of Rarity, “So, Twilight isn't dancing because she's an awkward nervous-pants, what's your excuse?”

Rarity huffed, “Those ruffians would damage my dress, some of them are carrying drinks and I don't particularly fancy walking home in a punch stained dress. I skirted around the edge of the party upon my arrival and found poor Twilight looking lonely, I decided to keep her company whilst preserving my fabulosity.”

“So you wouldn't be having fun if you were dancing?” Pinkie asked, sounding as if such a thing was impossible.

“That sounds about right.” Twilight answered, Rarity agreed with a quick nod of her head.

Pinkie jumped up, all apprehension forgotten, “Okie dokie lokie! If you're having fun, then Pinkie is having fun!” With an exuberance most ponies couldn't hope to ever achieve, Pinkie jumped out from her place at the table, only to trip over when she landed.

“Huh? Who left this stuffed pegasus toy here?” Pinkie reached out of hoof and poked a leg, “Come and feel this guys, it's so real!”

“If it wouldn't inconvenience you too much, could you please um... stop poking my leg?”

Pinkie took a closer look at what she thought was a stuffed pegasus doll, “Fluttershy? What are you doing hiding even more in the corner than Rarity and Twilight were? Okay, maybe that was a silly question.”

The yellow, in more ways than one, pegasus quivered slightly, “I don't like... crowds.”

Okay, Rarity and Twilight might have been having fun, but Fluttershy most certainly wasn't and no one makes Fluttershy feel bad, not even herself! “Twilight and Rarity are here, why don't you talk to them for a while, I'm sure they would love to keep you company.” Pinkie used the best, most comforting voice she could.

“Why didn't you tell us you were there, Fluttershy darling? We would have loved to hear your opinion on the validity of artistic creations from magical and non-magical perspectives.”

Fluttershy paled a little, “I didn't want to intrude.”

Twilight nodded her head, “Yes, your insight as a pegasus pony would have brought an invaluable new side to the debate. As unicorns, both Rarity and I have an inherent bias towards the use of magic.”

“No, I think I'll just make my way home, Angel Bunny will be wondering where I am.” Fluttershy got to her hooves and stretched her wings slightly.

“But the party isn't even in full swing yet, Applejack and Rainbow Dash aren't even here!” Pinkie complained, trying her best to keep the pegasus pony where she was.

“I should really get going, thanks for inviting me though. Tell Rainbow Dash and Applejack I said hello.” In a move that the three thought too bold for Fluttershy to consider, she pushed past Pinkie and walked around the ponies to the front door of Sugar Cube Corner without so much as a final wave goodbye.

Rarity gasped once again, “I wonder what's gotten into her?”

“If she's happier at home, then I shouldn't stop her.” Today, Pinkie learned that fun is different for each pony, what she thinks is fun isn't necessarily fun for others. She also learned that sometimes the best thing you can do to help your friends is nothing at all.

Tomorrow however, Pinkie was going to make it up to Fluttershy, one way or another. That was a Pinkie Pie promise.

Outside, Fluttershy took a breath of fresh air and sighed, it wasn't very nice of her to leave Pinkie's party early but needs must. She does dislike crowds to an extent, but there was one particular pony in the crowd that made the back of her neck itch in that eerily familiar way.

She could feel him now, leaving the party and watching her walk through town. Well... she couldn't feel him, but her friend could.

“May I, Fluttershy?”

“Always so polite, of course you can.” Fluttershy felt numb for a moment before the familiar sensation washed over her.

I had been waiting for hours, pretending to enjoy this party and making polite conversation. I couldn't believe my luck when she left early and alone no less.

She was perfect, the shy little pegasus pony. Her mouth might say no, but her body screamed 'yes'. I watched her flank sway back and forth as she walked away, it was a hypnotising experience, I couldn't look away, it was like she wanted me to watch. Of course she did, she likes it when people watch her, she hides it well behind her shy exterior, but I can see it.

I can see her true colours, she wants this and I'm more than willing to give it to her.

It's not my fault, she's coercing me when her charm, her succulent thighs tensing and relaxing as she takes her delicate steps through town.

She turns and for a brief moment I think that she sees me, but she playfully ignores me and continues on, her doe eyes flash my way for the briefest of seconds and her mouth curls up in a devious smile. Oh yes, she's definitely enjoying this. Her luscious pink mane flutters in the wind, trailing behind her in the most alluring fashion, I catch the faint scent of honeysuckle in the air, I can only imagine how it would smell up close and personal.

I can only smile when she turns down a deserted farm road, she's clearly a mare who values discretion. Don't worry your pretty little head about it, I'll make sure you're well looked after.

She approaches an old barn atop a hill, her tail swishes from side to side, teasing me, keeping the true prize from my eyes. Later, she's saying, foreplay comes first.

I follow her into the barn and see that she's curled up on the floor, seemingly asleep. I feel my horn beginning to twitch, the magic is almost flowing out of me, but I control it, I only need a little. The sedation spell is a simple one, I ready it almost instantly and begin casting.

She lifts her head and turns towards me, she has the same smile on her lips but her eyes are wide and empty.

There was something very wrong here.

Fluttershy had remembered Applejack talking about this barn a few days ago, it was going to be demolished. This made it the perfect place to lead him. Fluttershy never liked this part, but she was assured that it was kinder this way.

Deep within her subconscious, she would be repeating these words constantly.

She felt the presence move her body to it's hooves, “Oh no,” she said, her voice was the same, softly spoken and gentle, but there was a coldness to it, “Somepony call the police, a big bad pony is here to hurt me.” Her voice was an emotionless drawl that sent shivers down the other pony's spine.

“What's going on here?” He asked, looking around wildly.

Fluttershy laughed, “I thought you were here to have your way with me?” She turned slightly and wiggled her rump at the other pony.

The other pony snorted, brushing a fleck of dust from his tan coat, “You're right and you have no way of stopping me, not when you're asleep.” His horn began to glow and a similar glow began to envelope Fluttershy, the yellow pegasus felt her eyes drooping and her legs folding beneath her, soon enough, she was silently dozing on the ground. The tan pony ran a hoof through his greasy brown mane, making sure it wouldn't get in his way, but just as he went to make his move, he felt himself getting thrown back by an unknown force, his hooves leaving the ground and flying several metres backwards.

The pegasus cracked open an eye, “You didn't think that weak sedation spell would work on me? I've seen foals cast stronger spells.” She got to her hooves again, walking slowly towards the tan pony.

“But you're a pegasus pony!” He shouted, his gaze flitting between her wings and her hornless forehead.

Fluttershy merely smirked, “I'm much more than a pegasus pony. You followed me here from the party, I could sense the cruelty in your heart even then.” She began a slow walk towards the back of the barn, exaggerating her movements to give her hindquarters as much sway as possible.

The tan pony took his chance and got to his feet, firing off a much stronger spell.

Fluttershy lazily flexed her wings and turned around, “I don't think you quite realise the gravity of the situation. You are going to die, it's an inevitability.”

The tan unicorn growled, staying where he was, part of his brain was telling him to turn tail and run but the rest of his brain wasn't listening.

“You must feel so... impotent.” Fluttershy laughed again, it was high pitched and taunting, “A unicorn who cannot use magic, that must burn you up.” She began walking a slow circle around her would-be attacker, staring her soulless eyes into him. The warped and rotten beams of the barn creaked in the cold night air, no words were spoken in those slow minutes, Fluttershy continued to walk around in circles and the tan unicorn glowered as she appeared in his field of vision. It seemed impossible for him to back away. “You ponies amuse me. Your unquenchable drive to succeed, to keep going despite the odds, it's honestly refreshing. I'm not accustomed to my food fighting back, it's... dare I say it... a challenge.”

“You say that as if you aren't a pony.” The tan unicorn scowled.

Fluttershy regarded him with a wide, empty eye, “As I said, I am much more than a pegasus pony.”

“If you're here to kill me, what are you waiting for?”

“It's not as simple as merely rending your flesh and devouring your innards, that would do nothing but upset my stomach. I would hate the idea of your rotten husk broiling inside of me, although you would probably enjoy it.”

The tan pony smirked, if he was going to die anyway, why not have a little fun before he does? “I wouldn't say no to having a taste of you.”

Fluttershy matched his smirk and walked a little closer, flicking her tail across his face. The tan unicorn inhaled deeply and let out a contented sigh, “Honeysuckle, I knew it.”

“That's all you'll be getting from me.” Her playful demeanour melted away and she stopped her circling, staring intently. It felt as though the temperature dropped several degrees, owls stopped hooting, insects stopped chirruping and the very wind itself seemed to stop, even the old barn stopped its creaking.

“I'm sure Applejack won't mind if I break a few things.” Fluttershy smirked, her eyes alight with ethereal power. The tan pony felt himself being lifted into the air, his body writhing and contorting oddly as if invisible hands were forcing his limbs into obscene positions. Despite his best efforts, the tan pony screamed out in pain, his face breaking out into a mask of horror as the pegasus pony continued to bend and break her prey.

There was a sudden snapping sound and for a brief moment, Fluttershy had thought that someone stepped on a fallen tree branch outside, the shock was enough to force her back into the forefront of her mind, the presence fading into a dull buzz in the back of her skull.

The yellow pegasus stood stock still as she laid eyes upon her the broken form before her, the back left leg bending in a way that wasn't possible. She knew enough about first-aid to realise that it was broken, but she failed to make the connection between the leg and the snapping sound. Even now, even after everything that had been said, Fluttershy took a few tentative steps forwards to check if the pony was okay.

He was motionless, his eyes clamped together in a vain attempt to shrug off the pain, Fluttershy knew she shouldn't interfere, but her natural instinct to help the weak and needy overpowered her logic. She went to speak, but her eyes caught his leg at the last moment and she gagged, feeling a burning wave of vomit clawing its way up her throat and escaping her mouth.

Fluttershy screamed, the bitter taste of vomit stuck in her mouth, “Make it stop! Make it stop!” She fell over her back-pedalling hooves and landed in a pile on the floor, immediately curling into a defensive foetal position, “I'll do anything... please just make it stop...” She was shaking, her eyes glazed over as she saw tormenting images of her past, all awareness of the present was gone.

The tan pony coughed and grunted as more pain washed over his body, the relative silence and the sudden reprieve from attack made him wary, he pulled himself slowly across the floor towards the barn door, using the handle to help pull himself back onto his hooves. He looked around and saw the pegasus curled up on the floor, she would have looked catatonic if it wasn't for the shaking and the pained expression on her face. His back leg screamed at him, burning in pain with the weight he had suddenly put on it. Grimacing, he turned to open the barn door.

“Not going anywhere are we?”

The cold voice had returned, filling his ears and silencing his thoughts, the sound permeated his very being and froze his blood. The tan pony flung his head round to where the yellow pegasus had been. She was gone... in fact, the entire barn was empty. “Where are you!?” He shouted, his voice panicky.

“I'm back, that's all you need to know. I'm eternally grateful to my host but she can be a bother sometimes.”

“Host?” The tan pony winced as his back left leg hit the ground, “What are you?” There was a bang and a foul wind crept up his back, the door behind him had been flung open and the tan pony turned as fast as his leg would allow.

Fluttershy was stood there, no longer did she have the look of abject terror on her face, her eyes were empty once more and her smirk sent chills up the tan pony's already chilled spine. The tear stains streaming down her face made the image seem even more terrifying. “Where were we? Oh right, this is the part where I've lost my patience.”


The tan pony screamed once more and buckled, his other back leg had been broken violently.

“This is the part where I grow bored of this game.” Fluttershy walks towards the tan pony and glares at the battered back leg for a brief second before stomping down on it. Bone cuts through his skin like butter and his screams of anguish die in his throat, the pain is simply too much and his will to live flows out of him like the blood now pouring from his leg.

“And this is the end.” Fluttershy stepped back, looking upon the broken body, uncaring about the flecks of blood splattered across her front. The body rises and signs of life could be seen behind his glassy eyes, the tan pony looked at the shy little pegasus, he smiled for a fraction of a second as the scent of honeysuckle drifted across his nose one last time.

Ethereal black smoke began to drip from the unicorns body, falling in clumps to the floor and pooling below his body. As if it was a time-lapse video, the body of the unicorn began to wither before Fluttershy's eyes, becoming more and more emaciated by the second until he was merely a desiccated corpse. Fluttershy flung the body across the barn, watching as it hit the wall and landed in a heap.

“Death was too good for you.”

The yellow pegasus touched a hoof to the mass of black smoke, which instantly began to seep up her body, covering her in a blanket of darkness before being absorbed. Fluttershy breathed a sigh of pleasure and shook herself, now it was time for clean up.

A shovel found itself floating off of its place on the wall and began digging at a steady pace as the pegasus looked on, a grin on her face.


“Now get back to it, RD!” Applejack secured the crash helmet on her head, the energetic pegasus had told her about her eventual plan to destroy the old barn quickly and efficiently. As soon as she said it, Applejack knew she had to bring something better than a Stetson for protecting her head.

The pegasus rose high into the sky before careening back down towards the barn, exploding into a sonic rainboom at the last possible moment and sending up a massive wave of dust that flashed with rainbow light.

Applejack heard the explosion and hunkered down in her makeshift trench, but it didn't stop a wave of debris falling around her. Luckily she didn't get hurt, instead rising up out the dirt and heading towards the crater in the floor where the barn used to stand. “You okay, Rainbow?” She called, looking for the pegasus' distinctive cyan coat amongst the rubble.

There was a cough and a patch of rubble to the earth pony's right began to stir, revealing a rainbow mane and cyan head, “I really should have thought that through a little more.” She rubbed her head, which had a rather angry looking cut below her eye.

Applejack helped her up and lay a hoof on her shoulder, “It got the job done at least, ah'll make a hard worker out o' you yet. You should probably get that nasty looking cut seen to as well, Nurse Redheart could probably fix that up in a flash.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head, “Nah, it's fine.” She said casually, dusting off her mane and coat.

“Don't go actin' tough now, it could be serious, for all you know you could end up goin' blind. Ah'd like t' see y'all audtionin' fer the Wonderbolts when y' got no depth perception.”

“Fine, whatever.” Secretly, Rainbow Dash was glad for the attention, the cut really hurt, she just didn't want Applejack thinking she was weak. “Let me see how much damage I did to the barn first though.” She stepped up onto a thick piece of timber that had probably been a beam in the roof at one point, she noticed the large impact crater below her and smiled proudly, “Aw yeah, now that's the awesome way to bring down a barn.”

“An' ah thank y'all fer doin' it, now let's get to the clinic before that wound o' yours gets infected.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, taking one last look at the crater, “Okay mum... wait. Applejack, come look at this!”

The orange earth pony frowned, “Quit yer stallin' an' let's go.”

The pegasus turned round, a deadly serious look on her face, “No, come look at this.”

Applejack felt a small chill up her spine, playtime was over and she knew it. “Okay, what am ah lookin' at?” She had climbed up next the cyan pegasus, overlooking the crater.

Rainbow Dash pointed towards the centre, “Right there in the middle. Does that look like a set of hooves to you?”

* * *

Okay, that was just a quick little thing I wrote to get the violence out of my head. Inspired by the Skrillex song of the same name. By watching the video, you can see why Fluttershy was necessary.

Till next time.

1 - The Day Before Yesterday

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It was lovely.

I was sat at home, drinking a special tea blend that Twilight had insisted I try. I was surrounded by my animal friends and everything seemed to be peaceful and quiet.

Thud thud thud

Of course, peace never lasts.

I stand, feeling myself walking almost automatically to the front door. “Who is it?” I ask. You could never be too careful.

“Equestria Justice Department. Please open your door, miss.”

My eyes go wide instinctively, my breath catches in my throat, but I can feel him calming me down, whispering words of comfort into my ears. I take a deep breath and open the door. “Hello Officer.” I play it casually, can't let them suspect anything.

He stands there, eyeing me through his dark sunglasses, he's wearing a crisp suit and was unlike anything I'd seen in Ponyville before.

“I'm Agent Black and I work for the Night Watch, my associate Agent White is performing a perimeter check of your residence. May I ask you a few questions?” He said this all in a hurried, monotone voice, one that suggested that he had asked it many times before.

“What would you like to know?” His gaze, even obscured as it was by the sunglasses, was oddly penetrating. I had to fight myself not to cower away.

“Where were you the night of the thirteenth, two days ago?”

I took another deep breath, trying to calm my nerves, “I-I was at a party in Sugar Cube Corner. I left early and walked straight home.” If they had asked her, they had undoubtedly asked others, best not give them any reason to doubt her story.

The Agent tightened his jaw, several other muscles flexed along with it, “You live nearby the Sweet Apple Acres Farm, is that right?”

“Yes, my friend lives there. It doesn't take long to visit.”

“Then you may be aware of the recently demolished barn on the farm's property.”

I merely stared, my mouth was too dry to respond so I turn and wave for him to follow me into the cottage. I find my place at the kitchen table again, grabbing my tea and taking a big sip, it calms me a little, but more importantly, it helps me feel good enough to respond. “She told me they had plans for a new barn and that the old one needed to be demolished, so yes.”

At that moment, an earth pony dressed in a similar style to Agent Black emerges through the front door, he nods quietly and stands still in the doorway. Agent Black acknowledges the nod and turns back to me. “And on the night of the thirteenth, you would have walked past the barn to get home from the party at Sugar Cube Corner, is that right?”

“Would you like some tea?” I ask suddenly, my mind begins to panic, the smile plastered on my face begins to fade and I can see Agent Black staring at me.

Then I couldn't feel anything at all.

“Answer my question, miss.”

The smile returns, an icy calm with it. “That's the route I took, yes.” My voice is crisp, concise. I can see how the change forces the Agent to raise an eyebrow.

“Did you see anything unusual as you were walking by the barn? Ponies hanging around or looking suspicious perhaps.”

“I didn't see anything that night. Although I will admit to not paying much attention, I was frightfully worried about the animals, you see.” I turn my head and look into the living room where the various dens had began to produce small, furry and feathered heads. “May I enquire as to what these questions pertain?”

Agent Black tightened his jaw again. “I am not at liberty to discuss the details of an ongoing investigation. I thank you for your time, me and my associate will be going now.” He nodded to Agent White and they left the cottage without another word.

“It's nice to see that you're able to keep calm under pressure. 'Would you like some tea?' Honestly.” I feel the slow ascent into control and before I know it, I've got a cup of hot tea in my hooves and a creeping shame in the back of my mind.

“I'm sorry, I panicked. This must be really serious if the Night Watch is involved.” I put the tea down for fear of dropping it. I begin to fidget, but he keeps me placid. “You're right, I shouldn't worry. They probably just figured we might have seen something because we live so close. Nothing to worry about. Nothing at all.”


The promised image

As I've said, these aren't going to be long, but this is a story I feel like telling.