Life Could Be A Dream

by Neophyte

First published

Neopyhte's first try at a narrative and using an OC pony.

You wake up in the middle of a thick forest. Where are you? What happened? And why are you a horse?

Maybe the yellow pegasus hiding behind the bushes can help.

This is my first narrative that includes ponies and even drunken sexytimes.

Chapter 3 is up! It includes absolutely no clop, but a few sexual themes and innuendos. Thanks and credit goes to the guest editor, KommandoLando, bcause he's the guy who wrote it!

Chapter 1

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You come to in the middle of a forest. The trees are so thick close together; it grows dark just scant feet away from you. You sit up awkwardly, rubbing your head. With growing shock, you realize that your hands and feet are replaced by hooves, large and rotund. You look down at your arms (legs?) and you see that your skin has been replaced by a coat of hair. A small breeze flows through your hair, which flutters against your elongated face. You noticed that, this too, has changed. It has lengthened a bit and runs down your neck like a horse’s mane.

You have no idea how, but you understand that you are a pony. After all, it would make a lot of sense; the hooves, the coat, the mane. You stand up shakily on all fours and look around. The sun shines brightly through holes in the forest canopy and you can hear the sounds of birds singing and animals milling about. Aside from that, it is quiet.



You close your eyes and take a deep breath. The smell of fresh pine fills your new nose as you take in the peaceful scene. But, the time to revel will have to wait. You try to gain your bearings, looking up at the sky to see the sun’s alignment, testing for wind direction, anything to help you figure out how you got here.

What is going on? You think to yourself. Feelings of terror rise up and replace the good sensation you had as you reveled in the silence earlier.

Suddenly, you hear a noise, sending your levels of terror skyrocketing. It is definitely an animal trying to move quietly, but as fast as possible. It was as if it found its prey and was advancing on it. This thought only scares you more as you turn to the source of the noise.

You see the bushes rustle around you in a pattern. They line the clearing around you like guards and each one rustles before moving clockwise around you. You watch for a moment, your sense of dread reaching its peak.
The bush in front of you rustles one last time before the noise stops altogether. You wait for what seems like centuries, just staring at that bush in front of you. You mentally prepare yourself for anything.

You still jump when you spot movement out of the edge of your eyes. Something explodes out of the bush to your left, completely knocking your sense of preparedness right on its ass. You raise your hooves, bare your teeth, and move your face away from you. A reflex you developed from your childhood years, you remember.

You sit there for a second, waiting for fangs to pierce your neck or terrible claws to disembowel you, but nothing happens. The sounds of the forest have gone away, the birds are no longer singing and there is no noise, save for your rapid breathing and the fast beat of your heart.

You eventually build enough courage to open your eyes and peek outside. Everything was as it was moments ago. No blood has been spilt and there is no large predatory animal standing silently over your dead corpse. Quite contrary, the animal that scared you is now sitting not even three feet away from you. It is a small, yellow thing that looks like it is ready to pounce, its long pink tail in the air and displaying its back to you. Almost immediately, you notice that it looks remarkably similar to you; it has four hooves as well as a flowing mane, like you do.

Right off the bat, you can tell it is a female; her body language and build do not suggest otherwise. From her position on the ground, she looks up at you with large, round, almost cartoonish eyes through her long, pink mane. You notice that her mane is quite larger and looks more like hair than yours. On her back, you notice she has two small wings like that of a large bird. Deep down, you remember hearing about these kinds of creatures, these horses with wings, as a child, but you can’t, for the life of you, remember.

You take this all in in the span of scant seconds. An awkward moment passes by as you two lock eyes for a split second. You make the move to get up and her eyes grow wide, her pupils dilating. Her mouth contorts to form a scream and she flips around, jumping into the bush she popped out of just seconds ago with a small, girlish yelp.

You sit there, dazed and confused. What the hell was that all about? You wake up in the middle of nowhere, being magically turned into a pony, having your heart stop as you are “attacked”, and then having your bold assailant to go back into hiding. What next? Will animals start to talk and sing show-tunes?

You notice that the bush your attacker has gone into is shaking and rattling. Although you are profusely confused, and being somewhat suspicious, you couldn’t help but feel curious. You want to investigate, but you feel scared, as if something is going to pop out of another bush. After a few minutes of hearing her small noises in the bush, you proceed to pluck up a small amount of courage and you walk over to the bush she is in.

You slowly push your head into the bush, careful not to get tangled in the branches and leaves. After a short time spent moving your head around a series of branches, you see her, bunched up, defensive, scared. You try to speak, but you stop yourself. Can you talk? Given your unique situation, you aren’t even sure if your new mouth can even form words.

You stare at her for a second, your mouth trying to work in unison with your tongue and vocal chords. You try to think of something to say to try and calm her down from all of her wiggling and worming her way away.

“Hello…?” you ask her. Your voice is soft, but scratchy, as if you haven’t spoken in years. She looks at you again and she tries to wiggle back further. You see her lips move and you hear her say something, but it is barely audible from all of her rustling and constant squeaking.

“Sorry if I bothered you, sir.” you think she says. Her voice is quiet and soft, like velvet, but you don’t have a chance to appreciate it from all the constant rummaging. “I was just wondering what you were lying down for. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go now.”

At that, she flips around and tries to dig her way out, using her front hooves to push away the branches, but soon, she is entangled in the branches she so desperately tried to move. You continue to watch her as she maneuvers out of the branches and tries clawing her way out another way. You try to suppress a laugh when she hits a tree with her head and backs up looking for another route. She looks towards you and the hole you made while trying to get in. She curls up into a ball and squeaks, “You’re not mad are you?”

You try to think of something else to say, anything to calm her down. “Hey, I’m not mad,” you begin “but I am very confused right now. I have no idea where I am or what is happening.” You bend your head a little closer to her in an attempt to soothe her. “Can you tell me what your name is or where we are, please?” you smile at her.

She is still curled up and she looks up at you, shaking. She appears to have calmed down a little bit and the only noise is the sound of you both breathing and her shivering and squeaking.

“Uhm…uh…” she babbles, a bit overloaded by this new information. She tucks her head back into her balled form and you swear you can hear her talking to herself, asking herself to calm down and “do as Twilight does”. Whatever that means.

She uncurls herself and tries to sit up and look at you. She looks like she is trying to prevent herself from shaking and it seems to be working until she starts talking. “M—my n—name is F—Flu—Fluttershy.” She leans to the right and looks past you. She looks back up at you. “C—can you, uhm, move a little to the left, please?” she asks and smiles weakly at you.

You oblige and move to the left to make a sizeable exit for her as she crawls out. She gets onto the cool grass and stretches her legs before retreating to a nearby tree for shade. She folds her legs under her and sits down. You walk up to her and do the same, sitting down close enough to hear her, but far enough to give her some breathing space.

“We are in the Evergreen Forest, near my little house.” She begins. “I saw a new clearing in the forest and I came here to see what it was like because trees don’t disappear, normally. When I got here, I saw you sleeping, but I didn’t want to wake you up. So I sat here—” She adjusts herself while sitting down “—and watched you.”

You turn your head to the clearing. From here, there was a gap between the bushes so anyone in this spot could see into the clearing. You doubted anyone could look back at the observer, because it was so dark where they were. She continues her tale as you turn your head again to listen.

“I wanted to say ‘Hello’, but I got scared when you looked over here.” She exhaled and looked down before looking up at you. “I’m sorry about causing this hassle. So sorry.”

Still feeling confused from this situation, you come to the conclusion that this is all a dream. That could explain so many things. But you soon realize that this is no dream; you can feel, hear, smell, see, and even taste. You proceed to try and gain an understanding of your situation while trying to keep the only thing you know you can communicate with calm.

“Hey, don’t worry. I’m sorry to scare you.” You say again to keep things under control.

Her face brightens up. “Thank you.” She smiles, a little stronger than before.

“Uhm…I don’t mean to come off as strange, but this is my first time here.” You disclose to her. “I have no idea how I got here or how I’m even a pony.”

She looks at you condescendingly. “Oh, don’t you worry. I’m sure my friend can help you. She’s really smart.” She stands up and walks over to you, causing you to stand up in attention. Standing so close to you, you notice how big you are compared to her. You could easily overpower her, given your newfound size and her quiet nature.

“Can you follow me?” she asks.

You agree and she smiles warmly at you again. “Thank you,” you say “I appreciate this. I’m not sure what’s going on.”

She turns around to you and smiles once more. “Don’t you worry your little head. We’ll figure this out.” She continues walking off in a random direction, becoming darker and darker as she goes deeper and deeper into the forest. You decide to follow her after a few moments, rather than wait in the middle of the forest.


A couple of minutes later, you can see the glowing edge of the forest in amongst the dark trees. As you get closer to the edge, you notice that the trees begin to thin out more, the large oaks and tall pines replaced by younger sprouts and bushes. Eventually you hear a noise, like a ker-clop-ker-clop-ker-clop, as you pass by the last few bushes and trees. You look down and notice that you are now walking on a cobblestone path. After looking back up, you lock your eyes on the yellow pony a few steps ahead of you. After this small journey, you begin to realize something…

You can’t be sure, but you think you’ve become attracted to her. You wonder if it is because of your new physiology or because you don’t remember being this close to a girl before. You shake it off for now and continue to follow her.

You follow the path to a small, two-storied cottage. It looks old, much older than you or Fluttershy. The windows look thick and inconsistent; the door looks like it was handmade; and the overall structure was built as if to mimic an old, colonial-era house. You both walk up to the door and she undoes the outside latch. The door swings open, first the top half then the bottom, you notice, and she walks inside, motioning for you to follow her.

The second you walk in, you notice something is off. You walk in a little bit further and you look around as Fluttershy closes the door. Everywhere you look, there are small animals. Mice, hamsters, rabbits, and even some birds resting above the fireplace. You see several signs that she is a pet-owner: food bowls filled with food, small pet toys, and water dishes among other things.

From the contents of the small cottage, from the pets to the owner even to the types of furniture used, you can tell this is a calm and safe place. Any paranoia you still kept melts away as you follow the yellow pony into the living room. She offers you a seat on the loveseat and you collect your thoughts for a second on the cozy couch.

“Where is your friend?” you ask as you try not to offend your host by reclining back on the comfortable piece of furniture.

She walks over to you while pushing a small table towards you. It is about knee height, from your recollection, and also looks handmade, just like almost everything else in this cottage. “Oh, she lives out in town. I have to send her a message to get to her. Do you mind waiting down here for a minute?”

Why didn’t we just go into town? You think to yourself. “Sure, but you please be quick? I need help right away.” you say as she ascends a staircase to go upstairs.

“Don’t worry,” she assures you again, “it’ll be quick.” You watch her as she disappears at the top of the stairs and, for a moment, there is peaceful silence. For once, ever since your awakening in the forest, you have a chance to revel in the quiet. You close your eyes and lay your head back on the couch as you drink in the peace. You feel something fuzzy by your legs and you look down to see a small rabbit nuzzling up to you. You smile and pet in on the head, noticing for the first time that your hooves act like hands; you can move certain parts of it and you can feel the small rabbit’s fur coat. You close your eyes again and wait for Fluttershy.


Minutes later, you are awakened by the sounds of hooves on wooden steps. You sit up quickly and accidentally knocking the small rabbit off the couch. You notice that you fell asleep with your legs tucked under you which you find more comfortable than sitting on your haunches. You try your best not to look like you’ve been sleeping as you look at Fluttershy. She has a small piece of paper, wrapped up like a scroll, in her mouth and she smiles at you again.

She walks past you and stops in front of a bird, larger than the rest, which takes the scroll from her mouth with a taloned claw. “Can you send this to Twilight, please?” she asks it and you chuckle a bit to see one animal talking to another. To your surprise, the bird affirmed its hold on the scroll and opens a nearby window to fly out into the forest.

She turns around to you and, once again, smiles at you. “Okay,” she says, “Now that that is done, we have some time before she gets the message and comes over.” She trots over to the loveseat and sits down on the couch next to you with her legs tucked underneath her as well. “I guess I can answer some more of your questions before she gets here, sir.”

You try to collect any thoughts of any questions that have not been answered, but questions that can also be answered by this quiet pony. There were a plethora of things; some simple, some complex. What planet is this? How long will this message take? How will I get home? The more you thought about them, the more they expanded into more questions.

While thinking of something to ask her, you notice her proximity to you. Your eyes sweep over a form that is built for flying and you find yourself becoming tense in…certain places. You panic slightly and you try to cover it up by asking her one of your questions.

“Uhm…how old are you?” you ask her.

She must’ve noticed something is off you tell yourself; it was a stupid question, out of context, and it was a little personal, too. “Oh, you know how mares never tell their age.” She exaggerates and places the back of her hoof to her forehead, before giggling to herself. “I’m seven years old.”

At this, your mind reels. If she is seven, it would explain why she is smaller than you, but not by much. It also wouldn’t explain why she is living out here in a cabin by herself. Then again, you think to yourself, if she is like an animal, you assume “pony-years” would act a lot like “dog-years”, where one year is equivalent to multiple human years. But you still don’t know how many “human-years” she is. The more you think about this, the more you start shivering as you try to understand this new culture and its people...well rather, ponies.

Fluttershy notices this and she tries to get your attention. “S-sir? Sir? Please, sir?” You snap your head up—when did it go down?—and look at her concerned face. “Are you alright, sir? Is something wrong?”

Your mind scrabbles for an excuse. “Uh…I’m not sure. I don’t mean to be rude, but can I have a drink?” You scratch the back of your head and look down, trying to avoid making awkward eye contact.

“Sure thing.” She says softly. She gets off the couch and makes her way to the kitchen as you watch her pass you by. You continue to watch her as she vanishes into the kitchen and you hear the clinking of glasses as she prepares something. She pops her pink and yellow head out of the kitchen and asks you “Would you like some water or some cider?”

You know you have to calm yourself down, and you know it has been awhile since you had some cider, you ask her for some cider. She nods her head and disappears back into the kitchen again. You listen to her bustle around in the kitchen. You hear something heavy thunk around and something thick pour into a cup.

You watch her walk out with her wings extended out from her. You notice, curiously, that she is holding two steins with her feathers, almost like a hand with fingers. Each wooden stein is huge and you notice that each is filled to the brim with, what you assume is, cider. It looks like beer, you recall, with foam frothing over the top, wetting her wingtips as well as the feathers wrapped around the steins.

She walks over to you and hands you one of the steins with the froth and takes her place next to you again as she takes a sip. You hear the sound of liquid being slurped and you can help but think of an innuendo. She turns her head and puts down the giant mug, froth coating her mouth. She notices you staring and tries to clean it by licking it off, serving only to entertain more of your thoughts.

When she is finished, she speaks again. “Do you have any more questions? We still have some time before she gets here.”

You begin to think of other things as you reach for your stein and take a sip. The warm, bubbly liquid flows over your taste buds and you can taste a strong hint of delicious apples in the brew. You swallow the delightful concoction and lick your lips as an after-taste of apples sticks to your tongue.

“Uh…yeah…” you answer her. “How strong is this?” You faintly remember drinking something like this not long ago, maybe in another life or maybe not.

She ponders this for a moment. “You know, I’m not too sure.” She says after a while. “My friend, Applejack, always makes her cider like this, so I’m not so sure if it’s that strong or not.” She takes another sip and giggles quietly. “Plus, I like the taste.”

“Oh, okay…” you concede as you take another sip. You are unsure whether or not it is your new physiology again or if the cider is stronger than you originally thought, but you can feel the soothing effects of alcohol calm your system. At this newfound discovery, you are a little worried that the alcohol, while calming, could be dangerous when consumed in high amounts, a fact which the taste of the cider is not helping. You begin to feel nervous again.

“Do you like it?” she asks snapping you out of your regained state of paranoia. You say it is fine and ask politely for another stein. She grins and scoots off the couch to walk back into the kitchen. Once more, you feel the alcohol beginning to take effect as you find your eyes drawn to her haunches. You shake this attraction off and blame your new physique again as she brings you another froth-filled stein.

She climbs back onto the couch and sits next to you, this time closer than before. You feel quite content at this and start to drink a little more. You both sit on the couch for a moment of silence and slurps from steins until Fluttershy tries to get you to start talking again.

“So…” she starts off. “What’s your name, sir? I don’t believe I heard you say it yet.”

Your name. It takes a second to grasp it; the cider is finally starting to kick in. You tell her your name, or what you think it may be. The second it slips past your lips, it all starts to come back to you now. Your past and the life you led. Your ancient history. The unfortunate accident.

“What a delightful name.” she grins and takes another sip.

“You think so? I don’t like it, but, then again, who likes their own name?” You think aloud. You almost continue, but you stop yourself. This cider is making you spout some idiotic stuff. Once again, you try to relax and try to take your mind off of things.

“Sorry,” you apologize, “but enough about me. What about you, Fluttershy? What do you do?”

She shuffles in place and ruffles her wings. “Well, since I like to live out here near the forest, I take care of my little animal friends. I guess you could say that’s what I do; I take care of animals and sometimes pets.” She chuckled in her stein. “I actually have a story about this one little animal I took care of.” You adjust yourself and take a large sip from your stein as you listen to her.

“This one time, I had taken care of a sick little bird. I was at a party with my friend Twilight and I saw the poor thing trapped in a cage. It was in bad shape.” She said before taking a swig from her stein. “Its feathers were falling off, its skin was deathly pale, and it couldn’t even sit up straight.” She looks at you. “I couldn’t just leave it there. So I took the bird when nopony was looking and brought it home with me.

“There were a lot of problems dealing with the sickly thing. One was that I had stolen it from our ruler, who had brought the bird with her to the party, and was eagerly looking for it. The other problem was that it wouldn’t take any medicine to make it feel better.” You noticed what seemed to be a flash of anger glaze over her round eyes for a second. “I tried everything; special feed, pills, even a nice bath. Nothing would work!” She said a little loudly, lightly tapping the couch seat she sat on in what must have passed for a punch. Despite this, you kept on drinking and listened to her every word. You might’ve hated to admit it, but you were hooked on her.

“Then one day…” she continues, trying to take another swig from her stein. It is obvious that the alcohol is beginning to affect her as well as you watch her fumble with her mouth for purchase onto the lip of the enormous cup. She shakily puts her stein on the table again and continues. “Then one day, I decided to give it back to her.” She hiccups. “I give it back to her. Y-you know wha-what happened?” She looks wildly at you.

“I don’t know. Tell me.” You ask.

She hiccups again before progressing. “I-I let the thing go.” She says and you note how she doesn’t use the word “poor” to describe the “thing”. “I let it go and POOF!” she exclaims, throwing out her front legs, nearly knocking over her stein and you jump at this unusually loud outburst. The cider is making her become clumsy with her behavior. “It turned to ashes!” She explained and you can see her eyes glaze over, almost ready to well up with tears. “I’ve n-never felt more scared in my life!” Right when she looks like she is about the cry, she hiccups and her sadness seems to vanish immediately.

“Excuse me.” She apologizes. You confirm the alcohol has been absorbed into your system when you find yourself becoming aroused, thinking of perverse things in mind.

You try to pass off with some small chat; you can’t think straight. “Ahhh…that was surprising. How did the owner take it?”

She grins drunkenly. “The funn--” she hiccups. “The funny thing was that she was so calm.” She holds her stein again, but she doesn’t take a sip. She spins the remaining nectar around as she reminisces about the day this occurred. “I remember her bending over and asked it to stop fooling around. Then…” She paused, trying to find the right words. “…it just turned back into a Phoenix.” She closed her eyes and smiled, the drunkenness of it all temporarily vanished. “It was…magnificent…” she said finally finding a word to convey her feelings. “I guess I could say that I have never been more impressed in my life…”

You keep drinking and give a positive hum. “That’s amazing!”

“It was so…beautiful…to watch something die and become reborn…” she continued.

You realize you have almost drunk your second cider. By now, you are well drunk and you can feel your inhibitions slowly fail. “Well, where I’m from, there are many beautiful things.” You tell her, remembering all the sights of the big city you once lived in. “But, I’ve never seen a Phoenix, though.”

She turns to you, appalled. “Oh, you poor soul!” she exclaims. “It is one of the most beautiful creatures you could ever lay eyes on!”

You smile and your drunken mind takes over. You slide a little closer to her. “That’s not true.” You say. As you say this, you feel that you are staring at her intently. You think about what you said; you might have implied something a little too obviously.

She looks at you, bewilderment in her large eyes. “What?” she asks. “You’ve seen something more amazing than a phoenix?”

You aren’t sure if she didn’t understand what you were saying. You aren’t really sure if you should brush it off or not; your desires are growing and your inhibitions shrinking. You sit there quietly for a second, unsure what to say, curious where to take this. You begin to think perversely the next second; the alcohol has completely set in. You have been fully affected and, thinking perversely, you start to get erect once more. The gentleman deep down inside you calls out and you try to hide it and you stumble over more questions.

“There…uhm…there must be a lot of other ponies you’ve seen.” You say, trying to appeal to her better nature.

She hiccups again. “Oh, no. Not around here. They’re all in town; I’m too scared to go there.”

“Why would that be?” You try to keep her attention away from your lower area.

“I’m always afraid that they—” *hic* “—would laugh at me becau—” *hic* “—because I don’t fly around like some of—” *hic* “—my friends.” She takes another swig from her stein.

“You don’t fly?” you ask, not expecting an answer. You try to console her. “That’s really nothing to be ashamed of.” You give her a warm smile. “I think you’re special.”

She returns your smile and cocks her head slightly. “Thanks. I usually don’t get many visitors, just my friends most of the time.”

You frown a little. “That must be lonely…”

Her smile gradually vanishes. “Yeah…it is…” She looks around her and you can see as the unsureness of her drunkenness disappearing as well. “All I have are these little creatures.” She says as she looks over her furry friends. “And even then, they only rely on me to feed them…”

You take in this new information and use it to fuel your next one. You are unsure of how to word it or even how to ask. You don’t want to make her feel awkward. “Have you ever…?” you ask her unsurely. You take a slow exhale and you try not to look uncertain.

She thinks about your question. “Have I eve--…” her eyes bulge slightly at your inquiry. “Oh…” she says blankly. “Uh…”She begins to look uncomfortable and you notice her wings are slowly unfurling.

You realize that this is too personal of a question. “I’m sorry.” You apologize.

“D-do you w-want some more cider?” She asks, trying to change the subject.

“Y-yeah.” You accept. “That sounds nice.” You feel responsible for making the situation awkward and you feel the getting drunk more would be your chastisement. She gets up again, fills up two more steins full of cider, and returns to the couch, giving you your cider. Her wingspan, while impressive, is quite small for her size and looks almost vestigial to what you think should be the right size. She hands the stein to you again and sits back down on the couch.

Closer to you, you notice.

You proceed to drink some more, curious as to why she sat closer. Thoughts, random and spastic, start to hit your brain at a fast pace. You quickly come to the conclusion: cider.

Almost unexpectedly, you feel the tips of her feathers brush along your back, tickling you slightly. This just serves to arouse you more. The physical contact surprised you and made you a little more erect. There is no way hide it for much longer.

She takes another foam-filled swig, recoating her mouth with frothing cider. She turns to you and you almost lose it when you look back at her. She notices how tense you’re getting. You just try and avoid eye contact and she notices how you’ve become aroused. You don’t realize it yet, still avoiding eye contact with her and her body. Out of the corner of your eye, you swear you see her smile.

What was an accidental brush of the wing now becomes purposeful as she feathers your back once more. You shiver and stare at her, realizing she is very drunk by her now-rosy cheeks and her half-lidded eyes. You realized that she has finally taken notice of your arousal, but you are unsure of to proceed. She takes another brush on your back and you begin, sliding out of your sitting position and get up onto the couch, eventually ending up in an uncomfortable standing position with one hoof one the back of the couch for support. But it doesn’t matter at the moment. All that matters is what she does.

Right in front of her face and tantalizingly close to her mouth is your completely erect penis. At first she is stunned, not sure what to do here. Her breath flows out of her mouth and nose, sending a warm sensation tingling up your spine. Then, she smiles and looks up at you, wiping away the doubts you had about this.

“Remember that question of yours? The one you never really finished?” she asks, sitting up in a kneeling position, putting her hooves on your hips. You nod; you know where this is going. “After all this is done,” she says trying to smile seductively, “I think that’ll be a ‘yes’…” she bites her lip and her already rosy cheeks redden more as she blushes.

Your erect penis stiffens more. You can’t help but feel fully aroused and you want to lose control, feeling completely drunk. She looks back down at your new pride and takes it in her left hoof, sending chills up your spine at her touch, causing you to involuntarily flinch. You feel the tip of it touch right below your chest, a place you had not expected it to reach, and you look down at her to see your flared tip staring right back at you. Below that, you see Fluttershy move in closer. She opens her mouth wide enough to stick out her tongue, the evening sun glinting off the saliva on it. Seeing her move closer like this makes your penis twitch in place and it hardens even more.

She adjusts herself one more time before reaching out and touching your tip with her tongue. You let out a quiet gasp of air. Your new body is extremely sensitive as you feel an electric sensation tingle at the base of your spine. She wraps her lips around the head and she gives it several big, wet kiss, sucking at it each time her lips come in contact with it. After the fifth kiss, she gives your head a nice, big lick as she wraps her tongue around it.

You stutter something incomprehensible as you close your eyes. You exhale loudly as she continues licking and rubbing the tip all over. It feels rough and slimy, like a wet cloth. You begin breathing heavily; you’ve never felt something so good before. She keeps licking, kissing, sucking, and anything in between until a good one-third of your penis has been salivated on or otherwise wetted or lubricated.

You are already coming close to ejaculation. This new body is sensitive and you are still unused to it. Your facial expression shows so and she observes this. She lets go of your penis with a wet and satisfying pop! and gives you a wet smile.

“So soon?” she jests. You give her a self-annoyed look and grunt, slightly sexual, slightly frustrated.

“I’m…I’m just not used to this body.” You say what was on your mind.

She giggles, stroking your shaft slowly. “Just let me do this…” she puts her other hoof on your leg, rubbing it in an ironic effort to try and calm you. “Don’t you worry a bit.” She winks seductively at you.

She brings your attention back to your penis and puts it above her head. Her pink hair is soft as the middle of it lies on her forehead, stretching out further beyond her crown. She takes her tongue and begins licking and lapping around the hilt. You feel a small amount of spittle being released around your balls and her tongue licks playfully at them, making them bounce around and sucking at them. Over and over, she sucks each one, licking around them comedically, in your opinion, like a lollipop.

You put your hoof on her head gently. “Ah…” you moan pleasurably. “This feels so good…”

She stops sucking and wraps her mouth around your shaft. Using her saliva as lube, she works her way up and down the length for a minute or so, occasionally pausing to lick the head or play with your balls some more.

As you revel in the pleasure, another question formulates in your mind. You open your eyes and look down at her, smiling as she continues lavishing over your new source of pride. “Flutter, dear?”

She looks up as she continues to pleasure you.

“Uhm…where did you learn how to do this?” You try to run your hoof through her hair, to no avail. “I think it’s incredible.” You’re gasping quickly now. It was a good thing you decided to speak earlier. Your strength is beginning to leave you.

Through pauses for air, she answers, “I have always wanted to do something like this.” She gives your head a lick. “It kinda thought that it was practice for me when I would take a carrot and do something like this.” She says and licks the bottom of your penis, starting from the middle and going all the way to the bottom of the tip. “But I don’t do that anymore.” She says open-mouthed as she spins her tongue around your head again.

You feel slight empathy about this. She has never felt physical contact like this before, never felt the urges, cravings, and the heat of passion. The second you feel sorry for her is the second sexual desire quickly takes over again.

“I’m…sorry to hear that…ah…” you falter as she makes her final pass. On her journey back up, she lets go of the might organ and stares at it as it floats and twitches in front of her face, a light trickle of your excitement streaming along your shaft. She smirks and wraps her mouth around the entire top part of your penis and as much else as she can, which ends up to be around three or four inches from your point of view.

At your pleasured exhale, she pauses before placing her hooves back on your hips and she looks up at you. You feel her tongue flit around in her mouth, pushing out saliva through gaps to trickle down your shaft. She continues to lavish your head some more until she decides to go down further. She closes her eyes and pulls you closer, pushing her head down onto your slick cock.

Using her drool and spittle as lubricant, she continues her way downwards, not even pausing or stopping for a breath. You can feel your head pass by all sorts of things on her way down: the roof of her mouth, the tender uvula sticking to the top as it curves down into her cavernous throat. You watch her and stare intently at her pink mane as she closes the gap between her head and your crotch. You know you can’t last for much longer; it’s simply too much.

You feel her hot breath hit your crotch and you inhale sharply as she reaches your hilt. The warm cavern of her gullet tickles your penis and she begins to slowly move her head up and down along your rail. She affirms her hold on your hips and begins to fellate you with more intensity. You feel long lines of saliva drip and fall out of this sensational spectacle and onto the couch, darkening it and mixing in with the sopping wetness emanating and dripping from the fork between her legs. She knows you will be blowing soon.

You begin exhaling more furiously now. The electricity building at the base of your spine has sprung all the way up to the base of your skull, making everything look like a blur. She picks up on your erratic breathing and begins to use her tongue again, rubbing it along any part of your penis that glides into and out of her mouth.

You close your eyes and you take your hand off the couch. You put your hoof onto her shoulder and you begin to thrust awkwardly as you move your hips like this for the first time in an attempt nearing your glorious climax. Amid the thrusting, you reach behind her and try to grab as much as her mane in your hoof as possible and push her head down as much as possible. You exhale, “I’m…gonna…ooh…” You are speechless as you ram your member further down her throat.

Her eyes bulge at this new intensity and her pupils dilate cartoonishly. She stops moving own her own accord and lets you force her head back and forth. As you further near climax, you hear her making noises as if she is being choked or suffocated. You want to stop and let her breathe, but starts moaning passionately and over-exaggerated gags.

Eventually, the mounting pleasure reaches a boiling point and you feel you are ready to explode into her. But you’re not sure whether to cum inside of her or not and you don’t want to surprise her and actually choke and make her gag.

Your final thrusts are uncoordinated, but powerful and you pull all of your impressive size out, thick ropes of saliva and pre-cum strung between your flared head and her gaping maw. The last thing she sees before she is temporarily blinded is a thick stream of ivory seed shooting out from your slit of the head. She tries to breathe, but your seed flies into her mouth, splashing her tongue and causing her to jump back a little, landing on her back on the couch. More and more thick globs of cum spray onto her, past her flailing front hooves and onto her face, even landing in her hair. As you spray out more of your seed, it lands on targets closer to you; first her chest, then her stomach and gut, and even spraying her tender nethers with your last spurt.

With your large outburst, you finally feel extremely drained. You collapse onto the couch with her, squeezing into the gap between her and the back of the jade sofa. You attempt to move and adjust yourself to prevent from squishing her with your weight, but you can’t muster enough strength. You both sit there, your bodies already tensing up and your breathing erratic and ragged.

She starts moving rigidly, rebelling against her hardening body, and slowly wipes off a hoofful of creamy seed from her neck and chest, rubbing it around her matted fur before taking some to her mouth. To your amusement, she laps at it weakly before rubbing it around her mouth. She looks at you, licking her lips leisurely.

“I like it…” she says humorously. “It tastes…sweet…and…mmm…salty…” she adds, licking her hoof again. “Like bittersweet chocolate…” she chuckles.

You continue to breathe, now through your mouth as your own body becomes matted by sweat. You are still slightly aroused, your limp member resting on the inside of her right leg. You gently smile at her.
She smiles back and slips her sticky hoof under your cheek. “Do you remember, baby, when I said I had never been more impressed in my life when I saw that magnificent Phoenix?”

“Yeah…” you breathe.

“Well…I think I can take that back.” She scoots closer to you. “Now, I have never been more impressed in my life.”

You chuckle and smile at her. You scoot closer to her as well and embrace her with all the strength you can muster, wrapping your front legs over hers and around her neck. She leans in close, the setting sun dancing off of her azure eyes.

You weren’t sure how you got here, or what is happening, but this was something you would cherish; now feeling sentiment for this new world. You embrace her tightly, not wanting to let go.

She touches her forehead to yours and plants a soft kiss on your lips. “Thank you…” she smiles warmly and kisses you again, longer, sweeter.

You contemplate your odd situation, now feeling conflicted about leaving. You wonder if you should ask her whether you should go try to go back home or if you should stay here with her.

A serious aura now blankets the room. Her eyes are boring right into you and it feels as if she is staring right into your soul. She sees you question dancing there. She wraps her front legs around your body and buries her head under yours.

“Please…don’t go…” she pleads quietly, hugging you tighter.

Feeling your new attachment to this world, and more specifically, her, you answer Fluttershy. “I won’t.” You pull her close to you, careful not to squeeze her. “I won’t…”

Although you cannot see it, you feel her cheeks stretch as she beams at this. She reaches her head back and moves in, kissing you once more. This time, she does not lift away her head away to break contact. You kiss her back, your passion galvanized by your love for her, smiling all the while. You lie there, embracing her tightly, all of your strength drained by your act of drunken lust. You still feel slightly aroused by her; she is covered in your drying seed, but she doesn’t mind at all.

She finally breaks away and resumes her position of lying underneath your head, nuzzling against your neck, cooing softly. You continue lying there, closing your eyes, drifting to sleep, without a care in the world as you bury your face in her mane.

Chapter 2

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You gently wake up, eyes fluttering as you take in the now dark surroundings. You raise your head sleepily up off the long pillow you were laying on and take a look around. All of the small animals in the room had run off to bed or are hiding from site. Everything is lit up from the left, bringing in some much needed light to the cozy chamber. You are still in Fluttershy’s house except the only difference is that, instead of sunlight, the gleam of the full moon illuminates her living room. Hours must have passed since you were last awake.

You feel movement below you and it dawns on you that something is wrapped around you, nuzzling against your chest. You look down and smile warmly. Buried with her mouth in your chest is a small, yellow head with a frizzy pink mane, speckled with your dried cum. Two large, round eyes look up at you and you can’t help but think that she looks adorable.

You smile and stretch your back legs, rubbing up against hers. Given your previous escapade earlier, you feel like your next question is appropriate. “Would you like to go outside? I’d love to see you shine in the moonlight.” You rub her back and skim over her folded wings. Out of curiosity, you feel like seeing what the moon looks like in this new world.

She pulls herself up so that her head is next to yours and lays it on the pillow you are on. “Why can’t we just stay here, dear?” she coos as she pulls you close.

You embrace her, pulling back your head to get another good look at her. “Mm…” you hum in a tone that implies that you are content staying here next to her. You close your eyes and kiss her on the forehead. You continue to kiss her and you move your hooves back down her back slowly, caressing her wings and hips, continuing your path down her body and onto her legs. You rub her haunches slowly and you hear her sigh slowly and she bites her lip as you lift up her leg in a teasing manner. Her wings are slowly beginning to unfold again.

She lifts her head away from your lips, the half-lidded eyes and blushing face returning as she removes her hooves from around you, putting them on your chest. “So soon?” she asks, reminding you of what transpired earlier. You grin sheepishly.

She smiles seductively and she pushes you onto your back before lying on top of you. Your chests touch and she scoots up on you so that her nethers are right over your inert organ. From how she positions herself over you, with her hooves on your shoulders and her crotch aligned over yours, you see what she implies to do. What’s more is that you feel a sopping, yet warm sensation over your crotch. At this prospect, you smile again and erect almost instantly.

You begin rubbing her body again and you lean up for a kiss. She obliges you and leans in close, forcing your lips apart as she pushes her talented tongue between them. You once again begin moving your hoof lower and lower down her side, rubbing her more sensitively as you go.

You trade passionate kisses with her, becoming extremely aroused again; your tip is pushing up past her navel and half-way up her stomach. You feel her body stiffen as you move lower and lower towards her nether region. By the way she shivers; you can tell she is extremely tender down there, never felt anything foreign remotely near it.

You decide to make your move. You rub your hoof around the entrance, barely touching the lips, but still eliciting a silent gasp from her, before removing it and maneuvering your penis towards the sensitive area. You rub your length along her lips slowly, eventually resorting to prodding her with your head when you reach that part, making sure not to penetrate. Surprisingly smooth like velvet, you can feel the pliable flesh spread and dribble all over your tip.

She breathes in sharply; you can feel her whole being quivering on the end of your magnificent member, shaking like leaf caught in the gusts of autumn. You rub the back of your hoof along her cheek, asking her to calm down. “It’s going to be okay.” You promise her. “I’ll try to be gentle.” You kiss her on the nose. “Tell me if I need to stop or slow down if you feel uncomfortable or if I’m hurting you. Okay?”

“O-okay…” she stutters and you sense her calm down a little. In fact, she even begins to rub herself along your shaft, teasing your head when she dips her secret button onto it. She exhales sharply as she pleasures herself with you and moans trying not to be loud. You take up rubbing her again, slowly moving your hips opposite of her movements.

You put your hooves on her shoulders, laying your leg along hers, and pull her closer, careful not to interrupt her. You decide to time this next thrust precisely. At her farthest swing of her hips and the deepest point of yours, you push up slightly against her, pushing tenderly past her lips, but not too far; just about right.

At this intrusion, her eyes widen and she lets out another gasp of air, this time louder and more attributed to pleasure. You push your hips up slightly and her eyes seem to dilate. Her body locks up and she stops moving her hips, letting you do your thing. You continue to push further in, penetrating her, increasing the distance slowly, more and more. Whereas the outside felt smooth like velvet, the inside felt smoother than the finest silk, spurring you on. You don’t want to hurt her, so you rub her lower back in an assuring manner to keep her relaxed.

She shivers and lays down on you, putting her head on your right shoulder, mouth agape. You ask if she is okay, and you stop pushing, waiting for her to answer. “Do you want me to stop?” you add. Through ragged breaths, she answers.

“No…” At this, you decide that you should pull out; you are hurting her and she wants you to cease your pushing. Just as you make the move to push her off, she abruptly presses her cheek up against yours, breathing heavily down your neck.

“No…no, no, no…” She whispers into your ear. She hugs you tighter. “I meant…p-please…keep going…please…” She gently begins moving her hips again, gently pushing her hips down the remainder of your exposed shaft.

You smile and push back on her cheek playfully as you resume. You slowly begin to push up again in tandem with her movements, pushing your hips up when she pushes her hips down. Slowly, but surely, you penetrate her more and more, a fact she knows oh-so well. She lets out another moan through her clenched teeth into your ear as it goes deeper; she can feel in touch areas she’d never thought could be reached.

You grin as you push harder, now thrusting against her hips, going now further and further with each stroke. You let out a deep breath when you feel close to hilting yourself in her. Each thrust sends electricity coursing through your spine and pleasure raging through Fluttershy’s as you feel her waist begin to move at faster intervals.

Time blurs by and eventually, you are both going at it full speed; you ramming your entire length right into her and she is flapping her waist up and down with you, mouth agape, tongue lolling, and drool wetting your shoulder as you squeeze your eyes trying to ride out the waves of pleasure hitting you like a beach during a storm. The wings on her back have fully spread out and are flapping erratically, providing some much needed coolant to this ball of heat and passion. She manages to say something comprehensible into your ear again through an assortment of ooh’s, ah’s, and oh-don’t-stop’s.

“I’m—ah!—gon—ah!—gonna c—ooh!—cum!” she is able to exclaim quite loudly into your ear once more. She is obviously close to climaxing, and you feel that you are as well. You begin to thrust harder and harder, each stoke faster and more powerful than the last. Soon you are in full swing, pulling out all the way to your flared head on the down-stroke and bottoming out roughly on the up-stroke. You are going to blow your load any second now.

She moves her head from her position on your shoulder and pushes her lips against yours, one last kiss before you finally reach the boiling point once more.

You grunt loudly, which escalates into a dull roar right as you shoot your first load, the sensation finally causing Fluttershy to go over the edge as well. The deep, warm cavern clamps down around your hilt as she screams in orgasmic delight right in your face, ending up as an orgasmic screaming match between you both.

As she leaks her love juices all over your crotch, you spray her insides with your sticky seed. The small chamber accommodating your girth quickly fills up. First, trickles of cum drip out, but they quickly evolve into rivers, exploding out of her in a wave of semen and her own sex juices, splattering all over the rest of the couch, staining it dark emerald in the moonlight.

You collapse your head onto the couch, your energy spent. You make no move to remove your still-pulsing dick and keep it lodged in her. You feel her still holding you close, her body so tense, she might as well have been a lightweight statue. Her wings have long since stopped flapping, still spread out and erect.

For a minute you lay there underneath her, holding her closely as you gradually catch your breath. She stirs, moving her front legs up to wrap around your neck and pushes her head underneath yours. You can feel her head rise and fall in tandem with your chest, mouth open and you can feel a wet sensation as she lets drool seep onto your barrel. You lie there as well, feeling the familiar sensation of strength draining from you.

You smile as you both ensure your hold on one another in tender embrace as you begin to drift off the sleep again.


You wake when light dances across your closed eyes, filling your view with bright orange. Your eyes flutter open. You are still on your back lying on the couch. Light from the outside dances around at the far side of the room as it spills over the hardwood floor. You reach up and stretch out, using the couch’s armrest for support. You yawn and rub your eyes as you roll over to get off. You pause as you see the table has moved from its original position.

The table has been moved closer to your head and it looks like it has been positioned so that whatever is on it would have been the first thing you see. On top of the table is a bowl full of assorted, diced fruit like apple slices, individual grapes, and even some small orange slices. Next to it is a clear glass of orange juice with a small straw protruding from the side. You clumsily pick it up, using your other hoof as support and take a long, experimental draw on the pulpy liquid. You fish out a small, ovoid object at the bottom of them drink when you near the bottom; a seed. She must have squeezed this out herself.

As you take out the seed, you notice a small piece of paper next to the bowl. You put down the glass, pick up the paper, and chuckle as you read it.

I hope you enjoy this this morning like I did last night.

Thanks again.


You put down the paper back where it once was and you sit up awkwardly on your haunches, trying to sit upright and look around. Nothing has changed much since last night other than the amount of light. It must be early in the morning still as only a few small creatures scamper about. You can hear the sound of something rummaging around upstairs.

You cry out her name, hoping for an answer or response. “Fluttershy?” you shout. It does not take long for an answer.

You hear a dulled scream and something fall down, making a loud thump! come from the base of the stairs. Fluttershy’s voice squeaks out a short while later as she pokes her head out from upstairs. “Y-yes?”

You turn around and lean over to see her. “Hey.” you wave a hoof sheepishly at her. The scared look on her face melts away as she begins to descend the stairs. “I’m sorry.” You apologize, “I didn’t mean to alarm you. I wanted to thank you for the breakfast.” You take a piece of fruit out of the bowl behind you and pop it into your mouth. “It’s delicious.” You suddenly lie as you chew on a piece of cantaloupe, the bittersweet liquids waking you up. “Thank you.”

She reaches the bottom of the stairs, wearing a leaf-green bath robe and her pink hair set up in what looked like a small, white turban. “I took the liberty and washed myself after you fell asleep.” She said. She grins slyly at you. “I think I needed to clean myself after what happened last night.” You chuckle as you feel more cocky and masculine about what you did.

You finish up your breakfast, careful to avoid the cantaloupe cubes, and Fluttershy takes it to the kitchen for cleaning. As you watch her leave, you slide off the couch and walk over to the nearest window whereupon you see a serene scene. From this angle you can see the wide ocean of ruffled tree tops, expanding as far as the eye could see, over rolling hills and dipping into wide valleys. The sun, peeking out from behind thick cumulus clouds, casts an immense shadow over a tall hill, a dark island in a sea of light. From behind the screen, a slow wind, barely a breeze, flows over you, filling you with happiness and hope for this new life.

From the edge of the window you can see a town set up in a wide clearing. A small, rural town had been built in the largest clearing in the forest. This must’ve been the town that Fluttershy had sent her message into. You pour over your recently regained memories and compare it to the city you used to live in. Cars driving by, immense skyscrapers, people tending to their private gardens, the night lights, everything is coming back to you.

You feel happy being in a different place, away from the hustle and bustle, with someone who you care for and who cares for you. You look back up to the sun, closing your eyes, embracing this new life and you know that things will be perfect.

You hear Fluttershy walking up behind you and steps up next to you. She looks over the forest as well, surveying the sights she must’ve seen almost every waking hour. She slides over next to you and lays her head on your neck, the towel on her head dampening behind your ear.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” she sighs peacefully.

You smile and lean your head over onto hers. You consider this new life here and how you will cherish it for as long as you live.

“Yes…” you smile as you feel a tear form. “It is beautiful…”

Chapter 3

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You hold her close on the couch, her nuzzling up to your chest and you caressing her sides. You kiss her on the head once more and are about to say something when a series of knocks emanates from the door across the room. You look at the door, confused, and watch it move as another series of pounds hit the door. You look at her, then back at the door, and then back at her, unsure of what to do. She stirs from next to you, slipping off the couch and trotting over to the door as you do the same and walk up next to her. You are still a good five feet away from her when the top part of the door opens.

Standing there is a purple pony, similar to you only in shape and size. She has a light purple coat, a dark purple mane, she even has purple irises. The only part that does not seem to be purple is the whites of her eyes and certain stripes of pink on her mane. As you study her, you notice the stubby horn in the middle of her head and the star on her flank. You continue looking at her from behind Fluttershy as they converse with each other. After a moment, she turns to you and tries to start a conversation with you.

“Hi there,” she says to you. Her voice is light and sounds as though she is used to having someone listen to her at all times. “My name is Twilight Sparkle. Are you this new stallion that Fluttershy told me about?” This must be the pony that Fluttershy had sent the message to the day you first met her.

You jest, “Well, ma’am, I don’t see anyone else around.” You chuckle slowly, the laughter awkwardly dying in your throat after a while when she fails to see the humor.

She turns to Fluttershy. “Mind if we come in?” Fluttershy shakes her head and opens the lower portion of the door, revealing the other pony’s legs and a small creature, possibly the other pony’s pet. Like Twilight, this creature was a light shade of purple. Scales covered most of its body and produced a frill lining the middle of its head which ran all the way down its back as it walked in with its owner. It walked on its back claws, like you used to, and the front claws looked as if they were used like hands.

You try to be friendly. “Well hey, there, little guy.” You smile and stoop low to avoid looking threatening. “What is he?” You inquire, patting him on the head.

“That’s Spike. He’s a baby dragon.” Twilight explained, “I’ve had him ever since my entrance exam to a school for gifted unicorns I had to use my magic to hatch him from his egg.” You continued to pat his head. Had you been more perceptive, it would have looked like anger flashed across the animal’s face. “He doesn’t like it when you do that,” Twilight confirmed.

The creature swatted his hoof away and started to talk. It started to talk. This fact alone left you dumbfounded. Then again, you are in a world full of talking ponies.

“I could have told him that, myself, Twi…” he grunts and looks up at you, clearly annoyed by your actions. You pull back your hoof and smile nervously at him; for all you know, he could kill or immolate everyone in the house.
“Uh…sorry?” you apologize as they come inside. You curse at yourself; you feel like an idiot for not considering that and move aside to let them pass.

Fluttershy moved in behind them and shut both doors as they made their way into the living room, Twilight sitting on a small recliner across from Fluttershy who had sat in an identical chair. You walk back over to the couch, sitting on the end closest to Fluttershy while Spike clambers onto the chair’s arm to sit next to Twilight.

She adjusts herself, putting her legs underneath her. “So,” she begins, “Fluttershy told me that you aren’t from here.” You notice her horn light up and a notebook and quill pop out from a bubble of displaced air. They float in the air, suspended by a purple cloud of energy, levitating as if by magic. Hell, it might as well be magic given all the talking animals and dragons.

You shift uncomfortably. “No, ma’am. Heck, I’m not even sure where ‘here’ is.”

She writes down a few things, the sound of the quill tip scratching over the paper filling the silence in the room. “Hasn’t Fluttershy told you where you are?” She looks over at Fluttershy, who was sitting quietly, petting one of her rabbits.

She grins sheepishly. “No, sorry.”

“Well,” you cut in impatiently, perhaps a little too harshly, “can you please tell me where I am?”

“I believe I am the one asking questions, Mister. Might I ask what your name is?” she asks, clearly offended by your interruption.

You tell her your name. “While that is a nice, albeit odd name,” she continues, “Please let me ask my questions first.” She writes down something again. “Now, you told Fluttershy you’re not from here. Where exactly are you from?”

You inform her that you can’t remember where you are from or how you got here, resisting the urge to ask where you are already.

Twilight’s face shows clear hints of confusion. “What do you mean you don’t remember where you’re from? Maybe Canterlot? Or Fillydelphia? Or—“

You can tell at this point that Twilight doesn’t seem to understand your lack of memory. You would rather explore your surroundings a bit before you continue to be questioned by the lavender pony. Politely, you inform Twilight that you would like to go for a walk and see the area before answering more of her questions.

Her brows furrow with slight frustration, but she agrees and offers to introduce you to her other friends along the way. Your group of four leave Fluttershy’s home and head into the nearby town, apparently named Ponyville. Glancing around, you observe the rural nature of it. Ponies with coats and manes of every color in the spectrum are going about their daily lives, making purchases at little business carts and chatting with each other. The houses appear to be mostly small cottages and the like.

No more than a few moments into the town, you feel something soft and squishy tackle you to the ground. As you open your dazed eyes, you see that you are face to face with an incredibly cheery-looking pink pony. “Well hi there, my name’s Pinkie Pie! You must be new, because I know everypony around here! Well, not the ponies who aren’t around here, but I’d like to know them, too!” she rambles excitedly. You smile, confused but her joy was infectious.

“Um…Pinkie Pie…could you maybe…get off of him?”

You look to your side to see your beautiful lover stuttering a much-appreciated suggestion.

"Okie-dokie-lokie!” Pinkie Pie giggles as she bounces off of you.

“This is Pinkie Pie, the most hyper, cheerful member of our group of friends,” Twilight informs you with a hint of embarrassment in her voice. As Fluttershy helps you up, Spike chimes in, “She really knows how to throw a party.”

“Ooh! Ooh! We should throw a party for the new guy in town! We--!”

Twilight covers Pinkie’s mouth and shakes her head with a smirk. “Maybe some other time Pinkie. We need to help our new friend, here. He doesn’t remember where he’s from or anything else for that matter.

Pinkie smiles understandingly. “Well ok, Twilight! I gotta go help the Cakes with a new recipe, anyway! See ya later!” And with that, the bright pink mare speeds off as you and your little tour group share a laugh.

Twilight leads the four of you through the town, explaining various things about the town and its residents. You grin as you look to your right at the only resident you really care to know. Fluttershy sees your grin and shyly smiles back. You turn to look forward again and feel Fluttershy walk more closely next to you, nuzzling your neck. The warmth of it sends a cascade of butterflies through your stomach and you blush brightly. You couldn’t explain where you were from or how you came to be here, but none of that seemed to matter around her. She just made it all feel so right.

Twilight, walking alongside Spike in front of you and Fluttershy, doesn’t seem to notice that you aren’t fully listening. Rather, you’re too busy running your nose through your love’s flowing pink mane.


You and Fluttershy freeze and glance forward. Twilight stares you down, clearly annoyed. “As I was saying…” the purple pony returns to her lecture and continues to trot along. Both you and Fluttershy share a bit of embarrassment but quickly get over it and go back to nuzzling each other.

You close your eyes, letting Fluttershy guide you as you trot. Before you know it, you’ve arrived at the home of some pony named “Rarity.” After a quick knock on the door by Twilight, a brilliant white pony with a dark purple mane emerges with glistening eyes.

“Why hellooo there, darling! A pleasure to meet you! I am Rarity, the greatest fashionista this side of Equestria! You must be the new gentlecolt in town, I presume?”

“Uh…yes, that would be me,” you chuckle at how dramatic this pony is. She appears to have a horn similar to Twilight’s, though a bit sharper and longer. A trio of diamonds adorn her flank; you blush the moment you realize Rarity has caught you staring.

“Now now, while I understand how hard it is to resist catching a peek at these flanks, I’d say you already have a fine pair of flanks to attend to, mm?” Rarity smirks at you and nods her head at Fluttershy, who blushes intensely and looks away, seeming to ignore that fact that you were looking at Rarity’s rear. In the back of your mind, though, you smirk knowing all too well what a grand set of flanks your lover possesses.

“Oh trust me, Miss Rarity, I am aware,” you state proudly and lean over to give Fluttershy a light kiss on her cheek. She turns to look into your eyes and give a thankful smile for the compliment.

“Mhmm. Well, I have much to do and little time. Ta-da for now, darlings!” Rarity declares in a sing-song voice as she slides back into her home and closing the door. This is the second time you’ve seen a pony with a horn, and curiosity invades your mind.

“Hey Fluttershy, is she a unicorn?" you whisper into her ear while Twilight and Spike decide where to go next.
“Of course she is! Haven’t you ever seen a unicorn before?" She quietly replies with a shy smile.

“No, this was my first time,” you say, though technically Twilight was the first unicorn you saw.

You see Fluttershy look away, with what appears to be a slight sadness in her voice. You can barely make it out, but you think you hear her whisper under her breath, “Yeah…a lot of firsts for both of us, lately…”

Before you can attempt to find out what’s wrong, Twilight taps you and says she’ll be introducing you to a pony named Rainbow Dash next. She smiles and looks to the sky, waving a hoof. You look up as well and hear a loud boom as a rainbow ring fans out across the sky. Seconds later, a somewhat muscular cyan pegasus with a vivid rainbow mane lands in front of you. “Enjoy the Sonic Rainboom, stranger?” the pegasus questions you with a cocky smirk.

“A…a what?” you manage to stammer out. Your ears are still ringing from the loud boom.

“Nevermind,” Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes and introduces herself to you. “I see you are already pretty close with Fluttershy?”

You raise a brow and look down, not realizing you have a hoof around Fluttershy, who is contently burying her face in your neck. She pulls away for a moment and quietly says, “Oh…um…well he’s really nice and…um...I’ve only known him for a few hours but I feel so comfortable and safe around him…I feel like I’ve known him my whole life.” Her sweet words melt your heart and you feel a tear building up in your eye. She’s right, though. Despite your short time here, you feel like you have a connection with her. It’s strange, but you really do feel the same way.

The cyan pegasus puts a hoof in her mouth and makes gagging noises. “Yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and get some lunch before I puke. Nice to meet you, new guy! Maybe next time we can have a less-mushy conversation!” she yells as she takes off into the sky.

Twilight smiles sweetly at what Fluttershy said, while Spike mimicked gagging just as the pegasus had. Fluttershy herself is giving you a sweet, loving stare as she wipes the lone tear building in your eye.

“Can we move along? Let’s go see Applejack, please?” Spike mutters.

Twilight nods and leads your group to a vast apple farm outside of Ponyville. For miles, all you can see is row after row of apple trees. At last, your party reaches the edge of an orchard where you can see an orange pony with a blonde mane bucking against a tree. Each time she slams it, several apples rain down into a bucket.

“Well howdy there, pard’ner! Name's Applejack, and who might you be?" the rough-looking pony says as she trots towards your group. Before you can answer, Fluttershy introduces you first, recounting the story of how you two met .
“Found ‘im in the woods, huh? Well I’m glad yer safe and sound now! Nice meetin’ ya, but I gotta finish these here apple trees by the end of the day, so I’ll talk tah ya’ll later. Bye now!” Applejack bids you farewell.

“Well, that’s all of our closest friends. What do you think?” Twilight inquires.

Your stomach rumbles before a word leaves your mouth. You blush as Fluttershy tries to stifle a giggle. “I think,” you begin, “that we should probably do as Rainbow Dash did and get some lunch.”

Twilight smirks, but she and Spike agree. You know that she is going to grill you with questions later, but for now, all that matters is lunch and your beautiful, sweet pegasus