Button Mashing Button's Mother 3

by Oldtakufanboy

First published

Today I marry Elaina, Button's mother. This is the happiest day on my life.

Today is the day Elaina and I are getting married. My life is about to change; we were first lovers, now we're a married couple. I'm so sorry that this has to happen Button, but it looks like I'm your new dad... awkward...

Final Volume of the Button Mashing Button's Mother Trilogy.
First Story
Second Story
(Please read the first two stories before reading this)

(The CMC's and Button Mash are in their Twenties)

Button Mashing Button's Mother 3

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It was a nice and clear day, as the birds chirped, ponies talking happily, and the sound of marriage. Outside of Canterlot was a grassy area that was full of happy ponies sitting in their seats, as they waited for my bride to show up and surprise me with her beauty. Who you ask? Her name is Elaina Mash, but let's just call her Elaina. To give you the back story on how we fell in love began when I was friends with her son known as Button. She then one day ask me to hang out with her for the day and on that day, I had to confess. You see, I had a crush on her for a while and on that day, I told her my feelings. Things went rather well and we both made sweet love to prove how much we love one another. I never told Button, but when his mother and I announced it, he was pretty shocked that he fainted. We had a talk about it and he was pretty angry with me. I told him that I will be his step father and that we can still be friends. I want to be a better father to him and a better lover for Elaina. If Elaina's happy, why shouldn't he? We got things sorted out and he began to like the idea of a new father (even though his new father is gonna be his best friend).

Every pony who made it were chatting away, as I stood up on the stage waiting for Elaina to show up. Beside me is Princess Celestia who gives me a smile. She wore a white dress, as it twinkled like diamonds.

"Excited Jared?" she asked.

"I've been waiting for this to happen for a while," I replied.

Her horn glows a yellow hue, making my tie straightened out.


"Anything for the married man," she said, as the glow on her horn disappeared.

I have to thank Rarity for the suit; it was really nice of her to make it for free. I'm glad that Button made friends with Sweetie Belle. She also added a flower; the same type of flower I gave her on the day we went out. I had my hair slicked back and my face shaved perfectly.

Suddenly, a dashing light blue figure from the sky flew towards the stage. I moved back, as the figure landed perfectly onto the stage without making a large mess. It was Rainbow Dash in her usual clothes, as she folds up her wings.

"Hey Jared," she said, "she's coming. Giving you a heads up."

"Thanks Dashie," I said, as I give her a salute.

She did the same before jumping off stage and taking a seat next to her friends such as Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity. I then began to notice up ahead, about a mile away, was a mare wearing a white dress with a smaller gentleman by her side. It took me five seconds or my brain to process to realize it's my wife.

"She's coming, Celestia," I said.

"Okay everypony," said Celestia out loud, "the bride is coming! Stand up! Be happy! And enjoy the marriage."

Everypony sat up and turned around towards the coming bride. I look over to Octavia with a pipe organ and gave her a thumbs up. She nodded and began playing.


My bride has come; making me the luckiest man in Equestria. Her dress was gorgeous with a white rose in her brown hair, white high-heels, red lipstick that made her lips look red as the rose on my suit, and has her tail braided. Button was by her side with a smile on his face, giving me a wink. I smiled and winked back. Behind them is Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo as flower girl tossing red petals in the air. As Elaina makes it to the stairs of the stage, the CMC's and Button sat down on their reserved seating. As Elaina makes a step in front of me, the music stops and everything goes quiet.

"Dearly beloved," said Celestia, "we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Elaina and Jared..."

As Celestia went on, I couldn't stop staring at Elaina. She was beautiful; as beautiful as Aphrodite if she were a pony.

"Do you have the rings, Jared?" asked Celestia.

I nodded before reaching into my suit pocket and pulling out two golden rings that has embedded words saying, 'love makes the world go round'. I take Elaina's hand and gently inserted the ring into her finger. I give her the other ring, as she does the same.

"With these rings," continued Celestia, "they are a vow. A vow that means that nothing will break your endless love. Does the bride have anything to say?"

"Jared," said Elaina, "with our love, nothing will ever tear us apart. I want our love to be forever even in death. I will never fail you as a wife."

"Does the groom have anything to say?"

"I will follow you to the mists of Avalon if I have to," I said, "I want us to go on a journey someday to prove our love. We will be unstoppable."

Everypony, including my wife, chuckled.

"But in all seriousness, I want us to be together forever."

"Miss Mash," said Celestia, "do you take Jared to be your husband?"

"I do," she says.

"And do you Jared, take Miss Mash to be your wife?"

"I do," I said, "and I do the do."

Every pony chuckles again before Celestia stretches out her wings as far as she could.

"I announce you man and wife," said Celestia, "you may kiss the bride."

I look over to my bride, I take her soft hands, and bring our lips to a close. Everypony cheered, along with Pinkie blowing the party cannon.

"Congratulations Jared!" shouted Pinkie Pie, as she jumps up and down rapidly.

"Wait to go, lover boy!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

"Yeeeeeeehaaaaaah!" shouted Applejack, as she flings her hat to the air and catches it back in her hands.

"Yay!" shouted Fluttershy.

"Splendid work, Darling," said Rarity, as she clapped, "well done."

I grab my wife's hand and we walk down the isle towards together, as more cheers come from the crowd.

"Off we go, my dear," I said, as we walk away from the area.

"Where do you think we shall go?" asks Elaina.

"I have an idea."


After a short while of walking through Canterlot, we finally made it to Fancy La Fancy; a fancy restaurant that is swarming with customers at nighttime, but by day, there's not as much. We walked in and took our seats next to the stage, as a piano player plays soft music that really gave me a calm atmosphere. Elaina sits across from me, as she takes the menu and flips through it.

"It's been years since I last came to this place," said Elaina, as she continues to look through the menu, "they still have the same dishes."

"This is my first time actually," I said before a waiter walks up to the table, making Elaina put her menu down.

"Welcome to Fancy La Fancy, Sir and Miss," said the waiter, as he stopped by, "I am your waiter for this wonderful afternoon and what would you like to start with a drink?"

The waiter looked quite fancy himself. He has light blue fur, a small mustache, a stripped vest, and wore black pants.

"My wife and I shall have the best wine of this place can offer, please," I said.

"But of course," said the waiter, as he writes in his small notebook, "may I ask, did you two just get married?"

"We have," said Elaina.

"Congratulations you two. I shall make this wedding afternoon of yours perfect."

"Much obliged," I said.

"I shall return in a little," said the waiter, as he walks off.

"The waiters a fancy as well," giggled Elaina.

"They sure are," I replied with a sigh.

"What's wrong, hun?"

"Its just that... I wish my parents were here. They'd be happy to know that I'm fine and married to a mare who is sweet as candy."

"It must be hard for you."

"Not so much. I have something I want to share with you."

"What is it?"

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small circular locket by the chain. It was golden with chains of silver. I hand it over to Elaina, as she carefully takes it by the locket and looks at the small jewel embedded in the middle.

"This locket is pretty," she said, as she looks back up to me, "is this from your parents?"

"My mother gave it to me when I was five. She told me that if I were ever alone or if I got lost, my parents will always be there. Press against the red jewel."

She looks back down at the jewel and gently presses it, giving out a light click to know it's open. She pulls the top aside and within the locket was an old photo of my folks when they got married. The part that which she pulled aside has small words that read, "We will always be with you".

"Why haven't you told me about this locket," she asked.

"You never asked much about my family or what I have that reminds me of home."

She closes the locket and hands it to me, as I took it and placed it back into my pocket.

"Jared... if they were here, I think they will be proud of what you have become."

"Thanks honey," I said, as I reach my hand over to hers and held it tenderly.

"I love you, Jared."

"I love you too, my little pony."

"Here you go, Sir and M'lady," said the waiter, as he places our glasses of wine in front of us, "shall I give you more time on what you like to order?"

"Please," I responded.

The waiter nodded before walking off. Elaina takes her wine glass and gives it a sniff.

"Mmm, smells tangy," said Elaina before taking a sip, "oh my! This tastes delicious."

"Judging from your expressions, it sounds like utmost be good."

"Take a sip, Darling."

I take the bottom of my glass and take it up to my lips and took a sip. The flavor tasted good; it felt as though a million berries entered my mouth.

"You weren't kidding," I replied, "this tastes delicious."

"Okay, now we must find ourselves dinner," said Elaina, as she opens back her menu and flips through it and stops at one of the pages.

"What do you recommend?"

"We shall have the pasta with bits of broccoli in it. What do you think?"

"Whatever you like, hun."

"And for desert?"

"Whatever you like, hun."

"I know what I like, but what is it that you want?"

"Whatever it is that you like, hun."



"Ice cream with fudge it is then," said Elaina, as she closes her menu.

I couldn't help, but giggle. I always wanted to reenact that scene from Coming To America. I notice our waiter coming back to our table and pulling back out his small notebook.

"Have you two come to an agreement?" he asks.

"We are going with the pasta with broccoli, please," I replied, as the waiter writes in our order.

"We shall have your food in a bit," said the waiter before walking away.

Elaina and I were alone again, as we took more sips of our wine.

"I'm very glad you took me here, Jared," said Elaina.

"Anything for my wife for life."

She giggles before taking my hand and giving it a peck.

"You are such a charmer," said Elaina, as she reaches for my cheeks and pinches them, "my wittle charmer."

"I'm not a little boy, hun," I said, as she pinches harder, "please let go of my cheeks."

She releases my cheeks, making me feel little sting to each cheek.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I love being motherly."

"No kidding."

"I love being a mother. I raised Button to be a nice young stallion and he's now with Sweetie Belle. I feel proud of being a mother, but now with Button grown up... I feel un-motherly."

"How about another?"

"Another what?"

"Another child. I always dreamed of having kids. Boy or girl, I don't care."

Elaina's eyes lit up and tears began to fall down her eyes.

"Jared... do you mean?"

"Let's have another member to the family."

Tears began to drip onto the table, as Elaina smiled and leans over the table to kiss me.

"Yes. Yes! Let's do it. Tonight."

"As you wish, my love," I said, as I gave her a chuckle.

Our waiter comes back and places our dish in the middle of the table. He then notices my wife crying and pulls out a blue handkerchief.

"Is there something wrong, Miss?" asked the waiter, as he hands her the handkerchief.

"Nothing wrong," said Elaina, as she blows into the handkerchief, "just something good."

"Oh," said the waiter, as he takes the handkerchief back, "good to know. Enjoy your dinner."

The waiter leaves us, as Elaina and I enjoyed our dinner, which may I say, spot on. They really put their heart into making their dishes. This place was definitely worth going to.

Later that day, we came back to Ponyville to get ready for what we were about to do: making a baby. I stood outside the door and tapped my foot, anxiously waiting for what Elaina has in store for me. It's been five minutes and I'm going crazy in my mind wondering what she's got going on in there for me to get excited for.

"I wonder what she's got it going on in there," I thought to myself, "is she lighting out scented candles? flower petals? Is she wearing a see-through nightgown? What is it, I ask!! WHAT?!"

"Yoo-hoo~" I hear from the other side of the bedroom door, "I'm ready for baby making. I hope you're excited as I am."

"Coming in, dear," I said, as I immediately grip onto the door and slowly pushed it open.

Inside was a sight to see; Elaina was wearing a see-through night gown and soft harp music played for background music to fit the mood. She gives me a seductive wink and gives me the come here finger. I comply, as I close the door behind me and stood at the end of the bed.

"How do you like it?" she asked.

"You look sexy," I replied, "just like the first time we did it."


"A sexy young mare."

"Oh you," she giggled, "I'm not that young."

"To me you are young."

She crawls over to me and stands on her knees before closing in to my face and planting her soft lips upon my own. She then began to insert her tongue forcefully into my mouth, making me do the same by going into hers and feeling the moistness within. I could still taste the ice cream we had earlier (which was delicious by the way). We pulled our heads away and began to breathe heavily.

"I can still taste the ice cream we had in your mouth, hun," I said.

"Same here," she said, licking her lips.

I then grab the bottom of my shirt and pull it off my body. I toss it to the side before I could feel Elaina's soft hands caressing my chest. Her fingers travel upward to reach my nipples, which make her twiddle her fingers around them, making me give out a moan.

"Your nipples are as cute," she said with a giggle.

I take my hands and reach out for hers and give them a pinch, making her moan louder than myself.

"I like it when you moan," I replied with a wink.

I let go of her nipples and began massaging her silk-covered breasts, making her let go of my chest and slowly falling back onto the velvet covers of the bed. As I grab them softly by the sides, I notice the nipples poking through her fur.

"May I remove your nightgown? It's in the way of our fun."

"Go right ahead, love."

I grab the bottom of her gown and slowly pull it up, showing off her soft fur that I love so much. I toss it aside and look back to her fur.

"Did I ever tell you that you have such nice fur?"

"I bet you have," she giggled, "care to feel my back? It's aching a bit."

"Anything for my wife."

She turns around, showing off her clear fur and a fine looking plot. Seriously, her plot looked so good I began to feel my pants getting tighter.

"Aren't you gonna deal with my back or are you just gonna stare at my behind?"

"S-sorry, your plot is hypnotic and it's perfect for making babies."

"Care to make babies instead? I can ask you to deal with my back some other time. I'll live."


I reached down to my zipper and began pulling the flier down, along with my pants. I kick them off until my member became free from its silky prison. I grab my cock and rub it against the left cheek of her plot. She cooed, as I softly circled the head of my cock and towards her lower lips. It slowly slides in, making Elaina squeak and clench the covers.

"Oh my," said Elaina, "it feels... so good to have sex with you as a married mare."

"I love you, Elaina."

"I love you, too."

I pull out and slowly back in, making her moan. My blood begins to boil, as I picked up the pace. The room began to be filled with moans and groans, as I continued to thrust into her. I could feel a drip of sweat going down my brow. I hold onto her hips and began to go in deeper.

"Sweet (hah!) Celestia," moaned Elaina, "ravage me! Make the (hah!) water temple burst (hah!) free!"

Hearing her say sexy things based off the games Button plays are so fucking hot. She would often say 'the water temple' or 'give me a 1up with that mushroom'.

I then began to feel it; the buildup of cum is about to burst within her. I squeezed her plot tightly, as I thrusted hard with all my might.

"I'm about! To cum!" I shouted.

"Do it! Give me more life energy!"

"Okay, that's a new one."

I then couldn't hold it any longer; my cock tingled before I could release my seed within her 'water temple'. I pant before pulling my cock out and collapsing to her left. She turns her head at me and scoots closer to me to feel her warm fur.

"Now (hah!) we wait," said Elaina before giving me a peck to my nose.

"I'm (hah!) so excited," I said, as I take an arm and bring it to her back till our bodies were tightly close to one another.

She shuts her eyes, as she slowly drifts off to sleep. I slowly began to do the same and dreamed of us with our baby.

A few months went by, as I began to notice that Elaina is definitely pregnant. I haven't asked, but I wanted it to be a surprise to know if it's a boy or a girl.

I sat in the living room with Rarity, as she and I sip a cup of tea and talked to one another.

"Is it just me or is Elaina getting fatter, darling?" asked Rarity.

"She's not fat. She's just eating a lot. It's healthy for a pregnant lady to eat a lot when pregnant."

"Have you seen how she eats, darling? I'm sorry to say, but it's rather un-lady-like. She doesn't bother looking at it, she just shovels it in like a little piggy."

Before I could retort, Elaina walks in with a plate of three slices of cake.

"Damn," I said looking at Elaina's tray, "honey, I think that's too much."

"I apologize that you have to see me like this, you two," said Elaina, "my hormones are going nuts. Now please. If you could, darling, move the fuck aside. I mean how many times do I have to tell you to make a fucking space for me to sit? Darling, you also forgot to get the ice cream too! Maybe you should go buy some and shove it up your fucking ass! I'll just get going now. Sorry for my random outburst."

Rarity and I stood there, as Elaina walks away back into the kitchen.

"My goodness, darling," said Rarity, "why is she like this?"

"Don't worry, Rarity. Her hormones are going crazy and she outbursts like that every once in a while. Don't worry, it's just a phase."

"That's good to know," said Rarity, as she takes a sip of her tea, "if things get any worse, give me a call. I'm not that far away."

"Thanks Rarity."

More months went by and before I knew it, my wife has finally gone to labor and given birth to a healthy baby mare.

Elaina leans up in the hospital bed, and holds our baby girl in her arms. I look down at the baby, as she looks up to me with a coo.

"She's beautiful, Jared," said Elaina softly, "what do think we should name her?"

"How about... Cutie Button?"

"Cutie Button? Hmm... I like that."

"So Cutie?"

"Yes... Cutie Button."

Cutie gives out a smile and holds her hand up towards me, making me take my pinky towards her small hand. She gives it a gentle squeeze, making Elaina and I giggle with joy.