Going Stag

by taterforlife

First published

Discord's going stag this year. And Fluttershy wants that stag.


Discord arrives alone at the Gala, deciding to go stag this year. Fluttershy wants that stag, but she's too afraid to discover that part of herself.

Hopefully, neither of them will have to exit the party alone.

Contains heavy fluttercord and very slight marblemac.

The Stag and the Clownfish: The Only Chapter

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She was a clownfish swimming in an ocean of ponies that he really didn’t care about, give or take a handful of them.

He had to admit, Rarity’s dresses for her seemed to get better and better as time went on. She looked more colorful than ever, her dress layered in wavy stripes of orange, white, and black, slightly frilly but not too much so. Sparkling starfish decorated her long, silky pink tresses, gathered and tied loosely at the bottom and thrown across her shoulder. Her dress was made in such a way that in the right light, it sparkled as if tiny little fish scales adorned the outfit. He suspected that Rarity had also snuck in a bit of glitter spray into Fluttershy’s mane; it sparkled as it blew softly from the breeze that came from the open windows.

Sure, had he been her fashion designer, he probably would have thrown some kelp and seaweed into her ensemble, and have tangled her hair in sand and shells and sparkling sea pebbles until she looked like some sort of wild, exotic goddess of the sea. But no matter.

She still looked stunning.

He posed as the guard ponies announced his arrival, leaning on his cane with a smug smile, pretending as if the fiasco from last year’s gala had never happened. Ponies turned to stare as he made his grand entrance, bedecked in a purple shirt and black tie, topped with a suit that stood out with its vertical black and white stripes. His hat sported the same pattern as the suit, the only difference being that the stripes circled around its brim rather than along its height.

Fluttershy was amongst those that looked, and was the first to beam at him, giving him a small wave with her hoof.

He couldn’t stop his grin from coming; it had become a habit with her, along with scanning for her whenever she was in a crowd. It was getting worse, to the point where he was, regrettably, growing predictable with his mannerisms.

But he couldn’t help it, because he didn’t want to.

“Discord! I’m glad you could make it,” Twilight greeted, moving away from Celestia’s side to greet him. He tore his eyes away from his dearest friend to look at his other still-dear-but-not-quite-in-the-same-way friend.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Sparkypants. Nice dress. Much better than that plain little yellow getup you used to call a dress,” he said, eyeing her shimmering dark pink dress. “It becomes you, I suppose.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and shook her head, though the hint of a smile remained. “Gee, thanks. How did you even know about that dress?”

“Rarity has an album she dubbed ‘What Not to Do in Fashion.’ Your old dress is on the first page.”

“What? Rarity!” She galloped off before they could discuss fashion any further, headed towards the fashionista as Discord chuckled. His laugh was soon joined in by the delighted laughter of his former arch-nemesis.

“Still causing trouble, I see. Let’s just hope this year you don’t make fun of Twilight’s flying. She can be very sensitive about her aerial capabilities.”

Discord merely scoffed at her. “Oh please, Celestia. You and I both know that you love it when I poke fun at your former protégé. Don’t think I didn’t notice that you laughed last year.”

“And don’t think I didn’t notice you eyeing Fluttershy, just as you did last year,” she replied, her face aggravatingly pleasant despite her taunting. Only Discord was capable of catching the little spark of mischief in her eyes as she said it.

He crossed his arms and looked away, indignant with a pouted lip. “I was merely looking for her. In case you didn’t know, we are the best of chums. Which I believe is partly thanks to your meddling, by the way. And speaking of chum, I really do have a little clownfish to greet. Hasta luego, jefaza.

He turned his back on her, taking a few steps before she spoke again. “Wait, Discord. I want to ask you something.” She continued when he looked back to acknolwedge her. “Did you bring a plus-one this year, Discord? Since I invited Smooze with his own invitation,” she pointed to the familiar gelatinous creature dancing the jig with Pinkie Pie, “I was hoping you’d have someone else to bring? Maybe even somepony?”

Discord stopped and shook his head with an amused smile before turning back to Celestia and tipping his hat off to her. “Not this time, Cay-Cay. This year…”

He straightened his top hat again, swung his cane, and gave a wink.

“I went stag.”

“It’s okay, Marble, really. It’s okay.”

Fluttershy patted Pinkie Pie’s younger sister on the hoof consolingly, hoping that Big Mac would eventually gain the sense to come over and help her out a little. Everypony and their mother knew that she had only agreed to come as Fluttershy’s plus-one just to see Big Mac. Spike had brought him as his plus-one, but the big farm stallion stayed glued to Spike’s side, only daring to look in Marble’s direction every half hour or so.

“Okay? Well, it’s really not a party if everything is just okay now, is it?”

Fluttershy smiled before her head turned to look up at the owner of the smooth, silky voice. “Discord!” she exclaimed, opening up her forelegs and giving him a small, gentle hug. “You made it. Did the mailpony have trouble getting his invitation to you this time?”

“Oh, he was quite adamant this year about me giving him some sort of transportation device to my mailbox. He really doesn’t know how to appreciate my powers the way that you do, Flutterbuddy. So there’s a slot at the post office for him to that teleports my mail directly to my humble abode. So I got my invitation in plenty of time.” He eyed the pony that sat across the table. Unlike last year, he seemed simply curious, rather than jealous. “And this is…?”

“Oh, I’m sorry!” She put a soft hoof on Discord’s arm. “Discord, this is Marble Pie, Pinkie’s younger sister. I brought her this year as my plus-one so both she and Maud could come. Marble, this is my good friend, Discord.”

Discord smiled. “More like your bestliest best friend, but I suppose that’ll do.” He offered a paw to Marble. “Hellooooo. Try not to be too charmed by me,” he greeted. “I know it’s hard, but I think you can pull through.”

But Marble only shrunk away from him, nodding feebly. “Mmm-hmm,” she squeaked.

A memory flashed in his mind of a yellow pegasus running in desperation for a way out, stranded in the middle of a labyrinth. This pony definitely resembled her in a lot of ways. He exchanged a look with Fluttershy and leaned in close. His muzzle came inches from her lips and Fluttershy blushed without him noticing.

“What’s her deal, hmm?” Discord asked. “It’s not Smoozie over there, is it?” He glanced back at his happy slime friend. “Nopony seems bothered by his return this year.” He felt relief as he realized just how true his words were. Pinkie was no longer dancing with him, but plenty of other ponies had joined him in her place.

Good. At least that’s one thing that can go off this new god-forsaken conscience of mine.

Fluttershy giggled. “Oh no, not at all! She’s just shy, is all. She’s a lot like me and not very good in crowds.” She looked over at Marble affectionately and leaned in to whisper to him. “She’s also hoping that Big Mac comes over here.”

Discord’s lips curled upward as he smirked Big Mac’s way. “Ohhhhhh, so that’s the way it is, is it? Have you become a matchmaker now, eh, Flutters?” he said, putting his arm around her. “I don’t believe I ever saw that skill in your résumé. I always thought that was more Rarity’s milieu.”

She put a hoof to her lips. “It wasn’t really my idea. It was more Pinkie’s and Applejack’s. And Spike wanted to bring a friend along to the dance anyway, so they thought it was a good idea to try and make it happen. But Applejack wanted to bring Applebloom back, since Rainbow and Rarity brought Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo again as their plus-ones. And since I didn’t have one, and you already had a ticket, then I agreed to help. Besides,” she gave Marble another smile. “She’s very sweet once you get to know her.”

Discord swallowed before a growl could leave his throat. She had said the same thing of him before, and his jealous tendencies were still a problem for him. “I’m...sure she is. But what of Tree Hugger? Did you not ask her again? I was completely prepared to get on her good side this year.”

But Fluttershy seemed to know better, raising a brow as he blinked at her. “You mean you hope your plan from last year to thwart our friendship didn’t actually ruin my friendship with her?” She giggled. “Well, you have no need to worry about that. I asked her, but she’s on a week-long nature retreat tonight. Maybe next year she can come, but it’s all right.”

She smiled up at him, taking in his tall, dark form for a moment. His suits were always so unique, always one to strive to be the center of attention. And yet, he always gave her so much of his own.

But not everypony was as lucky as her. She glanced back at Marble, who seemed so lost and nervous amongst so many ponies, desperately darting her eyes towards Big Mac, as if he were the only pony that could rescue her from such peril. She sighed, her eyes big and sad. “Poor Marble…”

Discord rolled his eyes. “Oh, please, this is an easy fix. Honestly.” He grabbed her foreleg and moved her towards the dance floor. “What would you ponies do without me? This is the most basic of plot devices.”

“Huh? Discord, where are we going?”

He didn’t answer her until they were in the middle of the floor. He was incredibly tall, but after years of dealing with creatures much shorter than him, dancing with a partner of Fluttershy’s height really wasn’t much of a challenge for him.

“We’re going to show Big Ol’ Macky Mac there that this isn’t a guy’s night, of course.” He smiled at her and winked, but unlike his wink towards Celestia, this one seemed a bit more meaningful, the spark in his eye a bit more heated than usual. “And I can’t do that by myself now, can I?”

Fluttershy’s face felt hot as he took her hoof in his big strong talons and wrapped his lion arm around her small torso. Now that he was so close, she struggled to ignore her thoughts of how soft his fur was and how handsome he looked when he dressed up. “Um, and how is dancing going to do that?”

Piano music started to play as the lights dimmed. Discord pulled her closer until there was no distance between their bodies, and Fluttershy felt sparks shoot up and down the length of her spine. She felt the vibrations of his voice against her chest as he leaned down and purred in her ear.

“Just follow my lead.”

It was just a simple slow dance, nothing more than that. That’s what Fluttershy tried telling herself as she took his advice and moved with him as they twirled in circles, the music in the background soft and enchanting. Fluttershy hid her face against his chest as she tried to control her breathing.

How many times over the past year had she imagined doing something like this with him? Her feelings for him had grown so fast since the last Grand Galloping Gala…

“By the way, Fluttershy, you look fabulous in that dress of yours. It’s absolutely nautical.”

Her heart pounded at the compliment, but she was able to reveal her face and look back up at him. The way he looked at her, his eyes soft with a warm glow, made her feel beautiful.

She gave him a tiny smile. “Not as fabulous as you, though.” She surprised herself by stroking his lapel with a hoof. “I like this suit on you.”

Her mind horrified her as it thought of how much she’d like it off of him too. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Where had that come from?!

But she knew exactly where it had come from. It was something she had been feeling for months now. She hadn’t felt that way about him this time last year, but something had grown since then. Something she struggled to control and wished she didn’t have to.

Discord’s smile was wide and handsome, his fang gleaming in her vision. “I like it too,” he purred. His talons released her hoof and instead came around her back, hugging her close. She didn’t stop him. “Thank you. Though if we’re to compare overall levels of fabulousness, there’s no need to compare yourself to me. Everypony else should, yes, but you’re the incredibly rare exception.”

She smiled at his sincere compliment and thanks. He had come so far since the last time they’d been together, at this place, at this time. He truly cared for her friends now. Their friends. He’d even gotten close with Big Mac and Spike, had even apologized to them after giving them a hard time when all they wanted to do was play their game. Spike had told her. And Discord had been a part of every guy’s night they’d had since then.

Discord was also beloved by all the Cutie Mark Crusaders, treating him like a favorite uncle, and Fluttershy herself as an aunt. They’d gone on numerous adventures together, almost as if they imitated being a tiny little family together, with the two of them tucking the girls in bed at night and collapsing on the couch afterward after a long day of babysitting and lollygagging.

But his relationship with the Elements had improved the most overall. Now, he only bugged Twilight for half the time they tried hanging out, and argued over magic for the other half. Sure, they were still arguments, but Fluttershy had reason to suspect they actually liked doing that together.

Discord often helped Applejack with farm work in rather creative ways, such as literally making her pigs fly while feeding them slop by flinging it into their mouths with a ladle. Applejack had protested at first, but after Fluttershy assured her that the pigs actually enjoyed the spell, she and Discord started making a competition of it.

With Rainbow, it was all about racing and sports and messing with the weather patterns, all of them things Discord enjoyed doing anyway. He had bonded with Rarity numerous times on her fainting couch, stuffing themselves with ice-cream while complaining and gossiping over numerous topics.

And with Pinkie Pie, well. They always found a way to have some fun together, and it wasn’t very hard. They once spent a day riding jackhammers around town. Nopony had really minded it, surprisingly; they trusted Pinkie, and Discord had fixed the roads back once the day was done.

As for the two of them, they still exchanged letters and had their daily tea parties. But…

Something more was needed. Something the two of them wanted but didn’t know how to express without scaring themselves. It scared Discord because he was terrified he’d lose her, his best friend, terrified he’d do something to screw things up because he was talented at ruining good things. And Fluttershy was scared because she never knew she could be this way. It didn’t seem like herself. If she did it, what would he think of her? What would she think of herself?

It was so scary, but so wonderful at the same time. She loved the way he was holding her now.

They continued to dance slowly, and Fluttershy realized that they had been circling around the room. She glanced over and saw Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack waving at her, Rarity looking excited while Applejack merely smirked. Rainbow winked at her. She blushed but waved feebly back. Applejack and Rarity had always been so good with recognizing others’ feelings, but for Rainbow Dash to even have an idea of what she was feeling...It must have been getting more obvious. Not that Rainbow was ignorant or stupid by any means, but it certainly wasn’t her biggest strength. She wondered if Twilight suspected it too. A glance her way proved it; Twilight smiled warmly at the two of them before making her way over to Starlight Glimmer, her own plus-one.

She also spotted Pinkie pulling Marble away from the table, with Maud not too far behind. Pinkie succeeded in getting her out of her chair, but poor Marble looked like she was about to faint. Pinkie seemed unconcerned as she caught Fluttershy’s and Discord’s eyes and waved excitedly at them.

“Hiiiiiiii Fluttershy! Hiiiiiiii Discord!”

Fluttershy giggled and waved, Discord smiling and nodding her way before looking back down at Fluttershy. “Target spotted straight ahead, mon capitan,” he reported as his tail peeked over from behind his back. “Missile at the ready.”

Blinking in confusion, she saw that Big Mac was close by, with Spike temporarily distracted by Rarity sitting at the other table in all her gem-studded glory.

“Can you do it without hurting anypony? Not that I think you would, but it’s just good to be safe, just in case,” she said.

She stopped breathing as she felt a talon stroke her cheek. “He won’t even know what’s happened by the time it’s over.”

“O-Oh,” she breathed, leaning her head into the palm of his claw without thinking. “Fire away, then…”

His tail snapped out and whacked Big Mac in the rear, making him fall into a pillow that suddenly appeared as he fell and glided across the slick waxed floor towards Marble Pie. He ran into her and sent her falling down next to him on the pillow. They raised their heads to recover and looked at each other muzzle to muzzle.

Discord smirked as his friend shot up on his four hooves and began to apologize profusely for running into her. The little mare smiled and, dare he say, even giggled a little? Big Mac helped her up, and suddenly, Pinkie’s sister didn’t seem so nervous anymore.

Sort of like how Fluttershy never seemed as nervous when she was around ponies she trusted. When she was around her friends.

Even when she was around him.

Did she trust him?

Was she afraid before he arrived that he’d have a grand plan to mess everything up yet again?

Was she enjoying this as much as he was right now?

He needed to know. For that had been his true plan.

She seemed to be in her own little world, leaning against him, and didn’t even notice as they twirled through a swinging door into a hallway, the lights dim to save energy from all the lights being used for the Gala.

He twirled her one last time before pressing her gently against the wall, towering over her with his hand against her chest.

Her eyes flew open. “Discord?”

“You didn’t really think I was just asking you to dance to help our friends, did you? Granted, helping them felt sort of nice, I suppose, but not as much as this does.”

“What do you–?”

But she couldn’t finish the question because Discord stopped her with his mouth. He pressed his body against her, pushing her against the wall, his lips pressed hard against hers.

Fluttershy was stunned, her eyes staring at him as he kissed her. Oh goodness. This was happening. This was really…!

Something primal within her took over, and she closed her eyes in bliss as she threw her forelegs around his neck, kissing him back. Discord’s arms wrapped around her once again, holding her tightly and bringing her closer to him than she’d ever been before. Slowly, his tongue slithered out from between his lips and softly stroked against hers, tasting them for the first time. Her lips were so plump and soft, and they tasted like honey. It made him smile. She would taste like that.

He had expected hesitance at first, but was surprised, yet delighted, by how short a time it took before she opened her mouth, granting him entrance. He didn’t hesitate as his tongue moved slowly and gently forward, running it across her teeth and circling around the cavern of her mouth before finally meeting with her own tongue.

Fluttershy squeaked at the feel of his thin, winding tongue against her own shorter, wider one. But Discord didn’t seem to mind as their tongues slowly intertwined with one another. His tongue was velvety and quick, though he kept it slow at first to let her get into it gradually.

But it didn’t take long for it to grow in intensity, battling each other for dominance as their hands and hooves began to roam across each other’s bodies, Discord’s fingers firmly sliding down her sides as her hooves raked up and down his back so lightly that it made his back tingle and his body burn with want. His tongue suddenly wrapped around hers tightly and yanked it into his own mouth, closing his lips around it and sucking hard.

Fluttershy moaned at the pressure of his mouth sucking her tongue, and felt something pulse between her back legs that made her want to wrap them around him. But the very thought of it made her squeak in alarm just as Discord released her tongue for another kiss. She put a hoof on his muzzle, stopping him from reaching his target.

She breathed hard. “W-Wait. Please. I… Just give a minute.”

She saw panic in his eyes as he pulled away from her. “What? What is it? Did you not want this?” He had been so sure, during that dance. He hadn’t been sure before, but when she had leaned her head against his hand, with her eyes closed, looking so calm and at peace… He had been sure at that moment that she had wanted him just as much as he wanted her. As much as he’d been wanting her, ever since he realized weeks after his first disastrous Galloping Gala, that he’d been jealous of Tree Hugger not just because she took his place as her plus-one.

But also because she had taken his opportunity to be her date.

Of course, he had realized long ago that Fluttershy hadn’t felt anything like that for him at the time. But something between them had changed over the last year, and this time, he thought it would be different. He thought she would save him from going completely stag this year. Would save him from feeling completely alone in a place full of ponies that may have grown fond of him, but really didn’t need him.

He wanted to be needed, wanted to be loved and adored by all. But he wanted Fluttershy to love him even more than that.

Just as he did her.

“No! That’s the problem, don’t you see? That’s… I…”

His attention was thwarted away from his thoughts and back to her at her protest. She looked away.

“I do want this. I…” She squeezed her eyes shut. “I love you, Discord.”

His heart seemed to jump into his throat. Nopony had ever said that to him before. He never knew just how much of an impact such a confession would have on him.

“Really?” It came out almost as a choke, and Discord’s vision grew blurry.

A soft hoof stroked his cheek and he heard her softly gasp at the tear that escaped his left eye.


“Oh Discord, of course I do. You always treat me so well, and make me feel so special when I’m always worried of being insignificant. And you make me laugh until my stomach hurts, and you’ve shown me so much and have opened my world up more than I could have ever imagined. You’re kind and you’re gentle whenever we’re together, and you’re trying so hard to be a good friend. Sure, you make mistakes every once in a while, but so do I. Overall, Discord, you’re succeeding.”

She leaned up and pressed her lips against his cheek, soft and warm. “You make other stallions boring, Discord.”

A shiver ran up his spine. “Fluttershy…” He reached towards her.

She stepped back. “But I’m afraid… of what you’ll think of me if we…” Her face blazed red as she brought herself to meet his eyes. “Tonight. Because I really, really, really want to. But wouldn’t that be too fast?” Her legs started to shake. “Aren’t good mares supposed to wait? Would… Would that make you think I’m easy? I don’t want your opinion of me to change.” Her eyes started to leak themselves as she looked up at him. “What if you wake up tomorrow and decide you don’t want me anymore? Not because you’re cruel, but because there’s a part of me that’s different from who I am? A part of me that wants this so badly that I don’t care what other ponies think of it, a part of me that even I didn’t know existed… until I met you.”

More tears fell down her face and dropped to the floor in soft plops. “I’ve worked so hard to love myself and grow more confidence, Discord. I don’t want to lose that, and I don’t want to lose you.”

She found herself pushed back against the wall, a little rougher than the first time but nothing harmful. She looked up to see Discord as his hat fell to the ground from his quick movement, his eyes glowing in the darkness of the room.

“That has got to be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard,” he growled. Apparently, this was one kind of ‘ridiculous’ that he didn’t like.

He darted forward and pressed his lips once more against hers, the pressure of it moving her head back against the wall before he pulled back. “There’s nothing wrong or immoral about wanting me, or anypony else, for that matter. ‘Aren’t good mares supposed to wait?’ Pffft! What a silly question.” He wrapped his arm around her and caressed her cheek with his paw and gave her another short but hard kiss. “As if there’s something wrong with having urges that are completely natural. Aren’t you supposed to be an animal expert or something?” Another kiss, and this time Fluttershy responded in turn. She leaned against him as she felt his arms wrap around her and pick her up.

“Aren’t we animals, Fluttershy?” he growled. “If a lady rabbit with curves in all the right places does the vertical tango with Angel Bunny without a second thought, would you think ill of it? If that little gray mare shacks it up with Big Mac tonight, and bucks him so silly that he melts down to liquid and has to live in a jar for the rest of his life, but doesn’t regret it for a second, would you look down on her?”

She giggled despite the serious question, and the sound made him smile. “No,” she finally replied. “I’d be happy for her.”

His hand stroked against her spine as he leaned in towards her.

“Then be happy for me, because I’m finally going to get lucky with a mare after going stag for a thousand-plus years. With a mare that actually matters to me.”

She blushed hard and tried hiding under her soft ponytail, but to no avail. “Then… M-May I show you how happy I am for you?”

She gasped as she felt him nip at her neck. “Please do…” he purred.


A kiss on her collar bone. “What do you say we take this back to your private anemone, little clownfish? Hmm?”

He felt her throat rise against his lips as he kissed it. “Hehe, that depends. Are you a clownfish, too? If you’re not, you’ll get stung!”

He chuckled, his head still lowered towards her neck but his eyes glancing up towards her own.

“A sting means nothing if it means I get to swim in your waters, Miss Fish…”

They flashed into the room Fluttershy was given for the night, a generously-sized single room with a canopied Califoalnia king bed plenty large enough for the both of them.

They fumbled towards the bed as Fluttershy struggled to undo his tie, until Discord simply ripped it off and flung it away for her. His jacket was much easier to remove, freeing his left arm as his right mangled at her hair and pulled her mane free from its ponytail. He switched arms and soon the jacket was off and she was unbuttoning his shirt as she met his hot mouth with kisses, moaning in encouragement with each lip lock they shared.

She pulled away from the kiss as she realized she popped a button off by accident. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to, I promise I’ll–”

He showed how much he cared about that single button by pulling at the shirt until all the buttons popped off, rendering the shirt useless as a future addition to any suit he planned to wear. The buttons plinked and rolled across the floor as Discord lifted the skirt of her dress to caress her flank.

She gasped and moaned. “D-Discord...My cutie mark, you can touch my–”

His palms stroked in tight circles across her cutie marks and she gasped again, her chest heaving as she breathed in, holding onto his neck for support.

It was a social more to touch a cutie mark unless a creature was given explicit permission to touch it. It was usually a privilege reserved for lovers and spouses. A privilege Discord could now take advantage of.

He could feel the muscle twitch underneath his hands and it was driving him crazy. He scanned her dress. “The zipper.”

“On the my left side… Please be careful, Rarity worked so hard to make it...”

His palms smoothed her dress and searched out for it. When he found it, he struggled not to tug too fast on it, but oh, he wanted it off, he needed the thing off right now.

It was undone and it fell to the floor. Discord’s eyes darted downward on instinct and saw a slight dampness between her legs. He could smell it.

Fluttershy noticed what he was doing and crossed them in embarrassment. She knew she had no reason to be embarrassed, but she felt it anyway.

Discord softened instantly at her innocent feelings and gently walked to the bed and laid her down.

“Hey there, Flutterbuddy,” he murmured, his voice warm. “Hey.”

She looked back up at him, and he could see that using her nickname had calmed her a good bit. Her eyes softened as well as she smiled up at him.

“Hello there,” she whispered. “It’s nice to see you.”

“Oh, and it is most definitely nice to see you as well, my little yellow bird horse.” He took a spot by her side and began to stroke her side again. “Though I have to say. I didn’t think I’d leave the party quite so early.” He winked at her. “Not that I’m complaining.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “Our friends. They’re going to wonder where we are!”

“Not to worry, Flutterbuddy. I took care of it. I left a note at Twilight’s table telling her you were tired and I was bored, and we left to our respective rooms.”

She bit her lip. “Do you think it worked?”

“Does it matter? They know you’re safe, and I was a courteous gentledraconequus that wrote them a goodbye. Everypony gets what they want in the end.”

He sat up and slowly moved until he towered over her. “We got what we wanted in the end. Or, should I say…” He lowered his neck and kissed her jawline. “We’re about to get what we want…?”

She immediately responded and put her hooves around him, resting them against his back as he pressed kisses down from her jaw, to her neck and throat. He clamped his lips around the back of her neck, lifting her head up slightly for access, and sucked hard. Fluttershy moaned in pleasure at the feel of his lips, beard, and teeth on her tender flesh. He could so easily hurt her, but because he loved her, he never would.

...He did love her, didn’t he? She hoped so.

The thought didn’t linger as his hands began to roam over her body, sliding slowly, maddeningly, up and down her sides, her back, her cutie mark. She kicked as his hands settled over her butterflies again. He felt her clasp her hooves hard around his head, forcing his lips away from the part of her chest he’d been kissing and crushing her lips against his. He moaned, turned on by her surprisingly rough kiss, crushing her body against his and opening his mouth so she could explore it. She was insistent at first, but then it slowed, their kiss growing gentle and loving, each of them moaning at the pleasure of finally doing this together after waiting for so long.

“Fluttershy,” he whispered between kisses, “Fluttershy, I want to touch you…” His hands slowly sank down towards her thighs.

She instinctively arched her back at his touch. “Yes. Yes please.”

His paw finally reached her damp marehood, and she was slick with desire. Desire for him. Him. Discord. The former adversary of the Elements, now with the one Element he hadn’t been able to beat without cheating. The one who taught him about friendship and compromises and forgiveness and how nice it could be to try and befriend ponies rather than fight against them. The one that appreciated him for who he was and wanted to give him a heart without changing the core of who he truly was. The one who loved his magic and regarded him with an open mind, who did everything she could to make him happy and cared for when so many others hadn’t given one buck about what he wanted.

The one who taught him how to care and eventually love somepony as much as he loved himself.

He had been holding it back with his magic, but he was desperate now. His fingers stroked over her marehood, and she writhed as he did so; she cried as he gently probed his finger inside of her, and felt his body tremble as he explored her inner caverns.

“Discord! Discord! Oh my goodness, Discord, oh my goodness, please…”

“You...got it.” He began to pull back the magic that had been keeping himself from emerging, letting his natural desire take over the way it was intended to.

He watched her reaction as she felt something hard and rigid as a rod poke at her stomach. She looked up and saw not only the predatory desire in his fierce red eyes, but the hope and doubt he hid inside himself, too.

She wrapped her legs around him.

“I love you, Discord,” she whispered. “I love you so much, and it’s okay. You’re right. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I won’t regret this.” She pecked him softly on the mouth. “And I’ll never regret you. Befriending you, spending time with you, loving you…”

Slowly, she brought her hips upward as he came down, and she felt him enter her, slowly, slowly…

“Ah…! N-Never…” she breathed.

Their lips met as they slowly bounced together, clutching each other as they made love for the first time, the bed squeaking softly as they did so.

Discord roared like a lion when he finally came, with Fluttershy echoing his scream herself as she pressed her hooves hard into his back.

It was a good thing he had put up a sound barrier, or else the whole castle would have known what was going on.

Moments later it was over, both of them basking in the afterglow as he held her loosely in his arms, her head pressed against his chest.

When he felt Fluttershy’s soft breathing against his chest, Discord finally had the nerve to speak. “I love you too, Fluttershy.”

He had thought she was asleep. He felt her mouth curl against his chest.

“You’re awake, aren’t you?”


“Why, you little sneak!” He grabbed her and she laughed as he did so, the sound loud and joyful as he swiveled his fist against her head in a playful noogie. “You think you can trick me into revealing my soft nougat insides, eh? Planning to make me melt and keep me in a jar, do you?”

She played along and tapped her hoof against her chin. “Well, that would give me and Marble something in common if you did…”

He blinked before covering his reddening face with a paw and breaking into laughter. He hugged her against his chest as her own laughter joined in with his.

It had been their best Gala yet, and they hadn’t even been there for most of it.

But they had danced.

Oh, how they had danced, indeed. ~