What was Lost, can be found Again

by Sparkling Shield

First published

My Collab with FreezeLightning.

Living in Manehatten can get to you, but not as much as knowing you have a long lost sister. My brother has suffered long enough. Tomorrow, I'm taking him to Ponyville to start over, with his sister. i just wish i could stay... but i would need a lucky moment, or some kind of magic to change that.
(future chapters are going to need more OCs as they come)

CH1: Road Trip... Great... + Prologue

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Prologue: Meet the OCs

Hi, my name is Freeze Lightning. I have a Darker cyan coat than RD, and I have an Ice blue and yellow mane/tail.
I am the long lost brother of the Element of Loyalty, Rainbow Dash. If you want to know why I'm her lost brother, it is because I was set up for adoption when I was young. Rainbow Dash and I were born as twins, my coat just darker than hers. Yet, bits were tight, so I was set up for adoption to help my family when I was only 2 years old. When my adopted parents told me this, I was devastated. But my adopted sister took me with her to travel to Ponyville.

And I am Frozen Flames. I'm a female unicorn, with a Dark orange coat, and a slightly darker yellow and red mane/tail.
Freeze became my brother when my family decided to adopt him. I was a year older than him, so I was able to talk, but just barely make a sentence. Seeing as we lived in Manehatten, our parents wouldn’t let us out of the house much unless we had one of them accompanied us.

When I turned17, I did something drastic. When it was night, after my parents went to bed, I lifted Freeze out of bed and put him on my back. Luckily, he was a heavy sleeper. I decided it was time to get out of the house and try to find Rainbow Dash. If we found her, it could be like a gift. His 16 birthday is in a week, so I figured we could surprise him real good. He didn’t even know he was her lost brother. Only I knew, from a note his real parents gave me. They had hid it in my saddlebag play toy when I was young. I didn’t know how they did, but it was helpful, none the less, to know this.
Now, we set out to Ponyville, going to find Rainbow Dash. And I brought along a friend….

Chapter 1: Road Trip… Great….
(Frozen Flames’ POV)

It was still night, and Freeze was still sleeping. He was lighter than I expected, but he doesn’t spend his free time in the gym like all of the guys who hit on me. There was one who wasn’t like that, because he was homeless, so I decided to bring him along with us. His name is Dark Streak, a Pegasus with a black coat, with a Cyan and red mane/tail; who lost his entire family over a year ago. I have been secretly bringing him food at night to make sure he lived to see tomorrow. Now, since we will be living in Ponyville, I decided it was wisest to bring him along, for him to get a Fresh start. It was I gift to me, for I will have somepony to talk to besides my brother.
“Hey Frozen, can I ask you something?” Streak asked
“Yes, what is it?”
“Well, I was wondering why you would save me, and why you wanted to bring me along.”
“Well, I saved you because I couldn’t stand seeing you crying over your lost parents, or the fact you had no food.”
‘Not to mention you’re not like the other stallions, always trying to get to my heart’ I thought
“And as for bringing you along, well I figured you could do with a fresh start. Seeing how we won’t return, I thought it would be best to bring you”
Streak smiled. I was a little shocked. He had never smiled before, let alone show any sign of happiness.
“Thank you. I really mean thank you. This has to be the most kind thing anypony can do for me.” He said, still smiling
I smiled back “Well, I can’t think of anypony else to bring. But there is a reason for bringing my brother”
This got me a confused look form Streak.
“What is that reason? I though you would bring him along just because he is our brother.”
Wind said ‘our brother’ since I treat him like family, so he thinks it ok to say it
“Well, it’s going to be a surprise for him.” I explained, not wanting to talk about it in case Freeze woke up.
I got a nod from him. “Ah, now I remember; His 16 birthday?”
All I gave him was a nod, happy that he didn’t pester.
It was another good 4 hours before the sun rose. Streak and I were taking a break, sitting on a hill, and eating an early breakfast. I brought two saddle bags full, which allowed me to make small salads for us. As the sun rose, I just watched.
“It’s beautiful.” I said. I never got the chance to see the sun rise, always being stuck in my room, so I took in every moment.
Finally, Freeze began to stir. I'm not surprised he would look around, since he wasn’t in his bed.
Then he looked at me and said “Where are we? I thought we were at home.”
I shook my head, glad he didn’t know the real purpose of this.
“All three are going on a road trip.” I said plainly.
Freeze just nodded. I'm guessing he expected we were going to see another Wonderbolt performance.
After we had finished our breakfast, we set out again. As I suspected, Freeze and Streak were going on about the Wonderbolts, and other pegasi stuff.
I was busy reading the map, making sure we were heading the right way. I was older than both of them, but I had a tendency to still act like a little filly, so I put myself to focus on something, as so I don’t act out of line.
It was about noon when we arrived in Phillydelphia. It was a great city, to my surprise. There weren’t colts trying to get my hoof, there were amazing stores and restaurants, and they had a market with a wide variety of food available. I gave Streak and Freeze 20 bits each, and told them to get their favorites. I was able to sneak my money out of the house with me, a total of 240 bits. This was my part-time job and allowance combined.
When they came back, I was Streak had instead bought saddle bags. He said he felt guilty for not repaying me, so he volunteered to carry some of my supplies. I dint complain, since it was nice to receive some help. Freeze got a special deal, apparently. He got a book on Equestrian History, as when as a bag full of apples for only 15 bits. I didn’t want to know.
As we went on our way again, I started reading the Equestrian history book. I may not be a book worm, but who says I can’t read once in a while?
It was well past 8 at night when we set up a place to camp. I, of course, made the campfire, Dark made us tents using his light bending abilities, and Freeze brought us clods to sleep on.it was a peaceful night, the only sound was wind blowing over the grass as Celestia’s moon rose. I’ve read about how Luna was banished to the moon after turning into Nightmare Moon. I actually believed she could return, since our powers were meant to be lost in time, but we had them. So I believed she could come back.

It’s been three days since we left Manehatten. Now, we were in Ponyville, and in the library with 6 other ponies. Apparently, we arrived at the time during the Summer Sun celebration, and Nightmare Moon had returned and apparently brought a friend, Eclipsed Sun.
So, us three decided to help, when anypony liked it or not.
“There are six elements of Harmony, but only five are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty and Loyalty. The Sixth is a complete mystery.” Twilight said.
I took the book from her and started reading the next part out loud
“As for Eclipsed Sun, he can only be defeated by the elements of Life, yet only two are known: Space and time. Only those who can harness the basic elements of Equestria: fire, water, wind, earth, Light and darkness, can use these elements.”
“Y’all sure that there be two set of them Elements; ‘cause it sounds like just a bunch of hooey to me” Applejack said
I ignored her as I concluded “The Castle of the Royal Pony sisters; is located in what is now…
“THE EVERFREE FOREST?!” we all said as we appeared right in front of it.
I’ve heard tales about it, but I never thought we would be going into it.
Luckily, Rainbow Dash and the others had no idea Freeze was RD’s sister, making this a lot easier than expected.
“WEEE let’s go!” Pinkie said happily
“Wait. I know you all want to help, but I’d rather do this by myself.” Twilight said
“No can do Twilight. Beside we are all in this together. This will be easy as making caramel apples.” Applejack said
“OOOHH, I love caramel apples” Pinkie said as she walked in with the others
I stayed back with Twilight, as she asked me
“Why are you and those other two here? I thought it was only going to be me and the Girls.” She said.
I could believe it, but I had to tell Twilight about the reason we came
“Twilight, you must promise to keep this a secret for the next few days. The REAL reason we are here is because Freeze Lightning, my brother, is Rainbow Dash’s long lost brother. I was going to make it a surprise for him at their 16th birthdays.”
Twilight nodded, me relived she didn’t pester either. Then we went inside the forest.

A little while later, we were walking along in the Everfree forest.
“So, none of you have ever been in here before?” I asked
“No, this is my first time” Twilight said
“Oh heavens no; just look how filthy this place is.” Rarity complained
I heard Dark face hoof, obviously annoyed with Rarity already.
Then as we were walking near a cliff, it just collapsed on us. I used my earth power to save Dark, Freeze and I.
(Since I'm lazy, just imagine S1EP2 with my characters interfering)
(But, Dark finds he is (well, it hints) the Element of Space when he mysteriously warped from one point to another to save Rainbow Dash from flying off into the distance.)
(Freeze’s element: Time, is when Rainbow Dash meets The Shadow Bolts. He doesn’t know how, but he did it. It allowed him to walk over the bridge BEFORE it was cut, hide behind some trees and wait for The Shadow Bolts to appear. And yes, he kicked flank.)
(Now, its Frozen’s turn)
“HAHAH; you fools: Did you really think you could beat the both of us?” (Nightmare)
“Honestly, your efforts are FUTILE!” (Eclipse)
Twilight hung her head, sad that she couldn’t activate the Elements of harmony or Reality.
I just sat there, still not believing what I saw.
“Now… it’s time for you to PERISH!” Eclipse and Nightmare said at the same time. Their horns were being charged with magic, pointing at Twilight.
“NO!” I yelled. Just as the blast was about to hit Twi, I blocked it. I wouldn’t let anypony else get hurt no matter what the cost.
I waited for the blast, but it never came. Then I looked up, and saw a destroyed was of fire and earth. It might have saved me, but it drained my magic real good.
“That was some petty trick you did there, but it won’t save you now.” (Eclipse)
Then, both Twilight and I heard the voices of everypony else come up the staircase. That’s when a spark went off in both me and Twi.
“You think you can destroy the Elements just like that?” (Twi)
“Well, you’re wrong. Cause both the Elements of Reality and Harmony…” (Frozen)
(Yaddie yadda, Elements and all that)
“But you still don’t have the final elements” (Nightmare)
“That’s where you’re wrong” (Me)
“The final elements reside in us. I realized that when I heard your voices, who happy I was to hear you, to see you. I realized that you all WERE MY FRIENDS.” (Twi)
“And I realized that I would do anything to protect you 8. You are true friends, not ones to toy with my emotions. You are the ones I TRULY CARE ABOUT” (ME)
Then, two brand new elements came out of nowhere, floating above me and Twi’s heads.
(These are being said at the same time)
“You see Nightmare and Eclipsed, when those elements are ignited by the spark, a spark that resides in us all, it releases the 6th Element: THE ELEMENT OF MAGIC!”
“You see Nightmare and Eclipsed, when those elements are ignited by the spark, they become real. This is The 3rd Elements of Reality: THE ELEMENT OF WILL!”
Nightmare moon < Rainbow Blast
Eclipsed Sun < Elemental Enclosure

After we all woke up, and after a short discussion with Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna and Prince Moonbeam back, we were having a party at Ponyville.
But, I and Twi were the only ones not having fun.
“What is wrong, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?”
“And Frozen Flames; are you not happy that everything can return to normal. And you can go back home to your parents?”
(Twi) “That’s just it, Princess. Just when I learn how wonderful it is to have friends… I have to leave them”
(Me) “As for me… I don’t want to go back. I never had ponies that cared for me before. Especially ones who are the nicest I know”
Princess Celestia just smiled.
“Spike, take a note please.”
I Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorns, Twilight Sparkle and Frozen Flames, shall take on a new mission for Equestria.
Twilight must continue her studies on the Magic of Friendship, and report her findings to me.
Frozen, alongside Twilight, you must report to me your findings on Life. How emotions and feelings work out.
From both of your new homes in Ponyville
Everypony was cheering. And I was acting a bit out of line
“Oh, thank you thank you than you! How can I ever repay you, Princess?” I asked
“Well… how about you become my new faithful student?”
All of you gasped. I had no idea what to say but
“YES! I can’t imagine anything better”
Then, I happily cheered with everypony else. Finally, I could do something that mattered to the world.

(Insert Pinkie when she was rambling)