Redeeming Yourself For Futa Twilight

by Bendy

First published

You hurt Twilight's feelings last night by rejecting her because of her massive futa penis. However, today you plan to set things right by taking her penis up your butt.

You hurt Twilight's feelings last night by rejecting her because of her massive futa penis. However, today you plan to set things right by taking her penis up your butt.


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Outside a huge ass oak tree, in the middle of a somewhat medieval looking town there was a strange being known as a human, who was dressed in a fine black tuxedo and stood upon two legs. That human was you. Also, the sun was shining high in the sky... and birds were singing and stuff.

Bracing yourself, you took a deep breath before you lightly knocked upon the door.

"Twilight, it's me Anon," you said softly.

"She doesn't want to see you!" yelled an all too familiar wimpy voice.

"Spike! Let me in you little bitch!" you shouted.

"Okay," he said in a timid voice like the little pussy ass bitch he was.

With that the little girly purple dinosaur thing unlocked the door for you. Without a word, you closed the door behind you, before you walked past Spike, who just stood there at the door and did nothing because he wasn't important.

Anyway, you made your way up the stairs to Twilight Sparkle's room and walked into her room without knocking.

There, lying upon her bed was Princess Twilight Sparkle the purple alicorn. Her mane was in a terrible state, her eyes were horribly bloodshot from crying, her once huge, fearsome testicles were as small as peanuts, and worst of all her once, long and thick massive mighty futa penis was thin and short as it stood flaccid while it hung limply from her plump sheath.

"Go away! You gay faggot!" she wailed in grief, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Twilight, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to run away last night," you pleaded.

"Don't lie to me you hairless ape!" she yelled, while flaring her wings defensively.

"I'm so sorry, Twilight. I was scared, your penis just got so big and--"

"Oh Anon, you know no matter how big a magical futa penis gets, they never hurt anyone they make sweet love to, right?" she said softly, wiping her tears away with a hoof.

"I know, that is why I want to redeem myself for being such a gay faggot," you said in a low voice, tears falling down your cheeks

"You.... you do?" she spoke in a low voice, her huge purple eyes lighting up with hope and with her flaccid cock twitching slightly.

You sat down upon the side of her bed, from there you took hold of her right hoof and stared deeply into her beautiful large eyes.

"Yes, Twilight. I'm so sorry for not taking your huge futa penis up my anus last night. I was totally a gay faggot for being such a pussy by not taking your penis up my butt like a true manly, heterosexual man," you said softly.

The sight of Twilight's smiling face was filling your stomach with butterflies. You in turn smiled back, only adding to the romantic moment.

However, the moment was somewhat ruined when Twilight's balls began to inflate out like a balloon to become as big as basketballs, along with her dick rapidly expanding in size by growing longer and thicker in a manner of seconds and... and.... and she cock-slapped you across the face.

"Ow!" you shouted.

"Sorry!" she exclaimed, with a bright red blush upon her face.

You were about to be angry with her, but your anger quickly faded away when you caught sight of her massive, mighty horse cock.

You could only look in awe at the sight of Twilight's enormous alicorn cock, which stood at a monstrous 30 inches long, topped off with her thick shaft being slightly thicker than your own leg.

Twilight seemed to like the attention you were giving her cock, which made her cock so excited it had caused her cock to repeatedly throb powerfully, growing by two inches by each jerk, while at the same time it became slightly thicker as it grew larger and larger in size.

30 inches, 32 inches, 34 inches, 36 inches, 38 inches...

Twilight almighty god horse cock continued to grow in size without stop, her mighty, magical pony dong was preparing to give your butt a super pounding.

Her hoof came down to her marehood to rub her dripping wet pussy, making the mare moan aloud and utter quiet horsey sounds. Her hoof rubbing her vagina had caused her mighty magical pony cock to grow even faster by 4 inches every second.

38 inches became 42 inches, 42 inches soon became 46 inches, 46 became 50 inches...

"Uh, Twilight, I think that's--"

Your words came upon deaf ears. Twilight was so incredibly happy she could not hear you, she was lost in her whole little world as she fantasised about fucking your butt. Up and up her cock rose, becoming longer and thicker as it grew bigger and bigger in size by each passing second.

50 inches became 54 inches, 54 inches soon became 58 inches, 58 inches became 62 inches, 62 inches became 66 inches, 66 inches became 70 inches, 70 inches became 74 inches, 74 inches became 78 inches...

You could only watch in horror as the mighty futa alicorn cock continued to grow in size without any sign of stopping.

On and on her cock grew in size.

78 inches became 82 inches, 82 became 86 inches, 86 inches became 90 inches...

Twilight uttered a loud whinny, before her cock shot up to 100 inches long. Twilight's behemoth cock had grown so large it cast a long dark shadow over you, in which you stared up at in horror.

Even now, her cock continued to grow in size.

100 inches became 104 inches, 104 inches became 108 inches, 108 inches became 112 inches, 112 inches became 116 inches, 116 inches became 120 inches, 120 inches became 124 inches, 124 inches became 128 inches, 128 inches became 132 inches…

Her cock had now grown to the point it was dangerously close to touching the ceiling and… and.. her.. cock… was… still… growing.

132 inches became 136 inches, 136 inches became 140 inches, 140 inches became 144 inches, 148 inches became 152 inches, 152 inches became 156 inches, 156 inches became 160 inches…

Just when her cock was about to touch the ceiling. Twilight's horn lit up to cast a spell, creating a large, blue oval shaped portal in which to allow her cock to grow through the portal safely so it could grow indefinitely without end.

… and her cock did, although you could only see her cock growing thicker and thicker rather than longer, since the tip of her penis was now growing through some pocket universe.

"Stop it! That's big enough!" you shouted, looking on in terror at the massive growing cock, that was as thick as an oak tree trunk.

"But Anon, your anus and insides are perfectly safe from my penis going inside you," she protested.

"But I'm a virgin Twilight. I never had a giant futa pony cock up my butt. Could you please make your cock smaller?" you said in a low voice.

Twilight sighed sadly, her cock rapidly shrinking down to a normal 30 inches long and becoming only slightly thicker than your own leg.

Nonetheless, Twilight's penis still was truly a worthy pony cock to bang your anus even at 30 inches long. It didn't matter she looked some what silly with such a large cock, since she was an only four foot tall pony. You stood firm in the belief that Twilight having a penis smaller than 30 inches and balls smaller than basketballs was heresy and was gay.

"My body is ready," you said sexfully, slowly taking your shirt off seductively, while Twilight looked at you with bedroom eyes all the while her marehood dripped uncontrollably with cum and her massive penis jerked wildly about, along with it growing several inches longer and thicker from the excitement.

With the shirt safely tossed aside, you proceeded to pull down your pants, followed by going down on all fours upon the bed.

"Give it to me, you sexy alicorn!" you shouted, while spreading your buttcheeks.

"One big fat long pony cock to bang the monkey up the butt coming up," she said sexfully.

With that Twilight stood up on all fours, followed by wrapping her hooves around your waist. You shuddered in bliss when the thick tip of her cock made contact with your anus.

"Bang this human, my sexy pony!" you shouted excitedly.

With that Twilight pulled her hips back, before thrusting forward to... to... to... only cause her thick tip to bump against your butthole... and nothing else.

A loud angry neigh escaped her, before she thrust her hips forward again... only for the same thing to happen again with her thick tip harmlessly bumping off your anus.

"What's wrong Twilight? Put your dick into my butthole!" you shouted.

"I can't! Your anus is too small! I am going to have to make my penis smaller with my magic so I can fit my cock inside and--"

"No! Just use your horse magic to expand my anus! I'm not a gay faggot, who takes small penises up the butt!" you shouted.

Twilight gasped in happiness along with her eyes sparkling in joy. "Anon, you're a genius!"

With that Twilight's horn lip up with lavender light, your anus became surrounded in the same aura of magic before you felt a slight tingling sensation as your asshole expanded into a large gaping hole.

"There you go," she said happily, discharging her horn's magic. "Now, prepare your anus," she said sexfully.

With that Twilight roughly jerked her hips forward, driving her cock deep into your anus. Like a bitch in heat, you moaned in bliss at the feeling of big fat long pony cock going into your butt. However, you soon began to feel rather odd inside, while you felt no pain whatsoever, you still felt as if… as if her cock was literally traveling through your body.

You also took notice that your body was bulging out a little.

"Twilight, what’s happening?" you inquired.

"Uh, nothing. My penis is just growing inside you.”

"What?!” you shouted.

"Calm down. My penis won’t hurt you,” she said softly.

"Calm down! Your penis is going to--- Mmmhhhh!“

Just then her cock’s tip three times as thick as your leg came out of your expanded mouth. You sighed in relief, if Twilight’s cock was going to kill you, you would most certainly be dead right now. Since there would be no way in hell you could survive a penis that went inside your anus and came out of your mouth and you lived to tell the tale without the help of magic.

Twilight whinnied softly, before pulling her hips back, bringing her cock’s tip back inside your mouth. A sad sigh left you when you felt Twilight’s cock leave your mouth to go back down your throat.

Back and forth Twilight thrust her hips, her cock coming in and out of your mouth each time.

Her all powerful god horse cock made sweet love to your body. You moaned in utmost bliss, you could not believe you chickened out before and ran away. Her cock was clearly of divine power and never hurts those it makes sweet love to. Even, if her cock is all the way through your anus, intestines, stomach, throat, and out of your mouth.

Over and over again, Twilight’s cock made sweet love to your body, pounding your insides and making your whole body shudder in bliss as you moaned in ecstasy.

Twilight soon began to make a series of animalistic horsey sounds when she began to slam into your body at a more rapid pace, her heavy balls hitting hard against your backside, each time her hips made contact with your ass there was aloud slapping sound.

"Oh Anon, I’m so close!" she said sexfully.

"Do it inside me Twilight!” you shouted.

Twilight gave her cock one last great slam into your stomach, before she began to blast your insides with huge quantities of cum, filling you up with massive amount of futa marecum. Loud horsey sounds escaped her lips as her pulsing shaft shot jet after jet of gooey pony spunk into your belly.

This caused your body to inflate out like a balloon, leaving you completely immobile.

"That was wonderful Twilight. But, how long will I be like this?" you asked in a curious tone.

"For about ten minutes. Then I’ll let you bang my anus in return, my handsome human," she said sexfully.

The End