My Life in Equestria

by Bright_Star

First published

When a Dream comes true but in the end you wish it hadn't.

This is my story of how I went to the land of Equestria and lived out the brony dream. Yet I wish I didn't

Chapter 1. My life begins

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My Life begins

The story I'm going to tell you is a true account that has happened to me. I will span these out for as long as I can remember everything that happened.
My story starts out as a quiet night playing video games and watching some MLP. I was playing a classic RPG that I had beaten a lot and I was going in for more cause I really liked the game. I was at a part when your party rescues.... lets call him a Magician. And he said I get one wish. Now he has a lot of dialogue so I usually just button mash my way past him. But this time it was different. Now normally during old time RPG I name the characters but this time I decide to keep them the same name. I just felt Lazy and didn't want keep clicking buttons. But as I was saying something odd happened that I only remembered till just recently. The Magician said my name. My actual Name not the characters but mine. I didn't notice it at first. Wan't really paying much attention. In till the screen said "Quit Button Mashin and pay Attention"
I frozen when I read this. I clicked the X button again and the screen said" Good, now that I got your attention I think me and you should talk more in person"
Suddenly I felt a tugging sensation and in a blink of an eye I was gona from my room. Standing in front of me was the magician. Now you can imagine how I felt. I thought I was either A. Going insane or B. I was dreaming. But nonetheless i was freaking out. I didn't rea;;y remember saying much but all I know was that he stood there and said nothing. After I had finished my freakout session I just stared at him.
He asked me "You done?"
I nodded my head.
"You're not going insane and your not dreaming. This is really happening"
"But why?" was all I could ask
He smiled at me and he began speaking "Your very odd gamer. my missions are not part of the main storyline nor do they give you anything great but yet you always do them."
I looked at him with a blank stare. Finally I responded "Yeah, but there must be others who do your storyline just cause"
"Well yes. but you do it ALL the time. Every time you make a new game you do my quests, And for that I took a special liking to you"
"But you are a video game character. This isn't possible"
"Yet here we are"
I stared more at him as he gave me a cocky grin like he just won a glorious battle.
"Ok then, why do you want from"
"Nothing. did you not read what I said. I'm here to grant you your wish.
I felt dumbstruck. I got a wish Any wish I waned. And you know what I already know what I wanted.
"Alright then if this is true.... Take me to Equestria."
He smiled at me" I knew you were gonna say that. After the many hours you play the game and watch that show I knew you would choose it."
"Then let's get down to business"
"Whoa there space cowboy there's a catch"
"What do you mean?"
"What I mean is that I just can't transport you there in that body and out of nowhere. Those ponies would get mighty suspicious that you know all there names and they never heard of you"
"Then how is this gonna work"
"Simple I'm gonna have you born there"
"Say what?"
"You can choose your name, what kind you are, and a guide line to those mark things
"Cutie Marks"
"Whatever... but you can't control who your born into, or what your exact talent is."
"Okay I'm good with that.. what time will I be born"
"Choose one of the main character and I'll have you sync up with there age... just the year not the month or day"
"Okay... I choose Fluttershy"
"Alright then everything is setup and ready to go..... but there is one more thing"
"What is it?"
"I'm taking your memories"
That took a moment to sink in. I just stood there thinking of that concept my family my friends, everything gone
"Do you have to take them"
"Ok" I closed my eyes and thought of all the great times I had with everyone I ever knew a smile came across my face. I would miss them all dearly but I wanted this. I needed this. I looked over at the magician and said "I'm ready"
He nodded and walked over tom me and everything went black

I can't recall my younger foal days. Like most thing we don't remember those days. But I had been born into a good life. Not perfect but good. I was cyan blue Pegasus with neon green hair. My father worked at the cloud factory in Cloudsdale. We made a decent living. My mother stayed home to watch me. There names where Sun Pedal(Mother) and Freezin(Father). My name was Bright Star. And we loved each other. Not like my real parents ever did. And what he said was true i didn't remember a thing. Now back to the story. As I mentioned my father working in Cloudsdale that's where we lived. But we did have a second home in Ponyville(Actually it was my grandmothers but she rarely stayed there. We only stayed there sometime during the summer.)
Now the earliest memory i had was my first day of school. It was on that day I made a life-long friend. Now normally I'm shy around new ponies. I only act like my true self when I knew a pony for long enough. Which only my neighbor (Hot Pursuit) had only seen. He was only 2 years older then me(Oh and I'm 5 at the current moment). But I decided i would go out and make new friends. When I entered the classroom I looked around. Now after thinking back I realized the magician didn't seem to erase everything cause for some reason a certain pony I never saw before but I knew I knew her was there. So i walked up and said
"Hi My name is Bright Star" I said with a smile "What's your name"
She didn't say anything in return she just shuffled her hoof around a muttered something
For some reason I knew I would have to say something for her to realize i was a friend.
I said " I know meeting new ponies is weird, And I'm just some random pony who popped out of nowhere but i have a feeling me and you will be really good friends"
She stared at me for a moment as she took in those words.
M.. My name is Flut.. Fluttershy"
Ah finally a response I thought " Nice to meet you Fluttershy".
After that we took are seats and are teacher began intruding everypony. So for a couple of hours we all sat and did thing pony's do in Kindergarten. When lunch came me and Fluttershy sat on a bench and talked about are family and what we liked to do. I told her I liked going to Wonderbolts shows but i didn't want to join them. i just like how they performed. She didn't really say much just listened.

So that's how most of Kindergarten went. Just me and Fluttershy hanging out at school. It went likes this for a while. During the summer my parents decided we were not going to Ponyville. Which was ok with me cause that meant me a Fluttershy could hangout all summer. And boy was that summer something. Neither me or her could fly great so we mainly just waled around the park by my house. ( As you know where in Equestria so there's no dangers of pony abductors around). Me and her would play tag or hide a seek. Sometimes I would sleepover her house and she would sleepover mine. One time we even saw Princess Celestia. Which was awesome. She even came up tome and Fluttershy and said hello. Fluttershy almost passed out. Ah the were some really fun times and I knew more fun times where ahead.

Well even though this part is short it is all I can remember for now. I put another entry in when I remember more

We begin to Grow

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We Begin to Grow

Well another entry into my lost life. Here we go.

Well the next earliest memory was the summer before me and Fluttershy went into middle school. The years leading up from my last entry are to boring to tell you. Nothing really happened. Just a bunch of me and Fluttershy learning to fly. I had got it down but Fluttershy, not so much. The summer before middle school her parents sent her to flight camp.

"I....I'm scared Star" wimpered Fluttershy

"I know... but if you try really hard you won't have to comeback" I said to her "And if you get it down quick maybe you get to come home early"


"Hopefully" I responded with a smile.

"Will you be here when I get back?"

"No... I'm gong down to Ponyville this summer. My family hasn't been there for a while."

"Ohh... okay"

The next day I left for Ponyville. I hadn't been there in years. I could barely remember it. My family landed down by my grandma's house. Like I mentioned she rarely stayed there. When we got unpacked I told my mom I was going out. She told me to be back before dark.

I left to go adventuring around. I walked into town. I thought of stopping by the libary to get a couple of books. But it looked like it wasn't open so I kept walking. I stopped by a place called Sugar Cube Corner. I walked in and was welcomed by a nice couple.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Cake" said the blue one

"And I'm Mr. Cake" said the yellow one

"Hello" I replied to them

"If you need anything just ask" said Mrs. Cake

"Ok, thank you" I replied. I browsed for a while. Until I saw some really tasty cupcakes.

"I'd like to get 6 of the chocolate ones please"

"Ok, hold on" said Mr. Cake as he grabbed 6 chocolate ones and but them in a box for me. "That will be 14 bits please."
I went into my bag and grabbed the money out and handed it over the counter

"Thank you very much, and please come again" said Mr. Cake As I began to leave Mrs. Cake stopped me

"Umm are you new here?" she asked

"Sorta, my families summer home is here. We live on Cloudsdale. But my father thought it would be nice to come here for the summer. so he got his job switiched to Ponyville for the summer. Why do you ask?"

"Well it's just we know almost everypony here cause of our shop and we never saw you before. I thought some new ponies moved in."

"oh.. well my parents might stop by to buy some sweets. My mom loves cakes. So I'll tell her about here."

"Why thank you young stallion"

"No problem, talk to you later, bye"

"Bye" they replied in unison

As I left the shop I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going because I was putting the cupcakes away. I ran into another pony.

"Whatcha do that fo?r" came a filly's voice

"Sorry wasn't paying any attention where I was going I replied as I got up. When I looked at who I ran into my head did that thing that it did with Fluttershy all those years ago. She was orange with blond hair. No cutie mark either. She had a knapsack with her.

"Whatcha starin at" she said suddenly looking around her.

"Sorry" I replied quickly " Thought you were somepony I use to know"

:Oh well I've never seen you before so that's sorta of impossiable"
"Yeh.. oh I'm Bright Star by the way. Nice to meet you" I said with a smile

"I'm Applejack, where you from?"


"What are you doing here then?"

"My family stays here during the summer at my grandma's house. we haven't been here for a while so my dad thought it would be good idea to come here for the summer. How bout you?"

"Well I use to live on my family's farm but I want the high and fancy life style of Manehatten. So i'm going off to live with my Uncle and Aunt Orange"

"Well I hope you have fun"

"Well thanks"
We stood there for a moment in akward silence.

"Well I better get going. it was nice meeting you Bright Star"

"Like wise"
And with that she was off. As she was leaving I wondered if I was ever going to see her again.

I continued with my walk til I found a apple tree. They looked really tasty so I thought I'd go grab one. As I began to fly towards one a voice popped out of nowhere

"What do you think your doing?"
I looked around and I saw a red stallion looking over at me.He looked kinda mad so I soared down in front of him

"Well I was going to grab one of those tasty apples.Is there some sort of problem?"

"Yes there is. Those are Apple Familly Apples. Which means that you have to buy them before you eat them'

"oh.." I said with a suprise" This apple tree belongs to your family"

"Eyup. Everypony in Ponyville knows this"

"Well I'm new, just got here today"
His faced eased up a little. "Oh I'm sorry"

"It's cool. I'm Bright Star"

"Big Macintosh...... but most ponies call me Big Mac"
I stared at him and then something clicked " Do you have a sister called Applejack?" I asked

He looked down a kicked his hoof. His face looked between sad and angry" For somepony who just got here they sure know alot"

"Oh well I just met her on my way here. Accidently ran into her on my way out of Sugarcube Corner"

"Ah.. well I best get back to the house." he said as he began walking away. Noy addressing the issue

"Whoa wait up.. wanna hangout. "

"Why do you wanna hangout with me/"

"Well I'm new and don't got no friends here. You seem nice enough to be a friend."

"I don't know. I might have some chores to do. I gotta ask Granny Smith"

"Well let's go ask her"

Big Mac galloped back to the house while I flew there. Big Mac asked Granny if he could hangout with his new friend. He asked me to come in to meet his Granny. I went in and did the usual introduction. My name, why I was there Etc. Afterwards, Granny said it was ok for Big Mac to come play.We went out to the feild and told each other of ourselves. I told him what I liked to do in my spare time and my friends back in Cloudsdale. He told me of how life is on a farm.It seemed really tough. After a while I pulled out the cupcakes I bought earlier. I gave him some and me some.

"So?" I said as I finished my last cupcake"Whats up with your sister? Why did she leave?

He looked out the barn door "I don't know. She said that this life is boring and she wanted to live on the fancier side of the family" he looked a little mad at this.

"If she come back are you gonna talk to her"

"Well yeh she's family. Don't matter what she done"
After that conveersation I turned my head toward the window. It was getting dark. "Well I better get going. We should hangout again"


I flew back home where I told my parents about my day and who I had have met.My mom was very intrested in the sweet shop. My dad looked at my like it was the end of the world after I told them about it.

After that the next 3 days were the same. I'd go to the farm and chill with Big Mac. Well the night of the fourth day when I got back home my parents had a present for me. It was a telescope. I was overjoyed. I loved looking out into the night sky. Unlike most pony's I actually like it. Whenever I heard the story of Nightmare Moon I always felt sorry for her. She justed wanted ponies to love her night sky. Well I loved it. I loved it so much, that night I stayed up and looked at the sky. Looking at the constellations and other things in the night sky.

When I woke up the next morning I had fallen asleep next to my telescope. My mom was there. She had a smile on here face

"Why are you smiling at me like that" i asked groggy

"Oh well, when you see it you will be smiling too"

"What do you mean?"

"Look down"
I looked down at my body . Right there on my flank was a cuite mark. It was a picture of the galaxy. It was in a swirl pattern and you could see a bunch of tiny stars making the swirl.I jumped up in joy. My mother was laughing at my exicment.

"Wait til Fluttershy sees.She's gonna freak"

"Well when your done oggiling your cutie mark come down stairs. I'll make you a special breakfeast. My big Stallion"

After that it was a pretty sweet day. My parents had become friends of the Cakes and when I showed them my cutie mark the gave me a special chocolate cupcake., I went over to Sweet Apple Acres after that. I showed my new friend Big Mac my cutie mark. He smile and said " Now your in the Big Stallion Club my friend"

I laughed at his joke. It was one of the greatest days I lived. in both lives.

Well after that exciment the next two weeks were fun. I helped Big Mac around the farm. And my some other friends also. One of these was called Time Turner. But insisted being called Doctor. Didn't know why, didn't really ask.. But in the middle of the third week something stranged happened. I was lying around a field by myself sorta nodding off and such until I heard a boom. I looked up and saw a explosion of rainbow. I stared up at the sky and wondered what it was. Part me wanted to go investgate. the other wanted to continue lying down. The lying down side one.

As I began to nod off again I looke towards the forest. And something yellow popped out the tree tops. I was to tired to stay up but I could swear it was Fluttershy. But that would be silly cause she was at flights school. So I shrugged it off as nothing.

The next day I went to go see Big Mac but was in for a suprise.
I walked up tp the farm when i noticed another pony there with Big Mac. It was his sister Applejack. As I got closer I noticed she had gotten her cuite mark since she left.

"What up. Big Mac"
Applejack turned when she heard my voice

"Ohh it's you, the pony that knocked into me..... Bright Bar right "Close.. Bright Star"

"Ah.. What you doing here?"

"Came to hangout with Big Mac"

"Y'all friends or something"

"Eyup" answered Big Mac.

"But if you want catch up with your sister, it's cool we got the rest of the summer to hangout"

"Ok then" replied Big Mac
"I'll go see what the others are doing, C'ya"

"Bye" said the sibilings

The rest of the summer I mainly hanged with AJ and Big Mac. When the day came for me to leave the Apple family threw me a farewell party. All my friends were their. It was a fun time. At the end I promised I'd come back soon to visit. Before I left I thought of something that I was meaning to ask for a while. I walked up to AJ and Big Mac

"Where are your parents?"

"Oh there helping another one of our family members. Their gonna be gone for six months. They left a month before you got here."

"Ahh ok. Sorry for asking I justed was wondering about it this entire time"

"It's cool" remarked AJ "Ain't know harm in asking"
After that I left and went home. All are stuff was packed for the trip tomomorrow.

We woke up early that day so my dad could get to work on time when we got back. It would be a week before school started. So I could go back to sleep when I got back. After my snooze I thought i would go see Fluttershy. I wanted to show off my cutie mark. So I began the trip to here house.

I said hi to my other friends on the way. Thunderlane was talking with Flitter. He waved to me and asked if I had a good summer. I gave him the quick version. Said I made new friends and got my cutie mark. I could tell he was jealous. I just showed him up in front of Flitter. I knew he liked her and him getting his cutie mark might have impressed her. So I waved goodbye to them and continued on my way. When I finally reached Fluttershys house I couldn't believe my eyes. She was flying. And not the kind of flying i saw her do before I left. She saw me and zoomed down. She tackled me in a hug.

"There you are" she said as she let me up"You will never guess what happened"

"Other than you flying I don't know" I replied

"I got my cutie mark" she said with so much joy as she turned sideways and showed me her cutie mark. It was a bunch of butterflies.

"No way you did too?"

"What do you mean 'You Too"
I turned to my side and showed her my flank. She gasp in exciment. We both told our stories of how we got are cutie marks. I was getting angry when she told me of the ponys making fun of her. She told me that somepony stood up for her when the made fun of her. A new friend she said did it. Well during this race she fell off a cloud. I was shaken when I heard that. But everything was fine. She landed on butterflies that helped her down. She told me of the rainbow explosion. I said I saw it as well. Well it turns out that the explosion scared the local animals and she coaxed them out of their hiding. Turns out her special talent was animals. I told her mine. I am not typing cause you know already. Well as i finished my story I heard a vocie coming up from above

"Fluttershy you home" said the voice. It sounded so familiar.

"Who's that?"I asked

"My new friend, come meet her. You two will get along so well." said Fluttershy.

Well that's the end of part two.