Hooves and Hands: A Dimensional Crossing of Worlds

by OJ Orbit

First published

It's my first fanfic, and I intend on making the later chapters clopfics. I hope its good. Enjoy!

When a man and his voices invent a time machine, their plan backfires, sending them into the magical land of Equestria. While there they must figure out how to get home, if they CAN get home. However, along the way they will discover things about themselves that they never even knew, and find what no one was looking for, where nopony expected it.

Dimensional Rifts

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In a fit of rage, he yelled at the mirror. “Get out! Get out! GET OUT!They just wouldn’t be quiet, let me think in peace. All they did, all day, was put him down, and conspire about others. He had lived with them almost half of his life. They were with him since middle school, always there for comfort, yet not always comforting. That’s right, voices. He always felt like a crazy bastard with them. He never liked them, and they never liked him, or anybody for that matter, but they had their own ways of dealing with people.

He knew the roster by heart, with each a separate personality.

-Preston: The 16 year old pervert who had a quite odd passion for young children. He always spoke with a stutter, and had a very hard time asserting himself.

-Jackson: The young gamer boy who never really spoke to anyone. Matt would always have hour long conversations with Jackson on the latest in gaming, what strategy to use in multiplayer, or just when he needed to geek out.

-Orvil: A fat, depressed 40 year old man who spent most of his days crying or eating, sometimes both.

-Johnny: The cool guy, the douche bag, he was one of the worst, Matt couldn’t stand him, anyone who met Johnny either left the room in tears or ended up not speaking to Matt for at least 2 weeks. He was in his mid 20’s, and wore a leather jacket and jeans. He slicked his black hair back and was known for his insults.

-William: One of the nicer ones. He was smart, refined, witty, and above all, clear thinking. He himself wore a black suit with a red tie. He had void black hair, much like Johnny, only he wore it down to his sides. He had never really liked cutting it.

-Alexi: The drunk, angry, overpowering Russian that always hated whatever moved. He was best friends with William, but had a burning hatred for Johnny and Preston. The bear-like Communist always wore large military boots, a trench coat, a while military shirt, black pants, and military gloves. He had always carried a pistol on his belt, although he never used it.

-THE UNKNOWN: He didn’t really have a name. He never mentioned it. Matt gave him the name “Merasmus” after Valve had a Halloween event with the name given to a magician. Matt felt the name fit, although “Merasmus” never really cared for the name. He was the cause of his depression. Merasmus would cause nightmares and spiraling emotional states often. Even a severe hand twitch could be visible whenever Matt was angry or depressed.

Matt spent most of his days on the computer, on Team Fortress 2. He was an esteemed hat collector, with nearly 150 individual hats in his backpack, Jackson would be proud. Fantasizing about far off places always fascinated Matt, and many of his voices. William especially loved to hear his riveting tales about lands beyond reason, where reality was a figment of his imagination. He often dreamed of things like time travel, or inter dimensional portals. Alexi would often tell tales of the old Soviet Union, and his life as a soldier. He was always a tight ass, and many of his stories seemed oddly fake, not that anybody would ever call him out on it, for risk of ending up like Preston whenever Alexi decided that Preston’s sexual preference was disgusting and vulgar.

Back to our tale….

Matt shouted at the mirror. The voices had been arguing since he awoke that morning. Today had been no different from any other day, only he listened to them this time. William and Alexi always had a fantasy in their head, that time travel was possible. William had been designing plans for the crazed device, but with heckling from Alexi and the others.

"You know it will never work…."

"Quiet you brute, I’m working"

"BRUTE!? Watch your tone you half pint lunatic!"

"Oh, IM the lunatic? You two ton Satanic Soviet MONSTER!"

"G..gguysplease s..s….stop fighting…."

"You best be preparing for another beating Preston…."

"Leave him out of this Alexi, he’s done nothing to you."

"Is not what he has done to ME that enrages me…"

“Please just SHUT UP” said Matt as he tried to quell the argument. “William your plan will never work, its logically impossible.”

Nothing is impossible my friend


It was a fine day in Equestria, Cloudsdales populace had outdone themselves this time. There wasn’t a plan for a cloud in the sky today, and there was nothing but time to relax and sleep. The only exception was Twilight, who today had awoke early to read some new books that had been shipped from Canterlot. Immediately, one caught her eye, “Dimensional Rifts and the Time Travel Theory” by none other than Canterlots top scientist, Cold Fusion. Using her magic she flipped through a few pages to see if it was as interesting as the title made it seem. No luck. She discarded the book into a nearby cabinet and began assorting the other books to their respective sections.

As she organized the rest of the books, there was a knock on the door. Twilight set down everything to see what pony could be at the door. She was met by a very giddy and bouncing Pinkie Pie, who greeted her with a smile as she stood in the doorway.

“Hiya Twi! What’s up?!”

“Oh, hello Pinkie. I’ve just been occupied reorganizing books.”

“Again? You work too much Twilight! You need to step outside sometime, today is a b-e-a-UTIFUL day!”

“Sometime Pinkie, but not now okay?”

Pinkie sat down with a frown on her face.

“Pweeeeeeeese Twi?” Pinkie put on a begging face, she was good at that. Never once had that face failed her, nopony in ponyville could resist it. Twilight, against her better judgment, gave in to it.

“UGH! Fine Pinkie. Spike! I’m going out with Pinkie, finish organizing these books before I come back okay?”

Pinkies attitude did a complete 180 as she bounced up and down with glee.

“Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Your gonna have a GREAT day Twi! I have the entire day planned out! First, we’ll go pick up Rarity and Fluttershy from the Spa, then we’re gonna surprise Rainbow at her house! Then all that’s left to do is grab Applejack! We’re gonna have a sleepover Twi! YIPEE!”

Twilights ears perked up almost immediately, it had been a long time since she had a sleepover, and she absolutely adored them. Rarity and Applejack never were quite the same afterwards, and neither was she. She decided whatever she had to do could wait. Tonight, she would have fun with her best friends.

For a while, the day was uneventful. After they had visited Rarity and Fluttershy, they walked to Rainbow Dash’s house in the sky. Since the only one with wings was Fluttershy, she flew up to invite her dear friend to the sleepover.

“Rainbow? Are you home? It’s Fluttershy.”

No response.

“Rainbow Dash?”

Still no response. Fluttershy tried one more time, knocking ever so slightly on the door.

“I’m here, I’m here….just, give me a little time okay? I’m a little busy….”

All Fluttershy could here was some sloppy noises coming from behind the doorway. She knew exactly what Rainbow Dash was doing in there, and she wasn’t surprised. Rainbow was a very lonely mare, so it only made sense that when nopony was around she’d…well masturbate. Fluttershy decided not to tell the rest of her friends, but she was almost certain they knew about it.

Rainbow Dash just laid there, satisfied, and yet not entirely. She wished she could have a REAL stallion do that to her, but that was a long shot. Nopony in Ponyville would want to date her, having sex with her was out of the question. She put up such a harsh front and spent her time trying to look cool and tough, that nopony would want her. She always wished she could act like a normal mare, maybe like Lyra, or Cheerlie, but she just couldn’t do it. Oh how she was lonely. When she finally caught up with her friends, they had this odd grin on their face. Did they know? Of course they knew, it was pretty obvious the way she would stare at Big Macintosh every now and then. For the love of Celestia, sometimes she would stare at Spike. “Best to just keep it to myself.” She thought. It wouldn’t be an appropriate thing to talk about, maybe tonight at the party. That’s when she’d announce it.

All things went off without a hitch, and the gang settled down for games at Twilights Library. Candy, games, even the occasional pillow fight. Spike was fast asleep by the time the ponies were even beginning to get sleepy. They stayed up well past midnight telling scary stories and giggling like little school fillies. It was a long night, but afterwards they had trouble even standing. They went to bed late that night, or early that morning, nopony really cared. All but Twilight were asleep, when there was a sudden crashing sound outside the front door…..


It had been a long day, yet Matt remembered none of it. William decided to bring his dream into the real world, confiscating Matt’s mind and body to construct the delusional device. By now, it had been months, March to be specific, and he had been working on it since December. Matt just waited, he was conscious, but had no control over his actions, that was William.

"Almost complete my friend, soon we shall see everything we ever dreamed of!"

“It’s not going to work and you know it.”

"Silence, I need complete quiet!"

“Fine, but when this contraption explodes in our faces….”

Matt was cut off by Alexi, who by now was on board with William and his device. William, in response to Alexi recent depression of his homeland, promised the depressed soviet the chance to visit his favorite moment in history. The founding of the U.S.S.R. William never wanted to see that day, but was always fascinated whenever Alexi would tell stories about it.

"Hush now! He is working. William old friend, how is machine coming eh?"

"Just fine Alexi, thank you. I need but one more piece…"

“Is it a Flux Capacitor?” Matt said jokingly”

"I will not even dignify that with a response….."

"Hurry it up comrade, I wish to see this hunk of metal actually work!"

"And it will, I just need…….GOT IT!"

The machine, which took up more than half of the backyard, buzzed and hummed as William attached that last circuit. Its buttons flashed and the teleporter pad glowed with an eerie blue aura. It was now time to see if it worked.

"Well, everyone in, or rather, Matthew, you enter, since we’re all in with you."

The others chuckled to themselves, all but Alexi, who was nearly fuming with anticipation.

“How do you set it up William?” Matt asked. He never saw a screen or anything to set up dates and time, as he figured time machines would normally work. Apparently, the settings are in the circuits, and you would have to build an entirely new machine in order to set a different date.

The teleporter flashed as striped of electricity surrounded them. Matt dared not to move, for fear of death. More than half of them feared they would die in a fiery explosion of metal. As they watched, some in horror, glee, or pure fascination, they dared not to speak. Suddenly, the stripes of electricity morphed into a ball of violet energy that surrounded them. They watched, fearing the worst, and Matt, just stood there, wondering where this machine would take him, if it didn’t kill him. The vortex slowly drew them into the purple energy, and before they went, William spoke.

"Who knows when we’ll be back friends, but we’ve stumbled upon lifes greatest achievement. Until we return, go forth for science!"

And with that it sucked them in….leaving their world behind.

It was dark, Matt could hear them shouting, almost in pain. He was sure it was pain, he could barely move it was so agonizing. There was something about the voices, they didn’t sound in his head anymore. Rather, they sounded distant, and outside. Suddenly, CRASH! He hit the ground, wherever he was, he was alive. Or perhaps he was dead and he just hit the ground in heaven. He looked up, no pearly gates. All he saw was a beautiful night sky. He looked down and nearly fell over with shock. There before him lied 7 people, one in a suit, one in a trench coat and military attire, one overweight man with red hair, one young man in street clothes, another young man in his pajamas, and 2 unconscious men, one in tattered robes, the other in a leather jacket. His voices had split from him, oh dear lord what happened. Did the time machine work?! He looked out to see a small village, or town, it was very dark, he had a hard time seeing. Before he could gather his surroundings, a glove grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around.

“YOU! Who are you and where are….Matthew?”

“Yes Alexi it IS me, we all split….at least, I think”

“Quite, you to need to keep hidden, we all do. It’s important nobody knows we’re here”

William seemed quite calm for just having seen his machine work. However, they didn’t know whether they were in the Soviet Union, or just some other part of the world. Suddenly, Alexi could see lights beginning to turn on in the houses, people knew they were there.

“Quickly comrades, into this house! We’ll stay hidden here”

Alexi apparently didn’t notice it was a tree he was walking into. William couldn’t make sense of it, maybe it was the local healer who lived in a tree?

Why would a tree have a door? There was no time ask questions, they darted in, dragging the unconscious Johnny and Merasmus inside with them.

It was dark, they couldn’t see. Alexi heard loud footsteps from upstairs.

“Sounds like someone is awake. It sounds like boots, big military boots. SOMEONE! FIND LIGHT!”

William quickly pulled out a flashlight, wherever it came from, and searched around the room.

“It’s a library, quickly let’s see who’s upstairs, who ever it is perhaps can help us.”

“You want to approach total stranger? Are you MAD MAN?!”

Alexi’s voice carried, and they heard a larger number of what sounded like military personnel upstairs. They all agreed that the military would help them more. So they went upstairs.

They reached the upstairs and found no one, not a soul. They saw what they thought was a baby sleeping in a basket, they dared not approach it. Alexi went to the window, and opened it.

“Ahhhhh, fresh air. COMRADES! Come get whiff of this beautiful air! Is like nothing I have ever experienced!”

Suddenly, a purple aura shut the window in Alexi’s face, and a light suddenly appeared. They heard a group of females say “Who are you and what are you doing here?” but Alexi reacted differently than the rest who were already face to face with their visitors.

Alexi spun around and aimed his handgun at the people who addressed him, there was screaming from one end of the room and William quickly urged him to lower his weapon. Alexi dropped the weapon at the sight of the women, or rather, ponies, standing in front of him.

“I am Twilight Sparkle, what are you doing here?”

Alexi leaned over to William very slowly.

“Psst, comrade…”

“Yes Alexi?”

“I think your machine works…..”

Royal Guidance

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They stood there, dumbfounded. Before them stood 6 colorful, and TALKING ponies. They didn’t know what to say, none of them had ever imagined that this could happen, what would they say? Alexi quickly picked up his gun, aiming it at the strange creatures. He had had enough.

“This better be joke, or bad shit will go down!”

A blue aura surrounded his gun, and with a force ten times greater than his own, the weapon was ripped from his hands as it flew across the room, hitting a nearby wall. He looked in shock as his best means of protection just left his hands. “What matter of trickery IS this?” Alexi thought to himself. Never once in his life had he experienced something so odd.

“Now, now deary, there’s no need for violence.” Said a disgruntled Rarity, glaring at the large Soviet

“I’m Twilight Sparkle, this is Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. Who are you and what are you doing here?”

They looked at each other, Unsure of what to say. William decided he’d be the one to speak to them. Since the rest were either frightened, knocked out, or in Alexi’s case, trying frantically to find his gun as he muttered to himself in his native language.

“Miss Sparkle, ladies. My name is William, this large gentleman over here is Alexi, and this is Orvil, Preston, Matt, Johnny, Jackson, and Merasmus. We uh….we come from a very different land….”

Once again, Alexi interrupted the conversation, oblivious to everything around him.

“I demand to know where we are! What land is this, and which one of you has mind powers!?”

“That would be me darling, you really should control yourself, like your refined friend here. What did you say your name was again?”

“William, miss…..?”


Rarity examined William a little more, he was obviously a man of class, and of wisdom. She hoped she could get to know him a little better, and hopefully soon.

Unbeknownst to all of them, Rainbow Dash had been staring at Alexi since the moment she saw him. He paid her no mind, he was angry and confused at what was going on. She had almost an instant lust for him, dirty thoughts filled her mind as she glared at the strange creature in front of her. Whoever he was, she had to have him. All she knew about him was he was hansom, and his name was Alexi. She would need to talk to him soon, get to know him better. She would do that in time, she needed to wait.

Twilight was the next one to speak.

“To answer your question, you’re in the land of Equestria, specifically, a town called Ponyville, and you are in the library. How did all of you get here? We’ve never seen your kind here before.”

“My time travel device sort of….backfired you see. It sent us spiraling into your world from our own I would imagine.”

Twilight glared at the being in front of her, trying to grasp what he had just said. He DID say time travel right? There’s no way, these were obviously non magical beings, they couldn’t have mastered time travel spells. They obviously weren’t from Equestria. Although, she was impressed at his intellect. Maybe the Princess would know what to do with these things.

“Well whoever you are, your welcome to spend the night here. However, tomorrow we’ll be taking you to Princess Celestia, she’ll know what to do.”

Alexi looked up, he was fuming with anger.

“A princess? A PRINCESS! You mean to tell me, that this land has imperialist ruler!? ROYALTY!? I suppose this is what I get for trusting lunatic.”

“W…w….w…will you s…s..shut up!”

Alexi turn around in a fit of rage, his red hot glare burned a hole through Preston’s very being.

“What did you say?”

“You h…h..heard what I said. Shut u…u…up!”

“Oh I’m going to KILL YOU!”

In fact, Alexi never laid a finger on Preston, Twilights magic kept him frozen in place until he calmed down nearly a half an hour later. He explained in his calmest tone that he did not enjoy dealing with royalty. He hoped this ruler was at least wise enough to not kill them. Alexi promised to keep quite tomorrow at the risk of being levitated out of his boots again. After much discussion, all was calm. William sat down to talk with Twilight Sparkle, who was now preparing beds for her new guests.

“So, you mean to tell me that this land is home to talking ponies?”


“And, you’re a unicorn? You have magical abilities?”

“That’s correct”

“Incredible, only in my dreams have such magical lands existed….”

“Tell me William, do you read books?”

“All the time, I love them”

“Interesting, whatever you are, your very intelligent.”

“I could say the same about you”

Twilight and William had almost an instant connection. Nothing serious, but they got along just fine. William intended on getting to know all of his new acquaintances by the end of the week, he needed to learn as much about this land as he possibly could before making any attempt to leave.

They prepared to sleep for the night, tomorrow they would speak to this “Princess Celestia”, whoever that was. Alexi sure wasn’t happy about it, but he had to deal with it. Johnny and Merasmus were still out cold, and never knew where they were or what had happened. That night, they slept lightly. Especially Alexi, who never really went to sleep.

The room was filled with mixed feelings, mostly among the six ponies. Rainbow Dash dreamed of Alexi all through the night. She dreamed he would have interest in her, enough to find his way down to where she needed it most. She never had such a dream, so real, she wished it HAD been real. The feeling was intense, yet she knew it was a dream. Across from her, Twilight thought heavily about William. She had finally found somepony, or was that the proper term? She didn’t care, she sound a man who understood her interests, it was nice. What would she do with him once they got back from Canterlot? She decided to think about that later. Little did she know that Rarity was also having the same thoughts about William. However, SHE was thinking dirtier thoughts.

Fluttershy was confused as well, she was having mixed feelings as she turned in her bed, almost waking herself up twice. She wasn’t thinking dirty thoughts, or wondering about what would happen. In fact, all she could think about was Preston, how brave he was, standing up to a big bully like Alexi. She had a huge crush on the human, soon she would make it known. Until then, she had to hide it until she could face him. He seemed just as timid as she was, so she would have to be even more delicate.

In a strange land, with strange creatures, they spent the night. Hoping tomorrow would bring a better understanding of their situation.


Rainbow Dash was the first to awake that morning. She stretched herself out and walked down to where the newcomers were sleeping. Alexi finally gave in at around 4:00 in the morning, and was now snoring loudly. She figured he was asleep, but was careful to lightly walk around him to where his head was. She could notice the device in his hand, the one he had pointed at them last night. Was it a weapon? Perhaps a toy? Was he just trying to scare them that night? Whatever it was, it could wait. This may the only chance she would get to get a good look at him. She leaned down to examine his face. He was rugged, a slight beard forming on his chin, he had black hair, either he didn’t care about it, or he liked it that way, because his hair was greasy and messy. An idea came into her head, could she give him a quick kiss before he awoke? He was fast asleep, no one else was up, he was just so cool. This was her chance. She leaned forward to give him a kiss, their lips touched, and Rainbow could feel an indescribable feeling washing over her. It was short lived however, almost immediately after she first touched him, a red and grey blur knocked her on her back, when she opened her eyes she could see the towering figure that was Alexi standing over her, his weapon of choice pointed strait at her, and he never missed.

Of course the sound of Rainbow falling woke all the sleeping ponies and humans. They looked in horror at what was happening.

“What were you doing so close to bed? Answer me blue Pegasus!”

Rainbow wasn’t in the least bit scared. In fact, his quick reaction time made her wonder how fast he REALLY was. She didn’t answer him, she just stared at him, stripping him with her eyes. What she saw made her want him even more.

“I said ANSWER ME!”

William decided he would step in and stop Alexi, before these magical ponies vaporized him.

“Alexi I have had it with your temper! Put that weapon down! She means you no harm.”

“Then, comrade, explain to me why she was snooping around my bed while I slept?”

“She means you no harm.”

“You obviously did not hear what I said. I sai-“

“I HEARD WHAT YOU SAID! And I mean to tell you that she means you no harm. Isn’t that right?

Rainbow Dash let out a barely audible “yes”, Alexi was the only one who heard it, and he lowered his weapon and placed it in the holster on his belt.

“There, isn’t that better?”

Alexi let out an angry snort. He walked toward the window and just stared. He gazed off into the sunset of Equestria, wondering if he’d ever see home again, more so, if they did get back, could William fix the mistake he made with the machine? All these questions sat in Alexi’s mind as he stared. No one dared to approach him, he was a scary man already, who had threatened to attack a living being in his fit of rage. Alexi felt bad for it almost immediately, but he couldn’t put down his front. He had to remain strong.

Rainbow Dash slowly got up and walked back over to her friends, who were still frozen in their place at the sight of the large man who had knocked her on her back.

“Gosh Rainbow, you alright?” asked a very concerned Applejack.

“I’m fine, he’s got more guts then I give him credit for…”

Rainbow never spoke a word the rest of the morning. She was content to just sit back and stare at Alexi, who was still thinking by the window.

There was a long silence, which Preston gradually broke.

“So…wha….wha…where to n..n..now?” He said in a very shaky tone.

“I think it’s time we take you to Canterlot, to speak with Princess Celestia. She is the ruler of these lands, and my personal mentor in magic. She can help you understand where you are. But more importantly, if you all are threats or not.” Twilight just stared at the 7 humans before her. She kept a close eye on Alexi, and when he turned around to speak, she was prepared for the worst.

“Pardon me miss, but I can tell you right now who are most hostile people.”

Twilight just stared at him, who could possibly be more hostile than him? He pointed a weapon at her friend. She didn’t trust his words for a second, but she was willing to give him a chance.

“And just who might that be?” She said very sarcastically.

Alexi just stood there, and glared over at the 2 STILL unconscious men lying on the floor. He pointed a lone finger to them with his black gloves.

“Those two dvornyazhka’s laying on your floor. They will cause trouble, should they awake.”

Twilight didn’t see any immediate threat with the 2 unconscious men, but she was reassured when all of her human guest said in unison that those men were trouble. It was good enough for her. She encased the 2 men in a magical aura, which would hopefully hold them at bay until they could reach Canterlot. William insisted that they be put in the local prison, the others loudly agreed.

“That is for the princess to decide.” said Twilight as she carried them out the door. “Now come on everypony, we don’t want to miss the Canterlot Express”

The group packed what belongings they had and exited the library into the bright Equestrian sun. As they walked, they passed many ponies, many either fled in horror, or came up and poked them to make sure they were real. It had begun to annoy Alexi, so much so that he almost kicked a few ponies off of him when they came up to him. William took the time to examine ponyville, what a marvelous place he was in. He may not have invented time travel, but the next best thing, warping through dimensions! He saw ponies as if they were people, running errands, working jobs, he thought he even saw someone get mugged. He took at his surroundings, the detail of the buildings, the beauty of the streets. He saw a schoolyard, filled with miniature ponies playing in the courtyard. He decided he needed a better look at Ponyville.

“Excuse me miss Sparkle, but do you mind if we stop, I’d like to get a better look at this town. It’s just so much to absorb.”

“We really are on a tight schedule, I don’t think we have time for you to explore Ponyville, William.”

William was content with that answer, they DID have an urgent appointment with the ruler of this land. He completely understood. However, Preston decided that they wouldn’t notice him being gone for a little while. He sat down at a nearby table and began to stare at the young fillies outside the school. He was particularly aroused by the little yellow one, the one in the red bow tie. He felt a lust within him. He adored children, maybe he liked the erotic side of them, but he still loved children. Oh lord, if Alexi knew he was fantasizing about having sex with the school fillies…..he’d probably have his head on a pike. Preston could feel his body heating up, when suddenly…..


Preston didn’t know what to say, all of them stood there, waiting for an answer. Alexi was giving him the death stare, the kind where if Preston answered wrong, he was going to get a pummeling from the Russian mad dog.

“I was just exam…..exam….examining the schoolhouse, it’s very p…p…pretty…”

Alexi leaned over to Applejack who was nearly fuming with rage. He whispered a little phrase in her ear, Preston couldn’t hear it, but he already knew what it was. Alexi’s little test.

Alexi had this test to see if he was actually staring at children or not. Preston got it right all the time, but when no one was around, Alexi beat him anyway. With Applejack and the others here, he wouldn’t dare make a scene. It was pretty simple, something only a simpleton couldn’t solve. It was a simple memory game, name the number of objects of a certain color in the scene Alexi looked at. Preston always had a photographic memory, he never told Alexi that, for fear he’d change the test to something harder.

Applejack just looked at Alexi before finally turning back to Preston.

“Awlright fancy pants, how many red items are in the schoolyard?”

Oh this was an easy one.

Preston cleared his throat for the list.

"The schoolhouse, the flowers by the fence, the candy cane twirlers, the ponies on the sign post, the red headed baby pony with glasses and the red bow AND hair on the little yellow pony.”

The others stood convinced that Preston wasn’t lying. He apparently WASN’T staring at the fillies. They were all fooled, all but Fluttershy, who could see right through him. She knew he had been staring at the fillies, it made him even more adorable, but how would she get his attention? She had to think about it during the train ride.

“I think we’ve had enough drama today, we need to get to the train station.” Said a frustrated William, tapping his food with anxiety.

And soon they were off again, leaving the incident at the school behind them. It actually wasn’t long at all before they reached the train depot, and once they arrived, almost all the ponies stayed away from the strange beings inhabiting their station. The vendor almost refused to give them their tickets, solely out of fear. Soon all was straitened out with the operator, and it was a good hour wait for the Canterlot Express. It was a very uneventful hour, well, if you don’t count all the frightened ponies that nearly bolted out of the station whenever Alexi looked in their general direction. Soon the train was there and they were free to board, surprisingly, they were the only ones aboard the train.


It was dead silent, nopony, or person, dared to make a sound. They all sat at different seats of the train, all except for Twilight and William, who were having a marvelous discussion about magic in Equestria.

“I find it quite incredible that magic actually is possible here, I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“What do you mean? Don’t you have magic where you come from?”

“Not at all, we humans are not naturally gifted with magical abilities like the unicorns. We can’t fly either, I wish we could though.”

“How interesting, so, if you can't fly, who controls your weather? And the other forces of nature?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, here the Pegasus control when it rains, snows, hails, pretty much everything besides the moon and sun. Don’t you have Pegasus?”

William thought how he would explain his world to Twilight.

“Well, we don’t have any. I mean, there are myths and legends about horses that can fly, who carried great heroes to battle and to the heavens. There is no actual proof of such a creature where WE come from. Our natural forces are well….natural. They act on their own, and we have no control over them. It’s rather marvelous actually.”

Twilight just sat there, their entire land acted as if it were the Everfree Forest. For Twilight, that was a personal nightmare. She delved further into the subject, wanted to learn even more about the mysterious land William talked so much about. Her interest was only matched by his interest. Together, the two of them kept scientific conversations going for what seemed like hours.

The others were distracted, so this was Rainbow’s last chance. She lightly trotted over to where Alexi was sitting, staring out the window, she could hear a faint tune from him, she could barely make out the words….

A v nah --- soldaty

I v nebe tjomnom

Gorit soldatskaja zvezda

She couldn’t figure out what any of that meant she assumed it was a lullaby or something from his world, but without caring, she sat herself down next to him, and poked his shoulder.


Alexi didn’t respond, he honestly hoped the blue Pegasus would leave him be, no luck.

“Hey, your name's Alexi right?”


“I’m Rainbow Dash”

She offered her hoof for a bump, Alexi turned around and properly shook her hoof. “Pleasure to meet you, ledi Rainbow Dash”

“Soooo, what do you do?”

“Nothing, I spend my time, drunk, laying in pool of vodka and dreaming of…..nevermind”

“No no, I want to hear…”

Rainbow just sat there, waiting for the large man to respond, eventually, he turned to face her, completely changing the subject.

Listen Rainbow Dash, I must apologize for way I acted this morning. I am very confused and angry, I cannot find single drop of alcohol in this land. I am very much on edge. Please forgive me if I scared you.”

“It’s fine Alex, It’s hard to scare me.”

Alexi just raised an eyebrow, she was the first one to claim not be afraid of him, and she called him Alex. Nobody called him Alex before, what a strange mare.

“Please do not call me Alex, I prefer Alexi. Is my birth name and I would like to keep that way.”

“I understand hot shot. So, where do you come from?”

“I come from glorious land, the Soviet Union, or at least, it WAS that, on a planet known as Earth….”

Alexi told stories of his childhood, of battles he fought, and of his many travels of the world. Rainbow Dash listened in awe as the man told her everything. It didn’t last long at all, he wasn’t the best describer in the world, but he told the tales right.

“Your accent seems funny…”

“Is Russian accent, and not to poke, to me YOU are one that sounds odd.”

They both got a laugh out of that. However, it was short lived.

“Hey Alexi…”


“Do you like talking with me?”

“You are very wonderful to talk to.”

“Do you have a marefriend?”

Alexi didn’t know what that meant, he figured she was talking about owning a horse, which he didn’t, what an odd question…

“Niet, I do not have so called ‘marefriend’” he said with a questionable tone.


Suddenly, Rainbow Dash leaned forward and gave Alexi a big, long kiss. She wrapped her forelegs around his neck as the kiss went on, lasting for a good 30 seconds before she pulled away. Alexi was dumbfounded, did that pony just KISS HIM? He was strangely aroused by it, he had no idea that she had feelings for him. Rainbow Dash pulled away and sat back in her seat.

“Well….uh…I’ll be going back to my seat now, ok?”

“Ok…..” said Alexi still shocked by the kiss.

Rainbow Dash got up and walked back to her seat. “Smooth move dash…” she thought to herself, how could she just kiss him like that? She wished she could take it back, and yet, she didn’t want to. Now he knew she was falling for him, or at least, she hoped he knew. Judging by his attitude, he might have trouble understanding certain things. Perhaps she’d go a little further, when she had the chance….

Meanwhile, on the opposite end of the locomotive, Fluttershy was going over multiple scenarios over how her approaching of Preston would work out. She couldn’t see him from where she was, he sat in the very front of the train, while she sat in the back. Eventually, she decided to be brave and walk over to him, trying to avoid everyponies gaze as she walked. She slowly approached him, she could see him sitting on the edge of his seat, his eyes darting all around the room. He paid no attention to the pony approaching him, his mind was preoccupied with worries. Preston always had a problem with worrying, he was always afraid of something, if he slept outside, he was afraid a meteor would hit him. If he slept indoors, the house might tumble down on top of him. If he went swimming he may be sucked into a vortex. He was shaking at the thought of being on the train, until he saw the little yellow Pegasus looking at him on the other end of the seat.

“May I sit with you?” she said in a soft tone

“S…s…sure, please sit.”

She sat down next to him and immediately began speaking with the timid human.

“I must say, uh, Preston, you’re very brave…”


“I said you’re very brave, standing up to that big man…”

“Oh, that’s j….j…just Alexi….He’s alw….w…always like that.”

“He seems like a very mean man, I’m very proud of you. Why does he hate you?”

Preston just looked down, trying to avoid eye contact.

“You wouldn’t want to t….t….talk to me if I told you…”

“Oh contraire, I think I know already.”

“Y….y….you do?”

Fluttershy nodded.

“H….h….h….how so?”

“Well, earlier today, by the school yard, you were staring at Applebloom.”

“I was not….”

“Preston, I know you were, it’s okay.”


“I said it’s okay.”

Preston started to tear up, no one had ever told him it was ok to look at children, whenever he did, or even thought about it, he was shunned, or beaten. He cried into Fluttershys shoulder, trying to silence himself.

“There, there, it’s alright. Let it out.”

"That a....a....awful, pig headed......H...h...he beats me almost every d....d...d...day....I just......I can't help m...m...myself...."

"I know Preston, it's okay. I won't judge you."

“You’re v….v…very sweet…..”

“Thank you, you are to.”

Fluttershy looked at him, and gave him a smile. He gave her a nice big hug of thanks.

“Preston, if we get back to Ponyville, would you like to come over to my cottage for tea and salad perhaps? I mean…if it’s okay with you….”

“I’d l….love to Fluttershy”

“Good, what time is good with you?”

whenever w….w….we get back. See you there.”

And with that their conversation was over, Fluttershy stayed at Preston’s side the rest of the ride. Once they arrived at Canterlot station, they were immediately approached by Princess Celestia’s personal guards, who escorted them through the twirling streets of Canterlot. Needless to say, many of the upper class unicorns stared at them, some of them taunted or simply talked down to the men. It angered Alexi. Rich, stuck up, insulting, arrogant ponies. They were everything he hated all wrapped up into one. He hoped that the princess he was about to meet wasn’t like the residence of her city.


They walked forward into the great hall of Celestia’s throne room. The men stood, amazed at the all white Alicorn before them. All of them offered a bow, all except for Alexi, who refused to bow to such imperialist royalty. Celestia, being an omnipotent being, knew exactly why he refused to give honors, and she respected him for his integrity on the subject. Once they arose, they addressed themselves immediately.

“Greetings Princess Celestia, we come seeking guidance and advice. We are newcomers to this strange land and we need help getting back. I am called William, these men are my friends, Alexi, Jackson, Matt, Orvil, Johnny and Merasmus, and Preston. We came in contact with your pupil and she was generous to share her home with us for the night, which we are very grateful for. We have come to you hoping you may help us in our time of need your highness. Is there any possible way you can?”

William spoke in his most elegant voice, which made Rarity nearly faint with amazement. Celestia looked at the strange creatures in front of her. She could tell that they were smart, well, most of them. The big one in the gloves just stood at the windows, amazed at the detail. She didn’t know he had a deal to keep quite in front of her. She knew her answer immediately, but she pretended to think it over just for the looks.

“Yes, I will help you. You all are welcome to Equestria, and I hope that while you’re here you enjoy yourselves. Of course, you must respect our laws and my wishes, and keep the big one away from my guards. My dearest Twilight, I am putting these men in your hooves, keep them safe. You

8 will be staying in Ponyville with my student and her friends. Either Luna or I will check up on you from time to time. Oh, and address me as Celestia.”

Alexi was chuckling at the remark made about him. He wasn’t surprised that the guards had to take a second look at the man when he walked by, towering nearly 2 feet above them. He realized they had forgotten something, he decided his previous agreement could be broken, and he informally addressed her.

“Privyet Princessa, I am Alexi, and I have request.”

“You may speak”

“You may have noticed men floating here, these are evil men, I request you lock them in dungeon, before they get into serious trouble. We wouldn’t want anything to….disturb the royal affairs.”

The sarcasm and insult in his tone was sharp, like a knife. Celestia thought about it, she could see the seriousness in his eyes. He was a mean person, but he was no liar. She sentenced the still unconscious men to the Canterlot Dungeon until further notice. With that, they were hauled away by the royal guard.

“Thank you for your time princess, we will be heading back to Ponyville”

“See you soon Mr. William” Celestia said as they left the great hall. They walked slowly back to the train, William contemplating what he would do with the time he had. Alexi approached him out of nowhere.

“Well, meeting went well Da?” he said with a grin

“Yes, indeed It did, now we need to get back to Twilights place, there’s much work to be done.”

“What will we do now comrade? What is there to do?”

“Learn my friend, learn and explore this marvelous land.”


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(WARNING: before reading this chapter be warned, there are elements of clop in this chapter. If you do not like clop, skip over the parts as best you can, they're not important to the story. If you DO enjoy clop, please read on. Thank you)

It was cold, damp, and drafty. What had happened? Was he dead? What happened to the others? He hoped that lunatic was dead along with that wimp that housed them in his mind. He tried to move, but he couldn’t. He didn’t know how long he had been out, until he opened his eyes.

Johnny awoke to the cold stone of the Canterlot Dungeon. Standing by the gate was a tall, gangly man in tattered robes. Merasmus had been awake for hours now, in fact, he was waiting on Johnny. Johnny took a moment to analyze his surroundings, it was obvious he wasn’t home anymore. He didn’t know how he ended up in this prison, but he didn’t care. All he cared about was how he was going to escape. He approached Merasmus, and tapped him.

“Yo marry-maz-mus, where are we?

Merasmus just turned his head, looking into Johnny’s eyes with his soulless gaze. In a raspy voice, he answered.

“Welcome to the Canterlot Dungeon my friend….”

“Dungeon? Woah, woah, woah. Are you telling me Willy’s machine worked? We in the uh.....dim light ages or whatever?”

“No….it backfired….”

“Then where are we Miriam?”

Merasmus scoffed at Johnny’s idiocy. Although, he was his greatest ally, if they were to escape.

“We are in a land known as “Equestria”, and we are locked in the Canterlot Dungeon. We were locked up at the request of that drunken fool…”

“UUUUUGH! It’s not bad enough I’m trapped here, but because of HIM….”

“Relax my friend, here’s what you need to know….”

Using his mystical powers, Merasmus explained to Johnny all that had transpired since entering Equestria. With a twisted tone in his voice, as if he was reading off a death row list. Johnny sat on the ground, utterly stunned. He couldn’t believe where he was. He called Merasmus’ powers bullshit and yelled for the guard so that he may change cells. He was shocked to see a mighty grey stallion approach him, sternly refusing his request.

“So, what’s your next move now? Ask for a humble tea party?” Merasmus jokingly said to Johnny.

“Oh ha ha ha, funny Auntie May. Tell me when you find out a way to….oh I don’t know, GET US THE HELL OUT OF HERE!”

“Calm yourself, your so desperate, it’s depressing…..”

“Well, what happens now then?”

“We find a way out….”

“Can’t you see the future and what not?”

“Not completely, but I did have a vision….”


“Someone is about to fall in love….”


They boarded the train, relieved that Princess Celestia was willing to help them in any way she could. Canterlot wasn’t a complete bust after all, and they quickly headed back to Ponyville. The train ride home was filled with merriment, and Alexi finally found what he was looking for, alcohol. He had found it in a dumpster from behind a restaurant, but he didn’t care. It was the first alcohol he’d had since he got there, it made him almost beam with joy. During the trade ride back, Preston and Fluttershy shared their thoughts about the woodland creatures of Equestria. Preston loved animals, but was afraid they’d sort of…..claw his face off. Fluttershy giggled at that one, it was rather funny, Preston didn’t think so. Twilight and William were asleep for most of the train ride, exhausted from their previous discussions, Rarity couldn’t help but stare. Alexi did what he normally did, sat alone in a chair, and stared out the window. Only this time was different, he was wearing a smile on his face, certainly the first smile he’d had for quite some time. He remembered vividly the last time he ever smiled, it was a haunting thought that he didn’t care to think about, one about the war. He didn’t really know WHY he was smiling, but he didn’t care. He drank to his hearts delight, not caring that the beer he found in the dumpster was a few months old, to him, alcohol is alcohol.

Rainbow Dash could see his smile beaming from his face, she looked at it with a certain degree of sadness. She was hoping that he was smiling because she had kissed him, then she saw the drink in his hands, and how he cuddled next to it. It was rather creepy, seeing a fully grown man snuggling with a fluid. She sat in her seat, silently moping to herself over Alexi. “Does he even notice I’m here?” she pondered to herself, “Does he want me or does he want me to go away?”

Finally, the moment had arrived, they were back at the Ponyville station. Alexi stumbled out of the locomotive and spoke what seemed like jibberish. It certainly wasn’t Russian, as William could easily speak it, living with the Russian for a little over 6 years now. They walked back to Twilights library and laid back, just sitting and staring at each other, waiting for someone, or somepony, to answer.

“This silence is dull, why is nobody……nopony talking?” Alexi said, crashing lazily on Twilights couch.

“Alexi, we need to think about our next move, how we’re going to get home.” Said Matt, talking with a bit of sternness. He didn’t want to stay in Equestria any longer than he had to, it was freaking him out. Talking ponies, Pegasus, magic, giant horse rulers, it was too much. “I’m going to bed, I need rest.” And with that he slept the rest of the day, just praying this was a very long dream.

The others, however, had came to terms with their situation, and were now chatting amongst themselves, planning the humans next move. There was much discussion, spells came up a few times, but Equestrians didn’t have the magical capabilities to travel across dimensions, only time, and that wasn’t going to get them anywhere. Suddenly, William had an idea.

“I can try and recreate the machine…but I don’t have the plans.”

“Comrade, without those plans we’re stuck, we have no hope of retrieving them, think of something else.”

Twilight perked up, an idea had entered her head. She thought back to the night before, the book she received from Canterlot. Silently, she stood up and searched for the elusive book. She knew it was somewhere…..

As Twilight was searching, Rainbow stared at Alexi, trying to avoid his gaze. Alexi knew she was staring, it was really quite obvious, now that he knew that something was up with her. He couldn’t quite place it, but it had something to do with him. Rainbow Dash just sat there, staring. Eventually, Alexi caught her off guard, and locked eyes for a while, a good minute it seemed. She could see right through him, she wasn’t sure about him however. In fact, he couldn’t, he was just blankly staring, but he could notice she was getting nervous. Was she truly scared of him? That couldn’t be it, what on earth was she worried about?

“Finally! There it is” Twilight shouted as she lifted the heavy book with her magic. “William, try this, maybe this can help you.”

Twilight threw the book over to William, who picked up the dusty old book and examined the front cover, he was thankful it was at least in English.

“Dimensional Rifts and the Time Travel Theory….”

Alexi’s head darted up, almost as fast as lightning at what William had just said. Could it be? Could these ponies actually have mastered time travel? That certainly would be amazing. He ran up and nearly ripped the book out of Williams hands. Forgetting he couldn’t read English, he struggled to read the title, he handed it back to William who scolded him as he began to open the book.

“My God, this….this is incredible….”

“What does it say comrade?”

“These time machine specs…..they’re just like mine!” William was shocked, his invention had already existed in this universe. According to the book, it was built for Earth Ponies and Pegasus who weren’t gifted with magic, so that they to could travel through time. Williams machine was almost the exact same, but it was missing only 1 component. Amazing, he could get home, needless to say Alexi was beaming with excitement.

“That is wonderful news comrade William! What is next plan?”

Twilight interrupted.

“How long will it take for you to build your machine William?”

“Well….I don’t have access to the materials I usually would, I suppose it could take anywhere from a month to 3 months…..so we’ll be here for a while.”

Rainbow Dash was glad to hear that! That meant that Alexi would be staying for months, giving her plenty of time to make her move. When would she make it though? Oh well, all she had to do was wait.

“3 months……right. So what are we supposed to do in that time?” Alexi asked, hoping William wasn’t serious when he had said 3 months, he couldn’t wait that long, he just couldn’t. “We just sit around and do nothing?”

“Absolutely not! We need to spend our time working on the machine. Alexi, you and I shall work on the machine, with a little help from Twilight we may complete it within 3 months.”

“Then what shall others do if they are not helping us?”

“Hmm….” William thought it over, what would he do with the others? Jackson was just as lazy as he was useless, Orvil couldn’t bear to see himself in the mirror, and besides, he was too big. William thought long and hard about this predicament, until finally he had come to a solution, nearly 15 minutes later.

“I’ve got it!” He exclaimed, as if he had just solved the meaning of the universe. “Everyone here will be assigned to a Pony, minus Alexi and I.”

The others just stared at William, wondering who they would be bunking and spending their months with here in Ponyville. Secretly, Jackson was hoping he didn’t have to work with Applejack, a work horse like that would make him actually…..dare he say, WORK.

“Preston, you’ll be staying with Fluttershy. Orvil, you stay with Pinkie Pie….”

“HOORAY! We’re gonna have SOOOOOOO much fun you and I just you see!” Pinkie was ecstatic over bunking with a new friend. She bounced around the room with happiness until she finally tired herself. Which, is very hard to do. She panted heavily as she walked back to her spot. “You can go on now silly willy!”

“Thank you Pinkie. Anyway, Jackson, I want you to help Applejack out on her farm, you could use the exercise. I’m assuming Matt doesn’t care, so he’ll be bunking here during the nights…..”

Rainbow Dash saw her chance to be able to talk to Alexi, she could volunteer to shelter him in her house until they got home. It was the perfect plan, so she raised her hoof.

“Yes Rainbow Dash?”

“Uh, I can take Alexi into my house for the nights….”

“Alright, Rainbo…….”

Twilight interrupted William to speak a point.

“I’m sorry William, but Rainbow Dash lives in a cloud house, I don’t think Alexi can fly.”

Drat, so close. If he wouldn’t be bunking with her, who would be bunk with? He’d drive Rarity insane and she was the only one who hadn’t been assigned a human.

“Then where will he sleep?” She asked hoping an exception could be made.

“Well, we can always have him bunk here with Twilight, she had enough beds for all of us so I think she can hold just these two.”

Double drat. So close and yet, so far.

“And I will be staying with Miss Rarity. I won’t be in the house much, as most of my time will be spent on the machine with Alexi, or exploring more of Ponyville. I hope you have a second bed Rarity.”

“Of course sweetie, I’m always prepared.”

William chuckled at that one, it was funny. Although he quickly regained his seriousness on the matter and began to chat once more.

“Everyone knows where they need to be, everyone better stay on their best behavior. I don’t want to have the princess breathing down our necks if something goes out of hand.”

He darted a nasty look at Alexi, who quickly threw his hands up in wonderment of what he had done or possibly COULD do. William reverted his gaze and bid everyone a nice day.

“We have a lot of work to do boys. Let’s get to it!”

They all got up quickly to go home with their assigned ponies. Rainbow Dash left in a hurry, nearly heartbroken that Alexi couldn’t stay with her. “Oh well…” she thought to herself, “I’ll get him eventually.” With that she flew back to her house and locked the door. She didn’t want to be bothered for what she’d do next.

The rest of the day gave the men time to walk home with their respected pony hosts. Preston and Fluttershy went back to her cottage to finally have that tea party they arranged back on the train to Canterlot. Once they arrived, they went inside and Fluttershy began making the tea. Preston was scared to death of all the woodland creatures inhabiting her cottage. He was especially afraid of the little bunny that kept glaring at him. He slowly backed away from the little creature until he was across the room, still shaking from the amount of anxiety that was washing over him.

Fluttershy finally returned with the tea, and they sat at the table, just talking.

“So, interesting p….p….place to live. Next to a f…f…f…forest.”

“Yes, it’s quite relaxing. It’s also a great place for the critters that come along outside the Everfree Forest.”

“I don’t mean to b….b…be rude, but that rabbit k…k….keeps glaring at me….”

“Oh, that’s just Angel, he always does that. He’s really sweet. Aren’t you sweetie?”

The rabbit just turned its head and hopped away, leaving the two of them alone. They drank their tea in peace as they chatted. Eventually Fluttershy got curious about her little crush.

“So Preston, is there a reason you like children…if you uh, don’t mind me asking?”

Preston stopped drinking his tea and placed it down, looking as if someone had told him his mother had just passed away.

“I….I’m sorry….did I go too far?”

“No…not at all. I sup…p….pose it’s worth knowing.”

“Please tell….”

“Honestly, I don’t know. I j…j…j….just do. It’s not like I ONLY fall f…f…f..f..f..for children, I do like adults to. It’s just m…..my nature to like little girls, they well…..t…t..t….turn me on as the phrase is. Alexi beats me for it, and William sh…..sh…shuns me for it. I cant help it.”

Fluttershy looked at the man before her. Clearly he had no control over his impulses, it wasn’t his fault. He was just misunderstood. What caught her ear though was that he also liked adults, that was good, at least he could be interested in her.

“I’m so sorry to hear that that big old bully hurts you. How can you live with him?”

“To be honest, I’m f…f….forced to. I couldn’t escape him, and......when I g….g….go back, I’m afraid I’ll go right back to b…b…b….being trapped…..I don't know what h....h....his problem is...”

Fluttershy felt bad for Preston, and he was getting very emotional. She decided to stop that part of the conversation, and maybe go back to it later.

“Would you like some more tea?”


Flutttershy went back to make some more tea, she could hear Preston muttering to himself, but she wasn’t sure what he was saying. In fact, Preston was trying to figure out if Fluttershy was interested in him or not. He had a slight crush on the little pony as well. Fluttershy never found out what he was muttering, she didn’t care though. She brought him his tea and they sat down again.

“Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Yes, it’s v…v…very peaceful”

Preston let out a small smile. Fluttershy decided it was now or never to tell him that she had a little crush. She hoped he would understand.

“Hey Preston….”


“I have to tell you something…..”

“What is it?”


“Yes, g….go on.”


She immediately covered her mouth, embarrassed by what she just let slip out. She looked at him, and he just kept drinking his tea calmly. Suddenly, he put his tea down and looked at her with a questionable look.

“You do?”

Fluttershy felt so embarrassed, she could just fly away! But it was out in the open now, she had to tell him the truth, and with a soft voice she answered him.



“Yes. Yes I do.”

Preston just sat there, he didn’t know what do say or do. He decided that it wouldn’t hurt to give her a hug. He figured it must have been hard for her to admit that, after knowing him for such a short time. He embraced her in a loving hug for a while, then let her down.

“So….do you like me?” She asked sheepishly


“Well what?”

“I think there’s s….s…something we’re missing bef…bef…before I judge that.”

Fluttershy couldn’t believe it, was he actually suggesting what she thought he was suggesting? He couldn’t, he couldn’t want to kiss her. The next words out of his mouth reassured her that she wasn’t dreaming.

“Well….we still have to k…k…k…kiss.”


“Shh, let’s just find out.”

And with that he knelt down and gave her a soft kiss. It was brief, but Fluttershy enjoyed it greatly. Afterwards, Preston stood up and looked at the timid little Pegasus.

“And to answer your question, yes, I d…d…do like you. Very much.”

Fluttershy was so happy. She couldn’t believe that her dream was coming true. She decided to go a little further…..

(WARNING: Clop ahead!)

“Would you, um, like to come into the bedroom?”


Preston followed Fluttershy into her bedroom. It was dark, and he couldn’t see, he could feel a slight tugging on his pants. Suddenly it was cold, freezing even. What was going on?

“Just hold still, this is difficult without magic.”

Wait, NO! She wasn’t, was she? Preston was surprised, no one had come onto him like this. It was so arousing, oh yes, it was VERY arousing. Fluttershy was having a lot of difficulty getting his underwear off, why did these humans wear cloths all the time? It must be very constricting. Preston decided he should help, and pulled his underwear off for her.

“Thought you might n…n…need a little he……ooh.”

She never let him finish his sentence, as she immediately took his length in her mouth, bobbing side to side as she worked. He just let his head fall back, it was an amazing feeling. Even though she wasn’t young, she sure seemed like it. She kept going, bobbing her head up and down his length, taking it all in. Eventually she stopped and walked onto the bed. Preston was confused, as he still couldn’t see where he was in the dark bedroom.

“W…w…why’d you stop?”

He tried to feel around the room for her, but couldn’t. He could hear her giggling, but couldn’t place where it was coming from.

“I’m over here, on the bed.” She said trying to hold back her laughter.

After a while, Preston found the bed, literally falling face first onto it. He flipped over wondering where she was, until he felt her lips against his, this one more forceful than the last time.

“I think I’m s..s…s..starting to fall for you.”

“I am to….are you ready for part 2?”

“W….w….what is part 2?”

“You’ll see”

She backed up, and carefully inserted him inside her. She moved slowly, trying to get used to it as she moved up and down. Preston laid there, holding onto her sides as she moved. It was the greatest feeling he had ever experienced, and with a pony no less. Fluttershy felt amazing as well, her body was heating up rapidly as she went. Suddenly, Preston went faster, rapidly thrusting in and out.

“Oh my….Preston that feels amazing!”

Preston didn’t respond, he just laid there, enjoying himself to the fullest extent during the session. He slid in and out of her, ravaging her to the best of his abilities. It got intense, hot, and exciting. It got so exciting that eventually Preston blew his load inside of her, and in a shout of pleasure she released her orgasm as he did his. She collapsed on his chest and laid there, her breath heavy.

(The clop has ended)

“That’s was amazing…..” she said in between breaths.

Preston tilted his head down and gave her a soft kiss. “Your amazing” he responded.


“Yes F….f…..Fluttershy?”

“I love you….”

“I love you to.”

With that they fell asleep, they would begin their new life in Ponyville until William and Alexi could finish the machine. Preston had found love, with Fluttershy, and they would be inseparable. Only, they weren’t the only ones who would find their true feelings.

The next day….

Sweet Apple acres was a busy place, and also a boring place at that. Jackson couldn’t figure out what he was supposed to be doing. He actually had to work, and that could never float his boat. He sat underneath one of the Apple Family’s many apple trees, twiddling his thumbs, until Applejack approached him.

“C’mon lazy hooves, time to git to work!”

“Do I really have to?” he asked with a sarcastic tone.

“Yes, you do. Y’all are livin’ under this here roof and you’ll work while you’re here.”

Jackson groaned in displeasure. Slowly, he got up and walked over to Applejack.

“What do I have to do?”

“Well, Applebloom’s at school today, and I gotta get all these apples down safely. I need you to hold these here baskets and catch the apples as they fall. Can y’all do that?”

“I guess…”

“Great! Get ready now!”

“Whoa wait, we’re starting NOW!?”


The apples fell from the tree as Applejack kicked it, many hitting Jackson square on the head, giving him a mighty big lump. He stood up and rubbed his head.


“Well y’all should’ve been more careful. Pay attention sonny.”

“You didn’t give me a warning!”

“I didn’t think it was necessary, now c’mon, we got more work to do.”

Jackson followed Applejack, trying his best to catch the falling apples. Many fell into the baskets he was holding, actually very few fell on the ground. Jackson still wasn’t warming up to the work he had to do. He needed something to get his mind off of it, so he made small talk with Applejack.

“So, is this all you do around here?”

“Pretty much, I meet up with the girls every now n’ then.”

“I can’t imagine working all day like this.”

“From what yer friend Will tells me you ain’t worked a day in your life. ‘Cept today ‘course.”

“Your right about that, I can’t stand work, too boring. I’d rather play games all day, I’m content with that.”

“Playing silly games all day ain’t nearly as productive as actually getting yer hooves dirty. C’mon, off to the next tree.”

“You don’t have anyone else to talk to? No boyfriend? Or uh, I think the proper term is Stallion?”

“Nah, ain’t got time for one, I got work to do most of the time.”

“You cannot possibly sit there and tell me that you would rather work than have a boyfriend.”

“I ain’t sayin’ that. I’m sayin’ that I ain’t got the time. I’d like one, but I just don’t have time.”

“Then you make time.”

Jackson was a very convincing person, he had convinced Matt to amass a hat collection in Team Fortress 2, and enhance his skills at Minecraft. It was mighty impressive, as Matt soon had a collection going on 150 different hats, and could build mighty castles. He was slowly convincing Applejack that she needed to go out and find somepony. Little did Jackson know it was actually attracting Applejack to him.

“You drive a hard bargain mister. Alright, I’ll go get somepony to hang out with, I know JUST the guy.”

“That’s great, are we done now? My back is killing me…”

“Yes, we’re done for now. Come inside, I’ll wrestle up some lemonade.”

They walked back to the main house for some well deserved lemonade. Applejack quickly made it and headed upstairs, leaving Jackson down in the dining room with Granny Smith. She was fast asleep, and he tried to avoid staring at her, she was snoring rather loudly. Suddenly, he heard a crash from upstairs.

“What on earth was that?”

He ran upstairs to Applejacks room.

“Hey are you okay?”

“I’m fine, I just need you to do somethin’ for me.”


“Clean up that mess.”

Jackson began picking up the pieces as Applejack closed the bedroom door. Jackson stood up, surprised.

“Why’d you shut the door?”

“I just wanted you to do somethin’ else for me.”

“Again? What is it this time?”

“I want you to make a mare out of me.”

Jackson stood confused. That didn’t sound like English at all.

“I’m sorry, a what?”

“A mare, you know, girl, female, are you sure you speak English?”

Now he understood, he didn’t have any interest in Applejack, but he wasn’t about to pass up this opportunity.

“Fine, get on the bed I guess.”


With the door shut, it was hard to hear, but what could be heard coming out of the open window was “YES, OH YES!” Jackson didn’t really do much, but his experienced gamer hands were fast, and he used those to his advantage. Every night was like that for him and Applejack, she used him as her personal sex toy. Jackson didn’t mind that one bit, as long as she didn’t ask him on a date. For many weeks they ditched their work and went to go “play” in Applejacks room. As far as they were concerned, they needed this.


Months passed……

The machine still hadn’t even come close to completion. Alexi and William slaved over it night and day, but just couldn’t get it working. Alexi spent most of his days constructing the metal and applying circuits, he was good at that sort of thing. Today, it was just him in Twilights house, and as he was working on the machine, Rainbow Dash popped in through the open door. She snuck in originally to see if Twilight wanted to visit Pinkie and Orvil to see how they were doing, but Twilight was out with William on a trip to the Everfree forest. She poked her head around the corner and saw Alexi, humming a tune to himself and slaving over the machine.

“humming* ugh, what is next part. Aha, at least William had decency to write plans in Russian.”

Alexi was oblivious to Rainbow Dash’s entry, and she sat there, staring at him as the man worked. He wasn’t wearing his trench coat, his gloves, his belt, or his gun. All he had on was a green wool shirt, black pants covered in dust, and his charcoal black military boots. He was a very physically fit man, with large muscles on his arms, he was a mans man. Suddenly, he noticed Rainbow sitting behind the wall.

“Hehe, well do not just sit there like rat on stick, come in!” he said in a booming voice.

“Whatcha working on?” Asked Rainbow

“Just working on frame of machine, I tell you is much work.”

“I can see.”

Alexi went back to his work.

“Why are you here?”

“Just came to see how things were goin…”

“Well, all is fine.”

“You don’t really like talking to people do you?”

“Not really, no.”

“Well talk to someone yah lummox, I get bored sometimes!”

Alexi stopped his work and looked at Rainbow Dash, his eyes glaring at her like a lazar beam.

“Fine, sit on couch.” He finally said, rolling his eyes.

They went and sat on the couch near the machine, where Alexi usually sat to drink and rest as he worked. Rainbow started off with questions about him.

“I wanna know more about you. What can you tell me?”

“I am afraid I do not understand.”

“Go on, tell me something.”

“You’ll have to ask me question.”

“Fine, uh, what’s your favorite color?”

“Crimson red…..”

"What's your favorite song?"

"The Farewell of Slavianka...You know if all of your question are this simple I will go back to work."

“Ok….who’s your favorite person?”

“I don’t have one.”

“And why’s that?”

“Because I hate everyone….”

Rainbow just listened to the man as he explained he hated answering questions. She decided to get a little more dirt on her “little” crush.

“I noticed on the train ride back a few months ago, you smiled…”

“Da….I do not smile most of time. What of it?”

“You seemed to be happy when you found that garbage in Canterlot.”

“Oh that? HAAHAHAHAHA! That was alcohol, It keeps me drunk and to some extent, calm.”

“Why don’t you smile? Everyone smiles.”

“Da? Well I don’t OK?”

“What happened in your past to possibly make you NOT want to smile? I aught to call Pinkie over and have her cheer you up!”

Alexi just glared at the blue pony for a minute, his story was not one of merriment and smiles.

“You really want to know?”

“Well yeah!”

“Then let me tell you story…….”


“Year was 1944, I was enlisted as soldier in Red Army, during second world war. I fought alongside many brave men, giving their lives for Mother Russia. None were braver than me and my comrades. Their names were Dmitri Arbhov, and Vladimir Petrovich, they were my best friends in all of world. We fought many battles together, against fascist reich. Many times we sat in chatter amongst ourselves, I still remember our last conversation….”


“Hey, Dmitri, pass vodka comrade! Tonight we drink to our health! To another battle won for communism!”

“Would you like drink Alexi?”

“Niet, thank you though, I prefere not to drink….”

“One of these days comrade, you’ll see there is no such thing as “too much vodka” HAHAHA”

“Da, well, I hope that is not day I live to see.”

“We move out for Germany tomorrow, want to make bet?”

“What kind of bet?”

“I bet I can kill over 100 Nazis before we reach Berlin!”

“You are on! I accept your bet. We set price at 100 rubles!”


“Alexi you want in?”

“I prefer not to take bets on life. I’ll kill but I won’t throw money away.”

Then we heard commissar call us, it was time to roll out…..

That battle is one I shall never forget. I fought alongside my friends, as gunfire sounded around us. Vladimir kept count as to how many Germans he had killed, I only heard him get to 53. Gunfire got closer, as the Nazis overran us. I was knocked unconscious, and I was taken….

I do not know how long I was out, but when I awoke, I was strapped to chair. I looked around, and I saw Dmitri and Vladimir next to me, also strapped to chairs. Wherever we were, we were prisoners….

I saw figure emerge from darkness in front of us…an S.S. officer, in full attire. He was menacing, and he looked us dead in our eyes.

“Hallo mein prisoners.” He said with dark voice….

“Do you know where you are?”

Dmitri answered. “Niet, but wherever we are, we must be in shit hole!”

The officer looked at us with twisted grin.

“Maybe you’d like to me ze last men who talked back to me!”

From the darkness he pulled out the bodies of two men, Japanese soldiers, they were freshly dead. I had many encounters with the Japanese, I had taken many trips to nation prior to war, it was beautiful country, it was there I learned to read Japanese. I read badges on their uniforms, they read “Sergeant Idoaki” and “Private Okazaki” I did not know these men, but I could not bear seeing men like this, betrayed by men who they had called allies!

The officer withdrew a pistol from his belt…

“So, which one dies first, is it you? What is your name I’m afraid I don’t speak your primitive language.”

“My name is Vladimir, I spit on you, you fascist PIG!”

Vladimir spat on officers shoe. Repulsed, he raised the gun to Vladmirs head….

“Auf Wiedersehen…..” and CRACK! He pulled the trigger….

I shouted at the top of my lungs, I tried to undo my bounds, It was no use, but I tried anyway, hoping to free myself in time so save Dmitri….

“Your next, Russian DOG!”

“Please don’t kill me!” Dmitri begged. “I have wife and family! Please do not do this to me……” He began to cry.

“It’s too bad you communists don’t have a god, I’m sure he would have a nice place in Hell for you.” CRACK! He pulled the trigger….

My friends were dead, I had to get out, he came up to me and pointed the gun at my head….

“Looks like your last, any last words?”

“Da….do your worst swine, I will get you for this!”

“Well I’d like to see you do that but I’m afraid I am on a very tight schedule. Auf Wiedersehen…..”

I loosened my bonds just in time to grab the gun away from my face as he pulled trigger, with loud CRACK! Bullet raced passed my ear. I took the gun and rammed it into his face, as I got up I kicked him while he was on ground and pointed pistol to his face. He looked up at me, and he spoke his final words…

“Do it, you Russian COWARD!”

“Da Svidaniya…..”




Alexi continued his tale, getting more worked up as he went along.

“I could hear them outside door, I could see my equipment on the ground, I picked it up and dawned my gear. I went out that door to the hungry fascists that awaited me…”

He stood up fuming with anger


He punched the wall in anger repeatedly, as he did, he shouted.

“Dmitri! Vladimir! Why can’t you come back” *punch* “Why you?!” *punch* “Why couldn’t it have been ME! DAMNIT WHY NOT ME!” *punch*

After a while, he collapsed to the ground, sobbing. He was muttering to himself “It’s should’ve been me…It should’ve been me…” He punched multiple holes into the wall, which was impressive since the walls were made of solid wood. Rainbow Dash quickly saw how he was getting, and decided to take a chance.


He was still sobbing.


“It’s going to be alright…..”

“Niet, It wont, it can’t, they’re gone. That is why I want time machine, to see my friends again….”

He began to sob louder, Rainbow Dash had had enough. She walked over to him and gave him a kiss on his lips. It certainly calmed him down, as he just looked up at her.

“Maybe you’d be happier if someone showed you a little compassion..”

He sniffled, trying to hide back his tears.

“That….That would be very nice…..”

“Come on, let’s go upstairs, I wanna show you something.”

Alexi slowly followed her upstairs to Twilights room, and she hopped on the bed and asked him to sit down.

“Alexi, I’m not gonna pretend I know what that means. I don’t know your world, but I can tell that what they see is not you. This is you, a loving person…”

“You, you really think so?”

She nodded, and gave him another kiss.

“Why do you keep doing that!” he yelled, still confused about what she wanted.

“Ugh, you truly are thick headed. You remember when I kissed you on the train?”

“Da, I thought It was accident.”

“Well it wasn’t, I love you Alexi, I know that’s a lot to comprehend but trust me it’s true. Do you understand what I’m saying!?”

Oh he did, he most certainly did, but he didn’t know for the life of him what she wanted from him.

“So, you love me….a giant, Russian, crazed, angry, grieving, mad dog….”

“Of course I do.”

“Then what do you want with me?”

“Oh for the love of Pete, just take off your clothes!”

(WARNING: Clop ahead!)

It got quite, really quiet. Alexi knew what she wanted now, she want HIM. Well, it certainly was an answer he liked. He began to strip for her. Taking off his shirt to reveal his trimmed abs and muscles. Then he removed his pants and climbed into the bed.

“Well, are you not going to join me?”

Rainbow’s cheeked turned a million shades of red. She climbed into bed, and the magic began.

He quickly inserted himself into her, and going strait to work. He thrusted in and out at a rapid pace, making her body tingle every time he went back. He went a little deeper and a little faster each time until his entire length was within her wet pussy, sliding in and out like lightning.

“Oh Celestia, it’s so BIG!” she screamed as they continued.

It went on, for a good 10 minutes they went on. Finally, the pleasure was too great for Rainbow, and she exploded in a wet, spine tingling orgasm, and Alexi wasn’t too far behind, spilling his semen inside of her.

(The clop has ended)

She laid next to him in bed, her forelegs wrapped around his neck.

“That was amazing…..”

“It certainly was.”

“Do you feel better now?”

“Much better.”

“Well, you should probably get back to work on the machine…..” she said with a frown.

“Actually, machine can wait, I have other plans.”

“Oh yeah? And what would those be?” She said, staring into his eyes from where she was laying.

He gave her one last big kiss.

“I will repeat last few minutes like old record player. With my new love.”

Rainbow Dash was shocked, he DID love her. She was so happy that she had gotten the man she wanted. With that, they went back to their playful games, and repeated what they had done not even 10 minutes before.

“Wait, before we go for round 2, can you promise me something?”

“Anything love.”

She whispered something into his ear, and with a big smile and a nod he said “I promise.” And they began.

All was peaceful in Ponyville, but there was something else brewing, deep in the Canterlot dungeons…..


Johnny paced around the cell that he and Merasmus were occupying. He was cursing to himself while Merasmus just sat there, staring at the bars of the cell. Johnny had had enough, it had been months and they still weren’t out, even though Merasmus talked about a master plan coming together. Well, he had waited long enough, he confronted Merasmus.

“Hey Mary Jane, I got a bone to pick with you!”

“What is it? Can you not see that I’m busy?”

“Oh yeah? Busy with WHAT?! You never do ANYTHING!”

“The plan will come together in time my thick headed friend.”

“It’s been MONTHS! And we still haven’t……”

“Shhh, here he comes.”

The massive unicorn guard walked up to the two men and examined them.

“I heard shouting, is everything alright?”

“Yes, everything is fine, my friend just broke his hand is all…” Merasmus said very calmly, as if nothing had ever happened. Johnny looked confused, but offered the guard his hand. This plan would never work, but Merasmus has done stranger things.

“Here, let me see, I can fix it right up.”

Johnny quickly socked the guard in the snout, knocking him on the ground. Merasmus reacted quickly, and with his mind, bent the bars to open themselves. They walked out of the sell and stood outside. Johnny ran ahead while Merasmus stayed behind, leering over the unicorn.

“What are you going to do Merasmus?” He asked

“Just a little something to aid us my friend…”

He bent over and lightly touched the unicorns horn, absorbing his magic. He also did something else to that unicorn, but Johnny couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

“What do we do now?”

Now Merasmus was wearing an evil sneer on his boney face.

“Now my friend…..let’s go pay our little friends a visit...”

Rise of Evil

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(WARNING: before reading this chapter be warned, there are elements of clop in this chapter. If you do not like clop, skip over the parts as best you can, they're not important to the story. If you DO enjoy clop, please read on. Thank you)

They ran up the stairs to the exit, they had escaped the Canterlot dungeon, and were now making their escape. Johnny reached the door first, and attempted to open it, no luck, it was locked. The door wouldn’t budge, not even Merasmus’ magic could open it. Or perhaps it didn’t need to be opened….

“Stand aside boy….I can handle his.” He said with a twisted tone.

He placed his palm over the front of the door, and with a spectacular BANG! The door flew off its hinges and fell down in front of them. Johnny stood there slack-jawed, there was no way Merasmus could do that normally. Could it have been that the magic he gained from the unicorn guard made him stronger? He would soon find out, as the Canterlot Royal Guard came down upon them. Merasmus was quick, but brutal. He dispatched the unicorn guards in an orderly manner, not killing them, but rendering them incapacitated. He placed his hands on their horns and a black mist would form around his hand, and the unicorn would just lay there, petrified. Johnny didn’t know what Merasmus was doing, in fact he couldn’t figure out why Merasmus needed him since he was doing a fine job on his own. Eventually, they reached the great hall, their windows amplifying the brightness of the moon. It was dark, perhaps midnight, and it was the first time they had seen it in a few months. Johnny stared at the moon, it was large, larger than the one back home, he quickly returned to Merasmus, who was now breaking down the doors to the outer lobby that led outside…

“It’s time we leave his foreboding place, wouldn’t you agree Johnny?”

“Just get the doors down, I need fresh air…”

“Fine…Enjoy yourself a little more, it’s fun to watch people suffer….”

As he said that, the doors exploded, and they fled. They ran far from Canterlot, as they ran, Merasmus had this funny glow to him, he wasn’t himself. Or rather, he WAS himself, just morphed…

“Where are we going?”

“To plan phase 2 Johnny…”

“And what was phase 1?”

“Gain the power I needed for phase 2”

“And what is phase 2?”

“Return when they don’t expect us…that’s when we make our move.”

And they ran off into the Equestrian night, to hide until the time was right for the next step in Merasmus’ plan.


The next day…

It was an ordinary day, nothing out of the ordinary for the humans, well, except for being in Equestria. It had been many months since they first arrived, and the machine was nearing its completion, no thanks to Alexi being distracted by Rainbow Dash every other day. Many of the others had found love, Pinkie Pie and Orvil had a one night stand, but it was just to make him smile…it didn’t work. Not even sex with Pinkie could make him smile, unlike Alexi, who upon being showed a little compassion had radiant smiles all the time, except when he was around the others. He had explained the Rainbow that the others didn’t know about his past, and he did not intend on telling them. So, he kept up his front, and they never knew what made Alexi tick, that was something reserved for Rainbow Dash, who was still his secret lover. The only ones who had confessed their love was Preston and Fluttershy, who could be seen walking together most days and kissing on many occasions. Rarity was still unsure as to how she was going to approach William. She decided to ask Twilight for help.

She knocked on the door.

“Twilight? Are you home?”

There was no response from Twilight.

“Hello? Anypony home?”

“She is asleep, what you need?” Came a loud voice that only Alexi could own.

“I need to come in for a second.”

“I am busy right now, you will have to come back other time.”

There was a rustling from inside.

“I’m awake now, no thanks to your shouting. What does Rarity need?”

“Let me in and I’ll tell you.”

Rarity waited at the door for Twilight to answer, instead came Alexi, sweaty, breathing heavily, and towering above her. He moved aside to let her in, and she completely passed him by without even glancing at him.

“Twilight honey, I need to have a talk with you.”

“What is it Rarity? Is something wrong?”

“Well yes, and no, it’s kind of private.”

“Whatever you can say to me you can say to Alexi, he is a guest here after all. Besides, he’s probably not gonna be going anywhere.”

“It’s private, I need to have a girl on girl talk with you. I can’t have him listening.”

“I can hear both of you, you know this right? I will take walk around town, maybe go visit Preston and Fluttershy. I shall return in about 1 hour. Da Svidaniya!”

He left the house quickly, do give Rarity and Twilight time to talk.

“What is so important that you had to interrupt Alexi’s progress on their machine?”

“I need to talk to you about William…”

“What about him?”

“I’m not quite sure how to tell you this dear, but I’ve kind of had my eyes on him for a while.”

“Oh really now? I’ve never noticed.”

“A lady never allows such emotions to slip out or become obvious, but I’m afraid I have no other options.”


“I need your help to win him over, so to speak.”

Twilight was surprised, so Rarity also had her eyes on William. In hindsight it was really quite obvious. A smart, refined man like him would have ponies like Rarity on every appendage. There was a small issue however, Twilight ALSO had slight feelings for William, which she just couldn’t overlook. Rarity obviously knew about those, otherwise she wouldn’t have come here feeling so desperate. She didn’t want to steal William away from Rarity, dear Luna, she didn’t even know if he was interested in ponies. She thought about her options while Rarity continued.

“So, will you help me Twilight?” she asked.

“Rarity, you know I’ve had my eye on William for a while, I’ve been trying to get his attention…”

“That’s the problem Twilight, I’ve been doing that to, I’ve been swaying my hips and tail but he doesn’t notice any of it. I’ve had him alone in a room and tried to talk to him but he just spent his time THINKING.”

“I tried to ask him on a date once but he didn’t hear me on account of his studying…”

Rarity sat down and stared at Twilight.

“Any bright ideas darling?”

Twilight was thinking about her options. What could she do? They couldn’t BOTH have William…or could they? An idea finally popped into her head.

“Rarity, I think I found a solution.”

“Please, do tell!”

“Well, we could always just…convince him together.”

“Are you suggesting we rape him?”

“I’m not saying that, I’m saying that we convince him to like both of us.”

“But we’re not sure if he likes ponies, that would be rape darling…”

“It’s not rape if he likes it….”


William sat in Raritys boutique, examining the ponyquins all over the room. “Marvelous” he thought to himself, “How in Equestria did they master this?” He found it odd that Rarity owned a clothing shop yet almost no one in Ponyville wore any cloths. It was mind boggling. He could see many dresses and suits on the ponyquins around the room, all of them exquisite, Rarity sure does a fine job with formal attire.

There was movement outside the window, it was misty, and black. He thought it was Princess Luna coming to check up on them. When the door didn’t open he just went along with his business. “Must have been my imagination.” He thought to himself.

Suddenly the door swung open, and Rarity and Twilight walked into the room.

“Oh, there you are. I was beginning to wonder where you went.”

“Just to Twilights place William, I see your taking ANOTHER look at the dresses.”

“Well, yes they’re quite marvelous, I’ve never seen such craftsmanship.”

Rarity began to blush, Twilight stepped in front of her, trying to keep their mission in mind.

“So William, can I ask you a question?” Twilight said as they walked up to him

“Anything Twilight, what’s up?” He was focused on the dresses before him, not even noticing that she was looking him over, as was Rarity.

“You ever do something so crazy, but hoped it might work out in your favor?”

“Of course, that’s what the time machine was for, although, it didn’t exactly turn out in my favor, or I’d be in Soviet Russia by now.” He chuckled to himself at what apparently was a joke.

“I see, what about a relationship?”

“I’m far too busy for relationships, my studies take up most of my waking hours, not to mention I live with 6 men. There’s not a woman in Matts mind for me.”

Rarity chimed in.

“That’s rather sad.”

“Yes, it can be, but I have no need for it. You see, knowledge is MY girlfriend!”

Twilight was beginning to think this man was less of an intellectual and more of a mad scientist. He obviously wasn’t, he was very polite and smart, he just seemed too focused on his research. It was time to distract him for a while…

(WARNING: Clop ahead!)

“Hey William, can you lay on that couch?”

“What ever for Twilight?”

“Just do it, I have to demonstrate something for Rarity.”

“Ah, I see.” He laid down on the couch. “Like this?”

“Perfect.” the lavender unicorn jumped up on his chest and backed slowly down to his waist.”

“What’s going on?”

“You’ll see soon enough dear…” and Rarity jumped near his face, leaning her pussy down to his mouth. “Go ahead, lick it!”

William just laid there in shock, what the fuck was going on? They were raping him and he knew it, he had to get out of there.

“Let me go, I can’t believe you’re doing this! Get me the fuck out of here!”

Twilight began removing his pants with her magic, then his underwear. He started kicking, trying to get the ponies off of him, it was no use. Twilight began to use her magic to massage his member, it took a while before it got rock hard.

“Jesus Christ for all that is holy LET ME GO!”

“Who’s Jesus Christ?” Rarity said, giggling as she said it.

“For the love of Celestia! Why are you doing this!?”

“You spend too much time working William, you need to relax…” With that Twilight began to suck on him, taking him all the way into her mouth, it made William quite for a minute, before he starting talking again.

“This is wrong….I shouldn’t…..I need to get back to work…..oh fuck it keep going!” He began to eat out Rarity as she was still practically sitting on his face. The unicorns went to work on their new plaything, Twilight sucking on him, and Rarity having her wet folds tongue fucked. For a while all was strait forward, until they decided that it was getting old. Twilight decided it was time to show William what she really had, and leaned forward to prepare for true interspecies sex. Rarity turned around to face William as they began to make out. Twilight then took William all the way, deep within her, and she bounced up and down as they fucked. It slide in, and out, rapidly, and the pleasure was intense for Twilight, who was literally burning up in ecstasy. Rarity was enjoying her make out session with the human, when she felt a wet tongue on her back side. It was more of a double 69, with William sexing up Twilight, Twilight licking Raritys pussy, and Rarity kissing William. Rarity got wetter, and wetter, until she couldn’t hold it anymore, and shook and wobbled with pleasure as she released her orgasm. William soon followed, cumming inside Twilight. Although, Twilight wasn’t finished, and she continued bouncing on Williams cock, moaning with pleasure. She was about to blow, but she was interrupted.

(The clop has ended)

Alexi barged through the door.

“William! Comrade! Where are you we ne-“

Alexi just stared at the trio, who were completely ignoring him, as they continued with their deed.

“For love of Stalin WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”

That scared them strait, William literally bolted upwards and started to put his pants back on.

“I’m terribly sorry Alexi, I was in the middle of….”

“There is no need to explain, I saw all I needed…”

Alexi walked up to William and whispered to him.

“Is okay comrade, I understand completely, just act like all is natural.”


Alexi quickly backed away and looked at the ponies with an evil glare, he was faking his anger but he just wanted to scare them.

“Back to what I was saying.”

He was literally overflowing with fright, what was scaring him?

“Alexi, you’re shaking a little bit? What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, trying to steer the subject away from what she and Rarity had just done.

“Princess Celestia has arrived, she ordered I retrieve everypony and everybody. She has VERY bad news to tell all of us, I know news, and I shudder to think of it now…”

What news could possibly scare ALEXI? The news must be bad indeed.”

“Well, what are all of you waiting for? Day of St. Valentine? Hurry up!”

He ran out the door, and the trio quickly followed, trying to keep up with the trained Russian soldier as he bolted ahead. He ran with such speed, he was fast, REALLY fast, so fast that he actually made it to Twilight house 5 minutes before the others got there. When they finally arrived, they were met by the rest of the humans and ponies, who were standing in front of a frantic Princess Celestia.

“Good, you’re here, now we can talk. I told Alexi here the full story, I wanted to see his reaction, but it’s time all of you knew.”

“What’s wrong Princess?” Twilight asked, staring up at her mentor.

Celestia sighed.

“Last night, about 2 hours past midnight, some prisoners escaped the Canterlot Dungeon. As you may know, these prisoners were none other than your friends, Johnny and, whatever the hooded one is…”

“Merasmus…” William said coldly, as if someone had just died.

“I don’t know what he’ll do, or when he’ll do it, but rest assured he won’t be getting back to Canterlot. They BOTH will be caught by the guard.”

Alexi was pacing the floor as the princess spoke, wondering what to say to her. As she spoke of them being captured he looked up at her.

“You really do not get it do you?” He said almost like an insult.

“Excuse me?”

“You do not know power he is capable of.”

“Whatever it is, mine and my sisters magic can defeat whatever cheap tricks he has.”

Alexi laughed as if someone had just told him the funniest joke in the world, then put on his angry face as if that joke had been a priest and a rabbi joke.

“He is powerful, not even YOUR magic will stop him. He. Will. KILL YOU!”

“Is that a threat?!”

“THAT IS NOT THREAT! THAT IS GUARENTEE!” He yelled, not caring what she could do to him.

“Not from me though, from him. He will overpower all, and he is crafty. He will not give up without fight…”

He walked back to the back of the room, awaiting her response.

“What are we gonna do?” Twilight asked the men, hoping they had done this many times and knew how to deal with it.

“I…I don’t know…” William said, in a deathly tone. He recalled the memory of the black mist, and he realized that Luna would never be out in broad daylight. Was that Merasmus? It had to have been…

“Well, we can’t sleep alone, we’ll have to all sleep together, strength in numbers right?” Twilight said to William, although it was really aimed at Alexi, who she figured had the experience of dealing with hostile people.

“That seems right.” Replied William.

“WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!” yelled Pinkie Pie as she ran around the room with panic, literally bouncing off the walls.

“Calm yourself Pink one…” Alexi said as she passed him. “We will stay in Twilights house, is big enough. Everypony will be alright, as long as I still breath.”

“That’s very noble of you Alexi but we have a bigger problem than your ego!” William yelled, trying to get Alexi to make sense.

“Merasmus is still out there…and we need to stay indoors so that he cannot get to us. He has hard time opening doors, though I suppose he would just get Johnny to do dirty work.”

Princess Celestia spoke up.

“I need to get going and prepare the royal guard. Any last words before I go?”

“Two things…” Alexi said as he walked. “The guard won’t help you and….”

He turned around

“Never sleep alone…”

With that the pasty white Alicorn flew off to Canterlot, leaving the others to deal with their issue and prepare for the night.


That night…

Everyone was fast asleep, all but Alexi, who stood guard at the door with his gun at the ready. Tonight, Merasmus would not sneak up on him. Every noise outside the door was like a gunshot to him, bringing up his gun, only to lower it when he found out it was just a lone squirrel. He was startled to hear rustling inside the house, he looked around but didn’t see anything. He nearly jumped out of his skin at the sight of Rainbow Dash standing next to him. She leaned up and whispered to him.

“How are you feeling?”

“Not good. I am getting tired.”

“You should go to bed then.”

“If I do than Merasmus will get us, or somepony, I cannot let that happen.”

“Rainbow Dash sighed.

“Well, I could keep watch…”

Alexi looked at her with a concerned glare.

“He will use you, manipulate you, is not worth it. Get to sleep Rainbow, I can handle this.”

“You don’t have to put up a wall around me you know. I know how you are.”

She leaned up and hugged him, he retuned the hug but let her down, a lot was on his mind.

“I am sorry Rainbow, but is my duty to others. If something awful happens I want it on MY watch, not yours. I can deal with blame, do not worry about me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Da, now go get some sleep”

“Ok…but before I do…” she leaned up and kissed him before pulling back. “Good night”

Rainbow trotted back to her bed and laid down while Alexi looked her over. She truly was amazing in his eyes, but he had to keep focused if he was to protect his new friends. Friends…that’s something he hadn’t had in a long time…

There was a knock at the door.

Alexi raised his gun as he opened the door, only to be greeted by a stray filly, up way passed her bedtime it would seem.

“Hey mister! Is this Twilight Sparkles house?”

Alexi just stood there, what was a filly doing out so late?

“Da, and who wants to know?”

“A friend of hers. I’m from Canterlot!” the filly said in a cocky tone

Alexi was suspicious, he denied the little filly entry. For all he knew she could have been a spy for Merasmus and Johnny.

“Pleeeeeeeeeease mister? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE?”

“Niet, you cannot come in.”

“C’mon….please mister Alexi?”

“Niet, you canno…what did you say?”

“I said please.”

She knew his name, and was hiding it. Ok, that was it. He had had enough. He raised the gun the filly and yelled.

“Go back to Merasmus! You cannot enter here!”

In a twisted, raspy voice, the filly answered him.

“I already have!”

The filly morphed into a black mist that floated across the room to Rarity and Twilight. It solidified into the shape of Merasmus, who immediately grasped their horns as a black aura surrounded them.

“STOP!” he fired his gun once at Merasmus, but it went right through him. He was too powerful for Alexi to stop him with the gun. He lunged at the boney man and wrestled him to the ground. The black aura had only consumed Raritys and Twilights horns, not their actual bodies. The gunshot had woken all the sleeping ponies, then Merasmus spoke.

“I have what I came for Alexi! Fare thee well!” With a twisted laugh he morphed into a black mist that bolted out the door, shutting it loudly. Alexi was kneeling next to Twilight, nearly making her just with shock at what he was doing.

“Alexi, what happened?”

“He came…”


“Merasmus, he came, he got passed me…I don’t know what he did to you or Rarity, but I couldn’t stop him.”

“Twilight tried to levitate a book across the room, but it wouldn’t budge. She had Rarity try and pick it up, but nothing happened, not even a glow came from their horns. Merasmus had taken their magical powers, for all intents and purposes they were now Earth Ponies.

“He took your magic, It made him stronger…”

“What will we do Alexi?” Rainbow Dash responded.

“Only thing we can do…wait.”


“We wait, we go to Canterlot tomorrow, and speak with princess.”

“About what?” Twilight asked in a shy voice

“We tell her to double her guards, and sleep with sister. He will go for her next…I know it.”

They went back to sleep and awaited the morning, when they could take the train to Canterlot and warn the princess. But there was something else brewing that night.


In a cave outside Ponyville, Johnny sat, waiting for Merasmus to return. He had gone out in search of the unicorns of Ponyville, to gain their magic, and possibly learn where their biggest threat was spending the night. After 3 long hours of waiting, he finally returned. Johnny approached Merasmus.

“So…did you find those freaks or what?”

“Oh I found them alright. Let’s just say they won’t be bothering us for a long time.” He snickered to himself with an evil grin.

“What’s our next step?” Johnny asked.

“Now we return to Canterlot, I need to taste that royal magic…” he licked his lips as if it were a delicacy that was equivalent to heaven snacks.

“So we’re going back to Canterlot?”

“That’s correct.”

“Ok, so um. You ARE fucking insane! The guards will catch us! They KNOW we escaped Merasmus!”

“But, they will let us pass…”

“And why’s that MJ?”

“Because…we have their magic, and they belong to me!”

Johnny didn’t know what he meant by that, but Merasmus was on his way to Canterlot, and Johnny hitched a ride, becoming one with the black mist. It reached the front gates of Canterlot, guarded by nearly an army of Unicorn guards. Merasmus stepped forward and waved a hand.

The unicorns eyes began to turn black, and glowed ominously. They went and opened the front gates to Canterlot, and Johnny and Merasmus walked through without a hitch.

“To the castle we go my friend….”


That morning they awoke to Alexi’s boots stomping on the ground. It was still early out, and Alexi didn’t want to waste any time with what he felt was an unnecessary use of time, sleeping. Once they were all awake, he took charge, acting like his old commissar…

“Get up! Get up! Worthless, all of you worthless! We have important meeting today so let’s MOVE IT! I will not have this ruined by your inability to wake up!” he screamed at the humans, not directing his anger at the ponies, for fear up upsetting Rainbow Dash.

The humans in the room were already dressed and ready for the day ahead, or was it still night? They couldn’t tell, they had gotten up so early that the sun had just begun to rise over the mountains. Alexi darted to the train station, leaving the others to wobble behind. Some of the humans were still sleepy, enough to the point they had a hard time walking, and actually rode on the backs of the ponies who COULD walk. When they finally caught up to Alexi, he was tapping his foot eagerly, waiting for the train.

“What time does train normally arrive?”

“6:00.” Replied Twilight, still groggy and yawning. “But why?”

“Because I need it to hurry up!”

“It’s not going to come early just for you.” William said in a shrill tone.

“Perhaps not, but that does not mean we cannot walk!”

They stood baffled.

“Alexi, let me get this strait. You was us to walk down the railroad tracks ALL THE WAY TO CANTERLOT!?”

“Da, you act like weak man. Come, we walk.”

They moved onto the tracks and began the long hike up the mountain to Canterlot. It was a long trip, so Alexi decided to liven them up with a song.

“Who wants to sing along as we walk?” he asked

“What did you have in mind?” William replied.

Alexi thought about a song everyone would perhaps know. He couldn’t think of one. All songs that he knew in English were School House Rock tunes, which is how he primarily learned to speak the language. He eventually came up with one that he had known since childhood.

“Tell me if you recognize this one.”

Alexi cleared his throat.

“Soyuz nyerushimyy respublik svobodnykh

Splotila naveki Veilikaya Rus…”

It was the Soviet national anthem, something that would always lift his spirits, if only for a little while. William knew the song by heart, and joined in…

“Da zfravstvuyet sozdannyy volley narodov

Yedinyy, moguchiy Sovetskiy Soyuz!”

By now Rainbow Dash was listening. She heard the song many times as her little boyfriend sang it all the time. She didn’t know what any of the words meant, but she sang along anyway, to comfort him.

“Slavsya, Otechesto nashe svobodnoye,

Druzhby narodov nadyozhnyy oplot!

Znamya sovetskoye, znamya narodnoye,

Pust’ ot pobedy k pobede vedyot!”

All the others walked behind them, not speaking a word. None of them knew the lyrics, nor what they meant. Preston stayed back as far as he could as Alexi’s booming voice sang. Fluttershy went back with him, hoping he was alright.

“Are you alright love?” she asked in a gentle tone.

He nodded.

“Fine, it’s just t…t….that, that song strikes m….m…me with fear…”

“Why’s that?”

“Because he’s a m…m…monster, and that damned a….a….anthem gives him power…”

“How awful…”

“Yeah…so whenever he sings it I prefer to s…s…s…stay away from him.”

“Why don’t I go talk to him, will that make you feel better love?”

“I d…d…don’t want him to hurt you…”

“He won’t hurt me, I don’t think he has the will.”

Preston looked her strait in the eyes.

“He could kill all of us if he w…w…wanted to, I’ve r…r…read his little black journal. At l…l…least, the parts I could read. He murdered people…I…I…I don’t know who they were…b…b…but he kills people!”

Fluttershy just stared back at him, then at Alexi, who was now glaring back at them. He could hear every word, he wasn’t THAT stupid. He knew that Preston read his little journal. He must’ve read the part about his slaughter fest. He didn’t care if Preston thought he was a murderer, because everyone assumed that. He hated being called a lummox, head strong…worst of all, he hated being called a monster. He reverted his gaze from them and continued to walk along the tracks as the others hummed along to his tune.

“He sure is a scary man.”

“Very, and he heard us…oh g…g…god he’s going to kill me…”

“Not while you’re in Equestria, I won’t let him lay a finger on you. Understand?”

Fluttershy flew down and gave him a kiss.

“T…t…that means a lot…thank you…”

“Don’t worry about it. If that’s alright….we have to warn the princess.”

With that they rejoined the group, and sang happily as they walked along the tracks to Canterlot…


Merasmus and Johnny climbed the steps to the great hall. It wasn’t guarded at the time, and they slipped right in. Merasmus stood in front of the throne, staring at it.

“Yo man you alright?”

“Look at it. Soon that will be mine…”

“You mean ours. You ain’t getting rid of me that easily.”

On the contrary, Merasmus only needed Johnny for one final task. Since he couldn’t open doors that were magically sealed, he needed Johnny to open Celestia’s bed chambers. Once he was in, he would dispose of him once and for all.

“You’re right my friend. I can’t get anything past you.” He chuckled lightly to himself, and he quickly walked over to the side doors. “Quickly, this will take us to the bed chambers. Open it!”

Johnny did as he was told, and opened the doors for Merasmus. Merasmus morphed into his black mist form as Johnny ran. They reached the tower that was Celestias bed chamber. It was guarded by two large earth pony guards. Merasmus couldn’t control these ponies, but this was the perfect set up to eliminate Johnny from the equation…

“Johnny…I need you to follow my lead.”

“What is it?”

“Just stay in front of me.”

He was overtook by a black aura, and Merasmus transformed into a large unicorn, complete with a horn, and royal armor.

“It is time for your purpose to be served Johnny.”

With a magical black aura he levitated Johnny and approached the guards.


In a voice that wasn’t his own, Merasmus mimicked the voice of a regular pony.

“Men, I caught one of the hoodlums that escaped. He was trying to break into the great hall.”

The guards looked at him with surprise. They fully believed he was their captain, but they couldn’t believe that he caught Johnny so easily.

“Now, I need you two to take this vermin to the dungeons where he belongs. Understood?”

“YES SIR!” the guards answered in unison.

“Good, oh before you go would you kindly open the door. I must speak with the princess.”

“Yes sir.” And the guards opened the door.

“Thank you gentlemen. Now take him away.”

As he trotted passed the guards, he placed his hooves on their shoulders. A black aura flew from his hooves and engulfed the ponies for a brief second. They seemed dazed after it occurred.

“Didn’t you hear me? MOVE IT!”

“Yes sir!”

The guards then dragged Johnny off, as they did he screamed at them.

“NO! Can’t you see he’s tricking you? It’s Merasmus! Don’t arrest me GET HIM!”

Merasmus spoke silently to himself.

“Farewell my friend. Your services are no longer needed…


They were close to Canterlot now. They had been walking all through the morning, and they were so close. Alexi powered through in the front, while the others limped lazily behind him. He turned around to face them, and hopefully get them motivated.

“Come on people! We are close! I can see Canterlot from here. Let us move out!”

They followed behind him even more lazily, they were tired, weary, and weak. The only ones who weren’t really tired were Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, who had the option of walking if their wings got tired. At the time, they were flying above the others, Rainbow being closest to Alexi.

Fluttershy was thinking hard to herself. She hated thinking about that bully Alexi, the way he harmed her boyfriend constantly. She had had enough. She flew down and began to talk to him, in a rather stern tone.

“Alexi, I need to speak to you…if that’s okay?”

Alexi just turned his head, giving the yellow Pegasus a glare that scared her to her very core.

“What is it?”

She was petrified by his gaze.

“I…uh…I need to talk to you about something….”

“Well, spit it out!”

“I um…never mind…”

“Then leave me be…”

She fluttered back up to Rainbow Dash, nearly shaking.

“What’s wrong?” Rainbow Dash asked her little friend.

“He scares me…”

“He scares everyone. You just need to be brave when talking to him Fluttershy.”

“But…he may hurt me…”

“He won’t hurt you. He wouldn’t dare hurt you.”

“But he hurts Preston.”

“Well I won’t defend him on that. But understand he’s not going to hurt YOU. Underneath, he’s just a regular man.”

She looked down on Alexi as he walked, humming to a tune that nopony seemed to know. He was content with walking to what seemed to be his own parade.

“How do you that Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked, wondering why she was defending him so willingly.

“You’ll just have to trust me Fluttershy. He just puts up a front.”

“Alright….I’ll talk to him when he’s a little less angry then…”

“Sounds like a great plan!”

And the walking continued, all the way to Canterlot. When they arrived the doors were sealed, guarded by what seemed to be the entire Canterlot Royal Guard.

“We request an audience with Princess Celestia!” Alexi yelled.

No response.

“HEY! Answer me! We request an audience with Princess Celestia!”

Still no response.


This time, a response came from a lone soldier.

“We do not serve Celestia anymore…”

The group looked at each other in confusion. The royal guard didn’t server Celestia? Something was wrong.

“Then who DO you serve?” William yelled to the guard.

The guard said nothing. Instead he pointed to the tower that held Celestias bed chamber. Then he looked down at the group of ponies and men before the gate.

“You are not to enter.”

“Like hell I won’t!”

Alexi raised his gun and fired a shot at the gate. After a ricochet nearly took off his head, he decided that it wouldn’t work. He then proceeded in climbing the walls, but still no luck. The wall was too smooth to climb. He sat there and thought. William started laughing to himself.

“What is so funny?” Alexi asked with an angry tone.

“Nothing Alexi, I just love how stupid you can be! Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy can fly us over the wall.”

“Oh…I could have thought of that!”

“And you didn’t. Give credit where it’s do Alexi.”

Alexi just grunted and grabbed Rainbow Dash by the hoof. She raised him over the wall undetected, and soon the entire group was inside. They walked through Canterlot, noticing the streets empty, even for early morning.

“Something is not right…” Alexi said softly. “I suspect danger is near…”


Merasmus, still in pony form. Entered Celestia’s bed chamber, and saw the mighty Alicorn standing by her window. She turned her head towards him and stood shocked.

“What are you doing in here? I told the guards not to bother me.”

“Don’t worry princess, I’ll make quick work of this!”

He morphed back into his boney self, rushing Celestia and entangling her in a black aura.

“Now to eliminate YOU as a threat!”

He laughed maniacally, slowing walking up to Celestia. He placed his hand on her horn, and her eyes began to color themselves black. She screamed, hoping her guards would hear her. Unbeknownst to her, all of her guards, and even the civilians, were under Merasmus’ evil spell. She was powerful, and resisted Merasmus’ magic for as long as she could.

Luna walked in, hearing her sisters screams.

“Tia, I heard you screaming. Are you o….”

She stopped at the sight of Merasmus transforming her sister.

“Run Luna! Get to Twilight! She will know what to do! RUN!”

Celestra fell to the ground, her body lying there, not quite lifeless, but not entirely living. Merasmus looked with rage in his eyes.


He lunged at her, entrapping her in his magic. He placed his hand on her horn, nearly corrupting her. She witnessed Celestia stand up, she was saved. Upon closer examination she saw that she was no longer her sister. He eyes were black as the void, and she had this evil glare and grin on her face. A black aura surrounded her very being. That was no longer her sister, it was a monster. Luna kicked furiously, trying to escape. In a stroke of luck, her hind leg kicked Merasmus right in his jaw, loosening his grip and making him fall to the floor. Her magic gone, Luna flew out the window to warn the bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

Celestia opened her wings, and prepared to chase down her own sister. She was stopped by Merasmus, who placed his hand in front of her.

“Let her go. She can’t stop me now. So what if I don’t have the power of the moon. With the suns power I’m unstoppable!” He laughed maniacally as he walked to the window. “Celestia, I need the crown.”


They walked through the streets of Canterlot. Alexi, not wanting to admit he was lost, wandered aimlessly trying to find the great hall.

“We’re lost Alexi, why can’t you admit that?” Twilight asked sternly.

“Because something is wrong in this place…something does not feel right…”

He was right. The doors around them swung open magically, and all at once. Ponies exited their houses and walked slowly towards them. Alexi turned to face his friends.

“We need to get out of here, follow me!” And he ran strait through the horde of ponies.

He was closely followed by the others, who based their way though as best they could. The ran for minutes, before reaching a dead end.

“DAMN! There must be some way out of here!”

“Face it Alexi, we’re trapped…” William said in a dark tone.

They heard evil laughing from Celestia’s chambers, and something flying out the window.


Alexi was furious, he began punching at the horde that as upon them. Bashing them down with his hands, nearly breaking bones with his hands. He was surprised to suddenly find himself in the air, on the back of a black Alicorn.

“Princess Luna?”

“Yes, no time to explain, we need to get your friends.”


They grabbed her legs as the horde drew nearer, many of the humans grabbing their pony friends along with them. They flew from Canterlot, and were heading for Ponyville. They heard laughing coming from the tower, loud, insane laughing. It was followed by one single line.

“Ponies of Equestra! Hail your new EMPEROR!”

Ending Madness

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Luna flew as fast as her body would allow, with the carrying of 8 humans and 4 ponies and all. Merasmus took control of Canterlot, and Celestia along with it. They flew for what had seemed like hours, and even Alexi’s iron grip was loosening before they reached Ponyville. With a thud, the others dropped from Luna’s hooves and ran into Twilights house. Alexi was the last through the door, and quickly slammed it.

“We have problem. BIG problem.”

“You’re telling me!” Pinkie exclaimed. “That big meany just forced his way into power! THIS IS VERY BAD!”

“Da, I know is bad. We need plan.”

“What is your brilliant idea this time Alexi? Climb over the walls again to those zombie ponies? Or maybe we’ll just sit here and wait till this blows over and Merasmus has had his fun!” William was angry now, everything that Alexi did always seemed to backfire. What would they do?

“You better watch your mouth you tight pressed son of bitch!”

“What are you gonna do about it IGNORAMOUS!”

Alexi’s hand began to clench into a fist

“Don’t like that? Oh what’s another one…”

“You will be sorry you did this…”

Preston chimed in


Alexi’s eyes glared at Preston, flames nearly bursting out of his ears.

“What did you call me!?”

“Y…you heard me….YOUR A FUCKING MONSTER!” Preston shouted again, feeling good that he had finally stood up to Alexi.

Alexi was furious, he hated that word. He was not a monster, but if they felt that way it looked like he would have to prove it. He stormed near Preston and grabbed him by the collar.

“Bad decision weakling!” He threw him to the ground, the floor nearly cracking under the pressure.

“No one calls me monster….” He began to reach for his gun.

He wielded his gun and pointed it strait at Preston.

“STOP!” came a loud female voice

Rainbow Dash flew in front of Alexi, forcing him to lower his weapon.

“This is going to get us NO WHERE! We can’t fight amongst ourselves like this!”

“She is right.” Replied Luna. “If we fight ourselves, that madman wins.”

“Put it down Alexi.” Rainbow Dash said in a stern voice.

Alexi, now fuming with rage, begrudgingly holstered his handgun and stared at Preston, moving his fingers to his eyes to let the boy know he was watching him. He then turned to Luna.

“Princess, what did you see?”

“I saw my sister transformed…one moment I heard screaming…” she began to cry. “Next I see HIM morphing her into his slave…”

Twilight and Applejack went to comfort the distraught princess while Alexi paced the floor in thought.

“What’s the plan Alexi?” Rainbow Dash said as she flew over to her lover, discretely giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“I…I do not know.”

“S…s…so the GREAT ALEXI h…h…has no plan?” Preston said finally as Fluttershy was helping him up.”

“Don’t make him mad again love.” She said softly

“He’s all out of i…i…ideas.” He said to her “And I’m d…d…done with him”

He got up and approached Alexi.

“Your p…p…plans have always failed! Y…y…your nothing more than an o…overgrown dog! You beat me! You in…in…insult me! I AM DONE!”

Alexi just turned his head to look at the boy next to him. He didn’t do anything, he just let Preston stand up for himself. He was really quite proud of him for once.

“While you get angry, I have come up with plan.” He said in a very angry tone.

The group just stared at him, hoping that the Russian had come up with the most brilliant plan ever.

“Unfortunately, is very risky. I’m afraid only way to stop him… is to face him directly.”

Crap, just what they didn’t want to hear.

“Well, in case you haven’t noticed Alexi, Rarity and I don’t have any magic. Luna was depleted of hers so we won’t be getting any magical help.”

“I am well aware of that. We will all have to face him…together.”

“Care to explain?” William stated.

“Gladly. You see, If we all confront him, we can hopefully beat him. Is simple as that. Is only plan I have.”

“It’s a little too simple. He could easily overpower us.”

“I agree, but it is only hope…”

It was their only chance to defeat Merasmus. They agreed that Alexi’s plan was the only plan they would get, so, they stayed and planned their next move. How were they going to get back to Canterlot?


“This is DELICIOUS!” Merasmus said to himself in a giddy tone. “This magic is amazing!”

He levitated one of the statues that decorated the throne room, twirling it in the air before letting it crash to the ground.

“I don’t know why you don’t use this to your advantage Celestia.”

“You certainly use it better than I…” Celestia responded in a dead tone.

“I certainly do.” He chuckled diabolically to himelf.

“What about Luna, she will betray us master…”

“Don’t be so SILLY Celestia, she has no magic, and what can she do? Warn those silly little ponies? Please, Ponyville is under MY control, they wont find solitude there. Not there, not anywhere. They wouldn’t dare come for me, and even if they did, they are outmatched. We can let Luna live for now my dear princess. She will come to me soon enough…”

“But master…what about the Elements of Harmony?”

Merasmus looked confused. “The what?”

“The Elements of Harmony master…they can defeat all who stand in their way. It just so happens that those ponies are the bearers of them.”

Merasmus started to giggle.

“What is so funny master?”

“Celestia, those silly elements can’t do a thing to me. Not with your magic! It would simply bounce off of me. Besides, if what you say is true, then wouldn’t the elements be here in Canterlot? Safeguarded from others? They can’t possibly stop me with them. It’s utterly impossible.”

He stood up from his throne and walked to one of the many windows.

“They’re only hope…is hope. And they have none.”


Back in Ponyville…

“He has gained some pretty serious strength.” William said grimly

“What exactly can he do?” Twilight replied.

“Well, judging by what we saw in Canterlot, I’ll take an educated guess that he has taken the power from the unicorns to…make himself even more powerful. He brainwashed the ponies of Canterlot along with the guards, and Princess Celestia with it. He’s made himself uncontrollably powerful with their magic…”

The ponies stood baffled. They hadn’t seen somepony with the power of mind control since Discord was released. Could he be the reincarnation of the Chaotic lord? Certainly not, he was just a human. He couldn’t possibly have powers like discord. Chocolate rain, upside down buildings…

“How do we beat him?”

Alexi came forward

“We don’t, but we can still try.”

His words dropped their spirits like it was a brick.

“That doesn’t help us…If we can’t beat him why even try?”

“Because he hates hope, he cannot stand it. With it he is vulnerable.”

“So we need to hope in order to beat him?”

“Not exactly…”

“Then what do we do?”

“Is hard to explain, you must trust me. The stronger our wills, less he can do. But with power he has, he can easily manipulate you.”

They already decided to trust Alexi, but they were still skeptical about his plan. It wasn’t going to be easy to enter Canterlot, or would it?

“How will we be getting back to Canterlot?” Asked Twilight.

“Is simple really, we fly back on Princess Luna and suprise him.”

William confronted Alexi and his silly idea.

“So you want us to just walk through the front door?”

“Not walk, fly.”

“Whatever, he’ll be expecting us.”

“That is why we need distraction!”

Distraction? What could possibly serve as a distraction?

“How will we distract them?” Twilight said

“Is simple, one man, or pony, will distract guards long enough for us to slip by unnoticed!”

It was a simple plan indeed, but it was their only hope…

Suddenly, a knock came from the front door.

“Who could that possibly be?”

“Do not answer it…” Alexi said sharply.

“I doubt we’re in any danger Alexi.” Twilight said as she opened the door.

Boy was she wrong. They were greeted by black-eyed ponies, almost all of Ponyville. They were moaning, “Hail Merasmus…Hail Merasmus.”


Alexi quickly ran and slammed the door in front of Twilight.

“We must leave…”

“But our plan…”

“We will have to…wing it…as you say. Everyone on Princess Luna!”

They grabbed onto Luna’s hooves, and burst through Twilights window, flying back into the shit storm that was Canterlot.


“I sense a disturbance…” Said Merasmus as he paced the throne room.

“What is it master…”

“It feels like…I don’t really know. Never had this feeling before.”

“It is probably nothing…”

“See now I don’t think so. Hold on a second.”

Merasmus cast an eerie black mist in front of him, casting what was very similar to a movie screen effect. There, he saw our heroes, flying by Lunas wings to Canterlot. He quickly waved the mist away.

“Shall I dispose of them…?”

“Indeed. Time to prove your worth…”


They could see Canterlot in the distance, sitting on the side of the mountain. The humans were beginning to fall asleep, all but Alexi, who’s rage kept him awake the entire duration of the trip. They heard a booming voice from the Canterlot Tower.


“Damn! He knows we are coming!” Alexi yelled trying to wake up the rest of the group.

“Wha…what? What’s going on?” Replied William, stifling a yawn.

“Merasmus knows of our arrival! Take evasive maneuvers!”

“What does that mean?” Asked Luna.

“For love of God FLY THAT WAY!” and he pointed off into the distance. “Just try to avoid her!

“This is suicide Alexi! She can see us.”

“Is our only chance, LUNA! Keep flying!”

They didn’t make it far, before they had a chance to fly a few feet, Celestia rammed into Luna, causing her to spiral downwards. They landed on a rocky cliff side, pretty hard to. They stood up slowly, checking with each other to make sure they were alright. They were interrupted when a frightening roar from Celestia caught their attention.

“TIA!” Luna gave out with a frightened scream.

Celestia sped downwards towards them, she landed on the side and her horn lit up with a black aura. A mist appeared before them, and the shadowy figure of Merasmus stepped forth.

“Very good Celestia, good girl.” He patted the head of the hypnotized princess.

“Let me take them master…”

“Not yet my dear, but you’ll get your chance.” He looked at them with an evil sneer. “So, you ALL came to stop me? How funny!”

Alexi stepped forward. “You think this is JOKE!? We come to stop you, vile creature!”

“Oh quit being mr. goody two shoes Alexi.” He levitated the humans over behind him, to the center of the cliff. “You know, earlier today I was exploring my new palace. And I came across something rather odd. It was a dungeon, but not quite. It was crystallized, and as I explored it I thought to myself, this would be a great place to hold unwanted monstrosities…”

He turned around.

“Or decaying corpses…” He let out an evil laugh, and with a snap of his finger, the ground crackled open, caused the men to fall into the abyss below. A lone hand grabbed the edge, and lifted himself up before Merasmus could shut the hole.

“I will not go down so easily Merasmus…” Came an all too familiar voice.

“I figured as much Alexi.” He turned around to face him. “Now what are we going to do about it.” He looked up into the sky, pretending to think. He snapped his fingers. “I know! CELESTIA!”

Celestia appeared behind him, her eyes pitch black, her glare piercing Alexi’s very soul, or at least that’s what it felt like.

“Yes master…”

an evil grin stretched across Merasmus’ face, he pointed at Alexi. “Kill him.”

“With pleasure!” She charged at Alexi, quickly gaining speed. Alexi didn’t know what to do, he didn’t want to hurt Princess Celestia. He hesitated, but quickly regained focus, whatever he had to do, it would be done.

He swung his fist as Celestia charged, his gloved hand contacting Celestias cheek. With one punch, he knocked her into the ground, falling limp as he hit her. She lied there, still breathing, but obviously unconscious.

Merasmus began to clap. “Well done. Looks like you’re going to be a thorn in my side Alex.”

Alexi just glared at him. “My name is Alexi…”

“Oh I’m sorry ALEX! Why do you hate that? Seems rather silly.”

“My birth name is Alexi, and you will address me as SUCH!”

“Woah no need to get angry friend. But it seems a little silly. Alex, maybe they’d like to know?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You know Alex, I think you know VERY well…”

“Alexi what is he talking about?” yelled a very concerned Rainbow Dash.

“Is nothing, do not listen to his lies.”

Merasmus started laughing maniacally. “That was a funny one! I am the liar! HAHAHAHAH! I LOVE THIS!”

Alexi’s face turned to pure anger, he circled Merasmus like a lion circles prey, he was plotting how to murder this son of a bitch.

“What will I do with you Alex. What to do, what to do?”

“Shut up you maniac!”

“HA! Another funny! You’re a real comedian Alex! Back to seriousness. BOW TO YOUR EMPORER!”

“I shall do no such thing!”

“Alexi wait!” Yelled Rainbow Dash as she ran up to him. She leaped onto him and gave him a big kiss, a long kiss. One that actually broke his concentration. She pulled back and walked back to the other ponies, she looked at him and said, “Go get him Alexi.”

The look on Merasmus’ face was that of shock, quickly replaced by a very large sneer. He began to chuckle as Alexi regained his focus.

“What is so funny?”

“Well, well, well. This is quite delicious, looks like the big bad mad dog has a soft spot! HHAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! This day just keeps getting better!”

“Quit your babbling you soulless cow!”

“My, my, aren’t we feisty tonight! Now I’ll tell you once again, bow before your emperor.”


“Suit yourself Alex, but you will regret it…”

“Only thing I regret is talking to you for extended period of time when I could be ripping out your heart!”

“Oh my, you haven’t been this angry since…well since 1944 I think.”

Alexi stood there, shocked by what he had just said.

“What did you say…?”

“Oh nothing Alex, just a little thing I learned about you. Just forget about it. Hehehe…”

“I will not tell you again, MY NAME IS ALEXI!”

“Quit your yapping! It’s time to end this!”

“Fine then!”

Back where the ponies were standing, a frantic Pinkie Pie was bouncing around.

“C’mon girls! We can’t just let him do it by himself! Let’s help him!”

There was a collective YEAH, followed by a glare from Merasmus.

“Not so fast!” he shouted as a black mist emitted from his hands, surrounding the ponies in a black, cage like aura that they couldn’t escape from. Successfully eliminating the ponies as threats, Merasmus turned his attention back to Alexi.

“Brave little followers you have Alex. It’s a shame they’ll have to see you slaughtered.”

“You would not kill me and you know it!”

“Wouldn’t I Alex?”

“STOP CALLING ME ALEX!” He charged at him, his fist raising. It almost made contact with Merasmus, only his magic stopped his hand in its tracks. Merasmus merely waved a finger at him.

“Uh, uh uh.” And with a twisted grin he threw back Alexi’s arm, nearly ripping it out of its socket.

“Care to try that one again?”

Alexi stood there, gripping his arm in pain, he reached for his gun and drew it.

“No cheating now Alex! This is a mans game!” He levitated Alexi’s gun in the air and threw it off the side of the cliff. He wasn’t getting that back anytime soon.

“Fine then…” He raised his fists. “We fight like men!”

“I still have the upper hand Alex…”

“That does not matter! I can still KILL YOU!” he charged again.

Merasmus shook his head in disappointment. “When will you learn?” he said with a frown. He raised his hand and before their eyes Alexi was floating in the air, and as quickly as he came up, he flew down with force as Merasmus threw his hand at the ground. Alexi hit the ground with a loud THUD! He didn’t move for several moments. He raised himself up slowly, and stood in his battle stance again. Not even blinking, Merasmus raised his hands to show a thousand little lights above his head.

“Oh, is it Christmas?” Alexi yelled sarcastically

“Not quite my friend, this is my favorite toy!” and before his eyes they became little shards of light that spiraled towards him. He hesitated once more, and blocked his face with his gloves. The shards showered over him, piercing the skin, drawing blood on his arms, his hands, his legs. His face was safe behind his thick military gloves. The pain was so intense it forced his to kneel. When the wave stopped, he let his gloves down, and his trench coat was soaked in blood.

“Ah, wise move Alex. We wouldn’t want that pretty face getting injured now would we LOVER BOY!”

Alexi stood up, and charged again, it was the only thing he could possibly do. Merasmus was swift, and levitated him again, throwing him to the ground even harder than last time. Alexi was getting his butt kicked, and there was nothing he could do. He stood up once more, and prepared his battle stance.

“I am not one to physically break Merasmus, you of all people should know this.”

Merasmus pondered to himself for a second. “Yes, it appears you’re right for once. I can’t physically defeat you. But I know what WILL!”

He threw a fire ball, which Alexi was unable to dodge, knocking him off his feet. It caught his trench coat and gloves ablaze, and he removed them, stomping out the fire. Merasmus forced him down to the ground and magically threw him around until he was nearly unconscious. He left him there and went over to face the ponies.

“You are strong Alex, but not that strong.”

In a weak tone, Alexi responded, “Do not call me Alex…”

“Oh I see! Does your little lover here know about that I wonder?” He laughed and approached Rainbow Dash, grabbing her by the wing. “Your little lover boy is a MURDERER!”

The rest of the ponies stood shocked, all but Rainbow, who didn’t even flinch. Alexi slowly began to stand up, and laughed.

“She knows about that Merasmus, Dmitri, Vladimir, all of it.”

“You’re such a bad liar Alex. I can see right through them to.” He snickered to himself and faced Alexi once again. “Riddle me this Alex, does it hurt knowing you couldn’t save Vladimir or Dmitri?!”

Alexi just stood quiet.

“Try these on for size then Alex!” He morphed his body into that of Vladimir’s, and walked around Alexi, he began to mimic his voice. “You can’t do anything. Not even find strength to save me…you are disgrace to mother Russia and Stalin!”

“Nice try Merasmus, but we hated Stalin.” He said with a grin.

“He returned back to his normal form. “Dmitri begged for his life, didn’t he Alex. Why didn’t you? You could have spared them, and a few other people if you had just given up.”

Alexi didn’t respond.

“No response. What would they think of their mighty friend huh? Falls in love with PONIES! KILLS INNOCENTS! HAAAAAAAHAHAHA I LOVE THIS!”

Rainbow Dash’s face grew to one of concern once again. “What is he talking about Alexi?” she said again, hoping this time that she would get a real answer.


“Such a hot head, let’s fix that.”

A wave of ice flew from Merasmus’ hands. As it made contact with Alexi, he froze. He wasn’t frozen completely, but he had a hard time moving with the frost. Merasmus took this opportunity and forced him to his knees.

“Bow before your Emperor Alex…”

“I’d surrender to a Fascist before kneeling to YOU!” he spat at the ground, showing his displeasure. Merasmus was furious, and threw him into the ground, nearly knocking him out. He turned his attention once again to the ponies.

“Should I tell them the truth Alex? Should I tell them about the day you became a monster?”

Alexi was weak, but managed to let out an answer.


“Oh this is going to be DELICOUS HEHEHE!” He glared at the ponies, particularly Rainbow Dash. “Why don’t I show you his actions hm? Before I do, How many people died that day Alexi? 300? How many of them were ACTUALLY soldiers?”

There was no answer from Alexi

“Silent as usual. I guess about 100 of them were actually soldiers? What about the other 200 people Alex? What about them? Enough of me talking, time to show!”

Before their eyes was a black mist, portraying an image of Alexi, younger, and strapped to a chair. A gun was to his head.

“C’mon man I know this story, I know he uh…killed him.”

“Oh but wait miss Dash, there is more!”

The image spiraled to an angry Alexi, holding a gun to the man who had held him captive. They could here his words clear as day.

“Da Svedaniya.” CRACK! “Mongrel….”

The ponies sat down, transfixed by the image Merasmus was displaying. The sound of people could be heard outside the door, and Alexi kicked it down. He wandered outside, into a street, fuming with rage. He had been in a warehouse, in an occupied city, he didn’t know where. There were signs written in German alongside the road, and he headed for the nearest house. He slaughtered all the people, gunshots ringing through the air. He reached a house and kicked in the door, a German soldier was standing in the middle of the room with his wife and kid. He turned to Alexi and the look on his face became one of horror. He pushed his wife out of the room and reached for a gun, but Alexi was faster, and put a bullet through his chest. Enraged, Alexi threw pots at walls, bashed open doors, and destroyed valuables. He came to a closet in the kitchen of the house, when he opened it, he could see the wife hugging the small child. She stood up to block Alexi’s path, but Alexi just holstered his gun. He grabbed her dress and brought her near him, nearly ripping her dress off.

“What are you going to do to me?” She asked, trembling. She was a lovely,German woman, no younger than 30.

Alexi had an evil grin on his face, he leaned closer to the woman’s ear, and whispered.

“Make you watch…”

She looked in confusion, but he threw her to the ground and approached the child. He looked at the little boy, he was about 11, Maybe 10 years old.

“What is your name?”

The boy didn’t answer. Then Alexi struck him.


The little boy slowly rose up, and responded. “Alexander, Alexander is mein name.”

“Huh, Alex, is very beautiful name…” He got a grin on his face again.

He drew his handgun

“I am sure your Führer will have good use for you…in hell”


Alexi’s face was one of sick enjoyment, as the boys body fell to the ground. As the picture faded away, a woman’s cries could be heard, followed by another gunshot. The picture faded away, and soon all that could be seen was Merasmus’ grinning face.

“Now you see what he is! What he can do! What he HAS DONE!”

Rainbow Dash looked at Alexi, who was facing them, his face just expressionless.

“Alexi…tell me he’s lying.”

He looked down.

“I wish he was…”

All the ponies gasped at his response, some gave him dirty looks.

“There is not one day that goes by I do not wish I could take it back! YOU KNOW THAT MERASMUS!”

“Do I now? Is that why you wanted that infernal contraption built? First, you tell us it is to relive the glory days. Then you tell your little lover pony that it was to save your friends. Now you tell me that it was to take back that mistake? Is that really the goal? You just want to experience the JOY OF KILLING AGAIN! YOU KNOW IT!” He said with an evil smile. “ADMIT IT! Face it Alexi, you’re a monster. I have been perfecting a new trick…”

He waved a hand over his body, splitting it into 6 different parts, they all formed slowly into the ponies that he had come to know…complete with voices. They shouted at him.





Alexi stood his ground, but they continued.




He continued to stand ground, but showed weakness, the crushing blow came from the model of Rainbow Dash.

Hated Monstrosity!

Alexi looked, he fell to his knees, and he wept. He punched the ground and fell immobilized on the ground. Merasmus just laughed insanely and he approached the ponies once more.

“YOU SEE!? Your only hope is nothing more than a monster. Still have hope? Take a look! I have won! Don’t believe me little ponies? HERE! Miss Fluttershy, your little lover Preston is in a world of hurt!”

He waved his hand over his face, and his face became that of Prestons.

“Y…y…you’ll never see m…m…me again….” He waved it back and laughed horribly.

He faced Rarity and Twilight.

“Miss Sparkle, Rarity, what would William think of you two?”

Once again, he waved his hand over his face and morphed it into Williams.

“I’m quite sorry but my research is far more important than anything right now. I can’t stand you guys, you bother me too much and I can’t wait to go home. No hard feelings girls!” Waving back to his boney self, he faced Luna.

“What about your dear SISTER?!” he pointed a boney finger to Celestia, still lying out cold on the rocks. “She’ll be one delicious meal after this. I’ve never had sun goddess before!”

He turned to Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie Pie, doesn’t it hurt you that you could never make that fat oaf Orvil SMILE?”

“Not one bit! I couldn’t figure out why, it bothers me but it doesn’t hurt me!” she said with a large smile.

“Then maybe you’d like to see it though HIS eyes!” he grabbed her hoof and an eerie black mist formed around her, she lost color, her eyes fell. She began to cry.

“PINKIE!” yelled out Rainbow Dash “What did you do to my friend!?”

“Oh I simply opened her obnoxious little eyes to reality. Maybe that’s what you need?” He morphed his entire body to that of Alexi’s, and began to mimic his voice. He grabbed Rainbow Dash by the neck and puller her closer.

“What do you think of me now? Am I still your only lover? The monster within me cannot be controlled you know…I will always be this way. Do you still love me?” and with that he morphed back to his normal form, giggling like a school girl.

“Now it’s time to finish the job.” He turned to face Alexi and began walking over to him. He was still sobbing.

“Alexi! Get up! Fight him!” yelled Rainbow Dash.

“What is point!” he yelled as he stood. “I am monster…”

“You are NOT a monster! You hear me! NOT A MONSTER!”

“Is good that you try to make me feel better. But I deserve this…”

He approached Merasmus and knelt before him. “Do what you want.” He said.

Merasmus looked at him, he levitated him up and swung him around like a ragdoll. Alexi wasn’t putting up a fight anymore. His will was broken. Merasmus was almost finished, and threw him to the ground as he readied his final blow.

Rainbow Dash cried out. “Don’t give up Alexi! You can’t give up! You can’t lose!”

“and why not…”

“Because I LOVE YOU!

Those words rang out across the land, louder than a sonic rainboom. It caused Merasmus’ head to turn.

“How sweet, It’s going to be a sad ending once I’m done with all of you!”

Alexi prepared for the worse, as he closed his eyes, and waited for Merasmus’ final blow. They both heard something. Singing, coming from the ponies, Fluttershy in particular. She was singing a familiar tune.

Soyuz nyerushimmy respublik svobodnykh

Splotila naveki Velikaya Rus…

Fluttershy had had an idea prior to singing. Preston had told her before that that particular song gave him strength. It was really their only hope. As she sang, Rainbow Dash joined in with her. The others merely hummed, as did Fluttershy by the end of the first few lines. The only one that could be heard singing was Rainbow Dash, singing the Soviet Anthem proudly, hoping it would help her lover.

Alexi heard their singing. It filled him with hope. Her voice was beautiful, like an angel. If he weren’t an atheist, he could have sworn that she WAS an angel. Yes, what he did was horrible, maybe unforgiving, but he wasn’t going to let that get in his way. He was a new man, a better man. It was time to prove it.

Merasmus turned to face him once more.

“I’ll shut them up when I’m done with you. Does this look familiar friend?” He warped his face to that of the Nazi SS Officer. “Any last words? Russian DOG?!”

A fist was all that Merasmus got, it knocked him off his feet as Alexi stood up tall, chest out.

“Just 4”

He raised his left hand, “Meet Hammer…”

He raised his right hand, “and Sickle”

Merasmus looked at him with anger, she stood up and morphed his body to that of Alexi’s, mocking his voice.

“Come get me lover boy! I know your moves!”

Alexi charged, as did Merasmus, and they struggled on the ground wrestling. Their fists hit each other in mid air, their kicks knocked each other down. Bites, punches, kicks, everything was in this fight. There was no way of telling who the real Alexi was, except for the fact that the real Alexi had cuts and bruises, a bloody shirt, and what was probably a broken leg. They fought and they fought. Eventually they were separated, and Alexi threw a large punch. Merasmus caught it in his magical aura, gripping Alexi’s hand and nearly crushing it. He returned to his ordinary self.

“We look like a broken record, AND YOU DON’T LOOK TOO MUCH BETTER HAAAAHAHAHA!”

Alexi forced his hand with all he had. The grip was unbreakable, and Merasmus began to gloat.

“You’ve lost! You’re a FAILURE! BOW BEFORE ME!”

“Not chance!”

Alexi’s had burst through the magical grip and socked Merasmus right in the jaw. He kicked him on the ground and made his face almost unrecognizable. He broke his arms, he broke his legs, he was broken and bloody. He picked him up and dragged him to the edge of the cliff. Holding onto him by only one hand.

“You have caused too much trouble to live Merasmus!”

“You won’t kill me! You don’t have it in you! I won Alexi! I. Always. Win.”

Alexi brought Merasmus to his face, his bruised, beaten, bleeding, swollen face. He looked him dead in the eyes. Merasmus was still wearing a very evil grin. Then Alexi spoke.

“Da Svedaniya…”

Merasmus’ grin quickly faded away, and was replaced with horror he knew what Alexi was going to do.

“C’mon old friend you wouldn’t kill me would you?”

Alexi chuckled.


He threw him off the edge of the cliff, Merasmus screaming as he fell. Nothing was heard after a while, and Alexi walked over to grab his belongings.

The black aura around the ponies melted away, Pinkie Pie returned to her natural self, and Princess Celestia began to wake up. The large hole that had appeared earlier now reopened, and out crawled the remaining humans. Matt was the first one to speak.

“What happened? Did…did we win?”

William looked at Alexi. “Alexi what happened?”

There was no response. He simply began putting on his scorched, bloody trench coat and gloves back on.

“Alexi! What happened?”

Alexi completely ignored William, walking right passed him.

“Alexi?” came a lonely voice in the back where the ponies were standing. “Are you alright?”

Rainbow Dash looked at him, he just ignored her question. He was walking right up to her.

“Alexi what’s wrong? For Celestia’s sake answer me!”

Alexi just walked up and picked up the blue Pegasus. He gave her the biggest kiss that Equestria had ever seen, tears were welling up in his eyes. Their kiss lasted for minutes, causing the rest of the humans jaws to drop, All but Preston, who was being distracted by a tight hug from Fluttershy, although he saw the entire event unfold.

Alexi laid Rainbow Dash down, and spoke.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”


They both smiled, and walked over to the now standing Celestia.

“What happened?” I remember charging at Mr. Alexi then the next thing I know I’m waking up to a happy reunion?”

Luna rushed over to Celestia’s side.

“Tia! Thank the heavens you’re okay. Merasmus hypnotized you! Took my magic! I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you…” tears were in her eyes as she spoke.

“But you already have Luna, you helped them defeat that awful invader.” She walked over to Alexi. “Is there any way I can thank you for your service to Equestria?”

Alexi though about it for a second. “Niet” was his answer, “I have all I never need.”

“Unfortunately Alexi, we need to go home.” Said William, trying very badly to hide his delight over their victory.

“What about Johnny?” Asked Alexi

“He will be spending eternity in the crystal caverns, he won’t be seeing the light of day again. He should be thankful we’re not banishing him to the moon.” Replied Celestia.

“Is good plan, I like.”

“I assume everyone has their magic back?” Asked a curious William.

They all waved a few rocks around to make sure that everything was back to normal. With Merasmus defeated, there wouldn’t be harm coming to Equestria for a long time. They also wouldn’t have to sit through the tyrannical reign of an emperor.

“C’mon everypony! Let’s go home!” Yelled Pinkie as she stood near Celestia.

They gathered around as Celestia readied a teleport spell. Before the spell occurred, Alexi gave Rainbow Dash one last kiss on the lips and whispered, “Ya lyublyu tebya do.” And they teleported back to Ponyville.


The day had finally arrived. It was time to go back to their dimension, and man, some of them couldn’t be happier. They gathered at Twilight’s house, everyone, and everypony. Hugs were exchanged in place of goodbyes. Rainbow Dash gave Alexi a kiss before he stepped onto the pad. William and Twilight spoke briefly…

“It was amazing being here. Thank you for helping us with our little dilemma.”

“It really is nothing William. Thanks for the much needed…human anatomy lesson.”

“It was my pleasure.” He said with a large grin.

“Well, here, as a gift from us. You may need it if you ever attempt time travel again.” She floated a book over to him, Dimensional Rifts and the Time Travel Theory. William took it and put it under his arm.

“Thank you very much Twilight. I’m sure this will help me and my research. It certainly will be a unique edition to my book collection.”

He gave her a long hug, and stepped onto the pad. They prepared it for transportation.

“Preston! Come comrade, we go home.” Said Alexi

Preston, who was standing by Fluttershy, looked at Alexi, and back at his pony girlfriend.

“Actually guys…I th…th…think I’m gonna stay h…h…here, with Fluttershy. I love her.” And he leaned down and gave her a kiss.

There was a collective “aw” from the group, all but Alexi, who rolled his eyes.

“Well comrade. I hope you find happiness.” Alexi stepped off the pad and walked over to Preston. He looked down at Fluttershy and then at Preston.

“Is not easy to find love comrade. I am very happy for you.”

“Th…th…thank you Alexi, that m…m…means a lot…”

Alexi knelt down to meet Fluttershys eyes.

“Do you love him?”

“Yes, very much”

“Good, because he needs a lot. Lenin knows I never gave any to him.”

He stood up.

“Best of luck to both of you.” He then gave Preston a large, constricting hug.

As he walked back to the pad, he was stopped by Rainbow Dash, who jumped up and gave him a large kiss.

“Don’t forget about your promise.”

He grinned. “I won’t forget.”

They stepped onto the pad and prepared for their trip. They waved goodbye to their new pony friends, and William placed his hand on the button.

“Goodbye friends.” He said with a smile. “Hopefully we’ll see you all again.”

The ponies waved their hooves as their friends said their farewells.

“Well, time to go. Bye Preston, bye everypony. See you soon…I hope.”

He pressed the button, the transporter flashed and buzzed with flashes of lighting, and they left Equestria…headed back to their own world…


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FLASH! SIZZLE! CRACK! The dimensional teleporter made noise as it brought them back to their own world. They stepped off the bad, expecting to be back in Matts head. They were surprised to feel the grass of the backyard against their hands. They had permanently split from Matt, they had their own minds, bodies, everything. Immediately there was rejoicing.

“We’re home! We’re home!” William yelled as he danced in the yard happily.

“It’s too bad that Preston did not want to come back with us.” Said Alexi, a hint of sadness in his voice.

“WHO CARES!” screamed Matt. “I am finally free of you guys! I don’t have to be crazy anymore! YES! WOOHOO!” he ran into the house and went to take a much needed shower.

"What a douche..." announced Jackson. "You'd think that he found a pile of dosh in his pillow..."

From upstairs could be heard a faint "Money, money, money..." as Matt obviously understood the joke.

"Well, it's time to move on, looks like we need to get a move on with our lives." Said William

“Where will you stay?” Alexi riddled to the rest of the group.

“We can stay here, Matt doesn’t have the heart to throw us out I’m sure of it. At least until we can get jobs and houses and what not.”

“I see. Excuse me for one second.” Said Alexi as he walked into the house.

He went upstairs and grabbed a backpack, and stuffed it with food, a sleeping back, some matches, at least a gallon of vodka, and the revolver that Matt kept under his bed, it had exactly 12 bullets with it. He searched around the house for drinking water, a pencil, empty journal/diary, and cooking supplies. He walked outside and to the groups surprise, started to warm up the teleporter again.

“Alexi what are you doing?”

There was no answer, he was focused on his work with the machine.

“Are you going back to your time? The age of the Soviet Union I presume?”

“Nyet…” he said as the teleporter flashed and glowed. He was about to step in, but turned to his friends one last time.

“I am keeping promise I made to friend…”


Well, that’s the end of this story, they made it back home and everything went well. Matt in turn didn't throw them out, and had a hard time dealing with his new room mates.

The humans journey in Equestria has come to and end. But for Alexi, the journey has just begun