
by Blue_Hearts_Belle

First published

Dragon is turned pony, Quest to change it back, epic plot twist to end all plot twist

Faith Marie Shine, brown earth pony with silver mane, has found a dragon living very close to home. She has found out that this dragon isn't a dragon at all! But a pony, turned into a dragon by a witch! She needs help to turn her new found friend back into a pony by killing the witch! Plot twists

The story begins

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When I say, "Shadow," what do you think of? Maybe your shadow, blackness, nighttime? Do you think of other shadows? Of ponies and things? What if I told you that a mere shadow could change the world, if you gave it a chance?

I'm not talking about that moving black thing on the ground next to you, or that of a bird flying over your head. My shadow could fly, run, walk, and breathe. It was alive. That is because my shadow isn't merely a reflection. It was an entity. It was a beast. A beast that could summon an inferno from its jaws, a beast that could take to the skies like a bird of prey.
He was a dragon.

I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. Let me tell you my story, the story of Faith Shine the earth pony, born and raised in a sleepy religious town...

"Faith, no! That isn't a weed, it's a squash plant!" my mother criticized, grabbing my hoof to protect the vegetable.

"Why are we growin' it anyway?" I mumbled. I hated squash.

My mother let go of my hoof and smiled. "Well, your daddy likes it, and so do I. Now do what I do, alright? You have to take it by the roots, so it doesn't grow back, then before you cut it, you should make sure that..." she talked like that for hours it seemed. I lazily began pulling whatever looked like a weed, mumbling a song to keep myself occupied. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something out of place.

"Did you hear something?" my father grunted, looking up and around. My mother shook her head.

"No, darling. Only the wind. We got a weather report for lots of it, you know." I looked in the direction of the shape I had seen thoughtfully. That wasn't the wind, I thought.

"Ma, I'm going for a walk," I announced, standing.

"Take your sisters with you."

I whined, then hatched a plan quickly. "Okay, but I'm going to the library afterwards..." Soon, I heard moans of discontent.

"Moooom, we don't wanna go read books!" Harmony and Melody pleaded in unison. I chuckled a bit.

"Fine. Be back before dinner, dearest." I smiled, and with a quick nod, scurried away. I hate gardening, I thought with a grin, It's adventure time.

It was a beautiful warm June night, the birds were singing, the bees were buzzing. So I was expecting what I saw to be a bird. As I followed the shadows path, it led me to a clear, beautiful stream. I couldn’t get a clear look at it. The trees around me rustled when it landed, making me shiver. Whatever I was following let out a roar.

Now, I’m not stupid, I know birds don’t roar. So that got rid of my suspicion that it was a bird. Could it be a lion? No! We aren’t in a savannah and they don’t fly. But the only other thing is… no those don't live around here... Could it have been two animals? No, there was only one shadow. At least that’s what I hoped. As I peeked around the tree I was hiding behind I hoped, no, I think prayed would be a better word, I prayed that my fear wouldn’t be confirmed. Unfortunately, I was wrong, again! I hate being wrong. When I peeked my head out from around the trunk of the tree I saw eye to eye with a shadow colored dragon and I knew right then and there that I was a goner. As soon, if not sooner than I put my head around the tree, the dragon got up off the rock it was on and lept closer to where I was, seeming almost curious of what my being was. I stood as still as I could and tried to control my breathing, because frankly the dragon looked pissed. The key words in those sentences were could and tried, but failed. And slowly ever so slowly I could see the dragon inch forward letting its curiosity get the better of it.

It slowly inched forward and I stayed absolutely still. It took a minute or two but the dragon ended up a foreleg's length away. I decided to talk to it like I do my dog softly and calmly. Unfortunately, I couldn’t control myself enough to be calm because I was scared. “It’s okay...” I spoke, slowly reaching an outstretched hoof toward its muzzle. It flinched away in fear. But came back unexpectedly, then the dragon slowly but surely put its muzzle into my outstretched hoof, like it wanted me to pet it. I came closer to it. I looked over its very muscular, reptilian-like skin. I soon realized that it was a boy. He had emerald green eyes and like I mentioned earlier he looked almost like a silver shadow. He had four legs, like I would have expected. A tail and a set of delicately and intricately etched wings were also features of this mighty beast. A very cold blustery wind came by and reminded me that it wasn’t summer. No, not quite yet.

He kept rubbing his head against my hoof and leg cat-like as if trying to warm my hoof. I started talking to him again, “What's your name, huh? Do you know where your home is?” I waited for a reply but realized this was incredibly stupid. “Well, it doesn’t matter, you’re with me now. And I won’t let anyone or anything hurt you. But what should I name you?” I looked at the forest floor hoping a piece of paper would somehow land in front of me with a word on it but I knew that wouldn’t happen. I scanned the woods surrounding the two of us and then looked at the dragon again then at the floor underneath him. Then I had a flash, well maybe it wasn’t a flash maybe more of a blonde moment. “Shadow…” I whispered “Shadow!” I said. Louder than I needed to but the dragon didn’t jump, already used to my spurts of awesomeness. He wagged his tail instead. I started to feel Shadows’ delicately etched wings.

I just kept stroking Shadows wings until he grabbed me by my mane and placed me on his back and took off so suddenly I almost fell off. That all happened in mere seconds. I quickly got a better grip around his neck and soon we were high above my little town named Hilly Hooves. I can imagine my mom now, seeing me in this position, she would be yelling her head off. Screaming something like, “Faith, you get away for that beast.” She would pause, “I told you to do something. Faith you listen to me this instant.” Followed by some more nagging. Now if Grace saw me like this she would be freaking out and crying, scared. Not for herself but for me, like a best friend would be and should be, but Trinity would be jealous. Just like the daredevil pegasus she is. Yes, I was going to keep Shadow a secret.

The sky was clear blue with not a cloud in sight. The forest was a dark green color, darker than Shadows’ eyes. I kept looking around. Our small religious town was beautiful from this height. I look toward my house. I looked past our backyard and about a mile away wall a huge waterfall! Hmm, I’ll have to use that for swim practice. Then I wondered where we were going. “Shadow, are you taking me anywhere important?” I asked and waited for a reply. It looked like he hesitated before replying. I finally got one in the form of a head shake. He shook his head side to side. Guess that’s universal. “Did you see that waterfall back there?” I waited and Shadow nodded. It felt a little strange talking to a dragon but it was pretty sweet because he was replying. I had gotten used to the steady beat of his wings against air. I had myself balanced after almost falling off. “Hey Shadow, can we check it out?” No sooner than I got those words out of my mouth we were turning. No, I take that back, a nice smooth turn was somehow too much to ask for. Yep, we had to make a complete loop-de-loop. Boy, I was NOT ready for that. I fell as soon as we reached the top of the loop. Of course we had to be upside down. I screamed as I pummeled to the ground.

Faith falls through the air

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I was finally caught. I grabbed hold of Shadows’ neck and I didn’t let go. Shadow looked at me almost as if to say ‘I meant to do that’ and then he chuffed like a tiger. “Don’t ever do that again” I told him sternly. I paused and laughed. “That was actually kinda fun. But do it again and I’ll kill ya.” I said jokingly. “Let’s go maybe we can make you a house over there. And I can work on my dive!” He nodded for some reason and then proceeded to fly faster. The day was pretty hot so the wind against my face and hair felt amazing. When we landed a couple of minutes later, we looked for the best place to start Shadow’s house. But Shadow ultimately decided where to set it up. He wanted three bedrooms, a few closets, a living room, a kitchen, and a mudroom, I would say a room that I have in my house he would nod or shake his head in disapproval. If he nodded I would ask how many rooms and he would blow smoke rings to equal rooms. When I asked him why he wanted all this he looked at me like ‘You’ll have to find out.’ After we, I take that back I had no say what so ever, he decided what rooms went where and how many rooms he wanted, I got help building from things and people other than Shadow.

“Faith, why are you planning to build a house?” asked one of my five year old twin sisters, Melody.

“This is helping me understand how to take care and provide for myself, you’ll understand when your older.”

“Don’t you like living with us?” questioned Harmony, the other snobbier twin.

“Yes, I love living with you guys but I would like to try living on my own.” I told them.

“Hun,” I love how mom always called me Hun. “close your eyes we have a surprise.” Moms southern accent made her sound funny sometimes. I didn’t know what else I needed. I had already bought the necessities that mom had and whatever I had forgotten mom remembered and gave me it. Dad was working on the plumbing and electrical things. My brother Mathew, was painting the kitchen, and living room a nice cinnamon color. Melody and Harmony were painting the bedrooms, my bedroom was going to be a teal turquoise color, the bigger room, Shadow‘s room, was being painted a sandy color. The guest bedroom was being painted purple because everyone in my family was born in February, it was so I could remember, suggested by Harmony. “Okay, now open,” I opened my eyes, and I burst into tears.

“Jude!” I sobbed. “Jude, what are you doing back so early? I thought you were in Canterlot helping with the war.” Jude, was my eldest brother, had gotten drafted into the war when I was a junior in high school. Reluctantly, he had to close his own business, he was a carpenter. I had hoped he was okay. My hopes were herd and I was glad he was okay. Jude had always been like a father to me although he was only nine years older than me. My dad had gone of to war when I was born. So Jude always looked after me.

“Faith, I had forgotten how tall you were!” Jude joked. I was always short but I had gotten a huge growth spurt in my senior year in high school. He hugged me and hugged back. It was so good to see him.

“Judie,” I sobbed hysterically, giggling at my baby nickname for him. “I’ve missed you so much.” I cried.

“I’ve missed you too Marie.” He used my middle name, I’ve always hated my middle name but now it didn’t so bad. Well, not as bad as the war.

“Jude,” I wiped away my tears. “not that I don’t love having you here. But,” I questioned. “Why are you here?”

“Mom sent me a letter telling me that you were moving out and looking for a carpenter. I told my captain what was going on back home with you and how I was there when you were born and took care of you when dad was in war and right there he said “Go home son, I understand. It was like that in my home. My sister died when I was in war. And I never got the chance to see her graduate or get married or have her first foal. She was only thirty-five.” Jude did the best impersonations. So I knew that’s what the captain sounded like.

“Thank you Jude,” I said solemnly. “for everything.” He finally let me go, I think that was the longest hug I have ever gotten.

Home making Tips

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The next few weeks flew by so fast you would have thought time travel was possible. Jude did the carpets and tiled the bathroom and a few places in the kitchen. Dad and Jude worked on the roof and the basement. Jude was extra careful on the basement because we lived in tornado alley. Together, Jude and I, we put on the double doors leading into the master bedroom and the front double doors. Before I knew it school was over and I was leaving home. I was going to be so bored all alone with a dragon. Great!

“Faith, Don’t leave me.” whined Harmony, like always she cared more about herself

“You’re the best sister ever, Faith.” cried Melody, now I started getting teary eyed but I couldn’t say anything, if I did I would start nonstop crying.

Matt was a little stronger than my sisters were. But was still was pretty worried. About my chores. “Faith, if you leave who’s gonna do your chores?”

Mom spoke up and said “Mathew, Melody and Harmony aren’t old enough to take care of Faiths’ chores, so you’re going to have to.”

“Mom, actually I was planning on taking Peace, so Matt won’t have to take care of them.”

“Okay Hun, Peace, was always your dog, but what about Courage and Chrysanthemum and Love.”

“Let the girls keep the cat, Courage has always disliked me, and I think it would be a good be a good chore for Matt to milk the cow. I was his age when I started milking Chrys. And Love is my horse.”

“But I don’t wanna milk Chrys. She hates me!” Mathew exclaimed.

“MOM!” I had to yell over Matt’s screaming. “I’m going to miss you.”

She hugged and kissed me and told me she loved me. “Let’s go outside.” she said.

“Hold on, I have to get my bags and pack up Peaces’ things.” I walked out of moms’ room and walked down the hall to my room. I walked into the room I had shared with Jude and I thought about the time we had to decide on a color for our room and we both liked blue, so it seemed like it was going to be an easy task. However, I liked a vibrant almost white blue and Jude had spotted a sapphire blue. We fought for a while and then we both agreed to pick a color somewhere in the middle. It was a turquoise color and it looked a little girly but Jude was okay with it. I think it was because he never like to fight which made it really ironic when he was drafted first for war.

After Jude left for the war, Luke, my baby brother, moved into the room. I guess now Jude was moving back in. I walked up to Lukes’ crib and picked him up. He was awake from all the commotion. He reminded me so much of Jude and how much I had missed him. I kissed Lukes’ forehead and set him gently into the crib. He watched me as I got the rest of my stuff and Peaces’ things packed. I finished and walked up to Luke again I kissed him forehead once more, picked up a little toy I made him when he was born and placed it into the crib with him. I picked up my bags and left our room.

When I got to the front door I set down my things and opened the door. I walked down the porch to the barn. I walked in and up to Chrys. I patted her, thinking about all the times she had kicked me when I had pulled to hard on her udders. Poor Matt, if I had this trouble I knew he would too. I left and called for Love. I said my final goodbyes. I hugged everyone and told them the directions to the new house, my new phone number, and when they could come over, so I could have time to hide Shadow. After mom giving me wet shoulder and me giving Jude a wet shoulder, I grabbed my bags and left with Peace following right behind us. When I got to my new home, I unpacked all of our things. That’s when disaster struck.

Sooo sorry this one is short

Shadow story is told

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Wouldn’t you know it, Shadow showed up. Peace attacked him thinking Shadow was trying to hurt me and Shadow was about to burn her to a crisp. “Shadow! Stop! Stop!” I yelled over the commotion. “She’s my dog. It’s okay, calm down.” I turned my attention to Peace. “Peace, bad girl, bad girl. Go lie down. Bad dog.” I said sternly. I said running up to Shadow. I hugged him to get him to focus on something other than my precious puppy. I stroked his head. “It’s okay.” I said calmly.

After a while he calmed down and I asked him if my animals could stay. I wondered why I hadn’t asked this earlier. At first he looked a little leery but he nodded his head. I hugged him again and said “Thanks.” Somehow it felt like I was talking to a pony. I led Shadow into his room. He got onto his bed, I tucked him in and said good-night. I went into the bathroom; I took a shower, used the toilet and brushed my teeth and hair, and went to bed. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. I was going to teach Shadow how to communicate.

The next morning, I woke up first, or so I thought. Shadow was up and strangely he was playing with Peace. I told him that I was going to help teach him how to communicate with me. He nodded. So I asked if he could write the alphabet in the dirt with his claw. I thought he would shake his head like he didn’t know what I was talking about. But he wrote the alphabet with great precision. Astounded I asked him how he knew all this. After I thought about this for a while I kind of figured he was unsure of people I mean being a dragon and all I understood.

He wrote, 'Faith, I am a pony.' He looked down at me sadly, his emerald gaze telling me that this was no lie. Slightly taken aback by this, I asked, "Is there anything I could do?" 'Come with me,' he wrote, 'to find out who I was before this. The
pony who did this wiped much of my memory of the event.' Shadow dipped his head, filled with sadness. 'All I remember is that I was once a pony, and that my parents were killed a day before my transformation.' "Why can't you talk if you were a pony, then? Can't dragons speak?" I queried, tipping my head a bit. The mighty black dragon turned to look at me with a great sigh. 'In order to keep me this way, without help, I was made mute. I learned how to write over the years in order to seek help.' Shadow laid down, seemingly exhausted from simply telling a story. "I don't think I'll be much help," I wavered, "but I can try. I'll help you, Shadow." Carefully, I reached and put a hoof on his side as a reassurement. He seemed to brighten up, perking and looking at me with a joy I have never seen before. With great excitement, he scrawled 'Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!' in the dirt nearby. The drake nuzzled my side affectionately. Smiling on the outside, I replied, "No problem, I'd do it for anypony." In my mind, however, I felt like I had just taken on a burden too heavy.

“When do want to leave and what should be packed?” He shrugged so I pack the necessities and we headed off later that evening. We only made it a couple miles until it got so dark I couldn’t see the muzzle on my face. I told Shadow to land and he made a little campfire while I made the shelter. Later on that evening after we had dinner and we were in bed, I told Shadow how scared and sorry I was for him.

I couldn’t fall asleep that night so I stayed up and made sure we had enough food to last us awhile or until we found a way to catch and kill food for ourselves. I finally decided I had gotten all of the worry out of me so I went to bed. After what felt like ten minutes, Shadow prodded me awake.

“Is it time to leave already I just went to bed.” I complained.

The look he gave me told me that it was my problem.

I guess that I was asleep for a while because Shadow had made breakfast, rabbits and eggs I assume his version of bacon and eggs. “Shadow, where did you live before you got turned into a dragon?”

In the soft dirt he wrote, ‘Do you remember the day I dropped you? Well, I was planning on taking you that day. My town was nice and peaceful but that was before the witch showed up. She took little filly and made them slaves and if they didn’t obey her they were turned into dragons. I was the first one she turned into a dragon. Once the other ponies knew what she did to me, they all did her bidding.’

I was flabbergasted “How could someone be this cruel? Does she harm animals please tell me she doesn’t harm animals?” He didn’t answer.

This is the end soo far and this hasn't been edited so stay tuned

We need some serious help

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I know what your thinking, What's the difference between eating animals and abusing animals? Griffins eat animals and they thank them for thier life so they can live. Do you need to abuse animals to live, I don't think so. "Wait," I shouted suddenly "how are we, a dragon and an earth pony who has no magical or flying talent what so ever, going to take on a witch and her army of ponies?" I questioned.

In the dirt Shadow wrote 'Umm... I guess I didn't tell you about the guard of dragons, who like me is actually a pony, that breath fire and she has a castle surrounded by a moat. I guess i should have told you that earlier."

"Shadow we are going to need some serious help." This reminded me of a Daring Do adventure. I love those books. "Shadow we need my family, I know they would help! And we could get my friends and thier families and maybe Twilight Sparkle and her friends can help!" After Twilight and her friends saved the world from Discord and countless others Everyone knew thier names and everyone had a favorite. Ever since i was a little filly I have looked up to Apple Jack because she was always wiling to help a friend in need. I hoped she could come and help. "Well, what are we standing around here for. We better get going." We packed up and headed home, to my home, to my family.

A minute later we were in the sky and drifting lazily. I looked around. "Shadow? where is the castle?"

He stopped and I shifted forward. he turn around a faced the other direction, which was east. The sun was up. He turned back around and we headed of again this time faster than before. We were home shortly. I called for Peace and she ran toward me. I scooped her up and but her on Shadow.

"Woof" She barked happily. And we took off again.

Shadow landed at the 'Shine on' Family Farm and I called for my family.

"Guys, get out here! I need your help!" I screamed.

It took mere seconds for my mom to be outside. "Faith Marie Shine! Where do you get this dragon?"

"Mom, This is Shadow. Shadow my mom, Hope." And with that he took a big bow. my dad came out and my sisters and brothers.

"Hey who's this big fella?" Dad asked.

"This is Shadow everyone. Shaow this is Pete, my dad, Jude, my older brother, Luke, my younger brother, and my twin sisters, Melody and Harmony."

"Do you breath fire?" Asked Luke.

"Ooooh. He's tall." Melody said.

"Do you eat ponies?" Harmony questioned.

"Guys," I objected to all these rediculous questions. "Shadow needs our help. He had a spell put on him by an evil witch who kill his parents." That got everyone to shut up. "He actually is a pony."

That got a big "WHAT!!!!!" from everyone.

"Yes, Shadow here is actually a pony. Now I need your help to turn him back into a pony but starting a pony army to rise up against that witch."

"What you need us to do sis?" Jude asked.

"Jude, I want you to go around the next town and tell people about Shadow and ask them to join the army. We'll call it, Hooves for Hope!"

"Okay, I'm on it."

"Good, now Mathew you check town and make sure you check everywhere."


"Now Melody and Harmony you get Grace and Trinity."

"Okai Doki!" they screamed simltaniously.

"Then Mom and dad you go get all of our relatives."

"Okay Hon, we're off." Mom said chearfully.

"And while your doing that Shadow, Peace, and I will be heading to Ponyville to get ponies from there and that includes Apple Jack and the other ponies of harmony."

"Why can't I go with you?" Harmony whined.

"Why can't you stop whining for one day and do what I asked you without whinig for once." I think i hear crickets and mom didn't yell at me cause she knew I was right.

"Now everyone go go go!" and we all dispersed.

Now this is where it gets a lttle tricky. Everyone is doing their own thing right at the same time? So I'm going to break it all down and put it in different chapters!

Example: Jude- Chapter 6 Town Next Door

Mathew- Chapter 7 Rounding Up the Townsfolk

The Girls- Chapter 8 Bring all the friends

Mom and Dad- Chapter 9 Gathering the Shines

Shadow Peace and Faith- Chapter 10 Elements and the Great and Powerful

Town Next Door with Jude

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As I walked through Appleoosa I noticed that there were more dragons than before! I walked toward the mayors door, a path of rocks led my way. "Mayor Cherry? Are you in here?" I knocked on her front door.

"Yes? Oh Jude! It's so good to see you. Come in, come in." she beckoned. "Glad to see you're back from that dreaded war, my dear. What did you need, my boy?"

"I need to hold a town meeting. This is very important and you're help will be appreciated." I said trying to keep the steady tone in my voice. I didn't want to go to war again but this was important.

"You can hold a meeting in the square. But what is this for lad?"

"Mayor, I don't know how to put this. But if I must, I must. Mayor..."

"Ohh just call me Cream, much less formal." the tan mare informed me.

"Okay, Cream? Have you noticed any ponies missing?" I questioned.

"Why yes, yes I have. Why do you now where they are?"

"That's just the thing Mrs. Cream, I do. But I want to tell everyone at once, Rally all the ponies, Mrs. Cream, I get Coffee to help, too. We need to hurry."

The pegasus nodded and flew off hollering "Everypony to town square now everypony to town square." I left the house and went down to town hall where Mr. Coffee Cream worked as Sheriff.

"Umm... Miss?" I asked politely, It had been a while since we had lived in the south and my accent was finally showing, It always did that when I said stuff to pretty young mares. But when i saw this mare... I don't know... somethin just clicked.

"My name's Dawn." the dark blue mare said typing away on her keyboard. Her voice sounded like bells. She had glorious light blue eyes looked like she had little blue gems for her eyes and I found myself not being able to look away.

"Umm.. Miss Dawn... can you call for Mr. Coffee Cream?"

"Yes I can." She pressed a button and talked into the microphone. "He'll be up in a moment." she finally looked at me. She had a beautiful short white mane that made you look at her face, she had bangs and freckles. I have never said this about any pony, but she was beautiful. "You can have a seat right over there." But I couldn't move. I was hypnotized. "Umm... is there something else you would like?"

My moment of stupid had finally come to a peak, and in a very serious moment of stupidity I said, "You." in a hushed tone.

"What?" she said sounding like she was questioning the thought that she was pretty.

"I want you." I said. "You're gorgeous. Can I get your number?" I murmured.

"Yes." she quickly grabbed a piece a paper and a pen and jotted something down. "Here." the unicorn said shoving the piece of paper into my hoof.

"Ohh... Jude. What a surprise? Did you need me?" Sheriff Coffee said stepping out of the elevator.

"Yes, I need you to gather all the ponies outside in town hall," I said looking around at the very luxurious hall. "Wait! I have an idea!" I ran up to the fire alarm. "I have always wanted to do this!" and with that I pulled. The sirens blared and ponies screamed. "Sheriff, go unlock the jail cells we need everypony we can get. Dawn, you come with me we need to get everypony out of this building!" She nodded and we ran up the steps to the first floor. "We need to get everypony out into town square. Everypony please leave this building." and with that ponies got up out of their seat and walked down the steps, nice and orderly. Who in the world taught these ponies how to escape a fire! "You ponies are crazy! Run!" Progress, Finally!

At ground level the ponies broke the glass doors and ran over the loveseat I was told to sit on earlier. Once we were outside I halted the ponies and told them that I needed everypony in the square. The ponies nodded and took off and a few selective pegasi flew away to get friends and family. A few minutes later with most ponies accounted for I made my speech.

"Ponies of Appleoosa, Have you noticed lately that there is a couple of ponies you haven't seen around?" I got a couple of nods. "My sister, Faith Marie Shine, has found a dragon living very close to home." That got gasps. "She has found out that this dragon isn't a dragon at all! But a pony, turned into a dragon by a witch! Faith says that to turn her new found friend back into a pony we need to kill the witch!" Cheering.

"But why are ponies disappearing?"

"Good question! They are disappearing because she is creating an army of fire breathing dragons, those dragons are ponies forced to do her bidding. My sister has gone to Ponyville looking for help. Please we need all the help we can get. For all we know there could be fillies being tortured. Please! Help us, Help you. Because if we don't stop her, she will eventually rule the Equestria. Please help!" Continuous cheering, ponies one and all stomped their hooves. "Join Hooves Hope!"

"Where do we sign up?"

"Sign right here on this paper with the name of our army, 'Hooves Hope', on the podium and then after you sign up, you state your name into this here microphone." Ponies of all ages signed up and stated their names.

"Dusk Sky." a stallion unicorn.

"Rainbow Swirl!" a mare pegasus.

"Ruby Shores!" a mare unicorn.

"Minty Hooves!" a derpy stallion earth pony.

"Sunrise Skies." a stallion pegasus.

"Vanilla Wind!" mare Earth pony

"Golden Moon" Mare earth pony

"Indigo Sun" Stallion earth pony. to me, Golden Moon and Indigo Sun looked acted like siblling twins but they didn't look at all alike.

"Marshmallow Beam!" a stalion Pegasus.

"Dawn Flower." a unicorn and also my soon to be girl friend

Everyone soon was signed up. I told everyone for the next few months to have a buddy and to tell the mayor if anypony went missing. I started to leave but I sooon heard, "Please don't leave yet. I don't have a buddy."

I turned around to see Dawn. "Dawn, I have to go. My family needs me."

"Then I'm coming with you." She insisted.

"But they need you here, Dawn."

"No! I'm coming with you!" I started to objected, "And that's final!" That was that and I was okay with it.

"Okay, come along then." And with that we left for home.

Rounding Up the Townsfolk with Mathew

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This is so cool. I’m running through the wood to go to town to find ponies to make an army for my sister so she can kill a witch to save her dragon friend. I get to make an army! I slowed my pace. I looked around as I came to a jog. I never new how pretty our woods were. I crossed the bridge that went over the Trotwood stream. It babbled loudly. As I walked into town, I wondered how I would get as many ponies as I could to join this army, 'Hooves for Hope', my sister started.

I walked up to Cloud Twister. One of my best friends. His hunter green coat streaked across the sky. Being the fastest pony in town his Cutie Mark is a shooting star. I've always been jealous of his wings but when he got his Cutie Mark, I knew I had to do anything in my power to get my cutie mark too.

"Hey, Cloud Twister!" I called him over. "I need your help."

Cloud sped over to where I was, "Yea Bro, What'ja want?"

In my most dramatic and awesome- ist voice ever I asked, "We need... to make... an... ARMY!"

"Why do you need to make an army?... If you don't mind me asking." Said a calm and gentle voice.

I turned around to see a Stallion about Faiths' age. "If you don't mind me asking." Cloud mocked the unicorn.

I grabbed Twist by his ear and turned him around and whispered "Dude, Cloud, Could you shut your trap for a second,"

"Why he's just a'nerd?"

"We need all the help we can get, besides he's older than us, and that could be a cover, for all we know, he might be a secret agent or somthin'." I turned Cloud back around. "What's your name?" I asked the dark green pony.

"My name is Serene Pie, What is yours?" the very polite unicorn asked.

"Mathew Shine, And we need to make an army because of my sister, we need all the help we can get because we're up against a scary witch and her fire breathing dragon army." I said as I wiggled my arms around.

"May I question why you know this?"

"Like I said my sister Faith found a dragon..." by this time ponies saw us talking and now we were surrounded, "But he isn't really a dragon, he's a pony turned into a dragon by that scary witch. So now the witch is making a fire breathing dragon army and if we don't stop her she's going to take over all of EQUESTRIA!!!!"

"Ohh well then, we must stop her mustn't we. Umm.. I guess I'll join. Do you have a name for this said army?"

"Yes it's Hooves for Hope."

"Hey Matt, How are you gonna keep track of all the people that join?" My pegasus buddy questioned.

"I will keep track of that if you would like," the brown haired pony said And with a poof of light green smoke a quill and paper appeared.

"Thank you, Now everypony that wants to join get in a single file line that leads to Serene Pie over there." Almost everypony got in line. A few minutes later everypony was on the list and they headed for home. So I did the same.

"Wait Matt, can I come with you?" Cloud asked.

"Sure, I guess."

"Umm... I could be of assistance...umm may i come i have always wanted to see a dragon up close?" the green stallion asked, he had a key lime pie on his flank.

"Sure, no problem."

And with that we all left for home. with my blue flank being the only bare one.