The Perfect Day

by GuyDaBoomster

First published

Princess Cadences Perfect Day

Princess Cadence has her special somepony propose to her. But things go wrong after that. Can Princess Cadence escape the nightmare she has been put in before its to late?

A different take of the Royal Wedding.

Chapter 1

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Cadence was in Canterlot in the towers, She could see Celestia and Luna side by side a gold source of magic from Celestia's horn and blue from Lunas, as Cadence sat and watched as Luna raised the moon and Celestia was Putting the Sun down she heard her name being called.

"Cadence!!" Cadence!!

She ran down the stairs and looked around

She turned around only to see the Captain Of The Royal Guard, Shining Armor.

"Oh hey. How"s Twilight? Asked Cadence.

Oh, I haven't seen Twilight since she was a little filly."

Shining Armor smiled Cadence gave one in return.

"So I was wondering if you would like to go to a dinner, finest one in Canterlot". Said Shining Armor Nervously.

Yeah, Says Who? chuckled Cadence

Princess Celestia herself! Said Shining Armor.

"Oh well she is never wrong when it comes to food!" "Best chefs in town."

"But umm yeah that sounds great!" said Cadence

Ok well is 8 alright? asked Shining Armor

"Yes Of course." Said Cadence

And Shining Armor Walked Off.

Oh my.......I must look good for the Princess. thought Cadence

"My only Choice is to go to Rarity in Ponyville its the only way. I wish there was a faster way"

So she walked off to the train station in thought of the time limit she has been put on.

She was at the Train Station the train going to Fillydelphia was about to leave the Candy train was boarding its last people.

Cool a new dress shop! Cadence heard everywhere around her.

"Umm hello can you tell me where the new dress shop is?" Asked Cadence

"Down this road and to the left." Said The Nice Stallion "Wait! Your the Princess's Niece! Yes you're quite right but i must go. Said Cadence And she galloped out of there.

There it was the blue, green And gold Shop with little pegasus dresses and other types in all colors a little filly walked by with her mother "Mom can I have the gold one?" "Sure Sweetie. Mom your sweet, I get to go on my first date!

Hello. said the cashier. Oh Hi! can i have the blue dress with the flowers on it please? Asked Cadence. Coming right up said the cashier. A few moments later the mare came with the dress Cadence gave her the money and fled the store.


The dress on, Cadence walked to the castle about to see her coltfriend.

"Hey, Cadence" Said Shining Armor with a smile.

"Hello sweetheart" said Cadence.

There lips met and drew away.

Shining Armor looked petrified.

Shining, whats gotten into you? asked Cadence

I d-dont know Im just nervous because He sipped his drink, He suddenly fell to his hoof reached inside his pocket and pulled out a ring.

It was Cadence's turn to look petrified.

Will you marry me? Asked Shining Armor.

Its not for sure a no but its not for sure a yes, ill have to think about it ill tell you tomorrow.

The rest of the evening was awkward Cadence left a hour later and crawled in bed and thought.

Hes my boyfriend i mean we've been dating for over a year i think i love him that much to marry him. Yes I do. Im going to marry him!


Shining!!! Shining!!!! yelled Cadence. Are you looking for the captain of the royal guard? asked a Filly.

Yes hes in that large crown over there. said the filly. Cadence looked, there was a huge crowd and there he was Shining Armor.

Shining its a yes!!! Said Cadence

Shining gave her a huge hug

So how about the wedding be in 2 weeks. asked Shining Armor.

Sounds great! Said Cadence and she walked off.


There stood a hooded mare looking out of the windows in her house."Excuse me Queen Chrysalis our spies have come back." Said a small black figure.

"What did they say?" said the hooded mare

"There is a wedding in two weeks the bride is so loving for this Shining Armor person."said the small figure. "Where?" said the hooded mare. "Canterlot." he said We will capture the bride tonight and put her in the gem caves. said the mare.


Knock Knock Knock! Cadence got up and walked down stairs. Hell- Cadence collapsed to the floor knocked out. The last thing she saw was a black figure with blue eyes.


Chapter 2 - The Caves

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Cadence's eyes opened and closed and eventually opened fully, finally a huge open space with shiny surfaces that looked as if they were mirrors came into view.

"Hello?" Cadence flapped her wings which were useless and covered in dirt.

She tried to activate her magic but failed, all that came out was a little blue spark. "How long have I been down here?" thought Cadence.

Just then a identical Cadence was on a stone.

"Hello, Welcome to the Canterlot Gem Caves I have you imprisoned here because well, im a Changeling queen to be exact, and im going to feed of all your love for your little Shining Armor, is it?" "I can't possibly let you die or else I cant feed off your love for him." "So I will be sending down food to keep you alive and when the deed is done I will kill you, so here is your food and please enjoy your stay."

"Wait! You Monster!" But the identical had left the stone.

Cadence began to sob, "What will happen to Shining?" Why Me?" Cadence thought to herself.

Just then a tiny blue tray with a piece of crusty bread and a glass of water with a note.

A meal fit for royalty. Signed Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.

Cadence laid down and sobbed for hours it seemed but then she realized that there was still hope Princess Celestia had always said

When the evil is rising, good will happen.

She was never wrong. thought Cadence.

"Best dinner, Best sunset." " And Mom, best moon, But was imprisoned and now i feel her pain. I may have been with my niece for 1000 years but Moms here with me now and always will be she wasnt this weak I Bet, I must stay strong!"

Chapter 3 The Big Day

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Cadence had laid in a corner for two weeks, unable to scream, dying of thirst Chrysalis had only sent little food lately.

Cadence sighed at the boring white walls waiting for anyone, anything to help her.

Please.... Celestia help me!

Then all of a sudden


A slightly bigger tray than the last one came.

Cadence was amazed macaroni, chicken, green beans, milk!

This was everything Cadence could hope for!

Cadence began to eat...... and eat............ and eat.

Cadence saved half of her food but it was a pretty big tray.

Chrysalis..... wow.

Then Cadence heard something her heart exploded with hope.

She heard a muffled voice and it didn't belong to Chrysalis but there were two the voice wasn't alone.

"HELP!!!!!" Cadence shouted.

One voice faded away.


The wall erupted, pieces of the wall sprayed over Cadence.

She stood there shocked, standing there was Twilight Sparkle.

"ARRRGGGG!!!" raged Twilight.

Cadence had the wind knocked out of her Twilight had just tackled her.

Twilight got on top of Cadence and charged a huge spell.

"No Please!" yelled Cadence

"I've been imprisoned just like you." said Cadence

"Prove it." snarled Twilight

"Sunshine, sunshine lady bugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!" said Cadence

"Cadence!" said Twilight in amazement.

"We need to go." said Cadence.

"Right." said Cadence

"Get in the cart!" said Twilight a few minutes later.

Ok. said Cadence

Cadence and Twilight rode down the railroad and came to a stop in front of three ponys Lyra, Colgate and Moondancer.

"Sorry girls but im gonna have to do this."

Twilight had the same spell she was about to hit Cadence with.

SMACK! The three girls slammed into the wall and where knocked out.

"Lets go theres a hole in the roof, look!" said Twilight

Cadence saw a tiny hole in the roof. "Get on!" she said

She went through the holes and into the castle.

"STOP!!!" yelled Cadence.

The crowd gasped.

"How did you get out?!?! oh wait I dont care ITS TO LATE!" said the queen

The queen changed Ripping out new wings, horn and color.

You see my minions are already chipping the shield, nothing can stop me from feeding my subjects!

"Yes there is!" said Celestia furiously. "Now that you have so foolishly reviled yourself I can protect my subjects from YOU!!!" said Celestia and a huge gold piece of magic erupted from her horn Chrysalis jumped in surprise a green slip of magic erupted from hers.

They fought for a minute SMACK! Celestia was beaten and she slipped to the ground.

"No!" screamed Luna a blue light erupted from the tip of her horn Chrysalis looked amused and fired one back.

"Go!" "go get the elements, Cadence help Shining Armor." "Got it," and the mane 6 ran off. Cadence ran to Shining Armor. "Come on baby work with me." She casted a spell.

"Where am I?" said Shining Armor

Cadence smiled. "Come on do your protection spell." said Cadence

"No. Ill do more than that, Ill banish every one but the ponys of Equestria! A HUGE!! spell erupted from Shinings horn.

Chrysalis Disappeared and so did all the minions."

Cadence and Shining Armor Kissed and from that moment on they knew that relation ship would not pull away.


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Cadence walked across the red carpet to the stage in Celestia's castle the gold stage sat there with PinkiePie, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and the others of the Mane 6.

Celestia and Luna stood on the stage everypony was talking to each other.

Settle down! declared Celestia.

Everypony fell silent.

We gather here today to honor the real Princess Cadence and the one and only Shining Armor's marriage before we get started I would like to give a few awards... the firs is to Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight blushed a dark pink the others gave smiles, She walked to the stage to get her medal and walked back with a gold necklace.

The second, to Luna who fought off the Changeling queen while Princess Cadence and Twilight's friends helped to save the day.

The third is to Shining Armor who provided a protection spell and banished all the changelings.

Shining Armor walked to the stage and did not only receive a medal but a trophy.

The others to Cadence and Twilight's friends! said Celestia they all walked up and got their medals Cadence stay you ponys go, Shining Armor up here please! said Celestia

Now do you ponys swear that you will love and tolerate eachother forever? asked Celestia

I swear said Shining

Every one looked to Cadence

I swear. Cadence

You may kiss the mare!

There lips connected and they lived happily ever after