Fruit & Veg

by Earl Grey

First published

The 'Most Delicious Dessert Competition' comes to Ponyville!

One-Shot: The annual 'Most Delicious Dessert Competition' has arrived and this time it's being held in Ponyville. Granny Smith has decided to step down and allow Applejack to take her place as the representative of Sweet Apple Acres. In her first ever competition, will she be able to prove that she's got the apples to win?

Fruit & Veg

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Every year, a competition is held to discern who exactly can create the most delicious dessert in Equestria. This year it was being held in Ponyville.

The aptly named, 'Most Delicious Dessert Competition' attracted entrants from all over Equestria, all competing to win the coveted 'Most Delicious Dessert Competition Winner's Trophy'. The name having been changed from 'Most Delicious Trophy' because a previous winner had misinterpreted the title and attempted to eat it. After a visit to A&E and a subsequent stomach pumping, the trophy had been thrown away and replaced with a much nicer, harder to swallow version.

The rules were simple, create a dessert that was pleasing to the eyes, nose and mouth. The one that fulfils every category better than the others, wins.

For one earth pony, it was her time to shine.

Applejack had watched as Granny Smith entered the event each year, even helped create the desserts some times. This year however, the apple family matriarch had announced she would hang up her apron and that Applejack would be the one to take up the reins.

“Ah've learned y' everythin' y' should need t' know,” she said, laying a decrepit hoof on her granddaughter's shoulder. “Make me proud.”

In the grip of ceremony, Applejack did something that one wouldn't often see, she took off her hat voluntarily and held it up against her chest, “Ah promise, Granny Smith.”

The ancient, lime-green earth pony held up a ragged old apron. “This belonged t' mah grandmammy before me, it always brought me luck. Ah want you t' have it.”

Applejack was fighting back tears, she had never felt so proud of herself than in that moment right there. Granny Smith herself was handing responsibility over to her officially, even if it was just the Apple family's place in the Most Delicious Dessert Competition.

As Granny Smith sat herself down in her favourite chair, Applejack secured her hat on her head.

“Y' should get t' thinkin' up recipes, ah reckon.” Granny Smith said, almost dozing off.

“Ah'll decide whilst doin' mah chores. Thanks again Granny.” Applejack politely nodded to her grandmother and, apron slung over her back, walked outside into the sunshine to tend to the apples in the east field.

Before she could start however, a voice drifted over to her from beyond the borders of the farm.

“Hey, Crapplejack!”

The orange earth pony sighed in annoyance. “What'cha' want Carrot Top?” Applejack said, sounding bored.

A yellow earth pony was smirking at her from behind a wooden fence that separated Sweet Apple Acres from the Crunchy Carrot Hills farm. Her curly orange mane swayed in the faint breeze, but it was the superior smirk on her face that Applejack noticed. “So I hear the old windbag is giving up baking. Shame really, I enjoyed the competition last year, it made winning so much sweeter.”

“Well don' git used t' it, ah'm takin' over this year.”

Carrot Top's smile only got bigger. “You know, Crapplejack, I heard about what happened at the gala, are you sure your food is going to be good enough to beat mine?”

Applejack bristled, annoyance creeping up her body. “Mah food is plenty good, those hoity toity gala ponies wouldn't know good food if it up an' bit 'em on the flank.”

“It's not your fault, Crapplejack, you're disadvantaged from the start, apples are just too bold for most ponies. Now carrots on the other hoof, every pony can enjoy a nice carrot. Enjoy your 'bucking' or whatever it is you do to those poor trees.” With a final smirk, Carrot Top walked away, leaving Applejack to stew in her anger.

“That no good... yellow bellied... carrot pickin'...” Applejack caught herself before she said anything too harsh. She may not be the calmest pony when others insulted her apples, but she tried to be. She took one final calming breath. “I'll just show her at the competition, then we'll see who's the better cook.”

Securing her hat once more, she got on with her day's chores.


As the news got out about Applejack taking over Granny Smith's role in the Dessert Competition, Applejack found herself getting congratulated by ponies on the street, wishing her good luck for the upcoming event.

It also heralded a surprise party in her barn, courtesy of Pinkie Pie.

A banner had been strung up amongst the rafters which read 'Good Luck! You'll need it!' Applejack was about to question this when the pink pony herself appeared next to her. “I'm entering this year as well!” she said, sounding extremely exuberant.

“Oh, y' are? Ah thought Mrs. Cake always entered?”

“Nope! The Cakes are having a romantic vacation this year instead, so I said I'd fill in!” Pinkie Pie beamed.

Applejack had always been confident in her cooking ability, she was hoof-taught by Granny Smith after all. The old mare's shine may have dulled these past few years, but she was renowned for her apple pies and Applejack was just as good, if not better than her grandmother. Pinkie Pie however, she was a wild card if ever there was one, Applejack knew full well that Pinkie lived and breathed desserts, she could be one to look out for.

By this time, Applejack's four other friends had gathered round and offered their congratulations.

“Thank y'all kindly an' ah hope ah do Granny justice.”

“So,” Twilight Sparkle said casually, “Do you know what you're going to make yet?”

Applejack smirked, but stopped when she began to remind herself of her snooty neighbour. “Not in front of the competition.” She settled on a playful wink instead.

“Surely-” Twilight went to say something, but Pinkie Pie interrupted her.

“Applejack's right, telling each other would ruin the fun.” As if to prove her point she turned to the orange earth pony and growled, “I will defeat you evil Apple Queen!”

Applejack laughed good naturedly. “Woah there sugar pie, aint no way y'all beatin' me. Your fancy treats can't touch mah family recipes.”

Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow and slunk backwards, forging a gap in between her friends. Applejack watched the pink pony carefully, keeping a close eye on where she was going and what evil she might have planned.

All of a sudden Pinkie screamed “CUPCAKE FIGHT!” before raining a barrage of baked goods down upon her friends. As if Pinkie had planned this, platters of cupcakes appeared everywhere, providing plenty of ammunition to return fire. Applejack grabbed the nearest platter and rolled swiftly into cover, peeking over the bail of hay every now and then to spot her targets.

She saw Twilight Sparkle at the back of the barn deflecting cupcakes with her magic and throwing them back at whoever threw them, Rainbow Dash was taking an aerial route, dropping cakes onto unsuspecting targets, Pinkie Pie was appearing behind multiple tables and launching cupcakes with frightening accuracy. Fluttershy was hiding, presumably in the cardboard box that was shaking nervously. Rarity hadn't gotten off so lightly, she was stood stock still, eyes wide in the centre of the barn, she hadn't thought to use her magic like Twilight had. It seemed as though when she got hit by a cupcake, the pure horror of her coat being messed up shocked her into a state of paralysis. Every now and then she would let out a whimper, before finally gaining power over her limbs and walking herself slowly into a corner to mourn the loss of her coiffure.

Applejack surveyed the battlefield and took her time to pick out her shots, she only had five cupcakes by her side, one for each of her friends... well, except for maybe Fluttershy, hitting her with a cupcake would be like hitting Applebloom and getting Rarity seemed petty at best at the moment. 'Okay then,' Applejack decided, 'One for Twilight, one for Rainbow and two for Pinkie. Perhaps Ah'll eat the last one myself.'

Applejack peeked around her cover and saw that Twilight was currently occupied with a barrage of cupcake bits being thrown by Rainbow Dash, she saw Pinkie lining up a shot to hit the pegasus, but Applejack dived out of cover and landed a cupcake right in the back of the baker's head. It startled her enough to stop aiming at Rainbow Dash, which gave Applejack the opportunity to roll into cover away from Pinkie. The orange earth pony could see Twilight clearly from her position and used that to her advantage, lining up a shot whilst her magic was guarding her other side.Applejack launched the baked missile and allowed herself a brief moment of pleasure as she saw the purple unicorn recoil in horror as it struck her directly in the face. 'Two down.'

Her attack on Twilight had unwittingly alerted the cyan pegasus to her whereabouts. The cyan pegasus abandoned her attack on Twilight, swooped down to the floor to reload on cupcake viscera and flew back up into the rafters, using the thick, wooden beams as additional cover.

Crawling slowly beneath a table, Applejack thought about her next move. Rainbow Dash was obviously waiting for a chance to pelt her with cupcakes and Pinkie could be anywhere, but she felt safe enough for now, she still had three cupcakes with her, she should be fine. That was until the table lifted cleanly into the air and flew across the barn.

“Applejack, you got cupcake in my eye!” Twilight had regained her composure enough to seek vengeance on the farmer. A wall of cupcake crumbs came floating towards her, Applejack had just enough time to get onto her hooves, but instead of running away, she charged straight into the cupcake crumbs, bursting through and launching another cupcake into Twilight's face. 'Ah have an orchard full of apples outside, ah can spare that final cupcake.'

Defeated, Twilight went and sat next to Rarity, offering to use her magic to clean her off a little. The fashionista bluntly refused to let anyone but herself touch her mane. As Applejack watched the purple unicorn leave the battlefield, Rainbow Dash took this opportunity to pelt the preoccupied pony with pieces of pilfered pastries.

Taking off at a gallop, Applejack leaped behind a nearby table and bucked it over to use as cover, with her back against the table, she listened intently for a surprise attack from Dash.

“Come out and face me like a mare, AJ!” The pegasus was hovering out in the open, with her full attention on Applejack, but oddly enough Pinkie didn't seem to want to capitalise on this opportunity. Applejack could sense why though, if only she could get through Dash without too much trouble.

“Chew on this, cupcake!” Applejack flung herself over the table, launching a cupcake as she did. Rainbow saw the offensive a little too late and wasn't quick enough to react, she launched a counter-attack of her own, but instead of negating it, the attack merely smashed the cupcake into three smaller pieces, each one hitting her in the head and wings respectively. With a theatrical faint, Rainbow Dash fell out of the sky and landed on a bale of hay, eyes closed but with a respectful smirk on her face.

“It's jus' you an' me now, sugarcube. Show yer pretty pink head an' let's get this over with.” Applejack took off her hat and shook off the cupcake detritus that had accumulated there.

“So, we meet again, orange one.” Pinkie Pie's voice came from behind her, but Applejack didn't flinch, she merely kept dusting off her hat.

“Ah know what yer thinkin'” She span the hat in her hooves before putting it back on, turning to look over her shoulder. “Did she throw four cupcakes, or five? Well, in all o' the excitement, ah don't honestly know myself.”

Pinkie looked on, her gaze like iron, she was miraculously still clean despite the overall state of the barn.

“Ah suppose the question y'all should be askin' yerself, is 'do ah feel lucky?'” Applejack grinned as she fought a battle of wills with the pink pony across from her. “Well do ya?”

On the sidelines, Twilight and Rarity were watching with interest, both eating from one of the only bowls of food not to be tipped over by the cupcake fight. Fluttershy had took the moment of silence to peek from under her box, seeing the relative calm she got up and walked silently over to Rainbow Dash, who had given up pretending to be unconscious and was watching the unfolding drama before her with earnest. The yellow pegasus took a seat in the hay next to her friend.

Pinkie Pie's left foreleg hung by her side, coiled and ready to strike. “You know me, Applejack. I don't believe in luck!” With a speed that would make Rainbow Dash proud, Pinkie Pie grabbed a cupcake and threw it towards the orange earth pony.

'One shot, gotta make it count.' Applejack could see the cupcake flying towards her, she grabbed for her own and quickly realised that she couldn't counter it if she was to get off her own shot. She went for it anyway, throwing the cupcake as hard as she could towards the pink pony. The two cupcakes crossed in mid-air and before either pony could react, hit the other square in the muzzle.

Both ponies fell forwards in a dead faint, eyes closed and tongues lolling out of their mouths.

Quiet applause came from the sidelines, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were on their hooves, stamping their pleasure towards the two earth ponies.

Applejack cracked an eyelid to see Pinkie Pie doing the same, with a nod, they both rose to their hooves and bowed low, first to each other and then to the crowd. “Well played Pinkie Pie,” Applejack said, offering a hoof.

Pinkie grabbed it and shook. “You to, Applejack.”

“Okay,” Rainbow Dash had flew over, landing between the two earth ponies. “Whatever just happened, it needs to happen again. I've not had that much fun since my day with the Wonderbolts.”

“Applejack, I'm sorry to have to do this to you, but I need to clean up at home. Congratulations for your chance to enter the competition, but I need to go.” Rarity had picked the majority of the cake from her mane, but there was still a lot stuck in there.

The farmer frowned, “Why can't y' jus' sit down an' enjoy yerself?”

Rarity pouted, glaring at the orange earth pony. “I can't enjoy myself when I'm all messy!”

Applejack made to respond, but Twilight lay a hoof on her shoulder. “You know how she can get, just leave her be for now.” They both watched Rarity take off at a gallop. “All that matters is that she came and that she offered her congratulations. Maybe we went a little overboard with the cupcake fight.”

Fluttershy nodded in agreement, looking around at what used to be a pretty clean barn.

“Now that it's been brought up though, I need to go as well. In my haste to get here in time for your party, I left Spike in charge of cleaning the library. Not that I don't trust his cleaning ability, it's just that he might get into my... er, never mind.” Blushing slightly, Twilight rushed off much like Rarity before her.

“Well,” Pinkie Pie said, her serious demeanour mid-battle apparently forgotten, “It's still a party if only four people are here.”

“Oh, um...” Fluttershy tried to speak up, but her voice barely carried, Applejack noticed her yellow friend acting nervously though and she knew her well enough to figure out what it meant.

“It's okay, sugarcube, you can leave as well if y' really have to.”

The yellow pegasus smiled. “Thank you Applejack, Angel bunny gets awfully cranky if I miss giving him his dinner.” Flapping her wings, she took off at a casual pace and zipped out of the barn.

Rainbow Dash fluttered up towards the rafters and settled down on a wooden beam. “Seeing as everyone is leaving, I might as well take a quick nap before my late shift.”

“Ah suppose it's time to clean up this mess.” Applejack surveyed the damage, two tables had been upended, bowls were cracked and scattered across the floor, not to mention the bits of cupcake everywhere. “Ah would ask that there pegasus pony t' help, but gettin' work outta her is like gettin' blood from a stone.” She spoke loudly and purposely, looking up at the snoozing form of her cyan friend.

Pinkie appeared in the centre of the room with a wealth of cleaning supplies, she was even wearing denim overalls and a do-rag that helped pull her curly pink mane into a ponytail. Pinkie gave a quick salute. “I'm used to cleaning up after parties, I also feel kinda bad about starting the cupcake war. Today, I am Janitor Pinkie!”

“Well thank y' kindly sugar pie, but it's still gonna be a big job.”

With a look of utmost sincerity, Pinkie grabbed a mop and said, “Would a cleaning montage help?”

“A cleanin' what now?”

“Shush shush, just go with it!”

“Go with what?”

Applejack had no idea what was going on, but Pinkie Pie seemed to be enjoying herself and she was cleaning at a pretty good pace, although why she kept trying to give slow motion high hooves was beyond the farm pony's comprehension. Every so often, Pinkie would sing lines from a power ballad that Applejack had never heard and at one point she started pretending the mop was a guitar, strumming away whilst making noises with her mouth.

Despite all this, things got done pretty quickly. Maybe all that practice cleaning up after her own parties really helped.

When Pinkie shut the lid on the bin she had brought inside, the resulting clang woke Rainbow Dash up from her nap. “Huh? What time is it!?”

Applejack regarded her with a fierce glare. “Git down here y' lazy lout.”

The cyan pegasus zoomed down and landed in front of the orange earth pony, pointing a hoof, “Hey, evening weather patrol is hard work, I can't just tire myself out and risk messing up the weather. I suppose you'd prefer rogue thunderstorms rolling over Sweet Apple Acres huh?”

“Ah wasn't askin' the world, jus' a li'l help woulda been fine.”

“You didn't ask!”

“Ah'd think as a good friend ah wouldn't have to, 'specially seein' as y'all helped make this mess. I didn't hafta ask Pinkie, she took it on her own shoulders like a pony should.”

Rainbow Dash merely stood there, looking dumbfounded.

“Now if'n you don't mind. I have chores to see to.” Readjusting her hat, Applejack turned and left the barn, leaving Pinkie and Rainbow Dash all alone.

“Overreaction much?” Dash mumbled.

Pinkie, who had been oddly quiet throughout the prior exchange, turned to Rainbow Dash, full of vim and vigour once more. “Care to continue this party elsewhere?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

The cyan pegasus immediately perked up. “What do you have in mind?” She asked with a grin.

“I hope you haven't lost your appetite for cupcakes after today's festivities.”

“You know me,” Dash smiled, “I'm always hungry.”

The pink earth pony chuckled. “Then perhaps you would like to assist Pinkie in baking some cupcakes?” she struggled to contain her laughter.

Dash's smiled instantly faded, “Too soon, Pinkie. I've still not fully forgiven you for that.” Rainbow Dash opened the door to Applejack's barn and peered out before turning back to the pink earth pony, her face was a mask of indifference. “I'll see you... whenever, Pinkie Pie.”


“Okay Applejack, all y' gotta do is qualify, jus' remember Granny's tips an' y'all be fine.”

The orange earth pony was stood in her bathroom, looking into the mirror above the sink. It was the first day of the competition, the day in which all entrants are accepted. The winners get to go onto the next stage and the losers go home. Applejack knew she was plenty good enough to get into the finals without too much trouble, but that didn't stop her from being worried about it. It was her first competition after all.

It all looked so easy when she was growing up, watching Granny Smith bake her desserts and seeing the judges each take a bite. She remembered seeing the looks of joy on their faces as they swallowed. It was so easy from the sidelines.

“Ah 'spose this is what they call 'performance anxiety'” Applejack laughed nervously. She splashed some water into her face and shook it off. Turning off the bathroom light, she went down into the kitchen and began the baking process.


In the centre of town, a huge marquee had been set up to signify the staging area for the competition. Rainbow Dash and her Weather Patrol colleagues had been up all night making sure the day would be perfect. If the event went well in Ponyville, there would more chance of it being held there again and more events like this meant more tourism.

Ponyville businesses thrived with all of the extra ponies turning up. Rarity had hired a slew of extra seamstresses to help cover some of the slack, not to mention Fluttershy's assistance. In between preparing her own dessert for the competition, Pinkie Pie had been working overtime at Sugar Cube Corner, making sure there were enough cakes and treats to keep the shelves stocked. At the local Quills & Sofas store, Davenport was sending off order after order of extra quills, strangely not a single sofa had sold.

Local librarian Twilight Sparkle had made sure to sort all of the dessert related books and keep them near the front of the library for ease of access. She was saddened to find out that no pony had even inquired about dessert based books, or any books in general. “You'd think that somepony would want to clarify a fact about desserts at least once!” She said exasperatedly to her assistant, Spike.

“This is an elite dessert competition, Twilight, these ponies already know everything there is to know about dessert.” The purple dragon replied. Despite his young age he often acted as the voice of reason.

The lavender unicorn sighed. “You're right Spike, I just wish somepony other than me used this place.”

“Maybe ponies actually think this whole place is your house,” Spike chuckled, “Your room in Canterlot was almost a library as well, so I can see why a pony might think that.”

“Perhaps I should make the sign bigger, do you think the sign is too small Spike?”

“The sign is fine, Twilight, you need to stop worrying about it. Not every pony relies on books as much as you do.”

Twilight turned towards her assistant, looking him straight in the eyes, “I don't rely on books, I could function perfectly without them, they're just interesting to read.”

“Whatever you say, Twilight.” Spike scratched his chin with a clawed finger. “Shouldn't we get going to the competition? I'm sure Applejack and Pinkie Pie would love the encouragement.”

“I suppose we should,” Twilight sighed in resignation. “Nopony needs the library anyway.”

The duo left the library, Twilight making sure to put up the closed sign and lock the door before walking over towards the centre of town where the competition was being held.

Roughly one minute later, a tan stallion walked by and stopped at the door. “Damn it! Of all the times for it to be closed.” Dejected, he walked on.

Applejack let out a long breath, her toffee apple pudding sat before her, steaming slightly as it cooled off. Stood next to her was Pinkie Pie who had preoccupied her time by humming to herself. For the occasion, she had prepared a well decorated two-layer cake, although what flavour the cake was remained to be seen.

Further down the line, Applejack could see Carrot Top's orange mane bobbing up and down as she chatted animatedly to one of the judges. Applejack cursed under her breath when the judge reacted favourably towards her dessert.

“What's got your tail in a twist, crab apple?” Pinkie Pie's sincere smile betrayed the seriousness of her voice.

Applejack sighed. “Nothin' really, sugar pie.” The farmer intended to leave it there and deflect her issues until the cows came home, but something inside of her decided to spill everything anyway, “It's jus' that Carrot Top. She thinks she's so much better than me, an' ah know fer a fact that she aint half the baker ah am! She only won las' year because she was bein' friendly with the judges, my Granny deserved that title.”

Pinkie Pie regarded her friend with pity and shook her head. “Carrot Top is a really nice pony, she wouldn't do anything against the spirit of competition. In fact, if it wasn't for her, I would still be baking treats in Sugar Cube Corner. She came by the store and said that she'd heard about the Cakes leaving town for the week and that she would be delighted to help me set-up so I could be ready in time. Why would she help me if you think she'd fight dirty to win?”

“But she insulted mah apples an' called me names!”

Pinkie ignored this and went on. “And she really is a great baker, just so you know. She gave me a load of carrot recipes and taught me a few things as well. I bet if you went over there, you'd be just as pleased with her dessert as the judges are.”

Applejack opened and closed her mouth a few times, seemingly unable to respond, Pinkie Pie may not be the most together pony out there, but when she spoke sense, she spoke sense. Applejack settled with regretful look. “Ah'm sorry Pinkie, ah 'spose ah was jus' makin' assumptions.”

“It's okay Applejack,” Pinkie giggled, “You know what they say when you assume, you make an Ass out of you and me!”

“Hey!” A nearby donkey had apparently been eavesdropping. “I take offence to that.”

“Sorry, Sir.” Pinkie indeed looked sorry. “I didn't mean to insult anypony, or indeed any donkey.”

“Humph!” He turned away and focused his attention on the slowly approaching judges.

Applejack cringed. “Well that was awkward.”

“I suppose I did speak out of turn.”

“So what exactly is in that there cake, no point in hidin' now we're both out here.” Applejack asked, trying to move the conversation along.

Pinkie grinned mischievously, “I've been saving some super secret techniques for this competition. It's your basic triple chocolate, strawberry and vanilla twist cake, but the real magic is in the first slice.” She winked and began hopping up and down as she saw the judges coming ever closer.

Applejack began eyeing Pinkie's cake nervously. She didn't want to say that she didn't trust the pink baker's skills, but Pinkie wasn't exactly renowned for being down to earth, ironic considering she was an earth pony. Sometimes her ideas got a little out of hand, just ask Rainbow Dash for proof of that. So whatever she had in store, Applejack had no doubt that it would be surprising, whether it would be for the good or for the bad was yet to be seen.

“Ah, Miss Pinkie Pie is it?” A cobalt stallion had approached the pink earth pony's cake, giving it a quick once over.

“That's me, Mr. Judge sir!”

The judge was wearing a yellow silk sash with the word 'judge' beautifully embroidered onto it. “I must commend you on the excellent icing work on this cake madam.” He turned and located his colleague nearby. “I say, Merit!”

The other judge, an olive green pegasus, turned and walked over, he wore a similar sash to the cobalt unicorn.

“Wouldn't you agree that this cake looks magnificent?”

“Indeed! Expertly decorated.” Merit remarked.

“Deserving of top marks wouldn't you say?”




Pinkie merely laughed quietly at the odd scene before her. Applejack on the other hoof, she had lost track somewhere around the start.

The unicorn judge looked at Pinkie Pie, who was still giggling. “Can I do the honours?” He asked, bowing slightly.

Pinkie nodded, nudging a nearby knife towards him. The unicorn took the knife in his magic and lowered it slowly through the soft icing and into the cake itself. “Lovely job on the icing, not too tough and not too soft,” As the judge took another cut to take out the slice for tasting, he suddenly stopped. “My my, what is that I smell? Merit, what is that mysterious aroma?”

The olive green pegasus began sniffing the air, inhaling deeply with a look of deep concentration on his face, “I do believe it's fresh baked cookies, chocolate chip with cinnamon if I'm not mistaken.”

“I believe you're correct!”


“Quite!” The ever incredulous unicorn turned back to the cake, placing the slice of cake on a nearby paper plate. “How on Equestria did you produce such an effect, Miss Pinkie?”

The pink baker merely tapped her muzzle with a hoof.

“Ah, keeping your cards close to your chest. Admirable strategy.” The unicorn judge took a fancy spork from a small pocket on his sash and picked off a sizeable piece of cake, making sure to get some icing, chocolate and strawberry vanilla filling. “Sweet, moist, flavourful. In short, delicious! You must try some, Merit.” Almost without warning, a spork full of cake began floating towards the pegasus judge, who ate it voraciously.

“Agreed, commendable confection!”

The judge smiled and floated a ribbon towards Pinkie, who grabbed it in her hooves, “I do believe we've found another finalist, I look forward to your entry tomorrow, Miss Pinkie.” He moved on with a wink, motioning for the pegasus to follow.

Merit had produced a check list from somewhere and was currently reading it to get the name of the next entrant. “Miss Applejack is it? Ah, I see you're representing Sweet Apple Acres, is Granny Smith not entering this year?”

“No sir, she's getting' on in years an' she felt it best t' retire now while she's still got her reputation. She taught me everythin' ah know, so ah hope ah can be just as good.” Applejack smiled, but something in the back of her mind kept telling her that she was going to fail. The orange earth pony never seemed like the kind of pony to doubt herself, but her constant need to prove herself was something often brought on by her own perceived inadequacies. As much as she liked to think that Twilight and her friends helped her overcome those issues with her apple bucking fiasco, they still existed, she was just better at silencing the voice that told her she was weak.

“Toffee apple pudding, eh? It has a nice rustic charm about it, doesn't it Raffle?”

“Quite right, Merit, I can almost smell the farmland. Nothing on the lovely aroma of apples mind you!” The cobalt unicorn guffawed. “It may not be as extravagantly decorated as Miss Pinkie's cake, but your dessert says a lot, it prides in function over form and I think that's a message we could all take to heart, at least in part.”

“Excellent rhyme, Raffle.”

“Do you think so Merit? I was judging a poetry competition the other week, perhaps it rubbed off on me!”

“I do believe we still need to taste Miss Applejack's dessert, Raffle.”

“Quite right, Merit!” Grabbing his trusty spork, which had been cleaned to prevent cross-contamination between desserts, the unicorn judge dug out a spork full and ate it, making sure to savour the taste. “Sweet, homely and heart warming. In short, delicious! That's two in a row, Merit.”

Upon having his own taste, the pegasus judge nodded enthusiastically, “Indeed Raffle, quite the occurrence.”

Handing over another ribbon, Merit and Raffle bid Applejack good luck in the next round and trotted off to continue their judging.

Applejack let out a massive sigh of relief as she held the ribbon in her hooves, “Made it past the firs' round, Pinkie. Gotta pull out all the stops for the final.”

Pinkie Pie smiled happily. “Can I have some of your pudding?” she asked, staring hungrily at the toffee and apple treat.

“How's about this, ah'll trade ya. A piece o' this for a piece o' that there cake.”

“DEAL!” Pinkie pounced on the pudding with a passion, eating the better part of it in one big gulp. When she realised what she had done, she laughed nervously. “Whoops... er, cake?” The pink baker held out a paper plate with a fair sized chunk of chocolate cake on it.

Applejack chuckled. “Never you mind sugar pie, there's plenty o' pudding t' go around, the ponies won't miss mine.” She grabbed the piece of cake and sunk her teeth into it, feeling immensely glad that she hadn't made a foal out of herself in the first round.

All she needed now was a good nights rest and she should be perfectly fine for tomorrow.


The sun was low in the sky, threatening to fall behind the mountains at any moment. Big Macintosh had just pulled the last cart full of apples into the barn and was relishing in the chance to soak his aching hooves inside whilst Applejack insisted she stay behind to lock up the barn.

“Applejack, may I have a word?”

The orange earth pony turned and saw that Carrot Top was walking up the path, she didn't look as smug as she did before. “What brings you out here so late?”

Carrot Top smiled. “I came to wish you luck for tomorrow, I heard your Toffee Apple Pudding was delicious.”

Applejack merely raised an eyebrow. “Is that all?”

“Er... no.” The yellow earth pony blushed, “I came primarily to apologise, I spoke out of turn the other day, I was just trying to psyche you out for the competition. Foalish I know, but I was rather scared that you might be better than me, so I lashed out.”

“Ah 'preciate the apology.” Applejack paused to take a deep breath, “Ah heard that y' helped Pinkie prepare for the competition, thanks fer that, by the way.”

Carrot Top smiled happily. “I have a close relationship with the Cakes, they told me about their plans and I offered to help Pinkie Pie if things got too bad whilst they were away. It was the least I could do, Pinkie Pie is like a daughter to them after all.” She stopped talking when she felt a drop of water hit her on the muzzle, a blanket of grey clouds had been placed over them whilst they were speaking.

Applejack noticed it as well, stepping into the barn and motioning for Carrot Top to follow her. “Might as well wait out the rain in here, ah'm in no rush to get anywhere.”

Carrot Top walked into the barn and Applejack shut the door behind her, securing it in case of foul winds.

“I suppose the weather team have to make up for that forced clear afternoon somehow,” Carrot Top shook a little bit of rain water off of her coat, shivering slightly.

Applejack turned from the barn door and took a seat on a nearby pile of hay, indicating for the yellow earth pony to do similar. “Yup, ah've got a friend on the weather team, she said that they'd need to schedule a quick evenin' shower to compensate. Seems fair to me, apples can't grow by light alone.”

“My grandmother says the same about carrots.” Carrot Top shivered again, rubbing her forelegs together to generate a little bit of warmth.

Applejack wasn't exactly on the best terms with any pony in the Carrot family, the proximity between their farms and their different crops seemed to lend themselves more to rivalry than co-operation. Not to mention that Applejack had inherited a lot of prejudice from her grandmother about “that Carrot lot”, the young farmer didn't know the extent of the story, but she knew that Granny Smith and Granny Danvers had hated each other for as long as they had known each other. Knowing the age of the two ponies, Applejack figured that was a long time to hold a grudge. Could she really follow in her Granny's hoofsteps if it meant hating Carrot Top for no good reason?

“Are ya cold? We got plenty o' blankets in the barn.” Applejack decided that she had to neighbourly for good manners sake if for nothing else.

“If it's not much trouble, Applejack.”

Applejack found a large blanket on one of the shelves around the barn, she held it in her mouth and carefully draped it over Carrot Top's shoulders. “Can't have y' catchin' a cold before the finals, ah don't want t' win too easily.”

Carrot Top smiled brightly. “Thank you, I shouldn't expect such hospitality after how I acted.”

“Nonsense, Carrot.” Applejack gave the yellow earth pony a stern glare. “Ah've already ate my own words for assumin' today, ah'll not have y'all doin' the same.”

“What do you mean?” Carrot Top looked rather bemused at the orange farmer's words.

Applejack adjusted her hat and sat back down with a sigh, “Y'all are thinkin' that because ah'm an Apple, that ah don't like ya. If'n y' asked me yesterday ah might've agreed with ya, but Pinkie convinced me t' think otherwise.”

“I would have thought, because of our families...”

“By families, ya mean Granny Smith an' Granny Danvers? We aint them, why should we waste time with bitterness when we could have a much better relationship, even help each other out.”

Carrot Top shivered, she didn't know why, the blanket wrapped around her was keeping her warm but something made her shiver. Perhaps it was the sincerity in Applejack's voice, her blatant disregard for tradition in favour of common sense, Carrot Top could see a different pony than what she had been told about over the years. “What exactly are you proposing, Applejack?”

The orange earth pony leaned over, their bodies close together to keep warm. “Nothin' much, ah reckon. Perhaps we drop the insults an' help each other when it's needed, if we can put aside our differences t' wrap up winter together, why can't we do that the rest o' the year?”

“I don't know Applejack, I'm not sure about Granny Smith, but Granny Danvers would throw a fit if she knew about this.” Carrot Top hid behind her voluminous orange mane, making sure not to meet Applejack's green eyes with her own.

Applejack sighed, “It's either that and risk watchin' both of our farms fail, or working together and seein' profits come harvest. I also don't want t' see a nice pony like yourself go hated fer whatever reason.”

“If you can say all of that, then I don't see why I have to sit here and turn a blind eye to your plea.” Carrot Top smiled and nudged Applejack in the shoulder playfully. “If you ever find yourself in need, I'm sure we at Crunchy Carrot Hills can lend a helping hoof. We both know our grandmothers aren't up to the task of managing the farms by themselves, they own things in name only and if we want this to happen, then it will happen.”

“Y' see? All this pointless fightin' an' feudin' and fer what? Keepin' ourselves without help, 'cuz o' some fool pride. Now ah love my Granny to pieces, but she can be a right stubborn mule at times.”

Carrot Top chuckled, “I imagine if they just sat down and talked, they'd find they have more in common than they realise.”

Applejack got back onto all four hooves and looked upwards, listening intently. “Sounds like the rain has stopped.”

“Then I shall take my leave now that we've reconciled.” Carrot Top gave the blanket back to Applejack and made for the door, but found it difficult to open. “Applejack, I think the barn door is stuck.”

“It does that sometimes, ya just need t' put a li'l elbow grease into it.” Applejack walked over and used all of her strength, but was unable to move the door more than a few centimetres, “Wallop my withers, that damn fool brother of mine must've locked the barn after ah specifically said that ah'd do it.”

Carrot Top paled, “Are we stuck in here? Can't you call for help? What about tomorrow's competition? What if we miss it?” The yellow earth pony began pacing back and to, fidgeting with her mane nervously.

Despite the obvious truth behind Carrot Top's fears, Applejack couldn't help but find her anxiousness endearing, taking a deep breath, the farm pony put a hoof on Carrot Top's shoulder. “Calm down, Big Mac will be out early in the morning, he needs to come in here for his tools so we'll be fine. Besides, didn't you tell anyone you were coming out here?”

“And admit to my family that I went to apologise to an Apple?” Carrot Top said, eyes wide.

“Ah thought you said that you were okay with this new arrangement?”

“I wasn't an hour ago when I left to come over here,” Carrot Top sighed and lay down on the floor, looking dejected. “I told them that I was going for a walk, they probably won't even bother to look for me.”

“Don't look sad, we've got plenty o' blankets and lots o' soft hay, it's not as if we'll have t' sleep rough. Big Mac's an early riser, we'll be out o' here by daybreak.”

“It's not just that...”

Applejack walked over and lay down next to the yellow pony, trying her best to keep the carrot farmer's spirits up. “If it's about the competition, sugar cube, you'll have hours to finish up whatever you had planned.”

“That's just the thing, I put my dessert in the oven to bake before I came over, I made sure to put it on a low heat and ordered nopony to mess with it. Undoubtedly, it will go forgotten until it burns. It looks like I can kiss my chances of defending my title goodbye.”

“It's just a dessert competition, darlin', aint nopony thinkin' less o' ya for not winnin' it. Ah made a dessert, ah entered and the judges liked it, that's enough to tell me that ah'm pretty darn good. No one can take that knowledge away from ya.”

Carrot Top rolled onto her back, staring blankly at the ceiling. “I suppose you're right, I've proved I'm good enough to get into the final round, I should give other ponies a chance to win the title.” She took a deep breath and looked at Applejack, resignation written all over her face, “You're more wise than I expected Applejack, you seem to have an answer for everything.”

“Y'all givin' me too much credit,” The orange earth pony blushed. “Ah jus' say what's in here,” she placed a hoof on her chest, just over her heart.

Carrot Top smiled, her face alight with respect. “Well, you have a beautiful heart then.”

“That's... mighty nice o' you to say.” Deep down, Applejack had always been a modest pony and wasn't the best at taking compliments, even so, this particular compliment caught her off guard and affected more than she thought it should have. “Ah'll admit ah've never really took any chance t' get t' know you better in the past, now ah'm thinkin' that ah really missed out on a big chance to make a great friend.”

Carrot Top's breath caught in her throat. “A friend?” She managed to choke out.

Applejack adjusted her hat, lifting it out of her eyes. “Yeah, someone ah can talk to 'bout farmin', ain't none of my other friends interested in farmin'.Often times, after a hard day o' workin' the land, ah jus' can't find the strength t' go into town and meet my friends, but perhaps if ah had somepony closer to home, ah could visit them to de-stress for a while.”

“Would you like me to be that friend?” Carrot Top's eyes glittered like emeralds, obscured as they were by a few errant tears. The yellow earth pony sidled over, laying a hoof onto one of Applejack's, she gave the apple farmer a huge smile.

Applejack looked slightly taken aback, Carrot Top seemed to really want this. “If'n you want to that is, ah aint forcin' ya.”

Carrot Top seemed to be trying to repress laughter, the sides of her mouth were threatening to creep up her face into a wide grin. Without saying anything, Carrot Top pounced, knocking Applejack onto the ground on her back, she leaned down and gave the orange earth pony a hug.

Applejack's face had gone from taken aback to full on confused, but she can't deny that the dainty hooves around her chest felt good, nor that the scent of the curly mane smelled divine. The orange earth pony would have been satisfied laying there the rest of the night, but Carrot Top unhooked her forelegs from around Applejack and got up, not before giving her the slightest kiss on the tip of her muzzle. “Thank you, Applejack. You have no idea what this means to me.”

As Carrot Top stopped to think, still hovering over the orange earth pony, she slowly began to replay the moment in her head. The smile that seemed plastered to her face began to shrink until she seemed quite shocked. “Oh, I'm so sorry, Applejack. I don't know what came over me.” She stepped off of Applejack and backed away until she was sat on a small pile of hay, she had once more hid behind her mane.

Applejack hadn't moved from her place on the floor. She seemed, for all intents and purposes, dead to the world. It was doubtful even a sonic rainboom would grab her attention at this moment in time. Her mind had decided that she needed to focus on de-constructing that moment and figuring out what the hay just happened.

So, everything was fine, Carrot Top had hugged her. So what, ah get hugged all the time. Carrot Top had laid her head on Applejack's chest. Judgin' by the position she was in, it was inevitable that would happen, no problem. Besides, her mane smelled kinda pretty. Carrot Top stopped the hug and got up, smiling at her. Stoppin' two generations of feudin'? That's a smilin' occasion if there ever was one. Carrot Top leaned down and kissed her nose. My nose is itchy... because Carrot Top kissed it... why in blue blazes did she kiss me?

The orange earth pony lifted a hoof to itch her nose when she heard something, a small sound that seemed to be filled with pain and regret.

“I'll just go sit in the corner and leave you alone forever.”

It took a second for Applejack to realise that it was Carrot Top's voice, another second passed and she realised just how long she had been lay on the floor and it took one more second for her to decide that she should get up and say something. “Carrot Top, wait.” It wasn't much, Applejack knew that, but the hopefulness that spread across the yellow earth pony's face when she turned back was enough to get her to continue. “Can we talk... about what just happened?”

“I'm so sorry Applejack-” Carrot Top knelt down in a position of forgiveness, but the orange earth pony just held up a hoof, silencing the carrot farmer mid-sentence.

“Let me speak. You just kissed me on the nose, why?” Her gaze wasn't harsh or fierce, she merely wanted to understand what was going on.

Carrot Top looked up briefly, their eyes meeting for the shortest time. “I don't know why, after everything that had been going on today, I've just been feeling rather emotional. You told me that you wanted to be friends, even after I had said nasty things to you and even though my family doesn't like you. I guess I just felt grateful you were so understanding.”

“That still doesn't explain why y'all kissed me.”

“I was so happy that I gave you a hug, then I saw you beneath me, looking so defenceless. I just wanted to know what it felt like to be the one in charge for once. I wanted to take my life into my own hooves and I don't want to regret doing that,” Carrot Top looked deep into Applejack's eyes pleadingly. “Please don't let me regret it.”

Applejack found herself unable to look away, Carrot Top looked so pathetic, but not in a way that would make her shrink back in disgust. Instead, Applejack found herself smiling. “What are you trying to say, sugar cube?”

Carrot Top sighed, it was confession time. “My family has always held me back, they would insist that I learn the family trade instead of finding my own way in the world.” She looked back at her flank, “I have three carrots as a cutie mark... but I've never shown any aptitude in growing them, no more than the rest of my family anyway. I think I was given a break when it appeared, I was quickly approaching marehood and I only had a vague idea of what I wanted to do with my life, I knew that I had to help my family and then this appeared. Anti-climatic, I know.”

“Cutie marks are hard, Carrot Top. Celestia knows how many times ah've tried t' teach my sister that. Sometimes they can be obvious, but other times they aren't, ah'm sure yours is one o' the seconds ones. Maybe y' reached a conclusion that day you just don't realise, even if your body does.”

“Do you think so? I had just resigned myself to a life on the farm, it just seemed like the place for me.”

“Ah'm sure of it.” Applejack smiled as she remembered all the times she had had to reassure her little sister about her lack of a cutie mark. “My cutie mark fer example, it doesn't point out a particular talent that ah may have, it appeared when ah decided that ah wanted to stay with my family and help run the farm. You've got more control over it than you might realise.”

Carrot Top blinked slowly for a second, her face showed that she was deep in thought. “I hadn't thought about it that way before.”

Applejack nodded patiently. “Look at Cheerilee, you wouldn't guess that she was a teacher just from lookin' at her cutie mark. Y'all could have talents unrelated t' farming that y' don't even know about because y' haven't tried.”

“So I could be whatever I want to be?”

“O' course. A cutie mark doesn't define ya, it's y'all that defines yer cutie mark.”

Carrot Top shuffled herself a little closer to Applejack, relishing in the warmth of her body. “I think it's this kind of thing that makes me like you so much, even when I was taught to dislike you. There was lingering respect that I would often lash out at you for, but deep down I could tell that if I was in trouble, you'd put aside our differences and come to my help and now that's all come true. I've been weak and needy and you've provided more than enough comfort to help me get through it.”

Tears began to well up in Carrot Top's eyes again, but her mouth never moved from its smile. “I guess what I'm trying to say, Applejack...” She looked up, her eyes shining, “Is that I really, really like you.”

Now, Applejack wasn't the most worldly pony in Ponyville and she hadn't even thought too much about other ponies in such ways, but even she could grasp the intent behind Carrot Top's words. “Y-You like me?” Applejack managed to stammer, trying anything more would have resulted in nonsensical rambling.

Carrot Top got to her hooves, keeping herself at eye level with the orange earth pony. “I know I'm springing this on you, but if I didn't say it I'd regret it for the rest of my life.” She had a look of fierce determination in her eyes. “Applejack, I don't care about what our families might say, I want to develop our friendship into something more and I need you to agree, I don't think I could bear it if you said no.”

Applejack had regained her composure enough to speak and was desperately trying to absorb everything the yellow earth pony had said. “Now, hold on sugar cube.-”

These definitely weren't the words Carrot Top was looking for, her face began to show that disappointment.

“-Y'all aint exactly makin' this fair on me. If'n I say yes an' ah don't feel the same way, ah'll be doin' wrong by ya, if ah say no ah'll hurt you anyway. How am ah supposed t' respond t' somethin' like that straight away?”

“So that's a no?” Carrot Top had escaped behind her mane, but what little of her face could be seen looked despondent.

Applejack sighed. “It's not a yes, but it's not a no either. Jus' gimme some time t' think about it okay.”

“Oh, of course,” Carrot Top looked up, a respectful smile on her face, “Take all the time you need, I'll keep out of your way.” Carrot Top found the blanket that she had taken off earlier and dragged it over towards a big pile of hay. Falling backwards into it, she pulled the blanket across herself and tried her best not to look in Applejack's direction. That didn't stop her mind working overtime, conjuring pictures of the apple farmer to taunt her with though.

'What's the matter, she's throwin' herself at ya an' y'all just turn her away like a burnt apple pie?'

Applejack had settled herself on a nearby wooden crate. She leaned forwards, staring at the floor and hoped it would give her an answer.

'There's no question, jus' say yes.'

“It's not that simple.”

'It is. Say yes an' y' won't have to worry about a thing.'

“She expects so much o' me, how do ah know ah can live up t' that?”

The apple farmer shifted on her makeshift seat as this war raged inside her head.

'You know she's attractive, she seems like she could be a great friend and best of all, she likes you for you. She won't care about anythin' else as long as it's you who's with her.'

For all of her reassurances in her talk with Carrot Top, Applejack had never been good at applying those same skills to herself. Romance just wasn't an area she felt comfortable in. Give her a farming problem and she'd have it sorted by sun down, but this was completely out of her league. This kind of problem was more Rarity's game, but there's no chance of getting help from the fashionista now, Applejack had to make a decision and she had to make it before Carrot Top had enough time to analyse the situation and back out.

Applejack stood, turning her head to look at the voluminous orange mane peeking out from beneath a large blanket. She thought about calling out to her, to tell her that she'd made a decision, but her throat had chosen this exact time to allow her to breathe and nothing else. As she got closer, Applejack could see Carrot Top shifting under the blanket, for a brief moment she thought about waving to catch her attention, but a better idea came to mind, pushed by her more adventurous side.

Applejack reached for the blanket on the hay pile and pulled it up slightly, allowing enough room for her to slip under. Carrot Top jumped as she turned around to see what had caused the disturbance, finding the grinning face of an orange earth pony behind her.

“Ah think ah've made up my mind, sugar cube.” Applejack ran a hoof across Carrot Top's chest, feeling the soft, yellow coat of her fellow earth pony, “Ah think that ah'm willin' to give this a try if y' want.”

Carrot Top grabbed the hoof still massaging her chest and held it gently. “If you're comfortable with it, then I don't know what would make me happier.” Her smile was bigger than any other time Applejack had seen it in that moment. A brief, perfect moment where no words had to be spoken, only for the two earth pony mares to be there and hold each other.

Applejack was the first to break the silence, her voice cracked with caution. “Ah've never kissed another mare before.”

Carrot Top chuckled, “Well, there's no time like the present for you to find out what it's like.” The yellow earth pony relinquished Applejack's hoof and leaned over, using the soft hay beneath them both as support. In a near mirror of their previous encounter, Applejack was on her back, staring into the emerald eyes of Carrot Top. The carrot farmer lay a teasing kiss on Applejack's nose, laughing slightly before leaning in properly, feeling hot breath on her muzzle and finally, the warmth of Applejack's mouth and their bodies pressed together.

They stayed that way for a while, tongues exploring each others mouths, hooves exploring each others bodies until finally, Carrot Top came up for air, releasing a hot breath into Applejack's face. “For a beginner, that was pretty good.”

Applejack grinned and grabbed the yellow earth pony, rolling her over so she was on her back, their roles reversed. “Ah said ah'd never kissed a mare before, not that ah was a beginner.” Her grin became a wicked smirk. “Now let's show you how we do it down on the farm.”


Big Macintosh woke up that morning at cock-crow, his eyes scanned the humble furnishings in his room and his ears scouted for any sounds of life in the farmhouse. He heard nothing, which was his first indication that something was wrong.

The large red stallion rose from his bed, the bedsprings creaking under the sudden release of his weight. He listened carefully once more, but all he heard was silence. Applejack always woke up before him and often made a racket cooking breakfast. He walked swiftly across the hall and knocked on her door, which was shut tight, he couldn't even hear her snoring on the other side. Big Mac took a deep breath and opened the door, he might be a rather burly stallion, but even he knew never to mess with Applejack when she had just woken up.

At this moment however, he didn't need to worry about that, her bedroom was empty and didn't even look like anyone had slept in it. The red stallion distinctly remembered seeing her at sunset, she went to do something as he went indoors, shortly afterwards, Granny Smith had ordered him to make sure the barn was locked up.

At that moment, Big Mac's usually carefree expression turned into one of shocked realisation, Applejack had gone to check the barn before locking it and he had locked her inside.

Faster than it looked like he could travel, he galloped down the upstairs corridor, down the stairs and through the front door, uncaring about who he woke up with the noise.

The barn wasn't too far away from the farmhouse and Big Mac reached it without too much trouble, but in his haste he fumbled with the lock and took longer than necessary to open it. The red stallion had to rein himself in before he ripped the barn doors off of the hinges. He took another deep breath, this time to calm his rapidly beating heart, and opened the door.

“AJ? You in here?” His deep, usually serene voice was shaken by guilt.

Hearing no response, he wandered slowly into the barn, looking into the dark corners for any sign of her. His mind began conjuring images of Applejack's weak and helpless body, crawling towards him and pleading for him to help. Or worse, a perfectly fine yet enraged Applejack, ready to kick his flank for being a bonehead. The red stallion stopped dead when he saw her curled up under a blanket atop a pile of hay. Big Mac breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that she looked okay.

At that moment, the blanket slipped and a curly, orange mane was revealed, along with the yellow head and chest of their neighbour, Carrot Top, both sets of front hooves were wrapped around the other, even their tails were coiled around one another, peeking out from below the blanket.

An embarrassed blush, that was hidden rather well by his red coat, sprouted on Big Mac's face. He decided to leave the two alone for the time being, he didn't want to intrude on such an intimate moment.

Backing out and leaving the barn door slightly ajar, Big Mac released a breath he didn't even know he was holding. The red stallion was always able to lose himself in work, so he started his rounds, trying to keep his focus on the apple trees.

Applejack smiled, a small breeze was playing across her face, keeping her brow cool whilst the rest of her body felt comfortably warm. Just as she thought about this comfort however, consciousness decided to crash into her subconscious mind and completely write it off, her eyes flew open as she realised exactly what had happened last night and what she still had to do today.

“What time is it!?” Her confusion lead her to voice the one concern that was weighing most on her mind at the moment, that of the upcoming finals of the 'Most Delicious Dessert Competition'.

When her frantic search of the immediate area around the hay pile resulted in finding only objects neither able nor willing to provide her with the time, she looked to her side where the still sleeping form of Carrot Top lay. Unceremoniously, she shook the yellow earth pony until she awoke, Carrot Top rubbed her eyes with a hoof and grumbled about rude awakenings.

“Carrot Top, what time is it?” the frantic earth pony asked.

Sighing, Carrot Top merely said, “Just check where the sun is,” before collapsing back onto the pile of hay.

That was when Applejack noticed that the barn door was ajar. “Big Macintosh must've... oh dear.” She got up off of the hay pile and galloped outside. The sun was barely over the mountains, so it was still early and this got her to calm down a little. She knew that Big Mac had seen her asleep with Carrot Top however, and that was a whole new kettle of fish to worry about.

“Oh hey, the barn's open.”

Applejack turned to see Carrot Top in the entrance of the barn, a dreamy, content expression on her face. “It's still early, we've got time t' slap together a dessert before the judgin' begins.”

Carrot Top laughed. “There's no way that I'm going to enter a rushed piece, I still have my dignity as a baker you know. Besides, the hay pile is getting cold, don't you want to keep it warm with me?” The carrot farmer gave Applejack a sultry smile and raised her eyebrows a little.

Applejack wanted desperately to disagree, but Carrot Top was right. She'd need time to pick her best apples, time to make the pie pastry as perfect as it could be, there was no way she could make an apple pie to the best of her abilities on such short notice. “Ah suppose y'all are right about the competition, ah'd rather bow out now whilst my reputation is still intact, like my Granny did.”

“We should still probably go to watch the final judging though, I'd like to know how well Pinkie Pie fares after all the help I gave her. Considering that's not for hours though, I'd say we need to find something to pass the time.”

Applejack seemed oblivious to Carrot Top's hints, instead focusing on another problem. “Ah think Big Macintosh knows about us.”

“Well good for him,” Carrot Top rolled her eyes and walked up to the orange earth pony, nuzzling her neck affectionately. “It has to come out eventually, so I don't see why this is a problem.”

“Huh,” Applejack smirked, “Maybe ah just thought that ah could get a little more time with you fer myself.”

Carrot Top grinned mischievously. “Maybe he doesn't know, at least we can pretend he doesn't and have all of the alone time we want.”

Applejack took another long look towards the horizon, taking care not to look directly at the sun as it moved sluggishly over the mountains. “As much as ah'd like to, it's almost time fer Applebloom to wake up. Ah wouldn't particularly like to have that conversation with her if she wandered into the barn. Besides, ah think Big Macintosh deserves an explanation... about us.”

“If it would make you feel better, then I'll happily accompany you, perhaps I can help to ease his mind. I know it can't exactly be easy for your family to understand what we have.” Carrot Top held herself against Applejack for a while, just enjoying her warmth and the general feel of being with her. It was like the hole in her heart, where her fears and regrets used to reside, had just been filled with something else. It was orange, with a long golden mane and emerald eyes as deep as the ocean, it was her Applejack.

Carrot Top was free to pursue her own destiny, away from the safety blanket that her family had draped over her since childhood. As long as she had Applejack, she was certain she could find out exactly what she was meant to be.

“You alright there, Carrot? You seem a li'l... spacey.”

The yellow earth pony came to her senses to see Applejack staring at her with a worried look on her face, but all Carrot Top could do was smile, “Oh, I'm just thinking... about the future.”

Applejack chuckled. “Am ah in it?”

“Every step of the way.”