Peace and Quiet

by errant

First published

Octavia learns the hard way to not interrupt a DJ at work.

Octavia is in a bitchy mood today and she chooses to take it out on her poor roommate. Vinyl, though, takes it upon herself to give Octavia exactly what she wants: some peace and quiet.

Rated Mature/Sex for graphic depictions of sexual acts (psst . . . its a clopfic)

Featured on 02/28/16 - 02/29/16
Now with a live reading:

Contains: Bondage, Latex, Forced Orgasm, Orgasm Denial

Peace and Quiet

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"Vinyl Scratch!" Octavia bellowed as she bucked open the door to her roommate's bedroom and sometimes-recording studio. "You turn that blasted noise off this instant!"

"Tavi, I—“

“I am sick and tired of listening to your nonsense, you bloody mare!” Octavia exclaimed as she pointed an accusing hoof at the alabaster mare with a deep blue mane that sat stupidly behind the deck of her mixing equipment, headphones carelessly draped around her neck.

“But, Octy—“

“Don’t you ‘But, Octy’ me! I demand some peace and quiet in this house for once or I can’t be held responsible for the consequences!" With a hrumph and her nose held high in the air, she turned and strode off, satisfied that her ultimatum had been delivered. To her satisfaction, the practically subsonic bass that had been slowly shaking the house from its foundation all day had stopped.

Vinyl stared after the grey mare, jaw hanging open in shock. Then, it clacked shut and Vinyl’s eyes narrowed in determination. “You want peace and quiet? I’ll give you peace and quiet,” she muttered to herself as she telekinetically lugged a black chest out of her closet, carefully selecting a few items from within. Once she had what she sought, she followed after Octavia, peering quizzically into each room she passed until she located the cellist in her own bedroom, back turned to the door.

With a wicked grin, her horn flared to life and a gentle red aura surrounded Octavia’s entire body from the tips of her ears down to her hooves.

Octavia barely had time to notice the prickling, slightly warm sensation that suddenly suffused her body before she was violently whirled around to face the doorway and the grinning mare standing within it. “Vinyl, what in Equestria do you think you are doing? Unhoof me at once!” she shrieked.

Vinyl raised a hoof to her chin and screwed up her eyes, as if in thought. “Nah!” she exclaimed after a moment. “I’ve got a better idea than that.”

For the first time, Octavia noticed that Vinyl had more than her in a telekinetic grip. Accompanying her was a worrying trio of items: a rubber suit, complete with hood, that looked designed to completely encase the pony wearing it, a contraption of harnesses and buckles with a gag and blindfold attached, and a small vibrator. “Vinyl, what are you doing with those?” she asked in a small, nervous voice.

Vinyl noticed the change in Octavia’s tone and she grinned wide. “Aw, where’s my big, bossy Tavi now?” she purred.

A soft eep escaped Octavia’s mouth as she was propelled backwards until her rump hit the end of the bed. Vinyl’s magic closed around her limbs, more enduring than steel shackles, before pulling them out to the side, leaving Octavia spread-eagle on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. She blushed hotly, the heat sinking into her fur as she felt her tail be shifted slightly, leaving her marehood uncovered to the air and Vinyl’s sight. She would never admit it, but a small part of her was enjoying this, having her body arranged like a doll for another’s enjoyment. “Please, Vinyl, don’t hurt me,” she beseeched. She tried to shift one hoof ever so slightly, but it was no use. Her brain was sending the signal and her muscles were trying to listen, but Vinyl’s magic kept it locked in place.

“Oh, I’m not going to hurt you,” Vinyl reassured as her face came into Octavia’s view, smiling mischievously down at her. “I’m just going to give you the peace and quiet you wanted.”

Of their own accord, her back legs lifted off the bed. Under Vinyl’s expert guidance, they slipped into the appropriate openings of the rubber suit. In short order, the rest of her followed the example. She was surprised to find it actually rather comfortable. The suit was like a cocoon, enwrapping her in a gentle embrace that touched every part of her at once.

Once Vinyl finished encasing her by securing the zipper that ran along her back, the hood was next. It left her eyes, ears, and muzzle, visible but covered the rest of her face. Another zipper along the back allowed her long, flowing, inky mane to remain free. Once Vinyl was done finessing with her new toy, she stepped back to admire her work.

Octavia reclined on the bed, her mulberry eyes locked uncertainly on Vinyl, both dreading and welcoming what she knew would come next. Her silky gray coat had been replaced by a slick black one that held her warm body in its unyielding embrace. It hugged tightly to her form, accentuating her curves in all the right places, showing off her body while concealing it at the same time. Suddenly, she felt her head being lifted up by telekinesis to watch Vinyl approach her a second time, holding the gag and blindfold out in plain view. She opened her mouth to protest, but it died on her lips as her captor’s magic simply pulled her lips open and held them there.

She could do nothing to stop it as the gag filled her mouth, its size forcing her lips open as wide as they could go while anchoring her tongue at the bottom of her jaw. Seconds later, a wall of blackness descended over the world as her sight was taken from her. Vinyl finished her task quickly, securing the buckles and harness behind Octavia’s head, ensuring it was pulled taught and wouldn’t slip off. “Well, Tavi, how are you feeling?” she asked.

Octavia’s response was faint and muffled, her voice barely penetrating the ball of rubber crammed in her mouth.

“Good,” Vinyl remarked to herself. “Just a couple more things, Tavi. Then you can have peace and quiet all day.” She levitated the last item, a small vibrator, up to inspect it. With great care, she magically tugged down a small zipper nestled in the folds between Octavia’s legs. The opening gave her access to Octavia’s slit and she promptly switched the small toy on, slid it inside, and sealed up the zipper again. Almost immediately a moan could be heard from Octavia’s throat, though its whispers barely made it past the silencing effects of her gag. Another brief flash of magic secured the straps dangling from each of her legs together, binding her limbs into immobility. Finally, Vinyl was satisfied. She turned her back on the bedroom and the mare within it, pausing only to close the door behind her and cast a quick soundproofing spell around it before trotting off to resume her musical efforts that had been so rudely interrupted.

Peace and Quiet II

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Octavia was screaming. She knew nopony could hope to hear her through the thick wad of rubber that filled her mouth but she couldn’t help it. She sunk her teeth viciously into its firm yet slightly giving surface, desperately trying to force out an intelligible string of words to express what the incessant buzzing of the toy Vinyl had left her with was doing to her.

Trapped in her rubber prison, she was helpless. For the first time in her life, Octavia understood what that meant. She could see nothing, she could say nothing, and she could hear nothing save her own struggles. Her world had narrowed to consist of the ticklish feeling of her fur rubbing against the suit as she squirmed, the taste and feeling of rubber in her mouth, and the unceasing stimulation of her nethers.

She had no way of knowing how long she had been here. It could have been minutes or hours for all she knew. It had started out as surprisingly enjoyable, the vibrator tending to her pent-up needs and releasing them in a gush of warm fluids and warm, fuzzy feelings. That had stopped long ago, though. Now her loins ached and spasmed, her heart beat frantically, and her breath labored in her chest. She had soon been reduced to begging for it to stop, then pleading, then screaming. None of it availed her anything, but she still tried.

Desperate, she rolled onto her side and pawed at the zipper between her legs with her rubber-clad hooves. Unfortunately, the limb was far to clumsy for the delicate instrument. Octavia moaned in frustration and dismay as she felt another orgasm build to a crescendo. It was slow and sluggish, as if it was disinclined to be roused from its slumber, but the toy lodged inside her insisted. It broke over her, despite her protests, and it managed to wring from her exhausted body another small amount of fluid to leak out of her loins and dribble down her leg.

She whimpered, feeling painfully alone inside her suit. The isolation was almost worse than the endless orgasms. Suddenly, however, a new series of noises reached her ears. The deprivation of her other senses had fine-tuned her hearing, and she swiveled her ears at the sound of the bedroom door opening and hoofsteps approaching her. “Vnnnl! Hmf thht nhh?” she called out as best she could.

“Yeah, yeah, it’s just me. Keep your panties on, filly,” Vinyl’s brash voice answered her.

Octavia let out a relieved breath. She never thought she would be so glad to hear that voice. “Lmt mm gh! Hm ghn't thgm Hmt hnnmhrm!”

“Yeah, I’m not entirely sure what you just said,” Vinyl said. “I figured you were getting tired of that toy, though, so I found you a different one.”

“Nh, Vnnnl, plmhfm! Jhft hntnm mm!” Octavia whimpered.

With a casual effort, Vinyl drew down the zipper that concealed Octavia’s marehood. She was promptly assaulted by the thick smell of musk and a gush of fluid that seeped out to stain the bed. “Holy hay, you’ve been a busy mare,” she remarked as she drew the toy out. Octavia moaned deep and long as it was pulled from her, her inner walls having formed around it and became accustomed to its fullness. It was quickly replaced by a slighter larger toy; she groaned as she felt herself spreading to accommodate its girth.

As soon as she was stuffed full once more, Vinyl retreated from the room, leaving Octavia alone again.

Octavia wasn’t screaming anymore. She didn’t have the energy for it and it wasn’t helping. The only thing her vocalizations of distress had earned her was a sore throat. The smell and taste of rubber permeated her mouth, a slimy flavor that slithered down her throat and up into nostrils.

She was sticky and sweaty underneath her rubber suit, causing her coat to matte and stick, and she could smell that, too. It mingled with the scent of rubber and her own pheromones. The slightest twitch caused her sensitive folds to rub against the layer of thick material encasing them, so she tried her best to remain absolutely still. She was at peace for now, alone and unmolested. She knew it was only a temporary reprieve.

Sure enough, the vibrator shoved deep inside her whirred to life of its own apparent accord, sending waves of ecstasy and agony shooting through her. Octavia braced herself for what she knew was coming, for what she hated and couldn’t stop.

It ground against her inner walls, stimulating her perfectly. Her body, a slave to its biology, responded to its efforts. She felt her muscles tense, winding up like the gears in a clock in anticipation of release. Against her will, she gasped into her gag. She could feel the climax nearing—

And then the vibrating quit, leaving her dangling on the edge. She struggled to push herself over, writhing and wriggling inside her rubber encasement, trying to rub her aching folds against the substance that held them prison.

It was no good, however. The moment of aching nearness passed and the pressure dissipated, leaving her unsatisfied and unfulfilled.

Octavia slumped, defeated. She was certain this had been going on for hours. It had been more than a dozen times so far that she had been cruelly taken right to the bleeding edge of an orgasm and then yanked back from it.

She reined in her frustration and desperation, settling in to wait for the vibrator to flare to life again with teasing fervor. This time she would hopefully succeed in securing some release. If she didn’t, she was starting to worry that she might simply go insane.

A small part of her was aware of the irony of the situation, that she was now begging for the same orgasms that she had pleaded to stop earlier. A bigger part of her, however, was just focused on trying to get some release. “I’m sure Vinyl’s going to come back soon and let me cum,” she thought. “She wouldn’t keep me like this forever. Right?”

Peace and Quiet III

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"Alright, Tavi, I figure you've just about gone crazy by now," Vinyl announced as she re-entered the room.

The rubber-clad mare on the bed whimpered piteously at her voice, weakly trying to struggle closer to her.

"Hold on, I'm coming," Vinyl muttered as she stepped over to the bed before plopping down beside Octavia. She rested a hoof on Octavia's back, allowing it to trail down to rest between her legs.

Even through the thick rubber, Octavia could still feel Vinyl's hoof resting on her inflamed nethers. The slight touch made her moan in desperate need.

"Don't worry," Vinyl said to Octavia's hopeful ears. "I know what you want and I'm going to let you have it. You've earned it," she said with a grin and a flash of magic.

A gleeful wail forced its way out of Octavia's lips as the cruel toy fitted inside her came to life with an unmatched fervor. Where before it had teased her, it now assaulted her. Without subtlety or mercy it ground into her warm, damp folds and sent lances of fire through her veins, releasing all of her desire in one final explosion. Every orgasm that had been denied to her was repaid in full as she was ravaged, utterly and completely.

When it finally died and her mind reformed, she was conscious of being empty. The vibrator had been taken from her and not replaced. She kind of missed it already.

She called out for Vinyl through the gag, but she received no answer. She was still encased in rubber, still gagged, still bound, but those all started to seem like fairly trivial problems compared to the exhaustion settling into her bones like lead.

With no other option, Octavia allowed her head to fall to the bed and her eyes to drift closed. Soon enough, she was fast asleep.

She finally had her peace and quiet.