Brother of Mine

by Uncle Smiles

First published

What is Harmony without Chaos? What is peace without war?...No? Well you're in for a treat.

What is peace without war? Is it just pointless conflict with no goal?
What is Harmony without Chaos? Order, order isn't the same as harmony.
And what about Discord? What is he without me? A mess, waiting to be cleaned up.

After countless millennia of bringing Chaos to worlds that need it, I've decided to check up on Discord and see how he's doing. But low and behold, I find him sweating bullets, flouting infront of two Alicorns.

I'm Volburaal, Chaos incarnate and I'm going to be telling you about my experiences in this world.

This is something I had in mind for a while and it sounded like a good idea.
Volburaal is a more badass version of Discord.
The torso is Dragon.
Left arm is one of deathclaw with retractable claws and spikes
Right arm is of a Pony
Left leg is dragon like.
Right leg is a Cybernetic version of his left leg.
His facial structure makes him look like a dragon with Pony aspects
Two horns located on the side of his head, a demon horn on the left and a curved dragon horn on the right.
His left eye is bue and the right is red
He's seven feet tall and can change his height

He's omnivore and even more Chaotic than Dizzy
He'll probably change in the near future if I can come up with a better look for him.

The Arrival

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PoV: Volburaal Nahlii
Location: Overlooking a once peaceful planet now turned war planet
Time: 9:00 A.M

This was one of the most hilarious endeavour I had to go through, and I haven't regretted any of it. If I had known the high king was just some ass wipe earlier this could've gone differently. But all in all, it's a job well done of I do say so myself.

Morning! I didn't see ya there, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Volburaal Nahlii, chaos incarnate and first chaotic being that Father has created.

Who is father you may ask, he's our creator. Anyway, I'm what he called a Draconquss like my little brother.

Father had originally made me to keep all the chaotic energy stored somewhere, resulting in me being born. At first, he had thought that keeping the chaotic energy away from the worlds would result in harmony. That soon changed when he noticed that monotonous life all his worlds had and began teaching me how to use my powers wisely.

Since then I've been somewhat of a life changer. It didn't last though, I had gotten tired of going to an infinite number of worlds, so he had made another chaos wielder and a little brother for me.

To be honest at first, I thought I was being replaced. I was such a brat back then, but as I grew I came to be more of a role model for him.

I still remember the first time he had caused the gravity to shift, and that was back when I was considered eighteen by Fathers standards. It was like what, twelve thousand years ago and no matter how many times I recalled that moment, I could never feel more proud of him.

Flashback: Eleven thousand, nine hundred and eighty six years ago

“Sorry little bro but I need to get to work, there's a world of ape like beings living without chaos.” I said to the small nine year old Draconequus trying to drag me by the arm.

“But you have to see this!” He whined as he let my arm go. I sighed as I looked at a nearby clock, showing me the time of the planet.

“Alright, show me.” I said as I looked back down at him as he pumped his fist.

“This way!” He said as he ran ahead.

“Hey, wait up.” I said as I sprinted to catch up. He stopped in front of a room labelled ‘House of fun’ and opened it.

What I saw made me go slack jawed. The items in the room where just floating around, ignoring the rules of gravity. I walked in and poked a toy car that floated past me, sending it away. I looked back at Discord with a look of disbelief.

“You did this? By yourself?” I asked in which he nodded as quickly as possible.

“Amazing, it took me until I was thirteen to do this.” I said as I walked back to him.

“Father will be overjoyed to see this. Maybe you'll be able to go out into the mutliverse with me sooner than I thought.” I said, ruffling up his hair.

“Thanks big brother.” He said, giving my leg a hug.

Flashback end

‘Heh, it always gets me.’ I thought as I wiped away a lone tear. I snapped my fingers to summon my ride and changed into my traveling clothes.

‘It's worth a visit.’ I thought as I sat on the motorcycle and revved up the engine, resulting in only silence. I rolled my mismatched eyes as I put on the helmet and drove off at the speed of light towards the world Dizzy is located at.

PoV: Discord
Location: Ponyville
Time: 1:00 P.M
A week after Tirek's attack

Another day full hate and distrust from the populace. I've been trying to make it up to them but they all think I'll do it again, all except Fluttershy.

She's a pure soul, if she were not chosen to ‘reform’ me, I wouldn't have been here. Of course there's Twilight and the rest of her friends but they're different, they actually let me help instead of trying to drive me away.

‘What else could go wrong?’ I mentally asked myself, trying to tempt fate.

I soon heard a faint boom coming from above followed by darkness. I lazily floated out of Fluttershy’s cottage and looked up.

What I saw made my pupils shrink to the size of pin pricks.

A giant Chaos symbol blocked out the light of the sun. I've only seen this in a few occasions but I didn't know if I should feel excited or terrified that he's coming to visit.

‘He'll probably think I'm a failure if he sees that this world doesn't have a sufficient amount of Chaos.’ I thought as one of the arrows grew.

I was about to go to Canterlot to tell Tia and Lulu not to get on his bad side but stopped as I heard somepony shout out my name.

“DISCORD!” I heard the new Princess shout out behind me. I looked behind me and saw Twilight and her friends.

“What did you do to the sun!?” Twilight shouted at me.

“Listen Sparkle, that up there wasn't me. It symbolizes Chaos but I can't do that, I don't have the magic to do it but I know one being who does and I consider him my role model.” I said to her, earning confuse looks from her and her friends.

I looked up and saw that half the arrows have grown, making my time to warn Tia about him grow short. I snapped my fingers, making me and everypony around me go to Canterlot.

We popped in the throne room and I looked up at Tia on her throne as she gave me an angry look.

“Discord, what could've caused you to block out the sun?” She asked me.

“That's what I'm here for! That's not me, and you have to show respect to the one who did.” I said to her as I noticed their was two arrows left.

“And why is that?” She asked.

“You really don't want to get on his bad side. If you thought I was a powerful being of chaos, he is Chaos Incarnate and is coming to this world.” I said to her, earning a wide eyed stare.

“So he's a threat to Equestria.” She declared as the final arrow grew. The center of the the symbol lit up and fired a beam of light that was heading towards us.

“Guards! Be ready, we do not know what he can do or what he will do.” I heard Celestia say to her guards who were getting ready for a fight.

The light fade and a motorcycle could be heard up in the air along with music.

As he flew down, I got a better look on his motorcycle and was impressed on what he did to it.

He showed no sign of slowing down, instead he sped up towards the ground then pulled up, making him head towards the window I'm looking out of.

I moved out of the way just in time as he crashed through it, and landing it to a full stop. He turned it off and stood up.

He stood above the height of Tia, dwarfing anypony who tried to surround him. I noticed his choice in clothing and it reminded me of the time we went to the human world.

He has a thing for overcoats, can't say no to them.

He looked around the room and stopped as he saw me. He walked towards me and stood only a few feet away from me. He then surprised me by giving me a hug.

“Hey Dizzy.” I heard him say as he pulled away.

“How's my little brother doing?” He asked as he took off his helmet, showing everypony his dragon/pony looking face, mismatched horns and different colored eyes.

“Um, H-hey Vol.” I said, hoping he didn't notice the lack of Chaos.

“Why are you nervous?” He asked, noticing my nervousness.

“Also, why is that I don't feel Chaos around? Did you not spread enough like Dad said?” He asked as the guards stood closer.

“You see about that, I didn't. I made some real friends and I guess I forgot the main reason for being here.” I admitted.

“Friends you say? Tell me, do your friends try to surround me in an attempt to capture me?” He said as he quickly turned around as the guards charged in but was soon stuck in the air. He then proceeded to express his anger by sending the guards to the wall.

“Discord, you have about five seconds to explain before I completely scorch this planet.” He threatened me.

“You will do no such thing!” I heard Tia shout as Vol was hit by a blast of magic.

PoV: Volburaal Nahlii

I was struck by someone behind me, so I looked back and saw an anthropomorphic Pony alicorn mare.

“Really? Then explain how you're going to stop me.” I said to her as she fired another spell, to which I flicked away.

“Stop, Vol!” I heard Dizzy shout.

“Then explain.” I growled out as I kept glaring at the mare.

“Originally I was doing my job but I guess I enjoyed it a little too much, making me go mad with power. Long story short, I had been turned to stone for being cocky.” He said as he walked towards a group of six mares.

“A thousand years later, I escaped but it didn't last so long as I got way too cocky again and turned to stone again. I was then freed in attempt to reform me and I guess I forgot my job along the way.” He explained.

“Wow, So you got stoned twice and went to rehab.” I said jokingly to him.

“Really? Now of all times?” He said as he crossed his arms.

“Yup. Now then..” I said as I turned to look at the Alicorn.

“If you really wish to stop me, by all means, strike me down.” I said with a bow.

“What?” I heard her ask.

“If you really want to stop me, you have to kill me.” I said. I soon heard the sound of a sword being taken out of its sheath. Then came the decapitation, my head was sent right off.

PoV: Discord

At first I thought he's gone insane but I then realized where he was getting at. Luna came in and quickly took the opportunity and sliced his head clean off his shoulders.

Vol’s head landed near the thrones steps and the body fell limp as it began to spill blood.

“Luna!?” I heard Tia shout at her Sister.

“He said it himself, we had to do it and unlike you, I can take a life.” Luna answered, giving the sword back to a guard who was busy trying to keep a straight face.

“That doesn't excuse you for murdering him!” Tia shouted.

“You didn't have an excuse for attacking him, so why should I have one?” She asked as Vol’s hand twitched. I couldn't help but chuckle, then busted my butt laughing.

“What's so funny?” Luna asked as she looked over to me.

“Oh I don't know, maybe he's laughing at the fact that you can't kill me.” Volburaal said as the body stood up.

PoV: Volburaal Nahlii

“Now walk to the left.” I said as my body walked the opposite direction.

“No! My left, you fuck!” I shouted, making my body turn around and walk towards my head. It picked my head up and reattached it, like I've done so many other times.

“Now just because I'm still kicking doesn't mean it didn't hurt.” I said to the midnight alicorn.

“Oh who am I kidding? You can't hurt me or kill me, bitch.” I said as I flicked my wrist, sending her to the wall and knocked her out.

“I came here for a little visit and the first thing I get is a magic bolt to the back as a ‘Welcome to our world’ gift.” I said as I started taking off my Overcoat.

“Then again, I've been shot at, burnt, ripped in half, exploded, heart was stolen, electrocuted, and crucified. Then again, those were occupational hazards.” I said as I threw the overcoat to the floor. I saw that the guards and the group of six mares looked a little green.

“Who are you?” The Alicorn on her throne asked.

“That's the age old question, isn't it. I am Volburaal Nahlii, First Kiin of Father, destroyer of countless worlds, creator of countless words thanks to Father for giving me his permission, and Chaos incarnate.” I said to her with a bow. I could tell the occupants of the room were staring at me with wide eyed looks.

“Aww, did I scare da wittle ponies.” I said in a mocking tone. I was soon assaulted by a blur of rainbow.

“What did you say to us?” The mare asked in a threatening manner.

“Hmm, let me rephrase this a bit.” I said as I looked down at her.

“You either sit there and be quiet while I explain what the fuck is going on or you'll be the next thing that'll be staining the walls.” I said to her with a grin. She paled at the threat and backed away.

“Discord, do you know who he is?” I heard the Alicorn ask as she got up to check on her Sister.

“How can I not know my older brother.” I heard Dizzy say. The Alicorn looked at him then at me, then back to him and back to me, fortunately I'm not him, that would've been hard to explain than most things.

“You have a brother? And this is him?” She said in disbelief.

“Discord Uzgrolein, Second Kiin of Father, and spirit of Chaos. Right before I forget Dizzy, I finally made Pandora.” I said to him.

“What is it that you're here for?” The older Alicorn asked.

“Nothing, just thought I'd visit my little brother in peace but that was a complete fuck up, now wasn't it.” I said to her, earning a regretful nod from her.

“I apologize for my actions-” I didn't let her finish as I raised a finger.

“I'm just gonna stop you right there. You royals always say you're sorry but in truth you're not. Now, I've gotten to know quite a few king and queens, most of them were selfish pricks with a crown on their fat heads.” I said to her as I pulled out a cigarette and snapped my finger, causing it to lit a small flame on it. I lit the cigarette and smoked.

“I don't condone smoking, bad for the health but when you're an incarnation of chaos everything is possible, except death.” I said as I crushed the cigarette in my hands, then opened my hand to reveal that it had changed into a dove and flew away.

“So, what's so good about this world that it isn't chaotic enough.” I asked no-one in particular.

“Like I said earlier, I've gotten friends and I didn't want to lose them.” Discord answered. I sighed as I looked over to him.

“Friendship made you reconsider? Friendship is a lie, I would know.” I said as I walked past the six mares as they backed away.

“Friendship is very true.” I heard the lavender Alicorn say.

“Then tell me, do friends burn you alive, steal your heart for money and shoot you in the back?” I asked as I looked over to her. She looked at me as if in pity, I couldn't help but sigh.

“But there was one man, friends till the end it was. It's funny really, the only being that actually stayed true to his words was hanged by his own kind, the same day I found out he was actually supposed to be a spy trying to follow my every movement. At first, I was furious at him but found out why they hung him. Disobeyed direct orders from the King of his world, so I packed up my things and proceeded to torch the planet.” I said to her.

“That's why you stopped believing in friendship, isn't it?” The lavender mare said.

“Tell ya what, I'll give you a week to show me that friendship is not a lie.” I said to her, earning a nod from her. I snapped my fingers, repairing any damage and healed any one I've inflicted pain on, including the midnight Alicorn.

“Perks of being me, I can bend reality to my will but I know better to not upset father.” I said as I walked towards Discord.

“If your friends fail, this world will be the new Pandora.” I said to him, earning a fearful nod from him.

“No pressure.” I added as I walked out of the throne room.

‘That could've gone better and why did I tell her that? Ugh, I feel like the time I had to check up on earth’s wasteland.’ I thought as I walked passed a few window murals.

So it begins

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PoV: Volburaal Nahlii
Location: Canterlot Castle

After I went back in the throne room and had a formal introduction, I had told the princesses that if they had ever tried anything, it'll be the world that would suffer the consequences.

I was then led by the lavender alicorn and her friends to a town called Ponyville.

“Where are we going?” I asked going through the halls of the castle.

“To the train station, Discord can't send us back since he needs to regain some of his magic from the group teleportation spell he casted.” Twilight said. I noticed most of her friends, meaning Rainbow and AppleJack were keeping an eye on me while Pinkie, the very energetic one was excited to have met Discords brother as well as Fluttershy, as the name implied she is very shy.

“Won't the way I look attract attention?” I asked, annoyed of their obviousness. She stopped and turned to look at me.

“You're right.” She said as she tried to come up with something. I snapped my fingers, covering myself in a torrent of black fire as I turned into a pony. The fire soon stopped, leaving me as a Pony.

I could see that the girls were looking at me with wide eyed stares and Twilight’s jaw dropped.

“What?” I asked them as I looked at myself a little, only seeing my that I had normal jet black wings, the black of my wings spread around my entire body like tattoos, my coat was of dark grey and my pulled my mane up front to see a normal black color.

“Is it my new form or something?” I said, putting my mane back.

“You're an Alicorn.” I heard Twilight say, earning nods of agreement from her friends.

“And?” I asked with a wave of my right hand.

“An Alicorn stallion, there hasn't been any Alicorn stallions since the death of Celestia and Luna’s father.” Rarity said as she now looked at me with lustful eyes.

“Look at me like that and I'll have your eyes in a jar.” I threatened her, making her look away while her face turned a little green.

“Dude, you're naked.” Dash said as a large blush formed on her cheeks along with her friends. I snapped my fingers, creating some clothing for me.

I wore a black shirt with the words ‘I am the Hype!’ written on the front and back, while I wore some cargo pants.

“So I'm still going to be the center of attention?” I asked as I looked back at Twilight.

“Yes, especially with the curved horn.” Twilight said as Pinkie pulled out a mirror from somewhere and gave it to me. I looked at my reflection and saw the curved horn, and my eyes, they were the same as before.

“Whatever.” I said, giving Pinkie the mirror back.

“Also hold on to your stomachs.” I said as I snapped my fingers, sending us through warp tunnel and ended up at Ponyville, at least I think it is.

“This the town?” I asked them as they held their heads in place. I counted five and I was about to ask but stopped as I heard someone losing their lunch.

I looked behind me and saw Pinkie putting her head in a trashcan.

“Don't worry, it happens to all the new users.” I said with a grin. I was then grabbed by my shoulder and roughly turned around. It was because of my quick reflexes that I was able to stop someone from punching me. I grabbed the fist and slowly crushed it. I followed the fist back to the owners face and saw a red stallion with a blond mane.

“What have you learned?” I asked in a mocking tone. In the background, I heard Applejack shout out the stallion's name, Big Mac.

‘Named after a fast food hamburger? Man, your parents must've hated you.’ I thought as I applying more pressure to crush his hand.

“Answer the question.” I said to him.

“Not to attack without a good and legitimate reason?” He guessed.

“Meh, Good enough.” I said, letting him go.

“Why did you do that to mah brother!?” Applejack shouted at me as she helped Mac up.

“Self defense.” I said with much simplicity.

“He's got a point.” I heard Pinkie said as she walked up to Applejack.

“Big Mac did just attack him, and for no reason I might add.” She said.

“I thought he attacked you girls. I saw Pinkie on a trashcan and I thought you were fighting them.” Mac said as he stood up, holding his broken hand. I waved my hand, healing him as he looked at me.

“Try moving your hand now.” I said as he did what he was told. He moved his broken hand only to find out that it was fully healed.

“Think twice when you're about to attack someo-pony twice your size.” I said as he finally looked up at me.

“Uhhhhh.” He said as I rolled my eyes.

“Not the first time that happens.” I said to myself. I looked at our surrounding and saw that we were in the middle of a market place.

Some of the residents were bowing at me while others stood there in shock. I raised an eyebrow at their behaviour.

“They say I'm weird.” I said to no one in particular.

“They think you're royalty.” Twilight said. I saw that in the crowd I could see four little fillies trying go through. I thought why not as I raised a finger up, making the fillies float up and I pulled my finger back.

After the fillies were out of the crowd, who were now scared on what I might do to the fillies. I then set the four fillies safely to the ground.

“Whoa~” They said as they got good look at me. I saw an orange pegasus with a purple mane and tail wearing rocker clothing, a yellow earth pony with a red mane and tail wearing farm clothing, a snow white unicorn with a bright magenta mane and tail wearing a small dress.

The last filly intrigued me the most, a midnight blue alicorn filly with Dragon like irises wearing some casual clothing.

“What were you four trying to do?” I asked them, gaining their attention.

“We heard there was a new pony in town.” The pegasus started.

“And usually we just meet the new ponies at some point the same day.” The unicorn continued.

“But we heard it was an Alicorn.” The earth pony said.

“And that's when we knew we had to see if it was true.” The Alicorn filly finished.

“Trust me, I'm not a normal Alicorn pony.” I said as Twilight walked by me with a smile towards the alicorn filly.

“How's school today, sweetie?” She asked the filly.

“Better than yesterday, mom.” The filly answered as she walked over to Twilight and gave her a hug.

“You have kid? Who's the lucky guy?” I asked, earning glares from her friends.

“Long gone, if we're lucky.” Twilight answered with sadness in her tone. To say I was an emotionless prick was an insult.

I embraced Twilight in a comforting manner. She froze on the spot, not knowing what I'm trying to do

“I may be a homicidal maniac, a liar, a killer, and insane but I just want you to know that I'm deeply sorry.” I whispered to her. She hesitated but embraced back and I could feel the front of my shirt get wet.

I noticed the residents of the town were staring but a quick glare from me made them move along.

‘I have a heart, and I've seen this happen before but I never suddenly hug the person.’ I thought as Twilight pulled back and I could see that she had a few tears going down her face.

“Don't cry until it's over.” I said as I wiped them away. She looked at me with a confused look.

“Why are you sorry? It didn't happen to you.” She said.

“No, but I've seen it happen and every time I have helped in a different way, I guess you just need to let it all out.” I said to her as her friends came by her side to comfort her.

“Dude, you suddenly get all emotional and not even an hour ago you-” Rainbow dash was interrupted as I clamped her muzzle with my hand.

“You ruined the moment." I look at Twilight, "I'll be back in a bit, going to go on a quick flight.” I said as I spread my wings and took off to scout the town.

PoV: Twilight

‘What just happened?’ I thought as Applejack gave me a pat in the back, interrupting my train of thought.

“You okay there, Sugarcube?” She asked me.

“I'm fine.” I said, wiping away the remaining tears.

“You sure, mom?” Nyx asked as she walked up to me. I bent over and picked her up.

“I'm fine, really.” I said as I gave a kiss on her forehead.

This is going to be an interesting week.

Chaos can be kind

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PoV: Volburaal Nahlii
Location: Outskirts of Ponyville
Time: 2:00 P.M
Thirty minutes later

After leaving Twilight with her friends, I took off to know the layout of town in the air. After a while I got bored and landed outside of town.

Being in this disguise is uncomfortable for me, because I usually I wouldn't care about anyone's reaction but then again, Xenophobic ponies.

I had taken down the disguise, revealing my real form and I realized I was only wearing pants. I sighed as I put my hands in the pockets and walked around the border of the forest, feeling a little chaos coming from within.

“The return of the why boner, with a vengeance.” I said as I punched my leg as I hard as I could, stopping the upcoming erection from feeling chaos.

“What is so special about you forest?” I asked as I looked at the forest. I felt something inside it, a predator that was heading towards me.

I narrowed my eyes at the forest and saw the silhouette of a lion looking thing. It sprinted out of the forest and looked at me as it got ready to charge at me.

I stood there welcoming his upcoming attack. He charged up to me and sliced off my left arm and I screamed in fake agony.

The creature smirked but was confused as I started laughing. My missing arm soon disappeared and soon reappeared as a skeleton arm on me, then was soon covered in veins, then muscle tissues and finally covered in scales.

I flexed my arm a little as I turned towards the beast with demented grin. My arm soon grew spikes and claws of a Deathclaw.

“Now that was rude.” I said as I was losing myself to my bloodlust. The beast charged at me in rage. I focused on making my spikes and claws go back in.

I then looked back at the beast and raised my right hand at it, making it stuck in place. It was a Manticore, a stupid Manticore at that.

I started closing my hand, slowly forming a fist and was greeted with the sound of bones crushing and the Manticore roaring in pain.


“Let this be a lesson to you.” I said, letting him go. He dropped on to the floor and looked at me in fear.

‘Leave him.’

“You have about ten seconds to get out of my face before I change my mind.” I warned it. It took the warning and ran back in the forest.

‘Do not lose yourself again, I will be watching you, my son.’

I had a grin the entire time but soon remembered where I was. I blinked and placed a hand on my forehead as I felt a headache.

“Bloodlust problems, great.” I said with sarcasm in my tone and walked back into town as I snapped my fingers and disguising myself again with a new shirt with the words ‘Fear my Laser Face!’.

Going through town as an Alicorn attracts a lot of attention, especially when you're as tall as me. I had to go through ponies bowing at me while I headed towards Twilight's castle.

I had finally arrived at her castle and wasted no time in getting in. After closing the doors behind me, I've decided to look around the castle, see what I could find.

After only ten minutes of looking and finding nothing but crystal rooms, which annoy the hell out of me, I've decided to see if she had anything to eat in her kitchen. I can just make my own food, but I'm to lazy.

On the way I could hear soft crying down the hall. I followed it up to an open door. I peeked to see who was crying and found Twilight's kid crying to herself.

It broke my none-existent heart from seeing the little filly cry. I walked into the room and started to slowly make my way to her. As I got closer I could her sob out a few words.

“Was I never good enough for you dad?” She sobbed out. I got close enough and knelt down.

“Are you alright?” I asked as I put a hand on her shoulder. She looked at me in shock and surprise.

“H-how did y-y-you get in?” She sobbed out. I pointed at her open door.

“I heard somepony crying and went to check it out. Now, what's gotten you so sad?” I asked her as I made a box of tissues for her.

“It's these two fillies at school, normally I would ignore them but then they said something about my dad.” She said as she blew into the tissue.

“They said that he left because of me, because of what I used to be.” She said as she looked down in sadness.

“Then he's not worthy of you calling him dad. A real Dad stays with his kids through thick and thin, leaving you and your mother is something only a coward would do.” I said, trying to cheer her up.

“But-” I didn't let her start as I held a finger up.

“If he left without saying goodbye, He loves you or that he'll miss you means that he was in it for something else. And I don't take kindly to those who abandon their child, you deserve better.” I said as she looked up at me. She then hugged me, surprising me but I still returned the fillies embrace.

“He may not have loved you, but your mother does and so do your friends.” I said as we held the embrace. She soon cried into my shirt, soaking it with her tears.

I stayed like that for a few minutes, trying to calm her down as I whispered ‘It's alright’ and ‘let it all out’. Once she stopped sobbing into my shirt, I could hear cute little snores coming from her.

‘Must've fell asleep while she was crying.’ I thought as I picked her up and moved the blanket back for her to lay down in. I then placed her on the bed and tucked her in.

After that was done, I walked out of the room and slowly closed the door behind me.

Once the door was closed, I turned around and saw Twilight in front of me, arms crossed and a stern look.

“What were you doing in there?” She asked me. I looked back at the door, then back to Twilight.

“I heard somepony cry earlier and followed it here, turns out that it was Nyx. So, I did what I thought was right, be the shoulder she could cry on.” I said to her.

“But why was she crying in the first place?” Twilight asked, worried for her daughter.

“She's being bullied in school, you need to look up on that.” I said, earning a nod from her. She then gave me a small hug.

“Thanks for calming her down.” Twilight said as she pulled back and began to walk away, leaving me frozen in place.

‘Ain't that a surprise.’ I heard a familiar voice say. I sighed, knowing full well who it is.

‘It's good to hear from you again, Vorohah.’ I greeted him.

‘Don't sound so bummed out, it's your fault I'm here. The longer you go without causing chaos, the more frequent you and I will be talking.’ He said as I began to walk to a guest room.

‘Well you better get comfy, because unless I have to, I'm not causing chaos while I stay here.’ I said to him as I found a room secluded from the rest and snapped my fingers, making the room a little better.

I opened the door and was greeted with a pure white room, making me smirk at my success. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

Training for the Psychopath

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PoV: Volburaal Nahlii
Location: Twilight's castle, Guest room
Time: 3:00 P.M

I've been spending the entire hour making my room and enjoying the hell out of it. The enchantment I gave the room allows it to be whatever I want.

Now I stand in the middle of a burnt down city as it's being invaded. I looked at the woman in front of me.

“Now, if you'll excuse us, you English cow, it's time for us to do your job for ya, and put these soulless bodies where they belong... In the ground, in case you didn't take--” i was interrupted by one of the enemy soldiers running at me.

I quickly sliced him in half with my bayonet, spilling blood all around me as I still held a maniacal grin.

“..In case you didn't take me meaning.” I finished as one of them yelled out attack. I stood ready to attack.

Who are we!?” I shouted at my team.

“The necessary evil!” They answered as the aimed their weapons at the enemy.

“Why are we necessary?!” I shouted again, pulling out my secondary bayonet.

“To purge the world of evil worse than man!” They answered as the enemy got closer.

“And why are we God's chosen few, ordained to undertake this unholy task!?” I shouted with all my enthusiasm.

“Because no one else will!” They answered as I crossed my blades.

“AND BECAUSE IT'S FUCKIN' FUN!” I shouted as I started laughing maniacally.

“AMEN!” I shouted as I ran towards the charging soldiers and began mowing them down. Some decapitation here, blood spilling there and the sounds of guns firing could be heard through my laughter.

PoV: Twilight
Location: Ponyville, Her castle
Thirty minutes earlier

After I left Volburaal his own devices, I had met up with my friends in the throne room.

Applejack and Rainbow were talking about how Volburaal shouldn't be trusted and that we should hit him with the elements of harmony.

I disagreed and told them how he hasn't done anything that could be called evil. Then we all sat at our respected thrones, making the marks of each one glow as a large round table rose up from the ground.

“What is it?” Rarity asked as we got closer to it. The table hummed and shone in a bright lavender light. Once the light was gone, we could see a map of Equestria like in one of those Sci-fi comic books that Spike reads.

Pinkie had found her old home just as Spike stepped on it, asking on what is all this. Soon an arrow appeared above a town in the middle of nowhere.

“I think it's telling us to go there.” Applejack said.

“Really? Like not having your thrones cutie mark, that are still glowing, above the arrow isn't enough of a clue.” Rainbow said with much sarcasm.

“Maybe they need help.” Fluttershy suggested.

“Then we'll go check it out. But we need to tell Volburaal to stay inside the castle while we're gone.” I said as we all walked towards Vol's room. When we got closer, we heard odd sounds coming from it.

As I opened the door the sounds got louder and I saw a city in flames on the other side.

I froze up, not only by seeing a city through the door but by seeing the carnage. The girls got curious and looked inside, or is outside? They had the same reactions as mine.

I soon heard the screeching of wheels to my left. I saw, if I remember correctly, a car but I'm sure that one isn't supposed to drive like that. It appeared through a wall of ashes and a few soldiers clad in their uniforms were running at the speeding vehicle with a speed that rivals Rainbows.

“There she is! Johan, tell her to pull over!” One of the running soldiers shouted at his colleague. The colleague then sped up towards the car and ran up beside it.

“Guten Abend, could you please pull over?” He asked only to get hit by the car.

“Vell, she declined.” The soldier from before said as he pulled out a large metal tube along with his other colleagues.

“Panzerfaust!” He shouted as the tube fired a large projectile at the car.

“YOU'VE! GOT! TO! BE! SHIT! -TING! ME!” The Driver could be heard shouting as she, at least it sounded like a female, dodged the projectiles that were exploding behind her but soon crashed into a wall.

I thought that was it for the mare who was in there but those soldiers didn't think so. One of them jumped on top of the car and raised a sword about pierce through the roof.

“Whooo!” The soldier shouted but died as his head was soon cut off. I could hear Rainbow gagging at the sight next to me.

“Hans?! Nein! And he was having such a good day! He even got to burn down London Bridge! Sing the song. Everything!” A soldier shouted, sad for the loss of his friend. The mare turned out to be a human woman.

“Congratulations.” The woman said, pulling out a cigar and lighting it.

“It took an entire squadron of inhuman, nigh-immortal, fake vampires to hunt down and corner a 22-year old woman.” She said, puffing a cloud of smoke.

“Zat's a woman?” A soldier said.

“She's 22?” Said another one.

“I hope it's everything you dreamed of. So how about it then?” She said, pulling out a sword and stood ready to fight. I noticed that Applejack was impressed by the woman's bravery against the odds.

“Come and get the first real fight you've had in 50 years, you dickless cowards!” The woman shouted at them. A random soldier ran up to her.

“I'LL STAB YOU IN ZE FUCKING FA-” The soldier was cut off as he was soon impaled by a dozen swords. The corpse exploded into paper and a tall blonde man with glasses stood up menacingly.

“God's Assassin…” One of the soldiers said in fear.

“Saint Guillotine....” A second soldier said.

“Ze Angel's Dust…” Followed by a third.

“Judas Priest…” And a fourth.

“Wait, like ze band?” The fifth one asked.

“Zey ver named after him!” The sixth one answered.

“By Jove, you fucking hedder of a woman! Surrounded by fifty vampire Nazis armed literally to the teeth, and what do you do!? You get out of your fucking car, pull out your sword, cut off one of their heads and yell, "come at me, you kraut shits!" No wonder Alucard wants to plow that virgin soil. I'm thinking about growing some flowers myself! Ha, ha, ha, ha.” The blonde man said with maniacal grin.

“Alexander Anderson. To what do I owe the unexpected pleasure?” The woman asked, mentioning the name of the tall man.

“Ah, you know, just out and about with me posse.” The now known, Alexander said as he looked up.

“Posse?” The lady said as she looked up as well. We then followed their gazes and saw hundreds of humans standing on the edges of the buildings.

“And look! Y'know how your pet vampire has got his own pet vampire? Well, that got me thinking, so I acquired some learn-ed youngsters m'self! Two of 'em! Which is twice as good! And here's the real kicker, one's Japanese, and the other one's fuckin' German! Ain't that topical?! I just need an Italian one and I've got me an axis of righteousness. Yumie! Say something in moonspeak!” Anderson shouted at one of his subordinates.

“Hai.” The subordinate said.

“Ha, ha! And the German's one, Heinkel. She shoots things; it's great.” Anderson commented on his other subordinate, earning a rhyme from her.

“Pop-Pop, watchin' heathens drop.” The subordinate said with a bored tone.

“Ze Iscariots? Ve're not scared of you! Look at you, you don't even know how to use a bayonet! It goes on ze gun, idiot!” One of the ‘nazi' soldiers commented, earning a laugh from his comrades.

“Now, if you'll excuse us, you English cow, it's time for us to do your job for ya, and put these soulless bodies where they belong... In the ground, in case you didn't take--” Anderson was interrupted by one of the enemy soldiers running at him.

He reacted by quickly slicing him in half with his sword, spilling blood all around him as he still held a maniacal grin.

“..In case you didn't take me meaning.” He finished as one of them yelled out attack.

PoV: Volburaal Nahlii

After finishing up the last one, I snapped my fingers, making the city disappear and my room to appear as I changed back to myself from being Alexander Anderson for an hour.

As I picked up one of my bayonets from the floor before it disappeared with the body it was embedded on, I heard someone throw up.

I looked at the door to see Twilight and her friends standing there with looks of fear and shock.

“You saw that?” I asked with a raised eyebrow as I placed the bayonet next to the bed. They nodded their heads, not knowing what to say.

“Then don't worry, it was all a simulation. It didn't happen anywhere.” I said as I opened the closet to pick out a shirt.

“Any reason you girls needed to peek into my room?” I asked.

“We came here to tell you that we'll be gone for a while, a town somewhere might need help.” Twilight answered.

“Alright, go ahead.” I said, putting on a shirt with the words ‘The Crimson Fcker’

“Make sure Nyx doesn't see that.” Twilight said as she groaned in annoyance, obviously forgetting that I've done many things.

“I'll try.” I said as I hoped on my bed, wanting to take a nap.

“And please, don't do anything to my home.” Twilight said as she pushed her friends out the door.

I waved my hand, making the door slam shut and let sleep take me.

Daar Los Aan Fin Nu.

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PoV: Volburaal Nahlii
Location: Castle Friendship, Ponyville
An hour after Twilight left

After Twilight left to do whatever she said she was going to do, I had taken the chance for a quick nap but woke up as I felt someone poke me repeatedly.

“Who's poking me?” I asked in a tired voice. I'm tired, I haven't slept in the past three millennia. I can go a lo~ong time without sleep.

“It's me, Nyx.” I heard the voice of Nyx as she stopped poking me.

“Is something the matter?” I asked as I sat up and began to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

“I was hoping if you could tell me where my mom went?” She asked as I lowered my hands.

“She's out for a while, but don't worry she'll be back in a few hours.” I said as I turned to look at her and noticed that she's looking better than she did a few hours ago.

“Oh, okay.” She said in a sadden tone.

“Why so glum?” I asked, wanting to know more.

“I thought that maybe she and I could spend some time together, You know like mother daughter things.” She explained.

“And since your mother had the day free, you thought it was a perfect chance?” I asked, gaining a nod from her.

“Cheer up, there's always tomorrow.” I said in attempt to cheer her up.

“Yeah, I guess.” She said in the same tone. I frowned at this, she really wanted to spend time with Twilight.

“You want to get a snack? I heard Pinkie works in a bakery not too far from here.” I said to her.

“You mean Sugar cube corner? Yeah they make the best baked goods.” She said in a happy tone. I smiled at her happiness, like I said before, I care.

“Lead the way.” I said as I stood up. She nodded and lead me towards the bakery. After we traversed the maze that is Twilight's castle, thanks to Nyx, we headed towards what appeared to be a large scale model of a gingerbread house.

Once inside the gingerbread house, I was greeted with the smell of baked goods. Cupcakes, cheesecakes, all the variety of cakes were on display in the counter.

Nyx was already ringing the bell, repeatedly. She kept ringing in until a blue earth pony mare with light pink mane walked out. From what I could see, she wore a white shirt that read ‘What doesn't hurt today, will burn your ass tomorrow’ and some jeans.

I shook my head as the mare walked up to the counter and stopped Nyx from ringing the bell.

“Nyx, sweetie, what have I told you about ringing the bell?” The mare asked politely with a smile.

“Sorry, Mrs.Cake.” Nyx apologized to the mare.

“It's fine but don't do it again, alright?” Mrs. Cake said, earning a nod from Nyx. She then took out small notepad and a pen.

“Now, what can I get you to-” She stopped as she finally took noticed me. She lost most of her color and bent down to the floor, bowing at me.

“Please, don't.” I said as I facepalmed.

“But you're an alicorn, a stallion at that! You're supposed to be treated with utmost respect.” She said, not moving from her position. I could hear Nyx stifling a laugh.

“So what if I'm an alicorn? I'm still a pony, right?” I said, lying about what I really am. Discord and I are what's called the Master race, like the name implies, we're supposed to be the ultimate beings in existence. We can choose the way our true forms would look like at any giving moment. There's only two of us, why you ask, because for you two be a Master, you either have to be born by one or given the ability to join our ranks.

“Yes bu-”

“Just get up, I will start shouting!” I shouted at her, making her stand up in a flash as she gave me a sheepish smile.

“Now um, what would you two like?” She said, still shaken up from seeing me.

“A vanilla milkshake, just vanilla.” I said turning to look at Nyx, who gave me a questioning look.

“I like Vanilla.” I said to her. She giggled at my answer as she walked up to the counter.

“One slice of the cherry cheesecake, please.” Nyx said, gaining a nod from Mrs.Cake as she went through a set of saloon doors to the back.

I snapped my fingers, making a bag of this world's currency, bits I think they're called.

Mrs.Cake came back with our orders and set them down at the counter.

“That'll be ten bits, your highness.” She said, earning a sigh of annoyance from me. I took out ten of them from the bag and gave it to her.

I then grabbed my milkshake as Nyx grabbed her plate of cheesecake. We sat down near the window and she began devouring her snack, making me laugh at her silliness.

“What?” She said as she looked at me with innocent eyes as he muzzle had been covered with cheesecake. I wiped of the cake from her muzzle and showed it to her.

“You eat like a pig.” I said with a chuckle.

“Yeah, I get that a lot.” She said with a giggle as she took the cheesecake remains from my finger using her spoon.

“Hey, can I ask you something?” Nyx asked as she licked the cake from the spoon.

“Hmm?” I hummed as I drank from my milkshake.

“Why are you the only Alicorn stallion since, well, ever?” She asked. I wanted to lie, but I found myself unable to and let out a sigh.

“I can't tell you, but I can show you.” I said to her. She tilted her head with a questioning look.

“When we get back to the castle, I'll show you.” I said before taking another sip from the milkshake.

The rest of our time there was spent in silent, minus the small talk we had. After she finished the last bit of her cake, we got up and left, with my milkshake in hand.

We headed back to Twilight's castle and on the way more ponies had bowed to my presence, which annoyed me to no end but I had to stay calm as I walked.

Once we arrived at the castle, I opened the door and let Nyx in first, then went in and closing the door behind me. I then turned to look at Nyx.

“You promise you won't tell anypony?” I asked her, earning a set of weird motions from her.

“What was that?” I asked as she finished.

“A pinkie promise, it's a promise that can't be broken.” She answered.

“Alright.” I said as I was soon covered in a torrent of black fire. I felt the disguise burn off of me. My left wing turned back into a large black raven wing while my right wing turned back into a cazador wing.

I looked back down at the filly looking at me. She had the look of pure shock.

“This is what I am. I disguised myself so others wouldn't be so afraid.” I said to her as she slowly walked up to me. She then went towards my raven wings touched a feather.

“You're like Discord?” She asked me.

“Yes, but that's because he's my little brother. I came here to visit him.” I said with smile as she walked up front.

“Cool~.” She said, still amazed by my true form. I smiled as I was soon covered in the same torrent of black fire.

“So you're like an alien, because you said you came to ‘this' world to visit Discord.” Nyx said as the flames dissipated, leaving me back with my disguise.

“In a way, both me and Discord are aliens.” I said as I bent over and picked her up, receiving a yelp of surprise from her.

“So, what do want to do you like to do?” I asked as I straightened back up with Nyx in my arms.

“I like to look at the stars at night and look for constellations.” She said, making me smile at her answer as I began walking to my room, ready to show her the true power of chaos in a contained area.

After navigating the halls and arriving at the door, I snapped my fingers, making the door shine in a bright blue light. After the light died down, I opened the door and was greeted by the void that is space.

I looked at Nyd and saw that she was speechless at the sight. She then turned to look at me.

“Is this...real?” She asked as I smiled at her.

“Only as real as you want it to be.” I said as I let her go, causing her to scream in fear, thinking that she was going to fall and closed her eyes.

After an entire minute, she opened her eyes and looked at me, then at herself and noticed that she was just floating.

“It's like being underwater.” I said as I began to paddle my legs, propelling me upwards.

It took her a while but she finally got the hang of it and was soon giggling as she floated around. Her smile and laughter was enough to warm my none existent heart.

She stopped and looked at me, wanting to ask something.

“How is any of this possible? I've never seen a spell like this before.” She said as she kept herself steady.

“It's not a spell, I can bend reality to my every whim, the way I made this is a little more complicated but you can do whatever you want, like this.” I said as I showed her a star I just made as it shun in a neon light. She looked at it in amazement and reached out for it.

I moved the star towards her and she caught in her hands. She opened them up and saw the miniature neon star.

“Your imagination is the limit.” I said to her as I appeared behind her.

“Anything you think of in here, will be reality.” I said as I held a hand out as a small midnight blue rode appeared in my hand. I then placed the rose in between her left ear.

The room soon changed into a grassy meadow with a small hill. I narrowed my eyes at the hill as I noticed three figures there.

I focused my eyesight and saw that the figures there were Twilight, Nyx and an orange coated pegasus stallion having a small picnic.

I heard a sniff beside me, I looked to see a sadden Nyx looking at the hill. I knelt down on one knee and looked at her.

“That's your Dad, isn't it?” I asked knowing the truth, a little of it at least. She nodded as I saw tears start to flow down her muzzle.

“Please don't cry, fillies like you shouldn't cry.” I said as I wiped the tears away. She quickly embraced me in a tight hug as she sobbed into my shirt.

I returned the embrace, wanting nothing but calming her down. I snapped my fingers, making my room return back to normal and making us appear on the floor.

Ten minutes later

After she finished crying and calmed down, she fell asleep immediately afterwards. I looked at the clock in my room and saw that it was getting late, that is if eight pm still counts as late in this world.

I stood up with Nyx in my arms and started making my way towards her room. Once there, I snapped my fingers, making Nyx’s current clothing turn into pajamas as I gently let her down on her bed.

After leaving her to sleep, I noticed that Twilight hasn't returned yet, odd.

I was about to head back to my room but was hit by a scroll on my way there. I picked up the scroll and read it.

My eyes grew as I read it and felt a grin spread across my face. Then I started clapping my hands, letting the scroll burn in blue fire as I began to laugh.

“What the heck is with the laughing?” I heard the voice of Spike, I think that's his name at least.

“Hold on Spike, I got some saving to do.” I said as I began making my way towards the main entrance.

On the way, I had been covered in a torrent of blue fire, changing my appearance into something else.

I'm still an Alicorn but now I wore a sleeveless, dirty blue overcoat and a gas mask.

As I walked outside and materialized my staff, I smirked under my mask as I began walking towards the forests location.

Once there, I grabbed staff and ripped open a portal to Twilight's location and stepped through it.

A bit of fun while doing a quick save

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Twilight Sparkle
Equal town, prison cell
Two hours after sending Volburaal the scroll

Me and my friends were captured and stripped from our cutie marks by Celestia knows what and tossed into some cells. I had managed to send Volburaal an SoS but that was hours ago.

Now I lay on the small cot the cell provided, crying that I might never see Nyx again. Pinie had tried to cheer me up but failed each time, now she sat there in a corner with her mane all flat.

Fluttershy didn't say a word throughout the whole ordeal, she's probably traumatized by all this. Rainbow and Applejack had been trying to pry open the cell doors to no avail.

“Stop you two, nopony is coming.” I said to Rainbow and Applejack, earning some sighs from them.

Right~” I heard the voice of a distant guard.

I'm not joking, that thing was possessed or something.” Another guard said to the first.

Are ya sure you're not high on something?” The first guard asked.

I threw the weird pointy compass away and closed the door, only to find the same weird compass stuck on the door. And for the record, I stopped doing mushrooms a long time ago, so I know what's real and what's not, you pr-” The sound of something hitting the floor hard could be heard, gaining our full attention.

H-h-hey, lets t-talk abou-OH DEAR CELESTIA!” A guard shouted as the door was burst open as a guard flew towards the wall.

“Ow.” The guard said before losing consciousness. We heard the sounds of heavy hoofsteps and whistling coming from the door.

A tall figure stood in front of our cell door and took hold of it, then tore it off with ease.

Out.” The figure said with a muffled voice. We did as he said and stepped out of our prison.

“Thank you.” I said, very awkwardly. I moved his hand behind his back as Rainbow and Applejack got ready to fight in case he attacked. The figure then pulled out the jars that contained our cutie marks and gave it to us.

“They didn't even try to keep those safe.” The stallion said as he walked towards an unlit candle and lit it. He groaned, probably by the lack light. I the heard the sound of fingers snapping and was blinded by the sudden light.

“Volburaal?” I asked, hoping it was him. Once I got my sight back I saw that it was indeed the disguised Dracunquus wearing a sleeveless duster and a gas mask.

He reached up at his mask and took it off, revealing that his alicorn face.

“Yes it's me, and don't get used to me saving your asses.” He said in a serious tone as he walked towards open door and looked out.

“It's clear, come on.” He said as he walked through the open door way with us following behind.

Volburaal Nahlii

‘I‘m only doing this for Nyx, she needs her mother after all.’ I though as I walked by the unconscious forms of the guards I knocked out earlier.

“For the record, I could've killed them but that's just a waste of my time.” I said to the girls behind me as we arrived at the cutie mark vault.

Rainbow and AppleJack went in to try to pry it open but stopped as I held them suspended in the air. I walked inside and took hold of the Vault doors. I ripped it off its hinges and placed the door on the side.

After placing the door down, Applejack and Rainbow went inside to release them. I turned to look at the four mares with me and walked passed them.

“Let's go, you,” I said as I gestured to Twilight.

“Need to stop that stupid mare, I'm going to be waiting to take you girls back to Ponyville.” I finished as I walked out the door and headed straight out to the town and began wandering around aimlessly.

I awoke with a sudden jump and looked at my surroundings. I fell asleep on a roof of one of the houses, how though is beyond me.

I stood up but the roof wasn't sturdy enough to hold me and broke a hole through it, falling two floors down. Once I landed on what looked like the remains of a coffee table and a chandelier that pierced my chest, causing my blood to rush out from the wound.

I sighed as I stood up, allowing the chandelier to slide out of me. Once I was up on my feet/hooves, I had opened the front door and walked out.

I was greeted with the sight of the mane six, I'm calling them that from now on, it helps. They seem to be looking for me, by the way the town looked, they must've stopped their capture.

“I'm over here.” I said as I walked towards them. They noticed me and the large hole on my chest, making them stare with horrified looks.

I rolled my eyes as I put hand over the wound and felt it stitch itself back together.

“You six done looking at me, I know I'm good looking but now I'm just getting annoyed by it.” I said with a grin.

The only one that I got a response from was Twilight Sparkle, earning a punched on the shoulder. I rubbed the area, healing it before it got a bruise.

“Let's get you six back home.” I said, snapping my fingers, resulting in opening a portal in front of us.

“Um, do we have to go through there?” Fluttershy asked, probably not wanting to get sick.

Sweetheart, if I knew another method of fast traveling, I'd tell you in a heartbeat. For now though.” I said as I pointed at the portal. She sighed and walked through it, her friends following behind.

Once I crossed through, I closed it and clapped my hands to gain their attention.

“Listen, I wouldn't give two shits if you have questions for me, it's late and I really don't want to answer questions.” I said, earning looks from all of them.

“It means move or I'll take your souls.” I said, taking out one of Uncle Mal’s sickles. They got the idea and hurried along to their respective homes, minus Twilight who stood there knowing that I wouldn't do such thing.

“Would you really though?” She asked me as she began to walk towards her room.

“Yes, yes I would.” I said as I dissolved the sickle and went to my room, following Twilight as she navigated through the halls.

“Thanks, by the way.” Twilight said as she went through her door.

“Don't get used to it.” I growled as I continued to my room.

Morning came around, I think. I've been in my room, enjoying the hell out of it I might add. I've spent my time killing Nazis, zombies, Nazi zombies, Nazi Dinosaur (Weird right?).

Now I'm playing some good old fashioned poker at The Inventory. I'm playing with Claptrap, Brock, Ash and Sam, our dealer is none other than GLaDOS.

After GLaDOS set another card in the table, showing us a king. I smirked, knowing that all I need is an ace.

“Okay, quick topic - words to live by. Go!” Sam said, gaining everyone's attention.

“Life is short and sadistic, so make love to it like a one-eyed double agent.” Brock said as he took another look at his cards and tapped the table. Check.

“Always run in the opposite direction of loud noises.” Claptrap said, putting a few chips in. Call.

“There's always time for more science.” GLaDOS said, lowering down behind Ash.

“Never go ANYWHERE without written instructions. What about you?” Ash asked Sam as he raised the pot, making a total of thirty thousand dollars in chips.

“Mine was "Try not to be a jerk," but I'm really liking that thing about the sadistic midgets. What about you, Volburaal?” Sam asked me, folding and leaning back in his chair.

“Don't question the reasoning in why things happen.” I said, getting the remaining twelve thousand dollars in chips, earning a whistle from Brock.

“So Claptrap, I heard Gearbox finally made you a playable character. How did it feel?” I asked the annoying robot.

“Not as fulfilling as I thought it'd be.” He answered in his normal cheerful tone. GLaDOS came down, placing the last card that I needed and was ready to decide the winner for the round.

“Brock Samson has a three of a kind.” She announced as Broke puffed out a small cloud of smoke from his nose.

“Ash has a pair.” She announced. Ash already knew he was going to lose and I could hear him muttering about not betting too much next time.

“Claptrap has a flush.” GLaDOS said as Claptrap did a little dance.

“And Volburaal has a Royal Flush.” GLaDOS said as Claptrap fell of his chair in disbalief with his loss. I leaned over the table and dragged my winnings over.

“Read em and weep, boys.” I said with a grin as I sat back down. I then heard a knock, earning confused looks from the guys.

“Hold on.” I said as I stood up and walked passed the bar while Moxxi held out a small glass of beer. I took it and nodded in thanks as I walked towards the wall, the source of the knocks.

I took a small sip of the beer and placed the cup and a table next to me, then started to look for the way to open the door. I then remembered the way and took hold of my cup, then tilted it, causing the door to open and reveal the door to Twilight's castle.

I opened the door and was greeted with Twilight and Nyx standing outside.

“Can I help you?” I asked, hearing Max cause a scene behind me.

“I just wanted to talk, I wanted to get to know the guy who's living in my castle and Nyx wanted to tag along.” Twilight said as Nyx waved at me with a smile.

Hey Clap, why do you have a censor?” I heard Sam ask behind me.

The fu*beep* you talking about?” I heard Claptrap answer. I stood still as I waited for Claptrap to stop swearing. I could see that Twilight was nervous through it all, that's when I had enough and grabbed my glass cup and threw it at the robot, hitting his mute button.

“Is that all, because I'm not one for social gatherings.” I said as I looked back at the two ponies in front of me.

“W-well, Nyx said that your room had a spell that could be changed into anything and I wanted to see it for myself.” Twilight said, giving me a sheepish smile. I sighed at this and looked at Nyx.

“I told you it's not a spell.” I said as I took a step back, giving them room to enter. They did so and was greeted with the sight of The Inventory and the guys on the table.

I walked back to my seat, walking passed Brock I took his cigarette and threw it away, only to be shot by one of the cleaning rays.

I pulled out two more seats and set them down on each side of me, then sat down on my chair.

“Uhh?” Brock said as he saw Twilight and Nyx take their seats.

“Guys, this is Twilight Sparkle and her daughter Nyx, they're the ones that gave me a place to stay while I stayed for the week.” I said as I leaned towards Brock.

“They were supposed to show me that friendship is real.” I whispered to him.

“You know it is.” Brock said as I leaned back to my chair.

“Yeah but I needed to have an excuse to stay for the week.” I said with a laugh.

“Wait, what?” Twilight said.

“I lied when I said I didn't believe in friendship, I just needed a place to stay for the week.” I said, earning a glare from the mare.

“You lied!?” She shouted at me.

“And dogs cried.” Sam said, rhyming with the word lied.

“Men died.” Brock said as he was about to light another cigarette but I quickly took it away.

“Nein!” Claptrap shouted, using an old recording of an old German.

“I got nothing.” Ash said as we all turned to look at him.

“Clothes dried.” I heard Nyx say, earning all of our attention.

“Good one, kid.” Brock said, complimenting Nyx's save.

“Anyway, just because I lied about my reason in staying doesn't mean what I told you a couple days ago wasn't true.” I said as GLaDOS came down and took away all the cards on the table.

“The blinds are now eight hundred and twelve hundred.” GLaDOS said as she gave everyone their next hand. I looked at the cards I was dealt with and frowned.

“Welp, sometimes you have to know when to hold'em and know when to fold ‘em. Right now, it's folding time.” I said, placing my cards on the table and leaned back in my chair.

“Excuse me, Vol.” I heard Nyx say.

“Yeah?” I said, ready to answer any question she might have.

“If you didn't stay here to learn about friendship, then why did you stay?” Nyx asked me.

“I just...wanted a break, going around in the infinite multiverse kinda takes a toll on you when the last time you took a break was three thousand years ago.” I answered her question.

“Have you ever fallen in love with anypony throughout your travels?” Nyx asked, making me wobble from my chair from her sudden question.

“...No.” I simply answered. She was about to ask another question related to the last but I placed a finger on her lips to keep her quiet.

“I'm not comfortable talking about it.” I said as I removed my finger from her lips.

“And you wanted to see what my room can do?” I asked Twilight, gaining her attention.

“Yeah, is it a bad time though?” She asked as I looked back at the guys.

“Sametime next week?” I asked, gaining nods from them as they faded away along with the room, leaving a pure white room in its place.

“Now, just imagine where you want to be, like so.” I said as the room soon turned into a sandy beach. Twilights eyes grew to the size of dinner planes as her jaw hung around.

I put a hand on her chin and closed her mouth.

“Ask and I'll answer with the best of my abilities.” I said as I sat on the sand. Twilight looked around, seeing no sign of my room only a beach with a few palm trees around the sand.

Nyx walked towards me and sat next to me, though I wonder why. Soon Twilight did the same and sat on the sand, resulting in a yelp of surprise as she quickly stood back up.

“How are you two sitting in the blazing sand?” She asked us. Nyx looked at me, waiting for me to answer her mother.

“It's only hot if you think it is. So think of the sand being cold and sit on it again.” I said to her, she did as instructed and sat down on the sand this time in good result.

She then began to ask millions of questions on how I can do this and I answered, like I promised.

So close, yet so far

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“Why exactly did we do this?” I asked my little brother as we walked out through the gate to Tartarus. I had a bloodied machete and Discord had the head of the centaur named Tirek.

“He almost killed me and my friends, a little payback isn't going to hurt anybody...else.” Discord answered.

It had been two days since I answered all of Twilight’s questions, the rest of that say was spent with me getting to know her and Nyx. Yesterday I left to Canterlot so I could catch up with Discord and I noticed the sad looks from Nyx and Twilight. Nyx I understood why, she probably sees me as a father figure. Though I would disagree on that. But Twilight's reaction when I said that I'd be gone for a day was not what I expected.

I expected relief or happiness that she wouldn't see me for an entire day but her reaction was one of sadness.

During my stay, I had gotten to know those two royals, Celestia and Luna. Apparently they both wanted to see just how powerful I am, which led to the Solar Eclipse.

Discord couldn't stop laughing at their faces as I moved the moon and the sun at the center of the sky in only one minute.

After showing them the eclipse and putting the moon back where it belongs, I was invited to have tea with them. They had tea, I had beer. Though I only drink for the taste, I can't get drunk even if all life depended on it.

Afterwards, Discord and I have been spending a lot of time together, from showing the guards how to fight properly, to pranking both Sunbutt and Moonbutt as he likes to call them.

I might've messed with Luna’s game consoles by accident and she tried to plague me with Nightmares, which of course led me to wear a Plague mask for shits and giggles. Thought at the end of the day, I had replaced her old game console with a better, faster, stronger, one. It is the million bit console.

Once morning hit, Discord began teaching me the right and wrongs of this world to which I just answered When Have I ever followed the rules.

So he then began explaining in detail on his capture. Though embarrassing for him, it was hilarious for me. A fucking rainbow cannon was used the first time.

The second was A friendship rianbow cannon. In a single sentence he explained the elements of harmony, An eepileptic friendship rainbow cannon that gives no shits.

Anyway, He then had asked me if I wanted to go with him to settle a score with someone and I accepted. The good side to all of this, I got to drop my disguise for a while.

“Do those two mares know this?” I asked him. He looked at me as he tapped his chin with his eagle talon.

“Nope.” He said with a straight face. Rolling my eyes, I walked ahead of him. The location of the door is stupid as fuck, someone could easily find this.

The door was in the middle of a grassy meadow, only a few twenty miles away from the Everfree Forest. Hearing the door closed behind me and the locks turn, I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

Spreading my wings and taking off of the ground, I looked back to see Discord on a surfboard in the air behind me. I smirked as I sped up and went through a cloud.

Once on the other side, I changed the cloud to be as solid as a brick wall but not have any weight. Only seconds later, I heard the sound of something smacking on the cloud.

Chuckling, I flew down on to the edge of the forest. Only seconds later after I landed, Discord crashed next to me. Groaning in pain, he stood up and glared at me.

“You piece of-” He didn't finish as he was crushed by the cloud now turned boulder. I fell on to the floor as I laughed to my heart's content.

I stopped laughing as I felt something slimy on my back followed by the feeling of being tickled. Chuckling, I reached over my back and felt a small blob of gel like substance.

Taking a hold of it and seeing that it was an orange blob. Placing a finger on it and wiggling it, earning a few gurgles from it.

Two small dots formed and blinked at me. It squealed and wrapped two tendrils around my arm.

“Aww.” I cooed at it as I began to pet it gently.

Distracted with the little Slime creature, I didn't see Discord throw the boulder off of him. He looked at me in anger then noticed the little blob in my hands.

“Is that…” He said trailing off as his eyes grew to the size of dinner plates, I swore I could see the words processing through his eyes. All of a sudden I heard a loud ding.

“Vol, how exactly did you find it?” He asked, pretending that never happened.

“I don't know, I just found him stuck on my back. I think it likes me.” I said as I received what sounded like purring from the slime.

“Right, well what you have there is known as S.C.P Nine-Nine-Nine, a creature who is one of its kind and very harmless.” He explained to me. Scp, Scp. Why does that ring so many bells?


“Special Containment Procedure.” I said out loud, looking at the slime with a harden look. The slime now looking at me in fear. My face soften at it, as I continued to pet, making it feel safe.

Looking over to Discord, who was desperately trying to avoid eye contact to the point of going cross eyed.

“I told you once, don't remake the Scp’s. You tried to do it once, I left you off the hook with a warning. A few millennias later, you try again to the same result.” I started scolding him, making him shrink under my gaze.

“I exterminate every single Scp, erase the foundation from history and take care of all the victims by giving them the one thing they truly desire and you go behind my back, re-create the Scp’s and on another planet!” I shouted, furious with him.

“I know I messed up, but I contained them in Tartarus. All of them are in there, all two thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine of them.” He said, fear evident in his tone.

“That doesn't excuse you for doing so!” I said, eyes glowing red and blue. Soon Discord was enveloped in a blue and red aura and lifted up.

“And as punishment..” I started taking all his chaos, making him powerless to use any chaos or reality bending powers. He didn't resist, knowing that he deserved this.

“I'll be taking your chaos for as long as I see fit.” I said, taking an empty bottle and putting the chaos essence inside. Looking back at the slime, seeing him looking fearful at me.

I felt guilty for frightening the little one but what it did next surprised me. He wrapped around my hand again as I was about to let him down.

“Fascinating, it seems it had grown a liking to you.” Discord said as he came up to me. I hovered my free hand over the slime, only for it to get wrapped up and the slime to go climb onto my other hand.

Smiling little, I did the same thing and hovered my now free right hand over the slime, causing it to do the same thing.
“Are you planning on keeping it?” Discord asked. Closing my eyes and sighing to myself. Opening my eyes again, I saw the slime looking at me with a curious look.

I nodded, deciding to keep the scp. Though the thought of the Scps existing again worries me.

“Also, now that you've found out about my little screw up. I sorta maybe kinda can't contain one, on account of its size.” Discord said with a sheepish smile while twirling his thumbs.

“You didn't.” I growled, placing my new slimy pet on my shoulder. Discord nodded, making me facepalm.

“Where?” I asked him.

“It's in the Eastern sea, it's already got an archipelago on its back.” Discord explained. I was about to shout at him but a nuzzle from the slime stopped me from doing so, in fact I felt oddly happy.

I shook my head, then looked at Discord.

“Well, figure out its containment procedure another time. For now, you need to get back to Canterlot and tell the two Celestial Butts what you did and how to proceed if one comes into contact with a Keter Class or deadly Euclid class.” I said as snapped my fingers, sending him back to Canterlot.

Once he was gone, I looked at the scp on my shoulder. Smiling, I began walking back to Ponyville, seeing as it's only a short walk away.

On the way, the slime had decided to go around my upper body, tickling me while doing so and that's what reminded me its old nickname, The tickle Monster.

I haven't laughed this hard in a very long time. Taking a hold of the little guy and placing him on my shoulder, I continued to walk towards town.

Walking through town in my disguise still makes the townsfolk bow at first sight of me. At least I know they respect their royalty.

Though passing by the apple cart with Macintosh running the stand, made him avoid eye contact with me. I tried moving towards his gaze but stopped as he went cross eyed.

I looked at the slime on my shoulder and saw that he was confused as me. Continuing my trek back to Twilight’s castle, I had passed by Fluttershy who had been tending an injured Great Dane.

I had greeted her as I passed by, leaving a Veterinarian First aid kit. Smirking, I had left Fluttershy to take care of the Giant dog.

Arriving back at the castle, I saw Spike sweeping the floor of the entrance as I stepped through the doors. Being in the weird good mood, I had snapped my fingers, making the broom sweep itself.

Of course, it surprised him but as soon as he saw me, he calmed down.

“Don't do that!” He shouted in defense as I chuckled at his reaction.

“Don't worry, your secret safe with me.” I said with a grin before walking off to my room.

Getting to my room wasn't as challenging now that I had gotten the layout to the castle. Opening the door and heading inside, I was greeted with the cool breeze of the white room.

Holding out my hand, making a HUD of a thermometer appear and raised the temperature to a good eighty degrees. Sitting on the bed, I felt the slime hop off to the bed and layed down beside me.

Smiling, I began to pet it again.

“I wonder what you eat...if you eat at all that is.” I said to the little one. I was greeted with a squeal of happiness from the slime.

I was about to take hold of it but I was interrupted by a few knocks on my door. I stood up and and walked over to the door as another set of knocks were heard.

Opening the door and looking down, I saw Twilight. Sighing, I shrunk a bit to her eye level.

“Yes?” I asked her. She looked nervous about something. She then sighed and turned around.

“Forget it.” She said. Ahh hell nah! Placing a hand on her shoulder, I spun her around.

“Oh no. You're telling me why you knocked on my door.” I said to her. She looked at me and I could've sworn I saw a hint of blush on her but ignoring that for now.

“I wanted to ask, h-how do you know when you're truly in love?” She asked, in a speed that could rival the Pink one’s blabbering. I blinked at this with only one thing in mind.


‘I‘m as lost as you are, man.’ Vorohah said. Shaking my head slightly, I looked back at the mare in front of me.

“Why ask me? Don't you have anyone that specializes in love or any other emotion?” I asked.

“Yes but, I wanted to hear it from one who has a lot of experience in life and well, It's kinda hard for me to talk about it.” She answered. I nodded slowly and stepped aside, allowing her entry as the room soon turned into an office that belongs to a psychiatrist, sofa included.

“Lay down and explain.” I said as I saw the slime slither towards me. Picking him up, I sat down on the large chair beside the couch as Twilight laid down on it.

Once fully laid down on the couch, I summoned a note pad and pen. For some reason the pen had an eraser with smell text on it saying Ha!.

“Alright, you can begin.” I said as I threw the pen away and summoned another one, this time it was a normal pen.

“Start from where?” Twilight asked. Blowing a small raspberry, I looked at her.

“Think on why you're here in the first place.” I said. She nodded slowly and began.

“Well, I met this stallion, who's name I wont mentjon, in town a couple of days ago. I only just met him, but he comforted when I felt weak and even Nyx.” She began. I pretended to be writing all this down but I was actually drawing. Though, I think I know where this is going.

“He's funny, cute, kind, great with Nyx. But I don't know the real him, he lives behind a mask, a face not of his own.” She continued. I pretended to listen by humming a few times.

Lost track of time but I finished the drawing. Looking at Twilight and seeing her still talking.

I wrote something on the drawing and ripped it off the notepad, placed it on the table in front of me and disappeared in a flash with the scp in my arms.


I stopped talking as I heard the sound of teleporting. I sat up and looked at Volburaal only to see that he left.

I felt my ears flatten as I realised I messed up. I stood up and noticed a piece of paper neatly folded on the small table.

I picked it up and unfolded it and was greeted with a drawing

I looked on the back of the drawing and saw that he wrote something down.

“I know what you're trying to say, but I need to hear it from you. Talk to me again, when you feel ready.” It read. I was going to crumble up the note but didn't as I saw something written in the drawing.

I narrowed my eyes and focused. I could see what it said, Beautiful.

I felt my heart soar at this, he thinks I'm beautiful.

A game of cards, play them right

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An hour after leaving Twilight to her thoughts and hopefully she'll get the hint to express her feeling better but while I waited, it was time for Poker Night at The Inventory. Brock, Claptrap, Ash and Sam were in our regular table with GLaDOS as the Dealer.

“So you just left her while she talked? Cold.” Brock said as he looked at his cards again.

“If you were me and listening to her try to tell you how she feels, you'd do the same.” I told him, tapping the table. Check.

“It's still kind of a dick move.” Ash said. Rolling my eyes, I looked at the table as an ace appeared. For now, I had two pairs.

“I know that but it was either that or tell her to try again in person. I'm trying to be nice and it's hard.” I said to him.

“Being nice is hard for you? Wow, then they say I'm weird.” Claptrap said, receiving a chorus of You are from everyone in the room.

“Hmm, fuck it. All in, baby.” Brock said as he placed all of his chips on the table. Everyone else either called or bet.

“So anything interesting happened while I was gone?” I asked placing another five thousands dollars into the pot.

“Speaking of interesting, do any of you guys know anything about trading cards?”Brock asked

“Not since I discovered girls.” Ash said, earning looks from all of us including Moxxi and Max.

“I never associated with trading cards, never really thought of them like a must have thing.” I said with a shrug of my shoulders as Moxxi came up with a few drinks and set them each down to the respected people. When she handed mine, I saw the coloring of the beer was one of a Rainbow. I nodded my thanks as she left.

“I...might know a few things. Why?” Sam said.

“Well, there was an incident at the Venture Compound yesterday, and, well, Dean's shoebox of collectable trading cards kind of got hit by some stray flamethrower fire.” Brock explained, causing me to almost choke from my drink.

“On Pandora, we keep our shoes in fireproof lockers!” Claptrap shouted.

“On Pandora, you keep everything in lockers.” I said to him.

“I figure I got about three or four days to replace 'em before Dean notices they're missing, but I don't know where to start.” Brock said as he placed his cards down, revealing three of a kind six’s.

“Depends.” I said to him. He looked at me questionably as I set my cards down. Two pairs.

“Depends on what?” He asked me as Sam folded.

“What kind of cards are we talking about here? Baseball? Wacky Packages? Faces of Mirth?” Sam said, listing off a few trading card types.

:“According to Dean's database, it's a full set of Alien Invasion cards.” Brock said, taking a note out and showing the name of the cards.

“That's gonna be difficult.” Sam said as Claptrap and Ash folded, allowing Brock to take the winnings of the round. Twelve hundred dollars. I still have enough to go on.

“Why?” Brock asked as he sat back down after pulling the chips to his side.

“GLaDOS, if you please.” I said to our dealer. She lowered herself between Ash and Sam.

Alien Invasion cards, published in 1964, were a series of 255 collectable cards that depicted a fictional alien invasion of Earth. Due to their lurid tableaus and violent imagery, they were quickly yanked off the market. As of 2012, only a few hundred intact sets are known to have survived.” She said without missing any details.

“Oh, I remember those! Ha, Discord had gotten them as soon as they came out.” I said as I remembered Discord’s obsession with those cards. A few compartments opened up near our cards and took them before closing back up again.

“Oh man, I had a few Alien Invasion cards when I was a kid. I practically had to trade away my bike to get 'em.” Ash said, as nostalgic as it sounds, I think that's where Discord got that bike. Hmm.

“So you're saying I'm screwed.” Brock stated with a bemused tone.

“Probably, but I'll see what I can do.” Sam said.

“I'll ask if Discord still has them but don't get your hopes up.” I said to Brock, earning a nod from the blonde human.

“Thanks... wait. You said 255 cards, right?” Brock asked our dealer.

“Yes.” GLaDOS said.

“I could swear Dean's database listed two-hundred and fifty-SIX cards.” Brock muttered out.

“It's probably a typo. Have you seen the way teenagers type these days?” Sam said before taking sip from his drink.

“Hmm.” Brock hummed. I then felt something vibrate my wrist. I looked down and saw that it was time for to go. So, gulping down my drink, I then stood up and said my goodbyes.

Walking out the small door shaped portal, I stretched my legs as I saw that I stood in the middle of Twilights castle garden.

I snapped my fingers and a scroll appeared. I opened it up and saw nothing written on it, then took out a pen and began to write to Discord about his old card collection.

Once finished, I closed the scroll and snapped my fingers again, causing a spirit Phoenix to appear flying in front of me. I gave it the scroll and it flew towards Discords location.

That done, I spread open my wings and took of for a small flight. While in the air, I felt something crawl up my right arm, looking down at said arm, I saw that it was my new gelatinous friend.

I had decided to name him Jelly, it suits him really and he seems to love it so that's what I went with.

Seeing an empty cloud, I landed on it and laid down. It felt like I was in heaven again.

“Cloud bed sounds like a good idea. What do you think, Jelly?” I asked my little friend. Looking next to me, I saw that he was rolling on the cloud and letting out what sounded like purrs.

I moved my hand up to him and began to pet him.

“I'll take that as a yes.” I said before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

Dust Basin, White Sands
Siege of White Sands

Get up!!” Ringing was all I heard. Opening my eyes, seeing my old friend, Emmett. He held out a hand, I took hold of it and he pulled me up to my feet.

Ringing, ringing, ringing throughout the endless gunfire. I felt my eyes grow wide as I saw what was heading towards us.

Ox!” I shouted as I took out a rocket launcher and used my vulture pack to head up into the air and get clear shot.

Before I was even able to fire, a rocket scab popped out of the top of the Ox Heavy and locked on. Knowing that I'm fucked if I stay in the air, the Pack propulsed me downwards as the scab fired a homing rocket.

I ran towards the rocket and took hold of it, then spun it around before quickly letting go, making the rocket hit a burnt building. The Ox saw this and aimed its cannons at me.

I was ready turn tail and run before hearing a loud battle cry.

“Yeeehaw!” I heard a shout. Looking up, I saw Emmett had somehow gotten a Grizzly Rig exo-suit. Without wasting any time, he ran towards the Ox tank before it fired and took hold of its wheels before flipping the tank over and started using the built in ground pounder.

Sighing out in relief, I took out my kinetic rifle and ran towards the rest of the group while Emmett looked for whatever he was looking for.

Finally reaching the limits of White Sands, I saw Shane, Dalton and Vaughn holding off against another squad of Outcast troopers.

Taking a hold of the grenade on my vest, I pulled the pin and threw it.

While it was in the air, the grenade shattered into five cluster bombs.

Seconds later, screams of death could be heard with an explosion. I ran up to a road block, seeing Dalton with his Union shotgun fully loaded.

Nodding, I counted down then vaulted over the road block and ran towards the nearest Scab. I grabbed him and slit his throat, then without another second I took out my Galloway and provided some cover fire for Shane while Dalton ran towards a group of scabs guns blazing.

Then, hearing the sound I dreaded hearing behind me. I looked back to see a tribal colored Hawk, it raised its foot and stomped me.

Mission Failed
78,789 pts

I awoke, knowing that I died again. It annoyed me that it continued to happen.

I sat up from the cloud, waking Jelly up in the process.

“I'll try again some other time, for now I'll go back to the castle.” I said to myself as I lowered my hand for Jelly to climb on then took off towards the castle.

Once I landed in front of the main doors, I dropped my disguise for a Second before putting it back on. Wearing a disguise for so long can tire me out.

Opening the doors and heading inside, I could hear the voice of Nyx and her three friends as they turned through a corner and headed out.

They saw me and quit down, Nyx was the only one who greeted me and I greeted her friends.

After that, I continued my trek to..

I stopped as I finally realized that I had no idea where I was heading to. Face meet palm, palm meet Face. Jelly saw this and mimicked my actions, making me chuckle as he did so.

Snapping my fingers, making a bag of M&m’s appear. I opened the bag and took out and hovered it above Jelly. He moved around in synch with the M&m before jumping and taking it from my hand.

Shaking my head, I let Jelly on to the floor and gave him the bag. He squealed in joy before he started to devour the candy.

Leaving Jelly to his business, I continued my trek through the castle.

I passed door after door, window after window before stopping in front of a slightly opened door. Not wanting to peek, I tried to listen in as I heard a hushed voice.

“Come on, I can do this.” Twilight, wonder what she's doing? I heard her take deep breaths before saying something. Focusing my hearing more, I could hear that Twilight had been trying to find the way to reveal her feelings to me and ask me out.

After the six attempt, I opened the door in a carefull manner and leaned on the door frame. I saw Twilight practicing on a mirror.

“I know this is really too soon for me to have developed feeling for you but, it happened. I'm sure it isn't just a crush because it doesn't feel like one, it feels better. Being around you makes me feel special.” Twilight said to the mirror but stopped as she tried to come up with something else to say.

“I guess this means I'm in love with you.” She finished up and muttered something else under her breath afterwards. She turned around and saw me.

To be honest, I know I can bend reality to my every whim and screw with logic but I'm pretty sure no one could go that pale. Snow white, hah!

“I-I umm..Hi.” She squeaked out. I chuckled and walked over to her. She didn't move and once I was close enough, I shrunk down to her size and I pulled her into a kiss.

I could see that she was shocked but kissed back. Once I pulled back, I smiled at her.

“To be honest, I felt like this ever since I first saw you but couldn't do anything about it. Father’s rules dictates that I cannot reveal my feeling to anyone unless they have first.” I trailed off before finally shaking my head. “Point is, I'm in love with you too.” I said with a goofy grin.

She looked to be in tears before burying her face into my shirt. We stayed like this for what felt like hours but it didn't matter to us, as long as we were together, we're happy.

I pulled away from the hug as I heard a caw above me. We looked up and saw the Spirit Phoenix with a scroll.

It dropped it on me before flying into a wall, crashing and disappearing after hitting the wall. Twilight looked at me as she wiped away a few tears.

I opened it and saw that Discord wrote back and sent me one of the cards. I bursted out laughing as I read the name, Wrath of Uranus.

Learning about space

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I've agreed to many things, lunch, destruction, Nuclear detonation and etc but this, is the most stupidest thing I've agreed to. Not only am I human but I'm also a High school Astronomy teacher.

It all started earlier today, when Twilight received a large amount of books from Sunbutt. It had been a week since we've revealed our feelings and only days afterwards we've gone on a date but it was cut short by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Nyx included, were found standing in each other while disguising themselves as a stallion wearing a very long trench coat. It wasn't something that I'd normally allow anyone anywhere to do, everyone has their own lives but seeing it happen to me was funny.

They were let off the hook after they immediately confessed after falling on each other, revealing themselves. So yeah, first date ended in a funny way and I'm not salty about it neither is Twilight. Luckily none of them said anything to their sisters or I would've been annoyed with empty threats.

Anyway, she received a load of books including one with Sunbutt’s Mark. She read the contents of the book, saying that it was a sort of communication device to another world. An SOS was sent via the book and Twilight needed to go through portal which happened to be a mirror. Once she opened the portal, she asked if I wanted to go while her friends were offering to go themselves as well. Twilight had to deny them due to the Other world's version of them and had asked me to go because I'm not from here.

So we crossed through and ended up next to a fancy looking school. I had looked at myself, seeing that I looked like a thrifty four year old male human.

Mentally I sighed, at least my gender wasn't changed again but on the outside I frowned, I looked normal, ugh. I snapped my fingers, causing my clothing to change from a very professional looking suit to one of a laid back human. I wore a white long sleeved shirt and navy blue jeans.

Looking for Twilight, I saw that she had been affected as well. Gotta admit, she does look good as a human. But I then saw five familiar faces and another new face.

So after a brief introduction, I was informed to go to the principal's office and guess who it was waiting for me, Sunbutt. The only bright side was that this version was tolerable than the other.

After an explanation involving my now acquired job as the astronomy teacher. So now I waited in my new empty class room with a chalk board behind me and it wasn't even time for the first period yet.

And I managed to fall asleep and only woke up from the noise teens talking in class. I must've slept too long but anyway, I opened my briefcase, seeing a slingshot and paint balls.

Grabbing the slingshot and a paint ball, I aimed at the loudest one. The teen wore a leather jacket with lighting bolt as an insignia and his voice could be heard. Letting go of the of the ball, it hit him in the shoulder. The Teen saw this and looked around, shouting for the person who did that.

Everyone quieted down as he walked around the classroom when he made a fourth turn, I stood up and walked behind him. He kept looking around we heard someone snickering.

Once he looked back, his face paled as he saw my glare. Not giving him a chance to say anything, I picked him up and put over my shoulder before walking towards the door. Once at the door, I opened the door before tossing him out.

“Come back when you want to do something productive with your life, you fucking jockey.” I said before slamming the door shut, leaving him speechless.

I sat back on my chair before clasping my hands together.

“Anyone else?” I asked the class. They knew not to mess with me so they sat down and stared at their desks. I opened the textbook and.searched on a chapter to start the class.

“The fuck is this shit?” I said outloud, earning a few laughs. I slammed the book shut before throwing it in the bin.

“Well, I can tell you one thing, that book,” I said, pointing at the text book inside the bin. “Is pure shit.” I stated before standing up.

“So I'm going start by asking, what is Astronomy?” I asked them. I felt my right eye twitch as no one even tried.

“If no one answers or even at leasts guesses the answer, then I'm going to need you to write a fifty page essay of space by tomorrow.” I said, looking at my nails before hearing the sound of hands being raised. I looked over at a a student with way too much muscle before picking him.

“Stand up, say your name and your answer.” I said to him. He nodded nervously before trying to stand up but ended up smacking his knee on his desk, causing some to laugh. The laughter died as soon as they saw me.

The young man stood up and coughed a bit.

“My name is Bulk Biceps and as for my answer, Astronomy studies the universe beyond Earth, including its formation and development, and the evolution, physics, chemistry, meteorology, and motion of celestial objects such as galaxies, planets, etc and phenomena that originate outside the atmosphere of Earth such as the cosmic background radiation.” Everyone was speechless by his answer and the silence was broken by me clapping my hands together.

“Exactly! Now, do any of you know one of the many branches of astronomy?” I asked them. I saw another student raise their hand up, this one was a young woman with electric blue hair, headphones and purple shades. She wore a white tank top that if I might add looked very tight to wear. I stood on my desk before snapping my finger at her.

She stood up and blew a bubble of gum before it popped.

“DJ PON3-” She was interrupted by me shooting her with a grape.

“Name!” I said out loud, making sure that she understands me.

“Vynil Scratch and for my answer, there's like, a ton of branches of Astronomy, one being Astrobiology, it studies the advent and evolution of biological systems in the universe.” Vynil said.

“Correct.” I said as I hopped on one of thr students desks, making the owner of the desk reel back in shock. I started walking on the desks. I walked around in circles, seeing the teens brighten up at my act.

“Miss Scratch is correct, there are tons of Branches.” I said as I walked over Bulk again.

“For instance, let me name a few. Astrophysics a branch of astronomy that deals with the physics of the universe, including the physical properties of celestial objects, as well as their interactions and behavior. Among the objects studied are galaxies, stars, planets, exoplanets, the interstellar medium and the cosmic microwave background; and the properties examined include luminosity, density, temperature, and chemical composition. The subdisciplines of theoretical astrophysics are:

Compact objects – this subdiscipline studies very dense matter in white dwarfs and neutron stars and their effects on environments including accretion.

Physical cosmology – origin and evolution of the universe as a whole. The study of cosmology is theoretical astrophysics at its largest scale.

Computational astrophysics – The study of astrophysics using computational methods and tools to develop computational models.

Galactic astronomy – deals with the structure and components of our galaxy and of other galaxies.

High energy astrophysics – studies phenomena occurring at high energies including active galactic nuclei, supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, quasars, and shocks.

Interstellar astrophysics – study of the interstellar medium, intergalactic medium and dust.

Extragalactic astronomy – study of objects, mainly galaxies, outside our galaxy, including Galaxy formation and evolution.

Stellar astronomy – concerned with Star formation, physical properties, main sequence life span, variability, stellar evolution and extinction.

Plasma astrophysics – studies properties of plasma in outer space.

Relativistic astrophysics – studies effects of special relativity and general relativity in astrophysical contexts including gravitational waves, gravitational lensing and black holes.

Solar physics – Sun and its interaction with the remainder of the Solar System and interstellar space.” I finished my brief explanation. I could see that the students were at least somewhat interested in what I'm saying, they weren't asleep so that's a plus.

Might as well as have some fun while I can.

So teaching isn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I've only had to teach three periods before I had a period for myself.which happened to be just before lunch.

I had given the last group a test for a few reasons and one being that it was the advanced class, I had given them the test and before they could hand them in the bell rang and I told them to leave it at their desks. I took out a little music player with speaker and began to play an old song.

As I picked up each answer sheet, I sang out some of the lyrics.

Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air

In west Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'

I begged and pleaded with her day after day
But she packed my suit case and sent me on my way
She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket.
I put my Walkman on and said, 'I might as well kick it'.

I stopped dead in my tracks as I heard someone stifled a laughter. I looked back and saw Twilight standing by the door.

“You look like you're having fun.” She said to me, earning a chuckle from me before I resumed picking up the sheets.

“It's good song.” I said to her with a smile. She walked up to me and brought me into a kiss. I didn't complain and returned the affection after magically closing the door.

She pulled back and had a smile. I frowned a little at the rules for every school, no teacher must never have relations to a student.

“You know we can't be seen together, it's against the rules.” I told her. She nodded before sitting on a desk.

“I know but no one's looking, right? So it'll be fine as long as no one sees us.” She said. I rolled my eyes at her before kissing her again.

“Let me grade these papers and I'll be out.” I said to her. She walked up to the nearest desk and sat down while I sat near my desk and started grading the tests.

Only one had an A, yes they all had the correct answer and that's because.they copied it from someone. I guess now I know why these advance class fuckers acted more like asswipes.

“Done.” I said as I neatly stack the tests before placing them back on desk and standing up.

“That was relatively quick.” Twilight said, awestruck at how fast I graded the tests. Shrugging my shoulders, I walked over to the door and opened, waiting for Twilight to walk out first.

“Such a gentleman.” Twilight said as she walked out. As soon as I walked out, the door closed behind me. I looked back at Twilight before we started to walk to the cafeteria. While we traversed the halls of the school, I felt a hand in mine. I didn't object in holding hands, it was Twilight and like she said, as long as no one sees us we'll be alright.

Hello, it's me.

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“In early times, astronomy only comprised the observation and predictions of the motions of objects visible to the naked eye. In some locations, early cultures assembled massive artifacts that possibly had some astronomical purpose. In addition to their ceremonial uses, these observatories could be employed to determine the seasons, an important factor in knowing when to plant crops, as well as in understanding the length of the year.” My voice echoed through the room as the sound of people writing greeted my ears. I stood in front of a black board that showed a caricature of space fanatic with the speech bubble that read Spaaaaace!

“Most of early astronomy actually consisted of mapping the positions of the stars and planets, a science now referred to as astrometry. From these observations, early ideas about the motions of the planets were formed, and the nature of the Sun, Moon and the Equis in the Universe were explored philosophically. Equis was believed to be the center of the Universe with the Sun, the Moon and the stars rotating around it. This is known as the geocentric model of the Universe, or the Ptolemaic system, named after Ptolemy.” I continued to drone on as the class took notes. Taking a quick side glance at the clock on the wall, I could only frown at the time. It was thirty minutes before class is done and this is just so boring.

“Any questions?” I asked after a brief pause. Everyone raised their hand up without hesitation. “That isn't about my name.” I added, seeing most of the hands go back down except for one.

“Yes, Sunset?” I asked.

“Before tools like the telescope were invented, early study of the stars was conducted using the naked eye, right?” She asked with genuine curiosity.

“Pretty much.” I answered nonchalantly before sitting down. Sunset lowered her hand before writing it down on her notebook. I looked back at the clock only to see that a single minute has passed and smacked my head against my desk, startling the class.

“Fuck it.” I said, my voice muffled slightly by the desk before I raised my head and saw the entire class looking at me. “Class dismissed.” With those words, everyone stood up and took their leave without question.

I sighed as I leaned back on the chair and closed my eyes. Though in hindsight, I should've made sure that everyone left. Opening my right eye, I saw Sunset placing a familiar paper on my desk. Picking up the paper, I began reading it and after I was finished, I placed it back down on the desk before grabbing my pen and grading it.

“Why are you still here?” I asked her before looking at the orange haired girl. “Shoo.” With that she left without a word. I looked down at the perfectly answered test before leaning back on my chair again.

“Finally.” I breathed out before opening the top drawer of my desk. At first glance, I could only see a few pens, some paper and a stapler but reaching under the stack of paper, I pulled out an old looking watch. Looking down at the watch, I choked a bit when I looked at it.

“I have been gone for that long?” I asked no one particular. With a groan, I placed the watch onto the desk beside the test. “Someone is being a lazy prick.”

I stood up and stretched my arms before looking back down at my desk. I opened the top drawer again before accidentally pulling out a large sword.

“How did that get in there?” I asked before pushing it back in the drawer. Looking in the drawer, I found what I was looking for and pulled it out. A small black case.

Opening the case, I saw the velvety red of the inside and a familiar shaped slot at the center. Taking hold of the watch on the desk, I then placed it inside the case before closing it and throwing it behind me.

“Now what should I do next?” I said, stroking my chin while snapping my fingers with my free hand. With each snap, the room around me was altered from being made of cheese to being in the middle of a medieval battle.

With another set of finger snapping, the room continued to change into the most ridiculous things before changing back to normal. Thinking of nothing to do, I groaned with a facepalm.

“Bugger.” I said under my breath while lowering my hand back down. Looking down at myself, I saw that I had managed to make myself seem younger as well as change my attire.

To put it bluntly, I looked like a collage punk with all the black, spikes and chain I wore. With a frown, I snapped my fingers again and the effects were more pleasing.

Wearing a black two-Button dress suit and necktie in burgundy, I couldn't help but smirk before adjusting my newly acquired tie. Now looking like a gentleman in his mid-twenties, I walked out into the halls and was met with the stunned faces of a few students.

Finding amusement in their faces, I chuckled before leaving them there. As I walked down the hall, I caught a few stares and heard whispers before exiting the main hall and standing in front of the statue.

Hearing the bell ring, I stood beside the statue and waited as students poured out from the front doors. After almost twenty minutes, I frowned before going back inside.

It didn't take long for me to find my destination, the loud music helped as well. I leaned on the door frame, keeping the door ajar.

In the room were the band known as the Rainbooms. The members consisted of Twilight’s human friends and herself. They were in the middle of a practice session until Twilight finally noticed me and missed a few words.

With a chuckle, I fully entered the room and closed the door behind me.

“Don't mind me, you seem to be having fun.” I said, sitting down on the large couch. Twilight looked at me in confusion before realizing who I was.

“Volburaal?” She asked, earning a nod from me as I lounged back onto the comfortable couch.

“The astronomy teacher?” Asked Rainbow and Sunset almost simultaneously.

“He looks more like a Hitman than a teacher.” Added Pinkie with her usual peppy tone. Fluttershy let out a squeak after hearing the word Hitman.

“Yes it's me, Twilight. Oh and Pinkie, I'm not gonna lie, I did take the look from one.” I said with a grin before turning to look at Rainbow.

“How though?” Was all she asked. “How did you go from being a cranky thirty something year old teacher to… this!” Rainbow exclaimed as she gestured towards me.

“Hasn't Twilight told you?” I asked, seeing their heads shake no while Twilight looked down in embarrassment for forgetting. “Here I thought we had something special, Twilight but then you go and forget to mention me to your friends!” I said in a mocking tone before standing up.

“I am Volburaal Nahlii, Chaos incarnate and…” I said, not finishing my sentence on purpose and waited for Twilight.

“My special somepony.” Twilight said in a hushed tone though everyone in the room clearly heard her. The silence was replaced by me clapping my hands.

“Now I do believe you have a song to practice.” I told them before sitting back down. Twilight looked back at her friends before looking at me.

“Twi.” I called her out, gaining her attention while her friends were busy packing up. “Something wrong?” I asked her with concerned in my tone.

“No, nothing's wrong.” She answered with a shake of her head. “Everything's just fine.” She spoke with a nervous tone. I stood up and walked towards her. Twilight’s friends looked at us before quietly leaving the room.

“Come on, you can tell me.” I told her as I moved a lock of hair away.

“It's… it's the pressure. I can't write a make a spell to fight against the sirens. What if I can't come up with a spell to stop the sirens? We'll lose and it'll all be my fault.” She let out in a single breath before taking a deep breath and looking down in sadness. “It's hopeless for me.” I frowned before lifting her gaze by the chin.

“You aren't hopeless, you know this as much as I do. You're overexerting yourself, you need to calm down and take your time.” I told her in a calming tone. “The event is only three days away, plenty of time for you to come up with something.” With that said, I gave her a quick peck on the lips.

“Thank you.” She muttered, stunned by the quick kiss. Mentally I sighed, has she not gotten it through her head yet?

“Now come on, I plan on treating you to a romantic dinner.” I told her as I gently took hold of her hand. “Without any interruptions.”

“But I'm still in my uniform while you're dressed like a gentlecolt.” She spoke, gesturing her attire. With a smirk, I replied.

“Really now?” I said before grabbing the collar of her her shirt and yank it down, causing her clothes to change in the blink of an eye. Now instead of a school uniform, she wore a stunning black dress. Of course, Twilight yelped in shock but soon saw her new dress before admiring it through a mirror I had just made.

“I think I've outdone myself.” I said with a cocky grin. Her look of surprise was soon replaced with a big smile.

“This looks…” She said not finishing her sentence before twirling.

“Beautiful.” I said with a smile.

“Yes, beautiful.” She said before looking at me. I could see the sparkle in her eyes.

“I don't mean the dress.” I said, placing the mirror away. “So how about that dinner date?”