Dark Side of the Sun

by Azure Sandora

First published

Twilight finds herself the caretaker and guardian of the last pony she thought when Princess Celestia's depression becomes all consuming and threatens her sanity.

Many ponies think they know Princess Celestia. She's kind, warm, a giver and protector, much like the sun itself. What many ponies don't know is that Princess Celestia isn't as put together as ponies think she is. Actually, she's barely holding on, and during the day meant to celebrate the day she met someone important to her, someone she wants badly, she finally hits her limit and breaks down.

If she were a normal pony, this would be okay. But she's not. She's an alicorn. And Princess Luna fears that she could fall into a darkness very much like she did, becoming something much worse than Nightmare Moon. Desperate to save her sister before she falls into her darkness, she reaches out to the one pony she feels knows Celestia the most.

Her former student.

Now its up to Twilight to help Celestia in her darkest time. She's never seen Celestia in such a state, and seeing her so devastated scares her almost as much as the idea of her becoming something worse than Nightmare Moon. What she doesn't know is that the shadow around Celestia is getting stronger, and its taking the form of someone from her past. Will Twilight be able to protect her former teacher from this darkness?

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

In life, one of the hardest things is holding on in the face of loss. You know that sitting around grieving isn't going to get you anywhere, but for a long time all you can really do is grieve as the memory of that pony plays over and over, and you have to live with the idea that you'll never see them again.

Then there's the guilt you feel somewhat in wanting to move on. You feel like if you do, you're dishonoring the memory of the pony you lost by choosing to move on with your life. So you find yourself unable to even bring yourself to let go.

This is bad enough when the pony is dead. It's even worse when that pony is probably alive, just forever out of your reach.

This is the reason why Twilight wasn't too surprised to receive a letter from Princess Luna a few months after the incident.

Dearest Twilight Sparkle,

I do hope you are well and adjusting to your new role as Princess of Friendship. The creation of your castle was quite a surprise to all of us, but I personally welcome it, as I'm sure the citizens of Ponyville do. Though the loss of the library was tragic.

I contact you now not just to inquire to your state of being at the moment. I come to you instead seeking your assistance. It concerns my elder sister. It has been a few months since we learned of her secret romance with the alternate world's King Sombra, and that much since the dimensions were disconnected. For a while she seemed to be fine, just as her usual self. Alas, my one thousand year absence has made me out of touch with my sister, and I did not recognize the signs of her grief until it was much too late.

I had thought that her more somber mannerisms were a sign of maturity over the years, and that her increased distance was due to shame in both herself and me. This morning however has made me question this logic. When I went to check on her to see why the sun was taking so long to rise, I heard intense sobs coming from her room. She refused to raise the sun, and has since refused to emerge from her quarters.

I looked up the day to see if it was of importance, and learned that it marks the anniversary of when she and the good King Sombra became lovers. I have not seen her in such a state ever in my life, and I fear for her psyche. Alas, her door is locked and she refuses to let anyone in. I know not what to do for her, so I instead turn to you. Sadly you have supplanted my spot as the mare who knows her the best.

Twilight Sparkle, please come with swift haste. There is no one else I can ask. I sense great darkness emerging from within her, the very same that corrupted me one thousand years ago. I wish to stop this process before it takes her completely, but I fear that we may be too late.

I await your swift response and your quickest arrival.

Sincerely yours,
Princess Luna

After sending her response, Twilight immediately got ready for a surprise trip to Canterlot. She had hoped that Luna was overreacting, or that Twilight was misinterpreting the gravity of the situation due to Luna's old manner of speaking. That wasn't likely though. In fact, in the brief time Twilight had known Luna, she was more likely to understate a situation, partially from optimism and from possible arrogance in her abilities to handle the situation alone.

That being said, Twilight was extremely worried.

It was a shame that she had to cancel on her friends. They were planning a play date with their pets, something that they hadn't had time to do lately with the map's random summons. Twilight was looking forward to seeing her friends under more comfortable circumstances. But this was more important, and her friends, while visibly disappointed, understood. In fact, they had offered to go with her. Twilight felt it would be better to go see the princess alone though. In fact, she even requested that Spike stay with the others.

The train ride was long and quiet, which was both good and bad for Twilight's thoughts. As she looked out the window, she found herself wondering what state Princess Celestia was in. Luna said that she was similar to herself right before becoming Nightmare Moon. Twilight wasn't sure what was more terrifying, the thought of Celestia becoming something like that, or the idea that she even had it in her.

For the longest time Twilight had seen her teacher as pure and light. She was the embodiment of the very thing she represented, bringing warmth and light to just about everyone. Though Twilight was aware that the sun also had a very destructive side. Could Celestia also embody those traits of the sun as well?

Then there was the fear of what Twilight would witness upon her arrival. Would she face a Celestia that was a sobbing mess? Somehow she couldn't envision that too well. Would she see a Celestia that was raging, lashing out at anyone who tried to approach her? That seemed a little more likely oddly enough, but only because Twilight had already seen Celestia angry, and that was absolutely terrifying.

Or would Twilight see a Celestia that was very much still the same as she always was, only this time due to her trying to keep herself together in front of her former student? That was almost scarier than all of the other things she imagined, because it would mean Celestia was trying to force the pain away, and only in the presence of Twilight. On one hoof, she hoped that wouldn't be the case, but as the alternatives were also frightening in their own right…

She'd have to see what would happen when she arrived in Canterlot. There was no point in trying to predict what she'd see.

When the train arrived at its destination a few hours later, Twilight emerged onto the platform where she saw two guards waiting for someone. When they eyed Twilight, they trotted over to her and saluted.

“Princess Twilight,” one guard said, “Princess Luna is waiting for you in her carriage.”

“Thank you,” Twilight said with a slight curtsy. The two guards escorted her to a midnight blue carriage with a gothic appearance. It was absolutely frightening to look at, but that was Princess Luna's preferred style. The windows of the carriage had purple curtains that were drawn, but Twilight spotted the silhouette of Princess Luna inside.

The guards opened the carriage door for Twilight, who immediately trotted in and sat down at the seat across from Luna's. She looked well it seemed, save for the extremely worried expression that marred her face.

“Thank you for coming so hastily,” Luna said as the carriage began to move, “I apologize for calling you on such short notice.”

“There's no need to apologize,” Twilight said shaking her head, “Princess Celestia was always like a second mother or big sister to me. Nothing could be more important to me than her well being.”

Luna sighed, “That warms my heart to hear, Twilight Sparkle. I have never seen my sister in such straights before. Though I fear that I may have been negligent in my previous assessment of her mental state after my return.”

“You said something like that in your letter,” Twilight said, “I'm a little confused by what you mean by that. What was Celestia like before your banishment?”

“Interestingly she was very much the same as you perceive her,” Luna explained, “However, when I returned to my post I noticed a somewhat melancholy air about her. As I said in my letter, I had originally thought this was due to her maturing as a leader, but with her sudden decline in mentality…”

“I see,” Twilight said thoughtfully, “Princess Luna, do you really think that Celestia could become like Nightmare Moon?”

“You have to understand Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said with a grave expression, “we alicorns bear a great burden. Our magic is powerful, but it can be easily corrupted based on our mental states. Even you have the potential to become a great threat to Equestria.”

That was a little unnerving to Twilight. She knew that she had immense power, but the idea of being a threat just seemed so odd. Still, she did have a great thirst for knowledge.

“What worries me though,” Luna continued, “is that my sister is currently the strongest alicorn in all of Equestria. Should she become something like Nightmare Moon I fear for the amount of destruction she could cause.”

“But the nightmare was destroyed,” Twilight said, “It can't possess anyone anymore, can it?”

“There are other ways for an alicorn to be corrupted,” Luna stated, “The nightmare is but one means of corruption, and it is the least important. What is important is the mentality of the pony in question. When I was consumed by my own jealousy I sought out the power of the nightmare in order to match my sister, who was always much stronger than I.”

“Princess Celestia is really that powerful?” Twilight asked.

“You have witnessed her power first hand,” Luna said, “Though the fact that she still holds so much of her power back concerns me.”

Holding back? What did Luna mean by that? Twilight was about to ask Luna to elaborate on that, but the carriage stopped at that moment.

“Ah, we have arrived,” Luna said, “Please come with me Twilight.”

Luna immediately exited the carriage. Twilight took a deep breath and braced herself. She was about to face what would probably be the scariest thing he had ever witnessed.

Her beloved teacher at her weakest moment.

The walk to Celestia's room was quiet, and a lot tenser than usual. Oddly, one wouldn't expect one to be afraid of Princess Celestia, but when she was little, Twilight was terrified of her. She was so large, and imposing. Even thought Twilight had met the Princess before during the test, Twilight still remembered the tension she felt when she first walked these halls.

Much to her relief, Princess Celestia was as kind and serene as she seemed when Twilight first met her. Quickly Celestia became quite the mother figure to Twilight, who quickly grew to love the princess on a level much deeper than that of mere student and teacher. Celestia held her when she cried, played with her when she was lonely, bandaged her when she fell and hurt herself, and sang her lullabies when she couldn't sleep.

Celestia was her rock growing up. A constant in Twilight's life that she couldn't imagine living without. Thus the idea that she was suffering so much… The idea that she had been suffering all this time…

They stopped a bit away from the door to Celestia's room, and Twilight turned to Luna.

“I… think I should go alone from here,” Twilight said.

“Are you sure?” Luna asked.

“If she's really as bad off as you say, then crowding her will only upset her more.”

Luna nodded, “I see. Very well. I shall wait for you in the library. Come there when you have finished speaking to my sister.”

Twilight watched Luna trot off, and then continued to Celestia's quarters alone. Truth was, the other reason why she wanted to do this alone was so Luna didn't have to see how afraid Twilight was.

When she approached the door, she tried knocking, but her hoof hit a golden barrier. She had charmed the door shut it seemed. Twilight held her ear to the door to listen. She didn't hear any sobs, but that could have meant a number of things, and not all of them were good.

“Okay, you can do this,” Twilight said to herself, “What's the worse that could happen?”

She charged up her magic, focused on the interior of Celestia's room, and then released her magic. Instantly the hall vanished in a white flash and was replaced with the inside of Celestia's room. When Twilight saw the Princess, she had immediately wished she didn't ask that question from earlier.

Princess Celestia sat on the balcony of her room, her head hanging low. Though she had on all of her regalia, she didn't seem nearly as majestic as Twilight was used to seeing. Instead, she looked quite broken.

“Princess Celestia…?” Twilight asked. Immediately, Celestia flinched in surprise before speaking.

“Twilight… you shouldn't be here…” Celestia said, her voice raw. She had probably spent most of the time crying.

“Why not?” Twilight asked slowly walking over to Celestia.

“I don't want you to see me like this…” Celestia said, trembling as she started getting more emotional, “I don't want anypony to see me like this…”

“Princess…” Twilight stood next to Celestia and nuzzled her. Celestia's eyes went wide and she ran off to her bed burying her face in her pillow, “Princess, what's wro-”

“Don't come near me!” Celestia begged, “Please Twilight, just leave me…!”

“I can't do that,” Twilight said, “This is about Sombra, isn't it? You're still grieving, aren't you?” as an answer, Celestia gripped the pillow her face was in tighter, “You never really got over losing him. Princess, I know that you're having a hard time with this, but-”

“You don't know anything!” Celestia snapped, now glaring at Twilight, who stepped back in shock, “You don't know what its like to be alone for centuries! To have to watch all of your friends die! To have one pony who you know will be there forever and then have to give him up! You, Luna, and Starswirl don't know anything about my pain!” Celestia caught herself and then looked at Twilight in horror, “Oh Twilight… I'm sorry… I didn't mean to-”

Twilight galloped over to Celestia and hugged her tightly. Before she knew it she was crying herself. After a second, Celestia wrapped her hooves around Twilight tightly and broke down. Twilight could feel it. She was on the brink of despair, and Twilight could feel the intense darkness radiating off of her.

She'd have to take things into a more personal direction.

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ponyville was in an uproar. Rumors were going around about Princess Twilight exiting a train with what many ponies identified as a large cloaked pony. Ponies everywhere noticed that said pony had a few suit cases with her, and Twilight was escorting her to the castle. Was this mysterious pony moving in with the Princess?

As they made their way to the castle, they were spotted by Rainbow Dash, who was resting on a cloud when she saw Twilight and the strange pony.

“What the hell?” Dash said before flying off after them.

When they passed by the Ponyville Spa, Rarity and Fluttershy were just stepping out when they saw the duo making their way to the castle.

“I wonder who that is,” Fluttershy asked. Before Rarity could say anything, she saw Rainbow Dash flying overhead after them.

“I think we should follow too,” Rarity reasoned. Fluttershy nodded nervously and they walked after them.

In Sugar Cube Corner, Pinkie Pie was managing the counter when her entire body started twitching. Carrot Cake and Cup Cake both looked at Pinkie Pie worried.

“Oooooooooh booooooooy! Thiiiiiiiiiis iiiiiiiiis a reeeeeeaaaaaaaal biiiiiiiiiig dooooooooooooozy!” Pinkie Pie said, “I'm goooooooonnaaaaaaaaa neeeeeeed the reeeeeeest of the daaaaaaaay oooooooof!”

With that, Pinkie Pie literally vibrated all the way to the front door, Carrot Cake and Cup Cake looking at Pinkie Pie in confusion.

When she got outside, she stopped twitching. Pinkie Pie sighed in relief and fell right in line with her friends as they followed Twilight and the cloaked pony, almost like she knew exactly what was going on.

Finally, they walked past the market, where Applejack and Big Macintosh were at work selling product. Once they saw the others following Twilight and the mysterious cloaked pony, Applejack stepped out of from behind their counter.

“Big Mac, could ya manage the stand fer me?” Applejack asked.

“Eeeyup,” Macintosh said simply. Applejack galloped over to her friends walking next to Rarity.

“Any idea who that is with Twilight?” Applejack asked.

“No clue,” Rarity said, “But whoever it is they obviously plan on staying for a while.”

Rainbow Dash flew down closer to them.

“Think this has to do with Twilight's sudden visit to Canterlot?” Dash asked.

“Maybe she was asked to escort somepony important on a tour through Equestria,” Fluttershy reasoned.

“Nope, not big enough,” Pinkie Pie said simply, catching everyone's attention.

“Whatever do you mean, Pinkie?” Rarity asked.

“I sensed a HUGE doozy just before Twilight got here,” Pinkie Pie said, “Something big is about to happen, I can feel it in my tail. Or is it in my mane?”

“I hope it isn't anything too serious,” Rainbow Dash said, “Seriously, we've barely had any chance to rest. It's like every five seconds our butts are glowing telling us to go save the day.”

“While I don't appreciate Rainbow Dash's crass way of wording it,” Rarity said with a slight blush, “I do share her sentiment of wanting this to just be a minor issue.”

“Well, we're about ta hit the castle,” Applejack said, “Looks like whoever that pony is, they're stayin there.”

They all stopped and watched as Twilight walked the unknown pony into the castle. She met eyes with all of them and nodded, telling them that it was okay to come in. She looked really grave for some reason though.

Pinkie Pie didn't miss a beat, and started skipping toward the castle.

“Hey, wait up Pinkie!” Dash said flying after the pink pony. Rarity and Applejack shrugged and trotted after them. Poor Fluttershy shrank back for a second really nervous before reluctantly following her friends to the castle.

Inside, things were quiet as usual. At first they didn't see Twilight right away, but they heard her talking to someone quietly and soothingly. She then told Spike to take the pony's cloak and get a room set up. She stepped out of the library and met up with her friends in the hall.

“Thanks for coming, girls,” Twilight said with a sigh.

“We just came once we saw Rainbow Dash flying after you,” Fluttershy said, Rarity nodding in agreement.

“So, who's that other pony?” Rainbow Dash asked, “Your new lover or something?”

Twilight blushed stepping back, “N-no! Nothing like that?!”

“Then why are you blushing?” Rainbow Dash taunted, raising her eyebrows up and down.

“Take yer damn shippin goggles off fer a second, will ya?” Applejack scolded, “But seriously, ya looked mighty serious. Is somethin wrong?”

“Actually…” Twilight began right as the last pony anyone expected to see walked out of the library.

“Twilight, I need to get some fresh air,” Princess Celestia said, seeming to ignore the varying degrees of “WTF” on the faces of Twilight's friends, “Is there someplace I can go to sunbath?”

“Oh, yeah,” Twilight said, “Go up the stairs at the end of the hall and take a left. You'll find a balcony there that gets constant sunlight.”

“Thank you,” Celestia said softly. She bowed wordlessly to all of Twilight's friends, and trotted off. Once she was gone, and they could breath, they all crowded around Twilight.

“Holy shit that was Princess Celestia!”

“What is she doing here in Ponyville?!”

“Nothin's happenin in Canterlot, is it?!”

“Does she need someone to make her a dress?! Oh, I would be so honored!”

“This was the doozy! THIS WAS THE DOOZY!!!”

“Girls CALM DOWN!!!” Twilight shouted, using the Royal Canterlot Voice that she learned from Luna, immediately quieting her friends, “Come into the throne room. I'll explain everything there.”

~Five Hours Ago

“Move her to Ponyville?” Luna asked Twilight. Upon her request, Twilight met Luna in the library of Canterlot Castle, where she told Luna her plan to help her.

“She needs constant reassurance,” Twilight said, “I can't afford to leave my post in Ponyville for too long, but I don't feel comfortable leaving Celestia alone. I mean, I know you're here too, but-”

“No Twilight Sparkle, you are correct,” Luna said somberly, “I had summoned you here because you are capable of more than I in this situation. I just want my sister to be well. If there is no other option, then please take her to Ponyville with you.”

“Thank you Princess Luna,” Twilight said.

“No, thank you, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said with a saddened smile. Twilight could tell that she wanted to do more herself, but she appreciated the help Twilight gave her.

When she returned to the room, Celestia had a few bags packed. Not a whole lot, just a few necessities. Anything else she needed would be supplied at Twilight's castle or she could get in Ponyville. Over her usual regalia Celestia wore a brown cloak with a hood.

“Is all of this really necessary?” Celestia asked.

“Unless I make a public announcement about you staying in Ponyville, then yes,” Twilight explained, “Mind you, the ponies there are a little more used to royalty now, but we still don't want to attract any unwanted attention.”

Celestia nodded and turned to look around her room. She had planned on staying in there for the entire day crying, and now she probably wouldn't see it for a few months. However long it took for her to recover.

“Princess?” Twilight asked.

“There's a part of me that's wondering what the point of all of this is,” Celestia admitted, “This is a sadness I have held onto for centuries. He and I were truly in love, and he actually understood the pain of longevity. When I lost him the first time, I felt like a piece of myself was torn out. I was upset at Starswirl, for it seemed like he just didn't understand my suffering.”

“How do you feel right now,” Twilight asked.

“Honestly Twilight, conflicted,” Celestia said, “I know that what we did was for the best, yet I can't help but feel resentful.”

Celestia walked to her balcony again and spotted one of her guards talking to a maid. The way she blushed told her everything she needed to know about their relationship.

“I see my ponies enjoying their lives, finding and being with somepony that they love, and how happy they are. While I do not fault them for being happy, I am a pony as well. I have wants and needs just like them. The idea that I can't be with the pony that I love… it tortures me…”

Twilight wanted to tell Celestia that she could always find love elsewhere, but she stopped herself for a number of reasons. One, she had never fallen in love that hard before, not even with Flash Sentry, so she couldn't say how easy it was to let go of those feelings. Two, Celestia was a long lived entiry. Not immortal like most ponies seemed to think, but her lifespan was a lot longer than most ponies thought. She'd outlive just about any stallion that she loved. And three, she wasn't just anypony. She was Princess Celestia, primary royal figure of Equestria. Though she was a pony, very few ponies recognized that. Mostly they all saw a figure head, a symbol. Hell, it wasn't until a little while ago that Twilight had seen the broken, fragile mare behind the crown and royal regalia.

“Is there anything I can do to help you?” Twilight asked, “Like, right now. What can I do right this second to help you get through this?”

Celestia looked like she was about to answer immediately, but Twilight raised an eyebrow at Celestia, in a manner similar to how Celestia would to her when she didn't put enough thought into a question. It seemed to have the desired effect, as Celestia closed her eyes and thought for a few seconds before speaking again.

“It would be nice… if you didn't call me Princess…” Celestia said after a bit.

Twilight was surprised to hear that, but she soon smiled and nuzzled Celestia's side.

“Then that's what I'll do… Celestia.”

“And that's how I ended up here,” Twilight said to her friends, each one of them including Spike sitting in their respective thrones.

“Poor Princess Celestia,” Fluttershy said sadly, “I never would have guessed that she was so upset.”

“When ya think about it, it was sort of obvious, don't ya think?” Applejack asked, “I mean, if I had lost the pony I loved, I'd be pretty messed up myself.”

“She should just get over it,” Dash said lying down in her throne actually, “There are a ton of guys out there that would love a piece of the Princess.”

“Shows what you know about romance!” Rarity scolded, throwing a random ball of paper at the cyan colored pegasus, “The problem isn't that she can't find love. The problem is that she can't be with Sombra. Imagine if you couldn't get into the Wonderbolts, no matter what. I'm sure you could just find another dream to follow though, by your logic.”

Dash sighed, “No, you're right. I was insensitive. Look, I've never been in love, okay? I don't know how that works.”

“Either way she's sufferin,” Applejack said, “An' what about that part of her possibly becomin like Nightmare Moon?”

“Surely that can't actually happen, can it?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight sighed before speaking, “I don't know. I want to say “not a chance”, but you all saw her. She's really torn up by all of this.”

“It wouldn't take much,” Rarity said looking away from everyone, “All darkness would need is something to latch onto. Fear and jealousy are one thing, but grief is one of the strongest emotions for it to use.”

Twilight looked at Rarity sadly. She spoke from experience concerning how easy is was to fall into darkness. Besides Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie, Rarity was probably one of the nicest ponies you'd ever meet. So generous and loving, who would have thought she had enough insecurities to be captured and turned into her Nightmare equivalent?

Surely none of them.

“Maybe all she needs is some time away from her royal duties,” Pinkie Pie reasoned, “I could plan a “Don't Worry, Be Happy” party for her! I know all of her favorite foods, party games, what sort of venue she'd like, and that she loves quesadillas!”

Twilight's eyes went wide when Pinkie Pie said that, and she shuddered. Hopefully Pinkie Pie didn't bring any of… those. They were so cheesy

“I think the best thing ta do right now is give her time,” Applejack said, “She came here ta feel normal and deal with her grief. If she has all of us crowdin around her plannin parties she'll feel claustrophobic.”

“Um, hello? That's why I want to plan her a party!” Pinkie Pie said as if it were obvious, “I throw parties for all of my normal friends, and this is my chance to finally make it official!”

“Well, we can discuss all of that later,” Twilight said, “Right now, Celestia needs some rest. I'll check with her to see what she wants, but I get the feeling she'll want to keep things private for now.”

“If you need anything at all, you'll let us know, right?” Rarity asked.

“I will. Thanks girls,” Twilight said. After escorting everyone out, Twilight sat back down on her throne. Spike walked up to her and put a clawed hand on her hoof.

“What's wrong Twilight?” Spike asked.

“I don't know what to do for her, Spike,” Twilight admitted, “Normally when I have a problem that I can't solve, I turn to Princess Celestia for help. This time it's Princess Celestia that has the problem. Spike, I don't know if I can save her.”

“You don't have to save her,” Spike said, “Just be her friend. You know how to do that, don't you?”

“Me, friends with Princess Celestia?” Twilight asked looking at Spike like he was crazy.

“Why not? She's not your teacher anymore. You're a princess too. That makes you two equals now,” Spike reasoned.

“I've never seen myself as her equal,” Twilight said, “She's lived so much longer than me, and has so much more experience.”

“So what?” Spike asked as if it were nothing, “Okay, so she's well over a thousand years old. That doesn't mean she's any less of a pony. Isn't that the problem she's having?”

Twilight thought about what Spike said, and then nodded, “You're right, Spike. The reason losing Sombra hurts her so much is because she feels isolated. If I can show her that ponies actually see her as a pony and not just a princess, that can at least start the healing process,” she pulled her assistant into a hug, “Thank you so much Spike!”

“Aw, you're welcome Twilight,” Spike said returning the embrace.

Twilight let go of Spike and galloped to the balcony she told Celestia about. When she reached said balcony, Twilight froze when she saw the Princess. She stood on the balcony with her wings spread out, both of them with a bright golden glow as she absorbed the sunlight. Her eyes were closed, giving her a serene expression that betrayed the turmoil she suffered through.

Twilight couldn't help herself. Her heart started her racing looking at the Princess.

“Is there something you need, Twilight?” Celestia asked, startling Twilight.

“Pri- uh, Celestia!” Twilight cried, “H-how did you know that I was here?”

“I heard your hoofsteps when you came up the stairs,” Celestia said turning to Twilight with a somber yet oddly alluring expression, “That, and you always smell of lavender.”

“Ah… I see...” Twilight couldn't help but blush. She shook her head before she spoke up again, “Oh, Princess. I wanted to ask you. Have you decided what you wanted to do about staying here? Whether or not you want to keep your visit here a secret?”

“Actually, that might have taken care of itself before you came here,” Celestia said. Confused, Twilight stepped out to the edge of the balcony, where she saw a number of ponies looking up at the balcony with surprised yet confused expressions.

“Uh oh,” Twilight said, her heart racing once again, this time for a completely different reason.

“I'm positive you'll figure something out,” Celestia said turning to walk back into castle.

“W-wait, me?!” Twilight asked, “You're not going to give me your two bits or anything?!”

“This isn't my kingdom, Twilight,” Celestia said, “And you're no longer my student. I have faith in your decisions,” she stopped and held a hoof to her head, “I think I need to rest. Even after getting energy from the sun I still feel so tired.”

“I read in a book once that depression saps energy,” Twilight said, “Maybe going to lie down is a good idea.”

Celestia nodded and walked out of the balcony, leaving Twilight alone to her thoughts. Now the whole town was going to be in an uproar unless she did something. Celestia trusted her judgment, so maybe she could actually fix this.

“This is going to be a pain either way...” Twilight said with a sigh.