Burning Desires

by TheLuckyCosmos

First published

Scootaloo sleeps over at Twilight's Castle after asking her to help understand her Cutie Mark, but starts to have strange feelings for the purple mare.

Scootaloo has some questions about her Cutie Mark, and goes to Twilight to hopefully get some answers. It get's to be late in the evening, and Scootaloo asks if she can spend the night there to which Twilight happily agrees. Something happens that catches the orange Pegasus off guard, and she starts to have feelings for Twilight. But when she goes to confront the Alicorn about it, she accidentally walks into some heated action.

WARNING! Contains: Foalcon, masturbation Read at your own risk!

Side note: This is my first "sexual" story so I may be completely horrible with the actions, apologies in advance!

Chapter 1

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It had been barely a day since Scootaloo had gotten her Cutie Mark at the same time as her best friends and she was already hungry for answers to her many questions about it. Such as 'What did the lightning bolt and wing mean?' and 'Does the wing mean i'll be a great flyer?' and even 'Is it rare to have ponies get Cutie Marks so similar?'. These questions had plagued her so much that she couldn't even fall asleep the night before. She left for Twilight's castle immediately after school let out and was finally walking up the steps to the unnecessarily large front door. Before she could even knock, the door swung open and a purple dragon strolled out into the fresh late afternoon air.

"Oh hey there Scootaloo, Twilight didn't tell me you were coming over", the dragon said squinting his eyes as the sun was annoyingly spewing it's rays directly at his face.

"Hey Spike, yeah I am here to ask her a few questions about my Cutie Mark. Where are you going?", Scootaloo asked wondering why the dragon was headed outside.

"Rarity is going to be up all night making dresses for an upcoming event, and she asked me to keep her company while she worked", Spike said with a big grin on his face. It wasn't often that Rarity asked for Spikes company without making him work.

Scootaloo said goodbye to Spike and walked inside, shutting the door behind her. She never really had the chance to look around the castle before, it seemed much larger on the inside. Scootaloo noted how cold the spotless floor felt on her hooves, and wondered how Twilight was able to deal with the constant bite of a chilly floor. It wasn't long until she reached the library where she presumed Twilight would be, probably reading a book, or several books at the same time.

"Twilight, are you in here?", Scootaloo's voice echoed as it bounced off the enormous crystal walls. Twilight looked out from behind the pile of books that were carefully piled on top of a very ornate looking desk.

"Oh Scootaloo, it's so wonderful to see you again!", the Alicorn gleefully said as she gave Scootaloo a big smile. Wow, I never noticed how cute Twilight is when she smiles like that. Scootaloo was about to speak when she registered what she just thought to herself. Wait, why do I think she's cute? I mean, iv'e never thought of anyone as being cute before. Twilight was confused as to why the filly was just staring at her blankly, did she do something wrong?

"Uh Scootaloo, are you alright?", questioned Twilight. Scootaloo was brought out of her trance-like state and blushed slightly as she gave the Alicorn a sheepish grin.

"Sorry, I was lost in my own thoughts", Scootaloo hoped that Twilight wouldn't ask what she was thinking about, it felt wrong to be thinking that she was slightly attractive. Twilight gave a warm smile relieved that she didn't unintentionally upset the filly.

"No worries! I find myself doing that all too often, it can be pretty embarrassing sometimes", Twilight stated as she got up and walked over to Scootaloo. "So, what can I do for you?". As Scootaloo remembered why she was there, the previous thoughts were pushed into the back of her mind and she was once again eager for answers.

"I actually have some questions about my Cutie Mark, and was hoping you could help me understand it a little more", she said with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"You've come to the right place then! I've been studying Cutie Mark magic for a while now, so I may be able to give you some insight on yours!", Twilight said as she motioned for Scootaloo to follow her.

Twilight took Scootaloo to a small room that had one large window that reached from the floor to the roof. There was a small round table in the center of the room, with a few cushions surrounding it. The walls were quite bare, and Scootaloo assumed that this room hadn't been used much if at all.

"I figured this would be a comfortable place to just talk, and it gives me an excuse to actually use this room for something!", Twilight giggled as she sat down. It was then that Scootaloo noticed where Twilight had sat. She was positioned in front of the window which the sun was currently beaming through, giving Twilight a warm aura around her body. She's not just cute, she's beautiful! What does this mean? Why am I so attracted to her all of a sudden? Scootaloo was once again staring blankly and Twilight noticed this almost immediately.

"Do you have something on your mind Scootaloo?", Twilight asked curiously.

Blushing furiously, Scootaloo chuckled and said, "No! I was just uh, admiring that wonderful window behind you!"

Twilight knew something was up, this was the second time Scootaloo was caught staring at her. Though she felt that she shouldn't push the issue, if Scootaloo doesn't want to talk about it then she won't make her.

"Alright then, let's hear some of those questions!"

For nearly two hours, Scootaloo would spew out questions like a fountain, and Twilight would respond the best she could.

"So what does the lightning bolt mean?", was one of the questions Scootaloo was most curious about.

"Well, it could show a connection between you and Rainbow Dash. Dash has a lightning bolt as part of her Cutie Mark so it's always a possibility, but I cannot give you a guaranteed answer as there are numerous possibilities", Twilight said.

Scootaloo wasn't able to get answers for everything, but at the very least she had a better understanding now than she did when she first arrived. Twilight even said that the wing could be a sign that she was destined to be a great flyer one day, which made Scootaloo scream on the inside as her heart exploded from pure joy. The sun had just set behind the horizon, leaving the sky ablaze with vibrant yellows and oranges.

"Goodness is it that late already? I hope I was able to sate your appetite for answers Scootaloo", Twilight said as she noticed just how long they had been sitting there.

"Yes ma'am! I might actually be able to sleep tonight, thank you so much for all your help!", Scootaloo said.

"Not a problem! Speaking of sleep, you best be getting home. If you ever need help again don't be afraid to come by!", Twilight was on her way out of the room when she felt something tug on her back leg.

"Actually Twi, I was kind of hoping I could spend the night here. I don't have any school tomorrow, and Rainbow Dash usually let's me sleep over at her place but she's out of town helping the weather team in Phillydelphia", Scootaloo asked with a sheepish smile. She also wanted to find out why she was having strange feelings for Twilight, but she couldn't just tell her that.

"I dunno, the castle can be pretty scary at night. Are you sure you want to stay here?", Twilight said.

"Yes! I'm not scared of some silly castle!", Scootaloo said proudly puffing out her chest to show she was ready to face whatever the castle had to throw at her.

"Well, if you truly want to stay here I suppose you can sleep in the guest bedroom across the hall from mine", Twilight barely finished her sentence before Scootaloo jumped on her and gave her the biggest hug she could muster.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!", Scootaloo was practically choking Twilight before she was enveloped in a purple aura and hovered slowly to the ground. She looked up at Twilight who just giggled and started walking down the hall to get the guest room ready. Scootaloo entered not long after, and found the guest room was much more homely than the room they had just spent two hours in. There were paintings of ponies she had never seen before, but enjoyed their company anyways. She sat down on the king size bed, it felt almost as soft as Rainbow Dash's cloud bed but with less 'fluff'.

Twilight was moving some excess books she had stored in there to the hall when Scootaloo happened to look in her direction. Scootaloo's cheeks flushed as Twilights tail involuntarily swung back and forth, revealing her most delicate region to the innocent filly. She was told by Rainbow that a ponies privates were just that, private. I wonder what Twilight would think if I touched her there. Scootaloo blushed furiously at the thought, but shook her head and brought herself out of her gaze.

"Alright, that's the last of them! If you need anything i'm just across the hall alright?", Twilight said as she swung around to see Scootaloo blushing brighter than an apple.

"Uhh yeah, got it!", was all Scootaloos brain was able to comprehend.

Twilight raised an eyebrow before turning and walking out of the guest bedroom. Scootaloo was lost in thought, not knowing what to do about the feelings she's having towards the purple mare. It's alright for fillies to like mares right? Wait, d-do I like Twilight?! No of course not, she's just a good friend. But I can't get her out of my mind, her beautiful body.. her heartwarming smile.. her luscious privates.. At that last thought, Scootaloo gasped and sat up in her bed with haste.

"Maybe I should talk to Twilight about this", Scootaloo whispered to herself as she got out of bed and walked over to the hallway. She noticed Twilights door was closed, and she could hear something coming from the other side. She kept as quiet as possible as she walked to the door, and pushed it open as slowly as she could. Just as the door opened, Scootaloos heart flew into her throat and she was stunned at what she saw.

There was Twilight, laying flat on her back, head facing the door with her eyes closed and her hooves rubbing her privates with swift movements. The noise she had heard was Twilight moaning in pleasure, as well as the occasional bed creak from Twilight forcing herself against the headboard. Scootaloo thought she even saw what looked like water occasionally spray out onto the already soaked bed sheets, accompanied by a squelching sound.

"What is she doing?", Scootaloo squeaked realizing too late at the mistake she made.

Twilight stopped immediately and shot a frightened look at Scootaloo, blushing so much you could practically see her glow in the dark.

Scootaloo gulped and whispered, "Maybe I should have knocked..."

Chapter 2

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Twilight was beyond embarrassed, she felt downright dirty and ashamed. She was just caught pleasuring herself by an innocent filly, and to top it all off it was practically her best friends little sister! The room was uncomfortably silent, Luna's moon was barely over the horizon but was able to cast a cooling glow of light onto the ceiling. It felt like time stood still as the two stared at each other, too afraid to speak up.

"I uh, I think I know what y-you were doing T-Twilight", Scootaloo said as her nerves showed in her quivering voice, "and i'm s-sorry I d-didn't knock f-first".

Twilight was relieved that someone broke the silence, and she was glad that Scootaloo had an understanding of what she was doing. She managed to form a small smile and said, "It's okay Scootaloo, it was my fault for not locking the door".

Scootaloo was thankful Twilight wasn't mad at her for walking in without warning, but once again she wanted answers to the itching questions in her mind. With a deep sigh Scootaloo asked, "Hey Twilight, can I ask you some questions? I know it's bed time but these are even more important that my Cutie Mark".

Twilight was unsure what Scootaloo meant by 'more important', but Twilight was willing to help even if she didn't understand. "Alright, c'mere", Twilight, whom now was sitting up, patted the bed for Scootaloo to come sit down next to her.

Okay Scoots, just get this over with and you can go back to bed. As she jumped up onto the somewhat small bed she felt an odd substance cling to the bottom of her hooves, it was somewhat sticky and warm to the touch. She also noted the aroma it produced, an almost sweet and pleasant smell which Scootaloo found herself enjoying. I wonder what it tastes like... But before she could lift her hoof up to give it a lick, she was interrupted by the purple mare.

"So what's on your mind?", Twilight asked with a gleeful tone, trying to lighten the mood.

"W-well, uh, is it alright for mares to like mares?", Scootaloo thought it was best to start out with basic questions to test the waters, she didn't want to dive in head first without knowing what dangers lurked deep down.

The question caught Twilight off guard, she didn't expect the little filly to be asking those sorts of questions. Nonetheless, she was there to be helpful, "Of course it is, we don't judge ponies based on who they like. If a mare likes a mare then so be it, and if a stallion likes a stallion there's nothing wrong with that either".

This brightened Scootaloo's mood, knowing that mares can like mares was one piece of the puzzle. She didn't waste any time, and moved right on to the next question.

"So does that apply to fillies too? I mean is it alright for fillies to like older mares?", Scootaloo's poor little heart was beating a mile a minute.

Twilight's eyes grew wide, it was at that moment she realized why Scootaloo had been staring at her multiple times that day. She knew that the orange Pegasus liked her, and although she was flattered she knew it was wrong for such a relationship to exist.

"Uhh", Twilight said, trying her best to form a complete sentence in her mind, "It's not really ethically accepted among the citizens of Equestria, but there isn't technically any laws against it so I suppose it's alright". Twilight was unsure if that was the correct thing to say, sure there are no laws forbidding that a filly and a mare should be paired together but she knew that not a lot of ponies accepted it. But why did Scootaloo like her, when there was plenty of ponies at her school and even Rainbow Dash, whom admittedly was technically family, but at least Scootaloo knew infinitely more about her than she did Twilight.

Scootaloo nearly screamed with joy, she didn't know what 'ethically' meant but Twilight said that there's no rules saying she couldn't like mares. There was one more question that she had, the one she was saving till the very end until she was absolutely sure she was allowed to like Twilight.

"Do you like me, Twilight?", Scootaloo asked.

Once again Twilight was speechless, did she like the little filly? Well of course she did, but not in the way Scootaloo was asking. She didn't want to upset the poor thing but she couldn't just lie and say she did like her. "I uh, mmph-!", Twilight was cut off by the orange Pegasus' soft lips meeting her own. She wanted to pull away, but instead was somehow enjoying the moment as she closed her eyes. It was a short kiss, and Scootaloo was the one to pull away leaving Twilight blushing intensely.

"Wh-what did you do that for?", Twilight asked as her arousal started to creep back after not being able to finish earlier.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to give you a reason to like me", Scootaloo said, thinking that she was taking things too fast, "did you like it?".

Twilight couldn't help it, she did like it. When the fillies moist lips hit hers, she somehow knew it was meant to be. Letting out a deep sigh, Twilight said, "I suppose I did. But why me of all ponies? Why not someone like Rainbow Dash who has a much deeper connection with you then I ever could?"

Scootaloo didn't know how to answer, mainly because she didn't know either. It seemed like her feelings for Twilight were inside her for a while, but she never acknowledged them until tonight. And Twilight had a point, Rainbow Dash was really close to the filly, probably even closer than Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. But there was something about Twilight that caused Scootaloo to have a burning desire to be with her, to be her special somepony.

"I wish I knew Twilight, but I know in my heart that I like you more than any pony. Sure Rainbow Dash is cool and all, but it just feels right to be with you. I know it sounds strange but if you just give it a chance, it will make me the happiest little filly ever!", Scootaloo practically begged, giving Twilight the cutest face she could make.

She really likes me that much? She sounds like she genuinely wants to be my special somepony, but what will our friends think? Will they hate me for liking a filly, and Scootaloo at that. I need more time to think about it, maybe i'll ask around to see what other ponies think. Twilight finally broke out of her blank stare and smiled at the eager Pegasus, "Tell you what, give me some time to think about it, this is a very serious subject and I need to know that I am ready to take that step. I'll have an answer for you sometime tomorrow alright?".

Scootaloo was slightly disappointed, but gave an understanding nod anyways.

"Good, now let's get back to bed, it's getting late and you didn't sleep at all last night. Don't want you sleeping all day now do we?", Twilight smiled as she led Scootaloo to the door or her bedroom.

It didn't take long for Scootaloo to fall asleep, she was extremely exhausted and finally had a clear mind. Tomorrow, is going to be a good day.

Chapter 3

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Twilight walked out into the early morning sunlight and let out a heavy sigh. She knew Scootaloo would be asleep for a few more hours seeing as she has not gotten a decent amount of sleep in a while, so she decided now would be a perfect time to go ask for some opinions on her situation. It had taken her a while the night before to narrow down who would be the best pony to talk to about the situation she found herself in. She had asked herself who would know the most about romance as well as social stigmas, and it wasn't until that moment that she knew exactly who to turn to. Rarity.

It didn't take long for Twilight to arrive at Carousel Boutique, especially since she was trotting along at a much quicker pace than usual. However as she reached her hoof out to knock on the front door, she started having second thoughts about bringing such a topic up to anypony. What if Rarity never wanted to be my friend again? What if she told the rest of our friends and then none of them liked me anymore? But as Twilight was considering calling the whole thing off, the door to the boutique was opened by her faithful purple assistant.

"Hey Twilight, what are you doing here so early?", Spike asked as he yawned and stretched. Twilight could tell he was tired from staying up all night helping Rarity just by how baggy his eyes were.

"Oh uh, hi Spike, i-is Rarity finished with her dresses?", Twilight asked with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

Spike gestured for Twilight to come in. "She's working on her last dress now as a matter of fact".

Twilight took a deep breath and tried to control her growing fear of the potential outcome that the conversation she was about to have would produce. Her stomach was churning with butterflies that made her want to turn and run away as fast as she could. But she kept walking through the boutique, guided by Spike as they made their way to the back room. As Spike opened the door to the back room, Twilight could see just how hard Rarity had been working all night long. There were random piles of cloth and fabric of all varying shapes and sizes carelessly strewn about the room, there was barely any actual floor visible.

"Rarity, Twilight's here to see you", Spike said.

"Just a moment dearest, I'm putting the finishing touches on the final dress and I want them to be absolutely perfect!", Rarity remarked from behind a giant pile of fabric and lacing.

Twilight wasn't paying attention to the other two in the room, her mind was racing with unanswered questions and she was visibly shaking. I wonder if this is how Scootaloo felt when she came into my room last night, Twilight thought to herself.

"Twilight, are you alright dear? You've been staring at the wall for a good two minutes", Rarity asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Huh? Oh yeah sorry I was just thinking about something", Twilight said with a sheepish smile.

"Well darling, who is he?", Rarity was practically on top of Twilight trying to contain her excitement.

Twilight was confused as to what Rarity had asked. "He?"

"Oh yes, your special somepony! Iv'e seen it before Twilight, you are sweating from head to hoof and your shaking like a leaf. Not to mention you were probably thinking about him just a moment ago when you were staring at the wall", Rarity pointed out.

Twilight blushed fervently, had it really been that obvious? "It's a little more complicated than that, and that's why i'm here", Twilight said as Rarity was beaming with glee.

"Oooh this is simply marvelous! Spike, would you please leave for a bit while Twilight and I catch up on some important business inquiries", Rarity said to Spike who was oblivious to the previous conversation as he was in the process of moving the finished dresses.

Spike took that as an opportunity to get some well deserved rest and ran out the front door of the boutique.

"So, who is the lucky stallion? I want to hear absolutely every little detail!", Rarity asked with a sly smirk.

"W-well, it's not exactly a he...", Twilight looked away from Rarity to try and avoid eye contact.

Rarity was finding it hard to control her excitement at this point. "Oh this is simply divine! I never would have expected you to be interested in mares...", she paused for a second before she formed the biggest grin she could manage, "Is it Rainbow Dash?".

Twilight was shocked and embarrassed at the thought of her and Rainbow Dash together. "No! I mean iv'e never given it much thought before, but she's not the reason i'm here."

"Oh? Then who darling?", Rarity asked.

Twilight sighed, she knew there was no turning back from this. With a deep breath, she blurted out every possible detail of her situation with speeds faster than a sonic rainboom.

"Well Scootaloo came over and asked me about her cutie mark and I agreed so we talked and talked for hours and then she said she wanted to stay the night and I agreed not thinking anything of it, I noticed she was blushing a lot and sometimes staring at me for no reason", she took another huge breath, "But I shrugged it off and figured it was nothing but when it was bed time I decided to have some private time to myself but Scootaloo came in with some questions and caught me in my most intimate of times", she took a final breath, feeling slightly dizzy, "and so she revealed to me that she kind of likes me and I was like WHAT, and then she kissed me and I think I liked it but I know I shouldn't have and then I said I need time to think about all of this and that's why I'm here now and please please Rarity, don't hate me!".

As Twilight struggled to regain her breath, Rarity stood dumbfounded at what she had just heard. There was a long, awkward silence and Twilight felt her nervousness well up once again.

It felt like a good five minutes before Rarity broke the silence, "Twilight dear, you know it's not illegal to like a filly right? As long as they have their cutie marks it's perfectly fine".

"B-but, what about you? What about our friends? You know how it's not ethically not accepted among a majority of ponies, don't you hate me for that?", Twilight was nearly in tears at this point.

Rarity gave Twilight a comforting smile and put a hoof on her shoulder, "That doesn't mean we can't respect your decisions, sure we may not see it as something that should happen, but we wouldn't let that tear our friendship apart".

Twilight smiled the best she could, "Are you sure? I mean this is all happening so suddenly, I only found out last night that she liked me".

"Then go on a few dates with her, make sure she knows that this is serious business, and she should respect that it shouldn't be taken lightly. If she truly has feelings for you, then ask yourself if you have feelings for her, only then should you make the decision to move forward with your relationship", Rarity said giving Twilight a heartwarming hug.

Twilight sniffed, "Thank you Rarity, it means a lot to me".

"Now go, she's probably wondering where you are by now", Rarity said.

With that, Twilight trotted out of the boutique and raced back to her castle.