Coach Rainbow Dash

by scribe-feather

First published

Teenaged Scootaloo indulges in some diaper play after an arousing encounter with her substitute flight instructor. [ABDL, Adult Themes]

As an awkward teenager, Scootaloo is experiencing a whole mess of confusing emotions that bubble inside of her. Along with this roller coaster of hormones is her growing fascination for diapers and her secret crush on the substitute flight coach.

(Do not continue reading if you do not approve of diaper usage, mental regression, or adult baby themes. If you do not like it or are under legal age, please do not keep reading.)

Coach Rainbow Dash

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Coach Rainbow Dash
By Scribe Feather

The school bell rang throughout the halls of Ponyville High, warning the students that they had only minutes to get to their class on time. The crowds in the hallways quickly dispersed once the bell had run. Circles of conversating friends quickly separated, making a mad dash to their classrooms.

Among the fast moving students was teenaged Scootaloo who had just barely managed to grab her gym clothes from her locker before the crowd started to move. She followed the natural flow of the hallway traffic down the main hall, before breaking away from it to enter the school’s gymnasium.

Students slowly filed into the large gym, reporting to their designated locker rooms to change into their gym clothes. Scootaloo was quick to join the other girls, wasting no time to change into her uniform.

The locker room was not free of chatter as the students got ready. The loud, metal smacks of closing locker doors were punctuated with random gossip and conversation.

“Wonder if she’ll just give us a free class or something,” Scootaloo picked up on a conversation close by, her ears perking up in intrigue.

“What if she’s strict though?” Another student added, “I don’t want to pass out in math class because some granny forced us to do nonstop laps.”

“What’s going on here?” Scootaloo chimed in, peering over the stout wall of lockers to the other chattering ponies.

“You didn’t hear?” One of the other mare said, “Mrs. Note got us a substitute today.”

“A sub?” Scootaloo inquired.

“Hope it’s a teacher who actually knows what they’re doing.” The other mare said with a bothered roll of her eyes.

Locker room blathering seemed to dissipate after that. Students slowly started to filter out of their locker rooms, grouping up with their friends in loose circles.

A few minutes of quiet passed before the main double doors swung open. In trotted a cyan pegasus with a cocky smile. She wore a coach’s hat on top of her rainbow mane, with a red whistle dangling on a chain around her neck.

“Gooooood morning, class!” the cyan pegasus announced.

“Rainbow Dash?!” Scootaloo was in shock.

“Oh hey, squirt, I didn’t know you were in this class.”

“Y-you’re our sub?”

“Funny, isn’t it? Couldn’t wait to get out of school when I was a kid and now I’m back teaching stuff,” Dash smirked at the coincidence, “just gotta make sure you kids are learning how to fly the RIGHT way.”

Scootaloo was flabbergasted. She could feel her heart begin to race as her breathing began to slip away from her control, becoming shallow and rapid.

“But hey, nothing you can’t handle,” Dash nudged the younger pony with an elbow, shaking Scootaloo out of her romantic daze.

“Oh y-yeah, sure...E-easy,” Scootaloo swallowed her flattered heartbeat, attempting to look as natural as possible. “I-I could do that stuff with my eyes closed!”

“I like your spirit!” Dash smirked, rustling Scootaloo’s head mane. She then turned to the rest of the class, raising her voice so that it echoed off the tall gym walls. “Alright everypony! Line up!”

The group of teenagers followed orders, albeit sluggishly and reluctantly. They all lined up in a loose single file line

“Alright, everypony, listen up!” Rainbow Dash called out, pacing in front of the row of students like a military general. “My name is Rainbow Dash and I’ll be your substitute flight instructor for today. You may call me Coach Dash, Rainbow Dash, or General Awesome. Whichever you prefer.” The pony stopped for a moment, smirking at her own little stroke of ego. “Now Mrs. Note has already informed me of your progress so we will be doing drills to make sure she’s teachin’ you right.” Dash took another pause for effect. A few groans amongst the students could be heard. “Everypony split up into groups of four. These will be your squad members so choose them carefully!”

The class quickly separated into smaller groups. Friends quickly found each other again, linking up with each other as a few stragglers joined some of the leftover teams. In a matter of moments squads were ready. Scootaloo joined up with her usual group of friends, a reliable bunch who took the drills as seriously as she did.

Wasting no time at all, Rainbow Dash proceeded to run each squad with the same drills. One by one the various squads lined up at the beginning of the makeshift course and flew through the test as a group. Groups took flight as one unit, staying in sloppy formations as they weaved through the various hoops that stood around the large, tall room.

Before each squad could lift off, Rainbow Dash made it her job to ensure each student was ready for flying. She double checked each pony's pre-flight posture and their wingspan. She ensured that each pony had developed enough feathers to support their entire weight. All things that seemed too bureaucratic to be worried about by a spontaneous pony like Rainbow Dash, but in reality making these quick checks ensured no pony would embarrass themselves in front of their teacher.

Scootaloo knew all there was needed to know about pre-flight preparation. She knew how to properly stand, how to care for her wing's feathers, and knew all the maneuver techniques forward and backwards. She had half a mind to show off in front of Rainbow Dash, show her substitute instructor just how perfect her routine was.

However as Dash inspected the rest of her team, a different part of Scootaloo's mind started to speak up. If she wasn't perfect, needing some minor adjustments then Dash would have to make them. If her wings weren't spread out just right, Dash would have to come up and help her get into position.

The touch of Dash’s hooves made Scootaloo’s spine shiver and her heart beat faster. The teenaged pony subtly bit her lower lip as her teacher made meticulous steps in ensuring her wings and footing were in the right position for the drill.

Whenever Dash worked at adjusting Scootaloo’s back legs, the young pegasus silently wished she wouldn’t stop there. She fantasized about Dash going further, running a hoof up her thighs and finally teasing her sex. She silently hoped Dash would just take her now and make her moan with desire. At the end of her inspection she was practically begging Dash to drop her to the ground and strap her in a diaper right then and there.

“Scoots?” One of Scootaloo’s squad members spoke up, breaking her out of her daze.

“Wha? What? Huh?” Was all the startled pony could manage to say.

“You were daydreaming,” the other pony added.

“W-was I? Sorry...” Scootaloo blushed, regathering herself before the group set off for the drill.

Scootaloo’s squad passed each drill with flying colors. With her as their leader, the group was able to pass each of Rainbow Dash’s tests with no fault. Scootaloo had her training to thank for that. So many hours spent as a kid, having Dash as a mentor. It was all review for the young pony at this point.

“Great work out there, kid,” Rainbow Dash congratulated Scootaloo at the end of the class. “A little bit stiff at the flight prep, but you handled those maneuvers like a pro!” She gave the teenaged pony a friendly nudge, “we’ll make a Wonderbolt out of ya yet!”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but blush, “Th-thanks, I’m flattered.” She paused a bit before continuing, struggling to find the right words, “y-you were...a good teacher...”

“Thanks,” Dash grinned, puffing out her chest triumphantly. “Best head off to your next class. Don’t wanna be late.”

“S-sure! Th-thanks!” Scootaloo scrambled to say as she scurried out of the room.

The rest of the school day seemed to fly by after that. Scootaloo could do nothing but daydream about her brief encounters of Rainbow Dash that day. Every little touch, every minute adjustment from the mare sent shivers down the teenager’s body. She could hardly pay attention to her academics because of how heated the meeting was.

Using every ounce of self control, Scootaloo managed to get through the rest of the day without embarrassing herself. As much as her overly aroused mind begged her, she didn’t drop down to the floor in the middle of the hallway to masturbate. She kept her heavily sexualized fantasies in her head where they wouldn’t embarrass her.

Eventually, the school day was over and Scootaloo was free to walk back home. Her body vibrated with repressed, teenage arousal as she headed home. She returned to her house with little incident, letting herself in the same way she did every school day.

“I’m home!” Scootaloo called into the house. She heard nothing in response, hearing only her voice echo off the walls and fade. A flurry of excitement started to stir inside of her, but she had to make extra sure she was alone, “anypony home?!” Again, no answer.

With a grin, the pony quickly dashed up the stairs and into her room. ‘Never waste an empty house,’ was Scootaloo’s motto. Having the house to herself was rare and she promised herself to take advantage of it every time it happened.

Quickly digging through her closet, Scootaloo tossed aside the jackets and hoodies that took up most of the space. She pushed aside the various articles of clothing to finally dig out a plain looking cardboard box. The box was carried out of the room and dropped at the foot of her bed.

With shaky hooves, Scootaloo opened the box slowly. “If only Dash knew,” she mumbled to herself, peering down into the box.

The contents of the box represented two months worth of careful planning. Through clever smuggling and discreet purchases, Scootaloo had accumulated quite the collection of embarrassing paraphernalia. Pacifiers, baby bottles, and a package of the thickest diapers she could find were some of her most guarded secrets.

Her secret diaper fetish was easy to keep under wraps, but today everything seemed to fall into place. She had to indulge in something.

Already the previous day replayed in Scootaloo’s mind over and over again. Her mind relished in the feelings that bubbled up during flight class and her interactions with Rainbow Dash.

It harmlessly started with her recalling all the praise she got for remembering all those flight exercises Rainbow Dash taught her as a filly. She could remember in vivid detail what the class was put through and how well she followed along Dash’s instructions. She was an ace of a student, which was rather rare for the adventurous pony. Academics were never really her strong point.

However as the events were repeated over and over again in her mind, fantasy seemed to slip through the cracks as Scootaloo’s sex fueled fantasies began to take shape. Before long, her recollection of the day focused more and more on her interactions with Dash. Eventually her mind fantasized about all the special attention she got from her instructor.

Her day dreaming mind started to twist Dash’s words, putting them in arousing situations that made her heart flutter with excitement.

After only a few short minutes of review, Scootaloo conjured up a sexual fantasy that she was dying to play out.

She stood at the foot of her bed, imagining herself walking up to Rainbow Dash who sat behind a big teacher’s desk while she graded papers. She imagined herself staying after class because her grades were slipping because she didn’t do her homework, and that was awfully naughty of her.

She bit her lip, pretending to stand in front of Dash with innocent eyes. “I don’t want to be held back. Is there anything I can do to get my grades up?” Just to tease herself further, she briefly brushed a hoof across her pussy that was already warm with arousal. “I-I’ll even do extra credit,” Scootaloo moaned.

Taking a diaper out of the package, Scootaloo plopped herself onto her bed, looking up oh so innocently at her teacher who was taking charge.

She imagined Dash laying her on the teacher’s desk, changing her into the fresh diaper. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Dash changed her so delicately, so sensually.

“But won’t the other girls laugh at me when they see me wearing diapers?”

Dash didn’t respond and instead continued with the diaper change. Scootaloo raised her legs high, slipping the crinkling garment underneath her butt. She stifled a shiver moan when her rump made contact with the pillowy soft inside of the diaper. Slowly, the diaper was pulled up between her legs. Extra attention was spent on lining the tapes up, ensuring a tight and snug fit. She imagined Dash being so thorough with the change, making sure every step was perfect.

Scootaloo bit her lip, squeezing the crinkling diaper between her thighs, “these diapers are so thick, Rainbow Dash.”

Not minutes after the diaper was on, Scootaloo began playing with herself through the thick padding. The crisp diaper crinkled loudly as her hoof ran across the infantile garment. Every crinkle sent shivers down her spine, fueling her already turned on mind.

Every rub steadily dug deeper and deeper into the padding, pleasuring her moist sex even more. Her legs shivered as the sensual touch sent bolts of lightning through her body. The rubs became faster and stronger and before long she was rhythmically rubbing herself off.

“P-please stop rubbing me there, Rainbow Dash. You’re gonna m-make me...” Scootaloo’s words trailed off as she moaned again. A growing warmth began to spray into her diaper, filling up the thirsty garment with her yellow urine. “S-sorry,” she blushed as a naughty smile slipped through. That was awfully naughty of her and her teacher wasn’t happy about it. Not one bit.

Doing her best puppy dog look, Scootaloo pulled herself up off her bed, pretending to shamefully sulk. She waddled over to her backpack and dug out her notebook and a pencil. She placed both items at the foot of her bed, opening up the notebook to the first clean page.

“Do I have to fill in the WHOLE page?” She asked the imaginary Rainbow Dash, but the only response she got was a pacifier popped into her mouth. She imagined Dash scowling at her, firmly ordering her to do her homework. Suckling on the light blue pacifier, Scootaloo did just that.

She opened her notebook and began writing the same line over and over. ‘I will not wet my diapers in school’. She pretended to obediently follow Dash’s instructions, submissively writing the line. Her moist sex screamed for release, but she was being punished. Rainbow Dash gave her an order.

About six lines in she began sneaking in a diaper rub or two as the imaginary scene fueled her raging arousal. Every finished line reminded her of the soggy diaper that hung between her legs. She would occasionally squeeze her thighs together to further the humiliation.

Suddenly she couldn’t take it any more. With the notebook page only half full with her assignment, Scootaloo dropped the pencil and dug both hooves into the soggy diaper.

“I-I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash! I need to cum!” She moaned to the other pony who wasn’t there. All this desperation and denial finally reached Scootaloo’s limit.

She collapsed at the foot of her bed, her head resting on top of the open notebook as her hooves furiously rubbed. Moans were muted by the pacifier that bobbed in her mouth as she continued.

Weak grunts were all that were heard as she dug her hooves into the yellow padding. She closed her eyes, hastily working her body up to the climax she so craved.

Plastic crinkling sounded through the room as Scootaloo rubbed faster and faster into the swollen padding of the diaper. Her pants became stronger as her heart began to beat faster.

To further herself along, she punctuated every other rub with a quick spank to her diapered rump. She would moan in response, imagining Rainbow Dash punishing her for not completing her homework like a good filly. Her body lurched forward as she exaggerated the force of each spank. Her mouth hung open as her hooves continued rubbing at her diaper.

“Oh Rainbow Dash! R-rainbow Dash!” was all the pony managed to force out as her body erupted into a powerful orgasm. Her body shivered, flared up, and her sex slick with aroused juices.

Scootaloo was stuck at the foot of her bed as her long awaited orgasm slowly rode itself out. Every second was filled with absolute bliss as Scootaloo tried to catch her breath. Her body remained heated as the wonderful feelings rushed over her.

After a few minutes of pause, reality began to slip back to the young pony. She remembered where she was and what she was doing. The notebook in front of her now had trails of drool from her orgasmic endeavor. Now free of her sexual drives, the diaper was less appealing. It was time to clean up.

Wanting to rid herself of the unappealing diaper as soon as possible, Scootaloo untaped the garment and rolled it up into a ball. She made quick work of disposing of the diaper, cleverly hiding it underneath as much garbage as she could manage in the outside bin.

Her room was quickly cleaned up, her notebook and pencil slipped back into her school bag for tomorrow’s classes. The diapers and pacifier were slipped back into the box and hidden away once again in her closet. Positively exhausted after her wonderful private time, Scootaloo plopped onto her bed when everything was done.

Scootaloo smiled to herself, taking in a big breath before slowly letting it out. “Maybe Dash’ll be our substitute again tomorrow,” she mused to herself, smiling at the idea.