Aussie Vacay

by T1MBUK0N3

First published

Ponies and Equestria Girls are in real life, and are going with four boys to Australia.

After a spell in 2 animated worlds went wrong, several characters ended up in the real world. One day, 4 boys took the animations with them on a trip to Australia.

Proofread and edited by MrSp33dy123(MrSp00ky123), Harms Way, Immortan Joe, and many others.

How It All Began

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Hello, my name is Samuel Sadler. I have a sister named Analisa, who is now my ex-sister, a brother named Henry, and two friends named Arthur and Simon. We’re all bronies… well, minus my sister. We tried to get her to watch the show once, and she just said it was ‘too girly’. We never really understood that, since she’s a girl herself, but some people are just different, I guess.

But I’m getting off-topic here. As I was saying...

We all own HoloLenses. To those who don’t know what they are, they’re heads-up-display electronic glasses, that can display 3D graphics, take photos, and-- well, they’re basically just a computer in the shape of some glasses. Recently, we’ve started using them to watch episodes of MLP, and the experience was truly immersing. 3D graphics, super high resolution, it’s so much cooler than a normal TV screen.

Little did we know, the ‘immersion’ was about to get stepped up a notch. Or rather, a large amount of notches, to be approximately exact.

We somehow got a modification for our HoloLenses that allowed us to see what’s going on within other worlds. Some spell the Equestria Girls and ponies performed (without the knowledge of the other spell performance and the similarities of the spells) went wrong.

When we saw the spell ignite, it started to disrupt our screens, leaving just static. At the same time, we heard a sound outside, and turned our Hololenses off before rushing outside to see a plethora of multicoloured characters- Ponies and humans alike., both pony and human. They were lying outside of the house, unconscious. We thought they needed help, so we took them inside and placed them in beds so that they’d rest until they were feeling better.

A few hours have passed, and the characters were feeling much better. They climbed out of the beds to look for us. We were watching Yellow Submarine on our TV, not noticing everyone behind us. They spotted us when we were seeing the first parts of the film, but when everything became black during the scene with the quartet singing, “All Together Now”, we saw their reflection on the screen. Deciding to converse with each other later, we continued watching the film, starting from the scene with the Sea Of Time, all the way to the ending.

After the film was over, we decided to talk to each other about world history, and rant about sorry excuses for celebrities like Justin Bieber and Donald Trump. That conversation lasted for hours, but eventually, we got hungry and didn’t know what to eat. I decided to leave everyone behind by sneaking away and “stowed away” in my car without everyone noticing. Figuring out what to get everyone, I decided McDonald’s, because they’re probably the ONLY fast food restaurant chain serving salads. The reason for me ordering salads is because the ponies are vegetarian. Too bad my friends and I aren’t. That’s a secret I’m keeping in order for us to keep their trust.

When I got to the restaurant drive-thru, the sun was still in the sky, but things were starting to get dark. I ordered the salads, four Big Macs, a lot of large fries, and several cokes to go. Also, for good measure, I ordered a bunch of water, because Pinkie Pie and the Cutie Mark Crusaders(both pony and human) drinking caffeinated sodas is the last thing I want to see in my life. After like half an hour of waiting, I finally got the order, then drove back to the house. When I got back, nobody was able to notice me, so I was able to unload the food on the counter while everyone was watching a 2003 short film from Walt Disney and Salvador Dali called “Destino”.

By the time the short was over, the screen became black, reflecting the kitchen and I with the McDonald’s products. They came to me when I wasn’t expecting them, scaring me. They noticed which products belonged to which being when they noticed that I labeled them. We then began eating dinner, but some of the animations were able to notice certain elements that made up our secret, and figured out what the secret was, and why we kept it from them. However, they told us about it, and reasoned with us about how they’d still trust us for who we are, as long as we were on the side of good.

Later, Analisa came downstairs, and made dinner for herself. However, she noticed the ponies and humans, and was shocked. She was outraged, and had a falling out with me and Henry. She packed her things and left, and we never saw that louse of an ex-sister again. She took images of me and my friends with the ponies and Equestria Girls, and posted the pictures on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, all of social networking websites. People were seeing for themselves, and invaded their personal spaces to know for real by touching and feeling them, but went to psychological and psychiatric treatments, because they thought they were seeing things.

But enough of that. We did lots of things together. Zoos, swimming, sports, parks, games, movies, etc. Every time we did something the CMC (Cutie Mark Crusaders) were fretting about, this might have been “their destiny”, but wasn’t, since they already earned their cutie marks. Once, the pony version of Sweetie Belle said “No! I don’t want to go!” as we were headed to the zoo, “I want to keep swimming!” I told her, “Things will be fine. Besides, your human self is waiting for you. Also, you can go swimming with her later. Now come on.” She realized that I had a point and decided to come along. So, our trip to the zoo was going great, until we learned right before we left, that the zoo men were working on an exhibit for possums.

But these aren’t the stories that I’m wanting to tell, although it was to brush you up and give you enough knowledge, for my REAL story regards a vacation we had in Australia.

Prelude To Flying

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It was the beginning of summer, and my four friends and I were trying to decide where to go for vacation. We were surfing the web to find the perfect spot. However, being a student of history and civics, I decided to try one of my favorite nations: Australia. So I decided to use Google Images to look for Australian vacation spots. That’s how I found Hayman Island, a very large hotel place.

“Guys,” I got their attention, “we should try Hayman Island. It looks like a real paradise.”

Arthur questioned, “Why is it called Hayman Island?”

“There is only one way to find out,” I said. “We’ll have to read the Wikipedia article.”

My three friends learned about the luxury paradise hotel from the article: how large it was, and all the attractions it had. It was called “Hayman Island” after a family from Britain bought the rights to the island, but the Aboriginals drove them off, and the island kept the name. But regardless, we decided to tell the ponies and Equestria Girls all about our Hayman idea. We went to the living room to tell them, and they were pretty—I mean, VERY—excited to go there.

“I HOPE THEY HAVE DJ’S THERE!” shouted the pony Vinyl Scratch, a.k.a. DJ-Pon3.

“I hope there will be classic musicians, not unorthodox musicians!” yelled the human Octavia in excitement.

“My friends and I can brush up on our SWIMMING!” screamed the pony Sweetie Belle in happiness.

“Tavi and I share the same accent with them!” the pony Rarity screamed in joy. “Our human versions, too!”

“My human self and I can play with the Wombats there!” the pony Fluttershy shouted in glee.

“The both of us can throw an ‘Aussie-Pony-Equestria Girl Get Together Party’!” both Pinkie Pies yelled in unison and triumph.

“I guess that’s the Mane 6, the CMC, the two most popular musician ponies, and their human selves,” I said, “but would Lyra and Bon Bon and their human selves like to come with us as well?”

“Wait! What about us?!” the pony Applejack said. Rainbow would fly in the outback, and Twilight would be back at the library after returning the books she would rent days earlier. The ponies were told by their human selves about the Hayman Island vacation idea. They were excited, and began waiting for the responses from Lyra, Bon Bon, and their human selves to my question.

The human selves of Bon Bon and Lyra glanced at each other. “Well,” said Bon Bon, “we never really—”

“They never really liked Australia,” the pony Pinkie Pie shouting out, interrupting. “And there’s a lack of benches there. Right?” At this, she smiled.

Arthur said, “Is this true”?

“Well, yes, but—” Lyra replied, but was interrupted again by everyone gasping.

“Don’t you like their food?” asked the pony Pinkie.

“Don’t you like their cute animals?” asked the pony Fluttershy.

“Don’t you like their ‘Down Under’ fashion?” the pony Rarity bemoaned.

“Don’t you like their music?!” yelled the pony Vinyl.

“Don’t you like their history and books?” pony Twilight questioned.

“IT’S BECAUSE OF THE LACK OF PONIES!!!” the pony Lyra finally shouted, then immediately covered her mouth. Everyone was shocked, even the Pinkies. But those that weren't shocked were the Bon Bons and the human Lyra, who were in agreement with her.

“Don’t take it as an offense,” I told everyone. “Besides, the nation should be parodied as Pegastralia in the series, with the ponies there being voiced by people like Hugh Jackman, Eric Bana, Daniel Craig, the Hemsworth brothers, Kate Winslet, and lots of others. Right, Arthur?”

“Uhhh…” Arthur said, “...wait. That’s MY idea, Sam!”

I shrugged it off, but the pony version of Twilight got our attention. “Both Pinkies, as well as my human self and I, need to talk to both Lyras and Bon Bons in private.”

The eight beings left, but I secretly followed, planning to eavesdrop on them. I even used a recording device to record everything. When they went into my bedroom, they closed the door, I waited for them to begin their conversation, and peeked through the gaps to get views of the whole scene. I turned on my recording device to record the whole scene.

“Lyras, Bon Bons,” the pony Twilight said, getting their attention, “Australia may have a lack of ponies, but at least there are people there who would appreciate us and what we do.”

“Oh, right!” the human Bon Bon said. “We almost forgot about that. We were just starting to feel stressed out, that’s all. We just need to rest.”

Twilight and Pinkie and their human selves looked after the sleeping girls as they slept their stress away. I snuck away from the door back to the others to tell them what happened.

“Samuel,” Simon said, “what were you doing?!”

“I wanted everyone to know what they were saying, so I recorded the whole thing and eavesdropped on them.”

“Why?” Arthur asked.

I told him, “Just listen to the recording.” I then played the recording to let everyone in the room know what they said. They were pretty shocked about the stress mention.

“Wait,” the human Vinyl began, “they’re gonna come back. How is this eavesdrop situation gonna be settled?”

“Don’t worry,” I told her, “I have everything under control.”

The Twilights and Pinkies came back with the Lyras and Bon Bons in pursuit. “Hey guys,” the pony Pinkie began, “what did we miss?”

I decided to tell them the truth. “Girls,” I began in the style of Leslie Nielsen, “this might be awkward to you, but I wanted myself and everyone else to know what you were saying back there, so I decided to listen in on your conversation. You know, eavesdrop.”

“You WHAT?!” the human Bon Bon shouted in disbelief.

“I don’t think you heard me,” I responded in my Leslie Nielsen-esque style. “I eavesdropped on you eight, recorded the words, and played them to everyone.” I then played the recording to prove my point.

“You eavesdropped on us?!” the pony Bon Bon asked, also in disbelief.

“And I recorded everything. You got a problem with that?”

“Of course we have a problem with that, Samuel!” the pony Bon Bon said.

“That was a private conversation!” her human counterpart added. Both sounded disappointed.

“Yes, but you’re under my responsibility, I deserved to know what’s going on.” I said. At least they aren’t mad at me, I thought. They still frowned, but the Lyras and Pinkies smiled, which got my attention.

“Looks like a few of you are smiling,” I began, “but why?”

“Yeah,” the pony Bon Bon asked, “why are you smiling?”

“Don’t worry,” the human Lyra said, “Sam has good intentions. we forgive him.”

“So do we!” both of the Pinkies chimed.

The human Bon Bon sighed in defeat, “Alright, if you four forgive him, then we forgive him.”

Then I came up with a thought and expressed it with words. “I’m starting to think that the pony Twilight wanted me to eavesdrop on them.”

“Shhh!” Twilight spasmed. “Samuel! Don’t spill the beans!”

“AHA!” I said. Everyone was in shock at this “scheme” of hers, especially the Bon Bons, who were more stressed than before.

“But… why?” asked the pony Fluttershy.

Just then, her human self spoke up. “I know why. Not everyone is what they seem. Also, to break the fourth wall like Pinkie would, they can be out of character a lot of the time.”

“That’s right,” the pony Twilight said.

Suddenly, Spike the dragon spoke up. “Uh, guys? Am I coming with you, or did you forget that I existed?”

“Oops!” I said. “Sorry, Spike. Yeah, you’re coming with us. But would anyone else be willing to come with us?”

“We would,” a familiar voice said. Everyone looked to see that a familiar-looking unicorn named Moondancer teleported behind us, with Twilight’s other Canterlot friends involved. The downside is, they don’t have human selves like in the Equestria Girls franchise. I’d care less.

“Moondancer!” I said. “What are you doing here?”

“I want to come too.” Moondancer explained “Can I come”?

“Sure,” I said, “so can the other ponies that are with you. But would anyone else?”

“Maybe we are the answer to that question,” I heard someone say. I turned to look to find three female human animations named Mystery Mint, Sweet Leaf and Tennis Match. They just got back from New York, and brought Babs Seed and Coco Pommel with them.

“Back from New York are you?” I asked, “My friends and I are going to Australia. Come with us, and bring the others with you.”

“Okay,” Mystery Mint said. She was a fine girl, wore a black shirt, a scarf around her neck, was as light-colored as the human Rainbow Dash, and had a mixture of pink and purple stripes for hair. Sweet Leaf wore a straw hat, an orange shirt with a leaf on it, had green hair, much to Rarity’s disgust, and had a lightest-yellow-greenish skin. Tennis Match was a tennis player, and wore tennis related clothing. She kind of looked similar to Coco Pommel, which is why I wanted them to get along with each other during our trip.

“Sorry, Derpy and Dinky,” I told the grey pegasus, “but you’re too busy with the doctor to come with us.”

“Things will be fine with us,” Derpy, a.k.a. Ditzy, a.k.a. Muffins said, “have fun on your trip to Australia.”

“We will, now come on, Arthur, we have to get to Expedia.”

“Right,” Artie replied. We then rushed upstairs to the laptop to travel to the Expedia website. We checked the flight times for departures and arrivals, and the prices were affordable. The plane available was a 787 Dreamliner developed by Boeing, and belong to United Airlines, which allowed Wi-Fi in certain flights, this flight being one of them. Secretly, I added eleven extras to come with us, while expecting them to sneak on the trip with us, and reveal themselves by the time we already were at the hotel.

The both of us booked the flight, packed our things, and rushed to the ponies and humans to tell them about the flight. I kept the secret about the five extras. The animations started packing their things, and we took cameras, laptops, and chargers with us. There were a LOT of suitcases, so we took a bus that we rebuilt and used it to get to the airport.

Before we left, I told the pony Bon Bon to call Carrot Top and tell her that I want to say something to her. She did so, and I talked to the orange-maned pony, telling her that she and the others are to take care of the pets while we were gone.

“Okay,” she responded, “be sure to bring back photos of you all having fun.”

“We will, bye.”


With all that being said, we left for the airport, ready to get to Australia.

Flight Delays

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It was a few hours since we left, and we were already on the way to the airport. We were in our bus, driving the freeways and highways to the airport. Once we were halfway there, we needed a few miles more to get to LAX, so we decided to listen to some music by The Beatles and Queen.

“Guys,” I said, “maybe we can pass the time by listening to some music by The Beatles and Queen. The Sweetie Belles, Vinyls, and Octavia’s are gonna love their music.”

After listening to songs like “Help!”, “Somebody To Love”, “You’re Gonna Lose That Girl”, “Another One Bites The Dust”, and “We Will Rock You/ We Are The Champions”, we finally got to LAX.

The airport was huge, and there were lots of attractions. So many, the pony Scootaloo got distracted by them several times, so I had to pull her back, especially with help from her human self. Remembering from the LAX terminal overview videos that Terminal 8 was a boarding terminal for United Airlines, we tried there.

Realizing how high the gates were, we decided to use the escalator. And a lot of conversations took place. The ponies and humans adored the music that played in the car. They also were talking about doing music with me as Hayman Island’s entertainment guests. The Pinkies were talking with the Lyras, the Bon Bons, and the Twilights about getting along with the Aussie folks. And the Fluttershys were going to tell the Rainbows about an idea to have fun on the island, but the pegasus skipped the escalator, and took her human self with her. I took a picture of the scene. By the time the escalation was done, the conversations ended, and the Rainbows beat us to the top, which got on my nerves in my head.

This flight from Los Angeles to Hayman Island is the very first commercial flight to ever exist between those two places. Unfortunately, three major inconveniences; One, the plane wasn’t here yet. Two, it wasn’t ready. And three, the result was a flight delay. So we had to wait for a few hours until the flight was announced.

When we were at the gate, we sat in chairs. Much to my surprise, the pony Lyra was sitting like a human would, with her left hoof wrapped around her human self! The pony Bon Bon was sitting with the pony Pinkie Pie, cuddling each other in their human selves’ laps. The human duo, however, had arms wrapped around each other.

The two Twilight’s were flattered at the scene, but I asked them if they set them up. They said they were. What’s with these two? I thought, They appear to be setting people and ponies up today. A few minutes after that, I got the attention of the six beings and ratted the Twilights out. Something was wrong with them, but the pony Pinkie already found out and told us. They were trying to mess with us. I told everypony and everyone else about it, including Arthur. Henry and Simon decided to stay home, and have some fun without us.

The CMC, which weren’t the name of their human selves, were getting sleepy, except for Sweetie Belle, who was getting bored. “This sucks!” she said in poutiness, “We’re NEVER gonna make it to Australia.” This caused Scootaloo to jerk awake.

“Sweetie,” she said, waking up abruptly, “I just fell asleep. You should relax and be quiet. Apple Bloom’s sleeping and so am I. You should rest with us to pass the time.”

“Next time, I’m taking the bus,” she said. But then again, she got the idea to wander around the airport to find something to do. When she left, her tail brushed across Apple Bloom’s face, almost waking the little filly up from her nap.

After Sweetie Belle left, she looked for her human self. Seeing her wandering around, with the two Raritys doing nothing about it, I decided to talk to her.

“Sweetie Belle,” I asked her, “are you alright?”

“Yep,” she said, “why WOULDN'T I be?”

“Because I saw you wandering around. Are you looking for something?”

“I’m looking for my human self. Do you know where she might be?”

I used my keen eyesight to look for her, until I found her looking out the windows.

“She’s right over there, looking at the window,” I told the filly, pointing at the girl, “you can talk to her if you’d like.”

The filly left, so I minded my own business, but took a picture of the napping scene to take back home after our trip. When I was looking around for the flight schedule, I noticed the pony Twilight and Spike looking at it. Her human self snuck up behind me, shocking me. She told me that she was looking for the other Twilight, and I pointed her to the pony. She walked closer to her for the schedule, and the pony self was really worried. Thanks to her O.C.D, she spent a good half-hour constantly checking to make sure she had the right gate memorized and it's departure time.

“OH NO!” she shouted, “Our flight has been delayed!”

“We knew that,” I told her human self.

“I better write Princess Celestia and tell her the bad news!” Spike said.

“Nobody’s writing a letter to no one,” I told them, “we just have to wait until our flight is announced.”

“Sam’s right,” the human Twilight said, “you could at least spend some time with me, Twilight.”

The horned pony sighed in defeat, “I guess you’re right. I just want everything to be nice and orderly. But I guess I could spend some time with my human self.”

We all left the schedule board and went back to the gate. Meanwhile, the other two Crusaders woke up from their nap, only to find Sweetie Belle gone. After searching, they found her and her human self singing songs that they wrote themselves. After the song was over, we realized that we were near a Carl’s Jr. restaurant, which exited the CMC and their human selves, since lunch time was getting closer.

Arthur walked throughout the terminal to find the Fluttershys reading magazines at the Hudson News store.

The clerk in the shop, not recognizing them, got their attention, “Misses, if you’re buying those magazines, you’ll have to pay for them.”

“Oh!” the pony Fluttershy said, “Oh we’re so sorry.” The response ended with a squeak.

The clerk recognized them and responded, “Oh, it’s you, Fluttershy. Never mind payment, if you’re planning on getting any, you can have all you want... for free.”

The Fluttershys got their magazines and exited the shop, noticing Arthur on their way back to the gate. Fluttershy had her arm wrapped around Arthur, but he didn’t mind her. When he came back, he saw me looking at the Applejacks staring at the Carl’s Jr. restaurant. This gave me an idea.

“Arthur, Applejacks,” I called to them, “get all the others here. I have an idea of what we’re gonna eat for lunch.”

They gathered everyone and told them my idea. We all ate our lunch at Carl’s Jr. and left when we were done. Later, I saw the two Raritys at the Hugo Boss shop, but ignored that Then I saw the human Twilight at the Book Soup shop, but continued on. But what caused my attention was the two DJ’s dancing in a jumpy style at the Harley Davidson store.

“Uh, girls,” I asked them, “what are you doing?”

The unicorn said, “Samuel! You won’t BELIEVE what they had here!”

I told her, “I already know about Harley Davidson related culture, but am not spending any money on those.”

Her human self said, “You don’t have too, the pony here can generate copies with magic.”

“Unicorn! Remember?” the pony asked.

“Oh, right,” I said in realization, “I almost forgot that the unicorn DJ could create things out of nothing with that horn on her head. I’ll be off now.”

With that said, I walked over only to find the pony Twilight looking at the sign above her. She became worried when an announcement came on.

“Attention passengers,” the intercom said, “the first flight from Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. to Hayman Island, Australia will be departing in 4 minutes.”

“Ohh.....” the worried pony said, “We're never going to make it!”

Spike facepalmed, “Twilight, if you hadn't been taking too long with the flight schedule, we wouldn't be running late like this.”

“You heard him!” I told her, “ if you had been watching your time and heading towards the gate with time to spare, you wouldn't have to rush like this!”

She ignored us, “We're going to be late!”

Spike said, “Then what are we standing around here for? Let's get to our plane.”

With that said, we left the area to find the others. We found Arthur and told him to get the others in here. When they all arrived, the pony Twilight explained everything. This shocked everyone, not to mention that we were at the wrong gate. But then an idea struck me. An idea that I thought of a long time ago, that the pony Lyra stole my thunder.

“Wait, everyone!” she said, “Samuel here has an idea that I saw him come up with long ago.”

“You do?” the human Bon Bon asked.

“It’s an idea for all the horned ponies in here to ignite and combine all their teleportation magic to teleport themselves, each other, and all the beings around them, all to the exact same location, at the exact same time,” I said, then asked the pony Twilight, “how crazy is this idea?”

She said in excitement, “It might be crazy enough to work!”

Moondancer, her teleportation magic already ignited, said, “Alright, everyone, brace yourselves.”

Other horned ponies followed suit. From Twilight, to Lyra, and Sweetie Belle, to Rarity, to Vinyl, to Minuette a.k.a. Colgate, to Lemon Hearts, to Twinkleshine. As we braced for impact, the spell flashed over us, and we ended up at the correct gate. The gate overseer there asked why there was cartoon characters boarding, but shrugged it off as the pony Lyra used her magic to turn all our passports in. We then got on the plane, ready to go to Australia.

Enjoying The Flight

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We all made it onboard, and just in time, because we still had enough time for everyone to choose their seats before the flight. The eleven extras I mentioned earlier arrived onboard, their passports already checked in by Lyra, who didn’t know about them. They chose where they wanted to sit, but remained secret from everyone.

With everyone officially on board, the plane was ready to take off. We all sat in business class, where I sat in the middle row, between Moondancer and Mystery Mint. The human versions of Pinkie Pie and Bon Bon chose two seats that Mystery was sitting apart from. The rest of them chose their assigned seats, which paired us all together as friends, and loved ones.

Pinkie Pie, who ate twice as much lunch than the rest of us, REALLY had to use the bathroom. While we were in the terminal, she was drinking a lot of water due to the summer heat. But she wasn’t the only one, so did her human self. The both of them got to the bathroom, but had to go so badly, they argued over who should go first.

“I wanna go first!” one would say.

“NO, I WANNA GO FIRST!” the other would respond.

This went on for more than 10 seconds. I had to do something, so I got out of my seat and talked to them.

“Pinkies, Pinkies, Pinkies. The both of you will have to wait. The plane’s about to take off.”

With that said, the 3 of us returned to our assigned seats. A few seconds later, we heard the voice of a pilot speaking.

“Ladies and gentlemen, and ponies, this is our very first flight on a 787 Dreamliner from Los Angeles, California to Hayman Island in Australia. If any of you need to use the bathroom, you’ll just have to wait until we’re up in the air, because the plane is still on an active runway.”

The two Pinkies and I looked at each other, with me assuring them.

“We’re about to take off at any moment. If any of you aren’t buckled, then I suggest you do so. Also, to avoid anything bad happening, please refrain from drinking and smoking.”

The plane then introduced the LED lighting and how it changes the mood. For example, “Eclipse” showed red on the sides above where the windows were, and purple on the top, and the blue lighting describes the relaxation of the passengers.

“Our windows have no shades, but if you look closely, you’ll notice a button at the bottom that can make the window dim.”

The passengers touched the buttons and saw the experience.

“If you look closely, you’ll probably notice that our luggage space is bigger than the average airplane’s. Our air conditioning is not as thick as the air conditioning on the other kinds of airplanes.”

It took a second for the passengers to realize those two statements.

“We’ll be taxiing and taking off in about a few minutes or so. You can choose you own entertainment, using the touch screens in front of you.”

The ponies recently learned about touch screens and their functions. The humans, however, already knew about this technology, so it wasn’t so difficult to figure out how it worked.

“The weather over the flight is extremely clear and might be hot because of the summer heat. But don’t worry, our air conditioning will cool you off. That’s all we can say. Our LED lighting will glow red in case of emergency. But no pressure, and we hope you enjoy the flight.”

With that said, the pilot ended his announcement, and the plane was finally about to take off. It left the LAX airport after taxiing for about 5-10 minutes, Once we were up in the sky, the sun was majestic, and the refreshments were quite tasty. They had foods of all types. From gourmet dishes like Chateaubriand and salads to modern-day dishes like sandwiches.

After we were fully up in the air, I called the Pinkies to come with me. They followed me to the bathroom, which I wanted to talk to them about.

“I think the pony should go first,” I said, “the human can stay with me in my arms napping.”

They both agreed, and the pony Pinkie went first. The human decided to hug me, so I hugged her back. When I did, my hands felt something on her that made me realize something.

“Uh, Pinkie?” I asked.


“Where’s your jacket?”

“Can’t believe you and the others didn’t notice. It’s summertime, so we have no needs for jackets for the season.”

“Oh. That explains Sunset, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash as well,” I said, looking around, noticing who I mentioned not wearing their personal jackets.

When the pony Pinkie was done, she felt much better, and it was her human self’s turn. So the human went in, and I took the pony back to her seat, and I went back to mine. Mystery Mint leaned in on me for some reason that I wasn’t so sure of, so I decided to talk to her.



“What are you doing?”

“Can I tell you when we get to Australia?”


With that said, I wrapped my arm next to her, making her nap a bit more comfortable. The human Pinkie finished using the bathroom, and walked back to her seat. And in no time, she and the human Bon Bon cuddled each other. By then, there were a lot of “couples” cuddling in relaxation under the blue LED lighting.

A few minutes later, the LED lightings began flashing in Rainbow colors, which flattered the Rainbow Dashes. The colors relaxed us in a different way than the blue lights. It changed the mood a bit, and I decided to use the touchscreen to watch some videos. I was looking for some films to watch until I found “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” from Tim Burton, and I decided to go for it. Mystery Mint and Moondancer saw my selection of the film and did the same thing. Moondancer used her magic to pass the message on to the other animations.

“Moondancer?” the pony Twilight asked, “What are you doing?”

“Giving you a message,” Moondancer answered, “Samuel’s watching “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” from Tim Burton. I think we should see the film, because of how our worlds were related to his films.”

“Oh, okay,” the purple pony said. Twilight and her human self caught up with the other ponies and humans and enjoyed what I was watching.

About an hour and a half later, the film was over, but the ponies were oddly questioned.

“Samuel?” asked Moondancer.

“Yeah?” I responded.

“I don’t get the ending, and neither does anypony else.”

“I have a suggestion. When you and the others have time, try to read Roald Dahl’s books so it’d be easier to understand.”


For like 30 minutes, we sat doing nothing waiting to get to Australia. We had only 19-20 hours left, so I decided to talk to someone.

“Hey, Arthur,” I called him.

“Yeah?” he asked me.

“I know how many hours we have left,” I told him, “but can I talk to you for a moment?”

“Sure,” he said.

“How are you and Fluttershy doing?” I asked him.

“Both of them?” he asked me back.

“Yeah,” was my answer to that question.

“The human version is acting weird around me,” he said, “and I think I know what it is.”

“What?” I asked him.

“She’s in love with me, and is trying to seduce me.”

“I doubt Mystery Mint is doing the same thing.”

“She has to be. Why else would she be leaning against you?”

“She said she wanted to tell me when we get to Australia.”

“I guess we’ll wait.”


“You want to ask me something else?”

“How do you think the Pinkies and the Bon Bons are doing?”

“Pretty fine to me. I’m gonna find some other films to look at.”

“Okay. So will I.”

With that said, I decided to find some other films to watch. When I looked through the films, I noticed an American Poster of the 1965 film, “Help!”, starring the Beatles. Mystery Mint saw me choose it, and so did the others. They all decided to follow through. After catching the film, everyone chose to beware of people filthy with the ideologies they worship. Suddenly, the pony Lyra blurted out a question.

“What?” I asked her.

She stuttered.

“What, Lyra?” I asked again.

The pony Lyra simply had the request of watching movies and then every (one/pony) asked a question about production, actors, or just the film itself.

“What do you say we watch a comedy film?” she asked right afterwards.

“Here’s an idea,” I told her, “Airplane!”

The human Lyra asked, “Wait, aren’t we on one?”

“Yeah,” I answered, “but you’re all gonna like this film.”

I then selected “Airplane!” from the options menu, and the 1980 film by Paramount Pictures began playing. The ponies were very confused about the references to “Jaws!” and other films as well as the cutaway gags and the jokes and puns, but I told them that Paramount did this for fun, to entertain audiences and make them laugh.

We continued from there on deciding new movies and reviewing them like critics.