The Most Magical of all Ponies

by Ponyess

First published

Trixie is prideful, yet she is still a Show Pony, even if it is too much of showing off without any restraints. Meeting a Pink Earth Pony who is all show and fun, but with more magic to boot and a few tricks up her mane. Consequences.

Trixie loves showing off, and has no restraints. Nothing holding her back, short of her talents and experience.

Along came the pink mare. Throwing parties left and right. Keeping her audience laughing. How could a mere mare Earth Pony show off?

There is a trick up her mane, and a few consequences to the audience. The blue Trixie could hold her laugh, but the surprise stuck in her throat after that particular show was over.

Where are we, she had never been here or seen any of the once around. The creatures are called Humans.

At the End of a Show: 1

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”I have a challenge for you, Trixie!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed from far back at the outer edge of the large crowd.

“You? This aught to be spectacular!” I proclaimed.

“Of course!” she followed up, her curly tail spinning as she took of from the ground, leisurely flying towards me on the stage.

“A flying Earth Pony? I guess that could be considered funny. I could be generous, for a short moment!” I then responded, looking at the pink mare as she continued to approach my stage.

Naturally, she was bound to reach the stage and set her hooves on the ground before me. Now is the moment of my great mistake, to permit her to even share my stage for but a moment.

“Can You fly, Trixie?” she curiously inquired with a slight giggle to her voice as she smiled jovially at me.

“Why would a great Unicorn need to fly?” I roared in stupid indignation.

“Why, indeed? That is Pegasi territory. How would you dare trample the garden of the likes of the mighty and powerful Pegasi?” she retorted in delight, knowing she had me, right there.

I was about to hoof her a response in pure magic, but apparently, I was too slow this time.

“Why fly, when you can just poke into the next place? You could always learn to teleport properly, like Twilight Sparkle?” she pointed out, poking space before her, giving off strange sensations in my horn as she went on.

“Uh, what are you doing?” I retorted, as my response had been cut off, effectively by an act of hers.

“Doing? I am just taking you to a new show. You certainly lost the attention and respect of this crowd!” she merely pointed out.

Then she merely grabbed my hoof and pulled me unceremoniously through to the other side of what she had poked through. Only now, I am standing on two legs, not four.

“Where are we, and what are we?” I inquired in surprise.

“Welcome to Earth, and you are now a Human girl, Trixie!” she pointed out as the entrance slowly closed behind us.

I noticed that I am wearing a pointy black hat, a fitting black dress and black boots. She, on the other hand is wearing a pink top and skirt. Her boots and gloves are naturally the same bright pink, how could I ever have expected anything else?

“Earth, and Human?” I merely responded, not sure what I could possibly do right now, my magic out of touch.

“Oh, and on that note. Do wear this!” she exclaimed as she pulled an item out of her still tightly curled and bright pink hair.

I accepted the item, but not sure as to what it is, or how it was to work.

“That is a watch, silly. Yet, I have hidden a few secret surprises you just may like!” she pointed out as she hastily helped me putting the watch around my right wrist, as if she had been doing this for ages.

“A watch? What does the great and powerful Trixie need a watch for?” I inquired.

“She just may need it, but you just have it to keep track of time!” she pointed out.

“I am Trixie the great and powerful!” I retorted in indignation.

“Now, you’re not. That is but your grand stage name here. Besides, you are a witch now. Maybe you even started up a new cult, just now!” she then responded.

Then she lost herself in a fit of laughter. There was no point in arguing with her, right now. There is nowhere to go, I am stuck here. No escape.

“A Witch, as in a magic practicing Human girl!” she merely explained before I even had the time to ask as if she already knew what I had been about to say.

Apparently, her psychic abilities had not stayed on the other side among the Ponies.

“Oh, that is what I am? A Witch? If I do have any Magic, I guess I could still perform on the stage?” I pondered.

“Of course, silly. Besides, you wouldn’t have anyone challenging your abilities here. They have no magic here. Even an Earth Pony like I was back in Equestria still do have magic back home!” she pointed out.

“I hope you have a stage and an audience all lined up. Or we are going to starve here. Unless we kill one another off in a moment of rage! I pointed out.

“Oh, just you trust ye ol’ aunt Pinkie. But alas, call me Diana. You do not want to upset the locals!” she then lectured me, once over.

“You are not old and you certainly are no Aunt, and not of mine. Why trust you, if not for the fact that you brought us here and would be the only one I know here who could possibly bring me back home? Diana, why is that?” I responded.

“Besides, you may consider an actual name for yourself. My middle name just so happens to be Diana. As coincidents had it, it is also a very convenient cover among Humans, it is a common name around here!” she merely explained.

She had the annoying habit of speaking out of turn, as if she knew everything. It is as if she had actually written the manuscript herself. She knew every line, mine included.

“If I am a Witch, then what does that make you?” I then put forth.

“I could be a Gypsy and a fortune-teller for one, but I just so happen to be an excellent stand up Comedian as well. There is of course the Party throwing talent to draw on!” she responded with a sly grin on her face, almost as if she had been waiting for me to ask the question for a very long time.

Her expressed familiarity was getting to me, just as the use of archaic words and expression, and to top it all off, all these nonsense and antics. She is a pest and a pain, but she is mine and I need her to get home, or even to make it through the day.

“Right now, I have the impression you would be best passed off as a street-girl. Even if I guess you could be a comedian and throw a party like none other?” I prompted.

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By the Stage: 2

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“How ever did she do that?” I exclaimed.

“Since you don’t refer to her flight, I have no idea!” Rainbow Dash responded.

“Ah reckon that is exactly how Apple Bloom flew, back at the Cutie Pox incident!” Applejack exclaimed, as she had seen the pink mare fly from well back in the Nosebleed section and all the way up to plant her hooves on the stage and assume the position of the Pony who was to oppose the Magician on stage, known as Trixie, the great and powerful, even though it had been quite clear that she was nothing of the sort.

“I saw her fly just like this, back at Canterlot, when I went there in order to mend my friendship with a few old friends my Assistant Spike had just reminded me off, a while back!” I explained.

“Is that how teleportation works?” Sweetie Belle inquired.

Maybe, if you were an Earth Pony. Yet, dear Sweetie Belle, we are not. As a Unicorn, we do that in a very different manner, more sophisticated. Maybe Twilight Sparkle can help you learn that spell later if you like, if she has the time!” Rarity responded.

“Does that mean Apple Bloom could learn her trick?” Sweetie Belle persisted hopefully.

“There just may be a slim chance of it, how ever slim that chance may be. Most Earth Ponies only tend to their farms, like Applejack. Very few actually does any actual magic up front!” I pointed out.

“Twilight still does take the time to teach us various things at her new castle of Ponyville, just as she did before her Golden Oak Library was destroyed by Tirek in that incident!” Sweetie Belle explained merrily.

“If you can handle that kind of magic, Sweetie Belle, I will be only too happy to teach you how to teleport safely and in a controlled manner. I will just have to prepare and demonstrate how and take you on a few, before I will have you attempt it by yourself!” I prompted.

“That would be great. Maybe I could save five minutes in going to class, if I could teleport?” Sweetie Belle suggested.

“Or, or, or.. you could go to the clubhouse, even in bad weather!” Scootaloo suggested hopefully.

“On that note, you are never between the two points, so you certainly could go to a place, even if there is a point on your trip that is dangerous!” I pointed out cheerfully.

“Kind of like flying over a ravine?” Scootaloo compared hopefully.

“Not sure of exactly how accurate your comparison may be, but you certainly could go to places that you could never have gone to, by hoof. What ever the circumstances may be between the origin and the destination of your trip!” I pointed out.

“If she could teach Apple Bloom that trick; that would be just so cool!” Scootaloo pointed out.

“Ah reckon!” Apple Bloom agreed readily.

“You will just have to wait for her to return, from where ever she pulled Trixie off to. Then she can try to help you, if and when she deems it is right to attempt to teach you. Although I foresee she would enjoying the time with you!” I pointed out.

“Pinkie Pie certainly is very fond of you three fillies!” Rarity added.

“Even if we make mistakes and stumble on occasion, but who doesn’t!” Scootaloo put forth.

“At least, we don’t set out to bully any little filly. Or in any other manner act mean, unlike a certain pair of fillies!” Sweetie Belle intoned.

“Ah reckon they are too full of themselves, and are in need of a level of deflation!” Apple Bloom suggested.

“They certainly could be using a lesson in manners or two!” Rarity declared.

“On the positive side, Trixie can’t do any further harm to Ponyville, or any Pony around here. Pinkie Pie firmly and decisively pulled her out of time in one swift move!” Rarity pointed out.

“Ah reckon. That was unpredicted, but it left the Ponies in a fit of laughter!” Applejack commented.

“We can hear that, even now. I can only guess they took it as just another joke, a prank at the expense of Trixie’s!” Rarity suggested.

“They would be correct on one thing, it is at the expense of Trixie’s in one way, or the other!” Fluttershy whispered.

“That is so cool!” Rainbow Dash added with glee.

Of course, the crowd had basically dispersed all by itself. It was only natural; since there is nothing more to see. The scene is empty, cleared and dark. No spectacle and no more to see.

Only the scattered groups of a few Ponies each. A group of fillies here, a group of mares there, or the group of stallions, or colts. Still holding together; discussing what had just transpired, or what ever were on their minds, right at the moment. Talking of what was on the top of their heads, as it were.

Small groups now spreading for the four wings, going to where ever they felt like going, or where they were currently needed.

Ponies had gone to the café in order to grab a snack, or to have a seat in order to have a talk in a more private setting. A few had taken off towards the SPA, the Boutique or the library.

Nothing more to see. With that, Major Mare was happily trotting off towards her office for the rest of an event-free evening. She had very little to do since Twilight Sparkle had arrived, not to mention, after her coronation.

Of course, she was not sad or resentful, she still does retain her job, her title and her pay. Now she could have just a little more time to herself. On the other hoof, the Princess is responsible to a much larger territory than the mere village of Ponyville. Besides, the village is booming, growing way out of the old proportions of when she ascended to Major in the first place.

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