Her Shield, His Heart

by RoyalBardofCanterlot

First published

Their love has defeated armies and defended an empire. Can they learn to trust each other?

Cadence and Shining Armor experience the joys and trials of married life as they work on their trust issues.


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Cadence guessed that at this point she really shouldn't be surprised. She sighed deeply as she walked ahead of Shining who had his head down like a scolded puppy and was trailing behind her. After all when he had finally realized he was in love with her he had declared his intention to win her love with one-thousand deeds of daring. She insisted she didn't need him too. They could just go out sometime. But no. Shining had to prove himself worthy of "thy divine majesty."

He used to speak like a character out of Haykespeare and, at the time, she'd found it endearing. So every day he had accompanied her on her way to school. Every morning he'd appear at her door with a gift. Usually it was a sweet. A piece of chocolate or a fresh-plucked rose. A sugarcube. A golden chain. On occasion, other jewelry. Before Cadence knew it she was being showered in gifts. He went out of his way to act like knights in the storybooks he read and Cadence didn't know where to put all his gifts. Still, being that she was sixteen, she soaked up the attention. She felt bad about accepting all the gifts without giving him something. So, she began giving him gifts. She brought him books, a spear engraved with her cutie mark (it had been deemed too precious to be used in battle and now hung in Shining's office), and fresh-baked sweets. Her cooking skills only increased his love for her. Sometimes, he'd appear at her window and serenade her. He had even learned guitar in order to do it. Her Aunt Celestia found it adorable, but forbid him to continue since Cadence needed her sleep or else she'd get grouchy in the morning.

Then there were the one-thousand deeds he swore to do to win her hand. Sometimes, it was simple things like carrying an umbrella over her head when it rained or helping her with her homework. She particularly appreciated that.

"Cadence, you're not even going to talk to me?" He asked. His voice brought her back to the present. It held a mixture of sadness, hurt pride and anger.

"I'm trying to avoid saying anything I might regret."

It was several hours past midnight, the light of the stars glittering off Canterlot's peaks. The royal city was asleep except for a few stragglers heading back from the taverns. Cadence recognized her cousin Blueblood and pretended not do. He gave her the same courtesy. She continued her trek towards the Palace where she and Shining were staying. It had been four months since their wedding and they had come back from their honeymoon. They'd decided to go out and Shining had managed to make a complete ass of himself. Which reminded her of all the adolescent scuffles he'd gotten into with any colt that dared insult her. It had been cute at the time and she had bandaged up his wounds after.

It had been cute at the time. The time when they were teenagers, riding high on emotions and testosterone and his wild, combative nature had made her heart flutter.

The difference was that they were now adults. She was a Princess and he was by marriage Prince of Equestria and by profession Captain of the Royal Guard. Shouldn't he have more maturity and know a more mature way to handle disputes? If it had been an actual threat-if it had been an actual stallion that had threatened or intimidated her-she'd be showering him with kisses right now. But that's not what had happened and Shining was increasingly unable to distinguish "creep" from "actual, bona fide threat."

"I'm sorry. I guess."

"Don't say things you don't mean, Shining."

"You're not my mother, Cadence. And, at least talk to me."

"I'm not talking until I've calmed down. I really don't want to hurt your feelings and if I say something, somepony's feelings are going to get hurt."

"I'm a stallion if you don't recall. I can take it."

"You want me to give it to you, Shining? Tell you exactly what I think?" She asked, turning around.

He breathed deeply. "Yes. Go right ahead."

She opened her mouth and then closed it. "I'm too angry to even speak right now."

She turned back around and marched into the castle. Shining followed her till they got to their bedroom. She marched in and slammed the door in Shining's face.

"Oh come on! Cadence!" He pounded on the door. "We need to talk!"

"There are about a million guests rooms in here take your pick!" Cadence shouted back before jumping into the bed and wrapping herself up in blankets. Shining gave the door one more knock, grumbled, muttered some profanity and walked away. Cadence tried to sleep. The bed was soft, the blankets warm and comfortable. But she just couldn't sleep tonight. After several minutes of fruitless tossing and turning she abandoned the attempt and headed for the gardens. Shining was nowhere in sight. She found a bench surrounded by rose bushes and sat down on it. Then she tried to fathom how this night had all gone so terribly wrong. It had been going so well. Then Cadence noticed a stallion staring at her. It happened. She was a Princess after all. Then Shining noticed. He glared at him. The stallion continued to stare. Shining stood up. Cadence tried to stop him, but Shining went over to the table and ordered him to stop staring at his wife. The stallion barked some kind of smart-ass retort and Shining decked him. Cadence wasn't sure what happened after that, but the stallion came up swinging. Tables cracked, dishes scattered everywhere and the fight turned into a whirlwind of bites and kicks. Management had ordered both stallions to leave and Cadence had physically restrained him from attacking the stallion who also looked ready to continue the fight. Cadence had been horrified and more than a little aroused. The arousal ticked her off as her rational mind was horrified, but the primal, animal side of her was impressed with HER stallion stomping down a rival, his muscles rippling, his mane wildly flowing.

Gods and Goddesses what was wrong with her? The very thought brought a familiar tingle to her loins. There was a reason she liked him to wear armor in bed.

'No body. We're supposed to be MAD at him remember?'

This had happened before, of course. Shining hated any other stallion looking at her. Usually, however, he just glared at any potential rival. He used violence sparingly, more sparingly than he had when he was younger. The only thing that used to get him physically violent was if somepony insulted her. He did not stand for ANYPONY insulting her and that had led to more than a few scrapes. Every fight he got in was another "daring deed" he counted towards his self-imposed quota he had to fulfill before he considered himself worthy of her. In the end, he did it. He had done one-thousand daring deeds in her name (most collected during the Roan War) and finally asked her to marry him. She'd said yes of course just as she would have if he'd never come up with the ludicrous idea.

'But, I don't think he's ever considered himself worthy of me. Maybe he never will.'

She sighed at the thought and stared up at the moon. After all these years, he was still desperate to impress her. It was like he was still a teenager, frozen in time even though she was the ageless goddess.

Raindrops started to fall down on her head. The pegasii must have scheduled a late-night rainfall or it was wild magic moving in from the Everfree.

She realized the raindrops were no longer touching her though it was still raining, droplets hitting the leaves and plants all around her. She was surrounded by a familiar blue shield that was keeping her out of the rain. She knew Shining was behind her. Always keeping her safe and protecting her. Always her knight.

"Don't stand in the rain, Shiny, You'll catch a cold."

He slid into the shield. They sat together in silence for a time.

"I couldn't sleep." He said.

"Yeah. I couldn't either." She admitted. She was slowly forgetting that she was supposed to be mad at him.

"I can never sleep if you're mad at me." He admitted.

"You must have had a lot of sleepless nights when we were dating."

He chuckled. "You have no idea."

"I'm still on that pedestal you put me on when we were kids aren't I?"

"Where else would a goddess go?"

She popped him on the shoulder. He winced and she cursed her strength.

"You know I don't like being reminded of...of what I am."

"You're still denying your divinity like when we were kids?"

"Face it, we both have the maturity of thirteen year olds."

The rain fell all around them, but they were safe in Shining's shield. The world outside didn't exist. It was just them.

"I got really mad tonight." Shining said.

"I could tell." Cadence responded. "You don't normally get that mad."

"I've been looking for a way to prove myself to you ever since...ever since...you know..."

It took a few moments for her to realize what he was talking about.

"Since the Changelings?"

"I failed you, Cadence."

Cadence threw her arms around him. "Shining, you can't blame yourself for that."

"If I'd truly loved you-"

She put a hoof to his lips. "No. Shining. Listen to me. I love you. You don't NEED to prove anything to me. You already did that remember?"

"I made a vow to always protect you, remember? And you were suffering, alone, trapped in darkness and I wasn't there for you."

She embraced him with her wings. He wrapped his arms around her and laid his head on her shoulder.

"You've protected me so many times, proved yourself worthy of me. When are you finally going to believe me when I tell you that you are worthy of my love? And that you always have been?"

"I love you, Cadence. I'm afraid, though. That maybe you'll leave me. That maybe I'll screw up so bad you'll find somepony else, nobler than me or braver. That's why I hate it when other stallion's look at you like that."

"I'm pretty sure there's nopony nobler than you. Even if their was it is you I love. We have been through so much together. Our love defeated an army. And I'm sure we'll go through other trials. What matters is I'm going to stay by your side. I promise you."

Shining deepened his embrace around her as if he was clinging to her. "Do you forgive me?"

She kissed his forehead. "Of course I do. Just don't get in any more fights. Every time you do I'm afraid you're going to get hurt. You're not the only one that's scared of losing the pony I care about."

He nuzzled her. "I'm sorry. I'm a warrior. It's what I am and what I'll always be. I'll try to tone it down though."

"How about one brawl a month?"

"Heh. Alright, then. I'll have to find another way to prove my love for you though."

"Oh for the love of...fine. If you really want to prove your love how about a hoof massage? Or a preening sessionnnn....ohhhh..."

Her mind melted as Shining took one of her feathers into his mouth.

"This, I can get into." She moaned. "You read that book I gave you about Pegasus erogenous zones."

"I'm a quick student."

"Yes, yes you are. Why don't we continue this in our bedroom?"

"Sounds good to me." Without letting down his shield he scooped her up in his forearms and carried her off.


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Cadence had the most comfortable bed in the world and the greatest husband in the world. Last night, after a vigorous preening session that left her wings feeling refreshed, they had fallen asleep in one another's hooves. They would have made love if they hadn't both been exhausted from the events of last night. She yawned and reached for her wonderful husband-only to discover he wasn't there. She frowned. She hated it when she wanted to snuggle somepony and nopony was there. She could try snuggling a guard, but Shining might get a tad miffed. He was the jealous sort after all. Besides, she had discovered as a young teen that most guards preferred not being snuggled when they were on duty. She stretched out, her wings flapping upwards. She gave them a few flaps. They were still feeling as lovely as they had last night. She felt as if she could fly for hours. She hadn't taken a good fly in a while, but that could wait. She needed to find her favorite snuggle partner.

Opening the door she walked out into the vast hallway of Canterlot Palace. It had been her home ever since her Aunt Celestia had adopted her. She was formerly an orphan and had become an alicorn after defeating a witch. That was when her life had changed. She had been taken in by Celestia and moved to Canterlot. The large city had overwhelmed her at first. To help her get used to it Celestia had suggested she get a job. Cadence had chosen to become a babysitter. That was how she'd ended up meeting Twilight. The eager, book-crazed filly had become something of a little sister to her. Her brother was nice and Cadence had almost immediately developed a crush on him. Those years dating him were among the happiest of her life.

'No, I think the happiest years of my life are yet to come.'

Looking around the halls she tried to figure out where her missing husband could be. He wasn't in the kitchen, nor in the baths. A guard told her he had seen him heading towards the training rooms. Cadence headed towards there and was greeted with the sight of Shining doing a training exercise. He hadn't noticed her and she half-hid behind the door. Shining grunted as he thrust out his spear. His muscles rippled as he went through the movements of the routine. After each thrust he moved back and moved his spear into a guarding position. He moved around the room, keeping his spear out and then thrusting towards an invisible enemy. The sweat moving down his face showed he had been at it for a long time. It had been a long time since she'd seen him practice and she enjoyed the spectacle. Still, he had taken to sleeping in. She wondered what had changed. He walked to the weapons rack and returned the spear.

"Good morning, Cadence."

"And I thought I was hiding." She said.

"I smelled you."

"Should I get a bath?"

"I like your scent."

She giggled and wrapped her hooves around his neck. He nuzzled her.

"So, what brings you out to training so early?"

"I'm out of practice. When I hit that guy last night he came back up. That never used to happen."

"Don't feel bad about that. There's always somepony tougher. Remember how Queen Bitchalys knocked out Auntie?"

He cracked a grin. "Bitchalys?"

"When you're trapped in a cave with somepony who want stop babbling about their evil plan you come up with some mean nicknames. That's not even my rudest."

"I still can't believe that happened to Celestia. How did it happen? Aren't alicorns indestructible?"

"Not hardly and not to another alicorn...which Chrysalis is. Somehow."


"That's another thing she wouldn't shut up about. She just went on and on about how she's the most advanced member of her race and her race is superior, nature's aristocracy, blah, blah, blah..."

"How much did she talk to you?"

"Too much. Constantly. Hours on end. I was a captive audience. I'm just sorry I wasn't strong enough to beat the crap out of her at the wedding. If she ever crosses my path again..."

"You won't be able to get to her if I get to her first."

Cadence tightened her grip around him and gave him a reassuring nuzzle. "But that's in the past. Besides, before the manager showed up I'm pretty sure you were winning."

Shining grinned. "Yeah, I was wasn't I? I think the guy was a boxer from how he was fighting. I just don't want to get weak. I'm still a guard so I have an obligation to be as strong as I can so I can protect the empire."

Cadence's horn glowed and she picked up a spear. "Want a sparring partner?"

"You know I don't like sparring with you."

"Ugh. Stop treating me like I'm made of glass. It used to be sweet now it's getting annoying. I know how to handle a spear." She gripped it with her hooves and moved into a charging stance. "Do your worst."

"Cadence, this isn't a good idea. Spears are dangerous weapons."

"I'm not a foal. Of course they're dangerous-they're designed to kill. Now, come at me. I can take you on."

Shining shook his head. "If you say so."

"I do say so. I command you to fight me."

"You can't command me."

"I can command anypony I want. Ooh, pretend I've gone evil and you have to take me down."

"This isn't one of our role plays."

"It COULD be." She said grinning.

"Cadence. That's an actual spear. We don't spar with live weapons-unless you're a pegasus and pegasii are nuts...oh wait, you WERE a pegasus."

"Sure was and still am." She proclaimed then pouted. "How do you forget something like that?"

"No offense, but you act like a Unicorn and you were raised by an Alicorn."

"Fair point. Celestia trained me how to act around nobles and that mean putting on Unicorn airs." She twirled the spear in her magic. "And I was trained how to use a spear and some hoof-to-hoof combat. Didn't I ever tell you? Princesses have to know that stuff. It's traditional from when our ancestors were warrior-chieftains during the Grazing Age."

"I did know that, but have you ever been in a real fight?"

"Well, no. I've been in a few spars though."

"And I've been in several actual, life-or-death fights."

She stomped a hoof. "You think I'm weak because I'm a mare."

"What? No! That has nothing to do with anything! I mean, it is true that mares are physically weaker than stallions, but-"

She charged him. He yelped, teleported out of the way and summoned his shield. She just grinned and slammed her spear against his shield.

"No magic, that's just not fair." She scolded.

"The Tartarus it ain't." He muttered.

She sent a bolt of magic that cracked his shield. He quickly repaired it and moved away. "You'll never break this thing. And how many times do I have to say I don't want to fight you?"

"Till you acknowledge that I'm not weak!"

"Okay, you're not weak! I've never thought that."

"Then spar me."

"Okay, okay. We're using practice spears though. I'm not going to risk hurting you."

"Fair enough."

"And you'll need armor."

"Alright." She levitated over a suit and put it on. Shining seemed impressed that she knew how.

The shield vanished and Shining levitated over two wooden practice spears. Cadence took one, Shining the other. Cadence levitated the real spear back to its place on the hook. They circled each other, both holding their spears out. They circled each other several times, both staring at the other. Both waiting for the other to make the first move.

Suddenly Cadence charged. Shining moved back, blocked the spear and thrust towards her. Cadence quickly moved out of the way. Shining charged again. She blocked his every thrust and began to suspect he was letting her. She charged again, this time towards a weak point in his chainmail. He swiftly blocked the charge and rushed forward. She yelped as she stumbled and fell back. The spear came up and he cried out as it whacked his face. After recovering, he helped the fallen Cadence get back on her hooves.

"One more round." She challenged. "I'll give you that one."

He twirled the spear. "I have to admit it was kind of fun."

She thrust forward. His block was too slow and she whacked his flank. He spun the spear and lightly whacked her side. She pushed his spear aside with a flair of her wings and leapt towards him. He leapt away and teleported behind her. With a lascivious grin he whacked her rump, using the spear point like a paddle. She howled in outrage and turned around, twisting the spear so that it cracked his helmet which was sent flying away.

"Ow!" He complained then went to retrieve the helmet. While he was turned she whacked his rump.

"Oh, that is it." He said turning towards her and placing his helmet back where it belonged. He charged again, teleported and gave her rump another smack. She flew up and jumped behind him, slapping his butt. Soon, the spar devolved into a rump-smacking contest. Both spears were forgotten when Cadence pounced on him and brought him down to the floor. Shining lifted up and kissed her.

"I think you won."

She pushed him down. "Tell that to my rear end."

He placed an arm around her, drawing her close. Then he stroked her now darker rump.

"Your butt's okay right? I was just playing around. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"You didn't. Did I hurt you?"

"No and I don't think you're weak. I know you can take care of yourself. I just...the thought of seeing you hurt makes me hurt inside."

"Aww. I feel the same way. When I saw you being mind-controlled at the wedding I wanted to stomp that bug queen's guts out. It made me so angry. You're MY Shining Armor and I don't want anypony to hurt you."

She leaned down and kissed him deeply. He returned the kiss. They kissed again and again as she began to straddle him.

"We're going to have to spar more often." Shining said as she trailed kisses along his neck.


Both looked up. Celestia was standing in the doorway. Both jumped up.

"I assume you two want breakfast."

"Oh, yes Aunt Celestia. We just need to wash up."

"Of course. Breakfast will be done in half-an-hour."

Cadence winked at Shining. "Race you to the baths."

"You're on."

She galloped from the room and Shining chased after her. They made it to the baths together and Shining wrapped his hooves around her.

"Gotcha." He whispered, his breath tickling her ear.

"Only because I let you." She said, sticking out her tongue before they made their way to a tub.


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Shining's duties hadn't ended nor lessened when he'd become a prince. As he surveyed the field of paperwork laid out before him he sighed. No, his workload hadn't lessened. He was almost certain that it had increased. He was only a prince by marriage. By profession, he was still Captain of the Royal Guard. He loved being a guard. It was what he was meant for. He belonged on a battlefield or in a sparring ring with his recruits. He had developed many combat spells on the fly, creative spells like his city-wide shield that nopony else could do. His sister may have been the prodigy, but he was fully capable of coming up with some impressive spells of his own. Currently, he was writing a book of combat spells and in a (mostly friendly) contest with his sister to see who would get their spell book published first. So far they were both halfway done. He did not like paperwork. No, that wasn't true. He hated paperwork and avoided it when possible. Avoiding it didn't make it go away though. Rather, avoiding it only increased the workload. He sat down and solemnly vowed that he would no longer procrastinate. Before he started, he threw one longing glance outside the window. The recruits were running drills and he wished he was out there with him. Today, Lieutenant-Commander Strong Heart was training them.

Shining took another glance at the paperwork. It wasn't really that much. Thankfully, it was mostly guard rotations and recommendations. He worked through the reccomendations quickly. There were a lot of promising young recruits. Next came the guard rotations. He assigned the Pegasus Honorable Soldier (who named their kid that?) to the gardens. Someone had been sneaking in and stealing from the garden so it needed extra aerial surveillance.

Two hours passed and Shining was nearly three-quarters done. He had finished assigning the guards to be stationed around the castle. Now he just needed to assign the guards to be stationed inside the castle. It shouldn't take longer than an hour he decided and he would be done. His body was still sore from the sparring and training he'd done with Cadence yesterday. Maybe he'd take a swim. Just as he was about to get started his nose caught the delectable scent of lemon muffins. The scent was coming up the hallway and along with it, Cadence's scent. The alicorn bounded into the room with a basket of muffins held in her magic.

"Hi, Honey!" She greeted, planting a kiss on his lips. "I made you muffins!"

He kissed her back gratefully. "Lemon? My favorite." He levitated one up and relished the explosion of flavor as he bit into it. She set the basket on his desk.

"So, what have you been up to all day?" Shining asked.

"Oh, y'know...things..." Cadence said. "I took a fly around the city. It was nice. Then I decided to go to a meeting of Parliament. I know Auntie tells me I'm important and welcome there anytime, but my title feels empty. Auntie and Luna completely overshadow me. I'm not even real Equestrian royalty, but my own nation...it's gone and not coming back."

Shining reached up a hoof and stroked her mane. She had told him of the Crystal Empire, her family's slaughter at Sombra's hands and her slip through time. Cadence held more pain in her than she ever talked about.

"I'm thinking about becoming a foal-sitter again." She announced, quickly changing the subject.

"Does that mean you won't have as much time to bake me muffins?"

"Oh right, I already have a foal." She teased then giggled.

"Say, why don't you open your own court if you really want something to do? Celestia has Day Court, Luna has Night Court, you could have...Love Court?"

"Om my Goddess! That's brilliant! Thanks Honey!" Cadence exclaimed, planting a kiss on Shining's cheek then galloping out of the room. Shining tried to return to his paperwork, but the smell of muffins was too tempting. He levitated another muffin and chomped down on it. Tomorrow he could exercise them off, but right now he had a basket of muffins to finish.

Cadence happily trotted down the halls and towards the kitchen. Celestia and Luna always had an afternoon tea together after a session of Parliament. As always, the Two Sisters were in the kitchen with a pot of tea.

"Greetings, Dear Niece." Luna said, noticing her first.

"Hello, Cadence. Please, join us." Celestia said. The Solar Princess poured Cadence a cup of tea as the younger alicorn sat down. She sipped the tea and let the flavors dance on her tongue. It was jasmine and calmed her.

"So, how was Parliament? Did the tax cut for low income families go through?"

"Yes. I know you were hoping it would. You should have spoken for it. You've never spoken at Parliament even when I've invited you to."

"None of those noble prats ever listen to me. They only listen to you two. I'm just in your shadow."

Celestia and Luna shared a glance.

"Is that jealousy mine ears detect?" Luna asked. "That is a most treacherous and dangerous emotion. Are you feeling all right, my dear? Any nightmares? Inexplicable rage? Desire to bring about the end of all things?"

"No, nothing like that." Cadence said. "I've just been thinking that I need my own court."

"I think that's a lovely idea. I can set aside some space for you. What will you call it?"

"Love Court. I can help married couples or something."

"Oh...wow. How do I put this? You...um...you might not have enough experience..."

"I've been married three whole months!"

Luna disguised her laugh as a cough. Celestia placed a hoof on Cadence's shoulder.

"Look, Sweetie. I stopped presiding over divorce cases because they were making me cynical. I once had a stallion try to divorce his wife because she snored too loud. I refused to grant the divorce and told them to sleep in separate rooms. Six months later he was in court again on assault charges. He'd beaten her while she was sleeping."

"That's an extreme case." Cadence said, her voice coloured with uncertainty.

"Perhaps. There's also domestic violence, infidelity, petty cruelty. I just don't want you to turn into a cynic."

"You can't shield me from all the evil in the world."

"I would if I could." Celestia said, nuzzling her. "Very well. Tomorrow you can open your own court."

"Thanks, Auntie."

He was done. He was finally done. Shining stretched, yawned and wiped away some lemon crumbs from his desk. There was a knock at his door.

"Enter." Shining said.

A golden-maned guard, Lieutenant-Commander Strong Heart walked in and saluted.

"Good afternoon, Captain."

"Good afternoon, Strong Heart. What can I do for you?"

"Some of the younger recruits want to see some of your combat spells."

"Which ones?"

"Any. You're a living legend to them."

"I can show them a few things."

He followed Strong Heart outside to where some Unicorn recruits were lounging around. They stood at attention when they saw the captain.

"So, I heard some of you adorable foals want to see combat magic as demonstrated by a vastly superior stallion." Shining said. Posturing and humiliation were tradition, but Shining tried to never take it too far. They were building camaraderie not tearing each other down.

"Sir, yes Sir." One of the recruits said.

"What's your name, Recruit?"

"Steady Spear." The recruit answered.

"Spear, I want you to attack me."


"It's combat magic. It's to be used in combat. Attack me."

The recruit pawed the ground and lowered his horn.

"Stop. That's instinctive behavior, but we're to rise above our instincts. No telegraphing your attacks."

"Sir, Yes Sir."

Steady Spear charged and Shining brought up his shield. Steady slammed into it and fell. After a few seconds he got back to his hooves.

"How did you do that...um, Sir?"

"Do you know shield spells?"

"Of course, but how do you get it around your body?"

"I'll show you. Bring up your shield."

Steady did. It was a shimmering wall, but unlike Shining's did not go around his body.

"How many strands of magic make up your shield?"'

"I...I don't know, Sir."


Steady closed his eyes as if in meditation. "Ten-thousand." He ventured when he opened them.

Shining nodded. "That sounds about right. Now focus on those strands. Try to expand them."

Steady breathed and tried to bring the shield around himself. He trembled as the shield began to encompass him. Then it shattered and the magic dissipated.

"Sorry, Sir." He said, his ears folding back as if in preparation for a scolding.

"Don't worry about it." Shining said. "Nopony gets it right the first time. What I want each one of you to do is go home and meditate. Magic requires focus and combat magic more focus than any other branch. Meditation will help you."

They all saluted and he dismissed them.

The next day, Love Court started. A town crier had been sent to announce the court of the newest princess. Cadence, strolled in. She was wearing her full regalia. Two Pegasii guards were at the door.

"Is anypony scheduled?" She asked as she sat down on her throne.

"Yes Your Highness, several. The first is Sir Fancy Pants and Lady Fleur De Lis."

Cadence's eyes widened. "I know those two. Send them in."

The blue-maned unicorn and his pink-maned wife trotted in. Both were standing at a distance from each other unlike the cuddly way they usually stood. Both bowed to the Princess.

"What has brought you to my court?" Cadence asked.

Both Unicorns began arguing and waving their hooves at each other.

Cadence banged her gavel. "Enough! Fleur-De-Lis, you first."

"My husband is a lazy ass!"

"My wife is a nagging bitch!"

"No profanity, please." Cadence ordered. "Lady Fleur, continue."

"He won't pick up after himself! He's never picked up after himself! He makes a snack, doesn't clean up crumbs, puts dish in sink for me to do!" Fleur shouted, her Prench accent slipping out.

"I happen to have an important job! I get tired! Besides, mares are supposed to clean up. My mother always cleaned up."

"Then go marry your sainted mother! If it wasn't illegal, you probably would!"

Fancy's white coat took on a crimson tone as he blushed. "That is QUITE inappropriate! And in front of the princess!"

"Anyway, Your Highness, will you please tell my husband to clean up?"

"Will you please tell my wife that I work and I'm too tired to clean up every speck of dirt?"

"Where do you work, Sir Fancy Pants?" Cadence asked. This was the first she'd ever heard of the aristocratic stallion having a job.

"I head a successful marketing firm."

"I see."

"And I come home exhausted most days. I sometimes come in late-very late. My sleep schedule is erratic at best."

"I suppose that's true." Fleur conceded. "But couldn't you put just a little effort into helping me around the house?"

"She's right. Although, Lady Fleur, maybe you could lay off him just a bit? As long as you, Sir Fancy Pants, tried to clean up after yourself a little more?"

"I suppose I could." Fancy Pants said.

"Is this agreement acceptable?"

"Yes." Both said.

"And next time you have a dispute, try to listen to the other pony instead of screaming obscenities."

"Understood, Your Highness." Fleur De Lis said. "Thank you."

Both bowed and left.

"That was easy." Cadence said. "Send in the next couple."

"Announcing Bruiser and Melody."

A brawny Unicorn stallion with a tan coat and mane practically stomped in followed by a delicate, green-and-white Uniciorn mare.

"What has brought you to my court?"

"We want a divorce." Both ponies said.

"In general, I try to resolve disputes between couples. If you wish for a divorce I can grant it, but I would like to hear the causes so that I might be able to at least attempt to reconcile you."

"That can't be done." Bruiser said. "I'm done. Melody can go shack up with Iron."

Cadence looked to Melody.

"At least Iron is a gentleman." Melody snapped.

"Iron is..."

"My boyfriend."


Cadence had always had a special dislike for cheaters, but kept her face impassive. "At some point you two must have loved each other, right?"

"Sure we did." Melody said. "But that's before he turned cold."

"Cold!" Bruiser exploded. "I'm not the cold one! I ain't gotten so much as a kiss from you in years!"

"What mare would want to kiss you! You won't talk to me!"

"You won't shut up!"

"Ahem!" Cadence banged her gavel. She liked the sound it made. "Melody, why did you seek somepony outside your marriage?"

"Because Iron is a gentleman. He's a guard. You know what they're like, you're married to one."

Iron, Iron...Iron Sight? Iron Spear?

"I admit, they can spoil you." Cadence finally said.

That was no exaggeration. Shining had ruined her for any other stallion.

"Iron opens doors for me. Bruiser doesn't."

"You can open doors your own danged self. The real problem is she expects too much. When we were first dating, sure I opened doors for her. I guess I just don't do that anymore, but it doesn't really matter." Bruiser said.

"I want a stallion that's going to open doors for me."

"Excuse me, but what exactly are you arguing about? How long have you been married?" Cadence asked. This was simply getting nonsensical.

"Twelve years." Bruiser answered.

"Thirteen." Melody corrected.

They can't even agree on how long they've been married?

"He doesn't care. He just doesn't care." Melody lamented. "He doesn't love me anymore."

Cadence closed her eyes and summoned her love magic, spreading it over the room. Nothing. The two continued to glare at each other. There was no love left in their hearts for one another.

"You two can't reconcile?"

Both shook their heads.

"Then..." Cadence took up the gavel in her magic. "By Authority of the Crown I declare...I declare...really you can't work it out? Have you tried marriage counseling? I know this really great counselor, Dr. Wolf."

"We've tried a counselor. She recommended we get divorced." Melody said.

"Then, by Authority of the Crown, I declare your marriage dissolved." She said, though it felt wrong on every level.

Satisfied, the couple left. The guard let in a new couple.

Shining Armor was waiting for her outside of court. She collapsed into his arms.

"Cady? You okay?"

"Yeah. No. I divorced two couples. I had fifteen appointments. Ponies cheating, being mean, being vicious and cruel, fighting over money. One mare spent all her savings on betting at the races. Her husband was an alcoholic. I was able to get them to reconcile. Some of them probably should have gotten divorced. Make love to me."

"Well, that came out of nowhere." Shining responded.

"Take me to our bedroom, lay me out on the bed and make love to me." She ordered.

"Are you alright?"

"No. No I am not."

He scooped her up and teleported to their bedroom. She knocked him onto the bed and straddled him. It was furious and sensual. They covered each other in kisses. Sex with Cadence had always been like a religious experience and this was no different, except it was a bit rougher. She squeezed him tight, pulled him into herself. When they were finished they lay side-by side. As he held her, she clung to him and he realized she was crying.

"Honey? What's wrong?"

"Promise me we'll never end up like that. Bitter and angry and hating each other."

He kissed her. "I promise you. I will always love you."

She nestled into his embrace. "So, how was your day?"

"Boring. Too much paperwork. I did spend some time training the recruits though. That was fun. So, are you going to open Court again tomorrow?"

"You know what? I think I will. As stressful as it was it was nice helping other ponies."

His stomach growled. "You hungry?"


"Why don't we go out? I promise I'll be good this time."

"Sounds nice."


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Summer had begun to fade from the land of Equestria. The leaves had begun to turn shades of fiery reds and orange. A cool wind blew throughout the land. A chill spread through the ancient halls of Canterlot Castle. Day Court, Night Court and Love Court fell into a rhythm of routine. Cadence, taking her aunt's advice, had imposed a ten-appointment limit. She had become skilled at helping couples that could be helped. It still bothered her to grant divorces, but duty was duty. Some couples couldn't be helped and were better off apart. She spent long hours in the library looking up marriage and divorce law. She had couples demanding alimony and custody and she was grappling with how to settle disputes fairly. Sometimes, she just gave up and sent them to one of her Aunt's Courts. She was continually shocked by how cruel and petty pony nature could get. One mare had suggested that her and her husband's foal be split down the middle and her husband could have one half and she could have the other. Cadence only hoped she'd been sarcastic. Another had come to blows over custody of their pet goldfish. Yet another petitioned for divorce due to the husband's love for some foal's show called My Big Human. She had absolutely refused to grant a divorce on such absurd grounds and sent them to a marriage counselor. She had started sneaking out of the palace to drink. On one of these trips she stumbled upon Applejack's One-Hundred Percent Proof Hard Apple Cider.

It was this delightful beverage she was currently dragging behind her in her magic as she walked down the halls of the palace. The drinking capacity of Alicorns was known to be rather high so it wasn't such an unusual sight to see a Princess carrying around a pitcher. The Guards didn't even bat an eye at this point. Shining was walking down the hall as well and noticed his wife.

"Hey, Cadence, mind sharing that?" He asked as he trotted up to her.

"With you? Sure." Cadence answered. "So, how was drills?"

Shining rolled his eyes. "I swear kids today are so soft. One of the colts asked for a break. I tore him a new one. Asked him if the enemy would let him take a break. When I was training I never asked for a break."

Cadence giggled. "You're starting to sound like an old stallion. Next thing I know you'll be sitting on a park bench yelling at kids to turn down their music."

"Well, pop music today...oh, Celestia I DO sound like an old stallion."

Then the Thought passed between. He was mortal and she could be ageless. Every other alicorn was immortal. Was she too? Would she live on while he...Cadence placed a wing over his back. He nuzzled her.

"You're not too old, ya know." Cadence said as she opened the door to their room. "Twenty-six is hardly old."

Shining cast a spell and a roaring fire blazed to life in the fireplace. Cadence levitated two cups and poured the cider. They sat down by the fire. She wrapped a wing over him while he wrapped a hoof around her neck. They sipped the cider. A companionable silence descended. A few glasses later they were past buzzed, but in a comfortable state of inebriation that wasn't quite drunk. He nuzzled her. She flicked a wing down a ticklish part of his back and his back leg jerked. She giggled and continued sweeping the wing down his back. Shining valiantly held back his laughter, but the giggles escaped his lips. She knew every part of him, all his secret places just as he knew all her secret places. He ran a hoof down her side that he knew was ticklish. Her wings suddenly retracted as she fell over squealing. He pounced on her.

"Does somepony want a belly rub?"

His hooves dug into her tummy and she helplessly giggled. She lifted her wings and stroked down his sides causing him to fall back laughing.
While she continued tickling him he ran his hooves across her belly.

"Hey! Shiny, how come you never sing to me anymore?" Cadence asked.


While he was distracted she kissed him. The tickling ended while he returned the kiss.

"Seriously, you don't serenade me anymore! You used to show up outside my window and sing to me all the time. How come you don't sing to me anymore?" She exclaimed when she broke off the kiss.

He lied next to her and poured himself another drink.

"I could sing to you...but I don't sing so well when I'm drunk."

"I still want to hear it...what was that song...at the wedding..." She curled up next to him.

He started humming it to himself.

"How'd it go...? Oh yeah."

Love is in bloom,,
a handsome bride a beautiful groom...wait."

"A beautiful bride, a handsome groom." Cadence offered.

"That was it. A beautiful bride, a handsome groom
Two hearts becoming one."

They began to sing together, their voices blending.

"A bond that can not be undone
because love is in bloom,
a beautiful bride, a handsome groom,
starting a life and...something...something..."

At this point they were pretty drunk. The harmony cut off as they both began singing separate versions of the song, each going in a different, mangled direction.

"Some good stuff right here." Cadence said, pouring herself another drink.

Shining poured himself another drink and they clacked them together.

"To love!" Both proclaimed, then drank down the cider.

The fire merrily roared on as they curled closer. Cadence licked the tip of his horn.

"Ah! Cadence! That feels weird."

"I thought unicorns liked that. I wanted to try something different."

"I have no idea where ponies get that notion." Shining said. "Even some unicorns think it."

Cadence pouted. "I just wanted to make you happy." She teared up. "I just wanna make you happy, Shiny!"

"Aw, Cady, you do make me happy." He said and gave her a hug. She rubbed her horn on his.

"You like this?" She whispered in a sultry voice.

"Oh....oh...I do. Horn resonance. Lovely little tingle."

"But no tongue?"

"No tongue, except for the smooth part. Not the tip." Shining said. "Besides, you could cut yourself on the tip. It's sharp. Happened to Twily once."


"She was experimenting with a coltfriend. That didn't last a month."

"Oh, yeah. I remember that colt. What happened to him?"

"Heck if I know. He dumped my little Twily. I'd have skinned him alive if I could."

"Aww! You're so protective of Twily. Hey, y'know what we need? Foals!" Cadence said, her eyes shining.

"I would like that. Foals are nice. I like foals." Shining said. "I'd like to have some of my own."

"Then, next time I have my heat we do it! Let's have foals next year!"

Shining grinned. "Yeah. Yeah, let's do that."

There was a knock at the door.

"May I come in?" Celestia asked. Her voice was strained.

"Yes, Auntie?" Cadence asked. She had never heard this sort of strain in her aunt's voice.

The solar princess stepped inside. Cadence and Shining Armor stood.

"Cadence. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but I didn't know how." Celestia began.

"Tell me what?" Cadence said.

"The Crystal Empire has returned. And with it, King Sombra."


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Shining had never seen his wife in a fury. He had seen her angry. He had seen her annoyed. He had witnessed her pouting. But never had he seen her like this.She stomped the marble floor of the palace and Shining would almost swear that they cracked.

"Why was I not informed of this immediately?!" She demanded.

Taking the brunt of this fury was none other than Princess Celestia herself. Like a stone battered by the winds and waves of a turbulent sea she merely stood while her niece threw a tantrum.

"When I found out, you were holding court. Then, I could not find you. It is generally considered the height of rudeness to interrupt a fellow sovereign's court." Celestia explained. Her face was a mask which betrayed no emotion.

Cadence closed her eyes, held out a hoof and breathed in a calming ritual. "Alright. I understand. So, the Empire has returned. Is anypony...are they alright?"

Celestia shook her head. "They were thrown through time and are disoriented. They need somepony to reassure them. Somepony they recognize. Somepony that they respect."

Cadence gulped as she grasped what her aunt was trying to tell her. "I was only a filly when Sombra conquered the empire."

"You are Empress Amethyst's daughter. You are the only living link to the Crystal Empire's glory days." Her tone turned deadly serious. "Cadence. They need you. I have arranged transport-"

"You had no right to do so."

"They are your responsibility. It is your duty."

Her tone allowed no argument.

Cadence sighed heavily. "They've been through so much. What can I possibly do to help them?"

"It might sound cliche, but talking would be a great start. Give a speech. Assure them that everything will be well."

"How can everything possibly be well with Sombra returned?"

"It will be. I trust in your abilities." Celestia said, softly nuzzling her. "Your ponies need you, Empress."

Cadence nuzzled her back while fighting the tears in her eyes. The weight of the title settled firmly on her shoulders. She could nearly feel her knees buckle at the idea. Princess of Equestria was one thing. She knew she shared power with Celestia and later Luna. Besides, there was Parliament and regional governments. If she screwed up there was someone to fix her errors. Now, she would be ruling alone. In addition, she would have the unenviable task of rebuilding an empire.

"Where is the transport?" Cadence asked.

Celestia led the way, down the halls of what had been Cadence's home for years. The chariot was waiting for her and Shining outside. It was manned by two Pegasii in golden armor. They nodded at the princesses and their captain.

Celestia hugged Cadence. "Good-bye for now."

Cadence returned the embrace. "Thank you, Auntie. For everything you've done for me."

Shining and Cadence got into the chariot which lifted into the sky and headed for the Northern Mountains. The higher the chariot got the colder it got so they snuggled against each other. The pleasant valleys and rolling, verdant hills of Equestria gave way into a rough and jagged terrain of snow-capped peaks and dusty, mountain paths. The sun slowly sank beneath the hills and darkness fell. The moonlight danced upon the snow and the lakes of the North.

"How much farther do you suppose it is?" Shining asked.

"About an hour, Sir." One of the Pegasii guards said.

Shining settled back into Cadence's side. The Princess of Love hadn't said a word since the journey had started.

"Cadence? Are you alright?"

"No." She stated flatly.

He had never seen her like this. Since Sombra had been mentioned she had gone from angry to sullen. Her wings were held close to her body as if she were trying to wrap herself up in them.

"Are you scared?"

She didn't answer. He wrapped a hoof around her. She stiffened, but didn't move away.

"Sombra murdered my father. He took away my home. I hate him." The words were spoken in a calm matter-of-fact way. "There. I said it. I hate him and I want him gone."

"He killed your father. That's an understandable response."

"Is it? I've never wanted to kill anything. I've never hated a single creature. But Sombra...if I could have him crucified I would. And I would laugh while the nails were driven into his hooves. That's how much I hate him."

She wiped at her eyes and he realized she was crying. The chariot crossed the Crystal Mountains. The landscape changed to one of snowy plains spreading out in all directions, a vast, dazzling, white expanse.

"And part of my hatred for him is fear. I know what he's capable of." Cadence continued. "I've seen the horrors he's committed. The ones he butchered. Things I won't describe. Memories burned inside my brain."

Shining thought back to countless nights where Cadence had tossed and turned, whimpering and crying in her sleep. He had held her close and his presence had seemed to calm her. Was she reliving the events of her early life in the Empire, a life shattered by Sombra's attack? Cadence lapsed back into silence. Shining could make out a shape on the horizon. His jaw dropped. Even in the darkness he could make out the shape of the vast spires and columns of a massive city. It seemed to glint in the light of the stars and moon and Shining realized he was looking at pure crystal. They headed towards the city. All of the buildings were built of crystal which glowed and sparkled in shades of grey and blue. Even at night the city seemed to glisten. It was laid out in a pattern resembling that of a snowflake, appropriate for a northern city. It was just one city though. What justified calling it an empire?

"There was once hundreds of towns and cities around here." Cadence whispered, as if she had heard his thoughts. "All of them were city-states in ancient times. My distant ancestor Onyx united them. He was the first emperor. It was never a very large empire. Those city-states rebelled against Sombra. He...he...Oh God, Shining. He killed them all. A few fled to Equestria, but most of them were massacred by his dark magic."

She broke down and was soon weeping into his hooves. The pegasii guards landed by a large castle. They waited, almost embarrassed, as Shining comforted her. Suddenly, she stopped crying and pushed away from Shining.

"I can't do this. I have an empire to run." She stated firmly as she walked towards the palace. Shining followed her.

"Empress Amethyst, is that you?" A guard stationed at the gate asked. He blinked.

"I am Empress Cadenza, daughter of Amethyst."

He bowed low. "Your Majesty, you were so young when last I saw you. Only a little filly. Has it really been one-thousand years?"

"Yes. This is my husband, Shining Armor."

He bowed again. "Will you be wanting supper? I will have the chef prepare something."

It's like nothing has changed and I'm just coming back from a weekend trip. Cadence though. She half expected her parents to come out to welcome her home.

"That would be nice." Cadence told guard. The guard nodded and walked towards the palace. Cadence followed him. Memories played in her mind. The first half of her childhood had been in this place. They wandered the wide halls which were carved from crystal like the rest of the city. Lanterns guided their way into a spacious dining area. Everywhere were servants and palace staff walking with a dazed expression on their face. They bowed as Cadence walked by. The guard walked into the kitchen. Shining and Cadence sat down at the dining table.

"The city's very...shiny." Shining said.

Cadence giggled. "At our height we had one of the most ornate cities on the planet. You're sitting in my father's chair."

"Should I move?"

"No. It's just strange seeing you there."

The maids brought them a supper of fried hay. It was all they had. After supper, Shining and Cadence were led to a bedroom. Shining fell asleep the minute his head hit the luxuriously soft pillow. Cadence decided to stay up and write a speech. At first, she imitated her aunt's style. She threw the first draft in the trash. It just wasn't her. The second and third draft went in the garbage as well. The fourth draft sounded a little better before it veered off into a tangent about a childhood anecdote. By that point, she had completely forgotten where she was going with it. A growl came from her throat before she gave up and just went to bed.

The next morning came too quickly for either Shining or Cadence's liking. After a quick breakfast and shower Cadence ordered the guard to send word throughout the city that she was to give a speech. Attendance was, of course, optional. In the meantime the pair decided to take a walk through the gardens. The roses were in bloom, blooming in shades of red and yellow. A spreading oak spread its branches over a field of marigold. Like yesterday, Cadence was strangely silent. She sat beneath the oak. Shining sat beside her.



"What ya thinking about?"

"What I'm going to say."

"What are you going to say?"

"I don't know. I tried to write something, but it just sounded stupid." She hid her face in her wings. "How am I going to reassure them? By the Sun, how do I restore an empire all by myself?"

Shining placed a hoof on her shoulder. "You're not all by yourself. I'm here for you."

She smiled and stood. "I think I know what to say."

Empress Cadenza I of the Crystal Empire, Heir to Onyx, stood upon the balcony. Upon her head was the crown and torc of her office. Beneath her a crowd was gathering to see what the latest heir to the throne was going to say. The empress stilled herself and brought to mind her husband's words. Then she looked out the crowd. They looked up. Their faces showed exhaustion, apprehension, fear.

"My little ponies," She began the way her aunt addressed her own subjects. "I know that many of you are afraid. And...well, you should be. Our empire has faced dark times. And there are dark times ahead of us."

Murmurs began to grow in the crowd.

"It is more than just one pony can face by themselves. More than I can do and more than any one of you. But together we are strong. If we all play our part, if each one of us can spread the love and light in our hearts, if we can support one another, if we can stand and defend this nation, the light in each one of us will defeat the darkness."

"What I ask from you, from each citizen of this great empire, is that we work together. Together we can overcome any challenge. Together, we can defeat any foe. Together, we are strong." Her voice rose to a crescendo. "We were great once. Together we can make this Empire great again!"

The end of her speech was met with a roaring cheer and the Crystal Ponies stamped their hooves in a boisterous applause. Still, there was a dullness in their eyes that just wouldn't go away. Even the cheering seemed somehow weak as if it was missing something.

It will take time.She thought to herself. But, we can do this.

She's Not Alright

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Shining Armor had known Cadence for a very long time. They had first met when Shining was only fourteen years old and his parents had hired her to foalsit for his sister. When her parents had opened the door and she had walked in his first thought was 'there she is, there's the mare I'm going to marry.' She was beautiful, with her loving smile, pink fur, pink-and-purple mane. Her wings were elegant and graceful. Even her horn appealed to Shining. That beautiful body had been matched with a kind personality. Twilight had taken to her almost instantly. She cared for Twilight, playing with her and bandaging her up when she got into scrapes. That kind personality had endeared her even more to Shining. He had become dedicated to pursuing her, going out of his way to do kind things for her. During those years of their courtship he had become an expert in figuring out when something was wrong.

Cadence had tells that let anypony who knew her well know when she was upset. For example, when she was angry her left eyelid twitched once. When she was sad her wings would droop. When she was scared her wings would flare and she would draw back. In his long years of studying her Shining now knew all her tells.

There was little he didn't know about her. He also knew how to calm her down or cheer her up. Chamomile tea would soothe her nerves. The sensation of a hoof running through her mane would make her forget her troubles. A heartfelt apology (even if one did not know what one had done wrong) would melt the Princess of Love's heart and turn away her anger. It had to be a heartfelt apology of course. Cadence knew when somepony was trying to pull one off on her and if you apologized and didn't mean it you'd be in worse trouble than you already were. That was something Shining had learned the hard way. Cadence hated lying and deception. Just coming clean when you'd done something wrong was usually enough to earn her forgiveness or at the very least a lesser punishment if you happened to be a filly or colt she was foalsitting.

Cadence herself was a very honest pony. She seemed incapable of lying, wearing her emotions on her fetlock. Whether she was angry, sad, frightened, happy or in love everyone around her would know it. If something was wrong, she would say so.

Or, that's what she normally did. Shining walked through the vast halls of the crystal palace. The guards saluted to him and he saluted back. Over the week they'd been in the Empire Shining had gotten to know the guards. Their fighting formations were centuries out of date, their weapons were archaic, but they were disciplined and polite. There had been no sign of Sombra yet, but there was a feeling in the air. It hung heavy and thick.

There was something malignant and evil just outside the boundaries of the Empire. Shining wasn't sure how he knew it, but he could feel it. A thick darkness that seemed to tingle at the base of his horn. Something was out there. His mind, however, wasn't focused on that. It was Cadence that really worried him. Since the week they had come here she spoke less and less. She had thrown herself into her work, getting to know (or re-introducing herself) to the servants, planning defense strategies when and if Sombra returned, planning out taxes, fixing the woefully out-of-date criminal code. That last one had disturbed them both. As a clean break from the former regime the gallows had been taken down, chopped up and burned in the town center. There would be no more public executions of dissenters, thieves or anypony else. They were shifting to a more modern, equine system of law enforcement. For the last three nights Cadence had come to bed exhausted and simply collapsed. Cadence had been busy before, they had both been. But at their busiest, they always made time to talk to one another.

Outside of work, Cadence acted like she didn't want to talk to anypony. At breakfast that morning all of Shining's attempts at making conversation had been met with noncommittal grunts. Shining hadn't even known Cadence was capable of grunting! He shook his head as he trotted at a leisurely pace through the palace. Exiting the hall, he walked towards the garden. Crystal berry bushes were in bloom, the strange fruit glistening in the light of a fading day. It was around six in the evening. He had finished training the crystal soldiers in modern warfare techniques an hour ago. Since then, he had taken a stroll through the imperial city. His mind kept coming back to Cadence. How could he help her if she wouldn't let him in? Why wasn't she letting him in? Had he done something wrong and angered her? No, the silent treatment just wasn't her style. If she was mad at him she was more likely to give him a full dissertation on exactly what he had done to anger her. Although, after he had gotten in that fight at that restaurant she had given him a bit of the cold shoulder. Maybe she was mad at him. Yet, her body language hinted at deep sorrow and worry rather than anger.

"Well, why shouldn't she be worried?" Shining muttered to himself. "The task of rebuilding the Empire just fell on her withers. I should give her some time."

That decided he spent a long while trotting through the garden. The grass cooled the blisters on his hooves he'd began to develop from marching so much. Even though he wore horse shoes that didn't prevent his hooves from getting tired. He needed to find a pedicurist assuming that the Empire even had a pedicurist. If they didn't he'd take a train to Canterlot where they had many wonderful spas. As the sun set on the crystal palace he decided it was time to head inside. Dinner wasn't yet ready so he decided to go looking for Cadence. He found her in their room, laying on the bed and staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey, Shining." She said, lifting her head to smile at him.

"Hey Cadence." He said. He lied next to her and wrapped an arm around her side. She snuggled into him.

"Are you alright?"

She smiled. It was a weak, hollow smile. "Of course I am."

"What'd you do today?"

"Oh, just some tax reform. Nothing particularly exciting." She turned her back to him. There was an edge to her voice, something Shining couldn't place.

"Cadence, is everything okay?" He asked, raising a hoof and running it through her mane.

"I admit things have been busy, but yes. Everything is okay. Or, it will be." Though it appeared she was relaxing on the bed Cadence was holding herself rigid. Shining placed a hoof on her shoulders and felt the tension in her muscles. At his touch, the tension began to lessen. Her wings were drooping, a sure sign of an exhausted pegasus.

Everything was not okay.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"




"Look at me."


"Just do it." He said in his gruff, captain voice he normally reserved for recruits.

She didn't turn. "Don't try to boss me around, Armor."

"I'm not trying to. I just...I just want to know if things are alright."

"For Celestia's sake...yes. Things are fine. Dandy. Fucking wonderful." She snapped.

"No, they are not. I know they're not because you're not. I know you're sad. You're hurting. I just want to help."

She didn't say anything. Shining tightened his grip around her.

"This isn't like you, Cadence." He whispered into her ear. "You don't hold things back."

"I'm not holding anything back." She growled and began to squirm in his grip. He didn't let her go.

"I don't think you said two words to me yesterday."

"I'll give you two words. Fuck off." Cadence growled in response.

"There's the Cadence I know and love."

She went slack in his grip, then flared her wings. Few non-pegasii knew how strong pegasus wings really were. Shining, unprepared for the assault was thrown onto his back, his wife straddled atop him and pressing him down with her hooves. Hers was the visage of an angry goddess, ears folded back, teeth gritted together.

Shining felt a little scared and more than a little aroused.

"Cady, why don't you calm down?"

"I WAS calm! I've been TRYING to be CALM! Why'd you have to come in here and tick me off?!" She screamed, her voice laced with anger.

"Because I've been worried about you!" He grabbed her shoulders and flipped her onto her back so that he was straddling her. "You haven't been talking to me. I even think you've been deliberately avoiding me."

"I haven't been!"

He rolled his eyes."Cadence, I saw you in the garden two days ago and you hid behind an oak tree."

She blushed. "It couldn't have been me."

"I saw you. There aren't that many pink alicorns in the world."

"It's a big world, Armor! It wasn't me!"

"Yes, it was, I saw your cutie mark!" He paused. "Remember what you used to do when Twilight used to lie?"

"I spanked her, but what does that have to-"

He moved so quickly she barely had time to act. Lifting up from the bed with her still in his grip he laid her across his lap like she was a naughty foal. She adjusted herself, but made no effort to move off his lap as he wrapped an arm around her to keep her in place. She even wiggled around so that her bottom was positioned right in the center of his lap.

Cadence had a perfect rump in Shining's opinion. It was soft and round, but also toned. Two perfect, round semi-globes. He ran a hoof down them, caressing them. Then he raised his hoof and brought it down on her bottom with a stinging smack. Her bottom jiggled beneath the blow. He brought his hoof down again on a different part of her butt and she squirmed slightly. Getting into a steady rhythm he rained down blows on her backside, her rear end jiggling beneath the spanks. She kicked and squirmed as he continued the barrage of spankings.

"Shining, it's not punishment if I'm enjoying it!" Cadence said.

"I know." He responded. He could feel the wetness of her marehood on his lap. The sweet scent, which smelt of peaches and tangerines, was beginning to fill the room.

He slapped her sit spot, her right cheek and then her left. He alternated, first slapping the left cheek, then smacking the right cheek. She squirmed and moaned. Each slap to her bottom left a red hoof-print on her pink behind which was steadily growing darker. Shining gave a hard smack to the center of her rear and she gasped. Another spank brought out a cry then she let out a sob at another spank. He stopped.

"Oh, oh Gods, Cadence. I'm sorry I-" He normally knew her limits better than that.

"Keep going." She ordered.


"Keep going! Spank me!"

He hesitated, but then peppered her behind with spankings. She cried harder, burying her face in the sheets and brokenly sobbing. Every time Shining stopped the blows, she yelled at him to keep going so he did. For several minutes the sound of his hoof slapping her rear filled their bedroom.

"Cadence-" Shining stopped suddenly.

"No, k-keep going. I-it's alright! I-I n-n-need this! Believe me!"

She had always been something of a masochist, but her bottom was now positively red. Nonetheless, Shining continued the spanking, giving a flurry of swats to her left flank. Both sides of her rump were now red. He lessened the force of the spanks as even his hoof was becoming sore. He landed light swats and forceful pats to her crimson flanks. The crying had begun to die down and finally she lay limp over his lap. Her bottom was crimson and every now and then a sob would cause her body to shudder.

Slowly, gently, he began to caress her bottom. She lifted up from his lap and snuggled into him. He cuddled her. They had sessions like this before. Sometimes, she just needed a spanking. He stroked her mane. It wasn't entirely punishment or entirely sexual. It was her release valve for all those emotions that sometimes got to be too much for her. Normally, though, their sessions weren't this intense.

"How do you always know just what I need?" She purred.

"If you wanted a spanking you could have just asked." He whispered, kissing her forehead. "And why have you been avoiding me?"

She nuzzled into his neck. "Because I'm scared I'm going to fall apart and I don't want to be weak in front of you."

Shining sighed. This was old territory, but they might as well go down it again. "I don't think you're weak, Cadence. It's okay to fall apart sometimes."

"No, it isn't. You don't understand. I'm a Princess. Now, I'm an empress. The lives of the subjects of this empire are upon my withers.I can't break. I have to be as strong as steel, as strong as Aunt Celestia." She paused. "It's a bit silly, but I want to be like her."

"That's not silly. I want to be like my old captain. And you don't like being weak, but you like being spanked?"

She chuckled. "Yeah, I don't get it either. I think it has something to do with the emotional release. Like, I'm in control all the time what with being a princess. It gets tiring so I like to occasionally give that control to someone else. Someone I love and trust."

"Like me."


Shining laid down on the bed, with her still in his arms. She wrapped her wings around him.

"That day in the garden I did hide from you. I'd been crying and didn't want you to see."

He rubbed her back. "Don't be afraid to cry in front of me. I'll always be here for you. Not because you're weak, but because I love you."

She was silent for a while as she nuzzled into his neck.

"So today sucked." She said apropos of nothing.

"What happened?"

"The guards were in the dungeons and we found prisoners. They were all dead. Stallions. Mares." Her voice was strained. "Foals."

"Oh, Megan." He swore.

She squirmed in his grasp and he released her. She rushed into the bathroom and he heard her vomiting. He came in after her and held back her mane while she emptied the contents of her stomach. When she was done she began to brush her teeth. Shining stood and watched her.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

She spat into the sink. "I couldn't. You have your own problems. You have to train the Guard and get the Imperial Army running again."

"We share our problems, Cadence. For better or worse remember?" He placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Remember?"

"I do. But some things I have to do on my own. Please try to understand that, Shining. Please."

"Okay. Just don't shut me out, alright?"

"I won't. I promise."

She turned to him. Something about her stance reminded him of the wedding. How weak she had been back then. How he had wanted to hold her and make sure nopony ever hurt her again. He wrapped her in his embrace. She leaned into him. The moment was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Enter." Shining said as he and Cadence came from the bathroom. A maid came in and bowed.

"Your Highnesses, dinner is ready."

"We'll be down shortly."

The maid left. He opened the door for Cadence and they walked off to dinner.

Interlude Two

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It had been a few days since Cadence had opened up to Shining in their bedroom and she had returned to becoming open with her feelings. However, they still had an empire to help put back together. Both had promised to not leave the other out of their work. It wasn't exactly romantic, but every night before bed they shared what had happened during the day. The Imperial Army was slowly improving. The outdated tax code was becoming more streamlined. Cadence had begun to find candidates for a prime minister position. Unlike the more democratic system in Equestria, in the Crystal Empire it was the Empress's duty to handpick a governing council. Cadence found it a massive pain in the rear and was ready to switch to the Equestrian system as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the Crystal Ponies weren't quite ready for democracy. They were so used to being slaves how would they react to freedom? Many were terrified of Sombra's imminent return. Cadence herself was terrified of his return. That dark aura Shining had felt had only grown stronger.

"We need to do something about it." Shining said one night as they laid in bed. "It's obviously his actual aura or a remnant. Whatever it is, it's gathering strength."

"I agree. I'm thinking of a shield spell."

Shining shook his head. "I'm not sure my shield spell would be strong enough. The aura is so evil it makes Bitchalys look like a cute little puppy."

"If I recall correctly there are barriers all around the Imperial City specifically designed to keep out evil auras. Tomorrow I'll go looking for them."

"Good idea. It'll go easier if we both go looking for it."

"Er, actually no. The barrier points only respond to those of the royal line. If you go near it they'll kind of, well, kill you."

"Oh. Ouch. Well, I'll be taking the recruits on a march around the city then."

She yawned and laid a head on his shoulder. Stretching out her wing she wrapped it around him. He snuggled into it.

"Remember that conversation we had about sharing our problems?"


"You wanna explain that limp?" She asked. "The one you keep saying is nothing?"

"It's nothing."

She wrapped the wing tighter around him and stroked it down his side on a particularly ticklish spot. He jumped up.

"Will you at least tell me how you got it?" She asked, wrapping another wing around him. He was trapped in a warm, feathery prison. He wasn't entirely sure he wanted to be let go.

"Training accident."

She kissed his neck and he gasped as the kiss became a little bite.

"Come on, Mr. 'We-Have-To-Discuss-Our-Problems', Mr. 'We-Share-Our-Burdens.' I love you, but you sound like a Haymark Hearth's Warming Card half the time. Tell me what tomfoolery led to you winding up with a limp."

Shining groaned. He had walked in with the limp and she hadn't let it go. Was this what he was like when he was being overprotective to her? This was payback wasn't it? The sad part was that his leg really didn't hurt. When the incident had first occurred his leg felt like it was on fire. He was convinced that he had broken something. A quick trip to the medic told him that his leg was fine if a bit sprained. The nurse had bandaged it up, but there was still that dull ache. Cadence certainly had a right to be concerned, Shining thought. And he did pester her remorselessly when something bothered her and she wouldn't talk about it.

"Do you ever think we need to see a marriage counselor? I mean, anytime we have a problem we solve it with rough sex. That can't be healthy. I know that can't be healthy."

"I'm not seeing the problem, Shiny."

"You wouldn't, Princess of Ropes and Paddles."

"Don't forget ball gags."

"Ball gags? When have we ever used ball gags?"

"New Years's party. Hard cider blew a hole in your memory."

"Ah. You know what I'd like? Socks."

"Socks?" She made a face. "That's just....weird."

"Socks are not weird!"

She kissed his ear. "We'll discuss it later. About your leg."

"Can I be the sub next time?"

"About your leg. Seriously, Shiny, I'm not going to be distracted."

"Well, it all started when I decided to teach the troops hoof-to-hoof combat. Did you know the Crystal Ponies practice a particularly brutal form of martial arts?"

"I didn't."

"Well, I decided to spar with the troops. See what they knew. Now, don't get mad. It was an an accident and he didn't mean to. I think the poor guy's hiding in his house convinced I'm going to send the guard after him."

"I'd never get angry about an accident. What happened?"

"Well I threw a kick, he caught it and twisted. I'm not sure what happened, but it sprained the leg pretty badly. Did I mention he apologized? Because he did. It was some sort of ritual apology too with lots of prostration."

Cadence removed her wings and walked towards the bathroom. When she returned she was holding a jar of ointment in her magic.

"Where does it most hurt?" She asked.

"Back of my thigh. Back left."

"Turn around."

He rolled around on his stomach. Using her magic she unwrapped the bandage. Then she spilled some of the ointment onto her hoof.

"This is made from crushed Valerian root of the Danielian Mountains. They can ease any pain."

She began to rub the thigh, caressing the oil into the tissue and muscles. The ointment spread into the leg leaving a feeling of coolness on his muscles.

"Hey, Shining?"

"Hmm?" He had buried his face into the pillows. The ointment left pleasant, tingly sensations all across his leg.

"I think I've figured out why we have so many arguments."


"We're too alike."

She rubbed the oil into his muscles, spreading it all around. She could use her magic, but this was so much more intimate.

"What do you mean?" How could their compatibility be anything but a good thing?

"We're both strong. Or rather, we like being strong. I'm a princess. I used to be a foalsitter. You've led stallions into battle. We don't like giving up an inch. Too independent, too fierce. We like handling things ourselves."

"Yeah. Those are all good points. This feels really good."

The pain in his leg had slowly eased away.

"But, we're better when we work together. Neither your shield nor my love magic could repel the Changelings. We had to join forces."

He tried to formulate a response, but the feeling of her hoof massaging the oil on his thigh was drowning his mind in bliss.

"So, my point is, I'm not the only one who has a problem opening up or admitting when something's wrong." She continued.

It was a coolness spreading through his thigh muscles, easing the burning that had formerly been there. "Yeah, you're right. I think it had something to do with being raised in a military family. My dad never shows weakness. Nor did my grandfather. We've been a warrior clan since...I don't know, Dream Valley maybe?"

She chuckled. "You think that's bad? Just imagine not being able to throw a tantrum without it being front page news the next day. I'm never going to live that one down."

"I saw that story. I thought you looked cute."

"Did not."

"Everything you do is cute."

She just smiled and shook her head as she continued the massage.

"I understand what you're trying to say." Shining said as if he were going to add more to that thought. He laid his head back down on the pillow. The rhythmic feel of her hoof going up and down his thigh was slowly lulling him to sleep.

"Shiny? Shiny?" She shook his shoulder then laid a kiss on his head. "Goodnight, Shiny."

She put a cap on the oil and put it back in the bathroom counter. Then she lay down next to her stallion and was soon asleep. Sombra-or his shadow- was still out there. An empire needed to be restored. Tomorrow would bring many trials, but they would face them together.


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All throughout the Crystal Empire, darkness was sweeping in. It came in the night, slowly, stealthily. An old presence, an enemy long since thought vanquished. The shadow of a fallen king blotted out the stars as the poisoned vapors of his miasma came down the side of the mountains. Every Crystal Pony, from the Empress and Emperor to the lowliest domestic servant, felt it. It poisoned their dreams, twisting and corrupting dreams of grazing in primal valleys into visions of primal terror. Foals screamed as they were awakened, released from dreams of being chased by predators long since gone extinct.

Parents were awakened, sweating and hearts racing, from their own nightmares. In the streets of the city those still awake and wandering felt a chill of pure terror. The night guards shrank back as an unnatural darkness swept through the city. The streets were cleared as the ponies screamed, recognizing this presence. A stampede broke out as horror conquered their minds. The crystal ponies trampled each other and even the night guard wildly ran back towards the safety of the castle.

In the castle, Empress Mi Amore Cadenza, tossed and turned. Occasionally, she whimpered in her sleep. Hideous visions of an insect-like creature leaned over her. Its two-toned voice harshly assaulted her ears.

"I will take everything you have, everything you are." The thing whispered to her as it reached down and caressed her. Rather than a comfort, even its gentle touch felt like a violation.

Then, memories of a lost time came to her. The black king strode in. Her father stood across from him. Cadence and her mother were watching, but she could not tell where. The king laughed, a cruel and mocking sound. Her father, her noble father, was unbowed and unbroken before this tyrant.

No, that was the lie. No, that was the dream.

Sombra reached forward and stabbed her father. Blood flowed down upon the stone floor, a river of blood flowing and covering everything.

Cadence whimpered. Beside her, Shining Armor was tossing and turning. The captain was lost in his own nightmares. It was the last battle of the Roan War. Corpses were strewn all around. The stench of death choked the air making Corporal Armor want to gag. But he did not. This was his finest hour. This was the battle he would become captain. Every second, they gained more and more ground. Arrows blotted out the sun, but still the Equestrian-Mustangian forces advanced. The Roans were falling back, falling at every volley of arrows from the Equestrian-Mustangian forces.

He thought of Cadence as he pushed out his spear, thrusting into enemy lines and slamming a spear into a Roan. The Roan cried out as he fell. Shining didn't even see the arrow that slammed into his leg.

No, this wasn't right.

He sunk.

An arrow struck Gleaming Shield who was at his side.

No, this wasn't right.

Gleaming Shield's lifeblood slowly flowed into the sand.

"Good-bye old friend. See you on the other side." Gleaming Shield choked out.

"Gleaming! Gleaming!"

He reached for him, his hooves becoming stained with his best friend's blood. He was on his knees now and slowly toppling. The Equestrian advance was faltering.

No, this wasn't right!

Everything went dark. A shadow passed before his eyes and he heard a mocking laugh.

I will take from you everything you have, everything you are.

Screams echoed through the palace as both Cadence and Shining woke up. A guard rushed into the room, his spear drawn.

"Your Hignesses! Is everything alright?"

Shining and Cadence adjusted themselves as they sat up on the bed. Cadence held up a hoof.

"Please, return to your post. All is well."

The guard hesitated. "Actually, Your Highness, all is not well. We have been receiving alarming reports all nights. It seems a stampede broke out in the Diamond District. There is much...evening entertainment in that district frequently attended by stallions so it was rather crowded. Several injuries, but no casualties as of yet. However, there have been other, more alarming reports. Riots broke out in the Amethyst and Obsidian Districts."

"Riots?" Cadence asked, standing from the bed. "Over what?"

"Apparently, mass hallucinations causing some sort of general panic. The rioters have been jailed."

"Release them in the morning." Cadence ordered. She could release them tonight, but the streets didn't sound safe. The rioters would be safer in prison.

The guard nodded. "Yes, Your Highness." He did not leave the room and seemed hesitant about something. "There have been reports of ponies seeing Sombra."

"I suspected as much." Cadence sighed. This sort of political dealing was better done in the morning. What could be done about this? "Gather the Sorcerer's Council. Have them cast anti-dark magic charms."

They wouldn't be entirely effective against a mage of Sombra's skill, but something had to be done.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Cadence sighed as he left the room. She should have done that earlier. Part of her had been hoping that Sombra would never return. That her personal nightmare and her realm's collective nightmare was finally over. Tomorrow she would go and activate the ancient shield that was designed to keep out dark magic.

Should have done this, earlier. Get your head in the game, Mi Amore Cadenza! A scolding voice that sounded like her Auntie Celestia's shouted at her. A surge of inwardly directed anger flared up. She called herself a princess and an empress and she couldn't even defend her own subjects. She could barely even keep herself together half the time. A growl escaped her throat.

"Cady?" Shining asked in a weak, small voice.

Cadence went to the bed and slid back under the covers, putting a hoof on Shining's shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"No." Shining half-sobbed, resting his head on Cadence's shoulder. Cadence wrapped her forelegs around him as he nuzzled into her chest. Shining was crying. Cadence ran a hoof through his mane.

"Shining, what's wrong?"

"I-I was back in Coltantinople. Gleaming Shield...I saw Gleaming die. Oh, Gods."

He wept into her chest while she held him and stroked his mane.

"The bastard Roans had laid down an anti-magic field so no one could use any defensive shields. Th-that was Gleaming's specialty. W-we were at a disadvantage, but we still won. Gleaming though...he was shot. Died right in front of me."

She just held him, unsure of what she should say. He had never talked to her about Gleaming's death.

"I'm so sorry." Cadence whispered.

"It doesn't matter. It's been ten years. This shouldn't matter anymore. I rarely even think about it." He said, his head still buried in her chest. She spread her wings and wrapped him in up in them as if he were a foal that needed comfort. Together they fell on the bed. After several minutes, his sobs quieted. She continued to run her hoof through his mane.

"I...I think I'm better now. The dream felt so real. Like I was really back there."

"It was a psychic attack. Nightmare magic, Sombra's specialty."

"Who is this bastard? You've barely told me anything about him. I want to know my enemy."

"Sombra is...a dark mage of unusual skill. Let's go back to bed."

"How did he get in power?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Cadence said as she sank beneath the covers.

"Okay. Goodnight." Shining also sank beneath the covers, deciding that it was just too late to have this conversation. He wrapped his hooves around Cadence, almost clinging to her. Neither of them went back to sleep so they decided to just lie there and enjoy each other's company. Shining could feel the beat of Cadence's heart against his forelegs as he embraced her. It calmed him. Cadence snuggled against his chest and soon fell into a very light sleep.

Light shone through the lace curtains of the imperial chambers. Cadence groaned as the light from her Aunt's sun danced upon her eyelids. Normally, the soft light was a sign that the day had begun and it was time to wake up. This morning, Cadence cursed her aunt under her breath and pulled the covers over her head. Wouldn't it be possible for her aunt to raise the sun at a later time? She tried to go back to sleep, but the room was just too bright.

Her eyes sprung open. It was far too bright for it to be morning, even mid-morning. A string of profanity escaped her lips as she galloped out of bed and into the crystal halls. She cursed some more as she nearly slid upon the very slick material. A maid was engaged in dusting a statue and hid a giggle at the undignified position of the empress.

Cadence straightened up and tried to remember her itinerary for the day. For that matter, where was her seneshcal? The old, grey stallion had been planning out her schedule for the past week. He also normally woke her up just as she had expressly ordered him to. The only one who could overrule her direct order was Shining Armor. She shook her head. So, he'd decided that she'd needed to sleep in.

He had a point, she acknowledged as she walked down the halls. The maids and guards were stifling yawns or trying not to fall asleep. Her old grey seneschal, Silver Scroll (who had also been her tutor long ago) was napping at a table in the dining hall. She sat down next to him and tapped his shoulder.

He awoke with a start then bowed his head. "My apologies, Your Highness. Emperor Armor ordered that you be allowed to sleep in. If you're wondering, he's training the troops." He yawned.

"I gathered as much." She said. "I take it nopony slept well last night?"

A dark look crossed his face. "There was a psychic attack of some sort, wasn't there? Terrible nightmares."

"That was my fault." Cadence murmured. "When I got here, the first thing I should have done was activate the anti-dark magic shield."

"Those are only to be used as an emergency precaution."

"I should have known Sombra was still out there. I...my powers are based on emotion. I have trouble dealing with darker emotions-anger, fear, worry- so I choose to ignore them. I ignored my worries and my subjects suffered."

"We all make mistakes. It's best to learn from them and move on."

"You're right. Time to move on. The first thing I need to do today is go around the city and activate the shield."

"Won't you need a high mage to assist you?"

"All the high mages are dead. Sombra saw to that, remember?"

"We can have one sent in from Equestria." Silver Scrolls pointed out.

Cadence immediately thought of Twilight. At this point in her career, she had to be a high mage at least. Still, it would take too long to contact her. She would not allow another attack on her subjects.

"I can handle powering the shield myself."

"In the old days, it'd have taken ten high mages."

"I can do it."

"Very well, Your Highness. At least have breakfast first or lunch I suppose."

She ordered a hay casserole. After lunch she walked from the palace and into the city. The multicolored towers gleamed and sparkled in the sun. The ponies that were out were slowly walking. Some had drooping ears or a dragging gait. A few acknowledged her presence with a nod of their head. Cadence strode through the marketplace which was barren with only three of four merchants having set up stalls.

She took pity on the fruit salesmare and bought some crystal berries. There were three points around the city where the shield was to be activated. It formed a perfect triangle. She first went to the point several miles away from the market and located the seal at the crossroads. It bore the imperial mark, a double-headed eagle.

She placed a hoof on it and chanted the incantation, which she had looked up in a scroll the night before. It began to glow and she felt a rush of power as it flowed into her body and then through the streets of the city. At the second and third seals she felt the same rush of power.

Three waves of energy surged from the ground, forming a swirling tide of power around the city. There was a roar like a hurricane as the waves swirled and rose into the air, crackling like lightning. The crystal ponies gasped and stared in awe as the shield rose up. They recognized it for what it was, a sign of protection.

The three waves met in a sapphire dome that enveloped the city. Cadence's horn glowed the same sapphire color. The pressure of the shield bore down upon her, almost like a weight upon her back. After a few moments of slow, meditative breathing her body began to adjust to the new magical pressure. She could do this, it wouldn't be any problem. That is what the princess of love thought as she trudged back towards the palace.

The shield shook and Cadence stumbled on the ground. A crystal mare rushed up to her and helped her back up. Again and again, the shield shook as something slammed against it. Cadence had a pretty good idea of what that something was. Each time the shield shook it felt like a physical blow. Calling upon her earth pony magic, she planted her hooves on the ground and drew up strength from the earth. Still, her bones rattled.

"You do well, Little Princess." A voice spoke and the face of a black unicorn appeared over the city. It was cloaked in shadows that twisted all around him, writhing like serpents.

"Leave this place. Leave!" Cadence shouted, pouring energy into the shield. Sombra hissed as the positive energy seared against him. He wouldn't give up, sending tendrils of smoke against the dome. The tendrils dissolved as soon as they hit the shield. Cadence's eyes glowed blue as she continued channeling every bit of energy into the shield.

Her subjects cheered for her as the two monarchs struggled. She drew strength from their love. Sombra hissed as he slammed against the shield. Each time he did, the shield pushed him back.

"Let me in, little one. Let Daddy come in." He laughed, an obscene sound.

"You are not my father! This is not your home anymore! Leave it!"

With this final declaration she poured the last bit of power she had into the shield. It pushed forward and pushed Sombra back.

That was when Cadence collapsed.

When she came to, she was in a hospital bed. Shining was by her side, with his hoof grasping hers. Celestia was on the other side of her bed, holding her other hoof. She sat up and was immediately hugged by both of them.

"Um, this is nice, but what just happened?" Cadence asked, still feeling woozy.

"Magical exhaustion, according to the doctors." Shining said. "You were really brave out there."

"Thanks. How long have I been out?"

"Since yesterday. The shield held. It's taking from your magic stores. You should cut the connection." Celestia told her.

Cadence shook her head. "No, I-"

"That shield takes ten mages to hold." Celestia said.

"I'm an alicorn."

"Just one alicorn. You have a deep supply of magic and that's what the shield is tapping into. If you were a normal pony you'd be dead by now." Celestia continued.

"No." Cadence insisted. "I won't let Sombra harm my people again. Never again."

"Cadence, I've been keeping my distance because the Empire is your domain, to do with as you see fit. I didn't even come out here with you because I was afraid you'd see that as my lacking confidence in your abilities. But you may need to consider calling upon allies."

Cadence carefully considered her aunt's words. "Call up Twilight and the Elements."

"They should be here by tomorrow." Celestia said. "Just let me write the letter."


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Cadence sat on the white and blue patterned bed sheets. Several books on meditation had been taken down from the mahogany bookcase on the right side of the room and were scattered all around her, several being open. A candle on the dressed facing the bed cast its light on the room and reflected on the mirror. A ring of candles surrounded the bed. The windows were closed, the blue blinds blocking out the noontime sun.

The flickering of the candles was the only light in the room. They cast eerie shadows on Cadence. The alicorn's eyes were closed, her breathing steady. In. Out. Inhale. Exhale. With every inhale she intoned "in" and with every exhale she intoned "victus." Together, the word meant victory in Ancient Crystallish. Her mind was focused on victory and on the coming battle. Outside the palace the air crackled with negative energy. Since the reemergence of Sombra and the confrontation with the dark king, the Crystal Pony's morale had sunk to an all-time low.

The streets were nearly empty. Only a few walked out. Shining reported that some members of the Imperial Army had fled for lands farther north, unwilling to face the the one they called "The Great Terror." An aura of fear and unease had settled all throughout the city and it had only been a day since Cadence had fought him. She had eaten only once today, at breakfast. Then she had retired to her chamber to meditate. All of her mental energy was focused on keeping the field of energy around the city. She could feel Sombra or, at times, his shadow beasts, slam against it. She could feel the loathsome power emanating from him. Only her shield could keep him out. Only she could face him.

She felt the weight of that thought and it nearly sent her off kilter. The fate of what remained of a once-great empire rested firmly on her withers. With every blow against the shield, she felt a physical blow against her. She steeled herself and channeled more energy into it. Sombra would not and could not enter the city. She was the Empress. The welfare of the nation, of thousands of lives, was her responsibility. She wouldn't let anypony down.

Sombra's main weapon was thoughts of despair. He whispered to her to just give up. That nothing she could do would stop him. He was older than her. More powerful than her. A god himself, though a misshapen and misbegotten one. She growled and sent waves of love against him. He hissed and drew back. That morning, before the sun had even risen, Shining had gone out to patrol the border where the city met the frozen planes of the Northern Wilderness. Together, they had the strength to defend an empire. The power of their love had once turned back an army. The thought cheered her heart.

Shining marched at the head of the army. Behind him, the sun shone down upon glittering suits of armor. Before them, stretched a seemingly endless plain of ice, frost and snow. Their armor was covered in snow as flurries occasionally drifted down. In the North, it was always frozen. Shining shivered. His was a southern race. His ancestors had fled this kind of weather and he just wasn't used to it. He shivered as a wind cut against his cheek. The imperial soldiers seemed to not be having a problem. They had been marching on the border for hours.

Suddenly, a shadow beast in the form of a wolf made from living darkness lunged at him. He charged forward, his horn lit and he fired a blast that sliced through it. It whimpered and dissolved. Suddenly, hundreds of shadow beasts came down from the hill. The air sizzled and crackled with the firing of his spells. He was the only unicorn present, but he knew how to fire up to ten spells in a single second. The Imperial Guard charged forward with their spears, which were made of an enchanted metal that cut through the shadows like they were flesh.

One guard cried out as a shadow wolf tore into him. His companion sliced through it. Shining cried for them to keep advancing. Little by little, they started to gain ground. More and more of the beasts were cut down by Shining's spells and the Guard's spears. The army advanced together, their spears cutting down the enemy. The snow was kicked up by their charge as the army lunged into the enemy's ranks. The last of the beasts vanished into the snow. These skirmishes had been going on all morning. Shining surveyed his stallions. The injured were already being tended to by medical ponies who were carrying them to the medical tents that had been set up.

"This section looks clear." He told the lieutenant, a heavy set blue crystal pony by the name of Sapphire.

Sapphire nodded. "This is as far out as the border goes."

Shining looked out onto the snowy plains. "Let's return to the city."

The army reversed course and began to march back towards the city. Shining continued looking around, making sure there were no beasts laying in wait to attack them. Everything was flat and white. Flurries of snow kept coming down from the Heavens. Everything looked the same. He could barely keep track and feared he was going to get lost in the endless expanse of whiteness. There was nothing that distinguished one part of the expanse from the other. Sapphire knew where he was going and Shining had to trust him. There were no Sombra supporters in the Guard. Sombra had had loyalists, but they had fled or were in the dungeons awaiting trial. The penalty for supporting a foreign tyrant (Sombra had apparently not been a native of the Empire) was death. It was taking Cadence quite some time to wrestle with the moral implications of having them beheaded in the traditional manner or sentencing them to life in the dungeons.

If Shining was in her place, their heads would have been on pikes by now. He'd never had patience for complicated moral dilemmas and treason made him viscerally ill though he had lent a sympathetic ear when Cadence had talked to him about it. After nearly two hours of marching they had come within sight of the spires of the city. The shield let them through. Shining felt like every part of his body was frozen. His armor had ice crystals forming around it. The one thing he most wanted right then was a hot shower and a ticket back to warm, sunny Canterlot. By some miracle, the city itself had a pleasant temperature causing the ice on his armor to melt. He wondered what sort of magic kept the ice and snow out of this place.

The citizen's watched the soldier's come with fear. Many darted from their path and into shops or their homes. Shining sighed. He wasn't used to regular ponies being afraid of him. Things would change in time, he hoped. He made his way to the barracks. After assigning three units back to the border and stripping off his armor he went directly to the showers. Before he could get there, an old, grey crystal pony shuffled up to him. Shining stopped in the hall as the pony bowed. Shining recalled that his name was Silver Scroll.

Silver rose. "Your Highness, you need to speak with your wife."

"What about?"

Silver shuffled a hoof. "She has been in a deep state of meditation since after breakfast. Six solid hours. She needs to eat to restore her strength, but she won't open the door or answer us. We are very worried for her health. She shouldn't even be capable of holding up the spell and she needs to eat something."

Shining nodded. "Those high level spells do take out a lot of energy. Don't worry, I can get through to her. Which way to the kitchens?"

"Right this way." The seneschal walked down the hall then took a left. Shining followed him.

There was no space. There was no time. There was only the eternal flow of energy, of life. She could feel it all around her, flowing through her. She was one with it, a part of it. She was Love, the force that bound all things. She Loved all things and was Loved by them in turn. That Love fueled her, empowered her. She had become Love, That Which Binds Together All Things. Her soul had expanded, covering the city. Every part of her was in the shield, her only desire to protect them the way in which a Mother protects her children.

Sombra was a meek, pitiful dot. He continued slamming against Her, the fool. Each time he did so he burned for when he touched Love-He Who Was Devoid of Love-his very being burned. She Hated him for he was trying to harm that which she Loved. She rejoiced in his suffering.The Hatred fueled her to for it was Hatred inspired by Love. She heard a voice. It was not Sombra, not his evil tones. No, this was the voice of the the One Who Was the Other Half of Her Soul. He was calling to her. She felt his hoof on her shoulder. Worry was in his voice. She opened her eyes.

Shining stepped back as Cadence opened her eyes. Her eyes were glowing blue. Her horn crackled with magic. Her very body crackled with energy and her mane was floating like Celestia or Luna's. After a few seconds, her eyes returned to their normal color. Shining felt a strong urge to fall on his face before this being of raw power and worship Her.

Then he remembered that this being was his wife, even if it was another form of her, her true, Divine form that she rarely showed. The last time she had shown it, it was at the wedding and then she had annihilated an army.His knees trembled from the residual power in the room. The candles had long ago burned out. Shining used his magic to open up the curtains and let in the light. Cadence stood off the bed and nuzzled him. He returned the gesture.

Her horn was still glowing. "Something wrong, Sweetie?"

Shining used his magic to pick up the bowl of tomato soup he had laid on the table. "I made you some soup. Silver Scroll said you need to eat."

"I'm not hu-" A large growl cut off the statement. "Alright. I'm a little hungry."

Now that the glamour had passed, he could see that bruises and cuts that covered her fur. She laid on the bed, tomato soup in her magical aura, and he slid onto the bed beside her.

"This reminds me of when I had the flu that time and you brought me soup. Remember that?" She nuzzled against him and sipped the soup. His cooking skills had improved over the years. This soup didn't taste like tomato-flavored water. She sipped it more, relishing the sweetness of the basil and tomato. Most of all, she relished the love that had been put into it.

He wrapped a hoof around her, drawing her close. "I do remember. Your little sneezes were so cute."

She giggled. "You think everything I do is cute."

"That's because you're adorable." He kissed her cheek. She kissed his ear and then returned to sipping her soup.

He ran a hoof down her mane. "When was our last date?"

She shrugged. "Too long."

Shining worked his hoof down lower, stroking her back. "Twilight should be here tomorrow. I know her and her friends will kick Sombra's butt. Want to have a celebration date afterwards?"

She snuggled against him. "It's a date."

Imperial Dawn

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The sun rose over an empire at war. The light began in the east as the night receded. The rosy-fingered dawn spread across the sky, banishing the last remnants of the darkness. The stars vanished and the moon gave way to her sister, the bright sun. The light of the sun streamed over the North, bringing with it warmth and life. The multihued, pastel crystal towers glowed and shimmered as the beams of the sun glinted over them. A blue dome of mystical energy covered the city, protecting it. An endless plain of ice spread out from the shield. Shadow beasts stalked the Arctic for the first time in a millennium. Even as far as the Caribou High Kingship, Caribou on the borderland reported attacks.

The Caribou had mobilized, not setting out just yet. The great-horned soldiers with their long, steel spears spread out over the border. Messengers had been sent to the newly returned Crystal Empire, but it would take days before they would get there. The shadow beasts roamed and wandered, assaulting any creature that got too close. The snows were stained with the blood of Crystal Pony, Ibex, Caribou and Yeti. Only friendship with Equestria and awe for the once-great Crystal Empire kept the last three from attacking the city from whence the shadow beasts seemed to come. Still, great Northern armies continued to surround and mobilize their territories. Wanderers and merchants had been forbidden from going into the Arctic North.

The light of the sun roamed til she found the palace of the Crystal Empress. The rays of the sun streamed through the elaborately decorated violet drapes and danced on the eyelids of Emperor-Consort Shining Armor. He opened his eyes, blinking away sleep. The blankets of the bed were wrapped around him and his wife. They had spent the night holding each other. Cadence had fallen asleep right after eating the tomato soup. Her head laid upon his shoulder and her wings were wrapped around him. His arms were wrapped around her. He nuzzled her neck, burying his muzzle into a lock of her hair. She giggled and tightened her hold around him.

The insistent sun filled the room with her golden light. Shining lifted up the blanket around them, snuggling closer to his wife. Special talent and duty be damned, he just didn't feel like leading any troops this morning. Still, those shadow beasts needed to be cut down. Cadence had already gotten an angry letter from the Duchy of Ibexland strongly implying that if she couldn't secure her own territory, they would be more than happy too.

No one wanted to anger the Duchy of Ibexland. Cadence wanted to keep good relations with her neighbors and that meant the Imperial Army (whose morale was still dangerously low) had to eliminate the shadow beasts.

"C'mon, Shining. For Equestria. For the Empire. For Cadence." His sister would be coming today and a pack of shadow beasts had been reported at the old train station so he softly added, "For Twilight."

Those last thoughts got his morale boosted. He shifted, preparing to leave the warm bed and the softness of his beloved's embrace. She whined and kept her wings around him, opening one bleary eye. "Morning, already?"

"Afraid so. Did you sleep well?"

"Not a wink. I was just in deep meditation. Not the same."

She yawned, let him go and lifted up on the bed, planting a kiss just below his horn. He returned the kiss. Her horn was still glowing with blue, mystical energy as she gave everything she had to keeping the shield intact. He chuckled. "We're going to make great parents. If we're going to such lengths to defend an empire, just imagine how safe our children will be."

She smiled softly. "Something we can talk about later, eh?"

He nuzzled her. "Yeah. We should."

She leaned into him. "Don't really want to leave this bed."

"Nor do I."

Their hooves sought each other, wrapped around each other.

Cadence sighed. "Duty calls."

"So it does."

He rested his head on her shoulder. "Every time I set out, I think of you. I fight for you. I always will."

She nuzzled into him, delighting in his musky scent. "I will make sure you have something to return to."

"I'm sure the Empire will be in the best hooves possible."

"If only I had half the faith in myself as you do in me."

She arose from the bed, Shining following her. They twined their tails together, not yet wanting to completely abandon their intimacy. Shining gave one last longing look at the bed, untwined his tail from his wife's and went over to his armor. He fitted on the golden colored iron plates and then fitted a black scarf around it along with a black face mask.

Meanwhile Cadence dressed in her regalia, fitting on her golden crown, torc and golden shoes. "Good luck, Captain."

"Good luck, Princess of my Heart."

They shared one last kiss before Shining left the room.

Shining stood before the silver clad Crystal Imperial Guard. They were lined up together in orderly columns, reminiscent of the Equestrian Imperial Legions. A hint of a common military ancestry, or the fact that there wasn't that many ways to line up an army. Shining wasn't sure, but very little was known about Crystal Pony history.

They had been great once. According to Cadence, they had once held back twenty allied armies and soundly defeated them. It was the greatest victory in Pony history and permanently broke the Caribou Empire, once the greatest power on the continent before the rise of the Holy Empire of the Equestrian Nation. More would be known about it if not for the fact that widespread literacy had only become common in Equestria around seven centuries ago, leaving much Pony history shrouded in myth and obscurity.

Looking at this present incarnation of the Guard, Shining found the idea that they were once a powerful nation hard to believe. Since Sombra's psychic attack, their coats had grown dull. Many had abandoned the army altogether, seeking sanctuary in happier southern lands. The ones that remained struggled to keep their heads held high. Even Lieutenant Sapphire had a dull look in his eyes.

"Stallions!" He shouted and every guard looked up at the tone in his voice. "Stallions! Stomp your hoof if you are a warrior!"

They all stomped, though it was weak. Shining sneared. "Is there a single stallion in this herd of colts? Should I send you home to your mothers?"

A few of the guards faces turned red. "Stomp if you are a stallion!"

This time the ground thundered as they all stomped.

"Lift up your spears! Carry your banner proud! You-we are the Crystal Empire! We conquered the North! Are we going to let a bunch of wimpy shadows take us down? Are we going to shame our ancestors?"

Sappire saluted. "No, sir, we are not! My regiment most certainly will not!"

Shining saluted. "Lieutenant Sapphire and the First Regiment is with me! Who else!"

They stomped and this time they did not stop. The standard bearer lifted up the banner, a snowflake upon a violet field, and waved it. This show of patriotism stirred the hearts of the Guard. Shining, non-Crystal that he was, even felt himself getting caught up in it. "We march!"

He turned. As if they were a single organism, the armored stallions marched behind him. The ground shook with each step they took, with each ironshod hoof that slammed against the frozen ground. Their objective was to clear the border. Shining looked up to the icy hills, preparing for an ambush.

He was right to prepare. The shadow beasts crested the mountains ahead of them, surging towards the Imperial Guard.

The Imperial Guard surged forward to meet them. Shining drove a spear through the neck of a shadow wolf as it lunged towards him, its jaws wide, and slammed it into his comrades. Five shadow bears charged towards him. Sapphire and the First Regiment charged, cutting them down. The shadow beasts broke the ranks, tearing through the Imperial Guard. Shouts and death cries rent the air and soon the snow was soaked in crimson blood. Shining shouted orders as he charged his horn. A multiheaded shadow snake darted out at him, but a blast of his magic cut the beast down.

Shining bombarded the beasts with blast after blast. The Crystal Soldiers drove them back, their spears slicing through the shadows. The third regiment, led by Lieutenant Diamond, cut through a horde of shadow wolves. The shadow wolves were soon retreating. Diamond plunged a spear through one beasts's forehead and sliced the throats of two more.

The living shadows surged around Shining. He spun, his horn shooting out an arc of energy that drove away the menagerie of demonic beasts.

They continued the assault, driving the shadow beasts farther and farther towards the mountains from when they had come. A loud screech shook the air and a giant shadow bird with curved claws soared over them blotting out the sun.

"Retreat!" Diamond shouted and his regiment ran.

"No retreat! No surrender!" Shining cried out, a blast of magic striking the demon's wing. It screeched and lunged towards Shining. Shining quickly summoned shield, repelling the beast's attack. Sapphire shot towards the bird and a swipe of its claws sent him hurtling back.


Another Crystal soldier plunged his spear towards the beast. A swipe of its claws and the Crystal soldier was sent hurtling back, his body still and lifeless.

Shining shouted and lunged towards the beast, preparing his horn with a spell. The spell lashed out in a jet of blue flame. The demon screeched as its feathers burned. Soon it dissipated. Shining fell back down towards the earth. He knelt by the young Crystal Soldier and felt his chest. He was still breathing.

The rail road track was just up ahead. Shining looked around. The medics were collecting the wounded and the dead. He did not know how many souls had been carried to Valhalla, destined to feast forever in Wotan's court with the great warriors of old, but it had been more than last time.

There were no signs of any more shadow beasts. Shining exhaled and lifted the young soldier's head. His coat was of a fiery tone and his mane was golden. He lit up his horn and touched it to the young stallion's chest. Healing waves of energy coursed through him. He coughed and his eyes opened.

"What's your name, Son?"

The colt saluted. "Private Ruby, Sir."

"No, it isn't. You're now Lieutenant Ruby of the Third Regiment."

Ruby's eyes widened. "Sir?"

"You're no coward. It seems Lieutenant Diamond will only fight when the odds are in his favor. My army has no place for cowards and what you did just then? That shows you're no coward."

Ruby struggled to stand. Shining helped him. "But I'm in the Fifth Regiment."

Shining understood. "Loyal too. You'd make a damned good lieutenant. Very well. I'm promoting you to corporal in the Fifth Regiment."

Ruby saluted. "Thank you, Sir!"

Shining looked over the plains surrounding him. Diamond and his regiment were most likely back at the Crystal Empire. More glory for the other regiments, then. Maybe he shouldn't be too hard on him. If his regiment had suffered an extreme amount of casualties, the retreat could have been justifiable.

Still not what I would have done.

And he was still learning what the rules and regulations for the Crystal Guard actually was. The regiments had reorganized and the dead and wounded had been carried off to the medical tents which had been set up on the border between the Empire and the plains.

Ruby looked momentarily embarrassed, hurriedly saluted once more and rushed back to his regiment. Shining took his place at the head and they began their march back home. The train station was secure. After taking off his armor he would go greet his little sister.

The train pulled into the station and six young mares, two unicorns, two pegasii and two unicorns stepped off. They were accompanied by a young dragon who was carrying luggage, despite his small stature. Twilight shivered as the wind cut through her fur and flurries of snow floated all around them. A black-scarfed figure approached and cheerfully called out her name.

Twilight looked up as she tried sweeping the snow out of her eyes. "Shining Armor?"

He lifted up his visor. "Twily! You made it!"

They rushed to each other and embraced, sharing a quick nuzzle. Shining broke away. "We'd better get moving. There are things out here you don't want to run into after dark."

His sister's shy pegasus friend trembled. "What kinds of things?"

He turned and they followed him. "Let's just say the Empire isn't the only thing that's returned."

On the way they talked. Twilight had been sent here as a test for Celestia. Shining wondered what kind of test it was. What did Celestia have in store for his younger sister? He explained how Cadence was keeping the shield up. They could see it, the shimmering sapphire dome that covered the city. Shining also felt something else, a now familiar presence.

It was charging the air with an energy that made him feel sick to his stomach. He glanced back at Twilight who briefly had a pained grimace. Shadows had appeared, swirling up from the snow.

"Th-that's one of those things, isn't it?" Fluttershy screeched, looking like she was about to panic. No, she was panicking. Her eyes were wide and her feathers were twitching in fear.

"We have to get out of here! Now!" He ordered and they took off running, the snow being kicked up in their wake. He let the Element Bearers and Spike run ahead, putting himself between them and Sombra.

Two glowing, green eyes appeared within the shadows, then a fang filled mouth and a crooked horn emerged. The thing grinned and hissed. Shining charged him, letting loose a blast of energy which struck the shadows and cut a gaping hole in it. Sombra dodged, reformed and rushed straight towards him. Shining sent another blast which struck just as the shadows consumed him.

It was cold and for the moment the world was filled with darkness. Then, he found himself flying through the air. He landed on a soft carpet of grass, right by Twilight and her friends. He groaned as he stood up.

Twilight looked him over. "Oh no! Shining, your horn..."

Shining reached up and felt strange lumps across it. Trying to activate his magic only led to a few sparks. He grunted. It wouldn't last. It was a brief magic nullifying spell. Eventually, it would fade. They continued their trek towards the imperial city, the Element Bearers being amazed by the grandeur of it. The unicorn, whose name Shining recalled as Rarity, seemed particularly enthused by it as she giggled and pranced around like a school filly.

He would have smiled at her adorable antics , but he didn't feel like smiling at the moment. The aftereffects of Sombra's spell still left him shivering slightly. There was a sickness to Sombra's magic, a perversion. He imagined Twilight and Rarity could feel it as well. They made their way to the Crystal Palace. Cadence, though she was swaying slightly from the pressure of her spell, still jumped over to Twilight. They crouched down, jumped up, clapped hooves and waved their rumps as they did their fillyhood chant.

"Sunshine, Sunshine,
Ladybugs awake!
Clap your hooves and
do a little shake!"

Their greeting ritual complete they giggled. Cadence winced slightly. "One of these days, we need to get together when the fate of Equestria isn't hanging in the balance."

Twilight looked concerned. "Are you okay?"

Shining heavily sighed and moved towards her. "Cadance has been able to use her magic to spread love and light. That seems to be what is protecting it. But she hasn't slept, barely eats. I want to help her, but my protection spell has been countered by King Sombra."

She swayed. "It's alright Shining Armor. I'm fine."

Shining laid a hoof on her shoulder. "She's not fine. She can't go on like this forever, and if her magic were to fade... Well, you saw what's out there waiting for that to happen."

Twilight's face was a picture of grim determination. "That's why we're here."

Her friends backed her up, vowing to aid the Empire. Shining Armor searched his mind, trying to think of something for them to do. At last he stumbled on an idea. "Well, with Cadance putting all her strength into keeping her spell going, and me trying to keep an eye on signs of trouble in the arctic, we haven't been able to gather much information from the Crystal Ponies."

Rarity squealed at the thought of Crystal Ponies. This time Shining wasn't amused and nor were her friends. Dash looked like she was about to give her a good smack. The Pegasus' intensity surprised Shining, but Pegasii were still known for their warrior culture even in this more peaceful age.

Twilight took this as an invitation to do a research paper which she took upon with great enthusiasm. He smiled at her enthusiasm as she assured him that she was really good at this sort of thing and zoomed out of the room followed closely by her friends.

Cadence poked his horn. "What is that? Is your horn alright?"

He rubbed it and they laid down next to each other. She kept her head lifted, refusing to show the strain that was clearly visible on her face.

"I fought Sombra."

She worked her jaw up and down. "And lived to tell the tale?"

"He beat me pretty bad." Shining sighed and shook his head. "Can't win them all, I guess."

"Still. You fought Sombra and survived. I'm barely holding my own against his magic. What happened?"

Shining adjusted his position. "He attacked us at the train station. I held him off and he...did something. Now my magic is busted. It should fade after a while."

She nuzzled him. "That was pretty brave if you ask me."

Shining's lips curved up, Cadence's words making him feel better.

She looked out towards the door. "Do you think Twilight can handle this? I know she's smart, her magic's strong and she's resourceful. But I can't help but see her as a little filly."

"I know what you mean. But we're going to have to trust her. She'll find a way, I know she will."


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Shining held onto Cadence as they sat looking out at the balcony. He gently stroked her side as he held her. She leaned into him, no longer even pretending to be strong. The shield was holding outside and as he looked out he could see tents being set up. His sister had decided on a Crystal Fair to raise the hearts of the Crystal Ponies. There would be all kinds of treats, jousting, and crafts. Shining wanted to go and so did Cadence, but Cadence could barely even stand.

He heavily sighed. He felt weak. Weak and useless. He needed to be out there, in the thick of things. There was a knock on the door. Cadence lifted her head. "Enter."

Twilight rushed in in a complete panic. Her mane was wild, her eyes wide. Shining stood and so did Cadence. "What's wrong, Twily?" How much worse were things going to get?

"The Crystal Heart! The Crystal Fair depends on the Crystal Heart and my book didn't say anything about it being an actual relic!" She shook the offending manuscript in the air and flipped through it. Shining's ears perked up. Twilight stopped. "There was a page missing! How did I not notice?"

Cadence smiled kindly at her. "It's alright, Twilight."

Shining was about to stride forward with his head held high and volunteer to quest for the relic when Cadence's knee's buckled and the glow around her horn vanished. He caught her in his arms just as she collapsed. "Twily..." He whimpered, not caring how broken he sounded. He felt broken as he stared down at the exhausted body of his wife. The sapphire dome warped, twisted and was finally enveloped by darkness. A being made from living shadow loomed over the city, its bloodcurdling laugh echoing near the ancient towers.

Shining rushed forward, not sure what he intended to do, but needing to do something. "The empire is under attack." He said it as a grim statement, more to himself than anyone else. He rushed back to Cadence and helped her back on her hooves. They crossed horns, her presence reassuring him. All would be well. It had to be.

Cadence stared forward, her face changing from an expression of loving reassurance to steely wrath in an instant. Her horn glowed once more with sapphire energy and the shield shot up. Sombra screeched in a mocking approximation of pain as the shield sliced through his horn. Cadence's knees buckled again and Shining held her up, looking down at her with concern. He gritted his teeth together. This had to end and he was the one to do it. "I've got to find the Crystal Heart."

Twilight strode up to him. "No. I have to be the one to find the Crystal Heart. You stay here with Cadence. She needs you, Shining Armor."

Shining could not deny that. Twilight and her enthusiastic Pegasus friend took off, leaving Shining alone with Cadence. He laid down next to her, wrapped his hooves around her and began to lovingly caress her side. She leaned into him. "Well, things have been worse."

He scoffed. "When? And how?"

"At least we're together and you're not being used by a bug queen."

His muscles tensed. She nuzzled him. "Oh, Gods, Shining, I shouldn't have brought that up. You still blame yourself for that don't you?"

He nuzzled her back. "I'm getting better every day."

She nestled against him, securing herself in the shelter of his embrace. "And it's not eternal night. And Discord isn't here. Yeah. We've been through worse."

He couldn't help but chuckle at the dark humor of it. "This has not been a good two years to be in the guard."

"Nor to be a princess." She looked out at the city. The Crystal Ponies seemed to be in good spirits as they wandered through the fair. Shining noticed Twilight heading into the street. He called out to her to be careful then returned his attention to Cadence. "Cadence, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Twilight's right. You do need me and I was about to run off to look for the Crystal Heart."

Cadence spread a consoling wing over his withers. "I don't blame you. If holding up this darned shield wasn't taking up all my energy I'd be out looking for it myself."

"Any idea where it might be?"

"'Fraid not. Mother sent me out of the Empire when I was only six years old." She squeezed her eyes shut. "Everything was burning. I remember that. Sombra had everything repaired. I was lost in time for who knows how long. Could have been years, or decades or millennia."

He wiped away the tears running down her face. "Cadence, you don't have to answer this if you don't want to. If you don't, I'll drop it and never bring it up again okay?"

She nodded. "Okay." She knew what he was going to ask.

"Who is Sombra?"

She stared out at the city. Her city. The city her ancestors had built through blood and sweat and tears. So many tears. Too many tears. The jeweled towers rose up and sparkled in the sun just as they had for years beyond count. She could hear the laughter of her people. Her ancestors had led and defended this empire for generations.

She called on her ancestor's strength and leaned into Shining. "Sombra..." She shuddered. "Sombra is my father."

He did not push her away. If anything, he held onto her tighter. She was thankful for the affection. "Go on."

"You know I lied to you, don't you?"

He touched his horn to hers. "Cadence, it doesn't matter."

"I think, part of me, wants to remember it like that. That Sombra killed my father. That...that creature outside the shield is the creature that murdered my father. My father, King Sombra, was the kindest stallion that ever lived. He's dead now. A shadow is all that's left."

"What happened to him?"

"My mother was dying. He became obsessed with trying to heal her. I don't know what happened. He began using dark magic, made pacts with demons. My mother's life was saved, but Father was changed. I strongly suspect that what you're looking at as Sombra is nothing more than a demon wearing my father's face."

He returned to stroking her side."You were six when all this happened?"

"Silver Scroll explained a lot of this to me recently. But I do remember him changing. He became less patient, had no time for me. He stopped holding me in his lap and reading to me. He'd yell at me if I went in his library." She paused. "I understand now. He was trying to protect me from his research. Maybe he still had a spark of goodness left in him." She trembled. Shining wiped away more of the tears that were falling down her face. "Then one day, he marched in with these soldiers. They massacred the nobles, the mages, the imperial scholars. Everyone. They even...Mama..."

Shining ran a hoof through her mane. She wept into his neck as he laid his head atop hers. After a while, she stopped. "Wow. That feels better. Been holding that in for a long time."

He kissed away the remaining tears. They leaned into each other. Outside of the shield, a storm was brewing. Excited chatter from the fair continued making its way up to the balcony of the palace. Shadows continued to swirl outside the shield. A boom of rolling thunder crackled through the air. The shield shook.

Shining felt his foreleg twitch just as Cadence's wings twitched. Shining shook his head. Cadence growled lightly. "Wish I could get out there. I'd tear him apart." She flapped her wings. I'm pretty sure I could still fly. Or glide at least."

For one brief moment, an idea flashed across Shining's mind. It was too crazy though. Cadence would laugh at him if he suggested it. Cadence tried to stand and then went back to laying. "Come on, Twilight. Please find the Heart. Please..."

They sat in silence for a while as they looked over the city. The Crystal Ponies had not yet noticed the danger, the approaching storm. They did not see the shadows swirling in the snow, the approaching hoofsteps of a tyrant.

Cadence grasped his hoof. He squeezed back, laying his neck across hers. "Shining? Wanna know something that scares me?"


She stared at the shadows. "There have been a lot of tyrants in my family, Sombra wasn't the first one. He was a foreigner, a noble from a long gone Unicorn kingdom the Empire wanted to make an alliance with. But I've had family members on my mother's side who have also slipped into madness and the worst kinds of evil...What if..." The shield trembled and so did her voice. "What if it happens to me?"

Shining laid a hoof upon her withers. "It won't. No matter how far you fall, I will catch you."

She leaned against him. "I feel so weak. Ever since I've come here I feel as if I've been one minute from a complete breakdown. I have a lot of awful, awful memories of this place. But, I also have a lot of good memories. Its my home, but I've been away from it for so long it doesn't feel like home anymore."

Shining sighed. "I had the same feeling after I came back from the Roan War. Canterlot just didn't feel like home anymore. It was the same, but I had just changed so much."

Cadence shuddered. "Something's happening."

The fluctuations in the shield were getting more frequent now. The shadows were getting thicker and longer, tendrils of pure darkness spreading across the snow, threatening to envelop the shield altogether.

Shining squinted his eyes as he noticed dark crystals growing around the shield. He reached up a hoof and touched his horn, feeling the dark crystals encircling it. "Cadence, what are those things?"

Cadence gulped. "Those are crystallized manifestations of anger and hate."

Even as she spoke, the crystals were getting larger and forming complicated patterns, sharply angular. They twisted and writhed as they grew, as if they were living things. The tendrils of shadows grew ever wider, stretching out like the demented wings of a demonic raven. Cadence closed her eyes and focused, trying to strengthen the shield. Her magic was getting weaker.

Suddenly, she realized the problem. The dark crystals were draining her magic, absorbing the love and light from her soul. She groaned beneath the weight of the shield as she felt her soul being drained. She was only vaguely aware of Shining caressing her side. She took comfort in his presence.

His loving presence strengthened her. She thought of all she loved. She loved Shining, Celestia, Luna and Twilight, the only family she had left. She loved her friends though it had been too long since she had seen them. She loved her adopted nation, Equestria. She loved its fruitful hills and peaceful meadows. She loved this land of her birth, its crystal towers and storied heritage.

She drew strength from the memory of her family's love, her friends' love, the love of her nation. She closed her eyes, remembering every kind word and gentle caress Shining had ever given her, she remembered sleepovers with her friends and shared laughter, she remembered her aunt Celestia holding her when she was scared and caring for her when she was sick, she remembered conversations about love and dreams with her new aunt Luna, she remembered happy times playing with Twilight.

She drew strength from her love for her two homelands. Equestria, the land of harmony and the Crystal Empire, the empire forged from love. Drawing up love from her very core, she charged up her horn. The shield pushed against the shadows, driving them back from the empire. Her hair turned ethereal, shimmering and waving. She stood, spreading her wings and her eyes filled with cosmic, sapphire energy.

Shining stood by her, wanting so much to join his power to hers like they had at the wedding to drive back the Changelings.

Suddenly, her knees buckled and she crumpled.

The shield wavered as if it were about to buckle just like its caster.


Shining caught her before she hit the hard stone. This had to end and it had to end soon. He laid down beside her, first checking her pulse. It was weak, faint.

She was near death. The shield was killing her. Shining felt tears in his eyes. If only he could use his magic. Together, they could defeat Sombra. If only he wasn't so weak, so weak and pathetic. A torrent of negative thoughts thundered in his mind. Cadence reached up and ran a hoof through his mane. "Shining, those dark crystals...its infecting your thoughts. Don't listen to them."

Shining snorted. "It's hard not to."

"Try. He draws strength from negativity. Sadness, despair, anger, hatred, self-loathing. Those things..." She broke away in a coughing fit. "Those things give him strength."

The shield was now a shell of its former self. The Crystal Ponies had begun to notice. Shouts and panicked screaming reached the balcony as their herd nature took over. The Crystal Ponies began to stampede, trampling over each other in their haste to get away and escape the danger.

But there was no escape. The shield that had once been an emblem of hope, their defense against the darkness, had become their prison. Shining squeezed his eyes trying to summon up his magic and strengthen the shied. "This is torture. I want to defend them, I want to defend you...damn it, damn it..." Tears trailed down his face.

Cadence wiped them away. Applejack and Rarity were trying to keep everpony calm, but their shouts were falling on deaf ears. The Crystal Ponies continued to run and scream, frenzied shouts filling the air.

Shining growled. "If I ever get my hooves on Sombra, I'd strangle him to death."

He held Cadence close, it was all he could do.

The shield cracked and then it shattered. A maniacal laugh rang out over the empire as the sky took on a sickly shade of yellowish orange, a mockery of sunlight. Jagged and wild forests of dark crystals sprouted all around the city and the towers turned to obsidian.

The tyrant of shadows laughed, the cackling sound echoing on the towers and mixing with the terrified screaming. One mare rushed directly towards the exit to the city, only for Sombra to block her way. That's when Shining and Cadence saw something they thought they would never see.

Shining blinked. "Is that...Spike?"

The young dragon was holding onto the Crystal Heart as he soared through the air.

Shining and Cadence exchanged a look. Shining calculated the trajectory. "He's never going to make it...he's going to break his arms from that angle..."

Cadence flapped her wings. "I can catch him. Throw me."

The idea had crossed his own mind. "Sure?"

"Now or never, Shining."

Cadence crawled onto his back and spread her wings. He tossed her as hard as he could. She caught the air currents and soared, picking up speed as she flew. Spike landed on her back, the crystal heart floating ahead of them. The relic had a mind of its own and it knew its place.

She landed in the center square, shattering a stone heart, to the amazed shouts of her subjects. The Crystal Heart landed on the pedestal. Cadence turned to her subjects. "The Crystal Heart has returned! Use the love and light within you to insure that Sombra does not!"

As one, the Crystal Ponies knelt, energy radiating from them and towards the Heart. The streets of the city began to glow a sapphire light as the Crystal Heart was charged. The energy filled the heart and radiated from it as the entire city glowed. The Crystal Ponies coats shimmered as the dark crystals shattered.

Sombra cried out. Cracks appeared all over his body. With one last shout, he shattered and was no more.

It was over. Twilight Sparkle and her friends had returned to Equestria, though Twilight had promised to visit the next week. Cadence had taken a solid, twenty-four hour nap. Now, she was awake. She strode through the grand, diamond hall. Sunlight reflected on the wall created a rainbow of colors.

Shining was beside her. There was a row of statues on either side of her, her royal ancestors. Most were Crystal Ponies. A few were Unicorns. The last few were Pegasii, the result of the son of a Pegasan noble running off with a Crystal princess.

Cadence and Shining entered the throne room and sat down upon the thrones. The crown felt unusually heavy on her head, as if she were but a pretender. "Bring in the prisoners."

The guards dragged in ten Crystal stallions, wrapped together in chains. Their faces ranged from impassive to defiant.

She cleared her throat. "You have been accused of treason, mass murder in the first degree and supporting a foreign tyrant. Each crime carries the death penalty under Imperial Law. How do you plead?"

Silence reined in the great hall. "I ask again. How do you plead? Silence will be taken as an admission of guilt."

One stallion, a red one with a jagged scar over his left eye, sneered at her. "We recognize no lord but Sombra." He spat on the floor.

A guard punched him in the face. She held up a hoof. "Please. We've seen more than enough violence. No more. You were Sombra's ten generals. You carried out his orders and fought against the guards who remained loyal to my blessed mother. You broke your oaths and turned against your brothers-in-arms. Your comrades have fled. Why did you not?"

The red stallion, their spokespony she presumed, looked straight in her eyes. It chilled her. "Because when he returns he will grant us power beyond all imagining."

"Sombra is dead. You will not try to speak up in your defense?"

He shook his head. "No."

"In ancient times you would have been beheaded. I am strongly tempted to order such or do it myself." She closed her eyes, breathed. "I will not. I cannot. It would go against what I was taught, the way I was raised. It would not bring back the dead, nor would it heal this empire. No more bloodshed. I hereby sentence you to banishment and imprisonment for life on the Isle of Thule."

Thule was a frozen island used as a prison by Equestria. In ancient days it had been an outpost of the Crystal Empire and had served the same purpose then as it did now. "Get this trash out of my sight."

The guards escorted them out. "Court is adjourned for today."

She rose, stretched and walked past the Hall of the Emperors, Shining following at her side. They reached their bedroom. Cadence walked in and slipped off her golden horse shoes, slid off her torc which she placed on the chest-of-drawers and laid her crown beside it. She smiled at Shining. "It's over. Thank the Gods, the long nightmare is finally over."

Loose Ends

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After declaring her empire's long nightmare officially over, Cadence collapsed into bed. Shining pulled the pink covers over her and decided to go get some supper. When he came back, she was still dozing. After a quick shower, he slid into bed and wrapped his forelegs around her. She didn't stir. He closed his eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.

When the orange light of the sun streamed through his windows and illuminated the pastel crystal buildings of the empire she was still fast asleep. Shining stretched, yawned and knocked the blankets off of himself. Cadence was lightly snoring, her wings wrapped around herself like a blanket with errant feathers sticking out here and there, a thin line of drool falling from her lips. He frowned and lifted a hoof, about to shake her shoulder. Upon her face was the most peaceful expression he had ever seen from her. She was smiling, content. He rose, not able to bring himself to wake her.

As he stepped out into the grand, diamond hall, he realized he had several decisions to make. The cool of the floor jolted him awake the same way it did every morning. The guards saluted to him as he walked by. He headed towards the breakfast hall, the sweet scent of cinnamon toast, syrup and fresh fruit luring him in that direction. Court would open in an hour. The empire couldn't run without its empress. The Senate couldn't be opened. No decisions could be made. It wasn't the best system, Shining mused, but it was what he was working with. A crowd of guards, servants and nobles bustled around the plain, brown wooden tables of the cafeteria. An elaborate golden chandelier inlaid with rubies, pearls and emeralds hung over the room. The flickering of the candles played over tapestries showing battles and the flags of noble clans. One flag in particular took pride of place in the center. The snowflake on a purple background was the insignia of the Onyx Clan and, therefore, the imperial insignia. It flown over the table reserved for the imperial family and their advisers. Silver Scrolls was already there, eating a plate of apple slices.

Shining walked to the line for the pancakes. Everypony in line immediately cleared a path for him. He shook his head. "That's alright. Go ahead, it's alright."

They exchanged wary glances, but then got back in line. He noted that the chef gave him extra pancakes. He wasn't going to complain. Silver Scrolls nodded to him as he took a seat beside him. "Where is Cad...Where is the empress?"

Shining poured a copious amount of syrup on his pancakes and lifted his coffee to his lips. The rich, bitter scent of the dark brown liquid wafted up and knocked away what was left of his morning grogginess as he sipped it. "She's still asleep. She's been asleep since Six o'clock."

Silver chewed on an apple slice. "Twelve hours. She must be exhausted, poor filly." He chuckled to himself. "Ah, she's not a filly anymore. She's now the empress. Have to keep reminding myself. So much has changed. She ordered me not to wake her, must have been planning on sleeping in."

"Must have been. What's on the schedule today?"

"A Senate meeting, if you can call twelve ponies a senate. As emperor-consort, you must open it. Any decisions must meet with your approval."

Twelve ponies. One for each city district. In its prime, the Crystal Senate had been the largest legislative body in Equine history with hundreds of members from what Cadence had told him. So much had been lost. Shining bit into his pancake. "She must be trusting me to take care of things."

He wasn't sure if he should feel flattered that she trusted him enough to leave the running of her nation in his hooves or annoyed that she had shuffled her work off on him. It was like when they were in high school and she gave him her homework. (After this led to her nearly failing Equuish she figured out that he wasn't nearly as smart as his sister).

He hoped that this wouldn't lead to a similar disaster.

Silver Scrolls sipped his own drink, which smelled to be some sort of herbal tea. "She has not been in her right mind as of late. I do not mean that as an insult. The strain of holding up the shield and of guiding us through this recent crisis has taken its toll. She knows she can't handle it today and is trusting you. Do not let her down."

Shining swallowed a pancake. "I won't."

"She needs her rest, but I will send a healer to check up on her if eleven comes and she yet slumbers."

"That's a good idea." He paused. "How long have you known Cadence?"

"Since she was born. When I last saw her she was yet in pigtails. Blue ribbons. Sweetest child in the world and spoiled beyond all belief. Her mother doted on her and her father did...before the dark times."

The old stallion lapsed off into silence and Shining sensed that he had brought up a sensitive subject. "I'm sorry if I brought up any bad memories."

Silver gave him a sad smile. "Think nothing of it, Your Majesty."

Shining rose a pancake to his mouth and chewed on it. "So, what issues are being debated in the Senate today?"

Silver pulled out a black book from his saddlebag. "Overhauling the tax code."


Silver glanced at him. "I spend all day around politicians. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic."

"I am. Never had any opinion whatsoever on taxes. I paid them, back when I was legally obligated to, and that was it."

"Good. You'll bring a certain objectivity to the debate."

Shining sighed. "And there's no invading army or anything I could handle?"

Silver made a show of looking through his book. "Not on the schedule."

Shining scarfed up the rest of his pancakes and then sipped his coffee. It was warm, but still good. Beside him, Silver calmly sipped his herbal tea. After a while the guards began to clear out, headed for the practice grounds. Since coming here, Shining had delegated practices to other officers. He only ran drills himself when he didn't have anything else to do.

He noticed one guard skulking towards the exit, Liuetenant Diamond. Shining stalked over to him. "Lieutenant Diamond!"

Diamond froze and then turned to bow.

Shining glared down at him. "I will not cut you down here. I will spare your dignity. But meet me in my office at three o'clock. If you don't, you can consider yourself dishonorably discharged."

Diamond nodded. Once he had trudged away, Silver went up to Shining. "To the Senate, then?"

"I suppose so."

They made their way through the twists and turns of the palace. "What did the young stallion do?" Silver asked as they passed one of the numerous guests rooms.

"He made an unauthorized retreat."

They began their way down a broad hallway. "I hope he has a good excuse."

"For his own sake, he'd better."

The hall came to an end in a wide atrium. Countless marble benches ringed the room in a pattern of concentric circles that led to a marble platform. Above the atrium was a balcony where a golden throne was seated. Shining climbed up the steps leading up to the balcony and took a seat. Silver Scrolls seemed to vanish into thin air. Everything in the room was marble and glowed in the light of the sun being let in through a window. Above the room was a carving of a snowflake, omnipresent insignia of the Empire.

Shining looked down at the twelve ponies seated on the benches. "Can everypony hear me?"

His voice boomed, reverberated against the walls. The senators answered him. "I declare this meeting of the Senate open."

Before the senator from the Amethyst district could launch into an impassioned defense of the value added tax that would have Shining wishing he'd married that filly who was the daughter of the village tinkerer, a silver clad guard rushed in. Behind him was a Caribou. The reindeer was dressed in white. His horns were decked in golden rings and his scarlet hair was wrapped in braids.He was well-muscled and nearly towered over the guard. Upon his face was a frown and a wicked-looking, curved sword hung from his side.

His green eyes searched for Shining, found him. "Emperor Armor! Greetings from the High King of the Caribou! I am Lord Batbayar!"

Senator Emerald arose. "What's all this about?"

"About the assaults upon our domain originating from the Crystal Empire."

Senator Emerald blinked. "Assaults? What assaults?"

Shining hurried down the stairs. "If you are referring to the Shadow Beasts, that issue has been dealt with. Those were summoned by the tyrant Sombra to harass us. He failed to control them and they, unfortunately, wandered into your domain."

Batbayar grunted. "This issue has been dealt with you say?"

"Yes. Sombra was destroyed and his followers imprisoned. We regret any loss of life during the conflict."

The Caribou's teeth gritted. "You regret?"

Shining felt himself growing uneasy. "We apologize. Was there very many killed?"

"Four soldiers, one civilian. An elderly cow searching for herbs out on the Wastes."

Shining winced. "Please send our condolences to the families and to your High King."

"I will do so, Your Majesty."

There was a pause, a silence pregnant with tension. There was something he wanted, but didn't want to ask for. Shining reviewed everything he knew about Caribou culture. Not much and most gleaned from books on the subject in long ago Social Studies classes. Caribou had a shame-and-honor culture. Honor was everything to them and a breach in honor meant the offender was killed, killed themselves or made reparation. Alternatively, their clan made reparation.


"What shall we pay as wergild?"

Blood-payment. He wanted blood payment.

Lord Batbayar smiled, showing his teeth. "Ah, we're getting somewhere. I'm glad you asked that for I brought along an army."

Shining felt a shiver go through his body. The Crystal Army had nearly been broken fighting against a mere shadow of Sombra's power. They were nowhere near in fighting shape, especially against the military powerhouse that was the Caribou Armed Forces.

The Caribou continued. "We would have exacted in blood and fire the compensation owed for this insult."

Shining clenched his jaw. "Sir, there is no need for violence."

"I don't like your tone."

Cadence's voice rang out through the atrium as she strode in. Her hair was freshly brushed, her coat radiant. She held her head high. The crown, torc and golden shoes completed the image. This was the empress. This was her domain.

Lord Batbayar turned to face her. He didn't bow. "I'll use any tone I want, you walking pink paint factory explosion."

"Hey! Don't speak to my wife-"

She cut him off. "The insult was that you were plucked from your mother's teats to deliver this message, you unweaned, ill-mannered fawn."

"Whoa, everyone just calm down-"

Lord Batbayar threw back his head, laughed and then knelt. "Your Majesties. When can we expect the wergild? The High King has demanded fifty-thousand bits."

"You can expect it in the morning."

He rose from his kneeling position. "Peace of the Heavens unto you."

Cadence acknowledged him with a nod. "Peace of the Earth unto you and your Kindred."

With one final bow, he left.

Shining stared at his wife. "What was that about?"

"I was listening to you out in the hall. You handled it well. If you had been talking to a Pony. Among Caribou, insults and threats are used to determine dominance. Its an alternative to clashing antlers."

"That's kind of insane."

"Implying they still nurse is a rather vicious insult, but ensures dominance."

"My god, they're like adolescent colts."

Cadence shrugged. "They're a patriarchal, war-intensive culture. We're matriarchal and peace-driven. When Auntie took me to the Caribou lands for the first time I heard one of the subordinate kings threaten to rip out the High King's entrails and wrap them around his antlers. The High King suggested that he do something immoral with his mother. It's like that all the time."

Shining's shoulder's slumped in relief. "So, we're not at war with the Caribou?"

"No. They do ninety percent of their trade with Equestria. Auntie would cut them off completely if they so much as sent us a nasty letter."

Shining patted his wife on the withers. "Great. How about you take over? I have an army to inspect."

Cadence nuzzled him, a gesture he returned. "Certainly. I'm sorry about handing this over to you. I was so tired I wasn't thinking."

He gave her one more nuzzle. "It's alright."

Leaving Cadence to the Senate, Shining trotted from the hall, nearly breaking into a gallop with his eagerness to check in on the Crystal Imperial Legions, his brand new pet project.

Shining sat at his brown, oak wood desk. Piles of paperwork had been neatly stacked at the far left. The rest of the desk was clear. There were no decorations in the room. Only the desk. Some might describe it as Pegasan in its severe simplicity, but when it came to business Shining was all business.

There was a clock above the wall that told him that it was two forty-nine. If Shining knew his military stallions as well as he thought he did then Lieutenant Diamond would be walking in any moment now. The door opened. Shining looked up as Lieutenant Diamond slumped inside, bowing or collapsing. Shining couldn't decide.

Shining picked up his folder. While Crystal Ponies and Equestrians spoke the same language (having one ruler for thousands of years retarded linguistic development quite a bit), their written languages were radically different. However, Shining had learned it quickly. He reviewed it. "Lieutenant Diamond. Commendation for extreme valor under fire. Single-hoofedly rescued a comrade during the Battle of...Mykara? I'm reading that correctly?"

The lieutenant nodded.

"Participated in ten battles in the Ibex Wars. I don't know anything about the Ibex Wars. Care to enlighten me?"

The lieutenant gulped. "The Ibex raiders slaughtered a small settlement known as Mykara. North of Kyrion. Both cities are now...gone." He shuddered. Shining waited for him to continue. "We assaulted the Ibex and won a decisive victory at Jahnakur. Their prince signed a treaty that ended the raids and ceded a significant amount of territory."

"You must have been proud."

"Pride? No, Sir. I did my duty for the Empire."

"Still, it was at Jahnakur you became a lieutenant. Then, well Sombra happened."

"I led the largest assault against his forces."

Shining heard the pride in his voice, regardless of what he claimed. "You're no coward. So, what the hell happened yesterday?"

The stallion seemed to collapse in on himself. "I got afraid."

"Everypony was. What happened?"

"What does it matter? My career is over. You should see the looks the other lieutenants give me."

Shining resisted the urge to rest a consoling hoof on his shoulder. That would be condescending. "Have you had nightmares?"

He looked up. "Nightmares? In our profession, doesn't everyone?"

Shining put down his file and picked up another one. A checklist. "How many times do you think back on the battles you've fought? Have you ever felt like you were back there?"

He frowned. "A...a few times."

Flashbacks. Check.

"Have you gotten angry without explanation lately?"

He shrugged. "I do feel angry sometimes. Don't know why. Stress, maybe?"

Anger. Check.

"How do you feel about the world, Lieutenant? Now that Sombra's gone? I'd say things are looking up."

"With all due respect, Sir, we must be cautious. Always cautions. Damned Ibex or Caribou will probably try something." There was a subtle tremble along his body. "You always have to be careful. You relax and that's when they get you."

Negative view of the world. And check. He put down the list. "Lieutenant..." He hesitated. Military stallions didn't take kindly to any indication of weakness. "I'm giving you medical leave. Three months."

A look of confusion crossed his face. "Medical leave?"

"The mind can be injured just as the body can be."

"I don't understand. My mind is injured? Are you saying I'm crazy?"

Shining shook his head. "Anger, panic attacks and trouble sleeping are all symptoms of a condition called post-traumatic stress disorder. The mind can only take so much, just like the body, before it begins to wear down."

"So, what can I do?"

"We're having therapists...doctors trained in treating illnesses of the mind...imported to the Empire. The best Equestria has to offer. Including my old one."

Diamond's eye's widened. "You've dealt with this?"

"Yes. Different situation. Get me drunk one day, I'll tell you all about it. I'm not...I'm not completely better, but I am better than I was."

Diamond nodded, then saluted. "Thank you, Sir."

Shining threw protocol to Tartarus and laid a hoof on Diamond's shoulder. "You will get through this. I promise you."

Diamond looked down to the floor and mumbled his thanks. "What was your old, um, therapist's name?"

"Doctor Stable Heart. He's the best."

Diamond saluted once more as did Shining before Diamond left. Shining fell into his chair and closed his eyes. The creak of the door opening and a whiff of perfume alerted him to Cadence's presence. She didn't hesitate, just trotted up and jumped on his lap, wrapping her forelegs around him. "How'd it go?"

He nuzzled her, wrapping a hoof around her back. "I wasn't sure what to expect. He has PTSD. It's bad."

She winced. "I have a feeling the whole country does after what happened. Nightmare's not over for everyone."

He relaxed in the chair. "Say, Cadence? I love my job and all and you have an important duty to put it lightly, but remember when we used to go on dates?"

"Dates? Hmm, I can't seem to remember what those are. It's been so long." She nestled her head against his chest. "I'd like to remember though."

"Tonight. Any restaurant you want."

"I want Crystal corn. Roasted. Best thing in the world and I haven't had it in one-thousand years. Not palace food, y'know."

That's when someone knocked on the door. Shining groaned. "Enter."

A guard walked in. "Sir Emperor, someone is here to see you. She claims to be your mother."

March or Die

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Shining and Cadence made their way down the long, winding crystal corridor. The palace shimmered as it had just been freshly cleaned. In his haste to get to the visitor's chamber, Shining nearly slipped over the still wet floor. Only a quick burst of Cadence's magic stopped him. She laid a hoof on his shoulder. "You good?"

"I'm good."


"Yeah." Shining paused. "My mom is like Twilight. She never does anything without planning it at least a month in advance."

"I know."

They continued walking. Cadence accosted a maid and instructed her to dry the floor. The maid hurried to fetch a towel. "Maybe she just wanted to drop by."

Shining shook his head as they turned a curve. "She'd have sent a letter."

The corridor emptied out into a wide, round room. A purple couch was set to one side. Ferns and other plants decorated the room, set out on small, brown tables. There were a few roses and daffodils. This was the visitor's chamber. It was empty. A guard cantered up to them. "The guest is still in the waiting room."

"Is the guest a unicorn with a grey coat and a purple and white mane?"

"Yes, Sir."

"It's my mom. Send her in."

The guard left through a ruby door. A few moments he returned with Twilight Velvet trailing in front of him. The guard bowed to her. "Forgive the inconvenience, Imperial Mother."

Velvet chuckled. "No need for formality and just Mrs. Velvet is fine. You had to make sure I wasn't some crazed assassin."

Shining snorted at the thought of his mother trying to assassinate a fly, nonetheless two of the most powerful ponies on Equus. He trotted up to her, greeting her with a hug and a nuzzle as did Cadence. Velvet wrapped her hooves around both of them, rubbing her cheek against Shining's and then Cadence's. "It's good to see you two again!"

Shining gave her an extra nuzzle. "It's good to see you too, Mom." He pulled away. "So, is Dad around?"

That was another thing that was bothering him. Velvet and Night Light never traveled apart, with the exception of his dad's fishing trips.

Velvet rolled her eyes. "Let's not talk about him for the moment."

Shining and Cadence shared a glance. Cadence spoke up. "Not to pry, but I am the Princess of Love. If you two are having problems maybe I could help."

Velvet smiled at her. "Cadence, you really are a sweetheart, but I don't know if you could help."

"I'm sure I could. I've helped a lot of couples."

Velvet sighed. "I don't really want to talk about it. Stubborn old stallion." She sat down on the couch, stretching her tired back. "Oh, this is very soft. What's it made of?"

Cadence sat next to her, curling her legs beneath herself. "Pure silk."

"Nice. So, how have you two been?"

"Defeating terrible ancient evils, the usual."

"Sounds exciting."

Cadence shrugged. "I prefer a nice peaceful life myself."

Velvet laid a hoof on Cadence's shoulder. "Well, peace is nice. But you can have too much of a good thing. And one day you find yourself at fifty, staring at your hoof, trying to figure out at which point you got all these little cracks. Thank God for that pedicurists. Cost a fortune, but it was worth it." She laughed. "Only so many times you can clean the house or cook or go to the neighborhood cook-out or garden party. So. Many. Garden Parties." She laughed in a way bordering on maniacal. "And then you find yourself aimlessly wandering around the local armory shopping for a crossbow."

Cadence and Shining shared a significant look. Shining walked around to stand behind the couch. "Uh, Mom, are you alright?"

"Fine, fine, I'm fine. Oh, do you think one of those sexy guard stallions would feed me a bunch of grapes?"

Cadence called over a guard and instructed him to bring a bunch of grapes to feed to the imperial mother. Velvet leered at him. He looked to Velvet, then Cadence and finally to Shining who just shrugged. The guard walked away, presumably to the kitchen, but if he just kept walking Shining wouldn't hold it against him.

Velvet jumped off the couch and began slicing her horn in an arc that Shining immediately recognized as a kata of the Bladed Flower school of Unicorn martial arts. "So, you've been taking martial arts classes?"

She reared up on her forelegs and threw a punch. "Yep! How's my form?"

"It's good." It really was. Surprisingly good. The guard returned bearing a bunch of green grapes. Velvet hopped back to the couch and laid on her back. The guard, who looked profoundly uncomfortable, held the grapes above her. She wrapped her tongue around one and slowly plucked it from the others, delicately chewing it. The guard blushed as she moaned in obvious pleasure. "Those are very sweet grapes you have there."

"So, Mom!"

She swallowed the grape. "Use your inside voice, Sweetie." Slowly, she snaked her tongue around another grape. The guard's face had turned completely crimson. Shining hadn't even realized Crystal Ponies could blush.

"This, uh, fight with Dad. Nothing too serious I hope?"

She patted his cheek. "We've raised two kids together. We're not getting a divorce if that's what you're thinking. It was just a disagreement and I needed to get away for a while and I realized I hadn't visited since you two moved away from Canterlot."

Shining frowned. "Yeah, sorry that we haven't visited either. Things have been hectic."

She nibbled on another grape. "I understand. You have to keep this place defended. It's your duty. Ponies rely on you."

"Yeah, but I should still take time to visit."

"Well, I would like that." She bit into a particularly juicy grape, the juice staining her fur. She giggled and made no attempt to wipe it from her fur with a napkin, instead opting to lick it from her chin. "So, I should probably tell you what the argument was about. I know it can be stressful for parents to fight. It was about me wanting to start a new career."

Cadence perked up. "A new career? Like, going back to college to get your PhD?" Velvet had mentioned doing that a few times.

"No. Well, maybe, but not now."

"So, you're looking for a new job?" Shining asked. "What's Dad's problem with that?"

"He thinks I'm too old for the job. Oh, and it's too dangerous according to him!" She motioned to her horn. "Because it's not like I'm an alpha level high mage or anything!"

"What's the job?"

She devoured another grape, giggling at the way the juice dribbled down her chin. "I'm going to join the Prench Foreign Legion!"

Shining's first instinct was to burst out laughing. Even Cadence snickered a bit. "Oh, Mrs. Velvet, you have such a good sense of humor."

"I'm not joking."

Shining, Cadence and even the guard stared at her. Shining quickly reviewed everything he knew about the Prench Foreign Legion. The phrase immediately brought to mind images of strong rugged stallions slashing through Arabian forces with their wickedly sharp sabers and repelling every army that dared set hoof upon the soil of the Kingdom of Prance.

Then, he reviewed everything he knew about his mother. Quite a lot as he had spent much of the first twenty-six years of his life living with her-excepting his time on foreign battlefields. She was a full time housewife and part-time elementary teacher and romance novelist. She had sung him to sleep and kissed away his boo-boos. When he was having a bad day, she had always made him his favorite food of daisy sandwiches.

He attempted to visualize his mother in a suit of black armor, carrying the tricolor of Prance, a saber at her side. The two ideas simply refused to compute and his brain shut down causing him to articulately exclaim, "bwuh?"

Cadence gave a tentative smile. "Wow. That's...let's say ambitious. If I'm not mistaken, doesn't the Legion only take 1 in 9 candidates?"

"One in ten." Shining corrected.

"Oh. Oh wow. And don't they have age limits?"

Velvet shook her head. "Normally, yes. But for Unicorns of my level? Nope."

"They allow mares to be soldiers now?" The guard asked.

"Gender Equality Act, 500th year of the Celestial Era." Shining explained.

The guard blinked. "Huh. I've got a lot of catching up to do."

Velvet draped her head against the arm rest of the couch. "It's so frustrating! Does he think I'm going to spend the rest of my life at home playing housewife? You two are grown up and it's not even like when Twilight was off studying under the Princess. She's really grown up and you're grown up and both of you are off having adventures." She used her magic to pluck the grapes from the guard, aggressively munching into them. "What am I supposed to do, huh?"

"Um, why not take up a sport?"

Velvet glared at her son. "A sport? What do you suggest? Tennis like every other bored, old housewife?"

"Ah, Mom, you're not old."

"Am too. Anyway, your dad was a general for Celestia's sake. I want an adventure! I asked Twilight if anything strange has been coming out of the Everfree Forest lately, you know something to blow up, and she sent me a fifteen page report on a newly discovered kind of fungus! Fungus! It doesn't even eat Ponies! Anyway, the report was really interesting, but not what I was looking for. I just feel like I want to blow something up. Or hit something."

The guard muttered something about having a meeting with his superior officer and excused himself. Probably to the tavern. Shining felt like joining him.

Cadence kept her diplomatic smile plastered to her face. It was starting to look strained. "Why don't you start with something a little less challenging? The Crystal Legions are always looking for new recruits. You can take basic and see what you think. You don't even have to do the whole program. I'll make a special decree and you can just do one day of training. Just get your fetlock wet, you know? Before you commit to something."

Shining tugged on his wife's side with his magic. "Um, Dearest, can we talk in private?"

"Of course, Beloved."

They trotted out of the room and closed the door behind them. Shining turned to his wife. "Why are you encouraging her? She's going to get herself killed!"

Cadence pressed her hoof to her husband's lips. "Calm down. She'll take a day of training, realize it's not for her and quit."

He waved his forelegs. "Quit? My mother has never quit at anything!"

"C'mon, Shining. She's clearly having a midlife crisis. She'll get bored."

"And if she doesn't?"

"She will."

"And if she doesn't?"

"I'll keep her in the Legion where we can keep an eye on her. You go talk to your dad and see if you can convince him to come here. Maybe he can convince her to go home."

Shining nodded. "I'll get right on that."

They walked back to the visitor's room. Velvet stood. "Cadence? I've decided to accept your offer. I want to join the Crystal Legion."

A Family Affair

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Cadence led Twilight Velvet onto the training field which was several hundred feet away from the palace. The formerly verdant, lush green meadow was pockmarked with deep holes from the pounding of guard's hooves. Targets were set up, many of which already had arrows sticking from them. The lines of Crystal Guard Ponies bowed as one as Cadence stood before them. A brawny, brown Crystal Pony by the name of Kunzite nodded to her and to Velvet. "Good morning, Your Highness. Well, Good nearly noon I suppose. We were just about to get started with practice. Who is this?"

Velvet strode forward before Cadence could introduce her, giving a crisp salute. "I am Twilight Velvet, Alpha Level High Mage, and the empress has given me permission to join the Legion."

Kunzite stared at her, then looked to Cadence. "I...I see. Your Majesty, a word?"

"Of course."

Kunzite followed Cadence as they walked behind an archery target. "Your Majesty, I would never think of questioning your wisdom, but..."

"You're going to question my wisdom?"

He bit his lip.

"It's alright. Go ahead."

Kunzite sighed. "Alright then. I know things are done differently now. I know mares are now allowed to be guards. If she were a younger mare, I wouldn't see a problem with it to be honest." He looked back over to Velvet who was shadowboxing on her hind legs. "But she is of advanced years if energetic. I wonder if she'll be able to keep up. Also, will this be good for her health?"

Cadence shrugged. "Will you at least give her a chance?"

Kunzite knelt his head. "If My Lady wishes."

"I do. Just trust me on this one, okay?"


Together they walked back to the front of the guard, who were beginning to fidget and look impatient. Kunzite turned to Velvet. "Private Velvet, in the back. In the future, do not be late to practice."

She saluted again. "Yes, Sir!"

The other guards made a way for her as she took a place in the back. Kunzite slapped his forehead. "Darn it! She needs armor!" He shook his mane. "No, we'd need her measurements first...just go with it, Kunzite, just go with it..."

He turned. "1, 2, 3-March!"

With a loud clatter, the herd of guard ponies began to trample upon the earth, rushing behind Kunzite who didn't break a sweat as he maintained his position at the front. Many of the less experienced privates ran as fast as they could and quickly found themselves out of breath. The one nearest Velvet began panting after only a few minutes, a river of sweat breaking out on his forehead.

Velvet maintained an even pace as the rush of legs and tails continued.

Cadence watched, her face impassive. Any minute now, she's going to get tired.

Some of the privates nearly collapsed, but the rushing of the others pressured them to continue. There were only two options. Run or be trampled. Velvet surged a few inches ahead in her attempt to keep up. Her legs were beginning to burn, but she ignored it. She was going to do this.

All around her, the herd continued their charge. She was part of it, part of the great surge of bodies that kicked up the dust all around them, the crash of pounding hooves that thundered upon the earth like a single great drumbeat.

After a few moments, her sense of self was beginning to vanish as she felt the stirring of the herd-consciousness. It was not a race to be won. She shook her mane. The air hung heavy with the rich scent of dirt and the pungent odor of sweat. Male sweat. It would have driven a younger Velvet mad, but now she simply ignored it.

A young, silver colt nearly fell. She bumped him up, encouraging him to continue. He smiled at her and got back to his hooves. "Pace yourself."

"Yeah. The instructor told us that the first day! Should've listened."

Cadence blinked, keeping her eyes focused on the single horn. Yeah. Any minute now. I think.

They had made it halfway to the other side of the field. Velvet shook her mane again, enjoying the sensation of wind blowing through her strands. A few beads of sweat dripped down her face, but she didn't slow. Her ears stood straight and proud, her tail slightly lifted and her gait as energetic as when she had began.

Shining trotted along the streets of his old neighborhood. Two story houses with hanging baskets full of flowers and immaculate lawns rose up all around him. A few of his former neighbors waved back to him and he waved back, but visiting old friends wasn't the purpose of his visit.

He walked up the old road to his house. Ancient, gnarled elms spread their leafy, green branches over him, casting shade on this warm day. It had been a while since he'd been here. Memories played in his mind. He could almost see Twilight reading beneath a tree or himself swinging his toy spear. His father would be gardening while his mother would be making lemonade and cookies.

He smiled to himself as he knocked on the door. He paused. From within came a strange thumping sound. Pressing his ear to the door he heard the unmistakable beat of techno. Cascada if he wasn't mistaken.

He glanced through an open window. A strobelight spun from the ceiling, casting bright lights on the walls. His dad was either having a seizure or dancing. His limbs were jerking and flailing, but that's exactly how he had danced at Shining's wedding so he couldn't be sure.

A glass of water was held shakily in his magic.

No, wait. That was a shot glass.

That was vodka. A bottle of it was on the coffee table.

His dad didn't dance to Cascada while drinking vodka and he certainly didn't do it at two in the afternoon.

No, his dad was the reasonable one. The sane one.

Except, his dad was dancing to Casada while drinking vodka at two in the afternoon. And when had they gotten a strobe light?

Someone has to be the sane one in this family.

Clearly it was him. Clearly he was the only sane member of his family. Night Light was completely caught up in the beat of the music as he danced, occasionally sipping the vodka. Shining, with great trepidation and utterly against his better judgement, knocked on the door. Night Light opened it, a grin on his face, the vodka still in his magic.

He wrapped Shining in a gigantic bear hug that practically crushed his ribs. Shining grimaced and returned it, giving him a nuzzle. Night Light nuzzled him back. "Shiny! It's good to see ya!"

"Yeah, uh, yeah you two, Dad."

Night Light let go of him. Shining got his breath back on the third try and trailed after Night Light into the couch. Night Light flipped off the music and collapsed into the beige easy chair. Shining took a place on the blue couch.

"Vodka?" Night Light offered.

"No, uh, no, I'm good."

Night Light drank down a shot and poured himself another one. "Heard about you taking on Sombra from Twily. I'm proud of you."

Do not wag your tail, you are not a golden retriever, do not wag your tail, you are not a golden retriever, do not wag your tail, you are not a golden retriever.

Nonetheless, the damned appendage starting wagging at just the barest hint of praise from his dad. Why are you such a daddy's colt? His ears had also perked up and he'd unconsciously puffed his chest out.

Night Light straightened up as he downed another shot. He set the "So, I can guess why you're here."

"Yeah. Since when has Mom gone insane?"

"Do not speak about your mother like that."

"Yes sir."

"She went insane about a month ago. So, where is she?"

Shining got the wagging under control and settled himself on the cushion. "Back at the palace. Cadence decided to let her join the Legion, thought she'd get tired of it and give up."

Night Light laughed. "Give up? Did you tell her that this is the same mare that spent two-thousand bits collecting every single baby bushwoolie statuette in the flipping Sears catalog? Every one. She doesn't give up. I have never known her to give up anything."

"Yeah, I know. Maybe if you could tell me what happened?"

Night Light leaned back in his chair. "Shiny...let's say you have this project." His eyes looked heavy and his voice took on a low, tired tone. "The project is very challenging, but also very rewarding. Sometimes the project wanders off and, oh, I don't know, vandalizes a government building or places a mind control spell on an entire town, but those are bumps in the road. Just bumps. You still love this project very much. It makes you proud, Shiny, so proud." He wiped away a tear. "Then one day, it's over. Over twenty years and, that's it. The project is finished. What do you do with your time then?"

Shining sat up. "Dad, I get where you're coming from, but I've been out of the house for years and so has Twily. Why now?"

Night Light shrugged. "Who knows? It just got to us both after a while I guess. We tried doing things. Going on vacation. That was one of our worst arguments. I wanted to go on a nice train ride through Equestria and she wanted to go skydiving. Skydiving! If the Creator had wanted me to fly, She'd have made me a Pegasus. She went skydiving without me. I'd sign us up for a tennis class, she'd want to do fencing. Or boxing. You know she's taken up Bladed Flower Martial Arts?"

Shining nodded. "She's good."

"Deadliest martial art on the planet. I've been in wars, Shining. Fighting is not my idea of relaxing."

"I don't think she wants to relax."

"I'd want to go to the theater, she'd want to go see Haywaian fire dancing, I'd want to take a few gym classes, she'd want to go mountain climbing, I'd bring some whipped cream into the bedroom, she'd pull out a whip and a bridle-"

Shining's face turned crimson. "Wow. Just, wow. Didn't need to know that."

"She's gone crazy! She was always so soft and sweet. What the hell happened?"

"Mid-life crisis?" Shining guessed. "She said she wants an adventure. I think she's jealous of us and Twilight because of all our adventures."

Night Light leaned back. "Well, that's a problem because I don't do adventures anymore."

"Do you still love her?"

Night Light laid his head in his hooves. "Of course I still love her. I just don't want her getting herself killed. She thinks she wants a fun adventure, but it's like she doesn't get the dangers involved." He lifted his head. "And with all due respect to your wife, what the hell is she thinking?"

Shining straightened his back. "I don't know, but I trust her. She has a plan, I know it."

"Well, that plan had better not get my Velvet hurt."

Shining smirked. He had never heard his dad call her his Velvet. "Look, Dad, why don't you try new things with Mom? I mean, not skydiving, but Haywaian firedancing doesn't sound so bad."

Night Light sniffled, the vodka beginning to take its toll. "Y-you don't think she's going to leave me forever do you? What if she falls in love with some much younger Prench guard?"

"Dad, I don't think that's going to happen."

"What if it does?"

Shining patted his shoulder. "It's not. She said she's not going to leave you. She wanted you to go mountain climbing with her, right?"

"Yeah, yeah she did."

"And Haywaian fire dancing? And, er, the other activities?"

"She did. I even went along with some of the stuff. The fire dancing was interesting. I didn't go for the mountain climbing, but that bridle was fun-"

"Moving on! My point is, why don't you try giving some of the stuff you're uncomfortable with a shot? You can do that for her, right?"

Night Light looked up at his son. "When did you get so smart?"

Shining smiled. "Being married to the Princess of Love I guess."

"Still, what can I do to get her to not join the Legion? If she likes it..."

Shining frowned. "This is going to be tricky."

Velvet stood, a bow in her hooves. She pulled back the arrow. Three arrows were sticking out of the target. This time she was going to get it. She focused on the target and let the arrow soar. It struck about an inch from the center.

Kunzite grunted. "Impressive."

The training field rang with song of arrows whistling through the air and striking wood. Velvet drew another arrow. This one hit in the same place. She bit her lip.

"Alright, it's nearly time for a break. We've been doing this for six hours."

Velvet drew another arrow.

Kunzite glared at her. "Did you hear me, Recruit?"

"I want to hit the target."

"You've been practicing for an hour."

"Just one more try, please?"

Kunzite kept his face impassive. "If you need to."

She gave the target all of her mental focus. When she finally let it go the arrow hit further away from the target.

"Recruit. Very few Ponies hit the target during their first lesson. It's time to take a break. Go into town."

She gave him a salute. He assembled the Guards and officially dismissed them. Velvet stretched her aching legs and back as the others trotted around her. Cadence sauntered up to her. "That was very impressive."

She stretched her front legs. "I really wanted to hit that target."

"You'll get it next time. You did excellently on the sword and spear practice."

Velvet wiped away the sweat on her brow. Cadence ushered her beneath the shade of a maple tree. "Do you think you'll be continuing? Remember, you don't have to."

"I really enjoyed it, Cadence. I haven't been pushed like that in ages."

Cadence rested in the cool grass. Velvet joined her. "Really, Mrs. Velvet, I think it's great you want to try new things. But have you considered everything you might be giving up? If the Empire went to war, you could be gone for years. You might not make it back. You might never see your family again."

Velvet stared out at the training field. "I've thought about that."

"And you're still sure this is what you want to do?"

Velvet rested her head in the grass. "Have you ever had a bad itch, Cadence? One you can't scratch?"

"Um, a few times."

"Then, you know how I feel. Ever since Shining and Twilight moved away there's been this terrible feeling. I just want to do something. And I love Night Light, but Good Lady can he be boring at times. I just want to do something. Something new. Something to get my blood pumping. Night Light just doesn't get it."

Cadence grimaced, just as quickly forcing her expression into a mask of neutrality. This is going to be harder than I thought.


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Night Light stared nervously out the window as the high, grey mountains rose up around the train. The train propelled itself across the track, driving up the crags and jagged peaks. Emerald mosses were the only plants that stubbornly clung to the rocky soil along with small pines that jutted out of cracks. The wind blew the green needles and they waved as the train passed them by. Shining Armor stretched out on the seat across from his father, reading a magazine about martial arts. He raised a skeptical eyebrow as he read an article about supposed ancient Chineighse sword techniques. A unicorn held four swords in his mystic aura, swinging them in all directions in what was supposed to be graceful maneuvers. Instead, it looked like the stallion was having a seizure perhaps brought on by his overly colorful gi. The yellow belt clashed with the green pants and orange top.

They looked suspiciously like techniques he'd seen in a video game he used to play. They hadn't looked realistic then and they didn't look realistic now. Flipping a few more pages he came to an article on breathing techniques. A breeze outside brought snow from the north that frosted the window Night Light was looking out of. The older stallion lifted a hoof and pressed it to the glass, shivering slightly as he did. Storm clouds loomed in the distance, brooded in silent, silver splendor over the peaks. The Pegasii didn't control the weather in the untamed land between Equestria and the Crystal Empire. Wild storms were common.

Turning away, he picked up the brochure that his son had assured him was the solution to his current dilemna. He hoped he was right. Lightning crackled, arched across the sky. The train shook as the boom of thunder resounded through the barren land. Here and there, patches of grass peaked out from the grey soil. The mountains began to broaden and gave way to brown hills. Rain splattered against the windowpanes. The hills gave way once more to the high, dusty mountains. The highest mountains were crowned with the grey clouds. The clouds roiled and shook with rain and lightning. They burst, pouring out sheets of rain upon the dry earth.

The train steadily clung to the track, as stubborn as the ancient mosses. The Crystal Empire was still far away. Night Light flipped through the brochure. Shining found an article on meditation. He tucked his legs under him and lifted his head, closing his eyes. He breathed in and out, attuning himself to the natural rhythm of his body.

The cadence of the rain lulled his mind into a calm state. He focused on his breath, felt the pulse of his heart beating against his ribcage, the endless flow of blood in his veins. All was calm and all would be well. In his head, he repeated the mantra over and over again. All was calm and would be well.

Thunder crashed and the tempo of the rain pounded like a wild drumbeat. Shining exhaled. All was calm and all would be well. Just as quickly as it had begun, the wild storm passed. Shining smiled, certain that there was a lesson there. He opened his eyes. The sun shone down, casting golden light through the clouds. White mountains dazzled in the sunlight. They were getting closer. He closed his eyes again.


His eyes snapped open. His dad stood, unsteadily swayed on his hooves. Then he sat back down. "I'm not going to drink vodka anymore. At least not before six."

Shining stood, expecting his father to collapse. The old stallion stood firm and smiled. "Don't worry. I've been drinking for a long time. I-I can handle it-oh, fuck!"

He rushed into the bathroom. Shining winced as he heard retching sounds. Night Light glared at him when he came out and gave him a firm whack on the muzzle with the brochure.

Shining yelped. A manly, dignified yelp. He definitely didn't sound like a little colt who'd just tripped over a block. "Dad, what the hell?"

Night Light put away the brochure. "You could have gone in the bathroom to check up on me!"

Shining made a face. "Why would I do that?"

Night Light sat back down. "What if I'd fallen? I'm getting on in years."

"Dad, I watched you wrestle a manticore on our last camping trip. Last year. You won."

"I could have still fallen. What if you'd needed to hold my mane back? I remember holding your mane back during your first hangover."

"You have a short mane. I had a mullet. And I was thirteen."

Night Light snorted. "That mullet was adorable."

Shining pouted. "It was not. It was cool."

"No, it was adorable. Anyway, do you really think this will work?"

"Sure. It's a compromise you can both live with." Shining glanced back at his dad. "Surely, you can meet her halfway?"

Night Light nodded. "Yeah. In fact, it sounds fun without being dangerous. Well, not too dangerous anyway."

"Well, everything's a little dangerous."

"Getting a bath?"

"You can slip and hit your head."

"Staying in bed?"


"Walking across the room?"

"You could have an aneurysm."



"How do you live in that head of yours?"

"Pretty well, actually."

The train came up on a wide, green valley. They were getting closer. The spires of the imperial city were coming into view. The sun glinted off the pastel buildings and floating crystals. Off in the distance was two red crystals seemingly springing up from the earth. A blue crystal floated between two purple ones. The purpose of the crystals had been since lost, but they had been there for as long as anyone could remember.

The train passed through a diamond gate. They were now in the Crystal Empire. Shining stretched as the train traveled through the market. Merchants hawked their wares. Stallions, mares, colts and fillies meandered through the stalls which had an abundance of berries and grains. There were even stalls with imported vegetables.

The business district was in full swing, customers moving in and out of shops, bags spilling with merchandise swung over their shoulder and backs. The Crystal Ponies seemed happy and relaxed, moving ever further away from the ordeal that was Sombra. At long last, the train stopped at the station. Night Light and Shining joined the crowd that surged through the train doors. Most of the other Ponies were tourists come to visit their long lost Northern kin, but a few Crystal Ponies were there apparently returning from visiting outside the empire. A few recognized Shining and bowed to him.

Shining nodded in recognition and kept going.

Velvet stretched her aching back and legs. Her muscles were aching though the warm water of the shower had soothed them somewhat. She wrapped the white towel around herself with the glow of her magic and walked on nearly shaking hooves out of the bathroom. Cadence smiled at her, took her by the withers and guided her to a couch. Velvet collapsed into the waiting embrace of the cushions. Cadence took a place beside her.

"So, how are your muscles?"


Concerned, Cadence lit up her horn and scanned Velvet's body. She didn't have any broken bones so Cadence ended the scan. Lighting up her horn again she began to massage the muscles of Velvet's back, caressing her shoulders and her spine, soothing away the tension and relaxing her. Velvet sighed. "That feels good. Really good."

"Thanks. Shining likes it. It's what I do for him when he has a real intense training day. You'll get used to it."

Velvet stood and stretched out her back legs. Then she extended her front legs and arched her back. "Ah, there we go. That's better." She rolled her neck from side-to-side working the kinks out. Deciding to be helpful, Cadence massaged Velvet's neck. Velvet let the gentle energy wash over her.

"I think you might have sprained something." Cadence scanned her again. "There we go. Muscle in your neck."


Cadence prodded her neck with her aura. "Feel that?"

"Yeah, yeah I do."

Cadence slipped her magic into Cadence's neck. Velvet moaned as the spell soothed the sprained muscle. "Yeah, there we go."


"Much. Thanks, Cadence. You're such a sweetheart, always have been."

Cadence blushed, looking down to the floor. "Ah, thanks."

Velvet patted her side. "Modest too. I'm glad I got a good daughter-in-law."

Cadence smiled. "I'm glad I got such a great mother-in-law." She frowned. "So, you wouldn't mind me being honest would you?"

"Honesty is the best policy. Go on, I'm a big mare."

Cadence measured her next words carefully. "Are you sure the Guard or, um, the Legion is something that you can do?"

Velvet shot her an acidic look. Cadence shrunk back as if she were a teenage filly again. "What's that supposed to mean? You think I'm an old lady? Don't all guards get sore after training?"

Cadence held up her hooves. "Yes, of course! I didn't mean to offend you. It's just, are you very sure this is something you want to do?"

"It's intense, but I can handle it." She picked up the practice spear she'd been given and lunged. "I'm in the prime of my life!" She drew back and did a high lunge.

Cadence remembered how annoyed she got at Shining when she thought he thought of her as weak. Too late, she realized she had done the same thing to Velvet. "Ah, Velvet, I'm sorry."

Velvet ruffled her mane. "Don't worry about it. I understand where you're coming from. You wouldn't believe how worried I get over Night Light. He wrestled a manticore last year. A manticore! Could have just teleported away, but he just had to wrestle it! I could have beat him if he hadn't been in the hospital."

A sly smile crossed Cadence's lips. She quickly hid it. Bingo. "Night Light really worried you, huh?"

"Yes. And I know what you're going to say."

"You do?"

"Yes. You're going to say how much me joining the Legion is going to worry Shining and Night Light."

Cadence shuffled a hoof. "It'd worry me too. It's bad enough with Shining still being in the Guard. Sometimes, I wish he'd quit. Don't tell him I said that."

"I won't. I remember that feeling from being a guard's marefriend and then wife. It's hard. You worry about them all the time."

"Wondering when you'll see them again."

"If they're okay."

"If they're hurt."

"Or worse."

Both mares heaved a sigh. Velvet thrust the spear again. Cadence settled into her cushion. "So, this is it? You're comfortable with joining? I'm serious, you need to think about this more."

Velvet slashed the air. "You don't think I should."

"I'm only trying to help."

"What do you think I should do?"

Cadence fluttered her wings. "It's not my decision."

Velvet turned to look at her. "If it was, what would you say?"

Cadence avoided Velvet's gaze. "It's not for me to say. Just, I can't imagine you killing someone. No matter how you spice it up with talks of patriotism and self-sacrifice, you're still preparing to take the life of another Pony. The Guard has classes trained to desensitize you to that, but that's what it is."

The spear shook in Velvet's grip. "I hadn't thought about that."

Cadence blinked. "Seriously? What'd you think the pointy end was for? Decoration?"

"I'm not an idiot, Cadence!"

Cadence's ears folded back. Velvet placed the spear against the wall. "Everypony else has an adventure, why shouldnt I? I...guess I just didn't think through everything."

Almost as if he'd planned it, Shining Armor chose that exact moment to stride into the room followed by Night Light. "Would you accept a compromise?"

Velvet, upon seeing her husband, turned away with a pout. Night Light hesitantly walked towards her. Cadence joined her husband, giving the other couple some measure of privacy. She turned her muzzle towards Shining's ear. "Compromise? What do you mean Sweetie?"

Shining rested his head on hers. "You'll see."

Night Light rested a hoof on his wife's withers. "C'mon, Honey. Can't you at least talk to me?"

Velvet said nothing.

Night Light shook his head. "Fine be that way!" He turned his back on her. "I won't talk to you either!"

He began to march towards the door. Shining stopped him with a hoof on his shoulder. "Dad, don't you think you could at least try to talk to her? You always told me that the best way to resolve a conflict was to talk it out."

"Well, maybe I was wrong."

"Yeah. I don't think so."

Night Light rolled his eyes. "Fine." He stalked back to his wife. "Look, I'm willing to compromise."

Velvet harrumphed. "I don't care about any sort of compromise until you apologize."

"Okay, I'm sorry."

Velvet turned around. "Sorry for what?"

Night Light looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry I called you a silly old mare."

"Crazy old mare. You called me a crazy old mare."

Night Light shuffled a hoof. "I'm sorry I said that." He moved closer, nuzzled her neck. "Do you want to know why I got so upset?"

Velvet did her best to resist the nuzzles, but found herself melting into them. He had known her for so long, knew all the secret places that made her body tingle. She quickly moved away from him. "Yeah, I know. You were worried, right? It's not like you never worried me when you were off cavorting around the world with the Legions."

"I know. And I did a lot of stupid things back then, took a lot of risks. I know just how dangerous war actually is. It looks exciting, hell it is exciting, but it's dangerous."

Velvet hung her head. "Yeah, I know. But I want to feel alive again."

At that moment he pulled out the pamphlet. "Shining was telling me about the Peace Corps. They do a lot of good things. We could travel together to Zebrica-I know you've always wanted to go there-or South Amareica. Places that need help and volunteers. We could do a lot of good things and it could be fun."

Velvet took the brochure and flipped through it. Ponies were shown building wells and houses, teaching classes. "You'd really want to do this?"

Night Light pressed his horn to hers. "Yes. It'd be out of my comfort zone, but maybe I need to get out of my comfort zone."

Velvet returned the intimate gesture, a spark coming to life between them. "Night, I don't know what to say."

"We could be together, too. What do you say?"

She kissed him by way of an answer. He deepened the kiss. Cadence awwed. Shining blushed.

Night Light gently held his wife. "What do you say we go somewhere private?"

"I like the sound of that. Shiny, where's the guest bedrooms?"

Shining's white coat turned crimson. "Three floors down, second room to your left. I'll get a guard to show you the way."

Velvet pecked her husband's cheek and then went to embrace her son and daughter-in-law who hugged her back. Night Light joined the family hug. "Thanks you two, for everything."

Shining rubbed his dad's cheek with his own. "It was nothing."

"Yeah, I love helping couple get back together."

Night Light and Velvet left the hug and Shining directed Private Bracer to lead them to their destination. Night Light swatted his wife's bottom with his tail making her giggle as they pranced down the hall like a pair of teenagers. Shining wrapped his tail around his wife's. Cadence leaned into him. "That was sort of fun."

Shining nodded. "Yeah, it sort of was."

Cadence turned to Shining. "Maybe we could do it more often? Just travel across the realm helping couples with their problems?"

Shining chewed on his lip. "The Council could handle most things like they do it in Roan."

Cadence brushed her tail along his strong muscles. "Huh. Maybe once the Empire gets a little bit more on its hooves."

Shining nuzzled her and Cadence nuzzled his chin. "Or I could just reopen Love Court."

"Sounds like a great idea. You know, it's nice working together." He led her towards the couch and they cuddled on the cushions. "Cadence and Shining. Defeaters of evil and couples counselors."

"Also empire rebuilders."

Shining laughed and levitated over a bottle of wine that sat on a shelf. "I'll print up the business cards."

Cadence settled two glasses on the table and Shining poured the red liquid into Cadence's waiting glass before pouring his own. Cadence sipped the cool drink and curled up next to him. Shining placed an arm around her. Once both glasses were drained they fell asleep in each other's hooves.

Heat (Cloppity Clop Clop Chapter/Epilogue)

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The steam obscured the tiled room, obscuring everything. Shining Armor groaned and rolled his shoulders as the warm waters of the shower poured over him. The liquid relaxed his taught muscles, ran in rivulets down his alabaster coat. He shook his sapphire mane and let out a moan of pleasure as the waters soothed the tension in his neck muscles. He positioned himself so he was in the center of the spray, the waters cascading down from the nozzle. The swish of the waters falling filled the space and droplets covered the white walls of the bathroom, the ivory colored shower curtain and collected in a puddle on the floor.

He levitated a bar of soap and used his magic to slowly draw the bar under his chin and then below himself. The bar traveled down his chest, scrubbing under his legs and caressing his stallionhood, the appendage peaking out as the soap smoothed over it. He scrubbed the sheath, cleansing it of any offensive odors. He lifted up on the wall and let the cascade of waters wash away the soap. Groans of pleasure emanated from between his lips. He drew the bar lower, scrubbing his legs and his hooves. The soap tickled his hooves bringing pleasurable sensations.

The tight muscles around his withers slowly calmed beneath the waters. The training session had been intense. He set aside the soap and picked up a clear, plastic bottle half-full of red, strawberry shampoo. He squeezed it with an application of his magic and the red substance oozed out of the bottle, covering his right hoof. He brought his hooves together and rubbed them before bringing them up to his mane and lathering the shampoo into his blue locks. Then, he dipped back under the waters and tightly closed his eyes. Still scrubbing the shampoo in, the waters ran down his head in a steady stream. The red liquid turned white and sudsy, covering his mane like snow.

He shook out his mane, straightening out the mass with his hooves. The waters soaked down to his scalp. The heat was pleasant against his skull. The water rushed down the tub, tickling his hooves as they did so. The water washed away the last of his shampoo. His fur was soaked down to his skin.

The steam lifted up from the alabaster colored floor of the tub, covered him in the tendrils of the mist. His own sweat was beginning to mix with the torrent of shower water. With a flick of his horn, he brought down the temperature of the water. This time, it was just a bit cooler. The steam didn't completely dissipate.

He closed his eyes and stood beneath the flow of the water. There was another scent which was tickling against his senses. The scent was warm, fruity almost. It drew him towards it, activated some primitive part of his brain. It told him his mate was near. It told him she was ready. It told him to gallop from the tub and go to her, that nothing else could possibly matter as much as what that scent was telling that part of his brain.

He closed his eyes and took in the scent, which was almost beyond description. It was musk, but not like his own earthy stench that clung to his stallionhood. It was like the scent of ripe peaches, but one-thousand times more intoxicating. He twisted the knob away from the heat and a cooler spray rained down. That did little to dampen the primal yearnings that scent had begun to activate.

He took a long, deep whiff of the air. Where was she? Close, but not in the room. Outside of it? Maybe. The cool droplets danced against his taught muscles. A stallion could smell if his mare was in heat if she happened to be in the same city, nonetheless the same building.

And this was, without a hint of a doubt, the smell of heat. It was far deeper than mere arousal, far more intense for both stallion and mare in a way that only poets could describe. The longing that was like pain. The fires of life. The madness was what the Ibex called it, a rather dim view Shining wasn't altogether sure he agreed with.

At the smells wafting from wherever she was (close, that's all that Shining could tell), his rod stiffened and pushed out from his sheath, coming to its full impressive length and stopping near his chest. The great organ bobbed and his balls filled with fluid, nearly dragging down into the water.

He bit his lips at the tensing up of his testicles. Was she trying to drive him mad? He reached down his hoof and stroked the flesh of his masculinity, rubbing his shaft in long, gentle strokes. He released his lips from the vice grip of his teeth and turned off the water. Water dripped down his forelegs and backlegs as he set first his right hoof and then his left hoof on the cold tile of the floor after knocking aside the shower curtain. The touch of his hooves clicked on the cold surface of the ground. He stretched out his back and pulled his backlegs out of the water. There was a slurp as the remaining water surged down the drain in a whirlpool pattern.

Shining lifted his muzzle and took a deep sniff of the heat hanging heavy in the air. She was close, so close, close enough that her presence was a delightful torment. He grabbed a green towel and enfolded himself in the fabric, whinnying slightly. The sound came out on pure instinct and carried a meaning basically akin to, "Where are you, my love?"

All the answer he received was a quiet giggle. His cock twitched and somehow hardened even further. He rubbed the towel up and down his back, drying off his back, his shoulders, running it over his legs and fluffing out his mane. When he felt that he was sufficiently dry, he tossed the towel into the basket.

He trotted to the door, lit up his horn and turned the knob. The scent made him sway slightly. It was getting steadily closer. The knob made a full rotation and he pushed open the door. All he caught was a flash of pink and the strands of a tail brushing up against his nose.

It almost knocked him down.

He raced after her, his hooves pounding against the crystal floor. She was a few inches ahead and turned only to stick out her tongue and speed away. Shining shot down the hall like a rocket, the tread of his hooves like a drumbeat against the crystal.

He didn't slow as he sped down the narrow hallway and neither did she. If anything, she picked up speed. Cadence jumped around a table and Shining caught the purple vase which nearly fell off of it. Cadence rushed forward down the narrow corridor and Shining kept pace with her. Their hooves made a steady rap upon the cold floor as they sped after one another.

The air was cold, almost uncomfortably so and Shining shivered as the air picked up by his chase whipped through his mane and his tail. She spun around once, an expression on her face that made Little Shining throb. Shining crashed his hooves against the floor, glad that it was nearly unbreakable. Cadence's own hooves came down fiercely, but lightly as she pranced away from him.

Cadence was never more than a few feet from his grasp. He could reach out and touch her, but every time he attempted to do so, she would dart a few inches away from his outreached hoof, using her smaller stature to her advantage. Her raised tail and glistening slit told him that she wanted to be caught.

She turned a corridor and Shining turned with her. They were headed straight towards their bedroom. The hallway passed in a silvery blur. His mane whirled around him from the wind kicked up by his pursuit of the pink princess. She knocked open the door to their bedroom and rushed inside. He followed after her and took a few moments to catch his breath.

The feel of the carpet was a shocking contrast to the cold, hard floor in the rest of the building. His hooves sank into the plush, red surface as he sauntered over to his wife who had hopped onto the linen sheets of the bed. Hopping onto the bed himself, he captured her lips with his own. She pressed into the kiss, into the softness of his firm, fiery lips. He crushed his lips to hers and explored the entrance of her mouth with his tongue, seeking permission. She gave it, opening her mouth and enclosing his tongue with her lips.

She pushed her tongue into his mouth, exploring the roof of it. Shining suddenly pulled away. Cadence blinked and nuzzled him, whining slightly. He pressed his cheek to hers and kissed her ear.

"Why'd you stop, Shiny?"

He lifted his hoof, caressed her face. "Cady, there's something we need to talk about."

She cocked her head. "What?"

He hesitated. She planted a kiss atop the base of his horn, eliciting a reaction in his lower horn. He returned the kiss, the taste of the keratin familiar to his lips. "Cady, Sweetie, remember that discussion we had about having foals during the next heat season?"

"Y-yeah, of course I do."

He stood up off the bed, turning away from her. She joined him and placed her hooves on his shoulders. "Shining, what is it? You're scaring me."

He stared at the wall. "I've been exposed to a lot of dark magic in the past few years."

Her hooves kneaded the flesh of his withers which had grown tight against his muscles. "Go on."

He melted at the loving touch of his wife. "I went to the doctor."

She gulped. "Sh...Shining, what are you saying?"

He took a deep breath. "It's going to be a while before I can produce foals. I can still conceive, but it'll take some time. Two, maybe three years."

She kept massaging his back. His muscles were knotted, revealing his anxiety. She caressed his shoulders and traveled lower so she was massaging his lower back. "When were you going to tell me this?"

He blinked back tears he hadn't realized were forming in his eyes.. "I didn't know how." His shoulders slumped. "It makes me feel like I'm only half a stallion."

He found himself enfolded in her embrace and gave into the affection, turning to wrap his neck around hers. They stayed like that for a while, with him clinging to her.

Cadence stepped back. "I love you, Shiny." A smirk spread across her face and she suckled the nape of his neck before quickly pulling apart. "And so what if it'll take a while? It's not like it's not fun. Now, I removed all the birth control spells I had cast on myself. We'd better get started."

Their lips met once more and she wiped away the tears trickling down his muzzle. Cadence broke apart and sauntered over to the bed. She sank into the sheets and rolled over onto her back.

Shining trailed over to the mattress and hopped on. His torso sank into the softness of the sheets. He trailed Cadence's cheek with his hoof, gazing down at her. She smiled up at him. "I love you."

He answered by pressing his lips to her own, relishing in the sweet flavor of them. Her lips tasted like cherries, probably from the lipstick she was wearing. She arched her back and wrapped her back legs around him. Shining placed a hoof to her mouth. "Good things come to those who wait, Beloved."

He kissed her once more to silence her protests and enfolded her horn with his lips. A squeak of pleasure came from her and she trembled as Shining placed a kiss at the base of her horn. He moved upward, placing a second kiss just an inch above the base and then a third. His lips lingered against the spiraled, fluted surface. It was her turn to groan and bite her lips. He flicked his tongue against the already sensitized appendage and gently suckled it.

She grasped the bed sheets. "Oh...oh Gods..."

He kept his lips where they were before planting a fourth kiss and stopping again. His lips paused in the upward journey for a few moments and he suckled. His reward was a cry of pleasure from the ecstasy entrapped princess. She squeezed his back with her forelegs and buried her muzzle into his neck to plant tiny kisses against his skin.

His tongue made an upward journey, playing and teasing with her horn and he laid more kisses upon it, lavishing it with his lips. Every few seconds he would pause and slow in a continuous rhythm. At last, he reached the tip and placed one final kiss.

She arched her back, begging to be filled. He traced her horn again, going downwards as she made tiny squeaks of pleasure. He kissed her forehead, placing butterfly kisses all the way down her face and her neck, down her chest, trailing onto her teats, taking the mounds into his mouth and sucking them firmly, but gently, grazing his teeth against them. Her moans told him that she approved most heartily.

Moving on from her teats, he hovered just over her chalice. She bucked her hips, pressing her wet sex to his muzzle. He flicked around her pearl, tracing a circle of fire all around her clitoris, nibbling on her mound, applying only enough pressure to bring pleasure rather than pain.

At long last, he gave a long, loving lick to her vulva. She groaned and cried out as wave after wave of ecstasy shook her. He withdrew his organ and moved back up to lick and caress her teats with his lips, pausing to kiss her tummy. "You're a goddess and I want to worship you."

His tongue journeyed south of her belly, travelling over the mounds of her teats, tantalizingly teased her marehood, nipped and kissed her hips and her inner thighs. All the while, she laid back in a state of bliss. He reached her hooves and ran long, languid licks across her right sole, cleaning it with his saliva. His Lady's hooves tasted of dirt and grass and smelled earthy. She had been out in the garden recently.

He didn't care. Worshiping her was the only thing he cared about at the moment. He rubbed his cheek against the hoof, feeling the warmth of it against his face, the pungent odor filling his nostrils and causing his already engorged stallionhood to throb and quiver. He placed his lips against her left hoof and sucked the frog, before he licked and cleaned it like he had with her right hoof.

She lifted up. "You are my devotee and I long to give you my blessing."

Knocking him down on the bed, she straddled him just so that her vulva was right above his chest. His cock throbbed with pent up passion. She leaned down and laid a kiss on the very base of his horn and trailed up its surface. She spread her wings and trailed the tips against his sides, inspiring Shining to moan as the wing tips tickled against his ribs.

The feathers enveloped his cock and a strangled gasp escaped his throat. He bit his lip as the feathers continue to tickle his cock, working deep into his ball sack. She stared into his eyes as she massaged his rod and his balls even leaning down to plant a kiss on his horn.


She grinned and took her wings away, placing them back against her sides. "Good things come to those who wait, remember?"

The feather tips returned to his quivering rod, wrapping them up in a cocoon of feathers. Slowly, almost painfully slowly, she rocked the feathers back and forth, rubbing the scepter.

Shining Armor squirmed. Every time he thought he was close to spilling his seed, she would take away her wings and just lovingly gaze at him while he caught his breath. She buried her muzzle into his neck, enraptured her senses with the scent of him.

He suddenly knocked her down onto the bed. She trapped his lips with her own, roughly kissing him and wrapping both her forelegs and wings around him before knocking him over and tracing his neck with her tongue. Like he had, she traced the muscles of his neck, trailing downward to his well-developed chest muscles, pressing her head against his heart and listening for a moment to the pounding of his heart.

She kissed the center of his chest and her tongue made a path from his chest down to his stomach. Each kiss on his belly elicited a squeak from his lips that he would never admit to making. He placed his hooves onto her shoulders and, much more gently than she had, laid her down onto the mattress.

He hovered over her and slid the tip of his engorged stallionhood into her wet, sopping passage. She cried out as he kept her on the threshold of pleasure.

"P-please, Shining..."

He slid in further, barely a few inches inside. She wrapped her forelegs over his back and pushed it all the way inside. He grunted as he hilted deep within her and she delighted in the sensation of intimacy, of the Pony she loved more than any other being inside of her, the wondrous way it felt as he entered her, pushed the symbol of his masculine virility into her willing and opened passage.

She spread her legs wider as he rhythmically cycled in and out of her, still nuzzling her neck and kissing her throat. She raised her hips, furiously pulling him deeper and deeper, wanting to feel him inside of her. It was intoxicating, the way it felt as she rode his cock, getting faster and faster, picking up speed as he neared his end.

The semen came out in warm sticky jets that rushed inside of her, his seed, the seed of the stallion she loved, filling her and perhaps finding fertile soil to bring forth a foal conceived of that love. Their lips crashed together one last time and they fell apart.

Their separation didn't last for long as they cuddled into each other.