You Thought You Knew Canterlot High: Teachers' Tales

by Plagueboy23

First published

A collection of teacher x teacher one-shots. Parallel to the story You Though You Knew Canterlot High.

This story is a collection of teacher x teacher one-shots, parallel to one of my other stories, You Though You Knew Canterlot High. Although it is parallel to that story, anything that happens in this story will not change that story in any way. The pairings will be strictly teacher x teacher. No student x teacher pairings here! I have no idea if anybody even wanted this or will even enjoy it, but it kind of just popped into my head, so yeah. Enjoy the clop, I guess.

Make Love, Not Sense

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"... And that, class, is why the Elektra Conflict is superior in every way to the Oedipus-"


Professor Discord’s lecture for the day was cut short by the bell, signaling that the first class of the day at Canterlot High School had ended. The school’s psychology teacher then cleared his throat before giving his daily ritual end-of-class speech. ".... Ah, well it seems that I've rambled quite a bit. No homework tonight, class!" He exclaimed, almost as enthusiastic as his students were upon hearing the statement; he hated grading papers. After all of the students left the classroom, he shut the door and began to pack up the things he had used during his lecture, since he only taught first period every day. He used the rest of his free time to clean the chalkboards and grade papers from earlier in the week. By the time third period had rolled around, he had everything in order. He sat down at his desk and began to browse the front page of his favorite digital magazine: Psychology Daily. He came across an article that interested him and briefly scanned it, discovering that chemists have made a new compound that allows psychologists to see brain activity at a much higher detail in brain scans than ever before possible, and also making the brain’s emotional centers much more flexible, resulting in making psychological practices such as hypnosis much easier and expansive. Excited greatly by his newfound discovery, he rushed over to Professor Zecora’s classroom, hoping that she would have better information on the subject, seeing as how she herself is a chemist. He briskly walked through the hallways, coming across a few students near the edge of campus who were smoking cigarettes. He smiled to himself before walking closer to the group of teens, deciding to have a little bit of fun with them. “Well, it looks like Canterlot High has a few rebellious souls.” He said in a very convincing authoritative tone. The students flinched at the sound of his voice, afraid that they had been busted.

“Wha! P-Professor Discord!” One kid yelled in surprise before trying to explain himself to the intimidatingly tall, slender teacher. “This isn’t what it looks like, I swear! I was just holding them for a friend!” He said before throwing his pack of cigarettes on the ground.

The psychology teacher simply laughed in a deep tone before plucking the burning cigarette from the boy’s hand. He puffed in a lungful of smoke before speaking. “Don’t worry about me, boys. I won’t report you to Principal Celestia. After all, who am I to tell you…” He blew the cloud of smoke out of his nose, almost making him look like an angry dragon ready to spit fire. “ to live your life.” The kids stared at him in awe and slight fear as he handed the cigarette back to the teen before walking away, laughing heartily all the while.

He ventured forward, approaching Zecora’s classroom at a steady pace. He knocked on her classroom door two times and waited for a response. He heard the clicking of heels on a tile floor grow louder, seeming to get closer to the door. The door slowly swung open to reveal Professor Zecora on the other side, clad in a lab coat worn over her zebra-print shirt and skirt combo, exposing her midriff, She looked the psychology teacher in the eyes, greeting him with a smile. “Ah, it is Canterlot High’s psychology expert, Discord, I see. Tell me, Professor, is there a reason you’ve come to visit me?”

“Hello there, Zecora.” He greeted before continuing. “I’ve just finished reading a news article stating that chemists have engineered a new solution that will supposedly lead to a large advancement in the field of psychology, and I was just curious as to whether you have any extra details on it, being a chemist yourself."

Zecora seemed to perk up at this information, a larger smile spreading itself onto her face. “I have no knowledge of such an innovation. Come, follow me to my lab station." The dark-skinned chemist walked over to a large table covered with a smattering beakers and papers, the table itself adorned with large burn marks. She sat down in front of a computer at the far end of the table and began to type speedily. She stopped typing after a few seconds and clicked the mouse, opening up a web page filled with a wall of text and one large picture showing a large beaker filled with a dark pink liquid. Professor Zecora pointed to the picture before asking her co worker, “This is the creation that you speak of, yes? It allows the mind to be repossessed?”

Professor Discord nodded excitedly before speaking. “Yes, it is. It says near the bottom of the article that it is made up of very basic compounds. Would it be possible to make it here? I would really like to have a batch of it myself; it would get proper use, since I work as a psychologist on the weekends.” He asked the chemist next to him in an almost pleading tone.

“I see no problems with making a vial of it. Let me ready the chemistry kit.” Zecora said before writing down the list of ingredients and walking over to a large device made up of beakers and other glass containers connected by a series of tubes. She readied the chemicals before lighting a burner under a glass chamber filled with water. She poured the ingredients into the chamber and let them boil for a few minutes. The two teachers talked idly while the chemical cooked, Zecora reading more about the chemical on the web page she opened up earlier. All of a sudden her eyes went wide in what seemed to be terror or panic.

Professor Discord noticed this and asked his colleague about it. “Zecora, are you alright? What’s wrong?”

She turned to look at the psychologist, a look of shock still on her face. “This chemical is meant to be inhaled, I’m afraid, which means that we are currently using the batch I have made. What’s worse is that it has a side effect. It tends to make females aroused, and men erect.” As she was relaying the information to Discord, she began to feel her body heat up. She crossed her legs in an attempt to cease or slow her arousal, but it was too late. The chemists face began to turn red with embarrassment, but she stared at her coworker lustily.

The lanky psychology teacher was feeling the effects of the brew, as well. He felt his body heat rise as his erection began to swell in his slacks. He quickly rushed to the chamber from which the chemical was emitting fumes in attempt to cover it, but he couldn’t find anything that would serve as a suitable lid or plug. He searched the drawers of the lab station frantically, but to no avail. He froze as he felt a pair of arms wrap around his abdomen, and a voice began to whisper in his ear. “You must forgive me for what I am about to do, but I know that you are feeling aroused, too.” The pair of feminine hands reached lower and grabbed tightly onto Discord’s stiffening package, drawing a guttural moan from him. He turned around to face Zecora and held her face in his hands. She panted heavily as they drew nearer, her mouth ready to greet his. The two teachers moaned in lust as their lips met, and they began to explore each other’s bodies. Zecora broke the kiss after almost a minute and quickly locked her classroom door. “It would cause quite a fuss if anyone were to walk in on us.” They promptly resumed tonguing each other’s mouths, Zecora pulling Discord on top of her as she layed down on an empty lab station. Their kissing became heavier and more sloppy as time went on, and they eventually began to disrobe one another. Zecora rolled the pair over so that she was straddling Discord’s now naked frame. She began to slowly move down his body until her face was aligned with his throbbing erection. She began to sloppily lick the head of his cock, leaving saliva all over his groin. Discord bit his lip to stifle a moan, thrusting his hips upwards in lust. Zecora moaned huskily around the cock that was now lodged deep in her throat, sending vibrations up the psychologists spine. He began to pump his hips urgently in an attempt to signal to Zecora that he was close to release. She held back a gag as she moved further down on his cock, engulfing all nine inches of his thick rod. Discord’s eyes rolled into the back of his skull as he shot a thick volley of semen into the sexy chemist’s throat. She gladly swallowed the thick load before pulling her mouth of of his dick, leaving it coated in saliva. She smiled as she observed that Discord’s cock refused to soften.

“I see that you’ve got more left in the tank.” Zecora said, positioning herself atop Discord’s aroused manhood in a reverse cowgirl position before continuing, “So fuck me hard and give me a spank.” The slender professor dutifully obeyed, giving her large ass a firm slap, causing it to jiggle erotically. She moaned at the contact before impaling herself on his dick. They both moaned loudly as she fucked herself roughly on his rod. She leaned back against Discord’s torso, allowing him to take over. He grabbed her sizable breast in his hands before thrusting into her womanhood at an alarming speed, causing his scrotum to make a lewd slapping sound as it came into contact with her skin repeatedly. She let out a loud, drawn out moan as her walls began to seize around his girth. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she came all over his cock, her juices staining the table they were fucking on.

Discord continued to thrust into her pussy after her orgasm had subsided, drawing him closer to his second orgasm that day. He grunted loudly as he buried his dick deep into her womb and began to cum, thick strings of seed splattering Zecora’s insides, sending her into another orgasm. They two professors laid on the table, covered in sweat, panting from their sexual acts only moments ago. Eventually their heartbeats slowed back to a normal rate, and they started to clothe themselves as Discord was buttoning up his blazer, he turned to the chemist with a pleasant smile on his face. “Well, that was certainly an interesting exhibition. Thank you very much for allowing me to partake in this experiment with you.”

Zecora nodded with a look of pure relaxation on her face before responding. “I agree, this outing was pleasurable indeed, but we must agree to keep this a silent creed. Although this was a risky action to partake in, I think it allowed a new relationship to begin.” The two teachers smiled at each other before wrapping together in a romantic embrace. They closed their eyes and kissed each other lovingly. Discord laughed internally as he thought to himself.

‘Well, I certainly didn’t expect this. I swore to myself that I’d never love anyone ever again, and yet here I am, caught lying to myself. I’ve gone against everything I believe in, and yet I’m enjoying myself! It doesn’t make any sense all, but then again…’ The slender psychologist smiled to himself as he finished his train of thought.

‘...What fun is there in making sense?’

Urgent Care

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Nurse Redheart sighed in frustration as she looked at the mountain of unreviewed and incomplete medical forms on her desk. “Oh, man… I’m going to need some help with this, otherwise I’ll be here all day… Why did Coach Iron Will think it was a good idea for his classes to play tackle football?” She thought about who she could call, and smiled as she realized who would be able to help her. “Thunderlane! He’s the Sports Medicine teacher, he must have to do these for the teams all the time!” She smiled as she walked out of her claustrophobically small office and headed for the Sports Med classroom. She stopped at the door and knocked quietly, her sing-song voice calling out to her fellow school-medic. “Thunderlane? It’s Nurse Redheart, I need some help.”

“Come on in, Red.” She heard a young, masculine voice call from inside the room. She gracefully swung the door open and greeted her colleague as she walked towards his desk.

“Hey, Thunderlane. Sorry to stop by unannounced, but Coach Will decided that it’d be a good idea to introduce one of his classes to tackle football, and I’m up to my neck in paperwork; I was wondering if you had some time to come and help me with it.” She smiled at her friend while she explained the situation, a small blush on her face.

Thunderlane smiled back, also giving a confident nod. “Of course, Red. I’d never say no to a friend. Plus, I don’t have any classes to teach today. Lead the way.” He got up from the chair he was sitting in, and followed the admittedly cute nurse to her office. As Nurse Redheart led the way to her office, Thunderlane followed behind her, and his youthful, perverted eyes couldn’t help but notice her large rump bouncing with each of her steps.

They soon arrived at the Nurse’s office, and upon seeing the huge pile of medical records, Thunderlane’s eyes widened noticeably. “Woah… That, uh… That’s a lot of papers…”

“Yeah… sorry, I should’ve told you that there were that many.” Redheart said with a tired laugh.

“Well I guess we’d better get started if we wanna finish by lunch.” Thunderlane said with a smile. They both set to work as they began to organize the one large pile into several smaller, neater ones. As they began to set to work, one of the piles fell and Redheart gasped. “Oh, no!” She said as she bent down to pick them up.

Thunderlane turned to help her, but he was stopped in his tracks as soon as he saw Nurse Redheart’s exposed cleavage. ‘Oh, man.’ He thought to himself as his perverted mind forced him to continue his stare that was intensely fixated on Redheart’s robust rack. As he continued to stare, he began to sweat around his collar, and his hands began to shake slightly, afraid that he would be caught in the act. He quickly leaned down to help Redheart pick up the papers, and did his best, and failed multiple times, to focus on anything but the large breasts hanging in front of his face. The two medical experts eventually managed to pick up and reorganized the papers, and when they came back up, Redheart noticed that Thunderlane seemed rather flushed.

“Are you alright, Thunderlane?” Redheart asked the young sports medic.

“Huh, me? Yeah, I’m fine, I’m fine, perfectly fine, just uh, I was leaning down for a little too long and the blood rushed to my head, I guess.” Thunderlane replied, tripping over his words multiple times in the process.

“Oh, okay.” Redheart replied with a shrug. “Well, let’s get back to work, yeah?”

The rest of the day went on with no other events involving exposed skin, but Thunderlane went home that night thinking about the two massive mounds on Redheart’s chest.


The next morning, Thunderlane injured his groin during his morning jog. He slowly made his way home in pain, showered away his sweat, and drove to the school. As soon as he arrived, he figured he should go to Nurse Redheart so she could treat it. He limped a bit as he walked, and when he got to the nurse’s office, he knocked twice. “Hey, Red?” He called out, “It’s Thunderlane. I’m in need of some help…”

“Oh, come on in, Thunderlane!” He heard a motherly voice call from the other side. He limped in with a grimace of pain adorning his handsome, youthful face.

“Hey, Red… Sorry to barge in like this…” Thunderlane said as he walked towards

“Barge in, what do you-oh, you’re limping!” Redheart said with a concerned look on her face, shocked by Thunderlane’s pained walk as she turned in her chair to look at him. “Is everything alright; did something happen?”

“Yeah… I think I strained my groin while jogging this morning…Ow!” Thunderlane gasped in pain as he took a rather painful step, almost falling, but finding the strength to tense his bad leg in order to stay upright.
“Oh, be careful, dear!” Redheart said sympathetically, holding her hands over her mouth, visibly nervous for her colleague’s injury. “Go ahead and follow me into the treatment center, and walk slowly.” She instructed as she led a crippled Thunderlane to a room much larger than her office which looked identical to a doctor’s examination room, complete with a cushioned, raised area where a patient could sit on to be evaluated and treated. “We need to take an ultrasound in the injured area to make sure your hip flexor isn’t injured as well… I’m really sorry, but you’re going to have to, um… strip down.” She said as she began to blush.

“O-okay... “ Thunderlane said, his cheeks also a burning red as he took his jeans off and sat on the cushioned area. “Is this alright?” He asked as he rolled up the leg of his briefs, exposing his injured thigh. Redheart blushed even more and shook her head.

“I’m afraid not… I need to get the inner groin as well if I’m going to get a full ultrasound… I’m gonna need you to take off your briefs as well…”

“Oh, uh… A-Alright…” The young man complied with shaky hands, stripping his boxers and enabling the sexy medic to see him in all his glory. She couldn’t help but lick her lips at the luscious sight.

“Okay, good… now, I’ll begin the ultrasound…” She put some gel on the brush hooked up to the ultrasound machine, and the brush began to vibrate. She massaged the gel into his inner thigh and groin, whilst looking at the projector on the screen to see the status of the muscle. Because Redheart was looking elsewhere, she didn’t notice she eventually ran the brush over Thunderlane’s cock, which quickly became rock hard from the pleasurable feeling. He eventually spoke up, fighting to hold back moans.

“U-Uh… Red…?”

This caught the woman’s attention, her head snapped back to look at her friend, and then down… To the hard phallus she was massaging. “Ah! Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” She moved the brush away and back to his thigh. She found it hard to focus, with the eight-inch shaft of throbbing flesh in the corner of her peripheral vision, but she made due. They didn’t speak until the ultrasound was done. She looked up at him with a blush. “That… isn’t gonna go down, is it?”

”I-I guess not… Sorry about this…” Thunderlane replied with a heavy blush.

“W-Well… What if I helped you?”


She moved the gel-covered brush to his cock again, making him moan. Red was speaking while keeping her focus on his hard-on. “The brush felt good, right? It’s my fault that you’re like this anyway. It’s my responsibility to get rid of it.”

“But Red, are you sure you… Oh, god!~” Thunderlane moaned louder, beginning to buck his hips as the brush was quickly bringing him to orgasm.

Redheart giggled and set the brush to a higher intensity. “It does feel good, doesn’t it? Mmmmm, it looks like it does.~”

“Ah! R-Red, I’m going to…!” Thunderlane couldn’t finish his sentence in time. He gave a loud grunt and bucked his hips one final time as his load shot up into the air, landing on Redheart’s gloved hand and his sweaty abs. Before he could think about what had just happened, he felt a pair of full, warm lips on his. He threw caution to the wind and kissed back. After a while they separated and he looked into his new lover’s eyes. “Did you, like, plan this?”

She giggled and kissed him again. “No, silly. I guess it’s good that it did happen though.” She leaned in more to nibble Thunderlanes ear before whispering, “Next time you get ‘injured’, I promise I’ll patch you up good!”

Desk Job

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Everything was normal at Canterlot High School. Classes for the day had just ended, students were walking out of their classrooms, their shoulders slumped with fatigue, saddened at the fact that it was only Thursday, and they had to wake up early once again tomorrow. Freshmen were hurrying off to their after school practices, while the JV and Varsity players were piling in their cars to grab an early dinner before their practices started.

Teachers were tidying up their classrooms and grading tests, while the office faculty were thumbing through all the school’s paperwork. One man sat in a chair opposite of the secretary’s desk, waiting to hear those words he’d heard so many times before. His ears reflexively twitched in annoyance as he heard a familiar, authoritative voice emanate from the behind an ajar door marked ‘Vice Principal.’

“Send him in, Cadence.” The voice called to the beautiful and youthful secretary across from the man, but before she could even open her mouth to speak, he rudely snapped at her as he headed into Luna’s office.

“I heard her, sweet-cheeks. I don’t need you to guide me to her like a toddler.” Cadence simply smiled bittersweetly at him before resuming her work at her desk. Upon seeing who had walked into her office, Luna sighed heavily and rolled her eyes. As if she didn’t know it was him just by his gruff voice and ungentlemanly demeanor alone.

“Superintendent Sombra.” She spat out. “I’m sorry, but Celestia is home sick today. If you want to discuss something with her, you’ll have to-”

“I didn’t come to talk to your sister, woman.” He sneered. “It’s you I was looking for.”

Luna scoffed before taking off her glasses and tucking them into the collar of the blouse under her dark blue blazer. “Very well, what do you want?”

He smirked evilly before explaining himself, circling Luna in her desk slowly as he did, his piercing stare going through her and his arms folded behind his back as he did so. “Well, as you know, Canterlot High School has been getting all the funding it could ever need for the past three years since I was elected superintendent.” He chuckled darkly before continuing, “However, I currently see no reason to continue the funding-”

“No!” Luna stood from her chair, slamming her hands on her desk as she did so. “You can’t do that! We’ve been nothing but supportive of your service as our superintendent, there’s no reason for you to stop our funding!” That was a complete lie; she hated the superintendent. Sombra’s demeanor thoroughly creeped her out every time he visited the office, and his entitled attitude disgusted her just as much as his perverted stares did.

Sombra responded with a scowl, annoyed at being interrupted. He cleared his throat and continued, giving Luna a cold stare as he circled her desk in a more intimidating posture. “I would agree with you, but remember that your sister and I have quite the history.”

Luna’s eyes filled with anger as she recalled the memory. Celestia and Sombra had dated before either of them held position in the school district, and he had beat Celestia after she refused to put out for him. She almost began shaking with anger; she resented Sombra. On top of being a total pig to her sister, he now tries to womanize every female in the high school’s office whenever he visits before meeting with Celestia, only to ask her to sleep with him again. Though he always threatens her with her job, Celestia always finds a workaround, knowing more than enough information about Sombra to uproot him from his position. Luna, however, was not so lucky as to know as much about her superintendent. After exploring her thoughts for a few moments, her eyes widened as she realised why Sombra chose to meet with her instead of waiting for Celestia to be available. “Sombra… You can’t be serious!”

A deep chuckle emanated from deep inside his throat. “Oh, but I am. You see, Luna, Principal Celestia has not been as… supportive of my campaign as you claim to be, and she has refused to change her views on my position as superintendent. I’m afraid that If you don’t want me to send a request for her removal, and if you want CHS to continue to receive the funding it needs to be the clean, prestigious school it has always been, I’ll need a little… Incentive.”

Luna dug deep into her thoughts, trying to plot some way to get out of doing what Sombra was implying. Suddenly a lightbulb came on in her head before she gave him a confident grin. “How’s this for incentive: Continue to fund us, and I won’t dig out the old newspaper article explaining why you were kicked out of office from your old school district. It’s a little pathetic to embezzle money from a continuation school’s treasury, don’t you think?”

Sombra didn’t try in the slightest to contain his laughter. “Oh, how naive. Luna, if you even try to show that document to any of my superiors, you’ll look like a complete fool. I’ve had all documentation of that event wiped from public record; you have the only remaining copy of that document…” Slowly he walked towards a filing cabinet in the corner of her office. “Oh, what’s this?” He pulled the document in question from a folder and slowly tore it in half, laughing lowly as he did so.

Luna mentally cursed as her fists tightened. She thought harder, deeper, begging her conscience to find something, anything, to dig her out of the pit Sombra had thrown her into. “You won’t get away with something like this. I’ll contact the authorities!” She threatened, now beginning to panic a little.

“And who will believe you when you say that I bribed you? I’ve got a document back in my office with your signature on it that makes the whole topic of this conversation a completely legal matter. As far as the authorities are concerned, you signed a document, and then I left. Face it, Luna: you’ve lost. You can’t win, and you’ll never win as long as I’m in office. And judging by how much praise the district’s been getting since I took office, I’ll be here for a long time.”

Luna sighed as she admitted defeat. “What do you want, Sombra?”

Sombra slowly made his way to her door before locking it. “I think you know, Luna. Be a good little sister and carry Celestia’s burdens. Still, It’s hard to believe she wouldn’t put out. Such a shame, too; with a body like that-”

“Say another word about Tia and you won’t leave this office alive.” Luna threatened, her eyes now slitted in protective anger.

Sombra held his hands up in mock surrender. “Fine. No more about your sister. Now, where were we?” He asked before he began to disrobe, removing his dress jacket and tie before untucking his shirt.

I can’t believe I’m doing this. Luna thought to herself as she also began to strip down. Soon, both of their clothes were in a heap on the ground, and Sombra was stroking his sizable manhood, which was now lewdly sticking out from his abdomen, a proud seven inches in length. Luna knelt down in front of the superintendent, a look of pure disgust and anger on her face. “Don’t think for a second that this will ever happen again. Understand?”

Sombra put his right hand over his heart, while he stuck his other arm in the air at a right angle, copying the exact same pose he had made while being sworn into his position as superintendent. “You have my word.” He then gave her a grotesquely perverted smile. Luna stared back at him, her anger piercing into the evil of his dark irises. She then slowly wrapped her hands around his engorged member and began stroking it at a tantalizingly slow pace. His cock lurched at the attention, not that he hadn’t had a woman recently, but simply at the fact that no secretary he’d bedded with his false charm and good looks had a body like Luna. The big wigs had decided to assign exclusively flat-chested and narrow-hipped secretaries to the district office. Yes, he’d bedded a woman every night for the past month, but none compared to the plump posteriors and large racks which Celestia and Luna possessed. His cock lurched again as a stream of precum leaked from its swelled head.

Luna’s nose wrinkled in disgust as she jerked Sombra’s cock faster, desperately trying to expedite the process as much as possible. Sensing her intentions, Sombra reached down and firmly grasped her wrists before speaking. “Go slowly. We wouldn’t want this wonderful exchange to end prematurely, now would we?”

“You’re disgusting.” Luna shot back at the superintendent as she took half of his cock into her mouth, hoping that a blowjob would get him off faster. Sure enough, her talented mouth had Sombra groaning in a matter of minutes. He placed a heavy palm against the back of her skull and pushed her nose into his groin. She deepthroated his cock to the hilt with ease, and began flexing her neck, eliciting a gasp from Sombra as her throat muscles massaged his cock. Sombra’s disgustingly strong sense of pride took over as he realized that Luna had reduced him to a shadow of his regular self.

Refusing to be controlled by a mere Vice Principal, he roughly gripped a fistful of her hair, and began pulling and pushing her on his cock before he began to fuck her throat, not bothering to let her come up for air, he watched evilly as mascara-stained tears began to pour down her cheeks. Her face turned a flush red after about a minute of the brutal facefucking, her oxygen supply quickly becoming urgently low. Luna began waving her arms in panic, slapping Sombra’s thighs in an attempt to signal that she couldn’t breathe. Sombra laughed as her face began to turn blue, and continued to shove his cock down her windpipe repeatedly, not discouraged in the slightest.

Luna’s motions began to slow as her vision slowly blurred. After another thirty seconds, her arms fell to her sides and her eyes rolled into her skull. Sombra simply grunted in arousal as he now began to shove his cock down an unconscious Luna’s throat. Sombra gave a sick grin before he spoke to himself. “Took me long enough. Just how I like them.” He then began to lewdly fuck Luna’s face. Her throat still making gagging sounds, saliva now running from the sides of her mouth. Sombra’s thrusting only increased in intensity until he felt cum boil up from his balls. He pulled his cock from her face and began jerking off in urgency, his dick pointed straight at her face.

After about thirty seconds Luna’s eyes slowly opened as she regained consciousness, gasping for air only to have her eye splattered with a hot rope of Sombra’s cum. As she remembered what was happening she opened her mouth and sealed her lips around Sombra’s twitching cock, swallowing the rest of his seed so that none of it got on the floor. She stared hatefully into Sombra’s eyes the whole time, and he merely shot back a cocky smile as her fired load after load of semen down her throat. When he finished, Luna quickly withdrew her mouth from his dick and began to gather her clothes off the floor when Sombra simply laughed and put an arm around her waist to stop her, his cock still noticeably erect. “You think we’re done already? I’ve got another round in me, Luna. Get me off one more time, and then we’re done.”

Luna lowered her head as the shame of what she was about to do hit her. Dropping her clothes to the floor, she walked slowly to her desk and bent over it, propping herself up on her elbows as she presenting her sex to Sombra. Seeing the confident look in his eye, she spoke before he had a chance to approach her. “Not so fast, Sombra. I’m not gonna risk bearing a child from you. If you’re gonna fuck me, you’re only getting my ass.” Though it seemed an absurd thing to be formal about, she said this in her authoritative voice which she usually used when addressing students.

Sombra simply nodded, his characteristic smirk ever-present on his face. “Fair enough.” He said before lining up his manhood with her asshole. Not caring to be gentle after Luna giving him so much attitude, he gave a hard thrust, sinking the entirety of his length into her anal cavity in a mere second. Luna cried out in pain and held herself low to the desk, white-knuckling the edge of it with her hands as Sombra fucked her ass relentlessly. He grabbed one of her plump ass cheeks in each hand as he drilled into her, each thrust drawing a cry of pain and unwanted pleasure from Luna. As much as she hated to admit it, Sombra was a damn good lay, and she couldn’t deny the warm ball of pleasure that was quickly growing inside of her.

As he continued to drill her ass into oblivion, her head swam with pleasure as she lost perception of time. After what felt like an eternity, her sex began to wink and contract with each thrust into her ass, an orgasm now quickly beginning to build inside of her.

Sombra’s breaths became labored as Luna’s tight asshole was pushing his cock to it’s limit, slightly more sensitive than usual, having already came only minutes ago. He pounded into her faster now, and Luna could sense the urgency in his motions the both grunted as their orgasms peaked simultaneously, Sobra filling Luna’s ass with cum, while Luna’s pussy splashed her orgasm against his muscled thighs. Both of them collapsed after their euphoria subsided, panting heavily as they found the strength in their wobbly legs to get up and dress themselves.

As Luna was buttoning up her blouse, Sombra approached her with that usual perverted look on his face, tightening his necktie as he spoke. “Well, I suppose I should thank you for putting your sister’s affairs in order for her. As promised, such a transaction will not occur again; however, my regular visits will not cease.”

“Very well. And I expect that you will not bother my sister with such a request as you have posed with me?” She arched an eyebrow as she asked, trying and succeeding to look as businesslike as possible.

“Of course.” Sombra nodded as he turned on his heel and headed for the door. “Have a nice weekend, Luna. I shall be back for my usual weekly meeting with your faculty next Wednesday.”

Luna said nothing as she sat back down at her desk, fixing the papers that had been pulled out of order while she was getting pounded into the desk. Her cheeks flushed red as she thought about the undeniable pleasure she felt when Sombra climaxed inside of her. She shook her head free of the thought as she quickly put everything in order and stood to leave the office. As she was walking out from behind her desk, she glanced at the clock only for her eyes to open wide in shock as she realized that Sombra had been fucking her ass for the better half of two hours. She then began rushing to her car as she realized she was supposed to be home over an hour ago. Her cheeks turned redder than ever as she felt Sombra’s seed swish around inside of her belly and ass with each step towards her car.

When Luna arrived home, she made her way up to Celestia’s room and greeted her with a smile. “Hey, Tia. Feeling better?”

Celestia smiled tiredly as she sipped from a cup of tea. “Hi, LuLu. I’m feeling great actually! I think I’m good to return to CHS tomorrow. Oh, speaking of, how’d it go today?”

Luna thought to herself for a moment before she gave an exhausted sigh. The more she thought about her fling with Sombra, the less she minded it. Though it was a one time thing, the stresses managing the whole school for a day were relieved after her escapade with the superintendent. She gave her sister a warm smile before she spoke. “It was great. We had visit from the superintendent, but I took care of him. I managed to talk him out of that deal he keeps trying to push on you. I don’t think he’ll be bothering us anymore.”

Tia had a look of pure surprise on her face. “Really? I bet he was pretty anal about that. huh?”

“You have no idea.”

Creaming After Class

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“Alright, class! Thanks for being such good students today, you all did great! You’ll all be great bakers one day if you keep this up; I’ll see you all on Monday!” Mr. Cake said, his slightly nasally voice making him sound even cheerier than he was; it always made him happy when his students were so excited and passionate about baking, and the mess that they left today showed just how willing they were to make masterfully-crafted sweet treats. He was afraid it was becoming a lost trade, but this class gave him hope. He sighed happily as the last of his students left the classroom, headed home for the weekend. He set to work cleaning up the culinary lab, wanting to make the room look pristine before his wife left her classroom and met him here; he loved her to death, but he always felt guilty when she insisted on cleaning the classroom with him after she’d already had such a long day, teaching three more daily classes than himself. It just didn’t seem right to subject her to more work before she attended to her motherly duties back at home with their two beautiful children. He thought this to himself as he cleaned, and soon stepped back to admire his handiwork with a grin, the room completely spotless.

As if on cue, Cup Cake walked merrily into the room, hugging her husband from behind as he busied himself with scraping hardened dough from a workspace. “There’s my big man~” She smiled and kissed her slender husband’s cheek. “How were your classes today, Carrot?” She continued, pressing her large breasts against his back, making him grin knowingly.

“It was great, the student’s made some great pastries today. How about yours, honey?” He asked after turning around, holding and gently caressing her wide, chubby hips.

“Oh, you know how easy my students make class for me; they were all angels!” She beamed as she wiggled her hips playfully at her husband; maybe it was something in the air, or maybe it was just because she’d been too busy to make love with her husband for the past few months, but she was feeling a little frisky this afternoon, and she had no intention of hiding it from her precious Carrot Cake. She blushed slightly at her spritely, and slightly risque actions, but continued to wiggle her jiggly rear against her husband’s hands, his long, lanky fingers sinking into her flesh slightly. She then gasped, feeling something poking her stomach. She looked down with a deep blush and saw the bulge under her husband’s apron. She giggled and reached down, rubbing it slowly. He groaned quietly, squeezing her large ass.

“Ohhh, Cuppie…~” He said through gritted teeth, his fingers squeezing instinctively, making his lover’s rear bulge around his hands. “It’s been so long…” He gasped as his arousal pulsed in his wife’s palm. She giggled and got on her knees,taking out his member and stroking his bare flesh, making him groan, his cock pulsing and leaping in her grasp.

“Oh, I know, sweetie~ Should we change that? Hm?~” She asked, squeezing her husband’s manhood in tandem with her speech, making his legs shake slightly. She locked eyes with him in a sultry stare. “We have time, since Pinkie and Rainbow Dash offered to take the kids off of my hands for the day. They picked them up from my classroom just as I was cleaning things up.”

“Then let’s not waste any time, honey bun.” He smirked, then moaned as his wife sped up her stroking. After a few more moments of this, she smirked and went to the refrigerator in his classroom, coming back with a can of whipped cream. He cocked his eyebrow with a smile before she spoke in a low, husky tone.

“Oh, don’t worry; the whipped cream is only the first ingredient~” She said before sitting down in front of him on her knees, turning her head to make sure the door was locked. Carrot had shut the blinds while cleaning up, too. Perfect.

She shook the can and squirted some cream on the head of his cock, smiling as he gasped at the coolness of it. She then dove right in, eagerly sucking and licking it all from his tool, enjoying the sweet foam, slowly slurping the shaft clean of all remnants of it at an agonizingly slow pace. The receiver of this erotic, fetishised blowjob grunted, softly rolling his hips towards the source of the pleasurable sensation. No matter how many times she’d done this to him, it never lost its flair, it still aroused him to no end even after ten years of marriage. Soon, the thick saliva mixed with the sweet foamy fluid in Cup’s throat, creating a plasma-like substance that was now having her lover’s cock pressed against it. The farther she took him into her throat, the more the plasma seemed to absorb his cockhead and engulf it in a thick, wet warmth. She knew Carrot couldn’t ever last too long with this, and soon heard those four telltale words of the pleasure her lips brought him.

“Cuppie, I’m gonna cum!” He grunted out as he felt the semen in his hefty testicles boil wildly, threatening to shoot up his shaft and coat his wife’s throat liberally. However, she pulled off his cock completely at the last possible moment, effectively stifling his orgasm, leaving his cock pulsing desperately. Ah, yes, another one of his favorite bittersweet treatments from his lovely wife: orgasm denial. The more times she edged him, the longer she held off his money shot, the bigger and more pleasurable it would ultimately be. And though the post-orgasmic attention she always gave his cock made his body surge with painful pleasure, there was no denying he loved it.

“Uh-uh-uhhh~ hmmm~” She hummed her denial, shaking her finger at him simultaneously, giggling through sealed lips as he desperately thrusted his hips into nothing for a while. Once his instinctual urges subsided, she looked up at him with dreamy bedroom eyes, rubbing his thigh softly. “Wow, sweetie. It really has been a while. It usually takes you so much longer to get that close!~”

“Well, a few months without release will do that to any man with a woman as sexy as you so tantalizingly close all the time.” He said with a loving smile, cupping her cheek. She smiled back and gently licked his shaft as she continued to stroke his thighs,

After a few more minutes of lit teasing she stood once again, reaching into the fridge for a second time and pulling out two items: A box of donuts and a container filler with butterscotch pudding. She slid a glazed donut onto his hard cock, having it stick through the hole in the center. She began nibbling away at it, each time she impacted the sugary treat she licked at it wildly, her tongue grazing his base. She made sure, as before, to pull off of his rod each time he began to approach orgasm, and within ten minutes, he was begging for release, bucking his hips desperately as his cock pulsed with need. She laughed and stood once again, stripping down to nothing as she laid back on a baking counter. She looked her husband dead in the eyes before grabbing the pudding and drizzling it all over her nude body, making it glisten with the sticky liquid. She stuck several donuts to her form, along with some strawberries that were sitting next to her. She topped off her human parfait by spraying several piles of whipped cream on herself, the largest swirls covering her perky nipples and glistening sex. “Come and eat your cupcake, honey~”

He wasted no time, and dove right in, licking and nibbling her clit and lower lips. Her thighs trapped his head there, and within a minute, she squirted powerfully into his mouth. He was running low on oxygen and, sensing this, Cup Cake let her husband up for air. They both panted, Carrot more heavily so than his wife.

He set to work admiring the rest of the wife sundae, licking up and down her entire body, making sure to very thoroughly lick and suck her breasts free of all sweetness, making her shiver with delight and thrust her chest forward, pushing her nipple deeper into his mouth and firmer against his veteran tongue. She moaned and gently pushed his head back. “O-Okay honey, you’ve earned it. I know how much you like my girls…” She said as she cupped her breasts before continuing, “So go ahead and use them to finish.” She winked and poured some more pudding between her cleavage, using it as a substitute for lube.

Carrot wasted no time, desperately shoving his sensitive shaft between the two fleshy mountains. He held them in place by her nipples and began thrusting madly, his cockhead poking her cheek and face on each upward stroke. He threw his head back and moaned shakily as his pleasure peaked and he mounted his orgasm. His cum splattered out in thick, stringy ropes, covering his wife’s chest, neck and face and Cup Cake moaned lustfully as she rubbed her husband’s baby batter into her skin, further spreading the concoction of sweet and salty stickiness on her body. She swiped fingerfuls of the cum and pudding cocktail into her mouth and hummed contently at the exotic taste of the mixture. “Hmmm, so good~”

After some extra-thorough cleanup, and about twenty minutes, they were both re-dressed, and were kissing slowly as they stood in the middle of the room. They broke their lip-lock and looked lovingly into each other’s eyes. Carrot spoke softly, cupping his wife’s chubby cheeks. “I’m so glad to know that even though it’s been over ten years since we said our vows, I still love you just as much, my sweet Cupcake.”

Cup smiled and nuzzled her face into her lanky husband’s warm chest, giggling softly. “I love you too, sweetie…~” She said before she cupped her husband’s spent testicles, making him gasp. “Now…” She said before jumping him, landing on top of him in a straddled position. “Let’s see how much icing you’ve got left in those bags, honey~” Carrot groaned as his sensitive ‘icing’ factories were fondled, even though they both knew he would thoroughly enjoy ‘baking’ with his wife. He let her impale herself on him, a dumb smile on his face.

“Heh, and to think I just cleaned the classroom, too~”