Vying for Her Love

by StormLuna

First published

After watching Amending Fences, both Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts professed their love to Colgate. For now the three are an item but very soon neither one of the two will want to share Colgate anymore. Colgate will have to pick one or the other.

Colgate and her friends/roommates, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine, have just finished watching the Amending Fences episode. After Colgate writes a ranting letter to M.A. Larson expressing her disgust in how she was portrayed, her friends profess their true feelings to her, together. For now the three are an item but it won't be long after their first sexual experience that Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine will want Colgate solely as their own, but will Colgate want a monogamous relationship?

A Bonding Evening

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The evening after Colgate and her new marefriends, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine, watched the Amending Fences episode had arrived. Like she always does, Colgate was fixing supper. Lemon Hearts headed into the kitchen and asked, "Colgate, so what are you fixing for supper tonight?"

Colgate replied, "Breaded fish portions and macaroni and cheese."

Lemon Hearts asked, "Colgate, why must you almost always include meat of some sort in our meals? You know Twinkleshine and I don't like it."

Colgate sighed, "Well there are some canned green beans in the cupboard. You can open them and you two can eat them." She licked her chops and continued, "Well I guess that will be more fish for me!"

Lemon Hearts asked, "Colgate, have you always liked meat?"

Colgate replied, "Of course I have! It is something that is in my family's DNA. We have eaten meat dating back to as far as our family records go."

Lemon Hearts rolled her eyes and took the green beans into the dining room where her and Twinkleshine began to eat. When they first started living together, them starting a meal without Colgate would have been a mistake but with them being an item now and given the fact that they were eating vegetables, she didn't mind.

Finally the mac and cheese and fish were done. Colgate yelled, "Dinner's ready!"

The two headed into the kitchen and got their serving of mac and cheese while leaving enough for Colgate. While they were eating their supper they began to discuss their future now that they are marefriends. Twinkleshine asked, "So are we all going to share the same bed now?"

Colgate replied, "Well first we would need to get a bed that can comfortably accommodate the three of us and secondly I think we should just sleep together on Friday and Saturday nights."

Lemon Hearts asked, "Why? Why can't we sleep together every night?"

Colgate replied, "Because I think it would be best if I slept solo on nights before I go to work. I want to be well rested and fully alert while I am at work."

While the two sighed in disappointment they could understand where she was coming from. Colgate was the primary breadwinner of the household and if she wasn't at her best, all three of them would suffer.

After supper they headed into the living room to watch TV like they always do on Saturday nights but this time it would be different. For the first time the three snuggled together on the couch while Colgate was flipping through the channels trying to find something good. Colgate stopped at ENC, Equestria News Channel. Twinkleshine protested, "News, seriously Colgate?"

Lemon Hearts added, "Yeah, why would we want to watch news? We should watch something romantic to celebrate our first night as being an item."

Colgate sighed, "Oh, ok. I wanted to see what is going on with that volcano erupting up by Vanhoover but I can read that in the paper tomorrow morning."

Lemon Hearts grabbed the remote from Colgate and began to flip through the channels. She was quickly getting frustrated as she could not find anything romantic on. All she could find was either news, documentaries, horror shows, sports and reality TV. She grunted, "Twinkleshine, you have romantic movies in your DVD collection, could you go get one?"

Twinkleshine replied, "Sure."

Colgate sighed because she did not have much use for romantic movies but realized that she, just like they will, will have to compromise and give in when it comes to certain things. A couple minutes later Twinkleshine returned with "The Bridges of Maredison County." Lemon Hearts was ecstatic when she saw that was the one she brought but Colgate, despite never seeing the film, could only feel a sense of dread. She thought to herself, "Ugh, I've heard that movie is horrible. Luna help me."

Twinkleshine got the movie started and while it wasn't what she was used to, Colgate didn't find it horribly bad, well until the more sensual parts arrived. Lemon Hearts said, "Awww....they make such a sweet couple." All Colgate could think was, "Ugh, gag me with a fork."

Colgate felt this way until her marefriends began to nuzzle her and wrap themselves around her. This brought about a warm feeling in her that she never felt before. She suddenly thought, "Well if sappy movies like this will lead to them doing this, watching them might be worth it, once in a while anyway."

As the movie progressed Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts pulled themselves closer and closer to Colgate until they were basically draped over her, holding her in place to where she could barely move. At first this made Colgate a bit panicky wondering what would happen if she had to get up but soon Lemon Hearts was in her face, giving her a dreamy, loving look.

Colgate had never been in this situation before so she really wasn't sure how to react but quickly she pulled forward and gave Lemon Hearts a passionate kiss. Lemon Hearts began to moan gently as Colgate began to explore the inside of her mouth with her tongue, causing her to shoot sparks of energy out of her horn. This of course brought out envy from Twinkleshine and she pulled Colgate to herself and began to kiss her. At this point all three of them were no longer paying attention to the movie, which was perfectly fine in Colgate's mind, she was experiencing sensual pleasure for the first time in her life and was able to ignore a sappy movie.

After the movie was over Lemon Hearts asked, "Well Colgate, did you like the movie?"

Colgate blushed and replied, "Well I really didn't pay attention to the movie much, my whole focus was on you two."

Twinkleshine ran her hoof up Colgate's leg and said, "That's why we wanted to watch something like that!"

Lemon Hearts added, "We couldn't have got you in the mood like this had we watched the coverage of that volcano erupting."

Colgate blushed, "That's true." She got up and headed towards her bedroom. She yawned, "I don't know about you two but I am tired."

After turning off the TV and the lights, the three headed to Colgate's room to turn in for the night. Lemon Hearts looked at Colgate's bed and asked, "Uh, are we all going to be able to fit in there?"

Colgate replied, "I told you that I would likely have to get a new bed if we are going to sleep together."

The three piled onto the bed and discovered that there was no way all three of them would fit. Twinkleshine sighed, "Well I guess we'll have to wait until you get a bigger bed."

Colgate replied, "We'll get one this week so come next Friday night, we'll be able to have our first night in bed together."

The two cheered, "Yay! We can't wait."

Colgate yawned, "Well let's get some rest. It is getting pretty late."

While Colgate plopped on her stomach and got to sleep rather quickly, Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts didn't get to sleep that easily. They laid in their beds in disappointment wishing so much that they were with their beloved Colgate. Eventually though fatigue won over and they fell asleep.

Their First Sunday Outing

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The following morning arrived and Colgate got up before Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts, much earlier. She wanted to read about the erupting volcano without any interruptions. She opened the door and grabbed the newspaper with a smile. She said to herself, "Hopefully they won't get up for a while, I want to read as much of the biggest news stories as I can."

She headed back in and went to the dining room where she spread the paper out and began to read. While she was in the middle of reading the story about the volcanic eruption, she felt sucking on her ears. She thought to herself, "Oh wonderful, I'm not even going to be able to finish this article."

In unison Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts said, "Good morning sweetie!"

Colgate replied, "Good morning girls."

They took turns kissing her and sucking on her horn. While most unicorns find having their horn licked or sucked on wonderful, it felt a bit uncomfortable for the blue unicorn. She shied back and said, "Girls, that feels really weird. Please don't suck on it hard like that until I get used to it."

Twinkleshine asked, "How does it feel weird?"

Colgate replied, "It sends warm shivers up and down my body and quite frankly, it feels uncomfortable."

Lemon Hearts said, "You'll get used to it and grow to love it eventually. After all, it is what all lovers do........."

Colgate wanted to change the subject in a hurry. She interrupted, "So, what do you want for breakfast?"

Twinkleshine suggested, "I think we should go out for breakfast to celebrate our new relationship."

Lemon Hearts added, "And then we can go get a new bed!"

Colgate wasn't exactly thrilled about going out for breakfast when they had plenty to eat there at home but eventually caved in, "Ok, we'll go out and then we'll head to the furniture store."

As they headed out to the cafe, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine had huge smiles on their faces while Colgate had a more neutral look on her face. Her new marefriends saw this and wondered why. Twinkleshine asked, "Colgate sweetie, why the glum look?"

Lemon Hearts added, "Yeah, aren't you happy that we are an item now?"

While Colgate was happy that they were an item she always tried to keep a more professional attitude out in public, even when she was just on a social outing like this. She replied, "I'm just tired. I'm sure once I eat I'll be more with it."

When they arrived at the cafe, the place went silent. It wasn't so much because it was the three of them together, it was because Colgate was actually out on a Sunday morning. It was well known in Canterlot that she normally spent her Sundays at home resting her mind so she would be fully rested for the next day.

They were promptly seated and like they always do when they go out, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine ordered oats and carrots. When they did this Colgate gagged, "Ew, how in Equestria can you stand carrots?, much less at breakfast time?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "We just like it. Not everypony is like you and eats meat."

Colgate said, "I'm sorry for the reaction, I thought you two would expect that from me." She looked at the waiter and continued, "Oh, and I would like eggs, bacon, oats, milk, orange juice and water."

The waiter nodded and headed off to deliver their order to the kitchen. Lemon Hearts wanted to know more about what kind of bed they would be getting. She asked, "Colgate, Twinkleshine, what kind of bed will we be getting?"

Twinkleshine replied, "Hopefully one that is big enough to accommodate all three of us, one that will be just right, one that we will have to be cuddled together to fit in without falling out."

This wasn't exactly what Colgate had in mind. She added, "Well I'm thinking that we should get one that is comfortable in the opinion of all three of us but also one that will give us a little bit of space in the event we don't feel like having to wrap ourselves together just to fit."

Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts gave Colgate puppy dog eyes hoping to get her to change her mind but when Colgate makes a decision on something, it takes a lot to make her change her mind. She continued, "Girls, I want to get one that we will all feel comfortable in and I would feel more comfortable if we each had a little more space just in case we don't feel like cuddling."

They decided to drop it when their meal arrived and while Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts talked and casually ate their meal, Colgate remained quiet and ate her's more quickly. Her new marefriends hoped that they could change her eating habits to more closely resemble theirs, but Colgate is like like the rest of her family, she puts satisfying her appetite above conversation. After finishing her meal Colgate let out a belch and said, "Damn that was a good meal. Maybe we should eat out more often!"

Lemon Hearts replied, "I would love that!"

Twinkleshine added, "Yeah, we could eat out every Sunday morning. It would be so wonderful if we could start something special like that, something that would become normal for us."

Colgate replied, "Well it will depend on the money situation. I don't want us to spend too much."

Lemon Hearts pouted, "What do you mean? You alone bring in more than enough money for us to pay all the bills and splurge every now and then!"

Colgate sighed, "Oh alright, we'll make this a regular thing."

The two cheered, "Yay!"

After breakfast they headed to the furniture store and headed to the section where the beds were. They were immediately greeted by the clerk, "How may I help you today?"

Colgate replied, "Well I need to get a new bed."

The clerk said, "Well we have a huge selection of beds." He led them over to the medium sized beds and continued, "I'm thinking one of these would be to your liking. They aren't so small that you will be squished but they provide more than enough room for a single pony to be com........."

Lemon Hearts interrupted, "Well we are wanting to get a larger one, one that can accommodate all three of us."

Colgate put her hoof up to her face in frustration as she did not want their new relationship being advertised all over town but the fact that she said this to the clerk with several other ponies in earshot, would make this impossible. Unfortunately for Colgate, Sea Swirl, the town gossip was nearby and asked, "Wait, did I hear that right, are all three of you going to sleep in the same bed?"

Lemon Hearts happily replied, "Yes, we are!"

Sea Swirl asked, "So are you three an item now?"

Twinkleshine giggled, "Yes, isn't it wonderful? The three of us are so happy."

Sea Swirl jumped up and down exclaiming, "I can't wait to tell my friends that you three are together." She calmed down a bit after the clerk told her to calm down and continued, "I always had a feeling that you and Lemon Hearts were an item but I never imagined Colgate would be part of your relationship."

Colgate interrupted, "Sea Swirl, could you do me a favor and please not tell anypony about this?"

As she was saying this, Sea Swirl was already heading to the exit. Colgate thought to herself, "Oh great, by the end of the day everypony will know about this and my patients will all be asking me about this tomorrow."

After an hour of looking, the three finally found a bed that met all of their expectations. It was comfortable for all of them and it was large enough for the three of them to fit in and still give each pony a bit of space in the event they didn't feel like cuddling. The clerk asked, "Do you three need somepony to deliver it to your home or can you handle it."

Twinkleshine began, "It would be nice if you could......."

Colgate interrupted, "We can handle it. Besides, it's not like I have to levitate the display model up above my head."

They paid for the bed and began to head home. Ponies were staring at the three as they took it home as normally mares, even unicorns, have larger items such as beds delivered to their home. One pony asked, "Dr. Colgate, why didn't you just have the bed delivered to your home? Why are you levitating it yourself?"

Colgate grumbled, "I am handling this on my own because I have strong magic and the delivery fee is FIFTY BITS! There is a lot that can be done with fifty bits, such as paying a utility bill."

Twinkleshine added, "Or we could go out to eat with it, twice!"

The other pony just nodded realizing that Colgate isn't the kind to spend money on things that she can handle herself. Once they got home Colgate took the bed up to her room and sat it up against the wall. She then took her old bed down and set the new one up. Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine were with her smiling. Twinkleshine said, "I can't wait until Friday night when we'll finally get our first night together!"

Colgate commented, "Oh horseshoes, I forgot to get sheets big enough for this thing. Well I guess we better head out, again." She mumbled to herself, "Damn it, I'm not even going to get any time to relax today now am I?"

While Colgate wasn't overly thrilled to go out again, her marefriends were much more excited. They loved the three of them going out and really loved everypony seeing that they were an item. They knew that Colgate would be really angry if she found out they felt this way but they wanted Sea Swirl to tell everypony in town. They absolutely loved the attention and wanted everypony else in town to know that Colgate was theirs', they did not want anypony else trying to go after her.

Not Just Another Monday

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Getting Ready for Work

Monday morning arrived and like she always is, Colgate was the first to get up. Colgate loathed Mondays, not only because it is the start of a long work week, but because it was always her busiest day. She jumped in the shower and tried to clear her mind of the day ahead, but she knew that since Sea Swirl overheard of her relationship, that her patients would be asking her about it. Once she was done she headed downstairs and rested her head on the table, hoping to get a bit more rest before her marefriends got up but unfortunately for her, it wasn't even one minute before they came downstairs.

They headed to the table and gave her a hug. Lemon Hearts kissed her cheek and said, "Good morning sweetie!"

Twinkleshine asked, "Did you sleep well honey?"

Colgate mumbled, "I slept fine."

Twinkleshine asked, "What's wrong honey? You seem upset?"

Colgate growled, "I'm fine, it's just that I know my patients will be asking me about every last detail of our relationship since Sea Swirl has likely told everypony and their pet that we are an item."

Lemon Hearts pulled her close and asked, "That can't be a bad thing, can it?"

Colgate snapped, "Yes, it is. When I am at work I do not like discussing my personal life." She calmed down and continued, "Yes I like to talk with my patients and show them that I care about them but when it comes to things such as relationships, I prefer to keep it out of the workplace. Things like that are meant to be discussed off the clock, not while one is working and it sure the hay isn't meant to discussed with one's patients!"

Lemon Hearts said, "Well at the palace those of us who organize events for the princess talk about our private lives."

Colgate replied, "Well that is there. You aren't working with other ponies out in the community." She got up and continued, "I think we should just eat something quick this morning. I want to get to the office early."

Her marefriends sighed, "Ok."

Colgate grabbed a couple protein bars and rushed out the door. Once she was gone Twinkleshine asked, "Lemon Hearts, is it just me or does it seem like she doesn't truly love us?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "I'm sure she loves us, she is just nervous about her patients trying to pry into her personal life. You know how she is, you know she isn't the type to open up much to other ponies."

Twinkleshine sighed, "Yeah you're right. I'm just being paranoid."

Colgate headed to her office and readied herself for another day. When she unlocked her door the first pony to come in was Rarity. Colgate was shocked to see her there given that she lives in Ponyville. She asked, "Rarity, what are you doing here? Did something happen to the dentist down in Ponyville?"

Rarity replied, "Of course not darling! I just wanted to come and congratulate you."

Colgate had a confused look on her face. She asked, "Congratulate me? Congratulate me for what?"

Rarity replied, "When I heard about you hooking up with Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts I just had to drop in and congratulate you."

This did not sit well with the unicorn. She growled, "Who told you about my relationship? Let me guess it was Sea....."

Rarity interrupted, "I heard it from Sea Swirl. I was visiting the princess and she was out telling everypony she could. I thought it was bad that she would do that but I thought maybe you three wanted the city to know."

Colgate decided to calm down as she realized that this was not Rarity's fault nor did she think that Rarity had went out spreading the word either, well so far. She asked, "Rarity, can I ask you of a favor?"

Rarity replied, "Of course!"

Colgate asked, "Could you please not tell anypony down in Ponyville? I do have a few friends down there and I don't want them hearing about this from anypony except for me."

Rarity replied, "Don't worry Colgate, I won't say a word."

Lemon Hearts' Talk With Celestia

While Colgate was having a rather stress free day given that none of her patients were bringing up her relationship, things were not the same at the palace where Lemon Hearts was aiding in planning a special dinner that Princess Celestia is inviting the nobility to. While she was going over the details, Princess Celestia herself decided to pay her a visit. Lemon Hearts saw her and bowed, "Hello your Majesty. Coming in to see how the planning is going?"

Celestia replied, "No, I'm coming to talk to you about your new relationship."

Lemon Hearts asked, "Wait, how did you hear about it?"

Celestia replied, "Rarity told me." She paused, got a more stern look on her face and continued, "Lemon Hearts, while I am happy for you I also want you to know that such relationships are frowned upon by many, many ponies."

Lemon Hearts did not know that ponies frowned upon such relationships, she thought that most had moved beyond such old fashioned discrimination. She asked, "Seriously, ponies frown upon it?"

Celestia replied, "Yes. It wasn't but a decade or so ago that ponies became more open to same sex relationships but a relationship that involves three ponies still bothers many ponies because of what happened in the past with relationships that involved more than two ponies."

Lemon Hearts asked, "What happened in the past with these types of relationships?"

Celestia sighed, "You didn't pay attention in class when obscure pony history was being taught, did you?"

Lemon Hearts shook her head and Celestia continued, "Well a few hundred years ago there was a sect of ponies who considered polygamy perfectly normal, which the rest of the nation did not. In these relationships stallions would often have multiple wives and father many, many foals. It was a situation where mares had almost no control over their own lives and were basically viewed as property."

Lemon Hearts interrupted, "But if at some point the three of us were to decide to get married, it would be three mares so I don't know what would be the problem?"

Celestia sighed, "Lemon Hearts, that would never happen because not too long after I heard about this sect and disbanded it, I made plural marriages illegal in Equestria."

Lemon Hearts asked, "Would you ever consider altering it so that three mares could be married together?"

Celestia replied, "No, I would not. If I did that then you would see ponies complaining about it. They would claim that I favor mares over stallions. You would see mares that want multiple husbands complaining, stallions that want multiple wives complaining and stallions who want multiple husbands complaining. I'm not going to alter things for just one situation."

Lemon Hearts looked dejected and sighed, "Ok your Majesty, I understand."

Celestia gave her a hug and told her not to worry and headed back to her throne room. While she wanted to believe her, she couldn't help but cry. Yes it was way too early to even be thinking about marriage but Lemon Hearts is a lot like Twinkleshine, a true romantic at heart.

Bad News Gets Home

Late that afternoon Lemon Hearts got off of work and headed towards home with her head hung low. While she was happy that she had two special ponies in her life that she loved, she couldn't help but feel sad over what Celestia had told her. When she got home Twinkleshine could tell that she was sad. She asked, "Lemon Hearts honey, what is wrong? You look so sad."

Lemon Hearts began to cry, "Twinkleshine, Celestia heard about our relationship and told me some really bad news."

Twinkleshine asked, "She isn't going to make you break up with one of us is she?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "No, but she did tell me that the three of us could never be married because plural marriages are illegal in Equestria."

Twinkleshine rushed over to Lemon Hearts, hugged her and began to cry a bit herself, "Why is it illegal? Doesn't she know that sometimes three mares love each other all at once?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "She told me it is about some sect of ponies from several hundred years ago that practiced polygamy where stallions would have multiple wives and that the mares had no control over their lives. She said that after she disbanded them that she made polygamy illegal, regardless of who is involved in it."

Twinkleshine asked, "Did you ask her if she would give the three of us an exception?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "I did but she said she wouldn't do it. She claimed that doing so would cause other ponies who wish to be polygamous would start complaining and she doesn't want to have the atrocities of the past to return."

The two held each other close and sobbed quietly, knowing that unless something was to change her mind, that the three of them would never be able to get married.

Colgate Gets Home

Finally around 1800 Colgate was able to head home after she was finished with the final patient of the day, who had dental problems far worse than what she had expected. As she headed home she had a scowl on her face realizing that after fixing supper and eating that there would be little time to relax. She mumbled to herself, "Ugh, why can't ponies at least let me know in advance when their teeth are in that bad of shape so I can properly schedule them?"

When she finally got home she slammed the door behind her she was so angry. She could see that her marefriends' eyes were red and they were very sad. She sighed, "What's wrong with you two? You look like you've been crying."

Lemon Hearts began to sob, "I got some really bad news today from Princess Celestia."

Colgate had a slight scowl on her face and asked, "You didn't get fired did you?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "No, I didn't get fired. She heard about our relationship from Sea Swirl and told me that the three of us could never be married together because polygamy is illegal." She began to sob harder and continued, "I tried to get her to make an exception for us but she wouldn't do it."

This didn't sit well with Colgate. It was not a matter of Celestia not making an exception for them, it was because marriage was brought up so soon after they had became an item. She asked, "What? You were already bringing up marriage? We have only been an item for two days." She snorted and continued, "Look, I know you are a romantic at heart but we shouldn't even be discussing marriage until a year after we are an item."

Twinkleshine gasped, "A year? You think we should wait that long until we even think about marriage?"

Colgate replied, "Yes, but with what Celestia told you, we will likely just have to be three ponies who love each other that live together. Unless Celestia was to suddenly decide to change her mind, which I doubt she will, we won't be able to be married."

Both Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine knew that Colgate has a way with words and could potentially get Celestia to sway the Princess's decision on this. Twinkleshine asked, "Colgate honey, I know you are very good with words and I was thinking that maybe if you talked to Celestia, you could get her to change her mind and give us an exception."

This shocked Colgate. She raised her voice and said, "What? You want me to go and try to sway Celestia's view on polygamy this soon after the three of us are together?" She calmed down a bit and continued, "Even if I decide to go and talk to her about this at some point, I highly doubt that I could get her to change her mind. From what I understand, it is almost impossible to get Celestia to change her mind, the only one more stubborn than her is Luna."

Lemon Hearts begged, "Please Colgate, would you talk to her about it sometime? I know the chances of you swaying her opinion are slim but it is better than no chance."

Colgate finally decided to cave in, but she wouldn't talk to Celestia right away. Colgate replied, "Look, I'll go talk to Celestia about this in a few months, once we have been together for longer. Perhaps if she sees us staying together for longer, she will know that we truly love one another."

While the two were a bit irritated that Colgate would wait so long to approach Celestia about this, they realized that it was better than Colgate simply not caring and not worrying about them never being married. The rest of the evening went by without too much stress as Colgate fixed supper, they ate and watched some TV. The only thing that caused some stress was Colgate turning the TV to documentaries about aliens and conspiracies that they helped shape modern day Equestria rather than watching something romantic.

Friday Night Supper

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After a long Monday the rest of the week seemed to crawl by for all three of the ponies. Things just didn't seem right at the palace for Lemon Hearts, Colgate had several more troublesome patients and Twinkleshine's days home alone seemed almost unbearable knowing what Celestia's views on plural marriage is. Finally Friday evening arrives and the first to arrive home is Lemon Hearts and then later than normal Colgate got home.

When Colgate got home she was more tired than normal. Many times when she gets home late she is in an extremely bad mood but this night was different, she was simply too tired to be angry. Lemon Hearts noticed how tired she was and asked, "Colgate honey, are you ok?"

Twinkleshine added, "You look awfully tired."

Colgate yawned and replied, "I am very tired. It seemed like today just crawled by and it doesn't help when your last patient of the day takes a lot longer than normal."

Lemon Hearts asked, "So what should we have for supper tonight?"

Colgate yawned again, "I don't feel like cooking tonight. Let's just go out."

This of course brought out a lot of excitement from the two. It wasn't every Friday night that they went out nor did they go out all that often to start with. They were also happy because they just loved the attention they got being with their beloved Colgate when they were out and about. Of course Colgate did not care for such attention but she simply didn't feel like cooking that night and figured the unwanted attention would be worth it.

Twinkleshine rushed to Colgate and hugged her, "I would love to go out!"

Lemon Hearts hugged her as well and said, "I'm so happy we're going out. I love you so much Colgate!"

Colgate replied, "I love you too girls. Let's get going before the cafe gets too packed. I don't feel like having to wait for a table."

They headed out the door and headed to the cafe and much to Colgate's liking, they arrived immediately before the rush arrived. They were seated immediately and the waitress was a bit surprised to see them there. She smiled and said, "Wow, I'm surprised to see you three here. You usually aren't out on Friday nights."

Colgate yawned, "I know but I had a long day at work and I am simply too tired to cook."

The waitress knew of their living situation and knew that Twinkleshine was the one who stayed at home all day while Colgate and Lemon Hearts worked. She asked, "Twinkleshine, you're home all day. Why don't you cook supper for these two instead of having Colgate do it after a long day at work?"

Twinkleshine replied, "Well you see, neither Lemon Hearts or I can cook very good." She pointed her hoof at Colgate and smiled, "That is why she does the cooking and it is always so good!"

The waitress asked, "Well that's good. What do you three want to drink?"

Colgate replied, "I want a large cider and a large water."

Twinkleshine said, "I would like some cider as well."

Lemon Hearts finished, "I would like apple juice."

The waitress nodded and the three began to talk. Lemon Hearts asked, "So girls, what should we do this weekend?"

Twinkleshine beamed, "Well maybe we could just spend our time together and immerse ourselves in one another."

Despite being tired Colgate said, "Well, I'm thinking that we could spend a lot of time doing things that shouldn't be discussed in public."

Her marefriends knew exactly what she was talking about and immediately got huge smiles on their faces. Twinkleshine replied, "I would love that! It would be my dream come true."

Lemon Hearts was shaking her head in approval to Colgate's suggestion as their drinks had arrived. The waitress asked, "So what would you like to eat?"

Colgate replied, "Well I would like your one pound steak, RARE, with corn and mashed potatoes."

The waitress asked, "Rare? Are you sure about that?"

Colgate glared at her and replied, "Yes. I wouldn't have asked for it had I not wanted it."

She looked at the other two and asked, "What about you?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "Well I would like a hay burger with a side of fries."

Twinkleshine added, "I would like a Caesar Salad with extra dressing and some mashed potatoes."

The waitress nodded and headed back to the kitchen. Lemon Hearts looked at Colgate and asked, "You want your steak rare? Aren't you worried it will make you sick?"

Colgate smiled, "Oh don't worry about me. I've eaten raw meat my whole life and it's never made me sick. When I was growing up there was a power outage that lasted for several days and we had to hurry up and eat the meat we had in the freezer before it went bad. We had no way to cook it so we ate it raw."

Lemon Hearts asked, "Colgate, I haven't seen many ponies other than you eat meat. Are there any other ponies you know of that eat it?"

Colgate replied, "Yeah. When I was a very young filly there was this pony who was a close family friend that would eat with us quite often because the meals at the palace would never fill her up. She was one of Celestia's proteges if I remember correctly, well before Twilight came along. She always seemed a bit quirky but we loved her none the less."

Lemon Hearts asked, "What was this pony's name."

Colgate replied, "Starlight Glimmer. I'm not sure what ever happened to her but last I heard she had moved somewhere back east."

Before they could continue their discussion their meals arrived. Colgate looked down at her meal and licked her chops at the bloody steak. She said, "Oh this looks so tasty!"

Before her marefriends could say anything she began to dig in on her meal. While they did not say anything about it, it kind of bothered Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine seeing blood running down Colgate's face as she ate. While they ate their meal slowly, Colgate had her's downed in fifteen minutes and let out a belch when she was finished. Lemon Hearts said, "Colgate honey, you could have at least said excuse me."

Colgate replied, "Well I was about to but you interrupted me!" She paused for a second and continued, "Pardon."

The rest of their supper went by normally but when the bill arrived Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine were a bit nervous. They knew that with what they all ordered that it would be fairly expensive but they breathed a sigh of relief when Colgate looked at the bill and didn't react negatively. She said, "Hmmm.....sixty five bits." She smiled and continued, "Well I think it was well worth it. I feel so refreshed now and I was able to treat my two sweeties to supper." She gave her marefriends a smile and said, "Which will help out a lot tonight!"

The two smiled and realized that a truly wonderful night awaited them. Colgate noticed that they had finished eating and asked, "Well, shall we pay and head home?" She gave them a seductive look and continued, "After all, I was thinking that we could get an early start!"

The enthusiastically agreed and they got up to pay. Colgate was in such a good mood that she left a twenty bit tip that night, which is very unlike her as she normally only leaves a tip of five bits at most. Her marefriends could tell that she was not her normal self that night but to them that was a good thing because the normal Colgate would not be giving them seductive looks nor would she be wanting to go to bed early on a Friday night.

A Very Naughty Night

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After getting home from supper the three began to grab each other playfully before heading up to Colgate's bedroom. While Colgate was ready and raring to go, Twinkleshine thought that they should watch a movie first. "Girls, I was thinking that maybe we should watch a romantic movie before we turn in."

Lemon Hearts asked, "Seriously? You really want to wait to have fun until after we watch a movie?"

Colgate added, "I thought you would want us to get hot and heavy the second we got home."

Before Colgate even finished her sentence Twinkleshine had already ran up to her room. Quickly she returned with her limited edition DVD of "Sleepless in Vanhoover." Lemon Hearts saw this and began jumping up and down in excitement. She said, "Oh, I love that movie! I know it will make things even more romantic for tonight!"

Colgate had heard about this movie and knew how sappy it was. She began to gag, "Ugh....are you serious?" She looked towards the stairs and continued, "Can't we just go upstairs and start having our fun? I'm really in the mood and this movie might turn me off to anything for tonight."

Twinkleshine began to nibble on Colgate's ear and giggled, "Oh Colgate, my sweet Colgate. I'm sure this movie will only make you more in the mood. It will make us bond even more and we may even feel as though we are one at the end."

Colgate sighed, "Oh alright. If it will make you happy we can watch it."

Both her marefriends jumped on her and began to kiss her they were so happy. They began to tickle her causing her to giggle, "Alright girls, let's watch this so we can have a whole lot of fun!"

The two got off of her and put the DVD in to play. While Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine enjoyed the film, the only thing Colgate liked was the kissing and sucking on her ears that her marefriends did. Finally when the film was finished Colgate breathed a sigh of relief. They shut the downstairs lights off and headed right to Colgate's bedroom. Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine looked at Colgate's large bed in a daze realizing that the moment they had been waiting for for so long, even since before the three became an item, was about to become reality.

Colgate jumped on her bed, gave her marefriends a seductive look and said, "Come on girls! There's more than enough room!" Twinkleshine was getting to turn the light off but Colgate did not want the lights off. She saw this and continued, "Twinkleshine honey, leave the lights on. I want us to be able to see each other."

When Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts would have their intimate moments they do it with the lights off but neither one of them objected to Colgate's request. They feared that if they did, that it might turn Colgate off. Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine quickly jumped on the bed and the three began to roll around groping one another and kissing one another. During the days and the way the household ran, Colgate tended to take on the stallion role while her marefriends took on a more wifely duty, especially Twinkleshine since she was the pony who stayed at home all day but would it be the same way that night given Colgate has never been in this situation before?

It wasn't long until the two had Colgate pinned down. Normally such a situation would either cause Colgate to become angry or panicky, there was something about them holding her down that really turned her on. Twinkleshine saw her smile and asked, "Colgate honey, I take it you're enjoying this?"

Colgate replied, "Yes sweetie, I am."

Lemon Hearts said, "Well, let's play a little game. It is something that Twinkleshine and I do all the time."

Twinkleshine added, "You must correctly answer a question we ask you. If you answer it correctly, you will experience great pleasure. If you answer it incorrectly, you will experience some pain."

While the thoughts of pain kind of bothered her, she was ready to play the game. Lemon Hearts asked, "So Colgate, how many special events does Celestia have me plan per year?"

Colgate had no clue what the answer was but guessed, "Uh, nine?"

Lemon Hearts sternly replied, "No, it is twelve." She leaned down and bit Colgate's ear hard, causing her to scream.

"Owwww! That hurt!" screamed the blue unicorn. She asked, "Is all the pain going to be this bad?"

Twinkleshine giggled, "No, some of it will be worse!"

Colgate had a very nervous look on her face but decided to accept her fate. She realized that if the pain was going to be bad, that the pleasure would likely be incredibly wonderful. Twinkleshine asked, "Well, moving on. How many times a week do I mop the floor?"

This too was something Colgate knew nothing about as she was always at work when Twinkleshine did the housework. She nervously replied, "Two?"

Twinkleshine smacked her flank and bit down and bit her inner thigh, causing Colgate to scream out in agony. Twinkleshine growled, "No dear, it is three!"

It was Lemon Hearts' turn again. She asked, "Alright honey, I want to know how well you truly know me. What is my favorite color?"

Given that they had only been more than just friends or less than a week, she had no clue so she would have to guess. She guessed, "Blue?"

Lemon Hearts gave her a stern look and replied, "That is the......" Her stern look changed into a smile as she continued, "right answer! I love the color blue!"

She began to lick Colgate's horn, sending shivers up and down her spine. Soon that licking became sucking, causing much more pleasurable sensations through Colgate's body.

As Lemon Hearts continued to suck harder and harder, Colgate moaned, "Oh baby, harder, harder, harder! Oh Lemon Hearts baby! Oh it feels so good!"

A minute later she stopped and said, "That's what you get for one right answer. Answer another one right and you'll like what I'll do even more!"

Again it was Twinkleshine's turn. She decided that she would ask Colgate an incredibly difficult question, something that she possibly could not know. She asked, "So sexy girl, what was my favorite food when I was little?"

Colgate was nervous because she worried about what her punishment would be for another incorrect answer but knew that if she didn't answer at all, her punishment would be far worse. She replied, "Um, tomato soup?"

Twinkleshine gave her a smile and replied, "That is right sweetie!" She bent down and began to suck on Colgate's stomach, causing her to giggle as she is very ticklish there. Soon Twinkleshine began to move down her abdomen towards her clit. When she reached her target she began to lick it quickly, causing Colgate to laugh but soon she began to suck on it sending Colgate into ecstasy. She moaned, "Oh Twinkleshine, that feels so good!"

Twinkleshine lifted her head up and replied, "Oh honey, I only got a tiny taste of you, I'm not done yet!"

She began to suck on her much harder and ran her tongue up in her marefriend causing her to shake and wrap her legs around Twinkleshine's head, pushing her face further in. Colgate squealed, "Oh baby, oh baby, deeper, deeper, deeper!"

Twinkleshine forced her tongue as deep as she could in Colgate and sucked harder and harder. Colgate screamed, "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!"

Twinkleshine quickly pulled out and smacked Colgate on the flank. She gave her a glare and ordered, "Not yet Colgate. You must wait to cum until I give you permission to."

Despite being the one who prefers being in control, Colgate was loving every moment of her first sexual experience. Lemon Hearts smiled at her and continued, "My turn again! Ok sweetie, what is my favorite number?"

Colgate was feeling more full of bliss at this moment so the fears of a wrong answer were not even present in her mind. She replied, "Twenty-two?"

Lemon Hearts gave her a warm smile and replied, "That is the......" Her smile turned into a frown and continued, "WRONG ANSWER!" She bit Colgate's other ear so hard that she drew blood. Colgate screamed out in agonizing pain begging for Lemon Hearts to stop biting her. Lemon Hearts finally loosened her clamp on her ear and said, "That will teach you to not answer my questions wrong!"

Colgate asked, "How was I supposed to know what it is? You never shared that with me."

Lemon Hearts replied, "Well as time goes by you'll get to know more of the small things about me and you won't have to worry about me biting you so much."

Twinkleshine interrupted, "It's my turn again!" She was eyeballing Colgate's prize as she asked, "So baby, who gave me my first kiss?"

Colgate knew some about Twinkleshine's history so she could give at least a semi-informed guess. She replied, "Lyra Heartstrings."

Twinkleshine gave her a scowl and replied, "That was the........" Her scowl turned into a smile as she crawled on top of her. She continued, "right answer! But enough about my past, my focus is on you!"

She began to kiss Colgate passionately and began to rub her marehood up against that of Colgate. Soon both mares were moaning in ecstasy which brought out a bit of jealousy from Lemon Hearts so as soon as Twinkleshine began to move down Colgate's torso, Lemon Hearts crawled on top of her and sat on her face. "Eat me sexy girl!" Lemon Hearts ordered Colgate.

Colgate began to suck on Lemon Hearts causing her to moan, "Oh baby, oh baby! Give me tongue, give me tongue!"

Colgate began to run her tongue up in the yellow unicorn while Twinkleshine was eating her. Both Lemon Hearts and Colgate were moaning in ecstasy and it wasn't long until Lemon Hearts was yelling, "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, I'M GONNA CUMMMMMM!"

Immediately a flood of tasty juices filled Colgate's mouth but given that she was laying down, she choked on them and began to cough. Lemon Hearts jumped off of her and asked, "Colgate sweetie, are you ok?"

Colgate continued to cough and replied, "I'll be fine. I guess we'll know not to cum in one another's mouths when we are laying down." She looked down at Twinkleshine who had stopped sucking when she was coughing and asked, "Well Twinkleshine sweetie, shall we continue?"

Twinkleshine nodded enthusiastically and quickly got back to work on Colgate. It was not long until she brought Colgate to a climax and was able to have a tasty treat of her own. Twinkleshine looked up at her marefriend and asked, "So sweetie, did you like it? Did you like what we did tonight?"

Colgate gave the two a smile and replied, "I loved it! You two made me feel like I have never felt before." She blushed a bit and continued, "For the first time in my life, I feel sexy!"

Lemon Hearts pulled her close and replied, "I'm so happy to hear that. I know how you have been your whole life and I'm sure I speak for both of us when I say that we are happy you have finally allowed yourself to relax and let your mane down."

Colgate said, "Well tomorrow night things will be a bit different. Tomorrow night I'll be the one in charge."

Lemon Hearts laughed, "Or so you think. Whoever gets pinned down first winds up being the sub. You'll have to be fast unless you want to be dominated again."

Colgate gave them both a seductive smile and said, "You know, the only reason I was the sub tonight is because I was completely new to this. Now that I know what to do, I'll be fast and be tough!"

Twinkleshine yawned, "I don't know about you two, but I'm really tired. I think we should hit the hay."

Colgate added, "I'm getting tired myself. What about you Lemon Hearts?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "Same here. Let's get some sleep. After all, we have ALL DAY tomorrow to continue to have fun!"

Colgate turned off the light and the three crawled into bed. While she normally sleeps closer to the edge on her side, Colgate slept in the middle so that her marefriends could both cuddle with her at once. While at first this would take some getting used to by Colgate, she would eventually be able to get to sleep being embraced.

Despite Colgate liking to have control of all situations she is involved in, she found being dominated that night as a huge turn on. Naturally she would never let her marefriends know because it would shatter the "tough mare" image that they have of her and it is that "tough mare" image that they love so much.

Heated Arguments

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A month has passed since Colgate's first sexual experience with Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine and rather than only doing it on weekends, they are now doing it several times a week. While Colgate had grown to love it and want more and more of it, her marefriends were beginning to want something different. They were now wanting Colgate as solely their own but have been scared to discuss it with one another, until now.

Sunday night before they headed to bed, Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts began to talk about their situation with Colgate. Lemon Hearts asked, "Twinkleshine, I want to know something. Are you happy with the three of us being together or are you hoping that one day one of us can marry Colgate?"

Twinkleshine replied, "Don't get me wrong, I love the situation we are in but it has been a dream of mine ever since I was a filly that I would wind up in a monogamous relationship. I have always dreamed of a strong willed, hard working mare such as Colgate sweeping me off of my hooves, us getting married and living happily ever after." She got a dreamy look in her eyes and continued, "Just like in the fairy tales!"

Lemon Hearts was not thrilled to hear this. She asked, "Oh and you don't think I want to get married someday too?" She sighed and continued, "Why the hay do you think I tried to sway Celestia into allowing plural marriages? I did it so that you and I both could have all our dreams come true."

Twinkleshine said, "Like I said, I love our current situation but in the fairy tales it is always just a loving couple that gets married, there is never a third pony involved. I just think it would be more romantic if I were the one to be legally married to Colgate."

Lemon Hearts was not thrilled at all over this statement. She got up in Twinkleshine's face and snapped, "Oh, so it's all about you huh?" She calmed down a bit and continued, "And you don't think I would love it if it were just me and Colgate? That my relationship with her would be recognized by Celestia?"

Twinkleshine shied back and replied, "Well yeah, I know you would want that just as much as me." This argument was beginning to make Twinkleshine nervous as stressful situations would cause her to panic, not to mention that if they got into a fight that Lemon Hearts would easily win. She wanted to deescalate the situation. She asked, "Lemon Hearts, instead of arguing and fighting like this, how about we talk to Colgate tomorrow morning about this?"

Lemon Hearts knew that she was right. She sighed, "Yeah, we can do that. Besides, I don't think Colgate would be thrilled if she had to come up here and break up our argument."

Twinkleshine nodded and they decided to turn in for the night. While they still harbored bitter feelings towards one another, they hoped that talking with Colgate would ease their feelings but would their discussion with Colgate yield what they hoped or would it just add fuel to the fire?"

Another Monday morning arrived but this one was different. It was a civic holiday set up by Celestia so that everypony could have a three day weekend, which made Colgate happy. Rather than go in and deal with an overloaded schedule, she could stay at home and rest. Despite this being a day to relax though, she already dreaded the following day as it would be incredibly busy like it always is on the day after a holiday.

It wasn't long after she got downstairs that her marefriends arrived as well. Like they always do they began to nibble on her ears, causing her to giggle. Very quickly though the two gave Colgate a more serious look, which is not normal for them. Twinkleshine started, "Colgate, you know that we love you a lot and love everything we do together but the two of us have been talking and there is an issue that we must address."

Colgate asked, "Oh, and what is that?"

Lemon Hearts continued, "As you know, polygamy is illegal in Equestria and the two of us do hope to be married someday but because of Celestia's ban on plural marriages, as long as we are a three way item, we can not be married."

As she was telling her this, Colgate did not like where this was heading. She had a feeling that eventually she would have to pick one of the two and leave the other. She loved both of them and she enjoyed their threesomes way too much to sacrifice it for a monogamous relationship and marriage. She also believed it was still way too early to discuss marriage. She asked, "Girls, isn't it a bit early still to be discussing marriage?"

This frustrated both Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine. Twinkleshine sighed, "Colgate, do you even love us or are you just claiming you do so that we can continue to have our fun?"

Lemon Hearts added, "Look, you know we love you but if you ask me the fact that you don't seem to want to discuss marriage makes me wonder about you. Do you love us or do you just love the sex?"

Colgate rolled her eyes and replied, "Look, we have been an item for just over a month. I simply think it is way too early to be discussing marriage." She looked them in the eyes and continued, "Besides, there are plenty of studies that have been done that have PROVEN that ponies who get married soon after they hook up are far more likely to get divorced than ponies that wait a while."

Lemon Hearts said, "That may be true but we have been part of one another's lives for an extremely long time. We have known one another since we were fillies and we have always been close...."

Colgate interrupted, "That is true BUT we were not romantically involved!" Colgate stopped to get her thoughts together better and continued, "Besides, if I was to marry one of you, what would happen to the other? Would one of you really want your heart broken like that when we can just live the way we do and nopony would suffer any heartache?"

Twinkleshine said, "I get where....."

Colgate interrupted, "Besides, it's not like we will ever have any foals so I don't get why marriage is so important. We can live together as a happy, loving family without the government sanctioned sheet of paper and I don't feel like getting pushed up into a higher tax bracket." She looked at Lemon Hearts and asked, "Lemon Hearts honey, would you want to get pushed into a higher tax bracket just so that the feds would recognize our relationship as 'official?'"

This caused both Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine to look at one another in shock. While they loved Colgate dearly, her comments and rants about the negative aspects of marriage caused them to realize that Colgate may put money ahead of them and that she is opposed to a monogamous relationship because she simply can't commit to one pony.

Lemon Hearts asked, "Colgate, what is the real reason that you are so opposed to marriage? Is it really about the higher tax bracket or is it because you simply don't want to commit to one pony?"

Colgate replied, "Look, I don't think you truly understand how much I love you. I don't want to break one of your hearts just because I have to choose one of you." She paused for a second and continued, "Look, how about we go and talk to the princess about this. Maybe I can get her to change her mind and give us an exception."

Their eyes brightened up when they heard this but Lemon Hearts still had her concerns. "Colgate" she asked, "but I thought you wanted to wait several months if not a year to approach her about this."

Colgate kissed her and replied, "Well I can tell how important this is to you two. Yes I think it is a bit early but just so we can get it out of the way, let's go see if maybe we can sway her."

This really lightened the mood. Her marefriends said, "Yay!" in unison and they headed out the door and towards the castle. While it still frustrated both of them that Colgate would not answer their question about being moved into a higher tax bracket with marriage, they were still happy that their marefriend was willing to talk to Celestia and try to persuade her to make an exception for them.

A Discussion with Celestia

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As they headed towards the castle Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts had nervous smiles on their faces while Colgate had a look of confidence and determination on her face. Yes she knew that the chances of swaying Celestia's views on polygamy were not very high, she knew that she could not go into this situation without any confidence.

The walk seemed to take longer than normal but eventually they got there. When they arrived at the castle they were greeted by a guard who asked, "Halt, who goes there?"

Given that Lemon Hearts works for Celestia she decided that she would be the one to reply, "We need to speak to the princess."

He took a closer look at the three and said, "Oh Lemon Hearts, I'm sorry about the initial gruff question. He opened the door and asked, "I take it you know the way to the throne room?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "Yes, I do."

Lemon Hearts led them to the throne room. As they were headed down the long hallways, they were nervous, Twinkleshine especially so. When they finally arrived, Celestia smiled and said, "Lemon Hearts! What are you doing here today, it is a holiday?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "I know it is a holiday but the three of us have to talk to you. It is about something very important."

Celestia took a look at the three and knew what it was likely going to be about. She said, "Lemon Hearts, I have already told you that I will not change my stance on plural marriages. You know that if I give the three of you an exception, everypony will demand an exception."

Colgate, who often had a better way with words and knew her history better started, "Your Majesty, I understand why you banned polygamy but you have to look at that situation. The situation back then involved stallions controlling the lives of many mares and fathering many, many foals. The situation with us would involve three mares and would not involve any foals."

Celestia replied, "That is true but it still involves a marriage between multiple ponies and there is the chance of one of you beginning to control the others." Celestia knew how the three operate and that Colgate already plays the stallion role in their household. She continued, "And I also have my worries that one of you may begin to dominate the other two, and I do not want one pony to be controlling the others."

Colgate said, "Princess, you know that none of us would try to control the others."

Lemon Hearts added, "Celestia, you know I've told you things about how things are in our household. You know that no one pony would try to control another."

Celestia knew this quite well as Lemon Hearts had often talked about Twinkleshine's more subservient role as the homemaker. She looked at Twinkleshine and asked, "Twinkleshine, from what I understand you are the one who stays at home all day and does the housework. Is that correct?"

Twinkleshine replied, "Yes your Majesty. I keep things at home clean."

Celestia knows that often those in that role are the ones who are controlled. She asked, "Twinkleshine, ponies who are in that role are often the ones who are easily controlled and manipulated. Have either one of these two ever tried to assert any dominance over you?"

Twinkleshine replied, "Well no." She then giggled and continued, "But Lemon Hearts and I have asserted our control and dominated Colgate in the bedroom!"

Celestia put her hoof up to her face and sighed in disgust, "That is more than I want to know. All I care about is how you are treated over all." She raised her voice and asked, "So, none of you have tried to force your ways or order another one around?"

In unison the three replied, "No your Majesty, we haven't."

Celestia sat there with her wing up against her face deep in thought. While she could tell that the three did truly love one another, she also knew that she could not just go bending laws for one set of ponies. She knew that if she did that, she would simply have to do away with the ban and that would lead to the problems of the past returning.

Celestia started, "Look, I know you three love one another very much but I can not simply bend the rules for you three."

Twinkleshine asked, "Why not?"

Celestia replied, "Because if I do, then I would have to let everypony engage in plural marriages."

Colgate asked, "Your Majesty, what happened in the past involved stallions forcing their way on mares." Colgate got a huge smile on her face as she got an idea. She continued, "Princess, what if you altered it so that mares could engage in plural marriages but not everypony else?"

While her marefriends thought this was a spectacular idea, Celestia was not going to budge. She replied, "Colgate, if I did that then I would have ponies all over Equestria claiming that I am sexist against stallions. They would think that I favor mares and likely even accuse me of wanting to engage in a plural marriage myself." She was getting frustrated and snorted, "And I don't need ponies having that perception of me."

Lemon Hearts asked, "What ponies would perceive you like this?"

Celestia replied, "Well I'm sure there are still a few ponies out there that have the old beliefs of that sect. Then you have the ponies who would simply see it as me showing favoritism towards Lemon Hearts since she works for me and like I said, you would see ponies who would label me as sexist."

Colgate asked, "Your Majesty, you are the most powerful pony in Equestria. Why would it matter what they think? If they tried to start some sort of rebellion or protest, couldn't you just go put them in their place and banish them to the moon or throw them in Tartarus?"

Celestia couldn't help but laugh a little, "Oh Colgate, you don't understand much about ruling a country do you?" She then became more serious and continued, "Look, I am a benevolent princess, I am not a dictator that forces her ways upon her subjects. I just think doing that would be wrong."

Colgate asked, "But your Majesty, don't you think it is wrong to prevent me and my marefriends from being married too? Doesn't it feel wrong to be letting your subjects control your decisions?" She thought for a moment and continued, "In Saddle Arabia their leaders rule things their way. Why should Equestria be any different?"

Celestia replied, "Look, this isn't Saddle Arabia and the culture there is very different. Having hard line rulers who want things their way is normal. Equestria never has been that way and it never will."

Colgate grunted, "Well I guess whatever you decide will be what we have to live with."

Celestia looked down at them and could see tears running down Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts' faces. She seriously began to wonder about changing things but then she saw the look of anger and disgust in Colgate's face. Colgate's reaction, albeit silent, caused Celestia to decide that she did not want to bend the rules for a pony who was that angry at her. She stood up, spread her wings wide and said, "I have heard your opinions and reasons for wanting this and I have come to a decision."

Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts looked up with nervous looks on their faces while Colgate had a scowl on her's as she had a feeling what her decision would be. Celestia continued, "I am sorry but I am not going to bend the rules so you three can all be married. The risks are too high and I do not feel like having to eventually allow polygamy for all."

Lemon Hearts began to cry, "Well thank you for listening your Majesty."

Twinkleshine grabbed Lemon Hearts and began sobbing uncontrollably while Colgate stood there looking like she was about to explode. Colgate then snapped, "Come on girls, let's just go home. I should have known that she wouldn't listen to us."

They headed out of the throne room and Celestia just sighed. Deep down she wanted to make an exception for them and was considering it until Colgate's disrespectful and selfish behavior came to the surface. She simply would not cave in to a pony who thought she should run things like ponies do in another country.

As Colgate and her marefriends left the castle and headed home, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine were sobbing quietly while Colgate was so angry her face was an angry red. Once they got home though, Colgate's true anger would come to the surface.

Once they got in and shut the door Colgate screamed, "Damn her! Damn that Celestia! Why the hay must she be so damn stubborn? Ugh what I wouldn't give to knock all her teeth out right now!"

Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts, while they were devastated, also knew that Colgate's behavior may have been part of what caused Celestia to decide not to give them an exception. Lemon Hearts raised her voice and said, "You want to know something Colgate? I have a feeling that she might have granted us an exception BUT you just had to go challenging the way she runs things."

Twinkleshine added, "Yeah, I could see it in her eyes that she was considering it UNTIL you just had to bring up how she shouldn't let anypony else tell her how to run things or influence her decisions." She became angry and screamed, "Look, I know you meant well but it is not wise to challenge Celestia's way of doing things!" She slammed her hoof into the floor and continued, "And it was likely your fault she decided the way she did."

Colgate was not thrilled over what she considered them lecturing her but she didn't feel like arguing at that point. She was angry enough as it was and she did not want to get so mad she would have to take a few days away from the office. She grunted, "Look, I need to be alone for a while. We can talk more later."

Once she got up into her room she slammed the door shut. Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine stayed downstairs and began to talk. Twinkleshine asked, "Lemon Hearts, could you see Celestia's eyes when we were first talking, how they seemed almost sympathetic to us?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "Yes, I could. But then Colgate had to take charge of the conversation and act like she knew what would be best. She had to act like she knew more than Celestia did when it comes to this sort of thing."

Before too long they could hear Colgate screaming, yelling and cursing up in her room. It was moments like this that they seriously wondered if Colgate was indeed the one but in the end they would always realize that this was part of her and that they loved all of her, both the good and bad parts.

Discussions and Decisions

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Planning for their Discussion

While Colgate was up in her room screaming and kicking holes in the wall, her two marefriends were sitting down in the living room doing some soul searching and decided they had to discuss their future. The longer they heard Colgate up there screaming in rage, they realized that perhaps the time had come to either make her choose one of them or to leave her entirely.

Lemon Hearts asked, "Twinkleshine, I think we need to talk."

Twinkleshine replied, "I agree." She paused for a minute as Colgate's tirade continued to get louder and more profanity laced. She continued, "I take it you want to talk about our future involving her?"

Lemon Hearts said, "Yes, I do. I know both of us love Colgate but something needs to be done. I don't know about you but I don't want us to just live together as three lovers forever, I want to be married."

Twinkleshine replied, "I want the same. Like I have said before, it has always been a dream of mine ever since i was a filly to have a strong willed mare come sweep me off my hooves, marry me and live happily ever after with her."

At first Lemon Hearts had a disgusted look on her face. While she was a romantic as well, she thought Twinkleshine was too much of one, that she wanted nothing short of a fairy tale life. It was then though that she realized that it was her innocence that attracted her to her in the first place. Her look quickly changed to a smile and she said, "I know honey. I have the same desires that you do and I think that we need to approach Colgate about this."

Twinkleshine added, "We need to make her choose. Since she can't marry both of us, she will have to pick one or the other and if she doesn't like it, perhaps she shouldn't have either one of us."

Lemon Hearts was shocked by Twinkleshine's statement. For so long she would have been a bit more soft in what she said but this time she spoke with more confidence, with more determination. Lemon Hearts grabbed her, kissed her and replied, "Wow, this is a whole new side of you Twinkleshine! I've never seen you speak with determination like that before."

Twinkleshine said, "Well, this is a situation that I can't be soft in, neither one of us can be soft in. We have to let Colgate know how we feel."

Lemon Hearts asked, "When do you think we should talk to her about this?"

Twinkleshine replied, "Well not now, that's for sure. Let's let her cool off for a while. I think if we try talking to her now, she would likely go into an even worse rage and I don't want that."

Lemon Hearts agreed with her on this one. They decided to go to their room and do what they had done for years, even before they knew Colgate to unwind. They figured that Colgate would just go and watch news after she calmed down rather than wanting to spend time with them.

Decision Time for Colgate

A couple hours passed and Colgate had finally calmed down enough that she wasn't screaming. She headed downstairs to the living room and flipped on the TV to the news. Despite it being a rather slow news day, Colgate still quickly became absorbed by it. She focused on it so much that she didn't even notice her marefriends come down the stairs and plop down on the couch with her. After a minute of not even being noticed, Twinkleshine nibbled some on Colgate's ear, quickly drawing her attention away from the news. Colgate began to giggle but that would not last for long as her marefriends had serious issues to discuss with her.

Twinkleshine said, "Colgate, Lemon Hearts and I have some very important issues to discuss with you."

Colgate asked, "Oh, and what is that?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "Well first, we are very worried about you and these tirades you go on sometimes. We are worried that one day you will either be a threat to one of us, one of your patients or yourself."

This annoyed Colgate a bit that they would think she would ever harm anypony. She said, "Look you two, I'm not going to hurt anypony, especially you two. You should know that."

Twinkleshine began to cry a bit, "I know Colgate but when you go into rages like you did earlier today you might lose control of yourself. You would do things that you wouldn't mean to do."

Colgate stood up and yelled, "Look, I get mad, it is part of me AND I would not harm you. I would never get so mad that you two would be in danger. I would never hurt anypony that I love."

Lemon Hearts raised her voice and continued, "Oh, and speaking of love, Twinkleshine and i have been talking about our love for you and our future."

Colgate did not like the sounds of this but she realized that perhaps she needed to calm down. She took a deep breath and asked, "Oh, and what is it you have been discussing?"

Twinkleshine replied, "Well Lemon Hearts and I have been discussing things. As you know, it is in both our desires to eventually be married but because of Celestia's ban on plural marriages we can't do that unless one of us is left out." She got a more determined look on her face and continued, "Colgate dear, you are going to have to pick one of us. You can't have both of us."

Lemon Hearts added, "I know you don't want to break anypony's heart but in this case you are going to have to."

This caused Colgate to get an idea, one that she thought the two would love. She suggested, "I have an idea. How about I marry one of you two but the other one could still live with us and we could live like we do now! We would still have our love for one another and we could still have our sexy nights! It would just be a matter of one of you two not being bound to me by a government sanctioned piece of paper."

While Colgate thought this would make the two happy, it did the exact opposite, it enraged them. Twinkleshine yelled, "Oh, so you will marry one of us but the other will be sloppy seconds that you could discard without any repercussions? Look, I want a real marriage. I want to live like other married couples do and it seems like all you want is what we have now."

Lemon Hearts added, "And it seems like all you care about is the sex. Oh yes, we'll still have our sexy nights!" She began to scream, "You know what, it wouldn't be the same because we would always know that you were bonded with one of us in a way that you are not the other."

Together they screamed, "You must pick one of us!"

Colgate had never had her marefriends yell at her like that before. Their yells were so loud and full of anger that for the first time in her life she shied back. She sat there in silence until Twinkleshine screamed, "YOU MUST PICK ONE OF US!"

Lemon Hearts added, "WE WANT TO KNOW, NOW!"

Colgate began to sob, "I can't decide, I can't decide! I love both of you and having both of you as part of my life has made me happier that I ever imagined. I can't imagine life with only one of you. Please reconsider what I suggested earlier, I know we could all be happy living like that."

Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine looked at one another and realized that the life they desired so much could never be accomplished with Colgate. They knew that Colgate had no desire for a monogamous relationship and believed that they could do better, that perhaps they should set off on their own and marry each other. In a calm voice Twinkleshine said, "Well Colgate, perhaps it is time that we go our separate ways."

Lemon Hearts added, "It is obvious that you don't want a monogamous relationship and from what you have said earlier that the threesomes have a lot to do with it. We are sorry but we want a real marriage and we can only find that in each other."

Colgate snapped, "What? You don't seriously mean that do you?"

Twinkleshine replied, "Yes, we do. We love each other and the only way we can be married is if we marry each other since you are far too selfish to give monogamy a chance."

This caused Colgate to blow her stack. She yelled, "Fine! You two have 72 hours to find a place of your own, pack your crap and get out of MY HOUSE! I'm going to the office to reschedule this week's appointments and calm down." She calmed down and continued, "Call me when you are done moving out and don't even try taking something of mine. I know exactly what is mine and I will notice if it is missing." She began to yell again and finished, "And you don't even want to know what the hay will happen if something of mine is missing."

Moving Forward

Colgate stormed out the door, slamming it behind her and left a devastated but not surprised Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine behind. The two embraced one another and began to sob. They knew that the only money they would have would be what Lemon Hearts earns working at the castle but it would be enough to get a small but decent place. Twinkleshine looked into Lemon Hearts' eyes and sobbed, "Maybe this is for the best. Maybe this was supposed to happen."

Lemon Hearts sobbed, "I agree honey." They began to head upstairs and she continued, "Well let's pack our stuff and get out of here." She looked around the comfortable house and continued, "I just want to get out of here soon. While I have many good memories here, all I will be able to remember is what happened today."

Twinkleshine replied, "I agree sweetie but we have to find a place to live before we can just move everything out."

Lemon Hearts sighed, "Yeah you're right and I don't think we will even be able to talk to anypony until tomorrow about renting a place. I hope we won't have to live out on the streets until we find a place."

Twinkleshine replied, "She gave us 72 hours to get out. I'm sure we'll get something figured out by then."

While they began to make phone calls regarding places to rent, Colgate was in her office calling ponies to reschedule and trying to relax. While most ponies in her situation would sit back and realize that maybe what they did was wrong, this was not the case with Colgate. She placed all the blame on Celestia for her relationships going down the toilet. She mumbled, "Damn that Celestia, this is all her fault!" She then got a sneaky grin on her face and continued, "It looks like next time somepony sees me, she's going to pay dearly!"

It was 48 hours later when Colgate got the call from her ex-marefriends that they had found a place and moved out. When Colgate got home to that empty big house of her's, the sadness hit her. It was at this moment that she realized that she should have been more flexible, that maybe she should have chose one of them and showed her love for the other by buying her a house.

She went up to her room and collapsed on her huge bed and began to cry. All those memories of their fun and loving nights came rushing back to her. She realized that she had blown it and that she would likely never have anything like that again. It bothered her so much that she took the huge bed down and set up her smaller bed that she used to sleep on. Eventually Colgate would get over things and life would return to a mostly normal state but she knew that she would never have anything special like what she had with Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine again.

The End

A Discussion with Celestia (Alternate Ending)

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As they headed towards the castle Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts had nervous smiles on their faces while Colgate had a look of confidence and determination on her face. Yes she knew that the chances of swaying Celestia's views on polygamy were not very high, she knew that she could not go into this situation without any confidence.

The walk seemed to take longer than normal but eventually they got there. When they arrived at the castle they were greeted by a guard who asked, "Halt, who goes there?"

Given that Lemon Hearts works for Celestia she decided that she would be the one to reply, "We need to speak to the princess."

He took a closer look at the three and said, "Oh Lemon Hearts, I'm sorry about the initial gruff question. He opened the door and asked, "I take it you know the way to the throne room?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "Yes, I do."

Lemon Hearts led them to the throne room. As they were headed down the long hallways, they were nervous, Twinkleshine especially so. When they finally arrived, Celestia smiled and said, "Lemon Hearts! What are you doing here today, it is a holiday?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "I know it is a holiday but the three of us have to talk to you. It is about something very important."

Celestia took a look at the three and knew what it was likely going to be about. She said, "Lemon Hearts, I have already told you that I will not change my stance on plural marriages. You know that if I give the three of you an exception, everypony will demand an exception."

Colgate, who often had a better way with words and knew her history better started, "Your Majesty, I understand why you banned polygamy but you have to look at that situation. The situation back then involved stallions controlling the lives of many mares and fathering many, many foals. The situation with us would involve three mares and would not involve any foals."

Celestia replied, "That is true but it still involves a marriage between multiple ponies and there is the chance of one of you beginning to control the others." Celestia knew how the three operate and that Colgate already plays the stallion role in their household. She continued, "And I also have my worries that one of you may begin to dominate the other two, and I do not want one pony to be controlling the others."

Colgate said, "Princess, you know that none of us would try to control the others."

Lemon Hearts added, "Celestia, you know I've told you things about how things are in our household. You know that no one pony would try to control another."

Celestia knew this quite well as Lemon Hearts had often talked about Twinkleshine's more subservient role as the homemaker. She looked at Twinkleshine and asked, "Twinkleshine, from what I understand you are the one who stays at home all day and does the housework. Is that correct?"

Twinkleshine replied, "Yes your Majesty. I keep things at home clean."

Celestia knows that often those in that role are the ones who are controlled. She asked, "Twinkleshine, ponies who are in that role are often the ones who are easily controlled and manipulated. Have either one of these two ever tried to assert any dominance over you?"

Twinkleshine replied, "Well no." She then giggled and continued, "But Lemon Hearts and I have asserted our control and dominated Colgate in the bedroom!"

Celestia put her hoof up to her face and sighed in disgust, "That is more than I want to know. All I care about is how you are treated over all." She raised her voice and asked, "So, none of you have tried to force your ways or order another one around?"

In unison the three replied, "No your Majesty, we haven't."

Celestia sat there with her wing up against her face deep in thought. While she could tell that the three did truly love one another, she also knew that she could not just go bending laws for one set of ponies. She knew that if she did that, she would simply have to do away with the ban and that would lead to the problems of the past returning.

Celestia started, "Look, I know you three love one another very much but I can not simply bend the rules for you three."

Twinkleshine asked, "Why not?"

Celestia replied, "Because if I do, then I would have to let everypony engage in plural marriages."

Colgate asked, "Your Majesty, what happened in the past involved stallions forcing their way on mares." Colgate got a huge smile on her face as she got an idea. She continued, "Princess, what if you altered it so that mares could engage in plural marriages but not everypony else?"

While her marefriends thought this was a spectacular idea, Celestia was not going to budge. She replied, "Colgate, if I did that then I would have ponies all over Equestria claiming that I am sexist against stallions. They would think that I favor mares and likely even accuse me of wanting to engage in a plural marriage myself." She was getting frustrated and snorted, "And I don't need ponies having that perception of me."

Lemon Hearts asked, "What ponies would perceive you like this?"

Celestia replied, "Well I'm sure there are still a few ponies out there that have the old beliefs of that sect. Then you have the ponies who would simply see it as me showing favoritism towards Lemon Hearts since she works for me and like I said, you would see ponies who would label me as sexist."

Colgate asked, "Your Majesty, you are the most powerful pony in Equestria. Why would it matter what they think? If they tried to start some sort of rebellion or protest, couldn't you just go put them in their place and banish them to the moon or throw them in Tartarus?"

Celestia couldn't help but laugh a little, "Oh Colgate, you don't understand much about ruling a country do you?" She then became more serious and continued, "Look, I am a benevolent princess, I am not a dictator that forces her ways upon her subjects. I just think doing that would be wrong."

Colgate asked, "But your Majesty, don't you think it is wrong to prevent me and my marefriends from being married too? Doesn't it feel wrong to keep three ponies who love one another more than life itself from being married?"

Celestia sighed, "Colgate, I know how much you three love each other but like I've said before, I can't make an exception for this without everypony else demanding it."

Lemon Hearts asked, "Who said anypony has to know about this if you were to allow it?"

Celestia was getting frustrated that the three mares would not simply take no for an answer and leave it at that. She replied, "Listen, marriages are a public record that anypony can access and even if it weren't, I'm sure ponies would find out one way or another and either complain about it or demand I allow them to engage in a plural marriage as well."

While Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine had tears running down their faces, Colgate did something very unexpected. While she is generally the strong silent type that views publicly showing emotion as a sign of weakness, she began to openly cry, "Ok your Majesty, I understand." She looked at her marefriends and continued, "Let's get going. I'm sure the princess has other things on her schedule that needs taking care of." She looked back at Celestia and continued, "Thanks for listening to us your Majesty."

The three headed for the exit with their heads hung low when Celestia yelled, "Wait, come back."

The three headed back towards the throne and Celestia gave them a smile. She said, "I can tell you three truly do love one another and Colgate, I'm going to be honest with you. I never expected you to openly cry in front of anypony, especially given your personality and personal beliefs. To me that proves beyond a shadow of doubt that you do love these two with all your heart." Her smile widened as she continued, "I have decided to grant you three an exception under the condition that you have a simple ceremony here with nopony else present. It would just be you three with me officiating it. Do we have a deal?"

The three rushed up to her, hugged her and said, "You bet we do your Majesty!"

Celestia continued, "Also, you three can't just go advertising to the world that you are married and I would advise you avoid wearing horn rings out in public, especially given that each one of you would be wearing two of them. I advise this because that would give away the fact that you three are engaged in a plural marriage. Do we still have a deal?"

The three began to cry tears of joy and enthusiastically said, "Yes your Majesty, we have a deal!"

Celestia realized that their ceremony would have to be held at a time when Luna would not be present because she knew that Luna would fiercely oppose this and use any means necessary to prevent it. She said, "Also, your ceremony would have to be held when my sister is not around because she would be very opposed to this and would try to stop it."

Colgate asked, "Why would she try to stop it?"

Celestia replied, "Well she is even tighter with the rules than I am. Trust me, she would have become very angry with you three and probably scare you out of here, and that would be if you're lucky."

Twinkleshine asked, "Since we have to have it when Luna is not here, when would we have to hold it?"

Celestia replied, "In the middle of the night, after Luna has left on her patrol of the Everfree Forest. It will have to be a quick ceremony so we can get it done before she returns. Would that be ok?"

In unison they replied, "Yes your Majesty, that would be alright."

Celestia said, "Ok, come here around ten on Friday night. Luna leaves for her patrol early on Fridays and usually doesn't return until four-thirty on Saturday morning. Will that work?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "Yes your Majesty, it will work."

Celestia began to be concerned about ponies wondering why she was talking with them for so long so she sent them on their way and as one last piece of advice, she advised them not to act too happy on the way home. They happily obliged but once they got home, it was a different story.

Once they got into the living room and closed the door, they engaged in an embrace and cried in joy, "We did it! I can't believe we got her to make an exception for us!"

Lemon Hearts said, "Well I guess you were right Colgate, you do have a way with words but I think it was the fact that you actually cried that convinced her."

Colgate replied, "Well the fact it seemed like she wouldn't let us get married at first tore me apart. The thoughts of the three of us not being able to be together saddened me so much."

Twinkleshine interrupted, "Well we have a wedding to get ready for! I know it will be a very simple one but still, we need to be ready for a life change."

Colgate replied, "Yes we do but it will be the most wonderful life change we will ever experience."

The rest of their day was spent doing something that Colgate loathed, watching romantic movies but in her mind it was all worth it because she knew she would be able to marry her beloved marefriends and be with them forever.

Their Dream Comes True

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Despite the rest of the week going by rather normally for the most part, the three mares still couldn't help but be excited. What they had dreamed of for so long was finally going to come true. Colgate and Lemon Hearts went to work as if it were any other day while Twinkleshine stayed at home, did some housework but during most of the day, she would dream of how wonderful her new life would be.

While the week seemed to drag by, when Friday arrived the three were so excited. Colgate had rescheduled her appointments over the next six days until a couple weeks later and Lemon Hearts took a couple of weeks vacation for their honeymoon. The week dragged by for them but Friday seemed to be agonizingly long for them, having to wait the whole day and until well after dark to head to the castle for their private ceremony.

While they knew this was the conditions they began to wonder if they would even be able to tell their families, especially Colgate as she was by far the closest with her relatives. During supper the three began to talk, "So do you think Celestia will even let us share this wonderful news with our relatives?" asked Colgate.

Lemon Hearts replied, "You know, I'm not really sure. I'd be kind of nervous to tell my folks because they are incredibly old fashioned. They frown upon the fact that I like mares enough as it is. If I were to tell them that the three of us got married, they would probably do whatever it took to break this apart, even exposing it to the nation and letting everypony know that Celestia gave us an exception."

Twinkleshine added, "My folks are much more open minded when it comes to me liking mares but a plural marriage is something they would likely not approve of." She looked at Colgate and asked, "Colgate, how do you think your family would react?"

Colgate replied, "Oh I'm sure my family would be perfectly fine with it. I'll be honest, when my folks discovered that I am a lesbian, they were very happy for me. They know of many ponies who like those of the same gender but never go after those they truly love because of fear of being judged and they did not want me to conform to what society prefers and be miserable."

Lemon Hearts said, "Wow, it sounds like your parents are going to be the perfect in-laws!"

Colgate replied, "They're going to love you two. As long as the mare or mares I get with treat me good, they'll welcome them into the family with open hooves."

While they continued to discuss things about their families time seemed to speed by. Before they knew it the time to go had come. Colgate looked up at the clock and said, "Come on girls! It's getting close to ten and Celestia likely wouldn't be happy if we was to be late. We had best get going!"

They hurried out the door and headed towards the castle. They did not gallop through the streets or have too huge of smiles on their faces as they did not want to draw any unnecessary attention to themselves. When they arrived at the palace they were greeted by one of the unicorn guards, "Halt! Who are you and what is your business here?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "Well I am Lemon Hearts and these two are Twinkleshine and Colgate...."

The guard smiled and said, "I'm sorry for the rather gruff question. The princess told me she was expecting you three." He opened the door and asked, "Do you know your way to the throne room?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "Yep! I work here in the castle so I know it quite well."

The guard nodded as they headed into the castle. They remained quiet as they headed towards the throne room but when they arrived Celestia was not sitting on her throne, she was waiting at the doorway for them. She said, "Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, Colgate, it is so good to see you!"

Colgate replied, "It is good to see you too your Majesty!"

Celestia headed towards her throne and said, "Follow me."

Once they reached the throne Celestia grabbed the doors with her aura and shut them. She looked down at the three and asked, "Now is this what the three of you truly want?"

In unison they replied, "Yes your Majesty."

Celestia asked, "Do you remember all the terms and conditions of this?"

Colgate replied, "Yes your Majesty. We are not to advertise it to anypony and we are not to wear horn rings out in public."

Celestia said, "Good, and knowing you three, I know you will stick to your word."

Colgate asked, "Would we ever even be able to tell our families or would they have to think that we are just three lovers living together?"

Celestia replied, "Well it really depends on how your families would take it." She paused and asked, "What are your families views on plural marriages?"

Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts said in unison, "Our families frown upon them."

Celestia looked at Colgate and asked, "And what about your family?"

Colgate replied, "Oh my family already knows about how close Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine are with me. They wouldn't have any problems with it at all. All that matters to them is that I am happy."

Celestia smiled and said, "What a shame everypony else in Equestria isn't like your family. I bet growing up for you must have been rather easy."

Colgate replied, "Yeah, well except for when I would forget to do my homework!"

Celestia chuckled, "I think all parents would be like that." She paused for a moment and continued, "Well let's get this started."

The three stood before the princess as she started, "Colgate, do you take these two mares, Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts to be your lawfully wedded wives, to have and hold through all times better or worse, in sickness and health and not until death will you part?"

Colgate replied, "Yes your Majesty, I do."

She then cast her gaze on Lemon Hearts and asked, "Lemon Hearts, do you take these two mares, Twinkleshine and Colgate to be your lawfully wedded wives, to have and hold through all times better or worse, in sickness and health and not until death will you part?"

Lemon Hearts replied, "Yes your Majesty, I do."

She then looked at Twinkleshine and asked, "Twinkleshine, do you take these two mares, Colgate and Lemon Hearts to be your lawfully wedded wives, to have and hold through all times better or worse, in sickness and health and not until death will you part?"

Twinkleshine replied, "You bet I do your Majesty!"

Celestia smiled and said, "Good. By the power invested in me, Princess Celestia of Equestria, I now pronounce you wife, wife and wife. You all may now kiss."

The three took turns kissing one another while Celestia stood there with a smile on her face. While she was happy for the three, she felt bad that they were not able to have a large ceremony where their friends and families could be present but realized that it was best not only for her, but for their reputations as well, especially Colgate's since she works with the community.

The three hugged Celestia thanking her and telling her how grateful they were that she gave them this exception. Celestia took a couple steps back and placed her wing on her face, looking like she was in deep thought.

The three saw this and became a little concerned. Lemon Hearts asked, "What's wrong your Majesty?"

Celestia, despite being very happy for the three, had a tear running down her face. She said, "I feel so bad that your wedding had to be like this, that it had to be so private and at such a late hour."

Twinkleshine replied, "It's alright your Majesty. We are just happy that you gave us an exception and that we are legally married."

Celestia became sadder and continued, "But it's not alright. It wasn't right of me to do this. You should have been able to share this moment with your family and friends, you shouldn't have to hide the fact that you three are married." She pulled herself together a bit and continued, "I have decided that you should not have to hide this from everypony."

Twinkleshine asked, "Really?"

Celestia replied, "Really. I have decided that you can wear your ring horns in public. It is unfair that you should have to hide your marriage while others can openly show theirs."

Colgate asked, "But what about other ponies coming to you and voicing their concerns over you allowing us to be engaged in a plural marriage?"

Celestia replied, "I'll tell them that I have changed the law, that it will be on a case by case basis that must be approved by me."

Lemon Hearts asked, "What about your sister? What if she sees us out and about and approaches us about it?"

Celestia replied, "Tell her to come and talk to me about it." She put her wing up to her mouth and yawned, "Well I think it might be best if we all got some rest. I have to raise the sun in the morning and I'm sure you three probably have special plans for night." She began to giggle and winked at them, "Like everypony else does on their wedding night!" She giggled more and continued, "Oh and Colgate, don't let them dominate you too much tonight!"

Colgate blushed and replied, "Oh I won't your Majesty!"

As Celestia headed off to her sleeping chambers the newlywed mares headed home, happier than they had ever been. Unlike how they were when they headed to the castle, they were cheerfully laughing and clinging together. When they got home the very first thing that happened was what is expected of newlyweds on their wedding night and despite Celestia's comment, Colgate was all too easily dominated that night.

After their honeymoon and a few days of relaxing at home, Colgate and Lemon Hearts returned to work, wearing two horn rings and when all three of them were out and about, they were questioned as well and as requested, they told them to talk to Celestia. Celestia did have many, many ponies protest her allowing them to engage in a plural marriage, Celestia told them about the new law which for the most part silenced the critics. While Luna at first did not approve of her sister's actions, she could see the happiness in Colgate, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine.

Eventually Celestia decided to hold a formal wedding for the three with all their friends and family present, one that rivaled the wedding of Cadence and Shining Armor given that it was the first plural marriage allowed in Equestria in centuries. While she would never admit it, Celestia did allow it because it was between three mares and in the future that is how the case by case basis would work, it would only be for mares marrying other mares.