The Flight of Scootaloo

by birdyluv0

First published

It turns out that the reason Scootaloo cannot fly is due to a rare and horrible disease that only affects pegasi.

Scootaloo has not been able to fly her whole life; her wings haven't grown large enough. And she still hasn't gotten her cutie mark.
When it is found out that this is due to Scootaloo being born with a rare and horrible disease, she is determined to take one flight.

Cover art by PhoelynFabulous


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Sunlight filters through the curtains into Fluttershy's house, where the Cutie Mark Crusaders are having a sleepover. Scootaloo opens one eye to find the bedroom filled with light. She bursts out of bed, throwing the covers off of Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.

"Come on, everypony! Wake up! It's time to do some crusading!" shouts Scootaloo into the ears of her fellow CMC members. Sweetie Belle groans, grabbing her pillow with her hooves and pressing it into her ears. Applebloom unsuccessfully attempts to stifle a yawn. "Oh come on. How can you all want to sleep? Today is the day we get our cutie marks!" exclaims Scootaloo excitedly.

The word "cutie mark" seems to stir life into the other two crusaders. Sweetie Belle jumps up and rushes downstairs, followed closely behind by Applebloom and Scootaloo. She skids into the parlor, crashing into an animal cage and disturbing a few birds. Meanwhile, in Fluttershy's room, Fluttershy winces at the sound of the crash. Well, I guess they are up. Time to go make breakfast. Fluttershy quickly combs out her mane and walks down the stairs, her delicate hooves hardly making a sound.

"Goodmorning, girls!" she says softly as she reassures the birds that they are quite alright, and rights the cage.

"Fluttershy! Fluttershy! We're gonna get our cutie marks today!" exclaims Applebloom, jumping up and down.

"Well, before you go get your cutie marks, how about some breakfast?" replies Fluttershy, placing a salad in front of each crusader.

"Ew! Salad!" shouts Sweetie Belle, while Scootaloo and Applebloom gobble up their food. Fluttershy looks at Sweetie Belle and says, "Sweetie Belle, if you don't eat your salad, you'll be hungry the rest of the day. Come on, eat up. It's good, and the animals like it too." Sweetie Belle sniffs, but eventually replies, "Fine." She eats her salad less enthusiastically than the others.

"Thanks for lettin' us spend the night, Fluttershy," says Applebloom. Fluttershy smiles.

"You are very much welcome. Now, don't you want to get out and do some crusading?" replies Fluttershy.

"Yeah, come on everypony! Last one out of the house is a rotten carrot!" exclaims Scootaloo before bolting out the door. Applebloom quickly follows behind her, leaving Sweetie Belle still sitting in the chair.

"Oh, come on!" grumbles Sweetie Belle as she runs out of the house to catch up to her fellow crusaders.

As they gallop together towards Ponyville, Scootaloo stumbles a little bit and winces, earning a worried look from her friends.

"Oh, it's nothing; just a little morning hoof pain, that's all," Scootaloo tries to explain. But the pain continues to blossom in her hoof, causing her to wince again.

"Are ya sure you're alright, Scootaloo? It seems like it is a little more painful than a mornin' hoof pain," says Applebloom.

"No, really, it's fine," says Scootaloo, not wanting to admit that it hurts. As the crusaders continue to walk, Scootaloo attempts to hide her pain until a sharp pain in her back causes her to yelp.

"Scootaloo, are you sure you're fine?" asks Sweetie Belle.

"I said I'm fine. I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," replies Scootaloo. Her wings begin to ache as they head towards town, and pain blossoms in her head. "You know, uh, can I just maybe lay down for a minute or too?" asks Scootaloo. She trots over to the grass and flops down onto the ground, panting.

"Scootaloo, somethin's not right. Look at ya; you're panting!" says Applebloom, "The castle is right over there. I'm gonna go get Twilight."

"No, really, there's no need for that. It's just been a long walk," says Scootaloo, trying to come up with an excuse for her pain. Sweetie Belle gives her a quizzical look.

"Scootaloo, we walk that distance all the time. It's not a long walk," says Sweetie Belle. Suddenly, a sharp bolt of pain flashes through Scootaloo's wings. She cries out, no longer able to hold it in. She whimpers as the pain subsides, only to be followed by another flash of pain and another scream.

"That's it. I'm gettin' Twilight," calls out Applebloom as she gallops off towards the castle.

A third flash of pain causes Scootaloo to cry out again. The pain in her head grows, sending blinding flashes of pain throughout her head.

"MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" screams Scootaloo, her pain intensifying. A shadow approaches the pair of crusaders as Twilight Sparkle flies in, leaving Applebloom running back to the field. Scootaloo is crying now, no longer able to hold back her tears. Twilight leans in, stroking Scootaloo's head with her hoof and attempting to calm her down.

"Scootaloo, where does it hurt? You have to tell me where it hurts," says Twilight, a concerned look on her face.

"EVERYWHERE! It hurts everywhere!" shouts Scootaloo, tremors rippling through her body. Twilight looks at Sweetie Belle.

"She was just fine this morning; we were planning to do some crusading!" says Sweetie Belle in response to Twilight's look.

"I'm going to take her down to the Ponyville hospital. Can you too go back to Fluttershy's house? I'll tell Applejack and Rarity to come pick you up in a little bit," says Twilight.

"But I can walk home maself!" says Applebloom, not wanting to be treated like a little filly. Twilight sighs.

"Please just head back to Fluttershy's house. Please," she replies, not wanting to deal with Applebloom at the moment.

Scootaloo cries out again, and a red haze sets itself over her vision.

"Twilight, I'm scared," whispers Scootaloo. Her vision gets darker and darker until everything goes black for the little filly.

In the hospital

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Scootaloo cracks open one eye and yawns. She looks around her, confused. Then the events of the day come rushing back to her. Her whole body aches, although there do not seem to be any sharp pains. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash barges into the room, slamming the door into the wall.

"Scoots! What happened? Twilight just told me that you were in the hospital, and here you are! Oh, Scootaloo!" cries Rainbow Dash, obviously concerned for the little filly.

Scootaloo attempts to sit up, but is greeted with a sharp pain in her back. She whimpers and lays back down on the bed.

"I don't know, Rainbow Dash! It just started hurting, and then I was here," replies Scootaloo.

"What hurts?" asks Rainbow Dash, looking Scootaloo all over.

"EVERYTHING!" cries Scootaloo before bursting into tears. "I don't know what's wrong, but I WANT IT TO STOP!" Nurse Redheart barrels into the room, disturbed by the crusader's cries. She looks over at the monitors, and when she is satisfied that everything is okay, she sits down next to the bed.

"Scootaloo, can you tell me what hurts? What happened?" asks Nurse Redheart, looking Scootaloo up and down.

"It just, it all aches. And hurts. Everything. I want it to stop! Nurse, what's wrong with me?" whimpers Scootaloo, tears streaming down her cheeks. Rainbow Dash backs up against the wall, her eyes beginning to water. No. You will NOT cry. You've got to stay strong for Scootaloo and whatever is wrong with her.

"Um, excuse me Nurse Redheart..." says Rainbow Dash, before being greeted by a loud "Shhh!" from Nurse Redheart. Nurse Redheart turns back to Scootaloo. She stands up and inserts an IV into Scootaloo's arm. Scootaloo looks visibly relaxed after this, the pain fading from her body and giving way to a numb feeling.

"There. That should help ease the pain for now. I'm going to go get the doctor and Twilight Sparkle. Don't worry, I will be right back," says Nurse Redheart as she crosses the room. She looks over at Rainbow Dash. "Visiting is time is over for now. Come on, you can come back and see her later." Rainbow Dash reluctantly follows Nurse Redheart out of the room, stealing a look back at Scootaloo. Scootaloo looks at Rainbow Dash, a sad look on her face. Rainbow Dash sniffs, trying to hold in her tears.

They walk out into the waiting room, and Rainbow Dash goes over to sit in a chair. She looks out the window at the rain that is now pouring down. Nurse Redheart goes over to Twilight and talks to her for a moment, before both of them walk back towards the room. Oh, what could be wrong with Scootaloo? First off, she can't fly, she doesn't have her cutie mark, and now she is in extreme pain! Why... She sits gloomily in the chair and begins watching the clock.

A Deady Disease

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Twilight Sparkle and Nurse Redheart walk into the room, followed by Doctor Featherheart. Doctor Featherheart starts to close the door, but is interrupted by Twilight.

"Wait! I brought my books on pony diseases," says Twilight as she magics a whole bunch of books into the room. Doctor Featherheart sighs as Twilight drops the pile of books on the floor.

Doctor Featherheart walks over to Scootaloo and starts looking her over. He pokes her wing, earning a sharp inhale from Scootaloo in pain. Doctor Featherheart turns Scootaloo over, and Scootaloo groans at the motion.

"Where does it hurt?" asks Doctor Featherheart, very matter-of-factly.

"Everywhere... It hurts everywhere!" replies Scootaloo. Doctor Featherheart looks at her flank and gasps.

"You don't have a cutie mark yet?" he asks, curious. Scootaloo glares at him.

"Do you see a cutie mark? No! But my friends and I made a group called the Cutie Mark Crusaders where we go crusading to get our cutie marks. You see, all three of us are blankflanks, and everyone else in our class has cutie marks, andwe'rejusttryingtoearnourcutiemar-" explains Scootaloo, getting abruptly cut off by Doctor Featherheart.

"I think I know what the problem is. Princess Twilight Sparkle, may I please see Volume 34: Rare diseases please?" says Doctor Featherheart, looking at the pile of books on the floor.

"Volume 34? Gosh, how many volumes ARE there?" asks Scootaloo, intrigued.

"Sure! And, Scootaloo, there are 67 volumes all together! And also, Doctor, you can just call me Twilight," replies Twilight, levitating the book out of the pile and giving it to Doctor Featherheart. He opens the book and starts flipping through it.

"67 volumes? Really?" says Scootaloo, but is ignored.

"Let's see here.. Rare Earth Pony Diseases... Rare Unicorn Diseases... Rare Pegasus Diseases... Aha!" mumbles Doctor Featherheart as he flips through the book. He shows the page to both Nurse Redheart and Twilight. Scootaloo strains to get a glimpse of the page, but lays back down with a yelp as pain courses through her body.

Twilight and Nurse Redheart gasp as they look at the book.

"What? What is it?" asks Scootaloo, but is again ignored.

Small Wing Disease (only affects pegasi)

Small Wing Disease is a serious and fatal disease that exists only in the pegasus population.


Sympotms will begin to show in the pony affected somewhere between 7 and 20 years of age. Symptoms include:
- Extreme pain
- Hallucinations
- Suicidal thoughts
- Decreased mental stability
- Meltdowns
- Paralysis (is not a common symptom)
- Death
Once these symptoms begin to show, you should bring the pony in question to a hospital immediately.


Small wing disease is an extremely rare disease that is accompanied with the inability to fly, small wings that do not grow properly, and the lack of a cutie mark. Ponies infected with this disease are not able to get a cutie mark. Once symptoms start to show, the pony in question has at most a moon to live. No cases have been recorded of a pony lasting longer than a moon. Extreme pain is the main symptom of the disease, and will be with the pony as long as they live. The pain is also always the first symptom, and can come without warning. Ponies appear to be born with this disease, and it is not contagious or genetic. Causes are unknown. There is currently no known cure. The disease is always fatal.

"We haven't had a case of this in Equestria for years now. I am positive that this is what Scootaloo has. She has a month to live at most, but I think she will only live a week," says Doctor Featherheart.

"But... how could this have happened?" asks Twilight, sadly.

"What is going on? What do I have? SOMEPONY ANSWER ME!" yells Scootaloo, but nopony so much as glances at her.

"She has had it since birth, and it cannot be cured. I suggest that you try and make her last few weeks as comfortable as possible," continues Doctor Featherheart.

"I'll be right back. I am going to go get Rainbow Dash. She is very fond of the filly," says Twilight, walking out the door.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!" cries Scootaloo. Nurse Redheart looks at her sadly. Somethings really wrong with me, thinks Scootaloo as Twilight and Rainbow Dash walk into the room.

Twilight shows Rainbow Dash the book.

"No... this can't be happening... no... NO!" cries Rainbow Dash, sinking down to the floor. Twilight approaches Scootaloo's bed.

"Scootaloo, we have some bad news. You have something called 'Small Wing Disease'," says Twilight. Hearing that, Scootaloo relaxes. I know I have always had small wings. Something called "Small Wing Disease" can't be that bad.

"So... am I just going to have small wings for the rest of my life?" asks Scootaloo. Twilight shakes her head.

"I am afraid that Small Wing Disease is much worse than that. Small Wing Disease is an extremely rare disease that only affects pegasi. It causes the inability to fly, small wings, and the permanent lack of a cutie mark-" Twilight gets cut off as Scootaloo yells, "NO CUTIE MARK??" Nurse Redheart glares at her and says, "Shhh!"

"Let me finish, Scootaloo! Small Wing Disease is a disease accompanied with extreme pain. Scootaloo, it is a fatal disease. You have at most a month to live," says Twilight. She looks down at the floor, and Rainbow Dash sobs in a corner.

The news hits Scootaloo like a train. She simply stares off into space in disbelief.


"I'll leave you to it here," says Doctor Featherheart, as he exits the room. Nurse Redheart carefully takes the IV out of Scootaloo's leg.

"I am so sorry, Scootaloo. Would you like me to break the news to your friends, or would you like to do it yourself?" replies Twilight.

"I-I-I'll-I guess I'll do it myself," says Scootaloo between sobs.

Nurse Redheart looks at Twilight. "Will she be staying with you?" she asks. Twilight nods and says, "Her parents died soon after she was born, so i will take care of her." Then Twilight turns and looks at Scootaloo. "Come on, let's go and tell your friends." Scootaloo gets out of the bed, but screeches in pain as she touches the floor. She falls to the ground and curls up in a ball.

"It hu-hurts r-really b-b-bad," whimpers Scootaloo. Twilight softly strokes Scootaloo's mane with her hoof.

"I'll carry you, okay?" says Twilight as she helps Scootaloo climb on her back. Scootaloo nods. They walk out of the hospital and head towards Fluttershy's cottage, leaving Rainbow Dash still curled up on the floor.

We Are Crusaders!

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As Twilight and Scootaloo approach Fluttershy's cottage, a wave of sadness washes over Scootaloo. I don't have long to live, and I'll never get a cutie mark. How am I going to explain this to them? Twilight knocks on the door, and Fluttershy answers it.

"Girls! Scootaloo is here!" she says softly. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle barrel out the door, almost crashing into Twilight and Scootaloo.

"Scootaloo, what happened? Are you okay?" asks Sweetie Belle loudly.

"We were so worried about ya!" exclaims Applebloom. Scootaloo stares at her friends sadly. Twilight helps lower Scootaloo to the ground. Scootaloo looks her fellow crusaders in the eyes.

"I have some bad news to tell you all," she starts. A single tear rolls down her cheek and lands on the ground. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle stare at her, worried. Scootaloo continues. "I have something called 'Small Wing Disease'. It's a severe and extremely rare disease that only affects pegasi. My wings will never grow, I will never fly, and I will never get a cutie mar-"

"Never get a cutie mark? That's horrible!" says Sweetie Belle, her voice squeaking.

"That's not bad at all compared to the rest of this, uh, disease. It's fatal. I have at most a month to live, and the rest of the time I do live will be accompanied by extreme pain," Scootaloo finishes. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom stare at her.

"Is that... really true?" asks Applebloom, a tiny sliver of hope saying that Scootaloo was just teasing them. Scootaloo nods. Tears fill Sweetie Belle's eyes, and Applebloom just stands there.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy who was just standing at the door the whole time, walks over to Scootaloo, tears in her eyes.

"Scootaloo, I promise that we will help make the rest of your life as comfortable as possible," she says as she cuddles Scootaloo close to her. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom join the hug.

"Scootaloo, no matter what happens, ya will always be a crusader. Because we are crusaders, and crusaders never give up on eachother," says Applebloom.

"Yeah! We are crusaders!" says Sweetie Belle, joining in. Scootaloo looks at them with hope in her eyes. She extends her hoof, and her fellow crusaders all bump hooves.

Fluttershy looks up at Twilight and says, "Does Rainbowdash know?" Twilight nods her head, then gasps.

"I left Rainbowdash over at the hospital! Fluttershy, can you take care of Scootaloo and the girls for me?" says Twilight as she flies off, not even giving Fluttershy a chance to answer.

"Come on, girls. Let's go inside," says Fluttershy, re-opening the door. The three fillies follow her in. But after a few steps, Scootaloo screams and falls to the floor. She writhes around in pain, and Sweetie Belle and Applebloom back up against the wall. Fluttershy approaches Scootaloo carefully.

"Scootaloo, Scootaloo... It'll be okay... Just calm down... shhh.. it'll be okay..." Fluttershy soothes. Scootaloo's cries cease to whimpers. "Come on, let's get you upstairs in the bed." She picks Scootaloo up and flies her upstairs to the bed, where she gently lays her down. "Get some rest, Scootaloo," Fluttershy says as she closes the curtains. She walks downstairs, leaving Scootaloo alone in the darkness.

After a few minutes, Scootaloo hears a whisper from the corner. "Hey, Scootaloo! Over here!" She sits up and looks around, until she sees Applebloom and Sweetie Belle hiding in the corner.

"Fluttershy told us not to bother you, but we really wanted to see you," explains Sweetie Belle as she walks over to the bed, followed by Applebloom.

"Guys, I don't want to die," whispers Scootaloo. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle give her a big hug.

"Again, don't worry, Scootaloo. You'll always be a crusader, and crusaders always stick together."


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Fluttershy looks around the house, noticing that it is quiet. Too quiet. She heads up the stairs and opens the door to the bedroom. Her suspicions were right; Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were gathered around the bed.

"Come on girls, we need to let Scootaloo rest. Anyways, it is lunch time. I have some more salad! Scootaloo, would you like something to eat?" says Fluttershy, looking at the girls.

"Ew! Salad again? Can't we just go out to eat?" complains Sweetie Belle.

"Sure, I guess I will have some food. I am hungry, after all," replies Scootaloo.

"Okay. Come on girls, let's go downstairs," says Fluttershy as she walks out of the room.

"But I wanna hang out with Scootaloo!" says Sweetie Belle, her voice squeaking.

"Come on, Sweetie Belle. Let's just go downstairs. We can come back up later to see Scootaloo," says Applebloom, grabbing Sweetie Belle's hoof and dragging her out of the room.

Scootaloo lies in the bed and stares at the wall. I don't want to live like this for the rest of my life. I want to have fun and hang out with Applebloom and Scootaloo. She breaks down and cries. It just isn't fair. Scootaloo hears footsteps outside the room, and her ears perk up. But when she sees that it is just Fluttershy, she lays back down again.

"Here you go. A nice bowl of fresh salad!" says Fluttershy, laying the bowl down on the desk next to the bed. She then notices that Scootaloo is crying. "What's wrong, Scootaloo?"

"Fluttershy... I don't want to die. I want to live! I want to fly with Rainbow Dash someday. I want to get my cutie mark. I want to hang out with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom! I don't want to be in pain all the time," says Scootaloo. She leans against Fluttershy and cries.

"There there. Is there anything else?" asks Fluttershy, sitting down on the bed. Scootaloo shakes her head as she cries. "Why don't you get some food in your body? Maybe that will help make you feel a little bit better," says Fluttershy, pushing the bowl of salad towards Scootaloo. Scootaloo looks at the bowl before picking up a leaf, chewing it, and swallowing it. She then notices how hungry she really is, and she gobbles down the whole bowl.

"Thanks, Fluttershy. Can Applebloom and Sweetie Belle come upstairs? I... I don't want to be alone," asks Scootaloo. Fluttershy nods her head.

"Sure. Just make sure to get some rest later, okay?" Fluttershy says. She leaves the room and walks downstairs. Scootaloo waits for a few minutes until she hears the familiar pounding of tiny hooves up the stairs.

"Fluttershy said we could come in 'ere and hang out with ya!" exclaims Applebloom. Sweetie Belle follows behind her, wiping her tongue.

"Ith shtill can't get rid of the tathte of thith thalad!" she complains. Scootaloo laughs.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle!" Scootaloo says, which earns a chuckle from Applebloom.

"No, theriouthly! It'th dithguthing!" Sweetie Belle replies. Scootaloo laughs again.

"Oh come on Sweetie Belle, it's not that bad," Scootaloo says, chuckling. Sweetie Belle glares at her. Once I'm gone, I won't be able to have any more fun times with my friends, Scootaloo thinks, which drags her mood down again. Sweetie Belle sticks her tongue back in her mouth and asks, "What's wrong, Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo sighs. "It's just... After I'm, you know, uh, gone, we won't be able to hang out like this anymore. And... And.... I JUST DON'T WANNA DIE!" cries Scootaloo, bursting into tears again. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle hug Scootaloo. A tear streaks down Sweetie Belle's cheek.

"I don't want you to die either, Scootaloo. None of us do," says Sweetie Belle, crying. Applebloom joins in the crying fest too.

"Maybe... maybe it'll get better. Or or or maybe ya don't have the disease! Maybe it's just a temporary thing," says Appleboom, trying to stay hopeful.

"Applebloom, you know that I won't get better, and you know that I do have this disease. I just... Can we maybe, uh, hang out more often?" says Scootaloo.

"Of course! I mean, we are crusaders after all!" exclaims Sweetie Belle. "Maybe you can come live with Rarity and I!"

"Or maybe ya can come live with Applejack and 'ah!" says Applebloom.

"I heard Twilight saying in the hospital that I will be staying with here," whispers Scootaloo. I wish I could stay with them. I really wish I could.

"Awww..." Sweetie Belle and Applebloom both say at the same time. At that moment, Twilight Sparkle walks into the room.

"Come on, Scootaloo, it's time to take you to your new home," says Twilight.

Dreams of Flight

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Twilight Sparkle helps Scootaloo get on her back, and they walk downstairs.

"Thanks for taking care of Scootaloo, Fluttershy," says Twilight.

"Oh, it was my pleasure, Twilight," replies Fluttershy. Sweetie Belle careens out the door and lands flat on her face. She picks herself up and says, "Have fun, Scootaloo!" Scootaloo waves at her, until a pain in her hoof causes her to lower it again.

"So... I'm going to be living in a castle now?" asks Scootaloo, curious.

"Well... that was the original plan, but then I went back to get Rainbow Dash from the hospital, and we talked for a little bit. We decided that you could stay with Rainbow Dash," replies Twilight. Scootaloo beams.

"I get to stay with Rainbow Dash? Woohoo!" she yells, furiously flapping her wings and lifting herself a little bit off of Twilight's back. Sharp pain flashes through Scootaloo's body and she screams, falling on the ground. Twilight gasps.

"Scootaloo! You have to be more careful!" scolds Twilight, picking Scootaloo up and placing her back on her back. Scootaloo groans in pain.

"But I wanna FLY!" yells Scootaloo angrily. "If I'm gonna die in a few weeks, I at least want to fly before that!" Twilight sighs, saddened by the fact that Scootaloo will never be able to fly.

"Scootaloo, I know how badly you want to fly. And I know how badly every pony else wants to see you fly as well. But you are going to have to face the facts. This disease means that you will never be able to fly, Scootaloo. I don't want you to live the rest of your life sulking because you can't fly. I want to see you happy and not sad. Please, Scootaloo," explains Twilight. Scootaloo looks at her.

"But I don't want to die not being able to fly! I want to soar above the clouds like Rainbow Dash. I want to be on the weather team like Rainbow Dash. I want to be a wonderbolt. I want to perform sonic rainbooms like Rainbow Dash! I don't want to be stuck on the ground my whole life. I want to be able to fly at least once," replies Scootaloo.

"Well, I do have to fly up to Rainbow Dash's house. And Rainbow Dash's house is in the sky! It'll be just like you are flying," says Twilight. Scootaloo sighs.

"It's not the same, Twilight. I want to fly on my own. I want to feel the wind in my feathers. I want to do dives and sonic rainbooms. I mean, you can't even DO a sonic rainboom. Rainbow Dash is the only pony that can do a sonic rainboom. And, you know-" Scootaloo continues to talk as Twilight thinks to herself. It would be pretty hard for me if I was never able to do magic. A unicorn not being able to use magic must be like a pegasus not being able to fly. "-I mean, come on!" continues Scootaloo.

"Okay, okay, that's enough Scootaloo. I'm very sorry that you can't fly. But you can't let that ruin the rest of your life. Enjoy what you have left. Oh look, there is Rainbow Dash's house! Hold on tight, Scootaloo! We're going to fly up there!" says Twilight Sparkle. Scootaloo tightens her grip on Twilight and looks around her as they lift off the ground. I just wish that I could do this on my own.

Moving In

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Twilight lands on the cloud on which Rainbow Dash's house is built on. She walks up to the door and taps the door a few times with her hoof. The door opens slowly to reveal a disheveled Rainbow Dash and objects strewn all over the floor. Twilight's eyes widen as she takes in the mess.

"Um... Rainbow Dash? Mind telling me what exactly happened here?" asks Twilight.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just getting the place ready for Scoots," replies Rainbow Dash, a grin on her face that Twilight can tell is obviously fake. This hardly looks like it is ready. At all. Twilight sighs as she helps Scootaloo climb down off of her back. Scootaloo winces as her hooves touch the ground, sharp bolts of pain shooting their way up her legs. Rainbow Dash gives her a concerned look.

"It's fine. Really, it is," says Scootaloo, trying to stay positive. But the knowledge weighs her down, and threatens to bring tears to her eyes.

"Well, Scoots, you are going to be staying with me!" Rainbow Dash exclaims, trying to cheer Scootaloo up. When she notices that that doesn't lift the orange pegasus's mood, she walks over to Scootaloo and, holding Scootaloo's head up with her hoof, asks, "Scootaloo, what's wrong? Doesn't it sound fun to be living with me?"

"I... I guess," says Scootaloo before turning her head away. Twilight sighs and whispers in Rainbow Dash's ear, "Quick private talk outside, okay?" Rainbow Dash nods her head, looking a little shocked.

"Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash and I are going to go outside and talk for a few minutes. You stay in here, okay?" explains Twilight, waiting for a nod from Scootaloo before shutting the door.

"Rainbow Dash, I don't want you to push Scootaloo too hard. You know that she is going to die in a few weeks," says Twilight. Rainbow Dash shifts uncomfortably.

"Yeah, I know that Twi. But... putting it that way was so... uh... blunt," replies Rainbow Dash.

"That was the point!" yells Twilight. Scootaloo, hearing a yell, climbs up onto the windowsill and proceeds to listen in on the conversation.

"I just... I just want her to live the rest of her life in peace. She only has about one week left. Just..." Twilight trails off, tears coming to her eyes. She takes a second to compose herself and continues. "She needs a lot of rest. She is going to be in a lot of pain, and there is nothing we can do about that. I... Just... call me if you need any help, alright?" Rainbow Dash nods. The two ponies head towards the door, and Scootaloo quickly scrambles down from the windowsill and stands in the middle of the room.

"Well, I'm just going to leave Scootaloo in your care now. Take care!" says Twilight before taking off into the sky.

"Well, kiddo, let me show you around the house. This is probably the most awesomest house you will see in all of Equestria!" says Rainbow Dash as she walks away, leaving Scootaloo to follow her. "That room back there was the living room, and the room where the entrance to the house is, and uh-"

"I think I can tell that that is the entrance to the house," replies Scootaloo sharply. Rainbow Dash stares at her, shocked.

"Scootaloo, I can tell that something is bothering you," says Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo glares at her.

"Yeah, of COURSE something is wrong! I'm going to die in a week! Why would that be okay?" yells Scootaloo, before noticing what she is saying. She immediately calms herself down. "I'm sorry. I'm just... having trouble with the news, that's all," she mumbles. Rainbow Dash feels tears coming to her eyes. No. I will not cry. I have to stay strong for Scootaloo. She takes a deep breath.

"Uh, Squirt, how about I show you the bedroom? You look like you are tired anyways," says Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo sighs.

"Fine," Scootaloo replies.

"I made a room just for you. Well, cleared out a room. I didn't make a room. It's not much yet, but..." Rainbow Dash trails off, realizing that she is just rambling. She starts walking up the stairs in silence. Scootaloo follows her. Suddenly, pain explodes in Scootaloo's head and she cries out, collapsing onto the step and falling down the stairs. Rainbow Dash gasps and rushes down to Scootaloo.

"Scootaloo! Scootaloo! Are you okay? Oh, please tell me that you are okay," says Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo doesn't answer; she continues to lie on the floor and moan. Pain continues to sear through her head, causing Scootaloo to scream again. Rainbow Dash carefully picks the crying Scootaloo up and carries her up to the bedroom, gently laying her down on the bed. She exits the room, leaving Scootaloo to cry on the bed. She walks down to the kitchen table and breaks down. What was I thinking, taking Scootaloo into my home? I don't want to see her like this. I want to see her happy. I want to see her fly. I want to see her get her cutie mark. I don't want her to die. Oh, what have I gotten myself into?


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Scootaloo wakes up from her nap, her headache long gone. She yawns and does a big stretch. Something grabs her attention out of the corner of her eye. She turns around to see a dog in the room, happily wagging its little tail. Aww... It's so cute! She climbs out of bed, ignoring the slight pain in her hooves. The dog barks at her. Suddenly, it starts to change. Scootaloo gasps as she watches the cool, brown eyes change to a bright red. The dog grows bigger, and blood leaks from its mouth. Fangs protrude from its mouth, and it's claws grow wickedly sharp. Scootaloo gasps as it starts advancing on her. It gives a sharp bark before lunging at Scootaloo. Scootaloo screams, the sound echoing throughout the house.

Rainbow Dash, who is sitting downstairs reading the latest Daring Do book, jumps when she hears the scream. She rushes upstairs and throws open the door. What she sees frightens her.

Scootaloo is sitting on the ground, screeching as she shields her eyes. She backs up against the wall and screams, "GET AWAY!"

Rainbow Dash runs over to her, but is met with a sharp kick in the stomach, knocking the air out of her. She gasps, pulling in air.

"Scootaloo! What is wrong? And what did you do that for?" yells Rainbow Dash.

Scootaloo watches as the dog bears down on her. I don't want to die now... I just wanted to live at least a few more days... Suddenly, the sound of Rainbow Dash's voice reaches her ears, and the dog disappears. Scootaloo looks around the room, but sees no dog. Her eyes rest on Rainbow Dash, who is laying on the ground.

"Rainbow Dash! Did the dog hurt you?" she asks, worried.

Rainbow Dash sits up and stares at her, confused.

"What dog? What are you talking about, Scoots?" she asks.

Scootaloo stares at her. But that dog was so big! How could Rainbow Dash not have noticed it?

"The dog that was attacking me!" yells Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash stares at her, a blank look on her face. "You know! The huge dog with the red eyes and the fangs and the blood dripping from its mouth..."

Rainbow Dash shakes her head and says, "Scootaloo, there was no dog. You were imagining it."

"B-but that's impossible! It was right here! I could feel its breath on me!" cries Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash thinks back to earlier. Side effects: Extreme Pain, hallucinations... Hallucinations!

"Uh, stay right here Scootaloo. I need to go, uh, talk to uh, somepony," says Rainbow Dash, flying out of the room. Scootaloo sits on the floor, staring at where Rainbow Dash was moments ago.

Rainbow Dash races to Friendship Castle, where she promptly knocks on the door and yells, "TWILIGHT, LET ME IN!" Twilight Sparkle opens the door.

"I was right there, there was no need to yell. Wait... what's wrong? And where's Scootaloo?" asks Twilight Sparkle.

"Well, uh.. Scoots was hallucinating. She claimed that a 'dog' was attacking her. And when I went in there, she, uh.. she kicked me," replies Rainbow Dash.

"And where is Scootaloo now? Shouldn't she be with you?" asks Twilight Sparkle.

"I, uh, I kind of, uh.. I kind of, y'know, left her in her room-" Rainbow Dash is cut off as Twilight Sparkle yells, "YOU WHAT!?!?!?!?!" She takes off, flying out the open door, leaving Rainbow Dash in the castle.

"Hey! Wait up!" calls Rainbow Dash as she closes the door and flies, catching up with Twilight Sparkle.

"You agreed to take care of her! And one of those things is NOT LETTING HER OUT OF YOUR SIGHT! Who knows what is happening to her right now!" continues Twilight Sparkle, her anger at Rainbow Dash fueling her flight. She reaches the house before Rainbow Dash and bursts in, running up to Scootaloo's room.

She walks over to Scootaloo, concern showing in her expression.

"Scootaloo, what's wrong? What did you see?" asks Twilight Sparkle, gently caressing Scootaloo's mane with her hoof.

"Well, there was this dog. It was there when I woke up, and it was just sitting there. It was so cute too! But when I approached it, it started changing. It's eyes turned red and it grew larger. And then - And then it lunged at me! It started attacking me! I was so scared, Twlight!" explains Scootaloo, bursting into tears.

"Scootaloo, that 'dog' was a figment of your imagination. There was no dog. You were doing something that is known as 'hallucinating'. It's where you see things that aren't really there. And one side effect of Small Wing Disease is hallucinations," explains Twilight Sparkle matter-of-factly. Scootaloo stares off into space, trying to process everything.

"Twilight... what is happening to me..." whispers Scootaloo, tears streaming down her cheeks. Twilight Sparkle holds her close, attempting to calm down the little filly.

"I'll be right back. I just need to have a little talk with Rainbow Dash, okay?" says Twilight Sparkle. Scootaloo nods her head, and Twilight stands up and pulls Rainbow Dash out into the hallway, closing the door behind her.

"Rainbow Dash. Are you sure you are up for this? She's not exactly 'mentally stable', and it's only going to get worse. This is just the first day. I... I just want to make sure that Scootaloo is in good hooves," says Twilight Sparkle.

"It's fine. I just... wasn't expecting her to, y'know, halluci-whatever. But I'll be prepared for it next time, I promise," replies Rainbow Dash. When she is met with a look of doubt, she says, "I will!"

"O-kay then. If you need anything, or if you think it is too much to handle, just let me know. And don't leave her alone again," says Twilight Sparkle. She re-opens the door and walks back into the room.

"I have to go now, Scootaloo. You stay with Rainbow Dash, and everything shou - will be just fine," says Twilight Sparkle, hugging Scootaloo again.

"Bye, Twilight," says Scootaloo as Twilight Sparkle exits the room. Rainbow Dash walks in and sits next to Scootaloo.

"Is there anything else bothering you, Scoots?" she asks. Scootaloo nods.

"I just... I want to fly. I don't want to be grounded for the rest of my life," replies Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash thinks for a moment before replying, "Well, how about I take you for a flight later? How does that sound?"

"I - I guess," says Scootaloo.

"I'll take you out later when I finish this Daring Do book. It is So. Awesome! In this one, Daring Do-" Rainbow Dash goes into a detailed explanation of everything that she has read so far. Scootaloo rolls her eyes. Finally, Rainbow Dash stops.

"But first, you need some rest," she finishes, picking Scootaloo up and putting her in the bed. She turns off the light and leaves the room. Scootaloo stares at the ceiling for a few moments. I don't want Rainbow Dash to carry me when she flies. I just want to fly on my own.