Princess Luna meets Nyan Cat

by The Daughter of the Moon

First published

On the moon, Princess Luna sees Nyan Cat flying around. She asks it for help getting her off the moon. Things don't go too well.

On the moon, Princess Luna sees Nyan Cat flying around. She asks it for help getting her off the moon. Things don't go too well.


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"Ugh… 100 years down… 900 more years to go…" Princess Luna said as she poked at the moon rocks in front of her.


"Where is that sound coming from?" Princess Luna said as she covered her ears. "It's starting to get really annoying!"


Princess Luna saw the Nyan Cat leaving a trail of rainbows behind it as it circled above her.

"Huzzah! A magical creature! It appears to not come from Equestria… We should try to get it to help us!" Princess Luna said.


"HEEEEEEEEEELP!!!" Princess Luna shouted as she franticly waved her hooves around.


"It is ignoring us! The esteemed Princess of the Night!" Princess Luna said angrily. "UGH! It's giving me a headache!" Princess Luna said as she held her head.


The Nyan Cat landed 10 feet in front of Princess Luna, its "Nya" ing louder than before.

"Yes! It heard us!" Princess Luna said happily.


Princess Luna tried to grab it, but the magical chain around her neck that Celestia had burdened her with stopped her. She was only one inch away!


The Nyan Cat started to blast off, its rainbow trail powering up.

"Hmm. Since it has magic not found in Equestria, it is possible it could help me break free!" Princess Luna reasoned. "I must catch it so it can pull me free!"


Princess Luna stretched her hooves as far as she could, but she could not reach the Nyan Cat.


"UGH!!!" Princess Luna cried. "WOULD YOU STOP THAT?!?!?!?!"


Princess Luna pounded her hooves on the moon, scaring the Nyan Cat, but it did not stop its "Nya" ing. It flew farther away from Princess Luna and circled right above her.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Princess Luna cried.


After what seemed like the 900 years Luna was supposed to fulfill, the Nyan Cat stopped circling around Princess Luna and flew away, its rainbow tail and "Nya" ing fading away.


Luna was left alone in the deafening silence.

"I'll miss you… Nyan Cat…" Luna said.

Equestria meets Nyan Cat

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"What in tarnation?" Applejack said as the Nyan Cat flew past Sweet Apple Acres. "Big Mac? Did ya just see a cat wearin' a pop-tart costume while leavin' a trail o' rainbows behind it? All while saying "nyanyanya" a bajillion times?"




"What is that?" Princess Celestia said, puzzled.

Just then, the general came racing into the throne room and bowed.

"Princess, there is a strange cat that has been giving ponies terrible seizures with its music! It is wearing a pop-tart costume and it leaves a rainbow trail behind it! We have covered Canterlot Castle with a sound-proof forcefield, of course. The guards outside are wearing headphones, but there are not enough for every citizen! What should we do?"

"Hmm. Have you not tried to put a forcefield around Canterlot itself?" Princess Celestia asked.

"We would have, your highness, however the cat is within the premises of the city, and inside the forcefield, the sound would only resinate louder!" The general replied.

Just then, the Nyan Cat burst through the throne room door.


"AHHH!!!" everypony screamed.

"Stay back everypony!" Princess Celestia shouted as she ushered all the ponies in the room behind her. Princess Celestia then tried to make a sound-proof forcefield, but the "Nya"s interrupted her concentration.


"Ugh…" Princess Celestia moaned as she regained consciousness. She found herself on the floor before the Nyan Cat, who was sitting on the throne. Her guards were nowhere to be seen. The "Nya"s had stopped, but only temporarily. The Nyan Cat blasted a rainbow towards Celestia. The rainbow blast had disabled Celestia's magic and flight. They Nyan Cat then spelled out in rainbows, "Do my bidding, pony!"

"Never…" Celestia said weakly.

They Nyan Cat's eyes turned red and it blasted Celestia again with a rainbow blast. Celestia was sent to Tartarus and the Nyan Cat ruled for 900 years. Then Luna returned.

"Sister? Where are you?" Luna called as she walked through the halls of Canterlot Castle. She then entered the throne room, only to see the Nyan Cat she had seen 900 years ago on the throne.

"Nyan Cat? What are you doing here?" Luna asked. "Where is my sister?"

The Nyan Cat spelled out in rainbows, "I banished her to Tartarus. I rule now!"

Luna was shocked.

"What?! " Luna cried. "You sent my sister away?! How could you?!"

Everything started to fade. The image of the Nyan cat had started to ripple. Then everything went black.

"Ugh…" Discord moaned as he woke up. "Wow! What a dream! Wait a minute- I could actually make it happen! What Celestia didn't know is that I have been gaining strength to break free! I could summon a Nyan Cat!" Discord said excitedly inside his stone prison. "I would have to wait a while after Luna returns from the moon… but it'll be worth it! Oh the chaos I'll cause! I should just have enough energy…" Discord said as he conjured up a portal from the Nyan Cat's world to the moon. "Aaaand… DONE!" Discord said happily as he sighed. "Well, there's no turning back now! Time to watch CHAOS!!!"


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Everythin that Discord had dreamed about actually came true. When he finally broke free out of his stone prison, he also sent Luna to Tartarus and teamed up with the Nyan Cat. Of course the master of Chaos could stand the Nyan Cat's song. In fact, he loved it! He and the Nyan Cat ruled Equestria in an eternal state of Chaos and torture. The End!