Nice Overpowered Ponies

by Bendy

First published

Overpowered ponies lead by the sexy OP Princess Twilight Sparkle come to save humanity from extinction. In a very sexy way that the humans would surely love. Unlike some other overpowered ponies. You know the ones I mean...

Earth is dying and blah blah blah.

Fortunately, the overpowered ponies lead by the sexy OP Princess Twilight Sparkle come to save humanity from extinction. In a very sexy way that the humans would surely love.

Unlike some other overpowered ponies. You know the ones I mean...

Actually Nice Overpowered Ponies

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The world had gone to shit… metaphorically speaking and Earth is slowly dying.

The nuclear war left planet Earth devastated, the nukes were launched by a small number of rich, fat bastards who used to rule the world and that just had to ruin everything just because some other rich fat bastards said they had small penises.

Now, Earth is barely fucking habitable. Garbage from the old world was everywhere, cities were in ruin and the fucking sky was a dirty yellowish color. Massive desert wasteland covered most of Earth due to the stupid ass war.

War, famine and all that shit was rampant almost everywhere. The surviving humans banned together in tribes, who used guns to fight over the last remaining porno DVDs from the old world and generally fought over bottles of water and cans of ‘Forever Fresh Beans’.

It was very DayZ out there, just without the zombies.

Far away… off the coast of Alaska a massive oil platform stood in the icy, stormy seas of this part of the world. Stationed on the oil rig were scary motherfucking humans, who were dressed in huge, bulky metal suits and they were armed with big ass fucking guns, that looked like something from Star Wars.

Deep in this secret base the evil corporate elite lived. The rich fat bastards that were the cause of the apocalypse in the first place. Their leader was president Joseph Hitler Bieber, who was dressed in a pink tuxedo while sat on a nice, comfy black leather armchair in front of a warm fireplace as he drank the finest of red wines.

“Mwahahaha! I am Joseph Hitler Bieber! The president of the corporate elite known as the Enclave! Me and my corporate friends of the Enclave live the easy life, while every other human is as poor as shit,“ he said in a deep girly evil voice.

Joseph Hitler Bieber was the most evil human ever, for he was created by the Enclave using the DNA of Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Justin Bieber combined into one in order to create the ultimate evil. Plus Joseph Hitler Bieber was also an immortal cyborg, so that made him even more evil.

Suddenly there was flashing red lights as an alarm went off. The armoured Enclave soldiers rushed out of the room.

“Report! What’s going on?!“ he shouted at Richard Nixon sat on an armchair next to him.

“Aroo!“ a screen lowered before him to show a huge swarm of flying, winged equines of all colors of the rainbow, which were heading toward the oil rig. “We appear to be under attack by…. small pastel ponies?“

“What?! Kill the fucking horses!“ he roared in anger as he threw his wine glass across the room to smash it against a wall.

Joseph Hitler Bieber and Richard Nixon gasped in shock… on screen their loyal Enclave soldiers refused to shoot the sexy pegasi. The humans took off their helmets, the ponies landed before them… and then the humans and ponies came together to hold one another and kiss passionately. Some of the humans began to take their armor off to get even more intimate with the sexy ponies.

“What?.... What’s going on?“ Joseph Hitler Bieber said in confusion with raised angry eyebrows.

“Hmm. It appears the ponies are so cute and sexy that our men have fallen in love with them.“

“But how?! They are ponies!“ he shouted in rage.

“Arooo! Just look at their bootylicious butts man! These ponies are an ass man’s dream come true!“

The screen now was filled with ponies bouncing their big fat amazing asses atop insanely happy humans lying on the deck of the oil rig. The ponies that weren't bouncing their huge butts on top of a human were either giving a human a blowjob or getting their marehood eaten out by a human.

Nixon and Joseph Hitler Bieber stared at the screen in shock as they watched the human and pony orgy. All that could be heard on screen was the moans, groans and the slapping of flesh as the humans and the ponies passionately showed one another affection.

“Our men…. “ Joseph Hitler Bieber said in a low voice with tears in his eyes. “Have all become a bunch of horsefuckers!“ he shouted in pure rage.

“To be fair sir…. the ponies are very sexy,“ Nixon said with a nasty grin.

Suddenly the massive iron door to their room blasted open.. followed by a large, tall lavender pony with wings and a long horn trotting in. The sexy pony was an absolutely stunning looking female alicorn. She had smooth silky soft lavender fur, beautiful large purple eyes, gorgeous large wings and a massive bootylicious butt. Her massive butt was so big and beautiful beyond description.

“Booty booty booty! Free royal pony booty here for sexy humans! My sexy pony magic can make your penis bigger! So, which one of you handsome humans want to take this massive royal pony butt for a ride?“ she said sensually as she looked at them with bedroom eyes.

“Ewwww! Not me!“ said Joseph Hitler Bieber in disgust with his arms crossed.

“I would like to take your massive royal pony butt for a ride,“ said Nixon with his right hand raised.

“Thank you, Nixon. You're such a gentleman. Anyway, I am Princess Twilight Sparkle. Me and my sexy ponies have come to save you sexy humans from extinction. And don't worry, we are not those evil TCB pony cunts with all their ponification and mind enslavement nonsense.“

“We are most thankful for your aid,“ said Nixon as he gave her a small bow.

NO! shouted Joseph Hitler Bieber as he jumped to his feet to face Twilight Sparkle. “You can’t do this! I am the overlord of Earth! Not you!“

“I assure you, I don’t plan to take over Earth. Us sexy ponies are just here to heal your planet and save your species through the power of human and pony sex.“

“Wh.... What?“

Two huge rainbow lasers blasted out from her eyes, which turned Joseph Hitler Bieber to ash.

“And also destroy pure evil monsters like you.“

“Yeah, I never really liked him anyway,“ said Nixon neutrally.

“So, Mr. handsome human…“ said Twilight Sparkle as she turned around to wave her massive bootylicious butt at him. “Do you want to take this massive royal pony ass for a ride?“

Nixon jumped off his chair to bury his face into Twilight Sparkle’s massive butt.

OH YES HUMAN! she shouted in the Royal Canterlot Voice in pure ecstasy as Nixon licked her out.

The human and pony sex was everywhere, all across Earth humans and ponies were having a massive orgy. Magical rainbows moved across Earth which turned barren wasteland to green and lush land just like it was before the war. Wars stopped and food became plentiful. Forests teamed with wildlife once again, plant life in general and flowing rivers of clean water began to appear in many places across Earth. Birds could be heard singing as the yellow skies of depression faded away to turn into happy blue skies with rainbows. Cities rebuild themselves and the garbage was cleaned away. All the radiation and pollution was gone as well. The sun somehow got younger even, the power of human and pony sex made it a never dying star. And the biosphere got healed and shit.

Earth had begun to look like it once was before the stupid war. The sexy ponies from another universe were saving humanity through the power of human and pony sex.

Back in the oil rig, Twilight Sparkle was bouncing her fine massive bootylicious ass atop Nixon on the floor. Nixon’s penis had become massive thanks to her sexy pony magic from her magical pony pussy. The human below her squeezed her beautiful massive purple butt as both of them moaned sensually.

"Oh… Nixon. You make this seventy trillion year old mare feel young again," she said as she groaned sensually.

The human did not respond, he merely roamed his hands over the soft bountiful cheeks of her huge butt as she continued to bounce atop him. The feel of the soft silky butt had the poor human gone mad with lust. With such a sexy pony atop him he was lost to the world, the only thing he cared about at the moment was the sweet massive ass atop him.

Suddenly, Twilight ear perked in alarm. "Sorry, about this human. But something bad is going to happen if I don’t stop it."

Twilight leaned down to kiss the human gently on the lips. "Don’t worry, I’ll be back for you. Later, you’ll get to cum inside my sweet massive ass my handsome human."

With that Twilight reluctantly lifted her huge ass off the human and then trotted out the door. Once outside, Twilight literally became a rainbow beam of light as she blasted off at insane speed out to space.


Far out in space… a large glowing blue ball of light emitted off a massive technological structure near the dwarf planet known as Pluto.

Suddenly giant mechanical cuttlefish like starships poured out of the anomaly.

"My fellow Reapers! I have predicted the future!" roared Harbinger the lord of the Reapers. "If we destroy humanity now, then Commander Shepard will never be born!"

The Reapers cheered by waving their tentacles in approval.


The Reapers never stood a chance as the overpowered Princess Twilight Sparkle tore through the Reaper fleet with massive rainbow lasers of doom, which had blasted out from her horn.

Each Reaper, that was hit by Twilight’s insanely powerful rainbow lasers was vaporized into dust. It was not long before the Reapers fled back into the Mass Relay from sheer terror.

"LET THAT BE A LESSON TO ALL THOSE WHO WOULD HURT SEXY HUMANS!" she roared as the few remaining Reapers fled into the Mass Relay.

Only for the Reapers to be teleported into the middle of a star and get melted.

With that Twilight returned to Earth to have sex with Richard Nixon and have sex with many more humans and be humanity’s guardian from all those who would seek to harm such sexy beings.

The End