Celestia and Luna's Sister

by Karapony

First published

Cherish is Celestia and Luna's older sister, and this is her story of where she was for the past couple thousand years. Frozen in time till a few days after the Return of the Crystal Empire.

Shout out to Ink Rose who inspired Cherish’s back story, please see the link I have shared.

Cherish is the older sister of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Her story begins back when Celestia and Luna where just little foals.
Cherish goes to investigate a cloud of black smoke and leaves her 2 sisters in a safe place. What she finds is a large fire breathing dragon destroying a village near the castle. Cherish fights the dragon to protect the ponies of the village and more importantly to her, her sisters.
After the fight with the dragon Cherish ended up in a crystal tomb, and would remain their for several thousand years, till just a few days after the Crystal Empires return. Her crystal tomb would open and a colt named Macintosh finds her and helps her to safety.

Cherish's Cutie Mark

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Cherish always had a love for the plants that grew around the castle she lived. One stormy night, while her parents slept, cherish was watching the lighting dance in the sky out her window. BAM! Cherish closed her eyes as a bolt of lightning struck a small tree just below her.

“Oh No”, she shouted

As she looked at the little tree, now burning. Cherish rushed down the castle stairs and out the door to the poor little tree. Her Father awoke hearing the door open. Cherish used her magic to put out the fire but it was too late; the tree was now just a twig. Cherish sat in the rain next to the little tree and started to cry.

“I was too late, that poor little tree.”

All of a sudden her horn started to glow, and a beam shot from her horn to the tree. The little tree started to glow and sparkle, the branches started to grow back and then the leaves started to grow again. Cherish had the biggest smile on her face.

“We’ll look at that” her father said as he started to walk towards her.

Cherish ran up to him,

“Look daddy, I fixed the tree.”

Her flank flashed and a brand new cutie mark appeared. Her father smiled,

“And it seems you got your cutie mark as well.”

Cherish looked at her flank;

“YEAHHHHH, I GOT MY CUTIE MARK” she shouted with joy.

“Let’s get out of the rain” her father said with a smile.

They both went back inside and dried off. As her father tucked her into bed, he kissed her forehead and said

“I’m so proud of you Cherish.”

Her Story

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Life for the sisters was wonderful and full of love, till a great war broke and chaos threaten to spread across the land. Cherish’s parents had to leave to help the other alicorn’s save equestria and left Cherish to care for her two younger sister. Many weeks had past and Cherish was starting to get worried. She would cry a little at night not knowing what had happened or what is going to happen. In front of her sister she had a smile and stayed strong, after all she didn't want them to worry.

One day while they were all playing in the courtyard, Cherish noticed black smoke in the distance, and it was moving towards the castle. Celesta and Luna hid under her legs,

“what is that”, Celestia ask.

“I’m not sure”, Cherish answered.

“Come on girls, let us go inside to be safe.”

Cherish got Celesta and Luna into the small garden room in the center of the castle. The room had all kinds of beautiful plants and flowers Cherish created, and a beautiful glass ceiling so that Cherish could control the temperature and weather inside. Cherish took a little black seed and placed it in the middle of the floor, then she used her magic and created a beautiful bush that had many different berries growing on it.

“Ok, Tia and Luna I want you girls to hide in this bush till I come back. All the berries are safe to eat and will re-grow quickly so eat as many as you would like. An Tia your in charge till I get back.”

The 2 little fillies walked into the bush, it was like a secret room cover in leaves and berries. Celestia poked her head out;

“Cherish, where are you going”, she asked with a sad look on her face.

“I’m just going to see what that smoke is and take care of it. I wouldn’t worry Tia, its probably just a small fire so it won’t take me long to put it out and come back for you.”

Celestia and Luna both ran up to Cherish and Hugged her.

“Promise you’ll come back” Luna said softly with a little tear in her eye.

Cherish hugged them both tight, “I will, I love you both so much. Now, back into the bush were you will be safe.”

Cherish walked out the castle doors, she took a deep breath, opened her wings and started to fly towards the smoke. As she got near she saw a huge red and black Dragon burning a small town;


The dragon thrashed his spiked tail and crushed the houses to rubble. Ponies ran in fear trying to stay out of his way, and alive. The Dragon looked up and saw Cherish flying just above him;


‘Gone’, Cherish thought to herself.

“What do you mean gone?” she asked the dragon.

He let out a cruel laugh.


The dragons shot fire towards cherish. Cherish dodged the attack;

‘I can’t go back to the castle or he will find Celestia and Luna and I can’t fly away and leave him to rampage and destroy pony lives.’

Cherish knew what she had to do, to save the ponies of the village and most importantly to keep her sister safe she would have to fight and win. She knew that if she were to lose, he would not only finish off the ponies of the village, but he would most defiantly find the castle and her sisters.

With a deep breath, Cherish attacked the dragon with her magic. The dragon simply brushed it off with a smile on his face. He started to attack back, Cherish dodged the best she could, but was hit by his tail and toss like a rock though several trees. She tried to stand up but her back leg was broken and ribs were cracked. Cherish looked up at the dragon who was now standing feet from her.


As the dragon blasted fire towards Cherish, she teleported above a tree just behind him, flying just out of sight.

‘How do I win this, every time I hit him it doesn't seem to faze him' she thought to herself.


The dragon started to get angry knowing he had missed his target. He started to rampage again this time, destroying the Forrest.

‘I got it, I will use my vines and destroy him from the inside, now all I have to do is get him to swallow some seeds.’

Cherish thought to herself. She used her horn and started to create vines from seeds that were on the ground, the vines started to wrap around the dragon. He seemed unfazed and yet happy that he found his prize.


Cherish quickly wrapped her vines up the dragons body and towards his mouth, flowers started to bloom at the tips of the vines and seeds stated to spread everywhere. The dragon laughed;

“IVE WON THIS”, he said as he whipped his body around ripping up the vines and hitting Cherish with his tail.

She smashed through tree crashing into the side of a small mountain, rocks falling on her. Her wing and front leg now broken, she couldn't move. The dragon stood above her with a smile


Cherish’s horn started to glow and she had a smile on her face.


Suddenly, the dragon grabbed at his gut and let out a painful scream,


Cherish had a tiny laugh

“I've have won this. You swallowed some of my seeds, and even if I die, you will die too. They will not stop growing, till your body, has been cover from the inside out, in my vines.”

The dragon started to collapse in pain, causing more rocks to fall on Cherish and cover her completely. His rage over took him and he started to blast fire toward the rock pile, causing it to crystallize. Cherish was now frozen in time, and the dragons body became nothing more than a pile of vines.

Back at the castle the Celestia and Luna continued waiting for their sister to return. As the sun started to set the little fillies fell asleep. Without Cherish’s magic, the garden started to slowly die. Celestia quickly woke up and looked out the bush.

“Oh no”, she said softly.

The once green garden was now brown and dying. Celestia started to run towards the door.

“TIA!” Luna yelled

As she followed quickly behind her.

“Go back in the bush Luna. I’m just going to see if I can find Cherish.”

“No. Please Tia I don’t want to be alone.”

Celestia Hugged Luna,

“Ok but stay close and make sure no one see’s you.”

When the 2 sisters got outside, Celestia noticed that the smoke was still there.

“Cherish has to be there.” Luna said.

Celestia agreed and both the little fillies started to make their way towards the smoke. As they approached the town, they didn't see their sister anywhere.

“Looks like a big fight happened”, Celestia said as she pointed to a broken tree path.

“I hope Cherish is ok” Luna spoke with worry in her voice.

The 2 sister started to run down the path, not worried at all about the danger they might face, but with hope that they might find their sister. The 2 fillies stopped at what appeared to be a giant hill made of vines.

“If this is where the path ends then where is Cherish”,

Celesta asked as the 2 started searching the area.

“CHERISH!” the girls started to yell.

They started to walk around the hill and as they reached the other side both the fillies stopped and gasped.

“CHERISH!” Luna yelled as she ran up to the crystal dome Cherish was sealed in.

“No, you promised you come home.”

Celestia said with tears running down her face.

Celestia and Luna stayed a few days near the crystal tomb of their sister. One day, Celestia stood up and looked at Luna,

“Let’s go. We have to see if we can find mom and dad so they can help us.”

Luna hesitated at first but then stood up and agreed. The 2 sister covered the crystal tomb with dirt and moss from the forest ground.

“Now she will be safe.”

Celestia said towards Luna to try and cheer her up a little. Both the little fillies said their goodbyes to Cherish and started their quest to find their parents.


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Cherish tomb lay hidden for few thousands of years. Celestia and Luna never forgot her but they could not find a way to save her, so they kept it a secret that she was there. A few days after the return of the Crystal Empire, a colt by the name of Macintosh was on his way home from a pie delivery when he looked up and saw the glow from the crystal empire. He had to stop as the ground around him started to shake. Then, a beam of white light shot up not too far from him. Macintosh un-hooked his pie cart and walked over to the light. It has created a small crater, and Macintosh looked down into the hole and saw a pony lying at the bottom. Macintosh rushed to the bottom of the crater and when he got to the pony he looked her over and noticed she was an alicorn.

‘What happened to her’ he wondered to himself.

‘I need to get her to a doctor.’

Cherish’s wounds were still fresh as if her fight had just happened. She slowly started to open her eyes and looked up at Macintosh.

“What… where…”

She tried to get up but fell in pain and passed back out. Macintosh got an old blanket from his cart and some thick branches that were from around the area. He then splinted her wing, back leg and front leg. Macintosh then placed her on his back hooked up his pie cart and started to walk towards the nearest town.

As the sun started to set, Cherish started to wake up. She was still in a lot of pain but looked at Macintosh.

“Did you wrap my wing and legs?” she asked softly.

“Yup” Macintosh replied.

“I suppose you noticed I’m an alicorn.”

Cherish said knowing all the others were gone, not knowing how long she was in the crystal.


Macintosh didn't care too much that she was an alicorn; all he wanted was to get her some help.

“Are you taking me to a healing pony?”

Cherish said with some worry in her voice not knowing what was going to happen and being too weak to do anything.


Cherish looked at Macintosh.

“You don’t talk much do you?”

Macintosh didn't reply, he was getting tired from his long travel and having to skip his rest for the night.

Cherish closed her eyes and said softly “thank you” as she fell asleep.

Luna rushed to Celestia room.

“Quietly sister, Cherish is alive. I have seen her dreaming.”

Celestia looked at Luna with excitement.

“Are you certain?”

Luna nodded her head.

“We mustn't waste time then, she will need our help.”

Celestia said rushed towards the door.

“Guard, I have some business to attend to. I will return shortly if anyone should ask.”

Celestia and Luna started to fly towards where Cherish was at.

Macintosh was starting to fall asleep while walking, and the nearest town was still a half day walk away. Cherish opened her eyes and saw how tired he was.

“We can stop and rest, I’ll be ok.” She said softly.

“Nope, you need help” Macintosh replied.

Cherish used what little magic she could make and made Macintosh stop.

“Thank you for your help, but if you trip and get hurt because your sleep walking, then who will carry you.”

Macintosh sighed and laid Cherish down softly and unhooked the pie cart. He then started to make a small fire. Macintosh went to the pie cart and pulled out the last pie in there and gave it to Cherish. Cherish smiled and used her magic to cut the pie in half and gave the other half to Macintosh.

“My name is Cherish.”

She looked at Macintosh hoping he would say more than just a few words.

“I’m Macintosh.”

Cherish smiled, “Thank you again Macintosh for helping.”

After they ate Cherish fell asleep again, her body still in pain. Macintosh watched her sleep; with a small smile on his face he too closed his eyes for a little while.

Celestia and Luna landed at the site where there sister was once at. Looking down into the crater Luna asked

“Where could she have gone? We remember a little of her being badly wounded.”

“She was Luna, but maybe when she woke up she was not alone.”

Celestia said as she pointed at another set of pony tracks.

“Then let us follow and find our sister.”

Luna exclaimed as she started running, following the tracks.


Celestia stated as they started to approach the pie cart and camp site. Macintosh awoke and saw the 2 princesses.

“Macintosh? Your Applejacks brother correct.” Celestia asked.

“Yup”, Macintosh said as he bowed at the Princess.

“Thank you Macintosh for helping this pony but we will take it from here.”

Macintosh looked at Princess Celestia and then down at Cherish. Celestia Whispered to Luna;

“Luna, please don’t get over excited, remember we were just little fillies last time she saw us and she might not understand if we tell her who we are right away.”

Luna agreed with Celestia. Macintosh whispered in Cherish’s ear;

“The Princess is going to take care of you.”

He then wrapped what was left of his blanket around Cherish carefully and nodded to Celestia. Celestia and Luna used their magic to lift Cherish and take her to the castle. Macintosh watched till she was no longer in sight.

Cherish awoke in a large room to a nurse tending to her injuries.

“Good morning.” The nurse said softly.

“Let me get the Princesses. They will be happy to know you’re awake.”

The nurse left the room. Cherish looked around,

‘Where am I, and who are these Princesses?’ She thought to herself.

The large doors started to open and in walk Celestia and Luna. Cherish looked puzzled at them at first but then it clicked.

“T-Tia… Luna”, she questioned ever so softly.

Celestia smiled and Luna quickly wiped away a tear. Cherish Tried to get up and hug then but she couldn't move. Celestia and Luna both went to her side and hugged her.

“I’m so happy that you’re back with us.” Celestia said.

“We too are happy to have you home.” Luna smiled.

“What happened to me? How did you get bigger than me? What is going on?”

Cherish asked looking both her sister over.

“We are not sure how it happened, but when Luna and I first found you, you were cased in a tomb of crystal. What was the last thing you remember?”

Cherish looked down at her cast on her hoof.

“I’m not ready to talk about that. I am so grateful that you both are ok and Princesses no less.”

Cherish said with a small smile. She was not ready to tell her sister about her fight. In her mind she failed to be there for them, and seeing them all grown made her heart hurt a little. She had missed so much of their lives. Celestia saw the sadness in her eyes.

“Whatever happened, Please know we do not blame you for anything. And we always hoped one day we could find a way to free you from your crystal tomb.”

Celestia and Luna both cuddled up next to their sister being careful not to hurt her.

“All that matters now is that we are together, and that you get better. The doctor said your body is badly damage and that it will take a lot of time to heal, and we are here to help.”

Cherish smiled, she was happy that they were together.