The Shim Sham Trick

by LoreLove

First published

Shim and Sham have been eager to sell a new product or two lately. Though, they seem to be treading on another showpony's turf.

Even though the twin salesponies have been run out of Ponyville a few times, the sisters feel they may just have the product that changes their fortune. No more working as strippers or sleeping in a cramped caravan sounds like a dream. Now, if only they knew they weren't the only pony looking for attention at the same time.

Contains: Incest, futa, and rule 63 Flim and Flam (Shim and Sham)

Cover art by: BubbleberrySanders

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If there was anything the traveling salesponies knew to do, it was how to promote an array of amazing products. The pale yellow duo had been to Ponyville on several occasions but have yet to turn a bit that stayed as profit. Shim and Sham sat on the edge of the stage while they began going through their new list. This time was going to be different. It had to be with a new line of ideas and aimed at a far more specific audience.

With their Miracle Curative, they had tried getting as many buyers as possible within the shortest amount of time. In the end, it was all for naught. The sisters sighed and went over each item carefully. This one and not that. That one and not this. It felt like more trouble than needed even though they had to do it.

“How about this one?” Shim asked her sister, tapping the floating paper.

“Hmm, it could work. I think with..that one,” Sham replied as a quill floated over and marked an item.

The red manes with those white stripes turned as they looked to each other and giggled. A light blush formed on Shim's muzzle while she looked to her sister. It was certainly going to be a new approach on their sales pitching. The only problem they had left was how to even consider an on-stage demonstration. Was there anypony willing to put themselves in such a situation? To be the kind of star attraction they needed to sell their goods?

“Well, that about does it, Shim,” her sister said, standing up and stretching her arms out. They had been going over the list a dozens for nearly an hour.

“I'm sure it does. Let's just hope they actually work or we can find a pony that's willing,” Shim replied while laying back on the stage.

Sham walked around the wooden floor, her hooves making audible clacks here and there, while her hoofed finger tapped her cheek in thought. Supplies were plentiful and there was nothing stopping them from selling the items. Being just on the outskirts of town gave them any kind of immunity from trying to sell such items and the kind of privacy only grown ponies should be getting. Perhaps waiting until night would be a better idea.

“If we sell enough tomorrow night, maybe we can stop working entirely,” Shim commented as her hands rest on her stomach, watching her sister pace around.

“I do hope. We haven't exactly had a... good run lately, have we?” Sham said, her ears lowering beneath the flat brimmed straw hat.

“It isn't your fault. We just haven't found the right crowd,” the other spoke up, rolling onto her stomach and propping her chin into her hands, elbows on the stage.

It was true. Hard times were abound lately with them. After a few incidents in trying to sell various other items, word had spread about their flimsy practices. They still managed to con a few ponies but hardly enough to warrant the trouble it took. Neither one wanted to go back to their other job for the extra bits. Stripping wasn't exactly something they were any better at. Though, Shim had a few moves that impressed her sister.

“Maybe tonight will be the last night for our..other means of income,” Sham mentioned. The worried look on her face told her sister that she was far from optimistic about it.

“It's got to be! I mean, it's bound to. Besides,” Shim explained, “I think we might run out of our stock for this one. Even if we haven't tested it ourselves, that's what volunteers are for.”

The two locked their green eyes to each other before getting in another fit of giggles. They never tested their own product for the simple fact of never trusting most of it. Didn't stop them from trying to sell it, though. Their first venture into this kind of business taught them that much. It only took one wrong potion or questionable spell to learn to let others choose to use or buy it instead. They just had to pitch it right.

“Do we have to do it tonight?” Shim asked, looking to her slightly older sister with a pout. Her bottom lip slipped forward as she lowered her ears.

“I'm afraid so. Only just to make up for last week's loss,” the older unicorn said. She hated that look since it worked so well on her in the past.

The answer seemed to be enough for the younger sibling as she sighed and sat up. Her hands dusted off her white and blue striped vest before she stood and continued patting down the rest of her clothing. They did only have several outfits to share between each other. That, of course, wasn't counting their attire for their other job. Then again, there wasn't much in the way of that.

“It should only be just this once, okay?” Sham said, pulling her sister into a hug and running her fingers through the ponytail along her sibling's back.

“Alright,” the younger of the two replied, returning the hug and staying close. “Just promise it's the last time. I feel weird on that kind of stage...”

“I know. It's not easy but it gets us our bits, right? Just tonight and then no more,” the eldest promised, giving a nod as she smiled and pulled back.

Shim looked her over hesitantly before nodding back and leaning in to give a friendly kiss to her cheek. Just under the beauty mark her sister had. The two hugged again before letting go and walking toward their wooden caravan. If they pulled it off properly, they wouldn't have to try selling anything for months.

The two went inside their mobile home and settled down in the cramped interior. It wasn't a place most ponies could call home but the two sisters made it work. If there were to perform tonight then they would need to get ready. At least they didn't have to use their own stage for it and it wasn't going to be in Ponyville. A quick taxi carriage to and from would be easy enough.

Shim looked into the mirror as she draped her ponytail over her shoulder and brushed along it slowly. She was nervous but didn't let it show much at all. Sham knew the signs and lightly rubbed her sister's back as she began unbuttoning her own vest. The white shirt and matching pants were the hardest things to keep clean.

“Just try not to think about it and we'll get it over with quickly,” Sham said as she tried helping her sister relax.

There was a small nod before they both began undressing and moving about in the cramped space. Elbows made accidental jabs and hooves nearly stepped on everything as they got changed. Nopony would be inspecting their stage at the edge of town until there was a reason to. If worse came to worse, they could easily just fold it back up to the side of their caravan and move on.

A small struggle later and they were both dressed for success. Or, at least as much as it allowed where they were headed. They helped each other tie their tops and hold manes up when needed. Their tails swayed from each step and the sudden feeling of less than optimal clothing had them sitting down on their bed closer than usual.

“Want to put any lipstick on? Just to seal the deal?” Sham asked, her hoofed fingers twisted the red stick from the tube.

“I guess so. Got anymore makeup to cover the rest of my cutie mark?” Shim inquired, looking over the bottles and jars fastened in place along the wall.

“Yeah, give me a bit, Shims,” her sister replied as she began applying the red color to her lips.

Once done, she carefully tilted her younger sister's head up and colored her lips as well, making sure to give her a good coat. The two puckered up to check for any problem areas before Sham reached over and grabbed a feathered brush. The pale yellow color on the end was just the right pigment for their coats as she helped cover up the last bit of her sister's apple cutie mark.

“There! Now you look ready to take on all the stallions of Equestria~” Sham teased and nosed her sibling's brow. “You'll do fine, like you always do.”

“Thank you,” Shim whispered and hugged around the bare waist of her twin.

“On second thought.. I'll put on some green. Might as well go all out if it's our last show, huh?” Sham said, using her magic to wipe away the lipstick with a cloth and began applying the green cover.

The two were oddly matching and still different. Sham had chosen a green bikini with matching stockings, in lace, to compliment her eyes and lipstick more. Shim had the same outfit but in a vibrant red that brought out her own lipstick along with her mane and tail more. They were clearly dressed to accent the other and appear as a two for one deal. No having one without the other. Now, they just had to wait and head out with their coats. A simple request on a parchment for a taxi at an allotted time and they were set.


Arriving at the small building, the Bit Biter, took a little time. It was something both sisters had plenty of and wouldn't have minded if it were just a bit longer to reach. They stayed close together, hugging each other and waiting with that pit of dread in their stomachs. The large coats they had donned to cover their more risque attire made them look a bit odd.

“We look like a couple of whorses,” Shim whispered to her sibling, flattening her ears.

“Entertainers,” Sham corrected and pat her sister's back lightly. “We're entertainers and just give them something to look at.”

It was hard for the eldest to deny that the activity did excite her a bit. Having stallions and other mares staring at her body as she showcased what she was gifted with. While it wasn't a profession either of them looked highly on, it was still one she had a bit of enjoyment from. There had even been stallions trying to toss addresses or magic parchment to get in touch with them. None of them were ever contacted.

“We're here, ladies,” the stallion said back to them and let the carriage settle some. “You mares be careful.”

“Thank you,” the sisters said in unison as they left the stagecoach and let their ride take off until needed again.

The building itself wasn't exactly too large. Of course, for what it was used as it didn't really need much space. The gentlecolts club was located a bit away from most places and the thumping music coming from inside was probably one of the reasons why, if not for the scantily clad mares. There were two entrances, only one for patrons, that they could use. The one in back was to avoid any groping or otherwise wrongful ideas to get to the stage.

The two unicorns headed around back and gave the signature knock before it opened up. Inside, there were several other mares doing their best to either put some clothing back on or taking just enough off. So many colors, breasts, and other assorted items seemed to almost assault anypony coming into the back room. It gave a certain thrill to Sham.

“Alright, we'll need ze names of ze next three heading on stage,” said a heavily accented mare in some rather large shades. Her gaze, or rather her head, turned to the twins. “You two. Together?

“Yes, ma'am,” said Shim as she tried seeing through the purple lenses of the white maned pony.

“Ah, good! Names?” the earth pony asked, holding up some paper and a quill.

“Shamrock and Shimmy,” Sham answered, rolling her lips against each other to make sure the green color was still in place.

“Yes, yes! You two have quite ze audience tonight. When you hear your names, come out at once!” Photo Finish stated before turning on her hooves and taking another pony's stage name. “Good, good! Now, time for ze magics!”

Once the mare left, Shim and Sham began taking off their slight cover and setting the coats down nearby. They didn't have much time to help each other prep for the name call. A small look over their makeup and they relaxed upon hearing another pony's name first. It was a few more minutes. They straightened tops, gave some bounces, checked lipstick, then went to one of the tables and added a small bit of eyeshadow to each other.

The appropriate colors seemed to go very well together with Shim having a nice red and sassy look about her and Sham giving the soothing green appeal. There was a bit of hoof polish but neither one really wanted to risk waiting for that to dry while waiting to be called. They made sure everything looked good and began giving small words of encouragement to one another. It wasn't too long until they finally heard a voice calling out loudly in the other room once the previous mare returned, minus her top.

“Alright, you eager stallions! Next up we got a couple of stunners for your eyes! Please, give a warm welcome to Shamrock and Shimmy!” the DJ announced.

The two sisters gave a nod to each other and began to strut out at once the music hit. Each hoof landed with a beat as they came out from behind the curtain and into the magical lights and lanterns illuminating the stage. A look over to the local musician showed Vinyl Scratch bobbing her head as she watched with the crowd. At least was some good music this time that they could actually move with.

The song filled the air, vibrations hitting all around as the two started up their routine. Just like when trying to sell their products, they did what they could to sell their looks. It was easy enough to hear the cheering the closer they got to the end of the stage and stood on either side of the metal pole. One hand each, they grabbed the metal shaft and began leaning down to give a good view of their cleavage to the audience. The stallions behind were gifted with just as good a view of those bikinis slipping a bit too much up between their cheeks.

With their tails shifting aside, they began moving their hips and let the motions give their breasts a few jiggles here and there. A whistle and a catcall made Shim blush lightly before she stood and pulled her sister in. The two embraced as they teased their watchers with near kisses until Sham's fingers trailed down the slightly younger body of her sister, caressing over those hips and taking a few light slips into the tied string at her side. A light pull away to almost undo the string and she pulled her hand back up.

Shim's own hands were now roaming along her sister's stomach and up to her chest where she cupped the green bikini. Both globes in her palms, she gave them light lifts to show the soft and lush nature of her sister's breasts before moving her hands around that body and reaching the tie in the back. A glance into her sibling's eyes let her know to continue and her finger gave one tug to let the green top of her sibling pop loose. The crowd was getting more into it and tossing bits on stage.

The green article of clothing dangled over her chest, just barely covering her modesty before she hooked her own thumbs into the straps. A small pull away and the stallions cheered louder before she let it settle back against her. There were a few groans in the back but it only made her smile more. Sham's gaze shifted to her sister where she ran a hoofed finger down the offered cleavage and plucked playfully at the red top. The two giggled and swayed with the music at it calmed down a bit, letting their hips do most of the moving.

Another light pluck and Shim gave a little coo as she moved her muzzle in and gave a soft kiss to the bare neck of her sister. The red lipstick was clear as day against the pale yellow coat once she pulled away. It was a lot easier to do such a thing in front of a crowd with her sister there. Shim knew she wouldn't have done this at all if Sham wasn't involved.

The two began moving in closer together, one giving a light straddle to the others leg. There was a soft grind and Sham let out a soft pant into her twin's ear. To cover the distraction, her lips pressed to Shim's cheek and left a green mark before she planted another atop one of the still-covered breasts. They were starting to really get into it now. It wouldn't be long before they would be showing off more.

There was another roll of her hips to press that skin-tight, bikini-clad lap against her sister and Sham reached around to hold that soft plot. The position stayed there as the two gave very clear motions of grinding their bodies against the other one until Sham leaned in to give a nibble to her younger sister's ear. With it came a breathy whisper.

“I'm getting wet,” the unicorn dressed in green said.

Shim blinked in surprise before she smiled and whispered back her own arousal. The two knew of such incestuous lusts yet they hardly acted on such urges. The younger of the two let her tongue give a little tease up her sister's cheek and to the beauty mark before giving it a kiss and leaving another red mark on her. She was so wrapped up in the fun and working away the nervousness that she hardly noticed the feeling of her own red top becoming loose.

There was a sudden change in beat and the two swiftly turned away, giving a glimpse of their bare breasts beneath the hanging tops. The peek of nipples had most of the patrons roaring in approval as a small sack of bits landed on stage. The two smiled at each other while using their magic to hold out the strings of each top. Behind that, their bodies sways from side to side before turning away and letting their magic undo the bikini bra while holding it in place. A perfect tease to a censor for most of the viewers.

While the watchers in the back got a good gander at the two pairs of soft mounds before they were back to being behind their barrier, it wasn't enough to keep them satisfied. The two gave a fondle behind their tops, showing their fingers and arms moving without letting those perky nipples reveal themselves. It was only a few seconds of the motions before the bikini tops dropped to the stage as they shook their hips with their hands keeping those soft breasts covered. More hoots and hollers from the crowd as arms raised in their excitement.

Sham chuckled at the reaction while Shim seemed more interested in following her sister's lead. The dance continued as they moved around the pole and began to hug, pressing those soft globes into each other as they did so. There were a few more kisses traded until they winked at the stallions and a few mares in the audience. One turn and those firm nipples were finally displayed fully for all to see.

The sound of the cheering was a bit louder than either of them expected. Some bits and parchment landed on stage as they kept going with their practiced routine. Shim cupped her chest and lifted her hands as she let Sham lower down and hug against one of her red stocking-clad legs. The warmth of her sister's breasts around her outer thigh had her shiver a bit. It didn't help that while she let the ponies stare at her chest, she felt a delicate finger trace along her inner thigh and up the side of her bikini bottoms.

There was a slight moment of hesitation from Sham, never having deviated from their practicing, before her finger eased the side of those red bikini bottoms up. It was just enough to give herself a glance beneath at the smooth coat and tiny hint of that glistening wetness within. She smiled and let the fabric fall back in place, kissing right next to it to leave a very soothing mark of green near her sister's loins. They were both getting worked up from all of it.

Shim was having a hard time following through with the rest of the dance. Her breath was a bit more labored from the teasing she had received, hoping her wet lap wasn't visible to the crowd. The younger unicorn moved in for the last few bits of their dance, hugging her sister from behind and lightly toying with her nipples in gentle tweaks. It was finally about to end.

The last part of the routine usually had her place a hand just above her twin's lap. Tonight was the last night, according to her sister. Why not go out with a little more to give? Her fingers traced down that slender frame and to her sibling's lower stomach while hugging her from behind. It was supposed to stop there.

Those eager fingers didn't let up as they slipped under the green waistband of her unicorn sister and went all the way in. The hoofed digits found that smooth mound, such a perfect mons veneris, and the slick warmth right after. A quick trace along the folds and Sham let out a stuttered gasp while her knees visibly shook.

Once Shim's hand rose from her eldest sister's loins, the small trail of feminine juices made a shiny line up to her navel until it was mostly free of the finger. The crowd went wild. Most of them gave stand ovations as if it were a play. The two gave a bow, letting their chests bounce freely, before they went back behind the curtain and trailed all their tips and the tops back with them by magic.

“That was Shamrock and Shimmy!” Vinyl announced with her magically amplified voice. “Give it up to the hottest twins this side of Equestria! Now, time for somepony with a few more tricks up her sleeve! Please, welcome, The Mare-nificent Abracadabress!”

The two gave a giddy squeal as they placed their earnings on a table and began counting. Once the next song started, Sham stood to put her top back on until a light blue mare seemed to purposely bump into her. The sister staggered before turning to face the rude pony only to see a white tail disappear through the curtains. Probably for the best she didn't make a scene.

“Shammy!” Shim exclaimed, her eyes sparkling like it was Hearth's Warming all over again. “We made so much tonight!”

“Mm, I'm sure we did,” Sham said softly and sat down after tying her top back on. “You seemed to get into it at the end there. I bet they liked you the most,” she teased.

There wasn't an answer from Shim but the look of her biting her bottom lip seemed to be clue enough. Sham let it rest and helped count out their earnings as they got dressed as much as possible before signaling for a carriage via magically imbued parchment. The money they made was certainly a lot but it wasn't going to be enough if they didn't manage to sell anything tomorrow night. For now, they enjoyed their small victory and slipped on their long coats while they waited for their ride and wrapped up their earnings.

It had been a successful night for the supposed last night of such a venture.


The next night came a lot sooner than they expected. The sisters had taken a bit to get the lipstick out of their yellow coats but managed to get each other clean. When the night was slowly closing in, they knew they had to prepare to try and sell their new items. Clean vests, shirts, and pants had made them look far more presentable.

“So, you think we'll get a pony to help demonstrate it?” Shim asked, making sure her ponytail was in order before flicking it back over her shoulder.

“I hope so. I got a feeling we might get one, though. We just have to choose the proper way of trying to sell it.” Sham was still a bit skeptical over all of it. The product itself did sound sketchy, at best.

Helping each other with their bow-ties, the twins got ready for their next attempt at giving the ponies in Ponyville something to really spend their money on. It may be a long shot with getting as many bits as they need but it was better than not trying at all. They were sure to see the likes of the Apples and more who had run them out a few times. This would have to be different. No way it was going to be the same.

Sham waited until nightfall before she kicked on the phonograph and let it play out the typical tune to lure in customers. It sounded more like circus music but they couldn't exactly find any other records that were worth buying for this gig. As she paced the stage, Shim watched the ponies trickle in, guiding them to the lit up attraction and doing her best to keep that smile on. The two kept a constant flow of words to keep the focus of their potential customers as much as possible.

“Welcome, welcome! By the way you all seem to be standing around, I assume you want something from these traveling salesponies!” Sham said, starting up their sales pitch.

“We only bring you the best and that's exactly what you want!” Shim chimed in as she climbed up onto the stage with her sister. She felt satisfied with the amount of ponies that had come by with sun down.

“By that, my sister means that you all only want what's worth your money. We have, tonight, a new product that you'll be wanting to take home by the cartload!” Sham exclaimed, her eyes looking over the gathered crowd.

“That's right, mares and gentlecolts! You've always wanted that something 'extra' and now you can get it!” Shim continued, her hoof giving a firm kick to an enclosed box that seemed to spring open into its own display.

The box was neatly lined with rows upon rows of glass vials. The liquid inside was an odd purple hue that looked a bit thick to drink. Along each glass container was a simple sticker of instructional use and fine print warning. All the corks were neatly aligned and the bottles seemed safe enough in their hold within the case to warrant Shim kicking it. Most of the audience seemed rather interested in what contents it all held.

“How many times have you wished that you, my fellows mares, could feel such pleasures and insurmountable bliss that stallions do?” Sham asked rhetorically. Her magic drew one of the vials from the case as she held it up high. “This little gem is just what can give it to you!”

“That's right! My sister is holding the only known means for you ponies to entail pleasures of the unknown without the use of magic!” the unicorn sibling said as she indicated the floating glass with her hands.

“What about stallions?” one of the ponies called out in the crowd. The rest of the audience gave a small murmur before the sisters turned to another box.

“Stallions, you say? My dear Shim, did we have something for those lucky studs ready to enjoy a night of the best sex ever?” Sham asked as she did often before in rehearsal.

“Why, I do believe we did!” Shim answered back while using her magic to flick the next box open and show larger bottles of a clear substance that almost appeared to be water, should it not have clung to the glass it was inside.

“This happens to be a one-of-a-kind lubricant that can increase pleasure by ten times! Trying holding off with your pole slathered in this stuff~” Sham explained seductively while biting her bottom lip. “If that's not enough, it even helps fit you into the backdoor much easier.”

By now, most of the crowd seemed a bit more interested. Some had even whispered into their lover's ears. It looked like things were possibly going to sell well tonight. They may have found a product that ponies wanted and just had to get the right audience for it.

“Well, well, well..,” sneered a voice to the side. “If it isn't you two show stealers again.”

The sisters looked over to the voice to see a light blue mare clad in a black, sleeveless leotard with a white collar and black bow-tie around her neck. Her wrists has white cuffs that should belong to a shirt but her arms were bare. The smooth legs of the mare were wrapped in thigh-high stockings of the fishnet variety. Her face was obscured by her tilted head and the large, pointed hat atop it. The purple hat was accompanied by a matching cape that barely reached her lower back.

“Excuse me?” Shim asked, not entirely sure what the mare was implying.

“Oh, I think you two know what I mean. Trying to become more well-known than The Great and Powerful Trixie!” the mysterious mare called out, rolling the 'r' in her name.

“We mean no harm. This should be our last stock for a few months,” Sham told her as she held up the purple liquid in the vial.

“You know exactly what Trixie means!” the blue mare snapped as she stepped onto the stage. “Trying to out-perform all other ponies here and back at the Bit Biter!”

The two siblings froze in place as they heard the last phrase. No other pony should have known it was them stripping there. They had hidden their cutie marks and worn makeup to help. Surely, most stallions and mares kept their eyes below the neck. How did she know?

“We... don't know what you're talking about,” Sham said cautiously as her sister moved closer to her.

“Don't give me that! Those stallions gave up little for Trixie! Stealing my money and now my own audience?” the blue unicorn yelled out, not caring how much of a scene she was making.

“Hey! We aren't stealing anything. We're just trying to sell our product!” Sham snapped at the accusing mare.

“That? It doesn't even work. You're better off selling your bodies to stallions, you whorses!” Trixie tells them, letting her face show the anger she was feeling.

“Wh-what? You can't just call anypony that! You're nothing but a great and powerful failure!” Shim countered, her body moving just slightly behind her barely older sister.

The mare magician looked shocked and visibly backed off a few steps. Her violet eyes took a second to focus back in before she frowned and crossed her arms. Her chest seemed to rest just above them. It looked like she wanted to fight but knew her odds of two against one. It was clear she wasn't going to leave them be, either.

“Listen, we're just here for tonight only. This is a limited time deal for these ponies. You can have Ponyville to yourself after us. Deal?” Sham asked.

“Hm... No. You're a couple of frauds and calling one such as Trixie out as a failure only deserves for you two to be shown how wrong you are,” the blue mare magician said.

Sham looked to her sister with a worried expression as she held the glass of purple liquid. They hadn't tested such a product and they didn't intend for the night to take this kind of turn. Their little secret was basically out if Trixie mentioned their stage names at all. It would be best to simply stop it and find a resolve quickly between them.

“Trixie,” Sham said slowly, trying to appear calm and collected, “I understand you want your audience. How about..we make a different deal tonight?”

The blue mare's brow lighted as she tilted her head and looked over the unicorn with the beauty mark. “What kind of deal?”

“You say our product is basically false advertisement. How about you try it out for us? Show the town it actually works. All eyes will be on you and maybe we could split a little of the profit,” the eldest sibling explained carefully.

“Just a demonstration and you'll let Trixie take all the credit for showing off if it works? That could be arranged,” the white maned unicorn said as she walks over and places her hands on her hips. “How is it used?”

“Well,” Sham said as her sister peeked over her shoulder. “It says here you imbibe half of the contents and use the other half as a topical reagent to the area you wish to receive most pleasure.”

The blush rising in Trixie's cheeks wasn't hard to notice. She had been so fumed with the verbal assaults that she completely forgot what they were trying to sell. Since she had agreed, her hand went out with her palm open as she waited. There was no eye contact as she was handed the vial and quickly popped the cork.

“To feel pleasure like a stallion,” the blue mare mumbled before rolling her eyes. “Everypony knows mares have the best pleasure. I'll humor you with your demonstration, though.”

A tilt up and she let the thick liquid drool out and into her open muzzle. There was a slight cringe on her face until she swallowed it and looked down at the glass container. Half-full, she looked down at herself and back up to the crowd before glancing at the twins. Both of them were nodding eagerly and all eyes were on her.

“This is... just for show! None of you better get any ideas!” Trixie warned while pouring out the contents into her hand.

There was a long moment of hesitation as the blue magician looked at the liquid before glancing to her lap and sighing. Her horn lit up beneath the hat as she shifted her cape around and untied it to lower it at her waist. The look on her face a mix of embarrassment and anger. She must really want to be the star of the show.

From the side, Shim and Sham could see her work as two of her hoofed fingers pried away the crotch of her leotard and exposed her puffy folds behind the purple, star speckled cape. At first, her hand took careful brushes to her loins and missed even getting her most intimate of areas touched by the product. A few more uncertain dips of her hand and she finally pressed her palm firmly to her lap with a gasp. Her hand moved back and forth as she smeared the contents into her blue coat and against that lightly moist slit.

The entire crowd watched in anticipation as they saw the mare's arm moving slightly behind the fabric barrier. Her light huffs and small shift in her stance was quite a good indicator of her fulfilling her end of the deal. The mare's eyes closed while she kept rubbing along her lap until a finger brush against her sensitive love bud. Those knees drew inward for a moment before relaxing, most of the stallions near the stage trying to get a peek under the cape.

When a tiny drop of the blue unicorn's feminine fluids hit the stage floor, the onlookers murmured and drew closer. Shim and Sham kept their eyes on Trixie's self-performance as her fingers began doing a bit more than just rub along her lap. A couple of digits slipped into her depths as she gasped and nearly lost the cover she had for a moment. Her hands rubbed to her inner thighs and along her folds while she fingered herself right there in public and in front of possibly half or more of Ponyville.

The two sisters smirked at the reaction their little tonic seemed to have, thinking it might be more from the magician wanting to be in the lime light than anything else. As they stepped closer, they looked her over and moved to either side of the masturbating unicorn. She was lost to all but herself. It seemed like quite the effect of such a strange liquid.

“As you can see, our specialty tonic of giving a mare a bit extra pleasure works like a charm!” Sham called out as her eyes stayed behind that cape.

“We can't see anything!” called out a mare in the crowd. The sound of agreement rose quickly.

“You're right,” Sham replied to them before grabbing the cape. “Behold!”

A swift yank and Trixie's magic failed to keep it in place. Her weakened mental state left her with little concentration on the concealment being held. The crotch of her leotard was pulled aside for all to see now. Those fingers sinking in and out as she worked her palm to her clitoris kept up more as she panted a bit heavily.

“It... it feels... so good!” Trixie moaned out and eventually buckled to her knees.

Those fingers stayed busy as she slipped them deep inside her body to the knuckles before pulling out and rolling her thumb over that nub atop the entrance. Even over the crowd, the sisters could hear the slick sounds of the blue unicorn's digits pushing in and out of her own folds repeatedly. More of her wetness dribbled onto the stage as she groaned and leaned back to part her knees some. She was getting into it quite a bit.

“As you can now clearly see, our product is a sure shot at making you feel like you never have before! First ten buyers ge-” Sham started until Trixie let out a loud cry of pleasure.

“W-wait! Something... something's c-coming!” the blue unicorn called out as her hips lifted against her probing fingers.

There was a quick shudder from the masturbating mare before she laid back onto the stage and quickly covered her lap. A few groans of disappointment came from the crowd as they were obstructed the view. One hand moved up and grabbed her hat before tugging it over her lap while she huffed and bit her lip. Her eyes looked up to the two salesponies before she glanced down and gasped.

There was now a very clear outline at the end of her hat in the shape what could only be an erect shaft. The silence that fell of everypony was nearly deafening until Trixie managed to make a small whimper. Her hands gently pressed around the middle of the hat to test the validity of such a strange occurrence only to moan out and hold onto the firmness beneath. Her fingers made quite a nice outline of her newly acquired girth, unconsciously stroking herself with the hat.

“Well... there you have it! As we said, it gives a mare that something 'extra' to feel as good as a stallion does!” Sham said and looked to her sister who shrugged. Neither of them expected it to be so literal.

“H-how do I make it go away?” Trixie stammered as she felt up her own member and tilted her ears back in the pleasure.

“The bottle said it lasts four to six hours depending on stamina,” Shim answered her as she read off the empty bottle.

“It's not like it's... a bad thing,” Sham admitted and knelt down beside the struggling mare. “Go on... show them so they know it's the real deal~”

There was a moment of apprehension on the endowed mare's face before she sighed and looked over the protruding hat. The end of the throbbing hat was giving a clear soak through with some wetness. If she didn't want to ruin it, she would have to remove the hat. Reluctantly, that's exactly what she did and slowly began sliding the fabric up and off her lap.

Inch by delicious inch, her mare-cock was revealed for all to see with the dark blue hue and giving idle throbs of need. About half-way, she poked at her member and raised a brow at how real it was. The second the hat came off and was tossed to the stage, the crowd went wild at seeing that leaking tool protruding from the magician mare's lap and hanging in the air at knee length. It almost looked like it was asking some assistance to keep it straightened out.

The twins hardly realized they were leaning in with the crowd at wanting a much closer look. Trixie's muzzle seemed to carry a blush with it as she turned her head aside and let the ponies stare at will. Each inch was so tantalizing and practically begged to be touched. It wasn't long until Shim's fingers slipped around it and gave the warm rod a soft squeeze.

“Wow... It's real,” the younger sibling whispered and kept up the fondling while their special demonstrator moaned in response.

“Yeah?” Sham asked, eagerly moving her own hand in and teasing around the base of that stiff pole. “You're right... She's even got these sexy plums.”

“T-Trixie is... right here..,” the blue unicorn panted out with a slightly irritated look.

“Mm, yes, you are~” the beauty marked sibling replied while reaching below to carefully lift one of the large testicles. “We've got to show them it works, though.”

Those fingers caressed and teased over the smooth flesh of the large ball in her hand while both sisters spread those knees apart a bit more. The leaking slit beneath the sack pooled a little bit of those slick juices as Sham massaged along the thick orbs slowly. Every pass over the front of them made Trixie coo out while Shim's fingers worked up and down the thick stalk.

It was no long a scene of Trixie masturbating for the crowd but now a whole moment of two sisters trying to pleasure the mare. Those hands didn't let up as they stroked and brushed over the warm and new appendage. Each light squeeze to the throbbing stick had a stringy line of pre-cum ooze out and onto the stage floor. It was going to be a very messy show.

The hefty balls laying at the mare's lap drew up once in a while to offer more of that silky and clear substance before relaxing again. Every time they did, Sham was quick to massage and lightly roll them a bit to help ease the tension and draw out a moan from their new accomplice. She couldn't help but think of how much those things held and if she were going to see it all expel. Something about it just turned her on more as a free hand drifted south and unfastened her own pants.

Sweet Shim was busy working the long pole of pony meat jutting up from their new friend's lap as she leaned in to sniff at the natural scent it gave off. Seeing her sister beginning to undo her pants, Shim followed behind and unbuttoned her vest while shrugging it off. She hardly remembered they had a crowd to sell this transformation liquid to as her muzzle leaned in and her tongue rolled over the sensitive head of that mare-cock. It tasted far better than she could have imagined and lapped at it once again, scooping up a bit of pre into her mouth to swallow.

Trixie looked to be lost in all the pleasure as she was laying back on the stage with her lower half on full display. The two mares licked and fondled her new and very sensitive bits before she groaned and reached up to her chest. The leotard was feeling too constricting now with her nipples becoming so perky beneath. Her hoofed fingers moved up yanked down the top, her blue coated breasts bouncing free as she moaned loudly.

When the sisters heard the illicit sound, they grinned wide and continued stripping down. Before long, the siblings were shed of all their clothing and went right back to touching and tasting The Great and Well-Endowed Trixie. Her shaft twitched from so many licks at once before Sham moved down kissed along one of those inner thighs until she met the warm and plump sack at her cheek. A turn of her head and she was instantly landing kisses and licks over the blue plums hanging from beneath that throbbing girth.

Shim panted softly as her breasts pressed up to the side of the shaft and her mouth opened to try and fit just a bit of the head inside. Her tongue swirled over the tip and teased that leaking opening before sucking at the flesh a bit. The younger sister's breasts cradled lightly around the side of the shaft before she moved up against it. The tonic had apparently drawn in those closest as well as whichever pony used it. Not that any of them were complaining.

Tongues and mouths kept the horny Trixie just as riled up as her hips gave a few squirms from so much teasing. The drooling end of her newly made shaft either dripped to the stage or was smeared on the slightly younger sister, if she didn't manage to lick it up. Those soft lips suckled to each one of her plump orbs had her mind detached from the public show they were giving. With the tongue teasing just beneath her heavy balls, she was constantly being brought closer to the edge before easing back off.

A spurt of the silky fluid made the shaft twitch and fling the substance across them all for a second. Sham hardly noticed her mane getting a bit of added shine as she laid down between those blue thighs and ran her tongue from those hidden folds to up against the sack that held those plums. Another lick and her own legs spread towards the audience, giving them even more to look at. She was getting just as lost as their endowed mare was.

“Got to... test our other product,” Shim said in a breathy tone before running her tongue along the edge of that pulsing head.

One of the other glass jars floated over before Shim's hand snatched it out of the air and yanked the cork free. While her sister stayed plenty busy in lavishing those warm balls in affection, Shim leaned in and tilted the glass over the end of the length. The second the cool goop touched that slick rod, Trixie made a moan and toyed with her nipples a bit more. The liquid slowly rolled down the sides and belly of that mare-cock until the younger sibling's hands came up and helped coax the contents down and all over that pleasure stick.

There was no hiding the extremely slick and wet sounds that were caused from coating the shaft by hand. Every move along the turgid flesh made a noise that was easily identifiable. Of course, dear Shim had to make sure she got every inch. Those noises didn't stop for a good minute as her hands stayed busy and kept passing over as much as possible.

When the phallus was completely coated, it shined with a glisten that seemed to draw more attention to it. The ponytail adorned sister looked it over and glanced to her own lap before standing up and smiling wide. The exhibitionist nature of this had her growing wetter by the second before she stepped over Trixie's body and straddled her waist. Nothing was going to stop her from this now.

“Just... just let me have this,” Shim whimpered, reaching down and taking hold of the erect shaft.

“Go for it~ I get her after you,” Sham encouraged and sat up to watch.

The younger unicorn lowered her hips slowly and watched as her lap got closer and closer to that leaky tip. The sudden brush of the head to her needy entrance had her gasp and give a small squeeze with her hand to just behind the fat head of that pole. A spurt of pre against her lap and she couldn't help but press down a bit eagerly at the tool. Her hips wiggled and continued shifting down as she angled the spire of lust up towards her until she finally felt her body give.

It was quick, at first. The sudden relaxation of her walls and the special lube helped Trixie's throbbing mare-cock plunge right up into that moist and waiting pussy. The two moaned out, Shim lowering further as she felt that slick slab of hot and throbbing meat sliding up into her body easier than it ever could without the added help. It was amazing to feel that pulsing member spreading her walls deeper and deeper as she clenched around it repeatedly. Her hips shook until she took hold of the blue unicorn's knees before her, panting and looking down to see the bulging outline of that length along her stomach.

“S... she's... inside me, Shammy..,” Shim whimpered in bliss, visibly clenching and having her clit give a few winks from the work.

“I see it~ Oh, it's beautiful,” Sham whispered, kissing along that bulge and caressing it slowly and gently. She could even feel it pulse through her sister!

Slowly, Shim lifted her hips and felt the unprotected flesh pull from her body. A move back down and the loud squishy noises were heard. Each shift up resulted in messy slurps as the tool left her needy body cavity until it returned. Again and again, her hips began trying to work up a rhythm as she rode Trixie right on stage. Never in her life would she have even guessed this might be possible to happen with her.

As the sound of sex filled the air, Sham lowered back down and kissed every inch of the way. Over that smooth stomach that bulged, over her sister's lap and clit, and down the belly of that beast until she found those balls hugging against the blue body once more. Her hands carefully fondled and rolled them, warming them gently as her lips grazed over one, then the other. Her tongue joined in on the assault, landing streaks of her saliva along the sack and under it, even getting a good taste of Trixie's drooling snatch.

The two sisters worked over the groaning mare as she laid back and gladly accepted all forms treatment they were giving her. The tightness of one sister riding her made every motion feel like it was going to be the last one. It was impossible not to feel like she would burst any second and right inside one of the salesponies at that. Her hips gave a few squirms until she lifted her lower half just a bit on the downward glide the unicorn atop her made.

“Ah! Ah, yes! D-do it again~” Shim moaned out, starting to really get into it as her breasts bounce with each lift and lower.

Trixie did just that. Her hips lifted at every downward press and those plums made a nice clap to her thighs and below each time. Sham had a hard time working with them but still managed wonderfully. They were all working in tandem to really give the audience a show. Not one of them had suspected themselves as being such the exhibitionist type, and not one of them regretted any second of their performance.

Loud and messy claps accompanied with wet and lewd slurps filled the night air. The coupling of groans, grunts, and heavy breathing made the perfect form of musical sex as the three kept up such a pace without losing it so quickly. Eventually, that blissful peak was coming closer a bit too fast. Shim and Trixie could feel it stirring as if their were one.

“I... I don't... I don't think I... c-can... oohh, goddesses!” Shim called out as her back arched. She couldn't handle the pleasure coursing through her body as her walls were massaged in ways a stallion could hardly achieve.

Sham was surprised at seeing those thick orbs draw up against that body and looked up quickly. Trixie's hands went straight to her sister's waist and held her steady as the thick meat stick flared inside that love tunnel. Every pulse was like waiting for water to finish traveling the hose. A sudden twitch from the both and she knew it was just about there.

“Oh, cum in my sister~” Sham breathed out, kissing up the shaft and right over the soft, pale yellow coat of her sibling's belly.

The groan from the blue unicorn was signal enough but hearing the thick spray of such a hot and cream load being forced up into her sibling's body. There was a muffled gush as Sham held her ear to that sweet stomach, listening to Trixie cum into her dearest sister as well as hearing both of their moans from the simultaneous climaxes. Every rope was just as sexy sounding as the last until that orifice could only hold so much.

A quick burst of semen sprayed out from between that dark blue shaft and those sweet folds wrapped around it. The gush of fluid coated them all in some manner. Sham kissed over that soft bulge before she lapped up a bit of the exploded back wash of lust until her sister finally tried to stand. She helped her lift carefully until that thick and wet pop set her free of the monster that was just inside. A new flood of hot seed coursed down her inner thighs and spattered the stage floor while she smiled dreamily and tugged over Trixie's hat.

“Wh... Who's first in l-line?” Shim stuttered, her eyes in a glazed lust of her afterglow while she held up the hat. “F-fifty bits for each,” she mentioned as Sham looked over to her.

They had originally planned for twenty bits a piece but, seeing as this product actually worked and was fun, she knew the reason her younger sibling raised it. There wasn't much encouragement needed when she saw their blue coated demonstrator sit up and that cum-coated shaft still throbbing. Sham moved over to the side and let her sister take care of payments and watch the customers they climbed on stage to get a real good look at the aftermath.

The beauty marked pony leaned over on her knees, pressing her chest to the cool wooden flooring of the stage. That tail flicked aside as she looked to Trixie and gave a wink, snickering as the cocked mare sat up and moved over to her. Those hands along her flanks and waist made her shiver but it was the feeling of that deliciously messy rod that had her wet all over again the second it brushed over her folds. A small, teasing push back and that was all the coaxing they needed.

A swift thrust and that length sank in past that medial ring as they both moaned out. Now much closer to their audience, it was becoming a far hotter moment for the two as the mare with extra equipment began pulling back and thrusting forward once again. Every roll of her hips drew that length out by more than half before being shoved right back inside and coating those walls with her sister's juices and left overs of the prior sexual engagement. It was nothing but bliss for them.

The two enjoyed just as much of a heated moment as Trixie did with the other sister. Her hips were practically pounding at that upturned plot while that rod was lodging itself nearly to the hilt every time. Those walls gripped and glided back and forth, massaging and doing their best to help urge the hermaphrodite pony to blow that second wad of love spunk deep within her as well. Sham wanted nothing more than to feel as completed as her sister with this pleasure.

Grunts and moans escaped them both as a few ponies who walked by smiled and clapped. The obvious tents in some of their pants were a clear sign of how well they sold the product, or at least they liked the show. Whatever the reason, Sham and Trixie were going at it like there wasn't going to be a sunrise tomorrow. The hot, wet passion soaked both of their laps as those swaying balls softly smacked that sensitive button and Sham's lap.

Every repeated motion just felt that much better as those hoofed fingers dug into the soft hips of the offered pony while the mounting mare drew closer. Heated breaths and deep grunts became almost animal as their carnal lust overrode ever sense they had. It was the one thing both their bodies craved and nothing could get it their faster than what they were already doing.

“Ah~ C-cum... Oh, please, cum inside me, too!” Sham pleaded, her depths gripping fiercely at the flesh inside, almost trying to hold it ransom for the gooey love.

“Y-yes! T-trixie... Trixie is... is... c-cumming!” the blue mare announced and pressed as flush as possible against that snug body, nearly making it balls deep.

The two held in place, motionless for a moment as they felt their orgasms building up swiftly and the rush out in an eruption neither of them could have anticipated. Rope after rope of more creamy and thick foal batter just flooded Sham's chamber. Each tug against that lap sent another arc of that heavy love seed directly into her body, the unprotected feeling making them both shudder in the pleasure of no restrictions.

Heavy splats of that white love spilled out from between them and hit the stage over and over. Sham felt her knees go weak and her hooves move out before she just collapsed entirely on the floor. Trixie nearly followed behind before pushing back and letting that shaft pop free, slinging the last few spurts over the slightly elder sister's back and plot. It would take a bit of washing to get that out of her tail.

She hardly had time to register her sister coming over to show the hat full of money. Her eyes were unfocused and her mind was having a hard time settling on one thing but she was utterly happy. Shim pulled her in with a weak hug before nearly passing out on her. In seconds, Sham followed her into dream land while Trixie was already there. They could clear things up in the morning.


When Shim woke up, the younger sister had found herself mostly cleaned up and resting comfortably in bed. Sham must have got up before and done it for her. As she looked around their cramped caravan, the ponytail donning unicorn noticed a blue unicorn from last night settled in on the floor. Just as she was about to wake her, the door opened and Sham came in with a finger held to her lips.

“Shh, she's still exhausted,” the eldest said and smiled, sitting down on the bed with Shim. “So, we've worked a few things out when we got you in bed this morning. Trixie's still tired, and I don't see a reason to wake her after that... performance~”

“Hehe, she did well,” Shim agreed and sat up, hugging her sister around the waist. “What's she doing here?”

“I talked with her earlier and she seemed to be just as low on funds as we were. We'll be a small, traveling caravan group. All income will be split amongst us equally,” Sham explained and kissed her sister's ears. “We'll be traveling entertainers and salesponies. It sounded like a good idea and she seemed on board entirely.”

“I like it~” Shim whispered while nosing along her sister's neck. “Mm, so where to next?”

“Las Pegasus could be a good place to earn some bits. Plus,” the beauty marked pony added, “we still have a good bit of our tonic and lube left.”

The two giggled and did their best to remain quiet so they didn't disturb their new friend. It was going to be the start of a new style of business. One full of money, magic, and many nights of pleasure. They still had a few days to recover from their session with how vigorous the time was, though they hardly cared. If it was that great every time, they were going to enjoy this for a long time.

Now, they just had to let their Spent and Sleepy Abracadabress rest up properly. Maybe a new caravan would get them a bigger bed. They did earn quite the catch last night. The bits weren't bad, either.