Holiday Tales the Discord Way: Hearts and Hooves

by videomaster21XX

First published

Discord grants a Valentine wish to a human in the way only he can.

"Hello! Why don't you come and sit for a spell? Let old Discord tell you all about how I granted a very special wish for a human. I'm sure he'll love his new form and all the 'baggage' that comes with it!"

(Contains Male Human to Pony Mare transformation, along with something a little extra. Not futa)

Mommy's Home

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Darkness, that’s all you can see. Where are you? What were you doing? You grab your head expecting it to be in pain, yet strangely you feel fine. Nothing hurts, you don’t even feel groggy. It’s like you were taking a walk down the street and bam, here you are waking up in, well you should probably find out where you are. At this point you’ve realized it’s only dark because you have your eyes closed. Feeling silly, you open them to look around-

Okay, hold up, what are you doing in a cabin? Or is this a cottage? Wait, was there really even a difference? Okay focus, you need information. Let’s review what we know. You didn’t live near any woods, yet you could clearly see some outside, which you also didn’t recognize.

Or did you? Have you really never seen this place before? You don’t recall ever being here, but something about it struck you as familiar. Maybe if you retraced your steps? Last thing you remember was preparing to spend another Valentine’s day alone. Hadn’t you wished for company? Is that what happened? You went to someone’s house? That didn’t make sense, you’d remember going into some woods. Why weren’t you freaking out about all this anyway? This was the stuff out of horror movies.

As if on cue a sudden crack causes you to jump. Eyeing your surroundings in haste you try to catch any glimpse of danger. The sound of eerie scratching bombards you from all sides. Flurry of movements are everywhere, but are too quick to identify. Finally you see one approaching you from the shadows, it’s beady eyes locked upon yours. With a chill of ice upon your heart you see it emerge, its small mouth twisted in a frown, its white fur bristling, its floppy ears-

Floppy ears? The panic leaves you in an instant, you find the creature before you is a simple white rabbit. You’d feel silly if you had any idea what was going on. At least this little fella couldn't hurt you. You bet it just wanted a carrot or something. Huh, it sure was bouncing up and down rather excitedly. You almost swear it was pointing behind you.

“Oh! I see our guest has arrived.” A gruff, chilling voice states just behind you. Your blood runs cold. You know that voice. It’s a dangerous voice. You heart begins to race. You knew you couldn’t run, couldn’t hide. Soon it’d all be over-

“Oh stop being so dramatic and just turn around already. You’re making this very boring.” The voice states in mild irritation. Swallowing the lump that formed in your throat, you turn.

What you see answers very few questions, but creates many more.

Before you stands a creature formed together of many different animals. The leg of a goat, the horn of a deer, the arm and claws of an eagle? Griffin? Whatever animals that make this thing up isn’t what surprises you. What shocks you is that you know this creature.


“Yes yes, I am Discord, the oh so loveable scamp of a draconequus from the wonderful world of Equestria,” he says with quite the mock dramatic flare, going as far as to strike a pose with his fingers on his chest as he looks to the sky. Your body begins to numb as you sit there staring at this creature before you. Whether you feel this out of fear or awe you can’t really place.

“Ah, but this isn’t about me. Oh no, this is about you isn’t it? As in, why are you here?” His eyes twinkle, “No no, don’t say anything, there’s no need.” He sits down, a chair crawling across the floor with it’s wooden legs to catch him right before his rump hits the floor. He seems to regard you for a few moments, stroking his chin before nodding.

“Yes, yes, I suppose this will be fine. Now then, I believe you were wishing for company during that wonderful holiday of Hearts and Hooves, oh I’m sorry, Valentine’s day to you.” It was hard to miss the way he nearly spat out the word ‘wonderful’ as he spoke. If you had to wager, you’d say he wasn’t too fond of this date.

“You probably think you’re clever in noting my annoyance with this day. Make no mistake my little friend it’s not that I’m against it, oh no my friends really have shown me how friendship and love can be a good thing. It’s just that it’s so terribly predictable. Two ponies go on a date, fall in love, yadda yadda. It’s all so boring.”

With a snap of his claws, various items begin to float up and spin around you, flying around the room as if possessed. In the midst of all this, Discord casually reaches out and grabs a rather age worn tome, it’s cover blood red. Try as you may though you can’t make out it’s title.

“So I thought, why not put my own little spin on things? In here I have some wonderful stories. All the wonderful romance of the day with just a splash of chaos. Doesn’t that sound much more exciting?” He holds the book’s cover right up to your face, the canvas blank of any markings.

“These tales, well don’t take my word for it, they can speak for themselves!” With a grin that causes you to shudder, you watch as gold Equestrian lettering burn their way upon the book’s face. You stare at the strange symbols for mere seconds before realizing you can actually understand them. Trying to ignore the metaphoric pins and needles in your body you read out loud the text.

“Holiday Tales the Discord Way?”

“Right you are!” Discord cheers as he sits back in a chair that just floated up to meet him. “Now let me find the perfect one for the occasion? The one about how clothes make the mare? No no, that’s Nightmare Night. Besides, that’s more of a human tale, and I think we are both in the mood for some pony ‘tails’ don’t you agree?” Was it just your imagination, or did you feel a swishing behind you? Discord continues to grin as he flips through the pages one by one, till his expression slowly changes to boredom.

“No, no not that one, not this one. Drat I really should ask that Twilight Sparkle to help me create an index for this thing.” He sighs with a glance outside the window. It’s only now that you recognize why this place seems so familiar. The colors, the small holes and doors, the smell of animals and that rabbit. This can’t be anything other than Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Of course if I did ask for her help, she’d probably lecture me on the proper way of ‘helping others’ and how my stories are a misuse of my wonderful chaos. Bah!” A sudden wind blows through the cottage while Discord watches it turn the pages. You can feel the very hair on your back stand straight up from the chill. If you had known you’d end up here, you’d have worn a coat or something. It felt like you were naked.

“Ah ha! Here we are!” Discord hoots in glee as he places a finger on the top of a page. “Mommy’s Home! Oh such a classic Hearts and Hooves tale! It has everything! Romance! Excitement! Magic!” A wineglass of what you can only guess to be chocolate milk appears before him as he reaches out to take a drink. You barely have time to register that the glass never seemed to drain before Discord gives another disapproving glance at his surroundings.

“No, something still isn’t right. A story like this needs the right setting, this sunny cottage just doesn’t fit the bill!” He holds up a duck as he speaks. The duck quacks once before Discord tosses it on a couch.

“I’ve heard cabins can be rather romantic, but with daylight it’s just too bright for a story of this caliber! If only that sun would hurry up and set.” Placing his hand on the window glass he strokes downward, causing the sun to finish it’s decline, plunging the world into darkness. Without having any time to adjust your eyes, about a dozen candles light up all around you, bathing everything in an eerie orange glow.

“Much better! Now, let us hear the tale of a lonely human like yourself who only wished for the love of one of his favorite ponies. Ah, classic Valentine scenario. Of course he never believed anyone was listening…” The book floats into the air as a soft golden glow fills it’s displayed pages.

“Oh I hope you don’t mind, but I thought I’d have it presented in a first person narrative, gives us some delicious insight as to what he’s thinking don’t you agree?”

Without waiting for a response, a male voice begins to emitted from the book, the tale having already begun…

Mommy’s Home

“Come on man what’s the harm?” My friend Dave asked while flipping that silly coin of his. I can’t believe he dragged me all the way out here for a stupid wishing well. It took us nearly two hours just to hike here and this was my reward?

“Dude? Seriously? You brought me out here, on Valentine’s Day mind you, for this? For this, man? You know I don’t believe in this kinda crap, so why bother?” With a frustrated grunt I kicked a rock off into the woods watching it clatter amongst the trees. “This is why I won't let you surprise me, Dave. This right here!”

“Oh don’t be like that. You know I don’t do bar hopping, and we’ve been talking about doing a hike anyway. I just figured we’d check something cool out in the process.”

“Yeah, but this wasn’t what I had in mind when you told me you found something awesome. This is like twenty percent less awesome.”

My friend rolled his eyes, “You’re going to quote that pony show in the middle of a forest on Valentine’s Day, and get mad at me for having us hike to a well?”

“So? I have a right to be disappointed. Or was that the plan? Because this day usually sucks, why not make it suck more?”

“Ha ha, that doesn’t come with a right to be annoying. Now are you gonna try making a wish or not?” With that, he flipped me his coin, which I lazily caught.

“Oh yes, let’s make a wish, and maybe if we’re lucky we can catch a Leprechaun and get his pot o’ gold on the way home!”

“Alright smart ass, have it your way.” Dave said throwing his own coin into the well. He closed his eyes and even clapped his hands together to make his wish. The entire thing was ridiculous.

“If you’re done wasting time on wishing for a girlfriend, can we go? I’m getting hungry and would like to grab a bite before the day is over.”

“Geez, you aren’t going to be like this the entire trek back are you?”

“Maybe, you buying?”

Once again my friend sighed, “If that’s what will shut you up. God, you’d think that someone who watches a show about magic would at least be optimistic about all this.”

“Dave, this is earth okay. Maybe in the magical land of Equestria wishes can come true, but here, it’d just be a waste of a quarter.”

“Whatever dude, you could at least give it a try.” That was the last straw. Give it a try huh? Well fine then, I’d give it a ‘try’

“Very well man, since we’re here, I’ll make a precious ‘wish’” I snarked while walking up the well. “I’ll even make it love based on the spirit of the day!” Wishing for a girlfriend or even for a ‘Valentine’ would be nice, but if it actually came true I’d never hear the end of it. No, I needed something so ridiculous that he’d never bring me to one of these things ever again.

“Well Dave, seeing as Twilight Sparkle is best pony in my eyes,” I ignored the groan he emitted, “Then I have the perfect wish. ‘Ahem, for this Valentine’s day I wish to have the best night I can where I’m a pony in her world and that she’ll love me for the rest of her life!” With that I chucked the coin into the well’s depths, a triumphant smirk on my face.

“Alright! Alright! I get it okay? Geez, you’re such a buzz kill. I’ll grab us some grub if you promise not to rag on me anymore.”

“Deal!” I said feeling a sense of satisfaction. My wish may not come true, but at least I got a free meal out of it.

* * *

“Well now, what a jerk wouldn’t you agree?” Discord asks, the book halting its unnatural speech. You can only nod slightly before having to push your hair out of your eyes. You hadn’t thought it had gotten so long, you’d worry about a haircut later if you managed to escape from this.

“Of course we can all see how this little story is going to end up, good thing someone was listening to his snarky little wish wasn’t it? Course not even I could have dreamed on the how of the wish being granted, but that’s what makes it so interesting! Anyway, I say it’s time we continued. Here-” He snaps again as a few pages flip. “Let’s get to the good part, after our unsuspecting ‘hero’ falls asleep for the night…”

* * *

Ugh, I really must have overdone it with the free food earlier. We had even gone to a buffet. My stomach was practically bulging. Bleh, that’s what I get for pigging out. The hike hadn’t done me any favors either it seemed as my entire body felt out of wack. Man, was I really this out of shape? It felt like I could barely move.

With a grunt I tried to sit up, only fail completely. What’s the deal? Even with thirds or fifths, I couldn’t have eaten that much. With a couple of more tries, and plenty of more grunts I was forced to accept that I wasn’t going to be able to get up that way. This was ridiculous, I hiked all the time, and now I’m too sore to move?

Wait, was I sore? My limbs felt all wonky sure, but they didn’t exactly hurt. Then why was I so tired and having trouble moving? Not only that, but I felt a bit nauseous, and wow did I ever have to go to the bathroom! My legs twitched as I felt the pressure grow. Ugh, what the hell? It felt like something was deliberately pressing up against my bladder. I tried again to get up, but my body just wouldn't rock into position. Shit, looks like I was going to have take drastic measures if I didn’t want to pee myself.

Doing the only thing I could think of, I rolled onto my stomach and tried to push myself upward with my limbs. Was I balling my fingers together or something, because I sure couldn’t feel them right now. What was up with my legs too? I must have been really out of it if they felt like this. I mean it felt like they were bent the wrong way. Not that it was easy to focus on much else when my body demanded I relieve it. As I tried to take a step I nearly planted my face right into the ground. Ugh, that was the last time I ate at that buffet. My stomach felt as heavy as a bowling ball!

It took all my effort, but I finally managed to steady myself on all fours. Just from the shakiness alone I could tell I wasn’t about to stand up. Great, just great, that meant I was going to have to crawl into my bathroom and pull myself up on the toilet. This couldn’t be just from a hike and the buffet, what was wrong with me?

A sudden fear crept through my skin. Was I dying? Was that it? Had I eaten something poisonous and it was killing me? Feeling my stomach lurch at the thought, I ran to the bathroom on some sort of instinct. I had no idea how I managed to move that fast while on all fours, but I wasn’t going to complain. Within moments my arms found the toilet and over the bowl went my mouth.

The contents of my lunch were soon purged from my body in a way I was not at all happy with. What’s worse is that every time I thought I was okay, another wave of the nausea hit me and more of my meal ended up in the toilet. Was there hay and oats in there? What the fuck? I don’t remember tasting that! I didn’t have time to dwell about that though, as my bladder reminded me it still needed emptying. Dazed by my hurling I somehow managed to prop myself over the toilet just in time to drain my snake. That’s funny, I couldn’t seem to feel ‘my snake’. Now I was certain the food was poisoned. The first thing I was going to do after calling nine one one and getting out of the hospital will be sueing that place!

First I had to reach the phone, but my legs felt weird, my arms were still propped on the floor holding me up, and to make matters worse, my tail had dipped into the water bowl before I managed to get myself into the proper position. It was a good thing I had flushed the toilet first or else it’d smell of barf for the rest of the nigh-

Wait a second… Tail!?

Whipping my head around, I froze. Sure enough, there was a purple and white tail, protruding from my naked rear end. What’s more I just turned my head a full one hundred and eighty degrees. Nothing I was seeing right now could be possible. Nothing.

Slowly everything began to come into focus and fall into place. This wasn’t even my body. I wasn’t even a human right now. Instead of my hands, I was sporting a pair of hooves that matched the white color in my tail. My legs, my back, everything was of the equine variety. As much as I wanted to deny it, I had to accept the impossible. I had become a pony!

“T-the wish came true?” I squeaked while turning my hoof this way and that taking it in with my eyes. I immediately placed the same hoof on my throat after I spoke. That was my voice? It was very different, then again what did I expect to sound like as a pony? I’d have thought I was dreaming if any of my dreams could be this realistic, but even if it was a dream, I really doubt I’d dream about throwing up. The mere memory of that made my stomach lurch again. Ugh, all that and I still felt as heavy as a house. The contents weren’t faring much better I could practically feel them moving around.

I guess the first thing I should do is find out what I look like. If this was my wish coming true, I was probably a strapping young stallion. Though it didn’t explain why I felt like an elephant. My colors weren’t exactly what I’d have picked either, but hey I was suppose to be Twilight’s dreamboat, right? Guess this is just what she’s into. I was so preoccupied with my thoughts that it wasn’t until I was putting it back on the wall that I realized I had the toilet paper floating in mid air!

With a start I dropped it to the ground, noticing the warm flow of magic in my newly acquired horn for the first time. I was a unicorn huh? Well that was no surprise, it did make sense that Twilight would be into one. How was I moving that object though? I obviously had never used magic before, so shouldn’t that be really difficult for me? Trying to will it to move wasn’t working and just gave me a headache. I was doing fine when I wasn’t thinking about it. That really couldn’t be the trick right? How could I not think about something while trying not to think about it?!

Without me realizing it, I had re-levitated the paper while stressing over how to lift it. This time I tried not to panic or think too hard about it, finding I had a sort of ‘sense’ about it, at least that was all I could think of to describe it. Much like I had somehow known how to run in here, I just sorta ‘knew’ how to use my magic. Had to admit it was very convenient of the wish to make it this way. In any case I had gotten distracted from my goal. I needed to see what I looked like. Well, being a bathroom there was certain to be a mirror. Spotting it easily I trotted over to take in my manly vision.

Immediately the blood in my entire body went cold. Standing before me was not a manly stallion or even a young colt designed to bring Twilight to her knees. What I got was the worst thing I could possibly think of to become. There I stood staring at the off-white unicorn with the purple streaks in her mane and tail. Three purple stars as her cutie mark. I knew this unicorn. I knew who she was, and what her role was in the show. There had to be some sort of mistake! There just had to be! Why would my wish make me ‘her’? I-I thought Twilight was-

“Honey?” A male voice suddenly called from the bed. “You okay in there?”

I don’t know how many times I could handle my grip on the world around me shattering in one night. Before I had time to process this new piece of information, I could see via the mirror, a blue stallion appear behind me, having entered from the bedroom I had earlier occupied. If I had to guess he had been laying next to me the entire time. How on earth had I not noticed him?

“Velvet? You okay?” He said giving my neck a soft nuzzle. The sensation sent a shiver up my spine. This was wrong! This was so completely wrong.

“J-Just fine-” Aw crap, what was that name the fans gave him? If my name was Velvet then his was, oh yeah! “Night Light! I’m just f-fine.”

“Hmm you don’t sound fine. Did you get sick again? I guess I shouldn’t have gotten you so much candy, huh?” I could see him moving in for another nuzzle before I managed to leap to the side. Whatever this extra weight was, it sure wasn’t making my movements any easier. The moment I did this, Night Light gave me a really worried look. Guess I should have seen it coming.

“Sweetie? Are you okay? You’re acting really weird, did you not like your gifts?” I’m acting weird? Oh I’m sorry, it’s just I didn’t expect to end up in Equestria as a mare! Fuck you wish! I wasn’t stupid, I knew exactly why I had ended up as this mare. Har de har har! I wished to be a pony that Twilight would love forever. Fuck you for making me her mother! That’s not what I meant and you know it! Wait, didn’t I also wish for an amazing night? How the hell was I going to get that like this!?

“Velvet?” I heard Night Light say with a strong presence of worry in his voice. “Say something, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Despite my rage, I couldn’t help but feel bad about scaring him like that. For all he knew his wife was about to have a heart attack. I’d better calm him down. Maybe after that I could explain to him who I was and what was going on.

“I-I’m fine. Sorry just a bad dream that’s all.” My breathing became rapid as I stood there staring at my reflection. Maybe this was just a bad dream, some food driven nightmare. I know what I said earlier, but magic was crap right? I just ate too much and my overactive imagination conjured up this fucked up fantasy for me to live out. I was going to have to have a serious talk to a therapist someday about this. What kind of person dreams about being the mother of someone you admire? Even if they are just a cartoon horse. On the brightside, by the way Night Light relaxed, he seemed to buy my excuse.

“Don’t scare me like that okay?” He kissed the side of my head, causing me to want to barf again. I had just barely stopped myself from moving away again when he did that. Why was I being so careful around him anyway? This was just a dream anyway, what did his feelings matter? I should just come clean now, save myself the headache.

“Look, er dear-” I began, but he had begun to speak as well.

“Remember, you’re caring for two right now.” He said giving my belly a careful nuzzle. As if on cue, I felt the contents of my stomach shift again, except this time it felt like they kicked me! T-that wasn’t my stomach!

My limbs shook as my head moved like molasses to take in the last thing I have ever wanted to see hanging below me right now. Protruding a bit between my legs and hanging rather low was a very swollen belly. My mind completely shut down at the sight.

“I can’t believe it’s almost time.” Night Light continued, now nuzzling my neck. “I do hope our little Shining doesn’t get jealous.” Shining? That could only mean one thing.

“No.” I whispered, the horror setting in. This probably earned me another odd look from my ‘husband’ but I didn’t care. This couldn’t be happening. It just couldn’t!

“No! No! No! No!” I pleaded backing up into the wall. Night Light was going nuts trying to keep me calm

“Honey! Honey it’s okay! I’m here! The bad dream is over! It’s okay!” I could feel myself pushing against him. I had to get out of there! I had to get away!

“No! No it’s not! This isn’t right!” I could barely hear my new voice scream that as my legs began to move. I had to get away from here. I didn’t care where, just anyplace that wasn’t this room! I barely managed to squeeze past Night Light before my newfound ‘weight’ reminded me of my current condition by causing me to stumble and crash to the ground. Not surprisingly my ‘husband’ was quick to my side.

“Velvet! What’s wrong? What’s gotten into you?” He cried while trying to hold me with his hooves. I tried to throw him off, but he quickly proved to be far stronger than I was. Panicked I felt my magic flair to life, attempting to lift him away from me. He tried to counter with his own, but it seemed what I lacked in body strength I had in spades here. Within seconds he was in the air, floating a good foot or so above me. This gave me just enough time to locate the doorway I assumed was the way out. All I had to do was toss him aside and I could make a run for it, I’d just have to ensure I didn’t trip this time. I tensed my body, preparing to move the moment Night Light was released.

“Velvet, stop!” He cried suddenly, his tone desperate. The pain I heard in his voice caused me to hesitate. Without thinking I looked up at him. He was gazing down at me sick with worry. He was scared, but it wasn’t for himself. He was scared about me, about how I was acting. The shock of that was enough to calm me down. No matter what was going on, when the stallion up there looked at me, he saw only his wife. One who was acting like a mad mare.

Still unsure how I was commanding my magic, I dropped him gently on the bed. The poor guy just wanted to make sure the mare he thought me to be was okay. Maybe I’m not suppose to be her, but If I ran out on him like this, it’d break his heart. Dream or not I couldn’t just let him see his wife and unborn foal vanish into the night. Pushing down my panic, I got ready to explain the situation to him. I’d just have to convince him of who I really was first.

“V-Velvet?” He asked hesitantly, gauging my every action with concern. Crying I shook my head.

“I’m not who you think I am.” My voice was strained and choked. I’d be surprised if he could understand me at all. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t be this mare, I couldn’t be a mother to a colt, and I sure as hell couldn’t go through with having a filly growing inside me. I had to find a way back to my own body!

“What happened?” I felt him settle down beside me, his body pressing into my own. I hadn’t even noticed when he got off the bed.

“T-this is a mistake!” I wailed as I turned to stare at him, my vision blurred from tears. “I shouldn’t be here like this!” I stamped my front hooves pitifully against the ground in protest. Dear Celestia I was a mess. How did I ever expect to get anywhere like this?

“Shhh,” Night Light whispered as he began to rub my back with one of his hooves. “Shhh, it’s okay. Whatever it is we’ll get through it, okay? I just need you to calm down and trust me.” The feeling of his hoof along my back was incredibly soothing. He could help me, he would listen. He’d never harm or abandon me.

“You’ll hurt yourself laying on the floor like that, I’m going to move you to the bed alright? If you feel uncomfortable at any time tell me, okay? Can you do that?” I was barely able to nod in response as my exhaustion caught up with me. Seconds later I could feel myself lifting into the air, wrapped in his magic. The sensation was rather pleasant, unlike anything I had ever felt before. Almost like my body had turned to cotton and got caught in the air current. He had me drift over to the bed and set me very carefully upon it. For the first time I noticed the sheets were silk, much more exquisite than the old synthetic ones back home. The material practically caused the fur along my stomach to stand on end. I didn’t realize just how sensitive my tummy really was like this. It was almost enough to distract me from my predicament.

“Better?” Night Light asked settling once more beside me. Again I nodded. It really was a major improvement from being on the ground, and better for the foal.

I quickly shook my head. Why did I think that? I wasn’t even suppose to have a foal inside me! That’s the reason I panicked in the first place! Time to focus. I need to get Night Light to help me. I had to-

I blinked. I had to what? Hell, what could he possibly do? What could I do? I doubt either of us just had a book on multidimensional travel on hoof, I mean hand. I didn’t even know what exactly happened. Did I just become Velvet, or did we swap bodies?

“Are you ready to tell me what happened?” He asked ever so gently nuzzling my neck. While I couldn’t deny the sign of affection felt nice to my mare body, the knowledge of what it meant still made me very uneasy. At least I was able to keep myself from freaking out this time.

“It’s… complicated.” I whispered back. How was I suppose to go about telling him I’m a human alien from another world inhabiting this body? Twilight might have actually believed me and even found the whole thing fascinating if it was for the fact she wasn’t born yet.

That thought caused the panic to build again, my breaths coming in short gasps. Twilight. Twilight Sparkle, my favorite pony was nestled deep in my womb. I had a foal inside me! I was going to give birth to her, I was already a mother!

“Velvet! Velvet!” Night Light began to practically shout as he hugged me close. I must have started shaking again. Poor guy, I just keep making him think his wife was losing it. With a shudder I places my muzzle against his neck and breathed in. Mmm, he smelled wonderful, his body so warm, and his muscles! Perfectly toned from years of guard duty. I had half a mind to-

Wait, a mind to what? Was I enjoying this? I’m not a mare! I’m not his wife! I had to focus, figure out something I could do. Dear Celestia why couldn’t I come up with anything? Wait! Celestia! She’s a princess right? If I was pregnant, that is if Twilight wasn’t ‘here’ right now that meant Luna wasn’t either. Maybe if I told her I knew about her sister she’d believe me. Well it was the only idea I had at the moment.

“Celestia! I mean the princess! I have to talk to the Princess!” I begged grabbing Night Light with my hooves. She’d believe me, she just had to! Then I could get all this sorted out and not be p-preg- I wouldn’t be ‘that’

“The princess?” He asked utterly confused. “Why would you? Wait, is this about our finances again? Or are you still worried I won’t have enough time to take care of you?” I stared at him blankly. Just what in blazes was he going on about?

“Honey, I told you before we’ll be fine. We’ve been putting some bits away just to help get us through this. I shouldn’t have to take anymore guard duty than usual, and you’ll be back to writing in no time, okay? And don’t you go lecturing me for spoiling you today. That’s what the day is for.” He said as he gave me a reassuring smile. “It’ll be fine I promise.”

“No! That’s not it!” I cried trying to get up. “I’m not-” I was cut off by a warm pair of lips pressing against my own. He was kissing me! He was kissing me and it felt, well it felt wonderful. I could feel my own lips pressing back against his. What was I doing? Why was I returning the kiss? What was wrong with me?

“You were this way while pregnant with Shining Armor too, do you remember?” He asked as his snout nuzzled my neck. He had already ‘nuzzled’ me a few times tonight, so I was caught off guard at how much different this one felt. There was this tenderness to it that made me shiver, though in a good or bad way I was having trouble understanding.

“I-I was?” I asked in almost monotone. My mind had suddenly gotten so fuzzy. Why was I starting to feel hot? There wasn’t a fireplace or anything nearby and I wasn’t under any covers.

“You were, you kept fretting over every little thing and felt so helpless because you couldn’t move much.” He chuckled at the memory, causing me to blush. I can’t believe I had been so silly. No wait, hold on. I shook my head to try and clear some of the fog I felt inside it. I wasn’t being silly because that hadn’t happened to me!

I was about to say something when I felt his hot breath against my right ear. Oh no, what was he up to now? It didn’t take a genius to know Night Light was feeling frisky, and that was the last thing I needed right now. I was going to have to shoot him down before it was too late.

“Er s-sweety? You really don’t-”

“Nonsense, it’s Hearts and Hooves day, I’m suppose to make my wife feel special!” I was about to argue that it was really okay when he chose that exact moment to nibble on my new ears ever so intimately. I felt my back leg kick a bit as any tension I had just melted away. It really shouldn't’ surprise me, every mare in my family had sensitive ears after all.

Hold up, every mare? That couldn’t be right! I was a human, a guy! I’m suppose to be back on earth getting ready for work tomorrow! How could I possibly know about Velvet’s family history? Isn’t she in my body right now? Or, or did I really just become her?

No I couldn’t think about that. I couldn’t let myself fall in this trap that I was, I just couldn’t be. I was not this mare. I was not born a pony! More and more I tried to remind myself of the truth. I didn’t date Night Light, I certainly didn’t marry him, and I couldn’t have had fun bedtime with him that resulted in a small white colt. A small colt that looked so helpless when I first held him in my hooves. The happiest day of my life and I was going to have ano-

GAH! NO! That wasn’t me! This wasn’t my life! Why did these images keep flashing in my mind!? What was going on!?

“N-Night Light!” I squeaked out, trying to ignore the wonderful shivers his nibbling was giving me. It was more imperative than ever that I got word to Celestia. Whatever was happening to me was getting worse. I had to talk to her before it was too late.

“Yes dear?” He responded before brushing a hoof against my stomach. The sensation scrambled my thoughts. The moment his hoof tip touched my coat, what I could only describe as electric tingles shot through my body. The sensories of my skin there, It reminded me vaguely of a time I had been sunburned. My skin was so sensitive to the touch afterward that I had to go shirtless for hours at a time just so the fabric didn’t drive me nuts.

My belly felt a lot like that now, except instead of intense pain, I felt nothing but incredible bliss. How had I not gone crazy from the sheets doing this when I woke up? Did his hoof just feel that nice? As it brushed against me again a high pitched ‘eep’ emitted from my lips. No way, I did not just make that noise.

“T-that feeling.” I breathed, my body tilting to the side. Night Light’s response was to lean over and nibble on my ear again, while at the same time he continued to rub my belly. Another sound emitted from my lips as I desperately tried to gather my thoughts, this one sounding much more like a moan. What was I just thinking about? Oh yeah being sunburned. I giggled despite myself. What a silly memory that was. Why would I go shirtless? I didn’t wear shirts. No, wait that’s not right is it?

“My mare.” He mumbled before starting to lick my neck. I knew I shouldn’t be enjoying this, I shouldn’t be having these feelings. It’s just, it felt so nice. He knew every little spot of my body to hit in order to drive me wild. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to just lay here and accept him. Maybe I could find the Princess in the morning. Maybe then I could return the favors my husband was granting me.

A sudden wave of fear washed over me as I realized what I was thinking. Not only was I starting to confuse myself for a mare, but I was confusing this stallion as my…

I shuddered at the thought. Something bad was happening. I had to stay focused! Mind on the prize! First step, make him see I’m not who he thinks I am!

“W-wait!” My words were soft, almost inaudible.

“Hmm?” Night Light murmured, giving my neck a little nip. “Something wrong sweetie?” The nip on my neck had once again jumbled my thoughts. How was it that such a simple action could leave me so helpless?

“Listen, I have to, I mean I need you.” I whispered trying to righten myself. This time I did feel a slight shiver as the sheets touched my stomach. I felt my entire body twitching. I was just so hot, and having Night Light so close to me was driving me crazy. Half of me desperately wanted to get up and go straight to Celestia, but the other half. I was afraid of what it wanted.

“Oh I see,” He said moving away from me. I nearly blinked. He did? Did he really figure out what I wanted?

The sudden weight on my back proved otherwise. He was mounting me! I tried to squirm free but all that did was cause his front legs to rub against my belly some more, eliciting several moans from my mouth, the tone of them becoming progressively more feminine.

“Ah~ N-Night Light!” I had intended it to sound firm and demanding, but instead it came out as cute and airy, only spurring him on. I could feel something round and thick begin to prod my backside, provoking a deep longing throughout my body. I could smell his musk with my newly equine senses. His hoof slowly began to deliberately rub my right side, moving in small circles along my girth. With each passing shudder he coaxed out of me, I became painfully aware that they weren’t of revulsion. The moment his teasing touched one of my new teats I gasped in both pleasure and fear.

I was enjoying this, no I was loving this. My mare bits began to quiver from just his weight upon me. Why was this happening? Was there really no escape? I got my answer the moment I felt something begin to push inside my marehole.

The moan that emitted from my mouth no longer held any hint of my former maleness. It’s erotic soprano nearly echoed against the walls. He was inside me! Night Light’s cock was inside me! Oh dear Celestia, how was it that I could practically feel the veins upon it? My inner walls seemed to squeeze against it, eager to suck it even further in. He was going to rut me! I couldn’t let that happen! I could forget who I was! I’d, I’d forget what?

I was something else right? I think I remembered, it’s just damn that cock just felt so good inside me. Why was he teasing me like this? He knows how uncomfortable I can get when half stimulated. It’s hearts and hooves day for crying out loud! He’d said he’d take care of me! No wait! That’s not right! That thing I had to remember! It was slipping away! I had to buck him off! I couldn’t let him claim me! I-

“Ohhhhhhh” I cried as the ear nibbling returned. At nearly the same time he mercifully began move his hips back and forth, letting me feel all nine inches of his wonderful thick shaft massage the inside of my aching cunt. Oh how I had been dreaming of this since morning.

“C-careful!” I barely heard myself cry as he increased his pace, nibbling on my ears the entire while. That’s right I had to be careful, but careful of what? The bed? Something about how my body was. Something about it was different right? Was it my mane? No that’s silly, why would I care about that? It had to be the foal inside me. Yes that was it, I didn’t want to hurt my unborn daughter. Why in Equestria was I confused about that? Any mother would want to protect her foal. Night Light was right, I was being really weird tonight.

As he thrust in and out of me, I could feel his weight attempt to push me down into the bed. I was about to throw him off with my magic enraged that he’d endanger our baby like that when I felt the sheets begin to rub against my stomach ever so gently, causing those electric shivers to travel down my spine again. So that was his game!

“D-dear! That’s not f-fair!” I whined as my legs nearly buckled from underneath me. First my pussy, then my ears and now my tummy? It was too much. The world began to fade into a bright white as my eyes lost focus. My legs becoming jello. I had no idea how I managed to remain standing, or for how long I was in such a state. I could barely even register the sensations anymore as my mind numbed. This must be what the elysian fields were like! Oh Celestia I couldn’t take anymore!

The next thing I remember was an earthquake that seemed to only hit my body as my pleasure exploded. I’m sure the entire neighborhood had to be red faced at the tone and volume of my screams by now. What felt like nearly an hour passed before I finally began to take note of my surroundings again, just in time to feel Night Light’s hot seed pump into me. If I wasn’t already with foal, I would have pleaded his seeds took root.

“W-wow.” I moaned collapsing to the bed, yet careful enough to land on my side. Even though I knew where I was again, it’d be several moments before I could get my body to move.

“Mmm, did you have fun?” Night Light asked as he licked my neck. Meekly I kicked my legs a bit in response, too buzzed to do anything else.

“Honey?” He asked, once more doing that accursed belly rub. Why did I have to be given such a sensitive body?

“S-stop!” I finally managed to squeak out. With a chuckle he finally stopped his teasing.

“I guess so if you can barely speak.” With that he laid beside me, resting his head upon my midriff.

“I think I can hear her dear. Our little Sparkle.” He gave my tummy a kiss, drawing a giggle from me.

“Yes, our little Twilight Sparkle. The best reminder of our love.” I stuck out my tongue at him, finally able to lift my head. His response was a roll of the eyes.

“You’re always so corny you know that?” But he smiled as he always did. “I suppose that’s just part of your charm.” He leaned his muzzle toward mine, which I gladly kissed once it was near enough. His lips tasted of sunflowers as it always did. I so did love his taste. We must have held that kiss for a full five minutes before we broke for air, my mouth still hungering for more.

“I’m glad you seem to be back to normal. You were acting really weird there for a second.” I was acting strange tonight, wasn’t I? Much as I loved being pregnant with Twilight I couldn’t wait for her to be born. I hated these weird mood swings.

“Sorry dear, guess I didn’t learn much control since Shining Armor.” I nuzzled his neck, trying to scoot closer with no luck. Thankfully he saw what I was trying and scooted closer to me instead.

“I’m just happy to help.” He said, returning my affection with another ear nip. After my surprised eep, I swatted his side.

“You’re terrible!” He grinned back at me.

“Sorry, you just sound so cute when I do that.” Much to my annoyance, I blushed. He knew me too well.

“So did you have a happy Hearts and Hooves day?” He asked rubbing my side. With a happy sigh I kissed his muzzle.

“You speak as if it’s over. We still have plenty of time left in the day.” I winked mischievously while gently rubbing my hoof against his stallionhood. Already I could feel it begin to grow again as he let out a small grunt of pleasure.

“D-Did I tell you I love you?” He moaned getting into a sitting position. With a lick of my lips I began to nuzzle his hardening shaft, intent on returning the favor. I was going to make this night last! I ran my tongue against it, taking pleasure in how it made him twitch. I’d have to answer him before we could really get started though.

“Every day dear.” I replied, rubbing my hooves against the now fully erect penis. “Now let me show you how much I love you!” With that I heard him moan my name as I wrapped my lips around it’s tip, pacing myself so I could fit more and more inside. I could vaguely remember that something about this seemed off, but that couldn’t be right? Nothing was wrong with this. I was a lucky mare with a very sexy stallion for a husband. I had a wonderful son sleeping on the other end of the house, and a daughter on the way. This was all I could ever ask for. How could I have ever thought it was wrong?

* * *

With that he tome snaps shut, Discord’s grin staring down at you.

“Well? What do you think? Two lovers happily ever after, with just the tiniest hint of chaos.” He paused long enough to wipe a sudden tear from his eye. “Rather ingenious if I do say so myself, oh don’t give me that look. I didn’t strand Twilight Velvet in your world, our lead truly did become her in body and soul, but alas that’s all the time we have for stories tonight. Well at least stories from me. You’ll probably get another from Fluttershy before bed tonight, assuming you eat all your veggies and the like.”

You wanted to ask him just what he was talking about, but you were too concerned about how off everything suddenly looked. Had the room grown since the story began? You swear it wasn’t this big before.

“You see my friend, I wanted to surprise Fluttershy, being she is one of my closest friends, but what to get her? Flowers and chocolates are too simple, to show the depths of my friendship. I needed a doozy of a gift, and that’s when I got the most marvelous idea!”

As he talked you could feel an itch in your ear, causing it to flick. Wait could you always flick your ears like that?

“As you may have guessed that idea is you! You needed some molding of course, you couldn’t fit the role otherwise, but I believe you’ll do nicely. You see I know what Fluttershy really wants, something she couldn’t ever admit, and thankfully she doesn’t have to! Aren’t I such a great friend?” He doesn’t wait for your answer as he begins to clean up the place. In a moment the candles are gone, replaced by some well lit lanterns turning the cabin back into the cozy image you remember from when you arrived.

“Oh and to make sure you don’t ruin it with trying to tell her who you are.” He snaps his claws, sending a weird shiver throughout your body. The fear you’ve been feeling this entire time recedes to the back of your mind, but you’re certain that’s not all it’s done. With a flash Discord is gone, leaving you alone. The last of his voice echoes in the night.

“If you don’t like it I’ll send you back, but at least try to have some fun.”

Not wanting to believe what could be happening you slowly raise your right hand to your face. As you suspected you see nothing by a tiny hoof in it’s place. The fur that now covers your entire body begins to bristle just as the front door opens to reveal Fluttershy in the flesh.

She regards you for a moment with a look of surprise before closing her eyes and shaking her head. When she looks at you again, her expression is full of warmth and joy.

“Oh I’m so sorry it took me so long to get home. I hope Discord did a good job of watching you while I was gone.” She walks up and nuzzles you, a soft smile on her face.

“It’s okay now honey. Mommy’s home.”