Prime Time Event

by RainbowBob

First published

Sisterly rivalry in the arena quickly turns to a much more raunchy fight altogether. Only in this case both Celestia and Luna aren't going down for the count without getting back up.

Life as a princess can be tough. You have annoying foreign dignitaries, stuck-up nobles, and from time to time a major crisis that nearly tears the country in two. The solution to this? Why, a healthy workout regime and plenty of exercise, of course!

Then when that isn't enough, a friendly boxing match is always a good option. Or not, when you have two magical, god-like bickering sisters in the ring.

Trust me, for a show like this, you'll wish it was pay-per-view.

Big thanks to my amazing collab partner and all around sexiest human being alive, Flanagan! Also big thanks to my editor fecundity!

Cover art from the very talented scorpdk!

Chapter 1: Oneshot Knockout!

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“Greetings sister!” Luna hailed from across the gym as Celestia opened the door. “How was your day? The usual politics I presume?”

Celestia cracked her stiff neck, working out some kinks in her shoulder. She sighed with relief when she removed her crown and rubbed at her sore temples. Even after a thousand years of wearing the blasted thing, she still hadn’t gotten used to its weight.

“Oh, it was a delight, dear sister. Simply divine,” Celestia muttered under her breath. She rubbed her eyes at the bright lights from the gym’s ceiling, having traveled in the dim interior of the castle hallways for far too long. “It’s nighttime already and I’ve been stuck in court for hours upon hours. The Taurian ambassador was throwing a fit about border guards again and decided to go on center stage for over two hours listing our ‘injustices’ this and ‘improper use of military forces’ that.” Celestia groaned, stamping her foot down hard enough for the heel of her shoe to get a crack down the middle. “I can’t believe I went the entire time without throwing him off the mountain.”

“Verily, you certainly are a better politician than I. Were it me, I would have likely cast my foot between his legs.” Luna laughed for a moment at the thought. “‘Tis a good thing that you are the one that deals with words more often than not.”

Luna cracked her knuckles and sent her fist into the bag before her, the power behind her swing almost being enough for the leather to give way. Smiling to herself she swung again, this time the bag ripping apart spilling its contents upon the floor. She stared at the mess she had made with pride before turning her attention back to her sister.

“Peace would be all but a distant memory.”

“I really wish you wouldn’t destroy the gym’s equipment all the time, Luna. Our most loyal and highly trained guards need to use those, you know.” Celestia eyes scanned the room, filled with the brim with weight machines, dumbbells, and even several boxing arenas, but not a sign of anyone else other than her sister. “And looks like they’re not going to currently because you kicked them out for your own personal training, I presume?”

“I detest the fact that while they claim to be professionals, they all stop their own efforts to become better guards just to watch my motions as I train.” Luna grunted with a roll of her eyes. “Surely you’ve noticed it as well. I couldn’t imagine you wearing your usual workout ensemble without garnering at least the slightest amount of attention.” Luna paused, pointing to her dark blue jacket, sports bra and sweat shorts. “I dress far more moderately than you and yet they still can’t seem to keep their eyes focused on their tasks.”

Celestia arched a brow at the sweat that was dripping down Luna’s dark tanned skin, making it glisten in the light. “I can certainly see why.” Celestia smiled. “I myself take it as a compliment. Not many women my age can still take a young man’s fancy.”

“If any woman was still alive and your age, I would be most impressed.” Luna replied with a sly grin. “After all, you are older than Canterlot itself.”

“Shhhhh, that’s supposed to be a secret. A lady never reveals her true age.” Celestia winked, pursing her lips. “Why, imagine what everyone would think if my true age was revealed. My list of suitors would dwindle.” She held the back of her hand across her forehead and sighed deeply. “An utter travesty!”

Luna couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “I’ll be sure to remove Discord and Sombra from the list,” she said, snapping her fingers, making a pair of boxing gloves with Celestia’s symbol appear in her hands. “But enough banter, I’m sure you wish to relive the stress of the day upon these defenseless punching bags.” A moment later, Luna tossed the gloves towards Celestia and then brought forth another punching bag. “That is, unless you aren’t up for such an exercise.”

“Please, sister, all I can think about is punching a bag filled with sand after the day I had. It’s a slightly better solution than punching a pestersome ambassador… I’m pretty sure.” With the snap of her fingers Celestia’s stunning white dress disintegrated to a shower of golden sparks and lights, revealing her modest white tank top nearly bursting at the seams due to her impressive bust, and skin tight yoga shorts.

Celestia put on the gloves and practiced a few swings, hopping on the tips of her toes around the bag as a grin sprouted on her face. “Here’s to all the stuck-up nobles in the court!” She laid a single strike on the middle of the bag, the sand shifting inside as if an explosion had gone off. “Here’s to all the prattling diplomats with their heads stuck up their collective asses!” Another punch, and this time the bag buckled like a tree in the path of a tornado. “And here’s to every single bickering nation that comes to my doorstep!” The final blow split the bag right down the center, scattering its remains across the gym’s floor. Celestia wiped her forehead, not even sweating, grin growing all the wider. “Oooooh yeah, I definitely needed that today.”

Luna smiled and walked over to her sister, throwing her arm over her shoulder and giving her a pat on the back. “Nicely done sister,” Luna said, looking up to Celestia “But if memory serves me right, you did come after me for destroying a bag similar to this one not two minutes ago.”

“That was different,” Celestia explained, hands on her wide hips and victorious smirk on her face. “I’m the older sister, and thus I am the authority to make the same mistakes as you without the repercussions.” She patted the top of Luna’s head, a frown on her sister’s face. “Because I said so, in case you’re wondering why that’s allowed.”

“Well then,” Luna huffed, forcefully stepping away from Celestia. “If memory also serves me right I was able to accomplish the same feet in just two blows, as opposed to your three!”

“I wasn’t really trying,” Celestia said dismissively. She stretched out her arms in a nonchalant manner, paying no mind to Luna’s silent steaming beside her. “I could have broken the bag in a single blow if I had a mind to. But I didn’t, because I wanted to have more fun.” Celestia pinched Luna’s cheek with her gloves, grinning deviously at her sister’s enraged glare. “You see, Luna, when playing with your toys you have to make them last. Otherwise they break and then what are you left with? Nothing, that’s what. Understand, dear sister?”

Enough!” Luna roared, slapping Celestia’s gloved hand away. “If you truly insist on mocking me in such a way, I propose a contest!”

“The mocking was because of a bit of a sibling rivalry, and you proposing a contest is exactly why I do it,” Celestia said. “Such a little sister type of thing to do, don’t you think?”

“Not if it proves once and for all which of us is truly superior!” Luna retorted, her entire body tense with frustration. “Or are you too fearful that you would lose in a test of strength and skill?”

Celestia hummed under her breath and patted her chin with her glove. “Sounds tempting… but really, what’s in it for me? Shall we make a wager to make the stakes more interesting?” A treacherous glint appeared in Celestia’s eyes. “Perhaps… loser has to do all the work for the winner? For an entire month.”

“And have their desserts at dinner!” Luna added, raising a finger. “For three.”

Celestia rolled her eyes “Of course.”

Luna pumped her fist in victory for a moment before a confident smile came to her face. “A contest it is then.” Her smile soon faded, replaced by a stern, militaristic look. “But as with most contests, rules must be set, as to incorporate fairness.”

“I take it ‘no touchy of the faces’ then?” Celestia grinned a smile full of stunning white and perfectly straight teeth. “My face is my selling look, after all.”

“Only in your dreams sister, I should know,” Luna shot back, snapping her fingers once again, revealing a piece of parchment, “but just to humor that ego of yours that shall be our first rule: no blows to the face.” A pen draped in a sapphire hue feveriously inscribed the rules which Luna stated. “No biting, no pulling of the hair, no blows to the groin, no childish name calling…” Luna paused, looking back to her confident sister. “Are there any more you would like to add, dear sister?”

“I suppose no magic is a way to make sure both sides are equal…” Celestia frowned. “Wait, you’re seriously writing this—no, no, why am I surprised? Add that you will not bawl like a baby when you lose.”

“The only tears you will see shall be your own as I stand triumphant over your broken and defeated body,” Luna hissed, twirling her fingers so the rules she wrote would turn into a giant poster beside the nearest ring. “Now enough stalling, it’s time we settle this as we used to.”

“Didn’t we used to settle matters in a bloodsport with swords, armor, and broken bones?” Celestia waved her glove dismissively. “Well, before ‘moral qualms’ over that from the public drew it to an end.”

“You and I both know that’s not what I meant,” Luna huffed, making her way to the ring and sliding under the ropes, “besides, we heal faster, now, if you’re done stalling…” Luna froze, gathering herself for a few seconds before exploding into a fury of water infused punches and kicks, only stopping when sweat began to bead on her forehead. She slammed her foot on the mat, instantly freezing the water she had conjured and making it burst into icy dust. She smiled as the shards of ice refracted light around her while she shot a combative glare at Celestia. “Shall we begin?”

Celestia rolled her eyes and jumped into the arena, eying the ice crystals beneath her feet. “Always the one for the dramatics, aren’t you, Luna?”

“As if I’ll need it to beat you,” Luna shot back, cracking her knuckles. “Now come at me, sister! Show me your moves!”

Celestia raised a foot and stomped it on the matt, the entire floor quickly engulfed in flames with the ice crystals quick to evaporate. As the steam rose in the air, the arena was soon covered in fog. As Luna peered deeper into the white thick of it, she barely had time to block an attack from Celestia aimed at her midsection. Yet because of that she had no protection on her side, and was thus met with a merciless jab to that could break concrete.

“Oh, I’m sorry, were you not prepared for my moves, dear sister?” Celestia asked. As soon as Luna’s fists raised to meet hers, another jab on Luna’s opposite side met its target, with Luna’s hissing intake of breath the first hint of its pain. “How about now, hmm?”

“T-that’s not fair!” Luna wheezed, narrowly avoiding another blow from her sister. “You yourself said no magic!”

Celestia ignored Luna’s words as she once more charged, but this time Luna was prepared. As soon as Celestia rose her fist Luna sped in, sending five quick stinging jabs into Celestia’s rib cage. Celestia was taken back by the sudden attack, but there was no relenting on Luna’s part, for just as soon as she kneeled over slightly Luna reached to the other side of her sister and sent a knee into the exact same spot her punches landed, the shockwave from the blow rattling even the farthest of weight machines.

“What?” Luna asked, making as much distance as possible between the two while Celestia looked to her with rage in her eyes. “You said nothing about using one’s legs.”

“Never said it was against the rules, did I? Should have written that in that rule page of yours.” Celestia drove a fist forward like a rocket, a visible heat trail left in her wake. When it met Luna’s glove the impact caused all the air in the arena to be displaced, only to be released in a massive concussion blast against her sister. Luna was flung back, still standing on both feet until she was forced to stop against the ropes. Luna grimaced, her glove smoking. “If you can’t keep up, sister, then this fight will be rather pointless and over with soon, won’t it?” Celestia said.

Me keep up?” Luna repeated, shaking her fist before going back into her usual stance. “I am here everyday, you only come in when the bakery is closed!”

Luna charged in again, sliding under another massive swing from her sister and even between her legs. The moment Luna popped to her feet again she threw a powerful shot to her sister’s liver, making Celestia let out a painful yelp for the first time during the match. Empowered by her sister’s sudden pain, Luna sent a kick to the same region, but before it could land, Celestia spun around and caught her leg, effectively keeping her in place. Luna’s expression went from confident to almost fearful as Celestia stood there in silence with her leg, the anticipation of what her big sister was about to do making her heart race faster than it had since the fight began.

“My, my, Luna, you’ve been keeping up with leg day, haven’t you?” Celestia gave Luna’s leg a squeeze, smirking at her sister’s blush. “I’m glad to see you’re staying physically fit. However,” Celestia pulled Luna’s leg forward and over her head, Luna following with it to slam with a loud smack on the matt over Celestia’s shoulder, “it’s not going to save you from getting your butt whooped.”

As Luna groaned on the floor, struggling to get back up, Celestia poked her butt with the tip of her shoe and laughed. “Oh hey, I see you’re keeping up with butt day as well! Good show!”

“Don’t patronize me!” Luna roared, quickly popping to her feet and slamming her shoulder into her sister’s sinfully tone stomach.

The two flew into the air, time seemingly slowing as they did so. It only lasted for a few moments before the two landed with a heavy slam on the floor,. Celestia effectively had the wind knocked out of her, and Luna may has suffered from a concussion, if not for her sister’s overly proportioned assets. Luna shot to her feet once again, smiling as her sister struggled for breaths.

“I suppose I should thank you now, sister…” she said, taking a heavy breath as she rested her hands on her hips “If not for your excessive snacking and sweet eating, your bosom would have been unable to cushion me from that impact.”

“No—argh—problem, sister,” Celestia replied. Before Luna could go on, Celestia kicked out her leg and swung wide, tripping Luna. Just before she hit the floor, Celestia’s knee was there to meet her, and with a mighty crunch it knocked into her rib cage and sent her sprawling across the mat.

As Celestia got back to her feet, she adjusted her gloves and huffed out a breath, raising her dukes once more. Luna was slower to get back on her feet, visibly holding a hand to her damaged side, the tanned skin a shade or two redder than before.

“Oh, I’m sorry Luna, was my bosom not there to break your fall?” Celestia tapped her breasts, nodding her head to Luna. “Well, they’re right here in case you feel like hitting the floor again.”

Luna glared at her sister, still holding her side as she watched Celestia literally grope herself. The pain she was feeling was something she hadn’t felt in millennia, but oddly enough it made her smile. Especially since it was her sister inflicting the pain, it meant that both of them were really giving their all in the ring, and Luna couldn’t ask for anything more. However, there was one pressing matter. Celestia, despite her lack of gym time, was stronger, much stronger, and she also had close to a head in height advantage. Her usual strategy of getting in close and staying there wasn’t going to work on someone like Celestia. She had to rely on the two things that she had over her sister: speed and flexibility.

Without a word Luna charged in, narrowly avoiding another swing from her sister as she sent an elbow into her stomach. As Celestia hunched over, Luna took hold of her shoulders and hoisted herself upward, flipping in the air before she landed on her feet and sent another fist into her sister’s liver again.

“The next time you hit the floor I’ll keep that in mind, dear sister,” Luna taunted, zipping away from her sister’s come around swing and bracing herself against the ropes. “Your kindness is much appreciated.”

Celestia growled, and charged at her sister. Her fists were a flurry of strikes, yet Luna dodged the majority of them and parried the ones that managed to get close. Rather than blocking every attack, Luna merely forced the power out of every one of Celestia’s punches. And in turn for every strike Celestia attempted to land on her, Luna returned back quick jabs and ferocious stabs to Celestia’s midsection, her stomach soon red and patch-marked from Luna’s hits.

“Enough of this!” Celestia snarled. She slammed her foot on the floor, the entire boxing arena buckling. With Luna’s sure footing off-balance, Celestia closed in and delivered a powerful fist right underneath Luna’s armpit. Luna was sent spinning across the mat, but not before meeting Celestia’s stab at her lower stomach, which knocked most of the wind out of her.

Luna fell hard to the floor on her hands and knees as her sister loomed over her, taking desperate breaths while her sister circled her like a shark would over a bleeding seal. She tried to steady herself with a fist, but the moment she tried to rise, the swift foot of Celestia met her ribcage, sending her spinning to the edge of the mat. Now on her back, she watched as Celestia slowly made her way towards her. She wanted to stand and fight, but her body refused, gulping any air it could until finally Celestia softly placed her foot on Luna’s chest and began to put weight on it.

“Give up now, Luna?” Celestia grunted and added more pressure. “We really shouldn’t drag this on any further than need be. Coincide defeat, like a proper little sister.”

“I… I…” Luna managed to choke out as Celestia added pressure, “I…”

"Fight!” Luna roared suddenly, grabbing her sister’s foot. Before Celestia could react, Luna put all of her might into a powerful twisting motion, sending her older sister toppling face first into the mat. The impact was so powerful that the windows closest to the pair cracked from the shockwave. Luna unsteadily rose to her feet, slowly limping away from the crater now in the mat as she fought to take a single normal breath. “Father taught us to never surrender.” She smiled to herself. “He also taught me that move in case you decided to bully me. I suppose it wasn’t without merit after all.”

Celestia slowly pulled her face from the mat’s surface, her cheeks red and bruised. Rising unsteadily to her feet, she spit to the side, wiping a glove across a bloody welt on her lip. “Funny, Father taught me something interesting as well.” Celestia tilted her head, pointing a gloved fist directly at Luna. “How do you win a fight that isn’t going your way?”

Luna looked to her sister with confusion, especially since she was bleeding. The last time Celestia bled, half the kitchen staff was nearly incinerated, and that was because she poked herself on some sharp glass several rooms over. The fact that Celestia wasn’t mad, but actually smiling, smiling, made Luna nervous as to what their father had taught her.

“F-fight… dirty?” Luna stuttered, taking a few uneasy steps backwards, until she pinned herself in the corner.

Celestia’s glove became engulfed in flames. The air shivered before Luna, and before she knew it, Celestia was there, flaming fist held downward right underneath Luna’s stomach. “You betcha,” Celestia said, delivering with her reply a fiery right hook to Luna’s jaw.

Luna was flung in the air, propelled by not only Celestia’s strength but a flaming ball of concussion fire that singed her skin. Before she could even open her eyes, Celestia was there in the air, having jumped high in the sky right upon striking her sister. “Sometimes you have to cheat to win!” Celestia bellowed, knocking Luna square in the cheek with another inferno-packed punch, sending her right back to the ground. Celestia soon followed, her flaming gloves only growing hotter by the second.

Celestia was about to land the finishing blow, but mere seconds before her fist could hit its mark, it was engulfed in water. Before Celestia could question what was going on, a powerful blast of water slammed into her jaw, sending her off of her potential prey. Just as soon as she was in the air, Celestia was wrapped in a watery tentacle. She tried to break free, but the harder she struggled, the more it engulfed her, until only her head was sticking out of water.

“Indeed…” Luna growled, rising from the dust as her hand stretched out towards her sister, “and I wish I didn’t have to revert to your tactics.” Without a second thought she slammed her sister into the mat, brought her back up, and slammed her down again. “But it seems I have to revert to more… honorless means.”

When the dust finally settled, Celestia lay sprawled on the mat, defeated. Luna knelt by her sister’s side overlooking the damage done, “Looks like I win,” she said with a smile, finally falling back to her rump and placing her hands behind her to brace herself. “That cake will be so delicious.”

“You’re lucky… I drank an entire bottle of bourbon before getting here.” Celestia winced. “The ambassador was just that boring.”

“Mere excuses, sister,” Luna weakly laughed. “Maybe if you spared with me more…” Luna paused, looking at her sister’s face and noticing a small welt, one that was oozing blood. “Sister, you’re bleeding,” she said, straddling her sister and gently caressing her face. “I… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”

“Oh please, Luna, it’s just a cut,” Celestia replied. Luna pulled her in closer, removing her gloves to dab at her welt with a careful finger. “It’s the big sister’s job to baby her sibling, Luna. You know this.”

“It doesn’t mean that I can’t feel bad about it,” Luna said, stopping just inches away from her face. “I just… feel…”

“Like you feel so bad for me you won’t take dessert away from me for three months?”

“Oh no, I’m keeping that,” Luna smiled, “but seeing you hurt, I just want to...” Luna hesitated, looking around and biting her lip before giving her attention back to Celestia.

“Kiss the boo-boo away?” Celestia guessed. Her tongue flicked at her bloody welt, her lips pursed. “Good to see you’re so caring, dear sister. It warms my heart.”

Luna’s eyelids sank halfway as she placed her hands on either side of Celestia’s face. “It isn’t the only thing it warms, dear sister,” she said, finally pressing her lips to Celestia’s, shooting her tongue into her mouth with little resistance.

Celestia’s lips met her sister’s in a familiar embrace, her head even tipping back to give her more room to wiggle her tongue around. Their tongues met in a hot dance of saliva and passion, each one pressing against the other for control. While Celestia’s tongue trailed against the curve of Luna’s jaw to her teeth, Luna’s tongue wiggled against the roof of Celestia’s mouth, until the two met in the center to lick and flick against one another in a playful tussle. Their moans and warm breaths ran against each other in the struggle, Luna’s hand holding Celestia like her own personal victory trophy.

Finally, it was Celestia who broke them apart, a string of saliva still connecting their lips. “I see someone is eager,” Celestia noted, licking her lips. “Have you been waiting all day to do that?”

“Perhaps,” Luna replied, moving a hand down Celestia’s jawline and towards one of the straps of her now tattered top. “Maybe we should…” She paused, eyes fixated on the strap as she tore away at it, letting one of Celestia’s bountiful breasts free from its prison. “Turn to other means of stress relief?” she finished, giving her sister’s breast a firm squeeze.

“Ah, so someone is interested in having their dessert early it seems.” Luna straddled Celestia’s. She leaned forward and cupped one of Celestia’s massive tits in the palm of her hand, squeezing and pinching her nipple. Then Luna’s lips enclosed on Celestia’s tits, her sister soon suckling on one while groping the other. “Ahh, that’s a good little sister,” Celestia grunted. She lay flat on her back and reached underneath Luna for her yoga shorts. Celestia pulled them down, smiling at the heat she could feel already from Luna’s lower lips. “And it looks like you’re excited already. Such a naughty princess of the night.”

Luna stopped suckling from her sister’s teat for a quick moment, rising to the point where her back was straight. “I am,” Luna said softly in agreement, throwing off her jacket and reaching under her sports bra. With a playful wink and lustful smile, Luna pulled her bra upward, Celestia watching hungrily all the while, until finally Luna’s perky breasts were set free. They were by no means as glorious as Celestia’s, but they were definitely something to behold, especially as the sweat from their workout dripped from her darkened nipples. “Would you do something to remedy that ailment, oh loving sister?”

“Come hither and I may have the cure for thee,” Celestia said. Luna obliged, and Celestia was on her breasts like a predator pouncing on its prey. Celestia grabbed ahold of both and squeezed, licking each nipple one by one with her tongue swirling around the two of them. Luna moaned, a moist urging from her lower lips for more. Celestia’s fingers were quick to answer, one already flicking her inflamed clit. Luna had to bite her lip to keep from crying out in pleasure, but it was no use, for Celestia had pinched her clit and was playing with it between her fingers. Luna’s nethers were now practically dripping from sexual excess.

Celestia took a moment from her tit-licking to glance at Luna’s mostly red face and giggle. “You know what they say, dear sister. Make a face long enough and it’ll be stuck like that.” Celestia prodded Luna’s snatch with her middle finger, reaching her knuckle before she wiggled it all about so that Luna cried out. “Not that I’m complaining. You look rather cute when your older sister is fucking you.”

“Sh-shut up!” Luna whined, biting a finger in a futile effort to stem the tides of her screams. “‘Tis most unfair when you’ve had thousands of years experience!”

Before Celestia could offer a proper quip, Luna lowered herself once more and pressed her lips against Celestia’s again, letting her screams and moans reverberate through her sister’s throat. Within seconds of doing so, Luna sent her hand towards her sister’s bare nethers, desperately feeling for her pussy. After a few attempts her ring finger found its mark, prompting both her middle and index finger to join. The three began to furiously rub in a rhythmic circular motion until Luna felt moisture pour from deep within her sister.

Taking it as a signal, Luna slid all three fingers knuckle deep into Celestia with no warning. The surprised yelp that vibrated in her mouth made it all the more satisfying. Luna’s fingers twirled furiously within Celestia’s inner walls, driving her to the point where she actually started to buck her hips in an attempt to drive them deeper.

“And here I thought I was the excited one,” Luna said, breaking their kiss and allowing her sister a breath. “What ever happened to the woman who never loses control?” Luna gave Celestia another quick kiss before looking down to what she was doing. “Or do you like it when I set the pace?”

With Celestia’s hips quivering, Luna pressed in further with her fingers, now using her thumb to fondle Celestia’s clit like a toy. Celestia attempted to fight back by pulling her middle finger in and out within Luna’s vaginal walls, but Luna’s relentless fingering was just too much. Celestia had been reduced to a wreck of blissful content, her strength slowly ebbing as Luna’s fingers pounded inside her deeper and deeper, drool pooling from both their lips all the while.

“Maybe a change of pace is required,” Luna said with a deep, almost masculine growl as she pulled her fingers out from her sister, a trail of vaginal juices keeping them connected all the way until Luna brought them to her mouth. “Your scent is quite enticing, dear sister,” she said, slowly sliding her ring and middle finger into her mouth with a content hum. “And your taste is also most satisfying.” Luna paused, careful as to not make her sister’s juices drip on the mat as she brought her index finger to Celestia’s mouth. “Wouldn’t you say?”

Celestia feebly reached out to suck on Luna’s finger, taking all of it in her mouth while her tongue reached out to lick at her other fingers, all coated in Celestia’s fluids. Celestia released her sister’s fingers and smacked her lips, nodding. “Quite right, dear sister. We’ve been going about this in such a typical manner. Tonight deserves something… different.” Celestia bit her lip, the blood from the welt trailing down her chin. “Perhaps I could have a taste of something appetizing to fulfill my hungering desires?”

Luna leaned in, outstretching her tongue to lap away the blood that still oozed from the welt before pressing her lips to Celestia’s once more. “Of course,” she whispered as their lips parted.

With those two words said, Luna sat straight atop her sister once more. This time, she slowly slid herself across Celestia’s body, leaving a distinct trail across Celestia’s stomach as moved onward. With a few quick, satisfying shuffles, Luna’s legs pressed against Celestia’s breasts. Celestia stared hungrily at the small patch of hair Luna kept above her womanhood. The sight made Luna smile, but there was something amiss in the picture she saw, and she was determined to remedy that.

She wordlessly rose to her feet, allowing Celestia to see the full glory that was her body. She started taunting her with it, fingering herself while Celestia watched from below, forced to listen to her pleasured moans as she was left unsatisfied. “My, my,” Luna said looking down to her sister as she prodded herself, letting the drippings fall on Celestia’s face, “I didn’t realize that you were truly this hungry, sister.”

Celestia’s hungry tongue lapped at the drops, her own fingers busy bringing pleasure to herself where Luna had left her shortly before. “Mmm, indeed I am. Our little bout has left me utterly exhausted. I don’t think I could lift even a finger to help myself.” Celestia fluttered her eyelashes, swirling the taste of Luna’s sex in her mouth. “Please, oh please, be a dear sister and help me out, won’t you?”

“Oh, most definitely,” Luna replied, lowering herself slowly before spinning around and letting Celestia have a full view of the ass she so painstakingly kept perfect. “Our match has left me with quite the hunger as well, so if you wouldn’t mind?”

Celestia used both her fingers to open up her velvety lips so that her snatch was fully open to her sister’s hungry desires. “By all means, enjoy. Don’t stop until you finish every last drop. Remember, proper table manners, after all.”

“And what a fine table to dine on,” Luna replied, finally resting her nethers above Celestia’s face. As Celestia began to lap away he couldn’t help but moan, but unlike earlier, her eyes remained focused on the still spread lower lips of her sister. “I do believe I will enjoy this meal.”

Luna sank low, pushing her sister’s hand aside so she could admire the sight. Her sister’s pussy was by all means perfect, and the fact that it was glistening from the past few minutes made it all the more tantalizing. She continued to admire it until she felt Celestia’s tongue shoot as far as it could inside her, causing her to let out a yelp of both pleasure and surprise. She looked back to Celestia with a pout, but her sister simply smiled back, slapping Luna’s ass and giving it a firm squeeze.

“Mmmm, you know how much I enjoy chocolate after working out.” Celestia licked her lips, prodding Luna’s slit with a tentative tongue. “Especially hot chocolate,” she whispered. Celestia’s tongue traveled up Luna’s nethers slowly, enticing a low moan from her sister with every inch. When Celestia had finally reached Luna’s clit she gave it a proper tongue-lashing, causing Luna’s legs to shiver and her jiggling ass to quake. Celestia gave it another slap to keep it in check.

“Oooh-la-la, what a delight piece of chocolate this is,” Celestia said, blowing a cool breath on Luna’s clit, which was quickly followed by a long lick. “I think I’ll nibble it a bit.” Celestia puckered her lips and wrapped Luna’s clit all around, her tongue flicking and picking at it without relent. Then her teeth met it, biting very gently but with enough force to cause Luna to moan and grunt with every nip.

“Y-you’ve always had a way with your tongue.” Luna breathed out, clenching her sister’s thighs before rocking her hips further back, forcing her pussy deeper into Celestia’s face. “It’s all those years of speaking to the people.”

“And you’re really great with those digits of yours, dear sister. It must be from all those years of you fingering me whenever I was a bad girl.” Celestia splayed her legs out wide, a small whimper escaping her lips as she gave Luna’s pussy a long-lasting lick. “Make me scream, my loving sister.”

Luna nodded and looked hungrily back towards her sister’s glistening sex, the fluids still pouring out in anticipation of what was to come. Without a moment’s hesitation Luna leaned in, giving Celestia’s clit a quick kiss before wrapping her tongue around it as best she could. Celestia let out a moan of pleasure, prompting Luna to press forward with her assault. Slowly dragging her fingers up Celestia’s legs until both hands were at the entrance. Luna paused for a moment to rise, breathing softly over Celestia’s clit before using one of her hands to spread her sister open. Once again, Luna descended, this time prodding the fingers of her free hand as deeply as they could into Celestia, adding several soft, prolonged laps of her tongue while she slid them in and out.

“Does this please you, oh loving sister?” Luna asked, stopping her licking, yet still thrusting her fingers deep. “Does the ecstasy flow from your loins?”

“Ngh!” Celestia’s response was shortcoming, as her tongue was currently deep inside Luna’s vaginal walls and loving every second of it. Luna’s salty taste was delicious to Celestia, perhaps her favorite flavor in the entire world. She lapped at it like she hadn’t drunk anything in weeks, savoring every last lick like it could be her last. Celestia’s hands gripped Luna’s asscheeks harder, widening them out so that she could get another mouthful of Luna’s snatch. Luna’s fluids completely covered Celestia’s mouth and nose, a small trail leading to her neck and naked breasts. However, even when enticed by the tantalizing meal before her, Celestia still willed herself to break away and say: “Indeed it does, along with my hunger for your honey pot. And yet, I have a desire for… something else.” Celestia snatched at Luna’s clit with her teeth and whispered, “Perhaps a bit of rough-housing, like when we were young?”

“Like our first time?” Luna asked, her eyes beginning to sparkle at the thought, “I still remember it as if it were yesterday…”

Luna slid off of Celestia, bracing herself against the mat with her elbows as she reminisced. “Mother and father were gone, there was nothing for us to do…” Celestia slid to Luna’s side wrapping her arms around her waist while she continued. “Then you caught me with a pair of your panties in a rather… undignified position.”

Celestia kissed Luna’s shoulder, trailing up to her neck where she planted small pecks. “Mmm, I remember. You looked so cute. And your face was the brightest shade of red I had ever seen.” Celestia stopped before she reached Luna’s ear. Her tongue slid out, and she gently lapped at Luna’s earlobe before giving it a little bite. “You never did tell me what you were imagining that night when using my undergarments.”

“The thought of your naked body pressing against mine, and feeling every ounce of your love washing over me,” Luna answered, twisting her neck to face Celestia for a quick kiss. “My love for you is still as strong as it was that night, when we gave each other the one thing we could never take back.” Luna paused, kissing Celestia deeply as the two slowly dropped to their sides while wrapping their arms around one another. After a minute of embracing, Luna finally parted with her sister’s lips, but her eyes burned sexual hunger.

“Oh, how I long to feel it again…” Without a word, Luna pulled Celestia’s hips to hers, the wet smack of their slits echoing through the dead quiet room. “Please,” she almost begged, giving Celestia a gentle kiss once more, “love me like that again.”

Celestia needed no more prompting. She laid out on her back, holding herself up with both hands while Luna did the same. Their legs crossed with one another, their sexes touching with intimate delight. From one pair of sweet lips kissing another they ground their hips together, a different sort of lip-smacking embrace happening between them. Celestia’s clit brushed against Luna’s, causing both to shriek with utter bliss.

Celestia bit her lip, reopening the welt on her lip but not caring one bit. “Ah! Ahhh… Luna! Sweet sister, grind harder!” Celestia used her leg to pull Luna in closer, their scissoring reaching a new crescendo of ecstasy. “Harder, harder! Do it for your big sister!”

“Only for you!” Luna replied, trying to bury her head as deeply into her neck as she could. “Only… only for my beloved Celestia!”

Luna’s pace quickened, but she knew that she was near climax and with her big sister putting just as much into it as she was, she would have been damned if she didn’t take Celestia with her. The two princesses’ hips continued to grind against one another, each grazing brush of their clitorises pushing them closer and closer to their desired destination. Not knowing how much longer she could last, Luna reached out to her sister, silently begging her to take her hand before she could hold back no longer.

Celestia gripped Luna’s hand tight, just as her overwhelming dam of endurance finally burst. Luna followed soon after, their combined orgasm physically shaking the floor. From Celestia’s side shot out flames and fireballs that exploded in the air like fireworks, while ice crystals popped up around Luna like flowers, only to melt beneath Celestia’s flame. This created a great burst of steam that covered the princesses in warm dew that mixed with their sweat and sexual juices.

For Celestia, her orgasm was like a punch in the gut that took her breath away. She cried out, rubbing out against Luna further just to prolong it. Her muscles clenched and flexed, like her entire body was a spring ready to explode. Her toes curled and her grip on Luna’s hand tightened to the point of breaking steel beams in half, but Luna only returned that power with some of her own. Celestia was riding a wave of sexual bliss into a sea of nirvana, her spine tingling and her body shaking from the earthshaking after-effects.

Luna soon pounced on her sister, but instead of slamming her down she slowly, lovingly lowered her to the floor, pressing her lips as hard as she could to Celestia’s until they finally met the floor. The two stayed there for a moment, lost in one another’s love before Luna released herself to breathe. “T-thank you…” she managed to whisper, nuzzing herself into Celestia’s bosom, “Celestia… thank you.”

“I’m always here for you, my sweet princess,” Celestia whispered, kissing Luna’s forehead while playing with a twirl of her hair. “Whatever you desire, I’ll be there to provide.”

“My only wish is to give you my everything,” Luna replied, looking up to her sister, her eyes more akin to a lost child than an all powerful ruler of a notion. “But when I fell to the darkness, I can’t help but feel that I left a gap that you chose to fill with…” Luna paused, almost embarrassed to say the word. “Men?”

“Well, have you even seen our guards?” Celestia giggled. “Toned butts all around. A girl’s dream right here.”

“I... I suppose,” Luna said shyly, “that there are several within our service that I find most pleasing to look at, especially the bald one with a most glorious beard. He appears to always be bitter, though.”

“You just need to be more open with yourself, Luna. Just use that natural charm of yours and any guard here will be putty in your hand.”

“I’m more than happy for just you to be putty in my hands,” Luna smiled, looking down to Celestia’s breasts. “But in lieu of this information, I wish to rectify it as best I can.”

Luna rose to her knees and snapped her fingers, the faint sapphire glow of her magic surrounding her groin until it solidified into an impressively sized strap-on, still glowing faintly due to the magic used to maintain it. “I… I’m not sure if I’ll be able to compare,” she said, spreading her sister’s legs as she began to lightly prod Celestia’s nethers, “but I will certainly try my best… for you.”

Celestia grinned at the phallic object poking her lower lips, ready to dive right in, already magically lubed. “Oh, I’m sure it’ll be better than the best dear sister. It always is with you.” Celestia’s smile grew wider just as Luna penetrated her, the strap-on’s length crawling inside her. “Just to be sure to smile for the audience.”

Luna looked to her sister with a hint of confusion until Celestia pointed towards the door, where a pair of guards looked onward through the tiny window, one of them being the guard she’d mentioned prior. Despite her initial shock she looked back to Celestia, her eyes hungrier than ever as she watched the strap-on slide all the way to its base with a wet smack.

Celestia let out a yelp of pleasure, causing Luna to grow a lustful smile as she began to slide herself out of her sister. “As long as you remember to scream, my love.”

Shining Armor turned the corner of the hallway, rubbing a sore spot in his shoulder now that his armor was finally off. “Geez, eighteen-hour shifts are killer on my shoulders. And here I thought it’d be my feet.” He smiled, a bounce to his step as he quickened his pace down the hallway. “Nothing that a quick workout at the gym can’t fix.”

Just as he rounded the last corner leading up to the gym, he was met with a strange sight. An entire troop of guards flooded the hallway, all blocking the passage to the gym’s door. Many were whispering to one another, while others were shoving their fellow guardsman aside to get a peek through the window. There, of course, could only be one explanation for this.

“Well, I’ll be!” Shining bellowed to the guards. They all immediately turned to their captain, a look of terror passing over their collective faces. “Look at where I find ‘Equestria’s fine protectors’ this evening. Yet again!”

Shining shoved his way to the front of the long line of guards, the vast majority shrinking back from the dark look on Shining’s face. “You’re all a bunch of perverts. Disgraceful! Abandoning your duty in the same of lustful pleasantries. I mean, really, come on!” Shining had reached the front of the line, pointing to the small window that offered a peek into the gym’s interior. “You guys can go out and pay money from your own salary instead of mooching off of your employers for your smut. And on your own time, too!”

The guards started to complain, some even beginning to argue, but all were stopped in their tracks when Shining furrowed his brow.

“That’s enough!” he barked, pointing back to where he had come from. “Back to your duty! I want all the posts manned and every door guarded in less than two minutes! That’s an order! And anyone who doesn’t follow it can clean the latrines for an entire month!”

The line of guards were quick to dissipate with that command, with most running like their lives depended on it back to their post. Once the hallway was clear and the only person left before the gym’s doorway was Shining Armor, he smirked and placed both his hands on his hips.

“Ah, there we go.” He turned back to the window and smiled to himself as he peeked inside. “Front row seats to the best show in Equestria! Hot dog, being the captain rocks!”