Hot For Teacher: A Twilestia Clop Collab

by Fuzzyfurvert

First published

Twilight Sparkle: Savior, Hero, Massive Nerd and Ready for Love. Celestia: Ruler, Shepard, Volcano of Stress and Ready to Blow. Together they are going to get real awkward, real fast

100-5000-ish word prompt-based mini-clopfics from the Twilestia group. Romantic angst and glorious sexy bits ahoy!

Individual authors linked at the top of each chapter with tags. See something you don't like? Skip it!

If you'd like to contribute, check out the thread and follow the rules.

Rated Teen Mature for potential definite sauciness!

1. Love by Flutterpony[Foal, Defloration]

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"It hurts." Twilight winced, her eyes watered, but she wasn't afraid.

"You're doing so well, my little pony," the shining white mare encouraged softly, her hard, smooth, spiraled appendage having just torn through the young filly's most intimate barrier. "I can still use a numbing spell if you've changed your mind."

"N-no--" the filly panted "--'M alright," she grunted. Not all of love was a garden stroll. Beyond the kisses and the flowers, there was a deep connectedness that both yearned for, but it couldn't be fully enjoyed unless she was willing to be vulnerable now, to take a little pain.

The purple filly rested on her stomach atop the royal bed, legs tucked and tail raised for her mentor while she let her body adjust to the discomfort of a broken hymen and the stretching of tight virginal walls. Meanwhile, Celestia took a couple deep breaths and held steady, resting on cushions at the edge of the bed where her height brought the base of her horn just above her target. It was a simple matter of tilting forward and entering to claim her prize pupil's virginity. Millenia of self discipline tamed her wilder impulses, but her depth of love and tenderness toward Twilight were what gave the regal mare reason to care that their first time together should be something even more special than the others.

Twilight's quivering walls, slick with arousal against her sensitive pristine appendage, distracted Celestia enough to send her more noble intentions to the back of her mind in favor of hurrying the process forward. To do so would be within her right, after all. The standard covenant that every pupil should offer herself to her mentor was of little importance to the sun-marked mare, however. In her heart, it was her privilege, not her right, to know Twilight Sparkle so intimately. Many other pupils had requested the rite when they finally understood she wouldn't initiate them unprompted, and Celestia was not shy, but few experiences were as significant to the princess as this one. Few fillies had ever sweetened her life as Twilight Sparkle had. Even fewer had shown such great dedication to their studies that the issue of sex had been delayed for more than a year from her beginning as protégé as it had for Twilight Sparkle.

None in recent centuries that Celestia could recall had prompted the Princess to be so bold as to ask her pupil directly whether she'd given any thought to it. "Should I, Princess?" The filly's surprise had only been outdone by her curiosity, but Celestia only answered with a nuzzle and a kiss to the filly's forehead before leaving the foal to ponder alone. It had been worth the prompt and the wait. Love, patient and selfless, brought them finally to the consummation of their sacred bond as teacher and student and enriched it so much more.

"It feels better now... I think, Princess," Twilight spoke finally.

"When we're together like this," the teacher explained, "I prefer we call each other Love."

2. Seduction by JKinsley[BDSM, Role Play]

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Follow up to the non-Mature prompts: Relevance and Misconstrued.

Twilight adjusted her skirt for what was the fifth time that minute. It’s not that it didn’t fit, per se, it’s that its current fit wasn’t needed for this current situation; too long, as she had returned from the dress rehearsal for the school play not long ago. Of course, its previous fit had caused no small amount of embarrassment earlier in the morning, before breakfast and the dress rehearsal, when she had mistaken Celestia’s invitation to her chambers and the clothes set out as Celestia’s attempt to seduce her exactly how her dream had.

Now, however, Celestia had plans to seduce her in, well, Twilight didn’t completely know, and that thrilled her immensely. They had already laid the ground rules; nothing extreme, nothing humiliating or too demeaning, and everypony keeps all their features intact.

Twilight took a deep breath, and knocked once more on Celestia’s chamber doors. Her knock stuttered at first, but she followed with two solid blows to the wood, and was rewarded with a slight creek and a golden glow on the inside handle. “Headmistress? You wished to see me?”

“Indeed, Twilight Sparkle, enter. We have much to discuss about your... behavior, as of late,” Celestia said with a hard edge, sending tingles down Twilight’s spine.

Twilight obeyed and then heard a tell-tale metallic click behind her as the door latched shut. She forced herself to keep looking ahead, though, and was rewarded with a sight she didn’t expect to see again. Unlike earlier that morning, when Celestia just wore a tan suit jacket, she now also sported a short black skirt that showed off her magnificent white flanks and some black fishnet stockings held up by a garter under the skirt. Twilight bowed her head and said, “Headmistress.”

“Sparkle!” Celestia barked.

Twilight snapped her head up and her ears shot forward. “Yes, ma’am!”

Celestia stepped forward and glared down her muzzle to Twilight. “It has come to my attention that you’ve been, shall we say, attempting to bribe your teachers with sexual favors.”

Twilight visibly gulped. “Yes, Headmistress,” she muttered.

“Needless to say, we will not tolerate such salacious behavior,” Celestia continued as she paced in front of Twilight, offering her student a glorious view of her rump. “Eyes forward!” she snapped when she caught Twilight following her movements. Twilight, as usual, obeyed immediately. “So it seems we must find a punishment suitable for such an,” she stepped forward and whispered directly into Twilight’s ear, “incorrigible, pretty little filly.” Celestia finished with a nibble to the tip of Twilight’s ear and elicited a high-pitched yelp from her. Celestia giggled softly and pulled back, flashing Twilight a genuine smile before she replaced it with the hard, stern look of the Headmistress she was playing.

Celestia turned around and strode to her desk, cleared of its usual papers and books, instead hosting a variety of “tools” Twilight somehow procured in the short while they had agreed to this. Nevertheless, Celestia lovingly gazed over the selection and plucked a padded paddle for her pupil’s punishment.

She turned around to Twilight’s eyes gazing down to where her rump had been, and she smiled wickedly. “Eyes up, Sparkle! That’ll be another thing we’ll have to punish you for.”

Twilight was trembling, and Celestia knew it to be from anticipation and pent-up desire, not fear. As such, when she walked around Twilight, she trailed the tip of the paddle along Twilight’s side, the fabric of her blouse and skirt preventing her from directly feeling the smooth rubber tip of the paddle. Still, Twilight inhaled sharply and even let out a shivering gasp as the paddle slipped under her skirt, around her flank, then her rump, and then her other flank.

As the paddle came to rest on her dock, Twilight craned her neck around to face Celestia. “H-Headmistress, I have been a naughty filly. What is my punishment to be?” Twilight struggled to control her smile and keep her tone even, but the hints of anticipation still slipped loose.

“Eyes forward, barrel down, Sparkle,” barked Celestia. She snapped the paddle against Twilight’s dock, earning another yelp from Twilight, who obeyed the command.

With her chest and head pressed to the ground and facing forward, Twilight could only feel the paddle as it moved around her backside.

“I am going to teach you a lesson, Sparkle. And you will thank me for teaching you proper decorum, because you so desperately need it,” Celestia whispered huskily into Twilight’s ears. “I want you to count each strike and repeat back to me the ways a filly should behave at this school. Do you understand?”

Twilight nodded eagerly and replied, “Y-Yes.” The paddle in Celestia’s grasp traced along Twilight’s flank and a sharp blow fell on her right side. The pain shot up her leg and spine, and Twilight gave another shuddering gasp.

“Yes, who?” barked Celestia. “And count this!”

“One, and yes, Headmistress!”

“Very good,” Celestia simpered. Another blow struck Twilight’s right flank, this time slightly higher. “And what do we expect of young fillies at this school, Sparkle?”

Twilight gasped again at the blow, but her pitch grew higher. “Two! The school expects all fillies to show due deference and respect to their teachers at all times!” Twilight replied. The paddle traced it’s way across her rump, teasing just past her wet lips. Twilight gasped again and bit her bottom lip to stifle a moan.

“Oh my, Sparkle, it seems our little lesson is getting you all worked up. I should hope that you’ll control yourself until I’m done,” Celestia said as she deliberately rubbed the paddle hard against Twilight’s swelling nethers. A moan and a stuttered, “Y-Yes H-Head-Headmistress,” was the only reply Celestia needed before she brought the paddle back to Twilight’s left side and struck twice in quick succession.

Two yelps, the last higher than the first, and a shuddering breath came from Twilight. “Three, four! Fillies must keep to themselves, especially to avoid fraternization with their teachers!” Twilight didn’t know how much more she could take without being pushed over the edge; between the delightful and residual sting sending tingles up her flanks and spine and the wondrous way Celestia was indulging her and making the fantasy every bit as real as she dreamed earlier.

It seemed that Celestia was every bit as eager as Twilight to get her to finish, because she once again ground the paddle into Twilight’s nearly dripping slit. Twilight’s moan turned into needy, high-pitched whimper.

“Deary me, Sparkle, it seems we’ll have to make you clean the paddle when we’re finished. Perhaps you’d like a taste now?” Celestia whispered into Twilight’s ears once more.

Twilight nodded cautiously, and saw the rubber paddle already slick with her fluids pushed to her muzzle. She poked her tongue out and licked slowly. She savored her salty and surprisingly sweet flavor and as she was about to take another lick, the paddle was taken from her muzzle, to which she whimpered softly.

“Ah ah ah, we still have a few lessons left, Sparkle, and I’d hate to waste your time by cleaning this twice,” Celestia said sharply. She waited for a few moments, and then brought both her hoof and the paddle done to smack Twilight’s flanks. “And what do we say when somepony does us a favor?”

“FIve, six! We say thank you, headmistress! Thank you for the favor!” Twilight cried, then bit her lip again to stifle a very loud, lewd moan. Her entire body shuddered and she could no longer keep herself from needing release. “Oh, Celestia, please!”

“Very well,” Celestia replied sternly, “we will continue your lessons another day.” With that, Celestia took her hoof from Twilight’s flank and pressed it to her warm, wet lips and stroked up and down until her hoof was slick. Celestia swirled it around Twilight’s pronounced clit and each pass called forth more moans and whimpers of pleasure until at last the dam burst and Twilight tensed in her climax, briefly silent before letting out a long cry of ecstasy.

Celestia pulled her hoof back and awkwardly strode around to Twilight’s front and licked it clean in front of Twilight. She moaned lightly for Twilight’s benefit and kneeled down to kiss Twilight’s forehead. Twilight, now coming down from her orgasm, lifted her head and stole a quick kiss from Celestia’s lips. Celestia chuckled and smiled at her young student. She pulled Twilight to a standing position and helped her to the bed before summoning an ice pack and warm blanket.

“I take it you enjoyed yourself, my faithful student?” Celestia asked sweetly as she gently nuzzled Twilight’s neck.

Twilight nodded vigorously. “Oh, sweet goddess, yes! That was... beyond imaginably good. Like a dream come true.”

Celestia slid the ice pack against Twilight’s flanks and wrapped both of them in the blanket. “Good. And do you think you’d want to do this again?” Another vigorous nod. “Well then. Perhaps we can arrange for another rehearsal, unless you have other, ahem, desires?”


3. Lust by Ragabash[Sleep Sex]

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Slowly the door opened, stopping when it creaked shortly, only to fully widen up afterward. Just as slowly, the white mare stepped in, closing the door behind her with her magic.

For several seconds, she just stood there, staring at the bed on one wall of the dark room and the purple unicorn in it, covered by a blue blanket. She wasn't moving, but breathed rather loudly, that it was obvious that she was asleep.

Even though she went that far, Celestia still wasn't entirely sure whether she should do what she planned. She did questionable things before, but for the most part for the greater good, the protection and well-being of her subjects. However, for this, there was no justification. The only reason was her selfish desire.

The older mare went closer to her student, careful not to make much sound. It didn't actually matter much, whether she wakes up. With her magic, Celestia could put her back to sleep and make sure that she doesn't remember anything easily. But she didn't want to do any of that. What she planned was bad enough in the first place.

When she stood on one end of the bed, Twilight's hindlegs facing her, she grabbed the blanket with her magic and pulled it up, exposing her lower body. Since the unicorn was lying on her back, she got a good view at her.

Again, Celestia took in the sight of her student, gazing at the thin slit between her legs and the small bumps above, each topped with a pink teat.

And again, she had doubts about it, as much as she enjoyed seeing her like that. Even if she would never know about it, it wasn't right. However, she couldn't just change her feelings. But she shouldn't completely indulge in them either. She learned the hard way that doing so with her students could cause a lot of trouble.

Only a bit. Only as much as to keep her desire in check. And the less she knew about it, the better.

Moving closer, Celestia sunk her head down to Twilight's crotch. With a slow lick, she brushed her tongue over one of her teats, only to look up to her face afterward. The unicorn didn't react, too deep in her sleep to notice anything. Feeling more daring, the white mare licked the teats again, this time faster and alternating between the two. She enjoyed the feeling of the hard buds against her tongue, every time she moved it over them.

But as much as she wanted to stay at them, she knew that she should make it quick and not stay for too long. So, soon the princess moved down to Twilight's most private place. She took a small sniff, taking in the scent of her student, before she moved in and began to lick her pussy. She didn't want to keep doing this for long, but once started, she found it hard to stop. Again and again, she moved her tongue over the lips and before long it became wet, not just from Celestia's saliva, but also Twilight’s own fluids. Tasting the juices only drove her on more. With her magic, she parted the lips, before she dove down and plunged her tongue deep into her. By now, the unicorn was moaning in her sleep, but that didn't make Celestia stop. Instead, she was licking the insides of her pussy and lapping her juices with pleasure. She barely resisted the urge to touch herself. She knew that she should stop, but it was too into it to do so. Until...


Shocked, Celestia looked up. Twilight was awake, staring at her with a shocked expression, a thick blush on her cheeks.

It was a bad idea, she had been aware of that from the start, but now she knew how just how bad it really was. She overestimated her ability to keep control over herself and went too far.

The worst thing was that she couldn't bring herself to undo it. She could make Twilight forget without a problem, but it would make everything worse. Taking advantage of her student and then pretend like nothing ever happened? The guilt would eat even her up.

And part of her didn't want Twilight to forget. Instead, it wanted to tell her everything, even if that meant to change their relationship possibly for the worse. Even after what she just did to her, which would make everything more awkward than it would be in the first place.

Celestia stood up, looking at her student. “...I'm sorry, Twilight,” she said. “I let go of myself and did... regretful things.”

The princess sighed in her mind. This would be a long night...

4. First Time by AdamThePony[Masturbation]

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Twilight Sparkle was a mare of vested interests. As a bibliophile, she aggregated a great deal of literature. Some were medical, some scientifical, some simply for enjoyment. Of course, as with any art, there is always something lurid to be found if one looks hard enough. While anatomical textbooks and encyclopedias may not be worth a blush, some of the books in Twilight’s library were a bit more...exhaustive than the brief, mature statements on the stirrings between a pony’s legs. While she’d never be caught admitting to doing so, there was no hiding the fact that, in secret, she had on more than one occasion read such lewd literature.

It was a fairly average night when she’d read a particularly innocuous looking book named Peppermint of Paradise. At first blush, it had seemed clean enough. The cover depicted a rather stock, possibly photographic image of a simple beach shore with a fairly simple title written in a blocky font.

Reading it, she had been told a story of a filly named Peppermint, a resident of a possibly fictitious, possibly factual place called the Paradise Islands. They were purported to have been a sovereign state of Canterbury that existed southeast of Equestrian shores. Given the book’s description of the title character, she couldn’t have been older than maybe Babs Seed, if a bit more mature, physically. The island’s customs on age of maturity and drinking age smacked of something strange and laissez-faire when she’d come to read them, but it seemed innocent enough.

That was, until she reached the book’s midpoint.

With little foreshadowing and provocation, the book had made a sudden—and frankly quite jarring—transformation into a rather peculiar piece of pornography. While it shocked and disgusted her, the sudden shift in genre intrigued Twilight, and pressed her to proceed onward. While there was an overarching plot to keep her at least vaguely invested between the increasingly odd depictions of intercourse, she did finish the book to its back cover. However, she wasn’t sure she’d be trying to find the next title in its series anytime soon.

After having finished it, Twilight had decided to cleanse her mind (and, to some degree, her body) of the things she had filled it with by way of a nice, warm bath.

For this bath in particular, she decided to indulge herself by pulling out a bottle of a special bath blend. Princess Celestia, being the considerate and open-minded mare that she was, always relished a nice bath. She especially enjoyed one with a nice herbal infusion and soft, satin-y bubbles. Twilight liked to imagine that perhaps bathtime was her mentor’s favorite time of the day, considering how many times she’d spotted an errant drop of water and suds flick out of her freshly-brushed mane. Oh, how luscious and majestic it had looked.

This particular blend was made of parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. A familiar—if a tad peculiar—sounding blend, Twilight could already feel her mind getting a little more lucid as she squeezed the foamy liquid beneath the running faucet, being careful to get neither the bottle nor her muzzle too close to the stream. The smell of the soap mixing into the water and forming a delightful layer of bubbles and vapor rose as steam from the tub. She eyed the porcelain fixture as she waited for the water to reach an acceptable like Celestia’s maid might eye the kettle of her morning tea level. When she was satisfied, off went the faucet with an expert flick of her magic, out went her wings, ready to be dipped in the frothy emulsion, and away went her worries as she slowly dipped into the water, sinking in with a sultry sigh like a seminally sailing ship.

However, as she soaked and preened her feathers, she’d underestimated how relaxing the bath would be, and as she let herself become more and more wet, she felt herself being called away from her conscious realm, nodding off in the warmth of the tub…

In her subconscious, she dreamt what looked to be a fairly mundane, if common fantasy of hers. Twilight saw herself with Princess Celestia, at what looked to be a birthday function, being presented a large present. She shook it, curious as to what it contained, as the shape and size left a lot to be imagined, but when she ravenously—but politely—tore away the paper, she saw it was a box set of books. Particularly, foreign books. Naughty, dirty, nasty foreign books. As many as ten of them. Twilight’s face burned so brightly, she swore that she could see steam coming out from her ears.

When she looked to Princess Celestia, she could see a very lurid look on her former mentor’s face as she winked to her, her ethereal tail absentmindedly brushing Twilight’s flank and inner thigh in direct view of few but those closest to her.

Embarrassment, confusion, shame, and arousal all filled her head as she tried to play it off, but she couldn’t. With a single, loud, throaty outburst, she alerted the entire table to what was going on, only adding onto her awkward position.

And yet, having all the attention somehow made it even better, and within seconds, she felt like she would melt as the tail grazed the inner folds of her marehood. In what felt like an agonizing eternity, she ended up squirting a large, indecent glob of feminine fluid onto the table, in plain view of everypony she knew.

And then, like that, she woke up.

Twilight wasn’t sure how long she had been unconscious, but her mind was in a much thicker haze than that of the tub, the water now slightly colder and most of the suds having dissipated.

However, when her vision cleared, so did her mind as she realized precisely why that was.

A large, off-color swirl of strange liquid had filled the water between when she had passed out and when she’d come to. And by the way in which it swirled, the phrase “come to” may have had multiple meanings. While the water had gotten colder, Twilight began to burn up almost feverishly at the realization at what she’d gone through.

The flush of warmth only grew hotter as a large, heavy THUNK came from near the bathroom window.

“Oh, Twilight!” called an all-too-familiar voice of vanilla. “Are you in here? I have something for you!”

Twilight tried to hide in the bathtub, dunking her head underneath to try and not be spotted. But alas, the sound of her splashing and her appreciably grown extraneous features gave her away. The telltale clopping of manicured and shoed hooves approached the bathroom, and all hope was lost as she resigned to rising up from what little foam was left.

“Oh, there you are!” Celestia chirped, smiling as she leaned in to nuzzle Twilight’s cheek. “I came to give you something that came in from Neighpon.”

Twilight swore that she could feel the image of an innocent, bookish filly dying as she let out a weak, inquisitive whimper.

“It wouldn’t happen to be the ten-volume, unabridged version of Isha Isha Sunrise, would it?” she squeaked.

Celestia’s ears twitched. “How did you know?”

Twilight let out a chuckle to try and play off her world-sundering embarrassment. “J-Just a lucky guess?”

Celestia took a closer look at her student, taking a few wafts of the stagnant air. Within a few breaths, she came to an understanding of what made her precious purple pony princess so perturbed. But, in the interest of preserving her prudish appearance, she simply smiled and set the present on Twilight’s new crystal-framed bed.

With another quick nuzzle, she quickly turned and prepared to make her way off, but as her flanks neared the doorframe, she deliberately willed her tail aside to give Twilight a clear view of her most precious, private, porcelain posterior, letting out an inaudible giggle as she did so.

“Well, I can see you’re busy, so I’ll be on my way,” Princess Celestia said in her usual, silky speaking voice. “But before I go, I just want to tell you one thing.”

Twilight let out another nervous chuckle, desperately trying not to look directly at her superior’s soft, smooth, supple backside. “W-What might that be?”

Princess Celestia smirked as she unfurled her wings, giving a wink as she flapped her way skyward.

“There’s always a first time for everything.”

Princess Twilight Sparkle promptly sunk back beneath the water, the warmth of her body making the tub produce tiny little bubbles.

5. Soft by Fuzzyfurvert[Anthro, Mild Ass Worship]

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Twilight came out of the bathroom and slipped into the bedroom, her hips swaying gracefully. She stopped at the foot of the huge bed and examined the painting of Canterlot by moonlight that had hung there since she was young. The pause in her movements was purely for Celestia’s benefit. The solar Princess watched Twilight out of the corner of her eye, the paperwork in front of her momentarily forgotten. Celestia traced the curves of Twilight’s body with her eyes, the wrinkles and bunches of cloth where Twilight bent or twisted in her careful pose dragging her gave over Twilight’s long, dark colored shirt.

Celestia got up from her desk and dropped the cap on her inkwell. It had been a long day and the remaining paperwork she had yet to even look at could wait until the morning. She stretched and gasped quietly when her back popped rather pleasantly.

Twilight glanced her way and smiled. “Was that you? I heard it all the way over here.”

“Yes. It would seem I need to use better posture when hunching over my desk.” Celestia chuckled. “That did feel good though. I must be tired.” She flashed a grin at Twilight and walked toward her in-suite bathroom. I’ll get cleaned up and changed. This day has been too long for even my tastes. Celestia looked back at her love as she passed and noticed a hint of pink under the hem of Twi’s shirt that wasn’t part of her tail. But it's about to get better.

When Celestia returned, Twilight was laying on her bed, on her belly, and had grabbed the copy of The Crow Crows for None she'd lent to her months ago off the bed stand. Twilight had it open to the bookmark, perhaps a little more than halfway through and had was lazily scanning the page.

Twi looked back at Celestia and fixed her with a mock disappointed glare. "You've only gotten this far? I gave this to you almost five months ago!"

"Hey, I was busy."

Twilight blew a raspberry and turned back to the page, reading the passage there. Tia smiled, there at the doorway, and watched her former student get lost in the text. Twilight grinned unashamedly at something in the book, wagging her tail, and drawing Celestia’s attention to Twi’s generous buttocks. Now that she was laying down, Celestia could she had on a cute pink bikini style pantie.

Celestia stepped fully into the room, and came to a stop at the foot of the bed, still watching Twilight read. She pulled the straps of her bra off her shoulders and rubbed her hands over the small indents they left in her flesh. The lacy cups unhooked in the front and she set it aside for the maids to gather later. Tia crawled up behind Twi, and leaned down to kiss the back of her calf.

Twilight squealed and looked back at her, giggling. " fair, I’m reading here!"

Celestia looked up and gave her a small smile. "Sorry, I couldn’t resist." She leaned forward a bit more and kissed lightly again, grazing her lips farther up Twi’s leg. Then again, behind the knee this time. Celestia trailed soft kisses up Twilight’s thick thighs to the sound of giggles and sighs from her love. She tastes so good...and I can smell her already. Celestia thought. Tonight is already getting better.

She reached up and ran just her fingertips along Twilight's inner thigh. Twi groaned deep in her throat and let her legs open a little bit. Tia kissed her again, longer, sucking in a little skin where it creases between leg and butt cheek. She nibbled gently and slipped her hand up and over Twilight’s rump, palming her cutie mark and giving it a playful squeeze.

Celestia growled hungrily, and moved up to lick the opposite cheek just below the curve of Twilight’s silken pantyline. She moved higher, letting her breasts drag against Twilight’s lower body, and lifted the edge of Twilight’s shirt at the small of her back. She licked her lips and pinched the edges of Twi’s underwear between her fingers. "Lift your hips, Twilight."

Twilight did so, shaking her ass happily, and giggled as she spoke in a sing-song tone. "Princess Tia likes my butt!"

"Heh,” Celestia grinned, “I do. I was watching you all day in those black pants while you handled court and those disputes."

Twilight flushed and hung her head to press her muzzle into the open book in front of her. "I wore them just so you would. I like it when you watch over me."

"It's nice being able to tell you now. So many years I’ve had to do with little peeks here and there.” Celestia sighed and placed another gentle kiss on Twilight’s raised ass. “I’m still forever grateful to the powers above that brought us together like this. The throne was getting cold for me. Then you walked into my life. Though...I still like sneaking glances when you aren't looking."

Celestia worked the pink silk off Twilight, pulling it off over her hooves. Twilight’s naked butt was still in the air, making her heart race. Tia looked around it to see Twilight nose deep in The Crow Crows for None again, and not paying attention to what her marefriend was doing. She’s probably waiting on me to slide up there and force her to pay attention to me. Celestia smirked and leaned forward again, but stopped, one hand idly doing circles on Twi’s cutie mark.

Oh screw it. Tia opened her mouth and ducked her head forward, taking in as much flesh as she could of one cheek and sucked hard enough to leave a hickey.

Twilight screeched and jerked, kicking her hooves and literally throwing the book away. "AYYYYAAA! Tia! Wha?!" She started laughing, and looked back at Celestia.

Tia growled in her throat again and closed her teeth, grazing them over Twi’s skin and coat. She moved closer to the center of the purple mare’s rear, and nibbled there. Her hands gripped at Twilight's ample hips, holding her still while she sucked and licked. She pulled back after a moment and shot Twilight a goofy grin she’d never show outside her private chambers. "I know I’ve told you before, my love, but butts an' I cannot lie!"

Twilight laughed again and wrapped her arms around the pillow under her. The look on her face made Celestia’s heart soar and her own loins heat up. Twilight sighed contentedly and got comfortable by arching her back a little more and pressing her back end toward Celestia.

"Just hold still,” Celestia licked her lips and nuzzled the purple flank next to her, “let me give this part of you a little more attention that it justly deserves."

Twilight purred, arching her back again, and lifted her hips. Celestia massaged the dips above the hip joints, putting in a little pressure with her thumbs and some small up and down motions. Her kisses turned soft and loving again, and she moved to the cleft between the cheeks to explore a little with her tongue.

"Ahh! Tia! What are you doing?!"

"Nothin'..." She chuckled. "Spread your legs a bit more."

Twilight groaned pleasurably, and moved slightly, her thighs parting until Celestia could plainly see just how wet she had become. The new position forced Tia to readjust herself. After a moment, she lowered herself between Twilight’s legs and kissed along the lines that lead to her cleft and that wetness. She was already more than a little moist and Twi’s scent has gotten even stronger. Celestia continued to kiss and nibble at the supple mare, and used one hand to trace the edges of her lips and clit, enticing more low moans out of the junior princess.

Tia pressed in a little deeper, running the tip of her muzzle over Twilight's pussy, and then capturing a lip gently with her mouth. She pushed the fat of her tongue over it with tantalizing slowness, drawing out the motion and savoring the flavor of her love’s arousal. While she did that, Celestia also started to press a little harder on Twilight’s clit with her thumb, doing small, lazy ‘s' movements. She kept at it for several moments and then let Twi’s labia go with a loud pop. Celestia didn’t pause and dived back in to suck all of Twilight’s sex into her mouth, tongue lapping up and down, and she started to search the folds and opening. She moaned into Twi and drove her tongue in as deep as she could reach, trying to press and caress her marefriend’s g-spot.

Twilight started to breathe faster, rocking her hips slightly to grind back against the fingers and the tongue. She shuddered and panted a little. "Celes...Tia...goddess...almost…!"

Celestia switched up again, assaulting Twilight's clit directly, her middle two fingers slipping in to replace Tia’s tongue.

Twilight rocked again, and buried her face in the pillow, crying out into the downy fluff. She swiveled her hips weakly, and then went limp, and panted. "Mmmm...Tia..."

"That was yummy!" Celestia giggled and gave Twilight’s ass a parting swat. “I’m covered in your juices by the way.”

"Gah! Tia!"

"What?" Celestia pushed herself up and settled on her back next to Twilight. "I am."

Twi blushed deeply, turning darker shade of purple. "Um.... thank you?"

Celestia snuggled close and nuzzled at her marefriend’s neck. "You're welcome, my beautiful filly...crap...I need to get these panties off." She looked down at the lacy, damp scrap of cloth still covering her crotch.

"Here, let me help." Twilight smiled tiredly and then rolled on her side to reach down and hook them with her fingers.

"Thank you." Celestia kicked the underwear off, once Twilight had worked them over her hips. "Um..." She felt goosebumps prickle along her skin as Twilight’s hand glided back up to the narrow white valley between her legs. She looked down at her own glistening snatch, and blushed brightly.

"Why are you blushing?" Twilight raised an eyebrow and then sat up, pulling off her shirt in a single move. Her small buds sat high and bra-less on Twilight’s narrow chest and Celestia’s eyes were instantly drawn to them. Twilight giggled when Tia quickly looked back up into her eyes.

"Um...still not really used to this.” Celestia coughed gently into her hand. “You know, us."

"Me either. We've only been doing this for a few weeks. Or months, if you count the letters while I was in Ponyville." Twilight leaned over and kissed Tia’s shoulder, reaching down to entwine her fingers with Celestia’s.

"Now hurry up and spread ‘em before I get too old for this." Twi smirked and pointed down at Tia’s groin.

"Hey now!"

Twilight laughed happily and flopped back on the bed. "If you keep playing at being coy, I’m going to be an old mare before you get off!"

Celestia huffed in mock annoyance and leaned over to kiss Twilight fully. She reached behind Twilight’s head and held her gently, her mouth molded to her marefriend’s as their tongues spared with each other. Celestia snagged Twilight’s right nipple and pinched lightly. "I'll show you what an old mare is capable of."

"But I can already see you!"

Celestia grinned wolfishly and got up on her knees. She swung a leg up and over Twilight’s chest and put her hands on her hips. She worked her hips so that she was directly over Twilight’s face.

Twilight narrowed her eyes playfully. “Well, now you’re just blocking the light.”

Celestia chuckled, looking down between her full breasts at Twilight. "Silly it is time to serve your Princess." She gripped Twilight’s horn, guiding the younger mare to her sex. Celestia pulled lightly, then started to rub the tip of Twilight’s horn in time to the slow passes of the mare’s tongue she felt along the length of her slit. Tia pushed her clit into Twilight mouth and jerked at the sharp but wonderful sensation of teeth. Her earlier work at Twilight’s marehood already had her near the bursting point and she grunted in sudden pleasure.

"I love you Twilight Sparkle…Faust!"

Celestia shook with the intensity of the orgasm that hit her. At the peak, Celestia grabbed the edge of their bed’s headboard with both hands and held tightly enough to make the wood creak. She leaned forward, panting, her chest swayed back and forth with each gasp. When she finally stopped shaking, she reached down and smoothed Twilight’s mane. The mare under her nuzzled her clit softly and kissed her there lovingly. Tia shuddered again at the touch, bucking her hips and sucking in a lungful of air.

Twilight murmured something and waited for the older mare to climb off her. When Celestia sank into the sheets next to her, she wiped her snout with the back of her hand and sighed. She took slow, deep breathes, steadying the pace of her heart. "Celestia...Tia..." She rolled onto her side and curled into the exhausted Princess’ side.

"Goddess, Twilight, I love you so much..." Tia coughed, her voice still ragged.

"Love you too, my Princess."

6. Exploration by JKinsley[BDSM, Flash Prompt]

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“Twilight, are you sure about this? This is a big undertaking, not something to be taken lightly,” Celestia said as she eyed an alarmingly high stack of books and a fierce look of determination in Twilight’s eyes.

“I’ve read them all and compiled this list of those that I, er, think I would enjoy best. Ranked from easiest to hardest to accomplish. So can we get started?” Twilight looked up at Celestia with wide eyes that sparkled with desire and the same determination to please.

Celestia’s objections crumbled under the onslaught and she nodded. “But we take this slowly, OK? I don’t want either of us to get hurt. Emotionally or,” she looked over Twilight’s nearly three foot long list and gulped at how tiny the print was, “judging by the, ahem, content, physically.”

Celestia did not know how it went so wrong. Twilight’s front hooves were under her, pulled back under her belly, and tied to the bedposts behind them. Her hind legs were spread apart by a metal bar and her tail was pulled up and away from her rump.

The position afforded Celestia an unfathomably delightful view of her protege, yet Twilight couldn’t enjoy the same view. She was blindfolded and gagged, but she still smiled euphorically. Most likely because Celestia had backed away from Twilight, thus pulling the long, silicone cock from her soaked nethers. It hung from Celestia’s hips, held on by straps.

Both mares breathed heavily after a long bout of rutting in which Celestia had pounded Twilight’s tight little rump until the smaller mare had screamed through her gag. Remembering herself, Celestia untied the bonds that held Twilight’s blindfold and gag. A contented sigh escaped Twilight’s lips.

“Twilight? Are you OK?” Celestia asked while she unhooked Twilight’s hind legs.

Twilight stepped out of the spreader bar. “Am I? Oh, Celestia, am I!”

Celestia nodded slowly, not entirely reassured. Nonetheless, she untied Twilight’s front hooves as well. Twilight stood up, rubbed her wrists, and then stretched. A few pops and a groan of pleasure later, she turned around and pounced on Celestia, throwing both of them backwards onto the bed. Twilight curled up and hugged tightly around Celestia’s chest so she could nuzzle her princess’s neck.

“That was amazing! I haven’t orgasmed that hard since... wow, ever! Celestia, please tell me we can do that again! I know there is still more on that list, but sweet goddess above, I can’t... phew!” Twilight gushed.

Celestia didn’t even have an opportunity to undo the straps holding her silicone addition before Twilight pinned her down, and she wasn’t about to complain. Her arms wrapped around Twilight and her wing covered her, too.

“We can try this again, Twilight. I... worried that you might get hurt, but it seems those fears are unfounded.”

“Are you kidding? When you slapped my flanks, oh, that might have been the best part!” Twilight shivered in delight and clung tighter to the expanse of white coat her found herself in. “Maybe,” Twilight muttered, “maybe I can show you what it’s like?”

Twilight knew exactly how this went so very right. Celestia screamed and squirmed under her hooves. Twilight tugged on the leash attached to the collar around Celestia’s neck, pulling her head up so Twilight could better hear the entrancing sounds coming from her little pet.

Twilight’s lips dripped with Celestia’s arousal and several very wet orgasms. But Twilight did not want to give up just yet. She brought up a different silicone stallionhood, one meant to be shared. She gripped the leash tightly while she carefully slid one end into Celestia’s waiting lips. Several long, needy moans welcomed the newcomer, and Twilight bit her lip. The silicone cock held firm and the other end pointed out, awaiting Twilight.

She turned around and presented her rump to Celestia’s. She backed up until the tip of the double-ended dildo pressed against her swollen, wet lips. With a thrust, she pushed the dildo into herself until she pushed against Celestia’s plump white rump. Twilight let out a shuddering moan and tugged at the leash with her magic.

“Oh, make me cum too, Little Dove, make me cum like I made you,” Twilight gasped out. Celestia obeyed and wiggled, with the motions translating through the dildo and swirling its tip deep inside Twilight’s pussy.

Many gasping breaths, bitten lips, and pawing at bedsheets later, both Twilight and Celestia felt the other squeeze through their shared toy, and each grasp sent them further over the edge until the bedroom filled with their carnal screams. Twilight was the first to slump over with her tongue lolled out.

Once she caught her breath and her legs could hold her weight, Twilight unclipped the leash from Celestia’s collar. Her Little Dove, however, protested having the collar removed, so with a knowing smile, Twilight left it and waggled her hoof to summon Celestia for some post-coital cuddles.

7. Line of Sight by Davesknd[Voyeurism, Groping]

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Dust and other particles filled the air and Twilight Sparkle held her breath for a moment to avoid getting said cocktail of allergens into her nostrils. For the last hour she had furiously read every single word in this chapter of this very special book, courtesy of the royal library, and finally, she had memorized a very special spell, which she was now hankering to use.

A wave of nostalgia came over her as she levitated the book towards the pile in the corner of her room at Canterlot castle. How many days had she spent in here, studying under the caring gaze of her beloved teacher.

Time to turn the table on one of those facts.

Twilight jumped off the bed and left the room, eagerly giggling to herself.

This was going to be good.

She hurried through the corridors and finally found herself in front of a broom closet. The unicorn waited until the corridor was empty and finally hurried inside, closing the door behind her.

She let out a final giggle and focused her magic on the words she had learned.

Seconds later, her horn began to glow and an invisible ray of magic radiated straight ahead, right through the walls in front of her. It was invisible to others, only allowing the caster to see through layer upon layer of massive surfaces, letting only living beings remain visible. It also allowed advanced manipulation of said objects in the way. Originally, it was meant for searching lost ponies in caves. But ever since the mines below Canterlot had been closed, it was used less and less due to it's... less than noble potentials.

Twilight's current use was a more than ignoble.

After all, the beam was directly aimed at the royal quarters, in that one blind spot she had opened yesterday for this exact deed.

And in her line of sight was none other than Princess Celsetia of Equestria,

The white alicorn was resting on her favourite rug, legs beneath her, book in front of her and focus completely onto her reading.

Twilight smacked her lips. She had a perfect view of Celestia's delicious, round haunch. Only the waving, flowy tail censoring the most private parts of the sun princess. Twilight couldn't hide her grin. Oh, how often she had to fight the mesmerization of seeing the royal flank move before her eyes. And there they were!

Now she had to be careful. Celestia could not see her, but she would see the purple glow of magic, so Twilight had to activate and deactivate her spells quickly.

She began by moving some air, having it blow across Celestia's back between her wings. The princess shivered and shifted a bit. Her head moved, apparently looking for the source of the draft.

Twilight let out a giggle and waited until the princess returned her focus to the book. This time, Twilight sent a shiver over Celestia's long neck and her grin broadened as the alicorn shivered yet again, her tail swaying from left to right, revealing just a little of the soft flower of marehood that Twilight had spent her entire adolescence desperately not looking at. Oh, how she wanted to just jump in and kiss and lick and nibble and bite until even the regal princess was pile of moaning putty in her hooves.

Celestia settled again after a little while and Twilight decided to go a step farther. Carefully, she ran a soft wind over the arms of both of Celestia's wings, the place where most of the nerves resigned. Celestia trembled under the touch, shaking her head in both surprise and something else. The alicorn shook her wings and Twilight mercilessly attacked the roots of her wings, first with wind, then with a quick touching. Celestia let out a long sigh and her wings spread in sudden arousal.

The princess rose and looked around desperately, prompting Twilight to stop.

She quelled the spell and stepped outside of the closet. She wanted to go on, but Celestia would certainly resist at first. For now, she would wait and take care of the glistening wetness that was dripping from her hind-lips.

Celeastia meanwhile let out a sigh and shook her head. "At least she is letting her deviant tendencies out on somepony who actually doesn't mind them... My most faithful student..."

8. Sickness by Fuzzyfurvert [Grotesque, Flash Prompt]

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Celestia sighed quietly, her face otherwise frozen in her normal expression of benevolent bemusement that was her official ‘court face.’ The silence of the tower chamber was companionable, but boring. The tiny noises of breathing and the occasional ‘clink’ of metal on metal formed their own kind of soothing melody. She focused on nothing in particular, content to let her mind and eyes go where they would. Her gaze scanned the opposite wall for interesting patterns in the natural chaos on the surface of the polished marble tiles. After a moment, her eye caught a hint of Twilight Sparkle’s jawline in that chaotic swirl of stone and her mind filled in the rest of the blanks until it looked a close resemblance to the the original.

Eventually, she became bored again and her eyes wandered until they landed on the windows that looked out from the castle’s East Wing Tower, over a grey Horseshoe Lake, onward toward the smudge on the horizon that was the drifting city of Cloudsdale. The pegasi metropolis hung low in the sky, its outer edges lined with heavy snow-laden clouds. While she watched the city sail by at a snail’s pace, light snowflakes started to fall from the stormbank that hovered above Canterlot.

“Oh look, it’s snowing. Perhaps later, we can take a moment to enjoy it with some warm chocolate?” Celestia brightened and glanced over at her sole company in the unheated room, Twilight Sparkle.

The metallic clinking noises stopped. “Please don’t talk.” Twilight frowned and her horn flashed as she adjusted the lantern’s reflector dish to brighten her work area. She squinted through an oversized magnifying at an equally oversized lung on a steel medical tray. The organ glistened and shimmered faintly in the light. Under magnification, Twilight could make out row after row of tiny glowing runes in a complex arcane pattern. “You might feel a pinch, but could you take a deep breath for me?”

Celestia rolled her eyes, but she did as requested and took a deep breath in through her nose. The lung on the tray—as well as its twin which was still located in her open chest—inflated obediently and tinkled with little flashes of mana.

“Fascinating.” Twilight scribbled additional notes on a long scroll of similar observations in her tight, neat hoofwriting. “I can understand why you couldn’t remember how the spell was structured. This is amazingly complex! There is a line in here for every ailment I’ve ever heard of and plenty I haven’t.” She paused in her note taking. “Is ‘The Mondays’ a real sickness?”

Celestia nodded as well as her position on the table and the clamps allowed her such movement. “Well, I assume so. The spell was designed by Starswirl to make me immune to any illness I encountered.” A wistful smile played across her lips. “In the early days after Luna’s banishment, he was petrified with the fear that I might take ill and be unable to rule Equestria for a time. Which, in turn, would mean he would have to rule in my stead.”

“Much like I would now?” Twilight raised an eyebrow and moved her lantern spotlight to a tray that was holding Celestia’s stomach and much of her intestinal tract. Almost microscopic rune work covered them just as it did Celestia’s lungs. The runes were part of the same spell and protected the alicorn princess from diseases and illnesses, from septic shock and food poisoning to gas. “I’m impressed, again, with how detailed his work was.” She chewed her lip for a moment and then looked back into Celestia’s eyes. “Was that the only way we’re alike, Starswirl and I?”

Celestia did her best to shrug with just her face. Twilight and Starswirl shared many traits, on the surface. They were both smart in ways that sometimes defied explanation, they both were talented beyond measure, and both had dedicated their lives in service to Equestria and her Princess. Twilight knew that well enough. “If you are asking if I slept with him as I do you, my dear, the answer is not really.”

“‘Not really?’” Twilight put down her quill slowly and turned to face Celestia. “What does that mean?”

“It means not really.” Celestia smiled softly. “As in I did not sleep with him as the modern definition of such things go. I cared for him deeply, Twilight. We were as close as friends could be and we spent a great deal of time together. He was a handsome colt in his younger days. We were romantic with each other, shortly, but it didn’t work out.” She chuckled and her exposed lungs rippled with flashes of magenta at the exertion. “It was the beard, you see. It tickled when we kissed!”

“Wait,” Twilight blinked slowly, “you’re telling me that you dumped Starswirl the Bearded…because his beard tickled?”

“No. Not just because his beard tickled.” Celestia closed her eyes and let the memories play across the blackness. She lowered her voice when she continued. “I discovered, back then, that I prefered the softer side of the bed, so to speak, and the softer mares that went with it. I spent many nights alone and confused as I came to grips with that. Starswirl was the only soul that knew. I shared everything with him in those days. That’s why I allowed him to place this enchantment that keeps me forever healthy.”

Twilight was silent for a long time and then turned back to the lung she was studying. Celestia watched her work, breathing slowly so Twilight did not lose her place on the living inscription.

After several minutes, Celestia cleared her throat. “You can look. I don’t mind, Twilight. I’m not hiding anything from you.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight’s voice was soft and she remained hunched and defensive over Celestia’s lungs, refusing to look the Princess in the eye.

“Look, Twilight, it will ease your mind.” Celestia’s horn started to glow and the faint aura along the edges of her spread open torso took on a golden hue as she assumed command of the spell. There was a sound, like wet, heavy parchment being torn as her coat and skin split further down her middle. The muscle and sinew split next and opened like a red and white meat-flower, until the top of her hip bone stuck out and Twilight could see the gentle swell of Celestia’s reproductive organs. “Check them.”

“Are...are you sure?” Twilight swallowed and leaned forward despite herself. “You don’t have to. I trust you.”

“I know you do. But I know you, Twilight. The question will eat away at you. So look, while the chance presents itself.” Celestia smiled and gestured down her body with a flex of her muzzle.

Twilight swallowed nervously again and lifted her lantern to shine the light into the cavity of Celestia’s torso. The light illuminated the wet outer surface of Celestia’s uterus which, unlike her other viscera, was not crawling with glowing rune work. There were runes, but they covered only a small portion of the organ. They spelled out the expected things, cancer, necrosis, hemorrhaging, etc. That was it.

Twilight blinked and moved the light around, checking the different angles. There weren’t any further runes. “ cervical diseases?”

“Nope, thankfully.” Celestia waited. “Care to guess why?”

Twilight swallowed and set the lantern down on the table. “You’ve never been exposed to anything?”

“If you’ll take my word for it, I can promise you that even my hymen is still intact.” Celestia smiled. “I’ve been saving it for a very special somefilly. A filly I could share my life with. A filly that has a sweet purple flank and the wherewithal to take a piece out of me.”

Twilight smiled sheepishly, blushing brightly in the wane light. She brushed her mane back behind her ear and leaned over further to gently touch one Celestia’s exposed ovaries. The princess gasped and twisted slightly, the pins and spell holding her still.

“So...this is mine, then?” Twilight’s smile turned loving as she caressed the inner surfaces of her immortal ruler. “It’s untouched. Virginal. If...if I mated you, would it add to these runes?”

Celestia gasped again and gritted her teeth as Twilight’s hoof sank out of her vision into the cavern of her body cavity. “’s yours, Twilight. I’m all yours, if you want.” She hissed between her teeth and tried to lift her head to see. “Gods, that feels weird.”

“Do you want me to stop?” Twilight kept her eyes on the wet, slick organs in front of her. She giggled under her breath and reached lower until she could feel the firm resilience of Celestia’s pelvic bones. It felt like hot iron under her hoof, as solid as the mountain the castle clung to. She could do anything she wanted and Celestia could take it. Twilight licked her lips impatiently and pulled her hoof out only to reach down and run it over Celestia’s pussy. “I wonder what it looks like when you cum?”

“Twi...Twilight, please!” Celestia groaned, but if it was in pain or pleasure, Twilight couldn’t be sure.

“Do you want me to stop?” She repeated.

Celestia started to breathe faster, her lungs creating a veritable laser light show from the exertion. Her muscles, all along the walls of her abdominals, clenched and relaxed over and over. “N-no...don’t stop, please.”

Twilight nodded slowly, her smile growing as she sped up her ministrations against Celestia’s nub and the folds of her sex. Each time she made a pass over the opening, she felt it dilate a bit more until she was able to work half of her hoof inside. As she did so, she noted idly how she could see the bulge quite clearly with Celestia’s torso flayed open. Twilight started to breathe faster, along with Celestia and jumped when she felt something brush between her legs.

She looked up to see Celestia’s horn lit once more and gasped when she felt the hot pressure of the Princess’ aura open her own folds and force it’s way in rough enough to almost lift her off her hooves. “Cel-Celestia?”

“Two...can this game.” Celestia grinned wickedly. “First one to bottom out cooks dinner?”

“You’re on!”

9. Birth by Ragabash[Futa, Impregnation]

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It was oddly new and strangely familiar at the same time. It was like the first time, even though they had done it many times before. Of course, things were quite different then. They were doing it for fun and to express their love for each other. But now, they were taking it further.

Twilight Sparkle looked at the body of Celestia, lying on the large bed in front of her. The backside was facing her and she presented her pussy, waiting for the unicorn to make a move. However, the white mare didn't hurry her. She just looked behind her at her lover, a warm smile on her face.

“It is alright, if you aren't ready yet,” Celestia said. “We don't have to rush things. If you need more time to get used to it or feel that it's to early to be a father, we can stop here and do it later.”

Father... It was such a strange thing to say, even though it was technically correct. Twilight looked down at herself, at the penis that extended from her sheath. Until recently, she wasn't even aware that alicorn magic could create something like that. Stallion genitalia that was not only fully functional, but could even produce fertile semen. Of course, if it didn't, all of that would be pointless.

“N-No,” Twilight replied, looking up at Celestia again. “I'm ready. I prepared myself well for this.”

The princess chuckled at that. “Ah yes, you spent a good part of yesterday to get familiar with it, didn't you?”

Twilight blushed at that. “W-Well, I have to know what I'm getting into.”

“Relax. Anypony would be curious in your case. And you are right, it's good that you know your new penis well.”

That sounded like she would to have it for a longer time. And that's not something that Twilight wanted. Even if it wasn't as bad as she thought. In the first place, she only volunteered to be the one with the cock, because she didn't want to have something like that in her. Even if it belonged to her beloved princess. The alternative sounded much better to her.

After collecting herself for a few moments more, Twilight finally went forward, hopping up the bed, and mounted Celestia. Her heart beat fast. She was still quite nervous and it didn't get better when the tip of her cock brushed the pussy of the mare below her.

Celestia reached up and kissed the unicorn on the cheek. “Take your time,” she said gently.

Calming down a bit, Twilight stayed like that for a short time. Then, she slowly moved her hips forward, pushing her penis into her lover. It was an odd feeling when the tip broke through the entrance. It was similar to when she touched herself with her hooves, yet different at the same time. She was surprised with the ease her thick cock slid between the lips. Whether it was simply because Celestia was quite wet or because she was... quite experienced, she did not know.

When it was completely buried inside the white mare, Twilight began to move her hips back and forth. As strange as it was, she quickly got used to it, as the awkwardness was replaced by pleasure. She moaned a little as the walls of Celestia's tight pussy rubbed over her hardness.

“Hm... You are doing well,” the princess praised her. Again, she kissed Twilight, but this time on the lips.

The unicorn returned the kiss, while she thrust into Celestia and pushed her tongue into her mouth, as she sped up her movements.

As the pleasure got stronger, she craved more of it and thrust her cock harder and faster into the princess. However, very soon, she was about to reach her limit and while she yearned for it, it also worried her.

“C-Celestia...,” she said to her lover, “I-I'm...”

“It's alright, Twilight,” Celestia reassured her with a warm smile. “Don't worry. It's your first time, just let it go.”

The unicorn didn't need to be told twice. After several hard thrusts, the pleasure overwhelmed her and she released her semen into the princess.

Soon, it was over. Too soon for Twilight, who still felt like she failed her. It was silly, of course. It's not like the conception was dependent on whether Celestia gets an orgasm or not. But the whole situation was pretty anti-climatic.

“It's alright,” the princess repeated herself. “Nopony does well on their first time. And you never did it with a penis before. All things considered, you did very well.”

“Do you really think so?” Twilight asked, as she slid out of her. “I mean, it was over pretty fast. I barely satisfied you.”

“Hm... If it bothers you so much...” Celestia turned around, so that she lay on her back. Then she reached up to Twilight with her front hooves and pulled her down with her, embracing the unicorn tightly. “...Then maybe you should do it in another way.”

Now, Twilight smiled too and reached down with a hoof and slowly rubbed Celestia's pussy. Meanwhile, she stared at Celestia's belly. “Do you think it has worked?” she asked.

“Not even I can say for sure whether I'll get a foal or not,” the princess replied. “We can only hope for the best... and try to increase the chance.”

“And how do we do that?”

Celestia's smile turned naughty. “The same way we increase your skills with that.” She caressed her lover's softening cock, wet from her juices, with a hoof.

10. Professor Purple's Plum Pudding makes Fine Frosting for any Festivity from Formal to Fertility by Davesknd[Teasing]

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"Professor Purple's... Plum Pudding... makes Fine Frosting for any Festivity from Formal to... frater... no! Fertility!" Twilight thought and sighed loudly. It had been the title of a book, she had seen on the way to the royal chambers and found somewhat amusing. Now it was her only anchor.

"Professor Purple's Plum Pudding makes Fine Frosting for any Festivity from Formal to Fertility!" the unicorn yelled in her own mind as suddenly, a pair of soft, warm lips began to nip on her left ear. She focused her eyes straight ahead and tried to ignore the little jolts of electricity that jumped through her body with every single bit of pressure, those wonderful lips put on her ears.

The lips retreated and Twilight tried to take a breath, but managed little besides sucking in some air, as a soft, hot tongue touched the sase of her neck and slowly moved upwards. The heat turned to the coolness of saliva evaporating making the unicron squirm a little. "Professor Purple's Plum Pudding makes Fine Frosting for any Festivity from Formal to Fertility!" Twilight's mind decided as she closed her eyes, desperate to keep her body standing still.

For a few moments, the tongue retreated and Twilight hoped for a break.

Her hopes were dashed when she felt the warmth of a chest and barrel against her back. "Professor Purple's Plum Pudding makes Fine Frosting for any Festivity from Formal to Fertility! Professor Purple's Plum Pudding makes Fine Frosting for any Festivity from Formal to Fertility! Professor Purple's Plum Pudding makes Fine Frosting for any Festivity from Formal to Fertility!" Was the only thought that Twilight allowed herself to have. Because the more imminent "Celestia just mounted me!" would not help with holding still.

Slowly, a soft, gently waving tail worked its way down between Twilight's buttocks and moved hers slightly to the side. The unicorn focused desperately on the name of the silly book and not on her marehood being gently kissed by the cool air. The tail moved further down and entangled her hind-leg once. Slowly it moved upwards, snaking around her thigh and making Twilight tingle and twitch helplessly. "Professor Purple's Plum Pudding makes Fine Frosting for any Festivity from Formal to Fertility!" The librarian's mind screamed helplessly as she felt the tingles turn to fire and move towards her most private area.

It got only worse as the alicorn on top of her began to nuzzle her behind her ears now.

Twilight felt the dreaded stiffness come to her legs. Biologically, a aroused mare tended to get stiff appendages, a way to allow her to endure the ordeal of being mounted by a heavy stallion without both falling to the ground and in this moment a clear sign of defeat!
"Professor Purple Plum's Pudding is filled with Fine Frosting for any Festivity from Fucking to Fertility!" Twilight's mind screamed and before she could sort out the mistakes, she felt a certain golden glow around the dock of her tail and pulling.

"AH! I GIVE UP!" the unicorn screamed with her eyes wide. "You win! I can't hold still to save the world when you are around! FINE!"
Celestia giggled softly into her ear. "Gotcha!"

"Fine! Now fill my purple plum with pudding frosting before I go completely festive!"

"Wait... what?"

11. FutaFlare by Jumbled Thought[Anthro, Futa, Lactation, Cum Inflation, Anal, Oral, Impregnation]

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Twilight stared up at the large white body over her as the heat of the fiery mane beat down upon her. A quick glance got her to swallow hard. It wasn’t because of the large bosom that made her feel flat chested. No, it was the large cock that now hung between her year long lover luscious thighs.

I know I asked if she could heat up the sex, but I don’t think I quite expected this. She glanced back down and shivered. Not that I mind.

Solar Flare smiled at the purple wench below her. For a moment she closed her eyes. No, not a wench, but my beloved little Twilight who I am going to fill with buckets of cum. She blinked again and shrugged. Celestia had known the risks when she had taken this form and hoped Twilight was going to be happy with the result.

Twilight barely had time to take in the body one more time before Flare’s lips came upon hers. A loud moan came from the purple mare as heat coursed through her body. Already fluids leaked from her nethers and Twilight was shuddering on the brink of orgasm as her marefriend’s tongue intertwined with hers. The sizzling heat within Flare made her tongue feel like it was melting into delicious goo and she let out a short whine as her need begged for that cock.

The white princess backed away for a moment only to let out a strong wingbeat that brought her forward. Her long tongue shot out and coiled around Twilight’s horn before her lips made it and soon she suckled the sparking appendage. A shaft of blue flame came down from her own horn and invaded Twilight’s to cause the mare to scream in ecstasy. You haven’t seen anything yet.

The fire burned through Twilight’s body and made her normally sensitive horn feel like a thousand being touched at once. Already her thighs had become a fountain and she wondered how she would survive something like this. The thought of this being her death was oddly appealing as her eyes tracked the huge, lactating mammaries over her.

The suction on Flare’s teat only drove her to want more. To know her lover enjoyed this form was exciting and her tail flicked itself into place against Twilight’s crotch. While the torrent of flame rubbed against her crotch, Twilight was enjoying the stream of milk that poured into her throat.

Flare noticed a slight drooping of the purple mare’s eyes and smiled as she realized it must be because of her warm breast milk. We will have to fix that now, won’t we? A small current of black flame went over her whole body and infected her tail. Just as Twilight ventured into the possibility of sleeping while wrapped in this heat and delicious cream, a long, hard, earthy shaft plunged into her shaft.


An explosion of both female cum and purple magic was all that Solar needed to know her marefriend was more then ready for it. And if she isn’t, I got to hear wonderfully pained screams as she adjusts. The lips that had been so fervently locked onto Twilight’s horn suddenly found themselves away from the glowing spire and moving along the purple body. At regular intervals, Solar made sure to give a small peck or kiss to remind Twilight that she still cared. Though Twilight may still be too busy with that magical flame I put inside her.

Twilight’s legs twitched as she stayed on the verge of another orgasm. She had unfortunately been forced to leave the company of her milk jugs and now watched them sway over her. She gave a small yelp as Solar pulled her to the edge of the bed and spread her legs. The long, hard member dominated her sight and caused her to miss the stony flakes coming off of the fiery tail that had been in her moments ago.

First the cock slid along her small pink slit. Solar knew better than to go in raw. The first time she had ever been in a relationship, that had been the whole reason her lover left. So first she covered the thick member in Twilight’s juices until tears were coming down her little lover’s face. “Do you not want it Twilight?”

Her eyes popped open and she stared at her mentor for a moment. “Do I not want it? Of course I want it! In fact, I think I’m going to go insane if you don’t Aaah!”

Just an inch caused you to peak? Well, let’s see just how high that voice goes. Solar’s tip started to grind back out as Twilight’s tight folds clung to it. She decided not to fight them and thrusted back in. Another scream was ripped from her lover’s lungs and the walls of the pussy clamped back down.

Twilight’s pussy felt like it was on fire. Solar’s cock felt like a torch running through her, but the blue flame that made every nerve on her body feel everything a hundred times made sure she felt all pleasure and almost no pain. She could barely breath as the cock slid backwards, and she soon regretted it as the next thrust came.

Solar scolded herself as Twilight gasped for air and her dick twitched impatiently. Damnit. I am far too rusty. I am at least going to hit her first. She backed entirely out and went forward again. Twilight’s scream could be heard all the way in the barracks as Celestia’s large testicles slammed against her rump.

The folds enclosed the thick sausage and pulled it as deep as it would go. In response, the shaft tightened one more time before letting its dam fall. Thick, hot roped of cum blasted out of the long member and filled Twilight. Tears came to her eyes and she worried for a moment wether or not it would burn, but the pit of flaming pleasure that was now her taken over magic and stomach both only cried out for more.

Solar stepped back on wobbling legs. Celestia, you definitely chose a keeper. Mare that feels this great and is this damn sexy doesn’t come around every decade.Her evaluation of Twilight’s performance immediately jumped a grade point as Twilight succumbed to the pleasure and sought more. This meant her lips were currently pressed against her long cock as the small purple hands tried to stroke it back to life.

A small chuckle escaped Solar’s lips as her lover clumsily worked her penis. She stroked her hair and whispered, “Let me help,” before stopping Twilight from simply licking and kissing the tip, to gagging down three quarters of her cock. The shaft almost immediately hardened from the tight throat and Twilight gargled something unintelligible as a long moan came from Solar. The mare was soon set free once the cock was fully erect and barely had time to breath before she was being lifted in the air.

Twilight’s breasts ground against Solar’s for a moment as she was brought into yet another long, languid kiss. Their hot bodies caused her head to spin and once more her mind went to passing out. Only now, that was the last thing she wanted because that meant not getting fucked again by her lover.

Solar’s hands clenched tight onto Twilight’s cute little rump. Her cock ground against Twilight’s pusy once more and she gave no warning this time. Twilight found her eyes almost vacating her skull as she was slammed down upon the fiery shaft felt Solar’s tail come around to her rear and warm it. The only response she could make was to keep Solar close and keep her inside.

Solar Jumped a little as one of Twilight’s hooves ground into her left ass cheek and the other almost tried inserting itself inside her. She ground her cock within Twilight and felt that glorious clamping down one more time before putting her next plan action. Another black flame trailed her body as she forced Twilight’s chest away from hers.

Twilight’s chest was already covered in rivulets of Solar’s own milk, a by product of her having breasts no mortal could. Solar preferred mortal size chests like the modest mounds that laid upon Twilight. Another cry escaped Twilight as her horn glowed and two small balls of golden flame enveloped the purple nipples and made them rock solid. They came back onto Celestia’s plump body and ground into the warm flesh. The blue fire within her did its job and Twilight almost wished her nipples would be removed as her mind went into almost sensory overload.

The nipples, nor the cock, would be what did it though.

The earthy tail, hardened once more by magic, swung up, became molten for only a second to insert itself, and then quickly expanded and solidified again firmly in Twilight’s ass. Her eyes rolled back as each hard thrust bottomed out on her, caused her nipples to ache, and her ass to clench. It was more than any mare could take, and the rest was simply a blur of hot, sweaty, thundering sex.

Solar clenched her balls one more time as her hair went out and one final torrent of cum surged out of her cock. This time she had decided to pull out and it sprayed all over unconscious Twilight’s face. Her knees buckled and she collapsed on the bed next to her lover. That was… how many times?

Thirteen Solar. Now leave back to the recesses of my mind.

Oh, hi Celestia. I… I rather like staying here actually.

Too bad. You are far too tired to stop me from kicking you out. Besides, you have done your purpose.

Oh yes, I most definitely did that. Fucking your beloved Twilight was wonderful. Almost worth going back to imprisonment. Darn.

Oh you poor naive whore. I didn’t let you out to fuck her. I let you out for something far more important.

Wait, what–

Celestia’s mane slowly changed from the sparks it had become back to its glorious rainbow shimmer. Her body still felt exhausted, and she pulled Twilight close, despite the fact that stale cum covered and filled her. A slight stroke of her hand and a quick blast of magic removed the worm of blue flame from within Twilight. It also checked one more thing, something Twilight had been worrying about only a week prior.

“Don’t worry, I know our child will be beautiful Twilight. Sleep well.”

12. Temptation by Davesknd [Human, No Sex, Sleep]

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The royal bedchambers: A dream of a room, filled with elegant paintings, the best furniture imaginable, tomes of knowledge and importance and a closet with the finest dresses in the land. But there was one thing that truly stood out among the regal objects in this room: The bed of Princess Celestia of Equestria.

An impressive four-poster bed of pure white marble, adorned with golden sun motifs and purple gemstones. Its curtains were perfectly kept, always smelled freshly washed and usually hid the silken sheets and heavenly pillows that the royal head rested on.

The bed was gigantic by most standards, even if one considered that it was the resting place of the 7 foot titan that was the solar princess. Twilight Sparkle had sometimes imagined her former mentor resting here, her tall, curvy body covered by the silken sheet, one arm below her pillow and her ever-flowing hair cascading over her shoulder.

Never had the kind bookworm imagined that she would one day share this bed with her teacher. Never had she imagined that the imposing woman would one day beckon her to crawl onto the covers, hold her against her magnificent breasts, kiss her passionately and whisper sweet declarations of love into her ears.

Well... she had dreamed of it once or twice, but never imagined it.

Neither had she imagined the steep downside of sharing a bed with the princess...


The smaller woman shivered as the snore tore through her ears and into her spine. She grabbed her pillow with both hands and pressed its sides against her ears.

"CHRRR-rrr-RRRR-CHRRRRR!" Celestia growled, this snore apparently had gotten stuck somewhere in her throat and left half through her nose.

Twilight let out a groan. She had hoped to fall asleep before Celestia and escape the cacophony of snores that dominated her nights with Celestia. While it was tempting to just wake her up and try to get to sleep before her, she knew how hard Celestia's daily grind was and that the princess deserved every moment of sleep that she could get. Even if it meant that Twilight had to attempt to sleep through the storm.

"Chr... Chr... CHRRRRRR!"

Ever since the two had become an item, Celestia had surprised Twilight in many ways. The fact that she had an incredibly wide range of snores was one of them. There was no rhythm to them, which made sleeping through them even harder. You could never get used to the pattern.

For a moment, Twilight considered just teleporting herself to her old room but the thought of leaving Celestia in an empty bed after they had spent the late evening with each other felt simply wrong. She was no longer her student but she would never give up the "faithful" part of her title.

"CHR Rrrrrrr- CHRRRRR..."

No matter how tempting it was to get somewhere else!

"Maybe if I turn her over..." Twilight pondered and slid closer to Celestia. Gently, he put her hands against Celestia's soft and creamy skin and gave a careful shove.

Sadly, Celestia was not only much taller than the average person, she was also heavier (even thought Twilight would NEVER tell her that) and therefore, the smaller woman only managed to push herself away from the princess. The second attempt was more of a lifting her up approach, which ended inconclusively as well and the last, slightly more firm attempt got Twilight a slap from the back of Celestia's hand.

The librarian let out a small whimper and rubbed her cheek. The princess was still asleep and still snoring as if her lungs had taken up contracts from every lumber mill in Equestria.

If this went on, Twilight would snap and give in to the urge to push the pillow on the Princess' face until she saw the face of Faust!

"Get a hold of yourself, Twilight! You can't commit regi-/deicide just because Celestia snores!" Twilight told herself firmly and looked over to her beloved.


"How can such a gorgeous being with such a soft voice produce these noises?" Twilight groaned. Sure, she had accepted that Celestia was a human being. A gigantic, eternally beautiful, super-powered human being that held absolute authority, but a human being still. When their relationship had become intimate, Celestia had done much to make sure that Twilight felt like an equal.

and decided to one last attempt at turning Celestia over.

Slowly, she got onto all fours and reached over her lover's body, trying to grab her shoulder and heave her over by pulling backwards. She succeeded to a degree. Celestia did in fact move but as soon as Twi had turned her to her side, the princess, still sleeping, reached out herself, grabbed Twilight and mushed her against her breasts.

While the snoring did in fact seize, Twilight had a new problem: getting her face out of Celestia's cleavage and gasping for air. The princess meanwhile entangled her legs with Twilight's and hugged her closely, mumbling dreamy, incoherent declarations of affection.

The smaller woman meanwhile had a new temptation to fight.

Going to town on the sleeping princess was wrong, right?

13. Confession by Ragabash[Antro, No Clop, Sensual, Feels]

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It was far from a new experience, but even now, there was a blush on Twilight's face, as she stared at the mare in front of her. Like every time before, the naked body of her beloved princess lay on the large bed, covered only by her white coat that doesn't manage to hide her most intimate parts. Twilight loved that sight and could never get used to it. Yet, a part of her also hated it and wanted to stop with the nights. Not that she could. Celestia would question it and it would be hard to explain without lying.

The white alicorn had a warm smile on her face, that would belie her naughty intention, if they weren't obvious. Twilight hated that even more. It was sincere and yet felt like a fake. It wasn't Celestia's fault, of course. She meant well, she just didn't know.

On the first night, Twilight had felt like the happiest mare in the world. She thought that her biggest wish was fulfilled. However, she quickly had to realize that this wasn't the case. She got a part of it, but the rest, the most important thing, was denied from her. By now, she was starting to get weary. It's not that she didn't want what she got. She simply wanted more.

Celestia beckoned her to come to her and obediently, Twilight climbed onto the bed and on top of her. Gently, the princess began to caress her body, the smile still on her face. The unicorn sighed at the skillful touch, as the hands roamed her body, over her back, waist and hips, rubbing the skin under her coat. She wished that she would keep doing that, at least for a while. But Celestia soon moved on and began to touch her breasts and butt. It was expected, that always happened, but Twilight still felt disappointed. She knew that they wanted different things, but something in her still hoped that she would reconsider.

It didn't got better when the princess moved her hand between her legs. As pleasurable her touch was, Twilight grew more and more tired of it. She knew that it was silly, it would feel the same either way, but it would have a different meaning, if only...

Twilight moaned softly, as the touch on her sweetest spot got more intense. And after a while, unusually long this time, she finally reached her climax. But it didn't mean much to her anymore. The bliss she felt grew weaker and weaker every time. After a short burst of pleasure, she barely even cared.

“Twilight, is something wrong?” Celestia asked, looking up at her, her smile replaced with an expression of worry.

“N-no, what makes you think that?” Twilight quickly replied.

“You are so unresponsive tonight. You were a bit like that before, but I wasn't thinking much of it. But now, it's worse than ever before. Are you bored with me?”

“No, I could never get enough of you!” The unicorn blushed a bit at her own words.

“Then what is with you? Are we doing it too often? Do you want to try something new?”

There was no use claiming that everything was fine. Celestia could see right through her. But should she really tell her what she wanted, what she felt?

Twilight looked down at the beautiful mare. The opportunity was good, at least. They were close and intimate and she wanted to know what she had on her mind. A better time might never come.

And even if things go awry, it was probably still better than the torture, these nights were gradually turning into.

Hesitating, Twilight collected herself. Even now, she need all her courage to say it. “Princess... Celestia, I... I'm in love with you!”

However she would react, the unicorn knew that with these words, she changed their relationship forever.

14. Regalia by Davesknd [Human, Oral, Cosplay]

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It was a dark and stormy night... again.

For some strange reason, the Canterlot weather departnemt had decided to be rather cheap with their use of water over the last few months and now, at the end of summer, they had such a surplus that they had cooked up a downpour that was on its third day and had no intention of weakening. And Twilight Sparkle was eternally grateful for it!

Due to the bad weather, the royal student and librarian had a wonderful excuse not to board the next train back to Ponyville and return to the tree, she shared with her number one assistant and adopted brother. And though Golden Oaks used to be her favourite place in the world, it had no chance against her new favourite place: The heartwarming, kind and stimulating presence of Princess Celestia of Equestria, keeper of the sun, titanic ruler of the land, headmistress of the school for gifted mages and best cuddler known to man, women and everything else.

And so, Twilight was in her favourite place for the moment, clad in her comfiest, purple A-line skirt with long black socks, her short sleeved, white shirt and a light-purple sleeveless vest.

To be precise, her head was on Celestia's lap, a good book about "Multimagical Reflection Sorting" in her hands and five long, nimble fingers padding her head from time to time. The blaze of the fireplace, the smell of tea and the comfyness of the couch just added to an already perfect moment.

Celestia had ditched her public dress, a magnificent combination of white and gold, accented by the purple of her regalia and crown.nstead wore a simple, comfy dress that was more inspired by a classic toga. And it left much of her legs uncovered and waiting for Twilight's eyes to feast on.

The Princess herself had just finished a plate of cake (what else?) and leaned back with a deep sigh of statisfaction. Cake, Twilight, a warm fire, Twilight, tea, Twilight! What more could an immortal wish for.

Gently, she ran a hand over her lovers' head, looking down at the bookish girl with affection.

"And you are sure that there was no skulduggery in the weather department?" Twilight asked slyly, not looking up from her book.

"I swear, my star, I have not used any kind of order, bribery, flattery or any other instruments on my disposal to arrange this delightful turn of events." Celestia answered with a gentle smile.


"I certainly hope not. There are not enough *Thank You!* cards in our realm to express my gratitude for these few unexpected days." Celestia replied with a giggle and entangled her hand in Twilight's bangs, mixing pink, purple and her own, creamy skin.

The smaller woman looked up from her book and smiled gently. "They were wonderful..." Twilight said dreamy "Though it is slightly surprising that your old heart didn't burst..." she put on a mischievous smile "Its not often that a fossil like you gets to spend several quality days in a row with a young, spunky girl in her prime."

Celestia shook her head, but couldn't hide her smile. "Oh tempora oh mores! Where has my meek, awkward and adorably uptight student gone?"

Twilight looked up and showed a broad grin. "I ate her, she was delicious!"

"And I let my adopted son live in your house? That does reflect badly on me, doesn't it?"

"Oh, don't worry about him... I can hardly corrupt somebody who never listens to me anymore anyways."

"That might be a sight- oh!" Celestia stocked as she looked over at the tea pot. "It seems as if we had run out of tea."

"Do we have to call a maid?" Twilight asked carefully. She still was not entirely comfortable with having a castle full of servants to her beck and call.

"Oh, don't worry. I never order just one pot of tea." the sun princess giggled and gently nudged Twilight's head off her leg, making the bookworm grumble slightly.

"Oh, come on dear, I'll be back in a minute and for extra bonus, you can watch me leave the room." Celestia giggled and when Twilight turned to her, he saw the sun princess shake her hips from side to side. The girls eyes were glued to Celestia's hind region as she walked off. A small part of her wondered when exactly she had begun to enjoy female anatomy. Then again, she couldn't remember ever being into boys much either. And what really mattered was that she way very much into Celestia. Especially those wonderful, long, perfectly smooth and creamy legs where a delicious layer of softness hid iron muscles and which were only half hidden by the flying hem of her dress.

When the princess had finally left the room to get the tea from the heating plate in the office, Twilight returned to reality.

For some reason, her book seemed extremely dull right now. Her gaze began to wander and for some reason, it settled on Celestia's dresser next to the huge Celestia-sized mirror.

Abandoned and forlorn sat her shining, golden crown, the big, unwieldy looking necklace with the huge, purple gemstone that was probably worth its own kingdom, the gauntlet-esque, finger-less pieces of gold that worked as jewelry over her usual long gloves but would also fit with heavy armour and finally the golden galoshes that could fit over both dancing shoes and heavy boots, yet never seemed to mismatch or stain.

Curiosity began to take over the student of basically everything and her book was abandoned as she made her way to the dresser. Celestia was still busy in the other room, probably looking for sugar, so Twilight was undisturbed as she looked over the artifacts.

Slowly, she reached out to touch the crown, her fingers tracing the smooth, golden surface, the slightly rounded tips and the broad, even...

"Why does this feel like a metaphor for something?" Twilight asked herself suddenly and shook her head. Still, she was curious how heavy the crown was and lifted it. It was heavy. Clearly massive gold. Twilight couldn't imagine how much pressure this thing must be putting on Celestia's brow every second she had it on her head. And that was clearly a metaphor!

Still, the student couldn't resist her curious nature and put the crown on her own head.

"Wow, I always knew that Celestia was top-heavy, but this was not what I meant..." she snickered at the weight on her head and grabbed the necklace. At It was even heavier and when Twilight hoisted it onto her neck, she quickly felt her clavicular bones and shoulders get sore.

"How does she get through a day with this? Its like having twelve of Rainbow Dash's rock-candy necklaces on. And no way to lick yourself out of it."

Finally, she put the golden galoshes on the ground and placed her feet in them and put the gauntlets on, which meant them flopping around on her arms like a freshly tossed horseshoe on a pole.

Holding her hand upwards, so the pieces wouldn't fall off, she turned to the mirror.

"Now, I shall banish random people to the moon, devour enough cake to give Saddle Arabia diabetes and abuse my power to sexually assault my own subjects without any kind of secrecy or subtlety because I am Celestia, hear me roar!" Twilight announed regally and looked at her reflection in the mirror harshly "Now Twilight, get over here and scratch the royal bum! Do you not see that I am in no way overworked by ruling a kingdom, running a school, raising a dragon-blooded adoptive son and dealing with the crisis of the moment?"

"Well, I know quite a few critics of me, who would heftily disagree, my dear..." A familiar voice chimed from behind and Twilight turned around, to see a grinning Celestia, armed with a steaming teakettle.

"Erm... I was just goofing around..." the pupil stammered, all while holding the crown with both hands, so it wouldn't fall off.

"Oh, its no big deal, my dear." Celestia said in a gentle and even voice "They are just the royal insignia of my title, the tangible proof of all the trust that the people of Equestria have bestowed upon me and the symbol of me being the first among all of my beloved subjects by their own degree."

Twilight bit her and her gaze dropped. "Sorry... I... I just..."

"Twilight! Hello!" The princess said with a loud giggle and set the tea down on the dresser. "I'm just teasing you, you silly girly. Goodness, sometimes it's just too easy getting to you."

"You can be terrible..." Twilight sighed, still holding the crown and therefore unable to shake her head in disapproval."And it would be easy for anyone with your kind of experience..."

Celestia shrugged softly and took a rather obvious look at Twilight, her fingers softly stroking her own chin. "Though, I have to say: You do look good with a bit of gold on you... Maybe you should wear your element more often..."

"I'd rather not... it might remind me of this brick here..." Twilight answered. "How do you keep your head up with this thing? It feels like it should be holding ships in place..."

"Much exercise, good posture, a healthy dose of patience and..." Celestia grinned for a moment and snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, the regalia began to shrink and tighten, their weight decreasing with each second until all of them fit perfectly and even allowed Twilight some movement.

"Wow! This is great! What a smart spell!" Twilight said in surprise, admiring the regalia and gloves on her eagerly. "They are almost... no! They ARE weightless! That is amazing!"

"I have to admit, I prefer not having back problems and chronic tenovaginitis."

"Understandable." Twilight nodded, looking at herself in the mirror with the now fitting accessories. A hint of disappointment entered her features. "They are wonderful, but honestly, they don't quite fit me... I think... like... they don't mash with my hair and eyes."

"You are a tad darker than me in that regard..." Celestia nodded softly and walked behind Twilight to look at her reflection. "Though, I do have a suggestion that would certainly make them fit perfectly..." Celestia whispered into Twilights ears as she ran her hands over the smaller woman's shoulders. Twilight's ears began to burn a little from the attention and closeness.

"I think they would fit you so much better if you wore my regalia and..." Celestia snapped her fingers mid sentence and Twilight felt the familiar tinge of magic race over her whole body, followed by... coolness.

"... and nothing else!"

Suddenly the main light went off and nothing besides the fireplace lighted the area, coiling Twilight's young, gentle curves in the dancing and flickering of burning wood. Tingles went over her body as the cool air assaulted her senses, all while the warmth off Celestia's hands had become more intensive as well.

But what truly warmed Twilight in this very moment was the look on the face of Celestia's reflection. Even in the dim light, she could see that look of deep and honest affection. In Twilight's mind, she should have felt self-concious about her modest B-cups, her slight belly-bump and her less than athletic butt and legs. But the way Celestia's eyes greedily ran over her naked form, how a loving smile formed without any kind of pretense or doubt. The student felt so incredibly beautiful in this moment.

Suddenly the two gentle hands left her shoulders but before the cold could claim their place, Celestia put her arms around Twilight's belly and pulled her against her chest.

Now, Twilight definitely blushed bright red, her nude form being held in those strong, pale arms, squished against the most amazing breasts in the land. Even if shrunken to the size of a regular woman, Celestia's chest would have been massive. And her immortality did its part to ensure that there was not a bit of sagging or hanging. And the feeling of them now pressing against her back was just too good.

Twilight looked up and wanted to say something snarky, but Celestia was faster and before any comment could leave the smaller woman's lips, Celestia pressed hers onto them. Any snark was forgotten as Twilight gladly surrendered to the tenderness of Celestia's lips. Her eyes closed and she sighed happily at the warm softness that was Celestia's kiss. One of her hands reached up and began to stroke the princess' head gently, while her other hand padded Celestia's arm.

Her knees began to get wobbly from the combination of butterflies in her stomach and heat around her ears and cheeks, both caused by the amazing feeling of Celestia's lips eagerly mashing against hers. The sun princess gave not a second to recover, deepening the kiss step by step, going for gentle tenderness to a wild dance of mouths. Both women began to breath faster as gentle shocks of pleasure ripped through them.

Finally, Celestia parted from her former student's lips, but not before nibbling on her lower and pulling it with her. Twilight let out a gasp at her lip smacking back into place and leaned back a bit more, leaning almost completely against the taller woman.

Suddenly, Celestia's strong arms moved and before she could react, Twilight felt herself being picked up. The smaller woman let out a loud giggle and offered no resistance as she was sprawled over the two strong forearms and held against the princess' heaving breast. Twilight wrapped her arm's around her carrier's neck and looked lovingly into those kind and gentle eyes. Celestia didn't grunt or show any signs of exhaustion that didn't come from kissing, heck, she could probably lift all of Twilight's friends and Spike, if they found a way to balance it, yet Twilight knew that those arms would never hurt her. This truly felt like the safest place in the world.

"Maybe one day, she'll carry me across the... no! Don't be silly! At least not when you are wearing basically nothing!" Twilight thought and instead of following the though, pressed a soft kiss on Celestia's cheek.

Suddenly, a smirk appeared on the princess' lips and she began to walk towards the couch.

A similar smirk soon showed on Twilight's face, followed by her saying "I like where you are going!"

Celestia winked at her price and as she reached the couch, gently placed Twilight on the furniture.

Twilight instantly sprawled herself out, her arms behind her head and her legs slightly parted, showing off the regalia and leaving not a single other bit of her body to the imagination.

"Celestia?" she whispered gently.

"Yes, my love?"

"Draw me like one of your french girls!"

The princess of the sun facepalmed hard, but couldn't help but to let out a loud laugh. "You are an epic dork, my dear..."

"It was either this or *I hate Sand.*" Twilight answered with a wink.

"Good choice then..." Celestia nodded and knelt down before the sofa. Gently, she reached for Twilight's hand and pulled it towards her. One by one, she placed soft kisses on the younger woman's hand, leaving out only the area, shielded by the gauntlet. Twilight bit her lip softly, amazed by both the tingles on her fingers and arm and by the picture of princess Celestia of Equestria kneeling before her.

Still, she knew that this was no submission.

This was devotion!

And that was Celestia's dress sliding down to one side, giving Twilight a wonderful view of the royal cheeks. Both sets.

The regally clad girl let out a moan as Celestia kissed higher to her shoulder and began to move lower, trailing the side of her body, deviously leaving out her slowly hardening nipples and heaving breasts but suddenly crossing over her belly and circling her bellybutton.

Twilight let out a throaty moan as she felt a hot, moist tongue circle her stomach, followed by a short yet sweet pain as Celestia ran her hard teeth over her soft flesh.

Twilight tried to steady her breath and put a hand on Celestia's head, pushing her softly down towards her aching maidenhood.

She felt resistance and looked down to see a smirking princess.

"There are still several regalia left my-"

"I don't care! You are too good at this!" Twilight interrupted with a groan "Please! I need you!"

Celestia gave a quick wink and lowered herself obidently. "Whatever my princess desires..." she muttered as she reached the height of Twilight's moistening flower. Her eyes were drawn to Twilight's trimmed pubic hair for a second and she let out an inner giggle. Twilight Sparkle: Prim and proper, no matter where. The princess herself did the same thing, but more out of necessity. Having permanently flowing, pastel coloured hair could become rather taxing. Especially when some of it did not grow on your head.

She ignored the memory and instead placed a gentle kiss on Twilight's lips, earning a loud gasp from her former student and the flowery taste of Twilight's treasure on her mouth. "Still like lavender with a hint of strawberry! I love it so much!"

The solar princess dug in, spreading the soft lips with her experienced tongue causing a series of loud gasps from Twilight.

"Well, you wanted it, my love!" Celestia laughed inwardly and began to truly show her expertise. Her tongue slithered through Twilight's folds, driven by the delightful taste and the girl's gasps and moans. Her hands slowly reached up and grabbed Twilight's thighs firmly, holding her in place. Celestia began to deepen her licks, topping them off with gentle bites and rubs of Twilight's most sensitive areas between her tongue and teeth. Little "EEEK"s and other declaration's of Celestia's divinity suddenly peppered Twilight's gasps and moans. The solar goddess could literally feel how sweat formed on Twilight's thighs as she continued to ferry her beloved closer and closer to heaven.

The heat radiating from Twilight became even more and Celestia felt her own lips moisten from the taste and sounds of joy. She allowed herself to be swept up by the moment, just enjoying the knowledge that the girl she loved was reaching the heights of ecstasy through her treatment alone. It was intoxicating in its own way.

Suddenly, She felt Twilight's thighs tense and press against her head. Twilight moaned loudly and greedily, grabbing Celestia's head with both hands and a dose of fresh, hot juices hit the royal lips. Twilight's orgasm was drawn out as Celestia sped her treatment up, grinning inwardly as she captured her love in a sea of pleasure and excitement. Finally, she relented and Twilight relaxed slowly, her legs and arms still twitching from time to time.

Celestia slowly let go of her and licked her lips with a loud smacking sound. Then she slowly crawled ontop of her panting lover and held her against her chest, enjoying the warmth she had just sent through her body.

"So..." the princess began, once Twilight was capable of understanding speech again. "Three more limbs, a crown and a necklace... I guess we should start soon if we want to get it done this night."

An expression of terror invaded Twilight's features and she began to try and discard the regalia. But the now-fitting pieces didn't seem to come off. Heck, even the tiara was stuck.

Celestia giggled and shook her finger mockingly. "Ah, Ah, Ah, my dear! Thieves-safety! Came with the package. Now... where is that other arm of yours..."

15. His Majesty's Purple Paramor Problems: Confessions by Bekdontraz[Rule63, Straight Sex, Heat, Questionable Consent]

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Solaris disliked Spring, not for any fault of the season itself. It was a time of beauty and rebirth in his Principality. No, what he disliked about it was the vestiges of his subjects primal natures. The scent of mares going into season throughout his Palace was enough to send a stallion mad. He was glad he’d managed to learn a simple and barely detectable concealing enchantment. The thought of trying to hold court while his little Alicorn held court made the Prince blanche.

He sighed wistfully looking out of his study window at his city. The glow of its nighttime life made him smile to himself as he let his mind wander to who Twilight was with. He still remembered the horror of walking in on a teenage mare and her pegasus colt friend. Solaris had been heart broken though he’d hidden it at the time. He shuddered the memory of the sights and smells not having its intended effect on him. He felt himself stiffen sliding free from his sheath slightly. He glanced down at the broad crown of his cock and smiled perhaps it was time to deal with this like a stallion.

Of course Fate decided to intervene. He’d have to have words with his meddlesome cousin some day. A gentle familiar knock on his door, with a sigh Solaris recast his illusion and fixed his beard before sitting at his desk

“Come in Twilight” He called out to the young mare. He smiled watching her step inside. His eyes tracing from her beautiful face, down her neck and spine to her rump. He nearly let his facade of Princedom fall on seeing her slightly hiked tail and the obvious sway in her step.

“Sorry to bother you, Your Highness. I just found a few old scrolls while searching the Archives. I had to come show you.” Twilight said unable to meet his eyes lest she flee in panic. She was a mare in heat, 23 years of age, in love with an ageless possible representation of the Sun, and if everything went correctly she would be under him before the night was under. Her knees nearly gave out at the thought. She sent another simple ‘cooling’ spell down her form and smiled up at him studiously. It was second nature to avoid his gaze.

“Twilight, while I love your scholarly nature, you have my leave to be with your colt friend. I am old Twilight not dead…” He added forcing what he hoped was a fatherly smile onto his lips

Twilight blushed faintly and walked towards his desk floating the scrolls over to lay on the ancient wood. She smiled moving around and deliberately moving her rump over him. She gasped feeling his thick, and invisible, shaft against her, she managed to keep moving however as she unrolled

“But its from the First Coronation!” Twilight said, her heart pounding in her chest. She had to focus to keep from trying to calculate his length and girth from her one touch of him. She shivered feeling her hindquarters nearly soaked from her own arousal, her spells failing completely at this point.

“Oh?” Solaris asked, his voice high from the touch, he swallowed as he scent hit his nose. Moving he put a wing over her, the tip brushing her cutie mark as he leaned down looking at the scroll “You never answered if you should be with a colt...or mare..or both..” He teased her moving his wingtip gently over her mark.

“I...I don’t..” Twilight wanted to explode as she fumbled her words. She felt herself winking and wet, her hips raising slightly. She was about to continue when Solaris pulled her into a kiss.

“Yes, or no?” He asked her his own voice husky. It had been ages since he’d mounted a mare, or even really played with himself as he should. To feel her muzzle with his, their tongues sliding against each other. He only paused to ask his question, he lips intoxicating.

“Please..” Twilight whined softly pulling from the kiss to nuzzle and whine against his neck. She gasped as he lifted her, clearing his desk with a spell she found herself laid on it, her hips presented to him.

Solaris leaned in nuzzling her mark as he lifted her tail gently in his magic. Kissing down her soft rear towards that heat he both felt and smelled. He smirked running his tongue up her slit savoring the young taste on his tongue. He smirked down at his moaning shaking mare and smiled diving in to lap into her ravenously.

Twilight moaned and writhed on the desk, her own horn sparking wildly sending bits of Solaris’ bedroom flying as she felt him exploring her, claiming her. She cried out in wild ecstasy as she came around him.

Solaris grinning and slowly pulled his muzzle away from her leaning down he touched his horn tip to hers sending a bit of his essence into her giving her the vitality to keep going. He then moved pulling her into a kiss as he moved over her. He groaned his tip pressed to her slit. He looked into her eyes as he gently moved the tip over her

“Please..” She begged again.

Solaris smiled slowly sinking himself into her, they both moaned out as his thick shaft was taken into her young heat addled body. The Alicorn let out a contented whine as their hips met. Twilight panted under him as he moved to grip her hips in his forelegs. He smiled and nuzzled her neck as he began to claim her, deep hard thrusts causing the mare under him to cry out with each penetration.

Twilight was in heaven her body on fire from his treatment, she’d never imagined he’d lose himself so thoroughly in the mating male mindset, he filled her in ways that Soarin couldn’t have ever dreamed of. He entire body moved as he grunted taking her. She couldn’t help but moan and scream wordlessly under him. Soon she lost herself in another peak. When she regained herself she found him panting laying against her pinning her to the desk, from the feeling of warmth spreading inside of her and down her thighs she knew he had peaked sometime during her orgasm.

Solaris whimpered slowly pulling himself from her depths. A soft plop and he was out of her. He panted and moved kissing her softly.

“Bed, if you make it..” He teased stretching his wings and smirking as part of his long unused vigor returned to him.

Twilight panted and grinned, the borrowed Alicorn vitality giving her the strength to bound over the desk towards the bed, she made it half way from a strong weight was over her once more.

“Maybe next time..” He teased nipping her ears.

Twilights cries of pleasure echoed through the Palace for hours, eventually she made it to the bed.

“Tis nothing to worry about,” Luna proclaimed to the nearly packed Night-Court A wicked smirk spread over her features as she recognized the voice finally. “Nothing at all My Little Ponies, your Day Prince has merely taken a consort once more.

16. Pon Far by Davesknd[Srsly Dave?, No Clop, Cosplay, Nerdgasming Humans]

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Everything was perfect.

The area was red and sandy, there was a mercylessly hot and dry breeze and even the clothes of the small group were perfect.

Sitting on a small, black chair on the side of a round area which held a six-sided gong and several floating frames with bells, was princess Cele- erm... Princess Amonak of Vulkcan, heiress to the entire planet, most beau... erm logical being in the universe and holder of several seats in the intergalactic senate.

The tall, fair skinned woman had glorious pointy ears and perfectly natural pointed eyebrows that were under no circumstance painted on. She was also clad in a thin, black dress, that hugged her curves and showed a decent amount of cleavage, totally the new, official robes of the ruler!

It was at this point that a challenger approached the gong and rang it several times.

A young, green haired boy with equally green eyes, equally pointy ears and form-fitting purple jumpsuit.

"The ho- erm... gong has been rung!" the princess announced loudly, her flowing hair firmly tugged under her small, round hat. She raised her hand to form the legendary greeting between Vulcans, though her highness must have been slightly rusty with socializing, since her ring-finger was wobbling while doing so.

"What does your logic dictate?" The princess demanded from the challenger.

"Erm..." Spick the Vulcan answered "My logic tells me that it is my time of the seven years again and that I should come here to claim my bride. For the ritual of taking a mate and so on..."

"Your logic is sound, my son." The princess announced. "I have chosen a fitting mate for you!"

She raised her hand and a ghostly entourage appeared.

They edged a young woman. She had purple hair with a pink highlight in it, who was wearing a silver dress, silver pearls in her hair and black underrobes. Her ears were also deliciously pointy and her logic delightfully perky. She looked straight ahead, as if walking towards her own funeral.

"But mother! This is my sister! The honourable and logical Twi'Pol! What logic is there in wedding me to my sister?" Spick the vulcan asked in not-shock, since Vulcans do not show emotions and are completely logical, so what are you doing being outraged, Spike?

"But son, don't you see? Twi'Pol is the perfect mate! Her logic is flawless, her ears are pointy and she is not truly your sister! In fact...

*dramatic pause*

"neither of you are my children! I have raised you after your parent's disappeared. And...

*Another dramatic pause*

"You are in fact, not even related to each other! Your parents simply disappeared around the same time! It was quite convenient... logically!"

Spick looked to his not really sister in shock, seeing her raise and eyebrow in surprise. God, she was logical!

"But mother." Twi'Pol finally stressed "Spick and I are siblings in all but blood. Logic dictates that we would not provide good parenting and would probably be very un-attracted to each other outside the Pon Farr, which I currently feel as well."

"Silence, Twi'Pol! My logic dictates that I have to make you as unavailable as possible to me. For my Pon Farr has begun as well, even though it is only supposed to happen to men. As it seems, my feelings for you are too much. Only by binding you to Spick, I can save myself from the blood fever that consumes me."

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" a regal, heroic and feminine voice called out.

The three vulcans looked up to see Jane Tiberia Kirkity, the purple haired and endlessly beautiful human space captain of the federation flagship walk into the area.

"Spick is my crewman, my first officer and my dearest friend! I shall not have him be married off to a woman who does not love him in the way a true lover loves a loved love! NEVER! I SHALL LOVE HIM! I WILL MARRY HIM!"

"Kirkity! This is highly illogical!" Spick responded, but the feisty human maiden had already closed in on him and embraced him. "To the Antaris Maelstrom with your logic! I love you!"

"The human makes a point. But Twi'Pol would still be around! No, I can not accept this!" The princess declared loudly. "Twi'Pol, you and Spick will have to fight to the death. The winner will marry Kirkity and that is completely logical!"


And so, the bells began to ring and the sacred Whiffle-bats levitated into the area, Twi'Pol and Spick looked at each other in horror (non-emotional horror, of course) as they began to circle each other in cat-like grace.

Spick was the first to attack, his blood boiling for Kirkity even more than his soul felt for his sister.

His blow missed closely and Twi'Pol countered.

The counter was heavy and both Kirkity and the princess sucked in air as the two duellants continued their battle.

Da da da da daaa da da da da daaa da da da da daaaa dadaa daaaa!

"SPIKE!" Twi'po... erm... Twilight yelled after half a minute. "Stop singing the fighting music! You completely ruin the scene!"

"Sorry, Twi, but I got lost in it. Gosh, this is fun!" Spike commented and whacked Twilight with the foam-bat.

"I do worry a bit about the outcome, Darling..." Rarity mused from the side-line. "I mean... this is a battle to the death, right?"

"Yes, but... oh shoot!" Twilight suddenly yelled. "I completely forgot about the outcome! Nobody is here to knock me out! Damn! Do you think we could get AJ or-"

"Twi, I only indulge the princess and you in your romantic role-playing because it usually ends with Rarity and me having a good laugh and maybe more afterwards as well. And I had to get over a lot before I could do that with you. Don't force any more of our friends into this!"

"But... the plot falls apart! Gosh, why didn't you guys read ahead?"

Princess Celestia on her throne meanwhile sighed. The illusionary sand and heat were not difficult to keep up and the fight had been fun to watch... but she had to admit, this was the first erotic fantasy that was better scripted than the average stageplay.

17. Silk by Bekdontraz[No Clop, R63, Feels]

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Dusk Shine sighed softly to himself as he slid the silk skirt up his legs. He fastened the grey garment, tucking the blouse he wore into it. Leaning over, he pulled a sweater over his head, looking into the mirror and smiling at his reflection. It wasn’t Dusk Shine that looked back at him, but Twilight Sparkle—his deepest secret—the thing eating him, her, alive. Reaching a hand out to touch the reflection, she smiled sadly at herself. She closed her eyes, letting herself slip into a fantasy of being born the female she was, able to seduce the stallion she loved. She stumbled backward to sit on her bed, her skirt tenting with the cock peeking out from her sheath.

In her dream however, she was on her knees, kissing and licking happily at her stallion’s sheath. Her Prince smiled down at her as she teased his thick cock into view, his divine musk driving her wild. She let out a soft moan, licking up his cock’s underside, feeling his heat against her face.

In the real world, she whimpered, her hands gripping the bed sheets tight until her dream was suddenly shattered by a knock on the Library’s door. The very familiar knock made Dusk’s heart stop. She tore the sweater off her body, glancing at her clock. But it’s only 2p.m.! Solaris isn’t supposed to arrive until 5! The skirt and blouse joined the sweater, tossed into a haphazard pile at the bottom of his closet. He quickly pulled on jeans and a t-shirt, and stumbled down the library stairs. The pony that stepped up to the door wasn’t Twilight Sparkle simply Dusk Shine, personal student of His Royal Highness, Prince Solaris.

He shuddered as he forced himself to think like that, smoothing down his wrinkled shirt, and plastered a smile on his face as he opened the door.

“Prince Solaris, I didn’t expect you this soon!”

Solaris blinked, looking his student over briefly. Something seemed off about Dusk. n-point-of-fact, that was why he’d shown up early. He smiled, stepping inside and ducking his head to clear the low doorway. The 8ft tall Alicorn wore a pair of simple black slacks, and an immaculate pale red button up shirt.

“You must forgive me, my Most Faithful Student, but I sensed you have not felt well recently. As my duties today already bring me to Ponyville, I was able to escape them for a moment, and I wished to make time and speak with you.”

Dusk’s heart skipped a beat and for a moment he was a she again. He willed himself back under control, and he smiled up at the Prince.

“I’m fine Prince Solaris! Really, I am. Thank you for worrying though. I’ve just been stressed by my studies.” He hated lying to Solaris, and he could feel Twilight cry deep inside.

“Dusk...” Solaris looked at him sadly, reaching out to gently cup his cheek in one warm palm, and lifted his chin. Solaris looked deep into his eyes, seeing the pain the young stallion was in. “Tell me...please. I’m here for you, you know that.” “I’m fine” Dusk—Twilight—lied again, tears staining his cheeks. The mare inside pulled away from the Prince’s touch. She was torn between revealing her torment, and simply keeping it bottled up. Afterall, being the wrong gender wasn’t exactly easy to put on a schedule, or checklist. It was an outlier in her experience and she was used to simply shutting it away.

Solaris released his student and stepped back, watching the small cracks form in Dusk’s facade. He could almost feel the torment wafting off the younger stallion.

“Dusk Shine, please talk to me.” He begged, and cast a quick spell, sealing the library from the outside world. He sent another spell scanning through the building and was glad to find Barb gone. He stepped forward again, pulling his student into a hug, and rubbed Dusk’s back gently.

Twilight broke down and sobbed into Solaris’s chest. “I’m wrong!” She blubbered, most of her words mangled gibberish due to her sobbing, but Solaris caught words such as ‘broken, aberrant, and freak.’

Solaris rubbed Dusk’s back more, holding him softly. “You are none of those things, Dusk Shine. You are a wonderful stallion, and one of the smartest ponies I know.” Solaris added forcefully. “That I’ve ever known!”

Twilight pulled away from Solaris, shoving the tall alicorn away, and glared at him.

“That’s the point! I’m not male! I’ve never felt male! It’s taken me most of my life to figure out why I felt wrong in my own skin! Why I had always hated being called a ‘gentlecolt,’ or a handsome stallion. Do you know in the whole of the Royal Library there are only three books detailing what it was to be transgendered? Did you know two of those treat it as a condition to be cured? The third is little better. It simply describes it with no recommendations for aiding the transgendered pony!” Twilight shook with fury directed at her teacher. “Remember when I turned 14? You began to teach me of pony sexuality? Why didn’t you mention this then?” Her horn sparked, her finger pointed at Solaris.

The alicorn felt floored by the anger of his student. He was shocked and ashamed to hear of the inadequacy of the Library., that there were still books left on ‘curing’ ponies of ‘conditions’ like this.

“Dusk, I’m honestly not sure what to say to you.” Solaris saw Dusk’s eyes narrow further in anger. “Please, I’ve never really experienced this,” he held up a hand to forestall another outburst, “I’ve lived a long time, but that doesn't mean I’ve met as many ponies as you might assume. I’m a private pony, most of my friends are other foreign nobles, or the Founders, or Star Swirl. None of them, to my knowledge, have had this gender-identity issue.” Solaris stopped, gently massaging his temple. He stepped back and conjured chairs for himself and Dusk, motioning for his student to sit. He took his own seat, choosing his next words cautiously.“Talk to me. I am trying to understand, if you are not a stallion...then you feel as’re a mare?”

“Yes.” Twilight answered, sitting down. She wrapped her arms over her chest, hugging herself nervously, not meeting Solaris’s gaze.

“And it seems you don’t like me calling you Dusk Shine, so what should I call you?”

“Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight's response was nearly inaudible.

Solaris smiled at the name.

“A very pretty name for a young Lady” He reached out to offer her his hand in greeting. “I’m trying here Twilight, but this is very odd for me to be confronted by. I thought your crush was hard enough,” Twilight blushed faintly at his teasing. “But I am here for you my little pony, I will send discreet inquiries to other libraries for more resources about this. We can find out how to best help you transition into yourself.” Solaris smiled softly.

“Transition?” Twilight took Solaris’ hand, and felt him squeeze it reassuringly.

“Yes, even should a permanent gender-changing spell not exist, I want you to be happy, and for that you will need to feel able to live as Twilight Sparkle without fear.” Solaris beamed at her, squeezing her hand again. “I’m also sorry Twilight, I ordered the culling of the Library long ago, during darker times for my subjects. I sought to remove books that propagated abhorrent and damaging ideas, such as curing homosexuallity, or that harmed ponies with mental illnesses with barbarous treatments.” Solaris sighed and shook his head “It seems I missed some and I was much too zealous in my actions. I left you nothing with positive information. If I had known of your plight I could have recommended that you find help with a Doctor.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes angrily again, but held her tongue to let Solaris continue.

The Prince realized his ‘mistake’ a second later and continued.

“Wh-what I meant, Twilight, is that you need to talk to a Therapist of some fashion, not to fix you, but to help you. The...” Solaris paused for a moment, thinking about to phrase his meaning clearly. “The pony I watched grow up would never have snapped like she just did. I think, perhaps, the stress of all this might explain some of your other recent outbursts.” Solaris offered. “Such as the ‘Want it Need it Incident’ from a few months ago.”

Twilight nodded, looking away sadly. “This means I’m not going to be your student anymore doesn’t it?” She looked up at Solaris.

“No,” Solaris admitted, “but only because you need me to be a friend more than you need a teacher. That is if you will accept that.”

Twilight nodded and wiped her eyes, smiling at him. “I can try.” Solaris pulled her into a gentle hug, and for the first time, in a very long time Twilight felt a little bit better about being herself.

18. Dance by Ragabash[Anthro, Futa, Dance Sex]

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“I believe she is ready now, princess.”

Even though she tried not to let it on, Celestia could see that the foreign mare was nervous. It wasn't because the princess was sitting on her throne completely naked. She was used to something like that. But because she wasn't sure if she did a good job. Or at least, she wasn't sure if the white mare believed that she did.

“Don't worry,” Celestia said. “I don't except her to be great. After all, she was only learning from a short time of you and I know that Saddle-Arabian dances can be quite difficult. Especially that kind. And, if I have to be frank, she isn't very good in that are in general. Her dancing style could be accurately described as 'horribly clumsy'.”

The dancer couldn't suppress a chuckle at that. She was very cute when she did that. On top of being attractive in general. It was beauties like her that made Saddle-Arabia such a pleasant country to visit and she indulged in the allure of mares like her often. Although, since Twilight Sparkle tended to be jealous at that, she wasn't doing that anymore.

But it did give her another idea.

“Well, she did make a lot of progress,” the dancer said. “With a lot more time, she could become quite good. And that's necessary, if you want to keep going with the... special parts, which are quite advanced.”

And they certainly would. These moves are the most significant ones, considering their relationship. Not coincidentally, they were also the ones that drove Twilight’s jealousy the most.

Looking over the princess' naked body amused, taking special interest in the flaccid stallionhood between her legs, the mare asked: “I suppose I can sent her in?”

“Yes,” Celestia replied with a smile. “And please make sure that the guards know not to send anyone else in.”

“Very well.” The dancer bowed. “I hope everything will be to your satisfaction.”

Celestia waited patiently, as she went out. Already, she thought that it had been a good idea to hire the instructor from Saddle-Arabia to teach Twilight her skills. She loved those dances, from the merely enchanting to the excessive ones. Seeing those dances from her beloved student and lover... she really wondered why she didn't think of this earlier.

Finally the doors opened and Twilight Sparkle entered the throne room. Celestia remained calm, smiling warmly at her, but the sight nearly made her heart stop. Her costume was anything but modest, emphasizing the parts it supposedly hid. Her chest was clad in a strap-less blue top, covering not more than a bra, that showed a generous cleavage. On her lower body, she wore a transparent skirt, slit on on a side, and a pair of panties underneath. The lower part of her face was covered by a veil, transparent like the skirt. All of that was of the same blue as the top, that fit well to her coat, but still set itself apart. It was relatively simple, especially since she wasn't wearing any jewelry, as Saddle-Arabian dancers tended to be fancier than that, but it was more than enough for their purposes.

Twiligiht seemed a bit awkward, but whether it was because of her outfit or because of Celestia's nakedness, the princess couldn't tell. Even after all those nights they spend together, the unicorn still had trouble getting used to her marefriend's bare body. It was actually a pretty cute side on her.

It seemed that Twilight was at loss on how to start. She opened her mouth a few times, as if she wanted to say something, but didn't know what. After a while, she settled for silence and instead began her dance.

It was an... interesting sight. Even if one didn't know that she was trained, one could tell that she was instructed by someone who knew her stuff. Unfortunately, it was also obvious that she was very new at that.

Twilight was swaying her body as she approached the throne, a pretty basic move that Celestia saw many times before. However, it was lacking the fluidity and perfect rhythm of professional dancers, making it look like she had a walking disability. It got worse when she turned around and swung her hips. Her movements were too quick and choppy and partly went too far. It seemed pretty exaggerated and comical, how she extended her butt towards the princess, who actually had to hold herself back, not to laugh.

On the plus side, the skimpy costume showed off her nice ass well.

The unicorn turned around again and went closer to her. This time, she was shaking her chest, again too fast and lacking fluidity. But even lack of skill couldn't break the allure of a pair of jiggling breasts and Celestia found her gaze drawn to them. As the purple mare got close enough, the princess was tempted to touch them, but she held her self back.

Twilight smiled awkwardly, as she stood right in front of her. She bend over a bit and lowered herself, bringing her jiggling breasts close to Celestia's cock, that by now slowly began to rise.

The unicorn got up again and turned around, shaking her hips. Again, not very well and now that she was closer, it seemed even worse. Celestia put her hand on her lips, trying not to laugh, as Twilight's butt awkwardly scampered around. Thankfully, her upper body soon got her attention, as the purple mare untied the top and threw it on the ground.

She danced like that for a while, the back facing the princess, before she turned around again, her now bare breasts bouncing with the quick movement. Celestia had now a good view at them, especially her nipples of a darker purple, which seemed hard by now. They weren't the only ones, as the cock of the princess was growing quite fast. Despite her lack of skill, her movements sure had the desired effect.

Twilight shook her upper body again, making her marefriend stare at her jiggling breasts, before she turned around once more and removed her skirt and panties. Celestia noticed that she was a bit hasty with it. She wasn't surprised about that, the unicorn must be pretty aroused herself. Learning to stay calm and keep your own urges under control was an important part, when you do such dances, but Celestia couldn't fault her for not managing that.

When she was done, Twilight stood completely naked in front of her. With her back still facing her, she got a bit closer and lower herself on her, so that her bare ass touched the cock of the princess. Then she began to move rhythmically again, rubbing her cheeks against the shaft. Again, it was very unskilled. When she didn't put too much pressure on it, it was too few. It also seemed pretty erratic and without any clear idea how to move. On top of that, she never once managed to put the shaft between her buttcheeks, as much as she tried, although that was pretty hard to do in a dance. It wasn't just inelegant, it was pretty bad in general and it appeared that she never trained that particular part.

And yet, Celestia couldn't complain. It was nothing compared to “real” dancers, but it was hard not to get excited when you lover rubs her ass on her cock. Sure enough, it didn't take long until she was completely hard and the feeling of her soft cheeks on her erection made her even moan a little.

When Twilight noticed that, she got up and turned around again. But instead of going on, she just looked worried at Celestia. The princess knew why. She briefly considered helping her, but refrained. Instead, she just smiled warmly and said: “Go on. I know you can do it.”

“A-Alright,” Twilight replied. She still hesitated at first, but then made herself ready. She lowered herself a little, only to jump up at the throne right afterward.

“Ouch!” And bumped on it with her lower leg, throwing off her balance. Throwing her arms around her waist, Celestia managed to catch her, but not without getting a face full of her breasts.

Leaning on the backrest, Twilight pulled herself away a bit, freeing her marefriend from her soft prison. “S-sorry,” she said with an apologetic expression. “That's now how I planned it.”

Celestia just giggled at that. “Don't worry about it. You only got limited training and it's a difficult technique.” With her magic, she cured the unicorn's leg, removing the pain. “Just go on. Everything will be fine.”

Twilight nodded, smiling herself. Then, she grabbed Celestia's hard cock and lowered herself on it. It wasn't actually the right way to do it, since it interrupted the dancing, but her instructor told her to do it like that for now. In the correct method, the penis must not be held in place and the dancer had to move her hips. That was way too advanced and difficult for a beginner like her. Besides, the dance was already interrupted.

Twilight gasped, as the tip parted the lips of her pussy and slowly entered her. She removed her hand, grabbing Celestia's shoulders and began her dance again. It wasn't any better than before. Actually, it was even worse, since it was pretty comical, how she yanked the cock around with the overly fast movements of her hips.

Still, it wasn't so bad. She wasn't so clumsy to make any major mistakes and she kept it firmly in her. As she got more comfortable, Twilight moved her body up and down, taking more of the shaft in, while she still sways her hips.

Even for Celestia, it wasn't easy. As the unicorn's pussy gripped more of her cock, the urge to make a move herself was big. But as the one who got pleasured, she wasn't allowed to, she had to be still and let the dancer do all the work. Such formalities weren't actually necessary, but she still held herself back. If Twilight tried her best to get her dance right, even if didn't quite work, she should do her part correctly to.

Fortunately, it wasn't necessary. Unskilled as the dance might be, it was still very effective. Twilight's movements were very arousing and Celestia approached her limit quickly. Noticing that, the unicorn lowered herself a bit more, more and more of the princess' shaft vanishing into her pussy.

It didn't take long anymore and with a loud moan, she reached her orgasm. As if on cue, Twilight took her in completely, lightly swaying her body on Celestia's, as she came in her. The alicorn wanted to grab her, while she filled her with her semen, but was conscious enough to refrain. Instead, she just watched the final part of her dance. If it can still be called that.

When it was over, Celestia sat there, somewhat heavily breathing. Twilight stood up a bit, letting the softening cock slip out of her, only to lower herself again on her marefriend's body.

“H-How was it?” she asked, a bit worried.

Celestia wasn't quite sure what to answer. It wasn't actually good by any means, but she couldn't say that it was bad either. “...I enjoyed it.”

“...I see.” Twilight didn't say anything for a while and Celestia considering saying something herself, but then the unicorn broke the silence. “I know I'm not really good at this, but I think I could be, if I learn more.”

“Do you want to learn more?” Celestia asked.

“Yes. I enjoyed it myself too and I'd like to get better and...” Twilight blushed a bit. “...well, please you better.”

Celestia smiled. “Then, it's decided. You may get more training in the Saddle-Arabian dances. I look forward to see what a great dancer you will become.”

Twilight blushed even more. “I'm not sure if I will be great, but I think I can become pretty good.” Another silence. “There is something else, I want to ask you...”

“And that is?”

“Could you... I would like you...” The unicorn fumbled with her words, not quite sure how to say it. “Would you mind... to learn these dances yourself?”

19. DVD by Fusion Fool the 3rd[Human, Futa, Paizuri, Some BDSM]

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Twilight sat nervously in her mentor’s room, blushing hard as her eyes stayed on Celestia’s waving cream-coloured ass, covered only by a pair of thin red panties. The older woman, wearing a yellow nightgown that did little to cover her body, was searching for something for the two to watch. Twilight had to use her hands to hide a unmistakable tent in her purple pajama bottoms.

“What do you think of ‘The Speed and the Angry’?” Celestia asked, looking at the cover of a mare wearing a torn wonderbolt uniform fighting a stallion in a trenchcoat.

“I never got into those movies,” Twilight answered automatically, trying to find something else to keep her ocular attention.

It was at that moment, a faint blue aura pushed a movie forward. Celestia noticed it and took the DVD in her hand. On the cover, it was a picture of two woman staring longingly into each other’s eyes in front of a sunset. “How about this one? ‘One Last Chance?’”

Twilight arched a brow in confusion, never hearing the title before, even from Pinkie who loves movies. “I- sure, why not?” she uttered with a nervous smile.

Smiling, Celestia took the case in hand and popped it open, taking the holographic disc and placing it in the DVD player. As the machine came to life, she turned on the large flatscreen television and sat down next to the nervous girl. “Are you alright, Twilight?”

“F-Fine! Perfectly hunky-dory, never been better,” Twilight said, flashing her mentor with her widest and most awkward grin.

Celestia gave her student and guest a concerned glance, but her attention was taken by the sound of their movie playing.

Twilight’s body felt hotter, sitting next to Celestia’s larger sculpted form. Her perfectly sized mounds that defied gravity, her beautiful round ass that teased her a moment ago. The well-toned stomach that rivaled her athletic friends, the tanned legs that went on forever, her smile that could outshine the sun on a hot summer day, and the majestic hair that flowed with a non-existent wind that served her faithfully.

Twilight looked to herself and whimpered, comparing herself to the perfection that sat next to her. A pale girl, plain B-cups with the title of second smallest bust of her friends, but she can’t compete with Rainbow Dash’s legs. A lanky nerd with straight blue hair with pink and purple striped highlights, and she barely had an ass, a common joke between Rainbow and Pinkie.

A freak accident in her library the night before caused her to grow a penis, a soft 5 inch long penis with kiwi sized balls that hid her vagina. She was forced to cancel a spa date because of it, causing Rainbow to come asking why. The letter from the princess that arrived before Twilight could lie saved her… only to dump her into more trouble.

She didn’t know she was invited to a slumber party, the Princess only asked for her presence.

The screen had two ladies talking about their feelings, obvious to both it’s viewers that they would make out shortly afterward. But a blue glow shined around the screen, warping it slightly. Twilight and Celestia gave each other a confused look before the minor static effect faded, allowing them to enjoy the movie again.

Or something else, as both girls were shown a scene Twilight was quite familiar with from a few weeks. Twilight moaning against a large bed as Celestia kissed and teased her, the princess’ mouth suckling the smaller girl’s breasts while two fingers plunged deep into the student’s quim.

Celestia gave the scene a rather surprised look while Twilight did everything she could to hide her blush. “Goodness, what is this? I… don’t recall this ever happening, movie or otherwise,” the Princess uttered. She turned to her student with concern, the poor girl was trying to hide her face and crotch with pillows.

“I’m not sure, I… I’ve never- Princess, I don’t know,” Twilight babbled, holding the pillows tighter. “Who could have done this?”

“Yes, who indeed,” Celestia murmured, quickly giving the slightly opened door a thumbs up before it shut. “Twilight, have you seen this before?”

The question made Twilight jump, causing some pillows to fly in the air. “NO, nope, never,” she replied with a weak grin.

Celestia didn’t buy it. “Twilight, I know when my subjects lie to me. And I know when they are oblivious to certain acts or things. Tell me the truth.”

Twilight swallowed hard, trying desperately not to tell Celestia that the dream was something she had at least once a month. “Umm… I’m sorry Princess.” Twilight slouched in her seat and slowly got up. “I’ll excuse myself now, sorry that I… embarrassed you and-”

“What is stranger is that you are… submissive to me. I’ve always seen you to be a leader, especially of your friends. Curious as to why you’d let me do the work while I made you mine,” Celestia cooed, giggling when Twilight’s face brightened and her jaw dropped.

“W-what?” Was the only thing that could escape Twilight’s lips.

“It’s okay to have these feelings, Twilight. You are not the first to have a crush on me and you won’t be the last,” Celestia reassured, forcing Twilight to drop her pillow as she pulled the smaller girl into a hug.

Despite her dream coming true, Twilight panicked because she could feel her erection brushing against the Princess’ leg through the fabric of her pants. The Princess didn’t banish her over her crush and is rather accepting, but her penis was going to ruin it all. Until Celestia let out a pleasant sigh.

“It has been a while after all,” Celestia said, pulling Twilight tighter.


“I was actually worried that this was all ill founded,” Celestia cooed, her hand drifting lower and cupping her student’s ass.

“Wh- what?” Twilight repeated.

“When Luna told me of your crush, I must say… it was a relief to hear. I thought I was losing my edge,” Celestia added, pushing Twilight’s head into her under cleavage while brushing her hair.

“Wait, what?” Twilight asked, pushing away from Celestia. “What’s going on?”

“I must confess, I thought I was coming onto a bit too strong,” Celestia giggled, giving Twilight a three-sixty turn, letting her student see her loose night gown. Noticing how Twilight jumped at the sight of the collar showing off her nipple when she stopped. “This old thing could fall off my body with barely enough movement.”

“So, you called me here… just to have sex?” Twilight asked hysterically. The tent in her pants raging just as hard as the storm in her mind.

“Oh Twilight…” Celestia chimed elegantly, she snapped her fingers and a new scene appeared on the television. Celestia was on her hands and knees, moaning as Twilight was behind her, thrusting her hips into the Princess’ rear with a confident smirk, slapping her ass every few thrusts. “Asking you to come here wasn’t the only thing I did.”

Twilight blushed hard and glanced down to her crotch, her jaw feeling slack as she stared at her erection. “But… I did this to me… how did you?”

“Luna told me of your experiments in your lab. What you did only messed up your hair and ruffled your clothes, she gave you your new penis,” Celestia smiled, placing a hand on her student’s shoulder, her magic undoing the buttons of the blue-haired girl’s pajama top.

Twilight’s head was swimming, struggling to cope with the mere idea of her mentor, the ruler of Equestria, asked her sister to give her student a penis and called that same student to Canterlot… just to have sex with her. Easier to spell out than to understand. She shook her head and gave Celestia a curious look. “Why me?”

Celestia stood on her knees, gazing deep into Twilight’s inquisitive eyes. “Twilight, you are far more special that I ever hoped you would become. You saved my sister, defeated and helped befriend Discord, saved the wedding between your brother and Cadance.

At that moment the television flickered again and began showing the two in latex and leather, Twilight forcing her dick down Celestia’s throat. The older woman was blindfolded and cuffed. The scary looking Twilight berating her mentor and slave for leaving her at the rehearsal and endangering the citizens over a wedding.

“Yes, Twilight. I did have that dream the night of the wedding, and if you desire… you can punish me for my lack of trust in you. A lesson you learned and I should have remembered when you cast the Want it Need it spell,” Celestia said, almost hopeful.

“I… don’t feel that comfortable with that,” Twilight uttered, blushing hard.

“I see,” Celestia replied, quietly snapping her fingers and causing the leather suits and whips to retreat back into her closet. “Regardless, you are a very special woman. You have led your friends to save my lands many times, this… is the least I could do to reward my favorite student.”

Twilight could feel her blood rushing to her head and crotch as Celestia removed her top, revealing a small pair of white lacy panties and her beautiful breasts with it’s perfect bit sized nipples. “A- are you sure?”

The door opened and a sign poked out, telling Celestia to kiss her. The princess smiled and nodded before pulling Twilight into a kiss, surprising the smaller girl.

Twilight’s entire body melted to the kiss, letting her mentor’s tongue explore her mouth unabated. She didn’t even notice her shirt sliding off her body.

Celestia broke the kiss, giving Twilight a sultry smile. “A rather intriguing position, we both want the other to dominate the other. But I gave you your new toy,” she pulled the pants down a bit and began stroking Twilight’s cock. “So this first time, I’ll make you mine while teaching you to make me yours.”

Twilight whimpered, being guided by her cock to their previous seat. She was pushed onto her back, Celestia forcing her to lie back with a hand. “Just relax, I’ll take care of you, just as you took care of me and our people.”

The scholar swallowed her breath as she nodded, her face turning redder than a apple when Celestia wrapped her cock around her breasts, enveloping the modest penis in the large warm pillows of the Princess.

Celestia had to thank Luna later for giving Twilight a decent sized penis, admiring how the head poked through the valley of her cleavage. She kissed the tip gently and used her hands to massage her breasts and Twilight’s member together.

Nothing has prepared Twilight for this, her first time having sex and it was going to be with Celestia after Luna gave her a penis. She honestly thought that she would have lost her virginity drunk at a Pinkie Pie party, probably to Pinkie herself or one of the many guys that frequented those parties. In a way, Twilight was relieved, a part of her greatest fantasies came to life before her, making love to the Princess.

Celestia noticed that Twilight was beginning to accept their act more and more, feeling her hands touch and rub her breasts and nipples in awe and curiosity. “Yes, Twilight. Explore me, become familiar with my body, you’ll be seeing it more from now on.”

“You… really mean that?” Twilight asked, failing to hide her giddiness.

“Of course,” Celestia smiled, pulling Twilight closer for a kiss. They broke apart to let a thin trail of saliva bridge their mouths. “Every Princess need her hero, after all. And I doubt anyone else could take your place in my heart.”

Twilight gave a smile, her heart beating faster when she saw Celestia licking her cock head. Twilight snapped out of her trance and placed her hands back on her teacher- no, lover’s breasts, teasing the hard nipples with her index fingers and thumbs.

Celestia bit her lower lip, happily relishing in Twilight’s teasing as she massaged the younger girl’s dick with her breasts. Feeling her student’s heartbeat between her mounds gave her a sense of euphoria, adding to the pleasure of Twilight handling her nipples.

Her cock throbbed harder between the bronzed expanse, the bright pink head being prodded and licked by Celestia’s tongue. Twilight shivered with constant pleasure, breathing hard as her eyes locked with Celestia’s both girls staring deep into each other’s souls in the midst of their act.

A coy smirk spread upon Celestia’s lips as she took Twilight’s prick into her mouth, sucking on the tip with great force.

The new found pleasure took Twilight by surprise, her body shuddered, feeling her new testicles bubble and ready to unleash her seed. Her fingers pinching Celestia harder as she whimpered.

Celestia could feel Twilight on the verge of orgasm, she stood back and released Twilight’s member from it’s fleshy prison, only to consume the entire member with her mouth, feeling it’s tip touch the back of her throat.

Twilight’s grip on Celestia’s breasts tightened, doing all she could to not cum immediately, weakly humping into her lover’s mouth, trying to ensure her cock kept warm inside of the Princess’s mouth.

Celestia pulled off of Twilight’s cock and began stroking it, her mouth wide open. The other hand was fondling her young lover’s balls and teasing her pussy. A weak groan and a girlish scream signalled a rain of cum splashing onto her face, milking Twilight with her hand. Her panties were now rendered useless by how damp they became, feeling her student’s seed decorate her face and tasting the magic that resided in the pale ballsack she was playing with.

Twilight slowly recovered, sitting up only to see her lover coated in her cum, HER cum, licking it off the tan hand and eagerly tongue bathing her cock. She blushed hard when her penis became hard once again, coaxing a giggle to leave Celestia’s lips.

“Just as dutiful as ever, Twilight. Another reason why I adore you,” Celestia cooed, rising up and towering over the smaller girl. “Now lie back and let me do all the work.”

Twilight slowly nodded, watching as the Princess peeled her wet panties off her body and straddled her hips. Her jaw dropped once again when her dick was slowly pushed into Celestia’s shaved pussy, a drawn out moan leaving her mouth as she was enveloped in her mentor’s hot womanhood.

“Enjoying it, Twilight?” Celestia asked, leaning closer to Twilight, pushing her breasts into Twilight’s shoulders. The blue haired girl lazily nodded, clearly overcome by the very different pleasure roaring through her nerves and overloading her brain. She kissed Twilight’s forehead as she placed her hands on each side of the girl, slowly grinding her crotch against Twilight’s. Celestia purred lightly, feeling her vagina get stretched by her student’s cock. “It’s been too long.”

Twilight shuddered and writhed underneath her mentor, her toes curling, her hands clawing Celestia’s butt. Her moans muffled by the heavy bosom shoved into her face. Her body spasmed under the weight of the larger woman, their sweaty bodies rubbing against each other.

Celestia was mesmerized by Twilight’s delightful face, contorted into permanent bliss from having her dick ridden. The student’s dick throbbing inside her, ready to spew it’s contents inside the Princess’ womb. “Oh Twilight,” she cooed, brushing her lover’s hair out of her face. “You try so hard to please me, it’s… utterly adorable. So close to cumming but you fight it to make sure I’m enjoying it as well.”

Twilight tried to speak but it was muffled by the titflesh in front of her mouth.

“Don’t worry, Twilight,” Celestia said, rocking her hips harder while caressing her young lover’s face. “We have all night to learn more about each other.”

That one sentence echoed throughout Twilight’s mind, pushing her over the edge. Her fingers digging into Celestia’s ass as she began to pump her seed into the Princess’ body, the walls surrounding it began to sucking the white fluid deeper into her core and forcing more salvos to coat Celestia’s insides.

At that same time, Celestia arched her back, crying out in bliss as she soon joined her student, freeing her student’s upper body from its bobby prison. Her juices mixing and mingling with Twilight’s cum as it slowly dripping down and coated the blankets and pillows beneath them. But being the more experienced lover, Celestia recovered far soon than Twilight, leaning down to kiss her lover on the lips. “You were wonderful.”

“Th-thanks,” Twilight uttered, wearing a dopey smile on her face. Her expression changed to surprise when Celestia got off and pulled her to a standing position. “P-Princess?”

“It’s Celestia when we are alone, Twilight. And… you still have a lot to learn,” Celestia said, capturing her student's lips with her own.


Luna sat comfortably on her favorite chair, crumpling up another ball of used tissue after watching Celestia and Twilight fuck until the younger girl passed out from exhaustion. She pressed a button on a remote and a disc slid out of the DVD player.

She eyed the DVD, smiling as she slowly spun it on her finger with magic. “I wonder if my sister would trade this for a night with her student.”

20. Threesome by Davesknd[Human, Threesome(duh), Fingerplay]

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Stars glimmered far above Ponyville and unbeknownst to most of its inhabitants, there was one much brighter star in the small town.

The sun herself had made her way to the proud tree that was the local library and to the delight of the librarian and local egghead, Twilight Sparkle, she had taken the tall form of Princess Celestia of Equestria.

Now the two women were laying on a soft rug on the balcony, far above the town and kept from prying eyes by the many leaves of the tree. A rather useful trait of the library, since many of Celestia's visits had to be made in secret, for she wanted to focus her full attention on her beau and not the many other subjects in the town. The two lovers were cheek on cheek, their bodies pointing away from each other as they watched the glittering stars above.

And while the mood was romantic and the cheeks of the lovers tinted slightly pink from the wine besides them, there was a certain tension between them that neither could deny.

After a few minutes, Celestia reached up and gently petted Twilight's cheek.

"You don't have to do this, love..." she said gently "You are all I could ask for..."

"Celestia, please!" Twilight answered with a sigh "I have thought about it a lot... I want this!"

The sun princess turned her head slightly and pressed a gentle kiss on Twilight's tensed jaw. "You are putting too much pressure on yourself, dear..."

Twilight spun around, getting on her hands and knees, her arms besides the princess' head and her eyes on her's. "No! I... I... I don't! I've been taken you for granted for too long! I mean... this can't go on..."

A hint of sourness invaded Celestia's features. "Twilight, please..."

"NO! I... this can't... whenever we make love, I turn into a moaning, drooling puddle of goo!" she announced, just loud enough to make Celestia bit her lower lip in embarrassment. "I mean... I love it... I really do! But... its so unfair to you."

"Love, please..." the solar lady said gently and reached out to her upside-down love, gently run her finger's over Twilight's cheek and catch any tears that might escape her moistening eyes. "I love being with you. And you please me. You please me a lot. You-"

"See! A lot! Not fully completely and in every way that you could ever be pleased!" Twilight lamented and her lip began to quiver.

"Twilight... I am happier than I could ever imagine being... isn't that enough?" Celestia asked carefully. It was a difficult line to walk. Yes, there had been better lovers in her life. Being thousands of years old and being able to chose from the buffet that she called a kingdom, the odds were simply and honestly stacked against the anti-social, willful bookworm that had caught her heart in this lifetime. Not that Twilight was bad! She had a tongue that could pick a lock and she was incredibly eager to please... to a fault, in fact.

"No! I want you to... to... to go off like a... like a... super nova! Like a pulsing quasar! Like a red giant being-

"Love please stop talking about dying stars..."

"Sorry... I just want you to be as ecstatic as I am..."

"And for that, you want someone to help you please me?" Celestia asked gently a soft smile forming on her face.

"Well... you are a big woman... and I only have two hands." Twilight admitted almost sadly.

"Two very well coordinated and flexible hands..." the princess added with a grin and moved up, stealing a kiss from her love "And a delightful mouth as well."

"Yes..." Twilight answered with a bit of a blush "But according to my studies, the female body has at least twelve erogenous zones... even more if I get into the more detailed and fetish stuff!"

"You studied it?"

"That's not important right now! What is important is that I have only one mouth, two hands and two feet... and even if I use magic, I can't..."

"Twilight... you are putting to much pressure on yourself again..."

"Please, Celestia! I just want to try it... I want to make sure that you get all the attention, you deserve! If only to show me that one of me is in fact enough. I don't want us to go polyamorous or permanently involve more people. I already have issues finding anniversary gifts for you! But I have to be sure!"

Celestia found herself at an impass. The princess was no complete stranger to sharing a bed with more than one lover. There had been times when that was not too rare after all and a lot can happen in millennia of life. But she was worried that Twilight was forcing herself into something she would not completely enjoy. Her musings, however, were disrupted by that darn trembling! This was where the lockpicking metaphor truly came from! Whenever Twilight's mouth began to treble in the way it did in the pale moonlight right now, doors jumped open and vaults unlocked themselves!

"Fine, my dear... but remember..." Celestia answered and grabbed a lock of Twilight's hair, gently spinning it around her finger "We share our bed... but my heart belongs to you alone..."

"And so does mine..." Twilight answered gently and placed a kiss on Celestia's forehead. Slowly, she relaxed and returned to her lying position on the rug.

"And you are sure, this has nothing to do with Cadance and Shining Armour visiting your parent's house at the same time, you did last month?"

"This has nothing to do with Cadance and Shiny! Keeping us all up... for six hours straight..."

"You nerds are really something..." Celestia mused gently and let out a giggle. "So... that leaves us with one last question."

"I suggest here. Not that the palace isn't wonderful, but smuggling you in here is-"

"Twilight, I was talking about our third party..." The princess giggled. "Do tell me that you have thought about that..."

"Erm..." the librarian answered in slight surprise. She had not. "I... right... we need someone to join in..."

"We could hardly call it a menage et trois if it was only two of us..." Celestia giggled. She didn't need to see Twilight's blush right now, she could feel it radiating in the night air besides her.

"Erm... ok... Hm... I think it should be someone we know well... someone we both trust." Twilight said slowly and carefully. "But that does kinda leave only my friends. Unless you have-"

"I am sorry, my dear, but I don't have a candidate for us. My sister is... my sister. And I would never put it on any of my current staff."


"Well, there was that very sweet cobbler girl one thousand and seven hundred years ago. Terrible with shoes, but a smile that warmed the heart..."

"Hmm... seems beyond our necromancy..."

"Twilight, we don't do necromancy..."

"Exactly! Now... about my friends..." Twilight began to ponder, her finger slowly reaching up to her lip. "How about Applejack?" she said quietly. "She is dependable, looks really pretty with her hair down, has a lot of endurance and I just know that you-" the librarian padded her lover's cheek again "would love her bum! All that farmwork made it firm enough to crack walnuts with! Though I wouldn't want to eat the walnuts afterwards, but still..."

Celestia closed her eyes, imagining herself in bed with Twilight. She was naked, sitting on the edge her voluptuous, alabaster breasts on clear display. Twilight still in her skirt and shirt, though the latter open and giving just a peak of Twilight's bra beneath it. The smaller woman was sitting on her lap, her legs wrapped around the princess hips and the purple fabric of the skirt eagerly revealing more and more of Twilight's shapely legs. Twilight's hands were roaming over the curve of her side and her lower back, slowly towards her soft cheeks, all the smaller woman was kissing her collarbone and neck.

With one hand, the princess beckoned towards the third person in the room. "Come my little friend, join us... we would love to have you with us..."

Slowly but surely, Applejack emerged from the dark. She was wearing tight, denim hotpants, a red blouse, bound in a tight knot, so it revealed her muscly mid rift and firmly held her almost C-cup breasts. Her hair open, cascading from beneath her hat and framing her kind, freckled face in pure gold. Slowly, she approached, the bed, the firm walk of a woman who worked with her legs all day replaced by the slow, careful tripple of nervousness. She slowly undid her blouse, revealing her slightly tanned breasts. Celestia gently grabbed Twilight's chin and softly turned her to watch. She even had freckles on them. The two other women smiled encouragingly as Applejack dropped her pants and panties, revealing her untouched pubic hair. Slowly, the farmer came closer and Celestia reached out as she passed by them, running her hand over the firm, strong muscles under her slightly rough skin. Hard work and sunshine gave her an honest roughness that was such a nice contrast to Twilight's soft, library-kissed hide. Applejack crawled onto the bed and both other women looked hungrily at her firm ass, both having to restrain the urge to simply take a bite out of those two apples. Instead, they kissed each other, preparing for the farming girl to join their fun.


Curiously, Celestia turned, to see what Applejack was doing. Maybe she preferred to watch a bit more?

Instead, Applejack was on her back, her legs spread and standing, both hands covering her face.

"Erm... Applejack,... what exactly are you doing back there?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"Well.. ya told me this would be some kind ah threesome-sex-thing, so Ah am getting ready for the sexing..." Applejack answered in her delightful accent "Ya know, lay on yer back, don't look and wait till is over... like Mah and Pah told me it was done."

Celestia snapped out of her musing. This would probably not be how it would go down, but Applejack was a rather traditionalist kind of woman. She had apparently taken a bit longer than the other four to accept Twilight's and her relationship and now tying her into it would not be the most diplomatic move.

"I do like Applejack a lot, but I am not sure if she would be very much interested in joining our... intimacies..." Celestia finally said diplomatically. "Well... and I fear that she has a bit of an honesty issue..."

"Applejack?" Twilight asked in surprise "What makes you say that?"

"She tends to be very, very honest."

"Oh! But I don't think she would tell anyone."

"Maybe, but it will agonize her whenever she will have to keep silent about it. You remember how tough it was for us before we revealed it?" Celestia asked gently.

Twilight nodded. "You are right, love. Applejack is off..."

A slight frown invaded Twilight's features as she pondered the other choices in her friendslist. "I admit, she was not my first choice, but she is very athletic, has a lot of endurance, is really playful and she will certainly hold it to herself!"

"You are talking about Rainbow Dash, I assume?"

"Yes! I know, she is basically the only one of us with a smaller bust than me..." the librarian admitted shyly.

"Twilight, I told you a million times that I am beyond such superficiality." Celestia soothed gently "Because mine will always be bigger!"

"Showoff..." Twilight giggled but quickly returned to seriousness. "Seriously, I think Rainbow would be a decent choice."

This time, Twilight let her mind drift, imagining Celestia and herself in the royal bed. They were wearing nothing but white towels wrapped around their bodies after a nice, relaxing bath in the royal bathtub. Their bodies were relaxed from the warmth, their cheeks rosy and desire was close to taking over. Celestia was holding another towel and gently rubbed the wetness out of Twilight's hair. Twilight let out a gentle sigh, overcome by the feelings of tenderness and vulnerability. But not a singe hair ached from Celestia's touch while she slowly lowered herself closer to her love-

Then the door flew open.

Rainbow Dash entered the room, also clad in nothing but a towel. "Awesome pool in there! A little hot for stroking, but I still did 4 lengths! Great hairdrier though. Well, I kinda get it with that flowy stuff on your head, princess!"

"Oh, Rainbow Dash!" Celestia smiled, more surprised than anything by the athlete's arrival. Letting go of Twilight's dry hair, she shifted a little on the bed and embraced Twilight from behind, taking a good look at the newcomer. Rainbow had an amazing physique. Her muscles were defined under her creamy skin. She took better care of herself than applejack if it came to sunblocker, making her softer in this regard. Her curves were less defined, though and her face a bit less feminine, though Celestia could not shake the allure of her boyish figure. Even her chest was rather flat, but Rainbow carried it like a badge of honour. "Would you like to join us now? We are all done..."

"OH YEAH!" Rainbow yelled, a broad grin on her face "This is gonna be so AWESOME! I'm gonna bang a princess and a nerd at the same time! AWESOME! Nothing less than I deserve, but AWESOME!"

Before Celestia could recover mentally, Rainbow had thrown off the towel, revealing her perfectly trimmed, lightning shaped, rainbow pubic area, her hard, admittedly delicious looking abs and small, perky breasts. Almost like taking a head-start, she rushed towards the bed and flanked onto it, landing on her side, her head held by her hand and the elbow out. "So... you want to taste the rainbow, you two?" she asked with a broad, boasting grin. "A royal treat, I tell you!"

Twilight was quicker to regain her composure this time. "Say Rainbow. Maybe we could go a little gentler? Celestia and I are very happy to have you with us, but maybe we could take this a bit slower?"

Rainbow frowned a bit at the thought but she nodded. "Ok, fine... slow and stuff..."

Celestia and Twilight nodded and returned to each other. Gentle, careful nips turned to deeper kisses, the heat in their chests wakened by the secret appeal of being watched by two hungry, cerise eyes watching them. Slowly, their hands began climb lower and lower. Celestia rubbed over Twilight's bare leg, her fingers once brushing over the inside of Twi's thigh, sending a jolt of electricity through the smaller woman and making her moan into her mouth.

"That's awesome!" Rainbow suddenly squealed, tearing the two lovers out of their moment. "This is getting me all worked up and WOW! What is this you are doing?"

"Kissing?" Celestia asked in shock.

"No! I know about that... that whole thing with the slow and the touching and the like!"

"You mean foreplay?" Twilight asked diplomatically.


Twilight snapped out of her trance and shook her head. No! Rainbow was not THAT much of an annoyance, but she had to be honest: Celestia and herself were romantics and heart and Rainbow was... well... really really really not. Sure, she was probably a bomb in the bed, but Bombs tend to go off fast and leave a big mess behind.

"You know, love..." Twilight said after a few moments. "Maybe not Rainbow? She is a good friend and all, but she is even more... eager than me and I am not sure if she is into the way we make love."

Celestia nodded and frowned a bit. "The list is getting shorter..."

"Well... we are talking about a big step. Its not something you do with everyone." the librarian interfered and continued to consider. "Rarity is also out of the question..."

"I have to agree... she may have been very intimate with my shoes at one point, but I dare not think about the amount of heartbreak I would lay upon Spike." The sun princess added.

"Yes... and I don't think that Rarity would go for it, to be honest. She wants her Prince Charming and is Spike... and I may dress up like a Vulcan and fight him with a whiffle-bat, but I am not inviting him to have sex with us."

"If you invited my son to have sex with his mother and his adopted sister, I would seriously reconsider my choices in partners." Celestia snickered "And what kind of people I allow him to live with."

"Hm... now we have slim pickings..." Twilight sighed and frowned. "So... maybe Fluttershy would say yes? I know, she is shy and timid, but she is always there for her friends, she can really think and act out of her box when you ask her and... well... she is-"

"Smoking hot under that sweater?" Celestia teased with a knowing grin.

"I don't know how she does it! She has an hourglass and a bust almost as big as yours! I would admire it if it didn't drive every girl around her crazy!" Twilight groaned. "That aside, I have a good feeling about Fluttershy. If we take is very slowly and gently..."

"Hmmm... we like slow and gently..."


Both women closed their eyes, thinking about an evening in the library. Soft music was playing, candles lit the area and Celestia and Twilight were sitting on the couch. Both were dressed in chaste cocktail dresses with just a hind of sexy to them. There was even a cake. All perfect for a romantic evening. Both beckoned towards a figure in the shadows.

"Come Fluttershy, why don't you have a seat." Twilight asked.

"Yes, its always nicer if it's more." Celestia added softly.

Suddenly the cake expanded rapidly and exploded in a hail of cream, covering everything, especially Celestia and Twilight. The shadow in the dark fell over, revealing it to be a stick and a pair of balloons.

In the middle of the former cake stood a goatieed individual with piercing red and yellow eyes, a brown coat and an angry expression. "You stay away from Fluttershy, you two deviants!" Discord growled in anger "She is with me and I would not touch either of you with a ten mile pole! And I would not let her touch you with an even longer one! NOW WAKE UP!"

Both women's eyes shot open.

"Did he just?"

"Yes! He did!"

"Do you think?"

"I hope not!"

"Shall we never speak of this again?"


"So..." Celestia asked as the shock veined after half a minute of hoping that Discord was not going to jump out of the flower pot next. "Shall we call it a night and hope that the idea of Discord doing that again will stop haunting us at some point?"

"No! I am not going to let Discord ruin this for us!" Twilight answered in determination. "There is one person left... even though I worried that it might end here?"

"To be honest, love I am slightly surprised that you didn't mention her before." Celestia mused.

"Well... Pinkie is a hand full." Twi sighed "Sure, she is perky and kind. She really loves to make others happy, can keep secrets and even though she is a bit pudgy, she looks very good, I am kinda worried about her."

"You mean that she could be into really weird things?"

"I kinda expect balloon animal dildos, being suspended by streamers and stuffed with confetti." Twilight admitted carefully.

"Or being covered with layers of donuts and being eaten from..." Celestia giggled.

"Or auto-erotic-asphyxiation by sticking your head into a cake!" Twilight giggled as well.

"Why do you know what that is?" The sun princess asked in surprise.

"Shadowmoon the White, creator of the orangeification spell died that way. Without a cake though..." the librarian explained quickly.

"He was a weird sage..." Celestia added and sighed. "So... shall we ask Pinkie Pie?"

*Three weeks later*

Only candles lighted the insides of the Golden Oaks Library's upper floor. A few scented ones in their midst added a soft smell of lavender and ginger to the atmosphere. One huge shape was sitting on the bed, surrounded by an empty bottle of wine and an equally empty box of expensive chocolates.

Princess Celestia, the head of the shape, smiled gently, surrouned by warmth, happy giggles and loving squeezes. On each of her thighs was a young woman, equally happily embracing her and each other. All of them were dressed in what amounted to big bedsheets and some colourful socks.

"Having a toga and sock romantic party was an incredibly good idea, Pinkie..." Twilight giggled and pressed a soft kiss on her friends nose.

"Oh, it was so obvious!" Pinkie giggled happily and rested her head on Celestia's shoulder. "We had to get comfy around each other's bodies and the togas would allow us to get a nice look without being all vulgar about it. And the socks made the mood light enough by being all colourful and a tad silly!"

"I had no idea you could plan romantic threesomes as well..." Twilight said after a few moments of looking past pink hair into Celestia's magenta eyes.

"I am Pinkie Pie, silly, I can plan almost anything that is fun!" Pinkie announced proudly and snuggled deeper into Celestia's warm chest.

"No wonder you didn't fit into the Gala!" the sun princess giggled and pushed past a torrent of hair to give Pinkie a kiss on her forehead.

"That leaves just one thing to do!" Pinkie said, giggling happily, her cheeks rosy from the wine and the affectionate attention.

Twilight felt a slight change in the air around Pinkie and before she could ask, the pink haired party lover gave Celestia a hard shove, making her topple backwards with loud laughter, pulling both smaller women with her.

They all landed in the bed laughing loudly for a moment until Pinkie took control of the situation. "Now come you two... show each other some loving while Pinkie does her thing."

Twilight and Celestia didn't need much prodding and kissed hungrily and happily, their lips smooching against each other in hot and greedy affection and soon, their tongues began the familiar dance of love, they knew all too well. The pent up affection from earlier began to flow through them freely and both felt heat rushing down their bodies.

Pinkie meanwhile grinned broadly and happily at their display. Quietly, she got onto her knees and began to untie Twilight's toga from behind. Twilight hardly felt the sudden onset of cold as her back was bared, she was so busy melting into Celestia's kiss.

But she did feel Pinkie gently tracing her spine, with her hands, rubbing over the soft curve of her waist. Twilight moaned coarsely into Celestia's mouth as the warm hands traced hot tingles over her back. She broke the kiss and pushed her cheeks against Celestia's breathing heavily. "Pinkie! You are supposed to please Celestia!" she muttered as the other girl began tracing little kisses onto her shoulderblate.

"Oh, silly, this is a Pinkie Party! And that means everyone gets to go home happy!" Pinkie giggled happily pushed another kiss onto Twilight's neck, making her sigh again. Seeing how her flustered lover needed a breather, Celestia grabbed Pinkie's toga and pulled her face to face. Even the pink haired party girl was shocked for a moment as the princess of Equestria gave her the most lurid and ravenous look she had ever seen in her life. All masks had been discarded and this was a woman who wanted it. NOW! Before Pinkie could think, Celestia pulled her close and slammed her lips into Pinkie's neck. The smaller girl felt fire and lightning shoot through her neck and the solar princess began roughly nibbling and biting her vulnerable flesh. She let out a loud and shaky "OHHHHH!" at the rough treatment. She shuddered as Celestia greedily and roughly lashed her strong tongue over her jawline, leaving a hot trail of saliva.

"Wowy!" Pinkie giggled in a raspy voice.

"See what I have to deal with?" Twilight asked softly, kissing her Princess on the neck herself. "Once my Celly gets in the mood, she likes to dish out a lot..."

"Granny, why do you have such big teeth?" Pinkie offered, but she could not hide that her chest was heaving.

"Granny?" Celestia asked in mock outrage "I could be your ancestor, young lad-AH!"

She couldn't finish. Twilight had slipped a hand beneath the sheet of her toga and gently pinched the hard nipples beneath.

"You know, Twilight, I see what you meant!" Pinkie suddenly inter-cut, grinning from ear to ear. "Lady Iron Age has way too much experience with this! So, how about you keep her quiet while I go a level lower?"

The librarian nodded eagerly and before Celestia could interfere, Twilight pushed her lips onto hers, kissing her deeply and passionately. Celestia moaned into her beloved's lips and pulled Twilight close to her side. The kiss wend deeper and got greedier by the second until the confines of their mouths seemed too small to hold it.

Pinkie meanwhile undid Celestia's two bed sheets (huge person needs huge toga), revealing the magnificent, royal chest. Pinkie let out a small gasp of amazement at the sheer sight. Thousands of people dreamed of seeing them one day, but the party girl actually managed to do so. So big, firm and not saggy in the slightest. Two areolae so perfectly sized and colored, they could only be real and two hard nipples topping them like cherries on a delicious pudding. Gently, she began to knead and massage them, feeling with excitement how they began to heave even more under her touch. Soon, she put her lips onto the nipple and began kissing and licking them. Circling them around in her mouth and tonguing them eagerly. The taste was intoxicating and She could hear Celestia groan and moan under her and Twilight's treatment. Pinkie let out a happy sigh.

Twilight meanwhile let go off Celestia and gave her a sly wink. Celestia nodded softly and began padding Pinkie's fluffy hair and rubbing her neck with her hand. Twi meanwhile circled the other girl and carefully pulled the bottom of her toga up, revealing Pinkie's plump rear and puffy lower lips. Even in the dim candlelight, Twilight could see Pinkie's excitement glistening and the sweet smell desire filled her nostrils. She also had to giggle at the fact that her friend's pubic hair was as puffy as the hair on her head. Twilight eagerly grabbed the wobbling cheeks and let out a giggle at how her fingers sunk into them. They were completely different from her strong and shapely princess, yet sexy and inviting in their own way. Pinkie never seemed to mind her slight chubbiness and yet, she was always happy and energetic. Without further hesitation, she closed in and ran her tongue over Pinkie's flower, lapping up the sweet nectar within.

Pinkie let out a surprised moan as her temple was being ravished, her whole body burning under the sweet sensation. Twilight dug in and began licking and lapping harder and faster. She began to nip on Pinkie's petals, catch her pearl between her lips and rub then against each other and delve deeply into her folds. The party girl moaned loudly and hard, her treatment of Celestia's breasts seizing as the onslaught of pure electricity that Twilight sent through her body. The princess grabbed her hair and turned her head upwards, seeing how Pinkie's tongue lolled out in bliss.

"See, dear, she is not called Twilight Sparkle for nothing..." Celestia said with an impish glee, "Because when she does that, you see stars!"

"OOOOOH YES!" Pinkie moaned, completely lost to Twilight's skillful treatment.

Celestia meanwhile slithered lower herself and undid Pinkie's toga completely, discarding it quickly. The girl's ample breasts were hanging before her like plump fruit and Celestia began picking the treats eagerly. Pinkie's moans of ecstasy became louder and quicker. Pinkie let out happy shouts of pleasure and excitement, her blue eyes going cross from the treatment of the two royal lovers. Her hips began to shake an a soft bite from Celestia sent her reeling over the edge. A hard and wonderful orgasm ravished her whole body and as her arms gave in, Celestia pulled her into an almost motherly embrace, kissing her neck softly as Pinkie let out a loud moan of delight. Twilight's face was spluttered with Pinkie's fluids that shot out like a small party canon and for a moment the other two women just paused and let the third wheel enjoy its spin.

Twilight was about to wipe her face off, but a raised finger from her princess made it clear that she was to wait. Instead, the bookish girl climbed ontop her friend, so the two lovers could embrace her from both sides, her hot body wedged between them.

"Wasn't I supposed to help Twilight please you?" Pinke asked after a few moments of recovering.

"Looks like we got a bit carried away with you..." Celestia admitted softly.

"You know... fresh toys and all..." Twilight giggled and gave Pinkie's belly a soft pinch, making her giggle as well.

Celestia then pulled her love close and began to lick over her cheek, sampling Pinkie's flavour with a grin. "Oh, Pinkie, you have to taste yourself."

The party girl nodded and went over to the purple haired lollipop. She did as Celestia and Twilight giggled at being tasted from two sides now. "Hmm..." Pinkie said "Nice, but I think I like the hint of Twilight in it a lot more than me!"

"Oh, you should sample her then, I tell you, my darling here tastes divine!"


Suddenly Twilight felt herself being thrown off Pinkie and tumbling over the bed. She landed on her back and seconds later, Pinkie's knees were besides her ears and her face was between her things.

"Now, now, Pinkie..." Celestia said gently and moved closer as well. Twilight felt her cheeks burn even more as both other women seemed to focus all their attention on her glistening flower. "You see, my Twilight has a few special buttons that you need to push..."

Pinkie nodded with rising interest as Celestia reached beneath the bed's covers and produced a single condom.

"Oh! So you have hidden condoms all over Ponyville as well!" Pinkie squeaked in delight "Incase of orgy-emergency!"

Twilight's head hit the bed. That explained everything!

"No, I brought these just for my love..." the princess grinned and wrapped the rubber over her left index finger. "Hygiene and all. I intend to use my hands in the near future..."

Twilight froze. "No, Celestia, please! Not in front of Pinkie!"

Again, a lurid grin went over Celestia's face. Her covered finger ran over Twilight's quivering folds and with one quick thrust, pierced them completely, earning a gasp from the girl. The finger returned, the rubber now covered in Twilight's needy fluids.

Twi wanted to protest, but as she tried to wiggle away, Pinkie lowered her plump butt onto her. She didn't smother the girl, but the message was clear.

Celestia ran her free hand through Pinkie's hair. "You really ARE a lot of fun to have around!"

"So are you! I really wonder why some people are so nervous when you are around. Silly buggers!"

"Speaking of buggery..." the princess grinned and slowly lined her finger up with Twilight's tight plucker.

Twilight let out a loud, deep grunt as Celestia parted her hard ring with gentle certainty and began moving in and out of her. Sometimes she would bend her finger, rubbing a special part of the tunnel that made the captured girl groan in heavy pleasure.

"Now, Pinkie, would you do me the honour?" Celestia asked, enjoying her lover's reverie.

"Oh, of course!" Pinkie giggled and leaned down to kiss and lick at Twilight's folds. Years of rock-candy training had made her almost as adept at giving oral pleasure as Twilight had learned from her relationship with Celestia, anatomical know-how and an obsession with Daring Doo slashfiction. Pinkie was mercyless in her approach, slobbering up Twilight's juices and eagerly trying to make her produce more. She only paused once to look to Celestia and grin. "You were right, she IS delicious!" then return to her moaning treat.

The bookish girl meanwhile was in a world of ecstasy, now that her both holes were being ravished. Celestia stretched her just the way she loved, making the neurons in her sphincter scream joy and Pinkie's hot tongue wriggling in her folds. She hardly had the will left to grope at Pinkie's backside as she felt herself quickly approach climax.

She came hard. Her body twitched and trembled, burning with a thunderstorm of tingles that ran through every neuron of her body. But her tormentors did not stop. They continued their assault, laughing to each other over her being trapped in this state of ecstatic stupor. Twilight grabbed onto Pinkie's ass, holding onto the warm orbs as if they were her only thing that kept her from being sucked into a blissful oblivion.

"And now she is in a sex coma for a few seconds..." Celestia mentioned almost casually, well aware of her beloved's signals. With a quick gesture, she teleported the spent condom off her finger and into the trash.

"Oh wow! I would have never guessed that Twilight liked it so rough..." Pinkie giggled and looked back and the slobbering mess that still stuck to her booty.

"Oh, we do always start gentle and slow, but ever since we got comfortable with each other's bodies, she has shown to enjoy a bit of a firmer hand..."

"Had I known that, I would have brought Gummy II!"

"Did your pet aligator pass on?"

"Oh no, silly! Gummy II is made of rubber."

"I see..."

"It's a dildo!"

"You don't say..." came a shaky voice from behind and Pinkie looked back happily to see Twilight recovering from her ordeal.

"Yes! Its all greenish but see-thoughy. Like a gummybear! That's why I wanted to call it Gummy but the-"

A loud slapping sound rung through the room, shutting Pinkie up. Twilight shook the slight sting out of her hand and looked with a bit of smirk a the slight mark that was now forming on Pinkie's butt. "Stop rattling your teeth. How about we finally get to the main event? I wanted you to help me please Celestia!"

"Hey, no need to spank me, meanie!" Pinkie objected to the girl beneath her. "You two started going down on me first!"

"Yes and then..." Twilight stopped herself and looked over at the tall woman that lay besides them. She had a broad grin on her eternal lips. "You! You... you...! YOU!" Twilight announced angrily as Celestia began to cackle eagerly.

Twilight shoved Pinkie off herself and sat up, pointing an accusatory finger at her lover. "Now you are so getting it! Pinkie, go for the legs!"

"Okie dokie Lokie!"

Celestia kept laughing as the two smaller women came upon her, Twilight grabbing her shoulders and kissing her roughly. Their tongues returned to their eager dance, Celestia believing that she still tasted a bit of Pinkie on her lover's lips. It excited her...

"I have one leg, Twilight! But I am not sure what to do here! Golly, these are long!"

Twilight left Celestia's lips and turned around. "No silly business! Work your way up and show Miss Mentor here what her students have learned!"

Celestia was about to laugh again, but Twilight stuffed it with her nimble tongue.

Pinkie meanwhile began to kiss her way up the princess' shapely leg. She felt Celestia pad her on the back with her other, sock-clad foot. Finally, Pinkie reached Celestia's swollen and soaked oasis and took in the scent. Though it looked virginal, Celestia had the spicy, aged musk of a mature woman. It was a wonderful change after the sweetness of Twilight and fit like hot sauce on a muffin! Pinkie began to nip at the outer parts of Celestia's folds and gently parted them with her tongue. The princess sighed into TWilight's mouth at the feeling and pulled her lover closer with one hand while the other began to pad Pinkie's head. The party girl began to lick slightly rougher which led to further sighs and the two strong legs wrapping themselves gently around her body.

Twilight meanwhile felt the jolts of joy that had begun hitting her lover and enjoying it with her. She began to touch Celestia's sweet breasts, which had a become sweaty from all the arousal that went around and squeezed them softly. As she kissed her princess, she weighted them in her hands, rubbed her nipples, kneaded them and just enjoyed having full access to them, all while Celestia was being serviced by their skilled friend. She knew her lover well enough to feel how her arousal turned to ecstasy, how the usually controlled and gentle Celestia became more and more erratic in her kissing, how her hand began to roam over Twilight's back and butt, squeezing her quivering cheeks and pressing her against her heaving breasts. Celestia came gently, her ecstasy sweeped over her but let her lucid and allowed her to keep kissing her love, though her tongue lolled out of their mouths and raced over Twilight's neck. Pinkie felt Celestia's climax as well as her body was squeezed between the two legs, but not hard enough to cause pain.

The two smaller girls let go off their princess for a moment and gave each other a quiet high-five.

The princess relaxed for a moment, but suddenly, the glimmer of mischief returned to her eyes.

"So... Twilight again?"


"Okie Dokie Lokie!"


*The next morning*

They were still doing it, come back later!


The three women had slept through noon and were now all awake in bed, cuddling against each other. Celestia held both of them in their arms and just enjoyed the warmth and softness of the covers.

"That was FUN!" Pinkie giggled after a while of quiet reverie and both others nodded softly.

"Thank you for joining us, Pinkie." Twilight said gently and playfully rubbed her friend's ear. "You really are a party treat."

"I'd say!" Celestia agreed and squeezed Pinkie happily.

"Oh, I'm glad to help! So, did you two figure out your thingie?"

"I think so..." Twilight muttered and rested her head on Celestia's shoulder "I should get used to the fact that Celestia is as happy seeing me happy as I am seeing her happy and-"

"Twi... can you be a bit less complicated?" Pinkie asked, her blue eyes a bit unfocused.

"Oh... short version: I please her."

Celestia nodded softly and placed a kiss on Twilight's head.

"Oh! That is so great!" Pinkie giggled. "I like that you two are so happy together!"

"Thank you Pinkie." Twilight said softly "And thank you again for helping out. I'm glad that you are not bothered by this..."

"Oh, don't be silly! We are friends and when friends need help then you help them! And if that involves having a hot, steamy threesome, then Pinkie is on board!"

"You really are one of a kind, Pinkie Pie..." Celestia giggled and padded Pinkie's head.

"Not for long, because of now, we are all pregnant!"

"Wait, what?"


*This evening, in a barn*

"Say, RD, don't yah think it's about time we told our friends that we are seeing each other?"

"I tell you, AJ, I'm not ready yet... I mean... I love you to bits and all, but coming out like that would really crank my style. Especially with how... tame our relationship has been. Just a bit longer, ok?"

"Fine, but I don't like keeping them in the dark."

21. Wet by Bekdontraz[Human, Princest, Threesome]

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“Like this?” Twilight asked raising her hands to show Princess Luna the wrapping she’d done. The pudgy librarian stood wearing a pair of loose fitting sweat pants, and a tank-top. She was resisting the urge to fidget with her clothing feeling extremely self-conscious next to the taller woman in the room. It was fairly amusing to Twilight how close their skin tones were. Twilight’s was a lighter brown that Luna’s was, however Twilight was aware that Luna, and by extension Princess Celestia, and Cadance’s forms were mutable.

Luna stepped up taking Twilight’s hands in her own examining the cloth wrapped around her to pad her hand during their sparring sessions. She turned them over and ran her thumb over Twilight’s palm briefly. While Luna was examining Twilight’s hands, Twilight herself was examining Luna’s form. The taller All-Folk wore a pair of nearly skin tight pants, that ended above her knees. They were a pale blue, and Luna’s mark was on the hips. Twilight noted that her eyes were drawn over the woman’s tight rear end, as Twilight tore her eyes away the drifted up Luna’s taut, bare stomach and up over her bust. Luna’s breasts were as gravity defying, and impressive as Princess Celestia’s, though smaller than The Princess’s own. Not that Twilight spent their time together sneaking peaks at her Teacher’s body.

“Twilight, I do poses a set of eyes, need a grow more in the hopes you find them with your own?” Luna’s voice startled Twilight out of her silent reverence and she blushed looking up at meet Luna’s gaze. Luna was smirking, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “Or would you prefer we spare as the Old Nimbian Warriors did?” She offers, only causing Twilight’s blush to grow stronger.

“No!” Twilight said defensively, and folding her arms over her bust and stomach in shame. Luna noted the action and reached out gently prying Twilight’s arms apart.

“Twilight Sparkle? Would you speak with us about this?” She asked kneeling down on one knee to look up into Twilight’s eyes. She smiled reassuringly at the young Aetherian. “Please?”

“It’s nothing Princess” Twilight said forcing a smile to her lips and gently pulling free from Luna’s grip. She turned walking over to her side of the sparring ring and turning to take up a basic boxing stance.

Luna watched her go and smiled slightly watching Twilight’s hips swayed as she walked. Truly her sister did not realize what she was missing out on. If Celly didn’t take Twilight into thier bed, perhaps Luna would take Twilight into her’s alone.

Rolling her eyes Luna bounced to her feet and walked over towards her own starting position. She exaggerated her hip sway as she went turning on the ball of her foot to face Twilight. With a slight bit of magic Luna added a little jiggle to her bust. The effect on Twilight’s eyes was both amusing and enlightening. She slipped into a familiar old unarmed stance. Moving one of her hands out she motioned for Twilight to begin.

Twilight brought her hands up and started to circle away from Luna. She moved forward her eyes watching every twitch and motion on Luna. Suddenly Twilight darted forward giving a few quick jabs to test Luna’s defence.

Luna dodged Twilight’s punches easily flowing around them like water. She the dove passed Twilight, landing on her hands she kicked back with both feet. Her kick landed in the small of Twilight’s back sending the smaller woman sprawling. Luna rolled up to standing and turned to watch Twilight scramble to her feet. She grinned as she noted Twilight’s pants had slipped down revealing her rear end, more surprising to Luna was that it was the same shade as the rest of Twilight.

“We didn’t think you the type to worship my sister in such a fashion” Luna joked bouncing on her feet happily.

“What?” Twilight asked groggily reaching to pull her pants up and moving to pull the drawstring tighter, tying it off to keep them up this time.

“Laying unclothed in my sister’s loving rays,” She explained with a smirk plastered on her lips. She licked her lips slightly and smirked “I still enjoy being nude under her caress” Luna added causing Twilight to stand up straight and look at her with confusion.

“You mean sunbathing right?” Twilight asked, as if trying to convince herself that she had heard Luna wrong.

Luna simply slipped back into her starting stance and motioned for Twilight to start again. She smirked watching as Twilight moved slowly back into her own stance starting to circle again. This time she would move quickly forward, before moving back at a different angle. It was obvious she was trying to through Luna’s aim off, but it was thrown off by Twilight’s natural love of patterns. She would move right twice, then left three time, followed by right once, and ending in two left steps. The pattern held as Luna moved with her giving a few half hearted kicks to keep Twilight on edge.

Twilight moved around Luna keeping to her set pattern before breaking it suddenly and moving to punch hard into Luna’s stomach. The taller woman was caught off guard by Twilight’s sudden change and the hit connected, Twilight had no time to celebrate however as Luna moved to kick Twilight’s left leg out from under her before moving away rubbing the area Twilight hit.

“That was a good plan luring me to a false sense of security over you,” Luna said looking as Twilight slowly got to her feet once more

“Why am I the one picking myself off the ground then? And why did that feel like punching a brick wall?” Twilight grumbled rubbing her knuckles and glaring.

“BAH IMPUDENT MORTAL DIDST THOU THINKST TO STRIKE THINE GODDESS AND WALK AWAY UNSKATHED?” Luna raised her arms the shadows darkening around her as she hammed it up.

Twilight threw her sweat towel at her. Luna laughed pulling it off her shoulder and tossing it back at the smaller woman.

“To be honest Sparkle, I project a thin shield over my form to aid in combat. I’d completely forgotten about it until just now. You are unharmed I hope?”

“No more than I expected to be Princess,” Twilight responded moving to take up her stance again. This time she motioned for Luna to attack. Luna nodded and moved in to attack she gave a few quick kicks to Twilight’s chest only to have her planted foot slip out from under her dumping her on her rear end. Luna rolled looking down to find a thin coat of ice on the ground where her foot had been

“Sorry Princess, I forgot until just now I cast a cooling charm to keep myself from sweating,” Twilight said with a uncharacteristically cocky grin. Twilight walked over leaning down to offer Luna help to her feet.

Luna smirked and kicked Twilight’s legs out from under her causing the woman to fall onto her. She rolled pinning Twilight’s chest down her knees on Twilight’s upper arms. She smirked watching Twilight blush as Luna practically presented herself to the younger woman. Luna smirked sitting back resting her ass against Twilight’s bust line

“I will let thee up if you agree to no more tricks between us. My shield twas an honest mistake. I have over two thousand years of reflex behind it after all.”

Twilight struggled her hands gripping at Luna’s thighs trying to pull them off her arms. She soon laid back pinned under Luna.

“Agreed” She said and blushed further, at this point she was sure one could cook an egg on her cheeks. She nearly fainted as Luna stood up moving her crotch closer to Twilight’s face as she moved to her feet. She then leaned down helping the smaller woman up.

“While I am flattered, am I wrong to assume you would rather I were my sister?” Luna asked moving to wipe her face with her own towel. She glanced back to find Twilight lost in thought. “Twilight?” Luna asked moving to gently grasp her shoulder.

“Huh? Wha?” Twilight jumped slightly under Luna’s grasp. She laughed nervously and ran her fingers through her hair. “I guess?” She answered.

“You only guess? Twilight if thou art open to it I would push the onto the floor and claim thee this instant. I do not, because I believe thou art more attracted to my sister. Art thou not?” Luna asked sensing her sister approaching. She idly wondered if Celly was worried about Twilight’s progress, or was coming to enjoy eye-candy.

“What? I ...P...Princess? Not that I don’t appreciate the offer but I...yes..I’ve got a I love your sister” Twilight said her eyes wide.

“I figured as much, but I think you should know something. It might also allow you to get with my sister. The only question is, Do you Twilight Sparkle trust that I have thine best interests at heart?” Luna asked feeling Celestia getting closer.

“Yes, but what do you-” Twilight was cut off by Luna’s finger to her lips. The Princess smiled casting an invisibility spell over Twilight. Twilight shivered feeling as though a cool sheet was drawn over her body.

Luna smiled and turned as her sister finally opened the door stepping into the gym. Celestia blinked and glanced around

“Oh? Did you finish with Twilight already Lulu?” Celestia asked, Luna caught her sister’s eyes trailing over her form, and got her answer to the curiosity versus eye-candy question.

“Fear not, your student is safe. We finished early and I sent her off to shower,” Luna lied as simply as she breathed stepping up to her sister, and stroking her face softly, “I am most glad I did now. Tis been awhile since we had any time together,” She added leaning in to kiss Celestia

Twilight was taken aback as Princess Celestia melted into the kiss relaxing and returning it lifting her shorter sister up into the kiss. As they broke apart Celestia smiled softly

“This isn’t just because you’re jealous of my affection for Twilight is it Lu? I’d hate for us to quit sharing ourselves over something as trivial as that,” Celestia said with a soft smile. Twilight was heartbroken to hear herself described as trivial.

“Celly, I would never risk our relationship over another like that. But I am shocked to hear your lust for her described as trivial! You forget thou hast given me free reign to look in upon thine dreams. I have seen the fantasies thou hasn’t come up with for the two of you,” Luna teased her fingers tracing down the fabric of Celestia’s dress to gently tweak her nipple through the dress.

“Lulu! I could never betray Twilight’s trust in me by acting on those!” Celestia countered pulling Luna’s hand away from her large bosom.

“She is an adult by your own law! You could approach her and take her to bed with her own consent!” Luna pointed out poking her sister chest in irritation.

Twilight was blushing, both from the sister’s sexual contact, and Celestia having wet dreams about her. Well she didn’t know they were wet dreams, but the evidence pointed to them at least being sexual in nature.

“Imagine! She’s in the royal bathroom! Probably naked under one of the shower heads. Her young form on display, water pouring down her body. Or maybe she’s still undressing, all sweaty and glistening from out work-out. If she is anything like me I know she is needy, turned on,” Luna continued moving Celestia’s hand down between her legs, letting her sister feel the heat that had built up.

Celestia pulled her hand back opening her mouth to protest. Luna instead turned and pulled Twilight into an embrace dropping her spell at the same time

“Or perhaps she is here, turned on from seeing her mentor act human for once,” Luna said leaning into Twilight her fingers moving down over Twilight’s ass. Twilight could only gasp and blush looking at Celestia with fear.

Celestia moved with surprising speed and strength pulling Luna off of Twilight. She tossed her sister away. She pulled Twilight protectively against her. Her own hand replacing Luna’s in gripping Twilight’s ass. Her thumb managed to hook itself into the waistband of Twilight’s pants.

“LUNA! HOW DARE YOU!” Celestia began to scream, apparently unaware of her own handling of Twilight. “You should never have brought her into this!” She said after a moment of calming down.

“Princess?” Twilight said softly.

“Now I have to explain to her about us!”

“Princess?” Twilight tried again only louder.

“I might lose the most precious person in my life next to you,” Celestia sputtered for a moment before continuing, “BECAUSE OF YOU!” She finished in a roar. Twilight gasped as a moan bubbled up from her throat as Celestia gripped her even tighter in her anger.

“PRINCESS!” Twilight moaned out loudly this time gripping Celestia’s dress and pressing herself into the Princess’s side.

Celestia turned and looked down into Twilight’s eyes. To her the sweaty young woman snuggled into her side was a sight rivaling any in the heavens. She swallowed the sudden lump in her throat.

“Yes, Twilight?” Celestia asked, suddenly aware of her grip on Twilight squishy rear end. She relaxed her hand and actually blushed faintly leaning down towards Twilight.

“She’s right, I do want you Princess” Twilight said softly before leaning up and kissing her teacher. It was an awkward kiss, the angle wrong for anything else. Twilight gasped parting her lips as she felt Celestia’s tongue pushing against them.

Celestia lifted Twilight effortlessly as they kissed, the feeling of warm sun came over Twilight’s skin as Celestia’s wings shimmered into existence spreading wide and bathing the room in a dawn glow.

Twilight finally put a hand gently against Celestia’s chest pushing her away gently as she broke the kiss. Panting for breath Twilight looked up at her teacher. The tall woman stood, her sun-kissed skin glowing under the light of her spread wings. Her dress see through from the light flowing behind it. Twilight smiled up at her feeling her toes barely touching the ground now.

“ what now?” Twilight asked softly moving to wrap her arms over Celestia’s shoulders to help steady herself and keep some of her weight off of Celestia’s arm.

“First, I guess I should explain Luna and I,” Celestia bean, slowly folding her wings, but not dissipating them. She stepped forward carrying Twilight over to the benches along the sides of the room. She turned sitting down and snuggling Twilight into her lap. She smiled softly letting her student settle before continuing,

“I honestly do not remember when we found ourselves together. I know we we’re young and lonely, we were so alone in the world, that we clung to each other. One cool night that turned to passion, and we expressed our love physically. It seemed so natural at the time, but when we introduced ourselves to the Tribes we encountered a problem. The Earth-Bound forbade incest, and the Nimbians looked down on it. The Aetherian nobility were so inbred we ended up banning incest to placate two tribes, and save the nobility of a third. This led to the problem of Luna and myself, we still loved each other, but the Tribes knew we we’re sisters. Thier myths speaking of out coming long before we did,” Celestia sighed softly and rubbed her temples “And thus being one of the hypocrisies of our reign. We would openly ban incest, yet come the nights we would lay together sweaty and sticky entwined in our sheets,” Celestia stopped her story and squeezed Twilight tears forming in her eyes.

“Prin-Celestia?” Twilight asked leaning up to gently wipe the tears from her eyes.

“I gave in, I pushed Luna away to try and be the shining paragon of virtue my people thought I was. I began to try and live up to what they expected of me..” Celestia said looking down to Twilight. “I created the Nightmare because I was afraid of not being a Goddess. I’m not a Goddess, Twilight. I force myself to remember that now.”

Twilight leaned up kissing her softly cupping her face and smiling at her

“Princess, I know. I’ve always known. You were almost a second mother to me. I’ve seen you be human, I’ve just always wanted to live up to your example so badly I forget that sometimes,” Twilight smiled at her and moved kissing along her chin softly “I know you aren’t perfect. I want you anyways, that is if there is room for both Luna and I in it.”

“Of course! Twilight, I could never push either of you away again. I don’t ask that you join us in bed, I simply ask that you understand I will be with both you and Luna,” Celestia blushed faintly “If you’ll have an old woman like me,” She said with a grin letting her hair fall over her eye and looking at Twilight.

“Of course..” Twilight said leaning in to kiss her Teacher again. She smiled feeling Celestia’s hand on her back. She broke the kiss and looked into Celestia’s eyes

“Does me all hot and sweaty really turn you on?” Twilight asked, failing to sound innocent at all.

“Yes,” Celestia said, Twilight’s question reminding her of her sister. Luna however had left long ago, leaving the two of them to sort things out, “But more to the point are you still in the mood to find out?”

“I’m always ready for discovery!” Twilight said happily, causing Celestia to lose a deep throaty laugh. Her bosom shaking with mirth Celetia leaned down kissing Twilight’s forehead

“On your knees then,” Celestia said leaning back on the bench. Twilight started to move and stand and shift around kneeling down onto her knees. Celestia smiled softly looking down at her, “I should ask, have you ever been with another person?”

Twilight blushed and shook her head.

“Um,” She said her nervousness showing once more.

“Well then I guess I should offer, I can take you to dinner. Treat you like a lady before bringing you to my bedroom and making love to you,” Celestia grinned and reached up running a finger down her chest between her breasts, as it moved her dress vanished revealing more and more of her sun-kissed skin, “Or you can help me with what you, and Lu have done to me right now” She finished parting her legs as her slit was displayed to Twilight. She moved her fingers over lips with a smirk parting them and looking at Twilight.

Twilight looked up at Celestia and nearly melted as she disrobed, Twilight’s mouth watered as she watched more and more of Celestia revealed to her. Her eyes followed the fingertip and gasped squeezing her thighs together feeling the heat and wetness between them as Celestia lewdly displayed herself to Twilight.

Twilight leaned in softly nuzzling into the smooth skin of Celestia’s inner thigh. She smiled up at the older woman and leaned forward kissing teasingly along Celestia’s fingers. She gently traced her own hand down the outside of Celestia’s leg as she experimentally licked out against the slit offered to her.

Celestia gasped and smiled, chewing her bottom lip as Twilight teased her, she smiled more as she felt Twilight lick out against her. She smiled moving to run her fingers through Twilight’s hair leaning her own head back. She soon moaned out as Twilight’s licks became bolder. She smiled feeling the young woman press into her, her tongue exploring her depths happily.

Twilight pressed her lips to Celestia licking deeply into the older woman, she threw caution to the wind as she felt the heat and slickness around her mouth. She moved her hands down trying to push them into her own pants, only to find herself unable to pull them away from her skin.

Celestia grinned her hands glowing golden as she pulled Twilight’s head further into her. She grinned moaning as she felt her peak approaching fast.

“Not yet, I’ll do that dear,” She explained hearing Twilight whine softly. She smiled and panted happily as she felt Twilight lick into her, her tongue growing frantic in its quest to push her over the edge.

Twilight wanted to scream, she could feel herself soaking into her pants, unable to touch herself. Even whens he tried to do so through her pants, she found her fingers pressing only to an shield instead. She closed her eyes focusing instead on making Celestia cum instead. She swirled her tongue deeply inside of her Princess, amazed at how much she enjoyed the feeling.

Celestia panted and buck her hips suddenly as she came, feeling herself tighten around Twilight’s tongue. She panted and smiled softly down at Twilight.

“We will have to work on teach you what to do,” She teased gently pushing Twilight onto her back. She smiled moving off the bench to kiss her softly. She moved cupping one of Twilight’s breasts through her shirt. She ran her thumb over her nipple and grinned finding them both perked. Twilight’s skin was on fire, one look into Twilight’s arousal clouded eyes caused Celestia to grin and move gently biting and kissing at her neck rising a gasp from her new lover.

Her fingers moved slowly down Twilight’s body stroking her warm flesh softly. She smiled feeling Twilight writing and moaning under her. Slowly her fingers down Twilight’s waistband. Pushing them slowly under the fabric Celestia blushed as they traced through Twilight’s trimmed hair. She’d almost completely forgotten that was something mortals had. She smiled looking up into Twilight’s eyes once more to remind herself of what she was doing.

Slowly she moved her digits down rubbing them in smooth circles as they went. She soon found them coated in Twilight’s need and she had to smile. With practiced ease she found Twilight’s clit gently rubbing it.

Twilight arched and gasped gripping at the mat below her in a futile attempt to steady herself. She panted and whimper incoherently as lightning bolts of pleasure coursed through her.

“CELESTIA!” Twilight nearly screamed out a she came. Her body shuddering as she gripped at her lover’s back.

Celestia kissed her softly and smiled letting her calm. She petted the younger woman’s stomach and chuckled

“That was a lot more fun than I thought I’d have today,” Celestia admitted.

“Oh?” Twilight asked trying desperately to catch her breath.

“I figured I watch you and Lu spar and maybe get a little thrill that way. I do have to head back to Court soon,” Celestia said laying next to her new lover.

“I know,” Twilight smiled as they locked eyes “Can you lock the door so I can lay here?” She joked.

“Sure, anything else?” Celestia asked with another chuckle.

“Did you ever sleep with Cadance?” Twilight asked jokingly.

“Cadance? The one who has dated your brother since before the age of consent? Given what you now know of me, do you really want to know if I slept with them?” Celestia asked emphasizing the last word with a rather malicious smirk.

Twilight shook her head clearing that horrid mental image and laughed nervously.

“No, no I’m good. I’ll leave the incest to you,” She said laughing and suddenly deciding she had the energy for a shower. She slowly peeled herself from the floor and jumped as Celestia smacked her ass.

Celestia smiled standing herself and pulling Twilight into a kiss.

“Shower?” She offered with a loving smile.

“I’d love to,” Twilight said snuggling back into Celestia.

22. Exhibition by Fuzzyfurvert[Anthro, Femdom, Role Play, Strap-on, Exhibition]

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Celestia poured herself a glass of straight whiskey on the rocks. She loved the taste of the amber colored liquid—even if she couldn’t feel the slightest buzz without draining an entire distillery dry—but the action was meant to confer a little confidence, not kill brain cells. The time had come to try something new, and Celestia thought she knew—hoped she knew—how Twilight would respond to it. It wasn’t that they hadn’t discussed it before, laying out how they each wanted it, how far they each wanted to go. The timing was the one topic they never could nail down. Tonight was an opportunity, however, and Celestia wasn't going to let it pass her by.

Their date had gone wonderfully. For some reason, she’d felt like being spontaneous. She invited Twilight out for dinner and a show, as if she hadn’t been going steady with the mare for more than a year now. On a whim, she’d decided to wear a business suit, cut and tailored to her generous curves instead of a sleek gown, and pull her mane back into a loose ponytail. On a whim, she changed which show she’d bought tickets too. The theater staff were more than willing to bend over backwards for the two of them. Then, on another whim, besides returning to the castle, she had stopped the carriage and purchased a hotel room in a pricey high rise building.

There was no doubting that Twilight would ask her about it eventually, but for the moment, the normally schedule-minded mare was rolling with the punches. Celestia took a sip of her drink, letting it burn on her tongue while she watched Twilight explore their thousand-bit-a-night suite. She wasn’t normally a praying mare, but she sent the thought to the cosmos anyway. Please let this go right.

Celestia sighed nervously, walking around the loveseat in the center of the room. She settled herself into the deep, plush cushions, her slacks sliding easily along the material. She leaned back comfortably, eying her date from behind. Twilight looked stunning in very light makeup, unconsciously gorgeous in an unguarded way as she leaned this way and that at the room’s large window, pointing out landmarks in the Canterlot skyline.

Twilight had her hair down, its natural waves curling more towards the ends of her long hair. She was in a sparkly little black cocktail dress. Thin straps kept it up, and the dangerously short, tight skirt hardly reached her upper mid-thigh. Cute, dainty black stiletto heels completed the outfit, and putting her eye level roughly equal with Celestia’s.

Tia took another sip of her drink, relishing the sweet taste and steadying herself. "Madame Octavia never ceases to impress me with the quality of her fillies. You're the best one yet."

Twilight paused her sightseeing at the window, turning to look back over her shoulder. Her eyes caught the light from the lamp on the small table besides Celestia, and twinkled like the first few stars in the night sky behind her. "What?"

Tia smiled wider, more lasciviously, as she got into character. "Yes, you are perfect. Young, pretty—just a little thick around the flank. Madame Octavia knows my tastes well." She put a little bit of haughty Canterlotian accent into her voice, building up the act. Celestia took another sip of her liquor, obviously scanning Twi’s shapely legs from over the rim of the heavy glass. ", take off the dress. Slowly."

"What? Celestia what are you...oh!" Twilight turned to face the older alicorn fully, comprehension dawning in her eyes. She smirked, reaching up to push the thin black strings off her shoulders. The cocktail dress wasn't so loose to just fall, it held snugly to her bust and waist, thanks to a short zipper in the back. She started to reach behind herself for it, but Celestia held up a hand.

"Turn around. I want to see you take it off."

Twilight smiled, biting her lip nervously at the authoritative tone. She turned around so Tia could see the little zipper come down, but froze when she noticed her reflection in the window. Her horn started to glow, her magic gripping the blinds to close them.

“Don’t do that.” Celestia coughed into her fist, unsure just how far she should go in her commands. “Leave them open. I want to see you silhouetted by the city.”

“Um...Celestia? What if somepony sees?” Twilight fidgeted, but held her place by the window.

“Isn’t that what you wanted?” The Princess dropped the act, her voice soft. “Didn’t you want the thrill of possibly getting caught with me? Of being seen? We can stop right now if you want to, Twilight. It’s your call.”

The young Princess ran her tongue over her teeth, looking at their reflections in the glass. I did tell her I wanted to try something like this. And...I’m safe, right? The statistical chance of anypony actually seeing me in here is fairly low, right? I mean, it’d have to be some passing pegasus, or Rainbow Dash making her usual entrance. Anypony on the ground is only going to see a vaguely blob shape, even if they had really good cameras with night vision and zoom.

Twilight sighed, her mind made up. She let the blinds remain open and reached back, unzipping her dress. The thin cloth fell silently to the ground a moment later, revealing her choice of underwear. She had a strapless demi cup bra, all black silk and red lace trim. It was paired with a matching high waist thong. The tiny triangle of lace framed the top of her supple cheeks, just below her tail.

"Turn back around. Leave the heels on." Tia grinned, settling back into her persona of some rich noble with fine taste in mares. Twilight obeyed and Celestia watched her slip into her own persona of an upscale call-mare. Twilight didn’t speak, but conveyed her part of the conversation through body language. Her head angled down slightly, forcing her to make eye contact by looking through her bangs. Her arms close, but loose at her sides, as if she wanted to wrap them around herself. Her wings fluttering gently, tail swishing as she shifted her weight from hoof to hoof.

Ok...this is going well so far. Let’s see if she’s comfortable enough to go a bit further. Celestia set her now half empty glass aside on a low table and reached down into her own lap, unzipping her fly. She took a moment to adjust how she sat in the plush loveseat, planting her hooves spread wide, the way a stallion would sit. She picked her liquor back up, watching Twilight squirm as she tried to not look at the flash of light blue satin.

"Crawl to me.” Celestia licked her full lower lip suggestively. “I've got something for a good filly like you." Tia held her breath. This is the make or break point. If Twilight is going to call it off, it would be now.

Tense seconds passed in silence, Twilight trembling ever so slightly. Then, taking a deep breath, she lowered herself to her knees, eyes locked on Celestia. She stayed that way for a moment, but then dropped to all fours. Twilight started to crawl slowly forward. She only had a few feet to cross, but she wanted to show her Princess that she could relax and enjoy the game they were playing. She lifted her tail, holding it high and wagging her hips exaggeratedly with each motion.

She made her progress slow on purpose, teasing Celestia while still obeying her commands. By the time she reached Tia’s hooves, she could smell the Princess’ arousal mixed in with her smoky perfume. She halted at the edge of the loveseat and set her chin lightly there, between Celestia’s open legs. She gave Tia an intense look of trust, love, and surrender. Twilight did her best to show her marefriend how she felt without using words. She leaned forward a bit more, settling her head fully between Celestia’s legs, cooing softly.

"Oh my, you are a good little pony." Celestia chuckled comfortably, reaching down to trace the outer edge of Twilight’s ear with her finger tips. "Pull down my panties. Show me what you know about pleasing a mare." Celestia’s voice dropped an octave, practically growling out the last part.

Twilight moved closer, scooting her hooves under her butt, raising up on her knees so that her cleavage was on display. She grinned playfully, and reached towards Celestia’s groin when the older mare suddenly cleared her throat.

“No...use your teeth.” Celestia popped the button on her trousers. “Let's see how you those pretty lips and tongue." She grinned, cupping Twilight's horn in her palm and stroking it lightly. She turned Twilight’s face a little, leaning down to whisper in her ear. “If I go too far, stop me.”

Celestia sat back up, still holding Twilight’s horn in her hand, and reached back with her other hand to pull out her hair band. She shook her head, letting her rainbow mane spill around her shoulders and across the back of the loveseat. “ get started, my precious filly. And lose the bra.”

Twilight swallowed, nodding as Tia looked her over. She reached back and unhooked the bra, letting it fall to the carpeted floor. Without the support, her modest breasts swung free, pressing up against Tia's legs. She lifted herself some, leaning forward to catch a button of Tia’s blouse in her teeth. Twilight pushed up, her hands on Celestia’s thighs, and pulled her blouse out from the loose waistline of her slacks. She let go of the blouse, lowering herself down to leave a trail of butterfly kisses along the top edge of the satin lingerie. She bit down, pulling on the garment, but it refused to budge. She tugged harder, the thin cloth stretching somewhat as it tried to clear Celestia’s ample hips.

Tia growled low in her chest, lifting her hips to help Twilight. "C’mon. Just a little mo-!"

They both froze when the tiny triangle of satin reached its limit and ripped, part of it coming away in Twilight’s mouth. Twilight looked down her muzzle at the light blue cloth, then back up at Celestia. “Sowwy.”

Celestia looked at Twi in shock for a second, then smiled and reached down to take the material out of Twilight's mouth. "Not exactly what I meant, but...I like that my little pony has some bite to her!"

Celestia glanced at the torn satin in her hand, lowering her brows and tossing it aside. “I think I need to get the rest of these off.” She gestured at her clothing, moving to stand when Twilight grabbed the waistline of her her pants and pulled them and the remnants of her panties down. She smirked, flopping back into her seat while Twilight dragged it down her thighs and then of her legs entirely. Her little pony stayed on her knees and folded the slacks before moving them out of the way.

Tia chuckled and unbuttoned her shirt. " let’s set the girls free.” She sighed contentedly, letting the tight blouse fall open and her ponderous breasts relax somewhat. They were still held more or less in place by a light blue bra that matched her former panties.

Twilight grinned, leaning forward again to bury her muzzle between Celestia’s thighs. She stuck out her tongue, breathing in a lungful of Celestia’s scent when suddenly the Princess cleared her throat. Twilight looked up, less than an inch from her target and cocked an eyebrow. “Uh...?”

“Stand up. I want to play with my toy.”

Twilight complied, standing and frowning. “Awww…” Twi widened her stance, hanging her head and blushed. She fidgeted as Celestia ran her hand over the light coat that covered Twilight’s abs, tracing the curves of her tummy and her widening hips. Her breath grew shaky when Celestia ran her fingertips over the inner part of her thighs.

The alicorn pulled a quiet yelp out of her lover once she ran fingers over the little bundle of nerves still hiding under Twilight’s thong. She traced Twilight’s slit with two fingers through the silk lace, pulling the lingerie aside and repeating the motion. “Oh my, wet already?” She looked up, smirking lustfully, and slipped her middle finger inside Twilight. Celestia pulled it out just as quickly, then slipped it in again, making Twilight cry out.

“My my...I'm going to have to thank Madame Octavia for you, filly." Tia chuckled, adding a second finger, and slowed down so she could rub Twi’s g-spot on the up stroke.

She kept that up for a moment, Twilight starting to pant and moan. Celestia stood, pushing Twilight back, and dragged her fingers out of the younger mare. She pressed her slick fingers against Twilight’s clit, leaning in to bite gently at an ear lobe. She lowered her voice to a hoarse whisper, fingers starting to do a lazy circle on Twi’s button. “Ready for something more?”

Twilight shuddered, little moans and coos escaping her mouth and nodded. Celestia nibbled at her earlobe again, holding her head in one hand while Tia’s other played between her legs. The larger mare pushed her back, forcing her to step back to keep balance. Celestia groaned again, kissing along her jaw, around to the other ear and continued to gently push her back. Twilight bent with little resistance the forcefulness, feeling her heart race pleasantly. Her entire body felt alive, like an instrument that her lover was playing perfectly. She gasped again when her back bumped into the cool glass of the hotel room window.

She tensed at the touch hard, cold glass pressing into her back and ass. Twilight’ breath caught in her throat. Nopony can see us...nopony will know. You ran the statistical calculations yourself. She whimpered quietly, leaning into Celestia’s mouth at her ear. I can stop at any point. I’m with Celestia, she’d understand. She always does. I want to stop?

Celestia let go of Twilight’s ear, pulling away from her slightly to look the smaller mare in the face. She’d felt Twilight tense up, but the expression on her face was almost pure bliss. “Twilight?” Celestia let the act drop, suddenly nervous at the mixed signals. “ want to continue?”

Twilight’s body voted hell yes, but her mind was less certain. She struggled to see past her libido, examining the situation as rationally as she could. She was safe. Her modesty was intact, even with the faint possibility of being seen. That possibility of being seen, being caught while being naughty with her marefriend seemed to highen her arousal significantly. It took her a second to get her breathing under control enough to speak. “Y-yes…”

Tia brought her mouth over Twilight’s, kissing the sound of the mare’s surender away. She kissed hungrily, searching Twi’s mouth with her tongue. Celestia took her hand off Twilight’s engorged clit, slipping it around the younger mare’s back. Twilight’s leg wrapped around hers and the former librarian sighed into the kiss, starting to relax against the glass at her back.

Celestia stooped slightly without breaking the kiss, and grabbed Twilight’s other leg. She hefted the filly up, with the window supporting Twilight from behind, so Twi could her wrap both of her legs around the Princess. With everything in the right place, Celestia lit her horn, conjuring a toy from the aether. Straps and clasps snaked around her hips, the buckles clicking loudly into place as the soft latex rubber tip of the toy tapped Twilight’s wetness.

Celestia adjusted her grip and broke the kiss, smiling mischievously and picking up the act and accent again. "You are all mine...and I want the world to see it."

She thrust her hips, pushing the sculpted head of the toy inside Twilight. The angle wasn't optimal however, and she couldn't get more than a couple of inches in. She started to buck fast and shallow, using just her hips to hit all those sensitive nerve points near the opening. Twilight started to pant and buried her face in Tia’s neck, the smaller mare shivering in her arms. Celestia groaned and bit Twi’s earlobe again, running her tongue over the little outer ridge. Her hands gripped, squeezing hard at Twilight’s firm ass, filling her palms with as much flesh as she could.

"Fuck!" Twilight yelled, Tia’s coat and mane muffling her somewhat. She bit Celestia and sucked in skin, feeling the Princess’s pulse beat fast under her teeth. She dug her heels and fingers into Celesia’s back, pulling Tia in as close as she could. Twilight moaned , releasing Tia’s throat to bruise with a hicky. “De-deeper…please!”

Celestia sped up her thrusts, letting Twilight sink a little in her grip and line up better. She pushed more against Twilight’s g-spot, slapping against the bundle of nerves at the top of her womanhood on each hump. She could feel Twilight’s hot as hell juices dripping onto her legs, the resistance starting to build as Twilight tightened and clench spasmodically, her orgasm quickly approaching. Celestia bit her lip and grunted, breathing hard from the exertion as she pushed even deeper to hilt the toy just as Twilight hit her peak. The younger alicorn screamed into Tia’s chest, her hands turning into claws that dug painfully into Tia’s back.

That little bit of pain brought Celestia back to the moment. She wasn't done yet, but at this rate she'd tire out before getting her own chance at orgasm. She tilted back, pulling Twilight off the glass and turned toward the room’s large bed. It was tall and soft too. Tia laughed playfully, lowering Twilight onto it with a slight toss.

Twilight giggled as she bounced on the plush bed and sank comfortably into its downy embrace. She groaned, looking up at Celestia. The older mare was breathing hard and looked flushed but happy with how their role playing session was going. She smiled and stretched languidly on the bed, batting her lashes at her lover. “Is that all? Or do you want more...Mistress? Your little pony is still ready to please.”

"Oh really?” Celestia chuckled, wheezing a little as she tried to catch her breath. “Get on your belly." Tia commanded, shrugging off her blouse. She tossed it aside and reached back to unhook her bra in the same move. Celestia fanned herself with her hand, wiping sweat from her brow with the other. She sighed and took a moment to roll her shoulders and flex her wings, her now free breasts swinging pleasantly in the cool air.

Twilight turned over, getting up on all fours, and started swishing her long tail back and forth. She looked back over her shoulder and coo’ed at Celestia, lifting her tail out the way.

"No, I said on your belly, not all fours.” Tia reached out, pushing down on the purple globes of Twilight’s butt. “And spread your legs. I want to see how deep I can get.” Twilight grunted and pouted mockingly. “The bed is tall enough as is. And don't roll your eyes at me filly, or Madame Octavia is going to hear about it."

She gripped Twilight’s hooves, spreading her legs a little more. Lining herself up, Celestia paused to gather Twilight’s tail in one hand and guide herself with the other. Celestia eased in, pressing her hips forward, going slowly until she couldn't get any deeper with the strap-on. She let Twi’s body get used to the presence, then started to move slowly. She pulled at Twilight’s tail dock in time with her movements, firm enough to rock Twilight’s body back against each incoming thrust. She slid back until just the tip was inside, then thrust back hard.

Twilight screamed, biting down on the blankets to muffle her cries. The bed rocked from the motion as they built a rhythm, and Twilight could feel her inner muscles starting to clamp down again from the overstimulation. Celestia was starting to puff hard behind her, the Princess doing most of the work to keep up the pace. Twilight could feel another peak approaching, her back arching as a different part of her sex reached orgasm. She flooded with hot fluid, making things slick and forcing Tia to linger over her most sensitive areas.

Celestia slowed her motions, trying to will her heartbeat to slow down as well. “W-w-wow...that!” She coughed roughly. “Sweet Faust, I need to practice more...I was not expecting this to be such a workout.” She let go of Twi’s tail, reaching down to rub her thumb over the smaller alicorn’s puckered back door. “How adventurous are you feeling?”

That made Twilight thrash about, her wings flaring outward, and she yelped loudly. “Not that adventurous! Tia, please...I just came twice! I need a break, and so do you.”

“That’s why I’m just using my fingers.”

“You know what I mean!” Twilight twisted, propping herself up with one arm to glare back at her marefriend. “I’m too sensitive down there. You need to catch your breath, you old nag!” She stuck out her tongue, teasing Celestia. “How would I explain this to Luna if you suddenly had a heart attack?”

"How about I start spanking you?" Tia frowned, putting force in her tone, but her eyes sparkled. "I'm not going to do anything, so just relax and enjoy the sensation." She moved her thumb again, rubbing over the spot in slow circles and alternating up and down motions, like she'd do to Twilight’s clit.

Twilight moaned in pleasure, her muzzle snapping shut in embarrassment a second later. She blushed and buried her face in the blankets, purring again despite her sudden bashfulness. Her hips started to rock side to side after a moment more, the strap-on slipping out of her almost unnoticed.

Celestia continued to tease Twilight's plot for a moment more, then let go and stepped back to admire the sweaty and blissful product of her handiwork. Finally catching her breath, she steadied herself and started unbuckling the harness that held the toy to her crotch. She stopped after a moment, blinking as she remembered it was a conjured item, and let it melt back to the aether whence it came.

She looked back up just in time to see her marefriend yawn and stretch sleepily. "Hey...don't go to sleep sweetheart. I still need to get off."

"Oh, do you now?" Twilight purred, stretching languidly on the bed. "Can I at least take off these blasted shoes now? My hooves are pinched as hell!"

"Heh...yeah, go ahead." Tia turned, stepping around the bed and into the attached bathroom. She checked her mane in the mirror, smirking when she heard the thump of heels hit the ground.

"That was awesome, by the way." Twilight giggled, lifting her legs and rubbing her hooves. "Though that part at the end...not sure how I feel about that."

"Hey, need to try new things huh?" Celestia chuckled and walked back around the bed, putting her hands on her hips, and posed. “Live as long as I have and you’ll end up trying new things practically by accident.”

"HAH!” Twilight clamped her hands over her mouth as a bark of laughter escaped. “I can't believe you of all ponies, are implying you’ve done...butt stuff!" She fell back on the bed, laughing hard and holding her belly.

One corner of Tia’s mouth turned down as she stammered, her own cheeks starting to burn. "No! No...I mean I’ve read up on it. Some ponies like that sort of thing, and I keep thinking you might get bored with me...if I’m too, you know...vanilla"

Twilight continued to laugh, smiling. "Celestia...that's hilarious! To think I would ever get bored with you is simply a silly notion, especially since we’ve only been dating for a few years now." She snorted, her laugher calming down, and looked up at the mare of her dreams from the bed. "Are you really that bothered by the thought of losing me?"

"Really." Celestia nodded, unable for a moment to meet Twilight’s gaze. "Like, it chills my blood to think of it. I’ve never known love like this, Twilight."

“Hey, need to try new things, huh?” Twilight smirked and scooted over to give Celestia room to sit on the bed with her.

Tia sighed, dropping herself on the bed, and leaned into Twilight’s shoulder. “Touche.” She rested there for a moment, then took the opportunity to kiss her love sweetly, their tongues dueling each other. Celestia pulled back, tapping the tip of her horn to Twilight’s and smiled. “I love you.”

"I love you too. Now, ready for me to be the big spoon?"

23. Shibari by Ashi[No Clop, Bondage, Feels]

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“Oh, it must've been around seventy or eighty years ago now,” Princess Celestia said, an elegantly-shod hoof massaging the graceful curve of her chin thoughtfully as she turned her head up into a suitably wistful expression. “An exhibition at Canterlot Museum of the then-new medium of photography. There were all the usual suspects you've come to expect, of course: arty monochrome shots of an elderly relative looking pensive, a bare tree sitting atop a hill framed by a broken fence, waterscapes, landscapes, and so on and so forth. What you must remember is that we'd literally never seen anything like it, though. It was all so free of pretension back then.”

“But that still doesn't explain-”

“-I know, Twilight, I know. I'm getting to it.” The Princess of the Sun held up a foreleg to interrupt her one-time student and now lover, favouring the younger alicorn with a radiant smile as she did so. So eager, ever since she was a filly. Waiting for things to happen had never been Twilight Sparkle's strongest suit. “To the surprise, though embarrassment might be a more apt word, of the guests there was also a display of, ahem, more risqué topics. War, death, poverty, and erotica.”


“Yes.” Celestia's lilac eyes glazed over as she recalled what it had been like to stand amongst the other upper-crust attendees as they were simultaneously appalled, intrigued and aroused by the final set of images that the curator had mischievously worked into exhibit. Her own reaction had been one of mild interest; the medium was a fascinating one to be sure, catching a snapshot of life with a precision even the best painter couldn't ever hope to match, but her long life had afforded her a degree of detachment from many of the subjects depicted. Until one particular photograph had snagged her attention and refused to release it:

At first glance, it was nothing more than another solitary, lonely-looking tree and Princess Celestia had been about to move on, but the second glance revealed so much more. The tree was old and gnarled, its many limbs growing chaotically in whatever direction they pleased, an obvious relic of Equestria's ancient past before ponies had learned to tame their environment through magic.

One of its thicker branches was suspended some ten feet over an idle river; attached to the limb by an intricate series of ropes – although the photographer had taken great pains to give the illusion that the subject was bound by the worming tendrils themselves – was a startlingly beautiful blue unicorn. Alive and well, of course, but so still, so at peace, that one could be forgiven for thinking otherwise. One could almost get the impression that she felt more at home there than she did anywhere else.

Awestruck by the tranquillity of the scene, not to mention astonished by how difficult it must've been to accomplish from a technical standpoint, Celestia spent a long time just looking at the photograph until she'd committed every detail of it to memory: the surreal mists cast by the foamy river dashing against the rocks, the sharpness of every blade of grass, the wrought pattern of the indentations in the tree's bark, and – perhaps most importantly of all – the pony herself. Sadly, no name was attached to the depressingly formal blurb accompanying the picture, and the princess silently bemoaned the fact that she would never find out more about this unicorn that had so entranced her.

This clarity of detail extended to more than just the tree and the grass, however; the elaborate latticework of the criss-crossed ropes, with their perfectly executed knot-work, were rendered with exquisite crispness. Even individual strands of the unicorn's undulating pink hair could be discerned, falling about her form in such a way that they accentuated what was on display rather than hiding it. Celestia soon found her roving eyes' consideration brought to the almost-invisible depressions in the supple flesh where the ropes ever-so-slightly dug in to it. She found herself surprised by this; she would've expected it to be tight enough to cut off circulation, but no, the unicorn was embraced as gently by the tapering strands as she would have been in the hooves of a considerate lover.

Patience. That was the message underlying the picture. The photographer and his or her model would've been keeping a sharp eye on the weather, waiting for a day when not even the slightest of breezes would blow so that not a single hair, blade of grass or leaf would be stirred out of place; the model herself would've had to have been incredibly tolerant to withstand the hours that it must've taken to rig up the harness that connected her to the tree. Even then, they would have been waiting for the right time to actually capture the image. When the sun was hanging just right in the sky. When just the merest hints of shadow played across the unicorn's beryl surface to accentuate the sinewy muscle and exquisite flexure of her body revealed by the blushing light.

Even with her physique on display in such a manner – the ropes did not conceal, merely emphasised – the picture did not feel lewd, but rather … it felt sublime.

“In a way,” Celestia said, using her magic to levitate an earthenware cup to her lips and taking a small sip of mint tea, “I'm glad that I never met the artist nor the model. I think it would've ruined the story I have built up in my mind around it. I mean, intellectually, I can take a guess at how the whole thing was arranged, but not knowing for sure adds to the allure for me.” She took another drink, savouring the invigorating coolness suffusing her chest, and resettled the cup delicately on its coaster. “Incidentally, I never did see any other work by this particular model, so that's another intriguing mystery.”

“Almost as if it had been constructed just for you?” Twilight said, her voice laden with suggestion, her own tea forgotten as she processed what her lover had told her. “I mean, if you're still obsessed with it eighty years later it must've been very powerful.”

“I don't know if obsessed is quite the right word,” replied Celestia, feeling her muzzle crease slightly at Twilight's imprecise choice of words. “It captivated me. Anyway, I learned much later that it was a practice that had originated in the lands to the far east of Equestria. The Beauty of Tight Binding, they call it. It differs from our parochial view of bondage in that it's less about the sense of power one feels in restraining another, and more about the artistry of the knot-weaving and its effects on the body itself.”

“And your wish is to do this to me?” That was classic Twilight Sparkle: cutting through the chaff and getting to the nub of the matter.

“No,” said Celestia slowly, her right ear twitching slightly. “I wish to do it with you. Even if you are the bound one, you're still an integral part of the process. The most integral part of the process, actually.”

Twilight's brow furrowed, her mind awash with memories; she'd only ever been shackled by monsters seeking to do her and her friends harm, and she could not for the life of her imagine any sort of sensuality or aestheticism being derived from such a confining practice, but … she loved Celestia, and more importantly she trusted her. “Okay,” she finally said.

“Twilight, you don't have to agree simply because it's me that's asking. It isn't a deal-breaker by any means. I'm perfectly content with our relationship as it stands.”

“It's obviously something that is significant to you, otherwise you wouldn't have gone to all this trouble, and that makes it meaningful to me, too. I'm glad that you felt that you could share this with me, and if nothing else it would be rude of me to dismiss something you attach such importance to without at least giving it a try,” Twilight said, a curious fluttering sensation tickling her belly. She was nervous, but also excited. Nervouscited, as Pinkie Pie might say. It was not, she had to admit to herself, what she'd been expecting when Celestia had invited her to the castle for tea apropos of nothing, but there was precious little that Twilight enjoyed more than learning, and learning that there were deeper facets to the mare that she was so desperately in love with was the best kind of education. “So. When would you like to begin?”

Not even bothering to maintain any sort of formal decorum, Celestia eagerly said, “Tonight, after I lower the sun, if it's convenient for you?”

“Until tonight, then,” Twilight replied with a rather arch incline of her head before draining her now-cold tea to try and drown the butterflies doing their merry fluttering dance in her stomach.


“When you live with your family, not to mention having hundred of guards, servants and visiting diplomats around at any one time,” Celestia was saying while leading Twilight Sparkle down an ornate marble staircase, their path illuminated by the golden aura of her horn, “even when your home is as large as this, it's important to set aside areas that are understood to be sacrosanct.” For a moment, there was only the sound of their echoing hoofsteps as they descended deeper into the bowels of the castle. “Short of an Equestria-ending catastrophe, it is understood by all that they are not welcome down here in these most intimate of areas.”

“And Luna has a similar wing on the other side of the castle?” asked Twilight Sparkle, ruminating on this new information. As a filly, she had been a regular visitor to the royal palace; either to receive specific instruction in her magical lessons from Celestia herself, or simply to explore the expansive grounds as many were wont to do on their days off. She'd thought she'd explored every conceivable nook and cranny, but this staircase – hidden behind a bulwark in the throne room – had been a complete surprise to her. Clearly, the princesses placed a great value on these having these hiding places to get away from the stresses involved in royal life go undisturbed.

“Yes, she does,” Celestia said, cocking her head to the right for a moment. An unerring sense of direction came with having lived in the same environs for over a thousand years. “She spent quite a bit of time there after her return. Mostly, I imagine, catching up on the millennium of history she'd missed out on. Mostly.”

An involuntary shudder went through Twilight's body at the implication contained in that word. She got the distinct impression that it was something that the sisters had silently agreed never to speak about, though a burning sense of curiosity filled the younger alicorn. She pushed that question aside to focus on the here and now. “How often do you come down here?”

“Probably about once a week for a few hours, though that can quickly double or even triple during conference season,” replied Celestia. She suddenly stopped, startling Twilight, and smiled. “You're probably thinking that this is a lot of effort to go through for some peace and quiet when I could just put a barrier spell on any room in the castle, right?”

“Well, yes.”

“The physical distance is just as important as the mental distance, I find. Knowing that my problems were still lurking on the other side of a locked door wasn't as psychologically satisfying as having them twenty floors away.”

Twenty floors?”

“Don't worry,” Celestia said, masking a grin behind her hoof, “we'll be able to teleport between here and the throne room now that you've got the distance worked out.”

Her panic attack about the possible long climb averted back, Twilight's attention was drawn to the brick corridor that they found themselves in upon reaching the landing; she suspected that it was once the castle dungeon, and she said as much to Celestia.

“You're right about that,” the princess said, the deep lines of a scowl forming on her muzzle. Celestia led them further down the corridor, lanterns springing to life as they passed bestowing upon the gloomy passage a welcoming glow. “Fortunately, they haven't been used as such since the last great war, and hopefully they'll never have to be used to imprison anypony ever again.”

“Except me.”

“In a manner of speaking.” Celestia was glad that Twilight was maintaining a sense of humour about the experience; she might not be able to convince her that there was anything of worth about the practice from a standpoint of carnality, but at least she was willing to try, at least she wasn't acting cynical or sceptical. That was the thing she loved most about the younger alicorn: her open-mindedness. Finally, she stopped on the threshold of a particular room. “Twilight, once we go in, we don't come out until we're done. Which could be several hours at least. This is your last chance to say no.”

Celestia watched the play of emotions on Twilight's face, running the gamut from hesitant to earnest; she was so easy to read when every feeling, every thought, was etched so artfully across her muzzle. “I'm ready.”


Twilight's supposition was that the room they had just entered into had gone unused for some time, but that Princess Celestia had furnished it in a hurry; the exposed brickwork and wooden beams should've made it feel small and oppressive, but the amber spill-off of the table lamps gave it a cosy, almost intimate, air. There was a small chair in the middle of the room, an old table with a burlap sack sitting next to it, and what looked like a couple of wooden tubes about the length of her legs and half as thick. Only the rusting hinges – presumably the heavy iron grates that they had once been attached to had been ripped out long ago – and faint scratch marks in the mortar hinted at its rather drab past. The young alicorn's mulberry eyes were drawn to something shiny and silver attached to one of the ceiling beams. Upon closer inspection, she discovered that the objects were in fact a row of eye-bolts. “You've tested their load-bearing capacity, I presume?”

Celestia nodded. “Each one is capable of holding up to two hundred kilograms.”

“Better safe than sorry, huh?” Twilight said, a slightly huffy tone in her voice as she counted the number of eye-bolts.

Stifling a giggle with her hoof, the Princess of the Sun placed a kiss on the tip of her lover's horn. “I was more concerned with the age of the beams than I was with your weight, Twilight. They are rather old after all, and I thought it'd best to distribute the load as much as possible.”

Somewhat mollified, Twilight returned the gesture with a silken smile, though she had to raise herself up on her forelegs in order to reach Celestia's. Returning to all fore legs, her breath quickened slightly and there was a definite catch in her throat as she spoke her next words, “So … how do we begin?”

Instead of replying with words, Celestia offered her foreleg to Twilight, which the younger alicorn gratefully accepted; the princess led her to the middle of the room, kissing her lover affectionately on the lips while gliding her hoof along her silky lavender coat. Twilight made a noise a noise in the back of her throat as Celestia's hoof found her rump and gave it a soft squeeze while their tongues met in a passionate embrace. Breaking the kiss – somewhat reluctantly – Celestia's lilac eyes met Twilight's mulberry ones. “If you could please sit for a moment while I prepare.”

Too enervated to speak, Twilight silently complied with the request; her mind was so flooded with adrenaline that she could barely think in a straight line, and she caught herself almost toppling over before she regained her balance. All that from one kiss! It was from their first, but the younger alicorn felt as though something new, something once hidden, had just been revealed to her from that simple act: the depths of stimulation that Celestia was capable of evoking when she put her considerable mind to the task.

Levitating the sack and untying the knot which kept its contents hidden from view in the same swift motion, Celestia emptied the items it contained onto the table. Twilight saw that there were a number of light brown ropes piled on top of each other, waiting to pounce like coiled snakes. “Some recommend jute rather than hemp,” Celestia said, cutting into Twilight's alarming thoughts, “but I think that the hemp ropes have a softer texture, in addition to being a lot stronger. Could you hold out a leg for me, please?”

Twilight did so; Celestia took one of the ropes in the grip of her magic, and wrapped it gently around the proffered leg. “How does that feel?”

“It's feels fine,” the younger alicorn said. “What-?”

“-Hold on a moment.”

A moment passed and Celestia nodded in satisfaction before removing the rope. “Rough? Itchy? Coarse?”

“It was quite soft, actually. Kind of … tickly, I suppose, is the best way to describe it, but not unpleasant.”

“Good,” Celestia replied before explaining: “One, I wanted to check to see if you were allergic to the rope. It wouldn't be much fun if you were breaking out in hives during the process, after all. Two, the tactile nature of the rope and its proximity to your flesh is part of the experience, and I don't think you would be able to stand it for very long if it was scratchy and irritating.”

“I appreciate your forethought.”

“Safety first.”

Celestia levitated a strand of rope from the pile high into the air with her magic and drew it through the first of the eye-bolts with the needle-point precision of a master seamstress; she gave it a couple of experimental tugs to make sure that it was fastened securely to the beam, then matched the length of both ends before tying them off with a neat little flourish. It had been a while since she'd done this, and the princess was pleased to see that she wasn't nearly as rusty as she'd feared she might be at the knotting stage. Then again, learning to tie was one of the basic skills a unicorn was expected to become proficient in. “Stretch your forelegs out as far as you can, and try keep to them as straight as possible, Twilight,” Celestia said, giving the younger alicorn an expectant look.

With only the slightest trace of hesitation, Twilight did so; she took a couple of deep, cleansing breaths, and found that most of her anxiety had faded by the time she'd completed her little exercise. Cadance's method certainly did come in handy, though she wondered if the Princess of Love had ever envisaged its use in a situation such as this. “How's this?” she asked tentatively.

“Perfect. And hold that pose.”

One of the wooden tubes was brought up behind Twilight and she craned her neck to get a better look at it; it was, in fact, a bamboo stalk, and she felt its rugged contours brush up against her arms and arched back as Celestia manoeuvred it into position, defining the length of her outstretched limbs.

With the methodical exactitude of one who had spent thousands of hours honing their craft, Celestia manipulated the ropes in her magical grasp until they were tenderly, carefully, lovingly, wreathed around Twilight's forelegs; the younger alicorn's muzzle stiffened as a tinge of anxiety thrilled through her when she realised that she could no longer freely move her upper body, but she firmly set her jaw rather than make any complaint to the princess. Quickly finishing her work with a pair of loose knots – leaving quite a sizeable section of free rope – at the tips of Twilight's hooves, Celestia leaned into her ear and asked in a low, warm whisper, “Are you all right?”

“I'm fine. It's just a little disconcerting to be … exposed like this,” Twilight said honestly, feeling the sweat beading on her forehead. It wasn't like the princess hadn't seen every part of her before, but this wasn't like those other times; she could still feel the warmth and love that Celestia radiated, but there was something else at work, too: a craftspony at work, a sculptor contemplating an engraving, searching out any and all imperfections. Twilight couldn't help but feel a little perturbed by that, that she was nothing but a puzzle to be figured out.

“Do you want to stop?” Celestia had caught the doubt etched on Twilight's muzzle.

“I'm fine, really.” In spite of her misgivings, she wanted to complete this little adventure for Celestia's sake; she might not saying anything, but Twilight sensed that the princess would be broken-hearted at ending this so soon.

Accepting Twilight's word, Celestia gave her a quick peck on the tip of her ear, then grasped the loose section of rope and threaded it through the network of eye-bolts; with this now done, she would be able to hoist her bound lover into the air and her weight would be nicely spread amongst the ceiling beams. Doing it with magic was one thing, but this was something else entirely. Celestia found that Twilight's flushed cheeks and look of naked vulnerability was incredibly endearing, and the bindings set the scene off rather well. A prisoner brought in front of a cruel tyrant. Knowing the practice's connection with ancient disciplinarianism, Celestia found that she was unable to fend off some of the more unseemly fantasies conjured up in her mind's eye. Maybe it'd be a bit longer before she could share that aspect of her personality with the younger alicorn.

Returning to the present, Celestia passed a rope through the eye-bolt that was furthest along the beam, then brought its length down to Twilight's ankles; next, she gripped the other bamboo cane in her magical field and aligned it along Twilight's spread hindlegs. Instinctively, the young alicorn tried to bring her violet tail up to protect her modesty, flushing brightly as she did so, but with a benevolent smile the princess flicked it away with her hoof. “It's nothing I haven't seen before, Twilight.”

“Still, though, it's a little bit … different … like this.” Twilight had expected it to hurt, for her body to be straining to its limits to cope, but Celestia had been right: the weight was distributed so perfectly across the beams that she was feeling none of the tension at all, only the glossy smooth encasement of the rope pressing snugly against her flesh itself. Mentally, her mind was racing though as she considered how fragile and, indeed, how bare she was up here. It wasn't a simple matter of her most intimate parts being fully on display, it was knowing that Celestia could do anything she wanted to her and she wouldn't be able to resist. She couldn't help wondering if the princess was having those exact same thoughts.

Using a third rope, sliding it down under the croup of Twilight's back – Celestia made a mental note of the spot for future use when she heard a soft giggle escape the young alicorn's throat – and attaching it to the ceiling to take the weight off the ankle ties left Twilight Sparkle hovering more or less horizontally, her fore- and hindlegs prostrate. With the remaining length, the princess looped it around her barrel, then brought the concluding whorl down around her hips. Celestia hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should draw the final strand of rope through Twilight's pelvis, but she finally decided that it was probably too much too soon. This wasn't about sex right now. After a few patient moments, the knots were tied and there was very little lavender left to see, but Celestia savoured what was on view, enhanced by the sight and smell of the rope.

“Are you all right?” asked Celestia, stroking the graceful curve of Twilight's neck lovingly. “Are you comfortable?”

“Surprisingly, yes, I am,” Twilight replied, amazed at the weightless feeling she was experiencing … and even more amazed that it had been accomplished without the use of magic.

Only Twilight's unsupported head was still fully visible at this point, and Celestia's took off the shoes of her forelegs in order to feel the fine silken threads against her bare flesh; she traced the lines of Twilight's purple and pink highlights, eventually gathering it up in her hooves. She braided it together simply, as she had once done with her sister so long ago, then brought the final piece of rope – a much thinner one this time – to bear. With a few simple knots, and a final loop through the eye-bolt, even Twilight's hair took on an ethereal, wafting quality.

With Twilight now completely bound, Princess Celestia took a step back to admire her hoofiwork; if somepony were to burst through the door right now announcing the end of Equestria, they'd probably do a double-take at the ensnared form of the younger alicorn, thinking that Celestia had lost her marbles and had started rounding ponies up and subjecting them to cruel tortures. She felt a smile blossom on her muzzle. There were cruel tortures and there were very sweet tortures. With a brush of her foreleg, she wiped away some of the burning sweat collecting on her brow. She had no idea what time it was. The practice of binding required absolute mental focus, and somewhere in the midst of it all she'd lost her connection to the sun. Her smile dimmed.

“Is everything all right?” asked Twilight, the slightest edge of distress creeping into her voice as she observed the slant of Celestia's face.

“Hm? Yes, everything's fine, Twilight.” The princess shook her head, though not to clear it. Without the crushing pressure of the sun, she felt lighter than she had done in years. Pity it couldn't last longer. “I got so wrapped up in things, no pun intended, that my link to the sun has been momentarily severed.” To allay the inevitable panic, she quickly added, “Don't worry. It happens from time to time when I allow my mind to wander. It is but the work of a moment to re-establish contact. How do you feel?”

Twilight moved her head as much as she was able to and took in her rope-embraced form; while she was far from an expert on knot-tying, she could appreciate good work when she saw it, and even the least important of bows were an intricate work of art in themselves. She took a deep breath and it felt cleaner, purer, than it had any right to this far down in the belly of the castle. Her limbs were limp and relaxed, as was her spine, supported totally by the lengths of thread coupling her to the ceiling. Surprisingly, she felt at peace. “I feel … good,” she said brightly, no trace of anxiety or fear whatsoever clouded her tone. Twilight felt as though she'd perhaps gained a smidgen of understanding: here, trapped, she had given herself utterly and completely to Celestia. There were no tough decisions to make, no worries, no agonies, just … bliss.

It wasn't confinement, it was freedom.

When Celestia began to gently disentangle her from the ropes and the bamboo, Twilight was almost disappointed, though she was careful not to let this fact register on her face. It had been an amazing bonding experience for both of them, and she didn't want to leave it on a sour note. When at last she was back on her own four hooves – if a mite wobbly after having been constrained for so many hours – she looked up at the Princess of the Sun. “Can we … I mean, will we do this again?”

“If you'd like to,” Celestia replied, using her magic to return the ropes to the sack, delighted that Twilight had enjoyed herself so much and was open to continuing the practice. “There are many variations on the theme still to explore after all.” There were as many twists and turns to the practice as there were stars in the sky, and Celestia's mind raced as she pictured herself and Twilight working their way through them all, but she would be patient, breaking the young alicorn in carefully, gently, and most critically of all, with love and tenderness.

As they prepared to return to the throne room, both ponies became lost in their thoughts; Celestia's mind turned to that ancient photograph that had so dominated her imagination, and now that she had made that fantasy a reality with a mare that she loved with a fervidness that surpassed any relationship she'd been in before, the princess felt a certain sense of … completeness. Twilight, for her part, had learned that bondage was not a confining experience that one needed to be anxious of, but one that professed liberation and comfort.

Most importantly of all, both had come away with a deeper understanding and respect of the other.

24. Some Like It Hot by Dyslexic Foal[R63, Crossdressing, Human]

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Dusk Shine and Rainbow Blitz thought having to escape gangsters was bad enough. But having to pretend to be women in a women's band heading towards Florida was worse. Though there was a bright side to Dusk Shine, or Twilight Sparkle as the musicians knew him as, just made friends with a super sexy ukulele player named Celestia.

Can’t stop thinking about Celestia, he thought. Maybe, going to the bathroom would help. He entered the bathroom and he couldn't believe it, there was Celestia herself.

Celestia noticed him or her but Twilight was concerned when Celestia hid something behind her back and said, ”Oh hi Twilight! how are you doing!?”

“What do you have behind your back?” Dusk asked femininely.

“Oh, nothing!” She said trying to hide it behind the counter.

“You smell like liquor? Did you sneak some onto the train?” Twilight said with a smirk.

Celestia frowned as she said, ”Yes, I snuck it on. I don’t care if drinks are illegal but can’t a girl enjoy a drink once in while? You won’t tell Miss Crinch, will you? You know I'm the star of the show!”

Dusk looked at Celestia's humongous breasts.

“Tell you what, I’ll tell you a secret of mine to be even!”

Please be a lesbian! Dusk thought.

“You know the main reason I went on this trip, was to fulfil a silly dream of mine! See, I dream that, when I come to Florida I’ll meet a rich bass player and he will take me away on his yacht!“ Celestia said sighing.

“I bet, it will happen Celestia!” Dusk said. It will happen because when he makes it to Florida he will get a yacht and dress like some stuck up rich man!”

“Well, Twilight since we’re here, we might might as well party a little!”

As Celestia had a few more drinks Celestia seemed to get attracted to Twilight,though she was a little funny looking and looked masculine, she was beautiful.

“Hey Twilight?” Celestia said sounding drunk!


“Didn't Sue say that you were a bass player?”

“Yeah?” Twilight said encharged.

“You know maybe, this is the alcohol talking, but you’re the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen!” Celestia said as she sounded even more drunk by the moment.

“Really?” Twilight said excited.

“Why don’t we make this party even better and come into my bunk?” Celestia said showing off her breasts to the mare woman she just met that day!

“Good, let me get my condoms!” Twilight said excited.

“Condoms?” Celestia said confused

“Oh, I’m...I’m a futanari girl!” she said trying to cover herself up.

“Oh okey.” Celestia said. Surprisingly she has taken it well! “See you in a bit.” She blew a kiss.

Dusk runs up to Rainbow Blitz who was sleeping in his bunk.”RAINBOW! RAINBOW!”

“What is it?” He said very gorgey.

“I need your condoms! I scored with that hot ukulele player!”

Rainbow rolled his eyes and grasps them from his suitcase.”Have fun explaining that you’re a guy!”

“Also cover for me!”

Twilight tip toes to her very small bunk. She opened the door to see a beautiful, naked woman smiling slyly at “her”, she had huge tits, huge curves, her hair was short but beautiful.

“Hello, my love!” The sexy singer said.

Twilight took off “her” skirt and a dress shirt, fortunately for her she shaved her chest hair!

“My, what a small bosum you have.” Celestia said too drunk to tell that it was a man.

“Once we're through with it won’t matter whose boobs are bigger! If I impregnate you, our baby will love both of our tities!”

“Don't talk, just come here!”

Celestia pulled Twilight’s hard lips into a sloppy kiss. Celestia moaned as she sucked on Twilight’s mouth. As Celestia was showering Twilight with kisses all over, Twilight felt Celestia's soft body, it was as soft and smooth as silk. He moved over to her hands. He took much pleasure in her hands, which were cold but super soft and smelled like roses. ”She” then moved over to her giant sized breasts. They were so smooth as they filled up Twilight’s hands causing “her” huge boner to become rock hard. Finally Twilight slid over Celestia’s sweet spot. Her pussy was soaking wet as Twilight started rubbing those masculine hands against it. Celestia’s eyes closed as her tongue lolled out of her mouth and unleashed a loud moan. ”Her” hands were wet with Celestia’s cum but “she” didn’t care. It felt so wonderful.

“Now are you ready for the main course?” Celestia asked.

“Of course” Twilight said, pulling down her panties. Right as she was about to put her penis in Celestia's beautiful vagina, bonding them forever.

“Hey, i heard there's a party up here. Can I join?” Another woman said not releasing that they were having sex.

“Sure the more the merrier!” Celestia says stretching.

“Great I’ll get the coke! and hey I’ll ask Lyra if she has some crackers!” The women said.

“No, don't go and ask her!” Twilight said peeking out!

Rainbow “dash” pops in and says,”I’m sorry man. they were wondering what was going on and I told them it was a party!”

soon after about forty women came in clawing into the small bunk bringing food and drinks. They all fell out.

“What is going on?” Miss Crinch yelled.

Twilight gets up from the pool of women showing his massive boner to everyone on the train!

“Miss Sparkle, care to explain?”

25. Resists by JKinsley[BDSM, Role Play, Toys, Oral]

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Celestia tugged at her restraints. Twilight definitely had a talent for selecting the very strongest bands of silk; likely a holdover from her experiences of trying to keep Celestia tied in bed over the past few months. Their experiments progressed at a breakneck pace and Twilight’s appetite for Celestia’s sweet center knew very few (but firm) bounds.

Bounds. Celestia pulled her hooves towards herself again. No avail. The frame of the bed creaked with each flex of her muscles. She hissed. If she wasn’t careful, Twilight might punish her for trying to escape before she was released. Her hoof instinctively reached for her neck and the fluffy lavender collar that adorned it; in fact, the only “clothing” Celestia currently wore. The silk straps held steady.

Celestia was very much exposed, and thanked the goddess above that Twilight’s warding magic was second to none. Of course, exposed meant Celestia bit her lip in anticipation. Her mistress loved to see her Little Dove trussed up and dripping for what pleasures awaited.

Her nerves were on a knife’s edge. Twilight seemed to be taking her sweet time getting ready. Celestia whimpered and strained against the bed. Soon enough, after a mighty tug she heard the gentle tapping of hooves coming from the bathroom.

“Little Dove!” a loving voice called from their private bathing area. “Come here, my sweet!”

Celestia scoffed. Twilight knew full well she couldn’t leave the bed, let alone make it to the bathroom.

“Little Dove! Your Mistress told you to do something! We wouldn’t want her to be disappointed, would we?” Twilight said with a sweetness that belied the real nature of what was to come.

Celestia grinned. It was going to be one of those nights.

“Mistress, haven’t you forgotten? Your Little Dove is all tied up at the moment,” she called.

“Oh, Little Dove, your Mistress hasn’t forgotten. She just figured you wouldn’t let a little thing like being tied up keep you from her.”

Celestia heard Twilight sigh, deliberately loud enough for her to do so.

Twilight sashayed into the bedroom, a vision of dark purple leather and darker eyeshadow. The corset and stockings drew Celestia’s eye all over Twilight, hoof to haunches to flanks and back again. Her Mistress was aiming for a look of Dark Is Sexy and pulled it off in a way that set her heart fluttering.

“Poor Little Dove. It’s a good thing you’re right here, because your Mistress needs you to hold still,” Twilight said in a low tone.

“Hold still for what?” Celestia asked, careful to keep her excitement from her voice.

“Why, your punishment for disobeying, of course!” Twilight said cheerily. “You didn’t come when called. So, it’s only fitting that you won’t come even when you want to.”

Fuck, Celestia spat in her head. Orgasm denial was her most hated punishment, even if the eventual orgasm afterwards always made her scream like no other.

“Please, Mistress, I wanted to join you!” Celestia whined. “I wanted to, I promise, I just couldn’t while I was tied down. Tied down by you, Mistress.”

Celestia yelped loudly and then bit her lip as a riding crop made contact with her flank. Just the stinging started to fade from one flank, another blow landed on the other. Celestia yelped louder and higher.

“Little Dove, what are the rules?”

“Rule one, I will always obey my mistress whenever she asks me to do something.” Celestia shuddered as Twilight’s hooves started make their way up her hindlegs. “R-rule two, I will not make excuses for not obeying my mistress.” She whimpered when Twilight’s hooves reached just shy of her now burning marehood. “Pl-please, Mistress, punish me some other way.”

Celestia paid for not finishing the list of rules with another pair of strikes to her flanks. Her yelps overlapped much like the hits did, and she figured she’d show red marks for a little while after.

“Sorry, Mistress! Rule three, I will not talk back to Mistress or question her orders.” Celestia felt soft kisses inside her thighs and the change in sensation spurred her on. “Rule four, should I fail any of the rules, including additional rules as Mistress issues them, I will be punished in whatever manner Mistress sees fit.”

Twilight’s hot breath washed over Celestia’s dripping slit. “Very good, Little Dove. After all, good pets are rewarded and naughty ones punished. And you’ve been naughty tonight, very naughty.” Twilight grinned and pulled away.

Celestia whimpered, but held her tongue. Rules are rules.

A buzzing sound caught her attention and soon a small metallic egg slid up her leg, vibrating slowly. Celestia raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, don’t you worry, Little Dove. This isn’t the only way Mistress is going to teasing you.” Twilight’s smile could convince Chrysalis to reconsider takeover plans. Celestia gulped.

As the vibrating egg slid into Celestia’s nethers with a satisfying “plop!” Twilight climbed onto the bed and crawled up until she straddled Celestia’s chest.

“New rule for tonight, Little Dove. Mistress requires an orgasm before you’re allowed to have one.”

Well, that doesn’t seem so bad... Celestia thought.

“But no magic. Only your precious little tongue, my precious Little Dove.” Twilight lovingly caressed Celestia’s cheek before kissing her lips and trailing kisses up to her horn. With that, Twilight shimmied forward and presented her own dripping slit to Celestia’s muzzle.

Celestia stole a few quick glances between her Mistress’s eyes and her lower lips. She licked her own and took a languid lick, careful to press hard and part her loving Mistress.

She was quickly rewarded with a breathy moan and girlish panting; for all of Twilight’s dominant side, she still held tightly to her highly feminine noises.

To her dismay, however, Twilight breathed deeply and steadied herself. Trying to play that game, eh? Not eager to let Twilight control herself, Celestia’s tongue speared into her and lapped greedily at whatever it could. She also brought her muzzle closer and began to suckle on her Mistress’s winking clit.

“Not... fair...” Twilight moaned, her breath hitching with each flick of Celestia’s tongue and another girlish, high pitched moan with each suckle on her sensitive button.

Celestia just hummed, another of her Mistress’s favorite things, and kept up her pace and actions. Between Twilight’s own grinding against her, the sucking and flicking and the humming sending vibrations through her former student, Celestia felt she was getting the upper hoof and soon the dull, teasing vibrations of that damned egg would be replaced by something far more likely to get her off.

“Mmmmmm, Tia!” Twilight squealed and gasped louder and longer until her breath caught all together. No more grinding, no more movement at all except the quaking her legs and the clenching against Celestia’s tongue. Twilight came, hard, and coated her Little Dove’s adorable white muzzle. She flopped back.

Celestia resisted the urge to chuckle. Try as she might, Twilight could not match Celestia’s skill at oral, even without the aid of magic. She licked her muzzle as clean as she could.

“Mistress, you said....” she trailed off.

Twilight nodded and slowly pushed herself up into another straddling position, but much lower. Almost low enough to...

Twilight grinned. “Yes, Little Dove, I something special planned. If you get off first, I won’t punish you for a week. If I do, your punishment is over. Oh, and don’t forget the rule about asking first~” She chuckled darkly, at odds with the sultry smile she shot Celestia’s way.

Twilight slid back and moved their hindlegs enough that her still wet sex positioned itself above Celestia’s, and she held the little egg in her magic against Celestia’s clit.

Celestia groaned.

“Ready, Little Dove?”

Celestia bit her lip and nodded. Oh, was she ready. No punishments for a week? How could she pass that up?

Twilight rocked her hips down and connected her lips with Celestia’s, their juices mixing and coating each other as they slid and slipped against the vibrating egg. It buzzed enough to be noticed, but not enough to hurry along Celestia’s climax. She grit her teeth and strained to buck her hips up, trying to control her own destiny and cum.

Above her, Twilight smiled with half-lidded eyes glazed over in bliss as she took her own time to enjoy the radiating heat. Sweat dripped from her coat and she panted to catch her breath. Not that she was worried. Celestia may be trying, but Twilight always came first.

Twilight bit her lip and let loose, bucking herself into Celestia a little harder and crying out. She closed her eyes and imagined their roles reversed. Maybe tomorrow night, she mused. Her little fantasy was interrupted by a strong twitch from her Little Dove.

“Mistress!” Celestia cried. “Mistress, please may I cum?”

Twilight laughed and bucked her hips down, forcing the egg against her clit, too. “No. Beg for it, beg for it like the needy little slut you wish you could be all the time.”

“Mistress!” Celestia cried again, jerking her hooves against the silk straps holding her down and arching her back, on the very edge of climax. “Please, please may I cum?”

“Not yet....”

Celestia whimpered and Twilight dialed the vibrator to its highest setting. Celestia came not a moment later and nearly threw Twilight off with the force of her struggle. “Thank you Mistress!” she screamed as her climax barreled through her and blanked her mind in a whiteout of carnal bliss. She collapsed a moment later, panting.

Twilight hit her own orgasm at the peak of Celestia’s and fell on top of her Little Dove, breathing heavily with her eyes unfocused.

They stayed, panting and sweating and dripping in each other’s cum until Twilight brushed strands of mane out of her face and kissed Celestia.

“How was that, my love? Not too much, I hope?” she asked softly.

“Perfect, dear. Though, I wouldn’t mind use of my limbs again. If you would.” Celestia tugged her forelegs and the bed groaned for emphasis.

Twilight chuckled and undid the knots holding the silk in place. With her hooves free, Celestia picked Twilight up in a tight cuddle, holding her Mistress close.

“Hold up, shouldn’t it be the other way around? I hold you tight because I hit you?” Twilight stuck her tongue out playfully.

“Only when you learn to hit hard enough.” Celestia winked. “So, what’s on for tomorrow?”

“The same, but different.” Twilight winked back.

26. Beach by Davesknd[Human, Toys]

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Twilight sighed and stretched her arms lazily as the hot rays of the rising sun met her through the window of her royal summer escape. She had a just finished a late and lazy breakfast in a bright and cosy room and was now ready to tackle her lazy holiday. Goodness, she loved having a chance to be lazy!

And she especially loved it here: At some point in time, Princess Celestia had renovated this old and sturdy lighthouse off the coast of Equestria. Time and the advent of the steam-engine had opened new trading routes and made this particular beacon obsolete. Therefore it was the perfect place for the sun princess to disappear to whenever she managed to find some free time in her usually tight schedule. Ever since the pier had been rotted away, the place was only reachable through teleportation, the small island was far enough off the coast to be extremely hard to reach and provided much privacy. It also helped that it had a wonderful beach and a big pantry.

Perfect for a short vacation far away from the tough world of politics and courtly responsibility.

And watching the sunset from atop the old tower was so romantic, Twilight could not be thankful enough that Celestia had taken her on this wonderful trip. It also amused her endlessly that the guiding beacon of hope, that was the sun princess, made her holiday home in a lighthouse.

As the young woman cleaned out the remains of their breakfast, she took in the cosy atmosphere and the simple beauty of the interior. It reminded her of good old Golden Oaks. Smiling softly, Twilight looked outside and a smirk appeared as she saw a very familiar divine princess making her way towards their favourite spot on the beach.

“Couldn’t wait for me to get some of her sun in…” Twilight said while shaking her head with a small grin. If there was one thing that topped seeing Celestia, then it had to be seeing Celestia in her bikini.

Eagerly, Twilight changed into her own bikini, a simple tube top with an almost embarrassingly conservative pair of bottoms. Never go bikini-shopping with Twilight Velvet. Finally, she packed a small bag of other beach items and followed her princess down the narrow path to the sandy shore.

What awaited her was both surprising and bemusing at the same time: Priness Celestia of Equestria, the lady of the sun, the ruler of a nation, the banisher of Discord, Sombra and Nightmare Moon and the 7 foot titanic leader that was adored by men and women alike… was happily sitting on the beach with a small shovel and a bucked and was about to build a sandcastle.

Twilight blinked a few times and decided to rub her eyes. But the picture did not change: Celestia was still wearing a white triangle bikini with her sun motive on the left top-triangle, a hip cloth and a baseball cap. She had her long, flowing hair in a gently waving ponytail and she was shovelling sand into a bucket.

“I didn’t know you brought THOSE kind of toys…” Twilight said bemused and laid down a towel close to the princess.

Celestia let out a soft giggle and grabbed behind her, producing a filled watering-can. “You can be so stuck-up.” She began to water the sand in the bucked and looked to Twilight. “I always build sandcastles when I’m on the beach. It’s so relaxing and calming.”

Twilight shook her head softly and sat down, her eyes on her happy princess. “It’s just one of those thing I didn’t expect to see in this life…”

“Neither did you expect to see me place a trail of kisses around your navel. Yet it happened yesterday night, correct?” Celestia answered with a smirk, earning a blush from the purple haired girl.

“Well, yes, but sandcastles?” Twilight said, shaking her head slowly “The pranks I understand… but this seems a bit out of character.”

“Actually, I got into it at the edge of the Renaissance. The advent of modern siege weapons made castles basically obsolete and the ones made of sand are so much cheaper. Let alone razing them… Four months of sieging and keeping morale up are poison for the soul.” Celestia said with a laugh and turned the bucket around on the ground. As she lifted it, a nice round bucket-shape of sand stood on the beach.

Twilight bit her lip. It was true: Celestia had seen the horrors of war over and over in her time. She had led Equestria against monsters both literal and metaphorical and ensured that there was peace in the present. Others would have turned into bitter, distant balls of rage. Her princess was happily shovelling sand with a song on her lips. Still, this demanded more teasing! “The classic paintings of you usually showed you towering over the known world with an air of wisdom and benevolence. They never showed you playing in the sand.”

“Oh, you have only seen the ones available to the public.” Celestia laughed merrily and began to dig out a moat for her new castle. “Maybe I’ll show you the more… risqué ones in my private collection. You’d be surprised how many artists tried their hand in erotica of me.”

“That sounds both intriguing and a bit creepy.”

“Oh, they meant no harm and I always found it flattering.” The sun princess giggled softly, now focusing more on her digging.

“Maybe another time.” Twilight yawned and turned to lie on her belly. “I didn’t catch much sleep last night due to somebody showing me a very romantic sunset and then taking full advantage of my amorous state. Then there was something with a trail of kisses around my navel… so I guess I’ll try to get some sleep now…”

“Of course, dear, I’ll quietly build up another kingdom here. Can’t wait to share that with you as well!”

Twilight nodded softly at the suggestion. She was glad Celestia was so happy and closed her eyes, so only the sound of the waves and the scratching of the princess’ shovel remained in her world.

As Twilight awoke, probably hours later, she noticed that something soft was covering her back. And something scratchy on her legs.

Lazily, she moved around and what seemed to be sand fell off her lower body. She grabbed up and discovered that it was the cloth, Celestia had been wearing that was on her back.

“You sleep like the dead my dear-heart.” The princess giggled from the side, sitting on a towel next to Twilight’s.

“Hm?” Twilight muttered sleepily.

“You have to watch out sleeping on the beach, dear. My sun won’t hurt me but sadly I can’t dim her for you. I covered you up before you got a sunburn.” Celestia explained further and extended a hand to run through Twilight’s hair.

“Oh… thank you…” the slowly awakening student answered and looked towards the mentioned celestial body. She had probably slept through half of the day.

“Don’t mention it, my love.” The solar princess answered softly. “I had my fun with it…”

Twilight snapped awake in an instant. “What did you do?”

The princess offered a conspiratory smirk. “Hmmm… should I tell you or should I let you stew? Decisions, decisions…”

“Celestia, I swear I’m not kissing you for the rest of our trip if you don’t tell me what you did in my sleep!” Twilight threatened grimly “Not another quesadilla incident!”

A small pout formed on the princess’ lips. “You will never forgive me the quesadillas, will you?”

“Oh, I forgave you the quesadillas. But I will never FORGET the quesadillas.” The smaller woman answered darkly “Pranks are one thing but the quesadilla was pure evil! Now tell me what you did!”

Celestia sighed and nodded. She reached under her towel and revealed a bunch of seemingly fresh polaroids. It always amused Twilight that Celestia kept to analogue pictures, even though she did own a cell.

Twilight grabbed the pictures and took a look.

The first showed her soundly asleep from above. But where her lower back ended and her butt began, Celestia had covered her in sand downwards. Her legs were entirely encrusted with it. Celestia had also drawn gentle scale patterns on the hull and it all ended in a big fin. Pretty incredible how thin the sand must have been and yet it covered her figure very tightly. Celestia had even put a small flipper just below her hips, making her look like a very sandy mermaid. She was resting her hand on both her hands and next to her face, the princess had drawn a fishing hook and written “Best Catch of the Century!” in the sand.

A soft smile invaded Twilight’s features as she looked at Celestia’s handywork. “I must have slept like a baby if you managed to pull that without me waking up.”

“You deserve some rest. It’s our holiday after all.” The sun princess added “So… what do you think of my sandcastle?”

Twilight blinked for a moment and then remembered what the two had been talking about before her nap. It didn’t take her long to find the rather elaborate piece of sandy architecture next to their spot.

The construction almost reached Celestia’s hip with its tallest tower. The base was a hexagon at its base with each corner featuring a round tower reaching into the sky. Celestia had added a broad moat, filled with water, a huge gate and banners made of handkerchiefs.

“I have to admit that is the first time I see an eight sided castle…” Twilight admitted bemused.

“Oh, it’s for all of us.” Celestia smirked. “One tower for every element, Luna and I get one and one is for Spike. I figured he could use some privacy.”

Twilight giggled softly. “It looks nice…”

“And now for the best part!” the sun princess smirked and got up.

“And what would that be?”

“I already took a picture, so I can remember it but the most fun part is…” Celestia slowly approached the castle with a broad grin “BECOMING CELESTI-ZILLA!”

And Twilight was in shock as the most regal being in existence began to swipe down the towers she had erected herself. The castle toppled slowly but certainly as the solar princess roared and finally flattened the main building by jumping onto it knees-first.

Celestia got up laughing merrily and her laughter intensified as she saw the look on Twilight’s face. “What? I have fought so many monsters in my time, it’s about time I become one, right?”

“Yes… but such a monster? This sandcastle was built by a poor and overworked princess who just wanted to relax and have some innocent fun. And you annihilated it without any mercy!” Twilight said in a mock-dramatic voice, earning a giggle from Celestia.

“What can I say? Muahahaha?” the sun princess answered with a grin and got up, wiping the remains of her victimized castle off her legs. “But seriously now: You need some protection! Lay down on your belly and take that top off…” a naughty smirk crossed Celestia’s face “Or the other way around… I’ll do your back.”

Twilight rolled her eyes while getting back onto her stomach. “I don’t do strip-tease for a castle-crasher.” She muttered and pulled the tube top over her head, her young and perky b-cups firmly planted on the towel.

Celestia meanwhile wiped the sand off her legs and approached Twilight slowly. “Oh, how virtuous…” She said with a grin and grabbed the sunscreen bottle.

Twilight relaxed and expected to feel Celestia’s strong, caring fingers on her back, but to her surprise, she felt two legs and knees next to her thighs and a soft, perky butt on her own, slightly flabbier one.

Celestia was doing the reverse cow-girl on her bum!

“Now… about that sunscreen!” the princess giggled and grabbed Twilight’s left ankle.

“I can reach my own legs!” Twilight objected.

“No, you can’t! Try it!”

“Not with you sitting on my ass!”


Twilight let out a groan and surrendered to Celestia’s hands. She knew that her princess was in full “free time mischief mode”. A state of mind that she usually entered when the realm was safe, no petitioners were banging on the door, all letters had been sent and every nook and cranny of the castle and the school for the gifted were clean and neat. It was usually best to just surrender to it and let her have her fun. Usually the end result would be fun for everyone involved. Even if the path could be frustrating.

Celestia put a few cold drops of the squishy sun screen on the calf in her hand and began to gently distribute it on the leg. Her fingers were incredibly soft yet strong and powerful and Twilight did her best to swallow a slight moan as her leg was kneaded and caressed. Celestia was endlessly gentle and patient, gently stroking from her Achilles tendon down to her knee, stroking around her patella and back up again towards the ankle. Slowly she returned down again, this time further, tickling over the outside of Twilight’s thigh. Feeling that Twilight was reaching the brink of her flexibility, Celestia let go off the leg and grabbed the other ankle, pulling it up as well.

“You have really nice legs, you know… a fish-tail would ruin so much…” Celestia noted absentminded as she gently rubbed over Twilight’s calf. A mischievous thought jumped her head and the princess moved over finger over the sole of Twilight’s foot, earning a loud yelp and a lot of wiggling from the smaller woman.

“Don’t do that!” Twilight yelled from below.

“Fine, fine…” Celestia sighed and continued to cover the leg with sun screen. Again, Twilight strained herself to not admit how much she enjoyed the strong, flexible hands kneading and caressing her. The princess knew how to push buttons that Twilight never knew she had!

Finally, the leg was let go and with a quick movement, Celestia turned around, now looking down at Twilight’s back while still half-sitting, half-hovering over her butt.

She heard how Celestia squeezed another load of sunscreen out of the tube and expected two warm, slippery hand to dance over her back. She was severely mistaken. Instead two massive, firm and fleshy mounds rubbed over back, hot as the sun and slippery like sin.

Twilight sucked in air as she felt two slightly harder nubs on the mounds leave hot trails on her back and her arms flexed in surprise. “She is rubbing her breasts over my back! She is soaking me in sunscreen with her breast!” her mind screamed. Twilight gritted her teeth, the closeness and pure eroticism of feeling Celestia’s soft chest sent fire through her whole body. It was a miracle how well Celestia’s curves had survived the hardships of time. Even after thousands of years, they were magnificent. Sure, Twilight considered herself a demisexual and breasts didn’t do much for her, but this pair went beyond such barriers. Even straight girls would motorboat those!

A soft moan escaped her and she surrendered completely, lying on her belly as her back was being covered in more ways than one.

Finally, Celestia stopped her treatment and just rested on top her lover.

Again, this pushed a button deep down in Twilight’s psyche. Maybe it was due to Celestia’s sheer size or maybe it was a bit of a submissive streak of her, but she loved feeling Celestia on top of her. The weight, the warmth and the sheer safety. It was as if nothing in the world could reach and hurt her. And Celestia knew exactly how much pressure to put on her to make it work.

Suddenly she felt two hard, hot teeth close around the rim of her earlobe and bite down softly. She sighed, her head turning without resistance as Celestia pulled and nibbled gently.

“Stay on your belly….” The princess muttered into Twilight’s ear “It’s unprotected…”

Twilight didn’t resist or complain. Celestia had set up the rules and she would follow them because it led to more of this.

The princess sat up and slid back, off Twilight’s butt and just behind it. “Oh, look at you! You haven’t been in the water all day…” One of her hands went down and toughed Twilight’s slightly damp slit.

“It’s just sweat, I swear!” Twilight interrupted quickly. Getting bothered over being a mattress and some nibbling! That was just humiliating.

“Sweat doesn’t have your scent of delight…” Celestia giggled. And pushed.

Twilight gasped as two firm fingers pressed her bikini into her budding flower. The rough texture of the inlay rubbed over her sensitive spot. Fire spread through her loins, hotter than the sun on her back could ever be. Celestia knew exactly how to push her most sensitive buttons.

“Almost enough for another moat…” Celestia giggled, her eyes growing a bit wider as Twilight groaned under her sensuous attacks. But she knew that Twilight needed more and she knew how to give it.

The princess carefully began casting spells, first levitating a good amount of sand into the air. She put some distance between the sand and twilight and called upon a bit of the sun’s fire. After a few magical adjustments to the form and a quick dousing of the cold from between the stars, the princess levitated a very hard, very smooth and perfectly shaped object into her had.

“Twilight! I made another sandcastle!” Celestia giggled as she pressed the object against Twilight’s moist entrance.

“WAH! Where did you get that from?!” Twilight screamed in panic. She turned her head and looked at the object Celestia held up for her. It had a dark, grainy look, but it was clearly smooth and had a matte sheen to it. “You made a dildo out of glass?” she asked incredulously.

“Oh, love, I am older than plastic and rubber! I can make a dildo out of anything!” Celestia laughed merrily. “And don’t worry, its hygienic. My heat disinfects all!”

“I’m not worried about tha-AAAAA!” Twilight gasped as Celestia penetrated her flower with the slightly warm object. It was smooth, hard, and so delightfully fitting. It stretched the young woman just enough to give her this wonderfully feeling of fullness. Celestia quickly found and rhythm and enjoyed the cacophony of gasps and groans she would earn from her beloved. Her other hand slowly reached down her own body, tracing over her muscled belly down to her own, moistening bottoms. But no, she would wait. Twilight’s gratitude would be sweeter than anything she could do to herself. Instead she began rubbing and squeezing Twilight’s firm buttocks. The student gasped at the feeling of a soft hand pushing under her bikini, greedily squishing and groping her supple flesh. Her toes curled at the feeling of Celestia’s fingernails digging into her skin.

“Celestia! Not so… I’m-AH!” Twilight gasped as her princess picked up the pace, now ramming the glass shaft faster and faster into her twitching folds. Twilight felt the fire of her loins intensifying, her moans now echoing over the beach.

Suddenly Celestia felt Twilight’s folds clench down on the dildo and Twilight let out a loud “OHHH!”. The princes twisted and pushed forcing Twilight to ride out her climax as hard and long as possible until the pupil’s folds relaxed. Twilight let out a gasp as the burning fire of orgasm slowly burned out and only a soft heat remained. She felt Celestia pull her new toy from her quivering folds and heard her stand up. A numbness began spreading through her legs. God, this was a good one. The girl looked to the side and saw Celestia sitting down next to her all while licking the dildo as if it was a Popsicle.

“We have those in the freezer…” Twilight wheezed, slowly getting breaths again.

“Not nearly as good as self-made ones, my dear.” The princess teased. “Now turn around… we have to do your front now.”

27. Conception by Foals Errand[Impregnation, Futa]

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Twilight Sparkle groaned as she walked through the shopping center for what must have been the fifth time. Really it shouldn’t have been this difficult; after all it was only a simple Hearts and Hooves gift for her marefriend. What do you even buy for a mare like Tia though? To say she has everything is putting it mildly! Twilight shook her head at another necklace the jeweler held up. Already she had rejected jewels, toys, and flowers.

Twilight finally left the shopping center empty hooved, her ears pinned back against her head. It was so simple for other mares and stallions to choose gifts for their loved ones, but truly what could she get for a pony so special? Twilight stopped in place a thought coming to mind. Just a few days prior she and Celestia had gone for a walk in the local park. Celestia had seemed distracted though, her eyes following the foals that frolicked around them. She had seemed sad. Twilight had questioned her about it later, but Celestia had simply muttered something about just wishing. Wishing for what though, Twilight wasn’t certain.

Twilight chewed her lip. It was a long shot but if any pony had a chance it was her.

Several hours later found Twilight hard at work in her lab mixing several different vials along with a small amount of her own alicorn magic. Soon she had a small amount of fluorescent pink liquid. “Just enough I’m certain.” She set it beside a similar vial of blue liquid in a padded box before smiling and replacing the lid.

“Happy hearts and hooves day Tia, I had quite the trouble finding anything fitting of you, my love.” Twilight climbed onto her hind legs and captured Celestia’s lips in a chaste kiss which left the larger mare wanting more. She let out a small moan as Twilight’s mouth left hers but shook her head to bring her focus back.

“It seems that you found something though or are my eyes simply imagining that wrapped box. Hmmm?” Celestia reached out with her right fore hoof to gingerly tap the box. Nothing blew up, much to Celestia’s relief. She slowly lifted off the lid revealing the two vials. “Twi? What is this?”

“Well I know that you want a family more than anything so… Happy hearts and hooves day love. The blue is for you, and the pink is for me.” Twilight smiled nervously lifting the vial of pink liquid from the box.

Celestia blinked and licked her lips “I...What does the blue liquid do Twilight?”

Twilight grinned, while a blush covered her face up to her ear tips “Oh well, er it will... very temporary mind you... give you the genitalia of a fully mature and virile stallion while the pink will put me into a very fertile heat. The chances of my not achieving pregnancy due to this are so small I did not even take the time to estimate the odds.”

Celestia stared for several seconds at the small vial of blue liquid before striding quickly to the door and opening it. The two guards outside came to immediate attention. Celestia nodded in response “I want you both to go to opposite ends of the hall and do not approach my chambers until either myself or Princess Twilight Sparkle give you permission, is that understood?”

They both gave a brisk nod with a ‘Yes, your highness’ and did as ordered. Satisfied Celestia closed the door and locked it before smiling at Twilight “Alright, shall we together then?” Celestia uncorked her vial glancing down at Twilight who did the same.

“On three then.” Twilight placed the vial to her lips “Three.” the drink felt like liquid fire as it slid down her throat.Twilight immediately felt the warmth under her tail begin. she let out a small whine as she the feeling expanded in her nethers. It hadn’t been this bad since her first time.

Celestia licked her lips as she finished drinking. The liquid was bitter, but in a good way; salty almost. Celestia quivered a bit; her marehood felt so very sensitive as the gentle solar winds which always surrounded her seemed to tickle at her clitoris. she let out a small moan and stopped the sensitivity causing her to gasp. Curious she glanced down to witness her clit lengthen and expand into a proper sized cock. She shivered as her pussy contracted, expelling two testicles encased within a ball sack. She frowned; her cock seemed smaller than she thought it would have been. She took a deep breath and stopped as a musky scent filled her nostrils. Whatever it was she desired it. Her small cock engorged, standing stiffly as if at attention while she searched for what was giving off that heavenly smell.

Twilight moaned as she laid back on Celestia’s bed, her hoof desperately rubbing her soaking wet pussy hoping for some sort of relief. She opened her eyes with a growl to see Celestia staring down at her. She turned over onto her stomach and lifted her tail, wagging it side to side in desperate hope of attracting Celestia’s attention. After only a moment of frantic waving she felt Celestia’s weight on top of her. “Please oh Harmony I think I made it too strong- ta-take me now! Rut me blind please! I need it, I need you!”

Celestia growled before giving Twilight’s ear a gentle nip “Would be very entertaining if I made you wait my beautiful Twilight… But, I can’t stand being this close and not take you as my mare!” Celestia lifted up from Twilight’s back positioning the head of her stiff dick at the opening of Twilight’s winking pussy, as it continued to leak arousal. With a deep breath, she slammed her cock hard into her beautiful mare.

Twilight’s eyes went wide at the suddenness of the penetration; at once she was thankful for the toys she had experimented with in the past. Even with that practice though this was something entirely new “St-stop please don’t move just give me a moment!”

Celestia stopped, still deep in Twilight’s pussy. She let out small, pained moans, but even in this mad haze she was able to exude some control over her primal functions. After a moment Twilight gave a minuscule nod and Celestia pulled herself almost completely out of Twilight’s trembling pussy before thrusting back in.

Twilight let out a pleasured moan as Celestia slowly thrust in and out of her. She bit into the sheets, shivering as she felt the gentle throbbing of Celestia’s cock. After a moment she realized that throbbing was in fact Celestia’s heartbeat. That fact alone made Twilight shiver with arousal. She thrust back against Celestia, urging her to go faster.

Celestia let out a small snort before thrusting harder and faster into Twilight. Something was building within her that she had never felt before. Without a real thought,she bit down gently on Twilight’s neck for a moment before kissing it. “You are so beautiful.”

Twilight dug her head into the covers releasing tiny pants as she felt her orgasm grow. “Ngh Ti-Tia i’m gonna I-I!”

Celestia’s eyes widened as Twilight’s pussy contracted around her cock.he smaller mare under her let out a small scream which was muffled by the sheets she had been biting on. Celestia thrust harder and faster during the contractions, that feeling of something in her testicles had grown until she felt like they were going to explode. With one final thrust she hilted herself and came what felt like a gallon of cum. Shivering her mane fell flat as if she was drained.

Twilight felt as Celestia came and moaned, the squirts of semen causing her love’s cock to throb within her. After a few blissful moments it ceased and Celestia weakly pulled herself from Twilight’s pussy, even as it seemed intent on keeping her within. A small bit of semen trickled from Twilight’s pussy as Celestia removed herself, but the majority stayed within. Twilight smiled as Celestia curled against her

“How long is this serum supposed to last anyways?” Celestia sleepily asked, her mane covering her as she wrapped herself around Twilight. She licked some of the sweat from Twilight’s coat as a foreleg draped around the smaller mare’s chest.

“Oh um well I’m not sure, I didn’t exactly have a way to test it…” Twilight mumbled, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of Celestia’s tongue on the back of her neck. “Why?”

Celestia closed her eyes, giving into the feeling of exhaustion, “no reason really, just wanting to know if I needed to use illusion spell or change my name to Prince Celestia is all.”

Twilight snorted and turned to tell Celestia there was no need to be so hasty when she saw the white mare fast asleep, a peaceful smile on her face. With a smile Twilight kissed her nose and curled up against her “Sleep well love. Let’s dream of our foal.”

28. Beach 2 by Ashi[1st person, Anthro]

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My beach, at last!

Okay, so it technically doesn't belong to me, but the important thing to keep in mind is that no pony knows of its existence but me; when I need to get away from it all – which is becoming a regular occurrence these days – this is the one place in Equestria that I know is for me and me alone, and I treasure the few hours of respite this refuge affords me. It's nothing more than a small inlet located at one extreme of Canterlot, and it had gone overlooked for years because of its distance from … well, anywhere, really.

Equestria has become a much smaller place over the years; thanks to the efforts of my faithful student and the Elements of Harmony, most of the neighbouring lands around us have become united in friendship with only a few stubborn holdouts resisting the hoof of peace. They'll come around, eventually, I hope.

My work as a teacher, diplomat and strategist feels never-ending at times; where I am able to do so, I delegate tasks to my sister, Twilight Sparkle and her friends, but there is an old family saying that I live my life by: the Maker gave you four hooves; one for helping yourself, three for helping your neighbour. And all four of my hooves are worn to the bone. As soon as I return to Canterlot, I'm making an appointment with my personal pedicurist.

Not that I think of myself as vain, but I do like to keep myself well-groomed. Plus, appearance is nine-tenths of diplomacy; you'd be amazed at what you can get ambassadors to agree to just by leaning over in a low-cut dress at the right moment, and as vulgar as it sounds, I don't half mind the attention either.

Princess, I may be, but I'm still a pony. Don't judge me.

It's funny, though; I control the sun, but I so rarely take the time to appreciate everything that it offers me and my little ponies. Its light illuminates my path, its warmth radiates throughout my body, its ties to both myself and Equestria give me a greater sense of connectedness to the many beings which choose to reside here. Though she was nervous about taking on the responsibility, Luna graciously agreed to take custody of the sun for the rest of the day, allowing me this opportunity to properly relax. Ever since she returned from the moon, she's been a trifle skittish about making any kind of mistake, but I have the utmost faith in her. She just needs to have more faith in herself and her abilities, and she will one day make a fine ruler in her own right.

The narrow dirt road to the beach is far off the beaten bath, and I discovered it quite by accident while having a leisurely stroll one day; the cove is about a mile away, and though I could just teleport straight there if I wanted to, the point of the exercise is to savour the journey as much as the destination. Shards of intense orange light filter through the canopy formed by the tall oak trees, and I can hear the tweets of exotic birds ringing out splendidly. It would be nice to have Fluttershy's ability to understand animals, I suppose, but one does not need to understand the words of a song in order to find the melody beautiful

Soon, a new sound fills my sensitive ears: the distant lap of ocean waves crashing against the shore; coupled with the increasingly salty tang of the air, I know that my destination is close at hoof.

The walk serves a secondary purpose; teleporting straight to the beach from whatever mind-numbing function I was previously involved in would leave me too tense to really enjoy myself, and I would feel as though I had to cram everything in to compensate. Taking the slow path allows my body and mind a chance to relax, to unwind, to let go of all the minutiae. Sometimes, I don't even realise how tense my muscles are until somepony points it out to me.

A simple duffel bag is strapped around my withers, holding only the most essential of items: a cream-coloured beach towel that has my cutie mark emblazoned upon it in golden relief – a sardonic gift from my sister, I'm not that self-aggrandizing – which is large enough to comfortably hold two, though I haven't had occasion to test that out … yet; a book that Twilight Sparkle had loaned to me, about some kind of grave-robber who steals important cultural artefacts from ancient civilisations; finally, snacks!

When your face ends up in a newspaper because of one small slice of cake you ate a party, you learn to hide your junk food habit.

My shoes are the first thing to go when I come to the end of the path; I don't want to miss a single inch of that soft, glistening sand on my hooves, and I toss the golden sandals aside carelessly. Undoubtedly, had he been here, the royal cordwainer would've thrown a conniption fit over this, but, well, he isn't here. Even if he had been here, I would've been too busy feeling my hooves sink into the fine powder below, enjoying that slightly abrasive texture on my tired flesh, to worry too much about his views on my appalling treatment of incredibly expensive footwear.

I'm slightly more reverent when it comes to the crown, however; not just because it marks out my status, but because it is an Equestrian heirloom going back generations before I was even born. Whatever exotic metals it was fashioned out of, it was built to last. I place it atop a convenient rock.

For a long moment, I stand there with my forelegs stretched wide, simply basking in the moment; the only sounds I can hear are seagulls crying out, crabs scurrying to and fro, and restless waves continuing their assault against the embankment. Which reminds me …

One of the great loves of my life is swimming; when I was a filly, when I was just plain old Celestia, no pond, river or canal was safe from my rudimentary splashing technique. Age brings with it other pleasures, such as luxuriating in a marble bathtub with a plethora of scented oils designed with the sole purpose of getting you outside of your head for an hour, but it wasn't quite the same. Nor was visiting one of the many bathhouses in Canterlot.

As much as I love my little ponies, the fact that I can't go anywhere in public without them bowing and scraping to me is a little bit wearisome. Everypony is so polite and scrupulous, and I long for one of them to tell an off-colour joke, or make an inappropriate remark about a faded celebrity, but no. They see royalty and assume that they must be treated like fine china.

My pale flesh is not slow to break out in goosebumps as I enter the cold water; my shimmering, multi-hued tail swishes about agitatedly, acting with a will all of its own. As I press forth, my mind repeats the same unhelpful phrase to me over and over again: Tartarus, this is freezing! For some reason, the ocean has chosen this moment to send a particularly tall wave toward the beach, and it has to get through a barricade consisting of me first. It almost knocks me flat on my flank when it impacts, but I manage to remain somewhat upright, though I'm now shivering in place, prematurely soaked from head to hoof, my long hair plastered against my body.

Well, being sodden through to the bone does at least have the benefit of stopping you from thinking too much about anything else.

Though my swimming skills aren't as sharp as they could be – so little opportunity do I have to actively indulge them – I'm at least able to maintain a decent pace using a modified doggy paddle, but I am kicking up a lot of spray in the process thanks to my long legs not quite understanding that they're meant to remain under the surface. If alicorns had a little bit of seapony in their magical make-up, we might be better swimmers, but they don't and it doesn't take long for my legs to go from gently cajoling me to return to the bank to outright dissent. Giving in, I return my drenched carcass to dry land and surrender myself to the embrace of the plush, oversized towel.

Not before shaking myself partially dry, of course, but no one wants to know about me behaving like a common mutt, do they?

Lazing on my back as I absorb the effulgent rays of the sun, I am struck by two things: 1) how strange it would be if anypony could see me right now, legs stretched out, all sense of royal decorum abandoned; and 2) letting the heat wash over me as the ocean's waves had done just moments before was a vastly different experience to the one I'm used to. Always at the forefront of my mind is my connection to the sun, so I tend to take it for granted. While I can still feel its greatly-diminished pull, I am no longer fully conscious of it and it gives me an incredible sensation of lightness. That constant, nagging pressure is gone – or at least it is banished to the level of mere white noise – and I can reflect dispassionately on the fact that much of my life is spent carrying that terrible burden overhead on my withers.

Probably it's a defence mechanism of sorts: if I thought this way all the time, I'd probably have a freak out. One false move, and I'd toast all of Equestria.

I try not to let that thought disturb my peacefulness, however; really, the only minor irritant is the fact that my leg muscles have knotted themselves up into huffy little balls of pain. I try to ignore them, try to find a more comfortable position in which to lie, but they're having none of it. When you travel everywhere by teleportation or chariot, you forget what merry havoc it can play on your body when you start – gasp – doing things for yourself again. Pretty much the only walking I do is from wing of the castle to the other, or around the buffet table at one of the many diplomatic events that I'm forced to attend by dint of my position.

Uttering a most unladylike groan of irritation, I pull myself up into a sitting position and gently massage my hindlegs; what I said before about not doing things for myself goes double when it comes to things that I don't even know how to do, and I'm sure that my personal masseuse would cringe in dismay at my meager efforts. Her expertise would be invaluable right now.

Soon, however, my body begins to relax once more and I splay myself out to catch as many of the sun's rays as possible; I find my hooves doing something that you couldn't pay any masseuse to do – even the friendliest, most open-minded sort – unless you found yourself in a certain district of Canterlot after hours, with a bag full of bits and a cheerful disregard for what it might do for your reputation if anypony happens to spot you.

Not that I've ever done that, of course.

That said, my thoughts quickly turn from the dull ache in my legs to … the dull ache that grows in between them; a deeper, altogether more intimate sort of agony.

Now don't misunderstand me; I love my life, and there is no part of it that I would willingly trade for anything. Caring for my little ponies may involve vast amounts of bureaucracy – mundane paperwork, countless hours spent signing off on inventories of the castle's stationary, and making sure that certain minor royals don't offend visiting statesbeings – but I know in my heart that I am doing what I was put on this planet to do. The days have plenty of work to keep me occupied, but it's the nights which are the real struggle. My social life beyond galas, state events and the like is practically non-existent. I yearn for something a little bit more exotic than an international crisis whenever something decides to escape Tartarus' walls.

In short, I want – crave – a partner, an equal, somepony that I could be open with in every way possible; unfortunately, being a princess with many duties doesn't allow me too much free time for dating, thus I am cursed with having to take care of my needs with my own hooves.

Almost as if they are operating of their own accord, my hooves roam across my body; I let them do what they will, content to enjoy the sensations that wash over me as they cup my large breasts before sliding down my stomach to my firm thighs. The tip of my hoof finds my centre and lingers there, a warmth spreading throughout my body that has nothing to do with the sun. I close my eyes, offering the flocking seagulls a soft moan as my hooftip explores the folds of flesh underneath my coat.

Before my arousal can build too far, I take a moment to listen keenly to my surroundings; the tall bluffs that surround the beach act as natural barricades, and it is unlikely that anypony is secretly observing me, but you can never be too certain. Assured of my solitude, I continue.

My hooves return to my breasts, the tips rubbing lazy circles around my nipples, drawing them out until they are fully erect and eliciting another contented sigh from my throat. Opening my eyes, I spy the nub of enlarged flesh and a devilish idea occurs to me; bringing the nipple to my mouth, I suck on it gently, a slight flush colouring my cheeks as I do so. I have one of those out of body moments where I see what I am doing as if I am witnessing it from above, but my ardour outranks the embarrassment so I press on. I roll it between my teeth, biting down gently, then applying additional pressure until a pleasant note of pain rings out in harmony with the melody of enjoyment.

The sound of the incoming tide gives me another idea; padding softly to the edge of the embankment, my body facing the ocean, I slowly spread my legs. Languidly, the tip of my hoof traces delicate little motions around my hardening clitoris, and my breathing becomes much more intense. The thin digit slips in between my lips and I feel a wetness there that has nothing to do with the oncoming sea.

Small waves hit me; cold water mixing with the heat of my body sends a surge of adrenaline thrilling through me, and I brace myself with one hoof back against the sand as the other continues to rub my pussy. The tip plunges in deep, as deep as I can get it, and increasingly urgent pants are torn from my mouth. The piquancy of the ocean's scent mingles with my own aroma.

I lie back on the sand, curling the hooves of my hindlegs into the rough earth; another wave hits me, washing over my aching core. It drives me closer to the edge, and my hooftip teases my clit faster and harder than before. With my other hoof, I pull on my nipples, the combination of feelings sending an exquisite surge along my spine. The water flowing around me is very sensual, and the tip of my hoof moves faster as I pump my hips in time to its strokes. I can't silence – nor do I want to – the fervent moans erupting from me. As an enormous wave crashes into me, I am pushed over the precipice and I cry out in ecstasy as I add my own fluids to that of the ocean.

A subdued pitter-patter of approaching hoofsteps on shifting sand makes me sit up, the dying embers of orgasm still burning within me; my ears, sensitive though they are – and heightened by alicorn magic – are twitching spasmodically, trying to pin down their source; no pony is supposed to know about this little retreat but me, but it's always possible that somepony will find it in exactly the same manner as I did. I am alert, on guard. It's probably unnecessary, but I fill my long, slender horn with magic just in case. If it turns out to be an enemy intent on doing me harm, then I don't wish to gift them precious seconds whilst preparing an attack spell.

I turn around, my eyes narrowed in concentration, and a soft gasp escapes my lips as I alight upon probably the last pony in Equestria that I expected to see here. Well, maybe not the last, but certainly somepony occupying somewhere down the southern end of the list, anyway. Despite the intrusion, I cannot say that I am truly irked by this turn of events either. The possibilities could have been so much worse: Discord, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, or most vexatious of all, Prince Blueblood.

“Twilight,” I say to the lavender-coated newcomer, and despite my many years as a diplomat, I am having to strain to keep the tinge of surprise out of my voice. Pleased though I always am to see her, I aim to brief in my dealings with the newly-crowned Princess of Friendship. “What brings you out this way? And more to the point, how did you even find me here?”

Weirdly, the notion that she might have caught the tail-end – no pun intended – of my little show doesn't even occur to me; my royal duties might require that I keep a certain distance from my subjects, but what I do on my own time, in what I have meticulously ensured to be a location of utmost privacy, is my own business. Anypony who has issues with that … well, then, that's their own problem, isn't it? I'm too old to go scurrying behind a large rock just because somepony's a bit prudish. She doesn't give me any indication that she noticed, however.

Twilight's mulberry eyes are half-closed and she has the sort of smile on her face that is often deployed whenever Spike does something particularly foolish and/or ridiculous in order to impress Rarity. I never thought that I'd be on the receiving end of it. “I managed,” she eventually replies, cocking her head to one side as if hoping that the wind would choose that moment to dramatically billow her indigo mane.

My initial response is to stifle the giggle that rises up from my chest as a result of her cute attempt at being mysterious; Twilight's face is too open, too expressive, and is palpably not built to be sneaky. I suppose it doesn't really matter how she found me. There are at least half a dozen ways of tracking an alicorn's magical signature if you're clever enough, and Twilight is more than clever. She's tenacious. All that remains is to find out what she wants and send her on her way so that I can return to my, ahem, massage. “Is there a problem back home? Something that you need me for?”

“No,” she says, approaching closer, her smile broadening. “No problems.”

“Twilight,” I say, anxiety bleeding into my voice at her unusual behaviour, “what's-”

My question is cut short by a muzzle pressing against my own; at first, I am so startled by what has happened that I'm still trying to form the words inside of her mouth. So unexpected is this development that I am unable to either push her away or kiss her back – which is what my body is telling me to do – but the decision is quickly taken out of my hooves entirely when her tongue finds mine. It is nothing more than a playful poke at the tip, but a sharp, sweet flavour is left to linger on my taste buds after she withdraws her tongue.

This is just a preview of things to come, she seems to be telling me.

One of her forelegs encircles my neck and she pulls me in for a longer, deeper kiss; despite my obvious enjoyment of the embrace, two warring facts fight for dominance in my mind: 1) this is an unusually-forward attitude for the socially-awkward Twilight Sparkle, and maybe I ought to be a bit concerned about this; and 2) for somepony who hasn't done much kissing – as far as I know – she's very, very good at it.

Before I know what's happening, I'm looking into a pair of coy eyes the colour of amethyst. Twilight waggles her eyebrows playfully at me, and yet again I find myself wondering who this impostor is.

This sexy impostor.

I would know if it was a Changeling, or some other form of mimic; after what happened at my niece's wedding, I made sure that we all brushed up on our divulging spells so that we would not have a repeat of that unfortunate incident. While Discord's trickery would be harder to unmask, this is not his typical modus operandi.

“You look perturbed, Princess,” says Twilight, her voice the texture of honey and just as delicious to my ears. “Was it something I said?”

I'm not even aware that I'm holding my breath until my chest begins to ache and I release it slowly, questions clamouring for dominance in my mind. Finally, I ask the one that seems most pertinent: “Twilight, what's gotten into you? You're, ah, not normally this gregarious, are you?”

Twilight gives me a thoughtful look, and a moment her eyes lid over and a sullen expression creases the delicate contours of her muzzle. “No, you're absolutely right. This is not me at all, is it?” She lets out a soft sigh, no longer able to meet my curious gaze. “I've let too many opportunities slip through my hooves because I was too shy, or too scared, to take them. I didn't want to let that happen again, Princess. I … I wanted to tell you that-”

“-It's okay,” I tell her, my forelegs sliding around her waist protectively. “Just take your time.”

Her eyes are impossibly big and soulful, and I feel myself becoming lost in their soft, wet gaze; once upon a time, she had been a precocious little filly, always looking for my approval, but now she is something else: a grown mare. An exceptionally beautiful grown mare, but one can't help seeing the shades of the past which help colour the present.

“I'm in love with you,” she says in a hesitant, trembling voice, her eyes fixed firmly on the sand below us. “I've loved you for so long, and I've wanted to tell you for ages, but I always talked myself out of it at the last minute.” Her head sank into my bosom and I felt wetness dampen my coat. “I'm so sorry. You must think that I'm such an idiot.”

I hug her tightly. “I don't think that you're an idiot at all. In fact-” I push her away gently in order to get a better look at her, though I keep a gentle, comforting grip on her withers with the hooves of my forelegs “-you're the smartest pony I know, Twilight. It takes a great deal of courage to do what you just did.”

“Courage? A barrel of the Apple family's finest?” Using a foreleg, she wipes away the snot and tears from her muzzle. “Same thing,” she concludes, kicking gently at the sand with a hindleg. She turns her gaze to me, giving me an expectant look. I have been involved in any number of negotiations, and I know what is coming from long experience. I am about to be given a decision to make. One that could forever alter my life.

Do I love Twilight Sparkle? That's easy: yes. Smart, beautiful, funny, and so delectably innocent. She's just so innately loveable, yet because of my long history with her there's also a – perhaps slightly condescending – desire to protect her.

Am I, however, in love with her? Hm. That's more difficult.

Other than my dear sister, Luna, Twilight is the pony that I am closest to in the world; I would trust her with my very life, and have done so, in fact, on a number of occasions. I've had the pleasure of watching her grow from a confused, eager-to-please filly to a brilliant, talented mare that has – quite literally – saved Equestria more times than I can comfortably count. In addition to that, she is gorgeous, with alluring eyes, a mane and tail as soft as spun silk, a figure that is delicate and feminine yet also strong and vital from the powerful magic that courses through it. To those able to see such things, the lively aura which surrounds her speaks volumes of the mighty forces which she can call upon if needed.

If she were to ever fall to the darkness, as Luna once did, not even the combined power of the Elements of Harmony could stop her.

After several eternities have passed, I finally give Twilight my considered response: my hoof lifts up her chin and I press my lips softly against hers; she seems surprised by this action – I can't say I blame her either, given that she had been studiously staring at the ground up until now – but she quickly relaxes, so much so that her spine practically becomes a liquid as my hooves glide smoothly down her back to alight upon her curvaceous flank. I sense her blush as I grope her firm flesh. A stray strand of indigo brushes against my nostrils and I catch a whiff of a warm, spicy scent that is every bit as intoxicating as Twilight's body. Our mouths part and we both sucks in great lungfuls of air.

“Twilight, are you sure that this is what you want?” I ask her quietly. There will be many complications if we go down this road, but I'm sure that we can face them together.

She nods primly. “I'm sure, Pr-”


“I'm sure, Celestia,” she says, correcting herself smoothly, shooting me a wry smile.

Again, I push her away, but this time because I want to look at all of her; I can't deny the fact that I've snuck a peek at her whenever I thought I could get away with it, but those aside glances are nothing compared to having her before me now. Her breasts are smaller than mine, but no less appealing for that. Her muzzle turns cherry red as she registers my scrutiny.



“Celestia, are you just going to stand there and stare at me?”

Talk about the agony of choice. I would be more than happy to spend the rest of the day hungrily gazing at the perfect form before me. Reluctantly, I step back into her personal space, my forelegs snaking around her waist in order to pull her close, our bosoms colliding; before she has the time to utter more than a strangled squeak, I lock lips with her again, sending tiny pleasurable shocks through me. And her, too, judging by the way she is shuddering in my grasp.

My hooves rove across her body; I find her breasts and caress them, her nipples hardening under my ministrations. Unable to contain myself, I bring my hoof lower, enjoying her sweet, tremulous breathing in my ear as I do so, and brush the tip gently across her pelvis. Twilight lets out a gasp as I oh, so teasingly press against her clit, stroking it until it swells to its full size. With one hoof on her hip, I lower her down on to the towel, my lips still entwined with hers.

She doesn't quite know what to do with her hooves, and she clumsily paws at my chest; I give her a patient smile, content to merely allow her to explore and learn at her own pace. Mimicking my actions from earlier, her hooftip finds my already-wet pussy and she slides the tip of her hoof along my moist lips, coating it with my slick juices.

“Am I doing okay?” Twilight asks in a soft voice.

“You're doing just fine, dear,” I reply.

With Twilight unsure as to how to proceed, I take the opportunity to push her – softly – on to her back; I plant a trail of butterfly kisses along her neck and chest, my hooftip still sliding up and down her damp lips. I slowly begin to kiss down her stomach to the patch of darker hair that lies between her legs. With my tongue poised tantalisingly on her engorged clit, the tip of my hoof slips inside her now dripping pussy. I look up at her face, enjoying the deep crimson that tints her lavender coat, to say nothing of the delightful pants that she is uttering. “Are you ready?” I ask, my tongue flicking out in snake-like fashion to brush against her clit.

“Ready for-?”

Before she can finish that question, I lower my lips to Twilight's clit and suck it, rolling the hard bud between my teeth; an involuntary cry escapes her throat and she bucks her hips in response to what I am doing, while her thighs clamp around my head. I continue to tease and nibble on her clit while I thrust my hooftip in and out of her dripping honeypot. Out of the corner of my eye, I spy her pulling on her nipples whilst moaning and grinding her pussy into my muzzle.

After a few minutes of this, I feel Twilight's pelvic muscles begin to tighten and I sense that she is close; I quicken my pace, the tip of my hoof alternating between rubbing and applying pressure to her g-spot, forcing yet more plaintive cries from her. One final suck on her clit is enough to make her explode, and her tangy juices flood out of her faster than I can lap them up. So powerful are her spasms, in fact, that my hooftip is pushed out of her gushing pussy. Her scent is musky and fragrant, and I lower my nose to her in order to inhale deeply. My nose brushes against her clit and her whole body shakes underneath me.

She just lies there for a moment, unmoving, and I start to get a little bit worried.

“Twilight-” is as far as I get before I'm seized in a powerful magical grip.

She sits up, looking at me with a cocky grin splitting her muzzle. “That was an interesting lesson, Celestia,” she says. “Now-” she licks her lips suggestively “-I'd like to try applying what you've just taught me.”

I find myself being manipulated through her telekinetic power on to my back; the heat from the sand quickly warms it up, and I can hear the sound of the ocean mixing with that of the seagulls overhead. For a moment, all I can see is blue sky before it is replaced by a vision in purple.

Her muzzle finds mine and I close my eyes, savouring the kiss; there isn't a whole lot else that I can do, since Twilight still has me held in her magical grasp. I'm given little time to ponder whether or not this is her fetish before her tongue finds its way into my mouth, and she cleans it up of her juices. Hooves pull and knead at my breasts, and the combination of that plus the wet appendage exploring every nook and cranny of my insides causes me to moan around her eager tongue.

What Twilight lacks in finesse, she more than makes up for in enthusiasm; within seconds of breaking our kiss, she slides down my body to attack my clit with her tongue, teeth and lips. I'll have to teach her to pace herself in the future, but for now I don't want to break the spell that she has me under, literally and figuratively. Her youthful energy and aggression has me close to the edge once more, and the addition of her hooftip into my most intimate area makes me whine for more. I want to pump my hips into her muzzle, I want to grab her hair and force her muzzle into me, but alas I am unable to do any of these things.

Probably what she had in mind.

The pressure the tip of her hoof exerts on my g-spot causes a convulsion to shudder through me; my pussy squeezes her hooftip as I feel wave after wave of orgasmic surge over my body, but still Twilight continues her assault on both my clit and g-spot until I'm afraid that I can take no more. My head shakes back and forth, and I let out a loud cry. In that moment, she is on me, and I taste the stronger flavour of myself on her lips. One of her legs comes up in between my own, and she grinds her knee against my clit, forcing another orgasm out of me as our muzzles remain locked together. My impassioned whimper ends up somewhere in Twilight's throat.

Time, which I'm barely conscious of, passes.

“So,” Twilight says, fighting for breath as she frees me from her grasp, “is that what I've been missing for all this time?”

“Yes,” I reply, equally as spent, “and more besides. I must confess, I've often fantasised about this moment.”

“And how did it compare?” she asks, looking at me as some of her old filly reserve returns. She's still looking for my approval.

I slide across the sand to her, lying down in front of her; our legs become a tangle, and our eyes meet. The tip of my hoof runs along her side, stroking her breast, coming to a rest on her cheek. I smile at her. “There is no comparison, Twilight.”

With nothing further to say, she buries her head in my chest once more; my eyes linger on her exquisite form, and I briefly contemplate what our future will entail.

But those worries are for another time; for now, I rest my chin gently on top of her head, enjoying the scent of her hair. In a matter of moments, I hear light snoring – muffled slightly by my bosom – and I chuckle to myself.

Yes, it's going to be a lot of playing teacher to Twilight Sparkle once more.

29. Hard by Ragabash[Anthro, Futa]

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Being a princess was a rather multifaceted occupation. It involved listening to your citizens, conversing with diplomats and rulers of other nations, planning the growth of your own, defending your lands and your people. And apparently also making elaborate plans to make other ponies save all of Equestria without ever telling them what your intentions are. Although Twilight has yet to experience the not-receiving end of that particular aspect.

What she did experience is the most boring task: Filling out paperwork. But anything involving paper was her forte and while it's not on the same level as books and checklists, she found it hard to get sick of it.

And it was rarely a lonely activity. She often got together with Celestia and others for it. Many of the various documents, forms and whatnot concerned relatively high matters, that couldn't be settled by a single pony alone. Especially not a rather new princess from a small town. Important international affairs even had diplomats from other nations coming to Equestria, essentially making them a diplomatic event. Even though, at the end of the day, it was still all about putting the right words on the right piece of paper.

However, none of that was a concern now. This day, things were quite a bit different than usual. There was a lot of documents to fill out, but none of them so "tricky" that there was need for many other ponies to assist. Arguably, Celestia could have done it all by herself, but she still requested Twilight to help her.

This wasn't the only thing that was different. She also insisted in doing it in a... less formal environment. That is, her bedroom. Twilight was pretty sure that this was not very proper, the documents were still important, after all. But as long as they approached the work with the necessary seriousness, it shouldn't matter where they did them.

She was not prepared for just how informal Celestia wanted their work to be.

The two princesses sat a small table in Celestia's room, pens and several sheets of paper lying on the top. There was not enough room to place everything and work comfortably at the same time, so several stacks were placed on the bed. It wasn't suited for such work, but that wasn't Twilight's greatest concern. What really bothered her were their clothes. Or rather, the lack of them. To get more comfortable, the older princess proposed that they'll work in their underwear and even though she knew that it was hardly proper, Twilight couldn't refuse.

But now, sitting there like that, she wished she had. At least, partly. It wasn't a good condition for work, as she found herself getting distracted by her mentor. Really, anybody would. She had a great, curvy body that was only emphasized by her lingerie. Especially her ample breasts, supported by black, lacy bra, were quite the eye candy and constantly in Twilight's view. Occasionally, she shot a glance straight at them and only the fear of getting caught prevented her from doing it more often. That the thin fabric let quite a bit of pink shine through didn't make it easier.

When Celestia stood up to get more documents from the stacks, the younger alicorn could see even more of her. Her garter belt, stockings and, of course, panties were of the same style as her bra and made her seem both alluring and dignified. Particularly the latter, that hid quite much, but at the same time drew attention to her large round butt. As she went to the bed, she even seemed to sway it a bit, but maybe it was a delusion on Twilight's part.

It sure had quite an effect on the younger pony, that even made her forget her initial feeling of inadequacy of her own white underwear, that couldn't be any simpler. Her panties even seemed rather odd, as they were somewhat... "spacious" for a girl. But that made sense, considering her unusual anatomy. That was more obvious, now that a large bulge stretched the fabric. Twilight was glad for the table, that blocked the view.

But of course, it did nothing against the feelings that made her erect in the first place. And short of Celestia dressing more adequately, nothing could be done at all. Twilight tried, but she couldn't take her mind off the older princess. Just enough to actually do her work, but even then her half-naked body was still in a corner of her mind, reminding her just how much she liked to gaze at it. And what she would love to do with her.

Which was a lot. Starting with her amazing chest. She would lovingly fondle the soft breasts, squeezing them just a bit or more, tease her rosy buds with her tongue, lick and suck them, making sure that each nipple gets pleased, finally take her erect penis and place it between these large ti...

"Twilight, could you please get me the decree about cake ingredients, please?" Celestia suddenly asked.

That made Twilight snap back into reality. "Y-yes, princess!" she answered nervously.

This was bad. Not only was she getting deeper into it, which did nothing to ease her arousal, but if she stood up, Celestia would be able to see... it. Fortunately, at least that could be prevented. Moving her hands in front of her crotch, she got up and quickly went to the bed, making sure that her back was facing her mentor. Looking down herself, she could see a wet spot on her panties, right were the tip of her erection was. It wasn't surprising, after her fantasy, but that didn't make Twilight feel better.

To distract herself a bit, she focused on the paper stacks. For better or worse, the requested sheet was quickly found. It was very odd for the ruler of Equestria to be personally involved in such a trivial matter, but it was important to Celestia. She wanted Equestria's cake to be on the top and if that meant to make regulations like that, so be it. Even over the minimum and maximum amount of sugar, or even if there should be a maximum at all, she brooded for weeks.

Basically, she really loved cake.

Not that it bothered Twilight. After all, it went all to the right places. That small pudge on her waist sure rounded her overall looks up, but what really made it great was her bubble butt and thick thighs. It was the body of a mature mare, that could take all the things Twilight wanted to do with her.

Like, squeezing every part of her body, especially her butt cheeks, kissing up her legs until she arrived at her most private spot. She would please her with her tongue, lap up the juices that ran out of the slit, until she reached her climax.

But that would only be the beginning. Afterward, she would place her beloved princess on the table and start the main act. At first, she would only rub her dick on her butt, but soon she'd spread her legs and thrust into her pussy, slow and steadily. Then, when she thought it was time, she'd move upwards and fuck her right in the a...


The younger princess snapped out of it. Her breathing was heavy and her penis was twitching.

"Are you alright?" Celestia asked concerned.

"Y-yes," Twilight quickly replied, looking behind herself. "I just needed a while to find it."

Her doubtful expression made clear that the older mare wasn't buying it. But she didn't dwell on it further.

This was bad. Really bad. Unable to contain her fantasies, Twilight was getting hornier by the minute. And there was nothing she could do against it. She'd have to excuse herself to the bathroom, but she couldn't go out like that. And if she got dressed, Celestia would be able to see how hard she was. She had no choice but to endure it.

Hiding herself again, Twilight went back to the table, sat down and gave the decree to the princess, then turned back to her own paperwork. And, involuntarily, her arousal.

Again, she tried to focus on her task, but it was even more futile than before. Of course, she had fantasized about having sex with her mentor before, but it was never that bad. But then, she never saw her in a near-naked state like that. Her gaze lingered more on Celestia's breasts than before, while her mind played out all the things she wanted to do with them and the rest of her body.

Grasping her breasts firmly, she'd thrust between them, her hard cock rubbing over the flesh of her soft tits. Lost in her pleasure, her movements were fast, motivated by the need for release. Feeling it coming near, she let go of Celestia's chest and pulled down her head on the level of her hips. Without even waiting for a reaction, she pushed her cock into the mouth of the princess, repeating her earlier actions. Her lips and tongue felt even greater and the climax was approaching soon and with a final thrust, she found the release she craved so much.

This also made her wake from her daydream. And nearly immediately, she was terrified. Not only was she still staring at Celestia's breasts for who knows how long, her hand was clearly holding her penis, where a familiar feeling, similar to what she just felt in her fantasy, was dying down. The wet feeling of her drenched panties left no ambiguity about what happened.

Twilight was filled with shame and blushed heavily. Awkward as it is, to continue staring at Celestia's chest, she didn't dare to look up at her face. She might have sat there forever like that, if the older princess didn't say something.

"I'm sorry, Twilight."

"Uh, what?" Why should the princess be the one to be sorry?

"I thought that my nakedness would affect you," Celestia explained. "But I didn't think you'd react that strongly."

"You... planned this?" Now, Twilight finally looked up. The older mare looked rather awkward herself. Not something one saw often.

"Not exactly. I just... noticed something about you, that made me think you might be attracted to me." Celestia paused. "But I didn't really expect you to masturbate right in front of me."

Twilight wanted to retort that she didn't want to do it, but then decided not to. Whether the body of the princess made her masturbate intentionally or made her lose control over herself that she did it subconsciously, it didn't make that much difference in the end.

Finally, she noticed that she was still holding her now-softening penis. Her hand was wet from her semen, that by now seeped through her panties and dripped down, staining the carpet. Now, she really need to go to the bathroom and, at the same time, really couldn't go outside. Quite a mess she was in.

"Don't worry about it," Celestia, who now stood beside her, said with a warm smile. "It's my fault that this happened." He smile turned more mischievous. "And I'm willing to take responsibility."

At that moment, it dawned Twilight that her orgasm had just been the beginning...

30. Focus by Ultra1437[Tender, Lesbian Sex]

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by Ultra1437


Celestia’s internal alarm went off. She knew it was coming for a little time. She nudged Twilight, the smaller mare broken from her reverie at Celestia’s welcomed touch.

“What is it, Celly?”

“Ah, it seems to be time to set the sun.”

Nodding, Twilight replied, “Oh, alright.”

“I will be back shortly.”

Celestia stood and made her way out onto her balcony. Luna stood on the opposing balcony, no more than a dozen paces away, eyes up toward the sky. As Celestia stepped out, Luna looked down and nodded to her. “Good evening, Tia.”

“Good evening, Lu. Did you rest well?”

“I did.”

Raising her head, Celestia lit her horn. Luna followed suit. The sun dipped below the horizon, with the moon rising quickly, followed immediately by the stars seeming to scatter into position, twinkling brightly.

Nodding to herself, she turned to Luna. “Good night, Lu.”

Luna smiled and seemed to be much more alive than the few minutes previous. “Good night, Tia. I hope you have a very restful sleep.”

Celestia smiled in return. “I will.”

Returning to her room, Twilight hadn’t moved, still laying belly-down on her cushion. She looked up and smiled at Celestia. “Welcome back.”

Looking her marefriend over, Celestia lidded her eyes. “So, my day is over. What do you say we retire for the night?”

Twilight blushed at Celestia. “But… but this book is getting good!” Her tail shook twice and she fluffed her wings.

Reading the cover, she knew what Twilight was coming up on. The book was one she’d written, after all. “My my, Twilight. I know I let you into my personal collection, but I don’t think I ever set that novel in it.”

Freezing, Twilight flushed. “I-I um…” It took her a couple seconds to recover. Long enough for Celestia to return and lay down beside her. “I may… have found it.” She looked away and her ears pinned back.

“Relax, dear. I’m not mad. If you want to read it, I won’t stop you.” Celestia leaned forward and nibbled on one of Twilight’s ears for a few seconds. “Though, when you finish it I want some critique.” She sensually licked along Twilight’s ear again, trying to provoke a response.

She got one. Twilight loosed a loud groan as her wings tried to spring open. One managed easily enough, with a soft pomf, but the other was trapped against Celestia’s side.

Smirking, Celestia released Twilight’s ear. “Oh my, I see you’re getting all worked up. I should leave you to read.”

“But…” Twilight refused to meet her eyes, her blush covering her entire face now. The book still sat in front of her, but was entirely forgotten.

“Yes?” She sensually whispered into Twilight’s ear.

“But you…” Twilight’s tail flagged up high and the scent of her arousal reached both their noses. Twilight seemed to freeze as she felt Celestia breathe deeply.

“Ah. I see.” Taking the initiative, Celestia slipped away from Twilight with a kiss to her ear. “Did you want me to continue?” The trapped wing sprung free and stood to match its partner.

A soft, “Yes. Please…” left Twilight’s mouth.

A soft tinkling laugh reached Twilight’s ears. “But you wanted to read my story. I should let you focus on that.” Celestia turned, letting her waving tail slide along Twilight’s back and wings, teasing her further.

But…” Twilight whined, arousal peaking.

“Unless you want me more than that dusty old book?” Celestia made her way to Twilight’s rear. Looking it over, she could see Twilight was worked up, her leaking juices staining the cushion.

Twilight squealed, “Of course I do! Why wouldn’t I?” as she turned to stare into Celestia’s eyes.

Subconsciously, Twilight’s legs spread, giving Celestia a great view of her soaked marehood. Watching for a second, Twilight’s bud peeked out, winking at her.

“Ah ah!” Celestia tutted, fixing her smouldering gaze on Twilight again. “How about a compromise?”


“You keep focus on that book, and I shall take you. If you can outlast me, I will let you do anything you want to me in the morning.” A second smell layered over Twilight’s. Twilight’s pupils dilated as she smelled Celestia.

“And if you win?” Celestia settled down to lay directly behind Twilight.

“Then I guess you’ll have to write a book about you and I.” Celestia lowered her head and nuzzled one of the purple buttcheeks before her. “With every. Intimate. Detail.”

“But isn’t…” Twilight trailed off at the contact.

Smiling devilishly, Celestia stopped. “What do you think that book is?”

“Wait. That’s you?” Twilight squeaked. Celestia heard as Twilight’s marehood squelched from the mental image.

Celestia nodded as she reached a hoof out and started caressing the other buttcheek with it.

“Now, love. Do you accept the terms of the bet?” She nuzzled along Twilight’s inner thigh, stopping before she reached wet fur.

No!” Twilight moaned.

Thoroughly surprised, Celestia stopped and pulled back. “What?”

Fixing a smouldering gaze herself, she stared down at Celestia. “I don’t care about the book. I just want you to fuck me!” A fresh wave of arousal met Celestia’s nose, and her eyes flicked down to see Twilight wink at her again.

Shrugging mentally, Celestia responded. “Alright, love. Only because you make such a compelling argument.”

Lowering her head again, Celestia dragged her tongue up Twilight’s rapidly wetting thighs. Twilight cried out softly, as Celestia’s muzzle brushed up against her lower lips. “Ah!”

Teasing Twilight again, Celestia nuzzled and licked around Twilight’s nethers, actively avoiding where Twilight wanted her to be. She let her muzzle be soaked in Twilight’s fluids as she fuelled Twilight’s flaring arousal.

“Celly… Tia… please…”

Celestia’s eyes seemed to cross as Twilight’s bud peeked out again, and her leaking arousal squirted onto Celestia’s chin. ‘Wow. She really is worked up.

Feeling she teased Twilight enough, her nose poked against the bud before grinding softly.

“A-Ah!” Twilight almost shouted as Celestia seemed to be finally getting down to business.

Now at the source of Twilight’s smell, a deep breath clouded Celestia’s mind with her own growing arousal.

Opening her maw, Celestia dug in. A quick swipe of her tongue across Twilight’s slit delivered a surprising amount of Twilight’s flavor across her taste buds. ‘I could get used to this…’ crossed her mind as she savored Twilight’s taste.

Humming softly, her forehooves joined her mouth as she held Twilight’s cheeks apart. Watching intently for a few seconds, she seemed to wait for something. Spotting her target, Celestia curled her tongue and swirled it around Twilight’s bud, just as it peeked out again.

Twilight groaned, long and loud into her forehooves.

When the little bud pulled back, Celestia’s tongue followed it into Twilight’s canal. Celestia’s forelegs moved up Twilight’s legs more to keep her spread open. Twilight obliged by spreading her legs further to give that wonderful tongue better access.

Celestia’s wonderful, writhing tongue invaded her and it was all Twilight could do not to orgasm that second. She felt that tight, winding pressure growing rapidly and knew it wouldn’t be long.

Ah, almost…

Celestia’s tongue writhed and snaked deeper into Twilight until she found it. A little bit of flesh that when her tongue slithered over it, Twilight’s walls clenched hard.

The little purple mare screamed in ecstasy. “Yes! Right there!

Redoubling her efforts, Celestia attacked that spot, letting her chin rub against Twilight’s clit when it appeared.

The tension in her gut broke out into an ocean of pleasure. “Cel-Celestia!” Twilight cried out, falling into orgasm with the force of a sonic rainboom.

Celestia felt Twilight’s marehood clench and ripple, trying to draw her tongue deeper. She thrashed her tongue against Twilight’s g-spot, prolonging the smaller mare’s orgasm.

Twilight, meanwhile, squirted into Celestia’s maw, the sheer volume of her juices flooding Celestia’s mouth forced her to swallow several times, lest she let the nectar overflow. Twilight panted as she saw stars.

Several seconds later, Celestia didn’t even realize that at some point one of her own forehooves had slid down and was tending to herself, rubbing against her own bud when it deigned to make an appearance.

“That was…”

Celestia’s muzzle smashed against Twilight’s netherlips as she mewled in pleasure. Celestia’s hoof was frantic, almost pressing into herself.

“Celestia?” Twilight’s head lifted and she gazed back at her lover. Celestia’s hindlegs were spread, her tail hiked high over her back. A soft schlicking sound rose over their frantic breathing.

“A-almost…” Celestia’s voice was strained.

Seeing Celestia strain, Twilight’s horn lit. Roughly, her magic yanked on Celestia’s tail, pulling the large mare back and onto her hoof. Feeling stretched, even by her own hoof, set her off. Her eyes opened and she spotted Twilight smirking back at her over her own buttocks.

“A-ah! Twilight!” She cried out as her tunnel convulsed and clenched around her hoof.

Celestia’s fluids seeped around her hoof, showering her ankle and splashing to the floor.

Celestia seemed to calm down slowly, as Twilight moved around to lay on Celestia’s back.

She nuzzled Celestia’s soaked cheek. “You look like you enjoyed yourself.”

Celestia craned her neck around and drew Twilight into a passionate kiss. Licking along her lover’s lips, Celestia asked for access. Twilight acquiesced, letting the taller mare take charge as Celestia’s tongue invaded her mouth. The passionate kiss was tinged with the taste of Twilight’s fluids, and she moaned softly. Though she was no stranger to her flavor, she found she enjoyed it on occasion.

Their tongues dueled for dominance. Celestia’s larger tongue had reach, but Twilight’s smaller tongue flexibly dodged and teased Celestia’s.

Still short of breath, both ponies broke the kiss mutually. Celestia nuzzled against Twilight. “I did. You were wonderful.”

Twilight craned her neck up and kissed one of Celestia’s ears softly. “No, I should be thanking you, Celly. I haven’t… that hard.”

Looking forward, Twilight noticed her cushion was stained with her own juices. “Um. I guess I should’ve moved from that before we started.”

“Nonsense.” Celestia, in a rare fit of whimsy, stuck her muzzle into the wet patch and took a deep breath. “I think it smells lovely. Just like the wonderful pony who made it.”

Twilight blushed and stammered at the compliment. “Thanks, I think? Though… I still think we should clean up.”

“Alright, love.” Celestia’s horn lit and sent the cushion elsewhere.

Stepping off Celestia, Twilight shuffled to her hooves, before helping Celestia up. Looking behind the white mare, she saw a puddle of Celestia’s own emissions and a thought struck her.

Celestia watched as Twilight’s head dipped into the puddle. Twilight’s tongue snaked out and licked up some. She watched Twilight’s tail swish and the smaller mare began lapping up Celestia’s fluids with gusto. Watching intently, Celestia’s wings sprung open at the erotic act.

Twilight finished the puddle and swallowed audibly. “Mmm.” She turned to Celestia and licked her lips slowly. “Delicious.”

Celestia’s blush was adorable before she turned around, mumbling about ‘getting cleaned up.’

Twilight happily followed, enjoying the view.

One bath later, both ponies were squeaky clean.

Celestia settled into bed, nestling a drowsy Twilight in between her forelegs. “Twi?”

“Mm?” Twilight settled comfortably into the curve of her marefriend’s form as the small spoon.

“After we… finished and you…” Celestia blushed and trailed off.

“I… what? Drank your fluids?”


“Did you mean to do that?”

“Not… really. But since I don’t mind my own flavor, I figured I’d taste yours.” Twilight leaned back and snuggled into Celestia’s neck. “I meant what I said, by the way. You are delicious.”

“I see.” Celestia’s mind slowed down some. “You taste great, too, by the way.”

Twilight chuckled. “I know.” Celestia joined a second later.

Celestia’s free hoof brought Twilight’s muzzle up, and Celestia pecked her lips gently. “Good night, Twi.”

“Good night, Celly.”

Celestia’s internal alarm went off again, waking her up to raise the sun.

Shuffling softly, she attempted to rouse Twilight. “Love?”

“Mmh.” Twilight rolled over, a firm grip on Celestia’s trapped hoof.

“Love? I have to get up and raise the sun.”

Twilight stirred softly, sliding forward until they were belly to belly. “No. Sleep.”

“Twilight. I really do have to get up and raise the sun.”

Twilight whined quietly, “Mmmno. Sleep.”

Celestia sighed. “Fine. Guess I’ll have to get you up with me, if you won’t let me go.”


Celestia’s head came down to Twilight’s ear. She nuzzled the sensitive tip softly before drawing it into her mouth and suckling.

“Woah! That’s wet!” Twilight jerked suddenly, springing to her hooves, her ear sliding free from Celestia’s mouth. A hoof made its way to her wet ear.

Celestia nuzzled Twilight’s cheek. “Sorry love. You weren’t letting me go to raise the sun.”

“Oh. Sorry.” Twilight’s ears folded back and she looked remorseful.

She lifted Twilight's head and kissed her gently. “Never apologize. I love you, all of you, quirks included. I just need to go meet Luna, and I will be right back.” Celestia stood softly and made her way past Twilight.

Mind grinding into motion slowly Twilight asked, “Can… can I watch?”

Celestia smiled radiantly. “Sure.”

She held open a wing, which Twilight eagerly slid under.

Opening the door to the balcony, Luna was already there and waiting.

Celestia let go of Twilight and made her way opposite her sister. “Good morning, Lu!”

“Good morrow, Tia. You look particularly refreshed.”

Twilight stepped into view. “Hi Luna!”

“Good morrow, Twilight Sparkle. Did you stay up too late reading with Tia again?”

Diverting, Celestia apologized to her sister, “Sorry for being a few minutes late, Twilight is a cuddlebug.” Twilight blushed softly, moving off to the side.

Mentally shrugging Luna replied, “All is well, ‘tis no problem.” She shared a look with Celestia. “Are you ready, Tia?”

“I am.”

Both sisters’ horns lit. The moon dipped below the horizon as the sky brightened.

Luna’s job done, she said, “Good morning, Tia. I am going to turn in for the day.”

Eyes closed in concentration Celestia replied, “Alright, Lu. Have a good rest.”

The sky lightened to a soft purple as an idea struck Twilight. She licked her lips and approached Celestia.

Celestia opened her eyes and the sky filled with pinks. “Watch carefully, Twili–ight!” Celestia squealed as she felt a hot tongue probe under her tail. Her head whipped around to see Twilight standing directly behind her.

“Don’t lose your concentration, Celly.” Twilight leaned in and nosed against Celestia’s nethers before licking up the taller mare’s slit again.

Celestia whined softly, “Don’t. Twilight…” She spread her legs a little to let Twilight have a little more access.

“Don’t what?” Twilight nuzzled against Celestia’s inner thighs, licking and caressing the fur to tease Celestia as much as she could.

Unseen by Twilight, Celestia blushed profusely as she cried out, “Don’t stop!”

“Okay.” She brought her head back up to Celestia’s slit just as her much larger clit poked free. She was a much larger mare, compared to Twilight, so it would make sense that her button was larger and more sensitive.

Twilight opened her mouth and licked along the sensitive flesh. Celestia gasped as Twilight’s mouth closed around it. A hoof made its way to her mouth to keep in a scream as Twilight started suckling.

When Celestia’s clit retreated, Twilight smacked her lips. “Remember, Celly. Keep that sun coming up.”

A loud pomf of her spreading wings preceded Celestia’s shaky reply, “A-alright.”

Her focus shifting away to keep the sun poking up above the horizon, a flash of pleasure nearly broke her concentration.

Twilight was in heaven. She had Celestia distracted, aroused, and leaking. She had sat down behind Celestia and reached her forelegs up to grope and knead Celestia’s large rear. She moaned into Celestia’s rear softly as Celestia did her best to raise the sun.

Twilight slipped her smaller muzzle up against Celestia’s slit, sliding her tongue into the taller mare.

Celestia’s grip was strong. Several times, Twilight’s muzzle started to stretch Celestia’s canal gloriously around her muzzle. Celestia’s muscles did their best to pull the intruder deeper.

“There.” Celestia was panting. “Sun. Raised.” She looked up to her sun in the sky before her hoof crammed to her muzzle.

Giving in to the temptation, Twilight let Celestia draw her in. She took a deep breath and pushed her muzzle into Celestia’s tunnel. Her chin ground against Celestia’s clit as her muzzle was pulled in, and she felt Celestia’s tunnel grab firmly at her muzzle and tongue.

“A-ah! Twilight!” Celestia called out, muffled by her hoof.

Twilight moaned softly, opening her mouth further to push her tongue deeper. Celestia’s leaking juices flowed into her mouth freely now, even more tasty than before. She redoubled her efforts and found the little nub of flesh that Celestia had found in her last night. Leaving a single hoof on Celestia’s rear, the other moved to play with Celestia’s clit.

Celestia’s moans gained volume as a familiar feeling in her gut grew more strained.

She started humping back into Twilight’s face softly, fucking herself with Twilight’s muzzle.

Twilight felt the need to breathe growing. Her hoof became more aggressive, playing with Celestia’s button more.

Eventually, as the feeling in Celestia’s gut grew to be too much, Twilight pulled her muzzle out. Celestia’s groan in disatisfaction perked the younger mare’s ears, but didn’t make her pause. Immediately, Twilight took a massive lungful of air again.

“Twi?” Celestia panted, her back arching, her orgasm easing away.

“Just getting a breath,” she said as her lips traced around Celestia’s slightly gaping marehood.

“Alright. Ready?” Twilight’s tongue traced around Celestia’s clit once.

“Y-yes!” Twilight slid the end of her muzzle back into Celestia’s slit, and started pulling back and pushing forward, matching Celestia’s rhythm. “I’m al-almost…”

Her tongue snaked out and found that little bit of flesh again, attacking it gently.

“T-Twilight!” Celestia cried out, clearly audible as her hoof hit the balcony. Celestia’s wings stood rigid, quivering lightly as she fell into orgasm.

Twilight felt Celestia’s marehood grab her muzzle, pulling another inch of her muzzle inside, spreading her lover even more. Twilight knew what was coming and opened her mouth completely, letting her tongue thrash over Celestia’s g-spot.

Celestia veritably flooded Twilight’s mouth with her orgasm. Constantly swallowing her lover’s fluids, Twilight’s muzzle left Celestia abruptly as she stepped forward. Now unplugged, Celestia’s still gushing marehood squirted all over the rest of Twilight’s face, thoroughly coating her.

Twilight heaved, her lungs burning from holding her breath so long. After a few seconds, Twilight slid forward and pressed her muzzle back against Celestia’s gaping slit, licking up and swallowing all she could.

Celestia’s chest heaved from exertion. “T-Twi… that was…”

“Sorry!” Twilight’s face was still soaked in Celestia’s juices, but she somehow looked remorseful.

Turning around, Celestia lifted Twilight’s head and nuzzled along her cheek. “Don’t be, that was incredible! It has been centuries since I came that hard!” She drew Twilight into a passionate kiss, tasting herself on Twilight’s tongue.

“You mean…” Twilight’s ears perked up and she blushed.

“We’re definitely doing this again.” Celestia cheered like a schoolfilly. “I haven’t squirted in ages!”

She took a moment to start calming down before noticing Twilight's scent. “Twi, did you?”

Twilight shook her head. “Oh, no. I was too busy with you to take care of me.”

A field of gold magic plucked Twilight off the ground and carried her inside. “Then let me.”