She Looks so Perfect

by Spider8ite

First published

Sunset don't want to let Twilight know about her crush. And her crush is Twilight. But when Twilight invites Sunset to spend a night on her house, Sunset's plans seem not to work as she wanted...

Twilight invites Sunset to spend a night at her house. Late night, Twi decides to read a story to her friend, but it seems that Sun isn’t paying attention to the story. Why was she looking like that at Twilight?

Cover art by my Sunlight senpai the great baekgup! Taken with permission!
Edited (again) by Exterminate Regenerate! Give him chocolate!
Rinnaul's review about it, check it out!

She is perfect

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She looks so Perfect

Oh, Twilight… I really shouldn't have accepted it. But of course, for her, I just saw her as a friend. Well, that’s what I wanted to do. But Twilight just took me crazy! Twilight is the kind of girl that when she asks something of you, you just cannot resist doing it for her. And besides, I have to fulfill my duty as one of her friends.

But, of course, I had not accepted to spend a night at her house just because I wanted to. I wish I could watch her without having lots of people noticing. Embrace her and try to show her that it's only friendly, though it's really just for me to catch a bit of her scent. Look in her eyes. Touch her. Just stay with her and no one else. That's what I wanted to do.

But, of course, life’s not easy. I couldn't let this become obvious. And Twilight could never be attracted to me, not to girls, but to Flash. Maybe I would have better luck with another girl, perhaps even Rarity, but her... No, I couldn't.

Not that I didn't want to. I did. A lot. And I have hope that some day I might. But Twilight never looked to lay eyes on me like that. Like I said, life is not easy. Even for me…

“Sunset!” Applejack's voice pulled me out of my thoughts, she looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “Ya thinkin' ‘bout Twi again?” The strong girl smirked at me, I threw a frown at her. “Don’t ya’ look at me like that, sugar. Ah understand how ya feel. Ah feel the same way with Rares, and ya know it.”

“Okay, AJ.” I straightened up in the hard stone bleachers. Applejack was sitting at my side, as every Friday afternoon the cheerleaders and the football team trained. She only had eyes for one girl; Rarity; she was the leader. And our friend, of course. But I knew that AJ wanted to be more with her, I saw it in her green eyes. I coughed, “So...You already know that I’ll be spending the night in Twi’s house tonight, right?”

“Ya'll already meet yer in-laws?” Applejack joked smiling at me, I gave a small punch on her arm and smiled. She didn’t care about the punch, AJ had always been the strongest woman I knew. Well, punching trees gives you muscles all over your body, I think…

But she and Rainbow always were my two favorite idiots. Rainbow always being loyal and saying stupid things that in the end turned out to be right and AJ being honest with everything. Among the six, these two are my partners for... Well, that sort of thing.

I looked at Rainbow playing in the field, she was very good and fast. Then I turned to AJ, who held out a can of beer for me. “Ya’ want some?” I smiled and accepted, opening it and sipping, not even caring to ask where she had gotten it from. “But… Serious now, sugarcube, what ya’ going to do in Twilight’s house?”

“I don’t know,” I looked at the sky, watching the dusk and the beautiful sunset while thinking. “Maybe she just… Wants to do friendly things with me?” I shrugged.

“Ah don’t know Sun, but ya’ going to tell her, no?”

“Of course not, I… I can’t, she doesn't like me, okay,” I said and then looked at my watch, “I have to go now, AJ. Tell RD that if she don’t give me my ten dollars from that bet I’ll say what she wants with Fluttershy in front of everyone.”

“Wow, take her on, Sun! Rainbow can’t take it all!” AJ joked, taking another sip of beer. I laughed and shook my head.

“Bye, cowboy!”

I parked my motorcycle in front of Twilight’s home. I looked and saw that the upstairs window was open, it was, presumably, Twilight’s room. I was right. She was reading a book, there at the window, not noticing anything at all, only the book. I shook my head and smiled, then got off my bike and went to the door, pressing the doorbell.

“Oh you must be Twilight’s friend...” I was greeted by a man not too old, but already old enough to be her father. Twilight had no similarities with him besides his smile and his olive skin. He looked at my leather jacket and I realized that he glanced at my motorcycle, then gave me a frown.

“Sunset. Sunset Shimmer, sir.”

He just murmured something and then turned to call Twilight, “Twilight! Your friend is here!” in less than a minute she came down the stairs, coming to us. I smiled, seeing that she was already in pyjamas, with a slightly yellow color and little pink hearts all over it.

“Sunset!” she exclaimed, “I'm glad you came. Let’s go, we can watch a movie and eat popcorn, or something like that.” Twilight smiled at me.

Her father signaled for me to go inside. I shook my head, still enchanted by her smile, and came inside.

The smell of food was coming from the kitchen, her mother should be cooking for dinner or tomorrows lunch. She seemed to know a lot about cooking, with that in mind my belly growled and I blushed when I saw Twi laughing at me.

“Sorry, Sun, my mom is cooking for tomorrow's lunch, because she’ll be out for an important reunion. But we can still get some popcorn if you want,” she said as we went into the kitchen. Twilight took a bag of popcorn and put in the microwave.

“Hello Sunset, Twilight has said a lot about you. You know, she always comes with her five friends here, but you never come along. I'm glad to finally meet you,” her mom turned to me and smiled, extending her hand, I happily grabbed it. “Twilight Velvet, but you can just call me Twilight’s mom or just… Mom, okay?”

I felt a blush incoming into my face, seeing that Twilight had actually talked about me. Okay Sun, just keep it cool, that’s no reason to freak out like crazy fangirl! I said to myself while I smiled at Velvet.

“It's good to meet you and your husband too. He seems to be a… Nice guy!” Okay, okay, I know, he looked at my dear and precious motorcycle like that, but I need to be nice here, especially when I'm talking to his wife.

I heard the whistling noise that signified the popcorn was ready and I smelled the delicious smell coming from it. My belly growled again. I rolled my eyes, turning to Twilight, who already had the popcorn bag in hand and with a look like ‘Let’s go’.

We climbed the stairs together in silence, something that disturbed me a little. But Sparky gave me a smile, looking at me happily. It was good to see that I could make her happy, it was very good, and made my heart tremble in my chest.

“Welcome to my room, make yourself feel at home, Sunny, that’s no problem.”

I gave her a smile and observed the room. Some pictures of her as a baby, a photo of her with her older brother, one with her dog Spike (who was sleeping peacefully on the bed), one with her whole family, some others with the girls and another one that was… Special. I smiled even more.

“Twilight, you… You put our photo here?” I let out a little laugh, still looking at the picture. I was holding Twilight’s side, as she smiled and held Spike who, ironically, also seemed to smile. It was the day we both helped Fluttershy at the animal shelter where she works, of course, that damn Angel bunny bit me...

“But of course I did,” she sat on the bed and looked at me, “You’re special to me too.” I bit my lip, looking into the eyes of my crush. She looked back at me for a moment, raising her eyebrow, almost as if trying to find something in me. Then Twi shook head and coughed, “Well, let’s begin. Should we watch a cartoon, a romantic movie, a…”

“How about Big Hero 6?”

After an hour the movie was over, I was wearing pyjamas now, Twi and I had sat on the bed where Spike was forced to leave and go in his dog-bed. He was now eating a bone and rattling his little ears while listening to our talks and laughs.

“Rainbow did that?”

“Yes, and AJ couldn’t believe it. She was drunk, but… C’mon, AJ and Rainbow are great friends and all, but they have eyes on other people.” I laughed a little more. Just then I felt Twilight’s head on my shoulder while she looked at a book cover. It said The Tiger’s Curse and had a white tiger on it. “Could you read it for me?” I asked.

“Oh, you… Really want to?”

“Yes, I mean, I like very much to read, I just don’t have time for that, most of the time. So, can you do me this favor?” I smiled at her.

She gave a cough and then opened the book. “Oh!” Twilight exclaimed, “Here you can lay with me, or your back will get sore, and I don't want that to happen,” Twilight lay on the pillow and smiled at me. It looked so… inviting. I couldn't say no. Remember, don’t try to get with her, she doesn't like you that way!

I laid down and she put her head against my chest, coughed and started to read. A few minutes passed and I found myself looking at her eyes, mouth, smelling her scent and I had a smile on my face. I couldn't want...

“Sunset, are you paying attention?” Twilight asked suddenly, retiring me of my thoughts.

“Uh… I…”

“Sunset, you…” she put her book on the bed, “I know that it must sound ridiculous but… You act odd around me. And you never act odd. You’re so confident in yourself all the time, because you know you can take control of things and that you’re beautiful and intelligent… And that’s what makes me like you like that, because you’re so… You.” Twilight covered her mouth with her hands and widened her eyes, blushing. She just said she liked me, just as I liked her. I smiled more than ever.

“Sparky you… You like me?”

“Sunset, I…”

“Just say that for me, please.”

She blushed even more while I held her hands, then she took a long breath. “Yes, I… I like you. More than just a friend. Because you’re… Sunset. Because you’re perfect, for me. And I've felt like that since… Well, forever. But I never said it because I was… scared I think. Scared of you already being with a girl or not liking me in that way, but I saw how you were… Acting odd around me, and… Sunset, do you like me?” Twilight looked at my eyes.

“I don’t like you Sparky, I love you. A girl never managed to make me fall in love with her in months, but you…” I ran a hand through her hair, “Sparky, you’re different than the others. You’re perfect. You look perfect and I love how you… You're just so cute!” I laughed a little and she too, “Could I just have you for a time?”

“What period of time?”

“Forever, maybe?”

She just smiled and approached me, hesitating a little, but then gave me a little kiss. And with that little kiss, millions of butterflies got out of a little cage and made a giant storm inside of me. I was blushing like I never had before and I had an idiotic little smile on my face, like those guys from romantic movies when he just kisses the girl for the first time. I bit my lip. She’s my girl. I smiled even more.

“Sunset…” Twi whispered my name, “What does this mean? We’re girlfriends?”

“Only if you want us to be,” I joked smiling.

“Of course I do, but my family can’t know it, not now. Okay?”

“Okay,” I said trying to reference that romantic book I knew she loved, and she just smiled and shook her head. “Can I sleep in your bed?”

“Why are you asking; I am… I'm your girl now.”

We smiled once again and I pulled her to me, she lay her head on my chest and I pulled the blanket up for us and held her tight. “You’re my girl, and I… I have always wanted to have you since I meet you. And I won’t let you go.”

Twilight smiled and closed her eyes whispering “Good night” in my ear.

I looked at her for a moment. She looked so… perfect. And I can be sure that she wouldn't be leaving my arms any time soon.