Rainbow Squeaker Dash

by Zubric

First published

Dash always wondered why Fluttershy bought toys for her pets during the holidays, but she never expected to wake up as one.

--Entry for the Balloon Ponies Holiday Contest-- 3rd place
Rainbow Dash never did quite understand why Fluttershy bought so many gifts for her animals during the Holidays. To her, it seemed a bit much. After receiving a gift from Discord, Dash had gone home to sleep thinking nothing suspicious about her gift.

Although, the one thing she never expected was to wake up the next morning as a dog toy.


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Fluttershy's cottage was a light buzz with activity. Being Hearts Warming Eve, Angel Bunny was assisting Fluttershy as she taped up some last minutes gifts. Dash had stopped by to visit since early this morning to enjoy the company. Her own parents had gone to Los pegisus for the holidays so she just had her friends to hang with this year she love the holidays all the same.

Hearts Warming was always a special time for Fluttershy. She passion for caring bloomed tenfold around that time of year. She loved getting gifts for her animals. This little tradition always confused Rainbow Dash, why spend money on pets? Not that Dash could really argue. She herself had bought Tank a custom sweater from Rarity. Fluttershy well, she bought a lot of toys, by now the table was covered from corner to corner in boxes of every shape and size imaginable. Dash sworn Fluttershy could out do Rarity's generosity when it came to gift giving. It was one of the many traits she admired about her pegasus friend.

Dash sat adjacent to the couch sitting on a rather old wooden chair. Discord was hogging the soft cushions from Angel. She tried to ignore the chaotic shenanigans looking towards her friend once more feeling the need to ask. "Fluttershy, why would you buy so much for your animals, when you could spend the money on friends?" She inquired not meaning to sound selfish or imply something else.

Fluttershy turned around, a ribbon on her hoof. "Oh, but I would hate for one of them to feel left out, season for giving after all." Her hoof holds down a flap as Angel tapes it up.

Discord waved his claw about in a jester. "Yes Dashie, hate to have some poor critter left without a gift." He teased smirking.

Dash rolled her eyes shifting on the chair that felt as hard as rocks. Her eyes narrowed. "I didn't ask you."

Discord scoffed putting his hand to his chest. "Oh Dash, i'm hurt." He gestured up to the ceiling, "and here I thought we were friends."

"Conversation was between me and Shy, you just butted in." Dash crossed her hooves grumbling.

Fluttershy walked up slowly, a box on her back. "Discord behave please, it's the holidays the least you can do is be less umm yourself."

Discord pulled a small gift box out from behind his ear before scratching. "Oh then it wouldn't be me then." He chuckled as he passed the present over to Dash. "Here a gift."

Dash stared at the simply wrapped box before hesitantly taking it, gently shaking it to guess what was inside. She noticed Discord smiling which sometimes wasn't a good sign.

"Well, go on open it."

Dash shook the box again hearing something small bounce around. 'Hearts Warming is tomorrow can't it wait?"

"Please it is very special." Discord replied with cute puppy eyes.

Whatever was inside the box had to be very light and didn't make much of a sound. After a quick tap to her chin, Dash shrugged. "Eh, why not." She eagerly tore at the wrapping and opened the lip of the plain cardboard box. Reaching inside she picked up something she hadn't really be expecting. She lifted out the brand new rubber duck, all shiny and smelling fresh. The part that made it special however was its features. The plastic was coloured a bright cyan much like her own coat and a molded hairdo on top. She gave it light squeak unable to hold back a laugh.

"Hehe, thanks Discord it's quite a cute gift." She turned it in her hooves examine it further.

"I call it Rubber Dashie." Discord said waving his hand about like an artist.

Fluttershy snickered a bit as well. "Oh I get it, very funny."

Dash looked up at the clock before getting to her hooves. She placed the new toy in her saddle bag before heading towards the door. "Well at least I have a new bath toy to enjoy my baths with." She said as she opened the cottage door. "Merry Hearts Warming Shy."

Fluttershy and Discord waved goodbye, the ladder smirking ever so slighlty. Unbeknownst to Dash her ducky glowed on the way home.


Dash woke up the next morning feeling different. She had gone to bed right after her warm bubble bath playing with that colourful duck. She hadn't been sure why but it was fun to play with it like a little filly. Still half asleep, she tried to pin down why she felt so different. Her body felt bloated all over, and she felt a bit light headed. Had she drank some cider last night by accident? No that couldn't be it, she been saving that particular activity for Applejacks little bet later today.

Ever so slowly, she gained focus of the world around her. It was dark, dry and smelt of cardboard. The only light visible was a small seam at the top of her paper prison. She tried to move a muscle but nothing responded. Her limbs felt constant pressure pushing outwards against her as if her body was filled with air, and no matter how hard she tried, or grunted mentally her limps refused to move from their laying position.

Dash fear grew inside her, ever second of numbness terrifying. "Help, is anypony out there!" She yelled only to realize her words had been shouted inside her mind. Her mouth had never moved, now nothing but a solid and fixed grin. As she lay there, the strange feeling of wanting more came over her. She desperately wanted to turn and see her body wanting to move but unable to do anything but sit there facing a all of cardboard. The sensation continued to build as time went by, and soon Dash heard the sounds of voices approaching nearby, very familiar voices.

"Yes finally time I'm excited. Who gets to open the first gift?" Applebloom's hyper and excited voice rang out from beyond the walls.

"Slow down there partner, you'll get your presents soon enough."

Dash eyes opened wide or they would have if they were not already. Her need grew as she shouted out in her head not caring it was pointless. "Applejack I'm in here!"

Dash kept feeling pressure inside, even her mane and tail felt held in place by some force pushing against her every curve. It was driving her nuts not knowing what she had become. One thing was for sure though, she felt cold.

Other boxes were heard being moved about as time went by, the sound of wrapping paper being torn apart and scattered across the ground. Dash felt an odd thought creep into her mind, the wanting of being held and touch. This feeling creeped up her spine like an itch as her box shifted about as other boxes were taken first. She pushed aside the thought long enough to realize where she must be. She was under the Apple families Hearts Warming tree.

"I"m in a gift box! What's going on?" Dash pondered eying the light above her head. Her body tingled again as she waited, each second making her feel more of the odd itch. "Hurry up." Each nudge of her container only resulting in her wanting out faster.

"Play with me!" She pleads before realizing what she had just spouted out. What was she thinking? She wasn't a toy was she? What had she become in her sleep?

Her box was soon picked up by gentle hooves and rustled about. "Hmm I don't recall this being wrapped." Applejack's voice called out. "Tag says it is from Fluttershy to Winona."

As Dash hears the loud ripping of wrapping paper she can't help but feel giddy yet still very confused at the same time. "Wait for Winona , from fluttershy?" More ripping followed as the bow was loosened the lid soon coming off flooding Dash's compartment with light. She smiled on the inside as she is picked up out of the box and into the open.

Dash's hunch was confirmed as her gaze looks about the limit view she had. Other then Applejack giant face blocking most of her view, she could see the tree and Granny Smith nearby with a camera.

"Wow this looks a lot like Rainbow Dash doesn't it." Applejack smirked holding the pegisus with both her forehooves.

Dash let out a meep at each touch as Applejack's hoof ran along her body. Her sides felt smoothed out, not a hair on her body. Every moment of contact sent more shivers up and down the squeaky pegasus form. The tingling could almost be described as pleasurable she supposed.

Applejack gave Dash a light squeeze causing a loud squeak to come out of Dash's backside. The pegasus in return felt the surge of pleasure once more. She would have blushed if possible as she realized the large squeaker was right where her butt used to be.

Applejack chuckled as she squeezed the rubber Dash once more. "What a most naughty place to have the squeaker." Dash felt more pleasure and felt ever so pleased to be played with. She was getting weirder out by the thought trying to shake it away with desperation of getting out of this mess.

Applebloom was giggling too though probably over the fact that the squeak was coming out of the toy's rear rather than the sexual metaphor her sister had used.

Winona sat wagging her tail about panting happily. Dash was turned around getting a clear look of the expression on the dog's face. Winona sat up on her hind legs begging wanting to play with her new toy.

Dash was still confused unable to fully focus due to the pleasurable sensation running up and down her in pulses. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and squeaks. As if being offered to a dog wasn't a big enough hint, in the reflection was a small version of herself. Her body all shiny and looking freshly molded. Indeed she was now nothing more than a squeaky dog toy ready to be chew and slobbered on by her master...pet...

"Nnnn focus." Dash told herself before being tossed into the air and grabbed by Winona large chompers. Her mental moan was only match by the air leaving her rear as she was compressed. "No must f-fight...it...eeeep!" Winona squeaked her again causing the same result.

The odd arousal play continued on and on as Applejack' dog had her way with Dash biting and pressing her down continuously. Dash would have been panting by now if it were even possible to move her fixed toothy grin. Soon time melted away as she is played with like the toy she was every sqeeze sending her into bliss like state wanting more each time.

Dash was so swept up in the arousal that she failed to notice she'd been taken outside by Winona. She felt the cold snow again the rubbery back as she set down near the porch.

"Wait what, no don't stop now!" Dash whined. A moment later the cold snapped her out of the pleasure ride. 'Wait outside? Oh no, this is not good?"

Winona meanwhile has run off to do her business out in the yard leaving the poor pegisus toy to look up at the sharp looking icycles the hung from the porch. Dash gulped as the sunlight shined off the tips of the spears. Objects once so majestic, now seemed like vessels of death. The door opened soon after as Winona ran inside seeming to forget her toy amongst the snow preferring to nipple on table scraps.

Dash panicked as she heard the front door close, the air starting to chill her plastic shell. Had she'd been forgotten about so easily? She was Rainbow Dash the most awesome squeak toy their was, that stupid mutt couldn't just leave her alone out here. As more time pasted she started to mentally shiver her skin starting to get covered in small flacks of snow as the wind blew over her body. Her hopes for rescue grew tenfold as Applejack came out wearing a new scarf staring up at the ice crystals. Her friend apparently hadn't seen her laying their despite being a mere few hoof steps away. She desperately tried to move her cold form fear swelling up in her as her body did quite the opposite as the air in her decompressed.

Applejack watched the light snow fall staring up the snow on the overhang. A grin came across her face as she climbed down the stairs and turned her hind legs against the one large support columns.

"Wiat no, no no no!" Dash panicked. Applejack was going to knock the snow off the roof and more worryingly the ice crystals. She was utterly helpless to watch as her friend reared up and bucked the support beam. The entire porch rattled, shockwaves vibrating up to the rooftop. As Dash had predicted the large icecyles started to fall off falling down like missiles toward her fragile form. A large amount of snow also followed after the spikes. Time seemed to slow as Dash watched the ice plunged into the earth around her missing by sure luck along. However her worries were far some over as her world was suddenly plunged back into darkness by the pile of snow landing on top of her.

Her form was pinning under the layers of snow and Dash once more felt utterly helpless and scared. Hoof steps were heard nearby crunching the soft snow, and for a moment Dash feared she would be stuck in a snow drift all winter, and worse a dog toy. She kept finically trying to do something, anything to get out of this, her body feeling lighter already as the air got thinner inside her.

"I don't want to die!" Dash screamed in her head and gasped as loud pop is heard. She closed her eyes fearing the worse as her body felt tinglingly all over the darkness remaining a she hyperventilated. It then hit her that she was breathing again and so opened her eyes to see a very confused and worried Applejack staring down at her.

"What the...? What were you doing in a snowdrift Dash?" She asked before holding her friend up. "Where you even come from I didn't even see you approach."

Dash kept shaking a bit "L-long story, need warmth." Her teeth clattered together rapidly the whole being trapped in the snowdrift shaking her to her core. She had no idea what just happened but never wanted to experience that ever again.

"Oh come on in then. We were just about to eat." Applejack pats her friends back leading her inside.

"Thanks Applejack." Dash spread her wings to get them warm and noticed Winona sniffing her hoof "Hehe sorry Winona, maybe i'll buy you a nice toy after dinner." She chuckled.

Applejack suddenly stopped in her tracks turning to look back at her pegasus friend. "Wait that was you!"