I have a question for both of you...

by xluferx

First published

My plans always worked, and this was no exception. But I always have been wondering something for a long while … is good that the ex-rulers of Equestria, now turned my Empire of Darkness, know the answer which I’m seeking for.

There are lot kinds of power, and knowledge is the most powerful.

With my knowledge, and with the help of a small group of wizards, a portal was created to a whole new world filled with opportunities... and also ponies…

Their hospitality… caught me off the guard, they are so naïve…

It has been years since I left my Empire in charge of my most loyal General, also it has been years which I spent in Equestria learning, and learning… particularly how Celestia and Luna are able to move the celestial bodies of the sun and the moon with so much ease.

Everything went according to my plan and there is nothing that can stop me now,
Ish’zakk, Overlord of the living and undead, the dragon slayer, the ageless man and the supreme archmage user both light and darkness.

Now with two new titles, The controler of the Sun and the Moon and Supreme ruler of two worlds...

Yes, I like the sound of that…

*Made it to Popular stories 23/12/14, again thanks guys!!*

The question

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Canterlot’s castle is considered one of the most beautiful places to be in Equestria, but there is a room which is distinguishes from the rest of the magnificent building, the throne room where her highness sits and receives ambassador from other nations. The room has enormous windows and each one with a different mosaic showing to the eye of others an important event that happened in the past.
At the end of the room is the golden throne with a red cushion for the comfort of her highness, on the brilliant marble floor is a large red carpet which connects the royal throne with the entrance of the room. Each side of the throne is a blue banner hanging at the same level.

But now that beauty is just history…

There are corpses of guards who were killed in action scattered all across the room, the large red carpet is now tainted with their spilled blood. All the historical mosaics were completely shattered leaving open holes where you could see Canterlot in a gruesome state. Both of the blue banners are gone, only ashes take their places, whereas there are open holes from explosion which do the same work as the windows. Finally the golden throne, the one which showed power and beauty is now half destroyed and also melted by the high amount of temperature of an offensive spell.

In what remains of the golden throne is now sitting the responsible of everything that Equestria is suffering, a single man.

He is wearing a full set of a heavy armor, designed to resist any kind of attack either magical or physical and the armor did its job well, because there is not a single scratch in it after the long battle which he emerged victorious against both princesses of Equestria. But they never stood a chance to begin with.

His helmet keeps in the darkness his face only allowing the glow of his yellowish eyes which stare both of the defeated princesses who are meters away from him chained to the floor by unbreakable chains that he crafted with his own hands, and a powerful ring magic suppressor placed around their horns. At least he left their wings untouched, not that it would help them in some pathetic attempt to escape or attack anyways.

Celestia and Luna were exhausted both physically and magically causing them to look a complete mess. They can only stare at the man who put in their currently position, no matter what they tried to do, the fact is clearly; they cannot escape from his wrath.

Their royal regalia are destroyed, scattered around them in small fragments.

The heavy armored man stands up from the throne, his armor making a lot noise as he walks to one of the various holes around the place. The air coming from there has the enough strength to make his long cape dance with the air in synchronization as he look below all of his work have turned into a complete success.

His plans always worked

‘’This day could not be more perfect’’

Both of his arms find a place between his back and the constant flowing cape of his, this is a moment of joy for him because today was the day.

When he considered that was enough appreciation from the view he turned in direction of the alicorn sisters, each step sounds heavy and at the same time intimidating; the princesses tried to move away from him as he approached, but the chains are doing its job perfectly; is like both of them are glued to the floor.

He may have stopped at the fifty centimeters but Celestia and Luna feel him like his only inches away from them, they both shiver in fear as they try to keep their pride expressing that no matter what he might do with them, they shall never give up.

His glowing eyes notice the stubbornness so the short journey to the sister is resumed until their distance is only about mere inches, his gauntlet have been made with sharp-pointed fingers which are able to tear flesh with ease, and that fact didn’t stop him to place his index finger under Celestia’s chin to lift it upwards for connect their gazes for a brief moment.

As response Celestia averted her eyes from his with a hostile scowl, disgusted for that action albeit she is also surprised with how careful the human was with his weapon-hand, because it could easily have dig his digit in her flesh and cause her a lot of harm and pain.

Ish’zakk is the most powerful being in existence, and he proved it. So he doesn’t need to care about the opinion from a stubborn horse-princess and a shrug from his shoulders plates filled with metal plectrum expressed his disinterest as his yellow orbs focused on the mare beside Celestia.

Luna feels the same toward the armored man like her sister with the exception that is a minor amount, but worry begins to overwhelm the hate when he approached her and locks eyes with her as his dangerous gauntlet close distance with her muzzle, it feels so cold just be near to his hand and she doesn’t want to imagine the coldness that her fur and skin will feel when his grasp reaches her. She can only close her eyes as the inevitable comes.


Her eyelids slowly opened and are greeted by the approaching hand which is stopped just miserable millimeters from her muzzle, she felt a great relief when the metal gauntlet retreated and also she thanked mentally to her sister for defend her from him. But that moment doesn’t last long enough to give her a sigh of relief.

Immediately his cold hand started to mistreat all around her face, again Luna shuts her eyes trying to imagine that this moments is not happening to her and everything is fine, but it is in vain. His coldness is terrifying for her, she just wants him to stop and leave her alone.
Ceslestia at see her sister being mistreated the sounds of yanking chains echoed across the room, she doesn’t care that it was futile trying to escape from the chains; she just want to protect her little sister and to teach the monster a lesson for damaging her beloved sister
Ish’zakk pass his hand through the ethereal mane of the night princess with ease for a while only to envelope his hand with it and yank the mane with enough force to cause her pain, his eardrums were blessed when she voice came out with a scream even if it was a short-lived one.

‘’I touched her Celestia’’ He glares at the older sister who her eyes show rage and impotence for being powerless in that moment, beside glaring daggers at him doesn’t work in the slightest.

His armored hand again went to get a firm grip on Luna’s mane to be brought near his helmet for catch the scent that probably is still there, the midnight alicorn prefers to don’t give any kind of resistance while the man smell her mane or he might harm her again.

‘’Mmm… Luna, even after the battle we’ve engaged your mane still maintain that delectable odor of Full-Moon flowers’’ She doesn’t say anything,

Finally he releases her mane agonizingly slowly, his intentions are clear; he is scoffing them. With no mane to be released he turned away from both princesses and walked away in direction to the throne, or what remains from it.

When he arrived to his destiny, his backplate rest on the backrest as his hands put a firm grip on the armrest with such force that his sharp digits caused molesting sounds on the metal.In his new stance he watches at the defeated princesses with sick joy, he doesn’t need to say anything because everything have already been said.

There are a lot of emotions displaying inside the room from both sides, each side just glaring at the other. The silence reign, and the passing wind is audible, but the moment died down when a small darkish floating flame appeared beside his helmet.

The sisters noticed the newcomer and their eyes focused in it. The flames are constant with the color scheme of black and red, in time in time its size grow and reduce. Finally they understand what it is the new arrival, a wisp. They should be glad that a good spirit has appeared but that is far from the truth for a simple fact.

That wisp has been corrupted.

Wisps’ flames usually have colors that match with the nature as green and blue but the black and red is another story, those color represent the bad side of the existence.

‘’Good’’ Ish’zakk voice echoed in his helmet, then the corrupted wisp vanished from the room. Only after the wisp was gone, did Ish’zakk stand up clasping his gauntlet together echoing the metallic clank across the room, getting both sisters’ attention in the process.

With Celestia and Luna looking at him does he speak with a cold joy ‘’My victory is finally completed now that the Tree of Harmony have been captured’’

Their eyes widened in shock as their pupils shrank into pinpricks at the revelation, followed by a sharp gasp of terror. There is no more hope now for Equestria, everything is lost and he has won.

Celestia doesn’t know how to continue after the terrible new, though her mind says otherwise ‘’You’ve got everything you wanted… What shall be your next move then?’’

He never needed to answer that…

The marble floor cracks near the throne as tongues of fire come from the rifts, from that space the floor collapsed leaving a hole that by its looks seems to don’t have an end. Again the fire set ablaze and a shaft of a long-sword slowly ascends from the infernal hole. When the weapon is completely out of the hollow, it revealed to be a two-handed sword enveloped with a darkish fire.

His right hand positioned around the handgrip and lifts the long-sword for put it on his right shoulder pad between the metal thorns, he lifted the weapon with such ease that making it look like a feather.

With a menacing sword on his shoulder the armored man makes his way towards the defeated princesses, each of the steps echoes with more force than before across the room. He stands in front of them and both of his hands grab the handgrip and lift the sword.

The marble floor is destroyed where the sword descended with forthright force, as the weapon itself stays impaled deep in the storey. Celestia and Luna flinched in unison, scared wouldn’t be the word to describe what they felt at that brief moment, mostly surprised, however they recovered from the sudden surprise and glared to the responsible who now is supporting his weight on the long-sword. His glowing eyes looking directly to their souls.

‘’I must thank you to bring that up Celestia’’ His mocking attitude never leaving him ‘’The answer is quite simple...’’ His right gauntlet clenches into a fist creating a dark aura around it.

‘’I shall finish my conquest of this world and establish my new Empire, with everyone subjugated to my will for the eternity’’

A dark chuckle follows

‘’Your little kingdom was the most powerful that this world had to offer, but now nobody shall delay my quest’’

‘’You are going to be stopped!’’ Luna stated like it was a fact

An infuriating sigh sounds and Ish’zakk gets to a proper position to walk with both showing power and chafe.

He leans closer to the defiant sister staring directly to her soul through her eyes ‘’I thought you have already learned that THIS is not one of those nasty child’s stories where Good defeats Bad.’’

No sooner does he finish, he turns completely facing away from Luna. His long cape disrespecting her, the hit may not hurt physically but it can hurt the pride and the honor.

Without looking back he continues ‘’Because THIS is the real life, where only the stronger shall prevail’’

Once again the silence reigns in the room no of the individuals say a single a word, their breaths continues until they synchronize.
Suddenly the Conqueror snaps his fingers, breaking the ice in the process, and the sun set to the horizon allowing to the moon to rise from the other side.

‘’This power is quite fascinating, I cannot believe that you were wasting them for a long time’’

He gives another snap, and the darkness of the moon is replaced for the light of the sun. Without a second thought he starts to play with the celestial bodies, creating eclipses from both sides.

‘’PLEASE STOP!’’ Celestia’s voice pleads, and for her disbelief he stops with a final snap returning to the time of the day which they were previously on

‘’The total control over the celestial bodies.... quite fascinating, isn’t it?’’ He crosses both of his arms focusing his yellow eyes solely on the oldest sister

Befores he continues his arms uncross and with his right hand he points the index finger accusingly towards Celestia ‘’And all of this is thanks to you, Celestia’’ His hands retreats
’YOU accepted me and my kind in your kingdom and also your world, and defended us from the other nations that didn’t like such idea of a new species residing on this world. YOUR kingdom was used to be ruled by kindness, peace and harmony… but no anymore…’’ His right hand is enveloped by the same fire that had the corrupted wisp as he clenches it into a fist.

‘’Now, thanks to YOU I am not going to worry about feel thirsty for a long time’’ The flames on his hand dissipated into the air. ‘‘After all, the blood from Innocent are the most satisfying’’ The fist that used to be flaming unclenches and appears a glass filled with a very deep red liquid. With grace and delicacy he walks with the glass on his hand towards the one of the many holes of the room. Once there he appreciates the sight once again and pours the content of the glass to his throat enjoying its taste.

Celestia can only watch with utter disgust because he is drinking blood in its pure form like an exquisite wine, but at the same time she lowers her head in sorrow because that blood used to be from her little ponies.

Luna couldn’t hold her thinking ‘’You have tormented us both physically and mentally…just finish us quickly and end this dread suffering’’ She never noticed the pattern of how she said her last sentence until it was too late. She made it sounds like an order rather than plead.

Ish’zakk noticed the mistake of the youngest sister but first he needs to finish his drink, he can’t waste that delectable inebriation after all. The last drops are finally sliding towards his lips and taste it with such pleasure making it look that he has tasted the mana from the gods.

The empty glass is thrown towards Luna’s direction shattering in front of her, she flinched at the sudden movement and she realizes of her mistake. The rattle of the chains echoes the room; Celestia watches her sister’s exasperation for trying to get away from the man who caused everything.

Never order an Evil Overlord.

His rage is immense and it’s expressed on his steps that crack the floor underneath it, and if that is not proof enough then the dark aura around his heavy armor from helmet to boots must be enough.

‘’DON’T YOU EVER DARE TO GIVE ME AN ORDER!!!’’ His voice matches the Royal Canterlot Voice from Luna, who is trying to escape in vain from his wrath. After he is fully standing in front of her, does he pulls her hair and connects gazes with him.


Again the midnight princess shuts her eyes.


Luna feels a bit better when he released her mane and backed away from her, but that doesn’t stop her to lower her head showing submission to him, hoping that it will work and he stops.

His rage banished almost instantly when he obtained the wanted attitude, a satisfied chuckle follows then.

‘’Besides, where is the fun in ending both of your life?’’ Both of his hands moved in emphasis

‘’No…I have much better plan for the rest of your miserable lives’’

The three of them are inmortal. And that makes everything even more terrifying.

He laughs and he doesn’t stop as he walks to the golden throne and once again rest on it.
‘’Since today both of you shall be my pets and also a psychological symbol showing that anybody could ever hope to defeat me. Ish’zakk, Overlord of the living and undead, the dragon slayer, the ageless man and the supreme archmage user both light and darkness arts.’’

He paused for a while leaving everything in a tight tension

‘’And now with two new titles; Supreme ruler of two worlds and controller of the Sun and The Moon’’

Both Celestia and Luna scowled at the mention of his last acquired title, with the difference that Celestia was glaring at him and Luna was facing the floor.

Celestia narrows her eyes and maintain her defiant attitude ‘’So since this dreadful day you will treat us as your personal slaves who will serve you in ‘every’ way possible? I’m disappointed; you are no different than the others who had chosen the same path, at the end every single one of them were defeated’’ But she knows better, back then she and her sister had the Elements of Harmony and the support of the Tree of Harmony.

Now they are alone.

The Evil Overlord didn’t say a thing; he stayed in his stoic position.

Celestia never expected for a reply to continue ‘’However you can try but we will never summit to you’’

A laugh less maniacally echoes both inside the helmet of Ish’zakk and the throne room, Clestia never expected that reaction from him. ‘What is he planning now?’ She thought

After his laugh died down, did he speak ‘’Oh my dear Celestia I never thought that you have a dirty mind, you naughty little princess’’
Celestia was bewildered to his reply, causing her to wonder what he really means then

Luna dared to look up to him for ask confused ‘’What do you mean then?’’
His back leave the backrest as his upper body leans closer ‘’I don’t and never will; have any type of sexual intercourse with horses, that’s beyond sick’’

For some ‘unknown’ reason both sister felt completely offended by his statement.
‘’BUT, I’m utterly sure that in a future I will need some kind of ‘relieve’’’ The Evil Overlord checks his sharp metal fingers before another snap is done.

They didn’t see the spell casting cautiously around them until both of them were engulfed by a dark bubble.

Then man watched patiently to his spell to take effect on the sisters, there was no sound coming from the large dome.

Seconds after the sphere starts to dissipate reveling that the chained alicorns are gone, because in their place lay two gorgeous women both with wings on their back and horn from their head. This goes without saying that they are naked.

Ish’zakk immediately leans closer to check on the futures of the new body of Celestia and Luna, he is a male after all.

Celestia is taller than the average woman by a few inches; her whole body expresses the perfection of a goddess must have; a perfect figure with the curves in the exact places. Her skin is white but with a touch of tan, although that didn’t surprise the conqueror; moreover he expected that because Celestia was related with the sun and the day directly. But her cleavage caught his attention more; the size is considerable. Celestia’s hair maintains its color scheme as the same with her eyes’ color. Her wings are large and both with the color of alabaster, but her horn is smaller in size than before the transformation.

Celestia without her coat of fur feels the cold touch of the chains around the appendages that used to be her forelegs and hind legs, and the environment that she is make it colder. At least she maintained her wings which without hesitation used to cover her new body to prevent the warmth to leave her, another reason was that for some reason she felt completely exposed.

Then came the turn of Luna new appearance, unlike her sister she was smaller in every aspect; including the bust which she has and arm covering it for at least keep a bit of pride, still her whole woman figure is enviable. Again Ish’zakk wasn’t surprised for her skin color; she was related with the moon and the night so being pale is understandable in his opinion. As the same with her sister she kept the indigo color of her hair, wings and horn.

The indigo wings quickly covered the naked body of Luna from the yellow wandering eyes of the Evil Overlord. Luna doesn’t have any voice left to at least mutter something, he had humiliated them in the worst way possible and even more knowing that Celestia was right, they are at his mercy. The warmth of her wings wasn’t enough to keep away the cold shiver creeping its way all over the spine
Ish’zakk loved the shame expression that is plastered all over their faces ‘’That will do, If I may add I never thought that both of you could look so…’arousing’ in a human body’’

That was the limit for Celestia who was about to reply at this humiliation with the newfound strength, but once more time the sound of metal clashing together echoes the throne room.

Immediately both sisters were engulfed with the same dark sphere that transformed them in their current human bodies’ moments ago. This time Celestia and Luna are expecting another transformation that might satisfy the sick pleasure of the Ish’zakk. But they never expected what happened next.

After the sphere dissipated they were in their normal Equine bodies totally clean from both grubbiness and small wounds or cuts from their last battle. The only comfort they can feel is that they don’t feel shamefully exposed anymore
‘’Now that everything have been settled, let’s get to the end of this, shall we?’’ Again he stands up from the half destroyed throne, but only after he left the royal seat did the throne melted completely leaving nothing behind.

Celestia only stared with wide eyes to the once used to be her throne now melted on the floor, and Luna accompanied her sister feelings.
The space between the three decrease for each passing second.

Now they don’t have a kingdom to rule together as sisters, Ish’ zakk destroyed everyuthing that they held dear, their faith was completely gone since the instant when news of the fall of the Tree of Harmony reached their ears. That faith is shattered like their royal regalia that showed their power to others. They at mercy of that monster and there is nothing that they could do anymore, except for lower their heads and accept the inevitable fate that they will endure for the eternity.

But with the little pride that they have left, did they use it to raise their head in unison and face with courage the Evil Overlord who now is only less than a meter away from them staring directly to their souls.

His gauntlet set ablaze with purple flames as he raises it to their eye level ‘’Now… Celestia and Luna…’’

A response wouldn’t change anything, neither a grunt nor a scowl. But they did it nevertheless at the mention of their name, he doesn’t have the right to do it; but what can they do?

The purple flames blaze with more intensity than before he continues

‘’I have a question for both of you…’’

Knowledge is a beautiful thing and the three individuals inside of what remains of the room knew that fact, but they also know that knowledge can be used in both ways. And you know in which way is directed the knowledge of Ish’zakk. Although he have everything he wanted there is a small thing that he always wanted to know more than ever; and Celestia with Luna are the only ones capable to enlighten him with the answer.

Ish’zakk kneels with the right leg ahead as the fire around his right hand died down.

‘’Would you two be my wives?’’

With the fire gone his gauntlet revealed two beautiful and cautiously crafted rings with unique diamonds that can only be obtained from his world.


Both sisters answered almost instantly as the chains vanished when they leaped at him to embrace him with all their might and love expressing their approval of his beautiful yet simple request.

Ish’zakk could only accept the suddenly embrace with wide arms before falling onto the marble floor together. His armor softened the fall of the three.

With a powerful flash the whole destroyed room is replaced by the perfectly throne room without a scratch of damage. The dark gruesome scenario was completely gone.

His helmet is pulled off with the magic of Celestia revealing his young yet mature face with unique features; his well kept blonde hair is long enough to reach the base of his neck and is also held in a pony tail although that there are few stripes of his hair on his forehead. His eyes have a different color each one, the right eye is colored with a soft tone of emerald and his left eye is lovely cerulean. His smile is hypnotizing though the small verticals scar on his lips.

‘’Hey Celly, Lulu…’’ His distorted voice was no more, now is a soft yet wise voice that expresses his love with each word.

Celestia stopped nuzzling his neck with her sister when he called them and they smiled when they connected their gazes.
‘’What do you think of my type of proposal?’’ A faint blush appeared on his cheeks as a caring smiled formed on his lips.

Both sisters look each other before giggling like little fillies.

Celestia was the first to speak ‘’To be hones t with you, that was the strangest way to ask us marriage’’

Luna nods her head in agreement ‘’we must agree with our sister, your marriage proposal was beyond words to describe how queer it was’’ she look at him with narrow eyes but with a sultry smile ‘’We may have accepted to follow the instructions of your letter, because you promised that you wouldn’t exaggerate. Yet you did it’’

His face becomes serious but apologetic ‘’I told you in the letter that the safe word to stop everything was ‘Cake’’’ Celestia snorted at the mention of her favorite dish

Luna averted her from his with flustered cheeks ‘’Well is just that…’’

The embarrassment was too much for the younger sister to keep talking, good thing that Celestia was there to continue.
‘’What Lulu is trying to say that she was expecting your little play end with passionate and dominating …well you know the word, is kind of embarrassing to talk about it.’’

Luna nodded to confirm her sister statement, her flustered cheeks remains.

Celestia can only laugh to her sister shyness about the topic.
‘’But you really exaggerated when you transformed us into females of your kind without previous warning’’ Celestia was serious about it, body transformation can be really uncomfortable if the individual who is about to be transformed isn’t ready.

Ish’zakk smiles sheepishly at the sisters as one of his hands reaches the back of the head ‘’Well, the whole ‘unwanted transformation’ fitted perfectly on that moment’’

‘’Besides your beauty was beyond description, those words were no worthy to describe each one of you’’ his sheepishly smile becomes into a honest smirk.

The princesses accepted the compliment with a deep blush on their faces followed by nuzzling his neck again, of course carefully to don’t cause him harm with their large horn.

The three don’t care that they are lying on the floor because the embrace that are sharing together is the only thing they want to do.

‘’So, when would you like the wedding to take place?’’