The bass

by Spider

First published

A song full of magic was made. Using possession and transformation, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia comes to earth. Also Vinyl and Octavia are really mean to humans in this story.

Vinyl Scratch is already famous in equestria but when she finds out that another world doesn't know her she is only tempted. With a little magic and the amazement of internet she quickly find someone to take over for the ride but sadly they will never be the same again. Not a five score fic.
Also my first story so go ahead and criticize because it helps me more than you think.

What a 'normal ' day

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Chapter 1- What a ‘normal’ day

My name is Steve. I know cliché right? Anyway it is Friday and I just got out of school for a full weekend of fun and hanging out with my friends. Dave and James are my friends and will be at Dave’s birthday party, which is tomorrow so I better get my music ready for making my friends party awesome. Now that introductions are out of the way. I live alone and in my 4th year in high school. But school is totally boring but oh well.

“Uhhhhhh” I groan as I walk in my house. “Well at least it is the weekend” I try to cheer myself up. I walk to my computer and open up soundcloud to find a bunch of music to play at the party. “Perfect” I say as I go to one of my favorite artist, the official DJ pon-3, and play wub dub dub. My friends and me are bronies but we keep it between each other. I put on my turtlebeach headphones and listened to all her/his music and found out it was 7:00 and time to eat.
I got up and went to the kitchen. I was craving some sort of meat but sadly my fridge just didn’t have it in him to do me that one favor. I ended up eating salad. “Man, I need to go shopping” I muttered as I crunched on the salad but it tasted different then usual. It actually tasted good without ranch but that’s just a plus I guess.

I just got up, went back to my computer, and went back to soundcloud. I typed in ‘Vinyl Scratch’ because the music people make about her is just the best. I found one that peaked my interest. It was called trance transdubmation. Wow it has zero views. Might as well be the first one. Being the awesome guy I am I clicked on the track.

It has a weird beat to it. One solid beat in a 4/4 time. It lasted so long I began to get lightheaded but I couldn’t bring myself to cut off the song. I then heard talking but it was quiet as it made its way into my ears. “As you listen your body starts to change. Your molecules and way of thinking rearranged. When the bass drops you will retain. I will soon take over your brain.” After I heard that I could feel a tingling sensation all over my body. Then the bass dropped.

“AHHHHHHH” I screamed as my body convulsed and I threw my turtlebeaches at the screen but happily they didn’t bust. My happiness didn’t last long as I got a loud ringing sound in my ear. I looked up at the screen to see the song wasn’t there anymore. I knew I was hallucinating so I slowly and painfully crawled into my room too black out as I fell on my bed.


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I was in a dream and it was a room. It had smoke and flashing lights but no music. I had to change that, so I walked up to the front where a practical set of DJ stuff was. I took out two disks. One of Stevie wonders and another of Eminem. I don’t how but it felt natural. It felt like I wasn’t in control but it didn’t worry me. I was going with the flow.
Then somebody walked up to me. It was a pony. Vinyl Scratch to be exact. “HEY DUDE! THAT’S MY JOB!” I then stopped to look at her and the music stopped. She then punched/hoofed me in the face. I was knocked back into a wall unable to get up. Vinyl walked right up to me and whispered “Never Again!” She lifted up a hoof and KO me.

“Holy flying f**k!” I yelled waking up in sweat. I remembered my entire dream. My face felt sore so I went to look at it in the bathroom. My hair is electric blue. Other then the hair I was fine. I did the normal stuff I do in the mornings. This includes taking a shower (Found out you can’t wash the blue hair out), brushing awkwardly shaped teeth, and eating cereal. I didn’t freak out too much. Screaming and breaking mirrors isn’t much right? Anyway. I got my S4 and hopped in my car.

I arrived at my friend’s house 5 minutes later. He was on his porch waving as I got out of the car. “Give the dog a bone” he said while waving his fist. I bumped it and went inside to already see James there. Alright I’m not the greatest singer but ‘happy birthday’ isn’t the hardest song.

After the cake I got ready to play my music. Right before I pressed the play button, my head felt like it got hit by a rock. My friends looked at me in worry. “Are you alright?” James asked. “I’m fine” I said just before pressing the play button. My rave music started playing but I passed out.

I awoke in a room, the same room that was in my last dream. Just without the strobe lights and lasers. “I told you” a heard a voice says, “you had to go and do my job. It’s still my job even if you are in a different dimension. Now just to show you how I feel-“.

BOOM a kick to my side was felt. POW my head was still throbbing from that one. I turned around and vinyl was smiling. She took off her glasses as one of her red-purplish eyes turned full bright red. ‘Oh god’ I thought as she stood on two hooves and popped her knuckles. “WHY!” I screamed just before getting picked up off the ground by my throat. Somehow she can grab without having to use magic but I’m not in the mood of going into that as I’m about to lose consciousness. “Because I said so b***h” the last thing I heard before fading black and waking up sweating on the couch of my friends house.

|Hello| I hear myself in my head.
‘What’s up dude and oh yeah how did getting beat up in your own dream feel?’
|What why did you and how|
‘You will see what I’m planning. Its not like you can look away.’
“What’s up” I hear a voice like mine say. “Oh great you’re awake. You were, like, asleep for like 30 minutes” Dave said. “You might want too stay back” |Stay back from what? | ‘You’ll see and you’ll know. Your body is mine now. Hahahahah’ that laugh. It scares me. “NO!” I scream. Yes just got my body back. “No what?” my friend asks. “You wouldn’t believe me” I said in short happiness. “Yes I would” he responded quite quickly. “Vinyl scratch beats me up in my dreams and then tried to possess me” I said in the most truthful way possible.

“For the first thing I know when your ling and telling the truth so you must be telling the truth or crazy. Let me see a test I was thinking since vinyl is a dj pony” He held out my s4 and grabbed my hand. Right before pressing the play button vinyl sounded angry. |No you don’t b***h| and my other hand punched me in the face. I then was in my mind again while she controlled.

The only one that’s been here the whole time (Dave if you hadn’t figured it out yet) was holding me down. “Bitch let go of me” Vinyl says angry. “You didn’t even try to bleep that one out. You must be vinyl.” |Wow he is smart| I thought to myself. “Yep and what you going to do about it?” amazingly he got off of her and let out a sigh “nothing” that one word made my mind blank. “Hahahahahahah” vinyl said with a smile “Now to finish the transformation” ’and you will feel pain for trying to stop me’. She walked over to the couch and fell asleep.

In the same room as before I’m just sitting in a chair but I have blue hair, herbivore teeth, a blue tail, and I’m a girl. Just crying about the transformation. Then vinyl showed up but with another pony. A grey one with a black mane, which I assume, was Octavia. Vinyl then kicked out my chair from under me earning a loud thud that was me. I was then turned over to be met with Octavia holding me down. I tried to struggle but was too weak. “Now to finish the transformation” vinyl said. “But why?” I responded with tears in my eyes. “So I can be the greatest dj on earth as well as equestria”. With that she kissed me. I felt something enter my mouth. It wasn’t a tongue, no, it was her soul.

I awoke with greatest feeling and Octavia was right next to me. “Hoofbump!” and we bumped hooves. I went to Octavia’s computer and bought some DJ gear. Octavia also bought a cello. Time to set up.

Living on earth with 'Them'

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“It’s going to take, like, 2 work days” Vinyl groaned. ‘Why did you buy that’ I thought aloud. “Because I can, again” Vinyl laughed at her own joke. “This will also get you allot of money” She smiled imagining the green paper flying around her and her, oh so adoring, fans. ‘You egotistical son of a-‘ a slightly annoyed vinyl cut me off. “Tsk, tsk, No Cussing or else” she slightly threatened. ‘Or else what’ I had to ask. Her horn glowed and I suddenly thought dubstep was the best music in the world.

‘Oh no. Why can she change my personality’ I thought to myself but, as always, Vinyl heard me. “It’s because I learned the spell before leaving. And if you try to curse again I will change more of your personality. Make me mad enough then I just might turn you into just like me. It’d be a nice change of pace.” Vinyl said with a slight bit of poison in her words. On a dime her expression went from Angry and annoyed to happiness as she turned to look at Octavia. “Hey, Octavia. How is that one guy doing?” she asked while I was afraid of what happened to him.

“He’s fine but the amount of curse words he said, he seems like a fine classical pony.” Octavia said and those words felt like ice freezing me from the inside out in just shock and awe. My friend, David, use to like metal and hardcore rock. How many curse words did he know? ‘I thought you were my favorite pony!’ I thought with sadness toward Vinyl. “That’s why I picked you. Even though there are still punishments when rules are broken.” Vinyl said, as she knew that she was definitely a hypocrite. Being bored, Vinyl and Octavia went and sat on the couch. Vinyl levitated the remote over to her and started watching TV. For the rest of the night both, Vinyl and Octavia, watched TV until they fell asleep.

The next day felt kinda weird. I stretched and let out a long yawn. “I have the weirdest dreams.” I said reassuringly to myself only to hear a female’s voice. “Crap!” I yelled only to wake up Octavia/Dave. I looked over as the grey pony started stretching only to look at me with its large eyes. “Steve?” she said softly. I only nodded to find that she was in slight shock. I found her eyes slowly trail down as she looked at herself. Her mouth agape, as she was about to say something then fainted.

I hurried up and caught my turned-pony friend. “Uhhhhh” I sigh as I put the grey earth pony back sitting on the couch. I turn to the TV and thought about what Vinyl did last night with her horn. ‘You point it and think about picking stuff up but with your mind’ Vinyl surprises me. I decide to follow what she said and I focused on the remote. Thinking about picking up the remote I felt a tingling sensation in the back of my head. The remote slowly lifted off the ground and it was surrounded by the same glow that was coming from my horn. The remote suddenly busted and blew up in a small cartoonish explosion. ‘I still have control of my magic and what spells you can cast.’ Vinyl said, as I would imagine her with a sly smile.

I got up and, walked/trotted/whatever, over to the computer. I went onto soundcloud and thought of an idea. ‘She wasn’t kidding’ Vinyl said as I imagine her already knowing my idea. David was already up and learning to walk. “Hey, David?” I yelled for him to come over here. “Yeah, what’s up?” He replied still a little shaky. “What music do you want to listen to?” I said as I awaited my answer. “I want to listen to Jack Bl- actually what about yo-yo ma.” After that reply he looked thunderstruck. ‘No one likes your jokes dude’ Vinyl decided to speak up. “I googled yo-yo ma and he is a famous cellist” I spoke then turned around in my chair to face a pony with a smile. “Why are you smiling?” I asked confused by his/her reaction.

“Because I want you to play it. Strange hu?” He said with that same expression never leaving his face. I in turn, to see what his further reaction was, turned on Jack Black’s: The metal. I about died thinking about what these ponies can do with their changes. The look on his face changed from happiness to disgust as soon as I played the song. “Why are you playing this junk?” he said putting his hooves over his pointy grey ears. I then changed the song to that of ‘I am Octavia’. He absolutely loved it. I don’t even know if there were any cellist parts but ay. I didn’t like it though. I despised it. ‘Now you know how I feel’ I hear Vinyl think. “Even though you forced me to feel this way.” I snapped.

I left and went upstairs to go see myself clearer in the mirror. When I got to the stairs it posed a problem so I quoted a borderlands 2 joke. “Stairs!? I can’t go up stairs!” I yelled mimicking claptrap and got a snicker from Dave. I slowly climbed the stairs and went to the bedroom. I noticed a weird tattoo on my butt, but then noticed it as a cutie mark. It was 2 8th notes together. It looked cool coming off her white coat. I then met the beautiful eyes that are now mine. They are a sparkling magenta. I look gorgeous and then I looked at my horn. It was a white spike sticking out of my head with a swirl design going around it.

I looked back at my eyes then freaked the f**k out. “My shades. Where are they?” I screamed while searching the house for it. ‘Calm down. They are also my shades. So don’t freak out. They are in the bedroom on the bed of course. But if you do anything to them, lets just say, you might not want to sleep again. Speaking of that, I still owe you something for trying to stop me. Remember?’ She said and I slightly calmed but still intimidated by what she said at the end. I winced thinking about what she would do if her glasses ‘Shades’ broke. “Who cares if I say glasses or shades anyway?” I asked while rolling my eyes. ‘I care. Now if you don’t want to start liking stallions, shut up and call them shades.’ She said with annoyance. I instantly shut up and went to the bedroom. I found them upright right where Vinyl left them. I then put them on. It felt natural but that was soon replaced by worry of what was happening.