Age of Terror

by Michael Hudson

First published

The crystal empire has fallen and it is all one mare's fault. Now she will pay for this dreadful failure, but will the price be as bad as she suspects?

Months ago the Crystal Empire fell to the wrath of Sombra. The Equestrian response was swift, but nothing could stop him and his plans, and thus, the elements fled to different parts of the nation, now hunted for so that they may never come together against him. Twilight has been able to survive in this war stricken era, but finally her time is up and the consequences of her failure so long ago must be faced. However, will those consequences be as bad as she once imagined?

Warning: This is anthropomorphic, despite the cover art.

Thank you Foals Errand and Soaring for prereading.

Thank you to Mystery Melt for the cover art.

Inspired by Blunt Whiskey's 'My Little Slave' comic. May she one day decide to bring her genius back to the fandom.

Twilight's Fate

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Twilight found herself in a small house with two ponies who sat across from her. They were stating something about protecting her, that she was the key to turning this all around. However, it all came through some sort of filter, as if there was a screen between her and them. Their faces no longer existed and she only stared blankly back while trying to assure them that everyone would be okay. The words were numb though, and she knew it back then too. It was already too late.

The ground shook as an earthquake passed through the area. A coffee cup was knocked down and crashed to the floor before shattering into shards. Twilight picked up the shards, mumbling something about how she could fix it in a jiffy. That is when the guards came in. They looked like demons clad in their black armor and holding long spears and swords. She was too busy recovering from the shock of the sudden intrusion to save the male and her vision started to fade as he was run through. She ripped three of them apart with her magic in return, but they seemed to be coming from everywhere, blending together as one large mass of horror.

She continued to fight though. She never gave in, not until that pommel came crashing down on the back of her head and she fell to the ground. Her body hurt and her magic sputtered as her ears rang in agony. She looked up at the man as he raised his sword, and the vision faded away as her chest tightened in fear.

The purple mare awoke with that same tightness in her chest. Her horn glowed briefly as she tried to light the night, but a spasm of pain immediately reciprocated and she let out a small grunt of pain. She glanced around in an attempt to gain her bearings while her heart dropped with each small turn.

A cold landscape was outside the large tent that held the slaves within. The plain tent walls were barely illuminated by small lanterns and she was one of maybe five slaves that were off the frozen ground and on cots. Twilight glanced down at the twenty or so mares and stallions chained together and shook as she remembered where she was and, more importantly, what she was. Her bodies shaking increased as she curled up and let the dams break for her tears to flow. So many other nights she had been strong, but then there were these nights where the cold and pain would not leave and she needed this release, this one small comfort.

One of the guards noticed the noise and started walking across the large tent. He approached Twilight’s cot and raised a hand as he was ready to make the slave sleep. Another heavy hand grabbed his uncovered arm in a heavy steel gauntlet. The guard turned to the fierce visor of his superior and scowled. “I was simply doing my job.”

The iron clad captain tightened his grip, almost to the point of breaking the other one’s arm. “You should know by now that she is special. The king would have our heads if we hurt her, especially so close to the capital.”

The guardsman glanced back down at the shuddering form on the cot and finally stopped resisting his captain’s grip. “With a body like that though, I would buy her, not kill her. I know what the royals have planned though. Still a shame to let spoil such a flower.”

A small lick of his lips was all the captain needed to slam his fist into the impudent stallion’s stomach. The lackey crumpled on the ground as the captain lowered himself and brushed Twilight’s hair away from her ear. The Captain spoke in a low whisper as he asked, “You wish we would end it now, don’t you. I’m am sorry then, but tomorrow you will prove to everypony once more just how useless the element bearers were. I only hope they go slowly; it’s more fun that way.”

Twilight curled up tighter on her cot as she tried to force the tears to end. She had faced death many times since The Crystal Empire and never cried before. This time was different though. She had no magic, she had no plan, and worst off, she had no friends. She let the struggle leave her and fell slowly back to sleep as tears continued to wind down her face.


The roar of the crowd deafened the slaves as they slowly walked through the town and towards its center. Commoners surrounded them and ranged from depressed and discolored as they once were, to enraged and throwing insults and stones at the newcomers. Most of these stones found Twilight as they yelled curses at her. Some were angry while others simply asked why. They all had the same theme though of hate for the one who had caused their current pain and suffering.

Once they entered the town square, the regular rabble was decreased drastically. Instead, there were middle class ponies standing around the marketplace and quickly made path for the merchandise. Twilight felt her rear get nipped by a pair of pinched fingers, but knew better than to yell out in annoyance. Besides, they aren’t the ones I need to fear. Above all of them sat the ‘nobility’, stallions and mares who had once been generals and now controlled large plots of land within Equestria, and all of their eyes were on Twilight. They would be betting today for power, to be the one to finally deliver unto Sombra what had escaped him so many months ago.

Finally they reached the large stage in the middle of the square and were lined up for all to see. Twilight wished she had been first to get this over with, but instead they wanted to wait. She was stuck in the middle, enough to make everyone feel excited about her, but not so long that anyone may start a riot for her sale.

The first slave's cuffs came off and the auction began. Twilight cringed as she heard each price. So many so low. Is a pony’s life really worth this little? She hoped for a moment that she wouldn’t fetch a high price, that at least she would not help this monstrous regime one more time. She knew this wasn’t true though and continued to cringe as she heard cries of fear and despair with each slam of the gavel. Finally it was her turn and the chains were finally removed. However, her collar stayed tightly wrapped around her throat, just in case.

A hush fell over the crowd as she was paraded up onto the stage. That morning she had been forced into a long purple gown and had her mane combed so that it ran straight instead of the tangled mess it had transformed into during her frantic travels. A belt at the waist tightened the whole gown so that her breasts were outlined by the rough fabric and she could spot drool coming out of one or two stallions mouths as they stared at her. She took in a deep breath and mentally lifted her hand away. Stay calm Twilight, just stay calm.

That was not to happen though as a new announcer walked onto stage. He was obviously painted and had his mane dyed, but one look at his outfit and Twilight lost all control. Her retainers let her go and she ran at the white stallion as he smiled down at her and gestured to the angry mare with a flourish of his hands. She never reached him as her magic started reflexively and her brain throbbed in agony as protective response of her collar. She whimpered on the ground as the Shining Armor look-alike stated, “Our next item will be Twily, failed student of Celestia,” he paused for a moment to spit on the ground, “and useless element bearer of magic.”

Twilight’s retainers pulled her up to her feet and she felt a hand wrap around her large breast. Her eyes stayed shut as she just pleaded internally for this to be over already. “Though my sister looks all grown up, I doubt anyone could ever forget the day she spent trapped inside our dark lord’s containment spell and childishly thrashed against the inevitable. Still, with her teacher smited, sister dead, and even her own brother–” He took a step back as she growled at him. He turned to the crowd and chuckled out, “Guess she still has some fire left. Now,” He paused for dramatic effect, “who will be the one to put that flame out? Bidding starts at two-hundred bits.”

Twilight tried to shut out the voices as they raised in a cacophony of glee. At first her body chilled as lower bids were made to keep her alive as a slave, but then her death calls came. They were for exorbitant amounts and she felt sick as they broke a thousand bits. Each bid also came with the method the buyer had in mind to kill her and each was out to beat the last for horror or torture. Finally the bidding slowed and the auctioneer actually had to pause as one voice shouted, “Five thousand bits and death by gangbang so all who came may enjoy her last moments.”

Her eyes slowly opened wide to the statement and she saw the eager faces in the crowd. Twilight glanced to the stallion who had given her comfort for so long in her life, only to remember the lies that lay behind those hungry eyes. His hand finally left her heaving bosom as he slowly walked behind her. The hand came back upon her mid thigh and slowly trailed its way up. With each inch of the journey Twilight’s shaking grew while her dress was lifted higher and higher. She could no longer keep her eyes closed but instead watched in shocked awe as ponies, ponies who had once been so kind and would never think of something like this, started to pull out their cocks and watch in anticipation.

Finally the foreign fingers reached her crotch and Twilight snapped. She thrashed against the retainers and managed to shove a hoof straight into her ‘brother’s’ knee as the guards hesitated from the sudden burst of energy. She knew she was running on little sleep and all that kept her this strong was adrenaline, but that didn’t even cause her to pause in the attempt for freedom. Twilight scrunched her neck as her horn pointed at one guards eye. The weapon was soon subdued by the other guard grabbing it instead of her arms. Her head was pulled back and the other one took the opportunity to slam his fist into her stomach. She threw up on the stage and shook as the crowd cheered. The announcer got in one last blow to her side to roll her over before shouting, “Five thousand for the bitch going once, twice, thr–”

“Ten thousand bits alive.” The cold, menacing tone sliced through the crowd’s clamour like butter and everyone stopped dead in their discussions. Twilight’s vision was blurred as she continued to stare at the clear blue sky above her. At least it was a nice day out when I died. However, she felt cold iron press against her arm and found herself being lifted and thrown over a knight’s shoulder. A glance over her shoulder confirmed it to be the one from last night. She barely got out, “Where are we going,” as she thought she was going to be sick again from the bouncing.

He glanced over his shoulder and regretted it as his own arousal grew due to the large soft flanks next to his head. He started a brisk jog to keep the girl bouncing and less likely to focus as he replied, “Your new home slave.”

Twilight felt her body start to shake as her greatest fear was realized. She knew what being a slave would mean, especially with whom she assumed she was enslaved to. Tears welled in her eyes as sadness overcame her, but a sharp pain to her head from a purposeful attempt at magic allowed her to focus. Damnit Twilight snap out of it! You know that as long as you live there is a chance, so take it. She opened her eyes back up and went about the difficult task of taking in the very town she had once been supposed to protect.

However, the journey to the castle was already over and the knight was slowing as they approached the crystal spire. Two guards crossed underneath from the entrance while Twilight cringed at the empty space in the middle. One knight held a black clad hand and ordered, “Helmet off soldier. We need to make sure you are you.”

She heard a mumbled curse from her guard as he put her to the ground and the knights both put a sword to their throats. Her captor growled out, “I can’t take off my helmet with her on my shoulder you idiots. Do you want a horn through my neck?” He glared down the knight in front of him and soon the blade drifted away from the thick metal that made up the collar of his armor. He undid the straps and pulled it off to reveal dull brown fur and short blue hair. His green eyes stared down the two guards as they backed away before stating, “Black Knight Dark Shield reporting back from extended duty for the sake of the assured capture of the element of magic, Twilight Sparkle. Now, unless you want to find out why the king would put me in charge of her capture, I would move!”

Twilight watched as the two lesser guardsmen scurried away from them and a firm hand landed on her shoulder almost before she could think of running. She glanced up at Night and he growled out, “Come along. The faster we get this over with, the sooner I can finally go off duty.”

The two started to walk with Twilight taking in every detail she could. Instead of the light blues and purples of the castle, black, red, and darker shades of purple now made up the colors of the shining crystal walls. Ponies could be seen scrambling about at their regular jobs polishing the walls, sweeping, and rushing from room to room to deliver messages. However, one thought nagged Twilight. “Sombra is willing to let you rest?”

Night glanced over at the pretty mare and increased his pace so as to avoid as many questions as he could. Something told him she would be quite annoying though, just as she had been on the trip here. He flatly stated, “Sombra does reward loyalty and knows how to treat his men. He wanted his best to bring you back though, so I had to wait for the time off that had been promised of me.”

Twilight bit back on questioning his morals as she knew there would be no debate to be found with one of Sombra’s minions. However, this did not stop her from attempting to slyly get information out of him. “Are you sure you won’t be ordered to simply go out and get the next element of harmony? I hear Applejack has been quite the nui–” She stopped as a dark red glow came from Night’s right hand.

“Do not bring that whore’s name up. You may have made some victories while resisting him out there, but here our king and his crystal knights rule supreme. And if you bring that name up again, I will prove why.” Night was taking deep breaths as he stared deep into her purple eyes and trying to calm himself. They reflected his own green pair and only reminded him of his Shine Maker and the past. He turned away as tears started to sting his eyes and beckoned for her to come along. After a few moments he turned around again only to see that Twilight had not moved. “Must I carry you again?”

Twilight shook her heads as she brushed away the dark possibilities in her mind. I’d heard about Rainbow and AJ’s early accomplishes with the royal guards, but it isn’t possible that they could have hurt one of these things. It just… isn’t. Her mind attempted to rebuttal with the agony of war that she knew all too well now, but this was quickly shut away as she went back to taking in the castle.

The pair became quiet as they crossed through long corridors and beautiful foyers and warm studies before finally arriving at the entrance to the throne room. Two more knights in armor guarded the door and stopped them as they approached. They held their hands up while one’s glowed green and the other glowed blue, similar to Night’s earlier display. He shook his head in annoyance and disgust before slamming his hoof down and forcing a large crystal pillar to rise between the two as proof of his rank and privilege. Twilight stepped back and muttered, “How?”

“Our King’s blessing. Now wait here while I talk to his majesty. They will keep an eye on you and i suggest you don’t try anything. They don’t have to kill to put you down.” Night then turned away as the doors opened and allowed him access forward. The knights returned to their post and directed her to stand near them. She couldn’t see past their metal visors, but she couldn’t help but suspect them of gazing upon her the whole time.

It would be almost three hours before Night finally emerged from the throne room. His armor was off to reveal the muscular build underneath and a red crystal shard could be seen imbedded into his right hand. He turned to Twilight and made a gesture for her to follow him. The two walked for a ways before his slight limp became too much for Twilight. “What happened?”

He glanced over his shoulder at her and took in a sharp breath before speaking. “I merely offered my own advice and he took it… poorly. It was outside of my station to advise him though on such matters though, so the blame is on me.” His voice dropped just out of earshot as he whispered, “I only hope his plan works.”

“What was that last part?”

Night scowled to himself and growled, “Nothing.”

Twilight stayed quiet and kept watching the walls as they walked. She needed to learn the castle and it was obvious this stallion did not want to talk to her about what was on his mind. However, her curiosity swelled back up when they stopped in front of a door. “You go in here while I get to leave. If you do anything to Black Lace though you will find out that any of the king’s guards can stop you just as easily as I can. Understood?” He waited for acknowledgement before giving her a sheet of paper. “They’re instructions for her. It is sealed by magic, so don’t bother trying to read it.” With those parting words, he turned to walk away. However, then the annoying mare decided to speak one more time.

“Why are in such a rush to go home?”

Night stopped momentarily and looked back at Twilight. She could see his jaw stress itself as he gazed down upon her. However, he knew that disciplining her would take time, time that his son should be having with his father. He pointed back at the door and simply said, “Go.”

His hoofsteps continued to resonate within the purple mare’s mind as she warred with herself about leaving. However, she knew she would probably be stopped long before ever making it to even the walls. I doubt they would even need to do more then push me over in my current state. With a final sigh, she walked into the room. Something immediately bothered her as she looked at the mannequins set out in the room while long sheets of cloth cluttered the floor and designs covered the walls. However, the mare that was supposed to help her was nowhere to be seen within the large room. “Hello?”

“Oh! That voice…”

The slightly accented tone made Twilight furrow her brow further as she noticed the small side room that the other mare must have been hiding in. Losing her magic had not made her defenseless though and Twilight decided to take advantage of the blind spot by grabbing a scarf hanging off one of the fake models. She slowly twisted it around her hands and lightly pressed herself against the wall in wait.

“Please darling, speak again. That voice sounded so familiar to me.”

Twilight tensed as the voice came back and that haunted feeling came back over her. What am I missing? She wasn’t going to let it distract her too much as the hooves got louder. She would only have one chance to take her out and use the hairpins or something else in the room to hopefully get this infernal collar off. Then I’ll have my power back. Then I’ll be back in control. Finally, the white mare came out in a long black and red dress. Twilight knew now was the time to strike, but the soft blue eyes and elegant grace of the mare caused her to hesitate and she found the other mare suddenly was assaulting her instead of the other way around.

Twilight attempted to wrestle her off, but this mare was well fed and had energy whereas Twilight was slow and weak. She could not remove the arms wrapped tight around her and slowly squeezing the air out of her. Finally, her attacker stated in glee, “I am so glad that you aren’t dead Twilight!”

Twilight glared up at the other mare and hesitated. Those cerulean eyes on a marshmallow face, all framed by beautiful purple hair were so close to somepony, somepony long ago lost. “That isn’t possible though. You’re dead.”

The other mare pulled Twilight to a sitting position and glanced down. “I’m sorry Twilight, but I was captured, and after a month in those dungeons I didn’t want to risk being put back. I didn’t mean to hurt you like I probably did, but I couldn’t get a letter out to any of anyone to let you know I was safe.”

Twilight started to shake as she stammered out, “They said your name is Black Lace. Wh… why?”

A quick wave of the hand came from the her as she stated, “Simply a name they wanted me to use so that no pony would realize I was here. Same reason I had to get rid of my magnificent couture for this lovely frame.” She gave Twilight a quick wink as she turned her head.

Twilight quaked as tears finally came out of her eyes and she begged, “Is it you? Please tell me it is. I need it.”

The soft hand brushed against Twilight’s cheek as she announced, “It is me. The one and only, Rarity, and I am so sorry that I left you alone for so long darling.” She rocked back as Twilight tackled her down. Rarity slowly ran her hair through Twilight’s hair as the purple mare sobbed into her dress. They stayed there for almost ten minutes before Rarity had to push Twilight away. “I’m sorry, but I suspect you were here for a reason, and I don’t want you getting in trouble.”

Twilight brushed her tears away and handed Rarity the note she had been handed before. As she read it, Twilight started to formulate and speak aloud her ideas. “You should help me Rarity. Together we will find a way out of this place and then we can go back and find Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and even Fluttershy. We can still fix this, and now that I have–” She stopped as a soft hand gripped her shoulder and she saw that Rarity was crying. “Rarity?”

“I… I’m sorry Twilight, but no.” She held a hand up as Twilight took a step towards her. “I can’t. That month hurt, that month was absolute torture. That month... is nothing I would ever want again. When Sombra told me he had found a use for me that could lead to an end of it, I had to take it. Besides, I hear the reports. I know how bad it is out there, and honestly, there is no going back. The princesses are dead, probably at least one of us is dead, and this castle is probably the best place to be now.” She looked back down and barely muttered, “I’m sorry Twilight, but I’m not going anywhere.”

Twilight felt her rage boil within her and lifted a hand. One glance at it though and Twilight brought it down in horror of what she had been thinking. Instead the hand merely gripped Rarity’s shoulder, but was quickly brushed away. The two sat there for a few moments before the white mare finally stood and walked over to a mannequin. “I remember your sizes, and we can adjust once I have most of it done. And Twi,” she waited for a moment to make sure she had her friend’s attention, “run. I didn’t make it out, but I know you can.”

All the studious mare could do was nod at the warning. She was tired and overwhelmed at the news. It was amazing to see Rarity again, but to hear what had happened to her old friend was crushing. At least she is safe. Just keep telling yourself that. She shut her eyes against the fear and soon fell to the floor. Rarity waltzed over and put two fingers against Twilight’s throat and let out a sigh as she felt the soft rhythm. The dressmaker left her alone so she could finally get her rest while the dress was made.

The darkness broke with a soft hand on Twilight’s shoulder gently shaking her. A white dress filled most of her view and Rarity beamed at her. “A nice soft white gown, just as Sombra ordered. It’s definitely a first for him, but that could mean anything. Still, I think it will look lovely on you.” She tried to put on a strong smile, but it faltered momentarily as Twilight stood on shaky hooves. “There is a catch though.”

Twilight gripped her head as her mind caught up with what she saw and groaned at the memories. “What is it?”

Rarity’s fingers curled the collar before she finally stated, “The dress is all you get to wear.”

Twilight paled for a moment before shaking her head. “That… that’s fine. Could be worse at least.” With that the studious mare started to get undressed and Rarity had to marvel at the body that used to hide behind books and turtlenecks. She gripped one of her own voluptuous breasts and smirked as she was certain Twilight was still smaller than her. However, her smile faded as she saw bandages on her friend and the ribs that framed her thin figure. The dress slipped over the sexy but fragile body to hide it, but Twilight then had to pull it up over one shoulder as she was much thinner than she once had been. It was a simple white dress as had been expected and cut off just above her knees, but Twilight knew it was more as it filled her with warmth and comfort that only a handmade gift from a friend could. “Thank you Rarity.”

Rarity wrapped her arms around Twilight and the two held each other close as she choked out, “You're welcome, and good luck out there.” The two let go and she wiped her tears away as she more confidently stated, “You need to go to the kitchen for cleaning duty. When you are done there, ask me or one of the other heads for your next job. Please though, come back to me.”

“Of course.” With these parting words, Twilight finally walked out of the nice room Rarity had and back into the hallways of the crystal castle and its dark blacks and purples. It didn’t take her long to find the kitchen through a mix of smell and directions, and she was immediately ordered by the head chef to scrub pots and pans with another slave. A small glance caused Twilight’s curiosity to rise as she noted the bra and panties that made up the other slave’s ‘outfit’. “Why are you dressed like that?”

The mare put a finger to her lips for a moment before going back to cleaning and Twilight bit into her cheek. She couldn’t deny that this first assignment seemed pretty simple, but she still couldn’t shake the fear of worse. Unfortunately, it did not take long for this fear to be realized.

The two knights from in front of Sombra’s throne room bust into the kitchen with clenched fists and jaws. It looked like they had been talking before but now paused to glare at the castle staff as they walked through. Twilight stared at her dishes as they passed and overheard bits of the conversation. From the sounds of it, the arrival of her and the stallion who had captured her had annoyed them. Probably a top dog type of ordeal like with those nobles from… Twilight stopped for a moment as she squeezed her eyes against the memory of the auction. The knight that wasn’t scolding the chef for no reason noticed the slowing of the attractive mare in her work and walked over.

“What do you think you’re doing whore? Not enough dishes for you to finish cleaning? Well don’t worry, I have something that could take a long time to cle– Augh!” The knight turned to his companion while his hand throbbed from almost being crushed. “What the hell?”

The second knight shook his head at the other and gestured at Twilight. “Look again moron. No matter how annoyed you are, I doubt it is worth getting killed over. Just grab the other one and let’s be on our way. I know I’m ready to get back to the barracks.” He took one more look at Twilight and muttered some sort of curse under his breath before leaving. The first knight grabbed the other slave and hoisted her over his shoulder as he too muttered his annoyances. Twilight was able to get a quick glance at the other slave’s eyes and saw the fear and pain within them. Her body started to shake as a hand was placed on her shoulder. She turned around to the head chef who had a small frown on his face.

“It is getting late. Don’t you have somewhere to be?”

Twilight shook her head at the cream colored stallion. “From what I have been instructed, I am to listen to you until further notice.”

The chef glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed. “I am sorry but that is not always the case. Your dress marks you as purely Sombra’s, and it is getting later then it should for you to be returning to his chambers.”

Twilight swallowed hard as the weight of the words hit her. “Are you certain?”

The stallion glanced down before nodding. “I am sorry, but yes. Please come with me.”

The two travelled out of the kitchen and back through the winding corridors and hallways. Twilight tried figuring out landmarks and paths, but very little ornamentation had been left on the walls to cause them to blend together. The chef kept his mouth shut as they walked and for once Twilight was willing to be silent with him. Her nap earlier had not revived her strength and she couldn’t stop thinking of what would happen in Sombra’s chambers.

Finally they reached two decrepit and rather small doors and the chef gestured for her to walk in. “This can’t be it.”

“He claims it is to trick invaders and looters through deception. Now please, go before he returns.” The chef glanced over his shoulder and started walking away from her before adding, “Good luck Twilight Sparkle, and please don’t let him break you.”

She opened her mouth to question him but closed it quickly. She was simply happy to know that she hadn’t made every crystal pony hate her. She slipped through the wooden doors and was caught off guard by the large room within. It was mainly empty space with an armor rack in the corner ordained with silver and black armor in similar fashion to his… Crystal Knights Twilight recalled from the term she had heard Night use. Accompanying it was a wardrobe across one wall and a large bed that Twilight tried to ignore. However, that only brought her attention to the two bedside tables that broke her heart.

She took heavy steps over to the left one and slowly picked up the yellow sun crystal. It was warm to the touch and filled Twilight with a fire from her childhood. She didn’t even notice as her magic twitched instinctively back to embrace the warm mare that was holding her. Celestia was not there when Twilight opened her eyes though. Only the remnants of her strength and magic trapped in a small stone prison. She dropped it as a wail of pain and despair escaped the purple mare’s mouth.

The door opened once more and Twilight refused to notice the heavy hoof steps as they glided across the room. She saw a gray hand pick up the sun and tried to tackle the mystery he put the sun back on the table and nodded to the crescent moon on the right table. Twilight struggled against the red satin cloak and found it surprisingly easy to free herself. So easy in fact that she pushed herself onto the bed. She glanced back and glared at him before feeling a chill run through her. Standing in full glory was the new tyrant king, Sombra.

Sombra glanced down at her and scowled briefly before turning away and walking towards the wardrobe “I assume Black Lace brought you here on time?”

Twilight turned away as he undid the cloak and answered calmly, “No. The head chef did instead.”

His regal cape fell to the ground as he nodded to himself. “I am surprised she did not decide to chat. I would attempt to get to know her better. I suspect it will help you cope with your new life.” He was silent for a moment as he watched Twilight who paid him no mind and stared at the wall. Sombra took in a deep breath as he repressed his annoyance and asked, “Were you at least fed in the kitchens?”


“Good.” He kicked his boots away and opened the dresser. He reached down and grabbed a platter he had made a servant prep earlier today and walked to the bed. Twilight sniffed the air and caught a familiar scent and found her mouth was starting to salivate. A glance back over showed two apples upon the silver platter. She almost immediately grabbed one as fruit had become increasingly scarce the longer Sombra’s conquest lasted, but stopped as she remembered who they were from. Twilight tried to pay them no mind, but slowly her stomach beat her willpower and she scooted over so as to grab one. However, she did not remove it immediately, but first glanced at the intimidating stallion in front of her. He growled, “Yes you may,” and balled his hand in annoyance.

Twilight slowly brought it up to her mouth and bit into the succulent fruit. The flash of taste and sweetness that had been long forgotten soon had her biting into it again. It was on her third bite though that she felt her thigh be brushed by Sombra’s rough hand. She immediately stood on the other side of the bed from him and glared at him. Sombra stood similarly and there was a tense moment as the two merely stared at each other. Finally, Sombra ordered, “Sit.”

Twilight shook her head and stated, “No. It will take more than fruit to make me ever submit to you, slave or not.”

Sombra took a slow breath in and walked closer to her. “You don’t want to say that.”

Twilight checked her tongue as she knew what type of trouble she was getting herself into. However, she was not about to simply give him her body. “Yes I do sir.”

Sombra’s eye twitched and he cracked on hand while hissing out, “Perhaps you would like to join your mentor as a drained and dead husk then. It would probably make finding your friends…” Sombra never finished his thought as he straightened back up and promptly sat back onto the bed with a sigh. Twilight had to admit she was caught off guard, especially when he patted a part of the bed that was almost out of reach.

Once she was sitting back down the king looked at her and she got a chance to actually examine him. Sombra’s eyes had heavy bags underneath them and the stallions face had firm lines that betrayed his age. That, or the amount of stress he has been under. She waited for him to speak in an attempt to keep up her silent protest. However, there was no anger or annoyance in the voice now, only a tired whisper. “You know I did save you, correct? I didn’t have to.”

Twilight bit into her finger but couldn’t come up with a logical reason for the act. “Why? I thought you wanted me dead.”

Sombra stared at the moon on the table and then at the rising moon in the sky. “Yes, I did, didn’t I? I still don’t quite know myself. I think it has to do with why I keep those stones here instead of in my vaults or armories. They signify my greatest accomplishment, but also serve to remind me of the consequences.”

“So I am only a trophy for you to admire?”

The edge came back as he yelled, “No! That is not what I meant, or at least not all of it!” He slammed his hand into the wall and the purple crystal cracked. He took a calming breath and stated evenly, “Do you think this was all easy. No matter how many times I remind myself of the reasons I can’t forget how many of my brethren died or are suffering at my hands because of it. It gets hard to remember the long term goals at times.”

Twilight couldn’t hold back her retort as she sharply said, “You have no brethren.” her hand clapped over her mouth as Sombra looked back at her. However, he merely nodded in response.

“I suppose that is correct, and I hope that is what you will fix. I know what I have done will be looked down upon. No one will forgive me for centuries even if I am lucky, but I am willing to ignore such details so my utopia may know existance. However, my heart is not stone as one may think. I feel the pain of death, and with it the sting of loneliness. That is what I hope to cure with you Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight stood in defiance and glared at him. “If you think I will just be some sort of concubine then you had better mmf.” She tried to speak through the heavy hand but couldn’t speak through the heavy fur.

“I’ve heard plenty about your life over the past week, and have especially heard of your day today. You were almost killed and if I had decide you would be in the barracks in nothing so that my knights could have you any way they wanted. However, instead I am offering you kindness, warmth, and comfort. So before you deny me, maybe you should think about what turning me down means.” He lifted away his hand and the mare turned away from him. He waited another moment before adding in a melancholic tone, “You do not have to act as if you love me, or do any more then I ask. However, I do want you to stay, be obedient, and not reject me. Do you think you can at least do that?”

Twilight’s mind realed at what was being propositioned to her. On one hand there was the fact that this was Sombra, the man who had ended Equestria and most of her family. However, on the other hand he was offering a life that had been robbed from her months ago and that she yearned for with her whole being, just like most ponies of the time. Besides, how bad could sleeping with him actually be? Her eyes widened at the thought and she felt tears starting to well up in her eyes. A strong grip wrapped around her shoulder and a single finger lifted her face. She gazed into his red eyes as they came closer and closer. She barely breathed, “I’m scared.”

“Then it is good that I am good friends with fear.” With the simple line he leaned forward and locked lips with his prize. She almost didn’t respond to it except by tensing up, but that didn’t stop Sombra. His tongue carefully flicked into her mouth as he dragged her deeper into the passionate kiss. She felt a small shiver of pleasure and fear go through her as his tongue wrapped itself tightly around hers and then proceeded to massage it. She closed her eyes as her mind slowly shut off. It only wanted the bliss Sombra promised and tried to block out the hate and fear that came with him.

The two broke apart with Twilight panting hard in his arms. Sombra stood up and started to undo his shirt. It revealed more than just his hard abs, but also a purple, crystal heart on his chest. It was smaller than Twilight remembered, but she soon found herself disregarding the fact as her desperate mind continued to try to shut down the logical side. This side focused on the hard pecs and rippling muscles that turned her on and forced her to watch as his black pants started to come down.

Sombra finally lowered his trousers to reveal a rather large member. Fear pulsed through Twilight at its size and she backed away slightly from the cock that was supposed to somehow go inside her. He bit into his lip at the action and traced a hand along her cheek. “Don’t worry Twilight, i’ll make sure it is enjoyable for my treasure.”

The words didn’t quite have the desired effect as she squirmed a bit more. However, she knew what her job was and found one hand slowly drifting down and grabbing the hem of her dress. Sombra’s eyes stayed glued to her thighs as they were slowly revealed and the dress merely continued to climb higher and higher. His hand rubbed her flank on the cutie mark as her waist finally left the safety of the thin fabric. He licked his lips while his cock slowly hardened. It would be able to easily pierce the young girl and hurt her inside and out. Hurt her? Sombra scowled at the thought, but only had one solution to the problem. “Take it off the rest of the way. Now.”

Twilight flinched at the sudden harshness of the tone and her fears tried edging back in. However, he wasn’t looking at her and something told her it wasn’t her fault for the annoyance. She slowly lifted the dress off her head and covered her bouncing tits. Sombra felt his arousal strengthen at the perky mounds and flexed one hand momentarily. He suspected one would fit perfectly in it, but could wait to test the theory. Instead he laid back on the bed with the cock now fully erect and pointing to the ceiling. Twilight backed away from it for a moment, but Sombra beckoned her back. At this point she knew she had gone too far, and refusing him could cause problems for her, and she would almost bet Rarity.

“I want you to use your tongue first, understood Twilight?”

She was taken back for a moment and glanced back at the throbbing appendage. However, for a brief moment her mind imagined this may be for lubrication and not simple perversion. No, he couldn’t possibly… She let the thought die with a look into the cast away eyes of her newfound king.

Twilight crawled down the bed and nestled between his well toned legs. She took a moment to admire the intoxicating smell that came off from the thick dick and hoped it was dark magic at work instead of her own arousal. The purple mare slowly moved in closer and made her tongue dart in and out to taste it. She frowned at the odd taste but resigned herself to her fate while her mind retreated back to hide itself from the act. Finally Twilight’s tongue slowly crawled up the expectant member and Sombra let out a brief grunt.

Her light felatio continued in this style for almost a minute as she simply ran her tongue along the cock. However, Sombra’s impatience started to grow and he growled, “I would suggest wrapping those lips around it now.”

Twilight flinched at the voice, but one glance at the twitching dick and its precum that had oozed out explained the annoyance he was feeling. She took in a deep breath as she came closer to it. Albeit still large, now that she had spent some time with it, Sombra’s member no longer scared her to the same degree. With this thought in mind, she slowly lowered herself and wrapped her lips around the tip. It was responded quickly with groan from Sombra and Twilight tried to go further down. However, she had never done something like this before and part of her mind still thoroughly rejected the idea of pleasuring Sombra.

Unfortunately, Sombra remembered that he was still her master and wanted release. His strong hand landed on the back of her head and she only had a brief moment to ready herself before being thrust down to his base. Her throat closed down on his cock and he continued to thrust into her tight mouth. His groans became louder as Twilight tried to resist against the forced deep throat, which only added to the pressure on Sombra. He had been teased enough that he was able to find release quite soon. This release was finished in one last pistoning of his hips and a flood of cum came down Twilight’s sore throat. It slowly slid out and she couldn’t possibly swallow all of it and coughed loudly as the semen flowed onto the floor.

Sombra took in a satisfied sigh before noticing his slave while she held her throat and had tears falling down her face. He scowled and opened his mouth to reprimand her. I am her master after all. She is meant to please me. He watched her for another moment and corrected the thought to ‘comfort me’ instead. With that in mind the shadow king slid over to Twilight and cast a spell on her throat usually used in combat to make sure his soldiers could continue to fight. Instantly her throat felt better as it numbed the pain away. A soft tone met the normally harsh voice as he said, “I’m sorry.”

Sombra paused before putting his hands on her sides. “I was impatient and hurt you. That is not my goal tonight, or ever with you. I promise.” He glanced down as his hands slid over her stomach and Twilight gave out a small squeak from his hands coming closer and closer to her breasts. Sombra knew his word meant nothing, and his lust was just testament to his lack of restraint. He pushed the thoughts away and stopped short of crushing Twilight’s large chest. Instead, his hands gently rested upon them and gave her bosom a soft squeeze. At least I was right about the size.

Twilight bit into her lip as his hands lingered on her sensitive breasts. Slowly she couldn’t deny her arousal as they were prodded, squeezed, and pulled gently on. Sombra found great joy the soft mounds and sunk his fingers into the lovely chest as his arousal quickly grew back in strength. He glanced back at her face and smiled at the soft blush. She’s getting into it, good.

One hand finally left her breasts and started to travel down Twilight’s side. She felt chills go up her spine as it ghosted across her sensitive ribs, but quickly found herself distracted by the act of suppressing her moans. Sombra had meanwhile leaned in and starting to lick her nipple before wrapping it tight between his lips. She gasped as the suction pulled her nub to become fully erect and continued to pant as Sombra continued the assault.

In one swift movement while Twilight tried to get used to the suckling of her bosom, the other hand finally reached its destination and plunged into her pussy. The two fingers squirmed around in her and Sombra smiled as her back arched in surprise. After a little bit more play, the two fingers slowly dragged themselves out and were brought in front of the slave’s face. A glistening liquid covered them and Twilight’s face turned a deep crimson at the sight. “I believe you’re ready now.”

Twilight’s heart jumped at the news. She wasn’t sure if it was in fear or excitement though, especially with how mixed the sex had been so far. Please be gentle, please be gentle. She knew she was clinging to faint hopes, but her mind was quickly slipping away to try and hide from this event in hopes to not buy his lies and stay free. Sombra took this time to position himself over her with his cock only centimeters away from her pussy. He took one more moment to calm himself and finally pressed forward.

Twilight took in a deep breath to stop her moan of pleasure as his cock slowly went into her nethers. He kept it steady while it went in inch by inch and was greeted by shuddering breaths from the mare beneath him. Her pussy was like a vice around him and somehow beat her throat in not only tightness, but also in the subtle quakes of the muscles around his member. Twilight kept expecting it to stop but felt her cervix be pressed against before he finally stopped. She took in a few slow breaths as she felt full with his cock within her. Sombra had other plans though as he dragged his dick out of her slowly. Each inch was just as agonizing to her as the entrance and her eyes were starting to tear up again as she forced herself not to moan. However, then Sombra went on the offensive.

His hips slammed forward and Twilight’s eyes almost popped out of her skull while she went from empty to full in about two seconds. She let out a long pained moan that became much smoother as Sombra started the slow ascent back out of her depths. That is when it occurred to her his plan and a quick glance at the smile on his face proved it to her, just before his hips came forward again. She let out another gasp as her pleasure peaked again.

The bed started to shake with each sudden thrust from Sombra and his powerful hips. He had figured out the perfect way to break down Twilight’s defenses against him. Too rough and she would have been able to live only in the pain, but too gentle and she would have just continued those damned breathing exercises. Now was the time to finish her off though as his pace picked up speed, finding a beat about midway between the two parts of his initial thrusting. Twilight let out uncontrollable moans that only grew louder as Sombra grabbed ahold her tits and started gripping onto them tight. She knew she was getting closer and closer to her own climax and finally it came as Sombra leaned down just far enough to kiss her with as much passion as he could muster.

Her pleasure released in a violent orgasm that almost hurt from how repressed it was. Her fluids gushed out as her pussy clamped down on the large cock that was firmly planted within. It rolled on further as Sombra fought the tight grip on his balls before slamming forward and breaking through to her womb where he spread his seed. Their sexual fluids started to leak out as Sombra twitched within her and his cum simply continued to fill her to the brim. Finally the limp cock slowly slid out of her and the two panted in bed next to each other.

After a few minutes of this afterglow, Twilight found herself dragged over into Sombra’s chest as he spooned her. A soft whisper entered her ear saying, “This could be your life. Simple chores, bits of sex, but all in return for a home, somewhere that you are safe. Please dear Twilight, sleep on it. Not for my sake, but for yours.”

Twilight stayed up much later than Sombra as he fell asleep rather quickly in the content state. However, she couldn’t stop thinking about all she could do, all that it would take to end Sombra’s life, especially since his own sword was only ten feet away.

However, she couldn’t. For months her life had only ever been death and fear, but she could no longer convince herself that Sombra was lying. She could already tell that the other slaves couldn’t hurt her, and she wouldn’t have cum without some part of her enjoying the sick pleasure that was sleeping with him. The idea of having to please him though was miniscule when compared to what lay outside of the walls of the castle. Out there there was nothing. No home, no life, and no friends. Even if Rarity herself was scared of Sombra, at least they now had each other find comfort and care in. Life could be some sort of normal, instead of running from place to place in fear. In terror. Twilight looked back to Sombra’s strong face one more time before curling up closer to him and falling into a peaceful sleep.