
by Cute_Comfort

First published

Fluttershy is being chased by a monster and thinks back about her life.

Fluttershy is running for her life from a viscous, three-headed monster that wants nothing more than to make a meal of her. She spends what little time she has thinking back on who she has become, and trying to answer one simple question: How did it all come to this?

Chapter 1

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I was flying away from the beast.

“H-help! S-somepony help me!” I screamed even though I knew I was all alone. Oh, why did I ever leave my friends? I know very well I am useless without them. I looked back to see the monstrosity behind me. It’s beady red snake eyes stared back at me along with the glowing white fangs of the tiger head and horns of the goat. It was all but biting may tail. Oh, I wish Angel was here instead of this…….this THING!

“I DON’T WANT TO DIE ON MY BIRTHDAY!” I cried. I quickly found a hollow tree and hid in it.
I thought to myself. How did it come to this? Maybe it was when I decided to come here to Ponyville 7 years ago…

"OK, Fluttershy, What just happened? I fell from the sky because of that race with Rainbow Dash, got caught by butterflies of all things, learned the beauty of nature, and got my cutie mark (thanks to a weird light wave)," I thought aloud. "Today is PERFECT! Oh, ponyfeathers! Where will I live now? I better search for a town that can help me."

I started walking. I decided that I could fly, but I wanted to stay four hooves on the land for as long as I can soak it up. After a few hours, I started to get hungry. “Oh, I give up! I’ll just die out here! There’s no town for days and I’ll never find any food!” I ranted.

THUMP! THUMP! THUMP-A-THUMP! THUMP! THUMP-A-THUMP-A-THUM-THUMP! “Huh?” I questioned. I looked around and saw only a small white bunny sitting on a hollow log. “Hello Bunny. Do you know where that thumping is coming from?” I politely asked the bunny. It sighed, put its paw on its face and shook its leg up and down.

THUMP! THUMP! THUMP-A-THUMP! “So, you were the noise! What’s your name?” I exclaimed before realizing it couldn't talk. It jumped down and drew an oval and wings in the dirt. She-I think at least it is a she-lied down making her appear like an angel.
“Is your name......Angel?” I asked as she shook her head,“So, you are a girl bunny then,” I replied. She--I guess it’s a he-- shook his head violently. “Oh, sorry,” I quaked out barely, “Are you here to bring me to a town? If that’s what you want at least.

Angel nodded and starting leaping away. He turned around, cocked his head and waved in a ‘Come on!’ manner, and leaped---into a lake.

“Wait!” I cried. “I’ll die on my own!” So I did what any sensible pony would do-- I jumped in after him. Even though I can’t swim. Ugh.

Chapter 2

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“ROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAWWWW!” the beast bellowed, startling me out of my flashback

Epp!” I peeped, giving…....out…...my location. Before I facehoofed, I took off. If Rainbow had been there at that exact moment she most likely would have put me in the running for a Wonderbolt. I was soaring through the trees flapping my wings as fast as I could. I was going about 20 mph. I suddenly glanced over to see a lake. Oh no-no-no-no-no! I have to hide quickly! I see a large cave on the edge of the lake. "Angel?" I whispered before I hid inside. And then I remember…….

I looked at the bubbles floating around me and through my mane. I turned my head at a school of fish swim by. They swim and play not two feet from my head. I almost sigh at the beauty before my lungs started to scream. I start to kick my legs as quick as I could. I start thrashing and I collided with a rock. I open my eyes to see my own blood dancing around me. Right before I lose consciousness felt something pull me upwards.

"I'm not sure if she'll make it; she swallowed a lot of water, and that blow to the head was nasty" I hear a voice say.

"But she's gotta! She's my best friend! Fluttershy, please. WAKE UP!" I hear another voice-Rainbow Dash?-shout before breaking into sobs.

“Come on kid, let’s get you home,” The beginning voice says with a caring tone.

“NO! I’ll never leave her! Not until my death!” I hear the young voice say. Now I’m sure it’s Rainbow Dash. She’s the only one in flight camp who would be that loyal to me.

“R-rainbow?” I mutter.

“Fluttershy! I’m right here, do you see me? I’m the one holding your hoof. Do you feel me? DO YOU FEEL ME!?”

“I-I think I do… I’m not quite sure,” I replied. I couldn't feel my hoof so I didn't know.

“N-nurse, what’s wrong?” I heard Rainbow say.

“Kid, your friend is either a fighter, or you woke her up with your loyalty. You keep a close eye on her, she’ll need it,” the original voice said.

“Heh, don’t I know it,” sniffed Rainbow. I then tried to open my eyes. It felt like boulders were placed on my eyelids, but I pried them open. I did my best not to gasp at the scene around me. The nurse with a plus sign cutie mark that has four hearts in the corners was standing by the door. Rainbow Dash was sitting in a chair next to me, crying. And there was a small, gray cat carrier over by the small TV on the other side of the room. The walls were covered in balloons and streamers. Cards covered every inch of the table, most noticeably two that had ‘SORRY!’ written in big, sloppy letters on top. It was almost as if someone threw a party in here. “You like it?” Rainbow asked when she noticed my eyes were open. “Some new pink filly decorated it for you. You were unconscious for 5 days after all.”

“5 days!” I exclaimed. “Has there been a small, white bunny coming around, or is he gone forever?”

“You mean this little guy?” the nurse replied showing me Angel inside of the carrier. “He didn't want to leave your side, so we had to get you an animal-safe place so this bunny could be in the same room as you.”

“Oh, Angel are you alright? I am sorry. I am so, so sorry! I thought you would drown in that lake, so I had to save you!” I exclaimed. I looked over at Rainbow and the nurse and said, “So, when am I getting out of here?”

Chapter 3

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I blink and suddenly I am back in the cave with the beast right outside. I craved to be with Angel, Rainbow Dash, and Nurse Redheart back in that hospital bed like in my thoughts. I was safe there. I was always safe there. I heard a crunching outside the opening and prayed that my location wasn’t revealed. I held my breath and hoped it went away. After a few minutes, I peeped out over a rock and found the chimera not 20 yards from me. I almost shrieked, but caught myself just in time. Slowly, I crept backwards. Flying up so I didn’t make a sound, I glanced at the cave ceiling. Right away, I saw a small hole just big enough for me to squeeze through. I didn’t want to go up, but the chimera started to turn its goat head my way. I zipped up into the gap and found a small room with rocks scattered about. Quickly, I strained a large rock over the hole, and I got settled down. Suddenly, the room went white.

I was laying in my hospital bed. I wasn't allowed to leave due to my mom not being 'qualified' to look after me and my daddy being one of the night’s stars. Rainbow Dash walked in with an hyper, pink earth pony about our age bouncing behind her.

“Hey,” Rainbow said. “I thought you should meet the pony who decorated your room for you. Meet Pinkamena Diane Pie.”

“You can just call me Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie said. “My special talent is PARTIES! I want to be your friend because I have this strange feeling that we’re going to be the bestest of best friends andthenwe'llhelpaunicornnamedTwilightwho’sthepersonalstudentofPrincessCelestiaandhelpherfindsomestrangeidemscalledtheElementsofHarmonythatwillhelpussaveEquestriathenbecomebestfriendswithherandhelpheronadventuresandthenwewillsaveequestriamanymanytimesfromvilliansthenshe’llbecomeanalicornprincessbecauseshehelpedus![GASP]” She grinned and said, “Or something like that!..... OOOH! is that a bunny!?" She said the last bit as she peered through the bars of Angel's kitty carrier.

“I don’t question it,” Rainbow hissed into my ear. “It makes my brain hurt.” I decided to take her advice and let this filly just be crazy. "I also have met a white unicorn filly and orange earth filly while you've been in here. I might bring them next week," Rainbow Dash said. "I have never spend so much time walking before! My hooves are starting to hurt!"

"Well, get used to it," I giggled. "Nurse Redheart says I'm not leaving until they can find me an orphanage to live in."

"NO!" screamed Pinkie Pie. "You are not living in one of those dirty, dirty homes. You will live with me and Mr. and Mrs. Cake!"

"Why do you call your parents Mr. and Mrs.?" inquired Rainbow.

"I don't, silly! Mr. Cake and Mrs. Cake are my parents friend and they're letting me live in their upstairs room because I belong NOWHERE on a rock farm!" Pinkie replied with her now almost famous mile-wide grin.

"Um... are you sure they won't mind then? I-I don't want to disturb you," I sighed.

"OF COURSE THEY WON'T! They are very VERY nice to little ponies and will make great parents one day! It would be weird though, if they had two and one was a unicorn and the other a pegasus."

"Sorry, what was that?" I strained.

"Whoops! I was just mumbling for the humans watching out there!" Pinkie grinned and turned to the wall on my right and waved with her whole foreleg. "HIIIIII!"

"Okayyyyyyy," Rainbow and I said in sync. Pinkie was still waving when Rainbow left.

"Um... Pinkie y-you have to leave now. Visiting hours are over." I whispered, now kinda creeped out.

"But, they didn't wave back!" Pinkie replied with tears welling up in her eyes and her mane almost deflated in a way.

"Well, you can come back tomorrow, Pinkie"

"No, they won't be watching you then!" Then she started bawling and her mane made the same sound as a deflating balloon and it fell flat.

"Well, how about you come back next time they 'watch me'?"

"Oh, okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie chirped, all the texture returning to her mane. She turned back to the wall and yelled, "BYE!! See you next chapter!" She then went to the door and bounded away. I turned to Angel.

"That is one unique filly," I sighed. Angel just shrugged and curled up on his bed. "Yeah, good night to you, too." I fell asleep whispering the lullaby my mom always sang to me.


Hush now,
Quiet now,
It's time to lay your sleepy head.
Hush now,

Quiet now,

It's time to go to bed.