Harvest Moon

by KDurmeter

First published

While wandering about Sweet Apple Acres one fall night, Big Macintosh learns just how to fully appreciate the night.

While wandering about Sweet Apple Acres one fall night, Big Macintosh learns just how to fully appreciate the night.

Something quick for a dear friend of mine, proofread by another.

Themes include affectionate female domination, playful orgasm denial, light bondage and a heaping amount of playful affection, as per usual!

Cover art used with the permission of the lovely Skipsy!

Autumn Winds

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Big Macintosh wanders among the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres, seeking to clear his mind beneath the full moon. The trees, orange and red in the midst of a cold autumn, are all bare after the year’s harvest. Hands in his pockets, he stands there with a sigh, thinking about everything and nothing.

The crop this year was plenty, but sales of apples were rather low. Not many ponies had the bits to spend this year, so to move product, prices had to be slashed. It was only fair, as far as he was concerned. Ponies had to eat. He and Granny would rather have the bellies of their friends and neighbors full, rather than their pockets, and what goes around in Ponyville generally comes around.

Still, it was a matter of concern for him. Some of their equipment was in dire need of fixing, and the house was leaking. They refused to chop down any of their producing trees for lumber, and unfortunately, they had yet to find a way to use apples as a suitable form of building material. Hopefully sales of Cider during the winter would be able to hold them over until the economy picked up. Until then, they would have to make do.

Leaves rustle as the wind begins to pick up; Big Mac shivers in the cold. It was by no means unbearable, but it was a little chilly and he hadn't pulled out his coat.

Just then, a strange blue glow appears just behind a hill in the corner of Big Mac's eye. Arching a brow, he turns his head to face it, curious. That section of the farm had yet to be planted; it was merely a clearing. Perhaps a unicorn with a magical fire?

While glad to share his land with ponies, he would rather they at least told him they were there. Huffing softly, he turns and marches over to the hill to investigate.

As he begins to crest the hill, his ear flickers as he begins to hear the sound of a woman singing. It’s melodic, yet slightly somber. At least he knows it’s somepony instead of something. As he reaches the top, he peers down from his hilltop, only to find something quite shocking.

His jaw drops as he catches sight of a large, dark blue mare, kneeling peacefully in the middle of the clearing, hands resting on her knees as she sings. Her light blue mane was blowing in the non-existent wind, illuminating the immediate area in its comforting glow.

Big Macintosh gulps hard as he stares. He was in the presence of royalty. And that royalty was, honest to Celestia, wearing not a thing.

The Princess of the Night didn't seem to mind her nude state, and for that matter, neither does Big Macintosh. From his vantage point, he gets a wonderful view of the Princess’ side. Those gorgeous, long lashes, her slightly pointed muzzle, the heavy, somewhat sagging swell of her bountiful breasts.

As he takes in her form, his cheeks and the tips of his ears begin to grow warm. Her tummy is admittedly a little soft. If anything, the slight chubbiness accentuates her beauty, and he isn’t one to complain about the wide arc of her rump and those delightfully plump thighs.

The stallion squirms a little as his arousal begins to make its presence known. He knew he shouldn't be here. He shouldn't be looking. It isn’t polite! But he’s transfixed. Admittedly, he isn’t exactly the most active sexually, and as luck would have it, this is the first time he had ever seen another pony naked. And one of his rulers at that.

Her singing stops, and the princess begins to smile softly, turning her head to her peeping tom with a smirk.


Slowly, she stands, Big Macintosh's ears folding back as she begins to advance, hips swaying seductively as her breasts bounce with each step. She’s a hunter on the prowl, and he is to be her prey.

The stallion immediately shuts his eyes, before stuttering out an apology.

"Ah-ah-ah-ah'm sorry P-Princess! Ah...Ah heard yer singin' an' Ah was curious who was on muh farm...Ah-Ah wasn't staring, Ah promise!"

With his eyes shut tight, he could only feel her cool aura as she approaches, the spicy scent of cinnamon in the air as she chuckles. Gently, his chin is taken between her fingers, turning his head to face forward.

"Open your eyes, my subject..."

Big Macintosh gulps hard as his eyes open, looking to the side, trying to avert his gaze.

"Ah-Ah'm sorry, Princess.T-T'was rude of me...Ah..."

She shushes him softly, dark blue nails gently scritching underneath his chin. The large, red stallion shivers softly with a soft whine. Goddesses that felt wonderful. His knees quake as he finds himself wanting to kneel before her right then and there.

"Open your eyes and look at me, dear..."

Big Macintosh nods softly, before opening his eyes, meeting Luna's gaze. There is no anger in those eyes, no malice. If anything there is bemusement, confidence. The stallion swallows hard as Luna grins wider, continuing to tease underneath his chin.

"If you didn't mean to stare, dear, then why did you stay, even when caught?"

His nostrils flare softly as his mind races. He has no excuse for her. She was beautiful and he wanted to see more. Still, it was horribly impolite, and this is royalty. He grunts, trying to form words, only able to stammer impotently. Those damned, wonderful fingers of hers are making it hard for him to focus.

"Ngggghhhh...ah...ah have no excuse, Princess...Yer beautiful, b-b-but that's no excuse tah invade yer privacy. Please, fergive me? Ah-ah don't blame ya none if'n ya don't wanna..."

The Princess only giggles softly at his response, leaning in closer, her breath warm against his muzzle. Sweet Celestia, she smells absolutely wonderful. A lovely mixture of earthy tones, cinnamon and mint from her breath. And here he is, dirty from the day, un-showered as of this morning. What a shame he is.

"Did you like what you saw, my subject of the night? Do you enjoy your Princess' form? Don't lie, honey, I'll be able to tell, and you'll find yourself in a much worse situation..."

Her voice is a sensual purr, directly into his ear as her free hand moves to his chest, fingers dancing softly along his form. The grip on his chin grows more firm, almost painfully so, before relaxing to return to those maddeningly glorious scritches under his chin.

He shivers with a soft grunt. She’s using the lightest touches, and still, he feels as if it is as binding as a leash and collar. He knows he’s physically stronger than her. If he wanted, he could quickly overpower her, toss her to the ground and bolt. Still, he doesn't want to. He’s directly under her thumb, and she bloody well knows it. And if that bulge in his jeans is anything to go by, he’s enjoying every moment of it.

Licking his lips, his nostrils flare as he stands firmly, knees quaking as he summons up his courage to tell the truth.

"Y-Yes Princess. Ah did, and Ah still do. Yer easily the most beautiful mare ah have ever laid eyes on. And not just ‘cause you've got all those...womanly bits. Yer coat, yer eyes, yer face and yer hair, all of it adds up tah be somepony incredibly awe inspiring..."

He swallows the lump in his throat as the Princess' grin widens, a soft chuckle escaping her lips.

"Well now... How delightfully eloquent of you. And here I thought I was out in the sticks..."

He snorts softly at that, frowning a little.

"Oh hush, dear, I'm only teasing. I've heard much about you and how delightfully intelligent you are. My sister has said some wonderful things about your family. So much integrity and honesty..."

She giggles softly as his ears perk up, cheeks growing a little redder.

"...However, you'll admit that it isn't exactly fair that you get to see something that ponies would, and literally have, killed for, for nothing, hrm?"

His ears immediately fold back as he swallows hard. Tensing up, he shakes his head slowly, his voice quiet.

"Eeeeeenope. No Ma'am. Ain't fair at all..."

Luna's lips press softly against his cheek, the princess pecking him with a smirk. Big Mac shivers as her tongue teasingly flicks against him.

"Then perhaps we should make it fair, shall we. Why don't you take off your shirt for me?"

The stallion's ears prick up at that request, Luna smirking as she releases his chin. Quietly, she leans in, whispering softly into his ear, the sensual edge gone, replaced with gentler, but serious tone.

"Truthfully, you are more than welcome to say no to me. I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to do. I may be a Princess, but I am by no means a rapist. I would love very much to go further, but if you're not okay with this, please tell me so."

She finishes her spiel with a gentle kiss to his cheek as she looks to him hopefully. Still blushing, he clears his throat, before nodding.

"Ah would like tah continue, Princess, if that's okay with you..."

Her hopeful smile turns into a wide smirk, her eyes glinting with desire as she purrs softly into his ear. "Then we shall, but remember, you can always tell me to stop, but chances are you'll like what I have in store for you. I've seen your dreams after all..."

His cheeks burn at that revelation. The princess smirks as she leans back, hands on her hips expectantly. Gulping, he brings his shaking hands up to his shirt, beginning to work the buttons undone. He glances up as he does, taking peeks at her breasts. They’re full, and natural, topped with fat, thumb-sized nipples. He doesn’t mind a bit that they hang a little low due to their sheer size. She’s pure, unadulterated woman; he loves that.

She grins as she catches him peeking, hands sliding up from her hips along her tummy, before cupping her breasts. She purrs softly as she hefts them up, titflesh spilling over her arms and between her fingers. Wiggling her hips teasingly, she bounces her breasts for him, before tugging on her nipples with a sensual moan.

"That's it, my darling subject, soak it all in. You like them, hrm? Nice and big..."

She raises an eyebrow as she lifts her right breast to her lips, catching her fat nub between them, suckling with a low moan. The stallion's nostrils flare as he snorts in approval, his throbbing erection now running down his pantleg. He shivers a bit as he pulls off his shirt, a cool breeze blowing as Luna stares at his broad, chiseled chest hungrily, licking her lips in delight.

She releases her breasts, moaning as they wobble to rest before making her way forward to him, hands bracing gently against his muscles. She grins wide as she looks down at his muscles, leaning in to press her soft breasts against his bare chest,. He moans softly through his nose.

"Nnnhhhh...Princess...yer absolutely wonderful..."

Luna giggles softly as she noses his cheek playfully.

"I know, dear..."

Insistently, the Lunar Goddess begins to press against his chest, walking him backwards as she stares into his eyes, grinning like a Cheshire cat. Obediently, he walks backwards before she finally stops him, hands gliding along his upper torso.

"Arms up, dear..."

He blinks, confused, but complies, the princess praising him with a "Good boy." He blushes. Her horn begins to glow as she casts a spell, the stallion looking to her confused. He gasps as a cool tendril of night sky binds his wrists together. Luna leans in as she summons a second tendril, looping it over a tree branch before binding it to his wrists in turn.

All the while Luna gently caresses his chest, inspecting her handiwork carefully, making sure the bindings weren't too loose or worse, too tight. Finding her work acceptable, she carefully places a leg between his own, pushing them apart.

"Spread, Dear..."

Big Macintosh nods as he spreads his legs obediently, Luna rewarding him with a soft peck on his cheek before summoning a metal rod and clasping it to his ankles. Once secured, the tendril on the tree begins to tug his arms upwards, pulling him up until his heels are just barely off the ground. One final check of her handiwork and Luna smirks, standing before her stallion.


Big Macintosh's cheeks are impossibly red as he nods softly, moving his wrists. His magical bonds are tight but not constricting; he seems to be well-supported. Luna constantly touching him helps a bit too. Yes, she was restraining him, but her touch was kind and gentle; They were here to have some fun. With a soft purr, she leans in, nipples brushing softly against his upper chest while one hand caresses his side softly, the other teasing his lower abdomen.

"Good. Now, let Momma Luna have her fun..."

With a wink her hand slides down to his jeans, deftly unbuttoning them with her fingers. She slowly kneels, dragging her breasts along his form, pressing them against his thighs. At her current height, she’s eye to eye with his crotch. Cooing happily, she leans in to nuzzle against his throbbing arousal, still hidden within his jeans.

"My my, is this for me?"

With a soft grunt, Big Mac nods softly, shivering as he lets out a needy groan. His hips move of their own accord, gently working forward, trying to grind against his captor's muzzle. With a giggle, she pulls away, shushing him softly as she holds him steady.

"Behave, dear, and please use your words. Momma wants to hear her stallion sing..."

Shuddering some more, the red stallion pants, opening his eyes as he looks down upon Luna.

"Ngggghhh...M-Momma Luna...is so beautiful...Hnngggghhh...Her face...her eyes...her breasts...it...it arouses me so much, Momma..."

Her wings flutter softly as he sings her praises, licking her lips as she presses a soft kiss against the crotch of his jeans.

"Good boy. Momma's so glad she makes you so nice and hard..."

With a playful giggle Luna takes his zipper between her teeth, gently tugging downwards and letting out a soft moan as his masculine scent fills her nostrils. So virile, so powerful, and here he is, tied up, calling her 'Momma'. What a thrill! Tugging down his jeans, she gasps as his gargantuan cock springs free It throbs powerfully as glistening pre dribbles from the tip and slides down his cockbelly.

She groans at the sight. How delightfully hung! Licking her lips, unable to contain herself, she buries her snout into those lovely apples dangling between his legs, breathing deeply of his scent. With a groan she peeks up at him panting heavily, smirking while his heavy cock rests against her features. Pre drops into her mane, dribbling lazily down her face.

"Nnnhhhh... Momma's so lucky her stud is so wonderfully hung. She looooooves when they're grown big like you..."

Big Mac blushes dark at the praise. Like most guys he was rather self-conscious about his size. Playcolt magazines always made them look so much bigger than his. The praise from the Princess fills him with pride. He smiles a bit as his cock surges with a powerful blast of pre, soaking the princess' mane. She giggles in response, pressing soft kisses against his wonderfully fat orbs.

"Oooooooh...and so very messy too! Momma loves messy boys the best..."

Grinning wide, she begins to stand, carefully swiping her thick tongue along his cockbelly along the way, pecking the fat, flattened flare of his cock, lips now dripping with preseed. Licking her lips with a moan, she leans in against his side, hand sliding down to cup his cock in her palm, caressing the underside softly.

The red stud is in heaven as those fingers dance along his veins, shivering softly as he was quickly taken to new, glorious heights of pleasure. His hips begin to buck, his cock throbbing angrily, arcs of pre flying from his cockhead.

"Nhaaahhh! M-Momma...I...S-so...c-c-close!"

Luna tuts softly, stopping her caresses, one hand squeezing firmly around the base of his cock, the other blocking his cumpipe with her thumb, shushing him softly.

"My my my! Does my darling little stallion have a bit of a hair trigger? Does his Momma excite him so much he wishes to spill early, before she's had her fun?"

She leans in close, nuzzling against his cheek softly as she holds his cock steady. Soon, his whimpers and moans die down, though those little kisses against his cheek sent shivers down his spine.

"Nhhhh...haahhhh...Sorry...M-Momma. I...I've never..."

She purrs, interrupting his stammering as she giggles, nibbling softly on his ear.

"You mean to say that Momma is your first, dear?"

Big Mac blushes darker as he nods, ears folding back shamefully.

"Y-yes Ma'am. Momma is my first...the...the first mare Ah've ever seen naked in person too...And...Ah'm quite thankful fer it..."

With a grin, Luna leans in, stealing his lower lip between hers, kissing him deeply. All the while, she gently rolls his fat orbs between her fingers, relaxing her grip on his cock. It still throbs, precum slathering all over her arm as she braces his cock against it, easily being dwarfed by it. She moans softly as she admires how heavy it is, how wonderfully productive those cum factories are.

"How delightful, then. Momma gets to make sure her stallion's cock is treated the way it deserves to be. But you need to behave dear. You cannot cum until I tell you to..."

Slowly, she drags her tongue along the outer rim of his left ear, giving it a playful nibble, giggling softly as he lets out a long, needy groan. Panting, he nods, nuzzling against her cheek softly, nostrils flaring.

"O-of course, Momma...Ah...Ah'll be a good boy...for you...just please, don...don't stop..."

His legs shake as she continues to tease his cock, palm gently caressing the underside of his cock. She giggles, pecking his cheek, before she sinks to her knees once more, letting her tummy rub along his cock. Her fur tickles him, a line of pre leading from her navel to her breasts. She then gingerly wraps her heavy breasts around his cock, keeping it safe and warm. She smiles as her upper chest, neck and chin are continuously splattered with his pre, his cock throbbing in overdrive.

She remains still, careful not to overstimulate him. From how heavily his cock is throbbing between her breasts, from his grimacing, she knows he is so very close. He shivers and sways while suspended, wanting nothing more than to listen to the nagging in the back of his mind telling him to rut that beautiful woman before him. Still, he keeps steady and obeys his princess' demands, willing himself not to burst.

Luna coos softly as precum dribbles along the swells of her breasts, her mounds becoming glazed with his sweet, apple-flavored precum, nipples dripping with the volume of his production. Smiling up to him, she revels in the wonderful mess that is her stallion's load. And he hasn't even cum yet.

"That's it, Baby, you're doing such a wonderful job! I know how hard it is not to cum, to keep yourself from painting my pretty face with your thick, white load. I bet you'd love to see that, hrm? Your cum dripping from my muzzle, matting down my mane as you turn my coat as white as my sister's?"

A long, loud groan escapes the poor stallion's lips as he’s teased so wonderfully, so many lovely images traveling through his mind. His legs continue to shake as he wills himself to stay still, not wanting to disappoint his momma, not wanting to cum early like a teenage colt. But those breasts, they were so soft, so warm. It was as if his cock was wrapped in the most expensive velvet.

His willpower is tested when she begins to slowly rock forward and back, sliding his cock between the slickened valley of her breasts. hose soft kisses she presses against the flare of his cock compound the issue as she smiles up to him every so often, pre dripping down her chin. He lets out a loud groan, panting heavily as his cock throbs in warning.

"Nghaaahhhhh...Fuck! I...Ah'm gettin'..."

Before he could continue, Luna backs off, Big Mac whining as his cock throbs impotently in the air. Luna holds up her breasts as he spews pre at her, held at the very edge of orgasm. He groans and whines as his cock begins to relax, panting softly as sweat pours from his brow. Giggling softly, Luna looks up to him, licking her lips saucily.

"Good boy, not cumming! You're doing a great job, honey. Momma's so proud of you..."

Standing up she reaches down to caress his cock some more, pressing her messy breasts against his side, leaning in to whisper against his ear.

"...but you still can't cum yet, sweetie. Momma's not done playing..."

Smirking, she pecks his cheek, before slipping away from him. Turning around, she raises her tail up, flagging it to the side, giving her wide rump a playful little swat. Big Mac groans as he watches her plump globes wobble and jiggle with her movements, staring, completely transfixed.

"Do you like Momma's ass, sweetheart? Do you like how nice and huge it is?"

Giggling, she bounces playfully, cooing as her cheeks clap together slightly with how heavy they are.

"Nnnhhhh, they don't call it mooning for nothing, dear. Not even my sister's ass can compare to mine. Trust me, we've checked!"

He groans as she leans forward, spreading her cheeks wide to show off her puffy pony princess pucker, shivering as it flexes in the cool night air. Below, her marehood glistens, puffy, dripping and wet. She lets out a soft moan as her clit pushes outwards, winking to her stallion with a soft squelch.

"Nngggghhh...this is what you do to Momma, honey. You get her nice and wet."

Grinning, she begins to back up, sighing softly as his cockbelly rests against her fat pucker. She releases her cheeks, letting them surround his cock as she licks her lips. Big Mac pants, staring wide-eyed, drooling slightly as he shivers, his arms flexing as he reflexively moves to reach out and grab her hips, wanting so very badly to mount her.

Luna sighs happily as she begins to slide her ass up and down his cock, her lower back quickly getting smothered in his pre. She looks back over her shoulder, licking her lips as she watches thick globs of the stuff dribbling down her cheeks and the backs of her legs.

"That's it baby, make a huge mess of momma. Paint her fat ass with your pre, glaze it like an apple honeybun..."

She lets out a throaty moan as she pants softly, his inner thighs getting splattered with her own arousal. Her cheeks turn purple as she grins wide moving faster and faster. Each time his medial ring drags along her pucker, she lets out a mewl of pleasure, grinding harder against him, sending his arousal higher and higher.

It's not long before his cock begins to sputter and throb dangerously, begging for release.

"Hyaaaahhhh! Momma! Momma please! I'm gonna...Oh sweet moon above, I'm gonna..."

He groans out pleadingly as she pulls away from him, thrashing in his binds as his eyes open wide, teeth gnashing as he cries out.

"Please, Momma, please! Ah gotta cum so bad...Ah...Ah'm so fuckin' close! Nngggghhh!"

Shushing him softly, Luna slips behind him, breasts pressing against his back as she caresses his upper groin softly.

"Shhhhhh...baby, Shhhhhhh. I know it's hard, you're doing such a good job! Just a little bit more, honey, I promise. You've done so well! I'm so wonderfully proud of you for holding back for so long."

She continues to pet him, fingers rubbing through his pubic mound softly as her other arm wraps around his torso, holding him close. She shushes him softly as he pants, peppering his ear and cheek with soft kisses as he calms down.

"That's it honey. Just relax. Calm down. You're doing so great..."

He relaxes finally with a grunt, cock continuing to throb and spew pre, still very close. Sensing him having calmed down some, her left hand moves downward, curling around his cock beneath his flare. Gently, she begins to pump, grinning as she nuzzles his side.

This time, his ascent was much slower, more easy. Instead of a mad rush, it was a soft bubbling deep within him slowly rising up and up at a lazy pace. The rubbing of her cheek against his side soothed him, as did her soft pecks and kisses. His fur was drenched in his sweat, but she didn't seem to mind, reveling in the musky scent of his arousal.

His breathing rate begins to increases as his toes and hands clench up, little grunts and moans escaping his lips. Luna coos softly as she nibbles his ear, playfully tugging on it with her teeth. Her breath washes over him as she lets out a soft moan into his ear.

"Getting close there, honey?"

With a soft grunt, he nods, licking his lips as he groans.

"Yes, Momma...Oh sweet Celestia, yes..."

She playfully squeezes his cock as he invokes her sister's name while getting jacked off, giggling softly into his ear.

"Naughty boy...Thinking about my sister as I jack you off? I can't really blame you though. You should hear her moaning when she has her guards rutting her. It's like sweet, beautiful music..."

He groans as his cock surges, images of the two Celestial Sisters engaged in lewd acts dancing in his mind's eye. Panting, he begins to shiver and moan, smacking his lips as he begins to drool, squirming in her grip.

"Are you gonna cum? I know what you're thinking about, Baby. My sister and I, fucking each other senseless. I've seen those dreams you have of us. Funny how you peg me as the submissive one."

As she mentions this, a soft tendril of magic slips between his cheeks, playfully rubbing against his virgin pucker, rubbing gently back and forth. He gasps, eyes going wide as his tongue lolls from his mouth.

"Ooooooh, you like that one, hrm? Mmmmm...maybe I'll have two ponies in my bed soon, their asses held high, cheeks spread, puckers glistening just begging to be filled with something..."

He whimpers, cock throbbing angrily as she teases him more and more. Luna's horn glows, a clear wine glass fizzling into existence. Taking this in her free hand, she angles his cock downwards, holding the cool rim to the edge of his flare. Big Mac shivers at the touch, whimpering as he clenches his muscles tight. He’s so close. So very, very close. He doesn’t want to disappoint, but he knows, just knows what’s about to come.

Luna leans in, lips brushing softly against his ear as she takes in a soft breath. He can feel her grin as she holds it, the red stallion whining as she keeps her command held. Soon, she exhales, warm breath washing over him, before finally...


His eyes turn inwards as the dam finally bursts, his cock swelling bigger and bigger as she jacks him off into that cup. With a long, loud groan, he finally releases what he's been holding in for at least an hour by now. Thick strands of hot cum fire from the tip of his cock, splattering into that wine glass, easily filling a fourth of it with the first shot. Luna gasps, seeing just how productive her stallion is, a lewd grin crossing her lips.

She watches hungrily as he begins to fill that cup, cum sloshing in the clear vessel, splattering loudly as he clenches with each spurt. Luna acts fast, enlarging her glass, hoping to accommodate his load without spilling a drop.

After about a minute, the stallion's orgasm begins to fade, small spurts dribbling into the over-sized wine glass. As his cock begins to deflate, Luna begins to milk it, squeezing out any residual cum held within, beaming wide as she sees her handiwork. Grinning, she pecks his cheek, before stepping in front of him, holding the glass up to the light of the moon.

Thirty-seven ounces of pure, virgin, apple family seed, thick, cloudy, warm and white in her glass. Giggling softly, she glances over to Big Mac, grinning wide as he pants, hanging limp in his bindings. He looks up as she brings the glass to her lips, taking a sip. She moans loudly as his seed washes over her tastebuds, sweet, warm and musky, with a delightful hint of apple. Easily the finest cum she’s ever tasted. He groans as he watches her swallow, panting as he hangs his head, exhausted.

"Such a good boy. You did absolutely superbly. The best I have ever seen, in fact..."

Snapping her fingers, he’s lowered to the ground, his binds fizzling out of existence. As Luna takes another sip, she squeaks as she finds herself in one of the tightest embraces she has ever experienced. Blinking, she looks down as Big Mac nuzzles affectionately into her bosom, clutching to her tight. Giggling, Luna reaches up with her free hand, raking her nails through his mop affectionately, pulling a soft rumble of pleasure out of the delightfully snuggly stallion.

"Ooohhhh...seems you're not the type to roll over and fall asleep after you've cum. Seems I've made the right choice..."

She grins as he peeks up to her, ears flat against his skull as he blushes dark, murmuring softly into her cleavage.

"Thank yah...so much...Oh fuckin' Moon above...t'was thah best thing ah've ever experienced..."

Beaming, she leans down to press a soft kiss against his forehead, giving him a gentle hug with her free arm.

"And thank you for the lovely treat! It's not often I get the joy of tapping a virgin..."

She giggles as she takes another sip of her drink, sighing softly as she swallows. Still catching his breath, Big Mac closes his eyes, letting out a soft groan as she appreciates his seed.

"Nngghhh...but...but what about you, Princess...Yah...err...yah haven't ermm...cum..."

Grinning wide, she kisses his forehead once more, rubbing gently behind his right ear.

"Oh, honey. I appreciate your concern, but you've given me something so very wonderful already..."

She teasingly swirls the cum in her glass, licking her lips with a coo, before glancing back down to him.

"...besides, I'm not one for one night stands. If I had my way, there would definitely be many, many more nights ahead of us, my dear Apple..."

Big Mac's ears perk up at the statement, cheeks quickly heating up as she grins down to him. Blushing, he buries his snout further into her breasts as he rumbles softly.

"Ah'd...love that so very much, Princess...Ah'd be absolutely honored..."

Purring, Luna leans down, gently cupping his chin as she licks her lips.

"Then how about a kiss, to seal the deal..."

With a smirk, she brings the glass to her lips, downing the rest of his cum, filling her cheeks. The glass disappears as she grins to him with a full mouth. Big Mac hesitates briefly.

Luna is surprised as he lunges forward, hungrily taking her bottom lip between his, his tongue forcibly prodding into her mouth. She moans, relenting, letting his cum flow from her mouth into his in a very messy, sloppy kiss. Cum dribbles from their kiss, dripping down their chins as their tongues duel each other for sloppy dominance. Shortly after, they part ways. swallowing down their treats, lips connected by a thick strand of cum.

"My! How delightfully kinky of you, dear! Perhaps instead of the strap on we play with something a little more realistic when I get you in my bed, hrm?"

Big Mac blushes dark, before looking shyly to the side, clearing his throat nervously.

"Y'ah...Yah saw that one too, ah reckon?"

Laughing mirthfully, Luna kisses his lips once more, suckling softly to clean up any residual cum.

"Oh indeed I have, dear. Indeed I have. But that can be something for a different night. For now, I would like to end this night on a less lewd note. My bed has been empty for so very long, and I wish to not sleep alone tonight. Would you mind at all, dear?"

Big Mac smiles, blushing sheepishly as he chuckles, leaning in to peck her cheek affectionately, this time, pulling her against his chest, letting her head rest against his chest.

"Ah would love nothin' more, Princess."

Gently, Big Mac lays down under the apple tree, pulling Luna down with him. Giggling, she snuggles up against his side, resting her head against his chest. Soothed by the soft thumping of his chest and the protective arm wrapped around her, she sighs, smiling happily. Her hand reaches up, blue nails gently raking through the fur on his chest while he rubs her shoulder softly. The stallion rumbles happily. Luna's wings spread wide, wrapping around both of them, keeping them safe from prying eyes and the cool autumn breeze. The pair soon drifts off to sleep, comforted by their shared warmth.

One thing is very certain.

Ponyville is in for some very delightful dreams.