Legend of Twilight: Ocarina of Time

by Blue_Thunder

First published

In the chaos of Hyrule, one family offers their son to a deity, who teleports him to a land of ponies. Now, he's got to learn magic, fight foes, and save his friends from a certain evil being.

War is a terrible thing, regardless of era. For Hyrule, war was not uncommon. One family decided to get away from it all. But only one could be safe from the evils of the land. Desperate to save their only son, they must give him to a living tree spirit, who sends him to a land of seemingly endless harmony.
In this new land, he will have to overcome trials, solve puzzles, fight dangerous (sometimes silly) enemies, and learn what it means to have friends.

But, will this child be able to overcome these challenges set before him? One can only hope.
Mature gore for exploding creatures intentionally. Heartless murder sounds right, yeah?
Dark, because I changed my mind.

Subject to change, depending on story progression.
It's at that point where if you dislike it, I'd like you to tell me why.

Prologue 1: The Woman

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The weather had not been kind in Hyrule for the past few days. However, water wasn't the only thing hitting the ground that fateful day. Hundreds of wounded and dead soldiers scattered the fields of Hyrule. More were fighting to avoid the same fate. The Gerudo thieves to the west had made their march just two weeks prior, almost without warning. Meeting them on the battlefield were the ever-serving Sheikah. The Gerudo's quest for power lead them to this conflict.

Neither side showed signs of stopping either. The Gerudo had expanded their army as far as the southeast corner, before being cut off of reinforcements that would come from the desert. Though small in number, the Gerudo were skilled in swordplay. It was their profession. Being a race of primarily women, they've had to fight the gender battle harder than anyone ever should. The Sheikah, on the other hand, had served the royal family of Hyrule for generations. Doing so required numbers. The Sheikah outnumbered the Gerudo on the battlefields 10 to 7. It didn't matter, not to the desert thieves. They've always been the minority, and would most likely always will.

The Hyrulean Civil War had led most of the citizens either to flee to Kakariko Village, which had turned into a refugee camp as a result, or to board up their houses. Citizens of Lon Lon Ranch were no exception. Being in the middle of Hyrule Field made it a keep to be taken. Most residents had been forced to flee to the safety of the refugee camp. Others stayed to fight. One family in particular took a third road. To escape the chaos, they'd gone somewhere no one would dare to follow: Kokiri Forest. The one place they'd be safe.

It just so happened the only way to get to the forest is through the enemy camp. War was something the father knew all to well. He had been in one before, during the time of the Zora Incursion. 10 years ago, he had led his army to the Zora capital, and returned a hero. Now, he had to dawn his armor once again, against the Gerudo. It still felt heavy after all it had been through. Looking out the window, he saw many camps set up on the path they were to take. Looking to his wife and 8 month old son didn't ease his nerves in the slightest. "He needs to be heavily asleep before we even think of doing this," he said, coming to sit by her.

The wife, who had just finished feeding the child, smiled at her husband. "It won't be long now," she said in a quiet, loving tone. Pushing her long blond hair from her eyes, she leaned down and kissed her son on the forehead, earning her a happy coo from the sleepy child. He had to be asleep. Silence was a key part of sneaking about at night. They planned to entrust the child to the guardian of the woods: the Great Deku Tree. This was, by far, the hardest decision to make as a loving mother. But it's not like she had much choice. The refugees have been lying on the ground around Kakariko village for about 4 days now, so finding a suitable home there just wasn't in the cards.

She stood up, walked over to her son's bed and grabbed a green blanket with his name stitched into it. Carefully, she wrapped it around him to keep him warm, making sure his name was visible on the outside. "I hope he stays asleep through the night. Would be all for naught if he wakes up," worried the father. His wife looked at him, with a look of less worry. He had been putting a quiver full of arrows at his left side, and holds the bow in his right hand. "After all, if we get caught... things could go very wrong." He positioned his sheathed sword on his back, to be drawn by his left hand.

"We're not going to get caught. But better safe than sorry," the mother replied, rocking her child to sleep. It didn't take long before he was out. Slowly moving to sit by the door, taking care not to wake him, she leaned in to whisper to her husband. "When are we to leave?"

"A few minutes. We'll be following the tree line to the bridge. Of course, we'll need to get to it first, so we'll be going through camp before anything else," the father explained. After the few minutes had passed, they set out for the tree line, reaching it in roughly half an hour. Together, they followed the trees for almost an hour, the latter 15 minutes past enemy lines. Off in the distance, he could almost see the entrance.

They weren't the only ones awake. A small group of Sheikah had plans as well: sneak into enemy camps, and take their lives in the night. Unfortunately for them, it wasn't that easy. The Gerudo had been keeping watch all night, and had decided to awaken several others on her way to the intruding Sheikah. With various weapons drawn, the clanging of metal quickly woke warriors from both sides, causing even more chaos.

It didn't take long for the sounds of war to reach the child's ears. Waking in a fit, he started to cry, getting the attention of the Gerudo. "We have to hurry!" The father exclaimed, as he noticed a few Gerudo had taken notice. Making sure his wife was in front of him, he nocked an arrow and took aim at one of the approaching enemies. After firing, which was deflected, he picked up his own pace and readied another. After a minute or so, he became slightly fatigued. He decided to plant his feet and fire on the pursuing threat.

The woman stopped, and turned to face her husband, "Forget about them and just run!"

After firing all of his arrows, which didn't take long, and killing off at least a dozen and a half, he chased after his wife, who continued to run. Thankfully, that moment's rest did good, as he was able to catch up to her. Not long after, they found and crossed the bridge. Once on the other side, he looked back, seeing the Gerudo stop following had put a small smile over his face. Turning away, they faded from the Gerudo's sight.

Traveling in the woods without a guide was a dangerous thing to do, especially at night. Finding the village was easier than originally thought, as they got there in just under ten minutes. "That was easy," the father said, taking a break near the entrance of the village. The woman was too busy trying to get her son to calm down to notice. A look around this village would show a mess of scattered houses made of trees, all dimly lit on the inside. No doubt the residents, he thought. Glad it's still nighttime.

They had heard of the forest dwellers, and their trait of reaching maturity at a young age. Doing so had the effect of keeping their youthful appearance. He didn't envy them in the slightest. The mother thought this is where they'd live now, in the peaceful forest free from war. Their child held more priority.

Getting to his feet, they made their way to the Great Deku Tree, who was on the furthest opening away from them. On their way, he saw one of the houses brightly lit inside. It didn't take them long to reach the guardian. The woman took to her knees, and set her son on the ground in front of her. "Oh Great Deku Tree. I pray to thee," she spoke clearly, "to take my child, and keep him out of harm's way. Let him not know of war."

The Great Deku Tree creaked as it opened its hollow eye sockets. Though empty, the two could tell it was looking at her. "Woman. I have heard your wish. However, complying would mean sending him to a time and place of harmony. You would likely not see your child ever again." The Great Deku Tree's voice was deep, and somewhat muffled.

Slowly, hesitantly, she picked up her son and held him close. "A few words then, before I give him up..." Clearing her throat, she began. "Son, I'm very sorry for the world you were born into. Moreso that we weren't a family for very long. Nevertheless, know that wherever you are, whenever you are, I love you with all my heart. You're going to a much safer place than this." She ran her fingers through his thin blond hair.

"I hope you grow to be big and strong, like your father. And make sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Make friends, and be nice to everyone, even if they don't deserve it." She motioned for the father to come over, who did so in a lumbering manner.

"Link, I uh, I'm not good with this sort of thing... But, all I can say now, is I love you too. We both do. So much. And it's because we love you that we want you to be safe." Believing he could leave knowledge of his own, he took a knee beside his wife and son. "If there are friends who stand behind you, be the shield that protects them. If you gain allies that stand at your side, give them your respect. And for those who dare oppose you... Grant them no quarter." The father took a slow breath and eased his expression and grip. "For those that seek your guidance, speak well. To those that ask for mercy, grant it. I may not know where you're going... but I'll always be right there." He tapped the little Hylian on the chest above his heart. "Great Deku Tree," turning his attention, "I too have a request. Give this boy a fairy companion. That way, he'll know what happened, and the circumstances of this event. Let him know who his parents are, where he comes from, and who he is."

Upon hearing this, the guardian of the woods called on a little blue light. It came down in a spiral to the family. "Hello, my name is Navi," the fairy introduced.

"I'm Falon, this is my wife Ankho. Our son's name is Link." He looked down at him. The boy smiled and reached up to the fist sized fairy. "Can I trust you will remember our wishes, and tell him, when he is ready?" She landed on his hand, dimming her light. She was barely an inch and a half tall, had light blue hair, with a pair of double wings coming from her back, and a light blue tint to her skin. This particular fairy wore a dark blue dress that stood out from her skin tone. She flew up to the parents.

"Of course. Your words... I will remember them. I will tell him all about you two." Little Navi turned to face the Great Deku Tree. "Where will we be going?"

The Great Deku Tree paused a moment. "To a land of harmony, where he will not know of war. As was her wish." Both the boy and fairy were wrapped in a green light, getting brighter. Suddenly, the light, child and fairy vanished. The mother collapsed in sorrow into her husband's arms. The Great Deku Tree hesitated to say anything, wishing for the parents to have their moment. "If that is all, you may go."

Slowly rising to their feet, they bow to him, "Thank you for your assistance and generosity," the man said, wiping his tears away. No sooner did he turn, than a young man approached them, an angry look on his face.

"What are you doing here? This is a sacred place, only the boss of the village can be in here, and that's me! The Great Mido!" The young man barely came up to the father's hip, but knew he meant business. "Since you've woken our guardian deity, you have to leave this place, Hylian. You are no longer welcome."

"I can speak for myself, Mido..." the Great Deku Tree chided. "Escort these two brave souls to the entrance. Do your best to ensure they make it out safely."

Mido was taken aback at the command. "Y-yes, Great Deku Tree... As you wish." He simply turned around and waved a hand for them to follow.

There wasn't much they could do. Going back to the entrance at a Like-Like's pace only brought more tears to the woman's eyes. Finally, at the exit, they proceeded to look for the bridge. The father had his sword drawn.

Not 5 minutes in, the little angry Kokiri had disappeared, leaving the two of them to fend for themselves. Whether for spite or for carelessness, the two parents had gotten separated.

After wandering around for an hour, they rested on the ground. "I'm going to look ahead. You get some sleep," the father instructed. As she lay her head down, the man walked off. Slowly, he faded from sight. She wasn't sure why, maybe fog had rolled in? Or it was just the night? She wasn't sure, but confirmed he'd be fine. She slept.

The man, having not found the bridge, had a look of surprise on his face as he somehow made it out of the woods back at allied camp. The war was still raging from earlier, so he decided to rejoin. He fought valiantly, to the end. His name would be remembered for ages as the Hero of Hyrule, who put his life on the line to protect his country. When the war was over, the leader of the Gerudo, Ganondorf, had pledged his allegiance to the king. To what end, no one knew.

The woman couldn't tell if she woke up at all. Only one voice rang clear in her head.

"Anybody who comes into the forest will be lost. Everybody will become a Stalfos."

Everyone, Stalfos.

Prologue 2: The Solar Princess

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The sun shone brightly through the stained glass windows that lined Canterlot Castle's main hall, decorating the room with many vibrant colors. Princess Celestia sat atop her throne at one end, while a massive pair of double doors were closed on the wall furthest from her. Guards were positioned on either side of her throne, and another pair just outside the doors. The princess had always enjoyed this time of year, when the days were getting longer. The pegasus ponies had done a great job clearing the skies of obstruction, letting the light hit the entirety of the castle. Her attention, however, was not on the light, nor the colors, not even the guards. No, she was listening closely to the sound of hoofsteps outside the doors.

"Princess Celestia?" A muffled voice came from a small pony, one she knew well. As the doors opened, a lavender colored unicorn came in, a baby dragon on her back and a big grin on her face. It was likely due to the excitement of having been taken in by the princess of Canterlot. "When can we start my magic lessons again?" Remembering she was in the presence of royalty, she stopped in front of the throne and bowed. "It's just that- well, yesterday's lesson didn't end well, and I was hoping to get an early start on it with you today and-"

"Twilight Sparkle, your lessons are in the afternoon." The princess paused to look outside. "It's still morning. And it will be for some time." She got off her throne, and walked to the young unicorn. "And, you don't have to be so formal all the time. You'll hurt your neck bowing so often." Stopping, she lowered her head to the filly's level. "And if you're not careful, you could drop him." This time, looking at Spike, the baby dragon, situated on Twilight's back.

Twilight rose to her hooves, careful not to let Spike slip off. "Can you give me a small hint as to how I can teleport? A... pre-lesson, kind of?" Although she had been the alicorn's student for a mere month, Twilight's magic was, to say the least, in much need of control. The memory of how she lost it when she hatched Spike reeled through her mind just then, as if to remind her that she had a vast pool of magic that could go haywire with the slightest provocation. And thinking back, she wasn't even tired from it. Certainly not to the point of collapsing. "I know we tried the teleport spell yesterday... but today will be different. I-"

Celestia put a hoof up to silence her student. "Twilight. I know there is much to teach you. Asking for lessons is all well and good, but if you don't study, how can you get better? No pre-lesson today. In fact, you'll be spending time with Spike as you do some reading in the library." She put her hoof down. "Has he even eaten this morning?"

"Yes, he has. And when he's hungry, there's half of a topaz waiting for him back in my room." Young as she was, she liked having a checklist. Things she had to do. She made one for almost everything she could. "But he won't be for another couple hours. In the meantime, I guess I could go to the library. Get started on that... studying."

"Don't be discouraged. Reading up on magic is just as essential as casting it," Celestia assured. "Chin up, Twilight. I have the utmost faith in you." Her words reminded Twilight of yesterday's... event.

"I passed out yesterday from magic exertion. That's never happened before." Her ears drooped a little. "What if it happens again?"

"Then it happens again. Nopony gets it right their first try. That's why it's called practice," the princess responded. She then went to sit atop her throne once more. "And patience is something you need to exercise as well. You'll get better with time, believe me. You can only improve." Settling in, she shared a smile with her pupil. "Run along now, Twilight. Your lessons are still on for the afternoon. But, it will be a toned down lesson. Just to be safe."

Twilight couldn't argue with that, not that she'd want to. "This relates to your first lesson: When you cast a spell you don't have the magical capacity for, the attempt could drain you completely of magic. And that's what happened. I passed out from using too much. I'm just glad it didn't half-work."

"Correct," Celestia replied. "I know your studies do not go unfruitful, I've seen you grow this past month. But, I cannot teach you everything. As such, you have free access to the library. Day or night, it's all yours."

Upon hearing this news, Twilight's ears perked up. "You mean it? I can read whenever I want to? Late night reading sessions, early morning studies, mid-day bookfort making. It'll be so much fun!"

"Just so long as Spike joins you. You are his caretaker after all." Not wanting to be forceful, she added, "It wouldn't be fair to him if you left him in your room while you had so much fun, now would it?"

"I suppose not." Twilight headed for the doors. "Thank you princess. For all you've done for me." Then, in a change of attitude, "To the library!" Picking Spike off of her in her magic, she ran towards the library, pacing herself as best she could.

The princess could only smile as the doors closed behind the young pony. She may not be ready for a successful teleportation, but her levitating has gotten better. Perhaps a test is in order... she thought. In the time she has had Twilight as her student, she has given only one test so far, and it was an aptitude test to see how much she could do on her own. It may not have been much, but there was so much room for growth.


When afternoon came around, and it was time for Twilight's lesson to begin, there was an absence of Twilight. She must still be in the library the princess pondered. "Guard, could you bring a tray of hay sandwiches to the library for me?" she asked her right hoof guardspony. "Immediately, your Highness," he replied with a bow, and set off for the kitchen. Stepping down from her throne, she made her way to the doors, opening them on her own. "Sirs, you are to accompany me to the library." They simultaneously saluted and began following the princess. I do so hope she's actually studying. She should want to do this on her own, she thought on her way.

In the library, Twilight had Spike next to her in her bookfort, reading a book called, "100 Useful But Not Easy Spells". It was written by Star Point. It was believed to be a pen name. She had to go back to her room for Spike's topaz, which was almost gone now. As he didn't have teeth yet, all he could do was suck on it. The sound wore at Twilight's focus, so she only half-read the book. Closing it, she got up, returned it to its proper place on the shelf and fished another from a stack she had.

It was at this time the princess walked in. "Twilight? You did not come to your lesson. It's afternoon." Celestia walked around to find her young student in a bookfort. Lowering herself to the "door", she saw Spike in there by himself. "Twilight?"

Twilight returned to see the princess, dropping the book she had in her magic. "Princess!" She quickly looked down at the book she dropped and picked it up again. "I'm so sorry. I got lost in the books... again. When is it?" She hurried to put away her books.

"At rest, Twilight. I've brought the lesson to you today." Sitting down next to the crumbled fort, she smiled. "Lunch is also on its way. Hay sandwiches, and your lesson." Looking around at the books, she saw one that caught her eye. "Hmm... 'A Reference Guide to Making Friends'. Did you read this one yet?"

"Hm? Oh, no. Not that one yet. I used it for the fort 'cause I didn't think I'd need to read it." Twilight set the book down and had a seat as well. "Why? Is it a good one?"

"I think so. It may just be me though." The guard walked in with the tray of food.

"Your hay sandwiches, Princess Celestia." With a bow, he offered the plate, and went back to his post by the throne.

"No sooner spoken than it arrives." Taking a sandwich in her magic, she offered it to Twilight. "Here's something you may enjoy. Take it from me."

"T-take it from you? But what about taking it easy?" Feeling a little overwhelmed by the fact she had to earn her food in such a manner, her stomach rumbled impatiently.

"Yes, take it from me. Then you may eat. And it won't be easy, I assure you." The aura around the food glowed bright gold, Celestia's magic color. "This is your test, Twilight. I want you to try your best."

Twilight rose to her hooves, and took a stance. "Tug-of-war, magic style, huh... Well, here goes nothing."

Celestia was holding it a bit too loosely, as Twilight's magic had easily taken over half the sandwich. Getting a better hold on it made Twilight stagger a little. Pushing harder, her own light purple magic aura started to creep its way along the meal. This had lasted a minute or so. The end was in sight when the last corner still in Celestia's control... stopped receding. Upon seeing this, Twilight pushed ever harder, to the point of falling to her knees. Not giving up, she struggled up to her hooves again. She's fighting so hard, the sandwich is getting flattened... Celestia thought. Finally, the princess removed her own aura from it, giving it to her hard-working student.

Falling to the floor, still conscious, Twilight breathed heavily. "Why, would, you, do," she paused to catch her breath, "that, to me?" She finished, looking at the meal she squashed. "Especially when you had told me to 'take it easy'?"

"Because I wanted to see if you had improved as much as I had hoped. And you have. Having a tug-of-war with you was the best kind of test at this point. But don't worry, they won't always be this kind of test. And one other reason: to teach you. Your lesson today is this: magic is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. A good balance between mental growth and physical growth will ensure that you improve." Celestia finished explaining and began eating.

Twilight could barely do the same, but she was still able to levitate the food to her mouth. "That... makes sense I guess... But... Muscles and magic are two very different things."

"Maybe so, but it's the concept that connects them. Now, can you tell me how Earth ponies and Pegasi use their magic?" The princess looked at her student.

"Pegasi use their magic to... uhm... to mold clouds, and to control weather. And also to fly. Let's see.. Earth ponies use theirs to tend the lands, and grow food. Their magic is in their whole body, just like everypony's is, right?" Twilight only sounded half-sure to herself.

Celestia nodded in approval. "Yes, you are right. Without their magic, Earth ponies wouldn't be as strong as they are, nor would Pegasi be capable of staying airborn as long as they do. Now, what about a unicorn's magic?"

"Unicorn magic is the easiest to see. Mainly because it directly affects the area around the pony, and it's channeled through a unicorn's horn. However, because ours is more potent, it requires more focus. Gain equals drawback." Twilight got into a more comfortable position and kept eating.

The two talked, ate, laughed and read well into the evening. After which, the princess left to replace the sun with the moon. Twilight stayed in the library that night, a good book in front of her and Spike by her side.

Chapter 1: The Next Morning

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Twilight woke to the cries of her baby dragon. It was still early morning, and the sun wasn't even out yet. All out of gemstones to feed him, and with much rush required, she put away her bookfort, gathered Spike in her saddlebags, and headed back to her room. Spike managed to calm down along the way. He liked the movement she made when she walked. It was... relaxing. Her other saddlebag had the book she was reading with a well-placed bookmark.

She got to her door in ten minutes' time. Not that she was running, but just something to note. A light green glow could be seen under her door, and only getting brighter, the closer she got to it. Okay, that's new... is there a unicorn in there already? No, I locked... Well, maybe they know an unlocking spell. In any case, I have to get in there she thought to herself. Trying to open the door slowly proved to be no use, as it was indeed still locked. "That's certainly strange." After unlocking it, she swore she could hear the sound of something opening and closing in her room, but couldn't be sure. She opened the door to see a ball of green light emanating from the middle of the celestial insignia on the floor.

Once the light faded into nothing, she was able to get a closer look. In its place was... something, wrapped in a green cloth. Standing next to it, and having never seen something like that before that day, she couldn't help but ask herself, "What is... this?" She got her head close to it. "It's not a pony. The muzzle's too small, so are the ears." Backing up, she continued, "The ears are definitely pointed though. Maybe the princess can tell me what it is."

Setting the book from her bag on her nightstand, she noticed a light blue glow coming from her drawer. First green, now blue... she complained to herself. Opening the drawer revealed a light blue ball of light with wings.

"D-don't eat me! I don't taste very good!" The ball of light looked as though it were shaking. It was huddled in the back left corner, away from the strange giant looking in. After a moment, it stopped shaking. "Wait, you look like a horse. You're not a meat eater." She sighed and came out of the corner. "And here I was afraid of you. Silly me." She flew out of the drawer and got next to the green cloth on the floor.

Twilight looked at the ball as it flew from the drawer. "Of course I'm not going to eat you. I don't even know what you are. What are you? Who are you?" She asked, walking closer to them. "And how did you get in my drawer?"

"Y-you can... talk. I mean, I can understand horses talking horse, but you're speaking like me." Feeling safer, she dimmed her light. It showed a small frame, light blue skin, dark blue outfit, blue hair, and almost clear wings coming out of its back. "Answering your questions: I'm a Fairy. My name is Navi, a pleasure to meet you. Your drawer was open, and I flew inside it to hide from the noise you made outside, thinking it was a dangerous monster."

"It was open? ... I forgot to close it in my hurry to the library," she talked to herself. "Anyway, I am Twilight Sparkle. Can I ask what that is? I've never seen one before. Actually, I've never seen a fairy before either." She sat down, lifting Spike out of her bag with her magic, and set him down next to her. Then she levitated a gem from the counter over to him.

Navi landed on the green cloth where his name was. "This is Link. I've been instructed to be his companion. He's a human Hylian." Is she the equivalent of intelligent life here? it's hard to tell this early. I must press for information she thought. "A baby human called a child. He's in his early stage in life."

"He's so small." She got close to him again. "This is fascinating. Well, I'm a unicorn filly. You seem to know about horses, so I'm sure you know what that is."

"Yes, I know what a unicorn is, as well as a filly." Okay, giving credit, she's smarter than she looks she noted. "And can you not get so close? It's a bit unsettling."

Back upright, "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just curious, is all." She smiled, looking with wonder at both of them.

"Are... you alright?" She looked at the purple pony with a confused expression. "Also, where are we?" Turning her head to look at her surroundings, she saw a bed, dresser, counter, bookshelf, map above the bookshelf, nightstand that doubled as a hiding place and a strange-looking doll sitting on a chest by the wall.

"This is Canterlot Castle. It's the capital of Equestria. This, is my room." Twilight gestured to the room with a wave of her hoof.

"What's 'Equestria'?" The fairy asked, flying up to look at the map. "... Is it the name of your world?" She looked at Twilight.

Twilight replied, "It's the name of our nation. Are you considered intelligent among other fairies?" She asked, trying not to sound rude.

"I am considered to have impressive cognitive abilities. But beyond that, I'm average." She turned back to the map of the world. "Are you the dominant species of yours?"

"Species, as in pony, yes. But as you are already aware, there is more than one race. The third being the Pegasus. They have wings and can fly like you." Twilight was excited to have someone talk to, and on the same level as her.

"Pegasus ponies, Unicorns, and what do you call the race with neither wings nor horns?" Navi flew back to Link, who was waking up.

"Earth ponies, and the plural of pegasus is pegasi." Noticing Link, she once again leaned in close. "He's waking up."

Dominant species, obviously intelligent, no humans, and in a castle... There must be royalty here she wondered. "Obviously you're not the one in charge of the castle. Can you bring us to who is?"

"Right. The princess is a special kind of pony that has both a horn and a set of wings. Those are called 'Alicorns'." Twilight stood up, got her bags back on, and put Spike in one of them. "And yes, we can go talk to her. Her name is Princess Celestia."

"What about the Queen?" Navi had to direct her attention to Link, who was trying to grab hold of her legs. "Shouldn't the queen be the ruler?"

"Not if there isn't one... I'm going to have to carry him in my saddlebag. Would that be alright?"

"Yeah, but I'm riding with him. And be careful, he's fragile."

A light purple glow surrounds Link as Twilight put him in the other bag. She shifted under his weight as she let him go. "He's a bit heavier than I thought he'd be... Maybe I'll just carry him by magic the whole way." she lifted him out of the bag, and immediately felt relief.

"I wish you the best of luck. May I sit in your mane?"

Hesitant to give an answer, she shuffled her hooves. "Uh, just don't touch my horn."

"Alright then." Navi flew and sat in Twilight's mane, keeping an eye on Link. "What happens if I do?"

"Link would fall to the ground. I have to focus to keep him in the air."

"Ah, yeah, no touching the horn..."

"You can still be up there though." Twilight left the room with Spike, Link, and Navi in tow, and somehow got roped into carrying all of them. On the way, Twilight looked outside the window. "Oh, the sun's rising. That means the princess is up."

Navi looked down at Twilight. "The princess is the sun?"

"Ehh, something like that. More like she controls it. The sun and moon wouldn't rise or fall if not for her."

"Your world is similar to ours, in that regard," Navi said bluntly. "But, yours is the world we're in, so..."

"You'll like it here." After a few more minutes of walking, they reached the double doors leading into the main hall.

"Good morning, Miss Sparkle. You're up early. Gonna ask for another early lesson today?" The unicorn guard asked. "And what's with the green blanket?"

"I must see the princess. It's important." The unicorn guard understood and quickly opened the door. "Thank you." She then turned her attention to the princess. "Good morning. I know it's early, but-"

"You're not getting a lesson this early in the morning, no matter how you ask it, Twilight." The princess was something less of a morning pony.

"No, it's not that... It's this." She made her way to the throne, and set Link down on the carpet. "This human was in my room this morning, as well as this." Twilight looked up at the fairy in her mane.

Celestia looked at the thing in her mane. "Is that a... parasprite? What... No, you must get rid of it."

"Para-wha? No, it-"

"I'm no parasprite, whatever that is. Probably something that looks like me, and it sounds like it's bad news. But I'm a fairy. You must be the ruler of Equestria. I'm Navi, this is Link." She pointed at the cloth on the floor and flew over to it. "Our guardian spirit where we come from sent us here at the request of his family. We're in the middle of a war, and-"

Princess Celestia's expression shifted from worry to compassion in the blink of an eye. "Say no more, Navi the Fairy. Ours is a land of peace, and harmony. What I can do, is take care of the boy." The princess looked a bit too sure of herself.

"Can you really, princess? Our world doesn't have humans. How would you, or anypony, be qualified to care for a human?" Twilight forgot she was talking to a princess.

"How I know of them doesn't matter right now." Celestia turned to the guard at her side, and leaned in. She whispered something, then sent him off. "Twilight. Navi. I'll be taking him under my wing, and into my care."

"Not alone, you're not. I'm his companion. Where he goes, I follow. No questions." Navi looked at the princess. "You have a horn. Can you do magic like Twilight?"

"I can. And, I am teaching her how to use hers."

"Not many, where I come from, can perform magic. It's mostly reserved for royalty and bodyguards. If Link chooses a path that requires him to be either, he's going to need to learn magic." Navi spoke with a sense of seriousness.

Celestia replied with a grin. "A second student. I suppose it couldn't hurt to teach him as well. If he can prove to be prodigal, I will see to it that he learns magic that best fits his ability."

"Thank you so much. I don't have magic, so I couldn't teach him anything. He's too young for it right now, anyway."

The guard returned moments later with a book. "Princess." He gave it up and returned to his post.

"Thank you." Holding the book in her magic, she ushered Twilight by her side. "This is the only book in all of Equestria that will be able to help me raise this boy, but I cannot do it alone. I want your help with this."

Twilight walked over, and looked at the cover. "'Anthropology'? Interesting name." Laying down by the throne, she continued, "Should we get started then?"

Celestia and Twilight spent the day together reading this book. Navi fell asleep on Link before long. She had to do so out of reach. Link was next to Twilight for the whole day. They read about the eating habits, the clothing habits, and the diaper changing of the little ones. One guard brought in a stack of diapers for them. They took turns changing him throughout day.

Chapter 2: The Assignment

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It had been 12 years since Link arrived in Equestria. He joined the Royal Guard at the age of 8, and being different, he was often met with teasing and bullying. Through his years, Navi the Fairy has been there by his side. As a favor, Celestia commissioned one of her designers to make a clothing type piece of under armor, to be worn between layers of clothing, also made by the designer. Since the guards' armor is a silver color, so was his outfit. The hat was Navi's idea, and the boots and metal plated leather gauntlets he wore were his own. As much as this weighed him down, it didn't stop him from being a proficient swordsman.

During one afternoon, he had the attention of everypony in his troop as he sparred with a captain of the royal guard, a white stallion named Shining Armor. Link knew him to be Twilight's brother, but going easy was a disrespect. This in mind, Link held nothing back as he took swing after swing at the levitated sword and shield wielded by the captain. Each met with either the thunk of the shield, or the crack of the sword.

The captain kept trying to hit Link in the shoulder, but was continuously obstructed by his shield. It'd gotten to the point where they blocked by attacking. He got a good hit in on Link's back. "Come on! Give me all you got Private!" he encouraged.

"Link! You've got to get in close. You're at a disadvantage at range!" Navi advised. Link responded by nodding slightly. At the moment, the best he could do was deflect. Navi's right. Captain is keeping me out here for a reason. If I could trap the sword, I might be able to get in close enough... he thought. Glancing to the captain, and seeing his defensive stance, Link struck the wooden opponent up and away, then ran towards Shining.

The captain backed up a step, but still ready. He brought the wooden shield in front of him. When Link got close, he used the shield as a spring board to get above the captain. With a cry, he brought the sword down mere inches from Shining's head. It would have connected, had he not stepped to the side. Link responded to it by turning around, and using his momentum to swing really hard against the captain's neck.

A sharp sizzling sound came from the end of Link's weapon as it collided with the captain's magic shield. "That was a close one. But look around you." Several wooden swords from the other privates started levitating around Link, aimed at him.

Link ignored them at the moment, and focused on Shining. For a moment, he believed he could break through the magic shield. Having been taught one himself, from the captain no less, he knew it wouldn't break from a single strike of a wood sword. He got me. Didn't think he'd use it. Just to keep it fair, he thought. Stepping back, he sheathed his sword, and mounted his shield with ease.

"Match is over! Link fought hard, and might have beat me. If not for my shields." The captain gave the swords back to their owners. "Silver General! Why did I challenge this kid to a match he couldn't win?"

A light gray coated unicorn stepped forward. "To teach humility, Sir!"

"By Celestia, how'd you think of that?" The captain asked, turning toward him.

"You challenge to teach a lesson. What lesson can be taught in losing, Sir!" he responded quickly, and fell in line.

"Outstanding." Shining turned once again to Link, with Navi on his shoulder.

"Sir, if I may speak freely..." Navi asked, and was replied to by a nod of the captain's head. "Why did you take weapons from the others? Were you not just saying how unwinnable the fight was for him? And would you have lost, if not for the magic shield?"

"Congratulations. You just earned him 40 push-ups." Link dropped to get started. Navi hung in the air. "I took their weapons as a resource. I could have used the ground, or some rocks, or even his own weapon, against him. I went easy. I couldn't lose, because I had a shield up. Only way around that, is through it. If not for that, I'd have done something else entirely, but not everypony is a captain, you understand."

Link finished, and rose to his feet. "Oh, ok..." She crawled back onto his head.

"Fall in line and think." He did so, a bit slower, having fought, lost, and been exhausted. "Tomorrow, you all will meet here at 0800. No need to wear your gear, just be cleaned and well fed. It's a big day for a select few of you. Eat up, hit the showers hard, and remember: Look your best for the Princess! Dismissed!" Shining Armor looked at Link as he walked away, head down a little.

Link hadn't lost many matches in his time at boot camp. Those he did, he learned from, and came back at to win. Humility of having been put in an unwinnable scenario, and finally losing to the captain, really put him in a rut.


Silver moved his knight. "Can I ask you something?" he asked, sitting across from Link in the mess hall. "Can you not talk at all?"

Link moved his bishop to a safer position. Navi was the first to respond. "He doesn't need to talk. He doesn't have to either. And it took you 3 years to ask that. Why the sudden interest?"

Silver looked up at the fairy. "It's just... I've never heard him do anything more than grunt, howl or battle cry. It got me wondering, is all," he replied, repositioning the other knight.

"Well... It's not like he can't make noise, but I think it's his personal choice. To be honest, I don't even think he's said a single word since I've known him. So either he's kept his voice to himself, or simply gave up on forming words." Navi flew around Link while responding.

"Personal choice, huh... Not even a 'Sir!' to the captain... Some guts you got, for sure." Silver continued his meal.

Link took a few moments to think, then moved his rook behind his knight. "If he could, I'm sure he would. Since he can't, he's stuck with me~" she said happily.

Silver looked at the board, and sat silently for a minute or so. Link took a look at him.

"How's your shield spell coming? I know you're not a unicorn, and it can't be easy having ten outputs instead of one." General moved a pawn, for lack of better strategy.

Link immediately took that pawn with a knight's move, ignoring the consequences. "Considering he learned it before joining, I'd say his growth is... on par with his practice. It follows the pattern of unicorn magic, definitely. He's been holding it up for 2 hours out of the day, just to improve. And it helps. Every time he puts it up, it gets a bit stronger."

A small gasp from Silver led Link to believe it was a bad move on his own part. "I wonder why he didn't use it against the captain, if it's as good and advanced as you claim."

"For fairness. It's a crutch he'll have to overcome sometime, I know. For now, he's still learning."

"I see... Well, Equestria isn't really a warring nation, but it's great to be prepared, against any kind of threat. Like an invasion, or mutiny, or stuff like that." He moved his first knight forward taking a pawn for himself. "Check."

An oversight... he might beat me again... Link thought.

"I have no doubt Link will be at the front line of any war that might come, be they Griffin or otherwise." Link moved his king out of danger, which left his rook to be taken.

"And while he's off being a hero, I'll be stuck in a tent. Let's face it, there's no way I'll pass tomorrow." He took the rook behind the knight.

"Oh come on. You're sure to pass. Just keep your chin up. Have faith in your skill." Link moved his queen, which was Princess Celestia on the board, to take the knight, but decided against it as doing so would put him in check.

Silver ate more. "Words of encouragement from a fairy no bigger than my burger."

Finally, he moved his bishop to a spot that it would be taken by the knight, while also unblocking the path to take it with his other bishop. "It's been known to happen." She flew over the board, to get a better look of it.

"Whether I pass or not, I do have to show up tomorrow. And whether I want to or not..."

Link reached over the table and patted him on the shoulder. "He means you should have faith too. He believes in you. And that you should believe in yourself."

Silver got up from his seat. "I'm sorry, I'll just turn in now..." he said, moving a piece and taking his bishop. "Checkmate. Thanks for the game. You are getting better, Link."

Link slumped back in his own seat, looking at the board. I lost again... he's something else. I've got to change my play a little... he thought.

"Hey, cheer up. There's a saying, 'you learn more from a defeat, than you do from a victory'. You take something from every encounter, and adapt to better handle it next time. You'll win..." She then added to herself. "eventually."

After Link finished his meal, he headed back to his bunk, got into his sleep wear, and got in bed. His hat served as Navi's bed, as she'd be squished in his.


The next day, at 0800 hours, the privates all gathered in 3 rows of 19 each. Link stood behind Silver, who was in the front row. Navi, perched on Link's hat, could see Shining perfectly as he marched back and forth in front of the formation. Armor kept looking up, towards the castle, in anticipation of the princess's arrival. He then turned to address them. "Alright. Good to see you all got your rest, and had enough time to eat. The princess should be along shortly. When she gets here, and you've gotten your certificate of completion, remember to bow, and stand at her side."

Navi whispers in Link's ear. "He sure is nervous. His sister is the princess's star pupil, why does he have to be formal?"

It wasn't 10 minutes later that Princess Celestia arrived by guard-drawn carriage. "Attention!" bellowed the captain. A few hoof scuffles and muttered noises later, everyone assumed the position. "You are in the presence of Princess Celestia of Equestria. You will give her your full attention and respect, or face latrine duty until Tartarus freezes over."

"I wouldn't go that far, Captain. These soldiers are well aware of their duties. In fact, I have their transfer papers here." Princess Celestia lifted a stack of envelopes out of the carriage and got them in front of her. "I'll read them off, then you can do the rest." Looking at the first one, "Private Hoofbeat."

A green coated unicorn stepped forward, received his letter, then stood at her side at attention. After a few more, Silver General heard his name called. He, too, joined the others at her side. A few more, and "Private Link and Companion Navi. Step forward." He did so, received his letter, then started walking, only to be stopped. "I want to congratulate you personally. You've faced more trials than any of the others. And still made it to the top. I'm proud of you."

Link looked at the princess, the only mother he can remember, with a smile, and walked by her side. A total of 17 names were called. "A great effort to those who remain, as I'll be needing your help. Regroup into lines of ten." The captain waited. "The soldiers in the front row, about face. Those you see are your team for the next two years. You will be squad leader because you were the closest of the 40 to graduating but didn't quite make it. Which makes you the most qualified, besides me, to do so."

While he was talking, Celestia turned to the graduates. "Congratulations, all of you. In your envelopes are your new locations. A train will leave Canterlot's 3rd district station for these locations in 3 days at noon. Be on it, or come back here. That will give you enough time to inform your families, say your goodbyes, and pack for your trips. I wish you all the best of luck... Be headstrong, and you will do fine."

With that, she boarded her transportation, and retreated to her castle. "Well done, Silver! I knew you'd pass!" Navi cheered. Link smiled and patted his back.

"Thanks you two. I wonder where they sent me... Eh, I'll find out when I get my stuff packed."

"Don't you want to know now?" Navi asked.

"Yeah, I guess..." He opened his envelope. "It says, 'Silver General. Private. Reassigned to: Desert Base. Province: San Palomino. Training: Tactical. Duration: 3 years.' ... The desert..."

"Eesh. Sounds like a bad move." Navi guessed.

"Not really. A heat barrier is taught to all trainees who are stationed there. Whether they use it or not... I don't know." Silver looked once more at his paper. "One thing is certain: it's not going to be easy. Ghastly Gorge is our route. Through the canyon, where monsters lurk."

"You sound scared, Silver. You've handled yourself in a fight against the top fighter here." Navi retorted. She heard Link give a cough. "Uhh, maybe not handled, exactly. Maybe... 'held your ground but still lost to' is a better description."

"Not scared, just... concerned..." he replied.

"Sorry to leave you like this, but we have to go get packed. Got a journey ahead of us, ourselves." Link nodded in agreement, then started walking back towards his bunk.

"Where'd she send you two?" Silver asked.

Link only shook his head, then kept walking. He opened his letter, and read to himself. Link and Navi. Private and Companion. Reassigned to: Undefined. Province: Undefined. Training: Teamwork. Duration: Indefinite. P.S.: Report tomorrow morning to Princess Celestia for your assignment. He was interrupted by the captain.

"Link... I know your assignment. Tell her hi for me, okay?" Shining asked.

Link looked at him with confusion, but nodded anyway.

At his room, he gathered a special made back-bag, with two pouches, one above the other. Starting with his clothes, he began. He finished with a picture of his "family", being Celestia, the mother, young Twilight, his sister, and Shining Armor, the big brother/private in the royal guard. Fond memories of his early years came back: reading beside Twilight in the library, failing a shield spell many times before succeeding, and one of his fondest, when he won his first ever sparring match against some unicorn mare. He carried his iron sword and metal shield on his back, and his bags slung over his right shoulder.

Silver walked in. "Oh... I thought you'd be out by now... Am I interrupting?"

"No, we were just heading out." Navi answered.

"Immediately? Why so soon? You have 3 days," he pressed.

"Our destination requires only one night to arrive." Navi defended, without leaking where it was.

"Ah, well. If you're ever in the desert, give me a shout." General started packing his belongings as Link and Navi left.


Tomorrow morning, in the throne room of the castle, Celestia had just raised the sun. "Good morning, Link and Navi. Sleep well, did you?"

"Indeed we did, Princess." Navi and Link took a knee in front of their ruler. "But I am concerned... why were you so vague in our reassignment? Was it so classified you couldn't tell us?"

"Nothing of the sort, young fairy. I simply wanted to give this order directly. No harm." She spoke softly. She's had to adjust to the mornings over the course of Link's first 5 years. "Link, you are to serve as your adopted sister's bodyguard. She leaves on a journey of her own tomorrow. You will keep her safe. It is unlikely, but possible, that you will need your weapons. In case you do... please, don't hurt the innocent. If found guilty of crimes against Twilight, then their punishment is governed by Twilight, not you. Now, this doesn't mean you're her maid, or butler, or anything like that. Follow your judgement, and you'll do fine."

"Princess," Navi started, "where is she now?"

"In her house in the city, doing research no doubt. Like you did before joining the royal guard boot camp."

Link rose to his feet, smiled, and turned for the door. "Thank you for this, princess. It has been years since we last saw our sister. It will be a nice surprise." Navi flew by Link as he left.

Having embarked on his journey to Twilight's house, Link contained his happiness of being able to see Twilight again. As well as Spike, who grew a bit since way back then. Link continued outside the castle, shield spell in effect until his arrival.

Chapter 3: The Mane Problem

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"Spike!!" Twilight called from the loft. "Where's that book called, 'Why Matter Matters'?" She began searching through her several stacks of books. Twilight stayed up the night before researching. That's not unlike her those days.

The little dragon moved a rolling ladder across the library portion of the home. He climbed to the top, looked around, and pulled a black, hard-back book from the shelf, almost out of reach. "Here it is," he said, starting to climb down.

Almost immediately, the book was wrapped in Twilight's light purple aura, and was levitated to Twilight. "Thanks," she said from the edge, carrying Spike with the book. "It'll come in handy, if nothing else but for a reference."

Spike had a seat by another stack of books. "I think you're reading too much into this. The tale of Nightmare Moon is just that, an old pony's tale. Nothing more."

"Well, I don't think that's the case, Spike. Something bad will happen, I'm sure of it. I can almost feel it." Twilight began pacing into her own world.

It was quiet, but Spike heard it. Link knocked at the door. Spike got up, climbed down the ladder leading from the loft, and headed to the door. "Odd, we don't get many visitors." He opened the door to find Link's barrier in front himself. "Hey, it's Link!" He turned to Twilight. "Twilight! Link's here!"

Link stepped inside and dropped his barrier. "That almost took an hour. You could have gone for longer," Navi said from atop his shoulder. She then flew down to Spike's level. "And how have you been these long years?"

"I've been growing. More than I could say for you, I don't think you'll ever grow," he replied, almost rudely. "But fairies don't grow like that, so I guess I can write it off. How've you been?"

Link started heading for the ladder, leaving Navi to talk with Spike. He stood in front of Twilight, and waved his hands in front of her to get her attention. To no avail. So, he raised a small barrier in front of her, just to get her attention.

Twilight smacked into it, dropping her book in the process. "Agh!" she exclaimed, looking at him. "Oh, hi-" A long gasp escaped her as she wrapped him in a hug. "I haven't seen you in years!" She backed off. "How was the military?"

Link just raised his thumb, but held it sideways, followed by a small shrug.

"That good, huh? Well, at least you survived. 5 years, you were there. You look much stronger than when you left. Taller too." She looked up at him. "Last I saw you, you were just barely taller. Now, you're a head taller than me. How'd you adapt?" She walked around him to look at him.

Navi flew up to him, with Spike nearby. "It wasn't easy, but he managed. It took some time to get his armor fitted and his gear modified to be used with hands." Link took his sword and shield off to show the handles. "He's left handed, so it took a while for it to work correctly, between forging and balancing."

"Very cool. Now that you're out, what's your plan?" Twilight asked, knocking on the metal shield.

"Our plan is, and we have our orders, to be your personal guard." Link stood proudly, putting his gear on his back. "The princess ordered us directly. I don't know her plan."

"Either way, you're out, and you're here. How'd you rank?" Spike asked.

Navi looked at him. "Almost top marks across the board. Intellect, combat, skill, and endurance. He even took on the Captain and, in my opinion, tied with him."

"Shining Armor? Tied with him? That's amazing!" She jumped up on him.

Link smiled, and laughed a little. "Yeah, but Shining put up a barrier, and Link was forced into checkmate." Navi explained. "Oh, and he says, 'Hi'."

Twilight looks at Navi. "At least he still cares. Speaking of, why didn't you two send letters?"

Navi looked down. "Not much to say. Besides, Link's still new to the whole, writing thing. His quillmanship isn't exactly… legible. But anyway, what were you studying when we came in?"

"While I was coming back from the market, I read something about Elements of Harmony and Nightmare Moon, but I can't remember where I put my copy of Predictions and Prophecies."

Spike went to her bed, and got under it. "You fell asleep with it a few nights ago. So I put it under your bed in case you needed it again. You really should be putting your books away when you're done with them."

She took the book, and started to flip through it. "I'll consider a second re-shelving day per month. E, E, E, … Elements of Harmony. See: Mare in the Moon?" More flipping. Spike shrugged and looked at Link.

"Something got her obsessed with this prophecy, and I still think it's a waste of time." Spike looked again at Twilight, who's still pacing.

"'-powerful pony who wanted to rule Equestria, defeated by the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned in the moon.'" Twilight stopped pacing, and sat down. "'Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and bring about nighttime eternal.'! Link, do you know what this means?" She turned to him, worried look on her face.

Link nodded his head, and patted hers. Navi turned to Spike. "Shouldn't you be writing a letter to the princess?"

Twilight looked at Spike as well. "Think I should?" he asked. "The princess is awful busy."

"We just came from there, she wasn't busy," the fairy assured, landing atop Spike's head.

The lavender unicorn thought for a moment, then addressed Link. "Take a letter for me? It'll help you with your writing."

Link took a quill and scroll, and tried to hold it in his hand, like that one book showed him.

Spike looked up at Navi. "I write for her, but I suppose I'll get the next one. Taking turns and all."

"You'll still send it, Spike," Navi assured. "Link doesn't know fire yet. Besides, you'll always be there. He might get another transfer. He is a royal guard now, so who knows?" Navi looked at Link. "Technically, he's not supposed to know any magic. But already, he knows a barrier spell. So fire might be just within reach." After all, Nayru's Love is a barrier spell, so maybe he can learn a form of Din's Fire, and Farore's Wind. It's not entirely impossible. she thought to herself.

"'Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle'," she finished. "Got it all?" Link nodded his head. "Great, send it Spike."

"Uh, now? It takes an hour to get here, so she very well could be busy by now," he argued, taking the scroll and rolling it up.

"Yes, now. This has the utmost urgency. The princess has to know what's happening."

Spike went to the window and opened it. "Okay, if you say so." He inhaled, and blasted it with his fire breath. It dissolved into a green mist that traveled to the castle. "It's on its way. But I wouldn't hold your breath."

"The princess has never doubted me once in all my years as her student," she said. "She trusts me completely."

Within moments, Spike regurgitated a scroll which took form almost instantly. Link looked at it with slight wonder, having not seen it happen in years.

"See?" Twilight boasted. "I told you she'd want to take immediate action."

Spike opened the scroll, cleared his throat, and read aloud, "'My faithful student Twilight: You know that I value your diligence, and that I trust you completely,'-"

"I told you," she said, walking to the ledge of the loft. "She'll want to-"

"'but you simply must stop reading those dusty old books.' Sorry, Twilight." Spike, too, walked around.

Navi looked over Spike's shoulder, and continued, "'My dear Twilight there's more to a young pony's life than studying. So, I'm sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year's location: Ponyville.' Huh, that little town south of here? Quite the place."

Spike took over reading. "'Link and Navi will accompany you as you complete this and your personal task: Make some friends. Your Mentor, Princess Celestia. P.S. Link, from this moment, until further notified, you take your orders from your new commanding officer, Twilight Sparkle. Keep her safe.' …"

"Ponyville…" Twilight said, "the small town at the base of the mountain range, several miles away."

"20, if I'm not mistaken," Navi included.

Another knock at the door, followed by a loud, "Miss Twilight Sparkle." Twilight opened the door with her magic. Two guards entered and continued, a bit quieter, "Miss Twilight, we are here to be your escorts to Ponyville by request of Princess Celestia." The other guard looked at all the books. This guard held out a scroll. "This is for you. A checklist of the ponies in charge of each task in the preparations."

Twilight packed a few things into her bags: the scroll, a few other scrolls, some quills, a bottle of ink and some reading material. Since Link, Navi and Spike were easy to pack for, they were ready within minutes, as opposed to Twilight's half hour.


"You get to stay in the library, doesn't that make you happy?" Spike asked, sitting next to Twilight in the chariot. It was going through the air, being pulled by both pegasi.

"Yes, yes it does." Twilight looked over the side. "You know why? Because then I get to do more research after I check the preparations for the celebration. Hopefully with proof, I can convince the princess to take this more seriously."

Navi moved next to Twilight. "But when will you make friends, like the princess said?"

"Navi, the fate of Equestria doesn't rely on me making friends," Twilight said, looking at Navi. Soon, they landed in town square. As the 4 got out, Twilight turned to the pegasi. "Thank you sirs."

They huffed, and flew off toward Canterlot. Spike looked at Twilight. "At least try to make friends while you're here? Here comes one now. Just, say hi."

Twilight sighed. "Fine." She turned to the approaching pony. "Hello, my name is-"

The pony, pink in coat and mane, gasped for a few seconds before disappearing in a cloud of dust.

"Real smooth, Twilight. You scared her off," Navi said, laughing a little.

Twilight growled a little. "Whatever, let's just get on with it." She took her checklist out. "Now, there's supposed to be a pegasus named Rainbow Dash keeping the skies clear."

"Well, they're not doing a very good job," Spike said, looking up from Twilight's back.

Link jumped in front of Twilight, and threw up a small barrier in front of himself. A pegasus with a multicolored mane slammed into his shield, breaking through and crashing into him. Quickly, she backed off of him. Link rose to his feet, and saw the almost scared look on Twilight's face.

"Hey, what gives?" the pegasus asked. She had to move her head to the side to dodge an incoming punch. He's faster than he looks she thought, watching Link's fist return to his side. He followed up with a right kick to her head, which she blocked. Pretty strong, too. Wonder what his training looks like? she thought, moving to her original position. Link continued with another jab. This pegasus dodged to the side, and jabbed at his chest. He quickly back-flipped and landed ahead of Twilight. He leapt forward, and back spin kicked at her. She had to block with both of her forelegs. Even with both, she still stumbled backward. She got her balance in time to collide punches with him. The look on his face was met with a scowl from his opponent. Several ponies heard the sound of collision, and turned to see.

Before they could continue, Twilight wrapped her magic around them both. "Enough!" she yelled, pulling them apart. "Both of you!" She looked at the pegasus. "You must be Rainbow Dash." Twilight released her.

"Yeah, I am. You heard of me?" she asked, glaring at Link. She returned to her four hooves.

"I heard you were supposed to be keeping the skies clear," Twilight continued, "and I apologize for him. He was doing his job as my bodyguard."

"I'm not sure which is more impressive: him keeping up with me, or the other way around. Scratch that, it's impressive he kept up," Rainbow said with a relaxed smile. "I look forward to our next bout. And about the weather, I could clear the sky in ten seconds flat."

Twilight released Link, who struggled to regain his ground. "I'll believe that when I see it," Navi said, coming out of his hat.

"... what are you two? I've never seen anything like either of you. But, if you want proof, here it is." With all the confidence in the world, she took off, zipping across the sky, busting every cloud in her way. Ten seconds later, she lands too hard, making small craters under her hooves. "I've been training to join the Wonderbolts, so this is was real easy."

Twilight looked stunned at Rainbow's hooves. "Okay, okay. Seems like you got the weather under control. And from what I've seen, you could make a great Wonderbolt. You even matched Link almost hit for hit, and he just graduated from the royal guard. Pat yourself on the back for that one."

"I plan to, uh… What's your names?" Rainbow asked.

"I'm Twilight, this is Spike, my dragon assistant, Link, my guard, and Navi, his fairy companion."

"I can't wait to hang out some more, Twilight. But for now, I gotta sleep. Today's been tough already. See ya around." Rainbow bolted off to the skies and out of sight.

"That was interesting…" Navi said. "Were you holding back?" Link nodded his head. "I thought so. She is a civilian."

"Next time you have to protect me from a civilian who means no harm, dial it down to restrain. Next up, decorations." They looked for the sign of town hall, finding it in a few moments as they were already in the square.

Rainbow Dash… A pegasus, certainly faster than the unicorns I trained with. Her reflexes are great, so I'd need to focus on limiting her movements before trying to win he thought to himself.


The outside of town hall looked great, but the inside was a work in progress. Beneath the balcony stood a white unicorn with a purple mane. Spike, atop Twilight's back, looked in awe. "Beautiful," he said.

Yes," Twilight replied, "the inner decorations are coming along nicely."

"Not that. Her." He pointed at the pony, who was trying different colors of ribbon for the pillars.

"Hello there. The decorations look wonderful." Twilight walked to meet the mare.

Without looking, she replied, "Why thank you, darling. Just give me a moment and I'll be right with you." After another minute or so of trying different ribbons, she turned. "Now, what can I help you w-w-Woah!" She stood there, agape. "What, is that?!" she asked, pointing at Link.

"He's my bodyguard. How a-"

"Not that," she interrupted. "His hair, why it's so shiny, and well-kept!" She gasped again when she saw Navi. "And, a fairy?! My, you're certainly fortunate. Fairies are very, I mean, very rare."

"I'm Navi. I'm accompanying Link, who's bodyguarding Twilight." She pointed to the purple unicorn. "This is Twilight."

"Hello, Twilight. I'm Rarity. Local designer and clothing outfitter. A pleasure."

"All mine," Twilight said as she looked around. "Looks like you have things in order, so I'll leave you to it."

"Do stop by Carousel Boutique. I'd like to make an outfit for the both of you."

"Maybe… After things wind down a little." Twilight left with Spike, Link, and Navi.

"Not 2 hours after landing, and half the list is done. What'd be next?" Spike asked, looking at the list.

"Music and Confections. Confections is last, because it's all the way out at Sweet Apple Acres." Twilight walked to the park.

With the sky and decorations out of the way, and confections last, the song birds needed Twilight's attention. Fortunately, they were close by, and being kept company by a butter-colored pegasus with a pink mane.

"Hello!" Twilight blurted, scaring off the birds in the process. Seeing what she'd done, she adds, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare your birds away. They sounded lovely."

The pegasus silently landed, looked at the ground, and kicked the dirt. Not sure what to say, she kept her head down.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle. What's your name?" Twilight asked, with an odd look on her face.

Link looked at her with a smile as well, standing taller than her by the same amount he did with Twilight. Navi peeked out from under the hat. Not much of a talker she thought, she and Link could get along.

The yellow pony mumbled something. "Sorry, what was that?" Twilight asked, leaning in a little. Another mumble. "Didn't quite catch that." she said once more. A high pitched squeak emitted from the pony. After a quiet moment, the birds returned to their perches. "Well, your birds are back. So… I guess I'll leave you to it..."

As they turned to leave, Navi flew out and around Link. Seeing her, the shy pegasus sped to his side, stopping before hitting either of them. "Oh! A fairy! This is amazing! This is the first time I've seen one this close to civilization. What's your name little one?"

Navi smiled, and sat on Link's shield. "I'm Navi. This is Link, Twilight, and Spike's over there in a bush. I take it you've seen other fairies?"

"Oh yes, I have. Just, not this close before. I'm Fluttershy by the way. It was many years ago, but I remember much of it. I had just got to Ponyville, and I saw a group of them heading into the Everfree Forest. It's a dangerous place to adventure in alone, so I stayed away. I haven't seen one since."

In this time, Spike came out of the bush and sat on Twilight's back. "What's taking so long?"

Fluttershy looked at him, and gasped. "A dragon, too!? Well, well… I don't suppose there's an Orthros hidden around here?" She began looking around.

"Sign off Music. It's handled by Fluttershy." Twilight looked at Fluttershy. "Thank you for your contribution to the Summer Sun Celebration. Your efforts will not go unre-"

"I don't mean to interrupt, but could I talk with those two? I don't get to learn about mythical creatures like this that often. Oh, this is exciting. What do fairies and dragons talk about?"

Navi was the first to speak up. "Uhm… it's not my place to talk about anything. Not yet anyway. I'll leave that up to him..." She crawled away into Link's hat, earning a sad sigh from the mare.

"What do you want to know?" Spike asked, grinning.

"Everything." Fluttershy started following behind them as they turned again to leave.

Twilight looked back to Fluttershy. "Sorry, Fluttershy, but we're busy today. … How about this: come by Golden Oaks Library tomorrow morning. Link will let you in, and you can ask all the questions you want. We still have to go out to Sweet Apple Acres for Confections, and you need to educate your birds."

"O-oh… tomorrow then…" she replied, looking down. "And if I may, real quick, what is he?"

Navi looked out of the hat, and started to talk. Twilight cut her off. "He's my bodyguard. He's a Hylian from another world. He's human." Twilight eased her demeanor and added, "Strange, but almost 13 years ago, he showed up suddenly. Since then, he's been like my little brother. But, more on that in the morning. I really have to go. It was nice meeting you Fluttershy."

"Yeah, nice meeting you too Twilight, Spike, Link, and Navi." She returned to her birds, who started singing soon after.

Walking toward the Apple farm, a 20 minute walk, Navi caught up Twilight and Spike about the 5 years he'd been away. They talked about the friend he made in Silver General, about his shield spell and its current stage in development, and about what things Twilight has learned in his absence.

Once at the farm, Twilight took a look around. She saw a lot of ponies running around, bucking apple trees. These trees covered several acres, and stretched as far as the mountains. She got closer to the home, where she expected to find the pony in charge. Instead, she saw an orange pony, able to knock every apple from the tree in a single buck. Sweat was dripping from her forelock, and rolling down her chest to her legs as she moved from tree to tree.

It was small, but present. A skipped beat, a tiny spark, a … something that cannot be expressed correctly with proper grammar. But it indeed was small, Twilight shook the thoughts out of her head as quickly as they entered. "Excuse me," she called out to the earth pony, "I'm looking for the confectioner in charge of food for the Summer Sun Celebration."

The orange mare turned, and trotted to her. "Howdy, Ah'm Applejack. What can I do you for?"

Twilight, off-guard about the strange way of talking, replied, "Hello. I'm Twilight Sparkle. I've been put in charge by Princess Celestia to oversee preparations."

"Howdy, Twilight!" she said, vigorously shaking Twilight's hoof. "Yeah, the Summer Sun Celebration is finally being held here in Ponyville, we'll surely do it proud." She stopped shaking and gave her some room. "Ah heard somepony was comin'. Mah brother gets all the mail. Just glad it was on time. It's sometimes not..."

It took Twilight a moment to realize she'd stopped shaking, only stopped by Link, who'd put his hand on her hoof. "Oh, well, that's something to note. Anyway, how's it going? The confections, I mean."

"You might wanna sit fer this one." Applejack held up a triangle, and rang it very loudly. "SOUP'S ON, EVERYPONY!!!" she yelled. The rest of the ponies gathered around the nearest table, bringing out food by the plate-full. Link and Twilight were almost pushed to said table to find a seat before they were all taken.

"Oh that's really not necessary. I am in something of a rush…" she said quietly.

Within moments, the workers gathered around Twilight. Applejack started firing off their names one by one, no stuttering or hesitation in the least. She slowed to introduce her direct family members. "Applebloom, Big Macintosh, and," she paused to take a breath, "Granny Smith. She's the matriarch of the family."

"I'd like to stay, but, again, I am in a rush. Besides, we're not really-" Twilight's stomach grumbled. She blushed and looked away.

"You're not what, now? Face it, Twi. You're stayin' fer brunch. Your stomach says so." She had a seat beside Twilight.

Link took off his gauntlets and was the first to start eating. Navi stayed in his hat until this point. She came to rest on the table beside his plate, earning a collective gasp from the Apples. "Seriously?" she started. "I'm what shocks you? Link is more rare than even I am, and I'm a fairy. Where I come from, horses are much bigger, and less colorful. To me, you all would be strange. But I don't care about strangeness. The more, the better." She smiled at Link, who smiled in return.

The ponies looked at Link, then to Navi. "He's a human, ain't he?" Applejack asked.

Twilight looked at her. "How'd you know that? Nopony knows what he is."

"The library's a good place to buckle down with a good book. They've got one called 'Anthropology'. Told me all about 'em."

"That's the same book we read to take care of him as a baby. It took a lot of effort. Maybe I could lend him out to help you on the farm?" Twilight asked, looking at him.

Link shrugged his shoulders. "If those are your orders, then it's fine." He nodded in agreement to Navi.

Applejack smiled. "How strong are ya? Oh right. Can't talk. How about a test?" She pointed to an apple tree beside the table. The others looked at him. "Hit it however ya like to. Just knock the apples out of the tree. If you can knock 8 apples out, I'll consider ya for employment."

Navi looked at Link worriedly. "8? … That's… Can you do it?" Link nodded his head in confidence. He walked up to the tree, looked for the apples, and counted at least 20. 8 in one shot? he thought, No sweat. Looking at the trunk again, he turned his side to the tree. Turning, he struck the tree with a reverse side kick.

10 apples hit the ground, and so did Link. He was too close on impact, and it threw him backward for being off-balance. He looked around and counted the apples. Then stood proud, after dusting himself off. "Well done kid. Ah might take you up on your help. How's once a week sound to ya?"

Link nodded. "Or, how about this? Since he follows my orders, he can help you whenever he wants to. There's no telling what might happen. So when our schedules permit him, he's free to make the choice." Twilight stood firm with her decision. Applejack only nodded in agreement. "Great, now, I really am busy. It's been… fun."

"You ain't had fun just yet. oop." She had to stop herself from spilling the beans. "Nevermind that, you just run along. Get to your busy schedule."

Twilight nodded and started back for town, walking a bit slower than her trip there. "That was strange. But I'm sure it's nothing. Spike, go ahead and check off confections." He did so, then put the scroll away. "Everything is out of the way now. No more distractions. I have to do research on the coming disaster."


It took at least half an hour to get back to the library. The lights were off, that's expected. "Okay, weather's clear, decorations are nearing completion, music and confections will be ready by the time we need them. That only took most of the day. But, here at the library, I can do my research."

"There's your silver lining." Navi took notice of a gray pegasus who looked their way. Or, tried to at least. "To the dark cloud of today, I mean…" Navi flew around Link's head.

"Speaking of clouds, well done Link. You guarded me as ordered. Even if I didn't actually need it, it is still good to know you protect me when I need it. For that I thank you." Twilight could see the branches of the library.

That pegasus… She's had training, that's for sure. She'd beat me without a problem. Best to get more training in. I'm gonna have to keep my morning exercises, maybe increase them a bit to get stronger Link thought on his way to the library. Gah, listen to me… am I really going to let the fact I lost haunt me for the rest of my life?

Another ten minutes passed as they got to the doors of the library. Link, ever cautious, walked in and listened close. He heard small, but collective breathing. Drawing his equipment, he threw up a barrier, protecting Twilight. A lantern came on in the middle of the room, lighting the area.

The pink pony from earlier peeked up from behind the couch. Quietly, she said, "… Surprise?" Soon, the other guests rise from their own hiding spots, throwing Link into a state of panic.

Twilight looked around. "Woah, Link. Calm down. They don't mean any harm." She looked at the pink pony. "What is all this?"

Pinkie spoke up. "A surprise party. Heheh, 'Welcome to Ponyville'..." She started to leave.

"Wait," Twilight started. "Link, withdraw." He was hesitant, but obeyed. He put his gear away and dropped the barrier. "Okay, let's try that again. This is a surprise party. So you can all stay and throw the party."

Just then, an orange mare came walking in. "Am Ah late? Applebloom threw a hissy when she had to do her chores before it got too dark."

Twilight's heart skipped a beat. Maybe because she was scared by Applejack's sudden appearance, or … no, it couldn't be.

"Nope, we just got started," Pinkie chimed. "But be careful, there's a strange one here too!" She pointed at Link, who pointed at himself with a questioning look. "My 'Welcome to Ponyville' Party could have had a better start, but there's a full night of fun to be had."

The white designer unicorn stepped forward. "I took the liberty of getting some house-warming gifts for you four. For Twilight, an outfit, made last week when I was hitting a rut. It may not be my best work, but it didn't have any use to me sitting in my closet." She pulled from the couch a light blue dress with purple trim. It had a pendant on it the shape of Rarity's cutie mark. "And for Spike, I have an amethyst. I don't know much about dragons, except that they eat gems. So… there you go." She reached into her bags and pulled an amethyst out for him.

Twilight took the dress. "You didn't have to do this…"

Spike interrupted. "But you did, so *crunch* thank you."

"Uh-huh. Now, for the other two. Navi the Fairy, for you, I have a little kit." She pulled out a small box from her bag and levitates it to Navi. Link takes it in his hand and opens it. "A wing care kit. Who knows when you'll need your wings cleaned with care? And for you, Link. I didn't know what to get you, but somepony else did." She took out a comb from her bag with her magic. "A comb… for your hair. Courtesy of Lyra Heartstrings." She nodded to a teal unicorn to Link's right. He looked to see a wide smile on her face. "I hope you all enjoy."

Rainbow landed beside Link, who nearly dropped his new comb. "You kept up pretty well. Who'd you train with to get that good?"

Navi came to his side. "He can't talk. I talk for him. He's trained with the Royal Guard for 5 years. He's highly adaptable."

"Which branch? Unicorn, Pegasus, or Earth?" she asked, looking at his weapons.

Navi looked at Link, who shook his head. "I … don't think he wants you to know that. Sorry."

"Eh, I'd rather find out for myself. I want to spar sometime. Who knows, you might learn something." Rainbow added, "And if ever you're in trouble, I got your back."

Link nodded, smiling. Fluttershy got Navi's attention. She flew over to the butter-colored pegasus. "I'm sorry to bother you, but…" Fluttershy looked with wonder at Navi. "What do fairies eat?"

"Nothing. Our bodies need energy, yes, but we get it through the natural energy around us." She flew to Fluttershy's muzzle, and pointed to her own chest. "Fairies are spirits who lived a life of goodness, and free of sin. The bad, mean beings are reborn as evil spirits called Poes." She paused. "At least, that's what they're called on my world."

Fluttershy sat, looking down. "That's so sad... So are you haunting Link? Because that's-"

"Not 'haunt'," she interrupted, "accompany. Like a service animal. Since he can't talk, it's up to me to translate his body language into words. It's not often I'm wrong."

Fluttershy stood up. "I think that's very nice of you. Helping those who can't help themselves. Kind of like what I do."

Navi flew to in front of her. "And that is?"

"I look after a house full of animals. It's government funded, so I guess it counts as income."

Navi started flying back to Link, who was standing there listening to Rainbow's dreams of becoming a Wonderbolt. "I'd very much like to see them sometime."

On the other side of the room, by the stairs, Applejack had Twilight off to the side. "Now," she started, "be honest with me, Twilight. What'd ya think of mah family?"

Twilight shifted where she stood. "Honestly? I mean this in the nicest way possible, they're... a bit pushy. They seem like nice ponies, but they could've backed off a little."

"Ah figured as much," the earth pony said, looking down. "Mah immediate family's more down to earth than mah secondary family."

"Secondary?" Twilight asked. "Like, branch family?"

"No, like aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews. Branch families are more... western than central. The desert and some cities might have 'em." She smiled. "You from a branch family?"

"I'm not. I have a brother, and my parents. Technically Spike's my kid, since I raised him from birth." She looked to the purple dragon, who was talking with Rarity.

"So... what's Link to ya?" Applejack asked, sitting on the stairs.

"He's my bodyguard. Get this, he got into it with Rainbow earlier, and they were hit-for-hit. And, when he came in here, he was all sword drawn ready to fight for his life... Speaking of which..." She turned to the party goers. "Because my bodyguard was harsh on you when he first came in, I'll allow the party to continue until the sun rises."

Various cheers came from the partiers. Pinkie practically blew the roof off the place she jumped so high. "Perfect! I have just enough party poppers and prizes and games and jokes to last all night!"

"I only ask that you keep the party down here. I do still have to study." Turning back towards Applejack, she continued. "Feel free to stay the night. And can you tell everyone that as well? I don't want to be a bad host." She turned again, this time, past Applejack and up the stairs with a few books she pulled from the shelves.

Link, finally away from Rainbow, thanks to Navi, saw an interesting pegasus by the punch bowl. Navi got the attention of one of her eyes. Intrigued by the directions they looked, Link looked from one to the other. "You're different from the others. That's not a bad thing. Link's different too. In case you haven't heard it already, he's unable to talk."

The gray pegasus pauses, and focuses one eye on him while the other looked above him. "I remember you. You were in town earlier. And yes, I'm different. I can't see straight. Your friend can't talk like everyone else. But sometimes, you say it best, when you don't say anything at all."

Navi hovered there, slightly shocked by her words. Link was interested in what she had to say, so he sat close to listen.

"The same could be said for me. My name's Derpy, by the way. Derpy Hooves. I can't see straight, but I still see so much more than anypony I know. Funny how that works." The pegasus sat down carefully. "I see the good in ponies, that others seem to miss."

"You're really something else... You're the first pony we met who was unfazed at the sight of a human and fairy," she said, sitting on Link's knee.

"Being different isn't a crime. Your differences make you unique. Rare, special, different, use what word you will." Again, she paused. "And you, Link. You are far more different than anyone else. I can see something in you that can move mountains. I don't know what it is, but something about you feels like it can... oh, how do I explain this... it's like you choose to face hardship. and maybe not always for your own benefit? I... I'm not good at this sort of thing."

"Courage, maybe? That's what it sounds like to me. The ability to stand alone in the face of great danger without fear." Navi looked back at Link, who was shaking slightly.

"Yes, courage. Thank you. That's what you got. It burns in your eyes like an indistinguishable fire. It-" Link thrust his fist out to her with a genuine smile. Derpy stopped, and smiled. "You're welcome," she said, hitting his fist with her hoof. "And Welcome to Ponyville."


The night went on like any party would. Mingling and fun was had. Most ponies left by morning. Applejack took Twilight up on her offer and slept on the couch. Rainbow decided to bring in a cloud to sleep on. Link slept in the bed opposite of Twilight with Navi in his hat on the nightstand. Spike crashed in the small bed Twilight had made for him.

Preparations would last a couple more days. Twilight spent them rechecking her list with Spike, Link, and Navi. She found a quill shop and stocked up. Link and Spike spent the following day talking with Fluttershy about their lives so far. Link didn't get into detail, because military secrets and all that. Navi spoke for him of course.

But in all of this, she only had the nights to do her research. By the time the prophecy came, it'd be too late to prepare.

Chapter 4: The Mare in the Moon

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The next few days flew by while Twilight finished keeping track of the preparations. Applejack had enough food for two Ponyvilles. Her family helped a whole heap before heading back to their respective homes. Once Rarity finished her ribbons, Pinkie had her way with slinging streamers and balloon blowing. Fluttershy's birds needed a bit more training, and spent the day after doing so. Rainbow had the day off, and decided to spend it asleep.

Darkness descended on Ponyville as the sun fell below the horizon, the moon taking its place. Pinkie had planned a "Summer Sun Party" at the library the night of said celebration. Most residents were asleep in their own homes, save for Applejack, Pinkie, and a hoofful of others including: a gray pegasus, a teal unicorn and her friend, an electric blue maned unicorn who wore purple shades, and a brown pony with a tie.

Twilight and Applejack were off to the side, talking about various things: life on the farm, Canterlot, and the family that went home. Lyra, the teal unicorn, cornered Link, and bombarded him with questions that he couldn't answer. Navi wasn't allowed to answer them either. Spike was too busy making nachos for the guests to actually converse.

"Applejack," Twilight started, "I recall you read 'Anthropology'. Where did you find that book?" The two ponies were beside the punch bowl, but neither had drank from it yet.

"This library right here, actually. Ah check 'em out, head home an' read 'em. Not durin' the day, mind ya, just at night, when Ah need ta fall asleep." She paused, holding a hoof to her chin. "Ah read that one... about 3 months ago? Sometime in spring." Applejack filled a glass with punch and took a drink. "Didn't think humans really existed 'fore a few days ago. It bein' in the fairy tale section an' all."

Twilight replied immediately, with as straight a face she could muster. "Fairies don't have tails, Applejack." This earned a chuckle from the farm-pony. Cute laugh she thought. "But I know what you meant. Do you remember everything you read about?"

Applejack took another, short, drink. "Not everythin'. Just the interestin' stuff. Humans, mythical creatures, and some adventure books every now an' then." She looked up the wall of books. "Ah'd say mah favorite so far'd be that red one way up there.

Twilight got it down in her magic and read the cover aloud. "'Journey Through the Crystal Mountain. A pony's Tale by Gem Stone'." She looked at Applejack, who wore a smile. "I don't think I've ever read anything by any 'Gem Stone'."

"Ya should," the orange mare responded. "She's an adventurer, not a whole lot famous, but she gets around. Heck of a good read if ya ask me. Ah recommend readin' it at least once." She went in for another drink.

Time to get serious here, Twilight. "Have you read anything on the topic of... Nightmare Moon?" Just saying the name caused a blast of punch to erupt from the earth pony's mouth.

It took a moment to wipe the liquids from her face, but once finished, she replied, "Nightmare Moon? Ah reckon Ah have, to Apple Bloom. As a bed-time story. And ya should know, all that hooey about it happenin', just ain't worth the effort. After all, it was in the same section as 'Anthropology'. 'Course, lookin' at 'im now" she pointed a hoof at Link, who was laughing awkwardly at a poorly timed joke. "maybe not all fairy tales are hooey after all."

A bed-time story? Fairy tale? That's it? Hmph "Applejack," she tried again, a bit more serious this time around, "if I put forth undeniable proof of Nightmare Moon's return, would you believe me when I say she's returning tonight, the longest day of the thousandth year?"

"'Undeniable proof? Well, it took me seein' 'im to believe they exist, so Ah guess Ah'd have no other choice but to believe ya." She looked once more at the human. Link gave Applejack a glance, to make sure things were ok.

"Good," replied the unicorn. But just 'proof' isn't going to stop this prophecy from occurring. "Because I have that proof I mentioned. It's upstairs, away from less trusting ponies." She and Applejack started towards the steps leading up to the bedroom. Link got to the bottom step as soon as they did. "Relax, Link. It's just a conversation. You can wait here, and listen, right? If I need your assistance, I'll let you know. Oh, and don't let anypony up these steps. But remember, restrain until it fails."

He stopped at the bottom step, and sat down, nodding his head. Nothing gets by me, yeah, I can do that. Hmm... for pegasi, they'd fly past me. Best to sit at the top. Standing up, he followed them up the stairs and once more sat down.

"How much longer until he stops hoverin' over ya like that?" asked Applejack as soon as they got into the room. She then took a moment to take in her surroundings: a couple stacks of books, a couple beds, a nightstand each, and some shelves which held some odd things that she couldn't make out by glancing alone. "If ya had beds up here, why'd Ah sleep on the couch, and Rainbow on a cloud? Those're big enough for two ponies."

Twilight half-tripped as she made her way to her bed. "If I had allowed anypony to share a bed, let alone sleep in the same room, then I have reason to believe Link would have gotten no sleep at all. He has a strong sense of duty, and his is to keep me safe." She paused a moment to think about what conditions could arise to allow such an occurrence, but doing so made her cheeks the slightest tint of red. "A-at any rate," she continued, changing the subject, "here's what I found..."


The two stayed up in the room for nearly 2 hours. Link, still at his post, had Navi get him a glass of punch. Lyra wasn't done badgering him, not yet. She and her friend, Bon Bon, climbed the stairs to converse with him once more. "You look down," Lyra began. "I have a small gift for you." She pulled out a pad of paper and a quill in her magic, and gave them to him for use. "Now you can tell us what's been bothering you. If anything at all... You can tell us."

He took the paper and quill and began writing. After a minute or so, he held it up so Navi could read it. Link took his drink and started in on it. "He says, 'Thanks for the gift, it was thoughtful, and to answer your most recent question, nothing is wrong. I'm at my post where I should be. Twilight has my complete trust, and since she's my C.O. it'd be best not to disappoint/disobey her direct orders.' He means the one that is keeping him on the stairs, and you girls out from upstairs. It's his job after all."

"Is being a bodyguard really all you do?" Lyra paused and back-pedaled a bit. "N-not that there's anything wrong with... whatever it is you're doing right now. I'm sure it's a very important task... Eh heh heh."

Navi looked at Link, awaiting some form of response. After a moment, he sighed, and rested his chin on his hands. "He finds it boring. He went through 5 years of military service, to be a... well, what you see now. He either thinks it's below him to serve as a bodyguard..." This earned a vigorous shake of his head and a scowl. "Or, that he's sad that this might be all he'll be doing." He returned to his original position.

"Well, I'm confident that you are destined for far greater feats." A gray pegasus, the one from a few days ago hovered at eye level with him. "Besides, if 'bodyguard' was the role you were meant to play, you wouldn't be here now. You'd still be in training. Your journey is only just beginning."

"Hey, I know you. You're that navigationally challenged mailmare, aren't you?" Bon Bon asked, tilting her head.

"Yeah... And thank you for using the correct term. Nopony ever does, not usually..." Derpy looked once more at Link. "May I join you? I don't really do parties, so I'm fine just sitting away from the others."

Link nodded his head and scooted over. "You don't want to see Twilight, do you?" Navi asked.

"Nope, I'm fine here." She carefully takes a seat beside him. And sitting down, she was almost half his size taller.

He looked up at her, a little shocked at the height difference between them, but elected not to bring it up. "She may have said not to let anypony past him, but she didn't say anything about having company."


Applejack looked through a telescope at the moon and the stars around it. "See those four stars? Those shining ones? Those are the ones that will help Nightmare Moon escape from her lunar prison. And it'll all happen tonight, er, tomorrow, er, ugh, this morning." Twilight took a second to look at the clock, which read 3:15 AM.

Stepping back from the telescope, Applejack laughed a little at Twilight's verbal errors. She then looked over the scattered reading material strewn about the room. "Impressive research, if Ah do say so mahself. And ya put this all together yerself?"

"I had Spike's help. Getting this much material organized wasn't easy. On top of th-"

"But, are ya 100% positive there's no hole in your theory, no small gap in your reasonin'? No slight chance yer wrong?" It felt almost wrong to even ask such a thing after all that has been brought forth. She sat down on the side of it all.

"With all I've shown you, and all you've seen for yourself, you still don't believe me?" Twilight looked upset.

"I-it's not that Ah don't believe you, it's just that, well, there might be somethin' ya might have overlooked, or not looked hard enough at." Applejack decided to tread carefully.

"So... How much do you believe? Because I'll take anything above 85%." She sat down, and waited for an answer.

Applejack looked again at the material, going over it in her mind. "... Clock me in at 90 then. Yeah, ya got good foundation, and yer proof is spot on. But, there's still that one chance that nothin's gonna happen."

"I can take it. 90% is less than what I was hoping you'd say, but I suppose it's high enough. Especially for what I have planned." Without skipping a beat, she got up, and started putting her research away. "Link and I will do what we can to stop Nightmare Moon, and being honest, he came back at the perfect time."

"Hold on there, ya mean you're gonna try to take down Nightmare Moon all by your lonesomes?" It was her turn to stand up. "Sure he's strong an' all. Even got that magic shield o' his, but this is Nightmare Moon we're talkin' about. She ain't no pushover."

"It's true what you just said, and I won't argue that point. But he's more combat ready than anypony. Besides, he was assigned to protect me, so if I do something that would put myself in harm's way, he wouldn't have a choice in the matter."

"You'd take advantage of him like that? He's practically yer family. Rrgh!" Taking a moment to simmer down, she lowered her voice. "If Ah could make a small suggestion, don't go into a fight intendin' to lose."

Twilight looked at the mare with much disbelief. "I hadn't planned on it. 1,000 years ago, Nightmare Moon was banished to the moon by our Princess, who used relics called The Elements of Harmony. Normally, it would have taken 6 ponies to do so, but Princess Celestia managed this feat by herself. I have to believe I can do the same. Link would serve as the distraction while I used the elements. That was the plan... And if you don't want to help me prepare for this then you can ju-"

Suddenly, the orange mare put a hoof over Twilight's mouth. "Don't even. Twi, listen... Ah'll help y'all get ready. But could ya wait until she shows up before ya shoot beams?" She removed her hoof.

"90% belief, huh? Or was that a lie?"

"Ah never lie. It's immoral. Ah do believe ya, but in the off-chance we're both wrong, and she's a no-show, we'd have gotten all worked up fer nothin'." She looked out the window at the moon. "Best Ah can say now is wait... Do somethin' about it if it happens. Until it does, go about like nothin's wrong."

Rainbow knocked on their window after landing on the balcony. Twilight opened it with her magic, and in flew a rainbow maned pegasus, the very same one who went hoof to toe with the kid on the stairs. "Don't either of you know what time it is?"

"3:30, or right around there," Twilight responded, looking at the clock.

"And what are you still doing here? The ceremony started half an hour ago. The mayor sent me over to see what was keeping you guys. Now that I'm here, you both need to get to town hall. She was going to announce your efforts towards the whole thing. Hard to do if you're not there." Rainbow landed in a huff.

Applejack looked at Rainbow. "Did Apple Bloom make it?"

"Yeah, she was asleep when your brother brought her, but she woke up soon after. Anyway, you better start moving before the townsponies die of old age."

Twilight looked concerned as she was making mental notes. "Right, on our way then."

The three of them headed out the bedroom, and saw Link accompanied by a gray pegasus. "Link, we're going to town hall. It's happening tonight, so gear up. I want you at my side throughout the ceremony. Understood?" This earned a nod from the Hylian. Together, the 6 of them made their way to town hall, Twilight occasionally looking up at the moon.


Town Hall looked better than when she had seen it a few days ago. Streamers hung from the rafters, and climbed the columns. It seemed very organized. Everypony in town was here, taking seats in the upper areas, and on the main floor. As they all walked in, Spike hopped up on Twilight's back.

"Sorry, I left with the others. Navi said you didn't want to be bothered," he said.

"It's quite alright," she responded. Derpy and Dash, being pegasi, found their aerial positions. Aj found her way to the tables while Twilight walked up to the stage.

"And there she is." Finally "The pony responsible for overseeing this event. Please put your hooves together, repeatedly, for... Twilight Sparkle!" The crowd applauded as Twilight found her way beside Mayor Mare. Link stood between them. "Since we're behind as it is, there will be no speech. The introductions for the princess start in 15 minutes, so enjoy some... music..." She took this moment to shoot a glance at the pony behind the turntables, "from our local DJ, DJ PON3!"

Fortunately, the music was classical, not the usual heavy bass she was used to. 15 minutes passed, as Fluttershy got her birds singing. A spotlight shone down on center stage where Mayor Mare once again stood. "Fillies and Gentlecolts. As mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!"

Various cheers erupted from the audience as Twilight, Link, and Pinkie for some reason got to in front of the stage. "In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year!" Rarity, on the balcony above, used her magic to unfurl a yellow and gold colored banner, made herself most likely. Twilight looked around nervously. Link did much the same. Pinkie didn't, but smiled anyway.

"If it's gonna happen, it'd be happenin' any minute now." Applejack stood by the table, out of Twilight's earshot. Twilight looked again at the stage.

"-the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day: the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria, Princess Celestia!" finished the mayor.

Birds sang once more as the spotlight rose to shine on the upper balcony. Rarity drew the curtains to reveal... an empty stage!

"This... can't be good," Twilight uttered, looking to where her mentor should be.

"Remain calm, everypony. There must be a reasonable explanation." Mayor Mare held her composure on the stage. Pinkie started jumping to conclusions as Link peered around the room, hand at the ready on the handle to his weapon. Applejack approached Twilight.

"Okay, we can worry now," the farm-pony admitted. She looked up at Rarity.

"She's gone!" she exclaimed. Rarity headed down the stairs to the lower level.

Pinkie shrieked as she noticed pale blue mist form where Rarity once stood. After a moment, a black alicorn with head and chest armor appeared. "I thought our princess was a brighter color."

The raven alicorn gazed upon the audience. "Ah, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious, little, sun-loving faces."

"What did you do with the princess?!" outbursted Rainbow. She tried darting after the accused, but was held back by Aj, who had a mouthful of rainbow tail.

Laughter echoed from the dark intruder. "Why? Am I not 'royal' enough for you? Don't you know who I am?" She returned to her overbearing height. Changing her focus to Fluttershy, and ignoring Pinkie's antics, she continued. "Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for 1,000 years?" Changing it again to Rarity, "Did you not see the signs?"

Twilight stepped forward, Link drew his blade and shield. "I did. And I know who you are. You're the Mare in the Moon, Nightmare Moon." A collective gasp arose from the crowd.

"Well, well, well," Nightmare Moon once again took the floor. "Somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here."

"To bring about eternal darkness, and cover the land in a blanket of shadows." Navi piped up from beside Link. It didn't go unnoticed, as more laughter came from the dark one.

"Remember this day, little ponies, and whatever you are..." she gave Link a sharp glance. "for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last, FOREVER!!! Thunder echoed through the room from Nightmare Moon's now cloud-like mane and tail, both of which looked as black and spotted as the night sky.

Twilight could only look on in shock at the display of magic energy. She hadn't seen this level before today. Link remained at her side, a fierce look in his eye, yes, but his body language made it almost seem he was afraid. Rainbow Dash is one thing, but a huge pony with both magic and flight is something else entirely. 1 on 1 I'd lose... have to be smart about it... what would Silver do...?

Chapter 5: The Elements of Harmony

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Rainbow Dash looked on as Nightmare Moon vanished as quickly as she had appeared. Once gone, who else to fix her gaze upon than Twilight. "Want to let us in on what the hay just happened?" Rainbow almost demanded, closing the gap between the two. "Who was that? Where'd she go?!"

"Simmer down, Sally. All of that can be explained," Applejack began. "But first, 2 things need to happen. 1: Ah need to apologize to Twilight for not 100% believin' in her. Ah realize now how much effort ya threw into yer studies. And 2: we gotta get back t' the library."

"She's right," Twilight assured, seeming to either ignore her apology, or make a note to accept it later. "Once there, I can explain to everypony what's happened. I have my research stuff there." She started for the door. Link put his gear away and followed.

"Whatever it is," an orange maned mare spoke, "leave us out of it. You're crazy." A few other ponies joined in leaving with the first mare. All who remained were Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.

"Well, that was rude... But Ah guess the rest of us're with ya," Applejack surmised. She looked at the remaining ponies.

"You! You knew what was gonna happen, didn't you? How'd you know? Are you a spy or something?" demanded Rainbow.

Taken aback by the accusation, Twilight argued, "I am no such thing. I just did my research, is all."

"An' if y'all'll listen to her, she-" She was cut off by another interruption from the colorful pegasus.

"1,000 years, evil pony, dark world, sun gone, and eternal darkness. Sound right?"

" ... Actually, that about sums up my research. How'd you... Then you also know about the Elements of Harmony."

"Sure do, but I don't know where they are, or even what they are. Oh, and you have got to look out your window more often..."

"The Elements of Harmony's last known location was in the Everfree Forest. And if you don't mind, the only ones coming with me are Link and his fairy." Twilight finished with a stomp of her hoof.

"Like hay! Link goes, I go too." She flashed him a grin. "I got your back, kid."

"Ah believed ya before the rest o' ya, so 'course Ah'm comin'," Applejack said as she moved to stand beside Twilight.

"Sending you alone isn't right; I'll accompany you and help however I can." Rarity nodded her head. "Aside from safety in numbers, nopony gets in my face and gets away with it!"

Pinkie bounced up and down. "Travel-Through-the-Scary-Woods Party!"

"I... think I'll just... stay here and-" The rest of them shot a forceful stare at Fluttershy, the only hold-out among them. "ok, I'll go too..."

"Sorry, darling, but you did stay with us," Rarity concluded.

"8 of us total... That's... I mean, are you all sure you want to come with? All of you?"

"Face it, Twilight. You're stuck with us." Rainbow announced as she and the others head out the door. Link stayed beside Twilight and put a hand on her head in comfort.

"He means you'll be fine. It'll all work out," a grey pegasus said behind him. "I know it, too. Just one of those things, I guess."

"Where do you keep coming from?" Navi asked.

"Hmm... I don't really know how to answer that. But I can tell you this: if that pony isn't dealt with, then Equestria, will fall." With that, she left behind the rest of them.

"She makes a good point... Come on, lets go," Twilight added. "Somehow, I couldn't tell them all, 'no'. We have to catch up to them."

With that, the 3 of them caught up to the 5 that had a head start. Together, they made their way to the edge of the forest.

Twilight gulped at the dark forest before them. "Last chance to flee." She looked side to side, and saw nopony faltering. Besides Fluttershy.

"Turning back now would go against why we're all out here. No way would any of us," Rarity paused to glance at Fluttershy who looked less than enthused about this, "go back now."

"Alright then, the last known location of the Elements of Harmony is deep in the forest. An old building called, 'The Castle of the Two Sisters'." Twilight led the company through the treeline, and immediately looked for a path.

Nopony noticed the blue mist seeping into the trees that surrounded them, that is, until Pinkie started giggling. "Hey, guys!" Again, a held back laugh. "These trees are funny looking!" As she couldn't help herself anymore, she fell to her back in laughter.

Rainbow looked at the tree she pointed at, and saw a major lack of funny face. "Did you... hit your head or something?"

After she righted herself, Pinkie found a pair of trees with similar faces to the first one. Twilight noticed them too and recoiled in fright. "It's just a silly tree, Twilight. See?" Pinkie busted out laughing again, and Twilight saw the faces in the trees completely vanish. "Told ya~ No silly tree's gonna stop me."

Interesting... A laugh to make the scary go away. I have to remember this. This isn't normal by any means. Twilight thought as she too started laughing at the trees. Soon, everypony joined in the laughing fit. Even Link and Navi had their laughs heard.

Not one of them saw the blue mist evaporate as they slowed their laughter. It went into the cliffside they were approaching.

"What was with those trees? And their faces?" Rainbow flew beside the group. "Not really expecting an answer, just had to ask."

"If you don't need an answer, why ask the question?" Twilight asked.

"Good point. Besides, stranger stuff's been known to happen here. Like the weather." Rainbow paused a moment, to let them wonder. "It takes care of itself."

For the first time since entering the forest, Fluttershy spoke. "And the animals care for themselves too. Oh they must be so lonely..."

"That ain't even all of it. There ain't no earth ponies in here to tend the land, but the plants 'n' trees grow all by themselves too," Applejack added her 2 bits.

Rainbow landed on the edge of the cliff. "On top of that, I heard that anypony foolish enough to venture into these woods," and with each of her next three words, she took a step toward a now frightened Twilight, "never, come, out!" With the emphasis on the final word, the ground gave way and fell beneath them. Rainbow caught Pinkie, and Fluttershy caught Rarity as they all slid to the edge of the cliff. Link stabbed his sword into the softened dirt to slow down. Twilight wasn't as fortunate as she had already got to the dropoff, forehooves clinging on for dear life.

Appleack had bit down on a root, but let go of it. "Hold on, Ah'mma comin'." She made her way to Twilight, who was frantically flailing her hindlegs to find support.

"What do I do?" she cried as Applejack held on to her forehooves. She noticed Link with his hand out.

Applejack looked below Twilight and replied. "Ah'm gonna let ya go. You'll be fine, trust me."

"That's not true! You let go, I'll fall and die!"

"Now you listen here, Ah ain't never told a lie, Ah told ya that already. Now, do ya believe in me or not?"

After a moment of thought, Twilight nodded her head, and started falling. With her eyes closed, she hit a platform made by Link's barrier magic. "Nice catch, Link!" Navi said as she flew out to the suspended pony. Link soon followed, standing on the barrier he made. As this wasn't its primary function, it was unstable, so he quickly got the two to the ground. As they descended, they saw Applejack leap down from ledge to ledge. Her earth pony strength made it all too easy.

"Everypony alright?" she asked as she hit the ground.

"That was SUPER FUN!" Pinkie cheered. "Let's go again!"

"Uh, once was enough, thanks. But seriously though, faces on trees, falling rocks, what's next?" As Rainbow finished her rant, a loud roar reached their ears, prompting Link to draw his blade. The others cowered at the sudden outburst.

"You just had to ask..." Applejack deadpanned

Fortunately, they had landed in a clearing. Looking around for the source proved helpful as Link saw the beast. With a thick mane, scorpion tail, and another loud roar, what should jump out at them, if not a manticore. "Save it for the evil enchantress! We got a monster to tame," Pinkie blurted.

The others looked at her in confusion, but soon shook it off. Link, Applejack and Rainbow stood at the front line, while Rarity and Pinkie stayed by Twilight. Fluttershy huddled against the cliff wall, trying to be as small as she can. Link looked back at Twilight, who nodded her head. He took up his stance, earning a glance from Applejack. "Just don't kill it. It don't sit well with me," Applejack said.

"As she says, Link. Restrain, unless I say otherwise," Twilight agreed, making Link put his gear away.

The manticore took this chance to bring his left paw down on him. Link got his arms up to block, but it proved too much as he was forced to take a knee. Rainbow bolted under its frame and swept its legs out from under it. As it hit the ground, Link jumped up and out of the way. Applejack reared up and gave a love tap to its face. If she bucked with full force, there'd be nothing left, so she toned it down, a lot. Cringing in slight pain, it batted her away with its paw, sending her flying. When she hit the cliff, she made an indent. She hit the ground beside Fluttershy, and sat in slight pain. As soon as she was sent flying, Rainbow flew literal circles around the manticore. Link landed behind it, and grabbed its tail before it could be swung at Rainbow. With this, Rainbow vanished, and reappeared above it, and with the help of gravity, she plummeted downward, ramming the manticore in its back. Under the impact, the beast hit the ground and flung Link away with its tail. Now free, it batted away Rainbow like it did with Applejack.

Rarity couldn't do nothing, so she bucked it in the face. "Take that, you ruffian!" she exclaimed as though she earned a victory. Upon getting bucked, the manticore roared again, messing up her mane and sending her away.

"WAAAAAAAAAIIIT!!!" Fluttershy screamed, louder than she normally would have. With a smile, she approached the manticore. It held up its left paw. "Now, hold on just a moment." Fluttershy sniffed at its paw, making the manticore take a look at it.

Fluttershy leaned in and bit down on a thorn that somehow made its way into its paw. With a sharp yank, she pulled it out, causing the manticore to roar once more. But, after a moment, she found her face subject to a lick-fest by a grateful manticore.

"How'd ya know 'bout the thorn?" Applejack asked, a bit sore from the impact earlier. "Ah didn't see nothin', an' Ah was up close to it."

After being set down, she replied, "I didn't. I'm an animal expert, and knowing that animal abuse gets you nowhere, I had to be patient with him. In my personal experience, the only way to earn an animal's kindness is to be kind first. With the rare exception of my bunny. He can be... fussy."

Rainbow appeared from where she was thrown, a bit wet from where she landed. "You guys, there's a river up ahead, but some other creature won't let us pass. Let's see you be nice to that one, Fluttershy."

The group gathered themselves and came to the river, where a sea serpent was making the waves roll too fiercely to cross on hoof. Wailing and thrashing about all the while, several waves came crashing down on the adventurers. Link, in particular, was able do stay the closest to dry. "Woe is me!" the serpent cried out.

"Whatever's the matter, dear? What has caused you so much pain to... disrupt the river's flow?" Rarity asked, giving him a look over.

"Well, just look!" he says, pointing at his one sided mustache. "Some purple mist came by, cut off my beautiful mustache, and just, vanished."

"And I'm sure it was a dazzling mustache indeed. But now, oh now, there's hardly anything dazzling about it!" She looked around, then at Link. "Excuse me... Link, was it? ... I need your blade."

Hesitant to give up his only weapon, he looked at Twilight, who had the final say. "... Go ahead, give it to her. She'll give it back," she assured him. Drawing his sword, he held it out to Rarity, who took it in her magic.

"Such a thing to do, it's a crime if ever there was such a thing. It won't go unpunished!" With this, she cut off her own tail. Not completely, but close to it. Then she levitated it to the side of the sea serpent's face, and attached it to the stub of a mustache that remained. "I'll see to that personally." Rarity finished, returning his sword which was put away immediately.

"Aren't you going to miss it? It's your tail after all," Twilight asked.

"Of course I am. Besides, short tails are 'in' this season."

"Wait a second..." Pinkie interrupted. "Season as in summer, or as in season one? Because-" Pinkie paused. "Oh wait, you can't do that. Sorry, I forgot."

With a few looks of confusion, they crossed the river on the sea serpent's back. "Allow me, friends."

On the other side, Twilight groaned after a few minutes walking as she and company stood before a fallen bridge. "Can this get any worse?!" she complained.

"Hey, don't sweat it. I got this." Rainbow flew down, got the ropes, and landed on the other side. "I'll have these tied off in -"

"We've been waiting for you, Rainbow Dash..."

She got one tied on, but looked around for the source of the voice. "Who's there? Come on out, I ain't afraid of you!"

3 dark coated pegasi made their appearance in front of Rainbow, who had a startled look. "We've been waiting for you for a long time now."

"Do I know you?"

"We're the aerial team of the woods. The Shadow Bolts. But, we are in need of a leader." With a grin, they started circling her. "Somepony strong."

"Me?" she asked.

"Somepony fearless..." they continued.

"Yeah, me." It became less of a question.

"We need you, Rainbow Dash. We need your skills."

"Don't listen to them! They're just trying to-" Twilight's voice faded as a thick cloud of fog blocked them from view and put them out of earshot.

"Tell ya what, strange team: After this is all said and done, I'll agree. But first, I gotta tie off this bridge, find things, then beat up a bad pony, so-"

"No! It's either them, or us!"

Faced with this ultimatum, she paused. "Well, since you put it that way... I have to thank you. For the offer I mean. Sure flying with a world class team would be great and all, but I'd rather see my friends accomplish their goals first." Rainbow blew away the fog cover as the Shadow Bolts disappeared from sight. "I'd never leave my friends hangin'."

With the bridge fixed, Twilight and troop continued walking until they saw a ravine with a stone bridge crossing it. On the opposite side, sat a castle in ruin, of impressive size.

"This is it. The Castle of the Two Sisters. Within those stone walls lie the objects of our journey: the Elements of Harmony." Twilight proceeded across the bridge into the ruin, Link beside her, AJ on the other side, and the rest trailing.

Once inside, and after a look around, Twilight sat down. "Which way?" Before her, were 2 stair cases going up to meet a balcony with an opening leading further in. They extended higher into two towers. Under the balcony was another set of stairs leading down. There's a hall on either side of them, but it was too dark to tell what they held.

"Well, sitting here won't help us any," Rarity said, looking up at the balcony. "If I were a gambling pony, I'd wager that these, 'Elements', are in the throne room."

Rainbow walked to Twilight's side. "So you think we should split up to find this throne room? Might cover more ground that way."

Twilight rose to her hooves. "It's easy to get lost in a castle, more so in one as old as this. If the architects had any intellect at all, they'd have built the throne room in the middle of the castle." Twilight headed for the stairs up to the balcony. "Which, if I'm not mistaken, is this way."

Sure enough, in the grand hall, stood a stone statue with five branches. Each branch had a stone orb at its end.

"But, there's only five of them... Aren't there six Elements?" Pinkie asks, as she counts them out.

"The 6th Element will appear when the other 5 are ignited with a spark." She started lifting them down with her magic. "And in order to figure that part out, I need quiet to focus."

Applejack and the others spoke various agreements and headed down the stairs. Once at the bottom, a purple cloud shot past them, up the stairs and into the room, slamming shut the giant wooden doors.

"What the Tartarus was that?!" Rainbow said as she lands.

Rarity looked up at the now shut doors. "I think that was our journey's main hindrance. Nightmare Moon."

"If that's true, then it went after Twilight!" Applejack shouted as she bolted up the stairs. At the top, she started pushing on the doors.

Rainbow got beside her, running a hoof against the door. "It's not gonna open very easily. It's sealed by strong magic. Unless you can buck it hard enough, and apply more magic than it's sealed with, it won't open."

Applejack got into position, as if she were bucking a tree. "Then have all o' this, ya magic wall!" Her hind hooves hit the door so hard, saying it got knocked in would be a vast understatement.

But, inside the room, where Twilight and Link once stood, was nothing. "Up there!" Rainbow pointed out the window to a taller tower with lights flashing inside.

With the exception of Pinkie, who bounced, the group ran up the left staircase in the room by the thrones.


Once the group was behind the doors, Twilight focused on the orbs before her. Link poked at one of them, expecting something to happen. "So... what's supposed to happen here?" he asked, making sure the others were out of earshot.

"I don't really know... someth-" Twilight was cut off by a swirling purple vortex around the stones, pushing Link back. With a lunge, Twilight jumped into the purple field. She recognized it as a rather old teleportation spell. Link jumped in soon after and they vanished from sight.

When they reappeared, they did so in an observatory-like room. With the windows and everything. Link was on his knees, having never teleported before. Twilight had her hooves under her at least. Nightmare Moon appeared near these windows with the stone orbs carried by her umbral mane.

The Elements of Harmony... Without them, we've no chance. Not even I could handle a foe that big. Head-on is foolish Link thought. He glanced to his side, and saw Twilight get her head down. Charging is foolish... Think... why would she do this? ... She can teleport. It's a fakeout. Ok, here goes... Link drew his weapon and charged Nightmare Moon beside Twilight.

The dark one set the orbs down and charged the two. Moments before collision, Twilight teleported to where the stones were. This causes the alicorn to slow down, giving Link enough time to tuck and roll off to the side. He continued running and got beside Twilight.

"Just one little spark..." Twilight focused, and sent a literal spark from her horn to the orbs, the reaction sending her reeling back, along with Link. The villain formed her cloud and moved to the stones, appearing in the middle of them. As she appeared, the stones lit up and started shaking.

"No! This isn't possible!!!" the dark alicorn shouted. The stones hit the floor again. Nightmare Moon stomped the floor, smashing the orbs into shards, laughing all the while. "So foolish an attempt."

Link heard it, the faint shouts coming from the stairwell, for Link and Twilight. Soon, she heard them too. "You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that? You may have- !"

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning erupted from the nightmare's horn toward Twilight. Link, upon instinct, threw himself in front of it, erecting a barrier that deflected the bolt up and away.

Twilight noticed a small, shining object on the back of his left hand. "What is..."

I can't believe this... That spark didn't work... Now, I do have to fight for my life here... Better make it worth it. He dropped his barrier and drew his sword and shield. "You know, You only stand there because I haven't been ordered to cut you down to size, so I suggest you listen close." He finished, and pointed his sword at her as a threat.

With nothing she could say, Nightmare Moon looked deep into his eyes, and saw his unwavering will to protect. So, all she could do was stand there, fixed under his gaze as though moving meant death.

"Are you alright, Twilight?" Applejack asked, standing beside her.

"You girls are here..." Twilight looked at her. "This must be what they call fate." She looked back at Nightmare Moon. "You see? It is the 6 of us that house the Elements of Harmony. All you managed to do was break a bunch of rocks. For it is within us, that the Elements of Harmony reside.

"In Pinkie Pie, who was able to laugh in the face of danger, who made everypony smile and have a great time with her jokes, is the Spirit of Laughter!" With this, blue shards floated around Pinkie. "In Applejack, who assured me she'd never lie no matter the circumstance, who assured me when I had doubts, is the Spirit of Honesty!" Again, shards floated around said pony, this time orange. "Fluttershy, whose calm demeanor and patience mellowed a minorly maimed manticore, represents the Spirit of Kindness!" This time, they glowed pink as they floated around her. "Within Rarity, who soothed the soul of a sorrowful sea serpent with the gift of her own tail, lies the Spirit of Generosity!" Purple shards floated around her. "And Rainbow Dash, who vowed to aid Link should he need it, who abandoned her own selfish desires to help us, is the Spirit of Loyalty!"

"But you're missing one! The spark didn't work!" the evil one protested.

"Oh yes it did. The 6th Element will reveal itself when the other 5 are present!" a gold crown with Twilight's cutie mark at the apex appeared and landed neatly on her head. The other ponies received necklaces of similar design to their own cutie marks. "A different kind of spark. I realized it when I heard my friends come for us."

Out from between them, a rainbow shot out and pierced through the darkness. Swirling around Nightmare Moon, it stopped, revealing a teenage pony with similar colors. Princess Celestia appeared out of nowhere. "Well done, my faithful student. You saved my little sister from her mental prison. I knew you could do it."

"I'm so sorry, big sister!" the younger one cried, running to her sister's embrace. "I missed you so much!" she continued to cry. With the arrival of the princess, the ponies and Link bowed.

"You told me it was an old pony's tale."

"I told you to make friends, nothing more." Celestia released her sister and addressed her student. "I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and I knew it was you who had the magic inside you to defeat her. But you couldn't unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart." Looking back at Luna, who in turn stared at Link, she continued, "Now, if only another will as well.

"Princess Luna... 1,000 years have passed since I last saw you in this form." She knelt beside her sister. "We were not meant to rule as rivals, or as opposing forces, but as a sign of unity. One no better than the other in any regard. Now, will you accept my friendship?"

Without any hesitation, Luna leapt into Celestia's forelegs. "Of course I will! Again, I'm so very sorry for my previous actions. I cannot begin to tell you of the wrong I've done. I can only hope to ease the pain I've caused."

"What better way than a celebration?!" Pinkie cheered.


All of Ponyville had gathered to welcome Princess Luna of the Night. Both she and Princess Celestia rode in on a single carriage, while two fillies placed a flower crown on the former's head. Celestia noticed Twilight being lonely, so she excused herself. "Is something the matter, Twilight?"

"Um... Is it wrong of me to ask that I stay in Ponyville with my new friends?" she asked. "It's just... I've only just discovered friendship, and now to have to give them up."

"Hmm... Spike, take a note please." Spike did as he was told. "I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle, shall take on a new mission for Equestria: to study the magic of friendship here in Ponyville, and report to me her findings."

Link, as well as the others, wrapped their respective limbs around Twilight in happiness. "What about Link? What'll he do?"

"About him... when he shielded me from a lightning blast, I saw something shine on the back of his left hand. There isn't a 7th element is there?" Twilight asked.

"I can assure you, there are only six... Perhaps it is something from his homeworld?" Celestia offered.

Both Link and Navi looked on the back of his hand, where the faint glow of the golden Triforce was barely visible. "But," Navi said, "How... This isn't Hyrule! What are the Sacred Triangles doing here?!"

"What's so 'sacred' about them?" Rainbow asked.

"I'll explain later, at the library. For now, let's just enjoy the return of our princess." Navi finished.

Luna spoke quietly into Celestia's ear. "What's a parasprite doing here?"

Sacred triangles? Triforce? From my home world? Still so much is unknown to me... Looking closer, I see three of them. So there are two others... With a quick look at Pinkie, he changed his train of thought. What's Pinkie doing?

Pinkie was staring out at the town. A look of distraction spread across her face. To herself, she mumbled, "Today was a good day."

Chapter 6: The Triforce of Courage

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With the sun returned to its correct position high above Ponyville, and the normal time of day almost three in the afternoon, the newly appointed Bearers arrived at Golden Oaks Library, eager to hear Navi's story.

"That took waaaaay longer than it should have…" Pinkie said disappointingly as she hoofed out cupcakes to everypony.

"It was only a few hours, dear." Rarity sat beside her and eyeballed her own cupcake. "When did you even make these?"

"About an hour ago. When everypony was listening to the music. Don't worry, they're still fresh." Pinkie devoured her own in one swift motion. "And that's not what I meant, but ok."

Link sat on the floor beside Twilight, with Applejack on her other side, and Rainbow on his other. "Will the princesses be here soon?" Navi asked, coming out from hiding. "I want all of you to hear this at the same time."

"Indeed. Any minute in fact. Seems to me you haven't told even us this information." Twilight bit into her own dessert. "This is delicious!" she remarked as she took another bite.

Navi flew to the floor and started walking around in a circle. "I left it out. Intentionally. It didn't seem relevant, this not being Hyrule. I didn't think anything would follow us here, least of all the Triforce."

"It's relevant now, especially to me." Link folded his arms and looked down at Navi, not looking at the shocked expressions on everypony's face. "What is this?" He held out his left hand, palm-side down.

Navi, after a moment, walked to him. "You're… talking. In front of everypony. … Is it alright if I tell them now?"

"Tell us what?" Rainbow asked.

"I was silent by choice. It's not an illness, nor birth defect. Twilight knew this, and kept quiet. Thank you. My trust issues are to blame for this. It's why I could get away with not saying 'Sir' to my captain." Again, Link looked at Navi. "Your turn."

Rainbow interrupted him. "So wait, you didn't talk because you didn't trust any of us?"

"That's right," he replied. "Aside from the 8 of you, 4 have heard me talk at all." He leaned back on his supportive arms. "Oh wait, there was that one guard. Do you remember, Twilight? She walked in during our conversation about geometry."

"I remember that. That was so long ago. It was right between your question of the difference between a rhombus and a parallelogram and my response. I'm glad she kept quiet about it." Twilight smiled and laughed a little. "I do commend you on lasting this long, though. I'd have-"

After a knock at the door, Spike jumped up and opened it, revealing the Royal Sisters, crowns atop their heads. "We are here now. The celebration has toned down enough to grant us our leave," the younger sister said as they entered the library.

Twilight moved over, away from Link so the two princesses could sit between them. Applejack moved over in turn, to make room. With Link literally their right hoofed man, the sisters sat, removing their crowns and setting them in front of them. "I'm glad you made it. And just in time too."

"About this explanation?" Celestia asked, looking down at the little fairy.

Luna got down to her level. "I do apologize. I meant not to offend you. I haven't seen a fairy in over a thousand years, and I quite easily forgot their appearance."

"Uh," Navi hesitated, "think nothing of it…" She started walking around again, as Luna rose her head. "So, the main question is this: What resides on the back of Link's left hand. To answer that, I need to tell you of my… our homeland.

"We came from a place called Hyrule. Our creators were called 'Golden Goddesses'. Their names as we knew them were: Din the Powerful, Nayru the Wise, and Farore the Courageous. Din, blazed a trail across the sky, clearing it of the haze that covered our world. Nayru, made the land fertile enough to plant and grow crops, and created the means with which to sustain said plant life. Farore, created life itself, organic and otherwise. The three, their labors completed, combined to make the Triforce. They sealed themselves away in a place called the Sacred Realm, hidden within a temple known as the Temple of Time.

"That object must have been unsealed somehow, and since it was an impure heart that did so, it split into three parts. Unless the rules are different in this world, which is entirely possible. That said, it's clear the Triforce of Courage went to Link here, but then again, the Triforce should have stayed sealed in Hyrule. Unless…"

Celestia looked at Navi and interrupted, earning a look from Luna. "Unless there's a variation of this 'Temple of Time' here in Equestria with its own set of rules. If so, that would explain the varied conditions."

"That kinda makes sense, but where would it even be?" Twilight asked.

"Ah doubt some fancy temple would go unnoticed for a thousand years," Applejack inputted.

Luna provided the answer. "You were just there, and it was a fancy temple a thousand years ago. Hoof-made by my sister and I and several forest dwellers. But I'm off subject. Tell us, did you explore, or just come to find young Twilight?"

"I voted to split up, but that was quickly shot down. I mean, it's not every day I get to go exploring like that." Rainbow piped up, and stood as well. "Buuut, I guess it's a good thing we didn't. We'd never have beaten you if we weren't all together…" She looked at Link, and frowned a little. "No offense." To which, he shrugged his shoulders.

Princess Luna looked upward in passing remembrance. "We surveyed the land before building, and found some ruins of something already there. We thought it would be a great foundation to build upon, so we cleared the rubble and started our construction."

Celestia nodded in agreement. "Now, I ask that you all get some sleep. Surely you must all be tired from today's exploits. Oh, and there's no more need for you to hold the elements. Allow me to carry them for you all."

One by one, the ponies hoofed their necklaces and crown last to both Luna and Celestia. Rarity was so hesitant to rid herself of it, and Applejack couldn't part with it fast enough. Link stood before them all. "That still leaves my duty. What am I to do now? My order was to be Twilight's bodyguard as she oversees the celebration. Now that it's over, what do I do next?" Link asked the princesses.

Again, Luna was the first to suggest a solution. "Hmm. It seems your presence here is not without reason. May I recommend his continuation of military service? His abilities would inspire our forces."

"If that's the only option, then what will it lead to? I know this is what I signed up for, but isn't there anything else?" Derpy's voice rang clear in his head as he remembered their conversation. "Besides, if 'bodyguard' was the role you were meant to play, you wouldn't be here now." Link pondered a moment, hoping to come up with his own alternative. "I got it. Assign me to Ponyville. Station me here."

"… Link…" Celestia sighed audibly and looked down for a moment before returning his gaze. "If that is what you want, so it shall be. I'll file the paperwork for your transfer as soon as we get back to the castle. I'll send them through Spike's fire for your signatures. I trust this library will be your base for the time being?"

Link nodded and looked at Twilight. "If that's alright with you."

"I'm perfectly ok with it. It'll be great having you around again after all this time. Maybe now that you're older, I can try again to teach you some magic, and help me train my own."

"Twilight, this isn't a vacation for him." Celestia thought a moment. "Well, maybe it can be, but he's still in service," She had to tell her student.

"I get that, but with him here, I have to do something with him. I haven't seen him in 5 years. Some bonding must be done." Twilight elaborated on her position.

With no opposing argument, Celestia nodded her head. "That's a grand idea. Plus, with Spike nearby, we can send you orders if we need you." Princess Luna smiled at Link.

"And, may I ask a favor?" Link turned to the designer. "I'd like you to create an outfit for me. It must be durable, but flexible. I can stop by tomorrow for the measurements."

"Uh… For you? Hmmm… I - hm…" Rarity hesitated to provide an answer.

"Trust me, he's not that difficult to measure. My tailors made for him all his outfits. That he would ask another to do so is a step in a growing direction," Celestia assured.

"Alright," she replied, "nothing ventured, as they say, is nothing gained. I cannot guarantee its quality, but I'll strive for perfection."

"It'll be fine. And thanks. It's not a whole line, just one outfit." Link looked at the group as a whole. "Now, if you'll all excuse me…" He turned and headed up the stairs, Navi quickly following.

"Me as well," Fluttershy added. "My animals must miss me so much. They're sure to be hungry by now." She stood and left for her cottage.

"Just so I understand this right, Link is staying here?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes, at least for now," the elder sister replied.


"With all due respect, Princess," Twilight interjected, "I believe he should be honorably discharged from service. On the grounds that we still don't know much about humans. The longer he stays in the military, the more likely it is he won't come home from a mission. If we lose him, we'd lose the best chance we have of-"

"Twilight Sparkle." Princess Celestia raised her voice a little. "I understand your concern. Admirable it is to want for your brother's safety. But don't forget: it was his choice to join the Royal Guard, and so it shall be his to leave."

Twilight sank where she sat a little at the unexpected loudness in her mentor's voice. "If it's still on the table, Ah'll be wantin' his help on the farm within the next week or so." Applejack attempted to lighten the mood. "Besides, he already said he wanted to."

"I see no issues. However, as I mentioned, I expect him to be compensated for his efforts." Twilight did some quick math in her head. "How's this: Number of apples he 'bucks' over the number of trees he 'bucks' from. Does that make sense?"

"Absolutely. And that sounds reasonable. Ah'm sure he won't complain. He's a strong kid." Applejack smiled at Twilight.

"Nopony said there'd be math," Rainbow said, mocking a gag reflex. "Math's for eggheads like you, Twilight." Noticing the stares from royalty, she quickly added, "No offense. Eh-heh…"

"I take none. Egghead, Bookworm, Smarty pants, I've heard it all before…" Twilight slumped down, lying where she once sat. offense was taken anyway… it hurts sometimes…

Applejack laid a foreleg over her friend's back. "Cheer up, Twilight. You bein' so smart was a great thing this time 'round. Imagine how it'd be if y'all weren't here."

"I'd rather not… Thanks for your support." Twilight turned and smiled. "Ever since Link left for the Royal Guard, nopony's been there to defend me besides the princess. When we went to school together, he'd always sit next to me. Even help with some things that didn't quite make sense." Twilight got lost in her nostalgia.

"And now that I'm back, I'll resume doing so." Link appeared coming down the stairs in a custom made set of sleepwear, with a convenient front pocket for Navi. In reaction, Applejack moved her foreleg from Twilight's back, like she did something wrong. "Until the day comes when I no longer have to." He walked down and returned to Twilight's side.

A pale green mist entered through an open window from the kitchen and formed as a scroll in front of the princesses. "Oh, pardon me for a moment." She unfurled the scroll and read silently to herself.

"If I may, Link," Luna started, rising to her hooves, "I would like to ask you something." After a quick nod, she continued. "Where did you, and from whom did you learn a barrier spell?"

As a display of ability, Link extended his right palm out, erecting a small barrier in front of him that glowed a light blue. "This? I learned it from my captain, years ago. About a year after joining the guard. It's been slow going, but progress is progress."

The lunar princess walked to him, and put her hoof against it, feeling its surface, non-breaching its defense. "Interesting… That a human would … could possess such magic…"

"Does it mean anything?" Twilight asked, sitting up and looking at the shield in question. Link dropped his arm, and the shield along with it.

"Hmm," she said, putting the same hoof against her chin as she began to think. A moment later, she started explaining. "I fired a beam at you, if I recall correctly, and you deflected it with this barrier. Even as Nightmare Moon, when my power was greater, I could not pierce this barrier." As she walked back to her seat, she went on. "There are three main possibilities why that is, or any combination of them. 1: Being locked away on the moon drained me of my magic, thus leaving me too weak to break through. 2: This, Triforce of Courage, boosted your magical ability, strengthening your shield to withstand my attack. Or 3: You were meant to excel in barrier arts, and therefore won priority." She again went to sit beside her sister. "As I said, a combination of the three is an option as well." With a glance to her sister, she added, "What has thy face in such disgust?"

Celestia quickly rolled up the scroll and replied, "Not one of disgust, but of worry. I must say, this is something of a coincidence; having you here, and this event now unfolding." Reducing the scroll to ashes, she stood, and levitated her crown before her. "Recall, ages past, our 5 lenses hoof-crafted. One has been unearthed after 12 centuries. You can only guess who it belongs to..."

"If it belongs to whom I believe, then we have need for the object beyond the door." Luna removed the small, round, blue gem from the base of her own crown, and levitated it over to Link. "This is one of two pieces that open the door."

"This is the other," Celestia added, removing the sunburst ring from her own. "Hers, along with mine, will open the door. It's protected by immeasurably strong magic, and could not be opened by either of us alone. Not that we could open it together anyway..." She shook her head and dismissed the thought. "And, I think you should know, the door bears the same mark as the one on your hand."

Link took the pieces, and looked at the sisters. "What door do you mean? What lies beyond the door, and what purpose will it serve?"

Both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia sat in silence for a few seconds. The latter closed her eyes and looked down in further silence. "There is a door in our old castle, on the lower floor. Behind it lies a sword. I only saw it for an instance, before the door shut us out. Our sorcerer friend from long ago did his research on it, before they shut. He described it as 'A blade, not crafted by normal means, nor forged in normal fires. This sword has had unknown masters, in name and in number. And will likely have countless more by time's end.' He gave it the name, 'Sword of Masters'."

"Further," Celestia added, "though I know much less of this than my sister, I do know this much: throughout history, carriers of this sacred weapon have used it to rend evil asunder. It has a magical quality that seems to be used for sealing, and also a repellent for dark magic."

"It's... strange. Most, if not all, of this lore matches that of a sword in our homeland. Magic sword, sealing, evil's bane, all of it." Navi spoke from his chest pocket. "In Hyrule, it's sealed behind a large door with the mark of the Triforce. Within the Temple of Time, wouldn't you believe it. The use of three sacred stones are used to open it: the Kokiri Emerald, the Goron Ruby, and the Zora Sapphire. Along with a played tune, the door will open, and reveal the legendary blade of evil's bane: the Master Sword."

"You said... tune. On what instrument is this tune played?" Celestia asked, showing a bit more interest than before.

"It is played on the Ocarina of Time, handed down within the Royal Family."

I wonder... "Sister, remember that rock we found in the forest during our cleaning?" Celestia looked to Luna.

"Indeed. Though we determined it not to be a rock, as it was hollow and poked full of holes." Luna shuddered for a moment. "I still remember the wind you conjured after trying to breathe into it."

Link let out a small chuckle at the thought of a raging wind ripping through the Everfree Forest.

"Deeming its power uncontrollable, we locked it away, with me the chest, and with Celestia the key to unlock it. I swore never again would I hear her... awful playing again."

"I wasn't that bad... was I?" she questioned, shrugging.

"Well, it wasn't exactly a masterpiece."

"If I may interrupt your conversation..." Twilight dared to do so, and did so very cautiously. "So I have this all correct: Link holds one of three pieces of Hyrulean history on his left hand, the Sword of Masters is behind a sealed door that can only be opened by a tune and two gems, and your old castle is where all of it is hidden away?"

"Yes, that's absolutely correct. Since you know this, then we need not be here anymore." Celestia rose to her hooves, as well as Luna, and headed for the exit.

Luna paused, and turned back to the group. "We mean not to leave you as we are, but pressing matters call for our immediate attention." Celestia stopped at the door, to have the last word. "Oh, and before I forget, it is recommended you undertake this mission alone. For only you are needed to complete the task." Before he could reply, the two sisters left, their crowns atop their head once more.

"Phew!" Applejack exhaled, slumping to the floor. Her back audibly popped back into place, being still for so long. "Ah ain't sat proper for that long in ages. Ah forgot how much it hurt."

"Nopony asked you to stay," Rarity countered, with a swish of her mane. "I suppose 'proper' is in short supply on an apple farm."

"Why you-" She paused, and let out another sigh. "Ah hurt too much to be doin' this with ya."

"And here I thought earth ponies' backs were strong from the work they do. Or, is it from something else?" Rarity wouldn't let this go, and it started to bother Pinkie.

"You two... You both need a hug!" She wrapped her forelegs around the two, despite Aj's lying position, and squeezed them tightly in one of her warmest hugs to date. "There. Now play nice, or it's to time out for the both of you." Pinkie released them, as they fell to the floor.

"I most certainly will, if she does."

"Ah will, providin' y'all can do the same." Applejack practically slinked back to her seat beside Twilight. "Now that that's all settled… Link, Ah take it you'll be headin' out in the mornin?"

"Yeah, I got stuff I have to do here tonight. I don't know what to expect, but it shouldn't be too much." He got to his feet and started for the stairs.

"There's one thing I don't get: if this 'sword' is from your world, what's it doing here? And more importantly, when did it arrive?" Rainbow sat, looking at Navi.

"I... don't know... I do know that the only wielders have been holders of the Triforce of Courage, and have been used to defeat the holders of the Triforce of Power, and rescue the holders of the Triforce of Wisdom from evil. There may be variations of it here, but the idea is still the same." She flew over to her and stood on her muzzle. "I bet, way back then, this 'sorcerer' friend of theirs sought to use its power for himself, thus releasing the Triforce into the world, and sealing the doors. The same doors that won't open without a melody that nopony knew. All these years, the three parts travelled from owner to owner, until today, where Courage found Link when he needed it most. But... now I have to wonder..."

"Get off my face, please." Rainbow sat still, as the fairy flew off.

"Yeah, sorry. Forget that last part. It's been a really long day, and we need to gear up and sleep." Navi flew to Link's pocket as he went up the stairs into his room for the night.

"The longest of the year!" Pinkie exclaimed, throwing her arms out as confetti peppered Rainbow and got in Rarity's mane. "They'll only get shorter from here." She returned to her position, and chuckled at Rarity's new hairdo.

"If you'll excuse me... Spike... Spike!!" Twilight called, as the little dragon came bounding from upstairs. "Ah good. I need your help cleaning up around here."

"Alright, no problem," he responded, gathering the plates.

"Hey, Twilight. Link's gonna be awful hungry tomorrow. Do ya mind if Ah stay the night and cook some lunch for him? Ah'll head out in th' mornin, so-"

"I don't mind at all. I may not have much, but I'm sure your culinary skills are better than mine. Besides, it'll give me time to do a little more research. There's something that is bothering me..." Twilight headed into the kitchen, where Applejack, Rainbow, and Spike followed, the middle one unexpectedly.

"Twilight, I'll admit, I was half asleep through the whole thing in there, so level with me." Rainbow elected to sit on the chair beside the island in the kitchen. "Link's going back there tomorrow, alone, right?"

Twilight nodded, and looked back at her. "Yes. There's really no need for us to follow him."

"But there might be. I could go with? Just to be safe."

"It was the princess who recommended that he do this alone. There's your answer." She looked back to the sink where Spike put the dishes. "Besides, I wouldn't worry too much. He may be straight out of the Royal Guard, but that must be because he's earned it. I don't mean to sound rude, that's the last thing I want. But, Link has this. I know he'll succeed."

"How long ago'd he join the Royal Guard?" Applejack asked, sitting beside Rainbow.

"5 years ago, by his own choosing. I don't know the extent of his abilities now, but I'm sure they're satisfactory." She turned towards them and leaned in, whispering. "Don't tell him, but I've been working on a spell I learned last year. It'll be greatly useful to him. I know it's been useful to me." She returned to the sink and began drying the plates.

"Alright, if you say so..." Rainbow started to fly out the door, when she stopped short.

Twilight asked, "By the way, Applejack. I've been thinking. How did you all manage to open that big wooden door? I thought for sure Nightmare Moon had sealed it behind her."

"That? Oh, just that Rainbow felt a barrier on that old wooden door, and Ah bucked it in. She said, uh... What was it again?"

"I said that it was no use, that there was a powerful magic barrier sealing the door closed. Then you just destroyed it with a single kick." Rainbow sounded impressed. "If you ask me, I'd say we got special powers."

"I can assure you two, that is, by no means, the case. You simply... matured."

Rainbow looked at Applejack, who did the same to her. "I don't follow..."

Twilight was the one to answer. "I know a fair amount about pegasi, and one of my favorite topics was magical ability. One of which is magic detection. Not as strong, nor as reliable as Unicorn magic detection, but still trustworthy. It's an inherent skill. All pegasi, or most of them, have this, depending on the role the Creator meant them to play." Twilight turned to the farm pony. "And, as in your case, Earth pony magic works as an active and passive force. You use it naturally when you walk, gallop, or more aggressively when you buck trees. You were able to bust through the door because you applied more Earth magic than it had barrier magic. Like the tale of the impenetrable shield versus the unstoppable spear." She paused to take a breath. "Actually, Rainbow, I'm surprised it took you this long to figure out your ability."

"I, uh, didn't pay much attention in flight academy..." Or to most of that, honestly. Was too busy looking at the wooden horse head on the table.

"Noted. And, before you ask, I believe Princess Luna hit it right on the muzzle. Link deflected the shot because of all three reasons. That's not to say I'm right, just what I think." Twilight finished drying off the plates and turned to them once more.

"So, what you're saying, is that we had the ability all this time, but just didn't use it?" Rainbow asked, to be sure.

"That sounds exactly like what she just said," Applejack inputted. "Ah get it, the Earthy parts, not so much the pegasus part. No wings."

"Hmm... Okay, it's like this: she can feel magic, and then, if she can, manipulate it with her own. Much like you. You feel through the ground, and apply your own, to brace for impact when you buck trees. Then, when you connect, the magic built up gets transferred to the tree, which in turn uses it to let loose its harvest." This was beginning to sound like school all over again, but it wasn't so bad, was it?

Rainbow went to sit down again. "Are we bothering you? You can tell us to leave..."

Twilight shook her head as Spike went to work sweeping the other room. "No no, I like the company. There is... another thing I want to ask you, Rainbow." The pegasus in question sat again, this time with raised eyebrows. "Where'd you learn how to fight?"

She nearly fell off her chair at that. "Oh? Why the sudden interest?" Rainbow looked again at Aj, who just closed her eyes and looked away. "Junior Speedsters Flight Camp. There was a self defense class for beginners, and I was one at the time. After the first few lessons, the instructor praised me for my learning curve, and recommended that I continue. My dad wasn't too happy, but he said, 'Your happiness is more important than mine'. After that, I dropped out of the flight camp, and got enrolled in martial arts." She stood up proudly. "You're talking to a soon-to-be-black belt."

"I think that's impressive." Twilight smiled at the idea of family acceptance. "But... if you can fight as well as you say, why not join the Royal Guard and put it to use? Why stay a weather pegasus?"


Link sat in his room, his sword drawn on his lap. He fished for a whetstone from his bags, and procured one within moments, as he set to work sharpening his sword. After having been stabbed in the ground, it grew dull and needed maintenance. I just had to do that. It'll take half the night just to get the shine back in it.

"So, the key is in Princess Celestia's room, the chest in Princess Luna's, and the door at the bottom of the castle. I don't know which is which room, but I'd guess the key is in the right tower. As we entered, there were stairs leading up the towers, I'm sure those led to the rooms." Navi had been pacing since they got to the room.

"You seem more nervous about this than I am. You'll be there too, you have to be. You're my companion, and I, yours." Link paused his cleaning to reply.

"I know, but... what if it's been booby trapped, against invaders? Old castles in Hyrule were notorious for it."

"I honestly doubt the princesses made traps in their own castle. What purpose would it serve? The Everfree Forest's only threat is an overgrown lawn." He continued his labor.

"Still, what if you're wrong." Navi looked at him.

"Then I'm wrong and will better prepare the next time. All I'll need this time is this," he said, pointing to the sword, "the matching shield, and you. With all that, what could go wrong?"

Link finally fell asleep around 1 in the morning where he sat, as he was too tired to crawl into bed. Navi as well, though she much quicker.


Twilight saw Rainbow out the door as Applejack started making actual dinner. It was a simple meal, but one Twilight won't soon forget. After all, it wasn't every day she got to eat fresh apple pie. Applejack had just sat down to eat, when Twilight started up another conversation. It didn't matter what it was, or how long it lasted. All that mattered, was there was somepony there to talk to. Somepony who would listen, and reply. Twilight's mind started to wander as she made her way up the stairs to her room, inviting Applejack to sleep in the opposite bed, seeing Link passed out on the floor.

I'd wake you, but I'm too tired to deal with this. Good night, Link. Good night, Applejack.

Chapter 7: The Journey Part I: Everfree Forest

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Morning rolled around in the little town of Ponyville. The only audible sound that early was a rooster's call. Applejack cracked her eyelids open as it was the sound she's used to. Before the sun shone too much through the window, she could see Link still asleep on the floor. He hadn't made it to the bed last night, allowing Applejack to sleep there in his place. Walking quietly, she also noticed Twilight's bed was without its usual inhabitant. Huh… Guess she's gettin' an early start on that researchin'. Not to wake either Link or Navi, she walked out of the room and down the stairs. There, she saw a couch, piled with books, but no Twilight.

"Hum." Aj looked around the library for any sign of the purple mare. After a few minutes, to no avail, she returned to the couch and took a look at some of the books. "50 Magical Musical Scores, Starswirl the Bearded's Autobiography: A Tail in Time, The Ruins of Equestria. What are you lookin' for, Twilight?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Spike said, standing behind her. "Snooping is frowned upon."

"Gah!" Startled, she turned quickly, sending a few books hurtling to the floor. "Ah was, uh, lookin' at these books. It's hardly snoopin' if they're out in the open."

Sighing, Spike set about returning the fallen books to their spot on the couch. "If you really want to know what she's researching, you can ask her when she returns."

"Yeah," she replied, "where'd she go, anyway?" Aj walked off to the side to get out of his way.

"Town. She mentioned something about a commission. Not sure what she means, but it's none of my business. I hope she comes back soon." Finishing, he began walking up the stairs.

Applejack looked outside, and saw the sun barely over the horizon. "Hey, ya hungry? Ah make some mean pancakes."

Stopping in his tracks, he turned and walked back down. "I suppose it couldn't hurt to eat this early…"

The two made their way to the kitchen, and started in on making breakfast. After a total of 20 minutes, Spike had a plate of 5 pancakes set before him. Footsteps were heard plodding down the steps of the library, followed by an audible yawn. "Mornin' Link! How'd ya sleep?"

"Okay, I guess… Haven't slept on the floor since my old captain caught me awake past lights out..." He took a moment to stand in the doorway. "What's that smell?"

"Pancakes. Hungry? There's plenty for all y'all." Applejack expertly flipped over the two in the pan.

"Where's Twilight?" he asked, coming to sit down, beside Spike. "I noticed she's not in her bed, nor on the couch."

"Town, or so Ah'm told. She'll be back soon, most likely." She placed the two on a plate in front of him. "Hope ya enjoy. Ah got more comin'."

Link looked at the food, at the steam coming from it. Then, he glanced at Spike chowing down like no tomorrow. I suppose it's safe… Carefully, he began cutting and eating those on his plate.

"So, whatcha think?" she asked, looking on with a smile.

"Hmm… Certainly some of the best pancakes I've ever had. Family recipe?"

"Yeah, actually. Learnt it from Granny Smith, and her from her granny. 5 generations worth o' cookin' there." She returned to putting more batter into the pan.

"It shows. Maybe you could teach Twilight how to cook. It was never her … forte." He continued to eat slowly, as it was still fairly hot.

"Maybe, if she decides it. Say, can you cook?"

"Some things, yes… But nothing like this. I lack the imagination to make something from scratch as you have. I mean, I could forage for food like no other, but actually making something from it? … That's a whole different story."

"Hey, you should tell her about the time you tried to get into the cupboards for cookies at the castle," Spike interrupted. "It was funny, watching him try to climb the door without claws."

"And I seem to recall you burning Twilight's mane when you were that young. Just learning to spit fire." Link let out a laugh at the jesting.

"That's somethin'. Mah kid sister's a real hoof-full sometimes. Always gettin' into things when we ain't lookin'. Ah caught her wrapped in her bed sheet like a cocoon on a few occasions." She, too, let out a chuckle.

Just then, the door shut to the library. Within moments, Twilight stood at the doorway to the kitchen with her saddlebags being carried by her magic. "Wow, that smells great, Li- ! Oh, morning Applejack. You made this?"

"Ah certainly did. Have a seat, Ah'll fix ya some. Actually," she flipped those in the pan, "these're almost done."

"It smells wonderful." Twilight sat opposite Link at the table, setting her bags at her side. "Did you sleep alright? The floor must not have been comfortable…"

"More than you'd think. I'm used to it." Link bit into his second pancake.

"How are they?" Twilight asked, smiling as Navi poked her head out of his chest pocket. "And good morning Navi."

"They're great. Do me a favor, and get the recipe." He, again, chuckled a little.

"H-hey now, family members only. It's a secret to everypony else, alright?" Applejack gave the pancakes to the plate for Twilight, and returned to make more.

"I'm not a pony, does that exclude me?" Link smiled, thinking he had this one.

"No, you were brought up by ponies, that makes you a pony at heart."

"Aren't you hungry, Applejack? Or did you eat already?" Twilight broke the conversation for the better.

"The cook eats last. So, in this case, y'all eat first," she replied, preparing another two.

"Ah huh… So… Where'd you go, anyway?" Link asked between bites, and glancing at her bags.

"Funny you should ask that." Twilight pulled a set of two leather pouches from her bag, and displayed them before Link. "I, uh, went to a leatherworker. I paid him to make these for me." She gave them off to Link. "Or, for you, I should say. They have a loop on the backs of them, so they can be attached to your belt."

"Okay, aside from that, what are they?" he asked, looking at their insides.

Twilight had to eat a few bites before explaining. "This is very good, thank you Applejack. Anyway, those are magically enhanced pocket dimensional adventuring pouches. Used for storing items, like food, clothes, and stuff like that. Each one of those is capable of carrying 20 different items, or as many as 20 of the same item 20 times over. So, really, 400 things, so long as 380 of them match something already inside."

Link held up an index finger as he swallowed. "Okay, I have several questions. One: wouldn't there be an increase in weight, the more stuff I put in?"

"No, thankfully. The things you put in aren't actually in the pocket, rather in another space entirely." I really hope he likes this… Would be a waste if he doesn't… "Two?"

"Two: Why only 20 if it's another space? Shouldn't the space be unlimited?"

"No, unfortunately. The space created, is directly proportionate to the space it can originally occupy. One cubic inch is the equivalent of one cubic yard."

"Again, nopony said there'd be math. Hehe…" Applejack's attempt at a joke made the others laugh a bit.

"Thanks 'Rainbow Dash'. Anyway, because it can hold 20 different things, each set of objects has its own area. So that means there's no overlapping spaces inside." Twilight continued eating, feeling that there'd be some thought before his next question.

"Okay… Hmm… Ah. Three: Once something's inside, how do I take it out?"

Applejack fixed her own plate and sat beside Twilight. "That's a good question. And I'm glad you asked it. Unfortunately, in my research, I couldn't find a single spell that I could apply to you or it that would allow such an action. However, I did find a 'conscious connection' spell, that would do such a thing. But, for it to work, I need to cast it on all desired objects at the same time. In this case, you, and it." Twilight clearly did her research, and appeared to have an answer for every question Link had.

"Ain't somethin' like that, dangerous? Creatin' a void?" Applejack began to enjoy her breakfast while mildly knowing what's going on.

"Well, maybe? I mean, the bigger void that's created, the less stable it is by nature. Small as they are, they're perfectly stable, which is also why there's a limit on the space inside. Making one as big as, say, my saddlebag, would 1: drain me of nearly all my magic, and 2: be so unstable, it could very well collapse on itself, creating an endless black hole, and that's worst case scenario." Twilight finished her meal and sent her plate to the sink.

"How was it?" Applejack asked, finishing her first one. Ah admit, Ah make great pancakes.

"Oh, it was delicious! Feel free to make them any time, with some head's up of course."

"Glad y'all liked 'em. Link, Ah made some lunch for ya to take with ya to the castle. It's in the fridge."

"Awesome. Last night I'm guessing?" Link finished his meal and walked it to the sink himself, and looked in the fridge after. "Hmm. 2 apples, some juice, and… a slice of pie?"

"That's it. Made the pie last night for dessert. It was great, so we decided to save you a piece." She glanced outside. "Ah, shoot! Ah gotta go! Spike can have mah last one. Ooh, Granny Smith's gonna have mah hide for sure." Aj made a mad dash out of the library and toward Sweet Apple Acres.

"Huh," Navi said, "She got out of here fast. But, she gave you food, so you won't be hungry later."

"Yeah, that's a good thing," he replied, taking out the food. He walked to the table and set them beside the pockets. "Last thing I need is to have my stomach rumble when I'm in a dangerous place."

"I know it's dangerous, even the path we took was deadly, but you should find that the same path is unobstructed. After all, we trekked it yesterday, so you know what to expect." Twilight frowned a little at the memory of Celestia saying he had to go it alone. "Just… be careful, alright?"

"Absolutely. Now, about this, connection spell…"

"Right, now hold still. This won't take long…" She lowered her horn and focused. The pockets lit up with light purple magic, as did Link himself. After a few moments, the lights dimmed, then disappeared completely. "There, all done. Syncing complete. Give it a try."

Link opened the pocket, and put one of the apples to the opening. Immediately, the apple vanished inside. He almost didn't get his hand away in time. "Woah! That supposed to happen?"

"Yes, but don't worry, it won't affect you. You're incapable of being sucked in to your own pouch. Like the snake eating its own tail, it knows better than to do so."

"Uh huh… So, the apple is in there, and to take it out…" Apple… Apple… Apple… He placed his hand over the top of it, and felt a stem poke his palm almost right away. Pulling the apple out caused him to grin. "That's cool! I'm definitely gonna experiment with this."

"You like it? It's a vacuum. No matter the size, so long as it's within the predetermined limit, it'll get sucked in, and placed in one of the open slots."

"Can you attune it to another? I want Navi to be able to do this too. That, and … So she doesn't get vacuumed in. That would be bad…"

"I can. One moment. Navi? Can you come closer please?" As Navi floated toward her, Twilight repeated the process. "Done, again. Now you can use it too, safely."

"Now, different items…" With that, he put the apple back inside, with the juice bottle soon after. Now… Juice. Repeating his previous motion, the cap poked his palm. Now, change my mind, and think about the apple… Within seconds, the cap retreated, and was replaced by the familiar stem of the apple, as he again retrieved it from the pouch. "That's also cool. If I change my mind, it'll put back the first thing, and get the second. But, why isn't it instant? Just asking…"

"Yeah, about that. As there are 20 slots, what you put inside goes to one, non-specified slot. When you go to pull one out, it looks through all of them to find what you're looking for. Now, if you put it in a specific slot, then go to recall one item from that specific slot, it won't look through them all to find it, making it that much faster." Clearly, Twilight did her homework.

Link was silent for a moment. Then, suddenly, he threw his arms around Twilight's neck into what he remembers as a "hug". In reaction, she placed a foreleg around his side. "Thank you, Twilight. This is the best gift ever." Releasing his sister, he returned to his chair. "Where did you even learn this spell, anyway?"

"Funny you should ask that… See, the day before you came to Equestria, I was reading a book called 100 Useful But Not Easy Spells. Written by one 'Star Point'. This was number 43 in that book. Right after a transformation spell, and right before some spell about mind reading… Anyway, intrigued, I had that book sent to my room so I could study it further. In fact, it's one of the books I brought with me to Ponyville."

Link saw the loops she mentioned earlier. "Fits on my belt, huh… Mind if I modify them a little? You know, make it so they don't move?"

"I don't mind at all. They're yours now. Just be sure not to rip holes in it, or the space inside will overflow into our space." With so many things that could go wrong, I wonder if he can handle it all…

"This really is the best. Thanks again." He took his new pouches and headed off up the stairs, leaving Navi with Twilight. There, he changed clothes, dawned his equipment, and collected the two keys he needed to get the sword.

"So… Um… About last night… Applejack slept in Link's bed… He doesn't know that, and I won't tell him unless he asks. Did you say she could? Because if he finds out, he might take it personally." Navi started, sitting on the table.

"Think nothing of it. I just, felt that it was rude to make her sleep down here in the main room. That's reserved for larger groups. But if it's just one, I don't see a problem with it." Twilight felt so sure of her reasoning that she dismissed any other explanation. "Besides that, I didn't think he'd mind. He seemed… content, on the floor."

"Yeah, he did… with what little light that shone through the window from Luna's moon."

"How was it? The moon, I mean. I'm sure Princess Luna had some trouble with it." Soon, Link came back down, wearing his silver colored Royal Guard colors, and his belt with the new pouches at his side. With the sword and shield on his back, he looked ready to take on his task.

"Alright, Navi. We're heading out. We got things to do, so let's try and hurry."

"Link. Before I forget, can you do me a favor? This, ocarina, can you bring it back here once you get it? I know not its limits or abilities, and you may very well cause calamity upon its misuse." She got down from her chair and walked to Link. "It's a safety measure. And, for practice, I want to replicate it, from a non-magical material."

"Hmm… I guess that's fine. I mean, I don't exactly know how to play any instrument, let alone a magical one that can apparently summon windstorms."

Twilight grinned and went to the couch. "Do be careful, again. I want you back in one piece."

Link was hit with shock as he remembered something. "Right! I have to stop by Rarity's place. I asked her for an outfit, remember?"

"Oh, right. Well, still, be safe." Twilight retrieved a scroll, an inkwell, and a quill, and began writing notes while flipping through her books on the couch.

Link payed her little mind and headed for the door, Navi hiding away in his hat. Once outside, a grey pegasus caught his eye, trying to put mail into the mailbox. "Oh, hi Derpy. This is your job, huh."

In surprise, she dropped her mail on the ground. Turning, she saw him approach. "O-oh, excuse me…" She picked up the mail in her hoof. "Also, I notice you're actually talking. Can I ask why?"

"Uh… long story. Maybe another time? Anyway… What do you have there?"

"Oh right. This is for you." She handed him the mail. "My own personal copy."

Link took it and noticed several colors through the envelope. Opening and unfolding it revealed a map of Ponyville, though it appeared to be drawn and signed by Derpy herself. "Uh what is this for?"

"It's for you, so you don't become a missing Link." Derpy smiled at her statement. "I made it myself. See? I even signed it and everything." She pointed to her signature in the lower right corner of the page.

"It's hoof-drawn, clearly… Well, thank you. I'm sure it'll be useful." He took a moment to actually look at it. There's a legend beside the name, and several marked locations. Surprisingly, it's well-drawn, for being made by a cross-eyed, navigationally challenged pegasus. There's Sugarcube Corner… the library… where is the- there it is. Carousel Boutique. Rarity's establishment. It's not too far from here. "Thanks again. Anyway, I'm sure you're busy so I-"

"Oh, not really. There's not much mail today. Besides, my deliveries are at noonish, mostly," she replied with a smile.

" … uh huh. Well, I'm busy, so I guess I will see you around later." Link started walking away, when Derpy flew off. He watched her sail through the air, guided by her grey wings. I wonder… "Dream as hard as I might, never will I ever attain flight."

Suddenly, Pinkie jumped out of a bush beside him. "You don't have the ability, I know, but-"

"There you are, Pinkie. I was expecting you."

" … Huh? How?"

"Easy. Every time somepony rhymed, you spoke up, telling someone to wait for something, and claiming 'We're not there yet'." Link turned toward her and grinned. "What is all that about?"

"Oh, that… It's, uh… Hard to explain… Here." She walked beside him, and looked where he was facing, and pointed. "There, you see that? Right there, that, shimmery glossy thing in the air?"

Link looked, glared, squinted and narrowed his eyes, trying to see what she meant. "Nope. I don't see anything. What's there?"

"That is the fourth wall. … The fourth wall." Pinkie paused and sighed. "I guess I'm not allowed to say it."

Link saw her lips move, but heard nothing. "Are… you okay? Anyway, I'm kind of in a hurry to get to Rarity's, so…"

"Oh, about that… Rarity got a fair-sized order to be done by this friday, so she needs focus." Pinkie went toward the bush.

"She's busy, huh… Alright then. See ya later." He watched as she jumped into the bush. A minute or so later, he searched the same bush, and found no trace of her even being there. "Ok, that's weird. Anyway, off to the old castle."


Within 20 minutes of walking, Link arrived at the edge of the Everfree Forest, where they all entered the day before. "Link, what do you think about what Pinkie said?"

"Don't know, couldn't hear her." He started walking in, cautious from their previous encounters. Venturing in, and not ten minutes later, he saw the same trees Pinkie had laughed at, as well as the other ponies he had accompanied. "You know, if Nightmare Moon had such magic, why was it broken so easily?"

"How do you mean?"

"I mean, she made these trees have scary faces on them, but all it took was a little laughter to shake it off. Makes me wonder… Did she really lose so much power in her thousand year banishment?"

"It's quite possible." Navi looked ahead and saw the cliff they fell down. "Here's where Applejack helped with her honesty. Still, that was a great catch."

"Heh, thanks. Though my barrier is not meant to be a platform, I'm surprised it held up as well as it did." He looked down at the curved cliffside as he recalled the landslide. Carefully, he slid down the side, and stopped as he got to the edge. "How'd she get down… Ah!" The ground again gave way under him, as he fell to the ground. In reaction, he put up his barrier, as it shattered upon impact with the ground.

Link layed there for a minute or so. "Not gonna lie, that really hurt. And the shield broke too… Falling this far, I'm not surprised. Guess it's not as durable as I thought." He stood, dusted himself off, and felt his back pop into place. "Oh ow… Yeah, that hurt… Hm?"

Ahead of him, was the very same manticore Fluttershy calmed with her kindness, and Link, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie had difficulty beating. Navi clung to him. "Hm. Yeah… I think I'm gonna let him sleep…"

"Yeah," he whispered, "I like living, thanks…" Quietly, he tiptoed around the manticore. And, as yesterday, he arrived at the sea serpent.

"Oh hello again. Traveling alone, I see. Need to cross?" the sea serpent offered.

"Uh, that'd be great, thanks. Oh, by the way, how'd you get your mustache back?" Link asked, looking at his flowing gold facial hair.

"It grows back rather quickly. I really must thank that white pony for her help yesterday. It was sooo awful what happened." The kind serpent made a bridge with his long body once more.

"Can you tell me something? If the water is shallow enough to walk across, why'd you make a bridge?" he asked, walking across.

"It was the least I could do. You know, be generous to those who are generous toward you."

Link arrived at the opposite side. "I suppose that makes sense. Thanks again."

"Absolutely," he replied before disappearing into the water.

Navi came out of his hat. "Okay, so that sea serpent offered us passage, as yesterday. And mentioned generosity. Do you think that means something?"

"Nothing at all. He simply thought to repay us for helping him. Let's continue." Not soon after crossing, they came to the bridge Rainbow had to fix. "Then there's this… I know we're close now. Huh?" He barely saw a figure run off into the woods. Quickly, he bounded across the bridge and stopped before a thicket. "Where'd it go?"

"I don't know… maybe they live around here?"

"Don't be silly. This is the Everfree Forest. Nopony would dare to live here. Lest they meet their end by the beasts that also inhabit this Celestia-forsaken forest." Link huffed and continued on down the path. Much like yesterday, he arrived at the stone bridge over a chasm, the castle on the other side. "And, there it is. The castle of the royal sisters. The key is in Celestia's room in one of the upper rooms, the chest in Luna's. But, as Twilight asked, we're taking the ocarina back to her."

"On top of that, the 'Sword of Masters', or Master Sword, is in a room under the castle. And it requires the two keys we were given by the sisters themselves." He held them out to look at them. "And apparently, they had the keys in their crowns. What's up with that?"

"I don't know… Well, we're not gonna get through this standing here. Let's go." Link put the two stone keys into his pouch, and started over the stone bridge, Navi peeking out of his hat.

Neither Link nor Navi could have predicted what they'd find, besides what they came for.

Chapter 8: The First Dungeon: Castle Everfree

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Link stood at the end of the bridge, looking at the ruins of the castle. Step by step, he made his way across, only to be halted by a warning from his companion.

"Link, there's … something wrong with this…" she said, flying in front of his face. "Not wrong like, ‘This is a bad idea, we shouldn't do this, let's go back' wrong. More like, ‘Proceed with caution, because I feel something strange in there' wrong." Navi flew onto his head once more.

"There's nothing to worry about. The only thing in there is a busted wooden door, courtesy of Applejack." He continued over the bridge, not looking down the chasm beneath. "If we were to find something dangerous, we'd have found it yesterday."

In moments, they stood in the doorway of the castle. Just as it looked yesterday; the stairs to their sides, the balcony, the doors further down the sides, and stairs in the middle going below. Unlike yesterday, in the grand room, stationed several moving wooden creatures. Each one stood twice as tall as himself, easily, and had glowing yellow eyes. He only knew the eyes part, because one had noticed him and started his way, snarling.

"Oh… that kind of wrong…" Unhesitantly, he drew his sword and shield. With one swipe of the creature's arm, it connected with Link's shield, sending him hurtling to his left, barely staying on his feet. Wait, that's not bone… It sounded like wood… Sheathing his sword and putting his shield away, he ran at the construct.

It swung again at his side. Link jumped off its arm, and again off its lowered face, springboarding him over the entire creature. Link continued running, toward the stairs on the right. Barely glancing back, he saw two more constructs chase after him. He started building up magic in his hands. One of them split off toward the wall, got beside him and lunged. Quickly, he threw up a barrier on that side, stopping the attack. This let him get through the opening in the wall where the stairs go up.

Once inside, he threw up a second barrier to keep them out. "What are those?! They almost killed me! They weren't there yesterday! Is that what you meant?!" Link took this moment to sit on the stairs. He wasn't in there yesterday, so he was surprised to see that they go downward as well.

"Calm down, you're safe for now. Those are called Timberwolves. They live in select parts of the Everfree Forest. Yes, they did almost kill you, but they didn't. No they weren't there yesterday, they sleep at night, most of the time. And lastly, yes, I do believe that was what I was feeling. Anything else?"

"Yes. How many more are there?" he asked, seeing the barrier start to crack.

"Uh, they usually live in packs of up to 10, so I'd say about 7? Also, you may want to get moving. I don't suspect it'll hold up much longer."

In agreement, he got up, and headed up the stairs. Peeking over the top step, he saw two more wolves. More? With a sigh, he slowly walked around the corner, so he didn't attract attention. His back against the wall, he walked the length of the hallway, finding a door behind him about half way down with a sunburst mark on it, similar to Celestia's cutie mark.

"Here it is," Navi whispered. The door creaked open, revealing a nice room. Inside was a wooden desk with several scrolls scattered about it, a map of Equestria and its bordering nations hung on the wall, a few bookcases against the wall beneath the map, and a nice bed that seemed to …

"Navi, who's that?" he asked, shutting the door behind him.

"How am I supposed to know?"

Link walked over to the bedside and got a better look at the form beneath the covers. There, he saw a pony with a red coat, and light red with orange mane. Judging from muzzle structure, it appeared to be a mare. She lacked a horn, and there was no form in the covers where there would be wings.

"It's an earth pony mare." He looked around once more, and saw a bookmark in one of the books on her bedside table. "I think she lives here…"

Navi flew to the scrolls. "These are relatively new scrolls, not tattered as I'd expect in an ancient temple. Even has a fresh inkwell here. If you ask me, I'd say she's lived here for quite a while. After all, the wolves aren't actively trying to kill her, so then two things are possible: she's tamed them, or they fear her."

"Is that even possible? Them fearing a pony?" he asked, looking at his companion.

"Yes. See, in the pack, the strongest is the leader. She might have beaten the previous pack leader, and took the position. Such a thing is not unheard of."

Link slowly stepped toward the drawer beside the bed and opened it, revealing a set of needles, a few spools of thread, and some fabric. "Huh. She must be bored out here." Closing it, he opened the one below it, showing a few scrolls already rolled and bound.

"So many scrolls. This one's an unfinished letter." She read the last few sentences aloud. "‘Thanks again for sending me reading material. You know how I like adventure books. In other news' … it cuts off there. I wonder why…"

"Maybe she'll finish when she wakes? If it were-"

"There they are," Navi interrupts, pointing at the wall beside the door. There, hung saddlebags with a kind of fire patch on it. Beside it, hung a key ring with three keys on it.

Link saw them, walked over and retrieved the key ring. One had a sun handle, another with a moon handle, and a third that looked silver with an open handle and two prongs to open something. "Heh, a small key. This has to be it. !!" He looks back to the sleeping pony, who turned to the other side in slumber.

Quickly, he pocketed the keys as Navi hid under his hat again. Out the door he went, door creaking in both opening and closing. With the door shut behind him, he continued down the hall away from one of the wolves. Around the corner he went, and the first thing he saw was a painting on the wall of a young Princess Celestia.

"This is what she looked like a thousand years ago, huh. Doesn't look much different, maybe her height, but that's about it." Link looked further down and saw another. Walking to it, he made out the image of Princess Luna. "And this is her younger sister." He looked back to the first and noticed a third spike in the wall. "... Is there supposed to be a third one?"

"Don't know… I only know of the two."

"Luna's room should be down the hall and around the corner." Further he went, rounded the corner, and sure as heat in fire, there stood another door, this time with a crescent moon on it. "Luna's door." He tried to open it, but found it jammed.

"Pull harder?" Navi offered. "Oh wait, maybe it's locked."

Link retrieved the key ring from his pocket and tried the one with the moon on it. He heard it click as he turned the key. "That did it."

The two entered, shutting the door behind them. In this room sat a bed with nothing on it save for a few dark colored blankets, another desk with scrolls strewn about its surface, a map of Equestria, a few more shelves of books than the previous room, a table with a larger map of Equestria decorated with pins and pieces. On the walls were several paintings of the sisters, and one more spike where he believed a painting should go.

"Hold on a moment." Link went and sat on the bed, which let out a loud creak as he applied pressure. "It's about time for lunch. Feel free to look around," he granted. Navi's first destination was the paintings on the wall. He reached into his pocket and retrieved the juice and one of the apples. "… Something's wrong with my pouch."

"Hm? What's wrong with it?"

"My slice of pie. It's not here." He searched the other one, coming up empty handed. "It's not in the other one either."

"That makes sense. You didn't exactly take it with you. If I remember correctly, it's sitting in the fridge back at the library, if Spike or Twilight haven't eaten it already."

Saddened a little, he munched into the apple and found that it retained its freshness. "Huh… It's still cold. Like the pockets retained its temperature. Cool, literally."

"Link, you may want to see this," Navi said from under the desk. Link looked and saw a wooden chest with a metal frame holding it together. With his small key, he walked over, apple lodged in his mouth, and opened it, revealing a blue object with a mouthpiece, and 7 finger holes.

"This is the ocarina? A bit underwhelming if you ask me," he commented, removing the apple from his mouth. "This thing made a storm? Hard to believe just from looking at it. Hmm…" Without warning, he played three notes, then the same three notes, then again, skipping the middle note.

"What are you doing?!" she nearly screamed, kicking the instrument from his hands. Link looked around and saw nothing happening. "Who knows what you could have done! Do not try to play anything on it until we get it analyzed by Twilight, got it?" Navi sighed, and lowered her head. "You could have called down a hail of meteors, for all we know. Just… don't try it again… okay?"

"Yeesh, I just wanted to play a tune, see what would happen. No better teacher than your own errors, right? Besides, I seriously doubt this little thing can cause such a cataclysmic disaster."

"In our homeworld, the Ocarina of Time is used as a vessel to travel through time. I feel it may have the same, if not similar effect here. But we have to get this back to Twilight for further study."

"Fine…" he conceded. Pocketing the instrument, he finished his apple and began looking around the room. He noticed another bookmark in one of the books on the shelf. Opening it to the page, he read, "Check this out. ‘It was at this time, when my hope was no more, a blinding light guided my path through the heat of the desert. Was it delirium? Or perhaps the spirit of salvation aiding me in my hour of need? I know not the truth. With little water to my name, I followed, hoping not to be led astray by this strange light.' Wow, this is an old one."

"Sounds like it. Finish your juice, or save it for later so we can get back. !!"

The door opened to the room and there stood the same pony from before. "What are you doing here!?" Without warning she marched in. "Leave! Now! Before you get yourselves hurt!" It was apparent she didn't care they weren't ponies. In a hurry, they ran out the door, leaving his juice opened on the table. "And don't ever come back!" Before they could get far enough down the hall, the pony's hooves lit red with what seemed to be magic. She got on her hind legs and threw a fireball at them.

What the! He turned, and blocked it with his focused magic shield. Though hastily made, it held up. Not completely though, as the blast cracked it. If it takes another hit like that, it'll shatter. "Okay, not happening." He started walking back to the pony. "I got some questions for you, if that's alright."

"Link, no!" Navi warned from under his hat.

"Oh you want some more, do ya?!" She launched another, this one in increased size and force. Link easily dodged it and continued.

"First off, I was tasked to come her by Princess Celestia herself. If anything, you're invading private property, unless you own this castle, or are here with express permission." With that, she stopped, and dropped to her fours again, and retreated into the room, Link following close behind. "My question, how'd you learn a fire spell if you're not a unicorn?"

"I-I don't have to tell you anything." She slammed the door shut and locked him out. "Go away! Or I'll call the wolves!"

"So I was right. You're the alpha. You control them." Navi said from his head.

"That's right, so get lost or else!"

"Calm down, we were leaving anyway. I didn't mean to intrude on your lifestyle or anything." He turned away from the door, and stopped. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Ruby Inferno. Now just go away!"

"Fine." He continued down the hall, and down the stairs, turning back to see the wolves crawling up the stairs opposite him. Quickly, he jumped down the stairs, and dashed out the opening in the wall and over the bridge, hoping they didn't follow.

"That was way too close. Listen to me next time, or you could end up pushing daisies."

Link pulled the ocarina from his pocket. "We got what we came for, right? We can go back."

"Yeah, but… we're at least 2 miles out, and we went down a cliff past a sleeping manticore. It'll be an hour before we get back."

"Right… Time to move then." He started walking into the woods.

On this trip, he crossed the wooden bridge, the shallow river, the manticore was gone so he climbed the side of the cliff, and past the treeline. With Ponyville drawing nearer, he saw some ponies gathering together in town square.

"What's this now?" Link asked, looking around. The closer he got, the more he could make out a … stage, empty, but right in the middle of everything.


Elsewhere, in the unforgiving mountains northeast of Canterlot, a mare shook her head out of some illusion she thought she had. Bundled up as best as she could, her goal was to reach the peak. This mare had lived her entire life not knowing what she was meant to do, unaware of what her place in this world was. With a turn of her head, she perked her ears. "Did you hear that?" she asked herself. Again shaking her head, she replied, "It's just the icy winds, Epona. There's not another pony around you for miles..."

Chapter 9: The Busted Boaster

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A lot of ponies in Ponyville were out in front of this wooden stage in town square, gazing up to see what was going to happen next. Link made his way to the back of the crowd, barely able to see over everypony, but able nonetheless. Looking at the stage, he saw nopony, nothing save for a broom, a bucket, a vase, and several tubes fixed to the outer frame. He glanced at his feet, hearing rustling paper. Picking it up, he read, "'Come one, come all. The Great and Powerful Trixie performs live today at 3.' Great and powerful? ..."

"Gonna check it out? Might be worth it to see other magic." Navi peered out from under his dirty hat as he nodded. She noticed Twilight's purple horn, unmistakable to her. "There's Twilight. Let's go."

Pushing his way through the crowd, he found himself beside his sister and their friends. "Did I miss anything?"

"Oh, welcome back, darling. How was your trip to the spooky castle?" Rarity asked, clearly ignoring his inquiry. She turned to face him, and paused to look at his nearly torn garb. "More trouble than it was worth, I'd presume..."

The other ponies, mainly Twilight, looked at him. "Not as much as you'd expect, though there were Timberwolves. They were Princess Celestia sized, and there were 5 of them. Shielding was all I could do." Best to leave out the fact there was another pony there, using fire without a horn. "But, I got what I went for, that's what matters." He motioned to the stage. "What do you know of this 'Trixie'?"

"Only what I read on that poster." He again looked at the poster. "It's 3 now, but still no-"

"Come one! Come all! Come and witness the amazing magic, of the Great and Powerful, Trixie!" In a flash of light, trumpets played, and fireworks lit the stage. A dark smoke erupted from center stage, and dissipated to reveal the showmare herself, adorned with a star cape and star hat. "Watch in awe, as the Great and Powerful Trixie, performs the most spectacular feats of magic, ever witnessed by pony eyes!" Grandstanding, she balanced on her hindlegs as more fireworks erupted behind her. When she returned to her hooves, she spotted Link among the ponies. "And whatever he is."

This earned a fair bit of laughter, as the ponies already know about Link. "Such boasting. Unsightly for a lady," Rarity commented.

"Oh, come on! Everypony knows Twilight's magic is the best aro-oh- oh..." Spike turns away from her, and clears his throat. "Oh hey, Rarity. I, uh... Mustache!!" With that, he leapt up on Twilight's back, hoping to hide in her mane.

"What's so bad about showing your skills?" Link asked, saving Twilight the expense of doing it herself. He's known about her fear of rejection since before he could form full sentences.

"Nothin' at all, sugarcube. 'cept when somepony goes 'round showin' off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons." Applejack glared at the mare on stage as she conjured a fresh bouquet of assorted flowers.

"And just because one has the magical talent, doesn't make one better than any of us," Rarity added.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash interrupted. "Especially when I'm around being better than the rest of us." Aj quickly got in Dash's face and gave her a look. Turning about, Dash looked on stage. "I mean, uh, yeah! Magic, Schmagic. Boo!" She glanced back at Applejack, hoping to see a calmer face.

"What's this? Does the sound of Neigh-saying reach Trixie's ears? Very well, Ponyville. Put forth any challenger, so that Trixie might demonstrate her prowess, in the magical arts." Trixie strutted around on stage, looking out at the crowd, but mainly at Link. What is he? Trixie has never seen one before...

Rainbow Dash was the first to answer the call, arriving on stage in the blink of an eye. "You want a challenge? Look no further than me!"

"The arrogance of some ponies. The Great and Powerful Trixie will to her best to hold back, but she makes no such promises." She turned to the crowd. "Hear Trixie! You all stand before a unicorn, whose magical prowess was enough to vanquish, the dreaded Ursa Major!" More fanfare, and fireworks. This time, it told a short story of how Trixie blasted a bear with magic.

Rainbow Dash stood on the stage, got low and flared her wings. With a few flaps, she was ready. Come Rainbow, you can do this. All you need is 10 seconds. In a burst of speed, she flew off toward a nearby windmill, leaving Trixie windblasted. Rainbow circled around the blades, making them turn, despite there being no natural winds. Then, she broke off toward the sky, punching holes in several clouds. At her apex, she hovered there for a second, then sped through the holes at an increased velocity, creating a vacuum. Around the windmill again, she flew, then again to the stage, stopping on a bit. Both the wind and some rain droplets from the clouds struck against Rainbow, creating her namesake above her head. "They don't call me Rainbow Dash for nothing!"

That was cool, not going to lie. But, how can Trixie respond... Ah, water. "Is that it? Hmph." Her horn glowed her light blue color, and the water from the rainbow evaporated, and condensed into a cloud. This cloud, hastily formed, sent a lightning bolt down, striking Rainbow on the flank, sending her away with a yelp into the crowd. "Who's next to fall under the weight of Trixie's power?"

"Ok, I admit. I didn't expect to see things turn around like that. Very clever..." Navi said to herself.

"Ah reckon it's mah turn." Applejack trotted onstage, and spotted a coil of rope on the side. In a few quick motions, she fashioned herself a lasso faster than Applebloom can get a bow in her mane. In successive movements, she went through one of her usual rodeo routines, spinning it over her head, and at her side, jumping through it at the latter. For the finale, she looped an apple from a nearby tree, and yanked it down, catching it in her mouth. She retrieved it with her hoof and took a bite.

Glad they're not in showbusiness. Trixie spied a vase at stage left that she planned on using later in her act, but that time would be bumped up to now. She reached in with her magic, and pulled out a rope, similar to the one Aj has. Much like a snake is charmed, she manipulated the rope, slithering it across the stage. It perked up in front of Aj, now mesmerized for whatever reason. Applejack bobbed her head with it, not noticing the other end coil itself around her hooves. With a sudden yank, Applejack found herself on her back with an apple shoved in her mouth. Now feeling a bit embarrassed, she hopped off stage, while Trixie and most of the crowd laughed. "Is there any other, who dare challenge The Great and Powerful Trixie?"

Link was among the ones laughing, though it was more of a chuckle, earning a glare from Twilight. She began aiding in untying the bound Applejack. What's so amusing about this, huh?" Halting his laughter, stared off in thought at the pony on stage. "Hm?"

Spike spoke up, from atop Twilight's back. "We need a pony who can use magic. That way, it'll be an even match."

"I get it, Spike, but I don't th-"

"You needn't utter another word." Rarity stepped forth and calmly approached the edge of the stage. "I understand how this might look to you, Trixie, but know that I will not stoop to so low a level as to keel under your pressure."

"... You mean to say you choose not to challenge me? A shame, really. He is right, though. Unicorn magic is bested by other unicorn magic." She then looked to the rest of the crowd. "But to be truthful, Trixie doesn't believe anypony in the audience, is capable of even serving as her warm-up exercise."

"There's cocky, then there's just plain rude," Applejack said, finally freed. "Give it yer best, Rarity." The audience started rooting for her, if ever so slightly at first. Then, it started picking up until they were all saying, "You can do it!" "Give it your best!" and even some nonsensical ones.

Rarity huffed, and hesitantly got on stage. "If I must, then I must." She faced Trixie, then slowly walked around her. "Earlier, you applied 'manipulation' to the rope that bound Applejack. I feel I must forewarn you; my job requires the utmost focus. For I am a designer and a seamstress, my manipulation must be in top form, if I am to do what I do." She reached out with her magic, and retrieved a curtain from one of the houses nearby. "For without my level of magic," she again took hold of a tablecloth, and levitated them to her. There was a flash of light, and when it vanished, a stunning new dress was in its place. "I could not create this level of art!"

Trixie's horn lit again, and flashed a light over Rarity's flowing purple mane. When it then dissipated, what was seen, shocked everypony, even eliciting a laugh heartier than before from Link. "Your mane is so unstylish, it would speak volumes against your skill."

"AAAAHHH!! My mane! What did she do to my mane?!" she cried frantically.

"It's, uh..." Link held back his laughter. "It's a dark green, and not so well-kept, anymore..."

Literally crying, she ran off through town, no doubt to Carousel Boutique to correct her mane. In her hurry, she ran by another green-maned pony. "Well, nothin' wrong with a green mane... right?"

"Anypony else? Trixie grows weary of facing incompetent ponies. How about you." She faced Link, and got into a stance similar to Rainbow's earlier.

"Me? No, I couldn't possibly- Ok!" In a jump, he got on stage beside Trixie. "You want to go against me? Have it your way."

"What are you doing?!" Navi quietly screamed. "Don't do anything stupid..."

"You are no pony, and therefore could provide Trixie with a better challenge. So, what are you best at? Show all of us your skill."

My skill, huh... Hmm... My magic's getting low, that's for sure... I'm not sure I can handle it breaking at full strength. I suppose I could fight physically, but I'm not sure she'd agree to that... Let's try it though. "My skill, is martial arts. If you wish to test my skill," he took a half step back and fell into fighting position. "Then come at me."

"You mean to fight Trixie? No, she refuses to sully her hooves. Do you have any magic?"

He returned to his original standing position and nodded. "Yes, I do. However, It's not offensive, so I do-"

"Excellent. It must be a barrier. Bring it forth, so that Trixie might break it apart." Trixie started gathering magic in her horn. "If you wish to remain standing, then do it."

Link saw she was serious. He started his own build up, careful not to use all of his energy on it, so he won't be wiped out afterward. The familiar blue shield formed in front of him, large enough to cover his chest. Trixie stood in her "brace yourself" stance, lowered her head, and fired. The resulting beam collided with his shield, as a harsh ringing filled the air. Strong as his shield was believed to be, and as surprisingly weak the beam was, he wasn't surprised when he felt very little force against it. This is it? Clearly attacking magic isn't her forte... This is still a stage act, though. Better tone it down. Intentionally, Link withdrew some magic, gradually making it thinner, but still retain its other dimensions.

His ... shield is weakening? Why? Twilight thought as she saw this go on. He took a point blank shot from Nightmare Moon, and he's losing to this showmare? Something else is going on here...

In moments, Trixie's magic blast cracked his shield, and ultimately shattered it, sending Link flying off the stage as it connected with his chest. "Ha! Trixie prevails! Was there ever any doubt?"

Hm. She's too weak to even dent my shield, which means there's no way-

"Link! Are you alright?" Twilight asked as she rushed to his side. As he clambered to his feet, he dusted himself off.

"I'll admit. You're stronger than I thought. It's entirely believable you vanquished an Ursa Major. Sorry I ever doubted you. Right Ponyville?!" With that, the crowd roared and started chanting for more demonstrations from Trixie. That'll make her happy for a while.

"Huh? Did Ah miss somethin'?" Applejack asked, also coming to his side.

Link just smiled and shook his head. "Nothing at all. Come on. There's no place for the defeated here. Let's go back to the library."


In a time-lapse of 20 minutes, Twilight, Aj, Rainbow, Pinkie, Spike, Fluttershy, and of course Link and Navi returned to the library. As they gathered around the couch in the relaxing corner of the room, Link sat between Applejack and Rainbow, both looking at him, while Twilight sat between Applejack and Spike, with Pinkie and Fluttershy sharing the couch. "About this ocarina. You do have it, right?"

"Of course I do." He retrieved it from his pocket and set it on the floor in front of him. The others looked at it with slight intrigue. Navi came down and walked around it, noticing the multiple holes that bore through its surface.

"I heard something about Timberwolves earlier. I'm impressed you survived on your own. Timberwolves can be fierce," Rainbow stated, hovering at his side. "Barrier?"

Link nodded. "Yes. It did hold up, but barely. Though, including this most recent time, it's broken 3 times, mostly in haste of making it. So it didn't put too much strain on me." He looked at the ocarina, and thought about trying to play it again. "I will need to sleep. To replenish."

"3 times? Hmm. Once on stage, I'm guessing the other two from the wolves?" Twilight asked.

"Nope. I fell down that cliffside, put up a shield, but it broke upon impact, thus leaving me with a bruise on my back, and scuffs on my shirt." He returned his look at Twilight. "But still, a weak broken shield doesn't tax too much, it's the second one that got me. The wolves broke through it."

"I see..." she replied. The room fell silent for a moment. "Applejack, I understand you took an interest in what I was studying earlier."

"Yeah, Ah was, an' Spike told me t' ask you 'bout it. What was that, anyway?"

"That, was my research on magical scores. It was an attempt to aid Link. See, I didn't figure the ocarina had instructions, let alone a song list. So I dug. I dug into my books to find, and hopefully compile a list of 'songs', or scores really, that might assist him. Mainly one that can open the door that hides the Sword of Masters. Unfortunately..." She began shuffling her hooves. "I don't have any proof the score I found or created would have the desired effect at first attempt. The books I'm gleaning from don't entirely make sense. And I didn't find any songs at all that would serve as a ...actually, that last one's not true. I think I did find one tune. It was a lullaby way back when the two princesses lived in their old castle. I don't know why I didn't remember it until now."

"Oh? You have an actual song?" Navi asked her, flying to face her.

"Yes." She reached out in her magic and retrieved Starswirl the Bearded’s Autobiography: A Tail in Time. Quickly, she flipped the pages to a bookmarked one. "It says here, 'Below is a melody I used to lull the princess of the day to slumber every few nights. I learned it on one of my trips through time, to meet their parents. Once they understood who I was, they imparted me with this lullaby of sorts.' And then there's a bunch of lines, and notes that I don't know how to read. I do know the last bit though. That part means, 'ad infinitum'. It means 'repeat forever', which I think is until they fell asleep."

Navi flew over to look at it. Not well versed in sheet music, she couldn't tell what it would sound like. "I don't even know what that would sound like." Then she flew back to the ocarina to see what it might say, in terms of labeling.


"And unless I can find a way to read music, I'm afraid progress in creating the proper sequence of notes will be slow," Twilight added, looking again at the book and its contents. She flipped the page and read on to herself.

"Can you read sheet music, Link?" Aj asked, glancing at him.

"i can r-"

"Never needed to, so that'd be 'no'. Besides, if I were to learn, it'd be as I go, not from a book." He looked at the ocarina, and picked it up. Rotating it, he looked at its detail, and also for some kind of hint as to what to play.

"Don't. You already played it once." Navi scolded him, and flew up to him. He just shrugged and looked away.


Rainbow turned her whole body to look at him. "You played it already?" With a smile, she added, "What happened?"

"Nothing I could tell," he replied, looking her way. "And if something did, then I don't know. Nothing seemed different, and certainly no strange weather. However..." Link looked close at the ocarina mere inches from his face. "Now that I really look at it, there's the Triforce on the mouthpiece. Meaning it's connected to Hyrule somehow."

"More magic from your world? How'd it get here a thousand years ago? Or longer? Who could tell?" Twilight asked, looking up from her book.

"There's multiple holes punched in the shell of it too. Most likely for the sounds. 7 on its top, and 2 on its bottom. One of the 7 on top is a bit smaller than the rest, and one of the 2 on bottom is larger than the other. Maybe pitch?" He was quiet for a moment.

"those are-"

"Having held it once before, I had to hold these two holes: the other on the bottom, and one on the top. I believe there are only 5 notes that can be played. With the added pitches, that would make 15 different tones."

"c-can i ju-"

"Ah can read fiddle music, but it's a bit higher tempo than woodwind stuff. Jus' part o' bein' an 'Apple'." Applejack smiled. "But, Fluttershy might be able to help ya."

"EEP!" she shrieked. The others all looked at her, expecting a response. "i mean... yes?"

"You organized the music for the Summer Sun Celebration. Maybe you can shed some light on th' subject."

"That is true, you did appear to be musically inclined," Twilight ensured. She watched as Fluttershy sank into the couch, in an attempt to hide from the eyes of everypony.

In moments, she started her response, though slow-going at first. "ummm... yes, i can read sheet music for woodwind instruments. and-and the two holes you mentioned are for changing pitch into a sharp tone or a flat tone." She felt the eyes return to looking at Link, Navi, and the ocarina. This let her return to her upright position. "If you need a practice one, I can lend you one of mine. I made it myself, from a root of an Everfree Forest tree. I made it soon after coming to Ponyville. Remember when I said I saw fairies? Well, it was at that time that I made it. It took a while, but I got the shape and sound right. But... fairies have to be in range to hear it, and I don't think they were..."

"You made it, exclusively for fairies?" Navi asked. "... Have you ever tried it again?"

"Of course. I go out to the edge of the woods once every two weeks, hoping to attract them, but it hasn't worked..." she replied, head hung low.

"This is great news! Fluttershy, can you bring it here tomorrow? And any music you have? It'll be a great teacher for me to learn and better understand sheet music. Of course, I'll need a 'translator', so I'll be needing your assistance as well." Twilight found new interest in her research, likely to spur her on toward her goal.

"I suppose I can... I'l just need to set up a pet-sitter. It'll be no problem."

"Great, now... About Trixie." Twilight looked out at her friends with a serious expression.

"Ah tell ya what, she's got one hefty buck comin' her way." Applejack shared the expression, with a furrowed brow.

"Please calm yourself, no need for violence. Yet..." I hope it doesn't come down to it either.

"Easy for you to say. You weren't humiliated on stage 'front of everypony. Even Link laughed at me." Aj glared at him.

Link nodded his head and leaned away from her a little. "Well, it was a stage act. It's meant to be funny, right? She knocked me on my flank, wasn't that funny?"

"... A little. Speakin' o' which, how'd yer shield break against a magicky beam smaller than Nightmare Moon's?" She asked, relaxing her gaze.

"A stage act, that was it. I intentionally weakened my shield for the sake of the performance. I know she's a fraud, but that kind of public humiliation isn't like me. I acted like I got over-powered, and thinned my shield." Link smiled a little. "And I know I shouldn't have done that, but she challenged me. What was I supposed to do?"

"A fraud, you say?" Twilight asked. "Honestly, she very well could have cast a shield breaker spell. If she had, she might have broken yours. Unicorn magic is among the most potent in the world. From levitation to teleportation, space-bending to time-warping. I admit," Twilight continued, "shield spells are up there with mind-tapping. Breaking a shield with a shield break spell isn't all that impressive."

Spike looked at Twilight. "Especially since you could do th-" He was cut off by Twilight putting a hoof over his face, making her blush a little.

"I'm nothing special... Hey Navi," she started, removing her hoof. "Is there magic in your world similar to ours?"

Navi pondered a moment. "Yes, there is. The Goddess of Wisdom, Nayru, was the most adept at spell-casting. Her vast intellect heightened her abilities, and eventually, she graced a select few in the world with her gift. Don't get me wrong, though she chose very few to bear her powers, she treated everyone with unmatched care and devotion. Thus, her shield became known as, 'Nayru's Love'."

"Sounds sappy to me." Rainbow landed, and looked down at Navi. "You said there's three. What does the last one do?"

"Hmm... I think I should hold off on that one. Wait for a better time," she replied, looking toward Link.

Link got up, pocketed the instrument, and stretched. "Hey Twilight, mind if I bring Spike with me into town? I got some stuff I need his help with."

Spike got up and walked to him. "Can I?"

"I suppose... Only if somepony stays here and helps we with my research." Twilight looked around at everypony.

"Egghead stuff. Not it!" In fractions of a second, Rainbow flew out of the library, leaving everypony else in the dust. Fluttershy quietly followed after her, and Pinkie soon after as well, leaving Applejack sitting beside her.

"Ah guess it couldn't hurt." Applejack trotted over to the bookshelves. "Whatcha need?"

"While you two are doing that, I'll be back." Link clambered up the stairs and returned moments later. "Come on, Spike. Things to do." Spike followed wordlessly, with a spring in his step. Navi had stowed away under his cap once more as the trio left the library.

"Since Fluttershy's going to help with the music, there's something that interested me in what Trixie said. She took on an Ursa Major. Since it's a new subject for me, I want to learn more about them." Twilight walked over to the shelves and cast her magic out on a few books, retracting them at the same time. "These will serve for our starting point."

Applejack watched as she worked her magic, pulling the books from the shelves and stacking them neatly beside her. "Start? Ya mean there's more?" She walked over to the stack and read the first one aloud. "Astrology 101. Ah thought you were lookin' up animals?"

"I am, but Ursa Major is a constellation, so if there's anything in that book that could tell me what I don't know, then I won't be missing out. And, with you here, I can have a study-buddy." She smiled at Aj, who sat on the other side of the stack. "I mean, I would bring out my own, but ... it's too embarrassing now." Twilight's cheeks tinted red for a moment. "A-anyway..." She took up a book and started reading, though it could be considered skimming, among professionals.


Link and Spike walked out of the library into town. He looked around, seeing the sun start to hang low in the sky, Rainbow Dash perched high on a cloud, most likely relaxing, and several other pegasi correcting the weather. Then at the town itself; he saw a unicorn sitting like he would, with an earth pony sitting "normal" beside her, some school ponies out playing, and a few other things that weren't noteworthy.

"What did you need my help with?" Spike asked, breaking the silence.

"I need to send some letters to the princess, but it has to be done in secret, away from everypony. That said, I've already brought my writing supplies and money with which to buy the scrolls." He looked around and saw a sign with a scroll on it. "And there it is." The two got inside the store and looked around at the various sized parchment. "Hmm... '1 bit = 3 scrolls', '1 bit = 2 scrolls', '1 bit = 1 scroll', and they only get bigger from there."

"Need help findin' somethin'?" the clerkspony asked, gazing down the aisle with a blank stare.

"Uh, nope, We're good. But, I'll be taking some of ..." Link pointed, then took 15 scrolls for 5 bits. "these," he finished. To the counter they went, and made their purchase. "Also, I was hoping to find a place to sit. Do you have a room for that?"

"In the back, past the jumbo inkwells." The clerk sent them on their way to the back, where another pony, a pegasus, sat and wrote in silence.

Link quietly scribbled away, while Spike went around the room looking at stuff.


Dear Princess Celestia,

This is your loyal knight Link. I’m writing to you with the assistance of Spike. Regarding my earlier exploration, I successfully retrieved the ocarina. However, in my foolishness, I played a tune that came into my head. Fortunately, it did nothing noticeable. It is in my possession, and away from prying eyes.

Twilight instructed me, or rather convinced me, to bring it back without attempting to open the door in the lower floor. Her reasoning: To further study the instrument, and to construct a proper series of notes and tones that would accomplish my goal. She has enlisted the help of Fluttershy, a residential pegasus, the same one in charge of music for your Summer Sun Celebration. This concludes the report on the ocarina.

Your Loyal Knight


"Ok, send it Spike." He rolled it up, and tied it. Spike blew it away with his breath and watched as the green mist floated away through an open window. "Good. Now we wait."

"You think the princess will reply right away?" he asked Link.

"The princess?!" the pegasus did outburst. When Link and Spike looked at her, she returned to her scroll, and looked to bury her face in it. She had a green coat and a darker green mane, like she belonged in the woods or something. "s-sorry. that came out unexpectedly..."

"No no, it's fine. You ... you didn't see what I wrote, did you?" Link asked, leaning a bit toward her.

"Nothing at all," she replied, looking up at him warily. "Say, are you by chance that human that came to town last week?"

"I am. Why, is there another you could mistake me for?"

She rolled up her scroll, deposited her quill into her well and sat upright to look at him. "Nothing of the sort. It's just... I've heard things about you since I came here a few days ago. Facing Nightmare Moon like that must not have been easy.."

"You heard about that? Yeah... I guess news travels fast in a small town." In moments, Spike regurgitated a scroll bearing Celestia's mark. "Excuse me for a moment. Spike? You too if you would." Spike again turned toward the shelves at the side beneath the window.

"Not at all." She returned to looking at her own scroll.


To My Loyal Knight, Link:

You don’t need so many formal words in your letters. I encourage such vernacular, but not all the time. Loosen up a little. You are like a son to me, and can speak to me freely.

On the topic of the ocarina, I’m glad nothing happened. Though it is from your homeworld, I believe there is knowledge in this one that will assist Twilight Sparkle. Enlisting the aid of this ’Fluttershy’ seems to be a good idea. With her help, I’m sure her research will bear positive fruit.

On a side note, I understand you had a run-in with an earth pony in the castle of old. I do hope she didn’t cause you trouble. With the day I’ve had, I haven’t had the time to notify her of your visit, and therefore saw you as an intruder. I apologize for that. I will preemptively notify her of your next visit, in hopes you’ll be met with a tad bit more hospitality.

Regarding yesterday, the scroll I received contained information that will be your first mission upon acquisition of the Sword of Masters. You’ll be briefed at that time, so expect a summons from me. Until then, remain vigilant.

-Princess Celestia


Interesting... The pony in the castle does have permission to be there. He began writing another, while sporadically looking over his shoulder, to see her wave at him. I must ask her some questions when I'm unoccupied.


Dear Princess Celestia,

So she does have permission to be there. On that subject, permaybe you can shed light on this. I learned of her unnatural ability to throw fire, despite not having a horn as a medium. With just her hooves, she threw not only one, but two fireballs in my direction. They weren’t slouches either; I blocked one with my barrier, but its edges started crumbling. You are the only one I’ve made aware of this. I figured if she was there, then she's hiding for good reason. Best not to alert anypony of her being there, save for you and your sister.

Your Loyal Knight


"Alright Spike. Send it." Again, he breathed fire on it, and out the window it went, following the first. "So tell me, pegasus, why didn't you ask what I was? Everypony else did, why not you?"

She looked at him again and feigned a smile. "W-well, what you are isn't important. Er, at least not as important as who you are. See, what you are doesn't define your actions. Sorry, that was backwards. Your actions don't define what you are, but who you are... I'm not good at explaining things."

"Reminds me of somepony. So when did you come to town? Couldn't have been that long ago, didn't see you at the Summer Sun Celebration."

"That was here?" She looked on with a shocked expression. Then she promptly facehoofed and slammed her head on the table with a groan. "Just once, that's all I ask..."

"I'm... sorry?" Link grew more and more confused as the conversation went on.

Spike walked over to her and saw the scroll. "So whatcha writing?"

The pegasus picked her head up and looked at the dragon. "Me? Hmm... Well, in simplest terms, a journal. See, I'm something of a traveler. I've been almost everywhere in Equestria: the desert, Manehattan, Fillydelphia, and that's just to name a few. I write down a few pages on my travels, and when I finally get home again, I'll see about publishing it into a book. It'll be costly, but sooo worth it."

"That's cool, I'll admit. Where were you before coming here?" Link asked, also walking over to sit at her table.

"Before coming to Ponyville?" Link replied with a nod. "Hmm..." She dug into her saddlebags on the floor and pulled out various scrolls, each with a date on them. Quickly finding her most recent one, she unfurled it and read to herself. "I was at... let's see here... blah blah blaaah... Aha! 'A little remote town called Appleloosa'. Apparently, they're big on apples. Though most of them are earth ponies, they took kindly to my staying there a few days to check out their town. I even got to help build a house."

"Sounds like it was fun. ... Building? Is it a new place or something?" Before she could reply, Spike produced a second scroll, again with the princess' insignia. "What timing, eh?" He took it and went to his own table once more.

"Hey, you do you. I'll be right here with your little buddy."

Link opened it up, away from the others so they couldn't see. What do we have here now...


To My Loyal Knight, Link:

Ruby Inferno is a pony with a unique talent. I don’t fully understand how she does what she does, but she does it extremely well. Yes, she is there with permission. She has full access to whatever she finds. That said, she has never been to the room below. When the time comes for you to open it, do take caution not to let her inside. There’s somepony you are sure to meet there, one who will shed more light than I could ever hope.

You also said you played a tune, correct? And nothing came of it? My dear sister disagrees. I showed her your letters, and she came to a rather interesting conclusion: your tones carried far and wide, so what you played may very well have affected something from as far away as the Griffinlands, perhaps farther. As this is a magical device, she believes it has no limit when it comes to range or ability. As with every great power, there must be a drawback. Such is the way. Should you learn to fully grasp and utilize this instrument, use it with caution.

-Princess Celestia


I see, this object is powerful indeed. But, what kind of drawback could it possibly have? Sore vocal cords?

"Everything alright?" the pegasus asked, as he rolled up the scroll. "You look to be in thought."

"Nothing you need concern yourself with. Official business, and all." He tucked the remaining scrolls into his pocket, capped the inkwell, and wiped off the quill for later use, and stored them both as well.

"Ooh, that's neat. Whatcha got there?"

"These?" He stood and pointed to them. "These are super-ultra-top-secret-void-pouches. Only I can use them. Well, me and one other, but she's... hiding right now." Link glanced at his cap, which went unnoticed as she returned to writing on her own scroll.

"Awesome. Mind if I write about you in today's journal entry?" She looked up at him once more.

"I don't mind, but ... Could you just refer to me as 'human'? I don't feel like giving my name out just yet."

She nodded and smiled. "I'm the same way. My name is special, it lets me know I'm important."

"A name does that? Huh... I ... guess it could be looked at that way. Never saw it that way at all, just as something unnecessary." He motioned for Spike to follow him out. "Well, I hate to leave you like this, but we got stuff to do. I suppose I'll see you later?"

"It's quite possible, though I leave in the morning. I got several more stops before I go home. Going to the mountains in the north for a while. I heard there's a dormant volcano up there. It'll make for a great entry." She continued writing.

Link and Spike walked out of the room, and out of the store, as the sun had dipped incredibly low. The two were run into by two unicorns, both appeared to be very young.

"Hey, watch it, will ya?" the rotund one spoke first. "We're on a mission here."

"Yeah, mission." The lanky one beside him was rather tall for his age, but still thin. The first was shorter, and much heavier. "We have to go get a hayshake for The Great and Powerful Trixie."

"Oh, her. You two know she's just a show off right? There's no possible way she could take on a full grown Ursa Major, let alone vanquish, right?" Link crossed his arms and looked at the two.

"Saying and experiencing are two very different things. Now if one were to come waltzing up Stirrup Street and she did so, then I'd believe it. Until then it's just a stage act." Spike finished the thought and looked back up at Link.

"Well said, Spike. We have at least an hour before sunset, what say we go pay Rarity a visit? See how she's doing after... that."

"Sounds great." The two unicorns galloped off down the road, while Link and Spike trudged on toward Carousel Boutique.


"I mean, I would bring out my own, but ... it's too embarrassing now. A-anyway..." Twilight spent a few hours reading through various books by Applejack's side, who did the same, just not as quickly. Nopony could hope to match Twilight's reading speed, except maybe some ponies she went to school with. Beside Twilight, there lay a stack of a good 6 books. And beside Aj, only 2. The sun had dipped just below the horizon.

"So Ah have this right: The Ursa Major is a tower, covered in stars and astral space, much like Princess Luna's mane. Several times taller than any given apple tree, and incredibly old. They reproduce once every hundred years because of their size, and nopony can explain why or how. These baby Ursa are Ursa Minor, and don't have as many stars, and ain't as dark as the parent." Applejack was just about done with her description when Twilight looked over at her and her cup of cider. "And, if Ah'm not mistaken, Trixie said she vanquished one, a big one, but given what we seen, and what we read, that just ain't possible."

"Yeah, Link said it was a stage act, perhaps he put on a performance. He didn't seem too hurt about flying off the stage at all. Like he planned it or something." Twilight turned back to her book on the needs of baby bears. "Hey, this is interesting... 'Many bears, especially young cubs, find a delicacy in fresh milk. It's been known to release L-tryptophan, or in metabolic forms, serotonin and melatonin, into their systems.'" She looked at Applejack, who wore a confused look. "Sleepy chemicals inside your body. Basically, it puts them to sleep. And since an Ursa Minor can sleep for 3 years at a time, they'd need a lot of fresh milk to put them to sleep for that long."

"That was a lot o' fancy talk there, Twilight. Not even sure Ah caught it all." She turned and took a drink of the cider at her side. "Suppose one did come struttin' up the street, how'd you handle it?"

"M-me? Well, I don't know... I-I'm sure it won't happen any time soon. Besides, my magic is nothing special, so I doubt it'd matter too much." Twilight tried to make herself sound like she had no aptitude for magic, but Aj knew better.

"Uh huh. Yer Celestia's star student. Graduated top o' yer class. Ah'm sure yer magic ain't special in the least." Aj smiled because she knew she had got her. "Nothin' much gets past me, ya know. Ah do learn things."

Twilight gasped, and started to turn a bit red in the cheeks. "A-am I that easy of a book to read?" She looked away toward the window and saw Rainbow Dash flying fast toward somewhere. "I tried to hide it, but still you saw it."

"Ah only saw it, 'cause Ah've been around ya more often lately. Ah see what ya study, how ya study, and Ah keep a note of it." Aj again took a drink. "Ain't nothin' easy about it."

"I feel I must apologize. I meant to keep it all hidden, especially because of how you all didn't like Trixie showing off like she did." Twilight looked down and away from Applejack, fearing her response. She felt a hoof on her shoulder and glanced up.

"Your magic is who you are, sugarcube. But there's a huge difference between wantin' to show yer skills, and needin' to. Ah only hope that when ya need to, ya won't hold nothin' back."

Again, Twilight looked down. If you only knew... what you were asking...

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash kicked down the door, literally, causing the two to panic in reaction. "Twilight! Applejack! Come quickly! A big ugly bear just came to town, and he doesn't look too friendly!" In mere moments, she did burst out the doorway and back into town where a large blue bear was making short work of a building.

"Shoot. I was afraid of this." As fast as the two of them were, when they got there, Link was barely standing on his own, with his sword in the ground for support. "What happened to you?!"

"Those two unicorns brought this... thing to town. My sword's not good enough to cut through its astral fur. And my magic is empty, I got nothing." Despite his words, he got to his feet and charged again, his will the only thing keeping him going. He got as close as its paw, but had to tuck and roll to avoid getting walloped. Its other paw came around and slammed against his shield, nearly tearing it off his arm, and sending him tumbling to the side. As it again came crashing down on him, he side-stepped, and started running up its arm, dragging his sword along. I still can't cut it. Just about at the top, he leapt off, turning and trying to cut through its underbelly in his fall. Upon landing, he attempted to drive his blade into its hind paw. He pierced it, but only the tip. The bear stomped, and dislodged the weapon, sending him once again rolling away to avoid being flattened.

Without warning, he was pulled away with Twilight's magic to safety. "Are you ok?" she asked frantically, releasing him from her grip. "Where are you hurt?"

"Just my leg, here..." he replied, pointing at the torn clothing surrounding his left leg. In moments, her horn lit up and began attempting to heal his wounds, having learned a few healing spells just in case.

"Where's Spike? He's ok too, right?" Applejack asked at her side. Then she looked up at the rampaging bear. "That's an Ursa alright."

"An Ursa Major! What were you two thinking?!" Trixie asked Snips and Snails. "You two are out of your simple pony minds!"

"We just wanted you to show us how you vanquished the Ursa Major," the taller one said. The shorter of the two just nodded in agreement.

Trixie stammered out her admittance. "Well... Trixie... Can't. All Trixie knows is stage magic, just to entertain! Trixie is not that kind of unicorn!" She shook her head in emphasis.

Twilight looked between the shaken showmare and the massive bear. Then, she recalled Applejack's comforting words. 'Your magic is who you are, sugarcube. But there's a huge difference between wantin' to show yer skills, and needin' to. Ah only hope that when ya need to, ya won't hold nothin' back.' Slowly, she took a deep breath to calm herself before funneling magic into her horn. Over a short time, a wind picked up, sending a tune of cattails through the night air, lulling the bear into a calm state and ending its anger. With more magic, she picked up the water tower, unscrewed the top, emptied the water and shrank it down. Now smaller in size, she levitated it through Fluttershy's barn, filling it with cow milk. Once full, she enlarged it and screwed the lid back on, causing her to output even more power, and forcing her to dig her hooves into the ground while still maintaining the wind. After one final burst of energy, she lifted the Ursa Minor, and sent it into the Everfree Forest with its brand new milk bottle.

Finally, the wind died down, and Twilight collapsed on the ground, breathing irregularly. "Wow, that was amazin' Twilight!" Aj cheered. Link got to a comfortable sitting position, and started shaking. "You ok Link? You look a might ... uneasy."

Link tried to stand, but his wobbliness prevented him from doing so, and he fell to the ground in a shaking mess. "I-I don't know what's wrong with me... I tried to fight it, b-but ... I couldn't. It was - I had no magic left..." His eyes started welling up, much to Twilight's surprise. She rose to her hooves to get a better look at him, and frowned in sadness. "I-I was... I'm scared, Twilight. If I was alone..." It was at this point when the tears started streaming down his face, as he took his sister in a weak hug. "I very well could have died!"

The town was quiet for at least a minute, while everypony listened to his wailing. His new friends gathered around him, and the town ponies soon after. "Link... May I say something?" The gray mare from before approached him from the crowd. "I admit, that was scary, but you know something?" she asked in a soft tone, careful not to upset him further. He wordlessly turned to look at her through crying eyes. "You may be afraid now, but were you when you were in combat? Because it didn't seem that way. I saw it all: you fought tooth and nail with that bear, with no fear. I may not know exactly how, or for what reason, but you were blessed with a gift." She came to him slowly and sat beside him. "It's this gift that gives you your courage. The courage that I saw when we first met, do you remember what I said?"

Slowly, he released his sister, and thought back, wiping away some tears. "You said you saw something in me, like a great strength. Is this what you meant? This?" He held up his glowing left hand and there shone the Triforce of Courage bright enough to light the area around him.

"Uhm... kinda? Maybe... I don't know what that is, but I bet it's important. If it's the source of your courage, then it's a part of you. That strength can move mountains, yes, but it won't move if you do not make the journey." She paused and looks to the sky a moment. "I guess what I mean is-"

Navi flew out of his hat and interrupted Derpy's talk. "I think I can simplify this one." She turned to face him. "Farore the Courageous imbued you with her unyielding bravery. If anyone on this planet can stand up to beings like that and walk away the victor, it is you."

"That's exactly right. That's what I meant to say." Derpy smiled and stood. "Feel better?"

Link stood, the shaking and tears nearly stopped. "Y-yeah. I do. But... could everypony go back to their houses? it's getting a bit ... cramped out here..." He finished as the ponies went back to their respective homes, save for Trixie who looked at Twilight with scorn.

"You! You may have vanquished the Ursa Major, but-"

Twilight interrupted her with a simple correction. "Minor."

"What?" Trixie replied, surprised.

Twilight walked over to Trixie. "That was just a Minor. A baby bear. And the only reason it came here was because it was woken up prematurely."

Trixie stepped beach and glared at the two unicorns responsible. "And who's fault is that?"

"They learned their lesson, and we learned ours, right girls?"

Applejack spoke up first. "You was just doin' your job, an' we took it personal. That's our bad."

Rainbow was next. "Sure, it was fun to be on stage and all, but maybe don't brag too much next time, or something like this can happen again."

Twilight nodded. "Go on, Trixie. Get better. I'd love to see more stage magic."

Trixie nodded once. "Very well. You may have won the day this time, but Trixie will return!" She slammed a smoke ball on the ground and ran off.


Later that night, Link lay in his bed with Navi on the covers and Twilight at his side. It'd been nearly half an hour since the incident in town, and his wound was healing up nicely. With any luck, there'd be no scar. Link had a book on his nightstand he was interested in, but didn't have the energy to read it.

"Can you tell me something, Twilight?" Link cautioned in asking. She replied with a nod. "... Do you think... Mom and Dad would be proud of me?"

Twilight looked a little worried. "Parents? But Princess Celestia-"

"My parents... in my own world... It's just ..." He sighed, for lack of better expression. "Nevermind. It's not important..."

"Ok..." she replied, as she walked over to her bed. "If you ever wanna talk about it, I'm always here for you."

Thank you, Twilight...


The green pegasus from the store found her bed on a cloud above Golden Oaks Library, as she settled in to sleep. "That's some kid. Facing that bear couldn't have been easy. But, he pulled through alright."

"You act like you know him," Rainbow said from a cloud nearby, but higher elevated.

"Not really, just met him today. He seemed strange, but that's how I've always been, so we kinda connected a bit, I think." She rolled over and gazed up at the moon as it drew nearer and nearer to its zenith.

"When are you coming back here, Emmy?" Rainbow asked the pegasus.

"Who knows? You know I ride the winds. I will say I'm going to the mountains in the north. But... I don't know... This whole, 'traveling' thing might have to be put on hold for a while." Emmy smiled and sighed. "I still have something I have to do. There's always gonna be another adventure. But, where does it end? When will it be enough?"

"You getting sentimental or something? The Emmy I knew wasn't like this." Rainbow shot a smirk.

"Hey, cut me some slack, it's been what, 13 years since I left Cloudsdale?" She glanced up at her old friend. "And besides, I'm still alive, and young, and there's still more secrets in this world to discover."

"Hmmm." Rainbow grunted a little and rolled away to fall asleep.

"Heh. Night, Dashie." Emmy closed her eyes and fell asleep in the comfort of her cloud bed.

Chapter 10: The Forest Dwellers

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Link stood in front of a set of massive stone doors emblazoned with the Royal Sisters' cutie marks. To his left was Fluttershy, the buttery pegasus, and to his right was Twilight, his adopted sister. In each of their respective mouths, were the keys he had been given by the sisters themselves. "I don't know what's gonna come out of this room, so be ready for anything." He drew his weapon and wore his shield. The two at his sides inserted their respective keys into the holes in the wall.

The doors started to shake, then slowly spread apart, a line of light dividing the two. In moments, darkness took over the light, and threw the doors wide open. There, in the opened doorway, stood a shadowy figure with glowing red eyes and silver hair. It was at this point that Link saw the others had left him alone there. Nevertheless, Link stood his ground as the figure approached him. He tried to make a move, but found his feet had been bound to the cobblestone floor, and his body was unable to move even an inch.

All at once, the shadow dissipated, and reformed right in front of him, flashing a wicked grin wide enough to reveal several rows of teeth. It reached out and struck his shoulder, sending him flying back and his weapons aside. "WAKE UP" it said, in Twilight's voice. A moment passed, and his back slammed into a white wall beyond the color scheme of the room he had been in before.


Link shot up in his bed in a panic sweat, gasping for air as if he had been drowning. He tried to, and succeeded to, regulate his breathing as he looked around the room. There, he saw Twilight, who had a hoof extended toward him and a cautious look on her face.

"Are you okay, Link? Sleep well?" she retracted her hoof and looked at him in worry, unaware of the circumstances that awoke him.

"I'm fine..." he replied, a bit too quickly. "Can I tell you something? Without being mean, of course." Link rose to his feet, still in his tattered clothes from yesterday. She replied with a nod as he started to take off his leather gloves. "Don't touch me to wake me up. I'm a light sleeper. In fact, opening the door quickly will do just fine."

"O-oh. Is that all? Here I was worried you were mad at me. Anyway, Fluttershy and Navi are down in the library and want to discuss some things with you, when you're not busy." Twilight turned and walked out of the room.

Link sighed heavily as he looked out into the morning scenery. The sun had risen a bit into the sky, so he pegged it to be 9 in the morning. Out there, he saw Rainbow Dash and the pegasus from yesterday talking in the clouds above the library. "Right, she's leaving today for the mountains." He changed clothes into his second set, also silver in color, but way neater. With his "casual" attire on, the pouches on his belt and the tattered set over his arm, he set off downstairs.

Twilight and Fluttershy shared the couch while the latter had something under her wing. "There he is. How's the leg?" Twilight asked, looking at his left leg, which no longer caused him to limp.

Link looked around the room before he answered. He found Navi's glow inside Fluttershy's mane, and thought nothing of it. Several books scattered the table in front of him, a few of them opened. "Much better than yesterday, that's for sure. When did you even learn healing magic?"

"About 3 years ago. I wanted to expand my arsenal, and so I chose tissue regeneration. It utilizes the target's inner magic to accelerate the healing process. It was a bit difficult at first. Not many ponies got injured at the castle, so the princess accompanied me to the nearby training camp." She turned back to Fluttershy. "Anyway, Fluttershy is here to help in my research, as she's the only pony that can read music."

Link turned again to the pegasus, who looked down and hid half of her face. "L-let's get started, shall we? Do you have the ocarina?" He nodded his head. "Good. We'll need to test its range. Some instruments have a deeper pitch than others."

He reached down into his pouch and withdrew the second apple. "Eh heh heh... Sorry, I'm a bit hungry." Link held onto the apple in his mouth and tried again, this time successfully. "Here eeh goh." He gave the ocarina to his left hand, and pulled the apple from his mouth with his right. "Sorry, There we go."

Fluttershy extended a hoof. "May I?" Happily, he handed it to her, and continued eating. "Hmm," she studied it over. A few moments passed and she gave it back to him. "I heard you played a tune already. Can you do it again? The same one, please."

Navi came out and made her appearance. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Who knows what'll happen?" She flew over to Link and perched on his arm. "Just thinking about the effects it could cause is reason not to."

"I understand your concern, Navi, but if it'll help, then why not? Besides, it didn't do anything the first time, why would it now?" Twilight countered. Hesitantly, Navi went up and sat on his shoulder.

"Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you..." she finished. Link pressed the instrument against his lips and played the same exact tune as he had before, careful to move his fingers in the correct order. 11 notes later, he finished.

"That's very close to the same range mine has, so this'll be easier than I expected."

"And nothing happened?" Twilight asked, looking around with curiosity. "Maybe you did something wrong?"

"I don't even know what that was. But it felt right," he looked toward his sister. "I'm sure it's nothing. Anyway, that was it. Just that..."

"Interesting..." Twilight added. She then held up one of the open books to a bookmarked page. "How about this one?" On the page was the same series of notes she pointed out yesterday, from Starswirl's autobiography.

"I can't read music yet. Best to ask Fluttershy about it," he replied, looking at it. "Hmm... It needs a name. How about... Celestia's Lullaby?"

"I'm using that. It sounds perfect." Twilight scribbled some notes on a part of a scroll at her side. "How about it, Fluttershy? Care to let us hear what it sounds like?"

"um... i . . . i don't think I want to..." she replied, again hiding behind her mane. "i'm not all that great, anyway...."

"You don't have to if you don't want to. Besides, I'm not in any big hurry to mess it up. I do, however, need to practice. So, if you please, can I borrow yours until I can play efficiently? For practice only." Link smiled and looked at Fluttershy.

"ok... sure, why not." She hoofed over her own over to him, who looked at its design. It was very similar in hole placement, despite having been pegasus-made. "this is also for you. while you played your tune, I wrote down what the notes were. that way, you won't forget it, in case something did happen."

"Oh, that'll help greatly. Thanks again, Fluttershy." He looked at it, and saw she had written what each note was. Then again at the ocarina and saw that each hole had a symbol beside it. "You labeled it."

"Yes, so you know what notes you're playing." Twilight nodded. "Organization and all that. I assisted with precise magic control. As it turns out, feathers aren't useful for engraving unless you're really good at it."

"Which I'm not..." Fluttershy added.

Twilight noticed his outfit slung over his arm. "Where were you going just now?"

"Rarity's. 2 reasons. One: I sent Spike there before confronting the Ursa Minor. Two: I want her to use the form of the torn outfit as the base for the one she will make for me." He put away the blue ocarina in his pouch, held the loaned one in his hand, and held his unfinished apple in the other after another bite. "Come on, Navi. Let's get moving."

Navi flew from her mane to his hair. "Right." Together, the two left the library as he ate his apple. Almost immediately, the green Pegasus from the quills store swooped down and perched on the mailbox.

"Hey human. Heard you got into it with a beast last night. Mind if I ask some questions?" she asked as she withdrew a scroll scrawled with questions.

"Only if it's in regards to last night. Nothing personal."

"... Oh, okay then. Hm... How did you recover so quickly? I heard you were injured." She looked up from her scroll as she asked this. oh well. some of these're gonna be made up.

"My leg got injured pretty bad, but Twilight healed me with medical magic. Next."

"It was Twilight who ultimately drove the bear from town, correct?" Link only nodded his head. "Uh huh... And... Hm..." She rolled down a ways to another. "Ah! It appears I don't have any more non-personal questions." She paused for a second. "Well, maybe I do have just one more." She put away her scroll and got down from the mailbox, eyeballing the ocarina in his hand. "Since you have an ocarina, can I give you something? It's a song of my own creation. I whistle it when I'm alone." She reached into her bag and took out a small scroll. As it unraveled, it revealed a series of notes and a set of lines. "I named it after me: 'Storm's Song'. Clever, huh?"

"'Storm's Song'? Is that part of your name then?" he asked, taking it.

"Sure is. The name's Emerald Storm. Pleasure to meet ya, kid." She extended her hoof toward him. He looked at his hands, which were full of things, then shrugged his shoulders. "I see. Your hands are full. Perhaps another time."

"You said you were going to the mountains, correct? Is that particularly far from here?"

"Only about a day's flight and a night's walk. That's not stopping either. I still have stops in Canterlot to make, several item stores for stuff..."

"Then what are you doing here in Ponyville? Besides missing the Summer Sun Celebration."

"Ugh. Had to bring that up, huh? I'm here to visit an old friend of mine." She took this moment to glance at the sky. "But again, I can't stay too long. And with that, I must be going. See ya around, kid!" Emerald took off toward the clouds again, hiding behind one just out of sight.

Link continued toward the boutique. He kept his eyes focused on the music in front of him. "Storm's Song, huh... Do these notes look familiar to you, Navi?"

She came from his hat and looked at the paper. "Hmm... Yeah, 2 of them are the same as the song before, but this one is new. It's repeated, but still. Then it goes on for another ten notes, with a couple new ones there too. If you ask me, I'd say each sequence of notes must be precisely executed, for the desired effect to occur."

"If that's the case, then I hope Twilight can make one that specifically opens the doors..."

In the clouds, Emerald sat with Rainbow out of sight. "You know, Dashie? He's not as strange as the lore makes them out to be." She turned toward her blue friend. "In fact, there's something about him that I find... familiar. I don't know what."

"Heh, feeling sentimental, are you? He's stationed here for the time being. So if you want to see him more, then don't be such a stranger." Rainbow laughed a little at that.

"Come now, Dashie, I'm no stranger. Sure, I left Cloudsdale, but I came back to visit you here. You remember? Last time I was here was about ... 2 and a half years ago?" Storm put a hoof to her chin in thought. "Yeah, that sounds right."

"It is right. 2 and a half years without my best friend. ...I still think I should have gone with you." Dash hung her head a little.

"If you did that, then you never would be the reason I came back here, Dashie." Emerald wrapped her forelegs around Dash in a hug. "You, too, are my best friend." They sat there a moment. "I do have to go though. I'll see you around, then..." Slowly, she released her captive, and took to the sky.

"You better write me this time!" Dash called out after her.

"There's no mail system in the mountains. I will when I get to Canterlot, though. Promise." With that, she faded from sight.

Dash sighed, and lay down. "Yeah, see you in another three years..."


Link knocked on the boutique's front door, only to have a small unicorn answer it. "You must be Link," she said, stepping aside. "I was told to expect you. Do come in."

"Uh, ok." He walked in and looked around as she closed the door behind him. "I think this is the first time I've actually been inside the building. And what a nice place it is. Even though half the floor is strewn cloth and threads."

"My big sister made this mess. So she'll have to clean it up. Anyways, I'm supposed to tell you that Rarity went to Sugarcube Corner with Spike. I don't doubt the others are there as well."

"You use an awful lot of fancy words for somepony your age. What are you, like, 7?" He turned toward the white unicorn.

"Yes, actually. See, I have a lot of free time, so I read the dictionary. Oh, but where are my manners? My name is Sweetie Belle."

"A pleasure. Well, Sweetie Belle. It's been a hoot talking with you, but I must get going. I will, however, ask that you give Rarity a message for me: I'm leaving my clothes here. She can use these dimensions to weave for me an outfit. A sturdy fabric with strong stitches. Just remember, the outer shirt, I want to be a golden yellow. The other clothes are to remain the same color, but of similar fabric." Link finished and looked at her once more. "Get all that?"

"Got it." Sweetie looked at the clothes he set on the couch. "... what was the first part again?"

"Sturdy fabric, strong stitches," he repeated. "I trust you'll remember."

"I will. Oh! One more thing. How old are you? Only in fairness do I ask."

"Me? So far as I'm aware, I'll turn 13 on July 20th. Now, I don't mean to be rude, but I'm in something of a hurry." Link walked out and shut the door. Better tell Rarity too, just in case. Hm? Immediately, he noticed everypony has vacated the streets, save for one who seemed to be poking her hoof into the ground. "Pardon me," he introduced. "It seems like you are looking for something. Perhaps I can assist?"

Surprised, the form removed her hood and backstepped a little. "Do not think my retreat to be in fear. I know not what you are, or why you are here."

Immediately, he noticed how the form spoke in rhyme. This could be fun... or really difficult. Nothing ventured, right? Wait a sec... before, Pinkie had said to wait whenever somepony, or myself rhymed, claiming it wasn't time yet. Is this what she meant? "I'm interested in your rhyming diction. Tell me, is it from a mental affliction?" Wait, that didn't come out right.

"You dare to insult me?! Go away, and leave me be!" She turned and started walking away.

"Forgive me, I meant no offense. And may I add to my defense? See, I saw you poking at the ground. And I had to meet you, having not seen you around." This is getting difficult.

The odd colored pony turned again, to face him. "I come to Ponyville today, for the one thing I need. That something is the elusive 'Wildgrass Seed'. I require this ingredient for a special brew. Might I ask the assistance of you?" she finished, smiling.

I'm done. No more. "Okay, I give up. Sure I'll help. That's what I asked in the first place. 'Wildgrass Seed', you say?"

She laughed for a moment. "I wondered how long, for you, it would take. Rhyming couplets are not easy to make. All the same, I accept your assistance. When I come to town, everypony stays at a distance."

"Eh heh... Yeah, it's not easy. Makes me wonder how you do it. Anyway, it's wednesday, so the stalls are open. They're on the other side of town, according to the map. This way." The two began their walk. Minutes passed and Link again spoke up. "Mind if I ask from where you hail?"

"I hail from a land called Zebrica. It's a long ways away. But the Everfree Forest is where I currently stay," she replied, not missing a beat.

"Do you have the whole conversation prepared, or something? How do you rhyme on time like that?" he asked, turning her direction, and noticing the golden rings adorning her neck.

"This dialect is common among Zebra-folk. My way of speaking may seem like a joke, but fortunately this is not the case. Rhyming is cultural for the Zebra race."

"Ah, so you're a zebra. That explains a few things." Another minute of silence, as they entered the "shopping district". "Here we are. Let's see..." He looked around at the various stalls. The one they sought was the closest, surprisingly. Nothing had ever worked out like that. Link knew the pony behind the counter as Carrot Top, the pony Rarity blew past yesterday in her hurry to the boutique. She sported a green bandana wrapped loosely around her neck. "Hey, Carrot Top? Got any Wildgrass Seed for my Zebra acquaintance?"

The mare looked at the zebra in silence a moment. "I think her name is Zecora. I've heard things about you, but I don't judge. At any rate, I do." She dipped behind the counter and retrieved a small box filled with bags, each with a seed stitched into it. "Got them in yesterday. One bag is 5 bits."

Zecora took 2 bags and left behind 10 bits for the mare. She and Link walked back to where they first exchanged words. "I wish to ask you something. What do you know about a pony named 'Ruby Inferno'?"

"She comes by my hut but once a week. And unlike many, she calls me not a freak. Often, she helps me scavenge for supplies, and she is quite strong, despite her size." She then turned toward the forest.

"Interesting. Do you need anything else?"

"The only thing that I need is this: the Wildgrass Seed. I appreciate your help, I really do. But I must be going, I have a potion to brew." She continued into the woods and immediately faded from sight.

Link stood there, speechless, for a minute. Then, he turned around and saw his friends walking up to him from across the way. "Oh, there you all are. Glad Spike's safe."

"Yes, well. See, he's been helping me ever so much, I had to treat him. But then Pinkie here suddenly yanked me inside SugarCube Corner. I was headed there anyway, but that's beside the point." Rarity had given Spike back to Twilight, who stood between Rainbow and Fluttershy.

"I only came into town, because I needed more scroll paper. Then Pinkie did much the same to me. I found Aj and Dash already inside," Twilight added. "Fluttershy came with, saying she didn't want to let me walk alone."

"That was thoughtful. Tell me, did you see the zebra?"

"I did, and I must say, you handled that better than Pinkie would." The group turned to the pink pony.

"Well... In my defense, she is cooking a brew, of the neutral variety." Link looked at her, puzzled.

"I'm not even going to ask how you know that. But while we're on the subject: what else do you know about her?" he asked, paying attention.

"I know that she's a zebra, who lives in the dark, creepy Everfree Forest. She comes into town once a month, for stuff, but the shops are all closed. I keep thinking she has bad timing, but it's really because she's scary-looking." Pinkie kept bouncing in place as she described the zebra.

Fascinating he thought. "On a different note. Rarity? I swung by your boutique, but found you weren't there. I left my tattered clothing there for you to measure, since it's those dimensions that fit so well."

"Does it have to be the same color? Or is it up to me?" she replied in wonder.

"The higher-ups in the Royal Guard sport golden colored armor, so if you could, a deep yellow will do nicely. This is only for the outer shirt. The pants and undershirt I'd like to be the color they are now. And if you could, I'd like them all to be of very sturdy material, with equally strong stitching. I don't know much about weaving, so I'll leave that up to you." He finished and turned his attention to Pinkie, as Rarity started her reply.

"It's going to take at least a week, between making the materials, collecting the resources, designing the outfit, measuring, not to mention I have no 'human' model." She was met with a glance from Link. "But, all the same. It will get done. I ask only one thing in return: you help with the material acquisition. I have a fabric in mind, but there is a material that I believe will make the bonds unbreakable. Of course, I'll need Twilight's help with this as well." She finished and looked at Twilight, who nodded her head in approval. "In no more than two weeks, it shall be done."

"One more thing, Rarity. I told Sweetie Belle, so do me a favor, and test her memory on it. Sturdy material, strong stitches, golden color, same colored shirt and pants. That is all." He again turned to Pinkie. "I recall you telling everypony that it wasn't time yet. Were you referring to my encounter with Zecora?"

"I was, and it's good you picked up on it. Since my responses are limited, you must ask the right question." Pinkie started hopping back into SugarCube Corner, not waiting for his response.

"... Odd. Anywho, Rainbow Dash. There was a pegasus earlier today who mentioned an old friend and glanced at the sky. I take it she meant you?"

Rainbow flashed a grin. "She sure did! Along with Fluttershy, she's a pony I met at flight camp before I left. Now she adventures the world over. Emmy is one of my best friends!"

"Well, I was given a musical score from her." Link fished it from his pocket as Rarity started back for her boutique. "Twilight, I hope this will aid you in your research." He handed it to Twilight.

"Hmm... It will help, yes, but... You should know: even if there are only 6 notes, then you're looking at 34,375 different sequences of notes, not counting sharps or flats. Until I have something to go by, I'm walking blind." Twilight looked it over, then added, "With this one, we now have three different songs, each with varying effects if any at all. I could try to cross-reference them with each other, but that will be fruitless if you don't actually test them."

"I'm willing to do that, but I must practice with Fluttershy's before doing it with the other." He turned toward the library, the place he could call home. "Well, if you all will excuse me, I have a slice of pie with my name on it." With that, he departed, Fluttershy and Twilight in tow. Aj went back to the farm and finished up her chores alongside Applebloom. Dash went up to her cloud home to sleep the day away.


The chilled winds of the mountains forced Epona to take shelter in a small cave. Huddled in a corner, her own warmth to keep her company beneath a blanket, she caught the sound of something... musical. "Yesterday, and again today. What is that?" Still in her blanket, she ran outside the cave and perked her ears. After a moment, she looked away from the mountain face. "The wind carried a tune... from that way!" She looked southward, then took out her map. "Let's see... nothing there... Cloudsdale, Canterlot, Ponyville, Dodge Junction, then as far away as Los Pegasus and the desert."

Epona rolled up the map and looked at the peak of the mountain. Then again toward civilization. If destiny is making that music, then who am I to ignore it. but... I was so close. She again shook herself out of her thoughts. "No doubting it! The key to my Cutie Mark lies in one of those places. Most likely not Cloudsdale."

She went inside, gathered her stuff, and started her long journey down the mountain, with newfound vigor fueling her step.

Chapter 11: The Old Friends

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Link has been busy since Zecora's visit to Ponyville. He's been modeling for Rarity, a farm-hand for Applejack, and a spectator for Rainbow Dash. Busy as he's been, he's had little time to himself. Needless to say, there's never a dull moment. Rarity had finished her previous order with barely a day to spare, thanks to Spike's assistance at the time of the Ursa. With that completed and shipped, she could get started on Link's outfit. While she did that, she sent Link on the errand of collecting the material, which happened to be in Canterlot.

Together with Rainbow Dash and Navi of course, they set out for the material, which Rarity called "Dragon's Cloth". Finding it was the hardest part; it ended up being on sale in a strange store in the lesser area. He was told this is the only pony in Canterlot who makes this fabric, so the prices were steep. But with the sale in place, each bolt ended up being 30 bits, as opposed to the usual 50. This let them buy 5 bolts instead of the anticipated 3. She had covered the original cost, so it was fine, right? He'll make it up to her.

With Link, Navi, and Rainbow gone, Twilight had little to do. As requested, she decided to help Rarity with part of the outfit. It wasn't often a situation called for it, but two horns are better than one. Twilight braided three spools of gold colored thread into a single spool, larger, but worth it. Her manipulation and precision allowed for quick movements and tight braids. Now, after 3 braided spools were completed, the two decided to break while Spike served them juice.

Link returned the following day with the material in his space pouch. He arrived with his followers on the first train into Ponyville at 9 a.m. sharp. Spike was waiting there with Fluttershy. Immediately free from the low altitude restraints of the train car, Rainbow took to the skies, stretching her wings and doing several flips and spins. Then she zoomed to her home and holed up in her house for some unknown reason. The two remaining followed Fluttershy and Spike to the Boutique. Fluttershy described the lack of progress on the music, and Spike the positive progress on the outfit.

At the Boutique, Twilight helped to cut the Dragon's Cloth. Its natural hardness prevented scissors from cutting it, so she used a high frequency precision beam of magic to do the job. Twilight cut along the lines drawn up by Rarity, who had the measurements from Link's tattered garb, which lay in pieces on a table across the room. The next step was to use the braided thread to sew the pieces together. This process took a couple days. Link had to stand up straight so she could piece it together correctly, much to his dismay. Finally, the outfit reached its final step: the dying process. Dragon's Cloth is, by nature, a deep crimson.

Twilight found a spell that could dye cloth, but for it to work, the cloth must be white. Fluttershy was sent for Rainbow, who had the answer, having worked in the weather factory. There was a building with a bad reputation known for draining the color from objects to use as the colors of the rainbow. No, this facility won't be named. Their rep is bad enough. With the use of a particular formula, the cloth came out a pristine white. Perfect.

Upon Rainbow's return, Twilight dyed the outer shirt the gold he wanted, and the pants and undershirt the tan color the originals were. Since no outfit is complete without a hat, she dyed his the same gold as the shirt. At long last, the outfit was complete. Link stood before a full length mirror to get a better look. He could tell there was a weight difference, which Rarity explained as the cloth weighing more. Dragon's Cloth has a higher defensive quality than ordinary cloth, which he tested himself with a pair of scissors. True to its description, not a single thread was severed.

Satisfied, he paid her as she requested, and returned to the library, passing by several ponies who made quiet comments on his clothing. Fluttershy had her own agenda, so she took her leave, as Twilight, Spike and Navi accompanied him. Once there, he got to work practicing on the wooden instrument while Twilight wrote a letter to the princess. The topic: how a complex task can be simplified with the help of friends. By the end of the day, he could play the lullaby without pause. Later that night, he fell asleep, Starswirl's autobiography rising and falling with every breath of his chest.

The next few days were spent on the farm. Applebuck season officially started, and Link assisted as promised. Well, kind of. At first, he had to convince Applejack that doing it alone wasn't the best way to go about it, even though Big Mac "doubted" her. Their orchard is indeed too large for one pony to handle, and without some kind of help, the apples would rot on the branches.

Over the course of 3 days, Link earned 43 bits. Because he doesn't have the earth pony magic to tend to the trees properly, he had to rely on strong kicks to get it done. He ended up tying a net around the tree to catch the apples that fell. Since no magic was involved, the apples fell where they were, rather than where the bucker willed them. On the fourth day, Big Mac's side got better, and was able to assist in harvesting. This let Link have the day off.

Link spent this day helping Twilight and Fluttershy with their music study, playing for them the lullaby, Storm's Song, and the third one which he played when he got the Ocarina of Time. On the wooden one of course. He knew the notes by heart. He spent his entire day off practicing and half the day today.

Then he was told to switch to the blue one, against his former will. There, in the library, with Fluttershy and Twilight as his audience, he played the lullaby. The notes rang through the air, calmly. He knew the notes so well, he closed his eyes, as did his audience. Once he finished the first series, he stopped, having no desire to "repeat forever".

Twilight and Fluttershy had also closed their eyes, and swayed to the smooth melody. When he stopped, Fluttershy spoke. "That was so beautiful, it's no wonder the princess falls asleep to it."

"But is that all it does?" Link asked, looking at the instrument. "I'm almost disappointed. It does nothing noteworthy."

"What about 'Storm's Song'? That might do something." Twilight tried to encourage him, despite her previous ... hesitations.

"I'm not sold on the idea this thing does anything at all." He held it up in the light of the library. Navi flew up to it to look closer, leaving Twilight's mane in the process.

"No changes in its appearance either. But Link... I'm with Twilight on this one. If you do play 'Storm's Song', something could happen. Nothing is impossible."

Link merely sighed and pressed it to his lips once more. 'Storm's Song... Here goes nothing... After he finished playing, he looked around, seeing no visible changes to anything around him. "Nothing happened, see?"

"Wha-!" he heard a familiar voice say.

Link paused and again looked around the room, much slower than before. "I suppose you're right," Twilight started. "I don't know what I wa-"

"Shh," he interrupted.

"I didn't say anything. You said 'Nothing happened'." Link frowned at the poor imitation of his own voice. That almost sounded like human, but how?

"Is something wrong, Link?" Navi asked. Link only shook his head in silence.

Hmm... I think this melody connected me to Emerald Storm through telepathy. "Who a-"

"HUMAN!! It is you! How are you doing that?!"

Link reeled back at the sudden raise in volume, with no definite source. "Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked next.

"Who what? I'm lost..." Twilight added, lowering her head in slight confusion.

So... You can hear my thoughts, and apparently, I can hear yours, he thought, knowing she could hear him. Don't talk out loud, you'll draw attention to yourself. Think what you would say. "Worry not, Twilight. I'll explain in a minute."

"Is something happening?" she asked, already preparing some writing material. Link nodded his head in reply.

You mentioned a melody, Emerald continued. You played my song, and somehow you can talk to me with thoughts... Strange indeed. "Oh, nothing to worry about. I'm not crazy, I swear." I guess if you play it, you won't be alone anymore either. Just like me~

I played your tune on a special ocarina. A magic one, that you just helped to prove. Thank you. Now, one more thing.

What is it?

Link fell silent a moment. Can you still hear me? he thought, and was met with silence. "Well, that just happened."

"What just happened?" Twilight asked, poised and waiting.

"That melody let me communicate telepathically with the pony who gave it to me." He rose a hand to his chin and continued. "I don't know for sure where she is, but she could hear my thoughts and voice, and I could hear hers as well. Seems the ocarina is magical after all." Maybe Princess Luna had it right. The music played can reach so very far away.

"'Telepathically', you say?" Twilight asked. "Who is this pony?"

"Emerald Storm. Recall about a week ago when I borrowed Spike? I went to the Scroll Shop to write the princess. This pegasus was there already, and we made conversation."

"What did you tell her?"

"Which her? The pegasus, or the princess?"

"The princess."

"I told her of your request to bring it back for study, and of the tune I played on it. Princess Luna believes that the song did do something. She thought the tune had indefinite range, in regards to how far it travels. Guess she was right, but that's not the issue here.

"At the Scroll Shop, I talked with Emerald, and learned that she was on her way through Canterlot to the mountain range just beyond it. She stopped here to visit Rainbow Dash, and missed the Summer Sun Celebration. Next morning, she stops me at the mailbox and gives me the melody. And if it holds any importance, she said she whistles it when she feels alone."

"Must be why it was connected to her." Twilight sat in thought a moment.

Rainbow, as if on cue, came in through a window, having overheard the tail-end of the conversation. "Link, glad you're here. This came for you in the mail." She tossed him a scroll wrapped in green ribbon. He caught and opened it, reading to himself.


To Human:

I don't know the library's address, so I mailed it to Dashie's cloud home. Great news! I made it to Canterlot. No, it's not the first time here, but I haven't been here in a long time. Anyway, you grew up in Canterlot, right? Any place you like to eat? I'll be here for at least a week, so if you want, Rainbow knows where to mail it.

On another note, somepony came into Canterlot yesterday all worn out. I, of course, went to help. I got her some food, even let her into my room at the hotel. Most interesting this is, she's a blank flank! And she's a full grown mare! She's also stubborn, but kind about it. I had to convince her to let me help her.

Anywho... Hope your leg is fully healed. Don't tell Dashie, but I'm coming back in fall for Ponyville's annual Running of the Leaves event. Hope to see you there~



Hmm. It's been so long, I don't remember. We almost never ate out. She'll be there for a few more days, so she can help this mare. "What's the full story on this, 'Emmy'?" he asked, coiling the scroll.

Rainbow sat on the floor and glanced between everyone. "Do I have to tell you everything?"

"Only what you're comfortable with."

"That'll be easy. About 13 years ago, I went to Junior Speedsters Flight Camp. That much you know. This was my second year there. I had already made a friend in Fluttershy, and ... other attendees. Out of absolutely nowhere, here comes this green pegasus that challenges me to a race. As always, I accept. Ten seconds later, I leave her in the dust, picking rainbow bits out of her teeth. I got my cutie mark earlier that year, and she didn't have hers at the time. She never gave up though. Again and again, we raced. The end was always the same. Then, again, out of nowhere, she gets her cutie mark and says she needs to go out into the world. 'Explore new things' she said. I volunteered to go, but she turned me down."

"And last you saw of her was last week, correct?" Link asked.

"Yeah. Before that, was 2 and a half years ago. And she's been all around the world since she first left."

"Does the name 'Storm's Song' me-"

"What do you know about Storm's song?!" Rainbow glared and bolted in front of Link defensively.

Link backed up a step. "Easy there. Sorry if I struck a nerve, but she gave me this." He held up the score for the song. "Emmy gave it to me when Zecora came to town. You were there, don't you remember?"

Rainbow backed off. "Yes! ... Maybe." She had a seat once more.

Link smiled. "Emmy also said she whis-"

"Whistles it when she feels alone," Rainbow finished. "If you knew the whole story... Nah, nevermind. It's not mine to tell ya. A-anywho, I've got stuff to do. Catch you all later!" With that, she ducked out the window, and around a building, nearly bowling over a griffin. "Woah!" Rainbow swerved off to the side and skidded along the ground to a stop. I know that griffin. "Gilda?" Rainbow turned to see her.

"Watch where you're-" Gilda stopped and saw her would-be assailant. "Dash? It is you! Still livin' in this tiny town, I see."

"You bet! Hey guess what? You just missed Emmy by about a week. She's heading up through Canterlot to the mountains. And again, I decided to stay behind."

"You're not still worried about back then, are you?" Gilda asked.

"Of course not. Water under bridge. What's got you in this 'tiny town'? Certainly not the scenery."

Gilda looked off to the side. "I heard strange stuff's been happening here lately. Big bear, return of an evil being, some goofy-looking ... something walking around on two legs."

"Big bear, yes. Kicked its sorry butt. Evil being, kicked its sorry butt. Goofy-looking something on two legs... Not so much. That's actually a human. Some kind of creature from another dimension. He's raised by ponies, so he seems to be good. Don't know much else about him though."

"Sounds like a conspiracy to me. You sure he's allowed to walk around?" Gilda returned her gaze to Dash.

"Hah, funny. 5 years in the Royal guard has taught him how to hold his own, and he's proven himself a challenge against me. That counts for something."

"Cool. Anyway, I stopped by your house and you weren't there. Didn't expect to see you at a library of all places. Are you an egghead now?"

"I'd rather spoonfeed a dragon than read a bunch of books for fun, you know that. So, you stopping by just to see me?" Dash asked, trying to change the subject.

It worked, as Gilda replied. "Yeah, was coming back from vacation and decided to stop by. Got to get back home before Grandpa knows I'm gone. He's not too quick on the uptake."

"Don't let me keep ya then. I got to get back to work anyway. Later G." Dash flew up and got behind a cloud. Gilda flew off in another direction, not even aware that Dash was still hurting about her decision all those years ago. The cloud she landed on blackened in reflection to Dash's inner sorrow.


"Not hers to say... Fluttershy, do you know anything about it?"

"Unfortunately no... I didn't spend as much time around Emerald as Dash did, so maybe it's a personal thing?" Fluttershy replied.

"That seems likely," Navi included. "We cannot ignore the fact that this song connected you to her for some reason."

Twilight got up and started pacing back and forth. "The lullaby is connected to the princess of the day, though not in the same... fashion. I can only wonder what would happen if you were to play it before her? And the third: you are absolute certain you made it up yourself?"

"Yes. Remember I have no previous knowledge," he replied.

"Then I may have figured something out. You said Princess Luna believes some songs travel indefinitely. This was proven when you 'talked' with Emerald Storm. That isn't the case with the first one, as Princess Celestia hasn't sent a letter asking about music she heard. So, if we apply that to the third one, the one you created, then you made contact with a pony, from who knows where, that is in some way connected to you. Not telepathically, but spiritually, or maybe even magically.

"Do me a favor," Twilight stopped and looked at him. "Play the third song, on the Ocarina of Time once more."

For a moment, Link hesitated. She's not given reason to doubt. It does seem logical. Again, he pressed it to his lips and played. Then sat there, waiting and glancing around.

Twilight waited and listened as well. "If I'm right, this melody has infinite range, but it can only be heard by the one that's connected to you outside of your immediate area, and to those in your immediate area."

"And how long do you think it'll take for them to get here? Days? Weeks?" Navi asked.

"Could take years. They could be as far away as the other side of the world." Twilight sat down once more. "Think about it: if you heard a song in your head, nopony around playing it, nopony else hearing it, wouldn't you want to know where it comes from? Though they could only hear it when you play it, so you know what I say? I say play it every day until somepony comes into town looking for a musician."

"Is that really best? I could be creating storms all around the world, or summoning demons from the fiery pits of Tartarus for all I know."

"If the former were true, Ponyville would be no more, along with several well-known places. That's provided yours and Princess Celestia's versions are different. Hers created one in her vicinity. The same counts for the latter. With all of this information, I should be looking for its rules and laws. Every magical item has them, this one is no different."

Link sat in silence. Fluttershy started heading for the door. "It's been great, but ... Rainbow has been trying to reserve my time. Since I spend so much with you two now, I haven't had any for her."

"By all means," Twilight replied, "take as much time as you need. I feel I won't be needing much help from you anymore."

Link's jaw hung open. "oh... ok then. later..." Saddened, on the inside, Fluttershy left the library.

"You seriously just did that," Navi said, shocked. "That wasn't very nice."

Twilight thought nothing of it. Sure Fluttershy was her friend, but she's still new to it. It'll take time.


Pinkie sat in her room above Sugar Cube Corner cleaning the gears of her party cannon. "The entire chapter, and I'm stuck at the end of it. Just you wait, Link. 12 in-story days from now, I. Will. Leave. You. Speechless." She smiled a wide smile, one that belongs on a crazy ... an eccentric pony. Gummy, her pet alligator, merely blinked his eyes as he sat atop one of the gears. "You said it, Gummy."

Chapter 12: The Blank Flank

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Elsewhere, in the unforgiving mountains northeast of Canterlot, a mare shook her head out of some illusion she thought she had. Bundled up as she was, her goal was to reach the top. This mare had lived alone her entire life, not knowing what she was meant to do, unaware of what her place in this world was. With a turn of her head, she perked her ears. "Did you hear that?" she asked herself. Again shaking her head, she replied, "It's just the icy winds, Epona. There's not another pony around you for miles..."

It had taken her a few days to reach the point in her climb where she was, and she had a few more to go. Her banner was tucked away nicely in the saddlebags she made for herself, along with several other items. Epona planned to plant her banner at the mountain peak, and hoped to be the first. An incalculable amount of time had passed since Epona vowed to get her cutie mark. Sometime last week, she was convinced that climbing mountains was her special talent. She tried most of the other things in her village to no avail. That very same day, and a couple of the next ones was spent planning, and preparing the stuff she thought she'd need. Epona gave her farewells to the townsfolk, none of which were blood-relatives, and departed for the base of the giant mountain. Off she set, spending nearly a day getting there, and another 3 to get as far as she did.

Granola and salad was on the menu for lunch, and she ate in relative silence. She looked toward the sky and noticed the sun starting to dim. Must find shelter tonight she thought as she looked around her. Above, she found a cave. Upon further inspection, she saw the floor covered with different sized rocks, and a few dried up branches. It wasn't very big, nor very deep, but big enough to house Epona for the passing night. Quickly, she set out her blanket and used her bags as pillows. She then gathered enough rocks to form a circle and enough branches to feed a fire. From her pack, she pulled a set of flint and steel, and lit the branches with some prepared tinder. After a few minutes, she fell into a peaceful slumber.


"Wh-where am I?" Epona looked at her surroundings. She saw several barren trees, nothing but stone and dead grass everywhere. In the far off distance, she noticed a cabin. Immediately, she knocked on the door, and was let inside.

Another look around, and she saw several obscure paintings, some sketches, and a few paint brushes. "Now where am I?"

"This place," a voice responded from atop a flight of stairs, "is your imagination. Every thought you've had, every dream you've conjured." Epona looked to see a pony, much like herself in every way. "Every idea that came waltzing through your head has been cataloged and archived, here. Out of desperation, this place was built. It has been your anchor, your drive, your reason for being who you are."

"And who a-" Epona was interrupted as a familiar picture floated in front of her. The other pony appeared in front of her, revealing the exact likeness of herself.

"You are looking for something, where it will never be. You know who you are, but you do not know what your place is. I can help." A needle dropped onto a record as the tune from the day prior floated through the air on an endless loop. "I could not recreate this onto canvas, nor could I mix this color from any paint in my possession. This melody is important. Find its source, and you will find what it is you truly seek."

"What if-"


Epona bolted upright and instantly saw a lack of fire in the rocks from last night. She decided to bundle herself up in her blanket and use her own body heat for warmth. Then, a familiar sound wafted through the air. A sound... almost like music. "Yesterday, and again today. What is that?" Still in her blanket, she ran outside the cave and perked her ears. After a moment, she looked away from the mountain face. "The wind carried a tune... from that way!" She looked southward, then took out her map. "Let's see... nothing there... Cloudsdale, Canterlot, Ponyville, Dodge Junction, then as far away as Los Pegasus and the desert."

Epona rolled up the map and looked at the peak of the mountain. Then again toward civilization. If destiny is making that music, then who am I to ignore it. but... I was so close. She again shook herself out of her thoughts. "No doubting it! The key to my Cutie Mark lies in one of those places. Most likely not Cloudsdale."

She went inside, gathered her stuff, and started her long journey down the mountain, with newfound vigor fueling her step.

Epona reached the foot of the mountain in less time than climbing, seeking shelter where she had before. Her hooves touched her starting point at the end of the second day, and reached her village by noon the next.

"Hey, everypony... I'm back..." she groaned, and was met by a young colt hugging her foreleg.

"Hey there! Didja do it?" he asked eagerly, looking up at her.

"Sadly, no..." Epona messed up his mane, and returned the hug with her free foreleg. "But don't you worry none, squirt. Aunt Epona's heading off on a new adventure real soon." She retrieved her map and laid it out on the ground. "See these places here?" She pointed to the map's various places. "Canterlot's closest, so I'm going there first. Then, I'm going further down to a little place called, 'Ponyville'. If I need to, I'll go further still, until I reach a really small place called Dodge Junction. I just hope I don't have to go to the desert."

"Epona, glad you're back. Sorry, I overheard your... complications. If there's anything you need, you know you can ask me, right?" a mare asked her. She is the boy's mother, and was calling him in for lunch.

"Thanks, but it's not exactly a hike in the mountains. I should be fine with what I have. I'll need to restock, of course, but..." Epona sighed a little. "I just wish there was an easy way to do this."

"Now, come on. I'm sure you don't think you'll remain talentless forever. Everypony has their time. Yours just ... hasn't come yet. Keep your head up." The young colt returned to his mother's side and followed her home.

Again, she sighed, and returned to her own, fending off offers for help along the way. Once indoors, she set her bags on the floor, and fixed herself something to eat. At the same time, she made sure to pack some extra food for her trip to the capitol city of Canterlot. Once prepared, which took much less time than before, she marked her map and slept until the following morning.

Relaxed and well-rested, she stopped at the edge of town. Several ponies, including the colt from yesterday, came to see her off. The chief of the town held a bag of bits under his wing. "This is for your trip. Use them wisely."

"I couldn't possibly take that, that's the town's money," she protested.

"No it's not. Each of us pitched in what we could. We care about your well-being, and want you to come back safely. We all pitched in."

Yet another sigh, this one of protest, but all the same, she accepted it, and made room in her already full saddlebags. "Well, thanks then. I'll be sure to return what I don't use."

A few laughs came from the older ponies. She felt another tug at her leg. "Auntie... Come home, so you can tell me all about it."

Then his mother joined in an actual hug. "It'll make a great bedtime story." She waved a hoof at the rest of the town, who embraced Epona in a group hug.

"Ok, guys... I have to go now... I will come back, I promise. I don't know when, but ... I will." Free from the town's restricting bind, she took a few steps.

"Don't be afraid to ask for help, it may just save your life," the chief called out.

"I'd sooner collapse," she replied to herself, not turning back.

Unfortunately for her, that's exactly what happened a few days later. Tuesday to be exact. The heat from days in the sun, the rumble in her stomach, and the exhaustion from sleep deprivation finally hit her all at once as she fell to the ground just outside Canterlot's gates.

Epona awoke the following morning in a hotel bed. Nothing fancy, but just enough to feel like it was out of her price range. She noticed a green pegasus sitting at a table, quill at work on a scroll with another scroll at her side already rolled and sealed with a ribbon. "Uhh..."

The pony gasped in shock, and silently thanked Celestia for not letting her quill streak across the scroll. She turned toward Epona and smiled. "You scared me a little. Good to see you're still alive. It wasn't easy carrying you here, you know."

"Tch." Quickly, she strapped her bags on and headed for the door. "Thanks for bringing me to safety, but I've stayed too long already."

"H-Hey!" Emerald flew, er, appeared, in front of the door, causing Epona to back up a bit. "I'm sorry if I offended you somehow, it's just... I'm not used to carrying other ponies, is all. Stranger have a name?"

"... My name is Epona. You are?" She looked at the green pegasus before her, then at her cutie mark.

"I'm Emerald Storm. You can call me Emmy. All my friends do."

"Thank you, Emerald. Now please move."

"Uhm... I was actually hoping to treat you to some food before you left." Emmy touched down and gave another smile, weaker than the one before.

"No. I'm not-" Betrayed by her stomach's gurgling, she hung her head. "not hungry..." she finished.

"Well, if 'not hungry' changes her mind, the room service is free."

Epona raised her head to meet Emerald's gaze. "I told you, I'm not staying here."

Emmy frowned. "If you leave now, you'll only faint from hunger. Again. I ... searched your bags. I found no food at all."

"YOU SEARCHED MY BAGS!?" Epona yelled, causing Emerald to back against the door. As quickly as she could, Epona removed her bags and emptied their contents onto the carpeted floor.

A blanket, a pillow, a single book of matches, a few cool looking rocks and a pair of binoculars fell from one, and several bundles of sticks, a bag of tinder, a piece each of flint and steel, some twine, a set of hooks, a sewing kit, a few colored patches of fabric, an orange vest to match her coat and a framed picture fell from the other.

"Good, it's still there." Epona shot a glare at Emerald. "You are beyond lucky my picture is still here."

"I made sure to put it back. I'm sorry, I really am. Can I ask who they are?"

Epona hesitated, and eased her gaze. She held the frame close. "These two are my mom and dad. Lightning Shiver and Snow Front. This is the last picture I took of them before they left."

"Where'd they go? If you don't mind my asking."

Again, she hesitated. "They ... went to live somewhere else. Or rather, they 'reside' somewhere else. Originally, they left the little town I grew up in to venture the country. I didn't get many letters, I didn't get checked up on, I didn't even know where they were. The last one I got was a few months ago. It was an apology, and that my parents now reside in the desert far to the south. Ultimately, that's my destination, but ... I kinda want to get my cutie mark by then. Otherwise, I won't be able to face them. Old as I am, it's a bit embarrassing to have a blank flank." Epona faked a smile, and held back a tear.

"That why you came here? Your cutie mark search?"

"Something like that, yeah." Epona returned the picture to her bag, and reorganized the supplies. "Hey, where's my map?"

"Uhh... I borrowed it. I saw the circles you placed on it. I swear I was gonna give it back to you, but you noticed too soon."

"It's fine... I just... wish you would have asked." Epona began putting her stuff away.

"I'm sorry... I said that already, right?" Emmy smiled once more, as if testing the waters.

"You did. A few times. I'm just-" Once more, her stomach growled. "just... hungry." It felt bad to be asking for help, but it's what she had to do. She lowered her head, as if she were a defeated mare.

"Room service may be free, but let's go out to eat instead. My treat."

"... fine."


Epona and Emerald ventured out into the city, and found a nice little restaurant. They ate while Emmy finished her letter, and wrapped it in a green ribbon like the other one, which was in her bag. Afterward, Epona talked of her little town, of the little colt she cared for sometimes, and the chief that offered her the money. An hour passed, and Epona noticed Emerald leaning on the table, paying attention to every little detail. The two agreed to split the bill as they left. Outside, Emmy took this opportunity to mail the scrolls via snail mail, after double-checking her friend's name was on it, as well as her address.

The following few days were spent touring the city, eating out, and sharing idle conversation. Emmy and Epona had made plans that friday to go to a public swimming pool. With the exception of a couple towels, they left their stuff in the room. Despite not liking the water very much, Emmy sacrificed her own dislike, and joined after some convincing. Another hour passed, and she finally started getting into the swing of things just as they were invited to play waterball. It was a short game; Emmy and Epona dominated the opposing team.

"I don't meet many ponies that can spring out of the water as high as you did," Emmy said, laying on her blanket. "Your legs must be crazy developed."

"I'm nothing special," she replied, glancing down. "Kinda bites you couldn't use your wings."

"Eh... A pegasus's wings aren't meant for water. I'm no aqua pony. The sky's my domain." Emmy's ear twitched to shoo away a fly, causing Epona to laugh a little. "Hey, you laughed just now."

Aware, Epona looked down and away. "S-so what if I did?"

"I finally got you to laugh. It's been 3 days now and I finally hear you laugh."

"Nothing happened, see?" Emmy heard a voice say.

"Wha-!" she replied.

"Huh?" Epona asked. "What, what?"

"Shh," the voice interrupted.

"I didn't say anything. You said, 'Nothing happened'." Emmy tried to imitate the voice she heard.

"I didn't say anything either."

That almost sounded like human, but how? Emmy thought.

"Wanna clue me in on what's going on? You're starting to get weird looks." Epona looked around and caught a few glances.

Hmm... I think this melody connected me to Emerald Storm throught telepathy. "Who a-"

"HUMAN! It is you! How are you doing that?!" Emmy cried out, ignorant of the stares she was getting.

"Ok, now you're scaring me. Who are you talking to?"

So... You can hear my thoughts, and apparently, I can hear yours. Don't talk out loud, you'll draw attention to yourself. Think what you would say. "Worry not, Twilight. I'll explain in a minute."

You mentioned a melody, Emmy began.

"Emerald, talk to me. What. Is. Happening."

You played my song, and somehow you can talk to me with thoughts... Strange indeed. She paused to talk to Epona."Oh, nothing to worry about. I'm not crazy, I swear." I guess if you play it, you won't be alone anymore either. Just like me~

I played your tune on a special ocarina. A magic one, that you just helped to prove. Thank you. Now, one more thing. human responded quickly.

What is it? she asked. Emerald was silent for a moment, hoping to get his reply. Hello? You there? "Hmm. Odd."

Epona sat with her forelegs folded. "You are going to tell me." She removed her frown and brightened a little. "Eh... Ponies have secrets, Celestia knows I have a few."

"Yeah, sorry about... that." Emerald looked around and noticed the other ponies returned to their activities. "And this place just got crowded. Wanna go back?"

"Sure." Together, they returned to the hotel room with their newly soaked towels in 20 minutes time.

"I'll order us some room service if you wanted to shower first," Emmy offered.

"And I'll take you up on it. Chlorine is a mane killer. I'll try to make it quick." Epona went into the shower, turned on the hot water and stepped in. Instantly, she melted, and lay down, letting the water crash over her form.

Not 5 minutes later, she emerged poorly dried and a towel over her mane. Epona ran to the window, her head fixed in looking in one direction. "Which way is north?"

"That didn't ta-"

Epona turned to face Emmy and repeated louder, "Which way is north?!"

"That way." Emmy pointed at the wall where the headboards were.

"Good," she replied, quickly retrieving her map. Where is it now... She retrieved a pencil from the drawer beside her bed and began drawing a cone with Canterlot at its vertex. Its lines extended south-southwest from there, covering several places, including those mentioned before. It was louder this time, means I'm getting closer. That's great.

"Your turn. What's going on? What got you so wild?"

"I..." Epona hesitated, and shook herself off, flinging the towel into Emmy's face. Fearing disbelief, she changed her tone to one more calm. "I'm just, uh, narrowing down the places I need to go."

"Is that it?" Emmy replied, removing the towel. "Nothing else?" She looked down at the map and saw the cone she drew. "Looks a bit... directional if you ask me."

"Well, I didn't, so..." Epona sighed. "Look, I'm sorry, but I can't stay here. I can't tell you why. It's not your fault, it's me."

"You make it sound like we're dating," Emmy mentioned. She let a few moments pass in silence before adding, "because we're totally not."

Epona sighed once more, this time in relief. "Good. I'd hate to be stuck on the ground dating a pegasus."

Emmy's smile quickly turned upside down, and her eyebrows narrowed. "Well, excuuuuuuuse me, princess! I wasn't aware the idea was so terrible!"

"Easy there, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that it'd be unfair traveling. You can fly, I can't. And don't call me 'princess'. It doesn't suit me." Epona wore a sad frown while she looked at the pegasus before her, who wore one of slight anger.

"Room service~" a pony called from the door.

"I'll get it," Emmy said first, leaving her guest and opening the door.

In came a suited mare pulling a cart of various foods. "Enjoying your stay, Ms. Storm?"

"I am. And I'll be checking out tomorrow. Urgent business, and all."

"I completely understand. If I don't see you on your way out, I wish you happy trails." The mare placed the trays atop the coffee table.

"Thanks. Epona here is also on a quest. To find her cutie mark. Cross-nation journey."

"That's personal." That's also not entirely true...

"Well then, happy trails wished to you as well."

Epona smiled, nodded, and coiled her map. "I'll be heading out tomorrow too. Any later, and I'll start getting restless."

"Ha, I believe that. You adventurous types can never be held down for very long. Well, I must return to work. Later~" She exited the room.

"One plate is yours, I don't care which. I'm going to shower, preen, eat then sleep. And if you're gone before I wake up, then I'm sorry we ended on a bad note." Emmy sauntered off to the shower and repeated Epona's routine.

Epona ate her meal, and laid herself down in her bed. Later that night, Emmy also lay down in her own bed. "Hey... psst. Epona. You still awake?"

"... yeah."

"It wouldn't be so bad... I don't think... Dating, I mean."

Epona rolled over and clicked on the lamp. "Why would you bring that up now?"

"I got thinking, and compromises can be made on my part. It's happened before... No reason it can't happen now."

It's a good thing Emmy wasn't looking. Epona's cheeks flushed a few shades darker than her orange coat. "I-I... It's not the best time for that right now." She clicked the light off, and turned once more, failing to fall asleep.

Emmy also lay there, awake in the silence and darkness of the hotel room. She fell asleep after a few hours.

True enough, when Emerald woke the next morning, Epona had cleared out her stuff, and was nowhere to be seen. No note of goodbye, nor chocolate on the pillow. Not a single trace of her even being there.

Don't worry about it too much. She went into the bathroom and began taking a mane brush to the rats nest that became of her mane. On close inspection, she saw the fur on her cheek all messed up. Throwing common sense out the window, she blushed a little on the possibility that Epona gave her a goodbye kiss.


With her bags on, Epona stood outside the gates to Canterlot and gazed down the mountain at the scene before her. "Ponyville's the closest from here. The sound got louder, but it's still faint." She glanced back at the city. I won't miss this place.

Epona, on her own once more, started her journey down the mountain trail toward the little town of Ponyville.

Chapter 13: The Olden Library

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Link once more stood before a set of large stone doors. This time, it had a giant diagram of the Triforce. Not this again... he thought. To his sides were Fluttershy and Twilight, just as it was before, with the keys in their mouth. This time, it was the keys he saw on the keychain in the Sun room of the old castle. "Be ready, anything can happen now." With his equipment set, the two inserted their keys and turned them.

As before, the doors shook, then split down the middle, revealing a shining light. What now? As the doors opened to their fullest, the light dimmed to a more tolerable brightness, revealing a cavernous room. Cautiously, Link stepped inside, the two at his side following closely.

"Nothing happened, see?" Emerald said beside him. He didn't notice that Emerald flew where Fluttershy had been. "And you didn't believe me."

The room inside was larger than he thought it'd be. Both the floor and the columns were made of marble. At least, that's what it looked like. And the walls made of a similar stone to that of the doors that just shut behind him. Link turned in surprise, then looked and turned forward once more, weapon at the ready.

There, stuck in a stone pedestal, atop several layers of raised marble flooring, was a shining sword. He approached it and grasped its handle.

"Wait," an unknown voice called out to him. "You know not what you do, boy." Link released the handle, and saw its light dim further, allowing him to see the Triforce etched into the blade near the dark blue guard.

"Enlighten me then." Link again looked around to find the source of the voice, but found nothing.

"Not here, not now, and certainly not like this."


The world faded to black as Link sat upright in his bed. At least it ended better this time... He got to his feet and noticed Navi asleep in his hat. I wonder what she dreams about. No sooner had he thought that question did Navi wake up herself.

She yawned and looked up at him. "Oh, good morning, Link. What are our plans for today?" she asked, also sitting upright. Navi stretched her wings and arms before standing up.

"We'll see what Twilight's up to first," Link replied, pointing to her empty bed. "She might have planned our day out for us already. Wouldn't surprise me any."

Link gathered his golden clothing and took a shower, saving his hat in the pouch at his side. Ten minutes later he emerged, got dressed and headed downstairs to the smell of orange juice and ... pancakes?

Twilight had gotten up early and tried her hoof at making pancakes for Link, with Spike's helping claw of course, since she's been working with him so much on the ocarina. In moments, she heard him come down the stairs. "Morning, Link. You're right on time. I just finished making some breakfast for us."

Link sat and took a sniff. "Hmm. Smells good." He took a drink of orange juice.

Navi sat atop his hatless head, no worries about the dampness in his hair. "Morning Twilight. Got any plans for us today?"

"Actually, since I've been keeping you busy with the studying and practice, I thought I'd let you have the day to yourself. 'At ease' as it would be." Twilight sat opposite him with Spike beside her eating a gem of some kind. "I'll be busy today, though. Need to look up some information regarding magical items and the rules that govern them."

"As good a place as any to start, I guess," Link said, taking a bite of his meal. It's not Applejack's recipe, that's for sure. Or if it is, it's not a good replication. With no expression alteration, he ate in silence.

Twilight decided to break it first. "Also, I stayed up a bit later last night. I wanted to go over the notes I made already regarding the songs and their effects. Though only one produced something."

"That's correct."

"And I'm sure we established it's the instrument that is magic, not the notes or songs."

"We did..."

"... So... I thought that since that's the case, and the effects are various and plentiful, and the range is indefinite, then there could be a spell woven into its structure, or series of them."

"That is..." Link swallowed and took another drink. "uh, excuse me. Entirely possible." He saw Spike finish off the gem. "Hey, can you send this letter for me?" He held up a scroll he got from his pouch. "Goes to the princess."

It was a simple scroll tied with a red ribbon. "Sure, not a problem." Spike took it from Link, then proceeded to burn it with firebreath, sending it out the window up to the castle. "On its way."


"What did you write about?" Twilight asked, finishing one of her few pancakes.

Link looked at Twilight and smiled a little. "It's not a friendship report, I'm asking for permission. I want to go to the old castle."

"What for..." Twilight asked, narrowing her eyes.

I expected this. "The door to the Sword of Masters is sealed by music, right? The princesses' sorcerer friend was able to do research on it, and that means they got in somehow. If I were to guess, I'd say that melody is etched somewhere in the castle."

"Right, I suppose..." Twilight responded sadly, like she didn't figure that out for herself. Then she brightened a little. "Care for some company?"

"No thanks. I'll need you here, studying, in the event I come back with nothing. But of course Navi is coming with."

"Naturally," Navi agreed. "I just hope we don't get lost getting there. After all, there isn't exactly a path."

"Heh." Link caught the scroll that came from Spike's breath. "And with that, and the rest of this..." He finished his breakfast, "I'm off."

"You don't even know if she gave you permission. Where you going anyway?"

"..." didn't see that one coming... "I had planned on getting groceries anyway, so I was going to read it on the way." Link stood and pocketed the scroll quickly, so she couldn't take it from him. "I'll be back later. If it gets too late and I'm not back, don't wait for me to eat dinner." He made his way to the door and exited the library.

What are you hiding from me... Twilight finished hers and, after getting Spike to do dishes, she started peeling book after book off the shelves.


To My Loyal Knight Link,

I will have forwarded a letter to Ruby informing her of your impending arrival by the time you read this. In regards to your request, you are authorized access to the library on the second floor. The one on the third floor is still off limits. There's no reason to be up there. As such, Ruby has not been in there either. In addition, any book you find must not be removed from the library. Non-negotiable.

It is interesting, Twilight's theory surrounding the object's magical properties. I personally look forward to her report. I would also like one from you on the matter, lest there be something she failed to include, as well as whatever you can glean from the texts you find.

In regards to the song you played, dubbed 'Celestia's Lullaby', I heard nothing. The same for my sister. Perhaps that one was not meant to extend over a wide radius? In any case, take great care who you play it for. My messengers have used it over the years to prove their connection to me. You're free to use it the same way, but as I said, be wary.

And to your last question, Twilight is indeed still your commanding officer.

-Princess Celestia

P.S. My dear sister apologizes for not aiding you in your sleep. Attuning to a non-equine mind is 'not as easy as I had originally imagined', as she put it. I'll give her another week. She's been trying since a couple weeks ago, but no such luck.


Link and Navi had walked outside the library and made his way into town before reading. There's a library on the third floor, too? And I can't go there anyway. But, good news, is we have permission to go, and better yet is Ruby won't try to kill me. "Good, we're a go."

"Great. Food first. And no sooner spoken, here comes Aj with a cart of apples." She pointed to the orange earth pony.

"What timing." He walked over to her as she just finished setting up a stand with Big Mac, her big brother. "Hey Applejack. Market day already?"

"Yeah, Ah got another cart after this. Applebloom and Granny Smith're still tallyin' it up an' keepin' record. What can Ah do ya for?"

"5 apples. And a quick question. Twilight made me pancakes this morning. Did you have anything to do with that?"

"Heh, she made 'em, huh? How'd they turn out?" she asked with a grin.

"Not like yours. She may have gotten some of the directions confused."

"Twilight? Confused on written instruction? That don't seem right to me. Anywho, where ya off to this time?"

"The castle of old. I got permission from the princess. There might be a way to open the door, inside the castle itself."

"Sounds like a good plan. Ah'd go with ya, if Ah could. but Ah got this stand to watch over." Aj motioned to the apple stand that Big Mac had stationed himself behind.

"That's fine. Twilight wanted to go too, but she's needed at the library. In case I don't find anything, I don't want her time to be wasted."

Navi peered over his head to see her. "And besides, we're in need of food, that's why we're here."

"Oh right, yer apples." Aj set out 5 apples for him. "Ripe an' fresh for ya. Tell ya what: ya come back by dinner time, an' Ah'll have some dinner cooked up for ya."

"What a coincidence." Link laughed a little. "I told Twilight not to wait up for me. But, if you're willing to cook a meal with her, then I'll definitely be back."

"Ah can do that. Hey Big Mac? Can ya tell Granny Smith Ah'll be home late tonight?"

"Eeyup," he replied.

"Great," she added. "Ah'll come by around 5 or so. Will ya be back by then, ya think?" Applejack turned toward him once more.

"Should be," Link responded, shrugging his shoulders. "Nothing promised. Let's see... what time is it now..." He saw the clock tower, short as it is. "It's only 11:40. Yeah, 5 sounds right." He fished in his pouch for 10 bits, but was stopped by Aj.

"None o' that. Wouldn't be fair you givin' back the money you earned. On the house."

"Ok then... Thanks." He pocketed the apples and turned. "See you later then. Oh, and if I may request, see if you can do something with the spears in the fridge. Asparagus isn't that great by itself."

"Ah'll see what Ah can do."

Link bowed toward her and made his way to the forest castle. Since the route was more familiar, it took a bit less time. However, unlike last time, the pony from before was standing at the end by the entrance to the castle.

As soon as the two got close enough to hear, Ruby greeted with a low bow. "Welcome, honored guest. Please forgive my previous harshness." She raised her head, and was still shorter than he. Looking higher, she saw Navi on his shoulder. "Ah, honored guests. I did not notice you up there before."

Stunned by the change in attitude since last time they met, he bowed in return. "You changed too radically. What happened?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"The princess tasked me with heightened hospitality. This is what that means. You'll also find the castle void of wolves. I sent them away for the day." Ruby turned to the castle and started walking. "This way, please."

Link followed in silence this time. Navi did not. "So, Ruby. How long have you lived here?"

"Hmm... About a year now, I guess. Before that, I was all over the place. Little towns, sometimes a tent. But none for this amount of time. Why you wanna know?"

"It's just... You seem so ... how do I put it... at peace here. Like, you made it your own."

Ruby turned to the door on the right beyond the staircase leading up, and instead went through to the other side to another hallway on the left. "To be fair, I had a run-in with the Princess herself. She then offered me a place to stay while I get my ... get my life together. Needless to say, that hasn't happened yet."

"If I may, I have a question." Link interrupted their conversation and continued. "How, or where, rather, did you learn to cast fire without a horn?"

"A fine question indeed, but... I don't think I should tell you. You may not believe me. And besides, we're here." She walked into a room with several rows of wooden shelves covered in reading material, some of which had new backing, while most were the tattered old covers he expected.

New reading material, huh. Guess the books here are from Canterlot Castle's library. She's borrowing them with the princess' permission, and getting them with the scrolls most likely. "Ok, so about your fire. Is that how you send letters to the princess?"

"How'd you know about that?!" she replied, whipping her head around and almost glaring at him.

"Your letter was thanking the princess for new reading material, but you don't have any mailing method. So, I concluded that you use your special flames to send letters to the princess for new reading material. Most likely borrowing them, and I see some that you kept and were given."

"Nice try, but those ones with newer covers are ones I'm restoring myself. As is my requirement for staying here." I've already said too much. "Just, do what you came to do so you can leave."

With a light chuckle, he looked through the shelves. "Tell me, was it the princess' request that you be nice?"

"I'd do nothing to get in her bad graces, and if that means putting up with you, then I'll do it. After all, she holds you in high regard, so it's like she's coming here herself. On top of that, it also means that bothering you is against her will, so if you'll excuse me..."

"I don't," Link said. "You leaving will not be needed, as I don't exactly know where to start. See, I'm looking for a song, related to the ocarina that was in your possession. Maybe some history about it, or maybe the song I need?"

"If that's what you want, then I know a good place to start." She led him a few aisles down and halfway down the aisle on the left. "Right here."

Link retrieved a leather-bound book, didn't look too tattered, and read the title. "A Journey Across Space. No author?"

"Doesn't need one. It tells of an old legend, of a sword, some bad guys' destruction of the world, and a little about an ocarina. Not that they're the same one, but I admit, there are striking similarities. I'm no musician, so I left it alone."

Link flipped through the pages, stopped at a few illustrations, skipped over pointless parts and finally stopped at an image of the blue ocarina. "This one..." He read on to himself, but got nothing he didn't figure out himself. He then flipped back a few chapters to talk of a sword. It had no image, but only a few sentences. Hmm... Master Sword, evil's bane, sealing blade, nothing new. oh? ... 'Sealed behind a stone door, released by a song, with the presence of three gems from various tribes.' Hmm... It doesn't say what they are... "I want to stay here for a few days, read and understand this book."

"I can not allow that. I mean, yes, you can read it, but not stay here to do it. Can you take it with you?"

"Unfortunately no. I would, if Princess Celestia hadn't told me no." Link looked around once more. "There is one more thing, before I take my leave."

"What is it..."

"There is a door beneath the first floor. It leads to a room, within which is the reason I'm here." He returned the book to the shelf. "I seek to open it."

"That door? I know the one, only because I was told not to go down there. At least, until today. I just got the ok to go down there with you, but not to see inside."

"That's fine. I have similar orders not to let you see inside. As such, I'm going to ask you to stay up here."

"No chance. I'm going to see the door at least. Just, don't open it, and all will be fine."

"Link said no, and he's not one to take any chances."

"Now, Navi. That's not entirely true," he said, looking up at her. "If she sees inside, then I have no choice but to-"

"You dummy! You just have to not open it!" she shouted, stomping his head.

"Hey, ease up, huh? I get that I'm not letting her look, so I won't open it. Shall we go then?"

The two got to the main room as Link broke the silence. "Oh, before I forget..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the blue ocarina. "When I came here before, I took the blue ocarina from the chest. Hope you don't mind."

Ruby turned around and saw him smirk with it in hand. "H-hey! Give it back!" She reached for it, but he got out of the way in time. "You took my keys and stole it from the chest. I demand you give it back!" Ruby stomped her hoof as a light blaze aided her impact, scorching the tile around her hoof.

"You demand, huh. Well, what if I were to tell you that it was Princess Celestia herself who sent me over to retrieve it?"

Ruby hesitated, before slowly responding. "Then, I guess I wouldn't have a choice but to let you keep it..." She continued down the steps to the lower floor. "Have you played on it yet?"

"Huh?" he asked.

"Have you played on it yet?" she repeated.

"Yes, first thing I did when I got it. Nothing happened. How about you?"

"Only once. But... nothing as well." Ruby shook her head. Then turned to look at him. "Also, thought you should know, you left your juice here last time."

"I what? ... Oh, I did, huh. I completely forgot about that. But really though, you have to stay up here."

She turned away toward the stairs as the two walked down. "I already said I won't look. And you agreed not to open it anyway, so don't give me that garbage. Besides, I bet you don't even know how."

Link sighed and followed. "You're right, I don't. That's the other reason why I'm here. But at the same time, neither do you."

The two found themselves walking on a red carpet that led to a stony pedestal. On which, were three slots for something that the keys he received couldn't fit. In front of him was a raised stone platform with the sun emblazoned on it, and the Triforce as well. On the wall behind the pedestal was another Triforce, in all three parts. Upon closer inspection to the pedestal, he noticed a string of 17 notes etched into its black surface.

Link retrieved a scroll and pencil and quickly transcribed the notes in perfect relation. "That will be all I need. Expect my return in a couple days to a week at most." He coiled up the scroll and deposited both it and the ocarina into his pocket. With a turn, he started up the stairs.

"So, you're really not going to open it?"

"We already agreed not to." Link continued his ascent while Ruby followed, pushing her want.

"I know, but really, who's gonna know besides us?"

"No one, but that's not the point. Orders are orders, and mine keep you out. And if you have a problem with that..." Link got down in a run position. "Then take it up with the princess!" He bolted up the stairs and got to the top just as Ruby called out after him.

"Hey, wait!" she cried, chasing him. "Come back!" But it was too late. Link had gotten half way across the bridge before she had enough. "HEY! YOU FORGOT SOMETHING!" Ruby's face turned into a scowl as she got up on her hindlegs.

Interested, and prepared, he turned and saw the large fireball held in her forehooves. That's a big one... bigger than the last two combined. With the magic already built up, Ruby launched it, just as he put up the barrier. This time, it took the shape of a hemisphere in front of him covering his whole body, but exposing his back. It was fairly thick too.

"Take this!" she shouted, throwing it at him, and falling to her hooves. When it collided, it did not fizzle nor erupt. Instead it stayed in form and intensity, eating and burning away his shield like it was nothing. In moments, it broke down completely, but not before Link deflected it up into the sky where it then exploded as if on a timer. Link felt the shockwave and the resulting heat from the blast.

He fell to his knees, nearly drained of magic, then fell on his chest, his arms at his side and Navi flying by his forehead. There he lied, nearing unconsciousness. Well, that could have ended better.

"Link! Get up, come on!" Navi cried. She turned to see Ruby's smirk as she slowly approached the fallen knight.


"Get up, Link. You're not finished yet, are you?" A voice called out to him. Link looked around himself, and saw a figure with shining gold eyes. "You've still got a job to do, and you cannot give up from just one failure. On your feet!"


Navi saw his eyes close and looked behind them, noticing the wolves close in as well. "Get up!"

The light from his left hand was enough to almost blind her as Link pushed himself up on his feet. The light dimmed, revealing the Triforce shining brightly. He drew his sword and shield as he turned to face the wolves. In silence, Navi landed atop his head, and saw the shock on Ruby's face.

"Don't turn your back on me, Boy!" she yelled, getting on her hindlegs once more. In a burst of fury, she threw another ball, a little smaller. Link glanced over his shoulder and saw it. With little effort, he backflipped over it, turned and landed facing Ruby. Now behind him, the fireball struck the wolf in front, setting it ablaze and running into the woods, several more following and catching fire themselves. "No... S-stay away from me! Never come here again!" She turned, near tears, and galloped into the castle. She tripped over a stone and fell, but got up, and continued all the same.

The light from his hand faded into a faint outline. Link's expression softened as he looked for Ruby. "Whuh? What happened?" He returned his weapons to their places and looked up at Navi. "I didn't expect her to give up after the first shot." Link shrugged, turned and left the castle bridge, taking note of the fire trail the wolves had made. Strangely, the forest did not burn, instead it fizzled the flames. Odd... The Everfree Forest trees have a strange quality. Fire resistance. Guess they were right about it being unnatural.

"I'll tell you another time," Navi replied. "But... That song you put on a scroll, think that's the one we need?"

"Most likely. Mind if I sit down? I feel tired for some reason."

"I don't mind at all." Link spent a few minutes looking for a suitable seat and parked it. Navi flew around him. "What do you make of the three indents in the stone under the music?"

"I don't know... The keys I was given clearly don't fit. But they said they would." Link paused. "And, they only gave me two. Not three. On top of that, they gave me those two keys, fully believing they were the ones I needed. So, they either didn't know about the change in requirements, or they did and gave us the wrong keys intentionally."

Navi thought for a minute or so. "Hey, remember when Princess Celestia said the sword has had countless masters before? What if the keys changed when you came into this world? I mean, they've never seen a human before. That must mean the sword's previous masters were ponies, and receiving the keys as they did was just fine. Then you came in almost thirteen years ago and threw everything off-track. History changed, and so has the future, combining aspects of both to create this... hybrid of worlds."

"Even if that were the case, then why isn't there more of my world here?"

"There isn't much of your world here you can see, but that doesn't mean there isn't more out there where you can't."

Link stood and started walking once more in silence. In a short hour, they returned to the library. Inside, it looked like a storm hit, and Twilight in the middle of it all. Books were strewn everywhere, opened and bookmarked, others in stacks set about the room. Aj came in the main room with an apron that said "Kiss the Cook".

Link came in, best he could, and sat in the only open spot on the floor. "Hey, Twilight. I, uh... have some good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"

Chapter 14: The Enforced Position

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Link sat in the main room of Golden Oaks Library, in the only spot unoccupied by books. Twilight was surrounded by books on all sides, both opened and bookmarked. There was an opened one in front of her, clearly being read by the unicorn. Aj, for lack of a better option, stood at the entrance to the kitchen. "Hey, Twilight. I, uh... have some good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"

"I want the news that tells me you found something, because I sure haven't," she replied, not looking up from her book. "We're dealing with an ancient, not to mention foreign, magical object." There was an upset tone in the way she delivered, and Link picked up on it right away. Casually, she turned the page.

"Okay... I'll start with some good news then. I found the door to the Sword of Masters. Right where the princess said it would be. Bad news is, they gave me the wrong keys to open it with." Link held out the keys they had given him that time. "They don't fit, and there aren't enough of them."

"Those aren't the ones?" Link shook his head no in response. "Odd. What else?"

"More good news." Link retrieved the scroll from before as well as an apple. He let the scroll unroll and revealed the lines and dots he drew.

"Don't go spoilin' yer dinner, now," Aj warned. "Made some chopped asparagus cooked into rice with butter 'n' corn on the cob. Twilight was a bit too busy to help me, what with her studyin' an' all." Aj came closer, stepping over several books to reach her destination beside Twilight. After moving some material over, she had a seat. "Won't be too much longer now."

"Awesome," he replied, taking a bite. "I came across this at the door. I'm almost certain it's the song we need to open it."

Twilight bookmarked her page and closed it with her magic, keeping it glowing her color. She finally looked at him with slight worry. "But, since the keys you were given are incorrect, which are the ones that fit?"

"I ... don't know. I might know a good place to start, but it's a stretch." He continued his apple and ripped off the stem. He couldn't feel any difference in the magic that ran through his body.

"I doubt you've tried it yet, but when you do, be sure to practice on the wooden one. For safety reasons of course." Twilight reopened her book and continued her reading.

Why would she close it, just to reopen it? "Is ... everything alright? You seem a bit... colder in your tone than usual."

"Ah'd stay clear o' that one, Link. She ain't exactly in the right frame o' mind to be discussin' that just yet."

Link paid no mind to Twilight's horn as its aura dimmed and disappeared. ... what aren't they telling me... He fell into a moment's silence. "Well, when you decide to talk, I'll be-"

"What are you hiding from me? More importantly..." Twilight slammed her book shut and quickly rose to her hooves, her face twisted in anger and slight worry. "Where is your magic?!"

"I don't know what you mean," Link responded, turning his head and folded his arms.

"Hoo boy," was all Aj could say before Twilight erupted.

"Don't play dumb with me!" she yelled, clearly angry. This shocked Link, as he in turn got to his feet and turned to his side in defense. "I just finished a diagnostic on your magic levels, and you're drained! Moreso than your second visit to the castle!"

Applejack quietly retreated to the kitchen, feeling she wasn't needed here to keep peace since it already broke. "I ran into more trouble at the castle."

"Go on..."

"There was an Earth pony there named Ruby Inferno. We got into it, she broke my shield, I left. What else do you wanna know?"

"That letter to the princess earlier. What did it say?"

... she's catching on to what i'm doing... "I asked the princess to inform Ruby of my impending visit. I asked for any information she'd have, and as a result I was granted access to the library on the second floor. However, I was restricted from removing books, as I'd be able to here. Princess Celestia is looking forward to your report on the matter, and has asked that I include my findings as well."

"As if mine would be inadequate..."

"I asked if she heard anything when I played the lullaby. She answered no for both her and her sister. And to my final question: yes, Twilight. You are still my commanding officer."

"Is that all?" she hazarded, holding her stance and expression.

"Yes, that is all I mentioned." Link turned once more, this time facing her completely, and relaxed his posture.

"And why... Why do you feel the need to keep that from me?" Twilight's tone faded from anger, and adopted a more hurt sound, also caught by Link.

"Because... if there came a time when you get captured, Celestia forbid, and are interrogated, then you'd have nothing to give them. The less you know, the less of a bargaining chip you become. In fact, I hold this in great importance, that there are still things I haven't told you. But, you have to trust that I'd never keep anything from you that might put your life at risk."

Aj's sudden interruption earned a quick glance from Twilight and Link. "Food's ready, come an' get it. An' if Ah can add somethin'. Y'all can be honest without spillin' yer guts. Ah got a few well-guarded secrets too, an' Ah'd sooner break mah hindlegs 'fore tellin' anypony."

"That's a bit extreme, Aj, but ... I get where you are coming from. But," Twilight let out a breath she'd been holding. "I'm sorry," she said, relaxing her expression and returning to her laying position. "It's just... I'm trying to help you, and it feels like you're not letting me. Like you want to do this on your own."

"Aj's right... Break time." Link made his way into the kitchen and saw the only plate of food on the table. did they plan this... He sat and began eating, setting his apple aside for now.

"Link..." Navi began, as she flew to the surface of the table and looked up at him. "You know, you left out a few things, like the unnatural ability Ruby has, the three slots specifically for the 'keys' you don't have, and the restriction, and existence, of the third floor library."

"With good reason. The reason I said before: the less she knows, the less of a liability she'd be on future missions. She may be my sister and commanding officer, but there are things she doesn't need to know quite yet. And did you notice I said nothing about the book with no author? I'll bring it up soon."

"... I don't like how you're handling this," Navi confessed. "But, I'm not gonna complain. You must know better than me if you think it'll work out fine..."

"And I do," he said, taking another bite of his dinner. This is very good. I didn't know asparagus could be steamed like this. "Think it'll work, I mean."


"Aj's right... Break time." Twilight watched as he and Navi went to the kitchen. She started after him, but was stopped by Aj's hoof.

"Let 'im think, Twilight. He's gotta work through this issue himself. Besides," she added, looking to the kitchen. She whispered, "Ah only set out one plate."

"Why only one?" Twilight asked, looking questioningly at Aj.

"So we can talk. Ah may not know much about Link, and Ah know less about what he's goin' through. But listen, Ah heard you are still his commandin' officer. And Ah think there's somethin' about that that don't ... Hmm... sit well with him. Like... He sees ya like yer his superior back in the military or somethin'."

"If that's the case, then why is he being so stubborn to me? Was he always like this? ... the guard changed him more than I thought it would." Twilight looked again to the kitchen.

"Ah don't have an answer to that... But, Ah know him well enough to know he doesn't do things without a reason. If he's keepin' something from ya, then he has a good reason."

"A bargaining chip. He called me a bargaining chip. As if I wouldn't be able to handle myself!"

"Well, he's-"

"Are you going to take his side on this?"

"Ah ain't takin' nopony's side. Ah'm providin' ... third-party observations. Totally different."

Twilight fell silent and hung her head a bit. I must look like a mean pony right now...

"Now come on," Aj offered as she started for the kitchen. "Food's gettin' cold."

The two walked into the kitchen. Twilight sat opposite Link while Aj fixed her a plate and set it before her. "Link..." Twilight said.

"Listen Twilight. There will come a time when we're out on mission. I will do anything I can to succeed. If that includes: espionage, treachery, or untruthfulness, then I'll do it. But, under no circumstances, are you to bring this up on mission. It could ruin everything. There might even be a time when I need to give misinformation, or keep it to myself. If I am to succeed, I will do all I can." Link took another bite.

"Sounds like a heap o' fun," Aj interrupted, unexpectedly. she got a glance from Twilight, expecting to be able to return with her own comment. "But, ya know, this ain't a mission where that's required of ya, so just drop it, alright?"

"He's right though..." Twilight admitted. "You said I'm your C.O. right? You do as I say?"

"So long as it doesn't conflict with higher orders, yes."

Anypony above me in the military ranking system include my brother, the other captains, and I'm sure there are generals. the princesses included. "Uh huh... The less I know, the more useful I'd be to you, is that right?"

"On mission, yes." what are you getting at?

On mission... not here... unless this is his mission... "Tell me, you said you got into it with Ruby Inferno. What did she do to you that depleted your magic so?"

Ruby... there's one piece she picked up. "Despite her being an Earth Pony, she can throw fireballs, and emit flames from her hooves. I saw her scorch the tile under her as she stomped. So, knowingly, I egged her on, hoping to show me more of her skill level, and I was not disappointed. With one attack, she destroyed my shield. It was all I could do to deflect it away from me. Not sure what happened afterward though..."

Earth pony magic doesn't work like that... "Aj, is something like that even possible?" Twilight asked, turning to the mare beside her.

"Not that Ah know of. Ah mean, most Earth ponies are strong, 'cause we tend the land, but nothing as destructive as actual fire."

"Hmm. Navi, if it's impossible here, then is there an equivalent phenomenon in your home world?" She turned to the fairy on the table, watching Spike enter the room.

"Hm? Oh. Uh, yes, there is actually." Navi turned to Twilight and continued. "Recall when I explained the Golden Goddesses? Din the Powerful had the ability to generate flames from nothing, much like Ruby."

"So," Twilight began, "when you came here almost 13 years ago, you brought with you magic of your world. This, Din the Powerful, is one of the goddesses, and has taken the form of Ruby Inferno. Are there others like her?"

"Most likely," Navi answered. "After all, Farore the Courageous could use teleportation, and Nayru the Wise could erect barriers."

"I can make barriers, but I thought I was the holder of the Courage piece." Link finished his plate and folded his arms.

"You are, but that doesn't mean you're limited. You can be taught. Like, for instance, your barrier. Captain Armor taught it to you, and if I recall, he learned it from a spellbook. I'd be willing to bet the creator of that spell is the spiritual reincarnation of Nayru." Navi sat on Link's arm and looked over the table at Twilight's thought-processing expression.

"And Ruby is the one of Din. Lovely. After today, I doubt she'd be up for teaching me anything."

"On that topic, we have to tell the princess what she did to you."

"No we don't," he replied in objection. "I'd rather not trouble the princess with my complaints. How would it look if a fresh-out-of-the-academy knight came running to the princess at the first sight of trouble?"


"Besides, I don't want to burden Ruby any more than she has been..." not too much.

"Oh? What has she been through?" Twilight ventured.

"That's a story for another day," he replied.

"Fair enough. Now, heart of the matter: that song. Since it's to be played on the instrument from your world, what connection does it have?" Twilight nearly finished while Aj had barely touched hers.

Spike got up on the chair beside Link. "Did I miss something here?"

"Not really, just me, Twilight and Applejack enjoying dinner."

"'Twilight, Applejack and me' is how you should say it," Twilight corrected. "Grammatical errors, it's expected."

"... You're correcting my grammer... And you let Applejack say 'Ah' in place of 'I'?"

"Ah'll have you know it's an accent. Nothin' Ah can do about it."

"ANYWAY!" Navi yelled, annoyed. "You asked its connection? I believe it's the same song used to open the Door of Time there. Along with... 3..." Navi facepalmed at the sudden realization. "Why didn't I see it before..."

"See what?" Spike asked. "What'd I miss?"

"Back when I was explaining the Master Sword, I also explained what was needed to open the door. The melody passed down within the royal family, and three spiritual stones. They are: The Goron Ruby, the Kokiri Emerald, and Zora Sapphire."

"Ruby... Emerald... and Sapphire..." Twilight repeated. "Any relation to Inferno and Storm?"

"I wouldn't doubt it," Link replied.

Applejack looked at Twilight. "What're you thinkin'?"

"Well," she began, "if Ruby Inferno is the reincarnation of Din, and has a connection to the ruby we need to open it, then ... the same must be true for Emerald Storm and the emerald we need, and most likely we'll need the sapphire from a pony well-versed in barrier arts with Sapphire being their name. Further, Ruby is an Earth pony, Emerald is a pegasus, so I'm sure Sapphire is a unicorn.

"Spike, take a letter for us," Twilight requested. Quickly, the dragon produced a scroll and writing material.


Dear Princess Celestia:

This is Twilight, sending my report on the findings, or in my case the lack of, on the song that opens the Door of Time. Navi gave it that name, as it represents the one in his world. I found nothing in my books about it, but, Link found something that might be it where you said the door was in the old castle. He wrote it down and came back with it. Though we now have the melody, the keys are still the issue: the two you gave him aren't the right ones. We need three of them: A ruby, an emerald, and a sapphire. But, we'll need specific ones. On that front, we might know where two of them are, and we'll be needing your help on the third. Have you, in your time, met any unicorn named Sapphire? She'd be well-versed in barrier magic.


"Your turn, Link. Choose what to say, that I haven't. I'll agree that you don't have to tell her about what Ruby did to you if you are sure about it."

"Thanks. Anyway, here's what I want to tell her."


This is Link now. In my search through the second floor library, I found a book with no author on the shelf, thanks to Ruby's assistance. I was hoping you'd have a copy of it, so I can read it without being there. And could you tell Princess Luna not to worry about getting into my dreams? She can take all the time she needs to attune to a foreign being.

Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle
Your Loyal Knight, Link


Spike sent it after coiling it up. "And it's sent." They watched as the mist floated out the window toward the castle.

"What was that last part about?" Aj asked him. "Havin' some troubles?"

"... Yes. Been having some sleeping problems. Rather, dream problems. I forget what they're about. Don't usually pay attention to them after I wake up." Link gave his plate to the sink and began his apple once more. "And Princess Luna has been trying to get into them for some time now. Unsuccessfully as you might have guessed."

"My fault, I imagine?" Twilight asked, ready to take the blame.

"Not likely, you're too nice to be scary. First hand experience, you couldn't scare Fluttershy."

"I got you to recoil."

"In defense. In case you did something malevolent. Notice that I had turned to my right? So I could draw my blade with my left," Link admitted.

"You'd... take up arms against me?" Twilight had to ask.

"If I had to defend myself, yes. If to kill you, not a chance in Tartarus."

"Good. I'd hate to be your enemy." Spike belched up a reply from the princess. "And the timing couldn't be better. What's it say?"

Spike unfurled the scroll and read aloud.


To My Faithful Student and Loyal Knight,

Thank you for your combined report. To your first question, yes. I do recall having a unicorn in my employ that fits your description. She is a Second Commander, and her name is Sapphire Prism. She is currently stationed north of here, in a guard house of great importance. As such, she is not allowed to leave her post, so if you wish an audience, I'm afraid you'll have to visit her yourself.

To your second, you'll have to be more specific. A title would be nice. And, when you reply to this, send the 'false keys' we provided. It seems they will serve you no purpose.

Another note: I will be attending the Best Young Flyer's competition in Cloudsdale tomorrow afternoon. If the two of you can make it, I'll be seeing Link afterward for his assignment.

Princess Celestia


"Hmm... Best Young Flyer's competition." Link raised his head in thought. "Bet Rainbow's joining. Fluttershy's the support. Wouldn't surprise me."

"What is it, do you know?" Twilight asked.

"Well, the name would explain it: 'Best' means it's a contest, 'Young' is obviously those who are young, and 'Flyer' is for pegasi, so it's a flying competition for the youth. Not sure how Rainbow counts as young..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the two emblems he was given. "Send them back to her, Spike."

"Right." Spike took them , and sent them on their way.

Aj sat in silence, opting not to reveal her friend's age. "Well, you can't fly, neither can I, so I'd say that's out of the question."

"There isn't a single flight spell you can cast?" Link asked.

"Not that I know of. I mean, I haven't read every book here, so... it could be possible. Still... wings? I don't think you'd look too good with wings coming out of your back."

"I could say the same. You? Flying? Ha, that should be illegal." Link laughed a bit before adding, "I joke, I joke. We all know you'd rather teleport."

"Well, if I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath. Wings might not be impossible, but for sure it'd take a bit of strain to accomplish."

Applejack finished, and added her plate to the sink. She removed her apron, hung it on the wall and took her seat. "You say it like it ain't possible, growin' wings. We got two prime examples: Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna."

"That's... not entirely-"

"What we mean." Link interrupted, not wanting to share information about their old foal/baby sitter. "See, they're exceptions, because they were born with them. Twilight would be making them."

Twilight frowned a little, but shrugged away any reasoning for his action. "Right. Any spell would likely draw on your inner magic, and convert it to pegasus magic, then accelerate its growth to give you wings. Such a thing would require precise control, not to mention a lot of magic to accomplish. I fear I don't have that kind of power."

"There's got to be another way. What say we look for one?" Link offered.

"Sure." Twilight looked at Aj then got an idea. "I almost forgot: Applejack, would you like to stay the night and help us look?"

"Ah'd like to, but Ah still have chores to do back home. But, if Ah can go back an' get 'em done, can Ah come here afterward?"

"I don't see why not. Tell you what, for your help, you can sleep in one of the beds upstairs." Where did that come from? "Ehh."

"Ah'll think on that, after mah work is done. Ah'll be back later." She stood and exited the library.

"What are you thinking?!" Link erupted. "She can take one of the beds upstairs?! There's only two: yours and mine!"

"I don't know, but after her comment about there being enough room for two, I thought..." Twilight tried to answer. "Look, it won't be any different from when we shared a bed, will it?"

"Yes it will. For one: you tend to thrash a bit before getting comfortable. For two: you aren't exactly a quiet sleeper. For three: and I want you to really pay attention to this one, how am I going to keep you safe, if she's closer to you than I am?"

"I don't know what you mean..."

"Put it this way: she's never been in the same bed as a human, and I really don't think she'd jump at the opportunity. She has a kid sister, Apple Bloom, remember? Odds are she has nightmares at times. You know how foals are: they seek safety from such things. Where better than their sibling's embrace? All of this points to her sleeping in your bed along side you. I don't approve of this at all."

Twilight sat in silence, thinking about all of this. "You... make a good point... Nevertheless, telling her to sleep on the couch is bad as a friend, and even if she does let her sister sleep with her, what harm could she do? After all, if what you say is true, then she'd be careful. On top of that, she'd keep her Earth strength well under control as to not hurt me."

"I don't trust her, is all. Please, don't follow through with this."

"You don't trust her, after almost a month? She's your employer, for Celestia's sake. Who can you trust, if not the Element of Honesty?" Twilight got to her hooves once more. "As I'm still your commanding officer..."

"Don't do this Twilight, I don-"

"Silence!" she shouted, "I order you to be off-duty tonight. Stand down, or whatever the correct term is."

Link looked at her with a stoic expression. "I ... cannot obey that order."

Twilight's expression turned to shock. "Wha, why not?"

"Higher orders tell me to keep you safe. I cannot go off duty for that reason. Something could happen, and I have to be there just in case."

"Who's higher orders do you follow?"

"None other than Princess Celestia's. My hands are tied on this, Twilight. Nothing I can do." Link remained sitting and looked down at Navi, who stayed silent for their sake.

"The princess... ordered this directly?"


"Along with the order to keep me safe, what else did she ask of you?" hopefully, there'll be something i can use...

Link thought for a moment. If I tell her everything I was ordered to do, then she could find a loophole. She's good at that. But... it's not like Applejack did any wrong to her, so there's no punishment. I should be fine. "She said I am your bodyguard, and not to hurt the innocent, and to let you govern punishments against crimes involving you."

"... crimes involving me... like... an invasion of privacy?"

"That would be a crime, I do believe." Link said. hm. something did happen?

"Then she is to be punished. See, there was one morning, when I found her asleep in our room. Invasion of privacy is a crime against me, so I govern her punishment, right?"

"... yes. That, is correct." And now I'm in a corner... only one way out, but ... it's a long shot.

"Then, for the crime of privacy invasion, her punishment is to sleep in one of the beds upstairs. And if it's mine, so be it." Twilight sat down. "Now, for your punishment..."

"M-mine?" Link dared to ask, the expression affecting his tone once more.

"Yes, yours. See, not only have you argued with me, but you also kept information from me. That was not part of your orders, so I consider it a crime."

"And that's where you'd be wrong. I was told to use my best judgement. Arguing, and keeping info from you was in my best judgement, so it's not punishable." That was it, all I can do now is hope she lets it go.

"More of Princess orders?"

"Yes. What will you do now?" Link put Navi atop his head and stood to leave.

"I'm going to order you to do research in my place. There are no orders against that, so there. You will look for a spell, while I spend time with Applejack. Take that."

Link stopped, and hung his head. "She got you good there, Link. You should know by now not to argue with mares. They'll win every single time."

"Not helping. But, if that's my order, I'll see it to completion. Come on, we have work to do." The two went into the book area and began putting bookmarks in all the opened books.

Applejack came through the door with a smile. She made her way to the kitchen and explained. "Guess what? Ah caught Big Mac as he was cleanin' up the cart. Told 'im Ah'd come back to the farm then back here, an' you know what he said? 'Eenope.' So Ah asked what he meant, then said something like 'what, you're gonna do them for me?' an' he says 'Eeyup,' and pointed back here. So, here Ah am."

"Convenient. I've decided, you get to sleep in a bed of your choice. Link will be busy for most of the night, but he should be upstairs," Twilight paused, and raised her voice, to make sure he heard her, "No later than 10!"

"Understood," he replied quietly, as he put the bookmarked ones in their respective positions.

"And if, by some chance, we're asleep, don't wake us up. If you do, then there will be repercussions. And, if you happen to find something, mark it down and report tomorrow."

"Again, understood..."

"Now that all that's outta the way, what're we gonna do?" Aj asked Twilight.


Later that night, Link put the report scroll on the couch-side table, barely filled with anything. He made his way up the stairs and opened the bedroom door. With no creaks or groans of the floor, he peered inside. He saw Applejack with her foreleg around Twilight's barrel, and her hindleg overlapping Twilight's. It was all easy to see due to Twilight's thrashing about before finding that one comfortable position. On further inspection, he saw Aj's muzzle buried in Twilight's mane.

There's nothing to worry about after all... If tonight goes well, then I'll have no choice but to trust her. He shut the door and retreated downstairs. "Hey, Navi."

"Hm?" she replied in a tired tone.

"Did you know she slept in the room up there?"

"Yeah... I did. She doesn't really keep quiet when she walks."

"Makes sense you'd wake up. That was all I wanted." Link set his stuff on the floor in front of the couch and fell back onto it. "Night, Navi. Night Spike."

"Night Link, Navi," the dragon replied in a bed of hoof-towels.

"Night Link, Spike," Navi added, inside his hat on the scroll.

Chapter 15: The Broken Spectrum

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The morning light shone brightly through the library windows, filling the room with a warm glow. As if on cue, Link stirred himself awake on the couch. First one eye, then the other. Navi wasn't too far behind him, waking up a bit faster than the Hylian, and jumping right into a stretching routine.

Link got to his feet and started a few of his own. Only stretches; anything more, and Spike would wake up. With a slight grin, he reopened the book he was reading the night before. Navi sat on his shoulder. "Good morning Link. Sleep well?" He nodded in response. "That's good. I have a feeling we'll need it today. We get an assignment, from the princess directly, so you know it's important."

Last night's research had gone less than desirable, but he found enough information to keep it from being classified as a waste of time. He heard light hoofsteps coming down the stairs, and turned to see the source. Applejack, early to rise no matter where she slept, had come down the stairs wearing her signature hat. Without so much as a whisper, he rose his finger to his lips and pointed toward the kitchen. Slowly, he walked there himself, expecting her to follow.

And she did, a bit hesitantly. She looked back to the sleeping dragon in the living room. After turning back to Link, she barely whispered, "Mornin'." Aj found herself a seat by the table and smiled a bit.

"Morning yourself. Sleep well?" Navi asked while Link folded his arms in his own seat.

"No different than usual, but let's get to it. Twilight told me what happened while Ah was gone. Gotta admit, Ah didn't think you'd be so against me sleepin' with yer sister." Applejack had said it so casually, she didn't give a second thought to its context.

"Eh, I'll get over it. Besides, I saw you two last night. Didn't expect to see what I saw, that's for sure." Link uncrossed his arms and grinned a little. "She usually thrashes in her sleep, but it looks like you took care of it. After that, I'd say you have my full trust. Just, don't make me regret it."

"Ah won't, trust me." She nodded her head in assurance, then added, "She also asked me to see what ya found in the way of flyin'."

"Oh? Well, the actual scroll is in there. Be right back." Navi got off his shoulder and stayed behind as he went into the other room.

"Aj, don't tell him you slept in his bed that one night," she instructed, "because he assumes you slept on the floor."

"Huh? Oh right, that..." She stopped short, seeing Link return with a rather short scroll.

"Material Based Spells Volume VII, Chapter 4 in particular. I found this around 8 last night." Link laid the short parchment on the table.

As Aj looked over it, she noticed his notes included a magical breakdown of components and variables. "Uh... What's all this for now?"

"Creating magical wings isn't easy, I'm sure, even for one so well-versed in magic. This one requires gossamer and morning dew, but... since we don't have either, Twilight's going to need the recipe to make them."

"Recipe? Ah'm afraid ya lost me."

Link sighed and tried again. "Balance. It's all about balance. A unicorn's magic draws on their physical energy as well as mental energy, to cast spells. Used in different proportions, and with varying activation conditions, an immense dictionary of final results is created. This one specifically makes wings from these precise ingredients. If the mix of the two energies is too strong in either direction, or the condition isn't met, then we could end up with a flawed product. Worst case sc-"

"Don't go there, kid. Ah don't wanna hear no 'worst case nothin'. It'll work, Ah'm sure of it," Aj interrupted. "So, Twilight needs to make these 'components' or what have ya, an' combine her magics in the right way to make it work?"

"Long story short, yeah." He nodded his head as Navi returned to his shoulder.

"And, since we thought that'd be enough, we stopped there," she included. "Besides, I'm sure it's nothing compared to Twilight's spells back in Canterlot."

"Great, Ah'll go get Twilight up. She's slept plenty. 'sides, she asked me to wake her up when y'all got up. Seems yer early risers too. Must be a royal guard trait."

"Sounds good to me. We'll just give the room a quick sweep while we wait for you."

Aj went quietly up the stairs as Link stayed behind and swept. Up in the room, Twilight barely stirred at the sound of the opening door. "Twi? Ya up yet?" No answer. Again, quietly, she walked to her bedside and shook her a little. "Come on now, rise an' shine." Barely budging, she continued to lay there. With her hooves on Twilight's foreleg, she noticed her breathing hasten. "Hold on, lemme get some cold water. That always gets Applebloom outta bed in th' morning." Aj turned to leave and was stopped by Twilight's grabbing hoof.

"Oh, no you don't. You aren't pouring cold water on me. Not to wake me up... and does that really work on your little sister?" a sleepy-eyed Twilight responded.

"Don't know, really. After the first time, she got outta bed from the threat alone. Heh." She turned again to Twilight and smiled. Mornin'. Link's already awake. He's doin' some chores, er somethin'. Meet ya down there." She left the room, leaving the door open to let some light in.

"cold water..." Her body shivered at the thought, almost convincing her to stay in bed. Almost. Regretfully, she got out of bed and headed downstairs.


"Sounds good to me. We'll just give the room a quick sweep while we wait for you." Link went beside the fridge and retrieved the straw broom and began his morning duty.

"I'm proud of you, Link," Navi admitted. "You, putting trust into a pony you barely know like that. I'm half surprised you didn't stay in their room and watch the entire night."

"I came to terms with it last night. Twilight is many things: my sister, my C.O., obsessive compulsive, control freak. But she's not a fool. I'm sure she can take care of herself. She's old enough, she doesn't need little brother following her anymore. Especially one in my position."

"Even though your current mission tells you to to guard her no matter what? Impressive, using your judgement."

"Hey, give me credit, I had to weigh a lot to come to that conclusion. It wasn't easy at all." Link easily maneuvered the small broom around the legs of the chairs and table and the edge of the floor.

"Credit given. Oh, sounds like she's comin' back." She looked around and saw a few piles in a few sections on the floor. Link went for the dustpan as Aj returned. "Welcome back. How fares the fair maiden?"

"Fair what now?" Aj questioned. "Oh, Twilight? She'll be along in a bit. Her bed mane is laughable though, heh heh."

Twilight was heard clipping down the stairs. Link looked to the door and saw her mane as he had yesterday; each strand was perfectly kempt, each color separated. She was an expert at it by now. "Morning all. Did you find something helpful?"

"Yeah, I did," he replied. Then, after a short pause, he passed over the scroll containing his findings of the night before. "I'm surprised you didn't see it when you blitzed through it yesterday."

"In a book I read already, huh." Twilight looked at the scroll, read the title and went into the main room. With a quick glance, her horn lit up, bringing the same book over to her, and retreated into the kitchen once more. "This one... I vaguely remember looking through it."

"Well, it was among those I picked up from your session."

"Fair point. Anyway, I think I'll wait to attempt it. Everypony's still asleep this early for sure." Twilight bookmarked it, coiled the scroll and gave it back, and looked toward Aj. "Stay for some breakfast?"

"Ah would, Twilight, but Ah'm needed back home. See, it's mah turn to make food, an' Ah don't wanna be late for that." Applejack left the treehouse and departed for her home on the farm.

"I didn't expect her to turn down breakfast, of all things. Eh, more for us, right? I'll make pancakes," Twilight offered, smiling.

"Uh... I have 4 apples left, So I think I'm good. You can make them for yourself though, if you want to..." In other words, get better at it, then I'll eat them again. With that, he withdrew one and bit into it. "See? I'm good for a while."

"Oh... well, suit yourself. Mind if I have one?"

"Not at all." He picked out another and tossed it to her. In reaction, she caught it in a web of magic that turned into a cloud around it. "Hey, nice catch. You have alright reflexes."

"I counted on you to toss it. The rest was easy. Now, about this spell... I've never attempted something like this before, but I'm sure it'll be alright. I just need to give it some 1 on 1 study time. Just to see what I can dig up myself." She bit into her own apple and trotted back into the main room. "Oh, goomornin Schpike." She hastily chewed and swallowed her mouthful. "Eh heh, good morning Spike."

"Morning. You guys are loud. And what'd I miss? Nothing important I hope."

Link poked his head around the corner. "Nothing much, just Aj leaving, Twilight not making pancakes. Oh and she decided to '1 on 1' the study material for creating wings." He ducked back and ate more.

"All that, huh. Want some help, Twilight?"

"No thanks, Spike. I have this one. Tell you what though, you get to come with us to cheer on Rainbow Dash. It shouldn't be too hard to give you wings with the rest of us."

Link came into the room with empty hands. "Actually, about that... Suppose that it's too hard to perform on all of us? What happens then?"

"Then... we... find an alternative." if there is one, i'm sure it's here... "I mean, if there's a flight spell, there should be something else too, right? I mean... I don't claim to know everything about pegasi, and even less about transformations in general."

"If you're really into this, then you should know that most of the info I found was about pegasi and their general skillset. Being honest, I don't think that spell will work as explained." Link sat beside Spike on the floor as Twilight pulled a few choice books from the shelves.

"Don't go doubting my skill now, I might surprise you." with what i'm capable of, i'm almost scared of myself at times...

"I don't doubt it. I've seen you single-hoofedly handle an out of control Ursa. Minor, but Ursa all the same. But there's a chance it proves too much."

"Anything you want me to do then, Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Well, since you mention it..." Twilight popped in a scroll and unfurled it, revealing a list with boxes beside each entry. "Your list for the day, or until we leave."

"Joy... I'll get right on them."

"Don't worry about sweeping the kitchen. Already taken care of," Navi said. "But, if it's alright with you, Twilight, I'd like to help look anyway."

"What about me then?" Link inquired.

"You both can do what you want. Scour the town, go get food, visit our friends... I told you, I have this one." Twilight smiled and stopped pulling books when she had a nice stack of 10 or so. "Oh, before I forget." She turned once more toward him. "Not sure if I've said this already, but... the townsfolk are complaining to me that they see you outside with your full gear on. That includes, but is not limited to, your sword and shield."

Link stopped before his prementioned gear. "So... I shouldn't carry them with me?"

"Use your pouches. Surely I made them big enough?"

"Oh, right..." Link picked the two up and safely inserted them into his side pouches. that's really too convenient. this kind of magic shouldn't even be allowed. "Thanks for the reminder."

"Absolutely. Now off with you both. Go have fun."

"As you order it." Link bowed and exited the library. "That's not surprising. She turned Spike down, so she had to turn us down."

"Right... Anyway, regarding our new mission... What do you think it'll be?"

"Well, considering what we told the princess in the last letter, I imagine it'll involve one of the 'stones', or keys to unlock that stone door." Link made his way to Sugarcube Corner. Something about Pinkie bothered him, and he hoped to find out more.


"Now," Rainbow Dash started, pacing in the air around Fluttershy, "What have we learned?"

"Loss of control," Fluttershy responded, barely averting her gaze from in front of her.

"Good," Dash praised.

"Screaming and hollering," Fluttershy went on.

"Yes, and most importantly?"


"Right." Rainbow landed just in front of Fluttershy and gave her one more test. "So now that you know the elements of a good cheer, let's hear one." Dash leaned in toward her.

Fluttershy inhaled a bit, leaned back, and gave her best, "yay."

In disappoint, Dash facehoofed and gave a disgruntled noise. "You're gonna cheer for me like that? Louder," she insisted.

Again, Fluttershy drew in air, and attempted. However, it was no different, as the same "yay" was heard.

"Louder," Dash urged.

Once more, but quicker, her "yay" came out.


Finally, Fluttershy inhaled as much air as she could hold, then let it all out in one big "yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay." Dash fell over backward in reaction. "Too loud?"

"Clearly not loud enough." Dash got to her hooves and shook her head. "But, it's progress, so... it's passable for now I guess." Rainbow flew up into the sky. "Tell ya what, I do my routine, and you try to cheer me on." Who knows, you might just get it right. Fluttershy nodded and watched as Rainbow took to the sky.

Rainbow... you've tried this technique at least 20 times today alone. I don't think my cheering is the problem...

Soon, Rainbow began weaving between several trees. She knew they'd be cloud pillars, but trees would have to do in practice mode. After she successfully weaved between them, she flew higher. Then she began flying in circles around groups of clouds, making them spin in place. Once she had three going, she did a few flips before angling herself toward the ground. The Sonic Rainboom. Come on, Rainbow. Just... Once...

It's about this time that Rainbow loses her control and fails. Oh, right, cheering... "Yaaaay," she said, too quiet to be heard.

Dash flew downward. The faster she went, the harder it became to keep that speed; the vacuum behind her couldn't be replaced by the air she displaced fast enough, causing incredible resistance. This resistance became so thick, a visible cone appeared at Dash's extended hoof. Tears streaked along her cheek from the wind in her face. Once she felt she was fast enough, she half folded her wings at her side, to reduce said resistance, if only a little. The cone narrowed, until it came to a single point in front of her. Rainbow's little victory didn't last long at all; the barrier remained unbroken, and as it worked to displace the air, it flung Rainbow backward toward town.

where did i go wrong... why can't i do it... was all she could think of as she sailed uncontrollably through the sky. am i not doing something? am i doing something unneccessary? i've done it before, this should be a snap for me... The least she could do was make it so she was turned the right way, so the world didn't look upside down. With her excessive output of pegasus magic, Rainbow couldn't slow down in the slightest. The attempt of her trick alone wore her out.

Golden Oaks Library was the first thing she saw, and thankfully, there was an open window.


Noon rolled around and Twilight saw it fit to invite everypony over, both to share her findings and ask for help looking. She may have known every book in the library, but she didn't know everything they contained. Twilight had gotten Applejack herself, and had planned to send Spike to gather Rarity, Link, and Pinkie, but for some strange reason, Pinkie had shown up at the door with Link as soon as Twilight left for the farm. About an hour and a half later, they had put away all of their research material. "Thanks for helping me clean up, everypony. It's been a ... an interesting study session to say the least. Looking for a spell you've never heard of that you don't even think exists, is like... like..."

"Tryin'a find an itty-bitty needle in Equestria's biggest haystack?" Aj offered.

"Something like that... Hm?" She glanced to the opening in the tree, where Rainbow was coming into view. "Isn't that..."

Link also looked, but by that time, it was too late to move. Rainbow, full force, plowed right into him and sent him flying into the opposite book case. He hit hard enough, that he fell on his chest with Rainbow beside him.

"Link! Rainbow!" Twilight exclaimed. It all happened to fast to react to, so she just stood there watching. The books fell to the floor, scattered around him, just before the book case itself fell on him.

Link turned over and threw up a quick shield, stopping it a few inches from his hand. "T-Twilight, help me..." His hand began to shake from the unexpected weight of the empty bookcase, but was soon alleviated pressure due to Twilight's levitation magic. "Ahh," he said, laying on his back. Twilight set the book case upright and cleared some books away from him.

"Heh, sorry about that, kid. You gonna be alright?" Dash asked as she got to her hooves.

"One sec..." Let's see here... feet, ok. legs, fine. Slight pain on my outer right thigh. waist, functional. chest ... not good. it took the full force of the hit... back is hurt too. ribs ... a few fractures, nothing's broken. breathing's irregular.. arms... good. hands, ok. neck and head obviously in working order. "Not good, I'm afraid," he concluded. "Could use medical assistance."

Twilight trotted over and gave him a scan with magic. "Hmm... The main part is your upper body. Getting hit at that speed had to have hurt. Give me a minute..." The other ponies stood around him with worried looks, and Navi sat atop Rainbow.

"This was an accident, I swear. I didn't mean to-"

"I said, give me a minute, Dash..." Twilight uttered. She had closed her eyes to concentrate on the fractured ribs first, then seeing to the minor injuries on his back and correcting his breathing. Dash slowly backed up and joined the others in line.

Fluttershy also appeared, landing on the opening in the wall. "That was ... oh my... wh-what happened here?"

"My trick hurt Link, in a few places. Twilight's fixing him... hopefully..." Fluttershy flew in and landed beside Dash and watched.

"There," Twilight finished, "you'll be fine. Anywhere else hurt?"

"Only here," he pointed to his outer thigh as he sat up. Twilight scanned it, then questioned it. "What? It hurts a little."

"Well, I can't see anything wrong with it, so the best I can say is it will pass. Walk it off, as some say." Twilight addressed Rainbow. "And you. What trick were you trying to pull, that you nearly flattened my brother?!"

"Ever heard of a Sonic Rainboom?" Dash quietly said.

"No, I haven't. What is it?"

"Well, it's when a pegasus pony, like myself, goes so fast, they break the visible color spectrum, causing a shockwave of both compressed air and expanding color. I only know that, because I've done it once before."

"You mean, you're in training for the 'Best Young Flyer's Competition', right?" Link asked, getting to his feet. He examined his clothes, and saw not a single rip in the cloth, nor a single thread unwoven. Thank you, Rarity... "This, 'Sonic Rainboom' one of your stunts, I take it?"

"Yeah, the final piece of three acts. Anyway, I'm really sorry about ... that... I didn't mean to-"

Link held up his hand to stop her. "Don't worry about it. Accidents happen. I know you wouldn't do something like that on purpose. And isn't breaking the color spectrum impossible?"

"I thought you might say that. And if you didn't, then I was." Twilight walked closer to Rainbow. "There's no doubt you're fast, Rainbow, but flying that fast, does seem impossible."

"Impos- pff." Rainbow turned to the side and chuckled a bit. "Says the unicorn that can make ... things like Link's pouch, like it's nothing, and teleport."

"They are called intradimensional capacity magnifiers."

"And that means you're an egghead." Dash laughed at her own joke, earning a harsh look from the others. "What? I thought it was funny."

"Funny as it sounded, Dash, name-calling will earn you no points in friendship." Twilight sorta scolded.

"You're kidding, right? Friends poke fun at each other all the time. I do it in good fun. Now, if I tried to insult you, I'd call you a ... hmm... I ..." Dash hesitated. For some reason, she couldn't come up with anything.

"Go on, say it. We're all waiting..." Twilight said daringly. This earned a few uneasy glances from her friends, Link included.

"I ... I got nothing. Insults aren't really my thing. I'm sure you booksmart ponies can come up with something, but not me." Dash got to the window. "Anyway, girls. I'm off. Later." She took off toward the sky.

"Well, that happened." Link smiled and shook his head a bit. "Not sure what that last bit was about though. Almost thought she'd say something." He shrugged his shoulders and watched as she flew away.

"Don't be mad with her, she's just feeling nervous." Fluttershy remained in the library. "In over 20 attempts, she hasn't successfully performed that trick."

"Really? 20 tries and still nothing?" he questioned.

"The stage fright was obvious, though," Rarity added.

"It was? Sounded like a lot of bravado to me," Navi mentioned. "Don't get me wrong, Dash can be ... difficult at times, but I think she was sincere."

"Darling, I've put on more than enough shows to recognize stage fright when I see it, especially in one of my friends." Rarity started looking through another book. "And I now think that's your reason for wanting to reach the clouds. To cheer her on."

"That's not... entirely true, but we'll leave it at that for now." Link looked toward Twilight.

"R-right. What he said. But ... it isn't going to happen unless we can find an alternative spell, and we're running out of time."

"Let's at least attempt the spell first, then look afterward. Who knows? We may not need it," Rarity replied hopefully.

"Then you volunteer yourself to be my first guinea pony?"

"W-well, let's not be too hasty..."

"But it's for Rainbow Dash's sake. If she doesn't have her support, she could lose, or worse..." Twilight leaned in for effect, "become dispirited." She returned to her position. "Can you imagine Dash not being ... Dash?"

"You... make a valid point Twilight... I don't usually go first for this sort of thing... But I suppose the exception doesn't make the rule. For Rainbow Dash, I accept."

Since when were you a manipulator, Twilight? Link thought, but kept to himself.

"Excellent. I want to thank you in advance." Twilight lit up her horn and floated the book in front of her one last time.

"In advance? Wait, why in advance?"

Without words, her friends moved behind Twilight as her horn got brighter. Rarity noticed ribbons begin to wrap around herself and lift her into the air. Magical ribbons. They began at her hindhooves and ascended, covering her entire body. Twilight's horn emitted an orb of light that floated toward Rarity. On contact, it lit the room with a blnding light, and a shockwave of energy surged through the room. This wave of energy knocked the audience into a pile of books with Twilight was cushioned by the rest of them. Thankfully, Link wasn't under it all.

As the light dimmed, there flew Rarity with her new set of wings. ... Butterfly wings, but wings all the same, right? "I, think it worked," Twilight muttered.

"You can say that again, these wings are gorgeous!" Rarity complimented.

"Still, I don't think doing that more than once per day is wise..."

"How about this then?" Pinkie said as she stood up, hurling everypony off of her in the process. "Cloud walking. Says-"

Twilight took the book from her in her magic and brought it closer, reading it in a mumble. "Ya know, Pinkie," Aj commented, "yer either very lucky, or very talented."

"I'd like to think I'm both. Oh, and gifted is a good word too. I'm so good I scare myself sometimes."

"You know if this works, we can all go up there an' give 'er a proper cheer." She glanced at Rarity. "An' that's one form o' 'proper' that ain't in short supply on an apple farm. Proper cheerin'!"

"Hm? Did I miss something?" Rarity asked. "No really, I missed something..."

"Eh, go back t' sleep, Rarity. Ain't important no more." Pinkie laughed a little. She knew what jab Aj made toward Rarity, and decided to keep it to herself.

"'-off in ten hours.'! Pinkie this is perfect! Looks easy too. All I have to do is convert a portion of your existing magic into pegasus magic. Just enough to last ten hours. Best part is, it's a predetermined amount, so there's no adjusting to your varying levels of magic, in your respective classes. In other words-"

"So, the magic we have will be turned into pegasus magic, and this amount is the same for all of us," Link concluded. "But there's a problem: I don't have equestrian magic, so what happens to me?"

"Hmm... Well, I know your magic well enough I can turn it, but it'll take a bit more effort. Your 'Hylian' magic would be turned into Pegasus magic. But the reason it wears off in ten hours is because at that time, the foreign magic in your system is automatically converted back to what it was before. And, the more inner magic that gets changed, the less magic remains to convert foreign magic back to normal. I guess in that sense I could turn all of your type into another type, but you naturally make your own-"

"Okay, I think I got it." Link interrupted her in mid-speech. "You really are too smart. But if it works, then awesome."

Twilight moved across from everypony else. "Spike, you're coming too. Get in there. Not Navi though, I'm sure she won't need to walk on clouds." Navi flew off and behind Twilight as her horn lit once more. "Great, now... hold still..."

Twilight's casting time took the better part of a minute. Once finished, she fell in exhaustion. Link scrambled to her side. "Twilight, you don't look too well."

"I'd say not," Rarity agreed. "It appears you fare no better than when you gave me wings."

"But I'll be fine. The amount I needed for your spell was the same, or close to the same, amount as I needed for theirs. The cost of yours was greater though. I could cast this one ..." She turned to the others. "4 times with a less total cost. Make sense?"

Everyone was silent. "I get it!" Pinkie said. "But, don't you still have to cast it on yourself?"

"I do, but that won't be a problem. Just give me one sec." Twilight closed her eyes, and took a slow breath. On exhale, her horn lit up for a third time, and got on her hooves. Then just like that, her horn dimmed. "There, all set."

"Well, did it work?" Pinkie asked.

"Ah don't know. Ah don't feel no different," replied Aj.

"Of course you don't feel any different. Your bodies haven't discovered the presence of a foreign magic yet. So you should feel normal until the spell wears off in ten hours."

Fluttershy spoke up, after having been observing this whole time. "I hate to be the pony of bad news, but the competition starts in an hour."

"Then we have little time to spare. Come on!" Twilight urged. Quickly, and with little effort, she picked all the books up in her levitation spell and put them on the shelves in a somewhat organized manner. She may be using it as a place to stay, but it is still a public place, that anypony has access to. She's just the librarian of sorts.

Together, they left the library and proceeded to rent a balloon from the town's provider. Fluttershy headed out before them, to keep Rainbow company while the rest caught up. After 20 minutes of flight time, Cloudsdale got within half a mile. Rarity was using her wings, flying up with the balloon at her side. Link sat beside Aj while Twilight stood between Spike and Pinkie. Navi perched herself on the basket's edge and looked out.

Link glanced at Pinkie's twitching ears. "Getting the shivers already, Pinkie?"

"Nope. Just a reaction. See, I just realized that somepony new crossed the Ponyville border."

"How is that even important?" Aj asked, looking over the edge. She ignored how Pinkie would even know that, so Link thought it was common knowledge.

"It's not, yet. Don't worry, it will be. In time."

Twilight remained stationery between Spike and Pinkie. And just how do you know that, Pinkie? What goes on in your head? "We're almost there, everyone. Rarity, can you go up there and make the first entrance?"

"It would be my pleasure, darling." Rarity flew upward and got too far away to focus on. "Ok, now a question that's been on my mind for a while." Link stood up and looked out over the edge of the basket. "How can you cast a spell on me with so much ease, when Princess Luna couldn't?"

"I'd think the answer was obvious. But if it's not, then I'll tell you. See, I've known you for almost 13 years now. I've had plenty of time to do research and run tests. Every being has magic: the trees, the ground, the food we eat and the air we breathe. Ponies are no different, in fact we're the source. Within our bodies is a system of lines that connect our magic source with the rest of our bodies. All I had to do was figure out what your map was and go from there. I suspect Princess Luna hasn't done that yet."

"That... makes sense. Then, do you think it'd be ok if I let her study that?" Link inquired.

"Study... your map? I don't see why not- wait, is this because of the dream spell she's been attempting on you?"

"Yeah... If she can help, then I should let her try. Who knows, might give me some answers." Link looked at her and held his stoic expression.

"To what questions, if I may?"

"Like... why do I feel like... there's something different, no... wrong, with me? Like... there's a darkness inside, and I can't shake it off. It's this part of me that loves to fight, that wants to ..." He paused and exhaled. Then continued, "that wants to cause excessive physical harm..."

"Link, that's-"

"But then there's this other, virtuous part, that wants nothing more than to protect his family, and defend those who can't defend themselves. And I just remembered what part of my dream was, if you're interested."

"Sure, why not," Twilight replied, turning to face him.

He, once more, let out his breath. "Well, there's one part where a dark figure got behind the door to the sword. It opened, and I was frozen in place and couldn't move. It looked like me, only wearing black clothes, silver hair and red glowing eyes. Oh, and several rows of teeth, so I don't think it was Hylian."

"Sounds like a child's nightmare to me," Aj said. "Applebloom gets 'em all the time. In fact, that's half the reason she sleeps with me sometimes."

"Well, this nightmare's been happening for a month now, and I don't know what it means."

"And it'll have to wait, because we're here." Pinkie pointed at the incoming dock. "Looks like Rarity already made first contact."

"Sorry Link. We'll talk more when you get back from your ... travels. Yeah, travels." Twilight almost said "assignment", but remembered that she hadn't told the others that's why they got up here.

"-without a big cheering section!" Rarity announced, seeing the balloon approach the underside.

"Uh, we?" Rainbow looked at Fluttershy, who kept silent. Then, the balloon broke through the cloud floor and landed atop said layer. Pinkie was the first to hop out. "Wait!" she shouted.

"Yes, 'we', all of us. Couldn't leave you hanging," Pinkie replied, landing on the cloud.

"How... are you doing that? And why is Rarity flying with butterfly wings?"

"Well, We needed to come up here anyway, so we made an effort to at least cheer you on while we are here. Link found a spell that makes artificial wings," she looked over to Rarity, who had begun to admire herself in a mirror, "but it was too difficult to perform more than once. So Pinkie 'found' an easier spell that lets the rest of us," once more she paused, to let the others come out of the basket and stand with her on the clouds, "walk on clouds. That was the easiest part of it."

"Have I told you how much of a genius you are lately?"

"No, but I don't mind more praise like that." The group shared a laugh in light of the recent Trixie incident. "Anyway, we don't have much time before your competition, so we better hurry to-"

"Huh?" Dash asked, "Competition doesn't start for another hour and a half."

"ohhh," Fluttershy sighed. "I got it mixed up again. See, when I saw the clock in the library, the hour hoof was so close to the number, I thought that's what hour it was already. It happens too often."

"Fluttershy..." Twilight harshed, but drew back. "Nah, it's fine. Nothing to worry about. We're early."

"And, since this is your first time to the floating city, how's about Fluttershy and I show you around?" Rainbow offered the others. All nodded in agreement and a few "yes"s and "sure"s were shared. "First off," she turned around and headed into the city itself, while the others followed, "a little history. Some of the greatest pegasi in history came from Cloudsdale, the Wonderbolts included. A few from further back, too, but I can't remember them." She noticed Rarity being admired, no doubt for her wings.

"Rarity, be careful with those. They are made from gossamer and morning dew, and they are very delicate," Twilight advised her.

"Don't worry yourself, Twilight. I'm sure they can't get worn out from too much attention." Rarity assured.

"Since we're up here, Ah'd sure like to get a look at where the weather's made," Aj asked.

"Great idea. To the weather factory!" Rainbow took off toward a building further down the block, going slow, to let the others keep up. "Actually, I work part time there, so there shouldn't be any problems. In fact, that's where I took Link's clothes to get the color drained. But, since winter is just around the corner, how about we go there?"

"Sounds good."


"And here we are: the winter lab. This is where they make the snowflakes. Each one is hoofmade, so you know no two are gonna be the same. No matter how hard you look. The process is a bit long winded for me, so I tend to stay away from this area."

"They look so much better from up here," Rarity commented. Her wings sent gusts blowing everywhere, kicking up the snowflakes: those complete, and those still in progress. She frowned as the workers hurried around trying to collect them.

"Come on, let's go before Rarity ruins winter and causes a drought," Twilight insisted, making sure to be quiet enough Rarity didn't hear. With a few nods, she added, "Rarity, we're moving on, let's go."

"Right, coming~"


"Rainbow pools, huh... Not what I expected," Link noted. "Wouldn't the liquid rainbows pass through the cloud floor?"

"Not if you have pegasus magic holding it there. Every morning, the maintenance mare comes in and uses her talent to 'strengthen' the magic in the clouds, making it possible to contain the rainbow." Rainbow saw Pinkie take a drink from one of the pools, then swiftly bolt around the room after commenting on its insanely high spice level. "Heh heh, yeah, Rainbows aren't exactly known for their flavor."

"Well, well, well, look who it is." The unfamiliar voice came from a stallion, followed by two others. "Rainbow Crash. And who's this?"

"My name is Rarity." She flew over to them after introducing herself.

"Those wings are amazing! Where do I line up to get a pair?" he asked.

"Can it, Billy," Dash threatened, "before you do something you regret."

"Wouldn't dream of it, 'Crash'. Just being helpful here, but you should forget that mare's tale, and get yourself a pair of these. You'll be better off." Laughter erupts from the two behind him, clearly the one in front is their leader.

"Good. Because crossing an angry Dash is not in your best interest right now." Link stood beside his friend and glared at Billy.

"Ooh, got yourself a bodyguard, huh Crash? Can't fight your own battles anymore, need a foalsitter? Bah hahaha!" Link leaned his head down and continued his glare. "Ooh, so scared. If looks could kill, this'd be no more than a tickle at best. Come on guys, let's go. Her flight instability is contagious." The three took off. "See you later, Rainbow Crash!" Billy called out. The three of them took off, leaving Dash more than a little shaken.

"Friends of yours?" Link asked.

"Hardly. Those three have tormented the three of us since flight camp."

"Three?" he replied.

"Emerald Storm. Didn't I mention we met there?"

"Oh right. Her. Forgot all about that." Link sighed admittedly.

"Link, you were the one who asked her about Emmy. How could you forget something like that?" Twilight asked him, a bit of disappoint in her voice.

"Well, a lot's happened these last couple months."

Twilight got quiet, then turned to Dash again. Fluttershy, in an attempt to cease the awkward silence, offered, "How about we go see how clouds are made?" Then she, too, turned to her flying friend. "Don't worry too much, Rainbow. You'll win this competition for sure."

"Are you kidding?! I can't do the Sonic Rainboom! Not with plain old 'feathered' wings. I'm not going to win, the Wonderbolts won't notice me, I'll be a weather pony forever..." Dash sat in place and lowered her head.

"Come now, Dash. I know you can. You did so once before, right? When you were a filly? You've only gotten better." Link tried to cheer her up. "Besides that, I've seen you fly circles around the other pegasi. Rainboom or no, that crown will be yours. You're ten ways to awesome, and that's just an estimate."

"Heh, thanks, kid. I appreciate it." Dash stood, and regained her posture. "Now, how about them clouds?"


In the cloud room, Rainbow Dash encouraged Pinkie not to try eating a cloud tuft. Twilight looked around and saw the machines they used, and tried to discover their inner mechanisms. Aj and Link followed Rainbow to a side, where holes were made to let the clouds out safely. "These clouds we make are shipped all over Equestria. Cloudsdale is very industrious when it comes to climate."

"I can see that. All these dials and levers, each one does something different," Twilight said as she reached for one.

"Don't touch anything. Everything here has to be set just right. If not, then the clouds could be too heavy, or not heavy enough. They could drop lightning instead of rain, or they could drop nothing at all and that's not good."

Twilight joined Link and Aj, then looked around. "Where's Spike?"

"I, uh, think he went off with Fluttershy to see the wind room. It's nothing special, but it certainly is entertaining sometimes. They'll be fine."

"Yeah. If he's with Fluttershy, anyway. Hm?" Twilight saw Rarity getting more attention from the workers. "Rarity, we're supposed to be helping Rainbow Dash relax, remember? Put your wings away and stop showing off!"

"How could you ask me to put away perfection?" With that, the sunlight streaked through her wings and sent a spectrum of pastel colors over the workers. After a few more "awww"s and "ooooh"s, Rarity let out an excited sound.

Twilight looked back to Rainbow, who looked like she was having a panic attack. "You don't look so good. Are you okay?"

Rainbow, visibly shaking, replied, "Y-yeah, totally fine. Why wouldn't I be okay? After all, they all love her wings so much they won't notice when I screw up my routine in the competition!"

"That, is a wonderful idea. You should compete, too!" a worker suggested.

"I could watch you fly all day with those beautiful wings," another complimented.

"I made them, doesn't that count for something?" Twilight asked.

"Ehh... Not so much," the latter replied.

"You kidding me? You made these? My friend from Canterlot is big into magic, and she said something about how difficult transformation magic can be," the former pony, a pegasus mare, added.

"It wasn't easy, I assure you. That is why I cast a spell on the rest of us to walk on clouds. Magic conversion is easier than transformation."

"Still, you pulled it off. You got talent for sure. Too bad the Spellcaster's Tournament isn't for another month or so."

"Competing does sound interesting, perhaps I'll give it a try then," Rarity interrupted.

"Wh-what?" Dash exclaimed as she sat once more in shock. sh-she's competing too?! is that even allowed? no rainboom, a friend as competition, those three jerks are gonna hold this over my head for years... huh?

"Rainbow Dash..." Link started, as he put a hand on her shoulder. "You're not giving up are you?"

"I might as well," she replied quietly.

"Wrong answer."


"I thought you should know something, before you take the crown for best flyer. I was up last night doing research on pegasus magic and the effects thereof. You want to know what I found?" Silence. "What drives the pegasus magic center. It's all tied to your emotional state. Negative emotions will reduce your ability. Positive ones enhance it. Shake away all doubt, all traces of fear, and stay determined. Be happy, be vigilant, you can't go wrong with the right mindset. Do. Not. Give. Up."

"h-how can you have so much faith in me?"

"I know what you're capable of. I've seen you fly. Nopony else can hold a candle to you."

The group, minus Rarity, stood there, waiting for Rainbow to come back to her old self. "Yeah, I guess you're right." She turned to Rarity and flashed a grin. "Hey Rarity. I hope to see you out there, 'cause beating you is gonna be fun."

"Now that's more like it, sugarcube!" Aj exclaimed. "Glad to have ya back Rainbow."


Trumpets, tubas and trombones were played as the competition's announcer took center cloud. Spike returned with Fluttershy and the group found their second tier seats. Rarity and Rainbow were in the back in the waiting area. Princess Celestia sat between two of her pegasi guards across the way from Twilight. Link made it a point to make eye contact with the princess. "Fillies and Gentlecolts," the announcer started into a megaphone, "please join me in welcoming, Princess Celestia!" Uproarious cheers, then silence. "And our celebrity judges this year, the Wonderbolts!" He pointed up to an aerial display by the Wonderbolts themselves before flying to their seats below the princess. "Now, without further ado, let's Find out who will take home the golden crown of first place as the Best Young Flyer!"

More cheers as the announcer took a seat behind a cloudtop table beside the judges. "Hoo, the Wonderbolts are here too. Tough judgin', Ah'd say." Aj sat between Twilight and Pinkie while Link and Fluttershy took the ends. Spike sat in font of Twilight with Navi on the dragon's head sitting comfortably.

As the competition went on, it became more and more suspicious that Rainbow was stalling, but Link kept it to himself. "Rarity should be out there soon, too. I know that they're both our friends, but I am fairly certain Rainbow will be victorious."

"I don't know, Link. Number seven certainly put on a show. Doing 15 barrel rolls in a row can't be easy." Twilight looked to her side at him, then to Fluttershy who added her favorite.

"I liked number ten. She seemed like such a nice pony."

"From her flying? How can you tell that?" Twilight asked, tilting her head.

"Link said so himself: emotion. With so much grace, her wingbeats practically radiated with happy thoughts."

"And now, at long last, our final competitor of the day, number 15! And, uh... apparently contestant number 4..." the announcer said, looking at the papers in front of him.

"That's ... two in one? Is that allowed?" Twilight questioned. Well, better late than never, I suppose...

"I guess so. Huh? This..." Link paused to hear the light, ringing sound. "That doesn't sound like Rainbow's type of music. Rarity..."

Halfway into her first act, Rainbow crashed into the side of one of the cloud pillars set up.


"Sorry ladies, only time enough for one more act, so if both want to compete, you'll have to go out together," the attendance pony suggested.

"Well, Rainbow? Shall we?" Rainbow lightly nodded.

Rainbow started babbling to herself as she waited for the announcement. "And now, at long last, our final competitor of the day, number 15!" She took off out of the gate, followed by Rarity. "And, uh... apparently contestant number 4."

Rarity stopped Rainbow for a moment before she got started. "Good luck, Rainbow Dash. Just do your best. I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of changing our music. That 'rock and roll' doesn't really match my wings."

She changed the music too?! I'm doomed! AAAGHHHH! "Uh, yeah... you too." Forget all that, Rainbow thought as she shook her head. Just, do the routine, then it'll all be over... The lower area had several cloud pillars set up for her in advance. Rainbow began weaving around them rather quickly. this is easier than I thought it-. Her train of though derailed as she slammed into the side of one of the pillars. In recoil, she swerved off and plowed into the side of the arena, just below the bullies from earlier of all places.

"Nice flying Rainbow Crash!" The three laughed at her as she began to hide her face.

ignore them... just... phase two... Rainbow shook herself out of her idle and up toward other clouds. She began spinning them in place. As three or four of them were going, maybe a little too quickly, a piece of one came off and got her in the face. Shaken, she hit the cloud and sent it spiraling toward the princess, who ducked out of the way before it hit. Princess Celestia looked up at her and frowned a bit.

Dash looked at Rarity, who was gaining altitude, likely for her finale. Phase three, the sonic... rainboom. She flew up, past Rarity and kept going, almost ready to do her flips when she heard a scream from below. As she stopped and turned, she saw a look of terror on Rarity's face as she fell, wingless, toward the ground below. "Hold on, Rarity! I'm coming!" Rainbow aimed herself at the ground and took off at incredible speed. why did her wings disappear... 'They are made from gossamer and morning dew, and they are very delicate'. must have evaporated... With each passing second, her speed increased from gravity's effect. She noticed the Wonderbolts attempt a rescue, but fail as Rarity's flailing hooves rended them unconscious. i'm not gonna make it in time if i don't pick things up! She narrowed her vision and focused on her extended hooves. Soon, the same dome appeared, and quickly formed the cone from before as the air tried desperately to get out of Dash's way.

'Shake away all doubt, all traces of fear, and stay determined.' Dash shook her head, powering through the tears streaking along her cheeks. 'Nopony else can hold a candle to you.' The grassy ground was hastily approaching, and with little time to spare. I will not fail! Ever again! With one final push, she cut through the barrier surrounding her hooves. A color wheel erupted behind her as time itself seemed to slow to a crawl. Effortlessly, Dash caught up to the 4 of them, arranged the Wonderbolts on her back and carried Rarity below her in her hooves. Ignoring momentum, Rainbow turned sharply and continued her flight path toward Cloudsdale. As the world around her caught up, Dash looked back and saw the rainbow trail that followed her, and the explosion spreading across the sky. Rainbow arced over the stadium before returning to the arena.

Cheers echoed throughout the stadium as several spectating pegasi carried Rarity. The Wonderbolts regained consciousness and flew themselves off her back. "Thank you Rainbow," Rarity could barely manage to say. "You saved my life."

"Yeah, I did, huh."

Twilight and friends met Rainbow and hoisted her up into the air. "And you performed the Sonic Rainboom! I knew you could do it!" Link commended.

"I did that too, huh. Best day ever!"

After another cloud walking spell, Rarity gained her footing on the clouds. "I want to apologize to you, Rainbow, for getting caught up in my ... beautiful wings... I guess I sort of lost my head."

"It's fine really. To be perfectly honest, if you hadn't, I probably wouldn't have been able to do what I did. I-" Dash stopped and saw behind her friend.

"So, you're the pony who saved our lives. We really wanted to meet you and give to you our thanks," Spitfire, Wonderbolt Captain, said.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight greeted as the alicorn stepped forth. "Good to see you here." She bowed, as did the others. Link took a knee, of course.

"Hello, Twilight Sparkle, and hello to your friends, too."

"Princess Celestia, I'm sorry for my uncouth behavior. Rainbow really is the best flyer in Equestria."

"I know she is," she replied with a smile. "Which is why this year's title of 'Best Young Flyer' goes to Miss Rainbow Dash! For her bravery and performance."

Several pegasi carried her off toward the cheering crowd. "Princess," Link started, "you asked me to be here, and here I am. I await your command."

"Still formal, I see. There will be time for that in a bit. But first," she turned to Twilight once more, "From this experience, what did you learn about friendship?"

"As much as I'd like to answer that, I believe Rarity learned a great deal more than me." Twilight looked over to her friend.

"I certainly did. I learned to keep my hooves on the ground, and to be there for my friends." Rarity nodded once in triumph.

"A fine lesson. One I hope you don't soon forget. Twilight, regarding Link's assignment... I was hoping to borrow Spike from you as well."

"S-Spike? But... why?"

"Yeah, why me? I thought I was just coming to watch the show," the dragon added.

"You were an ... unexpected attendee. But it's a good thing you made it. I need from you a favor. On his mission, he will need to contact me on his progress, and he's the only one that knows how to do that among you and your friends." Princess Celestia looked down at her student and wore a stern look.

"Princess... If the letter-sending is what you are after, and not the presence of Spike that's desired, then there is another..." Link offered, after returning to his upright position. "If I may request, I believe Ruby Inferno will aid me better."

"Link! Why would you-! Oh, uh... eh heh... why would you ask... such a thing from her? didn't things..." Twilight tried to counter.

"Of course things went well. That's one reason why I'm making this request. Another, is her combat ability. I believe she can hold her own, in the face of adversity." Don't interrupt me, please. I want to make things right between her and I.

"So things did go well? For a while, I thought you two were at odds with each other. If you two got along this swimmingly, I see no reason why I should turn this request down. Very well, Link. On return to Canterlot, I'll send a chariot to retrieve her, along with a letter."

"My thanks, Princess." Link turned to Navi, and beckoned to her. Happily, she landed atop his head, which was hatless. "Twilight, I don't believe I'll leave until tomorrow. If it's alright, I want to send you a list of things I may want to bring with me. If that's okay..."

"Of course it is. Anything. Just... be careful out there. And don't hesitate to send me a progress report too. I want to know how you're doing."


Princess Celestia looked at Link, then asked, "Are we all set then?" He nodded, then gave his sister a hug. Without waiting, Celestia walked ahead of Link to their chariot.

"Farewell, Twilight. I'll be back before you know it." Link put on his hat and walked.

Twilight watched as her brother and mentor flew off toward the castle. I know you will be...


Elsewhere... In Ponyville, Epona immediately noticed her previous state of exhaustion returning. As she looked around, she saw a serious lack of hotel to rest in. This certainly is a lot worse off than Canterlot... wait... what's- She saw a nicely sized tree away from the buildings. As she drew closer, she read the sign. "'Golden Oaks Library'. Sounds like a public place." Epona walked in and shut the door behind her. "Hello? Miss Librarian?" No answer. "huh. Oh well. Guess it couldn't hurt to read something."

The next couple hours were spent reading and lounging. It was odd, the way the couch smelled. She figured that since it was a library, so many different ponies sat where she was, and the smells blended together. Her book of choice was an adventure book. Something by A.K. Yearling, whoever that was, she didn't care for the title and just dove right in. She placed her bags beside the couch and took out a piece of fruit she got from a stall on her way into town.

Within 20 minutes, the book fell onto her chest as she drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 16: The Next Assignment

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"Princess Celestia?" Link began to ask. "If it is all the same to you, I'd like to know where my assignment places me, before we actually get to the castle."

Celestia, Link, and Navi were on their way from Cloudsdale after a stunning performance by Rainbow Dash. Her Sonic Rainboom had lit the sky like he'd never seen before. Certainly a memorable moment for them all. He had received orders to accompany Celestia to the castle to determine his next mission.

"In due time. More important matters are upon us. Such as the choice of color for your armor. Royal Gold does look good on you. Now you look like a true royal guard, worthy of serving at my side." The princess looked at her young man and smiled a bit. "I trust you still have the silver set?"

"Well, no... Not really. That one got ripped. So I handed it off to Rarity the designer for the dimensions to make this one. It got ripped 12 days ago, when an Ursa Minor came into town. I tried to drive it back to the forest, but ultimately, Twilight handled that for me." Link decided not to mention the need for a new water tower, as that was the mayor's job.

"And how is Twilight Sparkle? I'm not getting many reports from her."

"About that... It's been really hectic since we got there. One of them didn't even count, since it was on the findings of the ocarina, not friendship. She is learning, but... in a round-about way, I guess." Link looked onward toward the castle.

"And one more thing: what do you want for your 13th birthday?"

Link hung his head, fearing this question. "I haven't asked for anything in 5 years... Honestly, I stopped wanting things."

"Well, I got you something anyway. But you'll have to wait until you're ready to leave to open it." Celestia also looked at the fast-approaching castle. "On that topic, you and Ruby are scheduled to depart in the morning after you rest."

"Thank you again for agreeing to send for her. Getting her out in the world might do wonders for her."

"This is no vacation, Link. This mission is serious." The chariot landed as she continued. "You must carry it out with the utmost care."

"I understand," he replied, stepping down. The two of them began making their way to the throne room. Both pegasi escorted them. Once there, Celestia took her seat on the solar throne. Link, in respect and by duty, knelt before her. Navi, however, just sat on his head in the open.

"It was really windy up there," she commented. She then flew to his shoulder and looked at the princess. "I heard we leave in the morning with Ruby."

"You heard right, young fairy. Now, the letter. Have you any parchment?" Link took out a scroll and material to write with. Celestia took them from him and levitated them at her side. "Is there anything you wish to add to it?"

"No, but one more request: do not mention me. I wish to surprise her."

"Very well." She cleared her throat and began dictating, watching the quill match her talking speed in writing.


My Loyal Subject, Ruby Inferno:

You are hereby summoned to Canterlot Castle. Prepare yourself for a journey into the northern tundra. You will be provided with transportation, and funds for your return trip. You must bring with you the following: spare writing supplies, at least two scarves, provisions that can handle the cold, and yourself. You are to depart in the morning. As such, a room will be provided for you upon your arrival. You also will want to eat something before departing for Canterlot Castle.

-Princess Celestia


"How does that sound?" she asked him.

"Perfect," Link replied. He stood up and looked at the princess.

Celestia coiled it up and hoofed it to one of the guards. "Present this to Miss Ruby Inferno at the old castle in the woods. Depart in ten with your partner."

"Yes, milady," he replied. He took the scroll under his wing armor and left for the landing area with his flight partner.

"Princess... The northern tundra?"

"Yes. Second Commander Prism's location is vital. As such, you will make the journey to her, retrieve what you need, and make the journey back. With Ruby's assistance, of course."

"May I have my writing material back? I wish to write to Twilight about this." She gave the ink and quill back to him, as he produced another scroll.

"One more thing for you." She waved to the door on the side, as a dull white - almost gray - unicorn with silver guard armor entered the room carrying a tray with something on it. "It will be cold up there, so you will wear this to keep warm."

He set the letter down, held it up to himself and examined it. First thing he noticed was its white color. It wasn't too thick, so he expected it to be enchanted with a warming spell. "I'll need to wear this under this outfit, so I still retain the defensive attributes of this gear."

"I agree. It is made to control your body heat so you don't freeze. However, it doesn't keep you from over-heating. Also, you should avoid prolonged direct contact with snow and ice. It may affect the cloth's ability. There is a matching pair of pants as well."

"This is cool, I admit. How long have you known about this mission?"

"Since you asked me about a unicorn with Sapphire in her name," she replied. "My sister and I came up with your mission, believing that Second Commander Prism holds one of the three keys you need. Remember: you need the Sword of Masters. That is your true mission." Link nodded his head and stowed the garments in his pocket.

"Princess, is there one for me?" Navi asked.

"I'm afraid not, little one. However, there is a pocket in the coat for you if you desire."

"Thank you," she replied.

Link glanced at the mare who brought it to him. "Is... something wrong?" the princess asked him.

"Nothing," he replied. "Do you mind if I get a meal in the dining hall? I'm a bit hungry."

"I don't mind at all," the princess accepted. "I trust you remember where it is?"

Link nodded, then added, "Can she join me? I could use a meal companion. Eating alone isn't something I like doing."

Celestia looked to her guard, who showed signs of weariness. "Are you hungry? Would you like to accompany him?"

"I am. I would," the mare replied. "But, do not worry for my well-being. I am fine."

"I insist, then. Accompany him to the dining hall, and join him in eating a meal. Have whatever you like. Oh, and feel free to talk to each other. Communication between royal guards is critical to any success."

"As you order it, your highness." She walked over to him and looked down. "We shall leave when you are ready."

"First thing's first." Link finished the letter, and gave it to the princess. "Can you send this to Twilight? I don't expect her to send my supplies until tomorrow morning. She'll be a little busy, I'm sure."

As asked, Celestia sent the letter on its way to Twilight through Spike. "On its way, now, on your way." She watched as the three left the room for the dining hall.

Along the way, Link took note of the hoofscrapes following behind him. He turned his head and asked, "What is your name?"

"You don't remember it?" she replied, tilting her head to the side. "Surprise, surprise. Wonderboy doesn't remember everything."

Confused, Link fell silent in thought as he turned forward. Navi stayed looking at her from his shoulder. "I might remember you. You do look different in that armor though."

"At least one of you knows me." The sound of her being upset was plain to hear. "After all, I couldn't expect you to remember everypony you fight against."

"I'm sorry?" He replied, turning once more. "We have met, and fought?"

"Yes. But enough of that for now. More when we eat."

"Good, because I want to pick your brain about some stuff." The three continued in silence for the remainder of the walk. In the dining hall, lined with tables, Link and his "escort" sat opposite each other, as another mare entered through a pair of side doors. In moments, she came into their table.

She wore an apron, which covered her cutie mark, with holes in it for her wings, and a chef's hat. "Welcome home, Master Link! It's so good to see you again!"

"Hm?" he questioned, looking at her. On closer inspection, he saw a small, star-shaped patch under her right eye. "Aren't you... Night Sky?"

"Ding ding! Winner! You do remember me!" Quickly, she took him in a hug, while the other mare looked on in discomfort. Upon release, she stepped back and looked him over. "Goodness, you've grown. 5 years, has it been? I was told to expect an old friend, but this?"

"Do you remember my favorite food?" Link asked as Navi got down to the table.

"Of course I do. You know, thanks to you, a few of the guards and staff have started including it in their diets, but only in sparse quantities. We are herbivores, primarily, but once in a while, one sneaks up on ya who actually likes it and is okay with it."

"And what would you like?" he asked the other mare.

"Whatever you are having. I want to eat what you eat, if only to see what it is." Silence.

"You... know what it is, right?"

"I don't really care. I have placed my order, now fill it with haste."

"As you wish, ma'am." Night Sky returned to the kitchen and began.

"What was that about?" Navi asked.

She let out a sigh and lowered her head, closing her eyes. "Us 'Royal Guards' are a branch of military that work under the princesses of Equestria. The staff working in the castle, are less important than the military, so legally, the guardsponies are of higher rank than staff. Therefore, it was an order, and she had to follow it."

"Well, you just ordered cooked meat. Are you still going to eat it?"

"I am. I am one of the guards that have done as she described. And, since this is an occasion, I am allowed to eat it. So long as there are vegetables included." She looked up at him and continued, "It is an acquired taste, to be sure, but one I have done so."

"Okay..." he said. "Anyway, about your brain. First off, I want to know your name, and if possible, your rank. You say you fought me, and I should know you. Well, I don't."

"You really don't remember me? After 5 years, you remember her, but not me after one month? Since you can't, I guess I will remind you. My name is Steel Saber, and I graduated from the guard's academy the same day as you."

"Steel Saber... Steel Saber..." Link repeated, trying to remember the day he got his first mission. "Not ringing a bell. When were you called up?"

"Just before your friend, Silver General. I'm actually surprised he passed the tests. He was always so..."


"Timid, is what I would say."

The three talked until the chef returned with a chunk of cooked meat for each. On the side of it, was a small pile each of carrots, potatoes and broccoli. Night stayed there and joined their conversation about how Steel Saber came to like meat, and how life has been for Link after he left for the guard 5 years ago. 6:30 came faster than he hoped, and a stallion of the guard entered the room.

"Master Link! You are being recalled to the throne room. Graduate Saber, you have a new order to fulfill," he relayed.

"I'm going to ignore the fact both of them called you master." Saber, Link, and Navi made their way to their destination.

One of the guards outside the door to the room stopped Saber from entering. "You have different orders, graduate. You are to go into the bedroom on the third floor with 'Twilight and Link' on the nameplate. Clean it, and make it livable once more. Once finished, wait for him there to deliver your new orders."

"Yes Sir!" she replied, and away she went, leaving Link and Navi by the doors.

As they swung open, he saw Ruby sitting on the floor with one of her bags open and holding a book. "Good to see you again, Ruby."


Ruby Inferno sat behind her book restoration table humming to herself. She's been alone since the incident with the fireball; the wolves didn't come back to her. Sure, she felt sad, but angry at the ... thing that invaded her lifestyle. What even was he? Not a pony, that's for sure. These and a few other thoughts and questions went through her head. "If I ever see him again, it'll be too soon."

"Miss Ruby Inferno!?" a booming voice called from the castle's entrance. One that was unfamiliar to her.

"J-just a moment, I'll be right down." She shut her current project, tied her mane in a ponytail behind her head and proceeded down the stairs to the main hall. on first glance, she noticed they wore the gold colored armor of the royal guard. Oh no... what- no... did he report me to the princess?! he wouldn't. would he? Oh this is bad! "C-can I help you?" she asked carefully as she approached the two of them.

"Miss Ruby Inferno?" one asked in a deep voice, unwavering in its stoic property.

"That's ... me." She looked at the other one, who was looking around the interior of the room. "What is this about?"

"You are summoned to Canterlot Castle by Princess Celestia. There is a letter addressed to you." He took the scroll from under his wing and presented it to Ruby as instructed.

She took the letter, looked cautiously at the guardspony, and opened it. "'My Loyal Subject, Ruby Inferno, you are hereby summoned to Canterlot Castle. Prepare yourself for a journey into the northern tundra. You will be provided with transportation, and funds for your return trip.' What is this?" she asked the guard who didn't respond. She continued, "'You must bring with you the following: spare writing supplies, at least two scarves, provisions that can handle the cold, and yourself.'" Ruby gave a light chuckle that the princess would list "herself" as part of things to bring. "'You are to depart in the morning. As such, a room will be provided for you upon your arrival. You also will want to eat something before departing for Canterlot Castle. Princess Celestia.' A mission?" she asked the guard.

"My partner and I will wait outside. Please make haste. This is important." He and his partner exited the castle and hooked themselves to the transport.

"Oh. ok then." Ruby looked again at the letter and read it to herself. Why so far north? It's freezing up there. What could be so important? And why me?

She withdrew to her room at the top of the stairs and looked around her room. "Let's see... 'spare writing supplies, at least two scarves, provisions that can handle the cold.'" Ruby set her bags on the bed and began gathering the writing supplies: an inkwell, a set of quills, and several coils of scrolls. One look in her closet revealed no trace of scarves, so that was out of the question. She also didn't have the provisions that could handle cold. Most of what she had would freeze over. Failure isn't an option. With that, she grabbed a couple of her favorite books, a bit pouch, an apple for on the way, and put them in her saddlebags. Except the apple. She ate the apple on her way to the guards outside.

"Sirs, it seems I cannot bring all of the required items. If I may ask, can you take me to Ponyville? I'll buy what I need there. Is that acceptable?" she asked the two. They nodded as Ruby climbed aboard. In less than a minute, they arrived at town square of Ponyville. Ruby stepped off, thanked the two, and looked around for shops. "Let's see... It's a bit late at night so the food stalls are gonna close up soon. Still, there's plenty of daylight left."

Ruby went to one food stall with a rather big stallion behind its counter. "Eeyup?" he asked.

"Can apples survive the cold?"

"Eeyup." he said once more.

"Good, then I'll take 10."

"All that for yerself?" a mare asked as she approached the stall. "Mighty hungry to eat ten of 'em. Not that Ah'm complainin'. More money for mah family."

"Hm?" Ruby looked and saw an orange mare with a brown hat leaning on the stall. "Oh, uh... are you the owner?"

"Technically. Mah brother watches it while Ah'm gone. 15 bits for ten apples, please."

"Right." She pulled out her pouch, counted out her 15, and put the rest away. "There you are." Ruby placed the ten in her opposite bag, so they wouldn't squish themselves. "Don't suppose there's a place to get scarves?"

"Carousel Boutique's yer stop fer that one. Over yonder." The orange mare pointed to a "building" in town. "The owner should be home by now too. Ah'm sure she'll cut ya a deal. Just say 'Aj' sent ya."

"Will do. Thanks again." Ruby turned and passed the guards on her way to the boutique. Once indoors, the bells rang to alert the owner of customers.

"Hold, for just a moment, dear. Just getting my little sister her dinner," a voice called from another room. Patiently, Ruby waited. A minute or so later, a white unicorn came into view. "Apologies for my delay. Siblings are as important to me as my work. What can I do for you?"

"I need to buy 2 scarves. Preferably thick ones to keep me very warm."

"Look no further than Carousel Boutique. This way please." The mare led the way to an alcove by the dresses. Inside, there was an assortment of multicolored scarves: long, short, thin, thick, frayed, neat, every type. "Take your pick."

Ruby looked through them and picked out a thick red one, and a thin blue one. "These are fine. And I was told you'd give me a deal for them if I said, 'Aj sent me'."

"I... see... Hmm... Ah, I tell you what: I usually price my scarves at ten bits apiece, but since Aj referred you to this place, The price for the both will gladly be 8 total. Consider it a gift."

"Really? That's really generous of you. Thanks." Ruby bowed a bit and hoofed over the amount, which the unicorn took in her magic.

"Thank you for your purchase. Will that be all?" Ruby nodded. "I hope you have a wonderful evening." She left as the mare watched her leave.

She was nice to do that for me. With her scarves in the apple bag, she returned to the guards. "Sorry for the wait, sirs. We can go now."

The ride was silent and smooth. Ruby had no fear of heights, or falling. In fact, she loved the view of the sinking sun, though sunset wasn't for another couple hours. They reached Canterlot Castle shortly, and landed in the presence of the princess, who was waiting for them.

"Ruby Inferno. Welcome." Celestia turned to her guards. "Recall him from the dining hall, and inform Graduate Saber that she has new orders to fill. The other, follow us." She watched as one of the guards departed. "Ruby, how are you?"

"I'm a bit ... uneasy. A trip to the north? Why so sudden?"

Ruby walked behind the princess toward the throne room. "There is a mission of great importance. And you have been requested to accomplish it."

"I'm requested? By who?" she asked.

"By a trustworthy Royal Guard. He asked to remain anonymous."

What are the odds of it being that jerk... Ruby shook the thought from her head. "Very well." The silence continued until they reached the throne room, where Celestia ushered Ruby inside.

"Tell Graduate Saber to make Link's old room livable again. Clean it. It's the room on the third floor that has his and Twilight's name on the nameplate." That guard stayed outside the door while Celestia went to sit on her throne. The doors shut behind her as she walked. "Now Ruby, I must ask: How's the restoration project coming along?"

"Uhh... It could be going better. I've been distracted lately. But, it'll be done as you asked, I guarantee you."

"That's great news. I see you've brought some with you. Light reading to pass the time?"

Ruby nodded and took one out. Princess Celestia sat atop her throne while Ruby occupied a vacant spot on the carpet. "This one's my favorite so far. It's about this stallion with two souls, each fighting for control of his body. It's a great read. I've gone through it at least a dozen times. Then there's the other one," she pulled out the other book and held it beside her. "'The Never-Ending Trail'. I like this one too. It's actually 5 books long so far."

"I've read them too. You only brought those?"

"Well, yes. Any more and I wouldn't have room for anything else." She carefully placed them in her bags beside the sealed inkwell and set of quills.

"You are going to the frozen north, I don't think there will be time for reading. But, it's your choice. You will leave in the morning. You and one other will make this journey, retrieve an item, and come back."

"One other? The anonymous pony right?"

Just then, the doors opened, and an all-too-familiar voice called out, "Good to see you again, Ruby."


H-him?! Don't tell me... Ruby turned to see Link walking toward them, Navi in plain sight on his shoulder.

"As you requested, Ruby is here. And, as you may have concluded, you and she will be going up north, meeting Second Commander Prism and retrieving the key you need, and coming back here."

Why him!? Ruby looked down to her barely shaking hooves. A-am I afraid of him? Link stood by Ruby and listened.

"Link, after receiving your letter, my sister and I thought it best to send you out to retrieve what you will need. Ruby will accompany you on this mission to see it accomplished. Surely her skills can be put to good use.

"Ruby, Link requested you be his companion on this mission, so he must think very highly of you to do so.

"There is no dead-line for the mission, however, finishing it has the highest priority until notified otherwise. Ruby, send a mail to me when you get there, and another when you get the key. Link, if there is anything you wish to tell Twilight, have Ruby send them to me and I will forward them."

"Thank you," they said in unison.

"Further, the base you are looking for is hidden. But, I have a map prepared for you." Celestia levitated a scroll to him. "The way is lit by distant torches, but use this if you get lost. It also shows the torch locations."

"Thank you, Princess Celestia." He bowed in respect. "May we retire for the night?"

"Yes. Your old room is prepared for your stay. Graduate Saber is standing guard outside your room. Order her to do as you like. Ruby, you may join him. Good night."

"Princess," he replied, "Could you send somepony to replace her sometime during the night? I have a feeling she's tired."

"Of course, Link."

With another bow, he turned and left for the door. Noticing Ruby's lack of following hooves, he turned back. "Well, come on, Ruby. There's stuff I want to talk to you about."

"O-oh... O-of course. Coming, Link." Ruby hesitantly followed him out of the room. The entire walk went by in silence. Once there, he saw Saber standing outside his door.

Is it a good idea to let him give her such vague orders? Ruby thought.

"Greetings, Link. Your room is prepared." Saber stood at attention facing him. "I am also told you'd relay my new orders. What are they?"

Link paused and thought for a moment. Hmm. It would be bad if somepony came in here while we were going over our mission plans... "You are to stand guard at this door and let nopony enter. The only exceptions are the princesses, or those designated as personal guard. That is all."

"Thank you," she said as she watched them enter the room.

He turned around, poked his head out of the doorway and added, "Oh, and somepony will be by to replace your position sometime in the night. At that time, feel free to do just that. Then that's the end of your service to me."

"Oh, ok. Thanks, again." She watched as the door closed behind him, and took note that the door was more or less soundproofing.

Link walked and looked around the room he grew fond of as a younger boy. Noticeably things were changed: the curtains and bed covers were a different color, the map over the dresser was updated, and the closet where his clothes were has been emptied. I wonder if it's still there... He walked over to the dresser and pulled out the bottom drawer.

"Something wrong?"

"No, just... I left a picture under this drawer." He flipped it over and saw it. "And it's still here. I put it there 5 years ago, before I left for the royal guard." The picture showed him, Twilight, Navi and Spike all smiling big in the gardens of Canterlot. A couple stone statues were behind them next to a hedge. "wow... 5 years passed by in the blink of an eye," he said, remembering how he was before the royal guard changed him.

"That used to be you?" Ruby asked, looking over his shoulder. "You look happy."

"Yeah... Well, me 7 years ago. Back then, things were great. Every day was an adventure. I could go out, play with the animals in the gardens, play hide and seek in the scattered hedges, look at the clouds. It was those days, I really miss." Link smiled a genuine smile, one he hadn't shown in the time they'd been together.

"Sounds like the life to me." Ruby set her stuff down beside the dresser and came back to him. "Why did you join the guard, anyway? If your life was so great, why'd you abandon it for one of hardships?"

His smile faded and his eyes noticeably closed a little. "I joined the guard, because of my brother. He taught me a spell, only one, and it's the barrier spell I used against you. It's not perfect, but I thought that if I joined the guard, I'd learn more, useful spells. And that... hasn't happened."

"I see," she replied. "On another note, why'd you request me to join you? If we clashed like that, twice, how'd you think this was a good idea?"

"So I could apologize. I made you mad on purpose. I thought that, since I use magic without a horn, same as you, that you might be connected to my home world. If you got mad, you'd attack and use that special fire on me. That last attack, I wanted to catch it, and bring it with me, since it seemed to be self sustaining after it left your hooves. But, it proved to be too much."

"I can't tell if your smart or stupid. I guess I'll see for myself. Either way, I accept. And don't ever, ever, make me mad on purpose, ever again. Bad things can happen..." Ruby looked away from him and fell silent.

"Is... there a story there? Because I kind of want to hear it."

"It's none of your business. My past is mine. I want to keep it that way."

Link simply replied, "I guess that's fair."

Ruby, Link and Navi talked themselves to sleep at around 10 at night. A few hours later, a guard came by to relieve Saber from her post. The night went peacefully, neither sound nor dreams caused him to stir. Ruby, however, couldn't stay asleep. Every couple hours, she'd roll awake, and see Link still asleep in the opposite bed.

This whole thing sounds like a bad idea, she thought as her head hit the pillow once more.

"Tell me, dear pony. What troubles thy slumber so?" a voice asked calmly.

Ruby sat up and quick looked around the room. "Who's there?" she asked. "Where are you?"

"Fear not, for we do not wish you harm." Princess Luna teleported into the room and stood beside her bed. "We simply wish to know thy troubles."

"Y-you are... Princess Luna. Sorry for my outburst. !!" Ruby looked to Link, who had disappeared, as well as his gear and fairy companion.

"There are none but us in this space. Thy words shall fall on our ears alone," the shadowed Princess assured. "Speak to us thy woes."

Ruby looked at the princess's concerned expression and sighed. "If you really want to know, I'll tell you. It's Link. I ... I don't exactly feel safe around him. I know he asked me to come along on this mission and all, but something about it feels wrong. Like, his attitude changes to fit his situation. When he needs to grovel, he does so shamelessly, and when he stands to fight, he does so with unwavering fortitude. I guess it's that kind of personality that frightens me. So much so that I'm losing sleep over it."

"Thine feelings are those of fear?" she asked. "Such emotion is common. As is your reasoning to have it. But confess, if he were thy enemy, t'would be an easy task to send you to the hereafter. The fact that he refrains from said action convinces me he places thy life high on his priority list. We assure you, he wishes not to deliver you any harm. Have trust in your newfound ally, and things will become clearer. Now, the time to wake is nigh, and as such, We bid thee farewell." Luna wrapped herself in a black cloud and disappeared inside it. The cloud itself also dissipated.

"I've been dreaming?" she asked to nopony in particular.


Suddenly, the world she knew turned black as she sat up in her bed once more, in a bit of a breathing fit this time. "What is it, what happened?" Navi asked, flying over to her.

"Y-you..." Ruby hesitated, and looked around the room. "You didn't see anything?"

"Just you waking up. We were wondering when you were going to. I saw you have been tossing and turning all night. Bad dream?"

Ruby sat up in silence and thought about what Luna had said to her. "Not... exactly. Where's Link?"

"He's over there, beside the bed on the floor." Navi pointed to an out of sight Link doing his morning exercise.

"Odd. I didn't think he'd be up this early," Ruby admitted. "Guess that's what I get for thinking."

"It's not odd, it's regimented. 5 years in service, you're bound to follow a set of rules. When the sun rises, so do you. If you don't, you're wasting time," Link said, as he stood up and put his Dragon Cloth Tunic back on. Though brief, Ruby saw his abdominals were clearly defined, though Link is so young.

"Well, aren't you just a little tough guy. Do that every day, do ya?"

"Exercise, yes. This routine, no. Every day is different. I've only been up for half an hour. And it's now..." He looked at the wall clock and continued, "6:10. We should return to the throne room so we can be under way."

"Before that, I want to ask you something... If I may." Ruby got out of bed and walked over to him. "Are part of your orders to keep me safe?"

"No," he replied. Then, he waited to see her reaction, which fell to the floor. "But that doesn't mean I'm gonna let you die, either. Your life is important. Both to me and this mission. To let you die is akin to failure. I will not allow it."

"I ... see."

"Anyway," he said, putting his hat on and strapping his sheath to his back, "the princess of the day must be met. I believe she has a letter for me."

"Right. Lead the way, Mr. Hero."

Ruby, Link and Navi atop his shoulder entered the throne room after a few minutes walking. The Sun Princess sat atop her throne with a sleepy expression on her face.

"Link, Navi, and Ruby. Good morning. Did you sleep soundly in your old room?"

"I did, Princess. It was just as I remember it to be. Have you a letter addressed to me?" he asked in reply.

"I do, but this one is from last night. I did not read it, as it is yours to read." Celestia levitated a letter over to him and watched as he opened it.

'Dear Link, Your letter was received, and I will gather your supplies by the end of the night. However, there is something I must tell you. There is a pony here, and I saw it fit to lend her your bed. She's a traveler in search of somepony, and she needed a temporary place to stay until she restocks her own supplies. I don't know who she's looking for, but she says it's very important that she finds them soon. And get this, she doesn't have her cutie mark. And she's bigger than Applejack! There's something odd about her. Something she's not telling me. Well at any rate, it's almost dinner time. Spike's offering to make the two of us dinner. Your Big Sister, Twilight Sparkle.' Link coiled the scroll and looked at the princess once more. "Why did this letter not get sent to my room?"

"I thought it best to let you sleep. Further, you are expecting another one soon, yes?"

"Heh, not really. Twilight is likely still asleep. I'd give her until 7 to-"

A coiled scroll poofed in from a cloud of green smoke. Celestia took it in her magic. "'To My Brother, Link.' You were saying?"

"I've been known to be wrong on occasion." He took it as it floated to him. "Now, let's see here..." He opened it close to the floor as a myriad of items flowed out. 2 books, 4 boxes of juice, 5 more apples, a container of milk, his sword sharpening stone, a thick blanket, and a deck of playing cards. Each one found its rightful place in his pocket pouch. "And that's all. Now let's see... 'Dear Link, I've asked Spike to send them when he woke up. As I'm sure you know, I likely won't be awake until mid-morning. Anyway, all that you've requested is here. Be safe, and come back triumphant. I have a cake for you. Your Big Sister, Twilight Sparkle.'"

"I've been meaning to ask, how do you do that? That pouch thing." Ruby pointed at his side pockets.

"Uhh... Long story short, they take whatever I give them, and it gets put in another 3 dimensional space."

"Simple enough."

"Now, for my gift to you. I had said I've got something for you, and here it is." The princess levitated a wrapped box over to him and placed it on the floor at his feet. "Happy preliminary 13th birthday, Link."

The present itself was wrapped in a green paper, and tied with a red ribbon which formed a bow. There was a card that had his name on it, but only to define who it belonged to, nothing more. With zero haste, he began unwrapping it, tossing the paper aside and opened the box within. Inside it, sat a curved length of wood. It had two bands of yellow around each end and a red gem at its angle on each side of the flat piece of wood.

"And this is..." he began to ask.

"That, dear boy, is a boomerang. It is said to return to the thrower after being released. The only way I could think of was a return spell, so I imbued it with one. Now, when it is thrown, it'll return to the one who threw it. No matter where they are. There are restrictions, of course. Its distance is determined by how far you can throw it. If it hits something, it won't lose rotation, but it will change direction depending on what you hit. Also, you can force it to return by pulling your hand back. That will immediately return it to you."

"So many rules. I'll field test it later. Thank you for the gift, Princess Celestia." He put it in his pocket and picked up his mess.

"Allow me, Link," Princess Celestia offered. She picked it up in her magic and dissolved it into nothing.

"How ... did you do that?"

"I'm an alicorn. It should come as no surprise that I can break down matter." Celestia smiled. "I'm joking. I teleported it away. Piece by piece."

"That's way too believable, princess," Link pointed out. "Breaking down matter on an atomic level isn't easy, by unicorn standards. And impossible, otherwise."

"Even so, Alicorns are all-powerful, provided they act within their talent."

"... wait. Within their talent... Ruby. What is your talent again?"

Ruby was zoning out, and barely heard that last part. "Huh? Oh, making fires. That's about it."

"So if what the princess said holds true, then you could make an entire city burn, right?"

"Ruby is no alicorn, agreed, but there is still much power in her. I believe something like that is within her ability." The princess looked at Ruby and smiled. "But, I have faith that she can keep her ability in check, right?"

Link had noticed that Ruby turned away. The silence between them hung in the air for a few brief seconds. "That's... true. I can. To both. Burn a city, and keep myself from burning a city."

"And that's where I leave it. Sounds like a touchy subject, so let me just drop it off there." Link shrugged and folded his arms, clanking the shield on his back with the sheath there as well. "I think it's time to be off, don't you agree?"

"Y-yeah... The sooner we get what you're looking for, the better."

Princess Celestia walked with Ruby, Link and Navi to their transport. "You have your map?" A quick nod. "Your body heat regulating gear?" Another nod. "How about your funds?" Link looked at her in slight confusion. "Did I not mention? I would provide money for your mission." Celestia teleported in a bag of bits and gave it to Link. "100 pieces. Spend it wisely. That should last your entire journey. And to ensure you do so, whatever's left, you can split between you two."

"I'll leave that to you," Ruby told him. "I wouldn't trust me with money."

"Alright then." Link pocketed his money bag and stepped on to the transport. "I recall you said you couldn't get us the whole way there. Where are we dropping?"

"A little town just on the outskirts of the tundra. It's cold there, but nothing too serious." Celestia gave Link a hug and stepped back. "In a few more years, you'll be as tall as me."

"Not likely. I'm average sized. I wouldn't be surprised if I stopped growing now."

Ruby, too, stepped in beside him. "Farewell Princess Celestia. I will keep you updated on the situation." She bowed before her ruler, as did Link.

"Farewell, young ones."


The three departed the castle and had arrived at a little town just at the edge of their destination. They used this town to buy a few small things and prepare for their journey into the frozen wasteland. Ruby had spent some time away from Link, and didn't tell him why. He was fine with that, so long as she was ready when he was. Once both of them were as ready as could be, they made their way to the edge of the town, looking out into the wasteland of snow.

"Celestia said there'd be torches lit, but I don't see any flames out there, do you?"

"No, but... I do see a stick out of the ground. Perhaps the first one isn't lit?" Ruby said hopefully.

Link had put on his warming outfit under his armor. It formed to his body quickly, and instantly, he felt he could stand in the snow for days on end. His gear and pockets had to be adjusted slightly, to accommodate for the extra layer. The leather gauntlets he wore felt the same, as did his padded shoes. Unfortunately, the hat he was provided with didn't match his gold, so he kept his own one on. Navi found comfort in his hair, as the pocket in the under-gear was covered by his outer layer.

"For both our sakes, I hope you're right..."

The two of them started walking into the cold winter weather, unaware of the disaster that would befall them.

Chapter 17: The Journey Part II: Northern Tundra

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Naturally, Link took point, walking in front of Ruby, who still had her doubts about him. His connection with the princess was the only reason she even gave him a chance. Before they entered, they found their first torch. Unlit as it was, accidents happen.

"This is, indeed, a torch," Link commented. "Can you light it? It'll help find our way back."

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Sure, one sec." Ruby looked up and down the height of it, examining it. It's made of metal, and there's barely any tinder in the bowl. "Nothing seems wrong..." She put her hoof to the top of the torch and silenced herself. In moments, a small flame lept from her extended limb and lit the tinder successfully. "Hm. Might have just b-" Just before she finished her sentence, the fire flickered and died.

"So," Link began, putting a hand to his chin, "the torches don't stay lit in this light snowfall... Odd, but not uncommon. Fire is fire, I get... Do yours fizzle that fast usually?"

"No, they don't. This is new to me too." Ruby shook her head.

"Hmm... If the torches marking the way are all like this, we might have the same problem with them. The next one is..." Link looked around for the next protruding torch. He found it, but it was barely visible. Looked like it was half a mile out. "There," he pointed. Ruby looked and squinted.

"No fire there either. Link, this isn't right." Ruby hung her head. "And since my flames won't stay lit here, I doubt they'd be of any use further in."

"Twice is a coincidence, Ruby. There could be something wrong at camp, but it's not guaranteed yet."

"How many torches are there supposed to be?" Navi asked, poking her head out from under his hat.

Link took out the map they were given and gave it a look over. "7," he answered, pointing at each one as he counted in his head. "9 if you include the ones that mark the outpost's border." He then coiled it up and tucked it away. "And we, unfortunately, don't have the luxury of trying to determine the cause of these unlit waymarks."

"Right... Even if they are extinguished, they should still be easy to follow."

"I hope so."


It had taken them about 30 minutes to reach the first unlit torch, and another 25 to reach the second. This, like the first, had nothing seemingly wrong with it, though the two were nearly identical.

"Is this really all there is to it? Just a series of torches?" Navi asked. She looked around and saw their third desination. "And look, another extinguished waymarking torch. What's three again?"

"A pattern. Something is definitely wrong, and not just the weather." Link retrieved a scroll and writing material. He also removed his shield to use as a surface. In a minute or so, he had a letter composed.

"To the princess I take it?" Ruby asked him. He nodded and handed it over, then put his stuff where it came from. She set it ablaze and watched as it floated away. "What's the cause, do you think?"

"It's just a guess, but there could be a unicorn that keeps them lit at the camp. I'd wager something happened to them for the torches to burn out. That guess is strengthened by your inability to keep them lit yourself; the magic that connects them as a whole amounts to more than you gave one."

"Wha-! Well if you know all that, what did you ask the princess?" Ruby looked at him in disbelief.

"I just asked if the commander was the one keeping them lit. If not, then our job is easy, but if she is, then..." Link looked to the third torch again. "Then our job just got that much harder."

A puff of fire formed a scroll in front of the mare. "That was quick. I swear, it's like she has these replies ready." Ruby opened it and read it aloud.


Dear Link and Ruby:

Pray forgive my lack of formality. Yes, Second Commander Prism is responsible for keeping the torches alight. Since they are fizzled out, I fear something grave has happened. Your mission is now of greater importance. Find, and if necessary, rescue the commander and her crew. Ordinarily this mission would be assigned to lieutenants and higher, but we have neither the luxury of time, nor the reserves of qualified individuals.

As mentioned, her position is vital. Failure is not an option. Make haste. Be safe.

~Princess Celestia.


The two stood in silence for a minute. Navi stayed warm in his hat, but listened as best she could. Silently, Ruby coiled the scroll and hoofed it to Link, who placed it in his pocket.

"As I thought. The commander is in trouble. Big trouble. This mission is now a B, or even A rank. To think that something out here has a military commander in custody. Makes me wish I brought more ponies."

"It's been an hour, and we only made it to two torches. It'll take us a couple hours to reach the other five. So, let's go." Ruby understood the situation, and began walking quickly through the ever-thickening snow.

Link followed, able to keep up. The further in they went, the colder it got and harder it became to see. Fortunately, the torches were closer spaced with every one they passed. However, the snowfall got heavier as time passed. Finally, after 2 hours about, the pair saw their final torch, beside another.

"This must be it," Ruby concluded. "And as expected, they're unlit."

Link heard shuffling around him. Quiet hooffalls battered the snow on the ground around them. "we're not alone..." Before he could make a move, he found a spear-tip pointed at his head, surrounded by a green aura.

"Not a move, monster," a stallion warned, "or your head will roll faster 'n you can blink." Slowly, he looked around him, and saw a few more aimed at him in different colored magic, but none aimed at Ruby. "Miss, You'd best come over here now. It's not safe around that thing."

"That thing, is my travel companion," Ruby countered, unmoving. "He means you no harm, so lay down your weapons. At the very least, hear us out."

Silence for a few moments, then another voice spoke, "Fine, We'll hear you. But make it fast."

"Greetings from Canterlot Castle. I am here on orders from the Princess of the Day to find, and if necessary, rescue, the one named Second Commander Sapphire Prism."

"There's nopony in our camp by that name." Link noticed the spears shift away slightly.

No way we got the location wrong. He said there's nopony in camp by that name. "If she's not here, then where is she?"

The spears dropped completely as an orange stallion came into view. Most of his body was covered in cloth to camouflage himself in the snow. "So then, what's your name? And offer your orders as proof, if you will."

Link retrieved the scroll containing his orders and handed it over. "Good to match a face with a voice." He recognized it as the first stallion. "I am Link, graduate from the Royal Guard Academy. This is Ruby. We are here on official orders to secure the safety of the commander at this post."

"You brought a civilian here?" he asked, reading the letter to himself.

"Indeed. As I said, on orders."

"I see. Well, truth be told, we expected a rescue team from the big city. Last thing we expected to see was ... something like you." He coiled the scroll and held on to it. "No offense."

"I can assure you, uh... sir. He may be different, but he's more than capable." Ruby looked around and saw silhouettes of other ponies around them. "Can we, uh, talk somewhere else?"

"Of course. This way." He turned and led them into a rather large tent near the middle of camp. "Gentlecolts, meet the rescue team from big fancy Canterlot."

The ponies around the room looked at him questioningly. Three others pushed their way inside behind Link and Ruby, likely the other spear wielders. All wore similar camouflage to the first one. "Let's get started, shall we?"

"Right," the stallion said. He turned to his crew of 6 ponies and announced, "Alright, listen up. This, uh, guy, is from Canterlot under orders to rescue our commander. If he has questions, answer them best you can. If you have questions, tough rocks, you can wait 'til he's done."

Link looked around inside the tent. It was a large tent, big enough to seat ten more bodies. There was a pit in the middle of it with a fire to keep warm. He looked up and saw a vent in the roof for the smoke. "Thank you for the floor," he began. Then he turned to the others. "Do any of you know where the commander is?"

"Yes, I do," a mare in the corner said. "Last I checked, she was 2 miles west of here, sealed up in some kind of ice cavern."

"Is she alone?"

She shook her head. "No, there are three others with her, trapped inside like the commander. We don't even know if they're still alive. Some transfer this was..."

"I'll have none of that, now. Until a time comes that their lifeless bodies lay at my feet, I will act with the belief that they still draw breath. Now, How long ago did she disapear?"

A stallion against the tent wall spoke up. "Her exploration team went out about 3 days ago. Gave us direct orders before doin' so. Lass over there's only one made it back." He pointed at the mare in the corner. "Awful shaken, she was, comin' back without 'er team."

"Hmm... Could you not carry any of them back with you?" he asked the mare.

"I would have tried, but... like I said, it was sealed closed. The entrance froze over not two minutes after the others went in. I couldn't so much as dent it. And if I tried harder, the strain would empty my magic before I got halfway through."

"You were outside?" he asked. To which, she nodded her head. "Were you on sentry duty? Is that why you stayed behind?"

"Yes, I was keeping watch until the four of them came out. When I realized that couldn't happen, I came back here."

Link turned to his partner. "Ruby, would you like to test your mettle against a wall of ice?"

"I don't see why you're giving me the option. There's no other way forward, so of course I'll give it a try."

"I get that she's an earth pony with likely impressive strength, but I used fire magic to try and melt it, to no avail. Since that didn't work, then it's overflowing with magic, that I just can't overcome." The mare looked up at them. "I tried, and I couldn't do it. I couldn't save them..."

"All is not lost, I assure you. We'll get the commander back, I guarantee it," Ruby promised. "I may not look it, but I've got some tricks up my sleeve."

"Can you retrace your steps and take us to the entrance?" Link asked the mare. "Being the only pony who knows where it is, I can ask no other."

"I ... can, yes. But... How do you plan on getting inside? The entrance is-"

"Frozen over, I know. You said that already. Just trust in us."

"Well... I don't have much option. I'm ready whenever you are."

Link pulled out three apples, handed one to her and Ruby. "Eat up, you'll need your energy."

"You have fruit?!" the stallion asked him. "Have ye got any more?"

"Yes. Would you all like one?" One by one, he took them out and passed them to the other stallions. Only 8 left... Before I go home, I'll need to get more food from Twilight. "Ruby, can you take a letter to the princess with this update? I'll leave its contents to you."

"Sure." Ruby took off her bags, withdrew a scroll and her ink and began writing , using Link's shield as a surface.


Dear Princess Celestia:

This is Ruby. We found the camp. The ponies stationed here said the commander was stuck in some ice caves to the west. We, as ordered, will go in and rescue her from whatever danger she is in. Will likely send another letter when we successfully rescue her.

Your Faithful Book Restorer,

~Ruby Inferno


Once done, Link returned his shield to its place on his back, and watched as Ruby lit it up and sent it on its way to the princess using her unnatural fire. The ponies looked at her, like they looked at him for being human. "What was... th-that?"

"Never you mind what it was," she replied, eating her apple. The others continued theirs as the mare stood up. "Ready to go now?"

"Yes, I am. As are you, I take it?"

"We are. Ruby, we move on. Lead the way, Miss... Uh..." Link left the sentence alone as he waited for the mare to answer with her name.

"Aurora," she replied, "Just Aurora."

"Well, Just Aurora, after you." He smiled a bit and followed as she left the tent, covering her muzzle with the cloth, Ruby close behind.

Not too long after they departed, another puff of fire formed a scroll. Ruby hoofed it to Link, who opened it and read to himself.


Dear Link and Ruby:

Thank you for your updates, and your cooperation. I have faith that you will succeed. The ice caverns of that area run wide, and it's easy to get lost. I suggest drawing a map of where you have been, to keep track.

I have sent your progress report to Twilight Sparkle, and she hopes you are safe as well. She has a surprise for you upon returning to Ponyville.

~Princess Celestia


"What's it say?" Ruby asked him.

"Just that she appreciates the updates." Link coiled the scroll and followed closer. "Hey Aurora. I was told the commander is responsible for keeping the torches lit. But if you have the fire magic, then how does she fit into it?"

"That's true enough. I set one torch on fire in camp, the spell relays to the other torches in line. Then, she casts a barrier spell over the first one, and that one relays as well. And since the main one died out, it sent the lack of spell to the others. Trying to light the second in line will do nothing, since the main torch is unlit, as I'm sure you've surmised."

"I see," he said quietly. "Are these barriers special?"

"Yes, in a way. The majority of her spells are self-sustaining, refreshing themselves to stay in use. I don't know how she does it, but I'm sure that's how she got to be a commander." Aurora looked onward toward a big snow dune in the distance. "It's all the way out there, and we've still got a long way to walk."

The remaining distance was crossed with very little talking. Link learned all he felt he needed to know. After about an hour's walk later, they arrived at the ice wall blocking the entrance to the commander's prison.

He stood in front and examined it. If only Rainbow were here, she'd be able to tell how much magic this wall had. Then Aj would rear up and buck with so much force, it'd split the cavern in two, most likely. "Ruby, this is your obstacle. How will you go about it?"

Ruby put a hoof against the wall and closed her eyes. "I don't know how much magic sealed it shut, but I'm sure I can open it, somehow." If I just try to buck it open, it might hurt too much. there's no weak point in its surface, or pocket of air to exploit. If there's no fault, then I need to make one. Carefully, she stood up and put her other hoof beside her first, concentrating.

"Earth ponies don't know unicorn magic, so how is she able to send fire messages?"

"The same way she's gonna break this wall. Just watch."

Ruby focused energy into her points of contact, and spread a web-like array of lines across its surface. Each one surged with fire magic, and the heat alone could be felt through the cold air. The wall began to warm up, all at once. She continued charging up the web, increasing its self-sustainability. Cracks began coming out of the webbing, breaking the surface slowly. That's what she was going for. Quickly, she turned and gave the web a fiery buck, sending a wave of energy through her array. All at once, the web released all of its pent up heat, burning through the ice's thickness.

As the web started to disappear, Ruby stood normally and smiled. "All that's left is to..." With a little push, she toppled the barrier of ice that barred entry into the ice cavern.

"Incredible!" Aurora exclaimed. "It never occurred to me to hit it all at once. How the Tartarus did you do that?"

"Magic, how else?" Ruby responded. She began moving the ice off to the side as Link approached.

"Now that that's cleared, we can get this under way." He turned and faced Aurora. "If we have not returned in 24 hours, send a message to the princess. Ask for Captain Shining Armor's assistance in the matter. Should we fail, he's the only pony I can think of who can help." Link continued into the caverns and looked at the slope leading down. Then, he turned around and added, "Sorry to have you be sentry again, it really is for the best."

"As you order it," Aurora said.

They heard rumbling as a new wall of ice barred their exit. Of course this would happen. Something in here doesn't like visitors... Link and Ruby looked down the slope and took their first step.

Chapter 18: The Second Dungeon: Ice Cavern

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Link and Ruby tried their best to keep their balance as they descended the slope leading into the caverns. It didn't go down very far, but it stretched on for a ways. Up ahead, he saw an opening on his right, and another further ahead on his left.

24 hours... might not be enough time, depending on how big it is in here, Link thought. "Nothing so far. No trace of the ponies in need of rescue, no sign of opposition. Aurora's sure they're in here, so they must be."

"If they've blocked our exit, then something's in here keeping us in. Whatever it is it's keeping them in here too. So no getting complacent just because you think it's safe." She saw, at the end of the hall, a slope leading down. "Best see what we can find up here first."

"Agreed." Link drew his sword and wore his shield. "This way first." He led Ruby down the hall on the right, careful not to make too much noise. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a portion of the wall move, then fall to the floor. "We're not alone in here... obviously."

"Don't go near it," Ruby warned, as Link took a step back from it. "We don't know what it is, or what it can do. And I don't want to be here longer than required." More pieces of wall fell the further in they went, and they did not go unnoticed.

The end of the hall revealed a vast opening, with some... creature standing guard over something. Interestingly enough, the ice creature stood on two legs. Not something seen everyday aside from himself. Link looked closely at the strange object it was guarding and determined it to be important. Hmm... I wonder, could that be some kind of device? Maybe I can use it? He put a finger to his lips to ensure Ruby's silence.

"What is it?" Navi asked quietly from under his hat. She had fallen asleep prior to leaving the outpost. Curious, she came out and looked around the corner to see for herself. "Ooh, interesting..."

"That crystal behind it..." Link whispered to her, "I think it does something, but I have to get through that ice whatever to reach it. Any advice?"

"Hmm..." Navi took a moment to study its appearance. "Sorry, without seeing what it can do, I don't think I'll be much help here."

Link sighed, and hung his head a little. "It's fine. Ruby? I want you to stay back and observe. Tell me afterward if you see something I might have missed. I'm gonna try and go up against it." Ruby nodded her head and watched as he stepped out from around the corner into its field of view and charged it.

Immediately, it reached its arm behind its head and flung it forward, shooting ice shards at him. Link slid to a stop, got his shield up in time and slid back from the impact. Ice projectiles, long range. He peeked over his shield at it and saw it make a breathing motion. Quickly, he turned and ran to his side, careful not to slip, to evade the burst of frozen air that came from its maw. Ice breath? Can't do much about that... Lost in his thoughts, he slid right into the wall, and fell over backward. The ice creature took this time to charge at him. Link scrambled to his feet and got his shield up, blocking an incoming swing of its arm. It's not overall strong, maybe I can cripple it? The impact from its swing sent Link sliding across the floor toward the crystal. Link struck his sword into the ground to stop his momentum and raised his shield to stop another barrage of ice shards. He pulled his blade from the ground and again dashed toward the creature.

It inhaled once more, and as it exhaled, Link slid along the ground under the breath and cut off its right leg. The creature dropped to its knees, and leaned forward to retain its balance. Link used the bottom of the wall to support him as he leapt onto its back. With a forceful stab, he thrust his sword into it, through a red orb inside its chest. In a split second, the ice creature crumbled into dust and fell to the floor.

Navi and Ruby came over to him and looked down at the two halves of the orb that remained. "Well done, Link," Navi complimented. "Looks like it wasn't easy, though. You doing alright?" she asked him. He was still a little shaken from all the sliding around.

"I'll be fine," he replied. "Just... gimme a sec." Link took a few breaths and sheathed his sword. "If the creature disappeared, why did the core stay behind?" Carefully, he reached down and picked up the halves. Slowly, he tried squeezing them. "They're durable. Can you break them? Wouldn't want them to reassemble while our backs are turned."

Ruby took the halves from him and set them on the floor. "One way to find out." With one stomp, each half crumbled into smaller chunks and then into dust. "Easy. Now, how about the other one over there"

The two of them walked to the orb housed in the crystal. "It's not normal ice, whatever it is. Crushing the one made the surrounding ice go away as well." Navi floated around the object. "Maybe this one will do the same? But if so, then what purpose would it serve to guard it, or make it if it does nothing?"

"I'm expecting something to happen, so come up here." Navi flew up to his head and sat. Link drew his sword and cut through the middle. As predicted, the surrounding ice turned to dust as Ruby once again stomped of the remaining pieces.

"That settles that," Ruby said, turning to the hall. "Let's go. I'm starting to feel the coldness of this place."

Link put away his sword and shield and walked with her. "Didn't you bring scarves? I thought you'd remember your inventory."

"Riiiiiiight." Ruby reached into her bag and pulled one out. Easily, she wrapped it around her heck and continued. "That'll do for now. And to your remark, no. I don't keep an up-to-date list on what I'm carrying. This will be my first official 'mission' from the princess."

"Not mine. This'd be my third. Fourth if you count the first time I went to the castle in the woods with my friends." Link made sure to be vague, as to not give any unnecessary information.

"You've been there three times then? News to me. Only reason I didn't know about it was because I was out with a friend. We took the timberwolves into a deep part of the woods for ... reasons." Ruby looked away at that, but righted herself before Link could tell. "Why were you there the first time?"

"Reasons," he replied simply. "Now this is odd..."

"Hm?" Ruby looked at him, then where he pointed. "I don't get it, what's odd?"

Link walked out into the main hall and looked down the two paths before him. "The one on the left here wasn't there before. That orb from earlier... Hmm."

"The one in the creature broke, making it crumble. Then we break the one inside the crystal, and then a door opens up." Navi looked around.

"Not just disappear," he said. "Look." Link pointed at the ground where a thin layer of ice shavings covered the walkway. "The door turned to dust much like the ice whatever from earlier."

"Why would anyone design it that way?" Ruby asked. "Why make switches to doors in your own place like this?"

"It's rather smart if you think about it. You wouldn't put a key close to the door it unlocks, would you? And if you did, you'd hide it." Link looked to his far right. "That way leads down it seems," then he turned to the path to its immediate left, "and this one was already here among these two, so I pick this way."

"You showed no mercy against that thing back there. Have you killed before?" Link almost tripped at the sudden forwardness. "I didn't mean yourself, you know.

He let out a light chuckle. "Funny. But no. I haven't killed before. I did come close to it one time, but I don't like talking about it. I hope you understand."

"Well enough. I won't force the subject." Ruby looked forward and saw an opening ahead, like the last room. "Wait," she said abruptly, sticking her foreleg out in front of him.

"Hm?" Link got against the wall and peeked around the corner into the room. There, by itself, stood a wolf with white fur. As big as a timberwolf, and just as mean, most likely.

Ruby did not take such caution, as she rushed in. Each step she took sent up sparks from her hooves, a sign she was gathering magic. Snow wolves? Being honest, I half expected to see them in a place like this, Navi thought. But what's this?

Link looked past the wolf and Ruby at the wall, and saw a lump of something on the ground behind said wall. Interesting... I'll have to get a closer look once they're done...

The wolf leapt at Ruby who expertly side-stepped. With both combatants having flawless traction, no sliding occurred. Ruby stomped with her forehooves and sent a wave of flames toward her opponent, who jumped over it. Everything moved in slow-motion for the wolf, as it saw Ruby get on her hindlegs and throw a ball of fire at it before it landed. Once on fire, it ran around the room, occasionally crashing into walls and finally coming to a halt. It merely fell to the floor in a pool of water.

"That ends that. Didn't expect a puddle though. That one's new." Ruby looked down at it, then over to Link. "Come on, now."

"I admit, that was pretty cool. I'll never get over how you can do that. Maybe you could teach me how sometime." Praise her, then ask. Get her in a good mood. "If you don't mind, that is."

"If we make it out of here alive, I'll try and teach you on the way back. Try and if, being the key words. I don't expect you to pick it up as quickly as I did."

"Thanks for the opportunity. Tell me, what does this look like to you?" He looked and walked over to the clear wall. There, he peered inside and identified the "lump" as a pony. "Besides a pony, I mean."

"A prison cell. There might be a crystal that brings this wall down too. We'd better hurry. Who knows? He might freeze to death if we take too long." Ruby began looking around the room for such a crystal.

"I doubt it'd be anywhere close. A prisoner cell key would be next to a higher up." Link faced the wall and knocked on it, making a hollow sound. The pony inside remained still. "He's either asleep, or already dead."

"For our sakes, I hope he's just sleeping," Navi offered. "We'd have failed our mission if he .. if the latter were true. And, with this, there are three more prisoners in here. Two of which are subordinates. Likely in cells like this one. How long have we been in here?"

"It's been an hour already. Give or take a few minutes." Link turned to Ruby. "Ask me, we're making good time."

"We don't even know how far down this goes. There could be hundreds of layers to this, you don't know?!" Ruby scowled at him, who retreated a bit. Then, she sighed and turned away. "Let's just get this done and over with so I can be rid of this place."

The three of them went back the way they came and turned down the next hall on the right, the one that opened for them earlier. This one curved to the left and split off to the right. Another drop was down the right path. Link decidedly continued down the left path, to what looked like a dead end. "I don't get it," he admitted, "Why put a crystal here, unguarded?" Link pointed at a crystal housing another red orb, like the other one.

Ruby began walking up to it. "Easy, because they're sloppy, uncoordinated, clueless, mindless, carele-" In an instant, an ice being came out of the wall beside it and pressed Ruby up against the wall. With its free arm, it turned into an ice spear. Ruby quickly put her forehooves against its arm, and put fire through it, forcing it to drop her. Link got to her right side and blocked the inbound spear with his shield. Then, Ruby jumped onto its chest and shot a pulse of fire through it, making a large hole. The red orb inside fell to the floor and cracked on impact. When she landed, she crushed the orb under her weight, scorching part of the floor under her. "Okay, that one was on me..."

"You really need to be more careful in here. If they can come out of the walls like that, then there could be any number of them in here." Link watched as the creature crumbled away. "First these things, then wolves. Sooner or later, we'll be facing them together, I know it."

"They're still clueless..." Ruby turned to the one in the crystal. "One more." Link cut through it and waited. Just like the first, the crystal crumbled away, and Ruby stomped on what remained. "Anything else before we descend?"

"Yeah... One thing: there are two holes. And two of us." Link waited for her to guess what he was getting at.

"You want us to split up, right? I'm fine with that."

"Good, because I'd like you to go down this one here. The other one's a slope, and I can get down it better than a straight hole in the floor." Link walked her to the aforementioned hole. "I'll meet you down there somewhere, in one piece, alright?"


"Don't make me wait too long, or else I'll have saved the commander myself." Ruby slid down the walls and landed heavily.

She looked up the hole and saw Navi's glow fade away. Focus, he's trusting you to pull your weight. Ruby looked at her surroundings, then down the hall she fell in to. Already a clearing... More opposition most likely... She snuck along the wall and glanced around the corner. One creature, one wolf. Their backs are turned... Looking at a wall. Ruby looked closer at it and saw another pony inside. A prisoner! Ruby set her bags down carefully, as not to make a sound. Then, she quietly came into view of the prisoner, who looked straight at her. Ruby put a hoof to her muzzle to issue silence from the prisoner. He nodded slightly, then turned his focus to the two guarding his cell.

The captive began talking and smiling. Ruby halted for a moment, but saw that the two still hadn't noticed her. Ruby stood on her hind legs and threw a ball of fire at the wolf, who melted immediately. The creature turned and shot a salvo of shards in a wave in her direction. She ducked under them and ran at it, bearing her teeth. The creature let out a roar and charged in as well. It inhaled, then exhaled, freezing her in a mid-lunge. "Puny pony caught ice block," it spoke.

Puny pony?! Ruby bursted out of the ice she was trapped in, mane ablaze. "I'm not puny!!" Ruby yelled with much anger at her target, and charged at it, body on fire. She was faster than before, too fast to keep up with. In a few moments, Ruby dashed through the creature's legs and stopped on the other side of it. Silence appeared for a brief moment before the creature collapsed, several of its limbs detached from its body. As the fire around her died out, she took a knee and looked back. The familiar red orb started rolling across the floor, before crumbling away into dust.

"Wh-what did you do to it?" the prisoner asked.

"I punched it really hard in the chest, really fast. I guess you could say the more angry I am, the stronger I get. I keep it under control most of the time, but... Well... I don't like to bring it up. Hold on a sec." Ruby went back and gathered her stuff from around the corner. When she turned back, two more wolves and another ice creature came in from the other room. That first one's roar was a signal! My magic level is just over half, so I should be fine for one burst at least. She set her bags down and went to the middle of the room where she got surrounded by them. "I'll give you this one chance to escape with your lives."

"No option for releasing you." The creature raised its arm and readied its shards. It launched them as the wolves attacked.

Ruby lit her fur on fire and stomped in place. A dome of flame surrounded her, and expanded. Everything in range fell to the ground either in puddles of water or a heap of ice. She walked over to the orb and crushed it. Once more, she gathered her stuff and secured them tightly. "Apologies for my rude display." I can see why Link wanted me along.

"No need to apologize. You are either brave or stupid to come in here alone, but either way, you have my thanks." The stallion inside stood before her, still behind the clear wall. "Who are you, anyway?"

"Just a mare. Looks like you're in a tough spot. But don't worry, we're here to get you and the other 3 out." Ruby nodded confidently.

"Just a mare, huh. Sorry, but 'just a mare' doesn't need to help me."

"Truth be told, I'm one half of a rescue team sent from Canterlot to rescue your sorry flanks from whatever peril your commander decided to put you in. Better?" Ruby frowned at him.

The stallion smiled and looked away slightly. "Much. Figured a team from Canterlot'd come here."

"I can always leave you behind to freeze to death, if you prefer."

"Nothing wrong with you, to be sure. Who else is there?" he asked her.

"A ... hmm... I came with my partner, Link. An official royal guard." She turned her head to the opening at her side. "I'm told there are 4 of you here. Are they all locked up like this?"

"Yeah," he responded, "me, the commander, and two others. They took two of us away before locking her up."

"What about the third?" she noticed.

"The third one stayed with her, only to see her locked away, before getting himself caught."

Ruby turned her body to the opening and looked at him. "Is there anything I need to know before I leave you here?"

"Only this: The door leading to where our commander is kept is a different color than the walls around it. And it's on the lower floor, hidden furthest from the entrance down there. Guess that's two things." He watched as she walked away. "I hope for all our sakes you make it there and back."

Ruby silently nodded as she made her way through to the next room. Inside, she looked around, and saw another prisoner just as she was told. "You there. Did an odd looking creature come by here?" she asked loudly. With no verbal response, the stallion started pointing ahead to another hallway. Ruby started trotting toward it as the stallion sat down and watched. I hope he meant he's over here. She stopped once she got to a fork in the hallway. One way led to the upper floor, while the left path led down to the next one. Powdered ice scattered the floor beside the left path. "At least there's no getting lost in here."

Carefully, she slid down the slope to meet Link against the wall, waiting.


"Don't make me wait too long, or else I'll have saved the commander myself." Ruby disappeared down the hole. Link listened and heard her land rather heavily. He turned away from it and started his own way.

"Split up?" Navi asked. "Is that best?"

"At the moment, yes. It is." Link turned down the main path and continued don the slope to the second floor. "What she says is true. Not only would she be able to, but she's more likely to survive in here than I am. I was right to ask her to come along, if only to have her be a decoy."

"Decoy? I'm afraid I don't follow..."

Link stopped at the bottom and hugged the wall. "You see, she's more capable in a fight with ice creatures than I am. Her fire gives her an edge. I'm just using her to hold the enemy's attention." He noticed the powder on the ground by the hall on his right. "If that's the right way to go, then what's over in that room?" Link looked around the corner and saw 2 more wolves and a single ice creature.

"If you knew this is where you'd end up, did you also know that Ruby would be going the long way?" Navi questioned, not seeing what lurked around the corner.

"Yes," he whispered. "I need her to get the attention of the things in this room, so I can talk with that guard." He pointed at the wall to the right of the room, and looked at the stallion beyond it. "If I can get information out of him, then I might be able to make the most of my time in here."

"I'm not sure if you're making it up as you go along, or if you planned it from the beginning."

"Either way, this would make for an interesting chess game. Hm?" The creatures started to go down the hall on the far side of the room. "There's my opportunity. Come on." Link approached the prisoner and knocked on the wall. "Hey in there."

The stallion turned and backed up a ways. "Y-you're not here to k-kill me, are you?"

"Nothing like that, I assure you. I'm here to get you out. As well as your commander and fellow prisoners. But I haven't figured out how yet. Is there any advice you can give?"

"How do I know I can trust you?" he asked, moving closer to the wall.

"If you don't tell me something that can save your life, then you're going to die a frozen death. But, if you do tell me, I'll make sure you get out of here alive."

"Just trust us. It's better for you than not trusting us." Navi appeared from behind him and landed on his shoulder.

"Hmm..." The stallion sat and put a hoof to his chin. "You said you don't know how to free us? I do. In the room below, two Wandil caught us from behind and carried two of my fellow guards away, leaving me with the commander. After a short skirmish, the Wandil imprisoned the commander in the room below, and carried me off to up here. It was during the fight that I noticed, each one had a red orb inside their chest."

"Yeah, break it into dust, it kills them. Same with some doors in here. Your point?"

"My point, dear boy, is that each of their orbs is doubling as an activator. It sustains their life, yes, but it also acts as the keys to various other things. Before carrying me off, the three combined into one, bigger, Wandil, that possessed all three orbs. After it combined, I could no longer see through it to the red cores."

"So, if I get them to split, then I'd see the cores. And you said bigger. Each of the split ones were smaller. It's not going to be easy. Good thing I have back up. Speaking of which, if a pony comes through here, send her down to the next floor. Your help has been ... uh, helpful. I'll get you out in no time." Link turned and started back to the hall he came from.

"Lad! Be careful down there."

"You got it." Link rounded the corner and slid down the slope to the lower floor.

"Link," Navi started, "you got out of there fast. Is it because of Ruby?"

He nodded and hugged the wall at the bottom. "Yeah, she doesn't really need to know that I waited for her to beat them all to come out of hiding. Strategic as that was, she'd see it as cowardice, and that's not something I need."

"You call it strategy? I call it being a sloth. You waiting to make a move is normal, I've come to expect it. But you waiting for somepony else to make a move is just plain lazy."

"I don't need this right now, Navi. If you want to lecture me, do it when we're outside of this place." Link looked back at the slope and heard Ruby's descent. "Not a word to her about this, either."

Navi nodded her head and saw Ruby at last.


"Good, you made it. And in one piece, too." Link noticed her expression and tilted his head. "You alright?'

"Just fine," she replied, a hint of sharpness in her voice. "I had to kill 3 wolves and 2 creatures, talk to a prisoner about stuff, and get directions here from another in the next room. I got called a miserable little pipsqueak and I think I exploded somewhere in there. How's you?" Ruby lowered her eyebrows at him, not expecting an answer.

Link waited a moment before responding. "Need a moment?"

"I said I'm fine. Hm?" Ruby looked at him as he offered her an apple.

"I have 8 left. Well, 6, if you don't count these two." Link held one for himself as well. "Eat up."

"Why should I?" Ruby asked, turning her head away. She glanced back at the fruit held out to her.

Link sighed. "You're not you when you're hungry." Silence. "Come on, you'll feel better, trust me."

Hesitantly, Ruby took it from him and bit into it. "Why are you being nice to me now? I mean, you come in, trash my house, scare my guards away, attack me, and drive me away. Then, you turn around, invite me to go on a mission, you don't tell a word of what happened, to the princess, of all ponies, you offer me food, twice even. I can't figure out why..."

"You want to know? I'll tell you. Everything I do, out on mission, I've been ordered to do, or is involved with the success of said mission. I can't do this alone, I know that. If I have to swallow any pride to make that happen, I'll do it. ... If that means acting a certain way to somepony on my side, I'll be their best friend."

"heh... orders." Ruby took another bite and looked at him. "You really are a dog of the military, aren't you..." She frowned at him. "If you got orders to kill, would you?"

"That ... depends."

"On what?" she asked. Ruby didn't expect this answer from him.

"On who. If I got orders to kill my family, or my friends, I'd have to refuse. If there's no good reason, I won't do it. In fact, I'm not here to rescue the commander at all. I only need something she has. If I needed it from one at camp, and got it, I'd have been on my way if I wasn't ordered to help."

Ruby quickly finished her apple and looked down the halls. "You know something? You are an interesting being. You think so much like a pony, yet you don't at the same time. Any pony I know would have said they wouldn't kill, no matter the situation. A bunch of pacifists, they are. Where I grew up, the environment made it difficult to survive. Every day we were faced with a reaper over our shoulders. That's one of the reasons I left home."

"It's all well and good to get into this, but I doubt here's the place. It's been almost two hours, and we still don't know where exactly the commander is."

"I do. The prisoner in the room I got to first told me. He said she was behind a discolored wall furthest from the way down here. A poor design choice. Why make it obvious?"

"The creatures with the orbs in their chests, I learned, are called Wandils. Apparently, in that room, there is one, but it can split into three smaller ones. I need to make that happen. To do that, I need to pressure it, but not kill it. Once it's split, the fight's gonna be more difficult, but at the same time, easier." Link also looked down the halls. In that regard, I think you should go th-"

"Absolutely not. I'm not going to split up from you again. Once was bad enough. If we're going through this, then we are going through this. As one unit. Got it?" Ruby shot him a scornful look. "Strength in numbers."

Link hesitated, but nodded. "Sure," he said, finishing his apple. "This way first." He led Ruby down the path on the right and stopped at the end. Link peeked around it to see three wolves and a Wandil with their back turned. Odd... If they're standing guard, they aren't doing a very good job of it. Link turned and whispered, "Ruby. Don't attack them. We're going to sneak by them. No sense setting off any alarm to bring more of them." Ruby merely nodded and followed him round the corner, making sure to stay out of their fields of view.

At the end of the next hall, Link repeated his previous action of peeking around the corner. "3 more wolves, another Wandil. And what's this?" He pointed at the wall beside him. "It's discolored, like the advice you got. See if you can break through it. And try to be quiet." Those 4 over there, I would think they'd be watching this door. In case something happened. It might be a trap...

Ruby was able to push through it easily. A thin wall of ice, and it fell too easily. "That's strange, but come on." Link stepped over the shavings and saw the wall rebuild itself.

"So that's what happens when a door is incorrectly opened. Makes sense why the outside door closed itself." Link walked down the hall, and stopped before an open room. Inside, a large Wandil stood, looking at the hall. "Now, Ruby. I need you to-" Just as he was about to say, a thick wall of ice rose up from the floor, separating the two of them, and shutting Ruby out. "Ruby! Are you alright?"

"I'm alright. You've got more important things to worry about, now."

"Yeah," he said, drawing his sword and shield. "Much bigger things." That was the trap, and we fell for it. Now, I have to fight this thing on my own. Navi... She's out there with Ruby. Might be best, she could get hurt. Link stepped out into the open and looked past the Wandil, seeing the commander behind a clear wall of ice.

She saw him too. Her eyes went wide with surprise, as she glanced up at the Wandil before her. Who is this? Hmm... He must be here for a rescue attempt. Alone? Foolish. But... He looks composed.

"Wandil. I am willing to negotiate the release of the pony behind you. Will you comply?" Doubtful, but it's worth a try.

The Wandil stood silent for a minute. Finally, it replied, "Wandil not trade words for let go prisoner." It inhaled, and blew out a storm's worth of cold air at him. Being bigger than the others, the area of effect was also larger. Link used his sword to slide himself out of the way.

I'm gonna have to get close to pressure it. You've fought enough of them to find a weak point, where is it? Link got his shield up in time to block an incoming barrage of shards, larger, and harder hitting than the ones before. He put the tip of his blade in the floor behind him to keep him in place. Link looked over his shield at the Wandil, as it reached over and behind its head. Hm? The arm... If I can, again, get close enough, I could cut it off at the thinnest point: the elbow. If I'm lucky, he'll come to me.

He blocked the resulting wave of shards and held his ground. Soon, he felt small waves of activity beneath his feet as the Wandil began running at him. Which arm is it gonna use? Link watched and waited. As soon as it was over him, he saw it attack. Right! Quickly, he turned over and grabbed on to its arm with his shield hand. The Wandil lifted its arm and swung at him with its other. Link took this chance to cut off the Wandil's left arm at the elbow, then in its panic, latched on with his legs and chopped off its right one.

Both of the arms crumbled on the floor, as Link landed, looking at the creature confidently. That worked. Come on, split now.

The Wandil looked at its new nubs, then back to Link. "Wandil commends little warrior. None tries Wandil most than it."

"Uh... Thanks?"

"But it effort is tested!" At the Wandil's shoulders, large cracks appeared, as it broke itself into three smaller pieces. The torso sprouted new limbs, and the other two pieces sprouted new bodies. True to the prisoner's word, each one was smaller than the original. Maybe the loss of its arms resulted in even smaller Wandil? Even so, they were only slightly bigger than himself.

That's better, and worse at the same time. Link readied himself against the new threat of two more enemies. I can also see inside them now. Each one's got an orb. In the center of their chests.

"Be careful! Each one of them has only one ability passed from the larger one!" the commander yelled, hoping it reached her rescuer's ears. that being might save us yet...

"Silence, Prisoner!" the middle Wandil shouted, turning back to the commander.

That's the leader, so it stands to reason it has the physical strength of-

"You... Being. Enjoy this." Each of the three Wandils reformed themselves to look more like him. No sword, no shield, but more human-like in physical stature. The arms were still bigger around, and the legs too.

"Don't worry, Commander. I promise I'll set you free. It just might take a while." Link glared at the one in the middle.

I hope so... she thought, smiling slightly at the boy's words.

"Dead in attempt!" the one on the left declared. It shot several quick shards at him. Being on his sword side, it took a bit of time to get his shield over to block. He found the hits didn't have near as much impact as the larger ones, and he could stand his ground without support. From the corner on his eye, he saw the far right one exhale, sending a much smaller cloud of air at him. Link jumped back a ways to avoid it, and the middle one saw this as an opportunity. He sheathed his sword and rose his shield to block a hit. Slowly, he began gathering magic in his left hand.

Hm? The commander saw his magic field begin to stir and gather in his hand. That being knows magic? And shield magic no less.

The leader Wandil charged in again, and pushed Link back against the wall. Unfortunately, Link couldn't keep from sliding back, and was forced to use some of his magic to lessen the impact against the wall. With its other arm, it grabbed him and threw him behind, sliding across the icy floors. Link's face took the first hit, but he righted himself and slid on his back, stopping just short of the commander's cell.

"You, boy. You are a boy, right?" Link stood and nodded. "Boy, are you alright?" She looked down and saw several drops of blood.

"I'll be fine," he replied, showing signs of exhaustion. Are you alright?"

"Of course I'm alright. My magic is being blocked by this cell wall, so I cannot cast any spells to help. Not that any of them could." She looked out at the three. "What's your plan of attack?"

"Attack, that's pretty much it," Link said, letting the blood drip from his head. "I'll admit, that impact hurt. Not the worst pain I've felt, so it's fine."

"Fine? You're head is bleeding. And if you have a plan with that barrier spell you're gathering, you may want to employ it as soon as possible." The commander looked back at him.

"I know. 3 on 1 aren't fair odds." Link propelled himself forward, toward the shard-shooter as the other one blew its breath at him. He leapt over the burst of air and watched as the shooter launched its wave at him. In one motion, Link threw out his barrier, deflecting them toward the physical attacker. As soon as the salvo ended, he dropped his barrier and drew his sword, landing and sliding forward. As soon as he was close enough, Link used his forward momentum to run his sword through its chest, clean-cutting the orb.

The Wandil crumbled away as the orb halves hit the floor. Link stomped on them and turned around to face the remaining two. "Which one of you is next?"

Sound strategy. He used his momentum to help him stab. He must think he's not strong enough to cut them otherwise. I admit, he's got some moves. He could actually do it.

One of them ran at him, arms wide. That's not right. The physical one doesn't run like that. Link stepped around it as it got close enough. He raised his shield to block the strike. It wasn't on the same level as the other one, but it was enough to make him slide toward the other one standing. There's a moment when its swing is too wide. Link turned and ducked the attacker's incoming swing, using his rotation to cut through it at the waist. He stuck his blade in the ground to stop himself, and saw it crumble to the ground. I missed, but it'll be easier now. Link turned his blade down and stabbed through, barely cutting it. Whether a clip or a clean cut, it still made the Wandil powderize. "All that leaves is you. I will give you this one chance. Release the captives and I will spare your life."

"Wandil rather suffer several deaths than admit defeat." It started inhaling.

"So be it." Link put his shield away and gathered more magic in his right hand. As it released its breath, he rose his barrier, and started running at it. Thankfully, the magic barrier protected him from the attack. As soon as he got close enough, he put his barrier in the Wandil's gaping maw and chopped its legs off. On the back swing, Link cut off its head. He was able to drop the barrier at that time. With a yell, he thrust his blade deep into its chest, successfully cutting the orb inside. He picked up the remaining pieces of the orb and set them beside the other one. One by one, he crushed them under his weight, ensuring their defeat.

Link collapsed to his shaking knees and used his sword for support. The blood from his head wound had not stopped. He looked toward the commander, who had started trotting over ho him. "Well done, boy. You have my gratitude. To be honest, I did not expect to be rescued by one such as you. Who are you?"

He was still exhausted from fighting, but managed an answer. "Link, and out there, is my partner, Ruby, and my companion, Navi." After a few more breaths, he sat down, then lay on his back, leaving his sword in the ground.

"Link. I extend to you my formal gratitude. I wish I could assist in our exit, but as mentioned, the cell wall weakened my magical ability considerably. I fear there is little I can actually do at this point." The commander looked toward the door and saw nothing from this far away. "Even with all three orbs broken, our exit is still barred."

"Because we missed one." Link pointed at the ceiling, at a particular hanging crystal. "Of course the enemy would make escape near impossible."

"Near? You cannot reach it, and neither can I." The commander looked up and saw it hanging there.

"Yes I can. I have this." Link retrieved his boomerang and looked at it closely, his breathing stabilized. He sat up and sheathed his sword. "If I throw it right, it'll knock it free, and send it crashing down."

Link stood, and took aim. With a good throw, it traveled too low, but far enough. "If only it auto-targeted..." He had to brace himself to catch it. "It really does return on its own. Cool. One more try, I think I got it."

"No one gets it that quick, not even-" Her words were interrupted as Link threw it once more, with precision. The boomerang cut through his target, and returned just before it hit the ground and shattered. Orb and all. "I stand corrected. You are truly an interesting being."

"Ruby! Navi! Are you alright?" he called out, and made his way over. Outside, Ruby was on the floor, unconscious. Navi was sitting on her head. "What happened?"

"It was an ambush. Those wolves and Wandils from the two rooms ganged up on her. She used up a lot of magic, but she managed to get rid of them all." Navi flew to Link's shoulder and looked at the commander, who followed him. "Commander?"

"That is I. We need to get out of here quickly. Where are my troops?"

"In cells on the first two floors. The first one we met was asleep, but the other two were still awake. Can you carry her for me? I'm a little messed up." The commander nodded and lifted her up, setting her over her armored back and followed him out.

On the second floor, the two from the cells were waiting for them. "Welcome back, Second Commander. You don't look too shaken. Good on ya, kid," the first commended.

"What happened to her?" the other asked.

"Unfortunately, she was ambushed. Let's get out of here and back to camp." The two nodded and followed Link up the slope to the first cell.

Link knelt beside the stallion and shook him a little. "Hey, come on. The ice is not a good place to sleep." The stallion rolled over and woke up.

"Hm?" he asked, half asleep still. "Oh... I fell asleep again. Sorry. Second Commander? You're ... free?"

"As a bird. Get yourself composed, we're heading out." Another nod as he got to his hooves.

Ruby woke up and looked at the mare carrying her. "Beg your pardon, but can you set me down?" The commander set her down carefully. "Thanks. Looks like you did it. You're bleeding, though. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It'll stop soon. My blood clots faster than normal, thankfully. How're you?" he asked her.

"I've been better. Cold armor doesn't make for a good bed." A few laughs came from two of the guards. "What?"

"Nothing. We're almost out. Hey, Aurora?!" Link yelled. "You still out there?" At the top of the hall leading out, the mare came into view. "We got her out safely."

"My Commander?! Second Commander Prism! I'm so glad you're alright," she called down. In moments, the group made it out. "3 and a half hours you've been down there."

"Aurora... So, you led them here, of course. I have you to thank as well."

"Second Commander, when we get to camp, there is a matter I need to discuss with you. In private. It is of great importance, and the reason I'm out here in the first place." The commander glanced at him. "If you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all. In fact, I was going to ask you the same thing." She smiled at him.

Finally out of the ice cavern, the 8 of them started their journey 2 miles east to the camp.

Chapter 19: The Spiritual Stone of Water

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The 2 mile walk came to an end at the outpost in the blizzard. Commander Sapphire Prism was successfully rescued, as well as her three companions. Several stallions from earlier had decided to welcome their commander back to camp by standing in wait.

"Commander!" one called out. "How 'bout that? Rescue team from big fancy Canterlot actually came through."

"It was a team effort. Ruby was there to provide support, and Aurora guided us. Without them, I'd have been unable to come back at all." He turned his gaze toward the commander, who started leading Aurora to an unlit torch near the middle of camp.

A bright light shone through the falling snow as a spark leapt from Aurora's horn. It lit the torch with ease, while the commander cast a small barrier around it, to protect it from the cold. Both spells relayed to the next in line. Then, Sapphire put up a larger barrier, protecting the camp from the same thing.

I admit, that's impressive, Link thought, returning his attention to Ruby. "Can you take a letter for me? For the princess, of course."

"Sure." She retrieved her writing supplies, found a crate, and set them down. "Ready when you are."


Dear Princess Celestia,

I am happy to inform you that Second Commander Sapphire Prism and her crew have been successfully rescued from the ice caverns. The outpost is now in working order, with the help of Aurora. Please pass the news of this accomplishment to my sister. I'm sure she'll be glad to hear I'm safe.

Your Loyal Knight



"Send it please." Ruby coiled it and did so. "Now, Commander. Rescuing you and your crew only delayed my purpose in coming out here. I believe you are in possession of a rare item. One that only you can give, because you’re the only one that has it.” He approached the commander, getting her attention, as the other guards gathered around them. "I was sent here, by orders of Princess Celestia, to obtain said item.”

"How do you know about my most precious possession?!" Prism asked loudly, forgetting herself. "True as you say, there is one... Come." The commander began walking Link and Navi to a tent near the edge of camp. "Miss Ruby, can you wait out here for our return? It won't be long."

"Of course," she replied, waiting by the crate. "Take your time."

The commander nodded, and continued. Once inside her tent, she cast a sound-proof barrier on the tent. No one would be able to hear what goes on inside. To aid in her secrecy, she cast a second layer, this one preventing outside influence from opening the tent flaps. Layered barrier spells.

Commander Prism stood by a table on the far side of the tent and looked around. "You know, very few know of its existence." She removed her helm and placed it on the table facing him. Prism turned around and faced him herself, undoing the straps connecting the chest and back pieces. "Fewer still, know why I carry it with me." She placed the chest piece at the base of the table, and unstrapped the flank plates from the back piece. Link stood in silence, with the straightest face he could muster. "My mother," she turned to her table with a picture in a frame as she continued, "gave it to me before she passed. My father..." She paused, selecting her words wisely. “My father was overjoyed to know I was inheriting the family heirloom. And, being the first[/]born, it came to me, instead of my sister.” The remaining pieces were placed beside those already removed.

"Mother made me swear, to give this stone to the one who would be my husband. An engagement ring, you could call it." She turned back to him and approached with half closed eyes and a small smile. "And here you stand, after rescuing me from certain death. There are few in this world that have impressed me as you have. Yet you stand out more than everypony else." Prism walked to the side of him to a bag on the ground. She began going through the large pocket in the middle and pulled out a shining blue gem with a gold border. "It may have been your mission, but that's not why I'm giving it to you." She levitated the stone over to him and watched as it fell into his hands. Link looked down at it and noticed it was as big as his head, with some heft to it, too.

"Link, to you, I present the Spiritual Stone of Water.” She sat own in front of him and leaned in a little. "It may be unneccessary, but if there's any way I can return the favor..." She leaned in more and kissed his cheek, "you need only ask. Though... Now that I really look at you, you look a little young to marry." She backed up and smiled more. "Maybe in 7 years, when you're older, hm?"

Link stood still and watched this unfold. I'm not sure that counts as a first kiss for me, but I got what I came for, there's no more reason to be here. I don't want to be rude, though. She could help me out in the future, she said she would. Respond, or she'll change her mind! "Thank you for your support. And, if you ever want to move up the ranks, Princess Celestia holds my opinion in high regard. I'd me more than honored to recommend you." He waited to see her reaction.

"I will consider it. You'd best be off now, I've taken enough of your time." Piece by piece, she levitated her armor and strapped it down, keeping her helm on the table. "Tell none of what transpired here, or I'll deny everything." The faintest of red tints spread across her blue cheeks.

"As you order it." Link bowed, pocketed the stone and walked out of the tent to Ruby sitting on the crate talking to Aurora. "Ruby, has the princess replied?"

"Indeed she has. It's right here." Ruby pointed to the scroll on the crate beside her. "I've already read it, so you can read it to yourself." She turned back to Aurora and continued her conversation.

Link walked over, picked up the letter and opened it.


To My Loyal Knight Link and Ruby Inferno:

To hear of the swift completion of your objectives, I am relieved. The commander is safe, the outpost functional, and no casualties on our side. I don't know how you did it, but you have certainly proven yourself worthy. I trust you were able to obtain the key you needed. It has gotten late, but I am willing to send a transport to retrieve you from the little town you were dropped. Unless you'd rather stay the night at the outpost. Let me know of your decision as soon as you can.

Regarding that key you hopefully obtained, the remaining two will prove more difficult than this. I have no doubt you will prevail in your endeavor. Remember, the sooner the better, but on the reverse side, haste makes waste. Do not rush blindly into danger when your goal is on the other side. Remain calm, and you have nothing to fear.

~Princess Celestia


Interesting, he thought, she's being very careful not to call it a gem. Maybe she knows Ruby has another one? Maybe it's just, and I shudder to call it, ignorance that she doesn't know what form the keys have taken. "Ruby, what say you? Sleep here for the night? Or go back to the castle?"

"I'd rather sleep in a proper bed," she replied as Aurora had walked away. She noticed the commander approach them. "No offense, but I'm not good with sleeping out in the cold."

"None taken. We'll be here a while. Don't be a stranger, you're welcome out here any time." The commander glanced to Link, which did not escape Ruby's attention. "Your choice is yours."

"Then I bid you farewell. Ruby, we must be off." He led Navi and Ruby out of the camp toward the little town.

"Want to tell me what that look was for?" Ruby asked, 20 minutes and almost one waymarker into their return trip.

"I would, but you owe me an attempt. Remember you said you'd try to teach me how to use that fire spell?" Link replied, quickly changing the subject. "Try, being the operative word."

"Right, I did say that, huh. Well, a deal's a deal. Hold out your hooves, er... hands." Link stopped and did so. Ruby stood on her hind legs and placed her forehooves around his and closed her eyes. "This shouldn't hurt."

'Shouldn't'? He did the same and waited. Soon, he felt a warm glow in his hands. It didn't last. Soon after, several sparks leapt from his hands as the rebound forced them to separate. Ruby was flung back from the force as well as Link. "That was unexpected."

"Yeah, but that was my attempt."

"What did you try?" he asked her, getting to his feet and brushing the snow off him.

Ruby did the same and returned to him. "I built up some magic and tried to transfer it to you. But for some reason, it rejected you. I thought that if you had some of that magic running through your system, your body would be able to break it down, and rebuild it as your own, giving you the ability that I do. But I guess that's not how magic works."

"Well, you tried. That's all I wanted. See, where I come from, there's a magic spell like yours that Hylians like myself can learn. I'm just trying to narrow down how to go about doing just that." Link continued walking, passing the first lit torch. "Take a letter for me? I'd rather not wait to get that ride back to the castle." He handed her a scroll and knelt to use his shield as a surface. He took this time to use the snow to wipe the blood off his face. It was dried on, however, and some remained.


Dear Princess Celestia:

We have decided to return to the castle. Please send transport. There are things I want to talk with you about, before retiring for the night.

Your Loyal Knight


"That was awful short," Ruby commented, but sent it all the same. "Now we hurry."

The two returned to the town with little to no conversation between them. Their transport to the castle was waiting for them on arrival, aided by Steel Saber by request. She asked little of what happened, as it didn't pertain to her mission. When they returned to the castle, Princess Luna awaited them on the landing pad.

"Pray forgive our dear sister, she lowers the sun in preparation for the coming night. Ruby Inferno, would thou retire to thy room for the evening? Steel Saber, escort her there, and return to the throne room post-haste." The two nodded and set off. Link followed the night princess to the throne room where Celestia sat. "How fares thee tonight?"

"I fare well. Aside from my head, I'll be fine." Luna looked back at him and saw traces of blood on his face, with a cut on his forehead. "Nothing to worry about, I assure you."

"Nothing? It seems to us that your mission was not without sacrifice." Luna turned and pointed her horn at his cut, applying magic to heal his wound.

"I planned on injury, so it didn't hurt as much. I knew I couldn't make it out without a scratch, that much was obvious. Still, I don't think it'll scar." Link waited for her to finish, and soon, she did.

Luna returned to her walk. "True as you say, a place as treacherous as the northern ice caves are no laughing matter."

"How do you know about them, anyway? Weren't you on the moon for the last thousand years?" he asked, looking up at her.

She hesitated, but continued. "Indeed, we were imprisoned on the moon. But before that, there were ... problems in that area. We dare not speak of that which does not exist anymore. Lest it return in full power. What we know of now, is only what our sister has spoken of."

Link left her explanation at that, but wondered, What happened a thousand years ago? Why is she hesitant to bring it up? The three of them entered the throne room at last, and Luna took her place at Celestia's side.

"Link, I want to formally congratulate you on your success," Celestia commended.

"It wasn't easy." Navi came out of his hat and landed on his shoulder. "Oh, there you are Navi. Have a nice nap?"

She yawned and stretched a bit. "Yeah. It took a while to warm back up, but I'm ok now. How's your head?" Link turned to her and waited. "Oh, it's healed up quick."

"Thanks to Princess Luna. She healed my wound in no time." He turned back to the princesses and continued, "Thank you for that, by the way."

"It was the least we could do." Silence for a moment.

Celestia turned to her sister and asked, "Can you raise the moon? It's about that time now."

"Of course." Princess Luna left the room up the stairs to a balcony, leaving Link with Celestia.

"Can you show me?" Link pulled the stone from his pocket and held it up. "It's larger than I anticipated. To think there are two others. How did you get it?"

"I asked her for it at the outpost, she gave it to me, we left. That's all. I didn't tell her why, but I did say it was a mission requirement." Navi listened, oblivious to what happened between him and the commander. "I'm here now, and with one of three I need. But there is a question I must ask: Do you believe Ruby's power is natural?"

"Natural? I would think not. Earth ponies do have magic for sure, but elemental magic is only accessible to unicorns. And fairly high level at that. What brought this up?"

"Earlier, I asked Ruby to try and teach me how. She tried to transfer her built up magic to me, but there was a rebound and it ended up failing. I asked you, because I want to know if it would have succeeded if it were an unnaturally obtained ability." Link chose his words carefully. "If she can do it because of her cutie mark, then it makes sense why it didn't transfer, but if there's another way, then there's a chance I can learn it the same way she did."

"You must have given this a fair bit of thought," Celestia noted. "However, I know of no such being that can impart power like that. I'm sorry."

Link pocketed the stone. "It's alright. It was worth a shot at least." He cast his gaze out the stain glass window. "Why do I need the Sword of Masters? Why am I the only one that can use it for your purpose?"

"Link, I-"

"Forgive me, but couldn't you blast the door down, draw the sword yourself and use it as you need? If it does as you say, what use could it be in the hands of a child? What could I do, that you could not?" Link looked back at the princess, who wore a shocked look on her face. "I'm sorry. It's just... I don't know what I'm doing aside from what I'm ordered to do. It would just help to have a little context."

"I get your frustration, believe me." Celestia fell silent a moment. "I cannot draw on the full potential of the Sword of Masters. That ability falls squarely on the shoulders of the bearer of the Triforce of Courage. It always has. Allow me to tell you of another, who asked what you have."

Link sat down and listened. "Many centuries ago, the sword claimed an owner. A pegasus by the name of Regulus. He held the sword on his back in its sheath, and was an expert in its use. He asked me that which you have. 'Why me? Why not you with more power and ability?' He questioned his worth. I assured him his was a righteous cause, and he should fight for it with every breath. He fought valiantly, as I had advised. It was thanks to him, that peace was established in our land. Years later, he fell to an illness, that all pegasi fear. It sapped his magic away, ounce by ounce, until he could no longer fly. After his fall, I returned the sword to the stone, and waited for the next hero to rise and take his place, but nopony came to claim it. Over the next few centuries, there have been many who could have earned it, but could not draw the blade from its stone."

"That doesn't answer any of my questions," Link commented.

"I'm not done. In his time before being the hero I described him as, he was a farm pony, working on the weather. A storm, unscheduled, came over his farm and threatened his livelihood. All weather pegasi knew to stay out of the way of a level 6 thunder storm, but that never stopped him. As if guided by some unseen force, he flew into the thunderhead and broke it away, piece by piece. Once gone completely, I called him in to the castle and praised his bravery. I offered him a position in my guard and he took it, leaving his farm to his family. His reasoning was, 'There are things to protect in this world, and if I'm the only one who can, who am I to refuse?' As the years went on, he displayed the courage I was hoping for, and led the way to the sword. He drew it with ease, and it wasn't until later, that he thought his ability to fight was wrongly placed."

"He thought to protect, but it sounds like you had him take point. That'll do that to a pony. Change their ideals, and their outlook follows suit. I'm sorry, that sounded judgmental."

"No worries, It's been centuries. I must ask you, this future you are after, are you sure it is one you want? Am I forcing it on you in a way you are not okay with?"

Link thought a moment, then shook his head. "No, I want this. I'll protect those who cannot protect themselves. If I have to end a war before it starts, then it'll save that much more time. I am devoted to my cause, and none can sway me easily." Link bowed as Luna returned.

"Did we miss anything?" She looked at her sister, who had tears in her eyes. "Dear sister, are you alright?"

Celestia turned to her, and replied, "I'm fine, Luna. Just... just mixed emotions. I'm alright." She turned back to Link and smiled. "Now, I believe it is time for you to retire. There will be a transport waiting for you. They will take you and Ruby home."

Link stood up and bowed once more before leaving. He walked out as Saber walked in. "Oh, Link. Ruby is waiting for you in your old room."

"Thanks," he said, walking away. In silence, he made his way to the room. Once he opened the door, he saw Ruby on her bed reading a book. "How's the read?"

"It's a great book. I'm just glad I kept it in my bags. Otherwise it'd be a pile of ash right now." Ruby bookmarked her place and closed it. "How'd your meeting go?"

"Well enough. I'm too tired to talk about it though. I will say that the princess has offered another transport to us. To take you home before me."

"Good. I kind of need to return to my restoration project." She covered herself with blankets and lay down on the bed. Link did the same in his own bed after removing his gear and setting up Navi's bed.

"I don't expect you to get much sleep, Navi, but get what you can. I have a feeling we'll need our energy for the coming week." She nodded and flew into his hat on the shelf. "Ruby, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"I can't actually do it, but once I can, I want to know how to send letters with fire."

She looked over at him. "Isn't that something you figure out yourself?"

"I could get it all wrong, and bad things can happen. I don't want that." He looked at her. "It's ... about my sister. She worries for me. I want to be able to tell her I'm alright without going through the princess."

Ruby's expression softened to a weak smile. "Your sister... She's right to worry. I would too if I had a brother as reckless as you are." She looked at the ceiling. "Come to me once you've learned it. Or better yet, ask your sister, I'm sure she'd appreciate your reason." Ruby closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.

"Here." He tossed her one of his apples and took one out for himself. "Eat first. I know we haven't since we got back."

Ruby finished hers quickly, and discarded the core. "Now, good night."

Yeah... it won't be for a long while yet...


Link walked down the stone steps leading to the lower floor of the castle. The red carpet leading to a pedestal of raised stone. He took out the blue gem and set it in the only open slot. "Easy."

"No getting complacent just because you think it's safe," Ruby warned at his side. The large door opened and revealed a large room inside.

Link, alone, approached the center of the room, as a sword rose up from the floor. He stepped up, placed his hands on the handle and pulled with all his might. The sword would not free itself. "You claim the Triforce of Courage, yet you cower in fear. You are not worthy to carry the mythical blade." The room around him began to spin. "You, who let your friend fight your battles while you hid."

He found himself back in the ice caves. On the outside of the last room with Ruby. "I wasn't hiding, I was following orders."

"Like a good little dog," Ruby said. Link looked at her, covered in blood and opened wounds. "Too bad your orders are what killed me!" She lunged at him and disappeared inside him as the room spun once more. Link hit the ground on his knees and braced himself with his hands.

A magic field pulled him back to avoid getting squished by a large bear paw. "Are you alright?" Twilight asked.

"I'm fine," he replied, getting to his feet. He looked at her wounded body. Patches of fur missing, and several cuts along her form. It was clear she was losing blood, and fast. "Twilight, what-" He turned his gaze to the massive Ursa Major in Ponyville's plaza.

"Good. I can die in peace knowing you still live..." Twilight fell to the ground in her own blood as her body fell still. Link backed away in fear, his legs shaking.

The room spun one more time, and Link found himself at the mercy of a darker version of himself. His arms were chained to a wall behind him, and he was on his knees. "You rush in blind and call it 'Courage'. You abandon your friend and call it 'Duty'. You are no more fit to bear the Triforce of Courage, than a foal is fit to call itself 'God'." The dark one drew his blade and placed it over Link's left arm. "Now, I will take from you that which you do not deserve." He raised his sword high and brought it down. Before the cut was made, he exploded in a blinding light.

"So, this is what you dream of," Luna said, coming into view and releasing him from his chains. Link collapsed to the floor.

"He's right. I have a power I'm unfit to wield." He stayed on his knees. "I don't deserve it..."

"'It' seems to believe otherwise." She looked at his shining left hand. "You stood your ground against an Ursa Minor, and more impressively, you stood your ground against me. It was your choice to stand and fight. To defend those who could not defend themselves."

The room spun again to the ice cavern. "Ruby lived, she did not die." Again to Ponyville. "The Ursa was a threat, but was lulled to a peaceful slumber and sent back to its cave. Twilight was uninjured, and came out stronger for it." Then once more to the room in the temple. "Try again. I have every confidence, you alone hold the right to wield the Triforce of Courage."

Link approached the pedestal as his hand glowed bright. With ease, the sword freed itself as a bright flash filled the room.


Link sat upright in his bed, sweat covering most of his body. He looked toward Ruby, who was still asleep. then to the ball of light by his head. "Morning Link. Sleep well?" He shrugged, then got off the bed. "Not so much, huh..."

"Not really. I don't remember much of my dream, but I know Princess Luna was there." Link looked at Ruby, who stirred, then woke. "Morning, you. We head out soon as you're ready. I hope it's ok if we drop you off at the castle first."

Ruby got out of bed and stretched herself out. Several quiet cracks came from her body as she limbered up. "Mmmm, morning. And yeahhh... it's fine. I love those nights when I sleep like a rock. Morning to you two." She looked at him and blinked a few times. "You look different. Almost, relaxed. It's not like you."

"I feel different, but it's not important." He heard knocks on the door. "It's still early. Who could that be?"

"Sir and Ma'am. It's urgent. You have summons from the Princess of the Day." The voice was recognized as Saber.

"On our way," he replied, then turned to Ruby. "Guess it'll have to wait." Link strapped on his gear, put on his hat, and walked out, Ruby followed with her bags on.

In the throne room, the princesses sat side by side. "Good morning, Link. Ruby. I trust you slept well?" Celestia asked.

"Well enough. What is this about?" Link asked her. "What's important enough to warrant a meeting this early in the morning?"

"Hold your tongue, knight. Do not forget you are in the presence of royalty," Luna said curtly.

"Sister, he is as a son to me. He is free to speak how he pleases at times like this. I encourage it," Celestia lectured. "Now, Link. I've called you here to discuss your position in the royal guard. What do you know of our ranking system?"

"I know that it goes from enlistee ranks straight to petty officers of the Sergeant rank, then up to the Officers where lieutenants and the Captain are. I also know that there are other ranks for certain skill sets, like Specialist, Tactician and Assassin, but those aren't as plentiful." Link stood still while Ruby sat. "Is this about ..."

"Indeed. When you graduated, you and the others achieved the rank of Private First Class. Those who remained to lead their teams received ranks of Private Second Class. The rest of them, stayed Private Third Class. Your actions in the ice cavern, your successful rescue, and skill in battle, has qualified you for a promotion. One to Corporal. Do you accept?"

"I ... I'm qualified?"

"My sister and I discussed it earlier this morning, and we agree that you are ready to undertake this extra responsibility. but at the same time, you will be representing your nation with that title. If you decide to take this, then no matter how well you do in missions, exceptions apply, you will not be able to advance for 6 months. If you perform exceptionally, then you may be eligible in 3 months, but nothing is guaranteed. This title comes with great responsibility, including being on call to us when we need your services. I will not lie. Military life can get dangerous, moreso the higher up you are." Celestia finally had a chance to take a breath.

Link thought this over, for a few minutes. He looked to the Moon Princess, then to the Sun Princess. "I will undertake this promotion and make you proud, Mom."

Shocked to hear this, Luna looked at her sister, who lowered herself as Link ran up to her. Luna looked at the pair as they hugged and smiled. "Link, my son, you've already made me proud." A few tears escaped Celestia's attention, as she released him. "Now go on, your sister awaits you in Ponyville."

"Right," he said, backing up. "I have a birthday party to get ready for." He glanced at Luna, who sat with a stunned look on her face. "Bye Aunt Luna." He turned and left with Ruby and Navi.

Before the doors shut, he heard Princess Luna ask rather loudly, "Tia, when did you birth him?" This incited quiet laughter from him as he walked with Ruby.

"Please, allow me to explain," Link said. "See, I was teleported here when I was 8 months old. Celestia took me in, and raised me as her own. Technically, my sister took me in, but since our ages were so close, we called her my 'sister', and Celestia, my 'mother'. This also makes Princess Luna my 'Aunt'. Follow?"

"Yeah, but you could have warned Princess Luna about it. You gave her such a shock, I thought she might feint." Ruby looked at him in surprise.

"Maybe, but it was still funny." Link continued to the landing pad and was transported to Ruby's "home". Soon after the goodbyes were said, Link and Navi were taken to Ponyville plaza.

His attention was won over by the damaged lamp post, and several downed branches from the surrounding trees. He quickly rushed to the library and found a big one outside the balcony on the second floor. "What kind of storm rolled through here?" he asked. "And should I stay away from it?"

He carefully opened the door to the library and saw Twilight cleaning with Spike, Applejack, and ... somepony else. "Oh, Link. You're back. ... Everything alright?"

Link nodded and pointed to the only mare he didn't recognize. "Yeah... Who's she?"

Chapter 20: The Unexpected Visitor

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Twilight watched as her brother and mentor flew off toward the castle. I know you will be... She turned to her friends and said, "Okay girls, I know the spell won't wear off for another few hours, but I'd like to get my hooves on the ground as soon as possible." In no particular order, they all agreed in their own way. Twilight led the way back to their balloon and piled in, followed by her friends. Dash was the only one not in attendance, since she became occupied by cheering fans. Once all found their place in the balloon, they set off for Ponyville.

Along the way, Rarity felt she had to say something, anything, to make up for her errors. "I truly am sorry for how I acted. I should have known better," she admitted.

"Yes, you should have. She wanted support, not another competitor. And her friend at that." Twilight frowned at Rarity. "I regret giving you wings in the first place."

"I don't regret getting wings. If you think about it, had you not made wings for me, I would not have entered the competition. Since I wouldn't have entered, Rainbow wouldn't have needed to save my life. And, correct me if I'm wrong, she would not have had the necessary motivation to perform her trick successfully." Rarity paused a moment and smiled. "She very well could have lost."

"Hold on just a minute," Aj argued, "If y'all're sorry fer yer actions, why ain't you regrettin' wings?"

"Simply because I'm sorry for how I acted, does not make me sorry for why I acted that way. The wings were gorgeous, indeed, but my desire for attention led me to compete. For that, I apologized," Rarity clarified.

Twilight stood up and paced a bit. "Then why does it sound like you're arguing? I know you're just agreeing in your own, strange way, but to me, it's like you're on two sides of the fence about it." She looked over the edge down at the coming town. "I know I'm a friend to all of you, but what about all of you to each other?"

"I'm a friend to everypony! That should go without saying, but I don't know how to translate that into body language without crushing everypony with hugs." Pinkie walked over to Twilight and gave her one, not crush-worthy in force.

Rarity looked at Fluttershy and began, "Fluttershy and I have a weekly meeting at the spa, so that makes us friends. And Pinkie too, by default." Fluttershy nodded, and stayed out of it.

"Which leaves Dash and Aj," Spike kept track. "What's your relationship?"

"We're always at odds with each other, always doin' side competitions 'n' such. What's the phrase? Vitriolic best buds?" Aj put a hoof to her chin in thought. "Yeah, that's it. As for Rarity-"

"I'm positive we established where we stand with each other, Applejack," Rarity interrupted. "But, I'm positive it's something that can be overcome. In time."

"It sounds to me, like the first actual contact you all had with each other was when we came to Ponyville to stop Nightmare Moon." Twilight sat down and turned to her friends. "I can hope that everything will get better, and we can all be friends with each other."

"We'll need to get a picture when that happens." Pinkie looked over the edge, then back to Twilight. "Looks like we're here."

The balloon landed safely in town, as the owner stood in wait. After retrieval of her balloon, Twilight stood in town square with her friends. Spike had climbed onto her back, for tired reasons.

"So, who wants to help me reorganize the library? I left it in disarray when we left." Twilight smiled and awaited a favorable response.

"As much as I'd like to, again, my little sister needs dinner. I would trust her to fend for herself, were it not for how young she is. Another time, perhaps?" Rarity spent no time waiting for a reply, and turned for her home.

Fluttershy spoke up, rather quietly. "In my case, it's animals. They just get so lonely when I'm not around." She flew off for her cottage near the forest.

"And in my case, I need to make a cake. Since the other one ... isn't going to happen. Later Twilight~" Pinkie bounced off toward Sugarcube Corner, leaving Twilight in a state of slight shock. Nonetheless, she turned her gaze to Applejack.

"Ah don't think the family'll miss me if Ah stay for a littlewhile." Aj looked toward the town. "It's still a might early. Ah'm gonna see if Big Mac's around an' meet up with ya later." She went off in search of her brother.

"We'll be waiting." Twilight walked toward the library with Spike only half awake on her back. "I don't know about you Spike, but I had fun today."

"Yeah, it was -yawn- educational." Spike sat up and looked at the coming stars.

"I like how the weather's made. It gave me insight to pegasus culture. Very little, but noteworthy all the same. What did you learn, if anything?"

"That Fluttershy knows more than she lets on about the wind machines in the wind room." Spike looked back to Twilight. "I tell ya, she knows more than she lets on. Maybe she's got a secret?"

"I'm not about to research my friend's past like that. It's an invasion of privacy." Twilight stayed silent a moment.

"What do you think Link's up to?" Spike asked.

"Probably getting his assignment. I know he'll be gone for at least two days. And there are things I want to do when he isn't here." She smiled. "Like plan his birthday."

"Riiiight. That's coming up soon, isn't it? How old will he be? 14?"

"13. He'll be a teenager. For ponies, 13 is almost adulthood, as everypony has their cutie mark by then. Then, the real education begins. But for Link, he's an adult at 20. Just 7 more years." Twilight opened the door to the library and continued, "And for this one, I have an idea of what-" Twilight stopped short, as she saw an unknown pony asleep on the couch.

"Idea of what?" he asked.

"Shhh." She pointed at the unknown mare on the couch. Who's this? She walked in, closed the door with her magic and examined the intruder. Dark orange coat... white mane and ... white tipped black tail... Odd. tails don't usually change color, do they? A small gasp escaped Twilight as she realized, "no cutie mark."

Thankfully, the mare didn't wake up. Spike hopped down and noticed her saddlebags by the side table. "Looks like she's staying a while."

"Or traveling. If she's passing through, it makes sense to sleep in a publicly 'open' area. She is breaking no laws here. Hm?" She looked at the floor at the book she dropped in her sleep. "What's this? 'Journey of a Thousand Miles'. Bit of a lengthy bed time book." Twilight bookmarked it and set it in the empty slot on the shelf.

"How do you know it's not hers?" Spike asked.

"Because her bags are closed. I don't think she'd bother to close her own bags if she's the only one here." The pony began to stir, with the presence of another voice. Both Twilight and Spike backed away to give her space. "Good morning. Or night, in this case."

"Hmm?" she responded. She sat up, and looked at her. "What time is-" She then saw the baby dragon at her side, and immediately leapt over backward behind the couch, knocking the side table over in her attempt.

"Woah, easy. Calm down. We mean no harm." Twilight took a step closer.

"You do, what about that?" she accused Spike, peering over the edge of the couch. Which was rather easy, given her size.

"Him? He may be a dragon, but he's just a baby. He's harmless, I assure you." Twilight motioned for Spike to back up more.

"You haven't seen the destructive capabilities of full-grown dragons! Set anyone of them on any town, and it's cinders by nightfall. This heathen will be no different!" The mare stayed behind her couch shield, all the while glaring at him. "Its only a matter of time..."

"Ease up on him, will you?" Twilight turned to him and asked, "Can you go upstairs? I'll be along once things are finished down here." Wordlessly, he obeyed. "Now, he's out of the room." She turned back to her guest. "Tell me, are you hungry?"

The mare looked at the staircase, at the dragon, then at the mare before her. "Not quite, I had an apple before coming into the library. You must be its keeper." She came out of hiding, and revealed her full height.

I knew she was tall, but this? She's about as tall as Aj's brother. Looks a bit stronger than him, too. "I am, in a way. I live here. In one of the upstairs rooms. With Spike and my brother."

"You live with a dragon?" she asked, leaning in.

Twilight sighed. Getting real tired of you belittling Spike... "Yes, and you think that's strange, you should see my brother. He'll be here in a couple days, I'm sure." She heard Spike knocking on the top step to get her attention. When she looked, she saw a scroll held by a clawed hand. With her magic, she grabbed it and brought it closer. "Pardon me for a moment..." After she unfurled the scroll, she read to herself. 'My Dear Sister Twilight. I leave tomorrow for the tundra in the north, and need some supplies. I won't need them until tomorrow morning, so take your time. I need: 5 apples, 4 boxes of juice, one of the milk jars from the fridge, two books of your choice, the sharpening stone by my bed, one of its blankets just in case, and a deck of cards from the dresser.' He has cards? Hm. 'That is all, and thank you in advance. ~Link and Navi

"Everything alright?" the mare asked.

"Peachy." Twilight coiled the scroll and set it on a table beneath a window. "So, tell me about yourself. For instance, what brings you to Ponyville?"

"How'd you know I'm traveling?" she asked. "I never said anything about it."

"You didn't have to. For starters, you have bags that look like they've been through Tartarus. Secondly, since I haven't seen you around, I suspected you were new here. The fact you didn't know about Spike, my brother, or my living conditions here only back up my prediction."

"You are very perceptive. Yes, I'm a traveler. I'm looking for somepony, and it is imperative that I find them very soon."

Twilight offered, "Maybe I can help?"

Epona's hoof found its way in front of Twilight's face. "No thank you. Letting me rest here is help on its own." She gathered her bags and started for the door.

"How about a nice dinner then? Since you already slept here. I get you're not hungry yet, but you will be. And afterward, you can get a good night's sleep. The couch isn't very comfortable anyway. And as it so happens, there's an empty bed upstairs." Twilight's continuous offer stopped Epona in her tracks. "For as long as you need."

She's trying to be nice to you. And you need to stay in Ponyville until you hear that melody again anyway. She turned to Twilight and smiled. "Fine, I'll stay. But don't try anything, or I will leave."

"Deal." The door swung open slowly as Aj stepped in. "Welcome back, Aj."

"Ah ain't stayin' long. Granny needs me back at the farm for the rest of the week. Sorry, Twi." She looked at the new pony. "Who's yer friend?" She closed the door behind her, as she found a reason to stay a bit.

"'House guest', and I ... haven't introduced myself..." Twilight looked at Epona and bowed a little with a smile, "My name is Twilight Sparkle, residential librarian. This is Applejack."

"Howdy," Aj tipped her hat in greeting. "Who might you be?"

"I'm Epona. I've come from a small town west of the mountains. Not so far north where it snows, but far enough to have strange weather changes. Twilight, here, offered me a place to stay while I restock. Though I don't feel well not giving something in return." Epona looked to her side.

"You after money or just a clean conscience?" Aj asked, stepping closer.

"Bits would certainly help," Epona admitted.

Aj smiled and got beside her. "Tell ya what: mah usual helper ain't here. Won't be for a while. Might be as ya can take his place? Temporarily o' course."

Epona thought about it for a moment. "I'll do it."

"Ya don't even know what it is yet. Don't ya wanna?" Epona shook her head in response. "Alright then. There's an apple farm just outside o' town. Meet me there tomorrow afternoon, we'll go over your schedule." She turned back to the door and added, "Ah look forward to workin' with ya, Epona." With that, she left, closing the door as she did so.

"You keep interesting company, Twilight. A baby dragon and a girlfriend? I'm almost jealous."

"She's n-not my girlfriend!" Twilight argued, blushing at the thought of being that close to Aj. Being close to that honest, hard-working, not to mention adorable- "... no, she's just a friend. A good friend. And I'd hate for that to change."

"Sorry, it's just ... you two sounded like you were ... that way. I'm sorry for assuming. I know what it does to ponies." Epona set her bags down once more and asked, "So what now?"

Twilight's blush faded as Aj left her mind's forefront. "Now, I'm going to start dinner. I know you aren't hungry, but it'll be an easy one. Feel free to dive into your book until it's ready." Twilight walked to the kitchen after levitating the book from before over to Epona. While Epona was occupied with her book, Spike snuck into the kitchen behind Twilight. "Spike," she whispered, "take a letter. To Link and make sure it's labeled as such."

Spike took one out and wrote it, "To My Brother, Link". As Twilight dictated, he wrote down her words.


Dear Link:

Your letter was received, and I will gather your supplies by the end of the night. However, there is something I must tell you. There is a pony here, and I saw it fit to lend her your bed. She's a traveler in search of somepony, and she needed a temporary place to stay until she restocks her own supplies. I don't know who she's looking for, but she says it's very important that she finds them soon. And get this, she doesn't have her cutie mark. And she's bigger than Applejack! There's something odd about her. Something she's not telling me. Well at any rate, it's almost dinner time. Spike's offering to make the two of us dinner.

Your Big Sister
~Twilight Sparkle


"Why am I making dinner?" Spike asked.

"Show her your cooking skill, maybe she'll warm up to you. Now send it." She watched as the puff of green smoke wafted through an open window. "Good. While you're making dinner, I'm going to get the items Link needs from here."

"Fine..." Spike spent the next half hour cooking a vegetarian meal while Twilight retrieved the requested items. Up stairs, she got a scroll, wrote down a reply, and put what she had into the scroll. Unfortunately, the food items had to be put in last. There was only the blanket, stone, and the cards from the dresser. Beneath the deck of cards sat a picture in a wooden frame of their family: Twilight, Celestia, Spike, Link, and Navi. This was just before he went into service 5 years ago.

"Time really flew by. Hard to believe he's so grown up from the last time I knew him. Heh, I still remember when he was so little. We used to play in the gardens between magic lessons. He'd scrape his knee, then be a tough little guy and refuse a band-aid. He'd climb trees and intentionally fall, knowing I'd catch him..." Twilight sighed at the memory of a younger brother. "Looking at him know, I kinda miss having the younger him around..."

"That's what happens. Time goes on." Spike stood in the doorway behind her. She turned with a shocked expression. "Ponies change, especially when you're not there to see it happen. All at once or over 5 years, doesn't matter. Don't get me wrong, I miss him too. But can you agree that the one we have now is worth knowing?"

Twilight nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I guess I just miss him. And my big brother too. Is dinner ready?" Spike nodded and walked with her back downstairs. "Thanks Spike. I needed that."

"Twilight, I have to ask: why are you helping me?" She didn't seem to care too much about Spike being close to her anymore. All the same, she looked warily at him.

"You don't need a reason to help ponies. You see them in need, you do what you can. Simple as that. Also, there's a spare bed upstairs you can use for the night. Much better than the couch, I assure you."

Epona fell silent, and closed her book. "Dinner's ready, by the way."

"Didn't you just come downstairs? How'd you cook and do whatever at the same time?" Epona asked, setting her book on the uprighted table and standing up.

"I cooked it," Spike said, pointing to himself. Epona got down to his level and looked at him.

"You? You can cook? ... with what fire? Yours?"

"With a range. How else? Yeah, he can breathe fire, but it's not as effective as a range. Is there a problem?" Twilight asked, almost glaring at her.

"No... no problem. I'm thankful he knows how to cook properly. I'm sure it turned out fine." Letting a dragon cook, what is she thinking?!

"I've noticed you have a thing against dragons. Can I ask what it is?" Twilight walked to the kitchen, wordlessly inviting her to follow.

"Yeah, you noticed, huh? Sorry. I know I must look very rude, but I have my reasons." She sighed and followed. "See, my little town wasn't our first, so I'm told. When I was just a filly, my parents told me stories of my ancestors who sealed away a very dangerous dragon. They didn't hold back any details either. From them I took pride in having ancestors with such power, but at the same time, a rather large fear of what dragons are capable of. Since it was sealed, they saw fit to move their town further west to where it sits now, believing that proximity to it would weaken the seal placed on it."

"Sealing a dragon? Your ancestors must have been powerful unicorns." Twilight sat at the table as Spike served them up.

"Unicorns? You must be mistaken. My ancestors were all Earth ponies. Not all magic is exclusive to unicorns." Epona sat beside her and looked at her meal of nuts, berries, and steamed vegetables. "This does look good. My compliments in advance."

After dinner, Twilight put the last of the items into the scroll and asked Spike to send it at 7 in the morning. She led Epona up the stairs, showed her to her bed for the night, exchanged a few words, then faked falling asleep.

When she knew Epona was asleep, she went downstairs, lit up her horn, and began looking up information on sealing rituals for non-unicorns. If I can find something about sealing magic, then I might be able to find something about magic abilities for non-unicorns. If this research bears fruit, I might have an answer as to how Link learned a shield spell in the first place.


The following morning didn't start for Twilight until almost noon. Doing research all night, burning the midnight oil, caused her to sleep through the rising sun. Even through the wind and darkened skies that loomed over Ponyville. As ordered, Spike sent the scroll to Celestia with Link's things inside. Epona had started by going through town and seeing the sights. Soon as the wind started up, she began seeing other ponies tearing limbs off of the trees and more raking them up for disposal. Aj was counted among the ones taking them down. Naturally, she asked what she could do to help. Everypony's response was either get out of the way, or start raking. So, she helped to rake them into piles while several groups of pegasi took them away in bags.

Epona knew what the rest of the day had in store. She could smell it in the air. The sudden change in the atmosphere, the change in temperature, all signs of a storm.

Chapter 21: The Coming Storm

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Twilight woke up that day at noon, or very close to it. Spike was sweeping the bookroom, and hoped not to wake her with his humming. With no warning, she called for him, causing him to set his cleaning tool aside and rush to her aid.

"Where's Epona?" she asked him. "Last night was a bit ... unexpected for me. I didn't count on staying up that late. Made even worse by not finding anything..."

"Epona, last I saw, was headed out the door. I had told her to see what Ponyville had to offer. She even took her bags."

"Makes sense. I have a feeling she's cautious. Probably doesn't want me or anypony else going through her bags." Twilight turned to the clock, then back to her desk. "You sent the letter, yes?"

"I did. And, I got this, in reply." Spike belched up a scroll with an ink seal shaped like a sun. "You said to never open these." Twilight took it and read to herself.


My Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle:

I've received word from Link. The mission he undertook has increased in difficulty and importance. As a result, it is less likely he will return. Believe me, I do not wish to convey ill thoughts, but such is the case, I'm afraid.

In lighter news, I am requesting that Spike be transported to Canterlot for official business. I will spare you the details, but in short, he will be very helpful in our efforts. I await with a favorable reply.

~Princess Celestia


"Oh..." she started, "okay..."

"What? What happened?"

"Link is... He's in danger now. It didn't say why, but his mission has gotten more dangerous. And Princess Celestia said that he's not as likely to return safely..."

Spike hopped up on her back and tried to comfort her. "Hey, Link's awesome. Don't count him out just yet. Sure, he might be a little impatient, but his intelligence more than makes up for it. He'll be fine. Have some faith."

"I do, I really do, but ..." Twilight sighed. "Something isn't right, about all of this. Something isn't sitting well with me, and I don't know what it is. That's what really bothers me."

Again, he got her attention. "About... what? Something tells me it's more than Link you're worried about."

"It is. The princess asked me to send you to Canterlot for 'Royal Business', and didn't tell me what it was. I'm deliberately being kept in the dark." Once at Cloudsdale, and again here... What could be so important, that the princess would tell him and not me? She took the scroll she would have used for her research findings and quickly scribbled a reply. Afterward, she sealed it with ink in the shape of her cutie mark. "Send this to her. It should cover a few bases."

As he sent it on its way, he asked, "I wonder why the princess wants me to go to Canterlot so bad? Like, I get it the first time; she wanted me to go with Link. But why now, when he's already out?"

"I don't know the details, but-" She was interrupted by a knock at the door. "One sec." Convenient. He sends the letter, and moments later... As she opened the door, she preemptively began, "He- huh?"

In the doorway stood the mailmare. "Heh, huh, Hi there. Twilight Sparkle?" She nodded. "Good. A message for you from the mayor." Derpy held out an envelope to her and smiled as she took it. "It's an urgent emergency. I can only apologize that it took so long to get here. Had to fly all over Ponyville handing these out. And since 'T' is rather close to the end of the line, yours came later than most in Ponyville."

"That's understandable, there's no fault to you." She read it to herself, and asked, "What can you tell me about this, 'skipped sprinkle'?"

"Only that I didn't mean to. I overslept and, well, missed my first duty. A week ago... eh heh. But today, we get caught up at ... Ponyville's ... expense..."

"And what does this have to do with me?" Twilight asked, looking at her.

Derpy stood quietly, while her face turned into a serious look, even correcting her eyesight, mostly. "Twilight, I am surprised at you. As you live in this town, so must you take up responsibility for the happenings. If a quake comes, you are expected to do your part. A tornado, do your part. A storm such as this... Do your part. If you don't know what that is, then stay inside and do nothing." Her eyes returned to normal for her. "I'm sorry, I - I don't know what happened."

"No, it's... fine. Do my part, huh... What's everypony else doing?"

"Well, earth ponies and some unicorns are helping shave the trees, and most of the pegasi are helping to clear the piles left behind. The other pegasi are currently bringing the heavy rainclouds from the Cloudsdale Weather Factory. My role is to make everypony aware of what's coming."

"This storm, right?" she nodded. If there's a storm coming, then odds are Spike will be staying in Canterlot tonight. It's unsafe to fly at night, especially carrying passengers. Good play, Princess Celestia. You've managed to ensure he'd be away from me. "Can you answer something for me?"

"Sure. What is it?" Derpy asked, tilting her head.

"Why didn't the weather team decide to spread out the rain? Like, why bring it all at once instead of spread out over time to make up for it? I would think it would drown whatever plants need this water."

"That... is a good question. One I can't answer, because I don't make the rules, and I'm not privileged to know. Again, I'm sorry. Will that be all?"

"Yes. Thank you." Derpy nodded, and walked away as Twilight closed the door. "Spike. It seems this storm is perfectly timed. You'll be in Canterlot for the night. If I were to guess, you'll be back tomorrow when the weather clears up. And since the pegasi are currently bringing the clouds, your transport should be here soon."

Spike remained silent. He looked at her in disbelief. Then, he asked, "Are you... are you trying to accuse the princess of something?"

"No of course not. I would never do that. Oh, and do me a big favor, and keep this whole conversation between ourselves." Spike nodded. "Good, now-"

"Twilight Sparkle?" a stallion's voice called out. She turned and opened the door once more as Derpy flew away. "We have come to escort one Spike the Dragon to Canterlot at once."

"That was indeed fast. Must be important. Very well. Spike? Your ride is here. Have fun, be safe. And try not to sink any ships along the way."

"Huh?" he asked, but before a clear explanation was given, he was lifted by her magic and placed on the ground outside. "H-hey, Twilight! Aww."

"This way please," the stallion said.

"I'm sorry Spike," she said, after closing the door, "but there's nothing I can do. Going against the will of the Princess isn't something I want to do. Of course, treason incurs a penalty... but I'm not doing anything of the sort."

"You always talk to yourself Twilight?" Epona asked in the opened window. "Or is it just me?"

Twilight shrieked in reaction and turned to face her. "Uhh... what did you hear?"

"Nothing important, just something about sorting things," she replied. "Just came back to check on you. You looked dead this morning, wanted to make sure you still had a pulse." Epona chuckled a bit.

"Heh, thanks. Yeah, I'm still alive. Long nights are my oldest friends. Hey, I could actually use your help. If you're not too busy."

"Not at all. Just finished raking up a few piles to get taken. Whatcha need?" Epona asked, coming in through the doorway.

"Well, you know there's a storm coming, right?"

"Yeah... I felt the climate change earlier, so I wanted to see how I could help. It's only luck that Spike asked me to see more of the town."

"Anyway," Twilight continued, walking to the shelves, "since there's a storm on its way, I need to be prepared. Can you help me find a spell related or pertaining to weather protection?"

Epona looked towards the shelves and glanced over them. "Any spell in mind? Or just look for one?"

"Just look for one, and we'll go from there."


"I'm glad you could make it, Spike," Celestia admitted. She sat beside Luna, who kept glancing behind Celestia's throne.

"What's this about?" Spike asked, "If you don't mind my inquiry?"

Celestia sighed. "Right to the point, I see. I see much of Link in you. I called you here not to compare you two, but to reveal something. Equestria is in danger. And you were the most logical choice to warn."

"Why me? Sure Twilight could better prepare for it, and the Elements of Harmony would-"

"Unfortunately, letting Twilight know of this is not the best choice, as she would go out of her way to see this threat neutralized. We need this plan to go on with no problems."

I'm beginning to think Twilight was right. They could be hiding something from her... "Okay, but that doesn't really tell me why."

"Spike," Celestia began, "We chose to tell you, because you are the least likely to tell anypony else. Also, you are the closest to Twilight. If things go south, you can convince her not to act out of character. Link, will know nothing of this. As he would act however he wanted to anyway, as he's more of a ... how do I put it..." She looked at Luna.

"Link, from what I've heard, is too technical. He'll likely refrain from doing anything until he has all of the pieces. I see much of my old self in him." Luna, again, glanced behind her sister's throne.

"And you believe I'm not? What is it, exactly, that you want to warn me about?" Luna levitated a pony figure from behind Celestia's throne. Still as a stone, it did not move. Or, it couldn't move. She set it down in front of Spike and lit her horn. In moments, it sprang to life. It tried to fly, but its wings were still stiff from whatever spell Luna cast on it. "What is that?"

"This abomination is a Changeling, a race of being that exists solely to feed off of love. They've existed for who knows how long, and for some reason, they've just now surfaced." Celestia stepped down and glared at the creature.

It became encircled in green flame and, as it extinguished, exposed its new form of Spike the Dragon. "P-Please don't do this to me... Can't you see I'm in enough pain?" it pleaded, as it turned to face the rulers.

"Silence!" Luna shouted, stomping her hoof. the Changeling transformed back into the bug-like pony he was and looked back at Spike. "Sister, I see no reason to keep this whelp alive."

"The sly eagle does not kill at whim, dear sister. The sly eagle waits, patiently, for he knows when to strike." Celestia looked down at the Changeling, and added, "But fear not. Your days will be spent in the comfort of a cell underneath the castle. However many you have left."

Spike looked at the Changeling, then to Luna. "Before all that, may I ask it some things?" Luna looked at Celestia, who nodded. "A changeling, right?"

It nodded, then turned into a stallion wearing green and black armor. "Yes," he said. "What do you wish to learn?"

"I want to know how you do that. Transform like that."

He fell silent, then walked around him. "We changelings are a special breed. We can take the form of any living organism. Be they pony, dragon, or even fairy. Yes, fairies exist. But, transformation of this nature is a survival instinct. I don't expect any of you to understand."

"I understand plenty, being a dragon myself." He turned to Celestia. "I may be totally out of line asking you this, Princess Celestia, but whatever spell you have on him seems to be working. If you can block him from flying, and using magic, he'd pose no threat, right?"

"Correct. He'd be harmless. What are you planning?"

He glanced back at the stallion, who was looking at the princess. "I want to ask, if I can take him back with me to Ponyville-"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!! That would defeat the purpose of calling you here!"

"Now Luna, let's hear his reason, despite how foolish it may sound," Celestia quickly interrupted. She cast a glance at her sister.

Spike cleared his throat. "I apologize, but ... He doesn't seem all that bad. I mean, how'd you catch him anyway?"

"A mare tossed him at our hooves and asked us to do something with it," Luna replied.

"Okay, and what were you doing before that?" he asked the stallion.

"I was just coming home from work. What I do is not important, since it's a life I can't go back to. I got home, saw my wife, hugged my kid, and things were good. Until that night, when she saw me turn into a changeling. She grabbed me with her magic, and practically dragged me here by the tail. Mind you I had turned into the stallion she married when she started pulling me. 'This is not the stallion I fell in love with!' she said, over and over again. Then I'm here."

"Harsh. Just like that, your life gets ruined," Spike summarized.

"I cannot believe you're considering this, Tia." Luna had fixed her gaze on Celestia's changing expression. "What would you even ask it to be? A pony? Another dragon? Any form it takes, it will likely be blown away by Twilight Sparkle's insight!"

"Worry not, Luna. A pony is too noticeable, a dragon moreso. No, if I were to agree to Spike's suggestion, I would have him be a fairy.

"A fairy? I'd rather be a pony, If I'm going somewhere, I want to blend in. I'd rather be a pegasus, but hey, no flight. Unicorn, no magic. So I'm stuck with a wingless, hornless, earth pony body." He transformed again into a mare with no wings or horn. Her voice changed to accommodate. "Better?" she asked.

"You'll fit right in."

"I cannot allow-"

"Can allow this. However, I do not believe transport by royal chariot to be the best method." Celestia looked over at her sister. "I'm sorry Luna. We are not at war, and I'd rather not be." She then looked to the new mare. "But, Equestria is a friendly nation. A give-and-take goes a long way here. If you want me to grant you freedom from being in a cell, I ask you to give us information regarding your plans."

"Plans?" she asked. "Oh, the plan of what I'd want to do?"

"No, the plans your ruler has set in motion by your being here."

The mare shook her head. "I'm sorry, princess, really I am. But, to tell you the truth, our 'ruler', if you want to even call her that anymore, was growing in tyrannical power. She wanted to use us all as warriors to reclaim the surface world. So, when she was unaware, a group of us burrowed out of our home and decided to try and live our own lives, free from her rule. Being honest, she turned into the ruler we had before she came into her own. She wanted to change the world, and started with our own home. After we saw what she had become, we fled."

" ... " Celestia and Luna remained quiet. "Is that the truth?" Spike asked.

"Of course it is. I would never lie! Especially when my freedom was on the line!" She leaned in and began to cry at the insinuation.

"I'm sorry, it's just... you still want to go back? To where I live?"

"It beats rotting away in a cell... But that's their call..." The mare looked at the princesses with fading hope in her eyes.

Celestia looked down at the mare. "Tia, no. I know you. You're actually considering it."

"I am. But, I'm afraid this decision is not to be made lightly. She will stay here until a decision has been made." This agreement filled the mare with hope. "But don't be disappointed if we decline his offer."

"Of course," she agreed. Hearing that there was a chance she'd be free started to make her cry of happiness.

"Now, what do I tell Twilight?" Spike asked, realizing the reason he was actually called there.

"Right. ... I understand Link has a birthday approaching. You will say we discussed his gift."

"I'm not going to lie to her. She's the closest thing to a mom I have."

"You won't-" A scroll appeared, and after a quick reply, she finished, "You won't lie. We will discuss it, but only briefly."

"From Link?" She nodded. "How fares he?"

"He and Ruby found the camp. As predicted, the commander they seek is inside the ice caverns of the north."

"The ... north? You know what's up that way, right?"

"I do. But there's no chance he'll learn of his existence. At least not yet."

Spike looked back to the mare, then to the princesses. "Sorry, but I guess I'm staying the night here? There's a storm brewing in Ponyville."

"Ah, of course. Yes, you may stay here. You will be taken back to Ponyville before the sun's rise."


"I don't know much about magic," Epona admitted, holding up a book, "but this looks promising."

Just hearing magic got Twilight's attention as she dropped her current study material and took the one from Epona's grasp. After scanning the page, she said, "'Lightning Rod'. That'll be really useful. Or useless, depending on how bad the weather gets." She looked outside as the rain really picked up. "Well, here goes..."

Twilight closed her eyes and lit up her horn. A single beam shot upward and into the ceiling. After a moment or so, a light humming came from outside, as the spell worked its way through the tree's outer layer. "That was it?" Epona asked.

"Well, yeah." She turned back to the page and read, "'turns the object into an electrically resistant entity.' Basically gives it lightning-proof quality. 'However, because it is not affected by electrical energy, it does not attract said energy.' Either way, safest place is, ironically, in a tree."

"Incredible. If you've never done it before, how'd you know how it was done?"

"That was worded ... interestingly... but I get your question. Long ago, I was enrolled in the School for Gifted Unicorns. Before I could enter, I had to pass an exam. As I passed with flying colors, almost literally, the princess saw my talent and took me in, and taught me all about new spells and abilities. Now, when i see a spell, I can usually replicate it with little trouble. Of course the tougher the spell, the harder a time I'll have of it."

"Cool. So, about that spell... if lightning strikes the tree, it will do nothing?"

"That's right," Twilight confirmed, closing the book. "No matter what part of the tree gets hit, it'll not affect the tree, or anything inside it."

Epona thought for a moment. "Then what happens to the energy?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, lightning is an electrical force. If the tree is unaffected, and lightning hits it, what happens to the lightning?" She watched at Twilight opened the book again and looked through.

" ... I don't know. It doesn't say. So long as the tree's okay in the end, it'll be fine." Again, she closed the book, setting it aside this time. She looked back at Epona, who held her head down a little. "Hey now... what's wrong?"

"It's ... nothing," Epona lied.

"Nothing?" She walked over to her and sat down in front of her. "Doesn't seem like 'nothing' to me. Something's up. Come on," she goaded, "you can trust me."

"Can I? Really? I barely know you. I'm not about to tell you one of my secrets."

"Then I'll tell you one of mine, to make it even." Twilight smiled and leaned in. "I'll even share mine first. Way ba-

"No no, if you're willing to do that, then I guess it's fine. See, when I said all my ancestors were earth ponies, I wasn't wholly truthful. My parents," she dug through her bag and pulled out her framed picture, "are pegasi. I'm an earth pony, yeah, but most of my family is. And earlier, I wasn't wrong either. The ancestors of mine that sealed the dragon away were earth ponies, but there were only two. Everypony else was either a unicorn, or a pegasus, and not my ancestor."

"So, you only had two that took part. And both were earth ponies?" A simple nod. "I imagine you're looking for your parents?"

"Well, yes. That is my ultimate goal. Last letter I got from them was 5 months ago, from the desert region in the southwest."

"Then to save time, why not take the train there?" Twilight paused and saw the distant look on her face. "Or, maybe you're looking for somepony else along the way?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I drew you a picture..." Epona sadly replied.

"Try me. I promise I won't laugh."

With such a persuasive comment, Epona opened up a little. "Alright." She took a deep breath, and expelled it all at once. "I was hiking in the mountains when I heard a song out of nowhere so I followed it to Canterlot where I met a really obnoxious pegasus. There we had a bit of relaxation and I heard it again so I followed it here. And as soon as I hear it again, I'll leave."

Twilight's jaw hung open at her admittance. No. Way. "Why wouldn't I believe you? Stranger things've-" Just then, a bolt struck the tree. "Hold that thought." Quickly, she took a scroll from her table and a quill from her well. She teleported all around her house and recorded the effects of the struck tree. Her conclusion: nothing inclusive was damaged. Spell effectiveness: 100%. Still, she'd need to be on the outside to see what happened to the bolt. After returning to the book room, she coiled it up and set it aside. "Sorry about that. Any chance to record the effects of a spell, I'll never pass up."

Epona was looking outside at Applejack and Rarity. The mare stood in the open doorway. "Outside is no place for ponies in the rain. How 'bout you take shelter in here?"

Rarity and Aj looked at each other, then ran toward Epona, stopping in the doorway. "Applejack? Rarity?" Twilight asked, "What were you doing out in the rain?"

"Ah was clearin' the trees from branches, an' this one was puttin' 'em back on! Counter-productive-" Applejack sighed. "Sorry, day's been stressful. How's yours?"

"Could be worse, I admit. Come on inside." Epona and Twilight stepped aside as Rarity walked in.

"Applejack, be a dear, and wash off your muddy hooves. You'll get her floor all filthy."

That mare! Gah, what a headache she gives me! "Fine. But, ain't a tree the worst place to be in a lightnin' storm?"

"Not if you've got a magical lightning rod protecting your house like I do. Epona helped me find it. Rather, she found it before I could." She watched as Aj shook the mud from her hooves. "That should be fine. Besides, you can always shower later."

Aj nodded and walked in beside Rarity, who scoffed at her "intrusion". "Epona, nice ta meetcha again. How's you?" She closed the door behind them.

"I'm alright. Twilight's been such a good friend to me since my arrival." Epona smiled and walked toward the couch. "Some weather, huh? The weather ponies sure outdone themselves this time."

"I'll say. Before heading out to help, my little sister had a friend over. Now they're home, most likely by themselves. And It seems to be a problem, were I to try and get there in this downpour."

"Applebloom's got Big Mac, an' Granny Smith. They'll hunker down an' be fine. 'Sides, this ain't nothin' compared to almost 10 years ago..." Her voice lowered in volume as she held her hat over her face.

"We agreed to never speak of it..." Rarity warned. "I couldn't bear to hear it again..."

"Hear what?" Epona asked.

"Never ya mind, now. None o' yer business." Aj walked past her, fixed her hat's position, and headed into the kitchen.

"That... was rude." Twilight said bluntly. "And Rarity, what happened 10 years ago?"

"I'm afraid that's not my story to say..." She cleared her throat and changed the subject. "And who is this one?"

Twilight looked at the mare on the couch. "Her? This is Epona. A visitor from out of town. She's staying with me for an indefinite amount of time. Epona, this is Rarity. She's the local designer."

"A pleasure, Rarity." Epona lowered her head and raised it once more. "So, since you two can't get home, are you staying here?"

Twilight grinned and pulled out a book from the shelf. "I have a book ready if you want to have a slumber party." Aj returned with clean hooves and looked at the book.

"'Slumber 101: All You've Ever Wanted to Know About Slumber Parties But Were Afraid to Ask'. Uhh..."

"It's my own personal copy." Twilight set it back on the shelf. "But, it seems there's too many to have an actual slumber party, Especially since I have stuff to take care of before Link comes home."

"And that is?" Aj asked, sitting beside Epona on the couch. She immediately made the silent comparison to her brother. Twilight began pacing. Story Time Aj thought.

"Well, you see... Link's birthday is coming, rather quickly, and I have yet to obtain his gift. Rather, I have yet to obtain the materials needed to make his gift." She turned around and continued. "And, since he'll likely have more use for something that will help him on his missions, which I hope will be few and far between, I want to be the one to provide him with such a tool." She turned again. "Since few and far between is too much to ask for, more successes means more future missions, he'll want something he can use on his missions to help him succeed." She stopped and looked at her friends. "Which is why I want to make him an accessory that increases his physical strength by a rational amount. With a limit, of course, so he doesn't hurt himself."

"An accessory?" Rarity asked, "I could help with that if you need."

"I was hoping to have your support. Because you asked, can you lend me, or sell to me if you choose, a small lump of gold, or a normal lump of steel?"

Rarity laughed. "My dear, I'm a designer. The closest thing to metal I use is the needle for the thread, or the chains in the jewelry. I'm no metallurgist, and there are no such ponies in Ponyville who are, to my knowledge." Twilight frowned and turned to a side. "But, that doesn't mean there can't be something else I can do for you. There may not be a pony here, but ... There are a group of ponies who import their metals from far away. I sometimes have bought their metals for use in ... certain garments. I suppose I could ask a favor, but I guarantee nothing."

Twilight smiled and jumped in the air a few times. "What do ya need 'em for, anyway?"

"I'm glad you asked. You know he wears his gloves, right? The ones that go up his arms? I want to try and get him to remove them. They serve no purpose aside from keeping his hands warm, maybe."

"Hands?" Epona asked.

"Yes, ha... I didn't tell you?" Twilight asked. Epona shook her head. "Link, my brother, is a being with articulated segments of his body beyond the limbs that we have. We've got forelegs with carpals, proximal sesamoids, and hooves and that's it. Link, my brother, has arms, elbows, wrists, and further than that, he has fingers with things called knuckles and opposable thumbs like a monkey."

"He sounds like a monster if you ask me. No offense."

"None taken. Just, don't let him hear you say that. Anyway, back on topic: the accessory will replace his gloves. So, it would be a bracelet. Or pair of bracelets if I can't get the effect to run evenly throughout his whole body." Twilight saw Aj with a puzzled look. "What is it?"

"What are, 'proxy sesames'?"

"Proximal sesamoids." Twilight moved her hoof and pointed with the other at the joint that allowed such a movement. "The thing that lets you do this."

"I'm sorry, Twilight. But, I'm afraid I can't get in contact with the maker until at least wednesday."

"That's fine," Twilight replied. "That'll hopefully give me enough time to find, and test, the spell I want to cast on it."

"And that is?" Epona asked.

She turned to Epona and explained, "This spell, hopefully, will increase his weight bearing capacity. That said, I want to try and keep it from increasing his actual power in attacking. So, with it, he'll be able to move bigger rocks easier, or guard against heavy hitting attacks without much recoil. I want to make it a passive bracelet, so it acts without Link's input. Don't get me wrong, it'd be nice to find a spell that does both, but I think that might put too much strain on him."

The night went on, as the 4 of them talked about her ideas. Rarity inputted hers, while Applejack made dinner at Twilight's request. Understanding Aj's feelings toward Rarity, she agreed to share her bed with Applejack. While, true to her word, Twilight offered his bed to Epona, who declined the offer for Rarity's sake. Soon after they all got settled for the night, a bolt had struck a nearby tree. Aj was the first to react and threw a lasso around it. Nopony questioned where she had it, but watched as she attempted to pull it.

Rarity ducked out of the way as it came barreling in through the balcony opening, despite her warnings of its destination. Against her better judgement, Aj started arguing with Rarity over "not trying hard enough" and how her attention to detail is sometimes a good thing. Epona came up the stairs and helped to remove the problem safely. That led to a discussion about the lightning rod spell put on the tree. Twilight explained that it didn't attract electricity, merely absorbed it.

After another few minutes, things settled once more as the group fell asleep.


Early the following morning, Applejack was the first to rise, if only because Link wasn't there to rise earlier than the sun. Carefully, she looked over at Twilight, who had lain her hooves around Applejack's barrel for comfort.

Ain't that adorable. Cautiously, she eased out of Twilight's grip and replaced the void with the remaining mass of blankets, which Twilight proceeded to pull close and smile. Aj looked over at Rarity and began making her way downsairs, where the entire room was a disaster. Must've been that tree last night. With a yawn, she looked at Epona, who was awake, and reading a book. "Mornin'. How'd ya sleep?"

"I haven't yet. After last night, I started to clean up a little and came across an old favorite. So, I've been awake since, reading. You?" she asked.

"Slept like a filly. Still tired, though." She walked to the kitchen. "Hungry?"

"Nah. Been snacking for a while." Epona closed her book and set it aside, turning to look at her. "So, are you and Twilight..."

Applejack let her finish. When she didn't, Aj asked, "Me an' Twilight what?"

"You know... special friends?"

"Oh sure we are." Epona let out a big gasp and held it. "Just like me an' the rest o' mah friends. Each an' every one of 'em is special. Why? Wanna be counted among their number?"

Epona hit herself in the face with her hooves and sighed. "Nevermind." She looked up at the stairs. "Spike awake yet? He came up there about an hour and a half ago."

"No. Actually, Ah didn't know Spike was even here... Twilight didn't say nothin' about him, come to think of it." Aj put a hoof to her chin and looked up a little.

"He came in, said his good-nights, and went upstairs. A bit odd, if you ask me, but I don't know dragons. I'd rather not, too."

"That one ain't so bad. He's just a young'n." Minutes later, Rarity came trotting down the stairs. "Mornin'. Huh?"

"Don't be jealous that I don't have bedmane," Rarity warned. "I sleep rather still in the night. Compared to Twilight, anyway."

"Ah hear ya on that one. She squirms a bit much. Ya stayin' for breakfast?"

"I'd love to," she replied, passing her and heading for the door, "but as I stated last night, my sister is home with her friend and I very much need to go back. If for no other reason than to check on her." Epona waved as Rarity exited the library. Outside, she glanced up and saw the rising sun. The weather team really knows how to clear the skies after a dreadful day of weather.

Another few minutes later, Twilight came down carrying Spike, still asleep on her back. "Morning you two. Look who I found in his bed."

"Yeah, he came home almost two hours ago. Didn't say much, and looked really tired," Epona explained. "Do you always carry him?"

"Just about. Usually outside when I'm on errands." Twilight came down the remaining stairs and looked around. "This place is a mess."

Aj looked around once more. "Sure is. Ah don't mind lendin' a hoof to help. Ah did sorta cause it after all..."

In agreement, the three of them began cleaning up the mess from last night. Aj started righting the wall hangings, Twilight put the books back on the shelves in random order, and Epona took to straightening the tables and couch. After a while, Spike woke up and started helping by sweeping where he could. They had made little progress after Spike woke up, when Twilight heard a familiar voice.

"What kind of storm rolled through here? And should I stay away from it?" The door opened and in walked Link. Twilight smiled at him, while Aj kept to her tidying. Epona, however, fell remarkably silent and stepped back a little. Spike kept right on sweeping.

"Oh, Link," Twilight spoke up, "you're back." Seeing the expression on his face led her to ask, "Everything alright?"

"Yeah," he replied, pointing at the only mare he didn't recognize. "Who's she?"

Chapter 22: The Calling Melody

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Link stood in front of the closed door to the Golden Oaks Library, and pointed at the unfamiliar mare. Navi, too, was in slight surprise to see somepony she didn't recognize. "Who's she?" he asked Twilight.

"Epona, this is my brother Link. The one I told you about." Twilight walked over to her brother and gave him a hug. He returned it, fixing his gaze on Epona. "Good to see you made it back safely."

"Glad to be back, and warm again. The north was a wasteland of ice and snow. But, it was well worth it." He looked around the room and saw Aj, Spike, Navi, and ... "Hey, I was told there'd be cake..." He let go of Twilight and folded his arms. "I can tell that didn't happen, what with the mess and all."

Twilight backed up a step and frowned. "Yeah... Last night was hectic. All of today is needed to clean up. But for now, You get yourself upstairs and shower."

"A bit direct, don't you think?" Epona asked her. "He just got home."

"He did, yes, but he's been gone long enough, and he needs a shower." Twilight pointed up the stairs as Link started walking. "And reorganize your inventory while you're at it."

"Sure..." Link got up the stairs and disappeared, leaving Navi with the others.

"So... What was that about?" Navi asked.

Twilight grinned and turned to her. "I'm glad you asked. I want to give Link a gift, and I know what it is now. I just need to tell you not to drop any hints I've gotten him anything."

"Wouldn't it be better keeping it from me, as well?"

"Ordinarily, yes. Telling you risks him finding out. But I want you in on it. For your advice." Twilight walked around and pondered, "I know the princess got him something. What was it?"

"A boomerang. A piece of wood that returns to the one who throws it." Navi looked up the stairs. "Something tells me that isn't the only reason you wanted him away from you..."

"Your perceptive quality does not betray you. Spike was sent to Canterlot from last night to this morning. Does Link know about that?"

"Nope. We didn't even see him there. ... Why would-"

"Not important," Spike interrupted. "Birthday presents are a secret. Only from who it's for though, so she talked with me about it." I can't let the changeling conversation escape me. "Her and Princess Luna both."

"Understandable." At least I can put some thoughts to rest. "8 more days, and he'll be 13. With that settled, I did say there'd be a cake."

Epona stood up from the couch and approached Twilight. "He's not what I expected. Where did you meet him?"

Applejack decided to sit and hear this story. Of how they met each other in the princess' castle 12 years ago. Link came down as the story reached its end. He chose to wear a normal shirt and shorts. Even his gear was left in his room, his pouches included.

"What'd I miss?" he asked.

Twilight turned and smiled, then tilted her head. "That... looks like casual wear."

"I'm off duty for the time being. Celestia granted me a reprieve from service. And allowed me to seek the keys when I see fit." Link sat on the couch beside Aj. "Epona, right?" A small nod. "I understand my sister lent you my bed. I hope you found it suitable? Despite it not being hers to give."

"I did, and I wanted to thank her for all she's done for me. I-"

"Excuse me? Not mine? Last I checked, you're only here to protect me."

"Not anymore. My mission ended. Protecting you is no longer my number one priority by order." Link leaned forward. "It is, however, still number one on my overall priority list."

"Then... you aren't bound by duty to keep me safe? Or stalk me? Or keep secrets from me?"

"Let's not get carried away. I'm still keeping secrets. A few of them. But don't worry. None relate to you. Anyway, back to what I was saying, you gave her my bed to sleep in, yes?"

"Yes. Because she slept on the couch one night, and then again last night. The one before last, I didn't want her to feel like an outsider." She turned and smiled at Epona. "Friends are worth it."

Link pointed at her. "Write that down and send it to the princess."

"Hm? Ah yes. A friendship lesson. 'It is important to make ponies feel at home, even if you don't know them very well. After all, friends are just ponies you haven't met yet.' An excellent lesson." She turned to her table and scrawled out a letter. "Spike?"

Joyful that the attention was taken off of his absence, he sent the letter away. "All done."

"Wonderful. thank you for helping me with this lesson, Epona."

"What was that about?" Epona asked her.

"Hmm. I'm here in Ponyville to learn about the magic of friendship. I'm sending reports to the princess every time I learn something valuable on the subject."

"On... orders?" A nod. "So, if I have this right, you are, by order of the princess, being my friend?"

"No, it's not like that, I assure you. I helped you because I could. I told you that..."

Link folded his arms and added, "At the cost of my bed."

"Come off it, will ya?" Aj interrupted. "Sure she let Epona use your bed, but let it go! You should be happy for yer sister bein' as considerate as she's been the last few days. Ah thought you, more than anypony, would be proud of her development."

He sat in temporary silence before responding. "I am proud. I just, wish I was here to see such effort being put toward something other than research. ... For once."

"That's understandable." She turned to Aj. "Now that Link's back, you are free to go."

"You say that as if Ah was a prisoner here. Heh heh." Aj stepped down from her seat and started for the door. "Oh hey. Since ye're back, how's about you an' Epona stop by the farm tomorrow? Got plenty of work for ya. Y'all can come too, Twi. If ya feel like. Don't worry, Ah won't make ya work or nothin'."

"I'll think on it." She turned to Link, who had a certain look on his face. "We ... may be a bit late though."

"Not a problem." She left and closed the door.

Immediately, Link turned to Epona, who backed up a step. "Epona, yes?" Another nod. "My sister tells me you're a traveler. And, for whatever reason, you're here in Ponyville. Hmm..." He stood up and paced around Epona, all the while analyzing her. "I'm willing to bet, that you don't have much money. Judging from the fact you're staying in a library instead of a hotel. And since you're here and not there, with a lack of funds, this was an unplanned stop, or you meant to stop here, but don't have enough to sustain yourself." Twilight sat and listened. "Your money issue could be the effect of coming from a small town. And because of that, you walked all the way here. That explains the need to recharge." Link looked directly at her. "Which leads me up to why. You are here, in Ponyville, looking for somepony or something."

Epona's jaw hung open at the surprising accuracy of his deductions. Twilight clapped her hooves. "Correct on all points. But one."

"Oh? Just one wrong? What could that be?" he wondered. "Hmm..." Link closed his eyes in thought.

"I'll let you figure it out."

"That's no fun at all, Twilight." Just then, a pink blur nearly knocked the door down and bursted into the room.

"I heard the word 'fun'!" Pinkie stated. "Where?! Oh, welcome back Link and Navi. How was Canterlot?"

Link stayed silent as he didn't expect her to show up at all. "He'll be better after he rests."

"Aww. I guess he's too tired for..." She sped outside and walked back in, pushing a cart with a cake on it. "cake. Twilight said there'd be cake, and I refuse to let the cake be a lie."

He looked over the cake and saw the "Welcome home Link" written in white frosting. "Impressive," Twilight commented. "How did you know I couldn't get a cake made with all that's happened? Were you ... eavesdropping?"

"No, silly. I saw him come back to Ponyville, and I couldn't smell cake from the library."

"O-oh. That makes ... sense. I didn't know you could make sense," Twilight questioned.

"I know, scary right? Aaaaaanywho, that cake should last a while. It's fairly thick with all the frosting I put on it." She looked over the cake. "Took me a few tries, only because I kept dropping the frosting in my mouth." She smiled and moved the cake to the table. Quickly, she pulled the cart to the door.

"Thank you Pinkie. From all of us. It was thoughtful." Link smiled at her.

"Absolutely." Pinkie vanished and closed the door with the vacuum she produced.

Twilight stood in shock at Pinkie's skill. "I'll never understand how she does that..."

"Might be worth looking into though. Could be f- ... interesting." Link took care to not repeat the word "fun", in case she would come back.

"Forgive me, but just what are you?" Epona asked outright.

Stunned by the sudden outburst, he answered slowly, "Me? Or ... her?" He pointed at Navi.

"Her." She looked over at Navi, who was standing on his head. "She looks so adorable."

"That is a fairy. Honestly, I'm not surprised you don't know. Aside from a select few, I don't know anyone who has seen one."

"Are they that rare?" she asked in response. Twilight nodded. "Wow... Which begs the question: where are you from?"

"One at a time, Epona. My turn. In what I figured out, what was incorrect?"

Epona looked at Twilight nervously. "Don't worry. You can trust him. Go ahead and tell him exactly what you told me."

Epona turned back to Link and sighed. "Okay... Just don't laugh." She took a deep breath, and repeated, "I was hiking in the mountains when I heard a song out of nowhere so I followed it to Canterlot where I met a really obnoxious pegasus. There we had a bit of relaxation and I heard it again so I followed it here. And as soon as I hear it again, I'll leave."

"Wow. Word for word, I'll attest to that," Twilight admitted. "Did you rehearse that?"

Epona shook her head as Link thought it over. "So, this song you heard... It came from this direction?"

"Yes. I understand if you don't believe me."

"I believe you, don't get me wrong. In fact, I'd be crazy not to believe what I've done."

Confused, Epona tilted her head and looked back at Twilight who just smiled. "I ... don't get it."

"I see why you let her stay, Twilight." Link smiled at Twilight and stood by the stairs.

"Well, I don't so explain it to me." Epona switched her gaze to Link.

"I think I'll just let you figure it out for yourself. And to help with that, can you fetch the morning mail? I'm sure it hasn't been picked up yet."

Epona thought to herself, How would that help me any? Nevertheless, she did as bid and went outside.

"Okay, now what?" Twilight asked.

"I imagine you'd know. I'm going to go upstairs, play the song I've played twice before, and if she's the one I've been calling, we'll know when she comes back in." Link walked up the stairs to his room and pulled out his ocarina. Carefully, he played the song as he's done before.

Twilight stayed downstairs and waited. So, he had her go outside so she wouldn't be in the immediate range. If she comes back in and says something about music, then she heard him play, despite the previous fact. Also, he left his stuff up stairs, ensuring he'd be far enough away from her. Makes me think he knew before his little investigative speech. "He's a genius, no two ways about it."

"Well, he is your brother. Not by blood, no. But still, he must have absorbed something to make him learn very quickly." Spike took a shot in the dark on his theory.

"Even if that were the case, he's too intuitive for a 13 year old. From the book I read, kids his age should still be in school. Half way through, if I recall correctly. ... I think there's another force at work here." The door opened behind her and Epona walked in, carrying the newspaper. "Welcome back."

" ... " Epona set the newspaper down beside the cake on the table and sat down. Link walked down and saw her. She turned to look at him and her eyes widened. "y-you..." Link got to the bottom step as Epona dashed to him and forced him on his back. She stood over him, keeping him from moving. "You! It really is you!"

"I ... beg your pardon?" Link asked.

"Don't hide it from me! I heard it clearer than ever. It's you, it has to be!" Epona pressed her face close to his and clarified, "You're the one who's been calling me! The one with the melody of my dreams! Admit it!"

Link was silent, but his smile said it all. Navi flew around her and asked, "Think you could let him up now?" Obeying, she backed off and helped him to his feet.

"Yeah. It's been me. I called you with this." He held up the blue musical instrument. "It called you here from a melody I thought up. I didn't know what I was doing, but if it was calling you here, then there must be a reason." He set it down and walked around her. "I'll admit this: you aren't what I was expecting."

"I could say that about the two of you," Epona responded. "A fairy and a ..."

"Hylian. I'm a Hylian."

"Hylian... You know, I may have heard the name somewhere... but for the life of me, I can't remember..." Epona wrapped him in a hug. "But I found you! That makes me so happy!"

"What will you do? Now that you found him, what's your plan?" Twilight asked.

Epona let him go from the awkward embrace and turned to Twilight. "With your permission, I'd like to live here." Twilight's, Spike's, Link's and Navi's jaws dropped at the notion. "If ... if that's ok with you... anyway."

"Um... Excuse us for a moment?" Epona wordlessly exited the library and closed the door, with a perky step. "Link, what are your thoughts?"

"Me? I say let her. She can still help at the farm when I'm not here, and even when I am, she can help you here, when I'm there helping Aj. Or vice versa. She could be there in my place while I help you here. Either way, I'm sure she'll be of great help. Besides, I want to know why the ocarina's melody called her specifically. What is her connection to my world?"

"I'd like to know too. Adding to that, she's without a cutie mark. At her age, that's .. unheard of but not impossible. I was thinking her talent might have to do with you. What do you two think?"

Spike walked closer and responded, "I say go for it. More help is great. And, since she's here for Link, you don't have to pay her anything."

"I agree. If she's here for Link, then she'd work with him for nothing. Of course," Navi turned to Link, "you'll most likely help her out when she needs it."

"Naturally. So, unanimous?" All of them nodded in agreement. "Good." He walked to the door and opened it inward, forcing an eavesdropping Epona to stumble in.

"Eh heh... so?" she asked shyly.

"Good news. We accept your offer. You'll live here with us until such a time comes when you decide to move." Happily, Epona danced around the room, careful not to knock anything over in the process.

"Just wait until my village hears of this! Ooooh, they'll be so excited for me!"

"About that..." Link added, "Your old house... do you have stuff you want to bring here?"

"Yes I do, but I can always go get it later. Why?"

Link offered her a smile. "Well, I could help with that. But I'll need a couple days to get it prepared for you." He felt another hug pull him in. "And another one."

Hastily, she let go. "I'm sorry, I just- I'm- You don't know how happy I am to have found you. You could be the key I need to get my own cutie mark!"

"Then on behalf of Golden Oaks Library," Twilight announced, "Welcome Home, Epona."

After a small scale party was had and the cake was eaten, the day winded down some time in the afternoon. The majority of which was spent shelving books in Twilight's specific order. With a big day ahead of them tomorrow, and as her previous bed was occupied by a Hylian, she rested her head on the couch. In her happiness, she couldn't fall asleep.

I found him. I actually found him. Now, with any hope, I can face my parents and be proud.

Chapter 23: The Hidden Agenda

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Morning greeted the early risers Link, Navi and Epona with a warm glow. Once Twilight woke, and after she planned their day, the 4 of them traveled to Sweet Apple Acres at Aj's request. Link and Epona helped in the fields, while Twilight enjoyed Granny Smith's company. At lunch, the two prepared a meal and lemonade for their hard-working families.

Spike, however, was sent to Rarity's Boutique to help her send a letter to her contact. She had requested a steel ingot from a blacksmith in the northeastern mountains. He was well-known for his durable craftsmanship, and therefore a reliable source of material. Along with the letter, she sent half the price in bits as an up front payment. Twilight said she'd be back later to pick him up, after she had dinner with the Apples.

True to her word, after her dinner she went to get Spike from Rarity's. The little guy didn't want to leave, but he had to, for Rarity had to put her sister to bed. Link, Epona and Navi went back to the library to wait for them.


The next morning, Link had absolutely nothing to do. He had helped Aj the day before, Rarity didn't want any help, Dash and Fluttershy had their work to do, and Pinkie... Pinkie just had everything under control. Twilight, with a very serious need for research time, had to convince Link and Navi to vacate the library for the day. Since Epona was still new to the town, he decided he'd walk her around and show her the sights.

With Link and Epona finally gone, Twilight dove right in to research of the augmentation spell she planned to use on his birthday gift. After a few hours, she turned up a few spells. One of which fit her bill to the 't'. It would increase his weight load by 4. And, as she hoped, it would not need a magic source tied to it, rather it would magnify his own outgoing energy. As a result, it cannot increase his striking capability, because the activation of the spell had a delay that prevented its immediate use.

At the end of the day, Link, Navi and Epona returned from exploring. Understandably tired, he and Navi went upstairs and retired for the night. Epona and Twilight stayed up a while talking about their favorite books, and of course what the former had done all day. Walking around, lunch, flower smelling. Naturally, Epona started talking about where she came from, without getting too much into detail.


Link came down the following morning and saw Epona asleep on the couch. Navi had sat on his head, and was still somewhat sleepy. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt of similar color. As early as it was, he walked outside and sat on the front step of the library. The sun hadn't even pushed the moon from the night sky yet.

"You know Link? You haven't talked to Emmy in a while..." Navi pondered aloud.

"It's not that I don't want to, trust me... It's just... What would I say to her? 'Sorry for invading your head, but I just wanted to say that I can hear your thoughts. Hope you're not creeped out.' I don't think so." Link rested his chin on his hands as he slouched forward.

"Well, you could start with how she's doing. She did go to a rumored active volcano." Navi flew around him and stopped in front of his face. "If nothing else, ask about the stone you need. You must know she has one."

He shrugged. "I do know, but these things take time. I know I'm on mission from the princess, but I somehow convinced her to give me time off. Besides, I think I want Ruby to help me with the next one. I owe that to her."

"... You mean from the ice caves, right?" Link nodded. "If that's the case, then I suggest you get started again after your birthday. I'm sure she'll be thrilled you want to go on an adventure with her, now that you two are friends."

"Well now, aren't you up early," a voice asked. Rainbow landed in front on him and flashed a smile. "Though it's what I expect from ya."

"Morning Rainbow. What brings you down to Earth?" he asked her. Navi returned to his head. "Have a seat."

She took his side and watched the sun rise. In silence. After a few minutes, Dash started, "You know kid, the sunrise is a lot better from the clouds."

"Is that why you came down? Talk of the weather?" he countered. "What's really going on?"

Dash fell silent a moment, then admitted, "Alright, ya got me. In my pass over Ponyville, I heard you say something about my friend Emmy." She gave him a serious look. "What were you talking about?"

Link turned away from her. "Is that all?"

"Wha-! 'Is that all', of course that's all. She's my friend and any mention of her name is reason enough to be curious."

"Hey, quiet down, yeah?" Link turned to the closed door behind him, causing Dash to look as well. "Epona's sleeping on the couch."

"Heh, sorry," she said. "Guess that's why you're out here?" Link nodded. "I usually go to Applejack's farm when I want quiet."

"Oh?" Navi asked, "What's so quiet there?"

Dash smiled. "The thousands and thousands of napping places. As a bonus, breakfast in bed."

"You eat her apples?" Link questioned. "Isn't that theft?"

"Not if you don't get caught. Besides, I doubt she's noticed." Dash shook her head. "But I'm off-topic. About Emmy."

"Right. Recall I found a blue instrument? Well, that song she gave me? I played it, and somehow I could talk to her with just my thoughts. And later, since she's asleep now probably, I was gonna do that."

Rainbow chuckled at his claim. He looked at her with a straight face, calming her down and convincing her to mirror his expression. "You're serious? You can really do that?" He nodded in agreement. "Cool." The two sat and saw the last part of the sunrise in silence. After it ended, Dash stretched her wings and legs. "Well, it's been a good morning so far. I'm gonna go practice a bit. Get some flight training in before it gets too late. Later, kid." She took off and left them there.

"See ya," Navi replied, after she was gone. "She's really fast. Gone in the blink of an eye."

"So, Dash really cares about all her friends. We learned she has a rivalry with Applejack, and doesn't like girly things based on her attitude."

Epona opened the door and stepped out. "Do you analyze all of your friends this way?" she asked him. Link turned with a confused look. "That's hardly nice."

"Uhh..." he muttered. "Kinda... It's an old habit. Anyway, good morning. How'd you sleep?"

She walked out and smelled the morning air. "It would have been better if you hadn't woken me up."

"Eh heh... sorry about that. How about some food?"

After they walked through the door and closed it, he saw Twilight at the base of the stairs holding a coiled scroll in her magic with a stern look. "Link. I'm in desperate need of your help." Link ran up the stairs and got all of his gear on. Before he returned, she continued, "Epona, you too. You're faster than I am. I need you to go get Applejack from the farm. It's important. Very important."

"On it." Without asking why, she ran out the door and toward Sweet Apple Acres.

Spike came down the stairs with Link in his full uniform: sword, shield, gloves, gold outfit, white pants and brown shoes. He sported his hat as well. "What does it say?" Link asked.

"A dragon that's been asleep for ages has started snoring. If we don't do something soon, his toxic smoke will cover all of Equestria. She didn't go into detail, but the princess is handling some things on her end and can't actively help right now. As such, she's entrusted the 6 of us with the task of dealing with the dragon directly. Failure is no option."

"What I want to know, is how something like this went by unnoticed over the night. What was Princess Luna doing?" Link asked her. "On top of that, I was talking to Rainbow Dash earlier, and she didn't say anything about this. It must have just started spewing smoke no more than a couple hours ago."

"Regardless of our friend's lack of noticing detail, and our night princess's oversight, it's our problem now." Twilight headed for the door. "I need you to round up the rest of our friends: Fluttershy at her cabin, Dash wherever she is, Pinkie at Sugarcube corner, and Rarity at the boutique. I'll tell the townsfolk about the situation. Meet back here in an hour. Spike, with me."

The two pairs departed the library to their respective destinations. Nearly one full hour later, the whole group gathered in Twilight's library. Link was able to convince the others the seriousness of their appearance without the need to mention dragons. As the last pair, Fluttershy and Applejack, walked in with Epona, Twilight began explaining.

"I'm glad you all could make it. Given the circumstances, I'm surprised even half of you could find the time."

"Believe me, Twilight. If Link hadn't stressed the importance of being here, I'd still be working on an important article of clothing in preparation for my Fall line," Rarity admitted.

"Yeah, and I was just about to try for the Equestrian ball-bouncing record," Dash argued. "But every time I wanna try, something comes up and I can't even get started." Rarity and Aj start laughing at her. "What? I'm serious! Ball-bouncing isn't easy, especially when you get distracted." Louder laughs and a few snickers came from Pinkie.

"Dash, Ah don't think 'ball-bouncing' is somethin' ya need to advertise. Ah know we're friends an' all, but your personal life should stay personal." Aj stopped laughing and got serious. "'sides, Granny's gettin' real tired o' me jus' up an' leavin' the farm to do things like this. Link didn't even say why ya needed all of us."

"On that subject, and steering away from how you are all here and not ... ball-bouncing... Earlier, the princess sent me a letter asking the 6 of us to deal with a big problem: a dragon."

"What in the name of all things cinnamon swirl is a full grown-"

"DRAGON?!" Epona cut Aj off, causing the others to jump at her sudden outburst. With just the mention, Epona's knees locked in place as she began shaking. Link looked at her in worry. With slight control over her actions, she collapsed on the floor and covered her head with her hooves. "P-please don't m-make me go with..." Twilight looked at Link, to see his reaction and hear his response.

"I can tell you're scared, and we won't make you go. Instead, you can watch over Fluttershy's critters. I'm sure they'd be lonely without her there."

"I have to go?" Fluttershy asked. "Why me?"

Twilight looked at her and answered the what-she-thought-was-obvious question. "It's because of your way with animals. Your skill will come in handy if we're to convince him to leave."

"What's it even doing here?" Dash asked, now that the attention was off of her.

"Sleeping. Or more specifically, snoring." Twilight uncurled the scroll and read it again to herself. "And it's up to the 6 of us to see it gone from the cave it's holed up in. As are Princess Celestia's orders."

"You know Twilight, if all that smoke is coming out of a dragon's lungs, imagine how bad his health is. If you ask me, he should see a doctor," Pinkie suggested.

"At least he's not snoring fire. What are we meant to do about it?" Rarity asked.

Dash zipped around the room. "Tell him to scram. Give him the boot!" She stopped beside Twilight. "Or whip his sorry flank for being a bad dragon in the first place."

"As good as that would be, I want to try ... less aggressive methods first. Through persuasion, convincing, or hopefully not necessary force, it's up to us to get that dragon gone. If we fail, then Equestria won't see the light of the sun for at least 100 years. As this is an official mission from the princess, we cannot fail." Twilight stomped her hoof for emphasis as she recoiled the scroll and set it aside.

"Talk about getting your beauty sleep. 100 years with a toxic cloud hanging over all of Equestria? That's simply dreadful." Rarity shook her head at the thought.

"Now that the explanation is out of the way, I need you all to get ready. Go home, bring what you think we'll need, and come back as soon as you can. Remember you can never be too prepared. Rarity, I understand you may need someone to sit for your sister. Take what time you need to do that. Epona, go with Fluttershy. I'm sure she can acquaint you with her animals well enough. Don't worry about snacks, Spike will have that covered. Though, if you could, Aj, bring a few apples for everypony?" Aj nodded her head and listened.

"Alright gang! Celestia's got a mission and we can't let her down! Let's get up there, get the job done, and make her proud! Equestria's counting on us! Move out!" As Dash finished her cliff notes motivational speech, the others dispersed from the library to their respective homes.

Epona tailed Fluttershy to her cottage and made quick friends with some of her animals before helping her pack. Dash had one of her work friends keep an eye on her house while she was out. Rarity enlisted the help of one of her own friends, Amethyst Star, to look after Sweetie Belle. Neither Aj nor Pinkie needed anyone to watch over their own establishments, as others were already there to handle it: Aj her family, and Pinkie the Cakes.


The last one to show up to Twilight's pre-expedition was Aj, as she was the furthest and had more to bring. As the others had formed a line in front of the library, Aj took her place between Dash and Rarity. Twilight had started walking in front of them as some sort of instructor. Instinctively, Link had joined them as well. Each was wearing their own saddlebags, Aj with a third carrying the food for the trip.

"Alright. Everypony's got what they need. The dragon is at the top of that mountain." She pointed to a tall one to the west, which had a cloud coming out of its peak. "As established, we'll need to try a variety of methods.

"First, I'll try to persuade him to leave with logic and reason. Should that fail, which is unlikely, Pinkie is the next one to try. I want you to use whatever prowess you have to do whatever you do. I don't exactly know what that is... If things go south, hopefully they don't, Aj and Dash will try to force the dragon to leave. I'll help on that front for support. As an ace in the hole, Fluttershy. Your skill will come into play if all of us fail to succeed. You are our last resort, and also our key to waking him up safely." As Twilight finished, she turned and faced the others, noticeably leaving out her orders for Link and Navi.

"Uh... And what am I to do?" he asked. "What's my role?"

"Oh... yours? ... Uhm... I didn't say?" Twilight looked again at the scroll. "It clearly says 6. I imagine she meant the 6 of us, not including you."

"But you said you 'desperately need my help', didn't you?"

"You misunderstood. I needed your help gathering everypony else. That was all. In fact, I was going to suggest you go to the farm and act in Aj's place while she was gone. Spike was going to lead the library while I was gone. It would work out just fine that way. Besides, aren't you on break? From being a guard?" Twilight questioned as she stood in front of him. "That means this mission does not include you. In fact," Twilight looked over the scroll quickly, "I don't see your name mentioned anywhere on this scroll. That means the princess understood your request for time off and has granted it to you. I certainly don't want to go against the orders of royalty. Do you?"

Link was silent for her explanation, taking it all in. "Anywhere, huh... Not even, telling me I can't go with?" Twilight looked at it again. "If there is no rule saying I can't go along, then I'm going. As this is my time off, I get to do what I want within Equestrian rule. If that means climbing a mountain to find a dragon had made roost at the top, then it's just bad luck I chose that one to climb."

Twilight looked at him with a scowl. "It's dangerous up there. Who knows how big or strong it will be. If the smoke could cover Equestria in a day, then it's full-grown."

"Then I should go with to increase the odds of survival. Face it, Twilight, my skill in combat would come in handy if things do indeed take a turn for the worse."

"Or you could be in the way. Dragons, or at least Spike, is prone to magic. Their effects are more potent on a dragon than they are on other ponies. And your sword, sorry to say, isn't suited for piercing dragon scales! You'd do little harm. And since it's a dragon, its claws could rip through your flimsy cloth and shield and tear you apart! I can't let you go."

The others in the group looked back and forth between Link and Twilight. A silence fell over the two as they stared at each other with anger.

"If it's sooo dangerous, then why is the princess sending 6 little ponies to drive a giant dragon out of its own cave? It couldn't be all that deadly if she trusts you 6, with hardly any experience in the matter, to accomplish this task."

This time, Twilight had no retort. No counter argument. Not even one comment against his own. He makes a valid point... I would think the princess, in all her wisdom, would attempt to send in the military to handle a dangerous dragon. But that's not the case. She didn't even ask that Link come along, despite the fact he, himself, is among their number. Hmm... Maybe she is planning to get us out of Ponyville? If she expects us to be able to vacate the dragon easily, then it should be non-hostile. Maybe she's expecting Link to remain here... then... him coming along would throw a wrench into a plan that she may have cooking...

"Earth to Twilight. What's it gonna be?" Link asked.

"Hm. Since you are so determined to come along, and since I am against the very thought, to an extent, we'll put it to a vote."

"Seriously, We're voting on this?" Dash asked. "I say let him come with. If it gets to that point, I'd want him at my side. I know he'll have my back, and he'll know I've got his."

Rarity scoffed at the idea, and quickly said, "I do not wish for his assistance. As you said, magic is a dragon's weakness. If we miss our shots and hit him, he could be wounded beyond recovery. I'm sorry, Link. You're safer here."

"I for one want him. To come with, of course. With him up there, it'll be that much easier to have a party after we win!" Pinkie bounded up and down. "And who can resist a good party?"

Aj shook her head. "Sorry Link. Not sayin' ya can't go is just like not sayin' ya can. Not tellin' mah sis to not have friends over, is the same as not tellin' her to have friends over. There's a trust in silence, and sometimes, it's said best when nothin's said at all."

"That reasoning... got a bit complicated, but I'll take that as a 'No'. Fluttershy?" Twilight started, "your decision... Bring him along? Or leave him here?"

Fluttershy sat there and thought about her next words. the weight of the stares she got from the others made it that much harder to decide. If he comes along and things are fine, if he comes along and things are bad, but we handle it, if he comes along and things are bad, and we don't handle it... if he stays and things are fine, if he stays and things are bad, and we handle it anyway, if he stays and things are bad, and we don't handle it... 6 different outcomes and 4 of them are good endings while 2 of them are bad. 2/3 isn't so bad, so I say... "Let him join. I'd feel safer knowing he's there anyway." She sat upright and smiled.

"That's 3 for, and 2 against. Guess you're coming along, since majority rules." Twilight didn't notice Aj and Rarity look at Fluttershy with judgmental eyes. "You're all geared up anyway. And since you've got a spatial pouch, you get to carry all of our food. Congratulations, you got what you wanted."

"Doesn't feel like a victory to me." She 180'd too quickly. What went through her head, I wonder... "Aj, could you?" She gave him the bag of food to put into his pocket. He had prepared a few water bottles for the others, as he believed he was going before Twilight attempted to shoot him down.

Twilight looked over a map of Equestria and began planning their route while the others talked among themselves. Fluttershy silently walked up behind her and started asking. "Um... Twilight?"

"Uh huh... That looks bad..." she replied.

"I was ... well I was thinking and-"

"Uh huh," she said again. "Definitely want to avoid that route..."

Fluttershy shuffled her hooves. one more try "I, um... I was thinking... maybe it would be best if ... I stay behind instead?"

"Uh huh. That looks safe."

With joy, she responded, "Oh? Great. I'll stay here and-"

Twilight snapped out of her concentration and argued, turning to look at her. "'Stay'? No no no, we need you to come along. I do believe I've explained why."

Link walked over to them and stood beside Twilight. "Come on, Fluttershy. It's just a hike up the mountain. There's a chance we won't need your help, but there's also a chance that we will. For that, it's better you come along."

"And Princess Celestia said 6. That includes you." Twilight turned once more to the mountain. "And we must be going soon."

This time, Rarity joined the growing group. "That brings this to my attention. Remind me why Link wasn't included and the number made 7? I would think he'd be among the first to know about it."

"Princess Celestia granted him time off. And he did get back a few days ago. I imagine he'd need to rest. Another reason I'd have liked him to stay. But, majority ruled and he's coming anyway," Twilight admitted. "Got the snacks?" Link nodded. "Good." She turned to the others. "Everyone! Let's go!"

Everyone followed Twilight to the edge of town and beyond. In 2 hours time, the group arrived at the base of the mountain where the dragon slept. After some shy hesitation, Applejack agreed to take Fluttershy up a less steep path. Dash insisted she fly, but Fluttershy's wings wouldn't open. Unnerved, Twilight gave the map to Aj and agreed on a meeting place up the mountain.


"What's taking them so long?" Twilight asked herself. "Surely she isn't that slow..." She looked out over the edge of the mountain at the ground below and saw no ponies. Looking to the others, she found that they had began to occupy themselves in one form or another.

Link sat and watched Rarity lose endlessly to Pinkie Pie in more games of tic-tac-toe than he'd care to count. After one comment of how he could do better, even beat Pinkie at her own game, Rarity stepped aside and let him have his fun. The following 9 games were ties, each and every one. Pinkie scratched her head at the perplexity of having tied so many games.

"A strange game," Link admitted. "I've never played it, but something's not right. It's like..." He paused. "Like, the only way to actually win, is to choose to not play in the first place. Given that you know how to play."

Pinkie looked over their most recent game and thought to herself. Interesting... He's tied with me every game. Me. Tied. He's never played it before, but he already understands there's no true winner when both are playing their best. She looked up at him as he looked at her. What is it about him that makes him learn so fast?

"Personally, I prefer a nice game of chess. The strategies are numerous, and no matter the skill level, there's always a winner. Stalemates don't count." Link looked over to Navi who stayed with Twilight.

"Huh. How about that..." Pinkie looked with wonder at the boy as he walked over to Twilight.

"Pinkie, don't worry too much. A tie isn't a loss, which means you're still undefeated. Want to go again?" Rarity offered.

Just then, Aj and Fluttershy walked around a curve in the path. "We. Made. It..." the farmer exerted before laying down. Twilight trotted over to her with Navi by her head.

"Glad you made it. Fluttershy? You alright?" She nodded and looked at the others. Fluttershy took into account the face Dash had for her.

"Told you she'd slow us down, Twilight," Rainbow scolded. "But she's here, which means we can go, right?"

"I'd like to, but I'm willing to bet these two are hungry." Agreements came from the two. "Link?"

Link handed each of them an apple and a bottle of water. "We've already had ours, so don't worry about it."

Hastily, Aj ate hers in a few bites while Fluttershy decided to eat more slowly. "Thanks, Link. Sorry it took longer than ya thought, Twi. Fluttershy had to stop an' smell the flowers. Literally. Now that we're here an' not so hungry, should we move on?"

Twilight looked at Fluttershy, then back to Aj. "The map, please..." She gave it back and watched as it unrolled in front of them. "Everyone, come over here." Twilight waited, then once they all gathered around, she continued, "Up ahead the path will narrow, there will be a gap afterward, then broaden. To avoid catastrophe, please keep your noise level as low as possible. Avalanches are among the worst ways to go. We're about half way up the mountain, and we've still got several hours before sundown. I'd like to get back home as soon as possible. Fluttershy, are you alright now?" She nodded. "Aj?" Another nod. "Good. Rainbow, I need you to be a lookout for any signs of falling rocks. If you see something out of the ordinary, let me know."

"Understood, Twilight. Since we're going so soon, and Fluttershy is one of our slowest, can we have her in the middle?"

Twilight looked at the map again. "Right, the narrow path..." A walking order needs establishing...

"I'm not too sure the order we walk in will count for much," Link interrupted. "We're all going to the same place, and we're only as fast as our slowest member. If they want to crawl, then we all will wait unless there's another way around. Moving as one unit is better than splitting up. Not that we could anyway, given the width of the path..."

She looked over at him. "He's right. Minus the whole, 'one speed' thing. Fluttershy, you can be anywhere except the end and the front. The end's Link's position, and the front is mine. Since you're against flying, Rainbow has it covered."

"Oh... ok." Fluttershy squeaked out before lowering her head. They took it better than I thought they would.

Twilight coiled the map and tucked it away. As the group walked up the path, they approached the gap mentioned in Twilight's warning. Dash and Navi flew over with ease, Twilight, Aj, Pinkie and Rarity jumped over with similar ease. Link waited for Fluttershy to do either, but she took too long. In haste, Twilight levitated Fluttershy over the gap and watched as Link cleared it.

Just as foretold, the path widened. No one made any loud noises, thanks to the warning of Twilight ahead of time. And thanks to her preparation, the group made it past the avalanche danger zone with no incident. Afterward, the path curved around the mountain a few times, which notably ended at the top.

"Not much further now. I know we're in a hurry and all, but is there anyone who thinks they need a quick breather before the main event?" Twilight turned to the others who had sat or laid down with varying levels of exhaustion. "Yeah, I'm tired too." She, too, sat down and saw Link take a knee at the edge. "What's the view like?"

"Great. Wish I could take a picture. Hang it on my wall." Link looked down over the mountain, and saw Ponyville. "I can see the library from here. And there's the farm too. ..." He turned back to Aj. "You've got a lot of trees at Sweet Apple Acres."

"Ah better. Those trees yield the fruit mah family needs to survive." She saw Link come back over to them and reach in his bag. "More food? Ah'm still a bit hungry."

This time, he handed out a sandwich to each of them, making sure he had his special one to himself. "Hey Twilight. How much further?"

"About 30 minutes walking. That said, before we get there, I want to discuss our strategy for getting him to leave once more."

"About that..." Link started, "Do you think I could try first? I know you said you wanted to, but I actually have an idea for how this can work." He retrieved a scroll from his pocket and held it up for Twilight. "It's this. A 'letter' from the 'princess' telling him to leave."

"But... that's not possible. How do you have something like that?" Twilight asked.

"I don't. It's a fake. See?" He changed his holding pattern to both sides of the scroll, revealing a wax seal with no brand. "Inside is mostly garble. And there's no signature. I figured I could convince him to go by royal order."

"You know forgery is a crime, punishable by imprisonment?" Twilight cautioned. "If the dragon finds your falsehood, what'll happen next?"

"Then it'll be up to you girls to handle it, as I will have done what I could." Link sat in relative silence.

"So... you're willing to gamble, Equestria's safety, with a scroll that's forged?" Link shook his head. "Then what?"

"No signature. And even if he decides to open and read it, he'll find it worded to convince him the princess wrote it." Link placed the scroll in his pocket.

"So, yer still lyin' about it. That don't sit well with me..." Aj said.

"If it works, then we win. No violence needed. And all will be well. Isn't it worth a try at least?" Link tried to convince.

Aj sat in judgmental silence. Finally she answered, "Jus' don't ask me to go along with it. I'll have no part of whatever scheme you're plannin'."

"Fair enough. Though it's a good plan, I think I should be the one to employ it," Twilight began. "I still care for your safety, and going against a dragon... well, I'm still not okay with you being up here."

"I understand that, but it's my plan. I know how to work it better, because I've thought about it longer."

"Can you two not argue for a single day? It's gettin' on mah nerves," Applejack inputted. "It's Link's idea, let 'im do it." A few of the others agreed with her.

"Fine... You want the spotlight so bad, you can have it. Just don't expect me to rescue you when it falls apart." A collective gasp came from the group. " ... What?"

"You basically said you'd turn your back on him. When he would need your help. What kind of sister does that?" Applejack asked.

Twilight sighed. "Look, I'm sorry if it upset any of you, but..." Her eyes darted back and forth as she racked her brain. Good going, me. You made everypony turn against you with one sentence. It's not like they know your relationship with Link well enough to understand this. Maybe I can ... I don't like it but... I could try to make them believe something that isn't true. Not wholly untrue, anyway... Gain their sympathy and be forgiven. I'll have to apologize to them later. "Ugh, I don't know how to put this!" She took a deep breath, and calmed down. "The truth is, Link is seen by the princess as a major asset, while I'm just her student incapable of handling herself. Just once... Just once I wanted to stand alone and be somepony the princess could be proud of." Twilight laid down and frowned. "And since he's used to being on his own... what does he need me for..."

Link picked her up and hugged her. "You know something... I'm never really alone. I've always got you running through my head. Telling me how I should perceive certain things. In fact, I got this idea from you. Rather, you helped to inspire it. If you want this, you can have it."

"No no, I'm alright. It is your idea after all. Just be careful, alright?" Twilight smiled a weak smile and held herself up. Wow. It worked better than I thought. Link even fell for it, unless he played along.

"Now, none of that, 'Ah ain't worthy' nonsense. Ya've got friends for a reason. We're in this together, fail or succeed." Aj hugged her as well, and felt everypony else join in.

"Thanks you guys..." She wiped away a slowly rolling tear and stood, getting everyone off of her. "Now, we've spent too much time here as it is. Let's get this done and over with so we can go back home with our heads held high. Or, with moderate altitude."

The group shared a laugh and continued their march. Half an hour later, they rounded the top of the mountain and found themselves in front of a giant cave. Fluttershy stood in terror at the size alone, not to mention what it held inside.

"Well, now... Ain't that somethin'," Aj pointed out. "That's some heap o' gold he's got stashed away in there."

As expected... I'm glad the princess sent me up here. This way, I can get ahold of an amount of gold I need for Link's gift. I couldn't tell him that's the real reason I didn't want him along. If he knew, he'd get suspicious and spoil the surprise. It's alright though. Fluttershy has given me an idea of how to send him away before I make my way down. "How about that?" She replied. It's also fortuitous that he was too busy in the kitchen making food to see me look for a spell. "Well? Aren't you going in?"

"Need to wake it up first," Link replied. "Fluttershy? ... Fluttershy?" He looked back and saw her shaking behind a stone barely big enough to hide her mane and tail.

"Fluttershy!" Dash called out. "Ugh! We need you! This is the whole reason you were forced to come all the way up here!" She flew over to the stone and stared at her.

Twilight added, "Every minute we spend working around your feelings is another acre covered in toxic smoke."

"I-I-I can't... I'm sorry... I ..." Fluttershy whimpered.

Dash rolled her eyes. "Great, she's afraid of caves now, too." She flew over to Twilight. "Still think it was a good idea to bring her along?"

Twilight replied, aloud, "One of my best." Dash looked at her in confusion.

"Let me be clear, I'm not scared of caves," Fluttershy said, emerging from behind the rock. This earned the others' glances. "I'm scared of dragons."

"What was that sugarcube?" Aj asked, leaning in to hear better.

Again, Fluttershy admitted, "I'm scared of dragons."

"Didn't quite catch that..." Twilight agreed.

Fluttershy took a breath, and repeated once more, "I'm scared of dragons."

Twilight looked at her, as though in disbelief. "But you care for a considerable quantity of critters."

"None of them are dragons."

Link looked as well, with similar disbelief. "You tamed a manticore, and he's more deadly than your pets combined. Maybe without Angel though..."

"It wasn't a dragon," she reiterated.

"What about Spike? He's a dragon. And from what I saw, you handled your first encounter leagues better than Epona," Twilight comforted.

Fluttershy inhaled as much air as her lungs could hold, and explained, "Because he's not a huge, gigantic, terrifying, enormous, teeth-gnashing, sharp-scale having, horn-wearing, smoke-snoring, could eat a pony in one bite, totally all grown-up dragon!"

Twilight sighed. "If you're soo afraid of dragons, then why didn't you say something before coming up here with the rest of us?"

"I was afraid to..." she admitted.

Aj put a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. "All of us are scared of that dragon."

"I'm not," Link and Rainbow denied in unison, before sharing a chuckle.

"Well, most of us," Aj corrected, "but we're on a job from the princess an' we just can't let her down. So whaddya say ya go on in there with Link an' show 'im what yer made of?"

"I-I-I just..." Fluttershy hung her head. "Can't."

"Oh Fluttershy..." Link resolved. "Alright, since she won't, then I will. Watch my back." He turned and headed into the cave. Inside, piles of shiny treasure lined the walls and lit the place up with reflected sunlight. How a dragon can sleep in this blinding light is beyond me...

"How're you gonna wake him up?" Navi asked atop his head.

"I could always stick him with the pointy end," Link pondered.

"Not a good idea. What else you got?"

"Hmm... Since all I've got aren't things to wake something... I could use this." Link put his shield on his arm and looked at it. "Strike it a few times, the loud noise should do the trick."

"Better," Navi complimented. "Against what?"

He drew his sword and clanged the two together. Several sharp pings rang through the cave. As the dragon stirred, Link quickly put his sword and shield away. "Mr. Dragon?" Nothing. "Mr. Dragon!!" The creature turned over and opened a slotted eye. "Oh good, you're awake. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is-" Without warning, the dragon expelled a great force of smoke from his lungs. Link held his ground and started clearing away what smoke had blocked his view. After coughing, he continued as if nothing happened. "Link. I have with me an order for you to vacate this location." He held up the scroll and made sure to cover the blank seal. "If you fail to comply, actions will be taken against you."

The dragon sat upright and leaned in to face him directly. "Maybe you didn't get the hint the first time." With another blast of smoke, Link flew backward out of the cave and landed on his shield-covered back. The blast also forced the scroll to go over the edge of the mountain.

Link slowly got his feet under him and took a knee, coughing to expel the foul air from his own lungs. Twilight and the others got to his side. "Alright. I admit, that didn't go as I hoped it would. Who's next?"

Rarity volunteered, only to be roared out. After her failure, Pinkie put on her party suit and bounded in. She, too, retreated in failure. Dash wouldn't take any more, so she flew in and bucked the dragon in the face.

Points for guts, I'll give you that... But really... Let us do the attacking Twilight thought. She saw the dragon take a breath, and she had just enough time to yell, "Get out of there!!" She and the others hid around the corner, Fluttershy on a lower edge just off the side of the mountain. Dash got out of the way just in time before the dragon belted out a stream of fire toward the cave entrance.

"I'm not leaving, and little beings like you can't force me out!" Fluttershy looked over the edge at the dragon, then to her friends who were still reeling from the assault. Aj just had the end of her tail crispified from the breath, and Link was still breathing heavy from the dragon's smoke.

Fluttershy saw that her friends needed help. "how... dare you..." Fluttershy mumbled. "How dare you!!" She flew toward the dragon with a mean look.

"Fluttershy, no!" Link tried to yell, but it did no good.

She ignored him and narrowed her vision, glaring at the dragon. He opened his maw and started inhaling again. Quickly, Fluttershy landed on his opened mouth. "Now you listen here, mister! Just because you're big doesn't mean you get to be a bully! You may have huge teeth, sharp scales, snore smoke, and breathe fire. But you do not -I repeat- you do Not. Hurt. My. Friends!" Fluttershy waited a moment to see the dragon cringe a little. "You got that?" With no reply, she repeated once more. "Well?"

"But that rainbow one kicked me," he replied.

Fluttershy changed her tone to one of sympathy. "And I'm very sorry about that. She was defending her friends from your scary roars."

"That's only because all of you barged into my cave without warning or reason," he argued. "And that strange one woke me up with that annoying ringing."

"With a very good reason. You were snoring, and as a result, your smoke was becoming a health hazard for the residents of Equestria. You're big enough to know better."

"But I-"

"Don't you 'but I' me, mister. Now, what do you intend to do?" She waited for his response. "You're going to go pack your things and find another place to sleep. You're not a bad dragon, just a normal dragon who made a bad decision. That's all." Fluttershy flew down and landed where the others were waiting for her.

The dragon, peacefully beaten, flew out of the cave and out of sight. "You did it! I knew you could do it!" Twilight commended.

Rainbow approached Fluttershy and looked away slightly. "Hey, sorry for being so hard on you earlier... I didn't know how else to motivate you to do what needed doing."

"YAHOO!" Aj cried. "Well done Fluttershy! Ya sent that dragon packin'!" She looked inside the cave to see the gold still there. "Well, maybe not packin'... His loot's still here."

"Twilight?" Rarity asked, seeing Twilight look into the cave. "Is something wrong?"

"Not at all," she replied. "Link, I want to apologize to you for initially refusing your help. But I'll need it now. Fluttershy, can you and Link go relieve Epona from caring for your pets? I'm only asking you this because I think Epona's had all she can take. I'm sure she likes animals, but caring for them is entirely different."

"Absoluely. Come on, Fluttershy. Let's go." He began walking down the mountain before calling out, "I'll be at home when you get back."

"I'll be there later. Just have something to take care of first." Twilight watched as Link, Navi, and Fluttershy faded from sight. She listened carefully to determine whether he'd gone back or tried to spy on them. Thankfully, it ended up the former. "Now that he's gone, I can get to work."

"Uh... Work on what?" Aj asked her. Closely, she watched Twilight walk into the cave and gather a few objects. Rarity had followed her inside.

"Well, Twilight. Have you found enough?" Rarity asked her.

"Not exactly..." Twilight closed her eyes as her horn lit up. One by one, the objects in her magic broke down into various colored orbs: green, blue, red, gold, silver, and a few others. "Oh, and please don't tell Link how I obtained the material, as that's not important."

"'Not important'? Yer stealin! From a dragon that ain't even here!" Aj exclaimed. "An' worse, ya plan on givin' it away! Ah cannot believe Ah helped ya with this... Ah'm just as guilty as you are."

Twilight paused, and dropped the orbs that weren't gold, then looked over at her. "... Then do you have gold I can use?" She turned to the others. "Anypony have a spare lump of pure gold laying around?" The others shook their heads. "I thought not."

"That don't excuse your thievin'. What's even the point of the gold? A coatin' for the outside. Just for show. Why not use the color from bits? Same thing." Aj had a point, and Twilight knew it. She placed the gold ball on the ground. "Ah know ya want the best gift for him, but stealin' ain't the way to go about it."

"I'm well aware that what I'm doing is wrong. But who's going to miss their objects more? A nest-flown dragon missing a few trinkets, or the town's librarian missing her money? If I were to do the same to the bits at home, I'd have less money. And I'd need to break down more of it, since the coating is very thin, and not even pure gold in color like the armor the guard wears." Twilight left the orb on the ground. Rainbow and Rarity had taken to looking at the two while Pinkie looked through the piles of treasure.

Aj put a hoof to her face. "Ugh... Ah can't believe Ah'm arguin' with ya now. Fine. If it's that big a deal, do what ya want. Ah'm goin' home." Aj turned around and headed down the mountain alone.

"Twilight, darling... What will you do?" Rarity asked.

"I ... I don't know... I might not get a chance like this again... With his gift or to get back on Aj's good side." Twilight sat down and listened to Aj's hoofsteps taper away. "I had such a good idea, and one friend turned it into ash. Never thought it would hit this hard."

"I think you need to ask yourself which is more worth it: your brother's birthday gift, which you'll have plenty of chances to redeem yourself for, or your friendship with Applejack, which you might never be able to fix." Rainbow flew down the mountain without waiting for an answer. She quickly caught up with Applejack and stopped to talk to her.

Twilight sat in silence while Rarity tried to comfort her. "You know, Rarity... Now that I think about it... I'm not sure he'd mind the color difference. Just the-"

"You could always use this!" Pinkie returned with a small bracelet with three pointed parts. "Looks like a hooflet, but it could also be a crown. I think you might be able to resize it."

"Ooh..." Twilight looked at it, then frowned. "Darn, now I may actually regret this..." She took a breath, then looked at Pinkie. "Toss it back inside. Sure, it might be easy. But, it wouldn’t be right. Thanks anyway, girls." Twilight rose to her hooves and started down the mountain. "Come on. We've got a friend to catch up t-"

Aj stepped around the corner and smiled. "Ah heard what ya said... Dash told me to come back for ya." Twilight stood in silence. "Good to see ya made a good choice. Ah'm sure that whatever ya find will suit 'is needs jus' fine."

"Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, shall we?" Twilight led the others down the mountain.

The allotted 2 hours later, Twilight had walked Rarity to her boutique, and Pinkie to Sugarcube Corner. Afterward, she and Aj were left to walk to the farm by Rainbow, who had flown home herself. Along the way, Aj and Twilight talked about what went on between when she left and when she came back. Sure, Applejack heard it from Dash, but the details might have gotten mixed up. As requested, Link, Navi and Epona waited for Twilight at the library.

Once there, she explained that she walked each of their friends home. Link had asked what was so important that she stayed behind. Her simple response was, "To spend more time with my friends." He took it at face value and didn't question it. Now with Spike, she wrote a letter to princess on the successful vacation of the dragon and a friendship lesson.


Dear Princess Celestia:

I am happy to report that the dragon has departed our fair country, and that it was my good friend, Fluttershy, who convinced him to go. This adventure has taught me to never lose faith in your friends. They can be an amazing source of strength, and can help you overcome even your greatest fears. They are also there to pull you back to the right path, when you stray too far off course. My good friend Aj convinced me of that, and I have her to thank.

Always your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle.


At the end of the day, Link made dinner for the residents of the library. He saw the pegasi had cleared away what smoke remained from the dragon's awful snoring. Twilight received a letter from the princess congratulating her on a job well done. The thought that the princess was hiding something would not leave Twilight's mind.

Why had she sent the 6 of us, and not include Link? Why would she need him in Ponyville and the rest of us away? Maybe she set up a contingency plan, in the event he came with... I've got to be careful over the next week. Something could befall us and catch us unprepared... "Ugh! Why is it so confusing?!" Twilight yelled, catching Link's attention.

"Why's what confusing?" he asked her, rolling to his side in bed.

"Nothing. Just... I have an uneasy feeling. Do me a favor and be on the lookout for anything suspicious, and that includes behavior," Twilight warned.

He rolled back to his other side and replied, "Sure thing..." Link fell asleep within the hour.

Chapter 24: The Pre-Birthday

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Link sat outside Sugarcube Corner, accompanied by Navi. His hand rested on the handle of a pushcart that carried a 2-layer vanilla cake. The sun was high in the sky, with no clouds to block its rays. Pinkie came out of the establishment with a second 2-layer vanilla cake. At first glance, the only difference was the color of the outlining icing.

"Glad you agreed to help me deliver these cakes," she admitted, carefully helping the cart down the steps. "Ordinarily, the Cakes would make the delivery and I'd watch the shop, but Mrs. Cake is busy filling another order, and left Mr. Cake to handle the register."

"It's no trouble, Pinkie. I had nothing else to do anyway. It's been slower than I expected since we came back from the mountain." Link stood, allowed Navi to rest on his head, and walked beside Pinkie as they started heading through town. "Where are these going? And why are there two?"

"1: We're taking these 2 2-layer cakes to the Musician's Guild in the south part of town. Vanilla's their favorite, and their favorite colors are the outline. 2: Two of its members have birthdays within 5 days of each other, and are content with sharing it. If you ask me, I think it's nice that they're sharing their birthdays. Though what are the odds of them having the same birthday?"

"Very low... I'd imagine." He looked up for a moment. "What does the Musician's Guild even do?"

"I'm glad you asked," Pinkie replied. "You know how there's venues?" Link stayed silent. "Uhh... Events with food, games, music, and the like?" He nodded. "Well, as with catering, music is also required. The Guild here gets a request for a certain style of music, and they send out those who best fit the requirements. At the end of the venue, those performers receive a donation from the ones who filed the request. They get to keep most of it, but the rest goes toward the Guild for supplies and stuff like that."

"So, it's like a volunteer organization..." Pinkie nodded. "Think they could help me? All I've got is the ocarina, and a magic one at that. But, is it wort-"

"No no no, bad idea. The musicians who already volunteer, don't take kindly to new faces. Especially new faces that don't know what they're doing. It's a bit of an issue, really. They have lessons available to help ponies improve, but they're only open to those already in the Guild. And in order to get in to the Guild, you have to play a piece for them. If it's not good, they request you attend a lesson in their guild, but you can't since they never agreed to let you in." Pinkie paused and thought. "Relating to our last topic, isn't your birthday just around the corner?"

The two of them turned a corner down another street. "Not literally, but yeah. 4 more days. And if I know Twilight, I'll be getting a book from her. Like I have the last few birthdays I spent with her."

"A... Book? What kind of book? Cook book? Comic book? Astrology book? Animal book?"

"Adventure book. I must have read it cover-to-cover at least a dozen and a half times the last 5 years." He looked over at her. "Twilight's the only other pony besides the princess who spent any time with me. Most of the time it was spent learning spells, or playing in the gardens. Granted, I didn't learn any of the spells Twilight did, with the exception of the barrier one I use. Even that one was taught to me by somepony else."

"Well, what kind of cake would you like? If you know of it, I can make it. That's a Pinkie-Promise." She made a strange motion with her hoof and covered her eye.

"But you don't have any pinkies to promise with." Link held up the finger at the end of his hand, and bent it a few times. They shared a laugh and walked on. "Anyway, since I don't like chocolate cake, I guess I'll have-"

"You don't like chocolate cake?" Pinkie exclaimed, coming to a halt. Link shook his head. "Then... how about carrot cake?"

"Does it contain nuts?"

"Only if you want it to," she answered. "You're not allergic, are you?"

"Nothing like that, he responded as Pinkie started pushing again. "Carrot Cake sounds good. Add the nuts." Link looked to the sky and added, "13 years old... Strange that I don't feel any different."

"Nopony ever does. HEY! Do you want to handle the invitations? Or can I? 'Cause I'll ma-"

"Thank you, but no. I only want our friends there anyway, not all of Ponyville." Link shrugged. "I got it covered."

"Okie dokie lokie." The two got to their destination, dropped off the cakes, then returned to Sugarcube Corner. As Link made his way back to the library, Rarity stopped him and invited him to relax while they had tea.

Inside the boutique, Rarity had several outfits all arranged on the ponyforms that scattered the room. It seemed the only clean spot was the table they sat at. Link took notice of the half-finished outfits that covered most of them, and the finished ones that covered the rest.

"You certainly keep yourself busy..." Link commended. "Saving for something?"

"Not entirely, no. Now that Sweetie Belle went back with our parents, this is all the downtime I have. With it, I'm charging through the orders I'm getting. And in record time. I should have them done by the end of the week, if all goes well." Rarity sipped her tea and asked, "What brings you out and about?"

"Pinkie needed someone to help with a delivery." He took a drink of his own tea and continued, "Did you know there's a guild for musicians?"

"I should. They've played at a few venues I've made the outfits for. Including some high society get-togethers. Is that where you delivered?"

"Yeah. Two vanilla cakes. Two birthdays. Both cakes 2 layers. 2 colors each cake... 2 deliverers... There's a lot of '2' in there, and I'm just now noticing..." Link quietly mumbled to himself.

"Oh? I assure you, think nothing of it. I'm sure it's all a coincidence. Nothing that involves Pinkie could possibly be well thought out." Rarity finished her tea and set her cup on the small plate. "It's Pinkie after all."

Huh. She insists it's just a coincidence, and that Pinkie can't plan that far ahead. Yet, she beat Rarity so many times in a very short game. That doesn't hold much water. "Is that right?"

"To an extent, yes. I've yet to see her plan for anything beyond 5 minutes. But don't take my word for it, I'm sure the rest of Ponyville would agree." Link finished his tea and looked around. "You said there were birthdays?"

"Yeah, two of them. Why?"

"Well, as it comes back to me, yours is in a few days yes? You'll be...

Link sighed, as he's been through this already. "I'll be 13 in 4 days. Pnkie asked the same thing, believe it or not. Even offered to make my cake. Have you ever had carrot cake?"

"I have. Quite delectable. Could do wthout the nuts though. A cake should not be crunchy." She looked at her empty cup, then refilled it with the kettle. "Another?"

"No, I'm fine. I was just about to leave anyway."

"Well, before you go, is there anything you'd want? For your special day, I mean." Rarity placed the kettle on the heat pad and looked over at her guest. "Anything?"

"Nothing comes to mind right away, at least nothing specific. But, if it's all the same to you, I'll settle for a favor in the future." Rarity hesitated, then nodded. "And if you could, keep the news of my birthday to a minimum of our friends."

"Should I count that as your favor?" Link chuckled, then shook his head. "Very well."

She finished her cup, then said her farewells to Link and Navi. The pair departed for the library, and looking back, he remarked, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say she's up to something..."

"Who?" Navi asked. "Rarity? No chance."

"Is it that improbable? She could be in on something with Pinkie. I wouldn't put it past either of them."

"Come on, Link. They just want to give you the best birthday they can. There's nothing to be so paranoid about. They're your friends." Navi flew beside his head and looked forward. "If anything, your being this way might put them on edge."

As they entered the library, he saw Spike at the bottom of the stairs with his favorite broom in hand. "Twilight! They're back!" Link looked at him, then heard shuffling from up stairs.

Moments later, Twilight came down the stairs with a tired look in her eyes. "Woah, what happened to you?" Link asked.

"Nothing too important. How was your day?" Twilight inquired as she walked to a side table. She began looking through the drawers.

"Uhh... Fine, I guess..." He looked over Twilight's shoulder. "What are you looking for?"

"Just 'fine'?" she questioned. "Surely there's more to it than that..."

He backed up and continued, "Well, there is. Pinkie needed help with a delivery since Mrs. Cake was busy handling another order. Went to the Musician's Guild to drop them off, and on my way back to town, Rarity invited us in for tea. By 'us', I mean Navi and myself. Don't know where Pinkie went..."

Good. Doesn't sound like Pinkie let slip anything. And Rarity played along nicely. "I'm sure she didn't evaporate into thin air. She probably went back to help Mrs. Cake with that order." She pulled out a new inkwell and another quill, then looked over at him.

"Today's been long and I want to sleep. See you in the morning, Twilight." He went for the stairs, but was stopped by Twilight's instant question.

"You don't want to know where Epona is?"

"She's a grown mare, she can handle herself. She may look up to me, but I'm by no means her father."

" ... I suppose you're right." She looked outside and saw the sun had set. "Tomorrow's another day. Sleep well, I'll see you in the morning."

Link said his good nights and ascended the stairs to his room. Twilight asked if I wanted to know where Epona went. While that's not unlike her, she asked it immediately after I showed no interest. Did she expect me to ask? Hmm... I must try something tomorrow. After setting up Navi's bed, he fell asleep in his own.


The next morning, Link woke up and looked over at Twilight's empty bed. she's up awfully early... He looked over at Navi and decided to wake her up. "Hey, Navi..." She moved over in her sleep and mumbled something. "Come on, wake up. It's morning."

Navi opened her eyes and stretched, sitting up. "Mmm. Morning." She yawned and looked around. "Where's Twilight?"

"Downstairs, most likely." Quietly, he stepped to the door, and opened it, allowing no creak to escape the hinges.

"He'll come back and ask for my help. Then, you can take him away. That'll" Link's footfall as he walked to the stairs fell on Twilight's ears. When he got down to the main room, he looked around. Twilight was sitting at her table next to an opened window.

"Who were you talking to?" he asked.

"Myself. I do that often. And where is my 'Good morning, dear sister'? Unless it's not a good morning, in which case I completely understand." Twilight looked back at him and saw his curious face. "Nothing? So be it."

"Alright, alright. 'Good morning, dear sister'. Better?" She smiled and returned to her book. "Anyway, I'm free for the day. What's say we go somewhere?"

"I'm afraid I must pass on the invite. I've got a project I'm working on, and a deadline that's approaching fast. I'm sorry, but you can go if you want. I'm sure there's a lot of Ponyville yet to be seen. Why don't you stop by the schoolhouse? Say hi to the teacher for me." She casually looked out the window.

Link also looked and saw nothing. "The schoolhouse? With the other kids? Hah, I'm too old to be in school. But, I will go for a walk. That sounds nice."

"No gear though. Remember: you're trying to get a message of peace across to the public. Can't have you looking like a warmonger."

"When you put it that way, I suppose not." He walked to the door and stopped. "Hey, do you want an apple?"

"No thanks. I've already eaten." Twilight refocused on her book and heard the door shut behind him. Alright Dash, your turn.

Outside the library, the morning was graced by the beautiful sunrise. Navi flew around his head and looked ahead. "Gonna stop by the schoolhouse like Twilight suggested?"

"Something's not right. I heard her say something before I came downstairs, but I didn't hear what it was. She has a project she's working on, and didn't ask for help, like I thought she might. This smells like a plot." Link walked into the square and looked at the other ponies around him.

"Well, to be fair, your ... you know what... is just a few days away. You very well could be imaginging things. But, maybe she's getting you out of the library intentionally?" Navi looked over at him and followed his decided direction.

"That's possible, but 2 days in a row isn't a pattern. Just a coincidence. And on top of that, yeah, she could have told them on their way down the mountain when I wasn't there... And we have yet to see an exception... I can't just jump to conclusions yet." He walked over a bridge and stopped half way. Link looked over the flowing water and rested his arms on the side of the bridge.

"There you are, kid! Been looking everywhere for you. Twilight said you'd be out for a walk." Dash landed beside him and smiled.

"You want to join me, is that it?" 2 days in a row, and Dash is in on it...

"Heh, how'd you guess?" Rainbow asked. "On second thought, don't answer that... Where ya headed?"

"Wherever I feel like. That's the point of taking a walk." He continued on his path and heard Dash walking behind him. And now she's following you. Where do I take her...

"Do you feel like joining me?" she asked, raising her tone at the end of her question.

He stopped and turned around. "Where?"

"My house. In the clouds. Got this sweet statue I wanna show you." Please say yes. Even if you don't want to see the statue of a Wonderbolt...

"Statue? Of what?"

"Oh, just a Wonderbolt. My whole house is basically a shrine to them." Dash smiled all the while, playing it off like it was no big deal.

"This I gotta see. But, one problem. I can't walk on clouds. But..." he thought, "Twilight can cast that spell on me. Come on!"

The two returned to the library and Dash volunteered to stay outside. Again, he saw Twilight over her book, like she hadn't moved. But she must have, as a few more books made it to her table. Along with a scroll for notes, there were a few open books and several bookmarked closed books.

"Welcome back Link. That was a short walk. Did you make it to the schoolhouse?" she asked him, breaking concentration on her studies.

"Not quite. Dash invited me up to her house... In the clouds... Where I can't quite go yet. You see where I'm headed with this?"

"With crystalline quality. You want me to cast that cloudwalker spell so you can go, right?"

Link nodded and walked to her table. This mineral, commonly used for- He stopped reading because Twilight had slammed the book closed without marking the page.

"I think that's a wonderful Idea." Her horn lit up, as well as Link, and both faded after a few moments. "Enjoy, and tell me all about it when you get back. Remember, you only have 10 hours, so use it wisely."

Link thanked her and ran outside to Dash's waiting cloud ride. A few minutes later, the three got to her house. He spent the day looking at all her stuff. From statues to posters, figurines to plushes, pillows to blankets, window decals to decorative soaps. It seemed she had one of every piece of Wonderbolt merchandise. A true fan. 8 hours later, he told Dash he had to go back to the ground and return to the library at Twilight's request. Hesitantly, she agreed and made the trip with him. Inside the library, he and Navi told Twilight and Spike everything he saw inside Dash's house. From the statues to posters, figurines to... So on and so forth. Even as he described the soaps, he couldn't help but wonder about where Epona had gone. No word, no note, no appearance in the last couple days.

Quite frankly, he began to worry.


There Link stood, by the mailbox for the library, accompanied by Navi and Applejack. The latter of which looked and sounded short on breath. He had only gone out there to fetch the Monday paper and saw Aj running at him. Then, having heard her story, he had a very serious look on his face as she concluded, "Ah'm real sorry, Link. Ah just don't know where she is!"

Link took a deep breath and looked at the ground. I was wrong to not be worried. "Aj, it's alright. We'll find her, I promise. I don't blame you at all for not going in the woods after her. It's dangerous after all."

"But Ah should have! The forest is like a maze. Moreso for somepony who ain't never been in there before." She hung her head and sighed. "Ah didn't think nothin' of it when she didn't come back last night. Now Ah reckon Ah should have..."

"Ease up on yourself, Aj. Accidents happen, things go wrong, and we have to work our way around obstacles every day. Come on in, and I'll get ready." The two entered the library to see Twilight looking worried herself. "Relax, Twilight. I'll go get her and be back for dinner."

"I know you will be, but... where are you going?" she asked. "What's going on?" Twilight looked at Aj while Link ran up the stairs followed by Navi.

In his room, he prepared. He put on his sword, wore his shield, put his hat on, his shoes, pockets, and finally his gloves. "Are you really so nonchalant about Epona going missing?"

"Not even close. I'm so worried she might become food for some big animal like that Ursa. They do eat meat after all. She's meat." Link stopped at the doorway. "But at the same time, this could be a trap for me. A way to get me out of the library. That said, when would Twilight have been able to talk with her when I wasn't there? Epona didn't come with us up the mountain, so it couldn't have been on the way down. We met back up at the library, but she went up the ... no she didn't... She stayed downstairs, where she sleeps. Twilight didn't come up until an hour later. But she was alone. She may have planned this with Epona's compliance in mind."

"I don't follow."

"It's like this: Twilight told Applejack about this plan, but because Epona wasn't on the mountain with us, she had to factor in Epona's compliance probability. Then, when I went upstairs to sleep, Twilight explained the situation to Epona, and she went along with it. With the two agreed on a plan, they could set it in motion on any given day." Link reached for the handle of the door. "Which also explains why she questioned me when I didn't ask about Epona. My lack of caring wasn't what she expected, so she decided to wait a few days. Dash could have told Aj, or even Pinkie could have. Anypony I wasn't around could have."

"All of this is just the off chance there's something going on. But what if you're wrong, and Epona really is in trouble?" Navi asked.

"Then I will act as though she is and stop at nothing to bring her back." He walked out and descended the stairs.

"Link!" Twilight nearly shouted. "You bring her back safely, you hear me?"

"Aren't you coming with?" he asked her.

Twilight paused, trying to come up with a reason. "No. I can't. She might find her way back here somehow, and I have to be here in case she does."

While she's not wrong, it could happen, I still think something's not right... "You have a point. Aj, Navi, let's go."

The three of them traveled to Sweet Apple Acres in relative silence. Once there, they followed a shallow set of hoofsteps to the forest's edge. Likely Epona's, Link questioned why they were there in the first place. After all, it's rather difficult to leave an impression with so evenly distributed weight on at least 3 points of contact with solid grass. At the edge of the woods, Link looked in and saw the tracks become more noticeable, and eventually disappear from sight.

"Alright. I'm going in with Navi. Aj? Stay here in case she decides to come back. This is under the assumption she's still in there." Link started walking in when Aj stopped him.

"Alone? What happened to 'It's dangerous in there'? Ah'm goin' too."

"No, you're staying here. Twilight stayed at the library in case she came back, and you should stay right here for the same reason." That might give me some time to sort this out. "Trust me, I'll be fine."

Aj had no argument. She knew he was right. Silently, she nodded and watched him disappear behind a thick row of trees. Be careful, Link.

He followed the tracks for some time. His sense of time lost with the woods, as he could no longer see the sun's position in the sky. As for the tracks, he took mental note of how deep they were, suggesting she fought to keep from being dragged away. Then, suddenly, the tracks split into 3 different paths. Strange thing was, they looked like normal hoofprints. Like she voluntarily went along.

"What's going on here?" Navi asked, flying to the far left set. "These look like she's running..." Then to the middle set. "These are walking..." Finally to the far right. "And these are... backward?"

"Is this some kind of joke?" Link looked around at his surroundings, barely seeing 20 feet in any direction. "Seriously, Epona. If you're out here for fun, then I need to have a serious conversation with you." He listened for any signs of movement, but heard nothing. Carefully, he knelt down to look at the tracks better. "Well, it seems like this is really happening. That said, whatever took her may have made the other sets. So, I need to find the freshest set. Those will be hers."

"Yeah, they all look the same size, too." Navi returned to his head and looked around. She could have swore she saw slight movement in the trees, but couldn't be sure. She rode on his hair as he walked down the middle path.

"This way is most likely. At least, that's what I think." A long while later, he came to a gap in the ground, spanning at least 30 feet to his left and right. And the set he was following lead to a fallen tree that crossed said gap. As he walked over it, he saw the tracks spread apart like she started running again. Quickly, he ran after them all the way to a clearing in the woods. A nice looking meadow with a single, fully covered tree in the middle. Link walked to the opposite side, beyond the tree, and saw the tracks vanish. Odd... He turned around, and in front of the tree stood the one he was looking for. Epona.

"So, you did find me. Heehee~" She watched as he approached her. "I'm so glad. Ya know, I was starting to think you had forgotten about me."

"No chance. I heard you were in here, and I couldn't sit around and do nothing. Now that I found you, let's get out of here." Epona nodded and walked behind him, leaving the dead tree behind.

"How'd you get lost in here, anyway?" he asked.

"I heard a voice and ran in. I couldn't help myself. Before I knew it, I was being dragged by ... by something. I couldn't see what it was either. Then I saw something in the woods, a face I didn't expect, so I followed it, then found myself by that strange tree."

"I ... see..." Something's off with her... She's not herself. "Well, it looks like you're still safe. You're lucky too. If Spike hadn't barked loud enough to wake me up, I might still be asleep."

"Oh, did I make him worry? Aww, shame on me. I'll have to give him a special treat when I see the little dog at home." Link turned back and saw her smiling wide.

THAT'S NOT EPONA!!! This is bad... Very, very bad. If this is a fake Epona... then... what happened to the real one? Link felt a shiver run the length of his spine. Navi stayed silent, and out of sight under his hat. Too afraid to come out.

"Is something wrong?" she asked him.

"No. Nothing at all..." The two walked in silence as they approached the edge of the woods. Link glanced back at his follower, then forward, seeing how close he was to the exit. Now! In one burst of speed, he ran for the exit and dove into the clearing. Link landed on his back breathing heavily, and looked with serious intent into the woods. With enough focus, he barely saw a solid black figure with red eyes look back at him before vanishing into the woods.

"Woah, easy there, champ. You look like you jus' seen a ghost," Aj commented, standing over him. she looked into the woods and saw nothing strange. "What even took ya so long? Ah've been waitin' for hours."

"Yeah, what's got you so freaked?" Epona asked him, standing beside Aj with a concerned look. This caused Link to scramble away from the pair.

"What the Tartarus was that?!" Link continued to breathe heavily, looking between Epona and the woods. Hours? That's not possible. I couldn't have been gone for more than one. Then he looked to the sky and saw the sun had shifted too far for one hour.

Aj and Epona looked at each other. "I don't know what you mean. I came out after you followed the track down the middle. I figured you'd find that gap a dead end and come back out. I even think Navi saw me."

"I thought I saw something, but I couldn't be sure it was you..." she replied, coming out of hiding. "But... there's something else..."

The four of them walked back to the library while Link told them of what he saw. A strange figure resembling Epona. The once lively tree turned dead in moments. The gap that was thought to be a dead end, but had a tree bridge the gap instead. At the time, Link dismissed the thought that they had planned this, as the stress got to him. Later, at the library, they all walked in to see Twilight with her muzzle in a book once more.

She looked up and saw the four of them. "Good. You found her. Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?"

"I'm fine, Twilight. But... Link might not be..."

"Hm?" Twilight looked over at Link and saw his fatigue. She walked over to him and lit up her horn, closing her eyes. After a minute, she stepped back. "Oh my... Your mental state is so frazzled, like you got really terrified. What's more, the fear was so justified, you're about ready to collapse from the experience. What happened to you?" she asked, dimming her horn. This was not my intention. What could have scared him so much?

"I ... I'd rather... not say..." Link took short, quick breaths, still reeling from the day.

"Whatever it was, yer safe here. Didn't seem like it was interested on leavin' the forest." Applejack didn't see it, but concluded all the same.

"A being that resides in the woods... I doubt Zecora would do something like this... What about that friend of yours?"

"Ruby? Doubtful. This was near the farm, not from the castle." Link sat down and continued, "It... it had red eyes... like a creature from my nightmares. All shadowy, but for some reason, it took the form of Epona... Maybe it only changes into what it can see.."

Twilight put a hoof to her chin. "A creature that can change its form at will. Nothing's coming to mind. I'll have to look into it. For now, you get some rest. Sounds like you could use it." She watched as Link and Navi went up the stairs. "Wait. Before you go. Fluttershy stopped by earlier and wanted to invite you to a picnic tomorrow at noon. I said you could make it, and from what I gathered, you could use a nice relaxing picnic." Twilight looked at him as he continued up the stairs with Navi.

In his room, he removed his gear and fell to his bed. "I don't know what that was back there... Planned or not, that was absolutely the most terrifying experience I've ever had."

"It... might have been the woods playing tricks on you..." Navi tried to explain. "It could happen... right?"


That night, Link got to sleep easily, but his nightmare suffered dearly from the day's experience. Princess Luna appeared and protected him from his malevolent nightmare, even banishing the creature of dark to outer space. The two talked about what happened, and how it could be connected to his other nightmares. After ensuring there was no connection, Luna let him sleep in peace.

Downstairs, Applejack stayed with Twilight. She whispered to her, so Link couldn't overhear. "So, about that gift. Ya finish it yet?"

"Not quite. I've got one more day. Thanks to Pinkie and Rarity, I could assess what the metals were in the ingot I got from Rarity when I dropped her off. The problem was, when I learned what made it, I accidentally split the metals apart. I had to read about them, to figure out how the metals bonded together. I explained it to Rainbow, and she agreed to help me out. Link almost caught me, but she was able to take him away."

"Ah saw him fly away over the farm. Sure looked like fun."

"With him gone yesterday, I was able to combine them, and learn what the metals were. After I did that, I could apply special magic to each of the different metals. The spell I planned on using affects the different metals separately, not as a whole. Found that out the hard way."

"So ya had to cast it on each of the different metals when they were separated?" Twilight nodded. "An' yer sure it'll do what ya want?"

"Hopefully. And, thanks to today, I finished the spell. Tomorrow, I apply the finishing touch. With this last spell, Link will be able to use his strength to push, pull, and lift heavier objects, without expending his own magic pool. Instead, it'll draw on his physical energy, and magnify it by 4. Any more than that and the strain would be too much."

"Good thing ya got Fluttershy to invite him on that picnic, right?" Aj asked.

Twilight shook her head. "That wasn't planned. To be honest, I expected to be done today. But..."

"Things don't work out. Tell ya what: Ah'll come by tomorrow an' see how it's comin'." Twilight shook her head. "Huh?"

"I'll be alright on my own. There's not much else to do with it anyway. I just hope my calculations are correct. If I'm wrong, at all, it could not work, or work to well and tear him apart."

"It'll be fine. Yer the smartest, most talented mare Ah ever met. An' if anypony can do all o' what you jus' said, it's you Twi."

"Thanks, Aj." Twilight reached over and hugged her friend. "You're the best. See you in a couple days, alright? Get home safe."

Aj tipped her hat and left the library. Twilight felt a warmth spread over her face as Aj walked away. Focus Twilight. Get your work done, then you can ... think about her... !! Focus Twi! She returned to her book, closed it, then went upstairs to bed.


Before going to the picnic, Link spent his morning delivering the invites to his birthday. One to each of his friends, and one to the mailbox of one Ms. Derpy Hooves. He noticed the flag was upside down, and the door opened sideways instead of downward. Noon came that day, a little too quickly, and Link and Navi joined Fluttershy on a blanket outside her home. Accompanied by several of her animal friends, most of which were fascinated by Navi. Fluttershy and Navi herself included. Link sat on one of the corners eating toast. "I heard Epona went into the woods yesterday..." she said.

"How'd you hear that?" he asked her.

Fluttershy pointed to one of her birds. "My friends told me they saw a pony wander into the woods that looked a lot like Epona. So she flew here and told me. Glad to hear she made it out alright. I didn't interfere, because it sounded like you had it under control."

"To a point, I did." He refused to explain what happened inside the forest, so he changed his approach on the subject. "Tell me, do you believe in ghosts?"

"I can't say I do. Why?" She took a bite of her cheesecake and listened.

"Would you believe me if I said the Everfree Forest has one?"

"I ... well, if anywhere has a ghost, the Everfree Forest would be at the top of my suspect list. But, I wouldn't put much faith in what you see in those woods. Way I hear it, they enjoy playing tricks on all of your senses."

"I don't doubt it..." Link took a sip of his tea and looked over at Navi who sat atop a bear's head.

"On a not-creepy-at-all topic, I hear you turn 13 tomorrow. Put much thought into what you want?" Fluttershy asked him.

Link thought for a moment. "Just my friends there will be fine. Show up, and I'll be happy." Link finished his own slice, then downed his tea.

"The 6 of us, Epona of course... Navi... Who else?"

"I'm thinking about inviting the mailmare. She would have fun there, I'm sure of it." Link laid on his back and looked toward the sky.

"Ms. Hooves, you mean?" Link nodded in response. "And that's everypony?" Another nod. "A small list. But, if that's what'll make you happy."

He looked over at her. "Did you want to invite somepony?"

Fluttershy nodded slowly. "Yeah... I-I mean, if it's not too much trouble... maybe... invite... Emmy?"

"Emmy, huh..." Come to think of it, I never did get in contact with her those days ago. Guess I got side tracked. "Can you keep a secret?" Fluttershy nodded. "Your animals too?" They all nodded. "Emmy won't be back until the Running of the Leaves, whenever that is."

"That's not until after summer. Why so late?" Link shrugged and returned his gaze to the sky.

"She may change her mind though. Who knows? Not me." He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sunlight.

The group of friends enjoyed what remained of the picnic, Link and Navi said their farewells and returned to the library. Fluttershy cleaned up with her animal friends and returned to the cottage. At the library, it was a new sight to see Twilight laying on the couch with a book that didn't relate to rocks or minerals. She welcomed him, inquired about his day, and asked what he wanted for his birthday.

His response, much to Twilight's astonishment, was, "Surprise me. I'll love it all the same, no matter what it is." Twilight wrapped him in a hug for the first time in what felt like ages. Epona came in from the kitchen and waved.

"Hey, Link. Have fun?" He nodded, released his sister, walked over to Epona and patted her head. "Good, because I've got something for you tomorrow."

"Of course you do. I turn 13, after all. But for now, I'm gonna go lie down in my bed. If you need me, you'll know where I'll be."

That night, Twilight watched as Link turned over in his bed. Have a nice dream. I'll see you in the morning, birthday boy.

Chapter 25: The Birthday Request

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Twilight woke up very early the following day. Early enough to see Link asleep in his bed, and Navi beside it. With a smile, she walked quietly over to him and looked over him. Slowly, she lit up her horn for some light.

13 years old... at last. Feels like it was just yesterday you were crawling around the castle floors. She dimmed her horn and walked to the door. It creaked not once as she opened and closed it from the other side. Now out of earshot, incapable of waking him up, she sighed and walked down the stairs to see Epona awake. "You're certainly up early. Or maybe you've been up all night."

"I am?" Epona wondered. She looked out the window to see a sunless sky. "Guess I woke up too early. But then again, so did you, Twilight."

Twilight walked to the table and sat. "Yeah, I am too. Link turns 13 today. And he already invited everypony. You'll be staying here today, yes?" Epona nodded and closed her book. "Good. Aside from you, I know the rest of our friends will likely be here. He never told me who he invited, but I'm sure our friends are guaranteed to show."

"You mean you don't know? For absolute certainty?" Epona questioned her. "I would think he'd tell you if nopony else."

"He's been ... secretive, ever since we met. I don't really know why. But, it'll be one of his greatest virtues. Or personality quirks if secrecy isn't a virtue." Twilight walked over to a shelf of books and looked behind them. Then, she levitated a box from behind them and moved it back to the table. "This, as you may know, is his gift from me. I want to thank you again for going along with our plan. I know how difficult it must have been, setting him up like that."

"You have no idea," Epona replied. "I look up to him. Like, he means the world to me, and I just met him. I can't explain it... It's not love or anything like that... I just... Respect him greatly." Twilight looked a little confused. "Like, hmm..." Epona looked around, then back to Twilight. "Have you ever just met somepony and feel like you've known them your whole life? That feeling is what I got from him, when we first met."

"No, I can't say I have. But it must be a wonderful feeling." Twilight looked over to her and asked, "You got him something too, right?"

Epona nodded. "I did, but I want to wait for everypony else to give him theirs before I give him mine. If that's alright."

Twilight agreed and looked out the window, seeing the sun break over the horizon. "Sun's coming up. Link's going to wake up any minute. His internal clock is incredible. Every morning, when the sun comes up, he wakes up immediately."

"Wow, how regimented." Twilight nodded, then walked to the base of the stairs. "Hey, what are you doing..."

"Giving him a wake up call..."


Link woke from his slumber and stretched himself out. After focusing for a moment, he noticed Twilight's empty bed. She's up before me. That's rare. "Hm?"

Navi had woken up just before him and was sitting on the edge of the side table on his hat. "Good morning Link. Happy birthday to you." She flew up and latched onto his cheek, hugging him and smiling.

Every year it's this. She squeezes my cheek and wishes me the best day ever. "Thank you Navi. It's just too bad I don't really know your birthday." Link stood up and began stretching.

"I've told you, fairies don't age at the same rate that hylians do. We age so slowly after we've matured, it's like I'm standing still." She released him and flew around him. "Now, while you're stretching, I wanna ask you: What do you make of that shadow in the woods?"

Link hesitated, then answered, "That shadow pony, right? Now that I've calmed down, I've come to the conclusion that it's a manifestation of darkness left behind by Nightmare Moon a thousand years ago. Not all of her dark magic went with her. The piece that remained is able to take the form of other living creatures, like we saw when Dash went up against the Shadowbolts. But, the way it retreated into the forest makes me believe its confined within the woods, or had the presence of mind not to be seen with the original." He sat and stretched, reaching for his feet. "I'm thinking of visiting Ruby and Zecora in a few days, to see if they know anything. They live in the woods, surely they might have some information..."

"That sounds a lot better than a ghost," Navi admitted. "Glad you thought it through."

Link stood and shook himself awake completely. After getting his day clothes on, he went to the door. "Well, I kinda couldn't not think it out. Analyzing is like second nature. It's just something I do without thinking. But I guess, at the time, my mind jumped to the most logical conclusion."

He opened the door and walked to the stairs, seeing Twilight at the bottom with a smile. "Happy birthday Link!" With emphasis on his name, she shot a ball of energy at his face. It was so unexpected, he tried to get his shield up in time. The ball was moving too fast and he was too late, and he knew it the instant it made contact with his face.

"Ugh, Twilight! What in Equestria was that for?!" he cried, fixing his hair.

"You are off your game. Had you been alert, you'd have blocked that shot easy." Link sighed and walked down the stairs. He saw Epona's shocked face, then looked back to Twilight. "You may be off duty, but that does not excuse your laziness."

"'Laziness'? How am I being lazy?" he asked, sitting on the floor at the table.

Twilight walked beside him and sat as well. "You've done next to nothing to keep yourself in shape. Mind or body. Stretching will only go so far. Exercises will ensure you are fit to return at any moment. So, until that time comes, expect me to give you tests. Like the one you just failed."

"Joy," Link replied, unamused. "Hey, Twilight. When can I get my gifts?"

"I'd give you mine, but the others aren't here yet. So when they all get here, you can open them."

"Noon then." Link looked outside the window and saw the sun had risen completely. "We've got some time before guests start showing up. What would you like to do until then? Huh?" He saw Twilight had already pulled out a chess board and its 32 pieces. "A game of chess?"

"Why not? I heard you'd prefer that over tic-tac-toe, and I figured I could give you a challenge. I may not be very good now, but I've got a basic understanding of piece movement." Twilight set the board up and the pieces in their place. "Epona, would you like to watch?"

"Sure." Epona alked beside the board and sat, looking down at it. Link's black, and Twilight's white. Bad draw, she's got the advantage. Maybe she's expecting to be worse, so she's given herself the first-move advantage?

Twilight's opening move... She knows she's new to the game, and gave herself the opening advantage. Link watched... And waited.


8 in the morning came about as Link and Twilight finished their "best of three tie-breaker" game of chess. Link had won the first, and closely lost the second. He could tell Twilight was learning quickly and stepped it up, making fewer mistakes and leaving little openings. In the end, Link managed to win, but only by pure luck. He had saw a rare, unintentional opening in Twilight's defense. Having taken her bishop, he put her in check-mate that he didn't even see at first.

"Wait, wait, that is not check-mate..." she denied, looking about the board. "let's see..."

"Great game. You're improving very fast. huh?"

"no, that's not... ugh... check-mate!" She looked up at him and reset the board. "One more!"

"Twilight, it was best of three. I won. Maybe we can play against one of the other guests when they get here..." Link looked at the clock, then to the door. Coincidentally, there was a knock. "Speak of the underworld's ruling power." He opened the door and saw Pinkie pushing a similar cart to the one from a few days back. "Pinkie's here, Twilight. Maybe you can play against her?"

"Pinkie? I'm somehow not surprised you're here before anypony else," Twilight admitted, walking towards her. "What's in the box?" she asked, looking at the cart Pinkie pushed.

"A present for Link, silly. Didn't you know it's his birthday today?" Pinkie laughed then pushed the cart aside. "Whatcha got goin' on in here?"

"Chess," Epona answered. "And Link won two of three games against Twilight. Each game was really close, though I don't know much about it. I'm thinking of reading a book on it. Twilight, is there one you'd recommend?"

Twilight looked at the shelves and dragged a book from high up. "35 Ways To Play Chess is a great place to start. It's also the only one on the subject this library has available. Seems there's a pony out there with a few others, but since this is a library, he's likely to return them eventually."

Epona took the book and looked at the cover, which featured a black queen, white rook and bishop, as well as a few pawns of either color. "Interesting... Why only 35 ways?"

"One for each direction the pieces move collectively. It's a beginner's book, meant to teach basics of movement." Twilight looked once again to Pinkie. "Do you play?"

"Not too often, but I know my way around the kingside castle. Why you ask?" Pinkie inquired, looking over the board.

"Epona, if you'd like, I'm sure Pinkie would be happy to play a teaching game with you." Pinkie nodded in agreement.

Unfortunately, Epona shrugged at the notion. "Well, I don't know... what a teaching game is..."


Half an hour later, Pinkie ended the game soundly beaten, but not worried as that is the point of a teaching game. Thrilled with her first victory, she was easily brushed aside with Pinkie's next comment.

"I went incredibly easy on you, for the record. Tic-tac-toe may be a fun game, but, for chess, as Link once put, 'No matter the skill level, there's always a winner.' It just happened to be you." Pinkie reset the board and looked over at the door. "Ooh, somepony's here!"

Quickly, Twilight opened the door to find Rarity in a nice summer hat. "It's Rarity. Come on in." As the designer entered the room, she saw Link had joined Twilight in welcoming her.

"Ah, Link. Happy birthday to you. Nothing looks different about you... No gifts yet?" Link shook his head. "Waiting for everypony else?" Then he nodded. I see. Well, as you requested, I brought nothing with me for you. But you still have my best wishes."

"Thank you. For showing up and heeding my own request. Spike made us breakfast already, so I hope you've eaten." Rarity nodded and placed her hat on the table.

"I couldn't help but notice you were a bit late to the party. By about half an hour." Twilight questioned. "Pinkie showed up at 8."

"About that... see, I couldn't find the right hat, so I took some time to find the right one. I do so hope you understand," she tried.

Twilight nodded. "You're here now and that's what matters."

"I agree," Link said. "Do make yourself comfortable." Rarity did so by sitting on the couch. "So how are your other orders coming along?"

"I finished them just last night. To be honest, I'd have been done sooner, had I received some help in certain areas. Having another crafting hoof to aid me would be useful."

Twilight shook her head in reply. "Sorry, Rarity. I can't help you there. I don't know anything about sewing, or design, or fabric, or even thread. Aside from what I helped with when making Link's garments, I've never even dabbled in being a weaver."

"I must agree," Link added, "I'm not great with needle and thread. Get a tear in my clothes? Quick fix, not a lasting solution. Sorry."

"It's not all your fault. It's just me being tired of working on outfits on my own. I don't mind the quiet, but it'd be nice to have somepony to talk to. Like you do with Navi, and Twilight has with Spike." Rarity shrugged and looked at Epona. "So, my dear, how are you finding Ponyville?"

"I'm not your dear." The statement caused the others to look at her. "Or your darling, or your love, or your sweetie. I'm Epona, and I ask that you call me as such."

"I, apologize, Epona. I meant no offense. I call everypony 'dear', and on occasion 'darling'. But 'sweetie'? That's my little sister Sweetie Belle. Again, I meant no offense." Rarity tried to ease the tension in the room caused by Epona's sudden personality change. "Is there anything besides Epona I'm alowed to call you at present?"

"You can call me Epona. For now. If we continue to be friends, I will add a few names to your available list." She turned to the others. "This goes for all of you. So you know, I don't handle 'names' very well, so if you have little mannerisms that deal with nicknames, please don't use them on me."

"Alright, then..." Twilight said. "Epona, you're ... alright... right?"

"I'm just fine, thanks for asking." Epona looked quietly at the others, who were all looking at her. "What?"

"I just never knew this about you. None of us did. It just goes to show how little we actually know about you." Twilight sat beside Epona and looked at her. "Is there anything else we need to know?"


After a half an hour dodging everypony's questions, Epona got up and walked toward Link, finally sitting at his side. In silence, the others looked at her with questioning looks. "Girls, the only thing I will say for now, is that when there's something wrong in the way of what I like, I will let you know. But if it's not relevant, I'd rather not spill my soul."

Everypony sighed. Twilight is the only pony who noticed Epona glance over at Link. Is Link really that high on her respect list if she's not talking without his permission. "And that's fine with us, right girls? We're understandable ponies."

"Thank you for your understanding." Epona nodded and looked down at the floor, feeling all of the others' harsh glares at her. Link looked at the others in silence, taking in their expressions.

Wow. I didn't know she was like this. Since I proved I was the one calling her, she's been incredibly nice and cooperative. But toward everypony else... she's blunt, and a bit forceful it seems... What's the term for that... Link thought of the word he was looking for while Twilight looked over at Pinkie.

"Hey, your game went well. Can you go a round with me? I want to know what I can learn from it too." Pinkie nodded and returned to the chess board as Rainbow flew in the window, knocking over several pieces and causing a few books to fall off the shelf. "Rainbow! You're here! Nice entry."

"Thanks. It was a snap. Nopony's hurt this time, right?" she asked, looking at her new surroundings.

"Honestly Rainbow Dash. Would it hurt you to use the door?" Rarity scolded.

Rainbow laughed it off but answered it all the same. "Only if the door was closed. And look, it's closed. Window was open, therefore, easier to get through. And happy birthday, kid! You get anything good?"

"Not yet. I'm waiting for the others to show up before opening anything." Link looked down at the reset board and noticed Pinkie's opening move was the same one he had done against Twilight in their first game.

"Want mine? I couldn't wrap it anyway." Rainbow saw him and smiled. "You know, if Twilight says it's alright..."

"Why would it matter if I gave permission? He's as much of an adult as any of us now," Twilight reinforced. "Big and old enough to make his own decisions."

"In that case, sure. Why not." He stood and approached her. "What have you got for me?"

Rainbow changed her smile to a smirk and pointed outside. "It's outside. Couldn't bring it in with me safely."

Link walked to the door, opened it and walked out, looking around to see nothing out of the ordinary. "I don't get it."

"Be right out there," Dash said, leaning in to Twilight. Quietly, she whispered something in Twilight's ear, earning a little chuckle, followed by a nod. Wordlessly, Dash turned to Link's exposed back, flew over to him and pushed him out with enough force to send him tumbling. "That's one. 12 more to go."

Link ended on his chest and got to his feet. "What was that for?!" he asked loudly.

"Oh you don't know? It's called a birthday beating. One for every year you've been alive!" Dash charged at him, and after a few exchanged blocks, she connected with his side and chest, pushing him back.

Link saw the others watch the show from the library door. "And this is supposed to do what, exactly..." he asked, keeping his guard up.

"It's a gift, kid." Dash flew in, and got him square on the chin. He barely was able do lean away from it, but still felt the impact as he tumbled to the side. As he rose to his feet, another kick to his chest sent him rolling backward. "But don't take it personally. I know you can take it."

"And you're letting her do this Twilight?" he almost shouted at his sister.

"Hey, like I said earlier: Gotta keep in shape!" she replied, clearly enjoying herself. She heard him grumble as he went on the offensive. He's getting all of these hits, and he's still standing. That last one I didn't even see. His sparring in the unicorn branch probably paled in close-quarters by comparison to this. She watched as several more hits landed, despite Link keeping his guard up. His leg, back, and left shoulder each took a hit.

"You keeping track kid?" Dash asked him, flying just inches off the ground.

How is she landing all these attacks? And through my defenses no less. I have my guard up, but she goes right through it. "8 so far. 5 more, right?"

Rainbow stopped her assault then looked at him cautiously. "Yeah. I was gonna correct you if you got it wrong."

Link stood with his arms out at his sides. Feet shoulder width apart, looking forward. "Then get it over with." Carefully, Dash flew over to him and landed in front of him. "Well?"

Hesitantly, she punched his chest, and to her surprise, he didn't try to block. Then, in a more relaxed state, she landed 3 more to his body with no push at all behind them. "Now you made it no fun. That's not fair."

"You still have one left. Make it count," he advised.

Dash chuckled, then flew back a few feet. "Okay, you asked for it!" Quickly, she charged him and knocked him off his feet, tackling him to the ground in a hug. "There. 13 hits. Happy birthday kid."

Link lay there, stunned. After climbing to his feet and seeing Dash step off of him, he admitted, "I don't understand..."

"The last hit is always a hug. Know why?" Link shook his head. "Life can beat you up. Sometimes by one of your friends. That hug at the end? Somepony will always be there to try to make you feel better. No matter what." Dash flew back to the others, followed by Link. "And don't worry if it doesn't make any sense. First time I asked why, I didn't understand it either."

The group returned inside and waited for another guest to come through the door.


This is getting ridiculous! Twilight thought as she paced in front of the door. First Pinkie and Rarity, the Dash. They're showing up in the same order I sent them in to occupy Link. He has to know what's going on. But I can't just tell him. No, that'd be admitting defeat. He's getting back at me, and he knows it's working.

"Having issues, Twilight?" Link asked, looking up from his game.

"Nope. I'm perfectly calm." She looked up at the clock. "Any second now, Applejack is going to come through this door."Link had returned to his game and chuckled. "You think I'm wrong, don't you? Well, I'm on to you, Link. I-" She heard a thud against the door and a mare on the other side moan in slight pain of impact. "That's not... huh?" Twilight opened the door as a gray mare fell to the floor in the doorway. "Uh..."

"Derpy! I'm glad you made it." He saw her get to her hooves and brush herself off. "Glad you're alright."

"I didn't make anything. You asked for nothing, remember? So I brought you nothing." She reached in to her side bag and pulled out a wrapped box. "I had a tough time getting it to stay inside the box, and a harder time getting the tape to stick. Didn't realize until halfway through the tape was inside out. Er, upside down."

Link gave a half-hearted smile and stepped to the side. "Well, come on in. And to rephrase, I'm glad you could be here."

"Oh, right. I got done with deliveries a bit early today. Another mailpony was nice enough to take my route and my mail." Derpy set her bags beside the door and looked at Twilight. "Oh, hi Twilight. You're here too."

"Yes. I live here." Twilight looked outside, then closed the door. Not Aj. I was... wrong? Then... where is she?

"Hey, new pony. I never heard your name before. What is it?" Derpy asked Epona. With no answer, and a growing look of concern spreading over Epona's face, Derpy offered her own. "I'm Derpy Hooves. I'm a mailmare working in Ponyville's post office."

"Epona. Nice to meet... you." Epona couldn't help but look at each of Derpy's eyes separately. And quickly between them. Which one do I look at? Which one's looking at me? "Uh... Link?"

"Yeah?" he responded. What's up?"

"This mare is..." Carefully, she articulated her description of the mare before her, "a most unique mare in both appearance and personality."

Derpy inhaled and replied, "Awww thank you! That's the nicest thing anypony's said to me today! We're gonna be great friends!" She smiled and walked to the bookshelves.

I didn't know she could read... Link thought. He changed his glance to Twilight, who still looked confused. And she's wondering where Aj is, since she was supposed to be here now. Won't be long before she goes out and gets her herself. "Twilight, What's on your mind?"

"Nothing. I'm just glad you invited her. I mean, it's nice that you're making your own friends." Nice one, Twilight. "It's your choice who to invite, and if you didn't invite Applejack, I can understand that."

"No, I did." Link looked at the door. "Noon. She'll be here at noon."

Twilight looked at him with an unsure expression. "Noon..." Link nodded. "Alright, but... Why so far apart?"

"Because I wanted to. I tried to space them apart enough so the party would grow instead of being big from the start." Link smiled and turned to his game again. "She'll be here, whether you have to retrieve her yourself or not," he muttered under his breath.


Only 20 minutes later, after Link received his first "gift", Twilight found herself again beside the door. Link had started a game of BattleClouds with Rainbow Dash, and a game of 2-on-1 chess against both Rarity and Epona. He occasionally glanced up at Twilight, who returned his look with her own each time. Skipping Aj, Fluttershy's next. True as predicted, a light tap was heard on the door. She opened it to reveal the pegasus she knew as Fluttershy in the doorway. "And here she is. Fluttershy, come on in." Twilight stepped aside and let her in.

"Is this everypony?" Twilight shook her head. Fluttershy looked around the room to see who was missing. "Still waiting on... Applejack, and ... oh, just her. That's odd." She walked over to Link and saw his games. "I thought you said Applejack was going to be here?"

"She is. Later. She'll be here later." He moved his knight and watched Epona lean over and whisper to Rarity. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing. Happy birthday." Fluttershy joined Pinkie on the couch and looked back to Twilight. "What's got her so worked up?

"Oh, Twilight's just getting nervous because Applejack hasn't shown up yet and she thinks 'The day won't be as good if Aj's not here' and she'll be all mopey and sad and it'll all be Link's fault if she doesn't come, but if she does it'll sure show him." Pinkie looked at everyone else and saw their expressions.

"Now that, is a very tall tale. Me? Mopey? Sad? Not a chance in the world. Especially not so if Aj doesn't show up. What ever gave you the idea I was waiting for her specifically?" Now quiet, Twilight looked out the window. I really need to work on my delivery...

"Well, if that doesn't answer anything, I don't know what will." Rarity took her turn and looked back at Twilight. "Really, darling, you should have a seat before you twist your hoof pivoting like that."

Heedless, Twilight continued her walking. I'll have the last laugh. She's going to be here, or at the very least I'll find out why she can't or didn't. "Link... You said she'll be here later. When's 'Later'?"

"Noon," he answered. "Why?"

"Because if you must know, time is flowing and your birthday goes on, with or without her here. I would think you'd want all of your friends here. At the same time. Not sporadically through the morning." Twilight turned to him and walked his way. "You've been awfully dodgy the last few hours with certain worded questions. Now tell me, when, did you tell Applejack to be here?"

"Truthfully?" he asked, then thought. "I didn't tell her to come at all."

Twilight growled at him and asked in a deeper tone, "Why not?!"

"Because you two seem to be at odds with each other sometimes." Link tried to make it sound like something that could be brushed off. And it worked, as Twilight kept verbally pushing.

"We're not at odds! We don't argue, we don't fight, and we enjoy the other's company." Twilight caught her last statement and rephrased, "uh, with the rest of our friends. Equally. That said, this can't be a party if we're missing a warm body. I'm going to get her, tak to her, and get her to come back with me. Just you wait." Hastily she turned and ran out of the library.

"Twilight..." she heard him say before the door shut behind her.

She continued to the farm, walking the rest of the way, and spending half an hour to actually get there.


"Twilight..." Link called. The door shut with him and his friends inside. "Well, that happened. And I'm sorry for asking all of you to play along with this. Revenge is never the answer."

"Then why? Why'd you do it? All of it?" Dash asked. "Showing up half an hour apart, in the order we talked to you the last four days, and keeping Twilight out of the loop."

"I must agree with Rainbow. This kind of deceit is unbecoming of a lady. But you aren't one, so I suppose you don't count..." Rarity admitted. "While I do feel bad about it, I can only agree that what goes around comes around."

"I don't get it," Derpy admitted. "What's happening?"

"Right, I didn't actually tell you. See, the last four days have been Twilight setting me up to get me out of the library one way or another. And the only readily available method was her friends. Each one of them had their own distraction for me: a cake delivery, a cup of tea, a visit to her house, the search for Epona, and finally the picnic with Fluttershy. I have a feeling it was to keep me from eyeing her work. I happened to glance at a bit of text saying something about combining minerals. While that's not enough to go on. she practically forced me to keep my nose out of her book, even closing it without a placekeeper."

"And with all of our cooperation, Derpy, Link was able to strike back against Twilight with a plot of his own. She looked to be too enthused by everything going on to really think about the situation clearly." Epona looked over at the mailmare. "Not sure where you fit in to all this though."

"She doesn't. Not technically anyway. I just wanted her to be here. For fun, nothing else." Link admitted and moved a piece. "And I didn't lie when I said I never actually invite Aj. Because I really didn't tell her to come. I told her that Twilight would be coming by to get her herself."

Rarity looked at him puzzled. "But why?"

Link held up a finger and concluded, after a moment of quiet, "You'll see. Just do me another favor and listen to how she talks, what she talks about and to who. It shouldn't take too long before even Rainbow picks up on it."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Dash defended. Link laughed and shrugged. "That was a serious question."

"Just that you're not in tune with your romantic side. No harm in that." Link stretched and looked at the door once more. "Now, it's her move."


Twilight got to the farm 30 minutes later. Applebloom had joined Big Mac in the fields while Granny Smith and Applejack were no where to be seen. Inside she thought. With several knocks on the door, Applejack answered. "Applejack! There y-"

"There ya are, Twilight! Been waitin' for ya!" Aj grabbed Twilight's leg and pulled her inside, closing the door quickly. "Granny Smith, Twilight's here, Ah'll be back later!"

"A'right you young'n. Take it easy. An' dontcha ferget t'be back fer dinner. An' if ya ain't gonna make it, better say so now." Granny walked into the room with her hair up and an apron on. "Oh, it's Twilight. How ya doin' kiddo?"

"I'm alright, Granny Smith. As she said, I'm ... here to... How... Did you know I was coming?" Twilight asked Applejack.

"Sure did. Link never told me a time, said you'd be by all on your lonesome to walk me there. An' sure as red on a barn, here ya are. Jus' lemme get a couple things an' we'll be on our way." Aj walked into a hall and past a doorway which shut behind her.

Twilight hadn't noticed Applebloom and Big Mac sneak up behind her. "Hey there, Twilight. Here ta take mah sister to yer brother's special day?"

"I sure am. ... Why? Is that weird?"

"Eenope," Big Mac replied. He was standing at the window just to the side of the door with Applebloom atop his head.

"It's jus' that ya've been spendin' a bit more time at the farm over the last few weeks. An' Ah find that a bit strange." Applebloom pressed her hooves against his head and leaned in. "are ya plannin' somethin'?"

"Nothing, I guarantee it. It's just-"

"Just that she's walkin' with me to the library. Got a party to get to, remember little one?" Applejack returned to Twilight's side with a set of saddlebags. "An' we best be off. Later Granny Smith!"

Said elderly mare walked into the room once more. "You kids have fun, an' don't come home too late or ye'll miss supper."

"Sure thing Granny Smith."

"Actually, Granny, I was hoping to have our friends over the whole night. If that's alright with you..." Twilight asked. "And to make up for this, I can help her in the fields for the next few days."

Granny thought about it. Then gave her answer. "Ya seem to be quite smart, so Ah'll have ta make good use o' yer brains. Ah got an inventory book what needs balancin'. An' Ah can't keep mah darned eyes open long enough to concentrate. Ya'll still be walkin' the fields to be sure."

"Agreed. Aj?" Applejack nodded her head and set out with Twilight. On the way to the library, they stopped for a bite to eat. There, they talked about Link's whole plan, and why he did it. Or at least, the reason he gave her. Right at noon, the pair had walked up to the library and found the whole group on its steps. "So, Link. Aj told me all about your whole 'plan'. I must admit, it was very well put together, given your time constraints."

"Thank you. It's only payback for getting me out of the house. But, I see you're back, with company, right at noon. As I expected."

"So you counted on me going to get her, didn't you?" Link nodded. "To think I was played so easily. I'll have to keep up my mental training too." She looked over to the rest of them. "Alright, everypony. Inside! Link's got presents to open!"

Several cheers came and gone as the party went indoors once more. First, Link opened Pinkie's box. It revealed a cake that didn't quite survive the hour; everypony was able to smell the cake, and had craved it since coming there. "Thank you Pinkie. What's next?" Before him was another box. This time, it was Derpy who put hers forward.

After he took it, he gave it a small shake. "Don't worry. The nothing in there can't break," she offered. He looked at her with a confused expression, then looked at the box.

It's a simple box, and there's holes in the wrapping. Not carefully at all, he tore apart the wrapping and pried open the box to reveal... "An empty box." Link showed everypony, each with a concerned look.

"It is?" Derpy asked, looking inside. "No, there's nothing in it. Just what you asked for right?"

Link thought back to his exact wording. 'I want nothing for my birthday. Best to save your money for when you need it.' "Right. Exactly what I asked for. A box of nothing. How you got it to fit inside anything is a mystery to me. Thanks for nothing, Derpy."

Pinkie started rolling in laughter. As Link grinned her direction, another box made its way in front of him, equal in size to the last. "From me, Link. Take care of it." Twilight lifted the box to him from its place on the table.

As he took it, he felt some weight inside. It's heavy. Link opened the box and found a shiny metal bracelet. "What is this?" he asked, putting it over his left hand. Immediately, the bracelet shrunk just enough to fit his wrist. "Woah."

"That, is a weight-bearing bracelet. Used in conjunction with your own physical strength, it boosts your ability to lift, push, pull, throw, and brace by 4-fold. However, as there is a limit to your strength, so too is there one placed on it to restrict its use. So with that in mind, don't go tossing towers," Twilight advised.

"I won't. Promise. But, I could find a good use for this, I'm sure. Will it stay on my arm forever?"

"No. It can retract its tightness at your request, but only so far. I'd have made it bigger, but I ran out of usable material." Twilight remembered her horrid display a few nights ago when she mangled half the lump of steel trying to reform it. "So unfortunately, your wrist will get too big to fit, and you can't wear it anymore. That's not for at least 7 more years, so I wouldn't worry too much."

"I see. Thank you." Without asking, Epona put a book in front of his face. "Gah!"

"Me next!" Epona cried. Without waiting, she opened it up to reveal blank pages.

"An empty... book." He looked at the cover, then the pages once more. "A journal."

"Uh huh. I want you to write about your life in it. Stuff you wouldn't tell your best friend. That's what a journal does for you." Epona backed off and waited.

Link looked at his bracelet, the book, the empty cake tray, and the box full of nothing. "Thank you all for today."

As the evening waged on, several of the guests said they could stay the night, including Derpy, Rainbow, Aj, and Pinkie. Rarity felt she had more stuff to do and one night with Aj and Rainbow would ruin her flow. Fluttershy had to be home to care for her animals.

Link retreated to his room to start his journal entry for the day.


July 20th.
Journal Entry #001.

I turned 13 today. Several ponies brought me gifts, despite my saying otherwise. One of which is this journal. I don't exactly know what to write at the moment, so I guess introductions are in order. My name is Link. I have a companion fairy. Her name is Navi. She's been with me my whole life.

My mother is the princess, though I am adopted. She's done her best.

I'm a Royal Guard, like my brother, and an accomplished swordsman.

Signing off for now: Link of Equestria


Once complete, he looked to the inside cover and wrote, "If lost or stolen, I’m coming for you." Then wrote "Link's Journal" on the cover after he shut it. He looked at Navi. "You know, I never did talk to Emerald. I'm doing that now." He reached into his pocket, played her song and listened.

"-st fantastic! First I get in trouble for sneaking in, then-"

"Am I interrupting something?" Link asked, making the smile in his voice apparent.

"Gah!" Emmy cried. Then, things were silent for a moment. "Human? Is.. that you?"

"Of course it is. Who else talks in your head? Uh, don't answer that. I've got a question for you if that's-"

"I talk to myself all the time." You kinda caught me at a bad time. I can't go into specifics, but... How familiar are you with caverns?

"I've been in one or two."

"One or two what?" Navi asked. trying to stay in the conversation.

"Caverns," Link replied. "Emerald, what's going on?"

"I'm moving, alright? Hey- watch where you're putting that pointy end!" Ugh, sorry. Mr. Shoving Stick's trying to get me to hurry. I made a scene, and got into some royal trouble. And about the caverns, can you arrange for access inside the mountain?

"This sounds serious. What's in the mountain, and why me?" Link asked her.

Navi landed beside him on his shoulder. "The mountain she went to before?" Link nodded.

There's a mine in the mountain, rich in ore. I wanted to explore its depths, but sadly, it's restricted to military or royalty. And with good reason. I found some explosives in there, like they're mining by blowing up the rock. Now get this: those explosions angered the creatures inside. Now, they've overrun the place! "Hm? Oh, uh. Uh huh. What he said I did, I did that."

"Even with the approval of the princess, it'll take days to assess the situation officially. I'll see what I can do, but don't be disappointed if I come back empty handed." He looked over at Navi and continued, "But I have to ask, and be honest: did you know it was military before you snuck in?"

Of course I did. That's why I had to sneak in.

"That made it harder for me to get approval, but that doesn't matter now. If things are going wrong at a military facility, I have to act before an official report gets submitted. Earliest I can be there is tomorrow. Sound alright?"

"Uh huh. Sounds good. To both of you." A moment of silence. "Never you mind who."

"Great." Link focused for a moment and severed the connection. "Navi, we're going back into the field." He took out a scroll and pencil and wrote a letter quickly. "We're going to the mountain mine."


Downstairs, Pinkie shared with Twilight the last bit of cake. Seemed Aj, Epona, and Rainbow had plenty. The latter pony turned her head to the stairs, hearing Link's footfalls. "Hey birthday boy. You're still up?" Dash questioned. She waited, then saw his expression was somewhat serious. "What, should I start calling you 'Birthday Man' now?"

"Dash, he's being serious. Something's up," Twilight enlightened. "What happened?"

"It's ..." I can't tell Dash about Emmy quite yet. She'll get so worried, and there'll be nothing stopping her from invading the mines on her own. "It's about the stone I got from the tundra. Remember when I said it's one of three?" There we go. Emerald, I believe, also has one, so it'l-

"Yeah. What of it? Did you find another?" Twilight asked him. "Or maybe you heard where one could be. Either way, you could be going back into the field."

She's... She's actually giving me an explanation I can agree with. "That is correct. Apparently, there's a mine to the north. But I'll spare you the details until I get back. Spike? Spiiiike?!" Around the corner came the little dragon. "There you are. Do me a favor and send this to the princess." Link handed Spike the letter he wrote before coming downstairs.

"You got it." Spike blew it away and watched it float. "What was it?"

"A request. See, I'm leaving tomorrow, but this place isn't connected to a railroad, so I need to fly to get there. But to even get in to the mine, I need royal approval. So I'll be stopping at the castle to receive said parchment." Link looked at Epona. "You know, since it's up north, and so is your old home... How about I let you tag along? To the castle I mean. Just to arrange for transport to your old home to get your things."

"You'd do that? For me?"

"I said I would try to help you, and this is what it looks like. Unless you're afraid of heights." Link watched as she sat beside him. Easily, she met his own height.

"Not at all. The sudden stop at the bottom would only hurt for a split second anyway, but I won't fall out of a royal chariot." Link was quiet at her admittance. "I joke. I know how to not fall."

"I hope so." Dash looked at him. "What?"

"You ... are you hiding something? You seem a little eager to leave." Dash questioned. She watched his gaze go from Epona to herself. "Any particular reason why?"

Link was, again, quiet. She'll believe me if I give her a reason. Any reason but Emmy. "Actually I am hiding something. And I am eager to leave. The mines in question have been overrun by strange creatures. Like the last time I got a stone, I had to fight strange beings to get it. If it's going to be the same here, I'll need to be somewhat prepared." He turned to Twilight. "The metal for this bracelet. Where did you get it?"

"Rarity sent a letter to her contact ... in the mountain. Oh no." Link nodded. "Oh no no no. That metal was mined from the tunnels that- oh yeah, this is bad."

"I'm lost. What?" Dash admitted.

Twilight turned to her and explained, "You know that gift I gave him? The metal I used came from the mines he's going to. The metal I got came from Rarity's contact. The one behind military protection. If things are as bad as he claims, and I suspect they are, then all of Equestria could be deprived of its resources!" Spike belched up a letter and Link took it immediately.

"'My Loyal Knight Link. The Mines of Copper's Bell is indeed a restricted access location. Interestingly enough, I was discussing it with my sister, and she agreed to send you out. A service will be there in the morning to carry you to the castle. From there, you will take another to your location. There is much and more I would tell you now, but face to face is easier. Princess Celestia.' Alright then." Link coiled the scroll. "Epona, I'm only going to ask this once. What ever your answer is the one I'm going to stand by." He turned to her and asked, "How do you feel, having attached yourself to me?"

"What kind of-" Twilight began, but was met with a hoof.

"You ask if I'm alright getting involved with you, is that right?" Link nodded. "I'm perfectly happy. You've called me here. Me. A nopony from nowhere. Thousands of others, and you call... me. I have to believe there's a reason. Until I find out what that reason is, I will attach myself to you as best as I can."

Twilight smiled and added, "And you're alright with what he does?" Epona nodded. "Alright." She turned to him and concluded, "If only she was like you, I'd say she was a keeper."

"Wha-!" Link started, but cut himself off. "Epona, get some sleep, we have an early start tomorrow." Quickly, he turned and ran up the stairs, Navi following close behind.

Applejack came out of the kitchen and announced, "Alright everypony. Pie's done, come an' get it~"


"Tomorrow, we leave for another mission. I have to be ready this time." He lay in his bed in thought. The mines... Emerald... The second stone. Which is it? Hers or theirs? And how will I convince them to part with it? It was only sheer luck that Prism parted with hers so easily. Still don't know what she was going on about. Hmm. Ruby helped me last time. Her own fire might actually be a hindrance here. Maybe I can get Emerald to join me, having been in there before. With the royal pardon of course. "Good night, Navi."

She had already fallen asleep in his hat on the desk.

Chapter 26: The Mountain Gate

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Like most days, Link and Navi rose with the morning sun. Unlike most days however, the pair were going though a checklist of things to bring with them. Naturally, sustenance held priority over all else. Since the two were going to the inside of a mountain, Link decided against bringing his warming underclothes.

Down the stairs, the two of them had piled their materials near the table, and a few on it as well. "10 apples, 2 bottles of water, a bottle of milk, and 3 sandwiches special made." Link made several checks on the scroll. "Boomerang, whetstone, cloth, field first-aid kit, notepad, oh, and my journal and writing supplies." Link quietly ran up the stairs, got his journal and came back down. "You'd never let me hear the end of it if I left it here."

"You're right," Epona replied, checking her own bags. "I want to hear all about your trip, like I was there myself." She placed her framed picture on the top of one of her bags. "But, don't break any laws, alright?"

"I'll be the acting law there, so that's unlikely." Link began putting his stuff in his pocket pouch and continued talking, "It's not like I'm making any decisions on my own. Navi'll be there too. Right?" The fairy nodded on his head. "See? I'm never really alone."

"I'll feel alone. How long will you be gone, you think?"

"I'm not entirely sure. Might take a couple days, might take a month. I don't know for sure." Link adjusted the sword and shield on his back and knelt to fix his shoes. "But I can't come back unless I've solved their problem. If that takes any longer than a month, I'll send you a letter saying as such." Done, he rose to his feet and put a hand on Epona's forelock. "I'll be fine. You'll be fine. We'll be fine."

Epona was silent, for she heard a knock on the door. Quickly, she turned to see two guards in the opened archway. "A fair morning to the three of you," a mare introduced, stepping in without permission. "Are your things ready?"

"They are. However, I wish to make an amendment to your order." He walked toward the two of them. "Epona here is to accompany me to the castle. Are there objections?"

The two pegasi looked between each other, then the mare returned her glance to Link. "I have none, but... Princess Celestia said nothing of a ... third pony... All the same, it's not up to me. So I guess you can come along." The mare watched at Epona strapped her bags on and headed for the door. "Uhh... I have to warn you, I've never been a great flier."

"Is that supposed to be reassuring?" Link asked. "I joke. I'm sure you'll do fine." Link, Navi, and Epona climbed aboard. "Just ..." he leaned over to her and suggested, "try to match his wing-beats."

With that, they took off toward the castle. Twilight saw them leave from her bedroom window. "... be safe, Link..."


"It's not as bad as she said it was," Link commented, holding the side of the chariot. "How're you holding up over there?"

"I'm fine," Epona said. "The view is amazing!" She had been watching the skyline since they departed. "What's over that way?"

Link watched her point to the east. "A big fancy city. 'Manehattan' I think the name was?" He turned and saw the castle quickly approaching. "We're here."

"Alright you two!" the mare warned, "Brace yourselves!" Link increased his grip on the side. Hastily, the transport descended to the landing platform. Incorrectly. All the way down, it lurched, halted, and turned. Finally, it skidded to a stop well beyond where it should have. "Well..." she began, "any landing you can walk away from is a good landing... eh heh..."

"My dear pegasus..." Celestia began, then sighed. "I want you and your flight partner to do 10 laps around the castle's bordering wall." Luna watched as the two flew off without rebuttal or argument. "Link, and... who's this?"

"Your Highnesses, meet Epona. Epona, meet the princesses of Equestria."

Epona knelt very low, almost shaking from nervous feelings. "Put at ease your worries, Epona. We are not all the rumors make us out to be. If that is the issue."

"No no, that's not it... It's... I've never even seen the princesses. Barely heard a thing about them, even as a filly." The sisters looked between them. "So I'm sorry, if I come across as... unknowledgeable."

Link stayed at his full height before the princesses, earning a glance from Epona. "Princess Celestia? I have also come with a request. My companion is trying to move in with my sister and me at the library. But her belongings are elsewhere. I come to ask if you may lend her a pair of pegasi and a container to move her things from where she lived, back to the library in Ponyville."

"Boy, we do not run a cab service. Nor do we open our services to the public," Luna replied. "But..." she looked at her sister, "you seem to have a good reason, so we will at the very least hear you out." They turned and walked in the castle. Link and Navi followed silently to the throne room, where two guards stood by the two thrones. Epona was escorted separately to Link's old room to wait for him.

As Link looked at the two guards, he took note that they were two he'd never seen before. The mare to his right was a little nervous, and kept making eye contact with him. The stallion on his left stood at attention, as a guard should. "In your letter, you said there was 'much and more' to talk about?"

"Yes. As I said, the mines are a restricted location. Why do you think that is?" Celestia asked.

"Ore is mined from the tunnels. The armorers and blacksmiths smelt the ores into metal, which is then used to supply the royal guard with an assortment of weapons." Link looked at his bracelet. "Stuff like this."

"And what is that? A bracelet?"

"In simplest terms, yes. The extended version calls it a weight-bearing enhancer. This one allows for 4x the weight. A gift, from a Ponyvillian." He put his arm down as the bracelet clanked against the corner of his shield.

"Then tell me, how did you come to know of the mine, if I never brought it up?" Celestia leaned in, a bit eager to hear his response.

Link took a breath, and decided to word it plainly, taking out his ocarina. "I was given a string of notes from somepony. I played them on this, and found it let me talk with said pony with thoughts. It also seems to not have any defined range."

"And this pony..."

"This pony was caught in the mine which I need to go to."

Celestia thought for a moment, then produced a scroll. "Would this pony be by any chance, 'Emerald Storm'?"

"That's the one. Already received the report, have you?" Celestia nodded. "I see. Then, since you already know of her, this'll make it a bit more difficult."

"What do you mean?" Luna asked him.

"First off, don't punish her too bad. She didn't know they were restricted. Secondly, I believe she is in possession of one of the three keys I need. While this one trip may not bring it to me, if she was punished, it may make it that much harder to get it from her," Link explained. "Aside from that, I also believe there's the last one in the mine, or at least close to it. With her help, it'll be easier to obtain."

"So, if I have this right, you ask if I can allow access of a government controlled operation to a civilian?" Celestia questioned plainly.

That left Link stunned for a moment, at what she asked. "Well... yes." He hoped for the best.

And got it. "As you wish." Princess Celestia quickly wrote a letter of admission and gave it to Link. "I'll have a letter written before you go. Now, what of this, Epona?"

With the blue instrument in hand, he replied, "This ocarina brought her to me. I don't know the specifics, but whatever this world has in store for her, I play some part of it. I would be very grateful if you could provide a service to her. Her belongings are in a town to the north of here. As I said earlier, she's moving in with Twilight, Spike, Navi and myself at the library in Ponyville."

The princesses looked between themselves, then back to Link, who looked a bit nervous. "Very well. If it is important to you, I'll see it done." Celestia turned to the guards at their side. "Would you kindly inform the flight pegasi to ready a carrier? In addition to Link's original transport."

"I-Immediately, your Highness," the mare replied. She ran past Link, making eye contact as she did. The stallion remained.

"Pray forgive our recruit's lack of discipline. She is... new, to our guard," Luna provided. Celestia looked cautiously at her. "A transfer, from another unit. Their's is a bit more... lax when it comes to rules. We're still breaking her in."

"Don't break her too much. Good guards are few and far between. With all that's said, may I retreat to my room? There is news I must share with Epona before departure." With Celestia's and Luna's approval, Link walked back to his room, where Epona waited patiently.


"So..." Epona started as Link shut the door behind him, "what did they say?"

"They said yes. They'll help. There'll be a transport and carrier waiting for you on the flight deck, next to mine." With gratitude intended, a bit too strongly, Epona tackled Link to the ground in a very firm embrace. "Alright, alright, get offa me," he barely managed to say. As she stood up, she backed away and let him stand. "I'll reiterate: they agreed to assist in your endeavor, however, as I'm on a different route, you'll be alone in this."

"R-right. How long are you going to be gone?" she asked, sitting before him.

"Only a week or so. I don't know exactly. I'll have my hands full the moment I arrive. And depending on their situation, it might take less, or even more time than I thought." He looked down, but quickly raised his vision at her once more. "But, at least I won't be bored. Plenty to do an' all."

"Well, if you need me, just call for me. I'll come running." Epona offered, strapping her bags back on. "Though, it might take a while..."

"Promise." He stood his full height, situated his belt and headed for the door. "But yeah, I just came back to get you. Transports won't wait all day for us."

As the three of them left the room, they were escorted to the flight deck by a pair of guards, where another pair waited beside the princesses. The latter two the same as in the throne room.

"Now Link," Celestia began, "this letter will get you past the gate guardian, as well as your would-be-companion. However, you may need more than parchment to see their village's chief. He can be... stubborn, to speak of it lightly."

"We know naught of said stallion's attitude, therefore we can make no judgements, nor offer sound advice. All the same, we wish you and Epona safe travels." Princess Luna lowered her head to Link's level, which wasn't as far as she thought, with his new height atop the chariot.

Link took the letter offered by Celestia, and stowed it in his pocket. "Wait, how will I return when I'm done?"

Celestia thought a moment. Then replied, "In the village, there is a small motel, with a few rooms. The guards who fly you there can take residence there for the time being. Don't forget to use the royal seal for proof of identity." She looked at the two carrying him and nodded.

"Thank you again, Princess. It shouldn't take me more than a week." He saw Epona clamber into her own, between the pegasi and carrier.

Epona leaned forward, and hoofed her pegasi a map. "My town is that yellow circle right there." She pointed. The two looked at it, then nodded, causing Epona to retract her map. Putting it away, she waited for lift-off.

"Epona, the royal carriers are very reliable. You can trust them," the sun princess assured. "Fly swiftly to Link's destination." Then, she looked over to Link. "Stay calm, be safe. And as always, be perceptive."

The princesses watched as their pegasi took flight. Link to the north-east, and Epona just north. "Sister... I must ask... Shouldn't we be helping him find the keys he needs?"

"No, Luna. This is his mission. He alone, must break the seal placed on the door, for he alone, can reap the reward."


Half an hour later, he touched down just inside the village, beside a rather lonely tree. Now off duty, the two pegasi went to the required motel and made their stay known. Link looked back at the entrance to the village and saw the archway over it. "'Kakariko ... Mura'? ... That's an odd name."

"There you are!" a familiar voice called out above him. Strange, he didn't hear her wingbeat until she called out to him. "Glad you made it, Human."

"Hey... Emmy, I-"

Emerald landed in front of him heavily. "You're gonna tell me how you can talk in my head."

"Oh, well..." Link retrieved his ocarina and held it up. "This little thing. Played your song, and that's all there is to say about it." He put it away, as Emmy got a closer look. "But, business first. Where's the way up the mountain?" In silence, Emmy raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I can get you in too."

"Good." She turned to her right and pointed. "It's just over there. Hey... who's your friend?"

"Who? Oh, Navi?" The fairy in question came out and showed her face. "I'm glad she wants to meet you finally."

"What is she?"

Navi came out and flew around. "I'm a fairy, and I've been under his hat for most of the ride here. And, I was under his hat when you two first met. A divine pleasure to finally meet you."

"Much the same."

Link followed Emerald up a set of stairs. "What's up there?" he asked, pointing up at the tall tower.

"He's Rolling Thunderbolt. He's in charge of the weather in this little, er, not-so-little village. Over there," Emmy pointed up another 2 sets of stairs, "is who you talk to to go up the mountain. With me."

"Yes, with you. Don't make me regret this..." With Emmy following behind him, he walked up the stairs to the rather gruff-looking stallion, clad in royal armor and a spear at his side. I sure hope I don't mess this up any...

Chapter 27: The Mining City

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Both Link and Emerald Storm stood before the royal guard stationed at the mountain gate. The stallion looked down at Emerald and frowned. "You. Ain't you supposed to be in your temporary home?"

Emmy shook her head. "You may have tossed me out once, but this time, I brought reinforcement." She turned to Link at her side, and Navi on his head. "Those two will vouch for me."

Link looked at her and also frowned, but turned back to the guard and straightened his expression. "Agreed, I'm here to request passage up the mountain. Emerald Storm here, is to be my attendant."

"See that sign over there?" the stallion asked, pointing at a wooden sign stuck in the ground to his left. "'No Entry', and that means you two."

"Might be more effective closer to you," Link commented. "Besides, I do have permission." He took out the letter and showed it to the guard.

"Oh, this is..." The guard took the letter in his magic and looked closer. "Surely, this is her insignia." He opened it and read aloud, "'This is Link and Emerald Storm. They are granted access to the mountain. The two are under orders, from Princess Luna and myself, to aid the mining city.'"

Emerald held her head high in pride, only to waver when the guard started laughing. "Hey, what's so funny?"

"That she would send a kid to deal with their chief is such a laugh!" The guard tried to calm down, and after a minute or so, he succeeded. "Don't get me wrong, I'll let you through, but I gotta warn you, he can be rude."

"I've heard that one before, but want to or not, it has to be done."

"As you say, kid. Orders are orders, after all." The guard struck the ground with the base of his spear and the gate began to open. "Just be careful up there 'Mr. Hero'. As for you, I better not need to escort you out again."

"You won't have to. I'm taking responsibility for her," Link said.

"Well in that case, you'll need this." The guard gave Link a slip of paper. "That there is a voucher good for one absurdly sturdy shield. It'll help if you plan on climbing to the top. Show that to one 'Titanium Hammer', he'll make ya one."

"Thanks for that. I could use a better one."

"Now, since I gave you some advice, I could use your help. I got a boy, and he's been bugging me to get him a mask. A shop opened up recently in Canterlot and, well, I'm stuck here. It's alright if you say no, I'll understand. But if you do, I'll pay you for it."

Link paused and thought. "Why not... It'll do me some good. What mask did he want?"

"Great! He wants the Kitsune mask. Yellow face, black nose, pointy ears, can't mistake it." The guard bowed and added, "Thanks again, kid. I would go, but... This is my job."

Link bid farewell and departed with Emmy up the trail. She leaned over to him and whispered, "So... your real name is Link?" He sighed and put his hand to his forehead, causing Emmy to laugh a little. "Nothing wrong with it. It's a good name, and I like it."

"Really wish he didn't read the letter aloud like that..." Link looked ahead and saw a large boulder. "I never told you my name, because... do you remember?'

"You didn't think it was important, right?" Link nodded. "Well, I'd say you put yourself into a position where your name has value." Emerald turned the corner to her right and continued, "And on that subject, do you remember when you called me on your ocarina? The first time? Well, when you did, I was entertaining a guest in Canterlot."

"Not too long after that, I got your letter telling me exactly that."

"Right, I did send one... Had to make sure you got it. Anyway, what do you think about her? The mare, I mean?"

Link paused. She's asking me what I think of Epona. "For starters, she's very kind-hearted, and more than friendly. Every time I come into the room, she tackles me to the ground."

"Y-you live with her?!" Emmy yelled. "Since when were you into ponies?"

"What? She's more of a friend. Yeesh, what crawls through your head scares even me." He stopped and put a hand to his chin. "You know, since you bring it up, she told me a little about a mare she met... Might she have been referring to you?"

Emmy turned and smiled widely. "She talked about me?!" she nearly shouted.

Link nodded and continued, "Sure did. Even used a word to describe you. What was it..." Emmy couldn't stand still as Link tried to remember. Suddenly, he held up his index finger in triumph. "Obnoxious."

"She... she called me... obnoxious..." Emmy hung her head and started walking up the path again. "thanks..."

"H-hey now. Don't be that way. I'm sure she meant 'endearing'. And if not..." Link ran to catch up with her, and patted her lightly on her shoulder, "then whatever you did, you dd with good intentions." He looked up the path and saw a sign. "Now that sign has proper placement." Close up, he saw an arrow left and an arrow right. "'Mining City' right, and then 'Mountain Summit' to the left..." Link walked to the right and saw the path go into the side of the mountain. "That's got to be it."

As the three got closer, Link found that Emmy was more fascinated by the circle of rocks on a platform just outside the opening, than by the opening itself. "Don't see that every day. Wonder what it means?"

"Any number of things, really," Navi offered. "Back where I'm from, circles of rocks were everywhere. More often than not, a swarm of butterflies would be flittering within the border it made. Sometimes, people made wishes, standing in the circle, and the butterflies would grant the wish." Navi flew around the rocks. "Though, these could be decorative pieces."

Link laughed a little. "Who'd have rocks as a decoration?" he asked, picking one up to look at it.

"I'd put that stone down, if I were ye," a voice from the side suggested. "Wouldn't want to offend the Keeper."

Link and Navi closed the distance between them and the pony, while Emerald sat in the middle of the rocks facing the opening. "Keeper? Who's that?"

"Our landscaper. He's very picky with his rocks. Put another ring near the entrance to the caves, he did. Swore they brought good luck."

"I'd say they're faulty, what with the trouble y'all've been having." Link looked down and saw a strange plant. "What's this thing?"

"That there's our special crop. Made to make stuff go boom." The pony grinned a creepy grin, then continued, "Bomb flowers they are. We harvest these guys, cut the fuses, and make our own bombs with the shells left behind. Got a whole bag of finished product in those caves, but with that boulder in the way," the pony pointed over the edge, "we can't get in to get them. Since we can't get in to get them, our - ye know what? Never ye mind about that last part." Link and Navi looked between them. "Reckon ye're in a bit of a hurry, so I'll let ye move on."

Link bowed. "Thank you for your ... short explanation. And yes. We are in a hurry." He turned back and saw Emerald in pout stance. "Oh boy. And it seems she's still upset. Me an' my big mouth."

"Upset yer ladyfriend did ye? Shame-"

"My what?" Link questioned. "I'm only 13. Way too young to be thinking about that. Good try though." He walked back to Emmy and asked, "Hey... you alright?"

"Yeah... I'm alright. Just... let's go." She stood and began walking toward the mountain hole. Link got in front of her and crossed his arms with a scowl. "what?"

He sighed, and eased his expression. "I said something wrong, something I shouldn't have... and I'm sorry. I didn't know it'd strike a sourspot."

" ... Like I said, it's fine. Can we go now?" Emmy asked impatiently. Without waiting for an answer, she quickly vanished inside the mountain.

In the blink of an eye. That was strange... fast as she went, I didn't feel any current... "And she's gone." Link turned to the entrance and walked in, only to see Emerald talking with one of the residents. "Uhh.."

"Link, you're too slow. We'll never help these villagers if you walk so slowly," Emmy scolded in a happier tone than before. She turned to the mare at her side. "She was just introducing me to the village." She and the guard walked to the edge of the walkway and looked over the multi-layered village in the ground. "Isn't it spectacular?"

"Not sure that's the word I'd use to describe it. Hey what's that out there?" Link pointed to a rock platform hanging over the middle area.

"That's just our night watcher. He sleeps out there, bein' a pegasus an' all. Feel free to wake 'im up," she replied. "'course I wouldn't. He been awful tired lately, what with all the bad stuff going on."

"Bad stuff like..." Emmy inquired. Link pulled out his notepad and started writing the details.

"Like, our sentries malfunctioning, our mine's blocked by a rock too big to move, an' our chief took that magic stone an' holed himself in his room with it." The mare began pacing. "Our workers are getting restless since they can't mine no more, an' because of that, our special crop's dwindlin'."

"'Crop'?" Emmy asked.

"The bomb flowers, right?" The mare nodded. "They grow in the mine?" Another nod as Link wrote it down. "Is there anything I should know about what the mine yields, that you can tell me?"

"Aside from the boom plants, aye. Several rock types an' minerals, mostly metal. Used for smeltin' by our own blacksmiths. Ye can find them on the second floor if ye're interested."

Link closed his notepad. "Thank you. Which way is down?" he asked, putting away his material and looking down.

"Ever thought of jumping?" Emerald asked in an all-too-serious tone. "You'll be fine if you roll. Might want to start a bit ... closer to the ground first. huh?" She saw him climb over the fence. "I wasn't serious, I hope you know."

"Sounded like you were." Link looked down. "If I don't fall now, I'll be afraid to in the future. If I get hurt, I walk it off." Link held his breath and leapt off, falling the 15 feet to the floor below, rolling a few times to stop his momentum. Emmy could hear his breath of relief.

"Ye coulda just used the stairs," the guard offered. Emmy flew down and chuckled at him.

"You didn't have to jump, you know that... right?" Emerald laughed some more.

"It worked didn't it?" he replied, pointing at her face. "I got you to come back."

Emmy fell silent and returned to her gloomy self. "Yeah, well... I didn't ask to be cheered up."

"Didn't have to. Now let's go one more." Again, he started climbing over the fence, only to be stopped by Emmy's reaching hoof.

"Let's not, okay? You could really hurt yourself. We'll take the stairs. Besides, I'm not carrying you if you can't walk any more." She turned to a staircase behind them and walked down, listening for Link to follow.

And he did, smiling. "That was too risky, Link. You seriously could have been hurt," Navi said, concerned.

"Good thing I rolled." After an unknown amount of minutes later, they found themselves on the next lowest floor. "You've got to be kidding me!" he cried. "Just how deep does this city go?"

"Only about one more floor. Our boss lives on the bottom," a stallion replied, "behind a stone door. Got a store down there too if ye want to buy somethin'."

"I thought this place is military owned?" Link asked him.

"Aye, ye're not wrong. However, there are those who live here who aren't. Ye'll find the houses on the floor above ye."

Link shook his head. "No thanks. Come on, Emmy. We can't-"

"Hold on, just a moment, Link." Emerald turned to the stallion and asked, "If there are houses up here, why are there still houses in the village before the mountain?"

"A fair question. Our city here is reserved for workers an' smithies. Miners an' the like have moved into the mountainside to have a better commute to work."

Link thought, got his notepad out and started, "Since we're asking questions, I have one for you: I was told the chief holed himself in his room with the magic stone. Why would he do that?"

"Ye heard about it, huh? Aye. Took it from the platform up there an' locked it away in his room. I didn't ask, didn't think I should." The stallion shrugged. "Why are ye interested in such a stone anyhow?"

"I can't answer that. One more: I was recommended to a particular smith by the name of Titanium Hammer. Where can I find this individual?"

The stallion pointed to a long hallway. "At the end o' that one. Best to leave him be for now though. Been real upset that he ain't gettin' much work. I mean, sure there was one request about a week ago. But that was small."

"I see..." Link closed his notepad and stowed it away once more. "Thank you for your assistance." The two walked down another hall, another flight of stairs, and found themselves on the lowest floor. There, in the middle, stood a giant clay urn. "That's pretty cool, now that I see the detail. Who made it?"

"I'd bet the chief of this place," Emmy answered. "Wouldn't surprise me any. Anyway there's a shop down here."

"We'll stop by later. Right now, I want to get in the chief's room." Link looked around at the doors and saw one with a carpet in front of it. "Must be that one." Upon further inspection, the carpet was decorated with various diamond shapes, each with three triangles coming out of the top. "Strange pattern. Uh... How do we get in?"

"Try knocking?" Emmy rapped on the door a couple of times. "Chief? Are you-"

"GO AWAY!!!" he shouted beyond the door.

Emmy and Link looked at each other. "Princess Celestia sent us to help you and your city."

"Likely story! Where's yer proof?!" he bellowed once more. "Without evidence, that door ain't openin' for NOPONY!"

Link tried to reach for his letter, but failed. "Right, I left the letter with the gate guard..."

"Perfect. How are we going to get in now?" Navi asked. "He's obviously very set on this door not opening to just anyone."

"No proof, no entry. Now stop wasting my valuable time!"

He looked around and saw the shop. "Guess we're asking somepony else..." They entered the shop and looked around. A few barrels of sticks, some rolls of rope, a few well-worn picks and replacement parts scattered the room. Behind the counter, a mare was watching them.

"What can I do ye for?" she asked.

Link looked at Emmy, who looked back at him. "She asked you, not me. Go ahead."

Emmy took a breath and approached the counter. "My friend and I are having some ... trouble, getting an audience with the chief. Is there a way to get him to open his door?"

The mare behind the counter nudged a glass jar on the counter. "Information like that comes with a price, lady." Emerald looked at link and smiled. With a sigh, he placed two bits in the jar. "First an' foremost, Boss don't like no visitors, 'specially those from the outside."

"Alright, but that wasn't my question," Emmy complained. Again, the mare looked at the jar, and again, Link deposited two bits, glaring at Emerald. "Now, how do we get in to actually see him?"

"Stingy fellow ain't ye? Alright, ye gotta prove ye're here on business. Who sent ye exactly?"

"The princess did. But we left our proof with the gate guard before the mountain." Emerald looked back at Link who dropped his glare.

"Have ye anything ye can prove yer sent by the princess? Anything at all?"

"If we ha-" Emmy felt Link's hand cover her muzzle and muffled her complaint.

"One thing, but it's a longshot," he admitted. The two turned and started walking out.

The mare behind the counter waved her hoof. "Don't count on it working," she said, causing them to stop and turn around. "Won't tell ye why though," she added, looking up and to the side.

Quickly, Link dropped three more bits and asked, "Why shouldn't I expect it to work?"

"He's been in a foul mood lately. Almost a week. Somethin' about a 'miscalculation'? I hear all his colorful language, an' I can tell ye he gets pretty mean..." She looked at Link and finished, "That be all I can tell ye."

Again, Link and Emerald put their backs to the shop and started walking. Link stopped a moment, and turned one more time. "Before I forget..." He walked to a pile of rope. "How much?"

"Fer the rope there?" He nodded. "3 bits a yard."

"Great." Link dug into his money pouch and retrieved 60 bits. "Twenty yards should do."

The mare got out from behind her counter, measured out the length he paid for, and took his money. "What in the world ye need rope for anyway? An' why so much of it? Shouldn't ten be plen'y?"

"Just something I might need later. Thanks again." He took the rope and coiled it neatly in his pocket. Then he paused. "Specifically, I'll be needing it for exploration."

For the third time, he and Emmy turned and walked out. "So, what's this 'longshot' you mentioned?"

Link went and stood on the carpet before the door. He took out his ocarina and held it up. "This." Carefully, he played the song he learned from Twilight's book. Celestia's Lullaby, or at least the first 11 notes he knew.

"That's not a longshot, that's a song!" Emmy argued. All the same, the door opened upward and allowed them to enter. "That was cool, I'll admit."

Inside, Link saw a large earth pony stallion hunched over a table wearing a black apron and goggles. "Well, ain't ye full o' surprises," he said, turning to look at them. He revealed a similar tattoo on his left foreleg near the shoulder resembling the mark on the carpet. "Last thing I expected was to be met by some fledgeling barely big enough to crawl."

"Uhh..." Link tried.

"That my Sworn Brother would send a kid to 'help', when what I need is a seasoned vet... Have I fallen so low?! Does the princess think my problems so easily solved that she'd send a half-pint to do a stallion's job?!"

"But we-"

"Get out! Messenger or not! I-" Link began playing the song again, while Emerald hid behind him. For some reason, this calmed him down. "Nice try boy, but that one got ye two in here. If ye really want to play music, let me hear something from the heart and soul. Let me feel your passion."

Link looked behind him at Emerald. "I might have something like that... But I'll need your help, as I don't know it all."

"M-Me?" Emerald asked, looking up at him. "What, my song?" Link nodded. "Alright... But I can't guarantee it'll come out right. I mean, it may be my song, but this'll be the first time I've done something like this..." She got out and stood beside him. Quietly, she began humming her song, just loud enough for him to hear. Link closed his eyes and listened very close, putting a finger position for each note. After a minute, she stopped. "Did you get it?" she asked him.

"Maybe I lost a few of the notes, but I got most of it. Let's go through it a few times." Emmy started humming loudly, and Link began playing along with his own music. The stallion began nodding his head in rhythm to the music. After a single play through, Link started it over. This time, Emmy added some background music to go along with Link's main sound, and it fit perfectly. Wildly, the stallion began dancing to the music, flailing his forelegs and stomping his hindlegs.

"Now that's what I'm talkin' about! That beat, the rhythm, the passion! Such a hot mixture of sound! It rivals the heat our bellows produce!" he proclaimed as he slowed to a stop. "I want to apologize for my earlier anger. My name is Heavy Swing, Village Chief, but everypony calls me Boss, for obvious reasons. We've been hit with more than our share of problems lately. First our mine gets infested with creatures, then the sentries we created to fight them off go an' get corrupted all 'cause we used a metal core. Then, in an effort to cut our losses, we drop a boulder in front of the only way in an' out. Needless to say, until our issues are fixed, this mine's out of order."

Link pulled out his notepad and asked, "I heard from some of the others that you took the magic stone and hid it in here. What is the significance of this stone?"

"Funny ye should ask that. Our village was nothing before we found it ages ago. We decided to hoist it high above our city, as we believed it brought good fortune. We built our city around it, an' thanks to the spoils of the mines, we've lived happy lives. Our smithies have minerals to use, which we make weapons an' such for the royal guard. The crops we grow help to expand the mine too."

"Which leads me to my next question: The pony by the bomb flower on our way in said there's a bag of finished product still in the mine somewhere. How is the finished bomb different from the flower version?"

"The final bomb can be carried and lit at any time. The flower, while it has a longer fuse, ignites the moment ye pull it from the ground."

"Alright..." Link said, crossing it off his list. He closed it and asked, "You specified metal core. Why's that?"

"Eh?" the stallion asked. "Oh, ye mean the sentries? Aye, metal is right. The other 7 were made of stone, and as such, we cast a spell to control them. But, we soon found that when not given orders, they'd stand around, so we crafted a bigger, better sentry with a metal core. This one was meant to be the leader, an' relay the orders to the others. But the spell went awry an' caused a major malfunction. Soon enough, they believed we were the enemy, so we had to lock them inside with the monsters."

"That's unfortunate. In any case, I have a deal to make with you, if you're interested." Link put his stuff away and continued, "In exchange for my services, including: the removal of the sentries you placed, and the monster clearing, I want something in return."

"Hold on there, kid. I got one last request before ye go on yer merry way. That metal core I mentioned... Well, I'll be needin' it back. To find out what went wrong, an' to make it better so somethin' like this don't happen again."

Link asked, "Is there a way to deactivate it? Like a switch or something?" The stallion shook his head. "So you want me to destroy the rock body but not the core. Alright..."

"Aye. An' in return, I'll give ye our magic stone. Sound fair?"

He's just going to give it to me? I was going to ask for it anyway, but now I don't have to. That works. "Alright. You have yourself a deal."

"That's great and all, but what do I get out of it?" Emmy asked him.

"Oh that's right. Ye're helping him too ain't ye? Tell ye what: he gets the stone, ye'll get a congratulations. As I heard it, ye were caught recently sneaking around here."

"Right..." she replied.

"Consider yer time here borrowed, young miss," the stallion replied. "The entrance is just behind the boulder ye likely saw on yer way up here. Not sure how ye plan on gettin' in, but best of luck to ye."

Link and Emerald bowed, then left the room. Outside his door, Link took out his notepad, and turned it to an empty page. With his writing material, he wrote, "'Destroy Sentries x 7', 'Destroy Monsters', 'Retrieve Metal Core'. Sounds like a short list, but considering what all that entails..."

"Yeah, each one could take forever." Emerald looked up at the urn. "How do you plan on getting through the boulder anyway?"

"I've got an idea, but we need to go somewhere else first." Link walked up the multiple levels of the city to the exit. "Wow, it's already getting dark out," he said, looking up at the sky. He turned his attention to the pony by the flower from earlier. "Excuse me?"

"Oh, ye again..." the mare replied. "Couldn't find what ye were looking for?"

"No, I found it. Oh, this is Emerald Storm. The other pony from before." Link walked to the edge and looked down, seeing the boulder. "How much do you know about the bomb-making process?"

"Everything, seein' as how I'm one of the ones who makes 'em."

"Great. Maybe you can answer a question or two. One: how long does it take for a bomb flower to explode?" Link asked, judging the distance from the cliff to the ground.

"About... 12 seconds. After the final bomb is made, it's only 8. Shorter fuse an' all," she replied.

"Two: Will it explode on impact?"

The mare looked up and replied, "I doubt it. Them shells are tougher than the rocks in the mine. It'd take a serious hit to dent them things. Not sure why you- Hey, what're ye doin' there?!"

Link reached down to the flower and pulled it out of the ground. "Getting rid of your problems. Well, some of them..." Quickly, he threw it off the cliff and watched it hit the ground, the lit fuse visible in the increasing darkness. Seconds later, it exploded, shattering the boulder blocking the cave and opening the entrance. "There we go." He turned to the mare. "You're welcome."

"Ye're an imbecile! Why would we go to the trouble o' closin' it if we wanted to open it again?!" the mare shouted.

"Calm yourself, ma'am. I'm on orders from Canterlot to assist with purging the mines of hostile forces." Link turned to Emerald. "And she is going to help. We are both qualified, to an extent, so please, have faith in us." Link and Emerald silently bowed and walked down the path, leaving the mare to stand there with an open maw of surprise.

Out of earshot, Emmy admitted, "You're so cool sometimes, you know? I didn't even know that was over there. Probably because I was moping before, but I'm really fine now. The way you handled the boss guy inside, that mare behind the counter, all of it. Makes me wonder why you even asked for my help."

"To get you out of trouble. It wouldn't be the first time I did that for somepony, but I'll tell you about that later. For now..." They stopped in front of the entrance to the mines. "We've got a mine to clear." He turned to his left and noticed several whole rocks making a half-circle. "Oh no... The Keeper isn't going to like this at all..."

"Keeper?" Emerald asked, as they walked inside the surprisingly lit mine.

Chapter 28: The Third Dungeon: Mines of Copper's Bell Part I

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Emerald, Link, and Navi atop his hair, entered the mine. Torches were placed several feet above the floor, and quite far apart from each other. Inside, Link felt the temperature rise slightly. Along the ground, he saw several unlit torches. Emmy looked ahead and asked, "You... don't know how deep this goes... do you?"

"Not a clue," he replied. "Bet it goes pretty deep. May be 7 layers, for all I know." He picked one of the torches off the wall and walked with it. "You were here. Don't you know?"

She shook her head. "No. I've only been to the second floor before I was found out. I'm sure it goes deeper though." Emerald touched down and began walking beside him. "Why are you even bringing a torch with? Your eyes should be adjusting just fine."

"I'm not a pony. But you're not wrong. It takes more time for me to get a clear view in the dark." He looked to his sides and saw two empty rooms, with no doors. "Okay, this isn't what I expected..."

"Hm?" she asked. She watched as he walked to the left room and looked around. It was a small room with a long table and a row of lockers. The other side was a mirror image of the first. "These must be their break rooms."

"Sounds right..." he admitted. "Navi, what do you think?"

"She got it right. The ponies likely used the first floor as their base, while the lower floors were used as the mine."

Link turned and saw that Emmy flew on ahead. "Emerald?"

"In here," she replied from the next room over. He followed the sound and came to a larger room with several rows of tables and a counter. "Must be their Mess Hall," she observed. "Big enough to fit most of the mining city from what I saw." She looked back and saw him looking around. Soon, he placed the torch in a slot on the wall.

Link sat at a table and put his gear to the side. "Emerald, come sit for a moment." She did so and saw him take out a pair of apples. "Here," he said, handing her one. "We could be in here a while."

"An apple? For ... me?" She took it and looked up at him again. "Why?"

"I need a reason? Just eat it. You'll need your strength. Can't have you falling to fatigue and be too tired."

She looked down at the apple, and took a bite. Then she heard him take a bite of his own. "So... I'm just an asset to you then?"

He tilted his head. "Where'd that come from?"

"You said you don't want me being useless, in other words." Emerald glanced up and met his gaze.

"In that explanation, yes. You are indeed an asset." She looked shocked and set the apple down. "I-in a good way. It means... ugh. It means you're my valued comrade. And you can bet that so long as you are, I've got your back."

"... Then thank you." Emerald picked up the apple and continued. "Say, which group should we go for first? The sentry things or the creatures?"

"I don't think it matters. The sentries we'll find regardless, and the creatures we'll be hunting. I can't guarantee we'll get them all, but we can try. Have you seen either?"

She nodded. "Yeah, but not up close before. The sentries are three times as tall as we are, and the creatures are green and crawl. Other than that, I don't know anything."

Link shook his head. "It's better than nothing. I'll be counting on you to help me. Part of being on a team." She nodded. "What's that?" he asked, looking past her to a wall. Or, more specifically, at a wooden frame hanging on the wall. He quickly finished his apple, tossed the core, and walked over to it. "Looks like ... a floor plan. For this floor only, but it's a start." He took the framed page off the wall and broke the frame. "That's better. Hope they forgive me."

"Why would you do that?" Emmy asked. "I could have carried it with me."

"And still help me in combat? Likely not. I'll be hanging on to it." He looked it over with Emmy hovering over his shoulder.

"What's these?" she asked, pointing at some squares on the map. "Look like boxes."

"Don't know. Let's find out." Link put his gear back on and followed the map to the opposite room. On the side of the entry, he read a sign that said "Smith's Workshop. Caution: Loud Noises and Bright Lights!". About the room, several anvils, bellows, and tables were scattered. He heard the crunch of Emerald finishing her apple and then saw the line of aprons on the wall. "Certainly brings the mine together."

In one corner, the far right corner, they saw three vertical pieces of equipment. Upon closer inspection, they saw that they were elevator shafts designed for travel between floors. "Check this out," Emmy said, flying near the ceiling. "'Out Of Order! Do Not Use!'"

Link shook his head. "What is it with these ponies and terrible sign placement? Who's their architect? For that matter, who's their maintenance lead?" He lowered his head and changed the subject. "Well, these elevators can't be the only way down." Again, he glanced at the map and saw a path leading into what looked like an empty void. "What's that?"

Emmy looked over him and saw it too. "That's a path that leads down. To the next floor. And if you haven't noticed, there're tracks all over this place."

"I've noticed, but... why do I get the feeling, the makers of the mine didn't have the final version in mind when they built it?" Navi came out and hovered around his head. "Thanks for the light, Navi." He looked closer at the map and saw several more lines decorating the floor. "Even the tracks are inconvenient!"

"You are going to complain about bad floor design the whole way down, aren't you?" Emmy asked.

"Of course I am. For a town of mining ponies, it shouldn't be that hard to construct a proper mine. I could even do better, with time." Emmy shrugged her shoulders and followed his lead out of the room. Sure enough, he saw tracks along the ground. They followed them left and down, deeper into the mine. First, it curved left, then right, then left again.

On the side of the second floor entrance, Emerald saw another map. "At least they put up maps. Hm?" She leaned close to it and squinted.

"Yeah. One good thing doesn't outweigh the several bad I've already said."

"Ugh. Just- Hoof me that map, will you?" Link chuckled at her use of "hoof", but handed it to her anyway. She flattened it out over the one on the wall and saw the squares lined up. "The floors are layered over each other. I can't believe they dug straight down."

"Criticizing the floor plan is my thing." He felt light shifting in the ground and turned away from the wall.

Emmy hoofed the first map to him, flew away from the wall and said, "Fine. The map is all yours. You want to degrade their ideas? You go right ahead."

"Emmy," he said. In that moment, a ... thing, leapt up from underneath the ground and into the air. She didn't notice until it clipped and cut open her left hind-leg. "Emmy!" he shouted. As the creature landed, Link drove his sword through it and into the ground. "Are you alright?"

She had fallen to the ground in surprise and looked at her leg. "I'm alright. Just a cut. Uhh..."

"Link! Watch out!" Navi warned, pointing down at its blinking red body. Quickly, Link let go of his sword, leapt over to Emmy and landed over her, careful not to crush her. Very few moments later, the creature exploded, causing Emmy to shudder in surprise. Link only braced himself for impact, and thanked his shield for taking the sudden shockwave.

"I ... didn't know they di-ow!" she said, accidentally hitting her wound on Link's leg. Quickly, he got to his feet and helped her up. "Thanks for saving me like that..."

"It was nothing. But, now you're hurt. Hold still..." He reached into his pocket and got out his first aid kit. In response, Emerald sat and extended her injured leg. Link got to work cleaning, and disinfecting her cut, and finished by wrapping her leg in gauze, pinning it off at the end. "That'll hold. It wasn't too serous, so you should be walking around in no time.Until then, may want to stay in the air." He put his supplies away and added, "If Twilight were here, she'd cast a spell to heal you in no time. But, she's not, so no point in hoping."

He cares about me? she thought, letting him fix her up. I didn't expect to see that. "Hey... there was only one here... When I was down here last, there were several, about three, in a group. All going after the others."

"So they attack in groups?" he asked. "If so, then it bothers me that only one showed up this time." He stood up and thought out loud. "To be fair, there are fewer of us down here, so maybe they react to heat? That'd make sense if they're not here anymore. The deeper the mine goes, the hotter it'll be... Which also means the further we go, the more in a group we'll be facing..." He took off his shield and examined it. "Looks like it held up against the blast. I wouldn't trust it to hold against 10 or more at once though."

"By the way..." Emmy asked, "what's that?" She pointed up at the ceiling.

He looked up and recognized the object immediately. Navi flew up to get a closer look. "Hey, it's your sword!" she said. "It must have got stuck up here from the explosion."

"Emmy," Link asked, "Can you get that for me? I can't jump that high." She nodded, and flew up to meet Navi.

Carefully, she grabbed the handle and slowly descended. All at once, the sword got unstuck and she fought to regain her altitude. "There we go. That wasn't as stuck as I thought it was." She flew down and hoofed it over to him as he placed the two pieces on his back. "Small piece of wisdom: don't stick it through something that explodes."

"How was I supposed to know it did that?" She shrugged and chuckled a little, having almost said the same thing earlier. "Heavy Swing never mentioned their explosive ability." He paused his movement and thought, I bet there's even more he kept from us. Either intentionally or not. "We should move on." He walked back to the maps, pocketed the first floor map and looked at the second. Facing the entrance, he pointed to a room on their left. "'Storage'. Let's check it out."

Emerald flew beside Link, who walked, toward the room to the right of the entrance. The knob to the wooden door couldn't turn very far, convincing them it was locked. "That's alright. I can break it open," Emmy said, preparing herself.

Link turned to her and interrupted, "No you're not. Your leg is injured, so you're not bucking anything. We find the key like normal. Is that a problem?"

"No no, no problem. Just... feeling useless. No wait, not useless. Just ... Bored," she admitted. "Aside from that creature, nothing interesting's happening."

"And that's fine too." He walked with the map to the next opening along the wall, which turned out to be a mining tunnel. "Not everything has to be interesting. Sometimes the boring stuff, with the right embellishments, can be entertaining." They circled around, found nothing, and left the way they went in. "After all, too much excitement is bad for your heart, or so I heard."

"You heard from who?" Link shook his head. "Hey, got a question: where do you think the key is?" He stopped and turned left toward the wooden door. "To that door, I mean."

Link looked over the map, illuminated by Navi's light. "Hmm... 'Storage', then there's the elevators, but after that, the only other rooms here look like they are used for mining. Maybe hoping to expand once they get their cave back. I don't think it'll be on this floor. The storage room... I'd be willing to bet the bombs are in there. If so, then the key could be where they're made into the finished product. Where that is, is likely in the same room, or on the same floor, as where they grow."

"How smart are you, really?" Emerald asked. He looked confused, so she elaborated, "You come up with a logical reason in mere seconds. And yet it's so thought out. Is there even a chance you're wrong?"

"Of course there is. For instance, they could be completely clueless and leave the key in the room we're trying to open. Or it could be lying on the ground somewhere we've already been. With a stroke of insanely bad luck, there's a giant creature at the lowest floor with the key we need, and we'll have to fight for our lives just to get it from him. But, all of those situations aren't very likely, since I didn't use common sense."

"You know?" Emmy said, "Your brain must fire two or three times faster than ours. 'cause I didn't even think about that."

He sighed. "It's not that my brain fires faster than yours, it's that I found shortcuts in logic. It helps me plan ahead, find patterns in attacks, even play a simple game of chess. It also helps me be analytical. Finding a weakness was never very difficult."

Emerald looked amazed. "You are incredible. So, you are constantly looking at where there might be an opening?" He nodded. "Against more than one opponent?" Another nod. "Of three different sides?"

"Well, I've never had to do that, but I'm sure I could." She laughed at his admittance. "I'm not kidding. My sister played so many mind games with me, it became second nature to be this way. It helped that-" He stopped and knelt down, feeling the ground. Link looked to the side and saw they were beside the way to the next floor. "They're coming. Might be more this time."

"More?! More you just said?!" Quickly, she flew to the ceiling and watched. "Best of luck to you. I'll be out of range."

At least she'll be out of the way. Link stood and drew his gear. He waited and closed his eyes, listening and feeling. In moments, one of them jumped at him out of the ground on his right. With a hard push, he bashed his shield against it, causing it to fall to the ground. Before he could end it, another one jumped at him from behind. Quickly, he side-stepped and split it in half as the two pieces made small dents in the ground with their resulting explosions. Another jumped at him from the left, near the floor entrance. Link got his shield up in time and saw it stick to his shield. He had to move like he was throwing his shield to get the creature to fly off. Once it hit the wall, it crawled over to him and jumped again. One thrust with his sword, and he pierced the soft underbelly of the creature. With no time to spare, he flung the thing off his blade toward the wall behind him.

Seconds later, it exploded, leaving a hole in the wall and a dent in the ground. "Great job Link!" Emmy applauded, coming back down to the ground. "What's up with this one?" she asked, pointing at the unconscious one. "It's not dead, or it would have exploded by now."

"Yeah... I wondered about it. Maybe I knocked it out?" He sheathed his sword and shield. "I got it!" Link pulled out his journal and pencil. On a blank page, he wrote "Bomb Creature (Working Name)". Carefully, he set the creature on its belly and began drawing it. From the side, then the front, finally the top. "There. I may never get a chance like this again." He looked close at his drawing and noticed something unusual about it.

"You are seriously drawing it?" He nodded and finished up. "Why?"

"So I can better prepare myself for the road ahead. That, and so I can show Epona when we get out of here. I promised her I'd tell her everything." He closed his journal and put the supplies away. "Now, onto the sad part." He drew his sword and pointed it over the creature.

"You're still gonna kill it?" she asked. Link paused, and looked at her.

"Well, yes. I don't need it anymore, and besides, it's the task we've been given." With no further argument, he stabbed through it and flung it away, causing it to explode a few seconds later. "I did learn about it though. It's got thick hide covering its back, strong enough to rip through flesh. However, I believe the underside secretes a substance that lets it stick to walls and other surfaces. It's also rather soft, in comparison to the rough hide. And, it takes about... three seconds? For it to explode. And there's one other thing... But I'll ignore it for now."

"Incredible. That encounter didn't last even 30 seconds and you picked up all that?" she said surprised. "That's awesome!" Her ear twitched and she turned her head to the side.

"What is it? Something else?" She nodded and flew toward the other side of the tunnel. "Careful..." Soon, he began hearing it too. A sound of grinding rock. "That's... different..." he admitted. At the next room, he caught up to her and looked around the corners. After a few, he saw it: a rock sentry. "Definitely different." He ducked behind the wall and said, "It should go without saying at this point, but stay here, and keep off the ground. I'll handle this."

With a silent nod, Emmy flew higher above the ground and watched. Link walked out into the tunnel where the sentry stood. It had its back turned and couldn't see him. At first glance, it appeared not to respond to his footsteps. That didn't matter, only because by the time he got close enough, it turned and saw him anyway. Link froze in place, judging its detection method. On sight, the sentry started lumbering toward him. Hastily, he ran at it and slid under its swinging arm, looking up at its features.

Rock body, slow steps, heavy limbs, thick. On the other side he back-flipped further away and watched as it turned slowly to face him again. Slow reaction time, reacts to visuals. Under his feet, he felt more shifting. More? Two at once, the green creatures emerged behind him. That could work. One of them jumped at him and landed on his shield. The other continued crawling. Link ran at the sentry, who raised an arm over its head. He raised his shield to block and deflected the blow to his side. Knowing the creature detonates three seconds after death, he pressed his shield against the body of the sentry and took the explosion, barely protected by his shield.

The force of the blast sent Link backward, far and hard enough to flatten him on the ground. As the rock sentry crumbled, an odd-colored stone rolled from it. The second creature climbed over his body and began biting his clothes. "Ok, that's-" Quickly, he threw it off of himself against the wall and watched it bury itself under ground. "Different..."

"Link!" Emmy cried, "Are you alright?" She flew to him and helped him to his feet. "That was awesome! Kinda a bummer about the creatures but cool!"

Link walked to the core and picked it up. "So, this is the sentry's core... It looks and feels like it's a softer stone than the others. Meaning..." He tossed it up and split it in half on its way back down.

"That's one down! And a few of those explody things too! Where'd the other one go, anyway?"

"Somewhere else. Two came up, but only one of them perished." Link looked back at the hole and saw it had been filled in. "Back to warn the others I'm sure." He looked over his sword and saw several burn marks. "Aww, come on."

"What is it?" Navi asked.

"I didn't catch it before, but ... My sword might have been dulled from the blast. I'll need to sharpen it before we move any further." He put the gear away and walked back toward the path leading up.

"And you brought what you need to sharpen it... right?" Link nodded. "Good." She flew after him and asked, "Hey... Are you tired any?"

He glanced over his shoulder at her and replied, "Not really. Why?"

"It's night time now, and I'm tired. All the more reason to go back, right?" she asked. Link stopped and sighed. "What?"

"Just wish this place wasn't so deep, is all. Sure. Let's go back up and take a rest." He continued walking and said, "There's something bothering me... about those sentries..."

"What is it?"

"Well... It's their size. As small as the creatures are, why make big, slow sentries to combat them?" He shook his head. "It just doesn't make sense to me. What do you think?"

"I think... the creatures we found were just the babies." Link changed his expression to show his confusion. "When I was here, I did see the little ones. So I'm not 100% on this, but I think they get bigger further down."

"How much 'bigger' do you think they get?"

"Tons bigger, for all I know." They rounded the ramp and arrived on the first floor. "They could be big enough to swallow us whole."

"I don't even want to think about that. The last thing I need is to get eaten by some big monster like that. But it would make sense. The bigger ones would be slower, and with the stone bodies, it'd be hard to defend against it."

The exploding thing though... that's their last act." He nodded and walked in silence to the break room where she lay on the table.

Link pulled out his sharpening stone and proceeded to undull his blade. "I won't be long, then you can get sleep. Alright?"

Emmy was quiet for a minute or so, then asked, "hey... Link?"


"can you... maybe... tell me a story?" she requested.

"A story? About what?" he asked.

"anything you want. it'll help me get to sleep." She rested her head on her hooves and closed her eyes.

"Well, I'm not so good at coming up with stories, so I guess I'll tell you one of mine." He set his stuff to the side and began. "As you could guess, I wasn't born in Equestria. I was instead teleported here from another world entirely. I don't remember much of the day, or anything for the first few years, but my sister does. Very well, in fact. I was 8 months old at the time, and I was wrapped in a green blanket with my name embroidered on its front. I guess I was a very calm child, given my surroundings. My sister was very kind to me. Even going out of her way to make sure I had all I"

Before long, Emmy had drifted off to a peaceful slumber. Navi dimmed her light and floated over to her sleeping form. "She looks so peaceful," she said.

"Sure does," he replied in a whisper. "Good thing she's on the table. Those creatures don't seem that sensitive to heat this far up. Made evident by the torches still being lit." He glanced toward the entry and saw it was indeed dark. With a sigh, he sat on the end of the table and opened his journal. On the next blank page, he wrote a second entry.


In the Mines of Copper's Bell, there exist creatures prone to self-destruct. Through careful analysis, they explode 3 seconds after death. Knocking them out, however, does not trigger this effect. They have a tough layer of hide protecting their top, and a soft underbelly. I noted they had side-facing eyes. It might be nothing, but if it means what I think, we could have trouble.

The sentries here are made of stone. Even their core. Having beaten one, I have 6 more, with the 7th, a bigger version and their leader, to defeat. They are tall, strong, and slow beings.

I'm also here with Emerald Storm, a pegasus, and likely one of three special ponies in this world. I don't know much else about her at the moment. She hurt her leg earlier today. Fortunately, I was able to patch her up no problem.

On an ending note, I am positive this will be a successful mission, despite the difficulty.


"That should do it." He closed his journal and put his stuff away. Link looked back at Emmy, who smiled, and turned in her sleep. He smiled himself, and turned forward, waiting for her to wake up.

Navi flew over in front of him and asked, "How long will she be out, do you think?"

"Don't know. She didn't seem all that tired. A few hours? Maybe 5 or 6? Why?"

"Just asking."


Several hours later as predicted, Emerald rolled herself awake to the sound of an apple being eaten. Sitting up, she asked, "Do you still have the blanket?"

He turned around as she stretched in her sitting position. Quickly, he turned forward and replied, "I don't. My sister does, though." She finished her stretch and flew over in front of him. "I'll probably be buried with it."

"Aww, don't talk like that. You're still young. You've got at least ... how many years do you humans live?"

"I'll be around for at least 50 more years." Link pulled out another apple and handed it to her. He also drew his sword and set it on the table beside him. "Those are for you. The apple your meal, and the sword your weapon."

She picked up the sword and looked it over. "It's all new and sharp and stuff. What do you want me to do with it?"

"Guard me while I sleep here." He tossed his core and rolled back onto the table. "Don't let me die, alright?"

"Count on me," she assured.

In mere minutes, the young boy fell asleep. She picked up the sword and looked at her reflection.



Emmy looked at her reflection in the sword. Seeing how old she had gotten since she left home many years ago had surprised her. If somepony told her all those years ago that she'd be an adult, she'd have laughed in their face.

Her home was enjoyable. Nice little forest village, quiet life, and lots of work. There was trade, there were some gardens... It was home. It felt natural.

Then one day, she left. Said she had to see what the world was really like; to find out why the townsfolk vowed never to leave. What made them so afraid of death out there in the world they shut themselves away from?

With her boss in charge of the town, she made her bid to leave. He refused, naturally, but since she was a free spirit at heart, he knew he couldn't stop her.

So, Emmy left her little town, and left the woods entirely. Eventually, she came across a little town full of vibrant colors and ponies of all sizes and shapes. It astonished her that ponies could be colors other than green.

She flagged down somepony bigger than her and asked, "Where would I go to find others of my stature?" In response, they pointed up to the clouds. Emmy flew up and found herself in Junior Speedsters Flight School. With enough money saved up, she enrolled and met her best friend in the world: Rainbow Dash...


Noon came, and Link woke up. Out of habit, he lay there awake, yet still, listening for anything.

"Haah! Hut! Hyaaah!" he heard. Curious, he sat up and looked around. "Huah!" He got to his feet and leapt off the table. Quickly, he dashed around the corner and found Emmy practicing with his sword. "Raaah!" she cried.

Link leaned against the entry way and grinned. "Not bad. Your swing's a little wide, and your tail's not being properly used for balance." He walked over to her as she looked away shyly. "But not all's bad. Your form is great for using a left handed sword. On top of that, I feel your energy."

"I should hope so," she replied. "It may be a little shorter than what I'm used to, so I had to improvise a little." She hoofed it back to him. "Sorry."

Sheathing it, he continued. "It's alright. I'm actually surprised you know your way around a sword like that."

"I've learned a thing or two. Travel Equestria as long as I have, you're bound to pick up a few cool tricks." She looked at him and grinned. "Ready to move on?"

Link nodded and walked toward the way down. "We cleared the second floor of sentries, so rechecking that floor shouldn't take very long."

As expected, going through the second floor again was easier than before. Only after fighting 4 more creatures and winning, did they finally arrive at the way down to the third level. Immediately, the two felt the temperature rise a little. "Alright... so it gets hotter."

"Of course it does. It is a volcano after all," Navi said. "It's likely got a pool of lava heating up the mine."

"Will you be alright, Navi?" Emmy asked. "You don't seem too able to handle the heat."

"I'll be fine. I don't feel the severity of temperature changes as ponies and Link does. It's my light. It keeps me safe from such things."

On the third floor, he took down the map and gave it a look. "So," he said, "looks like it's got rows of rock, and a room at the end down there." Link pointed at the end of the room. "Says it's a ... 'Flower Bed'?"

"Flower bed? Down here?" Emmy asked. With her leg feeling better, she walked in front of him. "It's a dark and spooky cavern. Why would anypony make a flower garden all the way down here?"

Link looked up at her and answered, "It's most likely the bomb flowers. If that's the room they grow in, then the key we need will most likely be there. And with our luck, a sentry's guarding it."

"Oh great. Another one," Emmy groaned. She walked to the left side and added, "How many did he say there were?"

"7, and the bigger one controlling them makes 8." He followed and said suddenly, "Wait up a minute."

Emerald stopped and waited. Link got ahead of her and peeked around the corner into the first hallway. "What are you doing?"

"Watching myself." With no sentry, he moved on to the second one. "I'm making sure no sentry gets the jump on me." Around the second corner, he saw one. "Like that one." He ducked back as the sentry turned. Carefully, Link looked around the corner, keeping hidden. "Something's different about this one. It's turning much quicker than the first one." While its back was turned, he rolled across the hall before the sentry turned again. Safe on the other side, he stood and looked at it again. As if to examine something, he glanced at Emerald where he left her. "Alright, when I motion, fly over here-"

"Like this?" she said beside him. He looked over at her as she smiled. "I crossed when you did." Link remained silent. "Wh-what?"

"How ... did you do that?" he asked, tilting his head.

"Do what?" she asked nervously.

"Show up at my side when you were over there a moment ago."

"Like I said, I flew over when you ro-"

"Don't try to spoon-feed me that lie. As fast as she is, even Rainbow Dash pushes the air when she flies. When you 'flew beside me', I didn't feel anything. On another note, I watched you vanish into thin air!" Emerald stayed silent and listened to him. "Now try again, and don't lie. How. Did you. Do that."

"I... I... I thought I was being careful..." she managed to admit.

"You were. More than I'd like to admit. I first thought something was up when I talked to you a few days ago. I wondered how you got into the mine undetected. Then in the village, you showed up above me, without making a sound or pushing any air."

Emmy sat down and hung her head. "you know then...?"

"I know you can teleport at will, and I think it's cool." She lifted her head and shook it. "No?"

"No, it's not cool!" she denied, causing Link to step back. "It's unnatural! I'm unnatural! I'm a magic-using pegasus! I've always asked myself why and how, but I never found an answer. That's one of the reasons I'm traveling the world!"

Link thought for a moment, regained his composure and replied, "Years ago, you raced Rainbow up in Cloudsdale, right?"

"That race was a joke," she argued. "I cheated and teleported to the end before she even got half-way," she admitted, holding back her bottled emotions. "Since then, I've feared what I could do. So I hid it, from everypony. But she pressed, and pressed. She'd never left me alone. So I had to make a choice. Confess my curse, or run from the truth. I... regrettably chose the latter..." Emerald curled up on the floor and finally began crying.

Link knelt down to her and put a hand on her head. "Hey. Can I tell you something?" With no response, he continued, "You're not alone. I know of another pony who, like you, has an incredible gift." Emerald glanced up at him. "So I'll make you a deal: help me get the key to the storage room, and I'll tell you all about her. Alright?"

Hesitant, she nodded and rose to her hooves. She wiped away her tears and smiled at him. "A-Alright. Deal." With Link leading the way, and checking each hall, they soon arrived at the end of the room. Sliding across the wall, he peeked into the open room at the end. He saw a table on the left, something shiny on top of it, another sentry, and a field of bomb flowers on the right.

He ducked back around the corner and said, "Alright, here's what I want you to do, and don't go ahead this time." She nodded. "I'm going to get the sentry's attention long enough for you to get the key on the table. Once you've got it and are out of the way, I'll blow it up with one of the flowers. Got it?"

"Got it." She watched as he drew his sword and looked around the corner. "Hey... nevermind. Good luck."

Link nodded and rolled out into the open, instantly getting seen by the sentry. As before, it lumbered toward him, slowly. Link stepped back and around toward the bomb flowers and nodded his head to Emmy, resting his foot on a bomb. She flew quietly over to the table and got the key. She heard the snap of the flower as the connection was severed. Hissing filled the room as she made her safe retreat. Good, she got the key. 3. He stepped over the bomb and put his foot under it. Surprisingly, the sentry stood still, ceasing its chase. That's new... 8. At the count of 11, he launched the bomb at the sentry. With surprising speed, the sentry leaned to the side and watched it approach. The timer expired and the bomb exploded, taking with it the right half of the sentry's upper body. Now exposed, Link ran up to it, dodged a swing from its remaining arm and drove his sword into the core.

Quickly, the sentry was reduced to rubble. "Alright! You did it! Way to go, kid!" Emmy cheered.

Link stood over the crumbled stone body and said, "Something's not right..."

Emmy flew over to him and asked, "What do you mean? You won, right? What else matters?"

"It's how I won. Didn't you see it? This could change the way we tackle the others later on."

"I... don't follow. What happened?"

"It leaned away from the bomb. It learned that things explode when it hits something, so it dodged. The first one didn't even try to, yet this one could dodge fast enough." Link kicked one of the rocks. "They are learning, and I don't like it..."

"Well, if they are learning, then you'll need to get more creative with your methods, right?" Emerald asked. He nodded, and she continued, "So.. what's the plan for the one in the hall?"

"There isn't one... If they keep learning, then they'll get harder and harder to beat. They aren't linked to each other, otherwise the mining ponies wouldn't need to make one to govern the others. So we'll avoid them, while still getting rid of the bomb creatures. With any luck, the sentry at the end's defeat will stop all contact between the others, making them incapable of learning, because ... no, that won't work at all..."

"Wha- Why not?"

"Because, it's the core. The core is the spell, not the body. And Heavy Swing wants us to bring the core back." In anger, he grit his teeth and clenched his fist. "There's just too much we have to do in here!"

"Woah, calm yourself. I'm sure there's an easy solution. Just... keep calm, and gather your thoughts." Emmy hoofed the key to him. "This should help at least."

Link took the key and looked it over. "The key to the storage. Let's go."

After sneaking past the sentry, defeating a few creatures, and climbing up the hall to the second floor, they arrived at the door to the storage room. Easily, Link inserted the key and turned it, unlocking the door. Inside, was another table with a few unfinished bombs, a bag tied with twine on the floor, and a set of tools that didn't make any sense to either of them.

"Here we are," she said. Emmy watched as Link picked up the bag and put the whole thing in his pocket. "That's still cool, no matter how many times I see it."

"It works like a special dimension. Whatever goes in, goes to a second space for my own storage. My sister made them for me. Two of theses pouches. With these, I can store anything smaller than a cubic yard. As many as 20 different things at a time. The bag of bombs? Easily fits." Link smiled and looked at her.

"I see. Kinda. More focused on... the story you're going to tell me."

"Riiiiight..." Silently, he walked out of the room and up to the first floor. With Emmy, he sat at one of the cafeteria tables. Navi landed on the table beside Emerald and listened. "First off, her name is Ruby Inferno. And like you, she has a gift..."

Chapter 29: The Third Dungeon: Mines of Copper's Bell Part II

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Emerald sat and listened to his story. His retelling of all he had learned from Ruby in the short time he's known her. The occasional question would come up, and answered soon after. Link included her colors, her attitude, and most importantly, her unnatural ability to control flames. Navi added her knowledge, if only to clarify Link's own facts.

"So..." Emmy started to reply, "she's an earth pony with fire magic. I see why you wanted to tell me about her."

"I won't tell you where she lives." Emmy chuckled. "Feeling any better about yourself now?" he asked. She nodded and smiled. "Good. Because we have to get moving again. With my new bombs, we should be able to move forward."

"There wasn't anything blocking our path anyway... was there?" Link shook his head and watched Navi return to his shoulder. "Then..."

"Then what? One of our tasks was retrieve the bag of ready bombs. Don't tell me you forgot..." Link started walking down to the lower floors. "Your short memory... it's almost funny."

Emmy shrugged and followed him quietly to the end of the third floor, and through several more creatures. There, they were faced with a decision to make.

Link looked to his left, then aaall the way to his right to the opposite wall. "There's two ways down, and this one's closer. Ruby and I faced a similar choice like this in the ice cavern."

"And how was that resolved?" Emerald asked. She looked to the right, then down the path in front of them. "Split?"

"Yes actually. But, I'm afraid that won't work this time, due to the circumstances being different." He placed a hand to his chin and looked down the hole. "We're sticking together for this one."

"How was it different? If you don't mind me asking." The three made their way down the path to the fourth floor.

"Well, for starters, she could burn anything with her fire. While you, cannot." Emmy looked down and frowned a little, not escaping Link's wandering eye. "Hey, I'm just looking out for you, alright?"

"I know..." she replied. "wait..." Emerald flew on ahead and got a closer look at the object near the bottom. "Link... You may want to see this."

Link jogged down and saw a scaled creature, about twice as large as himself, walk on two legs and a tail trailing behind it. "What ... that's a bigger one." The creature had its back turned to Link, and appeared focused on Emmy, who had flown in front of it. Its body was short in height, but long enough that its tail dragged behind it. "It might be deaf..."

"Well, it sees me," she said, seeing it open its mouth. "Is it gonna-"

The creature exhaled a torrent of flames at Emmy, who saw it coming a little too late. Quickly, she flew upward out of reach of its immediate spray. "Emmy!" he almost yelled.

"I'm alright. Just a little warm, is all."

Again, it turned to face her, even looked up at her before inhaling. With its mouth open, Link leapt onto its back, pulled out a bomb and crammed it down the beast's throat. With a jump, he caught Emerald, pulled her down to the ground and drew his shield to protect from the explosion. 5 seconds later, the walls shook from the bang of the bomb, assisted by the beast's natural explosive nature. The blast, bigger than expected, forced Emmy to hide with Link behind his small shield. Once the event ended, he looked over to see a crater where the creature stood before.

"Link..." Navi asked, "did you know that would happen?"

"The explosion as big as it was? No," he admitted, examining his shield. "Looks like it took the hit pretty well. Considering how close we were to it..."

Emmy leapt into the air. "That was awesome!" she cried. "I hope we find another so we can-"

"I hope we don't. But that might be too much to ask for. It's like we're invading their homeland, and they're defending themselves," Link interrupted. "I know they attacked first, but our entry into the cave could be seen as an attack. In that right, we're in the wrong."

Navi flew to Emerald. "Are you alright? It didn't burn you, did it?"

"I'm alright..." she replied. "You?"

"A little jumbled from the blast, but I'll be alright."

Link stood and looked around. "No sentries. I expect them to flock to a shock like that. Maybe they're deaf? Their only receptor so far is sight." He froze, staring down the hall to the end. There, looking straight at him, stood another sentry. Yet, it did not walk toward him. Merely turning in place. "Limited sight at that."

"Limited?" Emmy asked. "How so?" She walked over with Navi in her mane and looked down his sight. "Oh... We're too far away?"

He nodded in reply. "They can't see this far ahead of them."

"Or they learned to avoid you. I mean, you have beaten two of them so far." Navi returned to his shoulder. "I'd be surprised if any of them wanted to tangle with you now."

"Let's not get carried away, here. There's still the matter of the main one at the end. Or bottom." He paused a moment. "Yeah, bottom's more accurate here." Link turned to the wall, and as expected, he found the floor's map. "Now let's see..."

The floor map revealed two entrances: one on the left, and another on the right. A vertical line divided the room in half. At the top part of that line, it broke from the end, signifying an opening. Just beyond that, there was another opening, likely leading to the next floor down. Each side of the floor, split by the rock wall down the middle, was split into four parts, noticeable by the paths that divided them.

"Looks simple enough," Emmy admitted. "Hey... have you noticed? Each floor down is bigger than the one above it."

Link looked over the map, then pulled out the ones before it. "You're right. Each one is bigger. Good eye, Emmy." He stowed away the previous three maps and looked over the fourth. "There's a sentry here..." he pointed at the end of the hall, and looked up at the sentry, who was still turning in place.

"There's this way we could go," Emmy suggested, pointing down the far left hall. "I don't see anything down there." Link nodded and walked along, following Emerald closely. "Hey, Link?"

"What is it?"

"Thanks. For the leg care, I mean." Emerald looked back at it and smiled. "It doesn't hurt much anymore."

Link also looked at it. "Just to be safe, I need to look again. Before we head out of here." He paused and peeked around the corner to the right. Seeing no opposition, he walked on. "I'd look now, but... we're a bit busy."

Emmy flew ahead, turned and sat with her leg extended. "I don't mind, really. They're deaf and mostly blind anyway."

With a sigh, he knelt in front of her. Carefully, he looked to one side, then the other. "Fine... But I find your behavior most suspicious." Slowly, he unwrapped her leg as she chuckled a bit. "What's so funny?"

"Just tickles a little."

"... Good news: you'll live. Better news: those things don't have poison in their scales."

"Do I need another wrap?" she asked. To which, Link shook his head. "That's good." He released her leg as she started to fly around a bit. "It felt a little restrictive. So glad to be free again."

They both walked to the end of the hall and heard rocks grinding together. The sentry was just on the other side of the wall. "It's just around this corner. I'm not too worried about you getting caught 'cause you can teleport." He turned back to the sentry around the corner and waited for it to turn its back. After several turns, Link rolled over the gap to the other side and stood up. Again, Emmy appeared at his side.

"And look!" Navi pointed. "There's the way down!"

"Navi. Get back on my shoulder now," Link said, demandingly. "Every floor must be treated with the utmost caution."

Emmy sighed. "He can be quite cautious..." She flew on ahead and waited for Link.

At the bottom of the path, Link saw Emmy just floating there. "What? What's wrong?" he asked. Then, he looked around.

The floor was decorated with craters and scorch marks. On the walls were much of the same. Half-standing columns of rock were toppled and broken.

"What happened here?" Emmy asked.

"Those creatures... I'm guessing the main sentry fought them... and won. But... why would they fight in the first place?"

"Might be so it could learn about the enemy," Navi offered.

Link nodded. Emmy flew out and looked them over. "No trace of the creatures here... Maybe it cleaned up after itself?"

"Possible..." he agreed, kneeling down to examine the crater. "Not likely. I'm thinking when the creature explodes, it goes through its whole body. Leaving no piece behind after detonation."

"Gruesome..." Emmy said, looking around. "Hey, the map's not on the wall, either."

Link looked and saw she was right. "Maybe there isn't one?" He stood and took another glance around. "I get the feeling the last sentry's here on this floor."

Emerald followed Link around in search of the sentry. In the center of the floor, it stood. A long wall in front of and behind it, with shorter walls to its sides. The corners were left open for navigation. Link looked around the corner and saw it standing there.

Larger than the others, equally strong looking. Still made of rock, but a bit smoother than the others. It stood motionless as Link looked at it. It looks peaceful... Calm... Here goes nothing... "Emmy..."


"I have a plan. But for it to work, you have to be on point with your timing. If you aren't, things could go very bad, very fast. Can I count on you?" She nodded. "Good."

After an explanation of what he wanted her to do and when, Link walked into the open, with his gear sheathed. The main sentry turned and saw him walk toward the wall, looking back at it.

"You, are really tough to get a hold of, way down here," Link said. With no reply, he stopped moving. "Not a talker? Me neither."

Wordless from that point on, He drew his shield and sword and took a ready stance. Faster than the others, but still somewhat slow, it walked toward him. Link charged forward and saw it swing its left arm at him, noticeably faster than the previous ones. Raising his shield, he took the impact. But, he couldn't take all of it. The force knocked him off his feet into the wall on his left.

Link got up on his feet in time to duck under the sentry's incoming punch. This thing's got speed and a lot of power. He rolled to the left quickly and regained his footing. It rounded a right kick, to try and keep him against the wall.

"Careful, Link!" Navi encouraged under his hat. Easily, Link saw it coming and jumped over the kick, landing on its leg, and leapt toward the middle of the room. "Don't get pinned on the wall, or you're in trouble." He nodded and shielded himself from the sentry's kick. This one, was the same leg used for the first one, but backward, and with more of a thrust than a swing. Navi felt the full impact of the sentry's forceful strikes. If he loses his shield, he might as well be done for...

With great ease, Link was launched closer to the middle, losing his sword in the process. The sentry saw this as an opportunity. Hastily, it walked over to the sword, while Link practically ran after it. Before the big chunk of rock brought its foot down on it, Link tucked and rolled under, grabbing his sword and stopped himself. He glanced back, then ran out the way he came in. Here we go. Around the wall, Link set out a bomb and began counting in his head down from 8. Then, he came back in from another corner, and paused to catch his breath. 6... Slowly, he began walking, jogging, then running toward the rock creature. The sentry had stood there, ready.

Just before Link got within range, the bomb appeared near its chest and detonated within split-seconds of appearing. The sentry's core was exposed, and better for Link, it couldn't see where he was. He leapt in the air, and jabbed his sword under the core and pulled down, trying to pry it free. What? No! Quickly, the sentry swatted him away, sword and all. Thankfully, he still had his shield out, reducing the strength of the strike. All the same, he was thrown to the middle.

"What's wrong? Why didn't it work?" Navi asked.

"The blast..." he replied, taking breaths, "was too shallow... The rock on this one's thicker than the others, and I didn't count on that..." He heard metal clang on his right, as a weight was lifted from his arm. Link looked in surprise to see... "And now my shield's gone... great..." With a scowl, he looked back at the sentry, who started walking toward him. The gears in his head started turning once more, as a plan began to form.

In slight anger, he tossed his strap and handle to the side and reached into his bag. He felt a familiar straw-like end of something. I can't take one hit from that thing directly, but now, I'm a bit more agile. if I can fall it...then... Link sheathed his sword and quickly tied a slipknot in the rope. His elbows are still thin. I'll start there. By then, the sentry was close enough to attack. And it did, with a side kick. Not what he was hoping for, he jumped over it and kicked off of it, higher into the air. Swing at me, come on!

True to his desire, it swung at him with its right. Quickly, Link turned and landed on it, throwing the loop around its stony limb. In quick reaction, the sentry swung back, flinging Link off and tightening the rope. He had enough momentum to go around its body, over the other arm, and stomp it in the face. No longer moving, he fell to the ground and ran around its left side, pulling its arms together behind it. For good measure, he roped them around a couple more times.

After that, he hopped down and ran between the sentry's legs. With some quick movement, he used more rope to bind its legs together. The more it moved, the tighter its binding became. Nearing the end of his rope, he slid in front of it, leapt up on the crater he left there from the first bomb, and went up and over, landing behind it pulling as hard as he could. Successfully, the rock sentry fell to the ground. When it hit, Link pulled out a second bomb, dropped it in the crater, and leapt off away from it. Out of range, it exploded, sending rock bits everywhere.

Emmy flew into sight and saw the pile of rubble. "I-Incredible!" She saw him hit the ground in exhaustion. "Hey, are you alright Link?"

He sat there a bit and saw the metal core roll to him. Carefully, he picked it up and looked at it. "I'm alright... I lost my shield... My rope's been blasted... and I'm a few bombs short of a bag." Link pocketed the core and rose to his feet. "But we have the core, and can check that off our list. Now t-"

The ground began to shake as a boulder fell from the ceiling. It landed heavily on the ground in the center of the room. Soon after, the three heard a roar from under their feet and hooves. "W-W-What was that?!" Emmy asked.

Navi flew to where the boulder landed and looked down. "Uhh... You two may want to see this."

Link and Emmy walked over and looked down as well. Under the boulder, through the ground, he saw a crack. Through it, he saw a pit of magma. Then, a roar. "Something big's down there..."

"Could be the creatures' leader..." Emmy offered. "Awful scary if you ask me. From the roar alone, it's gotta be several times bigger than the last ones..." Link nodded and set yet another bomb. "What what are you d-"

"Might want to move." Navi quickly returned to his hat while Link and Emmy got out of range. The explosion was great enough to open the hole wide enough to fall down. "It's really hot down there..." he said, looking over the edge.

"I'll carry you down there," Emmy suggested. Link looked at her with questioning eyes. "You think you can survive the fall? You're out of your mind."

"True..." he agreed. "Don't you dare drop me then." He held his arms up and grabbed onto Emmy's legs.

Emmy picked him up slowly. "Wouldn't dream of it." She flew him over the hole and began lowering herself.

The room below was square, with a pool of magma in a smaller square centered. Rock lined the walls, enough to support the width of a giant, horned, scaly, four-legged beast.

Link's jaw dropped at the size of it. "Set me behind it if you can."

"Can't... go on..." She fell faster than before, and landed harder than intended in front of it. "My bad, heh heh..."

Link landed and rolled to lessen the impact. He got to his feet and looked at the giant before him. It roared, having seen him. He and Emmy clamped their hands and hooves over their ears. "So... Loud!" he complained, clenching his eyes closed as well. Easily, the biggest creature he had ever seen.

Once it fell silent, it curled its head under its belly and leaned forward into a roll. The two of them got out of the way and watched it roll around the corner, then break itself open on the next. "Can it even see us when it does that?" Link shrugged. He watched as it repeated its previous action. It rounded the corner, then stopped at the one it stared in.

There, it opened its mouth and began inhaling. "no... RUN!" Both of them ran away from it toward the corner it first turned. Getting closer, the creature released its fire breath at them. A large funnel of flames shot from the creature's maw. It chased them to the corner, and just before they were caught in it, Link pulled Emmy around the corner out of the way. The flame splattered over the wall, leaving a huge burn mark. "I shouldn't be surprised it can breathe fire..."

"Like the smaller ones?" Emmy asked. Link nodded. "Oh, here it comes again..." Once more, it rolled to their corner and unrolled, facing them.

The beast opened up again, and this time, let out a roar, deafening like the first. It pushed the two away with ease. Again, it inhaled. "Get to the side!" Link ordered. The two huddled in the crack where the wall met the floor, evading the following blaze.

The massive creature turned its head and saw their hiding spot. Easily, it reared up and landed heavily, shaking the ground and sending magma balls into the air.

Link saw the spray and dodged between them while the creature inhaled once more. He looked over at it and noticed the embers fizzled against the creature's hide. "I do have a plan, but it doesn't involve you. Get up and out of here. It's dangerous for you."

"Like Tartarus! You don't have your shield! Can't we just hide by the wall?" Emmy flew over the firespray, and Link ducked into the corner, quickly getting directly in front of it. It lurched forward and tried to bite him, missing as Link back-pedaled away.

A few feel back, he drew his sword and lashed at its nose. In pain, it recoiled and roared once more. "Just go! I got this!" He didn't even watch as she flew out of the arena.

All alone, with just him, Navi, and the enemy, Link could finally concentrate. Loud roars, thick hide, but still weak on its face. Never bashes into anything head on. Rolls to chase. Fire breathing. Link dodged several swipes of its sharp claws. Claws, teeth, and fire. Eyes to the side. Panoramic view. Big face... Can it see below? He dashed underneath its head and saw it get on its hindlegs again.

Link ran to the side and up the wall, leaping off of it and landing on the creature's head after the impact. Sword drawn, he stabbed the creature in its right eye. Blood splattered against his hand and clothes. Then, he quickly stabbed the other one for good measure. His other hand and his pants were also covered in the thick blood from the beast's wounds. The beast howled in great pain and got on his hindlegs again, trying to shake him of. Link leapt forward and hit the ground hard. It opened up and started inhaling. Link turned and threw bomb after bomb into the maw. Once closed, he turned and waited.

Easily, the beast swatted him away down the path.

Link went flying. Then, in the silence before the blast, he said one word. "Boom".

The creature detonated violently, jerking to one side then the other, before exploding fully, sending blood splatters in all directions. Link was pushed back with the force of the blast, and getting hit in the entirety of the front of himself with all that blood sent him hurtling toward the wall. He landed on it with his feet, pushing his knees up to his chin, before allowing gravity to take over. Link landed, and rolled forward, catching his breath.

Emmy flew down and greeted him. "That... was... AWESOME!!!" she cheered. She tried to pat him but he swatted her hoof away. "Huh?"

"I just got blasted a hundred feet. Let me get myself assessed before you praise me." He got up and looked himself over. "Wow... I reek. Gotta do laundry when I get back to the town." He looked up to the opening in the ceiling. "Hey, can you teleport more than one thing at a time?"

"Absolutely. Hold on tight. You might be dizzy afterward." Link grabbed onto her foreleg and waited. A minute. Then a minute more...

"False start?" he asked.

"I don't understand... We should be up there by now. What's going on?!" She escaped his grip and tried again. "I don't understand!"

Link tried to calm her down. "Hey now... There's a perfectly good explanation for this... There has to be." She looked over at him. "Wish I knew what it was..."

"Oh you're mean."

"But, I have seen this before... The ice cavern I was in, the last room with the big bad, prevented the use of magic. So here's an idea: fly up there normally and see if there's anything you can use. Spare rope, a really long ladder, metal spikes, anything."

Emmy did as requested, and stopped near the top. "Uhh..." she uttered. "Link?"

"What is it now?" he replied. "More bombable creatures?"

"Kind of. It's the remaining sentries we missed. There's..." She counted them quickly, "five up there. But I see the rope you used from before."

It's still intact? I must thank that shopmare. "Can you get to it?"

"Shouldn't be that hard." She vanished and reappeared over the hole with the rope. "Got it. Hey watch out!"

Link looked up and watched as two sentries fell down the hole. He backed up a ways and turned his back, getting hit by some stray rocks that broke away on impact. "Emmy... Pull two of the others down here. I have another plan." Again, two more fell, pulling the rope with them. They too, shattered on the ground below. Link found their cores and reduced them to rubble.

"Sorry about that!" She flew down, picked up the rope and started to fly up.

"Hold it," Link requested. "That rope is very durable." He took the rope, loosened the knot he'd made, and handed it back. "Put this around its arm or leg. It should be able to support my weight."

"Got it." She flew up and set a trap for the last remaining sentry. It wandered into it and Emmy laughed as she pulled the rope tight. "It's hooked!"

"Great! Toss the rest!" Down came the other end. It hit with about a dozen feet remaining. Quickly, he climbed up, using the wall for support. Just one easy journey... Is that too much to ask for? All I want is to go somewhere, ask for the thing, get it, and go home. Not all this, 'Go here, do this, help them, get this, get that, help some more, blow stuff up, pull stuff around, do more stuff, beat a buncha things...' ugh... once was once too many. He got to the top and readied a bomb. Carelessly, he lobbed it and watched it blow up the sentry from behind. Then, he ran it through with his drawn blade. "Just once, can't it be easy?" Quickly, he sheathed his sword, and pocketed the rope.

"Lamenting?" Link shook his head. "Good. Because I do believe that was our third thing." Link then nodded. "Let's go, yeah?"


The two walked up, layer by layer, to the outside of the mines. It took about half an hour's walk, but once there, who should be standing in wait but Heavy Swing himself. Along with two of his employees, as they were.

How long has he been standing here? Emmy thought.

Chapter 30: The Spiritual Stone of Fire

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When they arrived back outside the cavern, Heavy Swing stood in waiting, accompanied by two of his cohorts. The entrance was in the shadow of the mountain as sunset drew nearer.

How long has he been standing here? Emmy thought. "Hey, uh..."

"Ye alright, boy? Ah came ta see if ye were safe," he said. Link held up his hand, then pulled out the metal core from the main sentry. "Ye done it, lad! Good on ye!" The huge stallion placed a hoof on Link's shoulder, the vacant one, and patted down twice. Surprised by the strength, he fell to the ground. Slowly, he got back up and frowned a little. "Thanks to yer efforts, we can mine to our heart's content!"

"Wasn't just me. Emerald helped me a lot in there. I request a full pardon of her crime." Heavy nodded. "On a side note, you failed to mention the sentries could learn. Their ability to do this almost got me killed."

"But ye're alive, aye? No harm. Only forgot, ye get me." Heavy laughed a bit. "Ye did fine, considering." He took the core and put it in his bag. Link eased his expression and looked up at the stallion. "This'll make a fine story!"

"For who?" Emerald asked.

"My 5 year old boy o'course!" He directed his attention to the cavern behind them. "Those creatures sure did come up outta nowhere."

Link shook his head. "Wrong. They've been there. You and yours were just mining over them, ignorant that they were there first." Heavy looked down at Link. "But, their leader is no more, and the rest are somewhere... I'm sure you'll be able to track them down. Careful, they like to explode."

"Ye left 'em alive?!

"Couldn't find them all. They bury themselves in the rock, then fill the hole. For all I know, I slew a mere captain, and there's another, bigger one, somewhere else." Link shrugged. "Not likely, not impossible." Their side eyes have me curious... That's a prey thing...

"Aye, Ah see what ye mean... Well, Ah thank ye two fer yer help gettin' our metal back. We'll remake the spell, an' do it right." Heavy turned around to leave.

"Forgetting something?" Emmy asked him, appearing in front of him. "Like, oh I don't know... a certain chunk of rock?"

Heavy stopped, and turned his head to look back at Link, who had folded his arms and smiled. "A-Aye... Our stone..." He reached into his pocket, and held out the red stone with the familiar golden lining. "This stone, has been our city's centerpiece for ages. It's seen day, night, and everything in between, yet it holds together with an unyielding will. Ah present to ye, the Stone of Fire!"

Link took it, and looked it over. "Stone of Fire, huh... I accept." Easily, he pockets it.

"One more thing: ye two, seein' as how ye've helped beyond what Ah expected o' ye, are me Sworn Brothers!" Heavy looked over at Emerald. "Ye too, miss. Citizen, or trespasser, ye've done us a service."

Emmy landed. "Aww, shucks, mister. But... I'm a mare.. Shouldn't I be 'Sworn Sister?"

The stallion shook his head. "Brother is a word. What matters is the bond it forges!"

"I suppose..." She flew back to Link's side and asked, "So what now?"

Link sighed. "While I was down there, my shield... broke... Your main sentry saw to that. Well, I think it was weakened from the blast of one of those creatures. Certainly didn't help that it also took two full hits afterward... Anyway, I have a voucher for a new one, to be made by one, 'Titanium Hammer'."

"Ahhh, lookin' to go up the mountain, are ye?" Link looked confused, as well as Navi and Emmy. "No?"

"Why would we want to go up there?" Emmy asked him, looking up the mountainside. "What's up there that we'd wanna go see?"

"The summit o' course! There's a sacred pool o' water there, said to revitalize the body an' mind o any who drinks it."

"Is that really true?" Link asked in disbelief. "Doesn't sound like anything I've heard before..."

Heavy laughed and replied, "O' course not! That's just the rumor I spread. Truth be told, it's the creature who lives in the pool that does it." He laughed some more, then turned serious. "Don't you tell a soul. It's between Brothers an' all."

Link nodded, so did Emmy. "Hey, you're still forgetting something. My congratulations."

They all laughed and returned to the city in the mountain. Link, Navi, and Emerald looked for the smith on the second floor. There, they talked, went over the design Link had drawn. He wanted to have a red bird-like image with his triangles over its head. Hammer, in return, took the drawing and hoofed him a tablet; a promise of delivery. With it, Link thanked the stallion and went to a room he cared to rent for the night while the shield was being forged. First thing he did was undress and start cleaning the blood from his clothes. When he finished, he found the natural heat of the place dried them quickly, so he was able to redress shortly after. He walked back to his bed and fell upon it.

In their room, Emmy lay awake, looking up at the stony ceiling. "Hey..." she started, "Link..."

"What is it?" he replied, turning to look at her.

Emmy lay silent for a moment. "What do you think the creature at the top looks like? 'cause we've seen sentries made of rock, organisms that explode-"

"I'm sure it's nothing deadly. If it were, why would the boss of this place send us up there? I'm guessing it's really important, otherwise he'd have said nothing."

She sat upright. "That's also possible. But what if you're wrong, and he's sending us up there to deal with another thing he could have prevented?"

Link also sat up. Navi flew to the bed Emmy was in and replied, "Why would you think that? He called you his Sworn Brother, whatever that entails. I don't think he'd willingly throw you at another mess he made, just because of that."

"I suppose you're right..." I hope you're right. She fell back, spread her wings and closed her eyes. "Link..."

"What now?" he said, a bit unnerved. "More pre-trip jitters?"

"Yeah... But this one's more founded than the last. Why would your asking for a shield prompt him to ask if we're scaling the mountain? Is the path that dangerous?"

"That... that's actually a good point." He faced forward and took out his notepad and writing tools. "Hmm... 'Danger path up the mountain? New shield.' While I've got the stuff out..." He pulled out his journal and wrote his third entry.


Emerald Storm and I successfully completed our mission. We've retrieved the metal core from the last sentry, beat the other 7, and defeated the Bomb Creature leader. Unfortunately, my shield got destroyed in the process; that last sentry hits like a tank.

Currently, we're staying in a room in the mining city. Separate beds, so don't worry. Navi's here too. Never leaves my side. Not that I want her to. She says hi.

The mines we went into were a bit warmer than I thought they'd be, so sleeping in a colder room is a good change. We've still got candle light to work with, but that'll fade soon enough. Candle's down to about an inch.

I can't wait to get back home and tell Twilight the good news. Big sister loves her good news.

There's also a rumor of a pool of water that restores body and mind. I'm going up to see for myself after my new shield is made.


Link looked over and saw Emerald also writing, but in a scroll. "You too, huh?" she asked. "I try to keep up with my comings and goings. Gets hard sometimes."

"That reminds me... You said, in your letter, you were coming back for the Running of the Leaves. Is there a reason for you not coming back sooner?" Link closed his journal, and put his stuff away. "Just curious."

Emmy was silent for a few moments. "I still feel bad about what I did to Rainbow. It wasn't fair of me. Running with her in a race like that... somehow, might make up for it."

"And... she doesn't know you teleported to the end. So to her, it's just another race. Not one of forgiveness. At least, I think she'll see it that way. I'm still not entirely sure how my friends act when I'm not around."

She sighed and looked at him. "I wish I knew what to do... But that's not important now. We need to get something resembling sleep or we'll be too tired to make the climb tomorrow." She lay down once more and rolled to her side, away from Link and Navi.

"You're right. Good night, Emmy." He followed her lead, and fell asleep shortly after. Peacefully, Navi slept in his hat on the table beside Link's bed.

Chapter 31: The Summit's Sacred Spring

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The following morning, Link woke up early. Not as early as he'd gotten used to, but early enough to see Emerald asleep in the next bed over. Quietly, he got up and saw Navi in his hat. She was already awake, and flew up, dimming her light as he put his hat on.

"Morning, Link," she greeted. Navi yawned, standing on his shoulder. "Emerald's still asleep..." Link nodded his head, put his boots on, made sure his pockets were secured to his belt, and headed to the door.

He opened it without letting it creak too much, and closed it behind him. "First thing I need to do is check on my shield."

"Would it really only take one night?"

"I don't know the process." Link walked toward the stairs. "Might be weeks, months, or even years. Or it could have taken a single hour. I really don't know. Which is why I said check on, not pick up."

"That makes sense..." Navi admitted. She looked at the walls, decorated with paint and etched into with other materials. "I like the art they've got."

"They're a civilization. They have their beliefs, few of which likely mingle with our own." The two of them reached the second layer of the city. "Uhh... This way, right?" Navi nodded, and turned with him. She flew out and got another look at her surroundings. "Don't go out too far."

Turning, she replied, "I'm alright. There's no wind in here to keep me from being stable." All the same, she listened to him, and returned to flying within his reach. "I really hope it doesn't take any longer than a week... I don't think we can afford that much time."

Then, Link nodded. "I agree with you on that one. Princess Celestia seems really eager for me to get that blade, and complete the overall objective."

"Which was..."

Link stopped and thought back trying to remember what the conversation was. "It was... I think Princess Celestia called it a lens... Like... Glasses lens? Magnifying lens? Telescopic lens? She also said there were 5 of them. And one of them's been 'unearthed after 12 centuries'. I don't remember much else from that discussion." He continued walking.

"Admittedly, neither do I." The pair reached the door to the smith they talked to the night before, where they heard mumbling, and some striking metal. "Is... is he alright?"

"Might just be forming. Who knows? Not I." He knocked. "Hello? Mr. Hammer?"

Silence, then... "Good, it works," Titanium Hammer triumphed inside. Link looked at Navi, who shrugged. "Aye, aye... Ah'ma comin'." Slowly, the door creaked open. "Who be rappin' at me door so- Ah, boy. Ye're a mite early."

"But, still good, right?" he asked.

"Aye. The shield's just about done. Just finished testin' her out against me swingin' leg." Link looked confused. "Best if Ah show ye." Hammer walked back inside his barely lit room.

The shield, raised and curved slightly, lay over a metal stand, to fit its shape. With the front facing upward, Link could see the detail the pony had put into it. Specifically, the design Link had drawn up the night before. He saw it was clamped down at four points. "What were you doing, exactly?"

"Hittin' her as hard as Ah could." Hammer grinned. "Lemme show ye why." He walked to his worktable and eyeballed a drawing. A drawing of his shield.

In the diagram, there were diamond-shaped images scattered about its surface, with too many lines between them to count. Underneath, it wrote, "Absurdly Sturdy Shield". Link looked at the shield closer, and saw the original lines he'd drawn.

"You erased my lines, to make your own? I ... That does make sense, don't get me wrong... But why?"

"Ah cannot draw worth the price of water in Canterlot."

"You must really be terrible if that's the case, 'cause water's free. And if that's the case, then how'd you get the lines and other shapes on it?" Link asked.

"Ah have a brother. A ton less skilled than meself, but at least he can hold a quill." Hammer laughed. "So, ye like it?"

Link looked at the name. "I'll need to rename it, but... The idea behind this shield is, what exactly?"

Hammer sighed, and reiterated himself. "The shield here's s'posed ta get stronger every time she's met with a stronger force. Say, ye're shield breaks..."

"Kinda why I'm here..."

"Well, with this shield, her defensive strength will skyrocket to match that what would otherwise best her, an' then some."

"Essentially, unbreakable." Hammer nodded with another grin. "Then... answer me this: Why'd you make it so..." He moved his hands apart, to measure its width.

"So... so what, so big?" Link nodded. "All Ah had ta go on was yer drawin'. Ye didn't give the bleedin' thing a scale! Ah had ta guess, an' looks like Ah made it too big fer ye! Ah can keep it if ye won't take it."

Hurriedly, Link shook his head. "No no, I'll take it... Won't be able to use it normally, but I'll figure something out..." A shield strong enough to be unbreakable. "Can it block magic?"

Hammer didn't answer right away. Merely, he looked back toward the page, then around the room. "Uhh... That's a hard one... See, the shield - bein' made o' what it is - has some magic-blockin' ability. She can take a ball o' energy just fine, unless it's stronger than... well, let's say it can't really take a long-term magic beating."

"I see... So mostly physical." He picked up the shield and turned it over. "Good, it's for my right arm."

"Like yer drawin'."

The strap was adjustable, and the handle rounded, enough for his fingers to fit through and then some. "I'll be big enough for this shield in time." He put it on his back successfully, and withdrew the stone tablet. "Thank you."

"No need ta thank me, boy. That bracelet ye got 'round yer limb there. Ah's the one what made the metal fer it."

"Then... You're Rarity's contact?" Link inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Aye. One of many, Ah'm sure. Ah've a gemsmithin' tool Ah use ta fashion many things. She'd prolly be better 'n me tellin' ye the story." Hammer dropped his grin and added, "Now, don't ye dare lose that shield! She's a one o' a kind masterpiece."

Link bowed, turned, and left the smith to his business. "So..." Navi started, "Shield's done. Downside... It's too big. You might be able to hide under it... And from past experiences, you'll be going against things bigger than you all the time."

"You can say that again..." He shifted the shield on his back. "It's heavier than I thought. That material he used... What did he call it?"

"He didn't..." Navi shook her head. "Not that it matters. If it does as advertised, you'll never need another shield ever again."

"I wouldn't say that. It can't deal with magic all that well. Remind me when we get back to Ponyville. I need to paint it."

"Sure." Link and Navi exited the smith's work area.

Link put a hand to his chin. I still need to thank that shopmare..." He walked down the levels to the shop and saw the door wide open. So, he let himself in. "Hello?"

A sharp metal slash was heard behind the wall behind the counter. The shop mare poked her head out and saw him. "Well, if it ain't the little excavator! How'd the rope treat ye?"

"Far better than I expected. And for that, you have my deepest thanks." He withdrew the rope. "What's it made of to survive a bomb blast?"

"Hmm..." She scratched her chin. "Gimme a sec, yeah?" Quickly, she disappeared behind the wall and made a lot of noise before falling out into view. At the counter, she looked at the rope he had. "Now let's see." She held it in her hooves for examining. "Ah, yes. I know. This one here was made from fusing the flexibility of rope with the strength of steel. Might not look like much, but it certainly gets the job done."

"Why would you make rope fused with metal?" Navi asked.

"Got bits?" she asked, nudging the jar on the counter. "I'm only jokin'! It's cause o' you that I can start sellin' our crop to travelers who need them." She pointed to the side at several bags of orbs. "See, soon after the boss got back, he sent a troop into the mine and got them workin' immediately. Some of our swordly types headed down too. Keep 'em safe from those bomb things. An' we got a whole slew o' stock."

Link nodded with a smile. "Good. In killing that behemoth of a creature, I used the last of the bag I found in the mine. Looking to restock." He watched the mare come out from behind the counter and over to the pile of bombs.

"These ones here are modified even further than those you found in the mine. Those ones blew up after what, 6 or 7 seconds?" He nodded. "These ones here go boom in five, making them more valuable in a combat situation. Plus, none o' that waitin' for the fireworks."

"5, huh? Well, that's better. I'll take a bag of twenty. Well, just the bombs. Still have the bag from before." She agreed and filled up his bag with the twenty he asked for, and watched as he put it and the rope away. "What did you use to cut the rope if it's made of metal?"

"Bolt cutters," she replied plainly. "Can't use normal cutters as it's metal based."

Link nodded in understanding and paid the mare what he owed. With a restocked bag of bombs, he set off for his room. When he arrived, he opened the door slowly, as Navi flew inside to look around. Emmy's bed was empty. "Emerald?" she asked.

The mare in question came in from another room to the side. With a yawn, she greeted, "Good morning~"

"I didn't expect you to be awake yet..." Link closed the door behind him. "Couldn't sleep?"

Emmy shook her head. "It's not that. I woke up when you left. I, as well as other pegasi, can feel when something enters and leaves our space. If it's got magic, anyway. Longer story shorter, you woke me up."

"Heh, sorry." He turned and pointed to his shield. "Brand new shield! Just got it."

"Hey, alright! ... It's a bit big." He turned and faced her. "What? It is..."

Link sighed and hung his head. "Yeah, we established as much... But I'll make it work. Anyway. You ready to go up the mountain?" Emmy nodded. "Good. Let's go then." He removed his shield, strapped on his sword, put the shield back on, and walked out the door.

Twenty minutes of walking later, they arrived at the sign pointing them back to the mining city. As it pointed them right before, it directed them left, to the mountain path. Which was surprisingly well-kept. The path before them was littered with rocks ranging from pebble to bigger than himself. A few minutes later, the three came to a vertical section, covered in ivy. Link tested it, then began his climb. On the way up, he passed by three sections of rock, likely meant for climbers to take a rest, but he did not stop. The edge drew within reach, and he pulled himself over. Before him, was a sign pointing right. He got closer, and read it.

"'Mountain Crater'. Huh. Below it, it says, 'Danger: Extremely Hot!!'" Navi shook her head. "I agree. Way too dangerous for us in there... wait..."

"Wait what?" Emmy asked, looking around. "What's up?"

Closely Link looked at the sign, then the entrance to the right. "Something's not right here..."

"I swear to Celestia, if you mean its placement I'm going to go home," Emmy warned.

Link chuckled. "Well, kinda..." He turned and looked at her. "More specifically, placement at all." Emerald's confused expression prompted an explanation. "If there's only one way to go, you wouldn't think to put a sign saying so, would you?"

"I guess not... But with how they have signs everywhere, can you blame them?" Link walked to the left part of the wall and looked at it. "You better not be losing it."

"I'm not." Link placed a hand on the wall and knocked. Solid. He walked further to the left and knocked again. Still solid. Further left, another knock. Strangely higher tone. "Right here." Link knocked until he heard another solid thunk. "There's an opening back there."

"Then... Then what? That's it?"

"No. I'm going to blow a hole in the wall." Emmy nodded and retreated. With a need for only one, Link placed a bomb at the wall and ran back toward the edge. A last second decision made him go to one side, so he had a ridge of rock behind him, to keep him from flying off. The resulting explosion created the hole Link predicted. "Found it."

"Hey, nice find." The three of them went inside and looked around. "I thought you used all your bombs on that king or whatever.

"I stopped at the shop and restocked." Inside, it was very lit. Pillars lined the walls, white tiles covered the floor, and a pool of water existed at the room's far end. Two torches were lit, one at either side of the pool's front. Which, itself, rested in raised flooring. It forced Link to go up a step, in order to actually go in the water. The only thing that stopped him, was a shining set of triangles on that same step.

"That's the same symbol as here..." Link said, looking at the back of his left hand. "And here..." He pulled out his ocarina and looked near the mouthpiece, finding another of the Triforce marks. "Which leads me to believe, I need to play a song here..."

"Don't suppose you know which one?" Emmy asked. Link shook his head before actually thinking.

"Link," Navi interrupted, "the Triforce was used as the Royal Family's mark."

"Right..." Link nodded. "Then... This one." He raised the ocarina to his lips and played Celestia's Lullaby. Out of practice none, he played the notes to near perfection.

Sounds of laughter rose from the water. A large figure breached the surface and rested, floating a few feet over it. Much larger in size to Link himself, but the shape was very similar, covered in ivy as it was. "Welcome Link. I am the Great Fairy of Power."

Link backed up a little at the sight of a figure that looked like him; arms, legs, hands and feet. "How do you know my name?"

"Dear boy. You are chosen by the Goddesses. It is my duty to know your name," she answered. "You may not have come seeking anything, but I will bestow upon you a gift of Power."

"If that is what you offer me, I won't refuse it," he replied, with respect in his tone.

"Then, receive it now." The Great Fairy opened her arms and released a red magic toward him. It swirled around him, then went into his limbs, and body. Link felt his own magic glow as she granted him... something.

"What... was that?" he asked in shock. Link felt a wave of knowledge invade his mind, as he somehow knew how to use a skill he's never had.

"That, dear boy, is a gift. With it, you can focus your magic into your sword, and expel it as a wave. Use it when you're surrounded with opposition. It may just save your life."

He felt awake, and full of energy. Link had no more fatigue from the climb up here, nor lasting fatigue from the mines they traversed the last couple days. All of his injury and pain of body simply... vanished. His right arm, the one that suffered a few hits from the main sentry, felt no pain at all.

"What do I get?" Emmy asked eagerly.

The Great Fairy looked at the green pegasus and smiled. "Who are you?"

"Emerald Storm, ma'am."

"Emerald... You are unique, yet... your name is unknown to me. Perhaps... Come here for a moment." Emerald flew up to her and waited. The Great Fairy placed a hand on Emerald's forehead, examining her magic. "Teleportation? Unusual in a pegasus... Forgive me, for there is nothing I can grant you." Emmy hung her head. "Worry not, young one. There are many things you can do as you are, that very many can not."

"I understand... Thanks anyway." She landed back beside Link.

Link opened his mouth, as if to speak, but Navi interrupted his thought. "Excuse me, Great Fairy?"

The Great Fairy was silent, before asking, "And you are?"

"Navi the Fairy," the little one replied.

"I expected not to see another fairy. You must have come with him, from his world." Navi nodded. "You travel as this boy's companion?" Another nod. "Then, allow me to give you some advice: Seek out my friend. She lives near Canterlot Castle. Surely she, too, will grant you a gift."

"Great Fairy," Link started, "I grew up in Canterlot, under the care of Princess Celestia. If there were another being like you, there, I believe I'd have known."

"Perhaps it is for that very reason that you do not know. If it would please you, I suggest looking harder."

Link nodded. "I fully intend to."

Emmy stretched. "It was great to meet you, Ms. Fairy."

"When battle has made you weary, please come back to see me," the Great Fairy requested.

And hike up the mountain for it? Link thought. I don't think so.

Emmy bowed and turned to leave. Link followed soon after, with Navi on his shoulder looking back. She saw the Great Fairy disappear into the pool of water. "That water was too shallow to house such a large being unnoticed."

"Magic," was all Link's response. Outside of the spring, Link looked out over the edge, at the village near the base. "I can see the village from here," he stated.

"I should hope so," a strange voice replied. Link jumped at the sound of the unfamiliar voice. "Oh, sorry, boy. I did not mean to startle you." A large owl sat on the sign just outside the spring. Much larger than any he'd known to exist previously.

"You are a talking owl..." Emmy pointed out.

"Well spotted, miss. My name, shortened, is Kaepora. I'm a traveler of sorts, and have been almost everywhere in this great land. On that note, it seems we may be headed in the same direction: the village down there. If it would be alright with you, I may carry you."

Link sighed, then looked down. "It certainly would be helpful."

"Then, hold out your arms. I won't hurt." Link did as he's told, and faced the village. Kaepora got off the sign he sat on, picked him up, and carried him down the mountain, careful not to let him fall. He soared through air, quietly flapping his wings when he needed to. Emerald flew after the two, carrying Navi in her thicker mane. She noticed Link smiling. Was he having... fun? She'd only known him to be serious. At the village, Kaepora decided to set him down on one of the red-tiled roofs.

Careful not to fall, Link walked to the edge of the roof and looked around the village. "I admit, that, was fun." Link looked up and saw the owl flying away into the distance. "And there he goes..."

Emmy landed beside him. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. And, now that we're back here... I can show you the rest of the village! One piece at a time. Where do you wanna start?"

Link focused on the gate he passed on his way up the mountain. Why'd he drop us here? he thought.

Chapter 32: The Rest of the Village

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The Chicken Mare

Link looked around at the village. Slowly, his gaze revolved and fixed itself on Emerald. "What is here to look at?"

Emmy looked around as well, making a mental note of what Link might enjoy. "Let's see here... There's the windmill over there," she pointed at a large wooden structure, "two shops that way," she pointed once more, "a haunted house," another point, "and right down there is the graveyard." Emerald looked at Link. "Where to first?"

"The graveyard's closest. We can start there." He peered over the edge of the red roof and saw a wooden balcony. Easy way down. He stepped off, landing easily on the balcony. What he didn't expect, was the wood to give way under his weight. Link fell through the boards, and landed heavily on his feet.

"AAH!" A mare shrieked. A flock of chickens flew frighteningly fast out of their fenced in area. "No! What have you done?!" the mare asked rather loudly. "My chickens!"

In apology, Link held up his hands. "Terribly sorry, ma'am." He pointed up to the hole he made. Beyond which stood Emmy shaking her head with a small grin. "The balcony was weaker than I thought it'd be."

"You... insolent - " The mare sighed, and shook her head. "You caused my beloved chickens to fly the coop. I expect you to round them up yourself. That's 7 chickens in total. Oh, and you have until nightfall."

Navi flew out and glanced at Link. "It is kinda your fault, Link."

"I know, I know," he responded. "That's 7, right?" She nodded. "They can't have gone too far." Link turned his head to Emmy. "C'mon. We got work to do."

"Sure thing," she agreed. Emmy hovered down to Link as he got out of the pen. "I saw where they went, so this'll be a snap."

Link saw a chicken already. But catching them... Not so much. Carefully, he approached the chicken, and easily picked it up. It made no problems for him, even as he carried it and placed it in its home.

"6 more, trouble-maker," the mare scolded.

"I got it..." Who's harsher, this mare or my captain? He looked at Emmy. "Next?"

"Next closest is behind that fence over there." She pointed left, at a tall metal fence that stood beyond a stone circle under a wood arch.

Ahead of her, Link walked, eager to finish fast. "Emmy..." he started, "the one behind that fence... I don't think I can get at that one."

"That's because you haven't tried yet. You scared them, not me." She shrugged. "Sorry, but it's not my task to fetch them."

Well, it was worth a shot. He looked up at the tall fence before him. There's footholds I can use... No, it'll hurt my hands grabbing at metal edges... Link turned and looked behind him, noticing the stone staircase leading up and overhead. With a good idea in mind, he walked up the stairs and got his better view.

Emmy followed him. "So, what's your plan? What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking I can make this jump." Link noticed a fence to the left. I can use this to get more distance out of my jump.

The pegasus laughed at him. "You're a funny one, huh? Sorry, but I don't think you can make it from here to there."

"Scoff if you must, Emmy, but I'm getting over there." He backed way up, and stood beside a door. Focus. Keep up my momentum. Jump up and land at knee's height on the last fence post. Link looked close at the landing on the other side of the gap. There's a bit of land that goes down some stairs there... Should avoid rolling too far.

"Wait, you're serious?" she asked, looking at him in disbelief.

"Tell me, how sturdy is that fence there?"

Emmy tried moving it a little and failed. "Plenty sturdy... Link I don't think you should-"

"I've thought plenty. Might want to move." In a full on sprint, he dashed at the edge of the fence. With a first leap, he placed his foot on the fence post. His momentum did the trick as he sailed over the gap. As he landed, his feet slid from under him, causing him to tuck and roll against the ground, stopping just short of the stairs.

"You alright, Link?" Navi asked in concern, hovering around him. He nodded. "Good."

"Too bad it's a one-way trip." When he looked at Emmy's platform, he noticed it was higher up than the one he now stood on.

Emmy flew over easily. "You got guts, I'll give you that much. There's one down there, and- Hm? Hey, there's a ladder over there." She pointed at a tall wooden ladder leaning against a raised area going around back of the windmill. When Link looked, he saw a chicken atop the platform.

He picked up the chicken and carried it up the ladder carefully. At the top, he gathered the other chicken and walked around the stone wall, coming out the other side. Below, he could easily see the chicken coop. Emmy had followed him the whole way.

"These guys flew to some strange parts..." Emmy noted. "I thought chickens couldn't fly at all."

"Chickens with clipped wings can't fly. Seems like nopony did that here." He looked down the side and thought for a few moments. Then, he held up the chickens and gave them a toss. The two sailed through the air, landing safely in the coop. "That makes three." He and Emmy went down the ladder and back up the stairs. Atop his landing area, Link knelt and grabbed the ledge. In a few bits of hesitation, he let go, sliding down the wall, and landing rather heavily.

With 4 more to find, and Link not knowing where they were, he followed Emmy. One was found near the village gates. A second was discovered near her temporary home in an overturned crate. The third one was located near the gate to the mountain. While the fourth and final chicken was seen on a ledge that proved harder to reach, but with Emmy's help, it was reduced to child's play.

As all of the chickens returned, the mare smiled. "Thank you, trouble-maker. You're alright. I'd have done it, but... I'm allergic..."

Link lowered his head to kind of glare at her. "You're allergic... to your own chickens?"

"Unsightly so, yes I am."

"That explains their unclipped wings..." Link summed up.

"Well, for helping me out when you could have simply left it for me to do, I give you this." She took out a glass bottle with nothing in it. "It's a bottle of fine glass, and in time, it will prove itself to be invaluable to you." He took it and stored it in his pouch.

Emmy asked, "So, we went all around... Anywhere catch your eye?"

"Didn't you say there was a haunted house around here?" he replied, walking away from the chicken mare.

"I did." Quietly, she flew ahead of him, to lead him into town.


The Haunted House

Link followed closely, and Navi as his side. "What can you tell me about this place?" he asked.

The folks around here," Emmy started, "tell me that a ridiculously wealthy family lived here. And due to their greed, they were cursed."

He scoffed. "Curses aren't real, everypony knows that."

She turned quick to face him. "You better start believing in curses. There're no lights, no furniture, no nothing. But webs... Webs everywhere."

"Heh. Sounds like the opener to a bad story." She huffed at him. "No offense to you."

Emmy sighed. "Well, you'll see when we get there. All 6 members of their family got hit with it. And nopony anywhere knows how to lift it. Not that anypony went looking. I'd wager they know how, but nopony even wants to go inside, much less talk to them. Who knows? They might end up being cursed as well."

"You keep tossing that 'curse' word around..."

The three got to the door; it was on the other side of the ledge they found their final chicken. Navi hovered up and looked inside the web-covered, cracked window. "Looks spooky in there. You sure you want inside?"

Without hesitation, Link nodded. It might actually be haunted. He knocked loudly on the door. "Anypony home?"

Some of the townsfolk gathered around to see what he was up to, but none dared approach. "If you get cursed, it's not my fault," Emmy assured.

"I'll be fine." He knocked again, but only once more. His fist went through the door. "Oh, uh... Oops." Link tried the doorknob.

"Breaking and entering?" Navi asked, earning a glare from Link.

"Come on..." She quietly landed on his shoulder. "Inspecting, investigating, that sort of thing." Looking back to Emmy, he offered, "You can stay out here in the light if you want."

Emmy sighed and looked to her sides. Then, quickly followed in after him. "Alright, I'm coming in too..." The door shut behind them as soon as all entered.

The air inside was cold, and sounds of skittering filled the hollow room. It reeked of an unpleasant scent, something none of the three could place. There were a few portraits on the walls. One of which pictured 7 ponies.

"Must be the family..." Navi commented.

"Stay close to me," Link requested. She obeyed, hiding under his hat. A small shadow descended on his left. As he looked, he drew his blade and stood ready.

"Please... hurt us not..." it asked calmly. Wary, Link approached the being. "I am the youngest, of 4, yet my kin fear more than I."

Link replied, sheathing his sword, You've no reason to fear me." A closer look at it revealed a creature with a face, 8 ... legs coming out of its sides, and a long, thin wire, suspending it above the floor. "You... What are you?"

"We, are ponies, cursed by an evil will. We took the form you see, as a result."

"Told you it was a curse," Emmy bragged.

Link sighed. "Your whole family, yes?"

"Correct," it replied. "Tell me, would you be willing to help?"

"Sure, why not?" The creature retreated to the ceiling.

Previously quiet skittering grew loud, before falling silent once more. A much larger creature came down to his right and greeted. "Hello. Sorry to scare you, we mean no harm."

"No, no worries. Heard you needed help." Link studied the creature closely.

"Scattered to the corners of Equestria, on the very winds, are exactly 100 golden spiders. Their bodies turned to gold, each one must be slain, their gold retrieved and returned here. Do not think I ask this of you for nothing in return."

"100, huh..." Link asked. "How big are they?"

The creature shook itself. "I don't know. Long has it been since we even had visitors. I know not what size they've grown to, if at all."

"Alright. Well, I can't guarantee I'll find them all, but it's worth a look." He shrugged.

The creature appeared to be smiling. That is all that we could ask of you. Thank you for your offer."

Link bowed and turned. 100 gold spiders... Together, the three of them left the house and closed the door with more care than when they opened it. "So, there are curses."

"Yeah," Emmy replied. "Next time, believe me."

He paused and looked ahead. "What's that building there?"


The Construction Zone

"I'm pretty sure it's a new addition to the village..." Emmy answered.

"I can see that," Link retorted. "What's it gonna be?"

Navi came out of hiding. "I think one of the signs said, 'Shooting Gallery'."

"What sign?" Link asked. "The fairy led him around the area to a wall with an advertisement on it. "'Construction overhead. Shooting Gallery to open by next year!' Huh..." On it, was a picture of a target with an arrow shaft coming out of its bull's eye. "Fairly certain I'm too young to be using those."

"Well, then I guess you gotta wait anyway, huh kid?" Emmy teased.


"Hey, don't be sad. Bows are serious stuff." He nodded. "Where to next?"


The Windmill

"Hmm... What's left?" Link asked.

Emmy landed and listed, "The windmill right there, the graveyard, and the shops. Basically, everything we were gonna look at first."

"To the windmill then." Link walked ahead of Emmy up the stairs to the windmill. "This place is a lot bigger than it looks."

As they got to the door, Emmy opened it. "There's only ever one guy here. And he's cool with visitors."

Inside was almost entirely wooden. Music filled the air, coming from a pony with a strange instrument. His endless cranking on this instrument led to an endless melody. It was upbeat, with a nice tempo.

Link approached the stallion. "Excuse me?"

"Go around!" he replied instantly. "Round and round, the windmill spins." Link, Navi, and Emmy looked between each other. "I'm a musician, and I love going round and round."

"I couldn't tell," Link replied. "So what exactly are you doing here?"

"If it wasn't obvious, I'm trying to create a piece of musical art based on the theme of this windmill... going around and around..."

Link blinked a few times. "That's it?"

"Well, yeah. You expected more?" Link nodded. "Alright. I make rolls with notes every sunday. After I hook the ends together, I stand here all day and try to decide if it's the right one. I've gone through hundreds, even trying the same ones over again."

"How long have you been at it?" Navi asked him.

For once, the stallion stopped cranking, in turn, stopping the melody. "Hmm... I don't know." He started up again. "Been doing this so long, it's my life's work. Might as well be anyway."

"This particular one... Have you the notes on paper?" Link asked.

"Nonsense boy. If you want to play it, you must dive into it, immerse yourself in music enough to hear a song and play it back immaculately."

Link sighed. "I guess. What's the windmill here for anyway?"

"You saw the well outside, yes? The windmill draws up its water, and makes it available for the townsfolk. It so much as slows, and the well loses its pressure."

"How about if it speeds up?" Link asked.

"Then the well would run dry..."

"That sounds bad..." Emmy admitted. The stallion nodded.

"Let's go see it," Link suggested. They bid their farewells and headed for the exit. He turned and added, "For what it's worth, I think you're on to something with this one." The three left the windmill.


The Well

Emmy walked with Link to the well, which had a stone border and a wooden arch over it. On one side, another wooden sign read...

"'Dark! Narrow! Scary! Well of Three Features'. Well, they forgot 'boring'." Link looked over the stone border.

"All it does is supply water to the entire village," Emmy summed. "Pretty sure it doesn't need to actually do anything else."

Link saw a ladder on one of the inner walls. "The water's a few feet below the line here... And there's a ladder too..."

"Most likely for maintenance access." Emmy saw Link get pulled away by a dark orange aura.

"Careful kid," the pony said. "I've been around long enough to know that going in's a bad idea."

Slowly, Link turned and saw an old stallion in a blue cloak. "You must be wise. What have you heard of it? The well, I mean."

The stallion cleared his throat and sat down slowly. "That well there's got a story. A long time ago, there was a stallion in this very village who had an eye they said could see... the truth!" He leaned forward and stomped his hoof for emphasis. "Now usually, you have to train your mind's eye strenuously to see the truth, but this fella..." He began laughing. Link and Emmy turned away in almost embarrassment, only to turn back to him once he continued. "No, this fella, he had a different way of doing things...

"And his house stood where the well is now," he ended.

"That's a bit scary. An eye to see the truth." Link looked back at the well. "Eh, it's a long way down, and I can't hold my breath that long."

"Heh. Good kid. Best be movin' along now." He vanished in a puff of magic.

Emmy flew in front of him. "He was weird, yeah?"

Link nodded. "I didn't want to say anything. Anyway..."

Navi asked, "Where to next?"


The Graveyard Keepers

Link looked around. "What's that way?"

Emmy thought a moment. "The graveyard. It's a rather grim place to be."

"Not scared are you?" Navi asked, smiling.

"Not a chance!" Emmy and Link nearly shouted in unison. They looked at each other and shared a laugh.

The three went to the graveyard and stood at the gate, looking around. There was a hut to the right. and a large array of headstones with fences lining the pathways through them. The headstones covered several elevated areas as well.

"Welcome to the graveyard!" a little colt greeted. "The guy that runs this place is a little under the weather, but I'm more than qualified to answer any questions you may have." The colt spoke with a harshness.

"Alright... Who's buried here?" Navi asked, hovering before the colt.

Roughly, the colt cleared his throat. "Our land here is reserved for members of the royal family, members of the royal guard, a few nobles here and there, oh and one is reserved for the gravekeeper. That was an easy one."

"Okay, smarty... How about this one: How many headstones are there and how many are actually buried here?" Emerald took her turn asking.

"There are 21 headstones, but there are more than 2 dozen actually buried here. Next?"

Link asked, "So... With that many here, surely there's a 'most important'. Who would that be?"

The colt pointed to the far back of the graveyard. "A married couple. Musicians, they were. Crescendo the Rising, and Diminuendo the Falling. They wrote music for the royal sisters back when they ruled in the Everfree forest. Their songs are still in use to this day, though maybe not their final works."

"BOY!!" a gravely voice called, "I HUNGER!! BRING WATER TOO!!" It came from the hut.

"Under the weather, huh..." Link asked with doubt.

"Yes. But just you wait and see. This ain't nothing serious at all! He's gonna jump up outta that hut and lead the gravedigging tour like he used to! You'll see!" The colt ran into town and out of sight.

Both Link and Emmy watched him disappear. "Alright. Well, let's go." Link turned back and headed to the two headstones in the rear.

"Wha-! Hey!" She followed after him. "Just what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm investi-" He felt her tug at his arm. "Investigating... It's what I do best." His pace slowed not, as he went on explaining. "Musicians from back when the sisters ruled as one. I'm willing to bet there's something for me to learn from them. History or music..."

"But they're dead." She had let him go, but did not ease her argument. "What could they possibly tell you? It's not like they know you're coming or anything."

"There's a chance they left something for the rightful holder of the ocarina on which I called you. And as the rightful holder, at least so far, it falls to me to discover it if it exists."

"This is a bad idea..." Emmy walked behind him.

"Then stay behind," Navi said, sitting on Link's shoulder.

Link turned and faced Navi, smiling. "Great idea." He turned further. "You should stay up here. Keep a watch out for the colt."

"Hey, I never said I was leaving you. Just that what you're trying to do is pointless."

Quickly, Link turned, almost knocking Navi off in the process. "It's not pointless! I'm doing this because I have a feeling there's something for me to learn here! I'm usually right, too. And I wasn't kidding. You stay up here and keep watch." He turned once more and walked the rest of the way in silence. Emmy notably had her head down.

The headstone stood half his height taller than him, and several times wider. To each side stood a headstone. Much smaller than the one they accompanied. One for Crescendo the Rising, and the other for Diminuendo the Falling. "Be warned..." a feminine voice called. Link looked up and saw dark clouds forming over the graveyard. Rain began to fall as he looked back at the stone. "Beyond the ground lies a royal tomb."

"Turn back while you still can," a male voice added. "For if one more step you take, then-" The voice stopped as Link took out his ocarina. "... That it would return to us so soon... Is surprising."

"So you are knowledgeable of it." Link grinned. "Is there anything you can teach me about it?" He almost sounded desperate. "Everypony I know just knows it holds some power. But other than that, nothing..."

The wife, Crescendo, appeared in a flash of yellow light. She wore an old style dress, with several yellow and white layers. "A strange creature you are..."

In a deep blue flash, Diminuendo, the husband, also appeared. He wore a kind of suit, made from dark blues and black. "Honey, he's different, not strange." He turned and looked at Link.

"You asked what it is we can teach you, yes?" Link nodded. "If you can reach the end of this tomb, then you will be taught."


The Songs of Sun and Moon

"End of the tomb?" Link echoed.

"That's what I said," Crescendo replied. "There's a path underground that leads to our actual resting place. A pair of songs are etched into the stone. We'd teach you them now, but..." The two looked between each other. "We forgot what they were."

"Naturally," Link said under his breath. He looked down and saw the Triforce marked on the stone beneath him. "And I bet you can't tell me how to get inside."

"You'd be right. If you truly are the chosen one, then you already know how." Diminuendo floated to him to get a better look. "What'd you say your name was?"

Link hesitated. "I'll tell you once I return." He put the ocarina to his lips and played Celestia's Lullaby.

Seconds later, a lightning bolt struck the headstone, sending chunks of stone into the dirt wall behind it. Link was also thrown back from the force of the impact. Emmy had hidden behind a fence behind Link, while Navi held on for dear life. Link got to his feet, after a few moments, and looked to see a square hole in the ground.

"That's the entrance, huh..." he asked, walking closer to it. Looking down, he saw a glowing object. "Alright... Here goes..." He jumped feet first down the hole. His foot caught a vine near the end of it and turned him, causing him to land on his shielded back.

"You alright down there?" Crescendo asked, looking down at him.

"I'm alright..."

"Do me a favor, and play the left one first!" she called again.

Diminuendo argued, "No, the right one! It's better than the one on the left!"

"Or I could, you know, not play either! That's a good idea!" Link got to his feet and dusted himself off. Looking around, he asked, "Where am I..." Ahead of him, he saw a set of stone stairs, leading down. "Navi, you good?"

The ball of light emerged from behind Link. "Yeah, I'm good." She dimmed her light a little. Link walked down the stairs to a small room, opposite which, he saw a set of stairs leading upward to a door of some kind. "Odd..." she noted. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw little red circles. "Link, I don't think we're alone down here..."

He turned at what Navi meant, and saw a pair of eyes, glowing red. They belonged to a skeleton of a pony, who's likely been there for centuries. Even had a rusted broken sword at its side. Probably eroded due to the passing of time... "Hm?" Link turned around, as though he heard something behind him. Against the opposite wall, there sat another skeleton, with black sockets. This one was a unicorn. He walked to it. "Hey Navi... Who do you think these are?"

"Hmm... Maybe guards set to defend the buried here..."

Link walked up the stairs, glancing around the room. At the door, he studied it. Pushing and pulling did nothing. Hmm. "There's a handle on the bottom here..." Carefully, he picked up the heavy wooden door and walked under it to the next room, letting it slam shut behind him and Navi.

That room stunk like corpses, which hit Link hard. Along the walls, he noticed, coffins were standing upright, each with either a sun or a moon on the surface.

"Who did they say was buried here?" Link asked, glancing about the room as he walked.

Navi responded slowly, "I think they said they were buried here..."

"I don't think they are the only ones. Why would musicians merit the burial of royal guards?"

In the large room, a path led through a poisonous pond. Link walked carefully over the path There was a hole in the wall opposite the entrance. He continued until he came to a headstone. To the left, was a series of notes. On the right, a different set. Link took out his journal and copied the melodies exactly as he saw them, leaving space beneath and above for descriptions and titles respectively.

Navi looked them over, then read the headstone's engraving. "'Restless souls wander where they don't belong, bring them calm with the Sun's Song'." Below it, was another couplet. "'Lunar Requiem you must play, if you wish the night to stay.' ... I don't get it."

Link flipped to the next page and copied the inscription verbatim. "Well, we got what we came for. Let's head back." He turned and immediately froze. I - I can't move!

Before him, hobbled a creature, with rotting limbs and a shambling walk. In a gravely voice, it commanded, "Get... Out..."

Though he tried as hard as he might, Link couldn't move a muscle. Move! My body's not responding!

"Link! Watch out!" Navi shouted. With the shock, Link ducked and dove out of the way. The creature lunged at him, mouth open. As if in slow motion, Link watched as the creature bashed its face into the stone. It turned and gave Link a shriek and a glare, before getting to its hooves. Not missing a beat, Link got up and bolted out of the room, stowing his notebook and drawing his weapons.

Outside that room, Link froze again, as 7 more guards advanced on his location. No! Not again! With his will alone, Link broke free, and drove his sword down the side of the 'zombie' that was closest. If I'm gonna keep freezing, then I'll need to get my attack up before I do. It crumpled as Link ran around the path. He successfully cleaved two in half before he got half way down the path. Just before he froze, Link jumped and raised his sword. The creature in front of him was slow, but eager to bite him. It got just close enough, so when Link unfroze, his blade split the 'zombie' down the middle. I can freeze in mid-air... One of the slower ones just watched him attack, close to the wall.

Link took this opportunity to run along the wall and cut off its head before leaping off and rolling, thrusting his sword into another 'zombie'. Using his foot, he slid his sword off the creature and felt something on his back. In a panic, he jumped straight up and leaned back, falling squarely on the 'zombie', squishing it between his back and the ground. Link jumped forward and rolled under another who lunged at his side, and over the one he'd slain with the thrust. Looking around, the others that remained followed, too slow to catch up to him.

Out of the immediate danger he was in before, Link opened and closed the door behind him, leaving the poison pond room. He dropped to his knees and caught his breath. "What- was- that?!"

Navi got to his eye level and asked, "Did it bite you? The one on your back, I mean?" Link checked for holes with his hand and shook his head. "Good."

From the edge of his vision, he saw the skeletons start to move. The first one picked up its broken sword while the other reached for a spear. "Oh no..." Link tried to move his legs and failed at first. Only after he took a deep breath and calmed down, did his legs finally respond. Sheathing his sword and shield, he stood and waited. The closer they got, the lower Link bent over. When the two stood at the bottom of the stairs, Link sprinted and leapt over the two skeletons. Not looking back, he ran to the glowing panel under the hole he came in. Alright, time to leave. In moments, Link was lifted into the air by an unseen force. On the surface, he landed.

Crescendo, Diminuendo, and Emmy waited for him, the latter appeared before him and hugged him. "You're safe! I felt some dark energy down there."

Link glared at the ghosts. "Why are the two of you guarded by Royal Guards? What exactly were you two researching in life that you needed guards to die for it with you?"

The two looked at each other, frowned, and looked back at him. "Alright", Crescendo started, "To tell the truth, each of us was studying a different song, one to summon the sun and another to summon the moon."

"We served the Royal Family, and were assigned to study the hereditary mystic powers of the princesses. Though we never could figure out how they actually did it, we were able to replicate controlling the sun and moon with the tones of ocarinas." Diminuendo looked at his wife.

Crescendo looked at Link closely. "You found two songs, right? There was one on the left, and another on the right of the headstone. The left one is mine. It brings awakening, passes the night, and brings the morning. The Sun's Song."

"Mine is the right one. It brings rest, finishes the day, and brings out the moon. Lunar Requiem." Diminuendo added. "A pair of melodies." Carefully, Link took out his notepad, and after catching his breath and retrieving his writing utensil, he wrote all their information. "just don't play the Sun's Song when it's already out. Same applies to Lunar Requiem and the moon."

"Why not? Link asked.

The two fell silent. Then, the mare answered, "I'm not sure... We don't know what would happen." They shrugged.

Link looked at the two, then Emmy. "Well, I think I got all I came for. Let's go."

Crescendo flew in front of him. "Wait..." she said. "You said you'd say what your name was..."

He turned, then glanced back. "My name is Link. I'd say remember it, but... It's unimportant."

Diminuendo flew and stood behind him. "Rubbish. It's a name. It alone can make you strong. Trust me, I know." The ghosts watched as Link and Emmy walked out of the graveyard. "Think he'll be alright? The ocarina is a heavy burden to bear."

Crescendo nodded, and started to fade. "I know... Still, he's a long time away from summoning windstorms."

Outside, in the village, Link looked at Emmy and asked, "You said there were shops here?"

She nodded. "Two of them. Yes."

"Then let's go check them out," he suggested.

I won't tell him yet... It'll be funnier if he found out himself. Emmy lightly giggled and followed.


The Shop

Emmy led him to the gate up the mountain. She pointed to a building on the left. "That's one of them. Not sure what it sells."

On the front door hung a sign reading, "Closed For Renovations." Link sighed. "That's a bummer. Was hoping they had some food."

"Hey maybe the other shop has something for you."

Link looked at her. "Oh? And where's that at?"

She pointed behind them at another building.


The Potion Shop

He glared at her as he walked by and saw yet another sign. "'Gone for Field Study.' Did you know this?"

"Of course. But you wanted to see them, and you have seen them. Wish granted."

Link sighed. "Alright, I'll give you that." He looked out over the village. That's everything, huh..." Emmy nodded. "Alright then. Well, It's nightfall. Better tell the transporting pegasi I'm done with my business so I can get back to Canterlot. But that can wait until morning."

"About that... Can I join you?" Emmy asked. "Back to Canterlot I mean?"

"Maybe. You should be pardoned for helping me, at the very least." Link made his way to the motel they were staying at.

Emmy stayed close to him. "... Could I bunk with you tonight? I could really use the company..."

Link nodded. In the room, she got comfortable in one of the two beds while Link prepared his journal for the fourth entry.


July 23
Kakariko Mura

I successfully completed the task I was given by Princess Celestia, with the help of a good friend, Emerald Storm. She showed me around the village today, and I learned quite a number of things. On the next page is a drawing of a shambling creature I encountered in the tomb of the musicians. I also learned a pair of songs for controlling the sun and moon. I won't play them when I can get caught, so no worries there.There's a windmill that draws up water from a well, with a stallion inside cranking a strange instrument. There's a chicken caring mare here who's allergic to her chickens.


He paused as Emmy asked him a question. "For Epona, right?" Link nodded. "Could I go back with you to Ponyville? I know I said 'The Running of the Leaves', but I wanna surprise everypony."

"I'll need to clear it with Princess Celestia, but other than that, sure."


There's a haunted house that's got a cursed family. CURSES ARE REAL! 100 gold spiders needed to break it. There are two shops here, both closed. A shooting gallery is gonna be open by next year. Hope to be one of its first takers. Signing off.
-Link and Navi


Link set aside his hat as Navi occupied it. He removed his pouch and stowed his journal and writing stuff. Laying down, he sighed as a few of his muscles relaxed after the day he's had.

"Link..." Emmy said, "Thank you for helping me out... Really." She turned over and closed her eyes. Besides, I can feel something in or near Ponyville... calling to me...

Chapter 33: The Traitor

View Online

Link woke up with the morning sun, though at that location, it was hidden by the mountain. He got out of bed and woke Navi, who lay peacefully inside his hat on the side table. She yawned adorably, and flew to his shoulder as Link put on his hat. As Link began to get his stuff together, he heard Emerald start to roll in her bed, causing him to look over at her.

"Good morning, Emmy," he greeted. "Sleep well, did you?"

Emmy stretched, yawned, and sat upright. "Mostly. Had a weird dream where the clouds were marshmallows with faces. But, I am ready to go on if you are."

"Indeed I am. Gotta tell the pegasi to ready the transport for us. We're going to Canterlot before Ponyville, so we can pardon you for your ... crime..."

"Oh, good. If you're speaking for me, I have nothing to worry about." Emmy got out of bed and stretched once more. The three of them, Navi included, gathered their things. Link had more to do, since he came with more. He didn't dare leave anything behind. Emerald made sure to have her bags, and her scrolls in them. As Link got to the door, there was a knock.

"Hm?" Link opened it and there stood the mare of the pair that brought him there. "Oh, good morning. Emmy and I are ready to go."

"Uhm... It'll just be you today. My partner had to go back on his own. Important business to attend to. D-don't worry though. I can get you there safely myself."

"I see. Would this 'important business' involve my friend here?" he asked, looking over the guard mare carefully. The mare shook her head. "Can she come with anyway? She can help you fly the transport."

"Afraid not," she replied. "While that would be a good idea, only certified guards can fly these ones. You know that." The mare looked a little uneasy.

Link turned to Emmy. "So, I guess I will be speaking on your behalf. When you get to Ponyville, stop by the library. I'll meet you there when my business is done."

"Isn't that where you live?" she asked him.

"It's also the last place we'd ever see Rainbow, so if you wanna lay low, that's the place to start." He turned to the guard. "Just me, then, I guess."

Emmy hovered outside the door. "See you there, then." All at once, she took off to the southwest for the little town of Ponyville.

Link watched out of the corner of his eye as he followed the guard to the transport. "I have a long flight ahead of me," the mare said. "Oh, and sorry in advance for the bumpy ride."

"I'm sure you're not as bad as you claim. After all, I got here in one piece. How bad is it when you're alone?"


Nearly half an hour later, they entered Canterlot airspace. The whole way there, the transport shook, like something was loose. Link held the side, looking down, and around at the city. "Hey..." he started, "where is everypony? The streets are usually flooded this time of day."

"That's a good question," the pegasus replied. "Don't suppose you wanna... go check it out?"

"Yes," Link replied quickly. "I mean, you can. I think I can walk the rest of the way."

She looked back at him and grinned. "Alright. Making a landing in the street. Hold on." She started her descent.

Trust me, I have been.

Upon landing, Link hopped over the side and landed safely, looking around. The roads were empty, no carts, no ponies, no open doors or ringing bells. "What happened here? It feels abandoned here..." the mare said. "I'm gonna start looking into this. Don't wait up, alright?"

Link started walking toward the castle. About 20 minutes later, he realized he hadn't passed any open shop or any pony. The ones he did see were in the process of closing their doors. Navi whispered under his hat, "Hey, Link. Don't look now, but we're being followed."

"How many..." he replied, quietly.

"I only saw two. Behind us, and around the corner of the buildings."

Suddenly, Link stopped walking, and turned around. "Come out. I know you're following me." Two pegasi stepped out from behind a corner. One of them was the male pegasus who helped transport him just a couple days ago, the one on 'important business'. The other was a pegasus mare, who had a metal spear on her back. "What is this about?" he asked, taking a step toward them. He heard paper crumple under him and looked down, seeing a picture of him. With 'Wanted' as its header. Link moved his foot and picked it up. "'Treason'. ..." He looked at the two guards and dropped the paper.

"We need you to come with us. Quietly," the stallion requested. He pulled a set of cuffs from his bag, and with light blue magic, they levitated in front of him.

Link glared at the cuffs. Interesting... They're moving with magic. So... They brought back up. "Or you can tell me what this is about. That works out better for all of us." Link walked closer to the guards.

"Link. You are under arrest for the crime of conspiring against the crown of Equestria. We're here to take you in." The mare beside him drew her spear and held it at her side. Both guards stood ready. "By force, if we must."

Slowly, Link held out his hands. Just a bit closer... Soon, he tripped and fell forward. Link grabbed the open cuffs and closed them around the stallion's forelegs, locking them in place. He rolled to the side and dodged the mare's spearhead being thrust down at him. Quickly, he pushed himself to his feet, turned, and ran toward the castle.

"Link!" Navi said, still hiding. "What are you doing?"

"Something's wrong. I need to find out what."

"Get him!" the stallion ordered.

The mare took her spear and soared high into the sky. Link looked back and saw she was gone. The sound of crashing in front of him caused him to stop. With her spear in the ground, she stood in front of him once more. "Give it up, kid. Other guards are on their way as we speak." Link put up his hands and made a few barrier steps in front of him. As he ran up and over, he put a shield above and behind the mare. When he landed, he turned back and saw her hit herself when she tried to jump again, falling to the ground. And again, when she attempted to go straight at him.

She picked up her spear once more and went around the barriers as Link continued running. I've lost ground. The guard approached his side fast, spear pointed at him. Link jumped over the mare's attack and continued, unfazed by the attempt. On his other side, the mare swung her spear sideways, aiming at his chest. He ducked under the attack, and rolled forward, charging ahead of her.

Clearly frustrated, she soared again. I'll aim for him this time. He's making me mad! She got to the apex of her ascent, and saw him stop running. Just enough to graze him. That's all I need. As fast as she dropped on him, Link was still able to evade her assault. All that training bucking apple trees the way he decided made his kicks that much stronger. With a single reverse side kick, he connected with her armor and sent her crashing into the side of the building a good 20 feet away. Link picked up the spear she dropped and continued on, only to see two unicorns in the road.

Then he looked behind them, at the shining yellow wall. They put up a barrier... They really think I'm guilty of something. He took out his boomerang and remembered its curve when thrown. Adjusting his strength, he threw it forward, and hit both unicorns in their horns, disabling the spell and allowing him to pass over their unconscious forms. He pulled his hand back, and smiled at how the boomerang appeared in it. As he put it away in his pouch, he saw the bridge over the water to the castle approaching. Once he passed over it, he stopped.

12 guards, 4 of each race, surrounded him on all sides. "This is as far as you go," one guard said. The unicorns put barriers around the 12 of them, and themselves for protection. "Get on the ground and drop your weapons!"

Link slowly set the spear down and got to one knee, holding his hands out. The stallion approached him with a set of cuffs. When he stopped in front of Link, the latter turned around, back flipped and brought his foot down hard against the stallion's helmet, dropping him. At once, Link picked up the cuffs and spear, stowing the former into his pouch unseen for future use, while he gripped the latter and pointed it ahead of himself. "C'mon then!"

A pair of earth ponies ran at his sides, swords drawn. Link put the base of his spear on the ground and used it to jump upward, like the mare had before him. On the way down, he brought the spear shaft down on the two swords. Two unicorns behind him advanced, but Link kicked both of their helmets away, fazing them both. In groups of two, then three, then four, then all in one go, they succeeded in subduing him, locking his wrists in cuffs, and leaving a couple guards unconscious.

Link was carried off through the castle. His sword, shield, and pouches all confiscated. He was hauled to the prison under the castle, and thrown in a cell. A unicorn guard locked the cell door and removed the cuffs. "You'll be here a while. Get comfortable." The two guards walked away, the speaker jingling the cell keys on a large loop.

As soon as the cuffs were off, Link leapt forward and grabbed the bars. "You have the wrong guy! Whatever it is, it WASN'T ME!!" he shouted. Silence. Link sighed, then slid and sat down. "I'm not a traitor..." He put his head down and sighed again.

"Hey..." a mare called in the cell opposite of him.

That caused Link to look up at her. Then, squinting closer, he recognized her. "Aren't you the greenhorn guard that stood by the princesses when I went to leave? Why are you in here?"

"Same reason as you," she replied, revealing to him her light blue eyes. "I'm suspected of conspiring against the crown of Equestria..."

Link sat there. "You too, huh... Are you actually conspiring? Or are you falsely accused, like me?"

"Falsely accused."

"Then they have at least two innocent ponies in their prison." Link stood up and paced in his cell. "If we were to be acquitted of our quote-unquote 'crimes'," he made finger quotes when he spoke, "they'd have to set us free, right?"

"That's providing anyone's willing to risk their own freedom. If they look for a way to get us out, then they'd be aiding and abetting, making them just as 'guilty'." She, too, made quotes.

"Right..." Link admitted. "Then it's up to us."

The mare walked to her cell door. "I don't know if you noticed, but we're in prison. We aren't going anywhere any time soon." She paused, and looked closer at him. "Who are you, really?"

Link looked around his cell while he paced. A few rocks here and there, a slab of stone for a bed and a chain-bound stone table. "I'm the one who's gonna find a way out of this cell. And I'll do it in less than a day. I just... Need some time to think of 'how'."

"Good luck with that..." She flopped onto her back and looked at the ceiling.

Meanwhile, Link started gathering a handful of small stones and carried them to the table. I don't need luck. I need quiet. He placed the stones in patterns on the table and moved them one at a time, sometimes making striking or sliding noises with the rocks.

"Suppose you do get out," she interrupted, "what will you do?"

Link gripped the stone he had in his hand. "I'm going to get the guard's set of keys, and get you out. They pass on the keys at every shift change, so one guard has them at all times. The problem, or one of them, is that they're armed. And they have magic cuffs that cut off all magic. Including most of mine."

"Most?" she inquired, sitting up.

"I'll explain later, if I can. But right now, please, let me focus." Link looked at her and shot a glare, before looking at his stones. "Sorry for snapping, but time isn't exactly on my side here."

Soon, a male unicorn guard came down, audibly jingling the keys he had. He stopped in front of her cell first. "Nice and comfy, huh?"

"You won't keep me here forever," she said with a growl.

He turned after giving her an apple, and looked at Link. "Here you are." Another apple rolled into the cell, stopping at his feet. "Oi... What's with them rocks there?"

Link dropped his head, then turned and nearly shouted, "I'm bored! I'm trying to pass the time!" He picked up the apple. "Although... I wouldn't argue against a chess set." Link bit into the apple and held out his other hand. "Help a guy out?"

"Tch. Not a chance." The stallion walked off, keys jingling the whole way out.

Quietly, Link listened for the guard. "Gone. Good. Navi, you can come out now. It's safe."

Navi flew up, taking his hat with her, and tossed it aside. She flew around him before landing on the table, stretching. "Mmmm, ahhh. Finally. I was starting to go to sleep up there." Then she noticed the stone arrangements. "Boredom, huh?"

"Something like that," he admitted. "Just a little activity to keep my head clear. I also need someone to talk to while I work. Talk things over with."

"Then you've called the right fairy."

The guard mare asked, "Fairy? You have one of those?"

Link looked over. "Yes. But only one. I imagine they're a rare find." He looked back to his rocks.

"What are you going to do when you escape? After you get me out, of course. You know, provided you actually pull it off," she asked.

"After getting you out, I plan to get my weapons and tools back from the armory they're locked in. Then, I'm going to sneak my way to the throne room where I suspect guards will be posted. After I get inside the throne room, I'll deliver my formal report on my latest mission."

"That's it?" Link nodded, barely visible. "You're not scared of what they will do to you?"

"Nope. Celestia is like my mother. And she always hears me out. Why would I ever be a traitor to my own mother?" He held a rock in his hand and walked to the cell door. "So, I told you a bit of mine. What's your story, guardmare?"

She turned away from him. "That's personal, don't you think?"


"So, I don't feel I have to tell you anything." She turned again, looking at him.

Link frowned. "Then how about just a name? Surely that's not personal." He clenched the stone in his hand. "Just that, and I'll stop asking you. Fair?"

"Fine..." She exhaled what remained of her breath, and inhaled slowly. "I'm called Polaris. Satisfied?"

"Indeed I am. In more ways than one." He held up the rock, in his open hand. "Do you know what this is?"

"That's a rock," she answered plainly. "Split perfectly in half..."

"And? It's how I'm getting out of this place. But first, I need to plan the next moves carefully." He closed his hand and walked back to his table. "Navi, feel free to keep our new friend company while I work things out."

Navi flew over to Polaris and hovered before her. "Nice to meet you, formally at least." She bowed.

Link spent the next few hours pacing, running his hands along the wall, at the point where the cell bars met stone. That included climbing the bars to reach the ceiling, where he ran his hand some more, as well as the floor beside the bars. When he finished, he beckoned Navi to return to his side. There they waited. Until the guard came down with yet another apple, one for each of the prisoners. Navi hid herself under his hat atop his head just before the guard came within earshot. Polaris looked out her cell at the approaching guard. Again, his keys could be heard.

"So, you two get comfy yet?" he asked, looking between Link and Polaris. The former leapt at the bars and grabbed at them, causing the stallion to back up a little. But with the bars in between them, he felt confident. "You're never getting out. Not without these keys here." He levitated them in front of him, just out of reach.

"All I need is those keys. Let me out, and I'll put in a defensive word to the princesses. I'll even give them back."

"If you want them," he replied smiling, "come and claim them."

Link returned his hand to the bars and answered, smiling, "Your proposal is acceptable." He pushed hard against the bars. With the added strength of his bracelet, the cell gate broke free from the ceiling, floor, and walls. In surprise, the guard could do nothing, and was pinned under the weight of the gate.

The keys fell to the floor with a ringing sound as the cell's antimagic effect started working on the unicorn, who wasn't strong enough to move the bars by hoof. "Get this thing off me!" he shouted.

Link reached down and took the keys, unlocking and sliding Polaris's cell door open. "Well, shall we?"

Polaris looked stunned at his display. "You actually broke out of prison..." All the same, she escaped her cell, and watched Link toss the keys back down to the buried guard. "But..."

"I did say I'd give them back, didn't I?" The three of them navigated the prison halls carefully. There were no other guards down there at all. Strange... It's rarely ever this empty... When they got to the door leading out of the hall, Link quieted his voice. "When we step out, we're going into stealth mode. Quiet gestures, no noise at all. Got me?"

She nodded. Link slowly opened the door, and saw the lone guard standing there. All at once, he opened it wide and wrapped his arm around the guard's neck, squeezing tight while grabbing his horn. Soon, the guard passed out. Slowly, Link let the guard rest on the floor. He turned and paused, seeing the sword the guard had on his flank. Nah. I'll be getting my own back soon enough.

Both Link and Polaris walked in shadows against the wall, away from the luminary spell the unicorn guards were using. There were times they had to be patient, and points where they had to hurry along. Together, they made their way to the armory; this armory in particular because it was the closest one to the entrance he was dragged through. It made the most sense to him that that's where his stuff would be.

Around the last corner, Link halted. Looking around and left, he saw two guards standing at the door. Link motioned for his companion to stay put. As he rounded the corner quietly, he got just close enough to break into a run. Then, stopped right beside the closer of the two, spun and brought his heel down on the back of the guard's helmet, putting him down for the count. Link jumped forward and landed, throwing a punch at the second guard, who turned away from it and blind bucked him in the chest, sending Link back a few feet.

"Our princess told us you'd be coming," he said. "When I lock you in the cell, I'll be seen as a hero." The stallion rose to his back hooves in a fighting stance. Link took a step back, seeing how much taller a full grown stallion was in comparison to himself.

"You're big," Link commended. "Fought bigger." Link stepped forward and ducked under a swing, standing up into an uppercut that connected with the guard's chin. Unfazed, the guard reacted with his other hoof striking against Link's side, sending him tumbling down. On the floor, Link turned and swept the hooves out from under the towering guard, who then fell himself. Link got to his feet and kicked at the guard's head, blocked by his hooves. There was an audible sound as his boot struck the foreleg guard the stallion wore, and a dent where he made contact. Again, he kicked, this time, with enough force to go through the block, connecting with the helmet the guard wore and knocking it off his head.

The guard kicked Link away, or tried to. He missed, only barely. Link allowed the guard to stand up again, fully. Upright, the guard advanced on Link, hooves up. With another swing, Link grabbed it this time and leapt up and over it. In one quick motion, he kicked the guard's unprotected head twice and hard. Falling, Link rolled and got his feet under him, looking forward in time to see the giant fall, and fall unconscious. He caught his breath, and beckoned to Polaris, who walked over slowly, admiring the job he'd done. "Nice work. I am impressed."

Link found the keys on the stallion he fought against and opened the door. "Stay right here a moment, and keep watch. I won't be long." He unlocked the doors and went inside.

Several spears, swords, staffs, curved blades, shields both tower and buckler, staves, gauntlets and daggers adorned the walls and were stored in containers along the wall. Link looked at it all, and saw his stuff in the corner. He put his gear on, and noticed a smaller shield than the one he currently had. Picking it up, he noticed it was meant for a left hoofed pony. Putting his larger shield in his pouch, Link wore the smaller one on his back, in front of the sword. In one last move, he dragged both the unicorn guard and earth pony guard into the armory and locked the metal door as he left.

Link looked down the hall, adjusted his sword belt, and started walking, more confident he can get the job done.


Luna sat on her throne beside Celestia, looking at a scroll that hovered before her. Though she read it already, she repeated, "'Link has escaped.' I still can't believe he actually managed it. 'He took the other prisoner with him. I believe he will make his way to you at some point. Please be ready.' Please, we are fully prepared to handle the likes of him."

Celestia looked at her. "Look at the scroll as long as you desire. Its contents will not change. It would seem you have underestimated your opponent."

"It is a trivial matter. There are contingency plans in place for just such a course of action." She looked to the kneeling guard in front of them. "Still... I would like to know the method he used for his escape..."

"Have you a need of my service? Am I free to act in your stead?" the mare guard asked.

"Stay your shimmering blades, for there is still the option of fleeing he might choose. Not that I'm counting on it, but if he does, there are squads posted at every exit this castle has."

Celestia smiled. "You seem so confident. T'would be a shame if-"

The appearance of a second scroll caught the three of them off guard. Luna took it and opened it. "No doubt to say he's fallen. 'Princess Luna,' That's me. 'Link has taken his belongings from the armory. By force. I was knocked out first, and the partner you stationed with me has also been knocked out. In addition to his own weapons, a shield is missing from its place on the wall. Further, we're both locked inside.' ..." Luna sighed.

The unicorn stood and put on her helmet. "I dare to ask twice: have you need of my service?" Silence. "I know him well enough to know that he doesn't run. He meets his opponent head on, and always with a plan. He never goes in without his wits about him. He will come for you, Princess. And when he does..." She picked up her two swords and tied them at her flanks. "And when he does, I will put him down." She bowed and walked to the doors. Looking behind her, she asked, "Is it alright if I stand just outside now? With that speech I made just then, it sounded like I was challenging your authority, and I'm not. I just want to make sure I'm doing as I'm told."

Luna smiled a little. "Yes, you are free to stand guard outside the doors. And if he does show up, hold nothing back. He does not set hoof through those doors."

"And Steel Saber," Celestia added, "don't kill him."

Saber turned to the doors. "I will try not to." She left, closing the doors behind her.


"So, part three of the plan: get to the throne room, right?" Polaris asked. Link nodded in silence. "Oh right. Quiet time." She followed his path against the walls, and hiding behind the corners. Several guards passed them, as they passed several more on their way. Eventually, the two of them found the throne room door just around the corner they hid behind.

Link peeked around and saw one figure in armor. Just one guard this time... Either skilled or careless... All the same, my business is behind those doors, and that one guard isn't going to stop me. I've come too far. huh? He squinted, and saw moonlight reflect off of both handles of her blades. "Just one... but it had to be her."

"Her who?" Polaris asked, trying to get a look.

"Steel Saber," he whispered. "Dual-wielding unicorn mare... Among all of those in my graduating ceremony, she holds the highest win record. This won't be easy..." He motioned for her to stay put once more. "I'll try to make this quick." Link stepped out, and started walking toward Saber, becoming seen immediately by moonlight.

I hope you know what you're doing... Navi thought, clinging to his hair.

Steel Saber turned to him, and lowered her head slightly. "So... The traitor returns. Why have you come?" The long hallway echoed her voice. She watched as Link walked toward her, occasionally glancing to the windows, if only for brief moments before looking back at her. "Silent this night, are we?"

"Not at all. You know, not a week ago, we ate together. You learned my story. Are you really going to fight me, over something I didn't do?" Link closed his hands into fists as he walked toward her. "What is it you believe?"

"It doesn't matter what I believe. The princesses have ordered me to keep you out. No matter the cost..." Her horn lit up and gripped the handles of her swords. "You know, it was Princess Luna who believed you'd try to go to the throne room. Though it was her sister's idea to use me as the guard to keep you out."

"Mother always did know how to pick them." He reached his hands back and grabbed both his shield and sword, drawing them quickly. "I just want to talk to them. In peace." Link stopped in front of her, just a few feet away.

"Should have stayed your weapons for that." Saber drew her swords. She pointed one down in front of her, and the other pointed to the side on her right. Link dropped his foot back. "I don't want to do this... Not to a comrade. Please, leave this place, and I'll say you were run off. This is your last chance, Link..." Seeing no change in his expression and stance, she added, "So be it..."

The two charged at each other. Saber swung up with her front blade, and down with the one at her side. Both were deflected by Link's shield. He returned with several swings of his own, each one blocked by Saber's swift maneuvers. On his last attack, she parried and retaliated with her own flurry of strikes. Link shifted his stance and shield to meet each one, careful not to be hit directly. On her last attack, a horizontal slash, he back flipped out of the way. Upon landing, he rushed her with his blade pointed.

Quickly, almost too quickly, he reached her and thrust his sword at her head. Saber could barely move in time, but managed to get her face cut, knocking off her helmet in the process. A not-too-shallow cut... I'll heal, she thought, glaring at him and clenching her jaw through the pain. It had got her just under her right eye. Link followed up with a shield bash, disorienting Saber as his metal struck her body armor. His next attack, a horizontal swing, was blocked with a single sword. Saber's face twisted in rage. She yelled, started swinging at him with both swords in a rhythm. It was all Link could do to block and barely dodge. Saber had forced him to back up to continue being defensive, while she advanced with nearly every swing. "I'll destroy you!" she shouted. She pulled her swords back and extended her magic over the blades, which turned near silver due to the aura surrounding them.

Magic swords. She could actually- His though was cut short by Saber's combination continuation. She swung down with one. Link watched it cut into the floor. The second sword was thrust at his shoulder with greater speed than he'd seen before. Unfortunately, it was too fast to dodge completely, and Link suffered a cut to his shoulder. He clenched his teeth and stepped back, lowering his arm. She's trying to kill me. That would have gone through my chest.

"What's the matter?!" Saber yelled, not letting up. She managed to cut his sides, his shield arm twice, his sword arm twice more, and his legs equal to the rest of him combined. The swords were coated in magic. Finely sharpened magic that cut through the armor cloth Rarity made for him. Saber stopped and backed up a step, swirling her blades around her. "I expected the great 'Link' to be a better challenge than this."

Saber watched as Link dropped to his knees, dropping his sword and shield, and then fell to the floor on his chest unconscious.


"Link. What are you doing falling asleep in the middle of a fight?" A familiar voice called out to him. Link turned his head, looking for its source, and saw a human shape with glowing eyes stand behind Saber. "You're gonna let yourself fall to this mare? She might be better than you, but you've beaten her before. Use your head and think. Now, on your feet!"


Saber watched as Link dropped to his knees, dropping his sword and shield, and then fell to the floor on his chest unconscious. She grinned in victory before turning around, sheathing her bloody swords. Forgive me, Princess Celestia... I have fell your great warrior...

A light shone behind her, and caused her to turn and investigate. She had to squint, the light was so strong. It looked like it came from Link's left hand. Wordlessly, Link stood, grabbing both of his weapons on his way up. He stood his full height and broadened his shoulders, giving the look of a more seasoned fighter. His eyes seemed to glow as well, as the light from his hand dimmed but not completely.

Saber drew her swords and coated them in her magic. "What's this? What's going on?" She watched as Link focused his magic into his sword. "Where did you-"

Link ran at her, sword raised and shield ready. Before he got close enough to connect with a sword swing, he swung anyway, releasing a crescent of energy toward Saber, causing her to block with both swords. On his back swing, he released another crescent, going through the first and hitting harder against her swords, forcing her to slide back. Link created a platform of barrier magic and leapt off of it. Sword raised high above him, he fell, bringing his blade down to the floor, firing a third wave, bigger and stronger at her. That one broke the second, and went through Saber's own blades, cutting them in half. She stepped to the side to evade the wave directly, but watched as it fizzled just after it passed her. Drained of magic significantly, from having her swords break, Saber fell to one knee.

He approached quickly and dropped his shield so he was holding the strap. Link swung left with the sword in his hand, and Saber ducked. Then with the shield, he followed up swinging it where she ducked to, and connected with her armor, denting it and causing her to wince in pain. Link let the shield go, letting it slide across the floor. Saber fell over and slid a ways as well. He spun around and grabbed the pair of cuffs from his bag. Before Saber could get to her hooves, Link clapped the cuffs over her forelegs and dropped his sword, sitting on top of her.

Who is this? ... What is he... Saber thought.

Light raised his left hand and closed it into a fist. Saber could only watch as its glow brightened. All at once, he swung at her face. She closed her eyes tight and turned to the side.

Link stopped just short of connecting, the glow from both his eyes and hand diminished completely. His shoulders slouched and his feet shifted. "What... How'd this happen?" Saber slowly opened her eyes and started shaking, wordless. "Saber... What happened? How'd this happen?"

"You ... you don't know?" she stammered. "you... you won... simple as that..." He saw a few tears fall from her face. "But will your sister be as lucky?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"There is a squad hunting your sister down. Once they catch her, they will do to her what we did to you. Imprisonment." Saber saw Polaris trot over to the two of them. "So... you both made it h-" Link brought his fist down over Saber's face.

"Don't you ever threaten my sister's life again. Or next time, I'll make sure you never stand up. You hear me?!" Link raised his fist again, but hesitated. He put it down, sheathed his sword and left her there, broken and cuffed. "Come on, Polaris. We've got princesses to talk to."

"After all that, you still want to see them?" Polaris asked. "What if there are more guards inside?"

"Then I will blow them all away," he answered with no hesitation. His breath was a little raspy from all the wounds.

Link approached the two doors and pressed his hand against one of them. Slowly, he pushed on it, opening it.

Chapter 34: The Castle's Sacred Spring

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Link approached the two doors and pressed his hand against one of them. Slowly, he pushed the door open. He walked inside while Polaris stayed right behind him. The two princesses sat atop their thrones in silence. "Good evening, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna." His walk started to stagger as he continued. "I'm here to - to..." Link's foot refused to move, causing him to fall forward. The last thing he heard was Polaris saying his name.


Link stood in the stone room, looking at the sword in the floor. "This is new..." he said. On one of the walls, he heard talking. A familiar voice echoed into the room through the small split in the doors. In his room, blackness covered the walls and leaked out through the split, forcing the doors to open wide.

He saw himself standing there, as both Twilight and Fluttershy disappeared. In surprise, Link started walking toward the new figure, which didn't move at all. Not that it could. He found that the other him had his feet cemented to the floor. Link looked at his own hands and noticed they were black, along with his clothes. The closer he got, the more apparent his clone's fear became. Then, right in front of it, Link grinned, showing his several rows of teeth. All at once, he pushed his hand against its shoulder, sending it flying back and its drawn weapons side.

Another version of himself, the one he knew to be the dark one, walked from around the corner. "Not too long ago, that boy was you. Frightened, and hopeless. Now look where you are. You, who has drawn the Sword of Masters." Link looked at himself and saw he regained his more familiar form, and had drawn the sword from its resting place. "But, there's still one problem."

"Oh yeah? What's that?" he asked.

"I'm still here. You may have won our last encounter, but do you know where you are?" The dark one entered the room and walked around. "Before you answer with the obvious, you're wrong."

"How do you know what I'm going to answer?" Link asked, sheathing his new sword. "And if I'm not in the old castle, then where am I?"

The dark one stopped at the pedestal and put his hand on it, closing his eyes. "You're injured, severely. If you do die, then I'll be lost too. I'm a part of you, that wants nothing more than to be free from this prison you contained me in. But look at yourself..."

Link did so, and saw a growing puddle of blood surrounding his feet. Coming from his open wounds. In front of him, Saber stood with her swords drawn and coated in the same red liquid. "You're weak!" she accused. "You're a traitor! High treason acts are answered with death! RAAAAH!" She leapt at him, but vanished into a white mist. Link coiled back in slight surprise, then dropped to his knees.

"You fell. To your old classmate. For traitorous acts against the crown. You and your sister both. Not only that, but you had an enemy in your presence and you didn't even notice." The room spun to a third person view of the prison cells with him in one, and Polaris in the other. "You weren't alone. You had help. You broke out of prison, into the armory, and sought out the throne room. Imagine how the public would feel if they saw a figure like you come after the crown."

"But I didn't do anything. Unprovoked. Everything I did, I did to defend myself." It spun once more to the hall outside the throne room, where Saber lay with cuffs. "She's alive. And, she attacked first. Restrained, I walked into the throne room. Weapons put away. I came with peace in mind. Simply doing my duty."

"And you're paying the price. Because right now, you're dying." The room spun for one final time, returning to the room with the sword in the floor. "Come. If you can pull the sword, after all you know now... You just might live."

Link crawled to the sword, feeling each wound open further; each cut was painful as he moved closer. At the top of the rising, he looked at the sword. "I'm not going to die here." He gripped the handle and lit up his hand. Using it to stand up, he grabbed it with his other hand as well. "Now... Before I draw this sword, answer me one thing: Where is it you think I am?"

Silence. The dark one walked around the sword and faced Link's gaze. With one jab, it poked his forehead. The force of the poke pushed him back, and the sword was pulled with him. Darkness was replaced with color, then white, all being sucked into the pedestal, Until Link was alone in a white space. Slowly, color returned, and he saw he was in the stone room as he was before: healed, and upright. The dark one leaned against the wall. "Well, that was something. Guess that means you'll live through this, huh? Lucky you. But for the time being, you're stuck here. With me!" It lunged at him, sword drawn; it looked to be a copy of Link's own blade.

The two clashed blades; their sounds resonated through the room. As the two fought, both combatants suffered injuries nearly identical to each other. It appeared to be that when Link got cut, so did the other creature. The room brightened, then dimmed. Time had passed.

Both of them were forced to their knees. "You can't beat me. I know every trick you have," it threatened.

"Then it stands to reason that you can't beat me either." Link jabbed his sword into the ground, and used it to stand.

"That's where you're wrong." It copied his actions. "I am every emotion you fight to bury. Hate. Anger. Rage. Despair. And sadness. I take it in; it makes me stronger." It approached Link, who staggered. "I am not afraid. I am what you fear most! And I-"

A blast of light blew down the door to the room, where Luna now stood. Link fell to the floor and closed his eyes. "I somehow knew you might be here."

Link turned his head. "Princess Luna... Is this a dream?"

"Afraid not," she replied. "Princess Celestia sent me here to ensure your safety." She cautiously looked around. "Come. Miss Ruby Inferno and the others are waiting outside."

He rose to his feet and felt just fine. Slowly, he followed Princess Luna. There was a party going on, hosted by Pinkie of course. "I ... I don't understand."

"You triumphed over your adversary," Twilight cheered. "And what more reason do we need?" Music played in the background while he mingled. He looked around, and saw he was in Ponyville, and assumed he'd gone with the others.

Epona sat at a table and was softly crying. Saber sat at the table too, with a fresh cut on her face. "Please stop crying," Saber requested. "He'll wake up soon. I promise."

"You don't know that. You're the one who put him in this mess!" Epona argued. "How dare you!"

Everypony else looked at them. Even the music paused. "True. I did. But I didn't have a choice. Orders are orders..."

The moon above the village fell from the sky, and was quickly replaced by the sun. Everypony had gone home. The bonfire had died to smolders. There alone, sat Ruby Inferno. "Hey. Hey Link." He walked over to her and sat beside her. "How you feeling?"

"Tired. Hungry. And ... Shouldn't it be raining?"

"Don't think too hard about it." Ruby fired a small ball of fire at the sticks and watched as it caught fire. "It's Ponyville. Strange occurrences happen every day. You should know that." She turned to look at him. "What brought you here anyway? In the first place, I mean."

"Orders. From Princess Celestia. To keep my sister safe. And I completed it successfully. I overcame Nightmare Moon in the process, and helped establish connections between the Elements of Harmony and their current holders."

"Sounds like you've been busy," she chuckled. "Hey... Remember that stone you found? That red one?" Link nodded. "Do you still have it? I wanna see what it looks like." He took it out and turned it in the sun. "Beautiful. You know... It looks familiar... Like, I've seen it before... somewhere... Eh, probably in a book."

Link looked at the fire. "So, how's life been for you?"

Before he could blink, day turned to night, and the fire raged again. Where Ruby sat, Twilight now existed. "Well, since you left, I've been really bored. Haven't heard much from you. Sorta been waiting on a letter."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah... Sorry about that. Didn't have a companion this time that could do that."

"That's fine. Maybe one day you'll learn how yourself. Then you could be anywhere, and I'd just be a quick flame away~" She turned to the fire. "Just like that one." Twilight pointed at the flame. "But, smaller." Link watched in silence.

Crickets chirped loudly. Slow music played. Link slowly closed his eyes and lay on his back. When he opened them next, he was back in the stone room. With the Sword of Masters in the pedestal he took it from. "How many times am I going to be in here? And why am I even in here? Didn't Luna beat you?"

"Not exactly," a voice replied. The room brightened one final time. Link and Navi sat beside the sword, looking at the door in silence. "Link," it called. There, stood a figure that looked like him, only older. "Link. The time has come." He stuck out his hand. "Your time here is done for now. Come back with us." Link stood and walked with his hand outstretched. When he grabbed the hand, he smiled. The connection emitted a bright, all-encompassing light that filled the room.


When the light finally dimmed, he saw himself in a bed. Sore, and still tired, he struggled to move. "Don't bother." Saber looked at him and watched him stop moving. "That's right. You're alive. Barely. After seeing you in the state I left you, I'm impressed by your ability to survive."

Link sat up anyway, and looked at her. "Are... are you here to take me in?" The blanket fell to his waist and showed several bandages over his arms, and a few on his chest. Link looked around for his armor.

"In a way, yes." She paused. "I'm here to escort you to the throne room. The same one you fought so hard to get into." Her eyes momentarily looked at the patch on her face.

"As a prisoner, or ... Or what?"

"That's up to you." Saber watched him turn to face Epona. "You know, she's been right there since she came back from... What'd she say her village was called?"

"She never said. Just referred to it as her village, or her town." He looked up in thought. "I wonder why..." Saber sat in silence while he thought. "I suppose it doesn't matter."

"That mare hasn't left your side for much. I don't know what you said or did for her, but it looks like you have a loyal companion."

Link nodded and took off his blankets. "Which means she's probably hungry." He sat on the side of the bed and gently shook her awake. "Hey. Hey Epona... Wakey wakey, oats and flakey."

"mmm?" Epona shifted and sat up in her seat, wiping the drool from her cheek. She blinked a couple times and saw him sitting there. All at once, she jumped at him, pinning him to the bed in a hug. "Link!" she shouted, "You're awake!"

Navi came out from his hat all tired and adorable. "Hmm? Oh!" She flew over to him and poked his face. "How ya feeling?"

"Crushed, thanks..." Epona got off of him and stood by the bed, letting Link breathe. "Ooh, at last, I'm free. Battle wounds are nothing compared to the force of a hug. So noted."

The others chuckled. Saber cleared her throat. "Now that we're all alive and awake, I must reiterate: we are to go to the throne room."

Epona looked at her, and tilted her head. "Is that why you've been coming here every day?"

"Something like that. Orders are orders."

Link raised a hand to stop Epona's next question. "It's fine. I'll be fine. So long as I get there, and finish my original mission, I'll accept whatever punishment I'm given."

He really didn't figure it out yet? Saber stood and walked to the door. "I'll be right outside when you are ready."

At that point, watching her walk away, he finally noticed her swords weren't at her sides. What happened... "C'mon you two. We've got somewhere to be."

Epona stopped him, putting a hoof on his shoulder. "She did this to you. Didn't she?" Link nodded. "Why?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. We never really got along, but nothing ever bad enough to have her take joy in fighting me happened. In the throne room, the princesses were by themselves. No guards. In case of a prison break, there are at least two squads of guards in the throne room, and one outside the doors. One of pegasi secure the other entrances, like the windows. This time... It was just her." He paused. "I don't know, maybe they didn't know I got out, maybe they thought I couldn't get out, or maybe they thought she could handle me. There's something ... off about all this."

"Hmm... Maybe they were testing you?" Epona set the chair by the bedside and sat again. "That would make some sense, right?"

Link silently got out of bed, and pulled out a drawer from under it, finding his armor and putting it on, as well as his pouches. They wouldn't give a traitor his weapons back... Upright, he kicked the drawer closed and put on his hat. Navi sat on his shoulder. Together with Epona and Saber, Link went on his way to the throne room.

They passed several guards he recognized and several more he didn't. "Thank you for choosing 'guest' over 'captive'," Saber offered. "Would have been embarrassing to have to drag you by a set of cuffs through the castle."

Epona glared at her. "I'm still not happy you did this to him, you know..." Saber was silent. "And you're not even sorry, are you?"

"Let it go, Epona. Please." Epona instantly looked at him and nodded. "Saber had a good reason for doing what she did. Even if she can't say what it is yet."

When they got to the throne room, Saber nodded to the guards outside and waited for them to open it. Inside, the princesses sat with a guard at each side; Polaris was one of them.

Oh... I get it now... Link thought. Wonder if I can play this off? "Princess Celestia. Princess Luna... Good... Afternoon, I think?"

"Indeed it is," the former replied, "now that you have returned to the land of the living."

"As ordered, he is here." Saber bowed and retired the guard at Luna's side, taking his place. "About my reward..."

Luna looked at her. "In short time, Steel Saber. They are nearing completion." She returned her look to Link, who stood unbowing. "You are bold. To come in here, and not swear your fealty."

"Why should I? I'm a traitor, aren't I? In that right, I serve no crown. Neither yours nor hers." Link looked at Celestia, then back to Luna. "So then. You forgave Polaris so quickly. I trust her trial bore the fruit of innocence?"

Celestia blinked a few times. "Y-yes, it has. As for yours, it's still underway. We could not continue with the accused unconscious." She looked at her sister.

"Indeed. But now that you are here, we may continue."

"Don't bother. I plead guilty." He put out his hands and waited. "I will serve my sentence in prison. So please, take me away." His face showed the slightest of grins while he offered himself. Even Polaris started smiling. Celestia looked close at him, and noticed his eye twitch. She in turn nodded slightly. "In fact, you should hold a public execution. I mean, your cell couldn't hold me once, and your guards can't beat me. Even Saber there lost to me. If I got out again... I might come for you and actually win. Best to deal with me soon too, before I run."

Luna looked panicked. "Dear boy, we aren't going to do any of those things to you. This was all just a test. You getting captured, your escape, the retrieval of your weapons, all of it was a ruse. I was attempting to test your qualities and abilities. That you couldn't see through it means you aren't..." She looked at Celestia, then back at Link. Both were grinning and nearly laughing. "What is so funny?"

"You are!" Link answered, falling to the floor laughing. After a moment, Celestia and Polaris joined in. Saber merely put her head down and smiled. In a minute, Link got back to his feet and wiped a laughter tear from his cheek. "Princess Luna, you really had me going, you know? I was ready to believe I was a traitor when I came in the room. Then I saw Polaris over there and thought, 'There's no way she was forgiven that fast.' That, and the facts I wasn't cuffed to the hospital bed, my companion wasn't in custody, and I still had my pockets. Your mid game was excellent, Princess Luna. But your endgame was lacking. I'd have kept it up until the execution."

Luna sat in silence. "Sister," Celestia said, "what happened to your bravado the last week?" She turned to Link. "Now, about your report."

Link straightened and stood at attention. "Yes. My report." He took out the shining red stone from his pouch and held it up. "The key I did receive from the chief of the mining city should be the one I was looking for. I successfully eliminated the threats in the mines. That's plural." Link took out the journal he kept and showed the picture of the exploding creatures. "These infested the mines. They have a tendency to self destruct upon termination. The babies, adults, and their leader. It was massive. Had a whole undercavern all to itself. The stone sentries were disabled thanks to Emerald's valiant efforts. I couldn't have done it without her assistance. On that note, I ask for her to be pardoned..."

"Granted," Celestia said. "She helped you in your task to great effect. Perhaps she will be of use to you later."

Link nodded. "I returned to the city and was gifted a bag of explosives and the key. ... While I was down there, my shield broke from their leader's attacks. Shattered it into too many pieces. So if I may request: I would like another custom shield." She nodded. "That concludes my business in the mines. Now, there's two more things I wish to discuss." He flipped a few pages and showed them the songs he copied from the headstone. "Do these look familiar?"

Luna and Celestia looked closely at the scribblings. Both shook their head. "We are sorry. Where did you say you found those?"

"In a graveyard guarded by mummies."

"Then you must have seen the royal musicians. They wrote many a song in our day. Was very tragic when they passed." Luna admitted. "It seems they wrote those songs in secret. What do they do?"

"Yours, Princess Luna, raises the moon, and Princess Celestia's raises the sun. Lunar Requiem and Sun's Song respectively."

Luna grinned at Celestia. "Mine has the cooler name, don't you agree?" Celestia was quiet. "Though," she looked at him again, "songs that do that are ... unbelievable. Did you attempt them?"

He shook his head. "No, I didn't. I felt I should run them by you first." The princesses nodded. "The other matter is what calls the mountain summit 'home'. At the top, I met a being that called herself a 'Great Fairy'. Do you know of her?"

Celestia spoke up. "Indeed I do. But only in name."

"She said she had a friend close to the castle, and that I should meet with her. The mountain one gave me the power to channel magic into my sword and focus it into a wave of energy. Can I believe that you know where her friend would be?"

"Yes. She is behind a rock just outside our eastern gate. Not to the castle, but outside the city's walls. I could take you there if you like?" Celestia smiled.

"That's quite alright. Epona will be company enough. You have your place here. Mine is out there, fighting your fights. And I do take great pride in that. But I have to ask... Why didn't you tell me about her sooner?" Link tilted his head and glanced at Navi who regained her balance on his shoulder.

"To me, you weren't ready. But seeing you now, I know you are." She paused. "Be careful. The strain her magic may have on you could be more than you can bear. I don't exactly know what it is she wants with you, but I've no doubt it's going to help you greatly."

Link lowered his head and knelt. "Then may we be excused?" Celestia nodded quietly and watched as he and Epona left the room.

They walked outside the castle, and toward the eastern gate. Epona got his attention by walking just ahead of him. "So... What is it she says you're ready for?"

He scratched an itch he felt on his eyebrow. "A gift of sorts, I assume. The last one I met gave me a power I could use in combat. If this one is like her, then probably some skill, or maybe even a new weapon."

"Wouldn't that be cool?" Epona asked smiling. She turned around and walked backward, facing him. "It's so cool that you're the son of the princess. Even if in name only."

"It's nothing really. Technically, my sister found me here first, so... She's my closest family member."

"Right..." Quiet. "So, why didn't you want the princess to show you where it was?"

"It's a big rock. Can't imagine it's easy to miss. Besides, she's busy being the ruler. She always makes time in the day for me. I'm her son. She's kind of required." He watched her walk backward. "How do you know where you're going?"

Epona chuckled. "Awareness. I saw where I was going before I turned around. It's like a picture in my head."

"Object permanence. Knowing it's there long after you stop seeing it."

"Like me with you, right? I was all the way in my village and you couldn't see me. But you knew I was there. Same idea, I think." She turned toward the front and continued, "Say, how did you call me that first time?"

"I never told you? I had just found the ocarina, and I played the first few notes in my head. Didn't really think about it." Link put a hand to his chin. "The time after that, I was told to call you. Then there you were at the library. Before I even got there."

"And the rest we already know~"

They continued talking and walking. Outside the east gate, they looked around, and found a path that led away from the castle. At the end of the path, they found the rock Celestia had mentioned. "Bet that's the one," he said. "Might want to stand back a ways."

"What for?" She thought back, remembering he had said "bag of explosives". "You're going to blow it up?" He nodded reaching for his pocket. "Hold on there. I'm an earth pony. If I can't move it, I'll break it. If I can't break it, then and only then are you allowed to use any kind of bomb around me, alright?"

"Uhh... Sure... Got something against loud noises?"

"They ... They spook me, alright? It's why I stay indoors during any sort of firework celebration. I mean, I can handle most things, but... A sudden loud 'bang' would get me, even if I knew it was coming." Epona looked a little nervous.

Link returned his hand to his chest, folding it with the other. "Alright then. Show me what you can do."

Epona smiled and got to the side of the rock. It was many times bigger than she was, and severalfold as heavy. She strained to move it, but slowly, inch by inch with every push, she succeeded in unblocking the hole in the wall. "There," she sighed, taking a seat, "done..."

He walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, smiling. "Well done. I am impressed. Next time I'm out in the field, I should definitely bring you along." He helped her up easily with the added might of his bracelet.

She noticed how easy he lifted her and asked, "Well, aren't you strong?"

"Yes I am." He pointed to his bracelet. "This right here lets me move things that are beyond my ability. Up to 4 times as heavy."

"Then... You could have helped." Link nodded, walking inside. "But, I'm glad you didn't. You're injured, for one. Two: I've never actually shown you what I can really do, and this was a nice first impression." She smiled and walked beside him. "Ability-wise."

He and Epona walked inside the barely lit white-tiled room. It looked familiar to him; the similar structure of the pillars, the green flamelit torches by the spring, and the greenery that covered the walls reminded him of the room he saw at the mountain's summit. And like the first one, he stood on the glowing Triforce mark on the risen step before the spring. Link withdrew his ocarina and played the melody required.

Epona's jaw dropped at the beauty of the room she stood in. She looked around, feeling it all; the pillars, the walls, even going so far as to stick her hoof in the water, only to take it out completely dry. "This is a cool place! And you said you've been in one other?"

"Yeah," he said after he finished. "Just wait, she's coming." Epona walked and stood beside him, looking into the water.

Laughter rose from the pool, as a figure jumped out. It came to rest over the pool, laying on its side looking at its visitors.

"Who is that?" Epona asked, still in awe.

"Welcome, Link," the great fairy greeted. "I am the Great Fairy of Magic."


"Hello, Great Fairy. I have come seeking a state of health I ... currently lack." He paused.

The great fairy looked at him. "You are injured, yet you could make your way here? That is an impressive feat."

"If you ask me, I think he should still be in bed resting." Epona shrugged. "But it's his body. He wants to tear it apart, who am I to stop him?"

"You are Epona. You are his friend, yes? You care for his well-being, that much is clear." She directed her attention to Link. "My friend on the mountain sent you my way, did she?" Link nodded. "Then, you already know how to release a magic beam from your sword." Another nod. "Well, I have something similar to offer." She shifted positions, and reached her arms toward him, summoning forth a ball of crimson magic. It felt warm through the air. Link watched as the ball floated toward him and dispersed, soaking through his clothes and directly into his body. Quickly, he began to heal; his wounds sealed themselves shut; the stitches he received fell out and the bandages fell off. Even his clothes began to fix themselves. Link had to shake his shirt, to let the excess debris fall to the floor. Slightly embarrassed, he picked up his patches and wraps, and squeezed them into a ball.

Then, the ball of garbage caught fire. In surprise, Link held the ball away from himself, at full arm's length. "What- ..." Like before, a wave of new knowledge came into his mind. "I can set things on fire now?!" The ball turned to ash in his hands.

"We call it: Din's Fire. Aggressive and moody, the creator of that spell sought to destroy everything, on which a new future would be built. That magic spell can burn just about anything, provided you burn it hot enough. But be warned: fire is unstable. Without your control, it will spread. Be cautious in its use."

Link clenched his fist; the pile of ash fell to the floor. "I will." This is so cool! Hey, now I can- wait a minute...

Epona noticed his hesitation. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"... We need to get back to the princesses. There's something I need to tell her."

The great fairy looked down at him. "When battle has made you weary, please come back to see me," she requested.

"Beats hiking up the mountain." He turned to Epona as the great fairy descended into the water. "Fire, huh... Guess I'll need to practice controlling it."

"Not in the library!" she cried out. "Twilight would kill you." The two laughed.

Outside the spring, Link did a few stretches, finally freed from his wraps. His body felt more relaxed than it's been the last week, and certainly free from pain. "Alright. Good to go." He held out his hand in front of him, palm-side up, and closed his eyes. Slowly, he gathered magic there, and released it into the air over his hand. His expression was of pure joy when he saw that he held onto a ball of fire. "That's really cool!"

"Yeah, you can burn things now. Woo."

"Not just that, but now I can send letters to other ponies. I won't need somepony with me to do it when I can do it myself." He looked at the ball, then grabbed it with the hand that created it. It's cool to the touch. I can't be burned by my own fire. Good to know. It feels like a solid, too. Does it bounce? He turned and faced the wall. Link wound up and pitched it as hard as he could. On impact, the fireball splattered over the stone, sending embers everywhere. Link walked to the impact spot and looked for the ball he threw, thinking there was something left behind. "Nothing. Not even a solid object. However..." He traced the outline where he saw it hit. "Still no sign of anything being thrown. Further testing is needed. Hm?" He stomped out an ember in the grass.

They returned to the throne room. Along the way, he practiced with his new power. He snuffed and relit some candles, tested it against his clothes, and even tried to make the biggest one he could. That last one, he was encouraged not to do, given where they were. So he agreed and toned it down.

"Welcome back. How was your visit to the Great Fairy's Fountain?" Celestia asked him. "Informative, I hope?"

Link stood in front of Celestia, and Epona beside him. "It was. I was also fully healed. And then, after picking up my fallen wraps, I burnt them."

"That's a bit much. Could have just thrown them away," she replied.

"I could, yeah... If I didn't set them on fire myself." He held up his left hand, palm up. "Just like this." There, in his opened hand, a ball of fire was born from his magic. Celestia and Luna were quiet. "Now, correct me if I'm not remembering accurately, but I asked you if you knew how Ruby got her power. Your answer was..."

"'I know of no such being that can impart power like that,' was my answer. And I did not lie to you. When I met the great fairy, she didn't tell me anything, aside from asking that I close off the entrance and that the worthy one would come one day. She never said she'd give you something, let alone tell me what it was."

Link took a moment. "I believe you. I have no reason to distrust you." He closed his hand, extinguishing his fire. "Would it be alright if I - we return to our room? We will set out for Ponyville in the morning."

"Hold a moment. There's something for you." She clicked her hoof on the throne and waited. A unicorn came in with a tray in his magic. He stopped just before Link, and knelt. "For you. It's a new shield that fits you better than the one you borrowed, and your sword. We had it sharpened for you as well."

Link took the two items and fitted them to his back. "Thank you. I was hoping to ask for these, but I couldn't find the right time."

"Well, now you won't need to. Good night, Link. And sweet dreams."


Link, Navi and Epona gathered in the room they shared and sat on separate beds. He took out his journal and handed it off to Epona, who opened it and started reading about his travels to the mountain. She asked him some questions about the climate, the village and city, and of the companion he had. Navi had thrown in some embellishment for entertainment purposes. Then, he pulled his new shield from his bag and explained that it would 'never break'.

Epona in turn went on to tell him of how smoothly her end went. Going to her old town, getting her things; there wasn't much, as she did live alone, and bidding farewell to her townsfolk. She agreed to come back and visit after she got her cutie mark. On her map, she pointed out the places she'd gone, and the places she was going to go, if the music called her there. Pictures were shown, between them all. Link had gotten the old picture from the drawer and described his life.

The night went on like that until they eventually fell asleep.

Chapter 35: The Set-Up

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"Epona," Princess Celestia started, "the royal carriers are very reliable. You can trust them." She looked at the two pegasi hooked to Link's transport. "Fly swiftly to Link's destination." The two nodded. Then she looked right at him. "Stay calm, be safe. And as always, be perceptive."

Both Celestia and Luna watched as the two transports carried Link and Epona their separate ways. "Sister," Luna began, "I must ask... Shouldn't we be helping him find the keys he needs?"

"No, Luna. This is his mission. He alone, must break the seal placed on the door, for he alone, can reap the reward." Celestia turned and walked inside.

Luna looked at the fading transport that carried Link, then at the two guards that followed her sister. Quickly, she caught up to them. "Sister..."

"Yes?" Celestia replied, turning to look at her with a slight smile.

"May I ask, why do you have - no, place - so much faith in this ... this child?" Luna questioned, keeping pace with her elder sibling.

Said sibling turned forward and a corner. "He's earned it, wouldn't you agree? The completion of every task I've sent him to accomplish, he's done so. Most notably: rescuing you." She paused. "Do you recall why he seeks the keys?"

"The Sword of Masters in Castle Everfree. To obtain that which can destroy ... well, it will help in his future task." She glanced at the guardmare at her side, then back to Celestia. "But I feel I must counter: while you may have faith, founded as you claim it to be, I have yet to see any actual proof of his ability."

"What do you mean?"

Luna inhaled deeply and cleared her throat. "He may have blocked my spell, with that shield of his, but I'm starting to believe it was a fluke. Those still exist, do they not? He may have blocked it once, but from what I remember, only barely. His threat afterward was a bluff. He had no real power behind those words."

Celestia sighed. "What about his mission to the north? Did he not rescue the Second Commander from her prison?"

"An unmistakable success. Though I must question how much heavy lifting he actually did. If I recall, he requested Ruby's assistance for her prowess in the flame arts. She alone would have been successful; his attendance was next to meaningless in the matter." Luna looked at her sister once more. "Please. As our forces' former tactician, let me provide him with a test."

"A test, you say?" The idea was pondered while Celestia opened the doors to the throne room. "Suppose I agree to this... What would you have him do?"

Luna continued in after her sister. "I would task him with rescuing a royal guard from our prison. Then, with that prisoner, make his way to the throne room to confront another royal guard. They will fight. He passes, if he makes-"

"When, you mean," Celestia interrupted. "He will pass your silly test."

"I said IF, he passes..." Luna gave Celestia a small glare. "If he passes, then I will acknowledge his overall ability."

Celestia turned to face her sister. "If he somehow fails, then I will strip him of his place in the guard. If he cannot pass your test, then there is no use for him among the ranks. I will stand by my word."

Luna fell silent for a minute. Then, she quietly spoke. "I must proffer stakes as well. Should he pass, I will doubt him no longer, and never again will I question his ability. This I swear." The princesses shook hooves in agreement. "Good. Now, I will need all of the guard under my temporary control." She looked at the guardmare beside her. "That includes you."

The guardmare looked from side to side. "Me? Uhm..." She cautiously glanced at Celestia. "Are you okay with this?"

"You are a guard are you not? You are included in this plan. You are but a token in her game of chess, and you too must play your part to perfection, no matter what it may be." Celestia sat on her throne.

A slow smile graced Luna's face. "I have the perfect position for you. You, dear 'guard', will be the captive he is to rescue. Do not worry. You have ... my temporary trust. Know that if you betray me, we will all hunt you down." She forced her smile into anger at the guardmare.

"However..." Celestia brightened, "If you perform adequately, then we may just grant you some leniency. Consider it... incentive." The guardmare smiled and looked away for a moment.

"The question then becomes... Who do I choose to do combat with him?" Luna slowly paced in thought.

"You want it to be a challenge, right?" Luna nodded, continuing her motion. "Then may I offer Steel Saber to fill the role? She has fought him and won more times than anypony in his graduating class. She, if nopony else, will provide the challenge you require."

"Steel Saber... Has beaten him? And you offer her to me knowing this?" Celestia nodded and smiled. "You have a high volume of faith in the boy."

"You are not wrong. He has ... something, about him that makes you want to stand in his corner..."

Luna halted her pacing and looked at her. "The Triforce of Courage, you mean... I've heard it's a powerful force. Imbuing its holder with an unbreakable will. But mark my words, I will see his will broken."


The following days were spent planning out each move carefully. Celestia agreed to help in some places, but the bulk of the plan fell on Luna's shoulders. Luna had to put his face on wanted posters all over Canterlot. Then, secure a prison hall for just two prisoners: Link and the guardmare.

Luna had set up the prison he was to be held in so he could at least try to make a plan. She set a few piles of pebbles everywhere in the cell; something he could use to plan advances and scenarios, as she had done. The princess gave strict orders to a particular group of guards at least 20 strong.

"Listen up. You're going against Link. Some of you may know him. Some of you may not. When he touches down, unit one will separate and attempt to apprehend him. Should that fail, unit one's back-up unit will make the same attempt. Should they fail, unit two will go in all at once. He may try to outsmart you. And he may even succeed. But, there's no way he can take on all 12 members of unit two at the same time. Nopony can split their focus that many different ways.

"Once he is in custody, unit two's vanguard will remove his gear: his sword, shield, and uhm... Belt with pouches. He may have back-up stores of weapons. They will place it in the first armory they come to, guarded by a unicorn and an earth pony. He may come for his gear if he escapes. Not that escape is likely... Please note that if he is not accompanied by the other prisoner, you are to use more force to apprehend him than previously agreed upon.

"If he succeeds in getting his gear back, he will likely come for the throne room. Steel Saber will be the last line, as she has dueled with him and won, on multiple counts." Luna stepped to the side and allowed Steel Saber to join the group. "Just so we are clear... This is a test. He is not actually a traitor. But, in order for this to go smoothly, he must believe he is in real danger. Everything must go as it would if there were a traitor in our midst."

Steel Saber stepped up and bowed before talking. "Princess Luna... Would it be alright if I use my ... well, my talent against him?"

Luna shook her head. "No. We would need him alive for the trial he would have to go on if he were a threat. Your skill would surely kill him, if you meant it." She turned to the group as Saber fell in line. "You have your orders. Dismissed!"


Saturday night came much faster than Luna had anticipated, but with all her prep work done, she was ready. As one final piece, she produced a scroll to be sent to Link's transport. "Sister," Luna began, "I have completed my work. Now, this is to go to the one transporting him. They are orders for the stallion to return at once, forcing him to leave his pegasus companion behind. this will ensure that only Link returns, as the mare remaining ... isn't a strong flyer. Everypony in the city has seen the wanted scrolls and have taken to boarding themselves in their homes. this is looking well for me."

Celestia took the scroll in her magic and poofed it away. "You did not take as long as I expected. Clearly, your skills are not rusty in the slightest."

"I was on the moon for the last one thousand years. I had to do something with my time." Luna shot Celestia a harsh glare, who in turn lowered her head and closed her eyes.


Silence hung in the air for several minutes before Luna cleared her throat. "A-anyway... The pieces are in place. Now, the execution." She walked to the balcony and gazed out at the setting sun. "Let him come. Let him try. I cannot possibly lose a battle in which I hold all the pieces."

Celestia sighed and shook her head. She whispered, "You will come to know that just because you have all the pieces to the puzzle, it does not mean you know the end result. To me, your pieces are merely... colored. Without proper form and alignment. If you saw all the pieces for what they truly are, you'd never have made this bet."


The following morning, a scroll appeared before Celestia, who turned it over to Luna, who looked rather tired. Luna looked it over, and suddenly felt awake. "So... It begins."

Chapter 36: The Surprise Visit

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In the early morning, just after sunrise, Link began to wake. He had slept quite peacefully that past night. When he looked to Epona's bed, he instead saw her standing at his own bedside, looking back at him with a smile. Link, surprised, jumped out of bed and screamed a little. Epona chuckled, crawled onto the bed and looked over the edge at him.

Link frowned and looked at her, half covered in blankets and stunned. "Good morning~" she greeted. " Sleep well?"

He sighed, stood, and adjusted his clothes. "Yeah. I did. Could have done without the wake up though." Slowly, he began stretching. Light grunts escaped his mouth as he did so. "And good morning to the two of you."

Navi came out from Epona's mane. "Told you he'd know I was here." She flew to his shoulder when he stopped stretching. "So, what are we doing today?"

"Going back to Ponyville?" Epona scooched forward and sat upright. "Right?"

Link nodded and grinned, noticing her pile of bags. "I'm hoping to catch the 10:30 train there, if we can." He walked around the bed to the nightstand and put on his hat. "Can't wait to see my sister again. It's been about a week, I think."

"Right... The librarian's your sister..." She raised her head in thought. "So... If she's your sister, and Spike is her... uh, son? Brother? What would that make him to you?"

"Either nephew or brother. Not sure, really. Never bothered asking." The group looked at the door when three knocks were heard from the other side.

"I got it~" Epona said, hopping off the bed toward the door. "Wonder who it is?" As she opened the door, both Saber and Polaris entered the room, causing Epona to step to the side. "Oh. Good morning~"

"Good morning, yourselves," Polaris greeted cheerfully. "We're ready to go whenever you are. And by 'we', I mean 'your transport'."

Link looked at Saber. "Here to get her stuff then? I can't carry all of it myself."

Saber nodded. "We are prepared to move Miss Epona's various belongings to the transport." She looked at Link. "I trust you'll be well off carrying your own things?" Link nodded. "Good."

"Don't worry. I don't have much." She motioned to the two sets of bags. "Just the necessities."

Polaris looked close at the choice of clips. A simple triangle fastened the lid closed on each bag. "I see that. You're the lightest packer I've ever seen."

Epona got close to Polaris' muzzle. "You're looking at everything in the world that has a place in my heart. I did not 'pack lightly'."

Slowly, Polaris began to apologize. "I'm ... sorry, I just... don't see many packers, is all. Didn't know what to compare to." She frowned as Epona went and picked up a set of bags.

Saber joined her in picking up the other set. "Real smooth," she said to Polaris, who hung her head.

"Hey. We're under orders to help. So, what am I allowed to carry?" Polaris protested. "I must carry something, or I can't complete the order."

Epona walked to her and took out a book. "Carry this. It's a book I've had since I was a child. I'll get it back when I'm on the transport. You want to earn my trust? Good luck." She walked out of the room, a scowl planted on her face.

Link sighed and followed. "I'll talk to her later."

Saber bumped Polaris lightly, then followed them out. When they all got to the landing area, Princess Celestia was waiting, along with a transport led by a pair of familiar pegasi.

"Link. Epona. Beautiful morning to the two of you. Oh, uh... Three of you. Good morning Navi." Navi bowed to her. "Back to Ponyville with you, then?"

Link nodded. "Yes, Princess. I fear I've been away far too long. Besides, I'm looking forward to my downtime." Celestia looked confused. "Downtime. You know? Time off?"

"Right..." She paused. "It's just... Nothing."

"Well, if you want me to continue, How about a clue as to the last stone's location? If you know, then I can go get it. It'll be a snap, since I'm in perfect health after my visit to the Great Fairy." Link started his way into the transport, alongside Epona. Saber and Polaris deposited their weight into the cart. "No?"

"You're not wrong. If I knew, I would tell you. And with your skill, it would be a simple matter of retrieval. But, I don't know. It must be something only you can do. Seeking and retrieving." Celestia sighed. "I'm sorry. I wish I could be more help..."

Link took a breath, then gripped the rail of the cart. "There's one thing: keep Prism on stand-by. I was able to get the Blue Stone with Ruby's help and the Red Stone with Emerald's help. I have a feeling I'm going to need Sapphire's help to obtain what I can assume will be a Green Stone."

"You know that will not be easy, right? She still holds a place of importance at her current location. I can't just pull her out of there without a viable replacement."

"What's so important about that location that not just anypony will do, huh!?" Link narrowed his eyes at the sun princess.

"Watch your tone, young man!" Celestia harshed, stomping her hoof. "I do not have to explain my actions to a greenhorn soldier like you!" That caused Link to retreat into the cart. "I'm sorry..."

"We'd better go. It was nice to see you again, Princess." Link turned forward, away from the princess, and his adopted mother.

Celestia quietly looked at the pegasi, and nodded, keeping her head lowered afterward. The pegasi took off for Ponyville.


At the library, Emmy had made herself useful to Twilight as a research partner for various topics, giving Aj and the others the time to themselves that they needed.

Twilight understood their need for personal time and thanked them for their contributions thus far. After Twilight got a letter, stating that Link and Epona were en route, she asked Emmy to help clean up a bit. Once the room was clean, Twilight made some Luna Bay tea.

Emmy took a sip and sighed happily. "Ahhh, that's some good tea." Her smile wore into a frown. "Hey Twilight... Link said that Dash wouldn't be here, but she's been here at least twice since I got back. Why is that?"

"I would guess that she feels your magic coming from here. You aren't exactly trying to hide it, you know?" She sipped her own and sat up on the chair while Emmy took the couch. "I could help you mask your presence if you like?"

"No thanks," she responded, waving her hoof dismissively with a chuckle. "I like hiding. I was just wondering, is all..." He did say she never comes here...

Twilight sighed. "He's been gone a week, you know..."

"Yeah, I know. I was with him for most of it. Until he told me to come here a few days ago. I expected him back by now." Emmy sipped.

"I know what you mean. I miss him too." Twilight sipped her tea, then looked at the door. "Oh, and Aj's been working on something for him. Been in the works for a while now. Won't say what it is, though. Surprise, and all that." She looked back at Emmy.

"A surprise, huh? Well, I hope it's not a stone. He's already got two of those." Twilight choked on her tea. "What?"

"N-nothing." Twilight cleared her throat. "If you mean actual stones, then they're probably from his original world. Which means, I can't learn anything about them in books. Unless... Maybe the Castle Library would have something on them... If I could get him to show me..."

A pair of knocks broke her concentration. Emmy glanced at the door. "Twilight... Uhm... Be careful... There's an uneasy feeling about the pony outside."

"It's a library. Why knock?" Twilight opened the door and welcomed her visitor. "Welcome to Golden Oaks Library."

Ruby Inferno stepped in and smiled. "So, this is the right place. Good." Her gaze met Emmy's and both of them froze.

"What brings you here?" Silence hung in the air for a minute or so. "I said, what brings you here?"

The earth pony shook her head, closing her eyes. Opening them, she looked at Twilight. "Books. I've come to books. For books. Not for four books. Well, maybe for four books, but only for what I need them... for." Again, quiet. "I'm here for books." Ruby scratched her ear a little.

"Then you've come to the right place. C'mon in." Ruby entered the tree as the door closed behind her. She set her bags down carefully and walked in further. "What kind of books do you need?"

She wandered around the room, looking at all the shelved books. "Translation, I think." Ruby looked again at Twilight. "Got any?"

Twilight pointed at the lower shelf just behind Ruby. "Right down there. Oh hey. Would you like some tea? Fresh pot."

"I'd love some. Flavor?" Ruby sat in front of the shelf.

"Luna Bay," Emmy replied. She didn't bother to hide the fact her gaze was still fixed on Ruby, and hasn't been broken since she walked in.

As Ruby glanced at Emmy, Twilight continued, "If you need any help, just ask. I live here."

"That would make you the librarian, right?" Ruby tilted her head and looked once more at Twilight, who began pouring her tea.

"Twilight Sparkle, at your service~" Twilight smiled and set the pot of tea on the coaster on the table. "I know it's strange. To live in a tree which is a library."

"Your name sounds familiar..." Ruby narrowed her vision to focus. "Nah, never seen you before."

Twilight approached with the cup of tea. "Well, maybe if you told me yours, I might be able to help you place mine."

"Oh right. Never told you mine." She stood. "I'm Ruby Inferno. A pleasure to-"

Emmy appeared right between Ruby and Twilight, causing the latter to spill the tea on the floor. "HEY I KNOW YOU!!"

In pure reflex, Ruby threw a hoof at Emmy, who vanished. Ruby blinked a few times, rising to her hind legs. Slowly, Ruby turned to examine the room, before seeing Emmy rise up over the edge of the couch. "Don't ever get that close to me again."

"I was just trying to say-"

"Say it from over there, then. For all I know, I could have burned your coat right off." Ruby glared at Emmy. Twilight looked down at her spilled tea, then at Ruby, before backing up a little.

Emmy, rested her foreleg on the back of the couch. "Heh. You are more than welcome to try." She examined her other hoof before glancing smugly at Ruby.

Ruby gritted her teeth and let out a little growl. "Girls..." Twilight tried.

Ignoring her completely, Ruby threw a fireball at Emmy, who only moved to the side. Twilight panicked and froze the fireball just before it hit the wall, causing it to shatter into shards. "I can't tell if that was aimed at me, or..."

Again, Ruby growled, deeper and longer than before. "Shut up!!" she yelled. She leapt into the air and brought her hind leg down on the couch. Emmy flew back out of range and watched as Ruby connected with the couch, breaking it in half and catching it on fire. Twilight fired a spell at the couch that extinguished the fire. She figured then that she should repair it after all was settled down. Ruby jumped at Emerald and swung, missing.

Emmy appeared at Ruby's side and bucked her hard in the side. She couldn't dodge in mid-air, so she took the full hit, being sent through the front door of the library. The former stood in the doorway, looking out, with one of her hind legs lifted off the ground. "Geez, that's some heat. Are you made of fire or what?" She paused. "That would make you really hot, all the time, huh?"

"You will burn!" Ruby stood on her back legs again and gathered more magic than before in her front hooves. Instead of a big ball, Ruby split it into hundreds of marble sized ones, all fired in Emmy's direction. With the library behind her.

Twilight threw up a shield that froze the marbles, breaking them harmlessly against the tree's strong outer wall. "Girls!"

Emmy flew straight for Ruby, who dropped a leg back. With more effort, she slammed her front hoof into the ground creating a burning dome of magic around her. It expanded wide, and almost connected with the library. Emmy had put her hooves against it, and was pushed back by the force. Her hooves were also hot from the heat.

Quick to follow up on her assault, Ruby charged at Emerald. After Emmy got her footing, she put up her forehooves in anticipation.

The two of them fought hoof-to-hoof. Embers leapt from Ruby's attacks, though they all missed. Emmy's teleporting became more predictable, as the distance Ruby missed got smaller. It was all Twilight could do to focus on keeping the embers from hitting the library.


Link and Epona departed the castle's landing for Ponyville, leaving Celestia on the platform. The first did not look back; the second did, but couldn't do anything about it; the third, more hurt than angry, stood and watched them leave.

On the way, Epona asked, "Emerald is waiting for us at the library, right?" Hoping to change the subject from what she knew had to be going through his mind.

"She is," he said flatly. After a moment, he elaborated. "Well, I mean, she should. I did tell her to wait there. But.. That was a few days ago. Why?"

"I told you what happened... between me and her, right?" He shook his head. "Well... She uh... She tried to get me on a date. With her."

"And? You rejected her, right? What with you calling her obnoxious."

"Of course I did. I'm not exactly looking for a dance partner. Especially one I had met the day prior. That is all sorts of fast I'm just not ready for."

Link looked out toward the growing sight of Ponyville. "You know... I'm 13. Not ready for any of that yet either."

"Your situation is different. You're a what?"


"Human, right. And there's no other human in this world. That would mean that you're out of luck when it comes to courtship. Even if you tried." Epona explained slowly.

Quietly, Link looked back at her. "Why am I even here, then?"

Before Epona could apologize for bringing it up, Link looked back at the sight. Epona could tell something was up by the look in his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Hush now," he requested. Link looked over the edge at the pegasi. "Do me a favor: speed up. Go in front of the really big tree near the side of town and don't slow down. Once I'm off, take Epona into town."

One of the pegasi turned her head and asked, "Why?"

Link nearly shouted, "Just do it! No time to explain!" The transport lurched forward. Epona latched onto her things while Link got out his sword and shield, strapping them to his back. "I'm sorry Epona. Something's happening at the library."

"Like what?" Epona asked, looking over the edge to see. "I don't see anything."

"Do you feel anything? There's a fight by the library." He tightened the straps and looked at her. "I'll be fine. Link gripped the transport rail and vaulted over the side. Quickly, he rolled and slid on his feet. The transport flew Epona into town.


Link vaulted over the edge and rolled on the ground, sliding on his feet. Ruby was already mid-throw of a fair sized fireball. She never saw him coming. Neither did Emerald, who looked very surprised at his arrival. He focused magic into his sword and stopped in its path. Easily, he split the ball in two.

The ball exploded at point blank range, sending Link flying backward past Emmy and into Twilight's catching magic field. Ruby snapped out of her fit of rage and ran toward him, ignoring Emmy completely. "Oh no! Link! Are you alright?!" Twilight set him on his feet as he sheathed his sword and took a knee. "Please don't be hurt." The sound of her request proved she cared.

"I'm fine. Mostly," Link admitted. Emmy approached them. "Alright. Somepony tell me what was going on here?"

The following minute or so went on with Emerald and Ruby trying to explain over each other, and ended with them shouting in unison, "And she's the mare that started it!" They glared at each other.

"Okay... Twilight, what happened?" Twilight recounted, in several breaths, the events that transpired minutes before his arrival. Link looked at Emmy, then Ruby. "Inside. Both of you."

All went inside, and found seats on the unfrozen-but-still-divided couch, while Twilight sat in her chair. "You want me to field this one? Or-" Twilight started.

"No no. I got this." Link began pacing in front of the two visitors. "I can't believe you two." He stopped and pointed at Ruby. "First of all, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here for some books. It is a public library, right?" Link nodded. "It's not my fault she-"

"Ahp-ahp-ahp. No." His pointed finger shifted to Emmy. "What made you think getting that close to her was such a good idea?"

"How was I supposed to know she'd come out swinging? Girl's got issues if you ask me." Emmy crossed her forelegs and looked at Ruby. "Though... I suppose it's a shame on you, Link, for leaving out how cute she is. Not my fault I wanted a closer look at her."

Ruby coughed a little.

"Ruby. Is your first reaction to everything to just punch, kick and burn your way out of every situation?" His finger dropped to his side. "Gotta think a little more, and not be so... impulsive."

Twilight chimed in. "Says the guy who fell from the sky into the path of a fireball the size of my living room ornament."

"As a reflex, yes." Ruby responded, and shifted her weight. "It's just surprising how some ponies have no regard for personal space..."

"In the future," Link added, "Emmy, try to imagine how you'd feel if somepony got in your face without warning."

"Wouldn't mind so much for mares, you know," Emmy countered with a chuckle.

"Ugh... Ruby. It would do you and everypony else some good if you thought before you acted. Agreed?" Ruby nodded slowly, and begrudgingly. "Good. Now. Let's start over, shall we?"

Emmy blinked a few times, then came back to the conversation. "Right! I was saying that I know you."

Ruby looked at Emmy, and tilted her head. "You do? How is it you've heard of me, exactly?"

"Link told me all about you. Your power, most specifically. That fire thing you do is both impressive and unusual, now that I'm seeing it first-hoof. I mean, an earth pony with fire magic? Awesome!" Emmy clapped her hooves a few times.

"My talent is nothing special..." Ruby looked down and away. "More harm comes from it than good, I assure you."

"Hmm..." Emmy thought a moment. Suddenly, she turned to Twilight. "Hey librarian lady. How far is it from here to North Luna Ocean?"

"At least a thousand miles," Twilight replied.

In an instant, Emmy disappeared. The air rushed into the empty space created. Ruby looked around and saw nothing. "Where'd she-" Emmy reappeared and set a stone down on Ruby's half of the couch.

"For you. A stone from the shores of North Luna Ocean." She smiled. "I can teleport. A power most prominent in unicorns. And yet." She held her hooves up at her sides. Then, she nudged the stone closer to Ruby. "Here. I brought it back for you."

"Uhh... Thanks, I guess." Ruby picked it up and looked close at it, seeing the faint specks of titanium reflect the light. "It's pretty."

"Reminds me that the closer I look, the more I see. Just like when I see you."

"Romantic," Link said, interrupting their conversation.

"While you're in this conversation, let's make it about you." Emmy turned and glared at him. "Why are you so late? I've been waiting for days!"

Link scratched the back of his neck before responding. "Yeah... Sorry about that. I was... Occupied. Intentionally and otherwise. See, there's a Great Fairy by the castle, and I learned a new magic from her." He brought his hand in front of him, palm up, and watched as a fireball grew in his hand. "Guess I can do it too, now."

Twilight crawled down from her chair and got a closer look at it. She took his hand in her hooves and held it. "Oooh."

Just then, Epona showed up in the doorway. "Not in the library!" she barked at him. Quickly, Link extinguished his fireball. "Didn't we say that was a bad idea? If you drop that. Boom. Small scale forest fire."

Emmy perked up and turned to face her. "Hello, Epona~" she chirped.

"Hello, Emmy - Emerald." Epona recoiled. "Emerald?!"

"I told you she'd be here," Link bragged.

"I'm surprised all the same." Epona walked over to him.

Ruby looked at Epona and asked finally, "Who's this?"

Link started the introductions. "Ruby? Meet Epona. Epona. Ruby. Oh, and this is Emerald."

"Friends call me Emmy," Emerald stated.

"I just call her Emerald," Epona corrected. She extended a hoof toward Ruby in greeting. "A pleasure to meet you, Ruby."

Twilight was still attached to Link's hand. "So a Great Fairy gave you a fire power, huh... Can I see it again?" she requested.

"Not with you attached to it." She let go sheepishly and back up. Slowly, he grew another fireball in his hand. "Apparently, there are Great Fairies that can grant me powers. That magic sword thing from earlier? The one I used to cut the fireball? That was given to me by another Great Fairy."

"How many are there?" Twilight asked. Link shook his head. "Not sure, huh? Can't blame you, really. Guess you just have to keep an eye out."

"In any case, I'm back. And you know what that means?" Silence. "I'm off duty! At least until I get a lead on the next key. Until then, I'm out. Gonna go put the Ponyvillians at peace with what just happened in their town." Link turned and started out the door. "Oh, and I'll see about getting you a new door. And couch." Link exited the tree.


Later that day, Link returned with a couch hauled behind him in a cart, right beside a big plank of wood. Twilight had helped Ruby find the book she needed, while Emmy and Epona caught up with what happened since they parted ways. The former of the latter two was a bit disappointed in Epona's denial of any farewell kiss. It was switched to travel supplies a few minutes before Link's arrival.

As Twilight bid farewell to Ruby and a good night to Emerald and Epona, she waved going upstairs. Link stayed downstairs and wrote the fifth entry in his journal before falling asleep on the chair, having given Epona his bed. Emmy slept on the newest piece of furniture.


Emmy came back ahead of me from the village in the mountain. She and Twilight seem to be making friends with each other quickly. Ruby, however, seems to have sparked a hateful feeling toward the former, instigating a fight.

Twilight played defense as best as she could while the two fought it out. The couch got burned and the door broke. I have plans to craft a new door tomorrow, and have already bought a new couch.

I'm off duty until I get a clue about the next key I need.


"We'd better go," Link said, turning forward in the transport. "It was nice to see you again, Princess."

Celestia quietly looked at the pegasi, and nodded, keeping her head lowered afterward. The pegasi took off for Ponyville. She glanced up at him after he fell out of earshot. "I'm sorry, my son."

Luna stood in the open doorway. "Did that do as intended? He looked rather upset."

"It did exactly as intended. It assured that he takes his time, and continues when he is absolutely ready." Celestia turned and walked indoors.

"Do you think it wise? Letting him continue at his own pace?" Luna followed her sister. Polaris and Saber followed as well, at either side of the princesses.

"I believe in his choices." She looked at her sister. "And I believe in him."

"As do I. I just..." Luna fell quiet. "I would like to at least let him know what awaits him. Discord's Lens is not an object to be trifled with."

Celestia narrowed her gaze. "I know that. It is a vile object filled to maximum occupancy with hatred and ill will. If Link faces this threat with anything less than 100%, he will fall. And coming from me, that means a lot."

Both were quiet. Then, Luna broke the silence, closing the book she had open in front of her. "I apologize. I know its potential. I just want to see it gone. For that, Link must use the Sword of Masters to render the Lens unusable. To seal the evil it contains."

"And I believe," Celestia added, stopping in the hallway to turn and face her sister fully, "that when he is ready, he will act. Without hesitation." She continued toward the throne room.

Luna looked at the cover of her book, which adorned a set of golden triangles. I hope you are right...

Chapter 37: The Errand Boy

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As with many times prior, Link woke up before the sun could spread its rays into the library. With a solitary stretch came a light grumble. On his feet, he looked at the sleeping Emmy, then shifted his look to Navi.

She sat up and yawned. "Morning," she greeted. Link nodded as she flew up to his shoulder, allowing the Hylian to retrieve his hat.

Link quietly walked to the hole in the wall where the door once stood, and gazed out into town. He looked to the side at the board meant to replace it he bought and brought back with him the day before. With a sigh, he walked over and picked it up, letting it lean against him to start, when he heard a quiet voice ask, "Where are you going this early in the morning?"

Emmy stood in the empty doorway and rubbed her eyes. "Did I wake you?" Link asked, as he turned to face her. To which, Emmy shook her head. "I'm going to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack has a tool shed, and I need to borrow a few of them. I was gonna take the board with me. Today, I'm gonna make a replacement door."

"Heh," she responded, stumbling forward in her sleepiness. "I'll be here when you get back. Unless Rainbow decides to visit. Again."

Link carried the board up on one arm, kept it stable with his off hand, and ventured out toward the farm.


At Sweet Apple Acres, Aj had just come out of the house when she was greeted by Link waving his arm, and Navi. "Mornin' Aj," he said.

"Mornin' yerself. What brings ya here before the light o' day?" Aj walked to him. "What's with that plank there?"

"Well, I sorta need to borrow some tools. And I know that you have the most in Ponyville."

"Ya came an awful long way fer some tools. What is it ye'r makin' anyway?" She turned and started walking toward her shed.

Link followed at her side. "A door. Twilight's library got a surprise renovation." Aj's ears twitched when he said her name. "I won't need many."

When the three got to the shed, Aj opened the doors wide and showed off her quantity. "Whatcha need?"

"Hmm..." Link walked in and looked around. "Won't need much. Let's see here..." He picked up a few things, shifted other stuff around, then got a good idea of what he needed. "Definitely a chalk-line. Woodwork pencil, screwdriver, maybe a hoof sander, a small saw... And.. Hmm... Oh, and a few screws if you have them."

In minutes, Aj gathered everything he asked for, minus the chalk-line. "Sorry, Link. Don't got a line. Not a workin' one, anyway."

"That's fine. I can make-do." Link took the tools in a bag she prepared, picked up his board, and bowed his way out of the shed. "Swing by later, and admire my work? Never done something like this before, so I hope it turns out alright."

"Ah'll see what Ah can do."


Back at the library, Link had just approached the front door. That's right. The front door. Link opened it, after setting his board and tools aside. Twilight noticed him immediately, having glanced up from her book. "Welcome back, Link. How was your walk?"

"Why's there a door here?" he asked. "No really, why's there a door here?"

Twilight chuckled and looked at the new door. "I made it. One of the many spells in my arsenal. Why?"

Link stepped aside and gestured to the discarded board and tools. "What, you thought I was kidding? I said I was getting a chunk of wood, didn't I? I even got a bit of Aj's many tools!" Twilight's ears twitched when he said her name. "You know, it's funny. Aj's ears did the same twitchy thing."

She cleared her throat, closed her book and walked over to him. "That-"

"Now, I have to find a new use for all of it. Any ideas?"

"Hmm... Hard to say, but you'll have a long time to think about it. Derpy came by while you were gone. She apparently needs your help for something."

"Did she say what for?" She shook her head. "I guess I'll swing by the post office before it opens."

"What about breakfast? Did you eat anything?" Then, Link shook his head. "Well, try and fill your belly before your long day, alright?"

Link waved dismissively, then closed the door behind him as he left.


Navi sat on his shoulder outside the post office. Link munched into an apple he got from the market. "What do you think she wanted?"

Link swallowed, then replied, "Well... I don't know. Twilight never said anything about what she needed from me."

"Huh... I guess you're right... " Navi shrugged. "Might be worth actually thinking about what you wanna do with that piece of wood."

"More worried about right now, honestly. Hm?" He noticed Derpy coming in hot. Quickly, Link sprung to his feet, while Derpy stopped just short of running into him. Her hat flew off and got him in the face.

Derpy slowly retrieved her hat. "Uhh... Sorry." After she righted her hat, she greeted, "Good morning, Link. Glad to see you made it."

"Well, Twilight told me that you told her that you were looking for me. So here I am. Whatcha need?" Link straightened and smiled a little.

"I need your help ... Inside." She led the way into the building, and to her own cubby. Several scrolls and packages filled the space, almost spilling out. She bit down on an orange wrapped box near the top. Link took it from her. "I've held onto it for a few days now."

Link looked at it, then at the name. "Goes to the one called, 'Ruby Inferno'. Why not just deliver it to the address listed?"

"You don't think I tried? The house just... doesn't exist... Vacant lot, I'm afraid..." She shook her head.

"Then it's lucky for you I know where she lives. For real." Derpy hugged him quickly, then let go just as hastily.

"Oh thank you thank you! This means a lot to me." She noticed the scrolls finally fall from the cubby. "Well, I leave you to it. Got plenty of stuff to deliver for myself."

Link pocketed the package and smiled wider, if only just a little. "Then I'll leave you to it." He waved and set out.


In the vast, deep forest of Equestria, the Castle of the Two Sisters remained occupied by the one Link sought: Ruby Inferno. He had taken the familiar route, with a few cut corners. Occasionally, he'd glanced over his shoulder; a sneaking suspicion he was being followed loomed in the air. Once he and Navi arrived at the castle, Link walked inside, and Ruby, just about to leave.

"Well, here you are, I guess..." Ruby said. "What brings you here? Unannounced..." Her unamused expression revealed she was... well, unamused.

"Your fake address is a vacant lot, you do realize..." Her eyes brightened and stepped closer. "There came a package for you, but Derpy couldn't deliver. The house isn't there anymore." Link retrieved the orange package and handed it to her. "So, she brought it back to the post office, then asked me to deliver it in her place."

Ruby set her full saddlebags aside and took the package. "Wow, I'm kinda surprised I actually got one." Link's confused expression prompted an explanation. "Alright. So when we were up in the north town, I went around and put up some poster scrolls advertising my restoration skills. This..." Ruby tore off the top and slid out a rather thick tome. "is one book that... really needs fixing. Like, holy moly." She swiftly flipped through the pages. "Well, guess I'll get started."

"What about that?" Navi asked, pointing to her discarded bags. "Looked like you were going somewhere."

"Hm?" Ruby blinked a couple times. "Oh! Right! Zecora wanted me to bring some mushrooms from this side of the forest to her hut."

Link put out his hand. "I'm in the area already. Why don't I deliver them for you? Looks like you'll be busy doing other stuff for the time being."

"You're suuuuure you can handle this?"

"Oh please. I've done way scarier stuff than this. Besides, I can handle myself, no matter the situation. Call me... an army of one." Link boasted and picked up her bags, knowing the response.

"Alright fine. If you insist. I'll swing by her place tomorrow and get my bags, so don't worry about it." Link nodded, pocketed the bags, and waved goodbye.


The path to Zecora's hut was different from the castle than it was from town. All the same, it was beaten down, and moved aside; it was a clear sign that Ruby had walked this path many a time before.

"So... What's with the mushrooms?" Navi asked.

Link had taken one out and held it flat in his hand. "Unremarkable, so far as I can see. Looks common, too. Maybe she's actually going to cook these ones, and not use them as reagents."

"That's logical, I guess. But Ruby said, 'this side'. Meaning they're not common in Zecora's half of the woods. How'd she bring herself to get all these mushrooms if it's just to eat them?" The hut came into sight. "I guess we'll just have to ask her ourselves."

He stowed the spore and knocked on the door. Clanging sounds, and surprised yelping came from within. Hastily, Link swung open wide the door and dashed in. Zecora was huddled against the wall, a look of fear in her eyes. "Link! Help! There's a spider in my hut! I'd deal with it my self but..." She tried to get closer to the wall.

Link looked at the itsy bitsy spider and grinned. "This?" He pointed. "This little thing?" Link walked over, put his hands to each of its sides, and lit the arachnid ablaze. "Easy work. Hm?" A shiny golden carapace hit the floor. He carefully picked it up, examined it, then put it in his pocket.

Zecora stood stunned, with her back to the wall. "You've set that arachnid quite ablaze. But the resulting mark will last for several days." She walked over to it and looked close at it, causing Link to step back. "A new brew I must create. Though some time it will take to equate." Zecora looked up at him and smiled. "Heed my words, that mark won't last overlong; all of my creations are indeed strong."

"Speaking of which... Ruby sent me here to deliver to you some mushrooms." Link pulled out two full bags of mushrooms and set them on her table. "Ruby said she'd come by tomorrow to get the bags, so no worries there."

"Indeed I do, Link. Not that many, I don't think... About half of that would do." He turned and started for the door. "Since you're here..." Link stopped and turned slowly. "I've a favor to ask of you." Zecora walked to a dresser drawer, pulled out a bag of something, and a scroll. Link followed and took them from her. "There is a mare in town to whom I owe a debt. With this payment and parchment, she and I will be set."

Hesitantly, Link pocketed the items. "You know, this isn't really what I wanted to do today, but... Since I'm already here, I might as well. Do you need the bag back?" Zecora shook her head. "Alright then. I'm off."

Link waved goodbye and exited the hut, beginning his march toward town, and the light of day he missed.


"That was fun, huh?" Navi asked as Link entered the market place. He had taken out the scroll, trying to discern who Zecora meant by 'mare'. There were plenty of mares in Ponyville, and Link wasn't about to waste time asking them all individually. "Seems like everypony we run into has something for us to do."

"Yeah, but I'm supposed to be at home relaxing. This is my time off, remember?"

"Even so... You tried taking time off. Remember how that turned out?"

Memories of a dragon, a mountain, and a frightening Fluttershy flooded his mind. "Yeah, I do remember. What's the point?"

"My point is..." Navi flew in front of him and pointed at his nose, stopping him in his tracks. "You can't sit still doing nothing. You always need to be moving, helping, doing something. You? Relax? Heh, when you're old and decrepit." She returned to his shoulder as Link continued walking, looking for a particular booth.

Soon, he found it. Occupied by a single mare he knew as Roseluck. She and her friends run the flower stand, but the other two aren't anywhere in sight. Perhaps they were in the building behind them.

"Hey Link. Good morning," Rose greeted with a cheerful smile. Link raised his hand to say good morning. "What brings you to our humble little flower booth? A fresh bouquet for the library centerpiece? Or maybe just a carnation for your shirt pocket?"

"Neither, actually." Link handed the scroll to Rose, then dug in his pocket for the pouch, which he also forfeited. "Zecora asked me to give these to you. Something about owing you a debt."

One mare burst out of the door behind Rose, and trotted around the flower cart, only stopping to wave and smile. Another mare stood in the doorway. "Please excuse Lily. She's a frantic mess when it comes to rush orders like this."

"Rush ... Order?" Link asked, too late to realize what he'd done.

"Rush order. Somepony came in yesterday around closing and ordered a special bouquet," Rose explained. "Octavia Melody. One of the musicians of Ponyville. She stopped in last minute last night and ordered a bouquet. And as per our 'Next Day Local Delivery' policy it's gotta go out today. But, since we have a project, courtesy of our mutual zebra friend..."

Lily stopped with a wrapped box with Octavia's name on a tag. "It's done!" she chirped. Rose quickly traded the box for the scroll and bag, then hoofed the box to Link. "Wha- huh?"

"Don't worry about it. Link'll take care of it, right? Octavia lives on the south edge of town, in what looks like a divided house." Link took the box with a sigh. "Though... you don't have to if you don't want to... But it would help us busy mares oh so much if you would..."

All three of the mares stopped and gave him helpless looks. Link hesitated, then hung his head. "Alright, alright. I'll deliver this for you three."

"Oh, thank you ever so much~" they said in unison. Link nodded a few times then headed south.


"You really can't say 'no' to anypony, can you?"

"You try leaving helpless eyed mares to their own, when you're fully able to help them out. I'm sure you'll find it's not so easy."

"Yeah, yeah. You love helping and everypony knows it." Navi smirked and sat on his shoulder, looking at the cloudy sky. "Say... You've been real busy all day so far. When are you gonna call it and get some lunch?"

"Maybe when I get back to the library. Hopefully Twilight has some prepared." Link scratched his head a little. "You really think the library could use a bouquet?"

"I'm sure Twilight would appreciate that very much." Navi agreed and looked ahead as a clearly divided house came into view. "That's gotta be it."

Link and Navi approached the door to the odd-looking house, just beyond the musical note hedge to the side. The former knocked on the door a few times.

A dark gray mare answered it, began her greeting with a smile, then quickly slammed the door. "G-go away!"

Slowly, Link looked at Navi, who returned the wary look. "Octavia Melody? The flower mares sent me here to deliver a special order you placed last night?"

Just as slowly, the door opened as a dark grey mare stepped out a little. "I did. Wh-what of it?" She watched as Link took out the box. "And this is it, then?"

Link set it on her doorstep and backed up a few. "It is. I'm delivering it on behalf of Roseluck and her friends."

Octavia watched him retreat, and stepped forward to the package. As she opened it up all the way, she saw he was being truthful. "I'm very sorry. Thank you, umm..."

"Link. I don't blame you for not knowing that. I'm fairly new to town."

"I see..." She moved the box inside and returned. "Do you have proper living arrangements at least? I'd hate to see some... well, someone like you without a place to rest your head at night."

"I actually live with my sister in the public library. It's suitable, for now I suppose." Link smiled and turned.

"The library you say? Hold a moment, would you?" The mare disappeared inside and returned with a rather thick book. "This one here is just a few days overdue. There's no policy on it, I don't think, but still. Do you think you can return it in my stead?"

Just as he had done several times that day, Link accepted the request. "I'd be happy to. Since I'm headed there anyway."

"You have my thanks, Link."

Link left the mare and started back into town. Navi smiled and nudged him. "So... Have you put thought into what you want to do with that chunk of wood?"

"You know? I think I have. Finally."


The pair of them arrived at the library just after noon. Link opened the door and held the book up. "Hey Twilight. Octavia returns her music book."

Twilight looked up from her own book, then closed it, opened another and walked over to him. She examined the tome, then recorded its return before putting it on the shelf. "Tell me: how did a request from Derpy end in you returning a book for Octavia?"

"I'll tell you later. Anyway, what did you do with Aj's tools?" he asked quickly. "I finally know what I wanna do with that piece of wood." She gave him the tools in question and watched him head for the door. "Swing by town in a while and see my creation?"


A few hours later, Twilight took Spike and walked with Epona into town, where already several dozen ponies gathered around a bulletin board. Curious, she and Epona pushed their way to the front of the herd. "What's all this?" On the board stuck a single page. "'Army of One now accepting new missions from the denizens of Ponyville!' No requirements?"

A stallion to her side added, "Just saw it today. Someone was diggin' a mighty hole here earlier."

Then a mare added her knowledge. "I saw a being set a section of fence with big posts into the ground like it was easy or something." On close inspection, the mare was a pegasus.

"That sounds like Link, but..." She looked around and saw him hiding behind a pillar beside Town Hall. "Really?" Twilight turned back to the page and continued reading, "'Post your requests here. Cost will be determined by the job, its difficulty, and how much fun I have in completing it.' Doesn't say who it is, though."

"That's good enough for me." A unicorn mare walked up to the board, and without magic, pinned a piece of paper to the board. "We all start somewhere, right?" Cheerfully, she looked around. "Well, we do, don't we? Tell me when you started something, and was an instant hit, huh?" With that, she parted the crowd and walked away, only stopping to add, "I thought so." The mare left the crowd.

Soon after, the whole crowd started to dissipate. Save for Twilight. Link approached the board and looked at the new addition. "'Manual Labor requested at Meadow Dale's house.' Alright. I mean, you made these to hold how much?" Link pointed at his wristbands. "4 times my current amount?"

"Don't push it. You try and lift something you can't, even with those, and those flimsy things could break and become useless." Twilight cautioned. "So this is your idea, huh? Leaving your actual mission to accept smaller ones from the townsfolk, and charge money for doing their work?"

"I mean, it makes sense, right? I do work, I get paid?" Link took down the page. "I'll find out what it is when I get there. See you when I get back, Twilight. Oh hey. Expect me in a few hours. Think you could get some lunch together?"

"Heehee. Sure. I'll see what I can do."

Link turned and walked away. Then he stopped and recalled, "You know... Aj said the exact same thing earlier today." Then he walked on toward Meadow Dale's home.

Twilight glanced over at him. Why does he keep telling me things that involve Applejack?


"I thought it might have been you," Meadow greeted at her door. "But I couldn't be sure."

Link stood at the doorway with Navi atop his shoulder. He glanced at the lawn covered in rocks on his way up. "If I were to guess: I'd say you want these moved."

"You're a sharp blade of grass, Link." Meadow looked out at her lawn. "There's a reinforced cart I keep in the shed out back. You are free to use it as you need it. There's somepony from the local Rock Farm coming tomorrow to collect. I swear, it's like these rocks grow from nothing." She shook her head. Then, she watched in silence as Link walked to one of the stones. Easily, he picked it up out of the ground. "Alright, so you're a tough guy."

"You don't know that half of it, Meadow." He let the rock crash to the ground. "Your cart's in the shed, yes?"

Quietly, Meadow nodded. She watched him continue his work. When he finished, he refused payment on grounds that it was minor, easy, and fun. As well as his first task. Meadow thanked him for his work and bid him farewell with a smile.

Link returned to the library and enjoyed a meal with his family.

Chapter 38: The Happy Mask Shop I

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In the following early morning, Twilight woke to the sound of rummaging. Tiredly looking round for its source, she located Link, going through his drawer. "Morning... Did you lose something?"

Link turned to face her, and shut the drawer. "Not at all. Just wanted to indirectly wake you up." He stood up straight and continued, "The first train to Canterlot leaves in twenty minutes, and I intend to be on it."

"Why's that?" Twilight asked, getting out of her comfy bed. "If you don't mind my asking."

"Some business to attend to," he replied. "But, if you want more details: I'm going for a ... personal request. When I went up to the mountain, I met a guard who wanted a mask for his son. And since that store just opened up in Canterlot, I'm gonna help him out."

"Will Epona be joining you?" He shook his head. "Oh."

Link waved his hand before him. "Nah, she's already on her way to the farm. She'll be there helping Aj while I'm away." He hesitated. "Which brings to my attention the bag of tools. I don't suppose you want to stretch your legs and take them to the farm for me?"

Twilight looked out the window, barely seeing the sun break through the few clouds. "You said Epona's already on her way?" He nodded. "Well... Alright. I'll do this for you, but only this once."

"Thanks, Twilight. I owe you one." As he turned to leave, he felt a tugging at his sleeve. "Hm?" When he looked, he saw her light magic at the sleeve's end.

"You what? You 'owe me one'?" Link slowly nodded. "I'll remember that." She let him go and smiled. "Nothing life-threatening. Promise."

"Uh huh..." Link left the room and entered the lobby.

Emmy had woken up to his light footfalls, and sat upright. "Leaving so soon?"

"Well yeah. I have business in Canterlot, and the train leaves real soon." Link made for the door.

"And you're just going to leave me here to fend off Rainbow by myself?" she asked his retreating form.

"Yep." He closed the door behind him. Link sighed with his back against the door. "She'll have to face her sometime. And she doesn't need me around when that happens."


"You know," Navi said from his shoulder, "we've been walking up and down every street from the station, and there isn't anypony who knows about a mask shop."

"Bad luck? Maybe we'll find it on our own? Kinda wish stuff like this was easier." Link turned down another street, nearly bumping into a sharp-dressed stallion. Thankfully, Link turned and sidestepped, dodging effectively. "I'm sorry. I didn't see you there."

"It is no trouble at all, really. Your skill alone prevented the spilling of my afternoon tea, and for that I thank you. Now, forgive my curiosity, lad, but it seems to me that you're looking for something."

Link noticed a mare at the stallion's side. "I am, actually. A shop that only recently opened up. Maybe just a week ago?"

"I'm afraid you'll have to be a bit more specific; shops open and close all the time here in Canterlot, you know."

"It sells masks,” Link said, pointing to his own face. "Can’t imagine there's many stores like that."

"And you'd be right." The stallion looked closer at Link. "Say.. You look rather ... familiar... " He pressed a hoof to his chin. "Weren't you on a wanted poster last weekend?"

"Was, yes," Link admitted. "Charges were dropped too."

"I see... Oh, where are my manners?" The stallion lowered his head in introduction, then raised it. "Fancy Pants, at your service. This way, please." Slowly, the stallion turned around and led Link and Navi along the sidewalk. As the two of them followed, Fancy kept talking on and on about his business, and occasionally asked a question. After about half an hour, he stopped his story and his walk. " - and that is why you should never dismantle a coat rack unless you know what you're doing."

"That is a fascinating story, Mr. Pants," Navi commented a bit sarcastically. "Do you have more?"

"Countless, my dear. But alas, would that I had the time. We are here." He pointed to the side at the store Link searched for. "Your destination." No sign, no welcome mat, and barely any lighting. "A rather odd place it seems, but who am I to judge a book by its cover?"

Link nodded and went inside. "Thanks again," he said, closing the door. Bells jingled by the open door. There were several chunks of wood to the sides. Behind the counter, the wall was adorned with a few shelves, most of which were empty. "Uhm... Hello?" Link called. "Anypony home?"

A unicorn stallion appeared from behind a curtain beyond the counter. "Ah. A customer! Welcome, boy." The unicorn had a strange smile about him.

"Uhh... Thanks..." Link said. "I'm looking for a-"

"Mask," the stallion finished. "Of course you are. Why else would you be drawn to my shop in the first place?"

"Fair point." The stallion pointed to the sign on the side. "Hm?" Link read the board top to bottom a few times. "Oh, I get it. Alright, so I'll borrow that mask there then."

"The kitsune mask is yours." The stallion levitated the yellow and black wood mask to the counter. "This mask is 10 bits. If you manage to sell it for more, you keep what's left. If not... Well, then the money comes from your own pocket."

"That's fair." Link put the mask in his pouch. "Good thing I have somepony who wants this mask in mind. Soon as I get payment, I'll come back and pass it on."

"I look forward to it."

Link left the shop and stood just outside. "Alright, we have that mask, the pony who wants it's location, and price. Now we just need to get there."

"I recommend the train station. It's got a route map. Maybe we can get close enough?" Navi offered.


Alright, fine," Navi admitted, "Sure, there's a map... But there are no stations near enough to the mountain."

Link pointed at a few tall buildings on the map. "There. Manehattan. That sounds like it has transportation."

"It's also far. Remember: maps don't show accurate distance."

"Well, what do you suggest then? I wanted to be there and back by tonight, but I didn't expect there to not be a station that could make that happen."

Navi thought, then offered, "Then be faster than a train, or balloon."

Link fell silent, then said, "Teleport?" Navi nodded. Quickly, he called Emmy on his ocarina.

Don't look in here!!

In a tight spot are you?

Emmy let out an audible gasp, then was quiet again. Link! Why can't you be more subtle when you get my attention?

Link laughed. "Sorry. Anyway, I need your help."

I'm not in a good spot to help you right now.

"You're hiding from Dash, yeah? So teleport to where I am, and you'll be fine."

I told you, I can't. She'll sense and feel that I was here recently, and then follow my energy to where you are.

"So glide off the balcony. Gliding uses the least amount of magic, right? Then gallop to a safe distance and teleport from there. My goodness, you're hopeless sometimes." Link was quiet for a few moments.

A few minutes later, Emmy responded, "Alright, where are you?"

"Canterlot's east train station."

Instantly, Emmy appeared just a few feet from him. "Now what's so important that you need a favor from me?"

"The gate guard who wanted a mask for his son. You remember?" She nodded. "I was hoping you could teleport me and Navi up there and back."

"Of course I can," she boasted. "Just need to expand the field to beyond me, and make it happen." She placed her hoof on Link's free shoulder. "Just... face away from me when you get there." Emmy took a breath.

"Okay, but why-"

The world around him blinked out of sight for the smallest fraction of a second; far too fast for Link to see. When it came back, Link, Emmy, and Navi stood in front of the gate guard. That transition speed hit Link full force, causing him to lean over and expel his breakfast onto the ground.

"That's why. You've never teleported before. Definitely not with me, so of course you're not accustomed to how fast the transition is."

"Next time, give me some warning." She chuckled. "What?"

"That's the thing: once you teleport for the first time, your body acclimates. Odds are, you'll never keel over from it ever again, knowing your resilience." Emmy walked up to the gate guard. "Well, hello there."

"You again?" he scoffed.

"Us, again. And yes. This time, I have something for you." Link took out the mask from his pouch and held it out to the guard. "Kitsune mask, as you requested."

"You really went out of your way to help me huh?" The stallion dug in his armor and pulled out a bag of bits. "Here's 15 for your trouble. My kid's gonna love it."

"But... You're on shift, right?" He nodded. Emmy continued, "Then how are you going to get it to him?"

Silence. "Y'see, well... Uhm... I-I'll write him a letter, and have him come get it."

"Uh huh. Well, enjoy your mask." Link took the money bag and tied it to his belt. "Alright. I'm ready this time."

Emmy once again placed her hoof on him, and took a slow breath. "You know how hard it is to track an object with no magic?" He shook his head. "Very. Gimme a sec."

He waited patiently for a few seconds, before the world turned his sight once more. That time, he kept his feet under him and the remainder of his food down. "Better."

"So," Emmy started, "where to?"

"You're going back to the library," Link ordered.

"No I'm not. She knows my last location, and more she knows I was hiding in the library. Pegasi can feel the energy around them. More deeply than unicorns."

"You're scared to tell her the truth, then?" Link baited.

"I'm sooo not scared of Rainbow Dash." She watched Link fold his arms. "What?"

"Then I'll make you a deal: if you want to come with me, then I'll be there when you tell her tomorrow. If you don't, then I will tell her myself when I get back there tonight."

"But that's not fair!" Emmy argued. "Still... I guess it would be better to have a friend there with me when I do tell her." She thought a few moments. "Fine. You got yourself a deal."

Link smiled. "Since you accepted my offer, we have a mask shop to go to."


Within the hour, Emmy, Link and Navi returned once more to the mask shop. The bells jingled as they had done for Link before, signifying his entry into the store. As with the previous time, the shop owner came in from a room behind the counter through a curtain. "Welcome back! Your face alone tells me you were successful in selling the mask!"

"That's right." Link placed the pouch from his belt on the counter, and tipped it over, letting the bits roll. Carefully, he stopped them and counted out ten for the unicorn. "Ten bits."

"I knew you'd be successful. Here." He placed a second mask on the counter, and while Link looked at it, he replaced the kitsune mask with another just like it. "Now you can borrow this one whenever you want, but you can only borrow one at a time."

"That makes sense," Emmy said. "What about other ponies?"

"Hm?" The question hung in the air. "Oh, you mean what if other ponies want to borrow them?" she nodded. "Well, that's a secret to everypony, and you just have to accept that."

Link picked up the second mask. "So... What's this one?"

"That one is made of bone. Animal bone. Well, synthetic animal bone. Really, it's just wood painted perfectly to look like animal bone. 20 bits."

"Really?" He pocketed it. "Alright. I don't have anypony lined up for this one, so it might take a while."

"Take all the time you need. This isn't a library, so there are no due dates or overdue charges." The stallion smiled wide and approached the counter. "I will say this: that mask there... I know to whom it should go. The question is... Will you survive the journey?"

"Ooookay, well, we better be going, right Link?" Emmy started tugging at his arm.

"Indeed," the stallion agreed. "Our paths will cross again soon. Until then, Link. Emerald. Farewell." He disappeared behind the curtain.

Link and Emmy left the shop, the bell sounding more eerie every time it chimed. "That was strange."

"You don't know the half of it, Link. That stallion gave off a very dangerous vibe. Like he was possessed or something."

"No, I know. What I don't know, is how he knew your name." Emmy adopted a look of terror. "Hahahaha! I'm kidding! I told him I'd be coming back with you when I returned the mask. You should have seen your face!" Link did his best to imitate real laughter.

"That's not funny! You really had me scared, Link!" More laughter, but more quieted.

Link glanced back at the store. Sorry, Emmy.


The three of them got off the train at Ponyville station several hours later. They all made it back to the library unseen by Rainbow, but Emmy knew something was amiss.

At the library, the door was cracked open, and inside Twilight and Epona had taken to enjoying reading some books. Soon as the library door opened fully, Dash landed and narrowed her eyes. "You both owe me an explanation," she harshed.

"Not today we don't," Link countered. "See, she and I made a deal. And for the terms, she tells you everything tomorrow. With me there to sit in. So tonight, she is free from your pestering, understand?"

Rainbow was silent, save for a few uneasy rufflings of her wings. Then, she growled a little. "Fine." She sat down hard. "Tomorrow. Pinkie promise me."

"What?" Emmy said.

"Pinkie promise. 'Cross my heart hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.'" Dash went through the motions with an ever so serious look on her face. "Do it, Emmy."

"Fine. 'Cross my heart hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.' Not sure what all that means."

"It means, that if you break this promise, a demon god's wrath will smite you."

"That's serious. But alright." Emmy turned to Link, who was already heading for the door. "Where are you going?"

"I have a board to check in town. I'll be back later," he said.

Twilight looked up from her book. "Be safe out there."


At the request board, Link was in high disbelief when he saw the board was empty, despite the nice mare's words. "Unbelievable. After all that... Nothing."

"Give it time. You've only been gone one single day," Navi comforted. "You're still new to this, and odds are, you're not all that popular for your deeds yet."

"I guess..."

He heard hoofsteps quickly approach him from the east. As he turned to look, he saw a little filly quickly approaching. "You! I need your - help!" She took a breath before stopping in front of him. "You're the - army of one, - right?"

"Well... It's supposed to be anonymously me, but yeah." Link recognized this filly as Rarity's little sister Sweetie Belle.

"I need your - help," she managed.

"You said that already," he said, kneeling to her level. "What happened?"

After Sweetie gathered her breath, she said, "A pony from my school got - " She took a few more, before finishing, "swallowed!"

"Hefty claim. What could swallow a pony? What would even want to?" Link thought, standing.

Sweetie answered, "The Everfree Forest!"

Chapter 39: The Darkness Within

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Link followed close behind Sweetie Belle as she led him to her classmate's last known location. The two of them stood at the forest's edge, looking down at the abandoned scooter. "This is Scootaloo's scooter. She's my classmate, and she's never anywhere without this."

Taking a slow breath, Link looked at the scooter, then the tracks it made, and lastly at how it sat. "So, looks like she voluntarily went into the woods. But she's young, and most likely knows better. Maybe something overrode her sense of danger..." He picked up the scooter. "Go home, Sweetie Belle. It's late." As Link examined the scooter, he made mental notes of its features before setting it down.

"Mmm-mmm. I'm not moving until she's back safely."

"Fine." He stood, and stared into the forest. "Then go get some food for us. She'll likely be hungry after this." Link handed a small pouch of bits. "Whatever that affords."

"Alright..." She took it in her mouth and scampered off.

Slowly, Link walked into the Everfree Forest. He paid extra attention to broken branches and hoof tracks, and after an hour of wandering, he heard a voice.

"Hello?" it called. "Anypony out there?"

Feminine. Young. Must be Scootaloo. "Listen. I'm looking for you now, so stay where you are, alright? Keep talking though, so I can find you."

"Hurry! I can't see anything." The voice kept talking. Mostly, "I'm over here"s and "you still there?"s.

Link followed the voice best he could for what felt like hours on end. Eventually, the sound got louder, like she was nearby. He lifted the leaves of a bush and saw a filly, brown of coat and purple of mane. "There you are. Come on, we gotta go."

"You found me!" she said, hopping up and out of the bushes. Her eyes were still closed, and Link noticed. "Let's go, already." She was smiling.

Carefully, Link stepped back. "Who are you?"

"Scootaloo. And you're Link, right?"

"Wrong answer." He drew his weapons and added, "Open your eyes."

After a few quiet moments, the pony before him opened her eyes, revealing black voids where there would be pupils. "What do you mean?" Slowly, her eyes returned to normal. "Oh hey. I can see again."

The familiar voice called out, "Hey, are you still following my voice?" Both Link and the pony looked where the voice came from.

Link quickly looked at the pony in front of him, and felt his muscles tense, unable to move. He could only watch as the little filly transformed in a shroud of black magic that, once dissipated, revealed a more familiar pony. Epona stood before him. "Welcome back to the woods." Two skeletal ponies climbed up from the ground and stood at her side. Their eyes were replaced by red lights, and each one carried a weapon of some kind. "Now that you're back, let's play a game. You have until sunrise tomorrow to rescue your precious little Scootaloo. Should you succeed, you are free to leave this forest with your soul intact. If you fail, and wander the woods lost, then I will claim your souls as mine. The little one's as well."

Again, magic circled the pony, then vanished into nothing as the skeletons advanced. Link, still frozen in shock, could do nothing. Navi flew in front of his face and nearly shouted, "Wake up!" When she turned and saw them approaching, she flew down and retrieved a bomb of his. In one great toss, she flung it at the advancing bone forms. Link snapped out of it, and reached out, catching Navi and turning away from the blast.

The explosion knocked him several yards off his feet due to his proximity. Careful landing ensured Navi would be safe. Upon opening his hand, he saw Navi crouched with her arms over her head. "You alright?" he asked.

"I'm alright," she responded, standing upright. Link turned them around to see the result of their effort. "What were those things?"

"I don't know, but anything spawned from the darkness can't possibly mean any good." He looked around him, and asked, "So... Which way do we start?"


Several hour later, Link sat down on a fallen tree to rest. Navi, who had flown at his side for most of it, sat on his knee and looked up at him. The voice from before had led him to a swinging log trap. It sounded again, and led him to a pitfall.

"I can't give up..." he admitted. "I can't... She's depending on me to save her from this evil forest." Link took out his ocarina. "And there's about 5 hours until sunrise..."

"Don't be hard on yourself, Link. We'll find her. When have we not succeeded in our ultimate goal?"

He stayed looking at the ocarina. "If only time were on our side..." Link also took out his journal and flipped to the page with the graveyard songs on it. "Remember these? One brings the sun from night, and the other calls out the moon from the day."

"And weren't you warned not to play them when their respective time is already here?" Navi saw the look on his face. "You're going to do it no matter what I say, huh?"

Wordlessly, Link pressed his lips to the blue instrument and played very carefully Lunar Requiem. A cloud of dark blues and black filled with white sparkles swirled around him. Upon completion, the cloud shifted and blew away in the wind, which also disappeared. He looked around and didn't see any changes around him. Then, he turned to the sky. "I don't know what happened. Maybe nothing at all?"

"What were you hoping for?" Navi asked, flying around him.

Link stood and thought a moment. "Well, if the Sun's Song brings the sun, and Lunar Requiem the moon, maybe they make day or night stay day or night. At least until I play the correct one. That's what I think, anyway." He paused a few moments. "While I'm thinking, I might just know where Scootaloo is. Think you can fly over the treetops and look for that tree? The one we passed when we looked for Epona the first time."

She nodded, flew up and looked out over the forest. As far as she could see, there was a single meadow that stood out as the one he meant. Navi descended to Link's level and said, "I found it. About a mile and a half..." Then she pointed to her side. "That way."

Link adjusted his belt and smiled. "I've got a good feeling about this."

As he started walking, Navi asked, "Okay, assume I'm ignorant. What exactly do you think about all this?"

"You remember the last time we were in here looking for somepony? We came across that meadow and tree. It was then that the pony took Epona's form. However, she said the way there was blocked by a dead end. Why, then, was there a tree bridging the gap? I think this creature wants me to go there. Scootaloo should be there. And if she isn't, then I'm willing to bet there's a clue that'll help me."

"And you would not be wrong," a stallion's voice answered. A cloud of black formed itself as a pony in front of them. A black pony with both wings and a horn. "But, even with that knowledge, will it be enough? I wonder..."

Link stopped and drew his sword. "Look, we're playing your stupid game. Least you could do is leave us alone while we do what you want." He's an alicorn. No regalia. Strange indeed...

"You only have until sunrise, as per my rule. Remember that when you're fighting your way through the woods." The dark one disappeared into an orb of shadows.

Behind where the dark one stood, another dozen bone ponies began putting themselves together as their parts crawled up from the forest floor. Link, unfazed at the sight, ran over and kicked one of the skulls, shattering it against a tree. With his shield hand, he cast a fireball at a group of bones at his side. "We mow through!"


The two of them arrived at the clearing they sought an unknown length of time later. As before, there stood a single tree in the center, as full of life as when he first saw it. At its base, sat a single pony who looked to be staring at him. Link walked up to her, sword drawn and watched as she ran around the tree and hid from him. "I saw you there," he said, kneeling down. "Come on out, and keep your eyes open for me."

Scootaloo peeked around the tree at him, and showed off her purple eyes. "What do you want with me?" she asked.

"I want to ask you some questions." Link set his sword down and sat, causing Scootaloo to come out of hiding. She looked at him cautiously, but decided to sit with him all the same. "What is your name?"


"Alright, so far so good. You're a student at Ponyville Schoolhouse, right? Who's your teacher?"

"Ms. Cheerilee. She teaches all the fillies and colts. She's super nice too." She began to relax during her answer.

"Last question, I suppose: why didn't you take your scooter in here?" Link tilted his head to the side.

Scootaloo looked away for a moment. "Well... I can't exactly ride it in the forest. Too many branches in the way, and there wasn't a path where I came in here. More trouble than it's worth. Especially when I was following somepony." Link waited a few moments. "Oh right. Um. There was a mare at the woods lining. She looked like she was being pulled in, and she even called for help. When I went in after her, she was fine. But, she turned into some black pony with wings and a horn. He told me to follow him. I tried to run away the way I came, but I got turned around somehow and ran straight back to him. He told me that if I followed him, I wouldn't get lost. I had to trust him. I didn't have a choice.

"He sat me here, and told me to wait for someone to find me. Didn't think it'd be you of all ... um... what term do I use?"

Link chuckled. "Raised by ponies, so I might as well be one."

"Alright. You of all ponies." Scootaloo finished, and stood up. She walked to his sword and looked at her reflection. "What's this for?"

"Self defense." He took it away and sheathed it. "Since I found you, we can start on our way out of here." Link looked side to side, hearing hoofsteps just outside of the meadow lining. "And quickly, too. I don't want that-"

The stallion from earlier called out, "That what? That stallion? That alicorn? Do tell, I'm dying to hear it." He dropped out of the tree and landed behind Scootaloo, who ran behind Link, who stood up in surprise. "Oh, don't be scared of me. Not yet. Looks like you found her. Just like I said he would, huh little one?" He gave the filly a wink.

"You stay away from us," Link threatened. "I found her. I win your game."

The alicorn laughed hard for a minute or so. "Wait, you're serious? You really think you won? Think back. I said 'rescue'. Simply finding her isn't a rescue. You also have to escape with her. And I should warn you: the way you came in won't let you leave. Good luck."

Link hesitated. Right. The woods play tricks on the mind. "Want to tell me the right way to go then?"

"That way." A black arrow pointed toward the meadow's exit, down the path he took the first time. "But again, the woods are ever-changing. The route you once took will be foreign to you. But rest assured, it will lead you out." As Link started walking with Scootaloo, he added, "But my game isn't over. You have to outrun me." He started trotting after them. The tree behind him caught on fire from his words alone.

Link held up his hand and shot a fireball at him. Unsurprisingly, it went clean through him, and added to the flames. Quickly, Link picked up Scootaloo and said, "Catch me if you can." He planted his back foot and pushed off, running full speed through the woods. His foot left a small dent in the meadow.

Already at the tree line, Scootaloo said, fighting against his grasp, "I can run myself out! Put me down!"

Easily, Link tightened his overall grip. "You're nowhere near as fast as I am, trust me." He hopped over some logs and ducked under branches. "If he catches us, it's game over. And I don't know about you, but I want to keep my soul." Link turned around and saw the stalker phase through the same obstacles Link had bounded over. How is he doing that?!

"Link! Watch out!" Before he could properly react, Link was thrown forward. In his panic, he tossed his passenger way ahead of him. Navi escaped his hat and hovered. Link fell face first into a patch of blue flowers. Hastily, he rolled over and looked at the stallion. "Come on!" Scootaloo shouted. "Before he gets you!"

The alicorn stopped at the edge of the flowers and looked down at them, before turning his gaze to Link. "Ohh, I wouldn't worry about me," the stallion said. "I think the situation you're in will serve as torture enough."

Link got to his feet and backed away from the alicorn. As he turned around again, he picked up Scootaloo and took off again. "Are you hurt?" he asked. She shook her head in reply. "Good." Just out of sight, Link turned around and walked backward. The stallion had yet to move from his spot just outside the patch.

"You know? I think I'll let this play out. You'll come back in good time. Too bad I'll have the only pony that can help you in my possession by the time you figure out what happened." The stallion turned around and disappeared into a cloud of darkness. "Sleep well, Link..."


Link and Scootaloo found where the former had come into the woods. Sweetie was pacing around the abandoned scooter. A brown bag was just outside her pacing circle. She heard sounds from the woods and exclaimed, "You're all back!"

"Sweetie Belle? What are you doing here?" Scootaloo asked, running over and stopping the circular motion of the unicorn.

"I saw you walk into the woods on your own, and I went to get help." Sweetie responded. "I knew it was you, since your scooter gives you away."

Scootaloo looked up at Link. "And you got... him?" Sweetie nodded. "Then, I guess, thank you. Both."

"Hey. Us blank flanks have to stick together, right?" Sweetie turned to her side and showed her markless haunch.

"How'd you know I didn't have my cutie mark?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well... You see... I've been meaning to approach you for some time now... I wanted to ask if you wanted to be friends with me. But, I didn't know how to go about it. It's out there now, so... Want to be my friend?"

Scootaloo gave Sweetie a light hug. "You went out of your way to help me. Yeah, you can be my friend." The two looked up at Link. "I suppose this means your job is done. Sorry I don't have any money."

Link held up a hand. "Saving a life is its own reward." The three of them started back towards town. They split the fruit slices between the three of them. Sweetie and Scootaloo kept pace with Link, who turned his head to look at the former of them. "What were you doing out here that let you see Scootaloo go into the woods?"

"I was out for a walk. Home gets kind of... undesired at times."

"Uh huh. And you Scootaloo?" He turned the other way.

Scootaloo rode ahead on her scooter and did a spin, kicking up dirt when she stopped. "Tricks. I always spend my spare time training."

"And it shows. Speaking of..." He withdrew his ocarina and notebook. Link sat down and flipped to his songs page. Carefully, he played Sun's Song. A bright yellow cloud moved around him, shining and brightening the area around him before dispersing. He looked up, as did his companions, and saw the moon regain its revolution. "Well how about that... Time really stopped there. That would make it... What... 10 at night?"

"Maybe. All the clocks would have had to stop as well to get the right answer." Navi sat on his shoulder as Link stood up, walking once more. "Don't tell anypony about this. If you do, and word that you can make Eternal Night a reality..." Navi pointed at the moon. "To the moon with you."

"Mother would never do that to me... Would she?"

Navi narrowed her eyes at him. "Nightmare Moon."

"Alright, good point."

Link escorted the two fillies to Sweetie's house. Scootaloo decided to bunk with her since its too late to go home herself. Rarity was kind enough to let her stay. Then, Link returned to the library.

At the door, Navi got in front of him, barring passage. She shook her head and put an ear to the door. Link copied her and listened.

At first, it was muffled, but it cleared shortly after. Twilight's voice was heard saying, "He shouldn't be gone this long unless there was a request."

Dash added, "Must have been last minute. I have a feeling he'd have come back otherwise."

"Could always go hunting for him. Maybe help him out?" Emmy asked.

"And give you an opening to disappear again? I don't think so. I-"

Link opened the door just then. "I'm back, everypony."

Epona got up from her seat and pulled him inside, hugging him. Emmy flew over and landed. "You weren't kidding; she really does hug you whenever you walk into the room."

"And you thought I was. Heh." He quick-hugged in return, then let go. "I'd love to stay and chat with you all, but I'm not feeling so good. I'm gonna go up and get some sleep."

He received several goodnights from the visitors, then walked upstairs. Within minutes of laying down, he fell asleep.


"And you thought I was. Heh." Link gave Epona a quick hug, before letting go. "I'd love to stay and chat with you all, but I'm not feeling so good. I'm gonna go up and get some sleep."

Various goodnights were said to him from those who stayed downstairs.

Out of earshot, Twilight asked, "So... Who thinks he's actually not feeling well?"

Emmy answered, "I think he is."

Dash countered, "He's probably avoiding his promise to you. He seems like he's stalling, 'cause he doesn't want to sit through our conversation."

"If Link says he's not feeling well, then he's not feeling well. What reason would he have to lie?" Epona asked them in earnest. Twilight and the others were quiet. "That's what I thought."

"Well," Twilight started, "he does tend to withhold information... But, there's still a likely chance he's sick. I'll give him a look tomorrow, see what's up. Dash, would it satisfy you to sleep here tonight?" Dash nodded. "Emmy?" Another nod. "And Epona by default. Let's see... The couch fits two, and the chair fits one. Dash and Emmy, are you two alright to share the couch?"

"Sure we are. If ... If Dash is, anyway."

"Think you can try to not squirm? I'm a light sleeper." Dash smirked.

"Oh please. It'll be like I'm not even there," Emmy responded.

"Well, you better be there when I wake up. If you're not, then no matter how far you'll go, you'll be feeling my magic like it's right behind you. You hear me?"

Emmy nodded. Twilight sighed and returned to her book. The night continued, and the ponies fell asleep.

Twilight surrendered her chair to Epona, then walked upstairs. Careful to not wake Link, she crawled into her bed and fell asleep herself.

Chapter 40: The Truth and its Consequence

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Understandably tired from his previous outing, Link slept in to the unholy hour of ... 7:00. When he woke, he reached for the ceiling in a stretch. With a yawn, he sat up and looked around the room, starting at Twilight's bed, which was empty of all occupants. Must have gone downstairs to make breakfast, he thought. Link reached for his hat with his left ...

He paused, retracted his limb and looked at it carefully. Link held up his right one, and between them. A growing sense of dread crept into his expression as he looked at his legs. Hastily, and breathing in a panicked manner, he removed his shield and looked at his clear as day reflection.


Link tossed his shield to the floor and felt his face. Navi sprang up from her bed and shouted, "What?! What's wrong!?" before actually looking at him speechless.

Twilight teleported into the room, and found herself standing atop his discarded shield. "I heard the scream. What's-"

Emmy also appeared, just before Rainbow flew into the room. Epona, being the slowest mover of them, jogged into the room after throwing wide the door. They all looked at him, without any words to say.

"Tell me! Did what I think happen, happen?"

Twilight looked at Rainbow, who shared a glance with Emmy, while Epona was fixated on him. "Link?"

"Of course it's me! Who else wears a full golden outfit like this?" Link hit the mattress at his sides in frustration.

"Agreed, your clothes do seem to resemble what his were..." Twilight stepped off his shield and picked it up in magic. "Strange, though. It's built for a left hoofed pony. To be worn over the right foreleg... And your weapon is easily drawn by your left. Well, if anything, your ears remain pointy as they once were. Show me your pouches."

Easily, Link pulled out his money pouch from his larger one. "Satisfied? Only I can do this. Aside from Navi." Link stowed them and sighed.

Emerald hovered by him, and held up one of his extremities. "Look at the pair you've got on you!" The others coughed a little. "Wings, girls. Pair of wings." She looked at the wing. "Perfectly preened. You do it yourself?"

"I just woke up."

"Ah, that'd be a 'no' then. Which means..." She let it down and landed in slight surprise as the wing snapped to his side before relaxing. "Which means that you've only just been turned into one. Like, really recently."

"I'm a pony. A pegasus pony..." Link complained.

"Oh no, what a nightmare," Emmy joked.

Twilight lifted him off the bed and set him down beside her. "You're really Link. I believe that. But... How did this happen?"

The others listened as Link sat and recounted his journey into the woods. Of his finding young Scootaloo, the creatures of bone, and of the strange black alicorn that stood a bit taller than himself and his strange power of phasing through objects.

They listened carefully, or at least Twilight did, and tried to think about a cause.

Emmy was the first to offer one. "I bet it's the woods itself." Everypony looked at her. "Well, back in the village, I was drawn back to Ponyville. Or in its direction. I didn't know what it was, or why. It wasn't a song, though, that I know." She took a breath. "Kinda why I stayed here for as long as I did."

"When I went into the woods for distracting Link, I was originally against the idea. Twilight convinced me, sure, but..." Epona shuffled her hooves. "But... I did hear it call out to me. Telling me where to go, and what to do. It had a soothing voice, so I felt I could trust it."

Twilight looked at the others. "That's it! It's got to be the stallion!" Link tilted his head. "Think about it: Epona heard a voice, so did Emmy. This 'Scootaloo' heard one too."

"What would he want with any of them?" Link asked. "Why call those three?" He attempted, and succeeded, to stand.

"Because of you." Everypony looked at her, Link and Navi included. "Every time one of them went into the woods, you came in after them and retrieved them."

"Both, not each. I haven't gone in yet," Emmy argued.

"Both, then," Link admitted. "Still not sure why he's trying to get at me though."

"You're not normal," Epona said plainly.

"Neither are you. I called you with a special melody and you were carried here." Link pointed at Twilight. "She has unmatched magical prowess." Then to Emmy. "She can teleport. Teleport..."

"Yeah? So what?" Emmy asked.

She looked at Rainbow, who turned to her, narrowing her eyes. "You... you can what?"

Emmy panicked in her answer. "Uhmmm," she began. "Can we talk about something else? Please?"

Rainbow landed heavily in front of her and glared. "You. Can. What?!"

"Disappear here, and reappear there," Twilight summarized. "Teleport. Seen it myself, too."

Angrily, Rainbow quick-turned to Twilight. "I know what it means!" Turning again, she faced Emmy.

"Me too. Seen it, I mean," Link admitted.

"Same here," Epona added. "In that hotel room. I thought something was off, but now I know what it was." Emmy looked at Epona. "What? I'm not stupid. I know a trick when I see it."

"And you all knew this?" Dash asked, looking hurt at her friends. She noticed their expressions before turning back to Emmy.

"In my defense, they all found out the hard way; even Link found out before I confirmed it."

Rainbow was quiet, as were the others. "So... in our race, you..."

"Yes," Emmy interrupted. "I cheated." hung her head and closed her eyes. "I knew back then, I could never beat you in a fair race."

"'Back then?!'" Rainbow advanced on Emmy, who backed up. "'Back then?!' What, you think you can take me on now?!" Emmy's back hit the bedroom wall as the others gathered around. "You think you can keep pace with me?!" Rainbow clenched her jaw in anger. Calmly, but with traces of hate, she said, "Meet me out front in 5 minutes..." With that warning, she bolted out the window, leaving little cracks in the wood floor in her wake.

Emerald Storm sat down, wings pressed against the wall. The others approached her and sat around. She looked at them, then hung her head. Link spoke first. "My fault, huh?"

"No no, we were going to tell her anyway. What happened, happened, and couldn't have happened any other way." Emerald looked at him and drew a breath. "The fault is mine. She just found out I lied to her in the worst way possible."

Link turned to the door. "Is something... burning?"

Immediately, Twilight freaked and teleported to the kitchen.

The others walked with Emerald outside. Rainbow Dash stood in wait with her back to the door. She turned once she heard the door close and looked straight at Emmy, who was standing ahead of the others in line at Emmy's side. "For years, I believed you suddenly got faster. It was a speed I had only achieved once at the time. So when you left on your journey, I had hoped to go with. To continue racing against somepony who challenged me and won. But what did you say to me?"

"'I need to do this on my own'," Emmy replied.

"And now, after all this time, after so many years, you tell me you teleported to the finish line. You cheated." Rainbow turned and looked emotionally torn. "There's nothing in this world I hate more than wasted effort. I have trained endlessly to match and conquer the speed you displayed." She flared her wings and straightened up. "Emerald Storm!" she nearly shouted. "I challenge you to a race through the sky!"

"Alright, calm down Rainbow," Link tried.

"I accept. What is your wager?" Emmy continued, stepping in front of Link.

"There isn't one. Just a race. If I win, then I win. If you win, then you win, and I'll accept it." Rainbow folded her wings and waited.

"What's the course?"

Twilight emerged from the library and looked straight at Rainbow. "What is going on out here?"

"Twilight! Dash challenged Emmy to a race and Emmy agreed, and now they're deciding on a course."

She walked over and stood between Emmy and Rainbow. "Emmy. Get back." Emmy did as she was told. "You want a course? Fine. I'll make you one. Expect it to be done by this evening. Say... 6 tonight."

Rainbow advanced on Twilight, who lowered her horn. Dash stopped, and threatened. "Get out of my way, Twilight. This is between me and her."

"Think carefully your next words and actions, Rainbow Dash. I agreed to make you a course because we're friends. But I do not approve of your method. You and Emmy will not interact in any way, shape, or form, until your race today. And rest assured: she will not cheat. This I promise you."

Slowly, Twilight lit up her horn. Rainbow opened her eyes a little wider. "Tch. Fine." She unfurled her wings and took to the skies once more.

Twilight took a slow breath and came down from attack mode. Link looked at her and asked, "What would you have done if she called your bluff?"

"I wasn't bluffing." Twilight walked past them and inside the library.

Emmy sat and took a few breaths. "You really didn't know she was serious?" Link shook his head.

"So, what do you think your chances of winning are?" Epona asked.

"Hard to say. I haven't needed to fly anywhere since I got my cutie mark. Before that though, everypony else had to wait up for me. I was always slow."

Epona listened and sat down, as did Link. Even Navi came out and sat. "So, you were always the slowest... But your magic kept up with you." She paused. "How fast are you now?"

"Never clocked myself. I- huh?" Emmy looked at the open library door and saw Twilight exit with a mess of equipment.

"Emerald. Rainbow Dash is not one to pull any punches. If she wants to challenge you, we'll make sure you're more than a punching bag."

"Where... are we going...?" she hesitated.

Before Twilight offered an answer, she held up a map, pointed her horn at it, then vanished in a puff of magic. Emmy also vanished, as it was Twilight's teleportation spell.

Link, Epona and Navi were left alone before the library. "Well, that happened," Link said. "Hey Epona. Feel like teaching me how to maneuver with twice as many legs as before?"

Epona chuckled. "Alright. First, we'll teach you the mid-speed trot."

"Why not walk?"

"Walk's a four-step. Trot is a two-step, like your usual walk. You even swing your arms when you walk. So it's basically that. Left arm hits the ground with your right hind leg, and you just alternate, pushing off the ground so only two are connected if at all." Epona started trotting around Link, while he sat and watched. "Now you try."


The day continued as Link learned all forms of terrestrial movement a pony uses with their legs. He learned how to trot circles around Epona, gallop toward her, and walk through town with her. When they finally returned to the library, he sat on the step and looked at his forelegs.

"You know? This isn't so bad. Being a pony, I mean."

"Good to hear your view on the subject has changed since this morning." Epona was surprised when Emerald and Twilight reappeared near them. Dehydrated, Emerald sauntered inside and got some water, tossing her bags to the side. "Oh. You're back. How was training?"

"It went well, I suppose. At least I know she can fly." Twilight did her best not to sound impressed or disappointed. "I got results, to say the least." She lifted her things and walked calmly inside.

Link looked at her and knew. "She got some positive results. I can tell."

"Last time you thought something about her, you ended up being wrong." Navi sat atop his head and looked down at him.

"Was I though? Think about it: would Twilight really turn on her most loyal of friends for somepony she barely knows? Twilight knows what Rainbow is capable of; she's seen firsthoof Dash's skills in both flight and combat. If you ask me, it was a bluff. Denying it or not. And, I'm willing to bet she got between them more for Emmy's protection than a display of power."

"There you go again," Twilight said, walking out with a green feather behind her ear. "Telling the world my secrets."

"Do better to hide them, and I won't figure them out." Link smiled and turned to face his sister. "You're a bit taller than I remember."

"And you're shorter. Yeah, it was a bluff. But if Rainbow saw through it, nopony could have stopped her and you know that." Twilight stood in front of them and asked, "Where is Rainbow anyway?"

Link stood and measured himself against Twilight's own height. I am shorter... "Not sure. She flew off before you left and hasn't so much as tried to come back."

"At least she's keeping to the rule." Twilight took out the quill and wrote something on hovering parchment. "'Dear Princess Celestia. Today I learned how important it is to stand up to your friend when the path they've chosen is a destructive one. When Rainbow decided to get angry at her friend for something, I stood between them, and helped to diffuse the situation.' Sound good?"

"About time you sent a letter. Her mailbox has grown new residents." Link received a bop on the head for his snark. Navi evaded it and landed atop Epona's head. "Heh."

As Spike sent the letter on its way, he asked, "So you're a pony now. With wings. Since we all know Emerald can use other magic, can you still do what you do?"

"That..." Link started. "That is a good question." He walked away for a bit and held his left forehoof in front of him. Just as if he were using a hand, the shield erected to protect him. When he dropped it, he turned his "palm" upward and produced a spherical flame. "So it appears I can." The ball extinguished as Link set his hoof on the ground. "Good to know nothing is lost."

"That being said, there's still several hours to kill before the course is complete. I will need the town's help, so you're free to see if they have any missions for you in the meantime." Twilight gave a wink and headed into town herself.

Link watched her walk away into town. "She really thinks I'm mission-capable? Alright..."

He and Epona, along with their passenger Navi, walked into town toward his mission board.


Twilight lit up her horn in defense at Rainbow, who opened her eyes a little wider. "Tch. Fine." The latter opened her wings and soared skyward.

Who does she think she is, standing between me and Emmy like that? What gives her the right? Rainbow flew to a cloud and looked down at the town. Still... it gives me time to think.

She sat down and made little figures of the situation that transpired. "Twilight was building magic in her horn, to take me on. But .. We're friends. She can't possibly know Emmy better than me, so why defend her? Why take her side?" She crumpled Emmy's figure and looked at it. "It would be that easy... oh... maybe that's it."

Rainbow began thinking of other situations where she displayed her ability. She remembered that Twilight is very smart, and probably kept track of every little detail. "You're talking to a soon-to-be-black belt." The memory of their meeting in the library when they returned from the castle entered her mind. Rainbow had openly told Twilight her training level. "So she knew what I could do to her, and protected her. She's my friend enough to build this course for us, and enough of a friend to tell me what's on her mind.

"Twilight is going out of her way to set this up for us. And I threatened her for it." Rainbow shook herself out of it. "Fine. I did that. And now I have to race my oldest friend. Nothing to do but to do it." She took off for her house in the clouds.

Over those few hours, she exercised both mind and body for her race against Emerald. When she finished, she decided to fly through town, avoiding the library. When she came over Link and Epona staring at a board on the ground, she descended. "Heya kid. Whatcha doing?"

"There are two quests before me. One wants me to be an escort for some sweets. Most likely Pinkie Pie hiring security for her goods. The other is far more interesting. It's asking me to deliver a package for somepony. The client is here in Ponyville, so I don't have to go far for that. The problem, is the recipient. I have to go up to Cloudsdale."

"Seeing as he's got wings now," Navi said, "What are the odds of him being able to fly?"

Dash sat and looked at him. "You already have magic, right?" He nodded. "How hard would it be to focus it into a new body part?" She waved her hoof. "Don't answer that. You want to fly? I'll teach ya."

She led him away from his board and saw Epona sit down beside it. Rainbow began, "So, I've seen you make a shield. That's magic. What we want is to make it go to your wings instead of your hooves. Close your eyes."

He obeyed and waited. "Alright, what next?"

"I'm gonna hold your wings out at your sides." She flew up and grabbed his wings. Easily, he relaxed and let his wings follow her wishes. "Alright, good. Feel where I'm holding, and try and see it in your head."

Link took a breath and felt her touch on his wings. Just under the bone in them. Rainbow immediately felt a strong build-up of magic. "Anything?" he asked. She let go, causing him to open is eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just... You're already doing it right."

"Just doing what I'm told."

"Fair enough. Alright. So from what I could tell, you split your focus between each wing pretty evenly. That's good. Good start." Rainbow retreated and sat down. "Next, we get you hovering. Though, you may want to take out some magic. What's there could send you too far to handle right now."

Link eased up on his focus and calmed down. "Okay..."

"Better. So when you fly, you disperse magic from the relay in your wing, to the whole wing." She pointed to the spot on her wing. "That spot right there is the relay." Rainbow watched him attempt it. "And don't forget to flap. You're not at any point close enough to fly without it."

Slowly, Link started to get airborne. His eyes opened in surprise. He began to flap. The magic is flowing freely out of my wings. "Alright, so I'm airborne. How do I move?"

"That, is all in how you move the body. Imagine it like you're running. The farther you move your head forward, the easier it is to go faster. When you really fly, you're going to feel the need to return your wings to your sides. Don't do that unless you want to freefall. Instead, press them down and back." She hovered in place, before slowly flying around him. "I've got a ton of energy, so I can output it like it's child's play. The more you release, the faster you go. It's a harmony between mind and body, just like the other two races."

Link started flying with Rainbow, and to his surprise, it was easy. He was able to keep up. Rainbow picked up the pace. "Hey, so... is this a test?" Link sped up and got at her side again.

"I wanna see what you can do. Come on, open the gates." She flew on ahead of him, and turned back at him. Link leaned forward and tried. She stayed ahead of him for a while before she slowed down and landed. "Okay, so you're really good at adapting. Let's see... That alone was about 6 wing power."

"Wing power?"

"Measure of one's wing strength compared to their speed. Mine, on average, is closer to 15. And that's more when I'm 'jogging', so to speak." Rainbow folded her wings at her sides. "So, feel up to making that delivery?"

"More than ever. Thanks for all your help, Rainbow. You're a great friend." He flew back to the board and took down the request.

Rainbow stood there, with a weakening smile. "'Great friend, huh..."


When the time to race drew near, Twilight sent for her friends. In her efforts, Twilight, with the aid of some volunteers of Ponyville, she had constructed the course's three parts. Completed, she stood in front of the library. Together with Rainbow Dash, Emerald Storm stood before their judge. The other ponies formed a line behind Rainbow and Emmy. "Alright," Twilight began. "Your race is divided into three parts." She pointed to a hill just outside of town. "Up there is the starting line. You'll fly down the hill through a slalom course. I'll assume you both know what that is." The two nodded quietly. "Good. When you get to the end of it, you will plunge straight down and leave an indent in the ground at the bottom. Proof you were there. Part two is a cylinder cloud and a funnel cloud. Cylinder going up, and funnel going down. That section is marked by two really long pieces of cloud to mark the track. The end of that part is on the ground where you will once again leave your hoofprint." Twilight held up a map. "And part three will have you fly as fast as you can to the finish line."

"You're holding up an Equestria map. Just where are we going?" Rainbow asked. "Get on with it."

"The shores of North Luna Ocean."

Emmy chuckled a little. "I know where that is."

"And that's part of why this race is fair. Rainbow, you are determined to win this race fairly, right?" She nodded. "Between the two of you, Emmy is more familiar with its location." Twilight pointed to a body of water on the upper left corner of the map. "It's right here."

"'At least a thousand miles away', right Twilight?" Emmy asked, having teleported there before.

"Easily. Rainbow, at your fastest speed, flying a flat 1000 miles would take you close to ten minutes provided there were no changes to your endurance or speed. However, since you don't know exactly where it is, you might just find yourself following Emmy as she flies there herself."

Rainbow smiled a little and walked beside Twilight, who looked a little confused. "Twilight, buddy..." She placed a foreleg on her back and patted a couple times. "Friend. Pal o' mine-o." After a glance, she took her hoof off. "You're real great of a friend to have made us a course on such short notice." Dash walked around to stand in front of her. "But why, in the name of Celestia, would you put the finish line...-" For emphasis, she pointed to the northwest. "- a thousand miles away?!"

Twilight kept her look on Rainbow, who tried to fit herself in line with Emmy. Everypony else looked on at Twilight in shock. "What?" she said. "It's a valid question." She eased up her look and smiled. "The slalom section is a test of mobility. The closer to the end of the section you get, the sooner you hit the next slalom, and the wider you have to turn to go through them. At the end of it, it's a free fall. That's there to test your stopping power. Part two is to see how you handle revolving around a point and whether or not you can hold it for long periods of time. And when you're as fast as you are, a moment is a thousand. The last part is one of endurance. Through the course, you will expend a lot of energy. You'd be lucky to even make it that far. That said, the key is to pace yourself."

"And you cooked this up in one afternoon?" Twilight nodded. Emerald looked surprised. "I'm impressed."

"It's what I do."

"Say, you thinking of testing your own mettle?" Emmy asked.

"How so?" Twilight tilted her head.

"There's a Spellcaster's Tournament coming up real soon. Like, next week I think." Twilight adopted a look of panic. "What?"

Twilight dropped her map and approached her. "Really?! It's already so soon?! I thought I had more time. Uhh, you both go to the top of the hill and wait for me there. I'll be along in a moment." She turned and ran inside the library.

"Take your time!" Emmy shouted as the door closed. "Hey, where's Link and Navi?"

"Flying back from Cloudsdale by now, I'm sure." Dash turned toward the hill and opened her wings. "Hey Emmy..."

Emerald looked at Rainbow and half smiled. "Yeah...?"

"Don't hold back. I want to beat you at your best." Rainbow took off toward the hill.

The group that remained looked at Emerald. "Don't worry. I'll give it my all. You deserve it."


Twilight dropped her map and approached Emerald quickly. "Really?! It's already so soon?! I thought I had more time. Uhh, you both go to the top of the hill and wait for me there. I'll be along in a moment." She turned and ran inside the library, closing the door behind her. She managed to barely hear anything else they might have said outside. "Spike!"

Quickly, Spike came out from under some books and asked, "Yeah?"

"I need a flier for the Spellcaster's Tournament. Do you know where I put mine?"

He pointed at the stairs. "I put it in your drawer in your room some time ago. Should still be there."

"Thanks!" Twilight ran up the stairs, got in her drawer and took out the sheet. "Let's see... Prelims are... Oh good. This whole weekend. I can go after this race." She looked at the sheet of paper, then at the fine print. 17 and up. Just barely then. "So when is the actual event?" Twilight flipped the sheet over, and found nothing but a blank page. Again, she turned it over. "Doesn't say. Guess they want serious ponies only."

Spike came in at that time and asked, "You talking to yourself again?"

"Yes. So what?"

"Emerald and Rainbow already took off for the hillside. You may want-"

Link landed safely on the balcony outside the room and knocked on the window. "Hey Twilight." She opened the window and let him in. "What are you up to in here?"

"Looking over the flier for the Spellcaster's Tournament. Signups are this weekend, so I'm going after the race. Which is starting real soon."

"I see." Link ruffled his wings a little. "Remind me later to look at my wings. I got some wing care tips from the client today and I want to try them out. But for now, it's time for a race."


Just outside, the group waved goodbye to Emerald as she flew off toward the hill. Pinkie asked, "So, who wants to bet on the winner?"

"Are you serious?" Aj asked. "Why in creation would we gamble on this?"

"For funsies! Why else?" she replied. "But if you're aren't confident, you should sit this one out."

Aj walked up beside Pinkie. "Ten bits says Dash wins."

Epona countered. "Ten for Emerald to win. While Aj doesn't know much about her, I don't know much about Rainbow. So those are even odds."

"Alright." Pinkie took the bits from Aj and Epona. "Anypony else?"

Fluttershy looked at the hillside, then at Pinkie. "I have faith in Rainbow's ability, but I also don't want to gamble. I'll just say I want Rainbow to win." Pinkie shrugged.

"Well, I do. 5 for Rainbow." Rarity levitated over 5 bits to Pinkie.

"So we've got 15 that says Dashie wins, and ten that says Emmy wins. Any last bets before I lock it up?"

Link walked outside with Twilight and Spike. Navi sat on Link's sword handle. Twilight stepped around him and said, "You're figuring out who will win, right? Well, while I'm probably the only pony here besides Link who has seen both of their skill and speed and all that, it's safe to bet on..."

"Before you answer, think about your track. If it's truly fair, then you'd have to bet on who you think's personality will win out. Dash's ego, or Emmy's trickery." Link flew off toward the hillside.

Twilight and the others watched him go. Rarity said, "He makes a good point. Is it too late to retract my wager?"

Pinkie nodded. "Of course. Your bids are in already. Twilight?"

After a few moment's thought, she replied. "I will wager on ... Emerald. 5 bits." Twilight gave Pinkie 5 bits. "Even odds."

Pinkie chuckled. "Alright. Since we have the same bits on each side, the payout is 2 times what you put in. Twilight and Rarity, you each put in 5 bits, so you'd get ten back if you win, while Aj and Epona get twenty. Good?"

A collective "Good" resounded.

Twilight looked at the hillside. "Alright everypony. Gather close." They huddled around her and waited. Twilight fired a beam at the hilltop and waited as well. When it hit, she and the others appeared on the hillside looking down at the town.

"Time to get started?" Dash asked. "I'm getting restless."

"Link is on his way, and I want him here when we start this." She looked off toward Ponyville, and saw him close in. "You may want to get in position." Emmy and Rainbow lined up on the green line between a pair of poles. Link landed with the others and watched with them. "Oh, one more thing: I'll be waiting for you at the finish zone. Best of luck to you both."

"This time, we do this right." Emmy got low and opened her wings.

"On your marks..."

"No holding back. A fair race," Rainbow added. She bent her knees and unfurled her wings.

"Get set..." Twilight held up a checker flag with her magic and stood between the two of them.

In unison, Rainbow Dash and Emerald Storm declared, "And I'm going to win!"

"Fly!" Twilight forced the flag downward. Both Emerald and Rainbow took off down the course.

Chapter 41: The Victor

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Twilight looked at Emerald. "On your marks..." Then to Rainbow. "Get set..." At once, she forced the checkered flag downward as she shouted, "Fly!"

Both Emerald and Rainbow took off like lightning down the slalom hill, leaving craters in the ground below them as they pushed off.

Rainbow maintained the lead in the first leg, expertly turning around the ever-changing distance of the poles. Emerald was close behind. The former finished first, stopping on a bit just off the edge, and plummeted toward the ground below. As Emerald had no more course before her, she fell faster. The two of them impacted the ground at the same time, sharing a split-second glance before pushing off toward the second third.

Emerald took the outside path of the spiral, and earned her lead over Rainbow, who took the inside turns. Both racers left color trails in their wake as they sped around the course. After the second spiral, Emerald had won a sizable lead.

On the final third, Emerald launched off the ground with incredible force. Rainbow was very close behind, and followed the leader's effort. Rainbow flew smart, flying just behind Emerald and conserving precious energy for the sprint to the finish line. Both of them slowed down to about a fourth of their top speed, saving energy for the long flight ahead.

Partway through, Rainbow chose to fly right beside Emerald. Neither of them could look at, much less talk to the other. With merely 100 miles left to go, Emerald started to land. Unwillingly. Rainbow slowed down and saw that Emmy was in freefall. In a panic, Rainbow shot down and caught her friend before they hit the ground near some tall mountains.

"Emmy! Emmy! Open your eyes!" With no response outside of Emmy's shaking wings, Rainbow fell quiet enough to think. "We're too far away from Ponyville to go back now. But... Twilight can teleport. And you're in no condition to be out here alone. So." Rainbow stood and picked up Emmy. Carrying her bridal style, Rainbow flew the rest of the race with Emmy in her forelegs.

At the shore, Twilight saw them and waved. Rainbow touched down before setting Emmy on the rocks lightly. "What happened?" Twilight asked.

"Emerald used up all her magic and went into recovery. She'll be out for- for..." Rainbow suddenly closed her eyes and fell sideways. Twilight looked in shock and tried to catch her, failing. Rainbow landed square on her wing, injuring it. Like Emmy, her wings shook uncontrollably from the excessive output of magic.


Twilight waved the checkered flag and braced herself against the rush of wind that followed Rainbow and Emmy on take-off.

"Holy Mother, they're fast!" Epona exclaimed.

"Yes, but how far can they go?" Twilight asked in reply.

Link flew to the starting line and looked at the two racers as they entered the second leg of the second third. "I think Rainbows got this."

We'll see," Pinkie said.

"In the meantime..." Twilight pulled out her flyer and gave it a look. There was a mountain in the background with Canterlot on its side. "I have to find this place."

"Don't you have to be at the finish line?" Link asked. She nodded. "Can't you worry about this later?"

"No." She held up the flyer to them. "Sign-ups end tomorrow at noon. Honestly, I should have signed up this morning, but I was a little busy." She took a second to look at the course. "There's no directions to get there, no location to go off of, and no contact information to ask."

"Then... The flyer should tell you all you need to know, right?" Rarity asked. "If the place is really a competition for unicorns, then wouldn't it be sad if said unicorn couldn't even decipher the clues she's given?"

Twilight was quiet. then she looked at the flier's back. The light shone through the page and showed the same mountain, with Canterlot on the left of the mountain. "Wait a sec..." She turned and faced Canterlot, holding up the flyer facing the mountain. "That's right! Canterlot is on the left of the mountain!" Quickly, she got out her map and looked at it. "If this place is looking up at Canterlot, and Canterlot is on the right of the mountain, then it's on the other side of it. In the plains right here." Twilight pointed at the flyer. "It is a map."

"See? It's a puzzle. There's always an answer." Rarity smiled.

Twilight aimed her horn at North Luna Ocean on her map, ignited her horn and disappeared, leaving the others on the hill.

"C'mon y'all. Let's go an' wait in the library for the results." Aj led the others down the hill.


Twilight appeared on the rocky shores of North Luna Ocean, far in the northwest corner of the map of Equestria. She looked around and saw shiny rocks all over the place. "Well, they do have flecks of titanium in them." After sitting down, she looked again at the rocks. "Wonder if I can separate the minerals..."

The following several minutes she spent dividing metal from rock, and soon had a good size of the metal in the shape of a ball. "I can use this for something, I'm sure." She looked out at the water. "It's so calming here..." Her eyes closed and her ears perked to the gentle sounds of the waves. "I need to bring my friends here sometime."

Twilight leaned back and quickly fell asleep. After an hour had passed, she woke to the sound of a rock crashing against another beside her. She opened her eyes and saw a rock come to rest. Somepony throwing rocks at me? She stood and looked around her. Nothing... Then, she looked up. Twilight waved at Rainbow who had just come into view. When she landed, and set Emerald down, she asked, "What happened?"

"Emerald used up all her magic and went into recovery. She'll be out for- for..." Rainbow suddenly closed her eyes and fell sideways. Twilight looked in shock and tried to catch her, failing. Rainbow landed square on her wing, injuring it. Like Emmy, her wings shook uncontrollably from the excessive output of magic.

"Rainbow!" Twilight sat beside her friend and said softly, "Aww, they both pushed too hard..." She picked Rainbow up and rolled her over, setting her gently on the ground. Twilight looked at the injured wing carefully. I don't have the magic to heal her and go home. I barely had enough to come this far. "Both suffer from magical exertion... Stupid me, making the finish area this far away. What was I thinking? Of course they'd be exhausted! Stupid, stupid stup-"

Twilight paused. She heard a disturbance in the water's surface. When she looked she saw a head with a horn coming out of it. Both light blue in color. Slowly, she stood and walked over to the edge of the water and sat down. "Hello?" The head started moving to shore with barely any bobbing "I'm sorry. I didn't see anypony swimming out here. I can leave if you want me to."

Merely, the head shook side to side once. When it got close enough, the head extended out of the water, as did a pony's body. Twilight backed up and barely saw fin-like extremities flatten themselves against the backs of the legs of the pony.

"Well... My name is Twilight Sparkle. Can you tell me your name?"

Another shake from the pony's head as she walked by Twilight. She made her way over to the fallen pegasi and sat down. When Twilight followed, she noticed the pony didn't leave a single drop of water behind. She watched as the mare held Rainbow's wing. She tilted her head to Twilight.

"Magical exertion. They both flew over a thousand miles to reach this shore." The mare tilted her head the other way. "Well, because it was a race. This shore here's the finish line." A third tilt. "I thought it was a good idea at the time! And now one of them's got a broken wing." Then, the mare looked at the wing, set it down, put a light hoof on it and looked at Twilight again. "Of course I can heal it, but if I do, I won't have any magic left to get home. I spent more than half to get here."

Twilight paused as the mare smiled. The latter stood and walked to Twilight, horn buzzing with magic. When she got close enough, her horn zapped Twilight's own, creating an arc through the air as they connected with energy. Surprised, Twilight could only watch. In moments, the energy halted. She realized what had happened. "You gave me your energy?" The mare nodded. "But... Why? I mean, thank you, of course. But why?"

She shook her head with a smile and trotted back to the water's edge. With a single look back, she winked. Then, she walked into the water, and disappeared beneath the waves.

"Thank you!" Twilight shouted at the water. She turned and ran back to her friends. Easily, she mended Rainbow's wing, deposited the ball of titanium in her bag and disappeared in a bright purple flash..


The mare disappeared beneath the rolling waves of North Luna Ocean, leaving Twilight on the shores. "Thank you!" she heard her shout. With fins extending from the backs of her legs, she swam for a few seconds before being cut off by another one of what she was. "What happened up there?" a feminine voice asked. "You know you can't talk to the stone-walkers."

"At no point during my jaunt did my voice reach her ears. Besides, even if it did, you'd cover for me, right?" she asked. Her voice carried as if she were talking in the open air.

The other mare sighed and smiled. "Of course, your Highness. I just fear what His Majesty would do to me if he found I helped the princess break royal law."

"He's my dad," she replied nonchalantly, looking into the depths. "What can he do to you if I vouch for you?" She started swimming deeper.

Her companion followed, much worry over her visage. "A great many things, I imagine, none of which I hope will come to pass."

"Besides," the princess continued, "he already agreed to let me compete in the Spellcaster's tournament. I was made to promise him I'd go near the end of tryouts, so no unnecessary interaction ensues." She looked at her companion. "And you've been assigned as my escort."

"Joyous of joys. Perks of being your fillyhood friend?"

"Perks of being my tutor. I get to show you my progress." She swam in circles around her. "You've taught me so much since my coming of age. This is bound to be accepted as compensation."

"How do you mean?" Her friend raised an eyebrow, causing the princess to stop and explain.

"Suppose the colors fly over my test's results. All your efforts will be proven unwasted. You'll have definitive proof I'm not a waste of your time."

Her escort swam close and cupped the princess' face. "I have never thought of you as a waste of time." She kissed her on the forelock. "Now, let's keep going back. We've still got several leagues to cover."

As the princess agreed, her face was freed and away they went into the wild blue.


Twilight and her passengers appeared in front of the library, assuring she had enough room to maneuver. Understandably tired, she walked to the door and opened it by hoof. Everypony was inside participating in a reading group. Each one had a different book, while some of them were perusing the shelves for one to read. "Hey everypony..."

Epona got off the couch at Twilight's waving hoof request. Twilight set the unconscious mares on the furniture comfortably. "What happened to them?" Epona asked.

"They expended more magic than their wings would allow. Right now, they're trying to build back enough energy to wake up. I don't know how long it'll take..."

"Are they alright at least?" Rarity asked, looking up from her sewing instructional.

"Well, no. Not completely. When Rainbow fell unconscious, she fell on her wing, breaking a bone. I mended it, then brought them both back here with some borrowed magic. Good news: their magic level is sufficient enough now that their wings aren't shaking. So they'll be awake in about an hour and a half I think."

"What about your tryout?" Link asked, coming to ground level. He had been getting a top shelf book.

"I'll go tomorrow. My friends are far more important to me than some silly competition." She paused, walked to her table under the window and began to write that down. Aj had to move out of the way, as that's the seat she chose. "Rainbow, who was already beyond her limit, carried Emerald, who had fallen unconscious on the course, all the way to me in her forelegs. More concerned about her friend than about her race, the first word out of her mouth was Emerald's name. She told me what happened to her before collapsing. She didn't care about who won the race so long as her friend needed attention more. A lesson in loyalty I'll never forget." She signed it, then hoofed it to Spike.

Spike sent it on its way. "Well well, so the race between them was actually a good thing to happen."

"However..." Twilight continued off-record, "Since Rainbow carried Emerald, who was unconscious, to the finish line, and since Rainbow landed before setting Emerald down, not only did Rainbow finish first, but she was also the only one awake to do so. Rainbow is the winner. Bet she'll be happy to hear that."

"Remind me to have a party on monday. For her victory and your success." Pinkie walked over to the unconscious mares and pulled out a black marker.

"Pinkie... What are you doing?" Fluttershy asked.

"Giving them facial hair."

"No you're not," Link said, moving Pinkie with his hoof. "The way I see it, these two warriors gave their all. They pushed as hard as their bodies would allow, and then some, to the point of exhaustion. Rainbow most of all. You want to mark their faces? Get through me first."

Pinkie gripped the marker with her hair, and narrowed her look at him. "You feel that strongly for those two?" Link nodded without hesitation. "Fine." Pinkie smiled, and put away her marker. "I'll let them be mustache-less for tonight." She bounded over him and the couch, and landed near a stack of books. "Oh, and I'd be a little more careful about who you pick fights with. Honorable as it is to defend your friends, you can't break a stone house with a glass rock." She opened her upside down book and continued reading.

The room went quiet for about a minute. Then, Twilight spoke. "Alright... I think it's time we all went home and got some rest..."

One by one, her friends left the library. Once all had vacated, save for the two on the couch, Twilight looked at Link. "What?" he asked.

"Are you insane? Are you trying to be a wedge between us or something?"

"What do you mean?"

"It was a prank! A harmless little prank! Marker to the face. That's it! And, it would have washed out real easy. A passing laugh we all would have shared. But you have to be all..." She pointed her hoof from his head to chest then up to his head again. "this."

"You just gestured to all of me," Link summed.

"Yes! That's it! Stop being 'all of you'. You're not on mission. You're not even on duty!" Twilight took a single breath, raspy, and hung her head, staring at the floor in receding anger.

After a few moments, Link walked over and put a hoof on her shoulder. "Feel better yet?"

She swatted it away and glared at him. "Not even. I thought that you staying here would be nice, fun even. but since you moved in, it's been stressful to no end. I'm tired of your brashness and your need to be in the forefront of every little scuffle." She calmed down. "I'm just... tired in general... Good night." She stomped off toward the stairs, leaving Link staring at the wall.


A full two hours later, Rainbow's eyes opened fast. She looked around, barely moving, and saw it was in the middle of the night. "What time is-" She stopped talking, and looked at Emmy, who had already woken, and found a new sleeping position on Rainbow. Emmy's forelegs were wrapped around Rainbow's barrel, and her face was buried in Rainbow's neck. She was sleeping so soundly. So peacefully.

You really gave it your all, didn't you... Emmy. I'll see you in the morning... Champ. She rolled her head to the side, and fell asleep once more.

Chapter 42: The Prelims

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Twilight woke up early. She sat up in her bed and looked at the opposite bed. The one meant for Link. With a small smile, she eased out of her warm blankets and stepped quietly to his bedside. "Hey. Link..." She dared to mutter. "Liiiink..." Twilight gave his barrel a light nudge. "C'mon, wake up."

Navi came from under his hat on the bedside table. "What's going on?"

She payed the fairly little mind as she tried again. "We're under attack." Immediately, he woke up and looked around the room. "Oh good, you're up."

"Am now... And no danger in sight. Under attack, huh?" Link sighed. "What is it?"

Navi gave a little laugh before settling on Link's head. Twilight backed up and let him breathe. "Morning, Link. I wanted to apologize about... my behavior toward you last night. It was wrong of me to get in your face like that. I know you meant well, but... it's a lot of little things piling up and I just needed to let some of it out."

"It's alright, Twilight. You were right, anyway. I've been on edge since I came back from the mountain. Haven't really had a chance to come down from the danger sense I got." Link got to the floor and stood, stretching his legs and wings. They all noticed a feather had come loose from his wing. A small one near the base. "Well, preen time, I guess."

"Before that, I have a favor," Twilight started. "I want to stretch with you this morning. I've never needed to, and I'd like some help."

As Link pulled the small feather from his wing, he listened. After he arranged his feathers to fill the small gap that remained, he began to answer. "I'm sorry, Twilight." He paused, then folded his wing. "I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I've never needed to stretch as a pony before. I don't know how either." Link looked at his sister. "But, Rainbow's downstairs still. Maybe we can ask her."

Downstairs, Rainbow had a foreleg around Emmy's shoulders while Emmy leaned over on her, both awake. Link decided to hover downstairs, so all they heard were Twilight steps. "Morning, Twilight," Rainbow said, looking back. "And Link, too. And Navi."

"Morning, you two," Twilight said. "I have a favor to ask..."


After an hour and a half of stretches and warm up techniques, Twilight and Link were ready. Epona had arrived part way in and sat on the steps. She began reading a book she started the night before.

"Alright, all warmed up Link?" He nodded. "Good. Because it's you and me right now."

"What do you mean?"

"I want you to hit me. If you can." Link, Navi, Epona, and even Emmy looked up at Twilight. "With your fireball."

"You can't be serious, Twilight," Emmy objected. "I've seen what fire can do first hoof in the hooves of somepony who's trying. You don't want that."

Twilight shook her head. "Oh, but I am. If I can dodge his best, then I have a chance of dodging the magic blasts at the prelims today."

There was a silence. Then, Link spoke. "You want me to try and hit you with fire so you can learn to dodge?" Twilight nodded. "Alright. Just remember you asked for it." He flew over to be about twenty paces from Twilight.

He charged one up. Epona warned, "Not the face!"

"Or the anything!" Emmy cautioned.

"Relax, I'll be fi-" She turned to look at them as she spoke, soon as she turned, she saw a red ball of fire zip by her muzzle. In shock, she tilted her head back. "Hey!" She faced him and had to lean to the side to dodge a second thrown orb. "Cool it!"

"You did ask for this. Dodge." He threw a third one and watched as she picked up her foreleg. The ball splattered over the ground and disappeared.

"Get closer." Link flew a little closer and continued.

Their training continued for the next half hour. Twilight got grazed a few times in the process, but called it a learning experience. They moved on to blocking. Link made larger orbs which Twilight summoned walls to intercept. She panted and sat for a moment.

"Hey Link. How's your magic level?"

"About 40%. Why? What's yours?"

"Around 65%. I want to try and break through your shield. Only one attempt though." Link nodded, and prepared himself. He made a shield in front of him, large enough to cover his smaller than usual frame. "Good. Get ready." She began gathering magic in her horn.

"Hold it!" Emmy said. "You want to know for sure if you can break it?" Twilight retracted her energy build and nodded. "Then facing anything less than his best is an insult to your pure talent for the mystic arts." She flew over to Link and put a hoof on his back. His shield gained a light green color, and grew in size and thickness. "You're using pegasus magic. Converted to your own, but still. I'm giving you some of mine to use."

The shield, while bigger and more colorful, was two toned. One was golden, the other green. Each color was distinct from the other.

"Me too!" Rainbow said, flying to him and placing her hoof beside Emmy's. "I wanna see some serious power, Twilight. Blow us away!"

Again, the shield grew. It was so heavy, it started breaking the ground. Rainbow added a burning crimson to the mix. Again, the colors stayed apart, and moved around in blobs of magic inside the barrier's outer wall.

"Are you sure about this? I break that wall there, all three of you will feel the backlash from it breaking..." Twilight worried. All three of them nodded. The shield gave off a sort of whining pitch as the colors slowly began to blend.

Twilight charged her horn...


In Twilight's mind, a single Twilight sat behind a desk. This desk had a nameplate. "Master" it read. Above, hung a massive quill. Purple. Sharp. Inkless. Her most familiar color, and favorite object of focus. "She wants to what?"

Another version of Twilight sat at a smaller desk, away from the first, in one more generic. It had a moving set of metal orbs, bumping into each other endlessly. "She wants to break a shield comprised of 3 different magicks a foot and a half thick to prove to herself she can."

"'Organization'? What say you?" the Master asked.

"They aren't blending properly!" she nearly shouted. She had to look up from her desk of pencils, as she was reorganizing them by both color and sharpness.

"And that's perfectly fine." Another version of Twilight was in a hammock beside her desk. Sipping from a half coconut with a bendy straw. Soft music played from a record spinning on her desk.

"'Strategy' and 'Power Level'?" Master continued her assessment.

The former looked up from her chessboard desk. She moved a piece to capture another. "Ill blended magic signifies he's incapable of integrating foreign magic into his own arsenal." She moved her glasses. "There will be flaws in its design."

"Power level is holding steady at 64.5%." She looked down at her desk with bars of light. Likely gauges for various aspects of Twilight.

"Interesting..." Master said. "'Observation'? I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter."

'Observation' sat at a desk filled with various energy screens showing angles from the outside world from Twilight's point of view. "Let's see... Yes. Poorly blended magic." She zoomed in on the shield and rewound a little. "Since it was made, it has been slowly mixing together. Judging from the speed, and variable skill of our target, I'd estimate total blend in about 5 minutes." She zoomed out, then in on Link, clicking some buttons and seeing him clearly through the shield. "But, from his expression, and magic output, he won't last that long. This is something new for him, which means he's probably inwardly panicking."

"Excellent." Master leaned back and saw a huge screen of magic that showed their current, frozen-in-time, scenario. "So, if it's blended poorly, then the bonds aren't strong enough to hold itself together if it gets hit with something just hard enough. Power Level, adjust output to 20 percent and allow for a five percent margin of error. Observation, take aim at where the seam will be in 2 seconds. On my command..." She raised her hoof, then hit her desk. "Fire!"


Twilight built up magic in her horn and took careful aim. When she fired, she had to dig her hooves into the ground. The beam connected with the seam of Link's combined barrier. After a solid 3 seconds of contact, the shield wall cracked, then broke into thousands of pieces, sending Link, Emmy, and Rainbow backward from the backlash. Twilight trotted over. "Are you three alright?" Various nods. "I did warn you, didn't I?"

"You did... I just didn't think you could do it." Link got to his hooves and dusted himself off. "I'm alright."

"Same here..." the other two replied in unison.

Emmy got up and helped Rainbow stand. "Well, I'd say you're ready."

"Not quite. After that last attack, I dropped to 40%. It'll take about half that to make the trip, then again to come back, not counting the tests while I'm there. Time to recharge. What time is it, who's hungry? I'll buy."

"About 8:30," Epona answered.


Everypony from the library went into town, to the local restaurant. Together, they finished their meals in a good amount of time. They talked about their previous day. Twilight told Rainbow and Emmy the victor of the race and why. Link talked a little about his parcel delivery to Cloudsdale and how he owed his success to Rainbow. Twilight and Emmy took turns about what they did away from the library. After they finished eating, Twilight prepared her money. With a glance to the clock, they saw an hour and a half had passed since last Twilight asked about the time.

"Alright..." Twilight started. "I gotta go before the lines get too long. Wish me luck~"

"Don't forget the flyer. You might need it," Link replied. Twilight nodded and summoned it. "Good. Now, go impress ponies."

"Before I go... Do you have any advice for me?"

"Yeah, I do." Link stood. "Watch their eyes. They will always look where they're going to shoot. If you can predict that, then you can get out of the way before they even let their bullet fly."

Twilight pondered. "If I can track their eyes, dodging will be easier... I'll definitely keep that in mind. Thank you." With that, she looked at the others.

"Best of luck!"s and "You got this!"s came from the others. Twilight lit up her horn and disappeared.


North of Canterlot, in the plains, was a site reserved to test unicorns and their powers as one. Where ponies matched intellects and skills against one another. When Twilight appeared in the north side, a stallion approached her with a clipboard and a very small amount of papers attached to it under the metal clamp. "Good morning," he greeted. "Name and age?" His eyes wandered to the page before him.

"Twilight Sparkle. I am 18 years old."

"Ah yes. Right here." He turned a few pages in and took one out at near random. "This is your score card. With every success, a box will light up in green. If you came close but failed, it will be yellow. If you fail miserably, it will be red. When you are finished, you can turn in your sheet to the kiosk just over there." He pointed to a hut in the center of the area. "The mare will see your page filed. Have fun, and remember: Take a breath." He walked on to the next pony who showed up behind her. "Good morning. Name and age?"

She walked on and looked at the page. It had a singular green square on its header, with a descriptor. "'Find the place.' So it was part of the test." Since she was closest to the north, she turned around and stood in line for her first real test.

Peering over the shoulders of those ahead of her allowed her to see what the test comprised of. A clockpost caught her eye. Ten after the tenth hour. 2 hours to get this done. Good thing this one has multiple stations for testing, or we'd be here all morning.

After 20 minutes of walking and waiting in her line, she heard dinging noises. "Next," a mare called. "Area 4." Twilight walked over and stood in the white box. The station mare took the page and looked at it. "Your goal is to ring the bell at the top. You have 3 tries. We will accept your best result. Fire as you will. Stay within your square."

She looked up and saw the bell. Then down the tall wooden column and saw the notches displaying percents. Then at the wooden round target at the base. "Test your strength, huh?" Her first shot was a test fire. It made the weight move about a foot, barely past the 10% mark. "Alright..." With a second, more forceful shot, she made it ring with energy to spare. "Do I need to do a third one?"

"That won't be necessary." The mare returned the page. Twilight saw a green box had lit up on it. With the words "Second shot success" beside it.

"That's cool." She took it and walked to the right to the eastern test. After another 20 minutes in line, she saw she was next in line.

"Page." The stallion took the page and looked down at it. "One shot only. The target is down this alleyway. Hit the bull's eye with more than 50% of your bullet and you pass. Do not cross this line."

Twilight stepped up to the line and stared down the range. "But the target's at least 50 yards away." The stallion looked at her and merely raised an eyebrow. "Alright, alright." She took a breath and calmed down. After a few seconds, her shot sped down the lane, colliding with the target with an audible ding. Nervous, she looked at the stallion, who returned the page.

"81%. Passed. Next."

Another green square appeared with the number "81%". "Two down, two to go." Moving to the south, she saw the next test: an obstacle course. Dreading it, she hung her head and stood in line quietly. "Maybe I should have done this test first..."

"Why didn't you?" a mare behind her asked.

"I didn't get a look at all the tests before deciding on one to start with."

"Isn't that your fault, then?"

Twilight turned and saw who dared talk to her that way. She just about dropped her score card. "H-Hey! It's you!"

"Me, myself, and I..." she replied. Then, she pointed to her escort. "Plus one."

"Only here to observe," she added.

Twilight shook herself to her senses and got a better hold on her paper. "You're that mare who helped me save my friends."

"Yes. That was me. Don't mention it," she said with a smile. "Ever. To anypony." She walked forward as Twilight walked backward for the movement of the line.

"It's a secret to everypony, then?" The mare nodded. "But because of your help, my friend's wing made a full recovery. I can't thank you enough for your-"

"You can, actually. And you already have." She looked to her escort.

"You're the one who wanted to help. Don't drag me into this. Remember: if you help somepony, they will be grateful to you. You have to learn to live with receiving gratitude if you want to walk the path you've chosen."

The mare hung her head, then looked up at Twilight. "I helped because I was around. It's not like I was waiting for you there or anything... That's all."

"Either way, you did a great thing." Twilight faced forward. "I don't believe I caught your name."

"And you'd be right." The escort stomped on the mare's hoof. "Ow!" With a glare, she continued, "Fine. Stick around to the end of my tests, and I'll tell you my name. Okay?" She glanced at the escort. "Satisfied?" To which, she nodded. As the pony turned to Twilight, she said, "Good."

"Guessing you just started then?"

"Yes. I figured I'd get the hardest out of the way first."

Twilight looked over her shoulder after walking forward. "Not so good with physical activity?"

"Considering I live underwater, that would be a solid 'No'." A moment of quiet from both sides. "I'm only joking. I swim so often, I might as well live underwater."

She chuckled and turned forward. "Next!" a mare shouted after hoofing a poor soul's paper to them. Twilight surrendered her score card and waited for instruction. "Get to the end within three minutes. Don't get hit. Ready, go!"

Surprised at the shortness of the mare, Twilight stumbled forward. She ran across the balance beam that got narrower as she went. Under one arm and over another she ducked and jumped. After that, she came to a set of platforms that moved side to side. Easily, she timed it right and made it to the third leg. With a small jungle of ropes to climb, she made it to the top and rang the little bell atop a pedestal. She teleported back down and in front of the mare.

"Pass. Next!"

On her sheet, a fourth green box appeared with the time "1:47:28". Before leaving to her final station, Twilight decided to watch the next mare's attempt.

The mare created a small, hoof-sized barrier beneath her. And with every step she took, she walked higher and closer to the end. Once the bell rang, she walked back to the paper mare. "Pass. Next!"

"WHAT?!" Twilight screamed. She approached the paper mare with heavy steps. "What to you mean "Pass"? She didn't even do the course!"

"Listen, Twilight Sparkle." The mare set down her clipboard and looked through her shaded spectacles. "The rules were plain and simple. Get to the end within three minutes, and don't get hit. Not only did she ring the bell at the end after less than three minutes of starting, but she did so unscathed." She leaned in close. "Next!"

Twilight backed up a little and watched as the next pony, a stallion, attempted the course. The mare who did the course after Twilight walked over to her. "It matters little how one travels, so long as you converge on your destination all the same." She continued walking to the east trial, her escort following close behind.

"Unbelievable..." Twilight muttered. She turned and walked slowly to her last test. "Now I really don't want to be here... I've seen the best in the competition... And I don't think I can match her..." Twilight bumped into the tail of the mare in line. "Oh, sorry. Kind of spacing out."

The pink mare turned and looked at her. "That's okay. Everypony does that from time to time. Even me."

"Thank Celestia you're not mean like the last mare I met. She was awful." Under her breath and to the side, "Who does she think she is?"

Curious, the mare turned around to face Twilight directly. "Having troubles? Want me to go punish somepony for thinking they're better than everypony else?"

"No no. I can fight my own fights. Thank you though." Twilight smiled and nodded.

"No problem." A few minutes of silence passed by and the line grew shorter. "Say, you wouldn't happen to know how to dodge, would you? I'm just terrible at it."

Twilight looked ahead and saw the test was evasion-based. "Hmm... Well, my brother gave me some advice before I came here. Watch the eyes. Everypony will stare directly at where their shot is going. If you can predict that, you can be out of the line of fire before the shot even goes off."

"Predict the bullet line?" Twilight nodded. "Thank you for the help." She turned forward.

Watching the mare go through the test, she saw she was able to dodge with at least a couple inches to spare with every shot. Once completed, Twilight said, "Hey, congratulations~ I didn't expect you to apply the advice so flawlessly."

"I'm no better than you, I guarantee. You're the pony who gave me the advice." She waved and walked to her next test.

"Next." The stallion took Twilight's sheet and looked at the test. "Don't. Get. Hit. And stay in your square." To the side, he said, "Fire when ready."

The first shot was slow, and at least thirty feet away. She tilted her head and watched it go by. Following the first, the shooter stepped closer and fired again. Twilight saw it fly faster than the first one, but still stepped to the side.

Third shot was much faster and closer. It zipped by Twilight's head, but still missed. She looked behind her and saw the shot fizzle against a barrier behind her. To protect those in line. Maybe... With the last bullet I can- She looked forward and saw the fourth shot aimed at her leg. Her first instinct was to raise it, and she did. But the shot curved up and forced her to lean her head back.

Watch his eyes. With the stallion stopping at ten feet away, he prepared his final shot. She watched his eyes, and tracked them to her chest. Quickly, she summoned a beam of energy to her right side and lowered her stance. intercept the shot. I should have tried this first.

The stallion charged his horn. She's going to cut the shot? Guess I better go for speed then. The fifth shot was far faster than any of the previous 4. But because Twilight knew where it was going, she brought the beam over her chest and split the bullet in half. Each half flew to the side and fizzled against the barrier. Twilight withdrew the blade and sighed.

"Pass." The stallion gave her the score card. "... Impressive," he added.

As Twilight walked away from the course, she heard others talking about Twilight's attempt, and how she cut a bullet from ten feet away. With some quick math, Twilight found that even if she waited until the shot was fired, she would have had to react in less than a tenth of a second. I just cut a magic bullet flying 70 miles per hour with a blade made of energy. Yeah, that was impressive.

She walked to the first test she was at, and saw the mean pony from earlier. Just as she had found her way around the obstacle course, the mare cheated and hit the bell directly with her magic projectile. Twilight merely rolled her eyes. At the last test, the evasion test, the mare used a shield to deflect the 5 shots. Twilight caught up to her afterward. "Honestly, I didn't expect you to still be here."

"Why are you being so mean to me?"

"There it is." The mare sat and pointed at Twilight. "Stone-walkers assuming. I'm not being mean, Twilight Sparkle. And it's not my fault you see it that way."

"Then what is going on? I've never met somepony so off-hoofedly offensive as you."

The mare sighed and grumbled. "Listen. I'm not being mean for the sake of being mean. I'm doing it to keep you away from me. Outsiders, in my civilization's eyes, are seen as inferior. While I want to be friends with everypony, the rest of my people do not."

"So you ... What? Fake being mean?" The mare nodded. "Then... Suppose everypony here can keep your secret. The one where you're mean intentionally. And let's assume I do want to be your friend. What would you say to me?"

"That I'm glad your friend is well, and apologize for my harshness." Slowly, the mare grinned. "I promised you a name, did I not?" Twilight nodded. She held up her score card.

There on the top, was her name, written. "'Prismarine'? Like the mineral? That's a beautiful name."

"Tell me: why are you so-"

She felt a tug at her shoulder. "Forgive me... Friend. We must away. Your father will want to know the results of your test as soon as possible." She pushed Prismarine away.

"I will see you at the tournament!" Twilight called. She looked at her own page, and followed her slowly to the turn-in booth. With barely a wave shared between them, the two disappeared in a brilliant flash of light blue magic. Twilight smiled. "I think I made a friend." She disappeared herself after turning in her sheet.


Back at the library, the denizens of the tree house were inside playing cards with Link's personal deck. The owner of the cards was also reading up on a book of natural remedies, whose qualities were simply... super.

"I'm back!" Twilight said, opening the door wide.

"Hey you!" Emmy said, waving a little. "How'd you do?"

"Pretty well, I believe." She closed the door and ventured in. "Passed each test no sweat. I daresay I'm ready."

"Heh," Emmy replied. "No you're not. The Spellcaster's Tournament is full of professional spell-slingers. The stallion who won last year only won due to a dirty trick. But after research of the rules, his actions were well within them. Fair warning: you will find yourself outside of your comfort zone."

"Thanks for the boost in confidence. Morseo for the advice." Twilight walked over and sat down. Soon as she came to rest, the door opened once more.

Ruby, in a panic, ran in and skidded to a stop, leaving little char marks on the hard wood floor. "I need to find Link, now!" She saw the clothed one raise a hoof. "Not you, the human one."

"Beg your pardon, Ruby. But... That is him," Twilight said.

Link lowered his hoof. "As if the color of my clothes didn't give me away, I also have Navi with me. And if you listen, my voice hasn't changed at all."

"Fine. Fine. You're you. Now, I need your help!" Ruby nearly shouted.

Twilight closed the door with her magic. "What happened?"

"Something awful." Nods from the others. "Terrible."

"Get on with it," Twilight urged.

"Yeah, get on with it," Epona added.

Ruby inhaled deep and shouted, "ZECORA'S GONE MISSING!!!"

A collective gasp filled the library.

Chapter 43: The Rescue Team

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Ruby sat on the couch between Emmy and Epona. Link stood opposite them on the other side of the table with Navi atop it. Twilight sat in her comfy chair with a quill and parchment. "After you saw she wasn't there after two days, you came straight here?" Link asked.

"Yes," Ruby replied. "Well, I got my bags back first, but yes."

"Did anypony try to get in your way?"

"No. Nopony at all."

"So," Twilight held up her scroll. "After you went for your bags at Zecora's, you found she wasn't there. You just came from there, and she was still missing. Was there a note she left for you? I mean, she knew you were coming for your bags, right?"

"No note. No nothing. Just a messed up hut." Ruby looked at Twilight.

"I see..." Twilight saw Link give her a look. "No rest for the courageous?"

"Nope. But I have a feeling of who did this. Only... This time, I don't want to go in alone." He pointed at some of the others. "Twilight, Epona and Ruby. I'd like you to assist me in rescuing Zecora."

Emmy tilted her head. "What about me?"

"Zecora doesn't mean much to you. I doubt you even know who she is. Epona is my comrade, Ruby knows the layout of the woods better than any of us, and Twilight ... Twilight can work a scene." He paused. "Besides, you need to watch the library. And Spike."

"Hey!" he countered.

"He's not wrong Spike. You do get into trouble on your own," Twilight joked.

Link made sure his weapons were on him. "Get yourselves ready. We leave as soon as we can."

Everyone glanced at the clock, which read 9 minutes to twelve. Ruby had her bags on. Twilight put her quill, ink and scroll in hers, as well as a hoof-bound booklet. Epona didn't bring anything with her. And Link had all of his pouch stuff ready.

At noon, they set off. Emmy waved from the steps at the team as they disappeared from sight.


Link and the others arrived at Zecora's hut in good time. Like Ruby before, they ran into no other pony along their way from the edge of the woods.

Inside, Twilight walked around the room, looking everything over, and around everything else. "Uhm... What is she doing?" Ruby asked.

"I did say she knows how to work a scene. She's learning about what happened here." Twilight walked to the cauldron and touched it, then wiped off the dust from her hoof.

"Okay." Twilight sat down. "That on the wall." She pointed to a patch of light brown wood on the wall. "She threw a bottle of something at the wall from over there. Zecora then had a brief scuffle with her attacker before voluntarily leaving the hut two days ago."

Ruby asked, "How could you possibly know all that?"

"Take a seat everypony This could take a minute or so." Link and the others sat down. Navi came up and sat on Link's muzzle.

Twilight took a breath. "There's glass on the floor by that stain on the wall. So she threw something at it. The age of the stain suggests it's at least a day old. Now, the glass is on both sides of the stain, so she threw it head-on. If she threw it from the left, glass would mostly be on the right and so would the spray of the stain. Vice versa if she threw from the right. from that distance, there's no way she'd miss; not with objects she handles every day. The fact she attacked at all shows us she either didn't know them or knew and was afraid. I lean toward the latter. As the attacker got closer, she fought as hard as she could. The counter's a mess. No alchemist leaves their work station in disarray like this. Ever. The fight was taken to the ground, made evident by the overturned carpet edge and cracked table leg. She left willingly because there were no hoofmarks or signs of struggle on the way to the door suggesting otherwise. While the fire is out, the cauldron is cold. With a mixture inside it. This kind of material is made to retain heat and it's cold as ice, so it had to have been out for at least two days ago. But, in all of this, there's one thing I don't understand. Why did he go after Zecora?"

"That's incredible!" Ruby exclaimed. "All that from just this room?" Twilight nodded. "What about the attacker? What of them?"

"Strong male unicorn. Strong enough to pin Zecora to the floor, and talented enough to mentally force her to walk out. He's a little taller than Link's human form from the angle she threw the bottle. She'd be aiming for his head. The stallion can probably phase through walls, because the door is away from the splatter mark."

"Correct on all points, but one," Link added

"Oh? I feel like I said that to you once," Twilight said.

"You did. And neither of us are wrong. It's not a unicorn. The guy's an alicorn. And, he took Zecora, because she knows the mixture to turn me back into a human."

"Bravo, Link! Bravo!" a male voice commended. A stallion entered through the wall and saw the group. "Well done in your deductions, Twilight. You are much smarter than you look." The four of them got into attack stances. "Please, calm down. If I came to fight, I'd have won already." A black mist shrouded the room. Link tried the door, and failed to open it. The alicorn laughed madly as they all became blinded by blackness.

When at last the mist dissipated, they found themselves in front of a perfectly lively tree in the middle of a clearing in the woods. "What is this?!" Ruby shouted. "Where are we?!"

"My home," the alicorn replied, flying down from the sky. He landed gently and leaned against the tree. "You like what I've done with the place?"

"The only thing that keeps changing is that tree. Everything else is the same as always."

"Oh, that's not true. The grass has grown an inch since the last time you were here, boy." The alicorn walked around the four of them and looked at each one. "Let's see. One, two, three, four of you? This works out rather well." He stopped and hit the ground with a hoof. Four wooden arches appeared from the grass floor on each side of the tree. The doorways were shrouded in darkness, and couldn't be seen through. "Zecora, the one you seek, is at the end of one of these paths. However, she won't appear unless all four are gone through."

"Link told us about you!" Twilight yelled.

"How flattering." He looked at Link. "You're already telling your friends about me? It's only a matter of time before they call you crazy. 'Help! There's an alicorn in the woods with a rusty pipe stealing foals from the schoolyard.' Hah! As if anypony would buy that spectacle."

"We did." Epona turned to face him directly. "We trust in him, as he puts trust in all of us."

"A comrade to the end of time, huh? Well, let's see how well you hold together after you get through these doors.

"Each one is tailored to who enters. Twilight, your path is one that challenges your intellectual prowess. Epona, your path will test your inner strength of will. Ruby, yours will push the limits of your endurance. Link. Yours is the fun one. Your path will lead you to your greatest fear. Bring forth your bravery and all will be well. Go on. Zecora won't wait forever."

"Let me guess. Nightfall?"

"That's right."

Both Link and the alicorn asked at the same time "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I'm bored. Oh, and no magic this time. At all." The alicorn hit the four of them with black magic, sealing their powers and halting all currently active spells. "That means no ocarina tricks like last time. Don't think I'm some pushover, boy." He disappeared into a black shroud and vanished on the light breeze.

Ruby stomped her hoof. "No flames. No strength... I'm normal."

"Oh no. What a nightmare," Epona said bluntly. "Look, we're all here, we're all blank slates. No fire, horn, wings, magic, strength or any other spells like your pouches and barriers."

"She's right," Link said. "This is a test of inner power. We can overcome on virtue alone, provided there's a way to do so in the first place."

"Wouldn't it be just like the villain to provide unbeatable tests?" Twilight asked. "Good thing my path challenges intellect."

"Mine is strength of will, but I don't know what that means."

"Lucky you. Mine's endurance. It'll probably be like a run or something, being chased by demon goats or something." Ruby chuckled. "Zecora won't save herself, so it's up to us four. Best of luck to you all." Ruby headed past the tree to the north gate. As she stepped through, she became swallowed by darkness.


Limit of One's Endurance

On the other side of her passage, Ruby stood in the middle of a small town. In that town, houses were far apart.

"This is..." Ruby saw a pony approach her from one of the closer houses. She looked around and saw she was somewhere familiar. As she turned again to the approaching pony, she said, "No... I can't be here." Quickly, she turned and faced the archway, which had lost its mist. "No! No escape! No power, no ability... maybe..."

The pony got right behind Ruby. When she faced the newcomer, it resembled an exact likeness of Ruby herself. "Cast away!" she shouted at Ruby.

"What?" she asked. "I don't-"

"Sell-out!" the mare added. After a moment of silence. "Firestarter!"

"RRRRAAAAAAAAAHH!" Ruby smacked the other pony in the face, dropping her to the ground. On contact, Ruby felt heat. On the ground, the pony crumbled into embers, from which two more likenesses emerged. "What?!"

"Burner! Destroyer! Danger! Natural Disaster! Forest Fire! Infernal Torrent!"

"SHUT UP!!!" Again, she brought the two ponies down to the ground, stomping their heads in. And like before, two rose from the coals, making four more likenesses.

Ruby spent what felt like hours hitting, bucking and throwing the clones of her down. Exhausted and out of breath, the several dozen copies of her shouted worse and worse things to her, adding hits of their own into the mix. On occasion, there'd be a silence among them when they shouted one single thing. One such verse echoed "Selfish!" across the town. Another one was "Burden!" Both insults hit harder than any of their punches. Then, another silence. Bruising and beaten, Ruby curled into a ball in tears and waited for their next assault on her emotions.

It never came.

"Oh, come now Ruby. Are you really this hard on yourself?" The alicorn appeared amidst the frozen-over clones. "You are the prime example of one's own worst enemy."

"What... what do you want with me..." She struggled to stand, and failed to do so. Ruby resigned to sit up at the very least.

The stallion parted the clones and walked toward her, sitting down. Even at that height, he was far taller than she was. "I want to know how long you've been fighting this."

"What do you care?" she replied, looking away.

"You'd rather I unfreeze them, and surrender you to your tides?" Ruby shook her head. "Then?"

With hesitation, Ruby said "Many years... I left this place behind. On my own."

"That's not it, though."

"No... They cast me out. They were afraid of what I could do. What I've already done..."

"So you left. You could have stayed there, why leave?"

"Nopony wanted me around. That was obvious by the names they called me." Ruby looked around. "Much like these did."

The alicorn stood to his full height. "All of this is in your head, you know. You are calling yourself these names now. Why, I bet if you went back, they'd be thrilled to see who you've become."

"Again, why do you care?"

"It's my job to care. Princess Luna watches over her subjects in the night. I do so during the day. You, specifically, for you need my help the most."

"Why me?" Ruby stood, regaining her stability.

"Well," the alicorn began. "You live in my woods."

"So does Zecora, and you took her hostage."

"And it got your attention. See, I wanted to tell you that your home town misses you dearly. They see you in a much better light now."

"No they don't!" Ruby yelled. "They don't miss me, they don't want me back, and they don't care about me!"

The alicorn paused. "And you really believe that?" Ruby nodded through gritted teeth. "There is a part of you that believes my words are true. One way or another, there is an answer. You believe that going to your home town will clear your worries. Prove it to yourself, Ruby Inferno." The world around them started falling like glass into an endless abyss. Ruby turned quick to the wood doorway and ran. The moment she got close enough, the ground below her gave out and she leapt through the black shroud.


"Best of luck to you all." Ruby turned and walked through the northern arch, beyond the tree. The others watched as she disappeared.

Twilight looked at Link. "Well, I've got intellectual prowess. After all, I passed my prelim tests with flying colors. How hard could this be?" She turned and walked west.

"Be careful Twilight. This guy means business in the worst way possible," Link cautioned.

"I'll be fine. The worst thing he could do is give me an impossible quiz." She stepped toward the gate and stopped. "Just... Be careful in yours, alright?" Twilight became enveloped in shadow.


Intellectual Prowess

Beyond Twilight's west gate was the throne room of Canterlot Castle. The sun was shining brightly through the windows to the side, and both princesses sat on their respective thrones. The wood arch dispersed the black gate behind the doors just before the doors themselves closed behind Twilight. As she walked closer she saw there was a guard to either side of the thrones. Beside Luna was a mare with two blades, one on each hip, and beside Celestia, was a mare with only one blade, but larger than the others. Both were wearing full armor, though the former wore lighter metals.

"Twilight Sparkle? Had I been made to know of your arrival, I'd have set aside some free time." Princess Celestia smiled at her.

"That's alright," Twilight replied. "I didn't know I'd be here either..."

The scene halted, and all noise hushed. "Okay, so I forgot something: context." The alicorn from before reformed from Twilight's cast shadow. "Let me fix that for you." The entire area changed to the library with Spike. "Remember this? You once thought that Princess Celestia was up to something when she called Spike away. But, and I quote, "treason incurs a penalty."" He spoke in Twilight's voice when he quoted her words. "Well, here..." Again, it shifted, this time back to the throne room where they were standing before. "There is something. Might not be what you expect. Your task is to figure it out. Best of luck, Twilight." The alicorn turned back into Twilight's shadow and winked.

"Twilight Sparkle? Had I been made to know of your arrival, I'd have set aside some free time." Princess Celestia smiled at her, again. The tone was exactly the same as the first time she said it.

"That's alright," Twilight assured. "But, you're here. With your sister... and two guards. Armed."

"As they should be," Princess Luna interrupted. She looked at the guard at her side. "Should they not?"

"That's... not it. You're busy, you said?"

"Correct," Celestia said.

"Doing what, may I ask?"

"Have caution, sister. I did warn you this might happen," Luna whispered to Celestia.

"Planning for tomorrow's day," she replied.

"In your head? I see no parchment, nor utensil with which to write." Twilight looked around. "Your attendant is nowhere either."

"Yes, in my head. Do not think me some commonfolk who cannot plan for longer than an hour in advance."

Alright... so... the problem might be with Princess Celestia. That was an uncharacteristic response. She might be on edge, though... "Okay, so... if all you're doing is planning for the next day, why are your guards armed?"

"To protect in case of an attack."

"Why two?"

"There are two of us. Come now, Twilight. Surely your analytical skills extend beyond the obvious inquiries." Luna tilted her head.

"No, there's more to it than that. If it were a simple matter of protection, you'd get a pair of Uniforms to do the job. These two are Uniques. With special skills. Why the increased security?"

"..." The two fell silent. Luna spoke up. "Agreed, Uniforms would be more suited for mere looks. But, a threat has been made to the throne. And far worse, the Royal Guard has been infiltrated by those individuals. We don't know who to trust right now, but we trust these two."

"That might be a problem." Twilight walked over to Luna's guard. "May I interrogate them?" Both princesses nodded. "Thank you." Twilight looked at the mare with the two weapons. "What is your name?"

"Steel Saber, ma'am." She saluted and returned to her attentive position.

"Steel Saber. How many turncoats have been tallied thus far?"

"Uncountable, ma'am. We suspect numbers in the dozens."

"That many, undetectable... No marks, must be verbal communication only, some code word or phrase shared between them... All to get at the throne." She paused. "Do you have one in custody?"

"No ma'am," Steel Saber replied. "Their covers are too great. We just know that they are here."

"So you're telling me, that a threat was made to the thrones, and you don't even have them in custody? How'd they get away?"

"We don't know. We do have a team of intellectuals looking into it."

"Hmm..." Twilight looked skeptical at Saber, then walked to the other guard. "You. What is your name?"

"Polaris, ma'am."

"Polaris. Among the several dozen turncoats, how many have died?"

"That's a loaded question, ma'am. You said so yourself: there's no identifiable marks of any kind. And since they're dead, they can't talk anymore. I can't answer that, because there isn't an answer, ma'am."

"Okay. So-" Twilight saw a drop of sweat fall from Polaris' brow. "Take off your armor."

"Ma'am?" She looked at Celestia, who nodded. Slowly, Polaris undid all of her straps and set her armor to the side. Her sheathed blade fell to the floor loudly as she stood bare for Twilight.

"You're nervous. Scared, almost. It can't be hot in here, it's almost winter. So why were you-"

A look of panic showed across Polaris' face as a sword was shoved through her eye socket. Twilight shrieked and turned quickly. Saber had already drawn her second sword and thrown it at Luna's chest, piercing her stomach and pinning her to the throne."You fools!" The first blade came back into Saber's magical grip. Polaris fell to the floor beside her armor, blood coming out of her head. Twilight saw Saber throw the first one at Celestia who was focused on Luna's wound. In pure instinct, Twilight shot a beam at the sword, snapping it in two.

"Luna!" Celestia cried. She saw the sword get pulled out and Luna slumped into Celestia's embrace. She tried to heal the wound, but it was too deep and severe to do quickly.

Twilight glared at Saber. "YOU!!" She fired a beam at Celestia, protecting her in a rather thick energy field. "You face me now!"

Saber swung at Celestia, but the blade bounced off. "I see what you've done. You've sealed your fate." She picked up the two pieces and mended them. Both blades hung at her sides. "Come at me!"

Twilight charged at her, and fired a beam. Saber leaned away and threw one of her swords at her. Easily, Twilight side stepped it and got within melee range. Saber brought her sword's edge across Twilight's cheek, giving her a scar to match the one that Link gave her. Twilight took it and turned away, bucking Saber square in the chest armor. Unfazed, Saber summoned blades of light and brought them crashing down on Twilight, piercing her hooves and pinning her to the floor.

Twilight shouted in pain as she fell to the ground. Saber approached her and cut her horn in half, eliciting higher screams of pain. With her free blade, she threw it at Luna and got her through the head, like she did to Polaris. "LUNAAA!!!" Celestia shouted. In her magic, Saber dragged Celestia down to Twilight's level and pinned her in the same fashion.

"You... You do not deserve that crown."

"Princess Celestia..." Twilight managed to say.

"You taught this one all she knows." A blade of light got run through Celestia's foreleg, causing the princess to cry in agony. "Now watch, student, as I kill your teacher, and ruler of this land!"

Twilight tried to cast a spell, anything that might help, but the attempt blew apart the remains of her horn all the way down to the carbuncle.

Saber, with her two real swords over Celestia's neck, asked, "Any final words, dear princess?"

"Twilight, I-" Before the sentence could finish, Saber crossed the blades and relieved the body of its head.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Twilight yelled, closing her eyes.

"Whoa, calm down there Twilight." The alicorn's voice cleared the hall.

When she opened her eyes, she was looking at the scene from a third person perspective. Looking down, she was still herself. Then, she felt her horn, complete. No wounds, no pain. "A... am I ... dead?"

"No. You're not dead." He walked over to Celestia's frozen-in-time head. "That could have ended better, I think."

"Of course it could have!!" Twilight yelled at him. She trotted over and looked at Saber. "She was the real threat! She was so far under cover I should have known she was one of them. The way she called me ma'am and the trust the rulers put in her only put her in the prime position to end their lives!"

"Alright, so-"

Twilight snapped at him. "Is this really going to happen?!"

"That's for you to decide." The alicorn's voice became sharper. "You want to prevent this tragedy. You want to punish the would-be assailant. You believe you can prevent this outcome by intervening before it starts. Prove it to yourself, Twilight Sparkle."

As before, the world around them cracked and fell away into nothing. First the walls, then the thrones, the scene before her rewound and vanished, the floor gave way as Twilight ran back through the open door. Quickly, she turned back to the emptying space. "I will succeed, mark my words." She jumped through the black gate.


Twilight departed through the west gate. Link and Epona watched as she vanished in darkness. "The former turned to the latter. "Epona, I want-"

"What do you need?"

"... I ..." A moment of hesitation fell over Link as he just stood there, speechless. Then, after a few minutes, he continued. "I don't know what you'll face on the other side. But if it came from him, it can't be anything good. Please, be careful, and make your way back home."

Epona took him in a hug. "You silly, I'm not going in alone. I have you with me." She thumped her chest over her heart. "Right there. And I'm not letting go without a fight, ya hear me?" she asked with a smile. "I'll give it my best for you, so you do the same for me, alright?"

Link stood there, and watched her walk to the south gate. "Wait..." She paused and turned around. "... Nah, it's nothing. Best of luck, Epona." He turned to his own gate.

Epona smiled, and turned to her own. She stepped through and fearlessly disappeared in the mist.


Inner Strength of Will

Epona stood at the gate's exit point and saw it vanish behind her. "No turning back. I'll do you proud, Link." She walked on and found herself at the water's edge. "Hm? Water?" She looked around. "Trees, houses..." Her hooves shuffled. "Sand? It's everywhere. Gonna have to get used to it for now." Epona walked around and noticed other ponies. Some drinking, some working, some just begging. "This is a sorry place, but, it's got good structure. This town is solidly built."

"I'm glad you think so!" A stallion approached wearing a desert cloak. "You're a long way from home, miss. Or perhaps you're returning home?"

"The former, I assure you." Epona looked at the stallion. Tan, gray eyes, easily hidden... Bandit or welcome committee? "Thank you for your kind words all the same. Where am I?"

"Green Leaf Oasis. Several hundred miles from any big town in all directions. A good place to thrive, if you've got the means."

"Not a fitting place for me then; I only deal in nices." Epona started walking on her own. She saw the stallion keep pace with her. "Something I can do for you?"

"No, but there's something I can do for you. How's about you let me show you around?"

"Or I could show myself around. You had it right though. I am a traveler. I've seen a lot of places with a wider variety of ponies than this place. Surely that qualifies me to be able to take care of myself." Epona brushed him off and trotted along. She heard sounds beside her. Apparently, she wore her travel bags, despite not carrying anything with her from the get-go. "Wh-"

Again, the stallion confronted her. "Then at least let me walk you to where you're going. The least I can do."

"Back off, buddy. I know your cloak and dagger type. What is it? A kris? Athame? Perhaps a stiletto? Surely you think I'm some commoner who doesn't do her research?"

"I, uhh..."

"Get lost already, before I make you go away. Now's not the best time to get in my way."

"Well, then... Uhh. I guess... Later?" The stallion slumped and walked away.

Epona continued on and walked into a building to get out of the heat. Inside, she was met with a waitress wearing a skirt made of the same cloth as the cloak the other one wore. "Evenin' ma'am. Take your order?" She placed a glass of water on the table.

"Well, how about a map of the town?"

"We ain't got none o' that here. Place is so small, ya could draw one yerself and be accurate. New to town?"

"How'd you guess?" she replied. With a sigh, she asked, "What do you have in the way of fruit?"

"Mighty bananas. They grow much larger 'round these parts, an' we got a few good chefs what know how to make 'em right. Grilled or fried or plain?"

"Hmm..." Epona said. What is up with this place? He said this was a test of will. What do I have to overcome? It'll present itself soon enough. Just keep biding my time... "Plain, if you please."

"Be right back dear." She sauntered away.

I'm not your 'dear'. Epona waited at her table and looked round. There were other patrons in various booths. A couple kids with smaller cloaks on playing with some clay toys, a mare deep in her cups, a stallion with a notebook and tie, another mare with a deck of cards and a couple who didn't seem to be enjoying themselves.

Epona looked closer at the couple. "Here y'are dear." The mare placed the plate before her and walked off. Epona barely blinked at the food.

"They look familiar..."

There was a stallion behind her in the booth. Black coat, mane, tail and covered with an equally black cloak. "They should look familiar. Sure their manes grew, but their faces are the same."

Epona turned quick and saw the alicorn from before. "You're here too?"

"Sure am. I'll give you props. Not even Twilight's imagination was this lively."

"Lots of practice."

"Props to pointing out the bandit, too. That was my touch." He turned around and placed a few bits on the table for her meal. "My treat. Tell you what, go over and say hi to them. You haven't seen them in how long?

"Ten years, easily. Maybe longer. The days and months and years just kinda slipped on by the longer they were away." Epona reached in and pulled out her picture of them. "I always swore I'd meet them when I got my cutie mark..."

"And is that what's stopping you now?" The alicorn stood and walked to the table.

It was in that moment Epona realized the ambient sounds and distinct chatter of the tavern had quieted. Epona looked around. Nopony was moving or breathing. Even the bartender had stopped mid shake. Frozen in time. "Wait..."

"This isn't real, but I'll be darned if that means I get to slack off." He lifted her saddlebags with his magic and set them aside. "Well, lookie there. You got a cutie mark." Epona looked down and saw the sacred triangles that adorned her flank. "Much like Link's own marking."


"Your destiny lies with him, and you've known it since he returned to the library that time. But I wonder... Nah, no way."

"What is it?" she asked with increasing curiosity.

"Well, the thing is, those two over there are your parents Epona. They've missed you so much since they left."

"And yet they couldn't send me letters..."

"About that... Do you know how hard it is for the mail carriers to find an oasis in the desert?" He waved his hoof to the left. ""It's over heeeere!"" Then to the right. ""No, it's over theeeere!" Not easy, I'll tell you what." His hoof fell to the floor. "Well?"

"I can't just walk up to them..." Epona took a breath.

"Sure you can. Just one hoof in front of the other." He waited. "Alright, so you can't just yet. Why?"

"I didn't earn my cutie mark. It was given to me. There was no revelation, no crowning moment where I realized my destiny. How can I face them not knowing the why and how of it?"

The alicorn's voice cut through the air. "Because you don't even know if they're alive. You want to believe they are, but you can't know for sure. You want to find the truth, whichever the outcome is. You believe your search will bear positive fruit. Prove it to yourself, Epona." He looked out the window at the crumbing world. "Better hurry too. The others were much closer to the exit than you are."

Epona blinked and darted out of the tavern. Quickly, she hopped over missing patches of sand and stone and finally charged through the opened gateway.


Link turned his back on Epona's closed gateway and faced his own open one. The same swirling black mist occupied the way as it did for the three prior.

"Hey, Link..." Navi asked. "Are you scared?"

"Terrified. I'm almost shaking..."

"Take a breath." She waited. "Do it, come on." He took a slow breath. "Good. Now, think."

"Well... he said my path is for the courageous. So... either I have to face my fears, or fight something meant to be fearsome."

"Good, good. Think a little harder." Navi sat on his sword handle. "Why would he do all of this?"

"Drag the four of us out here? I don't know. But, I know Zecora is in need of help, and here I am thinking about doing that. Look Navi, I genuinely appreciate you trying to get me to think longer term, and honestly it's something I need to work at, but right now, Zecora is the main concern. For all of us here." He stepped forward through the gate.


His Greatest Fear

Link appeared on the other side of the gate. He noticed he stood his full height as a human. Alright! A most familiar form! He looked around at the stone walls. A pair of great doors were opened behind him. One pedestal stood in the middle of the room and a single blade was stabbed into it. "Oh... oh no..."

"What is it?" Navi stood on his shoulder.

"This is... my nightmare..."

"You have those?"

"Yes. And.. it's always this room. That sword. And... !!" Link turned quick to the door behind him and saw it shut instantly. Link backed up toward the sword. "I don't want to be here any more. Not without my magic."

"What's so bad about this place?"

"You haven't told even her yet?" Link's shadow rose upward and created the dark version of him from his nightmares. "How sad." He drew his blade and shield.

"YOU!!" Link shouted. "You don't get to be here! Get back to where you belong!"

"I will never retreat into your mind. This world has set me free! There's just one thing... You're still alive." Dark Link thrust his sword tip at Link, who dodged to the side and drew his own weapons. He brought his blade down at Dark Link, connecting with his shield before stepping back. "I see you have some fight in you, kid."

"More than enough for you."

The two exchange swings and blocks for what felt like half an hour. Both tired, and wounded, they lower their shields. Link's armor, made of magic, lost its defensive ability when spells were sealed, leaving him unprotected. He received many cuts to his upper body and a few to his legs, and paid them back in full to his dark clone. Both combatants fell to their knees in exhaustion.

Then, like something from a nightmare, Dark Link rose to his feet uninjured. "On your feet kid! I'm not done with you yet!" Link felt his wounds healing. He could stand. He could fight! Link gripped the handle of his sword and dug deep, picking himself off the ground in one motion. Again, the two fought for 30 minutes almost to the second.

What is happening?! Link thought as he was forced to his knees covered in wounds once more. How long have I been fighting this one guy?! As before, the wounds on both fighters healed near immediately. Both of them returned to their feet. How many more times must I do this?

"You'll never beat me!" Dark Link shouted.

The door behind him opened a little. "Link! Are you in there?" Twilight called.

"Twilight said it was alright that I see what's there," Ruby said beside her.

"And I've been worried sick about you, Link." Epona came in just after the first two.

"No! Get back!" Link faced the clone and blocked a wild swing.

"Oh! We have some visitors! Guess I'll make them pay as well!" Link became paralyzed somehow and watched as Dark Link hurt and injured his friends and family before him. "They're not nearly as difficult as you to beat. Huh?"

Link got to his feet through sheer will and became calm as ever. His eyes seemed to give off a glow as he stepped forward, ready.

"You don't scare me!" Dark Link charged Link with his sword raised. Easily, Link parried it and cut through Dark Link's chest cloth. He got shield bashed and got flung against the ground. Then, he was kicked hard enough to hit his back against the stone wall. "What?! Where did all this come from?!" Dark Link couldn't get out of the way from Link's attacks and suffered critical damage before dissolving into shadows.

"Bravo, kid." The alicorn absorbed the three visitors and regained his own form. "I would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself." Link only looked on with narrowed eyes and broad shoulders. "I'll tell you now, before you go back to being yourself. I've never seen anyone with as much heart as you. Congratz, you passed your test of bravery. Standing up for your loved ones through any and all pain and odds is a remarkable trait." The glow from Link's eyes faded as he regained consciousness. "Your friends could be in danger, and you won't be able to help them all. After all, you're only one stallion."

"I passed your silly test, now set me free."

"Fine." The wood arch way glowed black as it was forcibly opened. "But remember this: whatever choice you make, two will suffer. Best of luck, kid."

Link wordlessly approached the gate. "Tell me: Would you have let me go even if I lost?"

"... Yes."

Without so much as a second glance, Link exited the realm he was in.


The four of them, their tasks completed, returned to the meadow with the single tree in its center. The alicorn was standing beside Zecora, who was bound with dark chains to the tree itself.

"Welcome back, heroes. As promised, I return Zecora to your care." The chains disappeared, and soon after, Zecora got to her hooves, brushing off the dust from her shoulders.

"Why did you do all this if you're giving her up so easily?" Ruby asked. "Not that I want you to make it harder, mind you."

"I said so already, didn't I? I was bored. You four provided adequate entertainment." The alicorn hovered up and sat on one of the limbs of the tree. "Anything else?" Silence. "Then if you'll all excuse me, I have a new puzzle to put together."

"Wait," Link said, holding out his hoof. "There is one thing..."

"What is it?"

"I know there's a special stone in these woods. I found a blue one where it was really cold. Blue and ice match. Then I was given a red one near the mouth of a mining cave in the mountains. Red and fire. So, it stands to reason there's one in the woods. And it'll be green. Leaves and green match. Tell me I'm wrong."

"You're not wrong. You want a hint? I'll give you one." The alicorn looked at Zecora. "But I'll only tell you her way." He cleared his throat and hovered in the air. "The stone you seek is indeed colored green. A bond newly forged, a path newly seen. With support from Azure, Shamrock does fight. Together, onward, into endless night."

Twilight quickly penned the rhyming puzzle for later study.

"That's all I'll give you... For now..."

"What about our powers?" Ruby asked.

"They'll return when I leave." He touched down and added, "Farewell, everypony. We will meet again..." He vanished into a puff of black smoke. The smoke covered them and transported them through space back to the hut they were in before he moved them away.

Twilight stated, "I believe we were here the whole time. We were just caught in his illusory realm brought on by the hallucinogenic mist."

"Well, we're all safe, and Zecora is here." Ruby put her hoof on Zecora's shoulder. "Are you alright?" Zecora simply nodded. She and the others sat down from their various levels of exhaustion.

"Thank you for coming to save me. I could not do it on my own, see. I was unprepared to face such a foe. Especially one that could just come and go. A stallion like that is a dangerous threat. But you've saved me. I owe you a debt." Zecora stretched herself out, easing herself from the strain the chains put on her.

Don't worry about it, Zecora. You should thank Ruby; she came to get us all the way in Ponyville." Link shrugged. Then, he added, "But, if you really want to make it up to me, I need a favor. Last time I was in these woods, I stumbled into a patch of blue flowers. The next morning, I woke up like this."

"You want to be turned back, is that it?" Link nodded. "This may take some time, but meanwhile... Sit." She kicked over a stool and watched as it slid across the floor. He caught it and sat atop its wooden cover.

Zecora spent half an hour mixing and making a blue colored ball. Upon completion, she gave it over to him. "Thank you," he responded.

"Put it into a tub of water big enough to hold you. Hop in, clothes and all, wait ten and you're back to being you."

"There's a shower with a tub in the tree. I think it's big enough now," Twilight said, looking over her written phrase.

"I'm gonna stay here and help clean up," Ruby said, correcting some rugs.

"We're going back home, then," Twilight said, putting her stuff away. "Got a code to decipher. See you later, Ruby. And thanks again for your help."

They waved goodbye as they departed for home. The way was quiet. Not even a single bird chirped along the way back. When they arrived, Emmy had fixed some tea for them, but they all fell asleep before they could drink it. Twilight hit her slumber zone on the chair. Link and Epona fell over each other on the larger couch. The only one still awake was Navi.

"What happened in the woods?" Emmy asked.

"Lots of strange stuff. There was an alicorn there, and we were put through tests. Each one of us. We all passed, too. Got Zecora freed, and the stallion ran off." Navi looked back at Link, who was asleep so heavily, he didn't move when Epona held him close to her.

"Well, the tea will still be here when they wake up later." Emmy set the tray of teacups on the coffee table and watched them sleep. "Sounds like they had a real tough time with their tests, though..."

"Sorry you couldn't go?"

"Yeah. I want to be with Link as he goes on his adventures. They're always so cool, you know? Of course you know. You're always with him.

"... Now you're jealous..." Emmy shook her head. "No?"

"Nope. Just, surprised is all. Not many decide to venture out into the world at that age. I mean, I did, but that's not the issue."

"That's justified; you were scared and couldn't face Rainbow." The two talked a while as the others slept.


The alicorn stood by his tree with three gates. Each one displayed an image of the ponies he tested earlier. "Epona... Twilight... Ruby... The three of you have important tasks to attend to in the coming hours of night. Quite fortunate that you will be going in separate directions."

Chapter 44: The Great Divide

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Night had fallen. Everypony had descended into the realm of dreams. Everypony except for Emerald. She watched over them in the library. Even Navi had fallen asleep. Emerald watched carefully, even as Epona started to stir. When she came fully to, Emerald greeted, "First to rise. Even if it is nighttime."

Epona looked out of the window and saw the stars in all their majesty. "So it is..." She looked at Emerald. "And you're still awake."

"Tea helps with that for me." She held out a cup of hot tea. "What's left of the Luna Bay." Her eyes are...

"I don't drink tea," Epona replied plainly. There was a certain dullness in her tone. "Thank you for the offer though." She gathered her bags together and started for the door, expertly freeing herself from Link's embrace.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"To see my parents." Epona opened and walked out the door, leaving Emmy confused.

Emerald walked to the open door and whisper-shouted "It's 9:30! Can't you wait until tomorrow?!" Epona didn't even turn around to acknowledge her. "Alright, fine. But Link will hear of this when he wakes up."


Hours passed, and Emmy had grown tired. But the owner of the library had yet to awake. With the tea supply drained of Luna Bay, Emerald was bound for the land of dreams herself. Until finally, Twilight moved. "Twilight?" Emmy asked through half opened eyes.

"Emerald. You're still awake?" Emmy nodded, slowly. "I see. Well, good. I need you to watch the library for just one more day."

"Why's that?" Emmy's eyes open further upon seeing Twilight's eyes match Epona's. Something's definitely wrong.

"I need to go to Canterlot immediately. It's an emergency." She levitated her bags back to her and strapped them on. "Actually, it's so urgent, I need to leave now."

"Now? But the trains aren-"

"I'm going to wait at the station for the first one, or I'll be too late getting there. I've slept enough, Emerald. The library is in good hooves with you in charge. I wouldn't say it if I didn't believe it." Twilight started for the door. "By the way, have you seen my copy of battle spells?"

"Sounds intense..." Silence, and a serious look on Twilight's face. "Third shelf, eighth from the left..."

Twilight moved the book into her bag. "Thank you. I will be back by lunch. Dinner at latest." She left the library.

"Epona... and now Twilight... I'm sure she knows what time it is. Oh!" As before, she walked to the opened door. "Don't forget: this weekend is your tournament!" Twilight didn't reply and vanished into the night. "Link's not gonna be happy. I wonder if it happened to Ruby as well..."


Emmy had finally fallen asleep on Twilight's chair. She was peaceful. Link woke up at long last and stretched. Then, his eyes opened. "Wait... Where's Epona?" He looked around. "Where's her bags? Where's Twilight and her bags?!" Link walked to Emmy and pushed the chair heavily, forcing Emmy to wake up.

"Hey Link!" she shouted in surprise. "What the hay?! Ah'd finally got some sleep, and ya come wakin' me up! The nerve!"

"I guess you're from the south then." Link waited and watched as Emmy covered her mouth. "Epona and Twilight are both gone and so are their bags. What happened?"

Carefully, Emmy lowered her hooves. "Twilight and Epona left last night. The former went to Canterlot on 'urgent business' and Epona went to see her parents."

"Out of nowhere?" Emmy nodded. "Navi." Navi came out of her sleeping place and greeted them with a good morning. "I need you to draw a hot bath for me." He gave her the colored ball from Zecora. "And put this in there too." Navi took the ball and flew off up the stairs.

"What's that for?"

"For turning me back into my most familiar self. Flying's great and all, but... Holding a sword's tough."

"I managed to hold yours."

"And you've been a pony your whole life. I've been one for a couple days. And I cannot wait until this thing wears off." Link sat down and opened his wings. "But be honest, how do I look?"

Emmy walked around him and thought. Then she sat in front of him. "You look like you've been a pony your whole life too."

Link smiled a little. "Thanks. Maybe I'll see about getting this situation recreated when this is over." He started for the stairs. "But for now, I have to be human again." Twelve minutes later, he returned in his human form. "Alright! Ruby probably got hit with this spell as well, and Zecora might know about that. She lives in the woods, and there's a path that leads there. Be careful, it's his domain. My ocarina didn't sound quite right after I called for Epona, so she's somewhere out there. And Twilight's at Canterlot by now."

"I know where Epona is going, and you've helped me get on Ruby's trail. I'll teleport with you to the castle, then head out for the other two on my own. You can count on me."

"Good. Before we go, did you notice anything strange about them?"

"Hmm. Well, their eyes were black, and they were insistent on leaving at nighttime. Epona first, then Twilight."

"Hard to say for sure, but I think our encounter with that alicorn had something to do with this."

"Are you sure?" Emmy asked. "They both seemed pretty cognitive. Not to disbelieve you, but still."

"A testament to his power." He held out his hand. "Come. We're burning daylight." Emmy took it and watched as Navi landed on it. The three of them disappeared. At Canterlot, Link and Navi were dropped off before Emmy disappeared once more.


Far to the southwest was a massive desert. Epona stood at the gate leading into it, having just paid her access fee. With her change in her bag, she set out into the endless sands. Part way in, she found a single wooden post with a mess of colored cloths tied to it, all waving in different directions. Below it was a sign. "Let's see... 'Silver Tear', 'Red Fruit', 'White Fang'."

"Emerald Storm..." Emmy said behind her. "You're a hard mare to track down."

"I didn't want to be found, yet here you are. Offering me more tea are you? Or do you always stalk other ponies like this?"

"Harsh, even for you. And here I came all this way to help. See what it got me." Emmy walked to the sign. "If only Link were here... He has a thing for signs."

"Go home, Emerald. You are neither needed nor wanted." Epona looked at the sign, not really reading it.

"Oh come on. Don't be like that, Epona. We're friends aren't we? I've got your back, 100%." Emmy flashed a smile and leaned on the sign. "So whaddya say?"

"I say..." Her stomach grumbled. "I say stay out of my way. This is something I can do on my own."

"As you wish." She returned to Epona's side. "So, what one are you looking for?"

"I'll know it when I see it..." White Fang, Green Leaf, Gray Fox, Blue Moon, Crimson Sky... Azure Reflection, Amber Sunrise... "Gaaaah!" She headbutted the sign, and a flash of memory came back to her from her time in the alicorn's realm. "That one!" Epona pointed forcefully at the sign where it said Green Leaf.

"And you're sure?" Epona nodded and looked up at the ribboned post.

"Looking for... deep green. Ah, that one. So, it's this way." With her head at its proper angle, Epona walked into the sands, following the green marker as it got more and more active with the growing wind.

At least 2 hours later, after following the markers, the two arrived at a little oasis several miles into the desert. Exhausted, Emmy fell to the ground. "It would have been.. so much less trouble and.. tiring if you... had let me tele... port..."

Epona rolled her eyes and walked on. "You wanted to follow me, so your exhaustion is self-inflicted."

"Wow, no sympathy?" Emmy righted herself and walked quickly to catch up. "You know, I thought traveling with you would be more fun, but you're just as much of a shut-in as when I first met you." Emmy turned and looked at Epona's solid black eyes. She's not herself, clearly...

"And I thought having a travel companion who could hold her own would be a lot less stressful, but here you are." Epona was stopped by a cloaked stallion. "Oh, so it's you. I don't have time for your nonsense."

"N-nonsense? I'm here to welcome you. With your bags, I assumed that you-"

"I'm a long way from home. No, I'm not returning home. And I don't care what kind of bladed weapon you have." Epona started to walk by him. "So good bye."

"Wait, take this with you!" He reached into his cloak, and was attacked by Emmy. Easily, the stallion fell into a lock, scattering his brochures over the ground. "Ooooooowwwwwwww, get offa me ya crazy-"

"Emerald!" Emmy looked up at her friend. "Let the stallion go. It's clear he was telling the truth." Emmy squeezed him one more time, then let him go. "You were honest. Thank you, and I'm sorry for not trusting you." The stallion waved his hoof. "But, I would like some help, if you're willing to give it still."

"Of course!" He picked up his brochures and held one out to her. "Please, take this. On the house."

"Wait," Emmy asked, "you charge for these?"

"Well, no. But saying they're 'on the house' makes visitors more likely to take one." Epona took the offered paper and opened it. "Case in point."

Epona looked through the pages and found the oasis she was in, as well as a list of buildings within. "Where are the restaurants?"

The stallion pointed to a strip of buildings just beyond the water. "That loooooong stretch of rock there. Each one a restaurant."

"Thank you for your time." Epona walked once more, and Emmy followed.

"Sorry for bringing him down like that. He was reaching into his cloak, I thought he had a weapon."

Epona just shook her head.

Inside the first restaurant she guessed, Epona found a table and sat down. Just as before, a mare came over and asked if she wanted anything. "Evenin' ma'am. Take your order?"

"Mighty bananas," she responded quickly. "I hear they grow larger here than anywhere else. Grilled. I'm sure you have a few chefs what know how to fix 'em?" Epona adopted the mare's accent. "Oh, an' I'm not your dear."

"Be right back, de-... ma'am...." The mare walked away surprised.

"Have you been here before?" Emmy asked. "Because you seem to know a lot about this place."

"I've only been once. In a dream. But everything is so very similar, it's scary how accurate it is. Let's see..." She looked around the restaurant as before. However, she was met with a very different sight. Adults rolling dice made of clay, children playing cards with each other, a couple who were lost in each other's eyes, and a few other patrons. Epona looked closer at the couple. "They look familiar... Wait!" She turned around to the booth behind her and saw...


"What was that about?"

"Nothing... Just... I could swear I heard a voice behind me. It... He said, 'They should look familiar. Sure their manes grew, but their faces are the same.' Then..."

The waitress mare from before approached with a plate of grilled bananas over leaves. "Straight from the trees just yonder. Eat up~"

"Oh, um..."

Emmy fished out a few bits and placed them on the counter. "Go ahead and keep one, sweetie." Emmy winked.

"Thanks, dear," she replied, pocketing the bits.

As the mare walked away, Epona looked at Emmy. "Do you have to flirt with everypony?"

"Nope. Just the mares. I'll tell you why later. Eat up, so we can go say hi." She watched and joined in the meal.

Once finished, Epona stood up and sighed, showing her flank to Emmy. "Alright. How do I look?"

"Every bit as-"

"Please, just be honest."

"... You look great."

Epona sighed again and walked over to the couple's table. "Hello? Mom and dad?"

The couple turned to look at her and tilted their heads. "I'm sorry," said the stallion. "You are..."

"It's me... It's Epona... Your daughter, remember me?"

After a long look, he leaned back. "Sugar plum?"

Emmy hopped in. "She actually doesn't like names like that."

"They are the only exceptions, Emerald." She sat opposite them at the table. "It's so great to see you after all this time."

"Our dearest darling Epona has always loved those names, right sugar lump?" the father asked.

Epona nodded her head with a smile. "Only they can call me that. It's a rule I enforced when they left the village. I'm so glad I found you!"

Her mother replied, "We've been here since that last letter we sent you. We'd have sent you more, but... postal service in the desert is..."

"...Rather difficult..." the father finished.

"I came to tell you both that I finally got my cutie mark!" She stood up and showed off...

Her blank flank.

"I don't see anything, honey clove. Are you alright?" the mother asked.


"Well, what will you do now?" the alicorn asked. He was standing in front of the illusion mirror opened up to Epona's situation. "Your flank is blank, and nopony believes you that it isn't." He put his hoof on the surface. "But, as much fun as it would be to see you argue with them, I'd rather see you in panic mode."


"I didn't see anything earlier either, Epona," Emmy added.

Epona looked at her flank. "But it's right-" Just like that, the image on her flank, that only she could see, vanished and her eyes returned to their original color. She shook her head a couple times and blinked, thinking it would come back. "But... where am..." Carefully, Epona turned. "Mom? Dad?" Panic setting in, Epona started breathing heavily.

"Alright, well!" Emmy said, standing up. "We paid for our food, met you lovely folks, but I'm gonna get her out of here before she faints. It was nice to meet the parents, and I hope to see you again someday." Emmy reached out and grabbed Epona's hoof, disappearing into thin air.

Back at the library, Emmy appeared with Epona. The former helped the latter find a seat on the couch. Epona was still in shock.

"Deep breaths, Epona. Deep breaths..."

"They were right there..." Epona said, getting her breathing under control. "I can't believe it..."

"It's alright..." Emmy comforted, rubbing Epona's shoulders.

"They're alive... Good." Epona looked at her barren flank. "Still plain..." She hit the cushion. "Curse that stallion!"

"Stallion?" Emerald asked. Then, she hit one hoof with the other. "Oh, you mean that alicorn Link talked about. He thinks you were under some sort of illusion spell or something. He's off chasing Twilight right now. Not sure if I told you that..."

"I don't think so... I don't remember anything from..." Epona tried to remember last night, but only remembered falling asleep. "Anything from... after the time I fell asleep..."

"Oh, I get it. Your mind wasn't in your control, so the memories aren't for you to remember." Emerald smiled. "This is good news! I can pass this on to Link when I get the chance. But for now, you get some rest. I need to go out and rescue your other party member Ruby. Link believes she was hit with it too."

"She probably was. We all went through the portals he made. But, in case I don't have control again... Keep an eye on Link and Navi. They passed through same as me. He might control them, too."

Emmy smiled and hit her chest fluff. "You have my word. I'll see you later... Oh, by the way... do you like tea?"

"That's an... odd question. No, I don't. Why?"

"Just curious. Well, I'm off." Just like that, she disappeared.

Under her breath, Epona said, "Be careful out there..."


At Canterlot, Link and Navi appeared with Emmy's help, before she disappeared once more. Quickly, he ran toward the castle walls. Inside, he was met with a guard that nearly begged for his help. "Calm down! What happened here?"

"It's Twilight! She's on a war path to the throne room!"

"And you didn't stop her?"

"I didn't know what to do! She's the protege of the princess, and a force besides. One of me isn't gonna be enough to subdue her."

Link paused, then answered, "So she's going to the throne room. If nopony got in her way, it'd be easy to get there. Don't suppose she said why?"

"No, sir. She didn't. But her eyes were unnaturally black. Like she was possessed or something." He watched as Link walked calmly toward the throne room. "Where are you going?"

"To assess the situation myself. And if necessary, restrain the intruder." Link continued his path.

Out of earshot, Link sighed. Navi asked, "'Restrain the intruder'? She's your sister!"

"I know that. Honesty, I had to tell him something to let me go. Odds are Saber's by their side. And with her talent, she put me to shame. I doubt Twilight could be effective against her, so I'm not worried in the slightest."

"Shouldn't you be, though? It's Twilight. And she's been training to take on the tournament."

"So she'll be drained and be that much easier to restrain. I seriously doubt Princess Celestia will allow Saber to actually hurt Twilight."

The two got to the doors and saw they were cracked open a little. "Gentlecolts," Link said. "Twilight must be inside, yes?" They both nodded. "Good. Keep up the good work." He sneaked inside and left the doors open. Quietly, he hid behind the pillars all the way to the thrones. The princesses were focused on Twilight, and didn't see him at all.

"Twilight Sparkle?" Princess Celestia asked. "Had I been made to know of your arrival, I'd have set aside some free time."

"Let me guess. Mentally mapping your timetable for tomorrow?"

"Well.. Yes, actually. How did you know that?"

Twilight turned to Princess Luna's side guard and saw she was exactly the same as the attacker in her test. Then to Princess Celestia's side guard and saw she was identical to the killer's first victim. "Polaris, and Steel Saber, right?" She looked up at Celestia. "Why are Uniques here instead of Uniforms?"

"Have caution, Sister. She may have caught on to our-" Luna stopped mid-sentence to see Twilight grab Saber in her magic and throw her against the wall on the side, between a pair of windows. "Twilight Sparkle!!"

"I've got this, Princesses. Easily, she took both swords from Saber's hips and let them clang to the floor as she approached. "How many of you invasive rats are there?!"

"I don't know what you're on about!!" Saber shouted, struggling against her grip.

Twilight tightened her grip, nearly indenting the armor. "Don't lie to me!"

Saber glanced at Celestia, who gave a frightened look back to her. Slowly, she nodded her head. Looking at Twilight, Saber lifted her sword from the ground and flung it at Twilight, who deflected it to the side, breaking her hold of Saber. She fell to the ground and rolled forward, collecting the nearest fallen blade. Twilight picked up the first one and went in. What is this mare's malfunction?!

"She's an assassin!" Twilight shouted between clangs. "Here for the crown!"

"I am not!" Saber argued, defending herself for all she's worth. "I put myself through Tartarus to be here! I earned my post!"

"She's right!" Polaris shouted. "We both did!"

"More lies!" Twilight fought on with no reasoning to slow her down.

Saber could see the blackness of her eyes, and offered a solution. "Permission to restrain?!"

"Granted! Stop her now!" Luna shouted.

Easily and quickly, Saber switched gears and went on the attack, with one swing, she knocked Twilight's sword into the air and into the ceiling. Stunned, Saber took full advantage and swept Twilight's legs from under her. As she hit the ground, Saber dropped her sword, got on top of her and pushed her horn to the floor with her hoof. "Princess! Little help please?!"

Celestia got up. "Don't!" Twilight yelled. "It's a trap!" All the same, Celestia approached and saw Twilight's eyes.

"Oh," was all she could say.

"Yeah. Dark magic has clouded her eyes into believing what isn't real." Against Twilight's struggle, Saber did manage to hold her down.

"Princess! Get back! She'll kill you all! I've seen it!" Twilight cried.

Celestia's horn lit up, then she bent over and met her tip with Twilight's.


"Very interesting. You're trying to free her from my control. However, it won't work. She's too precious a piece on my board to relinquish control this early in the game." The alicorn tapped his chin. "But, I suppose I can take a backseat to her strategy for now."


Twilight's eyes returned to their natural color as she regained control. Immediately snapping out of it, she asked, "Why are you on top of me?"

Saber slowly got off of her and helped her to her hooves. "Good to see you back, Twilight."

"How'd I get here?"

"You trained it here," Link answered, making his presence known.

"You were there the whole time, and you didn't help me?!" Saber asked loudly.

"It was either fight against you, or fight against Twilight. And if you ask me, neither of those options would have ended well."

Twilight rubbed her head. "Well, I've got a head ache. What happened?"

"You and Saber duked it out. And, you lost," Polaris answered.

Shocked, Twilight faced Saber and lowered her head. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know what I was doing! Please forgive me!"

Saber just looked at her, then to the princesses. Celestia nodded slowly. "A-alright. Forgiven?"

Twilight sighed in relief. "Thank you." She watched as Saber put one of her swords away. "Hey, where's your other one? I see two sheathes but only one sword..."

Link pointed at the ceiling. "It's waaay up there."

"Huh?" Saber looked and squinted upward. "Aw come on! I just had it sharpened!" She pulled on the handle with her magic and freed it, sheathing it as soon as it got down. "Well, I know what my next request is for..."

Twilight looked at Saber, then Polaris. "Hey, uhh... If you don't mind my asking... Why do you have Uniques protecting you?" The others looked at her in surprise. "... What? I'm curious."

"We pulled these two from their barracks to handle the encroaching threat: you." Princess Luna interjected.

It would have been easier to say they were your bodyguards, Link thought. "Hey, do you know about any alicorn who might live in the Everfree Forest?"

"No... Why?" Celestia answered, a bit hesitantly.

"Because he's the reason Twilight was made to come out here. He got into her mind, working theory, as well as Ruby's and Epona's. They all went separate ways last night through this morning. I seem to be the only one who has yet to be affected."

"Hmm..." Luna started. "Does this alicorn have a name?"

"I'm sure he does, but he hasn't told us it yet. He did give us a riddle though." Link looked at Twilight, who already had it ready when he said riddle. "If you would."

"'The stone you seek is indeed colored green. A bond newly forged, a path newly seen. With support from Azure, Shamrock does fight. Together, onward, into endless night.' That's all."

Link stepped forward and knelt. Then put his other knee beside the first and pressed his forehead against the floor. "Princess. I beg of you. Bring Sapphire Prism here. She is who the riddle talks about. If I'm Shamrock, my green color, then she would be Azure, the pigment of her armor. The stone in the riddle is green, same as the one I'm missing. He has the stone, and he won't give it to me unless I abide by his every rule. Please..."

Celestia looked at her sister, then Polaris. "Granted. However, it will take some time to write the request, then send it, then teleport her here. And a suitable replacement needs to be found. In short, this will take time. Please, return to your room and await her arrival." Link got up and walked out with Twilight.

Nearly an hour later, they got a knock on their door. Just outside was the Second Commander. "Link. So good to see you again."

"You're actually here?" he responded. "I didn't think it'd be so quickly filled."

"The princesses are miracle workers. They can make anything happen. Even drag me here from the frozen north." She walked in and closed the door. "So, how have you been?"

"I'll get straight to the point, if you don't mind," Link stated. "There's an enemy in the woods, and he has one of three stones I need. With your one, and the one I got after, I can open a door to get a sword, and complete my main objective. We leave as soon as you are ready."

"Calm down, Link," Twilight advised. "You're rushing this. I know this is important, but we need to go at this with an unhastened mind."

"I know that. But I'm so close."

"And that's fine," Prism said. "I am ready now."

"Where's your sword?" Link asked, looking at her carefully.

"I don't carry one. You know that." Prism returned the look. "Is that all? Can we be going now?"

Twilight sighed and fired up her teleport spell. "Alright. Ponyville, here we come."


"Link said Zecora lives in the woods..." Emerald said, just at the edge of the forest. "And that there's a path leading to her house..." She looked all up and down the tree line. "But there aren't any openings..." Then, she extended her gaze upward. "I really don't want to fly over it... but... what choice do I have right now?" Emmy opened her wings as soon as she heard rustling from beyond the tree line. "Hm?" Peering inside carefully, she saw a pair of eyes. "Hello?"

"Hello," the voice replied.

"Hmm... Are you that strange black alicorn that warped everypony's minds?"

"No, of course not. Who would do such a thing?" the voice answered. "Looking for your friends, are you?"

"Well, sort of... Why?" Emmy cautioned. Link warned me about this stallion. And I know he likes to play tricks. If I give him so much as an inch, he'll take the entire mile.

"Do you really want to know?" No reply from Emmy; she stood near motionless gazing into the woods. "I'm here to be your guide through the woods. I know my way around the trees better than anypony. I'll prove it." Just as the voice spoke, the brambles and trees shifted out of the way to reveal a clear dirt path into the forest. "Come. Surely two are better than one when looking for somepony."

Emmy looked down the path and saw the eyes had gone. "Well, while I trust in your guiding ability, the fact remains we're strangers, and mama always told me never to talk to strangers." Silence from the woods. If I can get a name, I can finally be of actual help...

"You were raised well. But let me lay it out for you. You need entry into the woods, and I can make it happen. It's either that, or risk being dragged in for trying to fly over. So you have a choice to make: believe that I'm trying to really help you here and accept what I'm offering, or don't, and attempt the journey alone, where nopony would hear your screams as the woods warp your mind, bend you to their will, corrupt your soul, turn your mortal husk into a puppet of their design and use your empty vessel to lure in your friends and family to repeat the process!!" Emmy started to retreat a little, until a soothing voice overcame the growl of the one before. "But, don't worry. I wouldn't let that happen, even if you were to go it alone. I'm the good guy here. My only request, should you accept or refuse my help, is this: don't get lost in the Everfree."

Emerald stood in absolute silence as the voice repeated the last line until it tapered out. The entrance to the path started closing as a faint "tick tock" sound started in the woods. Help or not, this guy's scarier than having a dream about a zeppelin crashing into you. But if I don't, I could get lost way easier... "Alright, alright!! You win!" She ran into the open path just before it closed her in.

"Good choice, Emerald." A pony appeared from the darkness of the woods, almost like it came up from the ground. It had a black cloak on, and a horn coming out of its head. The forest brightened a little, and revealed the pony was a stallion. "Welcome to my woods, Emerald."

"You said you weren't the illusiony pony!" Emmy accused.

"And you believed that illusion, which makes you being in here your fault. Now, before we mince words further, don't you have a friend to speak with about another friend?"

Emmy's jaw hung open, but nodded all the same. She followed him down the path, which was revealed as he walked. "So... What do I call you?"

"You mean a name?" Emmy nodded. "Hmm..." He looked to the canopy. "It's strange. I can't quite remember what it was. It's been so long, nopony's called me anything. But I guess if you were to start calling me something, you could start with Lord, or King. I'd even take Master at this point."

"Ha ha, very funny..." Emerald tried to make light of the situation. "Wait, you're serious?"

"Incredibly. Everypony stays out of the woods, except Zecora and Ruby, so I don't get many visitors. I get a lot of Timberwolves, and Zus, and Ursa, and Scorpios, and the like, but no ponies. They all know better than to come into the dark woods of Everfree without a guiding light." He warped a huge tree out of the path. "So yes, Master is preferred."

"Master, huh? You know, Masters have students. Would that make me your student?" Emmy asked, trying to figure out his personality.

"Hmm... That depends... What's your schedule like?" He suddenly chuckled and moved a boulder from the path. "I joke. I don't take on students who have no medium with which to learn." He turned his head and pointed at his horn. "That's not to say you are without talent. Having looked through the memories of the four of them, I've seen that you can teleport with great ease."

"You can look into people's memories?"

"Of course I can. Be sure and remember that part. It'll be on the test." He cleared out a large fallen tree. "But that's not all. I can also make anypony believe anything I want them to believe. For instance: you see me, and hear me, but am I really here?" Emmy looked confused. "I am, but that's not the point. You think I'm here, because you see and hear me. What if I told you I was able to convince your mind that it hears and sees me? It hears a voice that has to belong to somepony, and there's a shadowy figure you've put together in your mind. Your creativity would give rise to a fake pony, and you'd believe it to be real."

"Is that how it works?"

"Sure does. Like this path here. I'm making the woods believe that there's been a path here this whole time, by parting the brambles. There's gotta be a reason, so the logical step is to make one up. Therefore, if the woods are parting, there's gotta be a path, so the woods make the path for me, and all I'm doing is... moving the brambles. Of course, it goes deeper than that, and I don't have the time to explain it all. Besides..." The path opened to Zecora's hut. "We're here. Don't worry, I'll stay outside. I have a feeling I'm unwelcome into her adobe abode."

Emmy walked on and knocked on the door. He's certainly got a way with words... But he hasn't even cast a single spell. "Hello? Is there a 'Zecora' here?" Without an answer, Emmy walked in and overheard the zebra's thought process.

"No no! That's all wrong! Her mind is not her own. Perhaps instead of saving Ruby, I have to use a potion for stone..."

"Uh-uh!" Emmy narrowed her eyebrows. "Don't you even think of petrifying her! She's a blood and bone pony for Celestia's sake!"

Zecora turned her head and saw her visitor. "Ah, company. A welcome sight. As you can see, I am not all right. Ruby tried to leave yesterday, and I tried to make her stay. She got angry at me, which is most strange. Since then, I've been trying to make potions to help her change."

"Potions won't help her now..." Emmy admitted, lowering her head. "Her mind's not hers, you're right about that. The alicorn from that rescue team got to all of them somehow. Made them all see, think, and believe things that aren't really there. Rewiring the magically altered mind with a potion just isn't possible. You want your friend back just as much as I do, trust me on that. And I will find her, and help her see reality. But first: I need to know where she went..."

Zecora hesitated, and set one bottle down beside another. "Before she left me here last night, I knew something wasn't quite right. She told me about where she was raised, and how, while there, she was never praised. Then she turned around and her eyes turned black and demanded that she needed to go back! Her village lies in the northeast, just beyond the mountain range. And do be careful... for within her, I feel something strange..."

"Don't you worry at all, Zecora. You can count on me. Thank you for your help, by the way. It means a lot." Emmy walked out of the house and looked to her side. "Any chance you can take me northeast?"

The hooded figure appeared with a smile. "Oh, so you're asking for my help now?"

"Well, you are the master. Isn't it your duty to help those below you?" Wait, what?

"Hmm... It is, huh? Very well. I will help you find your way through the woods." He started walking, then turned around. "Despite what you were made to believe, I'm not as bad as your friends made me out to be."

"Then why would you-"

He turned his whole body and started walking around Emmy. "I'm not the bad guy. I'm trying to help. I am a master, and that's what I do, right? You trust me completely, and would defend my innocence with your very being." He stopped in front of her and turned down the clear path. "Prove it to yourself."

Emmy walked at his side. "So... Are you going to lead me the whole way?"

"I mean, I can. I have nothing better to do. I do have plans later, but... That's not for a long while yet. Actually, I wanna show you something." He opened up a black circle in the pathway. "This will take you straight out of the woods as close as I can get you to where you're going."

"Wait, seriously? You can do that?" Emmy smiled and walked up to the swirling black misty portal. "That's cool!"

"Go on. Step through. You'll save a ton of time, which I hear you don't have much of."

"You're absolutely right. Thanks for your help, Master. I hope we meet again~" She trotted through the mist and vanished along with it.

Out the other side, she found herself beside outside the forest. Way to the north, in fact. She found the edge of the trees met the base of the mountain perfectly. Just beyond, she saw a dirt road that led to a bunch of houses in the distance.

"That's gotta be it." Emmy flew up and toward the village, seeing a red moving object just near the gates. Immediately, she vanished and appeared several feet behind Ruby. "You, are a hard mare to track down, you know that?"

"Maybe I didn't want to be followed."

I need to work on different lines... "Shouldn't have told Zecora your destination then."

"Didn't think it mattered. She stays in the woods. Besides, I doubt she wanted to make this trip with me. She wanted to stop me, can you believe that?"

"I can. And I won't bother trying to. I'm actually here on Link's behalf. See, you and Epona and Twilight all got hit with some illusion spell." Emmy paused. "Although, I can't help but think he had some good reason to do it."

"Spell, huh? I find that hard to believe. He's an evil stallion, and his words are poison." Ruby opened the gate to her old village.

"And yet here you are, believing in his 'poisonous' words." Emerald walked beside her and looked around. "So, tell me about this place."

"It's where I grew up... If you want to call it that. It was more of a prison than anything. The best day of my life so far was when they threw me out." Ruby waked up to the midtown fountain. "This is where it all started for me..."

Emmy looked at the functioning fountain. "Right here? What happened?"

"My first fight... Some schoolkids wanted a piece of me. And they took all they could get. I was so angry at myself for not having the strength to defend myself. It was over something so stupid, that I can't even remember what it was." Ruby put a hoof on the side of the fountain. "When they were walking away, I found that strength in anger and in hate. It erupted as a burning fire and I used it to fight back. They got out of the way of course, but boy were they terrified. I was too, obviously. I had a power that nopony else had."

"Once a hot-head always one, huh?" Emmy smiled and looked at the water. "Wait, that didn't come out right."

"No no, say it again.." Ruby looked closely at Emmy with a slightly tilted head. "Go ahead."

"Uhh.... I'm not sure I should..."

"You called me a hot-head didn't you..." Ruby asked. Emmy slowly nodded her head, and opened her mouth to defend herself. "That's what I thought you said." Slowly, Ruby smiled and looked at the water as well. "After all that, I started getting less threats from the kids, and more from the adults. Eventually they came to fear my 'lack of control' and tossed me out into the world. Been working for Princess Celestia since."

"I like that backstory. Mine's nowhere near as good." Emerald looked around at the houses. "Say... Where is everypony, anyway? It's not a holiday, is it?"

"No. They're just avoiding me..." With Emmy, Ruby walked up to one of the doors and knocked. "Hello? Anypony? I've come back home!"

No answer. Emmy looked through the window and saw movement. Hmm. Somepony's definitely in there... What bothers me more is that Ruby should have blown up at me for calling her that... but she took it so lightly... "I'm gonna be right back real quick." Emmy disappeared.

Inside the house, there was some screaming, then some shouting, and some crashing before quiet. Ruby felt a little nervous. Then she heard some normal talking, before the door unlocked and opened. "W-welcome h-h-home... Ruby..." the stallion stepped to the side. "W-won't you come in?"

"Is he always like this?" Emmy asked, joining her friend outside.

"Yes, actually. The chief of the village has a stutter. Always has." Ruby felt a tap on her back. When she turned around, she felt a strong hoof strike her face. She fell to the ground bleeding.

"What the-!" Emmy's eyes lit up as she got extremely defensive. "Who do you think you are!?!"

"This is no home of yours, firestarter! I told you if you ever returned, it would be your last day alive." The stallion was bigger than most of the other ponies who had come to watch.

"He was right..." Ruby said, getting to her hooves. "If even you are this nice to me, then the others shouldn't be much different than you, right?" She spat out blood and smiled through it. "Glad to be accepted finally."

Oh my Celestia, she's a masochist... "Look, Ruby... You guys have some twisted welcomes and goodbyes, but don't you find it strange that he didn't hold back? I wanna tear him to shreds for laying a hoof on you."

"What can you do, huh little birdie?" the stallion asked. "You're just a mare. You think you can dent me?"

Emmy twinged hatred at the stallion. "And you're a sexist and a racist. Why did we come back here again?"

"Because this is where I belong." Ruby looked at the villagers. "Hello everypony."

Everypony started throwing things at her, causing minor damage, until they got into throwing rocks. "This is getting out of hoof..." Emmy said. She put a hoof on Ruby and vanished, reappearing beside the fountain. "You all are sick and disturbed if this is the kind of welcome you give a family member!"

The entire village turned to look at the pair of them in almost horror. "Oh no! Not another one!" "Why are you demons haunting us?!" "You're no better than she is!" the villagers cried, readying more ammo.


"Well, look at that. She defends her friend, despite the odds. Glad she's on my side... But the firestarter... She's of more use to me alive. And I didn't even predict that punch." His horn lit up and eased his hold over Ruby. "That should give you your sanity back. Stay alive, Ruby. I have more work for you, yet."


With Emmy blocking most of the thrown things, she almost didn't notice Ruby's eyes return to their normal color. "What... where am I?" She saw Emerald deflect all the projectiles with quick movements. "Emerald?"

"You awake now?" Emmy asked, glancing back. At the wrong time. A rock came and hit her beside her eye.

"Nailed it!" the stallion triumphed.

Ruby watched Emerald fall into the water, almost in slow-motion. The former looked stunned as the latter adopted a borderline unconscious expression. Then, Ruby turned back to the villagers and revved up the heat around her. "What. Are. You. Doing." With one flex of her power, she put out an intense wave of fire energy, forcing everypony to back up. Ruby stepped off the fountain and walked toward them. "I'm back in my village, yeah. I have full control over my power, and right now, I want nothing more than to burn your village to the ground!!" With a second flex, she created a pillar of flame that shot into the sky at blazing speed. Ruby added a yell to her efforts.

Emmy had woken up and crawled out of the fountain. She was dried completely before she even got close to Ruby. Well, she's back to herself again... "Ruby!!" she shouted. Using as much effort as she could, she weathered the flames and got close enough to touch her hind leg.

Ruby looked down at Emerald and started calming down. "But you... !!" She saw Emmy's fur start to burn away and cooled off quickly. "Emerald!"

Emmy grabbed Ruby's hindleg and whispered, "I'm alright..." With that, the two disappeared.

They reappeared in the library, and Epona reeled back from the excess heat that followed. "Hey!" she shouted.

"Sorry, Epona... Things happened... Is there a first aid here?" Epona got up and ran to the bathroom, returning with a kit. "Thanks. I threw the biggest tantrum ever, and she burned herself, trying to calm me down..."

"I'll ask questions later. For now though..." She got to work wrapping Emmy's hooves in cloth after applying burn cream to the skin under the fur. "You need to start flying places now, no hooves for at least two hours. Glad it wasn't serious, but still..."

"I'm sorry, Emerald. I really am... But seeing you fall like that..." She saw Epona notice the wound on Emmy's head and get to patching it up. "You're pretty good at this whole... medical stuff..."

"Thanks. I traveled a lot, so I had to learn. But, this is just a patch until Twilight comes back. She's got healy power." She looked up at Ruby. "So, what did he make you do?"

"He made me go home. Back to my village, where this happened. I got there, and apparently they still hate me, like I knew they would. But... Before I knew where I was... I don't remember anything. I do know this: if I ever see him again, he'll end up in worse condition than Emerald, here."

"I keep telling you, he's not a bad guy. He actually helped me get to you." Emmy sat up and looked at her. "So please stop hating him so much."

Two ponies... with different views of the illusioner... I wonder if he's still inside their heads somehow... "Girls, let's just... Let's wait for Twilight to come back. Who wants tea?"

"We ran out this morning..." Emmy said. "But, I wouldn't mind hitting up the store... At least... Twilight did ask me to keep an eye on the place while she was gone, and sane or not, it was an order."

Ruby stood up. "I guess I'll field this one then." She headed for the door.


Link, Navi, Twilight and Prism appeared in town square as the result of Twilight's teleport spell. "I admit, that's getting way easier."

"Glad to hear it, Twilight." Link started walking toward the library. "I miss being human."

"What do you mean? When weren't you a human?" Prism asked.

"Oh, right. You didn't hear about that. I stumbled into a patch of flowers in the woods and they turned me into a pegasus." He held up his hand. "Oh, and Twilight. You fought Saber, right?"

"Twice, actually. Once in the path the stallion had us go into, and once in the throne room. I lost both times, too."

"That scar you saw on her face, just under her eye. That was me." Link said proudly. "I... don't remember that... But I know it was me, 'cause she told me."

"Impressive. You never cease to amaze me," Prism commended.

"Speaking of which... I have a fire power now."

"Courtesy of Ruby?"

"Nope. She tried and failed. But, I learned it all the same." He walked ahead and turned around, walking backward. "Who'd they replace you with at the northern outpost?"

"Northern tundra outpost. And they found a stallion with similar abilities to my own. I'm sure the both of you know him as Captain Shining Armor." The two were surprised to hear the name of their big brother.

Link walked forward normally. "I see. Well, he is well versed in barrier spells, like you are."

"And, an officer is his replacement at the training facility so he can be my replacement in the outpost so I can be here for you. Anything else?"

The other two were quiet as they approached the door. Inside, they heard talking. "I guess I'll field this one then." There was walking sounds, then the door opened outward.

"Surprise!" Link shouted, causing Ruby to fall backward. "Ha ha ha!"

"Link... Why am I not surprised."

Emmy hovered over. "You looked pretty surprised to me. Welcome home."

Twilight looked at her bandaged foreleg and head wrap. "What happened to you?" Emmy merely pointed to Ruby, who hung her head. "Fighting again?"

"Well... Not in the way you think. And it's kinda her fault, but she didn't mean it, so we're good. If you could heal me though, that'd be pretty hot of you."

Ruby turned her head away from the joke. "Glad you're back. Who's the armor-clad warrior?" Epona asked.

"Second Commander Sapphire Prism. Here on mission to assist Link in whatever way he requires," she replied.

"Heh, don't do anything I wouldn't do. Ow!" Twilight poked the burn mark which developed from when it was wrapped. "I'm sorry, yeesh."

"Sit still and it won't hurt as much..." Twilight forced her to sit on the chair. "Now, continue."

Link walked to the couch and sat as well, beside Epona. "Well, I need to bring her with me into the woods. The riddle we obtained specified that 'Shamrock' fights while 'Azure' supports. Azure referring to the pigment of her armor, and green to my holding of the Triforce of Courage. He has the stone we need, and we have to head out at nighttime."

"I'm Emerald Storm, by the way. Thanks for asking."

"Ruby Inferno."

"Twilight Sparkle."

"Navi," the fairy introduced, flying out from under his hat.

"Epona." She raised her hoof.

"You already know me," Link said. "Now, we can get started."

"Started on what, exactly?" Prism asked.

"You gave me something in the northern tundra outpost. Well, there was another like it in the mountains, and this stallion, the one who got to all of us, has the third I need. I need all three to open a door to get a sword, so I can finally complete the mission I was given when Princess Luna returned to power."

"Wow..." Prism said. "That's a lot to process when you say it in one breath."

Chapter 45: The Riddle's Meaning

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All seven of the library's occupants sat in various furnishings around the room, with Navi choosing to sit on Link's shoulder as she does. "Let's go over the riddle he gave us and make sure we have this right. I only want to do this once," Link said.

Twilight nodded and retrieved her riddle. Opened in front of her, she cautioned, "I'll break it into pieces so it'll be open for discussion if we need it. 'The stone you seek is indeed colored green-'"

"That one's obvious enough," Ruby said. "You got blue from the ice cavern, sort of."

"And you got the red guy from the big boss guy in the mountains," Emmy added, putting a hoof on her head over the wrap.

"So it stands to reason your third should be green from a place of equal color, correct?" Prism asked. The others nodded.

"'A bond newly forged, a path newly seen-'" Twilight stopped.

"Also easy. That would be me," Prism said. "Link ventured into the north with Ruby, then into the mountain with Emerald. Now, you walk into the woods with me."

"Again, easy. 'With support from Azure-'" Twilight pointed at Prism. "'Shamrock'" then at Link, "'does fight. Together, onward, into endless night.' What's that one about?"

Link thought a moment, then retrieved his ocarina. "I think he meant this. In my travels to the mountain village, I came across a graveyard. Within which, was a burial site for a pair of noble musicians. In their crypt, I found two songs; one raises the sun or keeps it there, while the other makes it night or makes night last."

"That's... not okay..." Twilight said. "It didn't work out well for Nightmare Moon."

"That's because she had no intention of sharing the sky. I'll make the sun return soon as I'm done. Time picks up where it left off, so tonight's gonna last longer than usual."

Emmy looked at the wall clock with her good eye. "Does that mean all the clocks change too? Or do we have to fix them?"

"Not sure. I'd ask you to keep an eye on it, but you only have one to spare," Link responded.

She chuckled. "Hey, if it scars, I'll have a story." Emerald looked over at Ruby. "We'll both have stories."

When Link put away the ocarina, Prism chuckled as well. "I'll never tire of seeing that."

"That pocket thing?" Twilight asked. "That was me. I made them. The spell, not the pockets themselves..."

"Did you now?" Prism raised an eyebrow. "Impressive work. You are talent among your kind."

"You say that, but... Well, thank you. I went to the tryouts for the Spellcaster's Tournament. I know I passed them all, but... there are those far better than I am, there."

"And I'm sure you will make them sweat, if not rue the day they thought they could challenge your might."


Several hours passed. Night fell over Ponyville, bringing the stars out to play. Link stood in the lawn of the library with the ocarina up to his lips. As he played the familiar requiem, the black mist surrounded him once more, decorated with shining stars and blue hues. Upon completion, the mist drifted away on the light breeze.

"And that is how I make it eternal night. But don't worry, I just have to play the Sun's Song to make time flow again."

"Try not to do it so often; the world needs its light, you know," Twilight warned.

"I could swear I told you not to tell anypony about this trick of yours," Navi interrupted.

"You did, I remember that. But, extenuating circumstances." He looked at Prism. "Besides, if I don't play by his stupid rules, I'll never get the stone I need."

"Just how important are these stones?" Prism asked.

"You're asking a lot of questions, Commander," Link accused.

Prism stomped her hoof and raised her voice. "Second Commander Sapphire Prism. I may be helping you on your mission, boy, but don't think for a moment that that makes you my equal. Are we clear?!"

Link paused, and contemplated his response. "Yes, ma'am."

"That's more like it. Now, about the stones."

Everypony was quiet, unsure of how to respond to Link being bossed around like that. "With permission, I'll tell you on the way. I may have placed my trust in those here, but the rest of Ponyville is another story."

"Then off we go."

Prism led the way while Link shrugged and followed, stopped short by Epona's tugging on his sleeve. "I don't like this... Be careful."

"Of course. Besides..." He leaned close and whispered, "She's not who she says she is." He had said it just loud enough for the others to hear him.

They all looked between each other. "What do you mean by that?"

"Ask Ruby. She knows. Or, can help you out at least." Link turned and walked to catch up to Prism.

Then, they all looked at Ruby, who shrugged.


Along the way, Link talked about his grand mission assigned by Princess Celestia, about the need for the three stones, and about the alicorn they're sure to meet. Prism and Link found the forest edge and wandered inside, their wits about them. Easily, they made it to the meadow where the single tree stood with the alicorn sitting on a branch playing some woodwind instrument. When they stopped at the base of the tree, the alicorn stopped playing. "I assume by your presence that you've come to answer my riddle?"

"That's right," Link said, pointing up at him. "You know about my mission to gather the last stone I need of three. Second Commander Sapphire Prism is the newly formed bond, so there's a path to be newly opened, I can only assume from here. She's here to provide support when I need it, while I'm the one doing all the heavy lifting. And I've already made it eternal night. Now, pony up!" He held out his hand flat.

"What?" the alicorn asked with a light chuckle. "Wait," then, he hovered down and set his woodwind aside, "you actually think I have it? At no point in my riddle did I say the stone was in my possession. I just told you that I know about it. And that I know it's green. Now, how would I know that, without having it myself, hmm?"

Link thought some more. "You know where it is."

"Ding ding! Give the man a prize!" He waited. "No really, you get a prize."

"Yeah? What kind of prize?"

"Another riddle! 'Deep within my woods doth dwell, a village hidden by a spell. Follow the music and don't get lost, or with your souls, you'll pay the cost.' Kind of dark if you ask me, but hey. That's who I am."

"If I were to guess, the third puzzle will be given when I reach the village?" The stallion nodded. "Good. So, about this new path..."

"Hold on there, hero. Yeah, you made a new bond, but do you know with whom the bond was made?"

"I have an idea, yeah." He looked at Prism. "This mare right here. I have a feeling she's not being honest with me, but that doesn't matter. She's here like you asked."

"Right... Well, I guess that counts." He pointed to the edge of the meadow. "Go through there and remember, don't get lost in the woods." The stallion shimmered out of sight.

Prism shook her head. "He gives me the creeps."

"I told you about him, didn't I?" Link walked toward the entrance. "I wonder how he thinks I'll get lost. He basically told me how to find the place. Just follow the music."

"Easier said than done. He did not say what kind of music, or even how loud it would be."

"However... It's not like him to give us a question without first giving us the answer." Link moved a branch from his path. "I can't say I trust him, but he is the only chance I have at getting what I need."

"And if he's playing you?"

"Then he's playing me. I'll get the sword I'm after and get the answers from him directly."

"And if he takes the stone from you?"

"Oh please. You saw the metal lock box I put yours in. It would take a lot of power to break it, and you know that."

"Well, yeah, but this alicorn seems to have that level of power. For all you know he could be after all three and you're helping him." Prism took a breath. "We don't know for sure, but you can bet I'll keep an eye out."

Link turned and frowned a little. "You know... I think I chose right in asking you to come along."

Prism tilted her head. "What choice did you have? The stallion made it clear I was to be your guide."

"I suppose you're right," Link admitted.

Navi whispered into his ear, "You never put her stone into any box; it's still in your bag, next to the red one from the mountain." Link only nodded his head, which went unnoticed by his follower.

Prism looked at her surroundings. "I've never been in the woods before. Is it all like this?"

"Well, more or less. Gotta be careful. Never know what's going to come from this place." Link turned and listened following the highest volume of music he heard. "I've been in here a number of times. Let's see..." Another turn. "Once to bring back Epona, once to find a filly who ended up in here... Twice to go to the castle of old, and another couple times to go to Zecora's. She's a friend who lives in here."

"I see. So you know this place well?"

"It always changes." He walked forward through a split in the paths. "Never the same way twice. You saw that tree in the meadow back there?" Prism nodded silently. "That tree has been vastly different nearly every time I see it."

"How?" she asked. Link shrugged. "Every time?" Then he nodded. "Might also be that alicorn's doing."

"Maybe..." Link made a turn. "Might just be the woods. I'm not about to ask; it's none of my business." Another turn the other way. "Aside from that, whatever answer he'd give is one I can't trust right away."

"Because of his deceptive nature correct?" He nodded. "I see..." She followed his next turn. "Don't suppose you know how much farther?"

"Haven't the slightest. These woods go on for a long ways." On the last turn, a big round doorway appeared from the forest path. "I guess that's the end, huh? Shows what I know."

"Don't feel bad. The woods, I hear, are a mystery all on their own." Prism patted his back.

Suddenly, the alicorn appeared leaning against the side of the entryway. "Well well. Look who made it after all. You might not be able to tell, but you spent hours in there."

"That's impossible. Time's frozen," Link argued.

"That may be so, for all I know, but I still feel its flow." He turned to face them. "You see, boy. These woods are special. They can exist without time, or exist several times over in the span of a year. It all depends on how it feels. What it wants. You might even say the woods are alive."

"If the woods are alive, then what does that make you?" Link asked. "I feel like you haven't told us everything."

"And why should I? You like puzzles. To use your brain. You got a working one, I'm sure. You have to. After all, you followed my most basic instruction." He chuckled. "Though telling a dog to sit is basically the same thing."

"Get on with it. There's a third riddle isn't there?"

"Of course. All good things come in threes. Partners, stones and puzzles are no different. 'Stowed away behind the curtain, is one who faces death certain. Relieve him of his internal plight, and the stone you need will be yours tonight.'"

"Is that the last riddle on this?"

"Boy, I could write whole sonnets on things I want you to do, but yes. That is the last one. Deriving meaning from the words is the easy part, I assure you." The alicorn turned toward the village. "Oh, one more thing: don't tell anypony about me within the village."

Link folded his arms. "What's the matter? Scared?"

"They are, yes. They don't really... respect my authority over them. Apparently, their guardian deity is to whom they worship." He started to disappear.

"Hey," Link said. "When are you going to tell me your name?"

After he vanished, Link heard a voice. "You are under the assumption I'll tell you at all." Then silence.

"No good dirty rotten-" He sighed. "C'mon. Let's keep moving."

When the village came into view, it was below him. Rather, he was on a ledge at the edge of the village. Trees were everywhere; some lit inside, some not. Some fenced off, others with little gardens. There was a narrow river running through the place. Link assumed it was to help with irrigation. A bridge extended from a roof to a look-out near the middle of the village.

"Well," Prism said. "What first?"

"Shops. Shops are always first no matter what." Link hopped down from the ledge and looked around at his surroundings. "Not a bad place. I wouldn't mind living here." Across the water, he saw a tree with a hole in its bark. A red landing was above it, but nopony was around. When he got closer to the entrance, he paused.

"Hey," a filly's voice called. Link and Prism both looked around. "Up here, sillies." The two looked up and recoiled at the sight of a filly perched atop the red balcony looking down at them. "You two seem to be lost. Need some help?"

"Actually, is this a shop?" Link pointed. The filly nodded. "Thank you."

"But your mare friend here needs to stay outside. Rules and all."

"Forgive me, over-filly. To what rule are you referring?" Prism asked, tilting her head.

The filly took out a red book and flipped to a seemingly random page. "Ahem. 'No adults will be served after 21:00. Similarly, no adults will be allowed entry into the shop after 20:00.' Sorry, lady. Them's the rules." She slapped the book closed and set it beside her.

"What about me?" Link asked.

"That depends... How old are you?"


"You can come in and shop around to your heart's content. After all we serve children at all times of day," the filly informed. "So please, do come in."

Link looked inside and saw a dimly lit room. "Alright, then I will. Thank you." He turned to Prism. "Stay out here for me. We're in their village, and must obey their laws." She nodded and watched as Link entered the establishment.

The inside of the shop was more spacious than he expected. Shelves were lined with tagged bags of stuff, the floor was piled with sticks and such. Chunks of wood found homes along the left wall, while a small assortment of herbs were in jars on the right. A pair of candles were lit on the counter, behind which stood nopony at all.

"Uhh... Hello?" Link called. He rapped the counter with his knuckles. "Hello? Anypony home?"

A brilliant flash of green light appeared below the counter, followed by a groaning sound. Some rustling was heard, before a unicorn colt stood on a stool to peer over the counter. "Oh. Hello. Welcome."

"I'm looking for... wait... where's the owner?"

The colt tilted his head. "Oh you mean the one in charge." Link nodded. The colt turned around and hopped down before spinning in place a moment. Afterward, he hopped up on the stool once more and greeted again, "Welcome."

"You run this place?" The colt confirmed Link's inquiry. "Where are the grown-ups?"

"There aren't any. Just us children." Link tilted his head, and adjusted his hat. "No really. Kids run this village in its entirety. None of us ever look aged past 10 or so."

Link put a hand to his head. "Alright, fine. I'm looking for your sickest resident." That earned a strange look from the colt. "The one who is most ill?" A tilt in the other direction. "Uhh... Who is sick in your village?"

"Nopony that I know. Might want to check with the boss for that." The colt pointed to the east. "He's standing in front of the vine curtain just over there."

"What's over beyond it?"

"Our guardian spirit: Treant. He's a magnificent oak tree as big as the center of town and then some."

Something like that... I can easily fit inside... I wonder... "Alright. Why is he standing there?"

"To keep everypony out."

"He doesn't even let you pray?"

"We don't pray, per se. We give offerings. Like... Say we make more vegetables than we know what to do with. We sack them up, take them to Treant, and he takes care of giving back to the woods that support our way of life."

Link started nodding his head. "Okay, and when was the last time you were allowed to do that?"

"I'm not sure. My assistant on the roof is usually the deliverymare. She's the book-balancer too." The colt looked up at the roof. "I'm lucky to have her around.

"I believe that. Okay. So you tell her to deliver your extra supplies, is that right?" The colt nodded. "Good. This is good. Thank you." Link turned to leave. "Actually..." he turned back to the counter and eyed the bags on the shelves. In front of a couple of them were the product each bag carried. Link pointed at what looked like a large nut. "Think I’ll buy a bag of those for later."

"You’re kidding I hope..." The colt saw his unchanging expression. "No? Hmm." He levitated the bag down along with the extra on the shelf. "These are not for consumption. These are flash seeds. Throw them really hard on any surface and they’ll burst open in a brilliant flood of light. Be sure to shield your eyes."

"That sounds handy. How much?"

"3 per," he replied. How many?"

Link thought a moment. "I’ll take ten."

The little colt bagged up ten and accepted thirty bits as payment. Just as Link turned to leave, he called out. "Wait," the colt said. Slowly, Link turned around to face the colt. "I feel like I should know you... But I can't really say I do..."

Link scratched his head. "I don't know. You have a good night." Outside, Prism waited impatiently for Link's return. "Well, that was something."

"What happened?"

"Info gathering. I know where to go. But first..." He turned and looked up at the filly above them. "Miss filly. What do you know about Treant? Why has the boss denied access to him?"

The filly was silent. "Another rule: Outsiders are not to be trusted with information regarding our guardian spirit: Treant."

"Okay, but what about your boss?"

Silence. "Our boss is a very temperamental colt. He loves flexing his dominance on matters of all sizes." At that point, Link could see her glasses as they reflected moonlight when she shifted them. "He's rude, pushy and thinks he knows the best course of action. When I'm boss one day, I'll make him be up here."

"He made you be a look-out?" Prism asked.

"Well, no. I volunteered. It's not so bad, honestly, being a pegasus and all. But sometimes I wish I could drop this rule book and pick up the one he has to look at. The one that keeps all of us in line." The filly looked to the night sky.

"Okay, well. It was nice talking to you. But we have a Treant to save."

Just before he turned to leave, the filly landed in front of him. "'Save' implies a state of being where one's life or livelihood is at risk of ending or entering a state of peril. What do you mean by 'Save'?"

Link smiled. "You don't know?" The filly was quiet once more. "So I, an outsider, know more about your guardian spirit than the greatest book-keeper the village over?" More quiet, with a little glaring. "Alright, fine. Teasing aside, and because you need to know: Treant is sick. He's got some sort of... how'd it go... Internal plight. So like a virus, or parasite, inside him that's killing him. And if I don't do something quickly, he's going to pass without anypony knowing it."

The filly hovered before him. "You. Both of you. Follow me." She took off toward the east; toward the boss of the village. The two shrugged at each other before following. Not two minutes later, they were in the company of a short orange-maned colt with freckles on his face and a snaggle-tooth. "Boss!"

"You're off your post, and I don't recall you needing a break for at least another 40 minutes."

"I know, but this kid tells me there's something wrong with our guardian." The boss was quiet, shifting his sight from left to right. "You will tell me, or I'll pull that over-biting molar from your muzzle." Again, the boss was quiet. "Fine." She reached for his face.

The colt smacked her hoof away and frowned. "Touch me with that hoof and I'll remove it. The guardian spirit is in perfect health. Has been, and always will. Now buzz off."

"Perfect health, huh? I heard otherwise." Link folded his arms.

"Who are you, huh? I doubt you have business with Treant, so why don't you and your chaperone go on back to Equestria."

"Because we were summoned here by your Great Treant. Surely he told you?" Again, quiet. "No? Well. We can just walk ourselves back there and talk to him directly." Link started walking and stopped when the colt put a hoof on Link's shirt. Slowly, he turned. "Let go. I'm on a mission from the princess."

"I don't give a flying fish for your mission! You want in, you better take it up with Storm."

"Emerald Storm is the one who put in this request in the first place." Hang on... what? "Yeah. I know her. She's staying at the library in my hometown while I get this sorted out. She put in the request to the princess, and I got seeded with the mission." He was let go, so he turned around. "Sword, shield, whole deal. Trust me, I'm more than equipped to handle this."

"What about the lady?"

"Performance examination," Prism lied. "I'm going to test his ability to complete this mission without my interference."

"I can't believe she'd trust outsiders to take care of this..." the boss complained.

"Believe it." Link turned and shifted the vines aside to walk through the curtain they made. Prism smiled and walked behind him.

The filly called out, "I have faith in you!"

Link and Prism walked for a few minutes, twisting around the natural path. "'Performance examination'? That's what you came up with?"

"If I said companion, he'd think I was here to help you," Prism explained. "Besides, that filly thinks you can do this. I want to see for myself."

"But I already saved you once before, Polaris. What more proof do you need?" Link asked.

"That was a different scenario entirely. I- Did... did you just call me 'Polaris'?" Prism hesitated.

Link turned around and looked at her, halting his movement down the path. "That's your name, right? Polaris?" The mare was quiet. Much too quiet for her sake. "Unless you have a name I don't know about."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." She briskly walked beyond Link, who turned to watch her walk.

"Oh, really?" Prism stopped. "A bond newly forged. That's you, without a doubt. And at first, I was confused. You and I already had our bonding moment. So it could hardly count as 'new' this time around. That stone you gave me wasn't put in any lock-box with a magic shield around it, and you should know because you were in the room with me when I stowed it away. But you also wouldn't know how, because you weren't even watching when I did put it away. I've only shown you my pocket thing once, and I'm not so sure you even paid attention to it because you were still in shock that I was able to rescue you. However, you being Polaris would make sense. I've shown you plenty of times. There is likely no record of her stone in her profile, available to everypony. Because I was sent to my room before you arrived, which happened too fast, by the way, you would have had plenty of time to pick up on her style of leadership. Without an actual look at her, you'd never be able to tell she's got a soft spot for me, making your sharpness when it was just the two of us unnecessarily over-the-top. And above everything else, you answered to 'Polaris', making me believe that that was your name long enough to be the most familiar name for you.

"So here's my question: Who are you? Really?"

Prism turned to look at him directly. For several minutes, she couldn't answer. Then, finally, she started. "You're... right. I'm not Second Commander Sapphire Prism." She tapped her head with her hoof and transformed in green fire back to Polaris as an earth pony. "It is me, though."

"Even if I were to believe that you are really the earth pony called Polaris, that still leaves you a liar. 'A bond newly forged' he said. You and I, even as 'Polaris', bonded already as well. The prison thing. So I'll only ask one more time: who are you?" He reached for his sword.

Polaris backed up a little, then without moving a muscle, transformed in more fire into a blackish bug creature with glittering red wings. "Fine. You got me. My name is Torren. I'm a changeling. But! I'm a good changeling. A nice one. I swear it on my life."

Link looked the bug creature over. "Torren?" he asked, She nodded. "Changeling? Sorry, Good Changeling? Implying there are evil ones?"

"Most of my race, yes. A small faction of us escaped and started living normal pony lives. Well, as normal as we could. Blending in physically was the easy part. You all have so many customs and social rules, it wan't easy. When I was caught by my wife, mind you I was a stallion at the time, she dragged me to the castle and deposited me before the ruler. I pleaded for my life, and she spared it. Whether whim or whimsy, she let me live as a guard at her side under a new name and visage: Polaris. Since then, I've fought hard to earn their trust. And I think I've earned it enough. After all, I'm out on mission with the heir to the throne. No chaperones, and unrestricted magic for my true and transformed forms."

Link took steps back himself, and leaned against a tree, falling to sit down. "So... you've been in hiding this whole time? Even back when I was imprisoned?" She nodded. "And you served at her side with ... Ohh, that makes sense now... Twilight's question of why there were Uniques instead of Uniforms; it was so Saber could keep an eye on you while you served your sentence. But of course we can't tell Twilight that. She'll freak the Tartarus out."

Torren was quiet again. Then, she asked, "Are you going to go home then?"

"I can't. Somehow, that alicorn saw through all of this and knew you'd come with. You impersonating an officer. He knew who you were. But, if we're to succeed, we must do this his way. With you as Second Commander Prism. Don't worry; I'll actually play along this time."

Torren transformed again into Prism. "Alright. So, we just go ahead with the plan?"

Link nodded, and stood. Slowly he walked down the path. "Yeah. We do..." He picked up his pace. "How'd the alicorn know? Actually, never mind. The only way he'd know was if he read minds. He must have read mine and saw you. Only, that alone shouldn't have been enough... Maybe I picked up some info on you and didn't piece it together..."

"Don't be upset, Link; he's likely been around for hundreds of years. He's bound to be smarter than you."

"I have reason to believe he's never been outside these woods. So how could he have known what to look for?"

"Maybe him being here is a sentence being carried out? And that he was outside beforehoof?" Prism guessed.

"Hmm... Maybe... I'll have to think about it..." The two of them walked further and found themselves in the middle of a meadow. Much larger than the one under alicorn care. "This... This is a really big tree..."

"Treant..." The tree spoke with a low voice. "Who disturbs my resting place?"

"Link. From Equestria." He threw up his hands. "Now, I know you're sick, and that's why I'm here. I'll do whatever I can to save you."

"Why fight so hard for me? We've only just met?"

"Be that as it may, Your Eminence, I can't sit by and watch as you wither."

The Great Treant shifted his eyes to look at the boy before him. "You have a brave soul, coming through these woods... Fine." He opened his mouth and revealed a black entryway. "Be warned and wary... the parasites are venomous and vicious alone, and equally fearsome when combining their efforts."

"I'll take my chances." He walked forward, and into the opened maw...

Chapter 46: The Fourth Dungeon: Great Forest Treant

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Link ventured strong into the Great Forest Treant's mouth, and found himself beset upon by a stench most foul. He and Prism both covered their noses as the odor pelted their olfactory sensors. The latter of them fell used to such smells far quicker than the former, allowing the air to enter her nose and allow her to acclimate. Link however, held on for much longer.

He looked around the place, observing web-like creations all over the walls and floor. And skittering noises echoed through the vast hollow tree. "Spiders," he commented. "Of course it's spiders..."


"Irritated. Non-intelligent beings have been my only enemy in these things." He looked down at the web in the middle of the room. "Spiders are fast creatures, and only more when they're bigger. 8 legs, fangs, and a ton of eyes."

"Regular ones, sure. What about the parasites in here?" Prism asked. "What about them?"

Link thought. "I'm not sure. Might be the same, might be similar, might be different."

On the far wall, vines covered it from top to bottom. They led to a platform with a walkway above them so he climbed up. Prism followed best as she could. "Do you even know where you're going?"

"Nope. But I can't sit still. It feels like I'm being watched." He got to the top of it and helped her up. Another set of vines stretched to the very top of the room, but was covered in white-backed spiders. Link and Prism decided against that route for now, and instead walked to the path. At its end, they saw an opening in the wall that revealed a smallish room with a few bushes scattered about.

The moment Link walked in, a spider as big as he was, fell from the ceiling and forced him to the ground. Biting and writhing on top of him, Link could only hold it back. He saw its fangs drip with a purple liquid. Realizing his situation, Link pressed his hand against the creature's underside, and pulsed fire through the monster's body. It flew back and hit the wall before falling to the floor in a pile of ash. Link stood up and dusted himself off, letting the liquid hit the floor beneath him.

After he dusted himself off, he looked at Prism. "This is why I hate spiders. To think this whole place is full of them is almost enough to make me regret coming in here in the first place..."

"Heheh... Almost?" Prism chuckled. "Come to think of it... Nothing really scares you it seems." She followed him into the next room beyond the shrubs. "So here's a question: What kind of monster would it take to stop you in your tracks?"

Link's mind wandered for a few seconds, before settling on his reoccurring nightmare. He stopped walking the moment said being entered his thoughts. "I can't say for sure... My deepest fear isn't even real." He continued walking.

"Not even real? So it's in your head then? You know what they say: you are your own worst enemy."

"That's more true than you intended." He arrived at a gap in the floor. Far wider than he could jump. Beyond it was a ledge. He saw a small wooden box just barely sticking up from the floor. He was planning on jumping down, but once he saw the floor was covered in at least a hundred eggs, he changed his mind. "Now it gets interesting..." Each egg was about his size, and all of them were wiggling about.

Link reached a barrier over the entire pit and left a small hole near himself. With his free hand, he dropped a single but large fireball into the opening before closing it up.

When it hit the first writhing egg, it exploded, sending flaming egg chunks in all directions. In a matter of seconds, the entire hatchery was ablaze. Some screams broke through his barrier as some newly hatched spiders were caught in the inferno. Once it died down Link withdrew his barrier and hopped down into the pit, landing on a big pile of ash. "That went well."

Prism landed safely beside him. "Of course it did; you roasted her children."

"Better that, than being eaten. Imagine the tombstone. 'Here lies Link. His meat was far too tough to be cooked, so they had to eat him raw.' Not a pretty sight." He climbed up the vines on the opposite wall and got a closer look at the box. It looked like it could be opened. Doing so revealed a branch-like weapon with an elastic band tying two of the stems. Beside the weapon was a bag of ammunition. He tied the bag to his hip and held the weapon firmly.

As if to test his skill, a target was created on the wall above their exit. It formed into what Link recognized as a ladder. With great precision as if he'd done this a thousand times before, he shot the ladder and watched it fall to the floor. "Wow," Prism said, "First try. You're a natural marksman."

Link stowed the weapon for the time being. "Guess that means I have to shoot down the spiders on the wall?" He got to the floor below and picked up the ladder. Carefully, he placed it against the wall and climbed up to the ledge to leave.

In the room with all the shrubbery, Link noticed something strange. All of the bushes were around the doorway. Not where they had been before. Link looked questioningly at the bushes, then walked through them. Prism soon after. "Here's hoping you're a perfect shot."

"I should be." He turned around and faced the bushes that had moved once again, blocking the door back to the gap room. "O-kay?" Link walked to one of the bushes and leaned over it. Ruffling it with his hand a little.

Something popped up from the bush, knocking him backward. It spat some huge seed at him. Link drew his sword and split the seed into dust. The creature dipped into the bush again. In irritation Link ran up to the bush and stabbed his sword into it, feeling it hit next to nothing. Then, he felt himself get hit with a seed from a few bushes away.

Link ran to that one and cut it down, and the next one, and the next, until he was left with only one bush. "Nowhere to run, you little pest." He decided to burn the bush. Satisfied with his work, he sheathed his sword and left the room with a smile.

"Feel better?" She chuckled and looked up the wall.

"Sorta. It felt great to finally get that little thing." Link drew his new weapon and held it tight. Quickly, he picked off the three wall spiders, stunning them. He paused, and took out his journal, quickly sketching its likeness on the sixth page with a small descriptor. Then, he stabbed them with his sword. "I have somepony at home who's interested in stuff like this."

Prism commented, "That's sweet of you." She watched him start climbing after he put his things away. She followed soon after.

At the top, he steadied himself on the rickety walkway. Around the top most layer, the two came to another hall off the side filled with nothing but webs. Link walked in and didn't hear anything except the wind outside. "We must be in a branch or something."

"Yeah. We're pretty far up. What do you think this room's for?"

He thought. Then thought some more. "Uhm... Well... I don't know." He raised his hand.

"Wait then. It's where it all started."

"What do you mean?" He lowered his hand.

"So you know what happens to a spider queen's male mate, right? He gets eaten? Well, that happens in what you would call a bedroom. This, would be their bedroom."

"Then I will send a message to the queen." He lit the room with a wave of his hand. "Let her know who she deals with now."

"Don't say I didn't warn you. Also the Great Forest Treant must be wondering why his hair's on fire." She chuckled.

Link looked at her with his hands on his hips. "You're awfully calm about me fighting against a bug-like creature."

Prism shrugged. "I guess. I think I know you well enough by now. You're giving me the benefit of the doubt, as you did once before."

"I didn't know what you were the last time. All I had to go on was that you were a traitor as well, and I couldn't believe there were such ponies in the castle." Link walked back to the main room's upper-most walkway.

"And you just trust everypony you meet?"

Link shook his head no. "Not even close. But with you... I don't know. Maybe there's good in you after all. And I'm not one to give up on anypony. Especially when they're trying so hard to make themselves a better pony." He looked down at the webbed hole in the floor. "I vote with climbing down."

At the bottom of their climb, they walked to the webbed hole and watched as Link cut the web with his sword. The two climbed down the vined wall and landed in some shallow water. They swam to one of the floors and shook themselves off. Prism looked around and noticed an abundance of webs, yet lack of spiders. "I think you may need to cut through some more of these webs. Looks like there are rooms beyond them."

Link nodded and set about cutting some of the webs that were close by. Eventually, they came across an opening in the wall. The room they got into was full of water, with a lowering ceiling the further in they went. Realizing he had to swim below the surface, he held his breath and dove in with Prism close behind.

On the other side, Link came up for air first and took a huge breath of it before climbing out of the water. He had to chop through hanging roots to get to the next opening. The room after that was full of vines and webs. "So... Any thoughts on this room? I told you about the breeding grounds for the last one. What do you make of this?"

"Let's see... Plenty of web, but not enough to get in the way... almost random splatters of web on the wall, and claw and bite marks everywhere. And the vines are chewed through in places. I'd say this is the training area. I know battle-wear when I see it."

Prism clapped. "Well done!" She glanced around for an opening. "How big do you think she is?"

"Big enough to choke the life from a huge tree like this. And remember when I said they only get faster as they get bigger? The queen must be crazy fast. Especially in her own lair."

"And are you scared? I mean... Worried, even in the least?"

"This is my task. I don't have time to be scared, or worried. That tie is better spent analyzing and planning ahead." He saw a hole beyond some vines and cut through. "But, I've been wrong before. So I guess we'll see."

Just as he found his way through, he heard movement from the ceiling. Link stopped and readied his sword. Three of the spiders fell from the ceiling and attacked. One by one, he fought them off, sustaining very minor injury, turning them to ash upon their deaths.

The room after was the same first room they arrived in when they got to the floor. But on a higher rise than earlier, with yet another hole in the ground. All webbed and vined through. Without the need to climb, Link jumped down, making sure to break his fall against every web and vine he could grab. When he and Prism hit the floor, they stood in about 3 inches of water.

"Prism- No... Torren," he corrected. She looked at him and shook off some of the webs. "This... This is my fight. Not yours. Whatever happens, I don't want you getting in the way."

"Of you?" she questioned.

"No. Of her." He looked over at her. "She's deadly, and I'm going to make her focus on me from the moment I walk in the lair. Your job is to stay hidden."

"And if you need help? I'm supposed to sit on my hooves and let you get beat up?"

"Yes." He nodded. "You have been the support I needed. The rest is on me. I may never have another chance to get the last stone I need." He started walking toward the small earthy opening. "The only support I need from you now is the belief I can do this alone."

Prism sighed and followed him anyway. Fly on the wall...

Loud scurrying was heard on the ceiling above. Link looked up and saw a singular yellow eye attached to six legs and two armored legs. He drew his sword and shield, readying for battle.

It scurried all around the ceiling before falling down on him. Link hopped back and slid to a stop. The floor was covered in at least an inch of sloshy mud and rocks. The parasite kept up with him easily and pushed him hard against the wall behind him, snapping its mouth and baring its fangs at him. Link barely had the physical strength to keep his shield up against such bombardment. With no progress on its attack, it pushed Link up against the wall, and ran him against it to the ceiling.

The rocks of the wall were felt through his tunic, but didn't hurt him much due to its durability. Link used the first opportunity he saw to push off of the wall and over the spider, who followed his move with its eye. He slashed his sword at the creature's eye and sent a beam at it, hitting just before the armored legs could block. All at once, the spider's limbs flailed, the creature fell, and it screamed rather loudly.

Link stuck his sword into one of the many columns in the huge room and watched it fight to regain itself. He focused a little magic into his sword and cut down the column, landing safely on the floor. As soon as Link looked at the creature again, he was plowed through the same column so hard, he hit the opposite wall of the room near the base. Dazed, he got to his feet and watched the creature approaching fast, weaving through the columns like it was nothing.

But that wasn't all. Link's arm was bleeding. Seems the impact was just hard enough to cut him where his sleeve ended. His sword arm hung down in pain. As he stowed his shield, he took out a flash seed and gripped it. Only get one chance at this. Gotta make it quick before I lose too much blood. When it got close enough, it swung one of its forelegs at Link. He jumped forward and leapt off of the armored leg. With a turn, he threw the seed with a yell and broke it open on the armor, surrounding the room in a momentarily bright light.

The beast was stunned, wobbling around like it was conked over the head. Its singular eye was looking all around. Link landed on the creature and stabbed the sword through the eye socket. Through the eye of the monster.

It writhed, and squirmed, and ran Link through a few columns before coming to rest near the wall. Link held on through it all, and with one last push, the sword found its way as far in as it could go. Finally still, the creature erupted into flames and burned to ash.

Link stood atop the pile, victorious. Prism walked over to him and looked at the ash. "Link? Is it... Is it over?"

He stood up and held his sword arm, trying to slow the bleeding. "Yeah. It's over. For both of them..."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"The parasite only got this big because it took in enough life from the tree's roots. The Great Forest Treant was already almost dead when we got here. Hard to think it can come back from this..."

"Bundle of optimism, you are..."

"Calling it like I see it." He sheathed his sword and made for the exit. At long last... the third stone is mine.

Chapter 47: The Spiritual Stone of the Forest

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Link and Prism exited the great tree and tended to the former's wounds. His arm was wrapped in gauze and his chest was as well. He took a heavy hit when he was brushed up the wall, and another when the parasite broke him through a column. "You were reckless," his sister might say. "That was awesome!" Rainbow might commend. But Prism just mended his wounds in silence.

"Nothing to say?" Link asked.

"You did your job. What's there to say?"

Link was quiet. The two sat in front of the great tree as it began to speak. "Young knight..." Its voice was more raspy than when he went in. Looking closer, the branches and leaves looked more dead than before as well.

"You knew..." Link pushed Prism aside and fought to stand up. "You knew!" He pointed at the tree. "You knew from the start you'd die anyway!"

"What do you mean?" Prism asked. "And be careful; your arm wound will open again."

"The great tree knew he was dying. That our arrival was too late from the start. But why?"

"I had to know..." the tree replied, "that you were strong enough to keep it safe." There was quiet. "I am dying. It is too late for me. The least I can do now is tell you who did this to me."

"Black alicorn, loves riddles, uses illusions?"

"Well... yes... How is it you know of him?" it asked.

"We've had dealings with him in the past. He's actually the reason I could find this place." He sat down again, noticing the color fade even as he spoke.

The great tree spoke further. "If I pass before bestowing the sacred stone, the alicorn will come to claim it. My last task for you is to keep it safe." A brilliant green light filled the area around them. A shining gem appeared in front of him and revealed a familiar green stone with a golden border.

Link took it and held it in his hand. Carefully, he stowed it with the other two. "You're giving it to me... to keep him from obtaining it. Why would he want it though?"

"It is one of a set of three."

"Ahh. The third of three needed to open a door, right? Together with a song?"

"You know more than you appear to, boy."

"I get around." He coughed. "How would he know about that anyway? And I have all three already. Does that make me his target?"

"I don't know his true intentions. But if he cursed me, he can't have good ones." The color was nearly gone. "The rest I leave to you... Hero of Equestria..."

The Great Forest Spirit was dead...

Link bowed in a farewell respect, and started for the exit. "Are you alright?" Prism asked, following him.

"I'm fine. I got exactly what I came for." He turned and walked down the path further. Then another turn and was stopped by the same bucktoothed colt as before.

"You!" he blurted. "You killed the Great Treant, didn't you?! I bet you even lied about Emerald!" Without letting Link respond, he added, "Get out of our forest!"

"Try and stop me," Link said calmly, pushing the colt's head out of the way. He walked quickly to the forest's exit, with Prism close behind.

Soon as he crossed the bridge to leave, which wasn't there on his entrance path, the alicorn appeared behind him. "You made it after all."

Link turned and saw the alicorn. "You cursed that tree. Why?"

"To get your attention. I knew you had what it took to retrieve the stone."

"The tree said you wanted it."

"Well, that's true. I did," he admitted. "But only to give up to you, as an offering of peace." The alicorn appeared serious. "I would like you to trust me."

"Tall order, considering-"

"Considering I went out of my way to help you? I led you to your ultimate goal, did I not? I Made it possible for you to get the stone you'd have never found on your own. Considering the work I went through to get you this far, yeah, I'm entitled to a moderate amount of trust here."

Both Link and Prism stood quietly.

The alicorn sighed and shook his head. "I see you need more time." He looked down the path and to the exit. "It's a one-way trip, this bridge. If you ever need to come back here, seek out my meadow. At least that path never changes here." The alicorn disappeared into a shroud of black mist.

"Least he could do was tell me his name," Link said.

"I'll tell you eventually, boy," the alicorn's voice replied.

The two of them exited the forest and found themselves just beyond the tree line. With the woods behind them at last, Link made the night continue as it should and walked with Prism back to the library.

When he and Prism returned, Twilight rushed up to him and gave him a hug. "Are you hurt at all?" she asked.

"Oh yeah," he admitted, taking a seat. "Gimme a look over? I'll tell you what I found."

As Twilight began treatment, Link told them all what happened, leaving nothing out. Well, except for Prism's identity. Delighted and overjoyed, Twilight finished healing him and congratulated him on his success.

It didn't take long before everypony started calling it a night. Ruby and Emerald shared the living room couch. Spike had his bed beside Twilight's, which was loaned to Prism. Link slept on the upper room floor, while Epona took his bed and Twilight herself took the chair downstairs. In all of that, there were no complaints.

Twilight was the first to rise from slumber. Quietly, she glanced around in the early morning light. She walked to the kitchen and began brewing a pot of tea. Chamomile, since the last of the Luna Bay stock was gone. The smell alone woke Ruby, which in turn woke Emmy. The two of them joined her in the kitchen and found Twilight by the stove top.

"No open fire?" Ruby asked, only half joking.

"Fire? In a tree? No thank you. Not a good combo. Tea?" They nodded and watched her pour a few cups. Soon, they heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. Twilight smiled and fired a small magic beam at Link as he rounded the corner.

Link deflected it with his shield magic and watched it fizzle against the ceiling. "Good morning to you, too."

"Nice reflex, Link!" Emmy commended. "Sleep well, I take it?"

"There are better places to sleep than on the floor, but as I offered my bed to another, it was the best of the remaining options." He pulled up a seat with the three of them.

"Content with just about anywhere, huh?" Ruby asked.

"You're one to talk," Link retorted.

"Hey, you be nice to Ruby," Emmy almost demanded. He scowled at Link.

"Am I wrong, though?"

Ruby shook her head. "No he's not wrong, seeing as how I live in an abandoned forest castle."

Emmy turned to her, then back to Link. "You never said that about her."

"I specifically said I wouldn't tell you where she lived." He sipped his fresh tea.

Twilight asked, "So when can we see it? The new stone, I mean."

Link retrieved the third stone, then the other two. "These three will do what I need. But only together, and only with a song that I know. However..." He glanced from Emmy to Ruby, then at Twilight. "Nah, I couldn't possibly."

"Hey now. You can't just get my attention like that then shut us out," the pegasus complained. "Spill."

"Alright, fine." Link took a breath. "Though she said no, I want to ask the princess if I can take you three with me when I open the door and get the sword."

"Love to, but can't," Twilight replied. "Hear me out. If you were to do that, and I were to go, you'd go and do that quest that the princess wants, which would mean you wouldn't be there to cheer me on during the tournament." Link thought about it. "But, if you were to wait, you could come to the tournament, then we can all go to the castle for your thing."

"Are you nervous, or something?" Emmy asked her. "You must be nervous if you’re asking for a cheer squad."

"No, I'm not nervous. It would just be nice to see a friendly face in the audience. Celestia knows there won't be any in the competition..." She thought back to the princess called Prismarine, and shook her head. "I saw a lot of strong unicorns at the preliminary rounds. I'd be lying if I said I'm not scared."

"Nervousness and fear are different things," Ruby stated. "Best bring some tea with you, just in case."

“I’ll keep that in mind."

Link retrieved a scroll, ink and feather and wrote out a letter to the princess. "Let's see... 'Dear Princess Celestia, Twilight, Emerald, Ruby and Epona wish to come with me to see the door open. I trust all of those listed above with the secret it holds. Will you allow them to be in attendance when I open it? Also, Twilight would like me to cheer her on in her upcoming tournament. By your leave, I would see to postpone the mission until after. -Link.'" He coiled it and lit it ablaze, sending it in red smoke to the princess.

Epona walked around the corner. "I get to see what's behind the door?"

"If the princess replies favorably, yes. I trust you." Link smiled as he turned around. "Did you see if the commander was awake?"

She shook her head. "The commander was still asleep soundly; I had to sneak out of the room. Glad your door doesn't creak."

Ruby asked, "Hey, is the tournament the whole weekend?"

"Yep," she replied.

"I already booked a room," Emmy announced. The others looked at her. "What?"

"There's lodging?" Twilight asked.

Emmy went on to admit, "Well sure. It's a tournament spanned over three days in the middle of anywhere. Trains can't be able to go anywhere like that, so they bring in a hotel from their warehouse. I have a room booked for two if anypony wants to stay." Link raised his hand. "Nice try, but competitors can have a guest in their free room." He lowered his hand.

"I'll join then." Epona slowly raised her hoof. Emmy looked incredibly surprised, considering what went down last time they shared a room. "As long as there are separate beds."

"There are. I made sure of it," Emmy admitted.

"Okay, so Link rooms with Twilight, Emmy rooms with Epona... Where do I sleep?" Ruby asked. "Don't I get a room?"

"Uhm..." Twilight started. "Actually, I might know somepony who'd be willing to share a room with you. She's a competitor, but at least you'll be able to stay. I'd have to find her and ask first, of course."

Ruby thanked her in advance. The 5 of them continued their morning tea in anticipation of the princess' reply, Twilight's coming challenges and Link's encroaching mission.

Chapter 48: The Time for Training

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Morning tea... Seemed a simple thing. An easy way to start a day. As easy as it can get. Nice, calming, relaxing. Link, ever restless, had already begun dividing up the day ahead. He received the reply from the sun princess and read it aloud to the others. Celestia allowed the presence of Twilight, Ruby, Emerald and Epona when Link goes to open the door in the castle in the woods. Further, he was granted permission to bear witness to Twilight's tournament rounds. As if he'd miss it for the world.

"That's good," Twilight admitted, sipping her tea and leaning back in her comfy chair. "Now, what's this plan you say you have for me?"

Emmy opened her journal and began writing for the week in advance. "Don't skip anything. Readers back home wanna hear all about it."

"I'm sure they do," Link agreed, thinking back to his time in the forest village. "But if you'll allow me, I'd like to keep it simple." He cleared his throat a little, not being used to drinking tea. "You have all of today and all of tomorrow to prepare for your tournament that starts on Friday. That leaves Thursday, which is your day of rest."

"And you are to teach her and make sure she's combat ready?" Epona asked.

"Yes and no. I have plans today, few of which actually involve Twilight. The Comm- Second Commander is upstairs asleep still. I'm taking her back to the castle."

"Then when you return?" He nodded. "Then in the meantime, I'm supposed to do... what?" Twilight asked him. "Sit and wait?" She knew that wouldn't be his plan. He had always been far too bright to not have a plan.

"Ruby is here, right? She's gonna help you train."

The mare was taken aback at her sudden inclusion, nearly meeting the floor with her tea. "What? Why me?"

"Because you have a projectile. And are already here. You refuse?" Ruby shook her head. "Good."

"I'd be glad to help."

Twilight looked concerned. "You seem happy to be throwing things at me..."

"Not really. I'll just pretend you're a certain stallion I don't like." Ruby changed her smile into a snarl directing her gaze to the woods.

Emmy noticed, but decided to keep the peace. "What about me?"

Link turned to face her and set down his tea. "You're gonna be her sparring partner for melee. Preferably helping her to predict the opposition's movements in case they close the gap."

"Count on me!" Emmy announced, tapping her chest fluff. "But... Swords might be a bit dangerous..."

"Use sticks. Ponyville's got plenty." Link looked over at Twilight. "Now, you're gonna need an ace up your cuff..."

Twilight summoned her buzzing blade at her side. It made a humming sound as the edges ground against each other. "Something like this?"

Emmy looked over at it. "Something like that, yes. But not that. That's a slashing weapon. The tournament will only allow a magic-forged weapon if it deals blunt damage." She hovered over to the weapon and looked at it closer. "Hmm... Yea, you're gonna have to rework this thing first if you wanna train with it."

"I'll see what I can do." Twilight dismissed it safely and returned to her tea.

As did the others. Except Epona. She doesn't like tea. Emmy hovered back to her seat, careful not to injure herself further. When Link finished, he went up and retrieved their house guest. The others bid their farewells as he and Prism left for Canterlot.


Prism's Return I

At the train station, Link sat with Prism on the bench beside the ticked booth. Each of them held their ticket in their own way. The latter of them was silently complaining how the armor was too heavy and how uncomfortable it was to sit in. The former could only chuckle. She looked over at him. "You really didn't have to come along, you know that right? I promise I'm good."

"And I believe you. I'm simply making sure you get there safely." He sighed and shifted in his seat. "And because the princesses might be harsh on you if you show up alone. If I vouch for you, you are less likely to get in trouble. They might even loosen that leash they have on you."

Prism looked to the train tracks. "What if they find out that you know about me..."

"So what? That's the beauty of things in the past. They're behind you. And from what I can tell, you're looking forward to a changing future." Link looked over at her, setting down his ticket. "I'm just glad the princess is trusting enough to let you out."

"You're really smart, you know that?" Prism commended. "First, you get yourself and me out of prison. Then you force your way through the castle above it to the throne room. Through your friend, by the way. Now you're coming with me all so you can make sure I don't get in trouble, and I actually think it'll work."

"Don't ever doubt me," Link requested. The train came in and to a halt, swinging wide the doors and letting the few ponies who wanted to leave dismount the locomotive. Link followed Prism aboard and found his seat opposite her.

A member of the staff came by him and requested that he put his weapons in the upper cabinet. Reluctantly, he did so. Link returned to his seat and put up his feet.


Way of the Sword I

Twilight looked with sharpness at Ruby, who stood many paces away. The latter had a fireball at the ready in her open hoof, while the former was trying to improvise a makeshift bat from magic. It didn't work, as the deflected ball went the completely wrong direction. Twilight's magical construct was not holding the shape she wanted it to, an it was making her frustrated. So, the two decided to take a break.

Ruby sat down where she was and watched Twilight walk over to her. "I'm sorry if it looks like I'm wasting your time..."

"Nah, don't worry about it." She began some cool-down stretches.

"If nothing else, your aim is true. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're trying to actually hit me." Ruby looked u at her with a blank stare. "You're actually trying to hit me?!"

"I said I would be, didn't I?" Ruby stood up and shook her head a little. "Imagining you as that ... guy, from the woods is definitely a form of stress relief."

Emmy looked over from her spot on the steps. "You're talking about the shadow alicorn, right?" Ruby nodded. "That's what I thought. Y'know? I really don't see what the problem with him is. I mean, he helped you guys out in the end, right? Link got the stone, no one got hurt."

Twilight tilted her head. "Well, you got hurt, remember?"

"Well, besides me." She stood up. "Anyway, I wish I had the answer to your magical problem. I don't know enough about it to say what to do from here."

"Hmm..." Ruby thought a moment. "If you're trying to hit it back at me, why not just make a bat?"

"A bat is a conjuration. And conjurations like constructs cost a good chunk of magic. And I'd have to do that every time. And if I do make a bat, then there'd be no need for the sword and shield combo I'm trying to make."

"Okay... So... How are you making the sword you want? Draw it out for me," Ruby requested, sitting in front of her and tapping the ground.

Twilight drew a crude image of the magical flow of her blade-bat. Ruby studied it and found how she was making it. "But the issue is when I deflect, the shot goes any which way but the way I want it to go."

Ruby looked to the patch of dirt beside Twilight's drawing and drew a circle with a dot in the middle. "How about this? There's a core, static in the middle, and the energy around it is set to stay in the shape and at the distance you set for it. The magic becomes bonded to itself and you can use it immediately. No blade to cut, and no flow of magic to deflect in a random direction."

Twilight thought about the concept. "How is it you know all this about magic?"

"Books. Lots and lots of books." Twilight and Ruby shared a laugh. Then the former created the core as desired. About 2 and a half feet long. She then created the magic barrier around it. Immobile, the magic hardened like a case to form her newest weapon. "That looks waaay more like it. What's its name?"

She looked at her blade. I can't call this bat a name. It's not it's true form. I'll think of one for the real deal." Twilight placed the blade at her side. "Come. Let us test its might."

Ruby took her paces after erasing the dirt drawings. "Alright. Here goes..." She flicked a ball of fire at Twilight, who swung in such a way that the ball flew back at her. Easily, Ruby smacked it into a blaze, and when it settled, she commented, "Well alright then. Now we can really train." Ruby summoned two more, one in each hoof, and prepared herself.


Prism's Return II

The train carrying Link and the second commander - in name only - came to a stop at Canterlot's 3rd station. They and a mess of other ponies picked up along along the way departed with their various luggage. Link had retrieved his weaponry and affixed it to his back. He shifted under its weight and adjusted the straps. Prism had to stop and wait for him to finish before they moved on their way.

"Finally," Prism said with a sigh. "More belts than a... than a..."

"Than a designer pony going through a goth phase?" Link offered. Prism laughed at that. "None of that, Second Commander. You're the stoic type, remember?" He stood at attention and waited.

Prism stood up as well. "Then to the castle. I need to deliver the mission report to the princesses. You will be in attendance. Move out."

The two marched their way through the city, getting all the various facial expressions from the citizenry. Some comment how he's in trouble again, some asked themselves if it's a court marshall, others still believe he's finally asked somepony on a date.

At the drawbridge, Prism saluted the two guardsponies stationed on either side of it. "Second Commander Sapphire Prism returning from the field."

The two looked at each other. "We weren't aware you were returning today."

Prism looked over the guard. "What's your name, soldier?"

"Iron Stance, Ma'am." He saluted.

"And is there a rank assigned to you?"

"Corporal, Ma'am."

"So, a Corporal wants to question the fact I've returned, when you can plainly see that I stand before you?" She pressed her chest plate against the corporal's and narrowed her eyebrows up at him. "I suggest you let us through before I haul you off for insubordination, you worthless piece of garbage."

Iron Stance quickly panicked and lowered the drawbridge. "R-right that way, ma'am."

"That's better, maggot. Be glad I'm merciful. I'll only tell the princess you hesitated to lower the bridge upon request, and not that you talked back to me." She walked by the stallion and didn't even look back. Link followed wordlessly.

When the two arrived at the doors to the throne room, the two door guards opened the door without question and let them in. Prism marched to the thrones and knelt in respect. Link followed suit.

"Welcome back, Second Commander. And you've brought Corporal Link with you?"

"At his request, yes. I have returned from the field and am delighted to report our resounding success. The enlistee behind me has secured that which he sought."

"Resounding success indeed. Though, I see no reason why he had to come here in person to confirm this," Celestia asked warily.

Prism stepped to the side and allowed Link his turn to speak. "It is as she explained. Our mission to the forest was a success." Link retrieved the green gem and held it aloft. "The third of three required for the task you have given me. Second Commander Prism was more help to me than I had anticipated. I can plainly see how she came to have her rank."

The princesses shared a cautious glance. "You said she had to come along, as an obligation. To merely be in attendance, not to actually work." Celestia tilted her head.

"That may have been the request, but it's more ... mental support, than physical." He stowed the stone. "She talked me through some problems I've been having lately. Some personal problems."

Princess Luna asked, "Yet you wish to postpone your final task to attend your sister's tournament?" Link nodded. "... And afterward?"

"I would do as you've asked. Take the four of them into the woods to bare witness to the Sword of Master's retrieval. I would then venture forth to complete the original mission."

Celestia nodded. "Yes. That's right. And, I do believe that will be all?"

Link nodded again. He bowed himself away from their presence. Though, a few steps away, he turned to face them once more. "There is just one thing..." His vision narrowed ever so slightly. "Where is Polaris? Or Saber for that matter?" Both princesses hesitated in their responses, so Link filled in the gaps. "I bet the former is off cleaning floors or something. And Saber is overseeing her to make sure no spot is missed."

"A-as you say," Luna agreed.

"Nailed it," he replied. Link faced the doors and left the room.

Once the doors closed behind him, Luna looked straight at her sister. "I can't tell if he knows or not..."

Celestia looked worried, "Neither can I..."


Way of the Sword II

Twilight started her scheduled break from batting practice. She had gotten proficient enough to let not even curve balls get by her. Ruby also took a break, though she decided to continue one of her various projects on the front steps. After Twilight was rested enough, she stood up and beckoned Emmy to take the stage. "Alright Emmy. Your turn." She summoned her sword and waited.

Emmy looked it over. "Uhm..." She looked nervous. "See, I don't actually know much about swordsmanship."

"Is this you being humble? Because Link and I are counting on your help."

"Uhh..." Again, a few nervous looks. "Well... I'm not really into the sport, so I'm self-taught. Hoof to hoof is more my speed," she managed.

"Then what can you teach me?"

"Basics." Emmy pointed at Twilight. "I can teach you basic swordplay." She looked around for a suitable weapon. "Let's see... Link said there were a great many number of sticks..." Emmy disappeared and reappeared after several minutes holding a lengthy length of wood. "There, that should do." Her ear flicked a leaf from her mane and she chuckled as it fell. "Rosewood. Lightweight, durable, solid sparring tool, I think."

Twilight looked at the end of it. "It's sawed off... Did you borrow a tool for that?" Emmy nodded. "Aj?" Another nod. "You put it back?"

"Of course I did. What am I gonna do? Bring it with me?" Emmy landed and held the wood upward in front of her. "Now hit it. I wanna make sure it can stand up to wear."

Hesitantly, Twilight brought her sword across and connected with the rosewood. It flew out of Emmy's grasp and pretty far to the side, sticking into the ground many yards away. "Oof, sorry. Should I have not hit it so hard?" Twilight asked as she saw Emmy fly over to the stick.

Emmy examined the branch and affirmed it unbroken. "Still good," she said to herself. When she turned back to Twilight, she added, "Nah nah, it's fine. I'm glad you didn't. If it can't handle a full smack like that, what good is it?" She held it as a sword and righted her self on her hind legs. "Okay, Twilight. This may be a slow start, even for me. But I'll try my best to keep up." Twilight approached. "Not too close. No sparring yet. Get some distance and follow along."

The two of them ran through the basic order of swings. Together, they completed about 15 minutes worth of drills.

Afterward, Emmy cracked a grin and set down her weapon. "So... Remember when I said basics?" Twilight nodded. "Would you like to see the next level?"

"I thought you said-"

"I know what I said. And compared to the others I trained with I'm still only a beginner." She readied her weapon. "Ready?" Twilight nodded. "Let's begin."

Another 20 minutes of drills.

Twilight had to sit down. Not from physical strain, but from magical overuse. "Gimme a sec," she requested.

"Sure." She turned her back for a few moments. Then she turned again and leapt at her, weapon raised. "Second's over!" Twilight braced herself against an overhead swing. Some sparks flew off of her magic sword as she used it to block. The weight alone pushed her back an inch. She forced the branch up and away as she got to her hooves.

Barely a second to do so, Emmy's attack was relentless, and Twilight could barely keep up. "Hey, what gives?"

Emmy pressed her attack. "Fight like you're actually trying to hit me, Twilight!" She got in one tap to Twilight's shoulder and stopped short of making it a telling blow. "Because these unicorns you'll be up against won't be holding back." Emmy offered a warm smile before removing her stick from Twilight's shoulder. "Sorry for the contact."

"It's fine..." Twilight rubbed the spot for a moment. "It's the experience I need..."

"You think this'll help? I haven't even told you what the next stage is." Emmy caught Twilight's attention. "If I can hit you when you're looking at me, imagine how tough it'll be to fight back when you can't see them coming."

"What do you mean?"

"They're unicorns, and teleporting is well within their ruleset."

"You can teleport, right?" Twilight asked. "With that unique skill of yours?" Emmy nodded. "Then... come at me like that. Fight me as a unicorn would. Well... One holding a weapon like mine. I don't care how hard it'll be. I'll learn to defend against it."

Emmy looked cautious at her. "Are you sure about that?" Twilight nodded. "Alright... Just remember you asked for this... But... Before I start.. I want to know. Why are you willing to push so hard for this?"

Twilight bowed her head a little. "I fought against a unicorn with incredible skill..." She thought back to her fight with Saber, and how as soon as the switch was flipped, Twilight was overwhelmed on skill alone. "I just want to get better. Not to match her, but enough to close the gap."

Emerald let out a sigh and set down her weapon. She walked over to Twilight and put a hoof on her shoulder. "Everypony can get better, as long as they're willing to put forth the effort." She offered another smile. Even Ruby looked up to see how they were doing. "Now, I'm gonna go back, get my stick, and assume a stance. And you're going to try and hit me. However you can." Slowly, Emmy did as she said she would and waited. "Prepare yourself."

Twilight readied herself and blinked. In that moment, Emmy disappeared. "Eh?" She heard the sound of Emmy reappearing somewhere behind her and swung down, rather slow in comparison to her other attacks. Twilight was able to block, but the counter was a little too slow to hit as Emmy disappeared again.

The one sided tag went on for ten whole minutes before Ruby set her stuff down and walked out to meet them. "Alright, time-out girls." Emmy showed up and set down her weapon again with a sigh. "Don't give me that. You basically told her sink or swim." Ruby gave Emerald a harsh glance, who rolled her eyes. "You remember my fight with Emmy, right?"

"Yeah, I remember. I'm glad you spared my house."

"Well, how many times did I actually make contact? With all her jumping around, how many times did I catch her?"

"If I recall correctly... Not even once," Twilight answered.

"Well, that's true," Ruby replied. "But how many times did I get close?" Ruby coughed a little. "A few times. By predicting where she'd appear."

"I almost wanted her to hit me," Emmy admitted with a flip of her mane. Ruby ech'd in slight disgust. "What?"

"That's a little strange you know. Wanting to be hit," Twilight commented. "Still, she's got a good point. By predicting where you'll show up, I can determine the way your attack will come, and calculate the best-"

"Now hold on right there, Twi." Emmy held up her hoof at her. "You're smart, we get that, we really do. But this is a time where you should feel, not think. There's energy everywhere. Feel it." Emmy closed her eyes and inhaled. The air around her seemed to shift with the inhale. Twilight could barely see it. Ruby saw it clearly. "And then exhale." She did so, and the air shifted away from her, before drifting back into its place and disappearing. "You could see it, right?"

"Barely," Twilight answered, rubbing her eyes. "And you call it energy? I thought you didn't know magic all that well?"

"I don't. Magic and energy might relate to the same concepts after the fact, but they're fundamentally different. Magic comes from within, and the energy I'm referring to exists outside the body." Emmy shook her head. "I digress. The point is, the logic is there, but use your instincts, don't think too hard, and you'll get it down."

Twilight readied her weapon, as did Emmy who disappeared soon after. Twilight took a slow breath, trying to feel around her. Having never done this before, she didn't even notice Emmy appear behind her.

"Uhh..." Emmy said. "Hello?"

Twilight turned around and opened her eyes. "Sorry... I'm still trying to feel."

"That's alright. It's not something you unlock by trying to do so. It's one of those, 'heat of the moment' things. We'll work on it. Sword up." Emmy launched an attack, which was blocked. She disappeared again and Ruby took that time to meander back to her seat.


Prism's Return III

The sun princess looked at the guard at her side. "Fetch Steel Saber from the barracks. Have her armor up and report to me." The stallion saluted and ran off. Then she looked at Luna's guard. "Make sure none enter the throne room." He saluted and went off toward the throne room doors, which closed behind him. She then looked at Prism. "Does he know?"

Prism took a moment to think. "N-no. He doesn't have any idea. And if he did, he didn't let it show."

Celestia leaned down to her level and raised an eyebrow. "Does. He. Know?"

Immediately, Prism shook her head quickly from side to side. "No, he doesn't. I swear. Why would I lie to you? Why would he not tell you if he did know?"

The princess returned to her upright position and looked over at her sister with a sigh. "I trust his words. And what he didn't say also has merit."

The throne room's occupants waited in idle chatter about whether or not to trust Link and Prism at their words. Saber entered the side wearing all of her armor and her two swords at her sides. "You beckoned, Princesses?" She bowed in respect before them before turning her glance to Prism. "Oh... You're back." Saber raised her head and looked at Celestia. "Is she to stay in this form as I apply the restraint?"

"The answer to that is two-pronged. One: she is to return to her Polaris Guard form. And two-"

Luna looked irritated at her sister. "No. Sister, hear me. Link may have trusted her, and she may have returned to our side. But that, by no means, should not give her the right to be here without the collar." Luna turned to Saber. "Reapply the restraint."

"Wait. She has shown to be useful to Link. And she did not once try to run away. These two facts alone has earned my... partial trust." She also turned to Saber. "Do not apply the restraint."

"But even so, she is not one of us, nor shall she be, in any form. Apply it."

"She proved that her heart is with us. Don't apply it."

Saber scratched her head. "So, uhm... Do I, or..."

Prism decided to put her two bits. "If you two can't agree, I'd be fine with getting the restraint..."

Luna spoke first. "You do not get the choice!"

"Yes, she does actually," Celestia argued. Her gaze shifted to the pony in question. "It is with her support that Link may now complete his original mission. I believe she deserves something in the way of a reward."

"As do I, but complete freedom is too much too soon." Luna turned to Prism. "If you truly wish to reward her, allow her to return to her post as before."

Celestia let out a sigh. "Steel Saber... Can you return her to her quarters? We may be some time before we come to an agreement."

"Shall I stay with her was well?" Celestia nodded. "Very well. By your leave." She and Prism exited the grand hall.

The two leaders of Equestria discussed at great length what should come of Prism's efforts. She was to return to the princess' side, with Saber to monitor her, without the restraint. However, as she was already seen by others as an earth pony, so she would have to remain until such a time came when she had to transform into one of the other two races.

Upon hearing this news, Polaris - as she had changed back into the royal guard - could barely hold her excitement as she went back with Saber to her post by the side of the princess.


Way of the Sword III

"Time-out time-out time-out!" Twilight said, screeching to a stop after being hit and sliding. She dispelled her sword and took a seat. "Okay, so... I kinda got the hang of it... But you're too fast for me to keep up with."

"And when you catch me, the others at the tournament are gonna be a cakewalk. Unicorns have a charge time a noticeable length longer than mine." She landed and stuck her stick in the ground. "And you'll see just what that is when you get there. As for the intuition part, the instinct to predict where I'll show up, I'm sure Link can explain it better when he gets here, if not show you how to develop your own."

"I'd prefer to just use a barrier if I can." Twilight sighed and stretched.

"Bad choice, that." Ruby walked over. "Barriers are nice and all, but you're already using magic to wield a sword. I mean, you could choose one or the other and conserve, but if it were me, I'd much prefer to use a sword than a shield." She stretched a little. "But that's just me."

Twilight stretched with her. "I just don't think I'll be ready for the tournament. I saw some good competition when I was at the tryouts. These guys have been training months for this. I have days."

"And we're gonna make you as battle-ready as we possibly can in this short amount of time." Emmy patted Twilight's shoulder. "Ruby and myself, and Link when he gets here."

Ruby finished her stretch and stood, flipping her mane back. A few embers flew from her mane as she did. "Until then, you are my opponent. Take a break, Emerald. My turn."

Twilight stuttered. "H-h-hold on there..." The others looked at her with worry. "I just have a question: Is martial combat allowed?"

"What, like punches and kicks?" Emmy asked. Twilight nodded. "Well, yeah, but... The unicorns who fall back on that are few and very far between."

"I want to learn how."

"You don't have the time to learn all that before the tournament. I mean, if you can multitask, you can watch me and Ruby spar while you're taking a short break from sparring with Link." Emmy tried to explain. "But if you were to devote a segment of your time to training in martial combat, you'd be taking time away from learning what's really important."

"You have a good point..."

"Besides," Emmy continued, "Rainbow might be a better pony to ask about stuff like that. She's always been a fighter."

Ruby frowned. "But... We fought..."

"And let's face it, neither of us are very good at fighting." Ruby agreed with a slow nod. "And besides, Dashie's waaaaay more qualified as a teacher. She's almost a black belt last I heard."

Twilight shrugged. "I guess you're right. Doesn't have to be right away I suppose."

"Couldn't be right away anyway. We're here to make that sword of yours your main weapon." Emmy nodded at Ruby. "Alright. Lay on!"

Twilight hopped to her hooves and prepared herself for Ruby's attacks. Her training continued...


Link returned to Ponyville later that day. Tired from his trip, and requiring to keep up his appearance before the princess, he was finally able to let himself relax on the train ride home. Once embarked for the library, he walked with purpose, ready to train Twilight in the finer arts of swordsmanship.

So the day went. Link trained Twilight in the finesse of shifting through the stances, popular counter swings he's done in fights prior, and some entry level skills on how to control the flow of battle. She followed along as best as she could.

The day ended with a nice dinner. Link described his day, Twilight described hers, then they all went to bed. Emmy and Link stayed up and wrote in their journals. His was his seventh.


Today was busy. Returned the Second Commander to the castle in Canterlot, took the train both ways and then trained Twilight in swordplay. She's getting better, but we only have a week. Results may vary.

I have obtained the last of my keys with the Second Commander's assistance and can set out after the tournament is finished. I will hope for Twilight's victory.

I don't feel right, lying to the princesses, but I trust in Torren.


Morning greeted them with a shining sun. Twilight's training started with Link's stretches, and followed up with Emmy's training with Link's coaching. Ruby stepped in for her bits every two hours. Link stayed with them and offered words of advice when they were needed.

By the end of the day, Twilight was exhausted, physically and spiritually. She had made noticeable leaps and bounds in progress compared to the first day of training. To the point where no matter how she tried, not a single ember could reach Twilight's coat. None of Emmy's strikes got through to reach her, through prediction and raw instinct. That, and with the two of them working in tandem.

At the final hour, Link joined the fray with a stick and fire of his own. With the three of them going against Twilight, she was pushed to her breaking point, though still managed to get a feel for what the real combat scenarios will be like.

Good thing the next day was one of rest.


Epona had been absent the past few days over on Aj's farm. Due to a surprise appearance by Emmy, Epona was tasked with double-counting the barn's tools. The other of the time was spent counting apples, or cleaning the farm.

Ruby tended to her project. The one she had been working on since she came to visit. Thankfully, she'd have a great amount of progress by the time the tournament started, so she could watch from the stands..

Emmy spent the morning in a sort of meditation. Because of that, she went into the quiet reading room, so she had no distractions.

Twilight woke near nine. Well rested, she gave a stretch just off the bedside to get her muscles back into working order. After a few minutes, she'd go downstairs to find Link on the couch.

The chores were already done. Link was restless over the night and didn't get much sleep. "You've got a big day tomorrow. Hope the other's lodging works out."

"It should," she replied, sitting in her chair with a sigh. "Let's see... You're with me. Emmy is taking in Epona, and I am asking a fellow competitor to house Ruby if she hasn't filled the spot with somepony else yet," she recounted.

Link smiled and shuffled in his seat. "Last day of rest before the tournament. How do you feel?"

"Nervous!" she blurted. "Uhh, sorry." She adjusted. "I'm a little nervous. It'll be the first time actually being in a competition where literally everypony could be better than me." Twilight smiled. "But thinking about it on the second level, these unicorns are skilled. And I get the opportunity to compete with them."

"That's a good way of looking at it. I like that way. I may use that later." He chuckled. "Wish I could compete in this. I missed the cut-off on the count of being a pegasus."

"That, and you're one of the royal guard. What rank are you again?"

"With the recent promotion, Corporal."

"Right," she understood.

"Besides, that's a bit of a non-issue. If I go off-duty, I can sign up as a non-official and compete as a civilian." He thought a fair bit. "It'd be no contest anyway."

"That confident, eh?" He nodded with a smile. "Wish I had that. What do you say about that, Epona?"

Epona looked up from her book. "Huh? Oh, uhh..." She hesitated. "Y-yeah, he's great." The other two looked at her. "What?"

And so the morning went. Emmy was retrieved around noon for lunch, plans about bunking were discussed with the others when they came in and even Ruby pitched her thoughts on it. They ate, drank and enjoyed each other's company for their final day before the tournament. Upon its end, Twilight felled her head upon the pillow, to dream of the fights ahead.


In the meadow within the woods stood the alicorn of darkness. He peered into the middle of three black mirror portals before him. It revealed Twilight, asleep in her bed. "The sun will rise of the tournament tomorrow. I look forward to seeing how well you fare, Twilight."

Then to the left. The fire earth pony was asleep in Link's bed for the night. "Ruby..." His horn lit up. "You must hate me for what I put you through. All those townsfolk throwing things at you, calling you names... But there is one grace: Emerald. The one you would call Emmy. She, who stood by you when you fell, opposed. Know that if she were to betray how you felt about the stallion in the woods, it would throw you into a fit of uncontrollable rage." He closed the portal and dimmed his horn.

The right portal displayed Emerald, asleep on a cloud just outside the library's canopy. As with Ruby, his horn lit up as he cast his gaze into it. "Emerald. Dearest pupil, and closest friend. It means a lot to me that you voluntarily sought me out. That you call me 'Master'. As I cannot leave this forest, I would have you defend me out there. You know I only mean to be beneficial to you and your friends. Yet there are some among them that do not see me as you do. Please... I don't ask that you try to change their mind. I only ask that you defend your own opinion of me, and oppose those who believe otherwise." His horn dimmed and the portal closed.

His sight drifted to the only portal remaining: Twilight. His horn brightened a black glow as it did twice before. "Dream me a dream, sweet little Twilight. Of a time and place torn between red and green. See the line between them blur as the two colors clash and spark. Watch on as you are helpless to stop them, paralyzed by the fear of what the two could do to you if you get between them. Be frozen, unable to take action as the chaos ensues." His horn's blacklight died down and the portal closed.

The alicorn hovered up to the luscious green branch and kicked back, pouring magic into a wind instrument. "Ahh, to be out there in the world again... But alas, the illusion must be kept for the sake of the bit. In time, I will be free to come and go. But for the time being, here I must stay..." He cautioned a glance to the starry night sky. "The only wild card is Link, but he'll be too busy being torn between his duty and his sister." He closed his eyes and whistled along to the forest's melody.

Chapter 49: The Tournament: Day I

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Morning came in like a warm breeze. Twilight rose from her slumber and felt better than she had in the past week. Her magic levels fully restored and completely rested, she couldn't help but wear a smile as she put her hooves to the floor with a stretch. In all the noise she'd made, Ruby stirred from her own sleep and, quite groggily, asked, "Whut time izzit?"

"Early enough to start getting ready, I believe," Twilight replied, turning on her bedside lamp with no regard to her friend's sleepy disposition. "How long do you think you need?"

Ruby rubbed her eyes and fell upon the bed once more, waving her hoof as if to hit the snooze button. "Jus' five more minutes..."

Twilight had already begun to pack her bags. "Well, then I'm taking those five minutes to pack. Hope you're awake enough to come with when I'm done."

"We're all teleporting there. It's not like I have to do any work." Ruby turned over and opened her eyes to adjust to the light from Twilight's lamp.

"That may be so... But still... You're getting free passes to watch some of the greatest spellcasters compete against each other. How you could not be excited for this is a mystery to me."

Ruby sat up and opened her eyes wide. "Because it's not any fun to watch someone else compete. If I were in there, sure, I'd be raging to go, but alas and alack, I've been tasked with merely spectating." She hopped out of bed and did a few stretches on her own. "I'll root for you to win on my behalf."

Twilight chuckled. "Thanks. Meet me downstairs. I'm taking you, Link and Navi. Emmy should be able to take Epona on her own."

Just from hearing her name, Ruby scowled at the mention of Emerald. "It'd be fine if she didn't go too..." she whispered.

"Epona? Well too bad. Link insisted." Twilight finished packing, set said bags upon her back and headed down the stairs to the library's main room, closing the door behind her.

"That's... not who I meant."


Link was already awake, early riser as he's always been. Navi was awake as well, sitting on the edge of the side table to the two-seat replacement sofa. The former was already doing stretches, much like Twilight was before she came to the top of the stairs. And, as she had done once before, Link built up a fireball in his hand when he heard her door close. The moment she came into view, he threw it at her.

Twilight caught it and chuckled. "That looks familiar." She dispelled it and walked down the rest of the stairs. "Emmy, Link, Navi. Good morning to you all!"

"Morning yourself. Nice catch, Twilight," Emmy applauded. She was sitting on the chair that Twilight liked so much, with her head turned back to see the lavender mare. "Sleep well enough?"

"I sure did. I'm ready for the day."

"That's good to hear," Link agreed. "We've been up for about half an hour getting ready ourselves."

Twilight noticed he had his pouch, boots and bracelet on. "You're not going to do any of the fighting. Why get ready for war?"

"That many unicorns in one place? Something's bound to go down." Link adjusted his belt and shifted in his boots. "Better safe than sorry."

Emmy cut in. "Opening ceremonies are at eight, so we do have a little time. Still, best to get there a bit early so we don't miss check-in." She got up and put her bags on. "Ready."

Navi got up and flew up to Link's shoulder. "I should be able to get a better look from up here. I wouldn't miss having a front row seat to the show."

"As front row as you can. I don't know how close the plus ones get to be in the stands," Twilight admitted.

"We'll try," Link agreed.

Epona had just come in from the kitchen with about half a dozen sandwiches wrapped in plastic. "I'll cut these in half when we get hungry enough. Oh, hey Twilight."

"Hey. Those for us?"

"Sure are. From what I can guess, the festival food is spendy, and I'd rather spend bits on fun things." She went to the kitchen after setting the bags down and returned with another bag of apples and several water bottles. "Also for the stay."

"You are well prepared," Twilight complimented.

"I've been around."

The group stowed their share of food and drink and awaited Twilight's call. "Alright. Emmy, since you're taking in Epona, you get to teleport with her. Link and Ruby, you're with me."

"Thank Celestia for that," Ruby admitted. Then, she added, "It's just- Hmm... I don't think teleporting with her is safe."

"I'll have you know that any form of teleporting is perfectly safe. Even if somepony makes -"

"Girls, come on," Twilight interrupted. Not here, and not right now, alright?"

"... Fine," the two in question responded simultaneously. They shared a glare and a light growl, and nopony knew why.

"Okay. We should meet in front of the gate to be let in. Emmy, track me after I reappear and we'll take it from there."

"Got it," Emmy agreed. Twilight disappeared with Link and Ruby, and all of their stuffs. Emmy got a lock on Twilight's location and disappeared as well with Epona.


Twilight appeared with Ruby, Link and Navi first, followed closely by Emmy and Epona. They all appeared in a crowd in front of the gate leading to the tournament grounds. Emmy reached in her bag and retrieved the tickets for her and Epona. However, Twilight kept an eye out for the pink mare to whom she would entrust the care of Ruby. She was found near the back, standing by herself. Ruby followed Twilight when she made her approach. "Hello there," she greeted.

"Hey there yourself," the mare replied. "Change your mind about punishing that one mare from the prelims?" She grinned a little.

"What? Oh, no. Nothing like that. She and I actually reached an agreement of sorts." Twilight looked to Ruby. "I actually come with a favor. My friend here has nowhere to stay for the tournament, and I notice you're here alone. Would you mind terribly if you made her your roommate?"

Ruby gave a small wave, feeling a bit awkward about the situation. "H-hi there."

"Oh?" That got her attention fully. "Is that right? That's just not allowed. Of course you can room with me. No problem." The mare sounded sincere enough. She approached Ruby, and Twilight got out of the way. "We can do whatever you want to do, as long as it doesn't interfere with the competition."

"Does that include reading? I like books," Ruby asked.

"It sure does."

"Good," Ruby admitted.

"See? Friends already. See you in the competition, I hope." She waved and retreated to the others. "Okay, so Ruby is set up, -"
"Not soon enough," Emmy retorted with a side glance to the crimson mare.

"Do you have a problem with her?" Link asked.

"Oh no. Not at all~" she replied sarcastically. "She and I are all fine and dandy."

Twilight narrowed her eyes at her, then continued, "You, Emmy, -"

"I'm going to the guests only hotel over yonder." She pointed to a tall building on the east side of the field. "Along with Epona, of course."

"And I'll be going with you to the competitor hotel, right?" Link asked. Twilight nodded. "Along with Navi."

Navi refused to return to the underside of his cap and instead remained seated on his shoulder. "I don't want to miss a thing! Hey, you think it'd be alright to stay at the arena while you go off to have your fun elsewhere?"

"Elsewhere?" Twilight questioned.

Emmy explained, "There's also a festival here."

"Ah." Twilight looked up at Navi. "You're unusually excited for the tournament, considering you aren't competing."

"I just wanna see the whole thing. Along with you taking first," Navi admitted.

Twilight rubbed the back of her head. "Eh heh..."

Soon, the gates opened and the flood of ponies entered the main property of the tournament. They all made their way to either the hotel to the west or the hotel to the east. Twilight, Link and Navi walked toward the former while Epona and Emmy trotted off for the latter.


Twilight waited in the check-in line to get her room with Link and Navi. There were two stallions making short work of the 64 competitors and their roommates, getting Twilight her key in record breaking time. The two were admitted to room 208B. Ruby and the pink mare to whom she was entrusted were given a room one floor up and a few rooms down to 302B and didn't share more than a few word at a time the whole way up.

Link and Twilight deposited their belongings into the room and departed for the opening ceremonies.

At the front of the crowd, on a small stage, stood a stallion. The 64 competitors stood in front of him, and the hundreds of spectators stood behind them. He lit up his horn and and his voice rang out over the crowds. "Ladies and Gentle-stallions! Colts and Fillies! Welcome to the 111th Annual Spellcaster's Tournament!"

Cheers erupted from the spectators. Twilight glanced to the other competitors and noticed that a majority of them didn't seem to care. Like it was just another day to them.

"We have a festival that will be open to everypony right after ceremonies and will close on the final day before the final match. Please enjoy yourselves between or even during matches, if your skill allows it. First match starts at 9, so be in your seats by then should you wish to bear witness. And let's be honest, you didn't come here for just the festival." The crowd laughed a little. "Competitors! If you could form two neat lines in front of these two lovely ladies-" Two mares teleported in; one wore a red outfit, the other a blue outfit and both wearing black hats. "- when I'm done talking."

Might be match up draws... Twilight thought.

The girls gave winks to the crowd before conjuring a table and placing their hats upside down upon it. "We'll explain how it works in a minute," they revealed in unison.

"And that minute draws near, so before we go, I want to thank you again for your attention and attendance. See you in the stadium at 9! And competitors..." He peered into the crowd, almost directly at Twilight, "Give it your all!" The stallion teleported away.

Everypony save for the competitors retreated or advanced to the festival. The competitors remained and filed themselves into two lines. "32 pieces of paper are included in each hat here. Take one out and see the number scrawled upon its surface."

"Then find your number on this board here and write your name beside it," the other mare added.

One by one, the mares and stallions reached in and took out a piece of paper. When Twilight had her turn, she saw the number 17. She found her number and wrote her name beside it, above two names and below a third. When everypony had drawn, the red mare continued, "The names above and below your own are your teammates. Find them. Somepony among the tournament staff will be with you shortly."

Twilight looked at the names again and was quickly approached by the three ponies meant to be on her team. "You must be Twilight," the yellow mare guessed. "I'm Forest Meadow." The dark green mare greeted with a warm smile. "Pleasure."

"Cloud, will do," the grey stallion greeted.

"Which would make you... Corona." Twilight looked to the back of them to the yellow mare. "Right?"

"That's right." She walked forward between the two. "I like your attitude, girl."

"Uhm... Thanks?" Teammates for round one... if I can, I want to keep my sword reserved for one on ones. Twilight held out a hoof to each of them. "Nice to meet all of you."

Soon, a stallion approached the team. "Cloud, Twilight, Forest, Corona. The four of you are Team Seven. Please. Come with me." He led the group to a tent with the big number 7 on its dual flap doors. Twilight and the others noticed there were other tents and other groups going into them one at a time.

One by one, the teammates entered and exited the tent, with about three minutes spent inside. Twilight was third to go in after Cloud and Forest. The stallion sat behind a desk with a lamp on it. He had Twilight's prelim test paper in front of him. "Twilight Sparkle. 18. Passed all of your physical tests with remarkable ease. Though it shows me you had the hardest time with the obstacle course compared to the other three. Why is that?"

"Up until a week ago, all I've done is read books. My physical side isn't exactly adequate for an obstacle course."

"Yet you conjured a blade that split a magic shot in two at a mere ten feet within a quarter of a second. Quite literally blink and you'll miss it, yet you executed it so flawlessly." He paused, letting Twilight think about where he might be going with that conversation. "I only bring it up because of the weapon you used. The tournament does not allow for cutting weapons."

"I have since altered the design. It's now a battering tool," Twilight argued.

"Prove it to me." He created a ball of magic in front of him. Twilight made her weapon and swung, sending it hurtling toward the wall. On impact, the ball fused with the wall. "Hmm. Good. We will allow its use in the coming matches. Use it how you like."

"Can the others hear or see what's going on in here?" The stallion shook his head. "Good. I kinda want to keep this tool a secret for as long as I can."

"That's reasonable. Are there any other weapons or tools you wish to bring into combat?"

"Well, since you specify battering tools are allowed, can I hit with my shield?" She created a shield in front of her after dispelling her sword. That time, the stallion nodded. "That's good to know."

He reached into a box at his side and retrieved a blue cloth as well as a metal ring. "You, and the rest of the team you are on, have been assigned the color Pink."

Twilight tilted her head. "Then why a blue vest?"

"Put them on." She did as she was told and zipped it up. The cloth disappeared from sight as it adopted her lavender coat and shrunk to fit her perfectly. Then she put on the wristband and watched as it, too, decreased in size to fit. "The wristband controls the color of the coat. Speak the color into it, and the vest will change."

"And why can't the vest do that on its own?"

"Because the vest is designed to monitor your vitals and teleport you off the field should they fall dangerously low. If you are knocked unconscious, you will be teleported off the field. If you run low on magic and can no longer compete, you will be teleported off the field. If you forfeit using the phrase, 'I yield', you-"

"-"Will be teleported off the field?" He nodded once more. "I see why the wristbands control the color now."

"Do you have any more questions for me?" Twilight shook her head no in reply. She was dismissed.

Soon as she stepped out of the tent, Corona complimented, "I like the jacket, Twily." She smiled and passed her on the way to the inside of the tent.

How'd she know I was wearing one?

When Corona came out, she looked confident. "Alright Team Seven. It looks like I was appointed team leader for the time being. Let's see..." She looked over at a nearby clock. "It's 8:40 now. We have our first match in... about an hour? Let's go see the board and find out who they are." The others followed her lead without question.

The tournament bracket was being constantly updated with information as the teams were getting approved by the staff. All of their opposing team passed their check in and appeared beside them in the third match of round one. "Team Twelve..." Cloud muttered.

"Since there's a chance we'll lose our match, we should take this time to share what skills we have. To better formulate some kind of battle plan." The others agreed and followed her to a table in the food court of the festival.

Forest sat across from Corona. "Who wants to share first?" the former inquired.

Cloud spoke next, across from Twilight. "That'd be me. I have elemental magic. Ice, lightning and water." The others looked at him in surprise. "What?"

"Just fascinating, is all. All I can do is play music," Forest complimented, sitting beside Twilight. She conjured a pan flute and played a demonstration string of notes. "I'm a lover, not a fighter. Sorry... But I can support you. My songs can grant buffs to you guys as long as you stay in range."

"Of the sound?" Cloud asked.

"Of my magic. It's emission. Which means it sends out my magic to those in about 20 feet range."

Twilight smiled at that. "That'll come in handy. What else can you do with that?"

"Well, I can bounce projectiles off of it like a shield, and I can swing it through the air to make damaging notes appear. The holes the air goes through changes the effect. Like, I leave the high C and G uncovered and throw a ball of wind in the form of a green note. It flies pretty quick, and pushes back whatever it hits. Then there's the middle notes E and F. Those ones send out a yellow note that paralyzes on impact. It's a slow note, but it's powerful enough to last for about 30 seconds. The songs that I play physically can last as long as I play them."

Corona clapped her hooves. "That's incredible!" She cleared her throat. "I'm a martial combatant. Punches and kicks powered by spirit."

"I've heard about that," Twilight noted. "I'm glad you're on our side."

"So am I," Corona admitted. "So what's your skill-set Twilight?"

Twilight hesitated. "I can shoot strong magic blasts from my horn, and I can make a durable barrier." The others looked now at her. More with baited breath than surprise. "What?"

"Is... Is that it?" Corona asked.

"Well, I can make an icy mist that freezes fireballs, I have levitated a full water tower, I have become proficient with teleporting, apparently my reaction time is pretty good."

"An all-rounder then. You'll come in handy." Corona looked at Twilight. "So we have one who is weak to close range," then she pointed at herself, "one who is weak to long range," over to Forest, "one who's weak to both," finally to Cloud, "and one who is weak to neither. Quite the four-pony squad we've got."

"I contest that. I'm not entirely useless in close combat. Sure I've got a shield, but I've also been trained by a member of the Royal Guard. I can hold my own in a swordfight."

"Oh, can you now?" a mare asked, approaching Twilight from the side. The entire group looked at the mare and adopted narrow eyes and tense shoulders. There stood a grey unicorn mare wearing the competitor's bracelet and a training sword on each hip, held by leather straps.

Twilight looked confused. "I'm... sorry, do I know you?"

"Honestly, between you and your brother, I'm not sure who's smarter."

Slowly, Twilight's gaze shifted to the scar under the mare's right eye. "Oh! It's you! Wow, you look really different without all that armor."

"Steel Saber, in case we were never introduced properly."

"Twilight Sparkle," she replied.

"Well, Twilight. The powers that be granted my participation in the tournament. On one condition..." Saber turned to her side and whistled very loudly. Everypony in the immediate area looked at her with stunned surprise. One mare, from at least a hundred feet away, turned her head to see, turned back to her business and bowed lightly before trotting toward Saber. "The one condition is that I keep a close eye on this one as she attends the festival. She'll be watching my matches when I have them, and having fun when I'm out of the match. Either way, we're staying the whole weekend.

The new mare came to the side. "You called?"

"Polaris, you remember Twilight? She attacked me in the castle."

"Yeah, I remember you." Polaris smiled. "How've you been?"

"Are we really going to gloss over the fact a royal guard is competing in the tournament?" Forest asked.

"It's not illegal. Some paperwork needs to be submitted beforehoof, but so long as you follow the same rules as the citizenry, you should be fine, right?" Twilight asked.

"That's right. Your brother kept you informed. I tell you, it's a lot of fine print. Well worth it for worthy competition." Saber addressed the group. "So what number are you guys?"

"Seven. Yours?" Corona replied as leader of the team.

"Nine. Last match of round one, lucky me." She glanced at Polaris who had started swaying lightly in delight of just being outdoors. Then she shifted back to Twilight. "See you in the finals?"

"See you there," Twilight affirmed. The group watched Saber and Polaris depart for the festival and its finer entertainment.

Once Saber was out of earshot, Corona offered a compliment. "She seems nice. Gnarly looking scar though."

"I fought her. Twice, kinda. I lost both times. She is why I even considered taking lessons."

"Revenge then?" Corona asked.

"In a way... " Twilight admitted. "The other half of 'why' would have to be because I want to see what I'm capable of." Twilight folded her forelegs on the table in front of her. "If it comes down to her team and ours... I want to take her one on one. I'm sure she'd let me do that."

"And why would we agree to that?" Forest asked.

"You saw her scar, right? My brother, the Royal Guard I learned from, is the one who gave it to her. I wanna see how I stack up is all."

Corona and the others were quiet for a bit. Then the leader spoke, "If you were to guess... Who would win? You or her?"

"Probably her, honestly. More formal training outweighs my trainer's ability to instruct."

"Despite your hesitance, you can have your fight. Besides, in a squad fight, and you have your solo fight first, there'd be no pressure if you won or lost." Corona admitted. "Regardless of the outcome, it'd still be a three on four, hopefully in our favor, and that's assuming we're still in teams at that point. We'd have to progress to the finals if we're gonna fight them."

Twilight thanked her for the permission.

The team talked strategies up until 10 minutes before their match. They talked about attack plans, defense plans, and team attacks. Twilight revealed her reflective blade, Cloud explained his limits as it pertained to his elements and Forest described some of the effects her songs would have. Corona described her talent as being able to take a hit and being able to hit hard.

It came time for their team to go to the ready area. They gathered on their side of the arena staring across at the opposing team. Together, they spoke "Pink" into their bracelets and watched the vests adopt the color in question. Team Twelve walked onto the field and to the center where Team Twelve stood in wait wearing lime green vests of their own.

8 unicorns wearing Staff vests appeared on the cardinal and inter-cardinal points of the stage. A white square appeared over each of their heads and started spinning various symbols. The announcer appeared between the two teams. "Team Seven and Team Twelve. The match has no time limit. Use approved methods of combat only. Spells and Blunt weaponry is fully allowed. If you are incapacitated, you will be teleported off the field."

The revolving symbols from the north side to the south-east side - Team Twelve's side - stopped on a dark orb. The four unicorns on each of those directions transformed their section of stage to a dark forest filled with black mist. Then the symbols on the other four directions stopped on a tombstone with a white ghost coming out of it. Again, the four unicorns terraformed the stage to make it look like a graveyard complete with spooky trees, fresh turned dirt and blank gravestones. It, too, looked like it blocked a small amount of sunlight.

There remained an octagon of unchanged arena floor where the teams were standing. It had a radius of 25 feet to the sides, and an extra 50 feet to the actual edge of the stage, which stopped sharply at its edge to clearly mark its size.

"Alright," the announcer started, "at the sound of the bell, your match will begin." He teleported away and the bell rang.

"Game on!" Cloud shouted. He shot a pulse of icy mist forward at the other team. Each of them had raised a barrier covering most of their bodies from the front.



As soon as she saw the barriers go up, she determined which opponent would be hers by how thin the shields appeared. She chose the one that was the thickest and dashed forward after the ice went out. In a single punch, she shattered the shield and collided with the stallion's face, knocking him back. In the blink of an eye, she vanished along with the stallion.

The two arrived in the forest with their vests the only light. Even that was barely visible, as the darkness was overwhelming. Like a fool, the stallion lit up his horn to try and get a better view of his surrounds. Corona saw his horn through the blackness and closed the distance, bearing down on him with a powerful series of punches and kicks.

She was too fast, he couldn't keep up, so he went and turned off the light, deciding to hide and duck away. Just when he retreated, he heard her hit the tree where he was standing. Very quietly, he started walking away from where he heard the noise, expecting to find his way out.

Branches creaked and the breeze sent chills through his spine. He turned to the side and saw a bright ball of yellow energy flying at him. It was slow enough that he was able to get out of the way. But he was already made out on where he was. She came up behind him and grappled him, taking him to the ground in a struggle. The stallion jabbed his elbow in her ribs a couple times and forced her to let go. Lying there in pain, she saw him stand and charge a blast in his horn. When he fired it, Corona had put up her forelegs to try and block the point blank burst of green magic.

It put her several feet in the ground.

She saw him charge a second one and waited. When he fired, she disappeared. The stallion looked around, and the moment he turned his head, it was met with a severe punch. He staggered a little from the force, and was jabbed in the side with a kick it felt like. Again, the mare vanished. The next time, he anticipated the attack and attempted to counter.

Corona ducked the attempt and punched him square in the face so hard the resulting energy pushed through his head and out the back, lighting the forest for a few seconds. The stallion didn't even hit the ground before he was teleported off the field.

She sighed, rubbed her hoof for a moment, then sat and closed her eyes in an attempt to restore her stamina.



Just after Corona broke through the stallion's shield, his other teammates looked over at him in surprise. Twilight took the chance to force a teleport on the one who had the least amount of magic, judging by the strength of the shield. She disappeared with her to the graveyard.

The two appeared beside a tree with several headstones between them. The opponent kept up her shield and stood her ground. Twilight began rapid spraying magic shots at her. Easily, the opponent dodged the shots. She then dropped her shield to focus on dodging. Between shots, the mare tried getting closer to Twilight, but whenever she got close enough, Twilight would teleport to a safer distance and continue her salvo.

Suddenly, from a seemingly impossible angle, the mare gets a shot in her side. In surprise, she turned toward where it came from and saw a hole in the ground. "What?" Then she felt a shot to her face, staggering her and getting her off-balance. In the half a second that followed, several hundred shots unburied themselves and crashed down upon her teetering foe. No time to throw up a shield, the opponent took the full force of the attack - low-powered that the shots were - and collapsed to the ground before being teleported off the field.

Twilight smiled at the crater she made and glanced back at the two still in the center. She ran over to help, conserving her magic for the next encounter.


Cloud, Forest and Twilight

Cloud had released an initial burst of icy mist forward at the quartet of enemies. The shields they created didn't extend further than their knees. He was the first to act. Corona, with her spirit-powered abilities, dashed forth and shattered one of the shields, connecting with the stallion's face before essentially dragging him into the forest with surprising speed. Twilight picked one and disappeared as well, but to the other side, just as planned. Together, they divided the opponent's forces. Which was easy, due to how they reacted to the ice. None of them teleported away from harm, either by choice, or because they simply didn't know how.

Which left a few seconds where Cloud was alone with Forest and the last two opponents.

Forest shuffled to a position behind Cloud and divulged her role as either support or back-up. The two opponents glanced at each other and decided to split up. The one on the right turned tail and ran toward the forest while the left one ran around Cloud and Forest to try and get to the graveyard.

Confused, Forest watched the runner try and get past them. Cloud focused on the one in front and fired sharp icy spears at him, barring his path. The other stallion saw Cloud was occupied and turned on Forest. He fired a beam at her side. Forest was able to take out her instrument and deflect the shot sideways. She spun in place and waved her pan flute through the air, releasing a medium tone through the two open holes. A big yellow note floated swiftly through the air in a jagged pattern. The stallion tried to dodge, but failed as the icy mist on his hooves solidified and froze his hooves to the ground. He was hit by the note as a static aura enveloped him, causing him to cry out in pain before falling to the ground unconscious. Just like that, the stallion was teleported off the field.

Last but not least, the stallion close to the forest. He heard the final punch of Corona's attack and looked back at Cloud. That mare is probably a physical type. And if she broke his shield, then she's strong. I'd have a better chance against these two. he thought. Cloud fired off several more icy spears at the stallion, all of which missed their mark but only barely. His swift movements allowed him to close the distance with ease.

He hopped over Cloud once he got close enough and clipped Forest in the horn with a quick kick upon landing. She both dropped her instrument and fell to the ground in a little pain, but still conscious. On his reverse turn, he slammed into Cloud's side, toppling him for but a second. Cloud rolled, got to his hooves and shot a stream of lightning at the opponent. Skillfully, the stallion grabbed the lightning in his hooves, condensed it and threw it back just as quickly. Cloud raised an ice shield, which broke when the lightning ball connected with it. It was such a strong spell that it held its form afterward, and got him in the shoulder.

Twilight had arrived and helped Forest to her hooves, helping her to heal a little. "Gonna need some defense. Trust me."

Forest nodded and sat down. She began to play. Twilight stood guard in front of her with a spell charging in her horn. The music reached Cloud, and just in time as the opponent had dashed forward and connected with Cloud's muzzle so hard it sent a small shockwave through the air.

With the help of the defense song, Cloud didn't even flinch. Instead, he only narrowed his eyes. The opponent looked back at Forest and saw her playing. "You!" He disengaged and advanced on Twilight and Forest.

Twilight's training against the quick-moving Emmy had paid off when her eyes were able to track the stallion's movements with great ease. She intercepted his assault with a perfectly timed beam of magic. It was so strong from all that build-up that it carried the stallion through the dark forest, through a few trees and off the stage, skidding to a stop just before hitting the wall of the stands.

Deafening cheers erupted from the stands as Twilight and her team teleported to the center, with the announcer. The terrain also reverted to a normal stage. "Team Seven emerges the victor!" More thunderous applause. Apparently, the previous two matches had been less than entertaining as they would have been heard from the festival otherwise.

Corona patted Twilight on the back. "Nice shooting, Twi!" The team was walked off the arena to make way for the next bout.


Team Seven met in the leader's hotel room for their victory meal. They celebrated with juice and sandwiches, and talked about what part of their fight was hardest.

"I had to tank a point-blank shot while prone," Corona complained.

"I'm sorry, but my opponent wouldn't stand still," Twilight added.

"Mine kicked me in the horn. Still hurts a little." Forest sipped her orange juice.

"My opponent literally caught my spell and threw it at my face."

Forest asked, "Didn't that hit you in the shoulder though?"

"So he had bad aim," Cloud clarified. "I never said he was good at it."

"Still, we won. And that means we're not in last place." Corona clapped. "Well done, all of you." She smiled looked at the window. "Round two is gonna be much harder."

"Yeah. With everypony that fell in round one, there's a better pony who made it to round two." Cloud ate a bite of sandwich. "We should be getting some rest. Especially you, Corona. You took the hardest hit of the four of us."

"I'm a quick recovery, so don't worry about me." She turned to the door... before there was a knock. Then, a slip of paper made its way under the door. Corona levitated it over to her and looked at it. "Huh... Well, this is a twist."

"What is it?" Forest asked.

"A notice for round two. Not only has our opponent been affirmed - it's Team Fourteen by the way - but it's also set to be a two-on-two match, as will all the matches of round two." Corona set it down for the others to see.

The others looked at it and adopted a concerning look. "Only two of us?" Twilight asked.

"That's what it says," Cloud replied.

"But it's asking for representatives, which leads me to believe that we all go on to the third round if the two we pick actually win," Forest estimated. "Which is a good thing, since it means there's no pressure in picking who competes here."

"Agreed. As the choice falls to me, and I'm just not that confident making this choice on your behalf, what do you guys think? Who should we send into the next match?" Corona asked tilting her head.

The others were quiet in thought aside from Twilight. "Someone balanced, and someone who's primarily offensive."

"Interesting... Why?" Corona asked further.

"Because. It's our strength, I'm sure. Assuming the next team we go up against is going to try what we did in the first round, we'll need a pair of ponies who can hold their own on their own, and so far, only you and I have done that, Corona. So I'd choose both you and me."

"That's quite the assessment. Do you all agree?" Cloud and Forest both nod. "Then it's settled. Twilight, you shall accompany me into the second round."

"I won't let you down," Twilight assured.

Corona nodded in affirmation and wrote down their names on the lines provided before standing up. "I'm going to give this to the Tournament Officials. Cloud, Forest, feel free to enjoy the festival. Twilight, if you need rest, now would be the time to try."

"I'll be fine. I was actually interested in going back to my room, but not for sleep. I brought some books to read." She stood as well and left after Corona. Cloud and Forest followed afterward and locked the door.

They split their paths and enjoyed their own free time.

When Twilight finished a good chapter, she made her way to the tournament board to see if Saber's team progressed, or even if it ended yet. "Just as I suspected, her team advances..." she said with a smile and a shake in her head.

"Who's team?" a voice called. Twilight turned and saw the pink mare.

"Oh, uhh. The second to last one. Team Nine. I have an acquaintance there." She decided to change the subject. "How's Ruby?"

"She's a delight, really she is. However, she told me all about your stallion issue. The dark alicorn?" Twilight nodded. "Now, I know it's none of my business, and I did tell her as much, but she insisted on venting to me about- ... What?"

Twilight was chuckling at the unintended pun. "Heh. 'venting'. It's funny 'cause- well... not important. Go on."

"... about even though he put you through all of that, one of her 'friends' appears to be taking his side on the matter."

"Emmy..." Twilight assumed. "It's true, the two have been... butting heads lately. I didn't think that that would be why though. If they wanna argue about it, I don't want to get in their way."

"Why not? This kind of thing is how friendships are destroyed."

"Because, these mares have unnatural power. I could barely contain their collateral damage the last time they went at it. I even lost a sofa." The mare tilted her head. "Not important. It got replaced."

The mare thought for a moment. "Well, surely you can convince them to drop it for the safety of others?"

"I hope so..." Twilight admitted. "I forgot to ask you earlier, what team did you get put on? Mine didn't watch any of the other matches."

"Team Five. The first match, and the second team on the field after Team Eight. We won, too. But, I'll be sitting out round two. I took a pretty heavy hit, so I'm in no shape to fight today. And if that weren't reason enough, my team wants a full-defense pair, and I guess I count as balanced."

"Same here, honestly. But, I was able to convince the leader of my team to include me in the pair. I didn't come all this way, train for a week straight, just to sit on my haunches and watch someone else fight my battles. Hopefully, you'll get to see me in action. Maybe even winning."

"I look forward to it," the mare concluded. She started to walk off. Twilight looked at the board once more. Then the mare stopped, and turned her head back, causing Twilight to also look at her. "Aim for the shoulders," she offered. Then, the mare continued her retreat.

Twilight gave her head a tilt in confusion before looking at the board again. Why the shoulders? Is it their weak-spot? If so... Why would she want to help me?


The entirety of Team Seven met up just before they were set to go on. Cloud and Forest wished both Twilight and Corona the best of luck in their bout.

"We got this. Right Twilight?" Corona asked, as if to seek assurance.

"Absolutely," Twilight offered. She elected to withhold the advice she had been given on the count of Corona not being able to capitalize on it. "Stick together if we can, watch each other's back if able. We'll be fine."

"Uh huh!" Corona agreed. The announcer called Team Seven and Team Fourteen to the arena, which looked a bit smaller than the first round. Probably to account for half the combatants. "That's us." Both of them turned their vests pink through dictation into the wristlets.

Twilight followed Corona onto the field. Team Fourteen approached after Corona and Twilight got into position in the center. The opposing pair wore bright yellow vests.

As before, the eight unicorns around the edge had squares over their heads with revolving images, indicating the stage's impending transformation.

The announcer appeared between the teams. "Team Seven's Corona and Twilight Sparkle versus Team Twelve's Cherry Blossom and Rising Tide." Everypony in the audience cheered for one team or the other, obviously. However, the audience seemed to favor Team Seven. The announcer's voice became just loud enough for the combatants to hear him. "The stage is smaller this time. There will be four different terrains. Other than that, same rules as round one."

To the North and North-East, The symbols stopped on a pair of rocks. The stage in that quadrant changed from normal to a mining cave, complete with minecart and rails, as well as lanterns and an empty birdcage hanging by the mine entrance.

On the West to North-West side, the spinning images halted their turning on a snowflake. That region transformed into a snowbank over an iced-over body of water. Snow was falling calmly and the wind was blowing slightly.

Further South and reaching the South-West area, the graphics on the squares stopped on a metal fan. The field turned to an actual meadow with uneven terrain. There was a noticeable air current as each and every blade of grass was flailing wildly.

Around the East and South-East part of the arena, the emblems halted on a puff of fire. The field transformed into a volcano, like what would be in the Dragonlands. There were a few fire geysers erupting on what appeared to be a fixed timer.

The octagon in the center remained as a normal, neutral stage. "Round Two..." the stallion announced. Everypony in the stands sounded like they held their breath as a sense of calm washed over Twilight. "Begin!" He teleported away from the impending clash.



Soon as the announcer vanished, Corona felt a hoof slam against her muzzle so hard it knocked her clean off her hooves and back into the snowfield. She slid to a stop just before hitting the lake. The Tartarus just hit me?! With barely enough time to get to her hooves, the opponent closed the gap and unleashed a fluid combo of punches and kicks at a remarkable speed. Corona was able to block most of them. The final hit was strong enough to break her guard and send her reeling over the frozen lake.

The opponent, Cherry Blossom, leapt overhead and brought her forehoof down. Corona nudged herself to the side, evading the strike, which hit the ice with such force, it shattered the surface and sent up several massive chunks of ice into the air. Even the snowfall was blown out of the way.

I get it now... She watched our fight and targeted me intentionally. Same tactic we used before. I'm sorry, Twilight. You are on your own for this round. Corona cast a spell which increased her movement speed eight times over. I won't be able to keep this up for long, but maybe just long enough.

Her opponent also cast the same spell to match her speed. The two entered into a flow as their surroundings slowed down. Heavy punches and mighty bucks echoed through the air, sending shockwaves with every connection.

The ice finally fell to the ground as Corona found herself in a chokehold. Their speed spells wore off at last. In an effort to break free, Corona reared up and stomped hard, bucking her back legs up and over her head, front flipping and landing on Cherry, crushing her under the weight. She let go in pain.

Corona stepped forward and turned to face her, focusing magic in her hooves and taking a stance. Blossom got up and wiped off some snow from her vest. The former threw a light yellow ball of magic at the latter, who dodged and lurched forward, closing the distance.

Hit for hit, the two fought on. Several minutes later, Corona hit the ground. Blossom stepped forward to deal a fatal blow. Corona saw her opportunity and took it the moment Cherry dropped her guard. She turned and swept the legs out from under her standing foe. Quick to change her direction, Corona twisted the other way and kicked her in the muzzle with her other back leg.

Corona brought her leg to the ground behind her as she spun to a standing position. Not even looking, she charged her hoof with nearly all of her remaining power. In one fluid downward strike, she threw her punch with a mighty yell at where she expected her opponent to be.

Only... her opponent had been knocked out by the kick and teleported off the field.

The strike followed through anyway, hitting the ground instead. Powdered snow flew in all directions as it exposed the ground beneath. Even the dirt was blasted away by the impact, making a crater deep enough to stand in. Corona looked at her work. "I... got her..." Exhausted, she fell forward, spent of energy. She, too, was teleported off the field.



The announcer disappeared from the battlefield and Twilight felt magic wrapping around her. Before she knew it, she was being yanked about the stage before being thrown to the north. In the motion of being thrown, she saw Corona already in the snow field, engaging in combat. One on one it is, then. Hang in there, Corona. You got this.

Twilight saw her opponent fire an impressive number of projectiles her way. Quickly, and while still falling, she summoned her shield. Each shot was so low in power, it fizzled against her barrier. The final shot of them however, was noticeably bigger. It was aimed at Twilight's point of landing.

Realizing this, Twilight sidestepped as soon as she landed, hiding behind the nearest minecart. The shot hit the ground and broke it a little. She peeked under the cart and saw her opponent run closer, stopping just short of the rocky terrain.

Rising Tide fired another shot that appeared to curve around the rocks and carts. Twilight deflected it up with her shield when it got close enough. She stepped out from her hiding place and stared at the shot. It curved again and plummeted toward her. With careful aim, she spiked the shot at the mare like a racket hitting a birdie for speed. Too slow to react, the shot got Tide in the chest, sliding her back a few feet before the blast dissipated.

Again, Rising released a salvo of shots that arced over the terrain. Twilight expanded the shield over her head. The shots rained down upon her as cannon fire. And felt just as strong. Each shot served to crack Twilight's shield. Her barrier broke after half a dozen shots made their fall, leaving the next few to crash upon Twilight herself.

She fell to a knee, short of breath for having her barrier broken. She saw the mare ahead of her charge a rather large blast of magic, and she knew what was coming. She charged a spell of her own and waited. The mare fired a large blast, just as Twilight had done her match prior. Twilight teleported out of the way to a standing position and summoned her shield once more.

As well as her sword.

Twilight felt more magic around her, and found herself flung to the volcanic area. She slid to a stop before a geyser that erupted behind her. Just like the time before, Rising Tide stopped her advance just before the dangerous terrain.

Twilight wasn't having it. "Get over here!" she shouted, forcing a teleport on the mare. She reappeared behind Twilight, just as the geyser erupted. It sent Tide high into the air. Twilight turned and saw her come down hard. She landed and fired a shot at near point-blank. Having done it before, Twilight deflected the shot by watching where the opponent's eyes were looking, sending it back to its caster and connected with the mare's shoulder.

She was knocked back and down, sliding to a stop just before the edge of the stage. Twilight ran over and wrapped her shield around her, keeping her in place. In desperation, Rising Tide fired another shot. Again, Twilight deflected with less than two feet between them. The ricocheted shot hit Tide in the horn, which began to smoke.

Twilight raised her sword over her head. "Forfeit, or else..." she demanded.

"You wouldn't!" the mare predicted.

"You're right... I wouldn't." Twilight dispelled her sword and picked her up. "But I'll settle for a ring-out any day." Twilight pulled her back and threw her forward, dispelling her shield just before they crossed the stage line. She slid to a stop just before being teleported away to be with her - still unconscious - teammate.

Twilight took a deep breath and was teleported to the center along with Corona, who was unconscious herself.


The announcer teleported in with them and held Twilight's hoof up high. "Corona and Twilight of Team Seven is the victor!" he announced. Thunderous cheers erupted from the stands. Twilight carried her teammate off the field. Once off, Corona woke up and walked herself. The two met with Cloud and Forest at the tournament board.

"Congrats on the win!" Forest complimented. "It's because of you that we advance to round three!"

"Thank Twilight for that. She's the one that won it for us," Corona admitted. "She balanced the group and pulled a win from thin air."

"No," Twilight denied, shaking her head. "You did amazing work. The victory is ours. As a team."

Cloud frowned. "The next round will be more challenging than the last. The further we go, the more powerful our opponents will be."

"I think you're right. Thankfully, round three's gonna be tomorrow. No way they expect us to go three rounds like this in a day. Even if they wanted to, the time just won't allow for it." Corona yawned. "And besides, I need some sleep after that match... that last punch took all of what I had left."

"Speaking of which, it looked like you went for the kill shot with that attack... Did you?" Cloud asked.

"Okay, so I got a little carried away. No kill like overkill, right?" Corona chuckled.

"Maybe you forgot the rule about excessive force?" Forest asked.

"That's a rule?" Twilight nodded. "Oh... Good thing they passed out then. Eh heh..." Corona tried to chuckle.

Twilight added, "I'm gonna get some rest as well. See you all at the board in the morning?"

The other nodded and departed from the board, except for Twilight, who stayed behind to see who won the remaining matches. Team Five advanced to round three, as did Team Nine. What she couldn't figure out was where the mare from the water was.

Had she lost? How far did she get? Did she stay for the rest of the rounds or did she go home? Tomorrow will have the answers to those questions... she thought. Twilight walked back to her hotel room for some much needed rest.


The room was empty. She guessed that Link was out enjoying the festival with the others. Which was fine. Twilight closed her eyes and fell right to sleep.

When she opened her eyes, she was back in the library bed she called her own. She sat up and stretched. Outside was bright like the middle of the day. Warm, singing birds, the smell of flowers wafting through the air. Her usual book dream.

Twilight walked to the door and heard hoofsteps on the other side. "Huh? Ruby? Emmy? Epona?"

"Guess again," a stallion answered. The shadow stallion from the woods walked through the door and forced Twilight to step back. "They've all gone. Ashamed to have called you their friend. You stood there, and did nothing, when they clashed and spilled blood. Like you didn't care about them."

"You... I don't know what you're talking about..."

"As we speak, the very conflict I speak of peeks over the horizon. At noon on the final day, the two will engage. And you will be powerless to stop them, just as I planned. And I will have a front row seat to the show."

The light from the window burned the shadow pony, forcing him to hide once more. "This can't be happening... I thought I was free from him... Does he still hold sway over me?" She looked concerned as she walked down the stairs to the main lobby.

Everything was as it should be. As it usually was in this dream. She pulled a book from the shelf. Then another, then another few. Irritated, she shelved them and pushed the furniture to the side of the room.

Twilight summoned her sword and shield and began training for the fights to come.

Chapter 50: The Tournament: Day II

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The morning of the second day of the tournament came after a very long and well-deserved rest. Twilight woke up, stretched a little and looked around her room. Link was just waking up too, Navi was wide awake and sitting on the edge of the desk. The clock on the wall was just about to chime seven. He hopped off the bed, snatched his hat from the desk and put it on, looking over at Twilight. Link went into stretches as a human while Twilight flowed into pony stretches.

Today was a new day for victories, and Twilight would have as many as she can.

"You hungry?" he asked, finishing up with a shake of his limbs. "I saw a good place in the festival."

Twilight nodded and stretched out her back. "Will it be just us?"

"Unless we run into our friends. Unlikely, since the place is pretty big." Link helped Navi to his shoulder before walking to the door. "Oh! Don't forget your key. Competitors get a discount." Twilight carried her key with her when the three of them left.

They walked into the festival grounds. Most of the places had just a few customers this early. At the recommended stall, Twilight ordered a salad and apple juice, Link ordered a salad and water and Navi didn't order anything. He sat first at a wooden table; the chair creaked under his weight. Twilight started eating. After her first mouthful, she asked, "So what did you think about my matches so far?"

Link took a drink of his water before attempting the salad. "You won. With strategy, not brute force. How can I criticize success?" He then took a leaf of lettuce and consumed it with one bite. "I look forward to seeing you compete further."

"As do I," Navi added. She gave a small stretch with a yawn, still waking up.

"Same here, actually," a voice came from the side. The three looked over and saw Epona at the end of the table. She then sat beside Link with a sandwich and juice of her own. " Morning Twilight. Morning Link and Navi."

"Morning Epona," Link greeted. He scooted over from the middle closer to the end of the seat so she had room to sit. "What's up today?"

"Emerald is, actually..." she admitted. She looked down at the table. "I'm starting to suspect she's been affected by our forest not-so-friend."

"Are her eyes black like mine were?" Twilight asked. Epona shook her head. "Then..."

Epona sighed and looked at her. "She's talking a lot about him. The alicorn we all met. First in idle conversation, then on her own. And always talks about him in a positive light. Like they're friends or something. Maybe more, or something different, but none of it makes him out to be the evil we know he is." The other two look at her with a questioning tilt in their heads. "I know it sounds messed up, but if she really is under his influence, then her actions make sense. Not only that, but you know how she's all... flirty with Ruby? Now, when I bring her up, she snaps at me, saying the name alone makes her want to punch something. And she's not a violent pony. Not that I know."

"I heard from her roommate that Ruby's much the same, but the opposite. We all went through his portals, and we all came out alright... What if he's still got hold of some of us, if not all?" Twilight asked, taking a long drink of her juice. "She's saying that Ruby is actively trying to make it look like he's the worst pony ever."

"He kind of is," Link admitted eating another leaf. "I mean, maybe not the worst, but definitely a contender. What do you think?"

Twilight thought a few moments. "I think this is something I shouldn't get between them about," she answered. "Those two are crazy strong when they're trying to cause harm. By myself, at this time, I don't stand a chance." She smirked at Link. "Even the great 'Army of One' would be hard-pressed to quell that thunder."

"Whoa, hey now," Link chuckled. "Only if they worked together. If what I'm hearing is right, they'd be too focused fighting each other to know that I'm even there." He turned to Epona directly. "In that regard, I have a favor to ask. Feel free to say no if it makes you feel uncomfortable."

Epona faced him with an endearing expression. "If you have a favor that I may not like, then it must be important to you. Whatever it is, I'll do it if you ask."

That's... awfully obedient. Or obsessive. Hard to say. "That's good to hear. Because it involves Emmy. I need you to be nice to her. Not 'nice' like be nice. 'Nice' in the way she tried to be nice to you before. Distract her bad thoughts from surfacing with good, stronger thoughts that are happening now."

"You don't mean..." Twilight's eyes widened.

"I mean, I want Epona to react favorably to Emmy's advances. Start some of your own, if it'll help. I know what I'm asking, but if she's like you, then she won't remember what's going on anyway."

What'll this accomplish, exactly?" Epona asked, folding her forelegs on the table.

"The more she focuses on you, the less she cares about fighting Ruby." Link took a breath. "At least until we find a way to break the hold he's got."

Twilight piped up. "You don't know if it'll work, do you..." He shook his head. "Well... I don't have any better ideas, so..."

"I already said I'd do it. And I'm not about to go back on my word." Epona gave a smile.

Link smiled back. "Thanks. I will owe you one for this."

Twilight finished her food and drink and stood up. "I'm going to go check the board. See you in the stands."

"Yeah," Link replied, scarfing his salad and picking up his bottle. "I'm off to take Navi around the Sunrise Stalls. See you up there." He stood up and glanced at Navi. "Shall we?" She nodded in reply. The two headed out toward the bulk of the festival.

Epona also stood up. "That means I'm off to romance Emmy. Won't she be thrilled... And yeah, I'm gonna need to start calling her that if she is to believe me."

"You know... You don't have to do everything he asks you to do." Twilight looked back at Epona, who returned the look with one of confusion. "You're your own mare. You don't need to do what he says."

"It's because he asked me to that I agreed to do it. My doing this helps him in some way bigger than I understand. Otherwise, he wouldn't be asking me at all."

Twilight let out a long sigh, then smiled. "You care for him, huh?"

Epona averted her gaze in an attempt to hide her face. "Don't be ridiculous." She walked off, swiveling her head to look for the pegasus.

Twilight watched as she walked off. Then, in a whisper, "That wasn't a denial~" She cleaned up what was left of the mess on the table and deposited it into the nearby garbage can before making her way to the tournament board.

Once there, she found Corona staring calmly at the whole of it. Before getting close enough for her footsteps to be heard, Corona turned and saw her. "I thought it was you. You're early."

"You're one to talk. Who's our opponent?"

"That's the bad news..." Corona pointed to the board when Twilight got beside her.

The board had been redone to reflect the 16 remaining combatants. Solo matches the whole way up in four more rounds. When she looked, she understood immediately. "I get it... Wait, if that's the bad news, is there good news?"

Corona put her hoof down. "Yeah. You'll have your opportunity to go up against Saber. And sooner than she expected. Semifinal round would be you against her. But there's more bad news. The quarterfinal round is between us, if we both win in this round. And I have no intention of holding back."

"I can't fight a friend. No... I won't do it," Twilight rejected, backing away.

"You don't have a choice. The only way to have your solo match with Steel Saber is to go through me." Corona turned and frowned at Twilight. "I know you had my back in our fights so far. Even if we were forced to fight separately. You were there, and it's because of your help that our team got this far."

"You're not making this any easier..." Twilight walked forward and looked up at the board again. Saber was the first combatant, and Twilight was the seventh. Corona was the sixth; she was to fight in the match before her own.

"I'll be honest," Corona began, turning toward the board and staring at Saber's name. "When she came up to the table, I could tell she was strong. She's somepony I'd want to try my skill against. So in our match, I'll be giving it my all, whether you are or not."

Twilight was quiet for a moment. Then she glanced at round three. "That's assuming we both win. Who's your opponent?"

"I don't know. But I do my best work on the fly." She gave a wink to Twilight. "Hope you can adapt to your opponent's tricks." She turned away and started walking. "Oh, one more thing: if you have any extra skills you need approved, the stallion who we were assigned at the start is still in the tent. Trust me: worth the trip, even if it's just to clarify what you can and can't use in a fight." She turned back and walked off for real.

Twilight gave a nod, then refocused on the board. Saber is first against Cloud from my team. Corona is in the match before mine against somepony we don't know... Then I'm up against somepony I don't know... Prismarine is against a nopony in the sixth match and Forest Meadow in the seventh. "Corona said I should visit the tent if I have any more skills I wanna check in. But... Do I? Maybe I'll think of something along the way..."

Sure enough, when she got to the tent, she had come up with a few questionable skills that might have needed clarification. Cloud did too, as he was coming out of the tent, grim muzzle as was the norm. "Twilight Sparkle? Come to enter a new ability?"

"You too, huh?" she replied with a weak smile. "More like a... a reassurance that I can do certain things, is all."

"Fair enough. Best wishes." He didn't bother returning the smile, instead walking away with a level gaze and broad shoulders.

Twilight watched him leave. "He's up against Steel Saber. If he's nervous, he sure doesn't show it..." She turned and entered the tent. The stallion was jotting something down on Cloud's application file. "Hello?"

"Twilight Sparkle. Come in," he greeted, waving his hoof in her direction. She did so and sat in the available seat. "What can I do for you?"

She looked a little uneasy saying it. "I want to... see about modifying my arsenal..."


Twilight met up with Link in the stands, with everypony else. He was sitting right in the middle of them, with Emerald to his far left and Ruby to his far right. Epona sat between him and Emmy, leaving an empty seat for Twilight between himself and Ruby. He patted the seat for her to sit, and she thanked him for his action.

"Surprised you weren't here earlier, considering it's your old teammate against Saber," Link noted. "I mean, it hasn't started yet, but still."

"Sorry, I had business to take care of first." She trained her eyes to the raised stage below.

Different from the elemental stages from the rounds prior, this one was just the center octagon, raised 20 feet off the ground. Spanning 30 feet in diameter, the raised stage was perfect for solo matches, where no interference could come between the combatants.

The announcer teleported on stage and applied his megaphonic spell. "I hope you've all been enjoying the tournament so far!" Many cheers and stomping echoed through the stands. "Good. Because from here on in, the matches will be one-on-one. That's right. No back-up. No environmental cover or help. Just good, ol'-fashioned spell-slinging at its finest!" More cheering. "The sixteen competitors remaining have been divided from their teams, and shuffled randomly into their positions. Each one's heart is set on taking first place and grand prize! Taking the stage first is Steel Saber and Cloud!"

Saber took out her wooden sword and held on to it as it carried her up to the stage. Having no other way to board the platform, and failing to do so would disqualify her, she had to get creative. When she got on, she sheathed her sword, then made her way to the center, where she drew it once more and held it aloft. Many cheers rang through the stands, even as she thrust the blade into the stage.

"As we've seen in her matches so far, she intends to only have need of the sword remaining on her hip. Will her opponent be able to force the use of her other one?" He pointed to the other side of the stage.

Cloud approached the raised platform and looked up. When asked how he'd ascend, he simply jumped, landing firmly on the edge. With another burst of power, he dashed forward, only skidding to a stop mere feet from the announcer and Saber.

"Her challenger is Cloud! He's got some elemental power we hope to see more of!" He looked between the two. "The combatants are set. Let round three, match thirteen... Begin!" He was quick to teleport away from the combat zone.


Steel Saber vs. Cloud

Cloud lowered his horn and charged an attack. Saber held up her hoof, causing him to pause. "You're one of Twilight's old teammates, correct?"

He hesitated in his answer. "... That's right. What about it?"

"I don't want to fight you. Not in front of her. Not at full power, anyway. So to honor that..." She pulled the sword from its place on her hip and pointed it down in front of her, coating it in magic along the way. "I will fight you with a slice of the whole."

Cloud fired a bolt of lightning from his horn, displaying he had enough talk. Saber brought her weapon up and caught the bolt, predicting where it would go by the direction he was looking. She absorbed the spell into her sword; it began to electrically charge her weapon as well. Saber thrust her blade at Cloud, releasing the power it held.

He had prepared for that. Cloud rose to his back legs and caught it with his hoof. It surged through a predetermined path in his body, pulling more magic as it went. He shifted through a stance and released the stronger bolt back at her through his other hoof.

Saber tried her best to bounce it toward him, or even away, but found it impossible due to its added strength. It pushed her back to the edge, where she dug her hooves in and stopped herself. Somewhere, she found the strength to deflect the burst of magic up and away. It arced high, and dispersed quickly. Saber looked forward and dashed in, sword at her side, ready.

Cloud got down on all fours and fired fast spearheads made of ice. She was able to cut through them on her approach. When she got close enough to him, he stepped back. Saber took that extra step and lost her balance on the fresh sheet of ice under her hooves. Her swing went wide and missed as she was stuck in free-fall. Cloud took the chance and fired a shock straight into her shoulder. She fell to the ground and slid backward, trying to regain feeling in her foreleg and upper back.

In her tumble, she stuck her sword in the ground behind her and stopped herself by stepping sideways on it. After she righted herself, she got her sword unstuck and watched. Cloud was doing nothing. She tilted her head, then looked up in panic.

Several dozen icy spears were falling from the sky all around her. She did her best to avoid them all, and succeeded, but soon found herself surrounded by ice pillars. Before she could figure out that she could cut through them, the ones on the outer layer thickened and connected to the others in that layer, encasing Saber in a field and bowl of ice. The top tips also formed a ceiling, with holes small enough she couldn't jump out, but big enough to let plenty of air in.

The rest of the spears started melting, turning into water, which began filling the bowl she was in. And fast. She thought she saw Cloud make his way to the bowl before the wall cut off her sight. Estimating his approximate location, she held her breath, dove under the water and aimed her sword. She thrust the blade through the wall of ice and made it hover in front of him.

Cloud tried to go around, but found it difficult. Then, Saber cut from the upper right to the lower left in a huge swing of... something. Then from the upper left to the lower right, making a giant "X" in the wall, the hole from the sword in the vertex.

The resulting gashes weakened the ice wall enough to cause it to break down and flood the stage. An inch or so of water covered the arena floor before falling off to the ground below. Saber tumbled out with the flow of water and slid to a stop before her wooden sword, still hanging in the air several feet in front of Cloud. He was in shock that it all happened, and when he looked around for the other sword of hers, it was inside the ice bowl Saber was trapped in before.

Saber shook off the water she could and glared down Cloud. "That was it, then?" She coated her sword in more magic, pulled it back and swung left to right. Nowhere close enough to hit him, Cloud stood still, thinking she's desperate since she was a little short of breath.

Much like when Link did this technique, a crescent wave of silver magic fired itself from her swinging sword. "Hey, that's my thing!" Link outbursted. Surprised and off-guard, All he could do was raise up an ice wall around himself with the help of what water was left in the arena. The wave had rotated to vertical before it made contact and when it did, it collided with Cloud's left shoulder and foreleg. The wall crumbled and Cloud went tumbling toward the edge, slowing to a stop with his head just off-stage.

Saber followed the tumbling stallion with caution and haste to get there before he stood up from the attack. She succeeded and stood over him. Cloud fired a point blank shot of lightning, which was blocked due to her preemptive perception. She held the spell in her sword and watched it skitter along the wooden shaft. "Dancing color, truly a spectacle. You used up too much magic right away. All I had to do was weather the storm." She added her magic to it, changing the lightning from its bright yellow to a shiny silver, then brought it close to him.

The proximity alone caused severe pain to the stallion's whole body to the point he passed out. When he teleported out, Saber thrust her sword skyward, releasing the spell into the sky for it to be dispersed by the arena's barrier. She turned around, walked back to her other sword, still in the ground, picked it up and sheathed it. When she looked out over the edge, she saw Cloud get carried away on a medic cart.

In the stands, everypony was cheering, with the exception of Link and company. "I need a word with her," Link said, clenching his fist and standing up. "Navi, stay here with Ruby. Keep her company."

"Roger!" She flew over and landed on Ruby's shoulder.

"I'm coming too," Twilight said, also rising to stand. "Epona?"

"I'm staying with Emmy, if that's alright," she replied. Twilight nodded and left with Link.

The two came to Saber and Polaris at the tournament board. Cloud's name had been crossed out with red lines and Saber's name has advanced to round four. "He was strong. But, he kept his distance and instead expended his magic trying to beat me."

"And on top of all that, you were fighting with a handicap and still won," Link added, folding his arms.

Saber turned around and saw the two of them. Twilight continued, "In nearly the same way I won my last match."

"That's right. I hope you were watching. What did you learn?"

Twilight tilted her head. "About friendship? Grant no mercy to an opponent who has done their best."

"No, you goof. About the match." Saber shook her head. "That's a bad lesson anyway, don't do that. I did my fight the way I did because I have compassion for my opponent. Always fight with mercy. Go in with the purpose of helping them. I gave him advice before he passed out. If he had used his physical power on me, he might have forced me to use my other sword."

Twilight looked at the swords on her flanks and made note of them. "That why you only used one of them?"

"Yeah. I didn't want to overwhelm him, so I gave him a chance. Nopony here has had me need my other weapon. I'm sincerely hoping you can change that, Twilight."

"Why me?" she replied.

"For your progress, of course. Your brother here has made me use my other weapons. Sometimes out of respect, but most of the time it's because I can't hold back with him. Even when I don't, he still gets the best of me..." Saber glanced down at her scar. "But you, on the other hoof... when you fight against me, you had better be out to win. Even with your.. sealed magic."

"You're not supposed to know about that..." Twilight said softly, like she'd been caught with her hoof in the cookie jar. "How do you?"

"Princess Celestia gave me a head's up. Said if I did end up going against you to make sure you stay in control of your emotions."

"What does she mean?" Link asked.

"You don't know?" Saber asked, looking toward him. "She never told you? The Princess - your Mother - never said a word?" She looked at Twilight, who turned away looking sad. "Guess that's permission. She's had part of her magic sealed away. When she passed the test to get enrolled in the School for Gifted Unicorns, her marks were so good, the Princess herself came to see what had happened, approving her entry on the spot and teaching her personally. The first order of business was to seal away enough of her power to ensure she wouldn't be a threat to herself or others. She said, 'Magic of her level at that age could grow too strong for even the most resilient of vessels.'"

"If I were to use 100% of everything, I'd light up a small town. And Ruby thinks she's dangerous? I could match that if I absolutely had to. But I don't, so it's fine."

"It is for that reason, Twilight Sparkle, that you will lose." Saber and Polaris walked away from then and the board. "But by all means. Try."

Link and Twilight were left watching Saber leave with Polaris. Then, they turned to face the board. "The next match should be just about over. Let's head back in time for Corona's match," Link said.

The two returned to their seats. When asked what they missed, Epona replied. "Well, the pink one wasn't very skilled on her own. So, about a minute ago, she forfeited. She hung her head as she walked off, too. Kinda sad..."

Ruby frowned. "I should go cheer her up. Wanna come with, anypony?" They all replied with their own versions of 'no'. "That's alright. She's my roommate anyway." Ruby walked by the others, and kicked Emmy on her way.

"Hey! That hurt!" she said angrily.

In a sarcastic tone, she responded, "Oh? I'm sorry. I didn't see your hoof there." Ruby kept on walking without looking back.

Epona put a foreleg around Emmy's shoulder and watched as she cuddled into the hug. "I don't know why she's being so mean to me, but I'm sure tired of it. When are we gonna fight and get it over with?"

"Hopefully never," Link admitted.



As was the norm, the announcer stood in the very center of the raised arena. He announced the stallion first, as he was before her in the listing. The stallion in question shrouded the small area in a cloudy haze of desert sand colored magic. Then, he appeared, taking in all the extra for himself. There were only half the stands cheering for him, and they weren't even loud.

Corona's entrance was announced soon after. Much like Cloud's entrance, she jumped from the ground and landed on the edge. Then she walked in, taking a few breaths for herself, and enjoying the audience's attention. Corona stopped in front of her opponent. "Match thirteen..." he started, "Begin!" The announcer vacated the danger zone.

Cheers came from everypony as the match got started, which soon dwindled to faint chatter as the two remained still. Both of my challengers have fought me head-on... But this guy... He's just... standing there... Corona narrowed her eyes, looking for an entry point. She found one and dashed forward. Into the air she went, with a spin and brought her hind leg around in a kick to his head. Her attack was blocked with a rather thick magic shield just big enough to cover the contact surface. She pushed off, sliding back several feet. A barrier that reacts to my movement... It won't be easy getting through that. But nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Again, she burst forth, her enhanced legs granting her speed at least thrice the speed of most ponies. Every attack she threw out - be it kick, punch or other - was met with an equally strong barrier that stopped all force.

After several minutes of fruitless engagement, Corona stopped and took a breath. "Make a move! Passivity is against the rules!"

"I know that," he replied. "Which is why I'm casting the spell as we fight."

So it's not automatic. He's doing it on his own. Judging my speed and reacting accordingly. Fine. Let's see you block this one. She growled and tried again. With another application to her speed enhancing, she increased her max speed to what it was when she fought her last opponent, knowing that such a level would also hurt herself. She charged in again, this time, she slowed down, to make it look like she's wasting her energy.

Corona ended her assault behind him, where she threw a punch. Even went so far as to plant her hindleg, twist her waist and throw the punch like it's gonna knock him out. As expected, the stallion just threw up a barrier inches before her punch would connect.

It never did.

She had vanished into thin air. His eyes - which were looking back at her when she threw the punch - turned forward too late to see Corona below him, contorted in a strange way.

She was on two forelegs and one hind leg, as the last of them was being pushed through the air upward, connecting with his jaw and rocking his head back. It hit with enough force the stallion sailed into the air off his hooves. Corona turned over to her all fours and jumped up after him, coming to rest right behind him.

The entire crowd gasped on shock. Some of them even stood up in awe at the spectacle, Link included.

The two flew through the air in an arc. Corona wrapped her forelegs around his barrel and her hind legs around his own. "We go together!!" she shouted in anger. Magic came from all of her at once. The two turned toward the ground, head first. Then, Corona started to make them spin. Her golden magic spinning off of them, increasing their revolving speed.

Upon contact with the ground, the stage earned itself a sizable crater as gold magic flew out from the impact. Corona was thrown from the site and slid to a stop; the magic that once surrounded her sputtered to an end as she knelt there trying to get her breath. "It is over... I got him!"

Her muscles were also strained from the exertion, and noticeably drained of magic. Her opponent, however, when the dust settled, was seen standing upright. He shook himself off and looked over at her. "Is that all? ... My turn." His other hoof lifted off the ground and pulled a field of magic with it. It broke the arena in a straight line to one of Corona's hind legs. Fully connected by his magic, Corona looked in panic. She was lifted into the air and slammed down on her own, no magic to protect her. Corona grit her teeth, reached over and severed the connection. Then, she tried to dash toward him for another go.

Her body said 'no'. She hit the ground after just a few steps in unimaginable pain. Just an ordinary dive takes a tremendous toll on the body, let alone powered up tenfold like I did.

The stallion walked over, noticeably shaking from the damage the attack caused. During free-fall, he had coated himself in magic. It didn't do much, but it certainly took off more than half of the damage from plowing into solid concrete. He reached out his hoof and wrapped her in magic once more. "That hurt, I want you to know. But nothing like what it did to you. That move is supposed to be used as a last resort, when the lives of important people are at stake."

"I made an exception..." she muttered, being lifted into the air, barely still awake. "You're worth it..."

"I know... Don't think that I enjoy this part." He began to squeeze her inside his magic field.

She held herself together, being used to such pain. "Is that the best you got?" she asked, still mainly out of breath. Corona tried to think of a way out. "I could just teleport out of here."

"If you could, you would have by now," he replied, increasing the hold he had on her. "All you have to do to get this to stop is give up. You know the phrase."

Corona grit her teeth at the decision before her. She weighed her options, even as the grip increased in strength. The magic got strong enough around her, that her bones started to hurt. In her desperation of being let go, she clenched her eyes and shouted, "I FORFEIT!!!" Immediately, she was teleported out and onto a crash cart.

Her opponent dispelled his magic field and teleported off stage through all the "BOOS" and whining. Twilight's eyes widened, and Link looked over at her.

"Save your anger, Twilight. You need to be focused on your coming match. Win, then get your revenge." Link put a hand on her shoulder.

"I know. That doesn't mean I can't take it out on this opponent."

"He doesn't deserve it," Emmy said, sitting up. "Link's right. Stay calm. Stay positive."



Twilight paused, and looked down at the stage. She heard her name called and teleported in a bright flash of purple and sparkles. She narrowed her eyes and hushed the crowd. Not even the announcing of her opponent broke her concentration.

Her crimson opponent appeared in front of her with his own teleportation spell. He smirked.

The announcer looked between them. "Match fourteen... Begin!" The stallion teleported out.

In the short time after, Twilight's opponent fired a shot from his horn. At 5 feet away, Twilight had to react within half a second, given the firing speed. And she did well over that, summoning her blade and bouncing the shot up and away. The second shot came out sooner, and she got it on the back swing, sending it buzzing past his head.

Then the shots came in higher quantity. They pushed Twilight back as she struggled to keep them from hitting her. After a couple minutes, she started to sweat a little as a few blasts made it through. She kept pace with most of them, bouncing up and away, or down to the ground. Not enough time to hit one back at the shooter. When he finally stopped, she took a knee, breathing a little harder. "That, was wasteful..." She got up on her hooves and raised her sword.

"So what, I used a lot of magic. I don't care, it'll be worth it!" Every single shot fired - which amounted in the high triple digits - became airborne in a dome around her. Even the ones in the ground from before. Twilight looked panicked and dispelled her sword in favor of a dome barrier. The red stallion's salvo crashed down upon her purple protection spell.

Inside the dome, Twilight looked all around at the closing bursts. Each one hit for little, but when there were so many, it added up to a pretty hefty hit. Twilight's shield became cracked near the top, and soon caved in most of the way through, unleashing the remaining hundred or two upon Twilight herself. In a tight spot, Twilight curled over and used a more efficient spell to protect herself from the remaining shots.

It was too late, as several dozen had already done their damage.

Outside Twilight's dome, the bolts had converged on his opponent, enveloping that part of the stage in a heavy red mist. The stallion looked at his work as the bursts broke through, filling the dome with the same misty explosions.

When the mist settled, Twilight's dome was clearly shown to be broken at the top, and Twilight herself nowhere to be seen by him.

And he thought he'd won.

Twilight appeared right behind him, her body covered in a light blue coat barely visible even to him. The look in her eyes was one she had never needed to use before. Anger had welled up inside to the point she lashed out with her sword, aiming to whack him in the neck to knock him out.

The stallion turned fast enough to see the coming blade and raised his own made of crimson magic. His was shaped much like her own, and even the same length. The two blades collided with one another. Huge sparks of energy leapt from the contact. Twilight was forced to step back at the unexpected surge of power.

He turned and saw her with a surprised expression. "Oh, don't look so shocked. I can do it too, you know." The stallion flourished his weapon before dashing in to engage in melee combat. Twilight took up a ready stance, the light blue glow still surrounding her. She swung up against his weapon, deflecting it and readying herself for a counter-attack. Fast as she was, he was just quick enough to bring his sword back to block.

It took some few moments getting the rhythm right, but once they hit it, they traded swings. The two moved as one, as if dancing to a melody only heard by them. Twilight was patient, despite her risen anger for the last match, and thus waited, aiming for her moment to strike. It finally came minutes later. She had swung wide enough to let herself appear defenseless. He took the opportunity to teleport behind her and swing down upon her head.

Twilight trained for this moment. She moved in reflex, as she had done against both Link and Emmy in the week leading up to this event. She brought her sword up and angled it overhead, intercepting the swing with surprising speed. The stallion looked surprised, and started up a teleport spell, but Twilight had his speed beat by a mile. Twilight turned around during her maneuver, sliding his sword down the length of her own and spinning it around fast enough that all that could be seen was a sword trail. She whacked him just to the side of his forelock.

Magic sparked from the grinding blades, and echoed when she connected with his head. The crowd stood up when they saw a shockwave go through the stage, clearing it of dust.

Uncertain of what just happened, Twilight stepped back and retracted her sword. The stallion had dispelled his own, either by choice or by force. He toppled over, only catching himself when he hit the ground. Still conscious - albeit just barely - he sat upright and looked at her. "You are formidable, Twilight. I did not expect an opponent that could predict my moves as you have." He stood up and walked over to her. "May the wind guide your blade in future matches."

"You say it like you're done..."

"I am. Had this been a true fight to the death, I would be no more. And so, in honor of that, I admit defeat." The stallion bowed in respect. "Thank you for the match, Twilight Sparkle." He turned to the crowd and announced, "I forfeit." Before her very eyes, he disappeared, leaving her standing on the broken arena platform by herself.

The announcer boarded the platform and announced her as the winner. Twilight lost the blue protective spell and dispelled her sword. She opted to teleport to the ground below, as her magic was strained enough.

Instead of returning to the stands, she went to the medical tent to see Corona.


Twilight sat at Corona's bedside, who was enjoying orange juice and some nuts. She looked over at Twilight and initiated, "I didn't expect you to see me in here like this... Not after what happened." She was sentenced to bed-rest for her injuries, alongside Cloud for his own.

"I couldn't not see how you were doing. It looked like you took a really heavy beating out there."

"Yeah... He was squeezing the fight out of me. Another minute, and the doctor said it might not have been something I could naturally recover from." Corona looked past Twilight. "Wish I could have won my match. Going against you and your talents would have been fun. Instead, I'm stuck here, healing."

"Please, I'm nothing special. I just have good teachers." Corona looked confused. "My brother and two of his friends trained me in the week leading up to the tournament."

"Well, aren't you a modest one." Twilight shied away from the compliment. "But really... You are a prodigy, taking down guys like that who've trained for years to get where they are. I bet facing me would have been a cakewalk."

"No way. I'd never fight you at that level of power. You deserve my full strength, not what the tournament has me use." Again, Corona looked confused, also curious of Twilight's admittance. "Colt gloves. There's a lot I can't do because of the rules."

"You still found a way." Corona looked sad. "My last opponent is your next one. Are you nervous?" Twilight nodded shyly. "Well, I didn't just lose to him. I got him to tell me how his ability worked." Twilight sat close like she wanted to know. "He can make very precise barriers. Effective ones, too. Felt like every single one was a perfect counter to the force I gave. But they aren't perfect in protecting him. He's doing it on purpose, which you saw me get around with that last attack I did."

"It was impressive, that. How'd you learn to do that as a unicorn?" Twilight asked.

Corona took a slow breath. "There's a martial arts style that caters to each race. Giving strength where there is none. It makes earth ponies capable of using magic in their appendages to increase their speed and destructive power, pegasi do it to enhance their body to weather an onslaught, and as for unicorns, it is used to increase both our power and speed, as well as defense. The drawbacks are: 1: you have to be devoted to the art. And 2: it comes with extreme strain on the body if you take it too far. I can handle speeds of four times the normal, but anything after that, and ... it gets messy. At my fastest, I could rival a pegasus at their fastest. But the pain alone would be so great I wouldn't be able to move for a week."

"I'm sorry..." Twilight said in a sad tone. "What else can you tell me?"

Corona sighed again. "Because his shields are manually activated, he must be able to see the attack coming, in order to block it. Barriers must be his thing, because after he slammed me, I could break his hold on me without much effort. I couldn't break out of his last attack. But you... You can. You can teleport out. He told me himself. He said that I could if I knew how, not that I couldn't even if I did."

"So it doesn't block magic from leaving. If it did, not even the vest could get you out when you said you forfeit." Corona nodded. "It sounds like he puts a lot of trust into those shields of his... If I can break just one of them, he should be down the magic he needed to hold it together."

"Be careful out there, Twilight. In your next match, and your runback with Steel Saber." She smiled. "Beat him, your match with her is guaranteed."

"I'll win it for you. That's a promise." Twilight put a hoof on Corona's shoulder in comfort before leaving.

She went to the stalls and had lunch before returning to the stands.


Twilight returned to the stands when Prismarine's match started. Twilight smiled at the mare before sitting down. "Oh it's her match now."

"Her who?" Link asked.

She sat down and looked over at him. Ruby had also returned. "That mare down there. Prismarine. Remember their race a week ago?"

"I lost that one, if I remember right," Emmy said.

"What about her?" Link asked, growing impatient.

"I did say that I was able to help them get back with borrowed magic, right? Well, I had borrowed it from her. She came up from the water.

"She was swimming?" Ruby asked. Twilight shook her head. "Then what was she doing in the water?"

"Going home, I think. She lives underwater. When she came out, I thought I saw some thin attachments to the backs of her legs. Looked like fins or something." Twilight shrugged. "I didn't have the time to really ask her."

"Sea ponies don't exist. You know that, right? It's just stories that parents tell their children when they want them to behave. That mare down there? Aside from the beautiful mane, there's nothing outstanding about her. She's just a unicorn." Emmy looked forward and smiled.

"I know what I saw..." Twilight affirmed. Link looked over at her and nodded, believing her.

They were all too distracted to see how Prismarine won her match, short-lived as the match actually was. Next match was Forest Meadow and her opponent. Link stood up with a stretch. "I'm off for food. I'll be back later." The others waved him off. Not even Navi paid attention to him, to which Link looked annoyed.


Saber and Polaris were enjoying their meal, but only one of them looked to be enjoying it. Link approached and was welcomed to their table. The two went on in idle conversation for several minutes while Link sat in silence.

Then out of nowhere, Link asked, "Are you really here for yourself, or are you here for Twilight?" Saber nearly choked on her salad.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Polaris asked him.

"Nah, it's alright," Saber interrupted, raising a hoof. "He asked a question, and a good one, too." She swallowed her salad leaf and looked across the table at him. "Why do you ask?"

"Because something's off with you. You walk into the throne room like a mindless drone-"

"Hey!" Polaris said out of habit. "Uhh..."

"Not you, Polaris. You know what I mean." He switched his gaze between the two, and back to Saber. "You did as you were told. Nothing more. So forgive me if I find it hard to believe that you had the guts to ask to be here. What I think, and I could be wrong, is that you were ordered here to test her skill. Or, that you requested to compete to do much the same. I'll ask again: are you here to test her for the princess, or test her for yourself?

Saber was quiet. Then, she chuckled. It burst into all-out laughter and continued after she hit the ground. Both Link and Polaris looked concerned at the toppled soldier.

She righted herself after a minute or so, sitting once more upon the bench. "And that's really the only two you came up with? It never occurred to you that I had planned on attending the competition long before Twilight came in to the throne room? It surprised me to hear that she was competing as well, and I even got extra rules put on me if ever I went up against the princess' star student. 'Don't overdo it,' she said. 'Have mercy on her' she requested. Sounded more like a demand, but still. So naturally, I agreed, and complied with all of the rules of a royal guard entering the tournament. I'm not allowed to watch any of the other matches, because it would give me an unfair advantage. There's even a stricter criteria in place regarding 'excessive force'. Any attack that incapacitates my opponent must be viewed and judged by all three judges. If it's deemed excessive by any of the three, I face charges of assault to a civilian. So no, I'm not doing this as a test to her, or anypony else. This is a thing for me to do."

Link sat there quietly. Then he asked, "Then why'd you bring her along?"

"She wanted to get out of the castle. It got cramped in there, not being able to adventure like she wants. Plus, it was my request. Seems I've grown to be something of a favorite to the princesses. After I put in the request, this one was assigned under my care, so I couldn't exactly leave her behind." She turned to her partner. "No offense, you're a delight." Then back to Link. "I promise you: my being here has nothing to do with Twilight."

Again, Link was quiet. Polaris spoke up. "And, because she's not allowed to see the matches, she has to go to the board every 20 minutes or so to see how it's going. Between rounds, she and I have fun in the festival part."

"Alright... I believe you..."

"You should. And if she manages to win, then she wins. And if she loses, then she loses. We're still gonna be alright, though. Right?"

Hesitantly, he nodded. Then added, "Depends."


"On whether or not you take her seriously. She's a fast learner, much like me. The last opponent got a moulinet to the head after teleporting behind her. He went down quick after that."

"So she is skilled. Just as I'd expect having learned from you." Saber smiled at him. "Does she use a shield, too?" He nodded. "Just like you."

Link amended, "For the other side though. I'm a lefty, she's a righty. Sure I trained her to fight like me. But just because you faced me and won, doesn't mean you can take her lightly. Even in sparring, she's made leaps and bounds and added it to her repertoire."

"If she comes at me like she did in the castle, then I will knock her down. And you can tell her as much. I'm sure she'd welcome it."

"She wouldn't have it any other way." He finished his meal quickly. "Like fighting another, younger me out there..."

"Younger?" Polaris asked. "I thought she was your 'older' sister?"

"Skill-wise she is. I mean, like, she is now how I was when I joined the guard." He folded his hands. "But unlike me, she has the potential to become the best. Her learning and understanding of technique is on par - if not better - than my own. Coupled with magic as her talent, I'm standing still by comparison."

"Maybe. But you have something that she doesn't." He looked over at Saber. "I saw it when you fought against me in the castle. It's heart. Twilight Sparkle swings a sword. But when you do it, you prove a point."

"And what's that?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"That you won't give up. Not that you can't. That you simply won't. It's not stubbornness. I wouldn't call it pride either. You may have forgotten, but I was there when the captain took all those training swords. He even took both of mine. When he aimed them all at you, you gave this look like you didn't care. Like you could have taken the beating, got up and asked for more if you had to." She gave a small smile. "So don't count yourself out just because your sister shows a little bit of promise."

Link waved his hand dismissively. "You give me too much credit. I just wanted to break his shield. And I didn't even make a scratch."

"Maybe not, but you forced him to order you to back off. In time, I bet even he could have a weakness brought to light."

A familiar voiced sounded off beside him. "Finally, somepony else who sees it," the mare said. Derpy came in a little wobbly as she sat down on the bench. Link scooted over to make room, even offering a stabilizing hand to prevent things from breaking. "Thanks. I told you when we met that I saw a strength in you. Glad I wasn't the only one to notice it."

"And... you are..." Saber asked.

"Steel Saber, meet Derpy. She's a mailmare who works locally."

"I didn't know the postal service gave days off."

"They don't, usually. But when I asked for the weekend off, they were all too happy to let me go. I don't know why." She canted her head in confusion, then shrugged. "Twilight's doing good so far. Her luck might just bottom out in her next match though..."

"Why's that?" Saber asked.

"She's up against last year's champion. He plays dirty."

Link shook his head. "Of course she is. Why would it be anypony else."

"Does she know?" Link shrugged as well. Saber put a hoof to her chin. "Hope she wins and puts him in his place. I read up on the winners of three years prior. He won due to a judge's decision on the use of excessive force. He only won because his skills were purely magical. If they had any physical attribute, like a hoof touching the body without magic, then it'd be against him, but..."

"So Twilight's supposed to go up against a stallion like that?" The others nodded. "Then I have to go tell her. If Emmy hasn't already." He stood up.

"Hope she has a plan..." Saber offered.

"She does. You just see if she doesn't." He started to walk away.

"I can't watch, remember? Rules." She chuckled at his bad memory.

Derpy also stood up to leave, and broke off the bench she was sitting on, bringing the rest of the table to the ground. The other two picked up their food and watched her walk off after him. "That mare is... unique..." Polaris admitted.

Saber nodded in agreement before the two took their stuff to another table.


The hour passed between rounds. All of the arena's damage so far has been repaired and ready to start fresh with the coming bouts. Link had returned to his seat after dealing with Saber, and was regaled with all he'd missed.

Forest Melody had won her match, and Twilight didn't know either of the last match's fighters, so the winner was inconsequential.

Everypony took a ten-minute break in which Epona had to be a mediator between Emmy and Ruby as the three went for a snack. Twilight sighed and tried to restore her magic level before match two. During intermission, the stage ponies came along and reconstructed the arena from all the damage it took, and Twilight was able to learn it just by looking at how it was done. When everypony came back to their seats, the announcer took the stage. A spotlight shone on him as the rest of the arena's light dimmed.

"Ladies and Gentlestallions!" he bellowed with his spell. "We have reached the final eight! All combatants have shown their tricks and established a name for themselves in the tournament. But remember: only one may take hold of the gold cup and claim to be the Spellmaster of the year!" Thunderous cheers from the entire crowd. "Starting off round four... We have The Dual-Wielding Demon! Opposing her will be The Illusionist! Which one will triumph, and which one will fall? Find out in just a few minutes!"

He disappeared just as the lighting returned to normal.

"What's with the names?" Link asked.

"Oh," Emmy started, "everypony who makes it to the final eight gets a name tied to their skills. That's what he meant by 'a name for themselves'. Even Twilight has one now, and I can't wait to hear what it is."

"Sounds a little over-the-top if you ask me," Twilight admitted, folding her forelegs.

Link put an assuring hand on her back. "Maybe. But let's all admit that it's an honor to be recognized by so many."

"What I don't get is how she's a dual-wielder. She's never used her other sword, opting to stab the ground with it," Emmy said.

"She's only needed one. It takes a special opponent to warrant use of her other sword. Even against Twilight the first time, she'd only used one." Link looked over at Emmy. "That'll be different this time. We put everything into training her. You just see if Saber doesn't recognize her worth as an opponent."

"Yeah well... She over-powered me with just the one. How far could I have gotten in just a week or so?" Twilight shook her head. "No, I can't think like that. I've come this far, same as her. Which puts me at or above her one sword level. I know I've improved."

"We all have faith in you. Right girls?" Epona cheered. The others agreed. "Besides, you fought off the three of us in sparring. Just one for real should be a snap."


The Demon vs. The Illusionist

As was normal, the stallion teleported onto the stage with his big, booming voice. "Alright, everypony! Round four is under way! Please welcome to the stage... The Dual-Wielding Demon!!!" Huge roars from the crowd as Saber mounted her sword and flew to the stage, dismounting on the ledge. She sheathed her sword and walked to the center. "She's faced round one on her own, and round two as well, opting to take on both teams solo. In round three, she turned the tide and washed away the competition in a shocking display. Will she retain her icy disposition? Or will her opponent finally get her second sword some practice?" She stopped herself in the center and hoisted her right sword high. As before, she coated it in magic and stabbed the stage. "I suppose we'll have to find out."

Then, her opponent showed up on the far side of the stage in a black haze. "Facing off against her is The Illusionist! He's taken victory in all of his matches from the shadows. Claiming victory over five of his challengers so far in the tournament! Are his skills enough to make this his sixth? Or will he be tossed to the side like a two-bit street performer?" The stallion stopped in front of her.

He gave the crowd a wave before addressing Saber. "Here's to a fair fight, eh?"

"May our skill be put to use," she replied. Saber drew her sword as the stage fell quiet. The Illusionist lowered his hoof and looked forward at her.

"Match twenty-one... Begin!" He was quick to disappear.

The Illusionist cast out a black ball at Saber, who cut it open without a moment's hesitation. It exploded into a black mist that shrouded around her on all sides. Not even the sun's rays - strong as she knew they were - could get through. Saber looked around her, trying to discern his location with no success. She charged her blade fully and swung, cutting through the haze around her, sending it scattering in all directions. "Where are you... she asked herself, looking around once more. Then, on instinct, she swung back, deflecting a shot of black energy up into the sky.

He was standing there, with a smile. His red eyes surrounded by white as a normal pony, but something was off... Saber turned around, feeling uneasy and saw another of him. More and more copies appeared several layers deep around her, all bearing an evil grin. "I am everywhere. All at once," he replied, charging his horn. "You handled one easily enough. How do you fare against hundreds?"

Every single clone started firing upon her location. Saber stepped back and focused her magic into her weapon. With intense speed - almost as if she had three around her - she deflected almost every shot fired, speeding them off every which way. Upon inspection, she saw the shots go through the other clones. All of them. The real one is not among them... she thought. In the moment between shots, she placed her sword at her side and turned to the right. "There!" Saber powered her hind legs, knowing it would hurt, and dashed forward, swinging between two clones of him.

A loud smack silenced the cheering crowd as the firing stopped. One by one, starting with the farthest away, the clones dispelled themselves. Saber sheathed her sword and watched as the real one collapsed to the ground. "How did you know..."

"You're strong. Another minute, and I'd have been out-matched. You can't hide your energy and be invisible. Takes too much magic, and you didn't have that much after all those illusions." He closed his eyes and was teleported off. Saber walked over, amidst all the cheering, and retrieved her sword, placing it at her side where it belonged.

The stadium chanted, "Demon!" over and over until she left the field of battle.

Link tilted his head. "I don't get it; did she use her second sword? Because she's never been that fast before."

"Don't be nervous, Twilight," Ruby said encouragingly. "She'll be afraid of you when your match comes up against her. For now, why don't you think about adding some flair for your entrance? Maybe some of that ice you blocked me with?"

"Ruby, I'm only winning this match to get revenge for how he treated my friend."

The announcer took the stage again. "Well, that was a blink-and-you'll-miss-it victory for the Demon!" Many cheers once more. "For our next bout... we have a special competitor. He won the whole thing last year, and he's shaping-"

"He what?!" Twilight exclaimed, leaning forward.

Emmy looked over. "Yeah. That guy your friend fought was last year's winner. Nasty trick that squeezing thing he does."

"You knew it was him, and did not tell me?" She looked over at Emmy, who looked apologetic with her ears flat to the side. Twilight sighed and looked at the stage.

"I thought I had. I'm sorry."

"It's alright, I guess. Just... Would have been nice to know." She looked at Link, ready to ask what to do, but he turned away. "Wait... You knew too?"

"For about an hour, yeah..." he admitted. "You didn't need the pressure. He's just another opponent, right?"


The Crusher vs. The Prodigal Daughter

"- Give it up for... The Crusher!" The stallion took the stage and gave a wave. He was met with many disapproving and disappointed sounds. "His challenger: a mare who's overcome trials and tribulations the tournament thus far. One who has overwhelmed stronger foes with her cunning intellect and magical prowess. Welcome to the stage: The Prodigal Daughter!"

"Well, there's nothing for it but to do it. Here we go." Twilight disappeared from the stands and showed up ion stage in a burst of purple and blue. Presumably the ice idea Ruby gave her. She earned herself rupturous stomps the stadium over. She didn't give a wave or even look at the crowd. She focused on her goal of victory.

"Will The Crusher grind thee underhoof? Or will The Prodigal Daughter triumph once more? Match Twenty-Two..." Twilight narrowed her eyes as her opponent readied himself. "Begin!" The announcer vacated the area.

Corona said his barriers are reactive. Let's see just how fast that is. Twilight took a shot at him. Just as expected, he raised a reflective barrier off of which it bounced back at her. The barrier went away right after. She caught the shot and applied the necessary magic to form her sword. Wish I was a bit more agile. This would be easier.

"You might as well give up now, if that's the best you can do," he taunted, not even flinching.

"I'm just getting warmed up." She rolled her shoulders and launched herself forward in a flurry of swings. Each one was deflected by his barrier, which was noticeably thicker. It's not just a thicker shield... It's a different spell entirely.

The Crusher stood still, letting his shield take the beating. Twilight noticed the ground start to break and teleported back. From the ground came a field of magic intended to ensnare her. She fired off a few rounds at him, each one reflected to varying directions. Then she teleported above him and fired several dozen more, all minimum power. Each one bounced off and buried themselves underground for future use. Again, she vanished, appearing at his side. She swung at him with a mighty yell. Her sword clashed with his thicker barrier.

Twilight commanded one of her previous shots to come up behind him and fly at his horn. Just before contact, he dodged to the side, making it miss by a hair. She caught it, morphed it into her shield with the added magic and bashed it against his. Both shield trembled at the effort.

The next few shots unburied all at once and fired at him. She swung again, hoping to make him choose between deflecting the sword and reflecting the shots.

He didn't need to choose; he was able to make both kinds, blocking and reflecting the sword and all three shots at the same time. Both. At the same time. Next play she thought. In her thought process, she didn't notice the ground. As before, he had funneled magic into the stage, and brought it up under catching her and holding her above himself. Even her sword disappeared. "Gah!"

"It took a few more moves than I hoped, but I've got you now. There is only one way out of this. Say the words, and the match will be over."

Struggling to look at him, she forced herself to do so. Then, she spoke, through constricting energy. "Is that what you told her?"

"Her?" he asked. "Oh, that last opponent was your old teammate?"

"That's right. She's my friend!" Twilight teleported out of the field and onto the stage. One of her shots came up beside her and was trailing at her side as she galloped toward him.

It's just a shot, like many others. Bounce shield it is he thought. When the shot was just a few feet away from him, he raised his shield.

Twilight thrust her sword through the flimsy barrier and shattered it, plastering a look of stunned surprise on the stallion's face. The tip of her blade jabbed him in the forelock at the base of his horn, dropping him in a roll. The Crusher tumbled several feet. Twilight kept her sword nearby and shot off a dozen good weighted shots at the air over him and teleported over. She made it rain over him, each magic blast hitting hard enough to chip the ground below. A cloud of purple enveloped him.

When it settled, he was gone. The announcer declared her the winner as she walked over to the edge and teleported down, stumbling to get her balance.


Twilight retreated to the medic tent, and parked it beside Corona's bed. Cloud had fallen asleep in the bed behind another curtain. She went alone this time, leaving Link and the others to watch the following matches. Corona was still awake, but definitely tired. "By your weak smile, I'd say you won," she estimated.

"You'd be right," Twilight admitted. "It was a tough match, like I expected, and it left me with about a fifth of my magic. I only had enough to make one more play before I ran out of options."

"I wanna know how you did it, if that's alright."

"I made him think my sword was a magic shot. I had angled it in such a way that he couldn't see the body of the sword, making him throw up the wrong spell. He went down and I rained a dozen mid-power magic blasts on him. He either ran out of magic then, or passed out. Either way, I won."

"Congratulations~" she commended. The tent curtain ruffled and in came Link alone. "Who's this?"

"Nice win, Twilight," he complimented.

Twilight turned around and saw him. "I thought you were gonna stay behind?"

"Nah. The others are absorbed into the tournament to really get at each other."

"Oh right." Twilight turned toward Corona. "This is my brother. Well, one of them. Meet Link. Link, this is Corona."

"Nice to meet you." He looked over at Twilight. "Come on. We have work to do."

Twilight lost her smile and tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

"Let's just say your training isn't over yet. Meet me in the hotel room as soon as you can." He turned and exited the tent with nary an additional word.

"That was... strange... Does he usually do that?"

"Do what? Demand things? Only when it's important. Tomorrow, I have a match against Steel Saber, a Royal Guard I've lost twice to. This time, it'll be more of a fair fight."

"I hope you're ready... I'll try and make it if I can walk," Corona offered.

Twilight put a hoof on her friend. "Don't hurt yourself. If I could spare the magic, I'd heal you myself, but I can't do that and be prepared for tomorrow." Corona waved a hoof and smiled. "I'll come by afterward, win or lose. I promise."

"I look forward to hearing tale of your victory. Go, fight, and win."

Twilight stood up and meandered out of the tent.


The Illusionist sat on his bed in the hotel room. He made sure he was alone, and that the soundproofing spell was in place. He conjured a black portal, on the other side of which stood the forest alicorn.

"So," the latter began, "how strong is she? Will she serve my purpose?"

"Strong of magic, and body besides. Yes, she is the perfect soldier for your army."

"And how easy was it to infect her with the spell?" he asked.

The Illusionist waved his hoof in the air. "It was the first thing I did at the start of the match. She just stood there in the mist, breathing it in like it was an alright thing to do." The Illusionist smiled. "And the masking spell you provided me with cloaked me from the Hylian and his crew's curiosity."

"Good. The time is nearly upon us."

"Time for us to wait, you mean. Even if he does open the door and draw the sword, we would have to wait until he leaves with his friends."

The alicorn scoffed. "I have waited over a thousand years. What is another week?" He took a pause. "The nation will soon be mine, and there is no one capable of stopping me." He laughed about his situation. "What of the Bearer?"

"She fights your soldier tomorrow. First thing in the morning," The Illusionist replied.

"The soldier or the Bearer... I am eager to see which one triumphs. Given that I won't be interfering. The soldier beat you - a manifestation of just a fraction of my power - with little effort."

"What of the Hylian?" the Illusionist asked.

"What of him? He will be out on a mission if I heard right. To the desert. He will be gone long enough for me to take over. And he is just one child. What can he accomplish alone?" He waited for a moment. "You have your orders." The Illusionist nodded as the portal closed.

He cast his gaze to another open portal. One that showed Twilight at Corona's bedside talking to Link. "Boring." The over to both Ruby and Emerald in the stands. "Now that is a fight I'd pay to see."

He sat back and watched the fight between Prismarine and her opponent.

Chapter 51: The Tournament: Day III

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Sunday sunlight woke both Link and Twilight in their respective hotel beds. Navi had been up for at least an hour prior. Link got out of bed first and went through his morning routine of stretches while Twilight decided to focus on magic regeneration. The two had spent the whole night - at least 12 hours worth all thanks to Link's ability to stop time - training Twilight in preparation for her duel with Steel Saber. Seemed Twilight was ready to take her seriously.

"You should probably do some stretching too, you know," Link advised. "Steel Saber will not be going easy on you. And it's not every day you get to fight a Unique. They're Uniques for a reason."

"I know," she replied, looking over at him. "But after last night, I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Magic's pretty full, though breakfast should top me off. Care to join me?"

Link tilted his head at her. "I'm surprised you even asked."

"I just want to make sure you're fed too. According to that boo I read, you're still growing." Her thoughts drifted to her friend in the team before it split. "I should bring some real food to Corona, too."

Link waved his hand. "Bad idea. Outside food and drink aren't allowed in medic tents. "

"Then we'll just have to see how she's doing, then we can go eat. Fair?" Link nodded. Navi flew over to his shoulder and sat with a smile as he and Twilight headed out.

The two met with Corona as desired. It turned out that she was feeling good enough to walk, ensuring her attendance to the match between Saber and Twilight. Afterward, they met up with their friends sans Corona who decided to visit with Cloud who was still bedridden. Both Link and Twilight joined Ruby for breakfast. Navi flew over to Ruby's mane to relax. All four of them ventured to the tournament board where Emmy and Epona waited.

"There you guys are," Emmy announced. "All my good friends are here. Well, and Ruby too, but I can't control that."

Ruby scowled and turned away, biting her tongue. Link looked toward Epona and raised an eyebrow. "Now Emmy,' she replied, "we talked about this. You gotta start being nice to her, or I'm gonna start being not so nice to you."

Emmy immediately backtracked her statement. "You're right, I'm sorry," she admitted, albeit half-sarcastically. "How'd you sleep, Twilight? Ready to get going?"

"I slept well. I daresay Steel Saber will be hard-pressed to triumph over me." Twilight arched her back and puffed up her shoulders in an attempt to look confident.

"Excellent. 'Twill be a spectacle for the ages, truly." Emmy smiled and nudged Epona. "Come on, we should find seats before they all get taken."

Everpony retreated to the stands and found seats in the third row up. Not exactly optimal, as it placed everypony at near eye-level with the risen stage. Seemed everypony and their brother wanted to see the clash of two skilled combatants from a top-down view.

Seeing how eager everyone was for the match to get underway, Twilight shrunk a little in her neat between Link and Ruby. "Alright. So I am a little nervous. She's a well-renowned soldier in Her Highness' Royal Guard, and a Unique to boot. I'm just me..."

"Yeah," Link agreed, "you're just you." Twilight frowned, grumbled and hung her head. "You're only the star pupil of Princess Celestia, with a cutie mark that makes you a specialist in the use of magic. Being you must be a let-down." Link made the end sound sarcastic. Then, he added a bit more seriously, "Look, Twilight. I know you want to win. You might even be capable, four times out of ten." She chuckled. "Maybe closer to six, given the arena layout, but since it's likely gonna be flat, it's a solid 4. And if you think that's bad, you'd be wrong. I can't even beat her consistently. I think my record was barely in my favor at 4 wins to 3 losses."

"Is that including the fight when you gave her that scar?" Twilight asked.

Link shook his head. "No. It doesn't count that one. That victory wasn't mine."

Ruby interrupted. "Well, if you still won. I'd call it a victory. Wish I could have seen it. Two Royal Guards clashing for their lives. Now that sounds like an entertaining fight."

Even Emmy agreed. "Oh, for once we agree. Royal Guards are no joke. Especially the ones in Canterlot. They probably have access to specialized training rooms you can't get in a facility off-site."

"Is that how she got so strong this quick?" Navi asked. "When he fought her in the castle that one time, she didn't have any access to that sprint technique, and she certainly couldn't move her swords that fast. They really must have drilled some hard experience into her in that short amount of time. Losing to you in that way must have really struck a nerve."

"Just wish I could remember it..." Link admitted, folding his arms. He then looked over at Twilight and patted her on the back. "So what if she had special training? So did you. From all of us. You're just as much of an even match against her as I am, and that says something."

"Oh, remember to watch her movements carefully. She'll show a weakness eventually. Whether it's a step before a swing, a pause between attacks, she has to have something. Everypony does. Even Link, believe it or not." Emmy giggled and looked over at Link.

"I do?"

"Sure," she replied. "Can't tell you what it is, though. That part's a secret."

Link folded his arms again. "Now that's just not fair." His gaze returned to the stage. The stadium lights turned dark in preparation for the announcer's entrance. "Here we go. Ready or not."

Twilight sighed, then looked up at the battle stage. "Yeah. I can do this."


The Demon vs The Prodigal Daughter

"Llllllllladies and Gentlestallions!" the announcer drew out, making his entrance in a showy flash of magic. "Fillies and colts of all ages! Welcome yourselves to the Semifinal Round!" Hundreds of cheers came from the stands. He hushed them with a wave of his hoof. "Now I know it's been a long weekend. Y'all are probably homesick. Some of you even came late to the show. Who can blame you, really? We've got lives outside of fun and games. So I'll try not to take up much more of your valuable time with idle chatter." A great many had a laugh at that.

"Our first match of the day pits The Dual-Wielding Demon's ferocity against The Prodigal Daughter's natural talent! Would both fighters please, take the stage."

Everypony started cheering as Twilight got up from her seat. "Go get her, sister," Ruby motivated.

Twilight made her way walking down to the stage below. That's right. Save your energy, Link commended in thought.

Saber entered from the opposite side of the field in a steady trot. The fight stage was still grounded as to make it easier for the two to board. Just as the two set their hooves on it, it began rising into the air. Then the announcer continued, "The Dual-Wielding Demon has yet to show us her full potential. If anypony stands a chance at that, let it be The Prodigal Daughter. A monumental clash of magic against might the likes of which has not been seen in about a year!"

The two approached the announcer, stopping a few feet between he and their respective opponent. They looked over each other, sizing up how they held themselves and compared it against what they remembered.

"Steel Saber, known so far as the Dual-Wielding Demon, have you any words for your opponent?" He transferred his megaphonic spell over to her.

Saber looked at Twilight's purple eyes. "Twilight Sparkle. I do not believe you merit the use of any more than the one sword. But, as such a fight would be boring, I pray to Celestia you prove me wrong." She stabbed her right sword in the stage. Many Oohs and Ahhs emanated from the stands.

The announcer then took back his spell. "Twilight Sparkle, who has come to be called The Prodigal Daughter, do you have anything to say?" Again, he extended his spell over.

Twilight was silent for a few seconds. Then, she smiled. "Good luck." She stuck out her hoof. Saber looked down at it confusedly, then up at Twilight, who was still smiling. In a surprising turn, Saber shook her head and shifted to a more familiar stance. Twilight lowered her hoof hesitantly, then got into a position of her own.

"Semifinal Round Match One..." the announcer said, raising a hoof in the air between the two. His eyes darted to one side before he dropped his hoof between them. "Hold!"

Saber had taken a step forward, half-drawing her wooden weapon and Twilight started casting a spell. She withdrew it and looked at the announcer. "What is it?" she asked, annoyed.

The announcer turned and muttered at length into his headset. Everypony in the crowd idled in chatter. "Is this an event?" Saber asked, retrieving her second sword, feeling like there was going to be a change of venue.

After a minute or so, the announcer turned and faced the two. Using his inside voice, he simply asked, "Could I have the two of you stand just over there?" Saber complied and walked over to Twilight's side. "There. Perfect." The stage lowered as a growing sound of disappointment emanated from the stands. He reapplied his spell and inquired, "Would the competitors of Semifinal Round Match Two take the stage?"

Prismarine and her would-be opponent entered the same side of the arena, looking just as confused as Saber and Twilight. They walked n the lowered arena and approached the announcer as he explained, "By vote of the tournament committee, the Semifinal round will be a doubles match. The winning team will split and compete in a finals match of one-on-one, the winner of which will take first place!

"The team composition is as follows: Twilight Sparkle and Steel Saber are Team Red. Prismarine and Swift River are Team Blue," the announcer finished. Both team's members changed the color of their vests to reflect their team.

Prismarine glanced over at her teammate, who stood in acceptance of the change, then looked back at the two with a sigh. Twilight and Saber shared a look followed by a smile. They turned to their opponents. Saber took out her sword and stabbed the ground.

"Even with this change, The Demon has resolved to use just one of her weapons." The arena once again rose into the air. "Red Team!" Twilight and Saber stood at the ready. "Blue Team!" Prismarine stood motionless while Swift got into an upright stance. "Semifinal Match..." As the stage came to a stop, as the lights focused on the whole of the stage, as a quiet hush fell over the stands... the announcer shouted, "Begin!"


Team Red vs Team Blue

The moment the announcer disappeared, Twilight made her sword and shield just in time to block a punch incoming from Swift. Saber drew her sword from its holster in a flash of magic and was parried by one of Prismarine's own shields. It appeared as a forward dome, protecting her from the attack. Twilight's shield showed signs of wear already.


Twilight vs Swift

Swift's punch came out in the blink of an eye. In that moment, Twilight brought her sword around, getting blocked by an enhanced foreleg. I thought I wouldn't have to take one of these types on... Twilight thought. Oh well. No sense lamenting now. Quick to react, Swift pushed the sword aside and spun, getting low into a leg sweep. Twilight raised her forelegs to evade and counter with an ice spell, freezing the hoof of the leg that swept. Without so much as a fraction's hesitation, Swift pushed into the air and turned around, bringing the iced-over hoof across Twilight's muzzle.

Twilight had put her shield between the attack and her face, little good though it did. Her kick broke through the shield and collided with enough power to knock Twilight off her hooves. She stopped her roll and looked forward, seeing that her opponent's attention shifted to Saber.

Swift River broke the ice around her hoof and gave it a roll for good measure. With a confident nod, she turned to Saber. You're next she thought. She went in for a single punch from what she thought was a blindside. Just before she made contact, she disappeared, reappearing in front of, and facing away from, Twilight, who had stood up. Swift whiffed her punch and stumbled forward, unguarded. She received a hefty hit from Twilight's sword in her ribs and went down holding her side. "You and me, huh?" Swift got to her hooves. "Fine. I'll make sure you don't get up again."

Twilight reformed her shield. Swift bolted straight at her, throwing out a straight right when she stepped close enough. With all that preparation on Twilight's part and all that force on Swift's, the shield barely cracked at all. Then came a left cross with near perfect rotation. Swift pulled her right foreleg back and everything. Twilight redirected the punch to her left with her sword. Her punch angled down, Swift landed her forehoof solidly, used her other one to shift a little and bring about her hindlegs carried by the momentum. Rotating her sword around, she blocked the kick. Its force was so great she had to add her hoof to the strength of the block. Even with all that, she slid back a fair ways.

Her opponent righted herself and threw a blast at her. Instinctively, Twilight batted it up and away. She barely noticed Swift close the gap between herself and Twilight. Swift Stood in a rather close stance and threw a huge right hook, breaking through Twilight's shield and connecting with her jaw.

Just before the punch had landed, Twilight had cast a special kind of barrier that coated her body in a light blue translucent glow.

Twilight's head was knocked to the right and straight into a left hook, blasting her head the other way. Back and forth, left and right at least a dozen times by Swift's continuous alternating hooks. On her final right hook, Swift powered her punch from her stance and collided with such force it knocked Twilight clean off her hooves toward the edge of the stage. Twilight rolled and rolled, then came to a stop with her foreleg covering most of her head and facing away.

Her glow faded, her sword disappeared. Her opponent walked over with some heavy breathing. "You done yet?" she asked. Twilight had teleported away. Swift sighed looked at the empty spot on the ground. "It took longer than I-"

Swift's words were cut short as Twilight's hoof - protected by her shield - came down over her head. In surprise, she went down with just one kick, Swift's head getting forced into the stage itself.

Twilight got her balance as she landed and readied herself for more, just in case. "Do me a favor, don't get up."

Then... Swift shifted. She grumbled and struggled to her hooves. A line of blood began to trickle down her forelock. Swift stood upright and readied herself. "I can do this all day..." she managed to utter. Twilight raised a shield large enough to cover her forward self.

That special barrier has a cooldown. I can't use it right away... Twilight thought. Her shield became the victim of an onslaught of sidekicks, from a single hindleg. They came so fast, Twilight could only track them for a second or so. Each one added one or more cracks to her great shield. On her final strike, Swift turned and spinning side kicked with the opposite leg. Twilight's shield shattered on impact. She had brought her sword up to stop the momentum, but it broke as well, letting the kick connect with Twilight directly.

Twilight tumbled toward the center of the stage. Swift dashed after her with surprising speed. Her sword remade, Twilight swung horizontally. Easily enough, Swift ducked under it and kicked Twilight high into the air. Reeling from the impact, she didn't think to teleport, even as she saw Swift hover in the air overhead. With another kick, Twilight was sent hurtling toward the ground. She bounced up once and still Swift kept pace, delivering a few side kicks to the unguarded Twilight's ribs. The third of which shot Twilight further toward the middle.

That was her opportunity. Twilight had regained some sense of pattern recognition. Thus far, Swift has been chasing her down, overpowering her through sheer skill of martial arts. Why would now be any different? Twilight twisted and slid to a stop on all fours and summoned her sword to her side, just out of sight from Swift, who was still landing from the three kicks she landed. Once her hindlegs touched the ground, Swift took off, faster than before, hoof raised to the right.

Predicting her velocity and timing it accordingly, Twilight swung her sword.

It broke over Swift's horn, sending the further half flying off stage to disappear. Before she even hit the ground, she fell unconscious, teleporting off stage leaving Twilight to fall to the ground herself in pain. Twilight grabbed her side. "Now that... was a good fight..." She wanted to heal herself, but her lack of magic level refused her wishes. Instead, she looked over to see how Saber was doing.


Steel Saber vs Prismarine

Just as soon as the announcer disappeared, Saber quick drew her sword and simultaneously coated it in magic. It clashed against Prismarine's just-as-quickly-conjured shield. It was such a shield that all manner of momentum from Saber's swing was nullified and the force was applied to the shield as a whole, minimizing wear. Barriers, huh? I should have known.

She backed off and examined the shield. Saber jumped up and swung down on it, this time cutting through it with a release of magic. Prismarine's eyes widened as she stepped out of its path. Quick to follow up, Saber swung horizontally at her head, hoping to end it there. It was ducked under, but the mirage sword that followed whapped her in the face. Prismarine fell to her side and rolled, getting up to her hooves like nothing happened. A red line was very clearly seen along her face. She raised another shield and tried to make sense of what just happened to her. I ... I dodged that... right?

Saber examined her peripherals and noticed Swift's punch. Don't react. Twilight's got this. When it got too close for comfort, Saber twirled her sword around and went to redirect the punch's momentum, swinging and missing due to Twilight's last second teleport. Keep her focused on yourself, eh? One finalist will be difficult enough.

In her distraction, Saber was shield bashed and sent into a tumble. She stopped her self quickly and got to her hooves. Prismarine adopted a grin. So... That's what it is... On close inspection of her sword, she took notice of a shimmery mirage that very closely followed in the path of the wooden sword. She altered the path of the mirage to get me in the face after she swung.

Saber tilted her head ever so slightly. She knows... No sense hiding it for much longer. She dashed forward and struck with her wooden weapon, clashing against the dome barrier from before. Then, she split the mirage from her sword, creating one of pure magic and one that was only coated. Saber threw both at her opponent, one after the other. Both swords barely missed their mark as Prismarine ducked below them.

The blades turned midair and circled around, angling themselves up to arc downward toward her once more. Deciding not to block, Prismarine charged her hoof and waved at the incoming weapons, emitting a wave that blew both of them off course. With her back turned to Saber, she didn't see a third sword coming toward her. It struck her cleanly on the top of her head. Both of the other two swords came back to Saber by her will. She collapsed them into one sword and held it out in front of her. Prismarine turned just in time to see Saber dash forward, ready to strike again.

Just as Saber swung down, Prismarine put up a barrier that slid the sword to the side and lodged it into the stage. She waved her hoof and blasted Saber with a modest amount of water that disappeared after it hit. Prismarine waved up at her opponent and shot another stream up from the stage, punting Saber high into the air. Then, she wound up and gave a solid punch to Saber's underbelly, unleashing a torrent of water from her hoof sending Saber clear across the stage. All that water seemed to disappear after Prismarine finished waving her hoof. Like she was conjuring it from thin air.

That's a new one... Saber thought as she retracted her first sword. She cut through several water blasts, finding that deflecting them back to their thrower was impossible. She fought her way up to closer range, but the sheer amount of water blasts kept her at bay. I'm not gonna play your game she thought, trying to come up with a plan. Through all of the water blasts - which on their own had enough force to keep Saber in place - Saber saw a purple blast of magic strike Prismarine in the side hard enough to get her off balance for just a moment.

Saber put her sword at the side and rolled to the right. On her hooves in a heartbeat, she dashed forward and swung down hard at Prismarine's new shield. Then, the instant it connected, Saber released a wave of energy at point plank range, cutting through the barrier and pushing Prismarine right off the edge, crashing to the ground.

The announcer appeared on stage. "What a show, what a show! Team Red is the winner by way of knock and ring out!" The stands lit up and everypony cheered. "Can we get a cart on the stage please?"

Saber had sheathed both wooden weapons and made her way to Twilight's side, seeing how she's doing. "I'm alright," Twilight insisted. "I may not be able to walk right now, but I'm still awake."

"Well, awake isn't enough sport, let alone a fair match." Saber shook her head. "No. They'll take care of you." The cart came along and mounted Twilight upon it.

"Ma'am. You're going to need to leave us be while we get her situated," the aid requested.

"To Tartarus with that! Twilight?"

Twilight looked over and smiled. "She can come along. It's alright." The medics nodded to each other then to Saber, who followed insistently.

The announcer applied his spell once Saber had gone. "Ladies and Gentlestallions... What a match that was, huh?" His somber tone quieted the uproarious stands. "One of the finalists - Twilight Sparkle - has sustained extensive damage to her person and will be-" His voice was cut off by the voice coming through his headset. A moment of quiet followed from him while chatter rose from the stands. Then, he spoke softly. "I've just been informed that the committee has begun discussions on the topic of how to approach the final match. I will relay to you their decision with a five minute reminder. Until then... Please, enjoy the festival."

Link shot out of his seat and stormed off past Epona and Emmy, knocking over several beverages along the way. "Link!" Epona called.

"Stay with Emmy!" he called behind him. In minutes, he arrived at the medic tent where the competitors received treatment. A few others were also there. Cloud had been released, and Corona was also discharged. Swift River, Twilight's last opponent, was in a bed nearby with her horn and upper head wrapped in a bandage. When he got there, Twilight was getting her body examined by a pair of nurses. "How is she?"

"We are not authorized to disclose that information," a doctor said, reading an ever-updating clipboard of Twilight's injuries. "Unless you bear some relation to the patient?" He glanced up from his notes and peered over his glasses at him.

"Yeah," Link replied, folding his arms, "I do. I'm her brother." The nurses looked skeptical at each other, then back at him. "What?"

"Um... By blood?" one asked.

"Might as well. We grew up side by side for 13 years. That's my whole life, by the way." The nurses stepped aside. "Thank you." Link approached Twilight's bedside. "So again, how is she?"

The doctor set down his clipboard after it stopped getting active updates. "Seems her scans are complete. Mr. Sparkle, I won't beat any bush. Her condition is serious."

"Specify," Link replied, looking over at him. "What exactly is wrong?"

"To start with, she's concussed. Mild head trauma. A few cracked ribs and one broken one. She knew to not move at least, so it hasn't punctured anything. Needless to say, her treatment will take longer than the tournament will allow. She will not be able to compete."

Link shook his head. "Okay, so how do you plan on treating her?"

"We aren't the best at what we do, but we're certainly no pushovers. We'll do what we can to mend the bones and set her concussion on its way. She should be up and moving tomorrow at best." He looked down at Twilight. "At worst... well..."

Link was largely speechless. It took him a minute to process before asking, "How do you plan on treating her?"

"We will use a combination of medicines and magic. Even with what we can do, she may come out with a lasting injury." Link took the doctor by the coat. "Hey, what the-"

"You're not gonna stand there and tell me that with 'all you can do' you can't heal her. Isn't that your job?!" Link shouted.

The doctor merely adjusted his rims. "Remove your appendages from my coat, please," he requested calmly. Link slowly let go. "In order to increase her chances of a full recovery, we must take our time to do it right. Surely you understand?"

Twilight woke up rather quickly, getting the attention of one of the nurses on standby. "She's awake."

Link looked over at Twilight and knelt by the bed. "Hey sis. How are you feeling?"

"Like I broke some bones and got my head kicked in."

Under his breath, Link mentioned, "Well, you're not far off..." Then, much louder, "Doctor says it's gonna take some time before you're fully healed up."

"But my match..."

"Is not important. Not more than your health. Saber will be declared winner by default and you will take second. That's just how it's gotta be for you."

The doctor looked at her as well. "Ms. Sparkle. I, all of us in fact, urge you to get some more rest. We will begin treatment in the next few hours. We just need to run some tests."

"Then get to it. I have to get back out there."

"You can't even walk, much less compete," he replied. Then the doctor sighed. "Best thing you can do right now Ms. Sparkle is get some sleep."

Twilight closed her eyes. "Yeah. Fine. I'll see you in a few hours."

Confused, the doctor went about his business. Link was shuffled out of the tent by the pair of nurses as a rather important-looking individual entered the tent. Outside, Link found Saber pacing back and forth.

She saw him and looked concerned. Link held up his hands. "She's getting sleep. She'll be fine... tomorrow." Saber lowered her head. "Hey, she's gonna be fine. Doctor will do what he can."

"But she won't have her match with me..."

"Is the match between you two so important that you'd worry about it more than her own health?" Link sighed. "Even I know when enough's enough. She won't fight you. You're already the winner and you really don't have to prove it to anypony." Link walked by her, who didn't even turn to follow him. "You were the winner the moment you signed up." He departed, leaving Saber with her thoughts.


Link took his time walking back to his seat in the stands. He opted to take the long way, to think. Through the festival, he saw ponies playing, throwing darts, shooting targets with water guns, tossing a ball into hoops and other such attractions. Before he knew it, hours had passed, and all he'd done was walk the grounds. Link heard the announcer give a 5 minute warning. "Here we go..." he mused. Quickly, Link returned to his seat. Once there, he remained quiet.

"Ladies and Gentlestallions!" the announcer addressed in a somewhat cheery mood. It earned more than a few awkward looks from everypony else. "The committee has been apprised of the situation involving our fallen combatant. Twilight Sparkle - through divine intervention or stubborn will to go on - has made a complete and miraculous recovery!" Link leaned forward in great disbelief. "That's right folks! The Prodigal Daughter returns! We have ourselves a mare who refuses to give in! Let's hear it for the Prodigy!"

The stands erupted in cheers for Twilight.

"The announcer raised a hoof and silenced the crowd. "As is customary, both combatants will be granted adequate time to restore their magic to ample levels. The final match has been decided to be held at 6 pm tonight. Don't be late; this is a match you really don't want to miss!"

With nothing more to discuss, the announcer disappeared from the stage. Twilight came waltzing up to the group. "Hey there everypony."

Link was the first to ask, "How are you moving so soon?"

Ruby added, "Yeah, your wounds looked severe."

Twilight raised a hoof. "Come on, really? I know healing magic. All I had to do was help out." She found her seat with ease and looked down at the stage. "I'm just glad he's giving us until 6. Magic's pretty low, to be honest. I'll try to conserve as much as I can."

Link looked cautiously at her. "You sure you're fit for combat?"

In affirmation, she patted her ribs and head. "Yeah. No pain at all. Thanks for your worry, though. It means a lot." She glanced over at him and saw Emmy had a scowl over her face aimed at - no, beyond - Twilight. "You alright?"

Emmy didn't change her expression. "Yeah. I'm alright. I just don't see why we have to be sitting next to her."

Ruby got up and peered down at Emmy. "I know you're not talking about me." She wore an angry expression as well. Navi fell out of her mane and hovered near Twilight, shrugging her shoulders before looking down at the stage. "You're lucky there's a few people between us, or I'd smack that look right off your muzzle."

"I've had enough of you," Emmy replied forcefully. She also stood up, but was held back by Epona. "Stepping around everypony like you're hot stuff."

"You better take that back."

"Girls!" Link shouted. He got up and put his arms out to his sides to stop them. "I'm gonna ask you two to knock it off. Neither of you are gonna like it if I have to tell you to."

They answered in unison, "She started it!" The two growled at each other.

Navi pointed. "I hate to interrupt, but it looks like we have a visitor..."

Down on the stage stood a familiar black figure. "Ladies and Gentlestallions!" he announced. "If I could have your attention please!" Link looked around and saw that everypony else, other than those within the group he was in, didn't seem to notice. Not even Twilight reacted, much to his surprise. "It appears we have an unscheduled match. If I could have the Inferno join me on stage."

"Don't you even think about it," Emmy threatened.

"Or what? You gonna stop me?" Ruby turned and faced her. "Like you could." She hopped down and ran toward the stage. Toward him, directly.

"Excellent. Now would my student also join me? It appears as though the Inferno wishes to do me harm."

"He's right. If I don't do anything... I mean, he'll be fine of course, but I have to do something." Emmy waited until Ruby was close enough to swing. "Here we go. Don't try and stop me." She disappeared and reappeared, delivering a solid kick to Ruby's muzzle. Emmy landed and looked behind her. "Hey, Master. Haven't seen you in a while." Slowly, she redirected her attention forward. "You need to back off."

"You need to not get in my way. I knew you were not to be trusted. The others will see I was right this whole time."

Emmy shook her head. "He's not bad! He's been helping! That's all!"

Link hopped down the 20 feet to the ground below, rolled and took off in a dash for the stage. He even drew his weapons from his pouch. Without pause, he tried to run onto the stage. He only stopped short due to his collision with a barrier that barred his entry. Link pounded on the wall, rippling the barrier. "I can't get in!" Link looked back at Twilight, who hadn't moved.

Epona looked over at Twilight and waved her hoof in front of her face. "Uhh. Twilight? You alright?"

"Yeah," she replied, glancing over. "I'm fine. Why are they out there fighting?"

Epona had a revelation. She can't see him... "Because, they got excited and wanted to duke it out. But apparently, Link wants to stop them. And he can't do it alone. You should go help him."

Twilight got up and started walking. "Alright. But I do have to save magic." She headed the long way to the stage.

Link drew his sword and coated it in his magic. With many swings, he was able to cut a hole through the barrier just big enough to slip inside before it closed behind him. With not even a look back, he marched on, stopping between the two.

"What are you doing?!" Ruby shouted. "That mare over there has been helping the enemy!"

Link looked over toward Emmy and saw she took up a defensive position in front of the dark figure. Emmy nodded in admittance. "And she's gonna try and kill him. I can't let her do that." He saw both of their eyes had been blackened over. Link paid attention to the figure, who merely shrugged.

"Don't give me that. You knew this would happen. It's probably exactly what you wanted; to make puppets out of my friends."

"Boy, what I wanted to do was help you." He sighed. "But, it seems you do not want my help, as you have all three stones in your possession. And the Ocarina of Time, too, I bet."

Link's eyes widened. "And how do you know about that?"

"Your princesses haven't told you everything. I won't say what, only that when you learn it, you will know who I am." The stallion pointed at Link. "Behind you."

Ruby brushed Link aside and went in for an attack, throwing her hooves out in front of her, firing a fire wave at both Emmy and the stallion.

Emmy stood ready and put her back hoof on her master, teleporting the two away to another section of stage. "Master, please. I can't fight her and keep you safe at the same time."

"You're an inspiration, child. But please, do be careful." He disappeared before Twilight even got to the edge of the stage.

Finally there, Twilight stopped and looked in. "Emmy's got this handled. Hold on..." She narrowed her eyes and found Emmy's and Ruby's to be blackened. "Of course it'd be him..." She stepped through the barrier, not even knowing it was there, and walked over to Link. "And you're not going to stop them?"

"I can't. Emmy's too fast, and if I even touch Ruby she'll burn me. With my barrier, I might be able to pin Ruby down, but even if I can, I can't reverse his affect on her." Link looked on as Ruby tried her hardest to hit Emmy. She kept whiffing, but she was relentless with her fire and aggression.

"Leave that part to me." I should be able to dispel his influence over them like I did with myself. Twilight watched Link charge on, sword and shield put away.


Link vs The Inferno vs The Storm

Link ran straight at the two fighting each other. His eyes could barely track Emmy as she teleported the few feet around Ruby, narrowly escaping Ruby's blazing fury. As he got closer, he could feel the fire's intensity as it flew from Ruby's hooves. One of the stray waves hurtled toward him. He slid under it and stood, resuming his chase.

Ruby saw him and scoffed. "He is helping you!" She caught Emmy by the foreleg and reached around, punching Emmy square in the face with a flaming hoof. Emmy went sliding away, burnt cheek and all. She stayed down for a while.

Link stepped real close to Ruby and threw a punch. His own fist was surrounded in fire. With a yell, he connected with Ruby's foreleg as she blocked. Her own limb was protected with fire. Link's attack was brushed away, releasing a ball of fire that zipped by Ruby's head. She brought her other hoof up and barely missed his chest. He redirected the attack with his free hand and got a hold on her attacking limb, protecting his hand with a hastily-made barrier. Link pulled her foreleg over his head and delivered a sharp right roundhouse straight to her side then another to her hind leg.

Ruby fell down from the injuries and rolled to stand up, limbs shaking. "You hit really hard, you know?" She clapped once and enveloped the area around her in fire.

Carefully - and with a little damage to his tunic - Link got to the flame barrier's outer edge. He put his hands together, coated them in fire and chopped down at the wall, erupting a hole in the flames. He dashed through the hole and front-flipped, swinging his leg overhead. Ruby stepped back and watched his boot connect with the ground, cracking the stage below. With a quick maneuver, Link pushed off his back leg and thrust kicked, pushing her further back, dispelling the flame wall. He lowered his leg and spun around a fireball thrown at him, then deflected a few more punches before punching her in the muzzle, toppling her once more.

Then, he got over her and applied a thick barrier over her. "Twilight now!" He glanced over and saw she had just finished healing Emmy, who looked square at him and vanished.

Link felt a hoof punch him in the face. "If you're not going to kill her, then stay out of my way." Emmy raised her hoof high and started bringing it down upon Link's barrier. He waved his hand and swiped a wave of fire at her, to shoo her away. "You're going to fight me now?"

"What choice do I have?! You're not yourself!" He got to his feet after the swift kick and looked at her. "If I can get her to stop trying to fight you, will you then leave her be?"

"Nope. She already threatened me and him." Emmy had flown over his attack. She readied herself to plummet on his barrier once more. "Don't stop me!" Again, Link threw a fireball at Emmy, who disappeared before it hit. She reappeared in front of him and grabbed his arm. "You really shouldn't have done that." Emmy teleported with him high into the air. "Enjoy the-"

"I get it," he replied. "I've finally caught you." He turned his arm around in a way that allowed him to grab on with his hand. Empowered, he held firmly, even as she let go. With his weight bearing on her, she started to descend to the stage. Link reached up and grabbed her with his other hand and held firmly, wrapping a barrier all around her. "You're coming down with me!"

Emmy stopped flapping altogether. The two fell several dozen feet to the stage below. He felt the full force of Emmy landing squarely on top of him, almost forcing him to let go. Link did not, and instead gripped tighter and quickly pinned her to the ground with both of his hands. He looked around and saw Twilight had taken care of Ruby's condition. Both of them walked over to Emmy, who couldn't teleport without staying pinned by Link and who couldn't get away. Twilight stood between Emmy and Ruby and readied her spell. "Hold her steady, Link."

"Just hurry up, yeah?" he complained. "She's stronger than she looks." Twilight dipped her head down and dispelled the blackness in Emmy's eyes. Link got up and stumbled back. He sighed and sat down. "Alright, what was that all about?"

Ruby shrugged. "I dunno. But I'm hungry. Anypony else? My treat?"

The barrier to the stage came down and several security members surrounded the four of them. "Uhh. Hey guys. Wanna join us?" Emmy asked.

"You four are under arrest!" one of the guards shouted. He started advancing toward the group before Link stepped forward himself. "Who are you?"

Link stood up and dusted himself off before addressing the stallion. "Link. Corporal in Her Highness' Royal Guard. We received word that an attack would be made at this event. So I accepted the mission." He turned his back to the guard and gestured to both Emmy and Ruby. "These two were under a spell by a very powerful enemy. Thanks to the efforts of this competitor here, they are free from said spell. Your assistance will not be required." Link turned to the guard. "We'll see ourselves out."

The guard looked at him, then spoke into his headset. After a minute of debate, the four were allowed to leave.


Link sat between Twilight and Epona on one side of the table, while Ruby sat with Emmy on the other. Navi sat on the table directly. Free from the hold the alicorn had over them at last, Ruby and Emmy got along with no trouble at all.

"You don't remember any of it? Not the fight, not the alicorn being there at all?" Epona asked, tilting her head. Both of the two shook their heads in reply. "Very strange... Okay what do you remember?"

Emmy answered first. "Well, I did what Link told me to. I went into the woods to talk with Zecora, she pointed me toward the village Ruby likely went to, and I made my way there. I got hit in the head with a rock, Ruby lost her mind, Twilight patched me up, Link came back, we-"

"Anything a bit more recent?"

"Uhh... The fights, mostly. Twilight kicked major rear out there. Even your rival did, despite her fourth opponent being a no-show."

"Yeah," Link started, looking at Ruby. "What happened? She was your roommate, right?"

"That's right," Ruby agreed. "She never said anything about not showing up. Maybe she just... didn't want to fight anymore? Going against the Demon, I wouldn't be surprised."

"So, Steel Saber had no opponent. We agree on that. Her opponent no-showed." Emmy tapped her chin. "There were only 63 fighters this year. One team had three members due to Saber's inclusion, and she's still set to fight the final match."

Navi inputted, "While you are on the topic of remembering things... I should tell you all that I don't remember much either..." The others looked down at her. "I went into the portal, then... nothing much after that."

"So the alicorn took over your mind, not mine. Either that was his intent, or he was aiming for me and missed."

Twilight looked close at Navi, then cast the spell to lift the hold he'd have over her, if he had any left. "There. That should be all of us. Still... Why you?"

Link answered, "We'd all know if I went mind controlled, but Navi? I'd be the only one who'd know. He made it so you weren't around as much as usual, opting to stay with Ruby to... To watch the fights."

"What would be the point of that?" Navi asked.

"To gather intelligence," Twilight replied. "I bet he's keeping tabs on who's got enough power to oppose him."

"Now that we're all all right, do I still have to..." Epona gestured toward Emmy.

Link shook his head. "Oh, no. You don't."

Epona sighed in relief. "That's good."

"What happened?" Emmy asked, looking confused.

"I had Epona be your... cuddle-buddy. To try and distract you from wanting to fight Ruby. It didn't work, but not because she didn't try. Thank you again, for that." Epona nodded.

"We didn't... do anything.. did we?" Emmy asked cautiously.

"Heavens no! All we did was cuddle. That's it. Promise."

Expecting a disappointing sigh, everypony was surprised to see Emmy lean back and sigh in relief with a smile. "That's good. No offense, you're cute as a button and all, but you're just not my type."

"Oh, but I am?" Ruby asked jokingly. She even chuckled a little.

"Actually... No." Emmy donned a serious expression as she looked to her side at Ruby. "You're hot, make no mistake. But I think it's fair for all of you to know I'm 100% straight." Everypony else sat in stunned surprise. "What?"

Link was the first to respond. "You're faking it? Then why do it at all?"

"Because it's fun~." Emmy let out a giggle. "Can't deny that. Growing up literally a stone's throw away from everypony else means everypony knows who you are. Not much room for romantic advancement. Especially since... well..."

Link interjected. "Especially when that society is run by fillies and colts, right?"

Emmy looked at him in shock. "How-" She took a moment to process. "Wait... Do you have it?" Link took out the green stone from the woods. "The Guardian-"

"-is dead," he finished bluntly. "Cursed by the alicorn in the woods. He claimed to have been trying to get the stone to give to me as an offering, but I don't trust that for a second."

Slowly, Emmy covered her face in her forelegs. Ruby started patting her on the back. "I'm sorry..."

"The first thing I'm gonna do is kill him. I promise." Link vowed with clenched fists. "I'll draw the sword and end him for what he's done. With the Sword of Masters, how hard could it be?"

Everypony was quiet after that. Epona had her chance. "What about us? He's wronged everypony here. He took over Navi, forced Ruby and Emmy to fight, and from what I remember, he made Twilight go to the castle and he made me confront my parents. You don't think we all want revenge?"

"I know you do. You all do. Which is why, at the very least, you're all gonna be there when I draw the sword." He looked around the table at everypony. Emmy had sat up again, Ruby and Twilight nodded in agreement and Epona smiled. His gaze stopped on Twilight. "But before all that, Twilight, you have a match to fight."

Twilight nodded again. "I will do my best." Everypony finished their food. On the way back to their seats, Twilight was found by a member of staff and taken away toward a tent.

In their seats near the middle, Ruby sat with Emmy, then Epona next to Link. Epona asked, "Why'd they take Twilight away?"

Emmy replied, "Right. I keep forgetting none of you've been here before. Twilight's a finalist. She gets a special vest custom-made to look however she wants, as well as a piece of music to intro her to the stage. Saber will have all that too."

"And that's it?" Link folded his arms. "It's more than an hour before the match is set to start. It couldn't take that long to pick out some vest and music."

"It's more than just a vest and music," Emmy argued. "The vest you want... It's like a piece of your personality. You can make it to be goofy, colorful, bland, shiny, whatever you want. And the music is to help you motivate you to do your best in the coming bout."

"Just clothes and sound to me," Link admitted. "Music? Empowering? Hah. Not unless you play it on a musical instrument like I do."

Emmy tilted her head. "I'm serious though. The intro song is meant to get you involved, motivated, ready for what will undoubtedly be the toughest fight of your life." She waited for it to sink in.

"It's all music to me," Link admitted.

"Sweet Celestia, you're stubborn," Ruby noted. Everypony else turned to look at her with a grin. "What?"


The Demon vs The Prodigy

The announcer took the stage close to 6. There was much debate about whether the final match would actually happen or not. In anticipation, Saber had taken the time to rest, making sure her magic was at a high enough level to combat her final challenger. Twilight had restored her magic level as well through meditation. She and Saber were nowhere to be found; the others assumed they were at their respective sides, ready to enter the field.

"Ladies and Gentlestallions! The Championship match has at long last arrived!" He waited for the cheering to stop. "It's been... a long weekend. Joys... Sorrows... Some humor here and there." A few chuckles came from the fans. "Please! Welcome to the arena, our very own: Spellcaster Orchestraaaaa!" A collective of ponies - all different types - shuffled in patterns to one side of the arena. When they came to a stop, they gave a bow. "These fine folk have been with us for many years. Thank you once again for providing your art." The ponies started setting up their instruments.

"She's come far, fighting all on her own with just a single sword. There are none among us who's withstood her talents for very long. Ladies and Gentlestallions, welcome to the fight: The Dual-Wielding Demon!"

A song began to play full of heavy beats and reverberating chords in deep tones, reminiscent of rock and roll. Saber stepped onto the field sporting a vest that befitted her occupation as a Royal Guard. Shiny metallic-looking fabric outfitted with extra pieces to look like pauldrons and a chest plate. The pattern itself was more scale mail than solid chunks that latched together. She made her entrance through an explosion of silver and sparkling gold. Her movement to the stage was swift, setting hoof upon it in less than a minute's time. Steel Saber drew her swords and flourished them as she approached the center of the stage, sheathing them when she got there. The music came to an end with her sheathing.

The stadium erupted in cheers for Steel Saber.

After about half a minute, the crowd's cheering calmed in anticipation of the opponent's introduction. "A mare who has faced adversity at the risk of her very health and overcame such trials. She stands unwavered against the masses with her mastery over the arcane. Ladies and Gentlestallions, welcome to the fight: The Prodigal Daughter!"

That time, the opposite end of the field exploded in various shades of purple while a musical composition of strings and winds played a joyous melody. Twilight stepped through the color wearing a golden tunic to match Link's own. It had a turned down collar and strung-up chest. Link. I carry you into battle with me. Give me the courage to fight on she thought. She trotted toward the stage, not displaying any of her abilities. When she stepped on stage, she paused, taking a breath. Her whole body became engulfed in a purple magic field. It swirled about her as she walked forward calmly. Twilight came to her resting position, breathing in once more, taking in her magic. On the exhale, she relaxed.

The stadium rooted for Twilight Sparkle.

Cautious not to get between the two mares, the announcer looked between the two. In silence and unbroken eye contact, the mares stood a few feet apart. "It seems there are no words between these two this time. Ladies and Gentlestallions, I can feel the tension in the air as these two eagerly await my command. Without further delay, let the Championship Match... Begin!" He was very quick to disappear.

Both Twilight and Saber Struck with their one sword each, clashing so hard it echoed through the stands. The two shared a few more clashes at increasing speed before Twilight was pushed back. She fired a blast at Saber, who bounced it back twice as fast. In response, Twilight deflected it even faster. Saber evaded the shot entirely. It curved up and came down on Saber.

At the same time, Twilight threw her sword spinning toward Saber. With two attacks closing in on her, Saber flipped to the side dodging the downward magic blast. She caught the sword mid-air with her own magic and threw it straight at Twilight - no spin at all - before landing. She then boosted herself, sword at her side, toward Twilight. Twilight had turned to the side to catch her sword on its return and turned the rest of the way around. Facing Saber - and with the added momentum of her turn - she swung upward, clashing heavily against the incoming attack.

Saber's sword escaped her grip and flew to the sky. In perfect rotation, Twilight circled her sword around her other side and dug deep for the strength she'd need. With a yell, she brought it up again, this time connecting with her chest, flinging her up and above the stage. Twilight teleported above her and swung down. Saber had pulled in her flung blade in time to block. The collision sent Saber plummeting to the stage below. She hit the ground so hard it started to crack.

Twilight stayed airborne, firing a salvo of two dozen blasts at her opponent below. The recoil of which kept her in the air. Every single shot was deflected every which way as Saber got to her hooves. Her sword was swiftly and efficiently moving to intercept the blasts. When she got to her hooves, she looked around at the stage, seeing so many holes. Twilight teleported again to right beside her opponent. Another yell came from Twilight as she took a stance and thrust her sword at Saber's horn. With impeccable precision Saber raised her sword vertical and blocked with the flat of her blade. Electric sparks flew from the point of contact. Saber turned her weapon to the narrow side and redirected Twilight's stab, allowing the former to swing downward. Twilight raised her shield and blocked the initial swing.

Saber stood wider and pulled back her sword. She swung again with greater force, and again and again, increasing in attack speed the longer she stood there. With no room to counter, Twilight's shield took the full beating, getting pushed back in the process. After a score and a half attacks, her shield shattered. On the following swing, Saber fired a wave of energy at her.

It exploded against the barrier of the arena. Twilight had teleported away, further behind Saber. The latter raised her sword vertical at her side and blocked a swing she felt coming. But Twilight was halfway across the stage. Saber looked at the sword and saw it looked broken in places. Before she could investigate further, the weapon segmented and wrapped around her multiple times.

Twilight yanked with a yell, pulling Saber in an arc overhead. Just before Saber crashed into the ground, she sharpened the sword's magic output and cut through the weak joints of the chain. She stumbled to the edge, stopping a few feet before flying off. "Okay," She said, flipping her mane to fix it. "Twilight Sparkle. You wanted a fight?" Twilight stopped her advance and reformed both her sword and shield. "You've earned it." Saber drew her second sword and coated it in her magic. The stadium cheered for both sides. She assumed a more serious stance. "Get ready!"

In a singular burst of speed, Saber closed the gap between herself and Twilight. The two attacked, blocked and parried each other as they danced swiftly about the stage. Against both of Saber's swords, Twilight found herself losing ground sooner than she expected. On a particularly strong pair of swings, Saber cut through both sword and shield. Her follow-up came too fast for Twilight to raise a reformed barrier to block. Instead, she summoned her body barrier, ready to take everything Saber was about to do.

Saber unleashed several attacks in quick succession, rocking Twilight's body every which way with increasing speed. On the last attack, she swung down with both, releasing an X-shaped energy wave that flung Twilight across the stage near the center. Twilight was able to duck under it after a time and slide, barely able to see the blade beams break against the walls of the stadium. Her shield disappeared, but she remained.

Cautious, Saber stepped closer, swords ready and breathing heavy from the assault. She saw Twilight had not teleported away, giving cause to believe she was still awake. At her side, Saber raised her weapons high and brought them crashing down on her fallen opponent.

Twilight summoned her shield just in time to block the attack, reinforced with her sword. Saber was pressing heavy, yet against her strength, Twilight was standing up. "I'm not beaten yet!" she struggled to stand, pushing against Saber's weight. Fully standing, she grinned and reformed her shield to be a second sword. In one move, she pushed Saber away from her and took up a stance she had seen her opponent use before. "Once more!"

Saber slid a few good feet away, then watched as Twilight took up a stance meant for dual-wielders. "You can dual-wield?!" she exclaimed. "When? How?"

"All of last night!" she answered, jumping forward. Twilight and Saber entered their dance once more. Both fighters' attacks came swiftly, blocking the other's swings with such ease. Their speed increased, going fast enough to whip up winds around the stage.

Twilight found herself getting short of breath. During their clashes, she found her opportunity in the form of a block. Twilight swung at Saber's side, which was blocked. She turned that sword into a chain that wrapped around both Saber and the weapon she blocked with. At the same time, Twilight pulled up all 24 shots that were still in the stage. Saber looked around for the second she was able before all those shots converged on her.

Saber cut free as she did before. She sharpened the magic around her second sword and cut through as many as she could. But she could not get them all, getting hit by just a few. Twilight reformed her sword before Saber fired several blade beams in quick succession; a total of four were released toward her. No way was Twilight about to challenge their strength, so she just dodged, raising her swords in time to block Saber's dash attack, getting pushed back anyway and getting off-balance. Saber took advantage and stepped in, swinging at Twilight with increased power. Thankfully, she had dulled her magic once more. Her attacks landed on several parts of her opponent's body: a few to the chest and a couple to each shoulder.

Twilight regained her footing, but found herself extremely short of breath. While she continued to defend herself, she found that Saber hadn't lost any stamina. Twilight was slowing down. Noticing that, Saber swept Twilight's forelegs out with one swing, turned and brought her other sword down on her falling form. The result broke the stage where Twilight landed.

Beaten, Twilight dispelled her magic and stayed laying down, breathing heavily and shaking as well.

Everypony in the stands stood up in silence to see what might happen next.

Saber held her swords at her sides and wiped some sweat from her brow. Then, Twilight stirred. "No, don't do that," Saber advised.

Through her ragged breath, Twilight struggled to sit upright. She, too, was covered in sweat. "As I expected," she managed, "you're way stronger than me." Twilight took a moment to regulate her breathing. "I can't beat you, but not because I didn't try."

"You're done?" Saber asked, readying herself anyway.

"Yeah... You have something I can't get in just a week. Experience. I lost to your experience." Twilight struggled to stand.

Saber offered a hoof to help her. Twilight took it. "You know, I was wrong about you. I once told your brother that your heart wasn't in it. That you couldn't win because you weren't going to try. Well, Prodigal Daughter, I'd say you gave it your best with what you had."

Twilight smiled and turned to the side. "I forfeit."

She disappeared. Calmly, the ponies in the stands started clapping and cheering at the display of sportsmanship between the contenders.

The announcer appeared and raised Saber's hoof. "The winner and your Champion for this event is Steel Saber, The Dual-Wielding Demon!"


Half an hour later, Link and the others, as well as Steel Saber, were huddled around Twilight's bed. Her injuries being less severe than before, she was admitted to a public bed. "Well, I guess I lost, huh?"

"Yeah, but we knew that going in," Link admitted. Emmy punched him in the arm. "What? Well, we did. Twilight and I both knew how this would end."

Twilight nodded. "Soon as you joined, we knew. You're a Royal Guard. A Unique as well. Civilians? Against you? Please. That's an easy one."

Saber looked away. "Yeah, well..."

Ruby looked at Saber. "You had some real fancy moves out there, Ma'am."

Surprised by the formality, Saber waved her hoof. "I'm just Saber here." She looked at Twilight. "Sorry for the last attack. Had to put you down somehow."

"It's fine, really. I'm already mending." Twilight looked over at Saber. "How are you?"

"I'm alright." A few moments pass in silence. "Like I said, you fought much harder than I could have anticipated, Twilight Sparkle. Had I not given it as much as was deserved, I would have lost." She thought a moment. "This reminds me of when Link and I last fought. Tried as he might, he still ended up in your position now."

"Yeah, but I gave you a scar for your troubles." Link pointed. "A reminder not to stand in my way."

Emmy hovered over and looked at the scar in question. "Wow, that's a seriously cool scar! Perfectly horizontal and everything!" She narrowed her eyes at Saber and smiled. "Any other scars you wanna show us?"

"No," Saber replied, pushing Emmy's face away from her own. "I don't have any, for starters. And even if I did, I wouldn't talk about them in public."

"You're no fun~." Emmy retreated to her spot beside Ruby.

Link sighed. "Ignore her. She's bored."

Twilight looked at her friends. "Shouldn't you all be getting to closing ceremonies?"

Emmy shook her head. "The announcer guy said he'd wait for your quick recovery."

"Yeah, I want you to be there when they announce my reward." Saber smiled and looked at Twilight, who tilted her head. Then Saber looked around and saw that everypony was confused except for Emmy. "Wait, seriously? Does nopony know anything around here? Winner gets a prize. Last year was a tour of Canterlot Library. This year is a selected spell to be taught by Princess Celestia herself. Twilight, you wouldn't have benefitted from this, since all the spells on the list are ones you already know."

Everypony chuckled at the situation. "I didn't sign up for the reward. I didn't even know there was going to be one," Twilight admitted. The chuckling stopped. "I signed up... To see where I stood. But, if you ask me, this tournament was geared toward fighters with a narrower skill-set rather than general ability to cast spells. It was right up your alley."

Ruby stretched and yawned. "Well, I'd love to stay, but I gotta clear out the hotel room or Starlight's gonna be even more depressed."

"Right. What happened to her?" Link asked.

"Oh? She dropped out. Said she had nothing to prove and decided to forfeit." Ruby shrugged. "I felt bad for her, being out of her element, but what can you do?" She started for the door flaps. "Oh, and if I recall, I'll be expecting visitors, so if I could get a ride home with one of you, that'd be swell."

Twilight muttered, "So, that was her name..."

"I'll meet up with you later then. Epona?" Emmy asked.

"I'll wait for Link," she clarified.

"And I'm staying for Twilight," Link agreed. "So is Navi." She nodded.

Twilight nodded as well. "Guess we'll see you at closing ceremonies."

Polaris entered the tent with a bit of heavy breathing. "Steel Saber, Ma'am!"

Saber sighed. "I'm just Saber right now, but what is it?"

"It's the Princess, Ma'am. She's looking for you." Polaris straightened and addressed the group. "Greetings, and apologies for the intrusion." Saber waved a hoof dismissively. Polaris exited the tent and stood vigil just outside.

"Right... Sorry folks, that's my cue." Saber turned to the door flaps. "Get some rest when you get home, Twilight Sparkle. You've earned it. Oh, and thank you for the match. It was... fun." She exited the tent and walked with Polaris.

Ruby and Emmy were quick to follow. Epona left as well, though only at Link's request. He watched them leave one after another until it was just him, her and Navi. "I'm sorry, Twilight. I tried."

"I'm not worried about it," Twilight admitted, chuckling. "You said so yourself, 'Even with all this training, there's still a good chance you'll lose'."

"Still... I feel like I could have done more... I feel like I failed." He sat down on the bed and rested his forehead on his hands.

"Hey now..." Twilight put a hoof on his back. "You did your best. Besides, we both know I'm not a fighter. Every move I made was magical. She's been training for years. To use physical weapons. And I've had a week, give or take a few hours here and there. Sure didn't help she's used to wearing armor. She was practically weightless here by comparison." Link shrugged. "Now go on. Save me a seat."

Link stood and wandered out, passing by one of the other combatants on her way in. Twilight recognized her as Prismarine. Who she didn't recognize was the pony that followed after. "I urge you. Please reconsider your actions," she insisted.

"I'm already here," Prismarine stated. "We've been given permission to converse with the stone- and sky-walkers while we're here, and there are facts I would like this particular one to know." She walked by Twilight's bed and looked down at her. "Hello again, Twilight Sparkle."

"Prismarine," she replied casually.

"Even so," her attendant continued, "I know what you are about to do and I do not approve."

"As my mentor or my friend?" Prismarine asked. Her attendant sighed and turned away. "Please excuse her. She's... very rules-y."

"Forgiven, though I assure you that's not a word." Twilight smiled.

"Indeed not," she agreed. "How are you feeling?"

Twilight sighed and leaned back. "I've been better. Should be healed up any minute now. Magic's still going through and fixing me. You?"

"I am well, despite her insistence that I do not be here for longer than necessary." Prismarine sat on the floor and looked over the bed. "She's just upset with me that I want to talk to you."

"Why would she be upset with you? I'd like to think we're friends." Twilight looked over at the other mare, who had er back turned. "You can come sit too, if you want." The mare shook her head. "Well, alright."

"Ordinarily, I suspected she'd be upset because I eventually lost. But that was not the case. Reason being that a true spellcaster knows when she is beaten. My forfeiture was executed with intellect and grace. No shame has been brought to myself or the family name."

"Prismarine, no!" her attendant insisted. "You must not!"

"I will. She's my friend, and she has a right to know."

"Why would your name be shamed? ... Who are you?" Twilight asked further.

Prismarine smiled. "So... You already know I come from the water, right?" Twilight nodded. "Well, I live there."

"I knew it! The others didn't believe me."

"I live there with my people. The sea-walkers. I'm actually in line to be their Queen. Well, second-in-line, but we don't talk about her," Prismarine agreed. Even her attendant nodded.

Twilight tilted her head in confusion, then nodded in understanding. "So that would make you a princess, yes?" She looked around for a set of wings. "But you're just a unicorn."

"Such ignorance..." the attendant noted. "Royalty is not a form, it is a position."

Prismarine nodded. "True, we're not the alicorns like the stone- and sky-walkers have, but our royalty is no less important. Instead of appointing a ruler, or rulers, we are born into the line of royalty. My father is the King of my people, and when I come of age the second time, I will inherit the throne and the waters as my own."

Twilight nodded in better understanding. Then, she asked, "So what were you doing out at the ocean when we first met?"

"Training. I felt some magic on the shore and found you there asleep. With your friends incoming, I had to wake you up somehow. So I tossed a rock to get your attention. I'd say it worked."

"You were the one who threw the rocks?" Prismarine nodded. "Thank you for that then." Another nod. "So my friends and I are going to closing ceremonies. Care to sit with us?"

"I'm afraid I can't. I bent the rules by even coming in here. I have to go home as soon as possible. I hope we meet again someday, Twilight Sparkle." Prismarine waved goodbye as she and her attendant left. The latter shot a glare at Twilight as she exited the tent.

Twilight got out of bed and made herself ready to walk. She got to the stands where Link, Navi and Epona were waiting. The announcer was given the all-clear to start the closing ceremony. Saber was invited to the stage where she was met with the princess. Her reward was announced and fireworks went off into the darkening sky. Link, Twilight and Navi went to their room and collected their belongings. Then, near the front door, they teleported themselves home to the library.

Emmy was making some dinner for her friends, and entertaining a few more who had come to visit. Seemed like Twilight's friends wanted to hear all about it. Twilight walked in and got a big surprise from just about everypony. Link called it a night and went upstairs to his room, falling asleep quickly.

Twilight stayed awake and - with the help of Emmy and Epona - regaled their friends with the tales of what transpired in each of the matches. Aj and Rainbow really got into the combat parts. Rarity asked what kind of vests they were. Pinkie just wanted to know what kind of games were there. And Fluttershy was just happy that Twilight made it home safe. Emmy relaxed afterward on the couch next to Dash. Twilight took a letter about how important it is to never lose hope, even when you're losing. While not a letter about friendship, it was still a lesson learned. After her friends had either gone home or fell asleep, Twilight went upstairs for a good night's rest of her own.

Elsewhere... Saber returned to the princess' side along with Polaris. They were praised for their success. Steel Saber chose a spell carefully from the list provided. Training was set to begin the following day.

Ruby returned to her castle and started cleaning up the place; sweeping, dusting and organizing her projects. She was expecting company after all.

The alicorn in the woods had already sown the seeds for his true objective. All he had to do... was wait.

Chapter 52: The Sword of Masters

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Though he fell asleep fast, Link found he couldn't stay asleep for long. He woke up just after midnight. After half an hour of trying to fall back asleep, he gave up and sat on the side of his bed. Link looked around the moonlit room and saw Twilight asleep peacefully in her bed. Spike lay calmly in his own beside hers. Navi appeared to be the only one who shared his awoken state. She noticed he was up and flew over to his shoulder, carrying his hat over to him.

He nodded in gratitude and put it on, standing slowly as to not make noise. Link put on his boots and pouches and snuck out of the room. Quietly, he closed the door behind him and went downstairs, expecting to find others. There was nopony. So he went outside and looked up at the stars.

With a sigh, Link started jogging around the vacant village. He made a stop at his "Army of One" board and saw it had filled with requests aplenty. Each one would have to wait. He shook his head and continued his jog.

Link was absent-minded and found himself at the arch to enter Sweet Apple Acres near half an hour later. It looked calm, having come to a close the work of the day. With plenty of time, he walked in and around the orchard, admiring the stillness of nature.

An hour passed and Link realized he had meandered into town once more. He made a stop at town hall, walking in circles around the wooden deck. Then he stopped and sat against the outer wall of the main building. Many of the houses had their lights off, while just a few were on for those night owls. After a few minutes, Link took out his journal and made his eighth entry.


August 8
Monday Morning

Couldn't sleep. Probably had a dream I can't remember anymore. Decided to go for a walk to clear my head. Guess it worked. Haven't thought of anything the past couple hours. The tournament went about as well as I could have hoped. Steel Saber entered and won the whole thing. Next to her, Twilight didn't stand a chance.

I set out for the Sword of Masters later this morning with my sister and a few of our friends. The Sword of Masters is rumored to be the blade of evil's bane. It's some kind of special sword, and I guess I'm the only one that can use it. Tomorrow, I set out on mission. Today, I train with the new sword.

The alicorn in the woods had best leave us alone until I come for him.

I've... had nightmares about this day for weeks. A dark version of myself opposes me when I enter the sword room. I will be ready this time.


Link let the ink dry a few minutes before he clapped the journal closed. He stowed it carefully, along with his supplies. Standing up, he leaned forward against the rail. "What do you think about all this, Navi?"

"About all what?" she replied, flying out to illuminate the air in front of him.

"About... well... this situation... Princess Celestia - in all her wisdom - gave me the wrong keys to open the door. Whether on purpose or not, it happened. I've been led all over Equestria to get the real keys from others. Keys she's never even heard of. And that stallion in the mountain, that chief. He called her his 'Sworn Brother', whatever that means. She knew him. He knows her. But she had no idea he had the Stone of Fire?"

"Maybe she did know, but didn't know that was a key."

"Maybe... But what about the alicorn? I asked her if she knows anypony like that. She answered 'No'. I thought about that. She knows just about everypony, but this one stallion she's clueless about? Something isn't adding up..." He started tapping his finger on the rail. "And I said I'd kill him. I don't even know him."

"Nopony does, it seems," Navi commented.

Link stood upright and headed down to the ground below. Navi followed him, letting him think. The two returned to the library where Link entered a series of workouts. About 20 minutes later, he had drawn his sword and shield and started form training.

One of his thrusts triggered a hallucination. He saw the alicorn stuck through the chest for just a split second. In a panic, he dropped the sword and stepped back. His sword hit the floor with a loud clatter. Emmy came in from the side library room. "What is- Oh. You're awake."

Link picked up his sword and put it away. "Yeah... Can't sleep. You?"

"Can't now. Thanks to you." Emmy came in and flew to the couch. "Bored? Or nervous?"

He shrugged. Link sat down on the chair. "I've just been lost in thought lately. That's all. Tried going for a walk to clear my head, but it didn't work. Then I tried sword forms, and that didn't work either."

"Yeah. You looked pretty freaked out. What happened?"

"I saw him..." he admitted. "He was stabbed through the chest... But in that instant... I saw him smiling. Then he was gone." Link folded his hands and squeezed. "I can't believe how much of an interest I am to him. All this just to get near me, but why? What is his true goal?"

Emmy frowned with concern and hmmm'd. "I don't know. I'm not as smart as you are. Definitely not as talented. Maybe it's your talents that he's drawn to?"

"Whatever it is... I'm supposed to kill him, as per my vow. Now, I'm not even sure I can. But I have to try, right? I mean, what other choice do I have?"

"You always have the choice," Emmy argued. "You chose to live your life, just as I chose to live mine. You were made a Royal Guard, for Celestia's sake, and you did it on your own power. You chose that for yourself. You've got conviction. But... This enemy, is far too strong to take down right now. Even with a cool sword, he's probably leagues ahead of where you are now." She leaned forward. "It might not be something you wanna hear, but... Don't go after him... Not yet."

"You're right, Emmy. He's too strong. I won't go after him. Not until I know for sure I'm ready." He stood up and stretched out his limbs. "Think I'll go for another walk."

"Mind if I come with?"

"Yeah, actually. Stay here. I shouldn't be long. It's just a jaunt around town." He waited and saw her harsh look. "I'll be fine. I'm not stupid. I know better than to mess with a guy like that on my own."

Emmy sighed. "Alright, but be careful."

Link nodded and adjusted his straps. With a wave, he left the library.

Outside, Navi hovered around his head. "I think I know what you're up to."

"Then you know I have to do this on my own." Link made sure he wasn't followed as he made his way to and through the woods.


His entire route went uninterrupted as he journeyed from the edge to the castle. Even Ruby wasn't awake or present to greet him as he strolled in the front door. He went down to the room below and found the familiar red carpet. It led - as before - to the stone rising, then past it to the stand with the indents.

Link removed the three stone keys he'd collected so far and found that each one fitted perfectly into one of the three spots. As he placed them, each one shone their respective color brightly. He took out his ocarina and began playing the notes as they appeared on the stone stand.

When he finished, just as expected, the door ahead split down the middle and began opening by sliding each half to the side. The door made a lot of noise as it slid. Link didn't wait for it to finish, either, walking in when the gap was just wide enough to let him pass. He placed a hand on the handle of his sword as he walked in, expecting trouble but finding none.

The Sword of Masters stood in a pedestal in the very center of the room, in the middle of the highest platform of three. It was placed on a hexagon, wherein each point adorned a circular emblem carved into the stone. He released the handle of the sword on his back and instead gripped the one in the pedestal with both hands. It shot out of the stone as he lifted sharply. Bright blue light fired skyward as he held the sword.

"LINK!" Ruby shouted from the doorway. "What are you doing?!"

Link turned in time to see Ruby gallop into the room near full speed. Ruby got to the base of the steps and leaped toward him.

The two disappeared with the sword, the light vanished. Ruby tumbled to the pedestal and sat upright. Slowly, she started to panic.


Link woke up to find himself standing in the middle of a bright blue room. He stood atop a platform - literally, as over the edge existed a swirling blue abyss - in the center of 6 circular designs, much like before. Only, these were colored. Link turned and saw each one sported a symbol, each indecipherable and different.

"Ah, the hero comes at last," a voice greeted. Link turned quickly toward the source.

There, on the bright yellow circle, stood the one and only Starswirl the Bearded. "You're... Starswirl, aren't you?"

"That's right. Starswirl the Bearded. One of the ancient Sages of this world. Long ago, when I mentored the Princess of the Sun, we, along with her sister, built this castle to protect the entrance to the Sacred Realm."

Link looked peripherally at his surroundings; there were many other pillars disconnected from the main one he stood on, and under his feet sat the sacred symbol of the Triforce. "Okay, so is this the Sacred Realm?"

"In a sense. This Chamber lies at the very center of the Sacred Realm, the last bastion against the evil forces of Ganondorf. You-"

"Who or what is a 'Ganondorf'?" Link crossed his arms as he asked.

Starswirl hesitated. "You... You don't know? Did Princess Celestia not tell you?" He began pacing. "I had not anticipated this..." Then he stopped. "Are you sure she did not tell you of his plans?"

"She's my Mother. And she did not tell me anything about such a being."

"Well, he's a threat, and that sword you carry now - the Sword of Masters - let him in to this realm. That there was the final key. And now that you're old enough to wield it, you must use the sword of evil's bane to stop him."

Link tilted his head. "'Old enough'?"

"Look at yourself, my boy," the old stallion requested.

Uncrossing his arms, Link sighed. Then, he looked at himself. His legs were longer, his chest was bigger, as were his arms. His bracelet was gone and his gauntlets - gray in their color - returned. The golden tunic grew to fit his new body, as did his pants. Link's boots were made taller, going up his shins offering more protection. Even his hair grew an inch or two. The long-sleeved undershirt also grew to fit. "Okay, so I'm bigger."

"Now that you are, you can use that sword to its full potential. The Sword of Masters, a holy blade that no evil can hope to stand against. But you, who have been deemed worthy of the title 'Hero of Time', drew it with such ease." Starswirl looked at the blue-handled sword that now rested on Link's back.

"I'm hardly a hero..." Link admitted. "I haven't done anything."

"Yet. See, as a boy, you were too young to be the hero we required. But you needed to be just that. So when you drew the sword from its resting place, I had a choice to make: bring you forward seven years through time, or bring your seven-year-older body back to you in this time. Quite literally, I flipped a coin. And so, here you stand after your seven year sealing. Ready and able to awaken as the Hero of Time."

Link looked at Starswirl with slight confusion. "You had a choice and didn't consult me?" He raised his voice a little. "I needed that sword for a mission. Send me back with this body."

"I can't do that now," Starswirl admitted.

"Why not?"

"Because if I did, this timeline will be doomed. Your friends, your family, Epona, the princesses all gone. Succumbed to the evil that has now gripped this land."

Link held up his hands toward Starswirl. "So let me get this right: I drew the Sword of Masters. In doing so, this 'Ganondorf' or whoever took over Equestria. And conveniently, the only weapon capable of stopping him is the same one that - when pulled - allowed for his take-over in the first place?" Starswirl was silent. "And - I'm not done - just so I get this right - I'm supposed to stop an enemy I've never even heard about with a sword I've never used in a world that's likely unfamiliar to me at this point, having been carried a whole seven years forward in time against my will, all to stop him with the sword that allowed for his take-over in the first place!"

Starswirl waited. "You know, when you say it all like that, I can understand your frustration." He waited. "But wait, there's more."

"Of course there is."

"When you drew the Sword of Masters, you opened the way to the Sacred Realm, within was held the Triforce in its entirety. And though you opened the door in the name of peace, Ganondorf entered with an ill will. When he reached for the Triforce, it split into three and scattered two of its pieces through time and space." Starswirl waited, sensing a question.

"Space? How do you mean?"

"Ganondorf isn't of this world. Same as you. When you drew it here, your homeworld's Sacred Realm was unlocked. He used that entry point to gain access. Once he retained the Triforce of Power, he opened a breach to this world in a different time and space. He has lived here for over one thousand years. Yet, when you were facing off against Nightmare Moon, the Triforce of Courage came to you when you most needed it. Hence the 'time' part."

Link thought it over. "Not only is he evil, but he's strong and evil."

"Strong, evil and now the King."

A shock went through Link's mind when he heard the word 'King'. "What... What about the princesses?" Starswirl hesitated, then shook his head solemnly. "no... No, they can't have-"

"The Triforce of Power is frightening. In his hands, the Triforce of Power reshaped the land, and made everypony bow to his will, or suffer the consequence."

Link's legs felt weak as he stumbled to the ground. "Mom is..." Slowly, he started crying. After a minute, he wiped them away and rose to his feet. With an expressionless visage, he asked, "What happened to the world?"

Starswirl accepted his conviction. "Ganondorf's influence spread to the cornerstones of the world. The various Temples that exist in the land exuded his hatred and ill will, turning it into a monster-ridden warzone. All this in seven short years. Against that power, I alone am worth little. Even here in the Chamber of Sages where my power is at its greatest. But... There is still hope... The power of the Sages remain. With the remaining Sages, we can seal away his evil power right here in the void of the realm."

Link looked around. The other designed circles were vacant. "Guessing you're an army of one too?"

"For now. But as you stand here, you have been granted the ability to wield the power of the Sages for yourself. And that makes you the Hero of Time. The hero chosen by the Sword of Masters. Now take this. It's a piece of my power, what little I've accumulated in the wake of the disaster." Starswirl summoned an orb of yellow magic and fired it at Link. He stuck out his hand and caught it. The orb absorbed into his appendage and spread through his body. "My power is yours. Your magic has increased in both potency and efficiency."

Link closed his hands into fists. "Thank you."

"Find the other Sages, Link. They will give you their abilities as well. Together, we can save Equestria." Link began floating off the ground as the blue light from before picked him up. "You cannot fail."

"And if I do?"

"Then your world... Will burn."

Link rose into the air and disappeared within the light as he returned to the Castle of the Two Sisters. He received a new mission, straight from Starswirl himself.

Chapter 53: The 7-Year Difference

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As when he went in, so when he came out... A pillar of light blue energy erupted from the top-most platform within the room beyond the Door of Time. In those few moments, Link materialized with the fading of the light, complete with his full-grown adult body. He held the Sword of Masters blade-down. Navi flew around his taller frame and examined him better than she could in the Chamber of Sages.

"You're really a grown-up now... But have 7 years really passed?" she asked, making her way up to his face.

Link stepped back and righted the blade, looking at the insignia a few inches above the guard. "Yeah. I wouldn't believe it if I couldn't see my reflection. I got a mature-looking face." He glanced to his ears "And I have earrings. Huh... He didn't say anything about that..." Blade of Evil's Bane, huh... Link stowed his new weapon and pulled out his journal. "Let's see here... Today should be the 8th still..." He sat down, dated a page and began writing as he spoke. "'The Master Sword. Blade of Evil's Bane. Divine relic of ages long past created to dispel and seal evil.'" Carefully, he set the journal aside to let it dry. "I'll draw up a picture later." Soon as the ink was dry, he closed it and put it away. "Let's get moving."

He stood up and stretched a little before taking a few steps forward. His head turned to examine the room he was in. The room was largely untouched by the forest, which was a welcome sight. The door leading in was also still open. Link made his way to the door and paused a dozen feet away. Sensing an unfamiliar presence, he drew his new sword with ease and turned hastily to face the intruder.

Just in front of the pedestal stood an earth pony who appeared to be wrapped head to hoof in cloth of grays and dark blues. Only the eyes - which burned a crimson shade - were visible below a turban and above a mask. Not even the muzzle was visible. "I've been waiting for you, Hero of Time..."

"And you just so happen to show up at the exact moment I come back?" Link asked in disbelief.

"7 years ago, to this morning, you drew the Sword of Masters and were given a new mission. I have spent that time tracking down clues to the Sages' whereabouts, and I have information you might need," the pony offered.

Link looked close at the muzzle structure and determined the pony was a stallion. "And you know that... How?" He readied his sword to attack.

"If you're going to make a habit of not listening to me, then maybe waiting seven years for your return was a waste of my time." Link eased his stance and stood normally, keeping the Sword of Masters drawn at his side. "That's better."

"So, you gonna tell me who you are?"

There was quiet, before the reply. "Shadow."

"Sure took your time answering," Link accused.

"Given that I haven't needed a name in 7 years, you can forgive me for not knowing what to go by." He waited for Link to calm down some more. "There is already a Sage's power within you... I can sense it." Link nodded, but only once. "You will need the help of the remaining five. One you will find in a temple hidden in the leaves. One is hiding in a temple at the heart of a fiery mountain. One is within a temple at the bottom of a vast ocean. One is inside a temple guarded by the dead. One last Sage is kept prisoner within a temple watched over by the goddess of the sand."

Link tilted his head to one side. "And I take it you're not coming with me? Two would be better than one."

"No. Only with help from the Hero of Time can the power of the Sages be awakened and seal the evil of this land. I suggest you start with the temple hidden in the leaves. Dubbed the Temple of Nature by its neighbors. The Sage you will find there is a friend from your past. Because of the evil released inside said temple, her power counts for naught on its own. Equipped as you are now, not even you can enter the temple. You will need help from others. Seek out Kakariko Mura. You will find my village is very different than what you remember. Somepony there will be able to furnish you with the tool you need."

After a few moments' time, Link stowed the Master Sword and glared at Shadow. "But not you..." Shadow did not reply. "Fine." He turned and walked out.

On his way, he happened to see all three stones had kept their place in the tablet.

The castle of old felt very different. It lacked a certain presence. Confused a fair amount, Link ventured to the upper floor to find Ruby, who might be asleep at this time of morning. When he entered her room, it looked lived in. Books and some clothes were strewn about. He noticed Ruby was gone, as were most of her writing material and saddlebags. "Hmm..." he mused. Link traversed the castle in all the rooms he knew about and found it all empty. He was surely alone.

Even as he went outside the castle entirely, he felt nothing. Not even the familiarity of the forest. The dark presence he was used to - likely emitted by the alicorn of darkness - had disappeared entirely.

The forest was silent...

He began his known route back into town. Back to Ponyville. Along the way, he'd glanced around for signs of the dark one, finding nothing.

Once out of the woods, Link immediately noticed a wooden wall surrounding most of the town. The buildings that were left outside the wall had been stripped down to the cement foundation, and even that had been chipped away. Wandering through the wreckage, he'd found many broken boards and roofing tiles abandoned and forgotten. Even some toys were decayed, left behind by the fillies and foals of the past. Navi was flying low to the ground, looking close at one teddy bear. It was missing an arm and both eyes. "This is just horrible..." she admitted.

He turned his head and heard voices inside the great wall. One of those words was: "Proximity alert!" Link understood what it meant and turned full toward the wall.

"Navi, get inside my hat," he ordered. She obeyed and stayed calm. Several archers peeked over the wall and drew their weapons against him. Link raised his hands in surrender. If I hear 'Fire', I can probably get a barrier up before those archers release their arrows.

But they just stood there... Waiting for a command.

One of the hidden ponies peeked over the wall and squinted. "Who's out there at this time of morning?"

"My name is Link. I understand I've been gone seven years." He noticed the archers whisper back and forth to each other. "Look, I don't know what happened to make this place an outpost, but if you want me gone, I'll just leave. But I would like some information first, if that's alright."

"Just wait there," the archer ordered. He ordered the others to keep their weapons trained on him. "Head to that gate a few hundred feet that way." The stallion pointed a little to the south.

Link looked and saw a contraption designed to raise and lower a section of the wall. Alright, here we go. "Can I put my arms down?"

"Sure. But don't you dare try anything."

I'm not the sort to fire first, in cases like this. Link lowered his arms nice and slow and made his way to the designated gate. When he arrived, a whistle signaled the raising of the gate. It raised slowly, and surprisingly quiet, given the rope and pulley system in place. The bottom of the door was left pointed, and the ground below was indented to allow for easy balancing. Nice defenses. What are they trying to keep out though?

Just on the other side - maybe a dozen feet or so - stood a mare with a sleepy disposition. She adjusted her spectacles before half-closed eyes. Her mane was loosely tied back, holding her tan-tipped light green locks at bay.

"Alright. Come on in, nice and slow-like," the archer above ordered. Link nodded and started his walk under the stabby-looking gate. His hand was at the ready in case they decided to drop it on him. Thankfully, it was unnecessary as he made it through alright. "Okay, he's clean." The remaining archers lowered their weapons and cast their gazes to the debris behind Link, resuming their perimeter watch.

The mare ahead of him sighed and nodded. "Good," she admitted. With a tired smile, she greeted, "Morning."

"Hi..." Link waved his hand. He looked back at the slow-closing gate. "You scanned me, huh?"

"That's right. How'd you notice?"

"I'll give you credit, I didn't notice, but the guy up there said I was clean, so I had to do some guess-work." Link shrugged and approached the mare. "If I were to keep going, I'd say you're protecting this place from beings who aren't clean, magically. Like they're corrupted by some malevolent force. Dark magic, right?"

"You sure don't sound like you've been gone for seven years..." the mare argued.

"Lots of practice."

"I see..." she added. "Well, come with me. We have much to discuss."

The mare led him on a walk through what remained of Ponyville proper. Much like beyond the wall, a good portion of the houses had been stripped of all useful material. some of the bigger ones looked livable, even with various generations of patchwork. Ponies - though few at this time of day - were up and about, patching up or making from scratch their various projects. Link looked closer at the ponies and noticed there were very few - if any - pegasi. Looked like most of them were earth ponies.

She led him to Town Hall. Surprisingly well-built, given how long it lasted; that building had the fewest patches. The two took a seat inside with a desk between them. "Coffee?" she offered. Link waved in rejection. "Suit yourself." The mare began pouring a cup for herself. "So first of all, welcome back."

"Thank you. Seven years is an awful long time to be gone. I'm glad this place is still standing, however close to barely it is." He took off his had and set it aside. "C'mon out Navi. You're safe here." Navi flew off his head and sat on the table.

"The rumors are true then. You do have a fairy companion."

"Have since I was a child. She's been there at my side through it all," Link smiled.

The mare took her seat and began stirring sugar into her drink. "Second, where have you been? We could have used your help a couple years ago."

Link fell quiet, his smile faded. "I was stuck in a time box for that whole time. A second passed and I was here, seven years later. Considering the payoff, I'd say it wasn't the best decision..."

"I agree to that, considering what we've had to deal with in your absence. Ponyville... After you left, things started rolling downhill. The pegasi were recalled to Cloudsdale, the unicorns were largely spread to the remaining cities scattered around Equestria. Mostly the bigger cities. More area to protect." She paused to take a drink. "Being covered in fertile soil, our earth ponies took their crops and brought them closer to Ponyville."

"That's a good plan. What about the rest of it?" Link asked. "There's not enough ground space in what you've got sectioned off for enough food to keep everypony fed."

"You're smart. Once a week, we send out a gathering squad to Sweet Apple Acres. They gather a bunch of apples and tend to the trees that remain. It's been slow work, but we've got a system." The mare pushed up her glasses and looked at the desk. "Link... These last seven years have been Tartarus without Princess Celestia's famed warrior. You-"

"Look, I wanted the guy to send my adult body back to when I first vanished, but then this timeline would have been forfeit anyway, so I'm here now and there's no changing it, alright?"

"You were supposed to prevent this!" She smacked the desk with her hoof, nearly spilling her coffee. They both took breathers. "I blame you for what happened, make no mistake... Ganondorf only rose to power because you weren't there to fight him off... We've really had to rally together just to get by... The Fall hit Equestria hard... And you weren't even there to suffer with the rest of us..."

Link was largely quiet, allowing them all to calm down. After a minute or so, he finally spoke. "I'm sorry. I really am. Equestria could have had my help. And if it had, nothing would have changed..." The mare looked up at him in confusion. "Seven years ago... When all this went down, you all faced impossible odds. The inclusion of one child wouldn't have changed what happened. I'd have died for my struggles and Equestria would have ended up here just the same. I'll admit, this Ganondorf is a major threat, and now that I'm back, taking him down is my ultimate goal." He took out his journal and began writing a tenth entry with a nearby ink and quill. "'One in a temple in the forest, one in a temple inside a volcano, one is in a temple at the bottom of the ocean somewhere, one is in a temple somewhere guarded by the undead and the last one is in a temple somewhere in some desert.'" He finished writing and set his journal aside to dry. "Sages that need to be awoken to help me fight back against Ganondorf. I'm assuming I have to do them in that order, since that's the order I got them in."

The mare calmed down after hearing his plan. "You're going to rescue 5 ponies from around Equestria in places you don't even know?" He gave a slow nod. "Well, I'm sorry, but I can't offer you any personnel support." She thought a moment. "But, that doesn't mean I can't help at all..." The mare stood up and walked to a closet. She swung wide the door and took out a gold-trimmed silver bow. "Personally made for yours truly. Just the material and draw strength." She levitated it over to him. "Go on, give it a feel."

Link grabbed it with his right hand and looked it over. The frame was metallic, slightly cold. Even the string was pulled taut. Looked as if the arrow could be drawn on both sides of the bow as each side had a small metal shelf. Link gave the string a pull and found little resistance. "Nice pull on it." Right when he pulled it back far enough, an arrow formed between his index and middle fingers, already nocked and resting on the right-side shelf. "That's neat."

"Yep. With that spell, you don't need to worry about renocking it on your own. You will, however, be required to aim and fire. It's a strong 100lb draw, but it's a piece of cake with magic. Looks like you're physically strong enough to handle it without." She fished out a matching quiver from the closet and hovered it over. Link took the arrow off the string and shelf and placed it in the quiver with the rest of them. "The spell had to be applied to the quiver as well, so if there are no arrows left, you're not getting anything when you draw. I suggest you use them wisely."

He glanced at the arrows again, noticing the feathers. "Where'd you get the feathers?"

"Donated by pegasi. The feathers allow the arrow to resist most elemental shifts. Fire, rain, snow, even some degree of electricity. It also means they aren't affected by wind, allowing them to fly perfectly straight for farther than normal."

"Impressive," Link admitted. "And you're giving it to me?"

"Lending it. See, there's a mission I would like you to undertake." She saw Link place the bow down and fold his arms. "Oh, don't be like that. Think of it as breaking in your adult frame. There's a convoy coming from the north side of town. They're bringing in metals to be used in making various tools and arms. We've had to go and get this material on our own, since the residents there have mysteriously disappeared... As per the rule, they've made camp a few miles north of here, since they couldn't get here by nightfall. Ordinarily, a venture like this wouldn't even get attention, but scouts have confirmed a unit of bandits have made their own camp not too far from the convoy themselves. Your mission is to deter the bandits from doing what they do so our convoy gets here safely."

Link stared expressionless at the mare's request. "You want me to drive them away?"

"I want you to do whatever it takes to make sure this convoy gets here," the mare reiterated. "However you do it is up to you."

Slowly, Link stood up to his full height, easily towering over the seated mare. "I've never killed anypony who wasn't already dead. I'm not about to start now, if I can help it." He pocketed the bow and matching quiver with ease and adjusted his sword strap. "I never got your name..."

"My name is not important enough to give," the mare argued.

"Oh, I don't believe that..." He remembered having given a similar response to Emmy when they first met in the scroll store. "That would make you a Royal Guard, then. Rank?"

"How'd you-"

"I gave the same response a while back. The mare changed my opinion of it rather quickly."

The mare was quiet in her reply. "I don't have a rank anymore... The Royal Guard - and Luna's Nightwatch - was dismissed from duty after The Fall of Canterlot."

Link chuckled. "I'm surprised at you. A rank isn't just a position you hold. It's a representation of the level of responsibility you have. On duty, or not." Link jabbed his chest with his thumb. "I'm a Corporal, and I'll be that until I get the chance to promote. Your name is also important, whether you want to believe it or not. Those ponies out there look up to you to guide them. To keep this place safe. You are their leader. Now, what is your name?" he asked firmly.

She sighed. "Get back to me after your mission. I'll tell you. Now go."

He nodded and left Town Hall. Navi followed after him with his hat and landed on his head. Link put his hat on the right way. "They're coming from the north..."

"Bandits though? Seven years ago, I wouldn't have thought it possible."

"Times changed. So must we all." Link ventured out the northern gate.


In little more than an hour, Link came across the bandit campsite. Thankfully, he went entirely unnoticed, allowing him to assess the situation. They set up camp a few hundred feet off the west side of the main road. Just far enough to not be spotted by the convoy when it was set to stroll by.

Link looked around at the bandits themselves. Each of them wore a black cloak. Some had hoods on, others did not. Three of them were sitting around a smoldering campfire, one was sitting with his back turned to them sharpening his sword on a grindstone while the fifth pony patrolled the perimeter with a spear in hoof. Link thought to go for his bow, but stopped short. No. It's too lethal. Have to knock them out. He made his way behind some bushes a few feet from the clearing.

Instead of his bow, Link retrieved a pair of slingshot ammo and put them both in his right hand. He waited until the patrol passed in front of him. Link took careful aim and flicked one of the seeds, hitting the pony in the neck. "Ow," the mare flinched. She aimed her spear toward the bushes. It was still rather dark to see clearly. "Come out, ye coward..." she whispered. Link took aim at a nearby bush and flicked the second seed so hard it rattled the entire thing. "There!" Proffering no hesitation, the mare threw her spear into the rattled bush.

That could have hurt... Link admitted. He watched the mare trudge through the foliage to retrieve her weapon. Soon as she came within a few feet of him, she saw him. Before she could properly act, Link slid toward her and tripped her, crashing her to the forest floor. She only managed to get one hoof under her before getting Link's elbow to her face. He struck with enough force to knock her out in one go.

Link eased her to the ground quietly and grabbed her spear. He ventured out into the open area and got the attention of the others. They all fell quiet. Seeing their mate's spear in his hand, the nearest cloaked figure produced a pair of daggers enveloped in light blue magic and darted toward him. First the right one was thrown at him, then the left. Link swatted each one away with the spear. He brought the shaft around to hit the pony in the head when they got close enough, but the cloaked figure ducked under it. The hood came off, revealing a stallion's face and grimace. In his surprise, Link was kicked in the chin as the stallion backflipped forward over him.

When he landed, Link had turned and made the attempt to take out his hind legs with the shaft end of the spear. The stallion leaned forward and raised his legs off the ground and balanced for a split second before firing off a sharp kick. Link was faster in bringing the handle over his own chest to block. He pushed forward against the stallion's kick, sending him fumbling forward with ease. Just as Link turned to get a look at the other two by the campfire, he had to bring the spear around to catch the end of a red whip, held by the earth pony.

Easily resisting the follow-up pull, Link stood his ground. He wrapped the whip around the spear's shaft end and stabbed it into the ground almost a foot. With his left hand, he reached back and drew his sword, cutting the end of the whip off the spear. Link stepped to the left, to allow for more swinging room, and launched a magic wave at the two by the fire. Acting on instinct, Link turned further, gripped the handle with both hands and brought the Master Sword down on the blade of the stallion who was sharpening it earlier.

Didn't do him any good, since the weaker weapon shattered on impact. He just stood there, in shock of what Link had done. Link hadn't realized until the red whip had reformed and wrapped around Link's wrist that the wave of magic was shot down by the unicorn at the stallion's side. With much more effort, the stallion pulled ever harder, forcing Link to let go of the sword or be taken with. The sword was flung so far, it disappeared behind them and past the tree line. Swordless, Link grabbed the spear and drew it from the ground. He aimed it at the two ponies remaining, noticing that the end of the whip was gone from the weapon.

Again, the stallion took crack after crack at Link, while the unicorn shot blast after blast at him. Link did his best to swat away the blasts with a magic-enhanced spear. When the whip caught the middle of the shaft once more, Link wound it as he did before and aimed the spearhead forward. He thrust quickly, releasing the held magic in a more focused shot, tearing through the whip leaving nothing of it behind.

The unicorn at his side fired an intercepting shot at almost point-blank, exploding in a purple range of hues. It was way too close, as the explosion knocked the two clean off their hooves and into the tents behind them. Satisfied, and a little calmer, he almost didn't notice the stallion's voice overhead. Link didn't bother looking up, opting to side-step out of the way. With his step, he side-kicked the swordsman in the face, sending him to the ground with ease.

On his return, he tried a right round house to the dagger user. He ducked it, and tried to pull his daggers free from the ground. Before he was able to, Link turned full 180 and thrust his left foot into the stallion's side, launching him all the way to the tree line where the patrol was unconscious. Link bent over and picked up the pair of daggers, putting them in his pocket for later use.

The dagger pony was struggling to stand. The swordsman was also in pain. The whip user was on his hooves with his unicorn partner. Link saw the unicorn charge an attack and held up his hand. "Enough!" he shouted. He powered down, realizing his situation. "Your weapons are either broken or in my possession. You are either injured or weaponless..." Link paused. "You're done. You failed. Go-"

From the corner of his eye, Link saw a glint from a nearby tree. He hopped back, drew his bow and fired an arrow at where he saw the glint. A loud thunk rang through the site. He looked forward and saw an arrow had been shot at him. A pony - hidden in a black cloak - fell from the branch with a feminine yell. She landed on her wing and cried out in pain.

"And you have injured. I suggest you get them medical attention." Link stepped forward and picked up the spear casually. "Unless, of course, you really want to keep going..."

There was some rustling in the bushes to his left. When he looked, the patrol pony had woken up and stumbled out of the bushes, holding her head. "Oi!" she said, glaring at Link. She then saw the remains of her team and stood shocked. "Y-you did all this then?" Link nodded. "Hmm... Who sent you?" she asked, walking toward the fallen dagger stallion. Link had noticed the swordsman had gone to the side to help the fallen archer.

"Army of One. I sent myself." Link tried to keep them all in his view. "Will you withdraw?"

"Aye, we be withdrawin'. Jus' one more question, then we be off. Can we 'ave our weapons back?" she asked.

"Afraid not. Your weapons are confiscated and are now in my personal possession. Well, the ones that aren't broken or that you still have." The archer had her bow picked up and carried by the swordsman back to the unicorn and whip wielder. Both the patrol and dagger stallion hobbled over as well.

"That's that then." She looked to the hooded unicorn - the only pony who hadn't had their cloak blown off or taken down - and ordered, "A'right you. Fire it up."

A crimson field of magic enveloped them and teleported them elsewhere.

"That settled that then. I doubt they'll be able to do anything to the convoy now." Link stowed the spear and walked the direction his sword had been flung. "Now, where's my sword..."

Link and Navi had wandered a few dozen feet into the woods and found the Sword of Masters had embedded its blade tip-first into a boulder. "Wow, Link! You really flung that puppy, huh?"

"Better that than my wrist getting broke. I had another weapon, so I was gonna be just fine." He walked to the stone and put a hand to his chin. "Hey... Navi? Can you hover around the blade for a minute or so? I feel like this'd be the perfect picture to add to my journal."

She accepted his request and hovered a few inches from the blade. Link pulled out his writing supplies and spent a few minutes drawing a pretty good looking picture of the Master Sword stuck in the boulder. He even added the three flowers visible behind said boulder.

"That should do it," Link admitted, setting the journal down to let the ink dry. "Now, let's see if I can draw it for real." He stepped on top of the boulder and pulled with a little effort, freeing the blade as if the hole was there before the sword. "That wasn't as difficult as I thought it'd be..."

He sheathed his sword with surprising ease - given that the blade was far longer than his reach would allow - and closed his journal. Link held the latter and looked at it for a while. Navi returned to his shoulder. "What are you thinking?"

Link stared sat his journal for at least a minute longer before answering. "It's... This journal was a birthday gift. If I'm gonna tell Epona everything, I should be writing in it way more often. Like... Every single day I'm out here." He put away the book and writing supplies. "C'mon. We have a convoy to meet up with."


The two of them wandered for about an hour before they found the convoy. They were finishing up their breakfast and preparing to continue their journey south. Link explained the situation, showed them the bow he received as proof of his affiliation with Ponyville and escorted them safely back. The cart was rather heavy, being pulled by a pair of earth ponies. Outside of that, there was just one more earth pony who sat in the back, making sure none of the precious metal fell out.

When they all returned to Ponyville, the cart was dropped off at one of the houses that was missing a wall, which was a converted blacksmith workshop. The three earth ponies got a drink near the fountain by Town Hall and Link and Navi returned to the unicorn that sent them on their mission.

"Well done, Link. Your files don't give you enough credit," the ex-Royal Guard praised. The mare was far more presentable than she was before, having had at least two hours to fix herself up.

Link placed the spear on the table. "What is this..." he asked, almost demandingly.

"Looks like a spear to me..." she replied, looking it over. "Why?"

"It's not just a spear. It's a Royal Guard Standard Issue spear. Given to the pegasi of the Guard. I had the opportunity to take one when I was a child. And somehow, these bandits have access to one?"

The mare sat back and pushed up her glasses slightly. "Canterlot fell to Ganondorf's might. That much you know. Its Guard was scattered, turned or worse. Those who fled - like me - ended up being enemies of the crowned King. Given he never leaves the castle, he would need eyes on the ground making sure his enemies stay weak.

"Our convoys get stolen so often, it's a wonder any get through at all. Our runs to and from the farm are all so often cut off... As payment for their efforts, Ganondorf arms the robbers and thugs with weapons that are too good for them, and all he asks in return is that they use those weapons to keep the rest of us in check."

"Oh great. More stuff that's my fault," he surrendered. Link relinquished the bow and quiver. "These are yours."

"No they're not. They're yours." Link looked confused. "You've... Got a way with words, you know... I thought about it while you were gone and... Well... I was a Royal Guard. I was a Sergeant Second Class, in fact. Medical division. Angel Bless."

"If you were in Medical, why do you have a bow?" Navi asked.

"I had it made when we fortified this town. Don't worry, I can have another made. It'll just take a week or so. Oh, right. The arrows. We're the only place that makes them, so if ever you run out, feel free to come back and resupply," Bless offered.

"So, Second Sergeant Angel Bless. I'm going to assume the trains are out of order?" She nodded. "I guess if they worked, you'd be using them to transport your metal." Another nod, that one with a smile.

Bless also added, "Since you're heading out, is there any food or water we can get you? Maybe a bedroll?"

"Hmm..." he thought a moment. "Actually, yeah. I could use those."

Angel Bless supplied him with a moderate amount of food and water, as well as a rolled up blanket. He thanked her for her kindness and willingness to part with her personal bow. Link claimed that even with a rest every night, the trip to where he needed to go would take about 6 days just walking. Receiving a few farewells from some of the main residents, Link departed through the train station, believing the track path would be the one of least resistance.

He stopped, just as he hopped down to the tracks from the platform. "Well... Here we go..." Link took his first step of what was sure to be thousands...

Chapter 54: The Disappearance

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Ruby paced back and forth on the bottom step leading up to the pedestal where Link had vanished before her eyes. A couple minutes had passed since he disappeared with the Sword of Masters.

"It's fine... It's fine!" she tried convincing herself. "He just... turned invisible! Yeah. Invisible. That's a thing he can do, right?" Ruby forced a fake smile. She whipped her head around, looking about her surroundings. "There's no body parts, so he can't have exploded. What if... " Her eyes widened and she stopped her pacing. "What if that light vaporized him?!"

She started to imagine Link's final scream as his body was claimed by the pillar of light.

"I have to go tell Twilight..."


"One second he was there, and the next, he was gone... I'm sorry Twilight..." Ruby practiced her lines in front of the library door, and even then it was under her breath. "Yeah. That easy." She opened the door and saw Emmy snap her head to attention at the new sound.

"Wait... You're not Link..."

"Yeah... about that..." Ruby started her explanation took about five minutes. Emmy concluded that Link indeed vaporized and resolved to wake up Twilight.

The two went up the stairs to just outside Twilight's room. Both Emmy and Ruby hesitated to even knock, knowing the news they had to break to her. They began quietly arguing about who should do it. After a minute of that, Twilight opened the door and confronted them. "It's almost sunrise. What can't wait until decent hours?"

Emmy shared a look with Ruby, then both looked at Twilight. Both of them started describing their understanding of events leading up to Link's disappearance. They even talked over each other to do so. Twilight could barely follow along, growing more annoyed than anything, glancing back and forth between her two visitors. At the same time, upon completion of the retellings, they said somberly, "and now he's gone..."

Epona woke up and looked at the open doorway, which let in enough light to disturb her peaceful sleep. "What's going on?"

"Is this going to be a regular thing with you two?" Twilight asked. They looked at each other, then back to Twilight. "Downstairs. Now."


Ruby and Emerald sat beside each other on the wide couch. Epona took Twilight's seat and decided to listen carefully. Twilight and Spike stood on the left and right respectively of a whiteboard taken from the side room. "Now, Ruby," Twilight began, "you were actually there, so let's hear it from you first. No hyperbole, no omittance." Ruby tilted her head. "Really? You refurbish books, I thought you had a higher vocabulary."

"I'm sorry, I've never used or even heard of either of those words. Maybe that second one, but definitely not the first."

"Fine. No exaggerating on events and don't leave anything out. Better?" She nodded. "Good."

"Okay, so the first thing I hear is stone grinding against stone coming from below the castle. I get out of bed, go down and when I got there, I saw Link and Navi stepping into a pillar of blue light. When it disappeared, the two of them were gone. That sword was gone, too." Ruby finished her retelling and looked at Emmy.

Twilight had been making a flow chart near the middle of the board. She moved her chalk to the left side and asked, "Emmy, I think I recall you saying that he was here this morning and that you saw him leave. Is that right?"

"That's right. I- is it my turn?" Twilight nodded. "Okay. Link was training up his swordsmanship when I woke up and saw him. We talked about his hesitation for killing the guy in the woods. After, he told me he just wanted to go for a walk alone. That's pretty much it from me."

Again, Twilight scribbled down the little information Emmy had given. "So..." She tapped the first fact. "Link practices swordsmanship in the library this morning." Twilight tapped each of the following facts as they got to them. "He confesses his reservation for violence, admits he needs to walk alone so he does. He goes to the castle, draws the-..." She stopped and looked at Ruby. "Did he walk in or was he already inside the pillar as he disappeared?"

"Does it matter?" Ruby asked.

"Of course it matters! It's the difference between walking into a bar and walking into a tavern. One hurts immediately and the other hurts the next day," Epona explained.

"Hmm... I guess he was just standing inside it when I saw him."

"Okay, because if the sword was drawn and then he walked into the light, then the light appeared some time after he drew the sword. Now it looks like the pillar was caused by the sword's removal. And finally, Link, Navi and the sword all disappeared with the blue light. Sound right?"

The others nodded. "So what do you think happened?" Emmy asked.

"Let's bat around some ideas about that. First?" Twilight invited.

"He got vaporized and died," Ruby said flatly.

"Unlikely, since Princess Celestia had this be his mission. Hard to believe she did this on purpose. Next?"

"Uhh... Aliens?" Emmy offered.

To which, Twilight shook her head. "Tractor beams require a line of sight to work. Since the room he was in was underground, we can safely rule that out. Next?"

"He teleported?" Spike asked.

"Last I checked, he doesn't know how to do that," Epona countered. "What if the sword cast the spell for him?"

"Hmm..." Twilight thought aloud. "That would make some sense; the Sword of Masters is technically an artifact, and artifacts have magic..."

"Alright, you smarty. What do you think happened?" Emmy asked.

Twilight shook her head. "Any guess I could have can't be proven. We just simply don't know enough about the Sword of Masters. But, given what we've ruled out, there can't be many solutions left. Eliminate the impossible, and whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." The others were quiet. "We may not know enough... But I bet I can tell you who does."


The 5 library occupants appeared before the doors leading into the throne room of Canterlot Castle. The group had agreed to wait until after sunrise, to be sure the princess was awake. "Good morning, my good sirs. We're here to see the princess," Twilight stated.

"Good morning to you as well, Twilight Sparkle. I am afraid you will have to wait. She is with a student right now, and she has asked for no interruptions," the guard replied. "Nice to see you again, though."

"Same here," Twilight agreed. Even though all the Uniforms looked identical to other Uniforms, it was safe to say she'd met this one before. "Could you let Princess Celestia know that my friends and I will wait in the library until she's done?"

"I'd be happy to," he replied with a smile and a nod.

Right, Steel Saber is in there learning the spell of her choice. Guess she's as eager as I was to learn. Twilight thought as she walked away with her friends.


"I can't believe through all these Starswirl books, there's no mention of any sword anywhere!" Ruby nearly shouted.

"It was his secret project. Maybe it's in some sort of worded code," Twilight offered. "I wouldn't be surprised."

Epona had been too engrossed in the book she chose to peer through to engage in conversation. Emmy and Spike shared looking through theirs and took turns talking when the other was reading. Spike spoke up, "Maybe... Do we have that kind of time?"

The group turned to the door as soon as it opened. The stallion from the throne doors came in with one other: Princess Celestia. "Good morning Twilight Sparkle. When I was told you had come to visit, I was surprised, since you've come at an interesting time."

"You're telling me," Twilight stood and smiled at her. "Princess Celestia, Link has pulled the Sword of Masters and has disappeared. You being knowledgeable, we thought you could shed some light into the why of it." She monitored the princess' expression.

"Disappeared? Hmm..." was all she could say.

"Then you don't know either?" Celestia shook her head. "That's unfortunate. None of these-" Twilight gestured to the piles of books at her side, "books had any information either."

"Of course they wouldn't. The Sword of Masters is an artifact studied by Starswirl the Bearded. Once he disappeared, we sealed his records behind closed doors. Neither my sister nor myself has seen what they contain. All we know is what he has decided to share with us."

Ruby asked, "Well, have any of its past owners vanished like this?" Celestia shook her head once more. "I guess there really is a first time for everything."

Emmy stood, leaving her book with Spike. "Twilight says he's fine. He's her brother. I have to believe her."

"That's right," Epona added, finally snapping to attention. "He'll be back and tell us himself."

"Well, there you have it, Princess," Twilight concluded. "So sorry to have come uninvited."

"It's quite alright. Would you care to stay a while?" she invited.

The others looked between each other. "I think we'll head home and wait. We kinda want to be there so he doesn't think something happened to us," Twilight rejected.

Princess Celestia nodded. "Alright. Do come by and visit more often."

"We'll certainly try," she replied with a smile. Twilight fired up her teleport and disappeared with her entourage.

Something's different about her... Something... I don't want to believe... Celestia thought as her star student vanished.


Ruby kicked up her hooves on the couch with a semi-worried smile. "That's that, then? Just wait for him to come back?"

Emmy and Epona shared a spot on the floor while they played a game of chess. The former moved her piece while the latter asked, "And how long will that take, you think?"

Twilight sat at her desk and looked out the window at the town. "I don't know when, but he'll be back. Ruby? If I could ask you to go back to the castle after your visit here and wait for him there, that would be fantastic. From what you said," she turned to face her at that point, "Link saw you right before he vanished. I think yours should be the first face he sees when he comes back."

"He really is not here, huh... If he was somewhere else, he'd have sent a letter, telling us not to worry, right?" Ruby asked.

The entire group looked up at Spike, who was putting some books away. "I got nothing so far."

A collective sigh filled the room. "That's a bummer," Emmy said. "Guess this really is a 'hurry up and wait' situation, huh."

Ruby ended up leaving the library later that day. Emmy and Epona played a best of three set of chess and they were close games, but Epona won 2-1. Spike handled book returns and some cleaning while Twilight just sat and waited...

Chapter 55: The Buried Treasure

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On the morning of the fourth day after Link departed New Ponyville, he and Navi arrived in Kakariko Mura. Its building had proceeded beyond what he expected, given the state of Ponyville after Ganondorf arrived. Kakariko Mura was filled with more ponies than he remembered being there. The center tree had grown bigger, some houses had been finished and occupied.

"Link, c'mon now. We're here. Please rest," Navi near pleaded.

"I keep telling you, I'm not tired in the slightest." Link cast his glance around the town, having stopped just under the entry arch. "Now, let's see about getting-" He stared at the building on the rise just before the well. "That's new. Wait, is that the shooting gallery?" Happy, he began his approach to the new structure. "7 years ago, that was still being built. Now that it's done, and that I have a bow, I should probably-" Again, Link stopped, both walking and talking.

His happiness faded, causing Navi to hover in front of him. "What? What now?"

Link lowered his eyelids some, adopting a serious demeanor. "I should probably ask the owner what else has changed in the time I've been gone..." He continued his path up to the building.

Navi gave him a concerned look as he walked, then flew after him. "Hey, are... Are you okay?"

"We're not here for fun or games," Link replied quickly, briskly making his way past the tree in the center of town.

A red stallion rounded the corner near the well and - at near full speed - blasted past him, skidding to a stop just before the tree. Link stopped and turned, listening close to the incoming conversation. "Bud!" he said, looking up the tree. "I know you're up there! You're not gonna believe what I just saw!"

Similarly, a blue stallion - this one a pegasus, which was strange to see, given what Angle Bless had said - popped out of the upper branches and hovered to land in front of his friend. Link wandered closer to listen. "You say that every time, you know that?"

"I ain't playin, bud! I'm serious this time! That old gravedigger guy that died? I just saw his ghost hovering over his grave. And he even looked at me! His eyes were cold... Like he wanted to take me down and bury me with him!" The red guy was panicking.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" the blue one laughed, keeling over and beating the ground with a forehoof. "You really- really are a hoot, you know that?!" He struggled to look up at the stallion with a crying smile. "Ghosts aren't real, dummy!" He got to his hooves and wiped away the tears. "But if they were, what would he want with you? He died of illness long before you and I came to town."

"Laugh if you want, but I'm telling you, he's real."

Link slowly backed away from the craziness he just witnessed. Once out of earshot... "Well, I know where I want to go."

"Really? But ghosts-"

"Have been helpful, so far. And what I need is here somewhere. That grave guy is really old, so He'd know better than anyone else the changes to this town, right?" Link made his way to the graveyard, passing by the same coop he and Emmy returned the chickens to what felt like two weeks ago. It had fallen largely into disrepair; the fence was broke in several places, the awning had fallen down completely and the haybales were missing.

When he entered the graveyard. he felt a sense of unease. Like somepony was watching over his shoulder. Link turned to double check, and saw nothing. He cast his gaze left and right, before slowly turning forward.

"Let's check his hut first," he suggested. "That colt from last time we were here can tell us more."

"What colt?" Navi asked. Link didn't answer. "That little one that gave us directions?" Link nodded. "Hmm... Well, it is worth a try at least."

Link meandered to the door of the shed, raising his hand and knocking twice. "Hello? Anypony home?" No response, so he knocked again, this time, knocking the door clean off the hinges. "Uhh... Old door..."

The door fell inward, hitting the back wall and breaking in half. It housed a bed, a counter, a bookshelf and a stove. Resting upon the stove was a pot half-full of years-old food and an empty plate. On the counter was a bookmarked journal, old and faded.

He opened it and read silently, then clapped it closed. A dust cloud drifted from the book and filled the little shed. Link and Navi both coughed. "So the guy found a treasure while digging, and took it with him to his grave. If that's what we need, then we have to do a little digging ourselves."

Navi took the time to examine her surroundings and found a map of the graveyard. "Hey, look." She turned to Link and pointed at the map. It hung in a rotting wooden frame beside the door from a nail. Link walked over and looked down at the drawing.

"A map of graves." He inspected the names on the gravestones and stopped when he found 'Gravekeeper.' "Died of illness, huh? The poor kid."


"Poor kid. You know, the colt we met here a while back. He was so sure the Gravekeeper was going to make a recovery, but he didn't. Guess when it came down to experiencing death, the colt couldn't handle it. Not much use for a Gravekeeper that can't stomach the dead." Link walked outside and closed the door softly. "That grave would be... there." He started walking and quick turned around with a scowl. Link's eyes darted side to side as he backstepped toward the grave in question.

Some laughter was heard from the grave as they got in front of it. "Hoo, you're a paranoid one, ain't ya." A ghost, brown in coat and eyes, floated up from the grave. "Half surprised you're still here, considering." His teeth looked all jagged, as did his face in general. "So, what be it ye want?"

Link looked the stallion over as he hovered above the grave. "I wasn't expecting somepony so..."

"Alive?" the ghost asked.

"Animated... You seem to be pretty content with being dead." Link crossed his arms.

The ghost flew back and landed behind his grave, then walked around to meet him. "Well, in my defense, being dead is uite fun. Now, I can dig all the holes I want without even lifting a shovel." He stopped in front of Link. "But you never answered me question, boy: what be it ye want?"

Link took a slow breath and uncrossed his arms. "Some folks in town were saying they saw you in the graveyard. Your journal speaks of a tool you found while digging around. If you still have it, I would like to take it off your hooves."

"Then you'll have to earn it, boy!" The ghost gave a creepy shake of his head before flying up. "If you want it, come and claim it!" Then, he flew straight down, through the headstone, splitting it on his way down. It revealed a hole with a teeny tiny light at the bottom.

"That's... a long way down..." Link noted, peering down the hole. He looked behind him and noticed the fence was metal. "Alright. Been a while." Link got up and took out his rope, swiftly tying it to the base of the fence before giving it a solid tug. "Good enough. Grab on, Navi." She obeyed and descended with him into the hole.

The whole way down, Navi was lit up, illuminating their descent to reveal roots and rocks sticking out from the walls. The rope reached the bottom with so much length to spare. When he got to the bottom, he lamented the fact he didn't know how to untie the rope from the far end. "There you are, boy," the ghost muttered. "Sure took your time."

"I'm sorry, I'm not the one who decided to dig a 30 foot hole in the ground."

"You're right, there... I did get a little carried away. But when you lived to dig holes, you just couldn't help yourself sometimes." He stomped his hoof and torches lit along a path behind him. "You said you're here for treasure, right?" Link nodded. "Then you just have to beat me to the end of this path. Do that, it's yours."

Link looked over the shoulder of the ghost at the path. "A race? That's your test?" The ghost nodded with a smile. "And you wouldn't think to deceive me, right?"

"Signs are posted with arrows saying which way to go, on the off chance you're ahead of me."

Slowly, Link nodded his head. "I trust a good sign." He dropped and started a few warm up stretches. "How long is it?"

"Quarter mile."


"Of course."

"I mean how many," Link clarified.

"I didn't count."

Link sighed and got up once he finished. "Okay, so let's get this started."

"I'll count down from three and we go when I say Go." Link got into a pony sprinter's form beside the ghost, who stood there like normal. "Three..." Link inhaled and held it a moment, "two..." before exhaling. "One..." He tightened his legs and started putting pressure on his hands. "Go!"

Both took off like lightning and made it to the first corner in seconds. The ghost rounded the corner with ease; perks of being able to fly. Link, however, had started his turn much sooner, so his momentum didn't slam him into the wall. Wen he turned the second corner, he saw a hole in the wall. Arrows so I don't get lost... I get it.

The two were neck and neck until they passed the next pair of corners, since all it asked of him was that he stepped to the side each time. Following those corners was a turn that came so quick, Link had to stop his turn with his foot on the wall. He looked and saw the ghost take the lead.

He had disappeared around the corner before Link got going again. "He's fast..." By the time Link got to where he last saw his opponent, a door had started sliding closed from the ceiling. Luckily, he and Navi made it under before it closed. "Navi?!" She flew out from under his hat. "Good. Hang on tight." Link had lost all sign of the spirit, even after the next few rights. He came to a room full of boulders. No signs, save for one above an exit. "There!" Again, he took off, trying to catch up. Around the left and right he went.

The second door had already fallen half way. Doing as she was told, Navi gripped his hair firmly. Link sped up, reached up and held his hat in place as he leaned back and slid under the closing wall. Out the other side, he picked himself up in one fluid motion and kept going.

Soon as he rounded a corner, Link leapt over a fire trap in the path. "Not cool, Ghost." And several more as he tried to close the gap. On the final stretch - which curled up the left wall around the circular room - Link saw the ghost just walking through the final doorway at the top. Using what energy he had left from running and dodging, he bolted around the room and made it under the door in time to see the ghost turn around. "I should burn you for those fires."

"Well, had to keep you on your hooves. I gotta say, ya did better than everypony else that came down here." He gestured to a wooden chest sitting upon a stone step. "You might not have won, but you showed heart. It's yours."

Link walked over, catching his breath, and kicked it open. Inside was a shiny metal object. "And what is this?" He picked it up and noticed it was lightweight, despite its metal composition.

"That there's a hook-shot. Fund it on tour, I did. Cleaned it up, gave it a test fire and works well. It fires a hook-ended metal chain that pierces wood and - if strong your jaw be - can pull you to where it latches. Should be a button on the handle. Press that, the hooks retract and returns to the base."

"What do I do about the recoil?" Link asked, finding the button.

"The... what?"

"Recoil. You said it pierces wood. Well, to do that, it has to be fired with a certain amount of force. And that force has to be shouldered somewhere," Link said. The ghost blinked a few times. "If you push something, your hooves slide back. If you're heavy enough, they don't. Either way, output equals input, so where does the force go to counter the output?" Again, the ghost blinks. Link looks at the tool.

"Are you being serious?" The ghost tilted his head. "Because if you are..."

"Only a little."

Slowly, the ghost breathed. "Boy... It's magic. I ain't gotta explain it. It works. Why do you want to science it? Especially when I'm giving it to you for free. You know what that's called, right? Looking a gift horse in the mouth."

Link took his chastising in silence, and absorbed it until the end. "You're right I'm sorry. I should be thanking you for your part in the war." He stowed his newest tool, earning a cautious look from the ghost. "The war... You don't know about that?" He shook his head. "Well, be glad, because you must have died before he took over the nation."

"Agreed. So, you'll be off then?"

Looking around, Link saw exactly one exit. "Yeah. I got places to be, paths to take. Thanks again." Link walked past the disappearing ghost of the gravekeeper.

Navi looked ahead and saw a big blue stone blocking what Link perceived to be an air current. "Hmm... Link?" she started. "There's a breeze coming through here..."

"Must be a way out..." Link eyed the stone before him and recognized the mark on its surface. It bore a striking resemblance to the Door of Time. He took out his ocarina and played the same one that opened that door, then watched in awe as the stone brightened before disappearing. Behind it stood a stairwell, leading to a room filled with music.

Link and Navi ascended the stairs and came out to the windmill's second floor. "Huh?" she asked. They looked down and saw the stallion - aged 7 years - winding away on an instrument off to the side. He took the time to put away his music device.

The two hopped down and approached the stallion. "I remember you. You were trying to compose a song that best fit the turning of the windmill, right?"

"That's right!" he replied loudly. "No thanks to you and your instrument of chaos."

Confused, Link tilted his head and crossed his arms. "My what?"

"Your blue ocarina! You played a song in here 6 - going on 7 - years ago, and sent this windmill into a tizzy, draining the well! You don't remember-"

Link took out his ocarina and showed it to the stallion. "This thing?" Just the sight of it made the stallion even angrier, causing link to back away slowly.

"You put that thing away before you drown us all in rain and lightning!" he shouted in rage, borderline hatred.

"Look, I'm sorry. What I did-" Whatever it was... "I'm sorry for. But it was for a good reason, I assure you." The stallion was just about to counter. "But before you go and say anything else, I have to stress that I'm already 7 years late. It won't do to keep my friend waiting any longer. Goodbye." With that, Link stowed his ocarina as he turned and left the windmill.

""And never come back!" the stallion shouted.

Outside the closed door, Link looked down at the drained well. "I did that, huh... Why?"

Navi entertained an option. "Maybe you had to get down there, and you couldn't as a child... Not when it was full of water."

Link started nodding his head in agreement, walking down the stairs to the left. "Yeah, that makes sense." He withdrew his hookshot and gave it another look. "So, this thing shoots a hook at a target... And can pull me close to it, or pull it close to me, given it's a light enough object." He aimed it at the ground in front of him and found the trigger. Lightly squeezing it, a red point appeared on the ground, easily seen against the green grass. "It's got an aim assist on it. That's neat." Link released the trigger and held it up. "Hmm... I don't see any information on who made it..."

The two rounded the corner at the bottom near the graveyard. "So now that you have the tool Shadow directed you to, how long will it take you to get back to the forest?" Navi asked.

"About as long as it took me to get to here from Ponyville." Link stopped and stared off into space. Navi flew off and waved her hand in front of his face to get his attention. "Unless..." Again, Link put away the hookshot and traded it for his ocarina. From memory, he played Emmy's Song flawlessly. And listened...

"-st as much as the next pony, but our solution has been the same as it has been the last 7 years: wait for our hero to return. He is the only-" ugh. He just loves hearing his own voice... "I get that, really I do, but right now, faith is all we have. I have to believe he'll come back."

"Hi there," Link greeted.

"AAAAHHHH!!!" Silence on both ends. "I'm fine!" Wait... I know that voice. It's a little deeper, but... Link?!

"That's right. I'm back. Took me a-" He was cut off.

"You've been gone 7 years! Well, almost. Guys, I'm talking to him right now!"

"I haven't done any heroics yet..." Link argued.

"I'm not lying this time! I'll prove it!" Brace yourself, I'm coming for you!

Link tucked away his ocarina and waited. Emmy appeared right in front of him. "Hey there."

She reached out for him, and Link instinctively swatted her hoof away. "Eh?"

"Sorry, I still need to get my rope." He started walking toward where he had it tied. "So, what's the situation?"

"Not good, I'm afraid," Emmy replied with a sigh, following him closely. "The nation's in absolute disarray, the princesses are gone, I've had to go home due to an emergency..."

"And the others?" Link asked. "Where did our friends go?" Emmy was quiet. "Twilight and the rest of them?"

"I don't know about Twilight, or much about the others, but I know that Ruby went into the mountain, and Dash straight up vanished. I don't really know about any of the others. But I know they're just... gone." She looked down and almost started crying. "We tried to do something, but when the princesses fell, it was already too late to make a difference."

Link sighed as well. "Yeah, I heard about the two. That was bad news to take..." Link looked down and stopped, just inside the graveyard. "I've been gone too long, and I'm not even the reason why. The decision was made without my consent. But I'm here now, and I'm gonna do my best, because that's what soldiers do. I'm no hero."

Emmy looked up at him and saw the sword on his back. "Hey... You upgraded your weaponry."

"I sure did." Link continued walking. "'Sword of Masters'. I pulled it and got warped 7 years into the future, which is why I disappeared back then. But somepony said I've been gone 6 going on 7, so I have to believe I make several trips to and from the past after this."

"That's right. When you disappeared the first time, Twilight and some of us went searching for you. We went to see Princess Celestia, and she didn't have an answer. Twilight came up with some brilliant theory to wait for you to come back, and she took it all on faith you knew what you were doing. ... Do you?"

"You already know the answer to that, don't you... What path do I take?"

"I can't answer that," Emmy rejected. "To tell you, could change the future. You're supposed to come up with answers on your own." She watched him reach down and untie his rope, stowing it in one go. "Besides... You were pretty hush-hush about the future. Didn't really say much after you started coming and going."

Link grinned. "You know, by telling me this now, when I go back to the past, I can't tell you anything of what happens, because it then won't happen. Right?"

"That's.. right..."

"So by telling me I'm reserved in the past once I make these frequent trips, you're telling me I have to be silent, despite your prodding, which I can already see coming." Emmy nodded. "Thanks for the head's up."

"I didn't do it on purpose..." His rope disappeared inside his pouch. "Can we go now?"

Link patted his pouch with a nod. "Yep. Good to go."

She reached out her hoof to him. "It really has been too long. It's good to finally have you back, Link."

"Yeah," he admitted, reaching out. "I leave for seven years, and the nation falls to Tartarus. Imagine how long it'll take to piece it back together once I'm done with Ganondorf." Link grabbed her hoof, disappearing without a trace.

Chapter 56: The Journey Part III: Deep Woods

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Link, Navi and Emerald appeared just outside the door of what looked like a run-down hut. The former-most remembered this place as the wooded village he went to for the last of three stones, while the latter-most knew this as her home. What was once green had faded to a dull brown, roofs grew holes and gardens died off. The village as a whole... was dying, much like the Great Treant was those seven years ago.

"Before I came and got you," Emmy stated, "I was in the middle of a council meeting. We were trying to decide what to do about- Hey!"

Not wanting to waste any time, Link brushed her aside and opened the door. Inside, the citizens - which were few by comparison to Ponyville, new or old - fell quiet, casting their curious gazes to the human at their doorway. Link looked around at them, recognizing just two: the filly who once sat atop the shop now sat at the far end of the room, and the other being the shopkeeper colt who stood by the left side wall.

Emmy slid past him on the right and pointed up at Link. "I toldja so!" she announced with triumph. "Doubt me again, see what happens." Link glanced down at her with a look of confusion, the shrugged and returned his look forward.

"Where's the boss?" he asked, stepping to the center of the room. "Yay tall, scraggly look, snaggletooth."

"Don't let him hear you say that," one said. The others let out a chuckle.

"Then he's not here," Link concluded. "Did he leave to handle the problem?"

"As if he had that kind of-" Emmy was cut short once more.

The filly on the far end - the filly who sat atop the store - stood and acknowledged him. "Acting boss."

Link stared the little filly down and walked over to her. She did not move much, outside of a slight shift in balance. He saw her as the leader and sat in front of her, legs under him and hands neatly placed on his thighs. "Nice to see you again."

"Same." She looked over to Emmy and gestured to Link. "He's bigger than I remember."

"You're telling me," Emmy replied, walking over. "But we don't have time to reminisce. Nor is it the reason he's here." Link gave a single nod as his slight smile faded.

The filly walked around him. "Yeah, that's you alright. Still have that air of duty around you like a thick aura."

Link took the compliment silently. Emmy patted him on the shoulder. "He's the real deal, I'm sure you know. And he's here to help. Our woods have turned to rot. And we know who's to blame. The Evil King Ganondorf. 7 years ago, he invaded Equestria at large and in a matter of days laid waste to the Castle. He now sits upon its throne with Their Highnesses removed from the position. Not only that, but he's taken prisoners and locked them away, one of which is in our very home. We can't get near, because of the dark magic around the Temple of Nature. Link knows Equestrian magic is no good, so we can't fly, or hit it with spells, and we don't even have artifacts like Link's bow." She paused to look around. "He's our best chance, and you all know it."

Most of the others started murmuring to themselves. The filly argued, "But he's an adult now."

"So am I!" Emmy shouted with a quick turn. "And you all will be too, when the magic fully drains from the land. We Forest Dwellers stay young by sipping on the bountiful energy of the forest, given by the Temple of Nature. If it's not restored... We will grow old and die." She made eye contact with the others as she turned. "Every, single, one of you, will grow as old if not older than me and eventually die. I wanted that for myself. Not for all of us. I say let him do it."

"That's why I'm here after all," Link admitted. "The Temple of Nature as you call it has one of my friends locked inside it. And I'm willing to bet that it's keeping them from escaping. He's keeping them there. With this dark magic you speak of. I should be able to get in and clean up, all while saving my friend. So, who wants me to give it a shot?"

Most of the others raised their hooves. There were some who doubted him, as they never got the chance to meet him the first time he was there. "Almost all of us. Well, majority rules in this house, so... We'll let you help. Just this once more."

"It seems like I'm always gonna be your guide on this sort of thing."

"Guide?" Link asked Emmy, looking over at her.

"Yeah, guide. The Deep Woods are waaaaay different than the woods you already know about. We can talk about it on the way."

"Safe travels," the filly wished.

Emmy turned to the filly and thanked her for her request. Link nodded and exited the house with her. "Way different, huh?" he asked.

"Yeah, really different. So, you already know - yeah, right back and up there," she interrupted herself. " - already know that Everfree Forest is strange, in that it's all on its own, right?" He nodded and climbed up the first ledge. "The Deep Woods move around. Every so often, paths open and close, rocks move, trees break and mend, stumps and roots aplenty. But that's normal."

"If the woods change, then how do you find the Temple?" Navi asked. Emmy flew up and landed beside him.

"I may not look it, but I'm way older than you are. You're what... 20 at this point? Yeah, I was ... somewhere around there when I first left the forest." That would make me... old... yikes. "Anyway, because I've lived here my whole life as one of the heads, I know the woods inside and out. They could change for minutes straight and I'd still find my way out."

Link folded his arms. "You can feel the temple's magic, huh..." Emmy looked shocked, then flew up to the next cliff. "I knew it."

She looked down and watched him climb up the vines. "So what? Yeah, I can feel the temple's magic. Only now, it's a dark magic that's covering what I know, so I have to feel for that instead." Emmy stayed put as Link got up beside her. The two walked around the corner and stood in front of a wide open entryway. Ruffling came from beyond the opening, and Emmy held him back. "Don't go anywhere when the woods are moving. They take into consideration where we are and do their best to not affect our immediate surrounding. But everywhere else, everything moves. Except, obviously, the Temple of Nature."

"Convenient," Link admitted. "I guess I should be thankful." The two of them waited for the moving sounds to stop before walking inside.

After just thirty minutes, the rustling returned, starting further away from them than Link expected. Emmy had to remind him not to move while it happened. When it came around them, it brought a breeze, rustling the trees and hedges that zipped by them at surprising speeds.

Temple of Nature... And I can't get in without the Hookshot. What kind of defenses does this place have? he thought. Link took out his writing stuff and waited for everything to stop moving. When it did, he set his stuff down. "Emmy, hold on a minute."

She looked back at him and saw his stuff. "Oh. Right. You still do that for Epona." Emerald went and sat right behind him, back to back. "I never published my book, you know? The nation went downhill so fast, it didn't seem important anymore."

Link nodded, and she felt his agreement. He began writing his eleventh entry...


August 12
Deep Woods

Been a few days, since I wrote something. Felt like a good time. Adult body is clunky; too big to move how I could back then, definitely gonna need to train up a bit. When I first returned to Ponyville, I found it to be more of an outpost than a town. Everypony had a purpose, something to do. I was gifted my very own bow and arrow set by the ruling body of that town. She seems nice.

Wonder what happened to the mayor...

Kakariko Mura hasn't changed much. There is a new shooting gallery, though. I'll have to go back when all this is over. The gravekeeper is dead. He left me his treasured Hookshot for racing him on foot and hoof. I didn't win the race, but I was still closer than everypony else was. Next time, I think I'll win.

Emmy showed up after and brought me to the forest where I will soon set out to rescue whichever mare from my past is locked away inside...


He let the ink dry and put his stuff away. "That'll do it."

Emmy looked over her shoulder at him. "For Epona, right? You and her... You two really have a close bond... After you left the final time-"

"Don't," Link interrupted, standing up. "Don't tell me what happens. Because for me, it hasn't happened yet."

She looked down with a frown before standing. "Fine." She hesitated for a moment after. "This way then." Once more, she began leading him deeper into the woods. Occasionally, she looked back at him, both to make sure he was still following and that he was of sound mind and body. "You're really calm, considering..."

"Oh?" Link asked. "You think I'm calm?" he continued, trying to make it sound accurate. "I'm actually not, not on the inside. I mean, a foe from my homeworld chased me here, took Equestria hostage and so far, I'm the only one who can save it. Not by choice, but because I am 'destined' to. I was chosen for this. But I suppose it was expected, he's from my homeworld after all, not yours. And to make things difficult, I have to save the nation 7 years after I intended to, the heads of state are dead, my friends are gone and Twilight's missing." His voice became increasingly rage-filled. "Ganondorf came in under my nose, nopony decided to warn me in time to keep it from happening, and the nation's now under his rule. Am I calm?! NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST!!" Link took a few breaths. "But I have to look like I am, or I lose all sense of rationality."

Emmy had been backing away from Link during his rant. "There's a term for that." Link tilted his head a little. "Tranquil fury. It's a dangerous weapon that I'm glad is on our side." She faced forward and continued on. "You really have a lid on it around everypony else, you know."

"Yeah. I bet I do. How much farther?"

"Should be just through here." She pushed aside some bushes and arrived in a small meadowed area. "It's at the end of that maze. Thankfully, this area doesn't change like the rest of the Deep Woods. The real threat is-"

Just then, a big burly biped came around the corner. Its eyes flashed red as it lowered its spear to charge. It was covered in grey-toned armor worn over its dark brown skin. Every step it took could be felt through the ground.

I've been waiting to try this out. Link stepped in front of Emmy, who gladly hid behind him. He took out his adult shield and put it on his arm through the strap while it was still half in his pouch. In one swipe, the tip of the spear was deflected to the left, leaving the body wide open. Link hopped up, charged his sword and turned, slicing leftward through the beast's neck. The head went one way, the body went another. Link landed with his shield at the ready facing the fallen foe. "Easy as that."

Emmy circled the fallen body. "You've been this big for how long? A week? And you can already move like that?"

"Well, I did face off against a slew of bandits already." Link swung the blood off his sword and sheathed it soon after, resting the shield over his sheath with ease. The body and head - even the weapon - dissolved into shadow and darkness. "Looks like clean-up will be a breeze."

She agreed and looked over at him. "You really wanna go in there, eh?"

"No, but I have to." He took out his childhood sword and put it on the ground at Emmy's hooves. "Keep this close. In case they slip by me."

"You got it." She glanced down at the sword. "Like old times."

"Just like old times." Link turned away and marched into the maze...


Link approached the first turn and stopped, listening for metal moving and heavy steps. There was one, some distance to the right. Carefully, he peered around the corner and saw it. Again, Link charged his sword and waited for it to get close enough. Once it was, he rolled out from the turn and stabbed up through its gut to where the heart should be. Then, he shield bashed the beast off his sword and watched it writhe until it died and dissolved.

He hurried to the next corner and listened. Link noticed there was smoke rising above the edge of the walls above. A fire... "Navi," he whispered, "how many?"

She flew up and to the edge. Navi saw the fire and four brutes just grunting at each other sitting around said firepit. When she returned, she answered, "4, all sitting around a fire. So far, they don't know you're here." She returned to under Link's hat and waited for his choice of action.

Link turned his sword tip down and handed it over to his right to hold. In his freed left, Link charged a ball of fire. As he had done in the past, he formed a perfect sphere, ready to throw. He stepped around the corner and launched it as accurately as he could at the fire pit, causing it to explode on impact. The blast caught two of the beasts on fire; the two on the far side, as that was the way a majority of the fire spread.

Both the remaining pair and burning pair growled; one out of anger, the other out of pain. The former pair readied their weapons and full-boar charged Link, who took his sword in his proper hand and raised his metal shield. Both spears broke at the shaft when they tried and failed to pierce his shield. Link stepped in and charged magic into his sword and spun quick three times, releasing a wave with each rotation that cut into the enemies' bodies through their armor. "Haaaaaaaa!" he yelled. As the four beasts dissolved into shadow, three more came around the far corner.

He dropped his sword and shield and readied his bow, releasing an arrow so quick he didn't have much time to aim. Not that it mattered, as the arrow went clean through the throats of all three, causing them to bleed out before evaporating. Link picked up his sword and shield after stowing his bow away. "You know, this is actually kinda fun," he admitted, walking to the fire pit. Link stuck out his hand to the campfire and absorbed the magic into himself. "I didn't think that would actually work."

"What did you do?" Navi asked, sitting on his shoulder.

"I absorbed my fires and got back some of the magic I used." Link put his hand to the burning patches left behind by the two burning bodies and found they burned on. "Hmm... Well, that's a good thing to know. I can't absorb natural fire, or maybe just other fire in general."

"No, I mean... I thought Emmy said you can't use magic."

"I-" Link hesitated, and gave it some thought. "Yes, she did... And her power is Equestrian. Mine came from a piece of my home world, making it 'not Equestrian'. Not sure how the two are different fundamentally, but I'll take the win where I can get it." I'll have to talk to her later about that...

He continued on to the next corner and retrieved his arrow from the wall, putting it in his pouch for later. "What?" he asked Navi, who was giving him a confused look. "Arrows are hard to come by."

Around the next corner, he saw a smaller beast, wielding a sword and a shield. Looked more like a walking lizard than one of the beasts he's fought until now. It took some moments to flick its tongue out and cock its head in various directions. This one, like the others, wore some armor over its upper body. Didn't look all that heavy, so Link bet he could cut through it easier, if he could tag it.

"Finally, a challenge." Link walked out from the corner and readied his weapons. Wasting little time, he fired a wave of magic at it. When it noticed, it ducked under and started its charge. Right as it got close enough, it raised its sword and brought it down on Link, who raised his shield and blocked entirely. Then with his sword, he swung right, aiming for the skin just under the armor line. The beast backstepped, dodging entirely. Both fighters eyed the other carefully. A moment passed before the beast dashed forward and shield-bashed Link's own shield.

A loud ringing echoed through the woods as metal collided with metal. Link pushed back and swung anyway, knowing he was going to be too far away to hit anything. The beast blocked with his sword anyway, and paid for its decision by getting his weapon broke in one attempt. Link released a close range wave that barely scraped the armor.

Too shallow! he thought. On the back swing, he didn't have the time to charge his sword again, so he thanked Celestia the beast had thrown his sword hilt at Link. He was able to swat it out of the air and step in. In desperation, the beast readied his block and braced itself. Didn't matter to Link, who had enough time that time to actually energize his weapon with enough magic. The resulting slice not only cut through the shield and arm of the beast, but its entire body as well. It yelped in pain before dissolving like the others.

Link saw his sword was covered in a surprising amount of blood. Without adequate time to deal with cleaning, he moved on into the deeper part of the approach.

In the next few turns, he saw three more beasts, to which he promptly put his sword to use. Around the last of the corners before the next area, he made a mental note of a ladder leading up to the top of the walls above. Ignoring it for now, he pressed on into the deepest part of the woods.

The zone ahead was more wild than the previous areas; walls were carved into with designs depicting what he assumed was the history of the ponies who lived in the village, vines and flowers of all colors covered the ground and climbed the walls in many places. A pleasing aroma was carried along the ever-so-gentle breeze that frequently swept through the area. He silently wished he had a green version of his tunic so he could blend in. As he progressed, he came upon three more beasts. Though he did his best to not injure the surrounding foliage, there were only two times where it could not be helped.

Out the other side, he found himself at the base of a set of stairs. Peering over the top, he saw the biggest beast he had seen staring straight at him from the other side of the long wooded hallway. In a show of strength, it raised its massive club and impacted the ground, sending a column of dirt and rocks hurtling toward him with a roar.

The column dispersed at the top of the stairs, just before reaching him. Link used the cover to ready his bow, and once the dirt and rocks fell to the ground, he fired three arrows is quick succession, all piercing the thick skin of the creature, dropping it to the ground with a heavy thud. Like the rest of them, it shriveled into a dark mass and dissolved into thin air, leaving his arrows behind. Without caution, no longer feeling like he's being watched, he approached the beast's fallen self. "Actually, I think that one might be on par with the Ursa. Height-wise anyway. Ursa's still longer." Link bent down and picked up his arrows.

"Really? What if the Ursa stood up on its back legs?" Navi asked.

"Hmm... You're right. The Ursa wins outright," Link conceded with a smile. Up the slope behind the beast they went, spying a similar stone platform to the castle in the woods. Beyond it stood a tree with a single branch reaching out over a broken flight of stairs. "Alright," he said, putting away his weapons. "You ready for this?"

"Are you?" a disembodied voice replied. As Link looked around, he spotted a figure standing in the open on his left. A ray of light shone onto the figure, revealing it to be the stallion he met in the castle, wrapped in cloth and everything. "You made it."

Chapter 57: The First Temple: Temple of Nature

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"You made it," the cloth-wrapped stallion acknowledged. Both of his red eyes were trained on Link as he walked closer to him. "The flow of time is always cruel. Its speed seems different for each pony, but nopony can change it."

"Except the woods itself. I'm in here, but how much time is passing outside?" Link pointed at the stallion, who stopped. "And how'd you even get in here?" He waited, watching as close as he could at the stallion's expression, visible only through the shifts in his eyes. "You followed me," Link estimated, lowering his pointing finger.

Shadow shook his head. "I got here long before you did." He produced a harp from behind his back and held it, ready to play. "With a melody created bearing the natural energies of the temple in mind."

"You... Teleported?" Shadow nodded. "That's a little unfair, don'tcha think?" Link crossed his arms.

"Well, if you'd stop interrupting me and listen, I'm trying to teach it to you." Link narrowed his eyes. Shadow sighed and placed the other hoof over the strings. "Listen close, because I will only play this for you once."

As he began to play, Link took out his ocarina and followed along. When they finished, Link put away his instrument and watched Shadow put his harp away. "So it's on your back, right?"

"What is?" Shadow did his best to not let it show through his words, But the tilt in his head betrayed emotion.

"Your pocket."

Shadow glanced behind him to the shallow pouch affixed to his hip. "So? What about it?"

"I knew somepony who could make those. Did she make yours?" Link asked, almost accusingly.

Shadow was quiet for a few moments. "... Yes. She did. It was soon after you left, 7 years ago. I had made the argument that you will be needing guidance when you returned. As it would endanger your sister to wander about, she selected me to act in her place. She and her friends made my clothes and gear."

Link's expression calmed down some. "But you don't know where she is right now."

"That's right. She jumped off the radar following The Fall." Shadow's expression remained stoic.

"But she had enough time to make all your equipment. So, how long after I leave for good does The Fall happen?"

"Two weeks." Shadow waited to see Link's change in expression. All that resulted from Shadow's reveal was a raised eyebrow in surprise. "The Evil King waited just enough time after your final vanish to start his domination. And nopony was able to stop him."

Link absorbed the volunteered information of his future and Shadow's past. "Then I do nothing to stop it when I come back any of the times between when I first leave and last leave. If I did, this future really would be doomed." His realization caused his shoulders to sink a little. Starswirl was right...

"Exactly right." Shadow offered an affirmative nod. He retreated a few steps, back into the diminishing ray of light. "We will meet again." In one movement, he reached back, pulled something from his pocket and threw it at the ground. It erupted in a brilliant flash of light. Link had to shield his eyes.

When his eyes readjusted to the natural moonlight of the forest, Shadow was gone. "Okay, so you're good," he called out. Whether he was expecting a response or not, none came. His sight shifted to the entrance to the temple. "Temple of Nature, huh..." He spied a sturdy looking branch hanging over the busted staircase. With his hookshot in hand, he aimed at that branch and fired. The hook sunk into the wood with ease while the chain started retracting, pulling him off the ground.

Just as the ghost had promised, there was no injury to himself after use. Link unlatched the hook and stowed the device. He looked into the open doorway of the temple and started walking in.


Link entered the temple and made it to the foyer. Though smaller than he expected, it still contained a wealth of information. A small waterfall leaked out from the west wall and dribbled down to a little puddle. Several rocks decorated its border. There was a tree growing up along the east wall, and it seemed to be in the middle of blooming. There were two openings in each of the walls, through which a gentle breeze blew. In the center of the room were 4 raised pedestals, the tops of which bore a triangle either pointed forward or back, and either a horizontal line through it or not.

"What do you think, Navi?" he asked, approaching the symbols. "Some kind of key?"

Navi came out and sat on one of them. She chose the upside-down triangle with the line through it. From her low height, she tried to examine the remaining three. "Maybe... Or maybe it's the lock? And you have to find the keys."

"If these things are locks..." Link looked forward at the door on the far wall. Carved into it were the four symbols. "then the keys will make that door open, right? That makes sense." Link began looking around. "Hmm... Well..." He looked at the one Navi was sitting on. "Hey, what are the four elements of nature?"

"Let's see... Water, earth, fire and air." She watched him retrieve a bottle and kneel beside the small puddle.

"Starting with water, then." Link filled his empty bottle with puddle water and picked up a stone. "If these pedestals are locks, then the elements themselves might be the keys." He walked back to the pedestals. "Let's start with the one you're sitting on."

Navi stepped off to the side and watched him. "How will you know which one's which?"

Link was about to pour the water over one of the symbols. "I don't, really, but I am really good at logic puzzles." He pointed to the symbol in front of him. "This one here is water, because it flows downhill." Instead of pouring the water, he looked at the remaining three symbols. "Let's see... The turned over one with a line should be earth, since it's broken and pointing down. The regular looking triangle should be fire, since fire grows while rising. Which makes wind the one with a line through it pointing up, since, uh... wind cuts through the air above ground? Kinda rough to explain that one, but... What are the odds I'm wrong?"

Navi snickered. "Heheheh, 23 to 1 you get them wrong at all. But if you want optimistic, there are only 9 combinations where you get them all wrong."

Link hesitated. "Those are some steep odds. Well, here goes I guess..." He slowly began pouring water over what he believed to be the symbol for water. Sure enough, the symbol's lines began to glow a bright blue. "Okay, I'm going to assume that's supposed to happen." Link emptied his bottle and put it away before holding the stone above another symbol. The one he believed to be earth.

Just like with water, the lines of the symbol glowed brown when Link actually placed the stone on the symbol. Navi looked at the remining two. "Just two more."

"Yeah. Fire and air. Do you see any fire around?" Link also looked.

Navi skimmed her surroundings for any source of fire. "I'm not seeing anything..."

"No way the builders of this room would put a lock that can't be opened with the things in this room. But at the same time, I don't see how we can have fire without a little magic." He summoned a small ball of fire and placed it on the symbol for fire. The lines lit up red. Then Link looked at the last symbol and inhaled sharply. Leaning in, he exhaled slowly onto it. Similarly to the three before it, the symbol's lines lit up green.

The far door - the one with all the symbols on it - slid down through the floor, stopping when it was out of sight, opening the way. "Nice! You beat the odds."

"Yeah, but it was stressful when I started. Hope the rest goes just as smoothly." Link and Navi progressed through the new doorway. "You know, I remember when I complained about things being easy. Now that things are getting more difficult, I'm going to enjoy when it goes back to being easy again."

Navi chuckled. "I didn't think you'd want things to get easy ever again. Not after this."

"Hey, give me some credit here. I may not like it easy, but I'd like it difficult all the time even less. Easy would be a nice break." Link stopped at the top of a flight of stairs and looked ass hard as he could into the room. "Well, this is a problem..."

Navi did her best to shine her light around as Link descended the stairs to the floor below. "What's all this then?"

Link navigated to the supposed center of the room and felt a difference in the material he was stepping on. "Hm? Navi, hover by the floor for a sec." She obeyed with a nod and hovered lower. Link felt along the floor and found a crack between material. "I'd be willing to bet this part of the floor raises and lowers. But-" His sentence stopped short as a set of four symbols caught his eye. "Oh, this again." He pointed at it, and Navi flew over, walking long. "It's the same thing as the door." He stood up and looked around.

The immediate surroundings were barely seen through the dimness of the room, and anything beyond 20 feet or so was too dark to see anything.

"There's four more of those pedestals. One in each corner of this little section. Bet there's a symbol on each. This time, I don't hear any water running, so this room must not have-"

"Hey Link?" Navi interrupted. "I don't think these are the same pedestals as the last room. These look more like torches to me. You know. Braziers?"

"Oh, those. Hmm... Okay, so if the keys aren't in this room, then we got some exploring to do." Link started walking to the staircase he came down. "Let's start with the first door we come to." He walked around clockwise and came to a set of stairs fairly quickly. As he walked up, supported with Navi's light, he came to a door that looked pretty old. "Should I knock?"

"Maybe? It is a temple." Navi hovered next to the door and didn't see a handle. "Huh... How do you open it?"

Link put his left hand on the door and pushed, swinging it open. "Like that I guess." In the room after, the hallway was overgrown with ivy and flowers, giving the hall a pleasant scent. "Somepony has to be taking care of this..." He walked on to the end of the hall and through the next doorway to the massive room beyond.

Much like the big room before, Link couldn't see far past Navi's light. "Why is it so dark in here?"

"Navi? Can you do me a favor and dim yourself for a while?" Navi hovered in front of him and tilted her head. "I need to get my eyes adjusted to this." She nodded and dimmed herself as low as she could go. "Perfect."

"I hope you adjust quickly..."

"You and me both." Link tapped his shoulder for her to sit down. Navi flew over and sat down on him. He looked around the room and watched as his eyes started adjusting to the lack of adequate light.

On the far side of the room, Link saw a ladder. After climbing it, he found a path leading to a large grey block of stone. He looked at it, and saw it had no symbol, which to him meant that it had no bearing on his current objective. Just served as a barrier to waste his time. Navi skittered over its surface. "Hmm. Think you're strong enough to move this?"

"I sure hope so... I mean, the bracelet I got as a kid just doesn't fit anymore, and I'm not sure if this adult body can move things better than I could as a kid." Link placed his hands on the block and readied his stance. "But here goes!" Link dug his feet into the floor and pushed with all his strength. The block moved several feet forward. "Haaah, that's really heavy..." One at a time, Link placed his feet into another pushing stance with his hands on the block. "But, it seems like I don't have to give it everything... Let's see about progressive strength..."

Link started pushing with as little effort as he could, and built it up to where he could comfortably move it. Navi hovered beside him as he pushed. "So? How much strength do you need for it?"

"About 40% I guess? It doesn't feel as heavy now that I'm not giving it everything." When the block reached the end of the path, it fell about two feet into a hole in the floor, allowing him to climb up to the floor above. "This place had to be made with ponies in mind though. Normally, it would take an earth pony to push it, a unicorn to lift it or a pegasus to fly past it. But that'd only be possible if they could use magic, but as Emmy said plainly, Equestrian magic doesn't work here right now."

Link climbed up the ladder and was met with a very tall wall. No block, no hole in the floor. Just a wall. "What about this one, Link?"

"It's a brick wall. I suppose earth ponies could jump up, and unicorns could teleport or levitate, and again pegasi can fly. But me?" Link approached the wall and adjusted his grey gauntlets. He looked up the wall, spying footholds. "I can climb." Link reached up and grabbed onto the best brick he could find, and slowly but surely ascended the wall, pulling himself over the top in a couple minutes. "That's how it's done." He pressed on, proud of himself.

The room he came to was lit on the far end with a pair of torches, one on either side of a wooden door covered in metal bars. "What do you suppose that leads to?"

Link noticed a while ago that the flowers and vines stopped growing, so the floor up here was all stone slabs. "Don't know. There's no symbol on it, but it's barred off." He stepped closer to it and hopped down onto the carpet in front of the door. The tile under the carpet shifted and dropped an inch. In slight panic, Link froze in place. "Navi. Look around. Tell me if anything's changed."

"What happened?" She turned around to face away from the door. She couldn't see anything out of the ordinary at first glance.

"I stepped on a trap, I think..." Link glanced over his shoulder at Navi, careful not to shift his weight too much. "Do you see anything?"

"I didn't get a good look at the room before you stepped on something, so I don't know what's supposed to have changed..." She flew off to examine the room they were in.

Link turned to the door and closed his eyes, waiting for her to return as patiently as possible. Once he heard her flutter closer to him, he slowly opened his eyes and turned his head. "So? What did you find?"

"There's an eyeball up there." She turned away from the door and pointed at the farthest wall, at its highest point. "Not sure how it changed. But if it's just that, then you should be safe in stepping off that carpet."

After he took a breath, Link stepped off the carpet, looking at the eyeball as best as he could. Soon as his weight was removed, a stone slab slid up into place in front of the eyeball. "That's clever," Link admitted. He exhaled a breath of relief. "That's really good. I'm glad it wasn't worse." He stepped back onto the carpet and watched the panel slide down and out of the way, revealing the eyeball once more. "Really clever."

Link drew his bow and hesitated.

"You okay?" Navi asked.

"Yeah, just... Hmm... I'll be two arrows down after this. Unless you can get the arrow after I fire it. But I don't know if the eye thing needs to have something stuck in it for it to work." Link drew an arrow and aimed carefully. "Here's hoping it doesn't." He fired the arrow, striking the eye in the center.

The bars behind him slide up and out of the way of the door. Link heard them, but kept his gaze on the eye, watching for the arrow's movement. Then, he saw it fall and heard the arrowhead hit the ground. Navi flew over and picked it up. "Here you go. Lucky you, huh?"

Link took the arrow and placed it with the others in his quiver in his pocket. "Yeah, lucky. That's the word." He looked at the door. There was no doorknob, and not a single gap between the door and the walls. Link got to his knees and looked at the floor. Sure enough, there was a gap. "Alright." He jabbed his fingers below the door and braced himself. Slowly, he lifted the door along the grooves in the wall. Past a certain point, two locks kept the door up so he could walk through.

The room they entered was a long hallway. As soon as he stepped in, the locks disengaged and dropped the door behind him. Link turned and saw, before looking forward again. Along the walls were four pillars on each side. One pair for each of the elements. They passed the fire pillar, within which was carved a feminine earth pony. No name inscribed, just a figure. The second was also feminine, but a unicorn instead. Beneath it was the symbol for water. Moving on, they passed the third pair, which had a pegasus carved into it. It appeared feminine, but certain facial features described a stallion. When they got to the fourth, they both stopped. Link looked up at the carving of a burly earth pony stallion above the earth symbol.

"I know we didn't get a good look at the spirits before they zipped off, but doesn't this one look familiar?" Navi asked.

"Nope. I would have remembered a guy like that." All the same, Link looked closely at the sculpted figure. "If these four are our enemies in here, how would I fight them?" He drew his sword a little and looked back at the blade. "This thing only works on ... evil spirits... right?"

"It's supposed too, but... who's allowed to say what evil is? If it's up to you, then you control who gets hurt by it. That would make sense to me." Navi stood on his shoulder and looked at the sculpture. "We might have to go against good spirits who get in our way, so would it hurt them?"

Link dropped the sword into the sheath and shrugged. "Maybe. If it's as you say, then it would hurt whatever I want, as long as I deem it evil." He turned down the hall to the exit. "Even if it's magic, it's still a sword, so maybe it hurts whatever it touches, with more damage to what I intend to injure. Hard to say."

The exit was a simple wooden door with a knob. Link tried the doorknob and immediately released it. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just... Hot handle..." He leaned forward and gave the door a knock. "Hollow-sounding... It's dry as a bone. Pretty thick though." Link placed his left palm against it and focused fire into his hand, setting it ablaze. After a minute of burning, he recalled his flame and kicked in the door. Chunks of it went into the room every which way. Link stepped in and shielded his eyes from the raging inferno below the platform. "That's really hot, sheesh!" He almost didn't go in. The right side of the room was open, with a safe floor for standing. There was a platform between him and the opening on the side.

With a running start, Link hopped the gap to the platform and turned, hopping to the hall with as little time as possible in that room. Link stumbled on the carpet and rolled, landing with his face to the fire room and in a knelt position. Something in the air told him "danger", causing him to put a hand on his sword and the other on his shield, not sure of which to draw first.



The fire from that room shot to the ceiling, forcing Link to close his eyes a bit. When they subsided, a black figure hovered in mid-air above the platform. It opened its eyes and revealed a burning red pair. Its mane appeared to be made of fire.

"I don't know what to make of this..." Link admitted.

Quickly, the shadow pony flew at Link, who drew his shield and bashed the business end against the form, reducing it to embers. "You did it, Link!"

"No... It's not over yet." The embers on the ground rose up in two forms. Link backed up. Both forms split off into two more, making four. "Uh oh..." Link drew his sword and readied himself.

The four of them engaged in coordinated attacks against Link, who was barely able to block, dodge or counter each and every one. Until he was backed all the way to the end of the hall, where he finally cut down the last of them. He looked at his work and nodded.

One last pony appeared in the fire room. It raised its hoof and blasted hot air into the hall, lowing the embers straight at Link. He raised his shield, but it didn't help. The pony ignited each ember into an explosion, blowing Link back and over the railing to the landing below. He rolled and landed with his back to the wall. Link looked intently at the top of the stairs.

The pony appeared at the top of the stairs and lit the railing on fire. Link closed an eye, but kept the other open. Good thing too, since it allowed him to see a fireball get launched at him. He rolled down the stairs and hopped into place at the bottom near the center of the room. Link turned and faced the stairs. A painting caught his eye of a red mare with a fiery mane. Link stowed his sword and shield and drew his bow, aiming carefully at the top of the landing. As soon as the shadow rounded the corner, Link fired.

Barely able to stop itself, the pony had dodged the arrow, looking as it lodged itself in the wall. It glared at Link who readied another arrow. Angle Bless said these resist shifts in elemental energy, so it should go through this thing, right? He fired another. The pony erected a flame barrier with a clap of its hooves. It wouldn't try and protect itself if it was a fake. I got her. The arrow pierced the barrier and the shadow pony's head. The barrier fell, the pony collapsed in fire and the arrow stuck next to the first.

Link walked up and examined the fire as it guttered out. He retrieved his two arrows and put them away before returning to the painting.

"So, someone did come to free us," the mare spoke, hovering in front of the now blackened painting. "Who are you?"

"Link", he replied, putting his bow away. "You?"

"Ignis. Fire spirit of the Temple of Nature. You have to help us. Those four came in and overpowered us, trapping us in these paintings. Those shadows... They're strong... But no more than you, I see."

Link looked at the painting behind her. "Hmm... Three more just like this, huh... Well, I got work ahead of me."

"I did say that four came in here and trapped us, but they were led here by a fifth. A shadow alicorn with powers. He was more than we could handle."

"It's half the reason I'm here," Link admitted."

Oh?" Ignis questioned. "I see. Then if you're here to help us, the least we can do is help you." She summoned a red ball of fire in her hoof. "There are four torches in the main hall of this place. We four have the lights to them. They can't be forcibly taken, and we refused to give them up, so we got trapped instead. But it didn't matter, since the alicorn sunk into the floor to the room below. I'll take this and light mine up. You should be able to see the flame mark light up on this door when I get there." She pointed to the door at their side. It had the fire symbol on it.

Link nodded. "Oh, so that's how that works. The doors will open if the requisite torch is lit up." He smiled and nodded. "I think I like this place." Link watched as the pony flew up the stairs and out of sight. "Haa, that was a rough fight, that's for sure," he admitted, leaning against the wall. "Guess those shadow ponies didn't expect me to swing by."

Navi flew from her hiding spot to just in front of him. "True... and those shadows were probably made to be exact copies of the spirits, but stronger. Not by much, but just enough." After a minute of waiting, the door lit up and opened to the ceiling, allowing Link to pass through. "Ready?"

"Yeah. Let's mosey." Navi flew close behind him. He walked to the other side of the door and stopped. "Why did I say that? I've never said that. But it felt right." He shrugged it off and looked around the new room.


The room the two of them entered was large and circular. Lit torches lined the walls. The door behind him slammed shut hard enough to surprise him and cause him to turn to see it. Turning his attention to the center of the room, he began to hear bones rattling. Link looked up and saw nothing. Then he glanced around the room and saw no movement. He wandered to the center of the room and looked all around. "I don't get it... Where's that rattling coming from?"

Navi stopped following him and looked around the room as well. "I'm not sure... Not above or around you, that's for sure."

Link narrowed his eyes, then looked at his feet. "Then below!" He hopped away as a bone hand came up and tried to grab onto him. "What the-" He skidded to a stop and watched on as the hand clawed its way out of the ground. Several bones clattered together and formed a human-like skeleton. It stooped down and picked up a long, wavy flat of metal with a wrapped-in-cloth handle. "It wants to fight me? Now?" Link drew his Master Sword, leaving his shield on his back. "Navi, get over here."

Navi returned to his shoulder and held on tight. "You got it!"

The skeleton advanced carelessly, swing wild at Link, who dodged quite easily each of its swings. This thing moves pretty slowly, predictably. With one swift motion, Link deflected a short thrust and swung around, slicing clean through the boney monster, shaking its parts to the ground. "And that's that. Pretty easy, considering." He started walking away and felt a hand grab his ankle. Link looked at his ankle and gasped. Quickly, Link picked up his foot and gave it a wild shake, but the hand held on tight.

Navi flew down and tried to pry off the fingers from his ankle. "Almost there... Got it!" After the first finger, the others came easier and soon, his leg was free. She returned to his shoulder. "You okay?"

Link sheathed the Master Sword and nodded. "Creeped out, but alright I guess. Skeleton hand, skeleton warrior, shadow place, gives me the creeps... Sooner we find our friend, the better." He turned his back to the dissolving skeleton and toward the opposite side's door.

When he opened it and walked through, he noticed a considerable chill in the air. Definitely considerable compared to the pair of rooms he was in just before that. He rubbed his arms to keep warm, then remembered, "Oh yeah, I have fire magic." He breathed into his hands and enjoyed the warmth the hot air gave. "Ahh, that feels good."

The two of them made their way up the flight of stairs to the top after the door closed, and found yet another door. "There's a lot of doors in this place..."

"Sure, why not? I mean, it's like a really big house."

"Most houses don't have inner doors. It's all just one big room. Maybe some special houses have doors inside, but usually they just have the one leading outside."

Link thought about the library. "Well, ours has a door. To the bedroom. And... that's it... Okay, you got a point. But maybe I can argue that this is a different part of the world, and they do things differently here?" Link sounded hopeful.

"Not likely. I would imagine a place in the woods would want to preserve as much of their forest as possible, and thus fewer inner wooden doors." Link nodded his head. "So..."

"So," Link tried to continue, "who made the Temple, and does it predate the forest? Hmm..." Link opened the door and stepped in, closing it behind Navi.



Much like the room with all that fire on the floor below, this room was filled to the rim of the platform with water. Real cold water. Link reached down and splashed it a little, then looked to the center platform. "I know something's in here..." Link hopped to the center of the room and looked around.

A shadow pony leapt out of the water over Link's head and splashed into the water on the other side. Link watched it go over him. Another jumped over the other way and did a mid-air flip before slipping into the water as well.

Link stayed his ground - what little he had - and drew his sword. He looked around for shifts in the slight waves of the water. "What is this one about? Having fun?"

Another shadow pony speared itself out of the water and grazed Link's arm as it splattered into water against the wall. He looked at his arm, and while it hurt, there were no tears in the fabric. Another pony shot out and was split in half by his sword. Two more teamed up and crashed into his back, toppling him forward and into the water. He sheathed his sword and looked around before trying to swim to the hallway entrance. He wasn't getting anywhere due to the hold the shadow pony had on his feet. Slowly, he began to sink into the water's depths. With one more gasp for air, he held his breath as his head disappeared beneath the water's surface. Navi flew down into it and lit up brightly.

Link tried to look at his feet, and found a slightly darker shape wrapped around his boots. He tried to kick off the creature, but it didn't work. One creature after another slammed into his body, beating the energy out of him. After the fifth impact, he released some of the air. When his feet hit bottom, he was low on breath.

The shadows closed in on him. Navi flew into his hat. "Link! Now! I'm good!"

With the water slowing him down, it took more effort than normal to clap his hands together. When he succeeded, a great ball of fire pushed itself out in all directions from Link, forcing the creatures to let go. Link kicked off the floor with all his strength and climbed out of the water into the hallway, gasping for air. He got a fair distance from the water room and rolled to his back, breathing heavily. "I don't like this one at all..."

The shadow pony hopped out of the water, revealing the form of a slender unicorn. It looked into the hall and saw Link sit up with some effort. It got up on its hindlegs and raised its forelegs at its sides. Several tendrils of water came out of the pond below. They flung themselves at Link, grazing him enough to scoot back while standing up.

When he got to his feet, he turned to the far side of the hall and saw it had been blocked off with ice. "That wasn't there before..." He looked again to the way he got in, and it, too, was blocked off with ice. "Hmm..." He ran dover to the far end and started hacking away at the ice wall. Each crack he made healed itself seconds later.

The ice wall behind him got closer very quickly, and was missing a hole at the top. Link stopped and looked at it for a moment before water started flooding in through the circular opening. Water rose up to his shins before he tried to do something about it. Link turned to the wall again and swung heavier, trying to cut large chunks out of it faster than it could repair.

"I don't think that's working, Link," Navi said.

"What can I do, then?" He looked down and felt several creatures brush against his legs. With the water up to his waist, he felt stronger and stronger nudges. "Water's getting deeper, and if I don't freeze to death, I'll drown or get crushed."

"Remember back to the ice cavern?" Navi asked.

"Oh right... Ruby did something really cool. Well, if she can't teach me directly, then the next best thing is to do what I've seen." He sheathed his sword and put his hands on the wall of ice and focused. The water had raised up to his chest. Link began spreading red lines over the ice wall to the edges. The water reached his neck and Link held his breath. The nudges earlier turned into bashes. Link steadied his footing, reached back and punched the wall in the center of his array.

The veins across the surface cut through the ice wall strongly enough to shatter it completely. Water flooded the next room. Link jabbed his sword into the end of the hallway, stopping himself from flowing with the water.

He looked at his hands. "Using a lot more magic in here than I expected, but I still have about half left."

The shadow leapt out of the water and onto the center platform. Link could have sworn it grinned at him before it backflipped into the water. Link jumped to one of the four revolving platforms with his sword and watched closely, drawing his shield. Where are you...

Just as before, shadow pony after shadow pony flung themselves at Link, trying to push him into the water or just get him off balance. Link paid close attention to what could distinguish the real from the clones as the broke themselves against his shield. The onslaught he faced made it clear that the real one was among them. The real one is always dry, the clones are always drenched in water. Nature of the ability, I guess.

Keeping track of where the real one was, Link waited for his chance to strike. From behind him, the real one shot out of the water. Link raised his sword behind him and rejoiced when it found its way into the real shadow. He turned and faced it, hearing the nearby clones burst into water. Link turned quickly and split the shadow in half. Both halves fell into the water.

On the far wall, Link saw a painting of a beautiful blue unicorn mare. "Must be the original," Link said.

"I sure am," the mare said, coming out of the painting and hovering in front of it. She smiled at him. "You're the hero who came to save me, right?"

"Not just you," he admitted. "Ignis before you, and I imagine the two after you." Link sheathed his weapon and shield before hopping to the platform where the spirit hovered. "What's your name?"

"Nixie. Water spirit of the Temple of Nature. A pleasure to meet you!" She swam through the air around him, looking him all over. "You're not what I expected, you know?"


"Far from it!" She stopped in front of him and held up his hands. "You were incredible! All that swinging, and jumping, and and and... fire! That was cool!" Link put a hand behind his head. "So, don't suppose you know the way forward?"

"No, I don't. Think you could help with that?" Nixie flew and pointed down the hallway. "Hm?"

"Back there, there's a trapdoor on the wall. It leads to the next spirit's zone."

Link tilted his head "What good is it gonna be on the wall?"

Nixie pointed up to the wall. "That switch there will twist the water room and drain the water to the room below."

He looks up at the switch. "It's frozen over. Can you get rid of that?"

Nixie shook her head. "I didn't freeze it over, the shadow version of me did." She swam over to that part of the wall, then hopped up on the platform nearby. "I bet you can though."

"Yeah, I can. So, if you could just ignite the torch in the foyer, that'd be most beneficial to me."

"I see...Light the torch then?" Link nodded after hopping back to the hallway. "I'll get right to it~" She swam through the air down the hall and back through the door Link entered in. Link walked down the hallway.

"She seemed excited..."

"You freed her and Ignis. I imagine she's thrilled," Navi said. "And you got two more to go. Technically three, but we don't count the one at the end."

"Right." He got to the first room and looked into the calm waters. He saw a trap door at the far right corner of the floor. "Here goes." He jumped in and swam for it. Just above it, he dove down and grabbed the handle of the door. Using it to brace himself, he pulled up with a fair bit of effort against the weight of the water. Once open, he braced himself against the floor and walls while it drained the room. It drained pretty quickly, letting Link breathe after a dozen seconds or so. Another 30 seconds later, the room was drained enough to jump down safely.



When Link landed with bent knees on the floor below, he found it wasn't a solid floor, more like a layer of grates. Made sense, since the water had to go somewhere. Link once again found himself at the end of an impressively long hallway, grated all the way to the end of it. Below the grates, the water from the room above had joined a river and was flowing to the end of the hall. "This looks promising... Nixie said this was another spirit's domain, right?"

"That's right."

"Which one, you think?" Link looked forward at the hovering spirit on the farthest wall. "Wind?"

Navi looked at the far grates on the floor and saw water whipped up along a path straight for them. She flew into his hat. "Definitely wind!"

Link looked up at Navi, then forward. He stood his full height, forcibly, and got flung to the wall behind him. The fierce wind held him there for a solid minute before it ceased to a breeze. Link got to his hands and knees and slipped his fingers into the holes.

The raging storm whipped up again, blowing right over him as he crawled to the quarter mark. "This is a strong wind," he said quietly. He looked at the spirit and saw it was flapping its wings on a slow and strong tempo. The wind had stopped for a brief moment. Long enough to see the flap change speeds to a short and quick flap. Link stood up and saw the compressed wind blades slice through the air at him. Link dodged to the sides and avoided each wave of wind. The only way he could see them was the distorted air around each blade. His body became loose and wobbly as he dodged the attacks moving forward.

Again, the attacks stopped before it changed styles. Just as before, a horrible funnel forced Link to slide backward. He conjured a shield in front of him shaped like a pyramid, forcing the air to go around him. Link pressed on, slowly. Since the wind isn't striking the shield, it wasn't losing durability. When the wind died down, Link dispelled the shield and drew his bow, firing an arrow through the little breeze that remained and stuck into the spirit's wing.

It fell to the floor and scurried through the door behind it, out of sight. Link gave swift chase, stopping at the door. He looked at his bow. "This did the trick... But I'll have to choose my windows carefully." Link put his bow away, drawing his shield in its place. "Here we go."

Link opened the door and stepped in, shutting the door behind him. The shadow was hovering, flapping ever so slightly to stay aloft. Glancing around, Link noticed a massive painting on the wall displaying a green pegasus. There was a door on the right wall on a raised stone landing. Link looked back at the shadow, drawing his sword.

The shadow flapped his wings hard, and in short bursts, sending the same slicing waves at Link, who was able to cut through them. The wind blasts crashed against the wall behind Link with such force as to gouge gashes into them. Then, the shadow started flying in a tight circle, forming a tornado in the middle of the room. Link stabbed his sword into the ground and put away his shield. With the wind gaining speed, Link found his feet got swept off the floor. That's a strong wind. But it's still magic. Link let go of his sword and flew into the tornado.

The wind whipped him around violently as he built up his magic. When he released it, he threw the magic at the cyclone near the floor, setting the tornado on fire. Link flew out to the door near his sword, while the shadow got flung to the opposite wall. It sat there, flapping, trying to put out the sizzling feathers. Link got up, ran toward the shadow, drawing the sword up as he ran and pierced the wall where the shadow's head was. It had moved to the side. Link cut sideways toward the shadow's neck, but it had rolled away and regained its footing. Link stepped to the other side of the handle and adjusted his grip. He pulled it out and swung at the shadow, sending a wave of magic strong enough to cleave the phantom in two.

The shadow fell to the ground and dissolved, leaving his arrow behind. Link walked over and picked up his arrow and put it with the rest of them before turning his attention to the painting.

Where once a pegasus was displayed, there was then a black canvas. The wind spirit had escaped and hovered toward Link. "Ahh, you've freed me at long last."

Link looked at the spirit, sheathing his sword. "Yeah, I did. This shadow was the easiest of the three so far, but still... My magic level is taking the biggest hit from every where else I've been."

"Well, maybe there is something that can be done about that later. For now, I do believe there is still one shadow who still holds one hostage." He looked to the door. "But there is the matter of the foyer torches."

"Yeah, could you do something about that?" Link asked, turning to the door.

"Oh, most certainly." He paused. "You already freed Ignis and Nixie then?" Link nodded. The spirit sighed. "Of course those two would fight better than me. Their shadows, I mean."

Link tilted his head a little. "You good?"

"In a way, it is as I suspected."

"Well, to be fair, you're ... uh... A pegasus. Not exactly supposed to be physically strong," Link admitted. "You played to your strengths against a foe who was just better. Then I came along and was better than them. I doubt your natural intent is fighting anyway; you seem more like a bookish type to me."

"I do fancy myself a scholar. I am Forseti. Wind spirit of the Temple of Nature. I also deal with the knowledge of the forest."

Link smiled and nodded. "See? Right on the money." He turned to the door. "So, about that torch..."

"Ah, yes. That. Allow me to be on my way then, and thank you once more for freeing me." The spirit lit a green flame in his right hoof. "Oh, there is one more thing: this torch, once lit, will allow you to enter our brother's rooms to the northeast and northwest. It won't matter which door you chose, for the moment you set foot inside, he will know."

Link walked to the door. "Anything else?"

"No, that will do. Best of luck, swordsman." He flew through the door and disappeared. Link followed and found himself on a balcony looking over the foyer. Forseti lit his torch and disappeared from sight.

"Guess that's three." Link looked to the two doors Forseti mentioned. "Which do you think is the better choice of door?"

Navi flew off his head and hovered around. "Not sure. Forseti said it didn't matter, so... Northwest?" Link vaulted over the railing and knelt down. He eventually came to sit with his back to the wall, hand on his knee and breathing kind of hard. Navi followed him and hovered just in front of him. "Hey, you okay?"

"Just a little tired... Three hard fights in a row... It isn't easy, even for me." He looked to the three lit torches of red, blue and green. "One more, and we can go down to the last shadow of the temple."

"You have been pushing it with all that fire magic... How are you doing?"

"About a quarter. I used more for the swing than I did for the cyclone... So not good." He thought for a moment. "The fourth spirit should have something to do with the ground, right? Ignis was fire, and she used it frequently, Nixie was water, and it was everywhere. Then Forseti used copious amounts of wind, so whoever the fourth one is, we're bound to see rocks and dirt as our environment, right?"

Navi nodded. "Or sand. It's still ground, just... really small and fine grains of it."

"Or crystals. It's just a mix of various minerals, right?"

"How about gems? Those are precious minerals, so maybe he's the spirit of wealth here? Like Forseti is with knowledge?"

"Possibly... What about Ignis and Nixie? What do they deal with?" Navi pondered some more. "Maybe Ignis deals with emotion, and Nixie deals with relaxation?"

"What if Ignis was willpower and Nixie was freewill?"

Link shook his head. "They're kind of opposites, right? One would be the power to refuse outside forces, and the other would be strengthening one's own choices." He thought a moment more. "Which works, since fire and water are opposites in nature."

"See?" Navi smiled.

"But it's too late to ask them." He stood up and dusted himself off. "Northwest door it is." Link started walking toward the chosen door and stopped when he stood before it. "If he can already tell we're inside, then he must feel vibrations through the ground... I bet bombs would work well here..." He opened the door and stepped into the room beyond.



As soon as he crossed the threshold, Link saw piles of rocks scattered about the room. Some in random pile, others in neat, flat stacks. But the major thing he saw was... "Sand... It's everywhere..."

"Get used to it, you'll be here a while..." Navi said.

Link nodded his head and closed the door behind him. From the stone step, he walked onto the sand, and as soon as he made contact, a light rumble was felt. Immediately, a figure that looked to be made of sand sprung up from the field. Most of the sand fell off, but some still remained, like a suit.

Sand, huh... He drew his sword and shield in time to block a blast from the shadow, who thrust its palm toward him. Link bashed the blast away and advanced swiftly. The shadow threw blast after blast of sand at Link, who clearly knew how to deal with them. When he got close enough, he used his shield to bash at the shadow's body directly, but it was blocked by a sand wall. "A barrier?" He slashed at it, and to his surprise somehow, it cleaved the barrier in two.

As a result, the shadow collapsed into sand and vanished beneath the dunes. Link looked around and saw shifting movement beneath the surface. Carefully eyeing the movements, he stowed his shield. Soon as he let go, a dozed sand clones popped up out of the floor and just looked at him. Link met the gaze of each one as hie turned to count them.

There's quite a few of them...]/i] he thought, gripping the Master Sword's handle tighter, and with both hands. Without warning, the lot of them all jumped at him. Link did his best to fend them all off, but he soon found that with each one he cut through, another or more would rise to take its place. This isn't going anywhere... he surmised. Link returned the sword to just his left and held it behind him. As quick as he could, he charged the blade with magic and spun in circles, sending magic in a single big, blue wave in all directions. Only a second passed, and when he finished, he hunched over, placing a hand on his knee and drawing a heavy breath. "Where are you..." he asked.

Link felt his ankles tighten. He looked down and saw that sand had wrapped around and started squeezing. It had started pulling him into the hallway at great speed. In the room at the other end, he saw a massive boulder erupt from the ground. Quickly, Link raised the Master Sword over his head and cut straight down, sending one wave of energy through the rock, dividing it cleanly in two. When his boots hit the boulder's bottom, he was flung forward into a roll. After stopping himself, he hopped to his feet in time to see the shadow pony standing, balancing on the two split pieces of boulder, shaking its head.

It hopped up and dove into the boulder where it broke. The sand in this room flashed into sandstone. The shadow popped out of the stone fully armored in the new material. "What now?" he complained. Link gained his footing on the solid surface. "At least I can grip the floor now." The armored shadow dashed toward Link, who sheathed his sword and put both hands out.

The shadow collided with his outstretched hands and pushed Link back. Link dug his heels into the sandstone and stopped the charge. Can't use much more magic, or I'll be drained more than what's comfortable. Link stepped forward and picked up the shadow. He heaved it over his shoulder and turned into it, slamming it against the ground. Then he got up and gave the shadow a good old toss across the room.

Instead of an impact, the shadow slipped into the ground like a water droplet into a pond. Link looked around again, hands raised. The shadow popped out of the ground aiming a punch to Link's jaw. All he could do was lean back away from it. The shadow threw the punch with enough momentum to be disconnected from the ground below. Link reared his left hand back and charged up with fire magic.

With one move, he thrust his opened palm at the armored shadow, releasing the explosion at point blank range, exploding the solid armor and sending sand chunks every which way. It was so strong of an explosion, Link was knocked clean off his feet backward. When he got up, the shadow was still stunned. Link ran over to it with his sword drawn and impaled the shadow through the chest. Then, he twisted the blade to vertical and swung up, splitting the upper body of the shadow in half.

It crumbled to the floor in a dark mess. Link dropped his sword and fell to his knees. "Link! you seriously need to give your magic a break!"

Link breathed heavily. "Yeah, I know... But these four were very strong. Especially this one."

"You honor me," a gravely voice called out. A burly stallion stepped onto the sandstone and turned it into a decorated tiled floor.

Link tried to stand with the use of the Master Sword, but even that felt heavy at this point. After struggling to his feet, he looked at the literal earth pony. "Glad to help, even if it exhausted me."

The stallion looked for moment at Link before replying. "I light torch."


"I am Tsuchi. Temple's Earth Spirit." Link nodded. "You follow me."

Link hobbled after the stallion back to the main room...


The earth spirit conjured a brown flame and lit the last of the four torches. Just as he was watching, the central square of the flooring sprung up from the ground, revealing a place to stand inside it. "Well, ain't that neat?"

Nixie flowed up from the floor. "It sure is~ We usually leave the elevator open, but when the shadows came, we had to keep it safe. Lot of good it did."

Ignis appeared from a ball of flame. "It's hardly your fault, Nixie. They were basically made to be better than us in every way."

Link interrupted. "But only just enough. He didn't count on someone stronger coming by. Why waste the magic on impossibly strong creatures when just barely stronger ones will do?"

Forseti nodded. "He makes a valid point. Perhaps the shadow was expecting a newcomer, and set them to be strong enough to pose a challenge, but not be too strong. Perhaps the shadow wishes to bring our savior down itself?"

"That won't happen," Link refused. "He'll get what's coming, I promise."

"I doubt that, looking at you." Forseti took notice of Link's various cuts and scrapes, as well as the minor tears to his golden tunic and tan pants. "You've been through an inferno, a flood, a tornado and a landslide. Not only does your outfit need hemming, your magic as low as it is needs replenishing, too."

Link shook his head. "I'll be fine, Forseti."

Ignis interjected. "No, you actually won't, kid. And even if you think you can, we tried and failed, at our best. Anything less than your best will just fizzle out."

Link sighed. "Well, it's not like I can regain magic just like that. I don't have that ability."

Nixie asked, "Why not? We do. All the time."

"Do what?"

"Regain magic, silly. Whatever we spend, we can get back just as easily." Nixie swam around him. "But, I guess you can't, huh... That's a bummer..."

Tsuchi finally spoke. "You are unskilled."

Ignis gave him a solid punch in the shoulder. "See? Even he understands it." She hovered over to Link. "Look, I'll tell you what: You have fire magic in you, I can tell. Give me that limb of yours." She held out her hoof to him.

Link took her hoof and it felt warm. "Okay, what now?"

"Okay, now close your eyes and try to sense the magic around you, kid." She closed her eyes first, then Link followed. She barely moved, but Link could tell he was regaining magic. "You feel that?"

"I'm feeling a warm spot."

"Good, then it's working." She waited for a while and only released his hand when she felt his magic was full. "There, should be good to go now."

Link felt his magic at full power. "Yeah, I feel great."

Navi flew beside him and looked at Ignis. "How'd you do that, anyway? We tried something similar a long time ago, but it didn't work."

"Well... I gave you some of my magic, and replenished my own the way we know how to. It's not a big deal, really."

Forseti patted Link on the shoulder. "Now go, warrior. Your next foe awaits. And be warned; he will grant you no quarter."

Link stepped onto the elevator and turned to face the four of them. "I'm ready... Let's do this."

The four spirits faded from sight. The elevator descended into the ground and below to the basement. Link waited patiently for it to stop. When it fell far enough, he found a large circular room with a hallway leading to a massive door. He approached it and looked at it carefully.

"Through there. And it's got all four symbols lit up." Link put his hands on the doors and pushed them open...


Shadow of the Past

The inside of the room was also circular, only far more adorned with elemental symbols and nature aspects. There was a flowy waterfall that came from the far wall that crashed down upon a rock bed that streamed through the rest of the room through a series of turns. A slew of torches were lit around the room, and each one was decorated with a ring of shells. A slight breeze was also prominent through the room. Upon inspection, there seemed to be vents opened at the top of the room. In the center, stood an altar with the four symbols in a circle on the ground.

Link approached the circle and looked down at it. "I got a baaaad feeling about this, Link..." Navi warned.

"Yeah, me too." He took another glance around the room. "What am I looking for? I don't know what's out of place."

A shadowy figure crawled up from the grassy floor and beamed its red eyes at Link. In a low growl, it gnashed its teeth at him, hunched low and flared its wings and horn, enveloping both in a dark aura.

"Right. That." Link turned to face it and drew his sword. From the corner of his eye, Link noticed several others crawl out of the wall, waters and rocks all around him. As he turned to face each one, he knew he was in for a hard fight. He stood upright and tilted his head up with a smile.

Two leapt at him from behind. Link twirled around and cleaved both in half before skewering a third. Another pair lunged at him from above. Link dove forward and turned to stand. Leaping back, he released a wave at the two, dispelling them rather quickly. Another glance around him revealed that with each one he cut, another would take its place.

Not giving me more, but breaking even. A replication spell? As Link plowed through these 1-hit shadows, he took note of who stayed the farthest away and which of them attacked how. There were some groups of three or four that swooped down at him from above, and some others that fired off beams of darkness at him. But none of them did both. Hmm, he thought. Maybe the real one ain't here... Deciding to save his strength and magic, he stuck to only cutting through the army one at a time.

Every once in a while, Link would receive an attack that hit harder than the others, or deflect a spell that was stronger than normal. He kept track of it, and waited. When he saw that shadow was ready to attack, instead of dodging, which he would have done normally since each time it attacked, it was accompanied by a weaker unit, he directed his focus to the stronger one and slashed at it. "There!"

The stronger alicorn flinched and took the hit square on, sliding back against the grass. Half of the copies vanished immediately. But not the one that Link was attacked by, and it successfully landed a telling blow against his midsection.

As Link knelt in pain, he looked at the alicorn he had struck so true. It was standing tall, almost grinning. It walked forward. "Give my friend back, monster."

Without moving its mouth, it answered. "You don't even know who it is or why I have her. What makes you think you deserve her freedom?"

Link looked surprised that it could communicate. "That doesn't matter. I will take her back and you can't stop me." Link struggled to his feet and readied himself.

"Boy, you are just as foolish as you were back then. Willing to throw yourself into danger if it meant somepony else could survive. That has ever been your driving force, and today, it shall be your last heroic act." Behind him, in the center of the four symbols, another chamber rose. Within it hung an imprisoned Fluttershy, suspended in midair, incapable of escaping on her own.

"Fluttershy?! You did all this for Fluttershy?" Link took a step forward.

"That is the look I pine for. But you are not ready yet, to face me truly. Come, boy. Prove you are worth my time." With that, the shadow dashed forward, wings out.

Link charged ahead, shield raised. He bashed his shield into the alicorn and watched as it tumbled back. The other shadows all jumped on him. They surrounded him and started pummeling down on him. Link erupted into a ball of fire, burning away the doppelgangers. But as the original was still alive, those ones returned through the various surfaces in the room. "There's just no end to these guys."

"Focus on the main one. That's what matters," Navi said. "We can worry about Fluttershy afterward."

Link nodded and swung at the alicorn before him. The alicorn raised a barrier and blocked the shot entirely. Link tried again, the opposite way and cracked a grin when the shield started to wear down. not very strong, this pony. Link charged his sword up with magic and dashed in on the shadow. As the two engaged in swings and misses, Link goaded him into a corner, where he drove his blade into the wall and cut sideways through the nearby waterfall.

He received a solid punch across his jaw and tumbled to the ground. "That can't be all you have, swordsman." The alicorn paused. "Surely your seven years of being gone were spent better than this?"

Link got to his feet. "Keep mocking me. Maybe you'll find a good quip on the grass next to your teeth."

"Ohoho, scathing." The alicorn charged up his horn and fired at Link. Link split the beam in half and sent his own wave down the line at the shadow. His hit it straight on, knocking it off its hooves and dispelling the rest of the shadow clones.

Link dashed forward with another shield bash, knocking the alicorn to the ground. He leapt up and brought his blade down into the phantom, finishing it off.


Defeated, the shadow writhed across the grass, leaking black goop everywhere that dissolved on contact. The room itself seemed to be getting brighter. When the alicorn finally stopped, it rose into the air. "Hey, kid... You did alright, for someone who's been gone seven years. But against my old self, I'd be pretty disappointed if you died that easily."

Link looked around. "Where are you?!" he shouted. "Come out and fight!" he demanded, brandishing his Master Sword in varying directions.

"In time, you will come to me. And when you do, I so hope you make it more entertaining than this shell of a being has. What a pitiful creature..." The shadow was hovered to the doorway to the room and had its body collapsed in several places before seeping through the ceiling. "It served its purpose well."

Link looked back at Fluttershy in the center of the room. The binds that held her had dispersed and she lay in a heap on the stone flooring. He ran over to her and held her up on his leg.

When she opened her eyes, the first thing she said was, "Link! You're okay!" She reached up and gave him a big hug.

Behind them, the four spirits gathered in the room. Forseti applauded, "Well done, Link. We knew you were capable of such."

Ignis harumphed. "Wouldn't be much of a hero if you failed. Nice work, kid."

Link looked back at them. "The shadow alicorn is gone from your temple. Is there anything else you wish of me?"

"Nope, we're good~" Nixie replied. "We'll take the restoration of our temple from here."

A shining green circle appeared on the grass. "What's that?"

"Is not us," Tsuchi blunted.

Fluttershy struggled to her hooves and walked over to it. "It feels familiar..." She turned to Link. "Come on, Link. It's going to be alright. I can tell."

Link stood up, sheathed his sword and shield, and walked with her into the ring of light.

Ignis grinned and hovered over to him. "We know he wasn't the real one. But I bet you're out to get him. When you find him, you make him pay for all this, you hear?"

"You got it. Thanks for your help." Link and Fluttershy rose into the air together, enveloped in a verdant glow and vanished into thin air.

Chapter 58: The Awakening: Sage of Nature

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Link descended within the shining light and landed safely on the platform in the center of the Chamber of the Sages. He looked around for Starswirl, or even Fluttershy, but found neither. "Hmm..." he murmured. From the corner of his eye, he saw a bright green light emanate from the same colored platform. "Oh?"

Fluttershy rose from its center and looked around once she stood still. She didn't appear to be nervous, or scared, or even worried, which was new for him to witness. "Link," she said, "you really grew up in the past seven years, huh..."

"Yeah, all in a matter of minutes. For me, anyway. 7 whole years passed while I was trapped inside this room, and I'm not all that thrilled about that." He drew the Master Sword and held it in front of him, looking down at the blade he held in his right hand. "This sword here transported me to the Chamber we're in, and I was locked here for the 7 years you know me to be gone for."

Fluttershy listened to his part of the story. "I didn't even know you left, to be honest. I wasn't around." She glanced to the other platforms. "Maybe if I was... I don't know..." She sighed.

"Don't tell me anything about what happens after I get back, or even about what I do until I disappear for good. I don't need to know." He looked straight on at her while he stowed his sword. "What I want to know is how you all got caught."

"Okay," she said, taking a breath. "We... our friends... Uhh, the shadow pony you fought in the Nature Temple came for us in Ponyville. We weren't as prepared as we should have been, and he captured all of us. We tried to fight, but he was just too strong. There was nothing we could do. Note even the Elements of Harmony were any match." She directed her attention to her Element that she wore around her neck - that Link didn't even notice until she pointed it out - and sighed once more. "But, there is one thing more I can tell you. Our friends are the other Sages."

"I kinda figured that one out." He looked to the platform she stood on. "So that would make you the..."

"The Sage of Nature," Fluttershy finished for him. "Fully realized, thanks to you and your efforts. You defeated the evil in the Temple of Nature and freed me. I thank you." She looked at her platform, then at him again. "There is something I want to give you." She tapped her Element with a hoof. "A power I've been holding in reserve for this very moment."

"You want to give me your Element?"

"Well, sort of... It's more like... It's built up a power of mine and I can give it to you." She stood up straight, then hovered into the air. Her body became outlined by a light green energy. It spun around her and concentrated on the butterfly of her Element. Once it was condensed enough, it fired off a ball and flew into Link's outstretched palm. The magic ball spread throughout his entire body. Unlike the Great Fairy's gift of fire, he was not blessed with the information needed to wield it.

Link felt it warm his body before returning it to normal. "And what does it do?" he asked. When he looked at Fluttershy, he could see a yellow swirl mixed with light green bordering her. She had already landed on her platform. "Huh?"

Fluttershy smiled at him. "I just gave the power of Nature to you." Seeing a modicum of confusion on his face, she elaborated. "Do you recall when Rainbow competed to be the Best Young Flyer? " He nodded. "Well, do you remember when I made a mention of one of the other entrants being nice?"


"Well, I had used magic perception to know it. Most pegasi can sense another's magic inherently. It's made them capable of flying in so tight a formation when they need to without turning their heads to see or straining their ears to hear."

"And I can do that now too? See another's personal magic? Like, the kind that they're made of?" Fluttershy nodded. "Can I turn it off?"

"With practice, this power can do much for you. But eventually, you should work towards full mastery of this power. So much so that you could use it in your sleep." She waited a moment. "Keep in mind that while magic gave you this power, it is not a spell itself. It is a natural ability you now possess."

Link looked at her some more and blinked a few times. "Okay, so I have to train this power. Right, the other guy said that he gave me a power of his. He said his power allowed me to have stronger magic while being more cost efficient. His power became a natural part of me, too. So I am led to believe that our friends - the other Sages - will have powers they grant me as well."

Fluttershy looked slightly worried at that. "Y-yes, that's right."

"A bonus, then, because I was already going to save them. If that is their thanks, then I accept." He gave a bow to her. "You have my word, our friends will be freed."

"I trust you," Fluttershy replied with a smile.

"What happens to you now?" Link asked.

"Now, I wait for the moment we seal the darkness, but that day is both near and very far. I know you can do it, Link."

He nodded at that and shuffled the shield on his back. "You bet I can. Count on it." A shining blue light came from the platform under his feet and teleported him back out of the Chamber of Sages and onto the stone platform just outside the Temple of Nature.

Emmy was perched atop a nearby stump humming her favorite melody while swaying in the light breeze. The sword he let her borrow was leaning up beside her. She stopped humming when he approached her. "Hey there, you." She looked up at the temple's entrance. "I knew you were the right guy for the job, Link. I can feel the temple's magic return to what it was."

"So you guys are good now, right?" Emmy nodded. "Hang on a sec... If the Temple of Nature is what kept you guys young, and that magic got blanketed 7 years ago... How come they were all still children?"

Emmy's expression turned straight into concentration. "Because the ... the magic that keeps them young is still going on!"

"But how?"

"The Great Forest Treant!"

"We watched it wither," Navi said.

"You watched the parent wither. There's gotta be a seedling there somewhere that's carried on the duty. We have to find it" She started walking quickly down the path. "Actually, if we could take just one small detour... There's something I'm sure will be of incalculable value to you."

Link nodded, picked up his loaner sword and followed close behind. What could be so valuable to me that it can't be described? I'll find out when I get there.

Chapter 59: The Forgotten History, Revealed

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Link and Emmy walked all the way back through the Lost Woods and to the house of the acting boss. Along the way, Link practiced turning off and on his new power of magic sight. When the two got to the house, the former stepped in first and saw the filly sitting at the end of the long table, alone. Everypony else had gone about their day. "Welcome, friend."

"The temple is safe again," Link assured. "Why did Emmy say that magic wouldn't work near there?" he asked. "I mean, Equestrian magic."

"Because we tried. We tried to fly near it, but we couldn't. We couldn't teleport in, either. Simple as that. Why?"

Link took a breath. "No reason in particular, but I was able to use all the magic I wanted. No restraint."

Emmy laughed. "Did I not tell you he was perfect for the job? Eh? Eh?" She started nudging his hip to hype him up some. "Link is the best there is, and he's our good friend. He should really be given access to the store, right? Buy some stuff for the long road?"

The acting boss sighed. "You really want to give him that access? Fine. He can. But, he would have to trade something of equal value, or provide proof of worth."

"I saved your village. How much can I get for that?" Link asked, crossing his arms.

"Quite a lot. Maybe you should go looking for yourself." The acting boss gave a sly smile. "Go on, hero. Go get your new toys from the shop."

Link and Emmy walked out of the house and spied the shop from his memories. He approached and looked up at the balcony. "Wouldn't somepony need to be up there? Watching over the village?"

"Boss lady does that when the actual boss is around."

"And where did he go, anyway?" Link asked, looking over at Emmy.

Emmy gave it some thought. "I think... he's at home. See, when he refused to accept my return, he put it to a vote and said that if the majority of the town was okay with my return, he'd step down from office. Well, I'm here and he's not. But the village was up in the air about who to vote in for the next boss, or even if we should, since my stay isn't permanent. So we appointed an acting boss for as long as he is on leave."

Link raised his eyebrows. "Ah, that's... one way to do it." He walked into the store and looked at his new surroundings.

The inside was just as cavernous as he remembered it to be. There was a log table with a pair of benches. A familiar unicorn colt gave a simple wave to Link while he was sitting at the table. Some stumps were next to a side table with a hole leading to the entrance to the Great Forest Treant and the store shelves. The shelves had seeds and sticks of all sizes and in varying quantities. The same chunks of wood were piled along the right wall this time, just beside the hole in the wall, and in neater stacks. The jars of herbs were still on the counter. Two candles were lit on the counter. There was also a bag of seeds just off to the side with a number 30 written on a tag. Link looked more closely at the colt behind the counter. "Hey there." Link offered a small wave.

"Hi yourself, tall guy." The colt hopped up on the counter to get eye-level with Link. "Really tall guy. What you want?"

"I want to know what you got for sale."

"Can't sell to you. You did nothing worth my wares."

"Boy, I saved your village. The temple in the forest is safe now, and you're welcome," Link dropped.

"What you did?" the colt asked for clarification looking at Emmy.

"Yep. He sure did. He saved us, so at least tell him what you have," Emmy responded.

"Hmm..." The colt's head twisted about the various things in the room. "I got you sticks. I got you seeds. Fancy seeds. Do good things with seeds and sticks." The colt gave a pause. "Not much else, though. Mostly those two."

"Seeds and sticks, eh? What do the seeds do?" Link asked, eyeing the bag marked 30.

"Seeds grow, make food and full bellies too. May you cook or plant them. Maybe throw them. Maybe give them. Many things done with my seeds."

Link pointed at the bag of 30. "And which is that?"

"That is bag of throw seeds." The colt hopped down and hefted the small bag of seeds to the counter with a clatter. "These seeds are flashy seeds. They flash bright when struck against something. I show!" He reached behind the counter and pulled out a seed just big enough to hold in his tiny hoof and chucked it against the far wall. It erupted in a brilliant flash of light. "See?" The colt made several repeated gestured with his forelegs toward the impact spot.

Link had shaken off the blinding flash that resulted from the toss. "I'll take it."

"Take? No, I give." He pushed the bag toward Link. "For save the village. Is yours." The colt wore a big smile as if he'd grown them himself and sold them for the first time.

Link looked at the 30 on the tag. "And what of the tag?"

"That is number inside the bag. 30 throws of flashy seeds, come back for refill. I have best seeds."

"Alright." Link took the bag and put the whole thing in his pouch.

"Oooooh," the colt said, hopping on the counter, but laying down to see the pouch. "What's this?" he asked curiously.

"Personal storage. Thank you for the seeds."

"You welcome and welcome any time, yes." The colt waved goodbye as Link and Emmy left the store.

Out of earshot, Link hunched over. "He reminds me of Pinkie Pie, and she's exhausting enough."

Emmy laughed. "Well, enjoy those seeds. They may not grow on trees, but there's enough of them here to keep you well stocked." They went on their way to the Great Forest Treant's remains.


They arrived at the withered tree, with its mouth still opened from the time he went in as a kid. But there was something new. A sapling had broken ground near the base of the tree. Just a stem and two leaves, but they were green with life. Link approached carefully and looked down at the sapling. Then he tried to look with his new power at the ground and saw a line of magic running from the bottom of the tree to the sapling, where it balled up.

The sapling shot out of the ground and flung Link back so hard he flew off his feet. He looked up at the bulbous sprout that emerged from the ground. "You scared me," he said, turning off his sight.

"I did? Ah, My apologies, friend." It saw Emmy with its black eyes and said, "Child of the forest is here too? Happy to see you."

"Emmy, you know this thing?"

"Sure, I guess. It's got the same magic as the Treant, so it's probably its next life." She walked up to it. "Great Treant Sprout, I'd say."

"I like that name," it admitted. "You, friend." Clearly addressing Link. "You saved the village, yes? For that I thank you."

"Just doing what I had to, you know. Nothing special," he tried.

"You're more special than you think you are. After all, it took a great power to even bring you here from Hyrule."

Link's eyes opened wide. "You know where I'm from?"

"I do. Because I am linked to the Great Trees across different worlds. Yours included. Though there, I'm the Great Deku Tree. And I watch over a forest not unlike this one." The sprout paused. "I even know what happened as to the reason you are here. Would you like to hear it?"

"Absolutely," Link replied immediately. He shifted to sitting properly and listened intently.

"Okay, well, for starters, you're from Hyrule. You knew that. As to the how, it is due to the magic inside your Great Deku Tree. It cast you through a rift in space and brought you to Equestria. As for the why..." It paused again. "When you were sent here, it was during a war in your world. Between the desert thieves and the kingdom of Hyrule's royalty. It spanned the field, so your mother and father took you deep into the woods, at great risk to their lives, and willingly gave you to my counterpart."

Navi flew in front of Link. "Actually, now that you know this... I believe you're ready to hear the words they left with me to give you when you were ready to hear them."

Link narrowed his eyes at Navi. "You knew my parents?"

"Yes and no... I only interacted with them for a brief moment. But I remember them, yes." She cleared her throat. "Are you ready to hear their words?" Link nodded. "Okay then. Your mother wanted to apologize for bringing you into a world at war. And she is sorry for not being able to stay a family for very long. Even so, she made sure to say that she loves you no matter where you go. She said she wants you to eat healthy and make friends, and be kind. Even to the less deserving.

"Your father also had words. He said he loves you too. And it was for that reason that he agreed to send you away. He says that if there are friends who stand behind you, be the shield that protects them. If you gain allies that stand at your side, give them your respect. And for those who dare oppose you, that you grant them no quarter. For those that seek your guidance, speak well. To those that ask for mercy, grant it. And though he had no idea where you were off to, he said he'd always be right here." She flew forward and tapped his heart.

Link looked down at the spot she tapped. "Huh..." A moment of quiet. "And is that all they said?" Navi nodded. "What happened to them after?"

"I don't know what happened to your father," the sapling answered, "but your mother tried to escape the forest, and... well, she got lost. She never made it out. So she wandered the forest for the rest of her life."

"She walked aimlessly to the ends of her life huh?" he said so plainly it was almost concerning. "And my father's an unknown."

Navi nodded. "And then we were sent to Twilight's room at the castle. And the rest is history."

"Sure, but it's not everything. Come back again, and I will tell you another story," the sapling offered. "When you are ready to hear it."

Link stood and looked to the exit, then at Emmy. "When I'm ready... I might... take a while."

"Hey, you alright?" Emmy asked, looking concerned.

"Yeah, I'm good. Could you give me a lift back to Ponyville? It's a long walk."

Emmy hovered next to him. "We need to teach you how to teleport."

"It's on my to-do list," he added, holding out his hand. "Next to the fountain in the center if you could."

"I'll do my best." She took his hand and vanished with him and Navi, reappearing next to the fountain. "Tell you what, give me a song whenever you wanna talk, okay?"

Link nodded. "You got it." He watched her vanish. Link looked at his surroundings and saw many of the ponies scrambling for one thing or another. "Eh?" Link walked to Town Hall and found Angel Bless at her desk with the strong smell of coffee in the air. "You've been awake a while I take it?"

"Link! You're back at just the perfect time, I tell you what." Angel Bless got up from her desk and walked over to him, looking him over. "Your outfit could use a mending... But that's not important right now. We've got a problem."

"What is it this time?" he asked. "What can I do to help?"

Chapter 60: The Soldier's Return

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Link had just offered his services to the acting leader of the outpost known as Ponyville. Angel Bless had many empty cups around her paperwork on her desk. "What can you do for us? That is what you ask?" Angel began. "What you can do, is tell me what happened to that set of bandits you were supposed to rout a few days ago. Sure, you took their weapons, but did you let them go, or did you finish them off?" She waited not so patiently for his response. "Well?"

"I let them live. I'm not in the business of killing ponies, even if they're misguided." He folded his arms.

"'Misguided'? They do work for the throne of evil, in case you forgot. And it is those same bandits that now threaten our village walls. Because you let them go, they're back." She returned to her seat and groaned with effort. "You're a headache, you know?"

"Yeah, I get that. But at least I'm not sorry. Besides, with them still alive, they're in danger." She looked up from her desk in confusion. "Ah, you're not sure what I mean." Link began to pace back and forth in font of her desk. "See, they work for Ganondorf. This is known. He gave them weapons," he stopped to point factually, "also known." Link started walking again. "Suppose they went back to him and cried timberwolf. What kind of deal do you think he made them that they'd be risking themselves to barrage your walls with this much effort, little though it seems?"

Angel began thinking out loud. "Well, he may have threatened them with their lives if they didn't get their weapons back." She looked up again at him. "So, what, then? We give them their weapons and they're saved?"

"Yes and no." Another confused look. "Okay, so here's the thing: I didn't expect Ganondorf to show any kind of mercy. Doesn't seem his style, from the little I know of him. So likely, if they return with these weapons, he'd just punish them for losing them in the first place, and they'd lose the weapons all over again, and quite possibly take it out on what little is left of this place. And between you and me, that doesn't seem pleasant, no matter how you slice it." Angel nodded her head in agreement. "So if I'm allowed to make this suggestion: give me a chance to bargain with them. Let them know that they have a safe place here. That they don't have to fight to survive. As long as they help out, they can have a life freely. And who knows? They might actually like being on the right side of this war."

"Wait wait, let them stay? You can't be serious." Angel looked almost upset. "You are, aren't you? What could they add that would be worthwhile?"

Link sat at the desk. "There's a swordsman. He might not be all that skilled in its use, but I saw him sharpening his sword, and he was doing it well. They have an archer as well. Good shot, almost got me from 20 yards away. They've also got a speedy type. A pegasus that can use daggers. Probably real good at sneaking in and out of places. There's a unicorn, and the only thing I've seen from them is that they can intercept blasts. The spear user has an interesting accent, but from what I gather, they're perceptive. Not enough to catch me, but they've got good eyes. And their leader. He's, uh... handy with a whip. Of all those, he was the only one with a magical item. I'm sure they can prove themselves worthy of staying - and maybe eventually defending - this place."

Angel took several slow breaths before replying. "You want to negotiate? Fine. I'll give you this chance. If only to see how far you go. But if you come back and tell me they've no interest, then we will go on the offensive."

"Why haven't you, if you don't mind my asking? I mean, if you could, wouldn't you have already?"

"We don't know where they are out there. The blasts are coming from more sides than we have archers to see them." She saw Link stand up and head for the door. "What?"

"I believe I can at the very least lure them out. But don't fire upon them unless they give you a reason to, if you please. In fact, it might do well to keep the main gate open." He walked out of the building and left the door wide open. "But I really don't think there's gonna be a need for that." He continued to the main gate that exited toward the woods.

Angel ran out and made contact with the scout leader up on the wall. There, she made the plan known to him. He nodded wordlessly and opened the gate for Link to walk out. The gate stayed open, just as Link requested. Angel returned to the entrance of the gate in plain view to watch it all unfold.

Navi asked, from his hat, "You think she would have let you negotiate if you didn't basically tell her to?"

"Not a chance. But less bloodshed, the better, right? Save as many as I can. To restore Ponyville to what I remember it being, seven years ago."

Navi hummed at his answer and stayed hidden.

Just as he walked a set distance away from the gate, the magic blasts stopped. After several minutes, a pair of ponies came out from the cover of nearby debris. A pair of black-hooded ponies came walking closer to him, stopping about ten feet away. Link stopped and didn't say a word. The pony to his right still had their hood up, but their horn was still glowing crimson. The fellow on his left was without his hood, and revealed himself to be the stallion in charge of their group. "Our king doesn't believe we should engage you in combat."

"Okay, that's good news already. Why do you fire upon my home, if you don't mean to fight me?" He sounded genuinely curious.

"You have our weapons," he replied. "Weapons we need."

"I told you, I confiscated them. For your own safety, trust me."

"We don't trust you with anything, let alone our safety. We come seeking to take them back. By force if we must." He looked at the unicorn, who lowered their head readying a spell.

"I wouldn't do that." He looked intensely at the unicorn. "I'm here to negotiate. And you see them up there?" He pointed behind him to the guards on the wall with bows trained on them. "They don't care about hitting me as long as they get you too. So let's all just calm down, and hear what I have to say, yes? Yes."

The stallion raised his hoof at his attendant. "Fine. What is it you want to negotiate?"

"Well, the return of your weapons." The pair looked confused. "I've gotten that a lot today, huh. Well, it's like this: I have some of your weapons. Your spear, and your daggers. You likely still have the broken sword, though it's probably fixed by now, and the broken whip. Also likely fixed. And your injured archer friend isn't doing too bad, I bet."

"They're doing just fine. Still mending up. You shot them through the wing. That's a terrible thing to do to a pegasus."

"They shot first, but that's not what I wanna talk to you about. The leader," he pointed again behind himself to the pony standing in the open gateway, "gave me permission to come out here and make you a deal of some kind. Come stay with us. Help us rebuild. Live a life you can be proud of again. I am almost willing to bet that The Fall left you folks with little in the way of safety, so you picked a side and here's where it got you. But stay with us, and help us, you can have your freedom. Freedom from the king who, by the way, killed the princesses those seven years ago."

The two looked at each other. He looked back at Link. "I ain't giving you any answer right away, I hope you know. But I will say we'll talk about it. Nothing's impossible, right?"

"Right. Just talk it over, I'll even give you a few days. Say... Meet back here Tuesday morning with a response. About noonish. And bring your crew. Whichever your answer."

The stallion gave a nod and turned his back, as did the unicorn, who fired up their horn. "So you know," he began, "just because we lost to you once, don't think you've beaten us completely. We still want our rematch."

"Maybe if you agree to join us, I can run you through some drills." The stallion huffed and vanished with the unicorn's teleport skill.

"Just like that, they're gone," Navi noted. "Let's go back and tell her what happened."

Link returned with Navi to Angel, who still stood in the gateway. "How'd it go? What'd they say?"

The gate closed as Link and Navi walked with Angel back to her desk, talking all the way as they enjoyed the silence of no more attacks. "I'd say it went well. The leader, at least that's what he appears to be, agreed to mull it over for a few days with his pals. Told him to come back on Tuesday about noon to give his answer, good or bad."

"All that, and you came up wit hit on the spot. For your sake and ours, I hope they respond favorably." They all return to her room at Town Hall. "So did you rescue your friend? What's next for you?"

"Yeah, I got her freed. As for what's next, I need to return home. And that means being unavailable for the next few days. I should be back either Monday night or real early Tuesday morning. If that's alright."

"That should be fine," Angel admitted. "It's better than what he had, that's for sure."

Link looked at the door. "Oh, before I forget..." He reached into his pouch and produced the bedroll. "I didn't need this. For some reason, I never felt tired enough to fall asleep." Link placed the rolled up blanket against the desk on the floor. "You can have it back."

"I appreciate it, Link. How'd my bow treat you?"

"I appreciate it, greatly. But I am down one arrow. Non-retrievable. Sorry about that."

"Well, it's bound to happen. Ever hear of the Archer's Curse?" Link shook his head. "It's guaranteed to happen. For some reason, there will be an arrow that just can't be found or gotten back. Nopony can explain it, but every archer knows it."

"I'll keep that in mind. Take care of this place. I'll be back." He left the building.

With permission from the gate guard, he left the village and made his practiced way through the woods back to the Castle of the Two Sisters. Down to the Door of Time he walked, where he found Shadow leaning against the doorway. "You... Welcome back."

"Hey. Been waiting long?"

"I've been waiting for 7 years. I'd like to not wait longer, but here we are." Through the near darkness, Link could see Shadow's squinty red eyes.

"Look, I did my best, alright? Kakariko Mura wasn't exactly a stone's throw away. I had to race a ghost for this thing-" Mid-sentence, Link produced the hookshot and waved it around. "-which wasn't easy. I still lost. Then I had to go through the Forest of Nature, or whatever and get to their temple in the jungle and actually, I had to fight some elemental spirits. On top of that shell of an alicorn I found in the woods 7 years ago. Which, come to my understanding, is Ganondorf. I know I'm late, but I'm trying."

Shadow got off the wall and walked toward the pedestal. He stopped part way and turned his head toward Link. "Follow." Link followed him as he continued walking. "You rescued the Sage of Nature, this is true. Her power now flows freely through both you and the Chamber of Sages. But 4 more yet yearn for the same freedom. Your next foe lies in wait within a fiery mountain."

"And which of my friends will it be this time?" Link asked, folding his arms. "Pinkie? Rarity? You seem to know more than you're letting on. Who are you to my past?"

Shadow stopped in front of the Pedestal of Time. He turned to face Link. "I am no one. We never met. You were already gone when I arrived in Ponyville."

Link walked over to the pedestal, uncrossed his arms and drew his Master Sword. "Is that right... Well, whoever you are, I thank you." He readied to place it in its resting spot.

"Hold," Shadow spoke. "There is something I need to bequeath to you." Swiftly, he retrieved his harp.

Slowly, Link set his sword to the side. "What's this then?"

"A song. In case you ever need to return here quickly, this melody will return you to just outside that door there. Now listen closely." Shadow placed the harp in the ready position. He plucked the strings in such a way to produce a rather high-noted song. Link did his best to copy the notes with his ocarina, and did so perfectly. "Wonderful," Shadow praised. "Your skill grows." He pocketed the harp. "Until we meet again." Shadow reached up and slammed down an object that produced a brilliant light. When it dimmed, he was gone.

"He excels at running away," Link admitted. He put away his ocarina and picked up his sword. "Back to the past, I guess..." With one motion, he jabbed the blade into the pedestal.


Link hopped off the pedestal, his body as it was before he ever drew the fabled blade. He gave himself a look-over. "You're back to being a child, Link!" Navi exclaimed.

"So I have... Doesn't feel like I was before..."

"I mean, you had all that extra weight on you. Being a kid again is like shedding all those pounds." Navi flew toward the sword. "And I'm guessing if you draw that again, you'll go back to the future."

Link looked at the sword. "I imagine so." He turned his back to it and started walking out of the grand hall. Soon as he got to the hallway, he stopped and turned his head toward a series of clacking. Ruby was barreling down the hall straight for him.

When she slid to a stop, Ruby had left a little fire trail behind her, "You!"

"Yes, me. What about me?"

"Don't give me that. You disappeared right in front of me. Do you know how long I suspected you died?"

"Hopefully not long." He walked past her and saw the glowing embers of her trail. "Did the rest of you think I died?"

"No," Ruby admitted. "Just me. But you didn't, so what happened?" she asked, following him. "Where did you go?"

Link turned his head to face her. "Come with me back to the library and you can hear all about it when I tell everypony. Okay?"

Ruby huffed, knowing she'd get no better answer than that. Along the way, Link asked her about her fire ability, and whether she'd be able to teach him some stuff. now that he has fire magic. She agreed, and gave him his first lesson of leaving a fire trail.

"But how's that gonna be good in combat?" he asked.

"It doesn't have to help you fight. A fire trail trains you to expel magic from points other than your hands. It's all training to get you ready for the big boy stuff later." Ruby held her head high in pride at having mastered all these things.

"I see." He looked down at his feet. "They're so far from my magic source, it might take some time."

"Maybe, but at least you're talented." Ruby walked with him the rest of the way.


Back at the library, Twilight had set herself down on the comfy chair she reserved for reading with a really good book. .S good, she didn't hear Link open the door.

"That's about what I expected, Twilight," he muttered under his breath. He walked into the room, allowed Ruby to enter and closed the door. Ruby picked a seat on the couch while Link approached Twilight directly. "Nice book. A shame the hero has to die at the end."

"The person may have died, but not as a hero. His allies felt guilt for not protecting him better, and couldn't bring themselves to tell his daughter of their failure. Anypony can succumb to emotion. It's what makes us ponies." Twilight clapped the book closed and set it aside. "But the ending is open to interpretation, and while yours may not be the most popular, it is still a possible outcome."

Link looked around. "How were things while I was gone?"

Twilight blinked a few times, looking him over. "Things were fine. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Just... Hmm..."

Ruby interrupted. "Link said he'd tell us about what happened while he was gone."

"Did he now? Well, don't keep everypony waiting," Twilight replied. She got down from her chair and went to the door. Standing just outside was Emerald and Rainbow. The two let themselves in and found seats after greeting the group. Twilight walked to the stairs. "She's been worried the most about you. She never showed it, but I could tell." Epona came walking down the stairs.

"Link. I knew you were back."

"Probably heard me talking." Epona smiled and looked off to the side. She walked down and sat with the others. "Okay, so here's the thing. That sword I picked up in the castle, the sword of Masters, is a key of some kind. drawing it allows me to zip off to the future. 7 years, actually, to the instant. And that world isn't doing too well. I don't know exactly what happened, but I'm working on it."

"The future? Where am I?" Emmy asked, intrigued.

"You made your way back to your village."

"What about me?" Ruby asked.

"I actually don't know what happens to you. Haven't heard anything about you."

"How about me?" Twilight asked. "What happens to me?"

Link looked at Twilight cautiously. "You?" Twilight nodded once. "You... I don't know. In fact, of everypony I asked, not a single one of them knew your whereabouts."

"That's unsettling. But that's alright. No sense worrying about it, right?"

"That's right. If you act to change it, you'll doom the future I'm going to coming from. So best to go about like normal." Link started for the stairs. "I need to take care of something. Please excuse me."

"Sure. Take all the time you need," Twilight offered.

Link made his way up the stairs and prepared his writing stuff for the twelfth entry in his journal.


August 13
Golden Oaks Library

Having been to the future and back, seeing Ponyville before it becomes an outpost makes me want to try harder.

It was Fluttershy, by the way. The mare in the temple I had to rescue. The temple itself was tough; four hard fights against elemental spirits before a fight with that shadow pony's discarded shell. It was pretty strong, but not strong enough.

Afterward, I received a gift of special sight from Fluttershy. I intend to train it well.

I learned of my true parents. And their sacrifice. Wish I could have met them at least once.

Ponyville Outpost may be getting some new members. I have the chance to welcome them this Tuesday, but I think I'll get there Monday night.


Link finished his writing and set it aside to dry. "That should do it."

"What do we do while we're here?" Navi asked.



Downstairs, Twilight had just watched Link go upstairs. Soon as she heard the door close, she asked the others. "Does he seem alright to you?"

"He seemed a little distracted. Like something was on his mind," Emmy said. "Hmm..."

"He said he didn't know where some of us were in the future... What do you think happens to us?" Ruby asked. "I mean, if anything happened to me, I imagine I'd try and return home, but if I couldn't, then... I don't know... I'd try and go where I was most useful, you know?"

Twilight nodded. "Agreed. But... he hesitated when he admitted he didn't know where I went. Nopony knew..."

Ruby smiled a little. "But at least you're more likely to be found, right? You're his sister after all. Like he'd ever leave you alone for too long."

"Link was in the Royal Guard for many years, and barely wrote. I get the feeling he knows I can handle myself." She looked over to Emmy and Rainbow. "What about you two? Emmy, he said you'd return home. And Rainbow, where would you go?"

"He never said where I went, but something about him is different... I can feel it, but I don't know what it is." Rainbow shrugged. "Oh well. Could be my imagination."

Twilight shrugged. "Maybe... Maybe not. I suppose we'll see." She looked up at the top of the stairs. Just what is going on with you?]


Link spent the next morning trekking through town to a nearby lake with a dock. There, he began to practice the fire technique Ruby had displayed the day before. But whenever he focused, the magic went to his hands instead of his feet. That went on for about an hour, when he finally was able to channel the magic to the soles of his feet. Then, he practiced walking and running around the lake. True to how Ruby had done, he left a fiery boot-print in the sand whenever he stepped.

Triumphant, Link returned to the forest castle, and made his way to Ruby's library. "Hello? Are you there Ruby?"

He had found her at her desk of restoration. She was right in the middle of one of her projects. "Yes? what is it?"

"I mastered the fire step thing you showed me yesterday."

"That quick, huh? You want me to take your word for it, or are you gonna show me?" Link raised his foot and ignited it before stepping down and raising it again. There, in the stone floor, stayed a boot-shaped imprint lit on fire. It burned for a few seconds before fizzling. "Very good. You learn fast. So, wanna know what's next?" Link lowered his foot and nodded. "This next one can work as a barrier, but also as a tool to keep you warm. It's a flame cloak." She stepped down from the desk and walked next to him. "Observe."

Ruby took a breath and focused. Nothing was happening to the naked eye, so Link engaged his new talent of special sight and saw that Ruby had activated her magic, letting it run the full surface of her body in a very thin layer. "Impressive. And you can do this all you want?"

"So long as I maintain fo- ... How do you know what I'm doing?"

"I can basically feel the heat off of you, Ruby. It's hard to miss," he lied.

"Yeah, I guess." She relaxed and dispelled the magic. "Anyway, that's your next test. Learn flame cloak, then come back and see me for more."

Link nodded, thanked her for her help and went on his way, practicing as he left.


He returned to the library an hour and a half later and started looking for where the next temple could be. He knew it had to be in some mountain somewhere. Together with Twilight, he looked for several hours until Twilight found some promising information. "Link, I think I found something." She turned the book toward him and it showed a drawing of a temple surrounded by flowing lava. "It's called the Temple of Temperance. It's located deep within the mountains to the northeast of Canterlot."

"Probably near the mines I went to before. Which means they probably know about it. I'll have to ask them when I get there."

"There wasn't much else I could find about the temples, but I'll keep looking while you're gone if that's alright."

"I would appreciate that. Thank you." Twilight nodded. Link took the book and studied it for a while.


Near the end of the day, Link put his head down on the pillow on his bed. Unable to fall asleep, he sat up to face Twilight. "Mind if I ask you a question, Twilight?"

Twilight, who was almost asleep herself, grumbled and sat upright. "Sure, I guess."

Link looked out the window. "What would you do with the time you spend asleep if you just couldn't fall asleep?"

"Try and fall asleep. For example..." Twilight's head fell upon the pillow once more.

"Ha ha," Link forced a sarcastic chuckle. "No really. Like, let's say a spell was cast on you making it impossible to fall asleep. Oh, and you can't break this spell. What would you do with all that extra time?"

Probably do what I already do. But get real good at it." Soon as she stopped talking, Link began to hear sounds of Twilight being asleep.

I worked so much harder than you, so why can't I sleep?


In the morning, Link opened his eyes to see Twilight standing just over him. The sun had already come up. Link looked around and saw Twilight looking down him him. "Uhh..."

"Morning Link. How'd you sleep?"

"I didn't. Wish I could, but eh. What's up?"

"Really, you can't sleep? Hmm..." She thought. "So you were being serious last night? You really can't fall asleep?"

"That's right," Link admitted, sitting upright.

"Then for a better answer, have you tried to meditate?" Link looked confused. "I'll take that as a 'no'. Meditation is a calm state of mind where thoughts can get organized and the body can rest, even if you can't. With enough training, meditation can be used to exercise your brain in ways that normally require physical effort. Give it a try next time."

Link got out of bed and put his stuff on. "I'll do that."

"But not right now. You and I have stuff to do today."

"We do?"

"Yeah," Twilight said. "We do. But first," she gestured to the bedside table, "breakfast." There, on the table, was a plate of simmered fruit.

Link and Twilight shared the plate of food. "What do we have planned?"

"I'm helping you today. I don't have anything of my own to do, so I thought I'd spend time with you. What did you have planned? I'll join you for it."

Link placed his hand to his chin and finished his bite. "Well, do you know anywhere particularly cold? See, Ruby wants me to try a new way to use my fire magic, and it requires somewhere cold."

"Didn't you go to the north? Pretty cold up there."

"Yeah, but I don't have a good way back, and I doubt you've been there yourself. So teleporting there and back might be too much. How about..."

Twilight interrupted him. "I don have somewhere in mind, but it's also watery. So if you plan on cold, you should also plan on wet."

"I can handle that." Link looked out the window. "Where is it?"

"North Luna Bay."

He looked back at her. "Isn't that where the finish line was for Dash's and Emmy's race?" She nodded her head. "That'll do then."

"Great. Let me go get Spike, and we can be on our way." Twilight took the empty plate downstairs with her and returned with Spike on her back.

"Heard we were going to the beach," Spike noted.

"I'm going there for training, yeah. I imagine the two of you want to explore around a little, yeah?"

Spike looked hopeful at Twilight. "Sure, we can leave you be once we get there." She lifted her bags onto her back with some time-spenders inside. "Got books and bits and some snacks for Spike. Are you ready?"

Link nodded and tightened his belt. "Ready." Navi flew to his shoulder and the four of them vanished by her spell.


They arrived on the shore of their destination. The tide was a little farther in than she expected and landed them in about 3 inches of water. "Well, sorry about that." The four make their way up to dryer land. "What kind of spell is it anyway?"

"Well, it's like a flame cloak. Made to keep me warm without the need to wear the warming clothes for it." He looked out to the water and turned on his special sight. He saw a lot of water, some rocks jutting out of the surface, and an endless expanse of ocean before him. "This'll do nicely." He turned off his sight and looked at Twilight. "I'll be here a while, feel free to meander."

Twilight nodded with a smile and walked off with Spike. Soon as she was gone, Link focused on his training, occasionally looking through his magic sight. Just a few hours in, Link sat on the shore and left his sight on. "Navi, how well do you think I'm doing?"

"I think you're progressing well," she admitted. "Magic control is in top shape."

"I mean about the mission... You know, the main reason I'm out here freezing to death?" He lay back on the gravel-sized beach rocks. "Fluttershy is just one of them. Aj, Dash, Pinkie and Rarity are who's left. I wonder who'd be next? Let's see... Mountain... Fire, volcano, Temple of Temperance... Who would best fit the bill?"

"Applejack, I would think. She's the strongest of them, and she's got a tempered heart, I'd say." Link looked over at her. "Well, it makes sense, right?"

"Yeah, I suppose it-" He stopped short and sat up, turning to face the rock wall behind him. "Navi, you see that?" She turned to see what he saw and found nothing. "There's magic back there... I can see it." He stood up and walked over to the wall. After placing a hand on it, he gauged, "It's not blocked by magic, this rock is real enough. but there's a hollow behind it. And unlike the one at the castle, this one is actually in the wall, not in front of it."

Link backed up away from it and took out a bomb. "You're crazy!"

"With no better ideas, this is what I gotta do." He lit the fuse and lobbed it at the wall, exploding on impact, sending chunks of stone in many directions. "Fire from me wasn't gonna help me here. It's not ice." Link walked forward, turning off his magic sight.

Inside, Link came to a familiar pool of water...

Chapter 61: The Ocean's Sacred Spring

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Link walked into the darkened cave just off the shoreline. Inside, he had to walk around a corner and down a dirt pathway deeper underground. When he got to the bottom, he rounded another corner to the left and saw, just as he'd seen before, a dimly lit room with torches burning green fire. The walls looked like flowing water, but weren't pooling on the floor. Instead, they formed a canal that trailed on into the walls. As Link approached, he felt at ease. "A fountain, like the castle. Let's see... That one gave me fire magic... Wonder what this one gives... Any guesses?"

"I mean," Navi started from his shoulder, "if that one is like this one, then you'll probably get some magic spell, right?" She looked at the water and saw their reflection. "There was one on the mountain too, right?"

Link nodded and stood on the Triforce mark on the raised step. "But that one had red fire torches. These are green. I don't think that's an important distinction, but it could be." He took out his ocarina and played Celestia's Lullaby. "How or why she's all the way out here, I don't know."

Laughter echoed through the chamber. A large womanly figure covered in ivy and donning flowy red hair erupted from the pool. "Greetings, Link. I am the Great Fairy of Magic."

"The same one?" The Great Fairy of Magic nodded. "And how'd you come to be out here? Weren't you just at the castle?"

"I have three fountains around Equestria. This one you've found is only my second." She repositioned herself in midair. "You've come seeking aid, have you?"

"That would be wonderful," Link admitted.

"Before I grant you this, how well have you grown accustomed to fire magic?" She stuck her hand over Link's head and closed her eyes. "Ahh, yes I see. You've enlisted the aid of one Ruby Inferno to teach you ways to utilize your magic."

"She's been a great help so far," Link admitted. "I may not have her versatility, but I'm sure I can work toward it."

The great fairy retracted her hand. "In time, all is possible. Even mastery over this new magic." She summoned a green orb. "This spell is Farore's Wind. It is used to travel short or great distances swiftly, as the wind does." The Great Fairy of Magic passed on the ball of energy to him.

Link braced himself. The magic ball approached him and wrapped around him in a whipping wind. It lifted him off the ground a few inches before setting him down and dispersing. Link took a deep breath.

"I trust you will use it well."

"So I can teleport now?" he asked.

"Yes. Among other things. But you will need to exercise this new power to strengthen it. Just because you know its fundamental use, doesn't mean you are capable of them. When battle has made you weary, come back and see me." She disappeared into the fountain.

"Here or there?" he asked kneeling over the water. Standing up, he answered, "I'm sure either is fine." He looked down at his hands. "Teleport, huh..."

"You okay?" Link shook his head. "Why not?"

"I'm getting stronger, I know, but compared to how easy things are, it doesn't feel like all this strength is necessary, does it? I mean, when am I actually gonna need to teleport? I haven't needed bombs in an encounter in a while, or arrows for that matter. I used them in the spirit fights because they were ranged. Honestly, it feels like I could just use the Master Sword for everything and it'll be alright."

Navi looked over at him. "Well, better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it, right?"

"In a way, I guess... But it would be nice to have a challenge that asks of me all of my skill."

"You may get that eventually." She returned to his shoulder. "Besides, there's still plenty of friends to rescue."

Link left the cave and looked at the sky. "It's about noon now."

"What do you want to do? Train some more or wait for Twilight?"

Link walked to the water's edge and stared out at the ocean. "Maybe some meditating. Like she suggested. What do you think it should be about?"

Navi thought for a moment. "How about some focus training? You have new eyes. Why not train them out to the open water?"

Link looked to the water and took a deep breath. "What would I even find out there?"

"You never know unless you look," Navi said.

With a sigh, Link sat down and focused magic into his eyes. He gazed out upon the water and found that he could only see 50 feet away. "Well, that's something. There's a limited range. Guess I know where to start."

For the next few hours, Link trained his eyes to see farther and farther, and even below the water. When Twilight came back, Link had gotten so good with his eyes, he could see up to 100 feet away. "Link? We're back," Twilight called from up on the shore. Link had found his way into waist-deep waters. "Link?!" she called, running off to the water's edge. "Come on back, we're ready to go. Are you?"

Link did not answer, as he was way too focused on the open water. Navi tugged at his ear. "Link, Twilight's back."

"Huh?" He turned off his focus and glanced back to the shore. Twilight waved him over. Link waded through the water before getting back to the shore. "Oh, sorry. I was focused on... training. Well, as much as I can, I guess. Are we ready?"

"Yeah. We have to head back. Spike started getting sleepy, and he needs his rest back at the library." She looked past him to the bay. "See anything interesting out there?"

"No. Why would I? It's just water. Besides, I was training my fire, remember?"

"So you said. Anyway, shall we?" Link nodded and joined Twilight up on dry shore.

Link looked at his clothes. "Let me dry off first?" He took a step away and clapped, sending a thin film of fire through his clothes, expunging the moisture from them. "There. All better. I dry off quick."

Twilight smiled and lit up her horn.


Emmy and Epona had just finished a game of chess on the couch when Link and Twilight teleported in behind them. Emmy had anticipated them and turned to look just before they appeared. Epona looked and asked, "Where've you two been?"

"I was off training. Twilight got me there, thanks for that." Twilight nodded and sauntered off. "Playing chess?"

"Kinda. She's gotten better," Emmy applauded. "We're about to start a new game, actually."

"Epona, may I take this one from you?" She nodded and slinked off the couch to the chair nearby. Link hopped over the couch back and scattered the pieces everywhere after landing. "Ah, sorry. That's on me." He helped Emmy reset the board. "Say, I got a question for you..."

Emmy paused and looked up at him. "Yes?"

"It's purely my own curiosity, but..." He set up his whole side before asking, "Back at the cavern, you teleported to right behind me. How do you do that?"

Emmy set her own side up with the white pieces and moved one of her pawns forward two spaces. "Uhh. That's sure some curiosity. Well, let's see... Usually, I can teleport to any point I can clearly see. This takes the least amount of effort. I can also teleport to a place of memory. This is a little more costly, but it'll get me there. Let's see. If it's not what I can see, or from memory, I can teleport to a place I can point to on a map or from a set of coordinates given to me. This costs the most, but it will also get me there. There is another method I heard about, and it's supposed to be effortless, but I don't know what it is... Maybe the books here would know?"

"I'll give them a look later."

"You got a new power, huh?" Link nodded. "It's mine?" Another nod. "And you want to learn from me?"

"Is that alright?" Emmy nodded as well. "All right."

"I'll warn you though, teleportation magic is very costly when you're just starting out. I wouldn't be surprised if you use it all in one go."

The two enjoyed their game before Link looked through various books relating to teleportation. He retired for the evening and got his gear ready to head out in the middle of the night.

Holiday Special: Hearth's Warming

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Ponyville. A quiet little place, but a spectacle in winter time. The snow on the ground, grooved with tracks from ponies with places to be. Chimney smoke from cottages full of ponies with nowhere to go. Golden Oaks Library is one of the latter. Twilight paced around the statue in the library. "What do I do, Spike? I've never needed to do this before..."

The purple dragon sat on the steps, looking through a comic. "It's easy. Just get your friends presents."

Link and Navi came in with some groceries, Epona following close behind. "We're back~ And we got the last asparagus spears from the salespony. I don't know why he runs out so often." They go to the kitchen and begin putting stuff away.

"Hey Link," Spike began, "do you know about Hearth's Warming Eve?" Spike closed his comic and went to the kitchen, leaving Twilight to pace.

Navi flew down to his level. "Actually, very little. We didn't do anything for it in the royal guard, and we were almost always too busy the years before."

Spike looked at her, then to Epona. "How 'bout you?"

"Well, not exactly. I've been on my own for so long, I forgot what it was like to get presents," she replied.

"I only ask because she has no idea what to do. Now that she's got friends, she wants to do something special for them, but can't decide what."

"It's in a few days, so there's time," she paused a moment, "but I do have an idea." She flew back to Twilight, who sat down from dizziness.

"If I had the money I would get them all something special... What would you do, Navi?" Twilight addressed the fairy.

"I'm glad you asked. See, since money would be an issue, and all those gifts would be a pain to carry, not to mention the mess they'd make in unwrapping, I got this idea. We do a Gift Exchange." Navi said, landing in front of her.

"Buy a gift, then trade it with another that someone else bought? I don't th-"

"No, no, no. You put your name in a hat, Link's hat, along with everypony else. Then you take turns drawing a name from the hat. Whoever you draw is the pony you buy for," Navi corrected. "It'll be better than just wasting money on everypony, and instead it's a heartfelt gift for one."

"Hmm... Well, I guess that'll work. I hope the others are in agreement." Twilight got up and headed to the kitchen.

"-age to get another comic this year, I'll add it to my small collection. Oh hey Twilight. Figure out what to do yet?" Spike looked from Link to Twilight, Navi upon her head. "Without going into freak-out mode?"

"Actually, yes. With Navi's help. I'm going to need your help though." She told them of her plan, taking the time to explain it right.

Link sat on a chair, and Navi sat on him. "Best part, is everypony is happy at the end of it."

"Oh? I'm already interested." Epona sat on the floor, her body a little big to fit on a normal chair.

"Yeah, so here's where I need your help. Link and Navi, can you go to Fluttershy's cottage and tell her? Then ask her to tell Rainbow Dash? She'll be doing maintenance work on the weather. Spike, you can tell Rarity, then ask her to tell Pinkie Pie. Though knowing her, she already knows what we're up to." She paused. Here it came. "I-I'l go tell Applejack," she hesitated. She quickly recovered and continued, "but we all are to meet back here in an hour, got it?"

A collective "Yeah!" came from the group, minus Link who rose a fist in the air.

"What about me?" Epona asked, leaning forward.

"Easy, you'll be coming with us, being part of our team and all," Navi replied.

"Rarity..." Spike liked the idea of telling his crush this plan. He quickly set out.

"Don't forget to tell Pinkie!" Navi shouted after him.

Pinkie emerged from the fridge fast enough to scare Link off his chair. "Tell me what?" the pink pony asked, wide smile on her face.

"I knew you'd do something like that. I don't know how, but You'll have to wait. It's a surprise," Twilight assured, looking at Link get back on his feet. Epona leaned away from the fridge in shock.

"Aww, ok then. Have fun!" With that, she closed the door, disappearing inside. Link opened the door, and felt around it to find some sort of secret hole. Unsuccessfully.

"Give it up, you're never going to understand how she does that. I don't even know," Twilight assured. "Anyway, Fluttershy is most likely in home, so she'll be the easiest. And since she can fly, Rainbow will be next."

Link turned towards Twilight, and nodded his head. He closed the door, and started for the door with Navi on his head. In these wintry times, she found warmth in his thick hair. His trusty steed following behind. "Wish us luck."

"All that's left is... Applejack." Twilight bundled up, and made for Sweet Apple Acres.


The Fashionista

Spike knocked at the door of Carousel Boutique. His long time crush lived behind its doors. His shock was apparent when Sweetie Belle opened the door.

"Hey Spike. Sorry, no Crusading today. Or, for the rest of the week," Sweetie Belle said, looking a little down. "Oh, but do come in anyway, it can't be warm out there." She stepped aside and let him in.

"Thanks," he replied, "but I'm actually here for Rarity. Is she here?"

Sweetie looked to her sister's designer room. "She's in there. Got an order from a pony in Canterlot for a gown. It's almost done."

"Thanks." He walked to the door, knocked, and walked in. "Rarity, hello." Closing the door behind him, he continued, "I got some great news for you."

Rarity stopped sewing for a moment, and looked at Spike. "Oh? Some news? Hmm... Is it, Twilight related?"

"Actually, kinda involves all of us. Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, Twilight, Link, Navi, me, and yourself. 6 ponies, a dragon, a fairy and a Hylian." He continued to tell the details of the meet-up. "Lastly, if you can, she wants to meet back up at the Library in," he takes a moment to look at the wall clock, "50 minutes. If that's fine with you."

"That sounds splendid, darling. I look forward to it." She returned to her work.

"Also, if you could tell Pinkie on your way, that'd help a lot," he finished. Heading for the door, she added to Sweetie, "See ya later Sweetie. Belle. Sweetie Belle." After his almost slip up, he left for the Library to get started on some food preparations.

Rarity looked back to where Spike was. Shouldn't Pinkie have picked up on the party with her sense? ... Oh well, I suppose I can detour from the primary route to bring her she thought, continuing her work.


The Caretaker

"And, we get to tell Fluttershy." There was an apparent sigh of happiness from going to see Fluttershy. She had enjoyed it when Fluttershy brushed her hair. The pair were almost at her door, when they were stopped by a bear. "Mr. Bear, is something wrong? We need to see Fluttershy, it's very important." The bear moved, and they could cross. "Well done for not attacking it again... I know you didn't mean it, but you got what you deserved back then." Link huffed at the memory.

"He attacked a bear?"

"Sure did. Left it wounded too. Thought it was attacking Fluttershy and jumped in."

After knocking at the door, they could hear a faint "coming" from behind the door. A few moments later, a yellow-colored pegasus answers the door. "Oh, good morning you two. Come on in." She flew aside to welcome them.

Navi looked at Angel, who was still hesitantly eating his meal. "Uh, is this a bad time?" She asked, landing beside him.

"Oh no, not at all. The animals are all fed, and I've got the rest of the day to myself." Fluttershy landed on her couch.

Navi quickly followed, landing in front of her. "Good, because we just made plans for all of us."

"Us? As in ..." she stopped a moment.

"Us, as in you, me, Link, Spike, and the rest of the elements," Navi confirmed. Link took a seat on the floor. It was soon that animals crowded around him to be petted, which he couldn't resist. "We've got a plan: A gift exchange. It's wh-"

"I know what that is. We did a few of them at flight camp. Names in a hat, gift for one, yeah, it was the closest thing I could call fun." Fluttershy sounded upset, but didn't let it bother her.

"You're really good with animals, you know." Epona had once again sat on the floor, there being little room elsewhere.

"Oh, good. Then that takes care of that. Meet up at the Library in about 40 minutes? And bring Rainbow Dash, please. I know she's busy with the clouds, but come on. She's Rainbow Dash," she finished.

The pegasus took a small brush from her drawer and began brushing Navi's hair. "Link, you really sure you don't want one of these brushes? She really enjoys this. I'm sure she would more if you did it too."

Link shook his head, and looked at Navi, who spoke up. "That's because you're boring. And you don't know how hard it is to have unmanageable hair." He responded by pointing to his own mess of hair. "Doesn't count. You run your hands through it and it looks fine, but I'm a lady."

Epona stifled a laugh. "She really does, you know. Would it hurt you to brush your own fairy's hair once in a while? And mine too. It's hard to do with hooves. wouldn't mind a braid now and then, either..."

"Point for Epona. And as much as I like your company, I'm going to have to head out for Rainbow if I have a hope in catching her. Thanks for stopping by." She got up after finishing Navi's hair, and headed for the door.

"Thank you for the hair brushing~" Navi called after her. The three headed out as well, into the forest.

"Well, that was fun. But... Why are we going to the forest again?"

"We might be paying Ruby a visit. It's been a while since we saw her," Navi said.


The Farmer

"All that's left is... Applejack." Twilight bundled up, and made for Sweet Apple Acres. Since it was on the outskirts of Ponyville, she decided not to give herself another target to invite, as it would already take almost half an hour to get there. Along the way, Twilight tried to think of what to say, and before she knew it, she was making a mental checklist of conditional statements.

Arriving at Sweet Apple Acres, Twilight spotted Big Mac in the fields with Apple Bloom. They were enjoying the downtime by making snowponies. Apple Bloom was the first to notice. "Hey, Twilight's here," she said.

Big Mac responded by looking, and a hearty "Eeyup" afterward. The two went to greet her, as she drew nearer. "Hey Apple Bloom, Big Mac. Is your sister around?" Twilight asked, looking around for the orange mare.

"Actually, um, Applejack's down in the cellar takin' inventory of the apples. Hopefully, the year's harvest is plenty to last us the winter," Apple Bloom responded. "Ah can go get her if ya want."

"That'd be great, thank you." Twilight continued to their house, where she waited. Applejack came in minutes later, with her bags on her back and her Stetson on her head. "Hey, Applejack. H-How are you today?"

"Fine, thanks. Looks like we'll have enough for another two months after winter ends, so we're all set! What can Ah do fer ya, Twi?" The farmpony asked as she unloaded her stuff.

"You see, I was wondering if... you wouldn't mind coming back to the Library, with me?" Twilight could barely force the words out. Applejack took no notice.

"Why's that? Got a party planned fer me, do ya?" Sitting next to her on the couch, she continued, "Ah know ya didn't, but ya wouldn't o' asked otherwise. What's goin' on?"

Twilight shuffled nervously. "I-It was Navi's idea, to have a gift exchange between all of us. That way, we don't spend unnecessary money, and still ensure that we properly gift give," she finished. Looking at the mare beside her made her blush a little.

"Gift exchangin' sounds like a great idea. Almost surprised ya didn't come up with it yerself. Ah'd love to join ya, When's it at?" She asked.

"You'd have to come back with me to the Library, so we'd still be on time. Knowing Spike, he'd prepare some food for everypony," she continued. "And, I'll make something to drink as well."

"Ah don't see why not," the farmpony agreed. "Let me just get some things, and we can go, okay?"

Twilight nodded her head, and waited to head back to the Library. On their return trip, they saw Fluttershy talking with Rainbow and waved to each other. Also, Pinkie was eating a small meal with Rarity in Sugarcube Corner.


The Athlete

Rainbow Dash was in the middle of cloud busting with her team for the day. She was keeping herself warm by exercising between bursts. She noticed Fluttershy trying to get her attention, so she flew down to meet her half way. "Hey Flutters, what's up?"

"Um, Link and Navi stopped by my cottage earlier, and they invited all of us to come to the library, for a gift exchange," she replied, rather quietly.

"Haven't had one of those in a while, I don't see why not. Sounds like a lot of fun, but I'm gonna have to wait on it a while. The cloud machine from Cloudsdale is messing up the clouds, not making them cold enough. If we don't get them all busted within the hour, it'll rain, instead of snow. So, I gotta get back to it. If you want to wait, you can." Rainbow finished, and returned to her work, taking another 20 minutes to do so. Her team wasn't fast, but Rainbow more than made up for it on her own, and with an incentive, she got it done faster than she would have without it.

Fluttershy did wait, because she wanted to fly with Rainbow. Once done, Fluttershy continued explaining, "See, we're supposed to be there in about 15 more minutes. You may be fast enough, but I don't know if I can."

"Fluttershy, I know if I fly with you, you can keep up. I mean you helped with the tornado lifting the water. I'm impressed at your growth. I've never seen a pony rise 5 points in wingpower as fast as you did. You can fly fast, just believe you can." Rainbow's words of encouragement had lifted her spirits once more. "Speaking of our purple friend, there she is~"

Fluttershy waved as Twilight passed underneath, and received a wave in return. "I wonder who I'll draw. And, what if I draw my own name? Unlikely, but possible."

"I doubt it, but if I draw mine, it just means I'm awesome. But, personally, I want to draw Applejack's name, just so I can give her an apple. Joke gift, I know, and a bit ironic, but still good." Rainbow, the prankster, smiled at the idea of giving a joke gift to anypony. "We should probably get going. Twilight's a stickler for being on time."

The two make their way to the Library, arriving moments after Twilight and Applejack.


The Planner

"All I'm saying, Pinkie, if I'm saying anything, is that you cannot simply make cupcakes for everypony. That's not how it works. You can make, trade, or buy a gift for the name you draw, and then give it to them, wrapped, and tied, without putting your name on it. It is a surprise after all." Rarity joined Pinkie in having a salad.

"I know what a gift exchange is, silly. I've only thrown, like, 2 of them so far. They're really fun." The party pony giggled and ate a leaf of lettuce from the bowl.

Rarity countered, "Then why would you ask me how it works?"

"Because it's been years since I threw one. It was back when I was on the farm. Granny Pie enjoyed fun, and threw them often. It was rocks, rocks, and more rocks. But I decided to throw my own, and change it up a little. The rule was, nothing rock-related. Which is actually how I learned how to bake."

"I see... Anyway, we don't have to be there for another 10 or so minutes, and it's right down the road, so we still have the time to eat." Rarity hadn't eaten all morning because of the order she had to fill.

"Rarity, I should let you know. You shouldn't tell me what you're going to give them. It's not how it works." Pinkie chimed as she had another leaf.

"I know how it doesn't work. I was telling you how it works." Pinkie simply didn't answer. "Oh, there's Twilight now. Perhaps we should get moving soon?"

"Yeah, I suppose so," she replied. Then, she finished the remainder of the salad, and the bowl, in one quick movement.

"Pinkie, the bowl! You ate the-" Pinkie spat out the bowl to where it was, landing on the table with a clank. "bowl... I don't even want to know how that's possible." She gets up and heads out, Pinkie bounding after her.


The Meet-Up

The mane 6, Link, Navi, Epona and Spike gathered in the center of the room in a circle. They each wrote their name on a piece of paper, and put it in Link's hat. Navi had hid in his hair in the meantime. Link had the honor of holding the hat for the others to draw from. Twilight went first, then Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Epona, Spike, Pinkie, Fluttershy, then Navi and last was Link. He drew for both himself and his fairy companion, as they were the only two left.

"Okay, Hearth's warming is in a few days, so you have until then to get the gift for who's on your paper," Twilight stated. "Now, you can ask others for suggestions, but not the name you drew. It's not special if you already know what you're getting."

Rainbow was the first to respond. "What even am I supposed to get? This is difficult!"

"Never thought you'd back away from a challenge, Rainbow," Applejack replied.

"Girls, I think it was a lovely idea, especially since we're great friends." Fluttershy was as timid as ever.

"Oooh, this is gonna be so much fun! I can't wait to see what I get!" Epona exclaimed.

With their names drawn, they all finish the meal Spike had made for them. They were welcome to stay the night, but none agreed to it besides Link and Navi, who had to stay there anyway. Later that night, Twilight thought to herself I don't even know what Fluttershy would like. Link also thought of a gift. Navi wasn't too worried. She had things planned from the start. Spike was something else entirely. He was too busy planning his gift to fall asleep. He eventually did so, but only after coming up empty clawed for ideas.

Holiday Special: Hearth's Warming Eve

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A Gift For An Egghead

2 days left...

Applejack spent the next morning racking her brain, trying to come up with a suitable gift for Twilight. It was obvious to everypony but herself how Twilight felt. And yet, she didn't ask anypony for ideas, because it was supposed to be special. Ah just don't know what to get her. She's into books, an' she's livin' in a library, what could Ah give her she don't already have? she thought as she started her morning chores.

Her problem was apparent to Apple Bloom, who tried to start a conversation. "Ya know, she's into books... Maybe give her one o' yours?" Apple Bloom looked at her big sister. "Or better yet, give her something, from the heart."

"Ah appreciate it, Apple Bloom, but Ah just don't get it. You this mornin', an' Big Mac last night both said somethin' similar. What are you gettin at?" Applejack looked accusingly at her sister.

"If Ah have ta explain it, it don't mean nothing," she said, and walked away.

"From the heart huh... Hmm..." She continued with her morning chores. Throughout the day, she kept thinking about what would make her the happiest she could be. She went to bed that night with no ideas, still.

1 day left...

Twilight comes over early in the morning for help with her gift. Since she had Fluttershy, she needs help. She knows Fluttershy not as well as the others. She actually caught Applejack in the middle of snow clearing.

"Applejack!" she called, and hurried by her side. "Good morning. I've got a question for you."

"Shoot," she replied. Feeling confident she could keep quiet about her own gift.

"You know, I've been suggested to get Fluttershy a bird caller. By both Spike, and Rainbow. What do you think?" Twilight asked, walking with Applejack.

"Ah don't know, Twi. Whatever you choose, Ah'm sure she'll love it. Ah ain't picked my gift out yet," Applejack said flatly, avoiding eye contact.

Twilight perked up. "Have you thought about yours at all?"

"Ah've thought about it plenty, but Ah ain't come up with nothin'." Applejack replied.

"Well, I can help you with yours, if you want," she said, leaning in.

"Uh, Ah think that would defeat the purpose a little, Sugarcube."

"I only want one thing, if it's from you, anyway. It's" Twilight leans in, and whispers in her ear. Then pulls back, a slight blush on her face.

Applejack stopped, and thought. Maybe she's right. Ah do kinda feel that way. She looked at her hooves, then to some of the trees around her. "Ah know what to get now. Thanks for helpin' me out, Twi. I owe ya one."

Twilight looked a little confused. "Huh? But... I didn't even give you any advice, or ideas, or anything. Unless... it's m-me... you're..." Her cheeks flush red, and she takes off for the library.

"That could have been better, sure." Applejack continued her chores for the rest of the day, thinking about what Twilight had meant to her.

A Gift For A Zoologist

2 days left...

Twilight woke up, and immediately started brainstorming her gift for Fluttershy. Spike had gotten up already, and started his morning routine. She went through a few small scrolls worth of ideas, before coming to the conclusion that she was no good at picking gifts. "This is ridiculous! Coming up with a gift shouldn't be this hard!" Twilight got out of bed, and went into town.

Link was already in town, in a bookstore. Navi was nearby, looking at the sign outside. Maybe he's getting a book for me? Twilight thought. I don't know... She continued into Sugarcube corner, where the Cakes immediately turned her away, saying Pinkie cannot be bothered. "Great, number one gift giver, and I can't even ask her for advice. Maybe Rarity?" She goes to Carousel Boutique, where Rainbow is sorting through a chest of yellow colored rocks.

"Hey Twilight. Something wrong, dear?" Rarity asked.

"Why is Rainbow looking through a bunch of rocks?"

"I need to find three triangle shaped ones for my gift. But I've only found two so far," Rainbow complained as she sifted through the rocks.

"I told you already, I'll help cut them," she said, looking at the blue pegasus.

Rainbow quickly sorted through, ignoring Rarity's solution.

"I'm in need of help. I need to know what Fluttershy likes to do besides take care of animals. Any ideas?" she asked, sounding desperate.

Rarity was the first to respond. "Unfortunately, no. I don't. But maybe Rainbow can help you?"

"Nope... Oh wait, she likes animal call whistles. If you can get one, she'd love it. Definitely." Rainbow concluded.

"A ... whistle? But she already whistles," Twilight muttered. "The day's half over and I'm no closer to figuring out what to get her. Did either of you draw my name?"

"If we had, darling, I wouldn't have let you in the door," Rarity said, looking at Rainbow. "She drew Link, and I drew Spike. And I know just what to get the little guy. In fact, I'm heading out with Link tomorrow to retrieve what I need."

"I'm choosing Topaz to be formed into that golden triangle thing he's got on his hand, what'd Navi call it? The ... Triforce?"

"Yeah, it's the Triforce. Some ancient magic of his world I guess," Twilight confirmed.

"Triforce. Rarity's gonna help make it into a necklace," Rainbow keeps looking for the third piece. "So, if you'll excuse us, sorry Twilight. See you in a couple days?"

"Yeah, a couple days..." Twilight left the boutique. Pinkie's busy, Rainbow and Rarity are busy, can't ask Fluttershy... Maybe Navi would know? Or Spike, maybe? she thought, heading back to the library. Once there, she called, "Spike!" A clambering of claws came from upstairs.

"Coming," he said. "Just, give me a sec." For a moment, Twilight thought she heard fire. Spike comes down the stairs. "Hey Twilight. How'd it go?"

"Not good. I'm still on the fence about what to get her," she said. "And I've only got a couple days to do it."

"If you ask me, I think you should get her a bird caller. She'd like that," he said.

"You're not the first to suggest that." Link and Navi come in with his bags on his back, and heads into the kitchen to get started. "Wonder what he got?"

"Whatever he got, it's a surprise. If you want a third pony's opinion, I suggest you talk to Applejack tomorrow."

"I'll do that then. And if she agrees, then I'll get one. If not, then ... I'll keep thinking," she said.

1 day left...

Twilight got an early start on going to Sweet Apple Acres to get Applejack's opinion on the matter. Seeing her work on clearing snow made it a good time to talk. "Applejack!" she called from atop the small hill. She quickly made her way to Applejack's side. "Good morning. I've got a question for you."

"Shoot," the farmpony responded, still pulling.

"You know, I've been suggested to get Fluttershy a bird caller. By both Spike, and Rainbow. What do you think?" Twilight asked, walking with Applejack.

"Ah don't know, Twi. What ever you choose, Ah'm sure she'll love it. Ah ain't picked my gift out yet," Applejack replied. Twilight didn't notice Applejack turn her head away slightly.

Twilight got a little closer. "Have you thought about yours at all?"

"Ah've thought about it plenty, but Ah ain't come up with nothin'." Applejack said, looking at her a little.

"Well, I can help you with yours, if you want," she said, getting closer still.

"Uh, Ah think that would defeat the purpose a little, Sugarcube."

Be brave, Twilight. Just, tell her how you feel. And don't sound like a nerd. "I only want one thing, if it's from you, anyway. It's" Twilight leans in, and whispers in her ear. "All I'd want from you, is your love. Because, well, I love you." Twilight returned to her distant position.

Applejack stopped, and looked at her hooves, then to some of the trees around her. "Ah know what to get now. Thanks for helpin' me out, Twi. I owe ya one."

Twilight looked a little confused. "Huh? But... I didn't even give you any advice, or ideas, or anything. Unless... it's m-me... you're..." Twilight's cheeks flushed a deep red at the realization of what she'd done. A-Applejack drew... MY name?! Twilight turned tail, and raced back to the Library. She called behind her as she left, "I'm sorry, forget I was here." It went unheard however.

When she got back to the library, Spike was waiting for her. "This is the gift you are giving to Fluttershy. I took the liberty of having the princess send it via flame."

Twilight asked, "What is it?"

"It's a bird whistle. I figured you'd get no help from Applejack, so I got the princess to send a bird call of her own."

"I owe you one, Spike. Now I can take the day off. You however, need to get ready for tomorrow." Twilight headed up the stairs, and tried to get some sleep.

A Gift For A Companion

1 day left...

"Oh, I'm not worried, Angel. I know she'll like it. This way, Link won't have a choice. I know she's not a pet, but he needs to take care of her," Fluttershy told Angel, who was sitting beside her on the couch.

"A hair brush? For a fairy? It's bad enough you let her take my spot when those two are over, now you want to give her one of my brushes?" Angel retorted.

"It's technically a toothbrush for bunnies, but it works anyway. Don't you want to do the nice thing?"

"No," he said, "I don't. Because it was mine anyway. You want to get her a brush, you go out and get one."

"I would, but see I already had an extra from my trip last week. So I'm set." Fluttershy looked down at Angel.

"And you know, it wouldn't hurt for you to be nicer to her. She's a friend."

Angel looked away. "Doesn't mean anything. She's your friend. I hardly know her. That, and she can talk with all the others, being that fairy thing she is."

"I'm using your brush and that, is, final."

A Gift For An Eccentric

2 days left...

Link and Navi went into the market before Twilight got up. "We've got to be quick if we want to get back to the library in time," Navi said atop his shoulder. "I need a cookbook."

They were stopped by Rarity, who was out looking for them. "Excuse me, Link, and Navi. I have a small request. Can you escort me tomorrow? I have to pick something up from Canterlot. It's for Spike, so don't tell him, okay?" She asked.

Link nodded his head, and she continued, "Good. Meet me at the first train there in the morning tomorrow." With that, she went back to her boutique.

"What was that all about?" Navi asked. Link shrugged his shoulders and kept walking.

The two went into the bookstore, and walked around a while inside. Navi went through the cookbooks alone. She eventually found a recipe for a special dessert to best fit the party planner. "How much just for this one recipe?" she asked the clerk.

"One recipe? Tell ya what, I'll write it down for you and you can have it, free of charge," she replied. She began transcribing the recipe on a bit of paper for her.

"Thank you, so much. I'll be outside until you finish." Navi flies outside and looks at the sign. "Hmm... 'Book Barn', neat name." She noticed Link come out a few minutes later with his bags on. He hands the paper to Navi, who returns to his shoulder. They return to the library where Twilight and Spike are talking about something he didn't care about. He quickly went into the kitchen, and started setting things up. Navi wouldn't be able to make a full cake, so she settled for a cupcake.

After about an hour or so, the two emerged from the kitchen, a batch of fresh cupcakes in his glove-covered hands. "Behold! Pinkie's gift! A batch of cupcakes made by me! And Link helped. Now, we have to get his stuff prepared for tomorrow's journey." The two went upstairs after putting the desserts away, where they stayed for the rest of the day.

1 day left...

Navi stayed in the kitchen with Spike's help making some more cupcakes. "Are you sure he'll be fine?" Spike asked.

"Absolutely, he's a tactical genius, and a top-notch, fighter. Nopony's gonna mess with him."

"It's just that, this'd be the first time I remember that you let him go somewhere alone," He added.

"Well, he upset me a few days ago, so it's high time he did without for a while. Besides, I need to work harder on my cupcakes," Navi fumed.

"I understand, but .." He sighs, "anyway, your cupcakes are great, they don't need to be any better."

"I appreciate it, but ..." Navi also sighs. "Seems like sighing is the order of the day. I'll make a fresh batch before tomorrow." She flies up to the room she's staying in and falls asleep, only to wake up next to Link, who seems to be hugging her...

A Gift For A Steed

Unfortunately, one of Pinkie's walls were destroyed somehow, so we won't know what she's doing until she presents her gift to Epona in a couple days. You know, no 4th wall, means we don't know anything. Sorry. I do know that she instructed the Cakes to let no one interfere. Guess she takes her surprises seriously. ^_^

A Gift For A Designer

2 days left...

Ask yourself... If I were a fabulous, stylish unicorn like Rarity, what would I want... Epona spent her morning jog around ponyville in thought. She glanced through various stalls, and stores, with nothing. "This isn't going well."

"What's not going well?" A pony asked.

"Hmm... Nah, I don't think it's allowed in the rules to ask for help... but..." She sighed and leaned in, away from prying eyes, her sheer size making the pony shrink back. "I need ideas for what to give Rarity."

After a moment of silence, and a few hoofsteps back, the pony replies. "Oh, is that it? Hmm. If I recall, she's the lead designer of Ponyville. Sure she could use something sewing related. Maybe... fabric? Needles? Thread, perhaps? I do know this: she's obsessed with her work. Ooh, and I might have just the thing, too. Come with me, if you will."

The two walk to his house, which is smaller outside than it looks, for sure. Various gizmos were strewn about. Several hats and scarves decorated his coat rack. Blueprints scattered over his coffee table. "Uh... What is all this?"

"'All this', is my life's work. Well, multiple lives, but that's beside the point. What I can give you, is around here somewhere..." He began sifting through his work table, then moved to the drawers, then under everything before moving to another set of drawers. "Where is that blasted, there it is!" He held up a small object made of cloth with several metal objects poking out of it.

"... what is it?"

"This, my dear frind, is a 'puncturing instrument neutralizing cushion. P.I.N. cushion, for short. Capable of holding up to 100 small pointy devices most commonly used by crafters of cloth and thread, much as Rarity is."

"That's... actually pretty cool."

"You should see the flying machine he's working on." A voice called out from the balcony on the second floor. "It's really special."

"Gaah! How did you- Where are the- huh?!"

"Yes, yes, I do get that a lot. This house is actually 4 floors tall. If you can believe it. Each one is accessible from the previous floor. Not of my own design, rather I inherited it from the last doctor." The doctor smiled and glanced at his assistant. How's the weather out there?"

"Cold as ever, doctor," Derpy replied. "And it isn't gonna clear up for at least a month."

"Perfect. Just as I planned it. Anyway, you have your trinket, I have plans for this afternoon, and the weather isn't going to last forever. I bid you farewell, and hope that we meet again somewhere in this timeline."

"... You are strange. But I guess it was worth being stopped." Epona turns and leaves the house, looking back at the one story building behind her. "How very... odd. And out of place." With the P.I.N. cushion in her sidebags, she goes back into town, seeing Link and navi come out of the book store, but deciding against making an appearance. She went back to the library and read through a bit of her stack of books.

1 day left...

Epona fell asleep last night beside Link's bed. She awoke with him not there. With no indication of where he went, she descended the stairs to see Spike in the kitchen making cupcakes with Navi. I can see I'm not needed. Hmm. What do I do when I have nothing to do? I could always go back to the doctor's place... As great an idea it was, she decided on it, and set out, arriving there in minutes.

Only to see the house not there. "That is strange... There should be a house here. E-Excuse me, but where's the house that was here yesterday?"

"Hm? I don't remember a house ever being there. Sadly, a house should never be built on... sacred grounds" a blue pegasus replied.

"What's so sacred about it?"

"Some ponies say a hero is buried there, a hero from long ago. Others say bad plumbing, so who can say for sure?" Blue Thunder continued his path.

"Hero of old, huh... H-How did he die?"

"Hm?" He stopped and turned. "How, you ask? Well, that all depends on what side you take. If you take his side, he died protecting his family from a great evil. If you take the evil's side, then he died because he got in the way of progress. Either way, I still think it's bad plumbing."

"Who else thinks it's a hero grave?" Epona asked.

"Couldn't tell you. They are few and far between. I can tell you, however, that whatever side you take, you'll be making enemies. So, just believe it's plumbing and be on your way." Thunder hastily flew away.

That was strange as well. Hero of old... Now she knew the house was gone, she retreated back to the library and immediately returned to her room with a new stack of books, staying in there, tuning out the world until the next day.

A Gift For A Dragon

2 days remaining...

Rarity stayed awake all that night, thinking of how to get to Canterlot quickly and safely. Her only resource at the time was Link, who she ran into while going to Twilight’s library. Her original idea was to ask her to teleport to Canterlot, but running into Link changed her plans. “Excuse me, Link, and Navi. I have a small request. Can you escort me tomorrow? I have to pick something up from Canterlot. It's for Spike, so don't tell him, okay?” She asked, looking a bit nervous. Link nodded as she continued. “Good. Meet me at the first train there in the morning tomorrow.” With that, she turned back towards her boutique. Now that he’s taken care of, I can focus on my orders.

After Rarity spoke with Link, Rainbow Dash got her attention. "Hey, I got a favor to ask you. Think I could come over?"

"I don't see why not?" she replied. "I enjoy visitors." The two head back to the boutique.

Without hesitation, Rainbow started to explain. "I drew Link's name from the hat and I want to make him a shiny yellow necklace of that thing he's got on his ... hand. Can you help me?"

At her desk, she replied, "Of course I can, darling. Why, I even have a large amount of topaz that'll make it special. Topaz is a strong gem, but if you find any you like, that are out of shape, I'll cut them for you."

"No cutting, I want them to have their natural shape be triangular. It'll mean something." Rainbow started looking around.

"The chest over there has the topaz. And my offer still stands, Rainbow." She continued working on her orders.

Rainbow found herself in front of a chest full of topaz. "This is gonna be great. I know it. He'll never take it off!" She began shifting through the gems.

"Topaz is a strong gem, so just wearing them shows strength."

After a while, Rainbow finds two of the shape she needs. Soon, Twilight walks in.

"Hey Twilight. Something wrong, dear?" Rarity asked.

"Why is Rainbow looking through a bunch of rocks?"

"I need to find three triangle shaped ones for my gift. But I've only found two so far," Rainbow complained as she sifted through the rocks.

"I told you already, I'll help cut them," she said, looking at the blue pegasus.

Rainbow quickly sorted through, ignoring Rarity's solution.

"I'm in need of help. I need to know what Fluttershy likes to do besides take care of animals. Any ideas?" Twilight asked, sounding desperate.

Rarity was the first to respond. "Unfortunately, no. I don't. But maybe Rainbow can help you?"

"Nope... Oh wait, she likes animal call whistles. If you can get one, she'd love it. Definitely." Rainbow concluded.

"A ... whistle? But she already whistles," Twilight muttered. "The day's half over and I'm no closer to figuring out what to get her. Did either of you draw my name?"

"If we had, darling, I wouldn't have let you in the door," Rarity said, looking at Rainbow. "She drew Link, and I drew Spike. And I know just what to get the little guy. In fact, I'm heading out with Link tomorrow to retrieve what I need."

"I'm choosing Topaz to be formed into that golden triangle thing he's got on his hand, what'd Navi call it? The ... Triforce?"

"Yeah, it's the Triforce. Some ancient magic of his world I guess," Twilight confirmed.

"Triforce. Rarity's gonna help make it into a necklace," Rainbow looks for the third piece. "So, if you'll excuse us, sorry Twilight. See you in a couple days?"

Twilight left the two to their plans. A while later, she finds the third piece, and Rarity makes the necklace, and sends her on her way.

The rest of her day went smoothly, between cutting, sewing, forming and piecing together the outfits that made up her order. She had time to fall asleep so she’d be ready tomorrow.

1 day left...

Rarity got to the station a few minutes after Link, and to her surprise, fairy-less. She didn't question it, but the two boarded the train in silence. It took them most of the morning to get to the jeweler-trader. Rarity had noticed a large green gem called Jade sitting in front of the glass. That was her goal. Once she got it, she and Link made their way back. Rarity had just enough time to wrap it before she had to get some rest. By this time, it was 5 at night.

A Gift For A Fan

2 days left...

Spike woke up earlier than Twilight, and wrote a letter to the Princess. Dear Princess Celestia. Our athlete element, Rainbow Dash, is a long time fan of the Wonderbolts. I want to do something special this holiday season. Is there any way I could get a single ticket to their New Year’s Performance? Your loyal dragon subject, Spike

Unfortunately, Spike had to get on his chores before Twilight got up. Otherwise she'd think he's up to something. Later that day, Spike was sweeping the upstairs room when he belched out a scroll. He read it aloud, "'Dearest Spike: Your gift for Rainbow Dash will surely make her happy. A thoughtful gift indeed. But as you are aware of, that show was sold out. I however called in a favor to Spitfire, who was more than happy to send one V.I.P. ticket to Miss Rainbow. This ticket is good until the next day. In that time, Rainbow is allowed to be around the Wonderbolts for the day. Before and after the show. Give her my best regards. Sincerely, Princess Celestia.' Cool." He took the shining silver ticket out and hid it under his tiny bed. He gathered a scroll and quill and wrote his reply.

Dear Princess Celestia, Thank you for your gift, and I'll be sure to tell her what you said. Just then, Twilight opened the door to the library and called out, "Spike!" Quickly, he replied, "Coming, just give me a sec." P.S. Twilight's back, please don't reply. Spike He clambered to the window and blew the scroll to the castle. Then, he bolted down the stairs. "Hey Twilight. How'd it go?"

"Not good. I'm still on the fence about what to get her," she said. "And I've only got a couple days to do it."

"If you ask me, I think you should get her a bird caller. She'd like that," Spike said, getting to her side.

"You're not the first to suggest that." Link and Navi come in with his bags on his back, and heads into the kitchen to get started. "Wonder what he got?"

"Whatever he got, it's a surprise. If you want a third pony's opinion, I suggest you talk to Applejack tomorrow."

"I'll do that then. And if she agrees, then I'll get one. If not, then ... I'll keep thinking," she said.

1 day left...

"Are you sure he'll be fine?" Spike asked, helping Navi with her cupcakes. Link had gone to Canterlot already.

"Absolutely, he's a tactical genius, and a top-notch, fighter. Nopony's gonna mess with him."

"It's just that, this'd be the first time I remember that you let him go somewhere alone," He added.

"Well, he upset me a few days ago, so it's high time he did without for a while. Besides, I need to work harder on my cupcakes," Navi fumed.

"I understand, but .." He sighs, "anyway, your cupcakes are great, they don't need to be any better."

"I appreciate it, but ..." Navi also sighs. "Seems like sighing is the order of the day. I'll make a fresh batch before tomorrow." She flies up to the room and falls asleep. Spike had a scroll ready. Dear Princess Celestia, Sorry to bother you again, but this time, Twilight needs your help. She's gifting to Fluttershy, but doesn't know what to get. I've suggested a bird call, but she wrote me off. Can you send one? Spike

Almost immediately, a scroll came back to him, with a bird call. Spike, this bird call is just one of several pieces. I got this one on my trip to the city many, many years ago. I believe this one will be the most useful for Fluttershy. Her heart was in the right place, and I'll be expecting a letter from her in a few days. Celestia

Awesome! he thought. Got two of them out of the way, and Navi's cupcakes are looking great too.

Later, when Twilight got back to the library, Spike was waiting for her. "This is the gift you are giving to Fluttershy. I took the liberty of having the princess send it via flame."

Twilight asked, "What is it?"

"It's a bird whistle. I figured you'd get no help from Applejack, so I got the princess to send a bird call of her own."

"I owe you one, Spike. Now I can take the day off. You however, need to get ready for tomorrow." Twilight headed up the stairs, and tried to get some sleep.

Spike, satisfied with his usefulness, sat down with a good book. That night, Link came in quietly. "You know, Navi's upset with you. I suggest you apologize before she thinks you don't care."

Ashamed, Link trudges up the stairs.

And a relationship mended. I am just too good.

A Gift For A Bodyguard

2 days left...

Rainbow Dash, fastest pegasus in all of Equestria, was not good at gifting in the slightest. Not because her ideas were bad, but because she never knew how to properly give a gift. She slept on a cloud the night before, and awoke to the sound of Link talking about ... something. Rarity had stopped them, and talked for a moment. Once she saw Rarity head back to her boutique, she kicked the cloud away and got above Rarity.

"Hey, I got a favor to ask you. Think I could come over?" she asked.

"I don't see why not?" Rarity said. "I enjoy visitors." The two head back to the boutique. This is gonna be perfect! Rainbow thought on the way.

It was soon after arriving that she started to explain. "I drew Link's name from the hat and I want to make him a shiny yellow necklace of that thing he's got on his ... hand. Can you help me?"

"Of course I can, darling. Why, I even have a large amount of topaz that'll make it special. Topaz is a strong gem, but if you find any you like, that are out of shape, I'll cut them for you."

"No cutting, I want them to have their natural shape be triangular. It'll mean something." Rainbow started looking around.

"The chest over there has the topaz. And my offer still stands, Rainbow." Rarity went back to her designs.

Rainbow found herself in front of a chest full of topaz. "This is gonna be great. I know it. He'll never take it off!" She began shifting through the gems.

"Topaz is a strong gem, so just wearing them shows strength."

After a while, Rainbow finds two of the shape she needs. Soon, Twilight walks in.

"Hey Twilight. Something wrong, dear?" Rarity asked.

"Why is Rainbow looking through a bunch of rocks?"

"I need to find three triangle shaped ones for my gift. But I've only found two so far," Rainbow complained as she sifted through the rocks.

"I told you already, I'll help cut them," she said, looking at the blue pegasus.

Rainbow quickly sorted through, ignoring Rarity's solution.

"I'm in need of help. I need to know what Fluttershy likes to do besides take care of animals. Any ideas?" Twilight asked, sounding desperate.

Rarity was the first to respond. "Unfortunately, no. I don't. But maybe Rainbow can help you?"

"Nope... Oh wait, she likes animal call whistles. If you can get one, she'd love it. Definitely." Rainbow concluded.

"A ... whistle? But she already whistles," Twilight muttered. "The day's half over and I'm no closer to figuring out what to get her. Did either of you draw my name?"

"If we had, darling, I wouldn't have let you in the door," Rarity said, looking at Rainbow. "She drew Link, and I drew Spike. And I know just what to get the little guy. In fact, I'm heading out with Link tomorrow to retrieve what I need."

"I'm choosing Topaz to be formed into that golden triangle thing he's got on his hand, what'd Navi call it? The ... Triforce?"

"Yeah, it's the Triforce. Some ancient magic of his world I guess," Twilight confirmed.

"Triforce. Rarity's gonna help make it into a necklace," Rainbow looks for the third piece. "So, if you'll excuse us, sorry Twilight. See you in a couple days?"

Twilight left, leaving the two to their plans. Just one more... It may have taken longer than expected, but she found the last one she needed. Rarity quickly made them into a necklace, carefully molding the corners together with magic. After hoofing it over to Rainbow, the pegasus took off without another word.

Rainbow flew up to her home to get it wrapped up in a white box. "Alright, got his gift done in a single day. Now I can lounge around."

She spent the remainder of the day asleep.

1 day left...

Rainbow had already finished her gift, so there was nothing left to do, except make sure the clouds were correct. Derpy had been assigned to keep the clouds in order that day, but we all know how that would turn out if Rainbow wasn't keeping an eye on her.

A Gift For A Farmer

Dawn of the First Day... 72 Hours Remaining

Link woke up, and being really quiet, he took Navi outside and into town. "We've got to be quick if we want to get back to the library in time," Navi said atop his shoulder. "I need a cookbook." Link pointed to a store.

They were stopped by Rarity, who was out looking for them. "Excuse me, Link, and Navi. I have a small request. Can you escort me tomorrow? I have to pick something up from Canterlot. It's for Spike, so don't tell him, okay?" She asked.

Link nodded his head, and she continued, "Good. Meet me at the first train there in the morning tomorrow." With that, she went back to her boutique.

"What was that all about?" Navi asked. Link shrugged his shoulders and kept walking.

They walked inside the bookstore that he'd pointed out. Navi flew off to do her own thing. Link went to another section of books. He looked at the covers, the bindings, and size. Applejack likes books, she said so the first day we met. Finding the right one won't be easy he thought, flipping through. He found a gold book with circles on it. 'Artemis Foal, The Diamond Deceit. By Eoin Colter' Hmm... Sounds good. After flipping through, he noticed a coded message at the bottom of each page. Yup, this is the one.

He returned to the counter and paid for the book. The pony behind the counter stopped him from leaving. "Sorry, but your fairy companion asked me to get her a recipe, could you get that back to her?" She handed him the slip of paper. After putting the book in his bags, he took the paper and went outside. Handing the paper to Navi, who sat on his shoulder, they went back to the library to get things started.

Immediately, Link went to the kitchen to set up Navi's gift. And, after about an hour's worth of mixing and baking, he came out of the kitchen with a fresh batch of cupcakes. "Behold! Pinkie's gift! A batch of cupcakes made by me! And Link helped. Now, we have to get his stuff prepared for tomorrow's journey." Navi said. Link put the cupcakes on a table and hurried up the stairs to prepare for the trip in the morning.

Dawn of the Second Day... 48 Hours Remaining

Again, Link woke up really early. And since Navi didn't want to go with him, he gathered his bags and set out for the station. Rarity arrived a few minutes after he did. The two boarded the train in silence. Once in Canterlot, they sought out the jeweler. It took an hour, because of traffic. This was a busy time for ponies.

In the window, was the Jade gem she needed. She paid for it, and left for other shops. It took all day, but they got to the station as it was leaving. Thankfully, they had stopped to let them on.

Rarity left the station for the boutique as they got back to Ponyville. I over-prepared for this... he thought on his way back to the library. Why didn't Navi want to come with?

At the library, Spike was in the room, reading a book. Link came in as quietly as he could, but a floorboard creaked. "You know, Navi's upset with you. I suggest you apologize before she thinks you don't care." Spike said, not even looking over his shoulder. Ashamed, Link climbed up he stairs and found Navi asleep in his bed, and Epona beside it.

Slowly, he crawled in, and snuggled close to the first true companion he's ever had. I'm sorry if I ever made you sad. I'll change. I'll change so you will want to be around me, not out of obligation, but out of choice. He didn't notice Navi wake up at all.

Night of the Second Day... 30 Hours Remaining


And with that, the ponies, dragon, fairy, and human have their gifts ready. All that's left is the big reveal on Hearth's Warming day.

Holiday Special: Hearth's Warming Day

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Morning greeted Ponyville with the warm glow of the sun. As it rarely did this time of year, so it was a nice surprise. It shone through Twilight's window, causing her to stir and wake up. Upon doing so, she nearly met the floor as she was half hanging off the bed. Catching herself, she shook herself awake and saw that Navi had cuddled up to her companion. Twilight came down the stairs to see Spike passed out on the couch with a book in his lap. Poor little guy... she thought. Quietly, she returned the book to its proper position on the shelf.

Spike woke up to this, having been moved while asleep. "G-good morning, Twilight..." he said sleepily. "Morning chores, check..." He made quick little 'check's with his claw as he headed for the kitchen. Peeking above the counter at all the cupcakes, he added, "... I guess I could go wake up Link first."

Before he got to the bottom step, Link appeared at the top, and Navi on his shoulder all smiles. "Goooooood morning library!" Navi called, almost sending Link off balance.

"I didn't think you'd be asleep for much longer. ... Think fast!" Twilight shot a small ball of energy at Link, who blocked it with a magic shield over his hand. "Still sharp. Good. Never stop improving.. Our friends will be arriving early in the morning, so we need to get this place cleaned up bef-"

Pinkie bursted into the library. "Darn... I thought I was gonna be the first one here..."

"You are the first one here, Pinkie. A whole hour before everypony else."

"Nope. You guys are here. You beat me." Suddenly, getting close to Twilight. "Did you camp out at the doors?"

Spike sighed and looked at Pinkie. "We all live here, of course we'll get here before you..."

"Oh right, silly me." She made her way to a couch and sat down. "Soooo. ... Where's everypony else?"

"Getting ready, I hope. I had Link put invitations in everypony's mailbox to be here in ..." she looks at her wall clock. "15 minutes!"

Fluttershy walked in, with a rather small box under her wing, which was unnoticeable at the time. Followed closely by Rarity, who had a slightly larger box. Rainbow and Applejack tried to beat each other through the open door, flinging themselves inside, landing in the middle of the floor. "I win!" they both said, glaring at each other. The former held a rather large box on her back, which made it a ground race.

"Or... no time at all to clean up..." Twilight looked at Applejack, to see whether or not her attitude changed. Seeing that it didn't, she got everypony's attention. "Okay, you're all here a little early, so ... I need help cleaning up. Who can help?"

Navi went into the kitchen, and Link went back upstairs to the room to wake Epona. Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Rarity helped tidy the place up, while Applejack went into the kitchen with Spike. Pinkie was anywhere but the kitchen. She got the stuff out for their trading party.

After a small musical number, everything was where it should be, and the library seemed to glow. Link returned downstairs with an unwrapped book, close behind was Epona. Not exactly a morning pony, so her mane was a mess. As they all gathered around a round rug on the floor, Link offered his hat as the name basket, letting his blond hair take a breath.

"Alright. The names are still in, so without further ado," Twilight picked a paper out at random with her magic. She levitated it to her and read aloud, "'Rarity', you're up first. What'd you bring?"

"Oh, I was so, so, so hoping not to go first, but it can't be helped." Standing up, she walked over to Spike, and gave him a little black box with a red bow. "For you, Spikey."

Spike took it, and unfurled the bow, opening it to reveal a shining green gem. "Wow, it's beautiful."

"That, dear Spike, is Jade. A rare gem, I had to go to Canterlot to get it. With Link's assistance of course."

"I'll put it in a glass case and keep it as long as I live. My turn," he said, as Rarity found her seat. "I've got... Rainbow a present." He held up a shimmering silver ticket and aimed it at Rainbow, who's jaw practically hit the floor.

"Is that what I think it is?!" she exclaimed, taking it out of his claw in the blink of an eye. "It is! It's a backstage pass to the Wonderbolt's New Year's Performance! These tickets are ..." she paused, and looked at the back. "It's even signed by the Wonderbolts! 'Spitfire' 'Soarin' 'Fleetfoot' and wait... It goes to the next day?! Can this day get any better?!" Rainbow's outburst of happiness lasted a few minutes before finally calming down. "How'd you get it?"

"I asked Princess Celestia for a favor. She called one in to Spitfire personally. and was given this. Now, it's yours."

"Awesome!" She looked at the ticket again. "Oh right, my turn." She turned to Link. "This is for you, kid. Wear it with pride." Rainbow handed him a large box.

He carefully opened the box. It was easy, only taped shut. What he didn't get, was why there was another box inside it. ... So he opened it, also easy, to find another box. Setting the others aside, he continued opening the gradually smaller boxes, with increasing difficulty as the rest of the 'audience' started laughing. The almost smallest box was wrapped so thick in tape, it was ridiculous. Once he got it off, which took a while, he found a simple white box. Opening it revealed a black braided string attached to the three sacred triangles that resembled the one on his hand. Standing up, he spread his arms, and embraced Rainbow in a hug. The others smiled, and quieted their laughter.

After releasing the pegasus, he held up the book he had bought that first day, and handed it to Applejack. She read the title aloud, "'Artemis Foal, The Diamond Deceit', a book. That's, uh, interestin'. Not what Ah expected, but given who gave it to me, Ah guess it makes sense." She paused for longer than she should have.

Twilight knew it was coming... And she feared for the worst. Applejack stood up and cleared her throat. "Mah gift is for Twilight. And this might take some time, so bear with me. Ah ain't real good at piecin' stuff together, and for the whole day after our first meetin', Ah didn't know what t' get. Applebloom saw it way before Ah did, an' Big Mac even sooner. But they refused to tell me anythin'. Said it wouldn't mean nothin' if Ah was told. Ah got to the fields yesterday, and Twilight came by." She paused and walked over to Twilight, and sat next to her. "She said she only wanted one thing. So Ah went to sleep that night, and y'know what Ah came up with? Twilight Sparkle, Ah give to you, a date. Ah want to know if what Ah feel is the real deal, or just fleeting feelings."

Twilight wrapped Applejack in a hug. She didn't say a word, she didn't have to. Applejack knew exactly how she felt, and knew that words would ruin the moment, so she let the hug happen. It wasn't too long until she knew what she could say. "How about ... new years? We can go star-gazing?" With a small nod to the pony still huging her, Applejack agreed. "Thank you... for handling that better than I would have."

"Anytime, sugarcube~" Applejack responded.

"Yeah, yeah. Mushy mushy, get on with it," Rainbow piped up, getting impatient.

"So not romantic, darling. Perhaps you should try some 'mushy' stuff as you call it." Rarity was quick to retort.

"No, she's quite right," Twilight defended. "Time to move on." Removing herself from around her neck, she held onto Applejack's hoof, as if in assurance this just happened. With a sigh of relief, the red flushed from her face. "My turn." Twilight levitated a box around the corner and levitated it towards Fluttershy. "You can thank both me, and Spike for this one. He wrote the princess and she sent this. It's one of her own, so be careful with it."

"I plan to. Thank you, both of you." She blew it as a few birds flew into the open window, landing around Fluttershy's hooves. "My turn. Angel wasn't too happy about it, but he was able to part with this, so here you are Navi." She pulled out a small box from under her wing and held it out to the fairy. Link took it and served as the table for Navi to open it.

"It's a ... brush. The one you use on my hair. And now it's mine?" Navi looked up at Link, who frowned a little. "Hey, listen. You've got no reason not to brush my hair, so you can start now." With a small laugh, he took the brush, and with greater delicacy than she thought possible, he began brushing her hair. "Spike, could you do me a favor and bring them in here?"

Spike got up, went to the kitchen and returned with a tray of cupcakes. "Here you are. And they look even better than the ones yesterday."

"Pinkie, I don't really know your other hobbies, so I went to the bookstore with Link and got a recipe. Here's how they turned out. You can have them for yourself or share them. Your choice."

Pinkie got up, and took the tray from the little dragon. "Rarity told me I couldn't do that, though. Why does she get to?"

"Besause, you do that for a living, darling. It means more if it's not something you do for a living."

"Aww..." Pinkie looked at the cupcakes. "They do look delicious. Everyone want one?"

Applejack got up. "Ah'll get 2 for us." Everypony else followed suit, getting their cupcake.

"My turn, right?" Pinkie swung her head up and out came a set of nicely crafted saddlebags. It flew all the way to Epona. "That's yours now. I made it. It's-"

"New saddlebags! That's gonna be really helpful! Thanks, Pinkie!" She got up and gave the party planner a greeat big hug, almost crushing her in the process..

"Ok, you can put me down, now... losing... breath..." She gasped for air as she was released.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Epona returned to her seat beside Link, who was still brushing. "Oh, right. That means I'm up next. One moment." She quickly ran up the stairs and returned a moment later, an object in her bag. "Just for you, from the Docter himself." Epona pulled it from her bag and ossed it to Rarity. "It's a-"

"A pincushion! Sweetie Belle took all of mine for some 'crusader' business and hasn't returned them. This is the best gift I could have gotten. But, how did you know I needed it?"

"How did you know it was a P.I.N. cushion? The Doctor called it a 'puncturing instrument neutralizing cushion'. P.I.N. cushion for short."

"Interesting," she replied. "Who's the doctor?"

"I don't know. But he's got a crazy house outside of town. It's got 4 stories inside, but only one outside."

"Epona, you and I are the only ones that know about that in this timeline." Pinkie explained. "Nopony else."

"And since I already did mine, that ends our little exchange. I now have the means to continue my work, so I'll bid you all farewell." Rarity walked to the door, pincushion floating by in her magic.

"And I've got to get ready to see the Wonderbolts give their New Year's show. It's gonna be at least 20% cooler than any other show this year!" Rainbow blew past Rarity on her way out, causing the unicorn to fumble the pincushion.

"If you all don't mind... I left my animals home alone. So I'll just be on my way." Fluttershy walked out behind Rarity.

Link stood with Navi and Spike. "We've got stuff to clean up, so ... we'll be..." Link points to the kitchen. "Yeah, what he said... or ..." The three of them vanish into the kitchen, and peer over the counter.

"I, uh..." Epona tried to find something to do. "I need to um... Brush my hair." She again returns to upstairs.

"I'm off to share my last two cupcakes with the Cakes. See ya later~" Pinkie bounded off towards Sugarcube corner. Leaving Applejack and Twilight alone.

The two smiled at each other, then giggled softly. "I didn't know you felt that way. You're really good at hiding your feelings." Twilight broke the small silence.

"Twilight, last night, Ah brought up what ya said to mah family. Y'know what they said? 'Why, Applejack, it's about time that filly got the gumption t'tell ya how she feels.'" Applejack tried her best 'Granny Smith' impression. Applebloom was next. "And then, 'Ah told ya it wouldn't mean nothin' if we told ya. It wouldn't have the same effect on ya if we did.' Then Big Mac, stoic as always, 'Eeyup.' He nodded as he usually would."

"So, your whole family knew? And you didn't?" Twilight wondered how that was even possible.

"What can Ah say, besides Ah'm willin' to chance this. Ah don't know about you, but Ah want this to work out. And if this turns into reciprocated love, then Ah know Ah'd have made the right choice in marefriend." Applejack leaned her head onto Twilight's, and closed her eyes.

"Because Ah realize how much you could mean to me, and it didn't feel like somethin' Ah wanted to let slip away, because Ah was too fool to see it-"

Twilight kissed Applejack's cheek. "You could just sit here with me in silence. I understand. Completely."

Happy Hearth's Warming Day Everypony!!!