Colgate's Practice 2: A Royal Problem

by StormLuna

First published

Fifteen years have passed since Colgate had a patient with a cavity, yet when a patient with bad teeth and bad habits ends that streak, her dark side returns worse than ever.

Fifteen years have passed since Colgate has had a patient with dental problems but when a high profile patient with bad teeth and bad habits breaks that streak, the darkness within her returns. This time she focuses on just this one patient but soon she will discover that there will be plenty of collateral damage that must be done if she is to punish this bad patient. Like always, she will stop at nothing to make sure Ponyville is free of ponies who don't take care of their teeth.

Fifteen Years of Perfection

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It was a cold and snowy December morning in Ponyville as Colgate woke up. On most mornings she would just hit the snooze button on the alarm clock and sleep for another ten minutes, but this one was different. This morning she would reflect on the past as it was fifteen years ago to the day since she reopened her practice after a nearly fatal explosion destroyed her old one. She smiled and said to herself, "Damn a lot of things have happened since I reopened."

She began to reminisce about everything that happened, Twilight defeating Tirek, Twilight getting her own castle, the ponies who were fillies and colts at the time growing up and the passing of many of the ponies who were alive when the town was founded. She then snapped back to reality and realized that if she didn't hurry, she would be late.

After having a quick breakfast she rushed over to her office where Amethyst Star and Sea Swirl were waiting. She said, "I'm sorry ladies, I didn't mean to arrive so late. I was just reflecting on everything that has happened since I reopened."

Sea Swirl asked, "What about the things that happened before then?"

Colgate knew that she would have to lie her way out of this question. While she does remember it and sometimes she still gets a great amount of satisfaction out of remembering her time of killing ponies who failed to take care of their teeth, she knew she could never reveal that. She replied, "I try not to remember that. White Tooth killing patients I sent to him, the explosion and my near death experience are things I try to forget."

As Colgate was unlocking the door the doctor she shares her office with, Dr. Whooves and Twinkleshine, his nurse and younger sister showed up. The doctor knew that this was an important day for Colgate. He asked, "So Colgate, how does it feel to have had your new office open for fifteen years today?"

Colgate smiled and replied, "It feels good. What makes it even better is that I have yet to have a single pony show up with any dental problems."

Whooves laughed, "I know how you feel there. It is odd that ever since I had to move into your building that I have yet to see any ponies in poor health. Perhaps this building is lucky!"

Colgate agreed with the doctor and the two got ready for their first patient of the day. For Whooves it is Twilight and for Colgate it is Applejack. Applejack was the first to arrive and like she always does, she greets the receptionist warmly. "Howdy Sea Swirl, how are y'all doing?"

Sea Swirl smiled and replied, "It is going quite well Applejack. So are you ready for Hearth's Warming?"

Applejack said, "Not really. Without Granny around, it just isn't the same. If it weren't for Luna wanting mah friends and I to go up to Canterlot for the play, Ah wouldn't even bother celebrating it."

Sea Swirl replied, "I can understand that entirely." She typed a few things into the computer and continued, "Alright Applejack, you're all checked in. Amethyst will be out to get you shortly."

Before Applejack could even get sat down Amethyst came out to the lobby and took her back. They engaged in minor chit chat as they headed back to the chair. Applejack knew the routine. Once she sat down she opened her mouth wide. Amethyst was looking in there and just like always, she had a smile on her face. She said, "Well I don't see anything but Colgate will be here shortly, she's the one that has the fancy spells."

A few minutes Colgate arrived and said, "So Applejack, Amethyst told me about your teeth. Let's take a look."

Colgate used her radiation spell on Applejack and everything turned out fine. After that she had her bite down on her bite force meter and like always, it was good and strong and just like always, Colgate tried to put forth an angry face and said, "Applejack, this doesn't look good."

Applejack replied, "But Ah brush three times a day!"

Like she always has in the past, Colgate broke down laughing and replied, "Oh Applejack, you know when I say things don't look good I really mean they look excellent! Don't worry about your co-pay today, this appointment is on me."

Applejack smiled and said, "Thank you Colgate, y'all are too good to me."

Colgate replied "Don't mention it. See you in six months."

Applejack said her goodbyes to Colgate and her staff and headed home. Colgate finished the appointment and felt the same way she has for the past fifteen years, very happy and confident. She said to herself, "I have to be the luckiest dentist in the world. My patients listen to me, they brush three times a day and they don't gorge themselves on sweets."

While Colgate was saying this Amethyst overheard her. While she was happy to see Colgate happy after every appointment she realized that eventually somepony would show up with cavities, gingivitis or some other problem with their teeth. She broke into a bit of a nervous sweat worrying about what Colgate's reaction would be. What she didn't know though is that Colgate's streak of perfection would end all too soon.

Twilight's Appointments

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While Applejack was seeing Colgate, Twilight came in to see Dr. Whooves. Twilight rushed to the receptionist's desk and said, "Oh my goodness Sea Swirl, I'm so sorry I'm late."

Sea Swirl gave her a look of slight disapproval, entered a few things into the computer and said, "It's alright princess, although I'm sure the doctor may not be so thrilled."

As soon as Twilight got sat down Twinkleshine, the doctor's nurse, came out and got Twilight. She said, "Your Majesty, you're late! That is so unlike you, are you ok?"

Twilight replied, "Yeah, I just lost track of time this morning."

Once she got the princess back to the exam room she took her blood pressure, checked her pulse and took her temperature. While her temperature was fine, her pressure and pulse were high. Twinkleshine asked, "Princess, your blood pressure is much higher than it was last time and your heart is racing. Have you been doing anything differently here lately?"

Twilight looked up in thought for a minute and replied, "Not that I can think of. Maybe it has been me eating more fried daffodils but I'm not sure."

Twinkleshine said, "Well let me go get the doctor so he can take a better look at you."

After the nurse left Twilight sat there wondering why her vitals seemed to be off balance. A couple minutes later the doctor came in. He had a concerned look on his face and asked, "Princess Twilight, Twinkleshine told me about your elevated vitals. Let's check things out. I just want to make sure her readings aren't off."

He checked her vitals, listened to her lungs and heartbeat. Like with the nurse, her blood pressure was high and her pulse was elevated. He asked, "Your Majesty, your blood pressure and pulse are through the roof. Have you had any changes to your diet recently, such as an increase in your consumption of fatty foods or sweets?"

Twilight replied, "Well yeah, I have developed a taste for fried daffodils and fried cupcakes."

The doctor shook his head and said, "Well that would explain it. That stuff is far, far worse for you than the double cheeseburgers Colgate eats all the time."

Twilight asked, "Seriously?"

Whooves replied, "Yes, seriously. She eats at least three of those a week and she is in perfect health."

Whooves was looking at Twilight and also noticed something strange about her wings. He noticed that her wings had a lot more muscle to them, the type of muscle that normally a stallion Pegasus or Alicorn would have. He asked, "Your Majesty, what is up with your wings? They are so muscular. Have you been working out?"

Twilight laughed, "Yeah, I have. I want to be able to fly a lot faster and besides, I would think that all that exercise would help burn off the calories and fat from the treats I love so much."

When Whooves heard about her wanting to fly faster and working out a lot, he became extremely concerned because high blood pressure and strenuous exercise are a dangerous mix. He said, "Well with your blood pressure and pulse being the way it is, I really think you should take it easy when it comes to exercise. I don't want you having a heart attack. I have a feeling your cholesterol may be higher than it should be and I am worried about your kidney function, so I am going to run a couple of tests. Twinkleshine will be in to draw your blood and to collect some urine shortly."

Twinkleshine came in to draw some blood and this made Twilight cringe. She shied back and asked, "Do you really have to do this? Couldn't you just do everything with the urine sample."

The nurse replied, "Sorry your Majesty, but this is what the doctor ordered."

Twilight cringed and looked away as the needle entered her hoof. She was gritting her teeth in pain as the blood was flowing into the vial. Once the blood draw was done and a bandage put over the draw site, Twinkleshine led Twilight to the mares' room and said, "Alright your Majesty, follow the directions on the cup and then leave the sample on the back of the toilet."

Twilight went in and done as she was told. She was wondering why the doctor wanted to run tests that he has never wanted to run before. She said to herself, "I never knew that you had to run so many different kinds of tests just for a few things."

Twilight finished providing her sample and was led back to the exam room where Whooves was waiting for her. He said, "Alright your Majesty, we have to send these out to the lab in Manehattan and the results should be back around the 24th, so I want to see you again on the 25th."

Whooves gave Twilight a card and told her to take it out to the receptionist so she could be scheduled. Twilight headed out and handed the card to Sea Swirl. Sea Swirl pulled up the doctor's appointment schedule and asked "Would 1330 on the 25th be ok?"

Twilight smiled and replied, "Sure, that will work."

Twilight was also supposed to see Colgate as soon as her appointment with the doctor was done. Amethyst heard her talking to Sea Swirl and immediately headed out to the waiting room. With a smile she said, "Come on back Twilight."

Twilight followed Amethyst back to the chair. Amethyst was expecting Twilight's teeth to be just like every other patient's teeth that she had ever seen but would be in for a surprise. When Twilight opened her mouth the hygienist saw that her teeth were yellowed a bit and saw what looked like a cavity to her. She got a nervous look on her face upon seeing this. Twilight noticed her look and asked, "Amethyst, is everything ok?"

Amethyst replied, "Yeah, let me go get Colgate. She'll be here in a couple of minutes."

Amethyst found Colgate in her office. She said, "Dr. Colgate, Twilight is ready to see you."

Colgate could sense a bit of uneasiness in her hygienist's voice. She asked, "Amethyst, what is wrong? You seem really nervous."

Amethyst replied, "Oh I'm just concerned for Twilight's sake."

Colgate figured that it must be something such as maybe her patient being overly stressed. She got over to Twilight and said, "Alright your Majesty, let's take a look."

Twilight opened her mouth and Colgate was not happy with what she saw. While she looked calm and collected on the surface, a fury was erupting in her that she had not felt in over fifteen years. She asked, "Your Majesty, what the hay have you been doing? Your teeth are in horrible shape."

Twilight could see a sense of unhappiness in the dentist's eyes. She replied, "Well I have started eating fried cupcakes quite often along with fried daffodils."

Colgate's slight look of disapproval turned into a scowl as she replied, "Princess Twilight, fried cupcakes are not only horrible for your teeth but they are also horrible for your body in general. Does Doctor Whooves know about this?"

Twilight replied, "Uh, yeah. He seems really concerned about it."

Colgate asked, "So your Majesty, how often have you been brushing? From the looks of things I am guessing you either only brush once in a while or you quit entirely."

Twilight replied, "Well I figured since I am an Alicorn that I don't need to brush anymore since we can't be killed by any kind of illness."

Colgate put her hoof over face and was clearly angry. She growled, "Princess Twilight, do you not remember when Celestia wound up needing a root canal and I had to write a pain free root canal spell?" She rolled her eyes and continued, "Look, just because you can't be killed by some sort of infection does not mean that you can't develop cavities!"

Twilight said, "But,"

Colgate interrupted, "Well since you stopped brushing you have developed FOUR cavities. I want to get these filled as soon as possible."

Twilight asked, "Well I have a followup appointment with the doctor on the 25th, do you think you could see me that day?"

Colgate replied, "I have only one patient coming in on that day so yeah, I can. How does 1430 sound?"

Twilight said, "Yeah, that will work. I see Whooves at 1330 so I should be done by that point."

Colgate replied, "Alright. Amethyst will be in to clean your teeth shortly. I will see you then."

While the rest of their patients that day were perfectly fine once their office closed it would become obvious that the two doctors had completely different emotions running through their minds. One is in a state of shock and sadness and the other is very angry.

Sadness and Rage

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The rest of the appointments for both doctors went perfectly normal that day but after they closed for the day and locked the door, the two doctors could not be in more different moods. Dr. Whooves was in his office talking to Twinkleshine. He started to cry and said, "I am so worried about what is wrong with the princess. She is eating really horrible things and her wings are becoming quite muscular. I hope those tests will give us some insight as to what is going on."

Twinkleshine asked, "Do you think that she might be taking some sort of performance enhancing drug to make her wings bigger. I know she has been wanting to fly a lot faster."

The doctor slammed his hoof on his desk. He said, "NO, OUR PRINCESS WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING! SHE IS A LADY, NOT A CHEATING ATHLETE!"

Twinkleshine asked, "Then why did you want to do a urine test? I thought you were ordering that to run a drug test on her."

Whooves replied, "No, I ordered it because a lot of times fried daffodils can harm the kidneys and I don't want anything happening to our princess."

Twinkleshine said, "Ok, you know what is best."

While the doctor continued to sob quietly in sadness, the mood was radically different on the dental side of the practice. Amethyst and Sea Swirl could sense the anger radiating from their boss. Amethyst asked, "Uh Colgate, I can sense you are upset. What is wrong?"

In a voice that would make the Royal Canterlot Voice sound like a whisper Colgate screeched, "FIFTEEN YEARS, FIFTEEN BUCKING YEARS! I GO FIFTEEN YEARS WITHOUT ANY BAD PATIENTS AND THEN THE PRECIOUS PRINCESS HAS TO BREAK IT!"

Amethyst said, "I know you take a lot of pride in making sure Ponyville doesn't have any patients that don't listen to you but this was bound to happen sooner or later."

Colgate continued to yell, "I know but Twilight gave the same sorry response Celestia did when I had to see her with that rotting tooth. She thinks she is above taking care of her teeth! Let me tell you something, just because she has a crown and is an Alicorn does not mean she is better than the rest of us! Ugh, I wish I could just smack the shit out of her for this!"

Colgate was breathing hard so Sea Swirl put her leg around her and said, "Colgate, calm down. I don't want to see you have a heart attack over a pompous pony who thinks she is the greatest thing in the world."

Colgate slowly calmed down and replied, "Yeah, you're right. I don't want to wind up in the hospital. That pathetic wretch isn't worth it."

The doctor and his nurse heard Colgate's furious screams and ran over to Colgate's side of the practice. Whooves asked, "Colgate, what is wrong? Why are you so angry?"

Colgate growled, "I am angry because Twilight thinks she is above taking care of her teeth. She sits up there on her fancy throne looking pretty, eats fried cupcakes and then doesn't bother to brush her teeth. She is just as ignorant and lazy as Celestia was."

Whooves, who still had some tears running down his cheeks replied, "Well I'm worried about her myself. She is eating fried daffodils which are very bad for the body and her blood pressure is through the roof."

Twinkleshine added, "Yeah and her wing muscles are suddenly really big."

Colgate shook her head and replied, "I remember that happened with some pegasi who flew for the Manehattan relay team. They drug tested them and discovered they had been taking steroids so they tossed them off the team."

Whooves interrupted, "If you think Twilight is taking steroids you are wrong. She is a lady and would never do such a thing!"

Colgate snapped, "Well a lady wouldn't eat fried daffodils and fried cupcakes either and a lady sure the hell wouldn't let her teeth get in that bad of shape either."

The two doctors decided to head home after the conversation. Whooves knew that Colgate was angry with Twilight and would probably think that she would be guilty of anything and everything while Colgate thought Whooves was your typical subject overly loyal to Twilight, one who puts her on a pedestal and thinks she could never do anything wrong.

When Colgate got home she slammed her door and started screaming, "I hate her, I bucking hate her. She just had to ruin my streak! I thought I had cleansed this town of bad oral hygiene a long time ago! Leave it to a bucking princess, one who influences others to neglect her teeth!"

She began kicking holes in the wall and destroying her furniture. Finally after thirty minutes of screaming and kicking, she calmed down and realized that destroying her own property was not the answer. Back when she saw her first patient in her new office she vowed that she would never fall into the same madness she did when she was killing bad patients and she remembered that, but she was so angry with Twilight that she couldn't stand it.

She said to herself, "If other ponies know that she has such bad habits, they will follow suit and I can not allow that to happen. Perhaps the time has come to start punishing bad patients again!"

Colgate knew that she could not do this from her home and she had nowhere in her practice to do this but she knew there had to be somewhere to punish Twilight. She began to wonder if perhaps there were pre-Celestial bunkers in Equestria that were still intact so she made a decision. She would travel to Canterlot and do some research. She said to herself, "If there is one, Twilight will pay for her crimes and if anypony else tries to stop me, they'll suffer the same fate as her!"

Hearth's Warming Research

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A few days passed and before everypony knew it, it was Hearth's Warming Eve. Most everypony was in a cheerful mood as they were out shopping for last minute gifts. Some of the locals were waiting at the train station to head up to Canterlot for the annual play that the city had put on for generations. Colgate was headed up there as well, but she was not headed there for a play, she was headed up to do some research. The train was packed to capacity and unlike everypony else, Colgate had a scowl on her face. A young filly saw this and asked, "Ma'am, are you not happy it is Hearth's Warming Eve?"

Colgate snapped, "What does it matter? This train is far too packed for my liking!"

The filly went running back to her mother crying. While the mother was upset that anypony would yell at her daughter, she could see that Colgate had next to no room to sit so she understood why the blue unicorn was so irritated. Finally after forty minutes, which seemed to take forty hours for her, the train finally arrives in Canterlot. Colgate rushed off the train with the speed of a track star while everypony else leisurely walked off the train. Not watching where she was going Colgate ran straight into Luna. Colgate looked up to see who she had ran into and said, "Oh I'm so sorry your Majesty. I just had to get off of that train, it was packed."

Luna replied, "Do not worry about it dear Colgate, we would have done the same thing."

Colgate said, "Thanks for understanding your Majesty."

Luna nodded and headed towards the main courtyard to make sure everything was ready for the play that night. Colgate headed to the local store to buy some supplies. She knew that if there was anything she would need out of the book, that she would need to copy it down because she just couldn't steal the book. She headed into the store and was greeted warmly by the clerk. "Happy Hearth's Warming Eve! How may I help you?"

Colgate replied, "Oh, all I need to do is get some paper, pencils and a saddle bag, nothing serious."

The clerk asked, "You don't have any foals or a husband you are getting a last minute gift for?"

Colgate snapped, "No. I don't have any foals or a bucking husband and I plan on keeping it that way." She raised her voice and sarcastically sneered, "Families are overrated."

The clerk along with everypony else in the store was shocked by the blue unicorn's attitude. After she was out of range the clerk said, "Ugh, what a grinch!"

Colgate headed to the office supply section of the store and grabbed a notebook and a pack of pencils. At the register she grabbed a saddle bag and proceeded to pay for her items. The clerk just gave her an icy cold glare after what had happened earlier. Colgate simply glared back at her and paid for her items. After leaving the store she headed to the cafe for a quick lunch before readying herself for what she hoped would be a productive night.

Before everypony knew it Luna had set the sun and raised the moon. Colgate was standing along the left edge of the audience. While she could clearly see the stage, she found herself looking up at the window to the library. Soon the intro to the play started and Colgate knew this was her chance. While everypony else was paying attention to the play, her horn began to glow and she teleported herself into the library. While the library normally has at least two guards on patrol, on Hearth's Warming Eve there were none. Colgate smiled as she realized that she had free reign of the library, that she could do all the research she needed to.

She used her horn to make light as she walked around the library. After fifteen minutes of searching, she found the book that she was looking for. In the one of a kind section of the history wing, she found "History of Pre-Celestial Equestria." It contained information about the battles, castles and bunkers of the warlords of those dark days. In it she saw a map of the locations of the bunkers. There were a few in the Everfree Forest, a couple in the southern mountains and one in the southern forest. She was reading through the information on each one. She knew that almost all of them had been destroyed shortly after Luna and Celestia deposed the warlords and took Equestria as their own.

She levitated the book and focused on it intently. Suddenly her eyes were shining a deep shade of blue and she saw the sites of all of them. They all had been destroyed except one, one that was not mentioned in the book. She clearly saw a bunker deep in the badlands between Dodge Junction and Appaloosa. She then saw the inside of the bunker, where the torture rooms were, which torture devices the warlords used, the locations of where the security measures were and deep in the center, she saw the throne room where the dark princes would make sacrifices to the gods. She set the book down and her eyes returned to normal. She quickly began to draw diagrams of the passageways, torture devices and security measures that exist within the bunker. She also saw a spell that had to be recited to enter the bunker. It stated that the following must be recited while a unicorn's horn is placed in the proper hole. It read,

The bunker is locked, from thy enemies it is blocked,
Crimes of the enemy must be paid for, to do this thou must unlock the door,
In we take the enemy, of which there are many
Inside we kill the bright ones, and the days of light shall be done.

After she read this she thought to herself, "Shouldn't there be a separate spell to activate the door upon exiting?"

She looked down further the page and found the same instructions but with a different spell,

The enemies have paid the price, for in their torture they squealed like mice,
Now the hunt goes on, for more must disappear and be gone,
The princes of light are dying, which is most satisfying
Soon darkness will forever shroud the land and attacking us will not be in the outsiders' plan.

After she finished drawing her diagrams, she put the book back where she found it and teleported herself back to where she was standing before. Luckily for her it was as lights were flashing depicting a nasty storm Commander Hurricane was trying to handle. Nopony even noticed her absence or her return.

As soon as the play ended Colgate rushed back to the train station. Since she caught a train that was leaving just ten minutes after the play finished, it was not packed so Colgate was able to enjoy her trip home. When she got home she placed her diagrams in her safe so that when the time came, she could show this to her co-workers when the time was right. While she knew she had Sea Swirl and Amethyst's loyalty, she would have to hope that something would happen to gain Doctor Whooves and Twinkleshine's loyalty as well.

Twilight Exposed

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Hearth's Warming had come and gone and before she knew it, Twilight's second trip to the practice in ten days had arrived. While she was fairly confident that her followup with the doctor would be fine, it was her appointment with Colgate that had her scared. She had never had any cavities before and worried that getting fillings would hurt.

There was a horrible blizzard striking Ponyville as Twilight headed into the practice. She was tracking snow into the lobby. When Sea Swirl saw this she cleared there throat and said, "AHEM, could you please go stomp the snow off of your hooves. If you don't, you'll be the one to clean up the mess."

Twilight replied, "But I'm a princess."

Sea Swirl's glare deepened and she pointed her hoof towards a sign that asked customers to please clean the snow off their hooves before coming in. Twilight got a sheepish grin and headed out to clean her hooves.

Once she got in she headed to the receptionist's window to let Sea Swirl know that she was there for her appointments. She entered some information in the computer and said, "Alright Twilight, take a seat. Twinkleshine will be out to get you shortly."

Twilight sat down and began to read an article in a magazine about health and fitness. The article she was reading involved intense training for racing. She was only able to read a couple paragraphs before Twinkleshine came out to get her. "Hi Twilight, how was your Hearth's Warming?"

Twilight replied, "Oh it was ok. Spike wasn't overly thrilled over the book I gave him but he sure loved the blanket Applejack made for him. He hugged her and thanked her probably twenty times."

Twinkleshine said, "Awww, how adorable.....well come on back. Let's see if things have changed any."

She led Twilight back to the exam room where she took her vitals. Twinkleshine said, "Are you ok Twilight? You are running a bit of a fever today."

Twilight replied, "Well I feel alright."

Twinkleshine wrote down the princess's vitals and headed to get Whooves. When he came into the exam room he saw Twilight tapping her hooves together impatiently. He had her chart along with an envelope. Twilight saw this and asked, "Doctor, what is in that envelope."

Whooves replied, "The results of your tests. Let's take a look, shall we."

He opened the envelope and pulled the papers out. The first to be listed was her bloodwork. He said, "Twilight, this really concerns me. Your LDLs, your bad cholesterol, are through the roof while your HDLs, good cholesterol are low. It also bothers me that your triglycerides are as high as they are."

Twilight asked, "Is there anything I can do to fix that doctor?"

Whooves replied, "Well I am going to prescribe you some medication to lower your cholesterol. I would advise you lay off of the fried daffodils and fried cupcakes. That is probably what has your cholesterol in the shape that it is in."

The doctor looked at the second page of the report regarding her kidney function and things looked fairly good. He said, "Princess Twilight, your kidney function looks normal for the most part but some of your numbers are off a bit, but it's nothing to really worry about."

Twilight replied, "Well that's good, I guess."

The doctor then looked at the third page of the report. While he was adamant to everypony at the practice that Twilight would never take steroids he had the lab run a test for them anyway. He saw the results and initially didn't react negatively. He wanted to get it out of Twilight in another way. He asked, "So Twilight, I have noticed your wings are more muscular these days and that you are wanting to fly faster. Why is that?"

Twilight replied, "Well ever since I became a princess, Rainbow Dash has always beat me in races, I mean always. It has been frustrating me so much because Alicorns are supposed to be able to fly faster than regular pegasi."

He asked, "So have you ever won a race against her?"

Twilight replied, "Well up until just a few months ago I had never beat her and now I beat her all the time. It is so funny to see her with that dejected look when a pony she always called an egghead beats her. Now I know why she loves winning, being better than somepony else makes me feel like the truly superior pony I am!"

The doctor rolled his eyes and continued, "Well I suppose Oxabolone would help anypony fly faster."

Twilight's jaw dropped when she heard this. She wondered how in the world the doctor could even know about it. He glared at her and continued, "I know about the performance enhancing drug Twilight. When I saw your wings had almost doubled in size since last summer I knew something was going on so I ordered a drug test on you."

Twilight started screaming and yelling at the doctor for doing that. She was yelling so loud that everypony else in the practice had to come in and subdue her. Colgate even had to put a horn cap on her to prevent any discharges of energy. Twilight continued to scream in anger. She screamed, "You don't understand doctor, I had to show Rainbow Dash I was better than her and steroids were the only way to do it!"

Doctor Whooves stared the belligerent patient down and she stopped screaming and yelling. Whooves asked, "Twilight, do you know how bad performance enhancing drugs are for you?"

Twilight puffed her chest out and boasted, "Well, they haven't done anything bad yet. Hey, I'd say beating Rainbow at her own game is really good!"

The doctor continued, "You do know that if you go off of this steroid that your muscles will deteriorate very quickly and you will become very weak." He raised his voice and finished, "Now I know why your blood pressure and pulse are so high. Steroids will do that to a pony."

Twilight started to cry, "But all I wanted to do was beat Rainbow."

Doctor Whooves looked at the clock and said, "Just go. Right now I can't stand to even look at you and besides, your appointment with Colgate starts in ten minutes."

Twilight headed out to the lobby to discover that Colgate was waiting for her. She had a concerned look on her face and said, "Come on back Twilight, we need to fill those cavities."

As Colgate led Twilight back she asked, "Twilight, I saw how angry you got with the doctor. I'm not going to need everypony in here to restrain you am I?"

Twilight replied, "No, you won't."

Colgate took one more look into the princess's mouth before getting the needle to inject the numbing agents into her mouth. Twilight saw this and cringed. Colgate saw her reaction and said, "Why are you so scared Twilight? I wouldn't think needles would scare you."

Twilight screamed, "They do if I'm not the one using them on myself."

Colgate replied, "Just let me numb your mouth. I don't think you want to get fillings without a numbing agent. You'd be howling so loud in pain that the whole town would hear you."

Twilight realized that she was right and allowed her to numb her mouth. The rest of the appointment went on rather normally as Twilight laid there with her mouth open while Colgate filled the cavities. When she was done Colgate said, "Now Twilight, I would advise you stay away from cold foods for a while."

Twilight asked, "Is there anything else I should avoid?"

Colgate replied, "Yeah, avoid fried daffodils and fried cupcakes. Those will cause excruciating pain." Colgate gave the princess an intense glare and asked, "So, where do you get this unhealthy crap from anyway?"

Twilight replied, "Well the Cakes make them for me. Don't tell anypony but it is something they do for me and nopony else."

Colgate said, "Don't worry Twilight, nopony will hear a word of this."

Twilight asked, "When will I......"

Colgate interrupted, "You should be able to resume normal eating habits in two weeks. Now go get checked out."

Twilight headed to the front and paid her co-pay. Sea Swirl asked, "So Twilight, do either one of the doctors wish to see you again anytime soon?"

Twilight replied, "They didn't say anything about it. If I need to see either one of them I will schedule an appointment."

Sea Swirl smiled and replied, "Alright your Majesty, you have a good day!"

Twilight rolled her eyes and slammed the door on the way out. Given that they had no more appointments that day they closed up shop and began to discuss their anger towards their royal patient. Dr. Whooves had a fury burning in his eyes. He said, "I had a feeling she was doping but I never imagined it would actually be true!"

Twinkleshine asked, "Whooves, you said last time that she was here that she is a lady and would never take steroids. Why did you order a test?"

Whooves replied, "A nagging voice in the back of my head just told me to. I really wish there was a way to punish her for this but there just isn't. It's not like we can torture her or anything."

Colgate's eyes lit up when he said this. She said, "Come on everypony, let's head over to my house. I'll fix us dinner and we can make plans for what needs to be done to put the overly competitive princess in her place."

Her co-workers had no clue as to what was running through her mind but unlike the others, Whooves has seen Colgate's angry side. She motioned for them to follow to her house so that is what they did. They knew she had something in mind, but none of them would ever have imagined what Colgate's plans were.

A New Ally

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Colgate and her co-workers were walking towards her house when they saw Rainbow Dash walking around with her head hung low. Whooves wanted to know why she was so sad so he asked, "Rainbow Dash, what is wrong?"

Rainbow was a bit irritated. She snapped, "Why do you care? Just leave me alone."

Colgate interrupted, "Rainbow, I have seen a few races here lately and I noticed that Twilight has been beating you. Is that why you have your head hung so low?"

Rainbow screamed, "She has and I don't know how she has been doing it and I really don't know how the hay her wings got so big. They were just half that size a year ago."

Colgate said, "Rainbow, come with me to my house. The five of us have discovered something that might explain why her wings have become so muscular."

Rainbow grunted but followed the five. When they got there they stomped the snow off their hooves and headed inside. Once they were inside Rainbow asked, "Ok, what is this you know about Twilight and her wings?"

Whooves asked, "Rainbow, have you ever heard of Oxabolone?"

Having been involved in racing for decades, Rainbow knew a lot about the Equestrian Racing Federation and the substances that they have banned. She said, "Yeah, I know about it. It is a performance enhancing drug that was banned from racing nearly a hundred years ago. What does that have to do with Twilight and her wings?"

Whooves replied, "Well Twilight came to see me ten days ago. I decided to run some tests on her. Some were normal tests, such as cholesterol tests and kidney function tests but I also ordered the lab in Manehattan to run a drug test on her."

Rainbow interrupted, "Wait a minute, she tested positive for Oxabolone didn't she?"

Whooves replied, "Yep, she did. I'm not sure how long she has been taking it but I have a feeling it has been for quite some time."

Rainbow at first was giddy with excitement. She said, "Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh! I haven't lost my edge! I still am the best flyer in Equestria after all!" Her attitude went from joy to rage as she shouted, "But now everypony thinks she is the best flyer when she is nothing more than a cheater! Ugh, what I wouldn't do to punish her for this, to expose her for the fraud she is!"

Colgate, with a calm look on her face, asked, "So Rainbow, what measures would you go to in punishing her if you could get away with it?"

Rainbow had a strange feeling about what was going on but decided to tell them anyway. She replied, "Well if I could get away with it I would want to cut those wings off of her! I would love to make her suffer."

Colgate looked at the rest of the ponies in her home and asked, "So everypony, we know that Twilight thinks she is above taking care of her teeth, eats the worst foods possible and takes steroids. What do you think would be the best way to punish the prissy princess?"

Rainbow began to laugh, "She was my friend but no longer. What would I like to do? I would love it if there was some sort of secret underground place we could take her to and torture her to death!"

Colgate smiled when she heard this. She said, "Alright everypony, I know things that could make Rainbow's desires come true BUT all of you must swear complete and absolute loyalty to me and no other."

Twinkleshine asked, "And what if we don't?"

Colgate's eyes turned a darker blue and she replied, "If you don't, you will suffer the same fate I have planned for Twilight and the Cakes."

Rainbow asked, "Why do you want to punish the Cake Family? They haven't done anything wrong to you?"

Colgate laughed, "They are the ones who are responsible for Twilight's poor oral health and terrible physical health. Why do you ask? They are responsible because they are the ones who are making those fried daffodils and fried cupcakes for Twilight and nopony else."

Rainbow replied, "Well that stuff will kill her eventually so why would that be anything to punish them for?"

Whooves said, "Remember Rainbow, things like that can't KILL an Alicorn and also remember how she used steroids to beat you in those races."

Rainbow replied, "Yes I do." They all looked at Colgate and Rainbow continued, "Colgate, just from the way you have been talking you know about something that would aid us in punishing Twilight."

Colgate nodded and said, "Follow me."

Colgate led them into her kitchen and told them to wait there while she got something. She headed into her bedroom and grabbed the papers she stored in there. She laid them down on her table and said, "Take a look at these. I know of a place that nopony else except you six now know about."

Rainbow asked, "So is this where you want to drag Twilight and the Cakes out to?"

Colgate replied, "Yes it is BUT I think that we all need to make a little trip to get acquainted with the place."

While Colgate had written down many things and drew numerous diagrams of the interior of the bunker, she never wrote down the spells to get in there. She had a good enough memory that she could recite those upon demand. She also believed that some things would be best kept hidden from her co-workers in the event that she needed to trap them in the bunker or keep them out.

Amethyst asked, "So Colgate, when do you want us to make this trip?"

Colgate replied, "The sooner the better. New Years is only a few days away. What do you say that we take a little trip for the holiday?"

Everypony started cheering as the idea of a trip sounded exciting and the fact that soon they would be able to wipe out those they viewed as problem ponies. Colgate asked, "Is there anypony here who can't afford the train ticket to Dodge Junction? If so, raise your hoof."

Nopony raised their hooves. Colgate continued, "Alright, meet me at the train station tomorrow morning at 0700 and we will head out. The hike to the bunker should take around four hours and then we head inside and learn that place inside and out."

Everypony agreed to the plan and they all headed home. Colgate was confident that nopony would dare share her plans as they all had the same mission. She knew that if they did that she would either have to flee the country or destroy her diagrams and simply claim that they are a bunch of lying fools simply trying to get her into trouble.

Trip to the Badlands

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While most everypony slept tight that night, Colgate laid tossing and turning. She began to wonder if some of her team was really serious about this, she began to worry that some of them would betray her and go to the authorities and she worried that some may try to take her out. Deep down though, she knew that she knows the bunker better since she saw it's inside and outside in her trance in Canterlot. She thought to herself, "If I get this feeling that they will try to betray me, I'll kill them out there and nopony would ever know where to look for them!"

She then realized that if she left with six ponies but returned with less, then she may be suspected in their disappearances. She started banging her head on her pillow and said, "Ugh, how could I not think about that. Normally I'm so prepared."

She then had a brilliant idea. She contacted Whooves, Twinkleshine and RD and told them that she wanted to stagger their trips so that nopony would wonder why all six of them were traveling together.. She told them not to leave Ponyville until nine while her, Amethyst and Sea Swirl would leave at seven. Luckily for Colgate they agreed to the plan without even thinking.

The following morning at seven Amethyst and Sea Swirl arrived at the train station to find Colgate waiting there for them. Colgate said, "Ladies, you made it! Let's buy our tickets and get ready to go."

Sea Swirl asked, "Colgate, where are the others?"

Colgate replied, "I told them that we should stagger our departures. A nagging voice in the back of my head told me that we shouldn't all leave together so I told them to leave at nine."

Amethyst said, "Well I think that is a good idea." She got a nervous look on her face but continued, "I hope you won't be mad at me Colgate but I don't trust the others."

Sea Swirl interrupted, "You too Amethyst?"

Colgate replied, "Well, it looks like the three of us are on the same page. We'll discuss this further once we are alone. We can't say anything around other ponies!"

The trip took two hours and they arrived in Dodge Junction around nine. They exited the train and started looking for a place to eat. While they were doing this back in Ponyville Whooves, Twinkleshine and Rainbow arrived at the station. Rainbow asked, "I still don't understand why Colgate wouldn't want all of us traveling together. Does she not trust us?"

Whooves whispered, "Listen Rainbow, she knows what she's doing. Keep quiet. We can't have anypony hearing us."

Rainbow nodded and the three boarded the train for Dodge Junction. The train ride seemed to take forever to Rainbow as she couldn't help but feel like she was being taken to her doom. Finally a little bit after eleven they exited the train and were greeted by their friends. Colgate said, "Whooves, Twinkleshine, Rainbow, you made it!"

Twinkleshine replied, "Yep, so when are we going to go on our hike?"

Colgate put her hoof over her mouth and said, "Shhh" She whispered, "Look, we can discuss this once we are out in the badlands. Follow me."

Everypony followed Colgate out into the badlands. Since it was late December conditions in the desert were quite comfortable. As they were climbing up and down steep hills Twinkleshine asked, "Colgate, how much more of this rough terrain do we have to endure?"

Colgate snapped, "Twinkleshine, these are called badlands for a reason. It is nothing but rough terrain. It is an excellent place to hide out as long as you don't have pegasus ponies trying to hunt you down."

Rainbow added, "Or Alicorns."

This comment hit Colgate wrong. To her this was Rainbow still showing some loyalty to Twilight. She just rolled her eyes and said, "Come on everypony. If the old maps were right there should be an oasis right over that ridge."

Once they climbed the ridge they were greeted by a small plateau with a lake and apple trees. Colgate licked her chops and said, "Wow, I know the maps said there was an oasis here but I never imagined something like this. Come on everypony, let's quench our thirst and refuel."

After twenty minutes of refreshing themselves they continued on. Finally around two in the afternoon, which was an hour sooner than Colgate anticipated, they approached a steep hillside. While the other ponies were beginning to head off to the side to walk around the rock formation Colgate walked straight towards it. She looked closely and found the hole that she must place her horn into. She placed her horn into the hole and recited,

The bunker is locked, from thy enemies it is blocked,
Crimes of the enemy must be paid for, to do this thou must unlock the door,
In we take the enemy, of which there are many
Inside we kill the bright ones, and the days of light shall be done.

The door began to slide open and Colgate and her friends became the first ponies to enter the bunker in well over a thousand years. Colgate knew that the door would soon close behind them so she fired a powerful ball of energy that spread outwards, lighting all the torches in the old bunker. The door slid closed behind them. This made Rainbow a bit uneasy. She asked, "Uh Colgate, do you know how we're going to get out of here? Is there a spell for that too?"

Colgate replied, "Yes Rainbow." She looked back and continued, "Now follow me. Be careful where you step. Even one wrong move and you could either wind up in a hidden chamber or find yourself decapitated."

Whooves asked, "So what exactly are we going to be doing here anyway?"

Colgate replied, "We are simply going to be checking the layout of all the mazes in here and I am going to see if all the torture devices are still in good working condition."

Rainbow asked, "All of them? We only need one to punish Twilight!"

Colgate replied, "Yeah, you're right but I do want to check them all. Who knows which one I might want to use on her."

That reassured Rainbow so she and the other five blissfully followed Colgate through the complex maze of hallways. A terrifying thought hit Colgate like a ton of bricks. She began to wonder, "What if they were to betray her? What if Twilight managed to brainwash them? What if they went to the authorities?" Very soon though her nerves calmed down entirely when she realized that she was in the perfect place to take care of those who tried to stop her from achieving her objective, which was wiping out Twilight for neglecting to take care of her teeth.

Colgate's First Victim (In Over 15 Years)

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The six ponies continued navigating their way through the maze within the bunker, following Colgate so that they don't fall victim to the many security measures that existed there. Rainbow was following the rest of them in the back when Whooves had kicked up some dust. This caused Rainbow's nose to really itch. She getting ready to sneeze, "Uuuhhh."

Colgate looked back and said, "Quiet Rainbow, even the slightest bit of noise could activate one of these security measures."

"Aaa-aaa-Achoo!" Rainbow's sneeze threw her up against the wall, causing it to spin around and suddenly she was gone. Colgate smiled and thought to herself, "Excellent! One down, two to go!"

Whooves looked back and asked, "Uh Colgate, Rainbow is no longer following us. Don't you think we should go back for her?"

Colgate replied, "She has good hearing. She will be able to hear our hoofsteps. I'm not worried about her."

Colgate now knew where her first victim was trapped. She wanted to get the other two in areas pretty close to where RD is so she began navigating them to where they were basically walking around in circles. Around twenty minutes later they were back in the same hallway but were going in the opposite direction. Whooves noticed this and asked, "Colgate, are you sure you know your way around this place as good as you claim to? I think we've been this way before."

They all stopped so Colgate could think for a minute. She walked back to Amethyst and whispered, "Bump him into that wall on the left as soon as possible. He knows something is up!"

Colgate said, "Alright everypony, let's get going again, we need to go this way to get to where I want us to take Twilight."

They started walking again and within a minute Amethyst pretended to stub her hoof on something. "Ouch, I think I stubbed my hoof!"

Dr. Whooves said, "Let me take a look at that. I want to make sure you are ok."

The doctor bent down to take a look at her hoof when she suddenly kicked him into the wall. Like with Rainbow, the wall spun around and he simply disappeared. Twinkleshine screamed, "Whooves!" She ran into the wall and it spun around again, causing the two siblings to be trapped in the same room.

Sea Swirl asked, "Colgate, they've all disappeared. What do we do now?"

Colgate laughed, "Follow me and we shall see if the old torture devices still work."

Her two friends followed her to what appeared to be the end of a hallway. Amethyst asked, "Colgate, it appears as though we are at a dead end. What do we do?"

Colgate replied, "Just watch, this isn't a dead end."

Colgate looked at the wall and saw a small hole in the wall, similar to the one at the entrance. She looked back and said, "Ladies, be ready to fire. I'm sure Rainbow will want to get out."

The two weren't completely sure what their boss was talking about but prepared to fire. Since it was Colgate who opened the door to the bunker, every lock within it would only respond to her energy. She placed her horn in the hole and let forth a calm beam of energy. What looked like a wall slid open to reveal a dimly lit room. Rainbow started running towards them. "Thank you guys! Thank you for rescuing me!"

The three unicorns fired powerful bolts at the pegasus knocking her out cold. Colgate said, "Amethyst, get her chained up to that column in the center of the room. Sea Swirl, ram those hooks that come up through the floor into her hind legs while I ram those hooks hanging from the ceiling through the bases of her wings."

An hour later Rainbow came to but realized that she was restrained. She tried flapping her wings but realized they were secured by something sharp. She then tried kicking her hind legs but that only caused the hooks that were rammed through them to tear at her skin and put pressure on her bones. She was screaming, "Help, Colgate, somepony, anypony help me."

Rainbow heard a voice echoing from the shadows, "Oh good, you're awake."

Another voice said, "We thought you had died on us there for a minute."

Rainbow suddenly became paralyzed with fear. She shouted, "Amethyst, Sea Swirl? What do you mean you thought I died on you?" She yelled, "If you did this you are sick! Colgate will punish you for doing this to me!"

A third voice came from the shadows, "Oh I doubt that!"

Rainbow's jaw dropped open when she saw three unicorns come out from the shadows. She asked, "Colgate, Amethyst, Sea Swirl? If this is your idea of a joke it isn't funny!"

Colgate stood before the trapped pegasus and in a solemn voice said, "I know you still have some loyalty towards the steroid popping princess. I can sense it in your actions, your loyalty towards her radiates from you like a nasty stench radiates from a pile of shit."

Rainbow shouted, "No! I hate Twilight and you know that! You know I think she is a cheater!"

Amethyst laughed, "You know Rainbow, you aren't exactly the best liar. Your facial expression says you are loyal to her."

Rainbow screamed, "No! My facial expression is that of a pony in pain. Let me go!"

Colgate laughed, "Oh Rainbow, we haven't seen that facial expression from you, yet!"

Colgate said, "Amethyst, you see that crank over on the far wall, go to it. I'm going to this one over here. When you get there, start turning it as I turn mine."

Sea Swirl asked, "What do I do?"

Colgate laughed, "Just enjoy the show!"

The two got to their respective places and began to turn the crank, causing Rainbow's wings to spread out wide as they were beginning to be pulled away from her body. Rainbow was screaming, "What are you doing? This isn't funny!"

Colgate laughed, "Oh but it is!" as her and Amethyst continued to turn the cranks. The hooks grabbed the bases of her wingbones and began to slowly pull them outwards. As the stress of the outward pressure continued to grow, Rainbow went from screaming in pain to screaming in a violent fury. She was trying to force herself off of the column but Amethyst had done too good of a job chaining her to the column. She then started kicking her back legs thinking if she could free her hind legs from the bottom hooks, that she could maybe break free. Colgate saw this and said, "Rainbow, you are going to tear your hind legs apart doing that."

Rainbow shouted, "Buck you Colgate! I should have known better than to trust you!"

Colgate stopped turning her crank but motioned for Amethyst to continue to turn hers. The uneven pressure on Rainbow's wings were putting an even larger amount of stress on her body. Eventually the stress was so great on her right wing that it ripped it right out of it's socket, causing the whole hook to come out of her body. Colgate laughed, "So Rainbow, how are you feeling up there?"

Rainbow shouted, "How do you think I am feeling? I'm in a lot of pain!"

Colgate laughed, "Oh Rainbow, you're so funny. You haven't felt anything yet!"

Colgate unchained the pegasus and removed her hind legs from the hooks on the floor, leaving her hanging by only the hook forced under her left wing."

This increased the pressure pulling on her remaining good wing even more. She was kicking, struggling and screaming. Colgate shouted, "Stop struggling Rainbow. The more you struggle the quicker you'll rip the other wing out of it's socket."

Rainbow screamed, "I don't care. I'm getting free, going to Canterlot and turning you in!"

Just then the other wing was ripped out of it's socket. The hook came flying out of her flesh and she crashed to the ground. Because of the damage she had done to her back legs trying to kick herself free, they shattered when she landed. She screamed out in agony while the three unicorns surrounded her and laughed.

Colgate sneered, "So Rainbow, what was that you were going to do?"

Rainbow snapped, "I'll still get out of here and make sure you're punished!"

Colgate laughed, "Typical athlete, she thinks she's all that and a sack of hay but lacks the wits to think ahead."

Sea Swirl added, "Oh and how do you plan on getting out of here? You can't walk, you sure the hay can't fly and Colgate's the only one who can activate the door to get out of here."

Rainbow lunged at Amethyst and landed on top of her. She began to punch the unicorn but Amethyst is not one to panic in these types of situations. She lowered her head and rammed it upwards, causing her horn to go straight into Rainbow's shoulder. Rainbow fell forwards and was screaming in agony. Amethyst easily kicked the pegasus off of her. She stood over her body laughing. She bent down and began to lick Rainbow's wound. While Rainbow was screaming in agony the unicorn got a smile on her face. She called out to her friends, "Colgate, Sea Swirl come here. Pegasus blood is quite tasty!"

After the other two had got a taste of pegasus blood Colgate asked, "Hey ladies, do you like chicken wings?"

The other two nodded yes. Colgate continued, "Well I wonder how pegasus wings taste?"

Rainbow shouted, "No, you ripped my wings out of their sockets but you won't take them from me entirely!"

Sea Swirl kicked Rainbow onto her stomach and held her down while Colgate and Amethyst began ripping her wings out with their teeth. After roughly half an hour of Rainbow's screaming, the two unicorns had ripped the wings out entirely and were holding them in their mouths. Colgate and Amethyst spit them out and they landed right in front of Rainbow's face. Rainbow began to cry uncontrollably. Yes she was in a great amount of pain but it was seeing her wings, the instruments that made her a pegasus, laying in front of her that caused her to cry.

Colgate laughed, "So Rainbow, plan on taking part in any flying competitions anytime soon?"

Rainbow cried in agony, "Why Colgate? Why? I was on your side!"

Colgate replied, "Why? It is because you know too much, I can tell you are still a bit loyal to Twilight and I simply can not risk you telling anypony about this."

Rainbow asked, "What about your two little minions here? Are you going to kill them too?"

Colgate replied, "No, I have no plans on harming Amethyst and Sea Swirl. I know they're loyal to me."

Rainbow glared at her captors and asked, "Wait a minute, you three had this all planned out ahead of time, didn't you? This is why you had us stagger when we left, isn't it?"

Colgate kicked her and replied, "Wow, the dumb jock shows a bit of intelligence after all!"

Amethyst laughed, "If she were here the princess of steroids would be so proud!"

Rainbow shouted, "But she isn't!"

Sea Swirl kicked her in the head and laughed, "She will be soon enough, but sadly you will already be dead when that happens!"

Colgate shouted, "Look ladies, enough with the small talk, we still have two more to take care of, let's finish this!"

Rainbow shouted, "You're doing this to the doctor and Twinkleshine too?"

Colgate was levitating an axe and was ready to throw it down. Before she did she laughed, "Wow Rainbow, you've shown more intelligence today than you have in your whole life!"

Before Rainbow could say anything Colgate slammed the axe down on the back of Rainbow's neck. Much to the dismay of Sea Swirl and Amethyst, it did not severe the head. While there was blood gushing out of the wound, Rainbow still drew life. Colgate laughed, "Oh my, the axe I grabbed is dull! My bad!"

Not only did Rainbow still draw life, she was still conscious. She was crying out in agony, "Please Colgate, just let me live!"

Colgate replied, "You know what Rainbow, I will under one condition. You must survive one more strike of my axe. If you do, the three of us will heal you and even show you the way out of here. Do we have a deal?"

Rainbow knew her chances of surviving a second blow were almost zero but realized it would be better than nothing. Rainbow replied, "Alright, we have a deal."

Amethyst kicked Rainbow so she was laying on her back. Colgate laughed as she aimed the axe towards her neck. Rainbow began to scream but within seconds she would fall silent. Colgate slammed the axe down harder than before, causing her head to be severed from her body. Colgate held Rainbow's head up triumphantly and said, "Well ladies, one down, two to go."

Amethyst asked, "Colgate, the other two fell into the wall in nearly the same place. Will they be in different rooms or will they be in the same room?"

Colgate laughed and replied, "They'll be in the same room. We'll just have to decide who watches the other one die."

Colgate carried Rainbow's head with her as they exited the room. She figured that she could use it as a weapon against them, such as an instrument to hit them in the head with. If not, she figured that her and her friends could use it to entertain their next victims before they died.

Double the Fun

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Colgate and her co-workers returned to the maze and headed towards the door that would lead them to the room where Whooves and Twinkleshine were trapped. Amethyst asked, "How far is it to the entrance to the other room? Is it quite a ways or is it right around the corner? I will admit, I am nervous that something might happen and we will get trapped somewhere."

Colgate replied, "It will only take us a few minutes and besides, as long as you follow me and don't go bumping into the walls, you will be fine."

Five minutes passed and they ran into what appeared to be another dead end. Before anypony else could say anything Colgate said, "Alright, this is the entrance to the other room. Get ready to fire at them. We need to knock out Twinkleshine first since she is a unicorn, then we'll handle the doctor. Ok, let's go!"

Colgate placed her horn in the hole and released some energy into it. The door slid open and just like Rainbow did, the doctor and Twinkleshine rushed for the door but were immediately knocked out cold. The three entered the room and the door closed behind them. Colgate knew that this room was something special. She said, "Amethyst, Sea Swirl, get Whooves strapped to that table over there while I get Twinkleshine secured with those cuffs hanging from the ceiling."

They did as they were told and thirty minutes later their two captives were coming to. Whooves woke up to discover he was strapped to a table with numerous metallic instruments on it's sides while Twinkleshine found herself hanging from the ceiling by two hoof cuffs. She was shouting, "Hello, is anypony there."

A voice from the shadows said, "Yes, there is."

Twinkleshine asked, "Amethyst, is that you? Are you ok?"

Another voice replied, "Yes, she is ok."

Whooves asked, "Sea Swirl, where are we? Where is Colgate?"

Colgate walked into the center of the room and replied, "I'm right here. I'm perfectly fine."

As she was saying this Amethyst and Sea Swirl walked out into the light as well. Their captives looked at them with desperate looks on their faces. Whooves asked, "Colgate, how did this happen to us? Could you help us out of these contraptions?"

Colgate began to snicker, "Oh doctor, you must not know me as well as you thought. You should know that we can't have you two revealing any information about this place."

Twinkleshine began to struggle and scream, "Wait a minute, you did this to us? Does Rainbow know about this?"

Colgate levitated Rainbow's head in front of them and replied, "Yeah, you could say she knows about it." She then tossed the head so hard at Twinkleshine that it got caught on her horn. Twinkleshine began to vomit and struggle, trying to shake the head off of her horn. Eventually the head fell to the floor and hit a special stone. Part of the floor slid open and underneath it was a pool of some sort of clear liquid.

Twinkleshine shouted, "You killed Rainbow? How could you?"

Colgate replied, "She knew too much and she was a loud mouth. She had to be silenced one way or another."

Colgate looked towards the pool of liquid. She said, "Wow, I sure didn't expect this. Even after over a thousand years this place still has some water in it?"

Amethyst walked over to it and sniffed the substance. She whispered, "Colgate, this isn't water. It smells like sulfur."

Colgate walked over and smelled the liquid herself. She whispered back, "Damn, this place must have some sort of powerful magic to it for a pool of sulfuric acid to still exist."

Twinkleshine began to struggle and shout, "What are you saying? You're going to drown me aren't you?"

Whooves shouted, "How dare you! Do what you want to me but don't you dare hurt my little sister!"

Amethyst laughed, "So doctor, what extent would you go to make sure your baby sister isn't taking a bath?"

He began to cry. He said, "I'll do anything to keep her safe."

Colgate replied, "Alright. It's showtime ladies."

Colgate threw a switch that began to lower what appeared to be a saw towards the doctor's left hind leg. He began to struggle imagining what the pain would be like. He shouted, "Stop!"

Colgate laughed, "With pleasure!"

She threw the switch back into the upright position and the chains that held Twinkleshine in place began to lower her towards the acid. The doctor figured that a little bath wouldn't hurt her. As she continued to be lowered towards the liquid she could smell the stench. She was shouting, "Whooves, that isn't water! It is acid!"

Whooves knew that sometimes his sister can be a bit melodramatic so he continued to let her be lowered. Finally the bottoms of her hooves hit the acid and she began to cry out in agony. Whooves shouted "Please don't hurt her."

Colgate asked, "So you want the saw to continue it's downward journey?"

Whooves cried, "Yes, just stop hurting Twinkleshine."

By the time Colgate got the switch activated to lower the saw again Twinkleshine's hooves were entirely submerged in the acid. The doctor raised his head a bit to watch in horror as the saw began to cut his left hind leg off. He was crying out in agony, almost as loudly as his sister was screaming for them to stop. They paid no attention to her though, as it was Whooves who determined her fate. As it finished cutting his leg off he shouted, "Stop! This hurts so much!"

Colgate laughed, "Well ok, it is whatever you want!"

She threw the lever back up and actually began to raise the saw. The results would horrify Whooves though, as his sister began to be lowered further into the acid, but at a much slower rate. She was crying out in pain, "Brother, please make it stop! I don't want to die!"

Whooves said, "Stop, don't let this happen to her. Do what you want to me, just don't keep lowering her."

Colgate replied, "Alright doctor, it is whatever you want."

Colgate moved the mechanism to where it was above his front right leg and threw the switch. Twinkleshine's descent stopped while the saw began to descend towards the doctor's leg. He closed his eyes and prepared himself for nightmarish pain but was bound and determined to not let his sister suffer any worse than she already was. The saw penetrated his front right leg. As it began to saw through his hide and then his bone, he was screaming out in agony but realized that his sister was more important than his leg was.

Eventually the saw had cut his leg off and stopped going down on it's own. The three stood around him, covered in blood laughing. Colgate unlocked the other two hoof cuffs and said, "Alright doctor, I have a deal for you."

Whooves replied, "Oh, and what is that?"

Colgate said, "Walk over to your sister and you're free to go. The three of us will even heal you completely and let you out."

The doctor was suspicious of what Colgate's true plans were but then he heard the cries of his sister. She cried, "Please big brother, just trust her. A tiny hope is better than none at all."

Whooves yelled, "Buck you Colgate! I don't believe you!"

Colgate smacked him so hard it knocked a couple teeth about. She laughed, "My my, such language! We'll have to teach you some manners." She then looked at his teeth laying on the ground. She pointed at them and asked, "So doctor? What caused you to stop taking care of your teeth?"

Whooves shouted, "I never stopped! You just hit me so hard they came out!"

Sea Swirl got an idea. She walked over to Colgate and whispered, "Hey, think we ought to punish his sister over his teeth?"

Colgate got a sadistic smile on her face. She walked over to the switch and said, "Sure, good idea!"

She threw the switch and Twinkleshine continued to be lowered into the acid. Her cries were excruciating as the acid began to turn red. As she continued to be lowered, more and more of her hide was being disintegrated and she continued to lose more and more blood. Colgate threw the switch again causing her to actually be lifted out of the acid. Colgate noticed that most of Twinkleshine's hind legs were nothing more than bare bone. She cried, "How could you? What caused you to become so sadistic?"

Colgate laughed, "If the steroid queen were here she could tell you."

Whooves shouted, "I'm the one who discovered the steroid usage, not you! Why are we being punished and not her?"

Amethyst laughed, "Don't worry, she'll be punished in due time."

Colgate added, "You two are being punished because you know too much. We can not take the chance of you two telling anypony about this."

Sea Swirl finished, "Oh, and if we were to take you two out of here in this kind of shape, we'd get arrested. So you two have to die."

Twinkleshine began to struggle and scream again. Colgate put her hooves over her ears and shouted, "Take the wretch down and make sure to not accidentally drop her in the acid."

The two did as they were told. While they were taking Twinkleshine down, Colgate uncuffed the doctor's two remaining legs and leaned him up against the table. Upon standing Twinkleshine's hind legs shattered as the bare bone could not support the weight of the rest of her body. When the doctor saw his sister's back legs snap causing her to fall onto her stomach, he began to cry. He tried to stand up on his two legs. While it was not easy, he managed to remain standing. He wanted to go and help her, but he wasn't very confident in his walking abilities. Colgate saw this and said, "Ok doctor, remember our deal?"

Whooves growled, "Yes, I do."

Colgate replied, "Well, it is still on. All you have to do is walk over to her and put your hoof on her and you will have fulfilled your part of it. Upon doing that, the three of us will heal you and lead you out of here."

The doctor said, "How am I supposed to walk with only two legs?"

Amethyst smacked him and laughed, "That's your problem doc, not ours!"

Whooves scowled at the three but then started out towards his sister. He managed to walk towards her, slowly but surely. About thirty minutes later he reached his sister and put his hoof on her leg before setting it back down. He said, "Alright you three. I did my part, now you do your part!"

Colgate saw Rainbow's head laying on the ground. She picked it up and threw it at Whooves. She said, "Hey doc, think fast!"

When the head hit him he fell face first into the acid. He was screaming loudly as the acid was burning his face and the inside of his mouth. Twinkleshine, despite only having use of her front legs sprung into action. She grabbed him and pulled him out of the acid, but not before his face was disfigured severely, his eyes were damaged and half of his tongue had been eaten away.

Twinkleshine pulled him onto his back, hugged him and said, "Don't worry big brother, they said they will heal us and lead us out of here."

Twinkleshine motioned for their captors to come over and heal them. She said, "Alright, he did his part and he is suffering. Now you do your part."

Colgate laughed, "Oh my dear Twinkleshine, you two are far too trusting."

Twinkleshine began to tear up and asked, "Why?"

Colgate smacked her and replied, "We lied." She threw a dagger down at Twinkleshine and continued, "You know, this is no way for your brother to live. It would really be more of a horrible existence. If you had a heart you would do the only merciful thing possible."

Whooves tried to shout, "Twnklks, pls dnt!"

Amethyst smacked Twinkleshine and said, "Don't listen to him Twinkleshine. I know he is trying to be strong but you know he is in horrible, agonizing pain. He won't even be able to eat with as bad as that acid burned the inside of his mouth."

Sea Swirl continued, "Well it's your choice. You could either have him lay there in agony and starve to death, which could take days or you could do the humane thing, and make his passing immediate."

Twinkleshine grabbed the dagger, headed over to her brother and said, "Please forgive me big brother, I can't stand to see you like this anymore."

Whooves started screaming, "Nnnnnn" as Twinkleshine began plunging the knife into his chest until she hit his heart. As he drew his last breath she collapsed on top of his remains and started sobbing uncontrollably. Colgate kicked Twinkleshine and laughed, "My my, you must have really hated him. For a sister to kill her own brother, that takes a lot of hate!"

Twinkleshine lunged towards Colgate and began to curse her and demand that they heal her and show her the way out. Amethyst said, "Wow, what a selfish sister you are. You kill your brother and you want to just get away with it scot-free?"

Sea Swirl added, "Yeah, you must truly be heartless!"

Colgate finished, "Twinkleshine, what you did was absolutely horrible. How you will be able to live with yourself for the rest of your miserable, pathetic life is beyond me. Oh well, come on ladies, let's heal this heartless bitch and get going."

Twinkleshine shouted, "NO!" She grabbed the dagger and plunged it deep into her heart. She let out one last agonizing scream before falling limp. Colgate nudged her and got no response. She said, "Well ladies, let's go."

Amethyst said, "Let's take care of one more thing." She kicked Rainbow's head into the sulfuric acid and stepped on the special stone, causing the floor to close back over the pool. Colgate saw this and said, "Good idea Amethyst, now let's get going."

They followed Colgate back out into the maze and headed towards the exit. When they got to the end of the maze, Colgate lowered her horn, placed it into the hole and recited the spell,

The enemies have paid the price, for in their torture they squealed like mice,
Now the hunt goes on, for more must disappear and be gone,
The princes of light are dying, which is most satisfying
Soon darkness will forever shroud the land and attacking us will not be in the outsiders' plan.

The door slid open and they exited the bunker. Colgate told them that they will hike through the rest of the badlands to Appaloosa rather than returning to Dodge Junction because they would be less likely to be questioned if they returned home from a different place. It took them four hours to hike to Appaloosa and another two hours to get home. When they got home the sun was rising. Colgate said, "Alright ladies, let's go to my house and get some breakfast, I'm so hungry!"

"Me too!" replied the other two in unison.

They decided that they would wait a while before trying to lure Twilight into their trap. They also realized that they would need to come up with a good lie to explain the absence of Whooves and Twinkleshine. While Amethyst and Sea Swirl were wracking their brains trying to come up with one, Colgate knew what the perfect one would be, and his patients would believe it without even thinking twice.

A Royal Abduction

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Three months had passed since Colgate retook her office as solely as her own and has decided the time had come. The time had arrived for her to punish Twilight for her bad teeth and taking steroids. After closing for the day on the final day of March Colgate had a determined look on her face and her employees knew something was running through her mind.

Amethyst asked, "Colgate, what is running through your mind?"

Colgate replied, "Amethyst, Sea Swirl, the time has come. It is time to punish Twilight for her crimes."

Sea Swirl thought it was still a bit too soon. She asked, "Colgate, don't you think it is a bit early?"

Colgate rolled her eyes and replied, "Sea Swirl, temperatures out in the desert are beginning to increase. I don't want us to be hiking through the badlands when it is a hundred degrees outside. That is downright dangerous and I don't want to have to wait until October or November when temperatures are cooler again."

Amethyst asked, "How are we going to do this?"

Colgate laughed, "Oh I have a plan! Just wait and see."

Colgate wrote a letter telling Twilight that she needed to be seen at once. She then ran it to the post office and the very next day Twilight got the letter. She opened it and said to herself, "Hmm....I wonder what is so important that Colgate needs to see me right away?"

Twilight walked over to Colgate's practice where she was greeted warmly by Sea Swirl. Twilight asked, "Sea Swirl, do you know why Colgate was so adamant about me coming in?"

Sea Swirl replied, "Oh it is some sort of........" She was interrupted by Amethyst who had come out to take her back. She said, "Princess Twilight, it is so good to see you. Come on back!"

Twilight replied, "Amethyst, do you know why Colgate needs to see me?" Twilight noticed that there were no other patients and wanted to find out. She continued, "Why is your office so empty today? Don't you guys have other patients?"

Amethyst replied, "Don't worry about that your Majesty. We wanted to give you our full and undivided attention."

Twilight was greeted by Colgate in the back. She said, "Princess Twilight, I have some really good news for you!"

Twilight was unsure as to what this would be. Deep down she was very suspicious but decided to go along with what the dentist had to say. Twilight asked, "Oh, and what is that?" She hadn't seen Whooves or Twinkleshine around for quite some time and wondered why. She continued, "What happened to the doctor and Twinkleshine? Did they move or did you do something to them?"

Colgate laughed, "Now what would I do to them? You know they are friends of mine and it did hurt when they moved to Vanhoover to work in a large practice. I guess money will do that to ponies, cause them to say 'screw the patients you've had for ages.'"

Twilight had a glare on her face and asked, "Tell me why you had me come over here Colgate. I did not waste my time to come over here for a friendly chit chat."

Colgate pulled some papers that she had altered out of a filing cabinet. She was holding some papers in front of the princess and asked, "Do you remember that test that the doctor ran on you last December?"

Twilight snapped, "Oh yes, the drug test. Of course I remember it. What do you think I am, stupid?"

Colgate levitated the papers to the displeased patient. Twilight was reading through them and asked, "Wait a minute? The doctor put the wrong results in my chart?" She got a huge smile on her face and said, "Finally, now everypony will know that I wasn't using oxabolone!"

Colgate said, "Yep, do you want this to be made public or do you wish for this to remain private?"

Twilight excitedly replied, "I want it to be made public. I want my name to be cleared. I'm sick and tired of being called the Princess of Steroids."

While Twilight was continuing to happily read through the results of her test, she hadn't realized that Amethyst was standing behind her holding a syringe filled with the most powerful sedative on the market. Twilight was ready to say something when Amethyst rammed it into her neck, "OUCH! WHAT THE?....."

Amethyst injected the sedative in her. Within five seconds Twilight was out cold. Colgate knew that they could afford to wait until dark to take the train to Dodge Junction. Amethyst was unsure about this though. She asked, "Colgate, I know the bag you plan on putting her in looks legit, but what if they want to search it? What if she starts to wake up?"

Colgate replied, "Look, the midnight train is almost always empty so they don't do bag searches on that train and besides, we have more than enough sedative to keep Twily asleep until we need her awake." She looked back towards her office before they left and ordered, "Amethyst, go get my drill, a syringe with a thin needle and that thing with the hook on it you use to dislodge food from between teeth. I'm going to make this extra fun."

The three unicorns waited until 2330 before heading to the train station. They had to give Twilight another dose of sedative to keep her quiet. At midnight they boarded the train with no problems and began their journey to Dodge Junction. Colgate chose Dodge Junction over Appaloosa because the hike to the bunker would be much easier. The train arrived at Dodge Junction around 0200 which pleased Colgate greatly because despite riding in an empty car, she did not want to risk opening the bag to give Twilight another injection.

When they got off the train they immediately rushed towards the badlands. Colgate was bound and determined to make sure nopony saw her taking what appeared to be a body bag into the hills. Once they were five miles into the hills Colgate heard Twilight coming to. She shouted, "Shit ladies, we need to get her sedated again."

When Colgate unzipped her bag a very groggy Twilight looked up at her and said, "Ugh, where am I? Why am I not in my bed?"

Amethyst quickly gave her another powerful dose of sedatives and within a few seconds she was back in a peaceful sleep. Colgate said, "Alright, let's hurry up and get to the bunker. I don't want to use all of my sedatives on her."

Sea Swirl asked, "Colgate, shouldn't we have a horn cap to put on her? With her being an Alicorn she could easily teleport out of here."

Colgate replied, "Don't worry. I have one and if she starts to show too much resistance, I'll simply rip her horn out of her head, nerves and all."

After two hours of hiking they reached the entrance to the bunker. Like she did before Colgate placed her horn in the hole, shot some energy into it and recited,

"The bunker is locked, from thy enemies it is blocked,
Crimes of the enemy must be paid for, to do this thou must unlock the door,
In we take the enemy, of which there are many
Inside we kill the bright ones, and the days of light shall be done."

The door slid open and the three headed into the bunker. She then fired a bolt of energy lighting every torch for the three. Sea Swirl asked, "So Colgate, are you going to take her to one of the same rooms we killed the others in or are we going somewhere else?"

Colgate replied, "Oh we're taking her somewhere else. This will be no short jaunt, we are taking her to the absolute center of this place. It is the place where the dark warlords of the ancient past tortured and killed the princes of light."

Amethyst asked, "What? Dark warlords, princes of light? What are you talking about?"

Colgate replied, "I've done my research, I know what I'm doing."

Finally after an hour they reached the end of the maze. They saw before them a large, ominous looking black door. Sea Swirl asked, "Is this the entrance to the innermost room?"

Colgate placed her horn in the keyhole and shot some energy into it. Slowly the door slid open and before them was a room that was illuminated by a luminous green light. Colgate smiled and said, "Alright ladies, we're here."

They took the princess in with them and saw numerous torture devices. Colgate was giddy with excitement seeing how many different methods she could use. She also saw some enchanted chains laying over in a corner. She said, "Jackpot!"

Amethyst asked, "What do you see Colgate?"

Colgate pointed her hoof over to the corner and said, "You see those chains? Those are enchanted chains which will prevent our patient from teleporting out of here. Perhaps ripping her horn straight out of her head won't be necessary after all." Colgate saw a strange contraption that resembled a dentist's chair with numerous metallic instruments attached to it and continued, "Alright, get her chained to that device in the center of the room. Let's cleanse the royals of a steroid popping embarrassment."

While Amethyst and Sea Swirl were chaining Twilight to the device Colgate dug a horn cap out of her saddle bag and placed it on Twilight's horn. Sea Swirl asked, "Colgate, I thought you said that these chains would prevent her from teleporting out of here."

Colgate replied, "Look, I don't want her using any magic. That would not be in our best interests."

After getting her secured in the device Colgate and her co-workers took a look at their captive and began to laugh. Colgate laughed, "By the end of the day, the princess of steroids will be no more and Ponyville can return to how it was before she ever set foot in our town."

Torture of the Princess of Steroids

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Two hours passed and Twilight was finally coming to. She woke up to discover that she was bound in chains and that her legs were held in place by hoof cuffs. She looked around the room to see that it is illuminated by a magical green light. While she knew not where she was she knew that the green light symbolized dark magic. She shouted, "Hello, is anypony here?"

She saw a cloaked figure walk into the center of the room, with bluish white orbs shining from under the hood. The figure replied, "Yes, somepony is here, in fact there is more than one."

Colgate motioned for Amethyst and Sea Swirl, who were also wearing cloaks, to come out into the dim light for Twilight. Twilight knew that the voice of the one who spoke to her sounded familiar, but she just couldn't put her hoof on it. She asked, "Who are you three and what do you want with me?"

Colgate decided to try and confuse the princess by speaking in an older form of English. The middle figure snapped, "Thou should know why thou are here. Thou hast committed crimes against thy body and we are the ones to avenge it."

Twilight was dumbfounded. She asked, "What do you mean I have committed crimes against my body?" She grunted and continued, "I want to know who you three are. Let me go or you will be sorry."

Colgate walked over to Twilight and smacked her. She shouted, "Are thou really that stupid? Does thou not remember of all the crap thou hast been putting into thy body?" She had a sinister laugh as she continued, "Thy body knows thou will not care for it so it has summoned some caring ponies to make thou pay for hurting it."

All her life Twilight had been able to figure most anything out, but she had no clue what was going on here. She was first thinking she was hallucinating and then she really began to wonder if her body was indeed punishing her for what she had been eating lately. She said, "Ok, ha ha body! I know you're mad but if I promise to take care of you, will you return me to my bed?"

Amethyst wanted to get in on the fun. She smacked Twilight and laughed, "Oh no Twilight. You are the princess of steroids and you must be punished. This is far worse than fried daffodils my dear."

When Amethyst smacked Twilight she made the mistake of exposing her hoof a bit. Twilight saw this and realized that this was not just her mind playing a cruel joke on her as she has seen that hoof before, just yesterday to be exact. Twilight shouted, "Amethyst, is that you? If it is you're going to pay when I break free."

Amethyst removed the cloak and sneered, "So the steroid queen knows who I am. Wow, I guess the Oxabolone hasn't fried your brains yet."

Twilight looked out at the two remaining cloaked figures and shouted, "You, on the right, who are you? Show yourself!"

The right figure replied, "With pleasure!" She removed her cloak and Twilight was shocked when she saw it was Sea Swirl. She began to cry, "Amethyst, Sea Swirl, what did I ever do to you?"

Sea Swirl replied, "Oh nothing in particular. Like the figure in the middle said, it is more of what you have done to yourself."

Twilight looked at the remaining cloaked figure and could not wrap her hoof around who it was. At first she was thinking it was Colgate but then realized that she does not speak like that. Of course she was so nervous that she couldn't really think straight at the time anyway.

Twilight yelled, "I don't know who you are but just you wait, Luna will kill you for doing this to me!"

The figure smacked her with full force and laughed, "That's exactly what Celestia said before I killed and ate her."

Twilight remembered that the story was that it was White Tooth who killed Celestia yet she knew that this was not White Tooth, as the figure had a female voice. She then realized that those bluish white eyes could only belong to one pony, Colgate. Twilight shouted, "Colgate, is that you?"

Colgate ripped her cloak off and said, "It took you long enough to figure it out. I would have thought the likes of you would have figured it out simply by seeing my eyes."

Twilight screamed, "You killed Celestia? Why would you kill Celestia?"

Colgate laughed, "Celestia had it coming. She failed to take care of her teeth so she had to pay the price." Colgate licked her chops and continued, "But I tell you Twily, after I ran her through the meat grinder and feasted on the remains, I realized that Alicorn meat was the best thing out there."

Twilight saw Colgate eyeing her with a look of hunger in her eyes. She shouted, "Oh no, you will not kill and eat me too! Like I said, Luna will pick up on this negative energy, come and rescue me and kill all three of you!"

Colgate yawned, "Come on ladies, I'm sick of hearing this one yap. Let's get this started." She looked at Twilight and said, "Let's play a game shall we? It is called survivor. I will ask you questions and for every wrong answer you give you will experience some pain. For each correct answer you will be one step closer to being released. If you answer ten questions correctly, you will be released, no questions asked."

Twilight glared at Colgate and replied, "Ok. I'll be free in no time at all then you'll answer for your crimes!"

Colgate motioned at her friends to head over to switches on the wall. Colgate asked, "So Twilight, where are we?"

Twilight looked around and sneered, "In a square room with green lighting."

Colgate laughed and replied, "You know Twily, your answer was incredibly vague and I don't like your attitude." Colgate smacked her again. She also grabbed a hammer and nails and began to nail her legs to the arms and legs of the chair. Twilight was screaming so loud it was almost deafening. After she finished she smacked Twilight again and shouted, "Would you SHUT UP already? I can hardly hear myself think!"

Colgate continued, "Where were we? Oh yes, the survivor game. Ok oxabolone girl, do you know what used to happen down here when this place was actively used."

Twilight sneered, "Well it was used for what you are doing to me, torturing other ponies you bucking moron!"

Colgate smacked Twilight. She replied, "It was used for that but I don't like your attitude, so that counts as a wrong answer."

Colgate pulled out her drill and began to drill through one of Twilight's cavities. She was screaming in agony once the drill plowed through the tooth and went up into her gums. Colgate pulled the drill out once she saw blood starting to squirt everywhere. She bent down, put her tongue in Twilight's mouth and began to drink the blood. Once she pulled away she licked her chops and laughed, "Wow Twily, your blood is even sweeter than Tia's." She gave Twilight a deep passionate kiss. Once she broke it she continued, "It must be because you are so young!"

Twilight shouted, "Ewww, you're gross! I'm not into mares Colgate."

Colgate smacked Twilight and laughed, "Well I guess I know of another way to punish you!" She backed away from Twilight and continued, "Ok, next question. Do you know who used these torture chambers and who was punished in them?"

Twilight nervously replied, "Uh, Sombra brought dissidents down here and tortured them!"

Colgate smiled warmly and replied, "That is the...." Her smile turned into a scowl as she shouted, "WRONG ANSWER!"

Colgate took a syringe with a thin needle and began to ram it into the hole she had drilled earlier. Twilight was screaming in agony and trying to struggle but with her legs nailed down that was impossible for her. After a minute Colgate stopped and said, "Alright, next question. How many of these chambers existed in pre-Celestial Equestria?"

While Twilight had done a ton of studying in her life she knew basically nothing about pre-Celestial Equestria. She laid there with a nervous look on her face for a minute before Colgate smacked her and shouted, "Answer the question or your punishment will be WORSE!"

Twilight replied, "Uh, six?"

Colgate shouted, "Wrong again! That oxabolone must have really fried your brain!"

Colgate motioned for Amethyst to come over to have some fun. Amethyst took the tool to dig food out from between teeth and rammed the hook into Twilight's gums. Again she was screaming in agony and trying to struggle. Amethyst smacked her and yelled, "Look Twily, you asked for this so quit trying to struggle."

Colgate turned a crank that began to pull Twilight's legs out away from her body, stretching them to the point where it was extremely uncomfortable. She stopped right before her legs would be ripped out of their sockets. Twilight had a grimace of extreme pain and knew that more painful things were to come.

Colgate said, "Well Twilight, next question. do you know where this bunker is located?"

Twilight screamed, "How the hell would I know? You drugged me before you brought me out here!"

Amethyst slugged Twilight. She jumped on top of Twilight and began to kiss her passionately as she knew Twilight hated it. She broke the kiss, smacked Twilight and said, "Now Twilight Sparkle, didn't your mama ever teach you that when a mare gives you tongue you're supposed to give it back?"

Twilight growled, "Look, just because you three are into mares doesn't mean I am!"

Amethyst interrupted, "Come on Twilight Sparkle, I've never seen you go chasing after any of the stallions in Ponyville. Besides, despite you being a pompous bitch most of the time, ever since the first day I saw you I've wanted to get in your coat."

Sea Swirl walked up to Twilight and added, "Me too!"

Twilight asked, "Is that why you two seem to follow me all the time and stare at my rump?"

Colgate interrupted, "Come on ladies, let's get back to business. Besides, Twily and I were having fun!"

Colgate grunted and asked, "Ok little miss know it all, do you know how I knew of this place's existence and how I got us all back here without activating any of the traps used to kill or imprison intruders?"

Twilight snapped, "Let me guess, you ran away as a filly, found this place and explored it."

Colgate laughed, "Oh Twily, you're so adorable giving wrong answers!"

Colgate walked over to the front edge of the chair they had Twilight chained into. She braced herself against the front of it, bit down on the base of Twilight's horn and began to pull on it with her teeth. Twilight was screaming in agony as this was hurting her. After five minutes Colgate ripped the horn out, nerves and all like she did with Celestia. The burst of magical energy was so great that it even caused the floor to shake a bit. Colgate walked over in front of Twilight with her horn and laughed, "Well I guess these enchanted chains won't be necessary anymore!"

While Colgate was removing the chains Sea Swirl asked, "Colgate, why did you do that? I wanted to suck on it. I wanted to give Twilight the same pleasure we give each other."

Twilight sneered, "I knew you three did things like that. I always wondered why none of you ever went after stallions, now I know why." She looked at Colgate and asked, "Let me guess Colgate, you're the dominant one while these two are your subs?"

Colgate smacked Twilight with her horn and growled, "Look Twily, what the three of us do together is none of your business. Now it is back to business! Ok, you got it wrong about how I discovered the existence of this place, but WHEN did I discover it existed?"

Twilight gulped, "Uh, two days ago?"

Colgate laughed, "Wrong again!" She walked over to Twilight, took her horn and carved the word "oxabolone" into her abdomen.

Twilight screamed, "You monster! It is bad enough you do this to me but to label me, it is horribly embarrassing."

Colgate replied, "I thought you would want to be labeled. I labeled Tia with her horn, although the word tyrant is much less humiliating than the name of the drug you used to cheat in those races."

Sea Swirl pushed Colgate out of the way and jumped on top of Twilight. She shouted, "Look you two, I want my time with her too!" She began to kiss her passionately and surprisingly, there was something about Sea Swirl that Twilight liked.

When Sea Swirl broke the kiss Twilight looked up at her and said, "Wow Sea Swirl, you're a great kisser, much better than Amethyst and tons better than Colgate. Can we kiss some more?"

Sea Swirl replied, "Of course!"

Sea Swirl began to kiss Twilight again when Colgate ripped her off of her and threw her to the ground. Colgate pounced on her receptionist and began ramming Twilight's horn into her chest. She shouted, "You traitor. You bucking little traitor!" Once she was soaked in her former receptionist's blood she kicked her lifeless body but got no response. She got up and said, "Well Amethyst, now we can get back to business."

Twilight cried, "I see one of you who might have a heart in her and you have to kill her? How could you kill her?"

Colgate smacked Twilight and replied, "Because she was getting a soft spot for you and I know you wanted her. Tell you what, we'll wrap your corpses together after we're through with you."

Amethyst added, "Twilight, I thought you weren't into mares?"

Twilight replied, "Look, just during that one kiss I felt a deep bond develop between us. Finally I found a pony I love and you take her from me."

Colgate smacked her and laughed, "I could see it Twilight, which is why she had to die. I knew that would tear your heart in two."

Amethyst said, "Well Colgate, shall we take a little break. Give the princess of steroids some time to get herself together before you ask her more questions?"

Colgate laughed, "Yeah sure. Besides, if we're hungry we can always feast on Sea Swirl's corpse. I've had unicorn meat before and it is quite tasty."

Royal Journey to the Bunker

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While Colgate and her friends were holding Twilight captive in the bunker Luna and Cadence were sitting down to lunch in Canterlot. Cadence had not been to Canterlot since Celestia's disappearance and noticed that the only guards around were Luna's royal guard. Cadence asked, "Luna, what happened to the old royal guard. Why are the only ones I see bat ponies?"

Luna replied, "After Celestia went missing and was eventually presumed dead, the Celestial Royal Guard simply quit. They said that they could not bring themselves to serve us. They said that we liked bat ponies more, which is true because they resemble us more and are ponies of the night, like we are."

Luna suddenly felt something, she felt negative energy radiating from the south. Cadence saw the change in Luna's facial expression and asked, "Luna, is everything ok?"

Luna replied, "No, we must go, NOW! Something very bad is happening in the badlands between Appaloosa and Dodge Junction."

Cadence asked, "What the hay could be happening there? Isn't it uninhabited desert?"

Luna shouted, "That doesn't mean something bad can't be happening there. Come on, follow me, NOW!"

Luna and Cadence sped off towards the south. While Cadence can't pick up on things the way Luna can, as they headed south she began to realize that whatever was going on was coming from an area that almost nopony had heard of. Cadence asked, "Luna, you don't think that this could be coming from some sort of secret underground bunker do you?"

Luna scoffed, "Secret underground bunker? My sister and I destroyed all of those after we overthrew the dark warlords a long time ago so that would be impossible."

While they continued their flight south Colgate had resumed her game of survival with Twilight. Twilight asked, "So Colgate, what kind of stupid questions are you going to ask me now? I'm surprised you don't ask me stupid questions about your life or the life of your minion here."

Colgate shouted, "Alright Amethyst, let's make her suffer for her disrespect!"

Amethyst pulled a switch that caused her front legs to be stretched out further and further. The pain had become so severe that Twilight began to scream in pain. Colgate ordered them to stop right before her legs would be ripped out of their sockets.

Colgate growled, "Perhaps that will teach you to respect us. Disrespect us again and you will endure pain far worse than anything we have done yet!"

Twilight shouted, "I still know Luna will kill you for doing this! She can pick up on negative energy and will rescue me before you two can kill me!"

Colgate laughed, "Well she sure never came to save Celestia. For all you know she may see me as the one who could help her become queen someday!"

Twilight continued to struggle and scream as the pressure on her legs intensified. Colgate saw this and asked, "Alright Twily, do you know how the sun and moon moved before Celestia and Luna conquered this land and took control of them?"

Twilight replied, "They moved on their own you idiot! And before you ask, the weather took care of itself too! Ha ha moron, I got it right!"

Colgate sneered, "You did but because of your disrespect and name calling, it counts as a wrong answer!"

Colgate stepped on a stone that caused the floor to open up underneath Twilight, exposing a pool of acid. Colgate released her legs from the chair but began to turn a crank that lifted her out of the chair to where she was hanging from the ceiling. She then threw the switch that lowered her towards the acid. Twilight was screaming, begging Colgate to stop it. Colgate stopped her descent right as she had been lowered to the point where she was less than an inch from making contact with the acid. Twilight was squirming more and more by this point. Colgate laughed, "You know Twily, you might want to stop squirming. You may cause those chains to loosen a bit and cause you to take your final bath!"

Twilight began to cry and stopped squirming. She cried, "I still don't get why you're doing this. Bad teeth and taking steroids are not a rational reason to torture somepony and kill them!"

Colgate glared at the princess and sneered, "Want to know the real reason Twilight Sparkle? Fine, here it is! Ever since you have come to Ponyville you have always thought of yourself as better than the rest of us. I remember when you first came here, you were the biggest bitch I had ever seen in my life! Yes you eventually made friends but I see how you look at some of the ponies in town. I see how you look down your nose at Derpy because she isn't perfect."

Twilight interrupted, "Well she did cause things to fall on me when I was stalking Pinkie Pie. She deserves to be looked down upon."

Colgate ordered, "Alright Amethyst, let's make this bitch endure even more pain. Ponies like her must suffer."

Before Twilight could say anything Colgate levitated some chains and began to brutally beat Twilight with them. She was screaming so loud that Amethyst put her hooves over her ears. Colgate continued, "Good grief Twilight, would you shut up already? Now where was I? Oh yes, and I see how you look down upon Berry Punch. Just because she was born with a condition that makes her facial expression different does not give you the right to look down upon her. And you know what really makes me mad princess? Ever since you got that fancy ass castle you sit up there, distance yourself from nearly everypony else except your friends and think you are the best thing in the world. Hell, you even take steroids just so you can beat Rainbow Dash in races! You have brought this upon yourself Twily!"

While Colgate continued to yell at Twilight, Luna and Cadence continued to fly over the badlands. Luna saw something at the bottom of a cliff. She shouted, "Follow me!"

The two flew to the bottom of the cliff and saw what appeared to be a crack in the rock formation, but it looked too smooth to be any kind of crack. She looked closer and noticed that a rock had blocked what appeared to prevent a door from closing. Luna slid the door open enough that they could walk in and then kicked the rock out of the way, believing that with the door shut entirely she could handle whoever was causing problems.

Once they were inside Luna said, "Cadence, be careful. Places like this can be dangerous. Be careful not to touch the walls and be careful of where you step. One wrong move could be fatal."

Cadence nodded and followed Luna as they continued their journey through the maze. Cadence's leg began to itch so she lifted her other leg up to scratch it. When she did this, she accidentally fell into the wall. Before she could do anything, she let out a loud scream as a large ax swung down and cut her in half. Luna turned around and watched in horror as the ax cut her in half and then swung back up into the ceiling. She went back to the princess's remains and cried a bit. She said to herself, "Whoever led us here is responsible for her death and they will pay!"

After mourning for a few minutes Luna continued her journey, which seemed to take forever to her. Finally after three hours of wandering back and forth in the maze she finally sees a green light coming in from the left at what appeared to be the end of the maze. What she would see when she peered into the innermost room would not only shock her, but would anger her greatly.

Luna's Decision

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After hours of Luna walking through the maze, she finally saw a green light at the end of the hallway. As she crept up to the entrance she could hear voices inside. One she easily recognized, that of Twilight Sparkle and two that she did not recognize. She heard one of the voices asking Twilight a question, then Twilight's answer and then a sadistic laugh from the voice she could not recognize. Finally she heard Twilight screaming in pain as she had begun to be lowered into the acid. Luna charged into the room and shouted, "Stop or die!"

Colgate turned around to see an enraged Luna. Colgate asked, "Princess Luna, what is wrong?"

Luna fired a powerful bolt of energy at not just Colgate, but Amethyst Star as well, knocking them down. Luna screamed, "What the hay are you doing to Princess Twilight?"

Luna saw the lever that controlled the up and down movement of Twilight. She rushed towards it to raise Twilight out of the acid but Colgate fired back at her first. Despite her only being a unicorn, she had enough power to knock Luna backwards. Using speed that even a Wonderbolt would envy, Colgate rushed to the lever and pulled it down, causing Twilight to descend further into the acid. Luna got up and charged at Colgate. She hit her with the force of a truck and knocked her flying. Luna pulled the lever back up, raising Twilight out of the acid.

Despite being in severe pain from half her legs having the hide stripped from them Twilight's eyes lit up and she shouted, "Princess Luna! I knew you'd save me!"

Luna replied, "Of course Princess Twilight. Thou knows that we can sense things like this and that we would save you."

Twilight could see some pain in Luna's eyes. She asked, "Princess, you look like you are going to cry. What is wrong?"

Luna broke down crying. She cried, "I wasn't the only one who came to save you. Princess Cadence joined me but once we got inside this place she activated a trap. A huge ax came swinging down from the ceiling and it cut her in half."

Twilight began to cry upon hearing this. Her and Cadence had always been very close ever since she was a filly. Colgate and her friend heard this and their ears perked up. Amethyst asked, "Wait a minute, you mean to tell me that Cadence is gone and we only have two monarchs now?"

Luna grunted, "Yes that is the case but thou acts like it is a good thing."

Colgate asked, "You know what that means don't you?"

Luna looked like she was ready to fire another bolt of energy at Colgate when Amethyst got in the way. She said, "Princess Luna, just listen to what she has to say before you do something you might regret."

Luna glared at her and replied, "Fine, but make it quick. Twilight needs medical attention."

Amethyst got out of the way so Colgate and Luna could make direct eye contact. She said, "You know princess, with there only being two monarchs there is only one pony standing between you and becoming much more than a princess."

By this point both Colgate and Amethyst were both standing in front of Luna with smiles on their faces. Despite her being able to overpower them easily, Luna had a nervous feeling about her. She asked, "No, we do not know what that means."

Colgate looked back at the suffering princess, looked back at Luna and replied, "If the other remaining monarch is taken out of the picture, you could crown yourself queen."

Amethyst asked, "How would the title Queen Luna sound to you?"

Luna had a stunned look on her face. For a very long time, dating back to when her and Celestia got into their fight before being banished to the moon, the title queen always sounded good to her. She asked, "Queen Luna? Seriously?"

Colgate replied, "Yes your Majesty, Queen Luna. There would be nopony to stop you from crowning yourself queen."

Amethyst added, "Well it is your choice. You can either share power with a power hungry pony who may try to remove you from the picture or you can do what it takes to become Queen Luna, ruler of all of Equestria."

Twilight shouted, "Princess Luna, don't listen to them! They're trying to persuade you into something you know is illegal."

Colgate said, "Queen Luna, you know there is no law against you taking out one who wishes to usurp total power don't you? You are a natural born Alicorn, you have the blood of a queen flowing within you, IT IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT!"

Luna looked at Twilight, looked down at Colgate and had a nervous look on her face. She had grown closer to Twilight since she defeated Tirek but at the same time she realized that Twilight's captors did bring up good points. Luna asked, "Colgate, Twilight, could we take a few minutes to decide what we should do?"

Colgate smiled and replied, "Of course you can Queen Luna. After all, being the queen and sole ruler of Equestria, you can do anything you want."

Twilight shouted, "Princess Luna, don't let her get in your head. She is simply trying to manipulate you. Equestria was never meant to be ruled by one monarch. We can rule together and share power. You know I won't try to usurp power that isn't mine."

Luna had the words of both ponies running through her mind and just couldn't decide, until there was something about what Twilight said. Luna realized that she put a lot of emphasis on the word share when she was saying they would share power. Luna's paranoia was telling her that Twilight would eventually try to take what she was not entitled to. Luna finally stood tall and said, "We have made our decision."

Twilight saw Luna walking towards her and thought that she was going to take her down from the device she was trapped in. Twilight said, "Thank you Princess Luna! I knew you wouldn't let them manipulate you into killing me and seizing power that isn't rightfully yours!"

Luna sneered, "That is QUEEN LUNA to thee Twily!"

Luna threw the switch all the way down, causing Twilight to be lowered into the acid again. As she began to be lowered into it further and further Twilight was screaming in agony. She cried, "Luna, please stop! Colgate never sent Celestia to a dental hospital, she killed her and ate her."

Luna threw the switch back up and lifted Twilight out of the acid. Luna glared at Colgate and asked, "Is this true Colgate? Did you kill our sister and eat her?"

Colgate stood tall knowing that she had to tell the truth. She replied, "Yes Queen Luna, I killed her and ate her."

Luna's expression went from a glare to one of indifference as she asked, "Why did you do that?"

Twilight was stunned and worried that Luna had not gone into a rage. Colgate replied, "Because she lied to me. When I wrote that pain free root canal spell for her she promised me she would take care of her teeth. When she showed up with cavities and a rotten tooth she gave me the excuse that because she was an Alicorn, that she didn't think she should have to brush."

Luna smiled and said, "Well that was Celestia for you. Everypony always said that we were the stubborn one but they never knew the real Celestia. She was so stubborn most of the time that she made us look flexible"

Twilight shouted, "Princess, you're not even mad that she killed and ate your sister?"

Luna patted Colgate on the shoulder and replied, "No Twilight, we are not. Her killing our sister and the ax cutting Cadence in half has made it much easier for us to become what we were meant to be, Queen Luna, the sole ruler of all of Equestria."

Twilight started to cry, "But Luna, I thought family meant something to you, I thought tradition meant something to you, how could you just allow Colgate to manipulate you?"

Luna replied, "You know what Twilight Sparkle, after we were banished our sister dragged our name through the mud. SHE made everypony think we were evil. Even upon our return, everypony was still scared of us and still Tia played a bigger role in governing this nation than we do."

Twilight interrupted, "Well she did rule the day, which is much more important than ruling the night if you ask me." Twilight realized her error and corrected herself, "What I meant to say is that most of the governing happens during the day."

Luna's eyes began to shine white and she shouted, "SO, THAT IS THY TRUE OPINION OF US? THAT OUR RULING OF THE NIGHT IS NOT IMPORTANT?"

Twilight replied, "Well that's not what I meant to say."

Luna placed her hoof on the switch and pushed it down. Twilight cried, "Please no Luna! Please rethink this before it's too late."

Colgate and Amethyst shook their heads as Twilight was lowered more and more. Twilight was screaming in agony and as she looked at the three one last time. Luna with a smirk mouthed "good riddance" at Twilight. She let forth one final scream before she was completely submerged in the acid. Very quickly the iron chains disintegrated causing Twilight's remains to fall to the bottom of the acid pool. Colgate pulled up on a switch that caused the floor to close over the acid. Colgate smiled and said, "Queen Luna your Majesty, shall we head back to Canterlot and prepare for your coronation ceremony?"

Luna replied, "Yes! Thy Queen is most excited for this!"

Amethyst suggested, "You know your Majesty, we really need to get you a more impressive crown and a chest plate to match it!"

Colgate added, "Yes and I think a crown and chest plate with a moon made out of diamonds would look really good on you!"

Luna blushed and replied, "Stop it. Thou are embarrassing us!"

Colgate said, "Well everypony, let's get going. Be careful, I don't want one of us to wind up dying before we get out of here."

After an hour the four finally arrived at the exit. Colgate placed her horn into the hole, released some energy into it and recited,

"The enemies have paid the price, for in their torture they squealed like mice,
Now the hunt goes on, for more must disappear and be gone,
The princes of light are dying, which is most satisfying
Soon darkness will forever shroud the land and attacking us will not be in the outsiders' plan."

The door slid open and they headed outside. Once they got outside the door slid closed behind them. Luna was grateful for what Colgate and her friend had done. She also realized that as a queen she would need some high level officials, ones that wouldn't die. She decided to remedy that situation. She said, "We need you two to stand together."

While they gave each other odd looks wondering why, they did as they told. Luna's eyes began to shine and horn began to glow as she recited,

"The unicorns without wings can not fly, that can make their plans go awry,
when they need to get there in great haste, without wings it is like they are stuck in paste,
to be assured they get places fast, their wingless days must be a thing of the past."

Luna fired a bolt of energy at the two unicorns and suddenly they began to levitate. They felt wings sprouting out of their backs, they began to grow to the same size as Luna and felt their horns growing in length. After five minutes they floated to the ground using their new wings. They flew over to Luna and hugged her. Colgate said, "Thank you my Queen! Thank you!"

Luna replied, "Well you two are truly special. Thou shall play a prominent role in thy Queen's Equestria. What it shall be, we are not sure yet. Let us get going! We have big plans to make!"

As they flew to Canterlot, Luna was the happiest she had ever been in her long life while Colgate and Amethyst were ecstatic that they could fly and had immortality. While none of them communicated during the flight to Canterlot, they knew that good things were on the horizon.

Preparing for the Big Day

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After three hours of non-stop flying the three arrived in Canterlot where they were greeted by Gray Wings, the head of Luna's royal guard. He saw that Cadence was gone and that in her place were two unfamiliar Alicorns. He asked, "Your Majesty, where is Princess Cadence and who are these two?"

Luna replied, "Follow us to the throne room and thou shall find out."

He followed the three Alicorns into the throne room and once they arrived he asked, "Princess Luna, so what was it you were going to tell me?"

Luna smiled and replied, "Gray Wings, Cadence and Twilight are dead. We are the only remaining monarch here in Equestria."

Gray Wings asked, "Does this mean what I think it means?"

Luna replied, "It might. We want thou and the rest of our guard to notify the citizens here in Canterlot that they are to gather at the base of our balcony for an important address tomorrow at noon."

"Yes your Majesty" Gray Wings replied. While he headed to round up the rest of the guard to notify the citizens of Canterlot of Luna's address, Luna looked at the two new Alicorns and said, "Alright, we have decided what sort of role you two shall play in my Equestria."

Amethyst asked, "And what is that your Majesty?"

Luna replied, "Colgate, we want you to be the head of the Equestrian Dental Association and Amethyst, you will be her assistant."

Colgate asked, "Does this mean that I will have to give up my practice and move up here to Canterlot."

Luna laughed, "Goodness no dear Colgate, thou and thy hygienist shall continue to run thy practice in Ponyville but we do have two big surprises for thou."

Colgate asked, "What is that?"

Luna replied, "First, we are giving you full control over dental issues in Equestria. Thou are to force proper oral hygiene upon not just the ponies of Ponyville, but all of Equestria."

Colgate got a huge smile on her face as she had always wanted to do that but had no clue how this would be accomplished. She asked, "Your Majesty, how will we accomplish this? I would need access to every dental record in the country and I would need a way to punish those who don't practice proper oral hygiene."

Luna replied, "We shall enforce a law that requires all dental records to be immediately accessible by thee and we shall grant thou a special army which will abduct bad patients and bring them to thou so that thou may punish them anyway thou sees fit."

Colgate was ecstatic upon hearing this. She asked, "Thank you your Majesty but where will Amethyst and I torture them?"

Luna replied, "We are seizing that castle that used to belong to Twilight. The basement shall become the dungeon and the rest of it shall become thy residence."

Amethyst asked, "What about me?"

Luna replied, "Thou shall move in there with Colgate. We feel it is best if both of you lived in there and besides, we know that you two are quite close."

While Colgate and Amethyst were thrilled when Luna said that they would be living in the castle together, Colgate wondered how Luna knew they were quite close. She asked, "Your Majesty, how did you know that Amethyst and I are really close?"

Besides being able to pick up on negative energy Luna can also pick up on many other types of energy as well. She smiled and replied, "We can just tell by the way you two interacted when we come to see you. Normally a dentist and her hygienist don't interact the way you two do." Luna smiled, nudged them and continued, "We want you two to stay up here for our coronation tomorrow. Thy bedroom is up those stairs and is the third door on the right."

While Colgate and Amethyst headed up to their bedroom Luna headed to the dining hall to have an afternoon snack. She knew that if her parents were around they would be extremely angry over what she was going to do the next day but she didn't care. She began to jump up and down like a school filly and shouted, "Queen Luna! Finally tomorrow I will be Queen Luna!"

That night after supper Colgate and Amethyst joined Luna in the throne room to prepare her for the coronation the next day. They made her a larger, much more elegant crown and a more elegant chest plate to go with it, and as Colgate had suggested out at the bunker. Using their Alicorn magic they secured diamonds in the shape of Luna's cutie mark, a crescent moon, on both her crown and chest plate. Luna asked, "So will we be going out there with our new regalia on or will we have them placed on us in front of the crowd?"

Colgate replied, "Well if it is ok with you, Amethyst and I were thinking we could place your new regalia on you as Gray Wings formally introduces you as Queen Luna."

Luna spread her wings as wide as they could go and got a huge smile on her face. She replied, "Yes, let's do it that way! Thy Queen finds thy idea most exciting!"

After Luna, Colgate and Amethyst finished preparations for the next day's festivities, Luna flew out to do a quick patrol of the night while Colgate and Amethyst headed up to bed. Colgate and Amethyst crawled into bed and pulled each other close. Amethyst said, "Wow Colgate, it feels so good for it to just be the two of us."

Colgate replied, "I know. I loved Sea Swirl but I just couldn't have a pony loyal to Twilight as a potential threat. Besides, it finally feels like we are in a real relationship."

Amethyst kissed her and said, "I know. Good night Colgate, love you."

Colgate kissed her back and replied, "Love you too Amethyst."

Luna's Coronation

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After a brief flyover of the Everfree Forest, Luna returned home and got a bit of sleep before it would be time for her to raise the sun. She rose early as she was excited that morning. As she lowered the moon and raised the sun, the light from the sun shone in on Colgate and Amethyst. Amethyst smiled and said, "Thank Luna all this wasn't a dream. It feels so good to wake up to just you holding me close."

Colgate smiled and replied, "I know how you feel." She kissed Amethyst and continued, "Well we better get down to the dining hall. I'm sure Luna will want us to join her for breakfast."

They rushed downstairs and arrived in the dining hall at the same time that Luna and Gray Wings did. Colgate asked, "So your Majesty, are you ready for your big day?"

Luna smiled and replied, "Yes, thy Queen is most excited for her coronation!"

Gray Wings interrupted, "Well we better eat a good, filling breakfast since you scheduled this for noon. Don't worry though, I have notified the chefs that they are to produce the most massive feast in the history of Canterlot for your post coronation meal."

Luna was so excited upon hearing this that she began to fly around the room. She gleefully shouted, "Thank you Gray Wings! Thy Queen looks most forward to this feast!"

Amethyst asked, "Your Majesty, who all will be able to partake in this feast?"

Luna smiled and replied, "Well thy Queen's whole guard shall partake in it as shall thou and Colgate. Thy Queen wants those closest to her present."

Colgate said, "Thank you your Majesty. The two of us greatly appreciate it and thank you for it."

Luna got an idea, she decided that rather than simply standing on her balcony for the whole ceremony, that as soon as she received her new regalia and was officially declared queen by Gray Wings, that her, Colgate, Amethyst and Gray Wings himself would fly down and land in the crowd and mingle for a while. When Luna told the three about her idea, they enthusiastically agreed that it would be the best plan.

Finally it was five minutes before noon and a huge crowd had gathered in the courtyard at the base of the royal balcony. Luna was looking at herself in the mirror and asked, "Colgate, Amethyst, does thy Queen's mane and tail look ok?"

Colgate replied, "Of course it does your Majesty! Don't be nervous, just be yourself, the same pony that everypony loves so much."

Luna smiled as Gray Wings headed out to the balcony. He looked at the crowd and began, "Citizens of Canterlot, visitors from other parts of Equestria, today we have gathered here to celebrate a momentous event in the history of Equestria."

The death of Celestia was well known across the nation but nopony knew of the deaths of Twilight and Cadence. One pony raised his hoof and asked, "Does this have to do with Twilight and Cadence? Did they die too?"

Gray Wings was irritated by this but remained calm. He replied, "Yes they have but the sole remaining monarch shall be out here to address these issues shortly."

While most ponies had no clue as to what having one remaining monarch would bring, the pony who asked the question knew full well what was going to happen that day. He asked, "So is Luna going to become queen."

Luna and her friends headed towards the entrance to the balcony. Gray Wings saw this and raised his hoof. The band sounded their horns as Luna headed onto the balcony, followed by Colgate and Amethyst. Luna smiled and waved at the crowd. Gray Wings whispered to Luna, "You see that blue pegasus with the shield for a cutie mark? I think he is suspicious that we were somehow involved in the passing of Cadence and Twilight."

Luna replied, "Well we'll just make him disappear without a trace if he causes any problems. We can't have any troublemakers."

Luna looked up and addressed the crowd, "Hello everypony, we would like to thank thou for showing up for our address." She lowered her head for a minute and shed a tear. She looked up and continued in a sad, solemn voice, "It is with deep sadness that we must notify thee that Princess Twilight and Princess Cadence have been involved in horrible accidents and have passed."

The crowd broke down into sobs upon hearing the news. They were especially distraught over the news of Twilight's death since she was born in Canterlot. The blue pegasus shouted, "What did you do to our princesses?"

Luna's facial expression became more sad and she continued, "We did not do anything to them. They were not paying attention when they were flying around and slammed into a mountainside. Both of them broke their necks and perished."

While everypony else in the crowd continued to sob, buying into Luna's lie easily, the pegasus continued to scream and shout, even after he was grabbed by two guards and hauled off to the local jail. Once the troublemaker was gone, Gray Wings motioned for Colgate and Amethyst to stand side by side with Luna. He said, "Everypony, now that we have only one monarch, for the first time in Equestria's history, we shall have a queen. For the very first time, I present to you Queen Luna, supreme monarch and ruler of all of Equestria."

Using their magic Colgate and Amethyst levitated Luna's old regalia off of her and placed her much more elegant regalia on her. Immediately after that the four flew down into the crowd and the newly crowned Queen Luna began to mingle with her subjects. While the crowd was initially greeted with sad news their moods immediately went from being sad to ecstatic as their new queen took time to talk with them. Long gone were the images of Luna being Nightmare Moon. Those had been replaced by first a caring, nice princess but now have become that of a truly sweet, caring and wonderful queen.

Colgate and Amethyst stood by their new queen and boss with looks of happiness on their faces. While Amethyst was soaking in the moment, the wheels in Colgate's mind were already turning. She had already begun to think of ways to punish those who her new secret army would bring to her. Colgate looked over to her hygienist and said, "Well Amethyst my love, it looks like truly great days await us."

Despite being in the middle of a crowd, Amethyst kissed Colgate and replied, "Truly great days do await us. I am so happy!"

After the ceremony the two joined Luna and her guard in the dining hall for the largest feast in the entire history of Canterlot. While Amethyst was dreaming of the wonderful life that her and Colgate would have together in their new castle home Colgate was more focused on achieving what her true dream had been ever since she graduated from the dental academy in Manehattan. She could finally start to rid Equestria of poor oral hygiene and with Luna's blessing, her wrath towards those who fail to take care of their teeth will be more brutal than ever.