[C] Insufficient Padding

by scribe-feather

First published

As a result of a magical anomaly, a human named Conner finds himself in the middle of a world of diaper ponies. (ABDL Themed, Adult)

As a result of a magical anomaly, a human named Conner finds himself in the middle of a world of diaper ponies. He's quickly imprisoned, diapered, and subjected to the various experiments the ponies had to offer.

Anonymous Commission

(Do not continue reading if you do not approve of diapers, diaper usage, incest, or sexual adult situations. If you do not like it or are under legal age, please do not keep reading.)

Part One: A Visitor

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Insufficient Padding
Part One: A Visitor
By Scribe Feather

It had been three weeks since Twilight Sparkle's experiments led to the social warping of pony life. Suddenly ponies found themselves wearing diapers and given intense diaper fetishes and sex drives. Reality shifted with the ponies who inhabited it. The world as it was barely remembered by few and only perceived as unbelievable dreams.

An outside observer might call such a state chaotic, but life adjusted well. Ponies were able to carry on with their lives as usual, give or take a few new aspects. Reality adjusted and ponies’ lives merely moved on. Their society had more sex and diapers mixed in, but it moved along all the same. Daily rituals now included diaper fillings and public masturbating, completely acceptable actions in this twisted version of Equestria.

Ever since the magical explosion that mysteriously originated from the Golden Oak Library, the very stability of magic that held the world together seemed greatly affected. Whenever the sun decided to set, the night sky would have visible auroras streaking the sky. Not beautiful auroras that naturally occurred in the northern regions of the world, but angry, bright ones that jittered with a disgruntled motions. These strange auroras were merely omens to the anomalies that came over the proceeding months.

A unicorn scientist once called these anomalies "winks", temporary rifts between worlds that appeared and disappeared in a matter of minutes across the land. The unicorn scientist describe in his notes that these winks were simply means of the magical energies compensating for the strange diaper fueled world. Most times Equestria would never see such a spectacle for weeks at a time, but then there were times when they happened as frequently as thunder strikes. He'd give you further details on the events, but is much too busy rubbing thick diapers against himself in the stillness of his study.

On one typical day in Ponyville, one of these "winks" erupted in the center of town. Witnesses would describe it as a bright light that sparked and shined as bright as the sun. The ball of light floated above the ground, shooting bolts of lightning down into the dirt. Strange noises emitted from the portal like anomaly, sounds from the other side, but only for a second or two. Just for a moment, if your eyes could stand it, one could almost catch a glimpse of the other world just before the "wink" disappeared without a trace.

When the wink disappeared, it left behind a pink, hairless creature that this world had never seen before. From it's world, it would have been called a 'human' and his friends would call him Conner.

The human stood up from his spot on the ground. The air around the human felt charged, like the sky after a thunderstorm. Conner stood up straight, bracing his neck with a hand. The sudden transportation gave him a large amount of whiplash. He could barely recall how he got here or where he was before he arrived. It all happened in a flash, ending as quickly as it began.

Immediately, the human was struck by the foul odor of urine that seemed to permeate off the world. He quickly plugged his nose as the heavy stench seemed to sting the back of his throat with it's acidic texture. He could breath in this strange world, but every breath had a strong odor attached to it.

He looked at the world around him and found diapered, anthropomorphic ponies going about their lives. These ponies walked on two legs like the human, but had brightly colored coats and manes to match the rather over saturated world. Conner noted strange markings on the hips of every pony, each one was unique and only added to the questions the human had for this world. Used diapers were simply discarded on the side of roads and he frequently spotted ponies openly using their diapers in front of everypony. Yellow clouds dotted the sky strangely enough, but he wasn't sure why.

Most ponies were too distracted by their insatiable sex drives, rubbing against walls or the ground or each other to orgasm in their thick padding. Few barely even noticed the human and anypony who did either ran faster in the opposite direction or hid from the strange creature.

He was new to the world, but somehow Conner knew something was off. It was a strange world where diapers and public masturbation seemed completely acceptable.

"Hold it right there!" A voice called out as something pointy and sharp prodded at Conner's back.

The boy instinctively held up his hands and slowly turned around to face his attacker. When he turned he found a trio of armored, white ponies, scowling at him and holding spearheads close to his face. "Whoa whoa. Easy with the spears!"

The guards turned to each other for a brief moment and whispered amongst each other. They didn't seem to understand Conner, but oddly enough the natural magics of the world allowed Conner to understand them.

"What is your name, monster?" the lead guard pony demanded, saying the words slower this time as if that'd help bridge the communication gap.

"Hey wait, I'm not a monster. I'm just a human. You guys know what a human is, right?" Conner's words fell on deaf ears. Everything he said sounded like caveman grunts and howls to the Equestrian ponies.

The lead guard pony paused, unable to decipher the strange language of the human. He simply took a deeper defensive stance towards the creature and spoke, spear at the ready in his hands. "Where is your diaper, beast?"

"Diaper? I don't wear diapers!"

"Where is your diaper?!"

"Look this is just...A big misunderstanding." Conner thought he could reason with these colorful ponies, despite seeing one of the guard ponies rubbing himself through his diaper as he tried to talk to the lead pony. "Just let me go home and I won't bother you."

Again, the leading guard didn't comprehend Conner's language. He blinked a couple times before thrusting his spear closer to the human's face. "You are under arrest for insufficient padding!"

"'Insufficient' what? No way! There's no WAY I'm going to..." Conner began taking a few steps back, ready to run. The guards followed suit, taking a few steps forwards, keeping spears at the ready.

Just before he could decide to run, Conner's hands glowed brightly before they were suddenly pulled down to the ground. His entire body fell to the grass, limbs spread out in different directions as the unicorns held him down.

"Hey! Let me go!" the human screamed, pulling his limbs with all his strength, but neither budged.

"Take him into custody," the lead pony said, interrupting the other pony's masturbation session.

Conner continued to squirm, barking out insults and demands. He pulled at his glowing arms and legs, but none of it seemed to matter. He continued to pull, but the more he pulled, the brighter has limbs glowed with the unicorn magic. His limbs burned with aching pain as he strained against the magic. He was slowly dragged across the ground, his limbs leading the way behind the three guard ponies.

Suddenly he felt a sharp pain strike the back of his head, his vision blacking out as his body went limp.

Conner’s vision returned to him moments later as his eyes slowly opened. He was no longer in the streets of Ponyville and now had a painful bruise pulsing on the back of his head.

He cringed as he did his best at looking around the dimly lit room. Tall metal bars obstructed his view of the outside area. A cage. But it wasn't a cramped or gloomy cage. The cage had a cushy mattress lining it’s floor and it’s walls were brightly painted with vibrant colors that were easy to see even in the dim light. In this twisted reality, the jail cell changed from a dank and damp hole in the wall to a glorified crib.

His head pulsed painfully as he pulled himself up off his back and into a sitting position. It was around this time that he finally noticed the very thick, white diaper that he was wearing. The ponies must have put it on him while he was knocked out.

"There's no WAY that I'm wearing a diaper!" Conner told himself as he reached down to the diaper.

He tugged at the fluffy diaper, but every tug only caused it to pulse a faint yellow glow around it’s front panel. It did not loosen nor did the tapes give way to his desperate tugging. It seemed these colorful ponies had enchanted his diapers as a precaution. The diaper did not tear, loosen, or even come off of his body.

If he couldn't escape the diaper, at least he could try and escape this dreaded cell! Scrambling to his feet, Conner looked around his cell for some hope of an exit. He had to waddle about the area to cope with the thick padding that pushed his thighs apart. The cell walls were thick stone with only the cell door and the small window opposite of the door cutting into the gray material.

He tugged at anything, hoping something would budge and he'd be able to escape this horrible place. He pulled at the metal cell door which didn't budge because of the strong locks and heavy material. The small window was barely reachable, but any attempt at pulling at those bars left him with fewer results.

Exhausted, and panting, Conner had to realize the difficult truth. He was trapped in the diaper and forced to wait in the dark for the unknown. There was no escaping, not from here. He was to be prisoner for these diaper wearing ponies.

With his diaper crinkling alongside every move he made, Conner plopped back down on the floor and just waited in the dark for his captors to show their faces.

After an undetermined amount of time, Conner could hear footsteps and distant voices coming into focus. The voices got louder before the lights of the room were turned out. He could pinpoint three distinct voices and strides as they slowly got louder and closer.

"For now we're keeping it in a cage till we know what to do next," the lead guard pony from earlier could be heard. "Right over here."

The guard pony could be seen walking down the hall in front of the cell. He was accompanied by a brown, doctor looking pony who wore a lab coat that partly covered his diaper and a white mare who wore nothing, but her clearly used diaper.

The doctor pony adjusted his bug eyed glasses as he closely examined the human who stared back at him. “Fascinating,” he simply said, turning to the guard pony next to him. “And you say he hasn't been using his diapers?”

“No sir. He’s been staying completely dry. Almost as if he was holding it.”

“Now why would one ‘hold it’? Does he not know how to use his diapers?”

“He seems to not like them, sir.”

“Curious,” he tapped his chin in thought, glancing over at Conner, then his diaper, then the guard pony. “With your permission, Commander, I'd like to bring in another pony to further examine the...creature. Perhaps she can shed some light on what this thing is."

"Do what you must. Having that thing here makes some of the guards uneasy." The guard pony glanced at Conner from the corner of his eye, "You can use the empty office as a base of operations. I can show you the living arrangements if you’d like"

There was a pause before the doctor's response. A loud hissing sound could be heard from his diaper as he soaked it in front of everypony. "Yes, that would be ideal. After you, sir."

The two ponies went off to discuss things further while the doctor's assistant seemed to hang around for a moment. She leaned against the metal bars and simply watched Conner sit in his cell. She had a lustful feel to her gaze, peering through the bars at the diapered human.

"Nurse Redheart! A moment of your time?" The doctor's voice called from further down the hall.

"C-coming!" The red maned pony responded before turning back to look at Conner. Her last stare only lasted for a moment before she pulled herself away from the cell wall and trotted down the hall.

Conner could only lay there in the dim light of his cell, listening for the crinkling of the diapers and footsteps fading into the distance. He waited a moment more. Silence.

He gave his diaper once last tug before coming to terms that he was, in fact, trapped in a diaper. He could barely make sense of this world. A world filled with colorful ponies who willingly wore diapers. Somehow he was the minority, not only being the only human, but, apparently being the only one who didn't like diapers.

The lights were once again turned off, shrouding the locked cell in darkness. Conner could only sit on it's padded floor, staring at the sun beams that leaked through the tiny window of his cell. He silently braced himself for what was to come. He didn't know what was going to happen, but a dark pit in his stomach made him worried.

Just what would a bunch of diapered ponies do to a human?

Part Two: An Investigation

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Insufficient Padding
Part Two: An Investigation
By Scribe Feather

Conner's reference of time could only be measured by the sunlight that seeped through the small, barred window of his cell. He wasn't sure how many days passed nor was he sure the days worked the same way in this strange world.

Occasionally the human would catch the sounds of orgasming ponies or two of them casually talking about diapers as they walked past his cell window. He couldn't see them though. All he had to look at when he glanced over at the small, high up window was the blue sky that was occasionally dotted with yellow clouds.

Suddenly he could hear two sets of footsteps walking down the main hall. The main lights were flicked on, burning his eyes for a second as they were suddenly shocked into adjusting. His vision was blurry for just a moment before he saw two ponies standing in front of the cell. He stood attention to his new visitors, preparing himself for the unexpected.

One pony was the same white pegasus who threw him in this damn cell in the first place. His arms remained crossed to represent disapproval as he scowled back at the diapered human. The commanding pony stood next to a purple unicorn who donned a white lab coat with nothing but a soggy diaper underneath.

While the pegasus had a sort of stern and permanent scowl to his face, the purple unicorn wore a wide eye expression of curiosity. She looked to the human with a scientific awe, examining him diligently before she even spoke.

"Incredible..." The purple pony whispered to herself.

"So as you can see," the guard pony started, "this thing is unlike anything we've seen before. We were hoping that you could assist us in identifying it."

The purple nodded before her horn began to glow a deep pink. Out of nowhere, Conner's limbs started to glow as well, thrusting his body up close to the barred wall until his body was pressed into the cold metal.

"Oof!" was all the human could say before a purple hand grabbed his head and twisted it from side to side.

This purple pony was much more physical and hands-on then the brown doctor pony from before. She was not afraid to invade Conner's personal space to take a close look at his limbs, his chest, even the thick diaper that was, baffling enough, still dry. Every which way, Conner's body was shoved about as the purple pony examined him with her magic pinning him close to the bars.

"I'm glad you called me, Commander Calla," the scientific pony finally spoke up, still squinting at the shapes and curves that made up Conner's body. "It's not every day I have the opportunity to examine such a good human specimen."

"Hue...Man...?" Commander Calla rolled the word around in his mouth for a moment before answering, "Do you know a lot about them, Miss Sparkle?"

"Only rumors," the purple pony responded, pulling open one of Conner's eyes to shine a flashlight into it. "The stories are only sketchy for the most part. Conspirators and Wink Spotters."

"Crazy ponies." the commander answered with an affirmative nod, a little bit of urine dribbling into his diaper.

Miss Sparkle shot a scowl at him before calmly continuing. "There's been no concrete record of one in our world, but they have existed before, likely came here the same way this one did."

"If there's been these creatures before, then why don't we ever see them?"

"Tough to say...Cryptozoology is always such a mystery." The purple unicorn's thought trailed off to silence as she turned to face the caged human. "I believe the next course of action is to give this human a crash course in social interaction. It may help it integrate itself into pony culture."

"You can't possibly to think to release this...Thing in public!" Calla scowled at the idea. It would be like releasing a rabid dog into town in his eyes. "Rumors are popping up all over about this thing. Some say it killed a pony before we captured it."

"They're just as dangerous as us." The purple pony said, tapping a metal bar with a finger. She thought over solutions to the problem that would simultaneously explore the science of the human while keeping the public eye clean about it. "I won't clear it for it's release until I'm absolutely positive it's properly assimilated."

Commander Calla looked at the human as he thought about it. He wasn't entirely convinced. How could this human possibly learn basic social cues if it can't even use a diaper properly? Miss Twilight would have quite the task if she was serious about this.

The pegasus snorted and nodded once. "I'll have Nurse Redheart come in and prep the creature-"

"Human." Miss Sparkle corrected.

"The...human...for your experiment."

And with that, the two left Conner once again. The room was shrouded in darkness once more and Conner was alone.

Now with a moment to himself, Conner began to notice a growing pressure in his bladder, reminding him of his bodily needs. Such needs were put on the back burner for the longest time as Conner was whirlwinded into this strange world and pushed around like an animal. Part of him still held onto the old ways of his world, wanting to desperately find a toilet of some kind before it was too late. There was no emergency...Not yet...But he hoped the opportunity would show itself.


"Wakey wakey, human," a familiar voice nudged Conner out of a sleepy daze. The darkness must have lulled him to sleep.

Standing outside the metal bars stood Nurse Redheart with the same hungry look she had when she last saw Conner. She now had some equipment with her including a number of different diapers of varying thicknesses, color, and styles. Among the piles of padding sat some bondage gear as well such as a spreader bar, handcuffs, and locking mittens. Conner didn't feel completely proud knowing those items by name.

"Twilight Sparkle's sent me in to get you prepared for the little experiment of hers," she looked at the human, gripping the metal bars tightly in anticipation. She looked both ways down the hall before leaning in closer to the cage. "But that doesn't mean I can't do a little bit of my OWN experimenting. Why should SHE have all the fun?"

Conner scowled at the pony. It was bad enough that this 'Twilight Sparkle' had free reign over the human, likely preparing a whole theme park of humiliating tasks and 'experiments'. But now this lustful mare was setting her eyes on Conner, cooking up tests of her own.

"But first, I think we need to do a little stretching before we begin. I can show you off to the guards." Redheart tapped the metal bars with an open hand. "Bring your hands up here, back against the wall."

Reluctantly, the human stood up and walked over to the barred wall. Conner's hands were threaded through the gaps in the bars and handcuffed tightly. He was manipulated by Redheart's hands through the bars to strategically place him facing the cell wall with his arms locked around the other side.

Redheart floated into the cell, bringing the piles of diapers and bondage gear with her before closing the heavy metal door behind her. The pony paused for a moment and just stared at the human. Her eyes trailed down his tense neck, his back that shivered with shallow breaths, and then down to his thick diapered rump. She thrusted a hand up into Conner's diaper. "STILL dry?" Redheart said out loud, dragging her hand up the diaper's length. "Well no matter. We don't need you in a wet diaper for this."

A few agonizingly silent minutes passed as the pony behind Conner rustled around with something. His diaper back was slowly slid downwards, revealing his firm buttocks. A loud gasp escaped his lips when he suddenly felt a hose plunge up his butt. He tried to turn his head and could only barely see the pony moving around behind him in his peripherals.

"Since you're having a tough time using your diapers, we've decided to help you along with an enema," Redheart announced, preparing the equipment and hanging up a heavy bag of the solution on a metal hook. "Oh, but what am I saying? You wouldn't know what an enema is. Just stand still for me, human."

Conner huffed at this last comment. He was terrified for the enema sure, but the condescending attitude every pony seemed to have about him provoke a twinge of rebellion in his nerves. His mind raced around to find any opportunity to escape, to get closer to freedom...But no such opportunity rose.

Redheart moved some more things around behind Conner while the human was left to wait. He braced himself for the unknown, unsure what to expect from the pony.

Suddenly the hose started spraying out a lukewarm liquid up into his butt, filling Conner up with the soapy solution. His legs squirmed as he groaned in displeasure, mumbling out pathetic pleas. He could feel his stomach filling up with the liquid, making the need to go greater.

The liquid slowed to a trickle, but Conner could barely tell with such full bowels. He was much too busy coping with the intense pain that fill his body. He now need to go ever more, but he refused to let the ponies win. He refused to use his diapers for as long as possible. Forever if necessary. His butt cheeks clenched tightly against each other, refusing to let even a drop of the solution drip through.

He suddenly yelped loudly, jumping in place as he felt a firm cone slide into between his butt cheeks. His legs squirmed as his hypersensitive rump could feel the concaving curve of the foreign object.

"Aww, looks like somepony like's their butt plug," Nurse Redheart cooed, reaching around to rub the straining bulge in Conner's belly.

A padded collar was slipped around the human's neck with great precision, followed by a leather leash that Redheart looped around her wrist and held onto it tightly. She gave it a few testing tugs and Conner's neck responded. She smiled to herself before she reached around the diapered human to uncuff him.

Conner quickly pulled his freed hands close to him and rubbed his wrists. Desperate tugs of the metal bands caused his wrists to bruise ever so slightly.

"Now then, you've been sitting in this cell for far too long." Nurse Redheart said, gently nudging Conner to the middle of the room. "As a nurse, it would be wrong of me to let you live such a sedative lifestyle. So we're going to do some stretching! Won't THAT be fun!?"

Conner didn't answer, he was far too distracted by the invading butt plug and the liquid that the plug held back. He felt full, but unable to release it like his body so desperately coaxed him into doing.

Redheart happily hopped in front of the human, "Now try to keep up and just do what I do."

The pony slowly walked the human through low impact stretching exercises. She targeted the legs and ankles at first and slowly moved up the body, taking her sweet time with each joint and instruction. Her movements were slow, but deliberate, walking the human through each step so he wouldn't get lost.

Conner only halfheartedly matched Redheart's movements. The pain became too intense when he bent too far, squeezing his belly too much. The butt plug remained firm, preventing his body's natural instinct to void. Sweat grew on the human's forehead and he wasn't even working hard. He would occasionally whimper, pathetically wanting the butt plug to be removed so he could finally go to the bathroom. The aching was torturous.

The pony would occasionally intervene in on Conner's inactive stretching and force his limbs this way and that in some twisted and tortuous way of helping him.

"Okay! Now that we're all limbered up, it's time for your walk!" Redheart hopped in place, circling around to face the human once again.

Conner whimpered quietly to himself. He had a pained look about him, unable to move too much.

"Come a long, human. Time to show you off and stretch those tired legs of yours," Redheart gently tugged at the leash, pulling Conner's neck towards the cell door.

With bowed legs and a bulging belly, Conner was nudged out of the cell. The only small form of safety he ever found in this world, away from the horny ponies was slowly leaving him and there was nothing he could do about it. Even outside of the padded cell, he was trapped.

Redheart strutted in front of the human like a proud owner showing off her dog, her diapered rump swaying this way and that with each step. There was a special kind of 'fullness' a thick diaper gave her cute rump. Conner hated the diapers with a burning passion...But she did look cute. He shook his head out of a long stare. Was this world starting to rub off on him?

The walk down the hall led the human past many closed doors, each one unmarked and their window's covered for privacy. The hallway bent to the left to make way for even more hallway before the two stopped at a double door.

"Let's see who's home," Redheart smirked as she turned the door knob and pulled the human in.

Right away, Conner could see the room was a barracks of some kind. Rows of bunk beds lined the long room, each one neatly pressed and made by diligent ponies. The pillows were perfectly centered, the blankets free of wrinkles. You'd almost think this was a barracks from a normal reality if it wasn't for the large yellow stains on the white sheets and mattresses from countless nights of bedwetting.

The room was rather empty and quiet for midday, only a few bodies could be seen moving about in this room as of duty guard ponies lounged about the area. Conner could see a two ponies making out with each other against a wall as the two entered. Conner looked away out of habit, but the sex crazed ponies didn't seem to mind and continued rubbing their thick diaper fronts against each other, moaning between kisses. Another pony laid himself on the bed, giving himself a public diaper change that quickly turned into yet another masturbation session.

Redheart dragged the human deeper into the room as she looked up and down the aisles for something. She finally seemed to find it as she stopped by two guard ponies who were passively groping each other's diaper butts.

"Good day, sirs," Nurse Redheart bowed her head, tugging Conner's neck down as well into a lazy bow. The guards returned her bows. "Perhaps you can help us out. My human here is in need of some," the pony paused and looked at Conner, "lessons. I was hoping some strong stallions like yourselves would be able to help..."

The two guards looked at the human and then at each other. Both were visibly uneasy about having such a strange creature in so close without a cage.

"I'm not sure what we can do about that, nurse," one of the guards finally said. The other was too busy pissing his diaper to add much else.

Conner felt the butt plug slide out of his anus, quickly feeling the sweet relief of relaxing sphincter muscles. He moaned in relief for only a moment until he felt his straining belly take control. He groaned loudly as his tummy gurgled. Moments after the butt plug left his diaper, a rushing brown flood began to fill the padding. The slurry brought ease to his bulging belly, but sick and gagging feelings as he felt the muck soak into his diaper.

The room fell silent as Conner helplessly filled his thick diaper, causing it to sag and pull at his waist. Sweat grew on the human's forehead as he was trapped where he stood by his own body, subjected to his body's humiliating habits. The loud rumbles shook his diaper with big torrents of the runny mess. Only after his body was relieved of strain did his bowels decide to finish.

The two guards watched the whole thing. Their eyes bulged out of their skulls as they panted with tenting diapers. "We could...Help..." One of them said, wiping a trail of drool off his chin.

With a firm tug of his collar, Conner was thrust downwards unto a nearby bed. He dropped onto his belly, bouncing a bit on the bed springs. He cringed as his diaper sloshed between his legs, coating more of his body with it's foul semi-liquid.

"Now you two play nice," Redheart said as she tied the leash around a secure looking bed leg. "I still gotta get the human prepped for Miss. Sparkle."

The two guard ponies could only respond with incoherent mumbles and moans as they moved around the human. They moved with slick speed with a gait that only a pony completely engrossed with sexual thoughts would have.

A swollen, saggy diaper was the only sight to be seen in front of the tied down human. He looked up a tiny bit and saw a lustful stare in the guard's eyes. The guard grinned as his hands gripped the waist of his low hanging diaper. With one swift motion he pulled the tapes off with a loud plastic rip, letting the soggy thing plop onto the ground in a lazy pile. His cock sprung to life the moment it was exposed to open air, point directly at Conner's mouth.

Conner meeped some form of startled disapproval just before the throbbing member slipped into his mouth, causing him to gag at the salty urine taste.

Conner gasped from behind the throbbing cock when he felt the other guard thrust himself into Conner's brown seat. He began rubbing and humping against the squishy thing, swirling the smelly mess around inside Conner's diaper.

"Ah! So full!" The guard behind Conner exclaimed, leaning into the brown diaper and wedging a hand between Conner's thighs. He groped the thick mess that sloshed inside the human's padding as he egged himself further to a wonderful orgasm.

The human pathetically whimpered as the guards had their way with him. He was merely an object for the ponies, a means to reach that orgasm they oh so craved. His body rocked in tangent with the ponies' advances, closing his eyes to rid his vision of this intense sight.

The horny guards didn't last long, not by normal reality standards. In this world, their endurance was rather natural and only for a few minutes. Before Conner knew it, both ponies were twisting and convulsing with big smiles, their cocks shooting strings of cum. He gagged on the front pony's cum as it sputtered into his mouth with great strength, forcing him to swallow most of it or choke trying. The pony behind him squirmed like a toddler doing the potty dance, a big smile plastered on his face as his own diaper warmed with sticky strings.

"M-mph! Good human," the front guard gave Conner a condescending pat on the head as he slid his stallionhood out of his mouth, a trail of cum dribbling out.

The two guards were pretty much useless once they pulled away from the human and plopped down on the beds behind them. Their chests rose and fell as they swam in post orgasmic pleasure. Their bowels and bladders instantly cutting loose without a care as their bodies laid lax on the beds. Eventually in the future another pony would waddle into the room and clean them up, possibly give them a blow job as well for a job well done.

"Took you two long enough," Nurse Redheart reentered the scene with a smirk. Her eyes scanned the room, lustfully impressed with how much damage the human left in his wake. She bent down, untied Conner's leash, and wiped a drop of cum off of his chin, "looks like ponies can have fun with you anyway."

With a gentle coaxing from the white pony, Conner was pulled back onto his wobbling legs and waddled back to his cell. It was even stranger walking in a poop filled diaper. The smell almost made him throw up and it took every ounce of his self control to not loose it right there. The waddle back to his cell felt miles long, lasting countless hours of listening to his diaper slosh left to right in time to his gait.

He was pulled into his cell once again, legs drastically bowed out from the brown bulge in his diaper. He made every effort to avoid squishing the repulsive thing, not even giving it a testing poke to make sure it was real.

"That should keep you calm for the next part," Redheart commented, handcuffing the human to the metal bars.

Conner was situated on the ground, arms locked behind him, forcing him to sit on top his smelly mess. The foul slurry stung the human's skin and pride as his legs squirmed about at the horrible sensation.

"Theeerree...Nice and comfy," the white pony murmured, waddled over to the pile of diapers. "Now I want your honest opinion about these diapers. Don't hold anything back."

The white pony spent the next two hours taking off diapers and then taping on new ones while measuring the human's reactions. Conner rolled his eyes at this meaningless test that was clearly just a way to feed the pony's cravings. Every diaper was the same to Conner. The only real difference was the change in design and color.

Redheart would tape on each diaper in full view of the human. She laid herself on the ground with her legs spread out, her baby powdered sex facing the handcuffed human as she changed into a new one. Each time she sprinkled some powder on the inside of each one despite not using them in any way. She then proceeded to stick her diapered rump into the human's face, asking him empty questions and writing down notes in her notepad. After one diaper was fully 'tested', she would rip it off and toss it into a pile. Every diaper in the pile was completely clean and only partially crinkled up from the brief wearing. She must have gone through fifty different diapers while being watched by Conner.

The human grew tense as the 'testing' continued. Despite the thick diaper, Conner could feel himself grow hard each time Redheart changed into a new diaper. His eyes would lock onto her powder white pussy every second that it was exposed. It was a strange new world for him, but something about the sex fueled atmosphere started to get to him. He could feel his sex drive growing as the pony went through each diaper. The only need that was bigger than his sex drive was his aching bladder.

"How about THIS one?" She said on the last diaper, thrusting her rump into Conner's face. "Too much? Not enough padding?"

Conner could smell the soft scent of the powder mixing with the plastic smell of the diaper. He couldn't exactly smell much else as the diaper practically suffocated him as it was firmly pressed into his face. His head squirmed as he tried to catch his breath away from the diaper butt in front of him.

"Hmm, maybe I'm approaching this all wrong," Redheart trailed off in thought, falling silent for a few minutes. Suddenly, Conner could feel his face grow warm as a quiet vibration could be felt. Redheart sighed as she peed her diaper against Conner's face. "M-mph! There we go...How's that?"

Conner squirmed some more, desperately trying to crane his neck away from the urine stinking diaper. He cringed and gagged at the awkward sensation. This pony was peeing on him! He could feel the urine swell the padding, keeping his face dry, but keeping the warmth and smell close by.

"Still no good?" The pony asked in mid-stream.

Conner continued to squirm as the pressure grew and grew. He refused to use his diaper! He wasn't going to give these diaper ponies the satisfaction! His legs twisted and squirmed as sweat grew on his brow. Pain swelled inside his full bladder as his body urged him to release.

Finally, the human gasped, a loud hiss gushing from inside his diaper when he finally lost control. As the pony kept her soggy diaper pressed into his face, his own diaper warmed up. He cringed as the diaper swelled up around his cock, making him curled his nose in displeasure. Now sitting in a messy diaper AND a wet one. He lost.

"So you're a fan of the wet ones? Interesting," the pony spoke up, now looking down at the yellow, swollen diaper between the human's legs. Apparently she interpreted his accident as some form of agreement. As her bottomless bladder hissed away inside her padding. she scribbled something on her notepad and straightened up. "We've finally made a breakthrough!" The pony commented, straddling the human once more, giving him an eyeful of her diapered crotch.

Suddenly the pony fell silent, her diapered crotch still inches away from Conner's face. She started to loudly grunt as a bulge formed in the seat of her diaper. Conner's eyes bulged out of their sockets as he clawed for freedom with increased intensity, desperately trying to escape the stink. However he was trapped there, forced to witness Redheart's carefree diaper fill up as she wore a happy smile of relief. He watched in disbelief and disgust as Redheart's diaper started to grow heavy between her legs, pulling it down with visible weight.

Conner tried to pull his head away from the sight, too embarrassed to even think about looking her way. He slammed his eyes shut and tried to flush his mind of the diapers. He couldn't run or even escape from the steamed pony.

"No need to be shy, human. It won't bite," Redheart whispered seductively, scooting her warm diaper front closer to the human's face. Conner could feel the warmth of her urine radiate from the padding as the garment sloshed with a lake's worth of urine. The padding had become overly saturated, unable to cope with the immense amount of urine that splashed between the pony's thighs.

Finally Conner felt the sopping diaper press firmly against his face. It happened in slow motion, allowing Conner to feel the saturated gels of the diaper squish against his face's curves, filling his lungs with the stench of urine. He pathetically sputtered behind the sopping thing, groaning at the slick, chilly water that dribbled down his face.

Redheart pulled the diaper away from his face, but only for a moment. With a devilish grin, she thrusted her hips back into the human's face, diaper sloshing about from the unabsorbed weight. The urine splashed and dribbled out the side as Nurse Redheart acquired a steady humping motion. She moaned and squirmed as she subjected the trapped human to her lustful fantasizes. A single hand reached back behind her to grope her own poopy bulge through her diaper.

Urine splashed against Conner's face, dribbling down his chest, and forming a puddle around him. He could barely breath, stealing breaths of 'fresh' air between the pony's thrusts. Every time he tried to open his eyes, he could only see the slick yellow padding flying towards his face, trails of urine glistening on it's plastic shell.

The pony didn't last long after all the teasing she gave herself. In a matter of minutes, Redheart punctuated the humping with a firm press of her crotch into Conner's face. She kept her saggy diaper squished close to the human's face as her drippy sex spurted out one of many orgasms the horny pony would experience that day.

"Nurse Redheart?" Commander Calla's voice suddenly rang through the cell, causing Redheart suddenly become stiff as a board. She quickly pulled herself away from the human as her cheeks drained of color from fear. "What are you doing in there?"

"I-I was just p-prepping it for Miss. Sparkle."

Commander Calla paused, "Well hurry up. Miss Sparkle is ready for the creature." He then walked off, leaving Redheart and Conner alone.

"I guess we'll have to finish up some other time," the nurse pony said as she waddled over to the pile of bondage gear.

Conner squinted an eye open and sighed with relief as he watched the white pony walk away. She gathered the piles of leather and metal, carrying them over to the human. Out of the frying pan...And into the fire it seemed.

Conner squirmed about as the spreader bar was strapped to his ankles, keeping his legs apart and his diaper fully exposed. Thick, stiff mittens were wrapped around his hands, making them useless. To top off his outfit, a ring gag was slipped into his mouth, keeping it open despite his moans of displeasure. His soaked and brown diaper, however, was the only thing that didn't get changed.

"We're ready!" Nurse Redheart called out of the cell.

Minutes later four pegasus guard ponies walked down the hallway. They all wore matching blue uniforms and matching blue diapers of varying states of use. Conner was manipulated out of the cell by the four ponies. The human was pulled out and carried down the hall towards what appeared to be the main door of the facility. Redheart followed along, her soaked diaper dribbling and squishing between her legs. With the four guard ponies surrounding him, Conner was brought into the open air again, which didn't exactly smell much fresher than the indoors.

At least, it STARTED as four ponies. One of the guards broke away from the group to answer the call of the groping hands of Redheart. Three armed guard ponies were still too much for the human to take on. Couldn't get far with the spreader bar anyway. He was trapped.

Outside stood a loose crowd of at least twenty diapered ponies. Conner noticed it was an assortment of earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi, all standing around and waiting for something.

In front of the pack stood Twilight and another orange mare. The orange mare seemed to have a stockier build, wearing a brown cowboy hat on her head.

"There's the human now!" Twilight called out with an excited smile. A clipboard and pencil now punctuated her lab coat look.

"Ya sure this is safe, Twilight?" the orange pony asked with a southern twang. "Ah mean, the thing migh' be dangerous."

"Just pretend it's one of us. It needs to learn proper social interaction if it's ever to live here." The orange pony sighed once, giving the human an uncertain look. Twilight seemed to pick up on it. "Look, it's locked up and bound. It won't be able to hurt anypony."

Conner was nudged closer to the crowd as they waddled closer to him. Before Conner knew it, he was encompassed by a tight crowd of diapered ponies, each one seemingly more aroused than the last. Sagging diaper butts and waddling feet all around him.

For a moment, Conner was merely an obstacle standing in the way between ponies. They pushed through him, pressing their thickly diapered crotches against his face, moaning. The soaked, squishy padding of their diapers slid against his face. Close by a stallion's diaper was ripped off and another pony's mouth plunged down onto the urine smelling erection without batting an eye. A trio of mares created a sexual whirlwind that twisted among itself as they groped and pressed into each other's crotches. Such sights Conner would find absolutely appalling.

However slowly, the heat of the moment became great for everypony involved, including Conner. Leaky diapers stepped over him as his own erection grew inside his own filled diaper. As ponies humped each other and gave each other oral sex, Conner found himself growing to enjoy it. A naughty mittened hand slowly plunged into his own diaper, touching his cock directly.

A pony or two even had the 'common curtsy' to take full advantage of Conner's open mouth. They would tread their cocks through the metal ring of the human's gag, only managing a couple thrusts before they reached wonderful orgasm. The warmth of the inside of the human's mouth was too much for the horny diaper ponies.

Conner's breathing became shallower and shallower as the diaper orgy continued around him. Ponies continued to rub themselves against him and his body was starting to betray him. As much as he hated diapers, hated this new world that stunk of urine, hated his captors for putting him through such torment....All this rubbing...It was enough to push him to the edge.

"I...I love my diapers!" the human finally exclaimed as best as he could through the ring gag. His cock strained against his well used diaper, painfully pressing against the padding before spurting out in toe curling pleasure. Conner strained and convulsed on the ground wiggling against his diaper that warmed with his seed. The quickly setting in afterglow almost made it impossible for him to worry about the smelly diaper that hung between his legs.

Unlike the ponies around him who could quickly recover for another orgasm in a matter of minutes, Conner was left on the ground completely spent. His skin now had drops of semen and urine covering it, his diaper bunched up around his crotch from the rubbings. He felt like he could pass out from one of the most intense orgasms he ever experienced in his life. His limp body was suddenly tugged out of the twisting orgy and floated over to where the diapered Twilight and her friend waited.

Twilight smiled up at the cum covered human and wrote something down on her clipboard. "Well he seems well adjusted after that!" Twilight chirped, suspending the human in the air with her magic.

The two ponies exchanged some more words, but Conner was exhausted from the intense orgy. His eyes glazed over for a moment as dribbles of cum hung from his hair. He panted, diaper sagging as his vision started to grow dark.


Conner jolted awake after some time, finding himself in his cell again. His diaper no longer had that horrible slosh inside, replacing it with a powdery scent.

Mumbling voices slowly floated into Conner's conscious mind as his body strained to pull itself together. The mumbling voices slowly became coherent and eventually he was able to distinguish the different voices.

"The princesses would want to see this," Twilight Sparkles voice came into focus as the human stared out into the bright light with dazed eyes. "We're can't safely say what this human is doing here or whether or not he has a reason to be here."

"You think they'll be able to get him home?" Nurse Redheart's voice could be heard adding to the conversation.

The purple pony paused, "I...Don't know. We'll have to see tomorrow."

That word rang through Conner's traumatized mind. Tomorrow.

What could that day possibly bring?

Part Three: Play Nicely

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Insufficient Padding
Part Three: Play Nicely
By Scribe Feather

Tomorrow finally came and Twilight had sent out word to the two royal princesses. Their response was surprisingly quick and they informed her that they were sending a carriage to pick up the human to take back to the castle.

Twilight had kept a close, scientific eye on the human who remained safely in his cell with some minor adjustments to his quarters based on yesterday's discoveries. Through her extensive 'research', the diapered pony concluded that Conner reacted better to sexual stimuli during his treatment and hoped this reaction would yield the best results for her research.

Conner was now kept bound and tied up in his cell, unable to move aside from a pathetic wiggle. His wrists were cuffed, his legs were put back into the familiar spreader bar from before, and his eyes blindfolded. His mouth was kept bound by a pacifier gag which Twilight 'cleverly' modified to have an eight inch dildo at the end rather than the soft rubber nipple.

Every hour or so, a guard would come into Conner's cell to 'check up' on him. For these sex crazed ponies, that mostly boiled down to waddling in with a messy brown diaper and using the human as their personal plaything to achieve an orgasm. Conner would be forced to endure anything that these guard ponies decided to throw at him. They would have their fun, squirm in their diapers with pathetic whimpers as they came, and then leave the cell with a big smile, not even worrying about the human who was left in his bindings throughout the whole thing.

Commander Calla was a returning customer. Despite his initial reservations towards the strange human, the allure of having something so exotic to rub his diaper bulge against was enough to convince him otherwise.

The commanding unicorn always came to the human in a well used diaper that was on the brink of leaking. He had a forceful presence when he entered the cell, controlling the human with little worry of him fighting back.

A steady squishing sound echoed off the walls as Commander Calla partook in yet another humping session with the human. The crinkling was accompanied by powerful grunts as Conner could only whimper behind his gag. He kept Conner's head steady with his hands gripping both sides of his head. The human tried not to breath much, every breath was accompanied by the strong stench of poop that made him gag.

Calla's tongue dangled out of his mouth as his head hung back in pleasure. "That's a good human," Calla's voice rumbled as he pounded against Conner's face. "Who's a good boy?" The pony talked to the human as if he was a pet. Conner was unable to respond as he was forced to endure the firm bulge in the front of Calla's messy diaper that pressed against his face in a rhythmic pattern. "You like that dontcha?"

"Commander Calla," Twilight's voice was suddenly heard from behind the guard pony.

"M-mph! Yes?" Calla didn't stop humping Conner's face and only craned his neck a tiny bit to look at the purple unicorn out of the corner of his eye. "What is it?"

"Princess Luna is here to pick up the human,"

Calla huffed a disgruntled huff. Somepony was taking away his new favorite plaything. "Fine." He simply said, his hard cock pulsing against the thick, yellow padding of his diaper. "Just let me...F-finish up here."

Twilight didn't leave, nor did she find the sight the least bit strange. She stood there and waited like she was waiting for Commander Calla to finish filling out some paperwork, something mundane rather than reaching an orgasm in a thick, messy diaper.

Finally the guard pony grunted loudly, pressing his squishy diaper firmly against the human's face, momentarily suffocating him with the soiled garment. His legs squirmed as his member spurted out strings of sticky cum into the diaper. He then pulled away from the human, sighing in satisfaction before letting go of Conner's head.

Commander Calla left the cell without another thought. He waddled off past Twilight with his messy diaper squishing behind. Conner was pulled out shortly after, kept in his bindings and remained blindfolded for the trip. He was expertly handled by Twilight, floating beside her in all his bounded glory, glided down the barracks hall and out the main doors.

Outside the barracks, a royal carriage waited for the human. Two thickly diapered bat ponies waited patiently at the reins in front, ready to fly off when ordered to, as long as it didn't interfere with their masturbating at least. The carriage itself was lavish and fit for the princess that it shuttled. It was pristine and kept to a high polish, free of any tarnishing or urine stains that most carts seemed to acquire in this new diaper world. It's silver trim complimented the dark blue colored wood that was expertly crafted by the finest hands Canterlot had to offer.

The side door of the carriage opened, dropping down to act as steps for the passenger. Out from the dimly lit interior of it climbed out a dark blue pony with wispy starry hair. This pony was dressed in a royal gown, stitched perfectly to her figure and lacked any obvious stains. She stood at least seven feet, a couple heads taller than the average pony. Her diaper, unlike the ponies around her, had a soft, dark blue diaper cover covering it, displaying her moon shaped cutie mark squarely on it's rump.

"Princess Luna, welcome," Twilight said, bowing her head down to the ground that smelled faintly of urine. Ponies around her copied the gesture, some filling their diapers as they paid their respects to the royal pony.

"Good day, young Twilight," the taller, blue pony responded, speaking with a rather old fashioned tongue, picking her words intelligently and articulately. "I trust this is the human you were talking about?"

"Yes, princess," Twilight stated, floating the human closer to the diapered princess.

"Thank you for your help, young Twilight. I'll see that the human is tended to properly according to your notes." Princess Luna bowed her head in respect, pulling the human into the carriage with her magic.

The interior was lined with lavish and expensive padding made of the finest materials reserved for royalty. The light blue hued material covered every inch of the carriage's inside, ensuring a cushy ride. Princess Luna placed Conner down onto a padded bench that lined the back wall before she sat herself beside him.

And just like that, Conner was transferred over to a new 'owner'. He was shuffled from the barracks and into the royal carriage like he was just diapered property that could be given away or sold off at will. Soon he was off, the carriage carried him and Princess Luna away, back to Canterlot castle where unspeakable horrors awaited him.

The blackness of being blindfolded, caused Conner to rely on his other senses to understand what was happening. The inside of the carriage was void of any useful information for the human aside from the waft of lavender permeating from the cushioned walls around him, a welcomed scent after spending so long smelling acidic urine in the air. His ears could only hear the quiet rumble of the carriage wheels bouncing against the cobblestone road, the force being absorbed by the cushy shocks that lined the carriage's axles. His teeth and lips ached around the dildo gag, it had been countless hours since he had it in and his face was starting to sting because of it.

Conner's trail of thought was suddenly derailed when he felt a hand comb through his brown hair. He cringed at the touch, fearing the pain that he's witnessed the whole time he's been in this new world. His body prepared for another diapered themed horror that would suddenly take advantage of his bound body.

But none of that happened. Instead the hand continued to gently comb through his hair. "Resisting must be so exhausting," Luna began, talking softly in almost a condescending way. Luna's hand rubbed Conner's thigh, causing the blind human to suddenly tense. "Why do you fight it? Diapers feel so good." Her hand stroked the human's thigh slowly, sending chills down his spine. "Don't you want to feel good?" Her hand finally rested on top of Conner's diaper, causing his deprived cock to spring into action at the mere graze. "Diapers bring so much happiness to ponies. Why not just let it go and enjoy it while you can?"

Every tease and question the blue alicorn whispered into the human's ear could only be responded to by squirms and pathetic, muffled whimpers. Conner's body was useless in all these bindings and cuffs.

Princess Luna tsked at the lack of reaction from the human. It was likely that she expected him to cum from her touch alone since that was how most ponies reacted towards the beautiful princess.

The carriage ride ended soon after, stopping in front of Canterlot castle's main doors and opening up. Conner's nose was instantly assaulted by the familiar urine stench the moment the carriage interior was exposed to open air.

Two guards stood at their posts in front of the castle doors, squatting and grunting while leaning on their spears for support. The guards straightened up and saluted Luna when she emerged from the carriage. Their diapers bulged in the front with hard erections as the garments sagged between their thighs. They would likely begin masturbating right at their posts shortly after Luna left.

Inside the castle was a sight much like the rest of the world now. Carpets and tapestries were covered in urine stains and messy diapers were carelessly discarded anywhere ponies saw fit. The cherished artifacts and treasures passed down from generations either had diapers thrown at them or were used in the ponies diaper games. Family jewelry was worn in infantile fashion shows, but quickly shoved into diapers and then the diapers discarded, fine china was broken, and somepony even went around and diapered every suit of armor that were displayed in the castle halls.

Nobles, maids, and guards alike were caught out in the open filling their diapers, changing, and humping each other in a castle wide orgy. Conner could only smell the foul stench of urine and waste and sex as he was carried through the castle.

Princess Luna turned a blind eye to the chaos that noisily stampeded around her. She trotted down the halls, carrying Conner in her magical aura. She past many diapered ponies who were in the thick of their diaper games and she past a lot of guards who were doing just about anything else other than guarding. She eventually stopped at a plain looking door and opened it slowly. A waft of baby powder flowed out of the room as Luna carried Conner into it, closing the door behind her with a metallic click.

The room was a special request that Luna made to the royal architects mere minutes after the diaper magic explosion hit. She requested an adult sized nursery with all the commodities required for taking care of an adult foal. She made a very thorough list of what she wanted, detailing the crib, changing table, playpen, rocking chair, as well as some ceiling and wall hooks to hang her kinky bondage gear. And after the architects finished masturbating at the concept, they went straight to work at fleshing out the princess's dream.

After a couple quick hours, a large team of diapered craftsponies, including artisans, sculptures, tailors, and builders, had created her dream room. It was a fully equipped nursery, containing everything on Luna's list with an infantile twist. The walls were painted a soft, sky blue with clouds painted onto them, quality you'd expect from church rather than a nursery. The furnishings were custom made to fit the adult size of Luna's expected charges, being sturdy to hold the weight yet safe for the adventurous toddler. The diaper pail was already half full when she first gave the room it's first inspection, evidence of horny builders testing out their work.

"Look what I have here!" Luna spoke up, plopping Conner down in the middle of the room on the plush carpet, "a new playmate!"

A muffled voice could be heard trying to say something as Conner was moved to the center of the room.

"You two are gonna have lotsa fun together!" Luna cooed happily as she untied Conner's blindfold.

The first thing Conner saw was a white alicorn sitting across from him, just as thickly diapered as he was. The white alicorn looked as royal as Princess Luna with rainbow colored hair that flowed sideways like Luna's.

"Celestia, this is Human," Luna smiled as she rested her hands on the human's shoulders, looking at the other alicorn with the deceptive smile she wore for him.

Princess Celestia tried to say some kind of muffled 'hello', but her pacifier gag made that rather difficult. She gave up rather quick and just went back to cuddling her large phoenix plushie.

Conner remained quiet, not just because of the dildo gag that remained tightly around his mouth, but because he was immensely out of his comfort zone. This strange, adult sized nursery was the weirdest thing he'd seen so far in this new world and he remained tense inside of it, unsure how to properly react.

"I see somepony's a little shy," Luna chimed in from behind him, stepping away from the human and over to Celestia. "But don't worry, I got just the game we can play to get Human all comfy in his new home."

Luna loosened Celestia's pacifier gag, pulling it out of her mouth to reveal a thick, eight inch dildo. The white alicorn coughed and stretched her sore jaw before she was suddenly turned to face Luna.

The Princess of the Night locked eyes with Celestia, "It's enema time," she firmly stated, "I want you to beg for yours."

Celestia gulped with dread before she spoke with a shaky voice, "p-please may I have...An enema." Her cheeks flared up as she spoke.

Luna grinned, "good! That's a good foal." She turned away from the white, diapered alicorn for only a moment, producing two premade enemas with the needed tubing and lube. "Assume the position, foal."

Celestia whimpered, but nodded obediently. She turned around and laid on the floor, sticking her diapered rump into the air.

Conner watched with wide eyes. If his mouth wasn't gagged, his mouth would be hanging open as well. Celestia stayed in position as Luna pushed her diaper aside, threading the freshly lubed enema tube into Celestia's tail hole. He could see the discomfort in the pony's face as she cringed against the cool tube.

After she was satisfied with the result, Luna stepped away from the white alicorn and hung up the enema bag onto a nearby hook. She then turned a knob at the base of the bag and the enema solution started rushing down the tubing, rushing into Celestia's rump.

Conner watched in petrified shock as Celestia wiggled against the tube. She groaned as the enema filled her bowels up, causing her stomach to bulge ever so slowly.

To make matters worse, Luna then turned to him with a full enema and second hose floating beside her head.

"Now it's your turn," Luna said with a grin. She loosened his dildo gag, bringing sweet relief to his jaw. "Beg for your enema, human."

Conner scowled, "not a chance in hell!" He growled, knowing very well that Luna wouldn't understand a word that came out of his mouth.

Luna's grin slowly melted into a scowl that matched Conner's anger. She didn't understand what he said, but the tone and his body language was enough for her to determine that he was refusing. She remained silent, but her horn began to glow.

Conner felt his body tingle with magic as it glowed and he was trusted into the air by Luna. He was carried over to a corner where a single wooden chair waited.

Luna seated herself on the chair and floated Conner down onto her lap with his padded rump sticking up into the air. She pulled a wooden paddle off of a hook on the wall and floated it in front of Conner's face to familiarize him with the tool.

"Naughty foals must be punished," Luna states, lifting the wooden paddle up.

Conner cringed moments before the wooden paddle smacked down onto his rump. The force was strong enough to be felt through the padding of his still dry diaper. The extra cushion didn't seem to help much as Luna thrashed his pampered rump. The spanking was rhythmic and steady. Luna made sure to hit both cheeks of Conner's rump as tears welled up in the human's eyes.

Around twenty spanks or so, the pain became too intense and Conner found himself suddenly crying. Tears dribbled from his eyes. He began crying like a child as the spanking wore down not only his physical endurance, but his emotional one too. He squirmed against the spankings, pathetically trying to push himself off of the pony's lap as she proceeded with his punishment.

Finally the spanking stopped. Conner lost track a long time ago, but he knew there was more where that came from. With watery eyes and tear streaked cheeks, Conner whimpered on Luna's lap. He could only silently thank her that she stopped.

Suddenly Conner could feel his own diaper being pushed aside, an enema tube slipping into it and dipping into his rump. Conner cried out in pain as the unlubed tube was thrust into his butt, scraping harshly against his skin as it entered his butt hole.

The sex crazed Celestia would have probably enjoyed watching, but she was much too busy being curled up in a tight ball, trying to fend off the pain of the enema that filled her bowels.

A rush of cold liquid suddenly filled Conner's bowels, pushing past his pinked butt cheeks. He shuddered and squirmed as Luna kept him steady. The enema filled him up quickly, cooling his insides with the unnatural sensation. He grunted and groaned as the enema seemed to flow into him endlessly, making his belly tight and bulgy.

As she filled Conner up with the enema, Luna turned her head towards Celestia. By now the white alicorn's enema had emptied completely into her bowels. Luna's horn glowed as Celestia's enema equipment glowed as well. In one swift display of levitation magic, the enema tube was quickly removed and a firm, pink, butt plug was slipped in it's place.

Celestia groaned from her spot, not moving an inch as all this transpired. She flinched at the butt plug as it locked itself inside her tail hole, her diaper preventing it from slipping out. The sloshy enema inside of her was kept at bay, leaving the Princess of the Sun to deal with the pain.

Conner kept his eyes closed throughout the entire thing. His face was red from the cringing pain that heated his body as the enema cooled him down. Eventually he could feel the enema's flow slow down, signalling the end of the embarrassing endeavor.

To match Celestia, Conner was given a butt plug as well to ensure Luna's control over that aspect of his life. His butt plug slipped in with a little more resistance than Celestia, but to avoid any searing pain, Conner did his best to relax his tense glutes.

Ever so gently, Conner was laid down on the plush nursery floor. He felt sick to his stomach as the enema sloshed inside his body. The butt plug held his body's natural need to void itself as his stomach grumbled in discomfort.

For a moment, Luna simply smiled down at him, a calm smile, but a devious one as well. "Celestia, dear," she spoke up, turning her head towards the white alicorn who remained in a fetal position. "Why don't you come over here?"

Celestia complied, pulling herself up from the floor, her face red from strain. She cringed with every step, wobbling a tiny bit as she came up to the other two. Conner could only watch from his floor vantage point as the white alicorn came to Luna's call.

Luna seductively tickled Celestia's chin with a grin, "give Human a nice view of that diapee of yours. Twilight says he LOVE stinky diapers."

Celestia obediently complied and started to move towards Conner. Conner tried to push her away and scramble to his feet, but the moment he even attempted to move, his limbs glowed blue and he was suddenly thrust to the ground by Luna's magic. He pulled and thrashed against the carpeted floor, but he didn't budge an inch. He pathetically whimpered and begged weakly as the large white alicorn closed the gap between the two.

Straddling the human's head, Celestia slowly squatted down onto his face. Conner continued to squirm as the big white pillowy diaper slowly came closer to his face. His head twisted and turned as he cried out for help, but it was no use. Celestia's clean diaper squished against his face, restricting his airflow as it molded against his facial features.

"Good," Luna's voice could be heard among the loud diaper crinkling. "Now..." Her words trailed off as Celestia squirmed a tiny bit.

Luna's horn glowed as the inside of Celestia's diaper glowed as well. Celestia gasped as she felt something squirming inside her diaper. The squirming intensified until a fleshy pop was heard and Celestia's butt plug was swiftly removed from her tail hole. The white alicorn smiled as bliss replaced strained pain. She calmly smiled now.

"You know what to do, my good little foal," Luna smirked, floating Celestia's butt plug in the air as she gave Celestia's diaper a couple pats.

Conner's eyes grew wide as color drained from his face in fear. He could feel Celestia's body rumble to life as the enema worked it's magic. He let out pathetic words of refusal that were muffled by the white alicorn's thick diapered butt. He begged her not to do what she thought about doing. In a final moment of desperation, he even tried to create some kind of telepathic bridge and hoped willpower would be enough to stop it.

But it was already too late. The moment the butt plug was removed, Celestia was already gathering her strength to push. A loud noisy gurgling gushed out of her rump, turning her thick diaper a sickly brown color. The coloration traveled almost as fast as the intense stink, bulging out the once fresh diaper with her liquidy load.

For a moment, Conner couldn't imagine a worse fate then this. He couldn't imagine how this could possibly be made worse. But then he felt a magical tingle around his rump, more specifically around his butt plug. Luna's magic glowed around his butt plug as it slowly pulled at the object, removing it from Conner's butt and his diaper.

The very second the butt plug was removed, Conner's body followed suit. He didn't want to, but the strain put onto his bowels forced his bowels to push all of it's contents out into the waiting diaper. In a gurgling slurry, Conner soiled his own diaper with a slimy mess.

Conner grunted loudly, muffled by the smelly diaper that nearly suffocated his face. A noisy wet fart erupted from his diaper as it quickly filled up with the gooey mess, making his rump feel slippery inside the confines of the diaper. Conner traded sweet relief with the horrid mess that now sloshed inside his diaper. He cringed at the sensation, desperately trying to find a resting position that didn't push the mess further up his diaper.

Luna smiled down at the two in diapers, both panting out of exhaustion."You are such good little foals," she teased the two as her horn glowed and lifted both of them up. "You must be having so much fun together. You can look forward to doing this every day while you're here with us, Human. Celestia loves making stinkies with friends!"

The blue alicorn carried Conner and Celestia over to a nearby playpen and deposited them inside. Conner barely had the energy to react when his saggy, messy diaper made contact with the padded floor of the playpen, squishing it loudly against his skin. He was much too tired to do much about it.

"My good diaper foals," Luna cooed, smiling down at Celestia and Conner, their diapers stinking up a stench most foul. "You two play nicely."

Only there wasn't much playing to be had in the playpen. Celestia was the first one to pass out from exhaustion. The enema 'game' had left her with the remnants of a tummy ache and a stinky diaper. Her usual toys didn't seem as interesting as a nap to her. Cuddling her favorite phoenix plushie, the Princess of the Day was out like a light.

Conner was close behind the slumbering pony. At first he tried to crawl to the playpen walls and find some way to escape. He couldn't stand to live here in an ADULT NURSERY! He had to get out! But the walls were too big and his body much too tired. The enema seemed to take more from him then just his lunch, it seemed to take all his energy along with it. Eventually he dropped to the floor as well, messy diaper sagging behind him, and arms extended out towards the nursery door. He couldn't make it.

Defeated, the human closed his eyes, heeding to his body's demands to sleep.