What They Can't See

by marineproductions100

First published

Derpy, the mailmare of Ponyville. Her loving, sweet, harmless and a mother. There is one other thing that the residents of Ponyville don't know and she intends to keep it that way.

Everypony in Ponyville knows Derpy as a sweet and loving mother who delivers mail to the residence of Ponyville. What they don't know is that there is a dark secret about the muffin loving mare. A secret so dark that nopony should ever know. Nopony.

Inspired by Asking Alexandria's song "Hey There Mr Brooks."

I have found the image randomly on the internet. I have no copyrights of it, but if you have the link, I would very much appreciate it, if you could give it to me so I can give the creator some love.

What They Can't See

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What They Can't See

Written By: Cameron

Though, we may have dark secrets we don't want anyone to know, there are some that no one should know.

The lights were on, the moon was still high in the sky, and the mailmare sat in the tub all by herself, the water was up to her neck, her eyes wide open. Silence filled the room. Her thoughts kept on repeating over and over. It's over now, you're fine, she told herself.


She quickly turned her head towards the door. Her heart pounding.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Dinky asked, behind the door.

Derpy sighed to herself and her heart slowly started to calm down. She smiled to herself. "I'm okay," she replied.

Little hoofsteps were heard behind the door and Derpy could tell that Dinky had walked away from the bathroom. She looked into the water and pulled the plug that contained the water. Then, she got out of the tub and grabbed a towel off of her towel rack to dry herself. Once she was dried off, she stepped out of the bathroom. She slowly walked into the living room to see her daughter, Dinky, drawing on a piece of paper on the carpet. She smiled to herself while creating a drawing of her and her mother playing in the park. Derpy smiled at the little drawing her daughter had created for them.

"That's a lovely drawing, Dinky." She told her daughter.

Dinky looked up at her mother with a smile on her face. "Thank you, mommy."

"Now, how about we put you to bed. It is pretty late outside."

Dinky looked out at the window and saw the moon high in the sky. "I guess it is," she said.

Derpy picked up Dinky and placed her safely on her back. She walked down their hallway that was decorated with many pictures of her and Dinky smiling. Once they reached Dinky's room, Derpy placed Dinky in her bed and pulled the covers over her daughter. She looked down at her daughter and smiled. She gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight, muffin."

"Before you leave, I have one more drawing to show you," Dinky excitedly said. Her horn glowed and a drawing appeared out of nowhere and right in front of Derpy's face. Derpy smiled, at first, but then, her smile faltered as she realized what the drawing was: bloody scissors.

Earlier That Day

It was a normal Monday like any other Monday, but Derpy wasn't delivering mail today. Instead, Derpy was sitting at home waiting for Dinky to get home from school. She was reading the Ponyville's news times that she picked up from work. The front page had an image of a dead mare with a blanket placed over her. The title read: Element of Generosity No More. The story went into depth about the gruesome death of Rarity and how residents of Ponyville are mourning over her death.


Derpy looked up from the newspaper and looked at the door. She got up from her couch and went to the door. She looked through the peephole of her door and saw Rainbow Dash on her doorstep. Her face showed that she was mad. Derpy sighed and opened the door. "Hello, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash didn't answer. Instead, she looked at her with the same made expression.

"Is something wrong?" She asked the cyan pegasus.

Rainbow Dash nodded, slowly.

Derpy raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you here to tell me why you're mad?"

"Oh," she started. "I'm here to do more than that."

"Then what are you h-" Derpy was interrupted as Rainbow Dash jumped on top of Derpy.

The cyan pegasus started attacking the grey mare with much fierce. Each hit caused the same amount of pain to Derpy's skull. Derpy instinctively bucked Rainbow Dash off of her, but the blue pegasus quickly got up and looked at the door. Derpy made an attempt to run to the door, but Dash saw that coming a mile away. She closed the door. As soon as the door was closed, Derpy ran into it. A huge bolt of pain entered Derpy's nose and blood started to slowly seep out of it. Rainbow Dash grabbed Derpy from behind and threw her to the ground. Derpy slowly crawled away from Rainbow Dash.

"What did she ever do to you!?" She yelled at Derpy.

Derpy looked up at Rainbow Dash. "I don't know what you-" She was interrupted by Dash kicking her in the face.

"You know damn well what I mean! You killed her and I know it! I know because you left this!" Rainbow Dash pulled out bloody saddlebags with a muffin marked into it. Derpy looked at the bag and back up at Rainbow Dash. "I'm going to make you pay, Derpy. I'm going to put you in your grave. The one you deserve."

Derpy smiled. "Very good, Dash." Derpy got up to her hooves. "I never expected the athlete to figure it out. I thought it would've been the brainy one. You're smarter than you give off."

The cyan pegasus punched the grey pegasus, causing Derpy to stumble back a couple feet. "You shut your bucking mouth you murderer!" Dash yelled at her.

"You know what? I'm getting sick of you punching me." Derpy swung her hoof right into Dash's skull, making Dash a little dizzy. Derpy swung her hoof again, and again, and again, and again. The cyan pegasus fell to the floor, blood spewing out of her nose and newly open cuts made by the mailmare. She grabbed Dash by one of her forelegs and dragged her into the kitchen. A faint blood trail was left from the front door to the kitchen. Once Derpy and Rainbow Dash were in the kitchen, Derpy reached into one of the drawers and pulled out a kitchen knife.

"Why'd you do it?" Dash asked, in a whimpered voice.

"It's simple," Derpy said, as she drew the knife close to Dash's neck. "She found out my little secret and nopony can ever know my secret. Not even you."

With that said, Derpy dug the knife into Dash's neck. The cyan pegasus' eyes went wide and blood was quickly pouring out of her neck. Blood droplets splattered across Derpy's face. Out of reaction, Dash grabbed her throat to try and stop the blood from spewing, but it was useless. Dash reached a hoof out to Derpy, but the grey pegasus slapped it away.

"Disgusting," she muttered.

Derpy left the room and returned with cleaning materials. Dash was still alive and watched Derpy get to work. She slowly stood up and started to make an attempt to the front door, but Derpy threw her back down. The mailmare pulled the knife out of Dash's neck and started to repeatedly stab the cyan pegasus. After Derpy felt that Dash was dead, she dropped the knife. She saw Dash's esophagus dangling out of her throat, her eyes were wide open, blood stained her once beautiful cyan coat, and her mouth was wide open. Derpy sighed to herself. How many more do I have to kill to keep this a secret?

"Oh my Celestia...." A stallion's voice interrupted Derpy's thoughts.

Derpy turned her head and saw Thunderlane looking at her with confusion struck to his face.

"Buck," she muttered to herself.

"Derpy, what's going on?" He asked.

"Thunderlane? Why are you here?" Derpy ignored the quesetion.

"I heard screaming and I checked to see if you're okay....but it appears you weren't screaming." He looked at Dash's dead body. Blood was still seeping out of her open cuts.

Thunderlane slowly backed away from where Derpy was standing. Derpy picked up the knife and looked at Thunderlane. He quickly turned around and slipped in the trail of blood. He fell to the floor with a hard thud and this made it easier for Derpy to attack her prey. She quickly jumped on his back, he yelled, and she jabbed the knife into the back of his neck. He started making gagging noises. She pulled the knife out and stabbed the back of his head. His head made a thud noise and his whole body went limp. Derpy stood up from his back and pulled the knife out of his head. She placed the knife next to his corpse and went back to cleaning the mess that she had made.

Several Hours After The Incident

Once Derpy was done cleaning her mess, she focused her attention on getting rid of the bodies. She picked up the kitchen knife from earlier and slowly started to separate the body parts. Once she was done with that, she stuffed the body parts into the bloody saddlebag that Rainbow Dash-so kindly-dropped by. She made sure to lay a clean rag over the saddlebag so nopony would notice the blood stains. She also made sure to cover up the muffin on the bag so nopony could trace it back to her. She made her way to the front door and opened it to find her daughter, Dinky, standing on the door mat.

"Dinky," she nervously said. "Home already, muffin?"

Dinky happily nodded. "Yes, I am, mommy. What are you doing with that?" She asked, pointing at the rag on her back.

"Oh, I'm just going to drop this off at a friend's real quick. I want you to lock the doors and keep yourself entertained while I'm gone, okay?" Dinky nodded. "And don't answer the door, I'll have a key with me."

"Yes, mommy. I'll be good."

Derpy smiled. "I know you will." She leaned down and affectionately nuzzled her daughters cheek. "I'll be back."

With that said, Derpy waited until Dinky went inside and heard a click from the door. Once she was sure her daughter had locked both doors, she made her departure towards Ponyville's local lake. She knew that not many ponies would be there today because it was a school day and most ponies were either working or picking up their foal from school.

Once she arrived at the lake, she pulled the rag off of the saddlebag and tossed the bag into the lake. She watched it slowly sink to the bottom. Then, her eyes widen, as she saw blood start to ripple to the surface. She turned around and flew off, quickly, hoping that nopony saw her while she left. Once she got home, she realized that she forgot the key. Dammit, Derpy, you told her not to answer the door. She sighed and knocked on the door, hoping her daughter would break the rules this one time. She heard giggling behind the door.

Derpy smiled. "Dinky, I know you're in there. It's me, mommy."

"Sorry mommy, but I can't answer the door. You're not home." More giggling was aroused from inside the house.

Derpy rolled her eyes. "Dinky, please let mommy inside. Mommy promises that she'll make you muffins, if you do."

"What kind?"



The door opened and Dinky jumped up at Derpy into a tight hug. Derpy returned the gesture with her own tight hug. "I forgot the key." Derpy admitted.

"I know you did," Dinky replied.

Thirty Minutes Before Present

Derpy and Dinky just finished eating the chocolate muffins that Derpy had promised. Once they were done cleaning up and putting away their dishes, Derpy went into the bathroom to take a nice bath and try to relax from her long day. She turned the faucet on to the tub and waited for the water to rise a decent amount. Over the water, she could hear tiny hoofsteps coming in the room. She turned around and saw Dinky standing in the doorway.

Derpy smiled. "Do you need to use the restroom?"

"No, I was just passing by," Dinky replied.

Then, Dinky walked away from the bathroom and into the hallway, somewhere. Derpy found this odd, but ignored it. Fillies just being fillies, she told herself. She looked at the bath tub and saw that the water was at a good amount. She turned off the faucets and then closed the bathroom door. She slowly laid herself inside the tub and sighed, happily. After a couple of minutes in silence, memories started to come back to her. Memories of past victims. They were screaming at her. Her eyes became wide and the little smile of relaxation that crept up on her face was now gone. Everything was coming back to haunt her. It wouldn't have been the first time it has happened. It has definitely happened before, but not as often. Usually, she could ignore them as best as possible, but for some reason, she allowed them attack her.

It's over now, you're fine, she told herself.


She quickly turned her head towards the door. Her heart pounding.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Dinky asked, behind the door.

Derpy sighed to herself and her heart slowly started to calm down. She smiled to herself. "I'm okay," she replied.

Little hoofsteps were heard behind the door and Derpy could tell that Dinky had walked away from the bathroom. She looked into the water and pulled the plug that contained the water. Then, she got out of the tub and grabbed a towel off of her towel rack to dry herself. Once she was dried off, she stepped out of the bathroom. She slowly walked into the living room to see her daughter, Dinky, drawing on a piece of paper on the carpet. She smiled to herself while creating a drawing of her and her mother playing in the park. Derpy smiled at the little drawing her daughter had created for them.

"That's a lovely drawing, Dinky." She told her daughter.

Dinky looked up at her mother with a smile on her face. "Thank you, mommy."

"Now, how about we put you to bed. It is pretty late outside."

Dinky looked out at the window and saw the moon high in the sky. "I guess it is," she said.

Derpy picked up Dinky and placed her safely on her back. She walked down their hallway that was decorated with many pictures of her and Dinky smiling. Once they reached Dinky's room, Derpy placed Dinky in her bed and pulled the covers over her daughter. She looked down at her daughter and smiled. She gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight, muffin."

"Before you leave, I have one more drawing to show you," Dinky excitedly said. Her horn glowed and a drawing appeared out of nowhere and right in front of Derpy's face. Derpy smiled, at first, but then, her smile faltered as she realized what the drawing was: bloody scissors.


Derpy turned her head and saw a pair of scissors aiming right at her. Her eyes went wide as the pair of scissors went straight towards her. Out of instinct, she dodged the scissors. She heard Dinky scream and quickly turned to look at her daughter. The scissors were lodged right into her neck. Blood started to spew out of her neck and onto her bed sheets. Tears started to fill up in Derpy's eyes. "No!" She yelled.

Dinky fell forward into Derpy's forelegs.

Derpy looked into her daughter's eyes as her eyes started to flutter close. Derpy started to shake her own head. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Dinky's eyes closed and tears started to stream down her face. "No! Why?! She was not meant to be another me! She was not! No!" Derpy screamed. She looked down at the scissors and pulled them out of her daughter's throat. She pulled the blade up to her neck and cut it wide open. An intense amount of pain was felt in her throat, but it started to vanish. Derpy's eyes started to feel heavy. A smile started to form on her face, as she realized something; she won't kill again.