Button baby

by Cuteclaws101

First published

When sweetie belle practices her babysitting skills on button.

when sweetie belles arrives at Buttons front door, she asks for help with her babysitting for the cakes, forced to, Button has to be Sweetie belles baby for the day. She feeds him, diapers him and treats him just like a baby. Will this be horrible for Button or maybe not so bad...
Warning: contains diapers, babying, and used diapers.

Button gets babied

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It was one of the sunniest days in Equestria, the sun was high and shinning brightly all over PonyVille. The perfect day, on Button mash's case to play video games. The little colt was locked upon his room playing video games when he heard a soft knock downstairs. Concentrateing on his game, Buton's mom interrupted him."BUTTON! CAN YOU GET THE DOOR PLEASE!"
Knocking Button out of his trance, he sighed and paused his game heading downstairs.

"This better not be another one of those sale ponies again", he murmered.To his suprise, when he opened the door it revealed a small white filly with a cotten candy mane.
"Sweetie belle?!, what are you doing here?" Button mash exclaimed.
Sweetie belle smiled shyly, " Well, I was wondering if you could help me with something." she said while rubbing her hoove against the ground.
"Sure!, what is it?"
"Ummm, well, you see I'm training to babysit the cakes kids while Pinkies out of town for the week, and I really wanted to babysit them cause they are soo cute and maybe I could get my cutie mark on it." Button looked a bit confused and added. "yeees"
Sweetie belle smiled nervously, of he ranting and started again. " So, I need to practice my skills on it and stuff and I was wondering if you, She paused, um could be my test subject.
" Huh what do you mean?" Button asked.
"I need to train on some pony about my size then tomorrow I'm allowed to babysit the cakes, and that pony I'm hoping is you."
" So you want ME to be your baby?!, I don't think so, how come one of your friends can't do it, did you ask them?" he said.
" I did but Apple blooms busy and there is no way your getting Scootaloo to do stuff like that!, plus shes got mentoring with Ranbow dash today."

Button signed, "Look, I know you really want to baby sit the cakes and stuff but I reeaaaly don't want to be the- "of course Button will help" said he mom who was standing near the door.
"WHAT, moooom." he said annoyed.
" Yes that's right, your going to help Sweetie belle, after all you have nothing better to do today anyway", she smiled.
"Bu- buttons mom interupted ,no butts mister" Button mash groaned.
" Fine!, I'll help with your stupid baby stuff." he huffed.
"Really?!, oh thank you so so much, Button, your a lifesaver", she said as she hugged him by the neck.
" Heh heh anything for you, he smiled blushing.
Sweetie belles eyes were filled with excitment and they shined widely.
" Ok let's go to your room", and dragged him upstairs with her saddle bag on her back.

In Buttons room, it was quite messy, and button turned his game off, sighing again. He cleared some space for him and Sweetie belle to make some room and sat down on the carpeted floor.
" So what exactly do I have to do." Button asked.
" I'm just gonna do basic baby stuff on you, that's all." she smiled widely.
" Ok let's get this over with, what's first?"
" Well first I have to diaper your of course!"Buttons face fell, oh great he had to be diapered by Sweetie belle, how humiliating, great just great.

Sweetie belle started setting up the supplies neatly, first the changing mat the fresh bag of diapers, foal powder, rash cream and wipes. Each object she pulled out, Button cringed.

"Now lie down" looking at Buttons face she could tell he was feeling uncomfortable so she added something hopefully more comforting.
"Don't worry,it won't take long I'm getting pretty good at this anyway, she smiled softly. Slowly, he lay down front first on the changing mat cringing as he heard the crinkling.He then Heard another crinkle, this time from a big white poofy diaper. He felt his rump being lifted up and set down again on a soft comfy surface. Sweetie belle the strapped on the sides and front.
" Whoops almost forgot", she giggled nervously. She drew the back of the diaper back and massaged in some rash cream and shook on some foal powder, patting the diaper,white puffs of powder came from the diaper.

" Ok now that, that's over I can feed you, she said as she looked at her list. She lifted out of the bag some warm milk in a bottle and a container of apple sauce.
"Open up!, she cooed, here comes the train!" She strained herself as she levitated the spoon with applesauce in it to buttons mouth.
Button gulped closed his eyes and opened his mouth obediently. Hey it's not half bad he thought, opening his mouth for more.

After their eating session, Button felt the need to go to the washroom and started walking towards the door.
"Where are you going" asked Sweetie belle, as she was putting the container back in her saddle bag.
"The washroom, you know I gotta go."
Sweetie belle looked confused for a second then burst into a fit of giggles.
"What's so funny? He asked bewildered, every pony has to go sometime." Sweetie belles giggling was starting to die down.
" It's not that's, it's just I don't think your got the concept of being my baby for the day, you have to act the same way foals do, and that means going in your diaper not the toilet.
"Say again?"
She chuckled " Button, you have to go pee in the diaper."Button froze, his pupils shrunk. He didn't think Sweetie was going that far into the babying, he never intentionally wet himself, well except that time when he was in preschool, but that was when he was really young.
"Uh Button are you ok?" Sweetie belle asked.
" A- are you sure we can't just pretend I went in my diaper o-or dump some water in it or something", he begged.
Sweetie belle loword her head and pouted her lower lip, "b- but Its not the same Button, she whined striking the puppy dog pose, a professional at it now.
As much as he didn't want to wet himself he knew he would let Sweetie down if he didn't.
"Fine!" he mumbled. "But only cause you said too", he added quickly.
" Oh Button, thank you thank you thank you, you don't know how much this mean to me" leaping into another bear hug.
"What, changing a diaper I made a mess in, I don't think it's that big of a deal, wouldn't you rather not?"
" But it's the full experience!, I have to get myself trained!"
Button blushed and smiled nervously "right".
Sweetie belle finally let go of Button and sate own in front of him.
" Alright, you can go" she smiled.
Button' s hopes went up, " to the bathroom?" he asked excitedly.
" No silly, in your diaper. She said gesturing at his fluffy dry diaper.
"Umm actually, I don't have to go that much anyway, he said, sweat trickled down his forehead. There was NO way he was going to pee him self while sweetie was watching! It would be to embarrassing! Maybe he could hold it In for the next few hours anyways so he wouldn't have to get in a big mess.
" Whatever you say" she smirked reaching for the baby bottle.
"Now let's continue" she said while patting her lap, indicating for Button to lie down there.
Button looked down embarrassed and lay down in Sweetie's lap, and wiggled around getting comfortable. The yellow tip of the nipple came down to his mouth so he could reach. He held his two hooves out grasping the bottle. He looked up at Sweetie belle. She was smiling down on him resting her hooves behind his head and on his rump, supporting him. Looking at her,he felt nervous and had a urge to pee, his bladder feeling up, he was for sure going to wet himself after drinking milk.
Slowly he began to suckle, the warm milk flooded on to his tongue,the flavours bursting on to the dryness. He closed his eyes in relaxation and suckled the bottle faster, wanting to get more milk into his cold body. Every body part relaxed and stopped tensing up and without realizing it, he let his bladder relax and warm pee flowed into the diaper in a stream. Buttons eyes flew open as he realized what he was doing. He felt the diaper grow warm and heavy as his diaper soaked up his urine. The stream of pee was dying down thankfully and the diaper hugged his thigh and rear, warmly. He felt guilty and naughty and prayed to Celestia, Sweetie Belle wouldn't notice. He gulped, not realizing how tense and dry his mouth had become.

Sweetie belle finally notice the stiff Button, "what's wrong, are you alright?"
"Um ya of course!" he said lying, sweat trickling down his forehead and felt his face become redder from embarrassment.
"Ok, well I think that's enough milk anyway" she said as she placed the bottle down and Button as well.
Almost immediately he felt and heard the diaper squish under his rear, pee dribbling down his thigh. He quickly wiped it up with his hoof, smiling nervously.
Suddenly, Sweetie belle's hoof was reaching for Buttons diaper.
Button screamed in horror. "What are you doing?!"he said trying to sound more calm, witch failed.
"Im checking,to see if you wet your self yet." she said a bit confused,starring at Button strangely.
"Oh!" he said a bit to loud,"Well of course I didn't, at least not yet!" he said forcing a smile, trying to lour her away from his soaking diaper.
" Uhhh, ok well just tell me when you do ok?"
" Um, right", Button said turning crimson.
"Eh hem, and the next step is nap time, I can read you a story."
"Okay!" phew at least this doesn't evolve her touching my diaper he thought.
Button clambered on to the bed and quickly covered himself in his blankets, covering his diaper. Sweetie belle clambered up behind him with a book held in her mouth.
Button soon relaxed and smiled gently at Sweetie belle who smiled back.
"Tale of the two sisters", she read.
"Cool, is that the story of the princesses when Luna goes all night marish", he asked excitedly
"Sorta, but this is before that happened, but it's still really good!, I borrowed it from Twilight."
"Oh, we'll go on."

As soon as Sweetie belle started her story, Buttons eyes closed sleepily. He was pretty tired from today, his eyes strained from his all nighter playing video games last night with his friends. The soft murders of Sweetie belles voice Was angelic and soothing, as he slowly drifted off to sleep. Only, his peaceful rest was interrupted by a soft hiss, coming from his diaper.
Oh no not again!, Button wailed in his head. The wet diaper became even more wet as he released even more urine from his bladder, only this time not all pee felt soaked up from the diaper it felt a bit sloshy and very warm inside his diaper. Slowly and silently eyes still closed, he drifted his hoof to the bottom of his diaper. Wet, no soaking, he lifted himself up a bit and felt underneath, shocked as he felt a huge wet spot on his bed. At this point his eyes were open and worried looking. He shuffled to look at sweetie belle, feeling the warm pee slosh around, he cringed.
"Um sweetie belle?" he said interrupting the young filly's story. She looked up from her book.
"I-I leaked" he said quietly, his cheeks burning and calmly from sweat. He felt his thought get dry.
Sweetie belle starred at her friend he looked desperately nervous and in horrible condition, sweat streaked his forehead cause his bangs to be damp, his cheeks red and flushed, his eyes teary and worried looking, he looks utterly miserable.
" Oh Button!" she said embracing him into a warm hug.
" I never meant to make too upset, please forgive you, I should never have forced you to wet your self.
" Let's get your changed" she smiled softly and kindly at Button.

She led Button off the bed and gasped at Buttons soaked and dripping diaper.
"I-I'm s-sorry, I didn't mean to it just happened accidentally" he whimpered at the urge of tears.
"shh shh, it's alright accidents happened, it's my fault for putting so much stress on you just to have things my way", she said as she hugged him tightly. She then made Button lay down legs sprawled on to changing mat. His diaper squishing loudly.
Sweetie belle opened up his diaper, every inch covered in yellow pee.
" Whoa, how did you make such a mess in just one session?"
"t-two, actually" he said stammering and utterly humiliated.
"Button, you were supposed to tell me when you wet yourself, then there wouldn't be a big mess!", Oh well might as well get you changed.

Sweetie belle expertly lifted Buttons rump and slid the soiled diaper to the side and into the garbage and replaced it by sliding a French new diaper. With more stronger absorbance this time. She quickly wiped Buttons near regions and bottom thoroughly with baby wipes. And wiped on some rash cream and foal powder on his clean rump. The entire experience,Button cringed, and blushed furiously, never had he been so humiliated and embarrassed in his life.
Sweetie belle finally finished, by strapping Buttons even huger diaper to his sides tightening them securely and this time checking the leak guard, now knowing Button might mess himself again.
As Sweetie belle did this, Button mash knew exactly what she was thinking: I can't believe he actually wet him self he for sure is going to pee all over himself again if I don't get a oven more humiliating and bigger diaper! Well that not exactly what she was thinking but in buttons thoughts, yes. Button couldn't blame her too much for replacing the smaller size of diaper with a bigger one, because she HAD made a huge mess and she didn't want to take anymore risks. Buttons bed sheets needed a thoural washing.

Button sat up his head drooped a bit,while Sweetie belle led Button back to bed, she tucked him in smiling gently and kissed his forehead. His whole face exploded with shock and heat from his cheeks, turning red again. Sweetie belle really kissed him!
" you would make a great babysitter... And mom he added" smiling nervously his face still blushing. "Do you think we could do this again Sweetie belle?"
Sweetie belle smiled and blushed from the compliment," Thanks, and of course I would love to as long as you tell me when you decide to go to the bathroom", she giggled. Button joined her giggling and shared a moment.
Button felt his eyes go droopy as Sweetie belle lifted away.
" You will always be my Button baby, she smiled closing her eyes and hopping of the bed.
By now Button was softly asleep and a soft snore rose from the covers. Sweetie belle giggled silently as she closed the door behind her, leaving Button on his own.
This whole day was very... odd to Button and he thought to himself that after Sweetie belle had kissed him, even just on his forehead it was all worth it, even the worst parts. Some of it was quite soothing actually, weird, but soothing. He decided even though it was embarrassing, that he wanted to do this more with Sweetie belle. As much as he hated to admit it it felt kinda good to pee himself in a diaper, just maybe not in front of some pony. He decided to give it a shot.
In his bed button purposely let go of his strained bladder, pushing all of his urine out,into the inviting comforting fluffy diaper underneath him. The feeling of the golden liquid just underneath his rump felt wonderful. He felt warm and safe in his own little bed, comforted by his diaper, he smiled as he pushed harder, this time he felt a loud squish between his legs, and a ghastly smell lifted from his diaper. button ignored his mess and snug down the covers deeper causing his accident to squish louder. There sat Button in heavenly bliss as he slept away in his warm soiled diaper.

The End