Lost Love

by memphisgurl

First published

Poems about the hurtful memories and sufferings experienced through love.

A compilation of poems that describe the hurtful memories and sufferings experienced during the time when you loved someone.

Tagged other for characters because I want this story to be open ended and up to the reader as to which ponies it features/describes.

Written to overcome horrible writer's block, so I expect a lot of negative feedback.

My Lament

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A river of tears continue to flow in my eyes

Lamenting for the loss of our friendship

A flaw in my actions deserve this consequence

As I squealed our promise of forever

Yesterdays are brighter than tomorrow

As I've seen your smile every once and a while

But tomorrow will be discordant from our past

As your sweet smiles turned into a tearful looks

I conceded that it's my fault

For disintegrating the promise I've given to you

But why until now I condone the peccadillo

Of the sin I have never meant to incarcerate

Could you please bestow me another chance?

A providence to remedy my foible in our friendship

It may not bring back what we have in the past

But still, we can embark for the better amity

Can you please hearken to me just for the last time?

It may sound rude to you but what can I do?

I can't stand being too far away from you

But how can I be near to you when you are mad at me

A phoenix lament symbolizes sadness

Just the same of my tears flowing endlessness

I bound that I'm already regretting for those iniquity of mine

So please, I'm begging for your forbearance

Is it fate that made our roads be apart?

Or is it a choice made by each of us

I never intended it to happen

So please, try to listen on my explanation

But for you I think my pleading is not enough

For the damage I have given to you

What should I do just to forgive me?

Or I will just hold on to my hope, until the day you forgive me

A melancholy of my heart producing too much pain

It may be hard to endure but still I will try

Because resisting the pain is my only way

Of how much I'm willing to gain your forgiveness

Until when should I wait for your forgiveness?

If you only have anguish in your heart

I have exceeded too much effort just to reach you

But what can I do if you haven't tried to listen

To The Mare I Love

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It's been a year or so since she'd broken my heart

But why still I can feel the pain inside my heart

It's like thousands of knives wreaking havoc in it

Stabbing and killing my precious heart

Will it fade away as time passes by?

Or will it just stay in here clinging myself into my past?

But for any means, I just wanted to start a new life

Forgetting how painful my past is

Holding vaguely forever in my dreams

To have someone who will save me from sadness

But my dreams came to reality

As you enter my heart whole-heartedly

You taught me how to forget the past

To live again as whole as I was in the present

But I'm now afraid again

That you might not catch me when I fall

Yes, I'm falling in love with you as you take care of me

Wishing that you will fall in me also

How much effort should I exceed?

Just to reach and touch your heart

Maybe you only treat me as a friend

But I can't stand that we will just be friends forever

But please forgive me when you know

That your friend is deeply in love with you

Three years of friendship is not enough

For me and my broken heart

That's why I'm begging for you to feel my love

Even if you don't return it back

I won't be angry with you if you leave me

Whenever you know I had broken our rule

Not letting to fall in love with each other

But my heart keeps beating for you, telling me that I must fall in love

With you

I tried to forget you in the sense of leaving

But I can't bear the pain it gives my heart

That's why I talk to you again

Promising that I'll not do it again

Why do I keep ending up beside to you?

When I know that you will not love me

I know that you loved someone else

But I'll be here, still waiting for you

I might find myself so dumb stupid

Supporting you in your damn relationship

But deep inside of myself

It kills my heart every time I hear something happy about you and him

I support you and him for whatever reason

But I can't stand to see you in agony

I tried to pursue you to not love him anymore

But what can I do, if your heart never feels the betrayal

Is this just normal to feel that the one you loved needs your protection

For whatever pain in the world can she get?

I wish there will be a time that she will listen to me

Because all I want for her is to be happy

I've tried in all means to let go our memories

A good step to move on forward to life again

But I failed again to let her go

Because I can't stand whenever she felt sadness

Why do I also feel what she feels?

I hate this feeling very much

Because all I know is

This is the reason that's why I can't leave her

Seeing her in pain is like burning myself

That's why I want to make her happy by striking some jokes

I know she laugh, but still not enough

To throw the sadness in her heart

For two years I'm contented with what we have

Because all I want is her happiness

I don't care if she will never love me back

Because her smile is enough to complete my whole world

There will be a time that my love for you will last

And I hope that when it happens you will still be my best friend

Even after the those trials we've been through

I know we can still be a good friend

But before I let you go

I just wanted to give you a warm hug

Embracing every happy memory we have

And I also want to tell you that I've been your secret admirer for nearly 3


Letting you go doesn't mean we'll forget the past

It will just finish those painful memories we have

But never damaging the precious memories we’ve been through

I love you and goodbye

Mending a Broken Heart

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As I walked in the midst of nowhere

While my heart is broken into pieces and empty with happiness

There is a mare who cheers me up

Forcing to mend the pain inside my heart

She became my strength, a blocker against the pain

A catalyst to heal my broken heart

She taught me how to be brave

To fight for someone who's important in my life

Then one day as I sat above the hill

A realization struck my mind and heart

That my heart beats no more to the one I loved

Freeing myself to the pain of my past

As a time passes by, I can feel my heart beats again

Over and over again to that lovely mare

The mare who taught me to fight, to let go and to love

To the mare who mend my broken heart

Tears pour down in my eyes

Every time I'm wishing to be loved back by the mare I loved

Then I ask myself how it feels loving someone afar

But, suddenly my tears just fell over and over again

My bitter tears turned into a sweetest smile

When I knew that she felt the same as mine

Now, both our hearts beat on the same purpose

To bloom the love between the two broken hearts

One Sided Love

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Why do I keep waiting?

For the one who don't love me

For the one responsible for all of my wasted tears

For the one whom always break my heart

Why do I keep crying?

For the one who tore me apart

For the one who treated me a trash

For the one who killed hope inside my heart

Why can't I love the one who loved me?

When she is always beside me when I'm down

When she always lend her shoulder for me to cry on

When she always show her affection to me

Why does she keep waiting in vain?

When she know I can't love her

When she know I only treated her as my friend

When she know I'm already in loved to someone

Why it can't be here I loved?

When I know that we will both be happy

When I know that we will not shed a single tear anymore

When I know that we will have an endless love

Why do we keep on a one sided love?

When we know we will not be happy

When we know that we will just be in vain

When we know we're just tearing ourselves apart

Captured Heart

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Every time I watched the starry sky

I'm always thinking about a lovely mare

The mare who captured my heart

Even if we are miles away apart

This mare did not failed to give me happiness

A joyous feeling of endlessness

That's why I can't stop loving her

That mare who captured my heart

Even if we don't see each other

I'll never give up my love for her

That may be torture to me forever

But she still the mare who captured my heart

Even if sadness come into my life

Striking hard like a lightning struck

I will never give up my feelings for her

Because I know she is the mare who captured my heart

Her face shines so brightly like a moon

It relieves the pain inside my heart

That makes me more in loved to her

Because she is the mare who captured my heart

Ruined Heart

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It was midnight when I sat beside the calm sea

Watching the sky as it glitters above the sea

The moon on its whole phase struck my head

Just to remember the mare who ruined my life

I can see her smile that still blooms in my memories

Just like it is real and not a dream

But suddenly a stab of knife hits my heart

Remembering that mare who ruined my life

I can hear her voice like a music playing in my head

Trying to lessen the pain she'd gave me

But it only gives me a stab of knife in my heart

Remembering how she ruined my life

I can feel her soft hands on my cheeks

Trying to wife out the tears she'd gave me

Suddenly my heart felt a stab of knife again

To remember that she ruined my life

If I only knew early what she thinks

May be I can stop myself falling for her

If that's what the destiny want

I will just let my her ruin my heart.

Broken Heart

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I will never forget the days we once had

The days when you were everything to me

My mind used to tell me we'd be together forever

But now I realize that was all a big dream

The feelings I have for you will never go

I wish I could take back that one regretful day

The day when I willingly let you slide from my arms

Never did I think of the astonishing pain of regrets

That I would once have to live through

The sight of you in someone else's arms

Makes my heart shatter into a million pieces

I sometimes wonder if you still think of me

Or if to you, I'm just a face in the crowd

I wish so very much that one day we can have it all back

But for now, I'll sit here silently

Remembering all the memories we once shared

Everyday my love grows much stronger

Hoping that one day you will feel the same

And put back the pieces of my broken heart