Twilight Sparkle: Princess Initiation

by Naughty_Ranko

First published

Celestia and Luna initiate Twilight into Princesshood with some kinky games.

After her coronation, following the events of “Magical Mystery Cure,” Celestia and Luna take Twilight aside to their private chambers to welcome Equestria's newest princess in a time-honored tradition.

What she doesn't know is that this particular tradition involves a lot of leather, some pain and the mingling of more than a few bodily juices.

Involves: Princest, Bondage and Domination. Exhibitionism. Anthro Story.

Commission for ObsidianPony. Thanks for your support! :twilightsmile:

Cover Art by ss2sonic

The Final Exam

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Twilight Sparkle: Princess Initiation
By Naughty_Ranko

“Today, I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria. Thank you, friends. Thank you, everypony!”

Twilight Sparkle smiled as the crowd below cheered. Even though her friends behind her were tearing up, she managed to keep her own emotions in check barely. After all she didn't want to start her tenure as Equestria's newest princess by crying in public.

When the group returned from the balcony, she was pulled into a hug by her big brother. “Twilight, I'm so proud of you!”

“Are you crying?” she asked, noticing the wet glint in his eyes.

“Of course not. It's... it's liquid pride. Totally different thing,” Shining Armor asserted and they both shared a laugh.

“Way to go, Princess,” Applejack congratulated her friend on her first public appearance.

“Best coronation day ever!” Pinkie agreed while jumping into the air.

Even the normally reserved Fluttershy voiced her feelings. “We all love you, Twilight.”

“I love you too, girls!” Now it was really a fight to hold back the tears as the Elements of Harmony shared a group hug.

“Twilight.” Turning around at the voice, she looked up at a smiling Celestia. “Congratulations, my faithful student. Today I can be even more proud of you than I already was. There just remains one thing to be done.”

Twilight gulped. “Another thing?” She had thought that the official part of the coronation was finally over. What else was there to be done?

“Meet Luna and myself in our private chambers after nightfall.”

Puzzled, Twilight looked past her mentor at the Princess of the Night, who had a neutral expression on her beautiful face. “Don't be late,” was all she added.

“Alright.” Twilight watched them walk off, not really sure what was going on. Looking around, she could make out her friends and family attacking the buffet table. But there was one mare standing off to the side a bit and it was just the pony who might shed some light on this. “Cadence?”

“Congratulations, Twilight. You've earned this crown,” the pink alicorn said, gently wrapping her arms around her and giving her a kiss on the forehead. Cadence's presence had always been comforting to Twilight, going all the way back to her childhood. Maybe it was because she was a head taller than her. “You've come a long way from the little filly I once knew.”

“Thanks. But I wanted to ask you something. Is there something else involved in becoming a princess?” There was no book on the topic, she had looked. So the next best thing was to ask somepony who had been through it herself.

“Something else? They put the crown on your head and presented you to the inhabitants of Canterlot. That usually does the trick. Why do you ask?”

“Well, it's just that Princess Celesetia and Luna told me to come to their private chambers tonight.”

Cadence's expression changed as if she was remembering something unpleasant. “Oh, that. Yeah, I got an idea of what they want with you. You could call it something akin to an initiation rite, if you will. They made me go through it as well.”

Twilight gulped and she could feel beads of cold sweat forming above her brow. “You mean a TEST? But … I haven't studied … How am I supposed to prepare?”

Cadence returned to a smile that somehow reassured Twilight. “It's nothing like that. I don't believe you can really fail. Just … go with the flow. It wasn't really my thing, but considering your relationship with Celestia, you might actually end up enjoying it.”

Twilight couldn't help but feel that her sister-in-law was being cryptic on purpose. Either she didn't really want to remember or she was supposed not to reveal the secret. “Any tips?” she asked in the hopes of maybe wheedling a bit more information out of her.

Cadence put one finger on her chin and thought about that for a moment. “Yes, make sure you have a turtleneck or a scarf in your wardrobe. You'll need it to cover up the chafing marks for the next week or so.”

* * *

Far from being reassured, Cadence's last comment had made Twilight even more worried. Chafing? Was there some kind of physical exertion involved in this ritual? She had never been good at sports and the like.

As soon as etiquette had allowed it, she had slipped away towards the Canterlot Archives. But her search for information had yielded no more results. The appointment of a new princess was an exceedingly rare event. The very fact that Twilight and Cadence ascended this close to one another in itself was astonishing.

The reason this ritual was recorded nowhere, could only mean one thing. Only the princesses themselves were even aware of it. More than the coronation itself this very fact filled the former librarian with some pride. Soon she would be privy to information that only three ponies in the whole of Equestria knew at the moment.

The lights seemed to dim visibly as she walked through the corridor from the archives towards the main tower. “Oh, no.” Realizing that Celestia had already lowered the sun behind the horizon, she picked up the hem of her skirt and hurried towards her destination. She really wasn't used to wearing a dress. About the only occasions she had ever worn one was to the Grand Galloping Gala and her brother's wedding.

She could actually feel Luna's powerful magic at work in the distance as the moon came up. One of her theories had been that she was to actually lower the sun and raise the moon and that's why she had been asked to come at sunset. Just to prove that she could, in case she ever would have to substitute for either of them. Obviously that was not the case, however, and Twilight was grateful for that. She wouldn't even have known where to begin.

“There you are, Twilight.” Celestia was standing in front of the ornate doors to her chambers with a radiant smile. The cream-colored gown she was wearing seemed to radiate the same warmth that was an integral part of her.

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight huffed, a little out of breath and bowed her head. “I'm here.”

“Twilight, you don't have to address me as princess when we're in private. We are basically equals now.”

“I know, it's just … “ She shook her head. “It's gonna take some getting used to.”

“Well, it'll come in time. You'll learn to drop the formalities sooner or later,” Celestia replied with a cryptic smile and laid an arm across her shoulders. “Consider tonight a transitional period. You'll address me as mistress.”

That was odd. It seemed to be a total contradiction of what she'd just said, but then again her mentor had never been what you would call straightforward. “Uhm, yes, Mistress Celestia.”

“Good,” Celestia said, her smile becoming even wider and just a little bit naughty. “Come with me.”

Twilight was led into Celestia's private quarters. She had only ever been here once or twice in her time as a student and not even the Royal Guard was allowed to come in here. She wanted to take in every little detail there was to this place. Though the drapes and furniture were of a high quality, the setup was relatively simple. A queen-sized bed, an antique desk and chair with a few scrolls strewn about and a large closet for the royal wardrobe.

“Welcome, Twilight Sparkle,” a voice said from up high.

Twilight looked up and saw Luna actually sitting on a ceiling beam, looking out the window. Her horn was still glowing.

“Princ... I mean, Mistress Luna,” Twilight corrected herself, glancing at Celestia, who nodded in confirmation. “Sorry I'm late.”

“Actually you're early,” Luna replied, not bothering to look down. Only now Twilight realized that her horn was still glowing. “I'm not quite done setting up the stars for the night. I'll be with you in a moment.”

“Well, let's get started in the meantime,” Celestia said. For an uncomfortably long time she simply stood there and mustered Twilight with hungry eyes. Not knowing what else to do, the purple alicorn simply tried to stand perfectly still until otherwise instructed. Eventually Celestia circled around and stopped right behind her.

Twilight could feel the zipper on the back of her dress being pulled halfway down. What was going on? Then Celestia leaned in close and whispered in her ear. “Tell me, my faithful student. Have you studied the books I sent you before Starswirl's manuscript?”

She blushed. “Yes, mistress.” At first she had thought that there had been some kind of mistake, when the first book turned out to be the maresutra. But the other eleven had turned out to be about similar topics and getting progressively kinkier. Like always Celestia had planned this far ahead, so her student would be prepared for this tradition.

She had given Spike the weekend off, so she could absorb all the information and as to not expose him to those topics. As a result she almost missed how the young dragon tried to begin a life of servitude to Applejack, after being saved from some timberwolves.

“So … you want to do that?” Twilight asked quietly.

She could feel Celestia's hand stop, reaching around the front and turning her head gently. Gazing into her eyes, Twilight could see the wisdom and kindness of uncounted eons reflected in them. “If you want me stop, you only need to say so. This is a time-honored tradition, but I won't force you to do it, if it makes you uncomfortable.”

“N-no, that's not it,” Twilight stuttered. She had always admired Celestia and even thought about her that way on occasion. To be intimate with the pony she looked up to more than anyone else, it was a dream come true. “Did Cadence go through this as well?” It was a way to buy some time and collect her thoughts.

“Yes,” Celestia replied with a nod. “Although I get the feeling she didn't enjoy it quite as much as we did, she agreed to it on the condition that nopony would know about it.”

“I see.” Twilight didn't quite know how to feel about that. She was her sister-in-law after all.

“Remember that Cadence was crowned on her 18th birthday,” Luna commented from the rafters, showing that she had listened to the conversation. It was as if she had read Twilight's mind. “She wasn't married yet back then, so she wasn't technically cheating on Shining Armor. Also methinks the lady doth protest too much.”

“What do you mean?”

Changing expressions for the first time, Luna grinned widely. “Meaning that the Princess of Love might say she isn't into this stuff, but she was begging for more at the end all the same. Dreams don't lie and I see them all, which is why I know you won't say no to my sister.”

Twilight turned her gaze to Celestia again. There was no point keeping secrets from the Royal Sisters, it seemed. “She's right, mistress. Please do with my body as you please.”

Celestia smiled and opened the zipper the rest of the way, pulling the pink dress down Twilight's shoulders and letting it fall to the ground.

Twilight gasped, feeling the cool evening breeze touch her coat. Then she could feel her arms being restrained behind her back and bound at the wrists. “Let me know, if it's too tight,” Celestia said gently.

“It's not too bad, because of the gloves.”

Celestia placed a finger on Twilight's cheek and trailed it down along her neck and collarbone. With the other she stroked her flank above her cutie mark. Twilight could feel herself getting excited, her nipples getting hard and pressing against the fabric of her bra.

The Princess of the Sun also seemed to notice the change and unhooked the bra with a single flick of her finger. She walked around slowly and rubbed the ample mounds for a second. “The development seems to have started,” she noticed with satisfaction.

“They've grown bigger, since I got my wings,” Twilight replied. It had been a weird thing she noticed after the transformation and couldn't quite make sense of.

“It's perfectly natural for alicorns. Bust size is equivalent to magic power. They'll grow even bigger in the future.” So that's what it was. Celestia then surprised her student by pinching a nipple.

“Ah! Mistress … “

Celestia leaned forward and kissed her. Twilight's lips parted without her even being aware of it, allowing her teacher's tongue immediate access and Celestia took advantage of that to the fullest. To receive a passionate kiss from an immortal alicorn, Twilight felt blessed.

“Oh, for heaven's sake! You two make me sick with that lovey-dovey crap,” Luna muttered as she landed behind Celestia with a thud. It looked like she was finally done with her duties. “You do remember that this ritual is about instilling respect for her elders in the newly appointed princess, right Tia?”

“But she's the cutest student I ever had,” Celestia protested, breaking the kiss much to Twilight's dismay. “I can't help but want to spoil her a little for how well she's done.”

Luna shook her head. “Well, alright. She can have a bit of a treat.” With a grin, the Night Princess grabbed her sister from behind and pulled the top of her dress, which already had revealed ample cleavage before, down to her waist.

Twilight's eyes almost popped out of her head as she beheld the full glory of Celestia's mounds and the fact that she made no attempt to cover herself up.

“I bet you didn't expect that,” Luna stated mischievously as she reached around and began to massage her sister's chest. “Yes, the graceful and modest Princess Celestia goes commando on a regular basis, even during state functions.”

“Mhm,” Celestia moaned. “It's not because I want to. Bras of that size are hard to come by and they're uncomfortable.”

“Hnpf!” Luna lifted the hem of Celestia's skirt up, revealing her already moist marehood. “You gonna claim that they don't make panties in your size either? You know you enjoy it.”

Twilight was gonna have to adjust to that. It seemed almost as if their roles were reversed here. In public Luna was always the obedient little sister, always in the background, never openly contradicting her sister. But here it seemed the other way around. Luna was the commanding one and rather blunt in her speech.

“Now get on your knees, slave. You have permission to lick my sister's pussy.”

“Yes, Mistress Luna,” Twilight replied almost immediately and dropped to her knees. The sexy smell of her mentor tickled her nose, it was almost as if she was getting drunk on that scent. She stuck out her tongue and began to lick around the entrance, eagerly lapping up the juices.

“Ahhn!” Celestia shivered in delight while receiving the attention of the younger mare.

Luna on the other hand sighed. “It's no fun, when they're already submissive by nature. Cadence was feisty at the beginning, or at least she pretended to be.”

“Hmm, well too bad for you. I like my little Twilight just the way she is. You can get your own student, if you want an uppity one.”

“Now there's a thought. I wonder if Sunset Shimmer would like to take the job,” Luna pondered while slipping out of her dress. “Time to slip into something more comfortable.”

Out of the corner of her eye Twilight could see that 'something more comfortable' involved a lot of leather and a corset, though Luna's perky breasts, which were only slightly smaller than her sister's, were bare. The thigh-high black leather boots had been invisible under her dress so far.

“Whatever possessed you to wear that ugly thing anyway?” Celestia asked, looking with distaste at the garment on the floor.

“Shut up. It was the height of fashion in the Bearock Period.”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “That was over a thousand years ago.”

“You really like to harp on the thousands, don't you?” Luna grumbled. So far her comments, though blunt, had been teasing. But this one carried a slight edge to it. “Sorry that the moon wasn't more fashion forward.”

Realizing the touchy subject she had brought up, Celestia lowered her head. “Sorry. I didn't mean to imply … ahhn!” She gasped, when Twilight began suckling at her clitoris. “Very good, Twilight. You're such a fast learner.”

Luna sighed and moved behind Twilight. “Book knowledge. Isn't it more fun to figure these things out on your own?” At least she had dropped the unpleasant matter from before, though Twilight was beginning to see the Nightmare Moon incident in a new light, thanks to the new insight in their dynamic.

“Now tell me, Twilight,” Luna cooed while stroking her cheeks. “Are we popping a cherry tonight?” Then without warning she brought the flat of her hand down hard on Twilight's cutie mark.

The new princess shuddered and gasped, moving her head back a little. Although it stung, it also felt good. “No, I've had sex before,” she admitted with a blush.

“Naughty pet!” Luna gave her two more slaps in quick succession. “I'm sure Tia was looking forward to taking your virginity.”

“Ahh!” Twilight yelped and looked up at her mentor with tears in her eyes. “I'm sorry. I would have saved myself for you, I just never thought … “

But Celestia shook her head. “It's alright, Twilight,” Celestia said, although there seemed to be a bit of regret in her eyes as she removed her dress fully and now stood naked in her dimly lit chambers. Still her spotless coat had that incandescent quality to it, making her almost glow in the darkness.

“Well, I don't mind,” Luna pointed out. “Personally I don't like virgins. Just makes a mess.” Then she grabbed Twilight's mane and pulled her back, grabbing a breast with the other hand. “So who was the lucky stallion?” she whispered in her ear.

“I'd rather not say.”

“What was that?” Luna said cruelly, yanking on her mane harder and pinching her nipple hard.


“There are no secrets among princesses. I'm not gonna let go until I hear a name.”

“Nnngghh! … It was Big Macintosh!”

Luna grinned and released her grip. “I see. Well, I don't blame you. I've had the pleasure myself after last year's Summer Wrap-Up Festival in Ponyville and he is a hunk of a stallion, wouldn't you agree?”

“Mhm,” Twilight confirmed while Luna's hand traveled down into her panties. Her nipple was rock hard and she wished that the moment had lasted a little longer.

“Yes, you're getting wet just thinking about him.” Luna's fingers rubbed her slit. “Does Applejack know? Maybe I should tell her. The Element of Honesty deserves some honesty, don't you think?”

“Please don't.”


Luna spanked her plot again while keeping one hand in her panties, reaffirming that the purple alicorn was actually enjoying it. “I didn't quite hear you.”

“Hah … auh … please don't tell her, mistress!”

“Your mouth seems to be getting you into quite a lot of trouble tonight, my faithful student,” Celestia said with a naughty smile. While Luna had been wringing the truth of her first time out of Twilight, she had donned a pink strap-on dildo and was holding something in her hand. “Say 'ahh'.”

Twilight obediently opened her mouth wide as Celestia put in the ring gag and knotted the straps behind her head. She looked up at her mistress, teary-eyed and blushing. She could feel the saliva collect in her mouth and flow over. It was so embarrassing, yet the pleased look on Celestia's face somehow made it worth it.

“For heaven's sake, Tia. Put it in already. You're a worse tease than me,” Luna said, feeling Twilight's insides squeeze around her fingers.

“You're always so impatient, Luna. But you're right. It's not fair to keep her waiting.” Celestia licked her fingers sensually and then grabbed Twilight's horn, making the younger mare shudder in response. “Right, I forgot to tell you. The additional magic will also make your horn a lot more sensitive to stimulation.”

“Mhmhmmm!” The Sun Princess chuckled, seeing her cute pet writhe in pleasure at the new sensation, so she took the opportunity to stroke the horn a few times, resulting in a few brightly colored sparks emerging from it.

She took her by surprise as she moved her hips forward and pushed the strap-on into her gaping mouth.

Twilight's eyes widened and every muscle in her body contracted at the thought of what her mentor was doing to her. This was a dream come true. “Nnghhhhh!!!”

Luna on the other hand was not amused. She raised her hand and conjured up a cat o' nine tails. “I don't believe it! The little bitch came!”


With a vengeance she brought the leather whip down on Twilight's flank. “How dare you climax before us, your betters?”

Crack! Crack! Crack!

“Luna, take it easy,” Celestia admonished, though not taking any physical steps to stop her sister. It was probably due to the fact that Twilight seemed to be enjoying it, so she sped up her own movements instead, pushing the dildo in and out with wet noises.

“Nay, sister. This one needs to learn her place.” Luna ripped off the panties and once again leaned in close to Twilight's twitching ear. “Spread your legs and lift your tail, you insolent brat. Thy pussy must be punished.”

Rubbing the handle of the whip against the wet slit, Luna grinned. She removed the tool and held it in front of Twilight's eyes. “Dirty, little whore. You want me to fuck you with this, don't you?” She placed her index finger in Twilight's bound hand. “If you want it, all you have to do is squeeze and I'll give it to you.”

“Ngh,” Luna grunted. She hadn't expected her grip to be this strong. “Damn, we've got one horny novice princess on our hands here, Tia.”

“See how the unassuming ones can be fun, too?” Celestia replied, pinching the tip of her student's horn.

“Mhmm!!” Once again the young princess' body convulsed and she squirted more of her love juices on the handle, which Luna was once again rubbing against her marehood.

“Geez, you have to stop cumming so much or you'll pass out, before we get to the good part.” Grabbing her tail and lifting it up, the Night Princess pushed the tool all the way in.

Celestia pulled out of Twilight's mouth and gently lowered her upper body to the floor, which had the added effect of raising her ass higher in the air. Giving her beloved student a small kiss on her cheek, she went around back and knelt behind Luna.

“Tia?” The princess gasped in surprise as Celestia's hand cupped her bare breast from behind.

“I don't want to neglect my younger sister,” she breathed in her ear while the fingers of her other hand moved down her body. “See? You're soaking already. That's why you're so jealous of Twilight's continued orgasms.”

“Tia … “ She felt the strap-on press against her butt cheeks and blushed.

“Remember your coronation all those eons ago? I was so surprised that my little sister was such an anal whore. Want me to do it?”

“Mhm,” Luna confirmed.

With no further warning Celestia pushed her hips forward, ramming the strap-on into her sister's ass all the way. At the same time she also plunged two fingers into the mare's dripping pussy.

“Ahhh!” Arching her back and screaming in delight, Luna pushed the whip deeper into Twilight's folds.

Twilight looked over her shoulder as the three mares began to synchronize their movements. In this moment the hierarchy was clearly established. Celestia reigned supreme, benevolent for the most part, but to be respected at all times. Luna was her second in command, playing the intimidating one, doing what needed to be done to keep order. And now Twilight was at the bottom of that chain, where she belonged, where she wanted to be. The mere inclusion in their intimate act elevating her above the rest of Equestria and yet she would have willingly submitted herself to their whims without getting a title and crown in return.

Luna had really been holding back and let herself go as her plot got pounded relentlessly. “Hah! Tia, slow down. If you do it like that, I'll … “

“That's what I'm counting on,” Celestia said impishly, redoubling her efforts in working her sister's breast and crotch with her skilled fingers. “Let me hear that cute moaning of yours, Lulu.”

“Hah! … Oh! … Ah! … Cumming … I'm CUMMMINNGGG!!!” Luna collapsed on top of Twilight, panting heavily.

Celestia also leaned forward with a giggle, kissing the back of her neck. “You always want to be the dom, but you're so cute, when you take it up the ass.”

The Princess of the Night blushed. “Tia. Not in front of the junior royalty.”

“Ehehe, sorry,” she chuckled. “I didn't mean to embarrass you. But you're right, tonight isn't about us.” Celestia unbound Twilight's wrists and then gently removed the ring gag. “Did you enjoy that?” she inquired, casting a glance at the whip Twilight had pushed out and which was now covered in her juices.

“Yes, mistress,” the young alicorn answered. “What else would you have me do?”

“I admire your dedication, my faithful student. Cadence insisted upon a thirty minute break at this point during her initiation. Get on all fours.” Celestia summoned a leather collar with her magic and placed it on Twilight's neck. The surge of magic was in the air again as she moved her hand away and a connected leash appeared.

“Of course with a pet that isn't yet housebroken, you can't be too careful,” Luna said, once again switching back to S-mode. Twilight saw her lick the anal plug with pleasure and then she could feel the tip of it press against her plot.


“Relax, Twilight Sparkle. Resisting will only make this harder on you.” There was some concern in her tone, even though she tried to mask it.

“Go ahead, Mistress Luna. I studied up on that, so I should be fine.”

Celestia chuckled and leaned down to kiss her student fully on the lips. “I'm very proud of you.”

Twilight enjoyed the tender moment as Celestia's tongue entered her mouth without resistance. “Mhmmmm … hauh!” She moaned and shivered as Luna pushed the plug in slowly.

“Very good. You're a well-behaved bitch and took it without complaint,” Luna commented with a grin. “Did Big Macintosh fuck you in the ass as well?”

“No, Mistress,” Twilight replied, breaking the kiss. Then she looked up at Celestia. “My anal virginity. I want you to have it, Mistress.”

Celestia squirmed in delight. “Oh, I'm happy to hear that. I thought you might not be ready for that.”

“Tia … “

“Right,” Celestia said sheepishly while Luna gave her a dead-pan look. “First things first. We need to make sure the ritual is carried out properly. As the newest royal pet, won't you bark for me?”

Now Twilight realized the real meaning of the leash. It should have been demeaning, but by now she was so far gone in this incredible world that it actually made her more excited. “Woof. Woof.” After doing what had been asked of her, she moved forward a bit, rubbing her face against Celestia's calf.

“You're such a good bitch,” the princess praised her and tugged lightly at the leash. “Heel, Twilight. Let's go for a little walk.”

Luna watched her sister walk around the room and Twilight following her like a little puppy. She cast a glance at her whip and then sadly shook her head. It just wasn't as much fun, if Twilight didn't give her an excuse to use it.

Celestia led her out onto the balcony. “You've done very well in this task, my student. Now that you've seen the bottom, it's time to take your place above the rest of Equestria.” She picked her up and held Twilight's arms above her head, locking them in some handcuffs that already hung prepared from the ceiling.

Twilight gasped as the cool evening breeze tickled her exposed skin and caused her nipples to harden instantly. The awkward position made it necessary for her to stretch her body to the utmost and her exposed breasts were pushed forward while her thighs pressed against the handrail.

“P-princess!” Luna, who had come up beside her, pinched her nipple hard. “Oww! … Ugh … I mean, mistress. Aren't ponies gonna see us?” Twilight looked down at the hustle and bustle of Canterlot below them. Just like Manehattan this was a city that almost never slept.

“Only if you can't keep your voice down and cause them to look up,” Celestia said with a grin, pushing her strap-on in between Twilight's thighs from behind. “That's what makes it exciting. Are you gonna be the first to not keep your composure and expose our dirty, little secret to the world? A princess must be able to keep her composure in public.”

“Ngh.” Even if she was that confident in keeping her voice down, any passing pegasus would be sure to notice what was going on. The princesses were the paragons of virtue in Equestria. If they were to be caught doing this and in public no less … But for some reason that prospect made her want to do it all the more. It seemed to be so thrilling.

“Well,” Celestia stated calmly. “If you get too loud, I'll just have to silence you.” She tugged at the leash, which she still held in her hand.

As she felt the collar press against her throat, Twilight opened her eyes wide and let her tongue hang out of her mouth. “Gah!”

Luna sighed, seeing the young princess squirt her juices across Celestia's strap-on. “Unbelievable. She came again without permission. I'm starting to think, she's simply untrainable in that regard.”

“Some mares have a thing for being choked. I had a feeling, Twilight might be one of them,” Celestia explained, releasing her grip on the leash a bit. Twilight's head fell forward and she was panting heavily. The princess stroked her protege’s mane lovingly and whispered in her ear. “Lucky for you I'm an expert in applying just enough force to not risk lasting damage. So enjoy yourself to your heart's content, but don't try this without my supervision. You're still new to this, after all.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Twilight replied with a flushed face. The orgasm she'd just received had been more intense than anything she had ever felt in her life and she wondered whether becoming an alicorn had in some way made her more receptive to this kind of pleasure.

Once again Celestia pulled on the leash, wrapping it around her knuckles to get a sure grip, and at the same time pushed her hips forward. The strap-on entered Twilight's pussy, speeding up with wet slapping sounds.

“Hahhh!” Twilight's tongue once again hung out of her gaping mouth as she stared up at the night sky. She knew on an intellectual level that depriving her brain of oxygen was not a good idea for prolonged periods. But Celestia knew what she was doing and there was nopony in Equestria she trusted more aside from her friends, so she simply gave in to that indescribable feeling.

“Might as well make use of that tongue,” Luna commented. Flapping her wings, she hovered in front of the Princess of Friendship, crossing her legs as if sitting on an invisible stool. “Lick them for me,” she commanded while placing a finger on her chin.

The purple alicorn moved her tongue, sliding it up and down Luna's boot-covered shins. Since Luna was actually holding a position outside the confines of the balcony, she could only imagine what kind of look a random passerby down on the street would get, should they choose to look up. Luna's cheeks were bare, which gave the word 'mooning' an entirely new meaning.

“We should probably finish this up,” Celestia groaned, giving the leash a quick yank. “Or she might pass out on us.”


With Luna's approval Celestia pulled out of Twilight's wet folds. She whinnied in response. “Patience, Twilight. You'll soon be filled again.” After removing the anal plug, Celestia rubbed the tip against her plot. “Lift off.”

“Ahhn!” Thanks to wearing the implement for a while, it wasn't nearly as painful as she feared, when Celestia pushed all the way inside her. She could feel her thighs being seized by her mentor's hands. For a mare she was surprisingly strong.

Twilight felt like she was flying. No, she was actually flying! Celestia was hovering and carrying her at the same time.

“Let's finish this.” Luna removed the handcuffs from the hook they were hung off of and draped Twilight's bound hands across her shoulders. She could feel something hard press against her crotch. Upon closer inspection she realized that Luna had also conjured up a black strap-on for herself.

Twilight allowed her entry without much resistance. She was suspended between the two senior princesses of Equestria in mid-air, her hands restrained and completely at their mercy as they fucked her silly. Yet she would have been hard pressed to name any place she felt more secure.

As the two alicorns pounded both her holes in perfect unison, Celestia pulled harder on the leash than before while Luna leaned in close and began to lick her horn.

“Gack! … Hah! … Wait, if you do it like that … I'll … I'll … “

“It's alright, Twilight,” Celestia assured her soothingly. “Scream your heart out. Let all of Canterlot know that you're our bitch and that you love it.”

Twilight could feel the heat rise inside her, spreading from her crotch throughout her whole body and amplifying when it reached her horn. Her vision began to blur and bright lights began to dance in front of her eyes as the lack of oxygen made her more and more light-headed. But it felt so amazing.

“Ack! … Guh … Cu … ng … I'M CUMMMINNGGG!!!” With her eyes shining an incandescent white light, her body went numb and the magic exploded from her horn.

That night the Canterlot skies were illuminated by a burst of magic, not unlike the trail left by a sonic rainboom, in the form of a purple star. The next time ponies would be able to see such a spectacle, was to be the following Summer Sun Celebration.

* * *

Twilight stirred and opened her eyes. It took a moment for her to realize where she was.

“Awake again, my faithful student?”

The realization that she was lying in Celestia's bed and that soft feeling on the back of her head must have been her mentor's bare breasts, instantly made her blush. “What happened?”

“You passed out,” Luna replied, sitting a little further away on the edge of the bed while going to town on a tub of ice cream. “Tia couldn't help but abuse the situation to cuddle you a bit.”


So that's what it was. Twilight couldn't help but be happy about getting to use her idol as a body pillow, even if she hadn't realized it. “Sorry about losing consciousness. It was just so intense.”

But Luna waved her off. “Do not fret, Twilight Sparkle. The covenant has been established properly, that's all that matters. This initiation is a taxing one. Cadence was out like a light for two days straight after hers. I on the other hand seem to be developing an incredible craving for frozen foods, whenever it's completed. Of course Tia is a compulsive cuddler.” She held up the ice cream. “Want some?”

“No, thank you.” Twilight didn't feel like eating right now. Besides it would have meant leaving Celestia's embrace. “I still can't believe we did it outside. What if somepony saw us?”

Celestia chuckled. “Oh, Twilight. Nopony saw. Luna cast a spell of illusion on the balcony, before we started, that obscured both our sight and sound to anyone below.”

Luna stopped the spoon just short of her mouth as she blinked in confusion. “Me? It was your turn to cast the spell, sister.”

“No. I did it during Cadence's initiation. Remember?” Celestia replied quite assuredly. “I'd assumed you cast the spell while setting the moon and the stars in the sky earlier.”

The fact that the melting ice cream was dripping on her bare breasts seemed to not even register on Princess Luna's mind. She was simply frozen in shock. Finally, as realization dawned on her, she gulped loudly.

The two royal sisters looked at each other and eventually spoke one word, both at the same time.
