StarBound: Captain Soarwing's Journey

by Throwaway12345

First published

A Avian adventurer is sent to equestria and when a nasty suprise happens.

Captain Soarwing was a simple Avian (avian?) in the beta sector. He frequently took adventures and went on spelunking journeys. That all changed when a distress signal made him change course and land on the planet it was coming from. When he and his crew got to the signal they came under fire from apex scientists. The leader of the apex threw a plasma grenade and blew the Captain into oblivion! Then this happened...

A new world

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My name is Captain Soarwing, and this is how I got to the land of Equestria...

"This is the AVI Tinsul 1! Requesting assistance in Alpha sector! system A Conis 1 Delta! We are taking fire from a unknown enemy! ANYBODY HE-----" The signal cuts off. That was how this all started, with a distress signal, little did I know it was all a trap. I addressed my crew that we would help them "All crew to stations! We are going into warp drive in T minus 30 seconds..." I announced over the intercom. "T minus 25 seconds, 20 seconds, 10 seconds, 3, 2, 1... ENGAGE WARP DRIVES!" The ship blasted off into the directions of the distress call.

One hour later the ship arrived in orbit of the planet, we still had the co-ords, so we warped down to the surface. Once we got to the area the signal was broadcasted from, we should've known it was a trap because there was no signs of struggle, no bodies, all that was there was the broadcasting station. Then there was a voice "Surrender all your valuables or die!" At the moment I knew it was a trap, I wish I could say that we fended them off or at least have run away, but sadly I can't. Before we could even fire our weapons they opened fire on us. A plasma grenade was thrown right under my feet.

Suddenly everything was black. I thought I was dead. "Am I dead? Is this the afterlife?" I said to myself, then I heard a voice

"YoU wErE fUn To wAtCh, I DoN't tHiNk iT is YoUr tImE." Then everything was white. Then my adventure began...

When I first woke up I first noticed that instead of the snow of the planet, I saws plains and what looked like a avian village. I looked around for my crew but all I found was my equipment. My trusty plasma assault rifle, my explosive pistol, and my two grenades. My crew was nowhere to be found so it surveyed the area from a higher location, I found a forest so I climbed up a tree and saw a orchard a little was off from the village, a city on the side of a mountain, and ruins of a castle in the forest. I needed some shelter for the night, because the sun was setting quickly. using some wood I had in my pack I build a makeshift shelter with dirt to camouflage it from prying eyes.

After I finished building furniture for my house I took some well deserved rest. This would be my only quiet week for the next few months I was in this universe, when I woke up I started to make a little farm for food, I planted some beak seed and corn. I put a fence around my little farm and started to spelunk for some minerals for tools and more furniture for my shelter and eventually make it into a house. A hour into my spelunking I found about 30 pieces of iron, 80 pieces of coal, and 10 pieces of copper. I put the ore and coal into my furnace. After I smelted the ore I made some better furniture for my shelter.

After a fruitful day of mining, adventuring, and farming, the sun started to go down, I went inside my little hovel and ate a meal of corn and carrots. I preened my feathers, flattened my tuft, brushed my beak and went to bed

Peacefulness over

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After a week of farming, mining, and sleeping, something exciting happened! First I heard a loud growl and something that resembled a lion charged out at me, it looked like a lion that had bat wings and a scorpion stinger. I ran for my shelter and grabbed my rifle, I shot it 3 times but it didn't even flinch! I got slashed by one of its claws and got knocked back into a tree, once I recovered I shot it 6 more times into its face and it flinched a little bit but still came at me strong. I ran into my shelter and grabbed one of my grenades and when I came out I just barely ducked under a tree that flew through the air! I ran towards the beast and shoved a grenade in it's mouth and then ducked behind a rock. when I looked back all I saw was a body without a head, finally I killed the beast, but I passed out from my wounds I got from the battle...

When I woke up I was in what seemed like a house, I looked around and saw all types of animals staring at me, in the next room I heard someone humming with running water. I looked down and saw bandages over my wounds and my gear was nowhere to be seen, I tried to get up but my wounds prevented me from moving. All I could do was look around from my seat, I heard the water shut off and it sounded if someone came out a shower. I then heard someone coming downstairs and I couldn't believe my eyes, it was a yellow Pegasus! No matter how many planets I searched I never found a Pegasus before! but it seemed intelligent, it went into a different room and I heard what sounded like eggs getting cooked and smelt pancakes being baked. It made my stomach growl and made me realize how hungry I am.

after what seemed to be hours it came out of the kitchen I believe and put a apple and some water next to me. She didn't realize I was awake so I spoke up "Hello, can you understand me?" she squeaked and ran out of the room, I wondered what that was about so I just ate my apple and drank my water.

After a couple of minutes the Pegasus came back and said to me "Hello Mr. Birdy, are you feeling alright?"

I replied "Yes I am, thanks for asking and-" she ran behind the couch before I could finish

She said "Hello? Who is there?".

I then said " Umm it's me, and instead of calling me Mr. Birdy you can call me Soarwings,"

She looked at me and said "Did you say that?"

I thought it was a weird question, but I felt forced to reply and said "Yes I did, have you never seen a Avian before? Also what sector am I in?".

She looked at me confused and said "What is a Avian? Is that what you are? And what kind is this sector thing your talking about?" I felt really worried and started to hyperventilate.

After a couple moments I said "Where am I?"