My Little Foals: Friendship is Padded

by Night--Mist

First published

What will be happening when the six bearers of the Elements of Harmony are now babies?

Here it is, my sequel to the whole foal series I have been working on. What shall happen to the Mane Six now that they are turned into foals? Will they be able to change back? Can Princess Celestia help them? What new surprises will await? Read and find out. Alicorn Lauren Faust will be put in this story along with another foalified pony or more. First chapter introduces a new character to the list of foals.
ALERT!!!ALERT!!!ALERT!!! This is not a test.--------This is an Emergency Cuteness Transmission(ECT).-------- Diapers, Cuteness, Breastfeeding and other foalish traits involved.---------- All readers with heart conditions are advised to not read the story.--------- Heart attacks, dizzyness, and fainting spells may be some side effects for those who dare read.-------- You have been warned. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

This is a sequel to:
A Miscalculation Gone Cute
Pinkie Pie Cake
Always Calm is Flutter's Mom
The Royal Crystal Family
Even the Littlest Apple Can Make a Difference
A New Style For The Most Fashionable Pony.
Enjoy. Rated Mature to be safe.

Where am I?

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(Hey my readers, remember that blog I made yesterday? Yes? No? If not here's a reminder and what happened after that.)

Previously on a blog of the Fimfiction Website:
Uh oh, I just found out Discord's been eves dropping on everypony. If he's done that and he's been cooperating with the Princesses, then that me- *Hit with a frying pan and knocked out.*
Celestia: Well, looks like I have to teach somepony a lesson, and I know just how to do it. *Drags me away from my computer.*

I was feeling a throbbing pain in the back of my head at the moment. I was a little fuzzy on what happened before I passed out, but now I was coming to my senses. I was also feeling different. Like my body parts were situated in an odd way. As I opened my eyes I was surprised to see it was dark in the area. I had no clue what time a day it was right now. It could be nightfall for all I know. As I thought on this I tried to sit up, but that proved to be a challenge, and was more difficult then I remembered. As I managed to sit up I turned to my bed's side. I expected to have my feet hanging to the floor by now, but all I felt was more of the bed. That was odd, I distinctly remembered my bed being smaller then this, in fact, it felt way stiffer then this last time I slept in it, wait, I don't even remember falling asleep in bed before now, all I remembered was I was saying something about someone in a blog or something and then, nothing. I still had no idea why my head was hurting, especially in the back, sensitive area, what did I hit?

I decided I wanted to rub it to numb the pain a bit, but then I as I did, I realized I had no feeling in my fingers, as my hand made contact with my neck, I felt something that wasn't hand at all. It felt like, dare I say it, a hoof. As my eyes got used to the dark, I started seeing shapes, but none of it represented what was in my small bed room, in fact, the room looked a whole lot larger and the bed able to fit at least two dozen of me or more on it. As I realized I could see somewhat in the dark I inspected myself to see what was wrong with my body. Upon a glimpse of my body I jumped in surprise and screamed for a split sec. I was a pony, and not just that, I was an animated pony, with dark blue fur and a white mane, but what's more, I was foal, reason I could tell, was because my arms and legs were smaller and a very distinct padding around my rear also proved I am. I had to admit, I barely felt the diaper on me, it was as if I was sitting on a cloud or something. I also notice some new additions. I had wings on my back with fading white on the tips, so I reckoned I was a pegasus, but as I inspected my head for any abnormalities, I felt a very distinct horn protruding from my head. Only one thing came to mind, I am an alicorn, and the only cartoon I remembered alicorns from is the show My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.

Why the heck am I here? How did I get here? 'Okay, come on, think, I was answering a blog, then I felt a very distinct blow to the back of the head, then I woke up here. Where exactly is here?' I wondered.

Before I could ponder further, I heard a familiar gentle, yet, powerful voice. The door opened and the light turned on. I closed my eyes for a moment and start to open them as I heard, "Oh my what a busy night. Apple Bloom sure was a piece of work to help her troubled thoughts."

My eyes came into focus to see....!... Princess Luna?! Wait. She just walked in here. This must be her room. Yikes! Why am I here? Oh gosh, maybe if I try and crawl off the bed she'll... "Oh, why hello there little one, where did you come from?" Luna asked.

I froze with fear. She's seen me and I don't know what to do. I just sat there scared stiff, unable to speak. Right now, due to my size, Luna looked like a giant to me. I was afraid I was going to get hurt. She came closer and I tried to back up, but then the feeling in the back of my head forced me to fall forward and fall onto my belly, onto the soft bed. "Oh, what's wrong little one?" Luna asked.

She came onto the bed herself and I crouched low in fright. "Don't worry little one, I am not gonna hurt you," Luna said gently.

I was doubting her for a moment until I saw her eyes which were ones of worry and not anger. I calmed down after seeing this. "That's better dear, now let me see what's wrong little one," Luna said.

She looked over my body and saw that I had a slight swelling on my head. She gasped, "Oh, you poor little one. Who could have done such a thing to such a cute little foal?"

That sealed it, I was a foal, though I was not fond of being called 'little one', but what can I do, I am little. I then felt a strange sensation on top of my head. I looked up and there was Luna using her magic. When she stopped, the pain was gone. She kissed my head and said, "There we go, all better."

I was surprised. Luna was acting a mother. I've never seen this side of her in the show. "Now where are your parents little one?" Luna asked.

I was going to say something, but then I hung my head. She wouldn't believe me if I told her. This must have sent a different message to Luna, for then she said, "Oh dear I am so sorry little one. You must feel really scared without someone to take care of you."

She hugged me close, and I tried to say "I can't breath," but it came out as baby gibberish. Great, even if I did try to tell the truth, she wouldn't understand me, but why do I remember so little all of the sudden, I can't remember anything before making the blog on... that... uh... website I think it's called. Oh this is bad, I might forget everything before this soon. "Well, since you somehow showed up in my chambers, I'll be looking after you from now on. Hmm, and I'll call you..... Night Mist," she said.

'Well at least my name didn't change, but I still am trying to figure out how I got here, I am as clueless as she is,' I think to my self.

"Well, we'll head to the orphanage tomorrow," Luna said.

I then felt a strange rumble in my tummy. I looked up at Luna, then away in embarrassment. "Aw, but right now, it sounds like somepony needs their breakfast," Luna said.

Well, I am a foal, so that means I need foal food, or, and I dread the thought, formula. I then see Luna lay on her side and lift her rear legs. There I saw two plump teats. How in the world did she acquire those? I cover my eyes, thinking it was impolite to stare. I then hear Luna giggle, "Come here sweetie, let mommy give you your breakfast."

I uncover my eyes and see she is levitating me towards her teats. I gasp, and this proved to be a crucial error on my part, for upon gasping, I felt her nipple enter my mouth. I was about to take my mouth off, but then I felt a squirt of liquid enter my mouth. It was her milk and it tasted.... sweet, like honey and ice cream mixed together and tasting amazing. I decided to continue nursing as she provided me the sweet motherly nectar. "There we go, drink up honey. I better pay Zecora a visit so this can be permanent and I don't run out. And wait til you get to see baby Twilight and her friends dear," Luna said.

This caught me by surprise and I started coughing. "Oh, careful dear, don't drink too much or you'll get a tummy ache," Luna said.

She patted my back and soon set me next to her teats again and I drink slowly. "That's it, slowly," Luna encouraged.

The thought was still going through my head. Twilight and her friends? As babies? The only place I remembered that happening was.... oh no, I've been dragged into my own story, and that was why I passed out at my computer, I was knocked out by someone. Oh boy, who did I make mad, I got to try and remember what that blog was about. Luna only smiled, thinking I was off in my own little world as I fed, which I kind of was.

Meanwhile in another part of the castle looking down at us
Celestia sighed, "Well I did say this was a punishment, but it's probably better this way for him. Poor boy was so stressed, he needed to get away from all of that. Still, it is a cute turnout."

There was an abrupt knock at her door. "Celestia! Did you bring a human in through the rift?!" shouted the angry voice of her, mother Lauren Faust.

'Uh oh, look's like it's my time to fly,' Celestia thought.

"Celestia!" Lauren shouted again, with a more grunted voice.

'Yep, better use the balcony window,' Celestia thought again, making a break for the balcony and flying off just as Lauren's guards unlocked the door and let her mother in.

"You're not getting off that easily young lady!" Lauren yelled, chasing after her daughter.

The Meeting of the Foals

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Previously, following the events in the finale of Even The Littlest Apple Can Make a Difference;
Over in the human world
Peanut Butter Brony: *Snickers as the others have been foalified* I got lucky I guess. Good chapter by the way :) Can't wait to see more.

Celestia: *Teleports in* Oh don't think I forgot about you, little troublemaker. *Blows star dust in his face*

PBB: night night. *Falls into the large foal basket as he is transformed into a foal.*

It had been about a week since Night Mist had appeared in Luna's chambers and had been adopted as her son of the night. He had to admit, it seemed reasonable to be her son, since his fur color matched his new mother's. But he had felt lonely like his mother said he might. There was no pony his age to play with, and he had nearly forgotten about his human life. He figured it might be a side affect of the transformation and the fact he had been transported to another world full of ponies. Whether that was good or bad all depended on how you looked at the situation. Night Mist was excited today though. Luna said that he would be meeting friends today and his new Auntie Cadence, Uncle Shining and Auntie Tia that he had met would be there, as well as his new Grandma, Lauren Faust.. There was something that Celestia did that he couldn't remember anymore.

He was excited, this was their first meeting together, and he couldn't hold it in. "Hmhmhm, Settle Down Night Mist. I need to get your little crown on. It's not gonna fit if you keep jumping around like that," Said his mother.

Night Mist stopped bouncing and covered his face to try and look innocent. "Hmhm, somepony thinks they can outsmart their mommy with that cute face huh?" Luna joked as she place the crown on his head and the magic enchantment kept it in place.

Night mist popped his eyes out, and gave her puppy dog eyes. "Oh, no you don't, no pony can escape the tickle wrath of the Mother of the Night," Luna said as she began to tickle away at her son's tummy.

Night Mist was shown no mercy and flailed his tiny legs helplessly as his mom kept tickling him. Soon enough, Luna stopped her tickle attack and said as she checked her son's diaper, "Alright now let's get you changed and then we'll head downstairs to meet your new friends."

Night Mist reached for his new mom and she levitated him into her forehooves and cuddled him close as she carried him to the changing table. Even though Night Mist wasn't pleased that he couldn't remember how he showed up in his mother's room, every time she would cheer him up with her motherly acts. Soon, Luna had him clean and in a new fresh diaper. "Now, time to go meet your new friends sweetie," Luna said.

Luna levitated him into her forehooves again and nuzzled him. Night Mist then let his foalish side take over and bopped her nose as he made some noisy raspberries with his tongue. "Awwww, you got me," Luna said as she smiled at her son's adorableness.

She then levitated him onto her back and made sure he was secured with her magic so he wouldn't fall off. Then she made for the door, where two Lunar guards were standing watch awaiting the orders from their Princess of the Night. As Luna Stepped out of her room with Night Mist, one guard used his voice to alert the other guards and said, "The Royal Lunar Family is departing the Lunar Chambers."

This was one tradition that Celestia had decided to keep, and Luna had to admit, it was annoying her greatly, especially when it caused her little one to cover his ears and hide his head in her mane. She would have to have a talk with her sister about that. But that's not what was important. Today, she and Celestia would be meeting with the regressed victims and their families. Luna was wondering what was going on. All of Twilight's friends were regressed, as were siblings of a few of them. She and Celestia had also received word that not long after Twilight became their little sister Cadence's foal on the way, that Flash had suffered a regressive fate of his own by the hooves of his now older brother, little Prince Spike.

Twilight had mentioned something in one of her letters about a potion she had discovered... or created, Luna forgot which, but that was a transformation potion, which only worked on non-pony species, in turn affecting Spike. She had to see what ingredients were in that potion to see if that's what caused Spike's outburst of magic, powerful enough to regress his little brother, Prince Flash Sentry.

That analyzing would have to wait, since she had the meeting in the throne room to attend. One thing that was also on Luna's mind was what her sister had been up to. A week ago, she saw their mother chasing her and Lauren seemed enraged. Maybe they had an intense game of chess again, or Celestia had snooped about Lauren's private studies again... or maybe pulled a prank on her again. All the same, Lauren warmed up to Night Mist quickly when they first met. She did see that Night Mist was a little shy to meet her at first. Maybe it was because she even towered over Celestia, by being at least a head taller, that she may have been intimidating. It was anypony's guess.

As she and her son neared the Throne Room, her eyes fell upon a group of familiar ponies. All who had a run-in with some regressive nature of sorts. Shining and Cadence were leading the group, Cadence stood out, being round with her little passenger, and Shining with two fussy little colts that seemed to want to crawl around as they were carried in foal carriers. Trailing behind them was Spitfire and Soarin with three little flapping hurricanes, wanting to use their energy and move around as they struggled in foal carriers of their own. Next came the Apple Family, with two little apple seeds trying to reach for their mother's hat as they were pushed in a stroller, which acted like a wagon, being pulled by Big Mac. Then came Lord Fancy Pants and his fiance, Emerald, who was carrying two precious jewels that now meant the world to her on her back with a spell much like Luna was using for Night Mist. Right behind them was the family famous for their sweets, the Cake Family. Luna always wondered how they were blessed with two different pony types, other then earth pony. Maybe they had a relation to the royal family somehow, but then again, that's a little far fetched, seeing as they had another little one on the way after a regression of a certain party pony. She'd have to look through the records, but she was sure there was no family ties between them. Last, but certainly not least was Kind Heart, carrying, a very small, very calm, and very timid little bundle of love, who was cradled by Kind Heart's wings to keep her from falling, since she didn't like the idea of a foal carrier to transport her daughter in.

Luna greeted them as she said, "Welcome everypony. My this is quite a large bunch."

"Why howdy yer Majesty. I wasn't aware that you had a foal of your own," Granny Smith stated.

"Luna, dear sister, you never told me you were with foal. Did Celestia know of this?" Cadence asked.

"Well, no, she didn't. To be honest, this little guy was laying on my bed when I found him. I don't know who brought him there, or why, but upon inspection, I found somebody had caused him harm leaving a little bump on his head. I'll admit, I became attached to my little Night Mist fairly quick," Luna said.

"Aww, Night Mist is a cute name for him your highness," Emerald said.

"Prince Night Mist?.... Hm, has a nice ring to it. I like it," Cadence said.

"Well, I then went down to the orphanage here in Canterlot and started sign the papers to leagally adopt him as my son. I haven't quite finished, and Cadence, I was wondering I could have a word with you after the meeting?" Luna asked.

"Of course sister," Cadence replied.

They soon all made their way into the throne room, where Princess Celestia and Queen Lauren were sitting on their appropriate thrones. "Mother, sister, sorry about the delay, we were held up by our little ones here," Luna stated.

All the parents/siblings, took the little foals over to a playpen that had been set up by the castle's hoof-maidens. As the foals crawled around and had fun, Luna made her way up to her throne and seated herself properly. Lauren cleared her throat and soon said, "You all know why you have been summoned by my daughter, so I won't waste time explaining how it all happened. Now I have been doing intense reading to see if I can find a cure for these regressive symptoms. Unfortunately I have found no spell, potion, or any means of fruit that can counter the effects. To even try and create any of the above would take years to concoct, and even more years to master. It seems the creator of these spells and potions did not have a fall back plan. And yes I have taken a look at both the potions created by Spitfire and Zecora, as well as the so called lotion and all lead back to a similar regression potion mix that had no reverse effect. The spells were also looked at as well, and no reversal spell is present to counter these effects. I also spared some time to speak with our ancestors in the heavens and all told me there was no way to reverse the changes at this present time. This does not mean we should not try and attempt to make this possible in the future, but that the only cure we have for the little ones is time itself. I am apologize that this is news you are not fond of hearing. Now there is another matter to bring forth."

"Indeed mother. As you all know, too many ponies are familiar with Twilight and her friends, and I theres no argument that the Cutie Mark Crusaders, I believe is what they call themselves, have also gained popularity, especially after the Equestria Games three months ago. If ponies see that they are missing and no where to be found, there will be a good amount of panic, and the nobles will want an explanation. Which is why we need to think of something to help ponies cope with this," Luna said.

"Oh, and I have just the thing," came a familiar, unnerving voice.

Discord soon snapped himself into the throne room. "Discord. This is a private meeting. You cannot just barge in whenever you please," Lauren scolded him.

"Now, now my Queen, my days of spreading Chaos worldwide are over. I only play a few pranks on nobles who deserve it once in a while to loosen them up. And do forgive me, but I couldn't help but eves drop on the conversation. It seemed far to juicy to pass up. I was here to offer one of two suggestions. First, why not use the mind wiping spell. I know it's not a spell you are fond of, but it was by your hoof at one point to limit the knowledge of the Crystal Empire when it disappeared. I know why you did and so do your daughters. If anypony else needs an explanation, I'll be happy to let them know," Discord said.

"Well, that is very kind of you, and I will take your suggestion under advisement. Now what was the other suggestion?" Lauren asked.

"I am glad you asked. I have been working on a potion for quite some time now. Now, bare in mind, this potion will not work on deities like alicorns and draconequeses, so it would not affect you or me even if I did slip it into your drink. Honestly, I don't think there is any ingredient that exist to give me that kind of power. Now, I also had to throw a spell in to make this potion very specific. It's actually a potion that is a variation you created yourself Celestia. Now, to continue, this potion not like any others out there. with one drop into any drink or directly to the mouth, a mortal pony would believe to see all the regressed ponies and their families as they are now. It was especially difficult for the case of Twilight and Pinkie Pie. I don't know how, but the Pie family found me as I was working on it, and demanded that one other variation be added as well. What it is, I can not say, but they specifically instructed me to do this and requested that I have the Cakes take a drop each, including the little ones. I do not wish to force this on them, cause that is too cruel, even for me, but it will take affect once everypony has gone to sleep. All I need is your approval. Theres enough to give to all the land of Equestria and the other nations around the world, just in case we have enemies who try to get any ideas. Once again it only needs your approval your highness," Discord said.

"Well, I was going to try other suggestions, but there are a lot of factors that come into play with those, and might spread conspiracies in the process. I am not fond of that mind wiping spell, since it is a hard one for many to perform, and even drains my power when I have to make it widespread, and it's even more difficult to not take away other memories made around the same time. This potion though, I do not like to fiddle with memories, but if it will only change what ponies know about the regressed victims, I suppose it may be our best option. But what of the history of the defeat of Luna's darker form and even the defeat of you before you were reformed and of Cadences wedding?" Lauren asked.

"I thought about that your majesty. I made cover stories to not make ponies suspicious of how those happened. I'll tell you later, but that's only if you are willing to go with this, your highness. I Pinkie Promise, there will be no funny business involved in this. Cross my heart hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. Now you know as well as I that even though Pinkie Pie is still waiting to arrive, she will know by her senses if I have mislead you. And trust me, I do not want to be on her bad side. Or the Pies for that matter," Discord said.

Queen Lauren soon put it to vote among the ponies in the room of what would happen, and soon she said, "Very well, we will do it your way Discord, and have this potion taken by all. Do not double cross me, or Pinkie Pies wrath of breaking a Pinkie Promise will feel like a mere sting compared to the wrath I will release."

Discord shivered, "Trust me your highness, it would be the last thing I want. I will be on my way with the potion, oh, but first, I do need to ask, will all mortal ponies in the room allow me to give them a drop of the potion? As I said, I will not do this by force, and no tricks either."

All the ponies saw no disagreement to it. If the princesses had given him the okay, they saw no harm in it. Even if they had been led a stray, Lauren would make quick work of Discord if that was the case. They soon all took a drop of the potion he had on hoof, er, paw.. or was it claw? Afterwards Discord took his leave and had given Celestia a wink that was out of Luna's sight before disappearing. Lauren knew what that meant, and was going to have another talk with her daughter after the ponies retired to their rooms in the castle. "Well, everypony must be famished after a long trip to Canterlot, especially those who are expecting. Let us gather the little ones and take them to the dining hall. They soon made their way over and Luna notice her little Night Mist was beginning to look a little embarrassed. She knew what that meant. "Mother I will meet with all of you in a moment, right now, I need to take my little Nighty to get changed," She said.

"As you wish dear," Lauren said.

Soon Luna made her way up to the Lunar chambers carrying her son in a stroller this time that had been provided by Misty, her personal hoof-maiden during the meeting while everypony else was at discussion about what to do about the regression situation. When she opened the door, she was in for another shock equal to the discovery of her son. laying upon her bed was a large basket used for foals, and inside sat seven little alicorn foals. Six colts and one filly. The filly had the colors of autumn, brown and gold. One colt had a grayish-black fur color much darker then her own, but had an underbelly of light grey, as if he were wearing a suit, and his mane color was light red, nearly border-lining on pink. One of the colts had blue fur, lighter then her's or Night Mist's, and had a spiky black mane with a few white streaks running down the middle. Another colt had a brown pelt a little darker then the filly's and had a blue mane, similar to the color of the sky in the daytime. The next colt could have been mistaken to be Celesitia's foal, had it not been for the jet black mane, as dark as the night sky itself. The next little colt reminded her of Little Pip from Ponyville, making him all the more cuter. The last of them was truly unique. here was a peanut butter colored alicorn, and of all things had bat-like wings, much similar to some of the Lunar nights that stood watch. Not many had been blessed with these wings. To have them on an alicorn colt, that was a site to behold. Luna had many thoughts going through her mind. But now, these foals needed a home and Luna was not about to let these little angels leave her sight. She had a hunch they had wound up in the same situation as her son Night Mist. "Well looks like I have eight little "Angels of the Night" now. I think your Grandma, Aunt Celestia, and Aunt Cadence are gonna be quite shocked," Luna said to her self.

She soon made sure all the foals were diapered and used a spell to enlarge her stroller. Night Mist knew there would be a lot of explaining to do. Luna soon made her way down to the dining hall to show everypony.

New and Unexpected Arrivals.

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Luna had finished diapering her little angels of the night and was now placing them in the stroller. As she made her way through the halls there was a lot of commotion from the castle staff and Luna soon told them the situation. The white furred pony with the black mane was the first to speak. "Who awe you guys, um, and giwl? I mean you aww wook famiwiaw, but I can't wemembew whewe. Wast ting I wemembew was read a stowy ow somting, den I wemembew waking up in Woona's woom wit a sowe weg, wike I was given a shot," He said.

"Weww, at weast you don't feew wike you was hit wit a fwying pan," The red maned foal stated.

"I feew more wike the wind got knocked outta me," Said the pony with the blue coat and black and white mane.

Everyponyelse said they just remembering just passing out where they were. Beyond that, no one remembered their names and were confused on how they got here, but at least they knew the were in Equestria. "Weww, I'm sowwy to say dat you guys awe hewe on account of my Auntie Tia. She and Discowd pulled us into dis wowld, but dat's not da wiewd pawt. Dis is a weawity whewe Auntie Cadensth (Cadence) is cawwying Twiwight in hew tummy, and Fwash Sentwy and Spike are hew adopted sons. I'm suwe you guys wemembew da west," Night Mist said.

"So in dis weawity, aww da mane six and deir sibwings awe foaws?" the blue maned foal said.

"Weww, Pinkie Pie and Twiwight gots new pawents, somehow Cadence is Tia and Woona's sistew and not deir niece. Oh, and my Gwandma, weww, ouw gwama, now dat it seems Mama is gonna adopt aww of you, is Luawen Fausticown, Most caww hew Queen Laurwen, but I just caww hew gwama. Amazingwy, she can speak foaw, but she hasn't towd mama ow Auntie Tia and Auntie Cadensth yet," Night Mist said.

"Wait, so Youw Night Mwist? But I tawt you had a white coat and a gway mane," the Peanut Butter foal said.

"Yeah, weww, eithew Auntie Tia or Discowd is to bwame fow givwing me a dawk bwue coat wike Mama, and a white mane and white wing tips. must ave wanted to get one wast waugh in," Night Mist said.

"How wong did it take you to get used ta cawwing Woona Mama and whatnot," the alicorn foal with pips coat asked.

"Bout a day ow two. I mean, it's not wike I can weave anytime soon. nor do I tink any of you can. Sowwy, but Auntie Seemed to go a wittwe nuts aftew she found out what I was doing in my stowies. I actuawwy didn't know dis pwace actuawy existed. I tawt da show was just made up stuff. Boy was I wong. Guess once it's cweated on TV, it becomes it own wowld. And now we're stuck in it. Sowwy," Night Mist stated.

"Hey, it not youw fauwt. Weww, I mean it is, but it isn't, you know. Auntie Tia is to bwame, but ders not much to do. I just hope she's nice to us now that we'we hewe," the filly foal with the autumn colors said.

"Weww, she is actuawwy. I did heaw a tawk between hew and gwanma, and she said she did mowe fow my own good wathew den da fact dat she did it to get back at me fow what I did to evewy pony. But now dat she's in contwow, I weawy have no say in what happens next. But I guess we get to find out now dat we'we hewe," Night Mist said.

"Just one question. Woona, er, Mama said she needed to talk to Cadensth abowt someting if I wemembew cowwectwy befowe da bwack out. What was it abowt?" the red maned foal asked.

"I don't know. I'm just as confused. Like I said, I have no contwol anymowe. Even dough I teww Gwanma what I want to put out next, evewyting happens on its own now. I think she has a wittwe contwow, but da stowy takes a mind of it'sth own, so youw guess is as good as mine," Night Mist said.

As the foals finished speaking the doors to the dining room opened. When they looked out. They saw a huge group of ponies starring at them with shocked expressions. "Princess Luna, where in Equestria did those little ones come from?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"I'm not sure they were all laying in a foal basket on my bed when I found them. I don't know how they got there, but whoever put them there must have thought that they deserved a better life with me. So, I would like to introduce to you my new little foals," Luna said.

She lifted up the Bat winged Alicorn first, "I decided to name this little one Peanut Butter, because of the color of his coat, and the fact that he was eyeing the Peanut Butter Cookies I had ordered for later in my chambers as we walked past them." She set him back in the stroller and lifted the filly Alicorn foal. "I decided to name this little girl Autum Breeze, since her coat and mane resemble the colors of Autumn." Next was the foal with the white coat and jetblack mane. "I decided to call this little one Onyx, because his mane resembles that of the gemstone onyx." She then lifted the foal with the blue coat and black and white streaked mane. "This little one is Shadowmane, because his mane has style that makes the black look like it's a shadow cast on the white."

"Well, that's one mystery solved about why Shadowmane looks different then his cover photo suggested on that site that got us into this mess. Makes me wonder if the person who created it was actually from here and let's the Princesses take a look at what we are doing?....Nah, probably not," Night Mist thinks.

Luna picked up the next foal with the red mane and tucksedo looking fur on his body and said, "I named this little one Fire Star, since his mane and tale kind of look like a shooting star." She set him down and picked up the foal with the Sky blue mane. "I decided this little one's name is Sky Hooves, because his mane and tail resemble the sky and the color his hooves are like white puffy clouds." She set the little foal down as he examined his newly acquired hooves. Last was the foal who resembled Pip with his fur coat. "I named this little guy Tornado Blitz, because he was rolling around on the bed like a tornado, and he was feisty when I was trying to get him in a diaper," Luna finished as she set him back in the stroller.

"Those are all sweet names dear. I suppose you are going to adopt them like you did Night Mist?" Lauren pandered.

"Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way for my little "angels of the night"," Luna said as she nuzzled her little ones.

"Awww," All the parents said in unison.

"I do need to ask you Cadence, about something," Luna said.

"Oh, and what is it?" Cadence asked.

"Well, when I went down to the orphanage to adopt Night Mist as my own, and I found out that there are only so many papers I can fill out on my own. Others demand the signiture of a second guardian to sign in order for the adoption to be made. Now I know this is no foreign information to you, since you and Shining Armor had to do this for your little boys, but the fact is that I do not have a mate in this matter, and I am not about to go and find one just for this sole purpose. They did tell me however, that a sibling or cousin may sign the papers, and will not matter if it will be a stallion or another mare. As much as I love you, Celestia, I didn't want to force the situation on you, since I did not know if you were at a point in your life where you would want to raise foals of your own," Luna said.

"Well, I would say I have thought about it, but go on," Celetia urged her sister.

"Well, this is why you came to mind Cadecne. You have started your own family and have a little one on the way, and I know how good you are with kids, and I'm not trying to have you commit to more foals 24/7 nor to leave your husband's side. I am only asking for your help in the adoption process. You won't have to move or anything, just sign the papers," Luna said.

Cadence giggled, "Well, I don't see any reason why not. I think it's a great idea. Just be aware they have two mothers who are sisters though."

All the foals in the stroller had slack-jawed expressions as did the other foals among the regressed Mane Six and CMC. "I know, I found it a little funny myself, but I think it works," Luna said.

"Well Now that that is out of the way. I did want to speak with you, our sister Celestia and mother about the relocation of the Crystal Empire. Now before you ask why, I'll explain. I have been getting requests from my subjects about this, saying that the location of the empire is too far north and think it would be best to have it moved. I have noticed that Canterlot sits just near the border of Equestria and the empire, so I took thought into considering this and saw that it might be best and have it relocated. Now, I have read of a spell that would be able to relocate the entire city of the Empire, including the castle, and the mines. I said I would do it for them, but too many worried about what effect it might have on my, ahem, tiny passenger. My advisers suggested that I seek your help on this one, since I agree, I do not want this putting my little one in danger. It's far more trickier then any spell I have mastered, but I know that at least one of you can handle this on your own without even breaking a sweat. So would it be possible?" Cadence asked her family.

"Well, seeing as how the Luna's newly adopted family needs their, ahem, other mother close by," Lauren said everypony in the room chuckles, "and I would love to see my youngest daughter more often and that it has been suggested by your subjects, I say this should be done," Lauren finished.

They were about to talk more on the subject when a royal guard came barreling through, "Princess Celesita! News from the Crystal Empire!"

"Yes what is it?" Celestia said, trying to hide worry best she could. "Princess Celestia, she has returned," the guard said.

"What but that's not possible," Celestia said.

"Sorry, but who has returned your highness?" Spitfire asked.

"Sunset Shimmer. My former student. I am sure you have heard of the legends about a portal that lead to another world?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, but we passed it off as no more then an old pony tale your highness," Kind Heart said.

"Well it is indeed a true legend and Sunset Shimmer went through that portal more then once. The portal only opens every thirty moons, but the next time it is to open is not for another 10 moons. Somehow she's come through the portal earlier then what should have been possible. We must go and see her right now," Celestia said.

She started to charge up a transprtation spell powerful enough to transport everypony but the guard and castle staff in the room and just as she was teleporting them, she heard, "Wait there is something else you should kn-"

The Guard as cut short as they popped into the room that held the mirror. "Woow, I hate it when auntie puwws dat suwpwise on me," Night Mist says, before falling down in the stroller, with eyes spinning.

"Anypony wanna twy da mewwy go wound again," Onyx said in a dizzy tone.

"No mowe fow me tanks, I'm dwivin," Peanut Butter said before passing out.

Everypony was slowly regaining their senses and Lauren was lecturing her solar daughter for not telling everyone to get ready to teleport. Soon their eyes feell upon a cute scene as all the lunar foals, the foals of harmony, minus Twilight and Pinkie, the Cake twins and the CMC looked down at Sunset Shimmer. To everypony's surprise. Sunset was now a foal herself. "Sunset, is that really you?" asked Celestia.

"Ya, it me, but why I foaw now? Dis don mak sensth," Sunset said.

"Well maybe we should figure this out after we get you in a diaper and take a the Lunar Express back to Canterlot this time," Luna said.

"Won't that put strain on the little darlins?" Apple Core asked.

"I recently had a spell cast so that doesn't happen while the train moves at high speed. It makes the passengers feel as if their not moving at all even though they see that they are moving," Luna said.

"Very well, to the Lunar Express, er, after Sunset is set to go," Lauren said.

Celestia chuckled and gently pick Sunset up by the scruff of her neck and carried her out of the room with the rest of the group following. None of them suspected that they had been watched by a certain reformed maker of chaos. "Yes, it worked. Now Celestia and Sunset Shimmer have a chance to be a family. Better get going if I am to finish up my poition run before nightfall," Discord said.

He snapped his fingers and took off.

A Day with the Sparkles

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It had been a week since Luna had adopted her eight children of the night and Sunset had come though the mirror. The Alicorns had moved the Crystal city practically next door to Canterlot. Sunset Shimmer had become the daughter of the Alicorn of Day, so she was known as the Daughter of Day. Night Mist, Peanut Butter, Shadowmane, Tornado Blitz Fire Star, Autum Breeze, Onyx, and Sky Hooves had settled into their new lives, not knowing if they would ever return to their original world. Celestia, well, she had to be taught a lesson for what she did, but she knew it was something she deserved, even though somepony else also deserved the fate Celestia had dealt them. Discord had finished his errand of using his potion on the ponies of Equestria, with no ill effects so far. Lauren and the other Alicorns were still a little unsure of his motives, but so far, what he did seemed to turn out for the best.

None of the ponies of Equestria found it odd that the Element bearers were now little foals or foals on the way, or that a certain dragon had become a pony. Apparently, they also thought that Luna's adopted children had were her long lost little ones that she found, but because of certain things that had happened, she had to go through the legal process and adopt them back into her family by paper, and Cadence helped with the signing, since the "father" was no where to be found. Luna and her Alicorn family found that a bit odd, even her children, but whatcha gonna do, Discord is the lord of Chaos, even though it's for the better, he likes to do things in chaotic ways. Some things just never changed, even though he was reformed.

Anyways, back to the present, we find ourselves with Cadence and Shining armor, and their cute little Princes. Flash and Spike were playing wither their stuffed ursa minors and whacking them at each other playfully. Shining chuckled at his adopted sons, Cadence just smiled motherly. She had gotten far too attached to them to ever want to give them up in the future. Luckily Discord hadn't changed the fact of Cadence adopting her boys, but had erased the memory of Spike ever being a dragon to begin with from the mortal ponies, including Shining Armor, Cadence just had to go along with it since she was unable to be affected by the potion.

Today, they were heading to the Sparkle house to visit Shining's parents. Velvet wanted to see her grand-kids and Nightlight wanted to have some father-son time, and maybe some time with his grandsons. Soon, they were at the door and Shining rang the bell. The door opened to reveal Velvet at the door. "Shining, Cadence, it's great to see you two again and, oh my, Cadence. Why didn't you tell me you are expecting?" She said as she noticed Cadence's rounded figure.

"Sorry, this little one on the way sort of popped out and surprised us," Cadence admitted.

"Well, I suppose with all the things you had to take care of, it was just a slip of the mind, and I can understand that dear. But you Shining, you should have given us some news. I know you're her husband and a prince now, but you know that you can take the time to forward us a letter to tell us about this," Velvet scolded her son.

"Right. Sorry. My bad," Shining stuttered as he scratched his neck.

"Well, it's in the past, come in, I was just about to make tea and hot coco along with my delicious brownies," Velvet said.

"Ooh, yum. That's definitely something I crave today," Cadence said.

"Yesterday it was watermelons. The day before that it was Seasalt Ice cream, and the day before that it was cinnamon roles," Shining Armor stated.

"Well, what do you expect Shining, she's eating for two. When the little one in her tummy demands something, Mama's gonna demand the same. It's a bond they share," Velvet explained before heading to the kitchen.

"Yep, and right now, this little passenger is demanding brownies, and boy are they kicking today," Cadence said.

"Probably wants to get out to meet it's brothers," Nightlight says as he walks in from his personal studies.

"Hello dad, how are you feeling," Shining asked.

"Oh, much better. Doctor said if I take two weeks off from all these meetings with those snotty nobles, I'll be back to full strength in no time," Nightlight informed them.

"I keep telling him to take it easy when trying to stand up for the common ponies, but he don't wanna listen. He keeps thinking that if he shows any sign of easing up his arguments, the nobles will get bolder and try to take away his right of nobility," Velvet said.

"I can assure you that is not the case. You are one of the few ponies who can give the other nobles a good scare, and the fact that they know you and Velvet are good friends of the Alicorn family, that scares them even more. They wouldn't dare try to take away your nobility, nor would they do anything to try and end your life, because they know that will bring the wrath of the Alicorns on them. So I will advise you to take it easy on the arguments when you get back out there. And don't worry, my sisters and I will make sure to keep the other nobles in check. And if they want to challenge us, well, they can take it up with our mother," Cadence told Night Light.

"And how is Luna doing with her 'Angels of the Night'?" Velvet asked.

"Oh she's grown attached to them ever since they returned to her life. She barely ever lets them out of her sight. And as a bonus, as I'm sure you have heard, I have become their second mother. So not only are they my niece and nephews, their also my sons and daughter, so now Flash and Spike have some alicorn siblings to play with when they can," Cadence said.

"Well, I suppose that makes us their grandparents. Wow the family is growing large," Nightlight said.

"Is that another crack about my figure?!" Cadence bellowed.

"Eep! No no no. You misunderstood, you misunderstood," Nightlight said.

"I'm providing for two here, and the fact that I am so large is because my little one is growing and I don't need you to have that kind of attitude around me!" Cadence scolded.

"Wow, sweetie, breath, breath," Shining said.

Spike and Flash had hid behind their grandmother while their mother had been blowing off steam. Cadence calmed down and cleared her throat, "I'm sorry, Nightlight, It's these mood swings, and they've been getting really extreme. Even my sisters suggested a brake from meeting with my subjects because of it," Cadence said.

Nightlight straightened out his mane after being blasted by the old Canterlot voice and replied, "All is forgiven. I understand."

"Trust me, I was ten times worse when I was pregnant with Shining Armor," Velvet said, not mentioning it had been even worse with Twilight when she was her mother.

Flash and Spike crawl out from behind Velvet and Look at their mother. "Hello my little ones, sorry Mama got angry," Cadence apologized.

They crawled back to her and nuzzled her. She then set them under her wing so they could nurse. "I can see that you're going to have a hassle when you have to feed three of them," Velvet said.

"Well, Spike here is now at that stage where I can feed him some foal food and get weened off gently, and Flash isn't too far behind," Cadence said.

"Aww, they're growing up so fast," Velvet said.

Soon Spike and Flash finished their meal, and Cadence burped each of them before letting them get some time with their grandparents. They talked and played with the little ones until naptime and soon the boys were asleep in their little play pen that Shining had set up for them and had used a spell to prevent them from getting out should they wake up and try to sneak off. Soon Cadence started feeling some pains in her abdomen, wincing every so often. Shining soon took notice and asked, "Cadence, are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine I just. Aaaaah!" Cadence's screamed as her water broke.

"Oh Sweet Celestia, Mom, Dad, the baby is coming!" Shining called.

"We need to get her to the hospital!" Nightlight said.

"No time, we need to get her upstairs to the guest bedroom. I did it with Shining, we'll do it with this little one coming. Shining help me with her, Nightlight grab a bucket of warm water, a towel and a blanket," Velvet ordered.

"On it," Nightlight replied.

"Cadence. Start your breathing," Velvet said more gently.

Cadence was soon doing her breathing technique and Shining and Velvet helped her upstairs. Once there, Cadence was squeezing Shining Armor's hoof. Shining was screaming internally. "Ooooh, you have no idea how bad this hurts," Cadnece said.

"No... Arguement..." Shining managed to say through his teeth.

Night Light was soon in the bedroom with the water, towel and blanket. "Alright now Cadence, I need you to push as hard as you can."

After about 20 minutes, the screams of the Alicorn of Love had been replaced by the new vocals of a little foal. Cadence was soon calming down a little Alicorn who had had the same mane style and eyes as the pony she once knew, but now her fur resembled that of her new mother and her mane was a combination of her new mother and new father. She had both wings and a horn. "Oh, my little Twilight," Cadence said.

"Aw, what a sweet name. Princess Twilight Sparkle. Has a nice ring to it," Velvet said.

"Hmhmhm, indeed it does," Cadence said as she looked down at the little sleeping blessing in her forelegs.

"Looks like Autum Breeze isn't the only little girl in the family anymore," Nightlight said.

"No she isn't. I-I'm sorry about the bed," Cadence apologized.

"Oh don't be, we can always replace that. besides, how many ponies get to say that a princess was born in their house?" Velvet said.

They all chuckled and soon heard the hoofsteps of Shining as he walked in with two little sleepy princes rubbing their eyes. "Well hello there sleepy heads, come meet your new sister," Cadence said.

Shining laid them on the bed and they crawled to their new sister who was now sucking on her hoof as she slept. The family dawwed at the scene, knowing they would need to get to the castle soon to make the announcement that the new princess was born.

A Daring Entrance

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Today was another fine day in Equestria, both the Crystal Empire and the all of Equestria had been informed of the new Princess's birth, Princess Twilight nearly a week ago. All her siblings had been excited as well as her aunts, mother's, and grandparents. The friends of her family were just as excited to hear about her birth. Seeing as the Cakes next little one was due soon, their relatives, the Pies made their way to Ponyville to be able to see the birth of their littlest niece or nephew. The Apples, being related to the cakes and Pies, were also eager to see the little one, but Cup Cake didn't show any signs she was there yet.

While that was all going on, Luna was getting her little ones ready for a day in Canterlot. But Night Mist and Peanut Butter were getting a bit fussy. They weren't fond of wearing their little regalia. The other foals didn't mind so much, knowing this was required when in public appearance. "Now come on you two, we're going out into the city today and everypony will want to see you in your cute royal attire," Luna stated.

Night Mist and Peanut wouldn't budge. Luna had tried nearly everything in order to get them to cooperate, but she guessed they got their stubbornness from their mother. But she had one last trick at her disposal, and it was a last resort that was guaranteed to work. "Alright, I guess I'll have to leave you two here with Misty and when I get back with the rest, there will be no peanut butter cookie or Nightmare Surprise cake for you two when Mama gets back," She fibbed.

The other foals giggled and this was enough to get Night Mist and Peanut Butter to reconsider and agree to go out in their regalia. Luna soon had them all in the stroller that was like a little train, each attachment able to hold two at a time. One of the female guards, Star Dancer, a unicorn, and a descendant of Starswirl the Bearded himself, had agreed to pull their stroller like a line of carriages, for she had grown fond of the little foals of the night and Celestia's daughter of the morning. They were soon trotting out the castle gate, and Star Dancer decided serpentine to let the foals have a fun ride. Some of the other guards envied her getting to have all the fun, but kept a straight face as much as they could, having a hard time doing so with the way the foals acted as they cheered Star Dancer on.

Luna couldn't help but giggle at how cute her foals looked when they had fun. Some of the Canterlot citizens dawed at the sight before them. Other's gave a humph, feeling it was inexcusable to let foals of the royal family act in such a manner. Peanut Butter and Night Mist weren't feeling cheerful as some nobles were eyeing them with an unpleasent look. Not too long ago, Night Mist discovered that his wings were bat wings, just like Peanut Butter's and His eyes were as similar. Apparently, somepony had cast a spell on them a while back and Discord found it amusing to reveal his true wings and eyes right as a large group of ponies were playing with all the foals. It had given the ponies a slight shock, but they thought he and his brothers and sisters were cute all the same and found it amazing two bat-winged Alicorns were born into the family. Luna had given Discord a good lecture soon after, and a nightmare or two to set him straight once more. Celestia's little spell she had cast after having foalified him already had worn off thanks to Discord.

Luna knew that Peanut Butter and Night Mist weren't fond of the Nobles' stares, but she also noticed they were covering their eyes as well. then she remembered. She had forgot to get them their sunglasses, and their aunt's sun was shining bright today. Luckily, it wasn't a hassle to teleport their needed protection. Luna soon had two foal-sized shades at the ready and gently placed one on each of her two of her little angels of the night. "There you go my little ones, all better," Luna said.

Peanut Butter and Night Mist babbled happily to their mom, and she knew they were saying thank you in their foal language. One problem was solved, but the other would have to wait til later in the night. They soon bumped into an unpleasant Noble, and a snobby cousin of theirs. "Aunt Luna, this is an outrage. How can you let your children act in such an uncivilized manner?" Prince Blueblood gestured.

'My foals aren't the ones being uncivilized right now, you braty nephew. Sunset is more well behaved then you,' Luna thought.

"They should all be taken back to the castle and locked in their rooms for such an uncouth display," Blueblood scoffed.

"Now that's not very nice, your highness," A voice said.

All the ponies looked around, and soon saw a a tan fur and a mane that went from black to dark Grey was seen. To many she was seen as A.K. Yearling, but to Luna and the foals, she was Daring Do. Luckily, her attire was not on her today to give away her identity, and it was enough to make everypony who didn't know, think she was just A.K. Yearling since all she carried was a saddle bag. "You mind your place mare," Blueblood commanded.

"I'm only stating that these fluffy little ones are only foals. Everypony's like that at their age your majesty," Daring Do stated.

Many in the crowd began mumbling, seeing that Daring Do had a point. "And besides, their just having a little adventure. They don't get to see what's outside the castle often, your highness," Daring Do said.

She wasn't fond of calling Blueblood your highness, and would have had her way with him if it had not been for his title, or the fact that little foals were in the area. "They don't need adventure, they need to be well behaved and practical," Blueblood said.

"And you're telling me that you were that way at that age your highness. I'd beg to differ," Daring Do said.

"Such insolence. Guards, arrest her!" Blueblood commanded his personal guards.

Some of them didn't want to, and looked at Luna, who gave them a wink, telling them that Daring Do could handle herself, plus she wanted to watch the fun, and the smiled and proceded, giving Daring Do a wink of their own out of Bluebloods line of site. Daring held back a smile and putting her stern face to "Now let's see. One two three four, five six seven eight nine, so there's ten of you and one of me. What's a poor mare to do?" Daring Do said, acting like she was crying, then slamming a dust bomb on the ground as she covered her mouth.

"*Cough* *cough* where is she?" Commander Bronze Hoof asked feeling a little dazed.

"Oh, boys, over here," Daring Do said showing she was sitting in a pile of stuffed animals equal to her size, as she blinked femininely.

"After her," Bronze Hoof commanded.

Some of the stallions slightly smiled as they chased after her, knowing this was just all in good fun. "Take you best shot," Daring Do taunted.

One of the unicorns shot a spell and purposely missed. A Pegasus tried his luck, but missed since she was more agile. Slamming into a banner before being launched like he was in a sling shot the other direction and yelling out of sheer fun "Aaaaah! Hoo Hoo!"

Star Dancer's cousin Silvermane, had taken the opportunity to stand beside her as he said before taking off again, "What a mare."

Soon Daring Do had worn the guards out, including Commander Bronze Hoof, and Blublood Snapped, "This is an outrage, how could you let a measly commoner like her better you?!"

"I may not be a of noble blood your highness, but I can tell you right now, I can better your guards any day. The life of a writer can be quite an adventurous one, if she sets her mind to it your majesty," Daring Do fired back at Blueblood.

"I demand you arrest her," Blueblood said to his guards.

"That wont be necessary gentlecolts. She's free to go," Luna said.

"What?! Aunt Luna, I must object to," he was cut off by Luna raising her hoof.

"Need I remind you last time you unleashed your personal guard on an innocent pony. And don't tell me this is any different. You merely took Anna's words way out of context, just like you did with the last pony. I'll let it go for now, but should you try anything else, I will be reporting this to my sister. Do I make myself clear?" Luna asked.

Blueblood was about to complain, but then saw Luna's serious face, and knew he's be in boiling water if he continued and studdered, "Ahem, y-yes, we are c-clear Aunt Luna."

Luna's little foals laughed at Blueblood getting his just comeuppance. He would have growled, but knew better and ordered his guards to head back with him to the castle. The crowd soon dispersed and Daring Do came over and said, "Wow, haven't had that much excitement since that one time in the water temple."

"Tell me about it. Before my little angels found their way back to me, life around here was quite dull after Tirek's defeat. Don't you think so Star Dancer," Luna said.

"Indeed your majesty. I haven't watched or had that much fun since that one night in Germareny," Star Dancer stated.

"Wait, you were there? Me too, they really know how to throw a party," Daring Do said.

"Getting back to the subject at hoof, what brings you to Canterlot miss... Yearling?" Luna asked, remembering not to reveal Daring Do's true identity.

"Well, I hate to admit it, but, I need the help of the princesses. But, let's talk about this someplace more... private. You never know what ears may be listening in," Daring Do said.

"I see your point," Luna said.

She soon lit her horn and the three grown ups and all the foals were transported to the Lunar chambers. "Wow, you've really foal proofed the place since my last visit your majesty," Daring Do stated.

"Well, one can never be to careful for their little bundles of love," Luna said as she cast a spell to soundproof and shielded the area from unwanted eyes and ears.

"I hear ya. Even my niece Rainbow Dash and her sisters like to get into trouble. Luckily my sister, Spitfire and my brother-in-law Soarin have the clouds on their side. but even then they like to foal proof everything in the house. I still feel that ain't enough to stop Rainbow though," Daring Do said.

'Wow, Discord made a lot of changes in that potion of his... wonder if the Pies might have had a hoof in this somehow?' Luna thought to herself.

Soon her attention was caught by her little ones wanting to get out of the stroller and play. Luna smiled and soon got them all out and took of all their regalia to make them feel more comfortable playing.

"Well what was it that you wanted to talk to us about?" Luna asked.

"Well, seeing as I only trust you two, Queen Lauren, and Princess Celestia, since you know every part of the castle, I need to entrust you with this. I do trust Princess Cadence, but I know she still has a few more places to learn about before she can be entrusted with this your highness," Daring Do said as she pulled out a horseshoe made of steel.

"What is it Daring Do?" Star Dancer asked.

"It's the Horseshoe of Invisibility," Daring Do said.

"I heard about this. My ancestor, Starswirl the Bearded had it hidden in a temple and made that temple very difficult to find. I'm guessing Ahuizotl was after it and found the temple," Star Dancer deduced.

"Indeed, and thankfully I was a few gallops ahead and intercepted it, which wasn't and easy feat. I then knew I had to bring it here, before Ahuizotl knew I beat him to it. I can only begin to imagine what he would do if he had found this, and I don't want to find out what other evil beings might do, should they get their hooves on it your majesty," Daring Do said.

"Well, I can assure you, it is safe here, and I will speak with my family about this, and we will make sure that no pony, or any other being for that matter can find it," Luna said.

"I knew I could count on you your highness," Daring Do said as she hoofed the horseshoe .

Soon Shadowmane came and hugged her leg, and she smiled, "Hey there little adventurer, looking for some treasure to find?"

Shadowmane babbled gibberish to her, and lightly bopped her nose with his tiny hoof. "Oh, right on the button," Daring Do said as she playfully fell onto her back.

Soon Autum, Fire, and Sky crawled over, and started crawling, on her belly. "Oh no, attacking foals... please, pick on someone your own size. Oh, bleh," Daring Do said as she acted dead.

Autum crawled closer as the rest of their siblings gathered around and Daring Do jumped and said "Boo."

This made all the foals scream and laugh in delight. "Well, I think that it's time to get these little ones some lunch. And speaking of which, Captain Star Dancer, would you be so kind as to escort Daring Do with me to the Dining Room, I'm sure there is much you and she would like to catch up on while Celestia and I feed ourselves and our little ones," Luna said.

"Not a problem at all your majesty," Star Dancer said.

They all made their way to the dining room, with the foals and horseshoe in tow.

Cute Crystal Chaos

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3 weeks had passed since Daring Do had payed a visit to Princess Luna. After getting the horseshoe secured from Ahuizotl's grasp, she did a little shopping and got some outfits for Luna's little ones. The little troublemakers of the night were now becoming a little more active and a larger hassle for the castle staff. Most had learned how to walk about 8 days ago and had begun galloping and jumping too. But not Night Mist and Peanut Butter. They were still in crawl mode, so it was easy for Luna to keep them from getting into certain sorts of mischief.

She knew that Bat Ponies tended to be late bloomers when it came to developing motor and speech skills and Alicorn born Bat Ponies were no different. Now Peanut was able to stand on his hooves for about 15 to 20 seconds at a time, but for Night Mist, he could only hoist himself halfway before finding himself on his tummy five seconds later. He really felt down that he couldn't keep up with his brothers and sisters. Thankfully, Luna's loyal pet Nightshade, who was a winged wolf, helped to cheer him up most of the time. But for the last few days, Night Mist felt really down. Luna then decided she would have the family go and see Mama Cadence in the Crystal Empire.

For one she felt that she was hogging all the time with the little ones and Cadence deserved some time with them too. She also felt it would help cheer her little ones up, and because Twilight had just entered crawling stage, and couldn't even stand yet, that would give Night Mist some confidence back. So today here after flying in yesterday by carriage. Misty and Star Dancer were of course along for the ride.

Three days ago when they had arrived, they were greeted by Cadence, Shining Armor, the Sparkle parents, and of course Cadence's three little bundles of joy and trouble. That day had also done a number on Night Mist and Peanut Butter's eyes as well. Their shades provided little protection. Fortunately, Cadence had two specially made shades created for them and they were able to get relief for their eyes once more. Cadence had explained that there were some crystal bat ponies and their eyes were just as sensitive, so the empire needed shades to help them. They then came up with this new shade that not only helped, but once the bat ponies put them on, they looked like they weren't even wearing them thanks to a new material they found to make it possible. this also helped to stop the argument that some thought the bat ponies were using the shades more for style then eye protection.

Today, the Lunar and Crystal family were waiting for Kind Heart and her daughter Fluttershy to arrive, since the day before they had to deal with a little trouble. As the foals played in the nursery, under the watchful eyes of their mothers, Cadence spoke with her sister. "So has there been any word on Mrs. Cakes little one on the way? I heard that the town has been setting up for almost a week now," Cadence stated.

"Well, it is true that they are setting up for Pinkie's arrival. I guess some of her enthusiasm finally got transferred to her new mother. She's been hyperactive a lot, and made sure all was going well, and she was also insisting on the Princesses attending her welcome home party when Pinkie arrives, and honestly, how could we say no?" Luna replied.

"Good point. I wonder she'll still be an Earth pony, or if she may come out a pegasus or unicorn this time," Cadence pondered.

"I think that will depend on how much Cup Cake's body will have an affect on her. It also will depend on how far she was regressed after the 'cute little incident' that took place. If she is born like before, at least they can say they have a family of every pony type... well, every mortal pony type that is," Luna corrected herself.

"Well, not bat ponies, but I guess they are a branch of pegasi, but still," Cadence said.

"I guess you're right," Luna said.

"Now, what's this I hear about a rumored stallion you have eyes for?" Cadence asked.

"Hmhmhm, Cadence, you have me confused for our sister. She's the one who had her eyes set on a certain somepony lately. I won't reveal who it is though. That is for big sister Tia to decide when she wants that info leaked. She's already getting enough publicity with the adoption of her little Sunset, course, you and I know the public sees her as her natural born daughter. She had joked of regressing Sunset to where she would be pregnant with her, and Sunset's foal side had won over and she took it as she would be gobbled up by her mommy. I had giggled a bit that we hadn't seen Sunset had been listening in," Luna said.

"Well, it would kind of be a good idea, should some crazy scientist try to go public and say they are not blood related. Some ponies are suspicious since Sunset has no wings," Cadence said.

"I know, but I'm not so sure that we should have her do this, that would require Discord making another potion that has slight alterations to his original, and we all know why that can't happen," Luna stated giving Cadence a stern look.

"Okay, I get it. But hey he could have seriously hurt our little Nighty with that stunt he pulled. So I figured, if he's gonna behave like a foal, why not make him one so he fits his behavior. You gotta admit, he is a cute little lord of chaos," Cadence said.

"I admit to nothing," Luna said with a guilty smile.

"Anyways, that slide of youth we installed, wasn't actually meant for him. I actually had it installed for one, letting parents have another chance to raise their children, should the children agree of course, and to have a few nobles be taught a lesson, should they get too far out of line," Cadence said.

"I see," Luna replied.

"Thing is, there's more then one that I installed, some can take you all the way back to foal hood if your adult, others just shed some years off, and I have the slide of aging that gives everypony their original age back, should they decide to grow back up, give or take a year or two younger then they were. I did give a test run on the slides of aging with Flash, but unfortunately, his condition could not be altered, so it lead me to assume that it will only work on those who use the slides of youth. I could see if it works on the others, but I have a feeling Mother Lauren was right about how all our regressed foals can't be given their adulthood back other then time being the cure," Cadence said.

"Wait, what would happen if you sent a foal down the slide of youth?" Luna asked.

"I haven't tested what would happen in that situation, and not sure I want to find out. Besides, I think one trip to Mama's tummy was enough for my little Twily here," Cadence said as she picked up her little crystal daughter.

"I completely understand that," Luna said.

"So have you been searching for any more little ones for our parent-in-laws to spoil," Cadence said.

"Maybe... maybe not. Nighty, Peanut, Shadow, Autum, Fire, Sky, Tornado, and Onyx sort of were a blessing that came out of nowhere. If anymore fall into my lap, of course I won't hesitate to adopt them," Luna said.

"I see," Cadence said.

Soon their attention was a bit of a clanging outside. "Get back here you little troublemaker!" They heard Emerald shout.

"Discord," they sighed in unison.

Cadence walked outside the door to see that Baby Discord was running around with attire that clearly was too big for him, and Emerald was chasing after him. "That is my best line about to be marketed, and I will not have you ruin it," Emerald said.

Discord kept laughing, since his mind had been regressed as well as his body, thanks to a temporary effect of the slide and soon bumped into Cadence's leg. He looked up and his smile became a face of 'Uh oh, I'm busted'. "Now Discord, what have I told you about playing nice with other ponies?" Cadence asked.

Discord covered his face, to try and hide his guilt but it didn't work. Cadence soon had him in a aura and had removed the attire he was wearing and gave it to Emerald. "Now, your new Mama's coming soon. We can't have you misbehaving when she gets here. Do you promise to not cause any more trouble?"Cadence asked.

Discord simply nodded. "Good, because we have something special for you once Mama Kind Heart gets here," Cadence stated.

Discord face lit up. He liked surprises, and couldn't wait to see what they had for him. Soon a guard announced that Kind Heart and Fluttershy had arrived. Luna soon gathered up all of her and Cadence's foals, and soon took them to the throne room. Shining Armor was already there, catching up on the latest of how the Royal Guard had been doing. While he was pleased with how some had been behaving after he surrender his position of authority as Captain of the Royal Guard to become a prince, he wasn't so pleased with how the other's had been behaving. Perhaps suggesting that Celestia and Luna promote Star Dancer to Captain of the Royal Guard, maybe she could straighten things up. Misty of course tried to keep herself busy in the kitchen til Luna, Cadence, or the Sparkle parents called upon her services. Cadence soon sat on her throne and Luna sat on the one that had risen next to her. They waited and soon Kind Heart came in. "Hello your majesties, I hope I haven't arrive late or anything," Kind Heart said.

"Actually, you are quite early Mrs. Kind Heart. We are very glad you made it here safely," Luna said.

"So, what has happened that I was summoned here today, if I may ask?" Kind Heart requested.

"Well, it is because of this little troublemaker," Cadence said, as she lifted Discord out in front of her with her magic and set him in front of her forhooves.

"Oh, my, and how did the lord of chaos come to be this way you highnesses? Kind Heart asked.

Cadence explained to her about the slides of youth and the slides of age. Kind Heart was surprised and thought Cadence was very thoughtful for having done such a thing. She added that Cadence should be able to use it, only, if they have good, legitimate reasons for doing so. Cadence and Luna agreed perfectly. "So, with that little bit out the way, I also have an offer I would like to make to you," Cadence said.

"Oh, and what might that be your majesty?" Kind Heart asked curiously.

"Well, now I will not force this, but, I do have this potion here that I made. It's a very simple transformation potion that I received from Zecora. It can transform Discord into a pony. What type, I do not know. I know he is already part pony, but I thought I would offer you this in case he might want to be a pony. Now, this potion will have no effect on his magic that he possesses, only change what he looks like, so you might get a pegasus or earth pony with magic they usually don't have. Also, I have a reverse potion here that will give him back his true form, should he want to become his draconeques self," Cadence said as she held the potion bottles in front of them.

"I see, so he has the option of becoming a pony, or not, could the same work on Spike," she asked, remembering he was a dragon at one point.

"I did try it on Spike, but since he had also regressed, the potions mixed as one, making this his new permanent from," Cadence said.

"I see," Kind heart said.

"Now, I will not force him to ch-" she was cut off as she saw Discord leap for the pony transformation bottle and grab it, and before she could stop him, he had drunk some of the potion.

Soon his body was absorbed in light and, now laying there before them was a pegasus with Discords fur color and mane color. His eyes had changed a bit, but still resembled his eye color. No pony had noticed before hoof that the mental effects of the slide had worn off during the conversation and he had heard enough to make up his mind. "Well, it looks like this little lord of chaos made his own decision," Kind Heart said.

"Looks like it," Luna agreed.

"Well, now that is all settled, why don't we.... wait, where's Peanut and Nighty?" Cadence asked.

No one had realized the two had crawled off out of the throne room while they had been talking. Luna soon had a play pen made at the ready and set her little ones in it as well as Cadence's little ones and Discord. She soon asked if Kind heart would look after them while she and Cadence went to track down their two stealthy children of the night. As they went to track down Night Mist and Peanut Butter. Kind Heart pondered as she looked at her adopted son, "Now, what should we call you other than Discord little one?"

Uh Oh We're Busted

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As Luna and Cadence were trying to find Peanut Butter and Night Mist, the two little Bat Alicorns were already having a huge head start. Miraculously, none of the castle staff had spotted them. And they had made it to so many places. They were having the grandest adventure imaginable. "Oh dis is gonna be gweat," Night Mist said.

"Yeah, I can't waits to sees Dada Shiny's face," Peanut Butter said.

Just as they rounded the corner crawling. and looked at each other laughing. They were unprepared for what they saw next. There, standing before them was the one figure they never thought they would meet.... Nightmare Moon.

Night Mist screamed and he and Peanut crawled the other direction as fast as they could. They of course didn't get very far as they were soon lifted by a dark aura that could only belong to Nightmare Moon herself. "Two little Bat Alicorns. Hmm... very interesting. I can only come to one conclusion of how you two appeared," She said to them.

Night Mist and Peanut whimpered as she looked at them. Nightmare Moon soon heard hoofsteps and made a quick teleport with the boys. When they appeared in a room that seemed to suite herself and Princess Luna, the boys were trying to regain their senses. "Well, now that we are alone. I have a little story for you two. Once, long ago, my sister Princess Celestia had banished me, well part of me to the Moon. But there was a part of me that was separated, and when I got a chance, I made an escape. I knew I could not match my own sister, or Luna when she returned. After a few years, I had become friends with a Bat Pony. But soon after, fate dealt me an unfair blow when a thunderstorm took him from me. But part of him was left with me. I soon discovered I was pregnant. Afterwards, I had given birth to two little foals. They were Bat Pony Alicorns. But if anypony had seen them at the time I had given them birth, they would be in great danger. So I sealed them away in crystal. Their age was suspended as they slept til the time was right. I had no idea Celestia had found them and then found her own right time to free them. After you Night Mist, made your little chaos come about, well, that was her chance. I know not how she disguised you to begin with, but you and Peanut Butter were who she had chosen to take on the lives of my sons. Yes, I know where you are truly from, however, I am afraid that with Celestia performing what she has done, you two can not return to your previous realm, not even that portal leads to your world. I do not know if the same can be said for your siblings. But it is certain that you two will be brothers for as long as you live..... which is pretty much forever."

Night Mist and Peanut Butter were surprised to learn this knowledge, and were not sure if you could believe it, but everything Nightmare Moon was saying seemed to make sense. But soon you couldn't concentrate as you hear your tummies rumble. "Well, looks like I found two hungry troublemakers of the night. Come have your fill you two," Nightmare Moon said.

She soon reveal that just like their moms Luna and Cadence, she too had teats filled with milk. They could only theorize how that happened. They couldn't debate on having a meal as their tummies gave them away. Soon they latched onto her teats and nursed. "There we go. Sorry I didn't reveal I was your Mama sooner, but I had to wait for the right time. Also, I'll let you see what your chaos has caused when your done. Don't think I didn't know. You two are not off the hook," Nightmare Moon said.

'Uh oh, we're busted' The brothers thought in unison.

Soon they finished nursing, and as if looking at a projector screen in the room, they watched their chaos unfold. First came the royal guard's locker room. They watched as one guard opened his locker and screamed as he saw that his armor had been feminized, as if Rarity had made it for a mare. The boys giggled at the start out. Other guards laughed, but soon had a shock of their own as one put on his helmet and the next thing he knew, he was regressed to a foal and wearing a diaper that had the design of his armor on it. "Using the temporary regression powder? Noddy."

The boys blushed and looked away from Mama Nightmare. Then came the grande finale of the locker room. Shining Armor had decided to shower there and when he stepped out, he screamed so high, Nighty and Peanut would have gone into monster mode if they had been in the room. But they laughed at the top of their lungs. Their dad's fur had gone from a snow white coat, to a sky blue after the boys had switched out his shampoo with blue fur dye. The rest of the guards were having trouble keeping their mouths shut, but soon Shining burst out laughing, causing them to no longer hold back. Shining knew who was to blame for the feat, but he would take care of that after he got the fur dye remover and cleaned himself off.

The scene soon shifted from the locker room to the kitchen. The head crystal chef had just finished making a batch of zap apple pie. Once he set it on the table, he left for a short while to grab the next culinary specialty he had created. When he returned, it started, the pie began to expand at the top. Other chefs ducked for cover, but the head chef had no time as the pie exploded, making a mess of the kitchen. The stallion stood there and said "Embarrassing. *licked some of the filling* But delicious."

He would find out later who was responsible, but he made sure to clean up the mess that was around with his fellow chefs. "Very clever boys," Mama Nightmare said.

They soon came upon a scene in the Mirror room where the chaos had really ensued. Somehow they had found a switch and that had revealed more mirrors in the room. Celestia was standing by the one that led to Canterlot High School. Her eye twitching. "Oh, you boys really did it to Aunty Tia now."

Night Mist hid his eyes behind his hooves, knowing he was the one who had hit the switch. "When I find those two, I'm gonna m-" Celestia sentence was cut short as Nightmare Moon's magic projector disappeared as there was a knock on the door.

The boys looked at her and had begging eyes not to open it, but their pleas went unheard as she opened it. When it opened, they saw Luna and Cadence staring at them and staring at Nightmare Moon. For a moment there was silence. Then Luna and Cadence broke into a gallop as they came and gave the two millions of hugs and kisses. And they thought Nightmare Moon was bad. Soon Luna said, "Nighty, Peanut, don't scare your Mama's like that. We were looking everywhere for you. You can't just crawl off like that, you had us worried sick I was about to send the guard out to look for you," Luna said, hugging her boys tight.

The boys flailed their little hooves. Nightmare Moon giggled as she saw their eyes spinning once she loosened her grip. Luna and Cadence soon looked to Nightmare Moon. "Sister, I thought I told you stay put until we could introduce you," Cadence said.

"You did. But I was so bored, I couldn't stand being cooped up in here. And I am glad I didn't. Otherwise I never would have bumped into my boys," Nightmare Moon said.

"You're boys?!" Cadence and Luna inquired in unison.

Nightmare Moon explained what had happened. Course she left out the part about the boys being from another realm. Luna and Cadence left their mouths opened agape for a sec, then they sighed. "Well, we best clear everything up with the rest of the group before things get out of hoof," Cadence said.

"Ummmm. You're kind of late for that," Nightmare Moon said.

Night Mist and Peanut Butter facehooved themselves as Mama Nightmare revealed what they had done. When they returned to the throne room with Daddy Shining and their siblings and friends waiting there, the two boys could do nothing but lay there. But they were gonna look for their three mother's protection for what was going to come next.

Overheated Sun, Big Surprise

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After having a hard spankning, all Peanut Butter and Night Mist could do was just lay in the playpen while their siblings and friends played around. Gentle Heart had finally decided to call Discord, Illusion, since he was no longer seen as a his draconaques self. He still had his immortality about him, and his mind in tact, but of course, foalish tendencies were taking over.

As the three alicorns and the mother pegasus watched the little ones, there as a sudden shaking of the ground. "What's that?! An earthquake?!" Nightmare moon asked.

"Worse, it's Celestia on the war path.... decending the stairs," Luna put in.

"Stomping along the hall," Cadence added.

"Pounding on the door," Nightmare said her piece.

Finally, the shaking stopped. "Come in," Cadence called, calmly, with a hint of nervousness.

The doors swung open so fast and hard, that they would have flown off had anymore force been shown and meraculously this had been enough for Night Mist and Peanut Butter to use their wing power to hide behind their mothers. "WHERE ARE THEY!" Celestia bellowed in her old Canterlot voice, and her rainbow mane and tail had gone to full on flames, eyes turned bright orange.

Peanut Butter and Night Mist had grabbed their ears and were now crying up a storm. "Oh dear, Cadence, would you be so kind as to find them?" Luna asked.

Cadence nodded, knowing precisely who Luna was talking about and teleported away. As Luna and Nightmare Moon stared down thier sister, Nightmare Moon snorted, "Celestia, you are over reacting. You need to calm down before you start something you don't want to finish."


At this point, the noise had been so loud, it triggered something. Something Nightmare Moon had forgot to mention before about Bat Ponies to anypony. Out of nowhere, Peanut Butter and Night Mist were engulfed in bright light. When it dimmed away, standing before all was two teenage Bat pony alicorns versions of Night Mist and Peanut Butter, and eyes glowing pure red. But the last thing that anypony expected was when Night Mist let out a deafening roar, and then the two of them charged at their aunt, carrying her out of the throne room. Nightmare Moon sighed, "I tried to warn her, she triggered their Moon Rage. Now we have to wait til they pull themselves back to their senses."

"But, how did they just... turn into teenagers? Luna asked.

"It's a side effect of Moon Rage," Nightmare Moon said.

"Oh, guess that would make a bit of sense," Luna said.

After they asked Gentle Heart to watch the little ones, they flew off to find the three other alicorns in battle. "Aw Man, why dos Night Mist and Peanut Buttew awways gets to dos da coow stuff?" Autum Breeze asked.

"Yeah it's not fiaws, I wants to hewp," Shadowmane said.

"Me toos," the rest said.

Before they could react, bright light engulfed all of them. When they looked again, the only six who remained foals were Illusion, Spike, Twilight, Flash, Sunset Shimmer, who had just shown up moments ago, and Fluttershy. They all were shocked but then remembered that there was a battle raging on, and they needed to go find their brothers. They soon flew out while Gentle Heart just stood there awe struck at what had just transpired.

When they found their brothers and aunt, they could see at the moment, neither side was letting up. Celestia was still in a state of blinding rage, and Nighty and Peanut were still in a state of Moon Rage. Luna and Nightmare Moon were trying to intervene while dodging spell blasts in the process. Onyx charged for their aunt, as did Autum Breeze and Fire Storm. Shadowmane, Sky Hooves and Tornado Blitz headed for their brothers. They had to stop the two sides from trying to destroy each other. "Nighty Peanut. Please stop, this isn't you!" Shadowmane yelled.

"Out Of My Way!" Night Mist bellowed in a weird tone that sounded like he had water in his throat.

Shadowmane was able to tackle Night Mist and hold him back, while it took double effort for Sky and Tornado to hold back Peanut from charging. Meanwhile it took the triple combined effort of Onyx, Autum Breeze and Fire Storm to keep their aunt from charging. "THOSE BOYS NEED TO BE TOLD A SERIOUS LESSON, AND I INTEND TO," Celestia was silenced as a voice bellowed "ENOUGH!"

Soon the whole scene was ingulfed by a bright light and all the spectators that had been watching had wondered what had just happened that made them all seem to be laying on the ground. Meanwhile, the throne room was now occupied with 11 foals and 7 grown ups. Gentle Heart was in a state of confusion about how she seemed to have passed out for a good few minutes, and wondered what happened before Celestia had come barging in with anger. Now Princess Celestia was back to her normal state. "Wow, I need to lay off the Strawberry Short Cake," Celestia said.

"My word Lauren, things have been getting out of hoof while I've been away dear," said a mysterious voice the children of the night and their friends had not recognized.

Celestia, Nightmare Moon, and Luna gasped at who they heard. It had been so many moons since they had seen her, and she now was here. An alicorn with white fur, a gold mane, and a red jeweled pendant around her neck. "Gr-Grandma?" Celestia gasped.

"Hello the Tia, Lulu. It's great to see you to again," Bonnie said.

The children of the night had their mouths a gape, almost hitting the mattress of the playpen. They never thought she would be there, but there she was. Bonnie Zacherle, the original Alicorn, and Empress to all lands, both of pony and other creatures. "I can't beweave it's hew," Shadowmane said.

"She's weawwy hewe," Night Mist added.

"Wow," was all the others could say.

"And I see that you four have started families of your own. Who are the lucky stallions?" Bonnie asked.

"Ummmmm," the four sisters said in unison.

"Okay, what's going on here," Bonnie asked.

The four explained their parts of the stories, and Bonnie listened, but she was appalled at what Celestia had told her telepathically and replied through thought that they would have a serious talk. The reunion was interrupted when Spike, out of nowhere had made fire breath. Amazed that Spike could still breath fire, Cadence caught the message that had spewed out, and read what it said. She gasped, "Oh my word, she's here," Cadence said.

"Huh?" Celestia and Luna said.

"Mr. and Mrs. Cake's new daughter Pinkie Pie cake has been born. And their inviting us and Gentle Heart to the party tomorrow in Ponyville," Cadence said.

"Oh, how great. We must go right away," Luna said.

They all agreed. Afterward, Cadence made an announcement to her subjects that Nightmare Moon was here, but was not evil and explained everything best she could. Then they were off on the Lunar Express. 'Oh boy, if Pinkie is like Pinkie, this is gonna be an interesting meeting between me and her' Night Mist thought to himself as they road in the foal-friendly area of the train.

A Day With the Cakes

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Cupcake had just been through labor, and had she been an alicorn, Carrot Cake would have been using a sling for 2 weeks. She had just given birth to Pinkie Pie Cake. Pound and Pumpkin were so excited when they finally got to see their little sister. And, as the cakes had hoped, Pinkie had come out her earth pony self. What had surprised the Cake parents, Pinkie had entered crawl mode on the first day. It had taken their little Pound and Pumpkin a month to get to that stage.

Today, was the celebration of Pinkie Pie's birth. All were invited including the Princesses and their little ones, as well as Queen Lauren and her mother Queen Bonnie. Everything was set up and the guest were all present. Pinkie Pie was in the middle with her 1 day old birthday cake, and everpony sang Happy Birthday to her and she of course swiped the candle flame with her hoof and it made the flame disappear. "Aww, no coltfriend for the little darling," Emerald said.

Pinkie had no care as she tried to reach for the cake. However Cupcake was quick to make sure that she didn't. "No no sweetie, cake's a little too much for you. Mommy will let you have some Nummies later," Cupcake said.

Pinkie only playfully babble as she gently batted her new mom's nose. Cupcake could only giggle as everyone else dawwed at the scene. "Well, I purpose a toast, to the Cakes and their new little bundle of joy," Celestia called.

Everypony said cheers and soon Carrot Cake started slicing the cake, while Cupcake took Pinkie over to the playpen. After Cupcake took off to help with the party, Pumpkin finally said, "It's gweats to sees yous wittwe sistew."

Pinkie turned around and hugged her new big sister. "It's gweat to see you twos toos."

"Hey wook. It's da new foaw. She pink," Lightning Dust said.

"Of couwse she is, why ewse would da Cakes, name hew Pinkie Pie Cake," Rainbow Dash said.

"Hew manes aww poofy. I wike it," Scootaloo said.

"Me toos," Rarity said.

"I wondew when our mamas wiww wet us have cake," Sweetie Belle pondered.

"Pwobaby not whiwe we dis wittwe," Applejack said.

"Yeah, we aww pwobaby gets Mama's miwk," Apple Bloom said.

"Do you tink dey'ww wet us see Pinkie open pwesents soon?" Illusion asked.

"Not suwes," Fluttershy said shyly.

"Oh, I guess we gots to intwoduce ouwsewves Pinkie, I Twiwight, dese awe my bwothews, Spike and Fwash Sentwy. Dese awe our fweinds, Wainbow Dash, Wightning Dust, Scootawoo, Wawity, Sweetie Bewwe, Sunset Shimmew, Iwwusion, Fwuttewshy, Appwejack, Appwe Bwoom, Onyx, Townado Bwitz, Shadowmane, Autum Bweeze, Fiwe Staw, Sky Hoove, Peanut Buttew, and..... Hey, whewe Nighty go?" Twilight Pondered.

"Night Mist wanted to stays with Mama Woona and Mama Nightmawe. Don'ts knows why. He usuawwy adventuwess, but he was awws newvous today," Shadowmane said.

"Oh, otay," Twilight said.

"Hey, do you awws wike to have fun?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah," All the foals cheered.

Meanwhile, Spitfire was looking over at the foals and dawwing. At this particular point, all the foals, including Illusion, were all unable to communicate with the adults, so their conversations were now nothing more then incoherent baby babble. She cuckled as she said to Carrot, "I wonder what they could possibly be talking about?"

"Beats me, but it looks like their all having fun. I guess Fluttershy is not the only shy one though," Carrot said, as he pointed to Night Mist.

"Indeed, maybe he is just a little shy around the new one," Spitfire said.

"Who knows. Now, about helping out Pound Cake when he grows into his wings," Carrot said continuing their conversation about flight school for when Pound, Rainbow, Lightning and Scootaloo got older.

Elsewhere, a mare was scanning the little group of foals. She felt, somehow, all of them would help her achieve something. Something she had been trying to accomplish for a while. It was all a matter of getting close with the Princesses though, however, her tarnished reputation had left her not liked in many eyes, and she felt it might be hard to convince the Princesses to befriend, but she had no idea what the Princesses had in store for her.

At this time, Fancy Pants, was telling the cakes about how this mare that used to be his mistress, had tried to win him back in a most devilish way. Now, thanks to Discord's potion, from what he remembered, Rarity had been at school when she received a package, and it was for her mother. However, being all too curious, she open it, and fell victim to the age regression lotion that had made her Sweetie Belle's twin. He was trying to think of a way to have her pay for the trouble she inflicted, but he needed to think of something that was to the Princesses standards.

As that was going on, Kind Heart was talking with her friends, Daring Do and Soarin about how Illusion was actually Discord, regressed and transformed. They found it funny about how he ended up like a foal, and then Daring Do shared her own personal adventures with Kind Heart, and how she thought about inviting her nieces on her treks when they were old enough, seeing as they got their aunt's adventurous spirit. Kind Heart advised that maybe she take up another line of work that didn't involve danger, like foalsitting. At this point, Cadence cut in and told her how Foalsitting was it's own adventure. Daring Do then stated she would take it under advisement.

Celestia was Speaking with some of Twilight's old friends from Canterlot, thinking of a way she could rekindle this lost circle of friends to get back in touch with Twilight. This of course would have to involve regression, and a unique cover story to make it all not so suspicious. All of the sudden, Night Mist felt a tug on his tail, pulling him from between Luna's forelegs. He went wide eyed as he saw Pinkie, who had somehow gotten out of the play pen with every other foal as well, staring straight at him. "Hewwo Nighty," Pinkie said with a grin.

Night Mist gulped and soon turned tail and crawled as fast as he could with Pinkie chasing him and the parents and his siblings chasing both of them.

Imagine a chase scene in the cakes house as you watch this Benny Hill chase video.

Night Mist finally stopped, as Pinkie caught him said, "Honk!", as she bopped his nose playfully.

"So, yous not mad?" Night Mist asked.

"Awe yous kidding, being a foaw is fun, and Pinkie Pie Cake woves to haves fun," Pinkie said.

"Huh, didn't sees dat coming," Night Mist said.

As the babies babble, Luna finally said, "Well, I wish we could stay longer and chat, but our little children of the night need to get home for a nap, especially Night Mist and Peanut Butter."

"Indeed. We'll be sure to drop by on another day so they can all have fun again," Nightmare Moon said.

"Alright, we'll be waitin," Mrs cake said.

Soon the Family of the Night took of in their carriage, with the family of the Day not trailing to far behind in their carriage, with a stowaway on board.

A Daring Discovery

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Daring Do was now on another grand adventure. She was making her way though the Trottingham's Gallopwood Forest. Rumor had been going around that there was ancient relics that once belonged to the Alicorn race, but had been lost to time, due to lack of need. They were said to be even more powerful then the Crystal Heart and the Tree of Harmony combined. It was also said to have contained lost history of all sorts. And now, she caught wind that Dr. Cabeleron and Aluizotol had teamed up once again, and were in search of them.

"Alright, so that bearded guy said it was straight forward, and then the path to the left when you come to three forks in the road, as far as the legends go. Now let's see," Daring pulled out her map again to look.

As she did, she heard a little whimper. She looked in her bag, and right there was somepony she hadn't expected to be here. Her niece Rainbow Dash. "Oh my gosh Rainbow, You're supposed to be with you mom and dad right now. How in Equestria were you able to sneak into my saddle bag, let alone keep quiet?"

Rainbow merely giggled and hugged her aunt's muzzle. "Well, you are just a foal, but your mother is going to have me court marshaled when we get back," Daring Do said.

Daring Do would have taken her back to her folks had it not been for the situation. So she had to let her tag along. Soon she reached the fork in the road with the three paths. The middle looked creepy, like something from those Nightmare Night films young ponies watch. The one to the right seemed to be really dull with some butterflies and bunnies going in each direction. The one to the left, while it looked safe, seemed to be in poor shape, at least for the path. 'Guess it makes sense if no pony ever uses the road,' Daring thought to herself.

As she made her way down the path, she felt a presence. Not the presence of danger, or like somepony was following her suspiciously, but a presence of somepony, or something was watching over her. She shook it off, as she made her way further. Soon she came upon what she had been looking for. A temple, worn down from years of neglect, but still holding strong, before Daring Do took another step, something like a half sliced pedestal emerged from the ground. She then blew away the lost sand, dirt and dust. Rainbow Dash popped her head out, and saw the pedestal and what looked like ancient text, which to her were scribbles. She babbled happily, and Daring Do ruffled her niece's mane. "I see you like artifacts like your Auntie. Already you wanna be an adventurer like me. Now let's see," She said as she brushed off a little more sand.

She knew this was the ancient tongue that few ponies knew to read, and even fewer knew how to speak. It read, 'familiae tantum'. Thankfully, she was skilled in both reading and speaking the ancient tongue and knew it meant 'only family'. But that's all it said. Nothing more. She didn't understand what it meant. "'Only Family'? Why can't it be something more simple like, here's the relics, protect them for the forces of good. Am I right Rainbow Dash?" Daring asked, and giggle as her niece babbled.

She then saw what looked like a hoof print carved into it, and, with curiosity being too much, she placed her hoof on it. Out of nowhere, there was a huge boom, and the scrapping of stone against stone. She looked up and saw the stone walls separate. After she saw this, she heard someone mumbling, and the voice was familiar, and coming from her left behind a bush. She pulled the bush down, to see Dr. Cabeleron and Aluizotol laying there in an odd fashion, looking like they had been hit by the Royal Guard tazer spell. "Gah! I'll get the idol to you Tuesday sir," Cabeleron said through his nose.

"I will, GI GI! Have my, Gah Ah! Revenge," Aluizotol said no better then his partner.

"Huh, I wonder," Daring Do said, as she scratched her hoof on her chin.

She trotted into the temple, not noticing wind had blown more of the sand caught in the etched scribbles away, revealing more to the text. "Wow, whoever built this place certainly were crafty. Well, the map won't be useful at this point," Daring Do said as she placed it in the Saddle bag Rainbow wasn't currently riding in.

As the two made it deeper into the temple, there were pictures, that seemed very familiar on the walls. Others, seem so foreign to them, it was as if there were stories not yet found. Daring Do had found one room that showed Luna's night, but more complex, like the room in the Crystal Empire she had discovered. One must have gotten insparation from the other, or something. There was another room, that, to Daring, looked like an ancient nursery, but for some specific pony race, which assumed was alicorns, but something seemed off. She discovered many more rooms, and thanks to her artistic skills, she made sketches of each one. Then she came upon the final room. It had that same hoof print on it. Taking the risk once more, she placed her hoof on it, and the door open once more. It gave her the same action as the first one did.

She came to see a room full of, well, everything, from foalhood, and fillyhood/colthood days, to relecs that seemed to be of great significance. No way was she fitting that all in her saddle bag, but, thankfully, Celestia had given her a tracker before she left. She soon activated it. She was about to walk back out when she heard something like a book fall, she looked over, and there on the ground, was a book that, for a split moment added a page to itself. She picked it up and opened it. What she found intrigued her greatly. It had the family history of the Alicorn sisters and those who came before and after, including mortal relatives, which seemed to be the common trend. Only a few alicorn showed, and she knew that the ones that were not with the pony sisters, were elsewhere, or had sacrificed their physical being to protect Equestria. As she looked through, she then came upon a page that started her so much she dropped the book. It couldn't be. Her own name and picture were in the book. She read through the lineage of her family tree, and sure enough, she was a sister of Nightmare Moon, Luna, and Celestia, as well as Velvet Sparkle. That would also explain how Velvet never aged, and how her claim to be 1000's of years old was actually true, she just couldn't figure out how Velvet didn't have wings. Nor why Daring didn't have a horn. There would be a lot of explaining to do at the palace, when she got back. "I see you found the relics that we lost to time," Said a soft familiar voice.

It was Bonnie. "Your highness. Sorry, I got sidetract by a book here," Daring said as she bowed.

"I understand, and I see you uncovered an ancient truth, but we'll talk more on that later. Right now, I need you and Rainbow to prepare for teleportation," Bonnie advised.

Daring did as she said, and soon, they were back at the castle, with the relics, in the Lunar chambers. "Well, my my, I never thought we'd see these again," Luna said.

"Well it's a good thing Daring found them, because those good for nothing troublemakers she deals with were after them. Though, I doubt that they would get far, with the family security we put in. It will only allow blood relations to enter, and well, since Rainbow Dash is your niece, and was in the saddle bag, she got to tag along. That's why you were able to get through, where as those Coo Coo heads were not, and had a very shoking surprise," Bonnie said.

"Well, they did seem rather overenergized when I found them," Daring Do said, sending the family into a giggle fest.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, we had a stowaway ourselves. Say hello to my new student, and caretaker to my children, Comet Shine," Luna said as she pointed to a bat pony who was black in color, and had red eyes and a blue mane.

"Nighty and Peanut got kind of clingy to her when she offered her assistance as caretaker," Nightmare said as she pointed to Night Mist and Peanut Butter holding onto her rear legs.

"Their cute little rascals. Now the miracle will be figuring out how they let go. Not that I'm complaining," Comet Shine giggled.

The whole family laughted and soon sat down to tell Daring Do everything that they knew. That is until there was a pounding on the door. "Daring Do, I need your help!" Came the voice of Spitfire.

"Oh dear, better take Rainbow Dash to her," Daring said as she carried Rainbow to the door.

Mama Luna's Little Surprise

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It had been about a week since Daring Do was given an explanation about how she had family ties to the royal sisters and how she was an immortal pegasus rather than an alicorn. Today, Luna was getting the day off. She had a little herd to look after with her eight charges that were a miracle to keep out of trouble, with most of them galloping around. But there was one of her charges that she was worried about.

While Peanut Butter was still getting the hang of walking, tripping a few times in the process, Night Mist, could do no more than stand for at most 20 seconds. He still had yet to take his first steps. But with how fast his siblings were developing, even thought none had developed words yet, she was worried her tiniest charge was was falling behind. She smiled as Peanut Butter, Autum Breeze, and Shadowmane all tried to help their brother walk, with no success. Every single time, they would end up in a foal pile giggling. It was too cute. "Hello Luna, I trust your day off is going alright," Comet Shine said.

"Indeed. It's always a treat to see my little ones interacting with each other, and it's just a relief none of them have found away to get over the foal gate that leads out of the room today," Luna replied.

"Yes, I remember yesterday, I found little Tornado trying to get at the cookie jar in the kitchen. I'm scared to think how they'll act once they've come into their colt and filly years," Comet Shine stated.

"I know, but hopefully, they will learn to obey their mother by then. But there is at least one little one that I don't have to worry about getting into trouble just yet," Luna assured.

Comet sighed, "I know that you are worried about little Nighty, Luna. You have a really bad poker face when the focus is on him. But you need to let him take his own time. He'll catch up, I promise."

"Everyone keeps saying that, but it's been so long since they were back in my life, and I just can't help it. I feel that something is not right," Luna said.

"How about this for a suggestion, your majesty. If he doesn't improve within another month, we take him to see the royal nurse. See if she can diagnose any ailments that are delaying his development," Comet Shine suggested.

Luna sighed, for she knew her student was right. "Alright, I suppose that would be the best course of action," Luna agreed.

Their conversation was soon halted as Luna's attention came to her tiniest one, trying to reach for her. Luna giggled, "Up you get little one."

She levitated him into her forehooves, and started nuzzling him. He giggled in response and batted her nose playfully. "Oh you think you can take on your Mother of the Night?" Luna teased.

She soon belly blasted her son and Night Mist could do nothing but flail his tiny legs helplessly as he laughed at his mother's belly blast attack. The rest of her children came to help their youngest sibling out, as they were helped onto the bed by Comet, and began tugging on her mane gently and wrestling her hooves with their tiny bodies. "Oh no, seven on one. This is no fair, there are too many of you," Luna said as she rolled onto her back, careful not to roll onto her little ones.

Soon her foals climbed onto her belly tickling her making her giggle. "Alright I give up, I give up," Luna said holding her hooves up in a surrender state.

"Oh no, the mighty Princess of the Night has been thwarted by the Children of the Night," Comet chimed in.

Soon, the foals all settled down and curled up in a pile next to their mother. All except Night Mist who sat in front of his mother. "Night Mist what's wrong sweetie? It's almost nap time," Luna informed him.

"M-" Night Mist chirped.

Luna's and Comet's eyes went wide, and their ears focused. "What was that sweetie?" Luna asked in anticipation.

"M-" Night Mist managed again.

"Come on little prince. You can do it," Comet said.

"M- Mama," Night Mist finally managed to say.

Luna's eyes welled up with tears of joy. Her littlest charge had just spoke his first word, and he was the first of his siblings to do so. "G-Go summon my sisters, mother and grandmother. They need to hear this," Luna ordered.

"Yes your majesty. Right away," Comet obeyed before galloping off to find the rest of the royal family.

Luna hugged her son tightly as she awaited the rest of her family to arrive, and seeing her other charges had gathered around to hear what had happened.