It's Not That Different

by TheSillyAnon

First published

Pinkie and you have been in a relationship with each other for several months. One day, she bails out on a date with you and you don't know why.The day after you've been stood up, you confront Pinkie and find out why she bailed on you.

Pinkie and you have been in a relationship with each other for several months, and with it came numerous sessions of hot, sweaty, backbreaking sex. One day, she bails out on a date with you and you don't know why. The day after you've been stood up, you confront Pinkie. But as soon as you see her, you suddenly realize the reason why she bailed out on you.

Contains: Oneshot. HiE. Obvious pic for obvious content.

Art belongs to the wonderfully talented Braeburned.

You Still Love Me, Right?

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Pinkie Pie is a mare that often gets on your nerves every once and a while. Sometimes she can be so completely random that you'd lose all sense of rational thought if you contemplated on how this mare could be so all-over-the-place. She has a sense of humor that can be so juvenile at times, you'd swear she was a six-year-old trapped in a adult body. In most situations, you'd be so annoyed by her that you'd wish that she could just shut up.

In those times, you've learned that the best way to silence her was a kiss on the lips. Sometimes, it takes a small tug of her mane to keep her calm as she wiggles happily in your arms. Even when she acts so hyperactive, the best way you've learned to calm her down when she's around you is when you senselessly pound yourself into her with complete abandon. She was always hyper, but she always did it around you, because you just found it adorable. And your adoration for her managed to transcend into perverted thoughts. Those thoughts became actions, those actions into senseless pleasure. And she loved every second of it.

Tonight was the celebration of your monthiversary, as she would call it. This marked the eighth month that you two started going out together. It also marks the eleventh month since your arrival to Equestria, an event that Pinkie always seems to plan some sort of party reminding you of how much time has passed since you mysteriously wandered here. But as you spent more time with the energetic mare, you seemed to care less and less on coming back home. Not that it mattered since there was no known way back.

You dressed yourself in your best suit, specifically one custom made from one of Pinkie's friends. Looking in the mirror of your room, which also belonged to Pinkie, you found yourself admiring the splitting image of yourself. You turned to your side to pull a few poses as you pull off some rather cheesy pick-up lines and give the image a wink before making your way out of the door.

You walked out of the entrance to Sugarcube Corner and unfolded a map that gave you a list of landmarks of where Pinkie would set up this evening's date. As you glare down at the symbols, your eyes navigating the numerous loops and intersecting dotted lines, you wear a deadpan expression as you put down the paper, turn back around and see the location of your date behind you. With an irritated sigh, you walk back into the front entrance of Sugarcube Corner.

After a few minutes, you wonder if Pinkie had managed to come back in from her usual venture with her friends. Today, she had to go someplace with Twilight, you assumed that it was to Canterlot for some odd reason that Twilight thinks the world was going to end today. Needless to say that those claims were very much bogus. As you sit at a table, covered with confetti and an assortment of other party favors, you can't help but feel that something is wrong.

Usually, Pinkie wouldn't be late for anything that involved you and a celebration, especially your monthiversary. But now, you see that she's well past forty-five minutes late. She was supposed to be here at around seven, but even as the clock struck fourteen till, not one shade of pink has yet to be seen. It's obvious that she wasn't coming. With a dejected breath, you start to clean up the table and clear the room. It's been a long day from all your daily errands, so you decide to take it in early.

The next day, you wake up in your bed with a face full of pink fuzz. Immediately, you start to tug and swipe at the pink haze that corrupted your personal space. While you constantly swiped and swung away at the fluffy pink curls, you hear a voice cry out beside you.


Causing you to scream in response.

"What the fuck!"

Finally separating yourself from the cotton-candy scented hairball, you realize that it was Pinkie who lied beside you, facing the opposite way.


"..." The pony beside you remained silent, not even acknowledging your presence.

"Pinks!" You call out a little louder.

The pink pony seemed to condense into a ball, obviously hiding something from you.


"Good morning." The pony whispered back to you, still hugging herself into a tiny ball.

You lightly shove at the compressed mass of fur, hoping to get her to look at you. "Morning."

"I'm so sorry, Nonnie." She whispered quietly, rivaling the silence of that of her friend Fluttershy.

You were glad that she came home safely, but you were more than upset that she passed up on your monthiversary. "What happened last night?"

"Nothing. Can we talk about it later?"

You were tired of hearing her whisper. At this point, you could barely hear a thing. You pull at the pony, trying to get closer to her. "Pinkie, what's wrong?"


Tugging at the pony's waist, you pull her in. You seem to realize that she's a little heavier than usual. Perhaps she went on a cake binge, but her apparent weight gain was not an issue. "Pinks, look at me."



"I don't want to snuggle right now. Please, can we do snuggles later?"

At this point, you were more than tired of her antics. Pulling her hooves you tried to pry her out of the ball she rolled herself into. "Dammit! Open up!"

"NO!" You hear her scream.

A hoof pushes you away from her, completely knocking you off the bed. You land on the hardwood floor with a thunderous flump, a little taken by the sheer force of Pinkie's push. Your surprise soon gave way to anger as you stormed back up to the bed and found the pink mare trying to hide itself under all of the sheets. With a simple tug, you pull back the covers to reveal Pinkie.

Or at least, what you thought was Pinkie.

Small pink hooves were now replaced with large unshorn fetlocks that could ultimately sink your face into the back of your skull. Her plump, round features were now molded into chiseled muscles that bulged and broadened her entire body. Even her muzzle was squared out in contrast to the cute little round bud on her face that you often took to poking at every now and then.

"What... the... fuck?" You worded out slowly, in shock of what was lying in the bed.

"Nonnie. I'm sorry. I didn't want to-" Even her voice changed from high and squeaky to moderate with tenor.

"What the hell happened?" You asked, completely freaked out by what was going on.

"Anon... I... got into a little trouble."

"Define trouble."

Pinkie shifts her hooves and looks back at you with an innocent look. "Well... Twilight and I was just coming from the Starswirl the Bearded Wing in the Canterlot Royal Archives. But before we left, I had pointed out some scrolls to her, telling her that there were some nifty spells lying around the place."

"...And?" You wheeled your hands, gesturing that she'd continue.

"Twilight saw a few that she wanted to test out, including... a... umm...

You give her a deadly stare as she hesitated to answer. "A what?"

"Gender... swap... spell?"


"I'm sorry, Nonnie! I didn't know that she'd actually cast it."

"It's friggen Twilight! What makes you think that she wouldn't try the spell out?" You angrily argue, causing the pink pony to curl herself into a fetal position. You also take a glance down to see if the spell had changed everything below. Obviously, it did.

"I'm so sorry! That's why I didn't show up last night."

You start to pace back and forth across the room, wondering how you should work this out with her as she, now a he, perpetually apologized on top of the bed. "Ugh, okay. Do you know if there's a reverse to the spell?"

"No! That's why Twilight is still back at Canterlot. She's trying to find some sort of reverse spell."

"Oh for the love of... Why didn't she cast it twice?" You asked briefly after giving yourself an impulsed facepalm.

"Twilight said that it was too much of a risk! There could be a possibility of it not reversing, enhancing the spell for it to last longer, a bunch of other things that could also go wrong."

"Fuck." You say in an exhausted exhale. Sitting on the bed beside the gender-swapped Pinkie, you feel yourself becoming confused as to what you could do and say to comfort her... him.

"Anon... do you... still love me?"

You stare blankly at the pink colt sitting beside you, unsure on how you could answer that. "Um... well..."

"You... don't love me anymore?" He asked, tears starting to form in his eyes. He gives you the look that you often found yourself on the verge of an emergency trip to the hospital upon seeing. The sky blue orbs glistening as they stared back at you. His lips pursed into a scrunched pucker. You could even hear him whimpering like a dog as he looked at you.

"Pinkie... I..." That look was impossible to say no to. "Yes. I do love you."

He looks away, despondent from the answer, or rather from the manner in which you answered it. "You're just saying that to make me feel better."

You knew what that was an invitation to do. As a mare, she would always say that as a means to gain a kiss from you. It was how you two shared your first kiss. And now, he made the same statement, hoping to yield similar results. You admitted to yourself that this was completely uncomfortable for you to do. With a reluctant smile, you lean in and give the stallion a quick peck on the lips. Pulling away, you realized what you have done. You kissed a colt on the lips.

"Nonnie... you don't love me... do you?"

You turn back to see that he tried her best not to cry in front of you, but he's failing miserably as the tears fell carelessly down his cheeks. Pinkie gasped for air as he covered his mouth, trying to suppress his saddened cries. You offer him a hug, but he shoves you away.

"Pinkie," You whisper to the deflated pink pony. "I don't want you to seem like I don't love you. It's just... different."

"It's not that different!" He screamed to you, practically throwing his very being into his argument. "I'm still me! I'm still Pinkie Pie! I'm just a boy now!"

His argument didn't help you to become any less confused.

"I'm... still the party pony that you fell in love with. I'm still all of it, even though my body is different. I can only be me."

You began to realize that you were a bit unfair to Pinkie. She, now a he, was already dealing with enough problems of being a stallion. And now that her final source of comfort was against the change, he felt alone. His mane deflated to a stream of wavy summer pink, partially curling down his face. His eyes showed just how broken he was. He shook as he held herself from falling apart. You couldn't stand to see it anymore.

"I'm so so-"

You didn't give him a chance to apologize anymore as you sank your lips into his, your tongue eagerly seeking his. The sudden surprise of it all made Pinkie hesitant to start, but in seconds, he warmed up to you. His eyes closed as his tongue lashed out against yours, making you feel as if you were being devoured from the inside out. You separate your lips from his, only for him to push into you, rejecting any form of separation. You felt uneasy about the initial fact of you kissing one whom shared your sex, but as the kiss progressed, you started to forget. Your only reminder came in the form of a warm object poking at you. You look down to see what it was that prodded against your chest and immediately backed away.

"Oopsie. Sorry, Nonnie. I guess I'm not that great when it comes to keeping my excitement held in."

"No. No, don't worry about it." You answered hurriedly, trying not to offend him.

In all honesty, you kinda enjoyed the kiss. Instead of being sensual, it was more forceful, more desperate. You wanted to have a second taste of the colt who stared at his new appendage with juvenile curiosity. Leaning against the colt, you pressed your lips to his. Pinkie became his usual open self, now with only an erection standing between the two of you. As your lips smacked against his, you felt the blood pumping into his organ as it throbbed cheerfully against your chest. You ignored the instrument as you played with the pink stallion's tongue. Pinkie retreated form the kiss with a hazed expression. His eyes half lidded as he stared back down to the erection your were sporting.

"It looks like you can't hide how excited you are either, Nonnie."

It only took him one last time to call you that before you pushed him down to the bed, grasping away at his hind legs while you tore your boxers off of you. Your own manhood stood freely as you held it against the soft, plushy orbs of his sex. You knew that this was wrong, but for some odd reason, you didn't care. In fact, it only egged you to carry on.

"Nonnie, you're really getting into this, aren't you?"

"Shut up." You mutter as you greedily kiss the colt one last time before your hands firmly grasped the toned cheeks of the pink pony's plot. Giving it a squeeze, Pinkie moans as he stares back to you. Fire filled your body as you grabbed your own throbbing form and spat upon it, giving it a thin coat of lube. As you jerked yourself, Pinkie brought a hoof to his own stallionhood, rubbing against it until a small trail of thin liquid oozed out from within him.

You growl at the sight, aligning yourself to enter into him while he panted softly, looking at you like a starved mare. Wasting no time, you slowly inserted yourself into the tight pink puckered ponut hole. You hissed as the tightness grasped around you, causing you to become eager to push everything in at once. But you knew better than to rush things than what they already were. Pinkie moans as your reach your deepest within him.


You pull out of him as he whispered your name. You could feel the stallion tense up, trying to pull you back in.

"Ease up." You warned him.

"Then don't pull out, silly." He said with a giggle, that soon turned into soft moans as you fulfilled his request to enter in once more.

Your hips work against him as you slowly pressed in and out of his tight plothole. You felt yourself melting as the heat of his insides burn against your manhood, making you go faster.

"Nonnie." He whispers in tandem with your entrances.

There was something about that name when he spoke it that made you want to punish him. And at the moment, you saw exactly how you could. Pinkie jerked himself at the tempo of your thrusts, panting as you pushed in and out of him. Adjusting yourself so you could get some more depth, you also brushed away his hooves so that he couldn't touch himself as you pumped away at his tight little hole.

"Hooves off." You demand, waiving a finger in his face.

"B..But Nonnie-" Pinkie pleaded, begging for her own desire to be quenched.

You wouldn't even give him the chance as you pulled out of him completely, causing him to protest with irate frustration. His protests were silenced with a firm slap against the pink cheeks of his rear. Pinkie gasped as you slapped away at the pink heart-shaped butt. Finally, you pull the stallion out of the bed and push him to the floor. Pinkie looks up to you with an insane lust filling her eyes.

"Ass up." You commanded firmly, pulling against his tail.

Pinkie obeys your command as he swings his plot before you, giving you a good look at the dangling stallionhood between his legs drenched with his precum. But that wasn't what you wanted. The object of your desire was far above of what hung low. The colt looks back to you with a sex-crazed smile. "Like this, Nonnie?"

You push the colt's head into the hardwood floor, Trying to be careful of not hurting him. "Keep that head down. No reaching back either."

You didn't want him to reach back for his stallionhood, so you made sure that he anchored himself with his forelegs. Giving the plump pink posterior a final slap, you inserted yourself back into the inferno.

"Gah! Nonnie!" He squeaks out as he feels his wet passage being ripped in two by the intrusive manhood.

"What's my name?" You ask as you pound away at the pink pony's plot.

"Nnngh. Nonnie!"

"You love me?" You pull at his tail while you pressed your way through him, making him scream in ecstasy. The stallion let his weight drop onto the two front legs that anchored him.


The sounds of moans and of wet flesh slapping against one another filled the room as Pinkie tried his best to push himself against you, giving you as much of him as you want. The tightness became too much as you start to feel yourself become close to a release. "You fucking love me?"

"Yes! Nonnie!" He whimpers out like a schoolfilly in heat, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as you plow into him senselessly. Your thrusts becoming all the more eager.

"How much do you love me?"

Your thrusts become powerful and rapid in succession. Pinkie could feel his body tense up as you pound away at him. The dangling meat between his legs leaked as it rocked back and forth, twitching as the tip flared outward. "YES! HARDER! I'M SO CLOSE!"

His pleas would not go unanswered as you grasped him, shoving all of yourself into him. Your hips slap against the meat of the pink little colt's derriere as he moans loudly, reaching his climax. All it took now was a few more thrusts as his body seized in anticipation of his orgasm. "NONNIE!!!"

In a single spring, the pink colt's spunk flew freely from the spurting fountain below. Streaks of his seed splashed and streaked across the floor, some even going as far as landing on his face. The colt grunted loudly as he rode out his orgasm against you. Pinkie's ring clenched around you tightly as he pressed into you roughly, making sure that you milked him for everything he had.

"Fuck... too tight." You mumbled, feeling the scalding insides trying to milk you in turn.

"Fill me, Nonnie! Fuck me until you fill me with your frosting!"

You chose not to argue with that part of his logic as you pressed for your impending climax. The cum-drenched face of your partner was all the motivation you needed.

"Please cum inside me. Please cum inside me."

His chants became contagious to your stamina as he begged for you to release inside of him. You held onto him, this time reaching for the nearly depleted organ below. Caressing the pink protruding organ, you jerked the colt until he was ready to burst a second time. Your strokes into him fell with the tempo of the strokes to his stallionhood, giving the pink party pony a milking unlike his previous. In less than a minute, the colt released more of his seed as you grew close to your own release.

"Ahh! I'm cumming!" You scream out, letting yourself release everything within you into the heated insides of your gender-swapped lover. Your manhood twitches as you unleash a torrent of thick hot spunk into the eager young colt. You pull out of him with a loud pop as it felt like he still tried to suck you in. You panted happily as the stallion finally fell to the floor, content with his frosted filling spilling out from the puckered ring. A stream of white oozed out slowly as he lied on the ground, out of breath from the primal mating session.

"Nonnie, that was awesome."

You sat beside him, trying to catch your breath. "Dammit, Pinkie. How many times are you going to call me that?"

The colt giggled as he kissed you on the lips. "Whee! That was fun! Can we do it again!?"

You look at him with complete bewilderment. You couldn't believe that after a complete session of running his insides full of your flesh, he'd want to go again. You didn't think you'd have enough for a second round of what you just had on the floor. "You are begging, aren't you?"

"Silly Nonnie!" Pinkie develops a devious grin, pushing you to the ground. As you look up to the pink stallion, he straddles himself above you, reading for yet another go. You try to object, but a familiar presence inside of your cheek keeps your firmly pressed against the hardwood floor. Pinkie's tongue swirls inside of your mouth as he grinds his plump pink plot against your hardening erection.

"Do you honestly think I've had enough frosting?"